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587aa3 No.18481318 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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587aa3 No.18481321

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18287979 ——–——– Canada #40

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18363355 ——–——– Japan/Nihon #12

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579


#22662 >>18480529

>>18480561, >>18480814 House Passes Bill to Declassify Covid-Origins Intel in Unanimous Vote

>>18480565 Roseanne signs $40 Million Deal - new show to take on the View

>>18480573 Ukraine building wind farm in the middle of a war

>>18480575, >>18480598, >>18480641, >>18480665, >>18480667, >>18480712, >>18480685 Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators, FDIC to protect insured deposits

>>18480603, >>18480620, >>18480712 Iran-Saudi deal brokered by China will normalize ties, threatening U.S. sovereignty – and MORE

>>18480618 Josh Hawley letter to Pres. Xi on CCP's response to COVID origins

>>18480636, >>18480756 The White House: Press Briefing

>>18480639 , >>18480692 “Justice For All” Music Video Released | Performed By The J6 Choir And President Donald J. Trump - short video

>>18480650 Elon’s doing his part in getting eyes on the new J6 footage. Look at all those views 👀

>>18480672 NEW - U.S. Energy Secretary: "It's an existential threat. Do you care about climate change?"

>>18480701 Some U.S. Weapons Sent to Ukraine Ended up in Iranian Hands

>>18480709 Jane Fonda Suggests On ‘The View’ That People Should Protest by Murdering Pro-Lifers

>>18480715 Pfizer admits conducting research for increase in profits — Russian defense ministry

>>18480716, >>18480731 Discussion on the future of Q

>>18480724 In Rome, Netanyahu says ties with Italy about to expand dramatically

>>18480732 Mexico president: US responsible for Fentanyl crisis

>>18480736 Robert Kennedy Reveals that COVID Vaccines Are a Pentagon Project!

>>18480741 Biological Epilepsy Cure Using Microbial Substances

>>18480759 Kim Iversen says House Dems advocate censoring the American people

>>18480767 Mexican president threatens to meddle in US elections with 'information campaign' against Republicans

>>18480789 Yellen warns U.S. House members of 'economic collapse' from default

>>18480809 JUST IN 🚨 Yellen warns U.S. House members of 'economic collapse' from default - Reuters

>>18480813 EPA Abdicated Their Duties To Avoid Any Blame re Norfolk Southern Disaster

>>18480827 EU aiming to ramp up naval patrols after Nord Stream blasts

>>18480857 Newsguard's CEO Gordon Crovitz refuted that the purported disinformation tracker is "U.S. government funded"

>>18480866 DJT: Very small crowds for Ron DeSanctimonious in Iowa

>>18480880, >>18480963 Michael Shellenberger Outlines Deep State Psychological Operations Being Conducted Against Americans – Sundance

>>18480888 Sidney Powell: Why did Nancy Pelosi REALLY have a film crew in her office at the Capitol on Jan 6th?

>>18480900 Greenwald on Twitter files

>>18480908 A Familiar Brand of BS from Former DOJ Lawyer, Turned New York Rep, Dan Goldman

>>18480923 Pope Francis points to 'imperial interests' of vario

>>18480978, >>18481022 Eisenhower's office on fire near the White House

>>18480999, >>18481020, >>18481042 THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX twitter files tread.

>>18481083 Structural mechanic 3'd class service the main rotor head on a Sea Hawk aboard Nimitz a job beyond any 100 silicon valley cubicle stuffers.

>>18481131 LIVE: antifa terrorists in Sacramento, California

>>18481141 You witnessed a strength test tonight. 5 Year Delta

>>18481217 red heifers!

>>18481298 #22662

#22661 >>18479721

>>18479726, >>18479894 Ron DeSantis Deals Blow To Obama, Knocks Barack Out Of First Place With New Book Sales

>>18479729 @redleg6_kob FIREPOWER FRIDAY– FIRE MISSION!

>>18479737, >>18479756 Terminator/Matrix author speaks on plots

>>18479750 Chlorine Dioxide Solution Demonstration And Interview With EPA Whistleblower

>>18479758 Mr. Biden: The biggest threat to our recovery is the reckless talk my MAGA friends, republicans in the United States Congress, what they want to do in regard to the debt limit.

>>18479770 Anti-Trump? They only managed to get 187 of 3000 to respond (that’s 6%) and then called it “statistically useful”

>>18479812 300 Billion Reasons Why SVB Contagion Is Spreading To The Broader Banking System

>>18479829, >>18479940, >>18479963 Darren Beattie in War room meme maker case

>>18479842 ‘Teacher of the Year’ Jacqueline Ma, 34, arrested for alleged sexual abuse of former student

>>18479849 Saudi Arabia, Iran Restore Relations in Deal Brokered by China

>>18479850, >>18479826 will Biden sign declassification on covid origin?

>>18479880 Ballot Collection Laws

>>18479890 @3d_Marine_Div | Closing the Kill Web |

>>18479895, >>18479901, >>18479901 California Bank Regulators just closed SVA (Silicone Valley Bank) FDIC is moving in.

>>18479902, >>18480357 FDIC Creates a Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara to Protect Insured Depositors of Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California

>>18479938 The Soros, Zuckerberg, and Koch Money at CPAC

>>18479946 Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees 'repeatedly' don't file federal returns

>>18479949, >>18479966, >>18480009, >>18480020, >>18480034, >>18480045, >>18480066, >>18480075 Call to diggz SVB was the piggy bank for all the woke Corporations that were receiving 'investments' from laundered Ukraine cash

>>18479996 From the Archives: SVB/Alfa Bank Russia possibly related to the Trump campaign, "how do you introduce evidence legally?''

>>18480021 The Deadly Incompetence of our Leadership

>>18480029 Watch: Democrats Defend Censorship, Attack Journalists in Fiery Hearing

>>18480036 Alert levels at Tanaga and Takawangha volcanos raised — Alaska Volcano Observatory

>>18480038, >>18480153 Xi Jinping Secures Third Term As President

>>18480055 A Coincidental List of Dead Microbiologists (1994-2006)

>>18480070 Silvergate Bank, which had been a cornerstone in the crypto world, announced it’s closing and returning deposits

>>18480072 Florida is about to make all hemp products illegal. Here how you and others can get involved.

>>18480087, >>18480083, >>18480097 JP Morgan is a fortress/I'd jump ship while you can. For the KEKs

>>18480103, >>18480094 Many Wells Fargo customers reportedly say their direct deposits and scheduled paychecks were missing from their online accounts this morning

>>18480129, >>18480133 Internal FBI Communications Reveal the FBI Demanded the Removal of Agent Participation & Were DESTROYING EVIDENCE!

>>18480134 @NellisAFB NOISE AVISORY

>>18480154 When asked for a solution to new pro-life laws around the country Jane Fonda suggested to murder pro-life politicians

>>18480166 Dan Scavino: Now they’re targeting you. Help us reach 100,000 signatures Anons know what to do pb notable

>>18480279 @US_TRANSCOM Fits like a jigsaw puzzle piece! 🧩 🛳️

>>18480315 @DeptofDefense Fly Girls

>>18480347 Vice President Harris and Secretary Walsh Convene a Worker Taskforce Employers' Roundtable

>>18480353 @HawleyMO China has been so worked up about this COVID origins bill, Communist officials wrote to my office earlier this week and demanded I drop it, he's not kek

>>18480362 The Financial Times Demanded Twitter Remove RFK, Jr, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, and Others for Challenging COVID-19 Vaccines

>>18480365 @INDOPACOM Japan Maritime Self-Defense force

>>18480370 TikTok, the wildly popular Chinese-owned social media app, has hired top Biden-connected consulting firm SKDK as it faces increasing scrutiny in Washington

>>18480384 CITIZENS OUTRAGED Over Impending Decision By Unelected Bureaucrat to Takeover 162,000 PRISTINE ACRES of Northern Michigan Land For National Guard…

>>18480386 @USPacificFleet Great Live Fire Friday shot!

>>18480410 How much of $USDC's cash is now stuck in banks FDIC closed down?

>>18480430 Russia issues latest report on US-funded biolabs in Ukraine

>>18480432 SVB Bank vs Bear Sterns crash of 2008

>>18480508 Are we witnessing a banking crisis?

>>18480520 #22661

#22660 >>18478949

>>18478991 The books found in Florida K-12 libraries & schools by @ GovRonDeSantis are appalling.

>>18479020 Live Q&A with Ben Davidson from Suspicious Observers

>>18479025 think timing

>>18479027 Democrats repeatedly attack leftist journalists and smear their character

>>18479046 Biden’s Budget Is Tax-And-Spend On Steroids

>>18479087, >>18479095 DC Fire & EMS are responding to a call of a fire in the EEOB, next to the White House, personnel asked to evacuate

>>18479137 DePaul Students Seek to Ban Student Religious Group As “Non-Affirming” of LGBTQ Rights

>>18479144 Qpost review from yesterday

>>18479148, >>18479277, >>18479573 2022 Midterms Look Back Series: Successes in the 2022 Midterm Elections Committee on House Administration

>>18479154, >>18479167 President Biden's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request with Treasury Secretary Yellen Part 1 House Ways and Means Committee

>>18479156, >>18479191, >>18479221, >>18479227, >>18479320 TRADING IN SILICON VALLEY BANK HALTED: PENDING NEWS AFTER CRASHING 60%

>>18479157 Hearing Entitled: How Do We Encourage Greater Flood Insurance Coverage in America? House Financial Services Committee

>>18479160 Defending America's Wireless Leadership House Energy and Commerce Committee

>>18479166 Reining in the Administrative State: Reclaiming Congress's Legislative Power House Judiciary Committee

>>18479171 0 Delta

>>18479179 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Orion and the Running Man

>>18479203 Dowd on Cramer

>>18479223 Robert Blake, ‘In Cold Blood’ actor once accused of murdering wife, dead at 89

>>18479246 Turley: “Teaching is a Political Act”

>>18479282 Net Zero initiatives of governments and private organizations are scientifically invalid

>>18479308 Leaked WhatsApp messages from former British health minister Matt Hancock show that corona was no more deadly than other cold and flu viruses

>>18479327, >>18479414 Trilateral Commission: The Secret Circle That Controls Governments

>>18479340 @2BCT_FALCONS Stay Focused. The weekend is in sight. LET’S GO!

>>18479344 New Social Media Platform Walkaway Social Launches


>>18479360 Sasha Latypova - COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm

>>18479368, >>18479637 FINVIZ If Banks are about to fall, they'll show here.

>>18479372 Steve Forbes assaulted by protesters at conservative book launch party

>>18479381, >>18479383, >>18479387 Mexico’s president slams calls for US military to target cartels

>>18479385 How about the VAX safety & effectiveness clinical trials were faked?

>>18479404 GM offers buyouts to ‘majority’ of U.S. salaried workers

>>18479411 Lara Trump & Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna

>>18479457 I VETOED HB 1193. This bill adopts a definition of ‘money’ to specifically exclude crypto like Bitcoin. And it opens the door to the risk that the federal government could adopt a Central Bank Digital Currency.

>>18479501, >>18479509 15-Minute Cities Are Technates In Disguise

>>18479531 @USNationalGuard Airmen tested their readiness in a near-peer conflict during Operation Lucky Strike 2023

>>18479543 It is U.S. government policy that both old- and new-design Federal Reserve notes remain legal tender and maintain their face value, regardless of when they were issued.

>>18479565, >>18479572 Ukraine conflict being fueled by empires – Pope Francis

>>18479583 Tater up soon

>>18479586 Baltic state PM compares Russian strikes in Ukraine to Red Army in WWII

>>18479621 In a vote of 419-0, the House has passed a bill to require Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19.

>>18479661 EU has almost exhausted options to punish Russia – Borrell

>>18479700 #22660

Previously Collected

>>18479188 #22569

>>18476598 #22656, >>18477379 #22657, >>18478302 #22658

>>18475080 #22654, >>18475732 #22655-A, >>18475925 #22655-B

>>18472741 #22651, >>18473542 #22652, >>18474311 #22653

>>18470429 #22648, >>18471212 #22649, >>18471977 #22650

TripCodefeed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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587aa3 No.18481324

File: 721a9a9fa203973⋯.png (905.65 KB,1080x717,360:239,ClipboardImage.png)



>Can continue or defer

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150f0f No.18481338

File: 11d7aa41c6310d2⋯.png (601.04 KB,2000x1500,4:3,11d7aa41c6310d24433b5510cc….png)

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347daf No.18481343

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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c506ba No.18481346

File: 0f9573e6ca9bd05⋯.jpg (362.93 KB,1069x1223,1069:1223,Screenshot_20230311_103845….jpg)





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888c51 No.18481349

File: 1f9368cca9cf186⋯.jpg (92.59 KB,740x484,185:121,gfdfghffdsr.jpg)

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260fac No.18481350

File: 6fc63ea70de2355⋯.png (368.56 KB,1241x627,1241:627,ClipboardImage.png)

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471de9 No.18481351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a5f47 No.18481352

Just imagine if we could use our Constitution and our Freedoms to show the rest of the world that Monarchy is not the way.

Constitutional Republics FTW.

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4e0fb0 No.18481359

File: 95cb476c557423f⋯.jpg (205.64 KB,1440x811,1440:811,95cb476c557423fb6ece4d998f….jpg)



>Mr pig


>smoking pepe



Using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona on the anonymous Q Research 8kun board may not be helpful to the Great Awakening for several reasons.

Firstly, the Q Research 8kun board is designed to be an anonymous platform where users can post their opinions and ideas without revealing their true identities. The idea behind this anonymity is to allow for open and honest discussions without fear of personal repercussions or retaliation. When a user chooses to use an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona, they are essentially defeating the purpose of anonymity, and potentially putting themselves at risk of being targeted or harassed by others who disagree with their views.

Secondly, using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona on the Q Research 8kun board may lead to a false sense of credibility or authority. Because the board is anonymous, the value of an argument or idea is judged solely on its own merits, rather than the perceived authority or status of the person making the argument. By using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona, a user may be attempting to lend additional credibility or authority to their arguments, which can be misleading and counterproductive to the free and open exchange of ideas.

Finally, using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona on the Q Research 8kun board may lead to groupthink and echo chambers. When users identify with a particular persona, they may be more likely to surround themselves with others who share their views, which can reinforce their beliefs and limit their exposure to different perspectives. This can lead to a situation where the community becomes insular and less receptive to new ideas, which is counterproductive to the Great Awakening.

In summary, using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona on the anonymous Q Research 8kun board can be counterproductive to the Great Awakening by undermining the anonymity that is designed to allow for open and honest discussions, potentially leading to a false sense of credibility or authority, and contributing to groupthink and echo chambers.

Goodbye echo chamber.

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808fd9 No.18481360

File: 5291f91455afb97⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,Cheers.mp4)

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e2e6b9 No.18481361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9fdefa No.18481363

File: 08e8b99f9e4376f⋯.jpg (46.61 KB,450x450,1:1,08e8b99f9e4376fc33c0e6c576….jpg)


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2c843e No.18481365

>>18481253 (lb)

>We also caught them.

>>18481270 (lb)

>notable and sound familiar

PDJT: All of the Crimes were committed by Crooked Hillary, the Dems, the DNC and Dirty Cops - and we caught them in the act!

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471de9 No.18481368

File: 84fcccccb600f33⋯.gif (951.17 KB,497x269,497:269,i_see_you.gif)


Would you like some parmesan for your whinypasta?

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c04422 No.18481369



>>18481216 pb

Anonymity is fine for general purposes

Most of us like anonymous discussions for the reasons you cite

It is not as useful for roles which rely on ongoing comms, teamwork

Although anons may be suspicious of teamwork, it is essential for site admins, board admins - and often useful for bakers or noters

Anon is still anon when using some kind of name for self identity, no big deal

Some anons became well known because of roles they have played (ResignationAnon, ArchiveAnon, MemeAnon); others for stuff repeatedly posted (Swordy).

Some like ResignationAnon, have the kind of roles (database for qresearch) that necessitate ongoing communication w/board or site admins. Trust matters, and is only gained over time.

Anonymity is truly a choice - free speech is free speech.

Shadilay anon.

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eb6633 No.18481370


this da place where I can fart free?

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690ab2 No.18481374

File: fee7a6991de55a0⋯.jpg (54.78 KB,1012x439,1012:439,my_name_is_1.JPG)

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4e0fb0 No.18481375

File: 415f41d9e425150⋯.jpg (53 KB,525x476,75:68,7cf682.jpg)

Death blossom panic is glorious. I am smiling bigly!

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73d81a No.18481376

File: 13ed3d6d87b6f85⋯.png (673.91 KB,901x625,901:625,photo_2023_03_10_16_33_38.png)

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c506ba No.18481379

File: ac1c7e685c2198a⋯.jpg (411.03 KB,1080x1198,540:599,Screenshot_20230311_104352….jpg)


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1e0046 No.18481380



digits of satan

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587aa3 No.18481381


Dammit Jim

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347daf No.18481382

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eb6633 No.18481383



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a0f439 No.18481384

File: 84fe69858379fe0⋯.jpg (71.6 KB,1280x720,16:9,Greta_How_Dare_you.jpg)

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f12b78 No.18481387

File: 6e6addc79f3848d⋯.jpg (65.34 KB,610x520,61:52,Screenshot_2023_03_07_1837….jpg)

Yellen defends request for $29B increase in IRS enforcement funds


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eb6633 No.18481388

File: 51aafed1ed52039⋯.gif (1.97 MB,360x255,24:17,how_dare_you.gif)

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8ae191 No.18481391

File: 6aa1254de48bf42⋯.jpg (158.33 KB,1020x1020,1:1,ZomboMeme_24022023153847.jpg)

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c04422 No.18481394


OP updated,


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690ab2 No.18481395

File: a98c7dbbabe6cdf⋯.png (200.99 KB,426x554,213:277,cred.PNG)


Georgia State Law School scared of the Covid Litigation Conference?!?

Suddenly announces rival event…..

Read Steve Kirsch's substack on this curious development⬇️


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eb6633 No.18481396


smoke electronic.

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556357 No.18481397


the "Great Awakening" is a psyop anyway

antichrist programming

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f12b78 No.18481398

File: 41d5bae9be85a0a⋯.jpg (65.34 KB,614x430,307:215,Screenshot_2023_03_07_1837….jpg)

Stocks tumble as Silicon Valley Bank collapse fuels "Contagion fears"


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4e0fb0 No.18481399

File: cab01d57ea9d472⋯.jpg (77.58 KB,500x758,250:379,7e1w5d.jpg)


"ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless and FEARLESS." - Q

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eb6633 No.18481400


you forgot the phalse prophet, dumb fuck.

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0cbf40 No.18481401


Reading the entire article and this is WWIII literally, waiting to happen. Is this also part of the "plan" Q? I sure as hell hope it ain't and the one overriding fact with all of these fucks over there was when our POTUS was at the helm, none would dare to start any of this shit. Iran was days away from failure, Biden, Jarrett and Hussein saved them. Now they are within days of a nuke. As the article states, Israel ain't gonna sit around and get destroyed. The Putin and Mullah's of Iran cozying up to each other is not good and throw China in the mix and this is patently insane. The article ends with "Only a spark is needed" to set this whole fucking thing in motion.

Q, this Republic is under attack by the well known "Enemy Within". We know who, where, when and how and that is just anons. God only knows what you fuckers know. They rigged and stole the 2020 election and pulled the same shit again in 2022. [They] are destroying our children, our economy, our heritege and our sovreignty. It is time to take these motherfuckers down, all of them including those SC justices who denied Brunson, and reinstall the lawful winner of the 2020 election. President Donald J. Trump. You not only have a lawful leg to stand on, you have two feet, firmly planted and rooted in our Constitution, the law of the land and your oath to defend that Constitution from enemies foreign and domstic. The enemy is here, on our soil, in our local, state and federal government. They are United States citizens using the Constitution where they can to destroy it. They are using the msdnc news media, the education system, ABC agencies and corporate America in aiding and abetting the destruction of this Republic. President Trump is the one Man who is cunning enough, smart enough and the BALZ big enough to stop all of this from happening and in the meantime, save our fucking country to boot.

If not now? When? When the first nuke is launched, it's over.

God hellp us.

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c506ba No.18481402

File: ccf26ac373495e7⋯.jpg (374.64 KB,1076x1213,1076:1213,Screenshot_20230311_104703….jpg)


Rig for red?


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59e383 No.18481403

File: cf49d56c4cb9912⋯.jpg (52.13 KB,500x552,125:138,cf49d56c4cb9912dd32659389a….jpg)

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5fb10d No.18481404



>>18481378 (lb)

>designed to make congress raise the debt ceiling

no, it's designed to blame the econ collapse on congress

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98603f No.18481406

File: 0507edfe1b374a7⋯.png (1.57 MB,1354x1036,677:518,March_10_Holidays_National….png)

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587aa3 No.18481407

File: 55622b8cc6bb714⋯.png (1.23 MB,960x960,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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945ec6 No.18481408

File: 60e0aa88eac113c⋯.png (18.52 KB,408x348,34:29,image_2023_03_10_164914266.png)

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a0f439 No.18481409

File: b1c5073a039b589⋯.png (113.02 KB,378x282,63:47,ClipboardImage.png)

France's first lady fails in transgender lawsuit

>Attempt by France’s first lady to quash “fake news” failed on procedural grounds



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05a397 No.18481410

File: f9b84796fe94631⋯.png (95.13 KB,768x900,64:75,1143.png)

What’s your favorite Q post?

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808fd9 No.18481411

File: 316a271a7816497⋯.mp4 (14.62 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_Silent_Running_15mb.mp4)

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8a2444 No.18481412

File: bf0337fc502f36b⋯.png (29.76 KB,539x202,539:202,Screen_Shot_2023_03_10_at_….png)


according to fakenews, it's the 16th-largest:

>What is Silicon Valley Bank?

>Founded in 1983, the bank grew to become the 16th-largest in the U.S, with $210 billion in assets. Over the years, according to reports, its client list grew to include some of the biggest names in consumer tech like Airbnb, Cisco, Fitbit, Pinterest and Square.

>Bank run.


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556357 No.18481413


all media is on satan's side

signaling has gone from a slow drip to raging waterfall

the spiritual war is approaching the precipice

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a4c0ec No.18481414

File: 97b0d0a41128ffc⋯.jpeg (154.32 KB,750x547,750:547,313CEA96_806B_4DDD_B28D_C….jpeg)

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eb6633 No.18481415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b76a18 No.18481416

File: 47ec9f79106bcb2⋯.png (1.07 MB,448x834,224:417,capture_2069_10032023_1346….png)

File: 36e06349d4a4622⋯.png (1.68 MB,589x994,589:994,capture_2067_10032023_1328….png)

File: 679debc7b5f1c8e⋯.jpg (46.75 KB,1171x363,1171:363,Fq4iovFXsAAPC1G.jpg)

File: d0daa5e0e3e7c79⋯.png (1.56 MB,613x888,613:888,capture_2014_10032023_1115….png)

File: 62809b391e5d6d0⋯.png (1.77 MB,587x1051,587:1051,capture_1998_10032023_1029….png)

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4e0fb0 No.18481417

File: 95cb476c557423f⋯.jpg (205.64 KB,1440x811,1440:811,95cb476c557423fb6ece4d998f….jpg)


This one

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150f0f No.18481418

File: d8b53b6c4bf93b4⋯.jpg (6.88 KB,255x143,255:143,d8b53b6c4bf93b4f58f828c042….jpg)




Oh that's mine now.

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80bf8e No.18481419

File: 24b253a4753c55c⋯.png (354.17 KB,468x470,234:235,Friday_night.png)

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c506ba No.18481420

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8e24c0 No.18481421

File: 2844a254fb605da⋯.png (671.53 KB,768x583,768:583,2844a25acfd25.png)

File: f2aef3c9f5b1033⋯.png (445.43 KB,770x500,77:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a26ad875a9dc499⋯.png (74.59 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


Mar 10 2018 21:18:51 (EST)

You witnessed a strength test tonight.

Speech promoted here/POTUS to gauge response.

Net slowed.

Protections in place.


Photo is from Dan

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abed1a No.18481422

File: a797d2cad6f838f⋯.gif (1.75 MB,499x212,499:212,greetings444.gif)

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93c416 No.18481423

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48ce54 No.18481424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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556357 No.18481426


>procedural grounds

produce the pussy or GTFO

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86a302 No.18481427

File: e9276531c26c35e⋯.png (439.13 KB,630x450,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Over the course of his career "Jesse James" Dimon has picked America's pocket for 200 TRILLION. For this, he gets 35 million clams a year.

How did you do?

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471de9 No.18481428

File: fde3a9eb80d4d0c⋯.gif (497.5 KB,500x309,500:309,fde3a9eb80d4d0cced5dd47ee0….gif)


I thought your favorite was "Q said NO FILTERS, so that means we're not supposed to filter any posts here."

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4bd5e1 No.18481429

File: 3c50bca7cb9c3b2⋯.png (76.09 KB,699x757,699:757,ClipboardImage.png)

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05a397 No.18481430

How Many tyb bot scripts are running?

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dabb3a No.18481432


>free speech

citing slogans, even from Q, is not thinking for yourself.

would you cite the bible every time to support any position you take?

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c506ba No.18481433



Watch the water

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556357 No.18481434


a new perspective on 'projection'

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fe6037 No.18481435

File: a54ae36a8ad49b1⋯.png (1.66 MB,1024x1223,1024:1223,SideEye.png)

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11f691 No.18481436

how much you wanna bet SVB collapse has to do with money laundering and many other frauds. Just what needed to habben is habbening. It may shake things bad for a while, but we all know it has to be this way.

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556357 No.18481437

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0a16ef No.18481438

File: ac6d932d817ec09⋯.mp4 (14.78 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Hold_the_Line.mp4)


Hold the Line.

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86a302 No.18481440

File: 3182567fccb34ab⋯.png (375.17 KB,800x425,32:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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556357 No.18481441


trannies can't stand actual women

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93c416 No.18481442



I usually don´t see much of those banking clowns.

But when I do (multiple times today due posts here)

I see very nervous banking clowns

Do they always flail their arms so much?!?

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11f691 No.18481443

just how many women behave. it is a heart thing.

jealousy and envy are dark shit


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587aa3 No.18481444

File: 611d390d327492f⋯.png (249.55 KB,585x625,117:125,611d390d327492f387a3393fd2….png)


Gratitude has gone viral

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eb6633 No.18481446

Today it is a fry day naked.

so all of you mf ers, take off your clothes and jump on the grill.

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86a302 No.18481448

File: b191e045afe6305⋯.png (22.63 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0f439 No.18481449

File: 3458030fa7952a9⋯.jpg (225.95 KB,1276x657,1276:657,Look_At_It_Chuck_Screencap….jpg)

File: ddf42c1ac7a3fd1⋯.jpg (131.27 KB,1279x661,1279:661,Look_At_It_Chuck_Screencap.jpg)



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48ce54 No.18481450

File: acdeadfa59c6d6d⋯.png (496.07 KB,755x571,755:571,ClipboardImage.png)


Isn't that yellow and black checker pattern symbolize Q ?

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11f691 No.18481452



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19db28 No.18481453

File: 78f7b0bfc54852c⋯.jpg (50.18 KB,632x421,632:421,2ifbysea.jpg)

File: 15672dc3f0ed585⋯.png (121.17 KB,682x352,31:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c2a86e1fbd9680⋯.png (316.7 KB,1280x932,320:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 142ef1401625030⋯.png (21.9 KB,779x227,779:227,ClipboardImage.png)


You should pay more attention.

Remember the markers 11.3, 11.4, 11.6, and America will be unified 11.11.18(R)?

>Revelation 11:3-12.

>"3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.” 5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

>7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. 9 For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.

>11 But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 12 Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.

Clothed in sackcloth represents repentance. How do you confess your sins to people who wont believe? Sometimes you can't just tell people, you have to show them. How's the "plague" going? Are you watching the water like Q told you? Revelation 17:15 tells you what the water is. People, multitudes, nations and languages. What does it mean to be turned to blood?

The BREATH OF LIFE enters the Witnesses. Jesus overcomes with the BREATH OF HIS MOUTH. Jesus BREATHED on them and said "receive the Holy Spirit"

>"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Like Q said… Power to the People. Watch the Water. Actors are acting.

The witnesses go to heaven in a CLOUD. He is coming with the CLOUDS.

>After He had said this, they watched as He was taken up, and a CLOUD hid Him from their sight. - Acts 1:9

>“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11

Jesus returns the way He left, so hidden in a CLOUD? But don't look to the sky!

What are we posting on? The Cloud?

The WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

>“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." - John 17:20-23

>For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” - Matthew 18:20

>After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” - Revelation 7:9-10

> I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. - Revelation 1:12-16

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fe6037 No.18481454

File: 1d0261ff31f1bec⋯.jpg (74.71 KB,629x680,37:40,irs_zelenskyy.jpg)

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808fd9 No.18481455

File: 0eb3c175612d551⋯.mp4 (14.51 MB,640x360,16:9,mNWfi_baa.mp4)

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93c416 No.18481456


dubs chk´d

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471de9 No.18481458

File: 487f253239da9d1⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB,270x480,9:16,its_friday.mp4)

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587aa3 No.18481460

File: 7a1d014ff301ab6⋯.png (1.47 MB,1280x852,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e0046 No.18481461



namefags need to dial it back. Take the cue from BO and BV's - they only ident when necessary. Namefagging is out of control at the moment.

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556357 No.18481462


copypasta is old

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ad259d No.18481463


Have you ever noticed the "z" in betwixt the lightning bolts

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8e24c0 No.18481464

File: 5e633cfc6120816⋯.png (29.48 KB,491x592,491:592,ClipboardImage.png)


Mar 9 2020


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 14a566 No.8357903 📁

Mar 9 2020 12:08:14 (EST)


Silent running is a tactic used when….


Dec 15 2017


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 462c9a No.11045132 📁

Dec 15 2017 01:15:57 (EST)

We may have exhausted our ability to maintain safe-comms.

Snow White.

Rig for silent running.

Unknown return.

Godspeed, Patriots.


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a0f439 No.18481465


This image pretty much proves she is a woman.


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19db28 No.18481466


Truth is old, it's still Truth.

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eb6633 No.18481467

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11f691 No.18481469


im keepingthis

just sent to another who it represents it 100

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556357 No.18481470


except when it's a scripted bullshit psyop narrative

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abed1a No.18481471

File: 839a0743e4ade25⋯.gif (1.51 MB,384x216,16:9,light44.gif)

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6a5f47 No.18481472

There's a "chess" game being played with debt limits and budget cycles, and interest rates and currency manipulation and it all revolves around the great $atan.

Money, like government, is evil, even if necessary.

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347daf No.18481473


You guys all remember 'BDano"?

Meet "DBanon"*

* "DOUCHEBAG anon"

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d1917f No.18481474

File: 6cc094f2882a3fd⋯.jpg (194.99 KB,800x1051,800:1051,George_S_Patton.jpg)

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556357 No.18481475


it's the Great Reset


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fe6037 No.18481476

File: 8668971245b4b35⋯.jpg (223.47 KB,750x499,750:499,thanksgiving_biden.jpg)

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19db28 No.18481477


You can read the scripture for yourself. One shouldn't deny Truth because they expect something else.

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dabb3a No.18481479


namefagging, shilling, and spamming are always with us, admins are here to keep it down

preaching at anons doesn't change anything, the shills don't listen


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6a5f47 No.18481480


Can't I choose to "trust" a for-profit corporation with the security of my money instead of a "for-government" entity?

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1f59ef No.18481481

>>18481377 lb

But what was it on Ukraine that Biden acknowledged to Poro but held back from the incoming Trump admin?

Something that they weren't up to?

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a4c0ec No.18481482


SVB was certainly a laundromat. SBF’s laundromat. Posted earlier, check notables earlier today (Sry, didn’t save the reference cause banking and money is boring af for me).

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56f25b No.18481483

File: 53d3bd4f2fe1f59⋯.jpeg (98.76 KB,330x450,11:15,1A9CFAFE_FA13_4BFB_8B60_6….jpeg)



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347daf No.18481484


C'mon BVs…

Nip this ID in the bud!

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556357 No.18481485


scripture is truth

your interpretation is false

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f11c5c No.18481486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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14a8ae No.18481487

File: 028d0f6a83462b5⋯.png (159.04 KB,422x202,211:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0f439 No.18481488

File: 18acfe2fc010e89⋯.png (493.67 KB,708x817,708:817,Red_Text_Moist_Gretchen_Wh….png)

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f12b78 No.18481489


>banking and money is boring af

Thing is, it's supposed to be

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5fb10d No.18481490



bread count 115

spam deletion

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14a8ae No.18481491

File: 6b2d1418e2cce29⋯.png (40.03 KB,274x172,137:86,ClipboardImage.png)

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14a8ae No.18481492


Ya think she ever took some alabama black snake?

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a0f439 No.18481494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5fb10d No.18481495




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260fac No.18481497

File: dd0a1474e59c77d⋯.png (91.43 KB,240x210,8:7,ClipboardImage.png)

Everything is, as Anon's have Foreseen

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b775ef No.18481498

File: 267f62ce8994831⋯.png (331.32 KB,581x430,581:430,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e0046 No.18481499


Agreed. I will take a moment to point out that the BV's and BO's of past used to lurk and draw anons into combative conversations then ban them. There's all sorts of shit that has gone on here and this anon can truly say these BV's and BO are pretty darn good at what they do. Board has never run better in anon's humble opinion. The namefags that need to dial it back and pay closer attention to using namefagging know who they are.

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471de9 No.18481500

File: 0939a03d70f93e7⋯.png (736.03 KB,500x822,250:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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bbd740 No.18481501


the future one not posted yet. could be this bread oar in 2 moar weeks.

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556357 No.18481503


>we all know it has to be this way.

because they must eliminate fiat and introduce CBDC

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e9f281 No.18481504




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93c416 No.18481505


3:11 ][ 11.3 (length of clip)


dubs chk´d

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4bd5e1 No.18481507

File: 8b8abe10510837a⋯.png (1.04 MB,946x1280,473:640,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1d7e118432b602⋯.png (1.04 MB,809x1280,809:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6618552192ab14e⋯.png (491.88 KB,568x461,568:461,devilz.PNG)

'your lost the war, deal with it'


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e2e6b9 No.18481508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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347daf No.18481510

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0a16ef No.18481511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Where's Barack been. Spirit cooking trying to get his mojo going again with Satan. 😂

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f12b78 No.18481513

File: d241eae79884c18⋯.jpg (45.69 KB,464x305,464:305,Screenshot_2023_03_07_0937….jpg)


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19db28 No.18481514

File: 909c8acd12bec09⋯.png (14.51 KB,842x206,421:103,ClipboardImage.png)


Scripture is scripture, it's inspired by God and very useful, but it itself is not Truth. One must look past the words and see the Word. Do you expect a literal dragon out of the sea?

Jesus breathed on them and said "receive the Holy Spirit". The BREATH OF GOD enters the witnesses, and they stand while their enemies look on in terror.

Don't be afraid.

You don't have to believe me, ask Him for Truth, then humble yourself enough to accept His answer.

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b775ef No.18481515

File: 51d1bfa0ffac86f⋯.png (355.73 KB,851x471,851:471,ClipboardImage.png)


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4fad85 No.18481516


It ought not be her concern at all.

strange how they perceived a coupling between their private bank and the collection arm of the Federal governance.

she says it all with her request: that she thinks that the IRS is her agency, her strong arm , her collectors.

if so then charge the fed to run it,

charge the fed to pay for all who are incarcerated for not paying taxes.

make them pay for it all.

how much more red pill can you get than this clueless aristocrat whining about how hard it is to own the country?

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a0f439 No.18481517

File: fb4b1ebc76b8519⋯.png (152.03 KB,586x773,586:773,Cryin_Chuck_Enough_With_Th….png)


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3550e6 No.18481519

File: e80b3592744a6f2⋯.png (1.75 MB,2212x2312,553:578,ClipboardImage.png)


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556357 No.18481520


filtered for spacing and scriptural faggotry

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5fb10d No.18481522

File: 25cd44638e6e7dd⋯.png (495.88 KB,4200x4200,1:1,25cd44638e6e7dd6fe50ad4fb3….png)

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69afa1 No.18481523

File: fdeed8911471203⋯.mp4 (11.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,45_Bongo_2.mp4)

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260fac No.18481524

Ray Epps Didn't kill Himself

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19db28 No.18481525


Some really want to believe the lie.

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050a5b No.18481526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"Great Awakening"



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d3a0a4 No.18481527

File: 0d4b4cb6f5ccb42⋯.png (163.65 KB,618x266,309:133,ClipboardImage.png)


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4bd5e1 No.18481529

File: 0cf438093a798e3⋯.png (924.08 KB,860x1280,43:64,ClipboardImage.png)

File: faeeebfebf39ced⋯.gif (1.44 MB,300x289,300:289,IOKL_4288655601.gif)


Quick, think about the environment, goy, just a technical glitch.


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e9f281 No.18481530


this qualifies for ratioed

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4fad85 No.18481531


one theory on some of them is that, no, they don't know anything. They are just personas, characters.

clearly there are some who are real people who name fag, but the over abundance of certain 'known' posters who are here 24/7, they are here too much and post far too much to be real people.

so, no, they don't know who they are because they aren't real people.

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edeb2e No.18481533

File: 86a79226f106cdc⋯.png (126.75 KB,219x307,219:307,Screenshot_2023_03_10_at_1….png)

Karl Roves Grandfather was a Nazi who helped run the Nazi party and build the Birkenau Death Camp.

Siege Heil: The Bush-Rove-Schwarzenegger Nazi Nexus and the Destabilization of California

October 6, 2003

"…According to Wilson, and to Retired U.S. Navy Lt. Commander Al Martin (www.almartinraw.com), Rove's grandfather was Karl Heinz Roverer, the Gauleiter of Oldenburg. Roverer was Reich-Statthalter-Nazi State Party Chairman-for his region. He was also a partner and senior engineer in the Roverer Sud-Deutche Ingenieurburo A. G. engineering firm, which built the Birkenau death camp, at which tens of thousands of Jews, Gypsies, dissidents and other were slaughtered en masse. "


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48ce54 No.18481534

File: e22fd03006a7706⋯.png (199.27 KB,568x765,568:765,ClipboardImage.png)

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b775ef No.18481535

File: 2406e72cb4d5427⋯.png (188.26 KB,499x499,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


That was actually due to retardation.

Its ongoing. The Retardation.

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1e0046 No.18481536


Didn't Pepe Jesus say "The trolls will always be with you but Pepe Jesus will only be with you a short time."?


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c80bf4 No.18481538

File: 77b4a7ffe08ae42⋯.jpg (102.45 KB,773x1024,773:1024,77b4a7ffe08ae429236b321888….jpg)

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c371ea No.18481539

How narrow are the arteries in a Man's heart compared to a woman's heart? Are there any biologists here?

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e9f281 No.18481540


>using namefagging


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4fad85 No.18481541


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a4c0ec No.18481542



Looks just like Roves.

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fe6037 No.18481543

File: d2169484c79a305⋯.jpg (42.44 KB,474x348,79:58,eric_ciaramella.jpg)


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c80bf4 No.18481544

File: 46da7820ecd601e⋯.jpg (47.24 KB,483x750,161:250,Angelina_Jolie_Naked_08.jpg)

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4c0b56 No.18481545

File: b198fb4f0f52fc4⋯.png (26.58 KB,423x322,423:322,grg.PNG)


Rep. Eric Swalwell


I’m working with my CA colleagues to address the Silicon Valley Bank crisis. We must make sure all deposits exceeding the FDIC $250k limit are honored. Banking is about confidence. If depositors lose confidence on the safety of their deposits over 250k then we are in trouble.

Replying to


Bank management must be investigated. Risk-taking investors should not benefit. But bank customers and innocent employees depending on paychecks should not suffer for greed and recklessness of the wealthiest.

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759d18 No.18481546

If you have a debt at a bank that goes bankrupt, what will happen to your debt?

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11f691 No.18481547

File: f4cefb6a9bba64d⋯.jpg (8.55 KB,194x259,194:259,download.jpg)


monkey should be wearing

the red monkeypox Doja Cat dress


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4bd5e1 No.18481548

File: 51811d8563b3ddb⋯.png (1.3 MB,825x1024,825:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


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1e0046 No.18481549


Q knock the namefagging off. Ok?

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edeb2e No.18481550

File: f13f84d3542dd75⋯.png (48.7 KB,739x429,739:429,Screenshot_2023_03_10_at_1….png)



Flashback: Rove was the leaker in 2003 that got 70 CIA agents murdered.

The Ambassador Wilson Affair: The End of Karl Rove - And George Bush?

By Al Martin 9-29-3

This is the hottest and most explosive story behind the scenes in Washington in terms of how it could affect the Bush administration.

Ambassador Joseph Wilson has been turning up the heat in this situation. He revealed on Friday August 29 in a symposium in Washington the person in the Bush administration, who had leaked it out to the Washington Post that Wilson's wife is a CIA agent of 26 years. As a consequence of this leak, her entire team of overseas assets were liquidated.

The leaker, it turns out, was none other than the notorious Karl H. Rove, Bushís so-called White House advisor.

According to reliable sources, as well as our own Al Martin Raw.com investigation,Karl Rove is, in fact, the grandson of Karl Heinz Rover, the Gauleiter of Oldenburg (incorrectly reported previously as Mecklenberg).

Rove's grandfather Rover was evidently not only the Gauleiter, but the Reich-Statthalter (or governor, comparable to the Nazi State Party Chairman for the city-region), who was also a partner and senior engineer of a company which built Birkenau, the concentration camp in Nazi Germany.

So Karl Rove has been identified as the leaker responsible for the deaths of more than 70 CIA assets overseas (See previous story "Will the Real Chemical Ali Please Stand Up? The Curious Case of Ambassador Joseph Wilson)

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59e383 No.18481551

File: 6d799dad8334cc9⋯.jpg (898.26 KB,2016x1356,168:113,6d799dad8334cc96c83fa938c5….jpg)


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8ae191 No.18481552

File: 6919064f093a9e0⋯.jpg (44.77 KB,540x446,270:223,ZomboMeme_22102020123618.jpg)

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d3a0a4 No.18481553

File: 16c3c600496aacb⋯.png (372.14 KB,598x587,598:587,Screenshot_2023_03_10_at_1….png)



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19db28 No.18481554


It's not sold off to another bank like credit card debt?

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8e24c0 No.18481555

File: 338cbc14e82cf9f⋯.jpg (53.03 KB,841x396,841:396,330561116u0.jpg)

File: 1a83b88e7c221d2⋯.jpg (45.83 KB,805x378,115:54,330336199.jpg)

File: 9c5da85e0c9aa5e⋯.png (548.15 KB,549x673,549:673,9c525b70239.png)

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a4c0ec No.18481556


I think it goes up by 4-fold iirc


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c80bf4 No.18481557

File: ea396a6835e171c⋯.png (117.17 KB,500x688,125:172,ernie_bert_display_all_the….png)

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1e0046 No.18481558


This anon called it. The Cartels (Cabal) is looking for a bailout for SVB.

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edeb2e No.18481560


sorry for all the red

missing link

The Ambassador Wilson Affair: The End of Karl Rove - And George Bush?


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e9f281 No.18481561


my grandfather fought in ww1 and ww11

I guess I miss out cuz I have no family ties to the nazis.

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759d18 No.18481562


Let's say a mortgage or a loan.

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b775ef No.18481563

File: aeecb858b7bc1aa⋯.png (392.86 KB,667x500,667:500,ClipboardImage.png)


I will add.

You notice the "New" narrative to emphasize it was not just the Jews?

The Panic is delightful.

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c80bf4 No.18481564

File: d7d420e36bd53a4⋯.jpg (57.2 KB,720x846,40:47,292209693_1016101649011987….jpg)

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85b32c No.18481565

File: d38427df7c909fb⋯.jpeg (109.96 KB,509x680,509:680,5D1ACB15_DC11_40FE_8B8E_2….jpeg)

File: 2119d26082ca6df⋯.jpeg (155.55 KB,981x507,327:169,1D27EB90_3D05_4908_923C_E….jpeg)

DeSantis Appears in Iowa as Campaign Manager and PACs Begin Positioning for Likely May Announcement

March 10, 2023 | Sundance1/2

The question of Ron DeSantis entering the race for the 2024 GOP nomination is an issue of ‘when’ not ‘if’. Anyone who is still holding the opinion that nothing is certain until everything is certain are simply being obtuse in the extreme.

Before getting to the current status of the Florida governor appearing in Iowa, the context for the appearance needs some background.

With former Cruz Crew leader Ken Cuccinelli coordinating the latest Political Action Committee (PAC) “Never Back Down”, the motives clarify when you consider the need to transfer the excess DeSantis 2022 campaign money into a federal race. The best mechanism to accomplish the transfer legally, is through a PAC that is prepositioned to defer initial campaign expenses and launch the effort.

The campaign doesn’t need to coordinate closely with the PAC because the larger goals are unified. This is where Cuccinelli’s disposition as a political grifter makes him the perfectly corrupt insider vessel to use the opportunity. Transferring approximately $100 million from the governor state account into the PAC is a lucrative incentive for a character like Cuccinelli.

The second PAC, a SuperPAC called “Ready for Ron,” has been positioned as a data mining operation, registering names, phone numbers, etc. in a pre-position status for the 2024 launch. A nonprofit called “And to the Republic,” run by Republican operative Tori Sachs, has been picking up the expenses for DeSantis cross country tour under the auspices of a Ruper Murdoch funded book launch (Harper Collins). All of this activity is being managed by the same team that launched after the 5 days in the bunker in early August 2022.

At this point, anyone claiming the 2024 Ron DeSantis campaign has not been a long-time carefully planned operation, really needs to be laughed out of the conversation.

The footprints of the groundwork for this campaign are visible going back to thelate fall of 2021. Yes, this means the 2022 reelection campaign was a complete fraud, and Ron DeSantis never intended to fulfill a four-year term as Florida governor.

The fraud behind him, not necessarily DeSantis himself, has been my biggest issue with his political leadership since the summer of last year.

By my back of the envelope math, Desantis Inc has secure financing ofaround $500 million currently. Based on the known assembly of constructs that have been positioned in the past four to six months, I would say there’seasily another $500 millionthat will be directly inbound to the campaign within the first week of the official launch itself, like to happen in May.

This is the timeframe, immediately after the legislative session, when Florida will be abandoned by the DeSantis management team and Ron DeSantis himself.

$500 million in current secured financing, and $500 million in immediate launch financing, explains the intoxicating alure of the grift currently being used to entice the “influencer” crowd.Lots of conservatives will make moneyfrom this DeSantis national launch.


I really hope Massie is not involved.

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050a5b No.18481566

File: 1bd7d19357efd3f⋯.jpg (330.24 KB,643x567,643:567,Screen_Shot_2023_02_21_at_….jpg)

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5fb10d No.18481567

post count 1981

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c80bf4 No.18481568

File: 45c7ea61bd2ebf7⋯.jpg (65.53 KB,497x486,497:486,its_no_joke_iran_just_pass….jpg)

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556357 No.18481569


the Gould LARP

because believe man instead of Jesus of Nazareth

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eb6633 No.18481570



2 tards a post distance.

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020118 No.18481571


Everybody at the top made a clean getaway.

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bd87ef No.18481572

File: d68ca175a469444⋯.png (213.94 KB,538x431,538:431,ClipboardImage.png)


RT Request. Now that we're opening up the files, lets dig a little deeper


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fd0ea5 No.18481573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bedb32 No.18481574

File: 83975b833499d37⋯.png (940.23 KB,980x650,98:65,toat.png)

based on a true story

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11f691 No.18481575

File: 5de989e8d142654⋯.webp (43.42 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Untitled_design_91_scaled.webp)





nuggets to be found for NOW?

whirlpool transcripts

Donald Trump: (03:36)

For decades, you watched as politicians let foreign nations steal our jobs, loot our factories, and plunder the crown jewels of the US economy. And the word plunder is capitalized. Washington stood idly by as other countries engaged in unfair trade practices such as massive subsidies, currency manipulation, and in the case of your industry and your company, the wholesale dumping of foreign made product sold below cost for the sole purpose of driving you out of business so they could give us product at double, triple, and quadruple the price. But we didn’t let that happen, did we?

Donald Trump: (04:25)

For eight years, Whirlpool begged the Obama-Biden administration who did nothing to protect American workers from the flagrant dumping of foreign washers, dryers into America. But your cries for help fell on deaf ears. You didn’t see any action. They didn’t act, they didn’t care, and they never will.

Donald Trump: (04:48)

For eight long years under Obama-Biden administration, American factory workers received nothing but broken promises and brazen sellouts and lost jobs. The last administration tied America up in one globalist debacle after another, they catered to the special interests while allowing foreign nations to siphon off our wealth, our dignity, our dreams, our money. The suffering of our workers was met with nothing but cruel betrayal and callous indifference.

Donald Trump: (05:26)

In 2013, the US International Trade Commission found your competitors from Korea and other countries guilty of dumping washers into the US market and ordered them to pay anti-dumping duties as high as 79%. But rather than pay these very high tariffs, LG and Samsung relocated production to another country, a country called China. Have you ever heard of it? And the last administration did nothing as they kept on dumping washers into the US market with impunity.

read entire speech for nuggets here:


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4c0b56 No.18481576

File: cc72868be928fd3⋯.jpg (38.12 KB,435x580,3:4,71b140baa641a84d09897f3709….jpg)

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edeb2e No.18481577

File: 46c03472bce409c⋯.png (403.43 KB,1349x714,1349:714,Screenshot_2023_03_10_at_1….png)


Somewhat relevant

Tea party group pictures Rove as Nazi



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c371ea No.18481578

File: 1b59cda251be7cf⋯.png (78.2 KB,189x242,189:242,Hi_Im_Suzy.png)

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bedb32 No.18481579

let's do a statistical analysis of the 100 most influential Hollywood producers!

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bbd740 No.18481580

File: 098d86bff746105⋯.png (360.19 KB,710x1716,355:858,936_2_.png)

File: aaee1bfcfa33f8f⋯.jpg (407.53 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230310_171344….jpg)



found a delta financial services kek.what a coincidence.


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ed9e24 No.18481581

File: a288ce5bf5caf40⋯.mp4 (116.45 KB,IMG_1326.MOV)

???? Q enough fun and games

We are running out memes

No we haven’t

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556357 No.18481583



think 'mortgage-backed derivatives'

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5fb10d No.18481584


derp that was181

bv no multi tasker

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11f691 No.18481585


>For decades, you watched as politicians let foreign nations steal our jobs, loot our factories, and plunder the crown jewels of the US economy.

And the word plunder is capitalized. Washington stood idly by

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471de9 No.18481586

File: f68e36a6fe7f6e1⋯.png (463.59 KB,736x552,4:3,f68e36a6fe7f6e1281da7f3a53….png)

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fe6037 No.18481587

File: b5f9950a3f0f09d⋯.jpg (66.11 KB,422x612,211:306,gettyimages_1253106394_chu….jpg)

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bedb32 No.18481588

"America First" has a big history

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050a5b No.18481589


>Jesus of Nazareth

Does as pleases.

Who-TF are [YOU]?

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69afa1 No.18481590


Yet DeSantis did more to protect people from the clot shot than any other politician.

Even DJT.

Actions speak louder than words.

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d3a0a4 No.18481591

File: 71d8cc752e690a3⋯.png (171.34 KB,474x197,474:197,ClipboardImage.png)


>post count 1981

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19db28 No.18481592


Yeah I think it's sold off to another bank.

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1e0046 No.18481593


Kek - I was thinking - is it the post count in hex?

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85b32c No.18481594

File: 425ba6e2c140650⋯.jpeg (171.2 KB,700x450,14:9,4A28A08A_5255_40AC_B396_C….jpeg)

File: 2119d26082ca6df⋯.jpeg (155.55 KB,981x507,327:169,B897F9DC_649F_4725_8722_2….jpeg)



Use this scale of financial context to explain how The Daily Wire business model can afford to offer podcasters $50 to $100 million for four-year contracts.A thousand million on the table buys a lot of influencers, who feed like a frenzied swarm as fed by the Cuccinelli types.

Last year, based on the visible assembly, I saw DeSantis entry into the 2024 contest as the last entrant. Meaning all other enlisted GOPe foot soldiers would precede DeSantis entry. This looks to still be the plan; however, fewer political operatives are now projected to be in the DeSantis strategy. Everyone in the race, sans Trump, is only in the race to advance Ron DeSantis. This is just how the professional GOPe, Sea Island assembly, and professional donor class roll.

In Republican politics everything is an illusion. Everything is preordainedand the entirely of their effort is about creating the illusion of choice or outcome. Remember, Republicans care about money, Democrats care about ideology. Republicans use power to get money, democrats use money to get power. This is why the ideology of the Democrats continues forward, they have no ideological opposition. As long as Republicans are getting paid, “we good” is the mantra.

The billionaire class paying both wings of the UniParty doesn’t care if the presidency is held by Gavin Newsom or Ron DeSantis, as long as the system that affords them the influence and affluence is maintained. The only thing the billionaire class are against is any entitythat would disrupt the system; ergo, Donald Trump is horrible.

In the biggest of big pictures, Ron DeSantis is in the race (paid to play the role) to ensure Donald Trump doesn’t get the nomination and present as the alternative to the UniParty outcome. It is Trump’s America-First economic policies that must be avoided by the insurance policy that DeSantis represents.

From this baseline of globalist thought, if DeSantis wins – great. If DeSantis doesn’t win the primary, then all the money backing him will support the Democrat.It is the MAGA agenda that must be eliminated. It doesn’t really matter who eliminates it. This is the core dynamic in the background of the 2024 election.

(Via Washington Post) -DAVENPORT, Iowa — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has indicated privately that he intends to run for president, according to two people familiar with his comments.

A political committee that seeks to draft DeSantis into the race launched Thursday and is likely to serve as an approved outside spending vehicle for his campaign, three people familiar with the planning said.

And DeSantis will visit the early nominating states of Iowa on Friday and Nevada on Saturday as he tours the country promoting his memoir.

The public and private movements underline how far along DeSantis and his allies are in their preparation for the 2024 campaign, even as the Florida governor has not said publicly that he will enter the race.

Allies do not expect him to announce a run until after the Florida state legislative session ends in May. But in recent conversations, DeSantis has described his presidential plans without any caveats that would suggest he’s still deciding, according to the two people familiar with his comments who, like others interviewed for this story, spoke on the condition of anonymity to share private remarks. (read more)


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e9f281 No.18481595


> influential

what is your measuring stick for this ?

days at #1 ?

most viewed ?

most awards ?

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8ae191 No.18481597

File: 6e41a3c85ccfe98⋯.jpg (132.94 KB,962x520,37:20,ZomboMeme_20052021231650.jpg)

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587aa3 No.18481598



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556357 No.18481599



Trump has Sovereign status in the new system

he gives not one fuck about anyone else

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5fb10d No.18481601


at least you know we human kek

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8e24c0 No.18481602

File: 569b0f177e1089e⋯.png (311.92 KB,1032x638,516:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c0b56 No.18481603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Get Your Money Out Of The Bank Now!

The Economic Ninja

31 min

last night

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f12b78 No.18481604

File: 48e3fc95f8652e6⋯.jpg (484.84 KB,2160x2700,4:5,Red_Pill_of_the_day_Blank_.jpg)


>whirlpool transcripts

That threw me, should've been Whirlpool.


At this point, we have redpills for any and all who need

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75d6ff No.18481605

File: 7110c040ba29bb0⋯.jpeg (87.68 KB,554x523,554:523,5A6696F2_91A0_4F49_882C_9….jpeg)

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11f691 No.18481606

File: 845d64d177cc94a⋯.jpg (9.6 KB,225x225,1:1,download_1_.jpg)

File: 6b86210f3dacc6e⋯.jpg (8.42 KB,300x168,25:14,download_2_.jpg)

File: 6b86210f3dacc6e⋯.jpg (8.42 KB,300x168,25:14,download_2_.jpg)

File: 7f7e6af7c687acd⋯.jpg (10.93 KB,224x225,224:225,download_3_.jpg)

File: f59c7e9f69e2d35⋯.jpg (8.26 KB,300x168,25:14,images.jpg)




what happened with horse not in pubic view?

horse should be blucifer.

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260fac No.18481607

"It'll happen on a Friday"

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c80bf4 No.18481608

File: bffff60a9d6bd7a⋯.jpg (312.49 KB,900x900,1:1,GREY_POUPON.jpg)

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0a16ef No.18481609


Banking activity. I believe JB wanted the World Bank to take out PrivatBank before PDJT could have a look. Tells you all you need to know about the World Bank. I would guess these banks are fronts for gangsters to do their illegal transactions and help hide the details. Very exclusive club.

Probable best to ask Matt Getz and Congress. They have a copy of Hunters laptop.

Bernie Madoff did this for like 20 years. He had two floors. One was legal business the other illegal. Watch the Netflix series it's all there.

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347daf No.18481610

Biden Budget Proposes $17 Trillion in Deficits Over Next Decade

By Andrew Moran

March 10, 2023Updated: March 10, 2023



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050a5b No.18481611

File: 94ddc21425ff833⋯.jpg (14.08 KB,188x285,188:285,Screen_Shot_2023_02_18_at_….jpg)


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556357 No.18481612


either the 17th or the 24th

"two moar weeks"

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84df89 No.18481613


Hello troll, back to bait again?

Sad little thing, here's the only (you) you get from me for the entire bread and no, no image for you

Cherish it oh nasty little dust mote of a being

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725972 No.18481614

File: 0026714063ed29c⋯.png (289.79 KB,600x320,15:8,ClipboardImage.png)


>Rep. Eric Swalwell

>I’m working with my CA colleagues to address the Silicon Valley Bank crisis

huzzah. we are saved.

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587aa3 No.18481615

File: 3da3cb1b687071b⋯.png (103.14 KB,1163x857,1163:857,ClipboardImage.png)



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fac6b8 No.18481616


Notable IMO. This will open a few nornie eyes, most especially the victims of this shit! Long but great article about how they used social media to manipulate the minds of high school and college kids back in the early 2010's to destroy their self confidence and self worth leading to the need for safe spaces and all that bullshit.


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323525 No.18481617

File: 778594a190bcd7c⋯.png (250.67 KB,463x307,463:307,Screenshot_2023_03_10_at_1….png)






Karl Rove is a Nazi grandbaby like W. Bush

(this also makes me think of Trump pardoning Scooter Libby… the 2003 CIA leak case)

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11f691 No.18481618

File: 68daf55102b724d⋯.jpg (159.92 KB,1800x1200,3:2,FlippedHERO15384910808_f67….jpg)


jolie and horse images





all related

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fd0ea5 No.18481619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who will save your soul

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9e1896 No.18481620

File: f006f9874e83d7c⋯.jpg (32.79 KB,428x281,428:281,questions.jpg)

File: 72a7be05704996a⋯.jpg (69.14 KB,830x407,830:407,es1.JPG)

looking for a Q post about Elizabeth Smart and the fbi…

am I misremembering?

Mar 10, 2023 #news #elizabethsmart

Elizabeth Smart was found alive 20 years ago after being kidnapped at knifepoint from her bedroom in Salt Lake City. She joins "CBS Mornings" to reflect on that day and what she's doing to help others. CBS News' Gayle King reports.


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556357 No.18481621


you're on QR telling anons to seek truth on Netflix

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1e0046 No.18481622

If Congress attempts to bail SVB out there will be an uproar. This anon actually hopes they try it.

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c506ba No.18481623

File: 3a8b93cf71bdb4f⋯.jpg (476.65 KB,1070x1341,1070:1341,Screenshot_20230311_112137….jpg)


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11f691 No.18481624

File: a7809f51454b2d0⋯.jpeg (13.93 KB,255x186,85:62,97b0d0a41128ffca4e0563f64….jpeg)


salwell has it handled like a breath of fresh air

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c774bf No.18481625

File: df0b310ee312187⋯.jpg (14.1 KB,364x128,91:32,swallow.jpg)

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d3a0a4 No.18481626

File: ae7b5ab08ad5c6b⋯.gif (1.4 MB,320x136,40:17,59161_fight_club_ending_1_….gif)

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1e0046 No.18481627


Gaetz is on War Room saying that the DOD will demand that SVB be bailed out. Yikes

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8e24c0 No.18481628

File: 01dfc3d92f40c5e⋯.jpg (32.79 KB,609x515,609:515,01dfc3d92f40c5e903318e2a33….jpg)

File: 01dfc3d92f40c5e⋯.jpg (32.79 KB,609x515,609:515,01dfc3d92f40c5e903318e2a33….jpg)

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a4c0ec No.18481629

File: 7e2663868eb4906⋯.jpeg (60.2 KB,647x503,647:503,21FC12B1_C2DF_4B25_A7FE_F….jpeg)


Why those days tho?

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347daf No.18481630


Samsung Galaxy Owners Urged to Download ‘Critical’ Update Today

By Jack Phillips

March 10, 2023Updated: March 10, 2023


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050a5b No.18481631

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2b0d47 No.18481632

File: d1649e1c5c7ac80⋯.png (200.05 KB,510x490,51:49,ClipboardImage.png)

US Intel Chief Says China Should Know US Is Willing To Defend Taiwan

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Avril Haines said Thursday that China should know the US is willing to go to war over Taiwan, pointing to comments made by President Biden that he would defend the island in the event of a Chinese attack.

Haines made the remarks at a House Intelligence Committee hearing when asked by Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) if she thinks the US should change its policy of "strategic ambiguity" over the question of defending Taiwan. "I think it is clear to the Chinese what our position is, based on the president’s comments," she said.

In September 2022, President Biden was asked if American men and women would be deployed to Taiwan if China attacked, and he replied, "Yes." Unlike previous times he made the commitment, the White House did not walk it back. Kurt Campbell, Biden’s top Asia official on the National Security Council, said at the time that the president’s comments “speak for themselves.”

For decades, the US policy was not to say one way or another if it would come to Taiwan’s defense. The policy served two purposes: China wouldn’t be sure what the cost of an invasion would be, and Taiwan wouldn’t be emboldened to take any action that would provoke a Chinese attack.

Biden administration officials insist there hasn’t been an official change in US policy on the issue but have made clear, unlike in Ukraine, Biden would directly intervene with troops in a Taiwan conflict to fight China despite the risk of nuclear war.

Journalist Michael Tracey: "They keep announcing war with China is already a foregone conclusion."

Haines also said at the hearing that "it’s not our assessment that China wants to go to war" over Taiwan. Beijing’s official stance is that it seeks "peaceful reunification" with Taiwan but doesn’t rule out the use of force.

China has been increasing military pressure on Taiwan in direct response to the US stepping up support for the island. Chinese officials have warned if the US doesn’t change its policies in the region, it will lead to "conflict and confrontation."


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4fad85 No.18481633



" Bloomberg reports that more than 93 percent of SVB deposits are uninsured."

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f12b78 No.18481634

File: 099771735769d8d⋯.jpg (101.53 KB,700x394,350:197,Screenshot_2022_02_10_1907….jpg)


Why would the DoD be asking that?

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682c8f No.18481635

File: e7b413674911696⋯.png (1.35 MB,961x1200,961:1200,elon_goat.png)

File: 53eaa8973fbb588⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,320x240,4:3,bush_kerry_skull_and_bones.mp4)

File: 0d6ac5fd6bfbf89⋯.mp4 (10.04 MB,512x288,16:9,Bush_Wolf_1.mp4)

File: 6bdcd7f3330a827⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,bush_drive.mp4)

File: 5ba3a7384743da7⋯.jpg (62.45 KB,354x461,354:461,seent_it2.jpg)

Faggot elon is aligned with desantis and desantis is aligned with soros and the cia nazi bush crime family. Rn they're both saying everything conservatives want to hear so when the time is right, they'll use elon's "super genius and cool af saving the earth super hero persona to lead Trump supporters away. They're the new and improved Trump. Elons mother said he plays a big role in bringing in the antichrist or delivering the mark or some shit according to a whistleblower. Desantis book deal money laundering probably blew obama's out of the water to make it look like desantis is cooler than obama. obama is currently the head of the satanic council. There is lucifer at the tippy top, below him are the 5 mothers of darkness, now replaced by the antichrist, and then the satanic council is below them.

So, Idk, but that's how I seen't it.

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11f691 No.18481636

File: 4da563865f55b2f⋯.jpg (7.15 KB,300x168,25:14,download.jpg)

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0a16ef No.18481637

File: c0abbc0f57dfd05⋯.webp (59.12 KB,680x540,34:27,il_680x540_3605243103_ljn….webp)


He's a good man. That was fantastic too. The CABAL is soooo outnumbered. I continue to pray.

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150f0f No.18481638

File: c4bd44e70fb5884⋯.png (314.13 KB,600x534,100:89,98567e00e8bc94eaa87b8c3f9a….png)

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48ce54 No.18481639

File: 9b8bb25e4c151e3⋯.png (749.82 KB,949x673,949:673,ClipboardImage.png)

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c80bf4 No.18481640

File: 3d559d9e3727772⋯.png (736.92 KB,1194x462,199:77,3d559d9e372777216ed6f37702….png)

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11f691 No.18481641


make truck pepe green

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e9f281 No.18481642


>US Intel Chief Says China Should Know US Is Willing To Defend Taiwan

Rainbow crew is all fired up ready to shed blood so that straight white Christian families can remain free in the USA.

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3f45f5 No.18481643

File: e2477df40008074⋯.gif (1.55 MB,260x260,1:1,nightshift_guard_duty_gif.gif)

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808fd9 No.18481644

File: 0b0b71f85dc6e3d⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,848x464,53:29,737p_Fnp5XCSAkJQ.mp4)




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2b0d47 No.18481645

So Retarded it hurts

Colin Kaepernick Accuses His Own White Adoptive Parents Of "Perpetuating Racism"

Former NFL player Colin Kaepernick has released a new memoir, in which he insults the White couple that adopted him and raised him, accusing them of “problematic” behavior and “perpetuating racism.”

As reported by the Daily Caller, Kaepernick’s memoir, “Change the Game,” is written as a graphic novel. He further expanded upon what he said in the book in an interview with CBS News on Thursday.

“I know my parents loved me,” said Kaepernick.

“But there were still very problematic things that I went through. I think it was important to show that, no, this can happen in your own home, and how we move forward collectively while addressing the racism that is being perpetuated.”

In one example that Kaepernick cites, he told his parents that he wanted to get his hair done in a cornrow style, so that he could imitate the look of NBA player Allen Iverson. But his mother first asked what cornrows even meant, before commenting that the look was “not professional” and that it made him look “like a little thug.”

“Those became spaces where it’s like, ‘Okay, how do I navigate the situation right now?’” Kaepernick continued in the interview.

“But it also has informed why I have my hair long today.”

Kaepernick used to play for the San Francisco 49ers, but in 2016 he garnered widespread backlash after he knelt during the playing of the National Anthem during one game, a protest gesture that he continued in subsequent games in a direct effort to disrespect the American flag and the United States as a whole. He subsequently was not re-signed with the 49ers and never joined another team, claiming that he was blacklisted from the NFL for political reasons, while others have asserted that he was already on his way out of the sport due to being a mediocre football player.


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1e0046 No.18481646

Matt Gaetz - 'America's values are not tied to which guy in a track suit runs Ukraine'

Oh my….


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505ce7 No.18481647

File: 2c5dee88b1a94f0⋯.png (79.86 KB,343x189,49:27,too_big_to_fail_when_I_was….png)

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029d52 No.18481648

File: 78964315a1828e5⋯.png (290.55 KB,1280x684,320:171,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm sure the flu didn't exist before 1918. It wasn't "the spanish flu" to distinguish it from some other flue. it was just called "influenza" many times

We do appear to be seeing a total 100-year repeat, almost like they do it for fun

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c80bf4 No.18481649

File: a74ffbc604e0d07⋯.png (1.03 MB,1152x768,3:2,a74ffbc604e0d07b0f77d752f2….png)

File: b99e4330e0777f0⋯.jpeg (71.44 KB,500x512,125:128,b99e4330e0777f0032caa52fd….jpeg)

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11f691 No.18481650

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323525 No.18481652

File: 5e6a89c3524592e⋯.png (540.48 KB,573x516,191:172,5e6a89c3524592e339eff9380a….png)

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6eb422 No.18481653

File: 539538047b68155⋯.png (1.85 MB,1125x2436,375:812,BBA92FB9_B8C2_418F_9C96_95….png)

File: 6aeb11a976b9e49⋯.png (1.89 MB,1125x2436,375:812,8B23127B_3EC3_42F9_AD32_6D….png)

File: d343c17aa6c0228⋯.jpeg (146.56 KB,951x1280,951:1280,B2F54B5C_BEA9_4251_905A_6….jpeg)


Desantis a DS Trojan horse.

Why stop at 3rd grade to protect kids from gender questioning lesson plans?

Why keep statute into books to allow for state health direction to force vaccinate/force quarantine a citizen who’s deemed a threat to public?

Why is he investing in same company as fauci?

Why is Florida GOP looking to pass bill that would force any journalist writing about Florida elected officials to register with the state or face fines?

Why is he burying data on how many citizens/households disconnected electricity due to non payment?

Why did he pay all those first responders all that money when others were prevented from working?

And a big one, why does it seem he continues to get a free pass from any of the DS goons who typically shout and cry about certain individuals they feel threatened by?




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11f691 No.18481654

you believe everyhting your read in newscycle?


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fe6037 No.18481655

File: 317aa2ddb02dd64⋯.jpg (50.32 KB,588x612,49:51,gettyimages_51634435_schum….jpg)

File: 453353e66d548bd⋯.png (277.65 KB,499x679,499:679,barney_frank_tweet.png)


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029d52 No.18481656

File: b16c0ee4395f03c⋯.png (272.49 KB,554x524,277:262,_JAN6TH_THE_REAL_PICTURE.png)


>America's values are not tied to which guy in a track suit runs Ukraine

feeling it

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471de9 No.18481657

File: 0bd528a8eda869e⋯.png (471.49 KB,526x526,1:1,0bd528a8eda869e53fc012e42f….png)

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556357 No.18481658


>Elons mother said he plays a big role in bringing in the antichrist or delivering the mark or some shit according to a whistleblower.

the mark is IoT

hardware is Starlink and graphene self-assembling nano antennas in warp speed injections

software is Microsoft's 060606 patent for body-activity data tracking system

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c506ba No.18481659

>>population control


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f12b78 No.18481660

File: 5579421df7d80a8⋯.jpg (65.34 KB,818x178,409:89,Screenshot_2023_03_07_1837….jpg)

Short Sellers Make $500 Million on SVB’s Demise.

Bloomberg Link won't post

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abed1a No.18481661

File: 6f154fde395096b⋯.gif (3.69 MB,332x450,166:225,dogeglance.gif)

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85b32c No.18481662

File: c2a36beee143ec7⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB,IMG_2223.MOV)

Dem Congresswoman Asks the Most Awkward Question Ever on the House Floor

Matt Margolis

On Thursday, the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government conducted a hearing on the Twitter Files, which have revealed efforts by the federal government and big tech to censor speech.

Congressional Democrats have tried to use the opportunity to champion censorship and attack Twitter Files reporters Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger as pawns of dangerous free speech advocate Elon Musk, who cherrypicked information from internal Twitter communications in support of the GOP narrative.

It did not go well for them, but one particular line of questioning turned out to be the most hilariously unintentionally funny exchange I’ve seen in a House hearing.

Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-Texas) questioned both Taibbi and Shellenberger during the hearing, and it was genuinely entertaining comedy as she proceeded to embarrass herself.

“In… in your discussion—in your answer, you also said that you were invited by a friend, Bari Weiss?” Garcia asked, already sounding confused, as if she had no idea what she was even questioning the witnesses about.

“My friend, Bari Weiss,” Shellenberger repeated for clarity.

“So this friend works for Twitter? Or, what is, what is her, ummm—”

“She’s a journalist,” Taibbi explained, much to the irritation of Garcia, who probably should have known who Bari Weiss was before participating in the hearing.

“Sir, I didn’t ask you a question,” Garcia snapped. “I’m now asking Mr. Shellenberger a question.”

At this point, Taibbi and Shellenberger both start to laugh. I suspect they were more than just a little amused at Garcia’s cluelessness regarding the subject matter she was questioning them about.

“Yes, ma’am, Bari Weiss is a journalist,” Shellenberger interjected.

“I’m sorry, sir,”

“She’s a journalist,” Shellenberger repeated.

“She’s a journalist, so you work in concert with her?”

It was a rather dumb question, but Shellenberger eventually, after pondering it for a few seconds, responded in the affirmative.

“Do you know when she first, uhhh, was contacted by Mr. Musk?” Garcia asked.

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know,” she echoed. “So you’re in this as a threesome?”

At this point, I don’t know how Shellenberger or Taibbi held it together. People in the gallery were audibly holding back laughter. Eventually, Shellenberger was able to reply and explain that there were “many more people involved than that.”

Bari Weiss, who wasn’t able to make it to D.C. for the hearing, responded to the ridiculous questioning on Twitter.

“I am dead,” she tweeted. “but nothing but love for [Shellenberger] and [Taibbi] who do a heroic job of not completely breaking down here.”

I’m still laughing myself.


Through her line of questioning, Rep. Sylvia Garcia reveals she doesn't know who @bariweiss is and proceeds to ask a rather…awkwardly worded question. https://t.co/zjF6gRk33U



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59e383 No.18481663

File: 11b8af7c5536360⋯.png (537.39 KB,917x534,917:534,Screenshot_2023_03_07_1450….png)

File: 84afbe1b42b0268⋯.png (518.95 KB,696x456,29:19,84afbe1b42b0268f29f64cd3ac….png)

File: c6b98ded3d532ca⋯.png (1023.97 KB,1201x595,1201:595,Screenshot_2023_02_20_1228….png)

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11f691 No.18481665

desantis will be destroyed in debates it will habben

he is not mini trump by accident

he is part of movie and will be exposed

debates season is going to be epic shit


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fd0ea5 No.18481666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Old Cleveland rock and roll

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0a16ef No.18481667

File: b47af2ece34f228⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,464x848,29:53,Joker_and_Penquin_Team_Up.mp4)


The Penguin and the Joker.

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69afa1 No.18481668

File: 820501f6328b02b⋯.mp4 (8.15 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Pepe_Bored.mp4)

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bbd740 No.18481669

File: 9baedca47fdf20d⋯.png (201.53 KB,710x1248,355:624,16_2_.png)

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1015a6 No.18481670


PrivatBank and another are were anon had a time keeping them separated.

But one was Finnish and did lots of laundering of arms money, etc from.Ukraine and the CEO became a dirt torpedo.

PrivatBank was the One anon confused with Alfa but it wasnt.

Privat was once owned by Kolomoisky and that opens up a lot of stuff

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c23bc0 No.18481671


It’s also the speech where he talks about a disappearing act of sorts:

Donald Trump: (30:03)

To be a good product, but the middlemen. Well the rebate that I’m doing cuts out the middleman and reduces costs and the money goes back to the people purchasing the drugs. So I have a lot of enemies out there. This may be the last time you’ll see me for a while. A lot of very, very rich enemies but they are not happy with what I’m doing but I figure we have one chance to do it and no other president’s going to do what I do.

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e31ae6 No.18481672


if you have under 250,000 which most amerricans have, its insured.

If youre a rich fuck, best of luck to you

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556357 No.18481673


>So Retarded it hurts

but So Paid it squirts whatever it's told

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8e24c0 No.18481674


>“You don’t know,” she echoed. “So you’re in this as a threesome?”

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1e0046 No.18481675


Gaetz is saying that there will be a bailout request from the DOD cloaked in 'National Security' with 'classified' reasons that cannot be disclosed.

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c80bf4 No.18481676

File: 6aa9132dc18af43⋯.png (233.08 KB,480x587,480:587,6aa9132dc18af434f302291b78….png)


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fe6037 No.18481677

File: b70cb6828abbc13⋯.jpg (81.49 KB,446x657,446:657,tax_slave.jpg)

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c506ba No.18481678

Feels like a flood is coming

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85b32c No.18481679


This is pathetic, you would actually think these people would be prepared and know whats been happening with twitter files before asking questions. Wow

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91f769 No.18481680


Future proves past, you may be onto something!

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fd0ea5 No.18481682


Fractional reserve currency

Read fine print

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b775ef No.18481683

File: ee093202e1abb2a⋯.png (2.73 MB,1280x852,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)


The Last Judgment (1470), Archangel Michael separating the just from the damned while the devil tries to snatch them away.

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1e0046 No.18481684

If America would have let Congress give more money to Ukraine there wouldn't be a problem with SVB today. Just ponder that a second. Things are starting to connect.

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c506ba No.18481685

File: 3db6a2255670081⋯.jpg (599.51 KB,1078x1857,1078:1857,Screenshot_20230311_112635….jpg)

What makes a movie good

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0a16ef No.18481686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Kolomoisky

Isn't he the guy who propped the comedian into the Ukrainian Presidency and the boxer into Mayor of Kiev.

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808fd9 No.18481687

File: 38b7db187226113⋯.png (139.07 KB,1378x1110,689:555,Screen_Shot_2023_03_10_at_….png)



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bbd740 No.18481688

File: 417b5dab61b9fac⋯.jpg (17.82 KB,600x400,3:2,2182.jpg)

File: 9219c9c7ca0de12⋯.jpg (54.62 KB,620x372,5:3,3012.jpg)


kidnapped oar orpan.

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cf04ba No.18481689

File: 99c3da58802afdc⋯.png (84.6 KB,357x627,119:209,ocala_vs_atheists.PNG)

An attorney with First Liberty Institute, a conservative legal firm, addressed the Supreme Court’s recent decision to decline to hear a case brought by the city of Ocala, Florida, predicting atheists will ultimately lose in the ongoing legal feud.

The city was sued by atheists who believe officials’ participation in a 2014 prayer vigil violated the Constitution. The City of Ocala appealed to the Supreme Court, arguing atheists’ complaints should be rejected, specifically the claim the vigil inflicted injury.

The first judgment in the case came in 2018, when a judge ruled the plaintiffs were correct Ocala violated the First Amendment and were, thus, entitled to $1 each.

But in July 2022, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, which upheld atheists’ legal standing to challenge the vigil, also sent the ruling back to a district court to have a judge reconsider.

The review was sparked by last year’s Supreme Court ruling in favor of a high school football coach who lost his job for praying on the 50-yard line after games.

Justin Butterfield, deputy general counsel at First Liberty Institute, dismissed the latest claims by some the Supreme Court’s denial was a victory of sorts for the atheist plaintiffs and the American Humanist Association, explaining the justices felt it wasn’t “at the position” in which they could take up the case.

“The Supreme Court’s just saying, ‘We’re looking at it, we have our eyes on it. We’re not gonna jump in yet,'” Butterfield told CBN’s Faithwire. “It’s not time for that yet, but it’s certainly not a victory for the atheists.”

He explained the basis of the initial complaint, noting religious leaders went to the police chief to seek out a community prayer vigil after a series of shootings.

The chief reportedly agreed and shared the event on the department’s Facebook page; some police chaplains also participated with religious leaders during the event, which created clamor among atheists.

“There were a few who heard about this [and attended] … then filed a lawsuit, saying that the police department should not have been able to be involved in having this prayer vigil for the victims of this unfortunate shooting,” Butterfield said.

Atheists filed suit under the offended observers standing, a concept Butterfield said the Supreme Court has never officially recognized.

The attorney also dove into the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, noting it was “designed to prevent the state from creating a state religion.” Butterfield added, “Quite frankly, this country has a long and varied history of government participating with religious communities in this country.”

He said America’s founders would never have viewed prayers between police chaplains and community leaders as violating the First Amendment.

In the end, Butterfield believes Ocala will win.

“I think that, ultimately, the city’s going to prevail [at] either the district court, or the 11th Circuit, or ultimately the Supreme Court,” he said, adding he thinks a court will say the vigil was a “welcome participation of government officials with religious communities in their town to come together after this tragic event and support each other.”

For now, the legal battle will forge on in the lower courts.


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48ce54 No.18481690

File: 880ee029512a271⋯.png (386.64 KB,635x513,635:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed9e24 No.18481691

File: acb25143d76ba33⋯.jpeg (235.4 KB,1200x1200,1:1,426AC649_05F9_4632_96C2_E….jpeg)

Hi Chuck remember me

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69f158 No.18481692

File: add9c42ae2d7b27⋯.png (922.54 KB,1366x768,683:384,00117_e.png)

Time for a Q & A as promised Sir

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6a5f47 No.18481693


He also built the #1 Ukrainian money laundering bank, that also held the Burisma and Hunter Biden et al's accounts.

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093f10 No.18481694


>Privat was once owned by Kolomoisky

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1e0046 No.18481695

Now anons are getting to the part of the war that will topple them - the money part.

No bucks, no Buck Rogers.

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11f691 No.18481696

would this apply to samsung tablets or just phones?



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029d52 No.18481697

File: 46038289ea14829⋯.jpg (150.89 KB,629x611,629:611,georgia_guidestones_destro….jpg)


>We do appear to be seeing a total 100-year repeat, almost like they do it for fun

I hope not, because if it is, then who is their new hitler patsy?

The one who promises retribution?

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4fad85 No.18481698

Brietbart also reports today that $276 Billion was lost to fraud during the COVID bailouts.


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4c0b56 No.18481699


FDIC reported themselves that they only hold $0.70 for every $100 insured in their last meeting Nov 2022. I will sauce momentarily.

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029d52 No.18481700


>$276 Billion was lost to fraud during the COVID bailouts

there were rap songs about it

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56f53e No.18481701

File: 8bbf6e5a7dd7b25⋯.png (300.62 KB,529x545,529:545,8bbf6e5a7dd7b2545aa5e9f8d9….png)

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abed1a No.18481702

File: c110d58a71ceed5⋯.png (316.54 KB,630x480,21:16,c110d58a71ceed5e32be3a5e3d….png)

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f1317b No.18481703

The Breads have been awsome the past couple days!

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0a16ef No.18481704


>Archangel Michael

The original mess with the best - die like the rest.

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759d18 No.18481705

File: b2fb2aa1a813390⋯.png (61.82 KB,598x593,598:593,ClipboardImage.png)


I saved this one.

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56f53e No.18481706

File: 77b89f5bd2d3ba3⋯.gif (416.88 KB,222x250,111:125,35a80d1e709fed7d33ab07859b….gif)

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f12b78 No.18481707


Sounds the same as giving in to terrorism demands, or paying ransom.

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85b32c No.18481708

File: f279451160c1a40⋯.mp4 (9.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,4QE4nhLXR_ao_ykS.mp4)


@RepMattGaetz: "How did it feel when you found out that you were being expressly targetedby a government document based on your reporting?"



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556357 No.18481709


this is why they tanked SVB first

because they can only afford to bail out the rich venture capitalists

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093f10 No.18481710

File: e7d909e1377e4b0⋯.png (924.04 KB,1993x1068,1993:1068,ClipboardImage.png)

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11f691 No.18481711


days ago


#18469538 at 2023-03-08 21:23:56 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #22647: 'Tis the Season for #Treason Edition

I hardly ever remeber my dreams.

Today, I woke up remebering.

Saw childhood street live next to train tracks, looked down block length of tracks after realizing grass was really soggy, said hi to a few guys working on car on street, looked again down length of block and saw water coming up and exploding tearing up tracks like you see in old godzilla movies, starting running to warn sister as she had back to me next to our front door, I keep saying her name and she would not turn around and I woke up.



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2b0d47 No.18481712

File: d77d5e84cabef15⋯.png (93.13 KB,676x645,676:645,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44a070400ba3c64⋯.png (101.17 KB,686x652,343:326,ClipboardImage.png)

Former CEO Of Medical Device Company Indicted For Creating And Selling A Fake Medical Component That Was Implanted Into Patients

Medical Device Company Admitted Wrongdoing and Entered into Non-Prosecution Agreement Requiring $10 Million Monetary Penalty and Ongoing Compliance Measures


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808fd9 No.18481713

File: f481b79981c32eb⋯.mp4 (800.82 KB,1280x534,640:267,Demolition_Man_Contact_Fre….mp4)

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323525 No.18481715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0a16ef No.18481716


Smart. Like the Nephilim, the Elioud are exceptional in both ability and wickedness.

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e9f281 No.18481717


[Jhn 10:27-30 KJV] 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which gave [them] me, is greater than all; and no [man] is able to pluck [them] out of my Father's hand. 30 I and [my] Father are one.

[Rom 8:38-39 KJV] 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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11f691 No.18481718




Anonymous 03/08/23 (Wed) 14:06:486d746d (1) No.18469474>>18469496 >>18469538


I had a dream the earth was breaking open in front of me as I was trying to navigate over the broken pieces

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bbd740 No.18481720

File: 1d801b706561691⋯.jpg (19.55 KB,255x255,1:1,3d1598780045cbb074a3133b06….jpg)

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5fb10d No.18481722

File: f595b637ea78609⋯.jpg (86.88 KB,564x875,564:875,f595b637ea786094c07e29b329….jpg)

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347daf No.18481723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> “So you’re in this as a threesome?”

(Taibbi and Shellenberger)

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463b92 No.18481724


yeah……-no sauce required, the fine print is not there to help you.

criminals run America.

Its not the people.

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11f691 No.18481725

pb shit erging to be true




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1e0046 No.18481726


^^^^^^^^^^^^ Notable anon opine

Notable because that's exactly it - [They] will find a way to bail out the ESG and BLM capitalists.

Well done anon. This is fucking profound as hell.

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56f53e No.18481727

File: 6938fc1e1354925⋯.jpg (106.59 KB,794x1024,397:512,6938fc1e1354925cf4a129cff1….jpg)

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7a26e7 No.18481728

>>18480575 (pb)

If you are a normal person who has less that 250k invested - in any one specific investment, then the gov will bail you out. If you are deep-state - with many millions invested - so solly muther-fuker…

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68a778 No.18481729

I feel like all the leaders of the world are conspiring with psyops so that when they let everything collapse, a bunch of the population will see it as an opportunity and be easily organized by "new" "saviors"

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48ce54 No.18481730

File: 4cf71442c523a03⋯.png (133.27 KB,543x605,543:605,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e24c0 No.18481731

File: 8568c1b8e793485⋯.png (472.72 KB,597x900,199:300,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3cf52 No.18481733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eb6633 No.18481734

When I was young, I remember that my life was better.

Going to church, say hey to people, farming. Hard, poor but what I live now, it is like fucking hell.

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0a16ef No.18481735

File: 980809ea6f947be⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,854x472,427:236,Bernie_Sanders_Capitalist_….mp4)


I thought all Jews were smart until he came along.

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56f53e No.18481736

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b775ef No.18481737

File: cab399dde47a1a9⋯.png (603.21 KB,640x403,640:403,ClipboardImage.png)


They have not selected their "Hero".

Or they have not given a hero to the masses.

I believe that will fail miserably though.

Short of Raising the Dead their Moshiach (Messiah) will be a complete and total political failure.

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471de9 No.18481738

File: 04d0f1dbff3c5d2⋯.png (362.26 KB,600x440,15:11,04d0f1dbff3c5d2025b1258825….png)

It's a shame for his injuries but he's nothing but a fake news hero. They're milking his struggles to maintain the illusion.

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f1317b No.18481739

File: 3a87f330df4798d⋯.gif (2.99 MB,540x270,2:1,j65h7jh7fdg.gif)

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759d18 No.18481740

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80bf8e No.18481741

File: ea89e4602ef31d3⋯.png (500.24 KB,720x587,720:587,ea89e4602ef31d39d50d3edaac….png)

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85b32c No.18481742

File: 2cbc50379d2d745⋯.mp4 (5.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,Sc2aJRaEKUGSod5N.mp4)


.@ShellenbergerMD onDr. Jayanta Bhattacharya and other doctors and scientists being blacklisted/censored for Covid "disinformation": "This is East Germany, Stasi kind of behavior." https://t.co/mAxbr0rHXD

I like these short cips


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b76a18 No.18481743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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11f691 No.18481744

<Feels like a flood is coming






▶ Anonymous 03/08/23 (Wed) 13:54:13b914a3 (15) No.18469414>>18469427 >>18469461 >>18469474


I had the most fucked up dream not too long ago, it was a group of people showing me/telling me that my life over the past 14 years has been filmed & used in different ways without my knowledge but somehow it is legal. And when I asked when it will be stopped & I will be formally told/freed, they told me it all depends on the Judge & she hates me, so I shouldn't expect anything.

It was such a weird dream that made me feel icky only because I could actually believe it. That something so fucked up & terrible could be continued all because of some dumb bitch judge who doesn't understand how to keep feelings out of cases.

Acts 2:17 In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on ...

Bible Hub

https://biblehub.com › acts

Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. ... And it will be in ......

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f1317b No.18481745


Wrong in the head. kek

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91f769 No.18481746


If we truly have everything we need, looking back at history in 100 year intervals would shed some light on whether or not the DS/cabal sticks to the same/similar script each time.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to trust words written by another individual from so long ago as clearly those in the forefront would be DS/cabal endorsed.

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4a2392 No.18481747

File: 0e399f79be77254⋯.png (13.87 KB,586x164,293:82,5.png)



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f12b78 No.18481748

File: f44d82795b44721⋯.jpg (231.78 KB,2048x1423,2048:1423,Screenshot_2023_03_07_1837….jpg)

File: fd5be16c44b7bfc⋯.jpg (218.62 KB,2048x1414,1024:707,Screenshot_2023_03_10_1423….jpg)

Per new bankruptcy filing, BlockFi has $227m in Silicon Valley Bank. The bankruptcy trustee warned them on Mon that bc those funds are in a money market mutual fund, they’re not FDIC secured — which could be a prblm w/ keeping in compliance of bankruptcy law

(BlockFi was an FTX investor)


(Anon is not sure if right source, urging caution.)


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56f53e No.18481749

File: 29db0e45e610672⋯.png (24.47 KB,225x224,225:224,29db0e45e61067263b9a273c2b….png)

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1e0046 No.18481750

anon request - monitor bloomberg cnbc forbes marketwatch etc - look to see - are cartel members freaked out over SVB? Whining? Comfy? Neutral?

Looking for clues to what this is doing to Cabal ops.

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1ed506 No.18481751

File: 45ad8af79b2deae⋯.png (434.85 KB,1000x542,500:271,45ad8af79b2deaef36e15f4a15….png)


sketchy story

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5483a9 No.18481752

File: 5df09686d2ca409⋯.png (3.11 MB,2880x1800,8:5,Screen_Shot_2021_07_05_at_….png)

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347daf No.18481753


>would this apply to samsung tablets or just phones?

Anyone qualified to answer Tech-Tard anons question?

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48ce54 No.18481754


I can't help bet see the glans of a penis when I look at his head.

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8e24c0 No.18481755

File: a5db5abb9cdf9f4⋯.png (80.51 KB,849x658,849:658,ClipboardImage.png)

How long do they keep Jimmy Carter on ice?


ATLANTA (Feb. 18, 2023) — After a series of short hospital stays, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention.

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4c0b56 No.18481756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>18127090 (pb)

>>18127098 (pb)


This is perhaps the best evidence I have seen that there are about to intentionally, knowingly, collapse the US Financial system and currency.

This was the last FDIC meeting of 2022, from November. They are strategizing their messaging and timing of the activation of incoming, wholesale bank bail ins (from all creditors, aka bank depositors) in the United States, and how to message the public for when they initiate the actions of Title I and Title II of the U.S. GSIB resolution plan of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (aka the 'solution' for the 'Collpase').

"The message will go out on a Friday Night" - FDIC risk attorney


<25 min

Full FDIC Video

>3 hours: http://fdic.windrosemedia.com/index.php?category=Systemic+Resolution+Advisory+Committee

FDIC: Selections from the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act


FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliams announced her resignation on Friday after warning that Democrats had launched a “hostile takeover” of the agency.

McWilliams resigned in an open letter addressed to President Biden.

McWilliams was appointed to the position in 2018 by President Donald Trump.

“When I immigrated to this country 30 years ago, I did so with a firm belief in the American system of government. During my tenure at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the United States Senate, and the FDIC, I have developed a deep appreciation for these venerable institutions and their traditions. It has been a tremendous honor to serve this nation, and I did not take a single day for granted. Throughout my public service, I have been constantly reminded how blessed we are to live in the United States of America,” the letter stated.

In December, McWilliams published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal titled, “A Hostile Takeover of the FDIC.”

“Of the 20 chairmen who preceded me at the FDIC, nine faced a majority of the board members from the opposing party, including Mr. Gruenberg as chairman under President Trump until I replaced him as chairman in 2018,” McWilliams wrote. “Never before has a majority of the board attempted to circumvent the chairman to pursue their own agenda.”

“This conflict isn’t about bank mergers. If it were, board members would have been willing to work with me and the FDIC staff rather than attempt a hostile takeover of the FDIC internal processes, staff and board agenda.”

McWilliams’ resignation will go into effect on February 4.


FDIC Chair Resigns, Warns Democrats Launching 'Hostile Takeover' (thegatewaypundit.com)

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11f691 No.18481757

come on man

you know 2023 it is re-labelled as



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725972 No.18481758

File: f4a60d669420373⋯.png (545.49 KB,588x612,49:51,ClipboardImage.png)


I had forgotten how incredibly punchable Barney Frank is

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56f53e No.18481759

File: 0961eb3d6b1dc76⋯.gif (192.73 KB,800x371,800:371,096.gif)

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0a16ef No.18481760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not as bad as I felt when you said you had the HB laptop. Gave to Congress. For over a year now! And did nothing.

"That is astonishing to me" - Faggot.

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4c0b56 No.18481761

File: 812310cae8989b2⋯.png (44.24 KB,985x587,985:587,t543.PNG)

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e9f281 No.18481762


I hear ya.

My career of 30 years was stolen from me by fucking liars in the US.gov.

I thoroughly enjoyed working and earning an honest paycheck vice twiddling my thumbs for almost 4 years now. Oh well life goes on. Better days ahead.

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b775ef No.18481763


They were censoring, world respected Medical Journals that every Doctor is familiar with.

They were trying to kill as many as possible. The Evidence is crystal Clear.

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fd0ea5 No.18481764


They already got the scam

17 or 18. They passed a law to take

Retirement funds

Need us crabby old fucks few

Up my ass cause I ain't gettin money

From them

Want to know how I live.

With out their help….

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1e0046 No.18481765


You're no alone anon. o7

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68a778 No.18481766

2 years after main lockdown year finished, 2023, pain, a collapse that can be blamed as a "delayed result of lockdowns and tipped over by Russian aggression and add'l outbreaks".. We'll go into 2024 in a dire economic situation.. Trump will be re-elected… Other world governments will have parallel habbenings.. Bolsonaro will go back to Brazil, Imran Khan will regain power in Pakistan.. CIA and others will be "dismantled" while agencies with some of the same people are exalted. Brave new world, "Gesara/Nesara" fake gold-backed digital currency implemented.

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5fb10d No.18481767

File: 91a457e33e49477⋯.png (135.81 KB,900x622,450:311,91a457e33e4947746a25c3fdbe….png)


that whole hearing wuz like that.

effn dems were unreal

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556357 No.18481768


remember their slogan

"You will own nothing."

so don't sweat it

there are people who paid off their mortgages whose properties will still be confiscated

if you owe, look at it as 'winning'

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56f53e No.18481769

File: f178a6504661aa8⋯.png (441.87 KB,500x903,500:903,f178a6504661aa8a3b9b9edad7….png)

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096ae2 No.18481771

File: 00339f65f3dfd82⋯.png (3.61 KB,454x122,227:61,xtn.png)

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f1317b No.18481772

File: 522465b7fe8e3d5⋯.png (108.24 KB,401x331,401:331,ClipboardImage.png)


I can see it.

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f12b78 No.18481773

File: cee7c73ac05ffa9⋯.jpg (67.35 KB,895x323,895:323,Screenshot_2023_03_10_1516….jpg)

Tech CEO with millions in Silicon Valley Bank: 'Innovation in the startup world is bleeding today'


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11f691 No.18481774

File: 80a323a39c7127c⋯.jpg (5.7 KB,200x252,50:63,download_1_.jpg)

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a5af27 No.18481775


how old are you, anon. no sarcasm, just wondering… i'm not having much fun, either, atm.

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4c0b56 No.18481776




#18127566 at 2023-01-12 02:14:42 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #22223: So Many Decodes, Not Enough Digs! Edition


they also mention how they have had dedicated resources specifically dedicated to this coming event for over ten years in the planning, roll-out, and operational delivery capacities. meeting was the last fdic board meeting from Nov 2022

#18127506 at 2023-01-12 02:05:08 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #22223: So Many Decodes, Not Enough Digs! Edition


it is one of their media sites for live streaming. linked from fdic site here https://www.fdic.gov/news/

be advised, it is over 3.5 hours. but it is VERY explicit in what they are about to do re:

Title I and Title II of the U.S. GSIB resolution plan of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

with slides and discussion around their authority, requiring of ALL banks to have TWO 'living wills'- one for public and one private, bail ins, public messaging vs. 'key stakeholder messaging', timing, etc…

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56f53e No.18481777

File: 5cbc598b00df7a6⋯.jpg (181.23 KB,1728x910,864:455,MLP_memes_feat.jpg)

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629ea7 No.18481778

what goes on here?

53°12'49.59"N 9°52'39.00"E

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c774bf No.18481779

corrupt societal artifices/pillars, then again society is only a partial substitute for the natural environment of human beings.

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11f691 No.18481780


should have worn sunscreen or a hat


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59e383 No.18481781

File: 27c087d28d22362⋯.jpg (41.18 KB,401x398,401:398,0bacfddf1d0f4caf.jpg)

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f1317b No.18481782

File: 571b5e8d7b6fdcd⋯.png (1.18 MB,1013x704,1013:704,ClipboardImage.png)

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556357 No.18481783


or kept the foreskin

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1e0046 No.18481784


The tech startup cash in SVB was only available to BLM members and if you took SVB startup money you had to agree with the 'equity and diversity' goals to close the deal.

SVB was the ESG / BLM startup flagship.

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682c8f No.18481785

File: c58a2684f2c4795⋯.png (74.36 KB,681x713,681:713,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffb242142b00c26⋯.pdf (7.33 MB,Stargate_CIA_report_with_m….pdf)



>>18481635 me

Also me:

Jessie Czebotar says the Cathy Fox blog is legit. Jessie also does not think elon is a good guy. None of the whistleblowers I've spoken to say he is a good guy.

This whistleblower says:

*Elon Musk used to be called El Elyon, which Shalom Girl says means God Most High in Hebrew.

*Shalom girl asked one of the circle Imelda “Is he the antichrist?” She received the answer “No, but he will present the mark, and when you see him do that the antichrist will take the stage”

*She says Elon will lead the great deception

Maye Musk was at Shalom girls birth and named her Rosemary

*She says that although Elon’s grandfather, I think (Dr. Joshua Norman? Haldemann) was announced dead he was a scientist working on all sorts of Nazi MK Ultra projects

*She thinks Maye Musk was CIA, arrested in Manson round up.

*Shaloms mother was head Madam of San Franscisco

*Shaloms Mother was taking TV’s to Charlie Manson, to buy off people to help Manson create chaos armies?

*She was also sent to be a housegirl to other people at hospital

The first part is about stargates and portals but Jessie says the DoD is who trains them on how to use them. She has a video out there showing people how to locate n use them and says this is top clearance she is declassifying.

I have not listened to it. Don't shoot. "We have to open it to know what's in it." DoD trained aquino and brennan too. She trained under michael karcoc.



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5fb10d No.18481786


When Q says

These People are Stupid

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11f691 No.18481787


>Better days ahead.


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4a2392 No.18481788

File: e5452f5069c92cf⋯.png (157.36 KB,587x768,587:768,7.png)

File: 525c14f4614217f⋯.jpg (40.99 KB,680x674,340:337,7_pic.jpg)

BREAKING 🚨 Roku stock down after saying that 26% of its cash and cash equivalents were held at Silicon Valley Bank and “does not know to what extent the Company will be able to recover its cash on deposit at SVB.” - CNBC


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b775ef No.18481789


Systemic Destruction of those capable of any form of Rebellion or Resistance.

Everywhere you look, the media tells the masses "Dont believe your lying eyes."

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8f6731 No.18481790



Is there a link to this?

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0a16ef No.18481791


Nice job adding the upside down cross. You desecrated my holy mug. Asshole.

Yes may the wicked all burn in hell. God and I are on the same page with that. Read the bible fuckstick.

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f1317b No.18481792


It would be like a giant eyelid for his face.

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8e24c0 No.18481793

File: c9f6c1b1b2183ae⋯.png (250.07 KB,726x263,726:263,ClipboardImage.png)

No Opposition?

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fe6037 No.18481794

File: 04f324a5252a5f8⋯.mp4 (7.35 MB,640x640,1:1,Trump_17_compilation.mp4)

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b775ef No.18481795

File: 3e97ff36f3960a5⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x360,16:9,shit_blizzard.mp4)

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808fd9 No.18481796



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84df89 No.18481797

File: d99cb01d39d2e4f⋯.png (432.87 KB,600x500,6:5,19rp6y.png)

File: cfb82cb002d9af5⋯.png (310.25 KB,514x500,257:250,19rqp6.png)

File: 6d899f5edb82f15⋯.png (631.66 KB,771x600,257:200,RPkQ3PG.png)


His pronouns are


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48ce54 No.18481798

File: 2b2f21a32c3178c⋯.png (796.94 KB,900x832,225:208,157_1574429_meme_pepethefr….png)


sounds notable to me.

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fd0ea5 No.18481799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Surf hell

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bbd740 No.18481800

File: c19035ef4c9b9e8⋯.png (244.5 KB,710x1572,355:786,30.png)

File: 97a7d75ad70e8ff⋯.png (8.35 KB,255x191,255:191,f68e36a6fe7f6e1281da7f3a53….png)


done in 30

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d3a0a4 No.18481801

File: 8607c0bea7878fd⋯.png (348.77 KB,622x446,311:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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f12b78 No.18481802

File: f4ca4aab309bd11⋯.jpg (86.93 KB,893x256,893:256,Screenshot_2023_03_10_1516….jpg)


And now the Federal Government just took possession of it.

Asset Forfeiture cover-up, perhaps?


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516932 No.18481803

File: a1a24f021596119⋯.jpg (8.51 KB,80x109,80:109,gsdcf.JPG)

File: 659deaceb17d22e⋯.jpg (19.02 KB,474x576,79:96,th_3012327482.jpg)


That face though.

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cf04ba No.18481804

File: 6d85366d983143f⋯.png (603.17 KB,537x496,537:496,mbs.PNG)


nostradamus predicated that when mabus dies suddenly, wwiii will break out

century 2 quatrain 62

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f1317b No.18481805

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347daf No.18481806


>would this apply to samsung tablets or just phones?

Anyone qualified to answer Tech-Tard anons question?

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a60fa5 No.18481807


You are absolutely a homo!

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19db28 No.18481808

File: 5a215572b368a0a⋯.png (417.91 KB,1246x841,1246:841,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e24c0 No.18481809

File: cdc576f6ccb3cf4⋯.png (313.93 KB,1100x608,275:152,ClipboardImage.png)



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4c0b56 No.18481810

File: f3c2757b754cd87⋯.png (51.37 KB,1012x657,1012:657,hyteh.PNG)

File: b07192adb0b03b3⋯.png (120.27 KB,1000x729,1000:729,de.PNG)

File: 14f57745885424a⋯.png (130.83 KB,1003x645,1003:645,gwtfre.PNG)

File: e7b36fa35c84d2e⋯.png (100.81 KB,1013x657,1013:657,gtre.PNG)

File: 83e8948172eb97a⋯.pdf (144.05 KB,2020_10_01_resolution_fram….pdf)


>U.S. GSIB resolution plan


==Resolution Framework for Global

Systemically Important Banks- FDIC==


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48ce54 No.18481811


Well, it's actually right side up, but the girl in the night gown gets possessed and the cross on the wall turns upside down on the wall.

It's supposed to be a Heat Activated Painted Mug, when you put coffee in it, the girl pukes and the cross spins around.

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4ee33f No.18481812


Shit hit the fan quick

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f84e6e No.18481813

File: 5ed5d9f9a74b845⋯.png (918.47 KB,1114x692,557:346,5ed5d9f9a74b845b63294091d1….png)



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55a802 No.18481814

File: bd37fcce9370532⋯.png (335.56 KB,736x552,4:3,NM635365346534.png)

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587aa3 No.18481815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b4e547 No.18481816

File: 9caec7c20a4069a⋯.png (392.53 KB,487x650,487:650,ClipboardImage.png)

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56f53e No.18481817

File: 301b04269863368⋯.jpeg (81.44 KB,690x693,230:231,301b042698633682991ab0d21….jpeg)




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4c0b56 No.18481818

File: e8c39684914b47d⋯.png (136.82 KB,1024x675,1024:675,gbfgbvdfcsdx.PNG)

File: 786bd4ab6868b55⋯.png (144.77 KB,1020x650,102:65,bdfvd.PNG)

File: ec93ec6fdf64eaa⋯.png (133.13 KB,992x704,31:22,bgfd.PNG)

File: d115b17308d2db4⋯.png (126.26 KB,1006x723,1006:723,bgfvsdc.PNG)

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430cb5 No.18481819


Nice dream, I’ll wake you up in 2024.

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48ce54 No.18481820


Biden needs support for WWIII.

Biden is going to declare war with China…SOON!

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1e0046 No.18481821

Q said this is a movie.

>SVB, SBF, ESG, BLM, Big Tech solvency

Do you see it now?

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8f6731 No.18481822




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682c8f No.18481823

File: 6dbaab5d010f20a⋯.png (3.13 MB,1800x1286,900:643,elon_2.png)

File: eadc8938caa8d5e⋯.png (31.43 KB,619x345,619:345,elon3.png)

File: 4b4aaf2ffb061e1⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,426x234,71:39,kash_elon_dod.mp4)

File: 6453f7e8c9d331b⋯.png (957 KB,960x960,1:1,elon_musk_f_g.png)

File: 6812953dee62b38⋯.png (269.74 KB,630x572,315:286,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fb10d No.18481824

File: c9a0dcdac0d8fb9⋯.png (141.71 KB,878x693,878:693,ff0776a6cfa0cf74cb04158c45….PNG)


listened to the whole thing

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556357 No.18481825


not asset forfeiture

they will bail out the corporations, VC firms and high net worth individuals

to maintain everyone's faith in the 'system'

all the regular folks will keep their assets in banks as the collapse unfolds

those folks will not receive bailouts

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8c685d No.18481826


>I think it goes up by 4-fold iirc

Wow, inflation is harsh. Last time it only doubled.


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4a2392 No.18481827

File: 07bd2926cedac2f⋯.png (14.16 KB,595x168,85:24,8.png)

NEW 🚨 Eruption alert on Alaska’s Tanaga Volcano raised after hundreds of earthquakes detected


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c774bf No.18481828

File: 470aee0d6d86184⋯.jpg (38.93 KB,521x460,521:460,hit_fan.jpg)

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b4e547 No.18481829

File: 29cf5d28214e0bd⋯.png (328.19 KB,487x650,487:650,ClipboardImage.png)

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7060b7 No.18481830

File: 2cdadfc35d322de⋯.png (361.17 KB,622x460,311:230,ad441f066e4a6fe03dbd0f4b53….png)


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8e24c0 No.18481831

File: c733fc3955439f3⋯.png (774.65 KB,1140x580,57:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b263b1cb38cbae6⋯.png (4.04 MB,2000x1334,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbd6859a4718f61⋯.png (2.79 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

Feb 13, 2023 — Chuck Schumer has become a grandfather for the third time.

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59e383 No.18481832

File: 95ae91e165ce237⋯.png (756.13 KB,990x1105,198:221,b71df649389d998a004179d3ff….png)

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556357 No.18481833


it absolutely is a movie

with a very dark ending

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1ed506 No.18481834

File: 0ad8883323b8528⋯.jpg (190.58 KB,640x640,1:1,0ad8883323b8528a14e7b51a9f….jpg)


Disney patent infringement.

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eb6633 No.18481835

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4a2392 No.18481836



Probably not

It's probably the DS trying to cover their tracks if SVB was acting as a money laundering bank.

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0a16ef No.18481837


Got me thinking. All that money had to have been transferred to another bank. I'm sure they knew the Russians were coming.

Another sting operation like the 2020 election? 🤡 Transaction tracking. TX. FTX. With the proper tools you can do anything.

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85b32c No.18481838


Yes they were and still are. What’s interesting a watched a video about month or two months in Covid 2020, Dr. Jay had done testing in one large CA county. He was researching and tested the contagiousness and danger of the virus. His results were, its not very dangerous, but its very contagious. His estimates at that time that 75% of population had already had covid and had natural immunity. This was really early on, no one listened to him, he is a WW highly respected doctor/researcher from Stanford for many years. Can you imagine being one of these doctors McCoulluh, Malone, Kory, him and 100s of 1000s of others WW, being cancelled, eliminated, shut down, disrespected and the world deprived of their real experience of knowledge?

And Fauci is still out there laughing his ass off!

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a60fa5 No.18481839


Yes! Today especially! Said earlier the ENTIRE bread should be NOTABLE

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fc48f7 No.18481840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A talk with Miodrag Zarković (journalist) - 9 pm (Lisbon time)/00 (Moscow time)

Miodrag Zarković is a veteran journalist from Serbia with over 25 years of experience and is also a documentary filmmaker. Presently in #Donetsk, he has been sharing the reality on the ground for years, mainly in the Donbass, and he has also been disclosing important information allowing people to understand Western interference and the ways it has impacted on Russia geopolitical situation.


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1c2892 No.18481841

File: 79f9579b3d919ce⋯.jpg (72.13 KB,920x506,20:11,seinfeld.jpg)

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b4e547 No.18481842

File: 23ebcc4997507d7⋯.png (656.68 KB,650x650,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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56f53e No.18481843

File: ccd7f4a61a2b3db⋯.gif (328.27 KB,384x384,1:1,SarcasticCourageousCaudata….gif)

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587aa3 No.18481844


Notables coming soon


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bedb32 No.18481845

black gay movie wins Oscar

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f1317b No.18481846

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48ce54 No.18481847

File: 2297790421d4d03⋯.png (265.93 KB,619x411,619:411,ClipboardImage.png)


I will start…

feel free to add as the dominoes fall.

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1e0046 No.18481848


I'm monitoring the financial pages and seeing not a bit of concern. WTH?

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556357 No.18481849


Ron Watkins' closet?

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471de9 No.18481850

File: c0427e0f9366a64⋯.png (1 MB,1013x1013,1:1,c0427e0f9366a64785646f07ea….png)



That was a good year, BV. o7

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eb6633 No.18481851


control and stop evolution.

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4c0b56 No.18481852


when thy initiate the actions of Title I and Title II of the U.S. GSIB resolution plan of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (aka the 'solution' for the 'Collpase').

notable fdic role

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f1317b No.18481853


Great notables and superior funny shit.

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48ce54 No.18481854

File: e12895a4be56a4c⋯.png (131.66 KB,398x435,398:435,ObamaPulpFiction.png)

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6b0ba2 No.18481855

File: 0bb4160eaf4125b⋯.png (4.59 MB,3142x1414,1571:707,nightshiftstealth2.png)

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b4e547 No.18481856

File: cb9d94585ba8d29⋯.png (472.03 KB,650x487,650:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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556357 No.18481857


panic suppression

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0a16ef No.18481858


That's not even clever on any level including creative or humor. Now that I know it's you I can call it what is is. Pathetic. Like you.

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bedb32 No.18481859


dealer's choice!

what % are Jewish?

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56f53e No.18481860

File: ec59ac343459add⋯.jpg (55.89 KB,564x963,188:321,3b5787c8d800b4a6c8af9fc483….jpg)

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f84e6e No.18481861

File: 86998f13edbdf9a⋯.png (884.18 KB,1242x962,621:481,86998f13edbdf9a9b5787f3a96….png)

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552bc7 No.18481862

Washington DC needs to surrender to the American people.

I want to see a white flags flying in DC supporting their surrender to the American people.

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84df89 No.18481863

File: 5409b4c19efab04⋯.png (28.92 KB,390x657,130:219,plan_fac.png)


Chinese Naval Bases


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bbd740 No.18481864

File: 53ceeae9822a335⋯.jpg (80.94 KB,800x600,4:3,Nortel_T7316_Telephone.jpg)

File: 624a3b74c85c036⋯.png (7.89 KB,348x145,12:5,images_3_.png)

File: 184cd4beb3df8c9⋯.jpg (148.21 KB,890x501,890:501,MW_FE372_nortel_2017012417….jpg)

File: 322dab44b8c7461⋯.webp (76.29 KB,1200x788,300:197,nortelicarus.webp)

File: 5da9da7e885e7f9⋯.jpeg (9.85 KB,225x225,1:1,images_2023_03_10T175801_….jpeg)


connect the dots eh. blackberry in same city. took rcmp ten years to get the ccp bugs out of the wall to new headquarters after bankruptcy.

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471de9 No.18481865

File: 09d971071adea56⋯.png (265.67 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Do they speak Hope and Change in What?

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682c8f No.18481866

File: b1dee27bee2d690⋯.png (1.56 MB,977x1273,977:1273,ClipboardImage.png)

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b4e547 No.18481867

File: 3fdd30c066f7893⋯.png (781.37 KB,790x756,395:378,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a2392 No.18481868


They are trying to reduce panic

You probably will not see very much concern until Monday when the stock market opens back up for trading and its too late to try some emergency mitigation.

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eb6633 No.18481869


b/c you can't risk to see the ship wake up, b/c they are larger in numbers.

So this is why I pray that a fucking asteroid to come and destroy this planet, and set free 7bil souls, so we can go all together and ask questions.

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bfa55e No.18481870

File: ed097d4a16bd91e⋯.png (377.85 KB,437x717,437:717,ClipboardImage.png)

China citizens told to find shelter after it looked like it started to rain worms

Follow @insiderpaper


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fd0ea5 No.18481871


Go back to book burning in the 30s

See who was involved

Were any snakes in disguise ?

Look like same shit

Different pile

All marketing.

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a60fa5 No.18481872


It’s all fabricated to make the jew doctors rich!

It’s very easy to see!

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4fad85 No.18481873


'start up'

one of the great scams.

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85b32c No.18481874


Yeah they both giggled, these people in Congress are really stupid. About 2002 i turned on cspan and watched congressional black leaders get up and talk and I shouted out, “these people are literally stupid, how can they be in congress?” Thats why I don’t trust Congress, senators are a tad better except for Sanders, he’s the worst maybe.

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8e24c0 No.18481875

File: f27150eb7e12b28⋯.png (27.16 KB,606x406,303:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02ccc0676c08940⋯.png (493.76 KB,766x641,766:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2feb9a69bc050ee⋯.png (49.8 KB,814x567,814:567,ClipboardImage.png)


List of failed banks: 2009-2023


12 min read Published March 10, 2023

Written by Matthew Goldberg

Edited by Nell McPherson

The Bankrate promise

At Bankrate we strive to help you make smarter financial decisions. While we adhere to strict , this post may contain references to products from our partners. Here's an explanation for .

The second longest streak without a bank failure is over.

Silicon Valley Bank failed today, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC).

It’s not unusual for at least a few U.S. banks to fail in any given year, so the current stretch of more than 800 days is worth noting.

Before today, the last time a bank backed by the FDIC failed was Oct. 23, 2020, when Almena State Bank closed.

U.S. bank failures

Longest periods between U.S. bank failures since 1933

Previous bank failure Bank failure Days since previous bank failure

June 25, 2004 Feb. 2, 2007 951

Oct. 23, 2020 March 10, 2023 867

Jan. 13, 1945 Sept. 14, 1946 608

Dec. 15, 2017 May 31, 2019 531

Aug. 16, 1996 Nov. 21, 1997 461

Feb. 19, 1962 May 24, 1963 458

May 26, 1953 Aug. 9, 1954 439

Source: FDIC

Generally, a failure occurs when a bank becomes insolvent, meaning it lacks the funds to cover all of its customers’ deposits and the money it owes to others, according to the FDIC.

Bank failures aren’t uncommon; a few typically happen each year. So it’s rare for there to be years like 2022, 2021, 2018, 2006 or 2005, when there were no banks closed.

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2e1908 No.18481876


Objective complete?

Wheels in motion now.


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eb6633 No.18481877

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b4e547 No.18481878

File: dde78c4e8350e5e⋯.png (394.25 KB,790x790,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a5f47 No.18481879

Thirteenth Amendment

Section 1

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.


Pre-trial/conviction incarceration is unconstitutional.

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98603f No.18481880

File: 98f3364678246b4⋯.png (970.94 KB,649x932,649:932,ClipboardImage.png)


>3:11 ][ 11.3 (length of clip)

JC as JC

322223 would dmake a prettier D.O.T. palindrome.

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56f53e No.18481881

File: 9c424ca64e37b05⋯.jpg (44.87 KB,550x413,550:413,145a535c0c504e9da758d428a3….jpg)

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682c8f No.18481882


Do you want us to say that the world is a much better place because of you and we are glad you are breathing's God's air?

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1ed506 No.18481883

File: 4776b0d06a55a6e⋯.png (528.06 KB,863x613,863:613,4776b0d06a55a6e611faf59d50….png)

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725972 No.18481884

File: 1a3d4bd7b09143f⋯.png (324.39 KB,388x400,97:100,ClipboardImage.png)


>That was a good year, BV

Indeed it was

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db3c0f No.18481885

we are really fucked

The financial system has just hit a telephone pole and the paramedics are going for the defib

this is going to make 2008 look like a fucking bounced check.

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d3a0a4 No.18481886

File: 4da9598ee6c46ea⋯.png (319.99 KB,598x606,299:303,Screenshot_2023_03_10_at_1….png)

File: eea7d8664621be3⋯.png (159.32 KB,598x576,299:288,Screenshot_2023_03_10_at_2….png)

Fairy Shot


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db3c0f No.18481887


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eac32e No.18481888

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6b0ba2 No.18481889

File: a132738f5189b56⋯.png (1.32 MB,1104x742,552:371,biblical1.png)

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b4e547 No.18481890

File: 0332864cda3f50b⋯.png (700.79 KB,790x1027,10:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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150f0f No.18481891

File: 3fd82bd0ce64698⋯.png (128.27 KB,355x313,355:313,3fd82bd0ce64698eadf6c8f307….png)



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eb6633 No.18481892


good one.

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1ed506 No.18481893

File: 99711d45a0549d1⋯.jpg (393.63 KB,736x552,4:3,99711d45a0549d1a72f8aff8f7….jpg)

Ever been part of "the wave" at a sporting event? Stood up at a show or event and applauded because others were applauding without knowing much about who, or what the clapping was for?

It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation, to go along with the crowd, and use this to propagate unconscious self-replicating social behaviors (fads, trends, crazes) in a culture for purposes of marketing or for social control.

It's common sense that such a phenomenon, ripe for exploitation, is being used by cultist pedovores interested in controlling human behavior – especially the for controlling the future evolution of social and economic systems.

Pop culture is not the organic phenomena it appears, but a curated artificial medium engineered to permit rapid introduction and transmission of contagious, conditioned behaviors like purchasing and to spread psychogenic illnesses, self-destructive sexual fetishes etc.

Cultures where commerce controls media content and where art is used to sell consumer goods also have the capacity to engineer psychological operations which induce delusions and powerful contagious mental illnesses or collective insanities.

Historical incidents and known forms of contagious psychogenic illnesses are described in "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles Mackay.


In recent years, we have seen mysterious maladies proliferate. Recently, American and European psychologists have been tracking the blue whale game, the Momo challenge, the gorilla glue challenge which use guided imagery, occult symbols sigils and glyphs to evoke a psychic dilemma which persuades victim to ice themselves or huff wasp spray. In addition to obvious mind traps like Momo and the Whale, there are similar cognitive exploits which are far more dangerous.

Rothko's basilisk is a logic trap to which a small segment of the population is especially vulnerable -


The evil clowns create both the pathology, “induced contagious, epidemic psychogenic illness” and the psyops which exploit it, constantly.





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556357 No.18481894


"trust the plan"

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8e24c0 No.18481895

File: 130e8a54f354a85⋯.png (13.21 KB,337x555,337:555,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a2392 No.18481896



Q told anons how its gonna be

White Squall movie

The squall part is now, with the banks shit

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eb6633 No.18481897


yoga stuff?

now say "opanana manitoo"……..

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f12b78 No.18481898


So was the, "Crypto Exchange", SBF was running.

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556357 No.18481899


"the end won't be for everyone"

that means you

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2b0d47 No.18481900

EU nation arrests politician for traveling to Russia

Tallinn authorities suspect Aivo Peterson of “anti-Estonian association”

Estonian authorities announced on Friday that politician Aivo Peterson had been arrested on suspicion of activities against the state, along with two other individuals whose names were not released. The Baltic country’s security service detained Peterson in the town of Narva-Joesuu, on the border with Russia.

Two Estonian citizens and one Russian national with permanent residence were detained, Security Police spokesman Harrys Puusepp confirmed to local media, identifying only Peterson by name. Puusepp did not offer any details about the charges against them, saying only that the state prosecutors were investigating them for “creating associations against the Estonian Republic.”

Peterson is a prominent member of Together (known in Estonian as Koos, and in Russian as Vmeste), a leftist political movement advocating the peaceful coexistence of Estonians and Russians. He ran for parliament as a candidate of the Estonian United Left in last week’s election. His arrest amounts to government repression, Together activist Andrey Pozdnyakov told the outlet Postimees.

Estonian outlets, such as Postimees and the state broadcaster ERR, described Peterson as a “pro-Kremlin activist” and accused him of making “pro-Russian statements.”

In late February, Peterson traveled to Russia and a photo of his visit to Donetsk appeared on social media. Interior Minister Lauri Laanemets said that the politician must have collaborated with Russian intelligence in order to get so close to the battlefield, and declared him a security threat to Estonia. Border security reportedly detailed Peterson for several hours on March 6, when he returned from Russia, but eventually released him.

Russian-speakers make up about a quarter of Estonia’s population of 1.3 million. The Baltic state, which is a member of the EU and NATO, has adopted a hard line towards Moscow over the conflict in Ukraine. In recent months, Tallinn has advanced the proposal to curtail Russian-language education, and said even the Ukrainian refugees would need to learn Estonian if they wanted to stay.

The opposition has accused Prime Minister Kaja Kallas of “stealing” the most recent election, which included a day of in-person voting on March 6 after a week of voting online.


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c774bf No.18481901


no recent "modern" remakes of the black and white classics. a bit curious.

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48d084 No.18481902

Blieb, not blieb. I do not give a flying funk.

Right now, the governments of the world are being exposed. Millions of documents are being released, a treasure trove of evidence, enough evidence to bury anyone. This is happening right now.

You will believe me when in the next few days the shit will hit the fan. More and more information is being released as quickly as possible.

All that was once hidden will be exposed for the world to see, and even the media will be complacent, after all, they are the biggest offenders.

You all were promised something years ago, it's time to make good.

Man, even I don't beelieb who I'm talking to in the mirror. It's the truuf.

Funny what a man with the ether can do.

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b4e547 No.18481903

File: 91cd33ff1b5556f⋯.png (651.57 KB,790x977,790:977,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e0046 No.18481904

File: dacc9e2b5e7f0ed⋯.png (701.99 KB,1681x806,1681:806,svbft.png)

File: ffc124d8ad49cf5⋯.png (160.03 KB,1619x876,1619:876,svbwsj.png)

File: 9a15ff564ea988b⋯.png (655.29 KB,1665x928,1665:928,svbforbes.png)

File: 32410da6db7a09e⋯.png (778.92 KB,1722x857,1722:857,svbcnbc.png)

File: 92b86d188c538e4⋯.png (414.3 KB,1752x769,1752:769,svbbloomberg.png)






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f1317b No.18481905


Lighten up, Loretta. Meme makers are all a little off.

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a3eb06 No.18481907


PrivatBank and another are were anon had a time keeping them separated.

But one was Finnish and did lots of laundering of arms money, etc from.Ukraine and the CEO became a dirt torpedo.

PrivatBank was the One anon confused with Alfa but it wasnt.

Privat was once owned by Kolomoisky and that opens up a lot of stuff

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19db28 No.18481908


Slavery/involuntary servitude is not the same thing as incarceration.

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1e0046 No.18481909



That makes a lot of sense for QR too.

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9875fa No.18481910


Is it the experts, or the NWO?

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558a90 No.18481911

File: c60effe6fb22dfb⋯.jpg (116.2 KB,862x485,862:485,NCSWIC_COMFY_AF_BYE_BYE_DE….jpg)

File: d2958cdc53a465b⋯.png (1.14 MB,1461x798,487:266,Wake_Up_Anon_Matrix_Pepe_N….png)

File: b7999542baebe46⋯.png (352.44 KB,508x491,508:491,Dr_Tony_The_Sickle_Fauci_G….png)

Covid-19 was made at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

So Y all the Ridiculous Bullshit about it coming from Wuhan?

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85b32c No.18481912


The funny thing is the guys in back of them cracked up at the threesome question.

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b4e547 No.18481913

File: 76fae6b9d100dcd⋯.jpeg (147.58 KB,1012x1265,4:5,87362266.jpeg)

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6a5f47 No.18481914


Of course it is.

The 13th Amendment is the only legal justification for the Prison Industrial Complex.

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8e24c0 No.18481915


They Have Three Children

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558a90 No.18481916

File: 89e8d449c479554⋯.jpg (109.99 KB,800x612,200:153,FBI_Retards_Active_Shooter….jpg)

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fe6037 No.18481917

File: 31e10a99be77ab1⋯.jpg (71.45 KB,720x717,240:239,apocaloptimist.jpg)

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6b8cc2 No.18481918

File: d1a3e6837531d93⋯.png (4.16 MB,1600x900,16:9,worldview.png)

pure life… ()ville needs help with personal com


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eb6633 No.18481919


now imagine 2 guys talking in the club, and music laud, and one it is pasionate about the story, and music stop, and his voice all around, fuck that bitch, i will fu…….then music starts again, and so on………

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a5af27 No.18481920

File: 62854f2a771e430⋯.jpg (29.34 KB,350x350,1:1,GerardDepardieucheers.jpg)


i hope brighter days are ahead..for you…and me.

ok..for everyone, starting here.

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fc90b1 No.18481921

File: ce7b4bc5524ccb6⋯.png (369.66 KB,973x978,973:978,ce7b4bc5524ccb6c8047a3ee0a….png)


>post count 1981

cunt 1981!

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bbd740 No.18481922

File: 84110572e00f4aa⋯.jpg (95.17 KB,735x871,735:871,0305563c1fa8a2c1e507384fa9….jpg)

File: 88f82546669a6c6⋯.jpg (79.93 KB,1024x818,512:409,De0sI4nW4AA_VCj.jpg)

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84df89 No.18481923

File: e280adc2d0ea9a3⋯.jpg (125.33 KB,800x778,400:389,e280adc2d0ea9a3e06eac737ae….jpg)


First, how can you tell?

Second, stop being a tease, I would cream my pants if Bank of America and JP Morgan went down the drain

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b4e547 No.18481924

File: 162dd4ca5f387b9⋯.png (135.59 KB,600x554,300:277,890272495.png)

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558a90 No.18481925

File: 046a8943456305f⋯.png (1015.42 KB,988x1180,247:295,1678449728497.png)

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587aa3 No.18481926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Naker is collecting

call out notables

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eb6633 No.18481927

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4a2392 No.18481928





Might be a good idea to watch Silent Running, Q always loves movie refrences

Also might be a good idea to re-watch Crimson Tide at this point

And White Squall too, while everyone's at it.


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48ce54 No.18481929


[They] are going to start taking control of shipping lanes for Arctic trade routes.

Volcano erupting is or will be FAKE AF.

WWIII is here, Folks.

You will sense something isn't right, kind of how we feel right now…meanwhile, [they] are fighting WWIII. The survivors after the war, will be spoon fed climate change narrative so that they accept the deaths of millions…billions of people.

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5483a9 No.18481930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

latest youtube from economic ninja. watched his latest video before this one and was pretty good.

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556357 No.18481931


digits tell the story

they can't admit to killing Americans with American tax dollars

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1ed506 No.18481932

File: cb6527820c48441⋯.jpg (364.67 KB,640x660,32:33,cb6527820c48441ce16109e112….jpg)

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347daf No.18481934


I wouldn't take that shit… ESPECIALLY from JEWS, NIGGERS, WOMEN or SIMPS.

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b4e547 No.18481935

File: dad5cf74891963d⋯.jpg (717.81 KB,1817x2046,1817:2046,87363200.jpg)

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f12b78 No.18481936

File: baf0e05067a1932⋯.jpg (255.02 KB,1044x649,1044:649,Screenshot_2023_03_10_1516….jpg)


Well, JP Morgan's doing just fine…despite the red on the board


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4c0b56 No.18481937


most gun owners, 99%, are too captivated by fear of death or prison to affect change via the Constitutionally appointed militia capability they legally have to overthrow a corrupt government. But they will soot each other over vienna sausages and powder cheese soon.

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19db28 No.18481938


>Of course it is

No it's not.

Yes people are convicted to provide slaves to the PIC, those prisoners who work for pennies, but incarceration is not itself slavery and it's not unconstitutional to lockup someone going through due process who is a danger.

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b76a18 No.18481939

File: 9873e2f3bc3d15d⋯.png (1.32 MB,481x955,481:955,capture_2101_10032023_1504….png)

File: e2229ffd2064712⋯.png (1.48 MB,533x971,533:971,capture_2100_10032023_1504….png)

File: abc4ef737a07b47⋯.png (180.91 KB,164x375,164:375,capture_2103_10032023_1508….png)



>def kek

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0a16ef No.18481940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>nostradamus predicated that when mabus dies suddenly, wwiii will break out

>century 2 quatrain 62

Barack Obama. In ancient language mixed in with some liberal sauce like everything Nostro comes out of the oven as Mabus.

Do Jean Dixon. She wrote the Anti-Christ would be born under the sign or rising sign Aquarius.

First Lady Michelle's Sun activates President Obama's Saturn, and her Saturn influences his Ascendant in Aquarius, which determines his social personality and how other people see him.

I'm Wicked Scared. 😒

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6a5f47 No.18481941


>it's not unconstitutional to lockup someone going through due process who is a danger.

<not found



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a0f439 No.18481942


no doubt Nancy was 1 step ahead with her stocks and bonds.

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bbd740 No.18481943

File: 7c7792537a493e8⋯.png (6.67 KB,161x122,161:122,images_4_.png)

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1ed506 No.18481944

File: 4f0178839c6f41a⋯.png (1.11 MB,818x609,818:609,4f0178839c6f41a60c51e30e89….png)

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556357 No.18481945


>Systemic Destruction of those capable of any form of Rebellion or Resistance.

this is the Q Plan

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56f53e No.18481946

File: 6272f5ae32c82dd⋯.jpg (62.23 KB,474x639,158:213,1349e62a9110c2018dd07742ba….jpg)

File: 8905c2bb10693e6⋯.jpg (29.63 KB,480x516,40:43,8905c2bb10693e6014b5c84500….jpg)

File: 12d0ee888675524⋯.jpg (2.24 MB,3840x2160,16:9,965429_Peter_Jackson_Quote….jpg)

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f12b78 No.18481947

File: 7fd322955760675⋯.jpg (218.62 KB,464x311,464:311,Screenshot_2023_03_10_1423….jpg)

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b0d70c No.18481948


ebo back!

life is strange

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b775ef No.18481949

File: 718a537c47c3ea0⋯.png (152.47 KB,667x376,667:376,ClipboardImage.png)

Newly Released Bodycam Footage Shows Moment Before White, 25-Yr-Old Was Fatally Shot By 5 Salt Lake City Police During Traffic Stop [VIDEO]


The mother of Allan, Diane, was pulled over in April 2022 by the same police department over an expired registration. After this, she filed a lawsuit in federal court against police chief Eric Johnsen, who was a police officer at the time, police officer Dane Hanson, and other officials.

In the lawsuit, Diane said that she is “one of the sovereign people of Utah” and has an “inherent right” to “be able to access the public roads without her Liberty restrained.”

She also stated in her lawsuit that by warning her that her car would be impounded for improper registration, the officer was making a “declaration of war.”

The backstory to this looks like it was a Brutal Murder.

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5fb10d No.18481950


i got this album when i was 13. left it at old gf house. got it 2 years ago as original press. also got candyo and panorama.

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19db28 No.18481952


Fourth Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

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bedb32 No.18481953

File: c140afac77569bf⋯.png (239.85 KB,1464x736,183:92,am01.png)

File: c84a8f4dc9ad4e8⋯.png (84.22 KB,1602x202,801:101,am02.png)

File: 09140000ef52465⋯.png (617.78 KB,1670x1800,167:180,am03.png)

File: b24bb6fc39bc8d7⋯.png (212.96 KB,1656x488,207:61,am04.png)

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5fb10d No.18481954


ebo_t seems to be controlled dis bred.

eyes on

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5483a9 No.18481955

File: 7c9439450eabb45⋯.png (2.08 MB,1332x1266,222:211,Screen_Shot_2023_03_10_at_….png)

Colorado School District Hires ‘Genderqueer Shapeshifter,’ ‘Witch’ for Staff Training


According to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from Parents Defending Education (PDE), the Thompson School District hired Silen Wellington, a “transgender” activist, to conduct the training.

While specific information on the presentation was not provided, as the district was “not in possession of any materials,” it did include information on topics to be discussed.

“This training includes information about different identities, the importance of language, and how to be a better ally,” the agenda for the training states. “If you’re curious about LGBTQ+ topics, have some questions that you’ve always wanted to ask, or wish to learn what all the letters mean, this training is for you.”

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0a16ef No.18481956


Meme maker? You're being kind to yourself. Go ahead and admit YOU'RE a little off. I dare you. I double dare you. 😂

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ed9c9d No.18481957

File: 2477195154313cf⋯.jpg (588.51 KB,2048x1492,512:373,Alison_Schumer.jpg)


That's a man.

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c63d1b No.18481958

File: 9b000533cf7f926⋯.jpg (151.14 KB,1200x1200,1:1,EQORGWWWAAAthcO.jpg)


They gonna try and lay this on them…

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75d6ff No.18481959

nothing ever happens.

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2b0d47 No.18481960

'Stranger Things' star gives up acting after a sexual proposition from a movie producer

An actress who starred in "Stranger Things" says she is giving up acting and focusing on online video streaming after being propositioned by several producers, and she gave one detailed account.

Grace Van Dien played the role of cheerleader Chrissy Cunningham on the popular Netflix series, but she said she is turning to the Twitch streaming platform after several unsavory interactions.

She made the claims Tuesday in a video on her Twitch channel.

"The fact of the matter is, the last few projects I worked on, I didn't have the best experiences with some of the people I had to work for," Van Dien said.

"One of the last movies I did, one of the producers asked me to… he hired a girl that he was sleeping with, and then he had her ask me to have a threesome with them," she alleged. "So like, that’s my boss. I didn’t (do it), and I cried, and I was so upset."

Van Dien did not identify the producer by name. She went on to say that she is going to stick to streaming online while developing her own projects.

"I get to stay inside my home and play video games, and I don’t have my boss asking me to have sex with him. That’s how this is better for my mental health," she said.

"I'm happy here, and I'm developing my own projects," Van Dien continued. "I'm hoping that someone decides to fund them because then I can be in control of my own set and I'm not gonna ask my actors to sleep with me."

She streams on Twitch under the account Bluefille and has 299k followers on the platform.


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88c0a9 No.18481961


satanists love the law and twist it anyway they can.

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b775ef No.18481962


Glad to see Anon survived the great Homo push of the 80's.

Your taste in music sucks though. :)

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1e0046 No.18481963

As anons walk through the SVB story, remember that the $140 billion SVB lost was a clientele of woke hard core leftists that were implementing ESG, Climate Change, Drag Queen Story Hours, and parades with people dancing in their underwear in the middle of the street.

The failure of SVB is not a bad thing, it's a good thing. Money and profit in a capitalist society have spoken. Congress is about to try to bail SVB out. Watch what happens. Remember the House Speaker fight? Yeah, watch out for the fucking Freedom 6 baby…

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0a16ef No.18481964


You did good. GF should thank you too.

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4a2392 No.18481965

File: 4604f9737426ead⋯.png (363.66 KB,585x631,585:631,1.png)

File: 44419f4411f7a7f⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB,492x270,82:45,1_vid.mp4)

Free Jacob Chansley


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2b0d47 No.18481966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How PR and the fog of corporate disinformation has governments paying to burn the planet

Public relations is at the core of coal and gas industry influence which has governments actually incentivising the burning of the planet.

Fossil fuel corporations receive more than $10 billion in subsidies from Australian taxpayers every year. In contrast, the Government announced $2 billion in climate finance for 2020-2025 at the COP26 conference in Edinburgh; professing to take action to stop global warming, while incentivising the burning of our planet.

The International Monetary Fund figures paint a more dramatic picture. The IMF estimates that Australia will subsidise fossil fuels to the tune of $62 billion in 2023. The numbers include not just direct subsidies to consumers and producers, but also take into account implicit subsidies which an IMF paper defines as the persistent under-pricing of fossil fuels, that is, not taking environmental impacts into account.

“Underpricing leads to overconsumption of fossil fuels, which accelerates global warming and exacerbates domestic environmental problems, including losses to human life from local air pollution and excessive and road congestion and accidents.”

Fossil fuel and other polluting industries have undertaken a long term and concerted effort to influence political debates, to disguise the fact not only that global warming is happening, but that our governments are actively encouraging it through a multitude of financial incentives.

This disinformation campaign has been successful in placating us, to the point that not only do we not organise and act, but we don’t even realise we are subsidising the problem at hand.

At the core of this campaign is a sophisticated PR playbook which is rarely discussed. Here’s how it plays out in Australia.

Deny, deny, deny

When it comes to global warming, denialism is the devious frame that gets the most press. But Australian fossil fuel interests deny not only that global warming is happening, but also reject that fossil fuels are subsidised. In doing so, they draw from a range of PR talking points used by industries around the world to deny the obvious. And fossil fuel friendly politicians like Matt Canavan are more than happy to get in on the act.

The IMF tabulates worldwide fossil fuel subsidies at an astounding $9 trillion a year. But whether or not you agree with the IMF’s calculations or definition of “subsidy,” it’s impossible to argue with the fact that governments are incentivising the burning of fossil fuels, and that given the enormity of the challenge of global warming, any amount is too much.

But denialism is just the tip of the iceberg. The rest of the playbook gets much less press, despite its much larger impact.


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7060b7 No.18481967

File: a8ae1ce4cd04845⋯.png (1017.27 KB,1224x870,204:145,ak_vol.png)



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b76a18 No.18481968

File: cc74b23150588fc⋯.png (1.18 MB,542x760,271:380,capture_2024_10032023_1147….png)

File: c9d82dbd6e131d1⋯.png (2.66 MB,1788x520,447:130,capture_1793_10032023_0258….png)

File: 293e042cb8d817f⋯.png (2.51 MB,952x918,28:27,capture_1762_10032023_0159….png)

File: 019b5628c5fd4e0⋯.png (1.87 MB,673x968,673:968,capture_1726_10032023_0030….png)

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8ec2a8 No.18481969

File: 9e2dbb3842266b0⋯.png (83.6 KB,163x449,163:449,1a56c7499ad160df8efc5d8885….png)


Where does Elon's Twitter bank?

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f12b78 No.18481970

File: acadf1b298d2937⋯.jpg (255.02 KB,594x637,594:637,Screenshot_2023_03_10_1516….jpg)

Free Jacob Chansley


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4bd5e1 No.18481971

File: 345560e8b2793bc⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x1064,135:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f67384833bf0cc⋯.png (158.09 KB,1101x245,1101:245,savilecrimes.png)

File: 518ed10b3bcc780⋯.jpg (152.26 KB,1024x830,512:415,savilecharles.jpg)

File: f15598bccecb17a⋯.png (2.29 MB,1137x1280,1137:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b8912c7d53e6a6⋯.png (759.03 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

◾️British news paper The Guardian sets a terrorist target on Belarus:

- Our anti-war partisans had flown two drones over the former Soviet airbase and dropped bombs on an A-50U surveillance aircraft, a £275m Russian spy plane used to pinpoint targets inside Ukraine.

◾️Western press encourages their governments to support terrorist actions against third counties.




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4a2392 No.18481972


> doubtshill


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a0f439 No.18481973


Surely with initials JC and his rise to fame and persecution is the second coming of Jesus Christ.

What say you biblefags?

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bbd740 No.18481974

File: f4c64c57e8efe53⋯.jpeg (530.47 KB,2048x1639,2048:1639,FqzDviFWwAcK_5h.jpeg)

File: a8053b7baa9c02e⋯.png (327.25 KB,710x2112,355:1056,46_1_.png)

File: 65fc7b65604a955⋯.jpeg (333.67 KB,2048x1364,512:341,FqzDFkDWwAI6x9h.jpeg)

File: 5ec383e7983eaed⋯.jpg (394.69 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230310_182042….jpg)


muh ice block comms.46.300 timestamp

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b4e547 No.18481975

File: 93046fa702e8a8c⋯.png (1.67 MB,1595x1011,1595:1011,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e24c0 No.18481976

File: 6675c0747520f0c⋯.jpg (83.91 KB,1125x802,1125:802,FqutqptWAAMHfjB.jpg)

File: 58a4a808560cf77⋯.png (146.06 KB,336x336,1:1,07fc70dc01f823f70388392134….png)



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759d18 No.18481977

File: 1f8191b6efc271f⋯.png (122.84 KB,1773x989,1773:989,ClipboardImage.png)


>>18470104 pb

I posted this 2 days ago. What do you think, add it to the list?

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4bd5e1 No.18481978

File: 6619c693de3c425⋯.png (909.14 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Saudi shake hands with Iran…

Mind blown~

"The successful talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Beijing are a victory for dialogue and peace, China's top diplomat Wang Yi said on Friday, following the major diplomatic coup for China in Middle East geopolitics.

Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed on Friday to re-establish relations after seven years of hostility which had threatened stability and security in the Gulf and helped fuel conflicts in the Middle East from Yemen to Syria.

"This is a victory for dialogue, a victory for peace, offering major good news at a time of much turbulence in the world," the Chinese foreign ministry cited Wang as saying at the close of the dialogue."



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556357 No.18481979



confirms Chansley is DS

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59e383 No.18481980

File: 3f250f6df5b6c6c⋯.png (1.03 MB,1024x1012,256:253,fdda7666ccad4a61.png)

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0a16ef No.18481981


More like Controlled Demolition.

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f12b78 No.18481982

File: 15ced1574ecfa84⋯.jpg (255.02 KB,590x531,10:9,Screenshot_2023_03_10_1516….jpg)

JUST IN 🚨 Elon Musk says “Free Jacob Chansley” after new Jan 6 video reportedly shows him reading Trump’s tweet and asking everyone to remain peaceful


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1e0046 No.18481983

File: 3d66ba6c85428f1⋯.png (101.53 KB,866x874,433:437,blsbv.png)

Can you say 'embezzlement'?

Can you say 'cooked books'?

Cash Rich

In March 2021, SVB had what might be considered an enviable problem: Its clients were flush with cash in a big way.


The bank’s total deposits exploded higher over the prior 12 months, to about $124 billion from $62 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That 100% surge far outpaced a 24% increase at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and a 36.5% jump at First Republic Bank, another California institution.

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75d6ff No.18481984

File: 32f1d5fda81100f⋯.jpeg (657.4 KB,1170x1360,117:136,F92A4F95_B3ED_43CE_B7A0_4….jpeg)



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cd0f2e No.18481985


==Worldwide COVID litigation lawyer directory

Please register here if you provide legal services to people who have been harmed by proponents of "safe and effective" narrative.==

Steve Kirsch

—Mar 2–

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8e24c0 No.18481986

File: a93a0dd33ed6ee5⋯.png (87.52 KB,853x652,853:652,ClipboardImage.png)


When do joos apologize?


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b4e547 No.18481987

File: 0284e13623e7837⋯.png (1.43 MB,1400x840,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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5483a9 No.18481988

File: 28a1357368d2d0d⋯.png (21.33 KB,255x57,85:19,e9de397d4e7039ece64d5ba886….png)

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4a2392 No.18481989


> says the 31 post faggot


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b76a18 No.18481990

File: be477465549b4d4⋯.png (2.78 MB,1249x776,1249:776,capture_2106_10032023_1524….png)



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0a16ef No.18481991


Exactly. Wasn't he x-military too. Nice recruiting tool.

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28159d No.18481992

File: ed61a28cd48216f⋯.png (20.81 KB,171x187,171:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4c318df096d8cc⋯.png (46.11 KB,276x216,23:18,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 538483b0cd1684c⋯.png (49.84 KB,224x271,224:271,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ac118e202452ae⋯.png (20.3 KB,149x153,149:153,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e368aded7969048⋯.jpg (3.67 MB,2475x3300,3:4,map.jpg)

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bbd740 No.18481993

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48ce54 No.18481994



That sandwich looks amazing!

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556357 No.18481995


Musk mentions nothing of J6 suicides

nothing of two-year pretrial detentions

nothing of conditions in DC gulag

nothing of retired 9-11 first responder convicted today

fuck this DS clown

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b76a18 No.18481996

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b4e547 No.18481997

File: 3fd705026aafa11⋯.png (611.95 KB,640x621,640:621,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1317b No.18481998


>a little


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f12b78 No.18481999

File: 881917371475c2b⋯.jpg (255.02 KB,352x519,352:519,Screenshot_2023_03_10_1516….jpg)

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4bd5e1 No.18482000


twitter/mob 'justice'

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8e24c0 No.18482001

File: 6f287c7edc21b69⋯.png (208.33 KB,557x612,557:612,ClipboardImage.png)






>confirms Chansley is DS




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556357 No.18482002


Controlled demolition of the United States of America.

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d3a0a4 No.18482003

File: d8777e825c8d0ae⋯.png (375.33 KB,598x507,46:39,Screenshot_2023_03_10_at_2….png)

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bc248a No.18482004

File: 4e05f711f582076⋯.png (1019.62 KB,1207x951,1207:951,fauxDomin2.png)

File: 3cb153cbdad5af6⋯.png (874.6 KB,1231x951,1231:951,fauxGoodthing.png)

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f1317b No.18482005


I Eat Horse Paste!

Normal people think I am nuts.

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5fb10d No.18482006

File: 3df3618506050ee⋯.png (145.17 KB,417x545,417:545,3df3618506050ee5a89243ebf8….png)


you here?

haven't seen any notables all bred

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4bd5e1 No.18482007

File: af640977cf73156⋯.png (793.28 KB,1004x587,1004:587,baphelon.png)

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cd0f2e No.18482008

File: 065feeddf58afd4⋯.png (656.32 KB,922x941,922:941,ClipboardImage.png)



I’m putting together a public directory so that people worldwide can find lawyers who are willing and able to take on the establishment.

Lawyers: Register your services here

Clients: View the directory here

COVID litigation conference links: Description Register

Areas covered by this directory of legal services:

Employer Mandates: State/federal, ADA, worker’s compensation, individual & class action plaintiffs

Education Mandates: Public & private K-12 schools, public & private universities, Title 10, coercion, informed consent, fraud, conflicts of interest.

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84df89 No.18482009


Where is Ilhan Omar? Shouldn't she be screaming about school boards hiring imams to teach what the Koran says about homos and gender benders? Is Colorado Islamophobic?

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050a5b No.18482010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jim Jordan Leads Hearing Targeting Govt Suppression Of Free Speech On Twitter Feat. Matt Taibbi

The ENDLESS-ARGUMENTS are designed to DISTRACT the PUBLIC away from this. >>18481526

Change my mind.

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972ed6 No.18482011

File: dab4309fcba902d⋯.png (129.48 KB,369x210,123:70,clipboard_image.png)


Some enjoy a good swirly!

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118dbc No.18482012


>Musk mentions nothing of J6 suicides

>nothing of two-year pretrial detentions

>nothing of conditions in DC gulag

Do you really believe all this is true?

Anon remains sceptical, however your 33 posts suggest an alternative agenda.

>nothing of retired 9-11 first responder convicted today

>fuck this DS clown

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75d6ff No.18482013



OMG RIGHT!?!! yeah Jacob Chansley, the “QAnon Shaman” was such a good DEEP STATE OPERATIVE! Acting all PEACEFUL and RESPECTFUL and showing how QAnon was never about VIOLENCE but instead about TRUTH and PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY!

Cool logic.

you two are stupid fucking FAGGOTS lol

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759d18 No.18482014

File: a27d12b1a80fe3e⋯.mp4 (13.44 MB,848x464,53:29,Jacob_Chansley_reading_Tru….mp4)



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4733b3 No.18482015



Mr Kolomoisky is perhaps Ukraine's best-known oligarch. Notoriously coarse in language and blunt in his methods, he has a wide range of business interests ranging from extractive industries to airlines. In 2016 the bank he founded, Privatbank, was taken from him and nationalised after $4.5bn (£3.2bn) went missing from its balance sheet.

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0a16ef No.18482016


You don't know anything about normal. Stop by anytime.

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ebba0a No.18482017

File: 9839659d4de48b3⋯.png (103.25 KB,340x444,85:111,schizo.png)

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587aa3 No.18482018

File: ec31975e2aed8b6⋯.png (637.01 KB,518x738,259:369,sneeds.PNG)




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118dbc No.18482019


>OMG RIGHT!?!! yeah Jacob Chansley, the “QAnon Shaman” was such a good DEEP STATE OPERATIVE! Acting all PEACEFUL and RESPECTFUL and showing how QAnon was never about VIOLENCE but instead about TRUTH and PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY!

Why was he escorted through the Capitol by the Capitol police without let or hindrance??

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bbd740 No.18482020

File: 3174bc3c2ada0ea⋯.jpg (385.95 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230310_182948….jpg)

File: 47ed7e4921effaf⋯.jpeg (252.47 KB,1361x1361,1:1,Fq38OWNWwBchGKC.jpeg)

File: ef9d64bb58d24da⋯.png (116.95 KB,710x1086,355:543,1208_3_.png)

File: 1bb3f393fa07090⋯.jpeg (258.06 KB,2048x1300,512:325,Fq37uYBWcAAUhRJ.jpeg)


this particular posts timestamp is

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56f53e No.18482021



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fe6037 No.18482022

File: a65e201d8bc2305⋯.jpg (256.41 KB,1080x567,40:21,taylor_swift_mural_w1200_h….jpg)


nice peaceful water mural behind them

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c1096d No.18482023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>18481141 pb

just thought of that, five years.

Pushing through the market square

So many mothers sighing (Sighing)

News had just come over

We had five years left to cry in (Cry in)

News guy wept and told us

Earth was really dying (Dying)

Cried so much his face was wet

Then I knew he was not lying (Lying)

I heard telephones, opera house, favourite melodies

I saw boys, toys, electric irons and TVs

My brain hurt like a warehouse, it had no room to spare

I had to cram so many things to store everything in there

And all the fat, skinny people

And all the tall, short people

And all the nobody people

And all the somebody people

I never thought I'd need so many people

[Verse 2]

A girl my age went off her head

Hit some tiny children

If the Black hadn't have pulled her off

I think she would have killed them

A soldier with a broken arm

Fixed his stare to the wheels of a Cadillac

A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest

And a queer threw up at the sight of that

I think I saw you in an ice-cream parlour

Drinking milkshakes cold and long

Smiling and waving and looking so fine

Don't think you knew you were in this song

And it was cold and it rained, so I felt like an actor

And I thought of Ma and I wanted to get back there

Your face, your race, the way that you talk

I kiss you, you're beautiful, I want you to walk

You might also like

Moonage Daydream

David Bowie

Soul Love

David Bowie


David Bowie


We've got five years, stuck on my eyes

Five years, what a surprise

We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot

Five years, that's all we've got

We've got five years, what a surprise

Five years, stuck on my eyes

We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot

Five years, that's all we've got

We've got five years, stuck on my eyes

Five years, what a surprise

We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot

Five years, that's all we've got

We've got five years, what a surprise

We've got five years, stuck on my eyes

We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot

Five years, that's all we've got

Five years

Five years

Five years

Five years

1972 5 years. 50 years!

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587aa3 No.18482024

File: 43a6db3f7431501⋯.jpeg (205.7 KB,2021x1312,2021:1312,43a6db3f743150129c5a7f578….jpeg)

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8e24c0 No.18482025

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB,300x483,100:161,8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

File: e7821ec0a12d614⋯.jpg (98.4 KB,427x520,427:520,e7821ec0a12d6145d97bbf532e….jpg)

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556357 No.18482026


playing both sides is the name of their game

have you not discerned this yet?

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1c2892 No.18482027


this anon thinks Chansley is/was a counterintel operative.

antifa/FIB hire him thinking he's a scumbag like them.

he agrees to yuck it up and be central character in Nancy's operation.

Chansley then proceeds to take a peaceful tour of the Capitol and tell everyone to go home.

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f12b78 No.18482028

File: 0da564a0569db78⋯.jpg (255.02 KB,945x214,945:214,Screenshot_2023_03_10_1516….jpg)

Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees 'repeatedly' don't file federal returns


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972ed6 No.18482029

File: 9235c162e714c1b⋯.png (67.49 KB,249x250,249:250,save_me_jesus.png)


>Colorado School District Hires ‘Genderqueer Shapeshifter,’ ‘Witch’ for Staff Training

They want to corrupt the children so bad…

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b4e547 No.18482030

File: 65927eb3132b80e⋯.png (825.21 KB,633x800,633:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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56f53e No.18482031

File: b9eebabc3e531e5⋯.png (644.3 KB,843x566,843:566,7e6d4c6dcbfafc768d14cc7fcb….png)

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b898c6 No.18482032



> >>18479812 (pb) 300 Billion Reasons Why SVB Contagion Is Spreading To The Broader Banking System


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476119 No.18482033

File: 6ad51e0e2068d02⋯.jpg (19.97 KB,255x200,51:40,grifter_truth.jpg)

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a5af27 No.18482034


sounds about right…

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556357 No.18482035


replying to anons is an alternative agenda?

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75d6ff No.18482036


um because the capitol police are corrupt?

are you really this fucking retarded or is it an act??

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bc248a No.18482037

File: fd434312106dc3e⋯.mp4 (12.71 MB,640x360,16:9,PearsElectDec2020.mp4)

December 2020 VID about the PROVEN Election Fraud.

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050a5b No.18482038

File: 401f0137707ed85⋯.jpg (8.32 KB,255x108,85:36,400154d6e5b804c76b113e50e8….jpg)



>The ENDLESS-ARGUMENTS are designed to DISTRACT the PUBLIC away from this.

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8e24c0 No.18482039



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587aa3 No.18482040

File: fb44ae5fefc7838⋯.png (201.08 KB,639x347,639:347,ClipboardImage.png)

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56f53e No.18482041

File: 25e571f59fd744a⋯.jpg (52.55 KB,800x561,800:561,3a1e5a4eb032c9324cd69c0d4d….jpg)

File: 8f8ab67c2003758⋯.jpg (3.81 MB,3840x2160,16:9,3581577_J_R_R_Tolkien_Quot….jpg)

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4a2392 No.18482042

File: 5eddce2330ecdc6⋯.png (449.17 KB,585x648,65:72,2.png)

Chansley got 4 years in prison for a non-violent, police-escorted tour!?

Dave Chapelle was violently assaulted on stage by a guy with a knife. That guy got a $3000 fine & no prison time.


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ed63a9 No.18482043

File: 8b7987d3ccf1f0b⋯.png (1.49 MB,1500x1488,125:124,b6t542w6n4wb45.png)

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66156e No.18482044

File: 564d7272bc50796⋯.png (472.98 KB,457x561,457:561,ClipboardImage.png)



yeah respectful

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1ed506 No.18482045

File: c17ccd30ca3d4bb⋯.png (63.37 KB,600x600,1:1,c17ccd30ca3d4bbc051259b39e….png)

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1e0046 No.18482046

I'll tell what I think was going on here and it irritates me but more motivates me to win big.

Hedge Funds use retirement funds to invest in FTX

FTX runs a ponzi scheme with fake stock tokens and washes the retirement funds into the Ukraine as philanthropy / energy investments.

Ukraine washes the $$$ back to in Dark Campaign $$$ and investments through institutions like Silicon Valley Bank.

SVB uses the same FTX ponzi scheme and makes fake loans to dummy 'BLM startup businesses' (or take your pick, LGBT, Women, Minority, Trans) and those $$$ were given to Antifa cells / anarchists / Convicts / etc… to participate in riots and false flags.

The system has been laid bare.

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bbd740 No.18482047

File: b53b27578fe6d28⋯.jpeg (158.76 KB,1200x630,40:21,wolf_1200x630.jpeg)

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56f53e No.18482048

File: 04f202cbbc61576⋯.jpg (46.71 KB,625x351,625:351,35e1b4bfa5aaab2ecc141f360b….jpg)

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8e24c0 No.18482049

File: 509bf9f192f63b3⋯.jpg (85.61 KB,1678x944,839:472,202188705_1919197274902217….jpg)

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95273c No.18482050

File: 766481d3a883d48⋯.jpg (12.94 KB,204x255,4:5,POTUSboxer.jpg)


Right On Baker!

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556357 No.18482051


fanning the flames of righteous indignation

so fucking obvious

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050a5b No.18482052

File: 53c21040a53b7e6⋯.jpg (315.37 KB,1376x1077,1376:1077,53c21040a53b7e6d0f5a661971….jpg)



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56f53e No.18482053

File: 29c952376cd5222⋯.jpeg (137.05 KB,1200x800,3:2,29c952376cd5222511b14da20….jpeg)

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143b6e No.18482054


Chansley spent a year in solitary

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19db28 No.18482055

File: 74253f90e921119⋯.png (33.4 KB,717x256,717:256,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebb976840b727d6⋯.png (16.79 KB,627x180,209:60,ClipboardImage.png)



>Controlled demolition of the United States of America

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48ce54 No.18482056

File: fd6aaa5ed1af96e⋯.png (648.14 KB,640x777,640:777,ClipboardImage.png)

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556357 No.18482057


all for the LARP

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56f53e No.18482058

File: 44d0cc27d7418a3⋯.jpg (672.96 KB,1920x1000,48:25,Gandalf_popular_quotes.jpg)

File: 12b7b522b00aac2⋯.jpg (50.41 KB,720x870,24:29,goats4sale.jpg)

File: 07848a8376dd7d1⋯.jpg (45.73 KB,1200x1200,1:1,He529d89428e84b93a6c91debe….jpg)

File: 0712f01f125edc4⋯.jpg (447.41 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,HIGHHOMOHOBBITSJOURNEYTOMO….jpg)

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4bd5e1 No.18482059

File: bb5c33af69f0310⋯.png (274.57 KB,720x753,240:251,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 905bd5ec0b8a6db⋯.png (305 KB,720x780,12:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e3ba839f797303⋯.png (2 MB,1170x1170,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c4d1505e65de57⋯.png (323.32 KB,1064x573,1064:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9708c6d6dc7dc27⋯.png (173.88 KB,379x273,379:273,dershdef.png)

Silicon Valley Bank Tanked, Dragging Down 500 Israeli Startups



Weeks ago we warned that the true # of monthly deaths in 🇺🇸 from 💉 vaxx bioweapon is 2.5 million (30M a year)

Former Blackrock exec Ed Dowd said this would cause a stock market & banking crash. Today one of the largest banks in USA opened trading in free fall, with share prices down 66.6% 👹

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has now been seized by the feds for insolvency, making it the largest bank crash since the Great Depression.

Only $4.347B of $161B in deposits was insured by FDIC. That means all of SVG’s clients, including major zog elite owned conglomerates, just got debanked. They can’t pay bills, they can’t receive money. They are out of business.

Literally what they used to persecute Christians like Nick Fuentes & Lauren Witzke, has now been TURNED ON THEM from evil investments into anti-Christ tech

GOOD NEWS: local banks that don’t engage in industrial level usury are not impacted. Bank local, do business with friends, live ethically, according to the Kingdom of God, and you will be fine!


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95273c No.18482060


A week to remember?

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587aa3 No.18482061

File: 0a140ca6a0ba3ca⋯.png (953.53 KB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Notables(Not endorsements)

#22663 >>18481324

>>18481324 Covid-19: High court finds vaccine mandate extension to care and support workers invalid

>>18481395 Georgia State Law School scared of the Covid Litigation Conference?!? Suddenly announces rival event

>>18481398, >>18482040 You could have sold

>>18481402 /NavalInstitute/status Rig for red?

>>18481409 A Paris judge has thrown out Brigitte Macron’s case against two women who claimed in a YouTube show that France’s first lady is actually her own transgender brother

>>18481533, >>18481550, >>18481560, >>18481577 is Karl Rove a Nazi grandbaby like W. Bush?

>>18481565, >>18481594 DeSantis Appears in Iowa as Campaign Manager and PACs Begin Positioning for Likely May Announcement

>>18481575 nuggets to be found for NOW? whirlpool transcripts

>>18481616 'Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest' Evidence for Lukianoff’s reverse CBT hypothesis

>>18481773 Tech CEO with millions in Silicon Valley Bank: 'Innovation in the startup world is bleeding today'

>>18481756, >>18481756 Title I and Title II of the U.S. GSIB resolution plan of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (aka the 'solution' for the 'Collpase')

>>18481971 British news paper The Guardian sets a terrorist target on Belarus

>>18481966 How PR and the fog of corporate disinformation has governments paying to burn the planet

>>18481978 "The successful talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Beijing are a victory for dialogue and peace"

>>18481982, >>18482042 Elon Musk says “Free Jacob Chansley” after new Jan 6 video reportedly shows him reading Trump’s tweet and asking everyone to remain peaceful

>>18481992 Hmmmm

>>18482028 Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees 'repeatedly' don't file federal returns



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eb6633 No.18482062



He;s not a fucking anon.

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558a90 No.18482063

File: 3afb9d1e379da75⋯.png (673.43 KB,1262x924,631:462,1656383010755.png)

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b4e547 No.18482064

File: e5193f207ef40bd⋯.png (779.56 KB,600x800,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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556357 No.18482065


either you can discern verily

or continue to trust blindly

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0a16ef No.18482066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ya Elon's normal. Right. He's smacked. Not nearly the genius as portrayed. Definitely above average. But not all that. I'm guessing dirty as hell but made a deal to save his legacy. Love him all you want. He gets nothing from me. Not even credit.

Elon’s Cryptic Tweet

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56f53e No.18482067

File: 50c76cf63daacb0⋯.png (2.07 MB,1680x1077,560:359,870470074_Lord_of_the_Ring….png)

File: b89039b263d31b6⋯.png (79.04 KB,191x255,191:255,b89039b263d31b61247e60fc7d….png)

File: 78e33545c4448c4⋯.jpg (87.68 KB,1024x538,512:269,LOTRQuote1_1024x538.jpg)

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eb6633 No.18482068


no free.

you deal w/ the devil, to make us look bad, stay the fuck there.

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95273c No.18482069


Hopefully she repents (soon) before its too late

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1e0046 No.18482070


Kick the tires and light the fires. This one's ready for takeoff.

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8ae191 No.18482071

File: 709d498c4a58bc7⋯.jpg (200.04 KB,1000x930,100:93,ZomboMeme_12102020164149.jpg)

Jacob Chansley got patsied.

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8e24c0 No.18482072


>>>18481324 Covid-19: High court finds vaccine mandate extension to care and support workers invalid

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b8f079 No.18482073

sometimes i make a post just to see what id i roll

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558a90 No.18482074

File: c4332339f5f9d76⋯.png (932.06 KB,911x1280,911:1280,Jesus_Approved_Pedo_Boots_.png)

File: 7bc08066b0e25f3⋯.png (672.59 KB,1202x970,601:485,1678247720720.png)

File: 74e765e1750b849⋯.png (957.15 KB,1005x1161,335:387,1678158037396.png)

File: b22d68553156c48⋯.png (284.11 KB,877x1330,877:1330,1677837718870.png)

File: fa7849a085f26bd⋯.png (150.05 KB,906x1288,453:644,1677837524992.png)

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8d1f5b No.18482075

File: a90ab1d8a7180b2⋯.png (317.74 KB,720x480,3:2,u77_65_y63v45454gv54564vt5….png)

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95273c No.18482076



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56f53e No.18482077

File: 6e12d0379053779⋯.jpg (300.27 KB,1350x679,1350:679,I_wish_it_need_not_have_ha….jpg)

File: b11e70bf4be0fac⋯.png (353.7 KB,389x426,389:426,Legolas.png)

File: e33aade28af036d⋯.jpg (42.73 KB,640x476,160:119,lord_of_the_rings_02.jpg)

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5483a9 No.18482078

File: 33fe6954cad7c62⋯.png (20.86 KB,401x375,401:375,33fe6954cad7c626376d61f054….png)

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19db28 No.18482079

File: 68648ef3e3ebb4a⋯.png (46.32 KB,1019x186,1019:186,ClipboardImage.png)




Quiet liar

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c23bc0 No.18482080

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.






That’s Admiral Angeli to you, faggots! Show some respect!

The Plan


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eb6633 No.18482081


You not Q Anon, you just made us look bad.

Even pacefull, do not enter in the restricted area, but police invited you, so a false flag was on going, so, patsy, pay.

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b76a18 No.18482082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vinyl records outsell CDs for the first time since 1987 | FOX 13 Seattle

>49 views | Mar 10, 2023 | FOX 13 Seattle

For the first time in nearly 40 decades, Americans bought more vinyl records than CDs in 2022.

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587aa3 No.18482083

File: 24e3aa9628e2a91⋯.png (139.62 KB,472x472,1:1,24e3aa9628e2a91d4324063079….png)


>sometimes i make a post just to see what id i roll

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4bd5e1 No.18482084

File: 2a65e36b3346192⋯.png (782.11 KB,736x652,184:163,ClipboardImage.png)


'the legacy of the (((inbred)))'

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c774bf No.18482085






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56f53e No.18482086

File: 013e71820215323⋯.jpg (201.98 KB,1920x1080,16:9,204868.jpg)

File: eba70bc8e462199⋯.jpg (129.23 KB,1874x1054,937:527,493654d6ef.jpg)

File: 7004035fe5e86f5⋯.png (195.25 KB,718x714,359:357,7004035fe5e86f5902035a1ec6….png)

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41a386 No.18482087


NOT notable

Shoooo.. Shooo… Shooo… this is OLD SLIDE

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85b32c No.18482088

File: f99ebff308104ba⋯.jpeg (54.48 KB,768x432,16:9,E20CA308_B767_424D_90D3_0….jpeg)

10 Mar, 2023 20:13

Lavrov likens protests in ex-Soviet state to 2014 Kiev coup

The mass demonstrations in Georgia have been “orchestrated” from abroad, the Russian foreign minister believes

The massive protests Georgia has been facing over the past week closely resemble the 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday. Backed by external powers, these protests are just another plot attempt, he told the ‘Great Game’ show on Russia’s Channel 1.

Over the last week, thousands of people have gathered by the Georgian parliament in Tbilisi in order to protest a bill that would have required individuals and organizations with foreign funding to register as “agents of foreign influence.”

The demonstrators hit the streets after the bill, which was introduced by the ‘Georgian Dream’ party, passed its first reading. The protests quickly spiraled out into clashes with the police in which several officers were injured and dozens of demonstrators were detained.

“[That] closely resembles Kiev’s ‘Maidan’ [coup],” Lavrov said, adding that, “There is no doubt that … the bill was nothing but a pretext for essentially launching a coup attempt.”According to the minister, the bill introduced by the Georgian lawmakers “pales” in comparison to how noncommercial organizations are regulated in the US, France, or Israel.

The protests in Georgia have been “orchestrated” from abroad, the Russian minister believes, adding that their real goal is tocreate another “irritating” situation on Russia’s borders. In pursuing its goals, the West is attempting to sacrifice Georgia’s national interests and close economic ties with Russia, he added.

Lavrov also blasted the EU over what he called a “hypocritical” stance on the issue. “Awhole range of European nations have much more strict regulations in this field,” the minister insisted, adding that EU top diplomat Josep Borrell still claimed “without batting an eye” that the Georgian bill “contradicts European values” and deprives Georgia of the prospect of joining the bloc.

“The hypocrisy is obvious,” the minister added. Earlier this week, Borrell’s office issued a statement that blasted the bill as “incompatible with EU values and standards” and going “against Georgia’s stated objective of joining the European Union.” The statement also warned of “serious repercussions” for relations between Tbilisi and Brussels if the bill was passed.

The Russian minister also pointed outthe striking differences in how the EU and the US treated the protests in Georgiaand Moldova. While backing demonstrations in Tbilisi, Washington and its allies still condemned similar actions in Moldova, which saw months of protests over a surge in cost of living and energy prices, Lavrov said.

His words came as Georgian MPs have rejected the controversial bill during the second reading, despite it being previously withdrawn by its authors. The procedure was necessary for it to be officially squashed. The nation’s authorities have also announced they would be releasing all of the people who had been detained during the protests. (WTF don’t release them, they are trying a color revolution)


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118dbc No.18482090


>um because the capitol police are corrupt?

>are you really this fucking retarded or is it an act??

Well, I am obviously retarded, but the Brazilian and Italian "shamans" were mere copy cats? Something smells a little fishy about that!

Methinks they were part of the same global OP.

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56f53e No.18482091

File: f90e472700aec73⋯.gif (1.33 MB,1080x1080,1:1,0a89a3f135978e660a436b4a7d….gif)

File: 2f05c7e05bef24d⋯.jpg (406.63 KB,1200x628,300:157,2f05c7e05bef24d8d22a9ddc47….jpg)

File: a8449de1cf12d18⋯.png (456.98 KB,550x384,275:192,pb.png)

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587aa3 No.18482092



1 post by this ID

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98603f No.18482093

File: 2e621053dc620c2⋯.png (1.41 MB,1193x1302,1193:1302,March_10_Holidays_National….png)


>depends on the Judge & she hates me

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4bd5e1 No.18482094

File: 0ff0daf3f72858c⋯.jpg (82.67 KB,933x445,933:445,bill_clinton_jeffrey_epste….jpg)


'it's the economy, stupid'

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1e0046 No.18482095

I know this sounds strange but SVB was a great institution till about 2 years ago, then it apparently got a huge cash influx and went on a batshit crazy 'minority/BLM' small business startup' spending spree. Seriously - SVB went nuts 2 years ago and the whole market has known of the nose dive and auger of SVB for 3 months or more. This shit is really shady.

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0a16ef No.18482096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Controlled Demolition is preferable to the "unthinkable". Unthinkable. That's in there too? Maybe I dreamt it. "We were prepared to do the unthinkable."

Fuck. I would have done it 11/23/1963. The day after.

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f84e6e No.18482097

File: edda40ee1ae21e5⋯.png (847.46 KB,700x727,700:727,edda40ee1ae21e5e188f00dee4….png)

File: d3fb273dfd89589⋯.png (251.25 KB,500x588,125:147,d3fb273dfd895897520cc9bb2d….png)

File: 16d695916a9ddc7⋯.png (27.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,16d68cf.png)

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c1096d No.18482098

File: a240790961719fe⋯.png (524.86 KB,825x549,275:183,comeygongshow.png)


that means "Comey publicly busted" before "Declass"?

so when does Big Jim get the subpoena and who will do the top grilling?

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558a90 No.18482099

File: 31e63f20960fa28⋯.png (1.52 MB,1344x868,48:31,1678184226282.png)

File: 8a8da4ce99abe5d⋯.png (1.6 MB,935x1247,935:1247,1677899373333.png)

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587aa3 No.18482100

FINAL Not endorsements

#22663 >>18481324

>>18481379 Covid-19: High court finds vaccine mandate extension to care and support workers invalid

>>18481395 Georgia State Law School scared of the Covid Litigation Conference?!? Suddenly announces rival event

>>18481398, >>18482040, >>18482059 You could have sold

>>18481402 /NavalInstitute/status Rig for red?

>>18481409 A Paris judge has thrown out Brigitte Macron’s case against two women who claimed in a YouTube show that France’s first lady is actually her own transgender brother

>>18481533, >>18481550, >>18481560, >>18481577 is Karl Rove a Nazi grandbaby like W. Bush?

>>18481565, >>18481594 DeSantis Appears in Iowa as Campaign Manager and PACs Begin Positioning for Likely May Announcement

>>18481575 nuggets to be found for NOW? whirlpool transcripts

>>18481616 'Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest' Evidence for Lukianoff’s reverse CBT hypothesis

>>18481773 Tech CEO with millions in Silicon Valley Bank: 'Innovation in the startup world is bleeding today'

>>18481756, >>18481756 Title I and Title II of the U.S. GSIB resolution plan of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (aka the 'solution' for the 'Collpase')

>>18481971 British news paper The Guardian sets a terrorist target on Belarus

>>18481966 How PR and the fog of corporate disinformation has governments paying to burn the planet

>>18481978 "The successful talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Beijing are a victory for dialogue and peace"

>>18481982, >>18482042 Elon Musk says “Free Jacob Chansley” after new Jan 6 video reportedly shows him reading Trump’s tweet and asking everyone to remain peaceful

>>18482042 Chansley got 4 years in prison for a non-violent, police-escorted tour! Dave Chapelle was violently assaulted on stage by a guy with a knife. That guy got a $3000 fine & no prison time.

>>18481992, >>18482087 Nothing to see here, please disperse OLD SLIDE

>>18482028 Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees 'repeatedly' don't file federal returns

>>18482088 Lavrov likens protests in ex-Soviet state to 2014 Kiev coup

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556357 No.18482101


>global OP.


>global OP.


>global OP.

ding ding ding

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b4e547 No.18482102

File: 12bf5996080d794⋯.png (741.14 KB,728x1087,728:1087,ClipboardImage.png)

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7acb32 No.18482103

File: 985a4dbf1d229e0⋯.jpg (37.88 KB,474x315,158:105,th_1070174188.jpg)



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56f53e No.18482104


Taht'S YOhomo

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476119 No.18482106

File: b29bf38ad77995c⋯.webp (4.71 KB,401x225,401:225,snake_oil_gould.webp)

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eb6633 No.18482107


That's for fucking sure.

I mean who wants the ONG soros's income be public?!?!?!

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cd0f2e No.18482108


>France's first lady fails in transgender lawsuit



remember Trump telling her she was in such 'good shape' ?

I do and thought it was strange he said that.

where is that swim suit pic of her?

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558a90 No.18482109

File: 62ea5b7853c763d⋯.png (115.29 KB,666x375,222:125,Peanuts_Butter_Dick_Clear.png)

File: 9f807041af29a9f⋯.jpg (698.17 KB,3024x4032,3:4,Peanut_Butter_Dick_Smooth.jpg)

File: 2d7a979f448e4ce⋯.jpg (32.71 KB,400x221,400:221,Joe_Dirt_Space_Peanut_Stab….jpg)

File: 269f02d673137d1⋯.jpg (104.28 KB,960x960,1:1,Mr_Peanut_Have_You_Tried_D….jpg)

File: 1755fbbf6ae77f9⋯.jpg (11.55 KB,225x225,1:1,Muh_Tuff_Peanut_Butter_Bal….jpg)


You're a Complete Peanut Butthurt Homo…

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56f53e No.18482110

File: fce907eae71f184⋯.jpg (59.47 KB,480x569,480:569,fce907eae71f1843dc6a93c169….jpg)

File: feaf7bdf98291ee⋯.png (1.2 MB,1046x1064,523:532,feaf7bdf98291ee6a2504d7422….png)

File: fec15fb6f53c924⋯.jpg (141.7 KB,720x916,180:229,fec15fb6f53c9245fbd3b48ffe….jpg)

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476119 No.18482111

File: 0353f256cae5c7f⋯.jpg (52.34 KB,638x391,638:391,grifters.jpg)

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118dbc No.18482112

File: 04c68e7945e122e⋯.png (389.9 KB,640x480,4:3,dinging_intensifies.png)

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cd0f2e No.18482113

File: 8d8dc4bf3baecb6⋯.png (1.05 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>where is that swim suit pic of her?

here is one, but not the one I was looking for

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1e0046 No.18482114

Officials at SVB sold massive amounts of stock days before the FDIC takeover.

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4bd5e1 No.18482116

File: 8a5f8d7357210da⋯.png (676.4 KB,720x1031,720:1031,ClipboardImage.png)

If you were to subtract non-Whites from the crime stats the U.S. would be one of the safest places in the world.


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56f53e No.18482117

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b775ef No.18482118

File: b94a9423a10ed4d⋯.png (196.17 KB,614x406,307:203,ClipboardImage.png)


They absolutely hate the "stories" of Blood Libel.

They cant burn every Library nor destroy every book.

They tried with Alexandria but there where duplicates. Fucken Gypsies.

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1e0046 No.18482119

Cabal - "Give us a bailout on SVB because we're tired of waiting for our Ukraine kickbacks."

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a5af27 No.18482120


interesting..seems coherent and rational.

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118dbc No.18482121


>replying to anons is an alternative agenda?

33 times in a bread makes anon wonder.

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4733b3 No.18482123


Melissa Hodgeman

Paging Melissa Hodgeman

some issues need to be investigated with SVB stock sale by officials

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cd0f2e No.18482124

File: e6b5c51c1634111⋯.png (361.82 KB,634x393,634:393,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cf142a801298b3⋯.png (61.26 KB,727x347,727:347,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb6633 No.18482125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


next bread.

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85b32c No.18482126

Bannon just said there was $290 billion in Silicon Valley Bank, and Bill Ackman is already calling for the gov to bail them out. Fuck that shit!

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8e24c0 No.18482128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Biblical Names the meaning of the name Barjona is: Son of a Jona

Abba: (in the New Testament) God as father.

BARABBAS >+ Son Of God

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558a90 No.18482129

File: f4b3ea96e41376e⋯.png (381.42 KB,1527x763,1527:763,Piss_Jug_Wheelchair_Orgy.png)

File: 3cfd36bcbb57da8⋯.png (202.94 KB,632x395,8:5,Putin_Submarine_Piss_Toast….png)

File: 2d37ddfe2994310⋯.png (931.37 KB,1048x1113,1048:1113,My_Piss_Stain_Pillow.png)

File: 570b391e4f28013⋯.png (63.38 KB,433x577,433:577,Muh_Piss_Jug_Clear.png)

File: 27a8cd37650e09d⋯.jpg (106.01 KB,547x692,547:692,Chuck_Grassley_Is_Pissed_K….jpg)

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b4e547 No.18482131

File: 2b0d72fb3b275b4⋯.png (319.76 KB,604x600,151:150,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a16ef No.18482132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>$4.5bn (£3.2bn) went missing from its balance sheet.

The money always goes missing. That's a euphemism for transferred. The Pentagon lost a few trillion before 9-11.

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556357 No.18482133



>sounds strange

>This shit is really shady

exactly like the US Congress and the entire federal government

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faf937 No.18482134


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c774bf No.18482135

File: 5f31fb1e5f088b0⋯.jpg (23.72 KB,490x265,98:53,buffie.jpg)

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19db28 No.18482136


>Controlled Demolition is preferable to the "unthinkable"


I can't get the bible story of Jephthah's daughter out of my mind. Weird.

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cd0f2e No.18482137

File: f51a09c87030007⋯.png (828.9 KB,590x788,295:394,ClipboardImage.png)


her boobs are def fake.

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c23bc0 No.18482138


He seems more like a white hat plant than a black hat based on his demeanor, actions on J6, and the content of his vids on his rumble channel.

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8e24c0 No.18482139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


joos shout

free Bar-Abbas

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1e0046 No.18482140

Question - Are anons ready for the SVB bailout fight? Anons need to decide if QR takes it on.

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84df89 No.18482141


Virginity and stupidity are not considered valid "conditions"

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587aa3 No.18482143

File: ce165000f8c6a80⋯.png (1.22 MB,1328x1725,1328:1725,ClipboardImage.png)

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