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96bb7a No.18341760 [Last50 Posts]

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96bb7a No.18341762

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

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>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579 NEW


#22481 >>18340999

>>18341083, >>18341153, >>18341183, >>18341500, >>18341505, >>18341528 Planes, Trains, and Conspiracy. What's really goin on?

>>18341635 Ohio is the second largest egg producing state by volume in the US behind Iowa.

>>18341174, >>18341213, >>18341244 Who do the chemicals belong to? VERSATEX?

>>18341037, >>18341047 C-A is foreign entity. They even took USA off their logo right at the time they did the coup for Biden

>>18341053 U.S., Allies Need to Operate in the High North More to Deter China, Russia, Experts Say - USNI News

>>18341054, >>18341207, >>18341546 Splendora, Texas train crash: Hazmat crews are on the scene cleaning up some of the spilled diesel fuel from the truck

>>18341061, >>18341063 @POTATO twats

>>18341044, >>18341071, >>18341074 Rep. Anna Paulina Luna is taking flak

>>18341192, >>18341228 Is Bidan punishing the rail strike workerslike he's doing to J6, catholics, anti abortionists?

>>18341142, >>18341157, >>18341176, >>18341187, >>18341198, >>18341218, >>18341233, >>18341243, >>18341258, >>18341274 Swamp Dweller Thomas R. Pickering Bun

>>18341200 Biden fires Architect of Capitol after backlash over report that found abuse of office

>>18341211 Deadly vinyl chloride has contaminated the Ohio River as far as West Virginia, a water source for over 5 million!

>>18341252 In 2017 Norfolk Southern, the operator of the derailed Ohio train, successfully lobbied a repeal of a rule requiring electronically controlled pneumatic brakes

>>18341268 Trump used classified folder as bedroom lamp shade 'so he could sleep at night,' attorney says foxnews.com

>>18341304 @DailyMail Washington Nationals' billionaire owner Ted Lerner has died

>>18341334, >>18341428, >>18341564 Musk preaches good hope and positivity

>>18341468 Philippine Coast Guard accuses Chinese ship of aiming laser at one of its vessels..

>>18341495 Dr. Peter McCullough has been vindicated! In a major win for the Medical Freedom movement

>>18341541 Cincinnati city manager Sheryl Long says Greater Cincinnati Water Works is monitoring the water quality

>>18341549 34-Year-Old Border Patrol Intel Agent Dies Suddenly Due to Unexpected and Sudden Heart Attack

>>18341625, >>18341697 RE: Meatball Ron Desantis Dig

>>18341679 'Emotionally disturbed' homeless man, 62, is taken into custody after 30-minute U-Haul truck rampage, eight people injured

>>18341715 10 years of studies, showing thativermectin inhibits the replication of at least a dozen RNA viruses

>>18341732 AMG News publishes this tomorrow? "List of 21 Goals Of The Illuminati And The Committee Of 300"

>>18341754 #22481

#22480 >>18340217

>>18340230, >>18340305, >>18340933 Company Responsible For Ohio Train Derailment Issues List Of Cancer-Causing Substances Released

>>18340243 Zulock Case: Attorney for Accused Child Rapist Files Motion to Withdraw

>>18340248 Captain Seth Keshel explains the reason for the path of the first balloon and it’s pretty frightening from a readiness perspective

>>18340252 Deputy Secretary Sherman Joint News Conference with Japanese and South Korean Counterparts

>>18340263 Georgia judge orders limited release of grand jury report on Trump election interference

>>18340268 Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken chairs the Annual Meeting of the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons at the White House

>>18340292 Pre-K teacher [predator] attacks idea of 'childhood innocence,' claims toddlers not too young for 'sexuality' discussion

>>18340337 South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott is taking steps to run for president,

>>18340349 Why are governments still promoting “vaccines” and not investigating excess deaths? Have they been affected by vaccine-induced cognitive decline?

>>18340369 GOP Senators Say Defense Budget Must Not Be Cut Because of 'Chinese Spy Balloon' Threat

>>18340384 ERO Los Angeles arrests 16 as part of nationwide operation

>>18340392 Leader Of Drug Trafficking Organization Pleads Guilty To Trafficking Thousands Of Kilograms Of Cocaine

>>18340393 State Department Spokesperson Ned Price briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of international topics.

>>18340419 Right-wing terror threat has receded as COVID restrictions have eased, ASIO chief says

>>18340423 HHS Secretary & U.S. Surgeon General Discuss Mental Health

>>18340448 Chinese investors own 384K acres of US agricultural land: Report

>>18340453 House Oversight Chairman Comer calls for probe into Secret Service's ties to Hunter Biden

>>18340482, >>18340614, >>18340629, >>18340646, >>18340755, >>18340913 Meatball Ron Desantis Dig?

>>18340742 Biden Administration Reportedly Plans to Sell 26 Million Barrels of Crude Oil From Reserves

>>18340782 Train derailment just happened in Enoree, South Carolina.

>>18340793 JonBenet Ramsey case: Boulder police respond to unearthed DNA bombshell

>>18340877 Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen

>>18340907 Top owners of the Ohio trainwreck

>>18340923 The International Atomic Energy Agency said it does not have any control over Japan’s planned release of the treated nuclear water into the Pacific

>>18340927 Driver dead after crashing into train, causing derailment in east Montgomery County, TX authorities say

>>18340976 Recall issued for over 56,000 COVID antigen rapid tests

>>18340990 #22480

#22479 >>18339439

>>18339484 “The future of our country, the direction that we go as a people, whether we move ahead to meet the challenges of the future or slide back into the irresponsible policies of the past, will be determined by those who get involved.” – Ronald Reagan

>>18339504 Actions of [ANTIFA] Q4553

>>18339513 Patel: Escalation Is An Understatement For Biden’s Latest Ukrainian Measures, Pentagon Avoiding Accountability On UAP

>>18339514 John Nicolson M.P said BBC Chair Richard Sharp had not told MPs at the time of his BBC appointment that he had facilitated an £800,000 loan for Mr Johnson "who then gave him the BBC job".

>>18339515 Kash Patel Demands All Documentation On America’s UAP’s Encounters Be Presented To Gang Of Eight

>>18339530, >>18339922, >>18340001 A Fulton judge said Monday that he planned to keep private portions of a special grand jury report that recommends specific individuals be indicted following an eight-month criminal probe that examined meddling in Georgia’s 2020 elections

>>18339535, >>18339604, >>18339631, >>18339722, >>18339764, >>18339812, >>18339806, >>18339849, >>18339850 Animals are falling sick or dying near the train derailment and chemical fire in East Palestine, Ohio

>>18339569 PlaneFag CONUS Update

>>18339590, >>18339633, >>18339651 Soldier’s Creed

>>18339639, >>18339783, >>18339987, >>18340038 @realDonaldTrump I here that ratings challenged (to put it mildly!) “Mike” and Joe Scarborough do almost nothing but talk trash about “Trump,” but it is just not working anymore. here to hear

>>18339643, >>18339653 Economic Schedule for week of February 12th, 2022

>>18339644 @USNavyEurope In this together

>>18339663 Judge Hoyt just recused himself from the Konnech vs. True the Vote case

>>18339683 Elon Musk Fears His Starlink Could Be Misused to Trigger ‘WW3’

>>18339693 The truth is that we haven’t been able to gain access to the objects that were shot down Friday, Saturday and yesterday because of the weather conditions.

>>18339734 Inclusive Capitalism To save the world. Because after all, there is no planet B.

>>18339740 PF Polish AF PLF101 737 President Dudaback to Warsaw from Wrcolaw stop of about 5.5 h

>>18339777 TX : Emergency crews respond to deadly train derailment in Splendora area

>>18339825 US Government Issues Travel Advisory – Warns All US Citizens to Leave Russia Immediately

>>18339837 New Mexico’s Corrupt SOS, Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Is Tied to Twitter’s Illegal Speech Suppression Scheme that Violates First Amendment Rights of New Mexicans

>>18339853 Whitmer Defends Using TikTok Despite Most States And Congress Banning Use On Govt Devices

>>18339868 Insurance Analyst Reveals Massive Increase In Mortality Among The Covid Vaccinated

>>18339875 PF 2 Israeli AF G550s Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) ACs up from Nevatim AB

>>18339883 Kenyan Babies Being Used as Test Subjects in Biometric-based Vaccine Tracking System

>>18339893 A West Virginia water utility is enhancing its water treatment process as a precaution following the derailment of a train hauling chemicals

>>18339910 ‘The Only Solution:’ Yale Prof Suggests Mass Suicide for Elderly in Japan

>>18339915 @NavalInstitute Everyday Is Like Sunday…

>>18339920 Multiple pedestrians struck by U-Haul truck in Brooklyn, New York; driver in custody

>>18339939 Telling Kids They’d Kill Granny During Covid ‘Vicious and Vile’ – Retiring Tory MP

>>18339943 Britain ready to shoot down Chinese spy balloons, says Sunak

>>18339944 Anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly patients with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine walks FREE from court in Germany

>>18339951 @DeptofDefense Downrange thunder.

>>18339971 What's been happening in Turkey?

>>18339979 Today is #WorldRadioDay

>>18340002 BlackRock cuts Japanese stocks to "underweight" on hawkish BOJ risks


>>18340095 Pete Buttigieg Is In Running For Worst Diversity Hire Of Biden Regime, Unprepared To Handle Crises

>>18340098, >>18340112 EPA releases legal notice letter sent to Norfolk Southern Railway Company detailing the extent of the disaster

>>18340201 #22479

Previously Collected

>>18339428 #22478

>>18337279 #22475, >>18337913 #22476, >>18338697 #22477

>>18335810 #22473, >>18336500 #22474-A, >>18336568 #22474-B

>>18333524 #22470, >>18334286 #22471, >>18335038 #22472

>>18331218 #22467, >>18332122 #22468, >>18332752 #22469

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear >>18154557

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96bb7a No.18341765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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d5efc3 No.18341774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9efa30 No.18341775

File: 7128e4811df97b1⋯.jpg (2.28 MB,3264x2448,4:3,IMG_1426.JPG)

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1e6ccf No.18341779

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8a885f No.18341786

File: 6ea39d2e5175c9a⋯.jpg (154.54 KB,659x440,659:440,peeking.jpg)

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8d1cba No.18341787

We are being Psyop'ed by Training Exercises

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128bb7 No.18341788

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB,1326x878,663:439,88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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7c2729 No.18341789

File: 0b0592aaad2a5f4⋯.jpeg (43.45 KB,369x407,369:407,0b0592aaad2a5f4ce48b21949….jpeg)

The undertone of seethe in their words…


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b51564 No.18341790

File: 1ad2e9f493ee209⋯.png (1.61 MB,1024x834,512:417,1ad2e9f493ee20937adda528e6….png)

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cc182a No.18341791

>>18341763 (lb)


make sure to live stream...gorefag would appreciate it

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934881 No.18341792

File: 986556419d355d2⋯.png (310.77 KB,530x514,265:257,boston_mayor_finance_dir_m….PNG)

Boston Mayor’s finance director charged with money laundering in alleged prison drug smuggling scheme



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936117 No.18341793

File: 8cc4d9b247da93c⋯.jpg (76.22 KB,888x470,444:235,yauhksdjlasdf.jpg)

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0169e8 No.18341794

File: 96509554633baa0⋯.png (111.76 KB,339x304,339:304,Pepe_Quote.png)

>>18340448 pb

>Chinese investors own 384K acres of US agricultural land: Report

how much for chinee "us citizens", because I bet they are not included

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0ee97b No.18341795

File: c73d6944b340825⋯.jpg (56.77 KB,437x460,19:20,Screenshot_2023_02_13_1726….jpg)

File: 3b5384caea991ee⋯.jpg (35.06 KB,454x205,454:205,Screenshot_2023_02_13_1725….jpg)

A Padawan was an apprentice paired with a Jedi Knight or Jedi Master for teaching and training. Most wore a Padawan braid to denote their status in the Jedi ranks. During the prosperous era of the High Republic, the Jedi Temple bustled with Padawan learners.

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b24625 No.18341796

Kash is my favorite Trump hire.

He is the real deal

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95eb7e No.18341797

File: 1dd08f303d4c792⋯.png (172 KB,1257x632,1257:632,screenshot_301.png)

File: 008d9b9c373c92e⋯.png (107.31 KB,1366x665,1366:665,Opera_Snapshot_2023_02_13_….png)

File: df76d646e6e512d⋯.png (34.69 KB,842x304,421:152,screenshot_300.png)


Central to the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) purpose is the promotion and coordination of activities designed to ensure the highest level of public safety communications across the nation. This direct approach improves interoperability and advances long-term emergency communications initiatives. Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (SWIC) strive to enhance the response capabilities of public safety responders by coordinating and collaborating with federal, state, local, and tribal public safety agencies and non-governmental organizations.


A Nation where public safety responders can effectively communicate.


The NCSWIC, through the SWIC, promotes and implements strategies for achieving effective public safety communications by developing professional partnerships and collaborating with public safety agencies and policy makers.

SWIC Responsibilities

Overseeing the daily operation of the state’s interoperability efforts

Coordinating interoperability and communications projects

Maintaining governance structures

Assembling working groups to develop and implement key initiatives

Updating and implementing the Statewide Communication Interoperability Plans (SCIP)

SWIC Scope of Work

Outreach and Education

Program Management

Grants Coordination


Policy Development

SCIP Implementation


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0f048e No.18341798





When that happened to me I killed them all instead and got her back.


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d39cc4 No.18341799

File: c2209aa5c00fe72⋯.png (840.99 KB,939x943,939:943,c2209aa5c00fe72d7898ec37b8….png)

Thankee Bakes

Evening Night Shift!

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e715d2 No.18341800

if anyone is running audio for don jr. and kash, pan both microphones to center

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0169e8 No.18341801





where are we setting the time machine for?

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3480e2 No.18341802

File: 413231248515171⋯.jpeg (159.87 KB,828x504,23:14,CB694DDF_AF73_46E5_A88E_8….jpeg)

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95eb7e No.18341803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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945f20 No.18341804


So peaceful

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7c2729 No.18341805

File: 0829c7f2f8bef8c⋯.png (402.95 KB,512x512,1:1,0829c7f2f8bef8c0bc13443622….png)


He's a patriot. Of that there is no doubt. I'd buy him a beer or six, or his beverage of choice, if I ever ran into him IRL.

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58e4b7 No.18341806

File: e601205113230f0⋯.png (479.25 KB,796x582,398:291,7957cbec07c5e3d9cf1a334dd1….png)




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10cd3d No.18341807

File: da72db98978e370⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,320x568,40:71,video_2023_02_14_00_33_15.mp4)

BREAKING: EPA releases manifest summarizing deadly chemicals that were released in East Palestine, Ohio:

- Three cars of Diethylene Glycol

- One car of Polypropyl Gylcol

- One car of Propylene Glycol

- Two cars of Polyethylene

- Two cars of Polyvinyl

- Five cars of Petroleum


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d39cc4 No.18341808


Kash Patel

A name to remember…

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7a3b0c No.18341809

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5542bd No.18341810

Is there really just one God? Or is it one God for humanity? Our creator!?

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757205 No.18341811

File: ce43da1b4056d8a⋯.jpg (70.48 KB,663x783,221:261,1499473729393.jpg)

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67cc99 No.18341812

File: d8ed440fa3dfd2a⋯.jpg (79.24 KB,576x288,2:1,d8ed440fa3dfd2a540a3e11b6f….jpg)

File: 43669afde9b0fc2⋯.png (4.14 KB,197x255,197:255,download_4_.png)

File: cfee590a9bcd2e2⋯.jpg (652.1 KB,1778x1185,1778:1185,IWuU3RfcuUiUNG8_nN5dBrT2pj….jpg)

File: 8d5d719cdf06a45⋯.png (449.34 KB,527x529,527:529,8d5d719cdf06a452eb7fa3b103….png)

File: d27f324ce954ee3⋯.png (371.58 KB,400x580,20:29,d27f324ce954ee30390017deca….png)

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934881 No.18341813

File: a85df92820f7004⋯.png (574.96 KB,1116x518,558:259,buttplug_nothing_on_ohio_t….PNG)

As Ohio faces what has been described by many as a chemical “Chernobyl” event, Biden administration Transportation Secretary and failed gay Democratic 2020 Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is complaining that there are too many white construction workers.

A train carrying vinyl chloride and other toxic chemicals derailed on February 3 in East Palestine, Ohio, resulting in fires and a massive plume of black smoke that lasted for numerous days and could be seen from several miles around.

Three days after the derailment, emergency crews decided to conduct a “controlled burn” of the dangerous chemicals supposedly in order to prevent a larger and more hazardous explosion.

The controlled burn ultimately caused hydrogen chloride and toxic substances such as phosgene to be released into the surrounding area, prompting the mandatory evacuation of all citizens of East Palestine within a one-mile radius.


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7c2729 No.18341814

File: 0ffb4a60d733350⋯.png (766.65 KB,720x907,720:907,ClipboardImage.png)

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d24f13 No.18341816


Would like to see him play a key role in the reconstruction of intelligence infrastructure. Need someone solid like him to be given free reign to clean house.

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480fa7 No.18341817

File: fe7890458468fca⋯.png (461.58 KB,568x423,568:423,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ee97b No.18341818

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7a9a4c No.18341819

>>18341044 pb

John, perhaps you are aware that there were jewish officers in the SS? so, doubtless there were jewish soldiers in the army, my friend. quit gaslighting, or are you really that misinformed? quite possible, given the state of education in the US

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8d1cba No.18341820


Chemical Attack

Nazis being Nazi's

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0169e8 No.18341821

File: 894fbb11bdd8ba7⋯.png (113.45 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)


>- Three cars of Diethylene Glycol


>- One car of Polypropyl Gylcol


>- One car of Propylene Glycol


>- Two cars of Polyethylene


>- Two cars of Polyvinyl


>- Five cars of Petroleum

Seems to me like a sane country would require that shit be shipped separately.

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9efa30 No.18341822


Agreed. He's Brilliant, yet humble; decisive, and brutal, yet non-combative. He treasures FACTS and will pursue those to the ends of the FICTION. I would trust Kash in any foxhole, or to take care of my new born baby.

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934881 No.18341823

File: 7b68e271e4c91ed⋯.png (318.17 KB,470x529,470:529,rep_luna_buttplug_ohio_der….PNG)


Time to call in


for questioning for what is happened to the great people of Ohio train derailment & toxic chemical spill!

The media won't talk about this ecological disaster/public health crisis, but I will - and we *will* get answers

People’s lives are in danger!


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e508c7 No.18341824

File: 6db86aeebdb24d0⋯.png (825.74 KB,621x1344,207:448,ClipboardImage.png)

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0169e8 No.18341825

File: 2f6ddfd47d48230⋯.png (21.48 KB,597x404,597:404,ClipboardImage.png)

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065b8b No.18341826

File: ad71a5ff9266283⋯.png (139.3 KB,353x395,353:395,2_weeks.png)

>>18341731 lb

>In just two weeks

>we're going to see some serius shit

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67cc99 No.18341827

File: 11900e3f461f066⋯.png (175.9 KB,583x468,583:468,11900e3f461f0668d194712a2a….png)

File: ee4df69bc900f7b⋯.png (17.44 KB,255x255,1:1,72f5dadb32f9d3bc75b1283a53….png)

File: af2cfd94790ead0⋯.png (561.66 KB,1027x1280,1027:1280,af2cfd94790ead0c0b87b7bde7….png)

File: e5c4130c70319d5⋯.png (4.98 MB,4032x2268,16:9,e5c4130c70319d5cf259bce19a….png)

File: b9fb9dacaf66649⋯.jpg (144.64 KB,720x940,36:47,b9fb9dacaf66649d130f1f564e….jpg)

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7c2729 No.18341828

File: 1e2c2d6658c89ae⋯.gif (195.89 KB,200x158,100:79,1e2c2d6658c89aeaa5a2142974….gif)


Your seethe fuels me. Keep it up, exactly the same as you're doing.

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a5f699 No.18341829

File: 376d3ed257f13df⋯.png (51.01 KB,280x157,280:157,ClipboardImage.png)

13 Feb, 2023 22:13

NATO to focus on ‘undersea cables and pipelines’

Stoltenberg vows to “prevent and counter threats” after Nord Stream expose blames US and Norway

NATO will set up a new coordinating body to address threats to undersea infrastructure, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday. His announcement comes just days after legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh said the US and Norway were behind the September explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines under the Baltic Sea.

“Protection of critical undersea infrastructure will also be high on our agenda,” Stoltenberg told reporters in Brussels, following the meeting of NATO defense ministers. The US-led bloc “has been working on this for many years,” Stoltenberg added, “and we are now taking it to the next level.”

A new “coordination cell” will be established at NATO Headquarters to “map our vulnerabilities, and engage with industry,” which will “support our efforts to prevent and counter threats to critical infrastructure, including undersea cables and pipelines,” according to Stoltenberg. He said further measures will be decided at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania in July.

Stoltenberg, who was the Norwegian prime minister before taking over NATO leadership in 2014, did not address Hersh’s story from last Wednesday. Neither did any of the reporters NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu called on.

The Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist had accused the US of ordering the destruction of the pipelines running from Russia to Germany and Norway of helping to carry out the bombing.

The White House denounced it as “utterly false and complete fiction.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov pointed to the words of US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to say that Americans were “basically admitting” the pipeline blasts were their doing. Meanwhile, Beijing said that Washington owed the world an explanation.

“If Hersh is telling the truth, what he revealed is clearly unacceptable and must be answered for,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Friday.

As Hersh noted, both Nuland and US President Joe Biden had made very specific threats against Nord Stream 2 prior to the escalation of hostilities in Ukraine last year. After the blasts, US officials blamed Russia but said the situation presented an “opportunity” for Europe to cut ties with Moscow.

(Did he just admit the story was true? Seems like it.)


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d24f13 No.18341830


Hey 7c2729 don't read this, its just for beb8bd

dude!! ask him out, its the perfect time!!.. its obvious he likes you

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10cd3d No.18341831


but the (((profits)))…

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ea06a1 No.18341832

File: bab3dd1b9772486⋯.png (542.46 KB,410x620,41:62,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 000a045cabeeff0⋯.jpg (711.91 KB,2560x1600,8:5,tyb.jpg)

File: f1c8a7c3644c68b⋯.jpg (62.96 KB,615x470,123:94,tybaker.jpg)

File: df85d4c66efcca6⋯.png (204.98 KB,485x463,485:463,tybaker.png)

File: 15b16d31cb821bd⋯.jpg (105.45 KB,548x658,274:329,TyBakerXOXO.jpg)


nice 751 snipe, tyb

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c2d48b No.18341833

File: 0ad3e7b64eef4c4⋯.jpg (18.64 KB,355x355,1:1,Fo2IAiuX0AAYRiq.jpg)


South Carolina black African negroid Sen. Tim Scott is taking steps to run for president, people familiar with his plans said, adding to the stable of Republicans looking to wrest the party mantle from former President Donald Trump.

Mr. No ACCOMPLISHMENTS Scott, the only Black Republican in the Senate, is testing a message with GOP voters in key early states focused on unity and optimism as some Republicans say it is time to move on from the Trump era. Mr. Trump has announced a bid for president in the 2024 election.

Funny how DC politicians forgot Trump's election was stolen….. Trump is the De Facto President.

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c6e2b7 No.18341834

File: 677ae3ec793e17a⋯.png (13.8 KB,255x255,1:1,luna4.png)

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3bbb4d No.18341835

Awan brothers!

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654588 No.18341836

File: 467e587f7e0280c⋯.png (115.02 KB,910x910,1:1,pepe_snipe.png)

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c15435 No.18341837

File: 223d5abbe6cdd85⋯.png (492 KB,831x738,277:246,tyb_a.png)

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58e4b7 No.18341838

File: 3515c5f9d4c736f⋯.png (131.3 KB,761x512,761:512,Screenshot_from_2023_02_13….png)

File: 0e8b4b01c3629eb⋯.png (723.17 KB,819x914,819:914,Screenshot_2023_02_13_at_1….png)


>>18341625, >>18341697 RE: Meatball Ron Desantis Dig

Florida Gov. DeSantis's family roots run deep in Valley

The Governor's mother grew up in Youngstown, and his grandfather was once the chairman of the Mahoning County Republican Party

Thursday, August 11th 2022, 1:36 PM EDT

Updated: Friday, September 9th 2022, 6:28 AM EDT

By Robert McFerren

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will be coming to the Valley to show his support for J.D. Vance, the Ohio GOP Senate candidate during a rally in Liberty, but the Florida Governor won't need any time to get acquainted with our community, as his family tree has deep roots here.

DeSantis, a potential 2024 Republican Presidential candidate, was born in Jacksonville, Florida, but his mother -Karen DeSantis- grew up in Poland and his maternal grandparents came to the Valley in the 1930s.

DeSantis's mother attended Youngstown State University in the 1970s where she met fellow student and eventual husband Ron DeSantis, who was from Aliquippa, Pa.

The DeSantis's left the Mahoning Valley and moved to Florida in the 1970s, and their son Ron was born in Jacksonville in 1978.

DeSantis's maternal grandfather, Philip E. Rogers, was born in Edinburgh, Pa. in 1923. He moved to Lowellville in 1936, graduated in 1942 from Lowellville High School, married Carolyn Delisio in 1946, and they moved to Poland in 1954.

He graduated from Youngstown University with a degree in business administration, and a master's degree in public administration. The Rogers children are Karen (DeSantis), Sister Regina Rogers, and Rev. Philip Rogers.

Rogers was the Director of the Board of Elections in Mahoning County from 1960 through 1968, and a member of the board from 1968 until 1972. He became a special assistant to the Ohio Secretary of State during Gov. James A. Rhodes's administration in 1968 and 1969.

According to his obituary published in The Vindicator, Rogers worked in the political science department at YSU, was also the assistant to the Vice President for financial affairs from 1969 through 1974 and director of classified personnel before retiring in 1982.

A 40-year member of the Mahoning County Republican Party committee, and was the GOP chairman from 1968 to 1971.

Rogers died in December of 1997, but the Florida Governor has family still living in the Valley, including his aunt Sister Regina Rogers, a Councilor at the Ursuline Sisters house in Youngstown, and his uncle Philip Rogers, a priest at Christ Our Savior Parish in Struthers and previously with St. Charles Parish in Boardman.

Dr. Bill Binning, former chairman of the political science department at YSU and former Mahoning County Republican Party chairman told 21 News that Philip Rogers was the county GOP chairman when he moved to Youngstown in 1970 and added "We talked politics."

Binning said he first learned of the Florida Ron DeSantis connection to the Valley in 2012 while on a trip to Italy with Father Rogers, Sister Regina Rogers and DeSantis's mother, Karen, whose son she told him was making a run for congress in Florida 6th District in 2012.

DeSantis is scheduled to speak Aug. 19 at the event beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Metroplex Expo Center in Liberty.


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8d1cba No.18341839

File: 60191fffa6882e4⋯.png (905.77 KB,1314x887,1314:887,ClipboardImage.png)


Stellar Idea

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2ad58e No.18341840

File: 64c4a69e0b56bc4⋯.png (700.38 KB,480x640,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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e715d2 No.18341841


the return of the secret yellow seed meme

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de81fc No.18341843


And extra precautionary measures.

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b06814 No.18341844

File: 89405ded9b363b0⋯.png (366.56 KB,546x370,273:185,sherman_time_machine_2020.png)

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b24625 No.18341845





I have never met him, probably never will, but I trust him. He seems very sincere which is rare these days.

He 100% should be heading any intelligence restructure. He knows what he is talking about and you can tell that he does. I could listen to him talk for hours about this shit.

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95abfa No.18341846

File: 5bdd5c95d8e4f67⋯.png (591.47 KB,627x556,627:556,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18341766 LB


>"This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666."

>God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore.

>The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories.

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8d1cba No.18341847


>NATO will set up a new coordinating body to address threats to undersea infrastructure

Address = Create

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0f048e No.18341848

President of the United States here

Badly wounded in battle today

When I recover

I'm launching the nukes

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934881 No.18341849

File: b0ae23b99c09554⋯.png (286.22 KB,588x497,84:71,buttplug_ohio_derailment.PNG)


Buttigieg made no mention of the Ohio train derailment while speaking at a conference this morning but did find the time to say that there are too many white people who work construction.


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c6e2b7 No.18341850

File: 1d4dab0352c3672⋯.png (9.55 KB,255x175,51:35,kekistangreen44.png)

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24ff70 No.18341851

File: 2ecde4c463be4c5⋯.mp4 (7.14 MB,640x360,16:9,chrisstapleton.mp4)

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b51564 No.18341852

File: d21fe7c813de84e⋯.png (6.58 KB,500x80,25:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Very Noice Bread Title Baker

guud times


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926147 No.18341853

File: ac451c7578d8595⋯.png (355.91 KB,596x751,596:751,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 451a7ecad4ef3b4⋯.png (181.11 KB,600x200,3:1,ClipboardImage.png)

To the gallows with SUNUNU


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a5f699 No.18341854

File: 44255778b431f1c⋯.png (587.23 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

13 Feb, 2023 22:13

NATO to focus on ‘undersea cables and pipelines’

Stoltenberg vows to “prevent and counter threats” after Nord Stream expose blames US and Norway

NATO will set up a new coordinating body to address threats to undersea infrastructure, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday. His announcement comes just days after legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh said the US and Norway were behind the September explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines under the Baltic Sea.

“Protection of critical undersea infrastructure will also be high on our agenda,” Stoltenberg told reporters in Brussels, following the meeting of NATO defense ministers. The US-led bloc “has been working on this for many years,” Stoltenberg added, “and we are now taking it to the next level.”

A new “coordination cell” will be established at NATO Headquarters to “map our vulnerabilities, and engage with industry,” which will “support our efforts to prevent and counter threats to critical infrastructure, including undersea cables and pipelines,” according to Stoltenberg. He said further measures will be decided at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania in July.

Stoltenberg, who was the Norwegian prime minister before taking over NATO leadership in 2014, did not address Hersh’s story from last Wednesday. Neither did any of the reporters NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu called on.

The Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist had accused the US of ordering the destruction of the pipelines running from Russia to Germany and Norway of helping to carry out the bombing.

The White House denounced it as “utterly false and complete fiction.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov pointed to the words of US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to say that Americans were “basically admitting” the pipeline blasts were their doing. Meanwhile, Beijing said that Washington owed the world an explanation.

“If Hersh is telling the truth, what he revealed is clearly unacceptable and must be answered for,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Friday.

As Hersh noted, both Nuland and US President Joe Biden had made very specific threats against Nord Stream 2 prior to the escalation of hostilities in Ukraine last year. After the blasts, US officials blamed Russia but said the situation presented an “opportunity” for Europe to cut ties with Moscow.

(Did he just admit the story was true? Seems like it.)


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5f30ee No.18341855

File: 8cecef8e22a7895⋯.png (10.52 KB,422x168,211:84,MediaMatt3.png)

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6aa915 No.18341856

File: 75c98164338bf61⋯.png (523.73 KB,640x629,640:629,moarpotsijuana1.png)

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24ff70 No.18341858


He is a good dude.

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c6e2b7 No.18341859

File: 5197ee75acefe75⋯.jpg (41.35 KB,640x272,40:17,boothsbroke.jpg)

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c6e2b7 No.18341860

File: 56d7f32ea500980⋯.gif (1.49 MB,333x498,111:166,legend44.gif)

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8d1cba No.18341861

File: 87b890fc4991c0b⋯.png (1.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


It's up to us now

Citizens must become Journalists

Begin recording Everything, The land, the Water & the Sky

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9efa30 No.18341862


Ode to Kash Patel! Still the question remains…where is James O'Keefe?

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0f048e No.18341863

This is your President speaking

I'm badly wounded, but we completely Pwned Russia


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bdb6de No.18341864


how many ips joo gonna post that slide on faggot

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945f20 No.18341865

>>18341845 I sure try to find him on any show, any time anywhere.

Kash is the best!,

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fa907e No.18341867

>>18341764 (lb)

what is holohoax?

>>18341780 (lb)

Samael? fuck that.

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de81fc No.18341868

Train derailment in Ohio is to potato

as Deepwater Horizon oil spill is to o'bummer..


East Palestine, Ohio … home of the country greatest chemical spill

Palestine, Texas ….Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated over


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8d1cba No.18341869


Gaslighting and Jazzhands

Typical when Americans are in danger

It'd be wall to wall coverage if Illegal Immigrants were in danger

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c6e2b7 No.18341870

File: a2b55a4ed7cceb8⋯.png (9.4 KB,244x255,244:255,noBugs4.png)


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6ad931 No.18341871

This bread brought to you by Pfizer

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934881 No.18341872

File: 1366257ccdf11e4⋯.png (262.14 KB,591x426,197:142,rep_anna_paulina_luna_meme.PNG)

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2adb31 No.18341873


Unchain Ye Gag Butt, for he hath pleased anons

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0ee97b No.18341874

File: 0d3e91d1e78b907⋯.jpg (16.64 KB,180x284,45:71,Screenshot_2023_02_13_1744….jpg)


How about these brothers?

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945f20 No.18341875



Pretty sure DOXXING is illegal.

We don't do that sort of thing here. Go try reddit.

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7c2729 No.18341876

File: 0b4fbe6d1f062f9⋯.jpg (14.01 KB,234x255,78:85,0b4fbe6d1f062f9d8eef68bdd4….jpg)


Copypasta? Again? Try harder.

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f39d58 No.18341877

File: 645bcfcd278bd43⋯.png (511.18 KB,697x514,697:514,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5f699 No.18341878

File: 35448283edda473⋯.png (51.69 KB,280x157,280:157,ClipboardImage.png)

13 Feb, 2023 17:36

Jesus ads promote ‘fascism’ – Democrat

Congresswoman AOC slams Super Bowl commercials for social justice Christianity

Two commercials that played during Sunday’s American football Super Bowl final presented Jesus Christ as a persecuted migrant and a champion of diversity. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez argued they promoted “fascism.”

“Something tells me Jesus would not spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign,” the New York Democrat tweeted on Sunday evening.

Two minute-long commercials were titled “Refugee” and “Love Your Enemies,” and were commissioned by He Gets Us, at a reported cost of $20 million. One uses the footage of migrants from Latin America to compare them to the Christian savior, while the other admonishes Christians that he “loved the people we hate.”

Ocasio-Cortez, a self-declared democratic socialist, declared this to be “fascism” after a series of media stories denouncing the group behind the ads – the Servant Foundation, also known as The Signatry. Last week, the socialist outlet Jacobin called them “the far right” and a “rabidly anti-abortion and anti-gay” organization funding a “hate group” called Alliance Defending Freedom.

Jacobin’s claims were then amplified by other outlets, with headlines such as “The truth behind the ‘He Gets Us’ ads for Jesus airing during the Super Bowl” (CNN). The CNN story, which appeared just hours before the game – and AOC’s tweet – explains that ‘He Gets Us’ has “theological ties to evangelical practices as well as financial ones,” and that evangelical Christianity “is closely tied to conservatism.”

‘He Gets Us’ says it is not a political organization, or “affiliated with any particular church or denomination.” It does tell potential partners that it recognizes the 1974 Lausanne Covenant as “reflective of the spirit and intent of this movement” and that its partner churches “affirm” it. The

Lausanne movement was launched by evangelical preacher Billy Graham.

“The Jesusy ‘He Gets Us’ campaign is a truly toxic far-right effort — anti-LGBTQ, anti-abortion, etc. Ignore the gauzy social justice dressing,” liberal journalist Virginia Heffernan tweeted on Sunday evening, urging her followers to spread the word and make sure the $100 million invested in the campaign is “wasted.”

The Super Bowl is the top sporting event in the US and commands the most expensive advertising rates. The commercials and the halftime show are usually the topic of conversation afterward, as much as the game itself.

(What to fuck is wrong with AOC’s mind, she’s really crazy! She doesn't realize she is the definition of facist)


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52302c No.18341879

File: 023c87a11aa6b4c⋯.gif (8.11 MB,600x338,300:169,night_train_2.gif)

File: 8d1e83051c21a3a⋯.gif (5.75 MB,296x480,37:60,night_train.gif)

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934881 No.18341880

File: af00a538e8bde70⋯.png (365.5 KB,538x315,538:315,pepe_outer_space.PNG)

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67cc99 No.18341881

File: 9ee6c11ed4d43fe⋯.jpg (74.42 KB,802x1024,401:512,80_g_54636_31120872911_bb3….jpg)

File: 7110a46ef17475d⋯.jpg (39.16 KB,612x414,34:23,gettyimages_154417684_612x….jpg)

File: e88990e13f1c69f⋯.jpg (52.57 KB,640x360,16:9,_71857925_kennedyfamilywit….jpg)

File: 20145673d988353⋯.jpeg (11.32 KB,207x243,23:27,images_93_.jpeg)

File: 173486818ac62c6⋯.png (410.54 KB,789x676,789:676,jfk_dog_charlie.png)

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6308cf No.18341882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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945f20 No.18341883


They can have a family unit at GITMO.

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8d1cba No.18341884


Literally telling us what they plan to do next

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0f048e No.18341885


You Need God

You can't spell Revenge without Rev and Enge and you have to get it yourself. The

Right Way, or it won't really count.

You Need Gods Help.

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4c08c9 No.18341886

File: 2f40b1e34a936ad⋯.jpg (38.06 KB,500x413,500:413,Chuu.jpg)




BANKRUPTED America is not the greatest country in the world in fact America is the most corrupted country in the world.

Trump's election was stolen so what did the lethargic lazy American people do in response to a blatantly stolen election by the highly organized DEEP STATE, MSM and dirty Washington politicians?

They did absolutely nothing because they are weak stupid assholes that got sucked in by people like the walking dead corpse of Nancy Pelosi and as a result America is now a piece of shit garbage disposal for third world buffoon illegals that need a new place to take a bean shit…..

American people you assholes got exactly what you fuckin' deserve~

Further more when a faggot like Zelenskiy can blackmail the fake American president for billions and billions it is proof that the American ZOMBIES are lifeless weak dumbass bastards…

Now you idiotic fools got Frank Luntz's boyfriend getting ready to run America even further into the ground….lol

In closing America:Who gave the fake president Joe Biden the permission to invade your country with millions of low IQ subhuman worthless people?

RIP America

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654588 No.18341887

File: 9fcb256bee28c1a⋯.png (534.44 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f30ee No.18341888

File: 419b74e7481bf1a⋯.png (10.69 KB,422x168,211:84,MediaMatters4.png)

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d8465e No.18341889

File: df0d00191688a79⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,888x484,222:121,df0d00191688a79262bb9d05b0….mp4)



















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c58f64 No.18341890

File: f78b20af76362ab⋯.png (712.4 KB,1080x1451,1080:1451,Cbju.png)

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2ad58e No.18341891

File: db042100d210746⋯.png (702.4 KB,985x554,985:554,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA, Partners Clear Axiom’s Second Private Astronaut Mission Crew

Feb 13, 2023

NASA and its international partners have approved the crew for Axiom Space’s second private astronaut mission to the International Space Station, Axiom Mission 2 (Ax-2).

Axiom Space’s Director of Human Spaceflight and former NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson will command the privately funded mission. John Shoffner of Knoxville, Tennessee, will serve as pilot. The two mission specialists, Ali Alqarni and Rayyanah Barnawi from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), are members of the inaugural Saudi national astronaut program. They are flying through an arrangement between KSA and Axiom Space.

“Enabling more people to go to space is an important component of NASA’s continuing efforts to grow the low-Earth orbit economy,” said Angela Hart, manager of NASA’s Commercial Low-Earth Orbit Development Program. “Private astronaut missions are a key component to enable a successful transition to a model of commercially owned and operated platforms in low-Earth orbit. I appreciate the commitment of our International Space Station and commercial partners to help us achieve this future.”

The Ax-2 crew will launch from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida aboard a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft and travel to the space station. Once docked, the private astronauts plan to spend 10 days aboard the orbiting laboratory implementing a full mission of science, outreach, and commercial activities. The mission, targeted for launch in spring 2023, will be the first private space mission to include both private astronauts and astronauts representing foreign governments, as well as the first private mission commanded by a woman.

“Axiom Space’s second private astronaut mission to the International Space Station cements our mission of expanding access to space worldwide and supporting the growth of the low-Earth orbit economy as we build Axiom Station,” said Michael Suffredini, president and CEO of Axiom Space. “Ax-2 moves Axiom Space one step closer toward the realization of a commercial space station in low-Earth orbit and enables us to build on the legacy and achievements of the station, leveraging the benefits of microgravity to better life on Earth.”

Whitson will become the first female commander of a private space mission, adding to her prior accomplishments, including as NASA’s chief astronaut and the first female commander of the space station. In addition, she will add to her standing record for the longest cumulative time in space by a NASA astronaut.

“I’m honored to be heading back to the station for the fourth time, leading this talented Ax-2 crew on their first mission,” said Whitson. “This is a strong and cohesive team determined to conduct meaningful scientific research in space and inspire a new generation about the benefits of microgravity. It’s a testament to the power of science and discovery to unify and build international collaboration.”

Shoffner, a businessman, has always had an interest in space, the stars, and flying, becoming a pilot at the age of 17 and since amassing than 8,500 flight hours and earning ratings for multiple aircraft types. He also is an advocate for science, technology engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) education.

The first private astronaut mission to the International Space Station, Axiom Mission 1 (Ax-1), launched April 8, 2022, with four private astronauts who spent 17 days in orbit working on 26 science payloads aboard the station and conducting more than 30 STEAM educational and public outreach engagements. The crew splashed down off the coast of Florida on April 25, 2022, to conclude the mission.

Private astronaut missions to the space station are a precursor to privately funded commercial space stations as part of NASA’s efforts to develop a thriving low-Earth orbit ecosystem and marketplace. NASA is currently reviewing proposals for the third and fourth private astronaut missions to the space station.


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2adb31 No.18341893

File: 0bf41e2fd4228fa⋯.jpg (115.18 KB,1024x1024,1:1,0bf41e2fd4228fa2aeb31930d1….jpg)


Kennedys are Irish.

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8adae1 No.18341894


they have to redefine it to hide the actual fascism that they do.

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0f048e No.18341895

File: e0061fd783272d1⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,1920x2560,3:4,IMG_20230206_023930_086.jpg)


Our Flag Is Still There.

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24ff70 No.18341896

When he hits "o're the ramparts we watched"

and the way he draws out ""gallantly streaming so perfectly

And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air

Whew! So many chills! Awesome!

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0ee97b No.18341897


I'm a construction manager. Way more mexicans than whites in construction at least in Chicago.

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de81fc No.18341898


Into the great lakes and down into the Mississippi

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2adb31 No.18341899

File: 44a3f0f0157c954⋯.png (2.18 MB,1024x1534,512:767,brock.png)

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654588 No.18341900

File: 2550945289136fc⋯.jpg (76.94 KB,1080x1066,540:533,do_a_terror.jpg)

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24ff70 No.18341901



Was meant for the vid I posted

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7c2729 No.18341902

File: 0aca9b798e6c41b⋯.jpeg (29.81 KB,227x255,227:255,0aca9b798e6c41b4833f616e3….jpeg)


>Link a screenshot of this as copy pasta.

I don't acquiesce to requests from shills. Copypasta until you prove otherwise.

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8adae1 No.18341903


same in FL.

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0f048e No.18341904



Do You Believe In Coincidences?

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934881 No.18341905

File: 27e2a3977908bbc⋯.png (50.36 KB,151x116,151:116,buttplug_snarl.PNG)

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f82808 No.18341906

File: b1d1d4c48deb00c⋯.jpg (234.84 KB,1400x1400,1:1,duke_nukem_3d_art_1440_0_0.jpg)

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654588 No.18341907


Same in Houston.

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9efa30 No.18341908

File: 95635d0be08da0e⋯.jpg (1.83 MB,2448x2448,1:1,IMG_1343.JPG)

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a5f699 No.18341909

File: 2e47a2504c62027⋯.png (92.88 KB,280x157,280:157,ClipboardImage.png)

13 Feb, 2023 17:46

US tracked Chinese balloons in Middle East – air force commander

Such aircraft were “not something of concern” for the Pentagon, General Alexus Grynkewich said

The US military observed a number of alleged Chinese surveillance balloons over the Middle East in recent years, Air Forces Central Command chief Lt. Gen Alexus Grynkewich said on Monday. Washington and Beijing have thrown accusations of espionage at each other since the US shot down several high-altitude objects in recent days.

“Even though we have seen high altitude balloons in the region before,they have not been a threat, they have not been something of concern for us.” Grynkewich said at an event hosted by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a think tank funded by the US military and the weapons industry.

Across the US military’s Central Command, which encompasses the Middle East and parts of Central Asia, one “main incident” involving a balloon took place last fall, while “one or two others” took place in previous years, the general continued. These balloons, which Grynkewich identified as Chinese, “have not hung out over American bases or been any threat to our forces whatsoever,” he added.

The level of concern that I have about them is extremely low,” he said. “It’s not something I lose sleep over.” (He’s admitting China already have all our data, but Keshel insinuated they were checking to see if there were any activity that showed another mission)

US warplanes shot down a “Chinese surveillance balloon” off the coast of South Carolina over a week ago, after the aircraft had crossed much of the country. The Pentagon said that the balloon carried equipment used to survey “strategic sites,” while Beijing insisted that it was a “civilian airship” that strayed from its course.

Three similar objects have since been shot down by American fighters over the US and Canada, although none of these craft have been labeled as Chinese by US officials. Gen. Glen VanHerck, commander of US Northern Command, told reporters that the military is refusing to “categorize them as balloons,” and isn’t sure “how they stay aloft.”

Speaking at a press conference on Monday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that “it is also common for US balloons to illegally enter the airspace of other countries.” Wang claimed that in the past year, “US high-altitude balloons have illegally flown over China’s airspace more than ten times.”

The White House denied Wang’s accusations, but Grynkewich said on Monday that balloon surveillance allows the user “to maintain your eye on a particular area of the planet for a while,” and that the US Air Force is “definitely interested in those technologies.”


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de81fc No.18341910


Busying blowing each other

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926147 No.18341911

File: af094590adf54f3⋯.png (1.61 MB,1080x1087,1080:1087,ClipboardImage.png)

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f39d58 No.18341912


That "Jesus" ad seemed to have been made by (((THEM))), imo.

Anyone get a feeling that that was indeed the case?

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fe8b4e No.18341913

File: f9f3d2b21594bc1⋯.png (1.4 MB,1080x1363,1080:1363,Scvhuko.png)

File: 72b749614becf6a⋯.png (514.56 KB,1014x756,169:126,Vjji.png)

File: dde707648e1b917⋯.png (104.2 KB,1080x863,1080:863,Vbuyu.png)

File: 6df7e217995fea9⋯.png (971.17 KB,1007x1419,1007:1419,Screfgvu.png)

File: 5876b5514c5f545⋯.png (828.97 KB,1080x916,270:229,Screennji.png)




BANKRUPTED America is not the greatest country in the world in fact America is the most corrupted country in the world.

Trump's election was stolen so what did the lethargic lazy American people do in response to a blatantly stolen election by the highly organized DEEP STATE, MSM and dirty Washington politicians?

They did absolutely nothing because they are weak stupid assholes that got sucked in by people like the walking dead corpse of Nancy Pelosi and as a result America is now a piece of shit garbage disposal for third world buffoon illegals that need a new place to take a bean shit…..

American people you assholes got exactly what you fuckin' deserve~

Further more when a faggot like Zelenskiy can blackmail the fake American president for billions and billions it is proof that the American ZOMBIES are lifeless weak dumbass bastards…

Now you idiotic fools got Frank Luntz's boyfriend getting ready to run America even further into the ground….lol

In closing America:Who gave the fake president Joe Biden the permission to invade your country with millions of low IQ subhuman worthless people?

RIP America

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0f048e No.18341914





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d24f13 No.18341915

File: 9b18ce34e5442bc⋯.png (1.95 MB,1088x1088,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek, you are being absorbed and consumed by his board personality... I'm kinda with you on most of your assessments, & see thru his deflections, only thing is.. none of it really matters and the entertainment factor of the bitchfight is waning.

You really are giving him the feeling he's a genius every time he replies to you. So if that's your goal, I feel sorry for you & carry on.

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de81fc No.18341916



Can't get a plastic bag at a grocery store…cause a turtle something something

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5f30ee No.18341917

File: 8722dad8db2e444⋯.png (736.48 KB,600x792,25:33,Shilleasy.png)

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d5efc3 No.18341918

File: 11a4c3dc1a2c1ff⋯.mp4 (13.37 MB,1792x828,448:207,ChastenButtigieg.mp4)


>Buttigieg made no mention of the Ohio train derailment while speaking at a conference this morning but did find the time to say that there are too many white people who work construction.

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9d2c80 No.18341919

I'll swap my 4 ( you's )

If you dig on this peado.






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6308cf No.18341920

File: e99fdcad939394c⋯.png (1.37 MB,520x922,260:461,capture_879_13022023_15425….png)

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e69909 No.18341921

File: 79c6ae07f87053e⋯.png (183.86 KB,397x223,397:223,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't think you destroyed "tranime", he basically left here (stopped imagefagging) as a legend.

Anime is a board Hero.

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757205 No.18341922

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB,1824x1212,152:101,9e2a71ce67cd016d9112f7be82….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

File: 286a92e1190f7ab⋯.jpg (49.11 KB,400x500,4:5,jesus.jpg)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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52302c No.18341923

File: 961673b976e9fea⋯.png (808.7 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Driver Killed After Crashing Into Freight Train

Between 12 and 16 cars are believed to have derailed after a train and a pickup collided in southeast Texas Monday morning

By NBCDFW Staff • Published 1 hour ago • Updated 1 hour ago


The driver of a pickup truck is dead after crashing into a moving train near Houston Monday morning.

The collision, which derailed at least a dozen train cars, took place at about 7:30 a.m. along Texas 59 in eastern Montgomery County, north of Houston.

The driver of the pickup, who has not yet been identified, was killed in the crash. No other injuries were reported.

KPRC-TV in Houston reported the red pickup truck that hit the train was split in half and was discovered near the rail cars, according to photos posted on the East Montgomery County Fire Department Facebook page.

KPRC in Houston reported as many as 16 rail cars may have derailed in the crash.

Fire officials said hazmat teams were working to identify the contents of the cars, none of which appeared to be compromised or damaged.

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be67a0 No.18341924

File: 0bfc87ca09be0ec⋯.jpg (438.66 KB,1200x969,400:323,lucifer1.jpg)

>>18341751 pb

>>18341759 pb

code on original seal of CIA


"and before the coming day, let Lucifer live"

"nancre praeque diem veniens age lucifer almum"

Satanism has been around a long time?

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7f589a No.18341925


Kill yourself fag.

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70209b No.18341926

File: f9416c615d5ada9⋯.png (1 MB,1130x1142,565:571,Screen_Shot_2023_02_13_at_….png)

Anons this link is about Gates and Epstein. Nothing amazing, but good.

I got to wondering if the Tarmac is more meaningful than just the BC episode.

Maybe the tarmac is where business is done in general I'm thinking.

Like a duty free store or something, or a place with limited jurisdiction?

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7c2729 No.18341927


Ah, the support member of the team. Too easy.

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0ee97b No.18341928

File: 044814bd91c26fb⋯.png (17.13 KB,254x255,254:255,8e89a9132bec1ae3fea27a25ec….png)


Do your own research. Bring what you find to the board. If it has legs it will run. Otherwise….

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243ffc No.18341929

File: edd506f22d2a15a⋯.png (904.98 KB,1014x1259,1014:1259,A_hole.png)



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d8465e No.18341930

Q Team Special Military Space Forces

so is Extradition order at 19:17:17?



Gate 33


Terminal Echo

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98163d No.18341931

File: 9b9d02ea0383646⋯.jpg (190.28 KB,714x449,714:449,bidensac.jpg)

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5f30ee No.18341932

File: 75500e46ac21d39⋯.jpg (4.42 KB,286x176,13:8,shillcock6.jpg)

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c6e2b7 No.18341933

File: 551fb7b4b7cb90b⋯.gif (441.43 KB,500x383,500:383,dukenukemtoilet.gif)

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e508c7 No.18341934


probably remote controlled

poor driver must have been terrified

all of a sudden your vehicle starts driving itself straight into a train while keeping you locked inside

fucks sake

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49ef30 No.18341935

File: 262d52a2e88785a⋯.png (1.49 MB,1760x995,352:199,i_told_you_soooo_amish.PNG)

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0169e8 No.18341936

File: 130c84a0e280806⋯.png (88.02 KB,1364x1384,341:346,Old_man_pepe_el_wisdom.png)


this is real terrorism

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52302c No.18341937

File: bb43b9cd8dc116c⋯.png (630.8 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



AMERICAN NEWS Feb 13, 2023

BREAKING: Train derails in South Carolina

Emergency crews and CSX Transportation, the company that operates the railroad, are on the scene.

On Monday a train derailed in Enoree, South Carolina.

According to Fox Carolina, CSX Transportation, the company that operates the railroad, and emergency crews are on the scene.

The derailment comes nearly two weeks after a train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. The train was carrying various chemicals, which authorities lit on fire to prevent an explosion.

Ohio residents had been ordered out of their homes after the derailment released the toxic chemicals. They have found the smell of chemicals lingering in the air and dead fish in rivers and creeks. As the dead fish appear in streams local residents have grown concerned that the local water supply has become contaminated.

On February 6, authorities began burning off the chemicals to reduce the risk of a vinyl chloride explosion. As The Post Millennial reported, initial reports noted that five of the derailed train cars carried vinyl chloride, a colorless gas used to make PVC plastics. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the exposure limit for workers is 1 part per million over an 8-hour shift. The National Cancer Institute states that exposure to vinyl chloride comes with an increased risk of rare liver cancer as well as brain and lung cancers, lymphoma, and leukemia.

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d21fd4 No.18341938

Betos goyfren gets volcano gedouchin von Weimar repooplickin

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2adb31 No.18341939

File: 51e1c3cadfaa193⋯.png (2.21 MB,1024x1534,512:767,a11a.png)

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a5f699 No.18341940

File: c967a06d9315361⋯.png (40.82 KB,280x157,280:157,ClipboardImage.png)

13 Feb, 2023 16:21

NATO launches new ‘surveillance’ network

Satellites will facilitate the sharing of intelligence data between commercial and national systems

NATO will launch a new “virtual network” comprisingnational and commercial satellites, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg revealed in a press conference on Monday ahead of a meeting of NATO defense ministers.

“This will improve our intelligence and surveillance. And support NATO missions and operations,” he said, adding that it would allow for “better navigation, communication, and early warning of missile launches.”

The move comes several months after the Russian Foreign Ministry warned that Western commercial satellites being used in the Ukraine conflict are valid military targets.

Stoltenberg acknowledged that the new network – as well as the much-needed replenishment of member nations’ weapons stores after a year of fighting in Ukraine – would requireincreased military spendingfrom those nations. The day’s meeting would thus include discussions of how to “maintain and step up defense spending across the alliance,” he said.

In addition to “stand[ing] with Ukraine for as long as it takes,”he hinted at an expansion of NATO’s efforts in Eastern Europe, explaining that “ministers will also address how to step up our practical support for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Moldova,” whom he called “valued partners which face Russian threats.”

While none of the three named countries are NATO members, the bloc has encouraged them to cozy up to it as the conflict in Ukraine drags on.

Moldova received EU candidate status in June, Bosnia in December, and Georgia applied for EU membership in March, though none have officially applied for NATO membership.

Russia has adamantly opposed NATO expansion, viewing the military alliance’s efforts to encroach on its borders and place missiles on its western flank as a direct threat. Moscow has sought a promise from Kiev that it will never join the bloc, though such a pledge has not been forthcoming.

Military Industrial Complex in full swing on many fronts in the world. The Beast needs death!


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723e5b No.18341941




If notables were $...

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1e5124 No.18341943

File: a6524365e760873⋯.webm (1.26 MB,720x1004,180:251,a6524365e760873b57905fc04….webm)


Thank you Bakerer.

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a19dab No.18341944

File: fddcd99d70bc2c5⋯.png (1.37 MB,1444x1424,361:356,ClipboardImage.png)

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e69909 No.18341945

File: c91ccd967b15a6e⋯.png (23.08 KB,524x404,131:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8465e No.18341946

I would, but (You) make fun of (me) when I pray

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18e46c No.18341947

File: 6d198041beeecf8⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x1152,15:16,474959957.png)

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0f048e No.18341948


POTUS will be there.

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8dd7c2 No.18341949

File: 66d5ff46be6ed10⋯.gif (122.12 KB,400x300,4:3,41399395_4d2c_4287_9046_65….gif)


I know how to clean this up

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926147 No.18341950

Senator JD Vance announces investigation into East Palestine train derailment and response

"Why did this happen? After the cleanup and safety of everyone is ensured, we will turn our attention to how to prevent this in the future."

Senator JD Vance (R-OH) issued a statement on Monday, vowing to get to the bottom of the train derailment and chemical burn that took place in East Palestine, Ohio. Authorities released toxic chemicals from the derailed train carts to reduce the threat of an explosion. Residents were told to evacuate the area.

"Like every Ohioan," Vance wrote, "I'm horrified by the Norfolk Southern train crash in East Palestine and the images we've seen coming from Northeast Ohio. One week ago, local and state officials determined that to avoid a catastrophic explosion a controlled release of vinyl chloride would take place. This release is the source of the frightening plumes of black smoke that have made their way around social media. While those plumes of smoke are now gone, many questions remain.

"Is the air and water safe for residents? So far, we have been told that air and drinking water tests performed by the state and federal Environmental Protection Agencies, the Ohio National Guard, and Norfolk Southern have been encouraging. We continue to monitor environmental reports from multiple agencies about the quality of the air and water in the region. I have heard alarming anecdotes about contaminated waterways and effects on wildlife. I encourage anyone with credible reports of environmental harms to contact my office. In the meantime, we will continue to engage with the relevant agencies and monitor the situation in the region."

Vance's statement continues by saying that his office is engaging in constant contact with local officials, residents, and the office of the Governor.

"The local fire department has borne the brunt of this catastrophe, and they need resources from FEMA to decontaminate equipment and ensure they continue to operate. These firefighters deserve our gratitude for their heroism; they also deserve equipment they need for their jobs. My office will continue to work with FEMA to ensure these firefighters get what they need. Local officials have also consistently encouraged me to ensure appropriate environmental testing continues. I am focused on that as well. My office will continue to engage with people on the ground, and deal with issues as they arise.

"Why did this happen? After the cleanup and safety of everyone is ensured, we will turn our attention to how to prevent this in the future. Many questions remain unanswered about the quality of the braking system used, the durability of the repair parts in the trains, and the Transportation Department's regulatory approach to our nation's rail system. Aside from this incident, there is a troubling trend of catastrophic infrastructure problems in our country, and more than a few reports of sabotage. My office will be investigating these concerns in the weeks to come.

"I am dedicated to ensuring that the relevant authorities do not use tests conducted as a permission slip to pack up and go home. This is a complex environmental disaster with impacts that may be difficult to assess in the short term. Long-term study will be imperative. As will long-term commitment to remediation by Norfolk Southern for the property damaged, the wildlife disrupted, and the community scarred by this accident.

"As always, my office stands ready to aid constituents facing pressing needs in the wake of this disaster," Vance concluded.


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58e4b7 No.18341951

File: 7ed02b8c823c422⋯.png (542.21 KB,812x835,812:835,Screenshot_2023_02_13_at_1….png)


>Florida Gov. DeSantis's family roots run deep in Valley

Ron Desantis Parents: Meet Karen Rogers And Ronald DeSantis

By Andy Ashong November 17, 2022 3 Mins Read

Ron Desantis Parents

Ron Desantis Parents: Meet Karen Rogers And Ronald DeSantis – Ron DeSantis ran briefly for the United States Senate in 2016, but dropped out after incumbent Marco Rubio announced his candidacy.

Ron DeSantis was born in Jacksonville, the son of Karen and Ronald Daniel DeSantis.

His eight great-grandparents were all born in Italy and of Italian descent, with communes in the provinces of L’Aquila, Benevento, Avellino, and Campobasso as their home.

In 1917, his great-great-grandmother, Luigia Colucci, and her husband immigrated to America. When he was six years old, his family moved to Dunedin, Florida, and then to Orlando, Florida. Christina Marie DeSantis, his sister, died in 2015. She was born in Orlando on May 5, 1985.

He was a Republican in Florida’s 6th congressional district from 2013 to 2018.

DeSantis was first elected to Congress in 2012, defeating Democrat Heather Beaven. He founded the Freedom Caucus and supported President Donald Trump during his presidency.

Ron Desantis Parents: Meet Karen Rogers And Ronald DeSantis

Karen Rodgers is the mother of Ron DeSantis. Her great-grandfather is Salvatore Storti and he reportedly arrived in the United States of America from Italy in 1904.

His father is Ronald DeSantis and from the name, it could be seen that he named his son after himself. Ronald and Karen had another child aside from Ron. The child was a daughter named Christina Marie DeSantis, however, she died in 2015.

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2ad58e No.18341952

File: 032fa92e7146fea⋯.png (175.88 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6be9647eb53a2dd⋯.png (554.29 KB,960x700,48:35,ClipboardImage.png)

Juice’s odyssey of exploration

Feb 9 2023

A grand odyssey of exploration is about to begin. Humankind’s next bold mission to the outer Solar System, ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, Juice, is poised to explore giant planet Jupiter and its largest moons. These intriguing worlds have piqued our curiosity ever since Galileo first raised his telescope to the planet and discovered its four largest moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, three of which are thought to harbour underground oceans.

Early space probes visiting the Jovian system have raised more questions than answers. But thanks to Juice, many of those answers are now within reach. ESA is launching the spacecraft in April 2023 on an eight-year journey to the distant planet.

To uncover the hidden secrets of these mysterious worlds, Juice is equipped with the most powerful science instruments ever sent to the outer Solar System. The spacecraft will face many dangers along the way: radiation, extreme temperatures, and the vast gravitational pull of Jupiter, all while operating hundreds of millions of kilometres from Earth. But in the safe hands of ESA’s operators to guide it safely through these challenges, the dangers will be worth it for the science that Juice is destined to uncover.



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757762 No.18341953

File: 2f40b1e34a936ad⋯.jpg (38.06 KB,500x413,500:413,Chuu.jpg)

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67cc99 No.18341954

File: f8d7bd9b3667fec⋯.jpg (72.33 KB,750x499,750:499,Image.jpg)

File: 48e6c5a45b409c2⋯.jpg (59.79 KB,700x701,700:701,RqsmL2a.jpg)

File: d761f4f9d3dfb2c⋯.webp (20.12 KB,240x322,120:161,main_qimg_e29c3618b3e4c7e….webp)

File: 16617e40d695edb⋯.jpg (96.53 KB,592x800,37:50,3f0b9ee4ad56a57828fa8a396e….jpg)

File: 231af2c37a1d131⋯.jpg (260.53 KB,1500x1006,750:503,Bon_Hero_1.jpg)

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7c2729 No.18341955

File: 0a159c9dd96360b⋯.gif (534.82 KB,640x636,160:159,0a159c9dd96360bcbbf80ea970….gif)

I mean, I am no direct threat to the heads of the Derp State, but their digital minions they give marching orders to, to try and subvert this board view me as a hurdle to their OPs being a success. I can't help it that I am the way I am, I just am.

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3480e2 No.18341956

the right is giving the left hell for a environmental disaster coverup

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0f048e No.18341957

File: b0e17911f852204⋯.jpg (68.57 KB,630x775,126:155,1676301900530.jpg)

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be67a0 No.18341959

File: 2f47dab765b3a3c⋯.png (360.76 KB,611x500,611:500,rodneyneustar.png)


yes, they hate Christians specifically

Christians have real estate in their brains.

They created a cliche about the Right.

it's about hating Christians, demeaning them, mocking them.

Just like Jew Hater who 've never met a Jew; these people likely never met an identified Christian - ? cept for street corner proselytizers.

They totally focus on the wrong people; just as do the Jew Haters. same ilk.

Infact didn't the French anarchist jphilosophers hate Jews? and the Arab BLM "squad of the US?

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f82808 No.18341960


>Needs a mound

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fc669a No.18341961

File: d660620b11fb5b1⋯.png (409.11 KB,750x1000,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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cba0a3 No.18341962

File: 4713c743b1e5476⋯.png (488.34 KB,750x1124,375:562,Aliens2.png)

Cue the alien invasion in 3…2…

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7a3b0c No.18341963

File: 508dba3f8f60cd6⋯.png (2.19 MB,1035x1300,207:260,ClipboardImage.png)


scars are visible

they're fake

she's a low-self-esteem girl

and a poser

not worth the exertion

plz post better boobies next time, thnx

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480fa7 No.18341964

File: 50f6e0327a308d0⋯.jpg (76.22 KB,1200x1200,1:1,50f6e0327a308d032723c8a17a….jpg)

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f39d58 No.18341965


bad boob job. the doctor sliced her the wrong way!

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fb531f No.18341966

File: 685ebfc919d9ba0⋯.jpg (118.51 KB,1024x768,4:3,jesus_smiling.jpg)

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065b8b No.18341967

File: 921065ed6278d03⋯.png (530.26 KB,659x609,659:609,pete_buttigieg.png)

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378608 No.18341968

File: 4b03403ff240690⋯.png (112.38 KB,262x262,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a41d92 No.18341969

File: ac73f863c641964⋯.png (117.96 KB,476x301,68:43,Capture.PNG)

US Tеlls Аny Rеmаining Аmеricаns Tо Gеt Оut оf Russiа оr Face pоssible Cоnscription


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10cd3d No.18341970

File: 650280f5bbbea3a⋯.mp4 (2.69 MB,640x360,16:9,billgepstein.mp4)

File: 6135fd2454d85f4⋯.jpg (182.75 KB,881x549,881:549,bill_gates_with_conviced_c….jpg)

File: 61a1245f87f7996⋯.png (258.91 KB,615x379,615:379,dogshit.png)

File: 0de39df5bec1db6⋯.mp4 (243.64 KB,400x184,50:23,billgchilddeaths.mp4)

File: 1fba1fc7e7e1ae4⋯.png (56.57 KB,688x471,688:471,dtp.PNG)


'you had a number of meetings with epstein who at the time was convicted of soliciting minors for prostitution'

'it was reported that you continued to meet with him over several years'

gates: 'well, I regretted having the dinners (and no words on the victims of decades long child rape blackmail operation)'

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b918b5 No.18341971




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2adb31 No.18341972

File: add633569dd6a98⋯.jpg (258.58 KB,1630x2048,815:1024,2dd2986c0ff179f4b98a6e7eec….jpg)

Call it "Juice" and say it carries "powerful science instruments." NPCs will luv it with three letter luv,

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9efa30 No.18341973


FAther God, We your creation will never forget what you did to relieve us of the curse and scourge of EVIL when you sent your only begotten son, in your image.

Jesus walked as a man but rid your earth of the evil that was determined to inhabit it. There is only you, God, that reign over man. Any other entity through greed and jealousy and deprivation that tries to steer humanity away from God is pure EVIL.

God meant for us to live FREE and these entities mean to enslave and sacrifice as many of us as possible, even when Jesus own sacrifice saved us from their curses.

It is up to us, now to UNITE and realize God within us, to stand up and REBUKE each and every evil thing the wannabe gods want to wreak upon us.

Amen and Amen.

Through the power given through me, I rebuke All and Every single act of deceit, devastation and Damage against us.

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0f048e No.18341974



Guys look it's Q

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52302c No.18341975

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Forgot source


Video shows train carrying tankers full of ethanol derailing in Fairmont, Minnesota


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0f048e No.18341976


Is it a Bird?

Or a Plane???

It's!!… It's!!!!!!


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b24a30 No.18341977


copy pasta Q whatever

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d21fd4 No.18341978

Beto caught biting fart bubbles in bathe tub escaping border from macrons insecurity

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5f30ee No.18341979

File: 3e57c800bece851⋯.png (643.32 KB,586x800,293:400,ShillBlendIn.png)

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8dd7c2 No.18341980


Looks like a Frazetta but is kind of soul less. I'm going to say it's not a Frazetta. Change my mind (I'm not 100 percent sure)

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41189a No.18341981

File: e0c0fe88ffc734d⋯.jpg (80.2 KB,716x500,179:125,e0c0fe88ffc734d3541f28043f….jpg)



Fat chicks always here hatin' on the ones they're jealous of.

Put down the fork until you hate yourself less.

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95c0b7 No.18341982

File: 8ed4e9c172580ab⋯.jpg (244.82 KB,1174x1146,587:573,Xnip2023_02_13_19_03_51.jpg)

Ebola Type Outbreak Confirmed in Equatorial Guinea

The small Central African country quarantined more than 200 people and restricted movement last week in its Kie-Ntem province after detecting an unknown hemorrhagic fever. Neighboring Cameroon also restricted movement along its border over concerns about contagion.

In addition to the nine deaths, Equatorial Guinea has reported 16 suspected cases of Marburg virus with symptoms including fever, fatigue and blood-stained vomit and diarrhea, the WHO said.

The deaths have been preliminarily linked to a funeral ceremony in the Kie-Ntem province’s Nsok Nsomo district, Equatorial Guinea Health Minister Mitoha Ondo’o Ayekaba said on Friday.



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926147 No.18341983

File: c0b5021085b0f0b⋯.png (125.87 KB,739x850,739:850,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 938f1af026afded⋯.png (127.18 KB,765x901,45:53,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Marshals Capture Over 800 Fugitives in Operation North Star


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d21fd4 No.18341984


Bet gets gahybarr matsubi in face

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18fa75 No.18341985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm in luv

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d46394 No.18341986

File: e0a0c04d3980068⋯.png (1.04 MB,857x689,857:689,ClipboardImage.png)

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654588 No.18341987

File: 32c78939243f898⋯.png (434.58 KB,888x499,888:499,night_shift5.png)

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d21fd4 No.18341988


Beto gets gahybarr matsubi in face again

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67cc99 No.18341989

File: edf19cf38ec5e77⋯.jpg (19.2 KB,255x245,51:49,0722fa9697bbe1efc42bc052be….jpg)

File: e6e209bff6959bc⋯.png (16.75 KB,255x245,51:49,8c194d50e702cd59bc24efafdc….png)

File: 8be38432f651e15⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,464x480,29:30,8be38432f651e1528260e9d6c4….mp4)

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7c2729 No.18341990

File: b587ce5c893422c⋯.gif (4.01 MB,360x201,120:67,nightshift2.gif)

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6308cf No.18341991

File: 2d03418409b459e⋯.png (3.79 MB,1255x1054,1255:1054,capture_894_13022023_16040….png)





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d21fd4 No.18341992


Not farts leak out macrons indignity

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2fcbe4 No.18341993


Kash definitely posted this to pump himself up while sitting in his underwear browsing 8kun. There is no doubt.

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c6e2b7 No.18341994

File: af2537b4db1e881⋯.png (539.43 KB,1141x969,1141:969,af2537b4db1e881751f3f4dc79….png)

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d21fd4 No.18341995


Beto gets gahybarr matsubi in face sum moar

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065b8b No.18341996

File: 488fb869cb4608e⋯.png (600.22 KB,901x494,901:494,obama.png)

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0f048e No.18341997


1280 days prophesying in sack cloth and ash. Trip Added when POTUS returns from his trip on Friday.

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945f20 No.18341998


Do you think those are scars under the nipples?


They are nowhere that you can see.

Do you even know how it is done?

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8adae1 No.18341999

File: 084ae22a2aca412⋯.jpg (456.14 KB,1178x1436,589:718,Xnip2023_02_13_19_06_33.jpg)

File: 6d80a52bd774c6f⋯.jpg (310.78 KB,1176x1350,196:225,Xnip2023_02_13_19_06_51.jpg)


There are no vaccinesor antiviral treatments approved to treat the virus. However, supportive care – rehydration with oral or intravenous fluids – and treatment of specific symptoms, improves survival. A range of potential treatments, including blood products, immune therapies and drug therapies, as well as candidate vaccines with phase 1 data are being evaluated.

“Advance teams have been deployed in the affected districts to trace contacts, isolate and provide medical care to people showing symptoms of the disease,” WHO said in a statement. “Efforts are also underway to rapidly mount emergency response, with WHO deploying health emergency experts.”

hehe…wanna bet???

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209812 No.18342000

File: 6ba905d07393ff3⋯.jpg (926 KB,1774x1028,887:514,downloadfile.jpg)


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1e5124 No.18342001

File: f67823553a366b0⋯.mp4 (619.78 KB,406x720,203:360,f67823553a366b071c7fb41c5a….mp4)


>scars are visible

>they're fake

Apologies anon. Way too many bewbs in the collection; I didn't notice low qual.

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7c2729 No.18342002

File: e32a7169b5afb79⋯.png (1.02 MB,1280x760,32:19,pepe9001.png)


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c6e2b7 No.18342003

File: 029392df6338542⋯.gif (1.82 MB,360x201,120:67,029392df633854287bec2179d4….gif)

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e38654 No.18342004


In my ass, so I can get pregnant.

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2ad58e No.18342005

File: 64c69d5734a6699⋯.png (432.06 KB,780x626,390:313,ClipboardImage.png)

Jones steps down as Air Force under secretary

February 13, 2023


Under Secretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones will step down and Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller Kristyn E. Jones, will perform the duties of under secretary of the Air Force, effective March 6.

“Throughout her tenure, Under Secretary Jones has been a tireless advocate for the Department of the Air Force and its people. Her leadership in enabling all Airmen, Guardians, and their families to serve to their full potential and providing the resources they need has enhanced the readiness of the Air and Space Force for years to come. The department is grateful for her dedicated service," Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall said. “Kristyn Jones will do a fantastic job keeping the momentum going."

Since May 4, 2022, Kristyn Jones provided financial management and analytical services necessary for the effective and efficient use of Air Force resources, to include nearly 700,000 military and civilian personnel and a budget of more than $194 billion.


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6308cf No.18342006

File: 105026bf08d1dce⋯.jpg (98.03 KB,768x549,256:183,105026bf08d1dce1fba5801d55….jpg)

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d24f13 No.18342007


kek tranime was admittedly starting bread wars, admittedly gatekeeping… admittedly ip-hopping to inflate his persona.. it all came out when they banned him.. admittedly jobless and admittedly on amphetamines (just for 8kun i suppose) without a job.. idk.. idk.. yeah I guess board hero works, if you're into that sort of angle.. I'd welcome him back.. but only to the same degree that I welcome a shitstorm.

>>18341958 yeah, carry on, its just not gonna change. I think many already saw what you saw long before… others might have only noticed it since this slide played out over the past week or whatever.. but its known.. I don't even need memes or file names.. I can't say 100% that I know who's who all the time, but i have my suspicions about this one, but I don't like to bring up names.. writing style and his response behavior at least fits a category well enough, that.. I'm content in knowing he's mostly worthless, mostly harmless… again i think a lot of anons just won't tell you this every bread, but are armed with the same intuition.

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d21fd4 No.18342008


Macrons not farts validation struggling with nothetero seeks out foreign border invaders while Beto gets gahybarr matsubi in face again

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b24a30 No.18342009


you forgot the one where Q says none of us are prophets so . . . there is that to consider.

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ae6d87 No.18342010

Ohio is a Manmade Disaster

Where's FEMA?

Where's the Red Cross?

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f82808 No.18342011


It's true.

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d21fd4 No.18342012


Macrons indignation petitions Frudeau to open cross dress border while Beto gets gahybarr matsubi in the face

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e38654 No.18342013


She is actually talking about Bill Gates abhorrent ways.

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8dd7c2 No.18342014


Thrown under the bus balloon?

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b971b2 No.18342015

File: dc97ef8c938e67c⋯.png (1.18 MB,1080x1453,1080:1453,Scvhju.png)





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065b8b No.18342016

File: 61d802f3d70ad36⋯.png (86.56 KB,300x300,1:1,wtf.png)

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d46394 No.18342017

File: 4468d6ef86e712f⋯.png (206.42 KB,358x358,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



His mom is literally a Karen… kek

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ab68e3 No.18342018

File: c065c391a8489c2⋯.png (492.8 KB,541x460,541:460,ClipboardImage.png)

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58e4b7 No.18342019

File: 5b762568a92e453⋯.jpg (148.16 KB,634x831,634:831,caseyDesantisDeathCert.jpg)

File: d56c28e4336a4a0⋯.jpg (66.85 KB,634x834,317:417,64607381_11432397_She_died….jpg)

File: afd1a80992c044e⋯.jpg (34.04 KB,634x623,634:623,64610743_11432397_image_a_….jpg)



EXCLUSIVE: Tragedy overshadows Ron DeSantis's inauguration triumph: Florida Governor’s sadness lingers over the secret tragic death of younger sister Christina, who died at age 30 in the arms of her British film editor fiancé in 2015

Ron DeSantis's sister Christina, 30, died from a sudden illness in 2015 and the family have not spoken about the full circumstances surrounding her death

Her death certificate has been obtained by DailyMail.com and revealsshe died primarily from pulmonary thromboembolism

A secondary cause is given as ovarian borderline mucinous tumor, where abnormal cells form in the tissue covering the ovary

She died clutching the hand of her British fiancé Stephan Pasiewicz just as they were preparing to get married and spend their lives together

Ron DeSantis was inaugurated for a second term as Florida Governor on Tuesday

By Greg Woodfield For Dailymail.com

Published: 14:15 EST, 3 January 2023 | Updated: 14:36 EST, 3 January 2023





View comments

As Ron DeSantis celebrates his biggest triumph with his second inauguration, Florida's governor is hiding his heartache over the death of his younger sister.

Although he has acknowledged Christina DeSantis's 2015 death he has never spoken about it publicly or revealed how she died.

That is in direct contrast to the openness with which he has talked about his wife Casey's battle with breast cancer.

Christina DeSantis was just 30 when she died in London in 2015 after battling a sudden illness. Her British fiancé Stephan Pasiewicz was clutching her hand in hospital as she slipped away.

Now DailyMail.com can reveal that Christina was struck down by pulmonary thromboembolism – where a blood clot, generally from a leg vein, becomes wedged in an artery in the lungs.

A secondary cause is given as ovarian borderline mucinous tumor, where abnormal cells form in the tissue covering the ovary, according to a death certificate we obtained in London.

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dc74df No.18342020


Macrons notHetero not farts indignation petitioner seeks the finest syrup suckin moose jockeys to invade cross dress border leaks while Beto gets gahybarr matsubi to face again some moar

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ce7dce No.18342022

File: 25d832761c4e49d⋯.png (308.27 KB,588x294,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b24a30 No.18342023


wow what a jerk you are.

do you even know?

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c6e2b7 No.18342024

File: 769e0feef5356f7⋯.jpg (120.96 KB,813x500,813:500,cdolol4.jpg)

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e38654 No.18342025

File: 262c9625cb30ae3⋯.png (347.18 KB,620x584,155:146,ClipboardImage.png)


Finger licking good.

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7c2729 No.18342026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6a405a No.18342027

File: 335469ef2725d0d⋯.png (1.49 MB,1080x1626,180:271,Screeches.png)



Hey! Care about that story! I really do!

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c6e2b7 No.18342028

File: e5ae9c9ce953896⋯.jpg (14.45 KB,255x153,5:3,cheshirePepe44.jpg)

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d21fd4 No.18342029


Moose jockeys summoned by syrup suckers prepare to fight cross border dresses fraudulent fletcher relationships at stripper pole with looneys

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9d2c80 No.18342030


Failed 2 times anon

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5f30ee No.18342031

File: c032f69e4382902⋯.jpg (256.5 KB,600x794,300:397,PLALady2.jpg)

File: 1ba572786af1019⋯.jpg (245.98 KB,586x800,293:400,PLALady1.jpg)

File: 2044fa82d561461⋯.jpg (263.88 KB,600x756,50:63,PLALady3.jpg)

File: 0a7a30bc513d787⋯.jpg (215.26 KB,800x505,160:101,PLALady8_.jpg)

File: e0b68ecc9a677cc⋯.jpg (217 KB,800x504,100:63,PLALady9.jpg)

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2adb31 No.18342032

File: d49e91ba2dd948f⋯.png (213.83 KB,278x396,139:198,ClipboardImage.png)


such awesome doggos.

Bran and Sceolan - The Loyal Hounds of Finn mac Cumhaill


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7a3b0c No.18342033



I found it on a wallpaper website.


Boobs that have been cut-up via a titty-job are filled with scar tissue, and it's common form women with boob jobs to have difficulty producing milk.

Healthy babies need healthy boobies.

Also, I have a cock.


>anon is apologizing

Nah bro, it's cool. I'm just shitposting a little. You're great, and you don't need to apologize for anything. Those new titties are some nice titties too. Poor lady looks cold. I wish I had been there to warm her up.

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d21fd4 No.18342034


Stripper pole refuses looneys at last cliffhanger seo keyword moment

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c26764 No.18342035

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7c2729 No.18342037

File: cf0d9205586c236⋯.png (1.08 MB,1202x906,601:453,ClipboardImage.png)

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d21fd4 No.18342038


Seo keyword cliffhanger moments are brought to us by fat divorced dudes on buell struggling to be play write

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6308cf No.18342039

File: 34c6696ce61bda8⋯.jpg (365.11 KB,1000x750,4:3,perambulate44.jpg)

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02b1c5 No.18342040


It appears US.mil is moar than willing to assist crooked Joe with this fairy tale. They shouldn't of helped him steal the election. Poor judgement on their part. Now the are partners in crime and beholden to the old crooked fuq.

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bc5aba No.18342041

>>18340263 Georgia judge orders limited release of grand jury report on Trump election interference

Trump election interference? It's unfuckingbelievable these traitors are openly playing this out. Q, please make it public when THEY get it!

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960ee3 No.18342042


They Want You Brain Dead

The FDA wants you brain dead. Here's how they're going about it.

Scientifically reviewed by: Dr. Gary Gonzalez, MD, in January 2021. Written by: Life Extension Editorial Staff.


The FDA has spent 13 years trying to stop Americans from obtaining low-cost Hydergine from overseas suppliers. Prices in Europe for Hydergine products are at an all-time low, but FDA enforcement remains high, thus causing Americans to pay protectionist prices for Hydergine.

As you will read in a new report appearing in this issue, Hydergine may be one of the more effective agents to prevent brain aging. Yet as nursing homes fill with senile "brain dead" Americans, the FDA sends its agents on "European vacations" at taxpayer expense to raid companies that ship low-priced Hydergine to Americans.

Some European suppliers are offering 100 5-mg ergoloid mesylates (generic Hydergine) tablets to Americans for under $20. This same amount of generic Hydergine costs about $175 in the U.S. Is it any wonder that the FDA is taking such aggressive actions against offshore companies that offer lower-cost medications? The FDA's actions are protecting the profits of the pharmaceutical industry. In doing so, it is squandering millions of tax dollars to force American consumers to pay eight times more for Hydergine than it would cost in Europe.

In September 1997, the FDA convinced a British government bureaucracy called the Medicines Control Agency to raid companies in England that ship medications to Americans for personal use. The MCA seized these medications under the guise of protecting the public against dangerous drugs. As detailed in last month's issue of Life Extension, the mca took the unprecedented step of sending letters to Americans who bought Hydergine, stating that the product had been tested, the quality was "suspect" and the tablets were "not of the efficacy that legitimate manufacturers would have produced."

The Life Extension Foundation conducted an independent analysis on the Hydergine shipped by the company that the MCA accused of selling defective Hydergine. The assay scientists noted, "On the basis of our laboratory analysis, we submit that the [Hydergine] tablets assayed contained the correct ingredients. The dose of the labeled amount was found to be within the allowable usp limits." The MCA thus intentionally tried to deceive Americans by libeling the low-cost Hydergine ordered for personal use.

According to a new federal study, health care costs are expected to double in the next nine years, while prescription drug prices will increase by a whopping 274 percent. The report noted that over the last five years, health-care costs have been kept artificially low because of the one-time savings Americans enjoyed with the switch to managed health care. Now that managed health care is facing the harsh realities of what health care really costs, Americans will soon pay sharply higher prices for medical insurance and treatment.

Americans pay the lowest prices in the world for most things except for health care. The high cost of medicine in the United States is caused by a regulatory system that has been allowed to proliferate out of control.


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d21fd4 No.18342043

Augustus gloop caught clogging fudgepacker factory

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d5efc3 No.18342044


glasses say it all

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480fa7 No.18342045

File: 0c857e8ca8184e8⋯.png (749.18 KB,813x787,813:787,ClipboardImage.png)

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960ee3 No.18342046



An example of how consumers become the ultimate victims can be seen with the pricing of such prescription drugs as Viagra. This popular impotence- treating aphrodisiac drug comes in 25-mg, 50-mg and 100-mg strengths, yet the pharmaceutical company that makes Viagra charges the identical price for all three potencies. In other words, the price charged for the drug has nothing to do with the cost of the active ingredient. Some doctors are prescribing 100-mg strength Viagra tablets and suggesting that their patients break the tablets in half or in quarters to save money. The problem is that Viagra tablets do not break easily, so it is difficult to obtain precise dosing by chopping up the tablets. Viagra is just one of many prescription drugs that cost the same amount per pill for any potency.

The costs and uncertainties of bureaucratic red tape are what forces drug companies to charge outlandish prices for the few drugs the FDA allows them to sell. As Life Extension magazine has repeatedly detailed, consumers are not "protected" by government over-regulation. In fact, quite the opposite occurs. More people in the U.S. die from adverse reactions to government-approved drugs than anywhere else in the world.

In most countries, little can be done to prevent government-sanctioned monopolies from financially raping the citizenry. Even in Europe and Japan, people pay artificially high prices because of over-regulation. Americans are different. We are the progeny of revolutionaries who did not tolerate government inefficiency and abuse. If you think you're too busy to petition for the abolition of the current regulatory system, just look at the medical insurance premiums you are paying for yourself, your family or your employees. The government says these costs will double in nine years. The cost of medical care would decline if the FDA's powers were severely restricted or abolished. Free market forces would create a medical renaissance free of inhibition by over-zealous bureaucrats. We know the FDA is incapable of regulating drug safety, since more than 100,000 Americans die every year from drugs that the FDA says are safe (see The Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998).

The Life Extension Foundation is the only organization that regularly exposes governmental incompetence and corruption as it relates to the quality and cost of medical care. If you are willing to consider participating in lawsuits filed against the FDA and other regulatory agencies that are attempting to defraud American consumers out of their health and money, please write to the Life Extension Foundation, P.O. Box 1067, Hollywood, Fla., 33022 Please indicate if you are being denied an offshore medication to protect against brain aging, hepatitis C liver damage, age-associated immune impairment, or other life-threatening diseases.


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0169e8 No.18342047

File: bbd3e1c38911190⋯.png (266.87 KB,561x671,51:61,brain_fungus.png)

File: d9a023fabf24707⋯.png (60.37 KB,350x325,14:13,gary_cone.png)


many of the heads are unusually elongated

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4c580c No.18342048

File: de522a96745ae18⋯.jpg (2.16 MB,4000x1868,1000:467,20230213_160448.jpg)

File: 84368ebdad81da3⋯.jpg (2.29 MB,4000x1868,1000:467,20230213_160500.jpg)

File: 7f47e0916f212ab⋯.jpg (479.91 KB,1459x1009,1459:1009,20230213_163806.jpg)

File: cde1c5d57ebc19d⋯.jpg (1.94 MB,1868x3357,1868:3357,20230213_163739.jpg)

I hear people bashing Baofengs and they only reach out a mile or so. Until I goty Ham Amateur Extra license… So with some.basic knowledge and application I'm quieting (Hitting Tx/Rx) in on Repeaters 40+ Miles away theough trees in town off with an 8W Handheld and a Tram 1191 Thru Glass Mobile Antenna at 1.01 SWR on both VHF/UHF…

Get smart Y'all!

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a19dab No.18342049

File: 0bbd14475ddc2d3⋯.png (999.36 KB,674x1096,337:548,ClipboardImage.png)

>In the style of a meme comic. Subject: pepe the frog wearing a blue shirt and no pants or shoes. Illustration: Pepe the frog is hugging a kitten

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5f30ee No.18342050


Oh…It's (You).

You sad clown sack of shit.

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ab68e3 No.18342051

File: e35046916c4e56d⋯.png (660.93 KB,732x652,183:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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b51564 No.18342052


you can order from anti aging pharm in England

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480fa7 No.18342053

File: f08dab3ddc57612⋯.jpg (89.39 KB,622x1029,622:1029,e5795978ef78a17b.jpg)

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a11c11 No.18342054

File: 0f1fce937ef1a5a⋯.png (128.27 KB,757x531,757:531,ClipboardImage.png)


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9d2c80 No.18342055


Newfag ?


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52302c No.18342056


Video of the south carolina derailment definitely looks like sabotage, the wood underneath the rails comes away as the train is going over the tracks and then the chemical containers roll off the train.


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ab68e3 No.18342057

File: 639efeaa7c7bae4⋯.png (670.08 KB,721x850,721:850,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bbb4d No.18342058


These people are sick… the most under-used statement of all time!

This faggot, in the story/article, should go first!

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8dd7c2 No.18342059


Have you used it?

Can you provide anon with testimonial?

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e10945 No.18342060


To anon this looks as if the person filming it knew it was going to happen- and (technically) why and where …

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c6e2b7 No.18342061

File: f9c395c577165de⋯.jpg (768.42 KB,1920x1200,8:5,shamrock.jpg)

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d75e21 No.18342062

File: ad359e7afca2f3d⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,720x658,360:329,Q_Research.mp4)

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168025 No.18342063


Everyone with a social media account is a fucking expert. Fuck you Kash.

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58e4b7 No.18342064


>His mom is literally a Karen


Meatball shills can't even deal with RdS mom jokes

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9d2c80 No.18342065


U r new boy

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0169e8 No.18342066


I'm looking for a "cheat sheet" on a baofeng.

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a41d92 No.18342067

File: 634ef8e77e0032d⋯.jpg (116.1 KB,796x1024,199:256,Fo4uiM7WYAMQbkk.jpg)

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7a3b0c No.18342068


That's pretty neat anon.

You should find somebody in your AO with a little interest, and be an Elmer to them.

Wish I'd had an Elmer help me. Could still use some, actually.

Not a slide attempt, just returning some positive energy to another anon.

Neat, anon. But remember that your name and address can be looked up with your call sign.


Be careful posting images, and be even moar careful about what you transmit.

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256d54 No.18342069


Chems used to make Fertilizer?

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1e5124 No.18342070


She's going to be fishing that sand out for a while …

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9d2c80 No.18342071

File: 43d579c1f285812⋯.jpg (106.41 KB,666x500,333:250,7b29k6.jpg)

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480fa7 No.18342072

File: a4e0dee60a53954⋯.webm (2.06 MB,362x640,181:320,a4e0dee60a53954a0fbf490d2….webm)

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7a3b0c No.18342073


That's Ok, I'll help her.

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8dd7c2 No.18342074




>To anon this looks as if the person filming it knew it was going to happen- and (technically) why and where




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b971b2 No.18342075

File: 80006c3348a5ca8⋯.png (715.54 KB,1080x1040,27:26,Scvju.png)



The zombie apocalypse is already underway in a big way in America and it's happening in plain sight.

After looking at unprovoked assaults murder and robbery crime statistics it appears the black African negroid people are attacking innocent people mainly white people for no reason and violent attacks by black African negroid attackers are escalating at alarming rates and it is trending upwards big-time and in most cases it looks like full-scale WARFARE.

Today in New York city and Chicago hundreds of brutal unprovoked assaults by the African negroid will take place and innocent people will be killed.

This post isn't a joke so do your own research and find out for yourself and be very careful when around unknown black African people.

Negroids cant think in the future, the goal of preparation. They still haven't developed the wheel in uncontacted tribes because they still stuck in the stone age. .

Negroids do not have social skills. They are just propped up and too stupid to know how retarded every facet of their existence is.

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7c2729 No.18342076

File: ccf5cda828e1e41⋯.png (608.91 KB,700x575,28:23,ccf5cda828e1e4144d6f4a353d….png)

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a19dab No.18342077

File: a7151050bbe8cb0⋯.png (1.31 MB,670x1100,67:110,ClipboardImage.png)


>In the style of a meme comic: pepe the frog wearing a blue shirt and no pants or shoes. He is watching as Armageddon happens in the background

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b9317c No.18342078


It's why they call it antenna 'theory' as well :)

Nice to see people cutting teeth on the lil' riceboxes. Nothing wrong with that at all. Get CHRIP and it's just fine for getting basic job done.


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9d2c80 No.18342079

Release the mounds !

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945f20 No.18342080


rahm emanuel's dr. brother wants all humans dead at 75.

To begin with

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b51564 No.18342081


have seen prescribed for two reasons here in US, neurology giving for patients at risk for mental deterioration due to chronic neurological diseases, pre op to protect against loss of o2 during long surgeries, protects brain, is primarily used in UK for that purpose, as for anti aging, can't say but is adverted there, you decided

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ae6d87 No.18342082

Super Bowl Commercials

Mocking God

Eating Humans

Mocking the Bible

Buy Electric Vehicles

Masonic Symbolisms Glorified

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afc4b2 No.18342083

They never thought there would be a space force.

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1fdc98 No.18342084

File: ab312b8c1ca1e89⋯.png (1.87 MB,1920x1200,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)



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1e5124 No.18342086


That's selfless of you anon.

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afc4b2 No.18342087

They never thought there would be warp speed.

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d5efc3 No.18342088

File: a95c14af96f20dd⋯.mp4 (5.55 MB,854x480,427:240,HFBCc_caa.mp4)

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7c2729 No.18342089

File: b7e66ac735b7bc1⋯.png (328.65 KB,450x450,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e10945 No.18342090

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1aa331 No.18342091


Stop talking about yourself so goddam much arrogant cunt. Fuck. You get the immediate filter from here on out

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5f30ee No.18342092


Logan's run. 35.

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8dd7c2 No.18342093


Thanks for the info. Always interested in things to keep me ticking

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2b29c3 No.18342094

File: ce22e77c55ea546⋯.png (119.96 KB,488x327,488:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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a19dab No.18342095

File: 0a31ff0163c74ce⋯.png (3.07 MB,1486x1386,743:693,ClipboardImage.png)

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19df9a No.18342096



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f16591 No.18342097

File: 05671f428e93743⋯.png (318.56 KB,937x788,937:788,ClipboardImage.png)


Once you learn BlackRock, Vanguard, and JPMorgan are the biggest stockholders of Norfolk Southern, the train operator that crashed in Ohio, then you realize why there has been a major media blackout on the toxic chemical disaster

Can’t risk losing that ad revenue!

2:44 PM · Feb 13, 2023




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4ac17d No.18342098

File: 06d024bdd520445⋯.jpeg (44.09 KB,900x602,450:301,1EF60750_C158_44B4_A8D5_A….jpeg)

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5e526b No.18342099

It's bad, It's really bad.

something has to come to a head.


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ce7dce No.18342100


WTF does he care, he's a Russian now.

Why does he care about "budgets" for the US?

And American traitor that is STILL on twitter, yet Trump isn't.

Stupid fucks.

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2ad58e No.18342101


Movies need cameramen and women

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5f30ee No.18342102

File: 60689a5a7b18571⋯.png (34.02 KB,848x186,424:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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f16591 No.18342103

File: f7a75634c116630⋯.png (592.5 KB,907x867,907:867,ClipboardImage.png)



SHOCK: There is another train derailment of tanker trucks carrying vinyl chloride in Enoree, South Carolina on a CSX Transportation rail line.


Officials responding to train derailment in Enoree

Stay with FOX Carolina as we work to learn more.

2:47 PM · Feb 13, 2023

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a19dab No.18342104

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2b29c3 No.18342105



Orange work gloves on dash on the left

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9d2c80 No.18342106


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3bbb4d No.18342107

File: 508165900297318⋯.jpeg (212.17 KB,1000x1219,1000:1219,627399B8_40CD_4F0A_8B16_B….jpeg)


It is here!

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this dayour daily breadand forgive us our debts and trespasses, as we forgive those who are indebted to us and trespass against us.

Lead us not, into temptation, but deliver us from evil, Amen

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savoir. He lived and died so that our sins could be forgiven.

God is great!

I am the light.

I am the truth.

I am.

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442d2e No.18342108

File: ca32900c5cfe44b⋯.png (68.28 KB,208x255,208:255,ca32900c5cfe44b684bc4c7624….png)

Jessie Watters is blowing up the derailment in OHIO!

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0f048e No.18342109

File: 334eaebff0da087⋯.jpg (24.92 KB,684x265,684:265,1676328114552.jpg)

File: 5b8d9ac0e026155⋯.jpg (36.82 KB,684x362,342:181,1676301881769.jpg)




I didn't miss that. I addressed it in those 9 threads I keep posting

I said we are not prophets.

But the 144000 are all prophets




That being said.

God Only Reveals His Plan to His Son

Exodus 4:22 Israel is Gods Firstborn

When POTUS returns from his trip on

Friday I might be a prophet. We'll have to

See. But by all means

We won't have much of any use for the

Title personally before the Great Tribulation begins anyway.

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256d54 No.18342110


Line of sight, and decent repeaters up on mountains you get way more than 1-2 mile direct.

You wont get more than 1-2 miles in town direct without a repeater.

No idea why you would be using a Baofeng when you can just put in a mobile 50w system though.

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50d045 No.18342111

File: f5b53a0664b530d⋯.png (132.93 KB,437x594,437:594,Screenshot_2023_02_13_The_….png)

Two far-left activists from Washington state associated with "the Antifa site @igd_news have been convicted in federal court on terrorism charges stemming from their attempt to derail trains.

Ellen B. Reiche was found guilty. Samantha F. Brooks pleaded guilty. Other Antifa sites used besides @igd_news: "It's Going Down", https://t.co/84n1VoTpgr & "Puget Sound Anarchists", also known to be on other social media sites.

Known Terrorist group "Antifa" members Ellen Brennan Reiche, 23, and Samantha Frances Brooks, 27 convicted in domestic terror attacks against Washington trains-September 14, 2021. 41 other shunt incidents on the BNSF tracks since January 19th of 2020.

Liberal MSM propaganda channels, papers & online sites completely silent.

The wire seemed to be the same as that utilized in prior shunting instances, as the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force worked with BNSF police to investigate 41 other shunt incidents on the BNSF tracks since January 19th of 2020.

The Antifa domestic terrorists used “shunts” in an effort to disrupt trains on the tracks that can lead to derailments. They use internet sites

HOW IRONIC!!! #11 The top 10 owners of the Norfolk Southern Corp rail transportation company include: Vanguard, JPMorgan & BlackRock.




WA State Pair charged with interfering with safety on railroad tracks

A claim of responsibility was published on an anarchist website https://t.co/84n1VoTpgr

Reiche, who identifies as “non-binary” and uses “they/them” pronouns, was the deputy field organizer for Washington State Democrats, according to their now-deleted LinkedIn profile.


Rail Shut Down in Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Fight Against Colonial Invasion https://t.co/9GFNZQ2cOh via @IGD_News


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6d28ef No.18342112

File: 91b27980af9de75⋯.png (347.67 KB,691x635,691:635,Screen_Shot_2023_02_13_at_….png)


Interesting thread. Seems like "dashboard" information from Johns Hopkins may have been faked. I'm not familiar with working with this type of data, but this is how it reads to me.

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0169e8 No.18342113

File: a95c14af96f20dd⋯.mp4 (5.55 MB,854x480,427:240,Video_shows_train_carrying….mp4)


>Video shows train carrying tankers full of ethanol derailing in Fairmont, Minnesota

Here vid.

One other thing comes to mind.

Those couplers are stupid. If one rolls, there is no reason for it to take 3-4 others with it.

"Roll-out couplers" should be a thing.

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7c2729 No.18342114

File: 032951cd223726e⋯.png (432.98 KB,556x720,139:180,032951cd223726eacb1aa91d27….png)


Like I give a shit about the hate a one post wonder tries lobbing my way. I'll bat that shit out of the air with my hand right back at you, you whiny faggot.

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d5efc3 No.18342115

>"Antifa" members Ellen Brennan Reiche, 23, and Samantha Frances Brooks, 27 convicted in domestic terror attacks against Washington trains


>Vanguard, JPMorgan & BlackRock

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9d2c80 No.18342116


I dont want to, talk amound it…..

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f16591 No.18342117

File: c54b8abf8aa0b35⋯.png (454.91 KB,772x851,772:851,ClipboardImage.png)



Did you know that in 2017 Norfolk Southern, the operator of the derailed Ohio train, successfully lobbied a repeal of a rule requiring electronically controlled pneumatic brakes?

Guess who 2 of the top 3 shareholders of NS are:

Vanguard & BlackRock


Rail Companies Blocked Safety Rules Before Ohio Derailment

Norfolk Southern helped convince government officials to repeal brake rules — and corporate lobbyists watered down hazmat safety regs.

2:19 PM · Feb 13, 2023

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658053 No.18342118

File: 242e09a175c768b⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB,1536x1970,768:985,32ECBE94_D461_41E1_9470_B….jpeg)

Save the whales and the eagles.

Green energy sucks.

The third dead whale was discovered in less than a week off the southeastern coast of Virginia, miles from Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW), one of two wind farms operated in Federal waters.

According to local news outlets, there was no immediate cause of death and the whale didn't appear to have any entanglement marks.

The discovery of the beached right whale came just two days after a humpback whale was found dead along the shoreline in Cape Charles, Virginia, and five days after a dead humpback whale was found off the coast of First Landing State Park in Virginia Beach.

"There have been 3 large whale strandings in VA over the past week, two humpbacks and more recently a North Atlantic right whale," NOAA spokesperson Allison Ferreira told Fox News Digital in an email. "We are investigating all of these incidents in collaboration with our stranding network partners."


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c6e2b7 No.18342119

File: 119dfbaed872d4f⋯.jpg (30.08 KB,413x425,413:425,8b918d54025a441a4376f6ba8a….jpg)



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0f048e No.18342120


I said 1280 days prophesying

Probably should've said Testif[y]ing. >>18342009

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bda627 No.18342121

File: b19e11b26ad0fc7⋯.mp4 (11.11 MB,464x848,29:53,adhZKVQfa0FJ9uVr.mp4)

She’s confirming all the stories and its worse than media is reporting and what others are saying



Replying to


Can someone over there confirm this ?

#OhioTrainDisaster #ohioderailment #EastPalestine

Embedded video



1:49 PM · Feb 13, 2023



Replying to




Yes, it is true. I have a friend that lives there. Her house smells. Furnace filter was pure black. I used to live 11 miles from there. They have arrested reporters for asking questions at press conferences.


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b51564 No.18342122



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a41d92 No.18342123


If "officials" told us the right thing to do was to ignite the tankers in Ohio, why are they not saying the same thing here in S. Carolina?

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6434d0 No.18342124

File: d0f4cfe38be3cda⋯.png (566.31 KB,1085x543,1085:543,2CB68886_32B3_4328_A847_78….png)

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a19dab No.18342125

File: 7c3a842d601ca6b⋯.png (859.08 KB,980x788,245:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f048e No.18342126



Preparing to vaccinate every American Highschooler at once and than the End


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5e526b No.18342127

File: 2ebd19985cc0a25⋯.png (643.95 KB,1020x1020,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

It's time

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18e46c No.18342128

File: a88adc6cb5daabe⋯.jpeg (131.44 KB,1080x810,4:3,1556246101.jpeg)


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2e7133 No.18342129


Don't post this on Facebook. I just got 30 days in the gulag for it lol.

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9d2c80 No.18342130


Fucking hell anon ,

She looks like my daughter s

Best friend.

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8529d9 No.18342131

File: 7e30abc89857bbe⋯.png (1.3 MB,1408x1398,704:699,Screenshot_2023_02_13_at_6….png)

FBI infiltrated BLM to make it MORE radical.


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e10945 No.18342132

File: 3be619e9904517d⋯.png (333.26 KB,1752x1703,1752:1703,ClipboardImage.png)

…long train of abuses

…long trains of abuse …

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8dd7c2 No.18342133


>There is another train derailment of tanker trucks carrying vinyl chloride in Enoree,

Heard no reports of the South Carolina train carrying vinyl chloride

Be careful of fake news

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f16591 No.18342134




2nd excellente

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ce7dce No.18342135

File: 19590542b40738e⋯.png (86.88 KB,291x323,291:323,ClipboardImage.png)


Nobody cares that you made a video ffs.

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48b139 No.18342136



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256d54 No.18342137


Just waiting for the new string of Riots to Start. I think things will be very different next time they run in packs threatening "Other" people.

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9d2c80 No.18342138


Anon loves anons pic.

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1aa331 No.18342139


Bye (now I have 2 posts faggot)

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5e526b No.18342140

File: a1e4d874fc79309⋯.png (95.16 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Pray, frenz!

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c597fb No.18342141

File: 96769e0b3bb91c7⋯.png (420.32 KB,800x519,800:519,ClipboardImage.png)


Tiny W/ aprs are fun

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2ad58e No.18342142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c54551 No.18342143

File: f1c153d55e2161f⋯.png (332.96 KB,1514x1124,757:562,twomoarweeks.png)

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0f048e No.18342144





I'm not a Prophet

I'm the Holy Ghost

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f08aa3 No.18342145

File: ef0f07ba76e5ec9⋯.png (105.74 KB,384x362,192:181,4f5f8b9c5cb1afd3077b7b8ca6….png)

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a9f489 No.18342146


that's because if you want it done right, hire white

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ae6d87 No.18342147


Where's Fema?

Where's the red Cross?

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256d54 No.18342148


I think Anon is showing you who Ginger mound is.

That standing bitch face kind of tells the whole story doesnt it?

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5e526b No.18342149


at this point, neither trump nor kash matters.

Pray to God

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c54551 No.18342150


Is this the new 'rebuttal' meme?

FYI it sucks

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48b139 No.18342151

File: 3e05a59c208a2e5⋯.gif (125.23 KB,547x503,547:503,pepegin.gif)

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ab68e3 No.18342152


Ignore this it doesn't fit the narrative

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c6e2b7 No.18342153

File: d0b74dc81db14b6⋯.png (228.63 KB,718x449,718:449,d0b74dc81db14b6d6d0a79a8a8….png)

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4ac17d No.18342154

File: 4f6d9c162e63d6a⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,1976x1375,1976:1375,1CA7A954_599A_469F_A794_9….jpeg)

File: 9b562f830b42034⋯.jpeg (590.72 KB,1472x1049,1472:1049,83354D65_5401_4155_BD8C_C….jpeg)

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3bdc87 No.18342155

File: a2d40debd4806b7⋯.png (1.14 MB,1180x665,236:133,HWFGAshift.png)

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065b8b No.18342156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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48b139 No.18342157

File: 2263e0385b1ee6e⋯.jpg (30.03 KB,271x367,271:367,lgame.jpg)

the only way to win is not to play

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c54551 No.18342158


Biden isn't America.

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0f048e No.18342159



Preparing to Vaccinate all the Highschoolers in America at once.

America falls the world's falls

Save the Children

Save America

Save the World

We Gotta Stop Them.

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67cc99 No.18342160

File: 7cf9291be38ea25⋯.png (1.55 MB,1200x1200,1:1,all_things_hobo_signs_and_….png)

File: df4b6565113c6b0⋯.jpg (221.12 KB,800x1399,800:1399,hobo_signs_symbols_05.jpg)

File: c08c73ca4aad2eb⋯.mp4 (9.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,c08c73ca4aad2eb578adfd8bef….mp4)

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4f7ce4 No.18342161


That is one ugly man right there!

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c6e2b7 No.18342162

File: 2bc9765e7ad1421⋯.png (15.59 KB,255x255,1:1,veritasaequitas44_2_.png)

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fe2901 No.18342163

File: b61f2789836a610⋯.jpeg (157.1 KB,904x500,226:125,923E0656_9D71_486F_9544_1….jpeg)

File: 073fb2054285c6e⋯.jpeg (129.35 KB,972x665,972:665,2338611C_7B36_4C17_A464_D….jpeg)

File: 0e872c1efa44a0b⋯.jpeg (193.06 KB,843x565,843:565,7251F6D2_6016_4C7D_B3D6_5….jpeg)

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1e5124 No.18342164


What is it about gingie mingey that's so alluring?

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480fa7 No.18342165

File: de3b32806cfb2c4⋯.jpg (160.6 KB,993x835,993:835,Screenshot_20230213_184201….jpg)


Remound to last night shift.

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02b1c5 No.18342166


All the usual totemic tropes the Deep State employs to intimidate its opponents — Russia, white supremacy, right-wing extremism, racism, misogyny, transphobia, blah blah — have lost their power to scare the non-insane. Fewer Americans believe the official bullshit about keeping America “safe” from “misinformation.” It’s perfectly obvious now that “misinformation” is a synonym for “the truth.” So, what have they got left? A UFO invasion? Is that what it’s come to? I guess so.

War of the Worlds


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e7896e No.18342167

File: 3b67d373577df29⋯.jpg (267.16 KB,720x738,40:41,Screenshot_20230213_184314….jpg)

If degenerates only knew how utterly ridiculous they appear.

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678f20 No.18342168



This time weaponized drones are going give them black African negroid RIOTERS a huge surprise..

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357274 No.18342169



looked like they started recording when they noticed something wrong with the tracks. could definitely have been sabotage.

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7bc5f8 No.18342170


>BREAKING: EPA releases manifest summarizing deadly chemicals that were released in East Palestine, Ohio:

Who's going to do the analysis of what the re-combinant chemical cocktail looks like, its effects and the long term environmental impacts.

Who's going to buy up all that contaminated farm ground on the cheap?

Who's the owners of the train wreck? Oh let's see:


J.P. Morgan



Yup, same folks been buying up everything to drive you off the land. you know they already have the antidote to the poisoned soil and water. It will either cost a lot or they'll withhold it for maximum effect. They don't need the land to feed themselves, we do.

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5e526b No.18342171

File: ab053345f0f9904⋯.png (695.88 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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c54551 No.18342172

File: 57374a3535b1d24⋯.png (1.04 MB,1800x1152,25:16,ClipboardImage.png)

Well holy shit.

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fc669a No.18342173


FIRE CROTCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1cbb8b No.18342174

File: ee13983da7e8490⋯.jpg (75.79 KB,1000x470,100:47,Ivermectin.jpg)


Here we go again.

Oh, btw, Ivermectin is effective against Marburg type viruses.

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8f2498 No.18342175


is that a BT xfr plugged into the UV-3R to/from the blackberry? what is it?

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9d2c80 No.18342176


Anon climbs mounds,

Anon climbed MOUNT ETNA.


And I stored manna poos, internal stu.

Anon is good ja ?

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c6e2b7 No.18342177

File: 62df228e57d50f6⋯.jpg (11.68 KB,255x219,85:73,chucklesinOG44.jpg)

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6308cf No.18342178

File: b0ba9f8317d0afb⋯.png (486.46 KB,700x560,5:4,b0ba9f8317d0afbf5bcbddfd89….png)

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5f30ee No.18342179

File: 85400505a6305eb⋯.png (10.08 KB,422x168,211:84,MediaMatters8.png)

File: 2144fc4c7b3500c⋯.jpg (28.02 KB,620x413,620:413,shillcock5.jpg)

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ab68e3 No.18342180

File: ee7f0b5597d16c9⋯.png (852.1 KB,850x479,850:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 885d2298cc55148⋯.png (564.24 KB,796x773,796:773,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 736d206fb8f43b9⋯.png (599.83 KB,759x712,759:712,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel passes 2 clauses of judicial reform in first reading

As the coalition and opposition members spar over two pieces of legislation, committee meeting is overshadowed by shouting matches, singing, and dramatic exits, while protesters chant outside

The Knesset’s Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee on Monday approved in first reading two of the bills proposed in the judicial reform, with nine lawmakers voting in support of the legislation and seven opposing it.

The two clauses will change the composition of the judge selection committee, and restrict the Supreme Court from reviewing and changing Israel's basic laws.

This legislation acts as the basis of the government's plan to virtually eliminate the High Court's ability to impose checks and balances on Israel's parliament.

The approval represents the first steps in seeing through the controversial judicial reforms, which have been the source of multiple protests across the country for several weeks.

While the coalition and opposition members sparred over the two pieces of legislation, the committee was engulfed by intense shouting matches, singing, and dramatic exits.


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256d54 No.18342181

File: d4a85f53baaeab6⋯.gif (630.42 KB,360x240,3:2,kermit_panic.gif)


All of them get to burn.

Luna is on it.

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5f30ee No.18342182

File: 2ca6f951a8c7674⋯.jpg (8.65 KB,265x174,265:174,shillcock4.jpg)

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50d045 No.18342183

File: 9b34157885928a3⋯.png (90.23 KB,437x445,437:445,Screenshot_2023_02_13_Sici….png)

Edward Snowden


After 25 years in the CIA:After 25 years in the CIA:


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c54551 No.18342184

File: 16219350c2ffb26⋯.jpg (93.07 KB,500x715,100:143,16219350c2ffb264d36e8e23a8….jpg)

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fe2901 No.18342185

File: 48bc2bdfad51c44⋯.png (74.69 KB,281x209,281:209,1BCE8CE1_D57E_4505_8F62_A0….png)

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6d28ef No.18342186

File: 9daec61510889da⋯.png (86.68 KB,662x356,331:178,Screen_Shot_2023_02_13_at_….png)


E. Palestine is in Columbiana County. Seems like another coinkydink.

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5e526b No.18342187

File: 3348b1f3f6d9c66⋯.png (805.21 KB,888x500,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d2c80 No.18342188





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e7896e No.18342189

File: e1af3b40d41ebd5⋯.jpg (292.27 KB,720x861,240:287,Screenshot_20230213_184646….jpg)

Burn it.


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50d045 No.18342190

File: 0030f4dad5b8a3d⋯.png (677.71 KB,1092x824,273:206,ClipboardImage.png)

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b06814 No.18342191

File: 6f0b2e4429cf95b⋯.png (608.44 KB,1200x954,200:159,check_mate.png)

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480fa7 No.18342192

File: f210221ba024fb0⋯.png (896.52 KB,1024x768,4:3,f210221ba024fb0c1c4f163eac….png)


Oh ginger mound give us hence forth warmth from thee wonderfulfirecrotch.

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ec73ac No.18342193


What the hell? Who video taped this and was there not leaking?

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8529d9 No.18342194

File: 8cf7e47925cec48⋯.png (1.38 MB,1192x1074,596:537,Screenshot_2023_02_13_at_6….png)


https://mobile.twitter.com/Terror_Alarm/status/1625208625508585485WHO: Equatorial Guinea confirms first-ever Marburg virus disease outbreak. 10 people have so far died and 200 more quarantined in the country.

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d6ca0c No.18342195

File: 9b6a5234faa4873⋯.jpg (21.3 KB,255x255,1:1,9b6a5234faa4873557398769fd….jpg)

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8f32bc No.18342196

File: 66527db5f8c42bf⋯.jpg (41.09 KB,600x320,15:8,7albb.jpg)


OPINION: The more white people become tribal and only share technology amongst themselves the greatest white society ever will evolve.

There is nothing racist about this post it's the reality in America.

Barack Obama pushed the dreaded ideological diversity nonsense on America for a solid eight years and the smart white people of that time solidly rejected his failed race cards and took action.

White people since Obama and BLM have been consistently self segregating far away as possible from the black African negroid people in huge numbers.



"The diversity ideology is no friend of peace and tolerance. it is absolutely and completely the enemy of competence and justice."

- Jordan Peterson.

In America it's obvious there is a Jewish mission from overseas to compartmentalize and marginalize white people.


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bda627 No.18342197

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bannon says they are gaslighting us, Navaro thinks Bidan us destroying the evidenceit cost $500,000 to a million bucks to shoot a sidewinder missile. Not to mention the cost to take up the most sophisticated jet the F22 to go up. Navarro says can’t the send a drone up to find out what it is? Instead of destroying it and having retrieval objects. There’s got to be a way to catch it without destroying it. And CNN is being used for propaganda with a chiron that says “3 UFOs”!

Peter Navarro Raises Questions On Military Response To CCP Spy Balloons And Destruction Of Evidence


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9d2c80 No.18342198


Think ( rusty bucket )

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0f048e No.18342199


I'm the baby

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0f048e No.18342200


I'm the Q baby

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41189a No.18342201

File: e213be367d7f12c⋯.png (313.31 KB,900x602,450:301,06d024bdd5204455b275f75015….png)

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3bdc87 No.18342202


…It's not losing sleep in knowing, it's the intrigue that keeps anon up.

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5f30ee No.18342203

File: ea1cfc7db0ef0a2⋯.png (11.53 KB,461x231,461:231,loweffort5.png)

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0f048e No.18342204




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8529d9 No.18342205


93% white.

That's why.

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9d2c80 No.18342206


Anon got balance

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6d28ef No.18342207

File: c9b3306af4058b8⋯.png (45.22 KB,408x133,408:133,Screen_Shot_2023_02_13_at_….png)


Wow. Note the comment about the earlier Syria FF (chemical attack as I remember). Syria as well as Turkey was affected by the recent earthquake.

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50d045 No.18342208

File: f926966ec85c96d⋯.png (20.49 KB,598x449,598:449,Screenshot_2023_02_13_Edwa….png)

Edward Snowden


it's not aliens

i wish it were aliens

but it's not aliens

it's just the ol' engineered panic, an attractive nuisance ensuring natsec reporters get assigned to investigate balloon bullshit rather than budgets or bombings (à la nordstream)

until next time


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b06814 No.18342209

File: 149d447244edf61⋯.jpg (100.98 KB,634x921,634:921,glenn_william_close.jpg)

File: a434b8f36003d48⋯.jpg (77.17 KB,900x400,9:4,glenn_close_gold.jpg)

File: f0b784a4357828e⋯.jpg (26.9 KB,309x494,309:494,ebola_wiliam_close.jpg)

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5e526b No.18342210

File: 7af329166707f1e⋯.png (487.86 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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e10945 No.18342211


They take their guns home with them after military service and get called in for exercise periodically

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f18878 No.18342212


not long ago we were hearing about the environmental dangers of the Keystone Pipeline. Trains were much safer.

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0d5869 No.18342213

File: 4be48624027ea24⋯.png (2.24 MB,1200x1200,1:1,burnit.png)

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5f30ee No.18342214



Legally required to as a citizen is why.

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9d2c80 No.18342215


Anons mouth water….

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6308cf No.18342216

File: a59ce6a221c6320⋯.png (525.62 KB,588x441,4:3,Ron_Paul_glad.png)


>…It's not losing sleep in knowing, it's the intrigue that keeps anon up.

reconciliation for the ages…

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c597fb No.18342217


The pic was rando.

Mine is baofeng gt-3tp w/ mobilinkd tnc

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5e526b No.18342218

File: 412e2bc4ad7b3d0⋯.png (725.31 KB,740x500,37:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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50d045 No.18342219

File: 9b34157885928a3⋯.png (90.23 KB,437x445,437:445,Screenshot_2023_02_13_Sici….png)

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7c2729 No.18342220

File: 769251f61e4d8d8⋯.gif (431.07 KB,500x386,250:193,bravo2.gif)


So not only do you try to spread hate, you're a liar as well. Quite the impression you're creating of yourself this bread.

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6308cf No.18342221

File: 7d1a7e8938ead43⋯.jpg (356.38 KB,566x800,283:400,trust.jpg)

File: 69fa08490afdd43⋯.jpg (125.19 KB,472x518,236:259,ComfyHydrate.jpg)

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329c5b No.18342222


I was anon that asked that question.

Was referring to the kids in Syria at that time under news reports of chemical weapons.

It was clear it had double meaning tho.

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50d045 No.18342223


I agree white civil societies

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186c70 No.18342224

Forget your differences.

Work together.

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9d2c80 No.18342225


Best mound anon ,best mound.

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bc5aba No.18342226

File: 71f42f3708a57e1⋯.jpg (82.91 KB,474x711,2:3,th_3933785400.jpg)

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c934d5 No.18342227

File: f2ff4aacdd0337f⋯.png (951.95 KB,1080x1296,5:6,Scbhui.png)


Anon it's obvious you are a tiny bird brain black African negroid turd….lol

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c6e2b7 No.18342228

File: 0f9ad2cb8b73a0f⋯.png (19.4 KB,241x255,241:255,resinating44.png)

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50d045 No.18342229

File: bd3eef189096355⋯.png (263.78 KB,598x695,598:695,Screenshot_2023_02_13_Edwa….png)


Wrong Tweet, it's this one. My apologies..

After 25 years in the CIA:


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a19dab No.18342230


disturbing movie

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7c2729 No.18342231

File: c1beaeb976b8ce7⋯.png (983.22 KB,1212x1182,202:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3891e No.18342232

File: b0ef4fe9ac92196⋯.jpg (17.78 KB,474x315,158:105,hyfgc.jpg)

File: ca99e6dc58eddfa⋯.jpg (30.63 KB,474x474,1:1,For_The_Keks.jpg)

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e10945 No.18342233


I´d send a cargo plane, have the hatch opened with a rig to catch it (balloon) and haul it in. No waste of ammunition, no danger for populace on ground, and unbroken devices for inspection.

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c6e2b7 No.18342234

File: 5871f4def32387b⋯.jpg (183 KB,794x547,794:547,teleP.jpg)



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67cc99 No.18342235

File: 509cdf98f79b993⋯.mp4 (499.93 KB,320x400,4:5,509cdf98f79b9933f41b529512….mp4)

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ce7dce No.18342236


Switzerland is the head of the octopus/octagon.

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606292 No.18342237

File: 2d3c3b4362bb69c⋯.jpg (19.63 KB,273x188,273:188,trusttheclam.jpg)

oh shit

PLAN People's Liberation Army Navy (China)

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44c7e1 No.18342238

File: 2753112a9cf17bb⋯.jpeg (1020.7 KB,2160x2700,4:5,A32F4639_8CE2_457C_A118_4….jpeg)

the united states is under attack.

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8529d9 No.18342239


No dumbass. It's not why they're heavily armed. It's why they're not shooting each other with those arms.

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6308cf No.18342240



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9d2c80 No.18342241



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5a0b25 No.18342242


Copypasta is old

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50d045 No.18342243

File: d5a273787ec5318⋯.png (464.26 KB,437x492,437:492,Screenshot_2023_02_13_Sici….png)

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58e4b7 No.18342244

File: 41a6211056ed47c⋯.png (389.38 KB,657x743,657:743,pepe_holmes.png)


>Orange work gloves on dash on the left

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fe4300 No.18342245

File: 0785e2705863f63⋯.png (5.06 MB,2500x1500,5:3,USMAP.png)

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5a6c85 No.18342246

If the CEO of NorthfolkSouthern isn't at the crash site by now helping the clean up and being a true leader then he needs to be hanged and quartered.

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7c2729 No.18342247

File: 03a6a4c9e800dbb⋯.gif (4.81 MB,602x500,301:250,03a6a4c9e800dbbc21e6995066….gif)


I'll work with anyone except evil actors. If a patriot throws shit my way because I'm not their cup of tea then they shouldn't be surprised if I throw shit back.

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4b9751 No.18342248


>Yup, same folks been buying up everything to drive you off the land. you know they already have the antidote to the poisoned soil and water. It will either cost a lot or they'll withhold it for maximum effect. They don't need the land to feed themselves, we do.

Or what if there was no contamination leaked, and they just scared everyone off their land, and are now going to buy up perfectly good farmland on the cheap.

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18e46c No.18342249

File: aeb8d68b5d153eb⋯.jpg (69.39 KB,691x709,691:709,20230213_185833.jpg)

So this just flew over my house. Chicago suburbs

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5e526b No.18342250

File: f9e1b7226118855⋯.png (709.81 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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606292 No.18342251

File: dd57e5d1709a14a⋯.jpg (134.85 KB,959x536,959:536,exit.jpg)

File: 670cce013a1ff80⋯.jpg (89.18 KB,444x248,111:62,exit2.jpg)

File: 4ed25fc34e4ee9c⋯.jpeg (166.93 KB,575x393,575:393,pain.jpeg)


now please find the nearest exit

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ab68e3 No.18342252


ok Ben fulford but what about the Greenland theory?

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6308cf No.18342253

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB,296x146,148:73,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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654439 No.18342254


papi missed a word: catastrophic

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f16591 No.18342255

9th dead whale washed up on shore..in NJ

expect another earthquake!!!

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5f30ee No.18342256

File: ee56151edaf3aa0⋯.jpg (209.71 KB,1000x667,1000:667,ShillWeiner3.jpg)

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97fd69 No.18342257

It's actually far worse then you think.

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a41d92 No.18342258

File: 93ec6d1f77ddb23⋯.jpg (73.14 KB,700x372,175:93,Fo4lkW3aQAAo_pb.jpg)

Never question the EPA.

It is infallible.

CC: Gold King Mine (Silverton, CO)

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6d28ef No.18342259

File: f2b2ba094d731dc⋯.png (364.34 KB,696x579,232:193,Screen_Shot_2023_02_13_at_….png)

Very informative.


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4b9751 No.18342260


Just Elon busting a nut

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3480e2 No.18342261

File: b4b25366f206e2e⋯.jpeg (362.26 KB,828x961,828:961,D3CD079E_35BF_4287_A8F6_4….jpeg)



Many trillions of dollars in the hands of these wicked will be evaporated.

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5a0b25 No.18342262


Prob starlink satellites. Saw the same thing and it freaked me out. Friend had some app and pointed phone at sky.. that’s what it was.

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480fa7 No.18342263

File: 5e455d72c7b5011⋯.jpg (155.92 KB,1016x716,254:179,Screenshot_20230213_185939….jpg)


I concur

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cc2772 No.18342264


"why would someone film a train crossing?"

people with phones film their damn lunch and make a tiktok vid of it

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cfbb9d No.18342265


this is what they can do everywhere anytime anyplace…just evacuate

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519a6f No.18342266


Trust the plan for two more weeks.

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41189a No.18342267


>I´d send a cargo plane,

They don't have that high of a service ceiling.

You could send up a U2 trailing a half mile of razor wire, tho.

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5f30ee No.18342268

File: 31a47c67dbd3375⋯.jpg (10.11 KB,255x223,255:223,shillweiner4.jpg)

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18e46c No.18342269


Well that explains it. Thanks anon

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1e5124 No.18342270



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10cd3d No.18342271

File: a433466247ead52⋯.png (24.09 KB,140x147,20:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bd5049fc351545⋯.png (396 KB,583x637,583:637,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43fc20253228de4⋯.png (854.65 KB,1004x792,251:198,ClipboardImage.png)


Scientists worked out the solution to the Japanese problem.

I think it's a set of small islands in the Pacific and they need to make room for hundreds of millions of niggers and arabs they're about to import there.

This square/round glasses moron is so ignorant he didn't even know about Ubasute. He once saw a Japanese samurai ritual disembowelment in a movie and that's the extent of his knowledge of Japan.


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04831d No.18342272

File: 5466357eabc21e2⋯.jpg (38.1 KB,522x538,261:269,5466357eabc21e29f41aa665a2….jpg)


fire sale prices

sounds like the sort of thing Gates would do

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20b3f3 No.18342273


starlink invasion

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50d045 No.18342274


#BREAKING: Emergency Crews Respond To Deadly Train Derailment Near Houston 📌#Houston | #Texas Officials are now responding to another deadly train derailment near Houston, TX.

16 rail cars, carrying “hazardous materials”crashed,

prompting Union Pacific to monitor air quality at the site of the crash, according to the Splendora Police Department.

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0a0100 No.18342275


PLAN Personal Localized Alerting Network (US FEMA)

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1e5124 No.18342276


yeah. probs.

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3bdc87 No.18342277

File: b27fae366eb5488⋯.png (67.57 KB,1200x615,80:41,Screenshot_2023_02_13_at_1….png)

File: 3736e9738631cbd⋯.png (182.38 KB,827x407,827:407,Screenshot_2023_02_13_at_1….png)


…Anon has been tracking geomagnetic storms and a correlation with beached whales. Seems a bit too coincidental. in the mean time, watching and seeing what happens, next. All highly speculative, of course.

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378608 No.18342278

File: 40bbd0b0ad0a90d⋯.png (119.52 KB,233x222,233:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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247950 No.18342279

File: 781d8d8ed870291⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,2048x1406,1024:703,30A870E3_2C94_4E10_831B_4….jpeg)

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9c309c No.18342280


Didn't get any official talking points - so they ignore.

Typical of this administration.

Ignore Deflect Deny

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ce7dce No.18342281


>Ben Fullofshitford

I bet you watch project cameltoe also.

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2ad58e No.18342282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Roseanne Barr: Isn’t this disgusting?

Feb 13, 2023

Comedian Roseanne Barr discusses her new standup special on Fox Nation and how Americans need to take control of the country on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’


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7c2729 No.18342283

File: ead25490eedc616⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,3468x4624,3:4,0cg9gbz65tga1.jpg)

4 balloons

4 instances of classified docs? 3 Biden, 1 Pence.


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cc2772 No.18342284


"why would someone film a train crossing?"

people with phones film their damn lunch and make a tiktok vid of it

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3bbb4d No.18342285


If the alignment is side-to side across the sky, then it’s starlink. If it is configured up/down then it’s that other thing… Chinese satellites shooting beams of light!

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adfee3 No.18342286

Tucker talking about the train in Ohio.. video being shown.

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530977 No.18342287

File: dbd09531279d4e5⋯.jpg (87.08 KB,618x510,103:85,4_AMERICA.jpg)

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8d8597 No.18342288

File: fd14a5980353078⋯.jpeg (305.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,pat.jpeg)

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9efa30 No.18342289



How is this 'declared' domestic terrorist allowed to be on twitter?

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59fda8 No.18342290


They should just make dresses for men

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a19dab No.18342291


any kitten pics of mr. pig?

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c6e2b7 No.18342292

File: f0f39c2b2cf3a34⋯.png (29.26 KB,647x889,647:889,roger44.png)

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7c2729 No.18342293

File: ffcb1d0ed0daa42⋯.png (176.44 KB,500x500,1:1,ffcb1d0ed0daa42c3e64d3f7d0….png)


Welcome back, Pig. Your optimism was missed. Enjoy your break?

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50d045 No.18342294

File: 9c1cf28f2e28ece⋯.png (131.44 KB,298x296,149:148,Screenshot_2023_02_13_Sici….png)

File: 3b7a23e33321f19⋯.png (87.82 KB,137x296,137:296,Screenshot_2023_02_13_Sici….png)

File: 882719616596dae⋯.png (278.07 KB,441x719,441:719,Screenshot_2023_02_13_Sici….png)


Video is recirculating from Nov. 2021 showing the abuse of 89-year-old Evalyn Hall, an alzheimers patient at "The Social at Savannah", previously named Savannah Commons. ==

This long-term care facility is owned and operated by Thrive Senior Living. The Atlanta-based company owns nine long-term care facilities in four states.

According to inspection reports posted on GDCH’s website, The Social at Savannah has a history of state violations.

Since June 2019, the facility has been inspected at least 16 times.

The state identified violations during half of those inspections, some of which put residents in serious jeopardy.



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530977 No.18342295

File: 4c0108c723e0b27⋯.jpg (155.32 KB,782x518,391:259,TEACH_FREEDOM.jpg)

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3bdc87 No.18342296

File: 0d9055c82fcf12f⋯.png (286.95 KB,610x250,61:25,hmmm.png)


….Reminded of Elon's table and the four soda 'pops'. Anon is definitely overthinking this one.

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530977 No.18342297

File: fe44245ed89b656⋯.jpg (105.59 KB,476x563,476:563,WATCHING_AND_READING.jpg)

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6a732a No.18342298

File: d5cf7848ac92606⋯.png (68.25 KB,616x444,154:111,Screen_Shot_2023_02_13_at_….png)


NEW: U.S. tells citizens to depart Russia immediately

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960ee3 No.18342299


>Have you used it?

>Can you provide anon with testimonial?


>mental deterioration due to chronic neurological diseases

>as for anti aging, can't say

primary use is age related dementia. one of the few things that provides any subjectively reported improvement.

i think the anti-aging claims refer to mental decline.

it's derived from the ergot fungus that grows on rye, same as LSD, and contains the lysergic moiety attached to another alkaloid fragment.

thx for the link, i am looking to get some for my older sister.

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9d2c80 No.18342300


Enlighton anon

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000000 No.18342301

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The only bestest show on 8kun. 2nd to last episode.

Today's Question: "Whose ready for the ending?"

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8dd7c2 No.18342302

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7c2729 No.18342303

File: 550f04496cfa7a1⋯.jpg (28.02 KB,359x400,359:400,550f04496cfa7a1f3705b51965….jpg)


Roger that. o7

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10cd3d No.18342304

File: 08958fffce656ba⋯.mp4 (15.05 MB,480x848,30:53,video_watermark16763177169….mp4)

Jalisco, Mexico. A brother murdered a priest in cold blood over a land dispute and then fled.

More video -> LiveLeak (http://t.me/leaklive)


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e63341 No.18342305


>side-to side across the sky

some may say horizontal

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4571f0 No.18342306

File: a983b564a66a2be⋯.jpg (20.66 KB,358x241,358:241,lurk.JPG)


Welcome back P!

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378608 No.18342307

File: 0975af7143116c2⋯.jpg (281.18 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,Fo1cn37XEAErGmW.jpg)

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a19dab No.18342308


<3 cute

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a41d92 No.18342309

File: 2cf39b8ac76686e⋯.png (295.54 KB,389x652,389:652,Capture.PNG)

#DYK - "Remember the Maine!" was a rallying cry for Americans who were in support of the war against Spain?

Read more about the history of USS Maine on the infographic below 👇



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ecfe21 No.18342310


That item has been 5 finger discounted

Good day


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59fda8 No.18342311


Citizens tell potato likewise


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6a732a No.18342312

File: 7497af582ae08d6⋯.png (29.08 KB,155x199,155:199,unknown.png)


wonder who's Pig now.

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1ed29d No.18342313

File: 8d2eae826d80b22⋯.png (399.76 KB,608x510,304:255,you.png)

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9c309c No.18342314

File: e3d6e77d19cfcc5⋯.png (87.73 KB,1147x278,1147:278,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 512c6c2209e19d1⋯.png (132.03 KB,1311x506,57:22,ClipboardImage.png)

Would be nice if people posting on Twitter had a clue.

PVC (poly vinyl chloride) not= vinyl chloride gas/liquid

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6308cf No.18342315

File: 04195e39bdecf10⋯.gif (3.51 MB,360x200,9:5,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….gif)

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9d2c80 No.18342316


I got a (you) off roseanne back in the day


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c6e2b7 No.18342317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5a6c85 No.18342318


Looks like the shooter won that fight.

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1ed29d No.18342319



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530977 No.18342320

File: 75c30aecf09eaf5⋯.jpg (72.48 KB,589x406,589:406,1_AND_ONLY_REDUX.jpg)

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c6e2b7 No.18342321

File: 022a411400274e7⋯.jpg (8.53 KB,255x168,85:56,sabotchkM1.jpg)

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3bbb4d No.18342322



There are no differences! Just shills pretending to be anon and fucking shit up!

If you tell me I must accept them, then go away! You are now the problem.

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530977 No.18342324

File: 237f8ca31ed69bd⋯.jpg (65.89 KB,511x520,511:520,NEON_NIGHT_SHIFT.jpg)

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6a732a No.18342325


indications are Pig is a team, not unlike Q is a team.

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59fda8 No.18342326


Forgot about that.


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9d441a No.18342327

shill emotion is funny.

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378608 No.18342328

File: 1a46ccbd871e763⋯.jpg (9.78 KB,240x240,1:1,Foe_U85WAAEUHrj.jpg)

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50d045 No.18342329


A hospital in #Arizona is on the brink of collapse after spending $20 million over six months on uncompensated care for #migrants crossing the border.

And this widespread problem is being subsidized by American taxpayers.

#JoshuaPhilipp on how mismanagement of the border crisis is causing major problems in the US.




Forwarded from Crossroads with JOSHUA PHILIPP

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18e46c No.18342330

File: 8f9d55db1e51cec⋯.gif (753.3 KB,460x265,92:53,20210119_174410.gif)

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5a6c85 No.18342331


I wonder what the team thought of Toots? RIP in peace lil fighter.

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480fa7 No.18342332

File: 5d7fe19595d59ec⋯.png (1.14 MB,1800x1152,25:16,ClipboardImage.png)


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e508c7 No.18342333


do people actually still believe that

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6a732a No.18342334

File: 669da400f58a8d8⋯.png (598.02 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

FDA to extend COVID emergency use authorizations for ‘as long as we need,’ commissioner says

The Emergency Use Authorizations are 'independent' of the COVID-19 emergency and do not expire, Dr. Robert Califf said.


so there, bitches.

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960ee3 No.18342335


>Thanks for the info. Always interested in things to keep me ticking

then you might also want to look into deprenyl. originally touted as wonder drug for dementia.

small molecule, an analog of amphetamine. safe and efficatious, compared to most pharmaceuticals.

now mostly promoted as a nootropic (brain enhancer, WTF that is). the same company provided by the other anon also sells this.

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37af84 No.18342336

File: 510aa56d383f71b⋯.png (206 KB,509x538,509:538,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a6c85 No.18342337


How would the hospital go broke if the bills are being paid by the tax payer?

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e10945 No.18342338


Anon is no pilot or planefag, but anon is sure there is a simple way and pilots that can catch it safely - without launching expensive rockets at it to destroy

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cb6075 No.18342339

File: 7dc6825fa4e72ab⋯.png (467.96 KB,557x603,557:603,georgewar.png)

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483058 No.18342340


That seems moar proof than poof

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a41d92 No.18342341


No coincidences

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530977 No.18342342

File: 86913596c8c3135⋯.jpg (113.07 KB,478x566,239:283,INDICATED.jpg)

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6a732a No.18342343

File: 782c01aa92eaf7c⋯.png (1.51 MB,1280x785,256:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b29c3 No.18342344

File: 78ceed5df6875c5⋯.png (336.14 KB,598x345,26:15,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2ac41e695ac669⋯.gif (2.93 MB,498x275,498:275,Rules_are_for_us_not_them.gif)

'New' SEC rules target corporate insider trading-but lack any 'teeth' as usual

For the last two decades, officers and directors at U.S. public companies seeking to trade illicitly on inside information had an almost infallible get-out-of-jail-free card.

All they had to do was use prearranged trading plans when they bought and sold their companies’ shares. The odds the government would target them for enforcement actions were slim. (and will remain that way until Gary and his hacks at the SEC stop settling all the Financial cases) It was an unintended consequence of a regulation adopted in 2000 called Rule 10b5-1 that academic research shows was abused by some the bulk of those (FIFY) executives.

That regime is about to change…(no it won't-it will still be the wild-west-ENFORCE the rules don't just have them) A new Securities and Exchange Commission rule promises to remove many of the loopholes that allowed corporate insiders to hide behind these trading plans. For most U.S.-listed companies, new disclosure requirements will kick in April 1-(and again another example of making it look like the SEC is doing something-see below)

Among the highlights: Officers and directors will have to wait at least 90 days after starting or modifying a 10b5-1 plan before they can trade under the arrangement. The forms used to report their trades will include mandatory checkbox disclosures showing whether they were using such a plan, as well as the plan’s adoption date. The companies, too, will have to disclose the substance of 10b5-1 plans in their quarterly and annual reports. "Before the change occurred, you could have an executive utilize a $100 million 10b5-1 plan, and there would be no trace in public disclosures that they were utilizing such a plan," said Daniel Taylor, an accounting professor at the University of Pennsylvania and the co-author of a 2021 study on 10b5-1 abuses that was cited in the SEC’s final rule.

Some insiders were selling shares less than a month after adopting their plans, sometimes even the same day (plenty examples posted of this in QR over the last 5 years(, or adopting and initiating trading plans right before earnings announcements. Another trick has been to adopt multiple 10b5-1 plans and later selectively cancel the ones that wouldn’t work to the insider’s benefit. Potential abuses of 10b5-1 plans were the subject of a Wall Street Journal article in June that was cited in the SEC’s final rule. Under the old rule, corporate insiders were supposed to set up the plans only when they weren’t aware of any material, nonpublic information. Corporate insiders didn’t have to disclose that they were relying on such plans when they reported their trades, although many did anyway. The companies didn’t have to disclose the plans’ existence. The dearth of information often left investors wondering whether a top executive’s well-timed trades were too good to be legal.

Just as the old rule begot new manipulations, the new rule won’t eliminate them all. The SEC noted concern that some insiders might time market-moving disclosures around insiders’ prescheduled trading dates, delaying the release of bad news until after scheduled sales or accelerating the release of positive news so it comes out beforehand.

The SEC said its new rule addresses this by requiring that all users of 10b5-1 plans "must act in good faith." Mr. Taylor said that could be hard to enforce. "If the executive knows they have a scheduled sale and alters the timing of a bad-news disclosure to be one or two days after the sale, it may be very difficult for regulators to prove that the timing was altered for the purpose of his sale," he said.

An SEC advisory committee had recommended requiring more timely disclosures by companies of 10b5-1 plan adoptions and changes—within four days, rather than waiting for quarterly reports—which could help make manipulations easier to spot.The SEC declined.

The same committee also recommended requiring all U.S.-listed companies to follow the same insider-trading reporting requirements and use all the same disclosure forms. Under current rules, those filing requirements don’t apply to many overseas companies that trade on U.S. exchanges. Under the new rules, insiders at foreign filers still won’t have to follow the same disclosure rules for stock sales and purchases as insiders at U.S.-based companies.


So you can have all the "Rules" you want…that isn't the issue…it's actually enforcing them that has been the biggest problem and although it's a step in a positive direction and they could have done a WAY better job at this too however the SEC has to actually PROSECUTE cases in this area and stop settling all the other corporate malfeasance charges with huge payments with no one admitting anything

Literally the most useless three letter-agency we have…sure to get some arguments on that but they do N-O-T-H-I-N-G

The two biggest offenders that come to mind are Marc Benioff of SalesForce and Reed Hastings of Netflix..there are others* but those two are the poster boys for low cost option executions and sales

Marc Benioff SalesForce


Reed Hastings Netflix

Insider Sales


* Steven Cohen, Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken, Jeffrey Skilling & Ken Lay-who famously "died" the day before he was supposed to go to jail (Enron) , Raj Rajaratnam (Galleon Group and another one who was made an example of), Phil Mickelson, almost the entire A level suite of execs at KPMG and yes Martha Stewart (but she opened her mouth one too many times and was made an example of)

Actually way too many to list here but with SEC rules (when they enforce them) it has to be 100% without ANY reasonable doubt-any good lawyer can create that in any case-and why the ones who are actually convicted are ones who are made examples of..in Michael Milken's case they still allowed him to be a "star"-even after his light sentence and went easy on him because Drexel, Burnham, Lambert actually held the huge Silver short legacy position before Bear Stearns had it and it was part of the Ivan Boesky shit so they kind of had no choice because Milken was Boesky's "Deep Throat"

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db0c12 No.18342345

Bar light in the sky, northern Indiana. What's a planefag report? Or are we already on it?

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50d045 No.18342346

File: 68f9b0946264af1⋯.png (275.18 KB,437x647,437:647,Screenshot_2023_02_13_Sici….png)


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5e526b No.18342347

File: 89da6e04927f5a5⋯.jpeg (71.34 KB,683x480,683:480,fullcontrol.jpeg)

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1ed29d No.18342348

File: 95a242ffa32e9c6⋯.jpg (5.03 KB,255x71,255:71,2157a6797c331c2aee8526b0bc….jpg)

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8dd7c2 No.18342349


Epoch times is on another level

They don't just piggy back on what's hot.

They find stories

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6a732a No.18342350


o7, my furry little fren

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b51564 No.18342351

File: 1884ef3e14f4c1b⋯.png (15.02 KB,600x216,25:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Hydergine treatment is one such way of improving and regulating the level of blood and oxygen in our brains.

enhances blood flow/o2 in brain, that is the action, does not enhance anything else, is protection against anoxic accident as in surgical heart stops and CVA.

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247950 No.18342352



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58e4b7 No.18342353


Feb 21

2 21

2 3

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aef9cf No.18342354


Did Insider Paper reveal WHO in the U.S. told citizens to depart Russia immediately, and WHY?

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5a6c85 No.18342355


Yeah but all this safety is supposed to keep us safe.

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7f589a No.18342356


So you are a fucking faggot and a quitter.

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9d2c80 No.18342357


That was when board was electric .

I'm sense fag

4 (yous)


Ufo fag

23 and me fag

Shout out to the board fag

And can't remember my last day

Me connect fag

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50d045 No.18342358



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a41d92 No.18342359

File: f94c354133d7a9d⋯.png (387.7 KB,527x551,527:551,Capture.PNG)

Since 1982, Cobra Gold has grown in scale and complexity. Now, more than ever, we rise to the growing challenges and are #MakingADifference together. Get ready for #CobraGold23!









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9d2c80 No.18342360


Ufo fag , post 2222 I think ?

Me brainfag

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17f676 No.18342361


And Roseanne is back too

Timing is everything


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9d441a No.18342362

File: 749265dff24a2e7⋯.jpg (111.98 KB,1223x522,1223:522,think_you.jpg)

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adfee3 No.18342363


Possibly the same thing Chicago anon posted about 20 minutes ago. Post 18342249

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960ee3 No.18342364


>RIP in peace lil fighter.

this past yr watched two of my lil fighters transition to the other side to join toots and all lil fighters there.

if you strike us down, we will become more powerful than you can imagine.

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c32ef8 No.18342365

File: d5e99faa57583af⋯.jpg (19.57 KB,220x275,4:5,220px_Admiral_Rachel_L_Lev….jpg)

File: 8e4914efbd28261⋯.jpg (84.03 KB,634x422,317:211,44743371_0_Senate_Majority….jpg)

File: 4ca59aa03b03e04⋯.jpg (53.5 KB,460x170,46:17,2066470085_grant_jews_feat….jpg)

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e10945 No.18342366


mentioned that a couple of breads ago, cheap wasteland for Microsux Gates to buy

Maybe not useful as farmland no more, but who knows what resources lie beneath - reminds a bit of some DEW fires in CA , either to get federal gov´t funding or for the gold in the erth

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bdd097 No.18342367

Anon called this one yesterday. I said the rating for the SB would be way up because more people would be tuning in than normal due to muh UFOs (watching to see if there might habbenings during the game). Well here’s the sauce:

Super Bowl 2023 gets 113 million viewers for Fox Sports, most in six years

Super Bowl 2023 delivered in spades for Fox Sports.

The network announced Monday that the game drew an average of 113 million viewers across TV (Fox and Fox Deportes) and streaming, the highest audience for the Super Bowl since 2017.


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24ff70 No.18342368


So Q was the Jedi Master?

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7c2729 No.18342369

File: e1acd50294a39bb⋯.png (508.38 KB,750x422,375:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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f16591 No.18342370

File: 723b28faa47dff0⋯.png (369.28 KB,731x737,731:737,ClipboardImage.png)


CNN's Jake Tapper is an Eagles superfan and Patrick Mahomes apologizes for ruining his night.

Nice to see a game where both QBs seem like such nice guys…


0:59 / 4:00

6:15 PM · Feb 13, 2023


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24ff70 No.18342371


How is long Padawan school? About 2 years or so?

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c6e2b7 No.18342372

File: 3cc1b5807a2621d⋯.jpg (90.81 KB,774x500,387:250,toast44.jpg)

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706c9b No.18342373

File: 2ce00ac6525dbec⋯.png (117.76 KB,474x248,237:124,DFB00EE0_23B9_4D60_B891_D8….png)

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00da95 No.18342374


and change demographics

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6a7dfd No.18342375

File: 25279a9b0b3b737⋯.jpg (133.61 KB,512x730,256:365,1558308309922.jpg)

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6a732a No.18342376


might be fun to dig, anon.

find stuff like this:

NEW 🚨 North Korea orders residents with same name as Kim Jong Un's daughter to change it, Fox News reports


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9c309c No.18342377

File: c337684c5eb0a7f⋯.png (106.45 KB,967x520,967:520,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d405056e6b2a5e⋯.png (399.78 KB,681x612,227:204,ClipboardImage.png)


So screaming eagles in the middle

Romanian to his right

Polish army next to him?

lots of concern on the faces from this image.

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5f30ee No.18342378


Said they may get conscripted.

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58e4b7 No.18342379

File: 81d996884adb931⋯.png (1011.66 KB,1369x1569,1369:1569,sabotagePotato1.png)

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5f30ee No.18342380


I feel safer already.

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1ed29d No.18342381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Seems like this preacher man wasn't faster on this trigger

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b51564 No.18342382


it's serious yo when you gotta wear sox

wishin you warm

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7f589a No.18342383


depends about 4 during wartime in the old republic it could be longer 10 years or so. This is part of the reason Obi wan was bitching about it so much in Phantom Menace. He was still not a knight and after that master.

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ab68e3 No.18342384

File: b17bdd3bb09fda7⋯.png (158.36 KB,702x886,351:443,ClipboardImage.png)

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox Says GOP Should Nominate a Governor for President

Republican Utah Governor Spencer Cox said he would prefer one of the party’s governors to be the presidential nominee in the 2024 election cycle.

In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Cox said “I prefer governors. That’s the easy call for me.” Cox appeared for the interview alongside Democrat New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.

Cox then spoke to a list of Republican governors that he believes would be viable options for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. Cox said New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu is “fantastic,” and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has a “great record.” Cox also said former Republican Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson is “a good friend.”

“I like Republican governors,” Cox said.

As NBC host Chuck Todd threw out names like South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem and former Republican South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Cox said they’re “all fantastic.”

“So what you’re saying is you’ll take a governor?” Todd asked.

“I would love a governor,” Cox replied. The Utah Republican added that he would take a Republican governor over a lawmaker in Congress “every day of the week.”

Some influential donors have suggested DeSantis as a potential Republican presidential candidate in 2024, even over former President Donald Trump. In July, tech billionaire Elon Musk said Trump would be “too old” to run in 2024, but that DeSantis would “easily win” in a race against President Joe Biden.

In November, Haley said she was also considering a 2024 presidential run, about a week after Trump announced his 2024 candidacy, despite making a commitment in 2021 not to run if Trump does.

Governors ‘Have To Get Stuff Done’

Cox repeatedly endorsed the idea of a governor running for president after the National Governors Association met in Washington for the weekend. Murphy is the chair of the association, while Cox is the vice chair.

“We passionately disagree and we’re best friends,” Cox said of his working relationship with Murphy.

During the interview, Cox provided some hints as to his reasoning for preferring governors over other political officeholders, suggesting governors are more focused on finding solutions that eschew the extremes of the respective political parties.

“I think there is a choice between the extremes and the exhausted majority, and that’s the conversation we’ve been having this week with Republican governors and Democrat governors coming together,” Cox said. “We’re the people who have to get stuff done.”


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8dd7c2 No.18342385


Anakin was just a youngling when he started training and by the second movie he was still an adult and still a Padawan.

Also he was just a youngling when he met Natalie Portman, but that didn't stop her from wanting his D

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ab68e3 No.18342386

Biden Fires Capitol Architect After Inspection Revealed Abuses

President Joe Biden has removed Capitol architect Brett Blanton from his post in the aftermath of an inspection which revealed Blanton had abused his position.

Blanton will cease to serve as the architect of the Capitol at 5:00 PM ET, the White House announced.

Biden removed the architect, who serves at the president’s pleasure, after Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said he had lost confidence in Blanton’s ability to perform his job.

“The Architect of the Capitol, Brett Blanton, no longer has my confidence to continue in his job,” McCarthy wrote in a Feb. 13 Twitter post. “He should resign or President Biden should remove him immediately.”

Blanton was “terminated at the President’s direction,” the White House said on Monday.

Concerns about Blanton center around an Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report finished last year that found “administrative, ethica, and policy violations.” These included abuse of his government vehicle and misrepresentation of himself as a law enforcement officer (pdf).

At the top of the document, the OIG report concludes: “J. Brett Blanton, Architect of the Capitol, Abused His Authority, Misused Government Property and Wasted Taxpayer Money, Among Other Substantiated Violations.”

“Prior to and throughout the OIG investigation, Blanton consistently contradicted his vehicle-use authority,” the report reads.

The report relays an ethics tip describing an encounter with Blanton’s vehicle.

The complainant spotted Blanton’s government-issue black Ford Explorer. At the time, the vehicle was reportedly “driving extremely reckless[ly]” through a parking garage. The driver, a female, was going an estimated 65 miles per hour or faster in an area with a speed limit of 30.

The driver at the time was later revealed to be Blanton’s daughter.

The report noted that while “the Architect of the Capitol (person) or their designee has the authority to determine if a compelling operational condition exists that would benefit AOC operations by using a motor vehicle for [home-to-work] use,” Blanton had not identified his daughter as an authorized driver of the vehicle.

The report goes on to list other violations committed by Blanton with other government-issue vehicles.

Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wis.), who chairs the House Administration Committee, agrees with McCarthy on the need to remove Blanton.

“[The] Inspector General’s report was highly concerning,” Steil was quoted as saying on a Twitter post. “[Blanton’s] refusal to be transparent and truthful has made clear that he can no longer lead the organization and must resign immediately.”

It was not only Republicans who are critical of Blanton—Democrats have also blasted the embattled former architect.

During a hearing, Rep. Norma Torres (D-Calif.) told Blanton she was “outraged” by his decision to work from home on Jan. 6, 2021.

Blanton chose to work from home that day, which law enforcement leaders expected could take a turn for the worst.

Citizens for Ethics, a left-leaning political oversight organization, also called for Blanton’s removal in a Jan. 18, 2023 letter to the leadership of the 118th Congress (pdf).


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f16591 No.18342387

File: 8af94635a14db18⋯.mp4 (4.7 MB,480x270,16:9,mahomes_tapper.mp4)


>CNN's Jake Tapper is an Eagles superfan and Patrick Mahomes apologizes for ruining his night.

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8617b6 No.18342388

File: 1c7d01126b8e4b3⋯.png (472.12 KB,952x1161,952:1161,10_19_2020_51_Intel_Offici….png)

File: 6ff180c1cf17c16⋯.png (912.48 KB,1170x2532,195:422,10_19_2022_Leo_Panetta_eta….png)

File: 43df056f72ba03b⋯.png (721.22 KB,1170x2532,195:422,10_19_2022_Leo_Panetta_eta….png)

File: 412aee3931fe44f⋯.png (700.26 KB,1170x2532,195:422,10_19_2022_Leo_Panetta_eta….png)

File: fea1bb351e83e0e⋯.png (697.66 KB,1170x2532,195:422,10_19_2022_Leo_Panetta_eta….png)



James Clapper now claims he didn’t call Hunter Biden laptop ‘Russian disinfo’

February 13, 2023

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper tried Monday to tamp down the growing controversy over the letter that he and 50 other ex-spooks signed after The Post first revealed the existence of the first son’s infamous laptop in October 2020.

Their public statement, now the subject of investigations by the Republican-led House Judiciary and Intelligence committees, was first reported by Politico and later seized on by then-candidate Joe Biden.

“There was message distortion,” Clapper told the Washington Post. “All we were doing was raising a yellow flag that this could be Russian disinformation.Politico deliberately distorted what we said. It was clear in paragraph five.”

no they didn't', they double down after paragraph 5

Clapper — who in 2013 falsely told Congressthat the US didn’t “wittingly” collect the telephone records of millions of Americans — also claimed to have been unaware of how Joe Biden described the letter during a debate with then-President Donald Trump, according to the Washington Post.

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2023/02/13/james-clapper-now-claims-he-didnt-call-hunter-biden-laptop-russian-disinfo/

Letter from 51 Intel treasonous aholes- picrel thru Clapper signature, first to sign.

The 5th paragraph, taking the 5th? When amnesia is a bad look… just lie..

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8529d9 No.18342389


>As NBC host Chuck Todd threw out names like South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem and former Republican South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Cox said they’re “all fantastic.”

Clear sign to avoid both of these.

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7c2729 No.18342390

File: e70e81af3e42b06⋯.gif (511.17 KB,354x156,59:26,mission2.gif)


I always accept toast.

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960ee3 No.18342391


>enhances blood flow/o2 in brain, that is the action, does not enhance anything else

that is not factually accurate, to put it politely.

Despite the fact that this drug has been used in the treatment of dementia for many years, its mechanism of action is still not clear.[7] It stimulates dopaminergic and serotonergic receptors and blocks alpha-adrenoreceptors.[12] Current studies imply that the major effect of hydergine may be the modulation of synaptic neurotransmission rather than solely increasing blood flow as was once thought.[13] A prominent feature that accompanies aging is an increase in monoamine oxidase (MAO) levels.[14] This results in decreased availability of catecholamines in the synaptic cleft. In one study, an interaction between age and hydergine treatment was observed in the hypothalamus, hippocampus and cerebellum. The hydergine effect was more pronounced in the aged group in the hypothalamus and cerebellum, and more pronounced in the adult in the hippocampus. These findings imply that increased brain MAO activity in aging can be modified by hydergine treatment in some brain regions.


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96bb7a No.18342392

Notables are not endorsements

#22482 >>18341765

>>18341797 Central to the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) purpose is the promotion and coordination of activities designed to ensure the highest level of public safety

>>18341868, >>18342186, >>18342121, >>18342332 E. Palestine is in Columbiana County. Seems like another coinkydink.

>>18341807, >>18342170 EPA releases manifest summarizing deadly chemicals that were released in East Palestine, Ohio:

>>18342274 TX: Update 16 rail cars, carrying “hazardous materials” crashed

>>18341975, >>18342056, >>18342074 WHY WOULD SOMEONE FILM A TRAIN CROSSING? Video of train derailment Fairmont, Minnesota

>>18341792 Boston Mayor’s finance director charged with money laundering in alleged prison drug smuggling scheme

>>18341813, >>18341823 As Ohio faces “Chernobyl” event, Pete Buttigieg is complaining that there are too many white construction workers.

>>18341829, >>18341854 NATO to focus on ‘undersea cables and pipelines’

>>18341838, >>18341951 RE: Meatball Ron Desantis Florida family roots run deep in Valley

>>18341891 NASA, Partners Clear Axiom’s Second Private Astronaut Mission Crew

>>18341924 Decode on original seal of CIA

>>18341940 NATO launches new ‘surveillance’ network

>>18341950 Senator JD Vance announces investigation into East Palestine train derailment and response

>>18341982 Ebola Type Outbreak Confirmed in Equatorial Guinea

>>18341989 EXCELLENT vidya!

>>18342005 Jones steps down as Air Force under secretary

>>18342042, >>18342046 The FDA wants you brain dead. Here's how they're going about it.

>>18342097, >>18342117 BlackRock, Vanguard, and JPMorgan are the biggest stockholders of Norfolk Southern, the train operator that crashed in Ohio

>>18342111 Antifa site @igd_news have been convicted in federal court on terrorism charges stemming from their attempt to derail trains.

>>18342180 Israel passes 2 clauses of judicial reform in first reading

>>18342194 WHO: Equatorial Guinea confirms first-ever Marburg virus disease outbreak. 10 people have so far died and 200 more quarantined in the country.

>>18342197 Peter Navarro Raises Questions On Military Response To CCP Spy Balloons And Destruction Of Evidence

>>18342208 @Snowden it's not aliens, it's just the ol' engineered panic

>>18342229 @Snowden After 25 years in the CIA:

>>18342367 Super Bowl 2023 gets 113 million viewers for Fox Sports, most in six years

>>18342384 Utah Gov. Spencer Cox Says GOP Should Nominate a Governor for President

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a41d92 No.18342393

File: 8f03fa340402f92⋯.png (12.96 KB,526x163,526:163,Capture.PNG)

Norwegian intelligence reports that ships of the Russian Northern Fleet are going to sea for the first time in 30 years with tactical nuclear weapons on board.


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d2da76 No.18342394

File: d3093890c563e15⋯.jpeg (71.4 KB,548x455,548:455,d3093890c563e15bd72728572….jpeg)

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e715d2 No.18342395


sounds like a convenient excuse for a sacrifice

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2ad084 No.18342396

Any anon remember Bopal,India?>>18342208

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bdd097 No.18342397

File: 04ac394252cb033⋯.jpeg (29.71 KB,255x221,15:13,A99F5366_A834_4473_97D0_E….jpeg)

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cf41bf No.18342398

For clarification Anhydrous Ammonia is a Base not an Acid. Caustic. Learn to Ph Anons… FFS…

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c6e2b7 No.18342399

File: e85d16fb7fc6c40⋯.gif (1001.38 KB,400x220,20:11,smokinBB.gif)

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212f82 No.18342400


Because a governor would have more experience running the country than… an ex-president?


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bc5aba No.18342402

File: 2c08cb721163603⋯.jpg (21.05 KB,300x280,15:14,th_2905039596.jpg)

File: 11d62dc45991294⋯.jpg (17.12 KB,474x248,237:124,th_3497545054.jpg)

File: 5e9390ba4ab0d27⋯.jpg (19.83 KB,474x247,474:247,th_292007380.jpg)

File: b835e7e1e8c8e32⋯.jpg (29.35 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2146489656.jpg)

File: 164fea8f2da5dc2⋯.jpg (44.62 KB,512x288,16:9,164fea8f2da5dc219e98b790da….jpg)

>the united states is under attack


Where do we start?

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cf41bf No.18342403

File: 70c5c5efb258828⋯.jpg (82.7 KB,628x463,628:463,Fly_Eagles_Fly_Crying_Coac….jpg)

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49ef30 No.18342404

File: 8679cd574b647d7⋯.png (1.83 MB,1159x631,1159:631,blues_brothers_bpd.PNG)

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aef9cf No.18342405


Bombing the Nordstream pipeline was an act of war.

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530977 No.18342406

File: 4c79a6578d501fb⋯.jpg (128.96 KB,700x500,7:5,GOD_BLESS_USA.jpg)

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18e46c No.18342407

File: 7526ba94e0cf324⋯.jpg (241.23 KB,1024x560,64:35,20200612_062413.jpg)

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bdd097 No.18342408


And it blew up muh Slim Jim plant a number of years back (ConAgra).

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cf41bf No.18342409

File: 954364754971b9d⋯.jpg (116.7 KB,700x700,1:1,Brotherly_Love_Patrick_Mah….jpg)




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ee2f01 No.18342410

Evening fags, can anyone please provide the link that allows you to search for certain terms among the qresearch board?

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9342e9 No.18342411



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b51564 No.18342412



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7c2729 No.18342413

File: 901cd43236636a3⋯.jpeg (58.69 KB,540x575,108:115,901cd43236636a31c5a6dc57a….jpeg)

You can sense their silent seethe. They worked so hard, and got so far, but in the end they never even mattered.

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cc2772 No.18342414


hospitals going broke from treating illegals

taxpayers funding it, but still not enough money

this is the "cloward-piven strategy" from 1966

it is about to be completed

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8dd7c2 No.18342415


The Hunt for Red October


I don't like this movie anymore

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e10945 No.18342416

File: 83b4ce0ab7efa59⋯.png (5.33 MB,3000x3000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

All the derailed trains make the reoccurring federal gov´t emergency funding for those locations easier, no?

Boring script repeating, movie needs a new twist

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9d2c80 No.18342417



Not a fag or quitter anon,

Can't wait to do a flip.

But by my terms

Your the mound.

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530977 No.18342418

File: 46243f5eaeeb517⋯.jpg (92.33 KB,649x424,649:424,BETTER_FIRST_DOWN.jpg)

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60485a No.18342419

File: d14e6ebfdaa1a58⋯.jpg (11.02 KB,238x255,14:15,e7c7a1933573760a177314c511….jpg)

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df1453 No.18342420

File: cb2ad20513db74f⋯.png (2.88 MB,1136x640,71:40,IMG_2974.PNG)

File: 6a837fa49f0d74a⋯.jpg (108.01 KB,871x514,871:514,IMG_2987.jpg)

File: 959b76815f02989⋯.png (1.13 MB,1136x640,71:40,IMG_3022.PNG)

File: 1092274dd0119fa⋯.jpg (132.56 KB,971x508,971:508,IMG_2997.jpg)

What do these actresses have in common??

Once you see it

You can't unsee it

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5e526b No.18342421

File: 8f262f4936dc380⋯.png (503.01 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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e715d2 No.18342422


baofeng: sure sign of an antifa sympathizer

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cf41bf No.18342423

File: 27a8cd37650e09d⋯.jpg (106.01 KB,547x692,547:692,Chuck_Grassley_Is_Pissed_K….jpg)

File: 873807eeb86f8cb⋯.png (198.97 KB,500x499,500:499,SKYKING_GREEN_MAN_PEPE_TRU….png)


It's fertilizer… they did a controlled burn… Don't get me wrong, it's all a Shit-Show. But the National Level Incident On-Scene Commander and Every First Responder who is trained in HAZMAT Response is rolling our eyes…

Spring Grass will be Real Green…

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5e526b No.18342424


no one gives a shit about football

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5e526b No.18342425


no one gives a shit about football

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d5efc3 No.18342426

File: c52f621e2248c0e⋯.mp4 (11.89 MB,1334x750,667:375,NukeWar.mp4)


>Norwegian intelligence reports that ships of the Russian Northern Fleet are going to sea for the first time in 30 years with tactical nuclear weapons on board.

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558210 No.18342427


So, he is upset there isn't enough gay niggers working construction….what a faggot ass faggot way to think.

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5e526b No.18342428


no one gives a shit about football

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d2da76 No.18342429

File: c9b26a478129448⋯.png (3.11 MB,1806x1434,301:239,Screen_Shot_2023_02_13_at_….png)

File: 5bfa12a21047f87⋯.png (7.6 KB,192x255,64:85,66e406ab012784a63967be07b1….png)

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e69909 No.18342430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2e7133 No.18342431


F'n Kek!

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7f589a No.18342432


that was before the clone wars still, and as for padme, um yeah.

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cf41bf No.18342433


*this… On-Scene Commander

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5e526b No.18342434


no one gives a shit about football

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18e46c No.18342435

File: 6a4932a3ad5f94a⋯.png (344.36 KB,1080x828,30:23,Memeto_1632525837126.png)

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6a732a No.18342436

File: a8f712b70b6b5b7⋯.png (57.42 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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e10945 No.18342437


let me guess, the trains all derail in blue districts of red states or smt

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d65acb No.18342438

File: 5d63abee851e237⋯.png (263.59 KB,388x437,388:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9f489 No.18342439

fuck ebay for real

hope the faggots running that price gouging site burn in hell

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530977 No.18342440

File: 62aceebb7e02ec7⋯.jpg (148 KB,587x583,587:583,GREEN_LIGHT.jpg)

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1ed29d No.18342441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



He'd say, "Ain't nobody faster than this cattle man's gun

I'm a rattlesnake on the trigger

Your last stand'll be lyin' in the sand

Fallin' to the slam of my hammer."

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cf41bf No.18342442

File: 8f13301695518e0⋯.png (110.12 KB,349x262,349:262,Biscuits_N_Mustard_Slingbl….png)


Huh… the stands must've been shopped and my entire neighborhood wasn't shooting off big fucking fireworks after our KC win last night…

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960ee3 No.18342443



IDK…. why do people go bird watching? but the fact is there ARE a lot of trainophiles, and YT has hundreds of channels devoted to people filming trains go past. many yrs ago, i met one such person while in grad school. he and his wife would pack a picnic lunch and go watch trains go by. go figure.

but the implication of your post, that the act of filming is in and of itself suspicious, is in fact, FALSE

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1aa331 No.18342444


Didn’t hurt that Fox Sports allowed it to stream for free. I never am able to watch anything on that channel and sure enough got the Super Bowl.

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5f30ee No.18342445

File: 3d6eeaadf2ff36f⋯.png (32.1 KB,1582x886,791:443,Caution.png)

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cf41bf No.18342446

File: c08e6adb0fd4485⋯.jpg (75.41 KB,627x464,627:464,GOD_WINS_CHIEFS_PATRICK_MA….jpg)

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e715d2 No.18342447

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530977 No.18342449

File: f6210897583e534⋯.jpg (160.57 KB,634x570,317:285,GLOBAL_WINNING.jpg)

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654439 No.18342450


Yes, women too can have Adam’s apple. In fact, both boys and girls are ‘born’ with an Adam’s apple, but it’s not as noticeable in women. This may be due to a number of reasons. It could be a genetic trait or an anatomical anomaly. Or it could not be an Adam’s apple at all; rather a physical growth on the neck due to some other medical condition.

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cf41bf No.18342451

File: 602f8029029ebb8⋯.jpg (112.57 KB,1000x654,500:327,Aim_9_Sidewinder_1956.jpg)

File: e4370bc62a981c2⋯.png (2.5 MB,1629x1628,1629:1628,Ayy_Alien_Technology_Explo….png)

File: e145a2cea1e8ff8⋯.png (Spoiler Image,241.55 KB,500x511,500:511,Ayy_Alien_No_Shit_Kek.png)

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7c2729 No.18342453

File: a688a705b73016f⋯.jpg (357.68 KB,1200x628,300:157,sensiblechuckle2.jpg)

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cf41bf No.18342454

File: b1365e5bd2bce8f⋯.jpg (89.53 KB,760x428,190:107,Ridiculous_Bullshit_UFO_Sh….jpg)

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256d54 No.18342455

File: 63e8145a6dd180e⋯.png (255.27 KB,500x523,500:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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f16591 No.18342456


he feels the patriotic.

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3bdc87 No.18342457


…Seriously. The price of retro games is too damn high.

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6a732a No.18342458

File: 7cd4c46349d3afe⋯.png (193.82 KB,769x624,769:624,Screen_Shot_2023_02_13_at_….png)


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558210 No.18342459

File: 931a58600c66370⋯.jpg (98.73 KB,669x900,223:300,GOP_vs_Dems.jpg)

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9d2c80 No.18342460


HUNT for red October = change FREQUENCY ?

That's what they did to catch the ufos anon.

Simple cross refrance

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bdd097 No.18342461

File: 2cef757d321a624⋯.jpeg (42.7 KB,255x254,255:254,A6153522_D3F7_432D_9470_0….jpeg)

File: d03b468ed7ec50b⋯.jpeg (150.61 KB,1080x731,1080:731,CB8AFDBE_B1BA_45B9_9F24_1….jpeg)

File: 240eb5509da74f4⋯.jpeg (68.76 KB,640x596,160:149,669BA673_F945_4591_97C7_0….jpeg)

File: f901c6e4f594187⋯.jpeg (152.01 KB,687x931,687:931,B5B8C2AD_5CB9_45C4_AD19_4….jpeg)


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5e526b No.18342462





it the fucking apocalypse and sports faggots be worried about a bunch of goons who throw and catch balls.

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9342e9 No.18342463

File: 1cf22dc6ba62524⋯.jpeg (707.64 KB,828x816,69:68,1cf22dc6ba62524f343c3db24….jpeg)

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6a732a No.18342464



are they gonny hit McDill first?

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cf41bf No.18342465

File: 13791c51ae871f8⋯.png (1.33 MB,1273x916,1273:916,1676173849056.png)

File: 3e09cd212f606fc⋯.png (1.69 MB,1323x882,3:2,1676027325172.png)

File: 242d3f10924e1a2⋯.jpg (22.44 KB,255x189,85:63,Braveheart_Shitpost.jpg)


They don't get it and never will….


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e69909 No.18342466

File: 28dc4d942439c38⋯.png (1008.83 KB,1480x832,185:104,ClipboardImage.png)


sounds like a leader.

where's Biden?

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d2da76 No.18342467

File: 28db1067be196d3⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB,1600x900,16:9,28db1067be196d3ba409df0a5a….mp4)

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cc77d2 No.18342468

File: 090322212542c4b⋯.png (418.05 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Lower than last year and wayyy behind world sportsball. They brag behind their tears!

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37af84 No.18342469




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52302c No.18342470

File: 6a41a941da351e1⋯.png (823.87 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Train spotting is a thing.

do not be a diesel train.

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7c2729 No.18342471

File: 1c3e4924399eece⋯.png (529.75 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1c3e4924399eece3716b59296d….png)

They're so mad. It makes my day, every day, to see the shills seethe.

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bdd097 No.18342472

File: 29587132e50b371⋯.jpeg (72.62 KB,504x495,56:55,BFDAC753_13B7_4897_9DEE_0….jpeg)

File: f74c8c26bbc4b2c⋯.jpeg (51.63 KB,510x490,51:49,33B90D97_CBA7_43C9_B684_E….jpeg)

File: d0b1307f4306565⋯.jpeg (43.79 KB,500x517,500:517,8682EDF4_5FF1_4222_BFDF_1….jpeg)

File: 708d5035682c327⋯.jpeg (78.67 KB,504x495,56:55,9CB45BA4_593F_43A6_8BF7_7….jpeg)

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e82ea2 No.18342473


> 113 million


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b68c48 No.18342474


He needs the good ol fashion Schitt beat outta him!

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6a732a No.18342475


a qb kicking the winning fg in the sb wearing the Brown Scapular is pretty Apocalyptic, imho.

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f16591 No.18342476


>Bombing the Nordstream pipeline was an act of war.

Biden has to be impeached over this.

Get the proof out and impeach him immediately.

I don't care if Kamala becomes president.

impeach Joe and then impeach her.

it's peach mint time again

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604fa6 No.18342477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tic Tac UFO 2004 (6)

@0.48. Notice all the sixes



And the b alloons are revealing that no satellite is floating in space. All are on balloons. Cannot get that realzation in normies heads, would jeopardize NASA funding due to fakery ad Elon and Space X would be exposed.

All satellites are up due to helium balloons. Every one of them.

You were duped.

$$$$$$$ at risk if found out, hence the balloon invasion as a threat. Scare you from the truth. Period. Normies wake up and look at the f acts.


These UFO reports are pure fuckery.

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960ee3 No.18342478


>no one

translation: i'm a pathetic loser w/ no friends, and i don't like watching football.

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9342e9 No.18342479

File: f8bc241c947740a⋯.jpg (82.99 KB,728x499,728:499,was_that_wrong.jpg)

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a41d92 No.18342480

Can't wait to see how many Countries around the world start a "Help Ohio" campaign.

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a9f489 No.18342481


it's largely due to their bullshit fees on sellers too

nearly 13% of the total is taken off whatever item you sell

that's 13% of whatever the price of the item is plus cost of shipping combined

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d2da76 No.18342482

File: 8c624ff762e0da8⋯.jpg (13.24 KB,255x244,255:244,8c624ff762e0da8aefd9c579ff….jpg)

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bdd097 No.18342483

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cf41bf No.18342484

File: c63be0eb668d5f8⋯.png (2.16 MB,1428x817,1428:817,SIGINT_Pepe_Comfy_AF_FLR_9.png)

File: e08326443b25909⋯.gif (8.81 MB,720x350,72:35,Comfy_AF_LZ_Security.gif)

File: b3a7dd5d650aff5⋯.png (4.61 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,The_Captian_of_the_USS_Com….png)


You seem very nervous. Anons Ain't….


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094f04 No.18342485


dubs confirm retarded

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f16591 No.18342486


nobody cares about soccer.

there is something un American and just plain against natural law to play a sport where you can't use you hands.

it's just not right

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6a732a No.18342487

File: 4e981ae0dcd7f4e⋯.png (89.38 KB,662x656,331:328,Screen_Shot_2023_02_13_at_….png)


Amazon is pocketing more than 50% of sellers’ revenue - up from 40% five years ago. Sellers are paying more because Amazon has increased fulfillment fees and made spending on advertising unavoidable.

Sellers are combating fee increases by either raising prices, diversifying from [Amazon’s fulfillment service], or diversifying from Amazon altogether. However, sometimes it’s only at the end of the tax year that they realize how little net profit they have left. A few sellers showed paying 60% and even 70% of their revenue to Amazon in fees. They still had to pay for inventory, freight, employees, and other expenses.

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24ff70 No.18342488

So SC and TX had train derailments today?

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3bdc87 No.18342489


…Yeah. Straight robbery, at this point. No wonder anon added them to the boycott list.

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8bab9c No.18342490


>Bombing the Nordstream pipeline was an act of war.

and not just agains russia russia russia. It was an act of war against the people of the european continent

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5e526b No.18342491


Hmmmm I did not know that little fact.

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cf41bf No.18342492

File: 7486ce18e8cdf36⋯.png (1.28 MB,936x1247,936:1247,1676211622226.png)

File: 3c175a3f9244f06⋯.png (736.11 KB,910x1282,455:641,1676215937297.png)

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2b29c3 No.18342493

File: 04f0d0e2d238b2c⋯.png (462.83 KB,564x437,564:437,ClipboardImage.png)


just put up a Ukraine flag like they did in Montana last week

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256d54 No.18342494

File: 8371843e3cf8ccb⋯.png (432.8 KB,708x499,708:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e526b No.18342495

File: 8e85609062db2c7⋯.png (517.14 KB,773x757,773:757,ClipboardImage.png)

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1aa331 No.18342496


Wtf are you talking about qb kicking the fg?

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cf41bf No.18342497

File: 27f45d257890822⋯.png (461.31 KB,935x1247,935:1247,1676287364612.png)

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cc77d2 No.18342498

File: 3d46614f314c92f⋯.png (1.88 MB,1389x1852,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Agreed. Most competitive sports are mind jails.

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52302c No.18342499

File: 56673f23cc11483⋯.png (870.64 KB,1389x880,1389:880,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a71a9f2cb485947⋯.png (901.22 KB,1100x825,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


article today, video from a year ago.

noice catch anon, missed that,

can anons confirm if the below happened today.?


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f16591 No.18342500


>no one gives a shit about football

nobody should invest more in it than what it is…a form of entertainment, if you like that.

there is something to learn from every game, every sport.

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aef9cf No.18342501


That wouldn't happen if there were people who were sworn to defend the constitution.

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1e6ccf No.18342502


you cray cray

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ef596c No.18342503

File: 62d577f54f02234⋯.png (655.4 KB,1100x619,1100:619,FlagSky.PNG)


>the united states is under attack

Since it was founded. Their methods have evolved. They will lose.

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cf41bf No.18342504

File: 2503da19e3a4d81⋯.png (229.89 KB,577x433,577:433,1675826022395.png)

File: 578451cefb63451⋯.png (156.96 KB,666x375,222:125,1675826035965.png)

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1aa331 No.18342505


Because it’s not one. Ffs

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1e5124 No.18342506

File: 454b00d321d071a⋯.png (583.51 KB,530x651,530:651,flipflippointa.png)

Here, have a new pointa fags.

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960ee3 No.18342507


philly coach is crying bcs he knows the "fans" in philly will have already burned his house down before he gets back. city of "brotherly" love.

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6a732a No.18342508

File: 791f7d87fa68784⋯.png (488.52 KB,800x500,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Harrison Butker was wearing a Scapular when he kicked Super Bowl-winning field goal

Butker, a devotee of the Traditional Latin Mass, once again gave 'all glory to God' following the victory.

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6efd43 No.18342509


Sounds scary, should we be scared?

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d2da76 No.18342510

File: f534f9b90b9cb3a⋯.jpeg (42.46 KB,960x908,240:227,f534f9b90b9cb3a85157c143b….jpeg)

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e19d9f No.18342511



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5f30ee No.18342512

File: c2f6bcc01db988c⋯.png (10.34 KB,839x543,839:543,Show_Up.png)

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cf41bf No.18342513

File: 4076e950f18146f⋯.jpg (89.68 KB,716x428,179:107,Globo_Pedo_Hub_Zelensky_.jpg)

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6a732a No.18342514

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d21fd4 No.18342515

Second divorce picking up homo on a buell Israeli butthooooos seo meta fat guy play write tranny poker coCIAne

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7c2729 No.18342516

File: 3c7764a3ae1e43d⋯.png (3.21 MB,1753x2730,1753:2730,ClipboardImage.png)

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530977 No.18342517

File: 8f1aaf62bace705⋯.jpg (124.01 KB,443x627,443:627,FEAR_NOT.jpg)

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cb7c1e No.18342518

File: b7b981353d20076⋯.png (936.67 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

17y/o Joseph Salmon

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6a732a No.18342519

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a41d92 No.18342520

File: dcf3f3ff188012d⋯.png (414.41 KB,533x612,533:612,Capture.PNG)

This morning, the Marine Corps, 31st Marine Expeditionary Force, 1st Landing Squadron waits before going overboard during a Combat Assault Reconnaissance Vessel training exercise aboard the USS Green Bay.


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6a732a No.18342521


now tell them shills make them relevant

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a9f489 No.18342522


that's ridiculous

making it non-competitive for the small fish


that's why if i find something worth getting i'll send a message to the seller directly and offer to pay outside of ebay to avoid their fees

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604fa6 No.18342523

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Duped by balloons


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d21fd4 No.18342524

David willcoke nuw juw ufo probe book in Teh closet still too

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cc77d2 No.18342525


90% waiting, 10% action

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5e526b No.18342526


nice, I still think it is a rigged sport. But I the power of ;the brown scapular is real. Perhaps the outcome was controlled by Him.

Thank you for sharing.

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960ee3 No.18342527


>Yes, women too can have Adam’s apple. In fact, both boys and girls are ‘born’ with an Adam’s apple


the "that's a man, baby" trolls here make anons look like a bunch of retards.

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ebb182 No.18342528

File: 65906c849f1a6b9⋯.mp4 (107.5 KB,288x202,144:101,dumb_cat.mp4)



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6a7dfd No.18342529



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d2da76 No.18342530

File: 2c4b5f7f776aac1⋯.png (970.01 KB,1098x585,122:65,2c4b5f7f776aac1f439f0f0343….png)

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47d8f1 No.18342531


4 days to Brunson SC 2.

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1e6ccf No.18342532

post linkey please…

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bdd097 No.18342533

File: 890f9d4731c231d⋯.jpeg (21.37 KB,255x153,5:3,95A432FA_628E_4CDB_A549_B….jpeg)

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7c2729 No.18342534

File: 1b83d603dcecc29⋯.jpg (98.43 KB,427x585,427:585,1b83d603dcecc295bf2116db23….jpg)

Such a shame that their deep fake tech is not quite at the level of real-time rendering, huh? The balloons are just balloons, and with the wreckage having English on its components…

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aef9cf No.18342535


Lose the green indicator lamps.

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9d2c80 No.18342536

File: 43d579c1f285812⋯.jpg (106.41 KB,666x500,333:250,7b29k6.jpg)

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a41d92 No.18342537


What is it?

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f39d58 No.18370279


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8026d4 No.18370284

MISSING 411 THE UFO CONNECTION: Inteview with retired FBI agent John Desouza

@44 John reveals that when one person in a crowd disobeys the rules all follow. We need one to stand up against tyrany we are all freed.

Think outspoken Trump and how far we are from were we were and now we know the heineis plans ((theY)) have for us.


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8df7fc No.18370294

File: 0e7161694eedb6a⋯.jpg (361.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,0e7161694eedb6a43fbc486ece….jpg)

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8df7fc No.18370295

File: 3e841d30509dc66⋯.png (126.72 KB,449x515,449:515,3e841d30509dc66ece7c0c8b91….png)

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8df7fc No.18370297

File: e788ce7879c8150⋯.jpg (17.91 KB,255x253,255:253,a11f122ad2ba5cdd250ccc15f2….jpg)

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