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File: aa67ebf7119382d⋯.png (364.23 KB,511x432,511:432,ClipboardImage.png)

79f879 No.19957122 [View All]

Post J6 News HERE

Thread expanded to include all J6 info.

All 44,000 hours of footage from J6 has been publicly released by House Speaker


November 17, 2023 at 3:46 pm EST

VIDEO SAUCE (requires a login to proceed):


ANON WORK-AROUND (ty alleycat!):


New J6 Rumble channel


And a new downloader:


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c174da No.20511477


It's up to anons if they want to give the J6 videos more visibility.

I don't care who does or doesn't use my app. I made it because it's what I do.

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0bf959 No.20525818

Rumble has an issue. The playlists page will only show a maximum of 200 playlists but the J6 video account has about 240 playlists. Exactly 19,111 videos have been uploaded at this time. Only 15,983 videos are accessible via the playlists. This is an average of 80 videos per playlist which, if you do the math, means that 40 playlists are not discoverable. Each time videos are added and new playlists constructed, more videos will go down the rabbit hole.

I don't know if this will be fixed by the Rumble devs. I am currently working to find a way around this.

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0bf959 No.20528052

J6 downloader has been updated

The dropdown box for the playlists has been improved. Each playlist is now dated and the name (taken from the thumbnail alt tag) provides a short (though cryptic) description of the camera location.

You can now get the direct links to the videos. This is useful for copying the video link to an external video player or you can use the link for downloading (note that you will need to provide the correct file name manually if you don't use the provided download method).

I was able to find 14 of the 40 missing playlists (the recovered playlists are indicated in the dropdown box by the lack of a date). I tried several search engines and only Startpage was able to find the playlists. I dunno how to get the rest of them. Rumble only shows 200 of the most recent playlists. It's like the way breads fall off the catalog.


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510b5d No.20528820

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cad356 No.20569943

Hope this thread gets some support, it's an important topic. Thread is still pinned but won't remain so forever. If it's cut loose wo/support from OP or someone else, will soon fall to the bottom of the catalog.

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4fcb59 No.20577055


I'm doing my part to maintain the downloader tool. Perhaps it is in active use by persons unknown somewhere in the world but none of those people are bothering to report their findings here. Too bad. I thought anons were all about researching and disseminating important information to take down the Deep State. Maybe this one is too much for them to chew on.

Anyway, more videos and playlists have been uploaded to Rumble. The issue of the playlist count being limited to 200 has been fixed by the Rumble devs. We are now at 402 playlists including one which is still unlisted for some reason and so is added by the downloader (13 others which I had recovered are now no longer missing).

With these 402 playlists, we are now at a video count of 33641. Oomph! However, the actual number of videos is 33711 so one playlist representing 70 videos appears to be missing.


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c2d63c No.20599221

File: 8f014e2bf998bf1⋯.png (1.43 MB,1995x1330,3:2,Joe_Biden_Act_Blue_Antifa_….png)

File: 63cb4c1a76f6495⋯.png (1.74 MB,2149x1234,2149:1234,Joe_Biden_Act_Blue_Antifa_….png)

File: f77294a3242e171⋯.png (1.75 MB,2173x1221,2173:1221,Joe_Biden_Act_Blue_Antifa_….png)

File: ff555b9cece841d⋯.png (2.28 MB,1995x1330,3:2,Joe_Biden_Act_Blue_Antifa_….png)

File: 7b3c83606599dc3⋯.jpg (187.36 KB,1400x932,350:233,6_Jan_2021_Fake_Trump_Anti….jpg)


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c2d63c No.20599222

File: f9c8494aadaffcb⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,640x360,16:9,Shit_Show_Pedo_Joe_Biden_W….mp4)

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c2d63c No.20599224

File: 81ee6cb3414ab37⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB,360x640,9:16,D_C_Capitol_Police_Under_N….mp4)

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c2d63c No.20599225

File: 3dae4f8f3a91354⋯.mp4 (495.98 KB,480x270,16:9,AOC_Treason_Inferno_Suppor….mp4)

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c2d63c No.20599227

File: e1dae5cdb0c65db⋯.mp4 (3.62 MB,404x718,202:359,ANTIFA_BLM_CUCK_FAGGOTS_CA….mp4)

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c2d63c No.20599229

File: aae37e4b9e35846⋯.webm (1022.55 KB,720x1274,360:637,Antifa_Biking_Cross_Count….webm)

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c2d63c No.20599231

File: 28f8562c1865196⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB,480x270,16:9,CIA_Soros_Paid_ANTIFA_BLM_….mp4)

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c2d63c No.20599232

File: c682a6f1d6a5b7a⋯.mp4 (5.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,Antifa_BLM_You_Aren_t_Reco….mp4)

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c2d63c No.20599236

File: 20d6424b5a98c97⋯.mp4 (6.31 MB,720x1280,9:16,6_Jan_2021_Antifa_People_N….mp4)

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c2d63c No.20599240

File: b87f2aa123d3744⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,626x360,313:180,Antifa_s_Soros_Neighbor_Ho….mp4)

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c2d63c No.20599244

File: 29cd076e659f19b⋯.mp4 (5.26 MB,1280x708,320:177,Verboten_George_Soros_Fox_….mp4)

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c2d63c No.20599250

File: 621b9a52dcf32a7⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,404x718,202:359,ANTIFA_BLM_CUCK_FAGGOTS_CA….mp4)

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7c8510 No.20624172

To whom it may concern:

There are now 543 playlists covering 43976 videos.


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27a249 No.20625630

No one should type that the Moscow attack carried out by bad actors couldn't have been accomplished without help from the russian FSB and GRU

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69567a No.20679792


People place too much confidence in the FSB and GRU, just like Mossad.

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74783a No.20735689

To whom it may concern:

There are now 839 playlists covering 66298 videos.


I thought they were done. When will this end? Not that anybody cares.

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16c911 No.20737463



good work. the problem as anon sees it is not downloading the vids but watching them. One anon can't do it alone, and randomly watching a playlist is a waste of time. Someone'll have to organize it and motivate anons or it won't happen.

anon suggests a new thread in /alleycat/ or /deepdigs/ if this falls off the catalog. as we wait for someone with time/ability to organize and motivate.

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16c911 No.20737478


>a new thread in /alleycat/ or /deepdigs/

archive of this one:


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74783a No.20738984


If you look at the list of playlists in the downloader (not on Rumble because Rumble does not sort the list), you can see that the cameras with adjacent numbering are, for the most part, either adjacent physically or in similar locations (like stairwells). Given a map of the area, we could easily eliminate a lot of cameras as not being of interest because they are nowhere near the action. There is no point in bothering with cameras in the stairwells unless there is a reason to want to track someone's movements.

Is there a way to get a map of Capitol Hill so we can figure out which cameras we need to watch? Better yet, a map of the camera locations (which would be totally awesome).

We need a leader. I'm not it. I made the download app and that will be the extent of my involvement. If there is a need, I am quite prepared to work on an automated downloader to, say, download all videos within a certain time range for a certain camera. Somebody just needs to ask.



That site is currently down. The only one that has a guaranteed uptime is the "today" domain. If you link to that, you will be redirected to a working site.


I don't see a need to duplicate this thread. If we can get some action, this thread should be pruned to remove all of the useless banter (which is pretty much the whole thread).

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de2b8d No.20889596

To whom it may concern:

There are now 946 playlists covering 75667 videos.


How many hours of video? Hard to say since some videos are 10 minutes long but most of them are 20 minutes. If we take an average of 15 minutes then this adds up to around 18900 hours though I think that the number is probably closer to 25000.

Is anybody looking at this shit?

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939488 No.20959315

To whom it may concern:

There are now 1001 playlists covering 80115 videos.


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e940f7 No.20988091

J6 downloader has been updated

Minor update. Rumble devs messed around and broke my script.


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320ecc No.21861528

File: e6d4db100754cb9⋯.jpeg (24.44 KB,326x254,163:127,CEECCCDC_EA50_40B5_AB93_5….jpeg)



Florida man faces death penalty after allegedly sexually abusing child


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e91b8e No.21862653


>25000 hours

way too much for any anon or 2 to look through. someone would have to organize a group, ID days/times of interest and divide the workload.

sorry to see your work going for nothing, alleycat anon.

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c69e19 No.21867787


>sorry to see your work going for nothing, alleycat anon.

Yeah, for nothing. Though, to be honest, I just did it for fun. I keep checking to make sure the app is working even knowing that nobody cares. It's kinda weird that everybody was saying "release the damn tapes" and then they release the tapes and it's "omigod, I can't watch all of that".

There are now 1297 playlists covering 141,246 videos. You have it all.


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56b4be No.21867995


> It's kinda weird that everybody was saying "release the damn tapes" and then they release the tapes and it's "omigod, I can't watch all of that".

kek that's QR 2024 for ya

The good news from the great awakening perspective tho is there's all kinds of great diggs still taking place out there.

Just not here on Drudge 2.0.

But, that was totally predictable in a Q went out for a pack of smokes and never came back kind of way.

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33e876 No.21887842

File: 276a3f54e5cb8ef⋯.png (2.32 MB,1600x1200,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


piet naar-> OutLoek "[??&%#€@No×=@#%€€…]" en vraag hem naar deze code. check knegt

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33e876 No.21925399

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3f3a59 No.21951340

Moscow reiterates threat to sever diplomatic ties with US

Deputy FM Sergey Ryabkov has cautioned Washington against further attempts to tap Russia’s assets or take steps that escalate the Ukraine conflict

Moscow could sever diplomatic relations with Washington if the latter persists in its hostile policies toward Russia, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warned in an interview with the news outlet Izvestia published on Saturday. The diplomat said that any steps the US takes that could escalate the Ukraine conflict may justify a rupturing of ties.

This past June, Ryabkov warned that Washington’s increasingly hawkish posture toward Russia was making any diplomatic contacts practically “impossible.” When asked to clarify this position, he told Izvestia that while there was no scenario that would make Russia “automatically” cut ties with the West, but that this option is “undoubtedly” on the table.

“We never take escalatory steps of this kind without provocation, but I admit to the possibility of this action if, in an attempt to put pressure on us, the West throws away the last shreds of decency,” he stated.

When asked what US actions could make Russia further downgrade ties, he mentioned US attempts to confiscate Russia’s frozen assets, as well as “dramatic and further escalatory actions leading to a worsening of the situation on the contact line” in Ukraine. Ryabkov noted that there are a “number of plots that the West continues to discuss” that could escalate the conflict. For instance, Kiev has for months been pushing the US and its allies to lift a ban on strikes deep inside Russia with Western-supplied long-range weapons.

“Some within the Western group discuss [these plans] with rapture, but some do it with a certain trepidation, understanding how all this could end for them,” Ryabkov stated, signaling that as long as these discussions continue the threat of a diplomatic rupture between Moscow and Washington will remain.

The diplomat noted that it is currently difficult to predict how US-Russia relations will unfold in view of the election of Donald Trump. Some analysts have predicted a thaw in relations due to Trump’s repeated pledges to bring a swift end to the Ukraine conflict. Ryabkov, however, said that while “promises and signals” made by Trump “are important,” Moscow will await his “specific actions” before making assessments of his policy.

Bilateral relations between Russia and the US have been deteriorating since 2014, when a Western-backed coup led to a conflict in the erstwhile Ukrainian region of Donbass and Crimea’s reunification with Russia. Washington and its allies responded by imposing sanctions on Moscow.

Relations further worsened when the Ukraine conflict escalated in February 2022, at which point the West slapped Russia with more sanctions and supplied the Kiev regime with economic and military aid.


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3f3a59 No.21951378

TREASON: Military Brass Holding ‘Informal Discussions’ on How to Override Trump 47’s Orders

According to CNN reports, Pentagon brass met recently to discuss and plan how to override President Trump’s 47 orders.

This smells like treason.

The military-industrial complex is infuriated that the first president in 40 years who did not start a war while in office has returned to power.

This latest report that the failed Pentagon brass who surrendered to the illiterate Taliban barbarians, donated billions of dollars in US weapons, and abandoned Bagram Air Force Base, are plotting against Trump 47 is not a complete surprise.

Retired General Mark Milley, the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, openly refused President Trump’s requests for “National Guard or Soldiers” present at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Milley created and environment where violence was able to take place that day.

According to the documents, General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirmed that President Trump expressed concern about the potential for unrest and proactively ordered the necessary precautions.

On January 3, 2021, just three days before the protest, General Milley recalled the president saying, “Hey, look at this. There’s going to be a large amount of protesters here on the 6th. Make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.”

Not only did General Milley ignore President Trump’s order to deploy the National Guard to the US Capitol on January 6, and not only did General Milley hide this important fact from investigators and the media, but General Milley also reportedly placed the US military under his control following the January 6 riot.

General Milley was not alone in blame. As The Gateway Pundit reported previously, Nancy Pelosi also refused the National Guard at the US Capitol due to politics.

During this same time period – General Milley was also making secret calls to the Chinese promising to tip them off if President Trump took action against China.

For some reason, General Milley was never questioned, fired, or punished for his actions.

US military brass does not believe in accountability.

So, it’s not surprising that Pentagon brass recently met to discuss how they can override Trump 47’s orders.

Far-left CNN reported:

Pentagon officials are holding informal discussions about how the Department of Defense would respond if Donald Trump issues orders to deploy active-duty troops domestically and fire large swaths of apolitical staffers, defense officials told CNN…

…Trump in his last term had a fraught relationship with much of his senior military leadership, including now-retired Gen. Mark Milley who took steps to limit Trump’s ability to use nuclear weapons while he was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The president-elect, meanwhile, has repeatedly called US military generals “woke,” “weak” and “ineffective leaders.”

Officials are now gaming out various scenarios as they prepare for an overhaul of the Pentagon.

“We are all preparing and planning for the worst-case scenario, but the reality is that we don’t know how this is going to play out yet,” one defense official said.

Trump needs to clean house of these horrible turncoats when he enters the White House.

Don’t let this continue, President Trump.


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3f3a59 No.21951387

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Show No Mercy": Trump's Campaign Pledge To Annihilate Mexican Cartels Goes Viral

Here's Trump's action plan to destroy the cartels:

Restore all Trump border policies and fully secure border

Deploy all necessary military assets, including the U.S. Navy, to impose a full naval embargo on the cartels, to ensure they cannot use our region's waters to traffic illicit drugs to the U.S.

Order the Department of Defense to make appropriate use of special forces, cyber warfare, and other covert and overt actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure, and operations

Designate the major drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations

Cut off the cartels' access to the global financial system

Get full cooperation of neighboring governments to dismantle the cartels, or else fully expose the bribes and corruption that protect these criminal networks

Ask Congress to ensure drug smugglers and traffickers can receive the Death Penalty

Trump's team released this video in December 2023 titled "President Donald J. Trump Declares War on Cartels."


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3f3a59 No.21951407

File: cc70173ae056286⋯.png (1.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dee6a50b4d6ff5d⋯.png (286.08 KB,722x540,361:270,ClipboardImage.png)

FEMA Official Removed After 'Avoid Trump Houses' Message Leaks, DeSantis Orders Investigation

An official with the Federal Emergency Management Agency was "removed from their role" and is under investigation after the Daily Wire obtained a leaked internal message in which they ordered workers to bypass the homes of Trump supporters as they surveyed the damage caused by Hurricane Milton in Florida.

In the leaked message, a FEMA supervisor told workers to "avoid homes advertising Trump" as they canvassed Lake Placid, Florida to find residents who may qualify for federal aid.

The supervisor, Marn’i Washington, told workers both verbally and in a group chat to avoid Trump supporters' homes, multiple government officials told the Daily Wire.

"When we got there we were told to discriminate against people. It’s almost unbelievable to think that somebody in the federal government would think that’s okay," one of the employees told the outlet, adding that it was wrong to discriminate against Trump supporters when they were at their "most vulnerable."


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3f3a59 No.21951420

File: cd1042a9e2ca93f⋯.png (175.73 KB,449x381,449:381,ClipboardImage.png)

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04de56 No.22080468

Happy Thanksgiving Anons. Love you always never forget all your hard work.

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04de56 No.22080488

I am out thank you again see you tomorrow always here. Big Time lurker. LOVE Q need Anons more

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e5a0a2 No.22175542


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486c7d No.22178182

I've never used this stuff before. so I can reply just like this?

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486c7d No.22178189

how is my ID number generated? and what is the password for? If I sign up am I able to get one of those personal codes?

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486c7d No.22178221

is this really all anonymous?

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486c7d No.22178231

So my ID is always going to be that? Is it based on my computer? or my IP? Or my browser? Can I change it?

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84fdcb No.22178618


I remember how confusing the chans were

your ID is your IP, changes every thread, but the board keeps logs of the IP

no regular posters use name or pw or any of those fields

for the discussion click "catalog" and find the newest "General #…" thread

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554cf0 No.22250945

File: a11979908122a2e⋯.png (776.35 KB,697x918,41:54,ClipboardImage.png)

What is the response to this? Is it possible this footage is in the playlists noone is looking at? Is there evidence it was excluded from them and not released?

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554cf0 No.22251487


so the WB says it wasn't included

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673c12 No.22322211

File: 11e4541cc8284e7⋯.png (418.78 KB,720x516,60:43,1000005015.png)

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