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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,000ddd.jpg)

45bf15 No.20936291 [View All]

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ddbd2c No.20936995



seconded for the "Q" Proof

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1b4d93 No.20936996


thank you

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9b0733 No.20936997


>Vatican, who are you talking to?

Does the faggot even care?

Or, more to the point, is the faggot even hooman?

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a17374 No.20936998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a0be1c No.20936999


Bruh, fuck off.

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9e4690 No.20937001

File: 1c6e6d826b0a20b⋯.png (71.49 KB,640x400,8:5,possibilities.png)


Saviors of mankind.


History is being made.

You are the saviors of mankind.

Nothing will stop what is coming.


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ebeeb1 No.20937002

File: 1aa36288fedc7da⋯.png (3.14 MB,828x1792,207:448,94A94B5E_C3BC_4A5B_8E78_7C….png)

File: d8a584e48c1a505⋯.jpeg (103.62 KB,563x230,563:230,C1DF846E_AFD8_4FDB_AB4B_7….jpeg)


Bermuda or spoopy interfemsional portal ?

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212fa1 No.20937004

File: 8da480ec6b07a55⋯.png (533.62 KB,632x556,158:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3a9d43e4b3ce41⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,5317x3545,5317:3545,media_GOyMHGjXoAAnTXA.jpg)

File: 46c25ad87314e7c⋯.png (259.75 KB,554x586,277:293,ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. Navy



#ICYMI - @NASCAR hosting the Navy and other services over Memorial Day weekend at the Coca Cola 600. We honored Gold Star Families, enslisted new servicemembers and got some kids interested in Navy STEAM!

May 29, 2024 · 11:44 PM UTC


You can spot where´s DJT?

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1fe275 No.20937005

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)

File: 103f61058cfb634⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x640,9:8,day_shift.mp4)

File: c685995a62da3fb⋯.mp4 (5.76 MB,640x640,1:1,dayshift.mp4)

oh dear.

for a time graveyard shift was beginning to be fun until the miserable lot turned up.

Well anon is moar positive now than the previous day,

The winning will continue until morale improves


mind body and soul.

The father the son and the holy Ghost.

sounds like there is a shift change is habbening.

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5d3b35 No.20937006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wait, the ride doesn't stop?

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9e4690 No.20937008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Uh-huh… DYNAMIC [Slowed]

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212fa1 No.20937009


Can you find out where Q+ is?

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9b0733 No.20937011

File: a83cf5db33aaa03⋯.png (628.01 KB,577x629,577:629,tolerance.png)


>Diversity is /ourstrength/


Did not Earn It.

Fuck you and your liberal diversity.

Next you'll be demanding tolerance of your position and kill all those that don't agree with you as you perform Satanic drag rituals for 5 year olds.

Sexual dysmorphia is a mental disorder. as is the fetish for men wearing women's clothes.

Which pronoun are you?

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95083e No.20937012


enjoy the ride

your posts will be done

after bread is bakered

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a0be1c No.20937013


Kek, what the actual fuck are you going on about?

You need to vent on me now?

Go ahead, you're still a retarded faggot.

Stay stupid, bud.

You seriously pathetic.

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9b0733 No.20937014

File: f2c5460a819b6f7⋯.jpg (80.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,666_trips.jpg)


Que surpresa that you roll inverted trips.

Kek works in mysterious ways.

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a0be1c No.20937015


Alright, so you're a schizo too.


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345422 No.20937017



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5d3b35 No.20937018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Issa knife


Based Shadxwbxrn enjoyer

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95083e No.20937019

File: 26f144becdfb1d2⋯.png (312.15 KB,530x718,265:359,night_meme.png)

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9e4690 No.20937021


You're a joke.

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d82f33 No.20937022


IDK was thinking it was a symbol; like how in D.C with the horse sculptures are facing west

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212fa1 No.20937023

File: 49615647961fcb5⋯.png (79.26 KB,247x117,19:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 733f9aa39ef918d⋯.png (61.62 KB,172x211,172:211,ClipboardImage.png)


Zero Delta

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29ff50 No.20937024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Reacts to Day One of Jury DeliberationsTonight

The Mark Levin Show

May 29, 6 hours ago


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a0be1c No.20937025


Yeah, and you're a stupid faggot.

So better to be the jester in the court of the king, than an actually retard.

Stay EZ.

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d2f109 No.20937027

could a kind anon explain wtf is happening in the clown world court proceedings. so the only one that will be an issue before the election is the horseface payoff trial? does he actually get locked up as part of this clown crescendo?

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95083e No.20937028

File: 80f5bc6ec71fbb2⋯.png (326.76 KB,691x330,691:330,NIGHT_SHIFT_DESERT.png)

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9e4690 No.20937029


What happened to all your friends? Coincidence.

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1fe275 No.20937031

File: 0bc44eedec147e7⋯.png (1.03 MB,814x835,814:835,ClipboardImage.png)


Sharing a post on anons own feed, from here to there and back.

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a0be1c No.20937033


No idea what your schizo brain is cooking up.

But stay stupid, it's amusing yet a little disappointing.

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b06acd No.20937034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Part 9

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fa7dc1 No.20937035


>Saviors of mankind.

I agree. But the three most important things that I have recently discovered in the last few years need special attention because they are still attacking us, and are intact. and need immediate actionables.

1. Chemicals and Radiation - the number one cause of all illnesses, disease, and deaths worldwide.

2. The locals have the goods on you and the weaponry to target you and your family without you realizing it. Energy weapons, mil grade spyware to see through walls, and unlimited chemical supplies and recipes.

3. All systems have been weaponized to our demise. You are kept in check no matter where you go worldwide and the patriots need to create new systems.

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9e4690 No.20937040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


o7. I grieve in stereo.

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97e555 No.20937042


not a word worth the digit that typed it.

your attempt to find a place in the herd is a failure.

what follows is nature, not personal.

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a0be1c No.20937043

Notables - FINAL

#25678 >>20936298

>>20936317 Google Whistleblower Exposes Alleged Election Interference and Bias in Explosive Texas Senate Testimony

>>20936374 Diddy 'has been abusing women for 30 YEARS' as bombshell report details

>>20936410 The Dan Bongino Show - EXCLUSIVE: President Trump Slams Sham Trial

>>20936419 UNSEEN FOOTAGE: New Yorkers CONFRONT Robert De Niro After RAILING on Trump in Press Conference

>>20936420, >>20936492, >>20936715 PF Report

>>20936437 The House Ethics Committee launched an investigation on Wednesday into Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar, who has been indicted on federal bribery charges that stem from alleged payments from foreign officials.

>>20936443 Exclusive Interview with British Special Forces Hero Christian Craighead, the Man Who Saved Lives During Al-Shabaab Terror Attack

>>20936470, >>20936502 "History Books" - Q 3728 POTUS was not harmed in any way today other than on paper (history books).

>>20936477 Don Jr and President Trump behind the scenes working on "mean tweets" at the courthouse in New York.

>>20936517 Hong Kong court convicts 14 pro-democracy activists for subversion in the city’s biggest national security case

>>20936543 Donald J. Trump - DonaldJTrump.com/join

>>20936632 EXCLUSIVE: President Trump calls in to Dan bongo show

>>20936636, >>20936642 @SecDef (re-tweet) - Wheels up to the Indo-Pacific for my tenth trip there as Secretary of Defense. - Q drop 3414 [Wheels up]

>>20936659 Mayor Candidate, Alfredo Cabrera in Mexico's Coyuca de Benitez Shot Dead at Point Blank Range

>>20936753 Notice of Maladministration of Elections and Demand for Elections Prescribed by the People and Immediate Corrective Measures

>>20936796 'I'm Done' | California lawmakers cite KCRA 3 documentary in urging action against sex trafficking

>>20936919 David Weiss, a spokesman for the Anti-Zionist Jewish Union, told IRNA: “Mr. Amir Abdollahian was a sensitive and kind-hearted foreign minister."

>>20936944 Malta's ex-PM Muscat faces corruption charges in court / Former Maltese officials barred from US due to corruption allegations

>>20937004 U.S. Navy - #ICYMI - @NASCAR hosting the Navy and other services over Memorial Day weekend at the Coca Cola 600. / President Trump present.

>>20937024 Donald Trump Reacts to Day One of Jury Deliberations


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5d3b35 No.20937045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Take me back to a simpler time

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97e555 No.20937047




things have gotten much worse since you started

"saving" everything.

Please stop.

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a0be1c No.20937048

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345422 No.20937049


[Of war castles?]


For the sharp-sword of the word IS with the Chief's-handwriting by my section.


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9e4690 No.20937051


All foretold, and then some. God is able. Trust. Fight.

Symbolism will be their downfall.

They are fighting to regain control.

You stand in their way.

You awake is their greatest fear.

God cut all the thorns off their death blossom.

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97e555 No.20937052


thirty four felonies later…

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95083e No.20937054



time to take out spam.

don't blame the baker.

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da21c7 No.20937055

Yeah he probably loves you. Went picking a fight in the darkness in the yoga studio to avoid an argument? He knew the risk. Of course he’s the bad guy. Trying to find ways to blow the money through the eye of the needle to keep you both grounded.

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572c83 No.20937057

File: 82a52a883d14113⋯.png (1.36 MB,953x703,953:703,iyltfududykt.PNG)

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9e4690 No.20937058


You should learn to count your blessings.

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d2f109 No.20937059


so you're suggesting that it's not worth worrying about

more curious than anything

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97e555 No.20937060


you are a fucking idiot

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95083e No.20937061

lockup friends

spam OUT next.

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625d7e No.20937063

File: 2e6d14964c9874b⋯.jpg (15.09 KB,255x223,255:223,2e6d14964c9874b7ab89713450….jpg)

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a0be1c No.20937064

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