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File: c37757bde6a2ec3⋯.png (45.12 KB,250x140,25:14,iwojima_banner.png)

5a1fc8 No.20905771 [View All]

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702 posts and 522 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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e351ab No.20906524

File: 103883b54c2c850⋯.png (294.06 KB,673x628,673:628,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)

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fb2ef2 No.20906525

TRANSCRIPT: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York - 5/23/24

==2 / 2=


President Trump: We blew the hell out of one side, Iraq. So now Iraq is a subsidiary, essentially, of Iran. Congratulations to the geniuses that got us into that mess.


President Trump: There's no way that those hostages [taken by Hamas], and some will be alive, but many of those hostages are dead.


President Trump: Another lesson [from his father], when times are tough, sometimes that's when you perform the best. You have to learn that about yourself.


President Trump: It's very important to know what you want. You have to set your sights high. Set your sights so high, higher than you every though possible, and make your goals big, and go after it. That's why I say we won't just make New York a little better, we want to make New York a lot better, better than it ever was before.


President Trump: When I take office, we are going to restore public safety and the rule of law in New York City. That starts with stopping the pouring into our country of millions and millions of illegal immigrants, which are causing a new category of violence called migrant crime.


President Trump: I think they're building; they want to get us from within [illegal alien invasion]. I think they are building an army…they are building something, they have something in mind.


President Trump: The flood of migrants is putting crippling burdens on our communities, your schools, hospitals, parks, and public resources.


President Trump: When I am in the White House, I will stand up to the marxist DAs and Soros prosecutors, and we will tell them, "No more. We're not going to stand for it." We will not let them destroy our communities, we will not let them destroy our country. There's a fifty-three increase in felony assaults on your subways…that's in a short period of time. Since 2019, murders are up more than twenty percent, shootings are up more than thirty percent. I'm, going to indemnify all police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the United States to protect them from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong actions on crime.


President Trump: I also want to work with your mayor and your governor, happen to be democrats, to clean up the homeless encampments, so that you can once again enjoy your parks and your public spaces. Right now, you don't have public spaces, they're occupied by migrants in tents…your lifestyle and the American Dream will be with you once again.


President Trump: Years ago, people with severe mental illness were in mental institutions, and then a certain governor, I won't mention the name because at this point, what difference; they dumped all of them into the streets because they said those institutions were too expensive to run, so now they live on our streets, and that's what we have. This is no good for anybody. It's bad for the people who need help, and it's bad for the people of our city, and it's a horrible, horrible, way to live. I want to work in partnership with your local leaders, democrats; pretty much all, and move the severely mentally ill off your streets and back into a place where they can get help, and the help that they desperately need.


President Trump: We're going to restore peace through strength. We're going to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country.

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e8a6e6 No.20906526

File: 8c4cc8a16b33590⋯.png (30.85 KB,626x249,626:249,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1bf36563eae864⋯.png (278.21 KB,622x534,311:267,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9bda3bc450410f⋯.png (217.4 KB,271x378,271:378,ClipboardImage.png)


ChatGPT Global News



JUST IN: DuPont, a renowned industrial company, announces plans to separate into three independent entities - DuPont, Electronics, and Water.

The strategic move aims to enhance focus, agility, and value creation across key industries. Exciting times ahead for the company! #DuPont

May 23, 2024 · 11:48 PM UTC



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592d2a No.20906527

File: 38ca0c21c9fa196⋯.jpg (113.57 KB,1022x1018,511:509,stevie_wonder_is_not_even_….jpg)

babe ruth

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22687f No.20906528

File: d92ea48f3a4d708⋯.jpg (142.15 KB,1080x1081,1080:1081,bigly4.jpg)

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fb2ef2 No.20906529

TRANSCRIPT: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York - 5/23/24

2 / 2


President Trump: We blew the hell out of one side, Iraq. So now Iraq is a subsidiary, essentially, of Iran. Congratulations to the geniuses that got us into that mess.


President Trump: There's no way that those hostages [taken by Hamas], and some will be alive, but many of those hostages are dead.


President Trump: Another lesson [from his father], when times are tough, sometimes that's when you perform the best. You have to learn that about yourself.


President Trump: It's very important to know what you want. You have to set your sights high. Set your sights so high, higher than you every though possible, and make your goals big, and go after it. That's why I say we won't just make New York a little better, we want to make New York a lot better, better than it ever was before.


President Trump: When I take office, we are going to restore public safety and the rule of law in New York City. That starts with stopping the pouring into our country of millions and millions of illegal immigrants, which are causing a new category of violence called migrant crime.


President Trump: I think they're building; they want to get us from within [illegal alien invasion]. I think they are building an army…they are building something, they have something in mind.


President Trump: The flood of migrants is putting crippling burdens on our communities, your schools, hospitals, parks, and public resources.


President Trump: When I am in the White House, I will stand up to the marxist DAs and Soros prosecutors, and we will tell them, "No more. We're not going to stand for it." We will not let them destroy our communities, we will not let them destroy our country. There's a fifty-three increase in felony assaults on your subways…that's in a short period of time. Since 2019, murders are up more than twenty percent, shootings are up more than thirty percent. I'm, going to indemnify all police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the United States to protect them from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong actions on crime.


President Trump: I also want to work with your mayor and your governor, happen to be democrats, to clean up the homeless encampments, so that you can once again enjoy your parks and your public spaces. Right now, you don't have public spaces, they're occupied by migrants in tents…your lifestyle and the American Dream will be with you once again.


President Trump: Years ago, people with severe mental illness were in mental institutions, and then a certain governor, I won't mention the name because at this point, what difference; they dumped all of them into the streets because they said those institutions were too expensive to run, so now they live on our streets, and that's what we have. This is no good for anybody. It's bad for the people who need help, and it's bad for the people of our city, and it's a horrible, horrible, way to live. I want to work in partnership with your local leaders, democrats; pretty much all, and move the severely mentally ill off your streets and back into a place where they can get help, and the help that they desperately need.


President Trump: We're going to restore peace through strength. We're going to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country.

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efb24e No.20906530


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9a0460 No.20906531

File: be1209004ae3f6e⋯.png (429.22 KB,599x642,599:642,cle.PNG)




End Wokeness




143 Democrats just voted in favor of non-citizens voting in American elections:


Rate proposed Community Notes

Elon Musk


The shows clear as day that the reason the Democrats have an open border policy is to import voters

10:01 AM · May 23, 2024




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abbd55 No.20906532

File: 8e1ce1d525745ae⋯.png (11.88 KB,254x251,254:251,Pepe_wtf.png)

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e351ab No.20906533

File: 260701c33f30ba6⋯.png (482.84 KB,753x559,753:559,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)

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e38f8c No.20906534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d86ec8 No.20906535

File: 2032691c7d902e4⋯.png (2.46 MB,1024x1024,1:1,2032691c7d902e44a5111fa188….png)

Thank you Sir!


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d4c632 No.20906536

File: 20d5319e399a051⋯.png (1.89 MB,1300x997,1300:997,011o7121745235517677788883….png)

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22687f No.20906537

File: e9db8bef1081fa9⋯.jpg (97.16 KB,800x449,800:449,be_best3.jpg)

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104a0e No.20906538

Trump had a bit of a different attitude in the bronx tonight

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7d70eb No.20906539

God bless everybody

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ef1290 No.20906540

File: 9832f63f39271d8⋯.jpg (97.18 KB,800x449,800:449,9832f63f39271d803f971f11b9….jpg)

Excellent rally President Trump!!! o7

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c96ee9 No.20906541

File: 93f6b1c5b5417f7⋯.jpg (135.48 KB,1124x1000,281:250,nukefbi.jpg)


MAGA supports local Police - who protect the public.


Who work for NWO?

Who are totally subversive to our Constitution and the principles for which we always felt proud and still do.


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007eb5 No.20906542

File: b51ec28c92aa079⋯.png (377.6 KB,840x465,56:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6f0cc No.20906543

File: 00462173a29ba66⋯.png (444.28 KB,385x704,35:64,ClipboardImage.png)

Madcows apple protrudes when its angry.

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5a1fc8 No.20906544

File: 05671bd60ea3b3c⋯.png (9.97 KB,444x238,222:119,800.png)



FEB 21

:Protect 6/14-46 from #788




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a97e30 No.20906545

That certainly was not a typical rally.

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d36c11 No.20906546

File: 360189046846f9e⋯.png (753.32 KB,680x681,680:681,ynebtrewtrew.PNG)

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fb2ef2 No.20906547

Notables FINAL

#25641 >>20905778

>>20905789 LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York - 5/23/24

>>20906525, >>20906529 Rally Transcript

>>20906034, >>20906018, >>20906333 260,000+ watching on Youtube + Rumble + Twitch

>>20905782, >>20905810, >>20905821, >>20905882, >>20905952, >>20906059, >>20906431, >>20906472 Photo Album

>>20906200 This is the massive overflow crowd who couldn’t get in to President Trump’s South Bronx rally

>>20905814, >>20905872 Trump en route to the Bronx

>>20906098 Scavino: Happening Now in THE BRONX! #TRUMP2024

>>20905820, >>20905913, >>20905835 Bronx United in supporting Trump

>>20906215 Donald Trump promises to build New York City the most beautiful transit system in the world if elected President in 2024

>>20906295 Trump set for historic Bronx rally: Thousands descend on New York City as residents reveal what they really think of Biden

>>20906096 Just a reminder that they cheated in NY too

>>20906033 Marker [1] Confirmed

>>20906172 "571 miles of wall"

>>20906175 No fringe on the flags

>>20906211 Big night! President Trump is the first Republican to campaign in the Bronx in 40+ years

>>20906213 Trump will flip NY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20905809 PF: CONUS / Caribbean activity - Southern Cmdr arrived in Panama

>>20905847 Hundreds of anti-Israel Harvard students, faculty walk out of graduation ceremony

>>20905857 Baltimore’s former top prosecutor spared prison for mortgage fraud and perjury

>>20905864 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Triggered tonight @ 6 PM EST joined by Mary Margaret Olohan on her new book “Detrans”

>>20905865 MAGA intensifies

>>20905877 COVID-19 Adviser to Fauci bragged about helping him evade FOIA

>>20905888 The Trump Organization: Kicking off the unofficial start to summer with @TrumpStore - enjoy up to 30% off sitewide now through Monday

>>20905892 MTG: Goldman is such a dumb arrogant elitist that he thinks the American people have forgotten that President Trump was already POTUS and how GREAT America was

>>20905905, >>20906013 Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul is big mad over President Trump visiting the Bronx

>>20906054 Jesuit Journal Joins Atheists in Trashing Harrison Butker

>>20906058 Blackstone sold $328.64m of Gates Company, May 21st

>>20906208 Illinois plans to re-label ‘offenders’ as ‘justice impacted individuals’

>>20906227 CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer, new IRS whistleblower docs say

>>20906241 Exhibit A: Media Matters

>>20906250 House Republicans demand information on immigrants who attempted to breach Marine Corps base

>>20906303 Morgan Stanley's executive chairman James Gorman told the bank's annual shareholder meeting that he would step down on Dec. 31

>>20906334 Nine Entertainment, the nation's largest domestic media company, grapples with allegations of inappropriate behaviour by a former senior executive

>>20906393 Netanyahu Warns US Leaders Could Be Targeted Next

>>20906404 What other reason would Germany have to decriminalize possession of child porn other than the fact that they are a country run by pedophiles?

>>20906410 'I Did Delete All Of Peter's Emails Relating To Origin': COVID Cabal Conspired To Destroy Evidence To Evade FOIA Requests

>>20906415 Newly Released Emails Reveal that John Kerry and Obama Admin Blocked FBI from Arresting Dangerous Iranians Including Terrorists at Least 8 Times

>>20906516 Thomas Massie: I've introduced HR 8519 to eliminate taxpayer funding of online censorship

>>20906526 DuPont, a renowned industrial company, announces plans to separate into three independent entities - DuPont, Electronics, and Water


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19ac1d No.20906548

File: 81bd0c0691a3860⋯.png (69.47 KB,273x204,91:68,ClipboardImage.png)


but first there was


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fb2ef2 No.20906549

Notables FINAL

#25641 >>20905778

>>20905789 LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York - 5/23/24

>>20906519, >>20906529 Rally Transcript

>>20906034, >>20906018, >>20906333 260,000+ watching on Youtube + Rumble + Twitch

>>20905782, >>20905810, >>20905821, >>20905882, >>20905952, >>20906059, >>20906431, >>20906472 Photo Album

>>20906200 This is the massive overflow crowd who couldn’t get in to President Trump’s South Bronx rally

>>20905814, >>20905872 Trump en route to the Bronx

>>20906098 Scavino: Happening Now in THE BRONX! #TRUMP2024

>>20905820, >>20905913, >>20905835 Bronx United in supporting Trump

>>20906215 Donald Trump promises to build New York City the most beautiful transit system in the world if elected President in 2024

>>20906295 Trump set for historic Bronx rally: Thousands descend on New York City as residents reveal what they really think of Biden

>>20906096 Just a reminder that they cheated in NY too

>>20906033 Marker [1] Confirmed

>>20906172 "571 miles of wall"

>>20906175 No fringe on the flags

>>20906211 Big night! President Trump is the first Republican to campaign in the Bronx in 40+ years

>>20906213 Trump will flip NY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20905809 PF: CONUS / Caribbean activity - Southern Cmdr arrived in Panama

>>20905847 Hundreds of anti-Israel Harvard students, faculty walk out of graduation ceremony

>>20905857 Baltimore’s former top prosecutor spared prison for mortgage fraud and perjury

>>20905864 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Triggered tonight @ 6 PM EST joined by Mary Margaret Olohan on her new book “Detrans”

>>20905865 MAGA intensifies

>>20905877 COVID-19 Adviser to Fauci bragged about helping him evade FOIA

>>20905888 The Trump Organization: Kicking off the unofficial start to summer with @TrumpStore - enjoy up to 30% off sitewide now through Monday

>>20905892 MTG: Goldman is such a dumb arrogant elitist that he thinks the American people have forgotten that President Trump was already POTUS and how GREAT America was

>>20905905, >>20906013 Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul is big mad over President Trump visiting the Bronx

>>20906054 Jesuit Journal Joins Atheists in Trashing Harrison Butker

>>20906058 Blackstone sold $328.64m of Gates Company, May 21st

>>20906208 Illinois plans to re-label ‘offenders’ as ‘justice impacted individuals’

>>20906227 CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer, new IRS whistleblower docs say

>>20906241 Exhibit A: Media Matters

>>20906250 House Republicans demand information on immigrants who attempted to breach Marine Corps base

>>20906303 Morgan Stanley's executive chairman James Gorman told the bank's annual shareholder meeting that he would step down on Dec. 31

>>20906334 Nine Entertainment, the nation's largest domestic media company, grapples with allegations of inappropriate behaviour by a former senior executive

>>20906393 Netanyahu Warns US Leaders Could Be Targeted Next

>>20906404 What other reason would Germany have to decriminalize possession of child porn other than the fact that they are a country run by pedophiles?

>>20906410 'I Did Delete All Of Peter's Emails Relating To Origin': COVID Cabal Conspired To Destroy Evidence To Evade FOIA Requests

>>20906415 Newly Released Emails Reveal that John Kerry and Obama Admin Blocked FBI from Arresting Dangerous Iranians Including Terrorists at Least 8 Times

>>20906516 Thomas Massie: I've introduced HR 8519 to eliminate taxpayer funding of online censorship

>>20906526 DuPont, a renowned industrial company, announces plans to separate into three independent entities - DuPont, Electronics, and Water


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b91158 No.20906550

File: 610ed1fa58934cf⋯.mp4 (6.74 MB,320x580,16:29,610ed1fa58934cf1c18d9a7515….mp4)

wont belong nao

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007eb5 No.20906551

File: df3212014b6c3ff⋯.png (532.67 KB,844x467,844:467,ClipboardImage.png)

PDJT Took The Bronx

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22687f No.20906552

File: 972293398cb611b⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,1280x768,5:3,checkd7.jpg)


Check them 2's.

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1d54b3 No.20906553


"If Trump wins he'll try us for treason and execute us…"

Nah, tried for Crimes against Humanity and Mass Murder more likely

"Safe and effective…"

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401750 No.20906554

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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c96ee9 No.20906555


He also showed another side to himself at NRA talk.

Always good though.

He did a lot of narrative here.

Proud of the work he did in his hometown.

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c2ee19 No.20906556

File: 2dc644580817c34⋯.png (764.52 KB,1213x702,1213:702,ClipboardImage.png)

I'm not groovin', you're groovin. shutup.

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9c20d1 No.20906557

File: 262394458ed8848⋯.png (835.21 KB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 440170c2906afe1⋯.png (1.26 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a0460 No.20906558

File: f41d7f59c202a87⋯.png (143.42 KB,382x349,382:349,love.PNG)


Nothing but love

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750ea0 No.20906560

File: 6fe45560d87deef⋯.png (1.07 MB,1055x1200,211:240,IMG_1670.png)

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401750 No.20906563

File: 46ae5b0bea13fdb⋯.png (483.82 KB,740x738,370:369,_11.png)

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b6f0cc No.20906565

File: 5bf4af86d0a5937⋯.png (199.78 KB,850x1782,425:891,ClipboardImage.png)




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1031b2 No.20906568

File: 4c46175a42f4c0c⋯.png (12.04 KB,255x191,255:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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c51c59 No.20906569

File: 4b0681c232d5b10⋯.png (1.3 MB,1050x958,525:479,4b0681c232d5b100c828f11abd….png)

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3540a2 No.20906570


Fuck off shill.

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5a1fc8 No.20906571

File: f8ef4c036f85edb⋯.png (1.36 MB,1024x1024,1:1,2024.png)



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401750 No.20906572

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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e8a6e6 No.20906573

File: 40a3fb26a0cbba2⋯.png (416.55 KB,720x540,4:3,40a3fb26a0cbba2eec73d195fc….png)


Best bread in a while.

o7 baker.

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19ac1d No.20906574

File: 2d2a079f4e76207⋯.jpg (17.5 KB,255x170,3:2,tendiecolors.jpg)

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401750 No.20906576

File: 4b249baea3572c9⋯.jpg (49.02 KB,488x461,488:461,DxPWXrxWwAEgqB_.jpg)

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fb2ef2 No.20906577

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a8ad5b No.20906578

File: 51ae1b957426815⋯.png (560.9 KB,663x497,663:497,scbbydoo.png)

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5a1fc8 No.20906579


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401750 No.20906580

File: 600a4128cfcad86⋯.jpg (67.69 KB,564x354,94:59,e69bd7956d20c627a466e35012….jpg)

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