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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

202635 No.20899982 [View All]

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94dc8c No.20900767


>The dow continues to drift down from 40k.

Perhaps it hit the firmament?

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a61fc7 No.20900768


yes practically

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2a9235 No.20900769


kind anon takes time to explain chan to mental deficient

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2a9235 No.20900770



or un.


farcical realism is best reality.

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884c84 No.20900771


The investigation uncovered a disconcerting link between the “Dancing Israelis” and the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency. A former high-ranking American intelligence official revealed that the FBI had concluded the five Israelis were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission, with their employer, Urban Moving Systems, serving as a convenient cover. In fact, at least two of the arrested individuals were confirmed to have had direct links to the Mossad, as their names appeared in a CIA-FBI database of foreign intelligence operatives.

Oded Ellner, one of the detained Israelis, confirmed on Israeli television that their purpose in New York was to “document the event,” referring to the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. The release of the FOIA photos is significant, even though they are heavily redacted, obscuring the Israelis’ facial expressions. Nonetheless, previously declassified FBI reports stated that the Israelis appeared “visibly happy” in nearly every photo, even with the burning towers in the background.

Remarkably, of the original 76 pictures developed by authorities from the Israelis’ camera, only 14 were released. One shows an Israeli holding up a lit lighter, with the towers in the background. Curiously, this photo bears the date of September 10, 2001, a day before the attacks. The photos and footage were completely wiped from the internet and from public access; And on January 27th 2014, the US Government had them destroyed.

One question that persists is why the FBI suddenly ‘officially’ concluded that the arrested Israelis had no prior knowledge of the attacks, a conclusion which lies in direct conflict with the facts. Reports indicate that the Bush administration may have intervened in the investigation, ultimately leading to the release and deportation of the five Israelis. Attorney General John Ashcroft personally signed off on their release.

When asked about the Israelis’ involvement in the attacks, Bush Admin officials and investigators refused to describe them saying “Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified”

The presence of explosive residue in the Israelis’ van, the lack of equipment consistent with a moving company, and the strange possessions found — including a “white sock-like sack filled with $4,700 in cash,” maps of the city with specific locations highlighted, and box cutters — only add to the enigma.

Urban Moving Systems, the employer of the five Israelis, also raised suspicion for being a “fraudulent operation.” The FBI found little evidence of a legitimate business operation, and noted an unusually large number of computers relative to the number of employees. The owner, Dominik Otto Suter, an Israeli citizen, fled to Israel soon after being questioned by the FBI.

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56eb82 No.20900772

File: d4a551a45d1d730⋯.png (387.49 KB,746x475,746:475,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_1….png)



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311621 No.20900773


It’s waiting for Nvidia.

Like that is a harbinger for reality.

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7b4404 No.20900774

File: bc71862f92e1da1⋯.jpg (63.32 KB,583x500,583:500,7n5rxk.jpg)

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05c4be No.20900775


Celebrities would make the best assassins / spies. They travel worldwide for events so it's the perfect cover and they are already great actors / actresses.

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202635 No.20900776

File: f46911515cd0bb8⋯.jpeg (111.74 KB,661x627,661:627,f46911515cd0bb85fadfa6fd4….jpeg)


hold 'em til next bread pls


#25634 >>20899994

>>20900000 Digits Of Winning - watch - RIGHT NOW Video for (you) anons

>>20900008 One of Jack Smith's inquisitors, Julie Edelstein, tried to pressure former Trump attorney Tim Parlatore into disclosing privileged conversations with the president

>>20900013, >>20900049 Hunter Biden tried to pin his missing handgun on 'shady,' 'prolly illegal' Mexican grocery store workers after girlfriend Hallie dumped it in a public trash can

>>20900057 PlaneFaggin’: CONUS activity

>>20900084, >>20900188, >>20900209 May 23rd 2024 - EPIC - President Donald J. Trump to Visit the South Bronx

>>20900099, >>20900667, >>20900669 Swamp Happenings

>>20900104 DJTJr WTF??? The real threat to American Democracy is coming from the Bolsheviks in the Biden Administration

>>20900117 READ THE LABELS Stores and Growers that Use 'Apeel' Bill Gates Food Coating - Demand Accountability Locally

>>20900131 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Green Aurora over Sweden

>>20900132, >>20900138 Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections

>>20900137 NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.14 million SAAR in April

>>20900179 Senator McConnell on Justice Alito: "We Need to Leave the Supreme Court Alone"

>>20900184 Go Back to the Future with NASA at Comicpalooza 2024

>>20900187 Senator Schumer in Talks with Speaker on Netanyahu Address to Congress

>>20900192 President Biden: "We Reject ICC's Application for Arrest Warrants Against Israeli Leaders"

>>20900246 DEVELOPING: Republican National Committee headquarters under lockdown after being sent vials of blood - NBC

>>20900250 US threatens German banks with sanctions

>>20900275 NASA Tool Gets Ready to Image Faraway Planets

>>20900295 Feds Ban Memorial Day Event to Honor Fallen Heroes From National Cemetery, Call it a ‘Demonstration’

>>20900298 British politician Andrew Bridgen just CALLED OUT the World Economic Forum in parliament

>>20900367 NASA and Boeing have further delayed the launch of a crewed test flight of the company’s CST-100 Starliner spacecraft

>>20900392 2 killed and 3 hurt in a mass shooting at a Pennsylvania linen company. A suspect is in custody

>>20900411 California lawmaker's mic cut off while reading bill to end sanctuary state laws, says Dems 'don't care'

>>20900437 "Fat Leonard" Judge dismisses felony convictions of 5 retired military officers in US Navy bribery case

>>20900447 Pentagon says NONE of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population

>>20900463 Speaker Johnson Demands U.S. Punish ICC For Issuing Arrest Warrants For Netanyahu

>>20900472 SpaceX Launches - MAY 22, 2024 - NROL-146 MISSION

>>20900513, >>20900547, >>20900566 FBI Was Planned Deadly Force Against Trump Security Detail During MLRaid to Regain Deep State FBI/DOJ Secrets

>>20900521 Walton Family just sold 3,540,250 shares of Walmart equity for: $228,539,069m on May 17th, 2024

>>20900531, >>20900540 ESA’s Vigil space weather forecasting mission, ESA signs contracts for commercial space cargo return service

>>20900545 QClock May 22, 2024 - Cannibal Club, Vials of Blood, RNC HQ

>>20900546 QClock May 21, 2024 - Bush & Israel 911, Israel for Last

>>20900576 Pentagon working with SpaceX to cut off Russian military’s illicit use of Starlink internet

>>20900577 bun of LIBS Have Salty, Unhinged MELTDOWNS As Trump’s GOLDEN SNEAKER’S Skyrocket To WORLDWIDE Success

>>20900581 You guys @BarackObama unfollowed @Diddy lmao

>>20900596, >>20900606 Panic- Mimsey Graham says the US should sanction the ICC over fears an arrest warrant will be issued for him next

>>20900600 BREAKING: At least 16 U.S. elected officials are parroting "equivalency" to comment on the ICC’s decision

>>20900614 The 4th TES Cyber Team recognized as Space Force’s best for 2023

>>20900630 Pro-life rescuer Heather Idoni sentenced to 24 months, denied home detention despite stroke

>>20900710, >>20900714 Donald Trump Jr. Brings Professional MAGA Team to New York City

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2a9235 No.20900777


"pulling a bibi"

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05c4be No.20900778


Also you'd never expect it; just hiding in plain site.

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05c4be No.20900779

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2a9235 No.20900780

mayhap britbros and ameribros get the same rebirthdate soon™


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d27a52 No.20900781

File: d4f1a49393b2d32⋯.jpg (21.32 KB,500x351,500:351,7331d74b12b9238235358d595e….jpg)

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864703 No.20900782

The absolute state of the planet.

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802d75 No.20900783



both would be effective weapons, one may be more noticeable than the other

A) deliver fatally toxic amounts of treatment chems but show as normal

B) deliver ZERO treatment chems but show as normal

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7b4404 No.20900785

File: b104d5986fa1a40⋯.jpg (19.37 KB,474x315,158:105,get_close.jpg)


>Celebrities would make the best assassins

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cf0334 No.20900788

File: fd20a3052bf806d⋯.png (925.61 KB,690x518,345:259,omnimind.png)

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668baa No.20900790

File: 020803720b2ceb1⋯.gif (6.45 MB,532x640,133:160,020803720b2ceb1b47bac7094a….gif)

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2a9235 No.20900792

the independence day assault pattern would work with targeting redirect…

even on the masters.

it would take them time to rehost if enough could be killed quickly enough.


will and coordination would not be feasible in the current digital environment.





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0401e2 No.20900795

Don’t leave before the miracle happens.

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376371 No.20900796

File: 2d408d3fed28b9f⋯.jpg (30.71 KB,612x380,153:95,we_didnt_start_the_fire_d7….jpg)

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202635 No.20900797

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864703 No.20900798

File: 42e7948b0f38d90⋯.png (347.54 KB,580x3006,290:1503,153.png)

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2a9235 No.20900801

File: 2e9dac3f99bc30f⋯.gif (7.56 MB,532x640,133:160,20240522_123850.gif)

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802d75 No.20900802

File: ca36ad351d10d5e⋯.jpg (17 KB,474x266,237:133,OIP_6_.jpg)

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d27a52 No.20900808

File: 4fa91c58891eb91⋯.png (199.08 KB,465x220,93:44,ClipboardImage.png)


v for vendetta

predictive programming

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202635 No.20900809

File: 494428658b0ae65⋯.png (638.97 KB,993x775,993:775,494428658b0ae65e436133ec1f….png)

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802d75 No.20900810


Assange too ill to attend last-ditch court bid against extradition, lawyer says


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05100b No.20900812

File: 23933f372bad2e7⋯.png (156.04 KB,420x717,140:239,ClipboardImage.png)

The Hum you hear is Real, from the ground, from the sky, or from directly at ya. If it's intention is to scare you; knowing it, don't be.

You can't kick your dog and the NEXTRAD turns off and gives you a break.

He doesn't really give a solution to the problem.



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202635 No.20900813

File: 6b30c4eab0bb912⋯.png (1.79 MB,1151x796,1151:796,_By_the_Dawn_s_Early_Light….png)

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48ac85 No.20900814

Lots of comms from the TV seriesArrested Development, narrated by Ron Howard (Opie):

–Ron Howard narrating says Tobias mistook agent Frank as an agent of the CAA instead of the ClA. This is interesting b/c the CAA, the SAG, etc are Hollywood agencies that are extensions of intelligence agencies tasked with mass psyops. Howard has been in the game since he was a tot, groomed for this very thing.

–The Bluth Company, ran by patriarch George Bluth (somewhat similar to ClA George Bush's name), built homes for Saddam Hussein in Iraq, but GB claimed he was a "patsy"

–When the Bluth Company is playing the rival Sitwell company/family in the annual softball game, the scoreboard is briefly shown and the score is 6-6 in the 6th inning, The imagery produced is a triangular 6-6-6.

–In the latter seasons, Gob (pronounced like the Biblical Job), the eldest son, is a magician who idolizes Tony Wonder, a magician who pretends to be gay. In his idolization and competitiveness, Gob continually makes a mockery of Christianity.

–Gob is also a significant name because his name is an acronym for "George Oscar Bluth". This is significant because his father's name is George, and his uncle's name is Oscar. George & Oscar are twins and the matriarch of the Bluth family (Lucille) has had affairs with George's brother Oscar. In fact, Oscar is the biological father of the youngest son Buster.

–Tony Wonder, the pretend gay magician, is played by Ben Stiller, who has been rumored to be an agent.

–In one episode, Michael Bluth (played by Jason Bateman of "Ozark" fame), is talking to Ron Howard inside a makeshift lunar module. In this scene, Ron Howard tells Michael that the moon landing was faked and that he and his brother watched the whole thing from the rafters in a studio. He does add that NASA went to the moon (for real) in 1971.

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802d75 No.20900815

File: 9566cc362fc87cb⋯.jpg (114.81 KB,700x500,7:5,R_1_.jpg)

File: 5c10dbbdf61d11c⋯.webp (113.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,cindy_bob.webp)

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2a9235 No.20900818

File: 70ee0b3823a52d5⋯.jpg (40.19 KB,474x474,1:1,20240522_124215.jpg)

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4a3998 No.20900819


get out of my phone

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81f21e No.20900820

File: 17e7bd1faea04be⋯.png (3.42 MB,2432x1406,64:37,Multi_tasker_Trump_wins_Su….png)

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2a9235 No.20900821


jules won't leave the beach.

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802d75 No.20900823


pronounced beyotch

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198ad9 No.20994426


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d51b5a No.20994436

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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d51b5a No.20994441

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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d51b5a No.20994443

File: 8138357d6cc73a0⋯.jpg (29.37 KB,640x360,16:9,TrumpPutinSmile.jpg)

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d51b5a No.20994446

File: 7bb47c5d67913b3⋯.jpg (46.98 KB,599x561,599:561,Q_trolling_universe.jpg)

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d51b5a No.20994450

File: aa300da86f3ecc9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1478x1010,739:505,Q_end_is_near.png)

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d51b5a No.20994452

File: da3dfdf457bf009⋯.jpg (46.8 KB,460x380,23:19,Jeff_Sessions_Andy_Mills.jpg)

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d51b5a No.20994454

File: 13d05856c189bc7⋯.jpg (81.8 KB,1024x576,16:9,Happening_10.jpg)

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7e72c6 No.20994456

File: a5a6bf78cb0d4cf⋯.png (198.74 KB,522x456,87:76,shut_it_down.png)

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d51b5a No.20994457

File: 5b82ebdeb62699e⋯.jpg (89.63 KB,600x700,6:7,shut_your_mouth_get_your_c….jpg)

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d51b5a No.20994459

File: 976f56eb82456c8⋯.jpg (135.09 KB,888x499,888:499,Happening_CBTS_order.jpg)

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