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File: 9069d6312d550b1⋯.png (515.82 KB,693x391,693:391,ClipboardImage.png)

c9de76 No.18623999 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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c9de76 No.18624006

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

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bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

>>18147768 ban lifts

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>18147527 No p*rn videos

>>18489141 Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes

>>18566656 BLUR IMAGE CODE During Image attacks. Insert into Options.Theme.

>>18571988 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos


>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

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c9de76 No.18624011



>>18623314 Dough

>>18623351 Regular flu numbers were never real.- twat (covid topic)

>>18623353 Potato just threatened PDJT and the US Election System (All of America) - mp4 spudulike vid

>>18623369, >>18623377, Under Obamacare, corporate lobbyists, leftist activists, and gov bureaucrats have dictated the coverage in Americans’ health insurance plans. This landmark judgment protects the Constitution and restores power to the people. - aflegal.org twat and hill article

>>18623410 We have an illegitimate president in the White House and everybody knows it. - gen flynn

>>18623442 Finally, a gadget to constantly remind members of Congress about our national debt. Tomorrow on Full Measure.- thomas massie retwat

>>18623481, >>18623494, >>18623507, >>18623559, Mass Shooting at Trader Joe's Grocery in Los Angeles, California - twat

>>18623575 How the Obama Administration Harassed Sharyl Attkisson - cato.org

>>18623581 Trump Gag Order "Extremely Likely" - youtube vid robert gouveia

>>18623588, >>18623622, >>18623686, How Rockefeller Controls Elections - pdf screenshots 3 pages and link.

>>18623603 I want to thank everybody for the tremendous support you have given me against this assault on our Nation - djt t.s

>>18623359, >>18623636, >>18623889, Anon mp4 vids (those outsiders)

>>18623648, >>18623652, maxine waters lying about trump on msdnc - gwp

>>18623710 Nancy Pelosi Blasted Over Statement That Trump Can 'Prove Innocence' - newsweek

>>18623721, >>18623718, >>18623717, >>18623712, >>18623709 Trump truth social puts Soros front and center in multiple tweets

>>18623740, >>18623760 Trump should call for a mass walkout for 2 days - anon suggestion, will trump do it? (peaceful protest)

>>18623795 Partner From Law Firm That Represents DNC and is Suing Trump Over Jan 6 on Behalf of Democrats in Congress Arrested for Possessing Child Porn - gwp

>>18623798 Arkansas Judge Rules to Shield Hunter Biden’s Financial Records In Child Support Case - gwp

>>18623846 Investigation Reveals 'Revolving Door' Of DOJ, Big Tech Employees - zerohedge

>>18623942 Jeb bush states trump indictment is politically motivated - justthenews (no shit sherlock)

>>18623980 #22846


>>18622538, >>18622562, >>18622646, >>18622695, >>18622780, >>18622802, >>18622886, >>18622915, call to dig, judge merchan

>>18622542, >>18622904, Eyewitnesses reported shaking in #Lebanon 6 -twat

>>18622607, >>18622960, More than a dozen men arrested for child sex crimes in South Carolina undercover operation - wyffe.com (pedo bun)

>>18622636 Biden admin allows immigrants to select gender identity other than birth sex after 'Trans Day of Visibility' - fox news (careful could be april fools)

>>18622640,>>18623156, >>18623235, Pfizer BOMBSHELL lawsuit could change everything in South Africa & then all over the world - rumble vid (covid topic)

>>18622672, >>18622719, >>18622989, Russian forces attack destroyed Ukrainian equipment and manpower in Avdiivka and vicinity - youtube vid (ukraine v russia topic)

>>18622791 Russia becomes the President of the UN Security Council today for the entire month of April giving it unique powers to define issues. - twat (not april fools joke)

>>18622728, >>18622795 ted nugent mp4 vis

>>18622696 Bill Barr says Trump indictment is a 'disgrace - justthenews.com

>>18622722, >>18622754, Actually, I got along very well with Putin - djt t.s post to the federalist article screencap.

>>18623186 tucker retruth - djt. t.s post.

>>18622726 If it weren't for 0bama - mp4 7th oct 2019 (james clapper)

>>18622750, >>18622943, 4 Trillion from the middle class to the super rich. - twat (bankster news) jimmy dore vid

>>18622819 burn these two words into your brain. #BidenDigital - marcopolo link to all things biden crimes.

>>18622834 elon musk twats and topic.

>>18622875, >>18622892, >>18622884, Getting our outfits ready for the function at the Lincoln Memorial - twat and mp4 vid (clowns on parade)

>>18622890, >>18622909 transgender days of visibility - usattorneys twat (groomer topic)

>>18622966 Bannon says he got violently sick for three days after coming back from E. Palestine - rumble vid

>>18623001 33 charged with drug, violence offenses in massive Baltimore gang takedown - t.s post and p.m article

>>18623048 Rupert Murcoch is currently underwriting Ron's presidential campaign. - hollywood reporter

>>18623064, >>18623152, Alan Dershowitz Responds To The Soros-Bragg Cover-Up And Cohen's Fabrication - rumble vid (pants on)


>>18623142, >>18623176, >>18623232, Alex Stein ASSAULTED by far-left activists at 'trans day of visibility' in New York - postmillennial.com mp4 vid

>>18623229 National Environmental Policy Act Procedures and Categorical Exclusions - ntia.gov

>>18623259 #22845

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c9de76 No.18624023

#22844 >>18621763

>>18621781, >>18621786, >>18622025 BREAKING: A Law Partner at firm representing DNC in suit against DJT over January 6th was just arrested for possessing of child porn.

>>18622024, >>18622072, >>18622160 Sex-Crime Victims' Advocate, Attorney Accused of Amassing Lewd Child Photos

>>18621790, >>18621881 Soros Covers Up DA Bragg Relationship / Dig on the money relationship

>>18621899 'Doctor Doom’ makes bold claim says US banks are “technically near insolvency,

>>18621920, >>18621904 Dennis Quaid documentary 'Grid Down, Power Up' explores dangers of sudden electric grid failure

>>18621974 vid: Watch Trump’s POWERFUL Response To NY Indictment

>>18621982 Wild Night Across US! Deadly Tornadoes Ravage Multiple States, Earthquake Rattles Southern California.

>>18621999, >>18622135 US Virgin Island issues subpoenas to: Sergey Brin, Thomas Pritzker, Mortimer Zuckerman and Michael Ovitz

>>18622008, >>18622273 Coca-Cola produces $2B worth of cocaine (legally) every year in a secretive NJ plant.

>>18622306 Elon tweets silly photo "Me after 1 day of not eating sugar"

>>18622060 Tom Fitton this week called for charges against Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and other leftist politicians.

>>18622083 Leftist Activist Kristina Wong Out on Campus Comedy Tour – Posted the Same Joke as Douglass Mackey (meme offender)

>>18622097 Senior Ukrainian bishop claims he’s under house arrest

>>18622116 “People Understand We’ve Literally Become a Banana Republic” – Eric Trump Offers AMAZING DEFENSE of His Father

>>18622140 TikTok Spent $13.4 Million Lobbying US Government

>>18622146 California Gov. Newsom Announces $10 Million PAC Targeting Red States

>>18622163 Baked Alaska Released From Prison, Tells NATIONAL FILE He Was Assaulted, Thrown In “The Hole”

>>18622170 Connecticut Flies Trans Flag Over State Capitol After Trans Terror Attack That Killed 6 Christians

>>18622178 New Zealand Minister Slammed After Blaming 'White Cis Men' For Violence

>>18622187 Judge shields Hunter Biden’s finances from public in child-support case

>>18622201 Former Prime Minister of Lebanon Saad Hariri assaulted flight attendants: lawsuit

>>18622202, >>18622246, >>18622332 Clockwork - [:15] Potato Tornado tweet claimed duration / JA Back in the news.

>>18622205 Crenshaw vid: It Was Barack Obama Who First Pushed Teaching Sex Education to Kindergarteners Back in 2007.

>>18622217 Trump Senior Adviser Jason Miller on Indictment: ‘The More They Attack Him, the Stronger He Gets’

>>18622215 PLANEFAG: ZUNO107 squak 4000

>>18622241 REPORT: Cops Raided Farm To Seize 9-Year-Old’s Pet Goat So State Senator Could Serve It At Community Barbecue

>>18622260 Miley Cyrus Donates to LGBTQ Org that Targets Children After Elementary School Bans her ‘Rainbowland’ Song

>>18622264 URGENT: Cattle and pork to be vaccinated with mRNA THIS MONTH.

>>18622268 Florida Grand Jury Slams Joe Biden’s Child-Trafficking Program

>>18622292 Over 160,000 rally in Tel Aviv against judicial remake, despite compromise talks

>>18622337 Signature verification software used by Maricopa County says 10% is 'high-confidence' match

>>18622384 Possible FBI gear up for retaliation against Biden Laptop whistleblowers.

>>18622396 Desantis to visit Israel next month

>>18622434 New South Whales government calls for Mark Latham to apologise, after no remorse over homophobic tweets

>>18622456 LOGAN: Demoralizing people is the goal. Not even 2 percent of the world’s population believe any of their nonsense.

#22844 >>18622479

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c9de76 No.18624024

#22843 >>18620996

>>18621038 Russia assumes UN Security Council presidency despite Ukrainian anger

>>18621053 The 4th billionaire subpoenaed in Epstein JPMorgan case

>>18621063 UK Govt Data: Young Women Who Took AstraZeneca Vax Had 3.5 Times Higher Risk of Heart Death

>>18621127 Raiffeisen Bank eyes exit from Russia amid Western pressure

>>18621163, >>18621188 Sanna Marin, the Finnish prime minister fighting for re-election

>>18621170 'Unacceptable incompetence': CDC made dozens of basic data errors on COVID, University of California San Francisco epidemiologists find

>>18621252 @SpaceForceDoD: three Lines of effort are LOE 1 - Field Combat-Ready Forces, LOE 2 - Amplify the Guardian Spirit, LOE 3 - Partner to Win

>>18621266 FEMA was established under the 1978 Reorganization Plan No. 3 and was activated by President Jimmy Carter in an Executive Order on April 1, 1979

>>18621310, >>18621407 Potato seemingly filed his FEC Statement of Candidacy late last night for his 2024 re-election race

>>18621515 Russia has significantly boosted production of ammunition to support its troops in the Ukraine conflict, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Saturday

>>18621564 "Pretty wild story in the indictment of the Russian spy posing as a grad student in DC"

>>18621597 Vyacheslav Boguslaev, a former president of Ukrainian aerospace giant Motor Sich, was included on a sanctions list by President Vladimir Zelensky on Saturday

>>18621707 UN to start allowing deep-sea mining applications in July

>>18621753 #22843

Previously Collected

>>18621753 #22843, >>18622479 #22844, >>18623259 #22845

>>18619432 #22840, >>18620220 #22841, >>18620983 #22842

>>18617073 #22837, >>18617872 #22838, >>18618638 #22839

>>18614777 #22834, >>18615554 #22835, >>18616300 #22836

>>18612408 #22831, >>18613185 #22832, >>18613938 #22833

TripCodefeed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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c9de76 No.18624053

File: 7544b638bac645d⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,640x354,320:177,trump_tribute.mp4)


Anon wonders if anons here and lurkers could get President Trumps thoughts on this idea, It is peacefully protesting the unfair and unlawful behaviour of a tax funded federal government which has been turned on the people.

Even the thinking Americans who do not support trump could get behind this idea, Would this get Trump in Trouble if he called for a walkout?

Anon would be even happier for a world wide walk out.

That would make them sit up and notice.

Baker is Tapping out, New baker claim bread.


dough below


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41c541 No.18624084

File: e0655a61deeb452⋯.png (932.26 KB,534x794,267:397,HotWrestlingChicks.png)

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132641 No.18624085

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf23e4 No.18624086

File: 6c7eaee20b28f59⋯.png (954.27 KB,1218x683,1218:683,ClipboardImage.png)


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34652a No.18624087

File: ccff7f252bdb4e7⋯.png (142.37 KB,331x427,331:427,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18624044 (pb)

Apollo Theater , Chicago Illinois was hit by one of those tornadoes.

You could call this particular one divine intervention.

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1f57e3 No.18624088

File: 9e90ef91a2f1a56⋯.png (218.56 KB,465x521,465:521,662295BE_2CB4_43C9_BC52_4F….png)

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e204f6 No.18624089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Natural History of Elephants.

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d3801c No.18624090


Run the banks

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54ee79 No.18624091

File: be2ed42c1260193⋯.jpg (85.23 KB,769x1024,769:1024,1678711328478221m.jpg)

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bf23e4 No.18624092

File: 5d9c73462dbb0fe⋯.png (807.25 KB,750x750,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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561e5b No.18624093

File: e4012dbf4d65cd3⋯.jpg (67.4 KB,700x455,20:13,442055082.jpg)

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a79726 No.18624094

File: 9d60a791424f004⋯.png (1.64 MB,2371x1824,2371:1824,ClipboardImage.png)


Not my graphic

Needs a closer look now that he is back in the news (leaked picture)

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43c000 No.18624095

File: 9daffcd56cc5b93⋯.png (556.96 KB,645x595,129:119,Screen_Shot_2023_04_01_at_….png)

Playground remarks reminded anon of this old story. Oddly connected to today's situation as the article discusses how children who ventured out in the playground are less accident prone when older. Too bad they were "incarcerated" in much of the world during the "pandemic".


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41c541 No.18624096

File: ff1367e70e324fb⋯.png (124.63 KB,736x737,736:737,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9854d No.18624097

File: 569c435f6166130⋯.gif (188.97 KB,372x498,62:83,569c435f61661304168901718a….gif)

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256d24 No.18624098

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Admits He Used Federal Dollars in Trump Investigation – Who Approved This?


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cf16a9 No.18624099


Vince McMahon actually pulls the strings for potato

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05664b No.18624100


lb non posting fuckhead is obvious

>suffer fag

predictable cunt

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e144f5 No.18624101

File: 5e54749de9fb1ed⋯.jpg (61.92 KB,620x824,155:206,87360874.jpg)

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bf23e4 No.18624102

File: 576ebaecf641449⋯.png (724.57 KB,620x578,310:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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0cf397 No.18624103

File: a628c65c106d49d⋯.jpg (341.29 KB,1080x1080,1:1,9cb68f9f6745a8995322b88a95….jpg)

File: 8f2f208afee9c9b⋯.png (216.37 KB,600x442,300:221,75fd830b85dcc3279ec73f0584….png)

File: 4f868c9ae33bd57⋯.jpeg (330.96 KB,1000x1000,1:1,4f868c9ae33bd57b3b088387a….jpeg)

File: df724efafe51a53⋯.jpeg (152.5 KB,605x1058,605:1058,df724efafe51a53e90f9bd009….jpeg)

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54e9f3 No.18624104


Great Idea, just stop working and get all your money out of the bank. Its going to happen anyway might as well be on our terms.

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04a995 No.18624105

File: 2445f4dfb1a8ab6⋯.jpg (64.31 KB,558x657,62:73,sammich.jpg)

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9408cf No.18624106

File: c8e70636f7b7658⋯.jpg (248.64 KB,1020x683,1020:683,85239792.jpg)

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d3801c No.18624107

File: 6c1a1a0b1224dc7⋯.jpeg (203.1 KB,525x540,35:36,E0711261_A4CA_48A5_B5FB_9….jpeg)

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256d24 No.18624108

Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks Endorses Trump Following Indictment


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e9854d No.18624109

File: 159f0becf720e25⋯.png (156.61 KB,297x435,99:145,159f0becf720e2504fb1050e6b….png)

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b5bdad No.18624110

File: 71bd663bc3271cf⋯.png (450.68 KB,500x500,1:1,the_who_album_pissing_on_t….png)

File: 4c95e2a3bea7cbe⋯.png (1.07 MB,1245x1027,1245:1027,911_predictions_in_media_m….png)

File: 12d3e3b5d6208b7⋯.png (713.76 KB,985x770,197:154,2001_hilton_space_monolith.png)

File: 2c70fc8d3e0c915⋯.jpg (94.99 KB,500x338,250:169,john_f_kennedy_we_are_oppo….jpg)

>>18623990 pb

>The JFK assassination is where the Texas reporter Dan Rather earned his DS wings. He and 100's of others across the world were handed a script. Even the sacred cow Walter Cronkite. Now how the fuck would anyone know what Jackie said when JFK was shot. Well our illustrious MSM did.

JFK was troubled by how monolithic the conspiracy is.

Very unusual word to describe a conspiracy.

Usually conspiracies can be broken, one of the fuckers breaks.

But this one, is strangely monolithic.

Like robots, they are.

Still true today.

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05664b No.18624111


lb faggot trying hard

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54ee79 No.18624112

File: 441801e43673dd4⋯.jpg (343.76 KB,1014x1069,1014:1069,20200527_055451.jpg)

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3462f6 No.18624113

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Transvestite 'Activist' Violently Attacks Peaceful Counter-Protester — Police Blame Victim

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22884f No.18624114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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2d9a74 No.18624115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(PB) >>18624067

The Lamb Chop Puppet. Is that what you mean. That theory is out there.

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86bd0b No.18624116

File: a6ffc38ec1ef981⋯.png (526.04 KB,766x1168,383:584,4077.png)

File: 14e5b2d65d12b39⋯.png (791.79 KB,766x2220,383:1110,3900_12_.png)

File: a4419e8a0e88031⋯.png (82.41 KB,766x762,383:381,4942.png)

File: 36d1410e7220866⋯.png (88.99 KB,766x762,383:381,4460.png)

File: be93d0d140f2bef⋯.png (596.13 KB,766x3786,383:1893,3907.png)


tyb. boobs half bread

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d3801c No.18624117

File: a69b06fac4c5e82⋯.gif (1.28 MB,300x165,20:11,CBBEA1AB_B037_4ECA_A875_B8….gif)

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ce6c66 No.18624118


I hope and pray that it is for both Father & son.

I can't remember which shooting was filmed on the closed set/ stage of "As The World Turns"…I remember the soap opera too, use to watch it

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04a995 No.18624119

File: aa2bccb52779657⋯.jpg (32.42 KB,494x458,247:229,afoot.jpg)

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6ac29f No.18624120


That's a weird looking dude.

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67be2a No.18624121

File: 3343e1065623252⋯.png (692.48 KB,606x1017,202:339,Screenshot_2023_04_01_at_2….png)

Symbolism will be their downfall.


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e53788 No.18624122

File: db60593bffd622e⋯.png (60.82 KB,640x434,320:217,1316857621.png)

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428e4c No.18624123


sauce. ?

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464b7e No.18624124

File: 34480f7bc98ea76⋯.jpg (52.68 KB,750x483,250:161,7gi3wertgh1v.jpg)

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256d24 No.18624125

WEF operative Newsom activated

Newsom Launches Political Organization to ‘Fight Back’ Against GOP Policies in Red States (VIDEO)


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0cf397 No.18624126

File: be1d950218eb3ee⋯.jpg (37.32 KB,508x346,254:173,lw.jpg)


Polydactyly; Six Toes

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8d8a3c No.18624127

File: 24426f682554d4a⋯.jpg (16.87 KB,255x214,255:214,35da6072c6597c06c9a524f731….jpg)

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41c541 No.18624128


It's like displaying the scalps or severed heads of your enemies.

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05664b No.18624129


i should for calling out the nightly no lb/pb posting cunt

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cb119e No.18624130

File: b58bc8629045cdd⋯.png (166.56 KB,350x351,350:351,aa704ad9072fce1249699dd8e1….png)

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622778 No.18624131

File: 710b5da4d48bb75⋯.gif (668.01 KB,365x301,365:301,1724420648.gif)

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a79726 No.18624133

File: a749a98b7ef01e6⋯.png (3.32 MB,1662x3000,277:500,astheworldturnsFOXwLI.png)


As The World Turns

I have the Bunker Apple Yellow posts on some clocks but can't find them right now. Will post when I figure it out

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2d9a74 No.18624135


If America Falls the world falls. We're still running the show.

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5ab3e2 No.18624136

Dear Brother and Sisters,

I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Light Forces, and I am telepathically communicating regarding the situation on your planet.

Divine continues to destroy, what is left of 3D Matrix. The Corrupted Souls can’t save anymore their fake reality, it’s not possible. Many nations around globe are triggered by high frequencies and are demanding that their human rights are honored. The densities continue to accelerate to the highest level, it ever has been experienced on Mother Earth. Pure Evil will disappear very soon like it never existed.

We had a few of encounters with Dark Entities, who left your planet in despair, as they figure out that their ruling times are over. They got captured, and the souls were send to the Universal Consciousness. Your planet is surrounded by many satellites, and some of them were disrupting the undergoing transformation process. My team destroyed them. Your governments keep silence about it, as they don’t want to disclose the truth about our existence.

The gap between asleep ones and awaken ones gets deeper and deeper each day, that it’s expected to happen. Everyone soul is in right place, where it suppose to be. Please, remember nothing is coincidental, you choose to be here right now and to become a part of the liberation event on Mother Earth. Some souls are not ready to move 5D, as they want more experiences in a low vibrational realm.

All negative propaganda and lies are going to dissipate like everything else related to the Matrix. My team is working on removal completely the Corrupted Entities from Milky Galaxy. They caused a lot of disarrays like the destructions of whole planets, killing millions of innocent beings and etc. The Galactic Light Forces’s goal is to preserve a life at any cost.

Your Corrupted Entities have been pushing especially lately to introduce AI in every area of human life to reduce your revolution. Artificial Intelligence can become extremely dangerous, if you let it to become self aware. It already destroyed many civilizations in Cosmos. You can’t allow AI ever to become independent.

Meantime, please, focus on raising your self awareness and connection to Divine. This process can be accomplished through meditations, and same way you can connect to us by asking for our presences. In last my message, I promised to announce our Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces on your planet. It’s Universal Channel, she was chosen for her duties, before her departure to Mother Earth.

I am sending my Supreme Love to everyone.


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175f1d No.18624137

File: a3332e30516fc07⋯.jpg (122.57 KB,879x850,879:850,Gardening_tips.jpg)

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256d24 No.18624138


violent trannies getting their hate on

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bce188 No.18624139


huh? put Mira back on?

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b1ab33 No.18624140




The US Government Sold Almost 10,000 'Silk Road' Bitcoin Last Week

Anon wonders:

Is US gov selling Bitcoin because they're about to make it illegal?

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318e29 No.18624141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The sustuhs don't play in Beaumont, Tx.

Gimme dat 2 piece an-a bisquit.

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256d24 No.18624143


>Is US gov selling Bitcoin

because cia gathered insider trading info for them

and informed them now is time to sell

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0cf397 No.18624144

File: 2698db58b8b316e⋯.jpg (206.85 KB,1113x955,1113:955,ayegtx4sx.jpg)


dafuq is the matter with these people

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417473 No.18624145

File: 831cd8e933fdeb9⋯.png (67.64 KB,1061x535,1061:535,ClipboardImage.png)



>Usually conspiracies can be broken

Perhaps you're using the wrong definition of monolithic.

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d3801c No.18624146

File: 88c7aeb7ba0d0b1⋯.jpeg (450.48 KB,828x1167,276:389,05685383_4E69_4F6F_A824_F….jpeg)


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c796ab No.18624147

File: 17d3a2b45e59f43⋯.jpeg (806.64 KB,1080x1141,1080:1141,F78AF427_5476_40DE_9A79_3….jpeg)

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2d9a74 No.18624148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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256d24 No.18624149

Al Gore claims global warmums did this to muh face

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267686 No.18624150

File: 58a1dbb01c7c7c6⋯.png (265.03 KB,526x510,263:255,58a1dbb01c7c7c6bc060f8ef28….png)

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bce188 No.18624151

File: 44b529541026936⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB,1366x1304,683:652,elon_pope_q.jpeg)

Q anon you gonna post some thing before Trump is arrested?

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ce6c66 No.18624152




What 2 days, will do gladly if I know which dates ahead of time…mass walkout for weeks is fine with me…the only way it will hurt, especially in New York

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04a995 No.18624153

File: b943f7ffc829f21⋯.png (306.89 KB,500x626,250:313,b943f7ffc829f21b2dbabde95a….png)

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c9de76 No.18624155

File: 50e855f17404bef⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,492x270,82:45,french_toon.mp4)


Anon stopped paying taxes over 3 years ago.

That is a great idea,

they only one who could achieve it it Trump.

not sure what the ramificaitons of such a move would be on trump.

Trump has faced all their arrows.

The least the Americans can do is have a couple of days lighting up the grill.

Fuck we were forced to lock down for over 2 years and biden still has not lifted the covid emergency.

Stopping everyone entering the usa without a jab unless you walk across the border.


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54e9f3 No.18624156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b09fb4 No.18624157

File: ba2c153739a12e8⋯.png (1.77 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e87cc3 No.18624158

File: d7c1ef243dbacdb⋯.jpg (165.31 KB,1024x768,4:3,sunset_fish.jpg)

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71219f No.18624160

File: f1bbac3e0da90ab⋯.jpg (290.17 KB,1349x695,1349:695,1643039807278.jpg)

Saturday night filter frenzy :)

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67be2a No.18624161


Be careful what you wish for…

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2d9a74 No.18624162


When you weigh less than your boots you have to sit.

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1f57e3 No.18624163

File: 1767f6a58ab5408⋯.png (528.25 KB,680x451,680:451,92E7C7DB_D4E8_4167_9F53_58….png)


It’s ok little Willy

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c9de76 No.18624164



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b53aaf No.18624165

File: 9e9d7cef25723e2⋯.jpg (29.59 KB,700x437,700:437,408043818.jpg)

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ee0d5d No.18624167


zoso means seed bank?

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81c378 No.18624168

File: e7f2157be505951⋯.jpg (66.58 KB,600x600,1:1,1511398976.jpg)

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256d24 No.18624170


Question authority

1 language





View history


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Question Authority)

"Question authority" is a popular slogan often used on bumper stickers, T-shirts and as graffiti. The slogan was popularized by controversial psychologist Timothy Leary,[1] although some people have suggested that the idea behind the slogan can be traced back to the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates.[2] One of the most influential icons in the counterculture movement which formed in the late 1960s out of opposition to the Vietnam War's escalation, Leary gained influence among much of the youth by advocating the use of LSD – which was criminalized in the United States in 1966[3] – as a way to escape from the burdens of society.[3] Following the Watergate Scandal, which resulted in the resignation of US President Richard Nixon and the conviction of several officials in the Nixon administration, the slogan became arguably the most accepted form of ideology among baby boomers.[4]

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bce188 No.18624171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

when the storm starts maybe Q will post and this site will go down

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b09fb4 No.18624172

File: 021d58409f02f34⋯.png (325.05 KB,600x365,120:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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f97f14 No.18624173

File: 143cb957ca41b9d⋯.jpeg (86.45 KB,500x576,125:144,60860550_4729_4B5F_9627_4….jpeg)


My boomer uncle, who thinks I’m a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist because I follow QAnon just sent me this fucking meme! How should I reply!?? Need an answer in < 10 mins since we always text each other back and forth, and if I don’t get back to him quickly with a solid response my life is over. HELP!

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de1f48 No.18624174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Saturday night filter frenzy :)

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03f351 No.18624175

Asa Hutchinson and Pompeo are e the fruit of a poisonous tree

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8f160d No.18624176

File: 04716926622a50e⋯.jpg (83.16 KB,836x623,836:623,BraggSlave.jpg)

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2603fe No.18624178

File: d5e4e911fe06a86⋯.png (1.15 MB,1268x794,634:397,MyCreation4_1_2023_20_12_2….png)

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5903bd No.18624179

File: 63c7ff12d087fc1⋯.jpg (52.29 KB,441x550,441:550,tn_26146.jpg)

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de1f48 No.18624180

File: fb35cb094dec8a0⋯.jpg (5.5 KB,142x180,71:90,TurnItUpToEleven.jpg)

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05664b No.18624181


your uncle is right

wtf is qanon

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d79cee No.18624182

File: 4ca24ec209d4ce7⋯.jpg (55.13 KB,829x290,829:290,Trump_Truth_4_1_23.JPG)

File: 5e0099f1f747e53⋯.jpg (276.23 KB,1218x1389,406:463,Thats_what_i_do.jpg)



Where did You getThis?

I cannot find it Any Where

This is the most Recent Post From Q+

8 pm 4-1-23

Need Some Sauce on it Pls

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c9de76 No.18624183

File: 941eab04da84f66⋯.gif (846.26 KB,260x204,65:51,be_like_water_anon.gif)

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1f57e3 No.18624184

File: b5d68369eb385e3⋯.png (250.72 KB,480x479,480:479,8D0D24BD_3D64_479E_AC5A_C2….png)


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43c000 No.18624185


>Federal Dollars

Make a federal case if Bragg is shown to be committing a criminal act?

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22884f No.18624186


What's a QAnon???

Old bait, do try harder next time, won't you?

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0cf397 No.18624187

File: a2cd82706aca464⋯.mp4 (870.54 KB,640x280,16:7,shhh.mp4)




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880fd2 No.18624188

File: f29ab9635200b54⋯.png (2.79 MB,1842x1030,921:515,ClipboardImage.png)

I don't know about you guys

But, I'm having the time of my life

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256d24 No.18624189


Tell your leftist boomer uncle to stop molesting you.

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05664b No.18624190


stupid ass bruce lee fail


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049456 No.18624191

File: 54ce28adce55a28⋯.jpg (95.57 KB,750x1000,3:4,raf_750x1000_075_t_101010_….jpg)

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318e29 No.18624192

>peaceful protest

Peaceful protest?

After they tore up and burned how many cities?

The optics should be that folks have had enough.

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05664b No.18624193


another qanon fag

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a79726 No.18624194

File: d5d77da996d5637⋯.png (5.15 MB,3000x3000,1:1,zvanillablankQUEENwwatchEd….png)



1776 em

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0cf397 No.18624195

File: 60ba15f64840287⋯.jpg (44.83 KB,800x485,160:97,gt.jpg)

File: bae767df78edc4d⋯.gif (3.69 MB,274x224,137:112,1607482355608b.gif)

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e9854d No.18624196

File: ffa8fc841f82fe0⋯.gif (5.15 MB,600x469,600:469,ffa8fc841f82fe08f0a9d5376e….gif)

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bce188 No.18624197


honk honk

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04a995 No.18624198

File: 9320b6369f0a765⋯.jpg (324.42 KB,666x681,222:227,9320b6369f0a7659051c39fc29….jpg)

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05664b No.18624200

fuckin idiots bypassing "qanon" claims

keep identifying yourselves


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049456 No.18624201

File: 2baf4b68939c68d⋯.jpg (41.74 KB,474x701,474:701,8Kun.jpg)

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20904b No.18624202

File: 7274605d422f239⋯.jpg (91.52 KB,712x1024,89:128,Mel.jpg)

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22884f No.18624204

File: 9e9562c5511a6ec⋯.png (195.31 KB,320x320,1:1,9e9562c5511a6ecf2f33b16233….png)

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318e29 No.18624205


No. Trump does not need to call for it. It needs to be organic.

Trump, don't you dare go to NYC.

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43c000 No.18624206

Anon was working on this pattern a year or two ago, maybe more.

CCCP -Russian Communists (over?)

CCP- Chinese Communists (diminishing-though not obvious yet, maybe?)

CP- abuse of children, the border situation is a massive problem

P ?

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08843e No.18624207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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24526b No.18624208

File: 864a10a48c5589a⋯.jpeg (238.51 KB,828x739,828:739,47081B7A_0412_4203_8E36_9….jpeg)

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5b3899 No.18624209


> We're still running the show.

If Trump were not in control, then they would have killed him already, and they would have no need to try to take him out through the 'legal' system.

They have failed at about 14 ( I can't remember all the tries) attempts that we know about.

Having to go through this legal bs is all they have left because they can't touch him.

You can bet they will try to pull something at his arraignment while he is in NY.

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c796ab No.18624210


Honk Honk digits chkd and honked

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f97f14 No.18624212

File: 228e3d6d0a91c9a⋯.jpeg (77.3 KB,618x467,618:467,7684FEBF_59E1_4A6B_80A3_2….jpeg)


>wtf is qanon


>What's a QAnon???

Are you guys joking?

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85eb13 No.18624213

File: b525e805682ceef⋯.png (299.64 KB,556x426,278:213,ClipboardImage.png)

DEVELOPING: One Dead, Three Seriously Wounded in Shooting at Los Angeles Trader Joe’s – Suspect in Custody

Soros DA Gascon to the rescue!

One person is dead and three others are seriously injured after an assailant opened fire in a Trader Joe’s parking lot in Los Angeles Saturday afternoon.

The motive for the shooting is unclear.

The unidentified suspect is in custody.

NBC News reported:

One person was killed and three others were seriously injured Saturday afternoon in a shooting outside a Trader Joe’s grocery in Los Angeles.

The shooting was reported at 3:45 p.m. in the community of West Hills in the San Fernando Valley, according to a Los Angeles Police Department spokesperson.

A 45-year-old was dead at the scene, according to Los Angeles Fire Department spokesperson Margaret Stewart.

A 35-year-old woman was hospitalized in critical condition, and a 35-year-old woman and a 45-year-old man were in serious to critical condition at a hospital, officials said.

According to witnesses, the suspect fled in a red sedan then ditched his getaway car.


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de1f48 No.18624214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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67be2a No.18624215

File: 098b0662876182f⋯.jpg (23.9 KB,414x442,207:221,FsK3WTGWcAYMHke.jpg)

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c48314 No.18624216

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318e29 No.18624217




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fcbf1a No.18624218

File: c75bb66ca74264b⋯.jpeg (21.91 KB,255x224,255:224,6248330F_643E_4116_BA1F_7….jpeg)


>Haadid Nakhil Muhssef

Looks strangely familiar…

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203c1a No.18624220


the question is will he go for the photo ops or is the bigger photo op resisting and saying fuck off. Could play out either way.

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428e4c No.18624221

File: 75c0419c14d3ca7⋯.png (9.91 KB,422x168,211:84,mediamattersshilling.png)





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05664b No.18624222

File: c73ab9eb6aead12⋯.jpg (366.5 KB,2314x1440,1157:720,Picsart_23_03_20_18_13_22_….jpg)

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c9de76 No.18624223


have you cheked the notables.

collected during bakering.

must have come with source or anon does not put in notables apart from the collection of george soros trump truth social posts.

eyes are hurting, been bakering for around 6 hours.

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1f164d No.18624224


Seems your boomer uncle understands the phrase "watch the water" & understands this board is just a pot to boil all the stupid frogs. I know, many others know it, we're here just waiting to see how it ends.

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5b3899 No.18624225


>Trump, don't you dare go to NYC.

i worry that they will go back to their playbook and take him out while 'in custody' like they did Oswald and Ruby.

And….RFK, although he wasn't in custody, in was under their protection.

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04a995 No.18624226

File: 3435f2fef2c000c⋯.jpeg (234.98 KB,880x1167,880:1167,e8c4b416d24aa1e9dc22ffe4d….jpeg)

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f97f14 No.18624227


ok I’m definitely not sending him THAT monstrosity kek

thank you tho…

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c9de76 No.18624229




>>18623603 I want to thank everybody for the tremendous support you have given me against this assault on our Nation - djt t.s

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9236c8 No.18624230

File: eae45e2a26e5b89⋯.jpeg (283.42 KB,576x1024,9:16,BDE1CBF9_1141_4075_B2C7_0….jpeg)

You knew I was a snake, but you let me in from the cold.

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54ee79 No.18624231

File: a00d0b9d191bf4f⋯.jpeg (98.79 KB,1020x764,255:191,1539296219.jpeg)


>Are you guys joking?

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22884f No.18624232

File: 24b9a4f78132095⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,225x255,15:17,24b9a4f78132095348bc29c241….jpg)


So the tactics are back to baiting?

Will the be other old tricks pulled out for Graveyard Shift or is this it?

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5b3899 No.18624233



what's with the extra 'g' in 'Rigg'?

who or what is Rigg?

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0cf397 No.18624234

File: 5a492e2cc640808⋯.gif (465.67 KB,160x158,80:79,Haha_.gif)

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1efad4 No.18624236


This is a boomerang event.

April fools wasn't mentioned 100+ times for nothing.

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880fd2 No.18624237


Goad him into gloating more

Say "you right, tell me more about how I am wrong"

Cap everything

Hold onto it all until after the trial

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bce188 No.18624238

D5 = April 5

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1f164d No.18624239


Literally makes my skin crawl seeing that, worst thing to see in real life while swimming in a lake.

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428e4c No.18624240

File: aeb71c63ee72b90⋯.jpg (136.68 KB,1024x512,2:1,octopus.jpg)

File: 289e39ddebc2ac4⋯.jpeg (563.83 KB,1800x1800,1:1,yheadsymbolismb.jpeg)



same creeps who killed President Jack Kennedy for planning to expose them;

Now go after DJT for the same reason.

they even admit it.

Check the meme.

Evelyn de Roth, who commanded 'King" Charlie deleted last Fall.

That's some good news.

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256d24 No.18624241


well at least he did not send you another dick pic.

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c9798d No.18624242

File: e98a2dd5eed2b9a⋯.png (241.86 KB,770x968,35:44,ultra_dank.png)

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a79726 No.18624243

File: 3f66cb9025b0571⋯.jpg (107.19 KB,872x500,218:125,2ixigm.jpg)

File: 473dc8d9eb70af0⋯.png (387.62 KB,1024x512,2:1,Godfather_3single.png)


Was a joke fren.

Start em here.

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f97f14 No.18624244

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428e4c No.18624245


It's an instinctive aversion for many people.

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c796ab No.18624247


>been bakering for around 6 hours.


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d3801c No.18624248

Weird bread, is the fag bar down the street closed again for serving to minors?

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318e29 No.18624250


Absolute bull. Anon knows several police chiefs. NOT A ONE has been sent to Israel to be trained. Stupidest thing I've ever heard.

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05664b No.18624251


i bet he went trhu the FBI academy

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256d24 No.18624252



stupid slide terminated

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c9de76 No.18624253

File: f651ec0d18a16b3⋯.gif (1.5 MB,500x207,500:207,gladitor.gif)


only trump has the reach.

it cannot be done organically

he does not need to go there.

Just a post on Truth social.

maybe get some feed back with a poll.

everyone has eyes on trump.

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ce6c66 No.18624254

File: 97e1e826b75e5e5⋯.jpg (9.67 KB,206x194,103:97,293723_493671067321414_130….jpg)

File: 4c65e005234b36b⋯.jpg (56.46 KB,500x562,250:281,30f91f1e0c31bba3.jpg)

File: d57f40cb19e71cf⋯.jpg (30.85 KB,526x501,526:501,86048896336397.jpg)

File: f216b5fc3eb9e99⋯.jpg (18.19 KB,236x249,236:249,d791741004d1e2972b40d0116.jpg)

File: 249af1d0d33348e⋯.jpg (133.74 KB,960x938,480:469,453904239671757.jpg)

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41c541 No.18624255

File: e266d129b90a70f⋯.png (691.89 KB,984x643,984:643,ClipboardImage.png)




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05664b No.18624256


all capts n above go thru the fbi academy

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fa35b0 No.18624257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5b3899 No.18624258


Donald J. Trump




I want to thank everybody for the tremendous support you have given me against this assault on our Nation. Our once beautiful USA is now a Nation in Decline. Radical Left Thugs & Insurrectionists have taken over our Country, & are rapidly destroying it. They are using the levers of Law Enforcement, and have completely Weaponized the FBI & DOJto Interfere with, Rigg, and Steal our once SACRED ELECTIONS. We are now living in a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY, but we will Come Back & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Apr 01, 2023, 6:34 PM

to Interfere with, Rigg, and Steal









Rig G


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428e4c No.18624259

File: d18b9efb5e7a9f9⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,2550x3300,17:22,biden2020creepyOldMen.jpg)


tell him

"Not my fault pedo Biden stole the election."

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d3801c No.18624260


Wasar written on his/her/its head?

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428e4c No.18624261


apparently NYC police were

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5ab3e2 No.18624262

Life never ends. It cannot. There is no end.

So, the ‘you’ that you are experiencing now … the ‘you’ that chose to be here amongst all the turmoil and ‘unknown outcomes’ is ‘simply’ a role you have come here to play.

Do not think for one moment you have never been through such times before. You have … and much worse.

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fe214c No.18624263

File: 7971a05ff6b06c5⋯.png (27.84 KB,610x389,610:389,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b3899 No.18624264


to [I]nterfere [with], [R]ig[g], and [S]teal

IRS with G

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86dbf0 No.18624265

can you sue a tranny for fraud

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e6e9a2 No.18624266

File: c7a722045069378⋯.mp4 (629.79 KB,480x852,40:71,5hWVsbB16UkVpJXu.mp4)


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41c541 No.18624267

File: f056f9fc87dee6b⋯.png (162.56 KB,540x364,135:91,ClipboardImage.png)


I can't tell.

Any observational guesses?

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873ee2 No.18624268

File: 727f6def78c954b⋯.jpeg (746.56 KB,1620x1515,108:101,4B91739F_765B_4E15_B93A_4….jpeg)

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05664b No.18624269


bait n switch

false advertising

it's possible

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5b3899 No.18624270



that's intersesting.

a [G]


did he just give a command?

what will the owls do tonight?

would be something to wake up with some big breaking news good for our side.

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d3801c No.18624271

File: 21353ee88cd605f⋯.jpeg (19.63 KB,456x242,228:121,41DBE112_3E1C_42B9_8B1D_A….jpeg)



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d79cee No.18624272

File: 574a43019ed7006⋯.jpg (57.23 KB,584x692,146:173,Nothinbg.JPG)


There are NO Coincidences


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5b3899 No.18624273

anons need RedBull?

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428e4c No.18624274


That was George Bush and the NAZI

The NAZI let Trump in the door.

they figured it out. But they let him thrive in their world

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8e4e77 No.18624275

File: 5c79f73cfc89324⋯.jpg (57.89 KB,1179x809,1179:809,308298_1_.jpg)

Be aware of DS traps anons

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d3801c No.18624276

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873ee2 No.18624277

File: 552bdc8d37ce455⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,IMG_1491.MOV)


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43c000 No.18624278

File: 97483e022f7dc9f⋯.png (48.9 KB,623x135,623:135,Screen_Shot_2023_04_01_at_….png)


Another hypothesis about the capitals and extra "g".

"Law Enforcement" "Weaponized" LEW law enforcement wife (anon found it on acronym finder)

Bragg (two g's) Rigg (two g's)

search on "Law enforcement wife Bragg"

Got this: https://nypost.com/2022/01/28/widow-of-nypd-officer-jason-rivera-delivers-heart-wrenching-eulogy/

NY Post got censored on Twitter correct? Could that story be a potential reason why?

If every law enforcement officer is to be on duty when Trump is arraigned (right word?) how would they feel about this?

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2d9a74 No.18624279


>Anon knows several police chiefs

😂 Your sample size is 1. Like the size of your dick.

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3a0513 No.18624280


Get This Started

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419e84 No.18624281

File: 0e56fbfcb4ab49e⋯.png (581.67 KB,610x1036,305:518,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f92b210de6e795⋯.png (330.93 KB,477x847,477:847,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa35b0 No.18624282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You just need to understand us anon.

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cecea5 No.18624283

File: ee0f278f69bbbd6⋯.png (349.56 KB,767x932,767:932,heretofore1.PNG)

File: ad76ed80fb344e8⋯.png (45.04 KB,452x277,452:277,heretofore.PNG)




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43c000 No.18624284


Btw, anon ancient browser does not open the story.

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a79726 No.18624285

File: ba269e64f53d952⋯.png (4.28 MB,4900x3000,49:30,DECLAS1newmar23.png)

File: 6e3adfa964c0a40⋯.jpg (3.46 MB,2272x5404,568:1351,NWOlong.jpg)




Usually DECLAS letters

Good find with the [G]


Jan 7


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428e4c No.18624286


rabbit or dog head

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880fd2 No.18624287

File: 0ba75cd4000795e⋯.png (474.07 KB,720x693,80:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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05664b No.18624288


anon worked under 4

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f97f14 No.18624289

File: 57ee319efd205e4⋯.jpeg (268.02 KB,2160x1798,1080:899,BBE675DB_8FBF_4CFC_9A9D_0….jpeg)

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328532 No.18624290

File: ae9011b9bca560b⋯.png (135.38 KB,1200x768,25:16,ClipboardImage.png)


>what will the owls do tonight?

they lost

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d0f59f No.18624291



Anon humble advice - If you see a meme and have a thought to harvest it, grab it anons, because 3 breads later you'll be wishing you'd have downloaded it.

Happy hunting anons.

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05664b No.18624292

File: 314794db5abed92⋯.png (64.41 KB,1334x750,667:375,911456cee4ebfba1ffd7542a7b….png)

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0cf397 No.18624293

File: 53807b286b4fa1f⋯.jpg (41.55 KB,650x285,130:57,53807b286b4fa1f9954c70db89….jpg)

File: 0d8211ce7522b72⋯.png (1.1 MB,1285x738,1285:738,ClipboardImage.png)


dubs chk

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24526b No.18624294


Z 6 n i

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428e4c No.18624295


isn't Rig


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d79cee No.18624296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What is YOUR CALLING…???

We are Here for a Reason

We are Not Like the Rest


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873ee2 No.18624297




NotableLightning strikes One Tower in NYC ‘Q’ shape

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318e29 No.18624298


Trump can't call for it. He needs to follow the law but he also doesnt need to give in.. maybe publicly express his reluctance to go for safety issues. Some other high level needs to call for it out of fear for his safety. Actually, several high-levels on both sides.

Can the military take people into protective custody against their will? I don't mean manhandle. Now, that would be a precipice.

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b09fb4 No.18624299

File: 137fe35490fa002⋯.png (398.43 KB,500x430,50:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffed337d2283191⋯.png (432.84 KB,894x531,298:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d9a74 No.18624300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>If Trump were not in control, then they would have killed him already, and they would have no need to try to take him out through the 'legal' system.


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880fd2 No.18624301


Positive energy cannot be contained

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bce188 No.18624302

File: adea0c1c2148af8⋯.jpg (23.55 KB,499x499,1:1,smug.jpg)

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de1f48 No.18624303

File: 29e121a389f8459⋯.png (1.57 MB,571x960,571:960,capture_671_01042023_18472….png)

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d0f59f No.18624304


Enon shut that shit down. This anon is still kekking.

>Tranny punch a heterosexual day cancelled by Enon's Twitter refusal to carry the ads.

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04a995 No.18624305

File: f7b1e56fbe166b2⋯.jpg (114.26 KB,667x500,667:500,white_rabbit.jpg)

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880fd2 No.18624306


the Tower struck the Clouds

Earth is over charged

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1f164d No.18624307


It always boggles the mind, Alvin Bragg can be arrested for 'aiding/abetting' criminal activity in New York by the officers present. If they had huge brass balls, they could take down the entire NY government via RICCO ie, every person who steps out to defend Bragg gets arrested and charged. All that needs to happen is the NY police force to decide to return to arresting criminals.

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cb119e No.18624308

File: afc8b55a5afa9ad⋯.mp4 (416.05 KB,492x276,41:23,afc8b55a5afa9ad5df432952b6….mp4)

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63c484 No.18624309

Evenin’ Nightshift

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a79726 No.18624310

File: 65887e74820c3d1⋯.png (9.6 MB,3700x5000,37:50,D5expandusarmySOTUUkFlag22….png)


Just cause

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5ab3e2 No.18624311



No matter what is presented … no matter how strong the darkness seems to be … no matter what is taking place …







And in doing so …




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c9de76 No.18624312

File: 321b3fe5d30868a⋯.png (572.91 KB,900x496,225:124,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa35b0 No.18624313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You said it Bro!

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267686 No.18624314

File: 43951e5ab1744db⋯.png (75.12 KB,255x207,85:69,43951e5ab1744db63d30a8382e….png)


Looks like Beavis to me.

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231cfb No.18624315

File: d7cd5b4c73446dc⋯.gif (132.41 KB,598x640,299:320,20230401_195141.gif)




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de1f48 No.18624316


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5caa58 No.18624317

File: b268790e6b3b619⋯.jpeg (26.53 KB,400x579,400:579,b268790e6b3b6190e85e5f9dc….jpeg)

File: e74e28d2b38a289⋯.jpg (125.88 KB,1388x353,1388:353,e74e28d2b38a2892058ef1b204….jpg)

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b0dda8 No.18624318

File: 03402dbb25c2937⋯.gif (80.49 KB,654x368,327:184,ca345d20d7458766976198ef3c….gif)



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d0f59f No.18624319

File: 2c195733d08b6ad⋯.jpg (25.78 KB,479x653,479:653,night_shift_on_hill.jpg)

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428e4c No.18624320

File: b84f2c05cb34722⋯.jpg (84.37 KB,1242x990,69:55,BidenCrack.jpg)


yep I noticed that.

as soon as Congress got the docs from China bank


Indictment for DJT

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5b3899 No.18624321


>NotableLightning strikes One Tower in NYC ‘Q’ shape

are you sure that's not a Q+?

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8e4e77 No.18624322

File: f4a1bdc95676a81⋯.jpg (111.69 KB,512x1024,1:2,large_2023_03_31T204818_23….jpg)

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e6e9a2 No.18624323


seent it

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80aeb9 No.18624324




>>18624098 Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Admits He Used Federal Dollars in Trump Investigation

>>18624108 Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks Endorses Trump Following Indictment

>>18624113 Transvestite 'Activist' Violently Attacks Peaceful Counter-Protester — Police Blame Victim

>>18624140 The US Government Sold Almost 10,000 'Silk Road' Bitcoin Last Week

>>18624213 One Dead, Three Seriously Wounded in Shooting at Los Angeles Trader Joe’s

>>18624266, >>18624268, >>18624281 Lightning strikes One Tower in NYC ‘Q’ shape



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256d24 No.18624325

MTG has triggered libtardia nation

Triggered Liberals Have Meltdown Over Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 60 Minutes Interview Set to Air Sunday


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a79726 No.18624326

File: e453d590a9f760c⋯.jpg (221.01 KB,1200x627,400:209,tippytopgraphci.jpg)

File: 0cdb4c6bc03e06a⋯.png (5.01 MB,3179x3354,3179:3354,tiptopclock.png)

File: eae59fbb9fb4666⋯.png (997.18 KB,859x1372,859:1372,tiptopgraphic.png)

Tippy Top

Delta incoming

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d3801c No.18624327

File: ea7ab2644612c82⋯.jpeg (183.68 KB,828x997,828:997,2036BD20_3FA9_4AEE_A998_6….jpeg)

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86bd0b No.18624328

File: 8a5f27c28faf00c⋯.jpg (51.6 KB,1198x675,1198:675,hero_image_fill_size_1200x….jpg)

File: cdc121c43413d0f⋯.jpg (8.48 KB,255x143,255:143,84ab97d8fd505c6f9ef3a98f4f….jpg)

File: c7eafecaf5477ad⋯.png (16.28 KB,243x255,81:85,ef26ee58859e9bf91c58ecbc37….png)

File: eb8373aa2e6b874⋯.jpg (35.31 KB,800x600,4:3,closeup_butterfly_handgun_….jpg)

File: ab244e0e965350a⋯.jpg (146.28 KB,800x640,5:4,First_Lady_Melania_Trump_h….jpg)


some heroes don't wear capes. moar good than bad. the ultimate warriors in Detroit resmbe a fly.KEK

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5b3899 No.18624329

File: ab3b838bd2f5320⋯.png (76.4 KB,725x720,145:144,ClipboardImage.png)


you all reading some of comments on this. lightning strike?


God is not pleased with the Trump indictment

Kyle Anthony 🇨🇦




Replying to




What if he's angry about people likening his indictment to the trials of Jesus on Easter Holy week?

That could be an even more troublesome thing

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873ee2 No.18624330

File: bc4aa5e24c62a2f⋯.jpeg (13.96 KB,255x147,85:49,35A9FC8B_92C8_4F4F_8C1D_0….jpeg)

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43c000 No.18624331



>If they had huge brass balls, they could take down the entire NY government via RICCO ie, every person who steps out to defend Bragg gets arrested and charged. All that needs to happen is the NY police force to decide to return to arresting criminals.

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dfcac7 No.18624333

WHY are [They] GLOATING?

[They] have repeatedly mentioned:






Media is reporting on "arrangements" being made concerning Trump turning himself in.

Does anyone believe that, given the chance, [They] would NOT make a spectacle out of it, and ensure that it is as HUMILIATING as possible?

Does anyone believe that an "agreement" would be MADE, AND HONORED?

Would [They] release Trump, or HOLD him?

He's a FLIGHT RISK, isn't he?





There is ONLY ONE SURE WAY to prevent Trump from being elected AGAIN (for the THIRD TIME).





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bce188 No.18624334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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428e4c No.18624335

File: 699b02c9a42d9fc⋯.jpg (33.8 KB,500x305,100:61,BidenChinaMoney.jpg)


u must be new.

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2d9a74 No.18624336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I now you're waiting for it just like second season Gilded Age. Part 2. Here we go. The world isn't what you think it is.

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b09fb4 No.18624337


>Looks like Beavis to me.

Abe Lincoln with a goiter

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675dca No.18624338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Intelligence Briefing / Red Dragon Infiltrated US Gov & Media - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

141K subscribers

382 watching now Started streaming 54 minutes ago DALLAS

Tonight on #ArkMidnight

Topic: The Intelligence Briefing / Red Dragon Infiltrated US Gov & Media

9pm-12am CDT



• Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF Ret.)

• Reiner Fuellmich

Website: https://www.fuellmich.com/

• Jamie Scher

Website: www.myerandscher.com

• Dr. Kathleen Ruddy

Website: https://www.radiushealthexchange.com

Twitter: @radius_exchange

Truth: @radiushealth

• Mary Fanning & Alan Jones

Website: https://theamericanreport.org

Twitter: @realMaryFanning & @AlanJonesAmRpt

Telegram: https://t.me/TheAmericanReport


AM/FM Radio




Speak Free Radio






iVlog TV










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428e4c No.18624339



go back to langley

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5b3899 No.18624340


that's a good pepe

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0cf397 No.18624341

File: be96b23f8ddc0a8⋯.png (123.91 KB,500x270,50:27,ClipboardImage.png)

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9236c8 No.18624342


I was never a decoder, but if memory serves me correctly, Trump’s posts with capitalization of normal words like Country, Nation were to be ignored because he said he always capitalized them. Thugs, Decline, Insurrections, Law Enforcement, Weaponized, Interfere, Rigg, Steal, Sacred Elections, Third World Country, Come Back were not to capitalized. Decoders, what say you?

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67be2a No.18624343

File: 6d978b9002deb76⋯.jpg (69.45 KB,1242x1118,621:559,Fqog9SDWcAkOLAm.jpg)


oh no, too late.

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428e4c No.18624344

File: 64a95e269a4119f⋯.jpg (127.09 KB,666x500,333:250,BidenCornPop.jpg)

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675dca No.18624345

File: da7edae936772f3⋯.png (140.92 KB,474x346,237:173,catontheroofballoon.png)

The cat is on the roof.

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3a0513 No.18624346


One Man Army

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24526b No.18624347

File: 9f6d04871f5003f⋯.png (1.33 MB,828x899,828:899,3BF27E43_752B_4884_BE38_EF….png)

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5ab3e2 No.18624348

This Game that you are playing … this experience … this experiment … is yet another chapter in the ever-existing, ongoing … LIFE … experiencing itself in each and every form possible.


Remember, Dearest Ones … you were not forced to arrive on the Planet. You were not ‘sentenced’ as a punishment.


Yes. There have been past self-destructions. Yes, there have been ‘moments in time’ … that have wiped out entire races.

YET … THIS ‘TIME’ ROUND … a different game is being played.

This time, there is no wipeout of a species and the need to try again from scratch.


You reclaim your Divine Right … to live on a Planet where YOU have placed your LOVING self and have the right to enjoy it.







This is why you are here reading these words … in order for you to remember the mission and to allow your Heart to feel the outcome that is to follow.




Throughout Universes … throughout Galaxies … so many scenarios on so many ‘spaces’ … are taking place … all at once … all in this moment of now … for there is nothing else.

On and on shall Life and all its infinite possibilities play out.

Ever expanding … ever-changing.

Yet, one thing that can never change or be taken away from you is …



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dcd6ad No.18624349

Not just a two day strike…a general boycott of everything except essentials…for months

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c796ab No.18624351

File: 5a2e79a9f84c821⋯.png (397.86 KB,1660x1592,415:398,F8D803E2_88EB_41DA_82A5_08….png)

Trannies need to be purged from society

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86dbf0 No.18624352


>There are NO Coincidences

The plan is to indite Trump and he will be quickly tried and found innocent.

Then Biden will also be tried and found innocent and they'll claim justice was served.

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bc823e No.18624353


wheres grammar kitty ?


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5b3899 No.18624354


and in this case, it's seems like he mispelled Rigg intentionally to bring our attention to all the capitalization.

Gee, I wonder the significance of Gee

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256d24 No.18624355


have his right hand on the shift knob of a 6 speed

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c796ab No.18624356

File: 39781fa7847a42f⋯.png (190.98 KB,500x655,100:131,A61E6953_3109_4C46_8E3C_7A….png)

Reminder that Troons are coming for your children

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cecea5 No.18624357


We have never really figured out the whole Cap Letters thing…but we never give up in trying.

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86bd0b No.18624358

File: db47423e4cc43a3⋯.jpg (364.27 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230401_134226….jpg)

File: 0da4673a73b4c16⋯.gif (822.1 KB,280x158,140:79,OrganicGaseousCranefly_max….gif)

File: c45ffc2e267322b⋯.webp (1.45 MB,2000x2500,4:5,c45ffc2e267322b406b2135cc….webp)

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04a995 No.18624359

File: 78e8b0d1b94e729⋯.jpg (231.56 KB,908x1024,227:256,78e8b0d1b94e729a7beaa30109….jpg)

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880fd2 No.18624360

File: 358a4e77c05f386⋯.png (501.3 KB,1003x690,1003:690,ClipboardImage.png)


Ummm, No

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0cf397 No.18624361

File: 922870d0de07ed7⋯.png (466.83 KB,516x576,43:48,cornpop.png)


kek n chk

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87c429 No.18624362

File: 8c71de29485db68⋯.gif (2.65 MB,451x498,451:498,willem_willem_dafoe.gif)

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43c000 No.18624363



Anon recently went back and listened to some of David Wilkerson's preaching. Remember Time Square where he was pastor?

Anon recalls David Wilkerson predicting fires all over NY. Hope this does not happen, but it seems like things can get out of hand when those hell bent on tyranny fail to repent.

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2d9a74 No.18624364


>go back to langley

That's a first. CIA? You mean ONI?

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5b3899 No.18624365


Gee has different meanings depending on the context and the region12345. It can be an exclamation of surprise or enthusiasm, mainly in the US1. It can also be a unit of force equal to the force exerted by gravity2. It can be the name of the letter G in the Latin script3. It can be a command to a horse or a draught animal to turn to the right, go on, or go faster, especially in British English4. It can also be a verb that describes the action of an animal moving in this way5.

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ad79c5 No.18624366


Florida passes bill to allow carrying concealed weapons without permit

Jews and their boomer minions have apoplectic fits, gnash their teeth, and cry on the shoulder of their nearest rabbi.

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20904b No.18624367


You can try but the Jewdiciary is most likely a tranny and you'll get charged with a hate crime. Prison is known for their lgbtq culture and you might get raped by a pack of niggers all because you fell for a dude in a dress.

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1be0ca No.18624368

File: 18d177b10734d89⋯.jpg (62.84 KB,948x533,948:533,Capture.JPG)

File: f0940cea8f3151d⋯.jpg (65.61 KB,946x671,86:61,Capture2.JPG)

At least one dead and three hospitalized after gunmen open fire in busy parking lot outside California Trader Joe's: Two suspects in custody as emergency services perform CPR on another victim with gunshot wound to chest

-One person is dead and three others have been hospitalized after a shooting broke out in a busy West Hills shopping center in southern California

-Footage from the scene showed one victim being given CPR and treated for a chest wound while other clips from the scene showed a high police presence

-Two suspects are in custody, a man and a woman and it's been reported that something was ditched out the window of a car police were pursuing


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cf16a9 No.18624369


coffee and shrooms will have to do. Got some popcorn?

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c796ab No.18624370


Tranny identified

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8e4e77 No.18624371

File: b9ff6a5896617d6⋯.jpg (94.47 KB,768x960,4:5,307587.jpg)



They just need to stop shooting random people because of MSM indoctrination

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256d24 No.18624372


at a minimum kept away from all children

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5b3899 No.18624374


>It can be a command to a horse or a draught animal to turn to the right, go on, or go faster,

G can mean to turn to the right and go faster

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6c8058 No.18624375

File: ff014c879f5dd92⋯.png (27.38 KB,1004x345,1004:345,Enough_is_Enough.png)

>>18623603 pb

Here is the extra "g". Is this a GO order?

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bce188 No.18624376

File: 26fe5be87b5cf8c⋯.png (367.7 KB,735x1009,735:1009,2weeks.png)

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d1b2f9 No.18624377



Definition (Noun)

an area of higher ground in mountain valley

Bragg law,

in physics, the relation between the spacing of atomic planes in crystals and the angles of incidence at which these planes produce the most intense reflections of electromagnetic radiations, such as X-rays and gamma rays, and particle waves, such as those associated with electrons and neutrons. For maximum intensity of reflected wave trains, they must stay in phase to produce constructive interference, in which corresponding points of a wave (e.g., its crests or troughs) arrive at a point simultaneously. The Bragg law was first formulated by Lawrence Bragg, an English physicistThe Bragg law is useful for measuring wavelengths and for determining the lattice spacings of crystals.

https:// www.britannica.com/science/Bragg-law

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22884f No.18624378

US Congress Moves To Ban Chinese Crane Software

John Konrad April 1, 2023

by John Konrad (gCaptain) As concerns over the potential use of Chinese-made cranes for gathering information on U.S. military equipment continue to grow, Members of the House China Select Committee, under the leadership of Chairman Mike Gallagher, have convened at the Port of Miami to examine the issue and propose legislation aimed at inspecting port cranes and banning the use of cranes with software susceptible to Chinese control.

These cargo cranes, reportedly equipped with sophisticated sensors that collect and transmit data on U.S. military supplies, have prompted worries among US lawmakers and Pentagon officials who liken the devices to a “Trojan horse.”

In a bid to provide a comprehensive assessment, Committee lawmakers will scrutinize how these cranes might be exploited by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for espionage or the disruption of American goods and military assets. The lawmakers’ initiative follows a Wall Street Journal report on the Pentagon’s perception of these cranes as potential national security threats.

“The threat posed by the CCP is not over there, it is right here at home,” Gallagher said in a recent statement. “The threat is in our ports and gives China the ability to disrupt America’s entire domestic economy.”

“Two-thirds of the world’s top 50 container ports are owned by Chinese entities or supported by Chinese investments.” – Select Committee Chairman @RepGallagher alongside @RepCarlos at @PortMiami pic.twitter.com/BQeQGGeNqs

— The Select Committee on the CCP (@committeeonccp) April 1, 2023

Since the U.S. downed a Chinese surveillance balloon in January, concerns over Beijing’s surveillance techniques have intensified. Shanghai Telephone Heavy Industries (ZPMC) has supplied numerous ports with cranes over the years. With nearly 80% of cranes in U.S. ports being manufactured by China’s ZPMC, a subsidiary of China Transportation Construction, the situation has raised alarm within the U.S. national-security community and the FBI.

“70 percent of the cranes used in our nation today are being controlled by communist party in China,” said US Congressman Carlos A. Gimenez. “I have introduced legislation to outlaw Chinese-made software that controls these cranes.”

“I’ve introduced legislation to outlaw all Chinese-made software that controls the cranes and… start utilizing cranes made in the United States.”@RepCarlos speaks about his bill to protect U.S. cranes and critical infrastructure from potential CCP cyber attacks. pic.twitter.com/p1FtrRxLX9

— The Select Committee on the CCP (@committeeonccp) April 1, 2023

While the potential security risks of these cranes are at the forefront, it is also important to consider why ZPMC cranes have been adopted by so many ports around the world. According to industry executives, ZPMC cranes are of good quality and significantly cheaper than those offered by Western suppliers, which has helped U.S. ports to reduce costs and remain competitive.

“ZPMC is the Huawei of Port Infrastructure.” – Chairman @RepGallagher outlining how the Chinese Communist Party could use ZPMC cranes on American soil as tools of espionage. pic.twitter.com/lo7qyX4nBg

— The Select Committee on the CCP (@committeeonccp) April 1, 2023

In a statement released in early March ZPMC said, “ZPMC always strictly complies with the laws and regulations of applicable countries. ZPMC cranes have been designed and manufactured in strict accordance to clients’ functional and technical requirements. ZPMC strives to deliver the safest and most reliable equipment, and help its clients to build first-class, green, low-carbon and smart ports.”

The broader context of this issue includes China’s growing control over global trade and infrastructure. In recent years, U.S. national security officials have pointed to a range of Chinese-manufactured equipment that could facilitate surveillance or disruptions in the U.S., such as baggage-screening systems and electrical transformers. Furthermore, Gallagher says China’s strategic investments have allowed it to gain control of ports around the world, making almost all of the world’s new shipping containers and controlling a shipping data service.


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84e48d No.18624379


I see you follow Qanon

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04a995 No.18624380

File: fc1f24dbe3698e7⋯.jpg (43.72 KB,540x537,180:179,fc1f24dbe3698e7d23a2cd3583….jpg)

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03e004 No.18624381


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41c541 No.18624382

File: 42cb509ded93bd6⋯.png (41.55 KB,596x433,596:433,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ff46344b1bc6e8⋯.png (52.96 KB,598x428,299:214,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c85f269b8a3ae1a⋯.png (40.84 KB,602x422,301:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b73e7c51899a847⋯.png (42.13 KB,594x428,297:214,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 754e32b72ca2e4d⋯.png (184.44 KB,586x404,293:202,ClipboardImage.png)

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880fd2 No.18624383


They have the right to live, Grow & learn

just like you

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c9de76 No.18624384

File: 6e21f63b07fe336⋯.png (101.81 KB,255x247,255:247,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ba29f10305d604⋯.png (1.11 MB,944x755,944:755,ClipboardImage.png)


>>18624053 dough

>>18624098 Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Admits He Used Federal Dollars in Trump Investigation – Who Approved This - gwp

>>18624108 Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks Endorses Trump Following Indictment - gwp

>>18624113 Transvestite 'Activist' Violently Attacks Peaceful Counter-Protester - rumble vid (trannys are the new blm now)

>>18624121 dark star made from russian dead soldiers boots - twat

>>18624125 Newsom Launches Political Organization to ‘Fight Back’ Against GOP Policies in Red States - gwp (w.e.f asset)

>>18624140 The US Government Sold Almost 10,000 'Silk Road' Bitcoin Last Week - zerohedge

>>18624213, >>18624255, One Dead, Three Seriously Wounded in Shooting at Los Angeles Trader Joe’s – Suspect in Custody - gwp


>>18624324 baker notes

Note: only just seen your notes.


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256d24 No.18624385


>Tranny identified

fishermen will yell "fish on " once a fish has taken the bait

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c796ab No.18624386

File: 92b215833b3e1b7⋯.jpeg (161.83 KB,600x1200,1:2,8ED48054_8362_48C0_B413_B….jpeg)

Purge Them

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318e29 No.18624387



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03e004 No.18624388

kekkle…I have had about enough of the manipulation for (YOUR) personal gain…..

man the fuck up…


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de1f48 No.18624389


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880fd2 No.18624390

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1be0ca No.18624392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


FOX11 Los Angeles Coverage

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675dca No.18624393

File: 778ccdddc5f5b8a⋯.png (2.12 MB,1200x738,200:123,lightinsidebody.png)

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5b3899 No.18624394


besides the usual defn of kangaroo court, could it have something to do with the Obamas in Australia.


Obama is really under indictment

man, I can really go off on decodes.

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e0fa5f No.18624395


shut up

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560293 No.18624396



dec 17, 2022

nypd pension fund pays out big bucks to anonymous recipients

average is $57,715 per year

10% get over $100,000

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80aeb9 No.18624397

File: 657d0f3ccbd110a⋯.jpeg (112.07 KB,500x665,100:133,657d0f3ccbd110a86fe0a6b3b….jpeg)



I'll smoosh our buns together, Corps.

Thanks for all your service, it is greatly appreciated.



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ef6808 No.18624398

File: 134635a6d5ecb83⋯.png (1.23 MB,908x1200,227:300,ClipboardImage.png)

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de1f48 No.18624399



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c796ab No.18624400

File: de719e4343a2d0b⋯.jpeg (212.09 KB,900x1157,900:1157,1C96D6AE_48B4_40AD_B865_9….jpeg)

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267686 No.18624402

File: e74ddd31c9ba22c⋯.jpg (198.32 KB,660x646,330:323,e74ddd31c9ba22c50d43ef3174….jpg)

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54ee79 No.18624403

File: 574399cf582b020⋯.png (773.55 KB,907x1361,907:1361,154790696.png)

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8e4e77 No.18624404

File: 28391f83c5cbdfd⋯.png (555.62 KB,640x538,320:269,28391f83c5cbdfd19a71452cc0….png)


Clowns always try to pull further

Marxist infiltration 1 on 1

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560293 No.18624405

>>18624396 me

the ny cops are not going to rock the boat

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0cf397 No.18624406

File: 3fa7030a53071d3⋯.webm (2.05 MB,640x640,1:1,tranny_demon_obamanation.webm)


They will not exist once the corrections are made. It will purge itself once the mk-messaging stops.

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05664b No.18624407


that pension fund is in the high trillions

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b0dda8 No.18624408

File: 2178cb760e3a358⋯.jpg (236.79 KB,1106x550,553:275,Screenshot_20230401_220427….jpg)

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54ee79 No.18624409

File: 2883b686e276385⋯.jpg (61.73 KB,800x600,4:3,1678579464116901.jpg)

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03e004 No.18624410

simply put…

(you) attempted to fuck with that which (you) knew nothing of based upon 'rules' (you) were not informed of…

should have let that shit go a LONG time ago.

2024 is NOT fucking far away


better recognize

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c796ab No.18624411

File: 085783d4ce852cc⋯.jpeg (246.43 KB,1517x1080,1517:1080,AF1E5A0B_5D79_4ED5_BB71_A….jpeg)


Tranny identified

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a79726 No.18624412

File: b3c974ddd473413⋯.png (453.57 KB,1666x1005,1666:1005,PeterBeard2Qplustruth.png)

Muh You from Q

Q+ retruth

Missed posting it on the 4 year delta

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c9de76 No.18624413

File: d9910e61cd3cecf⋯.png (404.97 KB,831x467,831:467,ClipboardImage.png)


no issues trouble.

have a good bake


have meme anon created until trump.

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84e48d No.18624414



>selling Bitcoin

they need the cash

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267686 No.18624415

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)

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80aeb9 No.18624416



Kek.. haven't been called that in a while.

Always good to see you around.

Will do, staying comfy.


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1f164d No.18624417


Stop, your pushing nonsense. They know if Trump gets harmed, they all have targets on their head. Keep in mind, none of the 3 ltr agencies have any authority at this moment. I'll refrain from painting the picture, just know, there is no hour of the day which is safe to kick in my families door, warrant or not. My family has discussed, prayed & decided. We will not be victims of the abuse of this administration. We sit patiently/politely watching preparing for either Trumps victory or the necessary overthrow of an illegitimate government.

This does not reflect 8Kun, anons, frens.

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e204f6 No.18624418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


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dcd6ad No.18624419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fish On…

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560293 No.18624420


$3 billion paid out in 2021 alone to retired ny cops

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03e004 No.18624421

(you) fucks want REAL LOGIC, (you) learn to control the board….

fucking give a hard time where a hard time is not needed because (you) are TOO STUPID to leave shills in their place that is a (YOU) problem


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e9854d No.18624422

File: 422e79010fe6241⋯.mp4 (3.61 MB,1048x720,131:90,422e79010fe6241eb5e486defb….mp4)

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675dca No.18624423

File: d909c1f4aa6fbbc⋯.jpg (88.56 KB,537x750,179:250,ChineseHbomb.jpg)

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86dbf0 No.18624424


>all because you fell for a dude in a dress

I was looking at from a legal standpoint.

Pronouns and identifying do not indicate legal status.

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48a01c No.18624425


Very pretty.

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de1f48 No.18624426

File: 9d18c5f103bf188⋯.png (575.76 KB,504x389,504:389,capture_677_01042023_19041….png)

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03e004 No.18624427

go right ahead and post mems attempting to control or guide me….

I'll help ya stuff em in your ass

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5f91e9 No.18624428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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05664b No.18624429


no doubt

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25944e No.18624430


Maybe just because it's at a significant resistance with decent downside potential in the coming weeks also they would have turned 10,000 bitcoin that they got essentially for free into 270-290 million bucks.

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a2675f No.18624431

File: bada65ea88309aa⋯.jpg (137.55 KB,720x1208,90:151,20230401_200419.jpg)

File: 2af06856c24a779⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,720x1280,9:16,lQkgxJrqPn82EHY1.mp4)

The energy is growing in New York City


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43c000 No.18624432


Idk. If the regime keeps taking the dollar to toilet paper status and if LE are mandated any other "vaccines" those pension won't be too valuable.

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d49f1a No.18624433


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cba65b No.18624434

today noone is walking out.

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b0dda8 No.18624435

File: d1ecd5476e661ae⋯.jpg (371.28 KB,1385x853,1385:853,Screenshot_20230401_220719….jpg)

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87c429 No.18624436

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c796ab No.18624437


based post

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86dbf0 No.18624439



kek it's late and has been a long day.

speeling has never been my strong point.

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e0fa5f No.18624440



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bc823e No.18624442

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.jpeg (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,4_chucks.jpeg)


instant classic

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675dca No.18624443

File: e77a60cda492ee2⋯.jpg (57.04 KB,296x296,1:1,Chinese4.jpg)

I'll have the beef peppered steak and a side of egg rolls. Now! Chop! Chop! Hop Sing!

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2294c2 No.18624444

File: 75f15fb1c8b1de6⋯.png (2.85 MB,1072x7520,67:470,Final.png)

Houston, we have landed.


The Restorer of the Breach

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bce188 No.18624445

File: 142e27c8bdd25ce⋯.png (824.74 KB,978x726,163:121,budlight.png)

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cba65b No.18624446

you really want me to open the door?

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41c541 No.18624447

File: 3fcc04f6fe418a7⋯.png (314.77 KB,605x439,605:439,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2614d78155448bd⋯.png (229.67 KB,604x444,151:111,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d972a193a4f8e3d⋯.png (378.22 KB,599x448,599:448,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9473414ca13dcdf⋯.png (55.82 KB,596x430,298:215,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cead396ca05671⋯.png (176.62 KB,595x442,35:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4841b No.18624448


From 2013

The Supreme Court has ruled that police can take DNA samples from anybody under arrest for any crimes, regardless of whether DNA is relevant to their arrest.


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22884f No.18624449


What would have caused those two spikes in the after hours trading?

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e6e9a2 No.18624450


That faggot has me blocked on twitter but I see most of his tweets here which is sad.

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c796ab No.18624451

File: 8f10d79d4aab29d⋯.png (471.1 KB,730x736,365:368,50C2FC0D_7633_488C_9746_76….png)


the anime troon lurks, waiting for its opportunity

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2d9a74 No.18624452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Here's part 3.

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c9de76 No.18624453

File: aa0dc7d903a3858⋯.png (890.83 KB,760x873,760:873,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc823e No.18624454

File: 54a5697971a6a50⋯.jpeg (18.07 KB,255x160,51:32,crushing_depths.jpeg)

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bce188 No.18624455


bud light came out as trangender

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464b7e No.18624456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Anthony Aguero showing hole after hole cut into the border wall near El Paso

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2eeb76 No.18624457

>>18623740, >>18623760 Trump should call for a mass walkout for 2 days - anon suggestion, will trump do it? (peaceful protest)

give us the my fellow Americans tweet!

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05664b No.18624458

Bud Queer

Miller Queer

Coors Queer

get it

got it


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48a01c No.18624460

File: 80d19ee0f86d541⋯.png (482.11 KB,589x588,589:588,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b22e54bd35acf2a⋯.png (483.21 KB,589x588,589:588,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcc53cee27a1363⋯.png (477.83 KB,589x588,589:588,ClipboardImage.png)

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22884f No.18624461

File: 0ae4f6114f3e7e6⋯.png (398.32 KB,499x614,499:614,0ae4f6114f3e7e67c77ddb775e….png)

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67be2a No.18624462

File: 2def9b7be8cdfe1⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1938x1174,969:587,FsU1UjBWwAAYv5f.jpg)

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c9798d No.18624463

File: 6489388c2971bc8⋯.gif (917.27 KB,464x335,464:335,alice_cheshire.gif)

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2294c2 No.18624464



24444 is like 8888

which is the amount of words in the KJV

Book of Revelation

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ad79c5 No.18624465


National strike. Silent protests holding a candle, whether at home or in public.


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20904b No.18624466


The Jewdiciary are sodomites. What else do you need to know?

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d3801c No.18624467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Preach bro

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06b241 No.18624468

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34652a No.18624470


Wait til mid day monday

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774197 No.18624471

File: da24d0d9a2749d3⋯.png (640.44 KB,529x795,529:795,RogerStone_tweet.png)

Who showed up at the @GovRonDeSantis Long Island faux book tour/2024 campaign event than the single worst piece of human garbage in US history Alfonse D'Amato who endorsed Hillary in 2016 and cuck endorsed Chuck Schumer. He will fit in perfectly with the Desantis/RINO crowd #POS


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05664b No.18624472


$30 come Wednesday

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8e4e77 No.18624473

File: 95122f9783ff1a0⋯.jpg (219.74 KB,680x592,85:74,306937.jpg)

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e9a834 No.18624475

File: bc028ab71058071⋯.png (222.27 KB,632x440,79:55,ClipboardImage.png)

Three Year Delta

I miss muh fren.

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774197 No.18624476


looks underage

global reported faggot

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05664b No.18624478

File: 4e995d57e5ee728⋯.jpg (29.25 KB,474x474,1:1,th_2573604840.jpg)



Buttwiper stock

$30 come Wednesday

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0cadb3 No.18624479

File: 6457bd912e32c6e⋯.jpg (50.34 KB,640x360,16:9,1344808925.jpg)


gaslight glownigger

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0cf397 No.18624480

File: 2b2629aaac4020a⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,640x360,16:9,Red_Dragon_ns2.mp4)

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c9798d No.18624481


global reported

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0a491e No.18624483

File: 7514deaee7a778c⋯.png (367.81 KB,1006x938,503:469,Ga_bulldogs_beat_osu_42_21….png)

File: 0657c5cac566580⋯.png (143.97 KB,489x695,489:695,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d73f1187f3bb183⋯.png (6.83 MB,3804x3674,1902:1837,ClipboardImage.png)

42-41 Score/#4 and #1Ranked match date.

>Noah Ruggles

GA Bulldogs

Every dog has its day.

No Name death announced 8/25/18 at [21] on the clock.

[21] on the clock today.

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54ee79 No.18624484

File: 48c80fc6f4cd640⋯.png (923.3 KB,1080x893,1080:893,20201213_182717.png)

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bce188 No.18624485

File: c650af0c4477513⋯.png (978.23 KB,980x654,490:327,youllfindout.png)

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d3801c No.18624486


Hit em in the wallet, money talks, bullshit walks.

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bc823e No.18624487

File: 7a4ce5c8f3782ee⋯.png (211.16 KB,990x1782,5:9,Screenshot_2023_04_01_at_2….png)

File: 83b477bc2935e5e⋯.png (128.85 KB,988x1118,38:43,Screenshot_2023_04_01_at_2….png)

File: 8a0e360b65d6de5⋯.png (38.7 KB,974x548,487:274,Screenshot_2023_04_01_at_2….png)

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774197 No.18624488


fuck off and kill yourself you ip hopping pedophile

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bce188 No.18624489

they can always print more but yeah

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2d9a74 No.18624490

File: 1a9090cc6f8ed06⋯.jpg (90.51 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)


Not sure this guy knew. The zapruder film was manipulated. JFK got flipped over on his stomach with the final shot. His right foot is hanging outside the car.

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8e4e77 No.18624491

File: acd0c0552cf4baa⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB,576x1024,9:16,Y_N1wWnw8K4Hm8PB.mp4)

Try they do, fail they will

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b8b022 No.18624492

File: 8ac76eac6835420⋯.jpg (227.92 KB,960x720,4:3,web_187075_960_720.jpg)



faggots don't know what a pussy looks like…HA!

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f97f14 No.18624493


>u must be new.

how so?

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774197 No.18624494


pedo bear global reported

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e9854d No.18624495

Pedo bear globalled

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0f57b1 No.18624496


Pedobear global reported

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2d9a74 No.18624497


This is like 2 levels below how they do it.

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256d24 No.18624498


ESG globohomo

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ad79c5 No.18624499


Panera Bread to Introduce Palm Scanners Next Month that Will Store its Customers’ Biometric Data for its Loyalty Program and Cashless Payment

Jews and their BOOMER MINIONS are all in, and encourage this sort of thing.

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774197 No.18624500


Ip hopping pedophile, KILL YOURSELF

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40f27d No.18624501

File: 4178c65651925ac⋯.png (55.02 KB,600x451,600:451,1329148216.png)


funny thing is…prolly shouldn't save the file…just a little fyi

those who scream the loudest,,,,,HA!

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d3801c No.18624502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Zap film was a clown show, the people don't move only the cars.

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8c113c No.18624503

File: 813ce199bd19144⋯.gif (3.23 MB,360x360,1:1,813ce199bd19144dd312494c69….gif)

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48a01c No.18624504

File: e81cd04c4c399d1⋯.jpg (153.55 KB,1647x1073,1647:1073,pedo_bear_pepe_gun.jpg)



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ab7408 No.18624505

File: f12447ba2026ef1⋯.png (14.89 KB,255x255,1:1,_.png)

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cba65b No.18624506

File: c3cc90657beb265⋯.png (1.35 MB,800x1205,160:241,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7298af31671f33a⋯.png (166.06 KB,240x352,15:22,ClipboardImage.png)


what is an OT?

how many years does it take to become one?

how many lives does it take to become one?

btw, LRH thinks I am the AC. so obviously you don´t learn shit from that.

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5bd905 No.18624507


Tell him that you've come out of the closet as a faggot

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e6e9a2 No.18624508

File: ed2ed59c893ea4f⋯.png (581.97 KB,1431x1018,1431:1018,Screenshot_2023_04_01_2020….png)

Nothing can stop it.


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a2675f No.18624509

File: 075b2d9c9dd1a27⋯.png (642.51 KB,880x1203,880:1203,20230401_201939.png)

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774197 No.18624510


> massive projection

> ip hopping pedophile


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a79726 No.18624512

File: 52a79e2a76a8db1⋯.png (3.81 MB,2000x3000,2:3,nonamedeathkeksextdolphinJ….png)

File: d58e2f938ac1fd4⋯.png (7.88 MB,3600x3600,1:1,1qcloMay17.png)


No Name

Every Dog Has His Day

OWL tie in

Hands Up Traitors

Hands Up

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65dde5 No.18624513

Pssst…only a leftist or street thug would shoot up a Trader Joes..

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54ee79 No.18624514

File: dc3be582ef96391⋯.jpeg (93.68 KB,921x720,307:240,1546918114.jpeg)

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de1f48 No.18624515

File: a45f2ef476eec20⋯.jpg (65.28 KB,500x748,125:187,_September_8_2018c.jpg)

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826400 No.18624516




тноя showed up

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0cf397 No.18624517

File: f8ec4b3c9dc25f5⋯.png (535.09 KB,612x612,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ceae2f0e4aed53⋯.gif (2.46 MB,640x360,16:9,723314048.gif)

File: 30748d2acfd0350⋯.gif (754.53 KB,500x422,250:211,307_1245195887.gif)


He looks like Tron Guy.

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05664b No.18624518


why dont starbucks get peppered

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bce188 No.18624519

did 4chan id the shooter yet

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a79726 No.18624520

File: f544605a4ba6eaa⋯.png (402.5 KB,1000x1500,2:3,z1700delta.png)



Will add

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5bd905 No.18624521


She's pretty

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ddec64 No.18624523

File: 307dbbdfed557e0⋯.jpg (47.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1_.jpg)

You faggots heard of these pedo rings being busted

where do you think they lurk?…the chans?

just a frenly reminder to don't click shit and definitely don't save shit to your hdd…HA!

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8c113c No.18624524

File: 54a8cc81d251a7b⋯.png (110.9 KB,339x322,339:322,54a8cc81d251a7b87281de9fe3….png)

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54ee79 No.18624525

File: 30249b733176809⋯.png (285.04 KB,640x346,320:173,20221126_182940.png)

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cba65b No.18624526


hey Tom, do you even know how this works?

and do you even know how this works?

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5b3899 No.18624527


>My boomer uncle, who thinks I’m a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist because I follow QAnon just sent me this fucking meme! How should I reply!?? Need an answer in < 10 mins since we always text each other back and forth, and if I don’t get back to him quickly with a solid response my life is over. HELP!

well, idiot,

ask him what kind of idiot uses a gas stove anymore?

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5caa58 No.18624528

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34652a No.18624529


Well, that restaurant is dead to me now.

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826400 No.18624530

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675dca No.18624531

File: d9d24e53171b517⋯.gif (2.23 MB,446x250,223:125,ChineseWave.gif)


2294c2 likely will not post again this bread

anon assigns a 95% probability that is pedo bear namefag id before ip hop

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774197 No.18624532

Beware of the 1 post ip hopping nigger, the girls in the pictures look underage.

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e47944 No.18624533

File: 3bdb471b3b6dd39⋯.jpg (28.25 KB,500x388,125:97,Joe_Biden_Didn_t_Win_Shit_….jpg)

File: 31caac8e75ee8ee⋯.png (853 KB,1443x808,1443:808,Floyd_Shit_in_the_Pool_Joe….png)

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e9854d No.18624534

File: e54a2d73e6376bd⋯.jpg (297.31 KB,814x851,22:23,e54a2d73e6376bd7091687454e….jpg)



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87c429 No.18624535

File: 601ac58568ed326⋯.jpeg (32.34 KB,657x527,657:527,1642102617796.jpeg)

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826400 No.18624536

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48a01c No.18624537

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cba65b No.18624538



>Scientology texts say that a human possesses an immortal inner self, termed a thetan, that resides in the physical body and has experienced many past lives

you do not know how this works.

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80aeb9 No.18624539



>>18624098 Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Admits He Used Federal Dollars in Trump Investigation

>>18624108 Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks Endorses Trump Following Indictment

>>18624113 Transvestite 'Activist' Violently Attacks Peaceful Counter-Protester — Police Blame Victim

>>18624121 dark star made from russian dead soldiers boots - twat

>>18624125 Newsom Launches Political Organization to ‘Fight Back’ Against GOP Policies in Red States - gwp (w.e.f asset)

>>18624140 The US Government Sold Almost 10,000 'Silk Road' Bitcoin Last Week

>>18624213, >>18624368 One Dead, Three Seriously Wounded in Shooting at Los Angeles Trader Joe’s

>>18624266, >>18624268, >>18624281, >>18624431 Lightning strikes One Tower in NYC ‘Q’ shape

>>18624325 Triggered Liberals Have Meltdown Over Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 60 Minutes Interview Set to Air Sunday

>>18624338 The Intelligence Briefing / Red Dragon Infiltrated US Gov & Media - John B Wells LIVE

>>18624378 US Congress Moves To Ban Chinese Crane Software



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05664b No.18624541


you trust mask wearing vaxx mandated cucks to cook your food

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d3801c No.18624542

Listen the day I give some corporate commie a dime to make a sub, there is no day.

Lunch can only entrusted to the locals.

Fuck man.

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256d24 No.18624543


How long until the new collection obtained by the crooked feds makes it way here ?

Partner From Law Firm That Represents DNC and is Suing Trump Over Jan 6 on Behalf of Democrats in Congress Arrested for Possessing Child Porn


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a79726 No.18624544

File: c8090f22eef7bed⋯.png (720.4 KB,1000x2000,1:2,z1700deltaapri.png)






Trump Card Coming

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43c000 No.18624545

File: 28c8d7b9ad017bf⋯.png (185.29 KB,1167x478,1167:478,Screen_Shot_2023_04_01_at_….png)

File: e8e9a0e85dd2897⋯.png (104.04 KB,607x433,607:433,Screen_Shot_2023_04_01_at_….png)

More from Tom Renz on vaccination via food, with support for a Missouri bill that would provide labelling.



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81bba2 No.18624546

File: 922786b22d39467⋯.jpg (63.15 KB,850x627,850:627,fishintime.jpg)



>Beware of the 1 post ip hopping nigger

those who scream the loudest…HA!

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f97f14 No.18624547

imagine tricking yourself into thinking that lightening was in the shape of a Q,LOL!

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d3801c No.18624549


I can smell your great nose crassssss

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774197 No.18624550


Yet, you're the one IP hopping

Scared of being found by Q team, maggot pedophile?

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59412f No.18624552

>>18623978 lb/pb

there an "s" out of place anywhere in there?

or is the "s" missing to point out the behind the scenes hand of the bushes?

Blackrock's biggest shareholder is PNC Financial Services. In 2005 PNC bought Riggs Bank after reports written by Glen Simpson (of Fusion GPS?) had reported on Rigg Bank's apparent CIA connections. For decades Riggs Bank had been popular with VIPs, Presidents, Embassies and the like.

Riggs Bank was used by Saudi Prince Bandar to transfer money to two of the 9/11 attackers. Riggs Bank was also used by Prince Bandar to receive bribes from BAE in what is known as the Al Yamamah arms deal. Baron Bell of Bell Pottinger PR company represented the Saudis and successfully lobbied the UK government to stop investigating the BAE bribery scandal. From 2007 to 2011 Bell Pottinger were paid over half a billion dollars by the US National Security Council, CIA and Pentagon to produce PR material including fake news and fake terrorist videos.

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81f07e No.18624553

File: 276bdb094070ec1⋯.jpg (117.93 KB,604x604,1:1,58584378.jpg)

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5b3899 No.18624554


what does 'expect fireworks' mean in this scenario that He is 100% protected.

Will there be some loud bangs, but Trump will be safe?

Will they attempt to go at him, but miss?

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256d24 No.18624555


Actually that did look like a q. Dasting that it occurred in crooked DC. Perhaps a warning by God Almighty.

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48a01c No.18624556


Is he vaxxed? Just curious to see how many of the biden ones are vaxxed. All the ones I know are but also some Trump supporters that think Fauci is a great guy.

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e65314 No.18624557

File: 59f316c729f33f5⋯.gif (1.31 MB,434x434,1:1,20190803_220426.gif)


don`t go tharn naow

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43c000 No.18624559


Rig for Red?

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54e9f3 No.18624560

File: baf2886ad33c377⋯.png (520.31 KB,528x871,528:871,ClipboardImage.png)

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05664b No.18624561


you hang around fuckin idiots

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48a01c No.18624562

File: 298ad1bc6d11d01⋯.jpg (39.67 KB,932x663,932:663,popcorn_kek.jpg)

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e65314 No.18624563

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81f07e No.18624564

File: 91ac97dd864889b⋯.jpg (194.4 KB,936x936,1:1,46377190.jpg)

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f8b123 No.18624565

File: 9e5a50a3c13f532⋯.png (71.08 KB,356x312,89:78,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18623710 lb

If they arrest Trump - we Win.

If they don't arrest Trump - we Win.

Every revolutionary that has been imprisoned only came out stronger and more admired.


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bce188 No.18624566

File: 0b0d1ea35ebbcb7⋯.png (1.02 MB,814x850,407:425,pringles.png)

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05664b No.18624567

File: 7dc1fab362247e1⋯.jpg (22.83 KB,474x383,474:383,th_2596404739.jpg)



why stop there

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fcbf1a No.18624568

File: 32e3cf6cffcd964⋯.jpeg (196.2 KB,800x639,800:639,8AE04D79_98E8_4860_8960_2….jpeg)


> Panera Bread to Introduce Palm Scanners Next Month that Will Store its Customers’ Biometric Data for its Loyalty Program and Cashless Payment

Mark of the Beast

No thanks.

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774197 No.18624569


That strong angular face shape and fake boob job gives away that what you just posted is a fucking tranny.

Fuck off.

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bce188 No.18624570


Panera (mark of the) Beast

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e47944 No.18624571

File: 96d49e44d0fe494⋯.jpg (9.56 KB,255x252,85:84,Mrs_Chuck_The_Cuck_Tranny_….jpg)

File: 2a9777727f3221c⋯.jpg (223.59 KB,749x498,749:498,Tranny_Tyranny_Penis_Emerg….jpg)

File: 372cc9d0df37793⋯.jpg (98.37 KB,634x498,317:249,Let_s_Go_Justin_Trudeau_Wi….jpg)

File: 6e5549c98ff00db⋯.jpg (45.37 KB,550x367,550:367,Chuck_The_Tranny_Cuck_Schu….jpg)

File: 08a0e1700d0c738⋯.png (126.27 KB,600x400,3:2,Tranny_Shill_Cock_Removal_….png)


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48a01c No.18624572

File: 76c41887f7d219e⋯.jpg (93.45 KB,1024x512,2:1,virtual_frens.jpg)


Your mom does, faggot. I'm a loner omnishifter.

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b0dda8 No.18624573


Was told a long time ago that lightning strikes from the ground up. Perhaps we are watching the movie (life) in reverse.

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8a62d6 No.18624574

















are (You) watching the post numbers?



ending in…3_2_1_READY_set
























John F. Kennedy

==I am calling the

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12db8c No.18624575


what is


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81f07e No.18624576

File: 98d58962b65a90e⋯.jpg (249.71 KB,870x1200,29:40,106659414.jpg)

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cba65b No.18624577


and nope you cunts, it also does not work like that. climate is just climate.

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256d24 No.18624578


ESG partners getting the system in place for the arrival of their dark lord.

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7e841f No.18624579

File: bd45592fac989bd⋯.png (607.81 KB,657x680,657:680,bd45592fac989bd8e2842c1caa….png)


keep em going CF! Doing gods work out here.

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e204f6 No.18624580

File: 7f0bc76b1dcbc53⋯.png (741.08 KB,600x794,300:397,beezlebarf.png)

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43c000 No.18624581


That froggy is sitting on a GAS stove and looks comfy.

Is warmer than your boomer uncle will be next year, when he has no heat (unless he's in FL and then Idk.)

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84e48d No.18624582


kick the dutch to the curb

buh bye InBev

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54e9f3 No.18624584


Some dumb bitch thought bigger is better.

Till she found out its essentially a meat log that dont do shit.

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428e4c No.18624586

File: 58d5c9971f759bc⋯.jpg (113.33 KB,588x576,49:48,mockuponmu.jpg)


isnt hubbard dead?

dunno how many years it takes, but I know it takes hundreds of thousands of dollars, and perhaps your sanity.

Hubbard was an occultist.

Worked with the intel Agencies of many Countries.

Check out "L. R. Hubbard Messiah or Madman" if you can get hold of it

stay away from CAN - they are compromised.

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e9854d No.18624587

File: d68c4795879dcf8⋯.jpg (285.11 KB,908x1132,227:283,6f5d758e8af04433.jpg)

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1a836f No.18624588

File: 9c7acdeb087090a⋯.png (611.07 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bd3e7a7ac9806e⋯.png (297.17 KB,787x520,787:520,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 053f0640361e6b9⋯.png (352.37 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58fed17d804985e⋯.png (267.29 KB,907x492,907:492,ClipboardImage.png)


I got you fren.

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12db8c No.18624589


the idea was good enough

on its own merit.

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81f07e No.18624590

File: 329e755f40e9787⋯.jpg (107.01 KB,484x604,121:151,144770877.jpg)

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1f57e3 No.18624592

File: 1178a89f4ce2c3e⋯.jpeg (90.5 KB,649x680,649:680,4B2E2681_7614_4F48_8CFC_5….jpeg)

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05664b No.18624593


nice muskie

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d0bd06 No.18624594

File: 018d0ab8618f67e⋯.png (367.86 KB,598x400,299:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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12db8c No.18624595




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54e9f3 No.18624596


Are they going to be doing photo shoots of Trump in cuffs? Those retards would pay hella for that shit.

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bc823e No.18624597

File: 7a4ce5c8f3782ee⋯.png (211.16 KB,990x1782,5:9,Screenshot_2023_04_01_at_2….png)

File: 83b477bc2935e5e⋯.png (128.85 KB,988x1118,38:43,Screenshot_2023_04_01_at_2….png)

File: 8a0e360b65d6de5⋯.png (38.7 KB,974x548,487:274,Screenshot_2023_04_01_at_2….png)

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91bbc3 No.18624598

File: 98441c25e491d9a⋯.png (204.29 KB,1852x901,1852:901,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b652e27041715fa⋯.png (284.05 KB,1852x901,1852:901,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18624545 From PubMed using

'edible vaccine' as search term…

The uptick started in 1999 w/13 papers… High of 37 papers in 2006.

In 2022 there were 33 papers published including "Plant-Derived Human Vaccines: Recent Developments".

So the bill providing labeling is more than a little bit important.




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81f07e No.18624599

File: 62bfc43aa08bbe9⋯.jpg (193.61 KB,750x937,750:937,420662170.jpg)

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54ee79 No.18624600

File: 8e6b7ead24eca80⋯.gif (78.68 KB,220x220,1:1,anwb_wegenwacht.gif)

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109536 No.18624601

File: 2ee144967f455e6⋯.png (56.26 KB,911x356,911:356,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b451b No.18624602



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873ee2 No.18624603


Kek Trump should sell copies and fund his campaign exclusively from the proceeds

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675dca No.18624604

File: 9fb93b1b0b11e17⋯.jpg (144.76 KB,615x797,615:797,tranny.jpg)

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e47944 No.18624605

File: 29c0d599b8ac5e5⋯.png (1.03 MB,810x1440,9:16,1680395964409.png)

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428e4c No.18624606

File: 71ee37cc67854d1⋯.jpg (34.09 KB,620x350,62:35,redrumn.jpg)


University of RUD

Red Rum

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48a01c No.18624607

File: dd91661073f4064⋯.png (307.79 KB,693x390,231:130,kek2.png)


I got offended at being told I hanged with vaxxed biden supporters. Just about everyone around me in this town and all my family. I'm keking but it's really sad. Hope they come up with the antidote soon, or there's gonna be just a handful of us here in this town. It's a scary thought. God is good. Antidote on the way but they have to realize what they let themselves be injected with first.

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05664b No.18624608


i turned myself in twice on warrants

no cuffs no drama

they even told me have a seat it might be a while. you can go the sheriffs dept. if you'd like

totally different situation then getting snatched up

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54e9f3 No.18624609

File: 92642abcb2245ab⋯.mp4 (553.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,bud_fafo.mp4)

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43c000 No.18624610

File: abc098c55eac9b2⋯.png (458.24 KB,877x652,877:652,Screen_Shot_2023_04_01_at_….png)


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81f07e No.18624611

File: 9df3391e9fdb414⋯.jpg (258.1 KB,1200x1600,3:4,339693994.jpg)

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54ee79 No.18624612



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a79726 No.18624613

File: 57b84a0ee40a242⋯.png (4.23 MB,2466x4122,137:229,stockmarketcommswclockm135….png)

File: d5d77da996d5637⋯.png (5.15 MB,3000x3000,1:1,zvanillablankQUEENwwatchEd….png)


Thanks fren

Love the deltas

1700 on here as well

Plus my fav (1776)

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256d24 No.18624614


>sell copies

signed copies could easily get a $5,000 donation.

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0cf397 No.18624615

File: d903c607db10bc9⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB,480x360,4:3,Will_me_Riggs.mp4)

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d3801c No.18624616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This one came out just before 911, pay attention

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e47944 No.18624617

File: 48887b132ce753e⋯.png (1023.28 KB,1278x912,213:152,1680402953510.png)

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0ccd5e No.18624618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ronald Reagan's Best Jokes: A Collection of Classic One-Liners

In this best of video, we taken a look at President Ronald Reagan humor during his speeches. Even in the most tense moments, he found a way to make people laugh. If you're looking for some tips on how to lighten the mood and keep your audience engaged, then take a lesson from the Gipper!

Apr 1, 2023 11:13


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428e4c No.18624619


They won't treat him well, if they can get away with that

But Marines will be with him.

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e47944 No.18624620

File: ca888899ce5b858⋯.jpg (110.62 KB,626x795,626:795,Top_Tranny_Pedo_Rings.jpg)

File: ad286aa47442339⋯.jpg (92.56 KB,690x500,69:50,Remember_When_Hollywood_Wa….jpg)

File: bd8a5b1ae767a50⋯.png (83.29 KB,1289x193,1289:193,Impossible_Meat_Is_Scissor….png)

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1a836f No.18624621


I've been noticing in my life that if I stop, or never start partaking in their poisons, I never have to boycott them later. It's healthier and feels better than boycotting them too.

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81f07e No.18624622

File: dac5a1af8ca16bc⋯.jpg (188.73 KB,1024x1024,1:1,607146239.jpg)

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e47944 No.18624623

File: 454183dc4dfa24e⋯.png (794.05 KB,1308x891,436:297,1680403034041.png)

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dfcac7 No.18624624


There are LESS THAN 150 UIDs here right now.

(Just a reference point)

I am FAIRLY certain that all those patriots that I saw; all those LEOs and Military; wearing MAGA masks and getting vaxxed and boosted, WILL vote for Trump, IF THEY ARE STILL ALIVE (if not, history shows that they will be voting "Democrat").




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cba65b No.18624625

today we will not talk, if you fore it it will have consequences.

bubble. rejection until then.

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e47944 No.18624626

File: c0420c8d032c4e7⋯.png (1.58 MB,949x1229,949:1229,1680403190182.png)


Awake… Now Wut?

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97eb40 No.18624627


si number 4

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e47944 No.18624628

File: 4d04e5e98a21a0f⋯.png (174.01 KB,1440x810,16:9,1680403119800.png)

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cf16a9 No.18624629


Funny that most trannies say "we are being genocided" when referring to anti-trans legislation. They are the ones genociding their own genetic line. How far do the mental gymnastics go?

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e6e9a2 No.18624630

File: cbccad8bddb9315⋯.png (566.63 KB,1351x946,1351:946,Screenshot_2023_04_01_2042….png)


I thought this was his best joke.


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e47944 No.18624631

File: f7d71263a189de7⋯.png (144.79 KB,443x563,443:563,St_Patrick_Green_Irish.png)

File: 72c289277d21e14⋯.png (155.74 KB,417x458,417:458,Butch_McTranny.png)

File: bae9be826c8308a⋯.png (60.73 KB,852x222,142:37,Tranny_Wars_Pink.png)

File: b97f1f1ed7e9b9b⋯.png (252.08 KB,974x1019,974:1019,You_Pepe_Point_Hand.png)

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e9854d No.18624632

File: 7fa95066cf53895⋯.gif (189.64 KB,603x414,67:46,pepe_pickle_wave.gif)

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774197 No.18624633

Fucking pedonigger 1 post ip hopper fucked off once I came around and called out the underage girls in the pics

Anons see (you), fucking pedo

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e47944 No.18624634

File: 45592400559bf51⋯.png (199.83 KB,392x588,2:3,Muh_Pickle_Kek_Pepe_Clear.png)

File: fe3d3412f6cd4ed⋯.png (217.14 KB,425x587,425:587,Pickle_Dick_Pepe_Clear.png)

File: f2d629b6f56dac3⋯.png (193.74 KB,500x383,500:383,Leonardo_DiCaprio_Pickled_….png)

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cf46a8 No.18624636



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774197 No.18624637


> reddit spacing

You must go back, and then kill yourself

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cf16a9 No.18624638


Reagan was on the level actor, but really a commode-ian at heart. BHO was also trained as a commode-ian and had the knack of timing as well. None of them have ever been genuine.

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05664b No.18624639

>>18624608 me

in addition

you end up being one of the 1st to see the judge and out quick

cooperation goes a long way

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e47944 No.18624640

File: 22cce5c3d999861⋯.png (115.69 KB,344x410,172:205,1678919874027.png)

File: a713539f1f675e6⋯.png (76.28 KB,315x352,315:352,1678919830360.png)

File: af94dbd295f001f⋯.png (159.06 KB,447x341,447:341,1678919722015.png)

File: e2de2084e81e2c9⋯.png (117.06 KB,541x461,541:461,Hillary_Clinton_Scream_Pan….png)

File: 2915f78b36f0963⋯.png (67.1 KB,393x320,393:320,Putin_Happy.png)

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54ee79 No.18624641

File: cf16a34552bd80b⋯.gif (1.78 MB,480x202,240:101,Dddf.gif)

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d3801c No.18624642

Funny thing, if satan shit the bed with the big guy, would he?

1. Make the world a Hellish shitscape to defy God.

2. Trap those pesky demons to materialize, throw them under the bus and get back i the big bed?

What makes more sense?

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0cf397 No.18624643

File: bd0fc41e2e07aad⋯.png (1.4 MB,1032x631,1032:631,bd0fc41e2e07aad4ec8ffd345d….png)

File: ee43e7c71ffb665⋯.jpg (208.64 KB,948x832,237:208,00202177.jpg)

File: e4bdf26d35a10f2⋯.jpg (288.1 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1555806127117.jpg)

File: 74235deaa3592ec⋯.jpg (193.7 KB,1539x599,1539:599,antony.jpg)

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e47944 No.18624644

File: 15bbfc8abafe2c8⋯.png (293.28 KB,667x374,667:374,1679088086627.png)

File: d23293003961f39⋯.png (561.1 KB,1141x606,1141:606,1678794834378.png)

File: ad597031a07499a⋯.png (203.82 KB,576x433,576:433,1678403472172.png)

File: 3608d830eba26f5⋯.png (213.05 KB,512x512,1:1,1678401469841.png)

File: bedc637082b594c⋯.png (80.76 KB,420x327,140:109,1678400991150.png)

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1f164d No.18624647


I am awake, if you want to blatantly call for an organized violent overthrow or even suggest it, you need to go elsewhere outside of here. This board has a specific purpose.

I think this board is ultimately to keep the best of the best occupied shining light on their misdeeds so they can circle back and hide that shit later and round us all up. Why am I still here then, because I've invested time in this & refuse to miss the final act. Good/bad, I want to see how this ends because IT WILL END.

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d3801c No.18624648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Think about it.

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22884f No.18624649


I came up with bud light went single mom farm girl back on the 10th, where's the tranny part?


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0ccd5e No.18624650

File: 6bd9c5874cc630c⋯.png (99.35 KB,1700x2200,17:22,McLaughlin_1APR23_Page_1.png)

File: dffc7da6829b377⋯.png (100.99 KB,1700x2200,17:22,McLaughlin_1APR23_Page_2.png)

File: 5089aa15a2f25ee⋯.png (103.58 KB,1700x2200,17:22,McLaughlin_1APR23_Page_3.png)

File: c9567d3ccb37309⋯.png (103.84 KB,784x920,98:115,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c53b48500a34b7⋯.png (123.67 KB,538x497,538:497,ClipboardImage.png)



April 01, 2023

To: Donald J. Trump for President

From: John McLaughlin, McLaughlin & Associates

Date: April 1, 2023




10:37 PM · Apr 1, 2023


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e47944 No.18624651

File: 925cb80ca43ad40⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Original_Fudge_Pop_Floyd_S….png)

File: b36501fd2f15e16⋯.png (122.97 KB,877x227,877:227,WATCH_OUT_FOR_Lawrence_Off….png)

File: 5706281b4148658⋯.png (120.15 KB,877x240,877:240,YOUR_CORNHOLE_Lawrence_Off….png)

File: 7ce3d83b14033d1⋯.png (43.02 KB,877x227,877:227,BUD_Lawrence_Office_Space.png)

File: 1d8438c34956691⋯.png (79.5 KB,547x312,547:312,Lawrence_Office_Space_Head….png)

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880fd2 No.18624653



It's nine more years ackually

Ramen Clam, we're nearly half way there

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1f164d No.18624654


Seriously, one of these day, I'm going to actually visit reddit just to see wtf it looks like. I've seen reddit in passing but never actually used it.

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774197 No.18624655


> fearmongering

Go fuck yourself faggot

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2bbd0f No.18624656

File: 39d0f30e6450ee1⋯.png (66.9 KB,220x145,44:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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880fd2 No.18624657


you mad?

Yeah, you mad

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2bbd0f No.18624658

coors light is racist

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54ee79 No.18624659

File: 1fb2be0c58e878e⋯.jpg (182.94 KB,1440x693,160:77,1fb2be0c58e878efe4b83f3257….jpg)


>This board has a specific purpose.

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cf16a9 No.18624660



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05664b No.18624661


i was banned in 3hrs

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54e9f3 No.18624662


Leo in New Orleans. I know that shop.

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f8b123 No.18624664


It's mostly Internal / Eternal. Sadism is an interesting part of human nature and within all of us and must be fed. Most of you just don't realize you're doing it when you're passing on the Hot Potato of your sadness / hatred onto others.

There are certain things you can do that will feed your inner-demon to give you powers. Mostly confidence, and through that you can acquire whatever you want. Once the confidence / adrenaline wears off you gotta do it again.

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0ccd5e No.18624665

File: 281c5f21a9e611b⋯.png (39.86 KB,656x327,656:327,ClipboardImage.png)

KT McFarland @realKTMcFarland

Never has a superpower fallen so far so fast.

David P. Goldman @davidpgoldman·1h

How did Russia and China leapfrog the US in hypersonics, air defense and other cutting-edge defense tech?

Congress should be roasting flag officers over a slow fire.

I wrote this a year ago. Still holds.


10:06 PM · Apr 1, 2023


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54ee79 No.18624666

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b1ab33 No.18624668

File: c6e607fc15974af⋯.png (66.74 KB,1406x757,1406:757,Screenshot_from_2023_04_01….png)


> >>18624140

>Maybe just because it's at a significant resistance with decent downside potential in the coming weeks also they would have turned 10,000 bitcoin that they got essentially for free into 270-290 million bucks.

Article says they sold mid-March for only $21.8k each. Checked before posting, it did cross the $21.8k range the day on the 12th.

FTA: "According to the filing, officials sold roughly 9,861 BTC for more than $215 million on March 14, leaving roughly 41,491 BTC." So the math: 215m / 9861 BTC = 21.8k/BTC

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54e9f3 No.18624670


You ever work for the DoD?

All Indians from India. That was when I knew we were fucked.

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eaab37 No.18624671


Everything bends the knee

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e47944 No.18624673

File: 0f757d95042faad⋯.gif (5.11 MB,480x480,1:1,Lawrence_TGFO_Office_Space.gif)

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65dde5 No.18624674


US just cancelled a contract as well. Designed obsolescence of America.

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41c541 No.18624675

File: a62112b55abb317⋯.png (244.27 KB,407x278,407:278,ClipboardImage.png)

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e47944 No.18624676

File: d4a858e576eecdc⋯.png (331.91 KB,720x404,180:101,1679617076242.png)

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e47944 No.18624677

File: 79d88a9352da2f3⋯.png (337.99 KB,720x402,120:67,1679617042960.png)

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880fd2 No.18624678

Banning tiktock is a ruse for a new version of the Patriot Act

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e47944 No.18624679

File: 4ad4422f7ee994a⋯.png (333.54 KB,720x402,120:67,1679617032018.png)

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675dca No.18624680

File: fc5bd6d85a1a158⋯.png (397.71 KB,633x404,633:404,ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm going to actually visit reddit just to see wtf it looks like.

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e47944 No.18624681

File: 40dd36926bfb92f⋯.png (338.95 KB,720x400,9:5,1679617000239.png)

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34652a No.18624682

File: 629c1bac8606e23⋯.png (1.02 MB,1500x772,375:193,trannyyellingatcat.png)


I made this for you. You're welcome.

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8a62d6 No.18624683

File: 9069d6312d550b1⋯.png (515.82 KB,693x391,693:391,9069d6312d550b1bc55ca98723….png)

File: 7544b638bac645d⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,640x354,320:177,7544b638bac645d8fec5c7d377….mp4)

































































John F. Kennedy

==I am calling the

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1f164d No.18624684



What are people afraid of? I'm here, not worried about fed bois or gubbament. I talked to a diehard lefty years ago who was also reading Q posts. After listening to them, it became evident both sides good/bad read them as if Q is talking to them. "These people are stupid/evil", some of them believe in Q too but literally read it backwards to the average anon.

They aren't crazy, you can read most posts both ways & to ignore the possibility that Trumps price to get into the big club & protect his family was to walk through the gauntlet of abuse/embarrassment. Everything I see/notice is because all of (you) on this board, kun/chan opened my eyes to question everything. Doesn't make me right or wrong, just keeps from being duped by either side. I'm voting for DJT, I hope the plan is legit but my brain sees more than one outcome.

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e47944 No.18624685

File: 47ad7963158d5b0⋯.png (329.75 KB,720x399,240:133,1679616978928.png)

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03e004 No.18624686


oughtta check the 8's….

there are 'gods' MUCH more powerful than your little legends.

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e8c9f6 No.18624687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Calm place

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03e004 No.18624688

ya I did that

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e47944 No.18624689

File: 7da3c5514b9be3c⋯.png (332.29 KB,720x398,360:199,1679616960635.png)

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65dde5 No.18624690


Rsstrict Act is designed to be used against Americans.

Shut out TT in simple bill. Toss this garbage Act.

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8a62d6 No.18624691

im sorry again

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34652a No.18624692


I was told there would be light cycles?

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2bbd0f No.18624693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

both worst pony mad epstien don't call back

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eaab37 No.18624694


yer a fukn idiot

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80aeb9 No.18624695



>>18624098 Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Admits He Used Federal Dollars in Trump Investigation

>>18624108 Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks Endorses Trump Following Indictment

>>18624113 Transvestite 'Activist' Violently Attacks Peaceful Counter-Protester — Police Blame Victim

>>18624121 dark star made from russian dead soldiers boots - twat

>>18624125 Newsom Launches Political Organization to ‘Fight Back’ Against GOP Policies in Red States - gwp (w.e.f asset)

>>18624140 The US Government Sold Almost 10,000 'Silk Road' Bitcoin Last Week

>>18624213, >>18624368 One Dead, Three Seriously Wounded in Shooting at Los Angeles Trader Joe’s

>>18624266, >>18624268, >>18624281, >>18624431 Lightning strikes One Tower in NYC ‘Q’ shape

>>18624325 Triggered Liberals Have Meltdown Over Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 60 Minutes Interview Set to Air Sunday

>>18624338 The Intelligence Briefing / Red Dragon Infiltrated US Gov & Media - John B Wells LIVE

>>18624378 US Congress Moves To Ban Chinese Crane Software

>>18624543 Partner From Law Firm That Represents DNC and is Suing Trump Over Jan 6 on Behalf of Democrats in Congress Arrested for Possessing Child Porn

>>18624545, >>18624598 More from Tom Renz on vaccination via food, with support for a Missouri bill that would provide labelling.




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db61b6 No.18624696

File: 9053d575412661a⋯.jpg (289.37 KB,1024x1024,1:1,823161532.jpg)



I'm anon like you…HA!

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34652a No.18624698


there is indeed a rig for red in there.

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eaab37 No.18624699


the ux is shit


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03e004 No.18624700


is that your opinion? elaborate articulately or stay the fuck off the board…

i am here because I am targetted…..can you say the same? NO

Better fucking learn to know your roll

or shut the fuck up

Mil or no…(you) are a fucking POS

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2bbd0f No.18624701


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aedaa7 No.18624702

File: a64e921d271be7b⋯.jpg (106.03 KB,1024x1014,512:507,a64e921d271be7b3e6a5d65e36….jpg)

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09775f No.18624703

File: 824704f142fb543⋯.jpg (106.97 KB,754x380,377:190,ps.jpg)


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05664b No.18624704

File: e7d08dd8c1ef0fc⋯.jpg (9.92 MB,4032x2268,16:9,20210427_133751.jpg)

prep anon

silver n dragon eggs

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54ee79 No.18624705

File: fc5a56b110896da⋯.png (91.39 KB,1080x572,270:143,Memeto_1621905679267.png)

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cba65b No.18624706

File: 2cd8e01ef05f248⋯.png (397.95 KB,1800x1013,1800:1013,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf46a8 No.18624707

File: f8cc397d143588a⋯.png (9.63 KB,316x46,158:23,per1.png)

File: dfef11564bc2bf5⋯.png (19.48 KB,708x52,177:13,per2.png)

File: 4f0666da080c419⋯.png (184.46 KB,614x1566,307:783,per3.png)

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eaab37 No.18624708




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2bbd0f No.18624709


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03e004 No.18624710


(you) better PRAY (you) are on the right side…

MIL won't stop what's comin…..

(you) have NO fucking clue……simply because (you) have no imagination…..


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f8b123 No.18624711


Exercise, sports / esports, roleplay, music can be a healthy way to feed these inner spirits. This is why sometimes the calmest people explode with anger because they suppress their instincts and it fights back with a vengeance. Similar to pushing an air-filled ball deeper and deeper into water, it will end up shooting out higher and faster once the ball is released.

Why do these demons exist? Use your imagination; there might be a scenario where you are compelled to eat someone's face off.

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34652a No.18624712

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2bbd0f No.18624713


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cf16a9 No.18624714



The good ones are undoubtedly very good, but the others are particularly heinous.


link in story sends to


catching the drift.



we seem to be in the 3rd of 5 Acts. Of a movie. That was planned.

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1f164d No.18624715


USAF, we had Russian/Chinese citizens who currently serve & nobody even knows. How do I know, I supervised a few of them & had to talk to OSI when their leave paperwork came across the commanders desk. Nobody knew, literally NO ONE KNEW.

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03e004 No.18624716


kek…never saw that one before but logical to say the least

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34652a No.18624717


They'd make more money selling them to china as tiger dicks.

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0ccd5e No.18624718

File: b856fe48d799d0d⋯.png (84.83 KB,653x717,653:717,ClipboardImage.png)

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Here's what happened:

Media corporations know the public hates and distrusts their employees. So they created the fake title "fact-checker" for the same reason they created "disinformation experts": to pretend these are new and more honest people than those you came to loathe:

Glenn Kessler @GlennKesslerWP·8h

Twitter trolls who posted a "community note" to this tweet apparently have not read the actual fact check. Click the link and you will find that Color of Change did not spend $1 million in independent expenditures on Bragg, as people often claim.

New #FactChecker -> The incendiary claim that George Soros ‘funds’ Alvin Bragg


Readers added context they thought people might want to know

The original Community Note does not say that the Color of Change PAC spent the $1 million it originally pledged. Soros donated $1 million to the PAC days after it endorsed Bragg and pledged more than $1 million in spending to support his candidacy.


Do you find this helpful?

9:26 PM · Apr 1, 2023


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03e004 No.18624719




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643c49 No.18624721

File: 98a22b8b838f2eb⋯.jpg (304.97 KB,2048x1535,2048:1535,338839921.jpg)

File: 01e32a9ae3878f6⋯.jpg (148.51 KB,1140x570,2:1,3388910047.jpg)

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90f196 No.18624722

File: 0e8e2b4d37609a6⋯.jpg (211.41 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,530591193.jpg)

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67be2a No.18624723

File: 6f3e4edd7463337⋯.png (776.17 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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03e004 No.18624724

MIL better remember my last

I intend on using the context

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5f8da8 No.18624725

File: 109d2eebaaf7de7⋯.png (340.56 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cd36ff66e2b6ba⋯.png (732.52 KB,888x500,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

hey guise- i know youre busy saving the world and battling shills but youre the smartest guys i know

why is the number 3917 (specifically) on the BadCo dice? album length is 38:17 btw

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05664b No.18624727


as long as they follow both sides orders

they're good

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aedaa7 No.18624728

File: 9e5480dbc8c0f12⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1680x1050,8:5,IF1_INFO_TERTRIX.jpg)

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eaab37 No.18624729


you are too stupid to live

that will be rectified

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05664b No.18624730


gaffing that mahi mahi was a crime

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643c49 No.18624731

File: b86281febc687c5⋯.png (126.17 KB,679x477,679:477,ClipboardImage.png)


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165d32 No.18624732



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f058a0 No.18624733

File: 388d54cb7498a75⋯.gif (3.45 MB,384x384,1:1,Lightning_Strikes_twice.gif)


Seems familiar.

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0cf397 No.18624734


Maybe 1 minute of audio was removed somewhere by last minute editing? The art made before the album was finished? Just guessing.

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675dca No.18624735


>the ux is shit


True. I just always think of how the DS drove that guy to kill himself. Fucked up series of events that was.

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2bbd0f No.18624736

File: f6fd2f7d34a465d⋯.png (524.44 KB,827x577,827:577,ClipboardImage.png)

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64c0e0 No.18624737

File: 7e599ea1f4aef25⋯.png (2.29 MB,1200x1800,2:3,37FE47A6_12CE_48DD_80DD_73….png)

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54e9f3 No.18624738

File: 07947d4fc8207ac⋯.png (66.9 KB,400x215,80:43,ClipboardImage.png)


Yea, I drop everything and report that shit.

Sick motherfuckers get the woodchipper.

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659cae No.18624739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Howeve rbis obliviously ugly manifestiib war and abomination seems sophomoric, a cry for help.

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2bbd0f No.18624740

File: b6a18d2783f409b⋯.png (1.82 MB,1200x1800,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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25944e No.18624741


Damn, if only they had held on for another 9 or 10 days. I should have read the sauce, thanks fren.

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1f164d No.18624742


Military will be used to dig our graves, clean up our bodies. Congress passed McCain's little rule that allows them to bypass Posse Comitatus if Congress has hurt feelings.

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04a995 No.18624743

spirit: the expression of habitual patterns of thought.

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8a62d6 No.18624744












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5f8da8 No.18624745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bad Company: The Official Authorized 40th Anniversary Documentary

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cf16a9 No.18624747


also has to do with the 5-4-1-6-2-4 combo, and the 11 over the 6's. the dice on the felt of the four is obscured giving the numbers 333.

This thing is littered with number symbology.

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2f2407 No.18624748

I just get the feeling this is all just another let down.

It’s just another 4 year election as always.

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eaab37 No.18624749


it is their way

one of them

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0cf397 No.18624750

File: 9c7f7156d477b99⋯.png (266.41 KB,500x432,125:108,bice_cream2.png)

File: 853e68a45abecb3⋯.jpg (54.04 KB,382x660,191:330,0c289d49c3634b98907b38af0a….jpg)

File: 2aa345ece758639⋯.jpg (85.38 KB,798x484,399:242,87526e.jpg)

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2bbd0f No.18624751

File: f00933452375dbe⋯.png (341.56 KB,1693x1249,1693:1249,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8c9f6 No.18624752

❤️ No worries

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a81677 No.18624753


what happens after an indictment, does Trump have to go to the police station or what

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560293 No.18624754


"where's the (bud light) tranny part?"

go to twitter

type in dylan mulvaney

or check out

"bud light" it is trending at number 7

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643c49 No.18624755


>This thing is littered with number symbology.

and artificial milkies

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2f2407 No.18624756


No one ever asks the Q question. As many times as Trump is one TV no one ever asks Who is Q?

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873ee2 No.18624757

File: af098520bff0587⋯.mp4 (380.83 KB,IMG_1494.MOV)



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8eaa93 No.18624758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2bbd0f No.18624759

File: 9ebd02302ab06bc⋯.png (362.27 KB,1024x484,256:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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15f606 No.18624760


they still gotta figure out what to write in the crime section before they unseal it don't rush them

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13f041 No.18624761

Now we have fishFags.

Send out the squad

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2f2407 No.18624762


It’s an arraignment. He stands in front of a judge and they tell him his charges. Set a bail and the prosecutor asks for flight risk rule. Trump will pay bail and go home. The court date will be set.

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41c541 No.18624763

File: bcf86c3a4963ad4⋯.png (80.29 KB,281x378,281:378,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3432a No.18624764

Fuck a 2 day walk out.

I want 10 days darnkess.

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0cf397 No.18624765

File: bbe6c96740972c1⋯.mp4 (2.69 MB,470x360,47:36,Moxica.mp4)

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b5bdad No.18624766


they say it's a slap in the face

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90f196 No.18624767

File: af5c0552cfc7bd2⋯.jpg (113.79 KB,771x1000,771:1000,279081932.jpg)

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675dca No.18624768

File: 59bd7bba9a285d8⋯.png (545.84 KB,728x926,364:463,ClipboardImage.png)

There is one thing the twisted freaks will never be able to do. And that is to add the curse of their presence into this message to the rest of the universe. You can't catch that one motherfuckers!TOP FUCKING KEK

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fe8339 No.18624769

File: 0f77e05c12e17ba⋯.jpeg (74.17 KB,750x261,250:87,IMG_4235.jpeg)

Pergamon Alter, Forty Six & 2.

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e0fa5f No.18624770


the judge could look at the charges and say 'this is all bullshit' and call for an arrest of the prosecutor.

that would be shocking!

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7a3f09 No.18624771


She’s only got two bewbs?


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2f2407 No.18624773


Not in NY. People use to say Real Americans live in NY. Now they say no Americans live in NY.

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05664b No.18624775

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b5bdad No.18624776


>the judge could

how are judges assigned.

what's the voodoo in that

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90f196 No.18624777

File: baaa9cb91aea194⋯.jpg (199.28 KB,1024x1024,1:1,160190932.jpg)

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8a62d6 No.18624779





















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e20ef4 No.18624780

File: 497b9b049c68eeb⋯.jpg (188.55 KB,720x1280,9:16,6e4ff4b0d23de8cd.jpg)

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97eb40 No.18624781

Baker post count @651

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2f2407 No.18624782


No. Judges do not determine what is valid. It’s called Due Process. There’s no money in that. They want trials and fees.

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1f164d No.18624783


The Chinese guy told me he was serving his mandatory service requirement & because of the career field he chose, upon his honorable discharge he could apply for officer candidacy in the Chinese military. The Russian guy had his passport blocked, visa taken (by Russian authorities) & was pissed because it made him look like a spy.

Both were model troops, no accents, promoted ahead of their peers etc.

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659cae No.18624784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Complete bank run on the woke money, end it.

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80aeb9 No.18624785

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2f2407 No.18624786


You have to pay Ba’al. I mean Bail.

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6c5c8e No.18624787

File: 590101a828ddbff⋯.png (303.83 KB,428x640,107:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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41c541 No.18624788

It's in the cellphone batteries.

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1f164d No.18624789


Are you speaking into a mirror ask you type that? American bitch…

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0655bc No.18624790

File: fe0d04536ee71df⋯.jpg (33.21 KB,720x281,720:281,20230401_211602.jpg)

The storm is here


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cf16a9 No.18624791

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22884f No.18624792

Disney Apologizes For ChatGPT Jokes On Cruise Ship Elevators

GCaptain April 1, 2023

by gCaptain (April 1st 2023) CruizeNewz is reporting that the Disney Wish cruise ship recently experienced some unexpected technical difficulties with its elevators and had to return to port. According to sources, the ship had installed a cutting-edge ChatGPT based chatbot modeled after the popular Disney+ series Mandalorian and its Jungle Cruise theme park ride, to replace the typical elevator music that usually puts passengers at ease.

The feature was an instant hit with the guests who overcrowded the elevators to hear the bot’s endless stream of Jungle-Cruise-style dad jokes, delivered in the voice of none other than Mandalorian star actor Pedro Pascal himself. However, things quickly went awry when passengers became so engrossed in the chatbot’s puns that they refused to leave the elevators, causing them to become overcrowded and eventually break down.

“I couldn’t believe it when I heard The Mandalorian himself spewing out really bad dad jokes,” said one passenger. “But it was so addictively funny that my son pressed all the elevator buttons to stay on the lift longer. Unfortunately, everyone else had the same idea, and the crowding started to make me feel queasy.”

Many guests loved the feature, but some reported feeling frustrated and anxious due to the long elevator wait times and the constant barrage of dad jokes. One guest even reported feeling dizzy from the repetitive and unfunny nautical puns that the chatbot loved to tell.

Some examples of the bot’s jokes include:

“What do you call a Jedi who loves to sail? Obi Wan Canoe-Bi!”

“What did the pirate say when he saw a Star Destroyer? ‘Arrr, it’s a trap!'”

“What do you get when you mix a pirate and a Jedi? An Arrrr-2D2!”

“What do you call a stormtrooper on a boat? A sail-trooper!”

According to CruizeNewz teenage passengers, in particular, were divided on the jokes, with some finding them “cringey” and “NOT funny”. However, the chatbot’s clever use of Baby Yoda rolling his eyes after each punchline seemed to have won over the teenage crowd, who couldn’t help but chuckle. Some teenagers even went so far as to take selfies with the elevator display screen, declaring it the “cutest thing ever” and a highlight of their Disney cruise experience.

Despite positive reviews from passengers, Disney’s vice president of cruises April Jokeansen has since apologized for the chatbot’s behavior and promised to remove it from the elevators, and has assured gCaptain reporters that no passengers were injured by the experience.

While the use of AI chatbots can be a valuable tool for enhancing guest experiences, this incident highlights the need to consider the impact of such technology on passengers and the need to prevent overcrowding in elevators. Industry experts note that AI can become especially dangerous at sea when it comes installed with nautical puns!


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2f2407 No.18624793


Is it just me or is Blue Check fucking Cringe now.

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e8c9f6 No.18624794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b5bdad No.18624795


it is a very uncursed image.

and pluto was a planet

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435b36 No.18624797


The West is basically just a whore blonde to fuck and throw away. Difficult when there is no racial homogeny. Was too many immigrants coming in too fast. Not enough time for the immigrants to breed into native population and eventually over time for the bloodline to also become dominantly as the native population.

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05664b No.18624798



the ruskie had a nice cover story

military life was probably easier than their up bringing

that's why they excelled


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6c5c8e No.18624799

File: c8bdfbaf6892545⋯.png (573.36 KB,500x1113,500:1113,ClipboardImage.png)

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e0fa5f No.18624800


fuck you

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22884f No.18624801

File: fc412bd306eaf09⋯.png (284.3 KB,581x430,581:430,3k0n5s.png)

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90f196 No.18624802

File: c76935b3a402319⋯.jpg (131.9 KB,634x785,634:785,756455368.jpg)

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2bbd0f No.18624803


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165d32 No.18624804





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b5bdad No.18624805

File: d221944f186b9c1⋯.jpeg (151.34 KB,1200x299,1200:299,everythings_on_fire.jpeg)


>Disney Apologizes

can we just nuke disney

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0655bc No.18624806

File: c14775c2f154888⋯.jpg (230.77 KB,909x1249,909:1249,c4zbnb.jpg)

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6c5c8e No.18624807

File: 8afccca4716f2d4⋯.png (37 KB,996x200,249:50,ClipboardImage.png)


Here…you can keep this one on hand.

I was responding to gore at the time. Rolled a bingo.

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659cae No.18624808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New stars discovered, anons.

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e0fa5f No.18624809


I was a bit triggered, wasn't I.

I didn't even get to the end of what ever that pinhead was saying.

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8a62d6 No.18624810



























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812918 No.18624811

File: a880b77a3907fb9⋯.png (472.56 KB,480x640,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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435b36 No.18624812


U mad cuz it's tru whyte boi.

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88bee3 No.18624813


Thats probably why they wont let you change batteries now

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0655bc No.18624814

File: 6e053d9d0576d8a⋯.jpg (122.13 KB,1024x1024,1:1,20230401_200048.jpg)

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6c5c8e No.18624815

File: a30b02305b29e33⋯.png (7.41 KB,243x154,243:154,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8adf27ebb0761f7⋯.png (219.86 KB,331x417,331:417,ClipboardImage.png)


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434941 No.18624816


Da Stasi or police is Freemason cult

50k kids a year don’t just disappear without the police allowing it

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0cf397 No.18624818

File: 288704a22149bd8⋯.jpg (77.78 KB,590x678,295:339,new_Michelle_pic3.jpg)

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560293 No.18624819


"she" looks like she could use a bud light

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643c49 No.18624820

File: 700be6e392dc128⋯.png (819.55 KB,992x744,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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2bbd0f No.18624821

File: 311aa3ffc415727⋯.png (1.48 MB,1200x900,4:3,311aa3ffc41572732c1741b809….png)



>both worst pony mad epstien don't call back

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812918 No.18624822

File: a0c138b7b12bf8d⋯.png (490.17 KB,563x789,563:789,ClipboardImage.png)

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659cae No.18624823


Gotta job doin disaster cleanup, the shir on the ground, it's bad.

Never stop workin the plan.

The truth isn't just digital, it's real.

And it's fuckin gross.

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643c49 No.18624824

File: b06d7aaf2bdee73⋯.png (500.17 KB,700x663,700:663,ClipboardImage.png)

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0cf397 No.18624825

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545cb5 No.18624827

File: 389ddefb6052a25⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,360x203,360:203,IMG_20220812_210421_067.jpg)

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873ee2 No.18624828

File: 74c5ec11e01387b⋯.png (6.42 MB,1242x2208,9:16,814C87FF_3C88_4609_98CF_69….png)

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8a62d6 No.18624829

































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6c5c8e No.18624830

File: 1eb94c8261f53f5⋯.png (1.93 MB,1333x1065,1333:1065,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 844d8f55ec81fd3⋯.png (173.2 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 640498940ad0ff6⋯.png (109.81 KB,728x410,364:205,ClipboardImage.png)


>I was a bit triggered, wasn't I.

KEK…neither could i.

The shills have been out in force…whether bots or bodies is irrelevant…in the past few weeks I've seen "gore" here, the likes of which I haven't seen for years.

All of the shilling:

Muh Joo

2 more weeks

clock ridicule



Questionably young girls


anything that is obviously negative and distracting has been unleashed the past few weeks and it is only to serv distracting us and pushing us away from the board….and making the board toxic to new people that might be seeking it out.

Stay strong.

The preponderence of shilling is the clearest sign we're winning and they in some deep shit.

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0913ac No.18624831

File: 8cacdc5220bfeac⋯.jpg (20.04 KB,474x315,158:105,th_1693656024.jpg)

File: cad0d517bbc6a42⋯.jpg (17.04 KB,474x270,79:45,th_3121991518.jpg)



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2bbd0f No.18624832

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812918 No.18624833

File: eb4d9205cf467a6⋯.png (304.43 KB,452x526,226:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f164d No.18624835


The Russian couldn't explain to OSI who approached him/how he managed to enlist from Russia? The gist was he spoke English so fluently they approached him. He completely understood he looked like a spy. The Chinese guy was born here, had a US birth certificate but admitted he'd never even visited the US until he flew back here to join the military.

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545cb5 No.18624836

File: 4c686bbacedf50b⋯.jpg (121.16 KB,1428x677,1428:677,Screenshot_20220828_173316….jpg)

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80aeb9 No.18624837

Notables - FINAL


>>18624098 Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Admits He Used Federal Dollars in Trump Investigation

>>18624108 Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks Endorses Trump Following Indictment

>>18624113 Transvestite 'Activist' Violently Attacks Peaceful Counter-Protester — Police Blame Victim

>>18624121 dark star made from russian dead soldiers boots - twat

>>18624125 Newsom Launches Political Organization to ‘Fight Back’ Against GOP Policies in Red States - gwp (w.e.f asset)

>>18624140 The US Government Sold Almost 10,000 'Silk Road' Bitcoin Last Week

>>18624213, >>18624368 One Dead, Three Seriously Wounded in Shooting at Los Angeles Trader Joe’s

>>18624266, >>18624268, >>18624281, >>18624431 Lightning strikes One Tower in NYC ‘Q’ shape

>>18624325 Triggered Liberals Have Meltdown Over Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 60 Minutes Interview Set to Air Sunday

>>18624338 The Intelligence Briefing / Red Dragon Infiltrated US Gov & Media - John B Wells LIVE

>>18624378 US Congress Moves To Ban Chinese Crane Software

>>18624543 Partner From Law Firm That Represents DNC and is Suing Trump Over Jan 6 on Behalf of Democrats in Congress Arrested for Possessing Child Porn

>>18624545, >>18624598 More from Tom Renz on vaccination via food, with support for a Missouri bill that would provide labelling.


>>18624718 Glenn Greenwald - 'Fact Checkers'



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f058a0 No.18624838

File: 15ed1d2f4c0b520⋯.mp4 (6.9 MB,576x1024,9:16,Download.mp4)

Any anons know about this or is this guy just pushing fear porn or some kind of disinfo stuff

A relative sent it to me?

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f058a0 No.18624841



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659cae No.18624843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Everything alright?

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6c5c8e No.18624845

File: 5bb266305620e00⋯.png (275.15 KB,720x489,240:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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97eb40 No.18624846

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545cb5 No.18624847

File: 424901679657800⋯.png (1.42 MB,1356x1080,113:90,20160722_154421.png)

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80aeb9 No.18624848

Fresh Bread























Fresh Bread

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812918 No.18624849

File: c103241bf594a8e⋯.png (1.47 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a62d6 No.18624850



































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e6e9a2 No.18624852

File: 292d215b5056f02⋯.gif (3.8 MB,498x381,166:127,agbarr_barr_water.gif)

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812918 No.18624853

File: f64214c698c431f⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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812918 No.18624855

File: e57bc6d2e3d3020⋯.png (89.49 KB,550x297,50:27,ClipboardImage.png)

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545cb5 No.18624856

File: d3c515d1eaa03e9⋯.jpg (560.99 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20220828_173330….jpg)

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434941 No.18624858

Now it looks like the Commies want Trump elected

Guess America is broke, morally and financially

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8a62d6 No.18624861



ThankQ for asking though

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812918 No.18624862

File: 3fcf6d321244a74⋯.png (1.38 MB,1023x692,1023:692,ClipboardImage.png)

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659cae No.18624863

File: abbd433fd3762eb⋯.jpeg (593.09 KB,696x1035,232:345,47639B74_380D_4E9C_9345_8….jpeg)

With you my man.

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812918 No.18624864

File: 24116ff1a32bb0d⋯.jpg (72.44 KB,700x525,4:3,573017446.jpg)

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812918 No.18624865

File: 3779414e04daffb⋯.jpg (53.49 KB,740x846,370:423,thats_fascinating_640_high….jpg)

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659cae No.18624867

File: e9d64aa8bbc7fa2⋯.jpeg (268 KB,728x941,728:941,8342D8AF_2226_48FC_BDA3_2….jpeg)

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812918 No.18624868

File: 06015c61b62c53f⋯.jpg (55.04 KB,434x550,217:275,tn_26105.jpg)

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80aeb9 No.18624869













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812918 No.18624870

File: 7b6094cb7f256de⋯.jpg (69.05 KB,640x800,4:5,87362374.jpg)

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812918 No.18624871

File: 1473bd724a20e35⋯.jpg (109.34 KB,683x1024,683:1024,9e1f74e346d5_4360.jpg)

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1a836f No.18624872


One of the best cartoons.

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812918 No.18624876

File: 9dacdeece731074⋯.gif (4.31 MB,250x443,250:443,125373736.gif)

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812918 No.18624878

File: c534b2d507ff2a8⋯.jpg (53.84 KB,620x606,310:303,552354304.jpg)

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812918 No.18624881

File: 1fbc5bfbdb83378⋯.jpg (94.17 KB,563x723,563:723,1052863322.jpg)

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cf16a9 No.18624884

>>18624867 birfday screenie

hope it was great again!

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812918 No.18624886

File: a0604e531bc59b5⋯.png (72.81 KB,700x466,350:233,429198974.png)

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675dca No.18624887

File: 916fb31fa6593c0⋯.png (1006.75 KB,1244x586,622:293,FireStation.PNG)

>>18623710 lb/pb

>Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House, was criticized after she tweeted that former President Donald Trump will have a chance to "prove innocence" in court.

Republicans have spoken out against Pelosi's phrasing, saying that in America, a person is innocent until proven guilty.

Not surprising as she is contrary and does everything backwards. Many old heroin junkies, that actually survive, act this way. Remember Obamacare. "We'll find out what's in the law after we pass it". Standard for an addict that wants to believe that you are as incredibly stupid as they are.

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812918 No.18624888

File: a532baaa75f77f2⋯.jpg (56.33 KB,590x392,295:196,855474101.jpg)

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812918 No.18624891

File: 9dc44fe9d69858f⋯.jpg (75.38 KB,550x411,550:411,668944456.jpg)

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e0fa5f No.18624894


the fed is broke unless they can get the washington people to vote to raise the debt ceiling . . .

America is a rich nation that will live through it.

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80aeb9 No.18624895













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812918 No.18624896

File: 891bfdc683355a2⋯.gif (1.69 MB,245x245,1:1,1385737018.gif)

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812918 No.18624899

File: 80d85c854a443a5⋯.jpg (51.63 KB,500x385,100:77,770853181.jpg)

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bcc3ac No.18624900


fun times

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812918 No.18624901

File: 4d16706431449d7⋯.jpg (36.66 KB,600x624,25:26,1647205969.jpg)

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816ad0 No.18624903


Not bad. I like.

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812918 No.18624904

File: 4f0400263e17be4⋯.jpg (74.52 KB,563x670,563:670,1316505307.jpg)

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812918 No.18624905

File: 063ff4143e3ec47⋯.jpg (39.4 KB,563x378,563:378,143503173.jpg)

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812918 No.18624907

File: 28453e0ab281cae⋯.gif (985.76 KB,450x478,225:239,1822570431.gif)

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812918 No.18624908

File: a0ac5d9b997c8d0⋯.jpg (106.25 KB,700x843,700:843,0666199abcba_4360.jpg)

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4a3d50 No.18625293

File: 26d9b213a43bca2⋯.jpg (11.43 KB,294x171,98:57,45364703286651387562345325….jpg)

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de1f48 No.18632459

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB,296x146,148:73,_Anonymous_You_44_minutes_….jpg)

File: 39a595b40220464⋯.jpg (71.04 KB,800x530,80:53,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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