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File: a191f3eb4cbab2d⋯.png (1.61 MB,1800x1012,450:253,8kun_main.png)

a5410f No.20956193 [View All]

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694 posts and 541 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f90201 No.20956977

File: c2d20a678ffcb4d⋯.png (292.15 KB,474x533,474:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ff6f2 No.20956978

File: 514f14d55e3c870⋯.jpeg (127.49 KB,2048x797,2048:797,IMG_5547.jpeg)

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213b09 No.20956979

WWG1WGA. In the movie White Squall the captain goes on trial and loses his license.

Is that Q's way of telling us that Trump will no longer be the captain? Also, I guess that means that the ship has sank. Some casualties from the warp vax, and J6. So what now?

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26d1b2 No.20956981

File: cffd8864ede5f5f⋯.png (378.18 KB,608x712,76:89,lfg.PNG)




Clown World ™ 🤡




Heck yeah! 🔥🔥


Liberacrat Media™️





And just like that, in less than 24 hours the MLB changed their logo.

It wouldn’t have anything to do with all the backlash they received now would it?

Show more



Stacy Rae 🇺🇸



9:45 AM · Jun 2, 2024




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7a2529 No.20956982

File: ead70bea817cd99⋯.jpg (387.18 KB,1064x1896,133:237,9780790736754_uk.jpg)

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49ee98 No.20956984


go out in nature and make children actively listen to birds and let them figure out which bird is which (their frequencies are incredible and make sth with your ears)

also let them swim, dive, bathe and play around.

they should always wear a hat when it's cold and windy

also never use ear tips

and for God's sake, do not put anything into children's ears!

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092ca1 No.20956985


Time to step up anons

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c7d532 No.20956986



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69421a No.20956988

File: 4839a6d7aac523d⋯.png (104.22 KB,250x243,250:243,4839a6d7aac523d79ccd7d0e20….png)


But you can still spell correctly and punctuation is perfect for being drunk.

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f90201 No.20956989

File: e47c7607c7eefc5⋯.png (87.7 KB,474x330,79:55,ClipboardImage.png)

whrrrr whrrrr goebelles lemminwinks windows mad

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73bed9 No.20956990


#25703 >>20956209

>>20956269 Rand Paul says their investigation uncovered evidence that Fauci & Co were deleting emails

>>20956280 Whistleblower Ryan Hartwig Wore A Hidden Camera Inside Facebook For 9 Months

>>20956295 A Chinese national was caught filming US military vessels under construction with a drone

>>20956307 Shocking footage has emerged showing a gigantic 'shantytown' that has sprung up in Oakland, California

>>20956343 PF: SAM05:5G5 WN from a 2h stop at Langley AFB and arrived from JBA earlier

>>20956353 Iran's hard-line former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad registers for June 28 presidential election

>>20956361 LGBT and pro-Palestine forces coalesce to form the dumbest shit I've ever seen

>>20956391 Biden corruption: Newly released emails, obtained via a FOIA request

>>20956432 Mike Johnson has called on the Supreme Court to intervene in the politically motivated conviction of President Donald Trump in New York

>>20956454 Ex-Dem NY Gov. Paterson blasts 'rigged' prosecution of Donald Trump as Pataki worries of election impact

>>20956461, >>20956481 A Huge Number of Biden’s Jan 6 Prosecutions Could Fall Apart This Month, Here’s Why….

>>20956464 PF: Greek AF HAF352C G5 heading to New York FM George Gerapetritis and he’ll eventually end up in NYC as it looks like he’s going somewhere else right naow

>>20956497, >>20956503 Sources claim Miriam Adelson is giving $100 million to and will fund a colossal super PAC for Trump campaign

>>20956515 Shocking Video Shows German Politician Stabbed During Campaign Event In Mannheim

>>20956519 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1918

>>20956528 The women who made D-Day possible: How crucial work under-the-radar helped the Allies stage daring Normandy invasion to liberate Western Europe from Nazi tyranny

>>20956540 The creation of crimes where there is no breach of law has been the favorite and most formidable instrument of tyranny of all the ages

>>20956543, >>20956639 Literally wat

>>20956549 Homebuyers Are Starting to Revolt Over Steep Prices Across US

>>20956579 CyberWell is the world’s first live database of online antisemitism

>>20956583, >>20956591, >>20956596 Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids

>>20956614, >>20956482 Trump campaign has raised over $200 mil in just three days since guilty felon verdict, $70 mil of which from small donors

>>20956631 Starlink just achieved a new internal median latency record of 28ms yesterday

>>20956641 Step aside, Boobs

>>20956654 Economic Schedule for Week of June 2nd, 2024 and some Headlines

>>20956660 Google Chrome Deadline: 72 Hours To Update Or Delete Your Browser

>>20956674 Tik Tok on the Clock

>>20956695 There's No Difference Of What Happened In NYC Than What Happened In Moscow Show Trials In The 30s

>>20956736 Israeli doctors threaten to leave country if haredi draft exemption is approved

>>20956740 Steve Bannon: "This Is One Of The Greatest Crises In The History Of This Republic"

>>20956747 U.S. military bases in Europe

>>20956758 June ETA

>>20956777 Ottawa detective suspended for investigating babies who died from SIDS after mothers took the jab

>>20956779 Catherine Herridge: Press Act

>>20956783, >>20956841 Thayer: Xi Wants Quick And Decisive Victory In Taiwan At Lowest Cost

>>20956810 Ukraine's Rare Earth Metals Valued at $11.7 Trillion

>>20956815, >>20956859, >>20956888, >>20956905 Trump Force 47: Army of Volunteer Neighborhood Organizers (needs some verification)

>>20956825 “We have to Deal with the Anti-Vaxxers” says Kier Starker, Leader of UK's Labour Party

>>20956848 Hunter Biden gun trial set for June 3 could last up to 2 weeks amid disputes over evidence

>>20956899 Russia threatens to charge chess grandmaster Kasparov under ‘foreign agent’ law

>>20956916, >>20956952 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accepted an invitation to address both houses of Congress

>>20956928 The Chief Judge for the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals is putting an official end to the thousands of coordinated complaints against Judge Aileen Cannon

>>20956438, >>20956588, >>20956268, >>20956713, >>20956926 Memes / Templates


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b8b804 No.20956991


>[They] are playing Us

>don't play the game

Hi jewish gatekeeper.


>their game

Right, (((their))) Game!

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480229 No.20956993

File: 3367f998c8b0026⋯.png (23.46 KB,722x272,361:136,prithe.png)

File: 7a0ecef121c9575⋯.jpg (50.32 KB,1200x630,40:21,31205889_0_3778743571.jpg)



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26d1b2 No.20956994

File: 87cee1e776a370b⋯.png (418.76 KB,558x323,558:323,f.PNG)

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f90201 No.20956999

File: 998ed08c3faf2c1⋯.png (160 KB,474x237,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>whrrrr whrrrr goebelles lemminwinks windows mad


>jenkum jebus luuubs dickbutt (You) 

buttplug moses fights off nazis wiff gerbil

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1fa7c5 No.20957001

File: 1663d1976273f31⋯.mp4 (99.95 KB,192x224,6:7,All_your_base_are_belong_t….mp4)


>Steve Bannon: "This Is One Of The Greatest Crises In The History Of This Republic"“See what you see!”

DC republicans are saying that someone should make a phone call, so it must be serious

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6197b0 No.20957003

File: 61d338fc02fbc4e⋯.png (327.45 KB,495x497,495:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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73bed9 No.20957004

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6197b0 No.20957005

File: 480307403f4df0c⋯.png (559.87 KB,621x824,621:824,ClipboardImage.png)

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02a824 No.20957007

File: 1da416a5750bbf0⋯.png (678.35 KB,888x499,888:499,wtf_is_that.png)

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6197b0 No.20957009

File: 5f54076215a76bf⋯.png (294.58 KB,440x624,55:78,ClipboardImage.png)

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bfcdfa No.20957011

File: 4ee2514a4620b5f⋯.mp4 (4.29 MB,540x360,3:2,911witness.mp4)

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8ebf7e No.20957012

File: 13f5cb77d5fbf2f⋯.png (398.46 KB,686x670,343:335,kek_pepe.png)

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49ee98 No.20957013

>>20956984 me

>make children actively listen to birds

>makes sth with your ears

if the child has liquids and listens to birds the child will automatically scratch it's ears

after a while the liquid will like disappear with time

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f90201 No.20957014

File: bee5da3aef972e1⋯.png (617.01 KB,474x711,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>>jenkum jebus luuubs dickbutt (You) 

>buttplug moses fights off nazis wiff gerbil

gerbil wuz high on meth

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7a3a5c No.20957015

File: c497b224ce0e07f⋯.jpg (25.25 KB,499x499,1:1,1487819826506.jpg)


the forbidden memes

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bfcdfa No.20957016

File: 600a66257000cc2⋯.png (182.7 KB,272x525,272:525,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f4ea2 No.20957019


>Ritalin is literally Speed.

Yep, under a certain age amphetamines have the opposite or calming effect.

And kids prescribed this shit are not hyper. They are just healthy, active, rambunctious kids like my brothers and I were. They grow out of it naturally, no drugs needed.

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49ee98 No.20957023


same with cricket chirping

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f90201 No.20957025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>buttplug moses fights off nazis wiff gerbil

>gerbil wuz high on meth

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088b95 No.20957030

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9c26e6 No.20957032

File: ed0c59c1bb75321⋯.jpg (85.7 KB,1100x1280,55:64,IMG_20231209_194021.jpg)

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,IMG_20231209_194007.png)

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088b95 No.20957033

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49ee98 No.20957035

i love you frens

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49ee98 No.20957038

this one is for the 34 counts

God bless Trump, Q, anons and the entire human family!

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e514b2 No.20957041

File: 44920dd645bb526⋯.png (247.61 KB,400x400,1:1,behindkundoor.png)


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95e798 No.20957042

File: 4117c09e67d2120⋯.png (140.23 KB,490x322,35:23,4117c09e67d2120006fbdcb656….png)

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f90201 No.20957043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

chitty tranny plumbin

wrong castle

no princess found

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dae65b No.20957044

File: e22f67c8929301a⋯.jpeg (12.97 KB,218x231,218:231,e22f67c8929301a3cd06ba05c….jpeg)

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f90201 No.20957046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>chitty tranny plumbin

>wrong castle

>no princess found

owls turtles and plants all died

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e514b2 No.20957047

File: 512f89b221975fb⋯.png (495.82 KB,568x757,568:757,killedbyfrogs.png)


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40d3d0 No.20957048


Donald Trump is bigger than Boobs.

Prove me wrong.

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740a74 No.20957051

File: 5a5a6c6f87f67e9⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,480x360,4:3,5a5a6c6f87f67e9ae4652abddc….mp4)

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8ebf7e No.20957052

File: 9377f9a6e1d62fc⋯.png (1.22 MB,1342x658,671:329,QAnon_cast_as_the_Hero_in_….png)

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dae65b No.20957057

File: dd0e93a3de188ba⋯.jpg (115.56 KB,1024x1022,512:511,dd0e93a3de188ba14503007f03….jpg)

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9c26e6 No.20957058

File: 964fdaab7c95189⋯.mp4 (12.65 MB,640x360,16:9,964fdaab7c9518965fa0c02f4b….mp4)

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6197b0 No.20957059

File: f7472451814151d⋯.png (19.31 KB,336x210,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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e514b2 No.20957060

File: 79eb1c7f28cc854⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,528x398,264:199,muted.mp4)

Best version



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124e10 No.20957183


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da72a8 No.20957433


beautiful, as always….

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