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File: c3528bab5e00849⋯.png (41.82 KB,255x147,85:49,ClipboardImage.png)

2fcd21 No.20967197 [View All]

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703 posts and 490 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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7c46d5 No.20967952

File: 3ca4d2e8eafdebf⋯.jpg (150.31 KB,1053x1580,1053:1580,1717535063388522.jpg)


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7b7931 No.20967953

File: 612aaf609031dd5⋯.png (262.51 KB,642x360,107:60,welcomehollywood.png)

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4373a5 No.20967954

File: c38bf4a35884995⋯.jpg (8.67 KB,170x255,2:3,carrot.jpg)

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38ced4 No.20967955

The FBI Foia vault has posted volume 48 of its Mueller investigation materials, including overly-redacted State Dept and DIA documents, and this nasty letter to General Flynn that, in fairness, should have been sent to Brennan and Clapper and Comey.


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32176d No.20967956


Talks way too much w/o any sauce so yeah

Just babble and statements most of the time

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7b7931 No.20967957

File: 6bbaf26ac218946⋯.jpg (201.58 KB,1023x723,341:241,welcome_tothe_night_shift.jpg)

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97b4ae No.20967958

notables FINAL

#25716 >>20967210

>>20967247, >>20967656, >>20967673 Stage is set for Hunter Biden trial

>>20967261 Japanese Leader Apologizes to the Unvaccinated: 'You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones'

>>20967329, >>20967772 DJT: Las Vegas, Nevada: see you this Sunday at Sunset Park!

>>20967345 US government will ban Americans from air travel effective May 2025 unless they have federalized 'Real ID' driver's license

>>20967359 Bombshell FL Grand Jury Report Exposes Shocking COVID Lies And Government Cover-Ups

>>20967368 COVID Select Subcommittee Releases Dr. Fauci’s Transcript, Highlights Key Takeaways in New Memo

>>20967371, >>20967377 Minessota: New Laws to Take Effect June 1 for Absentee Voting and Voter Registration

>>20967373, >>20967498 President Trump launches effort to promote mail voting ahead of November

>>20967395 Joe Biden ducks strife at Democratic National Convention with Zoom nomination

>>20967407 Dr. Wolf Demands Republicans To Hold Dr. Fauci Accountable For His Most Malicious Acts

>>20967413 Dr. Phil told TMZ that he’s taping an interview with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago this week

>>20967419 Bessent Addresses The Financial Plan To Bring Back Trump's Economic Prosperity To American People

>>20967487 Georgia: Package of bills submitted to parliament to prohibit LGBT people from adopting children and grooming

>>20967515 Pennsylvania: Democrat Representative Chrissy Houlahan is pushing a proposal that automatically registers men for the draft when they turn 18

>>20967526, >>20967431 Arizona GOP Files Bombshell Lawsuit Against Corrupt Secretary of State After Discovering 500k to 1.3mil Illegal Voters on State’s Voter Rolls

>>20967528 Melania, Barron Trump spotted for first time since Donald’s historic ‘hush money’ conviction

>>20967533, >>20967674 Jack Smith was appointed into authority out of thin air

>>20967541 Slovenia became the latest European country to recognize the State of Palestine after its parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of the move

>>20967578, >>20967622 Bensman Breaks Down The Political Angle For Biden To Shut Down The Border While Faulting Republicans

>>20967582 Elections in all 27 EU countries to be held this weekend - populism is leading everywhere

>>20967586 Atlanta has a water crisis

>>20967589 Hong Kong detains artist on eve of the 35th anniversary of China’s Tiananmen Square crackdown

>>20967594 Maine Law Enforcement Officials Report ‘Uptick’ in Fake Social Security Numbers

>>20967597 Peter McIlvenna Breaks Down The Effects Of Nigel Farage Rejoining UK Politics

>>20967608 House Democrat Dean Phillips Urges New York Governor To Pardon Trump 'For The Good Of The Country'

>>20967611 June 1-12 Federal Reserve Blackout Period aligns with AT&T blackouts (further down in notables)

>>20967617 Sequoia Capital billionaire Doug Leone: 'I am supporting Donald Trump for President'

>>20967632 Remote Amazon tribe finally connects to the internet - wind up hooked on porn and social media

>>20967644 Federal appeals court blocks Fearless Fund from issuing grants to only Black women

>>20967666 EEOC Appoints Sivaram Ghorakavi as Deputy Chief Information Officer and Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer

>>20967689 FTX, the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange, had announced a proposed settlement for a nearly $24 billion tax claim with the IRS for $885 million, per CoinDesk

>>20967693 Here Are The Senate Republicans Who Have Not Endorsed Trump

>>20967698 Ivan Raiklin's Deep State Shitlist

>>20967707 The @DavidSacks / @chamath event for Trump in San Francisco is officially sold out

>>20967704, >>20967727 Wisconsin

>>20967720, >>20967744, >>20967738 AT&T and Verizon are reporting outages in spots all across the U.S.

>>20967774 Psychologist identified who allegedly failed to report violent threats from Covenant killer Audrey Hale

>>20967777 (May 30) CCC Intelligent Solutions sold by Advent Int’l: $475.75m

>>20967845 For the first time in over 10 years, the Mounted Color Guard Marines travelled from California to Washington, D.C.

>>20967955 The FBI Foia vault has posted volume 48 of its Mueller investigation materials

>>20967273, >>20967324, >>20967330, >>20967389, >>20967623, >>20967694, >>20967822 Memes


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061e5c No.20967959

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7b7931 No.20967960

File: 2f2d6e8c71984f4⋯.png (381.13 KB,4167x2083,4167:2083,UPTrumpEnergy.PNG)

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bed3e8 No.20967961

File: 079a708f3989e77⋯.png (312.03 KB,485x680,97:136,chemtrails_started_late_19….png)


>the firm is at risk on these positions

No, they are NOT.

You're talking shit to people, which is just mean.

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09ada9 No.20967962

File: 4ee624284184e7d⋯.jpg (152.22 KB,933x512,933:512,runawaytrain7771010.jpg)

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495ad0 No.20967964

File: 39fd8359f9aec7f⋯.png (596.89 KB,581x775,581:775,ClipboardImage.png)

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660cad No.20967966

File: 5fc3629b3f9bad8⋯.png (101.29 KB,210x255,14:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83de3ff974a1f86⋯.png (171.12 KB,1562x830,781:415,ClipboardImage.png)

PB >>20967528 PB

>Melania, Barron Trump spotted for first time since Donald’s historic ‘hush money’ conviction

Wearing a BROWN jumpsuit, as opposed to the orange jumpsuit that media, cartoonists, etc. like to hype.

"If you see someone rocking a brown jumpsuit, it’s a sign that they’ve been put to work. Brown jumpsuits are often worn by inmates in vocational or work programs. Whether they’re learning a new skill, honing existing ones, or helping in various facilities, these “inmates of all trades” are busy bees who are given the opportunity to gain valuable experience to support their future endeavors outside of jail."


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32176d No.20967968

File: c031f7fa9e48744⋯.png (339.14 KB,394x394,1:1,EAEDDFC9_EB8E_4464_82A7_2E….png)

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396e7c No.20967970

File: 02ff18d2c10ab74⋯.png (560.73 KB,968x898,484:449,ClipboardImage.png)



looks like a doge effort.


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9ede87 No.20967972

File: 1d7afda9627d00c⋯.png (41.18 KB,128x128,1:1,pepePuke.png)


Dude, spoiler that hag.

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660cad No.20967973

>>20967966 (me) Fek. Dis Bred.

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4373a5 No.20967974


I'm pretty sure they used AI to follow behind us when we were digging and learned where we were finding things.

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972621 No.20967975

File: 27c190a8b7b0d37⋯.jpeg (35.31 KB,229x255,229:255,IMG_5490.jpeg)

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7b7931 No.20967976

File: 61a9038634b8883⋯.png (4.5 MB,3075x4333,3075:4333,trumpcatalog2.png)

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97b4ae No.20967978

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061e5c No.20967979


couldn't find the front


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f71a85 No.20967980

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7b7931 No.20967981

File: b681631a110e892⋯.jpg (375.25 KB,1045x768,1045:768,trump_showdown_with_the_de….jpg)

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98683c No.20967982

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7b7931 No.20967983

File: 9c48126592c8642⋯.jpg (65.96 KB,650x433,650:433,trainlight_son.jpg)

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7b7931 No.20967985

File: c01ed1aa55cd2ce⋯.jpg (263.65 KB,1646x1536,823:768,TEAPOT.jpg)

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b62ac9 No.20967987



Puke from POL. Just because of the face.

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6dc0e0 No.20967988


Fauci only had to reply about his development of a monoclonal antibody about 25 years ago that’s used as a diagnostic that has nothing to do with Covid which of he receives about $120 a year from that patent.

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7b7931 No.20967989

File: a5f184bbd991f5d⋯.jpg (275.92 KB,543x616,543:616,Swedish.jpg)

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7b7931 No.20967991

File: f3eecc806d9c29a⋯.jpg (162.29 KB,702x702,1:1,sunsetpost2.jpg)

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5608a3 No.20967992


Kek. "In Street Name" applies to any security held in a brokerage account. It does mean something. The individual owner is in reality just a sub-account to The Street account. That's how things are allocated in the event of an SIPC filing, to replace lost securities by a failed firm.

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499a21 No.20967993


I had hundreds and hundreds of unique pages.

in 2015 when I started publishing my support for Donald Trump it was all disappeared as if it never were.

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7b7931 No.20967994

File: 08f2df3936cb597⋯.jpg (70.53 KB,579x432,193:144,Sunrise_In_Space_Wallpaper….jpg)

File: e593d419bad0b41⋯.jpg (330.85 KB,540x720,3:4,Stitching_it_all_together.jpg)

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7a0f5e No.20967995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bustin' makes her feel good

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da9ba4 No.20967996


where the fucks my horse?

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7b7931 No.20967999

File: 32abeef2dba68e6⋯.png (392.87 KB,544x545,544:545,spec_ops.png)

File: bd9b5609fed2273⋯.png (16.94 KB,222x255,74:85,spotter.png)

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7b7931 No.20968000

File: d1917c059290424⋯.jpg (125.53 KB,576x611,576:611,Sing2.jpg)

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9c9ec3 No.20968001

File: ed73d5ab6cc5faa⋯.jpg (80.63 KB,886x669,886:669,pride_month.jpg)

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20afe7 No.20968002

File: 60d2211d5a256b4⋯.gif (3.41 MB,312x302,156:151,BC.gif)

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7b7931 No.20968003

File: 5adb316ffc757f5⋯.png (1.57 MB,1306x936,653:468,showtime.png)

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da9ba4 No.20968004

File: aa20ecf0c92776c⋯.png (1.21 MB,1278x669,426:223,insidejobtaylor.PNG)

File: 57c1c72a52d4360⋯.png (1.43 MB,574x834,287:417,lizardgizfarmer.PNG)

File: a8532ad9248b807⋯.png (164.14 KB,1064x865,1064:865,lizardpeoplewiki.PNG)

Tell them the Lizard people control the world.

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6dc0e0 No.20968005

File: 9ddcdd88d933a70⋯.png (45.96 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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158699 No.20968006


monty python presents:

and now for something completely different.

unfortunately a masonic satanic organisation. but it did make people laugh for a few generations.


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7b7931 No.20968007

File: 509dacd02e2846e⋯.png (870.36 KB,635x882,635:882,shift_tales.png)

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7b7931 No.20968009

File: 0574880ae4d0965⋯.png (1.42 MB,964x704,241:176,Screen_Shot_2018_12_04_at_….png)

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c89f9c No.20968011

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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20afe7 No.20968012

File: 118bae69fef2329⋯.png (170.27 KB,767x669,767:669,Dis.png)

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32176d No.20968014

File: f18a9ddb68bc06f⋯.jpeg (521.89 KB,905x592,905:592,68D9DE2B_06EB_40A8_BDEE_F….jpeg)

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b441d6 No.20968275


Low effort bro. How about pasting those names here, or uploading a clear image. Don't be a moran.

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