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File: 53db47b07ca6680⋯.png (44.32 KB,255x136,15:8,ClipboardImage.png)

87844a No.20940226 [View All]

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701 posts and 367 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a4c3c7 No.20940948

File: 0ab54620c9c5dc0⋯.png (556.88 KB,882x501,294:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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236711 No.20940949

Now trump has been found guilty. does that open the door for furure presidents?

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7d6370 No.20940950


note:…he does have a shit-load of cheerleaders and the crowd is rooting for him, so there's that.

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207878 No.20940951

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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da74d4 No.20940952


>formenting political violence

They're telling us what they are planning on doing.

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65be2f No.20940953

File: 0fca5fd674844d2⋯.mp4 (9.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,Megyn_Kelly_Notices_Someth….mp4)


>Megyn Kelly Notices Something About the Trump’s Trial No One Is Talking About


>to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him

Yes it'snotable.

Here's the video

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939e26 No.20940954


>-sentencing 7/11

Thank Q, so on 7/11 we have to get the US mil in place because these clowns won't quit because losing means jail for them.

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316e7d No.20940955

File: bfbbc5d0e089349⋯.png (268.54 KB,474x795,158:265,ice_cream_pepe.png)

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fbac86 No.20940957


source: it's on cnn's Trump Hush Money Trial live updates thread.

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207878 No.20940958

File: 4bf679c279272da⋯.jpg (567.07 KB,1050x1086,175:181,6f7l.jpg)

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e70291 No.20940959

File: cb85b70cff37c4a⋯.png (718.74 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Next announcement for sure.

DJT all the way for me.

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cfb21d No.20940961


hopefull it will close the door, to their prison cells, where they will serve time for the crimes that they have committed, after due process, of course.

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0bffde No.20940963



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0bc5fb No.20940964


guud timin baker

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9bb223 No.20940966

File: 63ff256fdffaeae⋯.jpg (17.17 KB,197x255,197:255,63ff256fdffaeae7a19b11d505….jpg)


the old days kek

by the time you wrote your reply the bread was done

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207878 No.20940967

File: 3945eec9ecf8e98⋯.png (762.8 KB,750x1334,375:667,08b665cc71b7289e97841904fb….png)

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315982 No.20940969


what if Palestine conquered Israel could you ask the same thing of their descendents? from the river to the sea and that all

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ef14ae No.20940970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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995a1b No.20940971


which is something that happens to american citizens every day in american courts. It is all a joke.

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b4f089 No.20940973


love the 45 over his head

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207878 No.20940974

File: 5973f3243afa267⋯.jpg (89.46 KB,500x627,500:627,8chanphilosphybewbs.jpg)

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9a555b No.20940975


Most don’t have a clue what constitution says and then if you say “which one@ they look at you funny.

This going to take time to seep into collective mess. Yes I agree on the “justice was served” and that sad but as long as shit doesn’t directly affect them most peeps treat it as another headline which is not a good comment on this country.

You don’t even have to support him to know something is really wrong with that

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804728 No.20940976

File: 87108415e356193⋯.png (801.33 KB,3000x2250,4:3,latest_2947003005.png)

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2c8cb7 No.20940977



DOJ is under the executive branch

SCOTUS is a completely separate branch

Congress is the weakest branch with only control over monies.

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074d7f No.20940979

File: 2791837245257aa⋯.jpg (88.71 KB,854x780,427:390,Untitledfxfxzzfnznf.jpg)

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207878 No.20940980

File: 6360b087bed2f2b⋯.jpg (711.98 KB,1436x986,718:493,11_11_2018_At_the_Bar.jpg)

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316e7d No.20940981

File: f769d1e53a46273⋯.png (611.87 KB,800x450,16:9,Pee_Wee_Precedent.png)

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97efcd No.20940982

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939e26 No.20940983


>NY appellate court, then the NY Supreme Court

NYS appellate court, then the US Supreme Court

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207878 No.20940984

File: a3ab964fbc6c6a0⋯.jpg (106.56 KB,762x394,381:197,12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

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0bc5fb No.20940985


baker on it

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207878 No.20940987

File: c4ee49ada2f7329⋯.jpeg (492.22 KB,1874x1594,937:797,20D75DBB_858E_46BF_AC6F_C….jpeg)

‎January ‎10, ‎2019, ‏‎17:27:53

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315982 No.20940988

File: 0878ec7ec8a4a6c⋯.png (329.68 KB,558x447,186:149,ancient_pepe.png)

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533664 No.20940989


"Our Democracy" means [Their] way of life, [Their] power over us!

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207878 No.20940991

File: 60747a21bb513b6⋯.png (190.33 KB,608x595,608:595,23a4aa6d50fb2074185194b0d6….png)

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9a555b No.20940993

File: 8f59ba9723e5faf⋯.jpeg (529.87 KB,828x1274,414:637,14D5986F_F588_460C_B9E5_D….jpeg)

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71a0d9 No.20940995


I believe the Supreme Court can step in before the lower courts; precedent was posted here, I think.

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da74d4 No.20940996

File: e1a2943e49934c3⋯.png (222 KB,665x1000,133:200,ClipboardImage.png)


Why not both at the same time…

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207878 No.20940997

File: 09704f16283d214⋯.jpg (323.89 KB,937x846,937:846,67b57aa9ec626199e605ca018c….jpg)

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089c7b No.20940998


I'm not the one parroting bullshit. The natives were robbed, they were conquered. When not violently, by other means. You're parroting bullshit trying to justify what was done.

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65be2f No.20940999

File: 029179215b9964f⋯.mp4 (486.58 KB,640x636,160:159,pepe_point_power.mp4)


Is that 11/3 I see down at the root of that line?

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207878 No.20941001

File: 88185b629f296e1⋯.jpg (115.83 KB,759x475,759:475,074d558dca2e2f95ec6f0ae677….jpg)

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9bb223 No.20941003

File: 0a26c7cc89bad97⋯.png (154.81 KB,479x355,479:355,0a26c7cc89bad977a99045f273….png)

…music stops

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0bffde No.20941004


By and large, Just to DJT & J6ers….

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207878 No.20941006

File: 95c5b7b99094115⋯.png (1.49 MB,1267x976,1267:976,95c5b7b99094115dcd485cfd94….png)

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995a1b No.20941008


it will wake up more than enough I think even so called liberals who care about balance will focus on this and the charges and it will filter out through law channels and things like that, of course there is the spin and how can people like myself say justice is dead etc, even Trump saying that shows he is not dedicated to the constitution since he was found guilty by a group of his peers blah blah blah. The narrative reverse is needed to be understood its tactical. But it will fail. Days like this are why I stick around and have something more to do than shit post.

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089c7b No.20941009


You still haven't answered the question.

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8ff6e2 No.20941010

solid job on the Bread, Baker

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207878 No.20941012

File: e4cbd28a21fd690⋯.jpeg (888.13 KB,2048x1535,2048:1535,147C6EAC_06A8_40E0_B186_E….jpeg)

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207878 No.20941014

File: fea05c4302cf399⋯.jpg (107.97 KB,500x500,1:1,282zni.jpg)

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