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400ee1 No.18345607 [Last50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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400ee1 No.18345608

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579 NEW


#22486 >>18344866

>>18345222, >>18345226, >>18345315, >>18345496, >>18345550 PF eyez on the skyz

>>18344922 They only evacuated people in a 1 mile radius of the Ohio train crash site. The toxic acid rain cloud has a 200 mile radius (that we know of). Media silent.

>>18344989, >>18344998 North Korea defector compares woke US ideology, education to regime tactics

>>18345063 Romanian Baroon: "The Romanian air system detected a weather balloon, fighter jets were raised to check, nothing dangerous was found"- Romanian Defense Ministry

>>18345100 9:45 AM EST Defense Secretary Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair General Milley News Conference

>>18345117 9:45 AM EST Treasury Secretary Yellen at Nat'l Association of Counties Conference

>>18345173 The Columbia Medical School has altered its hippocratic oath to include pledges of fealty to Neo-Marxist and woke ideology.

>>18345174, >>18345178 Ukraine stepping up terror attacks. propaganda campaign aimed at radicalizing the population. US in the mix too.

>>18345241 10:00 AM EST Hearings to Examine Protecting Our Children Online Senate Judiciary Committee

>>18345270 Former NFL Player Says Entire NFL Is Rigged And Players Are Given Scripts To Follow

>>18345312 Slo Train to nowhere: Nikki Haley Launches 2024 Republican Presidential Bid

>>18345321 ‘World’s First’ Unvaccinated Dating Service Launches in Hawaii

>>18345338 F-35s Intercept Russian Spy Plane, Fighter Jets at Edge of NATO Airspace in Central Europe

>>18345395 @KanekoaTheGreat THREAD: Photos, videos, and news reports about the train derailment and toxic chemical release in East Palestine, Ohio.

>>18345436 Australia Strips Chinese-Made Surveillance Cameras from Politicians’ Offices. 913 Chinese-made security cameras have been installed

>>18345491, >>18345498 mRNA 'Vaccinated' YouTube Content Creator: My condition has declined fast. It’s clear I have severe #MECFS

>>18345583 AZ update: Wendy Rogers announcing this on war room, they are taking back their plenary power

>>18345589 France and Italy decided to supply Ukraine with new air defense systems, Norway will provide Kiev with $ 7.5 billion over 5 years for military and other assistance

>>18345598 #22486

#22485 >>18344091

>>18344098 Unreal Engine 5

>>18344154, >>18344221 33 A's Wuhan strain

>>18344160 Planefag

>>18344169, >>18344392 Project Blue Beam / Salvage Program

>>18344173, >>18344175 Susan Rice was on Netflix board of directors ~2020

>>18344214 Aaron Siri exposes the lack of safety data behind the Hepatitis B vaccine for newborns

>>18344258 Canada tells NYC mayor Eric Adams to stop sending them illegal immigrants

>>18344294, >>18344413, >>18344312, >>18344316 Dasting cloud formation / color over Argentina similar to Turkey's prior to EQ

>>18344365 Latest Argentina / Globohomo

>>18344301 Good thread on Ohio train derailment

>>18344309 If Germany can throw out and redo a chaotic and rigged election, over a year later, why can’t we?

>>18344329 Trump: I am running for president to complete the unfinished business of making America great again

>>18344367, >>18344371, >>18344502 It appears the Government itself is the author of the mysterious “1776 Returns” document

>>18344445, >>18344456 Pentagon memo says object shot down over Canada was a 'small, metallic balloon'

>>18344471 Barroon saga recap

>>18344603 House Republicans are launching their investigation into the origins of COVID-19

>>18344667 Will Erin Brockovich save Cincinnati from chemical fallout after Ohio train derailment?

>>18344732, >>18344746 HOT

>>18344750 DJT: Doing great in poll numbers

>>18344763, >>18344771 DJT: Many of the so-called “documents” that the “Gestapo” took in the Raid of Mar-a-Lago...

>>18344842 #22485

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400ee1 No.18345610

#22484 >>18343507

>>18343335 Top shareholders of railroad companies: Vanguard, JP Morgan, BlackRock, State Street Global

>>18343337 Live MI Shooter coverage by Steve Lookner

>>18343352, >>18343419, >>18343922, >>18343943 Dense black smoke seen up to 100 miles away from initial Ohio chemical blast

>>18343402 Jenna Ellis comments on Ohio chemical blast incident

>>18343461, >>18343503 ICYMI: Netflix movie was shot in Ohio about the same event that is currently happening IRL

>>18343488 "Strange Blue flash" seen over Seattle

>>18343502 Satanic Temple protests / perform ritual inside Idaho state capitol over sex change surgeries on children

>>18343512 Anon opines on multiple planes registered to banks and bank trustees leaving Atlanta

>>18343542 Emails, documents reveal tangled web of Amazon, pentagon connections surrounding defense cloud contract

>>18343609 #EpsteinClientList

>>18343612 Chemfag on ill-effects of Acetaminophen; Aspirin is much safer

>>18343628 #Nordstream

>>18343747 U.S. backs Philippines in laser dispute with China

>>18343788 New Zealand's Cyclone Gabrielle, live updates

>>18343808 Two more trains derail in US

>>18343813, >>18343637, >>18343959, >>18343540, >>18343547 Suspect in fatal Michigan State University shooting found dead

>>18343823 Olympics chief responds to Ukraine’s boycott calls

>>18343873 Damar Hamlin is asked what reason doctors gave him for his heart stopping

>>18343896, >>18343913, >>18343914 Trump Truth decode

>>18343899 Thomas Massie has introduced a bill to terminate the Department of Education

>>18343910 Tom Green: activated

>>18343921 Big fire in Moscow at the Scientific Research Institute of Precision Instruments

>>18343944 Turkey-Syria / HAARP

>>18343954, >>18343994 New York City sent the fingerprints of unvaccinated employees to FBI for tracking and registration

>>18343957 COVID-19 influencers

>>18343981, >>18343995 Farm owners express concerns about East Palestine chemical release

>>18344032 Dave Hollis, Former Disney Distribution Chief, Dies at 47

>>18344076 #22484

#22483 >>18342545

>>18342546, >>18342601, >>18342671, >>18342900, >>18342905, >>18342918, >>18342826, >>18343087, >>18343225, >>18343227, >>18343289, >>18343317, >>18343245, >>18343255 MSU Shootings & scanner links

>>18342596 Chinese Border Jumper Numbers Spike As Biden Closes Eyes In The Sky

>>18342637 Lee Harvey Oswald’s Girlfriend Judith Vary Baker has new book

>>18342674 Grassley: Whistleblower disclosures to my office make clear that the FBI has..evidence with respect to potential criminal conduct by Hunter

>>18342690 @45 TS on SuperBowl results taking a long time to get because in AZ

>>18342701, >>18342714 James Clapper now claims he didn’t call Hunter Biden laptop ‘Russian disinfo’

>>18342705, >>18343022, >>18343254, >>18343334 Planefag

>>18342751 JPMorgan Inks Agreement With Zelensky on Rebuilding Ukraine's Infrastructure, Seeds $20BN+

>>18342797 Former Special Agent in Charge of the FBI NY Counterintel Division Charged with Violating U.S. Sanctions on Russia

>>18342822, >>18342831 @SecDef Austin statement in Brussels on shooting down of high-altitude objects

>>18342836, >>18342862 Disney Officially Loses Control Of Reedy Creek Development In Landslide Florida Senate Vote?

>>18342978, >>18342740 UPDATE:First Missile Fired From F-16 Over Lake Huron Missed – Military Has No Idea Where it Landed

>>18342998 New York City Sent the Fingerprints of Unvaccinated Employees to FBI for Tracking and Registration – Sundance

>>18343010, >>18343203 Clockfag

>>18343114, >>18343175 Plane almost crashed in Dec and nobody noticed??

>>18343193, >>18343233 What’s Flying In Our Skies? (Ep. 1949) - The Dan Bongino Show

>>18343261, >>18343273 US holds drills in S China Sea amid tensions with China

>>18343456 #22483

Previously Collected

>>18341754 #22481, >>18342594 #22482,

>>18339428 #22478, >>18340201 #22479, >>18340990 #22480

>>18337279 #22475, >>18337913 #22476, >>18338697 #22477

>>18335810 #22473, >>18336500 #22474-A, >>18336568 #22474-B

>>18333524 #22470, >>18334286 #22471, >>18335038 #22472

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear >>18154557

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400ee1 No.18345623

File: 97b7bc1113bc462⋯.png (613.91 KB,889x922,889:922,ClipboardImage.png)



MOVING ONWARD – The State of New California Sends Delegates to Washington D.C.

Baker Requesting Handoff

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afa56d No.18345631

File: 0f888744b5c19d0⋯.png (1.44 MB,962x1220,481:610,FLOTUS_heartpetals.png)

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7ff6d8 No.18345632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hersh's only interview so far

Seymour Hersh on US Bombing Nord Stream Pipelines — Radio War Nerd EP #366

4,614 views Feb 12, 2023

Subscribe to the Radio War Nerd podcast at https://www.patreon.com/radiowarnerd

Guest: Seymour Hersh

Recorded: February 11, 2023

We talk to legendary Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Seymour Hersh about his latest bombshell scoop: the United States, on President Biden's orders, blew up the Nord Stream pipelines that were foundational to Germany's export economy until last year.

-Read Seymour Hersh's article, "How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline": https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/h…

Subscribe to the Radio War Nerd podcast at https://www.patreon.com/radiowarnerd


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1d2b80 No.18345644

Ok now this is looking moar and moar likechemical warfare:

4 More Toxic Chemicals Found on Tankers in Ohio Derailment

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has written the Norfolk Southern Railway describing the chemicals found at the site of a Feb. 3 train derailment and controlled burn in East Palestine, Ohio, that some local residents have linked to sickness or death among animals.

The Feb. 10 letter from the EPA to Norfolk Southern notes “multiple rail cars and tankers were observed derailed, breached, and/or on fire.”

Coverage of the incident has mainly stressed the presence of vinyl chloride, a chemical used to make PVC pipes and other products. The National Cancer Institute notes that vinyl chloride has been linked to cancers of the brain, lungs, blood, lymphatic system, and, in particular, the liver.

Yet, the EPA’s letter mentions other potentially hazardous chemicals in those derailed tankers.

Specifically, it notes the presence ofethylene glycol monobutyl ether, ethylhexyl acrylate, isobutylene, and butyl acrylate.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s online chemical database notes that the chemical solventethylene glycol monobutyl ether“can cause serious or permanent injury.”

“Ingestion or skin contact causes headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness,” the website states regarding the chemical, which is found in many household products.

The same chemical database notes that2-ethylhexyl acrylate, which is used to make paints and plastics for things like contact lenses, “can cause significant irritation” and may be explosive at high temperatures.

It states thatisobutylene, a liquified gas used to make aviation fuel, can incapacitate and, in some circumstances, asphyxiate those exposed to it.

Butyl acrylate, meanwhile, is described in that database as potentially a source of serious or permanent injury and a relatively unstable substance. It is used in making things like paints, sealants, and adhesives.

The Epoch Times has asked the EPA for more detail on the potential environmental and human health risks posed by the chemicals involved in the derailment.

Norfolk Southern Responds

“Norfolk Southern received the EPA’s letter and we have confirmed to them that we have and will continue to perform or finance environmental monitoring and remediation. Our hazmat team was in East Palestine within an hour of the incident, and the response continues today in close coordination with the Ohio and U.S. EPA, NTSB [National Transportation and Safety Board], and other federal, state, and local agencies,” a spokesperson for Norfolk Southern told The Epoch Times in a Feb. 13 email.


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37a133 No.18345646

File: bee6ee08e7fca4c⋯.png (714.64 KB,750x500,3:2,TYB_.png)

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0ef272 No.18345650


any reports of people being sick yet?

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6ab03d No.18345651

File: 180308ed64b6d5b⋯.png (2.64 MB,1040x1274,40:49,what1_trans.png)

File: ff2e5190e9bcd18⋯.png (2.79 MB,1179x1333,1179:1333,what1.png)

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b08c80 No.18345652

File: 0bb4d6fec80772d⋯.png (51.32 KB,405x614,405:614,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18345599 (me) LB

>>18345638 LB

wait wait wait…

Folder empty… remember this drop

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f6ee5f No.18345653

File: 5d2cdad37a9a67b⋯.jpeg (44.41 KB,486x720,27:40,bake.jpeg)


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df369a No.18345654

>>18345643 PB

This is why Mexicans are taking over America.

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1d2b80 No.18345656



Just a matter of time. Some effects could manifest in years.

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9fd78e No.18345657

File: 744ea173f95fa61⋯.jpg (45.95 KB,632x464,79:58,Vjji.jpg)

TYBakes o7

Newfag here: I have observed one striking point while on Q Research and that is the MSM and the DC politicians will never say…. MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Why are politicians and the MSM not talking about the MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY?

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60554e No.18345658

Fuck Cilantro

In the ass

With a chainsaw

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b41580 No.18345659


Don't remember where I heard this yesterday might have been TIMCAST for a few minutes and they were mentioning that people should go to their doctors NOW, and get documentation about their labs ASAP to document any long term affects due to this though. Keep a record of shit.

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4049c0 No.18345660

>>18345627 (LB)

>more people took the euthanasia jabs….

Yes – i realize….but they chose that ….

this is indiscriminate.

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63408f No.18345661

>>18345574 (LB)

>Just like Covid, I have yet to see any evidence anyone has been killed by the vaccine. If you have any please share.

see the statistics from the UK, the US CDC has them buried in the FDA papers Pfizer was looking to hide for 75 years.

P.S. - Public Open Source, check out Epoch Times


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e1e173 No.18345662

File: 0f67b7f003d4040⋯.png (140.76 KB,1048x795,1048:795,Screen_Shot_2023_02_14_at_….png)

>>18345618 leftovers


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e8a5e5 No.18345663

Positivity creates life

Negativity creates extinction

Which do you focus on?

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dc4a61 No.18345664

File: 614dddf1e1f49f9⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,2137x2668,2137:2668,Edward_Moran_1829_1901_Bur….jpg)


ty, baker


>Blue Light

Shill, you didn't post this -→


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e1e173 No.18345665



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b913f8 No.18345666

File: 8be38432f651e15⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,464x480,29:30,8be38432f651e1528260e9d6c4….mp4)

File: f2d401b06c58253⋯.jpg (21.29 KB,255x255,1:1,9b6a5234faa4873557398769fd….jpg)

File: bf95337ea3095a4⋯.jpg (11.33 KB,255x178,255:178,e0c0fe88ffc734d3541f28043f….jpg)

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1d2b80 No.18345667


Humans are human and focus on both.

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08c9e6 No.18345668

File: cf05b864652666d⋯.png (265.51 KB,606x370,303:185,cf05b864652666dfcc67268ed8….png)

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dc4a61 No.18345670

File: 2d2a8e9ae11afdb⋯.png (140.24 KB,784x321,784:321,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b33c2a9fea6579⋯.png (27.09 KB,1332x189,148:21,ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck off, shill.

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4f45a9 No.18345671

File: cfd010a734e1c28⋯.png (1.18 MB,1640x2360,41:59,42BE41A5_3BA4_4BEF_B330_1F….png)

File: 162e25c108d52c5⋯.png (1.01 MB,1640x2360,41:59,7B60ACEF_FA12_44E9_9A22_AB….png)

It’s slowly coming out..

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b08c80 No.18345672


Sorry put the (me) on the wrong one, I posted the other. mb

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cd5843 No.18345673


boot is gone

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b08c80 No.18345674


ooo I'm getting tag teamed now with the name calling. I like it!

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b5416f No.18345675

File: 8753dcf1b646095⋯.jpg (45.63 KB,731x489,731:489,mkkkdofuvnsdhfkjmds.jpg)

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75275e No.18345676

File: 8abbec3dfa23870⋯.png (209.95 KB,796x581,796:581,ClipboardImage.png)



most of CA is like the midwest/south once you get outta the "yellow" in that cap-especially the Agriculture centered central valley

Good to see!

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8c4234 No.18345677

File: 696fc99945d4117⋯.jpg (114.13 KB,540x960,9:16,6cd884095199010a4a90a784c4….jpg)

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cd5843 No.18345678

File: 8c7de51065e6a61⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,848x464,53:29,arrests.mp4)

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10f9d9 No.18345679

File: c4f21527690896e⋯.webp (21.67 KB,399x299,399:299,Vannevar_Bush_Differentia….webp)

The Manhattan Project

The American atomic program takes shape

While engaged in one war in Europe and another in the Pacific, the United States would launch the largest scientific effort undertaken to that time. It would involve37 installations throughout the country, more than a dozen university laboratories, and 100,000 people, including the Nobel Prize-winning physicists Arthur Holly Compton, Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman, Ernest Lawrence, and Harold Urey.

The first contact between the scientific community and the U.S. government regarding atomic research was made by George B. Pegram of Columbia University. Pegram arranged a conference between Fermi and officers of the U.S. Navy in March 1939. In July Leo Szilard and Eugene Wigner conferred with Einstein, and the three later went to New York to meet with National Recovery Administration economist Alexander Sachs. Supported by a letter from Einstein, Sachs approached Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt and explained the significance of nuclear fission to him. Roosevelt formed the Advisory Committee on Uranium, appointing Lyman Briggs, director of the National Bureau of Standards, to serve as its chair. In February 1940 a fund of $6,000 was made available to begin research; by the time of its completion, the project’s budget would exceed $2 billion.

U.S. officials were now well aware of Adolf Hitler’s atomic ambitions. In his letter to Roosevelt, Einstein explicitly called attention to uranium reserves in Czechoslovakia that had fallen under the control of the Third Reich in March 1939. The British had also begun studying fission, and Urey and Pegram visited the United Kingdom to see what was being done there. By August 1943 a combined policy committee had been established with the United Kingdom and Canada. Later that year a number of scientists of those countries moved to the United States to join the project that by then was well underway.

On December 6, 1941, one day before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the project was placed under the direction of Vannevar Bush and the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD). Bush’s staff included Harvard University Pres. James B. Conant, Pegram, Urey, and Lawrence, among others. Alongside this scientific body was created the “Top Policy Group,” consisting of Bush, Conant, Roosevelt, U.S. Vice Pres. Henry Wallace, U.S. Secretary of War Henry Stimson, and U.S. Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall.

Because there was no way of knowing in advance what technique would succeed in creating a functional bomb, it was decided to work simultaneously on several methods of isolating uranium-235 while also researching reactor development. The goal was twofold: to learn more about the chain reaction for bomb design and to develop a method of producing a new element, plutonium, which was expected to be fissile and could be isolated from uranium chemically. Lawrence and his team developed an electromagnetic separation process at the University of California, Berkeley, while Urey’s group at Columbia University experimented with the conversion of uranium into a gaseous compound that was then permitted to diffuse through porous barriers. Both of these processes, particularly the diffusion method, required large complex facilities and huge amounts of electric power to produce even small amounts of separated uranium-235. It soon became clear that an enormous physical infrastructure would have to be built to support the project.

On June 18, 1942, the War Department assigned management of construction work related to the project to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Manhattan District (much early atomic research—most notably Urey’s group—was based at Manhattan’s Columbia University). On September 17, 1942, Brig. Gen. Leslie R. Groves was placed in charge of all Army activities relating to the project. “Manhattan Project” became the code name applied to this body of atomic research that would extend across the country.


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9fd78e No.18345680


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e8a5e5 No.18345681


(YOU) have the choice

one or the other

or both

two of those choices causes you to stumble

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4049c0 No.18345682

File: 0cee3c0c278a22e⋯.png (7.98 MB,5402x3106,2701:1553,QClock_February_13_2023_30….png)

File: 89f918f87481c70⋯.png (224.97 KB,413x425,413:425,ClipboardImage.png)

QClock February 13, 2023 - 30M Affected / In It Together

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cd5843 No.18345683

File: cd9cf975cb5fb9a⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB,1280x720,16:9,yellow.mp4)

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7eac65 No.18345684

VATICAN BLACKOUT: Pope arrested on 80 count indictment for Child Trafficking, Fraud

Anon remembers when ALL of Vatican City went dark for an entire night for the SFs.

So ALL THE VATICAN'S GOLD was siezed by the White Hats pursuant to Trump's E.O. on Human/Child Trafficking and Civil Asset Forfeitures.

Why Lin Wood made the comment that the Pope doesn't have much money these days? Is Vatican and MBS Gold from the deep state princes already in the expanded Ft. Knox ready for the Gold Standard return and central banking demise?


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4bd7c6 No.18345685

File: f5dc2e2ab425fc3⋯.png (68.04 KB,700x420,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8a5e5 No.18345686


Deception from the master deceiver


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1d2b80 No.18345687

File: 956793dccbd91c2⋯.jpg (66.54 KB,500x758,250:379,tyc.jpg)

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400ee1 No.18345688

File: ac7e4c49f987cf3⋯.png (699.13 KB,714x712,357:356,7c332fbf2f069c13c7acd847c4….png)


that's the monologue of the year so far. f'ing stout

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b913f8 No.18345689

File: c4aa5cf19ff4e45⋯.jpg (36.92 KB,1000x1400,5:7,Pacific_Northwest_Map_The_….jpg)

File: f62fe939e8f68dc⋯.jpg (456.39 KB,900x1350,2:3,Wine_Map_of_the_Pacific_No….jpg)

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e8a5e5 No.18345690

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d206b6 No.18345691

File: 9ed59cd0d4daa17⋯.png (499.43 KB,761x444,761:444,2023_face.png)

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3c90c8 No.18345692


Didn´t get my acc back.

Since EM took over it has been deleted.

And I´m not the only one.

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e8a5e5 No.18345693


Wisdom is given to those who ask

those who don't receive not

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d53bc4 No.18345694

File: b5f6f6e8bafe12b⋯.jpg (18.9 KB,236x351,236:351,b5f6f.jpg)

ThankQ Baker

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4049c0 No.18345695

File: afdcdbb8793136b⋯.png (42.65 KB,925x312,925:312,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91dfa693ded8d7e⋯.png (4.39 KB,298x69,298:69,ClipboardImage.png)




Wow – you got that here pretty quick.

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1d2b80 No.18345696

File: c591e2e368ecd31⋯.jpg (74.42 KB,500x758,250:379,ConC.jpg)

File: 9ec84f83254fb26⋯.png (14.46 KB,255x248,255:248,SmokePepe.png)

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0bdbac No.18345697

File: 041dd54a52661dc⋯.jpg (37.91 KB,526x702,263:351,330405168_2517479188403455….jpg)

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13da66 No.18345698

File: 7aa8500d5c016a9⋯.png (397.77 KB,456x674,228:337,antivaldaycard.png)

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0d69fe No.18345699


Gee, why did Pfizer want to hide them for 75 years?

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3c90c8 No.18345700


Montana still sniffing Idaho …

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0bdbac No.18345701

File: 3faf15a56f29f58⋯.png (242.41 KB,1768x910,68:35,ne.PNG)


Matthew 24:27-28

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e59d77 No.18345702

File: 405d30fb0851ada⋯.jpg (16.74 KB,960x450,32:15,405d30fb0851ada30d0d562255….jpg)

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e1e173 No.18345703


pos/neg is subjective

good/evil is absolute.


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7eac65 No.18345704


Vatican goes Dark again Something Happening

Saturday, February 20, 2021 22:57

Vatican is dark. Some cameras online are shut off, but found few streaming still.

St. Peter’s Square (Piazza San Pietro), in the Vatican City, geographically located within the city limits of Rome. This is a large square in front of St. Peter’s Basilica, also called the Vatican Basilica. Right in the centre of this plaza rises an Egyptian obelisk.

If there is Blackout the online Camera are still working

maybe more Arrest or maybe Recusing Kids in Tunnels??



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e8a5e5 No.18345705

File: fdc903588d67a5a⋯.png (3.62 MB,1242x2208,9:16,IMG_3651.PNG)

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0d69fe No.18345706


doesn't matter

message sent


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4bd7c6 No.18345707

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a6e03a No.18345708

File: 9cd1fa7ea33f7f2⋯.png (290.1 KB,500x500,1:1,Schhu_1.png)

MSM and DC politicians why don't you talk about the MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY and their internet KEY…. What are you scared of?

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236c46 No.18345709

File: 21d7f7a438cd83d⋯.webp (36.54 KB,460x460,1:1,a3ZwAo1_460swp.webp)

Niente può fermare ciò che sta arrivando!

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4044de No.18345710

Heritage on War Room, the woman said the gas and oil along with chemicals should have been pushed through safe pipeline but two agencies SEC and FED which have no authority to interfere, have punished the pipeline companies by marking them with SEG, therefore more than 60 pipelines are held up.

Hence ail, gas and chemicals through train and trucks which is the most dangerous way to transport it.Is the SEC and Fed penalizing the Norfolk Southern train companies that Warren Buffett owns?. Guaranteed they are not. They all planned this to benefit oligarch billionaires.

I’ll post the video when its released.

Bannon discussed that “they decided to do a controlled burn of the 4 train cars! Totally illegal and very unsafe!No one knows if they got permission from EPA, because its against the law! Federal and State law. These companies know they can get away with this under Bidan Admin.

Gallows should be put up soon.

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a17df8 No.18345711

File: de9faca18cfa0d7⋯.jpg (9.65 KB,255x202,255:202,5da8db1eb58cb197dba09af7a3….jpg)

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4049c0 No.18345712

File: fe1fd44d8838f74⋯.png (645.17 KB,884x946,442:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89f918f87481c70⋯.png (224.97 KB,413x425,413:425,ClipboardImage.png)



At least 3,500 fish killed in 7.5-mile stretch of Ohio water after train derailment, officials say

Most of the dead fish appear to be small such as darters, suckers and minnows.

By Madeleine Hubbard

Updated: February 14, 2023 - 8:45am

At least 3,500 fish are dead across a 7 1/2 mile stream after a train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, earlier this month, officials said Tuesday, as residents are expressing concerns about the toxic chemicals that were released last week.

Ohio Department of Natural Resources wildlife officers found dead fish in Leslie Run, Bull Creek, and a portion of the North Fork of Beaver Creek, agency spokeswoman Stephanie O'Grady told Just the News on Tuesday.

"The estimated stream length [affected] is approximately 7 ½ miles. We continue to work with the Ohio EPA and the environmental company hired by Norfolk Southern to determine the number of fish that were killed," she wrote in an email. "As of February 8th, we estimate the spill killed 3,500 fish. Most of the fish appear to be small suckers, minnows, darters, and sculpin."

In order to avoid an explosion of toxic chemicals in the derailed train, officials released vinyl chloride from some of the cars. East Palestine residents returned to their homes late last week after they were evacuated following the derailment.

Four miles south of East Palestine in Negley, Ohio, resident Cathey Reese said dead fish appeared in a creek flowing through her backyard last week, local outlet WPXI reported.

"Don’t tell me it’s safe. Something is going on if the fish are floating in the creek," she said.


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3183e2 No.18345713

File: d452219017e4650⋯.webp (4.62 KB,236x300,59:75,J_Robert_Oppenheimer_jpg.webp)


The first experimental reactor—a graphite cube about 8 feet (2.4 metres) on edge and containing about seven tons of uranium oxide—had been set up at Columbia University in July 1941. By the end of that year, reactor work had been transferred to the University of Chicago, where Arthur Holly Compton and his cryptically named “Metallurgical Laboratory” were considering related problems. On December 2, 1942, the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was carried out under Fermi’s supervision in Chicago Pile No. 1, a reactor that Fermi had constructed in a squash court under the bleachers of Stagg Field, the university’s football stadium. It had now been proven that the controlled release of atomic energy was feasible for the production of power and the manufacture of plutonium.

In February 1943 construction began on a pilot uranium enrichment plant located on the Clinch River in the Tennessee Valley, about 15 miles (about 24 km) west of Knoxville, Tennessee. The Clinton Engineer Works (later known as Oak Ridge) occupied a 70-square-mile (180-square-km) tract of land and came to employ roughly 5,000 technicians and maintenance personnel. For the project’s full-sized reactors, however, a more isolated site would be necessary. Groves had expressed concern about the pilot reactor’s proximity to Knoxville, and the larger reactors would have significantly greater power needs than could be accommodated in the Tennessee Valley.

In January 1943 Groves had selected a 580-square-mile (1,500-square-km) tract in south-central Washington for the project’s plutonium production facilities. The location was desirable for its relative isolation and for the availability, in large quantities, of cooling water from the Columbia River and electric power from the Grand Coulee Dam and Bonneville Dam hydroelectric installations. The creation of what came to be known as the Hanford Engineer Works required a significant displacement of the local population.Residents of the towns of Hanford, Richland, and White Bluffs were given just 90 days to vacate their homes, and the Wanapum Native American people were forced to relocate to Priest Rapids, losing access to their traditional fishing grounds on the Columbia. At its peak in the summer of 1944, the huge complex at Hanford employed more than 50,000 people.

For the final stages of the project, it was necessary to find a location that was even more remote than Hanford for the purposes of both security and safety. A site was chosen by the Manhattan Project’s scientific director, J. Robert Oppenheimer, on an isolated mesa at Los Alamos, New Mexico, 34 miles (55 km) north of Santa Fe. Beginning in April 1943, scientists and engineers began arriving at the Los Alamos Laboratory, as it was then called. Under Oppenheimer’s direction, this team was tasked with developing methods of reducing the fissionable products of the Clinton and Hanford production plants to pure metal and fabricating that metal into the components of a deliverable weapon. The weapon had to be small enough that it could be dropped from a plane and simple enough that it could be fused to detonate at the proper moment in the air above the target. Most of these issues had to be addressed before any significant stores of fissionable material had been produced, so that the first adequate amounts could be used in a functional bomb. At its peak in 1945 more than 5,000 scientists, engineers, technicians, and their families lived at the Los Alamos site.

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0bdbac No.18345714



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75275e No.18345715

File: ab5c455b9c5a1e5⋯.png (106.39 KB,1821x815,1821:815,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 038920c59d583cd⋯.png (60.91 KB,1260x677,1260:677,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06d8bc740268110⋯.png (251.75 KB,588x395,588:395,ClipboardImage.png)

BLS: CPI increased 0.5% in January; Core CPI increased 0.4%

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.5 percent in January on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.1 percent in December, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 6.4 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter was by far the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase, accounting for nearly half of the monthly all items increase, with the indexes for food, gasoline, and natural gas also contributing. The food index increased 0.5 percent over the month with the food at home index rising 0.4 percent. The energy index increased 2.0 percent over the month as all major energy component indexes rose over the month.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.4 percent in January. Categories which increased in January include the shelter, motor vehicle insurance, recreation, apparel, and household furnishing s and operations indexes. The indexes for used cars and trucks, medical care, and airline fares were among those that decreased over the month. The all items index increased 6.4 percent for the 12 months ending January; this was the smallest 12-month increase since the period ending October 2021. The all items less food and energy index rose 5.6 percent over the last 12 months, its smallest 12-month increase since December 2021. The energy index increased 8.7 percent for the 12 months ending January, and the food index increased 10.1 percent over the last year.



Still on target for only a 25bp rate increase at next FOMC meeting-cap #2


February's Jobs report will also show quite a drop (because it won't contain a year's worth of seasonal adjustments) like January's report did and the BLS did it's seasonal adjustments to the CPI data (quietly) last friday and revised 5 years of it's fake data

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8c4234 No.18345716

File: 8c0e65b1541c641⋯.png (444.72 KB,606x608,303:304,usd.png)


lets deeeeeeew eeeeeeet, firm it

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b41580 No.18345717


that is not good news because the larger fish will die out next due to starvation or poisoning from the remaining small fish.

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e8a5e5 No.18345719


So then, is good not positive and evil not negative?

Be careful of what you SUBJECT yourself to!

Be not deceived!

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d206b6 No.18345721

File: 48dfebda9e8c0ec⋯.png (601.31 KB,1230x565,246:113,not_buying_it_2.png)

File: 5a6911444614f4a⋯.mp4 (8.17 MB,944x720,59:45,Shawn_Regan_Paul_Ehrlich_i….mp4)

witnesses not buying it

fcc commissioner hearing


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5f6ccc No.18345722

Is the Shill Stew Peckers Tard gone

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1ff141 No.18345723

File: 2f40b1e34a936ad⋯.jpg (38.06 KB,500x413,500:413,Chuu.jpg)


Sadly Doxing you would be like Doxing PeeWee Herman.

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d206b6 No.18345724

File: 9e3704c36c486d4⋯.png (156.35 KB,632x458,316:229,oppenheimer_schumer_qresea….png)

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a9af72 No.18345726

File: 94175a591be7c12⋯.jpeg (24.67 KB,255x189,85:63,9F6902AD_1646_4ED8_87F7_9….jpeg)

Now you know why Lebron James is so “good”

It’s rigged and they take care of and glorify the cult members

Trump tweeted RIGGED


Game are rigged


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b913f8 No.18345727

File: 5402bea2a264d9f⋯.png (307.13 KB,464x368,29:23,5402bea2a264d9fc00584eef2a….png)

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1f9d6d No.18345728

File: 80e2aa6139d3d73⋯.png (31.99 KB,1200x800,3:2,hey_newfag_2.png)


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e1e173 No.18345729

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325038 No.18345730


There maybe some hope for my county but they are still full throttle WEF plans.

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a17df8 No.18345731

File: 0089f94165d4ae9⋯.jpg (153.48 KB,1500x750,2:1,0089f94165d4ae9cf784d45ccf….jpg)

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4f45a9 No.18345732



777 retweets kek

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eb212c No.18345733


Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, and within 24 hours Pres. Harry S. Truman had been briefed about the atomic bomb program by Stimson. Germany surrendered in May 1945, thus ending the war in Europe, but combat raged on in the Pacific. Sanguinary battles at Iwo Jima (February–March 1945) and Okinawa (April–June 1945) offered a preview of what an invasion of the Japanese home islands might look like, and there remained a strong impetus to see the Manhattan Project through to its conclusion. By the summer of 1945, the production plants had delivered a sufficient amount of fissionable material to produce a nuclear explosion, and bomb development had advanced to a point that an actual field test of a nuclear weapon could be conducted. Such a test would obviously be no simple affair. A vast array of complex equipment had to be assembled so that the success or failure of the test could be analyzed.

The bomb development teams at Los Alamos had settled on two possible designs. One, fueled by uranium-235, would utilize a “gun assembly” that used high explosives to shoot two subcritical slugs of fissionable material together in a hollow tube. The violent collision of the two slugs would cause the uranium-235 to reach critical mass, thus triggering a chain reaction and explosion. Engineers were confident that this comparatively simple design would work, but a sufficient quantity of uranium-235 would not be available until about August 1, 1945. The Hanford site would be able to deliver enough plutonium-239 for testing by early July, but Los Alamos scientists had determined that the gun assembly model would not be compatible with plutonium as a fuel source. An alternative design had been proposed, one that would use concentric layers of high explosives to implode the fissionable material under enormous pressures into a denser mass that would immediately achieve criticality. It was believed that this “implosion” design would be the most efficient way to weaponize the meagre amount of plutonium that had been produced thus far.

For the test, Oppenheimer selected a location on the Alamogordo Bombing Range (now White Sands Missile Range), 120 miles (193 km) south of Albuquerque, New Mexico.He called the site “Trinity” in reference to one of John Donne’s Holy Sonnets. The first atomic bomb—a plutonium implosion device called “Gadget”—was raised to the top of a 100-foot (30-metre) steel tower that was designated “Zero.” The area at the base of the tower was marked as “Ground Zero,” a term that would pass into common parlance to describe the centre of an (often catastrophic) event. Military officials and scientists occupied observation posts at distances ranging from 10,000 to 17,000 yards (9 to 15.5 km). They had been instructed to lie down with their feet toward the tower and to protect their eyes from the blinding flash of the explosion.

On the morning of the test, the skies were dark and it was raining, with occasional lightning. “Gadget” was detonated at 5:29:45 AM on July 16, 1945. The explosion caused a flash that illuminated the mountain peaks 10 miles (16 km) away. Soon there followed a tremendous sustained roar accompanied by a tornado-like burst of wind. Where the tower had stood, there was a great surging ball of fire, followed by a mushroom cloud that rose some 40,000 feet (12,200 metres) into the sky. The heat of the explosion had completely vaporized the tower; in its place was a saucer-shaped crater about a half mile (800 metres) in diameter and 25 feet (almost 8 metres) deep. The floor of the crater was fused into a glassy jade-coloured mineral subsequently dubbed trinitite. The bomb had generated an explosive power equivalent to approximately 21,000 tons of trinitrotoluene (TNT). The blast was visible from a distance of 50 miles (80 km), and it shattered windows 125 miles (200 km) away. Residents of Gallup, New Mexico, more than 180 miles (290 km) from Ground Zero, reported feeling the ground shake. In an attempt to head off questions about the world-changing event that had occurred at Trinity, the army issued a brief statement to the press: “A remotely located ammunition magazine containing a considerable amount of high explosives and pyrotechnics exploded, but there was no loss of life or limb to anyone.”

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4044de No.18345734

File: b675dfc4bfcc0a6⋯.jpeg (598.77 KB,1242x2092,621:1046,CD53F0E9_DC7E_455C_ADEB_E….jpeg)

WTF is wrong with the Military. My brother did this job in the Navy, it takes men and their strength, there’s no way for women to have the upper body strength to do this job. They are pussyfying every thing intentional, so when CCP and PLA land their won’t be resistance from the military. The ballons are prime example of how weak the leaders are!


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fd2f51 No.18345735


>Why are politicians and the MSM not talking about the MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY?

mebbe because faggoty leftwing counterintel OP that has nothing to do with this board?

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a9af72 No.18345736


They got fucking caught in 1919 rigging the World Series. they never stopped, they just got better at it.

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339f89 No.18345737

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Jr and Kash Patel On Collusion Lies, Big Tech Corruption, and Alien Encounters | TRIGGERED Ep. 7

Feb 13, 6:00 pm EST


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446c81 No.18345738

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,sheesh.png)



>I will always put the American people last

Yes, we know!!

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286133 No.18345739

File: 23d24d546538847⋯.png (227.52 KB,319x480,319:480,3f4f14d948171723f1f1ad503b….png)

File: 3b77fff781abcc0⋯.png (482.92 KB,390x512,195:256,ClipboardImage.png)

This process differed from a simple body donation because of the aspect of self-sacrifice; the mellification process would ideally start before death. The donor would stop eating any food other than honey, going as far as to bathe in the substance. Shortly, the donor's feces and even sweat would consist of honey. When this diet finally proved fatal, the donor's body would be placed in a stone coffin filled with honey.[


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b913f8 No.18345740

File: 8676ecc4210acff⋯.png (313.16 KB,751x568,751:568,screenshot20150219at22520p….png)

File: 58a7d481cf7121c⋯.jpg (293.01 KB,1000x1101,1000:1101,RailMapbackside_Thumb.jpg)

File: 98341bdfca18c21⋯.jpg (1.31 MB,1500x2167,1500:2167,2019StateMap_Back_Small.jpg)

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5984cd No.18345741

File: dbac6e69aedfe29⋯.jpeg (71.86 KB,657x527,657:527,dbac6e69aedfe298eb92d0cd6….jpeg)

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76284f No.18345742

File: d824dc1313fe770⋯.png (174.61 KB,608x342,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd5843 No.18345744

File: 1012a4eac35e6f2⋯.mp4 (13.83 MB,480x270,16:9,Scientist_attacks_Veritas.mp4)

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b41580 No.18345745

File: 878ca29e76bb6ce⋯.png (546.65 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


The Globetrotters are a great example of telling people the truth hiding in a lie. Its all trickery.

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a89112 No.18345746

The CBDCs are still on schedule

The WEF plans are still engaged

UN Agenda 2030/Sustainable Development Goals are still on course

15 Minutes Cities have begun.

NEOM and The Line have broken ground

C40 Cities are on schedule

AI is eliminating human labor

The SUN can halt all of this at any moment. Not clear that anything else can.

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4f45a9 No.18345747


For reference:

The angel number 777 is connected to the individual self, said Summers. Unlike others which are more focused on relationships, such as 222, the angel number 777 is about taking time to focus on yourself and to be alone. It's about tuning out the noise and figuring out where you're headed..

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400ee1 No.18345748

File: 2ee7e6884afc84b⋯.jpg (17.76 KB,380x214,190:107,2ee7e6884afc84b7c4c2585b5f….jpg)



=+firm'd yo==

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479489 No.18345749

File: 5d4831b52dfe833⋯.webp (174.82 KB,1600x1211,1600:1211,Winston_Churchill_British….webp)


News of the successful test reached Truman, who was attending the final meeting of the “Big Three” Allied powers at Potsdam, Germany. Truman informed Soviet leader Joseph Stalin that the United States possessed “a new weapon of unusual destructive force.” On July 26 the Big Three issued an ultimatum, calling on Japan to surrender unconditionally or face “prompt and utter destruction.” When it became clear that no surrender was imminent, plans to use the bomb went into effect. Some within the Manhattan Project had argued for a demonstration explosion on an uninhabited site in the Pacific. This was considered but soon discarded, largely because of concerns that the demonstration bomb might not prompt sufficient reaction from the Japanese government. By this time, several dozen B-29 bombers had been modified to carry the weapons, and a staging base at Tinian, in the Mariana Islands, 1,500 miles (2,400 km) south of Japan, had been expanded into the largest airfield in the world.

On July 16, just hours after the successful completion of the Trinity test, the heavy cruiser USS Indianapolis left port at San Francisco with the gun assembly mechanism, roughly half of the U.S. supply of uranium-235, and several Los Alamos technicians. The remainder of the U.S. uranium-235 stockpile was flown to Tinian on transport planes. Upon the arrival of the Indianapolis at Tinian on July 26, assembly began on the bomb, dubbed Little Boy. The Indianapolis departed Tinian after the delivery, but it was sunk en route to the Philippines by the Japanese submarine I-58 on July 30. Hundreds of crew members who survived the torpedo attack died in the water while awaiting a rescue. The components of a second bomb, a plutonium device nicknamed Fat Man, were transported to Tinian by air. By August 2, 1945, both bombs had arrived at Tinian, and U.S. commanders were waiting only for a break in the weather to order the execution of Special Bombing Mission 13—an atomic attack on the Japanese home islands.

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60554e No.18345750

File: 991b89009684bc8⋯.png (41.1 KB,559x707,559:707,ClipboardImage.png)

Who "is" Norfolk Southern?



State Street

JP Morgan


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cd5843 No.18345751

File: 394e6a15df49a4c⋯.png (961.05 KB,1200x954,200:159,ClipboardImage.png)



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f55453 No.18345752

File: 2109aa3e116ae28⋯.png (98.16 KB,201x255,67:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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a89112 No.18345753


indeed. as will the carnage be when the grid is brought down.


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83d84f No.18345755


Ban socialist/communist labor unions especially from government labor


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6223ff No.18345756

File: 7c5cbe789dc2237⋯.png (176.38 KB,360x608,45:76,ClipboardImage.png)

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f55453 No.18345757

File: f84b365cb346114⋯.png (544.23 KB,619x546,619:546,c8f.png)

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1a9dd7 No.18345759

File: 6d833b66dff9f5e⋯.png (562.27 KB,597x505,597:505,zdn.PNG)

File: 996cfbe741cae44⋯.png (529.49 KB,372x521,372:521,zdn1.PNG)

File: c3c23017eb32333⋯.png (700.1 KB,632x555,632:555,zdfn3.PNG)

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8c4234 No.18345760

File: 210d822115d0797⋯.png (246.63 KB,630x630,1:1,Untitled.png)



habs a smooooooov one yo

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0bdbac No.18345761

File: b4f2b0000d9a740⋯.png (72.19 KB,305x328,305:328,res.PNG)



I already doxed myself on the tripcode




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4bd7c6 No.18345762

File: 77a3c71c38f7ea2⋯.png (165.6 KB,464x453,464:453,eyeroll2.png)

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dc4a61 No.18345763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Betting on and rigging baseball games started long before then, anon.


And that's just sports. Rigging other things began much earlier.

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e8a5e5 No.18345764


The entities controlling this planet operate on reverse psychology.

Unravel the mindfuck

Spiritual freedom

Free your mind and your ass will follow!

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446c81 No.18345765

File: 7c07ca78c8989b2⋯.png (443.98 KB,537x427,537:427,biden.png)

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1d2b80 No.18345767

File: 8b63b66e2162941⋯.jpg (50.07 KB,590x500,59:50,Red_Text_Fail.jpg)

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ab7301 No.18345768

File: 7906624a22878dd⋯.png (81.51 KB,304x305,304:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6c7ac No.18345769

File: da1e372d86340f8⋯.jpg (301.79 KB,1062x1350,59:75,Screenshot_20221104_085943….jpg)

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a20747 No.18345770

File: d81131fb5317305⋯.webp (9.83 KB,232x300,58:75,enola.webp)


Groves had chaired the committee responsible for target selection, and by the end of May 1945 the list had been narrowed to Kokura, Hiroshima, Niigata, and Kyōto, all cities that had not yet been subjected to Gen. Curtis LeMay’s strategic bombing campaign. Kyōto, Japan’s ancient capital, was consistently placed at the top of the list, but Stimson appealed directly to Truman to remove it from consideration because of its cultural importance. Nagasaki was added in its place. Hiroshima became the primary target because of its military value—the city served as the headquarters of the Japanese Second Army—and because planners believed that the compactness of the urban centre would most vividly demonstrate the destructive power of the bomb.

The pilots, mechanics, and crews of the 509th Composite Group of the Twentieth Air Force had all trained with the specially modified B-29s that would serve as delivery vehicles for the bombs. Col. Paul W. Tibbets, Jr., the commander of the 509th, would pilot the B-29 that would drop the first bomb. His 11-man crew included Maj. Thomas Ferebee as bombardier and Manhattan Project ordnance expert Capt. William (“Deak”) Parsons as weaponeer. Tibbets personally selected plane number 82 for the mission, and, shortly before taking off at approximately 2:45 AM on August 6, 1945, Tibbets asked a maintenance worker to paint his mother’s name—Enola Gay—on the nose of the aircraft. Two other B-29s accompanied the Enola Gay to serve as observation and camera planes. Once the Enola Gay was airborne, Parsons added the final components to Little Boy. This was done because a number of the modified B-29s had crashed on takeoff, and there was some concern that a crash would cause a fully assembled bomb to detonate, wiping out the installation at Tinian.

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4049c0 No.18345771

Not another dime to UKRAINE until $500B is set aside for The Ohio River Valley

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cd5843 No.18345772

File: 87c76ad877b3916⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,576x576,1:1,honey.mp4)

According to [Tao Jiucheng] in his [Chuogenglu], in the lands of the Arabs there are men 70 or 80 years old who are willing to give their bodies to save others. Such a one takes no more food or drink, only bathing and eating a little honey, till after a month his excreta are nothing but honey; then death ensues. His compatriots place the body to macerate in a stone coffin full of honey, with an inscription giving the year and month of burial. After a hundred years, the seals are removed and the confection so formed used for the treatment of wounds and fractures of the body and limbs—only a small amount taken internally is needed for the cure. Although it is scarce in those parts, the common people call it "mellified man" [miren 蜜人], or, in their foreign speech, "mu-nai-i". Thus Mr. [Tao], but I myself do not know whether the tale is true or not. In any case, I append it for the consideration of the learned.

The underlying theories which sustained the use of human remedies, find a great deal in common between the Arabs as represented by Avicenna, and China through the [Bencao]. Body humors, vital air, the circulations, and numerous things are more clearly understood if an extended study is made of Avicenna or the Europeans who based their writings on Arabic medicine. The various uses given in many cases common throughout the civilized world, [Nicholas] Lemery also recommended woman's milk for inflamed eyes, feces were applied to sores, and the human skull, brain, blood, nails and "all the parts of man", were used in sixteenth-century Europe.

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a9af72 No.18345773



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0bdbac No.18345774




Theres a really comprehensive rundown of the numbers 1-10 and other numbers in the book

called the apocalypse of matthias the scribe

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13da66 No.18345775


…Will you STFU, agent? This hadn't worked the last hundred times, you've posted this clown shit.

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75275e No.18345776

File: 2dfe41262661b02⋯.png (198.84 KB,821x460,821:460,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04705a55e11978a⋯.png (167.39 KB,491x273,491:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00140de458560cf⋯.png (383.29 KB,602x365,602:365,ClipboardImage.png)

VVPE171 US Navy RQ-4 Global Hawk off eastern FL @ 45k ft with AE689B and decodes as US Navy P-8 Poseidon also trackin' off eastern FL

Cap #3 is inside a P-8

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Post last edited at

c28a06 No.18345778

File: 7c46dac3b6a0e87⋯.jpeg (34.25 KB,206x252,103:126,D161B834_8B34_40E7_AA17_F….jpeg)

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400ee1 No.18345779


yeah… sumtimes baking n wurkn collide

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a7cca2 No.18345780

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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4049c0 No.18345781

File: 97a04941a599b60⋯.png (4.8 KB,129x119,129:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bd7c6 No.18345782

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,cofv.jpeg)

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e34e72 No.18345783

>>18345584 LB

What is your believed estimate of timeline for large scale human mortality to occur in the immediate region of the attack?

>>18345613 LB

>fucking depressing

Doesn’t even begin to describe the depth of the atrocity, but def feel ya on that.

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83d84f No.18345784

File: cb2ddaccc7c9ecc⋯.jpg (27.18 KB,474x315,158:105,th_474319162.jpg)

Treason doesn't pay, LOSER

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c53f19 No.18345785


How bout not another dime to Ukraine period. I'm sick of the grifting by the schitts in our government and the globohomo himself.

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76284f No.18345786

File: 5d679b73a0fadb1⋯.png (438.28 KB,503x576,503:576,ClipboardImage.png)

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4044de No.18345787

File: e7e015107d538ca⋯.jpeg (123.75 KB,768x432,16:9,5109F16D_E641_4224_AD72_0….jpeg)

14 Feb, 2023 14:55

BBC offices ‘raided’ in IndiaMI6

According to local media, the search was linked to an investigation into financial irregularities

The BBC has reported that its bureaus in the Indian capital, New Delhi, and Mumbai, were targets of a surprise 'raid' by Income Tax Department officials on Tuesday. According to local media, tax authorities have been investigating alleged financial irregularities in the British state broadcaster's Indian dealings.

In a statement on Twitter, the broadcaster said it is “fully cooperating” with the Indian tax authorities and that it hopes to resolve the situation as soon as possible.

According to the Income Tax Department, which spoke to ANI News, the visit to the BBC offices was only a “limited survey action” tocheck certain financial aspects of the company, and was not a “raid,” as described by the BBC. Additionally, a report by NDTV also suggested that the tax officials carried out the "survey" due to allegations of international taxation and transfer pricing irregularities involving the broadcaster.

The BBC claims that the searches could be connected to adocumentary it released several weeks ago in the UK which was critical of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modiand accused him of playing a vital role in the anti-Muslim riots that broke out in Gujarat in 2002 – when several months of inter-communal violence led to the deaths of over 1,000 people, two-thirds of whom were Muslim.

Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party insists that Indian institutions work independently and that the tax department is “within the law in looking into tax compliance.” Party spokesman Gaurav Bhatia said that India “gives an opportunity” to every organization as long as they “don’t spew venom.” He did, however, describe the BBC as the “most corrupt organization in the world.”

As for the Modi documentary, the Indian government has dismissed it as propaganda. The foreign minister described it last month as an attempt to push a “discredited narrative,”and accused the BBC of bias, lack of objectivity, and of having a “colonial mindset.”


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fd2f51 No.18345788


Henry Ford was DS and anti-semitic.

Q is not.

Zero association between the two.

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dd87e4 No.18345789

File: 86030d9c8516a81⋯.png (61.04 KB,673x420,673:420,Screen_Shot_2023_02_14_at_….png)

Judging by the bread title this has already been posted


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ab7301 No.18345790

File: 305818a8d706df2⋯.png (369.64 KB,768x529,768:529,ClipboardImage.png)

According to records, the suspect has also listed addresses in Bear, Delaware – the same hometown as Barry Croft, 47, who was sentenced in December for the plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan.


The Independent

View Profile

MSU shooter found with note detailing further school threats as criminal history with firearms revealed

Story by Sheila Flynn • 19m ago

The 43-year-old man accused of killing three and wounding five in a shooting at Michigan State University before turning the gun on himself was found with a note detailing threats to two other schools, authorities say.

The 43-year-old man accused of killing three and wounding five in a shooting at Michigan State University before turning the gun on himself was found with a note detailing threats to two other schools, authorities say.

Michael McCrae, a well-known scrapper in the neighbourhood, has “never done any harm to anyone,” Ms Bender told the outlet. “He’s just an old man, minds his business.”

Anthony McRae was charged in 2019 with carrying a concealed pistol without a permit, a felony, and possession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle, a misdemeanor, according to records obtained by the Detroit News. He pleaded guilty to the second charge, the felony was dismissed and he was sentenced to probation, which ended in May 2021.

According to records, the suspect has also listed addresses in Bear, Delaware – the same hometown as Barry Croft, 47, who was sentenced in December for the plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan.

mmmmm the smell of feds ff in da mornin

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a89112 No.18345791

File: 95a9156669f4c1e⋯.png (106.97 KB,636x493,636:493,reff.PNG)


same ritual red dressed witches ring around a pole (Sam Smith).

The summoners circle.

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4049c0 No.18345792

File: 11178702f57026d⋯.png (397.18 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



My anger over this has my eyes popping out of my head.

Grew up hearing aboutLove Canal…and that was at least contained.

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b913f8 No.18345793




table for 2

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76284f No.18345794

File: 65a3719769e0a17⋯.png (217.86 KB,456x342,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f45a9 No.18345795


Didn’t know that namefag,

>apocalypse of matthias the scribe?

Will look into.

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c28a06 No.18345796

File: 1d703ed8f8cc1e2⋯.png (164.35 KB,487x274,487:274,8B5FBC57_6007_4DB4_94D4_EF….png)


We’re at the alien part n that bih turned off the ET transmissions n pissed off the orbs.

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4044de No.18345797

File: 64ab956bc9edbc6⋯.jpeg (123.25 KB,768x432,16:9,D5855220_69F4_4793_BED6_C….jpeg)

14 Feb, 2023 16:03

EU adds Russia to tax haven blacklist

The bloc accused Moscow of failing to amend a ‘harmful’ preferential tax regime

Russia has been added to the EU’s list of “non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes,” the European Council announcedon Tuesday. The bloc has accused Moscow of maintaining harmful tax practices.

According to a statement published on the Council’s website, Russian legislation introduced in 2022 failed to ease concerns over thealleged preferential tax treatmentfor international holding companies.

“In addition, dialogue with Russia on matters related to taxation came to a standstill following the Russian aggression against Ukraine,” the statement said.

Three more jurisdictions were added to the blacklist of tax havens alongside Russia for alleged non-compliance with international standards, including theBritish Virgin Islands, Costa Rica, and the Marshall Islands. The list now comprises 16 jurisdictions.

“We ask all listed countries to improve their legal framework and to work towards compliance with international standards in taxation,” said Swedish Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson.

The EU list of tax havens was first introduced in 2017 with the aim of tackling tax evasion and avoidance schemes. According to EU law, blacklisted countries face reputational damage and are forbidden to apply for aid from certain EU funds.

The bloc’s member states are also tasked with treating financial transactions with tax-registered individuals and firms from blacklisted countries with special scrutiny.

Moscow has yet to comment on the matter.


Why don’t they go after money laundering countries like the EU and Ukraine?

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fd2f51 No.18345799

File: c84df197206ff13⋯.png (529.31 KB,681x679,681:679,pepe_brave_heart.png)


baker probably not going to step down due to red text fail


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3c90c8 No.18345800

File: 9606a7e9440bf61⋯.png (186.83 KB,345x527,345:527,CA_Delegate_wtf_2023_02_14.png)

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339f89 No.18345801

File: 583adc12f0cea80⋯.png (129.94 KB,581x340,581:340,ClipboardImage.png)

Kash on O'Connor Tonight: FBI Caught Lying to Federal Courts

Feb 14, 2023, 7:04 AM



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2c01ad No.18345802

File: 3a5078de441b7ce⋯.jpg (89.42 KB,500x500,1:1,2tn8f4.jpg)

File: 81878853127c018⋯.jpg (71.41 KB,644x500,161:125,2tn9nj.jpg)

File: 085f2c5bc793690⋯.jpg (119.25 KB,747x500,747:500,2tn9fw.jpg)

File: d6d8c39b2916264⋯.jpg (77.73 KB,500x538,250:269,2tn8rj.jpg)

File: 6606174c9f066b1⋯.jpg (87.22 KB,852x480,71:40,2tn7np.jpg)

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d15038 No.18345803

Curious. Do you vote in favor of or against school bonds for equipment and transportation? I’m torn. I want the kids to have what they need at school (ha!) but really want to school choice and for public schools to go away. I know once taxes go into place they never go away.

We vote today and I’m not sure how to vote.

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949943 No.18345804


there's a gif of that…lemme see can anon find it for you in muh files.

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5f6ccc No.18345805

File: 502aba4aa843034⋯.png (640.19 KB,1290x1567,1290:1567,Fo8SAsgXwBMf1Jj.png)

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dc4a61 No.18345806



There is moar than one way to fail, anon, and we're all guilty frequently.

=Am I right==?

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4f45a9 No.18345807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fd2f51 No.18345808

File: 49a18af0f9f15fe⋯.png (154.18 KB,692x447,692:447,current_shill_quality_magg….png)


>Einstein was a typical Kike

& u are a typical shill, boringly repeating same message every bread

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a402c9 No.18345809


Public education needs to be killed with fire. Why would you vote to give the degenerates more money to hire more administrators?

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325038 No.18345811



There is no money to spend

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5fb1b4 No.18345812

File: b30379827020c70⋯.gif (3.91 MB,295x278,295:278,b30379827020c70aeb9205e169….gif)


found it

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1d2b80 No.18345813

File: 6ed3ba03c1ac56c⋯.jpg (56.68 KB,500x500,1:1,OM.jpg)

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b41580 No.18345814


nice font usage.

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a89112 No.18345815

File: 3c26dc55e7b8dc4⋯.mp4 (4.77 MB,720x1280,9:16,HOLLYWEIRD_There_s_evil_st….mp4)



Tom MacDonald spits truth


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325038 No.18345816

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1d2b80 No.18345817

File: 8b63b66e2162941⋯.jpg (50.07 KB,590x500,59:50,Red_Text_Fail.jpg)

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4044de No.18345818

File: 97a23be11dc1bb2⋯.jpeg (87.35 KB,768x432,16:9,7C859A9F_ABE8_43BE_9C72_D….jpeg)

14 Feb, 2023 14:15

Ex-top official enters 2024 US presidential race

With single-digit support in current polls, Nikki Haley will face an uphill battle against Donald Trump

Former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has announced that she is running for president in 2024. Haley is the first Republican to challenge former President Donald Trump for the GOP nomination.

Despite stating in 2021 that she would “not run if President Trump ran,” Haley announced her candidacy in a video on Tuesday morning.

Haley opened the video by boasting of her immigrant heritage, before accusing China and Iran of human rights abuses. Considered an establishment-friendly figure by conservative pundits and Trump’s base, Haley promised to “strengthen our country” against “China and Russia.”

A foreign policy hawk, Haley differs from Trump most significantly on issues of war and peace. For example, despite vowing in her video to take on “the Washington establishment,” Haley’s position on Ukraine is almost indistinguishable from that of the administration of President Joe Biden. Haley has described the country’s conflict with Russia as “a war for freedom” and has demanded since March that the White House provide Kiev with fighter jets.

Trump, by contrast, has condemned Bidenfor bringing the world “to the brink of World War III” by arming Ukraine, and claimed that he could have a peace deal worked out “in 24 hours.”

Fake polls again

Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis – who has not announced his candidacy – are overwhelmingly favored by Republican voters. Recent polls show the two within single digits of each other, although some surveys put Trump’s lead closer to 20 points. Haley scores between 1% and 3% in most polls, but an outlying survey by YouGov earlier this month shows her support at 11%.

That same poll found that Haley entering the 2024 race benefits Trump by drawing support away from DeSantis. According to the survey, DeSantis leads Trump by three points, but trails him by three if Haley runs.

Haley served as Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations from 2017 to 2019 and was governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017.


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3003e7 No.18345820

File: 3484b966c16e12f⋯.png (830.33 KB,473x670,473:670,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab66cd No.18345821

MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY… Them men are the only thing holding America together. MAGA Patriots unleashed is a terror that the corruption in America could even think about stopping.

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0bdbac No.18345822





Zion = InOz

Daughter of Zion incurable wound

Daughter of Zion taken captive


Won Der Land

W on Der Land




Isaiah 44:5 - Edward joke

since middleschool tons of people

hab called me edward from twillight




A Israel



Israel AO Him

OA, Olivia Ariel

Follow the White Rabbit

7 thunders in Revelation

7 dwarves

9 Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the LORD; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon?

10 Art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; that hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over?

16 And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people.

17 Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of the Lord the cup of his fury; thou hast drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling, and wrung them out.

Isaiah 52:1

Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean

2 Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion. 3 For thus saith the Lord, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money.

(bride of the lamb)

7 And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel, even all that fight against her and her munition, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision.

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dd87e4 No.18345823


The Son can halt it all, too.

I disagree with you a bit, though. "They" cannot give up on their plans, at least those who cannot/won't repent. However, it seems a lot to me like things are running off the rails for them pretty badly.

1. Exposure is moving along.

2. People are not necessarily announcing it, but the signs of revolution are everywhere if you are paying attention.

3. The agenda gets pushed back all the time.

One thing that occurs to me is that people should stop "play acting" negative timelines such as Event 201, White Noise etc. It seems that agreement is given for evil events with these actions.

The Asbury Revival in Kentucky is apparently spreading.

I do think we're due for solar events that will help, but our real help is supernatural from God the Creator.

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4049c0 No.18345824

File: c8972150913f023⋯.png (683.85 KB,1855x1076,1855:1076,ClipboardImage.png)


if you use a filtration system, buy your replacement filters now.

You either won't be able to get them or the price will be through the roof.

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ceba15 No.18345825


Public schools are a money pit and will not stop until the funding dries up. ALWAYS vote no on these bonds.

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08c9e6 No.18345826

File: 25d40c12f0eaeb4⋯.png (50.06 KB,512x512,1:1,3be984253c42fd6b88a775f77b….png)

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ab7301 No.18345827

File: 4083f5395e19a14⋯.png (140.03 KB,345x415,69:83,crosslightning.PNG)


if they had it on djt it would have came out you faggot shill

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f55453 No.18345828

File: 31d70f8c6b6f782⋯.png (671.61 KB,1036x968,259:242,ClipboardImage.png)

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d206b6 No.18345829

File: 4f5bb42d34ab2c5⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,574x318,287:159,brought_to_you_by_pfizer.mp4)

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0bdbac No.18345830


Ariel means Lion of God in Hebrew

Immanuel means He Listens

Israel means He Speaks

2 Lions before the Throne Solomon built

blessed is the Lion who eats the man so that the lion becomes a man. cursed is the man who the lion will eat so that the lion becomes a man.

A fool loves his left hand, a wise man his right

make the left as it were the right

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a17df8 No.18345831

File: e6e248ff2363737⋯.png (279.67 KB,512x666,256:333,e6e248ff23637372bc0d12ae33….png)

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8c4234 No.18345832


#22487 >>18345623

>>18345632 Seymour Hersh on US Bombing Nord Stream Pipelines — Radio War Nerd EP #366

>>18345644 4 More Toxic Chemicals Found on Tankers in Ohio Derailment

>>18345679, >>18345713, >>18345733, >>18345749, >>18345770 Refresher history: The Manhattan Project

>>18345712, >>18345717, >>18345740, >>18345805 Ohio Chem spill spreads

>>18345715 BLS: CPI increased 0.5% in January; Core CPI increased 0.4%

>>18345750 Who "is" Norfolk Southern?

>>18345776 PF VVPE171 US Navy RQ-4 Global Hawk off eastern FL @ 45k ft with AE689B and decodes as US Navy P-8 Poseidon also trackin' off western FL

>>18345787 BBC offices ‘raided’ in IndiaMI6

>>18345790 MI FF shooter from city of FBI half whit kidnapper hhhhmmmmm…………

>>18345797 EU adds Russia to tax haven blacklist

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0de1ed No.18345833


that's a map of New Ukraine?

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d206b6 No.18345834

File: 3c8b25022f45bfd⋯.jpg (103.7 KB,707x795,707:795,winning_flotus.jpg)

File: 185513cfac0d543⋯.jpg (130.84 KB,991x1200,991:1200,flotusheart.jpg)

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76284f No.18345835

File: 0dc5272332430b1⋯.png (180.9 KB,726x342,121:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb3ec6 No.18345836


Unauthorized AI Technology is totally unstable when the MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY is brought into the conversation.

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a89112 No.18345837


you are not new to KNOWING that you and all humanity is targeted for control, manipulation, labor and resource harvest, and extermination.

They now no longer care who and how many know.

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0de1ed No.18345838


yes you are

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cd5843 No.18345839

File: ab721a0f682b814⋯.png (102.44 KB,848x592,53:37,ClipboardImage.png)


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d206b6 No.18345840

File: 2b4abe5efe1bac3⋯.jpg (166.05 KB,748x546,374:273,woke_sportsball.jpg)

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c28a06 No.18345841

File: 9cb202bd4c714e0⋯.jpeg (20.63 KB,255x191,255:191,FDF1F20E_A830_41B8_BF31_C….jpeg)

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d15038 No.18345842


This article makes no sense. Who is Michael McRae? What does it matter that the killer lived in the same community as a kidnapper? Totally in the attic.

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4044de No.18345843

File: a328deea58eebfc⋯.jpeg (121.18 KB,768x432,16:9,AC1CAB1F_58C2_4EF7_AFF8_D….jpeg)

14 Feb, 2023 15:00

Kremlin warns about NATO’s role in Ukraine conflict

The bloc displays its hostility to Moscow on a daily basis, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said

NATO’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict is becoming more obvious by the day, despite claims to the contrary, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday.

“NATO is an organization that is hostile to us,”Peskov told reporters. “They are confirming this hostility every day and are going out of their way to make their involvement in the conflict around Ukraine a lot clearer.”

Peskov said the military bloc’s activities demand “certain precautionary measures”from Moscow. He noted that the US-led alliance has shared intelligence with Ukraine, and thatall of NATO’s military infrastructure is working against Russia.”

Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine nearly a year ago, citing the need to protect the people of Donbass and Kiev’s failure to implement the 2014-2015 Minsk agreements.

NATO has since supplied Kiev with heavy weapons, including multiple rocket launchers, anti-tank weapons, armored vehicles, and artillery. The bloc has also trained Ukrainian troops. Despite this, NATO Secretary General Jen Stoltenberg claimed at a press conference on Monday that thealliance was not a “party to the conflict.”

However, Stoltenberg noted that since 2014, NATO has “implemented the biggest reinforcements of collective defense in a generation,” deploying additional forces close to Russia’s borders. Moscow has repeatedly stressed that it considers the military sites on the bloc’s eastern flank as a threat.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock stated at a parliamentary debate last month that the EU was “fighting a war against Russia.” She later claimed she had made a mistake, but also argued that her words had been misconstrued.

Kiev’s backers are meeting in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss further support. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told reporters upon arrival that Western countries were aiming to “help Ukraine hold and advance during the spring counter-offensive.”Several states, including the US, Britain, and Germany, earlier pledged to supply Kiev with modern main battle tanks.

Moscow has warned that more foreign weapons will further escalate the conflict, vowing that tanks and other Western-supplied arms would be treated as legitimate targets for Russian troops.


This war will be over by Spring, Russia won’t allow a spring offensive!

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37a133 No.18345844

File: 218c4962047c6e4⋯.jpg (148.08 KB,1198x1600,599:800,welcome_to_2023.jpg)

Meanwhile in Biden's America…

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cb3ec6 No.18345845


When you get your GED…get back to me.

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75275e No.18345846

File: 6bd5006989dce26⋯.png (405.14 KB,349x572,349:572,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 865328a55c6a6a7⋯.png (416.39 KB,728x500,182:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23870279aa34bd4⋯.png (430.12 KB,528x685,528:685,ClipboardImage.png)


Decent read by Groves-there are some glaring lies in it but overall not too bad.

They took out tons of Ag from the Treasury (in 1k oz bars for the Calutrons to process Uranium) and although they produced paperwork to show that it was all put back into the Treasury-not all of it was and it stayed at Oak Ridge until the Clinton Admin. shut it down in the 90s

From Treasury Vault to the Manhattan Project


Who Were the Calutron Girls of Oak Ridge?


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4049c0 No.18345847

File: 4f1fd27b3a100bf⋯.png (49.72 KB,861x303,287:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 976b933f13c58a7⋯.png (46.4 KB,970x198,485:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d2b80 No.18345848

EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon warned that UFOs are a threat ‘to the immediate safety of US citizens’ just weeks before Air Force shot down Chinese spy balloon and three suspicious 'objects' out of the skies

DailyMail.com obtained slides from a January 11 presentation by Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the DoD's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office

It warned that the military is finding unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) 'most often in the vicinity of US military facilities and operating areas'

One slide said: 'Consequence of UAP in the vicinity of strategic capabilities is high, potentially threatening strategic deterrence and safety of civil society'

The head of the government's UFO office warned of the 'potentially ubiquitous presence' of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) flying over US airspace just weeks before a suspected spy balloon and three other suspicious objects were shot down by American jets.

DailyMail.com has obtained a slide deck from a presentation by Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Department of Defense's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), given at a conference on January 11.

Kirkpatrick's presentation warned of 'threats to the immediate safety of US citizens and Government facilities', and said that the military are finding unidentified anomalous phenomena 'most often in the vicinity of US military facilities and operating areas'.


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0bdbac No.18345849





God is in the mouth of the wicked although He is far from their minds. God said Let there be

light, and the darkness comprehended it not.

but when God made it, the darkness pointed

at it, and was like, I did that.

Evil Than A

Think Mirror

The Morning Stars Sang together before the creation

Time No Longer

Was, Is, Will Be

Nothing is Random

No Coincidences

Everything Has Meaning

Everything Has Double Meaning


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4044de No.18345850

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Authorities Completely Silent On Who Authorized Norfolk Southern’s Controlled Burn, Michael Patrick Leahy Reports

8:15 minutes


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b913f8 No.18345851

File: e928637afd8d480⋯.gif (580.46 KB,200x131,200:131,200w_4_.gif)

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0de1ed No.18345852


if you want to say things, then say them.

don't talk in a code.

if you were a real person

with Military ethics

you wouldn't be brag boasting to strangers in a chat room, or threatening everyone who dares to snark in from time to time.

you , sir, are no gentleman and certianly not an officer, nor a rank and file

your operational noise from enemy camps is my number one conjecture about you, but, of course, how could I really know. Just because of how you come off. Over and OUT

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a89112 No.18345853


nothing is 'off the rails' as everything must be destroyed and revealed as a failure to bring the new online. And that true revelation is occurring faster daily, worldwide.

when the tipping point s acheived of the collective no longer trusting other people or themselves, ie gov't, education, medicine, media, currency, innovation, resource allocation and management, then the NWO has a field conducive to occupy. The minds of the masses. always the target.

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4049c0 No.18345855

File: 7d3dec85c2982da⋯.mp4 (14.09 MB,480x852,40:71,E_Palestine_Vinyl_Cholorid….mp4)

File: 16b73682bc88c33⋯.mp4 (663.56 KB,640x360,16:9,E_Palestine_Vinyl_Cholorid….mp4)

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35b8fd No.18345856



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e8a5e5 No.18345857


But what they can't stop is the revelation to come


God will not be denied

Free your mind

Feel with your Spirit

Focus not on their negativity, but the positivity of your salvation thru Christ

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a17df8 No.18345858

File: 8eda3736acd5906⋯.gif (991.21 KB,500x375,4:3,kansas.gif)

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d15038 No.18345859


I hear ya. But IF the tax dollars fall with the kids IF we ever get school choice, then they will help to support good schools. I know that’s a big if - But I am in a very red state and it is a big possibility.

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c28a06 No.18345860


Are u back on that crack again?

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fd2f51 No.18345862

File: 8c9905fc6dc386d⋯.png (234.91 KB,500x540,25:27,pepe_formatting_dilemma.png)


=wtf are u talking about????==


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76284f No.18345863

File: b3ecc9332cd8477⋯.png (229.04 KB,409x299,409:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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e34e72 No.18345864


>One thing that occurs to me is that people should stop "play acting" negative timelines such as Event 201, White Noise etc. It seems that agreement is given for evil events with these actions.

Ya think, anon?! I’m sure if you put a call in to Klaus, Gates, Fauxi and the rest of the degenerate band of conspirers that they will immediately see the logic to your statement and immediately rescind all futures plans of world genocide and slavery!

Seriously though, I couldn’t agree more. Shit’s gotta stop. But like you said, it’s out of our hands at this point. Something higher is going to have to invigorate the sleeping masses of humanity to witness what is going on and finally turn their backs to it.

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c18c0b No.18345865

shooter had a note threatening NJ schools

shooter had no connection to Michigan school.

a 'troubled' individual who had trouble after mother died.

are those balloons activating MK victims?

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d15038 No.18345866


* follow the kids

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64c444 No.18345867


Where did all that argentum go?

Didn't Booz Allen Hamilton get the contract to do that cleanup there and in WA state?

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a89112 No.18345868


>I do think we're due for solar events that will help, but our real help is supernatural from God the Creator.

These are two descriptions of the same thing.

Sun = Son. The phonetics are identical. Sounds precede written words.

Sound is the creator in action per the book…

"God SAID…"


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a17df8 No.18345869

File: e0086fc71ef7dd1⋯.gif (2.63 MB,294x200,147:100,crack44.gif)

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d53bc4 No.18345870

File: e67a4f0419014d2⋯.jpg (200.31 KB,816x528,17:11,i_support_law_enforcement.JPG)

File: 8d4f7cc09bf2136⋯.jpg (24.07 KB,600x600,1:1,101697008_1021785892165027….jpg)

File: dd8c9f8c3e05ca4⋯.jpg (43.48 KB,512x480,16:15,one_condom_would_have_prev….jpg)

File: 6f9bb6134b9ba4c⋯.jpg (17.26 KB,236x296,59:74,FSxqKcFWQAAws2C.jpg)

File: 89560eaccabfa81⋯.jpg (65.67 KB,511x543,511:543,DGu8UieWsAA0ECd.jpg)

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b6c7ac No.18345871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Military ethics

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0de1ed No.18345872


son and sun are two different and distinct words that have totally different meanings and DO NOT equal, even a little.

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35b8fd No.18345874




Re-read Halo 6

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5fb1b4 No.18345875


Where were they taking the chemicals… Utah salt mines where they store barrels and barrels of schitt from Anniston Army Depot?

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d206b6 No.18345876

File: 5a5769478468eb6⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB,480x270,16:9,I_can_t_suck_it_up_with_a_….mp4)


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cb3ec6 No.18345877


01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01100101 01110011 01100101 01110010 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100110 01110010 01101111 01101101 00100000 01101101 01100101

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4044de No.18345878


This is literally insane! Consequences the chloride when burned turns into hydrochloric acid and phosgene. Chemicals used in WWII

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1d2b80 No.18345879


I cannot tell you how many times I have red textfailed=+ (kek)==. I cannot, however, resist the temptation to bust any anons balls when I catch a red text fail.

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13da66 No.18345880

File: 37c407f3c45a980⋯.jpg (860.67 KB,2004x783,668:261,Frankie_Lucena_sprite_fram….jpg)


…Playing out what was seen, in the ancient skies. Lightning sprites. Seent this shit, before.

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446c81 No.18345881

File: cfea59c6492a76a⋯.png (759.8 KB,1044x591,348:197,flotus_valentines_day.png)

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0cd1b0 No.18345882

File: 1cf1b2dd6db21c4⋯.gif (415.55 KB,360x235,72:47,day_shift_late.gif)

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2c01ad No.18345883

File: ac2c2f92b6fc4f9⋯.jpeg (181.36 KB,1200x675,16:9,ac2c2f92b6fc4f94a6dd5e356….jpeg)

File: 961d9213d39ad4a⋯.jpg (49.75 KB,680x510,4:3,Fo7FFBSaUAEKbTX.jpg)

File: 794230b1d1e09a3⋯.jpg (69.8 KB,581x986,581:986,Fo7GaQpaAAAeLy6.jpg)

File: 25894e813709845⋯.jpg (108.59 KB,598x800,299:400,Fo7EQi3aIAIWAYS.jpg)

File: 7baab03375f7170⋯.jpg (42.71 KB,680x476,10:7,Fo7EoHuaAAAkR7t.jpg)

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b41580 No.18345884

File: 6e47eae3024ff13⋯.png (1.62 MB,683x960,683:960,dbxkywlq.png)

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d53bc4 No.18345885

File: 14e5fdd1be27ff2⋯.png (193.79 KB,400x553,400:553,kdkdjf9454545.png)

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a2b3e7 No.18345886


New fag that’s an easy answer…. Cause the left fears us US MILITARY VETERANS

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a17df8 No.18345887

File: d15ec4db651cba4⋯.jpg (11.75 KB,255x178,255:178,yw44.jpg)

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c28a06 No.18345889

You been eatin’ ‘em eggs?

They get to paint paper egg cut-outs this Easter.

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a402c9 No.18345890


Our public schools were created to indoctrinate slaves. There is no educating happening at schools.

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4049c0 No.18345891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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a89112 No.18345892


understand phonetics. The power is in the sound. far more than the symbols (letters and syntax).

Vishuddha charka (the blue light), the priests' white collar, etc. Where the light comes forth from the darkness, the voice box, or SOUND generator. Speaking comes and understanding of sound comes LONG before 'spelling' (a magic term)

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d53bc4 No.18345893

File: cc955eefb2998c9⋯.jpg (28.41 KB,750x441,250:147,fkfolp.jpg)

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d206b6 No.18345894

File: e9cf4a8df07280d⋯.png (1006.64 KB,1601x946,1601:946,hammer_pelosi_bono.png)

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0d69fe No.18345895


Dark to Light

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4049c0 No.18345896

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a89112 No.18345897


the image you are responding to is 9 witches circling an entity within a summoners circle.

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62dcd3 No.18345898

File: da5b78b0c9ba29e⋯.mp4 (193.69 KB,516x624,43:52,9de3f8ae78ca6bb4422840509b….mp4)

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d53bc4 No.18345899

File: 709af4f2b6d138c⋯.png (905.64 KB,828x681,276:227,709af4f.png)

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a17df8 No.18345900

File: 6eb255dcf41e36b⋯.jpg (89.81 KB,590x775,118:155,mallettime44.jpg)

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68c3e6 No.18345901


noice Pepe

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4049c0 No.18345902

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e1e173 No.18345903

File: c9353063d55fb0c⋯.png (334.98 KB,608x538,304:269,Screen_Shot_2023_02_14_at_….png)

Russia has lost strategically, operationally and tactically" - Mark "Kyiv could fall within 72 hours" Milley


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b913f8 No.18345904

File: 9fb7b4fa17a7000⋯.jpg (16.37 KB,237x420,79:140,OHS_AL03753.jpg)

File: 23255b7f87be25e⋯.jpg (66.85 KB,550x368,275:184,historical_marker_for.jpg)

File: 35c3b369bf50bc2⋯.jpg (390.12 KB,1200x858,200:143,1200px_Old_Saint_Mary_s_Ch….jpg)

File: a5507b59a7313a8⋯.jpg (109.16 KB,1024x706,512:353,65894CF9_155D_451F_67AB9EF….jpg)


lots of Germans to be resettled.

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c28a06 No.18345905

File: 5484b833cd661d6⋯.jpeg (110.49 KB,1242x1161,46:43,A9E7FCD5_DEAB_4D58_85B4_9….jpeg)

File: 715e3790bad1b73⋯.jpeg (46.14 KB,255x200,51:40,ECCFBF60_4FC8_400C_A0B8_B….jpeg)


Yes. That whole Rockefeller thing about equal rights n women in the work force was to take the children. And knowing is half the battle! GI Joe! Pew! Pew! Pew!

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c18c0b No.18345906


Mark Twain said to not let schooling interfere with your education.

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d53bc4 No.18345907

File: 92c3b8db587de25⋯.jpg (32.73 KB,496x497,496:497,eq.jpg)

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1d2b80 No.18345908


The Truth is Out There: UFOs 'Spotted Hovering Over China'

BEIJING (Sputnik) - Unidentified flying objects leaving bright lights in the sky were spotted in the city of Qiqihar in China’s northern province of Heilongjiang on Monday evening, Chinese media reported.

Local media reported that at around 5:23 p.m. local time (09:23 GMT) on Monday, Qiqihar's residents witnessed a bunch of flying objects in the sky, leaving bright lights and then fading away, as seen on videos.

Local meteorologists stated that they had no information regarding the objects spotted and could not provide any details on what they were. Qiqihar's air defense officials said, in turn, that there was nothing to worry about in connection with the flying objects.

On Sunday, another unidentified object was spotted flying over the waters of the coastal province of Shandong in eastern China, according to a local maritime bureau. The bureau did not specify what the flying object was, and whether it was eventually taken down.

Over the past few days, the United States and Canada have shot down a total of three high-altitude unidentified airborne objects, including one that was taken down on Saturday over Canada's Yukon territory.


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fd2f51 No.18345909


How will it look if Milley's prediction fails to materialize?

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bc474d No.18345910

File: 7437b394538ad74⋯.png (429.28 KB,663x494,51:38,ClipboardImage.png)

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60554e No.18345911


This tainwreck/chemical spill/fire is one of training scenarios in FEMA's National Incident Management Systems ICS-300 Course; "Managing Expanding Incidents"

The Fire Chief is the on-scene commander unless the governor appoints someone else.

The Incident Commander should've been in front of the media since Day 1.

Did other anon ever have to take these courses?


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e1e173 No.18345912

muh famines

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e1e173 No.18345914

muh plagues

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e1e173 No.18345916

muh pestilences

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1d2b80 No.18345917

'I wouldn’t really call it a balloon': Cockpit audio reveals F-16 pilots who shot down octagon shaped object over Lake Huron did NOT know what it was - as Pentagon says $400k Sidewinder missile that missed target landed 'harmlessly' in water

Chilling audio reveals the moment US fighter jet pilots struggled to define the 'UFO' seen over Lake Huron

The object was third mystifying entity to be downed in US airspace in a three-day span

The audio came from two F-16 pilots tasked with shooting down the object near the Great Lakes on Sunday, who missed with their first shot at the UFO


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13da66 No.18345918


…Symbolism, duh.

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ac9e38 No.18345919

File: 10acf44fc134f69⋯.jpg (126.93 KB,600x800,3:4,ZomboMeme_08022023143517.jpg)

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b43dd5 No.18345920

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76284f No.18345921

File: 8fae88bf91f67d8⋯.png (782.86 KB,921x733,921:733,ClipboardImage.png)

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c18c0b No.18345922

they can't win any more.

so now, they are just in to punishing the deplorables.

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0de1ed No.18345923


Germans went every where they felt like it and built towns all over the world. Interesting history.

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a89112 No.18345924


anon does not understand the magnitude of the pollution. There is a major front moving that air NE currently.

How heavy are the pollutant chemicals? If they remain mixed with the air, it will not stay local.

Denser than air, the ground, water, plant and animal life, and water tables, local tto tthe smoke particulate deposits will be breathing and absorbing them.

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b41580 No.18345925

File: c0cc588831947f9⋯.png (502.39 KB,396x550,18:25,75g5l4fz.png)

might be too much

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60554e No.18345926




Crazy digits.

9/11 led to DHS/Unified Command Systems which created the FEMA NIMS.

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120adc No.18345927


Milley's a government whore!

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a17df8 No.18345928

File: 23ee2e5fa8ffcfd⋯.png (1.57 MB,1183x676,7:4,14FEB23_map.PNG)

CNN Live cap

FEB 2023 "Shooting Map"

might be more to this, pattern wise.


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37a133 No.18345929

File: 00f349d5709c125⋯.png (970.39 KB,1080x762,180:127,Milley_2.png)


>Milley's a government whore!

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a89112 No.18345931


no, an actual summoning ritual. energized by an international audience through blackmirrors aka TV scryns

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b6c7ac No.18345932



mark milley has less than 230 days days left in his current position

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2c01ad No.18345933

File: 767eb1f4e700e6a⋯.png (232.99 KB,420x668,105:167,Romantic_pepe_with_Q_candy.png)

File: 443b8edbbecae9a⋯.png (235.42 KB,420x668,105:167,Romantic_pepe_w_flowers.png)

File: c3474b69d959921⋯.png (307.07 KB,1271x1041,1271:1041,Pepe_with_a_red_rose_4_.png)

File: 49f01f0b87fa874⋯.png (414.35 KB,430x707,430:707,Dating_pepe_with_flowers.png)

File: 821e12afd73e065⋯.png (80.23 KB,255x215,51:43,Pepe_with_flowers.png)

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6c6c42 No.18345934

MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY…. Military can't stop the MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY because the MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY will turn off all their systems…. Fuck around and find out.

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818ae2 No.18345935

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e1e173 No.18345936


memory hole like everything else

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b41580 No.18345937


Is CNN counting shit that happens in chicago daily or not? How are they defining mass shooting?

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d206b6 No.18345938

File: 2bd172d5ea8c3a7⋯.png (829.17 KB,1333x777,1333:777,DHS_Deep_State_vs_Meme_Mak….png)

File: 66b79ac600f7723⋯.jpg (36.39 KB,612x413,612:413,gettyimages_97334447_Bush_….jpg)

File: a9eb367c7ecda81⋯.jpg (132.58 KB,1024x761,1024:761,gettyimages_51719490_Bush_….jpg)

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75275e No.18345939


"where did it all go"

No one really knows but one reason the Clinton Admin shut down Y-12 is that they needed the Ag that was still there.

There are probably well over 500 paper claims to each oz of physical Ag that exist

It's like all the games played with gold….a tangled web of lies and deceit

There was also a rumor the the Waco shit had an element of the Branch Davidians having stored a bunch of AG (not the stuff referenced from Y-12) and the Gov't wanted it's hands on it-there was a lot going on with that and OKC (where all the records for Waco were at) so they had to get rid of those records iykwim

I still think the whole Uranium is gonna kill you if you even so much as get near it or around even a small amount is BS-I don't wanna be around a lot of it but there are definite Psy-Ops on how bad Nuclear Radiation really is.

Look at Fukushima..if it was really as bad as they say it was wouldn't there be a lot of ded Japanese cause their diet consists mainly of fish and all of that was released into the water.

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a5e602 No.18345940


allegations posted here yesterday morning were that perkins coie and the local sheriff conspired to do the controlled burn. who is perkins coie representing? blackrock and vanguard et al?

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e1e173 No.18345943

File: f16bcffc1b45f5c⋯.png (474.11 KB,638x718,319:359,projection.png)


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13da66 No.18345944


…'As above, so below', Humanity has a history of trying to replicate what was once seen in the skies. Are you really that fucking dense?

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4bd7c6 No.18345945

File: 9df9949a2edd170⋯.png (1.58 MB,1260x1398,210:233,ClipboardImage.png)


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0cd1b0 No.18345946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Tucker Carlson: This is chaos

817,360 views Premiered 15 hours ago 13th feb



Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to leaders not worrying about the recently downed foreign objects or the water supply on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight

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fd2f51 No.18345949

File: 03243f89fe905f9⋯.jpg (61.06 KB,744x739,744:739,black_umbrellas.jpg)


>now, they are just in to punishing the deplorables

hard to punish those with an inexhaustible supply of dank memes

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e1e173 No.18345950


anon is just wild for EMPs

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e34e72 No.18345951


I’m not suggesting that the fallout will not spread far and wide given that the air is the breath of the world and the running waters, it’s blood. But given the nature of the event, does it not stand to reason that we will see the first signs of major human mortality in the immediate vicinity of the disaster zone?

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dc4a61 No.18345952


>Germans went everywhere

Conditions in Germany were pretty shitty for a long time, constantly suffering from one form of autarky or another. This prompted Germans to leave in multiple waves of emigration, resulting in colonies of Germans all over the world. This didn't slow down until economic conditions within Germany improved via the formation of the Zollverein trade-zone in the 19th Century, which is when emigration from Southern and Eastern Europe began.


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e1e173 No.18345953


and the mob is run by italians.

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95dbd8 No.18345954

File: 49a542c04c0cd24⋯.png (590.73 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2023_02_14….png)

File: 261e531c75505cd⋯.png (619.76 KB,1366x768,683:384,tinapeters.png)

File: 8c37919d41b97a5⋯.png (244.09 KB,963x1426,963:1426,Screenshot_2023_02_14_at_1….png)

What Constitution? State House moves to ban firing guns on private property

Feb 14, 2023

State House Democrats passed a gun control bill Monday allowing counties to ban the discharge of weapons on private property, but then had to rescind it because they forgot to let opponents join in the debate.

It’s the most Colorado thing to happen this week.

This means House Democrats will have to let Republicans have a say when the bill comes up again Tuesday, before outlawing our constitutional right to discharge our firearm on our own fricking property.

In perfect Orwellian fashion, Democrats argue their bill doesn’t really change the current law.

Except it most certainly does.

House Bill 1165 is the brainchild of Democrat Reps. Judy Amabile of Boulder; Karen McCormick of Longmont; and Sens. Dylan Roberts of Eagle and Sonya Jaquez Lewis of Longmont.

The bill was amended in the House to allow gun owners to fire their weapon on private property if hunting or managing livestock or wildlife. It remains to be seen whether the bill would also be similarly amended in the Senate.

If passed by both chambers and signed into law by Gov. Polis, the measure would give county councils the power to outlaw the discharge of firearms in areas with at least 35 dwellings per square mile — that’s 640 acres or about 18 acres for each lot.

From Colorado Politics:

Rural Colorado lawmakers, however, point to the bill as an example of the rural-urban divide permeating the state Capitol.

People are panicking in rural Colorado, said Rep. Marc Catlin, R-Montrose. People who are moving from another state or city to rural Colorado think they can decide what everyone is comfortable with, he said.

“This is one or two neighborhoods who brought the idea. Statewide, this is a concern,” he said.

“Are we doing countywide policy on neighborhood-to-neighborhood basis?” he said, adding that, under the proposal, it would be “okay to own a gun. Just not to shoot it.”

That’s exactly what the Democrat-controlled legislature intends.

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c18c0b No.18345955

File: 1a5231d549081df⋯.png (155.18 KB,542x290,271:145,ClipboardImage.png)



who is GRAMPS?


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bb9d46 No.18345956

File: e8fa2b1621a8ba9⋯.png (382.78 KB,533x521,533:521,0a3dacd220442c85e4c4fbdaab….png)

Yellow on Faux made a good point. If the Ohio contamination happened in the Ukraine, would Democrats finally care?

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fd2f51 No.18345957


u related to Gary by chance?

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a89112 No.18345958

File: c76378f8c4dc782⋯.gif (477.86 KB,100x100,1:1,c76378f8c4dc78262ce95f2d9d….gif)


indeed. the crazier and more unstable/chaotic it gets, the closer IT gets.

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a17df8 No.18345959

File: 87511aef458988c⋯.png (8.54 KB,255x255,1:1,smilingsmoke44.png)


>How are they defining mass shooting?

Believe the MSM is "currently" defining a "mass shooting" as 4 or more casualties.

>Is CNN counting shit that happens in Chicago daily or not?

nope, they never cover those.

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1d2b80 No.18345960

File: acc2830d3359122⋯.jpeg (99.55 KB,890x500,89:50,747B7ABC_8CAC_4F61_A50B_A….jpeg)

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ab7301 No.18345961


last nights college campus shooter

your dumb has broke the cat

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35b8fd No.18345963

File: 8f067ae4bfaa2fd⋯.png (743.04 KB,1226x639,1226:639,luek1018.PNG)

File: 9eef3ce3c328645⋯.jpeg (102.66 KB,750x1334,375:667,5079a9837111ee7db116a28c0….jpeg)

years ago

I had a dream that was in 7 parts

the first is the last

so the dream went in sequence 7123456

Right after I had the dream not long after

the daughter of zion was stricken with the

incurable wound and parts 1-5 happened

to me.

Part 6 and 7 have yet to occur.

And I have already been stricken by 5

of the 7 thunders from revelation. Thats

how I got wounded this time

in the 7th vision I was below the mall that

is symbolic, and tons of cops were racing into

it. The day God showed me my death at Matt

hew 24:27-28 it happened right outside this

mall. In the capital city, long story. He declares

the end from the beginning, saw it the night of

the day we met and I witnessed Him

anyway it was all dark and when I emerged there was

swat raiding the mall and everywhere and I knew I was

a fugative so I was kind of hiding but really fast swat

teams that were undercover Q agents found me and

put me on a hot air balloon. I watched over all the chaos

unfolding beneath

mind you parts 1-5 already happened.

part 7, which is really part 6 is about to happen

In it, Pic Related. Someone pulled up to the bank

and pulled a engine block over my head. I was

crouched shaking with two rusty sepulchres in my

hands. (long story)

he plugged me in at both temples with two tasers and

I rolled up this platform on a dolly and floated into the

mdidle of the room and threw the tasers into the two

computers on each side of me (current battlestation

two desktops, pic related)

one taser failed to take and I fell back down onto the dolly

lightning exploding out of me disappeared

we plugged myself back in pic related

and I went back up again and that time both tasers synced

and I saw the anti christ infront of me (incurable wound)

and his eyes exploded with lightning and there was a

woman made of light on both sides of us

and then lightning exploded out of me more and I blasted

through the ceiling, blowing up the building, flying into the

sky like a speeding bullet until the sky started to become

Gold and I flew out of sight. Camera wasnt fast enough

The first part of that dream already happened.

The guy who plugged me in had the beard of the guy

who gave me the weed the day it happened, the face

of the guy who drove me out of town to get supplies after

it happened because it knocked all of the power out to my

town and the businesses for a whole day almost, and the

hair of my friend who helped me out when I went back to

my hometown later that night

Here in pic related

We See Jesus Christ plugging me in the 2nd time

The 6th thunder starts in my left pink, where I made

this pinky promise/pinky penis(?) to the daughter of

Zion like 15 years ago that I would always love her

and than spreads through my left hand with her

and than my right with Jesus Christ

than from the 3rd eye, white stone

and the rest of the body

ultimately Directing itself from AC alternating current at

both of my temples.

Loooong Story. Almost made it the first time

drank to much koolaid

now were out of time.

Working on it

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76284f No.18345964

File: 270bdfb8c442c05⋯.png (113.69 KB,601x342,601:342,ClipboardImage.png)


>mark milley has less than 230 days days left in his current position

So much winning.

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60d064 No.18345965

File: 06d3a1ed2c03fc5⋯.jpeg (499.02 KB,2048x1189,2048:1189,67F95105_0784_4C0D_98D7_E….jpeg)

File: f24ab3730f1b28b⋯.jpeg (849.67 KB,1536x1361,1536:1361,661B3C13_7486_4CCC_BA9E_0….jpeg)

File: d710c718e1af545⋯.jpeg (1.71 MB,2048x1179,2048:1179,D6B1A770_35BB_4626_AACB_9….jpeg)

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c18c0b No.18345966

File: 6a0f4c75d85b2be⋯.png (185.19 KB,308x431,308:431,ClipboardImage.png)


is A&P a grocery store? they used to be around here years ago.

what else is A&P?

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b41580 No.18345968


that is a long time to be bent over on all fours.

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a17df8 No.18345969

File: b786f6ce07b494d⋯.gif (1.31 MB,400x435,80:87,aura444.gif)



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c28a06 No.18345970


And for some reason, this time, Nan got jealous and called the cops. She didn’t even call our private force, she called the regular cops and opened the door for them. I don’t understand women. I even brought her her favorite ice cream. They’re never happy.

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c46fee No.18345973

File: beabb3f50c5bc41⋯.jpg (75.84 KB,850x400,17:8,quote_success_is_not_measu….jpg)

Henry Ford was a great American patriot. America First.

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4044de No.18345974

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cortes:The Biden Crime Family Sold Out Our Country In A Treasonous Way With Help Of Max Baucus. Baucus 100% owned by China


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35b8fd No.18345975

File: 6f29862f1d9d3d7⋯.png (315.28 KB,397x718,397:718,merchant2.PNG)



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c46fee No.18345976

File: beabb3f50c5bc41⋯.jpg (75.84 KB,850x400,17:8,quote_success_is_not_measu….jpg)

Henry Ford was a great American patriot. America First.

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b6c7ac No.18345977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bb9d46 No.18345979

File: a3f6243c53cb075⋯.png (150.79 KB,320x320,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c18c0b No.18345980

File: fe92aa0dcd9e35a⋯.png (271.88 KB,416x522,208:261,ClipboardImage.png)


what does this sign say?



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a5e602 No.18345981


Who Authorized Norfolk Southern’s Controlled Burn?

why is the chain of command not being proctoscoped from both ends?

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dc4a61 No.18345982


>defining mass shooting

The narrative is going to depend on the attributes of the offender. If the do'er is not the "right" kind of person, then the story is a non-starter.

But the FBI has their own definition. Something to do with the shooting having three-or-moar victims. But those statistics are racist, so they're not used or referenced.

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c114ab No.18345983

File: 336c6b08151cc98⋯.jpeg (53.63 KB,1024x538,512:269,2019_07_08_nancy_pelosi_a….jpeg)

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b43dd5 No.18345986


on the violet sign there is sth written '… death'

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b3abce No.18345987

File: 1001be0282c5ab4⋯.jpg (9.81 KB,255x255,1:1,a94af31de0118f95142466b82f….jpg)


Free Will

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a89112 No.18345988


would have to see killed the wild animals to know the specific mechanisms of action of the chemicals/metallic particulates. The fish kills would be different than mammals.

One thing is certain, having VAIDs/ADE, and spike technologies onboard will not help anyone exposed to these toxins.

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4049c0 No.18345989

File: 63f6247bf523422⋯.png (669.04 KB,956x940,239:235,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95b33d18b98fda0⋯.png (912.74 KB,993x1036,993:1036,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50b21639c2925f7⋯.png (285.97 KB,1292x1316,323:329,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29c83e6032a7399⋯.png (513.56 KB,993x1915,993:1915,ClipboardImage.png)

Oddly - i think the "balloon" production was cover for something esle…

And to clarify - not that whatever they shot down was alien, but that they impromptu manufactured it…

Not one picture of a balloon on twitter from a backyard astronomer….? Every last one was a pre-packaged media shot…

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c18c0b No.18345990


Major snowstorm forecast for Colorado Springs foothills.

travel advisory

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b41580 No.18345991


and how many of these mass shootings as of late have been done where they have to hide the narrative as soon as they report it because its not the "white/right" kind of person.

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bb9d46 No.18345992

File: 1b35584b54661a1⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1b35584b54661a1bac531d36eb….png)

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bcce40 No.18345993

File: 367ea43f3636996⋯.png (289.05 KB,960x988,240:247,ClipboardImage.png)



A challenger appears

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8c4234 No.18345994


#22487 >>18345623

>>18345632 Seymour Hersh on US Bombing Nord Stream Pipelines — Radio War Nerd EP #366

>>18345644 4 More Toxic Chemicals Found on Tankers in Ohio Derailment

>>18345679, >>18345713, >>18345733, >>18345749, >>18345770, >>18345846 Refresher history: The Manhattan Project

>>18345682 QClock February 13, 2023 - 30M Affected / In It Together

>>18345712, >>18345717, >>18345740, >>18345805, >>18345850, >>18345878, >>18345911 Ohio Chem spill spreads

>>18345715 BLS: CPI increased 0.5% in January; Core CPI increased 0.4%

>>18345750 Who "is" Norfolk Southern?

>>18345776 PF VVPE171 US Navy RQ-4 Global Hawk off eastern FL @ 45k ft with AE689B and decodes as US Navy P-8 Poseidon also trackin' off western FL

>>18345787 BBC offices ‘raided’ in IndiaMI6

>>18345790 MI FF shooter from city of FBI half whit kidnapper hhhhmmmmm…………

>>18345797 EU adds Russia to tax haven blacklist

>>18345843 Kremlin warns about NATO’s role in Ukraine conflict

>>18345928 "Shooting Map" ??


>>18345954 CO: What Constitution? State House moves to ban firing guns on private property

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b913f8 No.18345995

File: 73b84a9bd23f944⋯.gif (193.86 KB,220x119,220:119,stunned_chris_chambers.gif)

File: 73c97ef34c0b488⋯.jpg (92.59 KB,1024x553,1024:553,73c97ef34c0b488d6340f213c0….jpg)

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a89112 No.18345996


that circle ritual does not emulate sky sprites. you see red in both and make an association that is based on a perspective bias.

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d28f79 No.18345997


Great, let's get this over with!

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55bde0 No.18345999



When you get a G.E.G. get back to me….

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37a133 No.18346000

File: 038b81c3b7e0747⋯.mp4 (959.92 KB,360x480,3:4,QR_dank_memes.mp4)

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1d1264 No.18346001

Establishment RINOS rollin it out tday.


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95dbd8 No.18346002

File: 6c6e07a4d4561e5⋯.png (394.76 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2023_02_14….png)

File: dce949957cd847b⋯.png (873.18 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2023_02_14….png)


Capt Seth Keshel

Barroon flew over ICBM bases in Alasaka

Minunteman ICBM base

then over numerous other important bases including home of 101st and 82nd airborne

outfitted to collect SIGINT

overt misison to collect intel and flip big middle finger to the US

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b41580 No.18346003


you could see early on by looking at the larger fish in the river though. Also need to be on the lookout for dead small mammals like mice and squirrels. Might not as easy find them because they hibernate some.

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76284f No.18346004

File: ac0a204fe6a1193⋯.png (261.49 KB,454x342,227:171,ClipboardImage.png)

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13da66 No.18346005

File: bdb603fe72d5781⋯.png (59.75 KB,325x300,13:12,Hoodwinked_Masonic_Candida….png)


…Your understanding of the esoteric is as deep as a piss puddle. Back to the filter, with you.

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009d47 No.18346006

MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY are fly all kinds of shit around the world because they can.

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08c9e6 No.18346007

File: bb28853603f5071⋯.jpg (107.13 KB,1284x1288,321:322,Fo8Q12YXgAMLYqO.jpg)

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457072 No.18346008

File: 519e364b08fa6f2⋯.png (4.08 MB,1020x1500,17:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d2b80 No.18346009

File: 811e1fed696c742⋯.jpeg (79.34 KB,500x758,250:379,89BB88AD_F6C6_4A68_9590_0….jpeg)

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c46fee No.18346010

File: 6d80c9451528af2⋯.jpg (22.82 KB,555x416,555:416,2d1db03044918fb056f111edcb….jpg)

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c28a06 No.18346011

File: 478153a845f9c96⋯.jpeg (232.05 KB,750x537,250:179,3475E249_9BA0_43CC_B68D_E….jpeg)

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e34e72 No.18346013


True. All I’ve seen this far are preliminary reports of 3500 fish dying but nothing on mammals. I suppose all we can do at this point is watch and pray. My heart goes out to those in the immediate and surrounding areas who are currently experiencing the brunt of the attack. The depth of depravity is mind boggling to say the least…

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dc4a61 No.18346014



The reporting has changed because their situation has changed. The underlying issues with crime and demographics are fairly static, but the [media] is desperate to divide Americans into meaningless categories. Skin color is one of those.

If they can't drive one form of hate-mongering narrative, then they'll just switch to another.

Most people see through this though, so it won't work.

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a0de66 No.18346015


Who was in charge of the fail safes that were ignored

Not once

Not twice

But three times track sensors detected problems

Can you say knowingly

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4049c0 No.18346016


>>>18345712 (You)

I'd love for White Hats to make a forced cameo for Joe, Kamala and Pete to start the cleanup.

They should all be at ground zero with shovels and flip flops to prove it is "safe".

I'm so outraged.

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c46fee No.18346017

File: c4d133fa4885181⋯.jpg (119.02 KB,752x492,188:123,1493132362798.jpg)

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bb9d46 No.18346018

File: 1ab0787f3e2391b⋯.png (1.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,1ab0787f3e2391bdb9eb917260….png)

Their racial bigotry posting is no different than the Derp State releasing balloons for distractions. Weak. I understand. They judge a person based upon the color of their skin. When I was 5-years-old I heard a speech that changed my life. It wasn't just the words in the speech, it was the delivery, the undertone. I Have A Dream will never die. And here, right now, race and skin color mean nothing when everything is through pixels. The content of everyone's character shines through here.

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c18c0b No.18346020



much better.

where did this come from?

a movie poster?

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b3abce No.18346021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Digital Down


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0d69fe No.18346022


Russian MoD already stated the tactical nukes are for NATO infrastructure

NATO pretty much begging for them

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a17df8 No.18346024

File: 49595226d6a429e⋯.png (259.8 KB,518x276,259:138,pepechives44.png)

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8c4234 No.18346025


agree, let them stand in the middle of it, drinking water from Flint MI


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9377cb No.18346026

'''I got tricked into an SBA disaster relief loan, thought it was a forgivable PPP loan.

Oh well, I needed the $ for my business and am grateful for it being available and am 100% willing to pay it back. The problem? Can't login to SBA loan portal, cant reset password, cant contact anyone by phone tried 4 times and get disconnected at randoms points every time.'''

1st of all fuck you SBA for the bait and switch loan. Fuck you SBA for being an unorganized user unfriendly mess of a website, Fuck you SBA and ALL OF THE POLICY MAKERS FOR MAKING ANYONE PAY BACK AN SBA DISASTER RELIEF LOAN WHEN THE FUCKING CRIMINAL CUNTS GOT COUNTLESS DOLLARS IN PPP FORGIVABLE LOANS


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839346 No.18346027


These people dont represent the United States at all.

I hope he gets a bullet in his head.

I am so sick of the United States nation destroying so they can ultimately destroy the people of the United States and set up proxy governments to launder money and fraud elections in the U.S. and world wide..

So fucking corrupt.

Miley has blood on his hands.

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7b9e96 No.18346028


G.E.G. …. In your next life maybe you will figure that out.

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b913f8 No.18346029


saw a bread with a farmer talking bout mammal having diarrhea gooey eyeballs shortly thereafter. ded.

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5beca3 No.18346030

Happy Valentines Day!

Let's hope only hearts are massacred today

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bc78a2 No.18346032

"Nothing more important than getting that money and spending it 'wisely'"

- Gigi "Joo Magoo" Sohn

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37a133 No.18346033

File: d8d420f1252ba2c⋯.png (595.18 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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658a0e No.18346034

File: 69a32bf16c97f5d⋯.jpeg (323.31 KB,1488x2000,93:125,TrustThePlanTheFrenSaid.JPEG)

Trust the plan!

(Muh dear diary shit!)

Today I talked to an elderly Woman in front of a friends house! Very nice conversation!

She moved in this area 3 months ago and she just talked to my friends wife, because of the WWG1WGA sticker on my friend´s car.

The sticker was put on there after I reached them in 2019. Since then, many people talked to this family just because of that thing and I met a women again, I know for 30 years but lost contact, because she said "Hey, I am in that, too!", after seeing this mighty sticker. That was 2,5 years ago. She lives in a house with the number 17…

Her son, now 17. After looking weird at me and his mother for talking truth at the beginning, he and his friends are asking the right questions. And I am in the middle of all this!

Why? Because of a sticker? No! Because God put me in this mission, explained cause and effect to me and things are rolling!

So I don´t care what anyone says, I trust this magnificent Plan!

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cd5843 No.18346035

File: 8be38432f651e15⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,464x480,29:30,subsidiaryofthefbi.mp4)

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1d2b80 No.18346036


In any case, the OH train disaster will prove to be quite lethal. There’s acute toxicity, which may impact those in close vicinity to the incident, but said impact may still take days or even weeks to cause death. The larger impact, however, will be over the long term. People within a certain radius of the incident, which could be miles, may develop cancers and/or other diseases within the next few years due to their exposures to these chemicals. Will it ever be correlated? Probably not for a long time (decades).

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457072 No.18346037

File: f1e4471d42ce386⋯.jpg (2.56 MB,2040x3000,17:25,white_noise_movie_poster.jpg)


and larger still, for the little details….


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4049c0 No.18346038

File: f0659a0ce377ce2⋯.gif (419.29 KB,424x254,212:127,bmQtYmxvd24uZ2lm_1_.gif)



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2d5039 No.18346040

File: 7384687b2951c87⋯.png (942.33 KB,1180x664,295:166,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1e173 No.18346041

File: 47f75dfca4a60bd⋯.png (100.17 KB,183x275,183:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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76284f No.18346042

File: baede793d8b295a⋯.png (223.41 KB,342x342,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3003e7 No.18346044



Trips chkd

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42a8ce No.18346045


The world must know somehow.

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e34e72 No.18346046


Abso-fuckin’-lutely!!! Sadly that doesn’t seem to be how this horror story of a movie will play out.

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c18c0b No.18346047

File: eef46c3d372f960⋯.png (484.86 KB,727x452,727:452,ClipboardImage.png)



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17f8cf No.18346049

File: b78f0da783775a2⋯.jpg (105.27 KB,1000x1000,1:1,USA_Flag.jpg)

The flag has red

The flag has blue

The flag has white

because of you

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d28f79 No.18346051

For all the real anon's here. Remember how these videos made you feel all those years ago?



Would be nice to feel that hope again.

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4f27e6 No.18346052

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c28a06 No.18346053

File: 4d90cd4f0c2f513⋯.jpeg (24.38 KB,258x245,258:245,6DF8B974_B210_483F_8B3C_F….jpeg)


Anons the Alchemists. We must kek at their darnkess.

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b913f8 No.18346054

File: 28b0b7d3a89284b⋯.png (468.29 KB,640x424,80:53,28b0b7d3a89284beba1d0549ab….png)

File: ee4df69bc900f7b⋯.png (17.44 KB,255x255,1:1,72f5dadb32f9d3bc75b1283a53….png)

File: 11900e3f461f066⋯.png (175.9 KB,583x468,583:468,11900e3f461f0668d194712a2a….png)



the council agrees

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457072 No.18346055


Yes anon, movie poster for the film. Bigger one here:


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64a1bf No.18346056

Zand, Val in Ton.

Sint van de Ton die valt in duigen.

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1d2b80 No.18346057


Get rekt already with “muh nostalgia”.

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26e301 No.18346058

File: b4d2df2a391e771⋯.jpg (58.46 KB,728x594,364:297,vday.JPG)

File: 5b3d60613df676f⋯.jpg (43.08 KB,312x400,39:50,old_vintage_valentine_card….jpg)

File: 7661eb0879c740b⋯.jpg (89.08 KB,550x612,275:306,Old_School_Valentines_Day_….jpg)

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d206b6 No.18346059

File: d34ab913e16fc65⋯.png (65.13 KB,1062x304,531:152,meat.png)

Meat Price Spreads

This data set provides monthly average price values, and the differences among those values, at the farm, wholesale, and retail stages of the production and marketing chain for selected cuts of beef, pork, and broilers. In addition, retail prices are provided for beef and pork cuts, turkey, whole chickens, eggs, and dairy products. Price spreads are reported for last 6 years, 12 quarters, and 24 months. The retail price file provides monthly estimates for the last 6 months. The historical file provides data since 1970.

Farm-to-consumer price spreads for other foods can be found in the Price Spreads from Farm to Consumer dataset.


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b41580 No.18346060


it really is terrible and there will be no justice because no one will trust the narrative that is spun. This was intentional and for all anons know the fucking barroons could have dropped shit on the tracks. Either way the people in the fall our areas my heart is with them and hopefully the long term affects are not terrible. Hell it might even be something that reacts to the jab. This is the same government that said the air after 9/11 was fine.

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60554e No.18346061

File: 5f5e4c47322743e⋯.png (35.42 KB,1024x539,1024:539,1024px_Flag_of_the_United_….png)

>Defaced flag


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1ec757 No.18346062


'Adam Driver' on the train

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5beca3 No.18346063

File: 0f94d1dee46c50c⋯.jpg (28.56 KB,700x368,175:92,donald_trump_valentine_day….jpg)

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a89112 No.18346064


Livestock animals drink rainwater, runoff, and pooling water on farms and homesteads.

They will be easy to assess, perhaps sooner than wild animals and pets.

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b41580 No.18346065


rocky horror is playing at the theater.

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d4bab9 No.18346066

Jumping internet codes between multiple systems confusing data is something that will not be understood in the near future…. MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY.

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19cab4 No.18346068

File: 274534d7d178020⋯.png (22.96 KB,1280x674,640:337,274534d7d1780203956040e16a….png)

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a17df8 No.18346069

File: 855b57adc4bdc01⋯.png (940.99 KB,621x655,621:655,groovysmokes4.png)

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bb9d46 No.18346070

File: 39fc7dd068fe8f6⋯.png (467.25 KB,730x500,73:50,ClipboardImage.png)


So many targets. Something inside is telling me it's not time yet to focus on that aspect of evil. There's smaller fish to fry before moving on to them.

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37a133 No.18346071

File: 32e88f9cf8c8436⋯.jpeg (56.21 KB,800x525,32:21,Schiff_oh_schiff.jpeg)

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76284f No.18346073

File: 411fc49742a4be9⋯.png (80.14 KB,371x342,371:342,ClipboardImage.png)


> Remember how these videos made you feel

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6f45ef No.18346074

File: c64e0a48ae48f3d⋯.png (796.16 KB,600x908,150:227,c64e0a48ae48f3d4d6e453e884….png)


It was a great feeling..still is.

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d206b6 No.18346076

File: 86f6195513bcf89⋯.png (498.88 KB,1230x629,1230:629,fcc_blackburn.png)

File: 09bdd86aad2ca6b⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,320x284,80:71,marsha_law.jpg)

Blackburn not letting fcc nominee get away w bs

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fd2f51 No.18346077

File: a5c669b16eea96b⋯.png (188.46 KB,381x376,381:376,2019_12_25_14_35_07.png)



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f43aeb No.18346078

File: 0768a1917305623⋯.png (851.89 KB,1164x1116,97:93,8m654nb6543654.png)

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a5e602 No.18346079


>for all anons know the fucking barroons could have dropped shit on the tracks.

bullshit. overheated wheels safety warning ignored because orders from headquarters. knowingly creating a hazard.

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c18c0b No.18346080

File: 2202b19c55adcaf⋯.png (1.19 MB,1295x732,1295:732,ClipboardImage.png)


Seeing comms to launder money for P

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ab7301 No.18346081

File: f7f13cda9aed1df⋯.png (216.9 KB,607x307,607:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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d206b6 No.18346082

File: 51186c109fed018⋯.jpg (252.11 KB,931x800,931:800,trump_nypd_funeral.jpg)

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3a427e No.18346083

File: a2114c7d3114962⋯.png (500.23 KB,704x1860,176:465,087f0c5c1942d5290cafdf410e….png)

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b41580 No.18346084


ok so its just corporate maleficence? Is it another whoopsie like the states do with their elections?

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6223ff No.18346085

File: 4cff564c3eece3f⋯.jpg (50.45 KB,1024x1280,4:5,4cff564c3eece3f7c849d2f59b….jpg)

A list of all the "anon" accounts that wereQ'd

- Do we have one?

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1d2b80 No.18346086


The mitigating factors for those who are/were exposed to the incident are the same as with radiation exposure: Time, Distance, & Shielding.

Total amount oftimethe person was exposed.

The amount ofdistancebetween the person and the incident.

The type ofshieldingthe person had (e.g. house with good ventilation vs poorly ventilated house vs open area).

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c46fee No.18346087

File: db41ff4095440fd⋯.jpg (111.21 KB,1280x1280,1:1,2e215a39e883e54a51cad02055….jpg)

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b913f8 No.18346089


make it so with prayer and influence c'mon man. trust the fucking plan


do a joe comedy sketch with black clouds. in-between pudding and nap time .

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75275e No.18346090

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95dbd8 No.18346091



nothing in Chicago.

must be peaceful there.

Chicago shootings: At least 18 shot, 3 killed in weekend gun violence across city, police say

Story by ABC7 Chicago Digital Team • Jan 16

Chicago Weekend Shootings: At least 30 people shot, including 6 fatally


By CBS Chicago Team

Updated on: January 23, 2023 / 8:48 AM / CBS Chicago

Local News

Chicago Weekend Shootings: 2 killed, 17 wounded


By CBS Chicago Team

February 6, 2023 / 8:37 AM / CBS Chicago

Chicago shootings: At least 18 shot, 4 killed in weekend gun violence across city, police say

Story by ABC7 Chicago Digital Team • Yesterday

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387b5d No.18346092

File: 385f981ef71a702⋯.gif (102.31 KB,300x405,20:27,Variable_Capacitor_Adjustm….gif)


Why would you want that list?

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bb9d46 No.18346094

File: 2f2229f9079747b⋯.png (187.93 KB,494x355,494:355,2f2229f9079747b5634422c59a….png)

Happy Single's Awareness Day, Anons!

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37a133 No.18346097

File: c0cfa705f278bf5⋯.png (153.74 KB,556x640,139:160,kek_cat.png)

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35b8fd No.18346098

File: ab306670cccdb95⋯.png (1.06 MB,1134x613,1134:613,ASDASDSADSAD.PNG)

File: 7b8dedfa8f27428⋯.png (1.08 MB,1156x596,289:149,Capture.PNG)

File: bb25812dd6d8619⋯.png (694.7 KB,985x543,985:543,HESUS.PNG)

File: 750127f0eb68a98⋯.png (1.14 MB,1095x627,365:209,SADSAASDASDA.PNG)

File: 8b2434ac6bef69c⋯.png (1.17 MB,1140x615,76:41,SADSADSAD.PNG)

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a89112 No.18346099


“Field contamination, livestock, groundwater, those would be the three biggest concerns, and you know, we can’t leave, so hopefully we won’t be in a situation where that happens,” Lindsay said.

Lindsay was concerned Sunday night when he heard and felt that the seriousness of the situation changed.

“Went from yesterday saying: no detection of any leaks or groundwater contamination, to last night: eminent catastrophe,” Lindsay said.


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8c4234 No.18346100





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01d7ce No.18346101

File: 5aeacdfb81d8702⋯.png (60.51 KB,378x357,18:17,b68ef417f261db213277f87372….png)

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b41580 No.18346102


ty anon for helping prove the point cnn is being selective on what it reports as a mass shooting and still is trying horribly to make this narrative stick .

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c46fee No.18346103

File: 9b6b49c53679c6b⋯.jpeg (70.22 KB,998x456,499:228,FasXJANWQAEGhVD.jpeg)

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a17df8 No.18346104

File: f5e82e8cbb111c3⋯.jpg (13.69 KB,221x255,13:15,ChiefO44.jpg)



Holodeck party already kicked off.

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2c01ad No.18346105

File: c1bd20fc6da139a⋯.jpg (40.63 KB,634x423,634:423,67615675_11743611_image_a_….jpg)

File: 55e4e5d6ab206d8⋯.jpg (115.38 KB,962x641,962:641,67352219_11716257_image_a_….jpg)

File: 4f7db8ad0ae4c5e⋯.jpg (34.45 KB,680x463,680:463,FoSN5_WaQAASfMK.jpg)

File: 183d220897319e7⋯.jpg (36.59 KB,680x357,40:21,gp1UDvEX.jpg)

File: 58b32d41e1b2e70⋯.jpg (140.66 KB,1063x1600,1063:1600,Fo0zJnpaMAAsBFH.jpg)


Now all the red rituals the past week or 2 make sense.

These people are sick

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0a11c5 No.18346107


Joe made some great videos but in hind site Joe and many anons were so wrong about so many people.

Mattis, Flynn, Rogers etc. What a bunch of corrupt tools.

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35b8fd No.18346108

File: dcfa7382b6d2683⋯.png (1.15 MB,1066x639,1066:639,CORTAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAAA….PNG)

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e34e72 No.18346110


Sure does, anon, sure does.

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15482e No.18346111

File: 073ea478ea58507⋯.jpg (55.11 KB,700x464,175:116,073ea478ea585077f01f9b4252….jpg)

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9a2d1b No.18346112



They always tell you what they're going to do.

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c28a06 No.18346113

File: 42e837c77937ec3⋯.jpeg (43.43 KB,450x673,450:673,1F3522E9_CFD2_45A0_AF7E_A….jpeg)

File: b721e96633020ad⋯.jpeg (221.43 KB,1000x1346,500:673,3B91D025_070E_431E_9A40_6….jpeg)

File: 38f196ec20069b2⋯.jpeg (193.62 KB,1280x1280,1:1,1D7398A5_B8F4_4FC6_A22C_7….jpeg)

File: dcc151dcc6943ac⋯.jpeg (104.99 KB,728x546,4:3,C0A9DCC8_ABDD_4015_A50A_2….jpeg)

File: 911c8a1f351460b⋯.jpeg (155.96 KB,612x612,1:1,CC336ECC_9EAE_43A3_817C_C….jpeg)


Well then ponder biden getting “inaugurated” 12 or 13 minutes early n Trump not conceding for some “weird” reason. Hope comes from lining up your thoughts with the ones that feel better, not because of what you see with your eyes but because the optimistic thoughts feel better. They feel better because they are God’s word/love. Once you get to hope, regardless of the conditions around you, then you’ll get to faith. Once you have faith, it will carry you to KNOWING. Once you know the end result (answered prayer) ow you are loving God and life unconditionally and the prayer is answered. But you feel better on your own because you made yourself have faith BEFORE you seen’t it. Now you are tapped into your power, whereas doubt takes power away. Then u can smite the fuckers with the truth n get to witness God move and you know it’s God moving because u expect the answered prayer without ANY doubt.

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861c4e No.18346115


Fuck RSBN.

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c18c0b No.18346116

File: 51fbc1c0d7a037e⋯.png (140.86 KB,600x320,15:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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4049c0 No.18346117

File: 80f99bcbadb5c93⋯.png (174.68 KB,500x628,125:157,ClipboardImage.png)



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116aef No.18346119

All IP addresses on Q Research are collected and analyzed by the NSA.


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a5e602 No.18346121


to knowingly do it and know what the damage would be is to work against america and americans. treason and sedition and crimes against humanity.

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af06aa No.18346122

File: 2dbe23ffc70cd31⋯.png (1.31 MB,1013x1013,1:1,2dbe23ffc70cd31e134d443ebd….png)

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9a2d1b No.18346123




Red cloaked figures in "White Noise" movie poster mimics red cloaked performers Sam Smith and Rhianna.

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662a87 No.18346124

File: db28f9c2d98062c⋯.mp4 (6.68 MB,1228x638,614:319,14_02_2023_09_46_21_REC.mp4)

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bb9d46 No.18346125

File: 0d37550fc8f4591⋯.jpg (232.34 KB,1100x1535,220:307,spacewolf2.jpg)


Abominable Intelligence is heresy.

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a17df8 No.18346126

File: 0407713c4e7cc75⋯.png (12.24 KB,255x232,255:232,maddogMcheers44.png)

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b913f8 No.18346127

File: 7cfbd77a54a4028⋯.jpg (211.18 KB,942x1192,471:596,TVYOrP0VZJRg_3wGnq6lpD9915….jpg)

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6223ff No.18346128


Well an anon on Soc Media asked & didn't specify what the intent was but was a head scratcher for me so I presented the q to the board. He's a most capable anon who comes here too & will most likely put his own together. I've not seen one have you?

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94ddf6 No.18346129

>>18345626 PB

Escapes campus to 5 miles away. Somehow LE show up to his exact location to witness him shoot himself.

LE run ragged for 3+ hours chasing reports of shots heard and vehicle related activity - yet a single call of some guy by a lake 5 miles away triggers LE to respond/

Seems mostly logical/

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13da66 No.18346131

File: b3278b387e70278⋯.jpg (107.87 KB,900x900,1:1,unnamed.jpg)


…So fucking what.

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387b5d No.18346132

File: ce02e2e36d1ab41⋯.jpg (177.04 KB,593x745,593:745,Gabby_Carter_Popcorn_2.jpg)


>Would be nice to feel that hope again.

For decades we all lived in a 100% fabricated reality. In the past 6 years nearly every piece of fascist/communism shitstain in the US gov't has been exposed; 100% validating Sen Joe McCarthy all these years later. As part of the undoing of decades of programming and hypnosis, the good guys are using their tactics to help the American public wake up to the reality most anons already know about. This takes time, love, and patience. And a bit of sternness.

Feels are great, but as the greatest athletes and bodybuilders would tell you; "Motivation is a false God. Discipline is the truth." Anons are in the discipline stage. Almost everything you see is a psyop. Some psyops are psyops within psyops. It's all noise, and it's not meant for anons. It's meant for normies; to wake them up. You're here to guide and only help when they ask you questions. Be patient, be kind, and grab more popcorn.

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c28a06 No.18346134

File: 1d7681f7fe499df⋯.jpeg (188.21 KB,500x750,2:3,CB458840_F62E_47D0_9C5F_0….jpeg)


“Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety.”

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2c01ad No.18346135

File: ab40a67bb676815⋯.jpg (163.64 KB,720x1226,360:613,20230214_104201.jpg)

File: 64f7e12c9f5fa6c⋯.mp4 (15.12 MB,464x848,29:53,b6Zrs1LPIFWHAYZl_1_.mp4)

Why is it people like you and I have to be the ONLY OPTION to get honest reporting🤬. Just in case you weren’t aware, welcome to the Civil War and Holy War🇺🇸. May I suggest you start praying 2 Chronicles 7:14🙏


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a5e602 No.18346136


if the 5 pound chickens died overnight, then if it's linear, the 50 pound children die in 10 days, the hundred pound women and children die in 20 days, the 200 pound men die in 40 days.

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afa56d No.18346137

File: 04e1defe7b69782⋯.jpg (8.1 KB,128x128,1:1,CH_FJB.jpg)

File: a91ae700e54362d⋯.jpg (10.54 KB,128x128,1:1,CH_TrumpWon.jpg)

File: 507531509ebda8b⋯.jpg (9.42 KB,128x128,1:1,CH_TrustPlan.jpg)

File: 904ed1132b0c9dd⋯.jpg (9.05 KB,128x128,1:1,CH_NCSWIC_Y.jpg)

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c18c0b No.18346138

File: 448c8d82d0c014d⋯.png (1.97 MB,1428x916,357:229,ClipboardImage.png)


low gas prices?

and everyone wearing a mask

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4049c0 No.18346140

File: bfaa669e26a3db8⋯.png (145.52 KB,618x278,309:139,ClipboardImage.png)




>>18346016 (me)

250K farmers in the Ohio River Basin

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439636 No.18346141


Porn and popcorn.. you go brah.

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75275e No.18346142

File: 2f1f89903cb218b⋯.png (159.06 KB,724x456,181:114,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 775aedfcfc5850c⋯.png (205.66 KB,693x414,77:46,ClipboardImage.png)

FX21 USMC F-18 Hornet squawking 7700 (emergency/distress)-safe landing pilot

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95dbd8 No.18346143

File: 5925d0d66934c38⋯.png (107.34 KB,317x398,317:398,WhitelivesMatterKanye.PNG)


White Noise


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b41580 No.18346144


In theory perhaps, but what happens with most oil spills, some payouts after years of legal bullshit, people get sick and die before any restitution is paid, and at the end of it all the companies are still in operation while the people are in the ground. How do you prove what I agree with what you said past them just saying yeah we fucked up, even if they admit their wrong doing, what happens. Just trying to figure out options for people at this point past just surviving and staying healthy.

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b6c7ac No.18346146

File: 6bc55dfd1fd1776⋯.jpg (363.81 KB,1080x1153,1080:1153,5102017.jpg)


>long time

Not necessarily; ones been waiting a period of time to put the final "Mark" to the picture

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387b5d No.18346147

File: 07beec2c1ba2210⋯.png (16.63 KB,503x201,503:201,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't want to see that list, and the only purpose of putting one together is to fling shit or dox. No thanks.

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244770 No.18346149

File: ef00387c90e2172⋯.png (95.31 KB,255x231,85:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd2f51 No.18346150

File: 9bfc346386e14bb⋯.png (247.08 KB,616x375,616:375,2021_05_19_20_49_29.png)


Fuggen shills complaining like they own the place.

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4f27e6 No.18346151

File: 5598b16b29e0046⋯.png (803.66 KB,618x594,103:99,ClipboardImage.png)


Any Jew who does not repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Promised Messiah, is part of the Jewish Mafia.

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94ddf6 No.18346152

File: 66ec6a9f4e80a70⋯.png (81.15 KB,184x273,184:273,ClipboardImage.png)

"White Noise" airborne toxic event movie - appropriate title, setting and motive for E. Palestine OH event.

Lulling, barely perceptible distraction from something more important.

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4049c0 No.18346153

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2c01ad No.18346154

File: 1f62d5586a67ec0⋯.jpg (169.86 KB,720x940,36:47,20230214_105101.jpg)


Luring child with White Rabbit

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a5e602 No.18346156


if they are skating because of commercial law, use their laws against them. lien the company and all its locations and assets. lien the corporate officers individually.

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6223ff No.18346157


Well those that got posted by Q were not only anons faggot. This list would have fren & foe alike, yes?

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37a133 No.18346158

File: 9fb9307142ac78f⋯.png (602.81 KB,783x796,783:796,points4.png)


"White Noise" - because there are too many white people.

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6a59c7 No.18346159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



actual video sauce

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1d2b80 No.18346160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video Timeline of East Palestine, Ohio, Chemical Disaster


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a89112 No.18346161

File: 731409dc43dd379⋯.gif (367.49 KB,540x198,30:11,641fad77180178ba110cd5b070….gif)


Balloons and Rihanna floating on a platform connection?

When bodies die, they release gases lighter than air (like methane and carbon dioxide), thus "you'll float too"- Pennywise


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a17df8 No.18346162

File: 7f0fdd83524c30b⋯.jpg (24.99 KB,255x246,85:82,A44.jpg)


watch the water

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b41580 No.18346164

File: 74e1e65af688bfe⋯.png (1.62 MB,960x1440,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

i thought people were talking about this movie at first.

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e34e72 No.18346165

File: b3793a4cd1099d2⋯.png (12.77 MB,1125x2436,375:812,BEB25DD5_EBB2_46C8_858C_64….png)

Man running down the block carrying a box of toilet paper while looking back as if being chased. Can’t tell what woman in carrying?

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b43dd5 No.18346166

does an anon by chance have the shepherd dog video dan scavino posted a while ago, please?

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662a87 No.18346167


it is written

the Truth faileth

the Daughter of Zion is stricken with the incurable wound

taken captive

Isaiah 29

Wisdom chapter 5-6

The Spirit of Truth is He with whom the world cannot recieve

the Son of man is despised by the world

the 2nd comforter shall come even the spirit of truth

the two witnesses tormented the world

Isaiah 1. Biggest black pill

the sum of all fears

the plot of halo 6

why the arm of the Lord instead of the Arms of the Lord

Why the Bridegroom instead of the Bride and the Groom

Backsliding daughter of zion, the Lord shall do a new thing

a woman shall encircle a man (jeremiah)

that man has encircled the lamb, and intends to eat it

he cannot until it has become a carcasse

matthew 24:28

Abominable but not for the reasons you think

What is the Word of God?

His Power is in His Word

What does it mean to have Power to give Life to the Image of the Beast?

What happened in Halo 6?

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6a59c7 No.18346168

File: 994ef31d56abe1d⋯.png (121.79 KB,444x256,111:64,R3Q2Vjm.png)

Is this the place where the Anons make the pain?

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387b5d No.18346169

File: 7d20b2f3b6f67ab⋯.png (42.02 KB,147x100,147:100,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 166888fb4010f93⋯.png (848.38 KB,557x529,557:529,ClipboardImage.png)

Makes you wonder if the film, and the recent catastrophe, is a soft reveal for something they've done in the past.

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e439b6 No.18346170

47° with 47% chance of rain

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a89112 No.18346171


Balloons and Rihanna floating on a platform connection?

When bodies die, they release gases lighter than air (like methane and carbon dioxide), thus "you'll float too"- Pennywise


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dd87e4 No.18346172

File: 3e34666ca30b145⋯.png (43.95 KB,645x130,129:26,Screen_Shot_2023_02_14_at_….png)

File: b959e23e48e759f⋯.png (138.41 KB,648x271,648:271,Screen_Shot_2023_02_14_at_….png)

File: 1d30520950135cd⋯.png (87.55 KB,1211x568,1211:568,Screen_Shot_2023_02_14_at_….png)

CBS used to be called Columbia Broadcasting System.


Space Shuttle Columbia blew up over Palestine Texas in 2003.


There's even a mention of a scientific balloon facility!

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a17df8 No.18346173

File: 014303b47e9f8c2⋯.png (8.16 KB,226x255,226:255,35ded70b1442bc970e05493e2f….png)

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a89112 No.18346174

File: 731409dc43dd379⋯.gif (367.49 KB,540x198,30:11,641fad77180178ba110cd5b070….gif)


Balloons and Rihanna floating on a platform connection?

When bodies die, they release gases lighter than air (like methane and carbon dioxide), thus "you'll float too"- Pennywise


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0a11c5 No.18346176

File: 27d861307b2b572⋯.png (78.24 KB,229x274,229:274,Screenshot_2023_02_14_1056….png)

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6a59c7 No.18346177

File: 73229e093e803c9⋯.png (1.82 MB,1200x1563,400:521,67599172a0b9c96deebd0b7be0….png)

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c01483 No.18346178


Yes. Nice post. My heart just grieves this world.

God healed me five years ago from depression, anxiety, addiction and COPD. Healed my spouse then muh kid.

For such a time as this.

It has to not be a man, judge, government, that will set the captives free. Only God and to Him the glory. It is coming.

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5beca3 No.18346179


Put the Bunny back in the box

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e34e72 No.18346180


Care to expand upon that? I get your general take but curious if you have any more detailed thoughts?

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d206b6 No.18346181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:15 PM ET

President Biden at Nat'l Association of Counties Legislative Conference

President Biden delivers remarks on the economy during the National Association of Counties legislative conference in Washington, DC.



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457072 No.18346182

File: 251ebd7922b7371⋯.png (1.42 MB,969x969,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Treasure map (x marks the spot)

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387b5d No.18346183


Q knows whos who. Good enough for me, and good enough for you.

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dd65a2 No.18346184

File: 2383ab476101d8c⋯.png (497.55 KB,500x500,1:1,gaslighting_intensifies.png)


Is he going to brag again, and say that his economy is the best one in decades?

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0a11c5 No.18346185

File: c339af1f089f502⋯.jpg (157.64 KB,900x890,90:89,Fo8c85ZXEAIviXs.jpg)

Sarah is going full Brittney.

The MK broke her.

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c18c0b No.18346186

File: 7b95cdc75822d5f⋯.png (2.51 MB,1852x947,1852:947,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f65e5f1e37e8a5e⋯.png (3.23 MB,1877x1009,1877:1009,ClipboardImage.png)


what is happening here?

dragging somebody into a church hospital?

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d28f79 No.18346187


>My heart just grieves this world.


Trying to stay positive and keep others positive, it is hard, but trying.

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457072 No.18346188

File: e18e8b501aad808⋯.png (1.56 MB,1019x1007,1019:1007,ClipboardImage.png)

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30020c No.18346189


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bc78a2 No.18346190


The "soft reveal" is their go-to in almost all their dealings.

Symbolism will be their downfall.

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37a133 No.18346191


Forced vaxx.

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e439b6 No.18346192

Battery at 47%

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6b8640 No.18346193

File: 596a8a26865e3ea⋯.png (108.73 KB,813x618,271:206,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd248e0eaf5ec14⋯.png (169.13 KB,855x809,855:809,ClipboardImage.png)

101 Page Whistleblower Document Reveals The Biden Pentagon Suppressed Concerns About COVID Shot Side Effects And Many Soldiers Suffered Horrifying Injuries As A Result

In August of 2021, the Biden Regime decided to mandate the COVID vaccine for all U.S. soldiers, ignoring concerns regarding the side effects from the shot. A 101 page whistleblower document reveals not only did they act to suppress these worries, but their decision also had devastating health consequences for some of our heroes.

In August of 2022, The Gateway Pundit reported on the harrowing testimony from soldiers across all military branches who suffered significant injuries after being forced to take the COVID shot, which still remains under emergency use authorization (EUA). Most wished to remain anonymous due to fear of being permanently grounded if their injuries become known to their flight doctors.

The report, compiled by William P. Anton, was submitted to dozens of members of the Senate and House of Representatives. Yet the response from Congress, by and large, has been silence. Many of our representatives who proclaim to care about our military have known about these injuries for months and have done little to help.

These vaccine injuries included heart issues, vertigo, chronic fatigue, and shortness of breath. One service member even suffered from four strokes hours after her shot and is now unable to work due to ongoing balance issues. Another suffers from chest pains associated with pericarditis along with myalgia, ongoing neurological issues, and bilateral tinnitus.

Last night, The Daily Caller reported they acquired the document, which was first provided to Congress in January 2022. The document is reportedly divided into four sections, with the first containing testimony from service members injured by the vaccine along with medical evidence.

The Pentagon also actively ignored exemption requests, even future ones from individuals injured from the shot.

The military members who spoke to the Daily Caller revealed there was a grand coverup to protect the Biden Regime from accountability. The Pentagon blew off soldiers who had suffered major side effects resulting from the vaccine and refused to report these injuries to VAERS, a database which detects possible adverse reactions associated with vaccines. VAERS is co-sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Disclosing these injuries would have undermined the Regime narrative that the COVID vaccine was safe and effective for all individuals. This would have also embroiled Biden in a major scandal.

The Daily Caller reported:

The Department of Defense (DOD) mandated the vaccine for all servicemembers and marketed it as safe, but whistleblowers say their concerns about possible adverse responses went unheeded.

A spokesperson for the Defense Health Agency (DHA), which oversees medical services for the Army, Navy and Air Force, told the Daily Caller News Foundation DOD monitors a database where individuals can publicly report negative health events they believe may be related to the mandated COVID-19 vaccine.

However, many instances were never entered into the database, while military supervisors suppressed concerns about the possible side effects of the mandated shot and ignored exemption requests, according to a whistleblower document and servicemembers familiar with the situation.


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bb9d46 No.18346194

File: 12a708984999d4b⋯.png (805.07 KB,723x1000,723:1000,12a708984999d4b5aad04b527a….png)


>What happened in Halo 6?

I wouldn't know because I don't suck Microsoft cock. Didn't realize you're a namefag. Filtered. I'm getting sloppy if I missed a namefag. I better smarten the fuck up.

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e34e72 No.18346195


>God healed me five years ago from depression, anxiety, addiction and COPD

Congrats anon! Been working on healing muhself of most of these. The depression beast is the hardest of all to conquer. Wonderful to hear of your success given how intimately familiar I am with the overbearingly oppressive nature of these conditions. Happy for you and yours! Gives me hope!

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dc4a61 No.18346196

File: 0f612edf7fbc31c⋯.png (600.19 KB,736x1177,736:1177,ClipboardImage.png)


> divine dubs

Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, the Greatest Marine to Ever Live. Saved the entire nation once. Fought on almost every continent on the planet, first saw combat at age sixteen, won the Congressional Medal of Honor twice. Smart, sharp, tough motherfucker. At least, that's the legend.


Pic-related is an incredibly good book. Too-bad he was tricked into supporting the Socialist Party.

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95dbd8 No.18346197

File: b5497f601688d9d⋯.png (134.96 KB,776x480,97:60,Screenshot_from_2023_02_14….png)

File: 39529ae5012ec23⋯.jpg (204.26 KB,761x400,761:400,whitenoiseMoviePoster17.jpg)



>Luring child with White Rabbit

17 at the intersection of train crash

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6ac14d No.18346198


Yes watch the movie - spoiler alert

Adam Drivers wife is afraid to die so she calls a newspaper ad to get in a pharma study for Dylar a drug that’s not approved.

drug trial ends bc doesn’t work - she wants to keep taking it so she goes to see a dude at the motel. He makes her give him head and she wears a ski mask (look at the motel on the poster).

Adam goes to the motel and shoots him and then takes him to the church for emergency care.

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8204ad No.18346199


do you know the difference between





puerto ricans

cubans etc

or are all brown skins mexican

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6b8640 No.18346200

In Sudden Narrative Shift, Pentagon Admits Mystery Objects 'Probably' Private Craft Not Tied To Spying

Edward Snowden called it (and so did we)… just a day ago, as we reported: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden says the hysteria over UFOs being shot down over America and Canada is a distraction from Seymour Hersh’s story about the U.S. being responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines.

Less than 24 hours later, on Tuesday, Bloomberg reports that "The US government has assessed that three unidentified objects downed since last Friday were likely for commercial use and not foreign intelligence gathering."

A 24/7 hyped news cycle, with breathless US defense official press briefings and reporters asking about aliens and UFOs, and just like that… the public is casually informed they were probably just "balloons tied to some commercial or benign purpose."

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Tuesday: "Given what we’ve been able to ascertain thus far, the intelligence community’s considering, again, as a leading explanation, that these could just be balloons tied to some commercial or benign purpose."

Additionally, coming off the alleged Chinese 'spy' balloon shootdown off South Carolina on Feb.4 - which started this sensational trend of Pentagon jets taking potshots of unknown small objects in skies over North America with Sidewinder missiles that cost the taxpaying public $400,000 a pop, Kirby admitted:

"We haven’t seen any indication or anything that points specifically to the idea that these three objects were part of the People’s Republic of China’s spy balloon program, or that they were definitively involved in external intelligence collection efforts,” Kirby said.

And what's more, with the "China balloon threat" new read scare over American skies hyped narrative now being walked back, the Pentagon says it may never know with certainty, as Axios reports further of Kirby's briefing:

Asked whether there was a possibility that the debris would never be recovered, Kirby acknowledged that it was a "difficult question" but said, "we’re taking this day by day and doing the best we can to try to locate the debris and then develop a plan to recover it.”

"We haven’t seen any indication or anything that points specifically to the idea that these three objects were part of the People’s Republic of China’s spy balloon program, or that they were definitively involved in external intelligence collection efforts,” Kirby said.

The objects did not appear to have been operated by the U.S. government, per Kirby.

He also underscored that no individual or entity has yet come forward to identify themselves as owners or operators of the objects.


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9a2d1b No.18346201

File: 74426a3ed832ca1⋯.png (130.09 KB,1732x604,433:151,Screenshot_2023_02_14_at_1….png)


THIS IS WHAT FASCISM LOOKS LIKE: New York City Teachers Who Refused The COVID Jab Had Their Fingerprints And Personnel Files Sent To The Corrupt FBI

From Sat but I don't remember seeing it here.

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6a59c7 No.18346202

File: 07c468ca1fdad9f⋯.png (28.08 KB,820x1160,41:58,Q_3957_FAUXA.png)

File: 1d13cf1bb5757f2⋯.png (311.9 KB,1923x1160,1923:1160,Q_3957_FAUXB.png)

File: e5af56db4372aff⋯.png (3.68 MB,8744x4784,1093:598,fox1a.png)


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f54093 No.18346203

File: 00bd8524638a9cf⋯.jpg (524.44 KB,1080x1089,120:121,Screenshot_20230214_130006….jpg)

US federal agents arrested Antonio Intriago, Arcangel Pretel Ortiz and Walter Veintemilla over alleged ties to Moise’s assassination through a Florida-based security company, the report said, citing Intriago’s lawyer.


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2c01ad No.18346204

File: d3d4800ab49a36c⋯.jpg (139.94 KB,720x960,3:4,20230214_110129.jpg)





Crying child staring at pizza

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6ac14d No.18346205


There is an entire subplot beyond the train catastrophe.

The nuclear family survives and his exposure seems not to harm him in the long run… unless they’re all dead at the supermarket at the end who fkn knows the movie was awful

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e34e72 No.18346206


My thoughts, exactly.

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6a59c7 No.18346207

File: 446e21f0b7e0fdb⋯.png (881.98 KB,2428x1090,1214:545,fauxex6.png)

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e34e72 No.18346208


My thoughts, exactly.

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457072 No.18346209


Sorry, anon is tarded, correct woman enlarged…

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9a2d1b No.18346210


Looks like a plastic bag filled with bread or rolls.

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37a133 No.18346211

File: fb7726f91cd4de7⋯.png (64.68 KB,235x150,47:30,HRC_.png)

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9dd357 No.18346212


Donald Trump will not win the 2024 GOP primary.

ps: since 2012, every single one of my political predictions has come true

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339f89 No.18346213

File: 66dac1448fbb9d5⋯.png (405.25 KB,737x1651,737:1651,ClipboardImage.png)

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457072 No.18346214

File: d71f8a871a001b5⋯.png (2.11 MB,1542x923,1542:923,ClipboardImage.png)

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75275e No.18346215

File: ae187d1a4143f16⋯.png (262.01 KB,795x424,15:8,ClipboardImage.png)

PF: BOXER42 C-40C inbound to JBA after Warsaw depart and Shannon, Ireland stop for fuel

prolly IMF staff-since the US Gov't funds 60% of it

IMF to meet Ukraine officials in Warsaw next week


Italian AF 1431 KC-767 tanker (from Rome)and IAM4684 C-130 Hercules (from Pisa) inbound after stop at Lajes AB

RSAF RSF1299 A330 also inbound from Riyadh depart and stop at King Khalid AB south of Damman on SA east coast

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6ac14d No.18346216


Oh and one more thing… the drug makes you feel like you’re going inside someone else

Which has some weird spirit cooking parallels imho


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6b8640 No.18346217

File: 94ed9ba047ebb9a⋯.png (243.01 KB,553x413,79:59,ClipboardImage.png)

Nikki Haley Announces Doomed Presidential Campaign

Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley announced early Tuesday morning that she will seek the Republican nomination for President in 2024, becoming former president Donald Trump’s first official challenger.

In the process, she also broke a promise to not to run for president should Trump decide to make another bid for the Oval Office.

In her video announcement, Haley explained she is running because “it’s time for a new generation of leadership,” taking a subtle shot at both Trump and Joe Biden.


Israel's puppet

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c18c0b No.18346218

File: 031a78d15684d9a⋯.png (521.87 KB,566x625,566:625,ClipboardImage.png)


is that corn crop?


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dd87e4 No.18346219

File: aa3983099cfd685⋯.png (61.03 KB,667x196,667:196,Screen_Shot_2023_02_14_at_….png)

File: f2a640539241b14⋯.png (199.06 KB,478x662,239:331,Screen_Shot_2023_02_14_at_….png)

File: e49ba43207b9736⋯.png (138.64 KB,643x492,643:492,Screen_Shot_2023_02_14_at_….png)

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a5e602 No.18346220


>ps: since 2012, every single one of my political predictions has come true

sauce. with names and addresses. EXIF is best.

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6a59c7 No.18346221

File: c63b13b0c2295c2⋯.jpg (54.49 KB,600x600,1:1,SMED4.jpg)


Wrong "ism" but close!


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9a2d1b No.18346223


Evil looking nuns. Typical Pedowood hatred towards Christians.

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251500 No.18346225

File: 9e3aa245e0f8300⋯.png (5.85 MB,1792x828,448:207,B1CB044C_A0F0_49FF_8660_D1….png)

Jfktranny queer volcano seks dungeon still not discovered

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6a59c7 No.18346226

File: b733e369cea1502⋯.png (107.86 KB,1134x986,567:493,a23b.png)

File: 85ac341f303ac05⋯.png (123.53 KB,738x717,246:239,a23c.png)

File: 790611e71c84c09⋯.png (113.18 KB,1920x932,480:233,a23d3.png)

File: 5eb805da5b36c49⋯.png (616.35 KB,998x704,499:352,rupertmurdochpapalknight5.png)

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dc4a61 No.18346227

File: e723fc6792a2251⋯.png (859.97 KB,1120x376,140:47,ClipboardImage.png)







ty, frens.

Did anons notice the woman dragging a child towards the red-robed figures?

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13da66 No.18346228

…Must be shift change.

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af4ba7 No.18346229


GOP (if it still exists then) will not have a primary in 2024 because all the RINOs will have flamed out and only DJT will remain.

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75275e No.18346230

File: 901869465e42938⋯.png (321.81 KB,396x476,99:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a427e No.18346231

File: 2c0dee7d31934a5⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB,320x584,40:73,UQ82t7YTROVJ0tNB.mp4)

🤬Dead fish are being pulled from rivers outside East Palestine, Ohio.

The trucks doing the work are labeled EnviroScience, an Ohio-based company that provides "time-sensitive solutions to environmental challenges."


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a0de66 No.18346232

File: 0840428ad2d6a64⋯.png (460.81 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_02_14_11_13_5….png)

File: b20d0860a49e7c4⋯.png (199.69 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_02_14_11_13_3….png)

File: 7c5a6f6c7c6511d⋯.png (473.29 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_02_12_20_15_2….png)

File: 0bff0f52d83b9ea⋯.png (521.38 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_02_12_19_47_1….png)

I might have been late last round

Try again


Just thought might interest a few

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6a59c7 No.18346233

File: f3260c8263562e7⋯.png (456.42 KB,1140x936,95:78,rupertmurdochpapalknight2.png)

File: a3726353ee512d3⋯.png (233.86 KB,434x329,62:47,b4.png)

File: e89e64aeb07979e⋯.png (1.18 MB,3452x2728,863:682,FB3.png)

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c01483 No.18346234

File: 9cacd95aadcce2a⋯.jpeg (706.01 KB,1125x1156,1125:1156,DF7E74D5_915E_4337_A064_E….jpeg)


It’s going to be everything. The joy of the Lord is our strength. That is it. Joy doesn’t mean happiness but knowledge God is in control and He loves His people.

The powers and principalities will be brought down. We will not fear. The spirit of fear will be lifted off nations. This Country will be restored and we will have our Victory! Say these things out loud. Praise God for what he is about to do.

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08c9e6 No.18346235

File: 6c4b73f68e543f3⋯.jpg (37.98 KB,400x516,100:129,6c4b73f68e543f30fec5f96061….jpg)


>but the [media] is desperate to divide Americans into meaningless categories

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6b8640 No.18346236

BBC offices ‘raided’ in India

According to local media, the search was linked to an investigation into financial irregularities

The BBC has reported that its bureaus in the Indian capital, New Delhi, and Mumbai, were targets of a surprise 'raid' by Income Tax Department officials on Tuesday. According to local media, tax authorities have been investigating alleged financial irregularities in the British state broadcaster's Indian dealings.

In a statement on Twitter, the broadcaster said it is “fully cooperating” with the Indian tax authorities and that it hopes to resolve the situation as soon as possible.

According to the Income Tax Department, which spoke to ANI News, the visit to the BBC offices was only a “limited survey action” to check certain financial aspects of the company, and was not a “raid,” as described by the BBC. Additionally, a report by NDTV also suggested that the tax officials carried out the "survey" due to allegations of international taxation and transfer pricing irregularities involving the broadcaster.

The BBC claims that the searches could be connected to a documentary it released several weeks ago in the UK which was critical of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and accused him of playing a vital role in the anti-Muslim riots that broke out in Gujarat in 2002 – when several months of inter-communal violence led to the deaths of over 1,000 people, two-thirds of whom were Muslim.

Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party insists that Indian institutions work independently and that the tax department is “within the law in looking into tax compliance.” Party spokesman Gaurav Bhatia said that India “gives an opportunity” to every organization as long as they “don’t spew venom.” He did, however, describe the BBC as the “most corrupt organization in the world.”

As for the Modi documentary, the Indian government has dismissed it as propaganda. The foreign minister described it last month as an attempt to push a “discredited narrative,” and accused the BBC of bias, lack of objectivity, and of having a “colonial mindset.”


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6a59c7 No.18346238

File: b615aa377a8cecf⋯.png (337.85 KB,3452x2772,863:693,FB1.png)



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37a133 No.18346239

File: b146db2c0d5f9a8⋯.png (66.36 KB,697x208,697:208,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,pepe_keks.png)

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000000 No.18346240

In 1997, Sec. of Defense William S Cohen Admits "Others" Are Causing Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, and Climate Alterations Using Electromagnetic Waves


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2c01ad No.18346241

File: 43d34a48c6da000⋯.jpg (114.96 KB,720x840,6:7,20230214_110734.jpg)

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6b8640 No.18346242

File: ddeaf0a073dcf98⋯.png (173.44 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Set To Name Fed's Lael Brainard To Lead White House National Economic Council

President Biden could soon announce Federal Reserve Vice Chair Lael Brainard, one of the most dovish and progressive Fed members, will be his top economic advisor, according to WSJ, citing people familiar with the matter. They added the announcement could come as soon as today.

Brainard will replace the outgoing National Economic Council (NEC) Director Brian Deese at a challenging economic time of high inflation, elevated interest rates, and waning economic growth. Brainard would then be the second former Fed official to join the president's team. Former Fed Chair Janet Yellen currently heads up the Department of the Treasury.

Brainard's abrupt exit from the central bank comes ahead of a re-election year for the president. She will be in charge of coordinating economic policy across the government.

Analysts told WSJ that Brainard's move to NEC head could allow her to eventually succeed Yellen at the Treasury if Biden wins re-election in 2024.

"Putting Brainard in earshot of Biden will help her build a rapport with the person who previously passed her over for two bigger roles," said Ben Koltun, director of research at Beacon Policy Advisors LLC in Washington.

The overhaul of Biden's economic team also leaves a second vacancy after Cecilia Rouse, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, departs this spring. People familiar with the matter said Jared Bernstein could be replacing Rouse.

And at the central bank, Brainard's move will create an opening as Fed members pause the most aggressive interest-rate hikes to combat inflation in a generation.

WSJ pointed out it's highly unusual for Fed officials to leave their jobs and take positions in the White House at a moment's notice. The last time this happened was:

Ben Bernanke left his job as a Fed governor in 2005 to run the CEA, where he developed a good relationship with President George W. Bush, who picked him the following year to lead the Fed. Ms. Yellen left her position as a Fed governor during the Clinton administration to serve as the CEA chair.

Brainard's appointment is no surprise considering she's one of the most dovish and progressive Fed members. This is also a major political inflection point within the White House as they gear up for re-election next year.


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5c7f9b No.18346243

what is up anons?

any happenings?

media still silent on East Palestine?

all they want to talk about today is Michigan State shooter it seems

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6ac14d No.18346244


I’m gonna watch it again but from what I remember the interesting thing about the nuns is they were German (and Adam driver is the leading professor on Hitler btw) and they tell him to stop praying bc they don’t believe bc all that matters is that YOU believe in ANYTHING doesn’t matter what it is

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1c9b03 No.18346245


Juws still in closet bout Lloyd’s gas chamber suicide

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bb9d46 No.18346246

File: d964e02a2b533e4⋯.gif (1.28 MB,370x360,37:36,wtf3.gif)

Lady G just proposed an amnesty bill for 2 million illegals? The fuck is wrong with that piece of shit?

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ec15ea No.18346247



>since 2012, every single one of my political predictions has come true


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cda600 No.18346248


>Luring child with White Rabbit

fwiw, "White Noise" and "White Rabbit" have the same numerical value in Jewish gematria.

So the title of the film is sort of like 'White Rabbit' but in code.

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160bf8 No.18346249

White House: Three downed UFOs likely commercial, 'benign,' not part of China spy balloon program

"The remnants are in very difficult terrain," Sen. Kennedy said. "They're looking, but they haven't been able to find them."

By Madeleine Hubbard

Updated: February 14, 2023 - 12:46pm

The White House on Tuesday said the three objects downed by the U.S. military in the past five days were likely used for "benign" or commercial purposes and were not part of the Chinese spy program but the remnants have not yet been recovered.

"These could just be balloons tied to some commercial or benign purpose," National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said, according to NPR.

"While we can’t definitively say, again without analyzing the debris, what these objects were, thus far — and I caveat that by saying thus far — we haven’t seen any indication or anything that points specifically to the idea that these three objects were part of the [China’s] spy balloon program, or that they were definitively involved in external intelligence collection efforts," Kirby also said.

Navy divers have recovered the payload of the China surveillance balloon that was shot down Feb. 7 and recovered off the South Carolina coast. But the remnants of the three UFO shot down Friday, Saturday, then Sunday have yet to be recovered.

"They are in very difficult terrain," Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley said during a separate press conference Tuesday "The [first] one, off the coast of Alaska, that's in some really, really difficult terrain in the Arctic Circle, with very, very low temperatures in the minus 40s. The second one is in the Canadian Rockies and the Yukon. Very difficult to get that one, and the third one is in Lake Huron, probably a couple 100 feet [deep], so we'll get them eventually, but it's going to take some time to recover those."

Sen. Kennedy of Louisiana made a similar comment after the Senate received an intelligence briefing on the matter.

"The remnants are in very difficult terrain," he said. "They're looking, but they haven't been able to find them."


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d206b6 No.18346250

File: 5022dbee1da9153⋯.png (309.68 KB,591x803,591:803,THEY_HAVE_AWOKEN_THE_JEB.png)

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dfc61e No.18346251


Both male boxes do volcano seks queer

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662a87 No.18346252

File: 07f7cdfd23e3985⋯.mp4 (15.51 MB,1232x640,77:40,14_02_2023_10_06_20_REC.mp4)

fern and O esparza

Burningbush and O


a-z raps E

The name Esparza is primarily a gender-neutral name of Spanish origin that means Swordsman, Soldier. Spanish occupational surname for a professional swordsman/soldier.

He came not to bring Peace, but a Sword

and He Brought It To me.

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37a133 No.18346253

File: 6ff53f98d572156⋯.png (314.6 KB,516x500,129:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc4a61 No.18346254

File: 7f95d7b72693c5e⋯.png (140.18 KB,220x318,110:159,ClipboardImage.png)



Gen. Butler busted and exposed the fascist plot to overthrow the American government. And yeah, later in life he was a registered Socialist because he publicly opposed corporatism and fascism. He was denouncing the system he had fought for while in uniform. Tricked and betrayed, as he described it.

Try reading his book:


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111d59 No.18346255


Jfktranny quick to build border fence after hobosexual lost old rubber in backyard

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5da8bd No.18346256


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75275e No.18346257

File: 62acc2d2ee3f365⋯.png (59.71 KB,302x325,302:325,ClipboardImage.png)


>succeed Yellen at the Treasury

Yellen ain't gonna last that long

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6b8640 No.18346258

File: 2ba921e311c5e9d⋯.png (193.24 KB,533x717,533:717,ClipboardImage.png)

Michigan Democrat Says ‘F**k Your Thoughts And Prayers’ Following Michigan State Shooting

Ranjeev Puri, the majority leader within the Michigan House, issued a vulgar statement in the wake of the MSU shooting.

A prominent Democrat representative within the Michigan legislature attacked those who offered “thoughts and prayers” for those affected by the mass shooting at Michigan State University.

Ranjeev Puri, the majority leader within the Michigan House, released an inflammatory statement Tuesday morning after a 43-year-old black man carried out a shooting on Michigan State University’s (MSU) campus, killing three students.

Puri began his statement by saying, “F**k your thoughts and prayers,” before echoing calls for gun control.

The Michigan rep. claimed that “going to school in America, whether its pre-school or college, means risking your life every day to the threat of a mass shooting.”

“Yet all we have offered up are empty solutions — traumatizing active shooter drills and bulletproof backpacks,” he added, failing to mention MSU’s campus was a gun-free zone.


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658a0e No.18346259

File: 5b9e31911f4cc88⋯.png (33.79 KB,363x645,121:215,Elections_no_matter_at_thi….png)

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f88c7c No.18346260

There is nothing in the government database confirming anything about the MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY…. Seal Team Six.

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d7f39c No.18346261

File: 527d49b2d1ff270⋯.png (403.55 KB,700x471,700:471,Another_body_Count_1.png)

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37a133 No.18346262

File: a5c118b1332be84⋯.png (64.93 KB,400x400,1:1,points_5.png)

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13da66 No.18346263

File: b581a7f8a66ae12⋯.jpg (269.14 KB,1000x562,500:281,clowncaronfire.jpg)

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387b5d No.18346264


Nope; just shitpoastin.

-How many people die from flu every year until COVID?

-How many more died from COVID than flu (not that many and most deaths were unnecessary due to the response, not the infection itself)?

-We're back to normal numbers, but the new narrative is "excess deaths due to vax", but the vaccines aren't doing it because the deaths actually scale to population growth. They keep looking for a reason to fluff deaths when it's scaling correctly as per past figures.

-Damar Hamlin show was bullshit and everyone knows it, now.

-Weather balloons go down all the time.

-There's an avg 1074 train derailments every year. We've only had, what, 3 or 4 so far?

-Ukraine is just a money laundering scheme while Russia cleans the place up.

-Twitter files are a nice little exposé into what really happened on Twitter leading up to the stollen election - which itself is another show.

As someone recently said about the narratives "It ties the room together". They all serve a purpose, and it's all coordinated by "not them".


It's not "them" that are doing the soft reveals, now. It's the other team. What do they want us to notice?

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c9d863 No.18346265


Catalytic thief’s threaten jfktranny lesbian Toyota farts expensive up+date

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a89112 No.18346266


you perhaps do not truly understand what nuns are.

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0d86ba No.18346267


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00720f No.18346268

File: f7cfb1b2ae736ee⋯.png (933.25 KB,730x1095,2:3,f7cfb1b2ae736eec6e40a3133c….png)


Pfft says (you)

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f88c7c No.18346269


Did that black hooker steal your cash…lol

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244770 No.18346270


It just sounds like fame faggery.

My account was flagged and all I got was an influx of nitwits that eventually got banned.

There is no reason to revisit the shitshow.

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3c4bda No.18346271

File: ab29df347de10df⋯.png (85.9 KB,250x250,1:1,Peacemaker_1.png)


>i thought people were talking about this movie at first.

Nope, they are talking about me for 45 years!

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9a2d1b No.18346272

File: cc7e7054d2cff44⋯.png (223.41 KB,1412x596,353:149,Screenshot_2023_02_14_at_1….png)

File: a3152b4f1f44689⋯.png (147.56 KB,2118x340,1059:170,Screenshot_2023_02_14_at_1….png)


>Noah Baumbach

Father was Stanford prof. (C_A recruitment central).


His personal hero is Woody Allen- a pedo.


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6a59c7 No.18346273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



ANON thinks for Anons self.

Tricked Once!

Tricked Twice!

Or never quite had it all figured out yet was a total Hero for exposing what he was able to figure out… yes.

And will Anons use Smedley as an Example? Yes…

You have not been paying full attention:

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c18c0b No.18346274


>Michigan Democrat Says ‘F**k Your Thoughts And Prayers’ Following Michigan State Shooting

was he praying for Hamlin?

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457072 No.18346275

File: 2bdaf58330fadcb⋯.png (229.24 KB,612x612,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



From 2019, not new.

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6b8640 No.18346276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moderna Chief Bragged to WEF Attendees About Predicting a ‘Billion Dollar’ Pandemic in 2019.

Stephane Bancel's comments have been glossed over, but surely he has questions to answer?

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel boasted to a CNBC host that his pharmaceuticals company had begun working on a COVID-19 vaccine before the virus even had a name. Bancel said he wanted an mRNA vaccine factory on every continent, and that his company was making a deal with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to bring Modern COVID-19 vaccines to China. But these weren’t Bancel’s only stunning admissions, made at the World Economic Forum’s Davos conference in 2023. The big pharma boss also bragged that he foresaw a pandemic that would be a huge money spinner for his company… at the end of 2019.

Bancel was a featured speaker on the January 18th WEF panel, “State of the Pandemic.”

During that event, moderator and Euronews Senior Business Editor Sasha Vakulina asked:

“Let’s talk about vaccine development, ’cause we’ve heard how it happened obviously with COVID-19 starting from 2022 and how extraordinary the process was also in terms of the speed. How is the development, adoption, and scaling of vaccines going on when it comes for different variants and sub-variants?”

She called this one of the “big concerns” the WEF Davos attendees had.

The “great news” was that Moderna and other vaccine makers have “manufacturing capacity,” Bancel began.

“When the [COVID] pandemic happened, Moderna had made a hundred thousand doses in 2019 for the whole year. And I remember walking after those into the office of my other manufacturing and I say, ‘How we make [sic] a billion dollars next year?’ And they look at me a bit funny and say, ‘What?’ And I say, ‘Yeah, we need to make a billion dollars next year, there’s going to be a pandemic.’”

Bancel would likely justify his apparent excitement about the potential pandemic making Moderna so much money by claiming that he wanted to make the money with “life-saving” vaccines. But asking how to make a billion dollars off a new technology while people are mysteriously getting sick around the world is a strange way of saying it. And he wonders why his staff looked at him “a bit funny.”

We now have evidence that COVID vaccines, including Moderna’s, are not particularly effective against COVID-19 contraction, and can have serious and dangerous side effects. Boston Magazine claimed, in 2020, that Bancel wrote to National Institutes of Health (NIH) deputy director Barney Graham as soon as he saw the news about “viral pneumonia” in China in January 2020 (COVID-19 first surfaced in December 2019, according to the CDC, but the magazine said Bancel found out about it in January), and Graham reportedly wrote Bancel, “If it’s a coronavirus, we know what to do and have proven mRNA is effective.”

Bancel wanted a pandemic, and the pandemic came.


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251500 No.18346277


Double volcano double male box double blames double border over double seo meta double group think double invades double crack

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d206b6 No.18346278

File: dd090c97479a7fe⋯.png (524.77 KB,1230x565,246:113,dan_sullivan_fcc.png)

File: 88241f85718eb5c⋯.png (556.23 KB,1230x629,1230:629,gigi_sohn_bottles.png)

Dan Sullivan reading Sohn's words back to her

she called fox news "state-sponsored propaganda"

"republicans know the only way they can win is to suppress the vote"

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f88c7c No.18346279

01010011 01100101 01100001 01101100 00100000 01010100 01100101 01100001 01101101 00100000 01010011 01101001 01111000

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7fc7e2 No.18346280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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387b5d No.18346281

File: f4c6514cd2a14b7⋯.png (990.41 KB,1280x1024,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Praise Jesus.

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bb9d46 No.18346282

File: f326e819fcff83d⋯.png (216.88 KB,638x839,638:839,ClipboardImage.png)

MSDS for Vinyl Chloride.


How is this not a chemical attack?

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c18c0b No.18346283

balloons are a bust.

fire up michigan shooting and gun control narrative for a week

no coverage of Ohio chemical warfare on cnn

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6a59c7 No.18346284

File: 3fe105d23bde4ce⋯.jpg (69.86 KB,719x379,719:379,SMEDLEY3.jpg)


Wrong most of his life

Woke up and was Right about a few very serious issues

Does NOT make him right about everything fucking else

Fuck, why does anon even feel the need to say this shit if you are as advanced as you let on?

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b6c7ac No.18346285

File: da1e372d86340f8⋯.jpg (301.79 KB,1062x1350,59:75,Screenshot_20221104_085943….jpg)

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75275e No.18346286

File: bbaa9c8f1c74f00⋯.png (384.85 KB,471x576,157:192,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ed8215b7b4f0c7⋯.pdf (648.04 KB,war_is_a_racket_SB.pdf)

War Is A Racket

By Major General Smedley Butler

enclosed pdf

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387b5d No.18346287


If that man was my personal chef, I'd have no worries as to how good the food was going to be, or my own personal safety.

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37a133 No.18346288


>no coverage of Ohio chemical warfare on cnn

Not unless they can find a way to pin it on Trump.

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251500 No.18346289


Double entendres double faggot double enuendo double volcano double male box #lesbiantoyotafarts

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a17df8 No.18346290

File: 6edc97d86dbd274⋯.gif (684.57 KB,640x414,320:207,smiles44.gif)

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c01483 No.18346291


This dude Isaiah Saldivar is great. He has lots of good videos. I’m sure all of those things were demonic oppression from before I claimed Jesus. I had amazing supernatural encounters at the time I was healed. For about 90 days. About drove my spouse nuts and somehow three months before that I found Q. This image board is the most wonderful place. Love all y’all anons no homo

Not mental health- spiritual health, which is why they give mind altering crap to try and keep you from the truth. Amazing times anon! 10 years ago I’d have never believed myself kek

Check this out. https://www.isaiahsaldivar.com/deliverance

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9a2d1b No.18346292

File: cc052916038a243⋯.png (958.27 KB,1208x1086,604:543,Screenshot_2023_02_14_at_1….png)

File: 022cbf88182d2a0⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,640x360,16:9,damar_hamlin_inverview.mp4)


NEW — Damar Hamlin is Asked What Reason Doctors Gave Him For His Heart Stopping

“Umm, that’s something I want to stay away from”

He doesn't say "commotio cardis", which would be the easy way out.

Pfizer is one of NFL's biggest sponsors. NFL forced jab on players AND fans.

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95dbd8 No.18346293

File: 85e94caf14c4ee2⋯.png (888.64 KB,835x661,835:661,Screenshot_2023_02_14_at_1….png)


>what does this sign say?



Greta Gerwig is an actress name


Dylar in White Noise explained

Jack discovers that his wife Babette (played by Greta Gerwig) is taking a prescription drug named Dylar that she is eager to keep hidden from him. He’s unfamiliar with the drug and becomes obsessed with learning about the mysterious substance that his partner is taking.

He finds that it’s not listed, sending him down a rabbit hole that is interrupted by a chemical waste spillage that is labeled the Airborne Toxic Event. The Gladney family finds itself in a camp during the incident but after they return to their lives, it’s clear that Babette isn’t quite right and is feeling even more withdrawn from the family.

As Jack investigates, it’s revealed that Dylar is an experimental treatment to target anxiety and, in particular the fear of death. It’s a fictional drug that was made up by the novel’s author.

Jack himself is grappling with the fear of death following exposure to chemicals after the Airborne Toxic Event, so has even more interest in Dylar. However, he finds that their daughter Denise threw away the bottle. Babette was given the opportunity to participate in the secret Dylar trials after engaging in sexual relations with a man named Mr. Gray.

Jack eventually finds an ad for Dylar in the garbage and heads to confront Mr. Gray.



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251500 No.18346294


Both anus

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b41580 No.18346295

File: 25bdc655ce2f597⋯.gif (7.52 MB,640x360,16:9,peacemaker.gif)


only one I know about.

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3c4bda No.18346296


Hooknosed mongrel Gatekeeper faggot!

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a89112 No.18346297


who says it isn't?

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6a59c7 No.18346298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At a Trump roundtable event, Maximo Alvarez, a successful Cuban Immigrant, describes the Horrors of Communism to POTUS.

Through a heat felt speech he describes how his family escaped Cuba for the U.S., their hardships, hard work and ultimate success living the American Dream.

There was one thing that he felt was important enough to really stress and that was the FACT that The Roman Catholic Jesuits trained Fidel Castro…


POTUS and the rest of the room were speechless…

He goes on to say favorable things about how the RCC helped him Immigrate to America which truly shows the Duplicity of the RCC and also points to the RCC complicity in helping Immigration Efforts Worldwide.


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6b8640 No.18346299

File: 084001ff8fb616d⋯.png (532.35 KB,640x479,640:479,ClipboardImage.png)

Drag Queen Story Hour Performer Claims He Is a ‘Role Model’ for Children

A “queer” drag queen story hour performer has claimed that he is a “role model” who can help children begin “living their true selves”.

Sab Samuel, who performs under the name Aida H Dee in drag queen story hour performances, has described himself as being a “role model” for children and young people.

It comes after the performer hosted three drag queen story hour sessions at the Tate Britain gallery in England, prompting protests from both pro and anti-trans campaigners, who ended up clashing outside of the venue.

According to a report by The Telegraph, Samuel rejected any suggestion that drag queen story hour could be damaging to children, saying that he wanted to be a “role model” for children with the performances.

In particular, the performer described some youngsters as “coming out” to him after one reading, saying that they go on to live happy lives due to the influence of the events.

“[T]he catalyst to them living their true selves was coming to Drag Queen Story Hour,” Samuel, who is described by Tate Britain as being “the first drag artist in Europe to read stories to children in a nursery”, reportedly said.

The “queer hero of literature” went on to say that they were a good “role model” for children in that he enabled them to be true to themselves, adding that he wants to be the kind of person he believes he needed in his youth.

“I hated myself growing up because I thought being gay was negative,” he said. ” All I want to do is be the role model that I wish I had when I was five years old.”


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37a133 No.18346300

File: 791bd5846143d1f⋯.png (364.47 KB,577x432,577:432,HRC_cut_it_off.png)

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251500 No.18346301

Greek salad tossers lettuce tomato lil Hogg juw croutons theatre inside juw noodle salon after movie

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75275e No.18346302

File: ce85647214f48b0⋯.gif (3.96 MB,532x360,133:90,pepe_mega_cringe.gif)

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c16e87 No.18346303


Does Tom have to look like a Demon as well, jeesh

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7fc7e2 No.18346304

File: 45fc1c35b93946d⋯.png (1.45 MB,730x694,365:347,capture_985_13022023_20084….png)

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6a59c7 No.18346305



War Is A Racket By Major General Smedley Butler


The Business Plot (also called the Wall Street Putsch[1] and The White House Putsch) was an alleged political conspiracy in 1933, in the United States to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install Smedley Butler as dictator.[2][3] Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler asserted that wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a fascist veterans' organization with Butler as its leader and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow Roosevelt. In 1934, Butler testified under oath before the United States House of Representatives Special Committee on Un-American Activities (the "McCormack–Dickstein Committee") on these revelations.[4] Although no one was prosecuted, the congressional committee final report said, "there is no question that these attempts were discussed, were planned, and might have been placed in execution when and if the financial backers deemed it expedient."

Early in the committee's gathering of testimony most major news media dismissed the plot, with a New York Times editorial characterizing it as a "gigantic hoax".[5] When the committee's final report was released, the Times said the committee "purported to report that a two-month investigation had convinced it that General Butler's story of a Fascist march on Washington was alarmingly true" and "… also alleged that definite proof had been found that the much publicized Fascist march on Washington, which was to have been led by Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, retired, according to testimony at a hearing, was actually contemplated".[6] The individuals involved all denied the existence of a plot.

While historians have questioned whether or not a coup was actually close to execution, most agree that some sort of "wild scheme" was contemplated and discussed.[7][8][9][10]

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251500 No.18346306


Cake hole does anus too

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3c4bda No.18346307


Pffft stfu hooknosed mongrel! STOLLEN like everything you filthy fucks are!

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ec15ea No.18346308



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6b8640 No.18346309

Four ‘Antifa’ Extremists Arrested Following Brutal Street Attack in Budapest

Four alleged far-left Antifa extremists, three of which were foreigners, were arrested in Budapest over the weekend after the brutal beating of a man on the street that was captured on video.

The attack took place in Budapest on Saturday and saw a group of around eight far-left extremists attack a man after he got off a bus as he was, it is said, on his way to work.

Footage of the attack showed the mob, who were wearing masks and were armed with weapons, including extendable batons, brutally beating the man, identified as Zoltán T., as he was on the ground and hitting him repeatedly in the head. The victim needed twenty-five stitches, Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet reports.

Hungarian police were later able to track down and arrested four of the alleged Antifa extremists, identifying that at least three of them were foreigners.

Zoltán T. spoke to Hungarian media about the attack saying the Antifa extremists followed him on a bus and attacked him outside a local post office but claimed not to remember much of what occurred after a blow to his neck.

The man was not the only alleged victim of the Antifa mob over the weekend, as Magyar Hemzet claims that a young German couple were also attacked after being followed, with the man suffering severe head trauma.

Miklós Szánthó, director general of the Centre for Fundamental Rights, a Hungarian think-tank, commented on the attacks saying it was “intolerable” and called for the full weight of the law to be brought down on the attackers.


Milan: Six Cops Injured After Clashes with Far-Left Anarchist Militants

Six police officers were wounded as a result of clashes with far-left anarchist extremists over the weekend as attacks in support of hunger-striking Italian terrorist Alfredo Cospito continue.

The clashes took place on Saturday during a demonstration in support of Cospito and against the ’41-bis’ prison regime which the convicted terrorist has been under since sending letters to followers outright supporting violent acts of terror.

During the clashes between the police and the far-left extremist supporters of Cospito, six police officers were injured as the extremists threw homemade explosives and other items at the officers, the newspaper Il Giornale reports.

Eleven extremists were arrested following the attacks, with some known to police as part of the anarchist scene in Milan, while others were from Turin, Trento and other areas.

The FSP State Police union has called for the introduction of laws against “street terrorism” in the wake of the weekend’s violence, with the secretary general of the FSP State Police Valter Mazzetti denouncing the violence.

“We have been asking for years that a case is outlined that foresees and punishes this and provides us with adequate tools to intercept and prevent the next guerrilla war,” Mazzetti said.

Enzo Letizia, secretary of the National Association of Police Officers also commented saying, “If expressing one’s dissent has always been and always will be an irrepressible right, throwing stones and [explosives] at the police cannot be acceptable.”

Riccardo De Corato, a member of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy (FdI) stated he was ready and willing to put forward a bill in parliament to introduce a “street terrorism” law for those who engage in or encourage violence at protests.

The weekend violence is just the latest connected to Cospito’s hunger strike and comes just two weeks after anarchists in Milan and Rome attacked police and police vehicles in support of the far-left terrorist who is serving a sentence for shooting an official and bombing a carabinieri cadet barracks.

Cospito has been engaging in a hunger strike after being placed in the highly restrictive 41-bis prison regime, which largely cuts off his access to the outside world.


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0d86ba No.18346310

File: f6503b6392135b6⋯.gif (365.26 KB,300x300,1:1,f6503b6392135b6f21feb2f932….gif)

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95dbd8 No.18346311

File: ed4ed54814127f1⋯.jpg (110.67 KB,382x402,191:201,whitenoiseMoviePosterSatan….jpg)


The red hooded ritualists are outside of the school

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bb9d46 No.18346312

File: 07aed01adb2f96f⋯.png (1.26 MB,1682x950,841:475,07aed01adb2f96fcdf69c440ef….png)


I read somewhere he keeps ziplock bags of turkey on his person to munch on throughout the day. I wonder how many calories that mountain eats per day.

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160bf8 No.18346313

Former Trump advisor suggests there may be Russian culpability in the unidentified flying objects

The U.S. on Monday told American citizens who are currently in Russia to get out immediately.

By Charlotte Hazard

Updated: February 13, 2023 - 6:33pm

Former deputy national security adviser to President Trump Victoria Coates predicts that there could be possible Russian culpability with all the unidentified flying objects over the past several days.

"Where did these things come from?" Coates asked on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "My concern is that they might be a combination. Are we seeing a coordinated Chinese Russia effort here? That's really what makes me worry."

John Solomon Reports

Ex-Trump security adviser raises concerns of ‘China-Russia effort’ after weekend takedown of UFOs over North AmericaEx-Trump security adviser raises concerns of ‘China-Russia effort’ after weekend takedown of UFOs over North America

Yesterday the U.S. military shot down another suspicious object over Lake Huron. Previously, the United States downed three objects within a week that were believed to be surveillance balloons.

The U.S. on Monday told American citizens who are currently in Russia to get out immediately.

"The big question is why is Russia such an intolerable threat today, and it wasn't last week?" Coates continued. "Because the previous travel warning that the State Department put out was last September when Russia did the additional call-up."

Coates noted that the United States' messaging about Russia is a little odd.

"So apparently, nothing has changed in the intervening months until today," she explained. "And so that makes me wonder if they have evidence that there is some Russian culpability in the unidentified flying object attacks."


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6a59c7 No.18346314

Fascism = Religion + Government + Business

All of the other Ism's are fools errands, cointelpro and boogey men

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6b8640 No.18346315

Mexican President Calls on U.S. Voters to Reject Border Security Candidates

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) praised President Joe Biden’s soft approach to immigration Tuesday, adding that his government plans to press American voters to not support candidates promising increased border security investments.

During his Tuesday morning news conference, AMLO congratulated Biden for not “mistreating” migrants and claimed the Hispanic population would remember at the polls the way that politicians treated migrants.

“We have a lot of respect for President Biden, among other things because he is the only one of the United States presidents of recent years who did not propose building walls,” Lopez Obrador said. “We give him credit for that, and we give credit to President Biden for no [immigration] raids.”

Lopez Obrador also criticized U.S. Congressmen for blocking Biden’s efforts to “regularize migrants” as had been promised during his campaign. The president also criticized the approach of Republicans calling for stronger border security.

“Because it is very easy to say, ‘We are going to militarize the border, we are going to put up walls,’ seeking easy applause,” AMLO said. “This policy will no longer work.”

Despite previously claiming that he follows a non-intervention approach, AMLO said his government would pressure U.S. voters to fight in favor of migrants.

“Because if there is the mistreatment of migrants and especially Mexicans, we are going to call not to vote for those parties and for those candidates — in the exercise of our freedoms,” Mexico’s president said.


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5411b8 No.18346316

01001001 01101110 01110100 01100101 01110010 01101110 01100101 01110100 00100000 01001011 01000101 01011001

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3c4bda No.18346317

File: a958c920d96d221⋯.png (138.27 KB,225x281,225:281,knick_knack.png)


>only one I know about.

As it fits for a filthy hooknbosewd brat, you filthy fucks lie as soon as you open your stinky frontholes!

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251500 No.18346318


Go live your lie @joto

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6b8640 No.18346319

PUREBLOOD WITCH HUNT: British politicians want police to add “unvaccinated people” to terrorism watchlist

A counter-terrorism program in the United Kingdom that was originally designed to focus on stopping radical Muslim jihadists from terrorizing the country could soon be modified to also include the “unvaccinated” as targets.

British SNP politician Kirsten Oswald believes that the so-called “Prevent” program is perhaps a bit too “racist” in its current form because it risks marginalizing Great Britain’s ever-growing Muslim communities. To fix it, Oswald wants unvaccinated people to be added to the country’s terrorism watchlist.

Oswald made these remarks during a speech by Home Secretary Suella Braverman about plans for “major reform” to the Prevent program. Braverman told the room full of MPs (members of parliament) that the new-and-improved Prevent program must focus “on security, not political correctness.”

Oswald welcomed these statements and an associated “long-awaited and damning report” about the subject, to quote Newspunch‘s coverage of the matter – though Oswald added that “there do remain questions about the focus of what we see.”

“I also wonder if she feels a shift in focus is needed to take into account more recent forms of extremism that have emerged since the report was commissioned, things like the QAnon ideology imported from the United States or incels or the anti-vax movement that sprung up during the pandemic,” she added about Braverman’s major reform plans.

“For instance, we need to see this report in the context of the Met’s head of counterterrorism pointing out that three in four advanced terror plots disrupted in 2021, actually involved right-wing extremists and 41% of counterterrorism arrests in 2021 were of extreme right-wing suspects,” Oswald went on to declare.

It would thus “be wrong,” she proceeded to state, “and indeed damaging to stigmatize or marginalize Muslim communities, and that the risks posed by ideologies such as right-wing extremism, and antisemitism, as well as Islamic extremism, must all remain central to any UK counter-terror strategy.”

Left-wing globalist politicians want the unvaccinated, conservatives, and Christians to be demonized as “terrorists”

According to Oswald, focusing primarily on radical Muslims is a bit outdated in light of this new spate of right-wing terror that she claims is sweeping across the UK and putting herself and other globalists at risk.

In the comments, one person suggested that Oswald is the one who really belongs on the terror watchlist. After all, she and her fellow left-wing globalists are responsible for, or are at the very least complicit in, “the murder, corruption, de-dollarization, and high inflation” that is occurring right now on the back of the covid scamdemic.

“All of them are criminals,” this same person added about Oswald et al.

Another warned that Americans had better defend their Second Amendment rights or else the same type of thing is soon to come to the United States. Brits do not maintain the same right to bear arms that Americans do, and are thus more prone to this type of tyranny because they have fewer means with which to fight back.

“God forbid they focus on the true terrorists: globalists in places of authority, such as her,” wrote another about Oswald and her evil agenda.

“Now we know why the Mayflower was overcrowded,” expressed another about why people fled the UK in the first place in order to start a new “free” society in the New World.

“Someone famous in scientific circles once said that all political parties are terrorist organizations,” wrote another. “This is quite true regardless of their composition, from monarchists to anarchists and everything in between, because they all get greedy.”


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c751a2 No.18346320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Airborne Toxic Event

"All I Ever Wanted"

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37a133 No.18346321


>Calls on U.S. Voters

Calls on illegals that vote…

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a89112 No.18346322


message over messenger.

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251500 No.18346323


Usery bot still in denile

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4f27e6 No.18346324


Ohio also had that weird cat scratch fever. iirc

My brother is married to a girl from Lima, Ohio, and he says that people from Ohio have strange diseases.

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638cc8 No.18346325


Isn’t it all GloBaalism?

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387b5d No.18346326

File: fe7a70396ca7be1⋯.png (4.78 KB,290x51,290:51,ClipboardImage.png)


Conservatives needs to stop letting stage play scare them into a Satanic Panic all the time. They do it just to fuck with y'all, ya know.

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2524f5 No.18346327


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a89112 No.18346328




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8c4234 No.18346329

Last Call

#22487 >>18345623

>>18345632 Seymour Hersh on US Bombing Nord Stream Pipelines — Radio War Nerd EP #366

>>18345644 4 More Toxic Chemicals Found on Tankers in Ohio Derailment

>>18345679, >>18345713, >>18345733, >>18345749, >>18345770, >>18345846 Refresher history: The Manhattan Project

>>18345682 QClock February 13, 2023 - 30M Affected / In It Together

>>18345712, >>18345717, >>18345740, >>18345805, >>18345850, >>18345878, >>18345911, >>18346054, >>18346140, >>18346099, >>18346135, >>18346160

Ohio Chem spill spreads

>>18345715 BLS: CPI increased 0.5% in January; Core CPI increased 0.4%

>>18345750 Who "is" Norfolk Southern?

>>18345776 PF VVPE171 US Navy RQ-4 Global Hawk off eastern FL @ 45k ft with AE689B and decodes as US Navy P-8 Poseidon also trackin' off western FL

>>18345787 BBC offices ‘raided’ in IndiaMI6

>>18345790 MI FF shooter from city of FBI half whit kidnapper hhhhmmmmm…………

>>18345797 EU adds Russia to tax haven blacklist

>>18345843 Kremlin warns about NATO’s role in Ukraine conflict

>>18345928, >>18346091 "Shooting Map" ??


>>18345954 CO: What Constitution? State House moves to ban firing guns on private property

>>18346059 Meat Price Spreads

>>18346142 FX21 USMC F-18 Hornet squawking 7700 (emergency/distress)-safe landing pilot

>>18346193 101 Page Whistleblower Document Reveals The Biden Pentagon Suppressed Concerns About COVID Shot Side Effects And Many Soldiers Suffered Horrifying Injuries As A Result

>>18346203 US federal agents arrested Antonio Intriago, Arcangel Pretel Ortiz and Walter Veintemilla over alleged ties to Moise’s assassination

>>18346215 PF: BOXER42 C-40C inbound to JBA after Warsaw depart and Shannon, Ireland stop for fuel

>>18346240 In 1997, Sec. of Defense William S Cohen Admits "Others" Are Causing Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, and Climate Alterations Using Electromagnetic Waves

>>18346242 Biden Set To Name Fed's Lael Brainard To Lead White House National Economic Council

>>18346276 Moderna Chief Bragged to WEF Attendees About Predicting a ‘Billion Dollar’ Pandemic in 2019.

>>18346282 MSDS for Vinyl Chloride

>>18346292 Damar Hamlin is Asked What Reason Doctors Gave Him For His Heart Stopping

>>18346309 Four ‘Antifa’ Extremists Arrested Following Brutal Street Attack in Budapest

sorry late

x'd out of notes, had to recreate last half

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251500 No.18346330


Batjoto still in the closet

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d206b6 No.18346331

File: 8e6b81438bc964a⋯.png (613.74 KB,1230x629,1230:629,cruz_fcc.png)

File: 0f8d94e6167ddfc⋯.png (99.42 KB,399x388,399:388,Abstract.png)

File: b3668283ee3118a⋯.png (18.25 KB,141x91,141:91,pepe.png)

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b41580 No.18346332

Is Gary extra triggered today?

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37a133 No.18346333

File: bc71310aeb935b6⋯.png (533.14 KB,688x363,688:363,pepe_sauce2.png)

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251500 No.18346334


Moses jealous of OPgahybarr

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bb9d46 No.18346335


Doesn't matter if you don't believe it, the Derp State does.

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9d8ca9 No.18346336

MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY… Just watching people dig their own graves.

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ec15ea No.18346337



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0d69fe No.18346338

File: 4e180006492d514⋯.jpg (92.68 KB,720x900,4:5,AMEN.jpg)

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c16e87 No.18346339


I appreciate this chink getting the story out but it gives me vibes like he is bragging to his Chinese masters IDK I am a Racist Jap sue me

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3c4bda No.18346340





That doesn't help the gatekeepers anymore either! Surrender or get removed ww!

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9a2d1b No.18346341

File: f33edf6014c98d9⋯.png (824.72 KB,1268x2048,317:512,ClipboardImage.png)


Shocked that CNN even ran with this pic.

Prepare for narrative to drop in 3…2…


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4f45a9 No.18346342


Thanks anon, saved.

Seen the sign afraid of death


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638cc8 No.18346343


When you’re focused on Satan, definitely not focus on God

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d273cd No.18346344

File: 4eebcb394a73a4b⋯.jpg (57.74 KB,1000x563,1000:563,decarbchart.jpg)

very important graph

decarboxylate before any kind of use, including smoking

try it, you'll see

27 minutes at 250 F

wrap in some baking paper

get an oven thermometer, it's easy

then i use a double boiler and infuse in coconut oil for two hours

strain, use the solids in baking or with granola

cannabis crunch

breakfast of champions

irie = rude boy comfy

but do not operate heavy machinery

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dc4a61 No.18346346


>Does NOT make him right about everything fucking else

No, it doesn't. And I suspect he was one of [them] owing to how blessed his career was, but I'm not certain.

Still a good legend.


Huh? I'm just a shitposting internet troll on a fake&ghey mongolian basketweaving conspiracy theory imageboard. What the fuck do I know?

But the sauces I use, now they might be worth a thing-or-two.

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a17df8 No.18346347

File: ce3d31fefc6e620⋯.jpg (90.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,testMIB44.jpg)

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387b5d No.18346348


It does take a lot to maintain that sort of mass. My gains routine was a strict chicken breast and rice 5 times a day. For the first 2 weeks, you're forcing the food down your throat. Once the gains start to take hold, you can't wait till the next meal and your starving in between. The human body is an amazing thing.

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0d86ba No.18346349

File: 79a527b8cf13a97⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB,320x240,4:3,A_Sad_Pathway.mp4)

Pad af, de hel in?

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251500 No.18346350


Juws in denile bout fraud from imposter

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37a133 No.18346351

File: bd0d46c5d511b43⋯.png (504.05 KB,691x492,691:492,white.png)

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bb9d46 No.18346352

File: b82259270116858⋯.png (63.95 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe6.png)



1 is an accident. 2 is suspicious. 3 is a pattern. 5 is…

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6b8640 No.18346353

File: e8f28350e212989⋯.png (543.76 KB,1024x572,256:143,ClipboardImage.png)

John Podesta: The Trilateral Commission Link To UFO/Alien Mania?

All of a sudden, UFO mania is sweeping America after the shootdown of some unknown object in Alaska. NORAD says it doesn’t rule out aliens. Washington creates a UFO Task Force to investigate if it was aliens. A top 4-star general in charge of US airspace says he isn’t ruling out aliens. Well, this was unexpected, wasn’t it? Not really.

This writer was watching closely when Trilateral Commission member John Podesta left the Obama Administration in 2015 where he served as Counselor to the President. He is currently Senior Advisor to President Joe Biden for clean-energy innovation and implementation; that is, he is in charge of doling out all Green New Deal spending in the United States. Actually, Podesta is credited as being the chief architect of the entire US climate policy starting way back when he served as President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff.

When Podesta exited his stint with Obama in early 2015, Washington Post carried a story, Obama aide John Podesta says ‘biggest failure’ was not securing the disclosure of UFO files. I listened to the interview and heard him say this with his own mouth.

What? The architect of all climate policy and the creator of the Green New Deal policies is worried about UFOs and aliens and having not released the UFO files from places like Area 51 in New Mexico?

This struck me as being completely out of context, out of nowhere. I have scratched my head ever since… until now: The UFO/Alien card is finally being played.

This UFO/alien nonsense has been brewing for a long time and Podesta’s name keeps coming up. In a 2022 article by TMZ, Yep, I Sent Officials To Area 51 In Search Of Aliens, Bill Clinton flatly admitted his search for evidence of aliens:

Former President Bill Clinton made a pretty stunning and important revelation … he said during his time in office he sent federal agents to Area 51 in Nevada to find if aliens were among us.

Clinton told James Corden on ‘Late Late Show’ … he and Chief of Staff John Podesta “sent people to Area 51 to make sure there were no aliens.” He also said he wanted a full briefing on Roswell.

When hackers broke into Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta’s private email account, little did they know they were entering the Twilight Zone.

There, amid the grist and gossip about the inner workings of the campaign — and some pedestrian tidbits about Podesta’s personal life — was irrefutable proof that UFOs were on the radar of one of Washington’s best-known power brokers.

Today, this Trilateral Commission operative is in the center of the Biden Administration, rubbing shoulders with fellow Commission member Susan “Benghazi Sue” Rice, who is Biden’s Director of the Domestic Policy Council.

It isn’t too much of a leap to figure that the current outbreak of UFO mania has something to do with John Podesta and Trilateral Commission strategy to conquer the world for Technocracy. Podesta pushed both Clinton and Obama to open up the UFO files, and now he is likely working on the Biden Administration.

The question remains, Why now?

First, it’s a huge sleight-of-hand that masks other events taking place; think staging of WWIII, global financial collapse, another WHO-orchestrated pandemic, Great Reset, etc. Second, it conditions the world for a unified, global response to a new, unseen enemy that can only be spearheaded by the United Nations.

The key here is the “unseen” enemy: global warming is unseen; Covid virus is unseen; aliens are unseen.

However, Trilateral Commissioner John Podesta is not unseen, and I would suggest that Technocracy’s war on the world is about to get a lot more intense in 2023.


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251500 No.18346354


Danvil lives ten miles from jfktranny

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9d8ca9 No.18346355


Good anons out there make sure you put your mother father on your payroll.

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4f45a9 No.18346356


With that v + more.

U do know why a lot of the elite don’t watch tv right…

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160bf8 No.18346357

Former US Ambassador Grenell says media has 'partisan axe to grind,' points to Biden laptop story

Grenell also said the 51 reporters who signing a letter saying the laptop story was Russia disinformation never saw a single source of intelligence beforehand.

By Charlotte Hazard

Updated: February 13, 2023 - 6:17pm

Former U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell says mainstream media reporters have a clear bias and an axe to grind, pointing to their reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop story.

"51 of them [journalists] signed a letter saying that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation, then the real story came out that not a single one of those 51 people ever saw a piece of raw intelligence that suggested that, nor did they get a briefing," Grenell said Monday on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "They never saw a single source of intelligence before signing that letter."

Grenell, who also was an acting director of National Intelligence for President Trump, also said about the reporters: "They all jumped to sign that letter because they had a hunch, because they had a partisan axe to grind."

The laptop was abandon and recovered in a Delaware repair shop and contains some information about Hunter Biden's questionable overseas business dealings, in part when his father, President Joe Biden, was vice president.

A story about the discovery of the laptop was published three weeks before the 2020 presidential election that Biden won.

Grenell also said none of the reporters or even President Biden, has been held accountable for calling the laptop story "Russian disinformation."

"All of the media and all of the Democrats said, 'Don't look at that Hunter Biden laptop, because it's Russia, Russia, Russia,'" Grenell argued. "And even Joe Biden during the debate brought it up and said 'This is Russian disinformation.' He's never been held to account for that lie – for that spin of that election interference."


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9a2d1b No.18346358


Connecticut - https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/metro-north-new-canaan-branch-service-suspended-after-train-derailment/2975935/

Can't find anything on a TN train crash except from December.

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99959d No.18346359


Highest ranking punk coward on the board.

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293b82 No.18346360

File: aeef225232c68bb⋯.png (41.36 KB,409x517,409:517,ClipboardImage.png)


>It's all noise, and it's not meant for anons. It's meant for normies; to wake them up. You're here to guide and only help when they ask you questions. Be patient, be kind, and grab more popcorn.

Just made that speech to a friend who's having doubts, lighten up and get more popcorn!

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6b8640 No.18346361

File: bdfc6c5f20ec995⋯.png (584.8 KB,545x674,545:674,ClipboardImage.png)

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251500 No.18346362


Poleland canned juw ham

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c751a2 No.18346363


a motherfucking attack

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387b5d No.18346364




Satan doesn't exist, but getting you all to fight over those that pretend to believe in him in order to excuse their atrocities, while also providing you the alternative to worship, is their entire game.

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a89112 No.18346365




Buses Replacing Metro North New Canaan Branch Trains After Train Derailment


BCSO responds to fatal train injury near Big Springs Road


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e59d77 No.18346366


and texas

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251500 No.18346367

File: a81d22c510e6c39⋯.jpeg (170.5 KB,675x900,3:4,44D08999_E1E8_4B21_913C_0….jpeg)

Eggs and milk in the kitchen

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9d8ca9 No.18346368


Sauce it or go into the gay bar toilet.

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76284f No.18346369

File: 56ff02ef14bbf12⋯.png (340.1 KB,707x707,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a312cffc7342f7f⋯.png (283.53 KB,666x379,666:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bd7c6 No.18346370

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387b5d No.18346371

File: dfe00cffa78627b⋯.webm (1.81 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1673383069618850.webm)


Indeed. Anon is in shitposting mode. Lighten the fuck up, y'all.

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bb9d46 No.18346372


Re-read what I said. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, they do.

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c18c0b No.18346373

File: 05396e0170caac5⋯.png (278.68 KB,342x410,171:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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251500 No.18346374

File: 1c63e85fbe071cf⋯.jpeg (352.22 KB,1183x1731,1183:1731,A1E764A8_AAFF_4EFE_8821_B….jpeg)

Shoplifting a princess

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4f45a9 No.18346375


We are one.

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3c4bda No.18346376


>Valor kike

Keck! ;)

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d206b6 No.18346377

File: 9b1dcf86f396bff⋯.jpg (63.08 KB,500x562,250:281,kot_popcorn.jpg)

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7fc7e2 No.18346378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a17df8 No.18346379


at the water

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8c4234 No.18346380


#22487 >>18345623

>>18345632 Seymour Hersh on US Bombing Nord Stream Pipelines — Radio War Nerd EP #366

>>18345644 4 More Toxic Chemicals Found on Tankers in Ohio Derailment

>>18345679, >>18345713, >>18345733, >>18345749, >>18345770, >>18345846 Refresher history: The Manhattan Project

>>18345682 QClock February 13, 2023 - 30M Affected / In It Together

>>18345712, >>18345717, >>18345740, >>18345805, >>18345850, >>18345878, >>18345911, >>18346054, >>18346140, >>18346099, >>18346135, >>18346160

Ohio Chem spill spreads

>>18345715 BLS: CPI increased 0.5% in January; Core CPI increased 0.4%

>>18345750 Who "is" Norfolk Southern?

>>18345776 PF VVPE171 US Navy RQ-4 Global Hawk off eastern FL @ 45k ft with AE689B and decodes as US Navy P-8 Poseidon also trackin' off western FL

>>18345787 BBC offices ‘raided’ in IndiaMI6

>>18345790 MI FF shooter from city of FBI half whit kidnapper hhhhmmmmm…………

>>18345797 EU adds Russia to tax haven blacklist

>>18345843 Kremlin warns about NATO’s role in Ukraine conflict

>>18345928, >>18346091 "Shooting Map" ??


>>18345954 CO: What Constitution? State House moves to ban firing guns on private property

>>18346059 Meat Price Spreads

>>18346142 FX21 USMC F-18 Hornet squawking 7700 (emergency/distress)-safe landing pilot

>>18346193 101 Page Whistleblower Document Reveals The Biden Pentagon Suppressed Concerns About COVID Shot Side Effects And Many Soldiers Suffered Horrifying Injuries As A Result

>>18346203 US federal agents arrested Antonio Intriago, Arcangel Pretel Ortiz and Walter Veintemilla over alleged ties to Moise’s assassination

>>18346215 PF: BOXER42 C-40C inbound to JBA after Warsaw depart and Shannon, Ireland stop for fuel

>>18346240 In 1997, Sec. of Defense William S Cohen Admits "Others" Are Causing Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, and Climate Alterations Using Electromagnetic Waves

>>18346242 Biden Set To Name Fed's Lael Brainard To Lead White House National Economic Council

>>18346276 Moderna Chief Bragged to WEF Attendees About Predicting a ‘Billion Dollar’ Pandemic in 2019.

>>18346282 MSDS for Vinyl Chloride

>>18346292 Damar Hamlin is Asked What Reason Doctors Gave Him For His Heart Stopping

>>18346309 Four ‘Antifa’ Extremists Arrested Following Brutal Street Attack in Budapest

>>18346315 Mexican President Calls on U.S. Voters to Reject Border Security Candidates

>>18346319 British politicians want police to add “unvaccinated people” to terrorism watchlist


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a89112 No.18346381

File: d2216fb2956ac84⋯.png (17.44 KB,561x243,187:81,htrht.PNG)




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251500 No.18346382

File: 6d2c88d5c18c4dc⋯.webp (51.15 KB,1200x257,1200:257,3B786C77_D4F3_4E32_B984_6….webp)

Shitty coke farts at the juw noodle salon #greeksaladtossers

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b41580 No.18346383


full of water. says h20 on the side

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6b8640 No.18346384

Official slams training of IS militants by US special services

Earlier on Monday, the press bureau of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service reported that the US military was recruiting jihadist fighters to carry out terrorist attacks on the territory of Russia and CIS countries

MOSCOW, February 13. /TASS/. The recruitment and training by US intelligence services of the Islamic State (IS, banned in Russia) militants is an act of international terrorism and requires an international legal assessment, Irina Yarovaya, Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Commission on Investigation into Activities of the US biological laboratories in Ukraine and Russian State Duma Deputy Speaker, said on Monday.

Earlier on Monday, the press bureau of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service reported that the US military was recruiting jihadist fighters to carry out terrorist attacks on the territory of Russia and CIS countries.

"The very fact that US special services are training IS fighters is an act of international terrorism and requires an international legal assessment and criminal liability," the State Duma press service quoted Yarovaya as saying.

As the Duma Deputy Speaker noted, as of today there are "sufficient grounds" for the Russian Investigative Committee to initiate a criminal case under Article 361 of the Russian Criminal Code (act of international terrorism). According to her, such US actions are something that "the global community should be really concerned about, addressing the issue in the UN."

Yarovaya also stressed that, according to her, the international investigation into the US military-biological global project "should have been launched a long time ago." "Ingenious ways of committing crimes against life and security, judging by the Pentagon's secret biological project in Ukraine, are a real threat to humanity," she added.


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c18c0b No.18346386


>at the water


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e16d25 No.18346387


And post # ..

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1d1264 No.18346388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


historical & material dialectic

friend or enemy? why not both?!

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b5416f No.18346389


>New Canaan derailment

Canaanites worshiped Baal.

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9d8ca9 No.18346390


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251500 No.18346391


Moses still mad his mamas tabernacle caught no GAHY

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387b5d No.18346393


> It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, they do.

No, you re-read my post. Most of them know it's utter bullshit. The 'idea' of Satan doesn't mean they believe it. They made the whole fucking thing up so they could excuse their atrocities while sending everyone else on a goose chase for God v Devil.

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e34e72 No.18346394


Poisoned water?


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c751a2 No.18346395


says "H2O1"

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bb9d46 No.18346396

File: 3681ecc811c45b9⋯.png (103.16 KB,366x170,183:85,ClipboardImage.png)

What's our vector, Victor?

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9377cb No.18346397

File: c334121e9ba20e0⋯.png (1.31 MB,487x953,487:953,Screenshot_2023_02_14_Meme….png)

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9a2d1b No.18346398


It's near Newtown (Sandy Hook school) where the Satanists all live.

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bb9d46 No.18346399

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b41580 No.18346400


its bottled so that adds another layer to who has bottling plants in that area.

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c18c0b No.18346401



maybe P is Palenstine

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4bd7c6 No.18346402

File: f75efd5db205467⋯.png (1017.58 KB,1664x1412,416:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c4bda No.18346403


>Eggs and milk in the kitchen

Aye, correct!

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d273cd No.18346404


like those five "morally white" cops who killed tyre nichols

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c46fee No.18346406

File: 06ee498f9b264c7⋯.jpeg (19.77 KB,325x320,65:64,ford.jpeg)

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3c4bda No.18346407


Another slide, braindead hooknosed mongrels! KMAO!

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c751a2 No.18346408


New Canaan is closer to NYC and Long Island Sound

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8c4234 No.18346410

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75275e No.18346411

File: 7a2164a1c17e0ab⋯.png (173.77 KB,741x578,741:578,ClipboardImage.png)




really nigga?

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ec15ea No.18346412



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0d69fe No.18346413


This is not his fault.

These are not coincidences…we are being attacked

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bb9d46 No.18346414

File: 0c43aa89028f7a0⋯.png (1.25 MB,1252x940,313:235,0c43aa89028f7a04891310ead0….png)


Food additive prototype more like.

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37a133 No.18346415


H2O1 = Chlorinated Water

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387b5d No.18346416

File: 6f71ef927e2d129⋯.png (1.32 MB,1400x1122,700:561,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6ba3be136bfe52⋯.png (3.99 MB,1600x1106,800:553,ClipboardImage.png)


Here ya go. If you want to go back further, second pic related. Have fun digging that one.

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e34e72 No.18346417


Why not both?

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638cc8 No.18346418

File: ca771b33060f0de⋯.jpeg (156.82 KB,1170x1738,585:869,781E2E26_B591_4E98_9694_3….jpeg)

File: a8540fa543e8c96⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,1313x1875,1313:1875,709D65AB_2D60_4304_B614_2….jpeg)

File: 6facd1ba995aa0f⋯.jpeg (587.77 KB,750x1117,750:1117,714F1342_BF66_45AC_8414_3….jpeg)

File: 781a324c6c7e4b6⋯.jpeg (810.27 KB,1170x1262,585:631,0AC91FE4_C6F6_4872_B0D0_A….jpeg)


Seems to me that perhaps a TV general Flynn might have been trying to do the same.


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37a133 No.18346421

File: 9c8828aea40bdf2⋯.jpg (125.48 KB,504x499,504:499,whenyourealize.jpg)

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251500 No.18346422

File: c8b813f065a0163⋯.jpeg (2.23 MB,3264x2448,4:3,89E0C315_758A_46D5_8A77_D….jpeg)

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5c7f9b No.18346423


suck it jeet

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8c4234 No.18346424


rushes obfuscate gaylord flies flappin in wind

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5edb49 No.18346428



Good afternoon anons. Man, you really have Big Pharma worked up. They're derailing trains and shit. Anons are going to love the way this movie ends.

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d206b6 No.18346432

File: 3f19d479b75f9c1⋯.png (683.31 KB,1200x658,600:329,3f19d479b75f9c177a33354a41….png)

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c16e87 No.18346433


Gee was a Balloon tracking Wind Patterns just before this? Nah couldn't be

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286133 No.18346434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7fc7e2 No.18346435

File: e63743ef2537ff2⋯.png (571.05 KB,448x434,32:31,capture_972_13022023_18200….png)

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d206b6 No.18346437

File: 97cebad12b857d6⋯.jpg (653.85 KB,936x1139,936:1139,2nd_American_Revolution.jpg)

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7fc7e2 No.18346438

File: 4b63004664878f7⋯.png (3.27 MB,1288x886,644:443,capture_941_13022023_17460….png)

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7fc7e2 No.18346440

good times…

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7fc7e2 No.18346441


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75275e No.18346443

File: 9c519fb571368e4⋯.png (1.29 MB,755x674,755:674,ClipboardImage.png)

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