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8d378f No.20952212 [View All]

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683 posts and 521 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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e70d79 No.20952973

File: 2ba0bc5b1658f79⋯.jpg (127.56 KB,780x438,130:73,fans_can_get_their_very_ow….jpg)

File: eae133e30bfe8fe⋯.jpg (57.03 KB,700x467,700:467,sub_buzz_1834_1571423650_1….jpg)

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6bc237 No.20952974


Because your people took it Literally. A fool is easy to confuse.

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7cbbc2 No.20952976


Anon's pondering;

Is it wrong to make fun of the retarded?

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6c74af No.20952977


Yeah, this wtf

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e5b1b3 No.20952978



Use bodies to grease the cogs.

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86d09b No.20952979

File: 29ffbe07a50869f⋯.png (1.6 MB,900x850,18:17,CollageB4338_1.png)

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86d09b No.20952981

File: 7380a4e7704ce2d⋯.jpg (115.71 KB,570x945,38:63,None_dare.jpg)

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5982c6 No.20952982

File: 781cd717bf09bf2⋯.jpg (153.71 KB,596x638,298:319,NO_SUCH_THING_ATOLL.jpg)

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55b236 No.20952983



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86d09b No.20952984

File: d21cb55d4df4427⋯.jpg (875.94 KB,2464x1632,77:51,night_train2.jpg)

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2cc2fa No.20952985


Don't think I can count on him for research.

Oh well, someone has to be in the 4-6%.

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5b9636 No.20952986


Houthis Ambush Saudi Army Convoy

sandal wearing ragheads take out M1 tanks


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86d09b No.20952988

File: 35969c3720f20c5⋯.jpg (1.81 MB,2000x2000,1:1,mkultra.jpg)

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3f0d77 No.20952989

File: e2553108d190e4d⋯.jpg (544.71 KB,1200x2027,1200:2027,dictionaryofthekhazarl.jpg)


I disagree though that it's somehow connected to the myth of the Khazar King as Ashkenazi.

There's more to the story and none of the second part of Reese's substack is proven.

It's conjecture.

Jews were all over the Roman Empire; and yes they were a tribe / a race - way before Israel was created.

Also they were persecuted for hundreds and hundreds of years.

It will all fall into place to a great degree when the false chronology is connected and the pieces start to come together and to make sense.

The original Jews were from that region. Crimea was their homeland. The Ashkanazi are the authentic original Jews.

Problem is the Rothschild and the British Zionist created Israel in Palestine, for political reasons.

There were likely Jews in Palistine during the Roman Empire, however the "holy land" is somewhere else.

It's disguised. The elite know.

Jews deserve their own Country because of the massive persecution and the framing of them for all sorts of crimes, up til this day its still going on.

But the people who run Israel are not promoting the best interest of the Jews who are their citizens.

INFILTRATION, as we have in USA

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af06e3 No.20952990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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86d09b No.20952991

File: 319c5ff0d0f1b1e⋯.jpg (275.64 KB,1004x740,251:185,MezvinskyWeb.jpg)

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3f0d77 No.20952993


That's ridiculous.

Pig is a cartoon.


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02d8dd No.20952994


It's like the hired North Korea's PR firm lol

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86d09b No.20952995

File: 4db645881547eb8⋯.jpg (688.4 KB,2027x2048,2027:2048,memeBro.jpg)

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5982c6 No.20952996

File: 4d9a409d4c54cfe⋯.jpg (151.83 KB,581x640,581:640,MIGHT_B.jpg)

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63e12d No.20952997

The ghost of Kiev seems to be halping Houthis.

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4ce33f No.20952998


#25698 >>20952224

>>20952243, >>20952304 Alex Jones: Feds Attempting To Shut Down InfoWars Tonight

>>20952266 Tigerballs Qproof (Here we go / Buckle up)

>>20952286 Live: Putin Reveals Russia's Kharkiv Plan, Takes On US, Zelensky and Macron

>>20952353 Grassley: #cornwatch

>>20952383 Blinken remarks on NATO

>>20952393, >>20952417 How did a former prosecutor (Juan Merchan) who is not a formal judge get assigned this case?

>>20952403 Federal government to introduce ban on sharing of non-consensual deepfake pornography

>>20952413 DJT: Going to UFC tonight!!!

>>20952570 Donald Trump Jr., Kari Lake, And Caroline Wren Were Served In Defamation Lawsuit by the election administrator in Arizona

>>20952577 PF: Argentina AF ARG-01 757 President Milei left San Salvador after attending Bukele’s inauguration

>>20952607 Orange juice makers consider using alternative fruit as prices skyrocket

>>20952644 El Salvador's Bukele sworn-in for second term with Team MAGA showing its support at the inauguration

>>20952713 Campaigner has posted a picture from his hospital bed after he was stabbed by a knifeman at an anti-Islam rally in Germany

>>20952731 PF: AF2 C-32A Kneepads departed Los Angeles Intl heading for Seattle

>>20952732 PF: N770AG USAF E-11A BACN (Battlefield Airborne Communications Node)

>>20952741 Housing Inflation 1992 vs 2021

>>20952760, >>20952770 Boris Johnson slams Trump's historic verdict as a liberal hit job

Possible USS Liberty 2.0?

>>20952337, >>20952343, >>20952358, >>20952860 Reports of USS Dwight Eisenhower being hit in Red Sea

>>20952374, >>20952379 Conflicting reports about what happened

>>20952359, >>20952376, >>20952453, >>20952425, >>20952439 Video of apparent attack w/ vessel number somewhat visible

>>20952408, >>20952479, >>20952494 This is the captain of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (IKE)

>>20952665 Here's the captain of the Eisenhower showing a jet landing on deck 8 hours ago


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86d09b No.20952999

File: ed05c7dcf3c5835⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,3567x2560,3567:2560,Meme_factory.jpg)

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86d09b No.20953001

such fun

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e70d79 No.20953005

File: 7ca5bc2cf73eac6⋯.mp4 (2.44 MB,720x898,360:449,TantrumDance.mp4)



This will be the REEEEEEEE Dance

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397eb5 No.20953007

File: 05d17fc6793207c⋯.jpg (21.1 KB,450x405,10:9,7e033dbfb003e1d3c3fde17375….jpg)


Wouldn't surprise me at all if he jumped in there and fought like three people.

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3f0d77 No.20953012

File: 760409a6279080f⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,720x1280,9:16,pigdancingscavina.mp4)


You say the memes are made by AI?

Naw, AI lacks the intelligence for that.

It's run by a human or a team

White Hat - that's why it's attacked relentlessly.

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2cc2fa No.20953013

File: b9f6b17f9d461a4⋯.png (80.2 KB,1200x791,1200:791,ClipboardImage.png)

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131e80 No.20953015




She’s on ivermectin for the first time . Two days going. Fenben is a tougher sell but if I can find those old news reports of the guy using it, it may help.

It’s hard to reach spouse who works in medical industry. One day at a time i guess.

Thanks anons

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59ca78 No.20953016

File: f68933e63484f0b⋯.jpg (48.85 KB,500x375,4:3,media_GOy_yjFWkAADMcK.jpg)



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4ce33f No.20953018

File: b09e0ee1470a08a⋯.png (118.33 KB,1080x773,1080:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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14c0f7 No.20953019


phabendazol .444 amazon

ivermectine amazon

one in the morning and one in the night before bed.

no sugars, no alcohol, drink water,

drink 2 glass of hottest tap water possible to drink - in the morning and 2 before bed

if possible have the doc prescribe oxygen for sleeping, it heals the body

my buddys regiment who through his doc cures his

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d96354 No.20953020

I want out of the nightmare.

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5982c6 No.20953021

File: 676eab67329f8f8⋯.jpg (81.15 KB,632x485,632:485,ALL_WHITE_MEAT.jpg)

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7331bd No.20953022

File: e4d26fdb0e7217e⋯.png (841.39 KB,731x640,731:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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86d09b No.20953023

File: 6f63b15345b308e⋯.jpg (12.78 MB,7000x7733,7000:7733,breadtunnel1.jpg)

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15023e No.20953024

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e5b1b3 No.20953026


You’re probably correct but clearly a scholar and I sense unwilling to shitpoast or cast negativity onto anyone. You. Are. Boring.!

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86d09b No.20953027

File: 4eb246f1811d264⋯.jpg (459.73 KB,998x1117,998:1117,Chan_Analysis_Division.jpg)

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15023e No.20953029


Do you live in Canada?

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86d09b No.20953030

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB,753x861,251:287,Chan_Archive_Service.jpg)

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24f40b No.20953031

File: bdcca5919ea5d5d⋯.png (815.65 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_06_01_at_1….png)

File: dea5c09e2028c3d⋯.png (239.92 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_06_01_at_1….png)

File: caade854ccee681⋯.png (367.25 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_06_01_at_1….png)


>You are a fool to underestimate the Houthi

I think the attitude is changing. That port that got hit is very, very, very important to the Houthis

US and UK carry out strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen for first time in months

By Oren Liebermann, CNN Updated 11:48 AM EDT, Fri May 31, 2024

(CNN) - The US and UK carried out a series of strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen on Thursday for the first time in more than three months, according to US Central Command.

In addition, the US unilaterally destroyed eight aerial attack drones over Yemen and the Red Sea.

The coalition strikes targeted 13 Houthi targets in parts of Yemen controlled by the Iran-backed terror group. They marked the fifth round of coalition strikes against the Houthis, who have repeatedly attacked US Navy ships and commercial vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The two waterways, separated by the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, are critical to international shipping routes.

At least 16 people were killed and a further 35 wounded, by the US-UK airstrikes in the coastal city of Hodeida, Yemen, the Houthi-run news network Al-Masirah reported on Friday.

The last round of strikes occurred on February 24, as the US and UK targeted Houthi weapons and radar sites.

The US has tried to disrupt the Houthi’s ability to target commercial vessels and US warships by going after their primary weapons, including anti-ship cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and one-way attack drones. The US has also destroyed maritime drones and underwater drones. The resumption of strikes follows an uptick in Houthi attacks over the last week.

This week, the US destroyed Houthi missile launchers in Yemen and intercepted aerial attack drones.



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86d09b No.20953034

File: 0011bde23aa5e58⋯.jpg (99.34 KB,748x851,748:851,Chan_Intel_Recon_1.jpg)

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3e9d83 No.20953035

File: b572801779a20fc⋯.jpg (81.55 KB,507x499,507:499,8rszns.jpg)

Wonder what the ADL will come up with for GE.

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4cf184 No.20953036


It appears to never end, don’t it?

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59ca78 No.20953038

File: 550bac0e509b658⋯.jpg (86.28 KB,962x755,962:755,16458028_7282441_ISLAND_CH….jpg)

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2ee30c No.20953039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


First you need the real map and deep six the rest.

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4cc382 No.20953040

File: 9a60558d0b31dab⋯.webm (1.82 MB,427x240,427:240,adato4.webm)

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917bb8 No.20953045

bread is locked, removing muh joos

please migrate






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15023e No.20953050

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