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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

03a1ab No.20864856 [View All]

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669 posts and 421 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ef558d No.20865693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:15 PM EDT

The President delivers remarks on his agenda to promote American investments and jobs

Rose Garden




President Biden Delivers Remarks on His Investing in America Agenda

President Biden delivers remarks on his administration’s “Investing in America” agenda.


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fae990 No.20865694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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19eefd No.20865695

File: 4073e8758b8dfc9⋯.png (673.94 KB,1518x916,759:458,Obama_member_of_Subud_cult.png)

File: 94888db6a4127a5⋯.jpg (73.84 KB,638x569,638:569,obamasubud.jpg)

File: b30a3f013f21c3b⋯.jpg (36.83 KB,483x294,23:14,subud_9c1_2_.jpg)


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9c89e8 No.20865696

File: a64620604ce6407⋯.jpeg (347.22 KB,828x683,828:683,6AE74E29_BBAD_40C2_8C06_7….jpeg)


What day is it today Joe!

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db2a14 No.20865697

File: 0f5969e4b4d701e⋯.jpg (56.24 KB,441x440,441:440,0f59676d.jpg)

File: 29a0800fadec18e⋯.jpg (90.18 KB,957x960,319:320,29a0800fadec18ea49b47415ee….jpg)

File: 37c60b395a2221e⋯.png (847.52 KB,1280x800,8:5,37ca70.png)

File: 38c8b6a83e0ebf8⋯.png (495.05 KB,534x706,267:353,38c8b6a83e0ebf80acd4e808e0….png)

File: 826cb68459bdc29⋯.jpg (109.73 KB,565x531,565:531,826cb68459bdc2990353bfbbc7….jpg)

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fae990 No.20865698

File: 1eec213ea235ac2⋯.mp4 (972.58 KB,1280x720,16:9,SundayMorning.mp4)

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b6159e No.20865699

File: 635bf5910f84373⋯.png (972.03 KB,955x903,955:903,fauxLet.png)

File: 10efdcc33347773⋯.png (372.18 KB,721x984,721:984,fauxRudy24_2.png)

File: ac7cfbaefbaf506⋯.png (990.83 KB,942x1001,942:1001,fauxpurp24.png)

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Fox News should let Judge Jeanine cover the Trial, not Eric Shawn, who has no clue what’s going on - Just another RINO. May 14, 2024, 8:02 AM


eric shawn, who/whatever the fuck that is, isn't the problem. She, however, will VERY animatedly, tell you just a little of what you want to hear while not being full-blown Anti-Trump. Truly believe our President posts this subject for a reason… Terrible dumbing-down fake news entertainment all around. If the fuckers would actually REPORT anything truly scandalous including the years of shitloads of EVIDENCE, these Capt. Obviouses wouldn't be selling as many BOOKS.

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e7cf24 No.20865701

File: db8aa99c9c491ea⋯.jpg (58.26 KB,563x554,563:554,43754117d20d49ce.jpg)


Why not.

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f40447 No.20865703

File: 7c25f3ad97b1ad3⋯.png (106.37 KB,352x341,32:31,sheesh.png)


> Biden

>The President delivers remarks on his agenda to promote American investments and jobs

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fb4fe6 No.20865704

File: b87e55dd63de28f⋯.webm (690.41 KB,427x240,427:240,take2_inbound.webm)

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db2a14 No.20865705

File: 81331f70be07257⋯.jpg (91.68 KB,854x779,854:779,81331f70be07257c7ec3ad32f5….jpg)

File: b6de3a58efa9bfc⋯.png (424.78 KB,891x1113,297:371,b6de3a58efa9bfce391ffbf05f….png)

File: ba6d2e405ac8575⋯.jpg (81.22 KB,736x736,1:1,ba6d2e405ac8575ae83c35d973….jpg)

File: c7876e5bf62d7cd⋯.jpeg (75.94 KB,680x529,680:529,c7876e5bf62d7cd4d38ec8bba….jpeg)

File: 68184c0a506829d⋯.jpg (69.18 KB,984x1024,123:128,Dmye0qLU4AApYV0.jpg)

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0c579c No.20865707







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19eefd No.20865708


Trump already ended the FED.

He put it under the control of the Treasury Dept.

It no longer private ( though things were allowed to continue as they have been - for now)

It was kept pretty quiet. But there were public announcements.

And other things which happened around that moment to mark it.

3- 17

citations buried for the moment

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97b34b No.20865709

File: 8708472e35aa7bb⋯.jpg (651.95 KB,1080x1557,120:173,Screenshot_20240514_120321….jpg)

USS Constitution is scheduled to go underway this Friday, May 17th, from Charlestown Navy Yard at 10:00 a.m.

We will fire a 21-gun salute viewable from Fort Independence on Castle Island at approximately 11:30 a.m.


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a5603b No.20865711

File: bf3b5e35c3252a8⋯.png (36.92 KB,574x323,574:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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b89e2d No.20865713

File: cc59266306afc7c⋯.png (266.57 KB,690x3612,115:602,5B8FA162_2EEB_4ADB_AFD9_70….png)

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fae990 No.20865714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>We will fire a 21-gun salute viewable

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ef558d No.20865716

File: 594e740f723efaf⋯.jpg (17.07 KB,202x255,202:255,by_any_memes_necessary.jpg)

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97b34b No.20865717



Thank you anons

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03a1ab No.20865719

File: 26815a3de95f3db⋯.png (536.86 KB,809x965,809:965,26815a3de95f3db7ca8d9d6bc4….png)

~@700Last call

…Bakering around 720; (hopefully the part A/B notes are in porper format)


#25591-B >>20864863

>>20864869 @DecentBackup - Can someone file a motion to intervene for me so I can dismiss Perkins Coie from existence for operating as a FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (ISRAEL, CCP, GCHQ and UKRAINE), engaged in wide-scale sedition, election fraud and child trafficking?

>>20864902, >>20864903, >>20864912 POTUS Truth - Virtually every Legal Analyst and Scholar said yesterday, at the end of the day, THAT THERE IS NO CASE, AND THAT THIS WITCH HUNT SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN BROUGHT, AND SHOULD BE THROWN OUT NOW!!!

>>20864951 Delaware County Lawyer Tom Gallagher Destroying Voting Machine Tapes To Bypass A FOIA Request

>>20865033 POTUS Truth - Fox News should let Judge Jeanine cover the Trial, not Eric Shawn, who has no clue what’s going on - Just another RINO.

>>20865040 POTUS Truth - Fareed Zakaria, CNN: “I doubt the New York Indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump.”

>>20865042 Texas school principal's husband is exposed as suspected pedophile 'who produced child porn on school grounds, before distributing it on the dark web'

>>20865043 POTUS Truth - Mark Levin: “Our Judicial System has blown up!”

>>20865051 POTUS Truth - Jonathan Turley: “After Bragg closes the prosecution’s case, the defense will make a standard motion for dismissal. Merchan should grant that motion. There has been no showing of an actual crime…

>>20865055 POTUS Truth - Gregg Jarrett: “We’re entering the Fourth Week, and there’s still NO EVIDENCE connecting Trump with any criminal wrongdoing…

>>20865066 POTUS Truth - Virtually every Legal Analyst and Scholar said yesterday, at the end of the day, THAT THERE IS NO CASE, AND THAT THIS WITCH HUNT SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN BROUGHT, AND SHOULD BE THROWN OUT NOW!!!

>>20865087 POTUS Truth - Andrew C. McCarthy: “TRUMP SHOULD BE ACQUITTED IN MANHATTAN: Wholly independent of the plethora of Constitutional infirmities in the prosecution, it should be thrown out for the most basic of reasons: Bragg can’t prove his case.”

>>20865091 May 14, 2024 3:00 AM EDT Secretary Blinken meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Kyiv, Ukraine

>>20865178 9:00 AM EDT The Future of the American University: Civic Education, Past and Present - American Enterprise Institute

>>20865179 9:00 AM EDT United for Infrastructure: Invest. Permit. Build U.S. Chamber of Commerce

>>20865180 May 14, 2024 9:00 AM EDT Rural Communities In Action Event - The White House

>>20865197 Multiple deaths, injuries reported after bus overturns on Highway 40. There is no access to Highway 40 from Highway 41 near the Citrus and Marion county line.

>>20865208 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/14/2024

>>20865252 PF Report: Europe/Med/Gulf activity

>>20865253 Biden administration to increase tariffs on Chinese electric cars to 100 percent

>>20865261 Criminal gangs, profiteers thrive in Gaza as cash shortage worsens misery

>>20865294 AMC stock more than doubles amid meme craze as company completes $250 million share sale

>>20865302 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 14, 2024 - The 37 Cluster

>>20865307 Foreign terrorist organizations could target Pride month events: FBI, DHS (Another Hoax Incoming?)

>>20865318 Oh Hell NO Game on anons. Memes Galore! Vindman’s brother running for House.

>>20865353 NASA Names First Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer - NASA Administrator Bill Nelson on Monday named David Salvagnini as the agency’s new chief artificial intelligence (AI) officer, effective immediately


>>20865355 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Steve Bannon AM Edition 5-14-24

>>20865359 10:30 AM EDT Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division Fallen Agent Remembrance Ceremony - Department of Defense

>>20865379 POTUS Truth - (Video statement)

>>20865390 Blinken Tells Zelensky US AID Is On Way, during a surprise Ukraine visit

>>20865393 @NavalInstitute - Happy 105th birthday to CAPT Dale Reed, USN (Ret). CAPT Reed is the oldest living graduate of the United States Naval Academy (Class of 1942).

>>20865396 Democrat Appointed Judge Throws Out Abe Hamadeh’s Petition for Writ of Quo Warranto to Remove AZ AG Mayes from Office, Suggests Sanctions

>>20865407 MAY 14, 2024 Former President Trump Speaks Ahead of Day 17 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20865410, >>20865561 PF Report: RCH535 C17 Globey left Port Au Prince, Haiti back to Charleston SC after 2h on ground. Upper 30s of total flights here

>>20865421 NASA’s Juno Mission Spots Jupiter’s Tiny Moon Amalthea

>>20865446 Secretary of State Antony Blinken takes an impromptu walk about the streets of Kyiv and stops in a coffee shop, where he met with members of civil society organizations

>>20865451 Speaker Johnson News Conference at Trump Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20865458 PF Report: Billy G N887WM G6 went back to Seattle earlier this morning from Indio, CA depart

>>20865502 US regulator opens Waymo investigation

>>20865512 11:00 AM EDT Secretary Blinken delivers remarks at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

>>20865514, >>20865561 PF Report: SAM668 G5 departed JBA NE and still haz AF2 kneepads sitting at Laguardia from last night arrival

>>20865519, >>20865526 H. Res. 1210 - Condemning the Biden border crisis and the tremendous burdens law enforcement officers face as a result.

>>20865550 Blinken in Kyiv says US arms will make a difference as Ukraine reels from a new Russian offensive

>>20865582 NASA to Discuss New Polar Climate Mission During Media Teleconference

>>20865602 Former SEC Chair Jay Clayton says he is bothered by the GameStop $GME situation

>>20865607 Fed's Powell: PPI 'mixed,' next move unlikely to be a rate hike

>>20865621 SpaceX Starlink Mission - SpaceX is targeting Tuesday, May 14 for a Falcon 9 launch of 20 Starlink satellites, including 13 with Direct to Cell capabilities, to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. Liftoff is targeted for 11:39 a.m. PT. If needed, additional opportunities are also available on Wednesday, May 15 starting at 9:06 a.m. PT.

>>20865632 Russia issues military ultimatum to UK; Moscow has threatened retaliation for any attacks with British weapons (RT)

>>20865670 Space Force publishes Data, AI strategic action plan

>>20865687 Wisconsin bought $100M of Bitcoin ETF shares.

>>20865693 12:15 PM EDT The resident delivers remarks on his agenda to promote American investments and jobs - Rose Garden

>>20865709 USS Constitution is scheduled to go underway this Friday, May 17th, from Charlestown Navy Yard at 10:00 a.m.


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37a54e No.20865720


fed has no gold

just dollars they've made worthless

regulation will clean them up

Steven Mnuchin

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b89e2d No.20865721

File: b09609153b94a8a⋯.png (1.54 MB,750x1334,375:667,F503DA30_270E_4A31_B68E_68….png)

File: 18136d21d732763⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,28FBDA4D_6715_464E_AB41_F….jpeg)

File: 4ba42335ab51ba5⋯.jpeg (910.61 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,83334B07_EBFB_4121_92CD_1….jpeg)

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db2a14 No.20865722

File: e0218d7512064c7⋯.jpeg (175.48 KB,1200x677,1200:677,e0218d7512064c71bdab81c8a….jpeg)

File: 8ffe9abd58d4dfa⋯.jpg (175.68 KB,1174x1200,587:600,EAvu7ubXoAAWd2_.jpg)

File: 6815f1535751286⋯.jpg (44.57 KB,620x416,155:104,EMffOM3XYAEXsj2.jpg)

File: f2d3d077e143f2a⋯.jpg (29.12 KB,474x412,237:206,f2d3d077e143f2a8d41d761bec….jpg)

File: 3e56a552cc61724⋯.jpg (46.62 KB,460x259,460:259,3e56a552cc6172415f3f11ce06….jpg)

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340366 No.20865723

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37a54e No.20865725


needs at top

>#25591-A >>20864863

No space where one here is shown

>>20865709 USS Constitution is scheduled to go underway this Friday, May 17th, from Charlestown Navy Yard at 10:00 a.m.



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ef558d No.20865726

File: bb6ac7e8f50cda7⋯.png (216.62 KB,1800x1200,3:2,moon_bfast.png)

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19eefd No.20865729

File: e465cb80adbd002⋯.jpg (516 KB,1200x1200,1:1,SgtPepperCutoutsTavistock.jpg)



The Dad was Indonesian

The story of Barry's life is fake.

Barry and his mom are C1A "cut-outs."

His alleged background is as thin as the Wooden phoney storefronts on "Main St." at Disneyland

No relation to the Marxist.

Dad was a cult leader (Occultism)

You fell for the fake story, since it fits your prejudices?

Barry's a NWO guy / transhumanism / WOOWOO

The "communism" tag / moves are real, but that's not his ideology

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e7cf24 No.20865730

File: 59a7e6983055e1d⋯.jpg (187.6 KB,1013x1013,1:1,f440642b9ecd4e3d.jpg)

File: a4f4069c8d6d42c⋯.png (1018.56 KB,1079x1322,1079:1322,Screenshot_20240514_121224.png)



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db2a14 No.20865732

File: 11f1198f3ba6cba⋯.jpg (217.39 KB,1440x907,1440:907,11f1198f3ba6cbae7fca4140a4….jpg)

File: 4c96228b71583b3⋯.jpeg (1008.49 KB,1668x1414,834:707,4c96228b71583b3eeba3c5895….jpeg)

File: 72904e7f045aaf2⋯.png (728.25 KB,632x716,158:179,72904e7f045aaf214cec75860d….png)

File: 6f8a4c6bf1954db⋯.png (2.81 MB,2560x1707,2560:1707,6f8a4c6bf1954dbb35fac8b641….png)

File: 91464b50259a131⋯.jpg (70.06 KB,1024x646,512:323,EJyAjHUU8AE4C_A.jpg)

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f2a511 No.20865736

File: 2757c392ea24316⋯.gif (607.71 KB,220x235,44:47,771F99EB_55EF_4042_B74D_55….gif)


Outstanding work Baker. All Tight n chit.

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97b34b No.20865738

I think Cohen was the one who started the fire at Trump tower.

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e873a7 No.20865739

File: e7b450572066160⋯.png (1.33 MB,573x801,191:267,Capture.PNG)


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b89e2d No.20865740

File: 8b6476f7dc480ee⋯.png (70.27 KB,690x850,69:85,F6F7172D_5FB5_4EF5_BE25_DE….png)

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f3d325 No.20865742

File: e49b44d3d89fdeb⋯.jpg (13.85 KB,255x175,51:35,11_11.jpg)

File: 56cdb2c3c12f270⋯.jpg (19.69 KB,480x474,80:79,56cdb2c3c12f270c61c96285c8….jpg)

File: 4781a38361aec74⋯.jpg (65.79 KB,750x500,3:2,4781a38361aec74f2bb76c6558….jpg)

File: dbc3925833a82e8⋯.jpg (112.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,photo_2022_08_26_13_55_49.jpg)

File: 468fc936d2fe29f⋯.jpeg (55.9 KB,524x526,262:263,468fc936d2fe29fc67a0d0308….jpeg)

Just think next Birthday he’ll still be our President again!!! Happy Birthday a month early!!! DJT. Thanks for continuing to take all those slings and arrows. We love you regardless of all the fake stuff they make-up.

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857e1d No.20865744

Fuckers won't let me buy any GME or AMC

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97b34b No.20865745


Good drops winding the clock a few.

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e7cf24 No.20865746

File: 05d17fc6793207c⋯.jpg (21.1 KB,450x405,10:9,7e033dbfb003e1d3c3fde17375….jpg)


>he’ll still be our President again!!!

I see what you did there.


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03a1ab No.20865747

File: a630c1ae2c83aee⋯.png (651.91 KB,560x662,280:331,schmnnpepe.png)


…Damn it, probably still fucked. Bakering.


#25591-B >>20864863

>>20864869 @DecentBackup - Can someone file a motion to intervene for me so I can dismiss Perkins Coie from existence for operating as a FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (ISRAEL, CCP, GCHQ and UKRAINE), engaged in wide-scale sedition, election fraud and child trafficking?

>>20864902, >>20864903, >>20864912 POTUS Truth - Virtually every Legal Analyst and Scholar said yesterday, at the end of the day, THAT THERE IS NO CASE, AND THAT THIS WITCH HUNT SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN BROUGHT, AND SHOULD BE THROWN OUT NOW!!!

>>20864951 Delaware County Lawyer Tom Gallagher Destroying Voting Machine Tapes To Bypass A FOIA Request

>>20865033 POTUS Truth - Fox News should let Judge Jeanine cover the Trial, not Eric Shawn, who has no clue what’s going on - Just another RINO.

>>20865040 POTUS Truth - Fareed Zakaria, CNN: “I doubt the New York Indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump.”

>>20865042 Texas school principal's husband is exposed as suspected pedophile 'who produced child porn on school grounds, before distributing it on the dark web'

>>20865043 POTUS Truth - Mark Levin: “Our Judicial System has blown up!”

>>20865051 POTUS Truth - Jonathan Turley: “After Bragg closes the prosecution’s case, the defense will make a standard motion for dismissal. Merchan should grant that motion. There has been no showing of an actual crime…

>>20865055 POTUS Truth - Gregg Jarrett: “We’re entering the Fourth Week, and there’s still NO EVIDENCE connecting Trump with any criminal wrongdoing…

>>20865066 POTUS Truth - Virtually every Legal Analyst and Scholar said yesterday, at the end of the day, THAT THERE IS NO CASE, AND THAT THIS WITCH HUNT SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN BROUGHT, AND SHOULD BE THROWN OUT NOW!!!

>>20865087 POTUS Truth - Andrew C. McCarthy: “TRUMP SHOULD BE ACQUITTED IN MANHATTAN: Wholly independent of the plethora of Constitutional infirmities in the prosecution, it should be thrown out for the most basic of reasons: Bragg can’t prove his case.”

>>20865091 May 14, 2024 3:00 AM EDT Secretary Blinken meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Kyiv, Ukraine

>>20865178 9:00 AM EDT The Future of the American University: Civic Education, Past and Present - American Enterprise Institute

>>20865179 9:00 AM EDT United for Infrastructure: Invest. Permit. Build U.S. Chamber of Commerce

>>20865180 May 14, 2024 9:00 AM EDT Rural Communities In Action Event - The White House

>>20865197 Multiple deaths, injuries reported after bus overturns on Highway 40. There is no access to Highway 40 from Highway 41 near the Citrus and Marion county line.

>>20865208 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/14/2024

>>20865252 PF Report: Europe/Med/Gulf activity

>>20865253 Biden administration to increase tariffs on Chinese electric cars to 100 percent

>>20865261 Criminal gangs, profiteers thrive in Gaza as cash shortage worsens misery

>>20865294 AMC stock more than doubles amid meme craze as company completes $250 million share sale

>>20865302 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 14, 2024 - The 37 Cluster

>>20865307 Foreign terrorist organizations could target Pride month events: FBI, DHS (Another Hoax Incoming?)

>>20865318 Oh Hell NO Game on anons. Memes Galore! Vindman’s brother running for House.

>>20865353 NASA Names First Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer - NASA Administrator Bill Nelson on Monday named David Salvagnini as the agency’s new chief artificial intelligence (AI) officer, effective immediately


#25591-A >>20864863

>>20865355 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Steve Bannon AM Edition 5-14-24

>>20865359 10:30 AM EDT Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division Fallen Agent Remembrance Ceremony - Department of Defense

>>20865379 POTUS Truth - (Video statement)

>>20865390 Blinken Tells Zelensky US AID Is On Way, during a surprise Ukraine visit

>>20865393 @NavalInstitute - Happy 105th birthday to CAPT Dale Reed, USN (Ret). CAPT Reed is the oldest living graduate of the United States Naval Academy (Class of 1942).

>>20865396 Democrat Appointed Judge Throws Out Abe Hamadeh’s Petition for Writ of Quo Warranto to Remove AZ AG Mayes from Office, Suggests Sanctions

>>20865407 MAY 14, 2024 Former President Trump Speaks Ahead of Day 17 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20865410, >>20865561 PF Report: RCH535 C17 Globey left Port Au Prince, Haiti back to Charleston SC after 2h on ground. Upper 30s of total flights here

>>20865421 NASA’s Juno Mission Spots Jupiter’s Tiny Moon Amalthea

>>20865446 Secretary of State Antony Blinken takes an impromptu walk about the streets of Kyiv and stops in a coffee shop, where he met with members of civil society organizations

>>20865451 Speaker Johnson News Conference at Trump Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20865458 PF Report: Billy G N887WM G6 went back to Seattle earlier this morning from Indio, CA depart

>>20865502 US regulator opens Waymo investigation

>>20865512 11:00 AM EDT Secretary Blinken delivers remarks at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

>>20865514, >>20865561 PF Report: SAM668 G5 departed JBA NE and still haz AF2 kneepads sitting at Laguardia from last night arrival

>>20865519, >>20865526 H. Res. 1210 - Condemning the Biden border crisis and the tremendous burdens law enforcement officers face as a result.

>>20865550 Blinken in Kyiv says US arms will make a difference as Ukraine reels from a new Russian offensive

>>20865582 NASA to Discuss New Polar Climate Mission During Media Teleconference

>>20865602 Former SEC Chair Jay Clayton says he is bothered by the GameStop $GME situation

>>20865607 Fed's Powell: PPI 'mixed,' next move unlikely to be a rate hike

>>20865621 SpaceX Starlink Mission - SpaceX is targeting Tuesday, May 14 for a Falcon 9 launch of 20 Starlink satellites, including 13 with Direct to Cell capabilities, to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. Liftoff is targeted for 11:39 a.m. PT. If needed, additional opportunities are also available on Wednesday, May 15 starting at 9:06 a.m. PT.

>>20865632 Russia issues military ultimatum to UK; Moscow has threatened retaliation for any attacks with British weapons (RT)

>>20865670 Space Force publishes Data, AI strategic action plan

>>20865687 Wisconsin bought $100M of Bitcoin ETF shares.

>>20865693 12:15 PM EDT The resident delivers remarks on his agenda to promote American investments and jobs - Rose Garden

>>20865709 USS Constitution is scheduled to go underway this Friday, May 17th, from Charlestown Navy Yard at 10:00 a.m.


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964680 No.20865751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>they seem a little upset

kitty is daring them to ban memes.

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9c89e8 No.20865752


AMC ded meat nao

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9efb60 No.20865753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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03a1ab No.20865756

File: b4ac4c9a1c66341⋯.png (453.62 KB,833x630,119:90,21cf699a9c089f388dc506fa80….png)

Fresh bread




Over here

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37a54e No.20865758


all fixed

edited in nb too


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831f70 No.20865764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

attacks will only get worse…

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f40447 No.20865766

File: 2b6add37b2f342c⋯.mp4 (230.4 KB,640x360,16:9,biden_kleptocracy.mp4)

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831f70 No.20865767

File: 393fd4cea0c09c8⋯.png (385.91 KB,440x688,55:86,000za.png)

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f40447 No.20865769

File: dcb8507db090898⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,640x360,16:9,fjb_biden.mp4)

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176e77 No.20865772

File: bd3b158e9eb0e2f⋯.png (242.81 KB,794x458,397:229,Early_life_and_career_of_B….png)


Obama attended a Catholic school for 3 years in Indonesia, but everyone talks about the Muslim school he went to there. btw, Barry had a tranny nanny while there. Imagine my surprise.

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37a54e No.20865775

migrate, VD out locking

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03a1ab No.20865778

File: 46971467c657368⋯.png (1.35 MB,960x956,240:239,72b7a3c79c0fc178f64eb79fde….png)

Fres breaaf




=rigth weer=

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