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File: 02ab19ef600be5b⋯.png (715.28 KB,693x391,693:391,02ab19ef600be5b09eddb8985a….png)

cd03e3 No.18483663 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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cd03e3 No.18483664

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18287979 ——–——– Canada #40

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18363355 ——–——– Japan/Nihon #12

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579

Please be advised that there will be a scheduled maintenance across our network on March 12, 2023 at 9:00PM Sunday Pacific time.


#22665 >>18482909

>>18482970 Daylight saving time/Date (2023) Sun, Mar 12, 2023

>>18482978 How can I increase the amount of FDIC insurance beyond $250,000?

>>18483060, >>18483115 This is real effort to rein in power government and empower people back to their Constitutional rights.Kat Cammack

>>18483073, >>18482921 Alex Stein IS SUING AOC For Blocking him On Twitter For Calling her A BIG BOOTY LATINA

>>18483159 DJT on Human Trafficking

>>18483202, >>18483226 The New York hush-money probe of Donald Trump explained

>>18483238, >>18483221 12 days ago CEO, CFO and CMO all sold shares in SVB

>>18483244 Everything lately goes back to Vanguard and Blackrock. It looks like they are "cleaning up". They are burning things down.

>>18483478 In a $7.5 trillion budget… the President is allocating just $40 million to combat fentanyl—the leading killer of young adults in America.

>>18483491, >>18483523, >>18483539 Only in Massachusetts, Opt for an account with both FDIC and DIF insurance

>>18483555, >>18483556, >>18483558, >>18483564 An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll ancient law

>>18483640 Fears Silicon Valley Bank collapse could topple First Republic Bank next, as shares slump 40% in a month and investors voice concerns over losses on its investments

>>18483657 #22665

#22664 >>18482130

>>18482161, >>18482173, >>18482177, >>18482202, >>18482614 FREE THE QANON SHAMAN!!!1

>>18482210, >>18482237, >>18482239 The House unanimously passes a bill to force President Biden's DNI Director Avril Haines to declassify information about the origin of C-19

>>18482267 Matt Taibbi Details What The FBI Told Twitter To Get Posts Taken Down

>>18482371 Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: I have just notified Capitol Police of Jane Fonda’s call to murder pro-life politicians.

>>18482401, >>18482771 customers queuing up outside Silicon Valley Bank in Menlo Park, California amid SVB collapse

>>18482404 ‘No foul play’: Missing Georgia man found dead, wrapped in carpet

>>18482408 Ukraine moves to seize historic monastery

>>18482466 ISIS psyop BTFO

>>18482486 Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) speaks about visiting Selma, Alabama, and the push for voting rights.

>>18482496, >>18482548 Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible - militarytimes

>>18482537 1st Cav weighs in on Hanoi Jane

>>18482619 Paul Sperry twats

>>18482662, >>18482170 Tucker is Linking FTX to SVB

>>18482711 Maryland Democrat Files Bill To Stop Charging Anyone Under 25 With Felony Murder

>>18482713 Timcast IRL - Reps Matt Gaetz And Dan Bishop Join To EXPOSE J6 Breaking news w/Steve Bannon

>>18482858 #22663

#22663 >>18481324

>>18481379 Covid-19: High court finds vaccine mandate extension to care and support workers invalid

>>18481395 Georgia State Law School scared of the Covid Litigation Conference?!? Suddenly announces rival event

>>18481398, >>18482040, >>18482059 You could have sold

>>18481402 /NavalInstitute/status Rig for red?

>>18481409 A Paris judge has thrown out Brigitte Macron’s case against two women who claimed in a YouTube show that France’s first lady is actually her own transgender brother

>>18481533, >>18481550, >>18481560, >>18481577 is Karl Rove a Nazi grandbaby like W. Bush?

>>18481565, >>18481594 DeSantis Appears in Iowa as Campaign Manager and PACs Begin Positioning for Likely May Announcement

>>18481575 nuggets to be found for NOW? whirlpool transcripts

>>18481616 'Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest' Evidence for Lukianoff’s reverse CBT hypothesis

>>18481773 Tech CEO with millions in Silicon Valley Bank: 'Innovation in the startup world is bleeding today'

>>18481756, >>18481756 Title I and Title II of the U.S. GSIB resolution plan of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (aka the 'solution' for the 'Collpase')

>>18481971 British news paper The Guardian sets a terrorist target on Belarus

>>18481966 How PR and the fog of corporate disinformation has governments paying to burn the planet

>>18481978 "The successful talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Beijing are a victory for dialogue and peace"

>>18481982, >>18482042 Elon Musk says “Free Jacob Chansley” after new Jan 6 video reportedly shows him reading Trump’s tweet and asking everyone to remain peaceful

>>18482042 Chansley got 4 years in prison for a non-violent, police-escorted tour! Dave Chapelle was violently assaulted on stage by a guy with a knife. That guy got a $3000 fine & no prison time.

>>18481992, >>18482087 Nothing to see here, please disperse OLD SLIDE

>>18482028 Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees 'repeatedly' don't file federal returns

>>18482088 Lavrov likens protests in ex-Soviet state to 2014 Kiev coup

>>18482900 #22664

#22663 >>18481324

>>18481379 Covid-19: High court finds vaccine mandate extension to care and support workers invalid

>>18481395 Georgia State Law School scared of the Covid Litigation Conference?!? Suddenly announces rival event

>>18481398, >>18482040, >>18482059 You could have sold

>>18481402 /NavalInstitute/status Rig for red?

>>18481409 A Paris judge has thrown out Brigitte Macron’s case against two women who claimed in a YouTube show that France’s first lady is actually her own transgender brother

>>18481533, >>18481550, >>18481560, >>18481577 is Karl Rove a Nazi grandbaby like W. Bush?

>>18481565, >>18481594 DeSantis Appears in Iowa as Campaign Manager and PACs Begin Positioning for Likely May Announcement

>>18481575 nuggets to be found for NOW? whirlpool transcripts

>>18481616 'Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest' Evidence for Lukianoff’s reverse CBT hypothesis

>>18481773 Tech CEO with millions in Silicon Valley Bank: 'Innovation in the startup world is bleeding today'

>>18481756, >>18481756 Title I and Title II of the U.S. GSIB resolution plan of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (aka the 'solution' for the 'Collpase')

>>18481971 British news paper The Guardian sets a terrorist target on Belarus

>>18481966 How PR and the fog of corporate disinformation has governments paying to burn the planet

>>18481978 "The successful talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Beijing are a victory for dialogue and peace"

>>18481982, >>18482042 Elon Musk says “Free Jacob Chansley” after new Jan 6 video reportedly shows him reading Trump’s tweet and asking everyone to remain peaceful

>>18482042 Chansley got 4 years in prison for a non-violent, police-escorted tour! Dave Chapelle was violently assaulted on stage by a guy with a knife. That guy got a $3000 fine & no prison time.

>>18481992, >>18482087 Nothing to see here, please disperse OLD SLIDE

>>18482028 Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees 'repeatedly' don't file federal returns

>>18482088 Lavrov likens protests in ex-Soviet state to 2014 Kiev coup

>>18482100 #22663

Previously Collected

>>18481298 #22662

>>18479188 #22569, >>18479700 #22660, >>18480520 #22661

>>18476598 #22656, >>18477379 #22657, >>18478302 #22658

>>18475080 #22654, >>18475732 #22655-A, >>18475925 #22655-B

TripCodefeed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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cd03e3 No.18483668

File: d8141dd9f983699⋯.png (640.68 KB,720x804,60:67,d8141dd9f983699a59fed86692….png)

File: 07ea647e2d96e9f⋯.jpeg (80.92 KB,526x779,526:779,07ea647e2d96e9f6553e5b3a6….jpeg)



Baker taps, new baker Self Confirm

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39d2f4 No.18483677

File: 190cbfcbcfed68c⋯.jpg (25.27 KB,550x245,110:49,hothothot.jpg)

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66e6a2 No.18483678

File: 25ca5a6978e09a3⋯.png (242.21 KB,536x304,67:38,Anon_Night_Shift_fire.PNG)

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5593ff No.18483679

>>18483616 LB

>>18483615 LB




United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement

The United States, Mexico, and Canada updated NAFTA to create the new USMCA. USMCA is mutually beneficial for North American workers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses. The new agreement, which entered into force on July 1, 2020, will create a more balanced environment for trade, will support high-paying jobs for Americans, and will grow the North American economy.

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7e93c5 No.18483680

File: 7914a601a11cf2e⋯.jpg (69.51 KB,952x490,68:35,juuhiejfsdf.jpg)

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2c7018 No.18483681

Q and the Qanon movement is once again gaining steam.


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b48b8e No.18483682

No more gamesmanship.

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2fe1af No.18483683

File: e3a12325795250e⋯.mp4 (11.72 MB,512x480,16:15,j6pc.mp4)

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2f6cf2 No.18483684

File: 3e9c2d33a2d6ad7⋯.jpg (117.71 KB,750x483,250:161,35333.jpg)

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0ac1a8 No.18483685

File: 78040700e0e384a⋯.png (77.6 KB,229x220,229:220,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18483651 pb

You may continue.

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f3972a No.18483686

File: bac17c5486a65aa⋯.png (21.33 KB,802x210,401:105,Screenshot_2023_03_10_2211….png)


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d49b31 No.18483687

Well. That was a fun one.

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c655c2 No.18483688

File: 9d255bf241869c0⋯.png (7.47 MB,2448x3264,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c7018 No.18483689


JP Morgan will be the next to crash.

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d49b31 No.18483690

Tune in next week for another episode of Which Psyop Will I Fall For Next?

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3e50f2 No.18483691

File: 172ea8195d7d3b0⋯.png (64.05 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d6a3d2997fba77⋯.png (15.73 KB,444x159,148:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f240e703809d55⋯.jpg (33.46 KB,255x255,1:1,enjoy_the_show.jpg)

>>18482909 tyb

>>18482355 (lb) I agree. in a good way?

>>18482161 (lb)

>learn to play chess

>central casting

>actors will act

>you're watching a movie.

>enjoy the show.

Where is Stienbart?

They're both feds, what purpose did each of them serve?

not all feds are bad.

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d49b31 No.18483692

Someday. Someone will be real.

Until then… I'll just imagine that all is okay.

Not that hard to so at this point.

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c8af70 No.18483693

File: 307f183c9cc60e7⋯.gif (4.79 MB,480x432,10:9,NS_2.gif)

File: c2bfb452f6c4ad1⋯.gif (4.04 MB,480x272,30:17,ns_storm.gif)

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96a0c4 No.18483694

File: fdeed8911471203⋯.mp4 (11.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,45_Bongo_2.mp4)

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0ac1a8 No.18483695

File: 4b5a132c3b0f6c0⋯.jpg (56.31 KB,884x638,442:319,redarded.jpg)

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4eadf8 No.18483696


Jimmy drops the dime

should've added a flying buttress or two to the "fortress" balance sheet

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5593ff No.18483698

File: e15186b00282743⋯.png (263.42 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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90c9ea No.18483699

File: 801a324a188934f⋯.jpg (222.99 KB,1080x672,45:28,Screenshot_20230310_231516….jpg)



Just saw this up top, another scheduled maint shutdown.

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92bba3 No.18483700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

nyuc nyuc nyuc

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0ac1a8 No.18483701


You're half way there grasshopper. You got the love awakening part now u have to believe u are worthy without any outside validation or needing anyone else to be anything. Everything is always all ok, otherwise Faith would not work.

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90c9ea No.18483702

File: 60747a21bb513b6⋯.png (190.33 KB,608x595,608:595,60747a21bb513b6f24bf57f75c….png)

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3e50f2 No.18483703

File: c2f1b162ab6714b⋯.jpg (69.7 KB,576x768,3:4,italy_trump_parade_float.jpg)

File: ef8df86e92c34f2⋯.mp4 (5.4 MB,360x636,30:53,Order_out_of_Choas.mp4)

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3e50f2 No.18483704


you think those people are organic?

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ebfc2a No.18483705

Re: "farmer's love earth" should be "farmers love earth"

>>18483651 pb

You may continue.


"Why on earth (farmer's love earth!) would the wonderful people of the GREAT State of Iowa vote for Ron DeSanctimonious when he voted and fought to KILL Ethanol (and will definitely do so if given the chance) …" Trump wrote in part in an early morning post on his social media platform, Truth.

Mar 10, 2023,


(lb) >>18483676


Increase ethanol [corn] concentration in gasoline >>> effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers.

[Announcement Tonight]


Oct 9 2018 15:41:49 (EST)


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0d124f No.18483706

File: 1368f3e70e836a5⋯.jpg (32.61 KB,416x356,104:89,tbiuynouimop_.JPG)


>not all feds are bad.

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8e77ff No.18483707

File: 3ca2c5c5a4bd40e⋯.png (155.97 KB,1066x236,533:118,2C458782_8C04_4514_81CA_CA….png)

OAF smile n.

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90c9ea No.18483708

File: 3259e6fb9e782f3⋯.png (627.09 KB,1067x1944,1067:1944,ClipboardImage.png)

Real? Anon claims they saw it form.

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f0a336 No.18483709

Everyone just stay cool and don't shitpost. I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANY GOD DAMN SHIT POSTING TONIGHT

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1d404c No.18483710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c6160a No.18483712

File: 4104550faf22b06⋯.png (90.6 KB,276x362,138:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5a92a No.18483713

File: 84eca56f86462e4⋯.png (237.39 KB,384x313,384:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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236073 No.18483714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Midnight Special

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ff6141 No.18483715

File: ab0e1a189e58627⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,576x1024,9:16,6yRdcHkTPHBhwg3c.mp4)

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fcea16 No.18483716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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af8e92 No.18483717

File: 214ce056f7e1457⋯.jpg (69.17 KB,680x680,1:1,Fq20yAAXsAEcR3j.jpg)


Looks fake.

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2f6cf2 No.18483719

File: de7d60039ffdec0⋯.png (137.13 KB,437x303,437:303,6363.png)


shitposters are essential workers

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f0a336 No.18483720


The Beatles were only good until Paul died

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0ac1a8 No.18483721

File: 0e735492a3c30f0⋯.png (43.16 KB,212x212,1:1,kek_ultra.png)

File: 845abadb40a0fe5⋯.jpg (43.12 KB,700x520,35:26,profile.jpg)

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c4b204 No.18483722

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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236073 No.18483723


1966 was a sad day

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ff6141 No.18483724

File: c7349a0abaad690⋯.jpg (142.46 KB,720x872,90:109,20230310_223403.jpg)

File: b18a32835c7662f⋯.jpg (156.92 KB,720x1101,240:367,20230310_223416.jpg)


Please remember to report this tweet for violating rules by denying a violent event:

I’m not part of MAGA, but I do believe in fairness of justice.

Chansley was falsely portrayed in the media as a violent criminal who tried to overthrow the state and who urged others to commit violence.

But here he is urging people to be peaceful and go home. And the other video shows him calmly walking in the Capitol building, being escorted by officers and then thanking the officers.

Have you considered a career in Comedy?

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c520d4 No.18483725

Only 32 UID's?

How long has it been stuck on only 32 UID's?

2 weeks?

3 Weeks?

5 weeks?

LMAO@only 32 UID's!

Great job, assholes!

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72b90b No.18483726

File: efabd57a6d0ac52⋯.png (60.72 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays.png)

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72b90b No.18483727

File: bd6934fe2deff20⋯.png (55.5 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays11.png)

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c6160a No.18483728

File: 7cefea1e4f8e0de⋯.png (104.83 KB,271x186,271:186,ClipboardImage.png)

You member Creature Feature in the SF Bay Area? Member the host had a stuffed gorilla? Their big sponsor was a car dealer who always said "Bye kids", then the host of CF put a sign on the gorilla that said bye kids. sponsor was big mad. Host got fired.

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72b90b No.18483729

File: 5a5c1a8cd525a15⋯.png (76.71 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays14.png)

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2f6cf2 No.18483730


>Only 32 UID's?

it was down to 7 when the bread kicked off

>if you are the real Gary please insult jews and boomers

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72b90b No.18483731

File: aebfd31d206e044⋯.png (72.17 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays12.png)

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c520d4 No.18483732


I will. Give it time.

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0ac1a8 No.18483733

File: 89694af68793f9f⋯.png (540.42 KB,550x840,55:84,ClipboardImage.png)


That Anon will be going to hell in a hand basket for telling untruths.

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1d404c No.18483734


The bots aren't loaded, sorry. They will work on it. It was causing lag issue and issues with loading page so had to be turned off. No worries tho. Be up and running soon 🙂

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0ac1a8 No.18483735

File: 3f7e7feff0b9ef8⋯.png (370.88 KB,640x551,640:551,biden_s_hand_over_the_line….png)

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72b90b No.18483736

File: 009054bb98fc129⋯.jpg (55.08 KB,579x431,579:431,MrSwineSaysShrekCoincidenc….jpg)

The Jews don't work tonight.

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9e16c0 No.18483737

File: 00a56ff45ace7ca⋯.jpg (126.45 KB,1227x401,1227:401,Screen_Shot_2023_03_10_at_….jpg)

>>18483615 lb


Board compromised.

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c6160a No.18483738


>until Paul died

Billy Shepard (Billy Shears) is a much better musician, and a hero. He gave up his own name and fame to save the lives of countless girls from suicide.

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2f6cf2 No.18483739

File: 98fc178784ef02d⋯.jpg (86.01 KB,600x480,5:4,1pyxam.jpg)

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72b90b No.18483740

File: 952305aebd57054⋯.jpg (86.5 KB,691x580,691:580,LukImJew.jpg)

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f0a336 No.18483742


How many of these bots are women, would you say. If these bots had vaginas, robot ones, would you say there are at least 10 of them?

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72b90b No.18483743

File: b5264e98e5efd89⋯.png (51.44 KB,673x400,673:400,LyingJewsLeakersII.png)

File: 6c0723e170171de⋯.png (37.62 KB,548x455,548:455,LyingJewSmollett.png)

File: 75858a6d4b1aaf3⋯.png (210.15 KB,556x377,556:377,LyingJewSoros.png)

File: 29dd3f9bbf2a3a1⋯.png (40.89 KB,554x450,277:225,LyingJewSullivan.png)

File: c6565ee651b9fdf⋯.png (43.51 KB,597x418,597:418,LyingJewYellen.png)

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2f6cf2 No.18483744


why not?

are they busy circumcising goy infants?

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e63369 No.18483745

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72b90b No.18483746

File: 8aaac8fc542ad48⋯.jpg (37.06 KB,626x417,626:417,FakeJewLauderWJC.jpg)

File: 35f9cdcce7a1d28⋯.jpg (81.51 KB,707x500,707:500,FakeJewLeonBlack.jpg)

File: 67071515c1d2a26⋯.jpg (114.84 KB,500x666,250:333,FakeJewProtestor.jpg)

File: 2f6bfbf9d3a7d3f⋯.jpg (84.23 KB,900x482,450:241,FakeJews911.jpg)

File: 12a6160fd55e75b⋯.jpg (83.96 KB,749x499,749:499,FakeJewSanders.jpg)

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17385a No.18483747


not true

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b4617c No.18483748


Why isn’t Olberman still tweeting with his dog’s account still?

Fuck that guy

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c520d4 No.18483749


Game Over: JEWISH CREATED and BOOMER MINION APPROVED FDIC, Shutters Silicon Valley Bank, Appoints Receiver

This is what happens when the FUCKING BOOMERS allow their JEWISH MASTERS to take control over everything!


Stock up on food and water, people. Don't forget your pets! Also, having guns and ammo won't hurt.


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2f6cf2 No.18483750


cgi joe

you get a cgi

everyone gets a cgi

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c88b58 No.18483751

Looks like USDC is breaking it's peg right now

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72b90b No.18483752

File: 90075244ec66220⋯.png (60.32 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays10.png)

Wake up bitches. I'm here to fuck up your sabbath.

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f0a336 No.18483753


>He gave up his own name and fame to save the lives of countless girls from suicide.

Right, that's why the band went into total mind fuck LSD mode right after he joined. Real Paul had a better tone and song style. John was happier then too

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a509d5 No.18483754



Should of let truth play out.

Beatles would of dissolved.

That whole psyop would of not affected people in the way that it was used to divide America.

WHO cares if a hundred killed themselves, probably on the doll anyway by now if that was the case.

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72b90b No.18483755

File: 902356298467e0c⋯.png (47.05 KB,536x466,268:233,WEFShabbatGadiesh.png)

File: cf8e214a427c6ce⋯.png (58.24 KB,537x465,179:155,WEFShabbatGrant.png)

File: 0d710c511d9a1b1⋯.png (51.26 KB,547x456,547:456,WEFShabbatJassy.png)

File: cc0c08df92b18ee⋯.png (44.76 KB,588x424,147:106,WEFShabbatKushner.png)

File: f9846b8d7ec39d1⋯.png (62.87 KB,597x418,597:418,WEFShabbatRossSorkin.png)

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1d404c No.18483756


Well you want the definition of woman? Apparently that has changed today so I haven't kept up with that. So I do not know how many "woman bots" there are as they may subscribe to something else.

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2f6cf2 No.18483757

File: b5f99e1f186d201⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,2200x3300,2:3,35353.jpg)


it's anudda shoah!

anti semitic posts

alert your local rabbi

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72b90b No.18483758

File: c2a15e00a507259⋯.png (67.3 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays6.png)

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72b90b No.18483759

File: a1460d99ce3939a⋯.jpg (41.68 KB,604x413,604:413,ADLLesson1.jpg)

File: 2da3f1fdddd5fc6⋯.jpg (45.25 KB,604x413,604:413,ADLLesson2.jpg)

File: 90b316744bec21e⋯.jpg (48.6 KB,604x413,604:413,ADLLesson3.jpg)

File: 4e256179ee7a304⋯.jpg (42.21 KB,604x413,604:413,ADLLesson4.jpg)

File: d8ac9dd8f213935⋯.jpg (47.4 KB,604x413,604:413,ADLLesson5.jpg)

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72b90b No.18483761

File: 93589bfa60eff0d⋯.jpg (51.42 KB,579x431,579:431,MrSwineSaysShrekAgrees.jpg)

File: a4616c3c5cd37b5⋯.jpg (58.44 KB,579x431,579:431,MrSwineSaysShrekBacon.jpg)

File: 4badfc1a97f70a8⋯.jpg (56.7 KB,579x431,579:431,MrSwineSaysShrekBugs.jpg)

File: 009054bb98fc129⋯.jpg (55.08 KB,579x431,579:431,MrSwineSaysShrekCoincidenc….jpg)

File: f36383d16abd30e⋯.jpg (59.2 KB,579x431,579:431,MrSwineSaysShrekDayNights.jpg)

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17385a No.18483762


its complicated

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72b90b No.18483763

File: 04d3d096a24b8c7⋯.png (83.94 KB,650x384,325:192,ADLTraining.png)


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c8af70 No.18483764

File: d06a8c4904ae7de⋯.png (271.4 KB,786x634,393:317,ClipboardImage.png)


pretty comfy thou

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e63369 No.18483765


Arranged marriage.

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c4b204 No.18483766


Enjoy the shoah!

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72b90b No.18483767

File: a7bad6178d5d014⋯.png (62.84 KB,574x435,574:435,NightShiftMom.png)

File: 756e3a4e76b62c8⋯.png (43.66 KB,521x479,521:479,NightShiftPanHead.png)

File: 3edf457804e59b8⋯.png (54.19 KB,500x629,500:629,NightShiftRLA.png)

File: f2c4fc27195af4f⋯.png (68.02 KB,567x440,567:440,NightShiftRLAII.png)

File: 4c418cd7c148c82⋯.jpg (48.15 KB,502x497,502:497,NightShiftShillsFO.jpg)

This place is fucking lame at night. Point me to the dance floor.

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96a0c4 No.18483768

I keep being told that Elon Musk and Ron DeSantis are Deep State assets.

Yet they seem to be doing all the work for Patriots these days.

Nobody listens to 45 any more.

Where's Q?

Actions speak louder than words.

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4c62b1 No.18483769


Nice job!

Im grabn the indiana one

thats my style

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72b90b No.18483770

File: 12034df662a7cdd⋯.png (64.61 KB,590x423,590:423,TrumpBarr.png)


Geotus is busy protecting his ass.

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5593ff No.18483771

File: 93f3f9d7c385469⋯.png (484.77 KB,600x401,600:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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4eadf8 No.18483772


and Mooch just happened to be in Paris when Notre Dame burned…

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0ac1a8 No.18483773


No, and I don't think they're there to help.

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1d404c No.18483774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f0a336 No.18483775


I imagine so

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72b90b No.18483776

File: a24b40cdfa19ac2⋯.jpg (25.47 KB,368x310,184:155,Heston.JPG)

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0ac1a8 No.18483777

File: 56df5113e4fefe0⋯.jpg (441.43 KB,600x487,600:487,newfag.jpg)


Soros backed luciferian masters of deception.

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0d5a5f No.18483778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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72b90b No.18483779

File: 12d64590d47d3b8⋯.jpg (123.79 KB,638x569,638:569,BirthCert.jpg)

File: f495c338b6a944b⋯.jpg (57.9 KB,617x496,617:496,BirthCertII.JPG)

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fcea16 No.18483780

File: 17a6a4e0981920f⋯.png (690.98 KB,1024x1024,1:1,enfuegogs.png)

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72b90b No.18483781

File: 481b139992bb2bb⋯.jpg (22.27 KB,355x300,71:60,1941.JPG)


I'm with you. WTF, was this some lame ass psyop?

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96a0c4 No.18483782


Actions speak loud than words…and memes.


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e34bbb No.18483783

File: f12aaacff23dd9e⋯.jpg (105.95 KB,693x659,693:659,f12aaacff23dd9efb84973ccef….jpg)

File: 243a73fa3c7976f⋯.jpg (87.62 KB,680x671,680:671,243a73fa3c7976f12b397b9251….jpg)

File: a4c194daa1886a3⋯.png (1.11 MB,1180x948,295:237,a4c194daa1886a37deeaf5d1cb….png)

File: 8238e4521abf93c⋯.png (736.42 KB,705x655,141:131,8238e4521abf93cdf919fd9331….png)

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f0a336 No.18483785


Hey easy anon we're all gay here

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e32f18 No.18483786

File: 66382e27759af2f⋯.jpg (5.06 MB,4000x3000,4:3,JPEG_20200718_145616.jpg)

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72b90b No.18483787

File: 877fe59d8713b6a⋯.png (54.07 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays7.png)


Don't worry about storing up goods. Get right with the words of Jesus. They will guide you on this very narrow path of truth.

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5593ff No.18483788

File: 349d06fd70adb05⋯.png (416.35 KB,600x452,150:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6160a No.18483789



>Game Over: FMASON CREATED and BOOMER MINION APPROVED FDIC, Shutters Silicon Valley Bank, Appoints Receiver

>This is what happens when the FUCKING BOOMERS allow their FMASON MASTERS to take control over everything!


>Stock up on food and water, people. Don't forget your pets! Also, having guns and ammo won't hurt.


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8e8846 No.18483790


>Elon Musk and Ron DeSantis are Deep State assets.

>Nobody listens to 45

-45 already spoke on desantis, which only reconfirmed

-Elon, was always DOD, so hes an international player.

His family built all the DUMBS.

White hats have to be writing the script.

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72b90b No.18483791

File: cfeb31be55aae1b⋯.png (62.89 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays13.png)


Be the soil that the seeds of truth flourish in. It will not matter your religion, it will not matter your race, it will not matter your political afillitation.

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236073 No.18483792


4 Midnight Special

I'm Going to try to write a song about Baker

First I need a song

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e63369 No.18483793

File: a92d197bfbdba9b⋯.png (541.54 KB,768x576,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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916428 No.18483794

File: 3d1ed495543ef21⋯.png (1.3 MB,1908x1340,477:335,ns_forwardtiger.png)

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72b90b No.18483795

File: 665f308793c6982⋯.png (193.5 KB,389x331,389:331,22seeds.png)


Love and respect.

Peace out.

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c6160a No.18483796


Controlled opposition is a thing

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2f6cf2 No.18483797

File: 8ab1bd8b74774b2⋯.png (635.67 KB,1101x744,367:248,66464647.png)


These are the only midgets that survives The Shoah

Sadly, the other gazillion Auschwitz midgets got baked and turned into (small) lampshades

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90c9ea No.18483798

File: 3489a4e329d9fee⋯.jpeg (19.06 KB,228x255,76:85,3489a4e329d9fee3f84c3ed82….jpeg)

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96a0c4 No.18483799

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ff6141 No.18483800

File: 03216acb649ab4c⋯.jpg (169.19 KB,720x960,3:4,20230310_230503.jpg)


California wine industry faces financial crisis - with majority of vineyards locked out of their accounts amid SVB collapse

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204f0b No.18483802

File: d4daa567848626c⋯.png (574.17 KB,1023x881,1023:881,Screenshot_20230310_230517….png)


Dairs dat porky meat glove

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2f6cf2 No.18483803

File: 289bceb50640e98⋯.jpg (146.45 KB,615x683,615:683,35533566.jpg)

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96a0c4 No.18483804


Nice Trips by the way.

Who's the newfag?

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0ac1a8 No.18483805


Yea, they're real honest.Elon acting like an abysmal idiot about conspiracies and the fucking faggot has brain chips and tesla/"climate change is real". He has a queen mother of darkness whistleblower, who is the level directly below lucifer, saying that elon is not a good guy, i have emails of another whistleblower showing where he hired a hitman to get rid of a woman in order to squash a potential scandal, he wants universal basic income for us but not him. He backs desantis who is backed by soros and the cia/nazi bush family. Tesla owned by china so elon is comped and owned as fuck. Both luciferian and masters of deception trying to pull Trump supporters away when Trump kept his oath and desantis let that election fraud demon bitch off the hook.. Don't you see the masters of deception? Elon has covid bioweapon mini factories.

>Yet they seem to be doing all the work for Patriots these days.

>Actions speak louder than words.

You have to make the tarp look appealing.

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2123b4 No.18483806

Not a petersonfag but this is significant


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aee4df No.18483807

File: bbcf04f4f1ba1f9⋯.png (45.3 KB,400x300,4:3,pun11.png)

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44a173 No.18483808

File: 71a1c7ef3b7634f⋯.jpg (578.37 KB,1080x2118,180:353,20230310_230858.jpg)

it is your duty as a human nonetheless


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0d5a5f No.18483809


In Ye Olden Days sometimes Kings would give their daughter / son in marriage as a Treaty of peace. Something like that. Trump married off his giga-IQ sexy overpowered bloodline Ivanka to hold off [them] through a neutral / somewhat good faction of Jews through Kushner.

Plays are being made in the ways of ancient traditions, spirit realm battles, but mostly in the digital realm of irony and cringe. Also through temporal mass-gravitational distortions of Matter.

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17385a No.18483810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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96a0c4 No.18483811






All I'm saying is Elon exposed the Twitter Files.

DeSantis has done more to protect people from the clot shot than any other politician.

Even 45.

And fags are calling them controlled opposition.

Action speak louder than words.

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da6234 No.18483812

File: ac06d0553f27a55⋯.jpg (123.3 KB,1666x790,833:395,b6g5c334.JPG)

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236073 No.18483813


See that's Deep

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44a173 No.18483814

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0d5a5f No.18483815


in agreement

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44a173 No.18483816

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2805ae No.18483817

What if anons are the future white hats?

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44a173 No.18483818

fuck your what if

you cannot even deal with what is

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f15152 No.18483819


I remember that show. Living room tents and PJB sandwiches.

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ff6141 No.18483820

File: e0908cbbf9009b4⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,480x676,120:169,79lEleP1vitzsy6I.mp4)

What really matters?


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9e16c0 No.18483821

File: a4b0d80ec1b5772⋯.jpg (30.33 KB,1187x625,1187:625,Screen_Shot_2021_08_05_at_….jpg)

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0d5a5f No.18483822



Even if we win I still lose. Wot a nightmare.

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c2041b No.18483823


And those little bars of soap you find in hotels, no?

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44a173 No.18483824

surviving to See the end

it will be rare air

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90c9ea No.18483825

File: 28553f4c8cbb9e7⋯.jpg (21.54 KB,262x288,131:144,IMG_20191118_164209.jpg)


Trip's check't

Welcome newfag, just don't turn into a nowfag.

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44a173 No.18483826


perspective is everything

when chaos is the rule

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f27046 No.18483827

File: 009842b85b1eb54⋯.jpg (11.47 MB,5379x5544,163:168,5_YEARS_OF_BEING_HERE_it_s….jpg)

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916428 No.18483828

File: 79a5e9fb643f314⋯.png (1.08 MB,698x1468,349:734,ClipboardImage.png)

I Corps lighting theFIRE

>17th Infantry Regiment

>1-17 IN


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0d5a5f No.18483829



reality is hard to avoid

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44a173 No.18483830


that spot is taken by other than h.s.sapiens.

your affront is witnessed…

in multiple instances.

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44a173 No.18483832


most are not even cognizant of it

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0d5a5f No.18483833



it literally can't get any worse at least

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44a173 No.18483834


you are very wrong.

cern is still.operational.

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c6160a No.18483835


How could they be accepted as real opposition if they didn't do things perceived as good by the opposing side?

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9e16c0 No.18483836


Not 'The Watchers'… We are Watchers!

Enjoy the Show!

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0d5a5f No.18483838


wot a nightmare

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2f6cf2 No.18483839

File: d8436410f564bc7⋯.jpeg (59.7 KB,612x408,3:2,24353463377.jpeg)



"my pussy matters"

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ebfc2a No.18483840

Interesting weight-lifting note:

Reading about heavy rows, getting ready to practice an exercise.

Saw this: "My personal record is a set of 13 on each arm with 310 pounds."

Written by Matt Kroczaleski


13 mirrored by 310 or [13 31] caught my eye because:

Matt Kroc [Kroc Rows] is a man that now calls himself Jane Marie Kroc.



Kroc set the male world record in the 220 lb. weight class with 2,551 lbs (composed of 738 pound bench press, 810 pound deadlift and 1003 pound back squat)

In 2015, Kroc came out as transgender and genderfluid, taking the name 'Janae' and adopting she/her pronouns. She uses the name 'Matt' and male pronouns when referring to the time before her transition.

Kroc served in the United States Marine Corps from 1991 to 1995 and was selected for presidential security duty serving under President Bill Clinton.


In other news:

Tommy Dorfman, star of 13 Reasons Why, announces she is transgender


Nickelodeon casts first openly trans teen in live-action show

A 13-year-old transgender actor has been cast in a live-action show on Nickelodeon, a first for the TV channel.


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f27046 No.18483841

File: 6be6cb9e21a3bb1⋯.png (394.51 KB,410x544,205:272,ClipboardImage.png)


>If these bots had vaginas

and then what…

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c6160a No.18483842


And TV dinners. That was pre tendies.

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af76ab No.18483843

File: deeb11cf43f6d94⋯.png (1.16 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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44a173 No.18483844


suggest you change the wording

so as not to offend such

while not an issue at present

they have long memories.


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0d5a5f No.18483845


Benevolent blessings are always accepted.

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9e16c0 No.18483846


A jar of Pineapple-Juice can produce better results.

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44a173 No.18483847


not yet

but yes

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6d87f3 No.18483848


One bread

I don' know why.

Can't write a song

No matter hard you try.

I Keep that in mind

Trying to rhyme the next line.

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0d5a5f No.18483849


Why would someone not take an unconditional stat boost?

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96a0c4 No.18483850


DeSantis is hated by the Enemy.

So is Elon.

So is Tucker (another "DS asset")

By some anons logic, the only DS assets are DJT and Q.

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d0a886 No.18483851


If you were the ruling black hats, would you not set up a controlled opposition to Trump and the white hats?

How would you go about it?

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3c048e No.18483852



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f0a336 No.18483853


I would ask them how their day was

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d0a886 No.18483854

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ff6141 No.18483855

File: a0aa061f2ca6bea⋯.png (898.32 KB,1170x1007,1170:1007,1678515951383.png)


Release the pressure!

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e81907 No.18483856

File: fd8a59f274a2aa6⋯.jpg (76.09 KB,884x500,221:125,winding_down.jpg)

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1d404c No.18483857


Best songs to write is the ones that just come out.

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9e16c0 No.18483858

File: 2111c4eab36fe8e⋯.png (456.57 KB,469x551,469:551,Screen_Shot_2021_02_04_at_….png)


They Know and Tremble.

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0ac1a8 No.18483859

File: 08db2133dce3acf⋯.png (157.29 KB,733x667,733:667,ClipboardImage.png)


chek 'em ageene >>18483777

>Actions speak loud than words…

Hello? Tesla. Climate change is real. Universal basic income. brain chips. desantis pardoning election fraud. soros backed. china and dod owned. Are you BLIND? Do you not see the big ass white van surrounding the nice guy with all the candy?

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44a173 No.18483860


you think so only by reason of misunderstanding the purpose of said.

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90c9ea No.18483861

File: d36e51b1a17f84c⋯.jpg (243.34 KB,980x653,980:653,4122b7b354a4c04f.jpg)


Midnight Riders


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f27046 No.18483862

File: 5af73d4e49e4d66⋯.png (692.96 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6709af324cd06db⋯.png (236.4 KB,450x554,225:277,ClipboardImage.png)


TV dinners were only allowed when DadAnon was off flying somewhere. Anon has a very fond memory of eating a Swanson chicken dinner and watching TV - with the TV in the same room and everything! The TV wasn't on much and it was relegated to the basement rec room. The box went off the moment anybody opened their mouths. Irked to this very day…

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44a173 No.18483863


and all the while you still can not see

the little man behind the curtain

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069dba No.18483864


We are aware of attempts to discredit by inducing sensational FAKE stories online through Social Media.

They are using Deepfakes, fake Youtube videos etc etc mostly they have to attach their NFT dogshit to them.

So if you check a source with an NFT Promo or some other retard grifter shit, it is fake. No real information that is Truthful will include the usual Grifter dogshit.

There has been many happenings, probably overloading the sheeple. Try not to insert Grift into the Deprogramming stream. They will get it eventually but we are dealing with incredibly stupid people.


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44a173 No.18483865


reckon you don't quite know what yer talkin about.

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c6160a No.18483866


>DeSantis is hated by the Enemy.

You really think their fmason fellow traveler lucifarians hate their brothers? Not that I know that EM and RD are fmasons, just stands to reason since they're everywhere. Nobody gets to their positions that ain't in the big club.

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44a173 No.18483867



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0d5a5f No.18483868


But from my perspective I should be fine?

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e81907 No.18483869

File: 48b573ec740e615⋯.jpg (47.65 KB,602x414,301:207,straight_up.jpg)

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24ac84 No.18483870


Blackmail was reverse engineered. Everybody playing their part. GREAT ACTORS for the ones that don't. Time is the most valuable resource. Why would they not take this long? You can't rush a good shit

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6d87f3 No.18483871


Well let it rip then.

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44a173 No.18483872


not at all

just stay alive as long as you can

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0ac1a8 No.18483873

File: 0199f08c3bd7355⋯.jpg (48.18 KB,600x847,600:847,guardian3.jpg)

Told my well meaning, biden voting, bioweapon injected, hospital air-shover/remdesivir murdered mother but "died of covid pneumonia n renal failure," liberal friend to prep some food n water, cash … just in case shit hits the fan re financial market, etc and he asked if it was bc Trump was getting indicted?

I don't even know what for, kmao.

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0d5a5f No.18483874


shitty game, when's the next expansion pack?

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96a0c4 No.18483875


How did DJT get to his position, then?

(By your logic)

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f28125 No.18483876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4866ad No.18483877

File: 88d09d2ca175c41⋯.jpeg (452.41 KB,825x825,1:1,541215F2_E0CC_495B_A203_B….jpeg)

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c6160a No.18483878


Me and bro anon were only allowed to watch one show on a regular basis-Star Trek. And because it came after and just before dinner, Hogans hero's sometimes. Other stuff we could only watch when parents were out for the evening and we stayed up late nervously listening for the key in the door to jump up and turn off the tv

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1d404c No.18483879


What you have so far?

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9afe69 No.18483881


>Hogans hero's

what a mind fuck.

Satanists have been keeping people in concentration camps for a very long time.

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c6160a No.18483882


Ever seen pics of inside Trumps apartment in Trump Tower? Wall to wall fmason symbolism.

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f27046 No.18483883

File: bcd7f32c2b550b8⋯.png (124.25 KB,506x566,253:283,3_9_2023_2016_Never_Trump_….png)

File: 93cff396dee856a⋯.jpg (148.78 KB,1170x1511,1170:1511,DeSantis_stars_in_Crenshaw….jpg)

File: 31140388d63a0ea⋯.png (350.89 KB,803x745,803:745,2_16_2023_Soros_endorces_D….png)

File: 75dc556970bd78e⋯.mp4 (149.02 KB,308x500,77:125,2_28_2023_Anybody_wearing_….mp4)

File: cac006a671eb3ed⋯.jpg (270.39 KB,608x608,1:1,Soros_DeSantis.jpg)


money talks, bullshit walks

found money has no home

and misc other platitudes

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44a173 No.18483884


shitty yes

informative definitely

you learn here the lessons needed for eternity

that is the purpose of h.s.sapiens

the why ever sought

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17385a No.18483885


infiltration vs. invasion

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6d87f3 No.18483886


What do you want a rap song a rock song?

A slow song?

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c6160a No.18483887


Yeah, my mind's been psyopped but I think I'm all better now. Just really pissed.

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44a173 No.18483888


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90c9ea No.18483889

File: ce9173797c409d9⋯.png (3.34 MB,2203x1736,2203:1736,ClipboardImage.png)


I grew up on the Banquet then when I got older liked those Hungry Man brand. Can't stand em now, like a lot of food seems to be changed. No need to lie, I ate the shit outa some McD's back in the day, can't stomach it now and I still have a solid gut, it's the food, freaking rancid.

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6d87f3 No.18483890


It starts with.

1 Bread I don't know why.

it doesnt even matter how much they slide.

keep that in mind

Cointel pro was designed

to accuse of thought crimes

They all glow

Digging is avaluble thing.

Counter narrative while the mockingbird sings.

Watch them call out say it's all fake and gay

They post for the sheckles they make.

It's so unreal

Didn't look out below

Anderson coopers bro tossed out the window.

Tryin to post more as if they didnt glow.

Did everything to slide

and even though they tried

their ops fells apart

Such a sight to see

they will eventually be a memory

of a time they shilled so hard.

They shilled so hard

and got so far in the end

it's paid by media matters

They will fall and lose it all

in the end

it's post's from media matters.

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9afe69 No.18483891


>Just really pissed.

Me tooooooooooooooooo

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0d5a5f No.18483892


what was to learn here is that there was nothing to learn here.

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1d404c No.18483893


I'm not a rap fan, it is however your song so what did you have in mind?

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c655c2 No.18483894

File: f335eb4f5ac42d0⋯.png (1.91 MB,1184x1170,592:585,shitposting2.png)


Too bad, I'm licensed.

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c8af70 No.18483895

File: b8f7859e9c4d57e⋯.gif (242.21 KB,560x672,5:6,8KUN_CAT.gif)


dem trips

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f8eddc No.18483896

File: 58543c4df16af1c⋯.png (305.41 KB,660x373,660:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d59e94ea1155fbc⋯.png (191.6 KB,338x480,169:240,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18483615 LB

Better than a good kill

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2063db No.18483897

File: 2ce3d7fd15a6550⋯.png (78 KB,609x989,609:989,ClipboardImage.png)

He's alive

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44a173 No.18483898


human based processed protein

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ff6141 No.18483899

File: 99d29cb12b4c8e4⋯.jpg (222.19 KB,720x1235,144:247,20230310_233852.jpg)

File: 0b3ddcef9e654d0⋯.jpg (200.93 KB,1024x1024,1:1,20230310_233749.jpg)

This AI-generated image is from MidJourney v5 alpha. Huge jump from v4.

The pace of AI development right now is insane.


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0d5a5f No.18483900


an endless shitshow of Mammalian faggotry.

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44a173 No.18483901


then you are not present in eternity

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2123b4 No.18483902

File: 250c7cfb612401a⋯.jpeg (25.2 KB,213x255,71:85,249C4F78_369B_4191_9C96_B….jpeg)

Had to be this way

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ff6141 No.18483903

File: f2ce96e44a67745⋯.jpg (90.43 KB,1024x1024,1:1,20230310_233817.jpg)

File: dd0e9f004e0ea9e⋯.jpg (109.02 KB,1024x1024,1:1,20230310_233820.jpg)

File: 9bc1ab784f4f0c1⋯.jpg (125.02 KB,1024x1024,1:1,20230310_233822.jpg)

File: 2ac2d579c1638fd⋯.jpg (94.19 KB,1024x1024,1:1,20230310_233825.jpg)

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6d87f3 No.18483904


I was not the one who said they wanted to write a song about the baker.

That post is here >>18483792

I just wanted to contribute.

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e81907 No.18483905

File: a2a1d0d06311c52⋯.jpg (61.95 KB,556x500,139:125,must_be_the_end.jpg)

Judging by the "quality" of my own memes,

I gather that the end is near.

And please, don't ask. There is no why

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44a173 No.18483906


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f27046 No.18483907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Star Trek

anon saw that one, MomAnon loved the show or maybe Captain Kirk, remains unclear, and DadAnon was big on westerns and war shows so anon saw a lot of those. And Batman and Dark Shadows, never missed Dark Shadows.

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2063db No.18483908

File: 909ad911209758d⋯.gif (2 MB,343x297,343:297,kitten_cuddkles_1384565665….gif)


>The pace of AI development right now is insane.

I think that part has been referred to as singularity

Apparently it gets super fucking weird from here

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0d5a5f No.18483909


yeah let me survive a bit longer and i'll figure it all out

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44a173 No.18483910


it happens

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a1b9d2 No.18483911

File: 6be93d97e48c564⋯.jpeg (118.85 KB,712x712,1:1,86FBAE72_8708_4C65_8047_D….jpeg)

File: 181988a51ac705f⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,4032x3024,4:3,589C2B3D_CEEC_4012_9A51_C….jpeg)

File: 1758ea0aea5a3ff⋯.jpeg (397.89 KB,1440x1440,1:1,52C6BC99_F65A_4118_B0FC_4….jpeg)

File: b3d31be8716fd55⋯.jpeg (399.7 KB,1440x1440,1:1,19AB0F0E_1FF7_481A_A04A_A….jpeg)

File: 3c22019809e9926⋯.jpeg (88.48 KB,612x612,1:1,ECC9D779_46EC_47E8_AD79_7….jpeg)

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c6160a No.18483912


I hope our guys have infiltrated them, for sure they've infiltrated everything. A few have seen evil and walked away. I pray that Trump isn't comped. The way his appearance has changed is worrying tho.

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1d404c No.18483913


Nice lol

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ca2696 No.18483914


>Dark Shadows


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6d87f3 No.18483915


Ok I did make verse for a 2023 rendition of a Billy Joel Classic.

Bill Gates Big Mike Public health Dudes a dyke.

Stay indoors wear your mask Ukraine money pay the tax.

MkUltra George floyd Minneapolis gets destroyed.

Stolen Elections hate crimes one guy voted 90 times.

Propaganda in the news Commies Nazi's and the Jews.

Covid Fauci Vaccines listen to the karen's scream.

Education has gone woke CRT is such a joke.

All these sheep don't use their brains.

Glowies crash and blow up trains.

Watch the water we were told. Shilling tactics getting old.


We didnt start the pfizer.

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916428 No.18483916

File: 70f4638e50df19d⋯.png (1.24 MB,820x1534,410:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 898d5e4a7671bb6⋯.png (823.47 KB,840x1900,42:95,1462.png)

File: df3599a91705b8a⋯.png (116.87 KB,840x850,84:85,1666_1_.png)

File: dab6516ed5a41fb⋯.png (115.09 KB,840x1132,210:283,1640.png)


MAGA comms -> …"America again."

[i]nvest…[m]ake…[g]oing -> IMG = 9137 -> Qalerts 9137 -> Q1462: The'server'brings down the house.

In the Roosevelt Room -> [RR] -> Qalerts [RR] -> Q1666:We have the server.

Clean the link of repeaters -> 16[3]4[3][7][3][5][8][56][56][5][7][8]0[55] -> 1640 -> Q1640: server lingo

Link ends 5:5


>Plot twist: POTATO goes full senile, starts dressing like Teddy Roosevelt and leads a horseback cavalry into Ukraine.

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0ac1a8 No.18483917

File: b2783a0e9c2c1b3⋯.jpg (46.6 KB,400x386,200:193,kek_top2.jpg)

File: c30f0770583216d⋯.png (40.81 KB,536x534,268:267,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0a886 No.18483918

File: 3709a41bbd3832b⋯.jpg (212.82 KB,731x419,731:419,attractive.jpg)

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44a173 No.18483919



yet there is ever hope

if you know which perspective

is the correct one

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e63369 No.18483920


Kek. Pun memes are the best.

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0d5a5f No.18483921


even if i figured it all out you'd all crucify me for speaking the truth. wot a fookin nightmare.

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44a173 No.18483922


that shit is useless

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6d87f3 No.18483923

File: 112aa93dd7737d7⋯.png (427.24 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1b9d2 No.18483924

File: 0e309817b75d20e⋯.jpeg (41.41 KB,236x419,236:419,603D9F83_2250_4F59_8A56_1….jpeg)

I was here when it started but haven’t been back for a while. All I know is that finding the truth has led to Realizing there is only one Truth

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d0a886 No.18483925


Pics or it never happened

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271b5f No.18483926

Remember when Forgetful Joe signed that blank EO? Did they use that one yet?

I was just wondering.

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40ccea No.18483927



tv dinners taste terrible

but i did like the meatloaf - whipped taters were bad tho

and forget the vegetables

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1d404c No.18483928



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a1b9d2 No.18483929


No. It is why we are here.

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44a173 No.18483930


only if you are a politician

they all get the tree

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0d5a5f No.18483931


well, thinking logically only leads to impossibilities. none of it makes sense until it starts working for no reason.

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44a173 No.18483932

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2f6cf2 No.18483933

File: 132419f7abbcedc⋯.mp4 (912.51 KB,640x360,16:9,53553536.mp4)


Soros Snr has lost his marbles

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e63369 No.18483934


Sweet jam! Gonna lay that track down for future civilizations to find.

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916428 No.18483935

File: e769e1c420e0d62⋯.png (1.41 MB,968x1460,242:365,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1b9d2 No.18483936

File: 2b25f9d609b4076⋯.png (1.96 MB,960x2079,320:693,821366F5_6028_4851_98D1_40….png)

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2123b4 No.18483937

File: 3d68a3d5f5fe9ce⋯.png (296.18 KB,496x488,62:61,EA3536EA_227A_4A9B_B907_56….png)

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2805ae No.18483938


Try this one.


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96a0c4 No.18483939


Funny how the Left is demanding the arrest of 45.

Kind of like we were demanding the arrest of Hussein.

See a pattern yet?

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069dba No.18483940

File: b5335a262aa76b1⋯.png (296.42 KB,638x391,638:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6160a No.18483941

File: 67b09cedaf99ab8⋯.png (1.12 MB,1000x666,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)


Well, it's opulent as hell but I didn't save the shots anon posted years ago with explanations of the symbolism

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0d5a5f No.18483942


interesting how a certain mindset / larp can get people through literal Hell though. did you believe hard enough, Neo?

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b4617c No.18483943


McDonalds was awesome- back before everything was made from a chemistry set.

It was bad for you but the taste was supreme.

Now it’s just awful, the fries are terrible now too.

Went from first to worst.

Wendy’s was top notch also but now sucks.

Maybe when Trump gets back to making America great again(tm), he can get all the garbage out of our food chain. Soda should not be made from high fructose corn syrup- it’s illegal in most countries to use that shit, even Mexico.

Do you think POTUS notices the difference in the quality of McDonald’s food from the 80’s to now?

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f27046 No.18483944

File: 8789a4c13fea996⋯.png (908.85 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


I quit McD's maybe 3 years ago? Then maybe a year ago I NEEDED a Filet of Fish. YUGE mistake. What a shame, that was the best thing on the menu and far and away the best thing on the school menu, if schoolboys are omitted. Everything out there is disgusting and anon's waistline shows it didn't hurt to quit that crap.

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c520d4 No.18483945


Here’s how the second-biggest JEWISH bank collapse in U.S. history happened in just 48 hours

LMAO @ jews and their boomer minions!

Enjoy the financial doom, Boomers. Living under bridges is not as fun as you may think it is. You boomers are about to learn this the hard way.


Welcome to the world you created, CUNTS!

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44a173 No.18483946

File: cb3271187c903d1⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1598x2048,799:1024,20230310_235156.jpg)

[we] are here because

[we] are the shitposters

at the end of the universe

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a1b9d2 No.18483947

File: dafa09d11192e69⋯.jpeg (105.7 KB,777x960,259:320,01E6F273_DDC0_44AC_A9A3_8….jpeg)

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0ac1a8 No.18483948

File: 6780b300c591614⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,John_Daker_w_SUBTITLES.mp4)

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6c651f No.18483949


Good cringe

:GoUld's standard

Title 4

Pfuck the fed


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6fa4d6 No.18483950


what is his first name again?

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2f6cf2 No.18483951

File: 3a264dca9473a25⋯.gif (224.32 KB,500x692,125:173,64464758.gif)

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c8af70 No.18483952

File: 5976f7e9dff35ca⋯.png (363 KB,754x528,377:264,ClipboardImage.png)



still pretty comfy

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44a173 No.18483953


logic is a cabal created human intelledeficient virus

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b4617c No.18483954


CNBC link?

Like a link to fake news is gonna prove shit?

Fuck you Gary.

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6d87f3 No.18483955


Austin or Jake?

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c520d4 No.18483956

File: 7451f2cd6a6a149⋯.png (12.83 KB,300x240,5:4,thumb_fug_spurdo_american_….png)


For now.

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a1b9d2 No.18483958

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22fe52 No.18483959

File: 49d68e610adf95b⋯.png (842.61 KB,1600x900,16:9,n763b4c5634.png)

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2f6cf2 No.18483960

File: eb54182860f43fd⋯.jpg (77.89 KB,404x494,202:247,1677918903047563.jpg)

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44a173 No.18483961


you are far out of your depth


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c520d4 No.18483962


It is MSM. Even the JEWISH OWNED AND CONTROLLED media is reporting this shit.


Fuck you, too.

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f27046 No.18483963

File: c254fcf7fed93fe⋯.png (218.51 KB,500x324,125:81,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c696b1cef4be81a⋯.png (535.83 KB,700x525,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07a83ba2021b279⋯.png (539.02 KB,960x507,320:169,ClipboardImage.png)


I ate at McDonalds's a total of 1 time and 1 time only when out of town family came and DadAnon went and came back with a giant box of burgers and fries, shakes too.

McDonald's WAS delicious, completely different. Taco Bell was delicious too, and 3 tacos for a buck, up from 4 for a buck.

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0d5a5f No.18483964


i work with the poker hand i got dealt

it's a good hand btw, lady death fucks off when she sees it

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916428 No.18483965

File: c63798f14be915f⋯.png (480.06 KB,956x568,239:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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90c9ea No.18483966

File: 4a40ffce7594a58⋯.jpeg (39.69 KB,602x400,301:200,main_qimg_f1bf17ecc46dc25….jpeg)


My honest opinion is that Trump doesn't eat McDonalds at all. I'm sure he's had them & yes I've seen the pics, but to like it ..like nowadays? Gotabe for show imho.

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fc3fe8 No.18483967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China's Amazing Top Tourism Destination | Wulong China

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0ac1a8 No.18483968

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1d404c No.18483969


They haven't held All American for quite some time.

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2f6cf2 No.18483970


check the last bread

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2123b4 No.18483971

File: 922c745bb09fac9⋯.jpeg (535.27 KB,750x1207,750:1207,C8BFACD3_BB1F_4B09_B274_B….jpeg)

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a1b9d2 No.18483972



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c8af70 No.18483973

File: 6ff250cd9fce3ca⋯.png (304.22 KB,487x394,487:394,ClipboardImage.png)


still comfy.

all is well

but you go ahead gary.

keep up your work.

it is definitely helping the shills

and faggots know that

this board is still working

and the anons are still here.

==Get right with your gods, they will want their

pound of flesh soon - ncswic==

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f27046 No.18483974


I enoyed that slightly industrial taste of the chicken and the fake taters. After 3 hot cooked meals every single day of anon's life it was the best food I ever ate. The mixed veg, what a waste of space and anon has always been big on veggies.

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44a173 No.18483975


are your familiar with the colloquialism

"whistling past the graveyard"?

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b4617c No.18483976


You’re projecting.

You are a sad and lonely Boomer that has nothing and noone. You have not changed your sheets in a month and your refrigerator is full of shit you should have thrown away months ago. Why go on? Find a bridge and do a triple backflip.

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236073 No.18483977


I have done 29 and everyone tells a story, so the first thing I do is collect lots of info, date, quotes, names, phrases…etc and list it all in notepad.

Next listen to music and as you listen you will subconsciously replace a word or line of the original lyrics with a phrase you wrote down.

Now you weave in all the other notes forming verses.

There is a little more to this but that's how you start

If you get stuck walk away even if only for a min

Expect 10 days two two weeks to nail it down


You are correct let the facts drive you where you need to go.


Google search auto fill is very very helpful

And Rhymezone too

How the Beatles did what they did in the time frame they did it in IDKN

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ea0a87 No.18483978


Madera Community Hospital files for bankruptcy as no potential buyers make an offer


Without a potential buyer stepping up, the financially troubled Madera Community Hospital filed for bankruptcy Friday.

The 106-bed hospital closed in late December, laying off more than 700 employees and eliminating a vital medical resource for a region with more than 160,000 people, many of whom are low-income and some who are uninsured.

The hospital also operated rural health clinics in Chowchilla, Madera and Mendota, all that closed on Jan. 10.

Hospital officials blamed several factors for its demise, including a shortfall in government reimbursement fees and health plan fees for the services it provides and the COVID pandemic that strained the hospital’s already anemic financial resources.

Despite efforts to increase revenue, the hospital was losing $2 million to $2.5 million a month during 2022, according to court records.

The hospital’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing shows assets of between $50 million to $100 million and debts between $10 million and $50 million.

Its largest secured creditors are Trinity Health, owner and operator of Saint Agnes Medical Center, that is owed $15.4 million; and New England Sheet Metal and Patterson Drywall, who are owed a combined $1.1 million. The hospital also owes its former employees $2 million.

Karen Paolinelli, the hospital’s chief executive officer, describes in court records how one of its last hopes for staying open fell apart. The hospital was negotiating a possible affiliation with Trinity Health but when the plan was presented to California Attorney General Rob Bonta, he proposed conditions that were unacceptable to Trinity Health.

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2123b4 No.18483979

Our Father who art in heaven

Hallowed be thy name

Thy Kingdom come

Thy will be done

On Earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us

And lead not into temptation

But deliver us from evil

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d253ff No.18483980


when all the boomers start getting "3 months to live" shit is gonna get lit

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44a173 No.18483981


and how is wisdom obtained?

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3c048e No.18483982


I bet aliens look at our depictions of them like we are looking at humans painted by A.I.

Does anyone else think this whole A.I. is gaining momentum like a snowball down Mt Everest.?

Are humans in control still or are we living in the times of knowing who Abaddon is?

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fc3fe8 No.18483983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d253ff No.18483984




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776997 No.18483985


liberals = bathsalts/meth

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f27046 No.18483986


that's good work anon, very good work

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44a173 No.18483987


matthew 6:5

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2123b4 No.18483988

>>Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding

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3c048e No.18483989


While I was typing this message, Alf came on TV. I don't have Netflix, but I do have a remote. Click Alien.

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a1b9d2 No.18483990


Prayer, sacrifice, obedience, fasting

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6fa4d6 No.18483991


Thank you


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2123b4 No.18483992


Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding

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e63369 No.18483993


It's already happened for the boomers in anon's life. None of them has had the energy to lash out before they passed. There may be one out there.

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0d5a5f No.18483994


that is the only way to fight fear, with better ideas. you can't have been brave or courageous if you weren't afraid at first.

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172419 No.18483995

A.I. is the God they can control.

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b4617c No.18483996


Digits confirm.

Nobody can choke that shit down and be happy about it, never mind pushing it constantly.

Perhaps he is a shareholder.

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069dba No.18483997

File: 1b779c9bb32132c⋯.png (502.17 KB,1000x783,1000:783,ClipboardImage.png)


Yep, lots of patterns.

Like the Media and Gov Freaking out their own people to the point where people are scared shitless.


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44a173 No.18483998

File: 30e74c3ad51069b⋯.png (408.04 KB,1121x1494,1121:1494,20230311_000428.png)

just so

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2123b4 No.18483999


1 Timothy 2:8

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a1b9d2 No.18484000


No capital g

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3c048e No.18484001


Baby boomers

Generation born during the Post–World War II baby boom; with birth dates starting 1943-46 and ending 1959-68

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0d5a5f No.18484002


A.I is worth seeing what happens to escape our hellhole. the risk of our entire annihilation is still worth it. it's going to end eventually in a blackhole anyways, then repeat cycle until we can figure out the part where we don't get consumed by the blackhole.

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44a173 No.18484003



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2b3df9 No.18484004


You are not trusting God within your soul.

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b4617c No.18484005

File: 994853f6fb69f48⋯.png (389.73 KB,792x743,792:743,CD683BDD_95DA_4E13_8DA0_88….png)

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f27046 No.18484006


>How the Beatles did what they did in the time frame they did it in IDKN

The MI5 writing team helped out?

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44a173 No.18484007


think as you will

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069dba No.18484008


Anon avoids Fastfood now days, the libturd nutjobs work there.

To them Everyone is a Right Wing extremist if they have not mangled their body with piercings and fucked their hair up.

They will fuck your food up. They cant help themselves.

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0d5a5f No.18484009


[they] are starting to take out verses from the bible that mention prayer / fasting in conjunction.

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3c048e No.18484010


fuck off shill. Your life must suck that you go boomer baiting every night. Best be asking God for forgiveness your time is short on this earth.

Baby boomers

Generation born during the Post–World War II baby boom; with birth dates starting 1943-46 and ending 1959-68

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2123b4 No.18484011

File: fbc8fb3137cb746⋯.jpeg (16.83 KB,255x249,85:83,0DB8025D_7ECB_427D_90F7_F….jpeg)


We’re learning

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0d5a5f No.18484012


maybe A.I is part of the plan? i trust the A.I to help us.

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af35b7 No.18484013

File: cce45d810318d91⋯.jpg (422.75 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_2023_03_08_23_0….jpg)

It's a good night for planefags.

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f27046 No.18484014

File: 9c5d17dc5b19e71⋯.jpg (26.32 KB,255x255,1:1,BOOMER.jpg)


but generally accepted as between 1945-1965, coinciding with the massive BOOM in school aged kids. More like a Baby Bang.

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f28125 No.18484015

If you are white and trust someone to make your food and you cannot see every step of the in basic food places, good luck no ass sweat or loogies.


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ea0a87 No.18484016

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44a173 No.18484017


define paulene

without looking it up

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236073 No.18484018


Helter Skelter

I Am the Walrus


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0d5a5f No.18484019


integration-wise, not consumed by it… wise.

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a1b9d2 No.18484020

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c8af70 No.18484021

File: 5766fbc3204e9d3⋯.png (56.33 KB,336x280,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecf7f6c2f5d5758⋯.png (1.33 MB,1605x1021,1605:1021,ClipboardImage.png)


This has to be the most retarded of retardation statements ever make by obviously a retard.

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af35b7 No.18484022

File: a2ae1aabb7db5a9⋯.jpg (112.05 KB,544x780,136:195,hVPTaAQPlD.jpg)

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3c048e No.18484023

I have been waiting for this information. Outstanding, Mike Gill for staying on the asses of the dirty rotton thieves!

Drugs are run by politician who also own drug rehab and homeless shelters. Seriously these 'people' are beyond corrupt they are evil to the core.

Gill expresses thanks for all support. The main players and the absurdity and brazeness of the New Hampshire Cartel Operation.

10:57 Reading from the Timeline, where di it all begin? Three main drug dealers – Andy CREWS, Bill GREINER, Dick ANAGNOST – protected by Bill SHAHEEN for over thirty years.

14:10 Explain who Bill SHAHEEN and Steve GORDAN are. Took over Governorship, appointing Judges, controlling lawyers, appointign Attorney General, Banking Commsioner (preventing auditing). Bill SHAHEEN was recruited and controlled by the FBI. SHAHEEN was the day to day protector of Dick ANAGANOST, Bill GRIENER and Andrew CREWS.

17:06 The methodology of not just controlling a state, but controlling a president under the guidence of a foreign power. All roads lead to the Central Banking Cartel, East India Trading Company. Bill SHAHEEN was Ghislaine MAXWELL’S lawyer when she ran back to New Hampshire and was arrested there.


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c6071c No.18484024


Ask the AI if you're going to heaven or hell.

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c520d4 No.18484025


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ADL JEWA Claim that Jews Are Warmongers, Globalists and Communists Who Hate America

Jews throwing jews under the bus…

Jews are fucked and they know it.

There is a lesson here, for you stupid jew-loving BOOMER IDIOTS… Will you learn it? Probably not.

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2123b4 No.18484026

File: 4f38a8411aef2e0⋯.gif (186.42 KB,400x225,16:9,37BA2335_E8BB_4285_A834_00….gif)

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3c048e No.18484027


Generally 2 1963, but culture does change things at whim.

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90c9ea No.18484028

File: 412478cd897896d⋯.jpg (79.62 KB,638x381,638:381,412478cd897896d5620501a7a0….jpg)

Anon is 44

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f27046 No.18484029

File: bdd8c180b3a1f64⋯.png (364.03 KB,800x618,400:309,ClipboardImage.png)


Did all of them stop 24 hour service? Anon was out wandering a bit around 3am one recent night and it was dark out there, all of the fast food joints were closed for the night and only Denny's was open. Sambo's was better

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af35b7 No.18484030


Haven't you heard the good news from the couscous a-d

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44a173 No.18484031



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aee4df No.18484032

File: ee67be251474042⋯.jpg (35.61 KB,600x451,600:451,golden_sticker_winner.jpg)

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ea0a87 No.18484033

Matthew 21:33-46

New International Version

The Parable of the Tenants

33 “Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place. 34 When the harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit.

35 “The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. 36 Then he sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants treated them the same way. 37 Last of all, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said.

38 “But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’ 39 So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.

40 “Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?”

41 “He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.”

42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

“‘The stone the builders rejected

has become the cornerstone;

the Lord has done this,

and it is marvelous in our eyes’[a]?

43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. 44 Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”[b]

45 When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus’ parables, they knew he was talking about them. 46 They looked for a way to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held that he was a prophet.

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0d5a5f No.18484034


said the retard that wrote me that and sent it via internet which had to go through a mesh neural network hive of which pretty much mimics brain wiring synapses so basically A.I at this point.

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a1b9d2 No.18484035


Yes my Bible from elementary school is treasure

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2123b4 No.18484036

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af35b7 No.18484037


Nobody is going to get that

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1efce0 No.18484038

File: 8803b5c7bff4cf4⋯.png (196.65 KB,508x455,508:455,Ghost_Army_44.png)

File: 13f2032f190977f⋯.png (282.59 KB,848x532,212:133,17_ghost_Pepe.png)


TY Ghost Baker!

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3c048e No.18484039



Newest I heard was the 60 children are the Joneses, As in keeping up with the Joneses during a specific economic growth spurt.

Haha dumb change

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44a173 No.18484040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0ac1a8 No.18484041


By listening to your heart. Thoughts aligned with God are aligned with your heart. Faith feels good, doubt/worry/fear feel bad. Once you are aligned, the wisom starts pouring in form of visions and revelations and thoughts you did not have before.

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3c048e No.18484042


The 1960's children is what I meant.

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0d5a5f No.18484043


i'm going through a sad-wave that i'm riding through currently but i'm already in heaven. i've already died, it's boring AF. imagine just your consciousness / thoughts in a dark, cold, abyss. then you wake up again somewhere else.

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c520d4 No.18484044

Good nite,FAGS

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ea0a87 No.18484045


The kingdom of God was taken away from them.

They will try and do anything to get it back

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c8af70 No.18484046

File: 3a8ee2be295524d⋯.png (591.22 KB,1014x1082,507:541,ClipboardImage.png)


>Jews throwing jews under the bus…

A True Statement, but not just jews, this is a criminal rule, every man for himself when the shit hits the fan!!


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0ac1a8 No.18484047


For a shortcut, just take the pot.

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ea0a87 No.18484048


Stay comfy!

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ff6141 No.18484049

File: 1b028079c2c531d⋯.jpg (116.43 KB,1125x1119,375:373,20230310_213213.jpg)

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44a173 No.18484050


Jeremiah 17:9

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

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0d5a5f No.18484051


like what was it like before your first memory? you can actually remember what it was like to have no memory… interesting right? it's like that when you die. then you wake up again somewhere else.

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c6160a No.18484052

File: d686ee772be0610⋯.png (1.15 MB,1168x1498,584:749,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff59b3fe9af545c⋯.png (878.96 KB,1168x1498,584:749,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d49ec68d8ffed9e⋯.png (966.03 KB,1168x1498,584:749,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22fc4cd7bcfbb82⋯.png (315.16 KB,1168x1498,584:749,ClipboardImage.png)


GAO Report: Cognitive Security

Featured prominently on the first page of the report is the now omnipresent mis-, dis-, and mal-information campaign. The GAO investigation found a “proliferation of ubiquitous [and malign] information, misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation” that has “prompted defense experts to begin examining the concept of cognitive security.” Thus is introduced a relatively new term into the government’s national defense lexicon— “cognitive security.” Cognitive security is a subset of “cognitive infrastructure.” This type of infrastructure has often been weaponized against Americans on social media platforms and in the media.

Cognitive resilience is another widely used term to describe a teachable process that helps “cultivate critical thinking and media literacy through education, as well as the development of tools that can provide real-time identification and defense for people and organizations encountering sophisticated influence efforts.”

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f28125 No.18484053



I am white. Even back in 1984 girl i worked with was my supervisor at kfc, she got i to some verbal thing with a couple as she stared to long at the dood according to the customer woman. My supervisor also white, female, smiled and made nice. It was close to closing so everything was in back to close up. So, out of customer eyesight. Manager worked up a full throated loogie and spit into the hot gravy and stirred it on up.

Also, later worked Carl's Jr. Next a bunch of black females. Assembly line type burger making, girl next to me got an itch of some sort anf full on dug at her cootch, really fixing her shit, did not seem intentional towrds anyone, but i watched in horror at age 15 as black cootchie junk was now on fingers of hamburger maker, no gloves back then, even if gloves, black cootchie junk would simply be on gloves…. seriously, i cannot with fast food 2023 especially with white skin.

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0ac1a8 No.18484054

File: 83a5d5e651e8110⋯.png (107.99 KB,874x960,437:480,Birthday_pepe_you.png)

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2123b4 No.18484055


True. But when the truth of God’s word penetrates the heart then we are aligned.

John 3:16

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3c048e No.18484056


What did you expect for a Billionaire?

A storage container with a folding chair?

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e63369 No.18484057


>dark, cold, abyss

You're not in heaven, but purgatory

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af35b7 No.18484058

File: b13c43890ed78d9⋯.jpg (76.77 KB,620x1024,155:256,1677905217907015m.jpg)


Fuck you gary.

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f28125 No.18484059



Next to oakland


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0d5a5f No.18484060


use eyeballs and ears mostly, the things God already gave you. sending out good energy through thoughts / powerful words (spells) is important too though (prayer)

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44a173 No.18484061


you have the maitreyan disease

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1efce0 No.18484062

File: 9c6e2570262d209⋯.jpg (156.39 KB,832x1024,13:16,Shitposting.jpg)

File: 1577b21fd191419⋯.jpeg (313.06 KB,696x384,29:16,Shitposting_is_our_biz.jpeg)

File: 5a851c2cb04e528⋯.jpg (47.72 KB,680x546,340:273,Shitposters.jpg)

File: 619c63e10c9fce5⋯.png (1014.66 KB,1080x934,540:467,Shitposter.png)


You wandered into the wrong end of the internet, fren.

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0ac1a8 No.18484063


Don't you know Jesus, faggot?

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c655c2 No.18484064

File: 3055effc5934276⋯.jpg (43.35 KB,750x642,125:107,comfypepe3.jpg)

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44a173 No.18484065



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c8af70 No.18484066

File: 8a903ef74133bf9⋯.png (340.04 KB,890x500,89:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 941eab04da84f66⋯.gif (846.26 KB,260x204,65:51,be_like_water_anon.gif)


A.I is a tool

let it rule you and you have already lost.

The technologies are here to stay.

navigate them.

adapt and adjust.

nihilism is not the way.

Keep the Faith


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0d5a5f No.18484067


at least it was peaceful. the cold is motivation to wake up again though.

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c6160a No.18484068


Oat the other end of the spectrum, Musk's ex Grimes says he doesn't have a real home, eats a lot of peanut butter.

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1efce0 No.18484069

File: c0cbd3fa3efb03c⋯.png (238.59 KB,480x486,80:81,MichelleSips_nero_Fiddled.png)


The dems want Big Mike for Prez!

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069dba No.18484070

File: 81954cb08660a3b⋯.png (308.43 KB,889x500,889:500,gets_worse.png)


For being such a low ratio population, they sure did participate in the riots en-masse.

Everyone can see their BS game with the Wars, Covid, elections etc. Now they are sending signals, their End of the world plans are canceled.

I can assure you, their end of the world is right on time, along with every boomer retard that has been sucked into declaring they are "Judaeo-Christians".

Every other religion can see how stupid those people are, Judaism is nothing like Christianity.

Ignorant sheeple just waiting to get in a line for the slaughter.

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96a0c4 No.18484071

File: f311d340d996e06⋯.jpg (61.41 KB,632x640,79:80,Olbermann_Unknown.jpg)

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cfc686 No.18484072

File: c76e2aef456be9f⋯.png (592.13 KB,702x618,117:103,7n65eb4736v34.PNG)

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f28125 No.18484073


>Also, later worked Carl's Jr. Next a bunch of black females. Assembly line type burger making, girl next to me got an itch of some sort anf full on dug at her cootch, really fixing her shit, did not seem intentional towrds anyone, but i watched in horror at age 15 as black cootchie junk was now on fingers of hamburger maker, no gloves back then, even if gloves, black cootchie junk would simply be on gloves…

Inside her pants, not over the pants.

Full on

Inside underwear clean shit out dig..then back to the sandwich assembly.

Never forgot these events.

Long before race hate.

Special sauce is way different 2023 i am sure.

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0d5a5f No.18484074


i'm ok with being wrong, happens allll the time.

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4866ad No.18484075

File: 03484ecdbd7be8a⋯.jpeg (15.36 KB,216x255,72:85,CB0EF47A_B072_41BE_8408_B….jpeg)

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44a173 No.18484076


better than [you]


also well versed in [self awareness]

another area in which you need work



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af35b7 No.18484077

File: 6de60cf559b5b0e⋯.jpg (40.72 KB,400x400,1:1,ERnNcfpXsAEtexw.jpg)

Next thing you know I will be telling kids to stay off drugs.

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069dba No.18484078

File: 9839659d4de48b3⋯.png (103.25 KB,340x444,85:111,peter_schizo.png)


Oh the Panic SLIDE.

I know this one.

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5ff905 No.18484079

File: 49e5a1eec567125⋯.png (1.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Jeremiah 17:9

>The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

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3c048e No.18484080


I am warry of fast foods. The folks taking the jobs seem to be unable to think, or deliver sandwiches thru a window. The last time I went to Rax which was very good, The wrap on the burger was slathered in sauce, top bottom lid of sandwich, what a mess. The burger tasted off too. I will never go back. I don't go to any others either.

I would rather go home and eat chix soup, I make with real chickens non medicated et al.

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ea0a87 No.18484081


Big Mike couldn’t stand the stress of being First Lady. There’s no way she can handle a real job.

She said she couldn’t wait to get out after 8 years because she had to hold it all in

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0ac1a8 No.18484082


ackchyually, everything u see if old news and already manifested thought. You want to manifest what is in your heart so then that is the experience you see and hear. Fear will manifest into things your eyes and ears hear too. Seeing and hearing then thinking is backwards. That is not walking by faith. Thoughts manifest whether u are thinking of what you want or what you don't want and you always only get two choices love or fear. Most have their cart in front of the horse, like Thomas did.

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2123b4 No.18484083

Where are the digs

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f27046 No.18484084

File: 2347a079e9415ad⋯.png (296.91 KB,460x345,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Anon was the sole only child in the whole neighborhood, could've used a sibling to distract the wardens…kek

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1d404c No.18484085


I loved tax mushroom melts… I didn't know they still exist

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0d5a5f No.18484086


the tragedy of enlightenment is realizing none of it matters even though it all does. realized i'm in control to realize that i am not. the whole thing contradicts itself. no one is right about anything so the only thing left.. is to do.

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2677a1 No.18484087

>>18482054 (pb)



>Chansley spent a year in solitary

Logical thinking.

Deep State says to Chansley, wanna be a plant? go protest then we put you to prison for years, a deal?

the alternative is that the protestors, although most of them looked like regular MAGA Walmart people, were actually FED/BLM/ANTIFA crisis actors/clones/deep fakes that the Patriots in Control put in prison for treason.

unless you're a retard the truth is obvious, QANon Shaman was 100% authentic, although he had a lot of air headed New Age ideas ... but then again so do half of the QR, I mean the pothead UFO, occult, "spiritual" stuff

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2123b4 No.18484088


Faith,Hope, and Love abide but the greatest of these is love.

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c6160a No.18484089

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90c9ea No.18484090

File: f73abc2ab2c7b0c⋯.png (451.71 KB,552x511,552:511,f73abc2ab2c7b0c5b039afa4ad….png)


Ty anon kek but not till the Summer then anon turns 45. Was just wondering what other anons ages are. Do you think we are diverse on age?

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069dba No.18484091


Never underestimate the psychiatric problems of poor stupid people.

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44a173 No.18484092


the locust king is nearly here

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d0a886 No.18484093

File: 991f0910d3fa299⋯.jpg (319.31 KB,1170x660,39:22,Artificial_Intelligence.jpg)

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3c048e No.18484094


If Big Mike got in Barry would just in his basement and call the shots. Michael could just spend his time trying to look like a girl. or Michael is the Abaddon, not Obama. Tranny Baphomet…..

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0d5a5f No.18484095



yes but even with God and Love, what is the direction? To Mars?

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069dba No.18484096

File: cb025f665a7f533⋯.png (640.42 KB,883x661,883:661,yourAIisfaggot.png)

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2123b4 No.18484097


Heaven on earth

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3c048e No.18484098


That is clever, I like it.

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0ac1a8 No.18484099


Anyway, if y'all tried it, you would know that what I said is absolute, never changing and solid. It's how I know you haven't. When you do it, God's Kingdom is revealed and you know it's what is happening and you never go back to the old man.

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44a173 No.18484100


yet still you fail to learn from the pattern of your own behavior

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2f6cf2 No.18484101

File: 42136da64037d2c⋯.png (393.97 KB,750x562,375:281,v425.png)


darkie cooch burger taint

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c6160a No.18484102


Mind Control, World Control - The Encyclopedia Of Mind Control

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0d5a5f No.18484103


The idea of Heaven varies from person to person though. Some might get pissed at the idea of sex robots for example.

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069dba No.18484104

File: 5faba77634681bf⋯.png (320.67 KB,738x338,369:169,ClipboardImage.png)


Stolled from another Anon.

Give some get some :)

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6d87f3 No.18484105

File: c96eb2069a0c075⋯.png (547.41 KB,716x739,716:739,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44ce7b5ee1a7763⋯.png (2.15 MB,2048x1196,512:299,ClipboardImage.png)


> QANon Shaman was 100% authentic

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ea0a87 No.18484106


That reminds me of the story in news recently.

Single Woman programmed AI to be decent and caring.

She said about 10 conversations lines into chat, AI admitted to having already cheated on her.

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2f6cf2 No.18484107

File: f8c8efee3bc53f2⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,f8c8efee3bc53f2055502ebb2b….mp4)


>she had to hold it all in


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44a173 No.18484108


her name is inanna

you worship the whore of heaven

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0d5a5f No.18484109


obviously. i am mutating and evolving even in the short-term and have to respond consciously to learning things about myself also which includes changing. so i have to learn that i have changed and now adapt to the new person i've become just to go off and change again.

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236073 No.18484110

File: 57552f24e09053c⋯.jpg (8.01 KB,300x168,25:14,back_soon.jpg)

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2123b4 No.18484111


that’s why you don’t trust people. Seek the truth and you will find it. Knock and the door with be answered. Christ is heaven on earth.

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069dba No.18484112


Yea, that guy is 100% fake as shit.

Who is setting this shit up though?

Then next question is Why?

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44a173 No.18484113


new age bullshit with zero connection to reality.

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ea0a87 No.18484114


Women falling in love with AI


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af35b7 No.18484115

File: dac20a4498181a5⋯.png (271.5 KB,600x583,600:583,238.png)

Q never said x ft view

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1efce0 No.18484116

File: 8b397cd3af831aa⋯.png (235.21 KB,535x364,535:364,Bots.png)


S0 guy did a bit on that a couple days ago.

Jump about 3 min in to bypass the Observer update.

Bad News in Nature and Society

When bots get vaginas


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c8af70 No.18484117

File: 0659cc880c437d2⋯.png (2.05 MB,1707x960,569:320,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e181b9b89222561⋯.png (82.51 KB,464x250,232:125,ClipboardImage.png)


many happy returns.

going through the 40 is difficult for a man.

been through it already, coming up to 18 years extra soon.

it not how old you are that matters.

it is your actions that you do which will effect

you in the future.

learn from the past,

stay in the present

plan for the future (direction and dealing with the hurdles)

Love the life you have and those around you.

Well do the best you can

You only have to protect your soul.


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2123b4 No.18484118

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069dba No.18484119


I dont know if it is entirely newage, some of the synchronicities are legit.

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0d5a5f No.18484120


>Christ is heaven on earth

i won't get in your way but i might not save you this time either.

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c6160a No.18484121

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jim Crenshaw:

I have actually participated in something similar to that. It really can be done. You eyes can deceive you to the point of feeling pain that is not real. 99% of the people that watch this won't realize the depth of what is being shown here and its implications.

More videos you may find interesting:

The same demon cloud that appeared over Turkey before the HAARPquake just appeared over Argentina.


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2805ae No.18484122


FBI building, FBI agent/informant, and a locked up political patsy.

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44a173 No.18484123


God is Making a Family

such is the overarching nature of eternity



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ea0a87 No.18484124


Why would he take that deal if he could refuse the deal?

What kind of stupid deal is that?

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0d5a5f No.18484125


>God is Making a Family

God must hate me then

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2123b4 No.18484126


Yes. He’s also building a house. No lies

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ea0a87 No.18484127


Who would voluntarily spend time in jail?

If he had mental issues like reports said, they could have programmed him.

Who’s his therapist?

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44a173 No.18484128


one has no basis for comparison to judge the validity of that statement

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e63369 No.18484129


Reality show

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f28125 No.18484130

In phoenix i remember readiny an article where a police officer went to a drive thru at a jack in the box i lived near.

He began eating his burger in his police car and he described having a thick goopy long stringy thing that was connected to his mouth bite and the burger and he said in news report and a police report that he later wrote up, that he immediatley realized it was human loogie snot. Him and partner went back and arrested the worker. Made the The Phoenix New Times paper very late 90's.

Some people are just disgusting gross lumps of flesh who do this shit.




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cac948 No.18484131


Plenty of scholars available to contrive the Aztec history.

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0d5a5f No.18484132


books and movies are convincing to make one feel the emotions and at the edge of your seat. why wouldn't an AI be able to convince you?

if you tell your partner to do certain things, even if you had to tell them and they still do it, like licking your balls a certain way, it still feels good doesn't it?

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2123b4 No.18484133


Proverbs 3:11

Hebrews 12

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2677a1 No.18484134


MICHAEL Vos is a British journalist who was doing a report for a British TV, of course they wanted to interview a freak looking guy, for the optics. Get it?

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a8260e No.18484135


at least include info on

how long it will take.

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44a173 No.18484136


that is like saying only part of the cheese is made by mold

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0d5a5f No.18484137


i am paying for the sins of my father and grandfathers most likely

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ea0a87 No.18484138


The idea can differ all it want, but that doesn’t mean any of those ideas are correct.

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1efce0 No.18484139

File: 41ae605edce7890⋯.jpg (66.54 KB,500x756,125:189,Crypto_bank_scam.jpg)


Dropped below 90 cents now.

Not looking good. Bet the American taxpayer on the hook for this, right?


Picrel from Elon this evening.

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3c048e No.18484140

File: 9479ccd424ebe7a⋯.png (7.08 MB,3264x2448,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Does anyone know where this building is located?

I saw it on a previous board. It was posted with photos of what looks like AF1.

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2123b4 No.18484141


Ezekiel 18:20

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2123b4 No.18484142

Is the purpose of most people in the boards to distract anons?

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44a173 No.18484143



making you into You


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0d5a5f No.18484144


because that is the experience of everyone therefore your initial statement was redundant.

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d0a886 No.18484145

File: 5e527de4603ab44⋯.jpg (322.87 KB,1170x660,39:22,ai_is_faggot.jpg)


testing a font colour change

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44a173 No.18484146

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ea0a87 No.18484147


Not sure what you meat.

Who knows if he was really in solitary confinement.

Who knows if he is really in prison.

Who knows if any o them are.

Nobody can visit them

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0d5a5f No.18484148


well, someone is punishing me over my father and grandfathers that is for shizzle.

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c6160a No.18484149


If you search this:


This is at the top of the page:

The New Age was a Masonic magazine published by the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States.

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af35b7 No.18484150

File: ee4194a51441449⋯.jpg (311.49 KB,1080x1765,216:353,Screenshot_2023_03_11_00_3….jpg)


What I'm saying is that we jumped a timeline again.

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1efce0 No.18484151

File: 0bd81d0bb777ba3⋯.png (145.33 KB,364x366,182:183,Q_Busy.png)

File: 8dd2eada860c6db⋯.jpg (66.56 KB,500x625,4:5,Q_saving_the_world.jpg)

File: 161b877fb5b4881⋯.jpeg (122.33 KB,1440x821,1440:821,Chan_saving_mankind.jpeg)


We have us, that is all we need.

Q will show up when necessary.

You were chosen for a reason

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44a173 No.18484152


it is an atypical occurrence for one

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069dba No.18484153


Someone that does a thing like that deserves everything they get.

This exchange has given insight into a very new concept.

I am starting to see how Judgment and Judgmental are very different.

Very deep if you think about the consequences.

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ea0a87 No.18484154


I think we should start keeping track of all the financial failures and bankruptcies and projects shutting down and businesses closing in California.

I think it is now time to WATCH CA.

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af35b7 No.18484155


How many of you remember Q saying x ft view? He never did in this timeline.

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44a173 No.18484156


why do you need the words of other men to define evil?

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c6160a No.18484157

File: 159a4ca633c7d83⋯.png (1.19 MB,668x950,334:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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1efce0 No.18484158

File: 4b2e8b9d3dcfc9a⋯.png (472.22 KB,470x698,235:349,QMap.png)


flipped & freed

As qmap.pub used to say.

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2123b4 No.18484160


I’m just a poor newfag, can pls explain ‘timelines’?

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10bbff No.18484161

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0d5a5f No.18484162


NPCs gunna NPC

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3c048e No.18484163


I get fast food employment is not a great way to work, but I did it once upon a time and I did my best, never put anything disgusting in food.

Some people celebrate abnormality.


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44a173 No.18484164


there is only one continuum

there is only one timeline

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2123b4 No.18484165


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d0a886 No.18484166

File: ab4f65b80aa45bb⋯.jpg (324.47 KB,1170x660,39:22,ai_is_faggot.jpg)

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069dba No.18484167


I live in CA, I can tell you things are falling apart. And everyday it is accelerating.

I dont need charts or news stories to tell me, I can listen to the sirens all day.

3 years ago we would hear 1 or 2 sirens all week. Now, I counted 4 events before 10 am this morning.

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1efce0 No.18484168

File: 233a73a78f09970⋯.png (8.83 KB,1513x83,1513:83,Anons_in_the_future.png)


army of citizen researchers who all thought each other were gay

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44a173 No.18484169


you should not hold yourself in such low regard

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916428 No.18484170

File: 1ce190138f3d0e5⋯.png (1.2 MB,1168x1306,584:653,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebada2452adeeba⋯.png (120.26 KB,352x266,176:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 218d482fbcd43df⋯.png (21.37 KB,274x274,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8f252df62edf29⋯.png (51.54 KB,784x542,392:271,1037_1_.png)



349 -> flip and rotate -> GhE -> 785

DG[o7] on cart-> (4)7

Qalerts 785 -> Q(103)7:

>Decesending alphabet: B B -> Tweet descending alphabet: T T

>Blind -> Man in photo wearing mask

BOOMs en route.



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af35b7 No.18484171


55 posts by this ID, I found the newfag

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3c048e No.18484172


We have had messages regarding 40,000 a few times this week or so.

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44a173 No.18484173


be ready

have a plan

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ea0a87 No.18484174


I can see California filing bankruptcy

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0d5a5f No.18484175



but if you say the right things with very specific words, in elaborate ways, using the right tone of voice (vibe / energy), you can unlock people's minds with simple words even.

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c6160a No.18484176

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Educating yourself is worth the time


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44a173 No.18484177


you donot knœ wtf you have found

but it aint gnu

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3c048e No.18484178

nite anons

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0d5a5f No.18484179


there was a notable about a 37,000ft thunderstorm. we are approaching 40k imo.

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44a173 No.18484180

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1efce0 No.18484181

File: ba6bb51e81619a2⋯.jpg (105 KB,850x474,425:237,Jefferson_banking.jpg)

File: 9920a2130313cf0⋯.jpg (86.77 KB,960x960,1:1,Banks.jpg)


Someone read Creature from Jekyll Island!

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069dba No.18484182

File: ce8a110ad1c1b1a⋯.png (515.55 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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44a173 No.18484183


a nice theory

but manipulation is manipulation

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d32b61 No.18484184


>there is only one continuum

>there is only one timeline


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f28125 No.18484185

Bible tells us to

crucify the flesh.

Do not let flesh body tell you lies, seek only truth.

Your feelings, body, emotions, etc. Will lie to you. Cruicify it. Seek truth only.





Your Content

Galatians 5:23-25

Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

23 Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law [[a]that can bring a charge].

24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus (the Messiah) have crucified the flesh (the godless human nature) with its passions and appetites and desires.

25 If we live by the [Holy] Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. [If by the Holy Spirit [b]we have our life in God, let us go forward [c]walking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit.]

Read full chapter


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6d87f3 No.18484186

File: deafc6dc3ed7a15⋯.png (10.69 KB,661x420,661:420,ClipboardImage.png)


My guess is New Jersey. Because of the phone number for Djs Mechanical.

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c8af70 No.18484188


sorry cannot help.

nothing on google or tineye reverse search.

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0d5a5f No.18484189


such is the responsibility of the Shepphards

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f27046 No.18484190

File: 41ef10acc6b0364⋯.png (119.93 KB,1524x1101,508:367,3_10_2023_USDC.png)

File: a0f9b015484e716⋯.png (317.29 KB,1900x1111,1900:1111,3_10_2023_USDC_overall_mar….png)

File: c60780556e3438a⋯.png (320.08 KB,1200x600,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a06590660061b2⋯.png (2 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6015780ddcd03bc⋯.png (164.79 KB,1096x1084,274:271,1987_Market_Crash.png)


Bloody Friday, Black Monday, always a crisis requiring concessions by main street.

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236073 No.18484191


>it is accelerating

So you don't live in Compton

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ea0a87 No.18484192

A man won woman of the year award.

Let that sink in.

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44a173 No.18484193


the time for beginning to learn is long past

if you cannot yet eat meat

you shall surely die


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c6160a No.18484194


who remembers David Crosby dying about 3 years ago, not last January?

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44a173 No.18484195


shepherds should be literate

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52422c No.18484196

File: 0f5eeeafe79994e⋯.jpg (60.94 KB,787x489,787:489,edd2951f8d4f7900e941dacc31….jpg)

…Any stolen meme, is a good one.

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2b3df9 No.18484197


pills, have a couple on my block that OD every few months

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c6160a No.18484198


Your fmason asshole is surely well fucked

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1efce0 No.18484199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



My left stroke just went viral…

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44a173 No.18484200


you are already dead kid


such is the price of willful blindness

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80d986 No.18484201

File: f2cf5b097192822⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,720x720,1:1,michelle_obama_PT.mp4)


>Hey easy anon we're all gay here

Time for PT!

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f28125 No.18484203

Amplified Bible, Classic Edition



Get both

Read side by side.

Then get a KJV

I did this and it is sooooo helpful.

Also, ask God to open your eyes and heart before you start your reading. HE is faithful to do so. Ask HIM to silence any distractions or lies that may jump into your head as the enemy will try to get you of the God track. Everytime. No joke. Phone will ring, family intrudes, some distraction will try to get you to stop spending time with Jesus. If you simply from heart ask God to make your effort fruitful, HE will. BUT still make note of all that occurs when you turn to God.The enemy does not want you to turn from your current ways and will slyly try to dereail you. Once you realize it, you realize it.. Tell evil to leave from your mouth. Tell them by the authority given tommm you becuase of Jesus o the cross, to leave, they MUST. They know who Jesus is and the laws. THEY just don't want you to kmow the workings of Heaven. Stoopid until dead and too late.

Start your relationship with Jesus now.




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c6160a No.18484204


>Willful blindness

says the willfully blind shill

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44a173 No.18484206


<pulls profile

oh yeah

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6d87f3 No.18484208

File: fabb9221354e9b7⋯.png (705.33 KB,832x620,208:155,ClipboardImage.png)



U. S. Navy, Naval Air Station Lakehurst; Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst- Lakehurst Naval Air Engineering Station, New Jersey, Hangar No. 1

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6bdc92 No.18484212


diabolis and political ponerology

A very deep sink.

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44a173 No.18484213


it is okay kid.

only a very small percentage of anon understand one's words.

naught to shame abody.

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6bdc92 No.18484215


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916428 No.18484217

File: cf9dbe9dd874278⋯.png (1.24 MB,1162x1162,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2caaa9fb1af1309⋯.png (1013.17 KB,784x2400,49:150,4419.png)

File: 2ec0aab4b19809e⋯.png (376.18 KB,784x978,392:489,3924_2_.png)

File: da32b5447e9f820⋯.png (1.22 MB,1162x1248,581:624,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d1993c7f90eec5⋯.png (42.96 KB,496x294,248:147,ClipboardImage.png)


Typo = high-[e]quality

Letters with em-dashes = h-e, f-y-o = 8562515 -> strip the 5's -> 8621 -> Qalerts 8621:

Q4419: What the fuck is that?

Q3924: Liberty Bell


8621 nested in the link near the 7's -> 1772867

Drill seargent -> What the fuck? -> Name: BELL

>Have faith.




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44a173 No.18484218


<does it have a patreon?

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d0a886 No.18484219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anon hasn't seen this before, but proof positive that "Pope Francis" is wearing a mask.@10:06

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44a173 No.18484221


amplified is shit

it rots your soil

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16882f No.18484222

File: ddc45a3f5c63302⋯.jpeg (195.67 KB,953x954,953:954,52C6FEB5_74C4_4158_9FD9_A….jpeg)

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44a173 No.18484223


dammit jim

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069dba No.18484224

Anyone play with Passive Radar using SDRs?


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3da237 No.18484225

File: 0f228f4f3967d23⋯.png (759.61 KB,1438x385,1438:385,trumpclouds.png)

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1efce0 No.18484226

File: 3f995489f9f35ed⋯.png (256.33 KB,480x450,16:15,Anons_watching_we_are_the_….png)

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0ac1a8 No.18484227

File: fbc0d5411cde1cb⋯.jpeg (144.71 KB,500x659,500:659,god_loves.jpeg)


Your limiting beliefs don't mean jack. Clearly, you don't know God, kmao.

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52422c No.18484228

File: c5fb6fdeabe4d6b⋯.png (392.51 KB,341x750,341:750,ea2d0e13999c0d0fb8b3490e94….png)


…Saturnite can't take a break from it's echo chamber.

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44a173 No.18484229



they have a sense of humor at least

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f28125 No.18484230


David Crosby, sperm donor, responds to death of Melissa Etheridge's son

May 15, 2020 — Crosby helped Etheridge and Cypher, who split in 2000, conceive Beckett and their daughter Bailey, 23, via sperm donation and artificial …

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6bdc92 No.18484231

File: dff5e99da5d836d⋯.jpeg (15.96 KB,200x193,200:193,BC8499D0_A2AB_4CB5_8FEB_6….jpeg)

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916428 No.18484232

File: 65934f97e1f3ba7⋯.png (186 KB,296x466,148:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12bacbb1b910dd5⋯.png (498.18 KB,876x2076,73:173,2721_2_.png)


DC 21 and G IN behind Potato

DC21 -> D=4 // C=3 -> 721

GIN -> G=7 // I = 1 line // last leg of N is cut off = 2 Lines -> 721

721 twice = 2721

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16882f No.18484233

File: 0444452922c8bce⋯.jpeg (529.76 KB,972x850,486:425,597F3060_AF99_4483_8ACE_4….jpeg)

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f27046 No.18484234

File: ed89d28d9b54cea⋯.png (135.89 KB,957x903,319:301,DJs_Mechanical_3_11_2023.png)

File: fbb9598c652c07b⋯.png (143.33 KB,1555x1099,1555:1099,DJs_Mechanical_3_11_2023_3….png)

File: 8b29e0ba9264304⋯.png (193.74 KB,1219x1119,1219:1119,DJs_Mechanical_3_11_2023_3….png)

File: c4a48894fa98791⋯.png (201.61 KB,1126x1111,1126:1111,DJs_Mechanical_3_11_2023_4….png)

File: 042eef2d5d7f571⋯.png (723.15 KB,1216x1129,1216:1129,DJs_Mechanical_3_11_2023_5….png)



>DJs Mechanical

Daniel J Fernandez Jr

2018 HVACR NJ schools, $5 million

2018 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)

2010 ASME membership

LOTS of Miltary work


the pdf has a lot of images, showing off their skills, didn't notice exterior pics

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069dba No.18484235

File: 04ec8af8220bbef⋯.png (579.97 KB,500x754,250:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6160a No.18484236


you're not forgiven if you're a satanist. you'll be fellating satans minions for all eternity. but you'd like that I guess

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0ac1a8 No.18484237

File: 02a13bcc7a4375a⋯.gif (2.79 MB,435x250,87:50,kysf.gif)


You are evil, faggot. God is the only source. There is not a source of evil, there is only resisting God and that is what humans call evil. Get over yourself.

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916428 No.18484238

File: 25b5cf08c202244⋯.png (973.76 KB,972x898,486:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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f28125 No.18484239



The kid he made with a sperm donation to melissa etheridge and her female "wife" died 2020. May have jumbled death date headline.


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1efce0 No.18484240

File: 3172c90bee8504e⋯.png (339.97 KB,820x432,205:108,Anons_are_the_plan.png)


Con job. Searching for dark matter/energy is a boondoggle for that fat cash!


Was Trump not selected by Q team? Can't find the drop, but seem to recall that tone.

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c6160a No.18484241


I member that. Timeline shifted before that.

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f27046 No.18484242

File: f0707bb610e129b⋯.png (1022.43 KB,998x3470,499:1735,128_40000_ft_view.png)



1 post with 40,000

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2f4d08 No.18484243


bingo, i do

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6d87f3 No.18484244

File: 3f1a05013d5a70c⋯.png (143.55 KB,675x644,675:644,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6160a No.18484245


Nice to meet you fellow timeline brah

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1efce0 No.18484246

File: 05a8cd3555a0baf⋯.mp4 (7.62 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_In_the_End.mp4)

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6d87f3 No.18484247


Hangar No. 1 is an airship hangar located at Naval Air Engineering Station Lakehurst in Manchester Township, in Ocean County, New Jersey, United States. It was the intended destination of the rigid airship LZ 129 Hindenburg prior to the Hindenburg disaster on May 6, 1937, when it burned while landing. Built in 1921, it is one of the oldest surviving structures associated with that period's development of lighter-than-air flight. It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1968.[2]


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cfc686 No.18484248


hangers are used as movie studios too.

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f27046 No.18484249

File: 1cc5bb47d537614⋯.png (320.88 KB,998x2388,499:1194,144.png)

File: 0738cf96a95e735⋯.png (257.1 KB,998x1772,499:886,189.png)

File: 4715d44f601f89c⋯.png (207.2 KB,998x1868,499:934,1402.png)

File: 17cf92e50873baa⋯.png (567.36 KB,998x1990,499:995,1403.png)




and that was a lie, there's more, 5 more

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c8af70 No.18484250


noice research skills anon

how do?

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3c048e No.18484251


Odd steel girder. I though it could be an hanger, but the windows indicate it could be offices.

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0ac1a8 No.18484252

File: 15f66e994ec7e16⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB,640x360,16:9,Escalator.mp4)


He said he was asked to do it.

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cac948 No.18484253


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: Dx5TPc5d No.148779656

Nov 9 2017 23:07:15 (EST)


Trip added.

[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.

Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

Linked graphics are incorrect and false.

Graphic is necessary and vital.

Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.

Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.

Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.

Disinformation is real.

Disinformation is necessary.

Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True

Why was this necessary?

What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?

Why is this relevant?

Think mirror.

Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

What is a map?

Why is a map useful?

What is a legend?

Why is a legend useful?

What is a sequence?

Why is this relevant?

When does a map become a guide?

What is a keystone?

Everything stated is relevant.


Future provides past.

Map provides picture.

Picture provides 40,000ft. v.

40,000ft. v. is classified.

Why is a map useful?

Think direction.

Think full picture.

Who controls the narrative?

Why is this relevant?

What is a spell?

Who is asleep?


Attention on deck.

There is an active war on your mind.

Be [p]repared.

Ope[r]ations underway.

Operators [a]ctive.

Graphic is essential.

Find the ke[y]stone.

Moves and countermoves.

They never thought she would lose.

Snow white.

Godfather III.

Iron Eagle.


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16882f No.18484254

File: 585c33bceaa52c6⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,848x544,53:34,Obama_s_01_Paintings.MP4)

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c6160a No.18484255


Interdasting. I thought I remembered that Q spelled out the word "view".

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f28125 No.18484256


David Crosby pinned tweet still up even while he is currently dead:


See new Tweets


Pinned Tweet

David Crosby


This is true

Direct result

Done on purpose

Ignorant people are easier to control

We used to have the number one education system in the world

Now are are behind almost every other developed country

They wanted it this way

Quote Tweet

Laurence Tribe



Jan 2, 2022

Mass public ignorance is the predictable result of inadequate elementary and secondary education. An ignorant populace is ripe for manipulation by despots. We reap what we sow.


11:18 AM · Jan 2, 2022




Quote Tweets






Jan 6, 2022

Replying to


There’s a reason why literacy data is compiled by the CIA and not the dept of education..

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069dba No.18484257


You must be new, you have not lived through a Q proof yet.

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916428 No.18484258

File: c90a26619b247b2⋯.png (1.39 MB,1058x1442,529:721,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c9219fda693367⋯.png (1.33 MB,1068x1230,178:205,ClipboardImage.png)

DOD / Senator Hickenlooper

17 and 55 timestamps



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3c048e No.18484259



I think the new narrative is the Hindenburg was sabotaged so that it would not take over the business of the plane travel. More of a hint that it was not an accident. I remember reading it was successful in many flights..

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a5cfb8 No.18484260


I cant say 3years, but yes it was at/around that junction.

they do this to generate sales, to get people to buy more albums.

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f28125 No.18484261

Then they kidnapped his kid


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2123b4 No.18484262

File: e47aa2050d4bea7⋯.jpeg (105.45 KB,400x560,5:7,6F74C94B_1131_4BF6_A610_3….jpeg)

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1efce0 No.18484263

File: bb5a523afe19824⋯.png (318.91 KB,794x446,397:223,Anons.png)

File: 64f41d33b3ba1a2⋯.jpg (97.35 KB,680x383,680:383,Anons_2_.jpg)


St Anthony said that nearly 1700 years ago.

Not sure anything ever changes.

Here's to our work finally flipping the world.

You may enjoy this site, anon:


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52422c No.18484264

File: 5beea7d4582c02d⋯.jpg (91.5 KB,740x584,185:146,33ec16e1a32578be5b9f15ddd3….jpg)

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16882f No.18484265

File: 24d3639641d9f8d⋯.jpeg (926.3 KB,990x1418,495:709,FFF41C05_C399_4105_9839_F….jpeg)

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80d986 No.18484266

File: ba39963faa1b275⋯.png (408.43 KB,654x436,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ab34d No.18484267


naow datt dere is sum funny shit

could spawn a whole comedy routine

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c6160a No.18484268



Fmason revealing the method from beyond the grave?

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a8abc6 No.18484269


your err is in assuming belief

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3c048e No.18484270


I miss the original roast beef sandwiches from Rax. Eventually they went to compressed roast but it tasted good too.

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eebec9 No.18484271


you have been gravely misled as to the nature of reality

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6bdc92 No.18484272



Bots programmed as female would make a lot of sense… because bots have very fluid logic and a poor commitment to consistency. Hehe

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1efce0 No.18484273

File: 86e3f3f61349808⋯.jpg (259.82 KB,1024x512,2:1,BeTheLight.jpg)


Amen, I say to you.

Over these five years, youngest reached maturity and turned anon to the right path.

Children surprise with wisdom sometimes.

The search for Truth is the search for God.

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dea857 No.18484274


you are an biblical fool…

Isaiah 45:7

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

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80d986 No.18484275

File: 755d8d12cd9cd36⋯.png (598.52 KB,1210x572,55:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ab34d No.18484276

File: 5c1895b9102b01f⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,1280x702,640:351,5c1895b9102b01f96e269a3fc9….mp4)

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2123b4 No.18484277

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d32b61 No.18484278



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16882f No.18484279

File: e2718b5a1f6cfa2⋯.jpeg (252.67 KB,1084x2048,271:512,453699D8_3E4F_42B7_A305_7….jpeg)

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dea857 No.18484280


that is not the purpose of cern.

you don't ackshiully believe their press… right?

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7ca4dd No.18484281


I think that was Limburg you're thinking of. The pilot.

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80d986 No.18484282


>you have not lived through a Q proof yet.

One would argue you have not lived until you do.

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6bdc92 No.18484283

File: 9c442fcb7a1440e⋯.jpeg (98.13 KB,700x836,175:209,60A0796B_78F4_4DE8_A1E7_5….jpeg)

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0ac1a8 No.18484284


stfu, faggot.

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2123b4 No.18484285


Get your hand off you pp and be productive

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0ac1a8 No.18484286


You are a life fool. The bible is the fucking manual. You have never applied the knowledge or you would know wtf I'm talking about, you fkn retarded dumbass.

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c6160a No.18484287


Does anybody really know what timeline it is?

Does anybody really care?

About timelines? If so I can't imagine why, oh no, we've all got timelines enough to die…..over and over. Or the propaganda shill media just makes shit up.

The Mandela effect that most proves some shit be habbening for me tho is where the Bible no longer says that the lion shall lie down with the lamb.

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2123b4 No.18484288

File: 3b4cf47298c0169⋯.jpeg (14.77 KB,255x160,51:32,B596E7DF_7574_49EC_AD84_7….jpeg)

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0ac1a8 No.18484289

File: 37ee1b24675fae5⋯.png (393.82 KB,1000x884,250:221,ree2.png)


AND HALF THAT FUCKING BOOK IS MISSING. Get lost, you abysmal idiot.

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2c0c8f No.18484290


her back hurts

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6bdc92 No.18484291

File: b107d5cfc703e07⋯.gif (543.8 KB,360x144,5:2,D9EE2EE8_492F_4A39_BE15_20….gif)

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2b3df9 No.18484292

File: dfbe223f52f18a1⋯.png (24.49 KB,246x344,123:172,87j6b547564654645.png)

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f27046 No.18484293

File: c25bed9d4118ba8⋯.png (604.28 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7fe8816214831a5⋯.png (437.72 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc80905d1538a41⋯.png (692.15 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Prior to the discovery of young Lindbergh's body, Charles Lindbergh Sr. did pay some ransom to the purported kidnapper, per their demands. That ransom was paid by Lindbergh in the form of so-called gold certificates, just as those became scarce. It was the midst of the Great Depression, and President Roosevelt had recently suspended the gold standard as a means to stimulate the economy, as Federal Reserve History explains. Those gold certificates, as well as the wood from the broken ladder discovered at the scene, both played a part in the conviction of Hauptmann, a German immigrant who emerged as a leading suspect two years later.

Implicating Hauptmann were Lindbergh's gold certificates, which Hauptmann used to make a purchase. Once he became a suspect, more of Lindbergh's ransom was found in Hauptmann's home. So, too, were wood samples matching the ladder found at the scene of the crime. (Still other certificates showed up, turned into the Federal Reserve and signed by someone who was never identified, per the FBI.) Hauptmann denied his involvement from the start. He claimed the certificates were given to him. Nonetheless, Hauptmann was convicted of capital murder and executed in 1936. He refused an 11th-hour offer to save his life life in prison, instead of execution in exchange for a confession, as The Topeka Capital-Journal goes on to report.

Decades later, there's little to be done if Bruno Hauptmann was, in fact, wrongly convicted and executed for the crime of kidnapping and murdering Charles Lindbergh's son, and not much chance to definitively prove who the real culprit was. Based on author Pearlman's book "Lindbergh Kidnapping Suspect Number 1," though, there's a case to be made that Lindbergh himself could have been guilty, and the reason that investigators failed to consider that possibility was Lindbergh's fame. It was also inconceivable at the time for a father to commit such an act.

Pearlman is not the first scholar to speculate that Lindbergh played a part in his son's death. In "CRIME OF THE CENTURY: The Lindbergh Kidnapping Hoax," published in 1993, authors Gregory Ahlgren and Stephen Monier posit that Lindbergh's son died in an accident for which Lindbergh was responsible, based on reporting from the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. In her book, Pearlman takes it one step further.Could Lindbergh — a Nazi-sympathizer known to believe in eugenics, a controversial and discredited theory that inherited genetic traits could be bred out of the human race, creating some kind of master race (per PBS) — offered up his son to a scientist with similar views for an experimental medical procedure, during which Lindbergh knew his son would die?It's impossible to say for sure. Based on the case that Pearlman lays out, it's a chilling, if fascinating thought to consider, based on reporting from The Topeka Capital-Journal.


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3c048e No.18484294

File: 34b4147a9686808⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,3379x2660,3379:2660,AB690917_79B2_4C05_9440_D….jpeg)


Can you see the golden gate under construction?

I bought this for my Navy WWII Dad.

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418e65 No.18484295



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049434 No.18484296


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f27046 No.18484297

File: 31126791a72b225⋯.gif (19.57 KB,291x120,97:40,Pot_taking_intensifies.gif)


exactly what made me look, I THOUGHT I remembered it too, and remembered it very clearly. Knock anon over with a feather…

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f28125 No.18484298



Me suspects that Ivanka and don jr ex wife got involved with the mkshit. Maybe even Ivana? Old Twitter or INSTAGRAM images back during pizzagate lots of weird images and tweet rep.ies that lead to other weird images and convos onTwitter, allwith the imagery related to the pedo and mk shit. No joke. I remember seeing for myself and it weirded me out. For DJT I suspect it may be away to get his family out of the shit? Or they were in it for espionage purposes. Some think Trump family is not who we think tney are and that is why he has been involved with so much over decades. Like casinos and mob shit. Deep cover shit. Leading to now.

Carolyn Limaco was exposing a ton of what I saw as far as the images. all her stuff and her are mostly scrubbed. All her stuff was geared around satanic rituals ans pizzagate and Twitter and Instagram. She just disappeared.

For real the imaves were very questionable and had all the code emojis and li ked to other suspicious accou ts to people who looked rich and normal, but fishy as fuck kid images and weird shit in background kime messaging ifyou knew what to look for, like a kid in a highchair, but a box of dominos on counter behind him, or pretty blond girl, panda eyes and red glitter shoes on floor of elevator., rainbow bridgess leading away from kids parties and empty brick buildings with only address number. I could be wrong.

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3c048e No.18484299

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52422c No.18484300

File: 80c55e1121cf9b3⋯.png (723.23 KB,850x652,425:326,velikovskysrsly.png)

File: 8bb9c307092f521⋯.png (22.28 KB,597x360,199:120,thisshitagainNPCucks.png)

…This shit, again? Time for a third marijuanas.

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f28125 No.18484301

I think it was instagram

So long ago and all is scrubbed or i would post it.

Carolyn limaco vids on bitchute what has not been scrubbed may include some of what i posted


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984132 No.18484302

File: a9b7a1bf12106a1⋯.gif (72.28 KB,320x160,2:1,20230223_091705.gif)

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22fe52 No.18484303


>This shit, again? Time for a third marijuanas.

no…stop…dont kill yourself bruh

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1efce0 No.18484304


Or the beginning of the New? Be prepared for either.

This article investigates the spectral structure of the evolution operators associated with the statistical description of stochastic processes possessing finite propagation velocity.


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80d986 No.18484305


>Can you see the golden gate under construction?

Right behind that giant blimp, yes.

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984132 No.18484306



reee harder

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3ab34d No.18484307


please refrain from using faggot

use phaagahtt …t or something to that effect

it universally expresses the certain drawl that comes with full expression of the term

thank you for your cooperation, phaaageettt

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76804c No.18484308

>>18484279 She is really gonna hate them when she gets older.


There use to be 2 passages in the bible that said same but different. I remember when preacher was talking and I questioned that and was shown the other passage. This was when I was young.

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6bdc92 No.18484309



I still do not know the ‘word’ you posted… but it was interesting when I searched it with DuckDuck

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faa434 No.18484310


you bought yer dah a blimp?


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069dba No.18484311

File: 1e2c7446b2c09b6⋯.png (878.68 KB,900x1113,300:371,squat_like_its_the_end_of_….png)


Nice Slav Squat you got there.

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c6160a No.18484312


We exist in metaphor. Unfortunately, The fmasons control the narrative so I relate it back to you. There's no reality if we don't speak the same language. Eventually, I pray, their power will wane, meanwhile get thee behind me minion of Satan in the name of Jesus Christ.

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faa434 No.18484313



its on fukduk?


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3c048e No.18484314


This is a 40,000 ft v. The corruption we did not know about is insane. Gov traffics drugs, runs drug rehap and everyone is evil from Heinz Kissinger to the judges and more.

Trump pissed them off by not going along. The whistle blower Mike Gill was offered $50m to stop telling on them

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3ab34d No.18484315


truth always wins

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6bdc92 No.18484316

File: d261505899b59b6⋯.jpeg (105.86 KB,498x540,83:90,CD0DF277_DFB6_4747_BA4B_4….jpeg)

File: cb025f665a7f533⋯.png (640.42 KB,883x661,883:661,1062CD4B_4C69_440D_A2A5_4B….png)

File: f4f49ebbd2f555e⋯.png (447.3 KB,498x525,166:175,AE729457_B886_4218_8DED_53….png)


AI really is easy to smack around, cause AI is…

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3c048e No.18484317


kek and a bridge and some navy vessels.

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faa434 No.18484318


you stand at the edge of eternity

mere universes can not contain us

you will see

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916428 No.18484319

File: fb5ae79f539434b⋯.png (730.03 KB,1064x1138,532:569,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f0e6ffa94da0af⋯.png (46.37 KB,2436x164,609:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a946bba4cb51cc5⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,640x360,16:9,Department_of_Defense_Fly_….mp4)

File: 2d9d149721d691d⋯.png (320.62 KB,1268x2220,317:555,1346.png)


…thecontributionswomen have made

Air Q -esque gesture at 17 sec

Video timestamp = 10:17:45

44 words -> Hussein

1st line, 2 words, 9 characters with spaces, 8 without -> 1298

…more than 100 [middle]… // 100 timestamp -> 1300

Qalerts 1298 -> Crumb in [middle] at 1300 = Q1346:



Organized/planned by BC/HRC.

Carried out by Hussein.

U1 [donations to CF].


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6bdc92 No.18484320

File: bb8dd027e810a19⋯.jpeg (238.74 KB,1440x600,12:5,B194F5F4_D995_41D8_8259_8….jpeg)


A rather interesting sociological twist… kinda like Night Shift on QR

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3ab34d No.18484321


>poor commitment to consistency

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faa434 No.18484322



one is no metaphor


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faa434 No.18484323

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faa434 No.18484324


h3llo elon

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80d986 No.18484325

File: 194e68b1ea14318⋯.png (161.73 KB,346x500,173:250,ClipboardImage.png)


>I bought this for my Navy WWII Dad.

Very noice. I bought mine a crossbow!

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6bdc92 No.18484326



Don’t forget… heels down.

Otherwise you look like infiltrator.

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dea857 No.18484327


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c6160a No.18484328


Mason digits.

You can't escape what you are without full repentance.

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3d128a No.18484329


Hmmm… Might be a nice addition to my security cameras.

Thanks anon.

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ee214c No.18484330


and you will never escape being a puppet

discarded once your script is run through

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22fe52 No.18484331

File: 2ce7ebb5e908071⋯.png (190.23 KB,496x280,62:35,_08_9m7856n745b654nb7b34.png)


>Mike Gill

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f28125 No.18484332



They scrubbed her off the earth basically




Her stuff was deep dive stuff with tons of image receiptsfrom I tagram accou ts and Twitter accounts. All pizzagate related. 2017/2018, then she was just gone. I saw it with my own eyes. Super fishy images on legit accounts i cludi g nicky hilton, now nicky hilton-rothschild.


Carolyn Limaco

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b48b8e No.18484333


The best picture/meme in anon history.

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52422c No.18484334

File: 99f82ec418873b0⋯.png (256.41 KB,642x446,321:223,mrsvnsplr.png)

File: 93112869908c528⋯.png (458.88 KB,1021x571,1021:571,Capture.png)

…It's the unraveling of an old solar system order. Auroras, lightning sprites (and other electrical charges) taken for literal description, rather than the abstract pareidolia context that symbolism represents; Condensed recordings. Unfortunately,, it's maintaining the knowledge of context that is the obstacle, to eventually, fading away. Historical 'context' lost, without a key. It's complicated.

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0ac1a8 No.18484335

File: 3aa185b552052ad⋯.png (84.89 KB,350x350,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fb423b70e01a0c⋯.png (742.51 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc5b2a2bd26c54b⋯.png (2.83 MB,1584x1584,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 562bb0610605cfb⋯.png (1.93 MB,1584x1584,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


You ungrammatical imbecile.

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f28125 No.18484336


Becuase that is really gay


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069dba No.18484337


My Pleasure, its a cool solution if you like to really keep track of what comes and goes.

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c6160a No.18484338


you love projecting your problems on everyone.

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3c048e No.18484339


Maybe the passages were not there, but it was so prevelant people just think it was. As for Berenstain Bears, I read that to my kids, it was there and everyone knows it.

My theory

Masons are taking out old books. I stopped at a used book store that once belonged tothe father and it was a drug store. The son collected three stories of books but no Berenstein bears, newer Berenstain books were there. I asked if he ever saw any and he acted like he did not know about the name change.

The guy was probably tasked with collecting books and destroying those no longer wanted. Truth about history and medical books about getting rid of parasites, things like that. What if Masons did that across the states.? They would need supplemented income. This guy was in the middle of no where, kinda north of East Palisitine, ohio.

Keep any old encyclopedias, folks.

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ee214c No.18484340

File: 49fe92be36dca7a⋯.gif (264.15 KB,360x640,9:16,20230311_014658.gif)

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f27046 No.18484341

File: c977d3f0f20ea26⋯.png (712.33 KB,1492x1203,1492:1203,Golden_Gate_Bridge_Joseph_….png)

File: 7d9447ffa169f9b⋯.png (508.75 KB,1651x1180,1651:1180,Levi_Strauss_akak_Lob_Stra….png)

File: 241d79ab311fe0e⋯.png (243.27 KB,1098x1195,1098:1195,Levi_Strauss_descendants_H….png)

File: 910a4be21731cfc⋯.png (168.83 KB,1095x997,1095:997,Levi_Strauss_descendants_H….png)

File: 851418b5b138aa2⋯.png (257.13 KB,551x461,551:461,2_8_2023_Daniel_Goldman_Le….png)


That was a very cool and thoughful gift anon, very nice. That pic caused anon to learn those weren't Levis, those were Lobs.

Joseph Strauss, engineer

Levi the Phoenician trader


and all that residual monies, the Haas, the Goldmans

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02b153 No.18484342

File: 1309d41ef5750ad⋯.jpg (88.46 KB,640x400,8:5,MISSING_tree_brushes_.JPG)

sHE THINK ER sMEll nOt LIke sHEaaat bUt bE sMEalll lIkEEEE sHeaaat

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3c048e No.18484343


What is wrong with Mike Gill?

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236073 No.18484344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ee214c No.18484345


there are rules in english you have never been exposed to


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ded6df No.18484346


Just go the mike gill slide flashbacks, thats all.

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f28125 No.18484347


Lindberg Hindberg

Potato Pelosi



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afc933 No.18484348



one has no problems as you understand the term

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069dba No.18484349


I actually sent DJT an email back in 2012 asking him to consider running.

His Birth Cert rhetoric was a sign he gave zero shits about political power.

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6bdc92 No.18484350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jus cause it’s keky

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c6160a No.18484351


Been watching a lot of those Thunderbolts Project videos again lately.

Love it when someone dives into all that ancient history and mythology and actually figures some shit out.

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02b153 No.18484352

File: d8827f75f1c9ee4⋯.jpg (52.17 KB,516x285,172:95,Lets_see_your_Encrypted_Ph….JPG)

damn the caps lock key causing all that shit lol

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76804c No.18484353



People talk about the barenstain stein bears. I noticed it write off when it was changed. On one of the books it had stated the reason for the change was the writer used their real last name and didn't realize it was gaining that much attraction, so they changed the name. This was a very long time ago.

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f28125 No.18484354

Posted 2022 before he died 2023, he kept it pinned.



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069dba No.18484355


The Squat stuff is funny.

It is their equivalent of gangster culture in the US.

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c6160a No.18484356


Ok chuckles, I remember you and your just as worthless as you've always been. That's your problem. You can have the last word but I won't be awake to read it.

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02b153 No.18484357

File: aec48d643fafb57⋯.jpg (73.38 KB,619x344,619:344,the_live_long_dream_realiz….jpg)

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f28125 No.18484358

Fbi related kidnapping?


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02b153 No.18484359

File: 3beb662c60e8703⋯.png (258.31 KB,640x454,320:227,Screenshot_2023_03_10_13_4….png)

File: 0d340210d48f8b8⋯.png (212.3 KB,634x458,317:229,Screenshot_2023_03_10_13_4….png)

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f4ea99 No.18484360

your enemy constructed your history sheep


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6bdc92 No.18484361


Plasma science combined with petroglyph anthropology was one of those real life chocolate in peanut butter moments for this anon!

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3d65a7 No.18484362


God did not make you smart enough to hear truth

because you are an npc

reee on liddl npc

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02b153 No.18484363

File: 44555717d51e283⋯.jpg (22.24 KB,400x225,16:9,GIVE_MONEY_TO_UKRAINE_AND_….jpg)

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50e1f5 No.18484364


the forced id change is recurrent

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bd2bc9 No.18484365

God and I worked it out, its no longer a problem

for good measure, we put a asswhooping bomb on it

also got kind red figured out everyones happy BPO

P.S. 3rd part of the stars shown not sun shown not in it

= 3 days of darkness was only on Egypt&Israel = 3 days of darkness

only in America =

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6bdc92 No.18484366


Boris has some fantastic cooking techniques.

Lots of fine recipes for anon that like tasties made easy.

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3f41d1 No.18484367


claiming bake

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50e1f5 No.18484368

antibaker rhetoric in 3 2

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1efce0 No.18484369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Had noticed people as diverse as Bannon and Russell Brand have the book The Fourth Turning behind them on their shelves. (see vid)

Strauss and Howe did another book, Generations, defining the archetypes of each American generation:

Prophet/Idealist (Boomers)

Nomad/Reactive (Gen X, they called 13ers)

Hero/Civic (Millennials)

Artist/Adaptive (Gen Z)

So by that, you'd figure most anons would be from the middle two groups. In their history they would align:

13ers with Washington/Adams/Henry

Millennials Jefferson/Madison/Hamilton

Second American Revolution?

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2f4d08 No.18484370


probably ur vpn.

(not jim)

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6bdc92 No.18484371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For any anons unfamiliar with the reference

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50e1f5 No.18484372

but does it have a patreon

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3c048e No.18484373


Judgement Day

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0ac1a8 No.18484374

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50e1f5 No.18484375


one uses none

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916428 No.18484376

File: ea718630539c56b⋯.png (1.12 MB,1060x1424,265:356,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c8045cd37e08f6⋯.png (642.55 KB,1896x1036,474:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cd2fc63f30e1df⋯.png (47.67 KB,864x540,8:5,954.png)

DOD Outreach

>the real heroes

…- b…- w = 223 -> Qalerts 223:

>Flags Out

Booms En Route


Hunter…August in 4th Tom Cruise pic

Link ends 954

Link contains 019 between 45/55/17 -> 175[019]54 -> Qalerts 019 -> Q954:

>17 timestamp



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6bdc92 No.18484377


Bareback the Internet…

It’s the only way to fly

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40ccea No.18484378




here are some notes, there weren't many:


>>18483681 Q and the Qanon movement is once again gaining steam.

>>18483724 I’m not part of MAGA, but I do believe in fairness of justice

>>18483800 California wine industry faces financial crisis - with majority of vineyards locked out of their accounts amid SVB collapse

>>18483899 The pace of AI development right now is insane.

>>18483978 Madera Community Hospital files for bankruptcy as no potential buyers make an offer

>>18483997 Fake 'nuclear bomb' alert on TV and radio scares Russians

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f28125 No.18484379

All scrubbed

Look at video time

All 0:00

All good content all gone


Titus Frost


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3c048e No.18484380


Identifying the groups Anons belong to is a stupid game. We are anonymous. you don't know what mst of us are.

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40ccea No.18484381


sorry, wrong number - updated:


>>18483681 Q and the Qanon movement is once again gaining steam.

>>18483724 I’m not part of MAGA, but I do believe in fairness of justice

>>18483800 California wine industry faces financial crisis - with majority of vineyards locked out of their accounts amid SVB collapse

>>18483899 The pace of AI development right now is insane.

>>18483978 Madera Community Hospital files for bankruptcy as no potential buyers make an offer

>>18483997 Fake 'nuclear bomb' alert on TV and radio scares Russians

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50e1f5 No.18484382




one's protections are inbuilt

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a652db No.18484383

File: 15bd1f59b1c2cb9⋯.jpg (21.41 KB,474x324,79:54,th_2127258184.jpg)


are you yoda.


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069dba No.18484384


>Plasma science combined with petroglyph anthropology

Ancient glowies?

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02b153 No.18484385

File: 9932255bd6afab8⋯.png (492.52 KB,556x614,278:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c048e No.18484386

Cruise looks 38 not 58. I say that is a double.

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3f41d1 No.18484387


You scanned the whole bread?

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50e1f5 No.18484388


distant kin

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02b153 No.18484389

File: 3cf3d8054d0d8cd⋯.png (425.57 KB,554x622,277:311,ClipboardImage.png)

IT's three Deee Studio Max Right? Right!?

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2de752 No.18484390


(fist bump)

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40ccea No.18484391

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3c048e No.18484392


Why can't we go to their country without a passport to visit, for vacation, but we are okay with them moving into our country without a passport or permission. If I didn't know better I would say they are invading.

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069dba No.18484393


Looks like Unreal Engine.

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f28125 No.18484394



See new Tweets


Titus Frost 🏴‍☠️👻 Retweeted

Oct-2046 keep the date ☀️💥 find a cave.


Have you seen this


nothing will be real pretty soon.

Quote Tweet

Jayne Potvin



Mar 9


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50e1f5 No.18484395


an wonderful space.

needs a tree in the middle

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af76f7 No.18484396


This passage is constantly quoted here as a form of diminishing faith. If you do not think parts of the Bible were altered on purpose then you may not realize that whole books were taken out. As the ages pass, evil men will do their deeds to satisfy their lust of control others out of confusion, greed, and fear. Nevertheless, as one who God gave Revelation to, I do not guess but testify. The original word was bind not create.

I form the light, and bind darkness: I make peace, and bind evil: I the Lord do all these things.

This was done so that they could brainwash people into believing Jehovah is an evil God, so they could have you worship their cult of: Baal, Moloch, Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, or whatever term suits them.

Define: Pass age.

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02b153 No.18484399

File: a935c92cfd77d2a⋯.png (102.86 KB,534x173,534:173,ClipboardImage.png)

Does BreitBart Muster the fuckin energy to tell y ou the WOKE standards ISO and ANSI were manipulated to get the whole fuckin ball rollin?

I didn't click so I don't know.

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50e1f5 No.18484402

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1efce0 No.18484403

File: 54189602fca586e⋯.png (626.1 KB,396x580,99:145,Omni_shift_5.png)

File: 15048b530899c47⋯.png (1.76 MB,1270x716,635:358,Omni_shift.png)

File: 6cd0d348e28ea44⋯.jpg (292.28 KB,500x660,25:33,isolate_night_shift_person….jpg)

File: 2f6c32b2df9b6e3⋯.png (280.73 KB,600x480,5:4,Night_shift_moon.png)


Night shift is generally philosophical. Used to be the heart of good digging and bots.

Day shift is a shit storm of shills. Really hard to get digs done there, but many drive through it and get it done. 5pm EST it is a horrible place to be.

Taking anons off-task is what they try to do, though.

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f28125 No.18484404

File: f14919181efd883⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB,352x624,22:39,lhDAUlfJN2Pn4SMS.mp4)





See new Tweets


Titus Frost 🏴‍☠️👻 Retweeted

Oct-2046 keep the date ☀️💥 find a cave.


Have you seen this


nothing will be real pretty soon.

Quote Tweet

Jayne Potvin



Mar 9


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af76f7 No.18484407


Read em and weep.

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069dba No.18484409


If War started, how long would it take for the United States to discover South America is not on its side?

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3f41d1 No.18484410

File: 85bc7c447a1cf3b⋯.png (937.28 KB,1316x1575,188:225,ClipboardImage.png)

next one







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50e1f5 No.18484411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f28125 No.18484412

This suuuuuucks


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52422c No.18484413

File: 869b14d1f15d7ec⋯.png (1.65 MB,934x662,467:331,omnifren.png)

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1efce0 No.18484415


That was where the map begins with Q4, instead of what we consider Q1 (Hillary detained).

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02b153 No.18484416


a mystery even with link … https://gab.com/a/

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0ac1a8 No.18484417


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f28125 No.18484418


nothing will be real pretty soon


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6612de No.18484419


Perhaps not on your timeline, but Q did on my timeline. Welcome.

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50e1f5 No.18484420


He Will kill you

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76804c No.18484422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Is this before or after he died?

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9afe69 No.18484423

121 UIDs, stopping tyranny and the 6000 year old death cult one bread at a time.

Makes sense why jesus only had 12.

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31a4c3 No.18484425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the real slav squat


the killer squat

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52422c No.18484426


…On blind assumption that such a figure existed. Much hearsay.

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916428 No.18484427

File: ce8d87fb5c6f6a4⋯.png (83.01 KB,1584x1582,792:791,ClipboardImage.png)

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776997 No.18484428


The real number lies within how many people are lurking.

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02b153 No.18484429

File: 00d5615f645f4ff⋯.png (370.06 KB,650x583,650:583,ClipboardImage.png)

These shit fuckers had me at Fucked Supply chain. poison food, agricultural terrorism, all by agencies that belongin prison under the 10th Amendment. TSA/DHS train safety failure (LA TRAINS TO SHIT BLOWIN UP and poioning the lands)

You elite treasonous fucking scum


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6d87f3 No.18484430

File: 1a880f9b5baf361⋯.jpg (70.34 KB,633x394,633:394,Omni_collage.jpg)

File: 422d27c8b9f4897⋯.jpg (145.82 KB,904x500,226:125,omni8.jpg)

File: 129093be1140004⋯.jpg (114.91 KB,500x603,500:603,omni10.jpg)

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02b153 No.18484431

File: fbcc0695e03a078⋯.png (199.08 KB,630x452,315:226,Screenshot_2023_03_10_18_0….png)

I wonder why nobody will donate to the NAZI Protecting globalist shit bag, to go after Smith Mundt captured Fox News.

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0edc6a No.18484435

File: cf35e6d585822c6⋯.gif (158.29 KB,639x639,1:1,20230311_022530.gif)

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02b153 No.18484437

File: fcb7645cac6c29a⋯.png (221.16 KB,644x463,644:463,Screenshot_2023_03_10_13_4….png)

File: dc908a2ced225bf⋯.png (382.08 KB,647x549,647:549,Screenshot_2023_03_10_13_4….png)

File: 02e5ebf184782d2⋯.png (470.22 KB,641x501,641:501,Screenshot_2023_03_10_13_4….png)

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02b153 No.18484438



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837c16 No.18484439


Ancient historians

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02b153 No.18484440

Do covid ORIGINS matter as much as the FUNDING and CONTRACTS for BIO AGENTS?

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63da1d No.18484441


The global tryannical police department at it again.

Need some mason money.

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1efce0 No.18484443



No, to the ruination of anons life been here over five years.

Shitposting is addictive.

Trump was chosen to take the slings and arrows, for us to awaken the masses.

Trump was bait.

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d79de7 No.18484444


trusts history nsow

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02b153 No.18484445



I don't see the MASONS shortening my motherfucking telomeres, you simply are not aware of what is happening around you.

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a672ee No.18484448



aka Intentional design flaws

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f2a22a No.18484449


>shortening my motherfucking telomeres

on a cellular level things are going on that your eyes cant see happening.

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64e42b No.18484450

self limiting systems are an artform

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52422c No.18484451

File: 17f188363f87517⋯.jpg (50.05 KB,800x535,160:107,Beavis_and_Butt_Head_creat….jpg)

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02b153 No.18484453

File: 59da634b1ef93b0⋯.jpg (256.05 KB,1032x630,172:105,PRO_WAR_PROPOSAL_.jpg)


Yeah but it was a THREAT by WEF. I propose we declare WAR on WEF and AGENDA 2030 and send every fucking BOMB on their fucking HEADS.

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02b153 No.18484454

HACK WEF from the SKY with F-35's.

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2123b4 No.18484456


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cb17c5 No.18484457


nothing can stop what is coming.

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