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File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift.jpg)

3360c0 No.20924284 [View All]

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702 posts and 549 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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1c85ce No.20925002


I've had a couple of them now beg me to say it. They begged. That's not normal.

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ed8282 No.20925003

File: 2536bd35faa78c5⋯.png (276.88 KB,728x547,728:547,Fake_Aliens_1.png)

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9bb36a No.20925004


in that case, it is clearly her initials being used

fuck you're retarded

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01ef11 No.20925005

File: a6e7ffa855fb89f⋯.png (645.65 KB,1100x616,25:14,camela_no_respect_philly_0….png)

File: 49fcdc7918ae1bf⋯.png (620.01 KB,1000x553,1000:553,biden_previous_2024_loan_b….png)

File: ac0e2d8c30db277⋯.png (530.36 KB,789x1000,789:1000,ebrahim_raisi_helicopter_c….png)

File: 36e0c19642a0345⋯.png (581.41 KB,545x1000,109:200,sorry_diddy_05192024_3.png)

File: 884c4ef46f6fcc1⋯.png (554.22 KB,900x506,450:253,fox_captures_video_of_migr….png)

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2dbaa3 No.20925006



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795470 No.20925007

File: 74b11bcd3cde299⋯.png (450.24 KB,598x798,299:399,suff.PNG)


Collin Rugg


NEW: Biological male Karla Sofia Gascon wins the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival and then has meltdown while blasting anti-trans "bast**ds."

Gascon became the first trans person to be awarded the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival.

"To every trans person suffering every f**king day with hate… This is for you."

"Tomorrow, surely this news that you see here will be full of comments from terrible people saying the same thing as always."

"Let's see if you change, you bast*rds."

5:03 AM · May 27, 2024




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934133 No.20925008

File: 592d75e38895512⋯.jpg (331.87 KB,1600x1066,800:533,World_War_One_Images_Trans….jpg)

Last call

…Baking around 720


#25663 >>20924299

>>20924306 Baker out

>>20924324 CIA is hiding a weapon that’s “Designed is to make the target feel like they're crazy"

>>20924326 dough claim

>>20924315 James Biden associate Keaton Langston pleads guilty to $51M Medicare fraud

>>20924363 Benjamin Netanyahu calls civilian deaths in Rafah after latest Israeli attacks "tragic mistake"

>>20924428 PF Report: RCH613 C17 departed Port Au Prince after ground stop to Charleston

>>20924603 Jan. 6 supporters hold Memorial Day 'Freedom March' for 'hero' Ashli Babbitt

>>20924611 PF Report: AE67E8 US Navy P8 Poseidon off Dubai and south of the Straight of Hormuz at 1:20am local time. Sez 631kts so if accurate it’s hauling ass

>>20924638 PF Report: Belgian AF MACE41/42 F16s up just south of Brussels Intl where Zelensky’s A319 >>20924055 lb is parked and certainly putting on a show as who dafuq is gonna attack an unarmed parked aircraft at a public airport?

>>20924644 BF Report: an Iranian-flagged Landing Craft in the area supposed to be out of UAE heading for Bandar Abbas

>>20924649 Biden Administration Presses Allies Not to Confront Iran on Nuclear Program (WSJ)

>>20924654 Neighbours condemn North Korea launch that ends in mid-air fireball

>>20924666, >>20924668 US national security adviser, Saudi Arabia’s crown prince meet to discuss ‘semi-final’ security deal

>>20924761 POTUS Truth - Can you imagine, a President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in the history of our Country, and who is also the Republican Nominee for President in the upcoming 2024 Election, and leading in all polls against the Democrat Nominee, Joe Biden, is tomorrow going before a Corrupt and Conflicted Democrat Appointed, Acting New York Judge, on a FAKE & MADE UP CASE by a Soros backed failed D.A., and the Judge himself, to see whether or not he will become a common criminal?

>>20924838 These US properties are linked to the most notorious cults

>>20924845 POTUS Truth - Could somebody please ask Judge Merchan, whatever happened to MARK POMERANTZ, the man Alvin Bragg was furious at for the things he did on this contrived and unconstitutional case, and why wasn’t he allowed to testify?

>>20924854 @FBI - Self-proclaimed king of Bissonnet heads to prison for multi-state sex trafficking scheme @FBIHouston


>>20924911 Biden’s ex-border chief denounces admin’s policies, says president never called: ‘That’s a problem’


>>20924966 PF Report: 73-1677 E4B Nightwatch heading to JBA from Offut AFB (STRATCOM)


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88262f No.20925009


Haven't sen this before.


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aec9af No.20925010

File: b0bf45de1304fd8⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,640x640,1:1,b0bf45de1304fd80b9d1f6d4ee….mp4)


you're fucked just admit it

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2dd7ea No.20925011

File: 7f14eebd95ff81f⋯.mp4 (12.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,The_Hunt.mp4)

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96762b No.20925012



In law fare, you make up the rules as you destroy the very existence of the authority that put them there and drain the finances of the people that line their own pockets and at the same time subjugate the very people that built the system.


ps: who is pot, who's got the pot, really don't think Kim's got any of the POT

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4dfb97 No.20925013


lucky larry still laughing

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35260e No.20925014

File: e95e8f6b9e09cac⋯.jpg (124.22 KB,812x600,203:150,GM_covfefe.jpg)

GM is so hot right now.

Easily the #1 topic of this bread.

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6e2220 No.20925015

File: d10abe48bdc1345⋯.jpg (15.86 KB,132x255,44:85,d10abe48bdc13458e472b108b1….jpg)


>But drive over a gay flag on the road and they will use every resource available to find you

They're asking for a hundred people at a time to do donuts, so it's no longer a felony.

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1c85ce No.20925016


That photo of P. Diddler looks like he's in quite the rustic location. I wonder what the extradition treaty with that country is.

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edd60f No.20925017

File: 6970558e97d0864⋯.png (63.79 KB,290x120,29:12,Ayyyys_Window.png)

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f912a9 No.20925018


thats part of a abcnews link


that's #GME

are you a bot or serious?

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ed8282 No.20925019

File: 76e3dcb0a62cbec⋯.png (419.86 KB,569x477,569:477,Fake_News_Chris_Cuomo.png)

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a94f6f No.20925020


aka color of law and RICO

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4dfb97 No.20925021


barry might get lucky in man's country bath house

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3e3985 No.20925022

File: f6196d11ae82fe1⋯.png (428.93 KB,870x680,87:68,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b24bdf1689a943⋯.mp4 (807.29 KB,480x270,16:9,ONE_NATION_UNDER_GOD.mp4)



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a9157e No.20925023


KEK!!! Excellent beatdown! Carry on soldier o7

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ed8282 No.20925024

File: eea1f09ca60627b⋯.jpeg (253.9 KB,1200x986,600:493,Fake_news_CNN_100.jpeg)

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a94f6f No.20925025

File: 26d50f5c551f98e⋯.png (610.11 KB,640x512,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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edd60f No.20925026


At least they know. Must be hard to be mental like this in public.

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01ef11 No.20925027

File: 6c03b90784cd84e⋯.png (366.01 KB,602x853,602:853,joe_biden_china_money_trai….png)

File: 19a883379749f46⋯.png (328.98 KB,693x772,693:772,MTG_Gab_07022023_china_pay….png)

File: eb860bfba873d45⋯.png (101.2 KB,813x405,271:135,transactions_china_hunter_….png)

File: d743546291fc6e7⋯.png (489.97 KB,1100x648,275:162,obama_india_china_after_Tr….png)

File: f3d8264f646c69e⋯.jpg (95.97 KB,945x594,35:22,windows_block_china.jpg)

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bcadbe No.20925028

File: 9e29af26131817c⋯.png (94.85 KB,352x341,32:31,7c25f3ad97b1ad38b114dd90e6….png)

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693743 No.20925029

File: 80993766c3bfa8b⋯.png (739.72 KB,1080x671,1080:671,Fake_n_Gay.png)

File: 2d155a182c9528a⋯.jpg (63.51 KB,500x629,500:629,8r7zcp_1_1.jpg)


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ed8282 No.20925030

File: a4d39986b43347c⋯.jpg (240.23 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Fake_Aliens_10.jpg)

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9162a6 No.20925031

File: 60392a65690c34b⋯.png (524.65 KB,1080x982,540:491,memes_to_convert_normies.png)


>thats part of a abcnews link

It's precedent

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1c2f5d No.20925032


Last time I checked it was Trans, Shooting & Stabbing Children

How many Children have Stabbed or Shot a Trans person?

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f912a9 No.20925033


>it is clearly her initials being used

no shit sherlock

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35260e No.20925034

File: c8589f6b42408b8⋯.jpg (11.95 KB,351x197,351:197,GM_Q_Endorsed.jpg)



You should see Q's GM count.

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6e2220 No.20925035

File: d720f652611945d⋯.png (165.19 KB,481x481,1:1,d720f652611945d293a90c23d7….png)

>GM is so hot right now.

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c1595a No.20925036



I'm keeping in mind who he really works for. I have no doubt he had a "visitor" that delivered a "message" regarding failure

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ed8282 No.20925037

File: 84337cfa3284cee⋯.jpg (85.39 KB,684x513,4:3,Fake_Aliens_9.jpg)

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2b13ac No.20925038

File: f7b4f22f0fa7ec6⋯.png (127.82 KB,587x391,587:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bb36a No.20925039

File: 5211d8de5672ed8⋯.png (532.95 KB,620x414,310:207,5211d8de5672ed81a6e2e6f9bc….png)

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ed8282 No.20925040

File: a92e0072017175e⋯.png (241.49 KB,346x378,173:189,Fake_Aliens_81.png)

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58faa0 No.20925041


Go Turkey GO!!

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dd182e No.20925042

File: a0c17d3cea11fb3⋯.png (223.47 KB,459x463,459:463,F6DCFF66_071E_43BA_95EF_80….png)


In yer dreams phaggit

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934133 No.20925043

File: 61ce42d1a92c686⋯.png (867.56 KB,960x640,3:2,61ce42d1a92c68628320b76748….png)


…Baking now


#25663 >>20924299

>>20924306 Baker out

>>20924324 CIA is hiding a weapon that’s “Designed is to make the target feel like they're crazy"

>>20924326 Dough claim

>>20924315 James Biden associate Keaton Langston pleads guilty to $51M Medicare fraud

>>20924363 Benjamin Netanyahu calls civilian deaths in Rafah after latest Israeli attacks "tragic mistake"

>>20924428 PF Report: RCH613 C17 departed Port Au Prince after ground stop to Charleston

>>20924603 Jan. 6 supporters hold Memorial Day 'Freedom March' for 'hero' Ashli Babbitt

>>20924611 PF Report: AE67E8 US Navy P8 Poseidon off Dubai and south of the Straight of Hormuz at 1:20am local time. Sez 631kts so if accurate it’s hauling ass

>>20924638 PF Report: Belgian AF MACE41/42 F16s up just south of Brussels Intl where Zelensky’s A319 >>20924055 lb is parked and certainly putting on a show as who dafuq is gonna attack an unarmed parked aircraft at a public airport?

>>20924644 BF Report: an Iranian-flagged Landing Craft in the area supposed to be out of UAE heading for Bandar Abbas

>>20924649 Biden Administration Presses Allies Not to Confront Iran on Nuclear Program (WSJ)

>>20924654 Neighbours condemn North Korea launch that ends in mid-air fireball

>>20924666, >>20924668 US national security adviser, Saudi Arabia’s crown prince meet to discuss ‘semi-final’ security deal

>>20924761 POTUS Truth - Can you imagine, a President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in the history of our Country, and who is also the Republican Nominee for President in the upcoming 2024 Election, and leading in all polls against the Democrat Nominee, Joe Biden, is tomorrow going before a Corrupt and Conflicted Democrat Appointed, Acting New York Judge, on a FAKE & MADE UP CASE by a Soros backed failed D.A., and the Judge himself, to see whether or not he will become a common criminal?

>>20924838 These US properties are linked to the most notorious cults

>>20924845 POTUS Truth - Could somebody please ask Judge Merchan, whatever happened to MARK POMERANTZ, the man Alvin Bragg was furious at for the things he did on this contrived and unconstitutional case, and why wasn’t he allowed to testify?

>>20924854 @FBI - Self-proclaimed king of Bissonnet heads to prison for multi-state sex trafficking scheme @FBIHouston


>>20924911 Biden’s ex-border chief denounces admin’s policies, says president never called: ‘That’s a problem’


>>20924966 PF Report: 73-1677 E4B Nightwatch heading to JBA from Offut AFB (STRATCOM)


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212aa1 No.20925045


I concur. Personally I saw a lot of this going on with Matt and Blonde, the latter in particular and it's more than just rage bait for profit. No, it's far deeper and uglier than that.

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ed8282 No.20925046

File: f53e1b8b6431f82⋯.jpeg (116.87 KB,746x1282,373:641,Fake_dossier_pedigree_2.jpeg)

File: 5003cdc60fc5983⋯.jpeg (155.11 KB,746x1027,746:1027,Fake_dossier_pedigree.jpeg)

File: fb050c1e6967141⋯.jpg (126 KB,900x649,900:649,Fake_dossier_persona.jpg)

File: cf15e93d2ba90aa⋯.jpg (89.63 KB,610x473,610:473,Fake_dossier_more_persona.jpg)

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a9157e No.20925047



Hi General Managers. You guys must be the Genetically Modified shills at Grand Marshal status

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1c2f5d No.20925048


It their Culture & Religious Freedom to do donuts on the road

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4dfb97 No.20925049

File: 6e4ac6b6743d89e⋯.jpeg (100.84 KB,474x746,237:373,IMG_0363.jpeg)


a real uap snapped by the usn

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ed8282 No.20925051

File: 84974f85492a521⋯.png (228.05 KB,501x546,167:182,Fake_News_CNN_banana.png)

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c1595a No.20925052

File: 5fca48ca82708d9⋯.jpg (46.53 KB,504x512,63:64,5fca48ca82708d930e3a860e04….jpg)


I'm looking forward to more layoffs at media matters

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9162a6 No.20925053

File: 67030574508adb4⋯.png (19.05 KB,948x190,474:95,ClipboardImage.png)


How bow these

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