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File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,d7f96ae859fbb83702782a5e34….png)

c86dde No.20866530 [View All]

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cdb3ec No.20867425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d3c7a5 No.20867426


“They/Them” should all kill themselves.

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d22965 No.20867427

File: 1cba80b10ba2b9a⋯.png (221.07 KB,295x255,59:51,capture_2584_22022023_1902….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: c325ce60c6a104f⋯.png (2.86 MB,1017x981,113:109,capture_268_26042022_04452….png)

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71c110 No.20867428

File: 6b185838a4706c8⋯.jpg (355.31 KB,781x493,781:493,6b185838a4706c83d90b68ddb0….jpg)

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53c32e No.20867429


Yes, I said stand down and called you a retard is not enough?

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d22965 No.20867430

File: 2db3aee54eca2fc⋯.png (754.23 KB,567x453,189:151,capture_3948_20032022_1147….png)

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53c32e No.20867431


#25593 >>20866543

>>20866588 Senator Cassidy said if we don’t pass bipartisan border security legislation, the problem will get worse - then he voted against the bill

>>20866617 Vivek Walks Into Court With Trump

>>20866634 Soros cash paying Loren Merchan’s bills

>>20866637 Latest from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay

>>20866652 Pfizer Earning Billions Treating Covid Vax-Induced Turbo Cancers

>>20866686 Paris Holocaust memorial vandalized with 'blood-red hands'

>>20866702, >>20866721 The largest judicial corruption scandal in the entire recent history of democracy in Spain

>>20866784 Ohio A.G. Dave Yost Charges Protesters Under Ancient KKK Anti-Masking Law, Grand Jury Rejects Charge

>>20866817, >>20866858, >>20866886, >>20867347 Planefag

>>20866841 HAMAS = UN soldiers?

>>20866862, >>20867096 CNN stars act out dramatic scenes from Trump trial reading from testimony transcripts

>>20866871 Eric Adams suggests migrants could fill NYC’s lifeguard shortage because ‘they’re excellent swimmers’

>>20866873, >>20866899 Getting vaccinated for covid four or more times results in near-complete collapse of the immune system

>>20866884 Only Fans King Pin Leonid Radvinsky is AIPAC's biggest donor

>>20866888 New Black Project Whistleblower with claims that appear to be related to Dave Grusch’s group that have been appearing before congress

>>20866890 Indictment Charges Former D.C. Department of Human Services Official and Co-Conspirator with Extortion

>>20866900 Border Collie Messi arrives at Cannes Film Festival

>>20866952, >>20866969 @MRobertsQLD: I'm proud to have co-signed this letter urging Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty

>>20866989, >>20866992 Federal Judge Tosses Biden Admin's Effort to Stop Media Censorship Lawsuit

>>20867019 Sydney Population Change (2022-2023)

>>20867046, >>20867112, >>20867298 President Trump Speaks After Day 17 of Hush Money Trial on New York

>>20867051, >>20867065 Joe Biden Announces Tariffs on Non-Existent Products from Non-Existent Origination Country - Here’s Why

>>20867058 CERN Cuts Ties with Russia

>>20867082, >>20867117 WH Press Sec. confirms Trump's criminal trial is "related to 2024 elections"

>>20867087 New Jersey Democrat US Senator @CoryBooker is a client of Judge Merchan’s daughter’s company @Authentic_HQ

>>20867089 Agencies announce public meeting on proposed acquisition by Capital One of Discover

>>20867125 Former Obama officials, Peggy Wood and wife Hope Wood, dead after head-on car crash in San Diego County

>>20867132 Republican-Led States Sue Biden Administration Over New Transgender Protections

>>20867137 Another State Just Banned Biological Men From Women's Spaces

>>20867147, >>20867157 The ship that collapsed the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore experienced a “total power blackout” hours before leaving the port

>>20867165 The Most Important Election in Georgia Is One That Many Voters Could Overlook

>>20867210 EU condemns ‘Israeli extremists’

>>20867319 Turley: You have to wonder if the judge is having second thoughts

>>20867404 Supreme Court Justices Thomas And Alito Issue Warnings About State Of America

>>20867423 Supplemental notes


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1d103f No.20867432


Do you fuckin job clown.

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84a753 No.20867433


He needs to go first

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1d103f No.20867434

Anons won't tolerate this fuckery any longer.

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1d5d48 No.20867435

File: 0d723b937bb4830⋯.jpg (83.3 KB,392x484,98:121,webb_vs_podesta_actblue_ac….jpg)


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d29d54 No.20867437




Satan is the loser and always will be.

That is Satans role.

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d22965 No.20867438

File: 9582913f35f3d3d⋯.png (1.09 MB,1000x381,1000:381,capture_313_26042022_14125….png)

File: 885282301bedf6f⋯.png (3.9 MB,1892x720,473:180,capture_314_26042022_14134….png)

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ece15b No.20867439

File: ac4d8c519bf08ca⋯.png (725.26 KB,554x800,277:400,ClipboardImage.png)


Hey look, I found sauce OJ was innocent. The book is about how he would do it, but he didn't. So says the book and I didn't know this but apparently if a book says so it HAS to be true!

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9d30ce No.20867442

File: 5281b2d27a10d78⋯.png (1.14 MB,714x730,357:365,ClipboardImage.png)

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8fb8bc No.20867443

File: fdfeb8910e28d1c⋯.png (120.11 KB,582x325,582:325,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d103f No.20867445

All last night the subject was final stages of resurrecting the SOP for QR. You aren't going to stop it by acting like rabid baboons, Clown Team.

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d22965 No.20867448

File: 83dddc7161ec6d1⋯.png (1.8 MB,887x709,887:709,capture_184_27042022_10544….png)

File: ff23a4bb5fd766f⋯.png (889.01 KB,580x522,10:9,capture_168_27042022_09494….png)

File: 4e294ee474bbd46⋯.png (742.85 KB,510x496,255:248,capture_171_27042022_09522….png)

File: c9096ab62a36f16⋯.png (1.55 MB,782x690,17:15,capture_173_27042022_09544….png)

File: bc6765e6b59cd3e⋯.png (1.41 MB,719x682,719:682,capture_175_27042022_09554….png)

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d70e0f No.20867449

File: ae3ae048c5a77a1⋯.jpg (6.64 KB,202x249,202:249,9k_24_.jpg)

File: 69efdca6d858304⋯.jpg (7.45 KB,208x243,208:243,images_184_.jpg)



Meltdown on the sandy eggo coast…

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d22965 No.20867450

File: deb8b6f79b14954⋯.png (455.33 KB,363x427,363:427,capture_808_29042022_14203….png)

File: 95224dbb39fdd35⋯.jpg (128.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,Arizona_doctors_say_the_CO….jpg)

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1d103f No.20867452


Well, he chose it and he has free will, he could choose to change but he won't.

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c213e5 No.20867453


> this fuckery

he claimed it 1st. Seems straight up.




> 1d103f

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6ac59f No.20867454


Yup - they should encourage each other to suicide themselves. Help the Earth out…

What this makes me think though, is that COVID was a test program to see how they are going to go for the BIG HUMAN SATANIC SACRIFICE of BILLIONS…

The WORLD needs to pay close attention to their every move…

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53c32e No.20867455

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929001 No.20867456

File: 56adf4a485b1e38⋯.png (11.43 KB,474x248,237:124,ClipboardImage.png)

How To Recognize a Secret Spanish Jew by His Marrano Accent

The Jewish Forward:

Dr. William Greenfield of Libertyville, Ill., asks: “Are you familiar with George Borrow’s identifying a living marrano in 19th-century Spain by his speech pattern? It’s in his book ‘The Bible in Spain.’”

Never having heard of George Borrow, I went to the Internet and found a digital copy of “The Bible in Spain.” A fascinating book!

George Borrow (1803–1881) was a British travel book writer, novelist, accomplished linguist and devout Christian who worked for many years for the Bible Society of Great Britain, disseminating Holy Scripture in non-Protestant European countries whose laity was not encouraged by clergy to read it. Five of these years, from 1835 to 1840, were spent in Spain, resulting in memoirs published in 1843.

Excerpt……The mysterious figure, whose “home name” turns out to be the typically Jewish one of Abarbanel, is indeed a marrano, a Spaniard living, along with his family and close friends, a secret Jewish existence 350 years after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. He speaks freely to Borrow about this, and even uses the Hebrew word ru’aḥ , an evil spirit, while describing a case of demonic possession. This was a word that only a marrano could have known.

Sauce: https://forward.com/culture/182751/how-to-recognize-a-secret-spanish-jew-by-his-marra/

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d22965 No.20867457

File: ba2bec5f6c18217⋯.png (2.91 MB,1280x793,1280:793,capture_002_13062019_08474….png)

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1d103f No.20867458


Bakers need to communicate better than that. Fucking fuckery by design.

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5ecb0e No.20867459

File: 61b80b40990e899⋯.png (1.84 MB,1066x1115,1066:1115,ClipboardImage.png)


They've been running brainwashing for generations…

Probably goes all the way back to the Orhan Trains in 1800's…

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d3c7a5 No.20867460


Anyone have the Q-research meme collage handy?

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4ae04c No.20867461


>The official mission code name was Operation Neptune Spear.[2] Neptune's spear is the trident, which appears on the U.S. Navy's Special Warfare insignia.[47]


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9d30ce No.20867462

File: 9cc662ff945b421⋯.png (1.26 MB,714x730,357:365,ClipboardImage.png)

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d22965 No.20867463

File: 720d2f196c612a0⋯.webm (5.6 MB,800x450,16:9,_8Bit_.webm)

File: 227d4518db5bbb0⋯.png (20.39 KB,400x308,100:77,227d4518db5bbb062f5bc7812a….png)

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b5ec76 No.20867464

File: a2ef8c44de29c40⋯.png (10.28 KB,255x197,255:197,ADJUSTSGLASSES.png)


do you have an updated blank clock?

If so, could you post it please?

 Mine ended 5/4…..

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929001 No.20867466

File: 3ccb6f7710ce293⋯.png (26.79 KB,300x475,12:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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d22965 No.20867467

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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d22965 No.20867470

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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5beac2 No.20867472

File: b14ab57384e60cc⋯.png (8.16 MB,5000x5000,1:1,b14ab57384e60ccca8b6e7e4a4….png)

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d22965 No.20867473

File: b0d52351d29925c⋯.jpg (192.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Nothing_beyond_our_reach.jpg)

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469807 No.20867474

File: 4f5d9d41ecd1023⋯.jpg (147.77 KB,904x579,904:579,Bigfoot_Monster_Truck3.jpg)


Here's the one I'm using these days.

2 blanks should last you a while.

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47ad3a No.20867475


Is it true you get $1.00 Euro per post?

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d22965 No.20867477

File: f48f827478fbc98⋯.jpeg (27.11 KB,259x252,37:36,NRO_2000.jpeg)

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1d103f No.20867478

File: 227a15c3ea69397⋯.jpg (67.33 KB,500x375,4:3,R.jpg)

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ff800a No.20867479

File: ec4e12a3e0e8d3d⋯.jpg (12.84 KB,251x255,251:255,eb6f0a0092145da29796881883….jpg)

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7075d5 No.20867481


Viveck is Not going to be VP

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d22965 No.20867482

File: 6dcb8df7229cab4⋯.jpg (113.42 KB,600x600,1:1,NROL.jpg)

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1d103f No.20867483


Fallen angels can repent. They have free will. That particular one said no.

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d22965 No.20867484

File: 64370267989504a⋯.jpg (44.95 KB,500x445,100:89,NROL_16.jpg)

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d22965 No.20867485

File: 0f2bfb291827e05⋯.jpg (21.91 KB,300x254,150:127,NROL_32.jpg)

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d22965 No.20867486

File: c44c467bd566c78⋯.jpg (36.4 KB,760x455,152:91,NROL66.jpg)

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1d103f No.20867489

File: 10eeba9a9d6a706⋯.png (130.33 KB,282x271,282:271,NIBOR_blank_.png)

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