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File: d0e0014545fd0bc⋯.png (65.95 KB,255x134,255:134,ClipboardImage.png)

869ccb No.20879598 [View All]

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701 posts and 477 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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5e0661 No.20880414


Disgruntled grumpy oldfag rant over.

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478475 No.20880415

File: b350c4254ee8764⋯.jpg (51.41 KB,850x400,17:8,quote_show_me_the_man_and_….jpg)


We are here. It won't last for eva.😎

Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast. He served as deputy premier from 1941 until Stalin’s death in 1953, supervising the expansion of the gulags and other secret detention facilities for political prisoners. He became part of a post-Stalin, short-lived ruling troika until he was executed for treason after Nikita Khrushchev’s coup d’etat in 1953.

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f42175 No.20880416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


why was jesus always in the company of young naked boys 'neoniskoi" why did he defend himself saying i am not a pirate (leisteis)?

pedo boat pedo island >>20880213

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acd308 No.20880417

File: 11150fd33e1e198⋯.jpg (51.39 KB,1200x934,600:467,trump_throw_maga_hat_afp_2….jpg)

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822cac No.20880418

File: c52bee66fedc885⋯.jpg (9.46 KB,235x164,235:164,Storm_Ahead.jpg)

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2c8a28 No.20880419


But do anons with titties get off on pulling the wool over the guy anon's eyes?

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409e24 No.20880420

notables FIN

#25609 >>20879608

>>20879777 LIVE: President Trump Keynotes Minnesota GOP Annual Dinner - 5/17/24 (Trump expected to speak @ 8:30PM EST)

>>20879649 AG Merrick Garland has now defied two Congressional Subpoenas from Chairman’s Jordan and Comer and refuses to submit the Biden-Hurr tape to congress

>>20879686 Documents filed in Federal Court show that eSafety Commission has been compiling a daily list of social media posts criticising the eSafety Commissioner

>>20879714, >>20879775 3 Men Charged in the UK With Spying for Hong Kong Intelligence Service | D5 Security Consultancy w/ Qproof

>>20879748 Obama World’s Fingerprints Are All Over Campus Chaos

>>20879761 New York Post goes after Fauci for his lies about dangerous virus research at the Wuhan institute of Virology

>>20879769 Iran arrests over 250 in raid on ‘satanist network’

>>20879779 Pope Francis: Conservatives Have a ‘Suicidal Attitude'

>>20879801 Border Patrol forced to cancel 100th anniversary gala amid scandal accusations

>>20879803 Will Democrats Pay a Price for Their Cynical, Crumbling Lawfare Strategy?

>>20879806, >>20879934, >>20879940 Josh Hammer: We Must Hold Dems Accountable For Their Lawfare Attacks, Lawfare’s Destruction Can’t Be Understated

>>20879810 Boeing confirmed this spring that it is in talks to buy Spirit AeroSystems, which was once a part of the plane-maker before it was spun off

>>20879830 PF: Gitmo express returning to base….

>>20879836 Two Jordanian nationals in ICE custody over breach at Quantico Marine base: Possible ‘ISIS dry run’

>>20879852 New Hampshire day care workers sprinkled melatonin in children’s food

>>20879891, >>20879910 Perez Hilton says Diddler paid the hotel $50,000 to get the assault video, and is now released after government raided Diddler's house

>>20879900 The US Army is showing the first images of aid trucks moving at a humanitarian pier on the Gaza coast that began operating this morning

>>20879935 Representatives of political movements fighting for independence in the French colonies

>>20879946 Biden's campaign has just now rejected two additional debates that former President Trump's campaign said it had agreed to

>>20879963 An Antifa-linked journalist doxed a famous anon account, and thanks to Bannon, it backfired

>>20879978 Kash Patel: The Constitutional Guillotine - The End of the Deep State

>>20879983 PF: Russian Federation AF Special Flight Detachment RSD801 and RSD171 Ilyushin 96s landed at Moscow-Vnukovo Airport about 40m for RSD801and 55m ago for RSD171

>>20880065 Scott Bessent Proposes Cutting Debt In Half Under President Trump 2024 To Save U.S. Economy

>>20880129 Trump: They (Russia / China) are making plans together right now where they will team up, where they will come together and cause damage

>>20880256 PF: SAM617 C40B inbound over Maine from Brussels Intl depart

>>20880289 PF: SAM837 G5 left JBA NE and heading across Atlantic @41k Ft and at about 500kts

>>20880326 President Donald J. Trump to Visit the South Bronx on Thu, May 23, 2024 @ 6:00 PM EST


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822cac No.20880421

File: 640b00f9ee3febb⋯.jpg (25.17 KB,320x237,320:237,All_Wings_Report_In.jpg)

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bbfd5c No.20880422

File: db6826190927d85⋯.png (10.22 KB,338x149,338:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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822cac No.20880423

File: 2a996ba8c10a18c⋯.jpg (29.46 KB,255x253,255:253,9fe4530b75949004c657cee42d….jpg)

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4096da No.20880425

File: 04b9f8ed2a7544f⋯.jpeg (64.35 KB,828x672,69:56,2D15D630_81A5_4D68_9994_7….jpeg)


117 posts is serious fuckin shit.

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1bdbc9 No.20880426


With that gay caterpillar orange mustache….might be Q…but that wouldn’t be the biggest news


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38b824 No.20880428


>Make Notables Great Again

I hear ya it's not me you need to convince tho.

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822cac No.20880430

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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91f298 No.20880431


>Being female is not indicative of that.

just like being black is not indicitive of being a criminal

but statistical probabilities are real

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25dd34 No.20880432


Too Much Information Red Text Guy.

Keep it Simple Stupid.

Your Posts are scrolled over more quickly than a Skyrizy ad.

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da2c15 No.20880435

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822cac No.20880436

File: 369470c9d3f832d⋯.jpg (60.13 KB,348x480,29:40,98725491354951.JPG)

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822cac No.20880437

File: 30cf49d5bef5e3c⋯.jpg (14.68 KB,255x240,17:16,kekistan.jpg)

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f53b5c No.20880438

File: c0b1e35fc93b7d3⋯.png (4.49 MB,3360x2580,56:43,000matrixxx.png)




May 17, 2018 8:15:27 PM EDT

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 610b24 No. 1449784


Media Keywords: owl photo guardian pope

Media Keywords Contributor(s): ToeCramp

Guardian of the Pope.



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a04629 No.20880440


Can you just post a pdf?

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4096da No.20880441

File: 28d27719059443c⋯.jpeg (64.28 KB,828x582,138:97,61569BC2_775F_42E0_9005_5….jpeg)

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822cac No.20880442

File: 134d611dc8575c5⋯.jpg (56.39 KB,252x255,84:85,PatchAnons.jpg)

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0054e0 No.20880443

File: dc68dd9c1da4eb0⋯.png (32.7 KB,445x426,445:426,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0dd637a20bc748⋯.png (18.68 KB,455x269,455:269,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20879497 lb


>May 17 DELTA

>Stock Market Today: Above 40,000

>6 year Delta.


Drop 64?

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12c21a No.20880444

File: bd322e2d109168f⋯.jpg (19.89 KB,315x320,63:64,shadowprince.jpg)



>>20879462 lb

weird who's standing behind DJT with his hand on his waist?


false. use your eyes.


Her first son, the Antichrist - is Dad is Spanish royalty and a highly placed Freemason.


"shadow King"

Diana knew she was being used as a brood mare.

The story of her alleged affair with JFKjr. is Propaganda put out by the royals - to take the look of the public away from the new public mistress of the Antichrist.

10 to 1 never happened.

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409e24 No.20880445

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822cac No.20880446

File: 88120af9b4e9979⋯.png (14.53 KB,198x255,66:85,pepeqresearch.png)

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f53b5c No.20880447

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822cac No.20880448

File: a9074680251e9eb⋯.png (4.98 KB,184x255,184:255,Q_is_awfully_partial_to_ni….png)

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822cac No.20880449

File: 4b249baea3572c9⋯.jpg (49.02 KB,488x461,488:461,DxPWXrxWwAEgqB_.jpg)

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fa4253 No.20880450


>Current admin is is following the same strategy

How do?

Just because you say it doesn’t make it true.

This is just the next phase of you and yer crew bitching and complaining.

Put up or STFU as you have the option to bake

Once again you are not the arbiter of truth or proclaiming that you are an “old gag” does not give it any street cred either

There are plenty of old gags here that don’t bitch and moan like you and your instantly agreeable posts that always show up

Stale AF

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12c21a No.20880451

File: 5f521a89ab958ee⋯.jpg (393.84 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,barronsgraduation2.jpg)

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1bdbc9 No.20880453

File: fc50c3de9b32d63⋯.jpeg (775.22 KB,1388x1428,347:357,IMG_2384.jpeg)

File: e80c5001343bfcb⋯.jpeg (162.97 KB,1283x956,1283:956,IMG_2383.jpeg)

File: 9856dcf6afb1d8f⋯.jpeg (96.61 KB,588x864,49:72,IMG_2382.jpeg)


17 comms!!!

Trust sessions!

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4096da No.20880454

File: c44d887ab843beb⋯.jpeg (213.54 KB,467x468,467:468,F2AB772D_A1EF_41C3_A4CC_4….jpeg)

File: fe7174193836c20⋯.jpeg (454.15 KB,828x1094,414:547,675CF98C_402F_4757_A290_4….jpeg)

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822cac No.20880455

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.png (275.08 KB,496x489,496:489,LV_10_01_10_01.png)

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acd308 No.20880456

File: 943a7fcba5a6ed8⋯.png (640.33 KB,1080x1080,1:1,943a7fcba5a6ed82bf959593f8….png)

For the Keks.

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ee4120 No.20880457


Stop lying.

The image spells it out.

ACT LIKE AN ATTENTION WHORE that deserves attention because of your body parts and get treated like YOU YOURSELF wanted to get treated.

Simply don't act like an attention whore.

It's that simple.

>it doesn't matter

as in it's none of my concern.

You want to make it a concern, okay, then give me the titties. Chose carefully.

>How do you know they're an attention whore?

Case one:

Nick name: gaming77

Not an attention whore

Nick name: gamer-girl77

Attention whore

>Being female is not indicate of that.

There are no girls on the internet. It's that simple.

>Hello I'm anon

Not an attention whore

>I'm a girl <3 <3 <3

Attention whore

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7aedf0 No.20880459


Really? You bring out the low IQ bigotry to justify a humiliation ritual against females? Especially considering where they're at with their spaces being invaded? They can't even be women anonymously? You're the only trying to control their anonymity to soothe your ego. Do you seriously want to stick your dick through a monitor because you know the anon on the other end is a woman? Do you need your humiliation ritual to protect yourself from unwanted sexual urges in your brian? Fuck outta here with your weak ass bullshit. Same as the fucking clown rules of halfchan they tried forcing on people. It's only for their control; if they can't control it or co-opt it they try to destroy it.

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822cac No.20880460

File: 6d9294aca347992⋯.gif (714.74 KB,500x374,250:187,h1F1E20AF.gif)

such fun

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1bdbc9 No.20880461

File: 0f91f3cfbf8a9b7⋯.jpeg (43.55 KB,224x225,224:225,IMG_2385.jpeg)

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4f2831 No.20880462

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kek. Mike Davis Blasts Democrat Appointed Judges For Their Use Of Lawfare.The song in the beginning is pretty funny



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0054e0 No.20880463

File: 4f62cd3797e4f45⋯.png (1.05 MB,1413x921,471:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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4096da No.20880464

File: ab6d3693a0f057b⋯.jpeg (232.44 KB,828x1080,23:30,8EF36BCE_1823_4554_9528_A….jpeg)

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822cac No.20880465

File: a8f4a0cbfb6622c⋯.png (295.01 KB,500x378,250:189,Patriot_KEK.png)

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bbfd5c No.20880466

File: dc4a302e838e3a3⋯.png (78.05 KB,634x429,634:429,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa4253 No.20880468



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478475 No.20880470

File: 19a561cb82acbf3⋯.mp4 (622.74 KB,1080x1920,9:16,can_you_think_of_a_reason_….mp4)


'neoniskoi". Never heard that one. What's that pre bat or bar mitzvah?

Why did you kill him anyway?

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822cac No.20880472

File: 527cad7b37c629b⋯.png (240.04 KB,500x499,500:499,nightshift3.png)

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16f08e No.20882691

File: 13748402de4b579⋯.jpg (810.8 KB,1920x1080,16:9,13748402de4b579114c8ea4afa….jpg)

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16f08e No.20882692


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