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File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,d7f96ae859fbb83702782a5e34….png)

b8b96e No.20907369 [View All]

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703 posts and 434 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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bd722e No.20908197

File: b8cfce3f79a6349⋯.jpeg (51.25 KB,254x255,254:255,IMG_5198.jpeg)

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5e73d9 No.20908198

File: f31130d083f5422⋯.png (74.71 KB,848x259,848:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5302782580bd1d⋯.png (79.82 KB,838x155,838:155,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f857afa12fad4c⋯.png (74.94 KB,873x218,873:218,ClipboardImage.png)

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f02340 No.20908199

File: cbca4c3e8e2e1a2⋯.jpg (181.18 KB,1200x1200,1:1,cbca4c3e8e2e1a288297511d45….jpg)

File: 0f82a07dad67a79⋯.jpg (684.56 KB,1262x979,1262:979,2023_09_07_.jpg)

File: 88e14c35b3c3567⋯.jpeg (256.52 KB,1790x998,895:499,88e14c35b3c3567e13ea5fa5e….jpeg)

File: 66b731b597329bb⋯.jpg (18.29 KB,728x410,364:205,66b731b597329bb8dc5ba41278….jpg)

File: 1a8348f89f45d4c⋯.jpg (159.39 KB,1200x1200,1:1,gallows.jpg)

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88f7ba No.20908200


[Like between the aether bubbles


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c61709 No.20908201

File: 690a0d4649f690d⋯.png (88.6 KB,374x427,374:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e73d9 No.20908202

File: 18948e670459407⋯.png (407.66 KB,1200x500,12:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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88f7ba No.20908203


The other one

not G.Maxwell]

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8b9a4d No.20908204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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75c5e3 No.20908205

File: 8df62e6511211f7⋯.png (125.67 KB,1336x432,167:54,Screenshot_from_2024_05_24….png)


who dis?

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1d3fe5 No.20908206

File: 5e03f41840b32b0⋯.gif (15.93 MB,367x358,367:358,5e03f41840b32b01489ec99128….gif)

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fd14b5 No.20908207

File: ea5e62da12195e6⋯.jpg (160.05 KB,765x765,1:1,AmishFarmer.jpg)



if you knoe you know

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717772 No.20908208

File: 81ce44acf986413⋯.png (338.93 KB,588x730,294:365,ClipboardImage.png)


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b59a6f No.20908209


Nope, sorry to correct you anon but…..

He calls it the Melania

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8b9a4d No.20908210


Too confusing, John get Melania ready…nah

My afterthought was Alice…

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b59a6f No.20908211


The best AI are really human beings commenting.

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5e73d9 No.20908212

File: f71ee33e5663f21⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB,720x1270,72:127,cat_corn.mp4)

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d23650 No.20908213

File: 2608fc85cb73a9e⋯.jpg (20.57 KB,474x419,474:419,tt.jpg)

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fd14b5 No.20908214

File: 4a4cfa7056941d6⋯.png (479.75 KB,771x519,257:173,4a4cfa7056941d66e1f91f2dac….png)

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fd14b5 No.20908215

File: d3269680f3c53ba⋯.jpg (13.7 KB,255x255,1:1,free_donut_for_the_vaxx_46….jpg)

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d239eb No.20908216

File: 1f7815f7f77f420⋯.jpg (48.78 KB,645x387,5:3,LINDSEYGRAHAMWARCRIMINALPS….jpg)

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fd14b5 No.20908217


david icke is right

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fd14b5 No.20908218


kate perosky

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5ffde3 No.20908219

Id rather have a dystopian future with a chance to live in a place that is real and based in a Republic of truth, rather than be subjugated to Washington DC and to the communist policy's that have brought 33 trillion dollars in the last 43 years.

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fd14b5 No.20908220

File: 054562a9eec1652⋯.png (154.7 KB,322x294,23:21,mike_johnson_492210c5a19fe….png)

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5e73d9 No.20908221

File: 61cd8cccba4f367⋯.png (343.94 KB,704x449,704:449,Screenshot_2023_04_10_02_5….png)

File: 4388bb9ae213983⋯.png (203.21 KB,636x415,636:415,Screenshot_2023_04_10_02_5….png)

File: 0b7527527339ff1⋯.png (86.5 KB,528x354,88:59,Screenshot_2023_04_10_02_5….png)

File: 13f63c50f823855⋯.png (71.27 KB,387x330,129:110,Screenshot_2023_04_10_02_5….png)

File: 769e29cf1ab10ad⋯.png (135.99 KB,346x346,1:1,Screenshot_2023_04_10_02_5….png)


Get down on the ground Church service is over

This place is getting FAB 2000 and then gona be the third temple after we kill the red heffer.

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1d3fe5 No.20908222


#25643 >>20907386

>>20907404 Never forget these words from 2017: "Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people."

>>20907443 Japan's inflation slows further, keeping BOJ cautious on further rate hikes

>>20907483 Schumann 24/05/24

>>20907507 "We are the answer, we choose these people and they work for us"

>>20907595 Surging Crime #1 Issue Amongst Diverse Set Of Bronx Residents At Trump Rally

>>20907612 Calla Smith sings the National Anthem in Navajo

>>20907617 King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa greeted President Vladimir Putin during his two-day visit to Moscow saying that 'this is one of the happiest days of my life because this is the day I meet you'

>>20907671 UK MPs cheered a delegation of notorious Azov* Ukrainian military unit at a roundtable in Parliament, while former PM Boris Johnson called them 'heroes'.

>>20907688 Alex Soros and Huma Abedin at The White House

>>20907691, >>20907702 Potato twat about Kenya

>>20907753 Media Matters is funded by taxpayers?

>>20907799 ‘If a New Yorker can’t save this country, no one can': The Donald channels Reagan as he vows to flip New York at rowdy Bronx rally where Latinos and blacks turn out in force

>>20907929 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT TOO BIG TO RIG—MAGA2024!!! DonaldJTrump.com

>>20908061 President Putin signs decree allowing Russia to confiscate US assets



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88f7ba No.20908223


[I'd rather have an open civil war against the globalists

Than this psyop bullshit]

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fd14b5 No.20908224

File: 363eaefad62349f⋯.png (266.22 KB,514x518,257:259,363eaefad62349f155e26d7a87….png)

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5e73d9 No.20908226

File: 62d50393fb672c8⋯.png (763.85 KB,870x1542,145:257,_.png)


Stop lying you wanna smell chnks's chonies for that salty smells..

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fd14b5 No.20908229

File: 9d2b0a61482f427⋯.jpg (66.23 KB,668x374,334:187,biblical.jpg)



i dont care, what ever it will be, will be bibilical

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d239eb No.20908230


Fuck off Anon

Lindsey graham is confirmed deepstate asshole

and should be removed from office ,he is clearly mentally unstable and a war criminal.

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fd14b5 No.20908231

File: cff807e3235be48⋯.png (2.77 MB,1673x1240,1673:1240,ken_paxton_13da6b.png)

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1d3fe5 No.20908233

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fd14b5 No.20908234

File: 5002fef47965235⋯.jpeg (198.78 KB,1047x1448,1047:1448,5002fef479652351fb1a336d8….jpeg)

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8b9a4d No.20908235


You forgot cries like a little girl…

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0d9baa No.20908236


Move to Ukraine.

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bd722e No.20908240

File: a9d734bfa926995⋯.png (519.58 KB,668x374,334:187,IMG_3898.png)

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1d3fe5 No.20908241

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beb7bb No.20908242


anons got a point, thats where the tax paying monies are going.

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bd722e No.20908243

File: 3562a817df0c1c8⋯.jpeg (72.57 KB,480x685,96:137,IMG_3505.jpeg)

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fd14b5 No.20908244

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fd14b5 No.20908245

File: 91a24f6b96942fa⋯.mp4 (173.51 KB,640x368,40:23,MICHELLES_DICK_9.mp4)

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73a9ac No.20908246


Ever try to get anything done at the local level?

You complain about something and find out that you get them harassing YOU, instead of solving the problem. YOU become the problem by complaining about something. You find out that you are paying other people to harass you instead of solving problems for you.

You complain that people are speeding down your street, you get the police pulling you over instead of the speeders. They don't like anyone telling them what to do. They are the ones in charge because they are bullies. You complain about a business that has lights that are too bright, you end up with the ordinance office at your house ordering you to cut down a tree that that the city killed and is dead on the easement. You want to hire a lawyer to represent you? You go up against a lawyer that is on retainer by the city and is paid for with your taxes.

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1d3fe5 No.20908247

File: 000aeb8a5f62a66⋯.gif (3.51 MB,273x153,91:51,000aeb8a5f62a6630342bd6524….gif)

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fd14b5 No.20908249

File: 80689d98133269c⋯.jpg (51.06 KB,760x500,38:25,it_wasnt_a_presidency_it_w….jpg)

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5ffde3 No.20908251

File: c0237ceed9427da⋯.jpg (238.92 KB,750x920,75:92,c0237ceed9427da5de6e97aefb….jpg)

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fd14b5 No.20908253


Go do a free course at Hillsdale Collage on the American constitution

you git

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1d3fe5 No.20908254

File: 2ded0e46d61f636⋯.jpg (85.27 KB,700x939,700:939,2ded0e46d61f6369b0c934ec71….jpg)

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e2ce09 No.20908255

File: 2d636ca1c12d135⋯.jpg (140.11 KB,1408x1414,704:707,2d636ca1c12d13503d6416afc9….jpg)

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fd14b5 No.20908256

File: a248fa5002f7f1e⋯.jpeg (70.64 KB,580x680,29:34,anti_vaxer_F4jxre0WMAAcK_….jpeg)

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