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File: 322bd269a21a2aa⋯.jpg (103.65 KB,1220x639,1220:639,_le_banner_.jpg)

281d26 No.18449832 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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281d26 No.18449833

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18287979 ——–——– Canada #40

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18363355 ——–——– Japan/Nihon #12

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579


#22621 >>18449011

>>18449761 ‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant

>>18449287, >>18449316, >>18449320, >>18449314, >>18449320, >>18449328, >>18449474, >>18449486, >>18449512, >>18449515, >>18449489 Matt Hancock Plandemic Messages + THE LOCKDOWN FILES

>>18449585 Andrew bridgen quote to hancock “ No Matt you and others will have to be held to account

>>18449093 "Long Covid" just a cover to hide the negative and severe effects of Covid 19 "vaccinations"?

>>18449098, >>18449103, >>18449317 Watch: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But "Ukrainians Doing The Fighting"

>>18449190 Another FBI Whistleblower Says He Was Forced To Inflate Domestic Terrorism Numbers

>>18449279 Colorado elementary school is exposed for secretly transitioning student, as damning leaked internal emails reveal administrator telling assistant principal to LIE to parents

>>18449323 Two Ukrainian pilots are being trained by the US military to fly F-16s - as Biden faces calls to send the fighter jets to Ukraine - dailymail.co.uk

>>18449338 looks like mods can just delete shit at 4plebs.org

>>18449112 WATCH: President Donald J. Trump Answers Questions Before CPAC 2023 Speech

>>18449377 New study warns of health risks from 5G microwave radiation

>>18449513, >>18449505, >>18449503 Trains keep derailing in Ohio

>>18449811 #22621


>>18448331 Judge denies Jan. 6 defendant access to Capitol security tapes made available by McCarthy

>>18448341 Video of UK Health Secretary at the time Matt Hancock deploying "new variant"

>>18448351 The Intelligence Briefing / A Time For Reckoning - John B Wells LIVE

>>18448409 Isabel Oakeshott Speaks Out After Leaking Matt Hancock's Private Messages | Good Morning Britain

>>18448419 Rep. Matt Gaetz Issues Statement on Milley's "visit" to Syria

>>18448525 Treasury to Testify Friday for Withholding Biden Family ‘Suspicious’ Wire Transfers

>>18448589 Moscow researcher, who helped create the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine, reportedly killed in domestic dispute

>>18448782 NPR Openly Touts The Communist Manifesto

>>18448805 President Donald J. Trump | 2023 CPAC Introduction

>>18448927 President Donald J. Trump | 2023 CPAC Introduction

>>18449005 #22620


>>18447510, >>18447513, >>18447763 Trump vows to prevent World War III, put AMERICA FIRST again in epic CPAC speech

>>18447524 Bill Gates now on descent into Indio, California after trans-Pacific flight

>>18447560, >>18447561, >>18447735, >>18447761 President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland on March 3rd, 2023.

>>18447570 Stronger than ever, Trump makes 2024 vow: ‘We’re going to see this battle through to ULTIMATE victory’

>>18447575 Dog Comms - This is Bongo. 🦮 He is an 8-year-old sable German Shepherd, and serves as a Military Working Dog. 🐶

>>18447589 Trump promises to defend the PEOPLE in 2024: ‘I will put America first every single time, every single day’


>>18447663, >>18447700, >>18447780, >>18447790 ‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant

>>18447738 DJT says April Fools - Q says April Showers

>>18447750 In 1969, a brush fire burned down the exchange in Da Nang...

>>18447754 PF - N757AF 757 departed Dulles Int'l Airport back to Palm Beach Int'l

>>18448141, >>18448144 matt hancock twat assisted suicide twat and souce.

>>18447898 Ohio State Senator Michael Rulli: Donald Trump’s Visit to East Palestine ‘Brought Hope’

>>18447923, >>18447934 Jair Bolsonaro, 38th President of Brazil - CPAC 2023 Washington D.C. - 3/4/2023 FULL

>>18447945 EU must shift to wartime economy – industry commissioner

>>18447978 Trump vows to end Ukraine conflict in 24 hours

>>18448059 Screen shots of some of the straw-poll slides

>>18448113 Ales Belyatsky was accused of smuggling cash and fomenting civil unrest in Belarus

>>18448255 #22619

Previously Collected

>>18446736 #22617, >>18447481 #22618

>>18445214 #22615, >>18445907 #22616-A, >>18445964 #22616-B

>>18442926 #22612, >>18443696 #22613, >>18444452 #22614

>>18440636 #22609, >>18441395 #22610, >>18442126 #22611

>>18438461 #22606, >>18439272 #22607, >>18441528 #22608

>>18436122 #22603, >>18436910 #22604, >>18437709 #22605

TripCodefeed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear >>18154557

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281d26 No.18449835

File: 3f06210fc926804⋯.png (533.12 KB,723x723,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




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ede579 No.18449839

Thank you, Baker! Enjoy your Sunday!

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866107 No.18449842

File: d823f53b5bbd085⋯.mp4 (12.59 MB,320x240,4:3,358bacb7c104621d.mp4)

Late last bread

Scary Videos Sneaked out of China what your Country will be like if Globalists take Control

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e65021 No.18449844

File: 6cc094f2882a3fd⋯.jpg (194.99 KB,800x1051,800:1051,George_S_Patton.jpg)

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313938 No.18449845

Thank you Baker.

Wife anon asked, should that not be Suddenly Coinciditis?

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50a2bc No.18449846


tyvm baker dude.

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2c0342 No.18449847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b8b59f No.18449848

note: even at this early hour the 'I'm the reason for this board/ No I am / No I am'

battle of the bot personas is on going.

It's really the same person or team posting conflict dialog between fake personas.

The lounge lizard pepe is part of that.

The lounge lizard pepe was a meme usurped and then used to claim

that a person was here posting for 6 years (even though we haven't had this place for 6 years).

They spam this crap-meme-theme in multiple forms. It's a vanity meme by now, and pointless other than for the spurging of their ineffective spam of narcisscissm as being what the board is for (which it is not).

then they get banned and say 'Q isn't here because of censor ship'.

but they aren't Censored, they are blocked for constant spamming.

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1199af No.18449849

File: 19a43e4fbabb0ee⋯.jpg (70.38 KB,750x445,150:89,Abrams_tanks.jpg)

File: 4ac5992b62cdc42⋯.jpeg (166.9 KB,800x527,800:527,Abrams_Tank_Zelenskyy.jpeg)


Tanks, Bakes!

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96b5a9 No.18449850

File: 9377176674ff978⋯.jpeg (84.35 KB,600x450,4:3,8A66C381_5443_4D9E_AF03_4….jpeg)

Morning, frenz

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e771b6 No.18449851

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11a8dd No.18449852

File: 02ed86380933ffe⋯.png (1.01 MB,1100x661,1100:661,thanks_bakes.png)

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2c09c0 No.18449853

File: 5d240b67f127f36⋯.png (90.22 KB,1920x1331,1920:1331,strain1.png)

File: 18e5b581af01cf8⋯.jpg (149.34 KB,1098x967,1098:967,strain.jpg)

Who is this Matt Hancock guy?

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e771b6 No.18449854


You are a fucking idiot.

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8c3d0d No.18449855

File: de9d84d2ff32803⋯.jpeg (124.04 KB,939x500,939:500,space_pepe.jpeg)

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1199af No.18449856


Morning, Sam.


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032d77 No.18449857

File: 76ac679dc7372dc⋯.jpg (389.56 KB,1148x1520,287:380,41e23ea49d03d8b9.jpg)

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bc6bfc No.18449858

File: a431e25792ccb15⋯.png (686.94 KB,960x892,240:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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db0e00 No.18449859


Hey retard I'm not the wifeanon I'm the husbandanon. She is not showing your hooknose her tits. Only pencil dicks ask an anon for his wifes tits. Get your own

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4f8b24 No.18449860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dio - Why Are They Watching Me

Aye, why?

Cause the mongrels are brain-dead and need always external sources.


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11a8dd No.18449861

File: 16d695916a9ddc7⋯.png (27.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,16d68cf.png)

File: 3d6eeaadf2ff36f⋯.png (32.1 KB,1582x886,791:443,3d6eeaadf2ff36f47f966560e1….png)

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b8b59f No.18449862


Lounge lizzard pepe persona first showed up second week of Feb 2023 , about 3 weeks ago.

you don't know me, and yo have no idea about my ability to comment, or perform.

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ffb261 No.18449863

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ffb261 No.18449865


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a72290 No.18449866



your ego precludes your survival.

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446939 No.18449867

File: 5b234a26cf7cc72⋯.jpg (1.55 MB,4160x2340,16:9,KIMG1348.JPG)



>>18449761 lb

I know lots of Anon disapprove of violent talk… But really, there are Things walking freely around this planet that need to be destroyed by stones, clubs, fire… Something.

Invoking the notion that only a Higher Power in the clouds above is Righteous enough to do such a thing is either cowardice or maybe even the words of the perpetrators themselves to escape corrective actions in our terrestrial existence here and now. Jus Say'n

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424315 No.18449868

If close, visit East Palestine today to check out the situation.

The more eyes on, the better.

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1199af No.18449869


Matthew John David Hancock (born 2 October 1978) is a British politician who served as Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General from 2015 to 2016, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport from January to July 2018, and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care from 2018 to 2021. He has been Member of Parliament (MP) for West Suffolk since 2010. He is a member of the Conservative Party, but now sits in the House of Commons as an independent, having had the whip suspended since November 2022.

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80bbb7 No.18449870

File: 9f07c5f3301d613⋯.png (102.82 KB,512x512,1:1,leisuresuitpepe.png)

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4f8b24 No.18449871

File: 1996c36bca817b8⋯.jpg (23.86 KB,255x255,1:1,58422591905aea071d1bd24b2f….jpg)


>battle of the bot personas is on going.

Keck, ah you mean the filthy brain-dead hooknosed mongrel jew crew.

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225417 No.18449872

File: 98a4d745f28110c⋯.png (412.3 KB,645x553,645:553,san_jose_transformers.PNG)

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) – The San Jose Police Department is investigating after a suspect in possession of explosive material was arrested. He's now believed to be responsible for blowing up two PG&E transformers.

The suspect has been identified as 36-year-old San Jose resident Peter Karasev who made his first court appearance on Friday.

SJPD says the investigation began with two separate incidents involving explosive devices between December and January.

On Jan. 5, officers responded to the 6000 block of Snell Ave. on a report of a damaged transformer. A PG&E employee said an explosion occurred the night before around 2 a.m.

The employee also said a similar incident happened on Dec. 8, 202 at the 5000 block of Thornwood Dr. in which an explosion caused damage to a transformer.

Both explosions left thousands without power.

Investigators say surveillance video and cell phone pings led them to Karasev who was arrested on Wednesday.

Police also say he had an "inactive" meth lab in his home and admitted to using methamphetamine as a replacement for Adderall during the shortage.

Additionally, the complaint details the suspect's interest in model rockets and setting some off outside his home. Investigators also say he told them he'd been having a difficult time due to the war between Russia and Ukraine since he has family in both countries.

"Related to the transformer bombings, he's charged with two counts of exploding a destructive device as well as two counts of destroying an electrical line as well as an arson charge," said Deputy District Attorney Victoria Robinson with Santa Clara County. "Related to the items found in his home, he is charged with possessing materials with the intent to create a destructive device."

Cameras were not allowed in court but ABC7 was there as the public defender's office revealed details of Karasev's life in an attempt to get him out on supervised release.

They say Karasev is a software engineer at a company called "Zoox" that develops self-driving cars and is a married father of three children, a 1-year-old, 3-year-old and 5-year-old.


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8c3d0d No.18449873

File: f29df035930350f⋯.jpg (97.74 KB,1024x788,256:197,redeye_pepe.jpg)



Calling it a night. stay frosty frens

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b8b59f No.18449874

>1 8 44 9 866

The cretin personas think that constant put down and insults will effect those who post here.

They go right to the creepy, saying non substantiated statements that are essentially threats.

They accuse people of having what everyone has, an ego.

Wow, humans have an ego, imagine that?

PS: if you 'kill your ego' another one arises immediately, because you need that to carry on in social situations.

As far as carrying on in anti-social situations?

interacting with the cretin personas of discord would be that.

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463eb7 No.18449875


and the burning grows nearer.


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4f8b24 No.18449876

File: 9387a89c0922eba⋯.jpg (62.2 KB,640x440,16:11,titlbild_elitnwopank.jpg)


Attention, attention this is a parasitic hooknosed mongrel Kike brat!

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71e4a5 No.18449877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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463eb7 No.18449878



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6fd5c0 No.18449879

File: 03747e825ed7095⋯.gif (872.98 KB,260x228,65:57,star_wars_deployed.gif)

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463eb7 No.18449880


social wont be a prollem for you much longer

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b8b59f No.18449881


Shut up with your spam phrasing.

You are of the ones that I speak about.

You're a persona of discord, seemingly without any love, and void of purpose other than to jab at people senselessly to try and cause an immediate reaction.

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9163d2 No.18449882

File: f3732387633e7d4⋯.gif (120.43 KB,527x527,1:1,20230305_052815.gif)

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b74a01 No.18449883

File: 43901814cde4c75⋯.jpg (318.14 KB,819x1024,819:1024,43901814cde4c75bf31d9ca1eb….jpg)

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def69f No.18449884

File: ed33a9676459e2a⋯.png (220.2 KB,400x400,1:1,Into_the_Black.png)

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dc0028 No.18449885

File: 08d5dbd418681c1⋯.png (1.33 MB,635x786,635:786,fla.PNG)

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50a2bc No.18449886

File: 9bc80e049fc77b1⋯.png (15.37 KB,587x174,587:174,ClipboardImage.png)

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48f916 No.18449887

File: 9d82da9f51ea785⋯.png (329.49 KB,610x500,61:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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446939 No.18449888

File: 73cec30d9766312⋯.png (27.68 KB,339x258,113:86,73cec30d9766312962a8865d6d….png)



Reference material

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9163d2 No.18449889

File: 24ac2d3e11b110c⋯.jpg (254.4 KB,1014x1082,507:541,20230303_010601.jpg)



this has been covered

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b8b59f No.18449890


what you think is what you get, anon.

all that you call on the heads of others

is considered as a solution to mitigate your situation.

when you say these things about others, anon, these threats, they are what you get

when you reach the end of your thred

and keep it up without remorse.

you understand this?

perhaps you don't.

you give out threats, but in reality you must be scared and weak, which is why you do it.

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9163d2 No.18449891

fukn pussies


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b74a01 No.18449892

File: e48a2feb86b9c3e⋯.jpeg (64.99 KB,1080x617,1080:617,1599594048.jpeg)

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11a8dd No.18449893

File: 796a5b1bf674895⋯.png (85.43 KB,425x405,85:81,796a5b1bf67489516b3c559054….png)

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4f8b24 No.18449894

File: ae5ddaed87f8487⋯.jpg (114.86 KB,1000x541,1000:541,310105210.jpg)


>Calling it a night. stay frosty frens



Typical brain-dead hooknosed mongrels!

You will fight against the truth as long as you live, because the lie is your only chance to survive!

Too late, people recognize you ww, they see you you crooked nosed bastards!

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9163d2 No.18449895



should be understood

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dc0028 No.18449896

File: e2fc8f7532a632b⋯.png (463.92 KB,534x708,89:118,ret.PNG)

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4f8b24 No.18449897

File: 18ac153285c1c27⋯.jpg (10.25 KB,187x269,187:269,index4.jpg)


The stuff happened 100 years ago fucking brain-dead mongrel, and you lying fuck know this!

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4763e4 No.18449898

your society has weakened your minds with comfortable distractions

you are in mortal danger

when distraction becomes deadly.

and you are almost there.

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2c09c0 No.18449899


"We frighten the pants off everyone with the new strain"

"Thats when we get proper bahaviour change"

"When do we Deploy the new variant"?

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def69f No.18449900

File: 5bec3e28d9e1539⋯.jpg (95.13 KB,1024x654,512:327,BattleField.jpg)

Today will be a blast

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4763e4 No.18449901


you am a joke is wot

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4f8b24 No.18449902

File: f9cd37b0513f2a2⋯.png (359.27 KB,512x310,256:155,1558043303269.png)


STFU brain-dead Mongrel!

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dc0028 No.18449903

File: 0c771e7122cef1d⋯.png (55.75 KB,668x396,167:99,pass.PNG)


United Arab Emirates now has the most

powerful passport in the world after jumping

32 spots under new visa-free travel privileges

- as the UK ranks 30th, Australia 39th

and the US 43rd

Daily Mail (UK), by Melissa Koenig

Posted By: Imright, 3/5/2023 3:10:43 AM

The United Arab Emirates now has the most powerful passport in the world, according to a new study. Nomad Capitalist, a tax and immigration consultancy firm, ranked the value of nearly 200 countries' passports based on five factors: the availability of visa-free travel, the taxation on residents living in foreign countries, perception, the availability of dual citizenship and personal freedom. It found that the UAE's new visa-free travel privileges, as well as its rapidly growing economy and the fact that there are no income taxes have made its passports the most valuable.

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b8b59f No.18449904


And in the end they devolve into their hateful operational phrasing.

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48f916 No.18449905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4763e4 No.18449906


hitler did nothing wrong

except moscow

now stfu you retarded cunt

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dc0028 No.18449907

File: 431f8ed8615a929⋯.png (571.33 KB,896x774,448:387,sell.PNG)


‘Jeremy’s Chocolate’ Sells More

Than 200,000 Chocolate Bars In Just Over

24 Hours

Daily Wire, by Staff

Posted By: Imright, 3/5/2023 3:07:41 AM

Jeremy’s Chocolate, the new business line founded by Daily Wire co-CEO Jeremy Boreing in response to a woke stunt by Hershey’s, has sold 200,000 non-woke candy bars in just over 24 hours from when it was launched. The chocolate bars, which come in two varieties, were created after Hershey’s rolled out an International Women’s Day marketing campaign that featured a man who identifies as a woman as one of its spokespersons. Boreing promptly entered the chocolate business, and, in a rebuke of Hershey’s, made clear The Daily Wire would not compromise on the definition of womanhood.

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4f8b24 No.18449908

File: d91a0d8ccf538d1⋯.jpg (84.21 KB,694x527,694:527,d91a0d8ccf538d16ea2d73fce6….jpg)


You? Pfff, nah!

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4763e4 No.18449909


God fucking Rules this shithole you nigger



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1f9a91 No.18449910


Mother In law lives there. Wife and I are getting our place in KY. ready to move her here. Should be by end of month. It's a mess up there. Nothing but bullshit lies coming from all govt. officials, even the Mayor is full of shit and over his head.

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4763e4 No.18449911


you are still an idiot

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ede579 No.18449912

Two deer just stole birdfeed from the feeder, they got startled and ran a bit, then sealed their theft with a kiss. It was quite precious.

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225417 No.18449913

File: 2a34b6f34517158⋯.png (551.57 KB,707x643,707:643,trump_cpac_2023.PNG)

enjoyed watching Donald Trump live yesterday at cpac, and being on the board to post and read comments, like the old days of Trump rallies!

according to Donald, the mission moves forward

retribution to come

i am committed to this cause, there is no one like Donald Trump and we are so blessed to have him leading us at this time in history!

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dc0028 No.18449914

File: 44c19ceb0dcd4bd⋯.png (558.47 KB,759x657,253:219,hi_o.PNG)


Ohio residents ordered to stay inside

as another train derails

New York Post, by Katherine Donlevy

Posted By: Imright, 3/5/2023 2:58:54 AM

Ohio residents have been ordered to shelter in place Saturday after another Norfolk Southern train ran off the tracks. The 212-car train derailed at Ohio 41 near the Prime Ohio Business Park in Springfield around 5 p.m., the Clark County Emergency Management said. About 20 of the train’s box cars toppled off the tracks while it was traveling through the city. A spokesperson confirmed with The Post that Norfolk Southern — the same railway company involved in the tragic East Palestine derailment that contaminated 1.1 million gallons of water and 15,000 pounds of soil — was operating the derailed train.

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4763e4 No.18449915



vid or.it didnt happen

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71e4a5 No.18449916

File: 01d8112ea27bbb5⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB,1556x720,389:180,HunterHunted.mp4)

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ede579 No.18449917


It straight happened. Trust.

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6fd5c0 No.18449918

File: 5570c540753cb89⋯.png (63.17 KB,482x390,241:195,ClipboardImage.png)

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225417 No.18449919

File: 29caa975e733969⋯.png (969.06 KB,876x476,219:119,they_mostly_die_from_sudde….PNG)

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4763e4 No.18449920


and they worshiped the beast with great praise

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4763e4 No.18449921


and get some fukn deer corn


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dc0028 No.18449922

File: 192780e23957842⋯.png (694 KB,893x684,47:36,era.PNG)


CPAC 2023: the End of an Era

PJ Media, by Stacey Lennox

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/4/2023 8:39:36 PM

As the legend goes, William F. Buckley, the founder of National Review, forged an alliance between social conservatives, Republicans, and Libertarians to fight Communism. He also booted the John Birch Society from the pact. Beginning in 1973, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) leadership and the dedicated group of activists in its ranks launched the Reagan Revolution. The Buckley coalition elected Ronald Reagan in 1980 and launched 25 years of unmatched prosperity and U.S. hegemony. For the last decade, I attended CPAC to participate in the movement. Some of the most interesting and contentious debates I have ever heard occurred in the Wyndham and Gaylord Resorts suites

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446939 No.18449923

File: 69b2b6f9c4603d6⋯.jpeg (74.14 KB,500x280,25:14,9177711_orig.jpeg)


Megalomaniacle motherfucker walking in and around humanity… Needs corrective action. STAT!

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744249 No.18449924

File: 1848c5a6a8d402c⋯.png (218.89 KB,943x496,943:496,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10d2525f22fe72b⋯.jpg (115.05 KB,900x635,180:127,Celtic_Heart.jpg)

I'm just here to say thanks to Animebaker for keeping the oven on for anons.

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4763e4 No.18449925


just this once.


put out some deer corn.

they are hungry

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dc0028 No.18449926

File: b561576e12cd19a⋯.png (25.36 KB,992x210,496:105,sess.PNG)


Judge denies Jan. 6 defendant access to

Capitol security tapes made available

by McCarthy

Washington Examiner, by Cami Mondeaux

Posted By: Imright, 3/4/2023 7:42:04 PM

A federal judge denied a request from a Jan. 6 defendant to access additional Capitol surveillance tapes recently made available by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in an effort to delay her trial and gather more evidence. U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg denied the request from Jan. 6 defendant Sara Carpenter on Friday, ruling her legal team failed to explain how the supplemental footage of her actions inside the Capitol building would be necessary in her case. Carpenter faces a number of charges for her participation in the Capitol riot, including disorderly conduct and obstruction of an official proceeding.

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e0f87c No.18449927


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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2c09c0 No.18449928


The cult has millions of members that are like minded and working as one.

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4f8b24 No.18449929

File: 2497ae23c40c415⋯.png (125.5 KB,500x190,50:19,Savitri_Devi2.png)


>And in the end they devolve into their hateful operational phrasing.

The brain-dead inferior hooknosed mongrel brats? Always!


>now stfu you retarded cunt

Typical projecting inferior mongrel brat!

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225417 No.18449930

File: d54f7d43fc23650⋯.png (115.64 KB,1327x458,1327:458,matt_hancock_wef.PNG)

File: 2f4a9c1c18a4b37⋯.png (791.24 KB,596x607,596:607,klaus_schwab_world_dictato….PNG)

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4763e4 No.18449931


niggah sed fuck.yo.Liberty

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246c5a No.18449932

File: dd36fc20e8b62db⋯.jpg (18.44 KB,255x223,255:223,ShillsGiorgio.jpg)

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5e8e78 No.18449933

File: 080d51ce5050e2c⋯.gif (1.49 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz99.gif)


>Morning, frenz

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2c09c0 No.18449934


Remind me to never protest.

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dc0028 No.18449935

File: a6a14cf09b993ae⋯.png (300.7 KB,610x771,610:771,tla.PNG)




Quote Tweet

Michael P Senger




JUST IN: New leaked messages show UK Health Minister Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant” in COVID messaging to “frighten the pants out of everyone” in order to “get proper behavior change” in the public’s compliance with lockdown measures.


6:01 PM · Mar 4, 2023




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11a8dd No.18449937

File: e9485d62495072a⋯.jpg (142.74 KB,1200x676,300:169,3ec26c.jpg)

File: 6de8dd9540d921b⋯.jpg (21.21 KB,255x255,1:1,6d4ef9.jpg)

File: 7aa1bbc288f6212⋯.jpeg (109.1 KB,580x513,580:513,7d4d9ab1d5d4eec857f.jpeg)

File: 7ebaf1df1e4093c⋯.jpg (158.81 KB,1200x675,16:9,7ec0.jpg)

File: d4c63522363f2d3⋯.png (126.57 KB,375x375,1:1,rsz_3ifyou.png)

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ede579 No.18449938


I'll think about it. I am not trying to attract a bunch of them. I got plants.. I don't want to lose.

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4f8b24 No.18449939

File: 08be8f7c9bc166d⋯.png (72.24 KB,165x255,11:17,0ad8ddbe76ba4eca9c89dda125….png)


>there is no one like Donald Trump

Pfff, KMAO! A kleptomaniac hooknosed mongrel!

>and we are so blessed to have him leading us at this time in history!

Yeah, you filthy fucks are really blessed!

KMAO these fucks are brain-dead!

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dc0028 No.18449940

File: 1936f6a3011cb5e⋯.png (352.19 KB,590x674,295:337,nat.PNG)





WATCH — One week after his leaked text message, UK Health Minister Matt Hancock spreads fear on national television as he "deploys the new variant" and "frightens the pants out of everyone."

"The new variant is out of control… It's important for everybody to act like they might have the virus… The cases, as you've seen from the graphs, have absolutely rocketed in the last few days… Given how much faster this new variant spreads, it will be very difficult to keep it under control until we have the vaccine rolled out."


6:01 PM · Mar 4, 2023




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e1d103 No.18449941

File: d20662f1c58b30e⋯.gif (279.2 KB,640x480,4:3,20210728_041726.gif)

File: c64cf43537a20b0⋯.gif (92.47 KB,480x640,3:4,20210728_110308.gif)


onkle adolf spit upon you

you fake nazı

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4f8b24 No.18449942

File: 7c19ad829238fda⋯.png (542.22 KB,644x606,322:303,Jewisch_Supremacist_Kopie.png)


Halt die Fresse du rattengesichtiger Bastard!

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25b7d1 No.18449943


and then his son sold out to the libs, voted for Obama and started the daily beast, to wipe out all the guud his father has built over his career

William F Buckley Jr was a great thinker and anyone who learned to parse through his sentences, often paragraph size know that he is rolling over in his grave over his son

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e3fbcc No.18449944

File: 80cd8aae5581022⋯.jpeg (155.84 KB,800x559,800:559,4A071066_B2AD_49CD_926A_C….jpeg)

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4f8b24 No.18449945

File: 717ed2039650a0c⋯.png (248.65 KB,320x458,160:229,Lebens_Heil.png)


>you fake nazı

STFU inferior khasaric hooknosed mongrel brat!

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e1d103 No.18449946


they are already there


feed them

and they won't eat yer plants.

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dc0028 No.18449947

File: 10b54774ea8cc4b⋯.png (112.63 KB,616x625,616:625,ron.PNG)




Kari Lake’s SC lawsuit claims that MCTEC sent 263,379 ballots to Runbeck.

Runbeck returned 298,942 ballots to MCTEC.

35,563 extra ballots were inserted, and a Runbeck whistleblower testified that Runbeck allowed this to happen.




8:09 AM · Mar 2, 2023




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e3fbcc No.18449948

File: ee8048ea85163b5⋯.jpeg (508.87 KB,2001x1125,667:375,6DEFB7C6_2517_46E6_89FC_3….jpeg)

File: 8caa559ac68a0b4⋯.mp4 (9.66 MB,IMG_1844.MOV)

File: 133fce1a9454749⋯.jpeg (83.67 KB,800x713,800:713,13B7A55E_7BDA_42C0_BBB4_C….jpeg)

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e1d103 No.18449949


tel aviv called

they towed yer beamer dude

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e1d103 No.18449950


the ultrarare manatee dred

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e3fbcc No.18449951

File: 057b5c7d5c694f1⋯.jpeg (143.28 KB,1088x925,1088:925,03F128D3_E34D_4DBE_A33C_9….jpeg)

File: 000a1cdb6f16af9⋯.jpeg (258.6 KB,1088x845,1088:845,8D6AC43D_DFD9_41D0_A4F7_9….jpeg)

File: c76d384c73d4718⋯.jpg (659.75 KB,912x788,228:197,IMG_1723.jpg)

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e1d103 No.18449952


fuck you ron

do your job

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4f8b24 No.18449953

File: ac304d6b9b6edb8⋯.jpg (35.16 KB,500x281,500:281,Judentoele.jpg)


Still a real German, someone without a hooknose!

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032d77 No.18449955

File: 6336f2144d3bf62⋯.png (1.26 MB,1166x1304,583:652,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 705ecdc6fc95e2f⋯.png (83.58 KB,634x416,317:208,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f512441bb78f64b⋯.png (11.74 KB,270x136,135:68,ClipboardImage.png)


45 timestamp

BONGO -> Bon = French 'Good' -> Good to Go

[B]ong[O] + Great Lakes, Illinois -> Hussein

Military Working Dog -> MWD -> WMD = 23 13 4 -> 23 /17 -> Weapon Of Mass Destruction ->MOAB

Linked article:

71st EOD Group -> Q Group




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e1d103 No.18449956


[we]'re all gunnah die kid

always were


move on

eat cookies


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225417 No.18449957

File: 1c628008326629f⋯.png (350.66 KB,655x439,655:439,potus_vienna_virginia_chur….PNG)


calling a baptist christian the beast?

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e1d103 No.18449958

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236585 No.18449959


ty ghosted bake!

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e1d103 No.18449960

if the hoof fits…


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dc0028 No.18449961

File: 4b1fdc3c6b093b9⋯.png (267.44 KB,425x666,425:666,hund.PNG)


New Zealand records its highest death toll in 100 years. Why are so many people dying?



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7ff52d No.18449962

File: 665da49dc4c5507⋯.jpg (112.65 KB,718x787,718:787,20230305_054723.jpg)


For the first time in my life I listened to a full speech from Donald Trump.

It was two hours and every word it made complete sense.

I wish my country had a leader even half as smart and dedicated to the citizens.

I cannot believe how many years I believed the lies from the international media that says he’s a bad person.

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236585 No.18449963



Runbeck is the key…which we have known since 2018…

Runbeck was created by 2 ex-cons. It was then given massive AZ (and other state) contracts. Then they began to print ballots.



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e3fbcc No.18449964

File: f96ebf44dc6c044⋯.jpeg (312.14 KB,1293x893,1293:893,96CF5C62_3C91_4FF9_8FF4_B….jpeg)

File: 4ef216436f34045⋯.jpeg (387.78 KB,1389x1394,1389:1394,0E4E987B_1FBC_40BB_A0CA_7….jpeg)

File: 68ea9cd7b8e4df2⋯.jpeg (485.76 KB,1421x2319,1421:2319,D7D16741_CF85_4FCA_88B3_F….jpeg)

File: 75836334806ed8e⋯.png (157.82 KB,748x483,748:483,5BC56373_EDA6_4A33_9F7E_74….png)


Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: “The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous”




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71e4a5 No.18449965



hair style of the Scythians

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4f8b24 No.18449966



I've already posted photos of me and Hannah last summer!

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225417 No.18449967


i see Donald's cpac speech hit a nerve

everyone else on the board please take note that this poster was extremely triggered by Donald Trump, and then take note of what this porter represents via their meme that they posted

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80bbb7 No.18449968


sauce it.

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dc0028 No.18449969

File: e2a88e0e6940c6e⋯.png (70.35 KB,423x454,423:454,nerd.PNG)




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e1d103 No.18449970

wait a minute

so your a german

working for the jews

in tel aviv.

syntax is a bitch.

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e1d103 No.18449971

dammit jim


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71e4a5 No.18449972



ancient Eastern Iranian equestrian nomadic people who had migrated from Central Asia to the Pontic Steppe in modern-day Ukraine and Southern Russia

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032d77 No.18449973

File: dac23e3ef8292d6⋯.png (96.86 KB,1168x440,146:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1748c9f5467acfb⋯.png (277.25 KB,710x1014,355:507,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63f1a92ea5a5966⋯.png (45.58 KB,840x542,420:271,1600.png)


Follow-Up Tweet

1,600 -> 1600 Penn Ave (WH)

Q1600 -> C T B B -> 3 20 B2 ->23 / B2 BOMBER

Link ends 81 -> 18 (Q+)


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f20f46 No.18449974


nice digits for nice decode


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e1d103 No.18449975



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744249 No.18449976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


PDJT puts a spotlight on people. Why does he do that?

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236585 No.18449977


you are kinda like the new Freddy there fren…you even have a host of clever memes…

JDIF much?

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e1d103 No.18449978


one, what?

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4f8b24 No.18449979

File: 28cd32edbc3c48e⋯.png (482.7 KB,553x800,553:800,Spiegel.png)


>i see Donald's cpac speech hit a nerve

BS, he is a typical lying hooknosed mongrel brat who stole everything!

>everyone else on the board please take note

Typical hooknosed mongrel brat, there the rat child tries again to force his opinion on others! KMAO!

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4b6fdc No.18449980

File: d16e8db527fa246⋯.jpg (35.43 KB,400x225,16:9,Donald_Trump.jpg)

File: 81fed34064156b1⋯.jpg (109.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,trump_puppet.jpg)


Because that's his 'role'.

He's great at following a script and entertaining people

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e856ee No.18449981


You are a Fucking idiot.


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c7e691 No.18449982

File: b7a65448ed36288⋯.png (518.38 KB,488x628,122:157,Keks_in_Moz.png)


>Oh mother I can feel the soil falling over my head tonight

Tranime sure has gotten much better at Bread Titles over the years.

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e3fbcc No.18449983

File: 496730ac99a72d4⋯.jpeg (276.14 KB,1125x2001,375:667,9E0E7574_CAB8_491C_ACEF_3….jpeg)


Matt Hancock Discrediting a leading Scientist.

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11a8dd No.18449984

File: b2befb5d0faacdf⋯.jpg (41.28 KB,576x576,1:1,q_cult.jpg)

File: 1dc4dd8226e7ea9⋯.png (693.94 KB,815x1037,815:1037,fe0edf.png)

File: ef0319deb0c706f⋯.png (33.41 KB,600x700,6:7,ef083.png)

File: 06947703428709d⋯.jpg (75.04 KB,597x570,199:190,EbhGYUlXgAcuGCy.jpg)

File: 96cea68f195177b⋯.png (1.71 MB,7990x4717,7990:4717,96cedb.png)

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4f8b24 No.18449985

File: 344e93e1bc5ae41⋯.jpeg (15.51 KB,178x255,178:255,8701ba1bb4c807bb8e8c98124….jpeg)


Talk shit as soon as you filthy mongrel brat open your shitty fronthole!

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6fd5c0 No.18449986

File: 790f134eba7731b⋯.png (36.75 KB,546x588,13:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8813d332ae1f7d⋯.png (684.98 KB,944x709,944:709,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c9affa49ebb0e4⋯.png (439.73 KB,900x697,900:697,ClipboardImage.png)



yes we know.

Ascension Ascend above the media, also means, we are the media now

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882991 No.18449987


you are being distracted from the child eating

fucking kids may get justified by this society

fricaseeing the fucks


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1199af No.18449988

File: 12469f7b9659c26⋯.jpg (327.26 KB,1461x2015,1461:2015,Q_drops_corona_Snow_white.jpg)


What could have been if Q Team hadn't flipped their script, taking the fangs out of their snake.

They are still trying to kill us.

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71e4a5 No.18449989

They (the Mongols) attacked Rus', where they made great havoc, destroying cities and fortresses and slaughtering men; and they laid siege to Kiev, the capital of Rus'; after they had besieged the city for a long time, they took it and put the inhabitants to death. When we were journeying through that land we came across countless skulls and bones of dead men lying about on the ground. Kiev had been a very large and thickly populated town, but now it has been reduced almost to nothing, for there are at the present time scarce two hundred houses there and the inhabitants are kept in complete slavery.

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dc0028 No.18449990

File: c9b1f247e3c5446⋯.png (144.58 KB,450x364,225:182,dust.PNG)


This was a very interesting remark in regard to the virus!

Speaking of the economy President Trump said “prior to the DUST COMING IN FROM CHINA”!!! 🤔

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689922 No.18449991

Never heard of Matt Hancock. The British are so vile I have zero interest in their shit hole nation. Nothing but a war mongering tribe. Pains me to think I speak their language.

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225417 No.18449992


Donald is not God, Donald is not perfect

holding him to a higher standard than the rest of us seems unfair, but he is in a leadership role, so there's that to consider

he has not said or done anything yet to cause me to question his faith

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8921b0 No.18449993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.. Lamentations 3:22-23

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e3fbcc No.18449994

File: 0db1b79042bb616⋯.jpeg (137.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,F2917777_A8D6_42F1_BFB0_7….jpeg)

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4f8b24 No.18449995

File: 42a3731ff440e33⋯.gif (723.89 KB,222x480,37:80,Donar.gif)


>one, what?

Some mongrels will never get who am I!

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39dc72 No.18449996



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1199af No.18449997


2 COR 4:4

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dc0028 No.18449998


What Is Dust In His Dark Materials And Golden Compass?

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6fd5c0 No.18449999

File: f3e5f5c67893faf⋯.png (650.83 KB,1230x819,410:273,ClipboardImage.png)



> Pains me to think I speak their language

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4b6fdc No.18450000


I think its interesting that the US has "The #TwitterFiles" while the British folks are reading about "The #LockdownFiles".

Like even at the meta/conspiracy level, it's still all timed and coordinated.

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8e4fc8 No.18450001

File: ba3a9f68af1c4a8⋯.png (94.73 KB,327x226,327:226,ClipboardImage.png)



>Smart Dust?

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39dc72 No.18450002

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ed223e No.18450003

File: 86076bd1316f0d5⋯.png (594.98 KB,816x540,68:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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1199af No.18450004

File: 2576da2c8b00061⋯.png (3.23 MB,1400x1000,7:5,Trump.png)

File: 60660e124333fbc⋯.jpg (267.88 KB,1200x1123,1200:1123,Trump_sting.jpg)


He was on point.

Looking forward to his being back at the WH.

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6185d2 No.18450005

he made a pact with israel


he is hated worshiped and feared

firty bux sez he hits israel in the third year of his second term.

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4f8b24 No.18450006


>Because that's his 'role'.

The rat is the wrecking ball for the rat system!

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7ff52d No.18450007

File: f47891d7c3f3510⋯.png (968.04 KB,1315x733,1315:733,20230305_060331.png)


Looks like a chicken tendie

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dc0028 No.18450008

File: feead044ec66f70⋯.png (279.23 KB,420x727,420:727,list.PNG)


Censorship ALERT: Google to de-list entire websites that link CLOTS to the SHOTS


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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236585 No.18450009

File: 34bc0c6d0796375⋯.png (71.93 KB,250x188,125:94,Bug.png)

I study human health…

I am a world leader in my field…

I am seeing this incredible story of CONTROL through human health. If I can keep you SICK and WEAK then you are easy peasy to manipulate, influence, and control…

-remember that star trek where they put the "thing" is checkov's ear? Well it is kinda like that. THEY WANT YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM WEAK so that you are an easy target for pathogenic invasion.

-when you are INFECTED, pathogens will metastasize inside of you. This is happening to all of use right now

-the evidence for this is EVERYWHERE and I can show it to you clinically with thermal imaging and other tools

-LIGHT is the occulted and hidden reason

-FOOD is how the have weakened us = you don't have to EAT…you do have to DRINK and probably drink ions.

-with FOOD I can make your immune system weak and ensure that you get THE BUGS

-when you have the BUGS you are easy peasy to control.

They have pulled things from our diet and they have taught us behaviors (like eating) that allow us to be PRIME TARGETS FOR THE PATHOGENS THEY WORSHIP.

Cancer fluoresces PURPLE…

If you have health issues or have family that does I am here to help and happy to answer question when I can…

BTW..somehow we are STILL WAKING UP, even though I am seeing us get more infected.

This WAKE UP is 100% because of the SUN which you can think of as the SON OF GOD…

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e717d8 No.18450010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just found this…

Bakhmut Mass Ukrainian Withdrawal NOW Underway!!!


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9c29c0 No.18450011

platitudes of no worth as far as one is concerned


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689922 No.18450012



It is clear there is choreography going on.

Nice Quads. Looks like today is leg day.

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7ff52d No.18450013


Child torture trpohys

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e3fbcc No.18450014

File: d4018a91d997a8e⋯.jpeg (813.73 KB,1285x989,1285:989,DA55F824_4BE2_4302_B916_1….jpeg)

File: b266827f621174f⋯.webp (124.75 KB,1278x883,1278:883,8C34B9F6_4B8C_449A_ABCA_8….webp)

File: d17e318f02e8c43⋯.webp (71.85 KB,1278x883,1278:883,DFC17902_9E9E_4055_98F7_5….webp)

File: c29988e20633d34⋯.webp (493.97 KB,1278x528,213:88,A16877AF_D9FA_4724_B864_E….webp)


UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022


UK Government Stats https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland

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9c29c0 No.18450015


that is when they hopped hosts.

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dc0028 No.18450016

File: 692e3e18783e570⋯.png (204.35 KB,421x529,421:529,brit.PNG)


NEW - BBC conspired "with boundless enthusiasm" in the "deliberately misleading" propaganda campaign of fear that kept Britain locked up.



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236585 No.18450017


Someone post that midget zelenskyyyyyys speech where he said Bakhmut was the KEY TO THE WAR and UK would never abandon it…

UK is out of ammo and men. RU could plow into Kiev anytime and are in COMPLETE CONTROL of the situation…

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9c29c0 No.18450018

khazaria was a front for the head of the snake

in moscow

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50a2bc No.18450019

File: 86c37283758de1f⋯.png (1.01 MB,760x714,380:357,ClipboardImage.png)


A Miracle Drug.

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dc0028 No.18450020

File: 67691fec1c1f059⋯.png (1.69 MB,1310x887,1310:887,rose.PNG)


Breaking! Roseanne Barr & Alex Jones Full Interview Is Live!



Mar 4, 2023




The Alex Jones Show

The Alex Jones Show

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96b5a9 No.18450021


Not the first time he said that

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1199af No.18450022

File: 694aa2484524c92⋯.png (668.32 KB,1136x638,568:319,Good_Deed.png)

File: 3631bf7b5f19603⋯.jpg (629.29 KB,1920x1200,8:5,DarktoLight.jpg)


Noice, anon.

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dc0028 No.18450023

File: 31f6b6de5ce3634⋯.png (251.09 KB,447x560,447:560,clown.PNG)


NBC News reporter scores Bolsonaro’s first on-camera interview with a US news outlet since the Brazilian election, so what does he choose to ask?

“Would you urge others around the world to resist the eLeCtiOn dEniAliSm that we have seen play out in America and Brazil?” 🤡

What an embarrassment. Bolsonaro doesn’t even look at the clown while he’s asking the question.

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9c29c0 No.18450024


go suck inanna's cock elsewhere mackerelsnapper

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446939 No.18450025

File: 74ab98861a9362f⋯.png (385.2 KB,680x626,340:313,0039442ad0e489e9513ff9ce63….png)


The spelling? I found multiple variations.

Do you understand what word I was trying to use, to explain the craziness of using coercion by fear to make people do what the crazy person wants?

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4f8b24 No.18450026

File: aa686ce46acb5d9⋯.png (551.75 KB,478x640,239:320,Donar3.png)



BS lying hooknosed mongrel brat, I can post these pics again!

Long blonde hair, blue eyes and a small nose!

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8e4fc8 No.18450027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


WTF is happening in Ohio???

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e3fbcc No.18450028

File: 4047c9c651da3e6⋯.jpeg (90.2 KB,484x648,121:162,Popcorn_for_Anons.JPEG)

Popcorn Sunday and week by the looks of it,

Too much News.

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dc0028 No.18450029

File: 4eb0e2c42e99996⋯.png (202.77 KB,447x603,149:201,mill.PNG)


Here you have it folks!

Not Pfizer or Moderna, but the US government pioneered mRNA. DARPA (US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) began investing in gene-encoded vaccines in 2012.

In other words, the military came up with the idea of ​​messenger RNA vaccines, not Pfizer or Moderna.

"This is a military program."


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ed223e No.18450030

File: a4ac3cefa271b80⋯.png (148.05 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3fbcc No.18450031


Check last bread

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80bbb7 No.18450032


fuck him and his chocolate, just another gatekeeping faggot.

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5e8e78 No.18450034

File: 52b65e490f8fc95⋯.gif (1.94 MB,360x270,4:3,ralphDonuts1.gif)


>G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

gotta run. Covfefe in the break room!

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def69f No.18450035


It's only the Start of March Madness and the year!

Gird yourselves more on the way

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ed223e No.18450036

File: d1946f5e69db718⋯.png (277.48 KB,526x633,526:633,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3fbcc No.18450037

File: 77b85664d2d773b⋯.jpeg (321.74 KB,1972x1773,1972:1773,84FA5DD6_BFAF_46DF_AB8D_1….jpeg)

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92e141 No.18450038

File: e1732f173decbe7⋯.png (200.8 KB,748x682,34:31,mar_3_2023_meatball_weak_o….png)

File: e438d76b36f4d5d⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,mar_3_2023_meatball_weak_o….mp4)

File: 9c2f36370853d30⋯.png (129.65 KB,870x692,435:346,mar_3_2023_Nikki_Klobuchar….png)

File: 5511e665e37ebc2⋯.mp4 (5.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,mar_3_2023_Nikki_Klobuchar….mp4)

File: dafdb4f018dceef⋯.jpg (66.55 KB,1280x594,640:297,mar_4_2023_club_for_NO_gro….jpg)

Baker likes meatballs

NO growth Bread

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dc0028 No.18450040

File: b13e3ba8bc982a6⋯.png (359.08 KB,638x753,638:753,craft.PNG)


A Chinese spacecraft has been checking out US satellites high above Earth

By Andrew Jones

published 2 days ago

The Chinese satellite TJS-3 has been inspecting other countries' assets in geostationary orbit.

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e3fbcc No.18450041

File: dc93747f3e2f6fb⋯.jpg (144.51 KB,1088x805,1088:805,IMG_8603.JPG)

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8e4fc8 No.18450042


From that particular report I posted, it seems that the MSM wants people to be scared of train rails.

Why do [they] want to project fear on the train rail system, especially in Ohio?

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71e4a5 No.18450043

File: 4cf031bc4e495a0⋯.png (1.34 MB,772x1024,193:256,ClipboardImage.png)


Magi were priests in Zoroastrianism and the earlier religions of the western Iranians.

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dc0028 No.18450044

File: 45bad64da4ce0c7⋯.png (233.95 KB,422x685,422:685,indy.PNG)


Chemical fires all over the place in India

The world is under attack






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def69f No.18450045

File: ee5c020d19dab9f⋯.png (1.72 MB,1920x1080,16:9,The_Earth_is_Round.png)

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8e4fc8 No.18450046

File: 4e4fd783b2e278e⋯.png (1.11 MB,924x616,3:2,PepeDiscTurtle.png)

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ef88fe No.18450047

File: 63a9a716cadfcc9⋯.jpeg (1.43 MB,2048x1174,1024:587,891E76E1_2F40_47C5_B699_A….jpeg)

File: 1551d2c2dddd02a⋯.gif (4.99 MB,596x338,298:169,8A2DF35F_BFFF_45E0_BB3F_BF….gif)

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e0f87c No.18450048


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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e3fbcc No.18450049

File: 6ef67e3f014169e⋯.jpeg (100.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,A6F55DC9_3948_4A65_8BD3_5….jpeg)

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dc0028 No.18450050

File: 87244ebb9858ac1⋯.png (277.4 KB,444x472,111:118,nato.PNG)


NATO military equipment in the port of Gdynia / Poland. Exactly one year ago I predicted that war in Ukraine is Globalists plan for the Great Reset will be bloody and years ahead of us. Many Shill organisations such as InfoWars and UK Column deliberately mislead entire freedom movement on the Porpoise of this war. Extremely naive people still believe that Putin is fighting Globalists. As occasional truther I don't stand a chance to stop CIA and MI6 professional agents to mind control freedom seeking folks I simply don't have resources for that. All sides are part of the WAG THE DOG scenario!

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def69f No.18450051

File: 35f91d70e2d8227⋯.jpg (212.69 KB,1600x971,1600:971,Sunrise_on_the_Cross.jpg)

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6d0456 No.18450052

File: 75a2d9b93596c23⋯.jpg (72.55 KB,800x537,800:537,ridinEagles.jpg)

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e3fbcc No.18450053

File: 04af076a6957080⋯.jpg (185.36 KB,824x781,824:781,456FFFA8_407B_4B50_BB19_BB….jpg)

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e0f87c No.18450054


>gotta run. Covfefe in the break room

Thanks… Hope it is Dark Roast, as there is a lot to do today.

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032d77 No.18450055

File: 89d836510157e16⋯.png (1.88 MB,1168x1354,584:677,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f6063ae3cb98d4⋯.png (101.33 KB,1274x382,637:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbc06389f764527⋯.png (239.48 KB,716x998,358:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad961730644ff80⋯.png (4.71 MB,2208x1898,1104:949,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d79afb4cf2fb854⋯.png (741.49 KB,1760x1342,80:61,ClipboardImage.png)



Ft Bragg -> 251 sq mi -> 17

Army's XVIII Airborne Corps -> 18 (Q+)

[75]th Ranger Regiment…[1]st Special Forces Command (Airborne) -> 751 / The Kun

Head[q]uarters of the United States Army Special Operations Command

Around 54,000 military personnel -> 45

Linked article:

34-(f)oot..(f)irst-(h)and -> 346 68 -> 346+68 = 424 ->


Fully operational


Godspeed, Patriots.


Feb 22 -> 222 -> Q222:


>that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. - Abraham Lincoln Nov 1863

Together we win.


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b8b59f No.18450056


in reality you are scared and weak

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e3fbcc No.18450057

File: 67c2db49359b741⋯.gif (2.28 MB,320x178,160:89,Popcorn_07_Guy.GIF)

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1199af No.18450058


Trump is Presbyterian.

Don't know enough about Protestantism if that is the same.

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e3fbcc No.18450059

File: 88b78194b4d63af⋯.jpeg (380.3 KB,800x794,400:397,Popcorn_Week.JPEG)

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4f8b24 No.18450060



Protestants are mostly hooknosed mongrels like Martin Luther the lying fuck!

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125813 No.18450061

File: 1c872f6feddcfb2⋯.jpg (1.91 MB,4608x3456,4:3,putintrumpa.jpg)



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e3fbcc No.18450062

File: 237122bca00bdef⋯.png (1.25 MB,1400x846,700:423,44AE04CF_5298_47D3_AFAA_02….PNG)

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8e4fc8 No.18450063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This vid was made because of the East Palestine derailment.

"The Many Saints of Springfield" is the title of the Simpson's episode.

This particular derailment you posted says: "Springfield, OH".

The Simpsons live in "Springfield".

>DNC Fundraiser



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50a2bc No.18450064

File: f210e6c2e5c5ee3⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB,480x360,4:3,Trololololo.mp4)


Good Morning!

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1afc6c No.18450065


I watched this, it was amazing. I'm not even a fan of Alex Jones but this was a great show.

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236585 No.18450066


yep..quinine, fenbedazole, menbedazole are others…

ALL BECAUSE THEY ARE ANTI-PARASTIC and why they work for cancer and many other things…

It is all about ZE BUGS…

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2c09c0 No.18450067

File: 0e879c17a5d26ed⋯.png (717.15 KB,969x738,323:246,msm.PNG)

What is project fear?

Any diggers still lurk here?

"‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant"


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71e4a5 No.18450068

File: 6fd993538cee81a⋯.png (1.49 MB,812x682,406:341,ClipboardImage.png)

when the monster Dahāg, who is now bound in chains on Mount Damāvand, bursts free of his fetters at the end of the world, Kirsāsp will be resurrected (his corpse having been guarded from corruption) to destroy Dahāg and save the two thirds of the world that Dahāg has not devoured

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8e4fc8 No.18450069

File: 7e8a937a32c98e6⋯.png (246.28 KB,569x400,569:400,ClipboardImage.png)


I found the MASONIC Compass symbol!

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e3fbcc No.18450070


Check last bread

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02a817 No.18450071

File: 8f856e8c921ca46⋯.jpeg (99.41 KB,634x813,634:813,399D18C5_2406_4C6E_9632_A….jpeg)

File: 4e0cfb140a83510⋯.jpeg (101.57 KB,634x763,634:763,D203CEA4_01BF_4B5C_B389_F….jpeg)

File: ebb699c87d46068⋯.jpeg (56.32 KB,634x415,634:415,B032918C_F7BD_467B_9CA8_6….jpeg)

File: 7b7d3344b105b34⋯.jpeg (189.28 KB,634x780,317:390,2377A3C6_C1A3_4A39_92F6_D….jpeg)

Furious families of Manchester Arena bombing victims to sue MI5

By Duncan Gardham and Abul Taher 18:01 EST 04 Mar 2023

The families of the Manchester Arena bombing victims intend to sue over a catalogue of failures, including a missed ‘significant opportunity’ to stop the attacker days before the deadly atrocity.

Last week, an official inquiry told how MI5 had Arenabomber Salman Abedi on its radar from 2010, but regarded him as low priority.

However, in the months before the attack – which killed 22 victims, mainly children –MI5 received two vital pieces of intelligence on Abedi, which it failed to act upon quickly.

Had it done so, its spies may have stopped the attack by watching him more closely.

Andrew Roussos, whose daughter Saffie-Rose, eight, was the youngest victim, said it could not be ‘business as usual’ for MI5 after the inquiry’s final report came out last week.

Saffie-Rose Roussos was the youngest person to diein the Manchester Arena bombing

After it was highly critical of MI5, its Director-General, Ken McCallum, apologised to the victims’ families.

Mr Roussos said: ‘I would like to sue MI5 and I know other families feel the same way. I can’t see why not. If they get sued it will make sure it is not business as usual.

‘I have said from day one that I blame MI5 – the country’s Security Service. But now there is clear evidence that they messed up, and there has to be a price to pay. They need to feel responsible.’

He said four law firms were considering how best to sue MI5, adding: ‘Taking civil action is the only way to make sure they have a real incentive to learn lessons.’

Caroline Curry, whose son Liam, 19, died at the concert with his girlfriend Chloe Rutherford, 17, also wants to sue MI5 for negligence.

She said: ‘It sometimes feels MI5 are untouchable, and I feel it would make sure they do the right thing in future. Others feel the same.’

Speaking after the final report of the inquiry was published on Thursday, an angry Ms Curry said: ‘From top to bottom, MI5 to the associates of the attacker, we will always believe you all played a part in the murder of our children.

‘Forgiveness will never be an option for such evil intentions, and those that played any part in the murder of our children will never, ever get forgiveness. Shame on you all.’ Thursday’s report looked specifically at Abedi’s radicalisation, what MI5 and counter-terror police knew about him and whether they could have prevented the bombing by acting on intelligence they had.

After it was highly critical of MI5, its Director-General, Ken McCallum, apologised to the victims’ families

Abedi, 22, blew himself up at the Manchester Arena after an Ariana Grande concert on May 22, 2017. Mr Roussos said investigations into the 7/7 attack on the LondonUnderground in July 2005, which killed 52 people, also revealed failures by MI5,which had its ringleader, Mohammed Siddique Khan, under surveillance 17 months beforehand. He believes similar mistakes were made in Manchester.

Inquiry chairman Sir John Saunders revealed last week thatMI5 received information about Abedi on 20 occasionsbetween 2010 and the days leading up to the attack in May 2017. It came from Abedi’s contacts with known extremists.

But MI5 did not investigate him closely. Crucially, Sir John said MI5 received two significant pieces of information of national security concern about Abedi in the months before his attack when he was amassing bomb material.

But the two pieces of intelligence – which Sir John could not reveal –were not acted upon by MI5 quickly enough.

Abedi was in Libya for a month and returned to Britain four days before the attack. Sir John believes it was in Libya that he was trained how to make a bomb and even brought back a detonator switch.

Had MI5 acted on the two pieces of intelligence, he would have been searched on re-entering the UK, and officers would have tailed him, which would have led them to a car full of bomb-making materials.

Sir John said there was a ‘realistic possibility’ that ‘actionable intelligence’ could have been obtained that might have prevented the attack, adding: ‘The reasons for this significant missed opportunity included a failure by a Security Service officer to act swiftly.’

The Home Office declined to comment on the proposed lawsuit.

(This was that Ariana Grande Concert)


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1199af No.18450072

File: f4f836f25537ef7⋯.jpg (38.99 KB,289x375,289:375,Blind_justice.jpg)

File: 105c3fb699284e0⋯.jpeg (57.24 KB,640x421,640:421,JusticebeDoneTho_the_heav….jpeg)

Boston Massacre 253 years ago today.

March 5, 1770

Crispus Attucks.

Samuel Gray.

James Caldwell.

Samuel Maverick.

Patrick Carr.

Were killed when British soldiers opened fire on an angry mob.

John Adams becoming the defense lawyer of those British soldiers made him a great of History. A man of truth and justice, over anger and feelings.

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50a2bc No.18450073


Just ordered 100 more Ivermectin.

Got my DMSO and Cherry Concentrate yesterday. Already feeling better after one day on Ivermectin, Cherry Concentrate and DMSO.

Hardware store opens at 9am. Heading to get what I need to ground myelf when I sleep. IE Earthing.

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1afc6c No.18450074

>>18450020 Roseanne talks about "ALL" of it, the whole reason we are here. She talks about everything, and Alex does too. The imagery, the subject matter, it was all good. I hope it goes viral.

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4b6fdc No.18450075


"Project", "Project", or "Project"?

1. an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim.

2. present or promote (a particular view or image).

3. transfer or attribute one's own emotion or desire to (another person), especially unconsciously.

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2c09c0 No.18450076


In another message Simon Case, the Cabinet Secretary, said that “the fear/ guilt factor” was “vital” in “ramping up the messaging” during the third national lockdown in Jan 2021.

The previous month, Matt Hancock, the then health secretary, appeared to suggest in one message that a new strain of Covid that had recently emerged would be helpful in preparing the ground for the looming lockdown, by scaring people into compliance.

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1199af No.18450077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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50a2bc No.18450078



My ears were ringing when I woke up. Never had that before. Coughing a bit too for some reason. Hacked up some garbage from my lungs.

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d23f56 No.18450079

File: 9a7424843063cdc⋯.jpg (71.55 KB,500x676,125:169,7da20v.jpg)



It's over. We got 'em.

The sinister censorship regimes worldwide are all dependent on an inconsistent operating system.

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dd2034 No.18450081

File: d94283d3ae2dee1⋯.jpg (99.58 KB,749x500,749:500,6jcvod.jpg)


TY, baker.

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e3fbcc No.18450082

File: ec25a165fe240f0⋯.jpeg (880.82 KB,2117x589,2117:589,ED689770_2016_42E2_99BF_0….jpeg)

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e3fbcc No.18450083

File: 736778a388e65a6⋯.png (3.21 MB,1348x1685,4:5,A467B5FA_266B_4CFE_A628_DF….png)

File: 47f5f350d30eeb0⋯.jpeg (674.68 KB,1265x1576,1265:1576,DEBD7F72_E0FF_41AC_A5FC_B….jpeg)

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80bbb7 No.18450084


well shit that is interesting. Gonna need to dig.

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125813 No.18450085

File: fcda145bbc83dbb⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,480x512,15:16,russchinavsnato.MP4)

>>18449317 pb

sam power is transgender.

also total psycho liar.

no idea how NATO can beat Russia and China combined.


They expect USA and Zelenski the night -club dancer of the demi-monde demands Conscription of USA citizens?

they want to ship overseas to leave us here even more unprotected than was are? (difficult to imagine?)

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8e4fc8 No.18450086

File: b204dab9b9deb28⋯.png (338.41 KB,512x447,512:447,ClipboardImage.png)


Cracked Pillars/Towers

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d23f56 No.18450087

File: 7d96b753761aa5b⋯.png (891.32 KB,634x1108,317:554,ClipboardImage.png)




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032d77 No.18450088

File: 015e2e7298631aa⋯.png (1.3 MB,1170x1094,585:547,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2af9b9f03cb61b⋯.png (17.04 KB,1166x84,583:42,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1fa3af450b486e⋯.png (384.83 KB,840x3062,420:1531,2126_1_.png)


The culminating event -> FINISH

Timestamp 1015 -> Qalerts 11 posts

Marines in pictures 2 1 2 6 -> Qalerts 6 posts

6+11 -> 17


Last and final








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e3fbcc No.18450089


It’s a shopped meme you Doughnut.

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ba046c No.18450090

File: d27946ea3e2fea6⋯.jpeg (92.38 KB,1024x576,16:9,271E4294_750D_4D8D_B015_4….jpeg)



Listening now…

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975b61 No.18450091

File: 4f377a866d9daed⋯.png (599.53 KB,787x949,787:949,4f377a866d9daed032dafe3852….png)

>Best show of all time

>Needs more weimar?

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d23f56 No.18450092


That's what Anon just showed.

Why is it wrong for Anon to say what you just said?

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60aebf No.18450093


The Best Is Yet To Come anon


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8e4fc8 No.18450094

File: 4a116bdb0195993⋯.png (553.7 KB,862x350,431:175,ClipboardImage.png)



>Bars Of

>Ice Cream


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d6db64 No.18450095

File: e5780a677de7686⋯.png (314.94 KB,439x325,439:325,Lurkinhard.png)

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1199af No.18450096

File: 67f9aae594441fc⋯.png (10.6 KB,422x168,211:84,Media_Matters3.png)

File: 4579632612073f3⋯.png (360.87 KB,593x330,593:330,MSM_wake_up.png)

File: 362908c07d8d9bd⋯.png (151.11 KB,768x1024,3:4,GA_told_you_so_comfort.png)

File: f2d222365236a0e⋯.jpeg (49.52 KB,403x403,1:1,Great_awakening_show_the_….jpeg)


Sad thing is, we'll be saving this media matters creep too.

Some day, his eyes will open and we'll be there to guide him from the cave.

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71e4a5 No.18450097

File: 768729cdc02c240⋯.png (770.91 KB,496x840,62:105,ClipboardImage.png)


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e717d8 No.18450099

File: 5488838e9868153⋯.jpeg (66.99 KB,527x578,31:34,2456CF37_19CA_4F5E_B324_8….jpeg)


Prove me Wrong…

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d23f56 No.18450100


nice projection

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dc0028 No.18450101

File: 866eef5ebef066b⋯.png (455.09 KB,1060x736,265:184,ask.PNG)


AND THERE IT IS: Biden Asks for Billions for COVID and Ukraine – Where Will This Money Really Go?

by Joe Hoft Mar. 5, 2022 4:15 pm


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510f0b No.18450102

File: f59ef3f7cfbd71f⋯.jpeg (140.49 KB,750x728,375:364,f59ef3f7cfbd71fddf4a05eb9….jpeg)


Anon is wondering if potus "dust" means the precursers to make fentonyl that the chinese send to the mexicans in large quantaties

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60aebf No.18450103

File: 18fcb21c28473da⋯.jpg (286.67 KB,2188x549,2188:549,2605f2a5cf000b0b49fe1c1c5b….jpg)

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dc0028 No.18450104

File: 4945c93fcdbc00e⋯.png (10.67 KB,587x151,587:151,pm.PNG)


PM Breaking News


Breaking: Visa announces it is suspending all operations in Russia.

11:12 AM · Mar 5, 2022


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ba046c No.18450105



I was thinking of the ‘mentality dust’ of communistic totalitarianism.

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975b61 No.18450106

1. Harvest genetic data using 23 and me etc

2. Assess genetic meta data to look for vulnerabilities/ trends

3. Assemble the necessary nano-bots to target genetic vulnerabilities

4. Spray them on the globe using aircraft

5. Send the faggots out to distract with covid and vaccines

6. Turn the 5g up to 11

7. Watch the world burn

8. Build more sweet sweet tunnels. It's not as boring as you might think.

9. Cull the slaves that resist.

10. Post sweet time travel memes

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1199af No.18450107

File: d0c8b68a54293f0⋯.png (50.74 KB,524x905,524:905,Q_2609_Plan_after_Trump.png)


To bring eyes on them? Some are good, others not. Many are exposed by his identification.


He has a role. Was drafted by Q Team, as were we all.

He has been excellent and must believe in what he is doing.

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6c72f0 No.18450108

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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07a3ed No.18450109

File: 8927368a356d2e8⋯.jpeg (657.26 KB,1239x648,413:216,69F678B3_CC20_4674_8E34_2….jpeg)

File: a04a51156a96a9c⋯.png (675.17 KB,828x650,414:325,042D73F1_46C9_4CAF_A7BC_36….png)

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c361f6 No.18450110

File: c6d016a8de4c609⋯.png (1.45 MB,1432x876,358:219,Screen_Shot_2023_03_05_at_….png)

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71e4a5 No.18450111

File: 4a91efbb144cf43⋯.png (1.03 MB,1279x822,1279:822,ClipboardImage.png)



The Persian daric was the first gold coin which, along with a similar silver coin, the siglos (shékel) represented the first bimetallic monetary standard.

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02a817 No.18450112

File: 781da322ff6136c⋯.jpeg (166.56 KB,634x949,634:949,4FC8404A_14F6_49B9_B58C_3….jpeg)

Ministers in clash as farmers fear Britain will be flooded with cheap Mexican and Canadian

By Claire Ellicott Acting Deputy Political Editor For The Mail On Sunday 19:35 EST 04 Mar 2023

Ministers are at war over fears that a new trade deal could allow and to flood the UK with cheap beef and pork, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

As talks go down to the wire, Environment Secretary is said to be pushing to limit their quotas to protect British farmers.

But Government sources close to the talks, led by Trade Secretary , insist the country will not lower its food standards.

The UK is expected within days to reach an agreement in principle to join the .

The issue of access to the UK beef and pork markets is understood to be one of the key issues still under negotiation. Talks with the 11-nation bloc – whose members also include New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Japan, Chile, Vietnam and Malaysia – have been going on since 2021.

Concerns were raised initially overCanada’s bid to get Britain to drop a ban on hormone-treated beef– but UK Ministers have insisted this will not happen.

However, there has also been apush from Canada and Mexicofor access to Britain’s agricultural market, specifically beef and pork.

They are understood to want the same terms as those granted to Australia and New Zealand in their own trade deals with the UK – where tariffs on beef and sheep meat will be phased out and quotas on the quantities they can send will rise in the next ten to 15 years.

But there are concerns thatlower animal welfare standardsin countries in the Trans-Pacific trade bloc mean members will be able to undercut UK farmers if they are allowed high quotas.

According to sources, Ms Coffey is said to be ‘fighting for the farmers’ and has made her position on access clear. Another Government insider close to the talks said: ‘We will not sign a deal that forces the UK to lower our food standards in any area whatsoever.

‘Meanwhile,joining CPTPPmeans 99 per cent of UK goods exports will be eligible for tariff-free trade to a market of 500 million new customers. We’re rightly told by our farmers that they have the best produce in the world – so go sell it to the world and thrive!’

The Mail on Sunday has campaigned forprotections against poor-quality foreign food– and to save British farms from being put out of business by cheap imports.

National Farming Union (NFU) President Minette Batters has said thatshe is now ‘really wary’ of the Government’s approach to trade in wake of the deal with Australia and New Zealand.

She said thatfarmers were seen as an ‘inconvenience’ to UK trade policyand were ‘sacrificed’ in favour of the services sector in Britain’s first post-Brexit deals.

Former Environment Secretary George Eustice is among those who have argued that theUK’s deal with Australia is bad for farmers.

As a result, Ms Batters said she was watching negotiations on the future Trans-Pacific deal like a ‘hawk’ after arguing thatagriculture was sacrificed on the back of the service sectorin the Australia and New Zealand trade deals.

She said yesterday that Rishi Sunak had signalled during the leadership race that he would tread carefully when it came to trade deals. She added she hoped he would continue this approach in Government. But of previous trade deals, she said: ‘You can’t be under any illusions as tothe damage already done.’

During his first attempt at becoming Prime Minister last year, Mr Sunak described the deals as a ‘one-sided’ agreement.

However, he has described the Trans-Pacific deal as a ‘fantastic’ opportunity for the country. If the UK were to join, it would account for 16 per cent of the world’s GDP.

Ms Badenoch has previously said: ‘No matter how nice the deal is, there will always be a group of people who see it as a zero-sum game, and “we’ve got something that they haven’t got”.

She added that improving the message on how trade is good for farming is ‘one of the challenges that I need to tackle and help them feel more reassured.’


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975b61 No.18450113


Very close to the gayest shit ever. For years. Do you live with your grandma?

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1199af No.18450114

File: 2197461f4a9236e⋯.jpg (189.67 KB,768x768,1:1,08bf5b50734c399a90af488c91….jpg)

File: 30a833de045a22c⋯.jpg (221.93 KB,1200x851,1200:851,30a833de045a22c37a8a810e78….jpg)


Mornin', Swordy!

Blessings upon you & yours, anons, Q-Team, and operators in the field.

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4b6fdc No.18450115

File: ec75846d51c1bb5⋯.jpg (100.6 KB,966x695,966:695,John_fetterman.jpg)


He'd be pretty hard to 'clone'.

Entirely too uniquely shaped.

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6d0456 No.18450116

File: d05be2ab52900fa⋯.jpg (12.86 KB,236x391,236:391,Jophielssword44.jpg)

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e717d8 No.18450117

File: 10f9e8e428ce661⋯.jpeg (80.27 KB,423x640,423:640,70EC0C1A_B754_47A3_ABC4_A….jpeg)


God Bless u Swordy

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3309b0 No.18450118


Faith Hill just spoke last month at UN with her daughter about the horrors of global warming. She's all in with pedowood.

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d6db64 No.18450119


…Now do Jimmy Carter.

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e717d8 No.18450120

File: 89f973b69654fd3⋯.jpeg (64.33 KB,580x680,29:34,9EE25EAB_3329_4239_8B07_B….jpeg)

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ef88fe No.18450121





No signs of spill after Norfolk Southern freight train derails in Springfield, Ohio: officials


Sunday, March 5, 2023 7:11AM

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ba046c No.18450122

File: d605a2d58affb1b⋯.jpeg (92.12 KB,600x622,300:311,A0BADDB0_F387_4B3A_BF56_9….jpeg)

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60aebf No.18450123

File: f28d7a86426b5d3⋯.jpg (13.52 KB,640x481,640:481,bf3d5628e1b4ef1547b61353b4….jpg)

File: cee8573c11cd036⋯.jpg (11.27 KB,640x852,160:213,cee8573c11cd036722df158d29….jpg)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d3091e No.10974416 📁

Oct 7 2020 20:54:18 (EST)

Do you remember when they told you this was a helicopter?

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c361f6 No.18450125

File: a8e6dd196291aab⋯.png (307.3 KB,2046x674,1023:337,Screen_Shot_2023_03_05_at_….png)

Matt Hancock

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Department of Health and Social Care of the United Kingdom

Degrees, Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Formerly: worked for family business, as an economist at the Bank of England, and as Chief of Staff to the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer. 2010, Member of Parliament for West Suffolk; served as a backbencher on the Public Accounts Committee and the Standards & Privileges Committee. September 2012, entered government and has served in a number of ministerial roles, including for skills and business, and as Paymaster General; oversaw the expansion of apprenticeships, and championed the digital transformation of government. 2016-18, Minister of State for Digital, responsible for broadband, broadcasting, creative industries, cyber and the tech industry. January 2018, appointed Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. First Member of Parliament in modern times to win a horse race, having raced to victory at the Newmarket July Course in August 2012. Avid cricketer, playing for the Lords & Commons Cricket team. Once played the most northerly game of cricket on record and succumbed to frostbite en route to the Pole; yet retains all fingers.


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1199af No.18450126

File: 837fdccfbc4af44⋯.jpg (34.29 KB,383x278,383:278,We_are_the_news2.jpg)

File: e44a16b2d5b57e2⋯.png (290 KB,548x396,137:99,Pepe_we_are_the_news.png)

File: 3f995489f9f35ed⋯.png (256.33 KB,480x450,16:15,Anons_watching_we_are_the_….png)

File: 19a1e8e1e2122cd⋯.jpg (212.47 KB,416x613,416:613,We_are_the_news3.jpg)

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975b61 No.18450127


It's clearly a weather balloon.

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71e4a5 No.18450128


that's bat soup

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ba046c No.18450129


Swamp gas bouncing light off Venus

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96b5a9 No.18450130


Damn, you are a bore

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71e4a5 No.18450131

It has been contested whether or not the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, suspected as having ties with the COVID-19 outbreak, sold bat meat, where the meat is reportedly not a frequent food source in the city of Wuhan.

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c7e691 No.18450132

File: d1558cee32cc2de⋯.png (1.29 MB,489x289,489:289,SwordyShift.png)

File: 11f5caed77fb35b⋯.png (117.08 KB,487x272,487:272,DayShift_MaxTard.png)


Day Shift always starts with such promise, but always ends in Thank God Night Shift is finally here.

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5ab923 No.18450133

File: 7ca1b33428f390e⋯.jpeg (160.46 KB,1429x952,1429:952,632ad960994b926a4b94faab_….jpeg)

God bless and protect Our wonderful family and protect Our wonderful children!

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032d77 No.18450134

File: 751c290ec830b13⋯.png (794.1 KB,1160x1114,580:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12d94df38a67112⋯.png (128.17 KB,1304x510,652:255,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cbe94ceabb507f⋯.png (75.41 KB,496x228,124:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 787e835d0bb887d⋯.png (55 KB,840x542,420:271,289.png)

File: 1a4faafa2366e19⋯.png (169.62 KB,840x1478,420:739,734.png)


Crumbly -> Q Crumbs

Konata -> [Luck]y Star / Nicknamed Kona-[chan] -> 4chan / The Chans / The Kun

[23](32) in the link

Link ends 289 -> Qalerts 289 -> Q734:

This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends.


Reached est 1.2mm,Patriots

You are reaching more than you know.



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6c72f0 No.18450135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


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c2186d No.18450136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Donald Trump starring as Bricktop

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975b61 No.18450137

File: 7935a3a97652815⋯.png (1.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,great_firewall_of_china.png)

When can we expect some more chinese viral videos? Those were the best.

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ede579 No.18450138

File: ba47ab8f56fd715⋯.png (337.41 KB,554x780,277:390,Screen_Shot_03_05_23_at_08….PNG)

President Biden


United States government official

Chancellor Scholz, welcome back to the White House.

A lot has happened in the last year.

Through everything, Germany and the U.S. have only grown closer. Our partnership will only deepen as we continue to stand up for our shared values around the world.

7:59 AM · Mar 5, 2023


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e717d8 No.18450139

File: dbfb45de836cac1⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB,1204x1209,1204:1209,A26B2FB8_4148_4ED4_A5DA_6….jpeg)

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5ab923 No.18450140

File: e6c4c893bf9853e⋯.webp (127.23 KB,1000x667,1000:667,1000.webp)

Deadly shipwreck: How it happened, and unanswered questions


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fac30a No.18450141


We are watching the last gasps of breath

From a failed fiat financial system

Money is worthless

And very soon

Many will get to see

What construction people have been seeing for 3 years

This is fun …

Hang on

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1199af No.18450142

File: eae21a5f1532c4e⋯.jpg (61.33 KB,599x763,599:763,the_blessed_virgin_crushin….jpg)

File: 14d9e43f5d6fce0⋯.jpg (552.62 KB,1495x2000,299:400,St_Michael_Guido_Reni.JPG)


Thank you RosaryAnon.

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125813 No.18450143

File: fd3daa3d931b9cd⋯.mp4 (8.23 MB,608x1080,76:135,futuredraftees5.mp4)

they want to ship fighting men ( and women and transgenders) overseas to leave us here even more unprotected than was are? (difficult to imagine?)

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e3fbcc No.18450144

File: 1dc1b8a5267d060⋯.jpeg (55.13 KB,597x536,597:536,2B08CE69_F6A7_4445_88BD_0….jpeg)

Egg or Cat?

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d23f56 No.18450145

File: 2baa144a169fa24⋯.png (1.59 MB,609x1178,609:1178,Captureddd.PNG)


STFU you projecting hooknosed mongrel

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c2186d No.18450146


Where is Gisele Barreto Fetterman?

same place as Hunter? Maybe Soros has even joined in with them…

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fac30a No.18450147


The peloton is fer the dog ..kek

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60aebf No.18450148

File: 18fe9980e768698⋯.jpg (120.84 KB,898x386,449:193,0_SLeL35_jpg_2.jpg)

File: 6a22d7198d1940b⋯.jpg (89.85 KB,899x599,899:599,0_SLeL35.jpg)


This is a train derailment nothing else.

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b7b892 No.18450149

File: 4591d6ec7b1d0a3⋯.jpeg (62.37 KB,634x640,317:320,F773057A_ECF1_492D_A598_8….jpeg)


Stop making so much sense. Are you the highest ranking anon?

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e717d8 No.18450150

File: 9111cbeab61d2f7⋯.jpeg (961.91 KB,1100x1205,220:241,19DF1378_9DA1_4628_9E4D_9….jpeg)

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6d0456 No.18450151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8e4fc8 No.18450152

File: 892defe1404c4a0⋯.png (312.32 KB,714x765,14:15,ClipboardImage.png)


This in the mainstream news at the moment.

'We Have Handshakes'

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5ab923 No.18450153

File: 06cbe952d3925e6⋯.jpg (91.23 KB,1600x900,16:9,GettyImages_1234193862.jpg)

Montana Republican Rep. Ryan Zinke told Just the News that the Biden administration is neglecting the security of the United States' northern border.

Zinke, the interior secretary under former President Trump and cofounder of the new Northern Border Security Caucus, said illegal migrants and deadly fentanyl are both flooding into the U.S. via the northern border.

"We are not paying attention to our northern border," Zinke said in an interview at the Conservative Political Action Conference. "As an example, about 3.1 million lethal doses of fentanyl were intercepted in the northern border — that's enough to kill Montana, Wyoming and the Dakotas.


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e3fbcc No.18450154

File: ab7baec18d2a8c3⋯.gif (1.44 MB,336x252,4:3,BBB9332B_0AE7_472C_9B80_1E….gif)

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c2186d No.18450155


Perhaps, and, it is a weather balloon with a rotor on the bottom

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ede579 No.18450156

File: 6a8c1b25e0edb07⋯.png (21.22 KB,554x301,554:301,Screen_Shot_03_05_23_at_09….PNG)

President Biden


United States government official

For too long, American families have been crushed by high prescription drug costs.

Costs higher than what people in other countries pay.

It’s flat wrong.

We’re taking on special interests to make health care more affordable.

9:00 AM · Mar 5, 2023


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975b61 No.18450157


Sometimes I like to imagine a vast network of tunnels under the US. I think they're under one of the Great Lakes. Probably somewhere gay like Connecticut

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4f8b24 No.18450158

File: 151e74ea73a6754⋯.jpg (201.4 KB,572x728,11:14,151e74ea73a675439544d9b3bb….jpg)


>nice projection

STFU brain-dead hooknosed mongrel bratling!

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60aebf No.18450159

File: 3b050a773c8e30a⋯.jpeg (83.87 KB,1024x1283,1024:1283,3b050a773c8e30af49a0a5c0c….jpeg)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 61dad3 No.10838579 📁

Sep 29 2020 14:11:36 (EST)

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fac30a No.18450160

File: 9359ca9cb4563d2⋯.jpg (1.92 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20220804_063106.jpg)

File: 65cd840011d8983⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20220804_063114.jpg)

File: 8e7091d4f164ed5⋯.jpg (2.38 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20220804_063207.jpg)


Yea and they said this was goin to space

Tell ya what

Watched it obtain level flight

And head for Miami?

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ede579 No.18450161

File: 59914f6ecdea606⋯.png (3.17 KB,191x71,191:71,it_s_time_to_wake_up_q.PNG)

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975b61 No.18450162


To pee. It's always to pee.

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dc0028 No.18450163

File: 0690c0173b3ed66⋯.png (14.55 KB,976x182,488:91,spark.PNG)


Coronavirus Fears Spark Sales Surge For ‘Contagion’ Film, Dean Koontz Novel


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975b61 No.18450164

If humans were supposed to sleep 8 hours a night our bladders would be larger.

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c00503 No.18450165


Stay frosty my frogs…..

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1199af No.18450166

File: 50c0e4d824359ca⋯.png (101.21 KB,500x497,500:497,Putin_satan.png)


Russia warned them a couple of days ago.

Glad they took them up on it. Massacre of civilians would have otherwise occurred.

Defense Politics ASIA has been a great resource for truth about the war. He doesn't take a side, just reports, like journalists or historians used to.

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4f8b24 No.18450167

File: 1cd050469881cd2⋯.jpg (80.4 KB,530x398,265:199,1cd050469881cd2ae6a244beea….jpg)

File: 3de45fdd0e2356e⋯.jpg (49.15 KB,476x534,238:267,3de45fdd0e2356e7b2355eabdf….jpg)


>Damn, you are a bore

I understand you hooknosed mongrels, you are fucked! Truth bores the rat faced mongrels!

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2e524f No.18450168

File: 33e5362983c42bc⋯.jpg (56.65 KB,500x487,500:487,33e5362983c42bcff40c58ee56….jpg)


mornin Swordy!

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1199af No.18450169

File: d990fdcdec7236e⋯.jpg (59.15 KB,800x450,16:9,Notable.jpg)



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4e0812 No.18450170

File: eb52feeed2616b2⋯.png (37.49 KB,474x632,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2186d No.18450171


anon was thinking Wisconsin maybe

those rock formations found near that Enbridge Pipeline, well, who knows what else may be down or underneath there

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ede579 No.18450172

File: 220b49614c2ee5a⋯.png (24.76 KB,318x481,318:481,Screen_Shot_03_05_23_at_09….PNG)

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4f8b24 No.18450173

File: ac8a404d7a52dfb⋯.jpg (69.89 KB,719x355,719:355,ac8a404d7a52dfb5c5e25984fa….jpg)


>STFU you projecting hooknosed mongrel

Keck, a brain-dead wana-be rabulistik mongrel!

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e3fbcc No.18450174

File: 979d32070bb72dd⋯.jpeg (401.28 KB,1088x1423,1088:1423,23B65D9D_DB78_4D21_8A35_9….jpeg)

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975b61 No.18450175

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

She just wants a baby.

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7754e3 No.18450176

File: fe8d48732c228ab⋯.jpeg (17.41 KB,204x255,4:5,B5F7EF0F_4EE6_47E6_93D0_E….jpeg)


Mornin’ swordanon

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60aebf No.18450177


Anon this is normal you should look into how they get rockets into orbit.

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c2186d No.18450178


and the great lengths to explain it as being a chopper

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71e4a5 No.18450179

File: 449f48def5e230b⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,854x480,427:240,DemocracyIsCalling.mp4)

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975b61 No.18450180


You may be very correct about that. IDK about DUMBs and all of that. But we do have some pretty sweet tunnel makers out there. Some of them are even connected. LOL

What a long strange trip it has been.

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4f8b24 No.18450181

File: 80e148a0487b769⋯.png (878.02 KB,520x696,65:87,Truth_prevails.png)


>Stay frosty my frogs…..

Said the hooknosed mongrel brat!

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60aebf No.18450182


"To pee or not to pee that is the question"

Me at 3am

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e717d8 No.18450183

File: cc07418a0b0080a⋯.jpeg (201.75 KB,727x800,727:800,D8AD94BE_CB5E_4D50_8FE7_E….jpeg)

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7c0c29 No.18450184

File: 826d78e417b4a38⋯.jpg (115.92 KB,807x1024,807:1024,1662689718087201.jpg)

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c2186d No.18450185


didn't he have some sort of connection with HRC?

gotta go look at the hotsheets

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2c09c0 No.18450186

File: c9a1303f48ad88a⋯.jpg (110.56 KB,500x758,250:379,anon.jpg)

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5ab923 No.18450187

File: e561bc9cd382902⋯.png (381.99 KB,598x734,299:367,Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)


Look like the Peloton, can pedal back wards too!

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903c9c No.18450188


Trump at CPAC…"if I even fly over blue states, they do bad things"

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6d67b0 No.18450189

Good archive on half about Covid origins:

Malone's IG report drop, his recent substanck

Huff and Massie

Probably already noted, but just in case


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4c174e No.18450190

File: 60bc4822cf9ff87⋯.jpg (14.24 KB,255x255,1:1,576bfb53cd3601f54dfbcebaa6….jpg)

Which black persons voice does your mind read this in when seeing this meme?

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125813 No.18450191

File: d0555ebf90f2fe9⋯.jpeg (189.69 KB,1200x1106,600:553,deathcultdaysnumbered.jpeg)


"than we are"

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87105d No.18450192

File: c1b5e8e1ed3cf6c⋯.png (28.62 KB,584x273,584:273,Albatross_truth.png)

File: 2c55efc0f5c4406⋯.png (203.04 KB,584x515,584:515,Albatross_truth2.png)



Anons missed something while celebrating Kellyanne's DIVORCE.


DT Truthed the name of the ship from White Squall.Notable

Congratulations to Kellyanne Conway on her DIVORCE from her wacko husband, Mr. Kellyanne Conway. Free at last, she has finally gotten rid of the disgustingalbatrossaround her neck. She is a great person, and will now be free to lead the kind of life that she deserves…and it will be a great life without the extremely unattractive loser by her side!

Mar 04, 2023, 12:14 AM


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e717d8 No.18450193

File: ce363c9947faafa⋯.jpeg (70.94 KB,634x960,317:480,67260610_F178_47EE_B2D0_F….jpeg)


YUP, and the ATF…

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17d074 No.18450194

File: 2c9bc08381f45ab⋯.png (277.68 KB,751x418,751:418,Bildschirmfoto_2023_03_01_….png)

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7c0c29 No.18450195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


East Palestine Dam COLLAPSES, Releasing Toxic Derailment Sludge Into Local Waterways


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e3fbcc No.18450196

File: 1c5fcdf0562a0d0⋯.mp4 (593.4 KB,404x360,101:90,M73FhJ3NM4g5_nYV.mp4)

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87105d No.18450197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The ship beneath you is not a toy, and sailing is not a game.

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5bf53f No.18450198


Now make health insurance more affordable for people who are being crushed by high prices. Oh wait - aca did that - kek. Wonder what will happen to drug prices now

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60aebf No.18450199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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032d77 No.18450200

File: deb4e49d8323cdb⋯.png (1.02 MB,1172x1110,586:555,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f45b836b6a08909⋯.png (131.04 KB,346x430,173:215,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b07acc3b24101d⋯.png (204.81 KB,706x922,353:461,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a1e8f7ef691b31⋯.png (75.29 KB,860x680,43:34,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ab00f6e634a2b7⋯.png (895.52 KB,840x2540,42:127,3650_1_.png)


Prepare..for takeoff

0025 + Louisiana -> 25 + LA -> 25 + 121 = 146 -> 45 / 47

…the 20th-smallest by area and the 25th most populous -> 20+25 -> 45

Image size 1200 x 675 = 1875 -> Qalerts 1875 = 8 posts

Qalerts 1875 first result -> "Bottom Graphic"

Graphic at bottom ->PAIN IN DC



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6d0456 No.18450201

File: 81d36f81baff4fd⋯.jpg (67 KB,760x399,40:21,biggie.jpg)



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975b61 No.18450202

File: 3b7dcdacb44a403⋯.jpg (53.82 KB,460x215,92:43,Bot_Wars.jpg)


Personalities are an interesting area of study.

What type of person posts the same thing every day, for years?

What type of person?

Takes a lot of commitment. Like taking a picture of your face every day for years and years so you can make a collage for your grammas.

We should admire dedication. We should not poke the bots.

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dc0028 No.18450203

File: 2658d2e6e4186ec⋯.png (609.04 KB,790x464,395:232,tross.PNG)


Albatross (1920 schooner)

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af3da9 No.18450204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China Just Finished America | The Trade WAR IS ON! | 4K

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643e0b No.18450205

Good morning.

Thank you all Bakers and Nakers.

Thank you Notables Anon.

Thank you Anons.


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997a24 No.18450206

>>18449279 lb

At what point does all this in your face, fuck you, we own your child and will do as we see fit in deciding their their gender, their preferred pronoun etc…….. when does all of this blatant child abuse "jump the shark" and these people get what they deserve? They deserve to be put to death.

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4f8b24 No.18450207

File: 22fefff7e356151⋯.png (115.13 KB,582x522,97:87,f2fc34227ffd895577268b76bb….png)


> and for those who have betrayed

Aye, betrayed by you filthy hooknosed rabulistik mongrels!

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c2186d No.18450208



that was the german mossad chick that hung out with epstein anon is thinking of

This lady has recently infiltrated the NHS through the UK Department of Health and Social Care with the help of Matt Hancock MP, and her presence signifies a major threat to the data security of every citizen of the United Kingdom. Every single piece of data about you, your health issues, your blood type, the model of the wireless pacemaker keeping you alive, every detail of every embarrassing medical problem in the hands of the Israeli state apparatus and potentially sold off to the highest bidder. You may think that this doesn't concern you. Why would you need to worry about a foreign far-right government which has been proven to meddle in the affairs of our country? Your data would be useless to them, surely? But that's not the world we live in anymore. Big data is the modern gold rush. The psychologists and marketing agents have mastered how to make you buy things; the next step is for them to successfully master making you do things, and for that kind of control over people, they need everybody's data.

Matt Hancock, Member of Parliament for West Suffolk and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in the UK, appointed Nicole junkermann to the Healthtech Advisory Board. For the vast majority of people living in the United Kingdom, the NHS is an institution which we cherish and adore. Many of us will protect the National Health Service with our lives because that's what it has done for us in our darkest days.

..The two members which are of note relating to this story are Nicole junkermann and Parker Moss, the latter happening to be the Chief Business Officer at OWKIN, which is one of the many companies in junkermann's vast portfolio.

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7c0c29 No.18450209

File: d02cae1df4beed1⋯.jpg (196.48 KB,856x714,428:357,HAHA.jpg)

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c7e691 No.18450210

File: 6457410eddbce5d⋯.jpg (31.03 KB,397x394,397:394,TuckerSucks.JPG)


>We should not toke the pots

Wait wut?

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689922 No.18450211

Good guys lost a long time ago. Just admit it.

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71e4a5 No.18450212


>The ship beneath you is not a toy, and sailing is not a game.

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6d0456 No.18450213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c2186d No.18450214


Ving Rhames - Arby's

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125813 No.18450215

File: 5ca34446cfa8004⋯.jpg (112.86 KB,604x604,1:1,trumpandwardog1.jpg)


almost half the people there were enemies.

Xi rep was there. ? Escorted by who?

So he got to tell them to their faces; funny.

they might be without knowledge of waht's going to happen?

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1199af No.18450216

File: 3f2e61d66c7a1b4⋯.png (733.48 KB,1080x1079,1080:1079,Horse_dewormer.png)

File: 31ddf5801cd13d5⋯.jpg (108.72 KB,955x1024,955:1024,Horse_lurking.jpg)


Before the pLandemic (this is from 2011),


and even since, it is the wonder drug.





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1d3b7f No.18450217


A well known Problem!

For extra-long freight trains, there is at

- the exclusive use of traction vehicles (single or multiple traction) as traction locomotives at the Trainfront,

- driving through narrow curves,

- Excessive traction from traction vehicles (maximum permissible value: 450 kilonewtons 45 tons),

- Exceeding the permissible limit breaking load of screw couplings (850 kilonewtons 85 tons) or

- the different braking times of the individual freight wagons (train as multi-mass vibrators) triggered by the delayed transmission of the brake command in the main air line of pneumatic brakes

The danger that the longitudinal forces occurring in the train could cause the train or wagon to separate

(fracture or tearing of couplings) and/or derail wagons.

A prerequisite for the safe operation of extra-long freight trains in Germany and Europe is the technical and legally binding implementation of the following solution approaches for the problem described with regard to the longitudinal train dynamics:

-> Use of central buffer couplings that can transmit higher tensile and compressive forces

-> Use of an electronic brake control of the freight wagons

-> Use of several locomotives distributed in the train set (slave), which are radio-controlled by the leading locomotive (master).

Source German language


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7c0c29 No.18450219

File: 9eb8f236740813f⋯.jpg (288.19 KB,1600x1209,1600:1209,WWG1WGA.jpg)

File: aef6ce7d8f0b715⋯.png (340.02 KB,381x547,381:547,alb8.png)

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02a817 No.18450220

File: 82eab3efd2f9b79⋯.jpeg (207.34 KB,634x1225,634:1225,98487154_5B14_4227_967B_A….jpeg)

File: 1fe9cb70017494c⋯.jpeg (123.7 KB,634x738,317:369,F6F87CA2_6933_4EFF_992E_F….jpeg)

File: ff1bc220baa8b34⋯.jpeg (101.08 KB,634x428,317:214,6FA35C81_5100_4002_81ED_A….jpeg)

File: 70eb612921cbf1c⋯.jpeg (79.24 KB,634x423,634:423,6778D4D6_D5BA_4BA3_8289_5….jpeg)

File: 3f3d176e05a7e02⋯.jpeg (116.9 KB,634x668,317:334,10525B0F_DE25_4922_BE81_D….jpeg)

'Can we lock him up?' Matt Hancock's team considered action against Nigel Farage

By Elizabeth Haigh updated 05:36 EST 03 Mar 2023

Aides for Matt Hancock asked if they could 'lock up' former UKIP leader 'pub hooligan' in 2020 amid the pandemic, leaked WhatsApp messages show.

The former Health Secretary is said to have wanted to discuss possible quarantine breaches by the politician 'urgently', and asked his office to get in touch with the Home Office to investigate, the reports.

In June 2020 Mr Farage travelled to the USA to meet with then-President , tweeting photos of himself enjoying the trip while the vast majority of the UK was unable to leave the country.

On July 4 he tweeted a video of himself in his local pub in Downe Village, Kent, exactly two weeks after he had attended a Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The revelation comes after from his communications to the newspaper.

At the time of his visit, anyone who entered the UK from abroad was required to quarantine for 14 days, or face a hefty fine.

According to the leaked messages, Mr Hancock shared a link to a news report about the possible breach of quarantine regulations with members of his 'top team', writing: 'We need to discuss this urgently'.

Aide Jamie Njoku-Goodwin responded to the Health Secretary: 'Does he count as a pub hooligan? Can we lock him up?'

A civil servant is also said to have suggested referring the matter to Priti Patel, who was Home Secretary at the time.

Mr Hancock then asked his aide to ask the Home Office whether they were 'considering it', the paper reports.

Several minutes later Mr Njoku-Goodwin responded: 'Just spoken to HO spads [Home Office special advisors].

'Sounds like we need to get PHE [Public Health England' to do one of their "spot checks" and prove that he isn't at home.'

Mr Hancock then asked his team to ensure Mr Farage's case was dealt with 'like any other' by the Home Office.

Representatives for Matt Hancock have been contacted for comment.

At the time of his return from the US, Mr Farage maintained he had waited the full two weeks before going to the pub, and added he had received a negative Covid-19 test result.

But speaking to the today, he said: 'If I was being honest with you, after the first set of lockdowns I wasn't really prepared for some little pipsqueak like Matt Hancock to tell me how to live my life, quite frankly.'

He added: 'It was pretty nip and tuck… which means I probably was in breach. I'm probably a Covidiot.'

Mr Farage reportedly receivedthree visits from police officers during the pandemic.

Journalist Ms Oakeshott shared the huge trove of messages with the paper after Mr Hancock gave her unprecedented access to his communications in order to work on his pandemic memoir.

A source close to the former Health Secretary, who had to step down after having been found in breach of his own coronavirus restrictions, said Ms Oakeshott had broken a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) by sharing the messages.

She also accused Mr Hancock of sending her a 'threatening' text late on Tuesday night, following the first batch of bombshell revelations.

Mr Hancock denied doing so but described her actions as a 'massive betrayal and breach of trust'.

Quizzed about how she would describe her behaviour towards Mr Hancock on BBC Radio 4 today, Ms Oakeshott said: 'What I'm not going to do, because it wouldn't be pretty, is get involved in a slanging match with Matt Hancock.

'He can threaten me all he likes.

'There are plenty of things I can say about his behaviour, by the way, that I'm not going to do, at least not at this stage, because this is not about Matt Hancock, it is so much bigger than that.

'Trust me, there's plenty I can say.'

In a statement on Thursday night, Mr Hancock told MailOnline: 'I am hugely disappointed and sad at the massive betrayal and breach of trust by Isabel Oakshott.

'I am also sorry for the impact on the very many people – political colleagues, civil servants and friends - who worked hard with me to get through the pandemic and save lives.


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975b61 No.18450221


this anon wants it to be done but thinks we have a ways yet to go. Normies need more chinese spy barroons before they can make it make sense. We havent even gotten to HRC or BO yet. Still so many roads.

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5ab923 No.18450222

File: 89d9b6794ae6ffd⋯.webp (34.46 KB,576x581,576:581,mlissa_fauci_2.webp)

Last night Arizona activist Melissa Lively and filmmaker Greg Strause were dining in Washington DC when Dr. Tony Fauci entered the restaurant with two bodyguards. It is not clear at this point if these were government-funded bodyguards but they reportedly did have badges.

Melissa posed for a photo with Dr. Fauci and gave him some much-needed feedback. She flipped him the bird.

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c2186d No.18450224

File: 62a7bffed7c3ba6⋯.jpg (95.88 KB,605x349,605:349,tunnel_boring_machine_2.jpg)


one of many

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975b61 No.18450226

File: 5813a56cbe0b858⋯.jpg (412.61 KB,1536x1536,1:1,o_DISABLED_TEENS_ONLINE_DA….jpg)



Tell that to Matt Hancock

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7c0c29 No.18450228

File: 64a0625df2ef0f2⋯.jpg (5.35 KB,188x182,94:91,64a0625df2ef0f207c03442868….jpg)

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ede579 No.18450229

It's going to be beautiful today!

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49421f No.18450230

File: ebed53aebcdc595⋯.jpg (816.3 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20230304_215439….jpg)

File: 90108932e94e037⋯.png (773.44 KB,967x1012,967:1012,Untitled.png)

File: 9307455dfed0c84⋯.png (611.8 KB,1627x631,1627:631,ergreh.png)

File: db2ea151f7949aa⋯.png (375.35 KB,1262x629,1262:629,erht.png)

Board is comped.

Why do the BVs protect their famefaggot board idol friends spewing the same antisemitic jew hatred thats posted here all day yet any criticism of them will get your posts deleted? Whatever happened to Q choosing this place because of "no filters"? Why is the only approved "free speech" that's allowed here used to frame every anon as a Nazi by MSM? Why was my perfectly valid and legal post censored yet the all day long antisemitic copy pasta is allowed to be posted by trusted famefaggot board idols? Why does an echo chamber support these shills? Are they really that stupid to think anons aren't saving all the evidence of censorship?

Qs only reply to tranime was of them wearing an upside down cross and talking about "luring a dangerous animal into a trap". Remember the Chelsea Clinton posts? Upside down crosses openly worn in public to broadcast fealty to Satanism? Reread Q's post. All posts are connected, graphic is key. Look closer. The graphic is the only picture Q chose to reply to.

Whatever happened to;

"Nothing is random."

"Everything posted here has meaning."


"No coincidences."

"Double meanings exist."

"Infiltration vs invasion."

"Symbolism will be their downfall."

Scattered free thinkers wake up. You're in an echo chamber.

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997a24 No.18450231


Not human.

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fac30a No.18450232


Far as I can tell

The peeps that own it censor it




World wide

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e3fbcc No.18450233

File: a4a17a6f9b53b64⋯.jpeg (187.15 KB,1089x957,33:29,73EA996A_93A0_401D_8FBE_0….jpeg)

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ede579 No.18450234


Hey fren! <3!

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dc0028 No.18450235

File: aa3020ae62bae2c⋯.png (505.21 KB,459x891,17:33,go.PNG)

File: 5065ba89c5c101b⋯.png (565.37 KB,435x520,87:104,go_2.PNG)

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d1ffae No.18450236


Kek! Thought that was Richard Russell in bottom left at first glance.

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ec4f3c No.18450237

File: aae5106c2c60636⋯.png (263.67 KB,700x366,350:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c09c0 No.18450238



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fac30a No.18450239


Possible FNG you are dealing with there

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281d26 No.18450241

File: 5e9d13ddfde27c9⋯.jpg (75.46 KB,752x752,1:1,Clown_costume.jpg)


>Why do the BVs protect their famefaggot board idol friends spewing the same antisemitic jew hatred

So clowns like you have something to cry about…

Isn't it obvious?

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7c0c29 No.18450242

File: ca3e5120b0fdb27⋯.jpg (109.72 KB,737x530,737:530,ca3e5120b0fdb275c7cf86b361….jpg)

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616b07 No.18450243

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Listen, do you want to know a secret?

Let's make pictures


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5ab923 No.18450244

File: 89d9b6794ae6ffd⋯.webp (34.46 KB,576x581,576:581,mlissa_fauci_2.webp)

Last night Arizona activist Melissa Lively and filmmaker Greg Strause were dining in Washington DC when Dr. Tony Fauci entered the restaurant with two bodyguards. It is not clear at this point if these were government-funded bodyguards but they reportedly did have badges.

Melissa posed for a photo with Dr. Fauci and gave him some much-needed feedback. She flipped him the bird.



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02a817 No.18450245

File: baf55fe640c7594⋯.jpeg (167.19 KB,634x423,634:423,33E29E7F_4B56_4B59_AFF8_7….jpeg)

File: 8b8f2ae51ef056b⋯.jpeg (120.38 KB,634x423,634:423,1C879FB0_FCCC_4C0F_8538_1….jpeg)

File: 00786ac33d08237⋯.jpeg (149.32 KB,634x409,634:409,25702A18_32EB_47B3_B168_3….jpeg)

File: e9ad2beb026c7c9⋯.jpeg (67.39 KB,430x286,215:143,2CDBF2E2_1339_4BAA_8DBA_F….jpeg)

File: ab018e0cb95cf9a⋯.jpeg (135.38 KB,634x476,317:238,E8515E49_6CD1_41F6_864C_4….jpeg)

Chinese spy cameras discovered at Sandringham estate and at least FIVE Government departments

By Abul Taher And Cameron Charters For The Mail On Sunday 18:53 EST 04 Mar 2023

Chinese surveillance cameras are being used at one of theKing's main residencesand at least five Government departments – months after Ministers ordered their removal from sensitive sites on national security grounds.

The Mail on Sunday has established that CCTVcameras made by Hikvision – a company controlled by the Chinese Communist Party– are being used at various locations on the vast Sandringham estate – Charles's country seat.

Our investigation also found the cameras, which come withfacial recognition technology, trained on the entrances of Whitehall ministries, including the Department of Health and Social Care, Department for Energy Security and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Hikvision cameras are also situated at the building of Investments – an arm of theTreasury– which manages state-backed companies such as NatWest, and HM Land Registry.

Last week, we revealed how: CCTV cameras by Hikvision – which in the past hasworked closely with China's People's Liberation Army– Hikvision denies handing any footage to the Chinese government and says it complies with UK legislation.

But the firm is subject to China's National Intelligence Law, which can order companies to hand over data to its intelligence service.

In November, Oliver Dowden, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, ordered all Ministries to remove Hikvision cameras as well as those from any other Chinese firm that could send data to Beijing.

Security experts say buildings in Whitehall are particularly sensitive, as Ministers often receive guests with whom they have conversations on security. In April last year, the then Health Secretary Sajid Javid banned the use of Hikvision cameras in the Ministry after one of themcaught his predecessor, Matt Hancock, kissing his girlfriend Gina Coladangelo there. Kek!

In June, the Department told Tory MP Iain Duncan Smith that it had removed all Hikvision cameras. Last night, an angry Mr Duncan Smithaccused the Health Ministry of lying to him.He said: 'I will be writing to the Secretary of State for Health [Steve Barclay] for an explanation on this.

'It's one thing not to tell anything, but it is another thing to lie about it and say you have removed the cameras.'

At Sandringham, our reporter found five Hikvision cameras. Three were by car parks, while two were on trees by a play area.

Palace officialsrefused to sayif Hikvision cameras were also installed in the restricted areas of Sandringham.

At the Whitehall departments, our reporters found Hikvision cameras with360-degree viewsin front of the main entrances.

Luke De Pulford, of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, said: 'Turning a blind eye to the security risks posed by these cameras, after promising to remove them, is the height of negligence.'

Jake Hurfurt, from Big Brother Watch, said: 'Chinese state-owned CCTV has no place in the UK. These cameras should not be watching over any British streets, let along the heart of our Government.'

After we approached the departments involved for comment, a Cabinet Office source said the Government is complying with Mr Dowden's order and has started to remove Hikvision cameras from sensitive sites. He did not specify what those places were.

A spokesman said: 'We take the security of our personnel, systems and establishments very seriously.' A Buckingham Palace spokesman said last night: 'We do not comment on security.'


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689922 No.18450246


True. I stand corrected. Matt is going to pay dearly. Just watch. In two weeks he will be dragged in the streets and not protected one single bit by the bad guys. Thanks for the correction anon.

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4f8b24 No.18450247


>So clowns like you

Said the hooknosed mongrel brat! KMAO

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975b61 No.18450248

File: 4aa6b20d780bfd5⋯.jpg (147.18 KB,750x500,3:2,5hzep4.jpg)


Ron and Jim are out chasing mainstream moneh

No one here to watch the ship. Anons are supposed to be out soldiering in digital spheres. Anons are not supposed to be hiding in safe spaces.

This anon is here for the keks and some of that sweet sweet morale.

Rise above. DO IT

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2c09c0 No.18450249

File: 692f3af7463d0e0⋯.png (296.76 KB,920x951,920:951,asaax.PNG)


Didn't RRN say he was at GITMO?


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dc0028 No.18450250

File: 82e166d4ef8fb6b⋯.png (457.78 KB,489x370,489:370,all.PNG)



Take Threats of 'National Divorce' Seriously….?

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975b61 No.18450251


He's a tard. His job is only to look the fool and the show will move to the next one. To see the big picture from the inside of an arse must be nearly impossible. Hard to get to 40k with the poo on your wings.

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f541c4 No.18450254

File: 7fd1cc0ed536515⋯.jpeg (79.3 KB,785x847,785:847,7fd1cc0ed536515da51dd5225….jpeg)

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fac30a No.18450255


Think back to 2007 pandemic

Then market crash

They been running this same play

For decades

Create the CURE

Pump lotsa money into marketing to sell the " disease"

Crash economy

Sick people don't care about money

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1199af No.18450257

File: 057ccc464085e4b⋯.jpg (238.13 KB,783x1175,783:1175,RedOctober_Cyrus.jpg)


Correct. As was Cyrus the Messiah from the Bible


Three wise men:


The whole thing, even our goals here, is completely intertwined.

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689922 No.18450259


Lincoln slaughtered many when it was not necessary. The peasants got the message loud and clear. Don't fuck with the feds.

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ba046c No.18450260

File: 658feced02d2196⋯.jpeg (98.7 KB,740x671,740:671,6CA1DD9C_A2A7_4C02_9E28_A….jpeg)

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ede579 No.18450261

File: a239ad15306f4a5⋯.png (245.13 KB,553x507,553:507,commander.PNG)

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50a2bc No.18450262

File: 6a0ab27aedd36d6⋯.png (1.18 MB,823x878,823:878,ClipboardImage.png)

Grounding time.

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5ab923 No.18450263

Meme pray, dig. Maybe latex mask on both of them/fake news, anon?


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6d67b0 No.18450267

File: 851735c772ceafc⋯.jpeg (80.79 KB,730x836,365:418,farrar_wild_west.jpeg)


jeremy farrar is fauci's butt buddy.

picrel is an email of he, fauci and collins coming up with a cover story for covid origins

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87105d No.18450268


I like your thinking

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02a817 No.18450269


I truly hope all of them die an ugly death in a nursing home with the same drugs they gave to the elderly

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ede579 No.18450270

File: 3a612cd659f385f⋯.jpg (45.27 KB,680x453,680:453,joe_jill.jpg)

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02fa9c No.18450272

File: 400154d6e5b804c⋯.jpg (97.55 KB,1045x443,1045:443,Screen_Shot_2023_03_04_at_….jpg)

President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks at CPAC 2023 [Full]


"I went up 11 points"


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689922 No.18450273


(You)'re enlightenment is a breath of fresh air. I do pray you will continue to keep me and the rest of us updated from your 40,000' perspective. It's tough down here covered in poo.

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975b61 No.18450274


Interesting! I was not there. My time machine was stolen again and I have not seen in for many years.

All I have to go on is the history books and neat documentaries made by The History Channel. I wonder who owns those?

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125813 No.18450275

File: a9c50c086e46863⋯.jpg (775.41 KB,649x2075,649:2075,sheepknow.JPG)


must say that was a wierd act.

the audiences were adoring.

Since then I've discovered some Black Americans are deeply ashamed of being considered "ignorant"

So they own it, by embracing this act.

The songs had one word, like "fuck"

and the singer was so overweight he almost broke the stage.

dance moves were just stomping.

The crowd made the event.

Celebrating THUG-ness.

THE C-a deep-sixed all the great Black American poets you never heard of

Deliberate. They were blockaded and destroyed.

Never promoted.

It's my conjecture that the owners of BIG MEDIA are so ugly and talentless themselves that their jealously of real merit makes them create these genres ripe for disdain.

The owners create Media "Stars" whom they can understand - (BASE) and whom they believe are appropriate for their food source?. The Sheeple.

It's an old term . Look at the auld poem:

real raw news is mockery.

just sayn'

Jokers gonna joke.

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50a2bc No.18450276




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15a44d No.18450277


>overnment-funded bodyguards but they reportedly did have badges

this is new info and you should sauce it

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6d0456 No.18450280

File: 1a68fb1b30d6187⋯.jpg (390.87 KB,1536x1068,128:89,3Magi.jpg)

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87105d No.18450281

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4b6fdc No.18450282

Poliomyelitis was caused by toxic poisoning from mercury and DDT

Which is weird, since they put mercury into vaccines.

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975b61 No.18450283


You will do marvelously! It gets easier with time.

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dc0028 No.18450284

File: d52326adb3974cb⋯.png (217.25 KB,612x604,153:151,WHO.PNG)

File: 7ac40794cf5e482⋯.png (484.46 KB,600x539,600:539,whooo.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr.


Good because god knows no one sales will hold them account for this scourge!!!

“I will hold China financially accountable for unleashing the China Virus upon the world. And I will again withdraw from the WHO which stands for ‘We Hide Outbreaks’.”


Graham Allen

2:53 AM · Mar 5, 2023




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8e4fc8 No.18450285


Trip ducks says she gets cancer.

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997a24 No.18450286


Well, I say fuck the normies. They are the reason we are where we are. They too, deserve to be SLAMMED back into reality and if they can't handle it? Too fucking bad. This most vile of all abuse, should have never, ever been allowed to even start. Just think about this, a fraction of a percent of the population being allowed to do all of this under the guise of lgbtq rights. My fucking ass.

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cb473f No.18450287

File: 0ac219539e82d2f⋯.png (278.7 KB,593x696,593:696,ClipboardImage.png)

This account on anon's watch list has infrequent but insightful posts. Sharing most recent as story on Vote Recruitment Activities in Chicago

Sam_the_Dog47 @Dog47Sam · 12m

Early voting and ballot harvesting are BAD VOTING. The battlefield rules for 2024 are set in stone. On the porch of my daughter's house in Chicago on Tuesday, I was offered rides to the polls to vote by several different precinct workers from the sidewalk. - I live out-of-state!


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bc6bfc No.18450288

File: 375d13bc08800db⋯.png (475.41 KB,736x490,368:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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15a44d No.18450289


copper coated grounding rods are 8ft long what makes you think a 12 inch nail would do the job

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6d0456 No.18450290


it's a big "G", Jr.

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fac30a No.18450291


And just like the missles

Super Elon

Sends up

The boring company he owns

Does not have to report to. The public

Private contracts are just that


We have no idea…

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83646c No.18450292

File: 17f1f98a4d37992⋯.png (7.89 MB,5000x2500,2:1,scottfreeGIJANEBWMC.png)



Also a Ukrainian fighter jet

On here

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50a2bc No.18450293


On the way home I realized I can just connect to my house ground that runs through the basement. That ground is 6ft down.

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032d77 No.18450294

File: 91d88bc2d4a5fe2⋯.png (1.41 MB,1168x1502,584:751,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfd2fa3617439b4⋯.png (725.5 KB,1724x1206,862:603,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63657c64b2ca686⋯.png (54.99 KB,840x498,140:83,3260.png)

File: be0ae20140aedca⋯.png (36.12 KB,840x410,84:41,1028_1_.png)


Link ends -> 17

1st line 25 words -> 17

Second line exluding link -> 47 characters no spaces -> DJT (the se[q]uel)

Second line including link -> 71 characters no spaces -> 17


Image caption = RQ -> QR

Night Shift

10th annual…over 150 -> 10 + 150 = 160

Qalerts 150 -> 188 posts = 17 // -> Q4665: FLAGS OUT

Qalerts 160 -> Q149: FLAGS OUT

10th = 10 20 8 -> 10208 -> Q3260:[Knowingly]

// -> Q1028:




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dc0028 No.18450295

File: 538127c64ce99c6⋯.png (1.51 MB,1286x759,1286:759,plan.PNG)



Trust the Plan review: How QAnon – and Trump – unhinged America

Will Sommer of the Daily Beast paints a troubling picture of a conspiracy theory showing few signs of decline

Lloyd Green

Sun 5 Mar 2023 07.00 GMT

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15a44d No.18450296

File: 6563f88a2e69e3d⋯.png (181.04 KB,540x304,135:76,trump_fight.png)

File: 43e1094c617b73e⋯.png (386.04 KB,875x875,1:1,faggot_slippery_slope.png)


>“I will hold China financially accountable for unleashing the China Virus upon the world

I don't believe it was china. Neither do most around here

It was a worldwide network which shows more signs of being anti-china (via russia) than pro-china

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c74680 No.18450297

File: 7e66cd1aa811e2f⋯.png (1.04 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Military units now searching for George Soros who is missing.

Assassinations will work in both directions.



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7c0c29 No.18450298

File: 9bcbb26a3e8223f⋯.png (305.1 KB,1274x416,49:16,exterm.png)

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60aebf No.18450299


Hey fren hope you have a good Sunday

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15a44d No.18450300

File: 26a3c858ae8634e⋯.png (620.5 KB,746x656,373:328,10_BOOSTER_VAXXIE_TRIGGERE….png)


>Will Sommer of the Daily Beast

this ios stupid. dog bite man story

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7c5269 No.18450301


If these Matt Wancock leaks do not fully wake up the remaining sheep in the UK (still millions) then there is no hope for them. The UK Gov has admitted to releasing new strains and keeping the populace in a panic state. Remember, they were having drug fueled parties in Downing Street while millions were told not to go outside and exercise, they closed down gyms, locked the elderly in care homes, limited how many could attend funerals, Anons list is endless what they did. Fast track death penalties for all involved.

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dc0028 No.18450302

File: d044913a39c098e⋯.png (194.18 KB,445x603,445:603,rows.PNG)


Kari Lake: I'll Be Damned If I Bow Down To George Soros, It's Not Going To Happen On My Watch [VIDEO]


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50a2bc No.18450303

File: 3ad024fb5df33fc⋯.png (433.15 KB,827x547,827:547,ClipboardImage.png)


In this video, he uses nails like those I bought.


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15a44d No.18450304

File: 68316b28847815e⋯.png (250.77 KB,399x400,399:400,flower_in_lock_ungovernabl….png)


It's not a question of how far down it is. it's a question of surface area.

you don't appear to understand electricity and may need to carefully think about what you are doing.


ground rods provide a voltage reference only. Nothing flows that way. NOTHING.

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e717d8 No.18450305

File: 0742483b8fc755f⋯.png (861.94 KB,780x439,780:439,48A5CB95_85F6_44B1_B495_35….png)


Guess, I was too soon…

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1199af No.18450306

File: 4fe3211596e0ba0⋯.png (227.86 KB,800x1549,800:1549,The_Only_Gay_Marriage_Grap….png)


Picrel from 2011

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ba046c No.18450307

File: 7034c75f18a3899⋯.jpeg (34 KB,400x226,200:113,D9A27DC5_2039_436E_BCFF_D….jpeg)

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15a44d No.18450308


>he uses nails like those I bought

to do what exactly? to ground a subpanel?

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c2186d No.18450309


one could get so far with the "funding" through some disclosures

but those contracts (like the biolabs/DTRA/etc) may be a bit more cleverly written to get a grasp on the specifics

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87105d No.18450310

File: df90a30ed3bdbce⋯.png (13.74 KB,366x274,183:137,Screenshot_2023_03_05_at_0….png)

File: 4386405b8e8c86c⋯.png (114.55 KB,375x307,375:307,Screenshot_2023_03_05_at_0….png)


An albatross is also aDOUBLE EAGLEin golf

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60aebf No.18450311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c361f6 No.18450312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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997a24 No.18450313

File: b167b7b157348d8⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,2965x2409,2965:2409,Tell_Em_Johnny.jpg)


Just for you anon. You can now go fuck yourself. Sub human piece of shit.

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7754e3 No.18450314

File: 87a4954602b4788⋯.png (486.51 KB,742x495,742:495,goofy_jill.png)

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5ab923 No.18450315

File: 6a2dc56c46f056e⋯.jpg (308.59 KB,3124x2112,71:48,5G_cell_tower_china_steve_….jpg)

"5G will have an impact similar to the introduction of electricity or the automobile, affecting entire economies and benefiting entire societies," Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf once predicted.

It now appears, however, that many of these effects may be negative, according to two recent reports by Swedish researchers Mona Nilsson, director of the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, and Dr. Lennart Harddell, an oncologist and professor at Orebro University who has published dozens of papers on the effects of non-ionizing radiation.

"If 5G is not halted," warned Nilsson, "we will probably see more people suffering from microwave syndrome, i.e. deprived sleep, headache, tinnitus, dizziness, fatigue, heart problems, as well as a range of chronic diseases among them, including more cancers and degenerative diseases."


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02a817 No.18450316

PN >>18449320

Note of advice to Matt Hancock, Health Minister and others in leadership. Don’t ditch or disappear on your girlfriend who is working on your biography with literally 100s of 1000s of crimes against humanity in your documents.

Arrogance is the downfall of tiny tyrants.It never ends well asshole, ie General Patreus

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49421f No.18450317

File: ebed53aebcdc595⋯.jpg (816.3 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20230304_215439….jpg)

File: 90108932e94e037⋯.png (773.44 KB,967x1012,967:1012,Untitled.png)

File: 9307455dfed0c84⋯.png (611.8 KB,1627x631,1627:631,ergreh.png)

File: db2ea151f7949aa⋯.png (375.35 KB,1262x629,1262:629,erht.png)


Morale is censored here now. All you're allowed is hatred.

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5ab923 No.18450318

File: f08b53d45cbf424⋯.jpg (13.78 KB,213x255,71:85,c690a0b15d6dc520cd204642a3….jpg)

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975b61 No.18450319


Waiting on the Revelations was never supposed to be easy. They have destroyed so many cultures and nations in their quest for domination. And they lost.

Everything they had built to this moment is crumbling. Nothing they raised will stand.

I don't want it to come back. And for that I can endure.

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5ab923 No.18450320

File: 0bd1554df04dafa⋯.jpg (15.65 KB,255x179,255:179,db8e3f2dda24d5c0ac4d1a361b….jpg)

File: bd2ef1c0b4e95dc⋯.jpg (17.17 KB,255x173,255:173,4fed6af2728b8a917531834472….jpg)

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15a44d No.18450321

File: 69a17cfb421a20b⋯.jpeg (72.62 KB,1300x975,4:3,trump_mount_rushmore.jpeg)


>the mission moves forward

Yeah it was good stuff.

TBH though, we know Trump and some of it may happen but clearly not all of it.

Like he said, play the system. If ballots are fake, then play the ballot game.

Still, there is no one like him

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7c0c29 No.18450322

File: c84272b5d005fd9⋯.png (303.71 KB,1210x456,605:228,mjbb.png)

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e717d8 No.18450323

File: c222164d47c5206⋯.jpeg (86.55 KB,640x600,16:15,33218B8D_D187_43A0_A076_5….jpeg)

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50a2bc No.18450324

File: 1c9f057f700c5b0⋯.png (722.89 KB,793x595,793:595,ClipboardImage.png)



Found the spot where I will hook to ground. Fish it through the duct right to it.

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87105d No.18450325

File: 507578f85395f34⋯.png (542.76 KB,849x740,849:740,hole_in_one.png)


Which is a hole in one on a par-3

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0ee390 No.18450326

File: a3e8e081f03216f⋯.png (418.8 KB,1033x572,1033:572,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2d21e2cfc3cff2⋯.png (405.74 KB,814x628,407:314,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d0456 No.18450327

File: 948eb55f442b4aa⋯.jpg (89.09 KB,564x500,141:125,itisknown.jpg)

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975b61 No.18450328

File: 0c368440e572f07⋯.jpg (57 KB,666x500,333:250,5hzhxb.jpg)


No doubt! I'm banned from almost the entire internet at this point. But I take heart at the vanity of shills and bots. It makes me giggle.

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15a44d No.18450329


>connect to my house ground

OK maybe I'm misunderstanding - "connecting to your house ground" sounds reasionable, but I don't understand the nails

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e5c1d9 No.18450330

File: 1fb307ffcac2d9f⋯.png (329.83 KB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Mar 5 2023

Jupiter and Venus over Italy

What are those two bright spots? Planets. A few days ago, the two brightest planets in the night sky passed within a single degree of each other in what is termed a conjunction. Visible just after sunset in much of the world, the two bright spots were Jupiter (left) and Venus (right). The featured image was taken near closest approach from Cirica, Sicily, Italy. The week before, Venus was rising higher in the sunset sky to meet the dropping Jupiter. Now they have switched places. Of course, Venus remains much closer to both the Sun and the Earth than Jupiter – the apparent closeness between the planets in the sky of Earth was only angular. You can still see the popular pair for an hour or so after sunset this month although they continue to separate, and Jupiter continues to set earlier each night.


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7c0c29 No.18450331

File: d5bcf04d264598d⋯.jpg (84.96 KB,500x655,100:131,d5bcf04d264598db35c49385c4….jpg)

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50a2bc No.18450332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch the video.

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975b61 No.18450333


They go in the…..ground

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4f8b24 No.18450334

File: 0e7b2d8c0c0307a⋯.png (1.11 MB,869x788,869:788,Schlange.png)

File: c0cd3a01d5a6213⋯.png (350.68 KB,452x477,452:477,Sheriff_I.png)

File: 6e27d38e01cae63⋯.png (1.69 MB,702x1258,351:629,Feuer_und_Wasser.png)

File: e8767fb8375d2d7⋯.jpg (60.5 KB,367x320,367:320,Wasser_Feuer.jpg)

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15a44d No.18450335


OK. What are you gioung to use to hook into it? Don't cut it and splice. Leave it intact

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4cc107 No.18450336



34 + 13 = 47


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c361f6 No.18450337

File: 9f5977551045fb7⋯.mp4 (10.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,No_One_Is_Coming_2_2.mp4)

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125813 No.18450338

File: deb05f1cf0f341a⋯.jpg (578.39 KB,750x1997,750:1997,sheepknow2.JPG)

File: de03c6b36d2d931⋯.png (200.18 KB,493x281,493:281,lambchop.png)

"So they own it, by embracing this act"?

should've had a question mark!

i think "lamb chop" is a person?

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50d605 No.18450339

File: 4ffa94513b05c10⋯.mp4 (533.36 KB,480x270,16:9,yEUtobifaPexmhWF.mp4)

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5ab923 No.18450340

File: ed783ca9b945427⋯.jpg (7.6 KB,174x255,58:85,251ead3ebfbd1e26e78d2aeb08….jpg)

Couldn't procude evidence or proofs.

Hmmm nano tech leads to schizo, and bi polar disorder?


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50a2bc No.18450341

File: d9bc965509cb4a2⋯.png (825.48 KB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



I was going to use the nails and realized my house ground is far better. Watched them pound it in when I added a generator and the panel.

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ede579 No.18450342


Thank you, fren! Hope you do as well! :)

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02fa9c No.18450343

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Freedom_Flag.png)

File: 4c7fb1748e9d9a2⋯.jpg (14.37 KB,255x180,17:12,51bda5af1814cd23a63efb894d….jpg)

File: 144300b823d4f33⋯.jpg (97.39 KB,659x538,659:538,144300b823d4f33e2e421a8881….jpg)


>https://rumble.com/v2bs094-president-donald-trump-delivers-remarks-at-cpac-2023-full.htmlStarting at the 43:50 min-mark to the 45:15 min-mark.

"Thank you very much Supreme-Court, I appreciate it"

"11 million pages"

"Who would have thought this, I got impeached and I went up 11 points."

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ba046c No.18450344

File: 8683aec79c346cd⋯.jpeg (284.21 KB,1600x1205,320:241,C489418F_3DFD_4566_96FB_0….jpeg)

File: e5ddbc92d15289f⋯.jpeg (42.1 KB,393x502,393:502,C4E7A6AF_BBFC_48C9_B5EE_2….jpeg)


Is it any wonder?

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2468b5 No.18450345

File: 2e64d489b89d403⋯.png (256.02 KB,297x424,297:424,ClipboardImage.png)

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997a24 No.18450346


>I don't believe it was china.

Really? Who then?

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bbbeec No.18450347

File: 1d95e2d39aa9ef1⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,1400x935,280:187,1d95e2d39aa9ef16d9e9e83405….jpg)

Of all the statements made by trump during CPAC, this was the most powerful imo

DC is littered with trash. maybe its time for the govt to take over maintaining DC

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e717d8 No.18450348

File: 324bcaf78d51399⋯.jpeg (110.93 KB,640x869,640:869,D5856EBC_676A_48E5_A96E_F….jpeg)

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6c72f0 No.18450349

File: 6aba2c7aa729da8⋯.jpg (65.28 KB,1024x768,4:3,6aba2c7aa729da835e1b984d59….jpg)

Future villains: Do not plot world domination in emails, lest they be exposed by paytriots and LARPers to become slides

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5ab923 No.18450350

File: 02bd5435b9c7747⋯.jpg (520.81 KB,1500x1500,1:1,Origami_ball.jpg)

I love origami >>18450334

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997a24 No.18450351


What is this anon?

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fac30a No.18450352


Buried deep into a new law they shoved up our butt

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50a2bc No.18450353


Strip about 4 inches of bare wire and wrap it around it. Nothing fancy is needed.

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4f8b24 No.18450354

File: 60dd69731ee1b50⋯.gif (2.43 MB,600x435,40:29,feuer_frei3.gif)


STFU projecting hooknosed mongrel Jhonnyboi!

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032d77 No.18450355

File: c279bd2ecdf2c95⋯.png (1.08 MB,1168x1242,584:621,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76533de8e656919⋯.png (215.9 KB,383x457,383:457,rallypeps.png)


Civil-military relations -> Mil-Civ Alliance

First sentence = 198 characters -> 18(Q+)

All-Volunteer…50…civil-military -> A-V 50 C-M -> 1-22 50 3-13 -> 122 + 50 + 313 = 485 -> 45 & 8



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e717d8 No.18450356

File: fc5b5104d67bb04⋯.jpeg (106.75 KB,828x722,414:361,D2C621D1_2E64_443B_9F8E_7….jpeg)

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02fa9c No.18450357

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Starting at the 43:50 min-mark to the 45:15 min-mark.

"Thank you very much Supreme-Court, I appreciate it"

"11 million pages"

"Who would have thought this, I got impeached and I went up 11 points."

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7754e3 No.18450358

File: 121ce68a19cb67b⋯.png (158.76 KB,309x377,309:377,sword_anon.png)

File: 74c4e7870591528⋯.png (303.39 KB,508x345,508:345,2023_03_05_09_50_55.png)

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6e050f No.18450359


Find another judge and over rule that shit

they have rights

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dc0028 No.18450360

File: 97d96ef242fc6be⋯.png (408.19 KB,602x805,86:115,drag.PNG)




Drag Queen ADMITS he does drag queen story hour to INTRO weird kids to alternative lifestyles

Talk about backfiring


The Based Librarian

11:24 PM · Mar 4, 2023




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4f8b24 No.18450361


Made by Alice(Hannah) when she visited me in 2012!

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125813 No.18450362

File: 3ab6e0fb9e62b93⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,854x430,427:215,scavino.mp4)



from scavino, one year delta?


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cb473f No.18450363

File: c6ddbcd9ace4568⋯.png (1.13 MB,638x1125,638:1125,ClipboardImage.png)


I met this fun lady at CPAC today. Her name is Melissa Rein Lively. Tonight she met Fauci in Washington DC and took this incredible picture with him.

Everyone is jealous that they didn’t get to do it! 😂😂😂

Ada Lluch 🇪🇸 @ada_lluch 10:24 PM · Mar 3, 2023·1.2M Views


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02fa9c No.18450364

File: c351a2d4534e39a⋯.jpg (307.67 KB,1358x1297,1358:1297,Screen_Shot_2023_02_27_at_….jpg)

File: 53c21040a53b7e6⋯.jpg (315.37 KB,1376x1077,1376:1077,53c21040a53b7e6d0f5a661971….jpg)

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e524d7 No.18450365



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49421f No.18450366

File: ebed53aebcdc595⋯.jpg (816.3 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20230304_215439….jpg)

File: 90108932e94e037⋯.png (773.44 KB,967x1012,967:1012,Untitled.png)

File: 9307455dfed0c84⋯.png (611.8 KB,1627x631,1627:631,ergreh.png)

File: db2ea151f7949aa⋯.png (375.35 KB,1262x629,1262:629,erht.png)

This will haunt them forever now. So long as this board exists I will keep reminding lurkers newfags and old what happened. I have 6000 IPs, go ahead and ban me. Every time you do it is simply more evidence of your corruption, censorship and agenda to smear all anons as nazis here. You will never recover from this.

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fac30a No.18450367


New Hippocratic oath clause

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6d0456 No.18450368

File: 24713d32876734b⋯.gif (1019.8 KB,500x207,500:207,44.gif)

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e717d8 No.18450369

File: 8bdf480f4665f78⋯.jpeg (382.74 KB,1600x1593,1600:1593,D2FC3D22_8120_465E_AA73_1….jpeg)

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02fa9c No.18450370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






For the going up 11 points.

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6c72f0 No.18450371

File: e626251250c1472⋯.jpg (168.46 KB,600x794,300:397,illshill.jpg)

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480280 No.18450372



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ee7f76 No.18450373


Uhhh, telegram post from Shadow of Ezra

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5f2aa2 No.18450374


Did you catch the nothing happens to Hunter and nothing seems to happen to Joe Biden. Looks like something's about to happen to Joey Boy.

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e5c1d9 No.18450375

File: 790bcdfd76044fe⋯.png (1.07 MB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c72f0 No.18450376

File: 3401a02ee73b863⋯.png (3 MB,1580x1054,790:527,dimebag.png)

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c2186d No.18450377


The law is on the books

it is the "rules" that get enacted where the fun starts with the agency doing the funding

throw in an SES chief and let the fun begin


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c87555 No.18450378


"The social media accounts included a Twitter account under the name Jason Bourne, which Schulte had used to draft tweets about CIA cyber tools"

I think I found the meaning of Jason Bourne

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8e4fc8 No.18450379

File: 69b85c7b18e4cef⋯.png (992.39 KB,993x602,993:602,ClipboardImage.png)

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fac30a No.18450380


House should be 3 ground rods

Triangular pattern

Within 5 ohms of each other

Or something like that

Been awhile

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cb473f No.18450381

File: 6fa67ca9375b021⋯.png (1.47 MB,1126x1125,1126:1125,ClipboardImage.png)




Arizona activist Melissa Lively posted her photo with Fauci

Original photos is on her Instagram


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6c72f0 No.18450382

File: 7e7b5d70f3b6de2⋯.png (1.38 MB,952x1900,238:475,NXVIM.png)

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c7e691 No.18450383


>A Telecancer LARP acct says that…

Good enough for me, seems legit.

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6d0456 No.18450384

File: e4163da22c4098e⋯.jpg (44.55 KB,576x433,576:433,PIGeonKEK.jpg)

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49421f No.18450385

File: ebed53aebcdc595⋯.jpg (816.3 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20230304_215439….jpg)

File: 90108932e94e037⋯.png (773.44 KB,967x1012,967:1012,Untitled.png)

File: 9307455dfed0c84⋯.png (611.8 KB,1627x631,1627:631,ergreh.png)

File: db2ea151f7949aa⋯.png (375.35 KB,1262x629,1262:629,erht.png)

*DO NOT REFRESH so you can see what they censor*

Board is comped.

Why do the BVs protect their famefaggot board idol friends spewing the same antisemitic jew hatred thats posted here all day yet any criticism of them will get your posts deleted? Whatever happened to Q choosing this place because of "no filters"? Why is the only approved "free speech" that's allowed here used to frame every anon as a Nazi by MSM? Why was my perfectly valid and legal post censored yet the all day long antisemitic copy pasta is allowed to be posted by trusted famefaggot board idols? Why does an echo chamber support these shills? Are they really that stupid to think anons aren't saving all the evidence of censorship?

So long as this board exists I will keep reminding lurkers newfags and old what happened. I have 6000 IPs, go ahead and ban me. Every time you do it is simply more evidence of your corruption, censorship and agenda to smear all anons as Nazis here. They will never recover from this.

Qs only reply to tranime was of them wearing an upside down cross and talking about "luring a dangerous animal into a trap". Remember the Chelsea Clinton posts? Upside down crosses openly worn in public to broadcast fealty to Satanism? Reread Q's post. All posts are connected, graphic is key. Look closer. The graphic is the only picture Q chose to reply to.

Whatever happened to;

"Nothing is random."

"Everything posted here has meaning."


"No coincidences."

"Double meanings exist."

"Infiltration not invasion."

"Some anons are not "anon".

"Symbolism will be their downfall."

Scattered free thinkers wake up. You're in an echo chamber.

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a7cc9c No.18450386

File: f4408657f3d189f⋯.png (807.45 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1073DA47_5F81_4007_8A08_69….png)

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3c89d1 No.18450387

File: cc92356cecb153f⋯.jpg (48.54 KB,620x465,4:3,6g3wx6.jpg)

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02fa9c No.18450388

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Title_4_Grammar_Flag.png)

File: dafdcee5cfa7fad⋯.jpeg (54.41 KB,750x750,1:1,dafdcee5cfa7fada22ec2b1bc….jpeg)

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02fa9c No.18450389

File: d54248e95864ffe⋯.png (628.22 KB,801x544,801:544,4642514cb1a6cf84b22952856e….png)

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997a24 No.18450390

File: 6711383fa3c643e⋯.jpg (10.31 KB,255x199,255:199,BestPOTUSEver.jpg)


As did I anon. Some of it brought tears to my eyes. I am angry about all we see. This Mother who lost her two sons to fentanyl being mocked by Joe Biden? POTUS said he is our RETRIBUTION. Let it be so. Patience is truly a virtue and I've had to learn that lesson repeatedly over my lifetime. I haven't mastered it but I've come to accept it.

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e717d8 No.18450391

File: b5a5a8d94181924⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB,1607x1194,1607:1194,C3411971_2A90_4EAE_BCB2_B….jpeg)

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9fdcc7 No.18450392

File: 30e5394b790c22a⋯.jpg (127.17 KB,1080x810,4:3,photo_2023_03_04_17_24_13.jpg)

🚨 #ALERT: The dam built in East Palestine to hold back toxic waste has been DESTROYED by torrential rain.

This has caused toxic sludge to be released into some of the town’s largest waterways.



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50d605 No.18450393


It's been a big weekend for the aspiring influencer.

The entire world is a stage.

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05bfe2 No.18450394

File: b3b8a066fd15955⋯.png (181.94 KB,474x326,237:163,MuskKushnerII.png)

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ef9d7d No.18450395

My neighbor gave me a stack of Meals on Wheels that she had in her freezer & wasn't going to eat.

That shit is actually pretty damn good! My kids are even eating it.

Good job Meals on Wheels people

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039c7e No.18450396

File: cc8f222fa31d3ed⋯.png (507.51 KB,412x546,206:273,ClipboardImage.png)

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e99b84 No.18450397

File: 0351f118c023d09⋯.png (1.23 MB,884x918,26:27,sweet.png)

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6c72f0 No.18450398

File: c17ccd30ca3d4bb⋯.png (63.37 KB,600x600,1:1,c17ccd30ca3d4bbc051259b39e….png)

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b00234 No.18450399

File: 835a11c856eb5b3⋯.jpg (92.89 KB,945x552,315:184,american_flag_08.jpg)

File: 592c496a3b7c74c⋯.jpg (796.27 KB,2447x2136,2447:2136,Spain_Flag.jpg)

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05bfe2 No.18450400

File: 4aed1a6a212553b⋯.jpg (23.03 KB,297x445,297:445,BigJake.jpg)


Another narcissist believe somehow they have the authority to bless anything….

Blessing come for God. Only God.

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1453e9 No.18450401

File: 2b56b5f4909d3ad⋯.jpg (115.73 KB,500x600,5:6,Freddie_Mercury_Zoroastria….jpg)

File: 761ea2430dfecb3⋯.png (122.45 KB,500x500,1:1,_Q_ueen_Winning.png)




Ahriman was featured as the Creator of This Universe in the latest Marvel Movie The Eternals….

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997a24 No.18450402


Hmm………..okay thanx. Wish it was true.

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c7a05c No.18450403


Grubby Jew from way back.

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6c72f0 No.18450404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A/pedo cult social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.


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c74680 No.18450405


So far, he has been right every time, just a little ahead

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49421f No.18450406

File: 0c7818da0ba47ca⋯.jpg (111.28 KB,847x500,847:500,787aza.jpg)


Real famefag swordy only ever posted once for years. That's how you know it's an imposter famefaggot. Besides, if you actually trusted God you wouldn't need to remind everyone like a bot every day. God bless.

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af46ac No.18450407

File: 356c9f92c07aba8⋯.png (2.96 MB,1098x1492,549:746,beings_of_light.png)

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02a817 No.18450408

File: b83ad323ea05af0⋯.jpeg (179.43 KB,465x310,3:2,F561E09D_9D39_4358_9FA4_D….jpeg)

==For anyone interested in Michael Gove the man conspiring with Hancock=

Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations

The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP


The Rt Hon Michael Gove was appointed Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations on 25 October 2022.

He was previously Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities between 15 September 2021 and 6 July 2022, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster from July 2019 to September 2021, and Minister for the Cabinet Office from February 2020 to September 2021. He was Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs from June 2017 to July 2019.

He was elected Conservative MP for Surrey Heath in 2005.


Michael was educated at Robert Gordon’s College, Aberdeen and Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University.

Political career

Michael was Shadow Minister for Housing from 2005 to 2007 and Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families from 2007 to 2010.

He served as Secretary of State for Education from May 2010 until July 2014. From July 2014 to May 2015, he served as Government Chief Whip and Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury. Michael also served as Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice from May 2015 until 14 July 2016.

__Career outside politics_

Michael became a journalist after leaving university, working as a reporter for The Press and Journal in Aberdeen, a researcher and reporter at Scottish Television and a reporter for BBC Television. He was later Assistant Editor of The Times.

Personal life

Michael has 2 children.

Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Strategic oversight of department’s business

Minister for inter-governmental relations

Cross-cutting responsibility for Levelling Up-Public Appointments

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Minister for Intergovernmental Relations

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Previous roles in government

Minister for Intergovernmental Relations

2021 to 2022

Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

2021 to 2022

Secretary of State for Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government

2021 to 2021

Minister for the Cabinet Office

2020 to 2021

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and Secretary of State

2019 to 2021

Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

2017 to 2019

Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice

2015 to 2016

Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury (Chief Whip)

2014 to 2015

Secretary of State for Education

2010 to 2014

(Why was he involved in Covid messaging?)


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8e4fc8 No.18450409


I'm afraid for her, if she is not.

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cb473f No.18450410

File: ebc69e56f21a0a3⋯.png (349.6 KB,639x1125,71:125,ClipboardImage.png)


>You're in an echo chamber.

Which would be a really good reminder of why it is so very important toUse discernment.

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8755d7 No.18450411

File: 79f8bd514531d2c⋯.png (717.73 KB,700x676,175:169,79f8bd514531d2cfbdebe6067a….png)



P.S. Please excuse my lack-of-sunlight appearance.

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ea386e No.18450412

File: f00fdc4caa4ba47⋯.png (532.04 KB,798x849,266:283,Screenshot_2023_03_05_at_1….png)

File: 32c8a53fbc9d6f3⋯.png (252.58 KB,550x568,275:284,Screenshot_2023_03_05_at_1….png)


There are a couple of posts about this, but no confirmation yet.

Not verified

Military units now searching for George Soros who is missing. He did not attend his speech .

Assassinations will work in both directions.

We can only hope


George Soros is missing.

Reported by the American telegram channel The General. Soros was due to attend a conference in Geneva on his recent work in African education. He did not appear at the event.

According to The General, military units are called to search for the missing billionaire.

Of course, this is too good information to believe. Wait for confirmation.

Maybe Bashirov and Petrov admire the beauty of Lake Geneva?


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6c72f0 No.18450413

File: 16bcfefc1c9afa8⋯.png (200.61 KB,795x972,265:324,1d086e5281aedab66307f269d7….png)

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4f8b24 No.18450414


Nice projection hooknosed mongrel! KMAO:

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af46ac No.18450415


>if you actually trusted God you wouldn't need to remind everyone like a bot every day. God bless.

what the fuck is wrong with you? what does it hurt? it doesnt hurt anybody. you are honestly worse than any famefag namefag on the board. EVER. smh, so fucking stupid

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7050e9 No.18450416

File: acdc0599c31694d⋯.png (744.25 KB,1280x856,160:107,ClipboardImage.png)


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8755d7 No.18450417

File: 144bc6244ed75b8⋯.png (552.56 KB,544x680,4:5,144bc6244ed75b8ac78a62a238….png)


Nominating as #1 Meme of the bread

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c7e691 No.18450418


>Real famefag swordy only ever posted once for years.

Mostly true and certainly so early on.


Around late 2021 I would come in mid bread and see that the Swordy post count was >1.

Every once in a while not every morning, but when I followed the trail of other posts I saw that id use some specific memes.

Now, it could be the same anon that still uses that meme series today (even in this very bread!) or someone else that likes/uses that series as well only the Board Admins and their ability to do QR DECLAS on a hash truly know…

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1453e9 No.18450419

File: 261d792eb1ab525⋯.jpg (423.7 KB,720x1405,144:281,Free_Cremation_Cost_Ad_Acc….jpg)

File: a07c77fefb339d9⋯.jpg (224.15 KB,508x929,508:929,AccuWeather_Cremation_Cost….jpg)

So I go on AccuWeather to check today's weather…

So I get an unsolicited Cremation Cost Ad.

What kind of weather 🌡️ is AccuWeather expecting today???


Definately haven't been searching or saying anything related to this.

Uninstalling AccuWeather!

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e717d8 No.18450420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cool video on MissileTec (Drop and Forget Bomb) but do they honestly think we trust the Ukraine Media?

Russia drops next-gen, 1500KG gliding bombs on Ukraine for the first time


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49421f No.18450421

File: 48c4af2a568d04e⋯.jpg (73.92 KB,500x625,4:5,7dcmvr.jpg)

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c2186d No.18450422

File: 9b1f6bc610b7076⋯.mp4 (166.83 KB,1146x480,191:80,b506bb13_84d4_443c_abae_c4….mp4)


that look on the fraudci's mug says it all

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6c72f0 No.18450423

File: 6334e4f3fa15ea8⋯.jpg (406.25 KB,1024x1534,512:767,puppet.jpg)

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8e4fc8 No.18450424


>Military Units?

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efdd4c No.18450425


I don't know what you want from me. I only remember a glimpse of you. Trauma erased you.

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997a24 No.18450426


The entire judicial system needs to be taken down. I haven't seen it anywhere but I believe that all of the J6er's are being held under the Patriot Act and have been erronously deemed "domestic terrorist". This would be consistent in the way that all of them have had their Constitutional rights striped. Remember the line of questioning from Lindsey Graham to Bret Kavanaugh about a citizen being held as an enemy combatant?

The "defendant" has all rights to any exculpatory evidence that the government has and yet that right is being denied to all of the defendants. Patriot Act. USA Inc. "District of Columbia".

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fac30a No.18450427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Somebody pissed em off

Internet funks

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cb473f No.18450428

File: 1df5f380cbfa02d⋯.png (1.14 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Melissa posed for a photo with Dr. Fauci and gave him some much-needed feedback


>Arizona activist Melissa Lively posted her photo with Fauci


>The entire world is a stage.


>I'm afraid for her, if she is not.

She was clearly channeling Breibart's motto"Walk Toward the FIRE!'

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49421f No.18450429

File: 415f41d9e425150⋯.jpg (53 KB,525x476,75:68,7cf682.jpg)

Anons are awake now to just how badly infested this place really is. I'm never going to stop reminding them with solid proof either. So long as this board exists I will live to expose the corruption and infiltration of secured and protected board personalities spewing divisive antisemitic rhetoric trying to frame us.

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032d77 No.18450430

File: 9f76617636c6561⋯.png (1.19 MB,1174x1356,587:678,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21898b52eb13129⋯.png (33.09 KB,726x100,363:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3afda32bb6d8a52⋯.png (196.3 KB,840x1698,140:283,737.png)

File: 142647bf8400e88⋯.png (164.25 KB,840x1610,12:23,342.png)


Get Moving ->GO

Link ends 18176 -> 18 / 17 / '76

Linked article: #101 #45 #236 #36 -> 101 (45) (23)6 36 -> 45 / 23 / 101 +636 -> 737


>This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends. >>18450134


Qalerts 737 -> Q342:




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1453e9 No.18450431

File: 5a3769b23c54296⋯.jpg (83.52 KB,1200x900,4:3,Chekt_Sinatra_Sings_2.jpg)

File: a3825e759e9d580⋯.jpg (128.81 KB,594x890,297:445,Life_is_Hard_Its_Harder_Wh….jpg)

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50a2bc No.18450432


After the Tornado I had to get a new panel. I only watched them install one. Not sure how long, maybe 6ft or more.

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115bb7 No.18450433

Smoking Pepe gone,

Tranime and Doge back,

Clown faggot still here.

Do I have this right?

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02fa9c No.18450434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>18450364 (You)

>>18450357 (You)

>>18450272 (You)

>>18450343 (You)


>For the going up 11 points.

: WORD-SPELL: Russell-Jay: Gould. : PLEASE-SHARE.


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8755d7 No.18450435

File: bac6c93e136e55c⋯.png (399.72 KB,570x395,114:79,ClipboardImage.png)

There a baker in the house?

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1453e9 No.18450436

File: 21b3ea928edd17e⋯.jpg (88.46 KB,500x617,500:617,End_the_Fed_Jesus.jpg)

File: 9b386cf11e93a88⋯.jpg (238.34 KB,934x607,934:607,Jesus_Loves_You_Unless_You….jpg)

File: 56b43d26f0b6ecb⋯.png (1.29 MB,1193x978,1193:978,Andrew_Breitbart_Bibi_Neta….png)

File: c78f210622f6c2d⋯.jpg (166.5 KB,640x1138,320:569,Bill_Maher_Jewish_Pedo_Can….jpg)

File: a5b57ab415fa6c2⋯.png (1.31 MB,907x1360,907:1360,The_Jew_Human_Sacrifice_Bl….png)




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af46ac No.18450437


oh, shut up

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1453e9 No.18450438

File: 7b346d76047e3a9⋯.jpg (99.13 KB,650x650,1:1,1_Point_21_Niggawatts_Volt….jpg)

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997a24 No.18450439

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49421f No.18450440

File: ebed53aebcdc595⋯.jpg (816.3 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20230304_215439….jpg)

File: 90108932e94e037⋯.png (773.44 KB,967x1012,967:1012,Untitled.png)

File: 9307455dfed0c84⋯.png (611.8 KB,1627x631,1627:631,ergreh.png)

File: db2ea151f7949aa⋯.png (375.35 KB,1262x629,1262:629,erht.png)


The echo chamber was always here. They only brought the tranime persona back out of pure desperation of losing control of their satanic antisemitic brainwashing psyop here.

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4f8b24 No.18450441

File: d29aea2993b4b85⋯.gif (27.71 KB,198x183,66:61,haha.gif)


Du bist nicht Hannah!

Verlogene Judenviecher!

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e717d8 No.18450442

File: 078b290f575a8b3⋯.gif (650.33 KB,400x240,5:3,212FB675_45D5_499C_BDA6_39….gif)


Monday MSM be Like…

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cb473f No.18450443

File: e28533b33351d76⋯.png (842.44 KB,665x1302,95:186,ClipboardImage.png)



Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway and husband are divorcing

WASHINGTON (AP) — Kellyanne Conway, a senior presidential adviser in the Trump White House, and her husband, attorney George Conway, a prominent critic of the former president, say they are divorcing.

The Conways posted a joint statement on their Twitter accounts Saturday, which said in part that “we are in the final stages of an amicable divorce.” The two said their marriage more than 20 years ago included “many happy years” and “four incredible children.”

Washington observers questioned the state of their union after George Conway began criticizing Donald Trump with a fervor that often matched his wife’s support of the president. While Kellyanne Conway defended Trump at every turn, her husband wrote tweets and articles and appeared on news shows to condemn his actions. He helped found the Lincoln Project, which sought Trump’s defeat in 2020.

In their statement, the couple asked that their privacy be respected and said they appreciated those who “know us, care for us, and support us.”


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9fdcc7 No.18450444

File: eed31dff86da8ef⋯.png (1.22 MB,1242x1143,138:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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1199af No.18450445

File: fdb0971ef533329⋯.jpg (135.32 KB,533x344,533:344,Mexico_Spain.jpg)

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997a24 No.18450446

File: ecbe99a04fadad8⋯.pdf (57.45 KB,bullstory.pdf)

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dc0028 No.18450447

File: a5785b4a3addb07⋯.png (657.08 KB,1063x705,1063:705,poll.PNG)


Just In: Presidential Candidate Who’s

Never Held a Political Office Beats Out

Nikki Haley and Mike Pence For Third Place

In CPAC Straw Poll

Gateway Pundit, by Patty McMurray

Posted By: Imright, 3/5/2023 10:20:57 AM

100 Percent Fed Up reports – This afternoon, CPAC attendees voted for the person they would choose to be the next Republican Presidential candidate if the election were held today.(Photo) President Donald Trump got a whopping 62% of the vote from the CPAC attendees. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who did not attend the conservative gathering, got 20% of the vote. But it was the relatively unknown billionaire businessman from Michigan, Perry Johnson, whose never held a political office, stunned the pundits when he took third place in the poll ahead of

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7754e3 No.18450448

File: 9c7dda240dd68ca⋯.png (586.69 KB,714x516,119:86,goofy_gang.png)


It's like watching a Goofy cartoon every time Biden steps up to a microphone.

Goofy is so ridiculous he's going to bring them all down.

Just sayin'…

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b00234 No.18450449

File: ef3286ca06b06ef⋯.png (481.13 KB,462x380,231:190,us_and_uk_flags_wwg1wga.png)

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304d5e No.18450450

Rep Ronny Jackson," Biden is the cancer, not the lesion on his chest"

FOx News - Maria Bartiromo

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50a2bc No.18450451


I am going to try EARTHING.

Ground yourself while you sleep. Supposed to increase health being grounded.



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997a24 No.18450452


She's divorcing him cause he sucks cock. Lincoln Project cock.

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4f8b24 No.18450453

File: ec8f4d2f1ca4f36⋯.gif (8.46 MB,600x450,4:3,rockwell.gif)


Du bist nicht Hannah!

Verlogene Judenviecher!

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997a24 No.18450454


Watching. Love Ronny. He tell truth.

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36f690 No.18450455

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fac30a No.18450456



I guess that would be


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cb473f No.18450457

File: 8d9a3db6861a203⋯.png (925.51 KB,595x1418,595:1418,ClipboardImage.png)


Election conspiracies fuel dispute over voter fraud system

ATLANTA (AP) — A bipartisan effort among states to combat voter fraud has found itself in the crosshairs of conspiracy theories fueled by Donald Trump’s false claims about the 2020 presidential election and now faces an uncertain future.

One state has dropped out, a second is in the process of doing so and a handful of other Republican-led states are deciding whether to stay.

The aim of the Electronic Registration Information Center, a voluntary system known as ERIC, has been to help member states maintain accurate lists of registered voters by sharing data that allows officials to identify and remove people who have died or moved to other states. Reports also help states identify and ultimately prosecute people who vote in multiple states.

In Maryland, state election officials have received reports through the system identifying some 66,000 potentially deceased voters and 778,000 people who may have moved out of state since 2013. In Georgia, the system is credited with providing data to remove nearly 100,000 voters no longer eligible to vote in the state.

Yet the effort to improve election integrity and thwart voter fraud has become a target of suspicion among some Republicans after a series of online posts early last year questioning its funding and purpose.

Shortly after, Louisiana left the group, citing concerns raised by the posts. A day after being sworn in last month, Alabama’s new secretary of state, Wes Allen, sent a letter informing the center of the state’s exit after criticizing the program during his campaign.

Other Republican-led states could follow, according to a survey of state election offices by The Associated Press. Officials in Florida and Missouri said they are evaluating their participation, while legislation in Texas could force the state to leave. West Virginia election officials declined to weigh in, saying they are “closely monitoring the situation with ERIC’s membership.”


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49421f No.18450458

File: 0c7818da0ba47ca⋯.jpg (111.28 KB,847x500,847:500,787aza.jpg)

I trust God I don't need a famefaggot bot to remind me every morning. Bow down and kiss the board idol ass more. Tell everyone again that it's "the jews" and to fall in line with that belief. Make sure everyone here is framed as a Nazi.

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039c7e No.18450459

File: 2f262f6272b2d5b⋯.jpg (46.9 KB,500x332,125:83,7dco1i.jpg)

Looks like anime & doge are late sleepers, kek what a silly nightshift.

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7754e3 No.18450460

File: 4ae49f13ba619af⋯.png (336.79 KB,573x330,191:110,hes_right_you_know.png)


>Rep Ronny Jackson," Biden is the cancer, not the lesion on his chest"

>FOx News - Maria Bartiromo

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4f8b24 No.18450461

File: a0800f809b24c46⋯.jpg (14.78 KB,255x255,1:1,fb85de184e5949650f720980a9….jpg)


>I don't know what you want from me. I only remember a glimpse of you. Trauma erased you.

Hier für dich! 18449745 Keck.

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8755d7 No.18450462

File: 0016b6c5b9b0a34⋯.gif (4.52 MB,467x256,467:256,IHateToDie.gif)

Taking notes.



#22623 >>18449832

>>18450348 Coinciditis - Myocarditis that Coincidentally only affects the vaccinated

>>18449872 Man arrested for blowing up PG&E transformers in San Jose, police say

>>18449903 United Arab Emirates now has the most powerful passport in the world…

>>18449907 ‘Jeremy’s Chocolate’ Sells More Than 200,000 Chocolate Bars In Just Over 24 Hours

>>18449913 The mission moves forward, retribution to come.

>>18449914 Ohio residents ordered to stay inside as another train derails

>>18449922 CPAC 2023: the End of an Era


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50a2bc No.18450463


I'll report back if I notice any electrifying results in my health.

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0ee390 No.18450464

File: 0fc313ebb4cab60⋯.png (429.87 KB,1159x610,19:10,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a5082029aa3eba⋯.png (506.84 KB,819x596,819:596,ClipboardImage.png)

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dd2034 No.18450465


Goodness, that's one tough doc.

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a31c45 No.18450466


planefags have any opinions on planes that vanished around the time of his arrival??

What did Q say? 7 out of 10 plane accidents werent accidents at all?

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a31c45 No.18450467



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4f8b24 No.18450468

File: 745af3555fc69da⋯.png (361.6 KB,351x417,117:139,1264add012944edc2466ee2a09….png)


>Hier für dich! >>18449745 Keck.

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02fa9c No.18450469


Anna Von [Yawn]?

Nice try.

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49421f No.18450470

File: 415f41d9e425150⋯.jpg (53 KB,525x476,75:68,7cf682.jpg)

I never thought that in the process of annihilating the board idol echo chamber that Id capture concrete evidence of the board admins protecting them and their antisemitic narratives while censoring all opposition. Better to know now than later I guess

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87105d No.18450471



anon thinks albatross is notable

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dd2034 No.18450472

File: 788ac8483fe28b8⋯.png (373.71 KB,519x663,173:221,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbdd03fd1859af7⋯.png (29.7 KB,676x327,676:327,ClipboardImage.png)


Ronny Jackson


I will NEVER give up my firearms. I will NEVER surrender my AR-15. If Democrats want to push an insane gun-grab, they can COME AND TAKE IT!

5:54 PM · Jul 17, 2022


Ronny Jackson


This White House has been COVERING UP vaccine injuries. They’ve LIED about it stopping transmission. Biden has DESTROYED all confidence in our public health sector!!

9:30 AM · Mar 4, 2023


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e3fbcc No.18450473

File: 36ef04870ff3cc5⋯.mp4 (1005.47 KB,544x464,34:29,Lg8vaMEGTwlZrTCb.mp4)

Kari Savage Lake went there- Hillary is looking more and more like George SOROS 🤣

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7879a4 No.18450474

File: cd7f73071b94d84⋯.jpeg (100 KB,532x500,133:125,38B263EA_52D7_4099_AADA_7….jpeg)

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e717d8 No.18450475

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689922 No.18450476


Some anon said this yesterday on the board before this was said.

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bac698 No.18450477

File: 0f164e5b569e0c1⋯.png (298.59 KB,510x374,15:11,6b18987d858788d14270b70e21….png)

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997a24 No.18450478


Anons, wasn't this part of the election corruption in 2020? ERIC. Just found a Gateway Pudit article about ERIC. Soros.


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c6a27f No.18450479

File: fe61aafa57496e1⋯.jpg (8.82 KB,255x249,85:83,8bd1bca38f5d4b00872e3601bb….jpg)

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49421f No.18450480

File: ebed53aebcdc595⋯.jpg (816.3 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20230304_215439….jpg)

File: 90108932e94e037⋯.png (773.44 KB,967x1012,967:1012,Untitled.png)

File: 9307455dfed0c84⋯.png (611.8 KB,1627x631,1627:631,ergreh.png)

File: db2ea151f7949aa⋯.png (375.35 KB,1262x629,1262:629,erht.png)

Without a doubt Q is watching this shitshow and already knew about the infiltration here. If they ever post again they really should touch on the corruption and evil narratives being conveyed and protected here.

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997a24 No.18450481


I fucking love this Woman. She is a Warrior. Trump/Lake 2024

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470ee7 No.18450482


I always wondered what made this match. Was he/him her handler?

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49421f No.18450483

File: f85f922dc7f27da⋯.jpg (17.86 KB,218x255,218:255,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)


Nice meme anon. You are correct btw. Hope you had enough smoking pepe?

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e717d8 No.18450484

File: c2fb69d1ee0db4f⋯.jpeg (77.64 KB,680x574,340:287,9E46ABEA_2CFD_41E4_9736_F….jpeg)

Hard Pass on the Bastards Organs…

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032d77 No.18450485

File: c91fb0f1dd17bee⋯.png (1.07 MB,1168x1140,292:285,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d63190ae0c93b43⋯.png (43.53 KB,634x282,317:141,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa683639ac67916⋯.png (332.46 KB,840x1126,420:563,253.png)

File: 907859dd49c498b⋯.png (984.93 KB,840x1374,140:229,344.png)

File: fbd83f05b5e19e2⋯.png (272.68 KB,870x1258,435:629,ClipboardImage.png)



(45)8(54) in the link

44 words ->Hussein

230 characters no spaces ->PAIN

269 bytes -> 2+6+9 ->17

Images names:

All contain O7

X XX X A AA AA = 40 + 5 -> 45


UB NL O -> 212 14 12 15 = 253 -> Q253:RED

3 lines 44 words = 344 -> Qalerts 344 -> Q344: Graphic at top

Graphic at top of Qalerts 344 -> Q253:RED



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689922 No.18450486


I don't think Q team should address it. If smart enough chaos can be used as a very powerful tool. If there is a tight grip of control then the holes in the control can be exploited and then control is lost. Let the chaos rain.

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e3fbcc No.18450487

File: fab43020996231b⋯.jpeg (216.89 KB,1088x1026,544:513,8056D185_A4B6_4046_9BA6_B….jpeg)

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9dcc8b No.18450488

File: d50c469d14b0d58⋯.png (1.55 MB,1280x992,40:31,ClipboardImage.png)


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e717d8 No.18450489

File: 379f17e4f029432⋯.jpeg (100.07 KB,720x479,720:479,8946E852_A92B_4818_BDB8_F….jpeg)

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997a24 No.18450490

File: 9529a8a32812320⋯.png (646.91 KB,959x714,137:102,He_s_Right.png)


We stand with you Ronny!!! "From my cold dead hands".


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50a2bc No.18450491



Maybe it was Kari? I heard it as well.

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e717d8 No.18450492

File: 9af96e3669d1608⋯.jpeg (98.13 KB,1024x576,16:9,110FACD9_AB18_4ED0_858B_7….jpeg)

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508240 No.18450493


Let us pray

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49421f No.18450494

File: a98341a2a3f1976⋯.jpg (8.71 KB,236x214,118:107,download_jpeg.jpg)


>Let the chaos rain

BVs censoring any opposition to the antisemitic jew hatred of their protected board idols? It's about as chaos as you can get. KEK. You got chaos bro

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50a2bc No.18450495

File: 9a75da2b3ca8c7c⋯.png (608.41 KB,673x514,673:514,GUN.png)

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1199af No.18450496

File: 590297ec9d8c7aa⋯.jpg (171.69 KB,767x895,767:895,KellyAnne_concernfags.jpg)


There were some great memes when the story broke, only grabbed this one. Kek!

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02a817 No.18450497

File: fa5d83c5d540359⋯.webp (21.91 KB,930x558,5:3,C89BA395_09FA_49AE_A5A0_5….webp)

File: fcab24832480158⋯.jpeg (369.16 KB,1241x1300,1241:1300,1D842384_2A29_473A_AC9B_F….jpeg)

File: b048e0725de910a⋯.jpeg (126.72 KB,1220x633,1220:633,C720F863_E877_4FD6_9598_C….jpeg)

File: ca514957d1945ae⋯.jpeg (138.92 KB,1241x599,1241:599,AFE8EE97_B4D1_4920_8EFE_5….jpeg)

>>18450408 Hancock &Gove

We proved in the high court that Michael Gove broke the law. So what happens now?

Our legal victory, which proves there has beeninstitutionalised cronyism over Covid contracts, will have real-world effects

Jolyon Maugham QC is a barrister and director of Good Law Project

Thu 10 Jun 2021 11.55 EDT

Shut out the noise and the story is a simple one.

The pandemic was starting to hit. To manage public health, government needed to influence public behaviour. To influence public behaviour it needed to understand how different health messages would land. To understand how messages would land it needed feedback from focus groups.And getting focus groups meant getting external help.

But from whom?

Dominic Cummings, then Boris Johnson’s chief adviser, wantedPublic First. It was run by his friends– though Cummings claims this had no influence on his advice. He had worked with its key people for decades. He said it should be given the contract. Civil servants took that as an instruction. The Cabinet Office gave the contract to Public First.

This was first revealed by the Guardian and OpenDemocracy last July. Good Law Project, where I work, took Michael Gove, the minister in charge of the Cabinet Office, to courtto prove he had broken the law.

Before the high court our argument was that this looked like favouritism – the legal phrase is “apparent bias” – and it was unlawful.

The high court agreed. It rejected Gove’s arguments that no one else could do the job. The truth, it found, was thatno one had even considered giving the contract to anyone else.

It appeared to a reasonable observer – that being the legal test – as though Public First’s relationships with Cummings and Gove had won the contract for it. Gove had indeed broken the law.

So why does it matter?

The Cabinet Office says it doesn’t. It says the judgment “makes clear that there was no suggestion of actual bias and the decision to award the contract was not due to any personal or professional connections”. As it happens, that’s not true. There may very well have been actual bias – but the court didn’t decide because no one asked it to. It wasn’t the legal question.

The decision matters because it doesn’t just speak to how this contract was awarded. It alsospeaks to so much of government’s procurement spending.

We’ve seen the vast contracts – for hundreds of millions – won by those placed in the “VIP lane”.

We’ve seen how Matt Hancock’s social circle has cleaned up;how those with links to Tory prime ministers have delivered PPE contracts for associates; how Andrew Feldman used his temporary position in the Department of Health to lobby for a PPE contract for a client of his PR agency.

Good Law Project has characterised this conduct asinstitutionalised cronyism. I believe yesterday’s ruling illustrates our point.

When you spend public money you have a duty – owed to those whose money it is, to you and me – to spend it properly in service of the public interest. And to be ready to show the public that you have; to justify your decisions. That’s the deal. By showing apparent favouritism, theCabinet Office broke that deal– and it is very troubling for it to compound the illegality of its actions by pretending it’s not a problem.

So what happens now?

There will be real-world effects. Government lawyers and civil servants speak to me of a tug-of-war with ministers over spending.Civil servants want a proper decision-making process, and ministers want to bypass it.When ministers lose legal cases it strengthens the hands of civil servants. By highlighting the risks of poor decision making, it leads to better-quality decisions.

There should also be resignations.

Cummings worked for Boris Johnson. Gove was the defendant. Each is indirectly responsible for Cummings’ actions. What’s more,emails releasedduring the hearing show both Gove and No 10 wanted contracts to go to Public First, too. They also have a direct responsibility for what appears to be a misuse of public money.

We now know neither will resign. And the question of how to deliver accountability to ministers whose response to court rulings is indifference, even contempt, is one I had hoped never to need to answer. Clearly we need to build, and we will build, political pressure.So far we have fought two cases proving ministers broke the law, and we have won both. There are many more cases to come.


There’s a lot more to this story and Cummings wrote multiple articles on substack about Hancock and Gove all in 2021

Lawyers Twitter that got Gove and his tweets:


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e3fbcc No.18450498

File: b8495f93c12d1f2⋯.png (96.9 KB,300x224,75:56,8CE70183_1514_4251_BAA5_85….png)

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28af37 No.18450499


>George Soros who is missing

Gee I hope they find him

One piece at a time

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e99b84 No.18450500

File: 85caa5765e81ffa⋯.png (963.19 KB,1054x1060,527:530,meow.png)

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c2186d No.18450501


Day after day, day after day,

We stuck, nor breath nor motion;

As idle as a painted ship

Upon a painted ocean.

Water, water, every where,

And all the boards did shrink;

Water, water, every where,

Nor any drop to drink.

Then down in falls comes the rain

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e717d8 No.18450502

File: 9294c2dc00c05cb⋯.jpeg (117.35 KB,529x800,529:800,87342A3A_CF27_4A8E_9041_6….jpeg)

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470ee7 No.18450503



Strings cut?


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dc0028 No.18450504

File: 781db1e679466aa⋯.png (244.54 KB,848x661,848:661,tube.PNG)


Rumble Will Become a Concern for YouTube if It Isn't Already

By Brandon Morse | 11:30 AM on March 03, 2023

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efdd4c No.18450505



Why? I gave up. The morning I woke up you were gone. No explanation. I had to check myself to make sure I was still here. That's still debatable.

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997a24 No.18450506


No, she's not exciting or exuberant but she's telling the truth. I've dug on this for over a year now and Anna states the truth. RJG came up during my research and dug on him. While there is overlap between the two, RJG is wayward.

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c6a27f No.18450507

File: c82cbe4fa74d8dc⋯.jpg (20.7 KB,306x229,306:229,c82cbe4fa74d8dc4812b8d9b5b….jpg)

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b88e09 No.18450508

File: d040f6d2062fa95⋯.jpg (131.15 KB,865x1200,173:240,Biden_lets_go_brandon_awes….jpg)


I so hope it's Kamala. That would be Awesome!

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e3fbcc No.18450509

File: 2d795fa6654737b⋯.jpeg (70.08 KB,648x500,162:125,A1D98483_82E8_4780_A505_9….jpeg)

File: c78a58e45f11f46⋯.jpeg (137.61 KB,648x1032,27:43,1F72DCF7_A231_43B7_9677_8….jpeg)

Mini Soros

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e717d8 No.18450510

File: 89f973b69654fd3⋯.jpeg (64.33 KB,580x680,29:34,08614E2E_313F_41C4_B12A_A….jpeg)


Someone should put him on a milk carton. I hear that helps.

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6d67b0 No.18450511


attractive shill paid to run a media op on QAnon


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997a24 No.18450512


Sexy picture of KellyAnne sitting like that. Wow!!!

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2c09c0 No.18450513

Why the cabal is destroying white people.

"Yes, there is a group of service-to-self people who are trying to control things from behind the scenes. I will refer to them as the cabal, without specifying who those people exactly are. Yes, it is true that they care very much about bloodlines and the traits of various groups of humans - more so than we think is justified, actually. white people tend to be a bit more individualistic and freedom-oriented than other Earthlings, which is one reason why the cabal has it out for them. Again, I am not saying that white people are superior - all groups of people have strengths and weaknesses. But the cabal wants control, so they dislike freedom-oriented people.

Also, white people's countries are quite developed, which made it more important for the cabal to destroy / control those countries.

Finally, the cabal carries on grudges for a long time. They actually have it out for ethnic Russians even more than for white people in general, because of a blow that slavic people struck against the Cabal many centuries ago. That is a big part of why so often there have been anti-Russian movements and initiatives throughout the centuries."

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f72d4d No.18450514

File: bb04893622e47ea⋯.jpeg (64.66 KB,456x600,19:25,8DBE968A_0042_45C1_990C_2….jpeg)

Perry Johnson

Big time globalist, pushed ISO standards responsible for closing hundreds of small businesses during Obama commie takeover

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50a2bc No.18450515


Is she flipping him the bird or us?

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49421f No.18450516

File: a48961523156185⋯.gif (86.57 KB,220x164,55:41,year_2020.gif)

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e3fbcc No.18450517

File: 7295f2b3ec7fd51⋯.jpeg (106.22 KB,800x450,16:9,EF23E276_4BC6_4D01_8B1D_F….jpeg)

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bac698 No.18450518


"Central to her recovery was swearing off QAnon, the conspiracy theory that alleges that the world is run by a cabal of powerful Satan-worshipping pedophiles working to undermine President Trump, who is trying to stop them."

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8755d7 No.18450519

File: 1eb5faa460ffdc9⋯.gif (789.35 KB,500x244,125:61,decentfellow.gif)


NightSHift aking notes.

You'll like my point of view, but I'm insane



#22623 >>18449832

>>18450348 Coinciditis - Myocarditis that Coincidentally only affects the vaccinated

>>18449872 Man arrested for blowing up PG&E transformers in San Jose, police say

>>18449903 United Arab Emirates now has the most powerful passport in the world…

>>18449907 ‘Jeremy’s Chocolate’ Sells More Than 200,000 Chocolate Bars In Just Over 24 Hours

>>18449913 The mission moves forward, retribution to come.

>>18449914, >>18449969 Ohio residents ordered to stay inside as another train derails

>>18449922 CPAC 2023: the End of an Era

>>18449926 Repeat Judge denies Jan. 6 defendant access to capitol security tapes made available by McCarthy

>>18449935, >>18450067 New leaked messages show UK Health Minister Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant”

>>18449944 If you didn't want me to put this in the notables, you should have became a baker.

>>18449947 Kari Lake’s SC lawsuit claims that MCTEC sent 263,379 ballots to Runbeck.

>>18449964 Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: “The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.”

>>18449961 New Zealand records its highest death toll in 100 years. Why are so many people dying?

>>18449962 For the first time in my life I listened to a full speech from Donald Trump.

>>18449990 Dasting choice of words from the boss

>>18450008 Censorship ALERT: Google to de-list entire websites that link CLOTS to the SHOTS

Anon ID dc0028, has lots of notables. Makin this note-taker earn his pay.

>>18450014 UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022

>>18450016 NEW - BBC conspired "with boundless enthusiasm" in the "deliberately misleading" propaganda campaign of fear that kept Britain locked up.

>>18450020 Breaking! Roseanne Barr & Alex Jones Full Interview Is Live!

>>18450023 Clown Alert NBC News reporter scores Bolsonaro’s first on-camera interview

>>18450029 Here you have it folks! Not Pfizer or Moderna, but the US government pioneered mRNA

>>18450040 A Chinese spacecraft has been checking out US satellites high above Earth

>>18450044 The world is under attack

>>1845005 US Army Tweet


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dada38 No.18450520

File: a76dcf0328af456⋯.jpg (53.49 KB,913x700,913:700,5d5c10756fcc41fe.jpg)



Shitshow it is

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cb473f No.18450521


>The aim of the Electronic Registration Information Center, a voluntary system known as ERIC, has been to help member states maintain accurate lists of registered voters


I do think it very significant that AP did "story" covering for ERIC.

Remember Bobby Piton's testimony of how "voters" were "moved" based on his statistical analysis of last name?

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6d67b0 No.18450522


that's my assumption. probably drug dealer as well.

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28af37 No.18450523

File: 555f4ed0b385cb0⋯.png (578.11 KB,955x549,955:549,ClipboardImage.png)


>Assassinations will work in both directions.

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4c174e No.18450524


You do you. Any anon that has been here for more than a few years already knows. So you pointing it out every bread is annoying. For newbies maybe you provide some service. For anyone else you are an annoying faggot.

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05bfe2 No.18450525

File: 173f50a7308afbc⋯.jpg (41.83 KB,389x267,389:267,BrockTrotsky.jpg)

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29d8b1 No.18450526


just shut your fucking mouth and collect the notes. we don’t need your stupid fucking commentary.

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9f00d1 No.18450527

Get the rope. >>18450360

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28af37 No.18450528

File: fc83eaef751a74d⋯.png (222.06 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


This movie will turn out to be more of a documentary

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dc0028 No.18450529

File: 0e16f5daae9a7b4⋯.png (856.08 KB,1079x839,1079:839,faked.PNG)

File: 99fd1a868ad71c6⋯.png (998.33 KB,711x709,711:709,jeff_b.PNG)

File: 054e03a098dc777⋯.png (840.68 KB,654x941,654:941,try.PNG)

File: efcfecb57ce2dda⋯.png (214.97 KB,297x560,297:560,delt.PNG)



The Next Big Political Scandal Could Be Faked

Imagine a convincing AI “Joe Biden” talking about ballot harvesting, or hacked voting machines.

By John Hendrickson


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dada38 No.18450530

File: 557a370a3b51899⋯.jpeg (312.35 KB,1515x1080,101:72,a7f21958c054a3e8.jpeg)

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27bd58 No.18450531

File: 3b22692dc3bb493⋯.png (179.85 KB,286x468,11:18,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0178648d910a58⋯.png (683.22 KB,700x908,175:227,ClipboardImage.png)

Did Joe Biden and Jill murder his wife and daughter? Virginia handwritten lawsuit


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72286a No.18450532

File: d2c5aa17acb9d96⋯.png (1.25 MB,1152x698,576:349,ClipboardImage.png)

Get to church.

This guy is fairly based - ex-Florida sheriff.

If you are afraid of the truth - don't click it.


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e717d8 No.18450533

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e3fbcc No.18450534

File: b2662fc61e6b6cf⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB,480x852,40:71,_lseppTLx_8icmMo.mp4)


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4f8b24 No.18450535

File: 8b5cb6da410dd57⋯.jpg (407.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,follow_the_white_rabbit.jpg)


>I gave up.

Me? why? >>18449745

>The morning I woke up you were gone.

Ich habe keine Ahnung von welchem Morgen du sprichst.

>No explanation.

Das würde ich niemals machen! Ich bezweifel das du Hannah bist!

>I had to check myself to make sure I was still here. That's still debatable.

Da geht es mir seit 10 Jahren nicht besser!

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c6a27f No.18450536

File: aa9bfc8cac2053e⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB,480x270,16:9,ADEPT.mp4)



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e99b84 No.18450537


i clicked that shit nigga

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e3fbcc No.18450538

File: faf5145eab14c54⋯.png (353.36 KB,1016x560,127:70,62FA31F9_3DFC_44B2_BF74_5E….png)


58% for a brick

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27bd58 No.18450539

File: 6064baf52cfb461⋯.png (400.93 KB,726x960,121:160,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9967fd2032f4f2a⋯.png (647 KB,740x960,37:48,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4efd7c7aa554bf1⋯.png (488.14 KB,736x960,23:30,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aae66a85136c103⋯.png (486.06 KB,738x960,123:160,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95fdbe3c83a7336⋯.png (472.51 KB,739x960,739:960,ClipboardImage.png)

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68cef3 No.18450540


read this::-→>>


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649f4f No.18450541

File: 6ca9eba74a88d41⋯.png (168.36 KB,480x240,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Delaware Congresswoman Lisa Blunt's first husband died/sacrificed for her career as well

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dc0028 No.18450542

File: 61663a3144fee64⋯.png (726.26 KB,514x850,257:425,fire.PNG)

File: 54a3ed4bfed02ca⋯.png (641.85 KB,833x578,49:34,MISS.PNG)


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27bd58 No.18450543

File: 48964a48402d89b⋯.png (846.01 KB,742x960,371:480,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3137b14ed356352⋯.png (509.2 KB,739x960,739:960,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3fbcc No.18450544

File: 057b5c7d5c694f1⋯.jpeg (143.28 KB,1088x925,1088:925,451B2243_B92B_42BF_9F0C_5….jpeg)

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4f8b24 No.18450545


Keine Ahnung, es kommt mir vor als ob du mich mit irgendeinem deiner Judenclowns verwechselst, ich bin Dirk!


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68cef3 No.18450546



ok Anon. Maybe your effort is worth wile, but if you don't provide context, nobody is going to bother

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27bd58 No.18450547

File: 8f2c1b959bf9e22⋯.png (808.72 KB,741x960,247:320,ClipboardImage.png)


missed one

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8755d7 No.18450548

File: e52b69b4f80f584⋯.jpg (45.79 KB,500x625,4:5,pathetic.jpg)

E-Baker and Note-Taker here.

Your arguement is shit.

Carry on.

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dc0028 No.18450549

File: 4b92b077724eb0c⋯.png (1.74 MB,1190x789,1190:789,point.PNG)

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6c72f0 No.18450550

File: f9b8867eba16111⋯.jpg (938.51 KB,1356x1920,113:160,157a1f3f2bf35c6ce014043ea8….jpg)

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045eff No.18450551


"Think you made the point earlier but we need to keep schools off paperwork/agenda"


What does this mean?

This seems an interesting part of their agenda?

Keep kids on computers?

Keep schools shut down?

It's always about coming after the kids.

That meme , 'we need to be in the way' comes to mind.

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979ff9 No.18450552

How high speed trains got railroaded in Biden's infrastructure plan


With help from Allie Bice

Welcome to POLITICO’s 2021 Transition Playbook, your guide to the first 100 days of the Biden administration

We all know JOE BIDEN likes — okay, loooooooves — trains.

He has written that the Amtrak staff provided him with “another family entirely.” The Amtrak station in Wilmington, Del., is named after him. In 2006, his son, noted locomotive expert HUNTER BIDEN, joined Amtrak’s board — the Senate easily confirmed him by a voice vote.

So it’s no surprise that the infrastructure plan he proposed this week includes $80 billion for national and intercity rail over eight years, or $10 billion a year — five times the annual $2 billion in subsidies Amtrak gets.

What was a surprise is that nowhere in Biden’s nearly 12,000-word plan are the words “high-speed rail.”

When Biden was tasked with implementing the Recovery Act in 2009, the $8 billion dedicated in the bill to high-speed trains washis favorite initiative. He equated it to the beginning of the interstate highway system and sold it as a win-win for workers and environmentalists. He proposed billions more in high-speed rail funding in subsequent years to help create a nationwide bullet train system.

But even the chief advocates of those plans admit now that they failed.

“The high speed rail program that Vice President Biden and our team proposed ended up being a pretty big disappointment,” said RAY LaHOOD, the Transportation secretary at the time. The fast choo-choos in Tampa, Milwaukee, and from San Francisco to Los Angeles that Biden promised still do not exist more than a decade later.

Republican governors in Ohio, Wisconsin and Florida saw the opportunity to score political points and prove their fiscal discipline by spurning the cash for said projects. But LaHood said part of the problem also was the high cost of building a new line from scratch.

California gleefully took the federal money. But the projects cost more than anticipated and the state now says the San Francisco-to-Los Angeles line is out of reach until 2033. Instead, the authority is working to get trains running between the Central Valley cities of Merced and Bakersfield (hardly the West Coast’s version of the Acela corridor) by the end of the decade…


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045eff No.18450553


is this making any news in Great Britian?

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27bd58 No.18450554


Dirty State of Delaware.

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c2186d No.18450555

File: ae10209892dcaf0⋯.png (80.88 KB,809x617,809:617,ae10209892dcaf09c50275b904….png)



Get some!

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f3f41e No.18450556


I remember those days…

See something > Say something.


Memeber the Montana rally…exciting times.

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494014 No.18450557


After that experience, LaHood thinks Biden will focus his efforts on “enhancing the current Amtrak system” rather than on splashy, Asian or Euro-style lines that would draw fire from Republicans.

“Given the fact that Biden is such a big Amtrak supporter, I really think he wants to improve rail service with existing lines and with opportunities to provide some connectivity to the current Amtrak line,” he said.

A White House official said that the rail plan includes grants that fall into four categories: Amtrak’s national network, modernization of the Northeast Corridor, intercity passenger rail, and freight rail and safety.

“While the proposed grant program for intercity rail could support new high-speed rail corridors, the ultimate focus of the plan is to support projects that offer the greatest public benefits for their costs,” the official said. “This could mean new high speed rail lines or it could mean other investments that improve service reliability, frequency, or travel time but don’t meet the definitional threshold of ‘high-speed rail.’”

Improving existing service is a far less ambitious vision for rail than many touted at the beginning of the 21st century. But it could also avoid political backlash from Republican governors who might be more receptive to federal money for rail improvements.

With many more details yet to be filled in, it’s possible high-speed rail could get some love in the final package, though.

The California High-Speed Rail Authority and Texas Central, a private effort to build high-speed rail between Dallas and Houston that Biden praised at a 2015 kickoff event, both cheered the $80 billion in funding proposed for rail projects. Texas Central hopes to have “access to funding from the plan like any other eligible project,” a spokesperson said in a statement.

Some lawmakers also plan to lobby to get high-speed rail funding included in the final package.

“It is embarrassing that the United States, the richest country in the world, is behind almost every industrialized country when it comes to high speed rail,” Rep. BRENDAN BOYLE (D-Pa.), who endorsed Biden’s campaign early in his campaign, said in a statement. “I will continue to push for it, especially in the Northeast corridor, where it is most needed.”

Despite the 2009 Recovery Act experience, high speed rail still has champions in the administration. Asked about high-speed rail last month at South by Southwest, Transportation Secretary PETE BUTTIGIEG called it “a no-brainer,” according to a transcript of his remarks provided by Texas Central.

"I think that a U.S. citizen ought to enjoy the highest standard of passenger rail service, and there is no reason why what is available to a U.S. citizen, say in Texas, ought to be inferior to the passenger rail options that are available to a Japanese, British, Turkish, Italian or Chinese citizen," Buttigieg said.

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4b6fdc No.18450558


It's in The Telegraph


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efdd4c No.18450559


Sie haben Bilder von meinen Gegenständen, die von meinem Beistelltisch genommen wurden, auf dem ich jeden Abend saß

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27bd58 No.18450560


This is all I have.

I just saw it on Gab.

But I recall rumors of this so called "accident" not really being an accident.

And Joe & Jill were banging each other while Joe's 1st wife was still alive.

Everything is a cover story with these people.

Everything that they do is 10X worse than anything that they accuse Trump of.

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dc0028 No.18450562

File: d94ca8b86dbc328⋯.png (1.22 MB,744x676,186:169,day.PNG)

On this day, March 5th 1770, the Boston Massacre occurred on King Street in Boston. The conflict energized anti-British sentiment and paved the way for the American Revolution.

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5f7e2a No.18450563

File: d410ff799108bf6⋯.png (618.5 KB,795x447,265:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74389c83913eb84⋯.png (135.44 KB,950x699,950:699,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 371863b181d501e⋯.png (97.58 KB,1183x805,169:115,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7259f9df039b6c⋯.png (47.72 KB,770x450,77:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea386e No.18450564

File: 4cdbe9d464bbf8a⋯.png (534.1 KB,732x955,732:955,Screenshot_2023_03_05_at_1….png)



Hory shit!

The plantiff accuses Jill of pushing Nelia's car into the intersection!

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9fdcc7 No.18450565


Check archives, this has been discussed by Anons a few times.

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5f7e2a No.18450566

File: e6c9940b5d6819d⋯.png (97.66 KB,983x644,983:644,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77fdde70deaa1d8⋯.png (150.61 KB,986x436,493:218,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d634c5f31e39bb9⋯.png (21.04 KB,960x164,240:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f17c9 No.18450567

File: 76fa83ac135265f⋯.png (112.17 KB,306x306,1:1,Crabby_Pepe_Doubts_It.png)



DON'T do it. Bought a home innawoods over ten years ago. Turns out old couple we bought from had thought it cute to feed corn to the deet. What they didn't factor is the RODENTS they were feeding which in trun NESTED inside the walls. Took major remediation to get rid of. Honestly I woudn't even put out birdfeeders. Let wildlife be wild.

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27bd58 No.18450568



I've heard this before.

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5f7e2a No.18450569

File: 5f460e2db711e93⋯.png (65.26 KB,803x688,803:688,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 691664716b6c657⋯.png (58.52 KB,1007x464,1007:464,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f17c9 No.18450570


*deer, turn

FFS where's my glasses?

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039c7e No.18450571

File: ec4b940ffbe17f1⋯.png (1.38 MB,822x1249,822:1249,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb765f No.18450572

File: 2d89fcce2baaf13⋯.png (183.38 KB,289x597,289:597,hancock_the_ho.png)

File: cb5d08f3d6e1c4c⋯.png (97.65 KB,234x364,9:14,hancock_the_ho_2.png)

File: 1491ea030df763c⋯.png (13.5 KB,149x54,149:54,hancock_the_ho_3.png)

File: 3c13ef9d803da20⋯.gif (522.33 KB,498x278,249:139,the_whip.gif)


>having had the whip suspended

time to reinstate the whip

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8755d7 No.18450573

File: 675dd9d84a40e72⋯.png (13.73 KB,255x249,85:83,pepepelosi.png)

NightSHift aking notes.

Busy morning



#22622 >>18449832

>>18450348 Coinciditis - Myocarditis that Coincidentally only affects the vaccinated

>>18449872 Man arrested for blowing up PG&E transformers in San Jose, police say

>>18449903 United Arab Emirates now has the most powerful passport in the world…

>>18449907 ‘Jeremy’s Chocolate’ Sells More Than 200,000 Chocolate Bars In Just Over 24 Hours

>>18449913 The mission moves forward, retribution to come.

>>18449914, >>18449969 Ohio residents ordered to stay inside as another train derails

>>18449922 CPAC 2023: the End of an Era

>>18449926 Repeat Judge denies Jan. 6 defendant access to capitol security tapes made available by McCarthy

>>18449935, >>18450067 New leaked messages show UK Health Minister Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant”

>>18449944 If you didn't want me to put this in the notables, you should have became a baker.

>>18449947 Kari Lake’s SC lawsuit claims that MCTEC sent 263,379 ballots to Runbeck.

>>18449964 Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: “The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.”

>>18449961 New Zealand records its highest death toll in 100 years. Why are so many people dying?

>>18449962 For the first time in my life I listened to a full speech from Donald Trump.

>>18449990 Dasting choice of words from the boss

>>18450008 Censorship ALERT: Google to de-list entire websites that link CLOTS to the SHOTS

Anon ID dc0028, has lots of notables. Makin this note-taker earn his pay.

>>18450014 UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022

>>18450016 NEW - BBC conspired "with boundless enthusiasm" in the "deliberately misleading" propaganda campaign of fear that kept Britain locked up.

>>18450020 Breaking! Roseanne Barr & Alex Jones Full Interview Is Live!

>>18450023 Clown Alert NBC News reporter scores Bolsonaro’s first on-camera interview

>>18450029 Here you have it folks! Not Pfizer or Moderna, but the US government pioneered mRNA

>>18450040 A Chinese spacecraft has been checking out US satellites high above Earth

>>18450044 The world is under attack

>>18450055, >>18450088, >>18450134, >>18450200, >>18450355, >>18450430 Military Twats

>>18450071 Furious families of Manchester Arena bombing victims to sue MI5

>>18450101 AND THERE IT IS: Biden Asks for Billions for COVID and Ukraine

>>18450104 Breaking: Visa announces it is suspending all operations in Russia.

>>18450108 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>>18450112 Ministers in clash as farmers fear Britain will be flooded with cheap Mexican and Canadian

>>18450123 Do you remember when they told you this was a helicopter?

>>18450125 Matt Hancock

>>18450138 Chancellor Scholz, welcome back to the White House.

>>18450140 Deadly shipwreck: How it happened, and unanswered questions

>>18450156 The potato says, For too long, American families have been crushed by high prescription drug costs.

>>18450220 'Can we lock him up?' Matt Hancock's team considered action against Nigel Farage

>>18450222 Here she is again.

>>18450245 Chinese spy cameras discovered at Sandringham estate and at least FIVE Government departments

>>18450284 (Decode?) Good because god knows no one sales will hold them account for this scourge!!!

>>18450392 🚨 #ALERT: The dam built in East Palestine to hold back toxic waste has been DESTROYED by torrential rain.

>>18450408 Michael Gove

>>18450420 Russia drops next-gen, 1500KG gliding bombs on Ukraine for the first time

>>18450443 Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway and husband are divorcing

>>18450447 Just In: Presidential Candidate Who’s Never Held a Political Office Beats Out Nikki Haley and Mike Pence For Third Place In CPAC Straw Poll


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Post last edited at

b311ce No.18450574

File: 068139ca6ec58b5⋯.png (314.43 KB,991x846,991:846,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 534575f73c2d0bb⋯.png (163.44 KB,662x938,331:469,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72571fc27f8c2da⋯.png (456.79 KB,671x953,671:953,ClipboardImage.png)





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6d0456 No.18450575

File: df79196a7c72330⋯.jpg (32.72 KB,320x240,4:3,princessAura44.jpg)

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50d605 No.18450576


>Not verified


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27bd58 No.18450577



I've heard it discussed before but never saw documentation.

Will check.

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4b6fdc No.18450578

File: 4b7e67f994f0481⋯.jpg (104.23 KB,828x1069,828:1069,Fqd8hBBWIAE95LU.jpg)


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4f8b24 No.18450579

File: 92faaf84b9db6b1⋯.png (530.1 KB,648x431,648:431,Feind_h_rt_mit.png)


>Sie haben Bilder von meinen Gegenständen, die von meinem Beistelltisch genommen wurden, auf dem ich jeden Abend saß

Punkt1, Hannah würde mich niemals mit SIE ansprechen!

Punkt2, Hannah ist der Deutschen Sprache mächtig!

Also halts Maul du dreckiges Judenkind und verpiss dich zurück unter deinen Stein!

110. ick hör dir trapsen!

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02fa9c No.18450580

File: 224bc11d2241762⋯.png (145.65 KB,555x557,555:557,062ac31f93c37adbce8c1b1d7c….png)

File: 1c688c057a5ce22⋯.png (363.17 KB,2678x1278,1339:639,1c688c057a5ce2275511a5b2b2….png)


This is Qresearch.

you didn't dig enough, nor did she.

Dig Harder.


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bac698 No.18450581

File: 813ce199bd19144⋯.gif (3.23 MB,360x360,1:1,813ce199bd19144dd312494c69….gif)

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b311ce No.18450582





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649f4f No.18450583




2020- In a surprising move, the Pentagon has told the Central Intelligence Agency that it is weighing an end to the majority of the military support it provides to the agency's counterterrorism missions, according to a former senior administration intelligence official.

It is unclear how the decision would impact the spy agency's worldwide counterterrorism missions that often rely on the U.S. military for logistical support and personnel.

Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller sent a letter to CIA Director Gina Haspel outlining the possible decision, according to the former official, who characterized the action as both surprising and unprecedented.

The CIA's Special Activities Center carries out covert operations and has its own paramilitary force that carries out counterterrorism operations. While they act as an independent force, they often rely on the military for transportation and logistical support.

Sometimes that means that military personnel end up being detailed to support the CIA's counterterrorism operations.

Sometimes that means that military personnel end up being detailed to support the CIA's counterterrorism operations.

Defense One was first to report that the Pentagon was reviewing its support to the CIA.

The online defense news outlet cited multiple officials as saying the intent behind the move is to see if Defense Department personnel "detailed" to the CIA should be diverted from counterterrorism missions and toward missions related to competition with Russia and China.

A Defense Department spokesman indicated that the possible shift away from supporting the CIA's counterterrorism missions was in line with the National Defense Strategy that pushes the military's focus away from the regional wars in the Middle East towards near-peer competitors like Russia and China.

"As a responsible actor, the department has taken a look to better align its allocation of resources with the 2018 National Defense Strategy's shift to great power competition," said Lt. Col. Uriah Orland, a Defense Department spokesperson.

"Much has changed in the first two decades of this century, and DOD simply is working with CIA to ensure that both DOD and CIA are able to jointly confront the national security challenges facing the United States consistent with the NDS," he added. "DOD also believes that discussions with our partners should proceed quickly."

"There is no stronger relationship nor better partnership than that between CIA and DOD," said Nicole de Haay, a CIA spokesperson. "That partnership has led to accomplishments that significantly advanced U.S. national security, and we are confident that DOD and CIA will continue this close collaboration for years to come."

"If these stories are true, they mark a serious setback to a very strong and effective relationship between the CIA and the Defense Department," said Mick Mulroy, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense, retired CIA paramilitary officer and ABC News contributor. "A relationship that has resulted in countless successes in the last 20 years, especially in the area of counterterrorism such as the bin Laden and al-Baghdadi operations, but also in many that will remain unknown…

"Pulling DOD detailees from the CIA can only be motivated for political reasons," said Eric Oehlerich, a former Navy SEAL and ABC News contributor, who noted that the relationship between both organizations has grown exponentially over the last two decades not only in high-profile missions, but daily operations that go unnoticed.

"The relationships on the ground and within the ranks is on solid ground," said Oehlerich. "Pulling this support is akin to cutting off your nose to spite your face. "

A former high-ranking CIA official described the Pentagon's plans as "highly irregular" given that the CIA's counter-terrorism missions can no longer be executed by the CIA without U.S. military support.

"The pushback or slow rolling of this initiative by the Defense Department and the CIA likely renders this moot, but the damage from this shot across the bow has been done," said Darrell Blocker, a former deputy director of the CIA's Counterterrorism Center and an ABC News contributor.


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dc0028 No.18450584

File: 829866d0703b8e4⋯.png (165.68 KB,424x531,424:531,ClipboardImage.png)


Tucker drops first big hint about the J6 tapes

“They are lying, and we know that b/c we’ve been looking at the tapes”

Plans to release footage next week!


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e3fbcc No.18450585

File: e5bd2a556573ad8⋯.png (660.21 KB,800x422,400:211,E7D5B7E4_E55D_48E2_9F75_92….png)

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b8b59f No.18450586

it's simple, if you really need to know who the ones shilling here are, you merely describe what they do and then, one by one, they reveal themselves.

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dc0028 No.18450587

File: 87e80533e2ed04e⋯.png (1.07 MB,595x897,595:897,gb.PNG)

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87105d No.18450588



Baker it was notable that he mentioned "ALBATROSS"

Kellyanne divorce is already ntble

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689922 No.18450589


The fear is real. I'm not clicking that.

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e99b84 No.18450590

File: 259d27de9006c49⋯.jpeg (122.48 KB,1080x1058,540:529,clickit.jpeg)

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8755d7 No.18450591

File: 7fc4395c388525b⋯.gif (2.11 MB,528x297,16:9,frog.gif)


Suck it, mother fucker.

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e717d8 No.18450592


The Truth will always come to Light, especially if you always change your story…

Always Remember Joe Biden Misled Everyone About Wife's Death, Blamed Innocent Man for Years


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045eff No.18450593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dc0028 No.18450594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e3fbcc No.18450595


“Not the Bore Worms”

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68cef3 No.18450596


they won't be able to walk down the streets

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032d77 No.18450597

File: 26d623752fd25ab⋯.png (1.05 MB,1170x1012,585:506,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a43cd0813fe789⋯.png (39.13 KB,840x366,140:61,1404.png)

File: a50958b9fe425cf⋯.png (1.19 MB,840x1404,70:117,4927.png)


17 timestamp

702 702 on the boat -> 9 9 -> 18(Q+) //-> 1404 -> Q1404: 17 Timestamp

Image size: 4096 x 2305 -> 45 / 23 / 0960 -> Indication to flip and mirror

Flip and mirror 702 -> L0Z -> 12026 -> Qalerts 12026 -> Q4927: 10:40 timestamp

Same timestamp as USSF >>18449573 PB/LB


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25b308 No.18450598


At length did cross an Albatross,

Thorough the fog it came;

As if it had been a Christian soul,

We hailed it in God's name.

It ate the food it ne'er had eat,

And round and round it flew.

The ice did split with a thunder-fit;

The helmsman steered us through!

And a good south wind sprung up behind;

The Albatross did follow,

And every day, for food or play,

Came to the mariner's hollo!

In mist or cloud, on mast or shroud,

It perched for vespers nine;

Whiles all the night, through fog-smoke white,

Glimmered the white Moon-shine.'

'God save thee, ancient Mariner!

From the fiends, that plague thee thus!—

Why look'st thou so?'—With my cross-bow

I shot the ALBATROSS.

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dc0028 No.18450599

File: 64832fba7573258⋯.png (173.27 KB,425x464,425:464,vest.PNG)


Business Leader Kevin O’Leary: Blue States Are Becoming ‘Uninvestable’ (VIDEO)


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6d0456 No.18450600

File: ccb3bd3466270f5⋯.gif (941.84 KB,500x224,125:56,aura44a.gif)

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0fe93b No.18450601


wrong #

should be 22

23 is next


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56c730 No.18450602


I bought a house from a Mormon survivalist. Had orchards of fruit trees. A shop designed to process deer and pigs. Chicken coop… I thought I had bought heaven.

Not so much. Squirrels have undermined everything. Drought killed the trees. All that living in the woods crap is hard fucking work and expensive.

Then it all burned down. All the wildlife is gone. Dead. It's a bald granite tit on the world now.

Thank god I had a backup place. It's a shithole but better than nothing.

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6d0456 No.18450603

File: 2ee7fb30cc530ee⋯.jpg (296.27 KB,1828x1298,914:649,aura4d4.jpg)

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c8845f No.18450604


Regardless of who I may or may not be or who you may or may not be Michael took them from my home, and

You have the pics. I don't know why he took them or why you have them. This game is stupid.

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e717d8 No.18450605

File: cca95a440aad734⋯.gif (704.61 KB,480x278,240:139,6A33A7DB_B2A8_4826_B694_7B….gif)


That’s embarrassing

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6d0456 No.18450606

File: 3fb7bf1701e5458⋯.gif (1.62 MB,400x172,100:43,flyit44.gif)

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6d0456 No.18450607

File: 64bcd6ea8d3dd4b⋯.gif (987.08 KB,480x224,15:7,stab44.gif)

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6d0456 No.18450608

File: 305fb40a6415bf7⋯.gif (1.93 MB,500x322,250:161,aura44.gif)

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045eff No.18450609

File: 330da6420f62110⋯.png (619.44 KB,1245x707,1245:707,ClipboardImage.png)


how is Hunter Biden a co defendent ?

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e717d8 No.18450610

File: 4c3a67f74097341⋯.jpeg (86.71 KB,539x680,539:680,D2E4B21D_A924_4C58_B972_F….jpeg)


Heard he has a tumor…

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4f8b24 No.18450611

File: a5e7971f58246bb⋯.jpg (119.3 KB,720x720,1:1,a5e7971f58246bba6942a1f3bd….jpg)


Sie beobachten uns beide unser ganzes Leben, seit frühester Kindheit! Sie halten uns voneinander getrennt! Sie haben Angst davor das wir zusammenfinden.

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045eff No.18450612

File: 3ebf6c7181fe698⋯.png (661.9 KB,740x960,37:48,ClipboardImage.png)


a payoff to a black man?

Corn pop?

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508240 No.18450613

File: bbeef91d7a37faa⋯.jpg (922.69 KB,1920x2264,240:283,twoh.jpg)

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76ae48 No.18506504

File: 21ee38307de3fd4⋯.jpg (207.92 KB,1080x822,180:137,20230221_155306.jpg)


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