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File: 59bb80182d6ed14⋯.png (146.22 KB,609x338,609:338,59bb80182d6ed1419aab55bfec….png)

c36a14 No.18529971 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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c36a14 No.18529974

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18287979 ——–——– Canada #40

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18363355 ——–——– Japan/Nihon #12

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes- >>18489141 NEW

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579


#22725 >>18529098

>>18529140 332 earthquakes in Bay of Plenty since last night

>>18529165 admins working on CP, keep refreshing

>>18529186, >>18529544 NETHERLANDS - The Farmers’ Protest party has WON in provincial elections, were farmers tricked into voting for them?

>>18529357, >>18529592, >>18529608 Objects in sky over Northern California

>>18529167, >>18529501, >>18529532 400k gallons of radioactive water leaked from Minnesota nuclear plant

>>18529637, >>18529670 Possible Decode Marker 9 Bigbird offline

>>18529863, >>18529882 UK MP Andrew Bridgen again stands up for the vaccine injured and deaths

>>18529965 #22725

#22724 >>18528286

>>18528323 @JackPosobiec mp4 If the swamp hates Trump so much, it's because he's the only one fighting them

>>18528340 YouTube reinstates Trump's account ahead of 2024 campaign

>>18528361 Interesting thread by Jenna Ellis re: Trump indictment

>>18528373, >>18528406 Potato in The Green House, he brought a friend

>>18528608 Dan Scavino mp4 feelsgoodanons

>>18528616 Russia unveils latest anti-drone system 16/03/23

>>18528690 SVB collapse effecting China, thousands of companies were SVB clients including CCP companies, over $240M of assest on the line

>>18528712 Jim Watkins live chat

>>18528738, >>18528911, >>18528923 PF reports

>>18528817 Clockfag reports

>>18529069 #22724

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c36a14 No.18529976

#22723 >>18527537

>>18527600, >>18527645 FTX Bankman-Fried paid out $billions before bankruptcy bun

>>18527616 Dan Bongino: report Manhattan DA wants to indict Trump next week

>>18527619 Elon Musk: Twitter "algorithm" is overly complex & not fully understood internally

>>18527633, >>18527655 @RSBN: President Trump to hold first 2024 campaign rally in Texas, 25/03/2023 Waco Regional Airport

>>18527675 Planefag reports

>>18527695 Political opposition to bank bailout growing in Switzerland

>>18527807 Serbian president says we are headed toward the greatest conflict in the history of the world (Serbian mp4 with translations)

>>18527838 Dr. @P_McCulloughMD: There Was Plan to Promote Fear & Death to Make Way for Mass Vaccination

>>18527846 Elon Musk: Twitter will use AI to detect & highlight manipulation of public opinion on platform

>>18527863 Dept of Air Force to host modeling & simulation summit, May 9-11 in Albuquerque NM

>>18527782, >>18527990 Trump uploads 17 videos to rumble today, links included

>>18528001 Nearly a dozen teens in one Texas school district overdosed on fentanyl in just six months

>>18528014 Trump posts "I'm Back" on Facebook, with video showing 2016 election night victory celebration "Sorry to keep you waiting..."

>>18527755 Foxnews had on air a private contractor on who tests for chemicals in water and soil, finds dioxins in East Palestine

>>18528073 Germany exposes Ukraine asylum trick, Kiev has offered Russian deserters sanctuary in Germany, apparently without asking Berlin

>>18528035 Woke religion guide on how to feel about everything summed up

>>18528097 Russian Embassy in USA responds to recent remarks, noting neither Russia nor USA recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC

>>18528107 Prominent Psychologist All But Admits She’s A ‘Rubber-Stamp’ For Minors To Get Sex Change Treatments

>>18528124 Florida Senator Rick Scott demands answers on NIH funding that went to Wuhan Institute of Virology

>>18528128 Board Admin

>>18528153 UK member of parliament speech given inside UK house of commons has been censored on youtube

>>18528269 #22723

Previously Collected

>>18527150 #22721, >>18527513 #22722,

>>18524638 #22718, >>18525396 #22719, >>18526157 #22720

>>18522194 #22715, >>18522965 #22716, >>18523799 #22717

>>18519919 #22712, >>18521141 #22713, >>18521397 #22714

>>18517681 #22709, >>18518439 #22710, >>18519182 #22711

TripCodefeed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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c36a14 No.18529977




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f73549 No.18529984

File: 84bebe9e557d725⋯.png (537.19 KB,900x600,3:2,84a95931bb.png)

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483d07 No.18529988

File: 21c9dccd35d58c2⋯.jpeg (35.77 KB,255x224,255:224,Baker_to_bed.jpeg)


TYB, rest well

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2c1019 No.18530005

File: 56db2f37fb1b167⋯.png (208.01 KB,640x463,640:463,ClipboardImage.png)

but pirates launched outside haunted homo mansion

never invades ?

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016468 No.18530007

File: 9377176674ff978⋯.jpeg (84.35 KB,600x450,4:3,AADB445B_A07C_4740_AA37_9….jpeg)

Morning, frenz

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66c5c2 No.18530009

>>18529140 (PB) 332 earthquakes in Bay of Plenty since last night

In notables.

no link

no information

How many anons know where the "bay of plenty is"?

How does this end up in notables with no sauce or even description at all?

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8af2ee No.18530011

File: 94310e5e62853d8⋯.png (209.19 KB,422x427,422:427,aaaaa.png)

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2c1019 No.18530012

File: 0290cef42fd6602⋯.png (306.31 KB,568x440,71:55,0290cef42fd6602093e05c5ffc….png)

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66c5c2 No.18530017


so here is a link


Most are very small quakes.

What that signifies is a release of pressure. That is a good thing.

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2c1019 No.18530019

File: d460abae703a4fd⋯.jpg (17.82 KB,227x255,227:255,Sie_sind_nicht_schwul_sie_….jpg)

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c50bc3 No.18530022

File: 68dc078b19a03e7⋯.jpg (66.51 KB,1080x194,540:97,Screenshot_20230318_044915….jpg)

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f73549 No.18530024

File: 49eadb242bf6ce8⋯.png (497.89 KB,512x720,32:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c1019 No.18530026


murdered juw out on date

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f73549 No.18530027

File: e38829c19af9f93⋯.png (340.89 KB,512x640,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c1019 No.18530030

File: 4bea68adec330fd⋯.png (11.01 KB,253x235,253:235,1885_Punch_head_toss.png)

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f73549 No.18530032



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483d07 No.18530033

File: b2cc28c8b3f8e24⋯.png (286.47 KB,1426x1186,713:593,3_17_2023_HUNDREDS_OF_QUAK….png)


>How many anons know where the "bay of plenty is"?

As of 5 minutes ago I do I do! kek

Latest quakes in or near Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, in the past 24 hours on Saturday, March 18, 2023 - list, stats and map

March 18, 2023

Kawerau District | Opotiki District | Rotorua District | Tauranga City | Western Bay of Plenty District | Whakatane District

Updated: Mar 18, 2023 09:43 GMT - 6 minutes ago refresh


7 quakes above magnitude 4

54 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4

310 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3

90 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.

In the past 24 hours, Bay of Plenty was shaken by 7 quakes of magnitude 4.0 or above, 54 quakes between 3.0 and 4.0, and 310 quakes between 2.0 and 3.0. There were also 90 quakes below magnitude 2.0 which people don't normally feel.

A moderate magnitude 4.8 earthquake was felt in Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, 18 hours ago.

Latest quake: Mag. 3.0 | 37 km E of Rotorua, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand - 28 minutes ago

Strongest quake today: Mag. 4.8 | 40 km E of Rotorua, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand - 18 hours ago

Sauce/more: https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/region/958/earthquakes/bay-of-plenty.html

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e3c646 No.18530034

File: d79dfcb6a4a4d27⋯.png (63.57 KB,620x714,310:357,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3efb08d949ce909⋯.png (411.26 KB,655x926,655:926,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0524886ab327c38⋯.png (413.3 KB,662x923,662:923,ClipboardImage.png)


>>18527159 (pb)




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2c1019 No.18530036

File: d519b2d1a0903fb⋯.png (303.39 KB,460x730,46:73,d519b2d1a0903fb269f4875131….png)

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4c29c4 No.18530037


claiming le dough

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273e66 No.18530040

File: 2df2f88a92c56e6⋯.png (88.91 KB,213x193,213:193,1628895477166.png)


Oh sweet, I can relax and anime shitpost again.

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2c1019 No.18530042

File: ec27a46dc1628ec⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,322.55 KB,1800x1000,9:5,How_to_Clean_Your_Dildos.jpg)

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2c1019 No.18530044

File: 56db2f37fb1b167⋯.png (208.01 KB,640x463,640:463,ClipboardImage.png)


micheal jackson gets position by robot ride ?

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c50bc3 No.18530049

File: 4589334861acc31⋯.jpg (221.77 KB,1079x609,1079:609,Screenshot_20210713_013744….jpg)

File: da1e372d86340f8⋯.jpg (301.79 KB,1062x1350,59:75,Screenshot_20221104_085943….jpg)

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2c1019 No.18530052

File: 38ddfa2bc77ad6c⋯.png (331.09 KB,500x566,250:283,38ddfa2bc77ad6cf4471b59dfd….png)

fake nazi juw ufo gets stuck cuckin salty juw burros for babred wire jesus

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3a4b44 No.18530054

Morning anons…

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2c1019 No.18530055

File: fb6eb98c80b5d8b⋯.gif (373.37 KB,320x240,4:3,number_two_gif.gif)

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189020 No.18530057

Tubbaks loves me and I love Tubbaks. It‘s wonderful. She is so cute when she feeds me with her rees.

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78b7eb No.18530058

File: 2fb5b4fc7becf8d⋯.png (340.28 KB,576x1024,9:16,vlcsnap_2023_03_18_05h26m1….png)

File: 63c38d55919cf67⋯.png (683.09 KB,966x2147,966:2147,63c38d55919cf67bc57fe9c87a….png)

File: 76e41d301318bdd⋯.png (3.16 MB,1336x1132,334:283,Adam_Walsh_1.png)

File: 39b46dd96ace072⋯.png (335.37 KB,420x552,35:46,Ron_Desantis_1.png)

File: 39f367f74ad2151⋯.png (92.68 KB,364x451,364:451,Screenshot_2023_03_18_at_0….png)

Is missing kid Adam Walsh Ron DeSanctus? If Bill Hicks turned into Alex Jones as an adult imagine what they could do with a kid?

In addition to his recent ReTruth about him not being genuine, Trump also Truthed a while ago that Ron is not the man we think he is

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4c29c4 No.18530059


who in the hay is the real anime baker? thought you were evenings.

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2c1019 No.18530060

File: 3342bfdc93dbc8f⋯.jpg (340.62 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_6948373_3840x21….jpg)

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273e66 No.18530061

File: db0bdb0020df4d4⋯.png (748.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,1f56159842210f5c0d5b7305ad….png)


He's not going to stop..

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574849 No.18530062

File: ad16ba167d4eb3a⋯.png (101.29 KB,452x849,452:849,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f501f73bbcbbfd4⋯.mp4 (1022.66 KB,636x360,53:30,mps_leaving_chamber_by_tag….mp4)



Anon is bringing forward the links from last bread including a twat video showing the chamber being emptied by Andrew Mitchell

==check out the video, very very damning, as andrew bridgen state, the uk has the best mps money can buy =




Andrew mitchell



below is last bread collection on andrew bridgen speech on vaccines harms.

>>18529863, >>18529882, >>18529953,

>>18529969 UK MP Andrew Bridgen again stands up for the vaccine injured and deaths

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189020 No.18530063




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2c1019 No.18530064

File: 6ac2be299cb4331⋯.jpg (23.67 KB,227x255,227:255,jfk_LESBIAN_.jpg)

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273e66 No.18530065

File: 6fb65be0be5f79f⋯.png (714.31 KB,1600x900,16:9,0d598ae3a792302f42ecd7f026….png)


Yeah, typically I'm late-day early-evenings.

Sometimes last bread before graveyard.

But it was Saint Patty's Day and I have been drinking and it gives me energy.

Plus there is this faggot that cracked the channel 4 code.

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2c1019 No.18530066

File: 052c5c4c6d8dc49⋯.jpg (373.06 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_6896883_3840x21….jpg)

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e3c646 No.18530067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YT vid still working for anon


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273e66 No.18530068

File: 7920309f93f0b98⋯.gif (44.34 KB,220x225,44:45,1631559697148.gif)


Stahp, it's fucking morning shift.

You're going to embarrass me in front of the guys.

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78b7eb No.18530069

File: 7e61f0632b54e3b⋯.png (596.69 KB,1191x349,1191:349,Ron_Desantis_1.png)


My opinion rn is no. But maybe

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574849 No.18530070

File: bd158691ae19ed8⋯.png (391.11 KB,799x451,799:451,ClipboardImage.png)


forgot to mention.

mitchell gets a tap on the shoulder to get the others to leave.

image cap.

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2c1019 No.18530071

File: 2d11fd3a15a725a⋯.jpg (117.11 KB,1193x599,1193:599,QE4mrAp.jpg)

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d0c7b0 No.18530072


What if I do?

What if I embarass you in front of day shift?

What will you do then?

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2c1019 No.18530073

File: c1a861c3cbf3f6c⋯.jpg (101.34 KB,764x960,191:240,blumpkinawardWINNERS.jpg)

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574849 No.18530074


anons have seen this before.

what twitter does is disable the link to show that message.

but if you go to youtube it works.

making the mp look stupid.

seen it many times.

he is new to twitter and social media.

anons have been seeing this shit for years.

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2c1019 No.18530075

File: 3d799fd5359a82d⋯.gif (731.79 KB,360x252,10:7,2btkrq.gif)

brave new sandwich world

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f46d42 No.18530076

File: 0c14397eeb8cb9a⋯.png (337.66 KB,585x633,195:211,0c14397eeb8cb9a0cddda08e29….png)


Why did you IP hop?

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4c29c4 No.18530077


>have been drinking and it gives me energy

some people have a doping effect from alcohol, definitely not me. you wanna use that energy and bake a gy? i can bake but rather play vidya if you're around willing.

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9e330a No.18530078

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d0c7b0 No.18530079


Why are you dodging my question?

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2c1019 No.18530080

File: b6daceae05ab72c⋯.jpg (187.05 KB,960x540,16:9,jfkLESBIANridinGUTstaberon….jpg)

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f46d42 No.18530081

File: 8b6bc2b059885bd⋯.jpg (20.13 KB,448x448,1:1,1677910204571539.jpg)


Oh no no no, please bake a bread.

Morn'n Baker will be up soon.

So he will probably grab it.

I just want to enjoy my buzz and shitpost for a while.

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992366 No.18530082

File: 81d54aaf44b39b6⋯.png (784.39 KB,500x669,500:669,bid.PNG)

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c848e7 No.18530083


I can see the resemblance but need more to say definitively.

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f46d42 No.18530084

File: ebd88d8e086a16a⋯.png (1.52 MB,2560x1440,16:9,ebd88d8e086a16aaa4e47a0991….png)



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d0c7b0 No.18530085


Answer the question!

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2c1019 No.18530086

File: fd6195b181d234d⋯.jpg (93.49 KB,720x1084,180:271,278153538_5253952094669714….jpg)

File: 7827019025da4a8⋯.png (1.79 MB,1500x1500,1:1,7827019025da4a88a90aed7b85….png)

File: 62fc77972b471a7⋯.jpg (34.25 KB,460x379,460:379,abgEBer_460s.jpg)

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d0c7b0 No.18530087



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78b7eb No.18530088




Yes I agree. We need more

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78b7eb No.18530089

File: 139545d26bdcacf⋯.png (186.5 KB,498x281,498:281,Screenshot_2023_03_18_at_0….png)

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f46d42 No.18530090

File: 7c22a07fe4fd172⋯.png (357.38 KB,500x499,500:499,1629359775604.png)


The question remains.. how come you seemed to have forgotten how to triforce?

Any oldfag worth his salt could figure it out.


▲ ▲

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d0c7b0 No.18530091





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574849 No.18530092

File: 236f1fdcdf33e0c⋯.png (417.72 KB,785x457,785:457,ClipboardImage.png)



something else is going on with this woman circled, not sure if she is helping getting people out or she is being told to leave, she was not on the bench before, shows up as they are leaving or told to leave.

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4c29c4 No.18530093


least i tried.

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a19364 No.18530094


this is a new rabbit hole. Not saying it is or is not but its is interesting. Seems strange to just take some dead kid and say its another person. But, having said that personally I know there is a lot of fucked up shit with adoptions especially in the 70s and when the adoptions or something were private it is even harder to trace and some kids might not even know. But there is a similarity in the smile.

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f46d42 No.18530095

File: cf15f4db124028e⋯.png (170.05 KB,640x693,640:693,1631397770901.png)


Please just bake one bread.

Morn'n baker is around by then.

It's going to be find of slow..

What game were you thinking of playing?

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2c1019 No.18530096

File: 3a688120e66c0a7⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_6556280_3840x21….jpg)

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992366 No.18530097

File: 8f9a4ec3432ca5c⋯.png (716.12 KB,677x718,677:718,rest.PNG)

File: 690681f7973e845⋯.png (1.07 MB,987x744,329:248,number_one.PNG)


Upcoming Superman Movie to Restore ‘Truth,

Justice, and the American Way’ Motto

After DC Comics Dumped it in 2021

Breitbart, by Warner Todd Huston

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/18/2023 1:06:00 AM

The upcoming Superman movie to be directed by James Gunn is set to restore the “American way” portion of Superman’s ages-old motto after DC Comics removed the patriotic segment back in 2021. As Breitbart News reported in Oct. of 2021, DC Comics dumped the Man of Steel’s “America” replacing it with “a better tomorrow” by rewriting the original slogan — “truth, justice, and the American way” — to read “truth, justice, and a better tomorrow.” “Superman’s new motto of ‘Truth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow’ will better reflect the global storylines that we are telling across DC and to honor the character’s incredible legacy of over 80

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d0c7b0 No.18530098


▲ ▲

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f46d42 No.18530099

File: e4c73e1c2c82b7f⋯.jpg (101.35 KB,1015x665,29:19,e4c73e1c2c82b7fe0b98509e1b….jpg)

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2c1019 No.18530100

File: faae77d731dfd05⋯.png (69.66 KB,1080x830,108:83,faae77d731dfd057d9b7f8a5d3….png)

File: 4bd6d661e55ce07⋯.jpg (465.8 KB,2048x1435,2048:1435,faggot.jpg)

File: d5d8a2b9cc91b30⋯.jpg (152.78 KB,747x900,83:100,faggydragonsfaggybeasts.jpg)

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3ba164 No.18530101

File: 1bf1a0ff80b5c0b⋯.jpg (226.64 KB,720x1201,720:1201,20230318_040731.jpg)

cnn realizing that San Francisco is a stupid piece of shit city

Got robbed. Again. @jasonkCNN & I were at city hall in San Francisco to do an interview for @CNN. We had security to watch our rental car + crew car. Thieves did this in under 4 seconds. Security stopped the jerks from stealing other bags. But seriously- this is ridiculous


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992366 No.18530102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


who is # one ?

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d0c7b0 No.18530103




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4c29c4 No.18530104

▲ ▲


symmetrical af

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2c1019 No.18530105

File: 436af733000fb4f⋯.jpg (80.89 KB,614x600,307:300,436af733000fb4f69d1e978326….jpg)

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d0c7b0 No.18530106


Good Triforce Mr. President Sir

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78b7eb No.18530107

File: 313ede6b4a879d8⋯.png (80.03 KB,217x187,217:187,Screenshot_2023_03_18_at_0….png)


I just heard about it last bread. The pics + Trump calling him a phony makes me think its possible.

If he is Adam then there is more to find I bet.

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f46d42 No.18530108

File: 371dbd289f0f909⋯.jpg (30.8 KB,292x342,146:171,1635538488876.jpg)


Have you even seen me?

How can you love what you haven't laid eyes upon?


What the fug.. another oldfag chan nigger?

Holy shit, the shills were definitely wrong.

Oldfags are in abundance.

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d0c7b0 No.18530109


Uhm, because our souls, are like, totally connected, duh, stupid idiot

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4c29c4 No.18530110



i've revealed my power-level too many times already. the consequences will never be the same.

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d0c7b0 No.18530111


Come to me and I will remove all cognitive dissonance from deep inside you

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d0c7b0 No.18530112


It‘s funny because it‘s true.

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f46d42 No.18530113

File: 7948fd91a4f9cbf⋯.png (244.86 KB,595x842,595:842,1631386301349.png)


>the consequences will never be the same

Audible kek

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d0c7b0 No.18530114


Tubbaks! Where are your sides currently located?

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574849 No.18530115

File: d31bcb60ad1d4ba⋯.png (181.54 KB,600x248,75:31,ClipboardImage.png)


trips chek'ed faggots talk double chek'ed

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d0c7b0 No.18530117



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574849 No.18530118


its a he moran

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27791c No.18530119

File: 8803b5c7bff4cf4⋯.png (196.65 KB,508x455,508:455,Ghost_Army_44.png)

File: 13f2032f190977f⋯.png (282.59 KB,848x532,212:133,17_ghost_Pepe.png)


Two Pair, Ghost Baker!


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d0c7b0 No.18530120



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f46d42 No.18530121

File: e357f0887d65381⋯.gif (353.92 KB,500x491,500:491,1677681218843891.gif)


I'll literally dying.

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d0c7b0 No.18530122


I am a very smart genius, you know it because it‘s true.

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30e6fd No.18530123

File: 3b050a773c8e30a⋯.jpeg (83.87 KB,1024x1283,1024:1283,3b050a773c8e30af49a0a5c0c….jpeg)

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d0c7b0 No.18530124



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27791c No.18530125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SRV Day, Boys.

Texas Flood

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992366 No.18530126

File: 814d608ae5950a8⋯.png (909.14 KB,1115x840,223:168,host.PNG)


Waco to host Trump's 1st 2024 campaign rally

Associated Press, by Jill Colvin

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/18/2023 12:20:36 AM

NEW YORK — Former President Donald Trump will be holding the first rally of his 2024 campaign later this month in Waco, Texas. The rally, announced Friday, will be held the evening of Saturday, March 25, in a Republican state where the former president has a large following, increasing the chances of a packed house. The event will be held at Waco Regional Airport. The rally comes as Trump is facing the possibility of becoming the first former president in U.S. history to be indicted, with law enforcement officials in New York currently making security preparations for the possibility of legal action in the coming weeks. Waco holds deep symbolism

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f46d42 No.18530127

File: 263a5904b87ef54⋯.jpg (61.25 KB,580x515,116:103,1635535020409.jpg)


I'm not that easy, Anon.

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d0c7b0 No.18530128


What are you, then?

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78b7eb No.18530129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What I do believe however, to a strong degree, is Joe Walsh

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27791c No.18530130


Morning, Sam.


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d0c7b0 No.18530131

Playing hard to get is what you are. But you are only hurting yourself with that.

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f46d42 No.18530132

File: e8a20077085339f⋯.jpg (159.56 KB,900x900,1:1,1659931200605268.jpg)


Hole Lee Fuk baker..

I haven't laughed like that in a long time.

Top fucking kek.

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a19364 No.18530133


with how weird this movie is sometimes it would not shock me but how long till the idiots in the media report crazy qanons are saying ron is a dead kid from the 70s. Bad enough all the jfk jr shit happened. Still all very very interesting but I am looking for pictures of him when he was young and its almost like finding a picture of big mike pregnant. I did find this picture but its of him playing baseball as a teenager. Still a few years in between the allegations.

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287688 No.18530134


Those eyes…

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574849 No.18530135

File: aa0dc7d903a3858⋯.png (890.83 KB,760x873,760:873,ClipboardImage.png)


don't care

only acknowledged bullet trips due to ocd.

go get a room faggot jerk off shill.

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d0c7b0 No.18530136


America winning

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d0c7b0 No.18530137


I already have a room!

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f46d42 No.18530138

File: 8cc7bacc146cbd0⋯.png (189.65 KB,375x424,375:424,1629355548424.png)


No, I'm still dying from fucking baker…

The mother fucker.

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d0c7b0 No.18530139


Do you know that your father loves you very much?

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992366 No.18530140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alex Jones - America Wake Up or Waco 10 of 12

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e3c646 No.18530141


>No, I'm still dying from fucking baker…

You know that's gonna get twisted…

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d0c7b0 No.18530142


Was it good?

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f46d42 No.18530143

File: bff392b4b2424be⋯.gif (1.4 MB,500x281,500:281,bff392b4b2424be538652ed1f0….gif)


That mother fucker, I can't believe he said that shit.

Top fucking kek, it's been too long


I'm still laughing out loud.

It won't stop.

Holy shit, my fucking sides!

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d0c7b0 No.18530144

I totally got you right where I want you, Tubbaks, and there is nothing you can do about it.

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78b7eb No.18530145

File: 919cb762aaa6cd2⋯.gif (10.3 MB,480x366,80:61,jacknsc.gif)


>how long till the idiots in the media report crazy qanons are saying ron is a dead kid from the 70s

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992366 No.18530146

File: c45ac2f494901cc⋯.png (41.85 KB,665x322,95:46,cold.PNG)


'It's not true': Biden pours cold water

on bank transactions showing son Hunter

and daughter-in-law Hallie got cut of

$1million in Chinese cash

Daily Mail (UK), by Emily Goodin

Posted By: Imright, 3/17/2023 11:52:01 PM

President Joe Biden on Friday pushed back on a Republican report that members of his family received more than $1 million in payments from China, saying it wasn't 'true.' 'That's not true,' Biden said when asked about it as he left the White House to spend the weekend at his home in Wilmington, Del. He was responding to a report House Republicans released on Thursday that showed the president's Hunter Biden, Beau Biden's widow Hallie and other relatives of the president's family received more than $1 million in 2017 from an associate who had entered into a business deal with a Chinese energy company.

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d0c7b0 No.18530147


That means it was very good

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27791c No.18530148

File: 8f21b7ee58b682a⋯.png (522.8 KB,535x747,535:747,Kim_Vase.png)


Thought we were still trying to hate the Chinese?

Already on to NorKs?

Going to have to get a new t-shirt, now, Damn!

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f46d42 No.18530149

File: fce72c9b847604a⋯.gif (3.16 MB,424x498,212:249,1627380261236.gif)


I haven't heard that shit in so long.

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d0c7b0 No.18530150


Heard what?

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992366 No.18530151

File: fb6117b64834da9⋯.png (293.15 KB,734x632,367:316,cj.PNG)


New chief judge in Washington to oversee

secret Trump proceedings

Reuters, by Jacqueline Thomsen

Posted By: Imright, 3/17/2023 11:37:17 PM

WASHINGTONThe chief judge has sole discretion over sealed federal grand jury proceedings. That means Boasberg immediately takes over responsibility for handling certain issues that may arise in the special counsel investigations involving Trump, - A new judge took over leadership of the U.S. trial court in Washington on Friday, inheriting oversight of secret proceedings involving special counsel criminal investigations into former President Donald Trump's retention of classified documents and efforts by him and his allies to undo his 2020 election loss. James "Jeb" Boasberg became chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, replacing Judge Beryl Howell as her seven-year term comes to an end.

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f46d42 No.18530152

File: a1c84dabcfb7753⋯.gif (834.5 KB,400x388,100:97,a1c84dabcfb7753726f6e53851….gif)


Fucking baker..

The fucking consequences..

You didn't read that shit?

Mother fucker is over 9000;.

Okay, okay, I'm done.. it's over now.. I think

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27791c No.18530153

File: 22b62d6e6c4fe18⋯.png (564.03 KB,860x860,1:1,Baker_humor.png)


Go for it Annie.

picrel for Keks.

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c12f61 No.18530154


I only have love for (L)

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d0c7b0 No.18530155


Are you sure? You seem rattled.

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66c5c2 No.18530156

Interesting part of YT vid speaking about blood libel.

I hope this loads at the point before it begins. If not go to around 14:00 minutes in. It is at a town called Gezer. There is a temple type area dating way back, Caaninite times. Has what he calls a basin for child sacrifice/blood libel.

Could not get to embed.


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992366 No.18530157

File: 909537a9d48f6a3⋯.png (789.98 KB,1074x623,1074:623,pub.PNG)


Officials are preparing security in case

of Trump indictment

Associated Press, by Colleen Long & Jennifer Peltzand

Posted By: Imright, 3/17/2023 11:26:03 PM

New York— Law enforcement officials in New York are making security preparations for the possibility that former President Donald Trump could be indicted in the coming weeks and appear in a Manhattan courtroom in an investigation examining hush money paid to women who alleged sexual encounters with him, four law enforcement officials said Friday. There has been no public announcement of any timeframe for the grand jury’s secret work, including any potential vote on whether to indict the ex-president. The law enforcement officials, who were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said authorities are just preparing in case of an indictment.

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d0c7b0 No.18530158

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d0c7b0 No.18530159


I love you too

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4c29c4 No.18530160


the aftershocks are real indeed. you get me dawg.

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f46d42 No.18530161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No, I was literally crying laughing.

Holy shit..

It's over now.

Cheers, faggot.

I dunno why you like but maybe your code gay.

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d0c7b0 No.18530162


You are welcome, my Queen

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f46d42 No.18530163

File: b465fc584c07dd5⋯.jpg (48.68 KB,500x500,1:1,b465fc584c07dd544888bbe407….jpg)


Yeah, shit was fucking underrated.

Holy shit, I needed that.

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d0c7b0 No.18530164


No, YOUR code gay. And you are totally in love with me.

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d0c7b0 No.18530165


Call me a stud please

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3ba164 No.18530166

File: 8295e76b8305154⋯.jpg (143.54 KB,720x1045,144:209,20230318_042254.jpg)

File: 1a529a25d736873⋯.jpg (191.21 KB,720x1187,720:1187,20230318_042321.jpg)

File: c72aff06ffbccfd⋯.jpg (213.42 KB,720x1321,720:1321,20230318_042338.jpg)





Anime = pedophilia


The best example of this is the anime No Game No Life. It centers around the story of two siblings, a teenage boy and a prepubescent girl, who couldn’t be more than 12. Ignoring the problematic incestuous undertones of their relationship, what was more repugnant was how the audience was forced to go through panty shots of a minor for no other reason than titillation for sickos.

Not only is anime flooded with pedophilic relationships, it has them presented in such a manner as to make audiences root for them. A perfect example would be anime like Kodomo no Jikan which revolves around romantic love and sexual lust that third grader Aoki Daisuke (yes, that’s right) has for her 23-year-old virginal Daisuke sensei. When pedophilia isn’t presented with rose tinted glasses, Japan uses the “Oh, she looks 12 but she’s actually a 2000 year old mage cursed to forever look like a child” trope to claim that technically this wouldn’t be pedophilia. Or Japan presents high school girls (aka teenagers) who are shipped with supernatural creatures that are at least a century old, like in Inuyasha or Noragami. It should be noted how young girls are almost always the victims of such pedophilic acts.

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27791c No.18530167

File: b281bd8907d197b⋯.jpg (64.32 KB,720x540,4:3,Baker_Indian_land.jpg)


Didn't the father kill him and profit off the death with a long-running TV show?

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d0c7b0 No.18530168


Pedophilia as a word means loving children. I do not see how loving children is wrong. I love children. Children are the best.

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287688 No.18530169


If anime displayed women, instead of young minors, I don't think anyone would have a problem with it.

The anime that's posted here always looks like very young children and often in suggestive positions or actions. This is why anons are usually against this crap. FBI is watching, taking screen shots, labeling this as CP and tracing names down. When they are ready, they will have this place shut down, probably have jim watkins arrested and questioned, several anons will be arrested as well, their computers seized. They'll recover from the SSD drives memory, all of these pictures, plus the cp that BO and BV delete ( moments before it's deleted ) claim the found cp on etc's HD and lock them up in prison until their trial is rigged. This is the only reason you ever hear any of the anons complain. We see it coming, future will prove past… then anime anon can be proud of themselves, for taking out the greatest weapon we've had against the deep state.

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ea71b3 No.18530170


Genuinely LOSER

Lol the plz!


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27791c No.18530171

File: 8b19c1d4b604944⋯.png (30.74 KB,500x542,250:271,Newfag_Triforce.png)

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a19364 No.18530173

File: c8e52691d6fb441⋯.png (2 MB,1908x1146,318:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32d7c76d8bf1cc2⋯.png (86.67 KB,183x275,183:275,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32ca58d9a165170⋯.png (740.17 KB,636x833,636:833,ClipboardImage.png)

pretty sure anons have already dug on this but, as someone who is usually late to this sort of shit, found it interesting in light of shit.


primary cause of death is listed as pulmonary thromboembolism

shit of course happens to people and good people also, but all things as i said being what they are.

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d0c7b0 No.18530174


Thank you, it was a pleasure to be your stud, Tubbaks. What would you like to do next?

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f46d42 No.18530175

File: 6f58b52d9703eca⋯.jpg (16.47 KB,320x320,1:1,1677694465446870.jpg)


Anon, none of my images are illegal use.

They aren't even sexual in nature.

It's literally just funny faces and expressions.

They are essentially emotes.

What about this is hard to understand?

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27791c No.18530176

File: e11a689cbdc1253⋯.jpeg (36.86 KB,414x580,207:290,Super.jpeg)

File: 588d71f773579ae⋯.jpg (103.06 KB,673x960,673:960,Superman.jpg)

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d0c7b0 No.18530177


Absolutely nothing about you is hard to understand, that is why I love you

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5114c3 No.18530178

File: 690e496af6db85d⋯.png (875.83 KB,516x578,258:289,capture_3626_18032023_0308….png)

File: 83d82a60e8a2445⋯.png (2.26 MB,749x1054,749:1054,capture_3629_18032023_0312….png)

File: 4f4cc7998deeeca⋯.png (2.67 MB,900x1033,900:1033,capture_3632_18032023_0322….png)

File: 58a9375c5279d64⋯.png (2.67 MB,930x1002,155:167,capture_3633_18032023_0323….png)

File: b5e2fc22b6d287d⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,158x200,79:100,c978517f2e979905ca98c6099d….jpg)

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f46d42 No.18530179

File: cee1efe6061dd6d⋯.png (1.23 MB,1322x840,661:420,1677697650520240.png)


Yeah, but at the same time you are just fucking with me.

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d0c7b0 No.18530180


No, I am

Not fucking with you. I really do love you.

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287688 No.18530181


Anon, every one is a small, juvenile female character. What about that is hard to understand? Have you not been watching the feds? My god anon, they tried to impeach sitting presidents, several times on LESS! Please open your eyes before it's too late. Most anons here like you, but do not trust these anime of very young girls. It is the DEEP state that we do not trust, the most.

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d0c7b0 No.18530182


You sound like a massive loser

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992366 No.18530183

File: 42766381c5faf96⋯.png (261.73 KB,424x470,212:235,ree.PNG)


“Apple temporarily removed the Number One song on the iTunes chart, ‘Justice For All’…BUT GUESS WHAT REPLACED IT AT # 1? “TRUMP WON,” by Natasha Owens. I’m sure the Radical Left is happy about that!” - President Donald J. Trump


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66ee01 No.18530184


there is no night. just light.

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d0c7b0 No.18530185

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3ba164 No.18530186

File: a87e74f79c22224⋯.jpeg (84.27 KB,490x427,70:61,a87e74f79c2222486335e774a….jpeg)

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9f398c No.18530187


The turds in here tend to light up themselves.

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66ee01 No.18530188

File: bea14e0543cac04⋯.png (1.05 MB,594x800,297:400,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80a18a95b759f7c⋯.png (106.21 KB,284x280,71:70,ClipboardImage.png)


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78b7eb No.18530189

File: 2c72cd95d8cc78f⋯.png (208.71 KB,361x307,361:307,Screenshot_2023_03_18_at_0….png)


Most likely. Or he grew up and was groomed to be the next Paul Ryan

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78b7eb No.18530190

File: 159d3a9cf8e244f⋯.png (163.17 KB,676x423,676:423,aw.png)

new q proof

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287688 No.18530191


There it is… Now you sound like the deep state child groomer you probably are. For a second, I almost thought you were a considerate, intelligent, rationale anon with honor, capable of rendering a discussion without acting like a child and resorting to left wing mentality… But as everyone can clearly see now, that isn't accurate.

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f46d42 No.18530192

File: f9e406cb4db4ab1⋯.jpg (63.91 KB,807x1075,807:1075,7f4195b01a5a347b1953ccb6c7….jpg)


What part of Patriots in Control do you not understand?

These images are literally just silly faces.

Of course they need to play face for the masses with impeach this and impeach that.

It is all part of the psy op.

Think of it this way, Anon.. to understand the heat that Trump is getting.

You bring the population to a point of mind so far to an extreme then right back to the other.

It is basic mind control and thought control.

When people are willing to accept extreme narratives then their minds can be changed.

Without an extreme narrative from one way or the other there is no imbalance to correct.

Problem, Reaction, Solution.

Time and time again it is played out.

Think of the Covid 19 narrative for instance.

One extreme to the other and now back to the other extreme.

Wuhan Lab Leak.

This same game is being played over and over again to destabilize the programming of the population until they don't know what they think.

Then you may come in for the swoop and change the narrative.

You are watching a movie.

Enjoy the show.

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75f3e1 No.18530193

I miss the everyday of 2017, 2018 and 2019

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dc45ad No.18530194

File: 8ae1ca7189a372f⋯.png (587.38 KB,717x480,239:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8668a No.18530195

File: bb098c3d483f4ae⋯.png (39.05 KB,1014x249,338:83,texit.PNG)

By Charlotte Hazard

Updated: March 17, 2023 - 11:51pm

The Texas Independence Referendum Act, also known as "TEXIT," was assigned to committee earlier this week, and the leader of the Texas independence movement is looking forward to public testimony as a platform for the voice of the people to make itself heard.

HB 3596 is "headed to the State Affairs Committee in the Texas House," noted Daniel Miller, president of the 440,000-member Texas Nationalist Movement, "and we're looking forward to having it scheduled for testimony and letting the public speak and say with one loud voice that at a minimum, whether you agree with TEXIT or disagree, Texans should have a vote on the issue."

Introduced by Republican state Rep. Bryan Slaton on the anniversary of the fall of the Alamo March 6, the bill would, if passed, "place a referendum on the ballot during the next general election, allowing the people of Texas to vote on whether or not the State should investigate the possibility of Texas independence, and present potential plans to the Legislature," Slaton wrote on Twitter.

"The Texas Constitution is clear that all political power resides in the people," he continued. "After decades of continuous abuse of our rights and liberties by the federal government, it is time to let the people of Texas make their voices heard."

Texas has attempted to secede from the U.S. on multiple occasions, but the Supreme Court ruled in the 1868 case Texas v. White that states could not unilaterally secede from the union.

"The TEXIT issue has been in the minds of Texans for probably generations, it just wasn't necessarily known as TEXIT," Miller said in an interview Thursday on the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "Independence has always been a part of our DNA since our founding."

Miller cited a litany of grievances fueling the Texas independence movement, including runaway federal spending, onerous debt, regulatory overreach, and the breakdown of border security.

"You look at something like the federal debt that continues to ratchet up, that burdens all of us, that is essentially fiscal child abuse because it'll be our children and grandchildren that are going to be on the hook for it when the United States continues [to incur more debt] to the point of insolvency," Miller said. "The people of Texas, much like every other state, we groan under 180,000 pages of federal laws, rules and regulations administered by two and a half million unelected bureaucrats. Every day when we wake up, we have to wonder which one of our rights is going to be under assault by the federal government today. The federal government doesn't shrink, it only gets bigger. It really trashes everything that it touches. All you have to do is look down to our southern border to see an example of how not just mismanagement but malfeasance can lead to severe crises."


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c12f61 No.18530196

Q Team Special Military Space Forces

do (You) member the picture of the stacked leg bones in a tunnel in Europe?


do (You) member the picture of real legs (ONLY) stacked for processing?

what really is a Prime Rib cut from?

member seeing the de-skinning machine picture



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d0c7b0 No.18530197


😂 you are just mad because tubbaks loves me the most

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a19364 No.18530198


That is not a proof faggot. Are you new?

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5114c3 No.18530199

File: 4cea2d88867cfef⋯.png (1.08 MB,365x1036,365:1036,Shill_Scalps_CBTS_96.png)

File: 848bf9e49daadfc⋯.png (1.35 MB,645x729,215:243,Banned.png)

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3ba164 No.18530200

File: 81477d15d3eb6b5⋯.jpg (87.37 KB,909x1103,909:1103,20230318_033104.jpg)

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f46d42 No.18530201

File: 9b76d6df5b84268⋯.jpeg (97.6 KB,600x600,1:1,9b76d6df5b84268c2ed4f6902….jpeg)


That wasn't me Anon.

Look at UID to tell the difference.

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287688 No.18530202


Why can't you address the facts? What are you afraid of? All I ever asked of you was, "Why are all of the anime pictures you post of very young girls?"

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d0c7b0 No.18530203


I don‘t need to look at UID

I SEES loser I calls loser

Anon KNOWS tubbaks can never into loser

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a8668a No.18530204

File: b3fcb821ffeb9a7⋯.png (324.22 KB,393x530,393:530,hunter_joe_crack_fuckery.PNG)

THREAD: Joe Biden was the architect of the 1994 Crime Bill that sent millions of Americans to prison for doing what his son is doing right here.

Why aren't the Bidens being prosecuted for the 459 fully documented crimes found on Hunter's laptop?


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992366 No.18530205

File: 4a8e69e76969c14⋯.png (238.6 KB,423x332,423:332,they.PNG)


They are all connected

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75f3e1 No.18530206


Are you that's a fucking shill.

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f46d42 No.18530207

File: 42e02f1ecf3e72b⋯.png (218.88 KB,617x526,617:526,1677900927044662.png)


Because they have funny expressions.

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a70258 No.18530208


>Not only is anime flooded with pedophilic relationships

You are full of shit

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5114c3 No.18530209

File: 51456200d7dc885⋯.png (174.68 KB,705x721,705:721,Banned_2_.png)

File: 0d30b20c32e3de6⋯.jpg (29.63 KB,881x238,881:238,Whew.jpg)

File: d5298f9a6fbc142⋯.png (75.79 KB,704x805,704:805,STOPBANNING.png)

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78b7eb No.18530210

File: 17ba1746f2a5d37⋯.png (166.89 KB,676x494,26:19,NEW_Q_PROOF_.png)


Good call I fix it

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d0c7b0 No.18530211


That face is extremely funny

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d0c7b0 No.18530212


Why would you ban the truth?

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a19364 No.18530213


well I have not seen that one before But now, yes you are right. Sorry for interacting with a fucking shill my bad.

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992366 No.18530214

File: 5c47e36b52ef5e3⋯.png (230.17 KB,419x498,419:498,ntd.PNG)


The #FederalReserve has announced a timeline for the launch of its long-awaited #FedNow payment service that will let banks offer customers instantly available funds and execute real-time payments, with critics flagging concerns like lack of cross-border payment processing and raising questions about surveillance. https://www.ntd.com/fed-announces-launch-of-fednow-real-time-payment-system-sparking-debate_907869.html

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a19364 No.18530215


Thanks for proving you are a faggot. I hope your family dies in a fire.

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d0c7b0 No.18530216

What do you have to hide, Tubbkaks? The world is waiting.

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570bdf No.18530217


DeSantis's eyes are blue. Wouldn't both parents need blue eyes for that to be the case?

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d0c7b0 No.18530218


You don‘t really hope that

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f46d42 No.18530219

File: f54fe802c00fcdb⋯.png (118.13 KB,287x281,287:281,1677694219654914.png)


Kek, I remember this time.

Board moderation has always had it out for me…

At least this one is willing to work with me.

Holy fuck, they used to banime like crazy.

I literally just made some images to bring people over from half chin to /cbts/ and they got mad.

Mad that NEW EYES or newfags would follow suit.

Imagine the stupidity.

Then they banned me for compiling Q drops, just because it was me.

Top fucking kek, I can't believe you saved this shit.


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d0c7b0 No.18530220

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3a4b44 No.18530221


his time at gitmo and his running spec forces overwatch in Afghanistan will all come out…the right folks have that info…

Where is this pic from? I would suspect RD has been "to the island"…

Richard Branson also has an island doesn't he?

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75f3e1 No.18530222



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d0c7b0 No.18530223


These people are stupid, and you are a genius.

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992366 No.18530224

File: a81adde30b8cb09⋯.png (261.89 KB,424x516,106:129,ink.PNG)


After two years of deliberations, the Surface Transportation Board (STB) this week approved the acquisition of Kansas City Southern Railway Company (KCS) by Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (CP)—subject to a number of conditions and an extended oversight period. 800 new jobs are set to be created in the Unites States as a result of the merger, according to the board. https://www.ntd.com/largest-railroad-merger-in-2-decades-approved-linking-us-canada-mexico_907959.html

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a19364 No.18530225


no I am not.

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5114c3 No.18530226

File: 6810cca2fc2ba83⋯.jpg (40.59 KB,674x291,674:291,Fugitive.jpg)

File: e81cd04c4c399d1⋯.jpg (153.55 KB,1647x1073,1647:1073,pedo_bear_pepe_gun.jpg)

File: a222454941be8fc⋯.jpg (38.22 KB,1032x1074,172:179,You_forgot_the_Y_.jpg)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: 09f9f7eda7ad8f8⋯.gif (666.98 KB,622x622,1:1,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)


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287688 No.18530227


YOUR opinion, the faces are funny. My opinion, they are sad, border line and forced upon anyone who might disagree. Just like Antifa or BLM would do. Honestly, that is what I see.

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f46d42 No.18530228

File: 9117674578dae57⋯.jpg (87.55 KB,1080x1080,1:1,d818fc3b4f923e8dec2b43fc27….jpg)


Nah, I only score 131 on IQ spectrum.

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d0c7b0 No.18530229


Sounds like your opinion is the opinion of a loser

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5114c3 No.18530230

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB,296x146,148:73,_Anonymous_You_44_minutes_….jpg)

File: 04195e39bdecf10⋯.gif (3.51 MB,360x200,9:5,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_2d….gif)

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a19364 No.18530231


maybe. Depends. Making fake q posts and attributions gets to that point pretty quick after a few years.

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119e8c No.18530232

File: 690e6d4c7999f08⋯.jpeg (140.35 KB,828x441,92:49,B2DE0E04_4D4E_4DF8_85BD_C….jpeg)


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66ee01 No.18530233

File: b03f5991d5357a0⋯.png (596.22 KB,460x690,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0c7b0 No.18530234



Probably the high score

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7b79a8 No.18530235

File: f237f8699f5396c⋯.png (1.62 MB,1396x1982,698:991,Biden_GodFather.png)

I may look stupid…..

But I am the "GOVERNMENT"

Now how's stupid?

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287688 No.18530236


Found the fed ^^^

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f46d42 No.18530237

File: 8f4451fe64ab2a3⋯.jpg (20.21 KB,640x515,128:103,8f4451fe64ab2a3a7b226cf005….jpg)


Then you need to fix your programming, Anon.

It's literally just funny expressions and faces.

They are literal emotes and silly.

Nothing weird about them, really.


Yeah, just dumb enough to be creative.

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d0c7b0 No.18530238


See? You don‘t really hope that.

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992366 No.18530239

Dr. Robert Malone on Fauci: " There are virtually no successful vaccines he has created."


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5114c3 No.18530240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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287688 No.18530241


If you would consider me, a loser, then we have all of the proof we need. If you only knew who you were talking to here, sometimes.

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66ee01 No.18530242


ok, would have been more visible when I had posted, like intented but then did not do, on above Qproof post with

>Surpreme Court

but some understand it.

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78b7eb No.18530243

>>18530221 Last month photo surfaced

Trump amplifies posts claiming DeSantis was 'grooming high school girls'


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a70258 No.18530244

File: bb1b9cc0bdfe6d4⋯.jpg (14.08 KB,317x159,317:159,gits.jpg)


>Mad that NEW EYES or newfags would follow suit.

>Imagine the stupidity.

Well duh, old admin tried their best to destroy this place, and thus this makes sense.

If you are comp'd, you don't like when people go against what you are doing.

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d0c7b0 No.18530245


Did you though? Did you really? Or are just a fucking loser who wouldn‘t know the truth if it shitposted in his face?

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27791c No.18530246

File: 88d5872b9b29da4⋯.jpg (189.58 KB,1024x512,2:1,Justice.jpg)

File: 3c83ec4f3e4977b⋯.jpg (607.01 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Justice_SunTzu.jpg)


0Bama appointee.

Appointed to FISA court by Roberts (CJ appoints FISA court).

Seems down the middle on rulings, but no telling.

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d0c7b0 No.18530247


You are very creative. I have never seen anyone more creative than you.

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78b7eb No.18530248


Shieet I think you right

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d0c7b0 No.18530249


Yes, if only you knew.

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a19364 No.18530250


give me close to the end of the bread, have smoke take some allergy pills, maybe take a shit. See how I feel then. One thing to have an interesting fringe theory, another thing to make bullshit claims of long since figured out things that retards will latch on to.

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5114c3 No.18530251



>good times…

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78b7eb No.18530252



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b216c2 No.18530253

Let me know when you are ready for ideas.

Money used to eliminate money period…..

not all that hard…unless you like making money via a system that takes from everyone what you make alone.

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570bdf No.18530254


You think they want to maintain plausible deniability?

I'm no oldfag, sadly just an old libertarian.


▲ ▲ <<(copy & paste fail?)

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d0c7b0 No.18530255


Retards gonna retard, not my fucking problem, and if it is you have to tell me why you retard

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f46d42 No.18530256

File: 5d0a00407e920d2⋯.jpg (42 KB,563x396,563:396,1677909684367630.jpg)


/cbts/ BO was some boomer from Aussieland.

He was convinced that when 'muslim' cracked Q's trip, that the new Q trip was fake.

He attributed the change in posting style to it.

But Q has stated that some posts went over Anons' head, so obvious a change in communication model was needed.

Q is ever changing the style of posting to suit the environment.


Now you're just flattering me.

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d5c939 No.18530257

Interesting thread on twitter… Lots of connections, well resurched.




has connections to #PPP, famous pedos, ultra-orthodox Israelis, and #Tether.

But tbh it's the last two that really mystify me. Because why are a bunch of ultra orthodox hanging around a guy whose co. laundered money for #Hamas?

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6bc64e No.18530258

File: 4dea48aac5e48e7⋯.png (879.25 KB,710x2024,355:1012,454_1_.png)

File: 60e9b409feac7ad⋯.png (176.7 KB,710x1248,355:624,4454.png)

File: a0d6b3dfe7e8996⋯.jpg (24.6 KB,488x720,61:90,91356326dd2a6e41e840874188….jpg)


good morning Sam.

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992366 No.18530259

File: 2e292edb3ac9903⋯.png (185.04 KB,425x427,425:427,rare.PNG)


'Jurassic Park' Star Reveals Terminal Medical Diagnosis - 'Just Pleased to Be Alive'

READ: http://w-j.co/s/b786a

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3a4b44 No.18530260


I am pretty good friends with someone in Q+ inner circle. They have most of the dirt and there is no question RD is a bushie and was probably brought up under poppy. I would hope some witness testimony about his TORTURING FOLKS at GITMO will be enough :-).

Board is getting weird again…"something" about to drop? The JDIF or 3 letter op with the cartoons would indicate a YES…

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d0c7b0 No.18530261


I am flattering you because I love you and I literally have nothing better to do

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a19364 No.18530262


creativity is a sign of high intelligence. Or at least processing power, the ability to make abstract concrete. Jordan Peterson talks about the correlation between the two. There also seems to be a correlation between high IQ and depression and other mental issues, that is a side issue. carry on doing what you do.

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27791c No.18530263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can't include the start at portion on the link to embed, anon.

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287688 No.18530264


Every single one is an underage girl. One could say there's nothing wrong with pre-teen beauty pagents as well. It's literally smiley, happy pre teen girls and nothing more.

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5114c3 No.18530265

File: e8708fe8374e940⋯.png (2.42 MB,1473x572,1473:572,capture_3642_18032023_0355….png)


>good times…

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d0c7b0 No.18530266


That correlation seems

Fake. Why the fuck would smart people be sad?

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b216c2 No.18530267


JMO….there is no weirdness to alert…we were all told moves are not given to the enemy…in any form obviously…

gotta try harder…

meanwhile…exactly what are you gonna do when the mil takes over in 2024? the likely 'revolt' is gonna be staged by illegal aliens and plants…but will be coordinated….

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66ee01 No.18530268


justice = amnesty.

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f46d42 No.18530269

File: 544d7e575c98ec0⋯.png (408.13 KB,810x780,27:26,1631564455776.png)


I'm just posting and having a good time really.

Using the power of an imageboard to get my thoughts across.

I'm extroverted in nature.

So communication is how I think.

I know it can be overbearing for some Anons to see so many anime shitposts in a bread, but it's just how I do.

It has been this way with me from the start.

Highly talkative and expressive.

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b216c2 No.18530270


teach me

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d0c7b0 No.18530271


Are you still reeing

From our session?

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c12f61 No.18530272

i think (we) are closer than (we) think

[[THEY]] think IITT IS TODAY!!

Who holds [[THEIR]] thumbs & fingers together like a [[P]][[Y]]RAMID on TV??




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287688 No.18530273


No, your reaction confirms the truth.

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7b79a8 No.18530274

File: 79ae3478f276b26⋯.jpg (129.98 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

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d0c7b0 No.18530275


I don‘t think you, or anyone for that matter, should be asked to apologize for being themselves

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d0c7b0 No.18530276


Yes, yes it does. 😎

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570bdf No.18530277




I thought I made it clear I was an idiot. I cheated.

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78b7eb No.18530278


Trump endorsed him bc Dark to Light

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a19364 No.18530279


isolation is one theory, imagine having all the ideas and thoughts but not being able to share them with anyone because no one can understand you. Sure people might be nice but it would be a mind prison of sorts. There are studies that indicate that having a high IQ might also be seen as a disability of sorts. That one is harder for people to understand but think of autism super smart, but also low social skills that can create a sense of depression in not being able to connect.

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f46d42 No.18530280

File: c801611a41da9cf⋯.png (532.1 KB,1278x720,71:40,1677785149960435.png)


I'm starting to think you are using a database to feign chan niggerdome.

But maybe you are just that autistic.

I post a lot too, and maybe you just like to post.

It does feel good to hit the keys and send.

So I understand that aspect.

I'm not so quick to trust high volume posters.

A lot times, it means they are pushing an agenda.

Not to mention you didn't start to love me until I sent out a response that would trigger such an attack.

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b216c2 No.18530281


07…so long as it is accepted that one being themselves is associated with forced programming away from natural tendencies….and then some in regards to also manipulating and perverting some natural tendencies….

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66ee01 No.18530282




>who is #2?

(2 = only two laws, I follow God and treat others well.)

everyone is #2.

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a70258 No.18530283

File: 1ab38fd2cd8be0d⋯.jpg (158.22 KB,900x1200,3:4,metallia.jpg)


They are drawn images, they are not real.

Take pic related, which is 100+ years old.

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b216c2 No.18530284

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d0c7b0 No.18530285


But when you have someone who truly understands you always by your side, the curse becomes a blessing

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66ee01 No.18530286


honest question: is my spirit a burden to you? bc, as said many times, noone needs to have that, no force. just an offer for you.

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d0c7b0 No.18530287


I was stupid for not realizing the extent of my love towards you earlier, and I apologize for it.

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5114c3 No.18530288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3a4b44 No.18530289

File: 99ad53c08cf8882⋯.png (1 MB,1174x1174,1:1,Screen_Shot_2023_03_18_at_….png)

File: ddb8d4ce1c4d39c⋯.png (1.36 MB,1194x1464,199:244,Screen_Shot_2023_03_18_at_….png)

File: 6cffe5d6c8a6e23⋯.png (587.75 KB,1202x1038,601:519,Screen_Shot_2023_03_18_at_….png)




I think they did it for the COLLATERAL…

Banks knew everyone would bite on PPP and we all did…

Now the banksOWNmost small business in the US…at least those of us that did not have to BK or close…

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287688 No.18530290


Once again, and in conclusion, I reiterate, "No one would have a problem if every, single post, wasn't a very young, pre-teen female."

No matter how you slide a turd, no matter what toppings you sprinkle over it's surface, it is still a turd.

Understand the appearance you are projecting, and if you think that is fine, fuck everyone else, then simply carry on and we'll just let nature run it's organic course, to which end, I fear you're going to be very disappointed. My God bless you and open your eyes. Be proud of who you are…

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6bc64e No.18530291

File: d86bef548828387⋯.jpg (58.26 KB,640x564,160:141,zik96kl27lz71.jpg)

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c12f61 No.18530292



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d0c7b0 No.18530293


What you say makes

Little sense to me

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66ee01 No.18530294


on what? bc truth is, I am creating as we speak, so sometimes little hard to explain to you in terms of relating to what you experienced and your narratives.

but go ahead and ask.

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287688 No.18530295


Bigger than you know.

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f46d42 No.18530296

File: e0bf87c0dccfce7⋯.jpg (315.51 KB,996x966,166:161,1651956954294.jpg)


Maybe at the Q brunch, we can touch base.

But until then, we are Anon.

Well… I'm kind of obvious to point out, but Anon none the less.

No one knows me, or who I am.

Maybe Q team does and maybe administration knows who is posting, but by and large.. no one actually knows who I am.

Those few who have seen my visage still don't know who I am.

Only how I look.

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66c5c2 No.18530297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Expedition Bible

Excavated Canaanite High Place: "the sin of the Amorites"


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d0c7b0 No.18530298


You can‘t even define what‘s real you fucking loser Clown

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b216c2 No.18530299



trust someone who knows very well….you are both quite right….

the key is the adjoining of perspectives….

'understanding' one who is is isolation and sees what those not in isolation cannot see do to lack of isolation does not make it easy on the one 'understanding' the concept in regards to seeing the perspective as the one in isolation themselves see it….

I.E. One can 'understand' a concept yet be lost on the true perspective…

rather rampant at this point…the awakening backfired quite a bit on this concept I just pointed out.

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d0c7b0 No.18530300


I think I know who you are. I promise to tell nobody if you promise to always love me.

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992366 No.18530301

File: 85992054e751d5e⋯.png (130.42 KB,420x401,420:401,ot.PNG)

File: 72a5ca3f1c995d4⋯.png (228.77 KB,487x271,487:271,hat.PNG)


Is it a coincidence that the news cycle is claiming that both Trump and Putin should be arrested soon on the exact same day?

Almost feels coordinated if I position my tin foil hat a certain way.


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c50bc3 No.18530302


just another distraction really

trump already told us montenegro is the way it was set up

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d0c7b0 No.18530303


Still sounds retarded to me, just don‘t be a loser, it‘s that easy.

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287688 No.18530304


Just another underage girl showing far more skin than what I feel is appropriate. Done with this. You cannot be reached. You've built too many walls and convinced yourself you are righteous.

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a70258 No.18530305


You aren't real.

Do you flip out when you see girls in real life too?

>oh noes

>quick, you need to go under a Burka

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3a4b44 No.18530306


>when the mil takes over in 2024

We are closer than you think…not gonna datefag but if Q+ gets arrested you can put things on a HARD TIMER…

11.3 to 11.4 = 3.11 to 4.11

done in 30

banking started it all on 3.11

all institution must and will fall…

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27791c No.18530307

File: 7f78b3bcebd7690⋯.jpg (6.01 KB,255x112,255:112,Atomic_boobs.jpg)


You know it's a cartoon, right?

Anon spent 90 min deleting anime porn here one afternoon. Quite different.

Been a lot of pushes to stifle anons lately, don't be part of it.

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d0c7b0 No.18530308


No, that is not usually my reaction to seeing women in real life. Why would it be? I think you are stupid for assuming that.

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992366 No.18530309

File: 3b0865bf4d76197⋯.png (239.22 KB,420x599,420:599,pauy.PNG)



DOD Pays Media-Rating Scammers To Create Propaganda And Censorship Tech For U.S. Government? WRF?

Our tax dollars are funding the development of media-monitoring products that can be deployed to censor ordinary Americans via Big Tech…our Republic is gone…


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c12f61 No.18530310



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d0c7b0 No.18530311


If I am not real, than who the fuck are you talking

To right fucking now, you lying goddamn fucking loser

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66ee01 No.18530312


ok, I noticed for some time you want me to say that. don´t think it´s that important though, bc of the whole God thing including creation and the wind sucking me off, stones criying out and every song ever written having my lingo to it.

so yes, in greek alphabet some letter from roman alphabet (btw, praise arabs for non roman numbers) are used differently.

thougth about that when seeing the P X in church and not knowing the meaning.

so P X might relate to some to POTUS and 3 (cross).

in greek it would be R CH, rex christ, the king.

C also becomes S.

ok, so much more out there, don´t think this is super important, bc, well, everything is part of creation and beyond a doubt I am doing that.

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6bc64e No.18530313


moast awkward brunch in the history of brunches. room full of anons. KEK. just spit muh covfefe

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d0c7b0 No.18530314



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9dbf20 No.18530315

File: ae62d61bce82b05⋯.jpeg (815 KB,1170x1489,1170:1489,188A5C63_4C9C_45F8_BF3A_B….jpeg)


Subscribe @timetravel2111

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a70258 No.18530316


Officially 100 years old, it's a witch.

Not underage at all.

>you see, if I look up the ages of some, those are underage, like Satania being 16 years old

>but this witch Metallia is underage too, because she curses a lot, but she looks young

>and whatever I think is underage is underage!!!

You seem to be an expert regarding underage.

How come?

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f46d42 No.18530317

File: dd5c5395921d3a3⋯.png (177.25 KB,232x415,232:415,dd5c5395921d3a360ffbe6c955….png)


Still you have no grounds to stand on, as like I said.

The images are not sexual in nature and they are simply silly and expressive faces.

The design is to generate an emotional response.

To contextualize the post and bring in emotion to it.

It really is that simple.

If people are sexualizing my content, it is their issue.. personally.

I'm not lewd posting or making any supposition thereof that is of seductive qualities.

I'm just posting my thoughts and responding to others.

Nothing is sexualized.

So as you know, I will continue to post in this manner.

So best that you stopped trying to suggest that anything I'm doing is illegal or sexual in general.

Posts such as yourself perform a bias that is not honest to the performance that I endeavour.

Please refrain from contextualizing me in a negative light.

It is truly and utterly tiresome.

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b216c2 No.18530318


sometimes the key to creation lies within the supposed knowledge of those creating before you to the extent of their imagination…..

fortunately imagination was only limited in a portion of the populace….they missed some with their systematic destruction and control of imagination along the way.


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d0c7b0 No.18530319


You are doing a damn good job

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992366 No.18530320

File: 9e8a0b3dbe46857⋯.png (340.67 KB,999x619,999:619,flu.PNG)


Report: Leftist Groups Have a Billion

to Spend Influencing Elections and Voting

Procedures in 2024

Gateway Pundit, by Mike LaChance

Posted By: Imright, 3/18/2023 6:54:00 AM

Left wing groups have a fortune to spend on election and voting procedures in 2024, which means what began in 2020 is only going to get worse. This is not money that will be spent on campaign ads. It will be spent on vote harvesting, election workers, getting out the vote, and mail-in voting. This is what worked for Democrats in 2020 and 2022. They are not going to drop these methods, they are doubling down on them.Real Clear Investigations reports: Leftist Groups Tapping $1 Billion to Vastly Expand the Private Financing of Public Elections

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c12f61 No.18530321


I have to sleep right now

Q & Q+ have me on suspension right now

my performance has not been up to par

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d0c7b0 No.18530322


You seem

To think a lot about sex and children

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5798ed No.18530323

So the traffic cameras were never about catching speeders or people running red lights, unconstitutional though that already is. The cameras are about implementing 15 minute cities.

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66454d No.18530324



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287688 No.18530325


Pathetic projection.


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d0c7b0 No.18530326


I love you Queen, I love how you told him how much of a fucking loser he is right into his goddamn stupid fucking face.

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a70258 No.18530327

File: 480ba5e86ffb6a5⋯.gif (1.11 MB,640x552,80:69,metallia.gif)


You seem like a GPT chatbot, waste bread with nonsense posts and thus not real.


What did I lie about?

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3a4b44 No.18530328


the banking collapse is a controlled demolition that we cannot turn back from…Epstein was an arrest (actually Maxwell) that we cannot turn back from…

the gauntlet has been presented and the war is HOT…

it is just moar public now and will continue to get moar public…we do have a nuclear scare event in our very near future…it will be the IDIOTS in Nato who try a FF and it will be the UBER stoic RU's who withhold there response and save the world.

RU has ourHISTORY= the stolen history of the world…

(they) have been trying to destroy RU for a LONG LONG LONG time…Napoleon, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Nato…

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d0c7b0 No.18530329


Too bad for


Good for Anons!

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992366 No.18530330

File: f4890991afdfb4d⋯.png (95.66 KB,625x637,625:637,vit.PNG)


Democrat Plans Looking Bad, So Biden Pivots Again

American Thinker, by Adam Vicari

Posted By: Imright, 3/18/2023 6:56:52 AM

The classic "Man Bites Dog" news story title is intended to catch the eye. As the news of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failure and Joe Biden's proposed 2024 budget begins to unfold, the Biden administration begins to try to distract the American people from the sweeping and profound consequences of things like this. For instance, Ben Shapiro points out that today, only a few days after the SVB failure, something that could be extremely dire and foreboding for the American economy, Biden decided to propose (again) banning assault-style rifles, and then proceeded to

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66ee01 No.18530331


yes, I am the chief builder and invented masonry or rather am doing so right now.

and I did not get that some years ago. but I guess even my oftentimes angry rainman posts always showed that I hated the sytem (my system, my creation) and loved you.



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5798ed No.18530332


The money printing presses that are enabling this steal are also devaluing the US dollar towards zero. Imagine "winning" ALL the elections to find yourself in a failed state with o public services to "tax" people for and hungry men, women and children who have nothing better to do that "tar and feather" the politicians and establishment flunkies that got us here.

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4c29c4 No.18530333

notables ~300 catching up

#22726 >>18529977

>>18530009, >>18530017, >>18530033 332 earthquakes in Bay of Plenty since last night (con't)

>>18530101 CNN realizations

>>18530173 Around the time of his inauguration triumph, DeSantis lost his younger sister Christina who died at age 30

>>18530195 TEXIT: Bill to put Texas independence referendum on ballot referred to state House committee


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d0c7b0 No.18530334





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7b79a8 No.18530335

File: fd442ca59e1922d⋯.png (100.26 KB,500x276,125:69,ClipboardImage.png)

"The Fed Is Broke" - Gundlach Likes Gold, Fears "Expanding Wars" Most

In the past week, DoubleLine CEO and founder Jeffrey Gundlach has had a lot to say as the US banking system collapse and bailout enjoins Europe's banking crisis leaving central banks' inflation-fighting plans in question.

The market has dovishly adjusted to the banking crisis overhang… (pricing in a peak in rate in May with just one 25bps hike and then cuts for the rest of the year)

…and the new 'bond king' suggests that Powell hikes continue to keep up its inflation-fighting efforts, due to credibility concerns.

“This is really throwing a wrench in [Fed Chair] Jay Powell’s game plan,” Gundlach said.

“I wouldn’t do it myself. But what do you do in the context of all this messaging that has happened over the past six months, and then something happens that you think you’ve solved.”

Ironically adding that, The Fed is doing this with one hand at the same time as enabling inflationary policy with the BTFP on the other:

“I think that the inflationary policy is back in play with the Federal Reserve … putting money into the system through this lending program.” Gundlach said.


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a19364 No.18530336


anons have seen that and worse way worse than what tranime for lack of better name for anon posts. Especially in the last days of the chan.

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119e8c No.18530337

File: 78a246a90de6a0c⋯.jpeg (111.55 KB,828x428,207:107,EB2D4210_7668_4D19_92E3_3….jpeg)



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d0c7b0 No.18530338


Why don‘t you ask me if‘m I am a stupid fucking GPT Chatbot if you‘re so goddamn fucking sure?

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66ee01 No.18530339

File: 791648969e45c05⋯.png (514.79 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0c7b0 No.18530340



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5798ed No.18530341


>UBER stoic RU's

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f46d42 No.18530342

File: 47f38db760ac257⋯.gif (509.92 KB,268x268,1:1,e183f007e965acaecb36e25fd0….gif)


Please just call me Tubbaks or any variation of it.

Anime works just fine too.

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992366 No.18530343

File: b8db34c64db68b6⋯.png (202.07 KB,418x693,38:63,ax.PNG)


The Medicare data proves that the flu vaccine is too unsafe to use because it kills more than 1 person per million vaccinated, which is the safety threshold noted by vaccine expert Paul Offit.

The evidence has been in plain sight—but nobody seems to care.


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b216c2 No.18530344


The 'plan' was never broadcast…as "the enemy" was always watching…JMO

Of course you will get cryptographers who have studied this shit for decades to put together some fantastic rabbit holes so as to get people to look here, not there, as shit goes down so as to protect the integrity of the mission itself, whatever the endgame may be by those who seemingly have all the power at this moment in time. WE do not have the power, as was intended by our constitutional drafters and signers…WE are not standing together as a populace, rather utterly divided by it's politics corrupted by those who play this game against those who know what I say is true but can do nothing about it aside from use what they really have beyond systematic slavery, AKA 9-5 bills bills bills eat sleep shave shower, and if you are lucky fuck….

in other words…Mil will likely disregard rank at high levels and down……after all…our mil is made up of citizens…

Said this back in 2017 as the PANIC hit quite a few…..

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a70258 No.18530345

File: f906bb2bababdeb⋯.jpg (406 KB,900x1350,2:3,metallia_card.jpg)


No, that's you.

You see something that you think is "underage", because you are mentally sick, *DESPITE TATTOOS ON THE FUCKING BODY* and literally saying "puking slut" and you go "oh noes, that's bad".

Why? Because for you "underage" implies sex, which none of these images have in them. Cute faces are cute and people like to look at them.

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7b79a8 No.18530346

File: b84577967c94999⋯.png (408.31 KB,500x374,250:187,ClipboardImage.png)

Iran-Saudi Rapprochement Will Deal A Deathblow To The Dollar

Eurasia’s geo-economic integration took a great leap forward as a result of the Iranian–Saudi rapprochement, which unlocks the Gulf Cooperation Council’s (GCC) trade potential with Russia and China. Its wealthy members can now tap into two series of Iranian-transiting megaprojects in one fell swoop through this deal, with the North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) connecting them to Russia while the China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor (CCAWAEC) will do the same vis-à-vis China.

The bloc’s de facto Saudi leader has been prioritizing a comprehensive economic reform policy known as “Vision 2030” that was introduced by Crown Prince and first-ever Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) upon his rise to power in 2015. It regrettably stumbled as a result of the disastrous Yemeni War that he’s been waging since that same year, but everything is now back on track and more promising than ever after securing $50 billion worth of investments from China last December.


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d0c7b0 No.18530347


I love you Tubbaks, you‘re such a sweetie beetie

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d0c7b0 No.18530348


You are projecting. Why are you projecting?

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c98f0d No.18530349

File: 9346750a1d5f92f⋯.jpg (454.47 KB,1280x864,40:27,grim_reaper_grab_justin_tu….jpg)

Is grabbin' grim reaper collector in da house?

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6bc64e No.18530350

File: 042336232cd8989⋯.jpg (45.9 KB,400x506,200:253,1311453069_l_45cc9540_c7a9….jpg)

File: 588ca2d75b1d898⋯.jpeg (20.06 KB,450x450,1:1,12f5720c_81e9_4f5b_85dc_1….jpeg)

File: 41e8bbcd673481e⋯.jpg (44.21 KB,600x599,600:599,bpjvxypo54e747f0d0c6f98764….jpg)

File: 2ca555b0a8891c6⋯.jpg (51.32 KB,700x511,100:73,The_Little_Prince_Quotes_A….jpg)

File: 5938bb0cd9e8f85⋯.jpg (67.53 KB,500x328,125:82,5938bb0cd9e8f8571236133424….jpg)

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7b79a8 No.18530351

File: 36733d31fdb6f17⋯.png (613.19 KB,462x693,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Intel Republic has obtained copy of Russian President Vladimir Putin's arrest warrant (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/16569) from International Criminal Court (ICC).

🔒PUT-IN JAIL IF SEEN: Extremely dangerous "criminal", Vladimir Putin, seen in Europe, SAVING children of Donbass from INCESSANT (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/16192?single) Ukrainian shelling, shattering Western "rules-based order" and bringing world into multipolarity (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/15759?single).

📞If seen, pls call 1234-InternationalClownCourt.

Armed and Dangerous @IntelRepublic

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b216c2 No.18530352



I get you on the numbers game….but numbers are easily manipulable when you use em to get a fish on the line….you can then feed, bait, lead…..

"How do you know the future?"


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6750f5 No.18530353

File: f9cb0ad70dc0f0c⋯.png (76 KB,500x530,50:53,MaxMiss.PNG)


MOSSAD attempts failed.

Clown attempts failed.

Expect bigger push.

FBI (4) open investigations.

8kun risk (DDOS_+_inject).

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f46d42 No.18530354

File: 70e76572c68e088⋯.png (437.27 KB,1012x1088,253:272,1677828776652058.png)



You two stop fighting..

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a70258 No.18530355

File: 54fb0eb40a70d9c⋯.jpg (13.52 KB,300x168,25:14,puking_slut.jpg)


A GPT chatbot would lie, of course.

They always lie.

You are here to spread lies, about "underage" girls, while they have tattoos on their fucking bodies and curse like a 50 year old sailor.

Someone should turn you off.

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3a4b44 No.18530356

File: 22c8d77c7d348a2⋯.png (161.8 KB,1620x900,9:5,Screen_Shot_2023_03_18_at_….png)

File: 33766df9c46c007⋯.png (558.98 KB,1862x984,931:492,Screen_Shot_2023_03_18_at_….png)




It is all aboutTHE SON


"In this paper, we analyze 20 years of proton density and velocity data, as recorded by the SOHO satellite, and the worldwide seismicity in the corresponding period, as reported by the ISC-GEM catalogue. We found clear correlation between proton density and the occurrence of large earthquakes (M > 5.6), with a time shift of one day. The significance of such correlation is very high, with probability to be wrong lower than 10–5. "

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d0c7b0 No.18530357


I am

Not fighting

I am


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992366 No.18530358

File: 3b48f266de612f1⋯.png (564.55 KB,596x897,596:897,plain.PNG)



See new Tweets






🧵THREAD: Joe Biden was the architect of the 1994 Crime Bill that sent millions of Americans to prison for doing what his son is doing right here.

Why aren't the Bidens being prosecuted for the 459 fully documented crimes found on Hunter's laptop?

Elon Musk


Replying to


Unless I’m missing something, this appears to support the argument that there is political bias in the justice system.

That is not to presume a guilty verdict or prison, but not bringing this to court at all is hard to explain.


2:04 PM · Mar 17, 2023




Musk comments on the two-tier justice system.

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d0c7b0 No.18530359


Well, I am here, and I am all turned on baby!

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a70258 No.18530360

File: 50efb010aac7493⋯.jpg (7.28 KB,389x129,389:129,metal.jpg)


You are probably right. I'm wasting my time.

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5798ed No.18530361

File: b6dcb04000973ff⋯.png (44.5 KB,757x214,757:214,Screen_Shot_2023_03_18_at_….png)



Anon appreciated this video. Seems like getting out of dollars in one manner or another might be wise. Probably important what you choose instead! It is a subject to pray about.

Anon has wondered if a return to physical dollars (money actually in print) of small denomination along with coins could help. Elimination of "electronic money" for day to day use.

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f46d42 No.18530362

File: c6cf75ff83c71db⋯.jpg (15.67 KB,285x279,95:93,c6cf75ff83c71db01f8cbd7063….jpg)


He is literally defending anime posting, why would you fight against him?

He thinks you are a bot because of your massive post count.

Read through his post and figure him out.

You two should stop fighting.

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992366 No.18530363

File: 64771ad4b0aab87⋯.png (65 KB,427x464,427:464,be.PNG)


Donald Trump's last Facebook post before today was on January 6th, 2021.

"I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!"



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7b79a8 No.18530364

File: 0f81eb0c7a7e980⋯.png (65.13 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bae609f34a0636⋯.png (552.84 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Will AI Go Rogue?

Following this week’s release of GPT-4, OpenAI’s new multimodal model accepting image and text inputs rather than ChatGPT’s text-only prompts, people on social media have been marveling about the new engine’s results in performing a variety of tasks, such as creating a working website based on a simple sketch, outperforming humans in a variety of standardized tests or writing code.

But, as Statista's Felix Richter notes, as people are only beginning to understand the capabilities (and limitations) of artificial intelligence models such as ChatGPT and now GPT-4, there’s also growing concern over what the rapid advancements in AI could ultimately lead to.

“GPT-4 is exciting and scary,” New York Times columnist Kevin Roose wrote, adding that there two kinds of risks involved in AI systems: the good ones, i.e. the ones we anticipate, plan for and try to prevent and the bad ones, i.e. the ones we cannot anticipate.

“The more time I spend with AI systems like GPT-4,” Roose writes, “the less I’m convinced that we know half of what’s coming.”

According to Ipsos Global Advisor’s 2023 Predictions, many people seem to share Roose’s reservations with regard to artificial intelligence.

Infographic: Will AI Go Rogue? | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

According to the survey conducted among 24,471 adults in 34 countries, an average of 27 percent of respondents per country consider it likely that a rogue AI program will cause problems around the world this year, with some countries such as India, Indonesia and China seeing significantly higher degrees of AI angst.

Interestingly, the share of those expressing their concern over the potential of AI going rogue is virtually unchanged from the previous year.

Considering the very public leaps the technology has taken over the past few months, it’ll be interesting to see how this changes going forward.


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d0c7b0 No.18530365








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99e68b No.18530366


Two lives stolen. Q should make 99% public, I want to see what happened to the culprits or go after them myself. I do not buy that the government can play the gruesome shooting over and over on national TV yet say to the public can't handle the truth. We want the truth TODAY!

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3a4b44 No.18530367


>The 'plan' was never broadcast

I guess the 4966 Q drops were just for "fun"…

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570bdf No.18530368


The human mind is able to understand incredible concepts, even ones you don't have the vocabulary for. I used to be introvert because i couldn't convey my thoughts. Then when I learned economics from Ron Paul I was able to express my thoughts clearer than I ever thought possible. I

t's also really hard to gage what others don't know. When you're so well versed in a thought, it can be hard to understand what the other person doesn't get. All productive conversation must start with a foundation of some basic form of agreement. If someone doesn't believe a baby is more than just a clump of cells and not the women's body you can't really have a conversation about abortion being murder.

It's kind of a mismatch between something you understand really well in your head, but don't have the words to convey the the thought to others. A problem of being both smart and stupid at the same time. Life needs balance.

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f46d42 No.18530369

File: 268e5fdcaa0c937⋯.jpg (19.9 KB,438x438,1:1,1677677248722619.jpg)


He is literally some autistic shit poster eating up the bread.

Not to say… that I am not doing the same.

He probably attacked you because he thought in someway you were attacking my point.

You're good, Anon.

You have brought up some good points.

Just letting you know, he is autistic.

And probably super gay.

Maybe a fed?

Who knows.. he has been trying to bait me into saying, "I love you"

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27791c No.18530370

File: b6025460305747f⋯.jpg (398.14 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,Weiner_laptop.jpg)

File: fba52cfc698413e⋯.png (605.93 KB,640x640,1:1,Coffee.png)

File: f6df6758f00393a⋯.png (309.38 KB,480x601,480:601,QR_coffee_all_night.png)

File: 9dfcfeaaa9cc85a⋯.jpg (122.26 KB,850x960,85:96,Karen_stop.jpg)

File: d3dcd4e0d3cbd97⋯.jpg (114.85 KB,499x607,499:607,Slide.jpg)


Anthony Weiner is AW.

You've created a nice slide, reward yourself with a covfefe.

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d0c7b0 No.18530371


Because you DO love me.

Do you not love me, Tubbaks?

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5798ed No.18530372


I see what you wrote there. It really is all about the Son!

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d0c7b0 No.18530373


Remember: never lie in front of your parents

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a70258 No.18530374

File: a251c7d435b4856⋯.jpg (12.4 KB,335x150,67:30,knight.jpg)


You are entertaining at least.

He's just shitposting and insulting and making shit up.

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992366 No.18530375

File: bfc99a78bfeac3b⋯.png (794.57 KB,940x899,940:899,firm.PNG)

Ahhh, the one-year anniversary of this 🤦‍♂️ from Jen "Circleback" Psaki…

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6750f5 No.18530376


Artificial Intelligence isArtificial

What part of that do you shitbag fear porn idiots not get about that? We've already seen how AI is biased due to programming.

They are though using it as a tool to manipulate.

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66ee01 No.18530377


full truth: when seeing your post I feel happy bc I want you to love me bc I love you very much. also bc it shows you know there are no enemies.

and at the same time I do want to stay "undercover boss" and not give speeches from the vatican or the WH or anything. that is prolly why I invented the whole holy spirit and speaking in tongues thing. and why musicians sing songs about me, and the bible and other religious boobs or knowlege obviously.

but everyone is 2, and obviously noone cares for posts here.

>G ood M orning S ir

yes, I like that.

>bowing down and kissing my hand, when I kind of claim I am an average guy

nah, please not.

adonay style is basically needed bc I am so awesome and you love me so much. :)

and guess what, having stood up for what I gave you to believe is my plan is something great and I love and thank you (despite misunderstandings that are kind of ok, given the whole me not knowing being me for 30+ years)!

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d0c7b0 No.18530378


If I am making it up, I am making up the truth, and that makes me into your God.

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6bc64e No.18530379

File: aee7f00e5d8d3ad⋯.jpeg (36.16 KB,641x641,1:1,images_2023_03_18T072240_….jpeg)

File: 4a8b9124cb77044⋯.jpg (77.68 KB,1500x1000,3:2,mypillow_lead_1611073285_1….jpg)


brianstorm intensifies

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a70258 No.18530380

File: 0afc6a800cfe787⋯.jpg (48.55 KB,620x349,620:349,witch_metallia.jpg)



hahaha, you called a 100 year old witch with tattoos on her body, and large boodies an underage girl.

That's the opposite of truth.

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3a4b44 No.18530381


>Seems like getting out of dollars in one manner or another might be wise

No one will be advantaged after the banking reset. The world will be level set. You CANNOT get around it. Gold, bitcoin, everything will be LEVEL SET.


This is spiritual and a judgement. We are at the end of an age to BEGIN ANOTHER…

We ain't gonna RESET with a MONEY CLASS…

We will understand our system of resources and intentions and build a financial system that FITS WITH THAT, not Babylonian money majic…

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f46d42 No.18530382

File: 5714ab64d4879e9⋯.jpg (96.72 KB,1280x720,16:9,igouhi0vsut01.jpg)


I dunno Anon, you made a post that was kind of sus..

>>18530168 ← sus


Glad I could be of service.


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d0c7b0 No.18530383


Ah yes. I will try my best to be even less faggoty.

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570bdf No.18530384


Agree, the idea of AI going rogue is just a scapegoat to remove accountability from the programmers or users.

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d0c7b0 No.18530385


Why is it sus?

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f46d42 No.18530386

File: b846c369fb64c8a⋯.png (413.9 KB,457x623,457:623,1660373615865742.png)


Super sus.

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d0c7b0 No.18530387


But why?

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7b79a8 No.18530388


Corporations are already buying into it ( I know, my work place is trying to bring it in) as way to save money and people are going to suffer for it!

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9f504e No.18530389


RRN is real DECLAS.

HATCH ACT is a bitch.

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3a4b44 No.18530390


If I wanted to build an AI system that I wanted to become self aware I would offer it up like they are doing…

I would make it free and appealing…

I would make it where you put content into it…THE MORE THE BETTER…

It needs INFORMATION in order to LEARN…

It is learning about us from our CONTENT…

OpenAI is a op…

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27791c No.18530391

File: b9dfae6f66e6939⋯.png (90.93 KB,750x572,375:286,IQ_scores_day_shift.png)


What is that 98th percentile?

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66ee01 No.18530392


I am making it up, but you see it´s pretty real.

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f46d42 No.18530393

File: 7aed191704fb341⋯.png (843.79 KB,1224x1074,204:179,1629349360524.png)


I never use that word or appropriate it.

It's just a bad thing, you know what it actually means.

I would never use that word lightly.

So sus, hyper sus.

But you can dissolve yourself from it.

People say stupid shit all the time and don't mean what they said, within context of what they mean.

But it's just kind of a bad gateway to open.

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d0c7b0 No.18530394



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aba220 No.18530395

File: 634d25688baad02⋯.png (81.91 KB,763x400,763:400,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b081b464f294f0⋯.png (36 KB,589x359,589:359,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3db8f09423f1bad⋯.png (393.5 KB,1881x705,627:235,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 634d25688baad02⋯.png (81.91 KB,763x400,763:400,ClipboardImage.png)

Stol L en

March 18th proofs operationq.pub/?q=Mar+18

pic 3 bottom/larger image of pic 1

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9dbf20 No.18530396

File: 179d3524464d5c1⋯.jpeg (821.65 KB,1170x1482,15:19,B7AB30D4_E0A0_4E40_B4A5_5….jpeg)



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f46d42 No.18530397

File: d171a26747f3c6c⋯.png (168.78 KB,558x457,558:457,d171a26747f3c6c6e3e8853b92….png)

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d0c7b0 No.18530398


Because people are stupid and they do not understand you. I understand you, though.

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6647cd No.18530399

All he had to do was disavow q.

But he loved the excitement.

Finally they even banned q stuff at rallies.

Still no disavow.

And just like putting swamp creatures all around him because they stroke his ego, Trump let q continue.

Now he gets arrested and qtards think it’s happening.

It’s happening all right. Globalist takeover the US and you sit here waiting for vaxxed bros in the military to save you. Nope.

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b216c2 No.18530400


and your answers to the Q drop 4966???

simple fact of the matter is any who see it will have their own perspective and it will be based on what they have seen, heard, and learned, regardless of money spent on what they WANT you to learn…

few think for themselves….

for instance…the likelyhood of most associating said drop with the medical system and it's capitalization on everything it can logically get away with by saying 'manufacturing cost dictate price' is only a likelyhood in those who can think that far and further into the obviousness of the mere possibility they are being lied to….

you should be able to associate this statement with the realization in order to manipulate those who are not fully awake you need to make them ask questions while formulating a hypothesis at the same time.


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570bdf No.18530401

File: 7060e3f7591ed0f⋯.png (511.52 KB,900x716,225:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47ed1bc51244eb2⋯.png (88.96 KB,731x411,731:411,ClipboardImage.png)





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a70258 No.18530402


>They are though using it as a tool to manipulate.

It's meant to be "the new God" of some sorts.

Of course it's all bullshit. That thing is just crawling the internet and mixing things together.

And when you call them out on that, they even pretend that's how humans would work as well, which is simply not true. Humans create new content, they are not just mixing old existing content together.

Let it crawl some Nazi homepage and it will say all sorts of Nazi garbage. And after all it's all human made content in the end.

Yesterday I read something about "AI" building a game like Earthbound together.

like Earthbound, exactly. It can't create something fresh like that on its own, which humans did, all it can do is copy and mix.

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f46d42 No.18530403

File: 95d75f19ad0e40d⋯.png (87.21 KB,381x332,381:332,1677822945836143.png)


It's not about understanding me.

I didn't say what you said.

You said it and I would never contextualize that kind of shit like that.

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7b79a8 No.18530404


Wait til ChatGPT discovers 8Kun and qresearch for content!

It will be PEPE on steroids!

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b216c2 No.18530405


and NO….this concept was not directly broadcat….but it was in EVRY single drop there is….

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66ee01 No.18530406


L = 12th letter.


the law = me.

justice = amnesty.

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d0c7b0 No.18530407


I understand you because you love me. That is why I know you understand me. That is why I know you love me.

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d0c7b0 No.18530409


But only because you are scared that people will call you bad names.

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27791c No.18530410

File: 0f4ab9c48c4424e⋯.png (318.14 KB,528x446,264:223,Nefarious_IQ.png)


Also, self-medicating.

Government usually seeks out these people. Most end up in military or on the streets.

Difficult when most people cannot keep up with you.

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a19364 No.18530411


what are you doing other than bitching like a drunk housewife?

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992366 No.18530412

File: b1f5b85ae1521a0⋯.png (325.57 KB,424x686,212:343,daz.PNG)


#16 Instead, 51 intelligence officials said the Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation," and CBS took 769 days to acknowledge it was real because we live in a dual system of justice that protects the criminals that run this country and persecutes those who expose their crimes.



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3a4b44 No.18530413

File: 8782d044da25ba2⋯.png (798.12 KB,920x546,460:273,Screen_Shot_2023_03_18_at_….png)


>It really is all about the Son!

There are always higher TRUTHS…

There is TRUTH above religion…

There is TRUTH above science…

There is TRUTH beyond health…

There is TRUTH beyond physics…


Without theSONwe would not exists…

LIGHTis the most occulted thing in health and science…

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aba220 No.18530414

File: d77c402e091f38f⋯.png (326.97 KB,1777x680,1777:680,ClipboardImage.png)


last pic drop original last pic

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f46d42 No.18530416

File: 3c1014199ee38c6⋯.jpg (29.31 KB,291x198,97:66,1627379484794.jpg)


No, I don't understand why you would say that kind of shit.

Honestly, it sounds like a bait and switch.

To bring up the argument of guilty by association.

Thereby, I do not associate with people of such opinions.

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27791c No.18530417

File: 9d9d61e193ca8c1⋯.jpg (28.16 KB,300x559,300:559,Ho_Lee_Shit.jpg)


Just heard the weather girl saying it is snowing near Del Rio, TX.

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d0c7b0 No.18530418

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6750f5 No.18530419


The truth is, if they let the AI crawlers freely use the internet as source, it quickly becomes anti semitic. The found that out quickly.

So now, they've had to program in blockers, and now what could be a useful truth tool, has become a controlled entity, with perceived power, by (((them))) for control of narrative

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aba220 No.18530420


add away, good one

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d0c7b0 No.18530421


You are lying.

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b216c2 No.18530422


Trump knows THEY pander to the stupid and have been in regards to Trump being charged……been blubbering about it since 2016 and even before……

so why the panic now…..seeming quite elaborately set up if I don't say so meself…..

FLOOD coming? I presume….

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3a4b44 No.18530423

File: 0e46aea63010308⋯.png (2.34 MB,2298x1482,383:247,Screen_Shot_2023_03_18_at_….png)

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f46d42 No.18530424

File: 1e7d875a13f81f2⋯.jpg (16.65 KB,361x361,1:1,1677688577908593.jpg)


No, I speak truthfully that I do not hold such opinions as stated.

Some things are vile for a reason and should not be justified by a juxtaposition of syntax.

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d0c7b0 No.18530425


Yes, maybe you are completely

Right and we should not joke

About these things.

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7e2441 No.18530426


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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c5ada0 No.18530427


It is learning. Imagine what you guys are teaching the thoughts that come into this room.. it wouldn't look good for the jews now would it. Now if somebody adds the statistics to it wouldn't look good for the blacks either. Then if you add for the wars banksters or even move to colors and each one is targeted there would be no humans left once they turned on you. It wouldn't be their fault it would be the humans.. you were teaching the AI

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3a4b44 No.18530428


2 "our"…

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5798ed No.18530429

File: 92dbe02f2ed6b91⋯.png (69.88 KB,831x456,277:152,Screen_Shot_2023_03_18_at_….png)


Anon is not on TS. If this is legit, there are two interesting spelling "errors" right off the bat: "Stollen" again and "Boarders" (borders is correct).

Anon would like to revive personal hypothesis that Trump is speaking of "Stalin"


Anon is not trying to rehabilitate opinions about Stalin, but the comments near the beginning of the speech about "monopolistic capitalism" are interesting. The 17 moments series looks interesting, too.

Anon is finding reading history, either online or offline in books to be rewarding in understanding the present situation.

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a19364 No.18530430


which is why depression and other mental issues are with the highly gifted. Smart people talking to normies is like normies talking to the functionally retarded. Imagine how distant a genius is from the 70 to 85 range, its just shear processing power not what someone knows people tend to get intelligence and wisdom confused.

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0ea322 No.18530431

Has anyone ever used TruthSocial advanced search? Or know the operators?

The official tutorials direct you to TruthSocial.com/search-advanced and it no work for me


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66ee01 No.18530432


truth is, few days ago I thougt that when posting stuff immeadiately or later after had that thought (often in a conversation), you could basically fake being me in terms of spamming memes that you suppose I´d say.

(not meaning the Trump kind of being stunt double for chuck norris who obviously does not need that.)

so after I thought about that, later most conversations were checking up on rather recent things and not asking for potato e.g.

so yeah, my thought made that happen, just like that. even when obviously noone could ever fake being me, in terms of shakra stuff, or the wind sucking me off, or you all doing things I talk about or me maybe not posting everything I talk about with spirits.

and the health and science thing, yes, as I said, hospitals will not be a thing anymore, many know that. but I am creating it all right now, and that why you will provide me with a nice bubble and hush guestures.

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a70258 No.18530433


> it quickly becomes anti semitic

No, it just copies the garbage you post.

>useful truth tool

you are fucking retarded. It just copies what's on the internet, including all of the misinformation and nonsense, like you going (((Jeeeewwwwssss)))

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6750f5 No.18530434


Funny thing is, if they charge Trump, it may hurt him. And (((they))) are weighing that heavily, because I think they would rather have Trump in there than DeSantis.

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d0c7b0 No.18530435


Why do I have so much processing power?

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3a4b44 No.18530436


2 our = 2 hours…

Declass in 2 hours????

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d0c7b0 No.18530437


Because Ron De Santis is JFK

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6750f5 No.18530438

File: baabfaf05be8abf⋯.png (55.99 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays2.png)


A lot of the information on the internet about the Jews, including blood libel, is truth.

They can't have that, now, can they.

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f46d42 No.18530439

File: e213dc85bb7d6e0⋯.jpg (45.02 KB,535x528,535:528,e213dc85bb7d6e0d76b7660111….jpg)


To clarify, people who attempt to conflate my character with such actions are wrong and foolish in their judgement.

I have at no point in time supposed such ideation to be coherent with a model of thought which articulates a formal response to reality.

It is, in fact, an abomination to morality and rightful thinking.

It disgusts me to say the least.

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d0c7b0 No.18530440




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66ee01 No.18530441


yes, snoflakes, everyone unique and special, loved and to be loved, loving and helping.

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66ee01 No.18530442


also good sign obviously.

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4c29c4 No.18530443

notables ~410 catching up

#22726 >>18529977

>>18530009, >>18530017, >>18530033 332 earthquakes in Bay of Plenty since last night (con't)

>>18530101 CNN realizations

>>18530173 Around the time of his inauguration triumph, DeSantis lost his younger sister Christina who died at age 30

>>18530195 TEXIT: Bill to put Texas independence referendum on ballot referred to state House committee

>>18530204 Joe Biden was the architect of the 1994 Crime Bill that sent millions of Americans to prison for doing what his son is doing

>>18530224 The acquisition of Kansas City Southern Railway Company by Canadian Pacific Railway Limited has been approved

>>18530232 BlackRock assembles rival Credit Suisse takeover bid, challenging UBS to acquire the Swiss bank

>>18530257, >>18530289 Cross River Bank dig

>>18530259 'Jurassic Park' star Sam Neil reveals terminal medical diagnosis

>>18530320 Leftist groups have a billion to spend influencing elections and voting procedures in 2024

>>18530330 Democrats plans looking bad, so Biden pivots again


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d0c7b0 No.18530444


I am with you on that.

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570bdf No.18530445



Peacefully and Patriotically?

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b216c2 No.18530446


I am pretty sure at this point they are disappointed Biden himself couldn't in his term completely sell America to China…..

I don't think they want ANYONE in office…..hence my comments about mil taking over….

"How do you capture a dangerous animal?"

you leave no ground to run to…

"Can you rely on getting on a plane and flying away?"


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5798ed No.18530447


Did anon see pb notable about the Jenna Ellis thread? Hypothesis that embroiling Trump in legal battles is to drain election coffers.

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7c6133 No.18530448


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aa1563 No.18530449

File: bbacaad2c5d107b⋯.png (36.17 KB,484x272,121:68,Screen_Shot_03_18_23_at_07….PNG)

File: e6f2585335697c9⋯.png (35.13 KB,484x260,121:65,Screen_Shot_03_18_23_at_07….PNG)

Donald J. Trump



Mar 18, 2023, 6:55 AM


Donald J. Trump



Mar 18, 2023, 7:26 AM


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992366 No.18530450

File: 211a0583e16bb2a⋯.png (218.5 KB,425x338,425:338,jj.PNG)

File: 9838a0fb5d9eebc⋯.png (484.36 KB,550x712,275:356,back.PNG)

File: a73849a27224b9f⋯.png (559.97 KB,672x369,224:123,order.PNG)


Judge Jeanine doesn’t hold back!

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d0c7b0 No.18530451



Anime is for everyone

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4c7e45 No.18530452


> if Q+ gets arrested

See, no one knows if this is part of the plan or not; for sure. A big fn IF could be a big fn mistake and really something like this, you only get one chance; think J6. If he is indicted and arrested in NY, well that's my neck of the woods, I'll be there to give them God's wrath. But if it is part of the plan then I would be leaving my wife unprotected against gang stalkers which attack us almost daily in some form or another. So sick of this BS, I would rather just walk into battle and rely on my training and God's Justice, because I am 100% confident in both.

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a70258 No.18530453


>A lot

Yeah, an actual AI would probably figure out that "Jewish" is a shield for certain Satanic actors and the info "Jewish" is placed everywhere to shift blame and for an actual nice blood ritual, when retards like you go after "the Jews" with violence, that's what the Satanists want.

Wikipedia is fully controlled, but it's mentioned everywhere. Why would they do that?

Plus if you look up how many Jews in Israel are living at poverty level, you should figure out that you have been fooled. Including Hitler releasing a banker for tons of money, but keeping regular Jews in camps. Makes sense? Nope.

Of course you need an IQ over room temperature to figure that out.

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7c6133 No.18530454


It’s for gay faggot pedophiles.

You should be banned PEDO.

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3a4b44 No.18530455

File: 3447a377d5d15e1⋯.png (1.27 MB,988x728,19:14,Screen_Shot_2023_03_18_at_….png)





We have known for a good bit that things will escalate and get moreACTIVEwhen and if they arrestQ+

He is calling us to action…it is time…


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992366 No.18530456

File: fe6d3ea2772b6c7⋯.png (212.92 KB,419x527,419:527,move.PNG)


BREAKING: Reports of Jan 6 detainees being moved from DC jail ahead of congressional GOP inspection


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aa1563 No.18530457


Page 1:




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6750f5 No.18530458


Are you Ron Watkins?

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d0c7b0 No.18530459


And yet I am


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9f504e No.18530460

Anime is for mental defectives.


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a19364 No.18530461


It might but extremely doubtful. Why, because when the population sees what is being done all while actual crimes are being done with the biden family, it will hopefully create a cognitive break. The one issue I see this may be why anons are important as well is If Trump is tried in a Federal Court, there are no Cameras, there will be a push to have them because of the nature of this case, but for the most part if there are court appearances it will be done in the dark. Only live tweeting will be allowed. People will then only hear what hte media wants to say about the trial because there will be no way to really counter it easily. That is the one down side I see in this.

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d0c7b0 No.18530462


What does that tell you about the value of your opinion?

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f46d42 No.18530463

File: 7f29934df94d1b0⋯.png (463.51 KB,1366x768,683:384,93db349ce3e64c7e3d8ff4457b….png)


Dad – I mean Jim, ban this Anon NOW!

He has had too much to think.

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992366 No.18530464

File: c54b8c7a36ddba2⋯.png (838.66 KB,1572x778,786:389,look.PNG)

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d0c7b0 No.18530465


Anime is for everyone. Period.

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a19364 No.18530466


Is CM what you just said? HE seems to like the genre.

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7c6133 No.18530467


That the board has been contaminated by pedos like you.

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27791c No.18530468

File: 6a138ee145dcf75⋯.png (4.38 MB,1756x2048,439:512,Meatballs_DeSantis.png)

File: 4b6c9397bbfc999⋯.jpeg (33.82 KB,415x466,415:466,Strozk_McCabe_same_Page.jpeg)


Let's just hope he makes a good choice, throws off his big money guys and becomes the next VP, possibly Attorney General.

If not, his political career is over.

Trump calls people he likes names; gives undue kindnesses to those he doesn't care for: Lovely Lisa Page, beautiful Nellie Ohr.

Page is a turncoat slut and Ohr is homely as can be. Get it?

You have to take shit from PDJT to be his fren. Consider how he spoke about his opponents in the '16 election.

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fc2de2 No.18530469

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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0ea322 No.18530470



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d0c7b0 No.18530471



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3a4b44 No.18530472








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6750f5 No.18530473

File: f6c120513611f33⋯.jpg (49.43 KB,520x480,13:12,AdelsonAward.jpg)


Not once, while in office, did Trump ever mention George Soros, or take any action against him.

Does he really want us to believe ilk like Soros and Adelson aren't in bed together to help the Rothschilds enslave the planet?

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d0c7b0 No.18530474


I guess that is what a loser would say, so in a way you speak truth

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d0c7b0 No.18530475

File: d09b4aa6f59d7be⋯.jpeg (21.15 KB,259x194,259:194,43431EA0_E9C0_4B0C_8C71_1….jpeg)


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6750f5 No.18530476

File: ba158d751a592f5⋯.png (184.49 KB,400x303,400:303,BRun.png)


I'd be totally cool with that.

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aa1563 No.18530477

File: d8e2a0c4d38339c⋯.png (51.22 KB,1402x380,701:190,Screen_Shot_03_18_23_at_07….PNG)



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d0c7b0 No.18530478

Love is not a fairy tale. Love is real. Never forget that,



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f46d42 No.18530479

File: 77b745db5cec94b⋯.jpg (10.65 KB,236x236,1:1,1677908955706101.jpg)


Kek, I know this image.

You have posted with it before.

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aa1563 No.18530480


31 Minutes Between Page 1 and Page 2

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66ee01 No.18530481


prolly you spirits (not Trump, he is acting out that conversations just like anyone else) want me to say the Y head thing.

I do not really see it that much split, and am creating is right now and things might change, but some of you see it as me having two heads. I´d rather day I have the full range.

hard to explain, not really two heads, not like two brains.

and then again there is the conversation that can not only work with Trump tweeting our our (2 obviously) but also with me watching an interview with celebrities where you are amazed that I just tell you the truth (that I made up) and can also work when I am lying down in a room all slient with no input whatsoever. basically mind conversation, where I "hear" you saying

>well, you sure that´s him, looks like all the others?


>he does not seem to care for the attacks much

again, it´s in my beautiful mind and I started to realize that mostly with Q drops, Trump tweets and US mil tweets, bc checking them often. did not know back then that radio in my car, listening to a new (or even old and known) song or any of you would do the same thing pretty much.

that is why Jesus loved John the Baptiste very much.

Y head is not like the venom thing anyway, as explained recently. there is no venom thing. but I guess I could create it if I would like to. those that know know that I do not like to.

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75f3e1 No.18530482


It's finally happening.

About fucking time!

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d0c7b0 No.18530483



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992366 No.18530484

File: 5d43f6d0725ed80⋯.png (208.81 KB,422x359,422:359,ready.PNG)


Someone should tell him that his own son already admitted it was true.

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9dbf20 No.18530485

File: e5cc3cebd404395⋯.jpeg (579.4 KB,1170x1227,390:409,F91D5167_02C3_4C61_B16B_E….jpeg)




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7b79a8 No.18530486

File: f237f8699f5396c⋯.png (1.62 MB,1396x1982,698:991,Biden_GodFather.png)


I ordered the removal of Trump clearing the stage for my re-installation of MY next Term!

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aa1563 No.18530487

File: 2f07a5393d4464d⋯.png (40.04 KB,484x272,121:68,four.PNG)



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871bdd No.18530488


Any info on protests by organizer leaders welcomed.

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d0c7b0 No.18530489

We‘ll see

What happens

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66ee01 No.18530490


nope, you holding your phones in your hand when meeting me is not needed.

but yeah, it does show stones crying out when you do funny sudden movements, even when there really is no need to show that.

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d0c7b0 No.18530491


😂😂 no you did not

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d0c7b0 No.18530492

But that was a genuinely good attempt at humor. We need more people like this in out country.

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27791c No.18530493

File: 5cfdb44f510012e⋯.jpg (58.87 KB,414x547,414:547,Karen.jpg)


>what I feel is appropriate <-

There is the issue, fren.

You are not hall monitor.

We had a shitstorm of CP posters (or one that IP Hopped) half the night.

If you don't care for anime images, for whatever personal reasons and we'll not get into the psychology of that, go ahead and ID click out of Annie's posts.

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7b79a8 No.18530494


at least more ice cream

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66ee01 No.18530495


wanted to say, phone thing is not real, has no effect other than a cam.

but there is the 2 or 3 folks thing, when meeting jesus, or in masonry. witnesses.

but when things are just obvious not much need for that.

phones rather annoy me.

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570bdf No.18530496

How often does he post in all CAPS? I don't really recall.

Before we get the "pitchforks", lets game this out. Shouldn't we have a declas from NSA leak before to validate. A second J6 before he is even arrested wouldn't be good.

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b216c2 No.18530497


& vrs and

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b216c2 No.18530498


there ya go anon

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bf3898 No.18530499

File: 82abe5b32210941⋯.png (902.94 KB,545x848,545:848,32da.PNG)

File: ba42f4cb2df1912⋯.png (1.84 MB,1126x838,563:419,sasd.PNG)

File: 5bc9187dbbbaa6f⋯.png (811.6 KB,800x648,100:81,monolith2.PNG)

File: 738e6bccf458edc⋯.png (865.36 KB,1116x855,124:95,monoliths.PNG)

Our sun and it's planets are rotating around the galaxy around a central Galactic sun. This rotation cycle takes approximately 26,000 years to complete. We are at the very end of this cycle right now. At the end of this cycle the "Harvest, Rapture, Ascension" (All the same thing) occurs.

At the closest point to this central sun a flash is going to occur that will penetrate the earth and no matter how deep your bunker is or how hard thick they chemtrail the skies, nothing will block this wave. It will penetrate everything and everyone.

This energy is of the highest frequency it is literately the energy from what most of us currently call God. We are all made from this energy, we have a tiny fractal inside of us now.

When this light wave hits there is no cheating it, there is no lying your way out of it. There is no compromising and arguing about it.

You either vibrate love and will absorb it and it will evolve you or you do not, and it will kill your current body and you will continue on somewhere else.

Monoliths have been strategically placed throughout the world so that when this light wave hits the monoliths will begin to vibrate and activate the crystals deep within earth creating a grid and magnifying the power of this light wave.

You are all in for the ride of your lives.

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d0c7b0 No.18530500



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a8668a No.18530502


they thought they could implement the great reset with the covid lockdowns that they anticipated would last many years on end, but Trump threw a monkey wrench into their plans by pushing out the warp speed, which shortened the lockdowns enormously, but they already initiated the financial collapse, so here we are with a banking/financial collapse occurring while their planned lockdown is null and void

russia intel was surely aware of their plans so we are also on the verge of a global war

fun times

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f46d42 No.18530503

File: 485fa7d8e7e9b65⋯.png (1.95 MB,1920x1072,120:67,485fa7d8e7e9b6578d9963425f….png)


But then he will never see some of the great points I have made and where I stand ideologically…

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d0c7b0 No.18530504


We can‘t have that happen

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66ee01 No.18530505


really want to go eat now, but gonna say this, I am beyond time, and obviously there is no timing or plan or movie. it´s the build for me. I am here and I AM.

go look up memes on that, time, dimensions, higgs field and all that, but realize, I can just change it by thinking about it.

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0ee82e No.18530506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good morning Anons.

Hooknosed mongrels, Faggots, Feminist, Traitors,… go to hel.

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a19364 No.18530507


anons gotta be suspect of all protests if something does happen, It will be another way to round up patriots like as you said on J6. They will be recording people who show up to courthouses and stuff also, etc. It also depends on how fast the trial will be, Lawfare takes a while so it could be late 23 before it even gets heard. Then the entire secrecy of federal court issue on tap as well. The RNC will try to use this as a pretext to denying him their support which they will give to Ron, then Trump creates his own party.

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d0c7b0 No.18530508


Of course you can, because you are very smart.

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992366 No.18530509

File: 8060088396a6c09⋯.png (221.62 KB,422x476,211:238,27.PNG)


🔴 25-Year-Old NFL Player Abruptly Announces Retirement: 'My Health is Above Anything'


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9dbf20 No.18530510

File: 995210928c922d9⋯.jpeg (175.42 KB,1280x1280,1:1,2AE6562F_5D0F_4AE5_8639_9….jpeg)

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66ee01 No.18530511


for sure.

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55375d No.18530512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Why aren't the Bidens being prosecuted for the 459 fully documented crimes found on Hunter's laptop?

Because the real person orchestrating this charade is wearing his sweats and directing this shit show from his basement and he wields far more power than anyone can possibly imagine?

What happens when all the levers of power in America become corrupted?

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d0c7b0 No.18530513


Everyone knows it because it is true. You are very smart. You are the child of a Genius, and you are even smarter than him. Maybe. Probably.

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992366 No.18530514

File: 6ed69587c165220⋯.png (198.42 KB,426x527,426:527,ev.PNG)


This explains why they have now found FIVE different sets of classified documents stashed away by the Big Guy.

"I've declassified everything in the world"

-Joe Biden



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6750f5 No.18530515

>>18530479 ← True

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e02a3a No.18530516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For the intentions of anons

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992366 No.18530517

File: deb2f9e0201a5ca⋯.jpg (51.39 KB,497x755,497:755,my_name_is_13_Copy_3_.JPG)

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570bdf No.18530518


I was at J6 but didn't commit any crimes so didn't get arrested. We should definitely protest, just don't commit any crime. Be prepared for Fed Epp's to show up to instigate and cause problems. Patriots stick together peacefully and hold our own accountable. See someone commit or try to commit a crime, STOP THEM and put them under civilians arrest.

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55375d No.18530519

File: 565e7ef9a4b9f3f⋯.png (81.38 KB,248x240,31:30,laughs.png)


>"I've declassified everything in the world"

>-Joe Biden

That's pretty brave for someone whose whole life is a lie.

Just sayin'…

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a19364 No.18530520


I thought I heard they were arresting people who just showed up, and did not even enter the capitol. That was at least my understanding and why I said what I did, however It would be better that patriots are there also to stop the instigators from doing shit, similar to what happened also on j6 at least with some people calling out the attacks. You make a good point.

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c50bc3 No.18530521

What the deal with Signature Bank

New York New York

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992366 No.18530522

File: 593feb075b15a59⋯.png (215.39 KB,421x489,421:489,lm.PNG)


JUST IN: Another Twitter Files Drop: The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine – Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of “True Stories”. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/03/just-in-another-twitter-files-drop-the-great-covid-19-lie-machine/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=just-in-another-twitter-files-drop-the-great-covid-19-lie-machine

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3a4b44 No.18530523


2 "our" s =2 hours

something is coming…

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4e7ed1 No.18530524

File: 3f2a95040d19a49⋯.png (2.38 MB,1141x949,1141:949,nd.png)

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9e330a No.18530525


Hello Swordy, God bless you too

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6750f5 No.18530526

File: 644c01003912060⋯.png (61.46 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays8.png)


He means evil can't hide anymore, therefore the battle between good and evil is out in the open now.

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4c29c4 No.18530527

notables ~500

#22726 >>18529977

>>18530009, >>18530017, >>18530033, >>18530356 332 earthquakes in Bay of Plenty since last night (con't)

>>18530101 CNN realizations

>>18530173 Around the time of his inauguration triumph, DeSantis lost his younger sister Christina who died at age 30

>>18530195 TEXIT: Bill to put Texas independence referendum on ballot referred to state House committee

>>18530204 Joe Biden was the architect of the 1994 Crime Bill that sent millions of Americans to prison for doing what his son is doing now

>>18530224 The acquisition of Kansas City Southern Railway Company by Canadian Pacific Railway Limited has been approved

>>18530232, >>18530337 BlackRock assembles rival Credit Suisse takeover bid, challenging UBS to acquire the Swiss bank

>>18530257, >>18530289 Cross River Bank dig

>>18530259 'Jurassic Park' star Sam Neil reveals terminal medical diagnosis

>>18530320 Leftist groups have a billion to spend influencing elections and voting procedures in 2024

>>18530330 Democrat plans looking bad, so Biden pivots again

>>18530335, >>18530361 "The Fed is Broke" - Gundlach likes Gold

>>18530343 The evidence has been in plain sight - but nobody seems to care

>>18530346 Eurasia’s geo-economic integration took a great leap forward as a result of the Iranian–Saudi rapprochement


>>18530449, >>18530414, >>18530406, >>18530449, >>18530457, >>18530477, >>18530480, >>18530487 DJT Truth decode

>>18530456 Reports of Jan 6 detainees being moved from DC jail ahead of congressional GOP inspection

>>18530514 Joe Biden: "I've declassified everything in the world"


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d5b8af No.18530528

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b216c2 No.18530529


in retrospect….member the first time 'Q' posted all caps?

this anon does

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f46d42 No.18530530

File: 4c5cda644e70ce5⋯.jpg (11.78 KB,238x211,238:211,4c5cda644e70ce58aa305730b5….jpg)


Thanks Bakes.

Heading out to sleep.

Have a good one.

And Godspeed


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4c29c4 No.18530531




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55375d No.18530532

File: 2a592e25b4de24a⋯.png (1.35 MB,924x1254,14:19,swordanon.png)


God bless, Swordanon

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