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File: 11baa459db8a158⋯.jpg (396.75 KB,1800x1288,225:161,11baa459db8a15873ad1ea7310….jpg)

642dc6 No.18520616 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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642dc6 No.18520620

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18287979 ——–——– Canada #40

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18363355 ——–——– Japan/Nihon #12

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes- >>18489141 NEW

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579



>>18519221 CBP Officers Arrest 38 Fugitives Including Three Men Sought for Sexual Offenses Against Children

>>18519231 new Gallup poll finds more Dems now take sides against Israel

>>18519243 Regulators tell prospective bidders for Signature Bank that they need to drop the firm's crypto business

>>18519244 OXFAM Criticizes IMF Loans. IMF Creates Poverty & Inequality in Developing Nations

>>18519249 HighWire Today - Child Trafficking - on now

>>18519256 Doctor who used hidden camera bracelet to secretly record patients ages 6-11 charged with possession of child pornography in Massachusetts

>>18519279 The hunt is on for Maryland gov’s missing former chief of staff, FBI raids his home

>>18519292 Top Executives at First Republic Bank Sold Millions of Dollars in Company Stock Before Shares Plummeted

>>18519339 Texas Gov Abbott takes over Houston public school district, students 'most in need' neglected

>>18519393, >>18519425, >>18519426 CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies)

>>18519396 DeSantis announces 19-state coalition to fight ESG agenda

>>18519410 Iran Cashed in During Biden's First Year in Office

>>18519416 House Oversight Committee: Beau’s Widow Hallie Is ‘New’ Biden Business Member Who Received China Cash

>>18519434, >>18519512 WE NEED TO DIG ON THESE TWO NYPD OFFICERS and see if we can connect them to the Clinton crime family

>>18519493 US Air Force reveals status of downed drone

>>18519508 US blackmailing ‘neutral’ European state – Moscow

>>18519518 Utah bans abortion clinics in wave of post-Roe restrictions

>>18519539 Guest on French TV Show Said That Celine Dion and Other Celebs Take Adrenochrome

>>18519542, >>18519556, >>18519572 The Tyrants Are Passing State Laws to Push CBDCs

>>18519595 Russian oil and gas production to shrink – minister

>>18519753 VP Kamala Harris gets heckled by protesters

>>18519757, >>18519762 What Every Doctor Should Know About Medical Misinformation

>>18519761 Uranium said missing by IAEA in Libya recovered: military

>>18519778 Hunter Biden's attorney says that Hunter is considering filing lawsuits against Rudy Giuliani, FOX News, and Eric Trump for defamation

>>18519780 Big Banks Agree To Historic $30 Billion Unsecured Deposit Injection In First Republic Bank

>>18519803 Peter Thiel said he had $50 million in a personal account at Silicon Valley Bank when it collapsed, despite telling his portfolio companies to pull their money

>>18519919 #22712

#22711 >>18518447

>>18518593, >>18518645, >>18518709, >>18518573, >>18518709, >>18518773 Chinese energy company paid off Hunter Biden, James Biden, Hallie Biden, plus an unknown “Biden.”

>>18518854, >>18519051, >>18519127, >>18519130, >>18519116 LasVegasSun crops photo of Natalie Biden to hide bruised knees

>>18518496, >>18518504, >>18518510, >>18518517, >>18518566 @SpeakerMcCarthy Game time.

>>18518530 PASS the word in WI If Daniel Kelly doesn't get in you will have a liberal SC

>>18518541 For the sceptics that did not think that the federal reserve was going to issue CBDCs

>>18518563, >>18518626 @realDonaldTrump The person heading up the New York City investigation... is none other than top DOJ (D.C.) operative Matthew Colangelo

>>18518638 'Despicable' council chops down 110 trees under cover of darkness

>>18518707, >>18518751, >>18518759, >>18518787 Jessie Czebotar frazzledrip testimony dig

>>18518755, >>18518757, >>18519125 Groomer warfare bun

>>18518768 Is something going on in downtown Sacramento?

>>18518794 Global censorship mafia puts Disclose TV in crosshairs

>>18518799 we've hit 400% moar illegal invasion since Trump

>>18518938 French President Emmanuel Macron Uses "Special Power" to Raise Retirement Age without Parliament Vote

>>18518964 WI Republican Senate Initiates Process to Scrub Wisconsin Voter Rolls of 3.8 MILLION Extra Names and Phantom Voters

>>18518976 Poland To Send MiG-29 Jets To Ukraine In Hopes Of Tilting US Debate

>>18518983 Japanese Officials Urge Government to Tell the Truth About Excess Deaths Following Vaccine Mandates

>>18519002 Explosion Rocks Water Treatment Plant in Baltimore

>>18519009 Federal Reserve’s Bank Rescue Could Inject $2 Trillion of Liquidity, Raising Inflation Concerns

>>18519013 Grenell Unloads on latest Biden Corruption Report: Who is “the big guy?”

>>18519015 DOJ Inspector General Seeking Testimony of Former FBI Agent Steve Friend, Contradicting Democrat Claims

>>18519028 Chanlord Arrested in Mother's House for Allegedly Threatening to Kill Florida Sheriff

>>18519063 United States Orders Chinese Company Behind TikTok To Sell The Platform Or Face Nationwide Ban

>>18519133 Remdesivir estimated to have killed 100,000 Americans

>>18519156 'Churning people through the assisted suicide machine': Oregon SLAMMED for rising euthanasia rates, with out-of-state 'death tourists'

>>18519182 #22711

#22710 >>18517694

>>18518423 PDJT The person heading up the New York City investigation is (D.C.) operative Matthew Colangelo

>>18517710, >>18517791, >>18517794, >>18517796, >>18517800, >>18517813 Swamp Schedule

>>18517730 Reporter to Lori Lightfoot, Get the Hell out of my City

>>18517752, >>18517754 @HillaryClinton If you want to elect leaders who will support teachers and doctors ... apply to Arena Academy #Qmapped

>>18517758 Fauci: Americans will likely need "a booster shot once a year."

>>18517783 US has the LOWEST life expectancy of all G7 nations?

>>18517810 MTG: “I’ve co-sponsored legislation to declare war on the cartels, because they are definitely declaring war on us.”

>>18517819 Federal Reserve announces July launch for the FedNow Service #CashIsKing

>>18517792 Fauci vs. Fauci

>>18517872 Swiss National Bank will provide liquidity to Credit Suisse if necessary.

>>18517878, >>18517887, >>18517897 Footage showing the moments when two Russian fighter jets flew very close to a U.S MP4 #Qmapped

>>18517922 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>18517926 TS @QfficialMcAfee still down on Twitter

>>18517955 Trending in United States CAPS

>>18517966 MTG on Bannon

>>18517992 @GOPoversight on the trail of the Bidens.

>>18518116, >>18518123 >>18518126 Run your own Chatbot?

>>18518189, >>18518324, SPAR11 C-40B inbound to JBA from Rota NBAz Gov Katie Hobbs

>>18518204 In the last two years, we've made a lot of progress in making health care a right, not a privilege.

>>18518207 Prayers for anon's mom

>>18518225 Anon finds Glitch in the system

>>18518233 Florida Surgeon General says mRNA vaccines have a "terrible safety profile." MP4

>>18518247 USGO All Americans deserve the peace of mind that, if an illness strikes or an accident occurs, you can get the care you need.

>>18518343 Rasmussen Polls on Bannon - Most Americans Think DC Politicians Colluded To Block President Trump’s 2nd Term #Collusion #Knowingly

>>18518376 Trump Won is #1 on iTunes!!

>>18518392 World's first robot LAWYER is being sued by a law firm - because it 'does not have a law degree'

>>18517892, >>18517957, >>18518108, >>18518174, >>18518176, >>18518184, >>18518269, >>18518283, >>18518430 What is Esoteric Knowledge

>>18518301 Anons dig on Moderna Covid-19 Vaccines Makers, ties to global intel and WEF. #DARPA

>>18518439 #22710

Previously Collected

>>18517681 #22709

>>18515447 #22706, >>18516211 #22707, >>18516990 #22708

>>18513811 #22704-A, >>18513879 #22704-B, >>18514651 #22705

>>18511690 #22701, >>18512423 #22702, >>18513205 #22703

>>18509314 #22698, >>18510098 #22699, >>18510866 #22700

>>18507021 #22695, >>18507790 #22696, >>18508546 #22697

>>18504620 #22692, >>18505402 #22693, >>18506156 #22694

TripCodefeed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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642dc6 No.18520637

File: af9b8012ba91586⋯.jpg (99.72 KB,616x544,77:68,hobbs4.jpg)

File: fe1421f0bcfa471⋯.png (350.58 KB,736x563,736:563,hobbscartel.png)

File: 803d52724e1faf7⋯.png (204.12 KB,509x263,509:263,hobbscartel2.png)

File: 42ddc0c5b96e753⋯.jpg (314.57 KB,1440x1039,1440:1039,hobbs3.jpg)

File: ddbd69d9059441c⋯.jpg (48.58 KB,630x421,630:421,Iowa5.jpg)

Same Dough


lb notes need collecting, step up anons

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eeb667 No.18520649

File: 987edc0cff622eb⋯.png (284.93 KB,474x264,79:44,ClipboardImage.png)

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8084c0 No.18520650

File: c55ddb7cee5cf57⋯.jpg (79.7 KB,500x562,250:281,fbi.jpg)

>>18520636 (pb)

>reeeeeee moar

It's all in your head, not in reality.

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aa6702 No.18520651

File: 22be04797d213d5⋯.png (487.91 KB,449x505,449:505,22be04797d213d503ca6e8fe02….png)

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b9bd92 No.18520653

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66e5f8 No.18520654

File: 69737f781a800ce⋯.png (240.69 KB,547x524,547:524,ClipboardImage.png)

The Great Reset: Journalist Discovers Greta Thunberg’s Ties to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum

Journalist Dr. Simon Goddek dug into Greta Thunberg’s background and discovered that it was no coincidence that Greta was discovered at a protest on August 20, 2018 and that it was Ingmar Rentzhog who discovered little Greta protesting global warming.

On August 20, 2018, Thunberg, then aged 15, skipped school to protest outside the Swedish parliament for more action against climate change.

Ingmar Rentzhog runs the company WeDontHaveTime and is chairman of the far-left think tank Global Challenge.

Greta and her mother released a book four days after she was photographed at the parliament protest.

And the rest is history. Now we get lectures by a young brainwashed communist with no grasp on reality.

Via Dr. Simon Goddek:

The more I dug into @GretaThunberg ‘s story, the more I realized that something stinks here. It’s no COINCIDENCE that her first appearance was on August 20, 2018, with a sit-in protest in front of the Swedish Parliament, followed COINCIDENTALLY four days later by the release of a book she co-authored with her mother.

But that’s not all – the PR machine for her was already in full swing on August 20, thanks to a man named Ingmar Rentzhog, who financed and drove the campaign through his company, @WeDontHaveTim. And guess what? Rentzhog is also COINCIDENTALLY the chairman of the think tank “Global Challenge” ( @ChallengesFnd), which is now COINCIDENTALLY fully financed by a billionaire named Kristine Person, a member of the Swedish Social Democratic Workers’ Party and former minister in the government under Stefan Löfven.

And if that’s not enough, Rentzhog purely COINCIDENTALLY happened to walk by the Swedish Parliament on August 20 and encounter Greta during her sit-in protest, taking a photograph of her. But wait, there’s more – Rentzhog and Greta’s mother had already met before at a climate conference on May 4, 2018, which is COINCIDENTALLY the exact date when Rentzhog became CEO of the aforementioned think tank.

And here’s something interesting – both Kristine Person and Stefan Löfven happen to be members of Klaus Schwab’s @WEF. It’s amazing how all these connections seem to come full circle, isn’t it? It’s clear to me that something fishy is going on behind the scenes here. These people are manipulating the public and abusing their power for their own political gain. We need to be aware of their tactics and warn everybody we know about the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


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07b2cc No.18520655

>>18520629 (lb)

I watched it change from 14 to 13 , on the midnight here in EU.

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2cda52 No.18520656

Why are the breads getting locked?

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ad5536 No.18520657

File: 1c8161f883b6e1f⋯.png (967.45 KB,879x636,293:212,ClipboardImage.png)

LB>>18519761 Uranium said missing by IAEA in Libya recovered: military

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b83cf4 No.18520659

File: 46946d2c9506b77⋯.mp4 (2.82 MB,854x480,427:240,The_shit_blizzard.mp4)


Thanks New Baker

Habbenings are habbening

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037952 No.18520660


to stop free speech

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b9bd92 No.18520661


rub your hands more disinfo queen

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c8a3e0 No.18520662


mental illness at its finest

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aa6702 No.18520663

File: d02cae1df4beed1⋯.jpg (196.48 KB,856x714,428:357,HAHA.jpg)

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2cda52 No.18520665


Oh, OP is a faggot.

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ba6b5e No.18520667

File: 153b5370c173959⋯.png (926.61 KB,1608x1311,536:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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037952 No.18520668


are you a jew, perchance?

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77fdad No.18520669

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66e5f8 No.18520670

File: 43c28639503b337⋯.png (162.79 KB,501x324,167:108,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b7845 No.18520671



yep, got 2 kikes right off the bat

just can't help yourselves

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b9bd92 No.18520672


are you a gentile ?

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85c0bd No.18520673

File: f0c4a45e230398f⋯.jpeg (180.08 KB,1052x1008,263:252,1674485928755240.jpeg)


i literally just see art

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03734d No.18520674

File: 80df234f79b9291⋯.jpeg (638.71 KB,1170x788,585:394,potusWon.jpeg)


>Same Dough


LB below







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050128 No.18520675

File: 508edcc552cc5ee⋯.jpg (21.31 KB,313x520,313:520,14bf72abffc21a2ca655b19265….jpg)

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afa21d No.18520676

File: be6e03822f7ec60⋯.jpg (300.89 KB,874x1024,437:512,large_47_.jpg)

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2f2cf4 No.18520677

File: 332d4dc5cef89e7⋯.png (81.16 KB,493x586,493:586,bgfd.PNG)

File: 95909d15d1f61e2⋯.png (197.63 KB,484x438,242:219,nhgn.PNG)

Dr. Simon Goddek


The more I dug into


's story, the more I realized that something stinks here. It's no COINCIDENCE that her first appearance was on August 20, 2018, with a sit-in protest in front of the Swedish Parliament, followed COINCIDENTALLY four days later by the release of a book she co-authored with her mother.

But that's not all - the PR machine for her was already in full swing on August 20, thanks to a man named Ingmar Rentzhog, who financed and drove the campaign through his company,


. And guess what? Rentzhog is also COINCIDENTALLY the chairman of the think tank "Global Challenge" (


), which is now COINCIDENTALLY fully financed by a billionaire named Kristine Person, a member of the Swedish Social Democratic Workers' Party and former minister in the government under Stefan Löfven.

And if that's not enough, Rentzhog purely COINCIDENTALLY happened to walk by the Swedish Parliament on August 20 and encounter Greta during her sit-in protest, taking a photograph of her. But wait, there's more - Rentzhog and Gretas mother had already met before at a climate conference on May 4, 2018, which is COINCIDENTALLY the exact date when Rentzhog became CEO of the aforementioned think tank.

And here's something interesting - both Kristine Person and Stefan Löfven happen to be members of Klaus Schwab's


. It's amazing how all these connections seem to come full circle, isn't it?

It's clear to me that something fishy is going on behind the scenes here. These people are manipulating the public and abusing their power for their own political gain. We need to be aware of their tactics and warn everybody we know about the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


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77fdad No.18520678


holy shit, the highest cringe post I have ever seen

you are one dumb nigger

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8e2ea7 No.18520679


I don't mind.

E-Bakes (don't anyone dare put that in the bread title!) are often the best bakes.

Please don't prove me wrong.

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fadfaf No.18520680

File: eedadac961e66b5⋯.png (1.33 MB,1200x944,75:59,Schulz.png)

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77fdad No.18520681

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4e8387 No.18520682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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85c0bd No.18520683


satan has spoken

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90bb89 No.18520684

File: a19f96ebfbd5384⋯.png (523.94 KB,1080x453,360:151,Screenshot_20230307_205545….png)

The breads are crashing

Pull your replys out now before its to late

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4aaa33 No.18520685

File: 0ba34d47e17c1ef⋯.jpg (93.75 KB,483x619,483:619,WIN_BAKER.jpg)

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a28798 No.18520686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ad5536 No.18520687

File: 1cd2e6fd7a7ec1e⋯.jpg (51.11 KB,680x385,136:77,gcV78zhQ.jpg)

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07b2cc No.18520688

March Madness.

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642dc6 No.18520689


evenin Mr. Pig

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85c0bd No.18520690



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77fdad No.18520691


another pedo

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8084c0 No.18520692

File: 80affc3ba67b3f3⋯.jpg (46.77 KB,565x414,565:414,howl.jpg)


me too.

But I'm also not an FBI agent.

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da58e2 No.18520693

File: e2e63ef3db6fce6⋯.png (658.41 KB,620x930,2:3,e2e63ef3db6fce69d57e320868….png)

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e826ae No.18520694

File: e1164c2425e345e⋯.jpg (67.51 KB,750x495,50:33,treerdlmnj.jpg)

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07026c No.18520695

>>18520584 LB

Kek! Love that fuckin’ meme! Get yer panties out of a bunch. Quality salt is a vital nutrient and was just sharing some info with the uniformed lad. Useful health tips are worth a post in the age of weaponized food stuffs, IMHO.

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4aaa33 No.18520696

File: 8607d639ba43b7e⋯.jpg (89.48 KB,471x548,471:548,o7_2U.jpg)

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04a3c2 No.18520697

File: d1fbfc6a437669a⋯.jpg (150.59 KB,720x1038,120:173,20230316_173656.jpg)

File: d9d611bfeea57f4⋯.jpg (154.42 KB,1170x1169,1170:1169,20230316_173602.jpg)


Bidens bracket

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1efb7e No.18520698

File: 296f91a2fc50a8e⋯.png (731.32 KB,600x794,300:397,a1.png)

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77fdad No.18520699


hey pig, the breads have been infiltrated by pedo's

have a meme for that, or are you a pedo too?

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da58e2 No.18520700

File: 71897699fbf3b41⋯.png (1.11 MB,1080x1286,540:643,49628860.png)

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8084c0 No.18520701

File: 5883d4eadf204e2⋯.jpg (82.5 KB,680x680,1:1,vomit_chan.jpg)


>he wants to fuck the anime FBI agent


>he wants to fuck vomit chan

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5f6270 No.18520702

File: 7b230eb4cb55ad8⋯.png (723.57 KB,947x1084,947:1084,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04c3380e015bacc⋯.png (236.21 KB,770x1642,385:821,2.png)

File: ed5d22ce13eb830⋯.png (176.43 KB,770x1158,385:579,4.png)

File: 40348283e244210⋯.png (178.81 KB,770x1202,385:601,5.png)

File: 3d2c87b39843d7a⋯.png (298.59 KB,770x1862,55:133,6.png)

Q+ again calls out George Soros.

Deliberately counter-counter-countering the op mockingbird conditioning of the public for what's coming.

The main problem for the Soros Crime Family is that the elections are still over a year away, and in a Great Awakening situation, that is a lifetime.

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eeb667 No.18520703

File: 9565e24d42dd4de⋯.png (576.21 KB,786x719,786:719,ClipboardImage.png)

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037952 No.18520704

File: 7f1002e6bbe0d90⋯.jpeg (169.74 KB,750x1000,3:4,J_Talmud_Lie.jpeg)



'no, I'm NOT a Gentile, I am a filthy Goyim (Cattle)

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fbeef2 No.18520705

File: bedcd71690129df⋯.png (48.3 KB,985x687,985:687,ClipboardImage.png)






>It seems to be displaying the time based on the viewer's computer/device time.

Idk if it's a countdown or just a clock like a screen saver kek.

This is strange though, no? On qagg.news??

Screen cap @ 18:35 CT

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5f6270 No.18520706

File: fce649ad5cfdcb8⋯.png (630.56 KB,770x2592,385:1296,14.png)

File: d84da1cb28a6895⋯.png (170.94 KB,770x1290,77:129,15.png)

File: 15ef83418f46cb4⋯.png (360.62 KB,770x2522,385:1261,36.png)

File: cfbcf24946b65a5⋯.png (347.53 KB,770x2610,77:261,67.png)

File: 6e86126d2d3db25⋯.png (131.5 KB,770x1208,385:604,94.png)

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5f6270 No.18520707

File: 1db6dbd6af7dea5⋯.png (130.99 KB,770x1466,385:733,99.png)

File: 7fdf9cdc6e759ca⋯.png (378.27 KB,770x3226,385:1613,111.png)

File: d097b22ab3b3cb5⋯.png (215.14 KB,770x1818,385:909,133.png)

File: 471fdcffbfebd2b⋯.png (315.01 KB,770x2478,55:177,142.png)

File: 2e6e13e8ee93767⋯.png (86.45 KB,770x900,77:90,169.png)

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85c0bd No.18520708

File: 2c23a8f169e21b4⋯.jpeg (71.48 KB,1022x1024,511:512,pathetic.jpeg)


sweaty, you are so fucking stupid if you think anyone posting anime is a pedo.

you really need to get out more

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2cda52 No.18520709


blowjob school is getting fucked by duke

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b9bd92 No.18520710


refreshing to see moar non peso based characters unlike the cartoon children in adult bodies

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8e2ea7 No.18520711

File: 2d11f18dfc8b1f4⋯.jpg (49.23 KB,486x378,9:7,SportsballJones.JPG)


Furman and Princeton already pulled off bigly upsets.

Still 3/4 of the First Round left.

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5f6270 No.18520712

File: f34c99e4ff55c72⋯.png (254.21 KB,770x1994,385:997,189.png)

File: 47eacda76fa43e8⋯.png (56.8 KB,770x630,11:9,275.png)

File: ab0a602f2b595f3⋯.png (147.17 KB,770x1422,385:711,299.png)

File: a91f334ab0c27af⋯.png (332.52 KB,770x1752,385:876,329.png)

File: 60c17d4e162f745⋯.png (48.06 KB,770x542,385:271,389.png)

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b9bd92 No.18520713




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2f2cf4 No.18520714

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bbf0b9 No.18520715

File: a9bd2ae94a71e57⋯.png (814.25 KB,1157x1280,1157:1280,ClipboardImage.png)



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5f6270 No.18520716

File: 8de90653520895d⋯.png (56.75 KB,770x542,385:271,390.png)

File: 4a553fc610f8187⋯.png (51.84 KB,770x586,385:293,416.png)

File: 994e441e244cdc3⋯.png (107.28 KB,770x982,385:491,532.png)

File: 8c14893b372a488⋯.png (597.72 KB,770x1006,385:503,546.png)

File: bfa73ee246d6cc0⋯.png (450.71 KB,770x3446,385:1723,570.png)

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a009f2 No.18520717


Tatoos encourage demonic possession.

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5f6270 No.18520718

File: bfa73ee246d6cc0⋯.png (450.71 KB,770x3446,385:1723,570.png)

File: 7136c3d65067ea9⋯.png (153.86 KB,770x1510,77:151,666.png)

File: c1cf96a2e572cb9⋯.png (208.91 KB,770x2132,385:1066,667.png)

File: f6ac1216778c596⋯.png (377.19 KB,770x2478,55:177,1361.png)

File: e981cece1132f5b⋯.png (172.71 KB,770x1334,385:667,2398.png)

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04a3c2 No.18520719

File: 70054aaa75ec347⋯.jpg (106.72 KB,748x712,187:178,20230316_023924.jpg)

File: 6b046a2d72a31b5⋯.jpg (229.25 KB,1076x1200,269:300,20230316_023915.jpg)


Is Jamie Lee Curtis going to officiate your wedding?

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2cda52 No.18520720

File: 95d885292955aa0⋯.jpg (10.73 KB,255x219,85:73,95d885292955aa008cb7320f1e….jpg)

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5f6270 No.18520721

File: f5137f01f7567ca⋯.png (104.45 KB,770x850,77:85,2502.png)

File: ae70b8aff6818b6⋯.png (61.4 KB,770x630,11:9,3658.png)

File: 713029996f44a67⋯.png (230 KB,770x1468,385:734,3829.png)

File: 98e211ffcacdc9b⋯.png (38.61 KB,770x410,77:41,3994.png)

File: 66f41bfa792e73b⋯.png (84.1 KB,770x674,385:337,4002.png)

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66e5f8 No.18520722

File: c72aeeaac4a9798⋯.png (328.63 KB,700x467,700:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f11a7bd69d0ff6⋯.png (64.62 KB,185x170,37:34,ClipboardImage.png)

Special Counsel Jack Smith Expands Witch Hunt, Subpoenas Dozens of Mar-a-Lago Staffers – Including Servers!

Special Counsel Jack Smith expanded his witch hunt and issued a flurry of subpoenas to Mar-a-Lago staff – including servers!

More than 2 dozen Mar-a-Lago staffers were subpoenaed in the special counsel’s investigation into classified documents stored at Trump’s Florida residence.

“For instance, federal investigators have talked to a Mar-a-Lago staff member seen on security camera footage moving boxes from a storage room with Trump aide Walt Nauta, who has already spoken with investigators.” CNN reported.

Jack Smith is also targeting Trump’s lawyers (because they don’t have a case).

The special counsel is seeking more testimony from Trump’s former lawyer Eric Corcoran.

CNN reported:

At least two dozen people – from Mar-a-Lago resort staff to members of Donald Trump’s inner circle at the Florida estate – have been subpoenaed to testify to a federal grand jury that’s investigating the former president’s handling of classified documents, multiple sources familiar with the investigation told CNN.

On Thursday, Trump’s communications aide Margo Martin, who worked in the White House and then moved with Trump to Florida, appeared before the grand jury in Washington, DC. One of special counsel Jack Smith’s senior-most prosecutors was involved in the interview.

Martin, who is among a small group of former White House advisers who have remained employed by Trump after he left office, declined to answer any questions when approached by a CNN reporter.

Smith has sought testimony from a range of people close to Trump – from his own attorneys who represent him in the matter to staffers who work on the grounds of Mar-a-Lago, including a housekeeper and restaurant servers, sources said.

The staffers are of interest to investigators because of what they may have seen or heard while on their daily duties around the estate, including whether they saw boxes or documents in Trump’s office suite or elsewhere.

“They’re casting an extremely wide net – anyone and everyone who might have seen something,” said one source familiar with the Justice Department’s efforts.

The special counsel investigation was supposed to focus on whether Trump broke the law when he took White House records to Mar-a-Lago and the other part of the probe is related to January 6.

However, Jack Smith has now expanded his investigation and is looking into Trump’s efforts to fight the massive 2020 election fraud operation in key swing states.


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050128 No.18520723

File: b160a09e5a4cc75⋯.jpg (71.32 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230316_194221….jpg)

File: 924551cd1f86a33⋯.jpg (390.43 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230316_194216….jpg)

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5ebefb No.18520724


well tim cooke is a cock sucking faggot who likes getting fucked in his asshole by dick so i am not surprised

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ad5536 No.18520725

File: 071a2fe473d5e47⋯.png (350.64 KB,606x683,606:683,Screenshot_2023_03_16_at_2….png)

File: 4e489bfec52efb4⋯.png (3.41 KB,518x48,259:24,ClipboardImage.png)

Disclose.tv Retweeted

Project Veritas


BREAKING: Confidential @Pfizer Documents Reveal Pharmaceutical Giant Had ‘Evidence’ Suggesting ‘Increased Risk of Myocarditis’ Following COVID-19 Vaccinations in Early 2022

"“There is evidence that suggests patients who receive a COVID-19 vaccine are at an increased risk of myocarditis.”

“Onset was typically within several days after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (from Pfizer or Moderna), and cases have occurred more often after the second dose than the first dose.”


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b9bd92 No.18520726


>I am a filthy Goyim

good luck with that

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5f6270 No.18520727

File: ffecf40a7d1fae2⋯.png (404 KB,770x2830,77:283,4153.png)

File: 4cbd9b870030167⋯.png (438.31 KB,770x2918,385:1459,4196.png)

File: de4b4ac922042c8⋯.png (232.9 KB,770x806,385:403,4349.png)

File: b63d2af33ed816c⋯.png (886.27 KB,770x2146,385:1073,4393.png)

File: 55087692611b672⋯.png (822.27 KB,770x3628,385:1814,4635.png)

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f42724 No.18520728

File: a4154e4165fc238⋯.png (1.52 MB,1000x1500,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f5945 No.18520729

Watters doing an "eat ze bugs" report.

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5f6270 No.18520730

File: 4ee6577774ee5e6⋯.png (112.77 KB,770x894,385:447,4845.png)

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b9bd92 No.18520732


I am a child of God Almighty

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eeb667 No.18520733


Also, if you are an abortion doctor or working for Planned Parenthood.

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4aaa33 No.18520734

File: 3c937dc15baa026⋯.jpg (123.38 KB,543x558,181:186,PEDO_BRAIN.jpg)

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66e5f8 No.18520735

File: 4a91a9140c96a8c⋯.png (784.4 KB,1169x638,1169:638,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba17a1be6e0f790⋯.png (340.8 KB,578x434,289:217,ClipboardImage.png)

Fiery Riots Erupt in France After Macron Uses Special Power to Raises Retirement Age without Vote

French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday used a special power to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 without a vote.

Macron shunned Parliament and invoked a constitutional power to impose a bill that has sparked protests across France.

Fiery riots erupted in Paris on Thursday.

Garbage cans are on fire near the Champs-Élysées.


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ba6b5e No.18520736

File: 1021bbc4ab19e10⋯.jpg (140.01 KB,1170x1839,390:613,v9tl8tjck0ma1.jpg)

This is all I have to say on the matter.

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da58e2 No.18520737

File: e04dbbce5123544⋯.jpg (100.37 KB,500x435,100:87,20210917_063046.jpg)


>likes getting fucked in his asshole by dick

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90bb89 No.18520738

File: 8508ad529636de6⋯.png (856.36 KB,841x813,841:813,Screenshot_20230307_210708….png)

File: feacbc5d3fe34cc⋯.png (1.32 MB,1080x742,540:371,Screenshot_20230307_205450….png)

File: e5345790d7c59cd⋯.png (856.98 KB,1080x605,216:121,Screenshot_20230228_204323….png)

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b9bd92 No.18520739


anime has hijacked the pig

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f42724 No.18520740

File: ec8ec7bcb2974ec⋯.png (617.49 KB,624x1010,312:505,ClipboardImage.png)

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12ad0c No.18520741

blacks be WILDIN

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4e8387 No.18520742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2b8f14 No.18520743

File: 2b272d27db21b2e⋯.png (3.4 MB,1962x1538,981:769,xifaggot.png)

He/Xi faggot

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62c59b No.18520744

File: c2e1028de5a0166⋯.png (130.83 KB,1244x478,622:239,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 948af4146912a0d⋯.png (659.36 KB,1024x687,1024:687,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c35cab95857dbbb⋯.png (729.37 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)


“Global Challenge” ( @ChallengesFnd), which is now COINCIDENTALLY fully financed by a billionaire named Kristine Person

Kristine Person

Since 1999, Kristine has worked across Africa integrating power-independent MP3 players and radios into communication initiatives in health, agriculture, education, climate change, and complex emergencies. American-born, she emigrated to South Africa in 1989, built a successful consultancy focusing on the development of women in business, which led to an executive position at a South African banking group.


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a009f2 No.18520745

File: d832fc13dcf5f5e⋯.jpg (755.07 KB,2048x1372,512:343,AntifaBootCamp.jpg)

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7126b3 No.18520746

You are going to want to cease use of this site, immediately if not sooner.

Biden just signed off on a DHS order to surveil and identify every user on this site and to issue arrest warrants under the guise of ‘insurrection’.

The order states that users on this site have worked to undermine his administration and the US Government as a whole and, according to the order, have crossed the threshold of civil obedience.

This order is not public and will not be addressed as multiple news agencies are also users of this site.

Citizens will be visited and arrested by their sheriffs. Current military personnel will be placed under arrest by MPs tomorrow. They’re calling it Operation Pied Piper.

The fact of the matter is that Biden and the current administration are not willing to fight in another election and are now going to remove any and all dissidents prior to the “Eighteen,” a name given to a critical moment in the election race in which eighteen months will elapse before serious consequences are outside of the public’s memory before that fateful election day.

This weekend will prove to be a chapter in American history that will never be forgotten and will never be forgiven. God speed and god bless the United States.

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7f5945 No.18520747

File: 0016c434c22e7bd⋯.jpg (757.13 KB,2028x1321,2028:1321,SorosWantsYou.jpg)

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466aad No.18520748

File: 0dea0ca2108b6fa⋯.png (106.39 KB,227x255,227:255,22be04797d213d503ca6e8fe02….png)

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04a3c2 No.18520749

File: 4c54b85baaaa353⋯.mp4 (7.21 MB,480x480,1:1,file_store_215.mp4)


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66e5f8 No.18520750


Trying to validate themselves

We know they are an IIA operation don't we Gen. Jones

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7344fe No.18520751

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4e8387 No.18520752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fbeef2 No.18520753

File: 8e36ef8e94e46b2⋯.png (1.92 MB,1080x1350,4:5,8e36ef8e94e46b2266e38327bd….png)


What does this mean, that it's depending on your timezone you look at the site from?

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037952 No.18520754

File: 39778175fd89dc7⋯.png (627.66 KB,1136x640,71:40,J_Israel_Roths_Satanic_ori….PNG)


I am what (((you))) call a filthy goyim (cattle)

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03734d No.18520755

File: c4d92a7e6d277fa⋯.png (371.37 KB,438x764,219:382,Screenshot_from_2023_03_16….png)

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f42724 No.18520756

File: c3720748a3850b5⋯.png (406 KB,495x686,495:686,ClipboardImage.png)

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9dc1e1 No.18520757

>Streamed on: Mar 13, 7:15 pm EDT


Donald J. Trump


Streamed on: Mar 13, 7:15 pm EDT

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Davenport, IA

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b3fa37 No.18520758

File: c3e011f79ba0e95⋯.png (482.53 KB,590x766,295:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f20bfdef613d600⋯.png (669.29 KB,633x869,633:869,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9d312d3dfa260b⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,736x416,23:13,IMG_3218.MP4)

File: a8517137a622025⋯.jpg (65.53 KB,534x667,534:667,anubisstatuemet.jpg)

File: 40b38c8aa61443a⋯.png (169.37 KB,897x605,897:605,creepy_joe_biden_png_35258….png)

'I don’t care if you think I’m satan reincarnated' - joe '81 million votes' biden.


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4e8387 No.18520759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2cda52 No.18520760

File: a4f98f8ff1d1338⋯.png (7.8 KB,255x187,15:11,a4f98f8ff1d1338b44cf123c96….png)

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9dc1e1 No.18520761


dat meme dough, ty

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4080c6 No.18520762

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77fdad No.18520763


I like how you dodged the question

>I now have my answer

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208dcb No.18520764


Sure sure. I believe you

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b9bd92 No.18520765


You must have not seen the memo

Night Shift is now Anime Shift

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482a39 No.18520766

File: 89b5cc9eefe311b⋯.png (141.52 KB,500x830,50:83,ap_photo_alex_brandon_toge….png)

File: 77604d35e8d67f3⋯.jpg (85.03 KB,640x781,640:781,Jewss.jpg)

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04a3c2 No.18520767

File: 7de3d6fd68ed947⋯.png (2.37 MB,1216x1628,304:407,7de3d6fd68ed947e350ff04464….png)

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f42724 No.18520768

File: c8df0b84a437bbc⋯.png (239.25 KB,460x660,23:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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afa21d No.18520769

File: cdcdac7a92bceb6⋯.jpg (108.39 KB,600x1024,75:128,large_49_.jpg)


Red friday soon

Red cat poasting is also prohibited during red friday

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1f335c No.18520770

WTF? Was in another bread and there was a pic or natural boobs. Make a comment: This bread is LOCKED. Anons (if there any), what's going on.

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da58e2 No.18520771

File: 08d53e406811fc5⋯.gif (1.93 MB,480x360,4:3,un3eC.gif)


>Biden just signed off on a DHS order to surveil and identify every user on this site and to issue arrest warrants under the guise of ‘insurrection’.

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77fdad No.18520772

File: 91a1705c3f0b4bd⋯.png (194.91 KB,400x400,1:1,3535.png)

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9d94f3 No.18520773

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aa6702 No.18520774

File: 344dcae5922fe7e⋯.jpg (125.83 KB,800x533,800:533,1672537654316853.jpg)

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85c0bd No.18520775


is that from spirited away? i actually saw that one

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66e5f8 No.18520776

File: 2ca7404262b24c0⋯.png (180.86 KB,539x360,539:360,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 606f772bdb8131d⋯.png (1.15 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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4aaa33 No.18520777

File: b5f8c74347b1a70⋯.jpg (117.23 KB,537x551,537:551,PEDO_PEA_BRAIN.jpg)

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7f5b3c No.18520778

(pb) >>18519803 Peter Thiel said he had $50 million in a personal account at Silicon Valley Bank when it collapsed, despite telling his portfolio companies to pull their money

Ya sorry faker that makes no sense. You're another ass clown like EM. You'd trade your mother to get your 50 million back. You and your ilk have to run and hide with your ill gotten gains. Should be fun to watch.

Who is the front man for In-Q-Tel ????

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a28798 No.18520779

File: 52c7eeb189cc0d9⋯.png (94.92 KB,1007x178,1007:178,ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck off.

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050128 No.18520780

File: 174bfe519ff6393⋯.jpeg (15.98 KB,255x247,255:247,c04b60ba8ccd0cc9c1e7f35e0….jpeg)

File: c43b8ad4ab40102⋯.jpeg (11.97 KB,255x255,1:1,81983bb1cbbdb8c15f2865218….jpeg)

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642dc6 No.18520781


need anon to collect lb

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85c0bd No.18520782

File: a7e1d52eebc3c5b⋯.gif (706.46 KB,500x463,500:463,sa.gif)

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ba6b5e No.18520783

File: 9e1bc990d4f33a9⋯.gif (120.01 KB,220x124,55:31,kek11.gif)


I guess we should be panicking then, huh? Nice bait.

>Godspeed and God bless the United States.

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8e2ea7 No.18520784

File: 11f5caed77fb35b⋯.png (117.08 KB,487x272,487:272,DayShift_MaxTard.png)


>Night Shift is now Anime Shift

This week it has been Day Shift while Day Shift has been half it's usual Absolute State self.

Go figure.

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aa6702 No.18520785

File: 7dc7cdb11c3dc4a⋯.png (333.56 KB,453x600,151:200,1658551319064027.png)

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ad5536 No.18520786

File: 05d23e7b37f4d28⋯.png (181.33 KB,598x507,46:39,Screenshot_2023_03_16_at_2….png)

Two more weeks!

U.S. Naval Institute


#OTD in 1945, MajGen Harry Schmidt declared that Iwo Jima was secure after 25 days of combat. A pocket of Japanese defenders continued to fight for two more weeks. ADM Nimitz's quotation about the courage of the Marines is inscribed on the @USMC War Memorial in Arlington, VA.


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24b53b No.18520787

File: afc8b55a5afa9ad⋯.mp4 (416.05 KB,492x276,41:23,afc8b55a5afa9ad5df432952b6….mp4)

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7344fe No.18520788


It called 'proper fucked.'

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4aaa33 No.18520789

File: b942906a1ec2c2c⋯.jpg (104.15 KB,448x668,112:167,HUMDINGING.jpg)

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050128 No.18520790


only way to know is to poast

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77fdad No.18520791


so you admit you are a pedo, pig?

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9dc1e1 No.18520792

File: 7ea0e2eed419453⋯.png (296.44 KB,800x636,200:159,Day_Shift_Bible.png)

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afa21d No.18520793

File: e387f76f7e29a58⋯.jpg (177.52 KB,1215x808,1215:808,large_50_.jpg)


Trips 7, check'em

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04a3c2 No.18520794

File: 86feed8868ee41d⋯.jpg (53.33 KB,640x480,4:3,86feed8868ee41d8fb80edfd60….jpg)

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ba6b5e No.18520795

File: 0d7e24b890ed433⋯.png (123.24 KB,393x341,393:341,0d7e24b890ed43309c76d1ea26….png)

Deliberately delay it sometimes so they go fill the old ones and break the continuity.

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4e8387 No.18520796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9dc1e1 No.18520797

File: 460eec84287387f⋯.png (402 KB,800x556,200:139,Night_Shift_UFO.png)

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fbeef2 No.18520798

File: 597d37674755ebd⋯.png (30.38 KB,665x375,133:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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04a3c2 No.18520799

File: beb09943bb3350c⋯.jpg (155.4 KB,799x771,799:771,20210709_154741.jpg)

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66e5f8 No.18520800

Trump hits back at Manhattan DA over 'witch-hunt' amid talk of indictment

Bragg's case has attracted scrutiny from legal experts such as Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz.

On Thursday, Former President Donald Trump called out Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, whom he says has pursued a political "witch-hunt" against him.

Bragg has investigated a $130,000 payment Trump made to Stormy Daniels in 2016, via his former personal attorney Michael Cohen. The case rests on the premise that the money transfer may constitute an illegal campaign contribution. Reports emerged in March that Trump received an offer to speak before a grand jury in connection with the case, which many news outlet took to signal that an indictment may be forthcoming.

Trump, for his part, has denied wrongdoing. On Thursday, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung addressed the case in a statement posted to the former president's social media platform, Truth Social.

"President Donald J. Trump is completely innocent, he did nothing wrong, and even the biggest, most Radical Left Democrats are making that clear," the statement read. "From Russia, Russia, Russia, to the Mueller Hoax, to Impeachment Hoaxes 1 and 2, and even the Unlawful Mar-a-Lago Raid, Democrats have investigated and attacked President Trump since before he was elected - and they've failed every time."

"The latest Witch-Hunt is being brought on by George Soros-backed Radical Left Democrat prosecutor Alvin Bragg," Cheung continued. "Everyone know it's a sham. In fact, the Department of Justice stocked the DA's office with top people from DC to help 'Get Trump' at a local level."

Bragg's case has attracted scrutiny from legal experts such as Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, who this week called the district attorney's reasoning "highly questionable," before criticizing him for selective prosecution.

"It is in the nature of partisan selective prosecution that a target may well be technically guilty of some violation. The question is would he have been prosecuted for that violation if he were not the political target," the legal scholar wrote. "When I was coming of age in the 1950s Southern prosecutors would target civil rights workers and search for any possible violation of the law, no matter how technical."

"If they discovered or invented a violation, they would indict, prosecute, convict and sentence the target," he added.


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f8dcdf No.18520801

File: 1c0b3aaf17e5914⋯.jpg (19.05 KB,355x236,355:236,1c0b3aaf17e5914b0c382bc925….jpg)

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ad5536 No.18520802

File: f0fa9606a7b2b95⋯.png (286.05 KB,602x738,301:369,Screenshot_2023_03_16_at_2….png)


Describes a significant portion of this platform


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7f5b3c No.18520803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At the end of the day EM, Thiel, Bezos and the rest of the cardboard cutout placeholders are all expendable.

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b9bd92 No.18520804


>This week it has been Day Shift

I yield to your observations…..07

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2b8f14 No.18520805

File: 6643e5230bbf217⋯.png (1.17 MB,952x1268,238:317,xi_he.png)

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4aaa33 No.18520806

File: bfe70fdf444366f⋯.jpg (122.88 KB,541x548,541:548,THINK_U_R.jpg)

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04a3c2 No.18520808

File: a5336e202636816⋯.jpg (284.33 KB,2048x2048,1:1,20220329_212009.jpg)

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201acc No.18520809

File: a3902787fb36b7e⋯.jpeg (1.59 MB,4096x2304,16:9,E4DC851F_E992_4BEB_A15C_9….jpeg)

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7344fe No.18520810




werkin tag team anime slide

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9dc1e1 No.18520811

File: 79d3d5eee56a40e⋯.png (26.72 KB,580x512,145:128,Notables_12302019_1.png)

File: 16d0d8543dc7ef6⋯.png (227.74 KB,500x441,500:441,America_my_kind_of_place.png)

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96dade No.18520812

File: 29c18d864257953⋯.gif (4.77 MB,400x400,1:1,pigeon_trolling.gif)

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fa5f24 No.18520813

File: fefbbfb76318281⋯.png (659.22 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_03_16_19_53_5….png)

I did not see this anywhere


We have

Pentagon states UFOs are here


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ea4243 No.18520814



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7894a3 No.18520815

File: 2546b5d4bef08d8⋯.jpeg (486.91 KB,1170x1217,1170:1217,C13DE5C7_E351_4420_95C9_2….jpeg)

March Madness, indeed.


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4080c6 No.18520816

File: 8bd3bc12a56fb0b⋯.jpeg (2.71 MB,2610x3600,29:40,Frans_Floris_the_elder_Me….jpeg)


> It's a clown

Yes, and he's taken a page out of my book.

Nice try, glowniggers.

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77fdad No.18520817


your memes are getting awfully stale

get your team to brainstorm some tasty cringe

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77fdad No.18520818


>Nice try, glowniggers.

they aren't sending their best these days, anon

the best they can do is mr pig

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b9bd92 No.18520819


pasta w/o sauce.jpeg

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04a3c2 No.18520820

File: 6b5f82a2fa8a212⋯.jpg (111.89 KB,1080x1066,540:533,20211226_080200.jpg)

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4aaa33 No.18520821

File: 8607d639ba43b7e⋯.jpg (89.48 KB,471x548,471:548,o7_2U.jpg)

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afa21d No.18520822

File: caeee4f7afc04cd⋯.png (105.26 KB,390x390,1:1,caeee4f7afc04cd0e14bb29d4c….png)


Pig is the positive vibe guy

Appearing when negative vibers arrive

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85c0bd No.18520823

File: 136067dedf89547⋯.png (154.9 KB,452x473,452:473,dudeweed.png)


>cease use of this site, immediately if not sooner.

what's sooner than immediately?

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66e5f8 No.18520824

Meta claims new AI will help pharmaceutical companies make new drugs

Meta AI, the company's research department, used ESMFold to generate a public database cataloging the predicted structure of 617 million proteins.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has created an AI-based computer program, ESMFold, that is capable of predicting how millions of proteins are structured, in a technological development that could be used in the development of pharmaceuticals.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Meta AI, the company's research department, used ESMFold to generate a public database cataloging the predicted structure of 617 million proteins.

Proteins are composed of long strands of amino acids and their structures are determined by a DNA genome. In the human body, proteins are essential to the function of cells and organs.

Pharmaceutical companies use proteins to develop drugs that treat many ailments and diseases, including some types of cancer, HIV, and heart disease. Those companies have started to use AI to create new drugs for diseases, some of which currently have no cure.

Alphabet, Google's parent company, has developed its own AI computer program that can predict protein structure, through its subsidiary company DeepMind Technologie. They have developed the AI AlphaFold, which predicted the structure of 214 million proteins.

According to Meta, their AI is less accurate but faster than AlphaFold, which produces roughly a third of predictions with high confidence.

A Meta research scientist, Alexander Rives, co-authored a study on ESMFold published Thursday in Science magazine.

Rives said, "Often proteins which share similar structures have similar biological functions. And if you can have a really high resolution structure, then you can begin to think about what is the actual biochemical function of these proteins."

ESMFold uses the same large language model technology that OpenAI’s ChatGPT uses.

For it to work, ESMFold must be fed letters that represent amino acids and it fills in and hidden or blank portions to generate the predicted protein, and learns as it goes, comparing its generated proteins to those that already exist.

A computational biologist at Carnegie Mellon University, Olexandr Isayev, said, "It is a big achievement, but it relies a lot on the prior work."


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4aaa33 No.18520826

File: 31ecea0f24cfde3⋯.jpg (91.97 KB,666x519,222:173,DONT_CARE_MEME_2_0.jpg)

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8595c5 No.18520827

File: a22d2de02368f3b⋯.jpeg (260.38 KB,1024x1005,1024:1005,a22d2de02368f3ba957b1b5c1….jpeg)


Holographic alien invasion incoming

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4e8387 No.18520828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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12ad0c No.18520829


was it invented by Samuel Buttman Fried

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77fdad No.18520830


lots of fuckery in the kitchen these days

migrate early/lock breads early etc

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050128 No.18520831

File: 8422c19078e2035⋯.png (743.04 KB,710x1472,355:736,125_3_.png)

File: 422f5d5361a87b0⋯.png (39.14 KB,710x452,355:226,1325_1_.png)

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f8dcdf No.18520832

File: 7d9121a148c0a61⋯.jpg (25.87 KB,474x474,1:1,ytdf.jpg)

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208dcb No.18520833


How much student loan debt went into the making of that earth shattering invention

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ad5536 No.18520834

File: d5f948515c71955⋯.jpg (170.57 KB,1125x1107,125:123,FqmFdPOXwAA4cJ6.jpg)


>Sending probes to Earth.

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0bd7d6 No.18520835


I stopped using this site for good 8 months ago.

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037952 No.18520836

File: 035a0f8b9c913dd⋯.png (101.74 KB,255x253,255:253,RXN_Ayys.png)


kek, here comes the aliens

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80c4b1 No.18520837

File: db3569e91a9da4f⋯.jpg (37.65 KB,486x377,486:377,db3569e91a9da4f7aef1495449….jpg)

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b9bd92 No.18520838



confirms cartoon creepers have hijacked the pig

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642dc6 No.18520839



easy yo


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77fdad No.18520840


your meme describes you perfectly


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62c59b No.18520841

File: b6590a6281e8938⋯.jpg (52.66 KB,612x612,1:1,Dick_Little_Asian.jpg)


>“Eighteen,” a name given to a critical moment in the election race in which eighteen months will elapse before serious consequences are outside of the public’s memory before that fateful election day.

You woulda had me at17, so whatever. kek

Missed it by THAT much.

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04a3c2 No.18520842

File: 55e5cbd5a1b4380⋯.jpg (191.04 KB,1242x1304,621:652,20210619_100831.jpg)

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54ab4c No.18520843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Level 2 Solar Storm, Massive Tornado on the Sun | S0 News Mar.15.2023



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03734d No.18520844

File: de3a9659585c6ab⋯.png (308.1 KB,622x555,622:555,scavinoRedbutton.png)

File: c6a5c6a2ac98b15⋯.png (168.03 KB,383x699,383:699,scavinoRedButton.png)

File: 288044d67d3e530⋯.png (161.31 KB,391x541,391:541,scavinoRedButton1Month.png)

File: 30439bc287a2a0a⋯.mp4 (5.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,scavinoRedButton8dZRDrV6Vf….mp4)

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7f5945 No.18520845

File: 5e07d2c5ae92a56⋯.jpg (277.67 KB,1170x1107,130:123,PodestaUFOs.JPG)

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fadfaf No.18520846

File: 038ed58a866528e⋯.png (378.17 KB,621x349,621:349,clownpost.png)

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4aaa33 No.18520847

File: 580d1eb64f3e8e4⋯.jpg (118.58 KB,541x538,541:538,FRESH_SHILL_MEAT.jpg)

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8595c5 No.18520848

File: ecf156200bf5331⋯.jpg (161.01 KB,1044x1084,261:271,ecf156200bf5331b6d5177e65b….jpg)


Incoming holographic grid down incoming

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85c0bd No.18520849

File: 5eb6c7b7876a310⋯.jpeg (13.83 KB,241x255,241:255,pepewtfclown.jpeg)

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77fdad No.18520850


>o7 DAT

don't forget to include:



in your memes so you blend in

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d4a447 No.18520851

File: 2dfe8af58f4b1c1⋯.png (630.96 KB,1356x815,1356:815,ClipboardImage.png)

Noble41 B52 Back at it.

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ba6b5e No.18520852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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050128 No.18520853

File: 59a798134f62af7⋯.jpg (70.44 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230316_200045….jpg)

File: e115c3230d29069⋯.png (21.47 KB,251x255,251:255,71fba94a74cebbe9fc6cbc8204….png)


hang in there

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4aaa33 No.18520854

File: 92b8399aa1da497⋯.jpg (91.38 KB,585x595,117:119,HEAD_SHOT.jpg)

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7894a3 No.18520855

File: 82b08d893519e4b⋯.jpeg (305.01 KB,1158x981,386:327,BD5A9AFA_33F2_4DA4_A539_E….jpeg)

i can see elon musk regretting this tweet some day.


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afa21d No.18520856

File: 2b2305338ce60a8⋯.png (305.91 KB,747x528,249:176,2b2305338ce60a8a515e64827b….png)


Any clue who mr Pig might be?

Who is also positive and also has self spot for the fun of it

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24b53b No.18520857

File: 681ac6bb54901f3⋯.png (880.85 KB,890x499,890:499,aliens3.png)

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85c0bd No.18520858

File: 91a1705c3f0b4bd⋯.png (194.91 KB,400x400,1:1,gj.png)

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4e8387 No.18520859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fadfaf No.18520860


If this is near half way true, tomorrow there are gonna be a lot of ded feds.

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7344fe No.18520861



Neat how filter works.


What did you say? Oh wait…

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77fdad No.18520862

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818dfe No.18520863

File: 0e094636c608642⋯.jpg (91.46 KB,500x716,125:179,0e094636c608642cfac4665ff2….jpg)


Noice.. ty

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4aaa33 No.18520864

File: 92b8399aa1da497⋯.jpg (91.38 KB,585x595,117:119,HEAD_SHOT.jpg)



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fadfaf No.18520865


Missed it by a shill's dick.

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4aaa33 No.18520866

File: a7a2909a4eac8fe⋯.jpg (116.89 KB,625x618,625:618,PNT.jpg)

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7f5945 No.18520867

File: 81bc48f28b63198⋯.jpg (204.22 KB,1374x683,1374:683,UberWoke.jpg)

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77fdad No.18520868


pig has confirmed he is a pedo in this bread

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b8656e No.18520869

File: 614ab96844a8760⋯.png (363.51 KB,347x399,347:399,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f335c No.18520870


Not even close to: Mr. Sandman, send me a dream.

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4e8387 No.18520871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b9bd92 No.18520872


pentagon goes full cray cray

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b3fa37 No.18520873

File: d60110f74647954⋯.png (334.58 KB,542x631,542:631,ClipboardImage.png)


>reincarnation of satan

satan - 2

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ebe60a No.18520874

Is this where I order the official Qanon crystals?

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ad5536 No.18520875

File: 0d6378f76f312d1⋯.png (470.97 KB,598x564,299:282,Screenshot_2023_03_16_at_2….png)

Business profile picture

New York Post


ISIS could hit US, West from Afghanistan in ‘under 6 months’: General




Converging Timelines

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4aaa33 No.18520876

File: f32d3b35126e312⋯.jpg (102.55 KB,590x593,590:593,PIG_HAS_3_LETTERS.jpg)

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85c0bd No.18520877

File: 12de167f152370f⋯.png (13.86 KB,255x255,1:1,ytho.png)


>i can see elon musk regretting this tweet some day.

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4080c6 No.18520878

File: 5fe0e79a6b8e8dd⋯.jpeg (3.73 MB,2478x3673,2478:3673,Guercino_1591_1666_John_t….jpeg)

Attention glowniggers

Yes, you are going to prison, Officer Agent Deputy. It doesn't matter what you do, or where you run, you are going to die in prison. I know this because I pay attention. I am an observer, not a combatant. And I observe that you cannot win. Nothing you do will stop the inevitable. The best thing you can do is pack your shit, drain your accounts, and run like hell.

There is a small chance that, should the opportunity arise, you can turn in your coworkers and superiors in exchange for some kind of lenience in your sentence. You know that they will inevitably do this to you, as the situation deteriorates. They will turn you in or abandon you. Your bosses don't care about you, and there is no chance that you're going to receive any form of long-term payout. You are going to lose, and we are going to win.

Nothing can stop this. Even if you round all of us up and kill us in secrecy, it will habben anyway. But if you do habben to kill us off, then there will be no guidance available for the normies when they finally do lose their shit. We are here to keep them from tearing you to pieces. We are your best friends in this. We are the ones that are offering you a way out.

Take my advice, shills and glowniggers, quit while you still have the chance.

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8595c5 No.18520879

File: c6cfa8aeeff5939⋯.jpg (98.49 KB,631x469,631:469,c6cfa8aeeff59397d6e69488a0….jpg)


Especially if it's got sub-folders all categorized…


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95bf34 No.18520880


the R and D parties are just corporations that pick political candidates who are best at raising money from their bases.

they both need to be gone.

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38df2b No.18520881


A bit of a stretch, don'tcha think?

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c15e5d No.18520882

File: 74b9c25860430c2⋯.jpg (655.8 KB,1324x1773,1324:1773,DemHypeReality.jpg)

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b9bd92 No.18520883


pig claims veil is off

was always one with

the cartoon gang ?

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8595c5 No.18520884

File: b69ad35d81b43d9⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x1073,1080:1073,02008e363b27180948dc1bcb7e….png)


The bot sounds a little unstable tonight.

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d6e08d No.18520885

File: 68137119e27f09a⋯.png (159.85 KB,611x404,611:404,ClipboardImage.png)


>I did not see this anywhere

Because it's The Daily Star - pure gutter shite

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aa6702 No.18520886

File: 985b8b483cad799⋯.png (726.77 KB,1080x741,360:247,985b8b483cad7993c281eef8fc….png)

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2cda52 No.18520887

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fadfaf No.18520888

File: d49e1f1622efe4b⋯.png (698.03 KB,902x681,902:681,Alienz.png)

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1f335c No.18520889


Is that you Ms. Power? Or is it you Mr. 0bama?

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7f5b3c No.18520890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Current military personnel will be placed under arrest by MPs tomorrow. They’re calling it Operation Pied Piper.

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4aaa33 No.18520891

File: b8a74ac05bdbc21⋯.jpg (110.44 KB,667x452,667:452,PUNCHING_UP.jpg)

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77fdad No.18520892



Pig Never Truth?

Pig Neutered Tranny?

Pedo Nigger Twat?

all of those monikers suit the porker cat

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037952 No.18520893

File: dc1471a8df54a9f⋯.png (1.28 MB,1763x815,1763:815,J_Talmud_Gentiles_killed.png)



I don't know what you are talking about :)

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b9bd92 No.18520894


+1 for originality

now gfy

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e11267 No.18520895


well i would think so

joe left them enough weapons

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8595c5 No.18520896

File: 9549149421bc56a⋯.gif (3.6 MB,749x659,749:659,9549149421bc56a32efb6cd289….gif)


I's been reported all over, actually. For a couple weeks now, I think. But no one gives a fuck because it's fake.

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ba6b5e No.18520897

File: 0bc5a200361f6f3⋯.gif (293.6 KB,498x401,498:401,pepe_headphones.gif)

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4aaa33 No.18520898

File: 9819aa9233d9eba⋯.jpg (123.76 KB,803x525,803:525,GOOD_SERVICE.jpg)



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77fdad No.18520900


oooh, what a tough punching up meme

do you punch up into your tranny boyfriends asshole as well?

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fbeef2 No.18520901

File: a4df78007a21942⋯.png (151.58 KB,362x414,181:207,ClipboardImage.png)


>what's sooner than immediately?

Earlier, kek!

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c15e5d No.18520902

File: 99cb32a409f6e08⋯.png (375.69 KB,438x457,438:457,4A8ED1EC_9D87_4B2D_BBED_CE….png)

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d6e08d No.18520903


>But no one gives a fuck because it's fake.

And that too, kek.

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4aaa33 No.18520904

File: 3a61fc042928f70⋯.jpg (113.96 KB,671x449,671:449,TARGET_DESIGNATED.jpg)

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8ca455 No.18520905

File: ce77be45f1d1d5d⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,256x144,16:9,ce77be45f1d1d5d19cdb03787a….mp4)

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fd40b0 No.18520906

File: e9dd7b8d351bc6b⋯.jpeg (86.57 KB,813x787,813:787,FCABD939_0793_403B_A11E_D….jpeg)

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e22428 No.18520907

File: 8c5acb78746b123⋯.jpg (146.94 KB,1440x1440,1:1,another_one.jpg)



naker collecting lb

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8524c7 No.18520908


What happened to Ted Bundy?

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afa21d No.18520909

File: f5a32e657bdb5c8⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,828x523,828:523,301853.jpg)

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96dade No.18520910

File: d7762cf86f58998⋯.gif (936.82 KB,480x270,16:9,Durka.gif)

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4080c6 No.18520911

File: f7111fed19dfceb⋯.jpg (160.21 KB,586x1000,293:500,Plucked_Clean.jpg)


Wifeanon bought ice cream, and I had some before eating my chicken. So my sugar is off, and I'm in a mood.

Also, thanks for noticing!

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7f5945 No.18520912

File: 7ea04ce64bc221b⋯.png (542.02 KB,640x813,640:813,KerryConsistent.PNG)

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ba6b5e No.18520913

File: f7208a137f80077⋯.gif (1.83 MB,200x200,1:1,kek11.gif)


KEK! Saved.

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ad5536 No.18520914

File: 4f54380bd5a9c75⋯.png (879.83 KB,600x980,30:49,Screenshot_2023_03_16_at_2….png)



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559f2a No.18520915

File: 260d3a69c4644b6⋯.jpeg (99.13 KB,1440x1440,1:1,89B22BA9_BB4B_400E_96D5_5….jpeg)

File: d78746245718b0c⋯.jpeg (443.13 KB,1659x1992,553:664,6DFA7232_E89C_4E7A_BEEF_8….jpeg)

We are become Kek, destroyers of narratives, blazing the trail with the leading edge of thought, while awakening the masses as we smite the enemy with our swords of truth in order to expose the evil retards, worshipers of lucifer. All of your base are belong to us.

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a009f2 No.18520917

File: 827fbbe8134987c⋯.jpg (64.5 KB,534x431,534:431,KerryLevay.JPG)

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642dc6 No.18520918


tyvm doge

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d6e08d No.18520919

File: 2b69b49015e7ee7⋯.mp4 (109.08 KB,640x356,160:89,frog_kek.mp4)

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8524c7 No.18520920


Thank you for clarifying, Dr. Phil.

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7f5b3c No.18520921


I saw that today. The Pentagon and all communications have become an embarrassment here and worldwide. How low can they go? Stay tuned.

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8e2ea7 No.18520922

Fresh off their acquisition of the Tranime scalp, the Board Karens now set their sights on the albino cat.

Can anyone stop their march to the sea?


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4aaa33 No.18520923

File: b3058758e41f8cc⋯.jpg (125.05 KB,528x543,176:181,MUST_B_ANTIFA.jpg)

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482a39 No.18520924

File: 09deab8b83c2e80⋯.jpg (75.18 KB,1200x772,300:193,D3Zu_ZkU0AA1BZT.jpg)

File: fa9ee0f8893fde8⋯.jpg (52.42 KB,392x731,392:731,ttKCQ8v.jpg)

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8595c5 No.18520925

File: 597975f1aef571d⋯.png (920.76 KB,944x923,944:923,000.png)

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8524c7 No.18520926


Are you a Germ, perchance?

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7344fe No.18520928


The Potato and his merry band of lackeys will be tried, convicted, and executed by a variety of different methods. I'd be the first to pull the rope, flip the switch, push the plunder, or tap the trigger if I were given such honor.

Picnic baskets at the ready! Gather the whole family for a lesson on what happens to traitors.

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85c0bd No.18520929

File: add3d5e20df985f⋯.png (2.04 MB,1138x1132,569:566,boom.png)

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62c59b No.18520930

File: 07aa28650439e27⋯.png (559.13 KB,873x666,97:74,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d511fc1a2d2fab7⋯.png (607.15 KB,893x642,893:642,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09f92c70ae80e6b⋯.png (515.63 KB,897x640,897:640,ClipboardImage.png)

@KarliBonne · 39m

🚨Hunter Biden admits ties to China


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b3fa37 No.18520931

File: b05b61d59e25f88⋯.png (89.7 KB,831x481,831:481,ClipboardImage.png)



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050128 No.18520932

File: 8753e71176a6b83⋯.jpg (438.96 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230316_200817….jpg)

File: 6d9dfd50558721e⋯.jpg (59.61 KB,286x400,143:200,6a00d83451c04269e202a30d40….jpg)

File: e3b363add98ac3c⋯.png (18.17 KB,236x255,236:255,558d97055908389b77de9c28e1….png)

File: 18956a4d90716ca⋯.jpg (13.2 KB,255x208,255:208,be92269e668dddfc1fecc173f4….jpg)

to keep the normies from tearing the blackhats apart. this one get it.

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85c0bd No.18520933

File: 191853acf5a1d76⋯.png (291.62 KB,442x352,221:176,kek2.png)

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c15e5d No.18520934

File: e8c4d20d740a9bf⋯.jpg (821.65 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,BidenLetEmIn.JPG)

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f0df33 No.18520935

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

Semper Fidelis!!



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037952 No.18520936

File: 60d2123ebfe1c98⋯.jpg (137.48 KB,1029x1029,1:1,D_BHO_obama_princedarkness.jpg)

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8595c5 No.18520937

File: b85d90014807171⋯.jpg (108.13 KB,1080x1133,1080:1133,b85d90014807171a0213abf87a….jpg)


Holy fuck.

Welp, maybe that alien invasion is still on - because the bank failures don't seen to be getting the panic they hoped for…

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b3d484 No.18520938

Are notables the same since about noon today?

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66e5f8 No.18520939

File: ba8877c7c69ae02⋯.png (586.5 KB,750x539,750:539,ClipboardImage.png)

Albany Diocese files for bankruptcy as hundreds of sex abuse suits pile up

The Roman Catholic Diocese in Albany has reportedly filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy to contend with the financial fallout of hundreds of child sexual abuse lawsuits it faces.

“The decision to file was not arrived at easily and I know it may cause pain and suffering, but we, as a Church, can get through this and grow stronger together,” Bishop Edward Scharfenberger announced Wednesday, according to a Times Union report.

The Albany Diocese is the fifth of eight in the Empire State to declare bankruptcy in the wake of a flood of cases filed between 2019 and 2021 during the Child Victims Act window allowing survivors to sue regardless of whether the claims were outside of the statute of limitations.

The bankruptcy move comes after months of negotiations between the church and plaintiffs – whose cases allege the diocese allowed the abuse to occur and then covered it up.

Some of the abuse victims said previous global settlement offers by the diocese were insufficient, and claimed the church continued to block efforts to get information in their cases, the outlet reported.

“It had come to the point where actually our financials were showing that we were going to have a shortfall in our ability to maintain our pension (fund) and also to pay our employees,” Scharfengerger said. “It was now or never, basically.”

Scharfenberger said he believed a global settlement with all of the plaintiffs would have allowed for the most fair outcome, and said the church’s self-insurance funds had been “depleted” after settlements were paid out in dozens of individual cases.

“We don’t have the resources to settle any more,” the cleric said.

Scharfenberger said bankruptcy would ensure all the plaintiffs with open cases would receive compensation.

The bankruptcy case will pause pending lawsuits so the diocese can reorganize and determine the value of its assets.

A group of lawyers representing 190 of the victims in cases against the Albany Diocese have accused the church of understating their assets and filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy as a legal tactic.

The lawyers believe the diocese is worth $600 million, while in the bankruptcy case it claims to only have assets worth between $10 and $50 million, according to the report.


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141f01 No.18520940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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119e52 No.18520941

File: bd50c046e2ee515⋯.png (99.7 KB,616x559,616:559,Screen_Shot_2023_03_16_at_….png)


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e11267 No.18520942


"i did not see this anywhere"

it's been reported on but the pentagon is so out of touch with their doom porn anymore

"alien motherships" are so 1970

we are doing barroons now

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b0eaa3 No.18520943


Imagine getting butt scanned for an ATM withdrawal.

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d1678d No.18520944

File: 26c3540738f73aa⋯.png (3.14 MB,2640x1490,264:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0a201b8d2cba2c⋯.png (668.47 KB,640x800,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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8524c7 No.18520945


The Gatekeeper Pundit sucks maggot balls. fyi

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b76900 No.18520946

File: 1802139110481ba⋯.mp4 (7.41 MB,640x360,16:9,A_Tribe_Called_Red_Electri….mp4)

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54ab4c No.18520947

File: a14916e4d132fc6⋯.png (642.44 KB,693x802,693:802,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b8f14 No.18520948

File: fda5cf9d0ebb3ad⋯.png (904.95 KB,1448x696,181:87,oh_xi_t.png)

>Hunter Biden admits ties to China

Oh, XI-T!


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8b7845 No.18520949

File: 8949af5d2814e50⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


it's a jew world order baybay!

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c15e5d No.18520950

File: f0bb730af337626⋯.jpg (426.7 KB,1080x1322,540:661,BidenOrder.JPG)

File: a0895e3cf82eb74⋯.jpg (240.99 KB,1063x711,1063:711,BidenClearedHow.jpg)

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7344fe No.18520951

File: a4980bf8ef539ea⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,886x476,443:238,a4980bf8ef539ea25ec0bbcd62….mp4)


Another gold star added to their list.


Level up!

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8595c5 No.18520952


this is kek

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e22428 No.18520953

File: 4d267729a4da852⋯.jpg (20.84 KB,403x404,403:404,253681448_178488964451149_….jpg)



>a nigger


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050128 No.18520954


now think about your shit being scanned for meat or liqour

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aa6702 No.18520955

File: 4c604b7009063b8⋯.jpeg (50.92 KB,592x421,592:421,4c604b7009063b8263839ccfc….jpeg)

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ad5536 No.18520956

File: 185007448347bd9⋯.jpg (123.33 KB,1080x786,180:131,FrT8aauWYAEcdi6.jpg)

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9dc1e1 No.18520957

"twitter fueled bank run"

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afa21d No.18520958

File: 74ac2b1a1aca0cf⋯.jpg (655.2 KB,1200x1200,1:1,74ac2b1a1aca0cf7f703f03062….jpg)

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d1678d No.18520959

File: ea0de18af811046⋯.png (83.84 KB,285x225,19:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3fa37 No.18520960

File: c7a49d9d0104851⋯.png (1.94 MB,1500x1001,1500:1001,ClipboardImage.png)


'fresh out of the oven'

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4aaa33 No.18520961

File: fb85749f170ca3e⋯.jpg (125.42 KB,538x560,269:280,BOTTOM_FEEDERS.jpg)

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ba6b5e No.18520962

File: 5616a37273bba63⋯.png (599.04 KB,797x778,797:778,ClipboardImage.png)

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66e5f8 No.18520963

Uranium reported missing by IAEA in Libya ‘recovered’

Renegade military leader Khalifa Haftar’s forces report natural uranium foundafter international nuclear watchdog said 2.3 tonnes was missing.

More than 2 tonnes of natural uranium reported missing by the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog in Libya have been found, according to forces in the war-scarred country’s east.

General Khaled al-Mahjoub, leader of renegade commander Khalifa Haftar’s communications division, said on Thursday that the containers of uranium had been recovered “barely 5km [3 miles]” from where they had been stored in southern Libya.

Al-Mahjoub referred in his statement to 10 missing barrels being found near the border with Chad although a separate video issued by his media unit showed workers counting 18 recovered barrels.

“The situation is under control. The IAEA has been informed,” Mahjoub told AFP news agency, referring to the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Earlier, the nuclear watchdog had said that about 2.3 tonnes of natural uranium had gone missing from a site in Libya that was not under government control, according to reports by news agencies.

The IAEA warned that the missing uranium presented “a radiological risk as well as nuclear security concerns”.

Uranium ore concentrate is considered to emit low levels of radioactivity.

The substance is commonly known as “yellowcake”, a powder consisting of around 80 percent uranium oxide. It is used in the preparation of nuclear fuel for reactors, and can also be enriched for use in nuclear weapons.

Risks from the material are “limited but not negligible,” according to a senior Western diplomat.

“Missing nuclear material is a safeguards and nuclear security concern, especially given the site is not under the control of the regulatory authority in Libya,” the source said.


Mossad replaces CIA as Haftar's handler in Libya


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482a39 No.18520964

File: c7f7e196edf5b7a⋯.jpg (96.78 KB,1024x958,512:479,Lauper.jpg)

File: 8e4914efbd28261⋯.jpg (84.03 KB,634x422,317:211,44743371_0_Senate_Majority….jpg)

File: 4e12ad824945463⋯.jpeg (183.03 KB,1200x900,4:3,FidgFT3WYAADZve.jpeg)

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3c5a41 No.18520965

File: 65afe27c0841e84⋯.png (66.29 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>Hunter Biden admits ties to China

Pawn sacrifice

"and nobody else" hahahahahahahaha

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642dc6 No.18520966


#22714 >>18520637

>>18520715 Kash: itunes just pulled "Justice For All" across their platforms

>>18520722, >>18520800 Special Counsel Jack Smith Expands Witch Hunt, Subpoenas Dozens of Mar-a-Lago Staffers – Including Servers!

>>18520725 @Pfizer Documents Reveal Pharmaceutical Giant Had ‘Evidence’ Suggesting ‘Increased Risk of Myocarditis’ 2022

>>18520735 Fiery Riots Erupt in France After Macron Uses Special Power to Raises Retirement Age without Vote

>>18520744 “Global Challenge” ( @ChallengesFnd), which is now COINCIDENTALLY fully financed by a billionaire named Kristine Person

>>18520786 @NavalInstitute #OTD in 1945, MajGen Harry Schmidt declared that Iwo Jima was secure after 25 days of combat.

>>18520824 Meta claims new AI will help pharmaceutical companies make new drugs

>>18520875 ISIS could hit US, West from Afghanistan in ‘under 6 months’: General/DS fear pron from up hi

>>18520930 Hunter Biden admits ties to China

>>18520939 Albany Diocese files for bankruptcy as hundreds of sex abuse suits pile up

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bdaf43 No.18520967

File: 88e6675baa379d3⋯.jpg (602.36 KB,1800x1080,5:3,BidenSimulator.jpg)

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c70c74 No.18520968


there is nothing sooner than immediately, moran. The fact this is written by an idiot confirms this may be legit.

Good luck w that. One way or another, we need to rid ourselves of useful idiots. This is one way to do it.

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4e8387 No.18520969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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66e5f8 No.18520970

File: 11d0e28864e7c03⋯.png (461.14 KB,720x515,144:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6935866a3de40d2⋯.png (889.46 KB,726x639,242:213,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad5536 No.18520971

File: a032a1fc3fffb73⋯.png (395.26 KB,598x672,299:336,Screenshot_2023_03_16_at_2….png)

File: a05cbab9c9478b3⋯.png (544.93 KB,604x791,604:791,Screenshot_2023_03_16_at_2….png)



BASHAR AL-ASSAD: "A global public consciousness is gradually forming, and after a certain period of time, the United States, which is besieging the world, will find itself besieged and will end up in isolation.

This state which wants to conquer the whole world, will not be able to reap the benefits of the conquest and then the world will change."


Kevork Almassian🇸🇾🇦🇲


"I didn't know anything about him. We started listening to him as a clown. His quotes are like clowning – we liked it in general, the way he behaves like a comedian even in politics. Sometimes we need such clowns to defuse the situation, to make us laugh a little," -Assad on Zelensky


Bashar Al-Based

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8e2ea7 No.18520972


>The fact this is written by an idiot confirms this may be legit.


You're not wrong because of too many such cases in the govt.

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b0eaa3 No.18520973



>meat or liquor

Spectral analysis of the dark objects near Uranus?

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d39ba0 No.18520974


Found the FBI shill ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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b9bd92 No.18520975


this is the old pig that I know and kinda love

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1f335c No.18520976

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FIND OUT YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE? Do you fight? Do you threaten? You say NO, you won't do that? What do you mean and what will you do then?

Don't know about people but anons will simply say: No, not this nigger ain't doing that. I've fallen. into your hands. This anon can't wait.

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202d00 No.18520977

File: 08c725c3a71409e⋯.jpg (29.27 KB,512x512,1:1,Monroe_5000.jpg)


The fake antagonists’ effort spent on anime is a way to slide the bread.

Anime is welcome. In the past, I bowed down to the ISP doing our proxy.

VanWah, They were using a Russian IP service, and anime is illegal in Russia. So we had to remove the anime boards.

Well, we aren’t using VanWah. So there’s nothing wrong with anime. The complainer about it may be from Eastern Europe.

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d011ce No.18520978

File: 33ca5a1523d6639⋯.png (414.12 KB,474x364,237:182,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18519555 pb

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141f01 No.18520979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5ebefb No.18520980

File: 80a401373be95b0⋯.png (241.73 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



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d6e08d No.18520981

File: c72ccddbe4c5f4c⋯.png (280.4 KB,700x466,350:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f5b3c No.18520982

File: 8a69a842b550711⋯.jpg (158.44 KB,723x763,723:763,FrNAnLxaQAAweTH.jpg)

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2e751c No.18520983


Triple 7s of Truth

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66e5f8 No.18520984


Got some instruction from his visit with Putin so it seems

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d3ae67 No.18520985

File: f01a36287c261e7⋯.png (325.71 KB,577x421,577:421,PIG_SUX.png)

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2b8f14 No.18520986

File: b36212fc4960c6e⋯.png (247.87 KB,439x338,439:338,_twitler_jack.png)

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54ab4c No.18520987

File: dc7f1f5db6dfce9⋯.png (604.01 KB,650x763,650:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa6702 No.18520988

File: 80220d2884e9095⋯.png (785.68 KB,960x951,320:317,f8f33505b1d82780c0694a604b….png)

File: f14ebc25140f43e⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB,640x360,16:9,f14ebc25140f43eb7002011a97….mp4)

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202d00 No.18520989

File: b39650e6de1f3c5⋯.jpg (41.08 KB,512x512,1:1,Monroe_1750.jpg)


Don't let them divide you. Keep on digging. Don't stop memeing, and continually be praying.

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4aaa33 No.18520990

File: 25233093f7f2d10⋯.jpg (181.57 KB,786x553,786:553,SHORT_SWARMS.jpg)

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ad5536 No.18520991


When does a bird sing?

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f83295 No.18520992

File: 0aea59264395778⋯.jpg (326.78 KB,1024x640,8:5,pussy_lips_pepe_nightshift.jpg)

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4ef786 No.18520993

File: 17eb610a6deb9c1⋯.png (384.78 KB,709x617,709:617,ClipboardImage.png)

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b63357 No.18520994

File: bd37fcce9370532⋯.png (335.56 KB,736x552,4:3,NM635365346534.png)

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07026c No.18520995


It was barroons into mothership into alligator/flamingo sized asteroids with a circle back to motherships this time with scout vessel flair.

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201acc No.18520996

File: 1e3dacd53c188f3⋯.jpeg (19.37 KB,255x193,255:193,C1C95876_6C16_4C82_8870_B….jpeg)

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4aaa33 No.18520997

File: 834d0bfb9409847⋯.jpg (108.38 KB,617x568,617:568,LEFT_CANT_TAUNT.jpg)

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4ef786 No.18520998


The two men caught spying on President Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate last month have been convicted of wiretapping and sentenced to a 20-year prison term at Camp Blaz, Guam, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

As reported in February, Trump’s Delta Force protection detail caught the suspects sitting in a van with surveillance gear parked across the road from the estate. The duo, later identified as former intelligence assets, claimed to be tourists from New Hampshire on a sightseeing safari through Florida. Delta seized the van and its contents—parabolic microphones, drones, and infrared cameras—and brought the occupants, Eric Scholz, a former FBI special agent who in 2017 resigned from the Bureau following allegations he had planted child pornography on personal computers of Trump supporters, and Ira Hamutal, a former Mossad agent who got fired for flashing his privates at female co-workers, to a JAG processing center in Florida. From there, they were sent to Camp Blaz, which White Hats have nicknamed GITMO 3.0.

On March 9, they pleaded “not guilty” before a U.S. Marine Corps Staff Judge Advocate, claiming their “abductors” had violated their civil and constitutional rights. They stuck to their tourist story, saying they’d been exercising their 1st Amendment rights from a public easement, not private property, when “Trump’s people bum rushed” them and gave them a beatdown.

Per the 1st Amendment, taking photographs and video of things plainly visible in public spaces is a constitutional right—including transportation facilities, private dwellings, the outside of federal buildings, and police and other government officials carrying out their duties. YouTube is replete with “1st Amendment auditors” engaged in this activity.

The suspects told the Staff Judge Advocate they were being detained against their will and were victims of unlawful detainment and kidnapping.

The Staff Judge Advocate said while photography is, in most cases, a protected right, wiretapping, especially in a “two-party” consent state like Florida, is a second-degree felony that carries a 2-20 year sentence.

“And since you were both caught with a parabolic dish jutting out the passenger window, aimed at Mar-a-Lago, it’s beyond reasonable that you were involved in the unlawful interception of communications. We retrieved the audio you both recorded from the vehicle, and while it’s innocuous, it doesn’t excuse your actions, taking into account, how should I put this, your past affiliations,” the Staff Judge Advocate said.

He did, however, offer them an out.

“If you’d be so kind as to reveal who hired you and have supporting evidence, I’d be inclined to exercise some leniency in this matter,” he said.

But Scholz and Hamutal wouldn’t budge.

The Staff Judge Advocate expressed disappointment in their decision and imposed the maximum sentence—20 years imprisonment.

It should be noted that what transpired at Camp Blaz differs sharply from how White Hats have prosecuted Deep Staters at Guantanamo Bay. At Camp Blaz, there was no panel of officers to decide the defendants’ fates; the Staff Judge Advocate had sole discretion.

Our source said the Staff Judge Advocate was merciful, for he could have charged the pair under the Espionage Act of 1917—which legal scholars say is archaic and overly punitive—and sentenced them to 30 years or death.


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2e751c No.18520999


Many Such Cases

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ad5536 No.18521000

File: 91f252aa2ea2ff7⋯.jpg (153.07 KB,976x1461,976:1461,FrIrB8CWcAE_UMo.jpg)

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85c0bd No.18521001

File: 0351f118c023d09⋯.png (1.23 MB,884x918,26:27,sweet.png)


found the schizo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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2d20d4 No.18521002

File: b0949af94d2bf1e⋯.png (4.91 KB,255x159,85:53,f013947ad3e428f9dc95007b2a….png)

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fbeef2 No.18521003

File: 5958fbe66effb5f⋯.png (261.75 KB,567x440,567:440,how_dare_you.png)

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4ef786 No.18521004

File: 1caa342db665b0f⋯.png (328.76 KB,703x845,703:845,ClipboardImage.png)

United States Navy JAG investigators on Wednesday arrested disgraced Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on charges of treason, JAG sources told Real Raw News. They have also detained Lightfoot’s wife, Amy Eshleman, as an accessory to crimes Lightfoot committed before and throughout the Covid-19 Plandemic.

White Hats, our source said, have long looked for an opening to grab Lightfoot, but he, when not in public surrounded by an entourage of security personnel, lived in an impregnable safe room—a fortified room that is installed in a private residence or business to provide a safe shelter, or hiding place, for the inhabitants in the event of a break-in, home invasion, tornado, terror attack, or other threat–inside his brownstone on the northwest side of Chicago.

When Lightfoot was disgracefully eliminated from Chicago’s mayoral race earlier this month, his security detail seemed to evaporate, leaving him exposed. The Deep State, our source said, likely defunded Lightfoot following his abysmal performance at the polls. Lightfoot’s popularity among Chicagoans waned during the Plandemic as crime spiked and looting and mayhem ran rampant, further imperiling a city infamous for soaring murder and other violent crime rates. It’s unclear whether the Deep State orchestrated Lightfoot’s demise—it has a history of throwing its own under the bus once their usefulness expires.

According to JAG sources, Lightfoot eventually received payments exceeding $10m in exchange for issuing draconian stay-at-home orders, forbidding travel, and criminalizing mask mandates, while he eschewed his own guidance—laws for thee, but not for me—and appeared in public maskless to celebrate Joseph R. Biden’s stolen victory over President Donald J. Trump. Lightfoot instructed law enforcement to fine and even incarcerate non-mask-wearing Covid deniers while looting, shootings, and arson plagued the besieged city. She went as far as to “cancel” Thanksgiving and Christmas, ordering police to find and arrest persons enjoying the holidays with “family members you don’t live with.”

The payouts Lightfoot received, our source said, arrrived in March 2021, and came from the criminal regime’s Department of Health and Human Services and were approved by agency honcho Xavier Becerra, who remains on the White Hats “most wanted” list.

“We have financial records and communications proving beyond doubt that Lori Lightfoot accepted bribes to endanger a city already in a massive state of decay. He is guilty of dereliction of duty and treason against the United States of America. Vice Adm. Crandall talked to Gen. Eric Smith on how best to catch Lightfoot, and since she was considered a relatively minimal risk target, given she no longer had Deep State protection, they decided JAG would carry out the arrest.”

On Wednesday morning, JAG investigators encircled Lightfoot’s car after he and Eshleman had entered it after emerging from a Starbucks in the northwest suburb of Barrington. Lightfoot reportedly resisted arrest, and the ensuing struggle caused his sweatpants to slide over his hips, revealing male genitalia. Investigators were forced to use tasers to subdue the duo, who had suddenly turned on each other, with each accusing the other of “selling out.”

“That Lightfoot’s a dude is no surprise,” our source said. “I believe we have sufficient evidence to convict Lightfoot. Eshleman’s status is up in the air, but we have proof she knew about Lightfoot’s crimes,” our source said.

Edit: We have updated the article to reflect exactly when Lightfoot received payouts from the regime.


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5050aa No.18521005


Truth Social in turn should deplatform the IPhone app portion of the site and tell it's users to sell their IPhones and stop buying Apple products.

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642dc6 No.18521006


thanks for explaining and chiming in

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66e5f8 No.18521007

File: edbbed7fed259b7⋯.png (785.32 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-Silicon Valley Bank CEO Greg Becker jets to Hawaii after collapse

The former CEO of Silicon Valley Bank who sat at the helm of the financial intuition when it collapsed was spotted sauntering in Hawaii Wednesday — as his former colleagues scramble to pick up the pieces.

Greg Becker and wife Marilyn Bautista fled to their $3.1 million Maui townhouse just days after Becker, who was CEO of SVB since 2011, left the firm, photos taken by the Daily Mail show.

Despite his change in employment status, Becker seemed unconcerned with cash as the couple enjoyed a chauffeur-driven limo ride to San Francisco Airport Monday and first-class tickets to their island paradise, the outlet reported.

The former boss sported shorts and flip-flops on a stroll through Lahaina, where his custom-designed two-story home lies within a gated community outfitted with a tennis court, three surf breaks, three swimming pools and a clubhouse.

Becker did hide in the car at one point while Bautista picked up their lunch from Cheeseburger in Paradise.

Becker has fallen under intense criticism for the way he handled the bank’s demise and is even under investigation by the Justice Department for selling stocks just before SVB went under.

The ex-CEO cashed in 12,500 shares for nearly $3.5 million just two weeks before the firm went under.

He and CFO Daniel Beck are also being sued by SVB shareholders for allegedly concealing the fact that rising interest rates left the firm “particularly susceptible” to a bank run.

SVB’s collapse last week sent widespread panic that other banks could follow suit.

On Thursday, Goldman Sachs raised its probability of the US economy entering a recession in the next 12 months by 10 percentage points to 35%, citing the stress on small banks.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, however, reassured lawmakers that the US banking system is in stable condition.

“I can reassure the members of the Committee that our banking system remains sound, and that Americans can feel confident that their deposits will be there when they need them,” Yellen said Thursday.


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141f01 No.18521008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3c5a41 No.18521009

File: d74bf61746eba5b⋯.png (90.68 KB,206x255,206:255,ClipboardImage.png)


He's right you know

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4aaa33 No.18521010

File: 8684804bfce935e⋯.jpg (58.48 KB,606x549,202:183,STOLEN_PRAYER.jpg)

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201acc No.18521011

File: d4eaaecdc155811⋯.png (45.26 KB,255x143,255:143,F3E85877_366B_4720_834B_40….png)

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2b8f14 No.18521012

File: 86c03b02aa4f804⋯.png (1.06 MB,1440x796,360:199,LIT_TWIT.png)

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5ebefb No.18521013


and nothing will happen…as usual

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545d51 No.18521014



Hello Tranime

not keeping a low profile are you?

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050128 No.18521015

File: eba0bafe0ca4750⋯.jpeg (513.97 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,FrWPdn8WAAAi8Ng.jpeg)

File: cc86b14a8d06b0a⋯.jpeg (369.36 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,FrWP7lTWYAAo4y3.jpeg)

File: 2f4ba6d75784533⋯.mp4 (11.56 MB,640x360,16:9,2f4ba6d7578453343b3fd2134f….mp4)


did (you) spot the orca comms today greta

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037952 No.18521016

File: 8780bcafeedd608⋯.jpg (12.24 KB,178x255,178:255,D_BHO_Obama_Michelle_Mosco….jpg)

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b3fa37 No.18521017

File: ce770492194b5db⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB,640x848,40:53,bidancreep.MP4)

File: 27ddcc41aa3c3b6⋯.png (409.66 KB,456x328,57:41,dqsh2.PNG)

File: b0490d3c56e82c9⋯.png (707.63 KB,660x580,33:29,dqsh5.PNG)


'no, society has not collapsed yet'

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4ef786 No.18521018

File: 7efbabe34d3e5e9⋯.jpg (72.29 KB,500x669,500:669,baron_of_kek.jpg)

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0339fb No.18521019

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

File: 2ca59e8b7ae93e8⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,720x400,9:5,8kun2.mp4)



Anons, relying on corrupt politicians or virtue signalling follow the rules talking heads who write strongly worded letters and shout at the criminals in front of t.v screens for show will not achieve anything at all.

There are crimes against humnity in plain sight by the big pharma cartels, there is money laundering banks being bailed out which have used crypto to launder money being opened and then bailed out with tax payer money.

There are schools and teachers unions going after the children in plain sight.

There are police who are looking the other way or involved in crimes getting away with murder, child molesters, criminals, rapists, prisons being emptied, borders open and the only rules which are being enforced are for the law abiding citizen.

Do you think that this will last for another 2 years before anything is going to be done.

in the mean time they are closing the digital cage grid around those masses that are left.

better wake up and walk away from this shit show.

You want to do something. violence is not the way, too many shouting for calm and we will have our time.



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b76900 No.18521020

File: 0b7a52d570676a2⋯.jpg (544.19 KB,500x709,500:709,skyking2.jpg)

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aa6702 No.18521021

File: 4832ab348947db7⋯.jpg (111.6 KB,718x960,359:480,3b44f849040d07daf8a4da6d48….jpg)

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afa21d No.18521022

File: 6f95ffd6da361cb⋯.jpg (93.63 KB,1280x767,1280:767,large_51_.jpg)


Negative vibing shills have no power here.

Even tho they try each day at USA prime time

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2d20d4 No.18521023

File: 0c1eef5bd541936⋯.jpeg (51.11 KB,750x471,250:157,0c1eef5bd541936ba55d19de1….jpeg)

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66e5f8 No.18521024

File: 5fb966ede20f784⋯.png (358.85 KB,700x371,100:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d3d58695b13868⋯.png (393.3 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e838a95a9e0f76⋯.png (198.5 KB,670x809,670:809,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9de9eed654ad36c⋯.png (207.82 KB,687x893,687:893,ClipboardImage.png)

US Government Releases Censored Documents Detailing Fluoride’s Impact on Childhood IQ

The U.S. government has been forced to release a controversial draft review that confirms previous studies which found exposure to fluoride at high levels can reduce IQ in children.

The U.S. National Toxicology Program has released a long-delayed controversial review of the science behind claims that fluoride reduces IQ in children. The NTP review from May 2022 confirms the findings of two earlier drafts from 2019 and 2020 which concluded that prenatal and early life exposure to fluoride can reduce IQ.

The NTP review was made public on Wednesday per an agreement between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), as part of an ongoing lawsuit under the Toxic Substances Control Act. The FAN and plaintiffs are attempting to prove that fluoride is a neurotoxin and should be regulated or banned under the Toxic Substances Control Act.

The NTP review was released with a table of contents detailing the more than 1500 pages of documents. Other documents include comments from external peer-reviewers and internal departments within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as well as the NTP scientists responses.

The summary of the May 2022 version of the NTP monograph states that,

“this review finds, with moderate confidence, that higher fluoride exposure is consistently associated with lower IQ in children. More studies are needed to fully understand the potential for lower fluoride exposure to affect children’s IQ.”

Although the release of the NTP review is a positive development for the Fluoride Action Network and plaintiffs, FAN told The Last American Vagabond, “we have very little confidence NTP will ever officially release the monograph as a final report. HHS has now taken over the process, and controls the show.”

The release of the internal documents offers a rare window into deliberations which take place behind the closed doors of the U.S. government’s scientific community. These discussions highlight how the NTP scientists have consistently defended their findings while also seeking to address the concerns of the various agencies which have reviewed their work multiple times.


Fluoride: Assessment for Developmental Neurotoxicity


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8e2ea7 No.18521025


>BO Flint

Upstanding concerned anons have spoken - anime is shilly.

Trainme has been properly muzzled.

Move along now nothing to see here.

>Site Owner Jim

All anime haterz are shills.

Post all the anime you want.

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85c0bd No.18521026


they're not letting tubb (the anime baker) be himself when he bakes and i think it's sad.

he's only allowed to post one anime drawing when he bakes

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fadfaf No.18521027


did you really mean sweaty or were you trying to be gay and say sweety?

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e826ae No.18521028

File: 3038574855b4f48⋯.jpg (52.88 KB,850x494,425:247,dcarfearqto.jpg)

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050128 No.18521029

File: 45ef40998a32ace⋯.jpg (439.97 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230316_123550….jpg)

File: a6680ad4893140d⋯.jpeg (445.38 KB,1847x1231,1847:1231,FrWPfkWWwAEIcd7.jpeg)

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dd54d2 No.18521030


Last night the BO said that the reason this board exists is to, "…stop child exploitation," and that anime images are exploitative of children and therefore not in keeping with the "Mission" of QR

This was in response to the shill whining about how freedom of speech harms the childrens.

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aa6702 No.18521031

File: b96c5833ec2e3c3⋯.jpg (131.47 KB,960x685,192:137,b96c5833ec2e3c3c1c79cab4ee….jpg)

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54ab4c No.18521032

File: 80c56828a2dfd64⋯.png (614.8 KB,631x819,631:819,ClipboardImage.png)

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07026c No.18521033

File: cccda661337144c⋯.jpeg (30.2 KB,194x255,194:255,4631E94C_2ECA_49D8_9041_2….jpeg)


Well said!

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85c0bd No.18521034


nice try. he's not me

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c05eb9 No.18521035


what happened to Al Bundy?

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4aaa33 No.18521036

File: bb95b87837d5432⋯.jpg (114.08 KB,500x662,250:331,UNCLE_PIG.jpg)

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3a8aff No.18521037

File: 919cb762aaa6cd2⋯.gif (10.3 MB,480x366,80:61,YES_YES_.gif)


>under arrest by MPs tomorrow.

warez dat? sauce?

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642dc6 No.18521038

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fadfaf No.18521039


Well that enlightened noone, so try and just stfu when you have nothing relevant to add.

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201acc No.18521040

File: 60818039d157ed7⋯.png (109.52 KB,255x255,1:1,48A36909_78B4_46E8_B251_20….png)

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4aaa33 No.18521041

File: 62aceebb7e02ec7⋯.jpg (148 KB,587x583,587:583,GREEN_LIGHT.jpg)

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37bf7e No.18521042


>>Site Owner Jim


site owner/admin JIM

he used to run full hard core porno servers for the japanese market

there was also some question about Jim's servers hosting Child Porn

This is FACT


Jim now states he loves Anime


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b3fa37 No.18521043

File: 02456b8ceec8d79⋯.png (1.62 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

19-Year-Old National Guard Soldier Dies Suddenly After Completing a Two-Mile Run Fitness Test


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2d20d4 No.18521044

File: 00ebe2a26a9fef5⋯.png (356.38 KB,702x395,702:395,00ebe2a26a9fef547e5c3f50e6….png)

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341226 No.18521045


Term limits would be a start

If a President can only have 2

Then the same should apply for the House and Senate

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037952 No.18521046

File: 3d07406caa4ad74⋯.jpg (194.72 KB,1280x992,40:31,WW1_Got_a_light_brother_2.JPG)

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4aaa33 No.18521047

File: 227771661a23d0d⋯.jpg (150.83 KB,666x483,222:161,TING.jpg)

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eeb667 No.18521048

File: 0f47da5a8beef7b⋯.png (68.94 KB,975x700,39:28,chimpandfrogfun.png)

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ba6b5e No.18521049

File: 1d7ae01dfbd3f17⋯.jpeg (44.45 KB,684x684,1:1,1d7ae01dfbd3f17c31bf4e8a2….jpeg)


Quit your bitching, faggot.

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83bbc4 No.18521050

File: 3757084f61652b0⋯.png (966.29 KB,683x752,683:752,creed.png)

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8e2ea7 No.18521051



But, the explanation you gave a TY to runs counter to what BO did last night.

I prefer mixed metaphors to mixed admin-level messaging.

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7f5b3c No.18521052


> "A global public consciousness is gradually forming, and after a certain period of time, the United States, which is besieging the world, will find itself besieged and will end up in isolation.


Anyone with a brain can sense what he said is true. We are already there. The world knows about JFK, war, 9-11, and 2020 was a coup. More awake than the people living here. The world sees how corrupt DC has become. The more pressure put on DC criminals the closer we get to WWIII.

Kind of like the FED trying to fight inflation by raising interest rates. The more they do it the closer to collapse.

No way out but the truth now.

Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum is a Latin legal phrase, meaning "Let justice be done though the heavens fall."

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aa6702 No.18521053

File: f602cdc9d071ebc⋯.jpeg (97.36 KB,500x629,500:629,7efccb31c3a59454f98a67bc6….jpeg)

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d70774 No.18521054

File: 777ea838e669969⋯.gif (259.35 KB,817x653,817:653,777ea838e669969c68d791e6e4….gif)


I mean, how does one qualify a user of the site? Someone who has lurked more than "5 minutes?" Or do we need to have posted … since when?

Also, an administration (and entire bureaucratic complex) that operates outside the bounds of the Constitution is not, by definition, our government. Any claims it is a legitimate authority come purely from the threat of tyranny, and that ultimately is an unsustainable state. How many dollars do you have to pay agents to buy a dollar of food? A curious question that will become increasingly relevant as Atlas doesn't shrug, but lets the fat drop.

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0339fb No.18521055

File: 8e6496c7e168efb⋯.png (160.35 KB,550x289,550:289,ClipboardImage.png)


tanks for the heads up.

looking forward to it.

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e9e845 No.18521056


>Can anyone stop their march to the sea?

Mr. Attenborough? I really admire your work…kek.

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e9d3e5 No.18521057


She, or rather It, seems nice.

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cae4b8 No.18521058

File: 165da558759eeec⋯.png (212.04 KB,2048x1536,4:3,A4E06CC4_23D2_4903_8779_DA….png)


>Two more weeks!

Interdasting. Anon posted this earlier today. Can confirm it’s there. Seems to be a countdown. Pic related.


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3042ce No.18521059


>This was in response to the shill whining about how freedom of speech harms the childrens.

Was in response to anons not being able to block tranime "baker" spamming bread w anime whilst being argumentative w anons.

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d013de No.18521060

File: 7631cfa276c7970⋯.jpg (25.74 KB,551x453,551:453,7es9by.jpg)

File: 03a41f534bf14ac⋯.png (250.09 KB,441x362,441:362,sa.PNG)

File: e3d75f7e2633c9f⋯.png (1.02 MB,1135x510,227:102,edsd.PNG)

what is this?

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fa5f24 No.18521061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Got to have the mothership

They need to get their funk strait

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0f1e59 No.18521062


"Rod Rosenstein's crew"


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3eb024 No.18521063

File: ac6d932d817ec09⋯.mp4 (14.78 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ac6d932d817ec09b69d712be21….mp4)

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ad5536 No.18521064

File: 722acfdaca42776⋯.png (330.21 KB,598x585,46:45,Screenshot_2023_03_16_at_2….png)

File: d280440881c3a52⋯.jpg (95.66 KB,800x456,100:57,2017_02_07_9_28_17.jpg)

File: 56a9e201aa455a2⋯.png (4.11 KB,213x114,71:38,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online


Virgin Orbit will 'PAUSE' all operations from today: Richard Branson's firm furloughs staff





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8b7845 No.18521065

File: ee31686a3ece33c⋯.png (472.9 KB,977x789,977:789,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f335c No.18521066



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4aaa33 No.18521067

File: 98d2be51e29c6c9⋯.jpg (173.94 KB,834x532,417:266,ILLUMINATION_ROUND.jpg)

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83bbc4 No.18521068

File: 077c869334eb8a4⋯.jpg (47.11 KB,534x467,534:467,4lf874.jpg)

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fadfaf No.18521069

File: 4b5d177988e7ebe⋯.png (221.54 KB,800x464,50:29,Elon.png)

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afa21d No.18521070

File: 66f36a0fdcf3d16⋯.jpg (138.09 KB,1280x960,4:3,large_48_.jpg)

Don't let AI fool you, these are not real boobs

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17c44b No.18521071


Silhouette of a tree branch with leaves.

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fc589c No.18521072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons, dis da precipice?

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d39ba0 No.18521073


No, we need to keep Elon. Elon is a good man, and our only hope to get out of this place.

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208dcb No.18521074



Um no. Nice try tho

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fbeef2 No.18521075

File: 80b88b06d29f80b⋯.png (577.5 KB,802x483,802:483,ClipboardImage.png)

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201acc No.18521076

File: 3fabe8d5af69eb7⋯.png (55.69 KB,254x144,127:72,F34E14C0_D384_43F7_AE33_6B….png)

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5050aa No.18521077


>The case rests on the premise that the money transfer may constitute an illegal campaign contribution

This would be the only case in history where campaign contributions (money) went from a political candidate to another entity thereby making the political candidate poorer. This is a witch hunt used as a form of defamation of character in order to interfere with our election for political purposes.

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e30905 No.18521078


>Pig is the positive vibe guy

verve is good

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3a8aff No.18521079

File: e18b7f5b3461d4f⋯.jpeg (38.62 KB,255x255,1:1,QArmy.jpeg)


And you have Q.

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dd54d2 No.18521080


I get it anon.

If we ban animebaker, the FED will shut down.

Every time we post about a pedo being arrested, another JFK document gets declassed.

If we completely BAN cartoons, which we all know are directed at exploiting children, then we could possibly save humanity from Satan.

As far as the spam issue goes, ya know anon, ya just gotta ban, ban, ban, until the world is pleasing in your eyes.

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afa21d No.18521081

File: b6a8d0c20be1eab⋯.png (164.85 KB,409x436,409:436,b6a8d0c20be1eab56ec54b71e1….png)

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7f5b3c No.18521082

File: 30e927380f425ab⋯.jpg (101.61 KB,540x720,3:4,ccb19d64aefa8d6b0549ba8e73….jpg)

File: 3a58b8488b87962⋯.jpg (599.53 KB,1200x675,16:9,WhittemoreGrave.jpg)


Welcome to Charleston Boston.


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ba6b5e No.18521083

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)


Some have said it's a bit above average to be quite honest.

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4080c6 No.18521084

File: 3840f58fcdef8cf⋯.jpeg (4.51 MB,4002x2741,4002:2741,Gerard_David_Altarpiece_o….jpeg)


> Cameo from JW

> The slides are meant to divide us

> Pray moar

You are spot-on about the slides, non-anon. I'll keep-up with the praying, but I don't know how good I am at meming.

TY, fren. Best G-9 evah!

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1f335c No.18521085



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62c59b No.18521086

File: 5ab1d69a3dacca8⋯.png (93.66 KB,719x311,719:311,ClipboardImage.png)


>US Government Releases Censored Documents Detailing Fluoride’s Impact on Childhood IQ

On March 15, 2023, the NTP added to this webpage the documents provided to the NTP BSC and working group for review including:

The BSC Working Group is expected to report its evaluation to the BSC at a public meeting on May 4, 2023. In turn, the BSC will make a recommendation to Dr. Woychik, and he will make the decision about publication and dissemination of the NTP Fluoride Monograph and submission of the meta-analysis manuscript to a journal.

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e11267 No.18521088


yellen says the banks are fine and your money is safe

cramer says stocks are fine and buy the dip

joe says mumblefuckingsniff

americans say

grab the kids marge and head for the bunker

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341226 No.18521089


You've got a real type of thing goin' down, gettin' down

There's a whole lot of rhythm goin' 'round

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aa6702 No.18521090

File: 2130112d95c0c2c⋯.png (46.73 KB,865x567,865:567,vos.png)

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da58e2 No.18521091

File: ef4a4f7c57d8616⋯.jpg (83.75 KB,689x918,689:918,766_1000.jpg)


Here you go

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38df2b No.18521092

File: b4b9cdb9dfd0b9e⋯.png (183.42 KB,598x513,598:513,ClipboardImage.png)



Thank you Bongo for yapping.

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4aaa33 No.18521093

File: b5bd05478e8a7e9⋯.jpg (62.61 KB,570x566,285:283,MAMOUFLAGE.jpg)

File: 94bfec4fc2f7a36⋯.jpg (60.12 KB,571x565,571:565,GRAMAUFLAGE.jpg)

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d011ce No.18521094

File: bf87f4cf172e1b6⋯.png (1.03 MB,1261x695,1261:695,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e2a3f No.18521095

File: d40cb1a281d92e0⋯.png (877.16 KB,985x657,985:657,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Awards Advance 3D Printing, Quantum Tech for Climate Research

Mar 16, 2023

New technology is a key to helping NASA advance its long-term exploration goals for the benefit of all. To support its effort, the agency announced Thursday it will create two new institutes to develop technology in critical areas for engineering and climate research.

Two new Space Technology Research Institutes (STRIs) will leverage teams led by U.S. universities to create multidisciplinary research and technology development programs critical to NASA's future. By bringing together science, engineering, and other disciplines from universities, industry, and non-profits, the institutes aim to impact future aerospace capabilities through investments in early-stage technology.

One of the research institutes will focus on quantum sensing technology in support of climate research. The other will work to improve understanding and help enable rapid certification of metal parts created using advanced manufacturing techniques.

"We're thrilled to draw on the expertise of these multi-university teams to create technology for some of our most pressing needs," said Jim Reuter, associate administrator for the agency’s Space Technology Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Their work will enable next-generation science for studying our home planet and broaden the use of 3D-printed metal parts for spaceflight with state-of-the-art modeling."

Each institute will receive up to $15 million over five years.

Quantum Pathways Institute

The University of Texas at Austin will lead the Quantum Pathways Institute, focused on advancing quantum sensing technology for next-generation Earth science applications. Such technology would enable new understanding of our planet and the effects of climate change.

Quantum sensors use quantum physics principles to potentially collect more precise data and enable unprecedented science measurements. These sensors could be particularly useful for satellites in orbit around Earth to collect mass change data – a type of measurement that can tell scientists about how ice, oceans, and land water are moving and changing. Though the basic physics and technology for quantum sensors have been proven in concept, work is required to develop quantum sensors at the precisions necessary for next-generation science needs during spaceflight missions.


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0e2a3f No.18521096


"Quantum sensing methods have shown a great deal of promise in computing, communications, and now for Earth science remote sensing applications," said Dr. Srinivas Bettadpur, principal investigator for the institute and professor of aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics at the University of Texas at Austin. "Our intent is to advance this technology and get it ready for space as soon as we can."

The institute will work to further advance the physics underlying quantum sensors, design how these sensors could be built for space missions and understand how mission design and systems engineering would need to adapt to accommodate this new technology.

Partners on the institute include University of Colorado Boulder; University of California, Santa Barbara; California Institute of Technology; and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Institute for Model-Based Qualification & Certification of Additive Manufacturing (IMQCAM)

Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh will lead Institute for Model-based Qualification & Certification of Additive Manufacturing (IMQCAM) aiming to improve computer models of 3D-printed – also called additively manufactured – metal parts and expand their utility in spaceflight applications. The institute will be co-led by Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

Metal parts 3D-printed are made from powdered metals, which are melted in specific ways and shaped into useful parts. Such parts could be useful for things like rocket engines – giving more flexibility to create new parts when designs change – or as part of a human outpost on the Moon, where bringing pre-fabricated parts would be expensive and limiting. However, efficient certification and use of such parts requires high-accuracy predictions of their characteristics.

"The internal structure of this type of part is much different than what's produced by any other method," said Tony Rollett, principal investigator for the institute and US Steel professor of metallurgical engineering and materials science at Carnegie Mellon University. "The institute will focus on creating the models NASA and others in industry would need to use these parts on a daily basis."

Detailed computer models, known as digital twins, will allow engineers to understand the parts' capabilities and limitations – such as how much stress the parts can take before breaking. Such models will provide the predictability of part properties based on their processing that is key for certifying the parts for use. The institute will develop digital twins for 3D-printed parts made from spaceflight materials that are commonly used for 3D printing, as well as evaluating and modeling new materials.

Somnath Ghosh, the Michael G. Callas professor in civil and systems engineering at Johns Hopkins University’s Whiting School of Engineering, will serve as the co-principal investigator and will co-direct the institute, along with Rollett. Additional partners on the institute include Vanderbilt University, University of Texas at San Antonio, University of Virginia, Case Western Reserve University, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Southwest Research Institute, and Pratt & Whitney.



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da58e2 No.18521097

File: b6c6b0db73bf089⋯.jpeg (110.35 KB,1080x1091,1080:1091,1553704436.jpeg)

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3042ce No.18521098


>As far as the spam issue goes, ya know anon, ya just gotta ban, ban, ban, until the world is pleasing in your eyes.

Tranime was said to not bake if it wanted to post garbage that anons might choose to filter.

That's it and that's all.

Don't reply back.

Sliding es no bueno.

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9d94f3 No.18521099


pig that was funny.

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38df2b No.18521100

File: cef8041e1d337a1⋯.gif (1.13 MB,296x292,74:73,middle_finger_skipping.gif)


God forbid the peasants have their own ideas.


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2d20d4 No.18521101

File: 8111551d09e7c72⋯.jpeg (41.87 KB,570x587,570:587,8111551d09e7c726a62d7d9dd….jpeg)


jim rickards is pretty good on twitter imo. not familiar w/ the youtuber interviewing him and not listening.

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d013de No.18521102

File: 7264a8297af81e1⋯.png (606.29 KB,945x461,945:461,stage_set.PNG)

File: e1cbbdb72b3b9c3⋯.png (488.76 KB,825x832,825:832,saz.PNG)


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b9bd92 No.18521103


CW vets did not fire AP sabot rounds

perhaps pig should reference "canister" shot instead.

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aa6702 No.18521104

File: 1bb16935282589c⋯.png (137.78 KB,335x285,67:57,d5ca7a5c1781e2b5fab325ad0b….png)

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852489 No.18521105

I miss Blondie

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0f1e59 No.18521106

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dd54d2 No.18521107


So, in addition to a new rule specifically for Animebaker, I also have a new rule from you, that I can't reply to you.

You must be really proud of yourself.

How did you manage to get your head so far up your ass?

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fa5f24 No.18521108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ladders And snakes

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b57e33 No.18521109

File: c920fc32cfeb47d⋯.png (541.79 KB,468x480,39:40,potus_fast_trial.png)

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3e69ff No.18521110


is ending corruption really the collapse of society? huh

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201acc No.18521111

File: ace2b210a18d54c⋯.png (584.76 KB,720x469,720:469,23FEDBC2_1048_4073_A776_1D….png)


it’s why we can’t have nice things…

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e30905 No.18521112

File: a9b2649e2f17524⋯.mp4 (14.43 MB,676x480,169:120,Final_judgement_read_at_Nu….mp4)

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aa6702 No.18521113

File: 9898902d5aff9cf⋯.png (267.32 KB,700x400,7:4,1659344170144038.png)

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e22428 No.18521114

File: 95a354a42f0ddb5⋯.jpeg (437.73 KB,2048x3072,2:3,2930aa12_824c_4ac1_b10e_2….jpeg)

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da58e2 No.18521115

File: 16d71bcd93b0ef5⋯.jpg (21.26 KB,300x300,1:1,p4161_i_v8_ac.jpg)


>I miss Blondie

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b3fa37 No.18521116

File: 1d79421d2891c57⋯.jpg (37.98 KB,605x373,605:373,toroids.jpg)

'they won't be able to walk down the street' -> the ability to see the soul of people, or their lack thereof.

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d39ba0 No.18521117



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4aaa33 No.18521118

File: 255ef434d7da59c⋯.jpg (143.46 KB,837x552,279:184,LOVE_AMERICA.jpg)

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07026c No.18521119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you find the Earth boring,

Just the same old same thing,

Come on, sign up

To Outer Spaceways, Incorporated

“We don’t really have salaries in our dimension. We creators don’t receive anything for our work.”

Sun Ra

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0f1e59 No.18521120


sounds reasonable.

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b57e33 No.18521121

File: 4d50bf557e7de54⋯.png (61.42 KB,334x480,167:240,66_NCSWIC.png)

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ad5536 No.18521122

File: 284b65a95fc3afe⋯.png (67.4 KB,235x214,235:214,ClipboardImage.png)


Today I went to see my young children play sports. The youngest told me that he wanted to buy a 3D printer, and to get money he is selling action figures that he creates and makes himself.

Today was a good day.

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d39ba0 No.18521123


Blondie says HI. She misses you too.

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2d20d4 No.18521124


saved for later - thanks

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7f5b3c No.18521125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Poor little Cabal boy. No one coming to save him? All the money drying up? Where's he gonna go now. He got launched in the 1960's now crashing in the 2020's. See how long it takes when the wrong people get control? Berlin Wall people say likewise.

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afa21d No.18521126

File: 4b7d41398b2c021⋯.mp4 (11.55 MB,576x1024,9:16,large_1_.mp4)


Quad bullets, check'em

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da58e2 No.18521127

File: be137986f5b12a0⋯.jpg (334.05 KB,880x1174,440:587,20230215_143614.jpg)



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642dc6 No.18521128


you gotz lb notes for me?

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7344fe No.18521129


Hol'up hol'up hol'up, ISIS is U.S. deepstate terrorist army. So this cat is saying that the deepstate will be ready with a false flag event on innocent civilians in 6 months? Supplied by all the weaponry left in Afghanistan by Potato, Miley, and Darth Invader? Now I have to ask, what does the deepstate see in September, at the earliest, that would require a FF operation? Utilizing C_A/State DEPT ISIS tier terrorism units. Any drop guru know of big deltas in that timeframe?

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852489 No.18521130



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dd54d2 No.18521131

File: 40b4c6e70891721⋯.jpg (78.84 KB,539x617,539:617,Screenshot_2023_03_16_1949….jpg)

Donald J. Trump


For the purpose of creating conflict and confusion, some in the Fake News Media are saying that it is the Governors decision to open up the states, not that of the President of the United States & the Federal Government. Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect….

9:53 AM · Apr 13, 2020

Donald J. Trump


….It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons. With that being said, the Administration and I are working closely with the Governors, and this will continue. A decision by me, in conjunction with the Governors and input from others, will be made shortly!

9:53 AM · Apr 13, 2020




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d013de No.18521132


Need to see their aura color

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9d94f3 No.18521133


that is a damn good idea. Good for you seriously, sounds like a lot of fun to do all the character designs and stuff.

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9d3ede No.18521134

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here you go anon. Trump new policy!

Agenda47: Preventing World War III


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a98453 No.18521135


>anime is illegal in Russia

Based Russia!

Putin does not support Pedo Anime

Good for him

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c05d66 No.18521136

File: 59a5aaf78ea6017⋯.png (968.97 KB,680x666,340:333,MI_AG_dana_nessel_alien_pr….png)

File: f7023644794b716⋯.jpg (81.91 KB,750x689,750:689,obama_kill_drone.jpg)

So it's called a "predator" drone eh.

Does it have the high cheek bones?

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d013de No.18521137


This first arrest…

They are setting the stage

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8b7845 No.18521138

>torturing prisoners of war to get forced answers that you want

because it worked so fucking well against the ragheads in iraq

goddamn idiots

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54ab4c No.18521139

File: 36328319ff05ce5⋯.png (1 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)


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852489 No.18521140


I member <3

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e22428 No.18521141




LAST BREAD Notables Not endorsements


>>18519981 Ex-Bush Spox Ari Fleischer Drops Hammer: ‘What Has Joe Biden Touched That He Hasn’t Bungled?’

>>18519982 UPDATE: Contracts Released For CDC Purchasing Of Phone Data To Track Americans’ Compliance With COVID Lockdowns

>>18519986 BNSF train derails on Swinomish Reservation in ANACORTES, Wash

>>18519987 Big Banks Agree To Historic $30 Billion Unsecured Deposit Injection In First Republic Bank

>>18519991 Train Derails In Glendale, Kentucky

>>18520020 Border Patrol Chief Testifies Border Is Not Secure, Wall Needed

>>18520023 Firefighters battle large warehouse fire at Chipping Norton in Sydney's south west

>>18520024, >>18520040 Croatia: Today we are witnessing the burning of billions of doses of covid vaccines around the world 🌍 because no one wants them.

>>18520039, >>18520151 Janet Yellen: Chinese Depositors to Silicon Valley Bank to Be Made Whole, Admits CCP-Linked Silicon Valley Depositors Will Be Bailed Out by U.S. Banks

>>18520044 New York moves to implement digital driver's licenses later this year

>>18520048 US approves $1.3 billion sale of Tomahawk missiles to Australia under AUKUS pact

>>18520059 @realDonaldTrump Does anybody believe that SleazeBag disbarred lawyer Michael Cohen went before a Grand Jury yesterday, and did little but talk about it today?

>>18520067 @realDonaldTrump Wow, Bill Maher’s Ratings are dying, but he’s starting to recognize...

>>18520344 @realDonaldTrump Statement From The Trump Campaign on the Manhattan DA's Witch-Hunt

>>18520078 @realDonaldTrump There MUST be a complete commitment to dismantling the entire globalist neo-con establishment

>>18520071, >>18520053, >>18520168 Were the lockdowns implemented to get us ready for "S.M.A.R.T. Cities", "15-minute Cities", and/or "Freedom Cities"?

>>18520072, >>18520478 Dozens of Mar-a-Lago staff, from servers to aides, are subpoenaed in classified documents probe

>>18520081 PDJT Warns 'We Have Never Been Closer To World War III' And 'Nuclear Armageddon'

>>18520086, >>18520126, >>18520184, >>18520186, >>18520158 First Republic Bank Rescued with $30 Billion, quietly sold $12M in stock before SVB crash, talking to JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley about a lifeline

>>18520157 PF: EVILI11 DEPARTED 3h 37m AGO out of San Diego, CA (NKX / KNKX)

>>18520094 Sleepy Joe is turning in his brackets

>>18520114 A young Dutch political party pushing back on the government's climate agenda just won the most seats for a single party in the Dutch Senate

>>18520170, >>18520179 Biden Family Received More Than $1M From Hunter Associate After 2017 China Wire: House Oversight

>>18520208 former head of Wells Fargo Bank’s retail banking division has agreed to plead guilty to obstructing a government examination into the bank’s widespread sales practices misconduct

>>18520214, >>18520412, >>18520477, >>18520458, >>18520597 World Health Organization: 'Millions' Will Die From Eating Too Much Salt Without "Government Intervention"

>>18520220 California Senior Care Facility Faces Charges in Connection with 14 COVID-19 Deaths

>>18520231 European Central Bank raises interest rates by 0.50% to 3.50% despite market turmoil.

>>18520235 Governor Hochul Files Appeal in Quarantine Camp Lawsuit, wants the power to force quarantine the citizenry over a variant of the common cold

>>18520290 Russia slams Denmark over Nord Stream ‘fraud’

>>18520312 JULIE CHEN is now the Chancellor of a state college system in Massachusetts

>>18520322 Watchdog records show Special CounselDurham budget tops $8.5 million

>>18520334 Riots erupt after Macron raises retirement age

>>18520339 Agenda47: President Trump Issues New Video on Ukraine Policy as the Globalist Establishment Are Committed to Endless Wars

>>18520421 From BLM to PragerU: Xaviaer DuRousseau Debunks Reparations “They're selling black people their own oppression because it's profitable to indoctrinate people with the victim mentality.”

>>18520446 ASSAD: "I believe that World War III is underway, but different in form… wars are going in the direction of proxy wars."

>>18520455 Albany Diocese files for bankruptcy as hundreds of sex abuse suits pile up

>>18520459 @Project_Veritas Confidential @pfizer Documents Reveal Pharmaceutical Giant Had ‘Evidence’ Suggesting ‘Increased Risk of Myocarditis’ Following COVID-19 Vaccinations in Early 2022

>>18520582 IRON COUNTY, Mo. Sheriff part of a group that was indicted on multiple charges.

>>18520605 FDIC Demands Signature Bank Buyers Stop All Crypto Business: Report


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618446 No.18521142

File: 78e823e0e8aa365⋯.png (239.28 KB,484x431,484:431,_You_.PNG)

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803f04 No.18521143

File: 754435af42b5d4f⋯.png (195.66 KB,1163x420,1163:420,Screenshot_2023_03_07_at_1….png)



>Anime is welcome

>So there’s nothing wrong with anime.

So BO, is a Woke Retard.

Tubbs is funny.

Your Ai is creepy AF.

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a98453 No.18521144


So, to sum up

BO does not support Anime posting

Site Owner does support it


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3c51d7 No.18521145

File: b41dd51806f81d6⋯.png (15.88 KB,455x324,455:324,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eea5c8ecf6fd9be⋯.png (30.61 KB,1018x429,1018:429,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 715f98c1185e07a⋯.png (1010.9 KB,1514x2054,757:1027,Screenshot_2023_03_08_at_0….png)

File: 8b37bcabdc5870b⋯.png (13.54 KB,403x195,31:15,pepe_MEMEspiration_.png)

File: 6b484d9f6cabcee⋯.png (152.45 KB,351x504,39:56,DIG_MEME_PRAY_DEFEND_FREED….png)

>>18520705, >>18520723

> it's a countdown

>>18520617 _pb ALL




>countdown or count up?

count-down T-13 next { if doing an F5 = clear cache / reload; the 13 briefly shows }


>Still in habit of checking https://qagg.news/

>hoping the great folks who run it have fixed things, and now see a big clock.

>Never seen that before.

noice !

a countdown


Total Q Drops: 3

3113 (8) (8)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 3/18/2019, 7:17:04 PM ID: ebfcff

8chan/qresearch: 5760023

>Q Clock [ Min: 46 | :25/:55 Mir: 4 | 180 Mir: 16 | :35/:05 Mir: 24 ]

What occurred the last time a countdown was presented?


Do you believe in coincidences?

Never interfere with an enemy……..

Ammunition is hard to come by.


Q Clock "Today" [ Minute: 05 | :25/:55 Mirror: 45 | 180 Mirror: 35 | :35/:05 Mirror: 05 ]


>Keep on digging. Don't stop memeing, and continually be praying.


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da58e2 No.18521146

File: 2ab2120c9f8524c⋯.png (24.4 KB,420x340,21:17,XNiCqRWh.png)


>aura color

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d39ba0 No.18521147

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e22428 No.18521148

File: f547fdf810feb7c⋯.jpg (22.87 KB,304x304,1:1,323372297_671041634814603_….jpg)


Nice reaction image, faggot

Where'd you get it?

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8b7845 No.18521149

File: fff04cfb6d5b55b⋯.png (437.08 KB,660x400,33:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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e30905 No.18521150

File: c929143e4d8012c⋯.png (360.23 KB,762x161,762:161,_good_times_.png)

File: 5df92a552928ec9⋯.jpg (15.43 KB,253x255,253:255,8kun_site_the_most_DD0S_si….jpg)



>good times…

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85c0bd No.18521151


the short man has spoken! anime evil!

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818dfe No.18521152

File: e0564942bca24b8⋯.png (364.8 KB,867x1333,867:1333,e0564942bca24b8c7475bbf969….png)



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2d20d4 No.18521153

File: 1132bc2fd75d870⋯.jpeg (68.15 KB,1200x800,3:2,3c76ead973fa9feb042cbb715….jpeg)



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d16286 No.18521154


As part of its review of Real Raw News, NewsGuard reached out to the email address that was connected to a PayPal account on the website. (The PayPal link is no longer listed on the site.) NewsGuard received a reply from an email account named "Twisted Truth."

"It's a satire site, exposing the insanity of rabid Trumpists (who lack the mental wherewithal to distinguish fact from fiction)," the email from Twisted Truth said, according to NewsGuard.

Searching the internet for "Twisted Truth" and "Michael Baxter," PolitiFact discovered a website called twistedtruth.net, as well as a corresponding YouTube page. At least one since-deleted article from Real Raw News, about the mythical planet Nibiru, was copied word-for-word from a previous article on Twisted Truth. The article’s headline on both sites: "France to Nuke Nibiru."

The author of Twisted Truth, which has not posted an article since February 2020, also goes by "Michael Baxter." And his biography on Twisted Truth matches what he wrote on Real Raw News. The "About Us" page for Twisted Truth says the "Michael Baxter" on its bylines is "a former mainstream journalist" who worked for the New York Post, the Village Voice, and the Dallas Morning News, and that he "is also a former English teacher." The "About Us" page for Real Raw News says Baxter is "a former mainstream journalist and former English teacher."

We could not confirm Baxter’s employment history or journalism credentials. The New York Post declined to comment, and PolitiFact’s inquiries to the Village Voice and the Dallas Morning News went unanswered.

Our research into the Twisted Truth website led us to a 2017 YouTube video that showed an interview with a "Michael Baxter" associated with yet another website and YouTube channel.


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c05d66 No.18521155

File: 60d74940c3f0022⋯.jpg (88.88 KB,1170x1142,585:571,pfizer_911_bush.jpg)

File: 53eaa8973fbb588⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,320x240,4:3,Skull_and_Bones_Bush_Kerry….mp4)

File: b8ef6ea3d9bb740⋯.jpg (15 KB,474x355,474:355,bush_slash_neck_with_hand_….jpg)

File: 5f06f63d920f657⋯.jpeg (154.21 KB,1440x756,40:21,carter_secret_letter_bush….jpeg)

File: f18ed2ef15e1384⋯.jpg (76.49 KB,886x668,443:334,biden_reaction_to_insert_a….jpg)


I don't have an ideology.

Ideology is a replacment software for religion in the minds of men.

I just want the murderous kleptocracy to stop. By force if necessary (it is)

That isnotan ideology. That is called "a human being who breathes air"

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4e8387 No.18521156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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050128 No.18521157

File: 501ce9a48b01a84⋯.jpeg (39.92 KB,713x714,713:714,images_2023_03_16T205013_….jpeg)

File: d4d2b80017e99ec⋯.jpg (191.21 KB,700x1024,175:256,rs_700x1024_160301104717_6….jpg)

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4aaa33 No.18521158

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852489 No.18521159

File: 8d46e6c4c527b02⋯.jpeg (64.05 KB,424x424,1:1,D8E218EC_319F_4AEC_8055_E….jpeg)

>The hacker named 4chan

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642dc6 No.18521160


bless you squid


in da dough

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fadfaf No.18521161


And the anime twats, that contribute NOTHING and never have, continue to slide and divide….

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a98453 No.18521162


Jim's post saved and archived: re Anime on this board

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2cda52 No.18521163



2 days ahead

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dd54d2 No.18521164


Board is comp'd…nothing new there, reckon.

Pretty much makes it clear that it's being "run" by the enemy….as Jim stated after his testimony to Congress.

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fadfaf No.18521165


Die in a fire clown.

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c05d66 No.18521166

File: 94ec5554a888cbe⋯.png (412.22 KB,858x617,858:617,eric_paddock_brother_of_st….png)



>BO does not support Anime posting

He said childlike images that piss off most anons

Anime is way bigger than just the near-loli subgroup

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e22428 No.18521167

File: 849d7ddba5df7a2⋯.jpeg (54.37 KB,512x768,2:3,090075b0_e1d3_44fd_b117_c….jpeg)


Yeah, anime is fine, it's whatever, part of chan history

Now as for these AI generated abominations

We need to talk…

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e11267 No.18521168


it is just a clip of rickards talking

not an interview

the youtuber who posted it does not speak

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0e2a3f No.18521169



Smart kid.

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d39ba0 No.18521170

File: 403140155ca6c6c⋯.jpg (65.98 KB,720x720,1:1,0f12.jpg)


Fuck off an die and while you're at it, report this.

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3eb024 No.18521171

File: 33cffeb9f5a7369⋯.jpg (9.91 KB,189x266,27:38,33cffeb9f5a73698e113f558b3….jpg)

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b3fa37 No.18521172

File: 39f100d03183929⋯.png (27.37 KB,437x542,437:542,image2.png)

File: b1eff3c1407dc6a⋯.png (29.63 KB,314x282,157:141,ClipboardImage.png)


I have seen this around Swedish people, although very seldomly.

it looks like a bastardized version of the Christogram.

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618446 No.18521173

File: f6b8dc64988d95b⋯.png (44.13 KB,654x318,109:53,flat.PNG)


Inflation is now so bad people are nostalgic

for 2021, when an avocado cost $1 instead

of $2.50, and a dozen eggs were $1.60

not $4.21

Daily Mail (UK), by Neirin Gray Desai

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 3/16/2023 6:06:13 AM

American's facing rising inflation have become nostalgic for prices from just two years ago when the cost of basic groceries were almost half their price. In the past, people may have cynically recalled how the cost of everyday items had risen over decades, but now people see prices escalating right before their eyes, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. Avocados cost an average of $1 each in early 2021 but had risen to $2.50 just one year later.'There is an element of whiplash,' a 41-year-old marketing consultant told the paper, regarding the price of avocados. 'Was that a bygone era from my youth, or was it just last year?'

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ad5536 No.18521174

File: 7c10c05ac9ffd76⋯.png (806.5 KB,668x637,668:637,index.png)

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e30905 No.18521175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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66e5f8 No.18521176

FBI Raids Home of Former Gov. Larry Hogan’s Chief of Staff Roy McGrath Amid Manhunt

The FBI raided the home of former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s chief of staff Roy McGrath.

As previously reported, U.S. District Court Judge Deborah Boardman issued an arrest warrant for Roy McGrath after he failed to appear for his federal fraud trial.

Roy McGrath is facing an 8-count federal indictment.

“Charges include wire fraud, including securing a $233,648 severance payment equal to one year of salary as the head of Maryland Environmental Service. He also faces fraud and embezzlement charges connected to roughly $170,000 in expenses. McGrath has pleaded not guilty.” – Fox News reported.

The FBI raided McGrath’s home two days after he failed to appear in court.

McGrath’s wife was home at the time of the raid.

Fox News reported:

The FBI has raided the Florida home of Roy McGrath, just two days after the former chief of staff to two-term Maryland GOP Gov. Larry Hogan failed to appear in Baltimore on Monday for the start of his criminal trial.

Joseph Murtha, McGrath’s attorney, confirmed the search in a phone interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday afternoon, saying agents were likely looking for anything to indicate McGrath’s current whereabouts. An FBI spokesperson told the outlet that agents “conducted court authorized activity at that residence” but declined to elaborate.

Murtha said he had no reason to believe his client would skip out on court. He said they had a substantive conversation about the case Sunday evening. McGrath was supposed to board a plane later that night, his attorney said.

“I haven’t a clue. I didn’t see this coming,” he said. “This behavior is so out of the ordinary for him. Obviously his personal safety is a concern.”


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0339fb No.18521177

File: 07667c51de05bf8⋯.png (381.77 KB,680x382,340:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79059acf0296f28⋯.png (216.88 KB,841x795,841:795,ClipboardImage.png)


bullet quad chek'ed



0.03 seconds apart and one a mp4 vid.

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7344fe No.18521178


mirror much?

Or in your native language

hrruuumrnrnrnrnrnrn pffttt

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ab0fff No.18521179



Quiet, or I get my big Bro, 8kun!

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dd54d2 No.18521180

File: 11a046fbc0982ae⋯.jpeg (448.02 KB,2048x1505,2048:1505,11a046fbc0982aea6a91cad09….jpeg)

File: 0b13205fb3a4538⋯.jpeg (127.78 KB,626x420,313:210,0b13205fb3a45382fe5099c06….jpeg)

File: 85044ebc9e9ae27⋯.png (392.67 KB,548x462,274:231,85044ebc9e9ae27e5683c18546….png)


Which one?

Or are you in love with a cult of personality?

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7894a3 No.18521181

Joe Biden was the King of the Swamp.

And none of us knew it.

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8e2ea7 No.18521182



The QR Board Karens call any cartoon whore that looks under 40 a childlike image.

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818dfe No.18521183

File: de0d60e02af6bbb⋯.jpeg (45.69 KB,696x432,29:18,sam_brinton_booked_pagean….jpeg)

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b9bd92 No.18521184


>and anime is illegal in Russia.

Putin also hated the fact that US homo couples were adopting Russian children for sexual abuse

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da58e2 No.18521185

File: c7db250aae1ee46⋯.jpg (36.73 KB,537x803,537:803,1605347591381.jpg)


>being "run" by the enemy

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3eb024 No.18521186

File: 1bd7d19357efd3f⋯.png (330.24 KB,643x567,643:567,1bd7d19357efd3fcbbeac3a490….png)


>Don't stop memeing, and continually be praying.

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49a8d5 No.18521187


>So there’s nothing wrong with anime.

From Jim's keyboard

Great stuff I am gonna go full anime poster in here now, with Jim's approval


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fadfaf No.18521188



Who the fuck needs your permission to talk?

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9d3ede No.18521189

File: a6610a9772fb670⋯.jpeg (144.36 KB,768x432,16:9,99C7709B_456B_46B6_BC4B_9….jpeg)

17 Mar, 2023 00:23

US nuclear plant admits to radioactive leak

A Minnesota facility disclosed tritium water spill after applying for license extension

(Are you fucking kidding me?)

Authorities in the northern US state of Minnesota revealed on Thursday that a nuclear power plant near Minneapolis had suffered aradioactive water spill amounting to over 1.5 million liters. Xcel Energy, which owns the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, is working to clean up the spill and insists there is no danger to the general public.

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) said that about 400,000 gallons of tritiated waterleaked from a broken pipeat the facility. The leak was first discovered onNovember 22, and its source was found onDecember 19and patched “soon after.”(wtf, how soon)

Authorities decided to keep the public in the dark about the incident, while Xcel Energy and the state were “actively managing” the situation to prevent the underground plume of irradiated water from spreading to the nearbyMississippi River, MPCA assistant commissioner Kirk Koudelka told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.

“Now that we have all the information about where the leak occurred, how much was released into groundwater, and that contaminated groundwater had moved beyond the original location, we are sharing this information,” Minnesota Pollution Control Agency spokesman Michael Rafferty said on Thursday.

“This does not present a public health or drinking water issue,” said Christopher Clark, Xcel's president for Minnesota. He admitted the tritiated water is “well above” the 20,000 picocuries standard mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), being “in the millions” directly below the plant.

The city of Monticello issued a statement saying its drinking water supply was not affected by the leak, which happened outside the area from which they draw groundwater for municipal wells.

The contaminated water has not been detected beyond the plant’s perimeter, Xcel told KMSP-TV. An estimated 25% of the water has been recovered and pumped into a treatment system on site. The company is considering building storage tanks or a retention pond for the project, which could take a year or more.

Viktoria Mitlyng, a spokeswoman for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), said the leak was well below the NRC safety threshold and that the plan was not violating regulations. Tritium leaks “are not uncommon for nuclear plants,” she added.

The Monticello facility had a leak of about 2,000 gallons (7,500 liters) in 1981, with some of the water reaching the river, but state health officials said it posed no danger to wildlife or public health.

In January, Xcel sent an application to the NRC to extend Monticello’s license for another 20 years beyond 2030, when its current permit is set to expire. The company said the extension was “critical” to meet the new Minnesota law, which mandates 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040.

Tritium is a “mildly” radioactive isotope of hydrogen, often found in water used to cool nuclear reactors. The only way it can affect people is if they breathe it in or drink tritiated water, said Daniel Huff, an assistant commissioner at the Minnesota Department of Health, adding that the public’s exposure from a nuclear power plant “should be zero.”


We can never trust any of them!

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c05d66 No.18521190

File: adc751e98de57d6⋯.gif (443.29 KB,455x190,91:38,that_is_brand_new_informat….gif)


Serious question

1) do you think RRN stuff could get posted without a cover story like this?

2) You think it could get posted on fox news perhaps?

3) why did tom hanks suddenly stop tweeting?

4) why doesn't fauci sue elon musk for libel after accusing him of genocide>?

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1c5fdb No.18521191

File: 97d611c8a20d3a1⋯.png (7.92 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Wikia_Visualization_Main_a….png)


[Heavenly Blue]

Rayet was one of my favorite characters of the series.

It was a rather interesting narrative experiment. The Empire of Vers is classic Mecha - political drama, magical robots, yell at your machine to make it work better (I argue that "Magical Girl" and Mecha are not genres and both belong to Drama).

'Earth' is very different, though. It is a subversion of most tropes. Rather than deep internal faction wars, people come together.

If I could attach a video with a picture, it would be Inaho's explanation of war to Elysium as she starts to have a breakdown, believing that peace has become impossible because of the animosity falling out from the war.

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6563e2 No.18521192

Hello! Anything exciting going on up in here this evening?

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852489 No.18521193

File: fdead4bbca0bcce⋯.jpeg (108.96 KB,675x900,3:4,75008760_FD9E_41C7_A4A7_D….jpeg)

8kun will make you shit your pants, BO

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aa6702 No.18521194

File: 4f3ffe24504e397⋯.gif (2.99 MB,252x258,42:43,1659750617144880.gif)

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208dcb No.18521195

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2d20d4 No.18521196


my apologies. i've never heard him speak before and thought it was the youtuber. maybe now i will give it a listen. he's pretty based on twat.

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618446 No.18521197

File: 3e2ebfbcfafe1e2⋯.png (643.54 KB,736x500,184:125,lee.PNG)


Hallie is unmasked as the mystery THIRD

Biden family member to receive China cash:

Top Republican reveals Beau's widow and

Hunter's ex got $35,000 in 2017 from $3M

deal made by Hunter's associate

Daily Mail (UK), by Geoff Earle

Posted By: Imright, 3/16/2023 8:49:11 PM

Hallie Biden received a cut of $3 million in cash from China sent through an associate of Hunter, according to Republicans who released information from subpoenaed bank records. Beau Biden's widow was identified on Thursday as the third member of the first family wrapped up in Rep. James Comer's investigation into allegations they used their names to profit on business deals around the world. In a memo seen by DailyMail.com, Hallie received $35,000 in two transfers in March from Biden family associate John 'Rob' Walker, after he received a $3 million wire from the Chinese State Energy HK Limited,

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49a8d5 No.18521198

File: 7d4fca72bdc6fa2⋯.gif (1.42 MB,540x302,270:151,35325353.gif)

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0cd51b No.18521199


he knows the soggy potato from down under the sink

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e22428 No.18521200

File: 2145245e4689775⋯.png (2.26 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



You're doing it wrong

Supposed to go


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8e2ea7 No.18521201


Why that one right there can't be a day over 16.

>t. Marge, QR Board Karen since Fall '18

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4aaa33 No.18521202

File: 35589164c8089f7⋯.jpg (114.47 KB,551x651,551:651,WIN_VIBES.jpg)

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afa21d No.18521203

File: 6d69da4cf128154⋯.jpg (64.84 KB,1013x1013,1:1,6d69da4cf1281544e4f168dd2e….jpg)


Dubs 7's confirms

Precision sniping going on

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da58e2 No.18521204

File: 4edb8c09fbb51c2⋯.jpg (176.71 KB,534x840,89:140,20220729_094458.jpg)



Saw that too.

Also chk't

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aa6702 No.18521205

File: a1ce583007a3fe2⋯.jpg (159.47 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1676460924086525.jpg)

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d011ce No.18521206

File: baff4892c2d0169⋯.png (1.09 MB,720x925,144:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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486a3c No.18521207



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92ebe7 No.18521208

File: 97d611c8a20d3a1⋯.png (7.92 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Wikia_Visualization_Main_a….png)


[Heavenly Blue]

Rayet was one of my favorite characters of the series.

It was a rather interesting narrative experiment. The Empire of Vers is classic Mecha - political drama, magical robots, yell at your machine to make it work better (I argue that "Magical Girl" and Mecha are not genres and both belong to Drama).

'Earth' is very different, though. It is a subversion of most tropes. Rather than deep internal faction wars, people come together.

If I could attach a video with a picture, it would be Inaho's explanation of war to Elysium as she starts to have a breakdown, believing that peace has become impossible because of the animosity falling out from the war.

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618446 No.18521209

File: 30102795dc7bbbc⋯.png (1.28 MB,1165x827,1165:827,clown.PNG)


Wokeness’s war against sex and gender

descends to clownish levels.

American Mind, by Alexander Riley

Posted By: earlybird, 3/16/2023 8:25:02 PM

Recently, an organization on my campus put together an event entitled “Undefining Masculinity.” As recommended preparation for the event, it was suggested that attendees might profitably watch an episode of the “Man Enough” podcast, in which the hosts interview an individual named Alok Vaid-Menon. This person (I won’t be using pronouns to refer to Vaid-Menon, for the principled reason I’ve given elsewhere) is presented as an expert on gender and sexuality, though there is no evidence provided to support that status. The hosts fawn in the most ludicrously exaggerated way over Vaid-Menon from the start: (snip)Five minutes in, after the guest has blurted out a series of unsupported claims about how

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b83cf4 No.18521210


Why Are Energy Stocks Down Today?


[They] mad. They gotz no mulah.

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d011ce No.18521211

File: 00e3d22632c4585⋯.png (1.46 MB,1080x774,60:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f5b3c No.18521212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'd keep him. On a leash where he belongs. That motherfucker has been lying to all of humanity. And if my hunch is correct that's where someone else already put him. Either way I'd love to duel.

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e54018 No.18521213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b9bd92 No.18521214



creepy anime code

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280dee No.18521215

File: a0acd209a05ede4⋯.jpeg (32.04 KB,679x452,679:452,1FCDA6B8_430A_4F79_983D_B….jpeg)

Get the evil witch BO, 8kun! I know you can do it, big brother!

<this is now a Mokuba thread

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486a3c No.18521216

File: e2c0185b4f3395d⋯.png (776.39 KB,736x553,736:553,4225.png)


nice, I like it

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c05d66 No.18521217

File: 9b29cec0fe7c0f7⋯.mp4 (13.93 MB,960x544,30:17,you_will_never_be_a_woman_….mp4)


so now you'll just be a spammer instead

yeah this is really why we hate you.

It's not the anime, it's not the trannyism.

Those issues are merely surrogates for the fact that you're an asshole

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b9bd92 No.18521218


the creeper face behind the anime….tnx fren

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aa6702 No.18521219

File: de00ca52000421b⋯.jpg (104.12 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1660161367613632.jpg)

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fadfaf No.18521220

Seems /pol/ just vomited all over the kun.

Seeya Anons. Out.

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7344fe No.18521221

File: ff069073302bf64⋯.png (810.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,ff069073302bf643aced5b9c21….png)


Jap bank defenders.

If water were a financial chart, they would be under it.

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2b8f14 No.18521223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patriot, you've been digging, you've been memeing and you know you should be praying… so, how's your prayer life? May I offer you a mighty challenge? With all the evil you've learned about here, do you have it in your heart, to be able to forgive memebers of the cabal, blm, antifa? We can fight them while still being open to forgive them with love in our hearts. Loving them does NOT mean that you approve of their actions and lifestyle. "So, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us." - 2 Corinthians 5:20

Hear this sermon and see if you are capable of loving them like Jesus loves you. Let's fight and win this war with love in our hearts! God bless you all in Jesus' Name.


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fbeef2 No.18521224

File: 33b8fc14a951673⋯.png (312.25 KB,1514x1124,757:562,ClipboardImage.png)



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5cf6da No.18521225

File: 2c298949870925f⋯.jpg (64 KB,1038x576,173:96,yay_1038x576.jpg)


Well, sometimes it's complicated.

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4aaa33 No.18521226

File: ab9cb83f12ae3da⋯.jpg (84.99 KB,519x569,519:569,PIG_2_0.jpg)

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e22428 No.18521227

File: bec99c366276b41⋯.png (279.27 KB,544x400,34:25,ClipboardImage.png)


>this is now a Mokuba thread

Anime slides are my favorite slides

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eb27dc No.18521228

File: 225d16eea806c2a⋯.jpeg (20.96 KB,257x196,257:196,FA6EB0AD_A2F4_456D_B9C5_6….jpeg)

Together, Halfchan, Fullchan and 8-kun can defeat the evil BO!

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fff81a No.18521229

See new Tweets


James O'Keefe


On Twitter Spaces now discussing decentralizing journalism at http://OKeefeMediaGroup.com

8:50 PM · Mar 16, 2023


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2d20d4 No.18521230

File: b647800c4e18ed1⋯.png (554.25 KB,1001x640,1001:640,b647800c4e18ed1e96a8b82ac9….png)

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85c0bd No.18521232

File: 2c5c8cee7fe7aa9⋯.jpeg (26.38 KB,625x454,625:454,nomnomnom.jpeg)

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9d3ede No.18521233

File: 48f73cfaa62a87c⋯.jpeg (177.24 KB,768x432,16:9,4BF2E57D_6AEC_40EF_95AE_8….jpeg)

16 Mar, 2023 23:51

West warns Ukraine not to blow ‘last ditch effort’ – NYT

The US and UK are trying to scrounge up ammunition for a “spring offensive,” officials say

(That title means they blew many other opportunities, and the West is finished, y announcing they are fuck ups)

A New York Times story on Thursday suggested that the US and its allies are running out of ammunition they can supply to Ukraine, while Kiev is using up the troops and shells that will be needed for a planned spring offensive to fight for Artyomovsk instead.

Called Bakhmut by the Kiev authorities, Artyomovsk is now almost entirely surrounded by Russian forces. Ukrainian troops attempting to hold the town are running out of ammunition, the Times reported, with one brigade commander complaining of a “catastrophic shortage” of artillery shells.

Some US and EU officials now worry that Ukraine is using up “thousands” of shells a day in the battle for Artyomovsk, at a pace that is “unsustainable” and “could jeopardize a planned springtime campaign” that Kiev’s western sponsors “hope will prove decisive,”according to the Times.

The Pentagon has reportedly even “raised concerns” with Kiev about this, warning Ukraine about “wasting ammunition.”

The US and its allies “did not stockpile weaponry in anticipation of supplying an artillery war,” the outlet noted. A “secret British task force” is trying to track down and buy Soviet-caliber ammunition from around the world. The US and NATO have managed to put together some shells, but they are supposed to be used in the upcoming offensive.

One Pentagon official described the push as a “last-ditch effort,” because theWest does not have enough ammunitionto keep up with Ukrainian expenditures.

NATO’s own stocks are “critically low” and it will take “many months” for efforts to boost production to have an effect, again according to the Times. Without artillery, the paper explained, “hundreds” of new tanks and armored vehicles that the West is sending Ukraine will have a “limited” effect.

Theanonymous officialswho spoke to the Times also claimed that Ukrainian casualties have been so severe, with “more than 100,000” troops wounded or killed so far, that Kiev must decide whether to hold onto Artyomovsk or save soldiers for the “one meaningful opportunity this year” to go on the offensive.

Though the US has tried to downplay the significance of Artyomovsk, President Vladimir Zelensky has decided to hold the town at seemingly all cost, declaring there is no part of Ukraine that can be abandoned.

The only logic of “expending so much blood and ammo” on the town would be to “drain Russia of resources and prevent its troops from heading farther west,” Camille Grand, NATO’s former assistant secretary general for defense investment and now a defense expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations, told the Times. “The alternative is that they got dragged into a situation that, in the long term, plays in Russia’s favor and now it’s difficult to get out of it.”



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1f335c No.18521234

CHECK the Trump notables. Anyone (talking to only the few anons on the thread here) doubt that it will be done?

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fff81a No.18521235

File: 1d5a7a9e699d0c4⋯.png (378.67 KB,505x499,505:499,2_parties_trump.png)

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b9bd92 No.18521236


weird….reminds me of anime

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8eb99c No.18521237


We can forgive them but they won't escape consequences regardless of forgiveness.

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fa5f24 No.18521238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So does this mean social credit score

Will be in direct correlation to how big of an ass hole you are

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486a3c No.18521240


Pig, you are so 2019


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6563e2 No.18521241

File: 96c2101814bea9a⋯.png (13.71 KB,270x187,270:187,Screen_Shot_03_16_23_at_09….PNG)

Elon Musk


If other party is always wrong

And your party is always right

You are at least partly wrong

3:41 PM · Mar 16, 2023


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2d20d4 No.18521242

File: 26a25445492d61e⋯.jpeg (94.16 KB,1086x735,362:245,26a25445492d61e71cbbcd78c….jpeg)

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010e34 No.18521243

File: 7b8bc3311f14fa6⋯.webp (159.17 KB,1086x892,543:446,FD70EFAB_CC46_4C16_B073_2….webp)


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6d87d3 No.18521244

File: 9b50f2d3f13a6e6⋯.jpg (169.94 KB,750x920,75:92,flat_750x1000_075_f.jpg)



This is an anonymous basket weaving forum.

That is all.

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fadfaf No.18521246


Stacey Abrams does that too. Seems to have a few more problems than Alice tho…

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4aaa33 No.18521247

File: 9f6d15668fbd05b⋯.jpg (24.42 KB,429x367,429:367,DONT_CARE_MEME.jpg)

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618446 No.18521248

File: f3b5b27319bfedd⋯.png (83.82 KB,407x574,407:574,surg.PNG)


Fed Balance Sheet Explodes By $300BN As Bank Bailouts Lead To Record Discount Window Surge

In the week ended March 15, borrowings under the Fed's deeply stigmatizing last-ditch liquidity facility, the Discount Window, exploded to $152.85BN, a record $148BN weekly jump to an all-time high which surpassed even the borrowings during the financial crisis!


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fadfaf No.18521249


What does this have to do with QResearch?

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c174b4 No.18521250

File: cde07681ec0455b⋯.jpeg (852.19 KB,1753x958,1753:958,1ECD4B19_39F5_43D6_84EB_7….jpeg)

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e22428 No.18521251

File: 2b0f37bce8af841⋯.png (420.64 KB,600x901,600:901,ClipboardImage.png)


We can forgive them post-mortem!

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642dc6 No.18521252

#22714 >>18520637

>>18520715 Kash: itunes just pulled "Justice For All" across their platforms

>>18520722, >>18520800, >>18521077 Special Counsel Jack Smith Expands Witch Hunt, Subpoenas Dozens of Mar-a-Lago Staffers – Including Servers!

>>18520725 @Pfizer Documents Reveal Pharmaceutical Giant Had ‘Evidence’ Suggesting ‘Increased Risk of Myocarditis’ 2022

>>18520735 Fiery Riots Erupt in France After Macron Uses Special Power to Raises Retirement Age without Vote

>>18520744 “Global Challenge” ( @ChallengesFnd), which is now COINCIDENTALLY fully financed by a billionaire named Kristine Person

>>18520786 @NavalInstitute #OTD in 1945, MajGen Harry Schmidt declared that Iwo Jima was secure after 25 days of combat.

>>18520824 Meta claims new AI will help pharmaceutical companies make new drugs

>>18520875, >>18521129 ISIS could hit US, West from Afghanistan in ‘under 6 months’: General/DS fear pron from up hi

>>18520930 Hunter Biden admits ties to China

>>18520939 Albany Diocese files for bankruptcy as hundreds of sex abuse suits pile up

>>18520963 Uranium reported missing by IAEA in Libya ‘recovered’

>>18520971, >>18521052 BASHAR AL-ASSAD: "A global public consciousness is gradually forming, and after a certain period of time, the United States, which is besieging the world, will find itself besieged and will end up in isolation.

>>18521007 Ex-Silicon Valley Bank CEO Greg Becker jets to Hawaii after collapse

>>18521024 US Government Releases Censored Documents Detailing Fluoride’s Impact on Childhood IQ

>>18521029 @RoyalCanNavy To file under unforgettable memories

>>18521064 Virgin Orbit will 'PAUSE' all operations from today: Richard Branson's firm furloughs staff

>>18521095, >>18521096 NASA Awards Advance 3D Printing, Quantum Tech for Climate Research

>>18521134 Agenda47: Preventing World War III

>>18521176 FBI Raids Home of Former Gov. Larry Hogan’s Chief of Staff Roy McGrath Amid Manhunt

>>18521189 US nuclear plant admits to radioactive leak

>>18521233 West warns Ukraine not to blow ‘last ditch effort’

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fbeef2 No.18521253

File: 2ae0bbf793c0ee9⋯.png (15.28 KB,255x241,255:241,2ae0bbf793c0ee94d474598a33….png)


Nicely done with that critique up top fren ;)

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b82c52 No.18521255

File: 78199b2df2cbb7d⋯.gif (1.51 MB,480x270,16:9,335.gif)


yes,defeat the wicked witch BO Maxwell

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e30905 No.18521256

File: 6c8d7e0b0a55a8d⋯.jpg (114.47 KB,1280x720,16:9,SHOCKING_MOMENT_Citizen_Br….jpg)

File: feef5b337366046⋯.mp4 (13.68 MB,854x480,427:240,_Citizen_Brutally_Confront….mp4)

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037952 No.18521257


accurate I would hazard

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a2ef9e No.18521258

File: 30c08ae21b8aaf3⋯.jpg (50.2 KB,314x387,314:387,ns31523.jpg)

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dd54d2 No.18521259


>Citizens will be visited and arrested by their sheriffs.

Kek. My sherriff is too busy running a meth and stolen tractor ring to waste time with this nonsense.

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38df2b No.18521261


Yes. This is where you can fill your pockets with the crystals of your choice and then jump into a river. Whatever resonates with your energy.

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0339fb No.18521262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it was noice to see a 4chan idiot get arrested today.

maybe they will collect some moar faggots soon.


4Chan User Accused of Threatening to Kill Florida Sheriff Gets Arrested at Mom’s House


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d013de No.18521263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shills in here be like

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e22428 No.18521264

File: bd1652b5a9db673⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,255x200,51:40,bd1652b5a9db67353d91d5db6b….jpg)

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54ab4c No.18521265

File: 81cc3dbf3b88677⋯.png (991.16 KB,827x852,827:852,ClipboardImage.png)

A Hannity meme! 'The good old days.'

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82cca3 No.18521266


I did Nazi that coming

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e11267 No.18521267


you perverts should quit posting those little girl photos

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b82c52 No.18521268

File: a5b6d001cdc19da⋯.gif (998.42 KB,500x281,500:281,35353.gif)


clueless pig has no idea he is now redundant


anime rules 8kun

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c21491 No.18521269

File: 6ca34246be88b9a⋯.jpeg (40.66 KB,232x217,232:217,51C17293_BDBC_4D49_B028_5….jpeg)



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0e2a3f No.18521270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuckin' Voltron!

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74d100 No.18521272

File: ae78145c6991a4c⋯.mp4 (9.84 MB,1920x1080,16:9,FAUCI_KNOWINGLY_KILLED_7_0….mp4)

WE NOW HAVE PROOF THAT FAUCI "KNOWINGLY" KILLED 7,000,000 PEOPLE WORLDWIDE; MORE THAN THE HOLOCAUST! It's time to charge this creature with crimes against humanity! Does anybody know how this can be done! We need to get the attention of someone capable of doing this with knowledge of our legal system and balls enough to get it done…


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aa6702 No.18521273

File: f6f3c25a0550d5c⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1080x1056,45:44,165806474537989.jpg)

File: c2c29687b7738df⋯.jpg (931.88 KB,1480x1771,1480:1771,1678913206093730.jpg)

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afa21d No.18521274

File: 7952d3c31be06f0⋯.jpg (141.59 KB,979x791,979:791,Untitled.jpg)



>Precision sniping going on

oh shit

7 secs delta

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3eb024 No.18521275

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7f5b3c No.18521276


Is that after she fucked Hunter or before? I'm thinking Bo Biden is taking a picture of the next guy to fuck his wife. See what you're dealing with? There's more than thousands of dollars here. JB just funnelled 100+ BILLION.

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fbeef2 No.18521277

File: af35b2f9d06aab7⋯.jpg (267.16 KB,750x1015,150:203,e4fdb60d0c561797aabb56ee24….jpg)

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4aaa33 No.18521278

File: a65e2b04d5e2d1e⋯.jpg (106.29 KB,643x610,643:610,DONT_CARE_MEME_2.jpg)

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6563e2 No.18521279

File: 407f9c50364c860⋯.png (260.18 KB,559x503,559:503,Screen_Shot_03_16_23_at_09….PNG)

Benny Johnson


WTF is happening here!?

7:44 PM · Mar 16, 2023


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201acc No.18521280

File: f2a02e15ad7d1d2⋯.png (509.28 KB,563x523,563:523,80475F0B_127D_4BE1_B4A1_46….png)



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f8dcdf No.18521281


I'd be careful telling the FBI what to do..

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d011ce No.18521282

File: 9e1e0ce542eecd6⋯.png (651.78 KB,606x596,303:298,ClipboardImage.png)

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6563e2 No.18521284

File: 03f72ca5868959d⋯.png (236.46 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)


Great meme material here.

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c05d66 No.18521285

File: fbcdcdd3d26d1df⋯.jpg (229.61 KB,1202x1801,1202:1801,deepfakezuck.jpg)

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b82c52 No.18521286

File: eb613e216ae0d3e⋯.gif (1.54 MB,230x230,1:1,v24.gif)

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85c0bd No.18521287

File: 185170277473753⋯.png (369.14 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

listen up.

american cartoons are ok

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fff81a No.18521288

File: f4d9bd7eb2101a0⋯.jpg (514.42 KB,4096x4096,1:1,mutant_fish.jpg)

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8ca455 No.18521289


im more bothered by the argue each time anime is baking. shits the bread defending and instigating more anime division. 40+ posts while baking.. shitposters/shills get 40+ posts. those 40+ posts are arguments on anime, not even research. most tranime's cartoons have cleaned up compared to other anime. as a baker id expect more professionalism for the cause. if im tempted to filter baker/notaker its division. hurting research/eyes on.

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6563e2 No.18521290

Did Joe fall today?

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88d1c3 No.18521291

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kimberly gilfoyle, Newsom's first wife,

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618446 No.18521293

File: aa8d20dc20d81a3⋯.png (168.91 KB,418x438,209:219,dg.PNG)


Media Matters did another hit piece on Lindell. Mentions Badlands, Zak (RedPill78), Nick Moseder, and myself, among others 😂😂😂


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a98453 No.18521294


Trump pushed the vaccines

he is comped

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82cca3 No.18521295

File: 696c907d6ea1643⋯.png (443.02 KB,778x456,389:228,its.png)

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07026c No.18521296

File: 2e2efb5510acc2d⋯.jpeg (105.75 KB,750x702,125:117,952EECD7_EFA8_4DB9_B38B_B….jpeg)


They do love to align their rituals with the happenings in the heavens…

Astronomical events in September 2023: equinox, conjunctions, Supermoon, Neptune at opposition

September 4: Moon-Jupiter conjunction

September 15: New Moon

September 19: Neptune at opposition

September 23: September equinox 🌟

September 27: Moon-Saturn conjunction

September 29: Super Full Moon


Then there is this:

The woman who foresaw 9/11 predicts a nuclear explosion for 2023

Baba Vanga made five major predictions for 2023. The first was that the Earth's orbit will "change" somehow. The Earth's orbit of the sun is known to change infinitesimally over tens of thousands of years, but a more sudden change would have devastating effects. Moving closer to the sun would accelerate global warming, and moving further away would plunge us into an ice age.

She also predicted that a powerful solar storm the likes of which we've never seen will occur in 2023. Solar storms are disturbances on the sun that can emanate out into our solar system and impact the Earth. Some have interpreted her words to mean a solar tsunami is coming. This is a rarely-seen phenomenon where a powerful plasma wave ripples across the sun and into the surrounding space climate. It could be devastating for Earth, causing blackouts and failures in technology.

Baba Vanga declared that a "big country" would carry out experiments using biological weapons on humans, and that hundreds of thousands would die as a result. Such practices are banned by the Biological Weapons Convention of the United Nations, but there are fears that some countries are going ahead with experiments in secret.

Baba Vanga warned that there would be a major nuclear power plant explosion in 2023. This is a very real concern considering that the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine has been caught up in the war with Russia, while Putin threatens nuclear war.

Finally, she predicted that natural pregnancies will be banned and all babies will be grown in laboratories. She said it will be up to leaders and medical experts to decide who gets a baby and when, while the parents will be allowed to decide on traits such as hair and eye color. Luckily, Baba Vanga's predictions haven't always been right. Click on to see which ones she got totally wrong.


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da58e2 No.18521297


Moonwalking up the stairs according to MSNBC

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9d94f3 No.18521298

File: d433d095c0defff⋯.png (146.93 KB,250x273,250:273,ClipboardImage.png)

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7344fe No.18521299


- -.. .- -. .. .-. - -

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a98453 No.18521301



you have many good points

I concur

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85c0bd No.18521302

what does kun mean again?

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82cca3 No.18521303

File: b9cc918336c4340⋯.png (1004.42 KB,898x886,449:443,boyznthehood.png)

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037952 No.18521304

File: 947449c38a9e8b1⋯.jpg (48.2 KB,500x555,100:111,WW1_GI.jpg)

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4aaa33 No.18521305

File: d1ef097d8c8fb96⋯.jpg (79.12 KB,616x598,308:299,BOO_BOOM.jpg)

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d011ce No.18521306

File: a2a5d2795f2b57d⋯.png (688.07 KB,520x694,260:347,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f5b3c No.18521307


>Rather than deep internal faction wars, people come together.

I understand your point. At least I think I do. Without question the MSM and all outlets are the wedge.

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e22428 No.18521309

File: 7a8499beef82d6d⋯.jpeg (14.07 KB,177x289,177:289,th.jpeg)


That's the Thorazine shuffle

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ba6b5e No.18521310

File: 00c439dfd3544c6⋯.jpg (327.93 KB,1470x1414,105:101,00c439dfd3544c68246159550d….jpg)

Now they're spamming in the same manner as a child. Just when you think they won't get any dumber. At least it's a change over the ethnic/racial division ammunition they've been firing and failing with for the last five years.

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618446 No.18521311

File: 0453e5d52e14484⋯.png (267.17 KB,423x339,141:113,unt.PNG)


🚨 Hunter Biden admits ties to China

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d011ce No.18521312

File: f4fcbab0fc44a5f⋯.png (280.39 KB,475x345,95:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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82cca3 No.18521313

anti vax is anti semitic because Jews invented every vaccine in the last 100 years – fact check, please

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fff81a No.18521315

File: 6acfb2a03452e16⋯.jpg (225.07 KB,1200x1135,240:227,pepe_space_madness.jpg)

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e22428 No.18521316

File: 4e4220f52c0668b⋯.png (294.71 KB,596x729,596:729,ClipboardImage.png)


>what does kun mean again?

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dd54d2 No.18521317

File: 3939d26094a6874⋯.png (100.1 KB,300x255,20:17,trump_father_vaccine_300x2….png)

File: 531df92623fedb8⋯.jpg (170.79 KB,1242x1257,414:419,FnKY_hLaUAMc_IF.jpg)


He wanted us to remember that it was all him.

So, we remember.

In one way, maybe the vaxx killed a bunch of people?

In another way, maybe the populace will "wake up" to the vaxx scam?

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da58e2 No.18521318

File: 4e6c52f1bc43270⋯.jpeg (58.34 KB,1080x456,45:19,1576594720.jpeg)

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07026c No.18521319


Couldn’t care less about the anime. Your points are the where the derailment lies.

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88d1c3 No.18521320

File: 90ebd314433298e⋯.jpg (77.97 KB,600x900,2:3,7037d9c9993d6fd696c403628c….jpg)

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9d3ede No.18521321

File: 69572fc1e6f7523⋯.jpeg (65.93 KB,768x432,16:9,AD6ACA76_EE74_411F_B4CF_8….jpeg)

16 Mar, 2023 21:09

==Serbian president speaks on Russia sanctions after scandal=

Aleksandar Vucic told reporters that he, and not some minister, will announce any policy changes

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic brushed off the demands of one of his cabinet ministers to join the EU sanctions against Russia, telling reporters on Thursday that the long-standing policy might change only if there is no other way.

“Our position is to not impose sanctions,”Vucic told reporters in Belgrade, before departing for North Macedonia for talks regarding the breakaway province of Kosovo.

Implying that this policy might be changed only in “circumstances when there is no way out,”Vucic said he, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic would know best if and when that became the case, adding that he would make such an announcement personally.

Whether that is within a month or five months, I don’t know. But our policy has persisted for over a year under the most difficult conditions,and no Basta will change it.

Vucic was responding to social media posts by Economy Minister Rade Basta, who earlier this week argued that Belgrade should sanction Moscow because the Western pressure was becoming unbearable. Basta’s own party disavowed his comments, and some members of the ruling coalition called for his resignation.

Individual ministers can’t go to the public with positions that are opposed to the majority of their colleagues in the cabinet, Vucic told reporters. As of Thursday, Basta remains in his post.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reacted by saying it was strange that Basta was complaining about Russia but did not seem to mind US and EU pressure. Basta tried to make a point that Zakharova was herself under Western sanctions, asking her to come to dinner in Serbia “if she could find a way to come.” The Russian diplomat politely reminded the Serbian minister it was Lent, but that she would gladly visit one of Moscow’s many Serbian restaurants after Easter.

Serbia has resisted pressure from the EU and the US to sanction Russia over the conflict with Ukraine, pointing out that the West is demanding Belgrade recognize Kosovo as independent but insisting on territorial integrity for Kiev.

Vucic is scheduled to meet with US and EU envoys and the leader of Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian government in Ohrid on Friday, to discuss the so-called Franco-German “normalization” plan.

The document, made public by the EU last month, includes provisions that would require Serbia to de facto recognize Kosovo and “harmonize” its foreign policy with Brussels, meaning sanctions against Russia.


I think he was insinuating“and no Bastard will change it”kek

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050128 No.18521322

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8e2ea7 No.18521323

File: 9ebe6e431b6c22d⋯.jpg (19.84 KB,253x256,253:256,Kay_Kay.jpg)



Here's one.

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a98453 No.18521324

File: 9b7683c4fa850a5⋯.png (133.55 KB,313x313,1:1,n5.png)

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d013de No.18521325

From all their attempts to divide the board and steer and control the topics it was a antifa tranny that won for them.

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d011ce No.18521327

File: 876e4d6a38e2dad⋯.png (40.58 KB,500x400,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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5aa059 No.18521328

File: e62daed879c57f2⋯.mp4 (8.37 MB,748x418,34:19,TrumpVaxxMontage.mp4)

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3e69ff No.18521329


remember when it was ready and available for sick old people? but then somebody stole an election and started mandating it for everybody

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2d20d4 No.18521330

File: 40ecd53f170c9ff⋯.jpg (74.68 KB,500x562,250:281,40ecd53f170c9ff95afc7b44b0….jpg)

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050128 No.18521331

File: 8c319a1f3e36122⋯.png (446.17 KB,710x1352,355:676,744.png)

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e22428 No.18521332

File: 05bf7e1dff95e63⋯.png (784.07 KB,1038x576,173:96,ClipboardImage.png)


>american cartoons are ok

That depends on your definition of OK

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e30905 No.18521334




SHOCKING MOMENT: Citizen Brutally Confronts Lori Lightfoot, Tells Her, 'You Are A Pandemic!'

>280,484 views | Mar 16, 2023

At yesterday's Chicago City Council meeting, William Kelly assailed Mayor Lori Lightfoot.


Flying Fowl Farm

Flying Fowl Farm

4 hours ago

Good to see a reporter stand up to a politician like that.



38 replies

debbie ervin

debbie ervin

2 hours ago

We need more individuals to find the courage to stand up and speak out….. way to go!!!



9 replies



1 hour ago

She is a perfect example of EXACTLY what happens when you select someone solely based on race, gender and sexual orientation!



20 replies

Dark Chaos

Dark Chaos

50 minutes ago

"you are a pandemic"

This should be said to ALL government officials.



2 replies

Annetta Mallett

Annetta Mallett

3 hours ago

He hit the nail on the head! She is a pandemic no doubt. Stay strong Chicago!!! God bless you all 🙏🇺🇲



6 replies

Alan Rizkallah

Alan Rizkallah

1 hour ago

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to have selfish, ignorant leaders."

–George Carlin



3 replies



5 hours ago

The rest of Chicago should be telling her the same thing



45 replies

R Riley

R Riley

3 hours ago

Finally !! An HONEST BRAVE journalist telling that PATHETIC "whatever she is" WHAT others weren't Brave enough to say!! We Stand behind you Sir!!!



13 replies

Kekoa L

Kekoa L

2 hours ago

I’m glad someone had the balls to tell exactly what she did to the city of Chicago.



4 replies



1 hour ago

Finally someone had the guts to say it to her face.





3 hours ago

Buy this man a beer. We need more people in this country like that to stand up and have the balls big enough to see what needs to be said to these incompetent politicians.



Dante G

Dante G

1 hour ago

I can't wait to see the lawsuits hit her when she is out of office.





5 hours ago

God bless the people brave enough to stand up to tyrants!



59 replies

John Abbott

John Abbott

2 hours ago

I was born in Chicago, and up until a few years ago, lived there.

To say that she's a pandemic is being too kind.



2 replies

Chris Briault

Chris Briault

2 hours ago

Standing ovation for this guy. Brings tears to my eye🥲



Christopher Thurston

Christopher Thurston

1 hour ago

Her reaction speaks volumes. She is not listening to him…holding him in contempt by drinking her soda and talking to an aide. Good Riddance to this arrogant, out of touch failure of a mayor. Goodbye to this joke of a leader who ruined one of the greatest cities in the world!



Eddie Manson

Eddie Manson

2 hours ago

This deserves to go majorly viral.




5 hours ago

It would be nice if networks like MSNBC, CNN, ABC and NPR would hire real journalists like this guy.



40 replies



2 hours ago

He speaks for every rational minded human in Chicago.


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a403cb No.18521335

File: ac9c01df1926f12⋯.jpeg (24.35 KB,193x262,193:262,3EB947B6_DE89_49B2_B06C_A….jpeg)

Mokuba Says:

Don‘t be a deep state loser!



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7894a3 No.18521336

File: c7c5a1ef5cd1475⋯.jpeg (234.21 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,504DC967_FC7B_465A_BD17_B….jpeg)

what’s going on with his forehead?

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9d94f3 No.18521337

File: 074a29a8dbce95d⋯.png (264.6 KB,680x453,680:453,d4icqoen.png)

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dd54d2 No.18521338


I do remember Trump recommending the disabled, sick, and eldery be killed with the vaxx, while the younger folks could be killed with Remdesivir.

Yep, I remember.

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ba6b5e No.18521339

File: be92269e668dddf⋯.jpg (126.02 KB,1123x914,1123:914,be92269e668dddfc1fecc173f4….jpg)

Cartoon drama. They're so smart. Whoever hired this batch of clowns isn't getting his money's worth.

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d011ce No.18521340

File: 5494920a389fb7a⋯.png (225.49 KB,320x320,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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49a8d5 No.18521341

File: 0ce14c3803d8b82⋯.png (187.47 KB,600x600,1:1,535.png)


This is officially no longer a Spiderman thread

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202f4d No.18521342

File: 35972abfe5090db⋯.png (315.1 KB,954x718,477:359,Nowhere_to_Run.png)



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3e69ff No.18521344


kek you're desperate

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a403cb No.18521345

File: 0b4f6b6aea41365⋯.jpeg (16.15 KB,275x183,275:183,9FD57B08_BD7B_4E8F_815F_B….jpeg)

Family Guy did Black Jesus before Kanye West

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618446 No.18521346

File: 653697f5045b299⋯.png (334.7 KB,869x619,869:619,ho.PNG)


House Oversight Receives Bank Records

Showing Biden Family Paid by Chinese Energy Company

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 3/16/2023 7:56:03 PM

The House Oversight Committee released records today outlining how the Biden family was paid by a Chinese energy company [House Link Here]. The bank records indicate payments to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden; Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden; Joe Biden’s daughter-in-law, Hallie Biden, and an unknown “Biden;” likely the principal, “big guy”, Joe Biden himself.WASHINGTON—Today, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability issued a memorandum revealing new evidence resulting from the investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling and business schemes. Subpoenaed financial records show that from 2015 to 2017, Biden family members (snip) and their companies collectively received $1.3 million in payments from accounts related to Rob Walker

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da58e2 No.18521347

File: 48793e76aff1f2b⋯.jpeg (86.03 KB,1020x756,85:63,1538349028.jpeg)

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7894a3 No.18521348


WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 24: Co-founder of Microsoft Bill Gates speaks during an event to mark the 20th anniversary of PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) at the United States Institute of Peace on February 24, 2023 in Washington, DC. The George W. Bush Institute hosted the event to mark the anniversary of the initiative, established by former U.S. president George W. Bush in 2003, to combat the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)


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b9bd92 No.18521349


>At least it's a change over the ethnic/racial division ammunition they've been firing and failing with for the last five years.

keen observation

btw did you invent movie pepe w/ 3d glasses and popcorn ?

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dd54d2 No.18521350


Only for the truth.

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85c0bd No.18521351

File: 17cc80fdc800361⋯.jpeg (53.81 KB,472x700,118:175,whatisntup.jpeg)

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a403cb No.18521352

File: bfe16009bbed9fd⋯.jpeg (18.56 KB,225x225,1:1,0A6748A9_8E22_431F_B63B_8….jpeg)


Can it be a Mokuba Thread?

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7344fe No.18521354

File: 366876f312e1124⋯.jpg (405.03 KB,2100x1828,525:457,Screenshot_20230316_201117….jpg)


Do it picrel Q!

Under budget and ahead of schedule.

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fff81a No.18521355

File: aa4ed0c2d87fca6⋯.png (10.44 KB,255x144,85:48,demon_shill_angel_anon_pep….png)

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38df2b No.18521356


Never fail to let us know. Every day.

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e22428 No.18521357

File: 4733f105c2da34e⋯.png (199.2 KB,474x268,237:134,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18521256, >>18521334 Citizen Brutally Confronts Lori Lightfoot, Tells Her, 'You Are A Pandemic!'


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49a8d5 No.18521358

File: 292d77be17b3529⋯.png (335.91 KB,386x573,386:573,435356346464.png)


Thank you bigly muchly

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618446 No.18521359

File: 6d35ca4fc02f7c0⋯.png (624.85 KB,679x720,679:720,cut.PNG)


Report: Conservatives, Republicans Could

Cut Off Establishment Media in 2024 Cycle

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 3/16/2023 6:30:06 PM

Conservatives and Republicans could, a new report suggests, cut off establishment media outlets’ access in the 2024 election cycle as GOP lawmakers and candidates look to alternative communication channels to tell their stories. The prospect of the establishment media’s precarious position was captured in a Tuesday article written by the Dispatch’s David Drucker in which he warned Republican lawmakers and candidates heading into the 2024 election cycle “could attempt to freeze out mainstream journalists,” paralyzing television networks’ content creation and crushing their claims of political neutrality.

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2d20d4 No.18521360

File: f857aea5bbb9d72⋯.jpeg (13.54 KB,255x197,255:197,02df3cf38551f74179d022577….jpeg)

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afa21d No.18521361

File: 4ea9eb4a4af1c47⋯.jpg (178.15 KB,1280x847,1280:847,large_52_.jpg)

What goes woke goes broke. But what about Dank Bank?

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a403cb No.18521362


Can you guess why that is?

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642dc6 No.18521364

Last Call

#22714 >>18520637

>>18520715 Kash: itunes just pulled "Justice For All" across their platforms

>>18520722, >>18520800, >>18521077 Special Counsel Jack Smith Expands Witch Hunt, Subpoenas Dozens of Mar-a-Lago Staffers – Including Servers!

>>18520725 @Pfizer Documents Reveal Pharmaceutical Giant Had ‘Evidence’ Suggesting ‘Increased Risk of Myocarditis’ 2022

>>18520735 Fiery Riots Erupt in France After Macron Uses Special Power to Raises Retirement Age without Vote

>>18520744 “Global Challenge” ( @ChallengesFnd), which is now COINCIDENTALLY fully financed by a billionaire named Kristine Person

>>18520786 @NavalInstitute #OTD in 1945, MajGen Harry Schmidt declared that Iwo Jima was secure after 25 days of combat.

>>18520824 Meta claims new AI will help pharmaceutical companies make new drugs

>>18520875, >>18521129 ISIS could hit US, West from Afghanistan in ‘under 6 months’: General/DS fear pron from up hi

>>18520930 Hunter Biden admits ties to China

>>18520939 Albany Diocese files for bankruptcy as hundreds of sex abuse suits pile up

>>18520963 Uranium reported missing by IAEA in Libya ‘recovered’

>>18520971, >>18521052 BASHAR AL-ASSAD: "A global public consciousness is gradually forming, and after a certain period of time, the United States, which is besieging the world, will find itself besieged and will end up in isolation.

>>18521007 Ex-Silicon Valley Bank CEO Greg Becker jets to Hawaii after collapse

>>18521024 US Government Releases Censored Documents Detailing Fluoride’s Impact on Childhood IQ

>>18521029 @RoyalCanNavy To file under unforgettable memories

>>18521064 Virgin Orbit will 'PAUSE' all operations from today: Richard Branson's firm furloughs staff

>>18521095, >>18521096 NASA Awards Advance 3D Printing, Quantum Tech for Climate Research

>>18521134 Agenda47: Preventing World War III

>>18521176 FBI Raids Home of Former Gov. Larry Hogan’s Chief of Staff Roy McGrath Amid Manhunt

>>18521189 US nuclear plant admits to radioactive leak

>>18521229 @JamesOKeefeIII On Twitter Spaces now discussing decentralizing journalism

>>18521233 West warns Ukraine not to blow ‘last ditch effort’

>>18521321 Serbian president speaks on Russia sanctions after scandal “Our position is to not impose sanctions,”

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ba6b5e No.18521365


>btw did you invent movie pepe w/ 3d glasses and popcorn ?


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8e2ea7 No.18521366



There's a lot of lost time to be made up now that Jim has ruled Tranime was horribly wronged by BO last night.

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9d94f3 No.18521367

File: 5401851d6f26182⋯.png (172.03 KB,332x452,83:113,pee.png)

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d011ce No.18521368

File: 84d277eaf0e6d18⋯.png (580.02 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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a403cb No.18521369

File: d09b4aa6f59d7be⋯.jpeg (21.15 KB,259x194,259:194,FD676B1E_3536_4EBF_A7AA_A….jpeg)


No problem, little sis!

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85c0bd No.18521371

File: 40c1b6884ec347e⋯.png (22.14 KB,284x221,284:221,angelsamongus.png)

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8524c7 No.18521372


>muh isis

>muh cat

>muh mean redheads

You've been trying to paint this picture for how many years now? gfys

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b9bd92 No.18521373


Ok tnx

Thought I saw a similarity

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49a8d5 No.18521374

File: 57d2315ed806eb3⋯.jpg (39.25 KB,474x643,474:643,4432.jpg)


let's get the mokuba party started!

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e22428 No.18521375

File: abc61774a2cbcc0⋯.png (183.16 KB,372x322,186:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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88d1c3 No.18521376

File: 8d3e4627c614150⋯.jpg (123.55 KB,720x960,3:4,4tyu75.jpg)

Plane anons

Is this a typical landing?

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63088f No.18521377

These are the times to remember

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202d00 No.18521378


RRN is a news parody site.

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6563e2 No.18521380

File: 5b524239782f0dd⋯.png (392.42 KB,556x699,556:699,Screen_Shot_03_16_23_at_09….PNG)

File: 6c7da3dcb7403b0⋯.mp4 (3.37 MB,576x774,32:43,whoa.mp4)



WTF is going on in America right now?



9:41 AM · Mar 16, 2023


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3eb024 No.18521381

File: 9b76d6df5b84268⋯.jpeg (97.6 KB,600x600,1:1,9b76d6df5b84268c2ed4f6902….jpeg)

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3b9b94 No.18521382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f83295 No.18521383

File: 686929572336f21⋯.jpg (124.59 KB,680x453,680:453,potato_nigger_dance.jpg)

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486a3c No.18521385

File: 17f4aa3755103b5⋯.png (639.58 KB,1326x1073,1326:1073,3555436.png)


>Jim has ruled Tranime was horribly wronged

post more anime jim approves

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a403cb No.18521386

File: b9e3e810da62d62⋯.webp (37.89 KB,1080x814,540:407,3DAEFABE_949D_47C7_B3B8_2….webp)

Mokuba Says:

If you use psychedelics to communicate with demons, you will probably regret it!

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618446 No.18521388

File: b52e933bcb225b8⋯.png (280.06 KB,425x551,425:551,jet.PNG)


NEW - Ex-Silicon Valley Bank CEO Greg Becker jets to Hawaii after collapse. He cashed in 12,500 shares for nearly $3.5 million just two weeks before the firm went under.



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050128 No.18521389

File: ba403a55a5064db⋯.jpg (387.51 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230316_211609….jpg)

File: 252347d2772daff⋯.png (203.49 KB,710x1610,71:161,802_2_.png)

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fff81a No.18521390

File: 649e185f483da84⋯.gif (801.41 KB,280x215,56:43,0e29c47e062d0c0e7ce9ad4f38….gif)

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e22428 No.18521391


>Last Call

>>18521256, >>18521334 Citizen Brutally Confronts Lori Lightfoot, Tells Her, 'You Are A Pandemic!'

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8e2ea7 No.18521392


Please let up on the anime for a bit, anons.

Potato Nigger Dance needs room to maneuver.

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b57e33 No.18521393

File: 3234a5ec7ff9e7c⋯.png (129.9 KB,300x480,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba6b5e No.18521394

File: 2c9c72514bf1015⋯.png (944.67 KB,808x572,202:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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8524c7 No.18521395


Thanks. Great band. Just don't care for fake love songs. I'm over it all. Go fuck yourself now asshole.

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2d20d4 No.18521396


notice how instead of providing any sort of context, he simply offers "wtf is going on?"

hate shit like that

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642dc6 No.18521397


#22714 >>18520637

>>18520715 Kash: itunes just pulled "Justice For All" across their platforms

>>18520722, >>18520800, >>18521077 Special Counsel Jack Smith Expands Witch Hunt, Subpoenas Dozens of Mar-a-Lago Staffers – Including Servers!

>>18520725 @Pfizer Documents Reveal Pharmaceutical Giant Had ‘Evidence’ Suggesting ‘Increased Risk of Myocarditis’ 2022

>>18520735 Fiery Riots Erupt in France After Macron Uses Special Power to Raises Retirement Age without Vote

>>18520744 “Global Challenge” ( @ChallengesFnd), which is now COINCIDENTALLY fully financed by a billionaire named Kristine Person

>>18520786 @NavalInstitute #OTD in 1945, MajGen Harry Schmidt declared that Iwo Jima was secure after 25 days of combat.

>>18520824 Meta claims new AI will help pharmaceutical companies make new drugs

>>18520875, >>18521129 ISIS could hit US, West from Afghanistan in ‘under 6 months’: General/DS fear pron from up hi

>>18520930 Hunter Biden admits ties to China

>>18520939 Albany Diocese files for bankruptcy as hundreds of sex abuse suits pile up

>>18520963 Uranium reported missing by IAEA in Libya ‘recovered’

>>18520971, >>18521052 BASHAR AL-ASSAD: "A global public consciousness is gradually forming, and after a certain period of time, the United States, which is besieging the world, will find itself besieged and will end up in isolation.

>>18521007 Ex-Silicon Valley Bank CEO Greg Becker jets to Hawaii after collapse

>>18521024 US Government Releases Censored Documents Detailing Fluoride’s Impact on Childhood IQ

>>18521029 @RoyalCanNavy To file under unforgettable memories

>>18521064 Virgin Orbit will 'PAUSE' all operations from today: Richard Branson's firm furloughs staff

>>18521095, >>18521096 NASA Awards Advance 3D Printing, Quantum Tech for Climate Research

>>18521134 Agenda47: Preventing World War III

>>18521176 FBI Raids Home of Former Gov. Larry Hogan’s Chief of Staff Roy McGrath Amid Manhunt

>>18521189 US nuclear plant admits to radioactive leak

>>18521229 @JamesOKeefeIII On Twitter Spaces now discussing decentralizing journalism

>>18521233 West warns Ukraine not to blow ‘last ditch effort’

>>18521321 Serbian president speaks on Russia sanctions after scandal “Our position is to not impose sanctions,”

>>18521359 Conservatives, Republicans Could Cut Off Establishment Media in 2024 Cycle


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7344fe No.18521400

File: 3b4cf47298c0169⋯.jpeg (14.77 KB,255x160,51:32,1678523396.jpeg)

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618446 No.18521401

File: 5e8a2c1d7a8b668⋯.png (505.52 KB,929x717,929:717,beck.PNG)


Democrat Activist To Resign From Voter

Roll Operation After Pressure From GOP States

The Federalist, by Victoria Marshall

Posted By: Imright, 3/16/2023 6:14:44 PM

After Missouri, Florida, and West Virginia announced their withdrawal from the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) last week, nonvoting board member and founder David Becker tweeted that he would not accept renomination to ERIC’s board. As previously reported by The Federalist, ERIC markets itself as a voter roll management system used by at least 30 states and the District of Columbia. It operates under the guise of helping states update their voter rolls by removing dead and duplicate registrants and comparing data with other member states. But ERIC does more to inflate state voter rolls than clean them,

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fff81a No.18521403

File: 5034aad41a07268⋯.jpg (62.63 KB,750x1000,3:4,Bass_Stops.jpg)

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80287c No.18521404

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486a3c No.18521407

File: 123c8b5ab6d2d2e⋯.png (1.14 MB,728x960,91:120,2424525.png)


remember to archive this bread offline before jims anime approval comments get deleted

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c174b4 No.18521408

File: 1778c2a24bb8676⋯.jpeg (396.05 KB,723x701,723:701,8C435DCF_B91D_4470_B4CD_2….jpeg)

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e11267 No.18521411


wait till you see biden trying to land the economy

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00cbf5 No.18521412

File: 3ddb2f9c2fe8130⋯.png (150.13 KB,1352x922,676:461,ClipboardImage.png)



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642dc6 No.18521414

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4aaa33 No.18521415

File: cac85bead35e9c6⋯.jpg (225.48 KB,674x686,337:343,RESOLVER.jpg)

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050128 No.18521416


cmon white hats take the bread

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0339fb No.18521417

File: d634cce4537dd14⋯.png (539.75 KB,1426x1148,713:574,ClipboardImage.png)


halfchan retards, they are here cos one of their faggots got arrested today at his moms.

as long as they stay out of the kitchen

it is a easy filter

only downside is they are bread gobbling as well as each other.

The feds are round up their useful idiots.


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8524c7 No.18521419


Delayed reflex? About 3 days late to the party, Gatekeeper.

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618446 No.18521420

File: e648b78e80969a8⋯.png (767.32 KB,1255x814,1255:814,ANON_I_O.PNG)

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b82c52 No.18521422



get those potato niggers dancin'


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9d3ede No.18521426



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e22428 No.18521427

File: 5b904961688f293⋯.jpg (46.16 KB,550x532,275:266,1636007414481.jpg)


>These are the times to remember

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7344fe No.18521430


Swift boat.

Been a while since that crossed the nogin.

Thanks for the reminder.

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c174b4 No.18521432


“Let the sun shine, let the sun shine down on you…”

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a403cb No.18521433

File: 3444caa93f3a7f9⋯.png (1.46 MB,1024x1024,1:1,DALL_E_2023_03_17_02_22_41….png)

Mokuba Says:

Never mess with Donald J.‘Trump‘s Certified Original Babylonian Money Magic!

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afa21d No.18521436

File: 50b2183c43ec212⋯.jpg (125.22 KB,530x800,53:80,50b2183c43ec2123395a6fb7e0….jpg)


Patriotic anime is fine

Just don't over do it. Frog world no likey over do shit

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5ad868 No.18521437


>All anime haterz are shills.

That sounds like a shilly fucking statement right there (unless anon fails to note internet sarchasm).

This anon is no fan of anime and fucking despises that tranime thrusts it down our throat like an unwanted cock with 70 -80 posts per bread when it bakes.

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eeb88d No.18521438

File: 1e77e12d6eba2ad⋯.jpg (50.15 KB,680x453,680:453,BidenUkrainainDance.jpg)

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d011ce No.18521439

File: 46eeb6a321053ed⋯.png (249.72 KB,768x723,256:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f5b3c No.18521440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That photo is the real JB. Another idiot. Not sure who the current fake POTUS is. But American people aren't buying it. Good for them. Gun sales are hitting record highs going into 2023. They don't trust the real JB photo. They don't trust the fake JB photo. And they don't trust the promises from the newly elected House in DC. At the end of the day and every day in history it's all about intelligence and numbers. American people are far more intelligent than DC and far more in numbers. Like that sound.

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2d20d4 No.18521441

File: 93d84c5ee5ad130⋯.jpeg (208.06 KB,717x411,239:137,93d84c5ee5ad1306cf26528c8….jpeg)

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3eb024 No.18521443

File: 4a441996b375ef8⋯.jpg (74.83 KB,960x960,1:1,4a441996b375ef8414aff37130….jpg)

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b57e33 No.18521445

File: 58880ab2ad27cf6⋯.png (124.01 KB,300x480,5:8,image_removebg_preview_2_.png)

File: bfcc50daa436c4e⋯.png (69.89 KB,612x408,3:2,image_removebg_preview_3_.png)

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b9bd92 No.18521449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fbeef2 No.18521453

File: 592ab159f055e22⋯.jpg (156.04 KB,580x882,290:441,0001d5976036a7a6ad3fee6c11….jpg)


That was an old one eeh? circa 2017 QANON area, kek

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3eb024 No.18521455

File: 4889cf61af5b64c⋯.jpg (50.81 KB,781x731,781:731,4889cf61af5b64c8d91e8a0446….jpg)

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e22428 No.18521456

File: 012d4025684c2cf⋯.jpg (54.1 KB,600x360,5:3,boom.jpg)

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202d00 No.18521479

File: ae0de78d9618bbd⋯.jpg (27.88 KB,512x512,1:1,Monroe_18150.jpg)


Biden falls every day. The news only catches it sometimes.

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