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File: e7d0c8de3f0677b⋯.png (241.44 KB,508x284,127:71,iwo_jima.png)

777bc5 No.18324848 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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777bc5 No.18324849

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579 NEW

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777bc5 No.18324850


#22458 >>18324057

>>18324116 30-year delta of EU's National Emergency Number day

>>18324178, >>18324686, >>18324283 Trump has giga-DNA + bloodlines dig from a year ago

>>18324181, >>18324182, >>18324198, >>18324232, >>18324637, >>18324329, >>18324385 RIGGERS decode

>>18324211 A passenger bus has collided with a plane at LAX

>>18324248, >>18324311 Did Jack Smith Get A Supreme Court Offer? Q post 1155

>>18324396, >>18324412 Aspen Institute list of donors

>>18324352 Planefag

>>18324406, >>18324408 Boxes of documents in Boston - latest reveal in Biden classified saga

>>18324407, >>18324462, >>18324476, >>18324498, >>18324505, >>18324562 Celeste Wallander

>>18324473 The 10 House Republican co-sponsors of @RepMattGaetz’s Bill to end funding for Ukraine

>>18324426, >>18324445, >>18324431, >>18324468, >>18324564 Thorough report of 459 crimes found on Hunter's laptop

>>18324456 What funeral directors know that you don't

>>18324463 The FBI was tracking & flagging the vaccination status of NYC teachers

>>18324483, >>18324573 Canadian doctors dying of 'rapid cancers'

>>18324507 Socialist Brazil: Can only receive universal basic income if vaccinated

>>18324517, >>18324555, >>18324576, >>18324586 Digits confirm: Grassley's yellow vest, Q maritime flag

>>18324540, >>18324689 Update: James O'Keefe on leave for at least 2 weeks, cannot speak publicly about the situation

>>18324542 Posobiec: I’m hearing Biden and Lula already talked and Biden wants Bolsonaro arrested

>>18324600 Nobel Prize winner Dr. Satoshi Omura: Ivermectin - A splendid gift from the Earth

>>18324676, >>18324682, >>18324762, >>18324779 Chris Miller activated?

>>18324771 Hans Modrow, the last prime minister of communist East Germany, has passed away at the age of 95

>>18324778 Posobiec: Nancy Mace is a fed

>>18324808, >>18324810, >>18324823, >>18324622, >>18324811, >>18324815, >>18324819, >>18324826, >>18324832 Feb 11 deltas

>>18324844 #22458

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777bc5 No.18324851

#22457 >>18323118

>>18323114, >>18323169 PF reports

>>18323135, >>18323409, >>18323490, >>18323609 Final Epstein docs to be unsealed after new ruling

>>18323265 Emails between Biden lawyers and NARA from Nov 2022 released

>>18323239, >>18323279, >>18323248 Blackout comms?

>>18323348 FOX showing UFO Tic Tac video when reporting on object shot down in Alaska

>>18323240, >>18323293, >>18323379, >>18323550 Call to dig: Barry Hinkley, Project Veritas coup

>>18323442 Christopher Miller: We need a true Jan 6 committee

>>18323445 Sirius, star of secret societies

>>18323230, >>18323448 Project Veritas / Koch

>>18323472 Hazardous air pollutants: Ethylene Oxide

>>18323478, >>18323917 Why do they want Trump's DNA?

>>18323528, >>18323732, >>18323759 Dr. Ryan Cole: There is spike protein inside every single cancer cell

>>18323509 Globohomo srsly after the chickens and eggs...

>>18323614, >>18323558 Pfizer advised US Government on redrafting Gain of Function Research Policy

>>18323626, >>18323551 Mike Lindell: DeSantis' support of Dominion totally disqualifies him from 2024 presidential run

>>18323658 DJT: Will Trump Hating Prosecutor Jack Smith be investigating the FACT that they SPIED on my campaign?

>>18323912, >>18323936, >>18323943, >>18323946, >>18323948 Barry Hinkley & Matthew Tyrmand, ringleaders of Project Veritas coup

>>18324038 #22457

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777bc5 No.18324852

#22456 >>18322362


>>18322456 Republicans Plot Legislative Avalanche Targeting Progressive Big Biz

>>18322462, >>18322448 FTX liquidators report exchange held $2.4M 'fleet of vehicles' in the Bahamas

>>18322501, >>18322504 Tory resigning as mayor of Toronto after having relationship with staff

>>18322567, >>18322569, >>18322572, >>18322593, >>18322647, >>18322496, >>18322512, >>18322545 Where child sacrifice is a business/Uganda

>>18322576 PF SPAR78 USAF NATO G5 departed Stuttgart (AFRICOM) and just landed @ Ramstein AFB after arriving from Accra, Ghana earlier today

>>18322630 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame Ox & More 'Fun Friday Free For All' we might talk about UFOs

>>18322642 Do you live in one of these five cancer-causing hotspots?

>>18322717 Angry , fed-up Donors shut down coup against O’Keefe…

>>18322742, >>18322469, >>18322935 Libby Locke is an attorney that represents both Dominion and Project Veritas.

>>18322721 Ford Plans to Build EV Battery Plant in Michigan With Chinese Partner

>>18322849 McConnell Confirms Biden’s Claim Some in the GOP Eyeing Cuts to Social Security and Medicare: ‘That Was the Rick Scott Plan’

>>18322908 State Dept issues top tier 'do not travel' warning for Mexico

>>18322975 Blue State Lawmakers Push To Hide Teachers’ Conversations On Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation

>>18323036 PF SPAR17C-40B inbound to Scott AFB from Shannon, Ireland fuel stop-departed Kuwait-earlier today

>>18323043 Hot Wheels CNN Live 2200 10FEB23

>>18323098 #22456

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777bc5 No.18324854

#22455 >>18321538

>>18321638, >>18321696 Rep. Andy Biggs”: No "outside law firm" will protect DHS Secretary Mayorkas from impeachment

>>18321645, >>18321652, >>18321679, >>18321698, >>18321762, >>18321700 GMax names to be unsealed

>>18321685, >>18321642 Most toxic vax batches were sent to RED states

>>18321705 A parent in @PCSDSchools read from pornographic books available to students. The books include encouraging the use of sex apps & graphic sexual content.

>>18321710 CEO Of Cryptocurrency And Forex Trading Platform Pleads Guilty To Over $240 Million Scheme To Defraud Investors

>>18321713, >>18321807, >>18321810 , >>18321965 Christopher Miller is going to be on Bannons War Room in the next hour talking about J6

>>18321728 All brackets extracted from q drops

>>18321751, >>18321952, >>18321987, >>18322024 US shoots down unknown 'high-altitude object' over Alaska, White House says

>>18321799, >>18321831, >>18321902 SEC launches investigation into the Mormon Church's $100 billion secret investment portfolio.

>>18321862 Clinton Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation team up with crypto company to fight 'climate change' for women in India

>>18321873 Adidas is facing a $1 billion loss after canceling Kanye

>>18321916 FBI To Retract Catholic Infiltration Memo, Conduct Internal Review

>>18321919 Texas Sues Biden Admin For Forcing Abortion Through Pharmacies

>>18321944 Oversight chair issues sweeping document demands to Biden 'gatekeeper' in secret records probe

>>18321998, >>18322020, >>18322045, >>18322058, >>18322069, >>18322083 CMZ: The US NAVY casually emailing each other about a time machine that they patented

>>18322004, >>18322015 Moar Pence paradigm shift

>>18322314 x22 [DS] Has No Place To Hide, Trump Sends Message, We Will Get There – Ep. 2994

>>18322344 #22455

Previously Collected

>>18321985 #22454

>>18320784 #22453-A, >>18320842 #22453-B

>>18318508 #22450, >>18319284 #22451, >>18320038 #22452

>>18316146 #22447, >>18316951 #22448, >>18317706 #22449

>>18314600 #22445, >>18315364 #22446-A, >>18315336 #22446-B

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear >>18154557

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777bc5 No.18324857

File: 0120476ce903179⋯.png (498.76 KB,519x495,173:165,ClipboardImage.png)



baker seeking handoff

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5d8c0e No.18324860

File: 4c31dd66af42d3a⋯.png (525.15 KB,886x750,443:375,ClipboardImage.png)

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2523c9 No.18324862

File: 5fd68df39c343ef⋯.png (1.13 MB,800x800,1:1,pepe_poke_eye.png)

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d14218 No.18324866

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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f97cdc No.18324867

File: 2804c384e623026⋯.png (1.22 MB,936x1247,936:1247,1676118458963.png)

File: e2f703d5ab2e49e⋯.png (1.23 MB,1440x810,16:9,1676079631843.png)





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2523c9 No.18324869

File: 1d7ed9963c321e6⋯.png (1008.36 KB,755x1145,151:229,clown_phone_swordy.png)

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246a24 No.18324870

File: 77baea2cd6b8b7d⋯.jpeg (629.77 KB,1170x1117,1170:1117,D72ED120_0347_4C6B_8781_6….jpeg)



also, the way this is written, POTUS is saying Jack Smith is actually investigating Pence for not sending votes back to the electors. furthermore it’s written such that it can’t be a typo. it was on purpose.

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246a24 No.18324874


automatic filter for you

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da5c17 No.18324877

File: c9a1303f48ad88a⋯.jpg (110.56 KB,500x758,250:379,anon.jpg)

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2523c9 No.18324879

File: 95d81962245cd20⋯.png (99.56 KB,844x563,844:563,ClipboardImage.png)



The War on Cash Intensifies: Visa Offers Restaurants $10,000 to Go Cashless



Hey Baker.

In the last bread, this got removed from Notables because it is old news.

But it is interesting, because 6 years ago, they went on an offensive to kill cash, and it did not age well.


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ae2701 No.18324880

File: eaad2b915a1542f⋯.png (39.51 KB,512x218,256:109,ClipboardImage.png)



i think we can all agree that tony and john podesta are pedophile freaks.

however, if you believe the FBI has 100 subs on YT and makes misspelled hashtag posts on YouTube

You probably fail the phishing tests your company sends to your work email, and you do not belong here.

Stop making up fake shit to enhance the absolutely real shit.

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5befac No.18324884



It just occurred to me that Swordy has never called himself Swordy!

Also, Chek'd.

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9ad252 No.18324885

File: dd4092956aff9dd⋯.png (49.45 KB,720x450,8:5,3855_2.png)

File: 2487caeb267bacd⋯.png (969.11 KB,1084x838,542:419,Screen_Shot_2023_02_11_at_….png)

File: 0811790f376fa9b⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,Anonymous.mp4)

File: f63002db6994c2c⋯.png (15.27 KB,600x178,300:89,Screen_Shot_2023_02_11_at_….png)


Feb 11, 2020 5:38:06 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No. 8105541 



Reporter: "Do you know who Anonymous is?"

POTUS: "I don't want to say, but you'd be surprised"

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9ad252 No.18324886

File: 03435e0ca388df3⋯.png (267.91 KB,1902x1118,951:559,Screen_Shot_2023_02_11_at_….png)

File: d26f54bd50d9b6f⋯.png (88.59 KB,1222x682,611:341,Screen_Shot_2023_02_11_at_….png)

Message 217d0b27-9d8e-47e0-903d-d25bb43807d4

Broadcast Time 2023-02-11 01:22:00

Message Type OTHER


Receiver MILE POST


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246a24 No.18324889


if i said…

>anons should be posting research, not pictures of naked women’s breasts

what does that imply you are posting?

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1940ec No.18324890

File: 37a7e90dd676681⋯.jpeg (56.88 KB,491x408,491:408,640E7006_99F0_4B10_8549_7….jpeg)

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114b62 No.18324892

File: b8480bae9337bd0⋯.mp4 (5.59 MB,384x180,32:15,Sword_of_Q.mp4)


Mornn' Swordy. God Bless

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016831 No.18324893


Where child sacrifice is a business

11 October 2011

The villages and farming communities that surround Uganda's capital, Kampala, are gripped by fear.

Schoolchildren are closely watched by teachers and parents as they make their way home from school. In playgrounds and on the roadside are posters warning of the danger of abduction by witch doctors for the purpose of child sacrifice.

The ritual, which some believe brings wealth and good health, was almost unheard of in the country until about three years ago, but it has re-emerged, seemingly alongside a boom in the country's economy.

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016831 No.18324894

File: 949ba1068a324a5⋯.jpeg (109.11 KB,396x632,99:158,CryingIsNotAnEmergency.jpeg)


>In playgrounds and on the roadside are posters warning of the danger of abduction by witch doctors for the purpose of child sacrifice.

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de3c6f No.18324895

File: 69c8d0c1eaa049b⋯.jpeg (229.32 KB,1139x892,1139:892,CDBD063E_1BF7_4DBB_94FF_3….jpeg)

File: db91eaef0ba7c6f⋯.jpeg (277.52 KB,1134x892,567:446,C338222D_62D2_4831_B0ED_C….jpeg)

File: 228f3a13ca3109b⋯.jpeg (306.86 KB,1139x890,1139:890,EBAF6312_B13F_484B_9549_2….jpeg)

File: b7b008fc6189117⋯.jpeg (215.68 KB,1134x890,567:445,2232DCE8_46AC_4FC9_BD5D_5….jpeg)

File: 66f77ce69f8db9c⋯.jpeg (284.12 KB,1139x893,1139:893,3B1C0A76_3ED3_4B9B_833A_1….jpeg)

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1940ec No.18324896

File: 946fab5ce57dca5⋯.jpeg (175.43 KB,854x1280,427:640,03316D35_735A_4DD6_AC82_8….jpeg)

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016831 No.18324897

File: 7788dff6d57abc7⋯.jpg (93.68 KB,582x467,582:467,heroism.jpg)

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7a29b6 No.18324898

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

take the 9th boosterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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7a29b6 No.18324900


she must be 12, if you like her.

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ae2701 No.18324901

File: 51d2959c222c0f9⋯.png (15.38 KB,194x259,194:259,ClipboardImage.png)


Big Black Cock

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016831 No.18324902

File: 5f0d3108de54544⋯.mp4 (488.57 KB,640x320,2:1,greatestshowonearth.mp4)

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7a29b6 No.18324903

File: 626847a2e532d55⋯.gif (941.41 KB,500x281,500:281,be_blessed.gif)

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9ad252 No.18324905

File: 2c7bb18dfd706c0⋯.jpg (251.2 KB,1500x1000,3:2,cock1_1.jpg)

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ae2701 No.18324906


Good morning Jordan

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2523c9 No.18324907

File: aa59c5b23a2f9ef⋯.jpeg (298.31 KB,659x656,659:656,pepe_shooting_star.jpeg)


She actually looks natural.

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016831 No.18324909

File: efcb44c9b4a26c4⋯.mp4 (9.07 MB,642x360,107:60,Hunter_Biden_s_laptop_stor….mp4)

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331af4 No.18324910

>>18324728 (pb)

>You don't think that's important considering we're in WW3 and the Smith Mundt act lets US Army PSYOP units PSYOP your retarded ass?

"You don't think that's important considering we're in WW3 and the Smith Mundt act allows the Deep State-controlled Mockingbird Fake News to PSYOP your retarded ass with propaganda and lies?"

There. Fixed it for you, clown.

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016831 No.18324911

File: cc0b68401b71d03⋯.png (310.94 KB,632x390,316:195,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a29b6 No.18324913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not this shit again.

please. let me be calm one day.

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ebf050 No.18324914

>>18324675 lb

Yea, saw that on TC last night. Okay, as long as you know what happens when you fuck around, doctor.

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ebf050 No.18324915

>>18324675 lb

Yea, saw that on TC last night. Okay, as long as you know what happens when you fuck around, doctor.

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9ad252 No.18324916

File: 2832bba83109850⋯.png (1.8 MB,842x1180,421:590,Screen_Shot_2023_02_11_at_….png)

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016831 No.18324917

File: 6e272a71e68b34e⋯.png (344.63 KB,483x528,161:176,ClipboardImage.png)


that's what the burning bush is for

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ae0d62 No.18324918

File: 29d4a3f93f3b053⋯.png (42.64 KB,531x249,177:83,Screen_Shot_02_11_23_at_07….PNG)

Donald J. Trump


So Ratings Challenged, FAKE NEWS CNN, which just had their lowest & worst numbers in History, wants to give wacky liddle’ Bill Maher a shot at bringing them back to just normal “bad” when Bill Maher suffers from the same affliction as CNN — BAD RATINGS! How’s that for television “programming?” Actually, there’s only one person that can save CNN — he’s done it for 6 years — “TRUMP,” but he’s not available, he’s going to WIN the Presidency for the THIRD time, & save our Country from going to HELL!

Feb 11, 2023, 7:38 AM


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2523c9 No.18324919


Get thee behind me, Satan.

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b17a57 No.18324920

File: cd62a41402de3a8⋯.jpg (136.26 KB,720x928,45:58,20230211_052032.jpg)

File: c2b850495c3c499⋯.mp4 (6.45 MB,576x1024,9:16,W8F1_FXdV6l_teIA.mp4)

File: b98e79e1e57bc35⋯.jpg (122.08 KB,720x1089,80:121,20230211_055638.jpg)


While questions persist about what was shot down near Dead Horse, Alaska, strange things are happening in the skies over Los Angeles.

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7a29b6 No.18324921


He smoked once on Joe's show.

The other one it is cocaine addict.


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5d9c50 No.18324923


The mention of companies like 3M is really huge, in my opinion. When a product goes through EO sterilization what happens when it is shipped back to the manufacturing plant? Contact by workers in the manufacturing plant likely pose risks to them as well.

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016831 No.18324924

File: 7e8a40736556bbb⋯.png (1.78 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d53ef No.18324925

File: 36d494587a1a6c5⋯.jpg (233.33 KB,1600x1155,320:231,GateE_check_counter_china_….jpg)

>>18324810 (previous notable)

Feb 11, 2018 6:53:03 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo No. 86

United Airlines to Guantanamo Bay?

What airline check-in counter @ PVG [T2] is located @ [E]?

What was the location of [E][pic posted other board]?

Why is this relevant?


PVG = Shanghai Pudong International Airport

Gate E = China Eastern/ Sky Team

don't have the other E pic yet

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ebf050 No.18324926



Board acting spoofy kek

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4ac875 No.18324927

File: b674457be315695⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB,2076x1170,346:195,9CF66B87_6ED2_4D72_B4FF_E….jpeg)

File: 5c702780cfc2648⋯.jpeg (263.69 KB,994x1364,497:682,1D7BB56A_0DA4_45D6_8B2E_5….jpeg)

>>18320187 pb

“QResearch picture”

You mean the flag raising at Iwo Jima

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2523c9 No.18324928


>He smoked once on Joe's show.

He also wants to chip brains and names children that he had with canadian weirdo pop stars as if they were androids in a dystopian movie. Not to be trusted.

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777bc5 No.18324930


poetic AF

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40afa4 No.18324931


>Deep State-controlled Mockingbird Fake News to PSYOP

Why are they PSYOPing their own destruction anon?

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9ad252 No.18324932

File: 4c17fad9e4d6389⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB,320x180,16:9,Anonymous_Chasing_Edward_S….mp4)

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2d53ef No.18324933

File: fb34b157fd940ae⋯.png (11.53 KB,397x37,397:37,A_J.PNG)


forgot the link


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016831 No.18324934



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7a29b6 No.18324935


He also said that AI it is the greatest evil of our planet.

He can say wtv the fuck he wants.

I am free to choose for myself.

No vaxx, that your trumped raged of, no implants that this it is talking about, just take the good parts from everyone.

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016831 No.18324936

File: 071041d6bc4c2de⋯.png (589.7 KB,640x763,640:763,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6dac71404dc12b5⋯.png (44.67 KB,166x155,166:155,ClipboardImage.png)


looks like a magic card

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331af4 No.18324937


Desperation. Panic. Nothing can stop what is coming and they know it.

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9ad252 No.18324938

File: c6b03799b0a7d2b⋯.jpg (26.44 KB,299x348,299:348,GhostArmy_12.jpg)

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ae0d62 No.18324939


Can anyone remember why he brought chicken on the floor that day?

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aa0a21 No.18324940

File: c257da97364ce63⋯.png (181.82 KB,750x588,125:98,227.PNG)


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afdc06 No.18324941

File: 194b367a73eef8a⋯.png (286.59 KB,883x886,883:886,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



Feb 11, 2023, 7:42 AM


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220f92 No.18324942

File: ea6345f3826cdd8⋯.mp4 (135.69 KB,426x240,71:40,cmon_man.mp4)

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9ad252 No.18324943

File: 1e68ce05467c662⋯.png (876.88 KB,1420x972,355:243,Screen_Shot_2023_02_11_at_….png)



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afdc06 No.18324944

File: f23eea9e207fccd⋯.png (73.53 KB,901x325,901:325,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump:


So Ratings Challenged, FAKE NEWS CNN, which just had their lowest & worst numbers in History, wants to give wacky liddle’ Bill Maher a shot at bringing them back to just normal “bad” when Bill Maher suffers from the same affliction as CNN — BAD RATINGS! How’s that for television “programming?” Actually, there’s only one person that can save CNN — he’s done it for 6 years — “TRUMP,” but he’s not available, he’s going to WIN the Presidency for the THIRD time, & save our Country from going to HELL!

Feb 11, 2023, 7:38 AM


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aa0a21 No.18324945

File: 07ec407cc61aa51⋯.png (247.26 KB,280x907,280:907,od.PNG)


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777bc5 No.18324946

File: 68416f6ab9f2abe⋯.png (597.92 KB,894x894,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


baker vanquishing dough

you have all served me adequately this night shift

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fdf5a0 No.18324947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For healing miracles and conversion

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afdc06 No.18324948


where is the rumble link?


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2523c9 No.18324949


I think maybe what you have to grasp is that there is a reason J.K. Rowling is richer than the Queen of England was.

The Harry Potter universe is an accurate analogy of the way this planet's hierarchies are actually structured. The Harry Potter universe is the ultimate in predictive programming.

Some factions want a WEF future. Others don't. Musk is something like a Gryffindor. You might think he's a "good guy", but you're still thinking like a fucking Muggle.

Wake up and look around.

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9ad252 No.18324950

File: 33613fde1597557⋯.png (1.07 MB,976x1194,488:597,Screen_Shot_2023_02_11_at_….png)

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ae0d62 No.18324951


Oh ok ty, anon! Ha!

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ba3496 No.18324952

File: 3acef748c9d69fd⋯.png (14.15 KB,170x255,2:3,myisland44.png)

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afdc06 No.18324953

File: 2a1335984479a7e⋯.png (564.73 KB,500x558,250:279,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa0a21 No.18324954

File: 68fa6cfee8fc65f⋯.png (357.73 KB,609x446,609:446,odi.PNG)




It is almost time to release <codename> Project Odin.


2:26 AM · Sep 2, 2020

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777bc5 No.18324955


by vanquish i mean shit is ghosted

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37a281 No.18324956

File: f3c31e627e48959⋯.png (423.44 KB,549x470,549:470,swordanon.png)


Mornin' Swordy

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e3ddad No.18324957

all google search engine is now, is a lying algorithm

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1940ec No.18324958


fascinating videos, but I didn't think much of the ebonics commentary

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da5c17 No.18324959


This was originally posted 9-19-2022 "Greatest show on earth"

>>17542969 (PB)



This we understand. I guess most of us are wondering when the ‘time’ will be, when that which is taking place behind the scenes can be presented on the world stage?

We would answer … THE TIME IS COMING FOR THAT.








You said, that the death of the Monarch will start that ball rolling.

This is so.

You said, hold onto your hats.

This we mean.

Breathe into our words and take a ‘Feeling assessment’.


How do you feel?

I feel we are indeed getting closer to the great reveal. Those of us who awoke long ago, or even recently, seem to KNOW that patience is a virtue.

And as one patiently awaits their calling … the LOVE, the STRENGTH and the COURAGE WITHIN builds to Greater Heights.

A while back you said we are ready. Many feel they have been ready all their lives.

One is ready!

And yet, we do not know for what … and yet, we do.

This is correct. This waiting … this apprehension within … this patience, is all part of your KNOWING and yet, you do not know you know it.

When it is time … your *Envelopes shall be opened to Each One. Yet, in these present days, one wonders what it is they may be able to offer to the ‘state of play’ that is to occur.



Part of this mission involves you being unable to KNOW the roles that you are assigned to play in a literal form. Yet, of course, one knows in a general form that FOR NOW … GROWING INTO WHO YOU TRULY ARE … means you are most definitely on track.



With that LIGHTNESS … comes more understanding.

As more understanding awakens another aspect of your Self, and then another, and then another … more and more of THIS GAME will make sense to you … and you shall become more confident in your waiting … in the KNOWING that YOU TRULY ARE READY for whatever it is you came here to complete.







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fc7505 No.18324960


qresearch is more real than Iwo Jima. That whole nuclear bomb crap was fake. Firebombed. No such thing as nuclear bomb

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bba7e9 No.18324961

File: 1c15c617cebd9a6⋯.png (3.7 MB,1000x1632,125:204,ClipboardImage.png)


Harry Potter was a rip off of Neil Gaimans the books of Magic combined with some other tropes. While Harry does have a bunch of predictive programming Gaimans book spills a bunch more of what reality is.

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246a24 No.18324962



why aren’t anons listening to me?

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ae0d62 No.18324964


Word on the street is "it had to be this way"

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7a29b6 No.18324965


I don`t believe in predictive programming.

Nothing new under the Sun.

And: "You are watching a movie." from Q.

I do believe someone it is playing this like a broken disk.

And there are many other time-lines.

When I wake up on left side, and so on…….

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016831 No.18324966

File: 9a23f9780d38d2d⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,640x352,20:11,2bdb8fa7b7_2bdb8fa7b7.mp4)


bridge across Zatoka in the Odessa region was attacked today by a underwater kamikaze UAV from the Black Sea

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1940ec No.18324967

File: 2debdd4f18ae30d⋯.jpeg (24.2 KB,500x307,500:307,E2125C8C_30D7_4DEF_95C8_C….jpeg)

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9ad252 No.18324968

File: 8c7de51065e6a61⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,848x464,53:29,y95crWEELD8GOaGy.mp4)

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ebf050 No.18324969


What is this?

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da5c17 No.18324970




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fc7505 No.18324971

File: 186bb3e3fe4b416⋯.png (1016.08 KB,2554x1430,1277:715,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa0a21 No.18324972

File: 8cd1f82ce4b0505⋯.png (912.85 KB,599x801,599:801,mail.PNG)

File: 3b428cf283aea12⋯.png (848.09 KB,594x627,18:19,dan.PNG)


Hillary Clinton


Just in time for Galentine's Day, and the news that Trump was flushing documents down White House toilets…

A limited edition hat is in the @onwardtogether

store now. https://shop.onwardtogether.org/products/but-her-emails-hat


3:54 AM · Feb 11, 2022



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afdc06 No.18324973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Broward County Felony Aggravated Stalker Case Number 19014044CF10A Field McConnell was Abel Danger

40 views Feb 7, 2023

an Ex Marine fake 911 Whistle blower , on probation must make WRITTEN APOLOGY TO VICTIM , have No contact with Victim, TAKE DOWN YOUTUBE CHANNEL & all SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS & ONLY ALLOWED INTERNET ACCESS for EMAIL? & Forfeiture of & ban on Possession of Firearms or Weapons , for 1 year or ? after years demonizing a relative & the institution she worked at

2019/10/09 Broward County Case Number 19014044CF10A , Florida State Reporting Number: 062019CF014044A88810, BCCN: 0925532,

2019/11/05 Wisconsin Complaint / extradition case filed

2019/11/26 3rd Degree Felony Aggravated Stalking, Injunction For Protection

2020/02/12 Extradition hearing, application for Writ of Habeas Corpus , he believes Florida had 90 days to prosecute and those days are up & does not have jurisdiction as Defendant has not been to Florida since 1959.

2020/02/13 remanded to Florida, by Wisconsin

2020/02/23 $100,000 bail set ?

2020/02/26 Plea Not Guilty

2020/03/09 $100000 bail posted?

2020/03/11 House Arrest Electronic ankle Monitor = 27.14427,-80.2437762

2021/09/13 Plea of Nolo Contendere $141 fine & 12 Month Probation

2022/09/13 Probation probable End Date conditions were

http://browardclerk.org/Web2 & Search by case Number 19014044CF10A










= all other citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

Seems to me the speaker is trying wayyy too hard to discredit Field McConnel while at the same time brushing him off like some inconsequential conspiracy nut. My advice …..do your own research. What once was a conspiracy is now Conspiracy fact

= https://archive.is/Ok2PZ


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299064 No.18324974

File: d0f59124295cbc0⋯.jpg (191.58 KB,833x833,1:1,Bakes.jpg)

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9ad252 No.18324975



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ae0d62 No.18324976



I'm listening and thinking…

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4abd5a No.18324977

File: f079fad5c899cb1⋯.png (104.2 KB,1431x1239,477:413,orion.png)


Put Trump's face a little higher.

Orion's head belongs further up.

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1940ec No.18324978

File: e13045b5ac8123b⋯.jpeg (95.22 KB,500x803,500:803,EFFD7467_1648_4E29_8139_0….jpeg)

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5d9c50 No.18324979

File: 0f75cb1a4167966⋯.png (80.78 KB,454x275,454:275,Screen_Shot_2023_02_11_at_….png)

I noticed a NOTABLE in a pb refering to a case of adult onset Type 1 diabetes. It is my carefully considered opinion that most or perhaps nearly all Type 1 diabetes is caused by autoimmune disease following vaccinations. I used to have a copy of this book:


As I recall there were summaries of studies suggesting Type 1 diabetes could follow vaccines that were already in use (not COVID injections).

At one time I was able to see some data from a flu vaccine trial in children. There was new onset Type 1 diabetes as I recall, not sure how many children, though.

Bottom line: Injections that are by design immune-system altering should be considered as a primary cause in new onset autoimmune disease, based on the evidence I've seen as well as their ostensible mode of action to "train the immune system".

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016831 No.18324980

File: e80c7d3bda9c004⋯.png (124.71 KB,437x305,437:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa0a21 No.18324981

File: 7e45f62f90f8030⋯.png (540.47 KB,594x614,297:307,stub.PNG)



White House Photos


The evergreen tree is stubborn woman/ when the coldest day comes / she never abandons her red babies / becomes home of birds / as William passes by her / red babies speak to him / please shake hands / Hug me / whenever I pretty in my inner soul to the earth/ PC: William Moon


1:28 PM · Feb 13, 2020


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e3ddad No.18324982

File: 4cb28e98217c7f3⋯.jpg (127.75 KB,493x590,493:590,b59d50633124022795681c657c….jpg)

File: 4941273f7c7b45a⋯.jpg (558.93 KB,2560x2560,1:1,2caffd36c000205fc4bfddd820….jpg)

File: 7ab285a39bc93c8⋯.png (2.33 MB,2560x2560,1:1,0045464748.png)

File: 18d47f40395118e⋯.jpg (247.22 KB,1242x776,621:388,93a9d0a31d75a3a2d4db9f2f35….jpg)

File: f5c66702383c585⋯.jpg (268.55 KB,1800x1800,1:1,large_panties_of_hillary.jpg)


ThankQ Incredible Baker

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14b040 No.18324983

File: 08f4d36f29db03e⋯.jpg (11.33 KB,275x183,275:183,breakfast7.jpg)

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7a29b6 No.18324984


I do believe that evil fuck put here to study our emotions.

B/C they gave up on them, and they can't touch God's level.

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299064 No.18324985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saturday is SRV Day!

VooDoo Chile

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2523c9 No.18324986


Did Neil Gaiman become richer than the Queen?

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016831 No.18324987


German anti-fascists beat a man half to death in Budapest

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25c948 No.18324988

File: 2a9c1ba5f33d395⋯.png (3.45 KB,310x106,155:53,2470_PREBUS_SPICER_LEAKS_s….png)

File: cb6a2b6389e9545⋯.png (88.98 KB,590x844,295:422,nov_9_2020_Y_esper_MILLER_….png)

File: de69cea952ea158⋯.png (230.61 KB,1007x768,1007:768,nov_9_2021_McEntee_Atlanti….png)

PB notable >>18324676 (also read all links for full story)

about John McEntee & want to add WHO WAS WHITE HOUSE LEAKER

was this a pysop? deleted drop from internet & boards (not sure on timezone)

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016831 No.18324989


>German anti-fascists beat a man half to death in Budapest


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fc7505 No.18324990


So what are Hillarie's Red Babies?

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ae0d62 No.18324991



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2523c9 No.18324992


>I don`t believe in predictive programming.

Never saw Minority Report?

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299064 No.18324993

File: 2197461f4a9236e⋯.jpg (189.67 KB,768x768,1:1,08bf5b50734c399a90af488c91….jpg)


Mornin', Swordy!

Blessings upon you & yours, anons, Q-Team, and operators in the field.

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afdc06 No.18324994

File: 8c6c7a2991381b8⋯.png (1.79 MB,1440x1440,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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016831 No.18324995

File: 19cf9c5eb912b30⋯.png (329.09 KB,436x582,218:291,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3ddad No.18324996

File: e1ea5f6774d4214⋯.jpg (116.79 KB,816x528,17:11,dduqqwxa.jpg)

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fc7505 No.18324997

File: 3e9c4c64975d568⋯.png (21.49 KB,300x250,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)



Yup my brian is still waking up

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25c948 No.18324998

File: 5a390832e86c0df⋯.png (108.77 KB,870x653,870:653,nov_10_2021_McEntee_HUNTS_….png)

File: 8d117e68224edcc⋯.png (132.78 KB,678x940,339:470,nov_10_2021_McEntee_memo_v….png)


ment to add these

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25e979 No.18324999

File: b2d81bfaf61ebf0⋯.jpeg (517.22 KB,828x1272,69:106,8E39EAF8_D0E0_40ED_8B78_A….jpeg)


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afdc06 No.18325000

File: 53425c3fba6eed8⋯.png (155.34 KB,996x330,166:55,ClipboardImage.png)

cant hear you

suck it

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1940ec No.18325001


I think that auto immune diseases are a planned feature of the Covid "vaccines"

Shingles, which then develops into a severe neuralgia seems to be very common now, one of my vaxxed relatives has come down with it, nasty stuff

VAIDS/ADE, etc all part of the plan

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7a29b6 No.18325002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I did.

I do believe that an amount of people, gaining together can change things.

ALL @.

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aa0a21 No.18325003

File: 0cfd20fa6541931⋯.png (147.18 KB,696x532,174:133,best.PNG)

File: 3d1911c2a84721a⋯.png (349 KB,888x592,3:2,can.PNG)


Pepe Lives Matter


Feb 11, 2022


The best video I've seen on the freedom convoy.

Truly beautiful to witness We the People rise up against the elite and their tyranny. 🇨🇦



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8c93b0 No.18325004

File: 044ad11c833fd7a⋯.jpg (58.42 KB,624x400,39:25,demons_to_animals.jpg)

File: 03cbf27496f343a⋯.jpg (67.38 KB,500x631,500:631,SPEECHLESS_V2.jpg)

File: 8c6379377f36a52⋯.jpg (58.21 KB,626x500,313:250,cbdcbd.jpg)

File: 7bed186ac460f4a⋯.jpg (71.52 KB,573x435,191:145,77_hate.jpg)

File: a4a865aba93cbc5⋯.jpg (52.74 KB,620x465,4:3,memo.jpg)

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694a84 No.18325005

File: 71e09a2ac64176e⋯.png (546.21 KB,943x689,943:689,qt.png)



"…Information warfare has been a part of combat for centuries. Commanders always have attempted to disrupt, intercept, corrupt, deceive, or otherwise influence the opposition's information flow. The difference today is that the information system itself can be treated as a weapon system. This broadens the spectrum of warfare, blurring the edges of conflict, from commencement to resolution. If information warfare is ongoing, then the modern commander is continually engaged in warfare.

These functions will be executed by skilled information warriors, who will collect, analyze, and act on data. Associated hardware will permit data dissemination and decision execution. At every point, individual analysis will be the factor that determines operational success.

Psychological operations were used effectively during the Gulf War, but were delayed in employment. To get the needed machinery in place as soon as possible after a crisis occurs—because early employment is most effective5—an information warfare control ship with a production capability and connectivity to shore-based experts could provide a unique capability. In addition, organic helicopters, properly equipped, could disseminate psychological operations material.

Physical Destruction. Physical destruction, from the sea, comes in the form of conventional attack and defense, which relies on missiles or guns. All major U.S. Navy surface combatants are protected, at a minimum, by one or more Phalanx 20-mm Gatling gun systems. To counter hostile missile platforms, larger surface vessels, and aircraft, most Navy ships are armed with a point defense missile system, such as the Sea Sparrow or the new rolling airframe missile weapon systems. An information-era warship should have both gun and missile defensive systems to protect itself and attack fleet targets.

A more potent option would be to marry an information warfare control ship to the proposed arsenal ship. The information warfare control ship could develop targets, send them forward through the targeting process, then either pass them off to the arsenal ship for attack or control the engagement while using the arsenal ship's weapons.

Deception Operations. Deception operations are intended to change an opponent's perception of the battlefield. Throughout history, this has been accomplished by deceiving the enemy with respect to timing, location, and activity at various echelons and levels of war. Conceivably, an information warfare control ship could carry out strategic, operational, and tactical deception. The June 1995 Journal of Electronic Defense outlines five fundamentals of deception that could help determine the potential assets available on an information-era warship:

First Rule: To be effective, a deception operation must be one that causes the enemy to believe what he expects.

Second Rule: Timely feedback is an essential element of all major deception operations. Third Rule: Deception must be integrated with operations.

Fourth Rule: Denial of information on the true activities is also essential; it will depend, in significant part, on stealth and C3 countermeasures activities.

Fifth Rule: The realism required for any deception activity is a function of the sensor and analysis capabilities available to the opponent and the time available to analyze the situation, disseminate the data to appropriate points, and take appropriate actions.7

An information warfare control ship would bring together the diverse disciplines needed to carry out a deception operation within these rules. Electronic attack, through intrusion, could meet the first criterion; intelligence collection could fulfill the second. Command and control, in the form of the embarked commander, could fulfill the third rule. Electronic defense, principally through emission control, could fulfill the fourth rule. The fifth rule could be met through a combination of collection and command-and-control functions.

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40afa4 No.18325006


Since no mRNA vaccinations were approved in the US, it wouldn't surprise me if the whole thing was used to test just the adjuvants.

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2523c9 No.18325007


Predictive programming is real and exhaustively documented. If you don't "believe in it", then you just have not been paying attention. Godspeed.

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da5c17 No.18325008

File: 4db85b801afc48a⋯.webp (18.97 KB,546x371,78:53,rigit_1024x682.webp)

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4abd5a No.18325009


I wanna tell you about my life

I wanna show you what i've become

After all thats happened

I had the boss on the phone

I thought of you when he spoke

I wanna tell you 'bout the time

I wanna play all you all my songs

Hear your voice sing along

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ae0d62 No.18325010

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25c948 No.18325011

File: bb6e1e8327419c7⋯.png (470.43 KB,873x915,291:305,nov_10_2021_McEntee_memo2_….png)

File: b0d5a1bef9fecb2⋯.jpg (282.9 KB,1152x2048,9:16,nov_10_2021_McEntee_memo2b….jpg)

File: 3f93ebd95363ee0⋯.jpg (205.48 KB,1152x2048,9:16,nov_10_2021_McEntee_memo2c.jpg)


I will add this before the [Y]espe (sorry) no links

hive mind

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299064 No.18325012

File: 5c5bdd29cbd0823⋯.png (565.69 KB,474x625,474:625,5c5bdd29cbd08236491c50a85f….png)

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6b301b No.18325013

File: fb39a1402c5dba4⋯.png (1.85 MB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20230211_055325.png)

Worst ad ever

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e85334 No.18325014

File: 78e2a11cb6fe409⋯.jpg (92.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,coffee_brain.jpg)

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bba7e9 No.18325015


does that matter? The story is what is important not who made more money.

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2d53ef No.18325016

File: 5b991f141411afe⋯.png (1.44 MB,1914x578,957:289,733_MacaiTaiwan.PNG)


HK Macao – Taiwan - Have to go into ‘see pictures’


American Airline to Cathay Pacific ? Codeshare?

Cathay Pacific Airways and American Airlines today announced that codeshare services operated by the oneworld alliance partners will commence on 29 January 2003. Tickets for the codeshare flights will be on sale from 27 January.


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016831 No.18325017

File: ed48d21489098ca⋯.png (146.21 KB,437x438,437:438,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa0a21 No.18325018

File: 5183e0f5241e448⋯.png (454.42 KB,794x720,397:360,meet.PNG)


Biden to meet Brazil's Lula for talks on climate, democracy

Story by By Andrea Shalal • Yesterday 9:54 AM

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e3ddad No.18325019

File: 2bac196b400b26c⋯.jpg (406.39 KB,816x528,17:11,sksksl.JPG)

File: ecb4a85b461c612⋯.jpg (409.34 KB,816x528,17:11,fascistbook.JPG)

File: e342d5d79140bb3⋯.jpg (408.33 KB,816x528,17:11,llko.JPG)

File: 4436d3db9e53152⋯.jpg (408.28 KB,816x528,17:11,wishing_you_were_here_camp….JPG)

File: 049eeda6d88a0d4⋯.jpg (406.5 KB,816x528,17:11,liz_cheney.JPG)

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aa0a21 No.18325020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cd338f No.18325021


God Bless You swordAnon.

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7a29b6 No.18325022

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ae0d62 No.18325023

File: 0da7e6bf070fb53⋯.png (1.93 KB,90x104,45:52,Screen_Shot_11_30_22_at_11….PNG)

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aa0a21 No.18325024

File: 50e2ccf11910834⋯.png (310.2 KB,944x531,16:9,etttttt.PNG)



Biden, Lula meet in the shadow of Jan. 6-like insurrection in Brazil

The two leaders share an effort to bolster democracy, but differ on Ukraine and China.

By Yasmeen Abutaleb


Amanda Coletta


Marina Dias

Updated February 10, 2023 at 5:19 p.m. EST|Published February 10, 2023 at 5:00 a.m. EST

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8c93b0 No.18325026

File: edfcf61be14b49f⋯.jpg (48.37 KB,500x500,1:1,memories.jpg)

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25c948 No.18325027

File: 8ff891e34d80adf⋯.png (355.19 KB,746x635,746:635,4417_missing_video_ESPER_K….png)


Before i go further on Esper does anyone have this KalirQ video? #4417? tag please if so

i was lazy that day!

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016831 No.18325028

File: 5eb65b86c70c9f2⋯.png (764.16 KB,1041x840,347:280,ClipboardImage.png)


>Biden to meet Brazil's Lula for talks on climate, democracy

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4abd5a No.18325029


A hefty rap sheet.

What makes a man betray the truth ?

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7a29b6 No.18325030


I wish that someone will program me to win at lottery, or bingo, or sport bets.

Q , can you do that?

And program clintons and bidens and that moran that swallow well on the way to a cliff, and jump on the shore rocks.

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25c948 No.18325031

File: 07e1116e2771697⋯.png (474.35 KB,935x845,187:169,4417_ESPER_remember_OATH_Y….png)

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ae0d62 No.18325033


"Who are we talking to?"

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299064 No.18325034



Anons called that anon Swordy when we were blessed every day with the sword of St. Michael.

Q posted about the Sword of the Spiritninetimes.

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2523c9 No.18325035


You need to go home. You're obviously drunk.

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7a29b6 No.18325036


I am. home and drunk.

But not programmed.

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237a43 No.18325037

File: 0b5252643376035⋯.jpg (27.93 KB,433x198,433:198,photo_2023_02_11_07_13_29.jpg)

File: c25341dc88f5733⋯.png (47.79 KB,480x242,240:121,Opera_Snapshot_2023_02_11_….png)

RE :: https://truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/109844321125474837

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e3ddad No.18325038

File: 0ba6fa4e6ba7856⋯.jpg (179.43 KB,352x816,22:51,mr_pigs_1.JPG)

File: e682eab1f7ca3d7⋯.jpg (173.8 KB,352x816,22:51,mr_pig_2222.JPG)

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831bbb No.18325039


it is also, perhaps, a violation of the documents which they filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

that might mean that it's criminal that they have

tainted it all, or maybe just civil violations of law.

the point: it's not as advertised, or as it was advertised.

there is no more 'search engine'

gee, if someone comes up with a real search engine, do you think that they have a chance to make some money on wall street?

only if the players there decide to annoint them as the 'next big thing', kind of how Giggles got there.

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4abd5a No.18325040



I keep hearing 27 will be time to ASCEND

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a50d40 No.18325041

>>18324866 Name your God, or forever remain silent.

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016831 No.18325042


>hefty rap sheet

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a50d40 No.18325043


Define, "ASCENSION."

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2523c9 No.18325044

File: ba377c12f81b342⋯.jpg (155.87 KB,425x408,25:24,smoking_toots.jpg)


It is glorious to crash.

Not so glorious to crack the window on what transpired just before you crashed.

In any case, I wish you well, anon.

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e3ddad No.18325045


They recently have even made it more full of lies…guess they didn't take too kindly to "died Suddenly" searches or trending.

ThankQ for the additional info

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7a29b6 No.18325046


how come, what you say, it is only working in a bad/evil way????????????

Where are the angels?

If you can program people to do evil shit, they can not unprogramm it?

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a50d40 No.18325047

So, the US, Poland, Britan, and several other countries are sending tanks to Ukraine to battle Putin's forces. Tanks need high penetration rounds to defeat other tanks. This is accomplished by adding a depleted uranium core to the projectiles fired from the tanks, along with high explosives and milli-second delay charges so the rounds penetrate the tank, then explode inside.

The problem with this is, depleted uranium is radioactive. Mr. Putin has just announced that on the very first detection of depleted uranium, he will consider it a "Nuclear Exchange" and respond accordingly.

Not one ally is backing down.

Tune in as everything that can possibly go wrong, escalates…

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fb20ce No.18325048



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246a24 No.18325049

File: ede3adc29393345⋯.jpeg (150.47 KB,1170x571,1170:571,F7DA50A6_A50C_42A7_81DE_1….jpeg)

imagine if Prince Andrew’s ex-girlfriend said Trump and Epstein were ‘like brothers’…


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25c948 No.18325050

File: 697e79c4f3e75df⋯.png (876.29 KB,1522x1811,1522:1811,4415_MIL_MUTINY.png)

File: 973c559af01eed0⋯.png (911.81 KB,800x533,800:533,4415b_Mark_Esper_BAD_apple….png)

File: 7607d3f30d36fb4⋯.png (103.04 KB,926x629,926:629,4420_NAT_GUARD_hotel_evict….png)

File: 7451a14df408c6a⋯.png (296.52 KB,926x999,926:999,4432_NG_esper_NO_HELMETS_Y….png)

File: e4b303b9569e2a8⋯.png (211.44 KB,926x1413,926:1413,4505_remember_OATH_pentago….png)


[Y]esper drops (1/2)

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3f6b4e No.18325051


interesting that….

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8c93b0 No.18325052

File: c33bf4775b995ef⋯.jpg (66.71 KB,666x375,222:125,truth_store.jpg)

Heavy reading on 5-year delta Q posts today.

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016831 No.18325053

File: 0f262e443f87d03⋯.mp4 (10.95 MB,640x360,16:9,WendySherman.mp4)

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e39e91 No.18325054

Red Scarves and Doorknobs are the new orange.

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7a29b6 No.18325055


so evil humans are better than God's angels????????????

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e3ddad No.18325056

File: 5b79133c536a215⋯.gif (524.6 KB,300x214,150:107,giphy.gif)

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2478b4 No.18325057



why are you SO focused on the term “riggers”?

i’m simply suggesting POTUS might have given us Jack Smith’s scope, and you’re obsessed with the use of riggers. anons did this last bread too.

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831bbb No.18325058


i also often wondered if their tainted search violated trade laws: truth in advertising.

I knew that they filtered and blocked a very long time ago (over ten years.)

I had a huge vault of fancy pages, each of them I would fill up with automatic stuff.

it was all unique. I sould search for

a fragment of acsii, say a sentence, and my

pages would show up.

but then, after a while, they stopped showing up at all so much so that even if you typed in the URL it would either not come up or be at the end of a very long list.

I had screen caps of it all (do they still exist? if my archives are valid, they do).

So I'd get them on SEC disclosure

and Truth in Advertising

they were always a tainted, from the moment they stopped using the real algorithm.

Bring back Alta Vista!!!

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016831 No.18325059

File: 6a4ba531c1b9ec4⋯.png (270.36 KB,451x451,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa0a21 No.18325060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e39e91 No.18325061

Post from yesterday that shills regretted:

A complaint about President Trump putting all the people in place who stole the election.

Think of the irony…

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7a29b6 No.18325062


soros and rothschild are better than God???????????????


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bba7e9 No.18325063


too bad it believes in you. You are nothing but a fiction in a story that exists beyond time. The difference is as characters in that play we are allowed to have some choice but that does not mean that plot points are not inserted to create drama and to give foreshadowing for the next plot point. Most never realize they are living in a story and most people are not even real. They are shadows, hence the NPC meme. Another theory is that there are not enough souls for the number of people that exist. Not sure about that one but it is a theory. Just because you don't believe in something does not mean it is not true.

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016831 No.18325064


Naming the names. Final batch of documents containing 'salacious' allegations related to Jeffrey Epstein associates - including Prince Andrew - will finally be made PUBLIC after dozens of John and Jane Does agree to unsealing

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e3ddad No.18325065


Trump helped the attorney in the first case against Epstein and testimony disclosed Trump was not part of it.

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e3ddad No.18325067

File: 5c0eb935c1860e6⋯.jpg (85.55 KB,408x528,17:22,Fly_me_to_the_moon_Sinatra….JPG)

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e39e91 No.18325069

A band of misfits is beating the living shit out of the 1000+ year refined Cabal plan to take over the world. God is the ultimate prankster.

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b6239f No.18325070

this: >>18323146 pb

was posted by a (1) with no sauce.

the twat doesn't even exist.

just so you know what they're doing now

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aa0a21 No.18325071

File: b0bd682d15eb058⋯.png (130.6 KB,437x369,437:369,yet.PNG)

File: 3a88e0ace5c786f⋯.png (890.34 KB,756x424,189:106,chess.PNG)



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fc7505 No.18325072


sorry i just woke up im in shitpost mode :P

>i’m simply suggesting POTUS might have given us Jack Smith’s scope

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2478b4 No.18325073


i didn’t say he was?

bros what the fuck is going on with this bread??

how many char bots are behind these engagements??

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b17a57 No.18325074

File: bbcdb4c3827b839⋯.jpg (79.7 KB,766x962,383:481,20230211_063800.jpg)

File: 7e825227371b285⋯.png (229.97 KB,500x500,1:1,3b73d33e0d49358db5e0768476….png)

5 year Delta

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e39e91 No.18325077


Never apologize for top tier shitposting anon. Rockin' in the free world.

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fc7505 No.18325078


I've felt like that for a while. One time I came here and I swear I triggered 4 bots to start a huge diatribe against each other

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016831 No.18325079

File: 79a0dc11067e7a5⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,576x1048,72:131,justgettingstarted.mp4)

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232473 No.18325080

File: 7b89054bde0af8c⋯.png (1.5 MB,800x800,1:1,7b89054bde0af8cdb66eacde32….png)

If I was apart of a company and I figured out that the leadership with in that company happened to be satanic pedophiles that sacrifice children to moloch. I would do everything I can to expose and destroy them. This is what32degrees and below need to do to the inner core of the33and the hundreds of degrees above. Why do low degrees still defend an order that kills children subverts our society?

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4abd5a No.18325081


plans laid long ago that are firm and faithful

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fc7505 No.18325082

File: c0e8a2a48bf8280⋯.png (15.89 KB,128x128,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3ddad No.18325083


"So I'd get them on SEC disclosure

and Truth in Advertising"

H'mmmm, there's a good idea…thankQ

Legal Eagle Anon :D

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b6239f No.18325084

>>18322721 pb

>Ford announced in July it will begin using less expensive lithium iron phosphate battery packs from CATL on its Mustang Mach-E models this year and F-150 Lightning pickups in early 2024, which will boost output of those popular vehicles

>Mustang Mach-E and F-150 Lightning


I've Never even seen 1. Has anyone?

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74cf2e No.18325085

>>18324406 lb

>>18324408 lb


Isn't moving/REMOVING items found at a crime scene a chargeable offense, something akin to "tampering with evidence"?

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25c948 No.18325086

File: a30f48fb44259f4⋯.png (229.99 KB,942x690,157:115,4640_DEEP_STATE_PLAN.png)

File: 00b9ef187c1575f⋯.png (281.38 KB,944x989,944:989,4720a_DEW_S_Y_esper.png)

File: 8f96a4649e91c0c⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,4720b_SAT_direct_energy_we….mp4)

File: 3f3102dbbaca04e⋯.png (466.19 KB,1198x854,599:427,4726a_SAT_Direct_Energy_DE….png)

File: e53e8d4f0dfd114⋯.mp4 (11.17 MB,852x476,213:119,4726b_WAR_fighting_domain_….mp4)


adding some sauce drops (not sure if connecting)

DEWS & [Y]esper (he is in video that's all)

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ff0b99 No.18325087

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)

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e39e91 No.18325088

Yeah David Spade - It's time to fucking panic.

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7a29b6 No.18325089



Finally an amazing reply!!!!!!!!!!

>Another theory is that there are not enough souls for the number of people that exist.

<Yes they are, the universe it is full of life.

<But I agree w/ you that not all have a soul.

>Just because you don't believe in something does not mean it is not true.


TY for your reply.

You're a very intelligent frog.

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016831 No.18325090

File: 331b2b867f658c7⋯.mp4 (14.77 MB,480x272,30:17,revolt.mp4)

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8e4ffa No.18325091


When it comes to killing children and being praised for it, there is no higher degree than MD.

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ebf050 No.18325092


thanx anon but What is this? HAM operators?

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ed256b No.18325093

File: f9fa6e91d66e60c⋯.png (1.2 MB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20230211_082928.png)

I kindly request that Native Americans stop culturally appropriating the concept of "protest" and being offended.

Thank you.


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b6239f No.18325094

File: 9da7e4ee2c61d9d⋯.png (216.83 KB,704x728,88:91,trump_do_jab_vax.png)

Problem for Trump on the vax he said he "saved 100 million with the vax".

But when the pandemic started he rightly said "it''s just like a cold, you'll see"

You can't be wrong about either of those things it's too big. So which is it?

It's reasons like this why you can't support Trump publicly

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831bbb No.18325095


one more point: back then there were searches that would result in a single page response.

the pages are still there, but Giggles doesn't 'see' them anymore for some reason, even though they haunt my server night and day with their requests and I do not block them. Strange, eh.

I made a map long before they had one. It took USGS maps and spidered and then . . . it would knit them together. It was cluncky but it worked well to give an free to down load USGS map (in very high resoluition if you wanted it)

but it would only take a part, and I would 'number it' with a way like they have on maps.

someone figured it out and didn't understand that I used infinite numbering scheme for a finite map and that there was nothing outside the map though you could still ask for it (in the URL).

and so for years I would get requests for it.

It would be counting off into the strasophere, asking for every map cell even the ones that would never exist.

and yet the pages wouldn't show up in the serach.

so what were they really doing?


I was going to make a chat but I heard about how they had passed laws about content and porn so I said 'why risk this? let them all have their own website' so I had to turn that feature off.

Google were always malicious theives and they sucked the fun out of internet pages.

and then I came up with a lot of very very cool uses for various CSS features using javascript.

all corporate development of the entertainment web, that would be like web pages are also video games, pretty much halted when Obama was coronated as 'fearless leader and head narrative speiller'

and after that is when all the blockering became very real.

even the weather service maps would be tainted with the wrong information.

and the USGS site wouldn't report all the earthquakes anymore.

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000000 No.18325096

MEXICO CITY —A day after banishing most of its political prisoners to the United States,Nicaragua has sentenced a Catholic bishop to 26 years in prison.

Bishop Rolando Álvarez refused to leave with the rest of the 222 political prisoners flown to the U.S. on Thursday.


When you wake up first thing in the morning and you feel that big hard Catholic dick going up your ass–– AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TAKE YOUR MORNING SHIT YET! And he's just pounding away, packing your fudge so tight that it shoots out your ears.

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3f6b4e No.18325097

File: 51b3ca09882f178⋯.jpeg (9.37 KB,255x175,51:35,8f53135a3c89db2781fc6a2ab….jpeg)

did somebody sayRIGGERS?

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b6239f No.18325098

File: 927ca7257aee77a⋯.png (534.58 KB,960x540,16:9,mend_bending_sentient_worm….png)


>the free world.

you mean 8kun and it's half-free sometimes-ally?

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aa0a21 No.18325099

File: c3486bf6e246070⋯.png (747.45 KB,1314x784,657:392,pat.PNG)



“We Want Information!” The Arrival of The PrisonerNot Yet Rated

13 years ago

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125bec No.18325100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ebf825 No.18325101


speak for yourself. Trump has 100% support from real patriots.

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039202 No.18325102


This post is over 2 years old now faggot


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e39e91 No.18325103


Critical thinking skills… offline.

Trump turned into the bioweapon op and made the cabal launch it early, thereby saving more than a BILLION souls worldwide. Just like AIDS, it's not the disease that kills you, IT'S THE CURE.

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1940ec No.18325104

File: d9f38ad8d57a0c3⋯.jpeg (115.17 KB,897x561,299:187,0DD13F40_2267_4C2B_86BA_A….jpeg)


Tank warfare is so WW 2

Don't see how NATO armour can succeed unless they have air superiority

Plus the Tanks being sent to Ukraine are crapped out vehicles, basically junk

Vlad will eviscerate NATO in this proxy war, no doubt about it

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4abd5a No.18325105


Show them how good it could be

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b6239f No.18325106

File: d6d1365384cd187⋯.png (132.17 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90cd7f1ad9644a5⋯.png (106.7 KB,208x242,104:121,ClipboardImage.png)


>Native Americans


>timewaster MSM crap

These are leftists dressed up as Native Americans. It wouldn't surprise me if most Native Americans agree with us, given the vax shit. Imagine how much Native Americans must have rejected the vax

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e39e91 No.18325107


In 50 years, who will be in charge, the Cabal or We, the People.

Thanks President Trump

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4abd5a No.18325108


Is that you, Mike?

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0fb786 No.18325109


>"it''s just like a cold, you'll see"

For most people it is, the unlucky ones who actually got the bioweapon, not so much.

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b6239f No.18325110



I asked a question.

"You can't be wrong about either of those things it's too big. So which is it?"

"It's reasons like this why you can't support Trump publicly"

Answer that question please.

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1fb37c No.18325111

File: 0c846ca7bb09ea2⋯.png (1.28 MB,1116x1200,93:100,trust_POTUS_i_do.png)

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dcae94 No.18325112


nothings made-up

fuck off

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000000 No.18325113

MEXICO CITY —A day after banishing most of its political prisoners to the United States,Nicaragua has sentenced a Catholic bishop to 26 years in prison.

Bishop Rolando Álvarez refused to leave with the rest of the 222 political prisoners flown to the U.S. on Thursday.


When you wake up first thing in the morning and you feel that big hard Catholic dick going up your ass–– AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TAKE YOUR MORNING SHIT YET! And he's just pounding away, packing your fudge so tight that it shoots out your ears.

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0a178f No.18325114

Israel is last on the list guys.

The list…..they made.


Q is mossad bro

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ebf825 No.18325115


fuck off. fog of war. If you don't understand that concept your opinion is shit.

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dcae94 No.18325116


take it up the ass as I know you want it


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3e332f No.18325117


Child Human Sacrifice - just like Uganda.

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039202 No.18325118


Q said Israel is saved for last.

Fuck right off, shill faggot

and then KYS

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e39e91 No.18325119


President Trump isn't looking for you to believe in him. President Trump is looking for you to believe in yourself.

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ce3e13 No.18325120

I’m not sure how I crossed into the “everything is about Trump” reality but I’m leaving now.

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3e332f No.18325121


This is what happens when WEF select your leaders.

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aa0a21 No.18325122

File: 8f6037e9a92b4bf⋯.png (1023.15 KB,1002x673,1002:673,day.PNG)



Phil’s Groundhog Day prediction: 6 more weeks of winter

February 2, 2023

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ebf050 No.18325123

File: 64164e5b96d3585⋯.jpg (63.46 KB,851x616,851:616,Welcome_To_Gitmo.jpg)

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b6239f No.18325124

File: 575e9860caf4ad8⋯.png (324.85 KB,466x592,233:296,no_one_died_of_covid_cures….png)


>the unlucky ones who actually got the bioweapon

My personal experience is "bad cold", even from real covid which shoots up into your brain and causes a massive headache while it kills brain cells and causes the small/taste problem for months

People who die are those who are untreated or get vented.

Do you have a different experience to that?

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0a178f No.18325125

File: b700228dd631988⋯.png (104.69 KB,975x198,325:66,ClipboardImage.png)

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2523c9 No.18325126


Sinatra was a piece of shit. But way less a piece of shit than what followed him.

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b6239f No.18325127


answer the question please.

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039202 No.18325128


Shill detected

Trump is Q+ you dumb faggot

So obviously anons are interested in Trump.


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0a178f No.18325129


both of our posts are correct with the exception of your lame ad hominems

Q did say Israel is last

I said Q is Israel.

We are both correct anon

chill and have some of the pots

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f64d31 No.18325131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not liking where this one is going.


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ed256b No.18325132

File: cda3598beb09466⋯.png (697.47 KB,1080x832,135:104,Screenshot_20230211_085814….png)


Divisionfag fail.

Without warp speed, the world would have been locked down for 5 years while the vaccine went

through the approval process

Then, it would've been mandated devoid of legal remedy / exemption.

Literally billions would have been thrust into poverty and died from starvation. The remaining would have been annihilated by the vacx.

And, with a 99.997%survival rate, it isn't much more than a shitty cold or flu.

AND it has shown a few of us is that there are cheap easy cures for a lot ailments and that the original of said ailments are parasites.

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1fb37c No.18325133

File: f4897dd90e2e419⋯.jpg (23.19 KB,900x517,900:517,Summer_Sun_Healthy_Living.jpg)


God Bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever

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b6239f No.18325134

File: 4620c5f9ff07f10⋯.png (142.78 KB,640x426,320:213,vaxx_bell_curve.png)


> fog of war.

I can understand fog of war. It's a version of 4d chess.

Even if that's true, (4d chess) But it's still true what I said

>"It's reasons like this why you can't support Trump publicly"

Any rational person is going to say "this guy has said 1000s of dumb things".

You literally have to be a high IQ anon or low IQ to like trump.

He's totally lost the middle of the bell curve

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dcae94 No.18325135

File: 0dc76f47ac1fce8⋯.png (498.29 KB,653x544,653:544,brennanstopconspiracytheor….png)


black american hater defends FBI


They just kneel to communism?

He believes FBI is above fucking up with spelling errors (a way for deniability and they are fucking lazy, anyway)

anon can't prove it but neither can you prove anything. includiong you love for big black cocks

Like the typical FBI you are.

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7a29b6 No.18325136



I love myself enough. don't need another narcisist.

plus i do not do experimental vaccines.

I am leaving too.

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85e606 No.18325137

File: f9b9a2d309b9f7d⋯.png (463.1 KB,730x522,365:261,f9b9a2d309b9f7d27e6f3f0796….png)

File: 9606207b5d0321a⋯.jpg (61.42 KB,500x669,500:669,64871329_10214811658545076….jpg)

File: 44462b5c9368da7⋯.jpg (43.75 KB,646x960,323:480,44462b5c9368da7f407713e7a1….jpg)

File: 6c91f78464ece0a⋯.png (453.2 KB,634x497,634:497,6c91f78464ece0aa403affd90e….png)

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25c948 No.18325138

File: ae89cc58fc92444⋯.png (169.84 KB,677x768,677:768,oct_20_2019_ESPER_SYRIA_mi….png)

File: 48dc012b1cb0dea⋯.png (457.03 KB,1018x1428,509:714,oct_20_2019_PELOSi_Afghan_….png)

File: 1c6c0c83f779d6f⋯.png (536.73 KB,821x1200,821:1200,oct_20_2019_PELOSi_secret_….png)

File: 7be06539f364bd0⋯.png (282.11 KB,908x545,908:545,oct_23_2019_liddle_AS_KABU….png)

File: 7de3b0d3a43cc1c⋯.jpg (41.28 KB,641x429,641:429,oct_26_2019_BIG_very_just_….jpg)



was the trip by Pelosi & [Y[esper the reason they bagged daddy? location (FISA both ways)

oct 26 is when we found out BIG got "dropped"

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e3ddad No.18325139


"Google were always malicious theives and they sucked the fun out of internet pages." They sure did in every aspect. I'm not that computer savvy to be that creative with Javascript, it's fCSS features or much of the advanced gizmos & gadgets.

Similar to facebook back in 2008, it was fine until people caught onto Obama & his intentions, lies, actions…etc. Similar bizarre things took place there that I felt it enabled stalkers….or spying.

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0a178f No.18325140


me no fbi

me truthanon who hates fake bullshit like eliza bleu and made up memes and changed youtube channel names and posting things for clicks

you just dumbsheepanon

carryon anon


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3e332f No.18325141


My own father was super pro vaccine until he got hit with severe shingles like rash that is barely under control with steroid creams… Pfizer creating the diseases and solutions that create even more long term disease.

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1fb37c No.18325142

File: fad4e32695e213e⋯.png (2.38 MB,2500x1666,1250:833,best_president_ever.png)


indeed. Trump did save Millions and millions of lives.

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8e4ffa No.18325143

The bullshit "Trump is God" narrative is thick in here.

Bet theses shills would walk 1000 miles to suck his cock just to get a taste of Trump jizz.

Disgusting faggots.

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e3ddad No.18325144


They don't want you to know about the earthquake sites/readings etc….you might find out too much or notice too many similar patterns/effects/what military equipment is in the area, etc. etc.

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ebf050 No.18325145

File: b167b7b157348d8⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,2965x2409,2965:2409,Tell_Em_Johnny.jpg)


Just for you faggot.

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e39e91 No.18325146



Beautiful - this is so true. Trump destroyed the vaccine op. Literally.

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1fb37c No.18325147

File: 9a412b29f30f79b⋯.jpg (500.27 KB,964x640,241:160,cures_why.jpg)

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000000 No.18325148

MEXICO CITY —A day after banishing most of its political prisoners to the United States,Nicaragua has sentenced a Catholic bishop to 26 years in prison.

Bishop Rolando Álvarez refused to leave with the rest of the 222 political prisoners flown to the U.S. on Thursday.


When you wake up first thing in the morning and you feel that big hard Catholic dick going up your ass–– AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TAKE YOUR MORNING SHIT YET! And he's just pounding away, packing your fudge so tight that it shoots out your ears.

Fuck me harder Papi.

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b6239f No.18325149

File: bcce17c83c9bda3⋯.png (41.36 KB,255x219,85:73,space_2001_pepe.png)



Please see >>18325134

The 4D chess argument is not the point I'm making here.

I'm saying that literally 4D chess is the only reason to support Trump any more.

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039202 No.18325150


Then don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.

And once your out the door, then KYS

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e39e91 No.18325151


"Trump is anointed by God"


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bd0361 No.18325152


Name the top 10 players who are part of the 'cabal' and I can guarantee that over half are aged 60+. So in 50 years people like Soros, Bill Gates, and MANY politicians will be dead, but who takes their place? Their children?

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ebf825 No.18325153


you really have no point. just stop.

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1fb37c No.18325154

File: 1acda992601f36b⋯.png (724.32 KB,914x662,457:331,clowns_in_da_house.png)


not a single anon said "Trump is God". not even close. to be chosen to do God's work is not being God. smh. but you know that

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039202 No.18325155


Q+ is Trump

Nice try shill

Fucking KYS

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8e4ffa No.18325156


The God of the Jews?

The one whose "Angels" are killing children with their bowls of "wrath".

Fucking morons.

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016831 No.18325157

File: df0d00191688a79⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,888x484,222:121,jira.mp4)

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dcae94 No.18325158

File: a2c888bdf4c9dc4⋯.png (366.88 KB,890x861,890:861,tookawayourvoice.png)


fuck off asshole

know it all

Prove it.

Who's Jorden?

we're anons here, BTW

are you trying to dox someone?

Can you answer any of the questions posed.



Do-nothing smug critic?


Go back to Twitter and take your booster like a good boy who loves big dicks

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6a5f2c No.18325159


Thank you Baker

Have a good day.

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b6239f No.18325160

File: 2476578b00364a0⋯.png (88.62 KB,932x805,932:805,_wisconsin_fake_2020_elect….png)


Don't be unreasonable.

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831bbb No.18325161


well, based upon the projection

that they do with their marketing for 'must have future tech' I think that some of them want an AI avatar that acts and talks like them

to continue as CEO of the trust, in perpetuity

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3e332f No.18325162


It was amazing to see real UNITY. Truly beautiful - everything Trudeau and WEF hates.

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ebf050 No.18325163


Evil, satanic, depraved. That's who they are.

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c55870 No.18325164

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e2d3f No.18325165

File: 8be38432f651e15⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,464x480,29:30,IMG_4775.MP4)

Rep. Nancy Mace may have single-handedly sent them all to GITMO in this one clip.

Accountability is coming.


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016831 No.18325166

File: a871903a1e164af⋯.png (342.62 KB,564x423,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


High school student suspended, arrested for saying only 2 genders

In the name of diversity, a Catholic school in Renfrew suspended a student and had him arrested for saying there are only two genders.

Josh Alexander was suspended last November over comments made about gender in class and told he couldn’t return to class until he recanted.

On Monday, Alexander returned to class and was promptly met by the vice-principal, arrested by two local police officers and charged with trespassing. The now seemingly former student of St. Joseph’s Catholic High School told the National Post in an interview that he made comments during a class discussion on gender.

“It was about male students using female washrooms, gender dysphoria and male breastfeeding. Everyone was sharing their opinions on it, any student who wanted to was participating, including the teacher,” Alexander said.

“I said there were only two genders, and you were born either a male or a female, and that got me into trouble. And then I said that gender doesn’t trump biology.”

A lawyer representing Alexander said that the school won’t let him attend classes again until he agrees “not to use the ‘dead name’ of any transgender student and agreed to exclude himself from his two afternoon classes because those classes are attended by two transgender students who disapprove of Josh’s religious beliefs.”

Alexander told National Post that he’s never dead named another student, meaning using their original name before transitioning. As for trans students disapproving of Alexander’s religious beliefs, maybe they want to reflect on the fact that they are attending a Catholic school, or at least one that calls itself a Catholic school.

This incident shows why it might be time to finally say goodbye to Ontario’s publicly funded Catholic school system. There’s nothing Catholic about it, they adhere to the same secular gospel as all of our other public institutions, and it is beyond saving.

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dcae94 No.18325168


" I think we can all agree that tony and john podesta are pedophile freaks. "

This is speculation too.

don't assume "we can all agree"

that is false.

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e39e91 No.18325169

I love the last 2 weeks - The trolls are like 'Why don't you hate Trump? We came here every day to smear him and you rejected all our amazing psyop narratives.'

Now it's just 'You're stupid if you don't hate Trump.'

This anon is kekking his his ass off.

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1fb37c No.18325170

File: 2d987bb85fa1f58⋯.png (138.53 KB,943x800,943:800,new_poll.png)

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da341b No.18325171

>>18325132 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the [c]elect’s sake those days will be shortened.

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25c948 No.18325172

File: 490eac778e979d6⋯.png (311.36 KB,480x699,160:233,oct_26_2019_Semper_Fi_Bagg….png)

File: 865aef0ce98d44d⋯.jpg (206.31 KB,1018x1211,1018:1211,oct_27_2019_Daddy_BAGGED_n….jpg)

File: 9e123986a4f53f3⋯.jpg (121.9 KB,1200x675,16:9,oct_27_2019_daddy2_SICK_DE….jpg)

File: 0accc8a7d382ec9⋯.png (39.54 KB,540x371,540:371,oct_27_2019_PELOSI_LEFT_OU….png)

File: f90c82e74683013⋯.png (1.2 MB,1080x1183,1080:1183,oct_29_2019_ZERO_BARK_THIR….png)

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ebf050 No.18325173

Chris Miller on F&F right now.

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774fda No.18325174

File: 37ef716deb1a250⋯.jpg (180.67 KB,1200x900,4:3,You.jpg)

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016831 No.18325175


Catholic school has student arrested for expressing Catholic beliefs

Student: 'I said there were only two genders and you were born either a male or a female and that got me into trouble'

That Canada is becoming less tolerant comes as no surprise, but even so a Catholic high school getting one of their 16-year-old students arrested is a bit of a shock, especially when the heart of the issue is his religious beliefs.

Josh Alexander was arrested by police Monday afternoon for breaching an exclusion order, but the real crime that the student is being punished for is upholding his Catholic beliefs and doing so in what some would no doubt think is a defiant and troublesome manner.

Josh, a Christian, believes there are only two genders, that people can’t switch genders, and that male students shouldn’t use girls’ washrooms. But expressing those views in a classroom discussion on gender at St. Joseph’s Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ont., got him suspended.

“I got suspended for comments made during a class discussion,” said Josh in an interview. “It was about male students using female washrooms, gender dysphoria and male breastfeeding. Everyone was sharing their opinions on it, any student who wanted to was participating, including the teacher.

“I said there were only two genders and you were born either a male or a female and that got me into trouble. And then I said that gender doesn’t trump biology.”

“Freedom once taken for granted is lost,” the Grade 11 student added. “Freedom of religion is probably one of our most important freedoms so I’m not going to surrender it in the face of persecution.

“It just goes to show how little freedom of expression we have in our country.”

James Kitchen, a lawyer from the Liberty Defense Fund which is representing Josh, said in a statement that the student was told he could only return to school “if he agreed not to use the ‘dead name’ of any transgender student and agreed to exclude himself from his two afternoon classes because those classes are attended by two transgender students who disapprove of Josh’s religious beliefs.”

Josh said he had never “dead named” anyone, that is referred to their previous name before transitioning.

“Compelling Josh to utter falsehoods regarding gender contrary to his beliefs and segregating him from classes are repugnant manifestations of religious discrimination,” said Kitchen.

Matters escalated when Josh was later served with an exclusion order.

On Monday, when he tried to go school, the cops were called and he got arrested.

“I walked into one of my classes. I sat down and everyone looked pretty surprised to see me there. Within two minutes the vice-principal was in the classroom asking me to leave,” Josh said.

He left the class and “almost immediately I was met with the police.” Josh was put in the back of a cruiser, driven off property and later released and charged with trespassing.

Some will say Josh knew what he was doing, that he was breaking the rules by trespassing and he suffered the consequences.

But is that the society we want to become? Arresting 16-year-old kids for turning up at school when they’ve been suspended for their religious beliefs? Was there no other way? Could the school not have tried harder to find a solution? Was calling the police really the only option?

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ba3496 No.18325177

File: 677ae3ec793e17a⋯.png (13.8 KB,255x255,1:1,luna4.png)

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016831 No.18325178


It appears we are now so intolerant that we cannot stand people defending their religious beliefs in a classroom at a supposedly religious school.

Josh doesn’t appear to be a shrinking violet. He obviously holds strong beliefs and is passionate about them.

Maybe he’s seen as troublesome. Maybe his religious principles seem quaint, outdated and decidedly un-woke. The principal of St Joseph’s probably wishes he had never heard of him.

But being a pain in the nether region shouldn’t be a criminal offence and we shouldn’t be using charges like trespassing to turn it into one.

“I think I used to be seen as a Christian kid following my beliefs, but now apparently I’m the rebel,” he said.

“The school knows I’m not trying to be a problematic kid. The police know that as well. They didn’t even put me in cuffs when they arrested me. They know that I wasn’t actually a threat to anybody.”

According to its website, St Joseph’s works to promote “education within a framework of a Catholic Christian environment.”

It adds, “We truly believe in the enhancement of the spiritual, moral, and emotional well-being of those belonging to our community.”

Kitchen, Josh’s lawyer, would disagree.

“Under the guise of ‘safety’, as that term has been revised by woke gender activists now pervasive in public institutions, Josh has been penalized for expressing his Christian beliefs regarding gender and modesty, beliefs which also happen to align with both objective truth and actual safety,” he said in a statement. “Josh not only has a right to express himself during class discussions and through public forums, he also has a right not to be discriminated against by his school for his sincere religious beliefs. Being suspended and excluded from attending classes is the height of discrimination.

“Josh will continue to courageously stand for his beliefs, for truth, and for girls whose voices of concern over their actual safety are being drowned out by the outraged nonsense of the woke mob, even if that means sacrificing his ability to attend St. Joseph’s.”

In a statement, the Renfrew County Catholic District School Board said it “deeply respects religious freedoms. This is fundamental to our values as a Catholic school board. Our Mission states: ‘We are an inclusive Catholic learning community called to love unconditionally and educate hearts and minds in the way of Christ.”

The board said on human rights issues, it takes its guidance from the policies issued by the Ontario Human Rights (OHR) Commission and directives issued by the Ministry of Education.

Its washroom practices follow the OHR guidelines that state that trans people “have the right to access these facilities based on their lived gender identity.”

St. Joseph’s school principal Derek Lennox declined an interview saying in an email, “The information that you requested is protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act as it deals with a specific student, therefore I am unable to respond to your request.”

His email also contained a tagline under the signature which said, “Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of great things!” — Pope Francis.

Now that’s irony at its finest.

St. Joseph’s may want Josh Alexander to hide his light under a bushel, but he’s listening to a different teacher.

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6a5f2c No.18325179

Good Morning Anons

Have a great day!

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3e332f No.18325180


I don't think it would have been a long term lockdown - those turds need tax money more then they need water.

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1fb37c No.18325181

File: 0fd7d3888944176⋯.png (2 MB,2000x1176,250:147,peace_is_the_prize.png)


its the GOD of everyone. you can hate on jews all you like but they did get one thing right- there is only one GOD.

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ba3496 No.18325182

File: 574caaa06bd8221⋯.png (539.44 KB,1106x350,79:25,11FEB23_ww3.PNG)



"Is the 'Tater Administration Late to WWIII"

capped live

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3e332f No.18325183


Just like Biden saved the plant from Climate Change… how does giving Pfizer 2.5 billion tax dollars slow them down?

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ebf050 No.18325184


They'd just print it. Like they already do. Saddle US with their debt.

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b17a57 No.18325185

File: 244f4b5e51a3e90⋯.jpg (149.74 KB,720x1133,720:1133,20230211_071142.jpg)

File: e6b9951a72037fc⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB,512x288,16:9,Sio2E6h_8vrqyUQT.mp4)



The earth ripped apart in Hatay, Turkey.

100 ft deep and 650 ft wide…

Locals say they heard the sound of a loud explosion before the earthquake.

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ebf825 No.18325186


if that is what you think you really do not understand what is really happening. lurk moar.

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3e332f No.18325187


Pfizer is not GOD

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a199d1 No.18325188

File: 3feed9153d6317e⋯.jpg (315.26 KB,1068x712,3:2,oil_rig_safety.jpg)

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ba3496 No.18325189

File: 966f012d905bfe6⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,466x260,233:130,10FEB23_hwVid.mp4)

Repost from last night

Frederick Brennan on CNN

Kamikaze Pepe's are rayciss

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774fda No.18325190

File: c5651ca3bc88cc1⋯.jpg (87.51 KB,800x534,400:267,KFCAsshead.jpg)


To shock their vegan voters to death (because if they are dead, they for sure vote left!)

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ba3496 No.18325191

File: 02e0c8557d80b9f⋯.png (897.21 KB,1074x594,179:99,HW1.PNG)

File: eb8bceb0d2b2235⋯.png (1.25 MB,1311x738,437:246,hw2.PNG)

File: 48d308ecbda56a7⋯.png (742.14 KB,954x565,954:565,hw3.PNG)

File: 926162449eed76f⋯.png (859.93 KB,1019x577,1019:577,hw4.PNG)

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e39e91 No.18325192


James O'Keefe gave them a love bump on that.

>Pfizer is not God

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1940ec No.18325193


I read a near death experience once, where the protagonist's soul was met and escorted by an entity (Angel?) and transported to various planets where he was met with respectful awe and deference by all concerned

It was explained to him that he (his soul) had volunteered to experience the Earth's 3D horrific human reality…..trench warfare most brutal

Turns out that the Souls coming to Earth is strictly for volunteers only, as the purpose of Humanity being locked on Prison Earth is for the generation of pure suffering and horror and evil, (loosh) which in turn balances out the goodness and love in other realms not of Earth (Heaven?)

It seems clear to me that many people do not have an incarnated Soul, they are just highly functioning meat puppets from cradle to grave

It's interesting to ponder…..

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73d159 No.18325194

File: be5ec284a1a9f77⋯.png (60.53 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)


ty and the same to you anon

just waking up in the afternoon

the lazy years of doing fuck all apart from helping to research and save souls.

what could be a better way to spend life here on this realm.


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8e4ffa No.18325195

File: 7ab3a44347d5ee6⋯.webp (9.3 KB,401x225,401:225,th.webp)


Trump managed to crash gas prices with his lockdowns while his supporters gladly cheered him, stayed home, and masked up because their Idol told them to.

Team Trump turned the common cold into mass destruction, death, and domination.

Fuck that guy.

Fucking actor, going with the flow, propping up the narrative.

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016831 No.18325197


>loud explosion before the earthquake

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3e332f No.18325198


Sue LIVING fuck out of their families - then GITMO them, then prosecute them, then send them to Afghanistan.

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aa0a21 No.18325199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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125bec No.18325200


"racist parts of the internet"


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8e4ffa No.18325201


You're wrong.

Not everyone worships money like the Abrahamites.

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1fb37c No.18325203


>St. Joseph’s may want Josh Alexander to hide his light under a bushel, but he’s listening to a different teacher.

Praise God he is

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831bbb No.18325204


the narrative is put in here by shills

and then other shills complain about it.

that's your playbook?

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e3ddad No.18325205

File: 8278c511b79683b⋯.png (1.1 MB,803x519,803:519,sdfjsdljsdljlsdjljjkks.png)

File: 09a5841e6fa2bb5⋯.jpg (143.18 KB,408x528,17:22,09a5.jpg)

File: 553f7ce453455da⋯.png (514.06 KB,640x463,640:463,c934f03b.png)

Have a fantastic day anons & Patriots.

God Bless & be safe!

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3e332f No.18325206


There are only 2 genders, even a faggot knows that.

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fe6b04 No.18325207


the twitter is unavailable …


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2478b4 No.18325208



sometimes it’s more obvious than others that what we are seeing for engagement is inorganic. 100%

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aa0a21 No.18325209


the platoic year is an approx 26,000 25.714285


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872169 No.18325210

File: 8bf550572aad556⋯.jpeg (35.08 KB,537x320,537:320,E43B2AE4_D355_4A55_9EF4_6….jpeg)


It’s the best speculation atm. Relying on lots of hope and copium… but still a good reason to be optimistic about this whole mess.

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a199d1 No.18325211


why is the wheelchair guy from Forrest Gump on the board.

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8c93b0 No.18325213

File: 70d378b5ac79017⋯.jpg (76.3 KB,588x499,588:499,holy_cow.jpg)

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6a5f2c No.18325214

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0a178f No.18325215


sit down don jr.

ease up on the adderaal

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016831 No.18325216

File: 1012a4eac35e6f2⋯.mp4 (13.83 MB,480x270,16:9,Scientist_attacks_Veritas.mp4)


James O’Keefe ‘Outright Cruel’ to Project Veritas Employees, Internal Memo Alleges


Employees allege O’Keefe wasted money on his theater dreams, berated staff, and even took a sandwich from a pregnant woman.

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1fb37c No.18325218

File: 3d0bda2cf08e6e2⋯.png (547.52 KB,955x536,955:536,capt_obvious.png)


i cant help you

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f64d31 No.18325219

File: 008f7e2e1045002⋯.jpg (173.88 KB,1020x140,51:7,Screenshot_2023_02_09_1357….jpg)

AP source: Trump team turns over items marked as classified

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump have in recent months voluntarily turned over to federal investigators additional papers marked as classified as well as a laptop belonging to a Trump aide, a person familiar with the situation said Friday night.

The legal team also provided an empty folder with classified markings, according to the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity to The Associated Press to discuss an ongoing investigation. It was not immediately clear what material was supposed to have been in the folder.

A Justice Department special counsel has been investigating the retention by Trump of hundreds of documents marked as classified at his Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago. FBI agents who served a search warrant at the property in August recovered roughly 100 classified documents, including records classified at the top-secret level. A federal grand jury has been hearing evidence in the case for months. Prosecutors are investigating whether Trump willfully hoarded the material and whether he or anyone else sought to obstruct their probe, court filings show.


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a77e9b No.18325220

Shills in full force this morning… why you scared?

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a90bbe No.18325221

File: 4e9cdb52af8ebb4⋯.png (1015.84 KB,1200x679,1200:679,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d728ad94e868417⋯.png (489.09 KB,720x532,180:133,ClipboardImage.png)

US issues strongest-possible 'do not travel' warning for Mexico ahead of spring break


We travel to Mexico several times a year. So we are going anyway and may even buy a vacation property this time. under 40k for a 4br 5ba townhouse. Some of these travel warnings are complete bullshit.

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85e606 No.18325222

File: 899806f355e5051⋯.mp4 (10.9 MB,640x360,16:9,TOP.mp4)

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aa0a21 No.18325223

File: 4789b49b09dd677⋯.png (819.93 KB,691x791,691:791,starv.PNG)


'They Could Literally Starve Us': Republicans

Push To Ban China From Purchasing US Farmland

Free Beacon, by Ben Wilson

Posted By: GustoGrabber, 2/11/2023 7:36:56 AM

House Republicans are pushing to bar any person or business associated with the Chinese Communist Party from purchasing agricultural land in the United States, an effort gaining traction on the Hill as lawmakers look to retaliate against China over its spy-balloon incursion. Reps. Dan Newhouse (R., Wash.) and Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R., Wash.), alongside more than 40 cosponsors, last week proposed legislation that would prohibit any purchase of public or private agricultural real estate in the United States and its territories by "nonresident aliens, foreign businesses, or any agent, trustee, or fiduciary associated with the Government of the People's Republic of China."

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ba3496 No.18325224

File: 855b57adc4bdc01⋯.png (940.99 KB,621x655,621:655,groovysmokes4.png)

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992238 No.18325226

File: ea29c3de5762e01⋯.jpg (119.03 KB,331x741,331:741,ea29c3de5762e019ddadf000f9….jpg)


>even took a sandwich from a pregnant woman

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f64d31 No.18325227

File: b2f50110eab07f8⋯.jpg (205.35 KB,652x820,163:205,Screenshot_2023_02_09_1357….jpg)

Maybe we were asked for a favor?' Secret Service accused of a 'cover-up' over its alleged involvement in police probe when Hunter Biden's lover Hallie dropped his handgun in a trash can near a school in 2018


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872169 No.18325228


I wonder if any of Them have figured out that the fraudulent Checks They Kite to themselves off the backs of We the People… just might actually come to an end someday soonishly eventually???

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8e4ffa No.18325229

File: 3c8d543448f0795⋯.jpg (16.03 KB,532x766,266:383,ForxOTeWYAYJi1P.jpg)

muh "God"


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e3ddad No.18325230


Life can certainly be awesome in that regard and is. We have the freedom to chose and the freedom to help others and hopefully change the course of those out to destroy our country!

I usually wake up later in the afternoon/night owl anon here. Take great care!

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f64d31 No.18325231

File: 883944251662149⋯.jpg (205.35 KB,592x234,296:117,Screenshot_2023_02_09_1357….jpg)

Dear Christians: it's time to remember that our Lord committed "aggravated assault" with a weapon against the moneylenders in the temple.

So there are limits to "turn the other cheek."


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25c948 No.18325232

File: 49a06594b179ec0⋯.jpg (63.89 KB,615x542,615:542,oct_26_2019_A_Do_you_guys_….jpg)

File: 1cec44fbf5dfc18⋯.png (250.98 KB,616x846,308:423,oct_27_2019_WAPO_BAG_DADDi….png)

File: 92928b92711bfa2⋯.jpg (196.19 KB,1125x1905,75:127,oct_27_2019_WAPO_BAG_DADDi….jpg)

File: e90688ef3a17e56⋯.jpg (206.9 KB,1058x2048,529:1024,oct_27_2019_WAPO_BAG_DADDi….jpg)

File: 3115ce02066260a⋯.png (3.86 MB,2048x1366,1024:683,oct_26_2019_bagged_daddY_p….png)


for KEK's and Fake News

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dcae94 No.18325233


notable baker

hard questioning of twitter censors around deaths / injuries caused by their taking the voices of qualified doctors

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016831 No.18325235

File: 7bded48298b5e39⋯.mp4 (14.76 MB,854x480,427:240,thriller.mp4)


>even took a sandwich from a pregnant woman

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aa0a21 No.18325236

File: a47c2425885223e⋯.png (210.27 KB,698x370,349:185,gp.PNG)

File: 45d3b8f88ed5c74⋯.png (753.9 KB,592x595,592:595,oky.PNG)


Jim Hoft




UPDATE: Project Veritas Donors Send Letter Demanding Board Members to "Cease Actions Threatening Project Veritas' Mission" https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/02/update-project-veritas-donors-send-letter-demanding-board-members-cease-actions-threatening-project-veritas-mission/?utm_source=Gab&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

UPDATE: Project Veritas Donors Send Letter Demanding Board Members to "Cease Actions Threatening Project Veritas' Mission"

Earlier in the week, The Gateway Pundit reported that Project Veritas founder and investigative journalist James O’Keefe has been “put on paid leave.” According…

The Gateway Pundit

View Link Feed

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286da1 No.18325237


she will be the first dirty girl to trade her body for protection from the wolves

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ba3496 No.18325238

File: 1e996a330ac770e⋯.png (5.1 KB,255x180,17:12,2e6699c07bca9b0047cad5bc3b….png)

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14e22c No.18325239


>In 50 years

Baron Trump campaign slogan "2 More Weeks" and " Trust the Plan"

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12a6ae No.18325240

File: c54f18c7f3cd9fc⋯.png (421.46 KB,1244x881,1244:881,ClipboardImage.png)




Just gonna leave this here

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f64d31 No.18325241

File: e6b9951a72037fc⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB,512x288,16:9,Sio2E6h_8vrqyUQT.mp4)

Olive field split after #TurkeySyriaEarthquake

In the province of Hatay, #Turkey fault formed 30 meters (100 ft)deep and 200 meters (650 ft) wide.

Locals say they heard the sound of a loud explosion before the earthquake

I would imagine earth split would make a sound


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016831 No.18325242

File: 3945bd1941bd9fd⋯.png (595.76 KB,634x828,317:414,ClipboardImage.png)


'Maybe we were asked for a favor?' Secret Service accused of a 'cover-up' over its alleged involvement in police probe when Hunter Biden's lover Hallie dropped his handgun in a trash can near a school in 2018

Hallie Biden, Hunter's girlfriend - and the ex-wife of his late brother Beau - threw his handgun into the trash at a Delaware supermarket in 2018

The Secret Service has always denied being involved in the incident, as Joe Biden was not vice president at the time and not under their protection

Emails obtained by Judicial Watch show Secret Service agents questioning why they were involved, with one saying: 'Maybe we were asked a favor?'

The Secret Service has been accused of a 'cover-up' over its alleged involvement in a police investigation when Hunter Biden's lover dumped his gun in a trash can near a school in 2018.

Judicial Watch, a justice watchdog nonprofit, announced on Friday that it received 487 pages of Secret Service (USSS) records over the incident, and says the documents cast further doubt over the agency's claims that it was not involved.

Hunter's lover and brother's widow, Hallie Biden, left his .38 handgun at the top of a trash can at Jansens supermarket in Wilmington, Delaware in October 2018, sparking a police probe.

In texts on his abandoned laptop, Hunter claimed that when Delaware cops found the gun 'the FBI and the Secret Service' got involved – though USSS has repeatedly denied it.

He wrote that Hallie told officers she took the weapon because she was 'afraid for the kids' and 'because she was scared I would harm myself due to my drug and alcohol problem'.

Judicial Watch obtained hundreds of pages of internal communications between Secret Service officials about the incident.

The records show agency officials discussing media reports of its alleged involvement with one finding it 'odd' that USSS was involved in the investigation when Joe and Hunter Biden were not receiving Secret Service protection at the time.

Another official responds: 'Maybe we were asked for a favor?'

'These new documents suggest that one can't take at face value the Secret Service's denial that it wasn't involved in the Hunter Biden gun cover-up,' Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told DailyMail.com.

A flurry of internal emails began on October 29, 2020, when a website called the Blaze published an article about Hallie throwing Hunter's gun in a supermarket trash can.

One official emailed another in the Protective Intelligence and Assessment Division a link to the article.

Another official, whose name is redacted, responded: 'Oh dear…'

After reading the article, one Secret Service Protective Intelligence Research Specialist wrote to their colleagues: 'It's kind of odd that we were involved in the missing gun investigation when neither Hunter or Joe were even receiving USSS protection at the time? Hmmm.'

Another official replies: 'Maybe we were asked for a favor?'

The documents also show the agency's response to a Politico reporter asking about their involvement.

In 2021, Ben Schreckinger reported on the news site that Secret Service agents approached the owner of the store where Hunter bought the gun and asked to take the sale paperwork. The store owner refused.

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872169 No.18325243


After you?

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3e332f No.18325244


Good luck to Project Veritas for existing without him… it's like ripping out your soul.

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f34d1e No.18325245

File: db9ab778c1173fd⋯.jpg (9.67 KB,228x221,228:221,images_jpeg.jpg)

Hello you miserable and pathetic shitposting shill faggot. Big coincidence you're online already. Did I miss the rest of the fedboi faggot clown crews clock in morning roll call?

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25c948 No.18325246

File: 8900131269dfba4⋯.png (421.59 KB,1024x512,2:1,Q694_Life_Lesson_Adam_Schi….png)


Gnight (phone was present on sandbox visit)

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aa0a21 No.18325248

File: b260d3193546640⋯.png (272.78 KB,437x720,437:720,things.PNG)


Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky have some very unique things in common:

All three are heavily involved in the corruption in Ukraine.

All three are also avid sniffers. For some it's drugs, for others it's the hair of women and children.

Is there anything else?



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016831 No.18325249

File: 9ff40659e29b629⋯.png (238.03 KB,520x348,130:87,ClipboardImage.png)


>it's like ripping out your soul

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114b62 No.18325250

File: a2c9b5fd65ddb74⋯.mp4 (8.82 MB,1280x720,16:9,Special_Prosecutor_John_Th….mp4)

File: 405bad38238a9bf⋯.png (1.04 MB,1281x715,1281:715,ClipboardImage.png)

Miller Time?

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ba3496 No.18325251

File: 8de2f90c32e292f⋯.gif (1.01 MB,500x215,100:43,suddenly.gif)

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f34d1e No.18325252

File: db0bcedc20b1a08⋯.png (163.75 KB,331x319,331:319,db0bcedc20b1a083880ec26909….png)

BVs are so brainwashed they actually think these famefaggot board idols are legit anons. so brainwashed they defend them and censor anyone who questions them

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872169 No.18325253


It’s like a Whole of Government approach to using treason and yet expecting to remain relevant afterwards.

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ebf825 No.18325255

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aa0a21 No.18325256

File: 8e63385e50e247f⋯.png (244.99 KB,437x403,437:403,rose.PNG)


Roseanne Barr on Tucker talking about being canceled: "The Left has no sense of humor at all, nor do they have any sense of humor about themselves. Somebody in power who can't even laugh at themself, that's a dangerous human being."

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92ae48 No.18325257


Usually after a big quake there is a bunch of stories about the rotation of the earth being altered and such. Nothing this time. Their propaganda budget must be getting tight.

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f34d1e No.18325258

File: 4cb225092084b37⋯.png (15.11 KB,255x245,51:49,be98eb0f47ec4c3437a919c946….png)

So many fucking retards in here. Nothing like the good old days of 2017-2019

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e39e91 No.18325259


That's authentic QR sarcasm. Noice

>DJT Jr campaign slogan 'Trust the Plan'.

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8e4ffa No.18325260

File: 0e7161694eedb6a⋯.jpg (361.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,new_world_order_2.jpg)


She's such a shill for Satan

They were money-changers, taking items of value, in exchange for coins, to pay for "sins" (sin taxes) at the Temple.

In effect, the men called Levites were profiting off "crime" just like the cops and judges do today. And they payoff the lawmakers, to make new "crimes" to earn more "prophet".

"Society" is a pyramid scheme, regardless if it's Jesus's representative, or Hitler sitting at the top.

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acf8f5 No.18325262

When we have the first irl reunion of anons, I propose instead of nametags we wear a printout of the most notable post we think we are known for and let the fun begin. When that day comes, I won't know about it because I won't be anywhere near a chan. Perhaps I'll see someone in a wore out and torn Q shirt at a BaronTrump rally. Or are we done with dynasties?

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3e332f No.18325264


Social contract has been broken by Govt and their domestic and foreign abusive owners. Govt has no relevance to the people at this point. Giving them tax is like fueling your enemy.

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aa0a21 No.18325265

File: accbdd94b9d7d51⋯.png (227 KB,438x561,146:187,c_a.PNG)


Glenn Greenwald explains how the journalist who lied America into the Iraq War became the editor-in-chief of The Atlantic:

"Journalists who spread CIA conspiracy theories get promoted, and journalists who question the CIA get destroyed."



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016831 No.18325266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Olive field split after Turkey/Syria earthquake

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12a6ae No.18325267


In all fairness, jesus was protecting his temple.

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f34d1e No.18325268

File: d5e3b74d75a1e16⋯.png (132.51 KB,324x318,54:53,d5e3b74d75a1e168dbdc5598cd….png)

Destroying smoking pepe and swordys digital persona and sacred cow board idol status is only the beginning.

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73d159 No.18325269

File: 93ff81ed7fc9e5d⋯.png (1.4 MB,1221x955,1221:955,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ffa64449598051⋯.png (762.96 KB,1038x1124,519:562,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecbea51936aec07⋯.png (114.13 KB,1649x994,1649:994,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97fab6b88b5191d⋯.png (677.69 KB,1373x849,1373:849,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff779328ef69067⋯.png (552.53 KB,1121x867,1121:867,ClipboardImage.png)


anon believes the deep state and the banksters believe they are too big and powerful to lose.

Why would they back off if they hold all the strings of power and assets.

The only way to Win is Not to play

When will the people of the world realise this.

Their only power is control, for that the will use enticement or fear.

Fiat physical or digital is fake.

Trust God and yourself.

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831bbb No.18325270



My recollection is that one theory about how this Chasm formed is that it happened due to a prehistoric earthquake. Other theories as to it's creation also exist.

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3e332f No.18325271


What does make a progressive laugh? They can't be anal about EVERYTHING…

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b189c7 No.18325272



>Without warp speed, the world would have been locked down for 5 years while the vaccine went

>through the approval process

>Then, it would've been mandated devoid of legal remedy / exemption.


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f34d1e No.18325273

File: 95cb476c557423f⋯.jpg (205.64 KB,1440x811,1440:811,95cb476c557423fb6ece4d998f….jpg)

Learn to read and understand Q drops

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96cd1b No.18325274

File: d161c94a97e015b⋯.jpg (59.37 KB,686x364,49:26,BYE2.jpg)

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92ae48 No.18325275


Veritas was mostly a Koch operation, good riddance.

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1fb37c No.18325276


i'll bring my meme folder. best collection of shit posting material, nearly anywhere. kek

o7 anon. i look forward to the day

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fc7505 No.18325277


There are people in the youtube comments that actually believe htis. I think its a awesome production but how do they not get its not actually durham.

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3e332f No.18325278

File: 48947c872892de5⋯.png (636.45 KB,800x718,400:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bb478 No.18325279



maybe there's a travel warning as some pol or other "famous" or "elite" figure is heading down there to make a deal

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f34d1e No.18325280

File: f617d254a6b0c7d⋯.png (142.27 KB,325x314,325:314,f617d254a6b0c7d5a1557d566b….png)

Oh and BTW for all you shills and newfaggots and retards


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12a6ae No.18325281

File: 53114cef387df83⋯.jpg (43.82 KB,720x596,180:149,53114cef387df833c0dba30c64….jpg)



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a199d1 No.18325282



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395125 No.18325283

File: 29919f37c152969⋯.png (483.14 KB,1100x825,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18324181 LB

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aa0a21 No.18325284

File: 34203234de6440c⋯.png (71.3 KB,437x326,437:326,kirk.PNG)


[ Album ]

Buzzfeed: The site whose content is so mindless AI can create it.

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7b06a8 No.18325285


sauce please?

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fc7505 No.18325286



Get ready for a storm? The White Squall

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f34d1e No.18325287

File: d15c6f7fda05228⋯.png (57.76 KB,229x220,229:220,d15c6f7fda0522881d5a235f22….png)


Can you link the Q post saying "anons" (meaning anonymous posters) should develop identifiable board personalities and maintain them for notoriety and fame?

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237626 No.18325288

you faggots will always be the best faggots

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aa0a21 No.18325289

File: 88a172bad971f67⋯.png (144.77 KB,437x712,437:712,gents.PNG)


[ Album ]

𝐄𝐱-𝐅𝐁𝐈 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫: testified to a House panel investigating the “weaponization” of the federal government that the bureau is plagued by “low morale,” has become “politically weaponized,” and has lowered its standards for new agents.

𝐀𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭:


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872169 No.18325291


You know it, anon.

As for me… i don’t really give a fuck about the money anymore, but no way am I giving Them one more cent. I only kinda look forward to a near future where They try to show up at my shack to collect their Hero Pay… and i just laugh at the fifty guns pointed in my face.

I don’t really want anything like that… but i can promise, i’d get the best belly laugh of my life.

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38341e No.18325292

File: 687f8fb12b2945b⋯.png (94.29 KB,541x367,541:367,stpfksabcd.png)

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af103a No.18325293

File: 12e596a604be7a9⋯.jpg (148.01 KB,960x1156,240:289,PepePunishingBiden.jpg)


You're damned right!

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f64d31 No.18325294

File: b381fa89b9ec727⋯.png (325.4 KB,470x470,1:1,b381fa89b9ec7279ad673e9e29….png)


Now it's Blackmailed or be damned.

Free and fair trade were myths all along.

My Anarcho-Capitalist side is seething rn.

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f34d1e No.18325295

File: 2b7c7f10fa518b6⋯.png (78.33 KB,229x220,229:220,2b7c7f10fa518b6793b6150712….png)


Nothing can stop the famefaggots like smoking pepe from being hyper opinionated massive retard faggot shills

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3f6b4e No.18325296


Hi Mike!

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016831 No.18325297

File: d74467041f3f4bc⋯.jpeg (97.58 KB,722x900,361:450,mikeveritas.jpeg)

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96cd1b No.18325298

File: de37564f9196d2b⋯.jpg (143.18 KB,888x499,888:499,4z501k.jpg)



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016831 No.18325299



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ba3496 No.18325301

File: ad4317574a8b0f6⋯.png (423.31 KB,863x532,863:532,10FEB23_22222.PNG)

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dcae94 No.18325302

File: 754befba23ef3e1⋯.png (263.4 KB,1199x477,1199:477,aal_Baghdadi_Wikipedia.png)

File: 6c0afec91671abc⋯.png (145.66 KB,499x298,499:298,albaghdati45yearsold.png)

File: d7b71d583630fa9⋯.png (711.22 KB,1011x586,1011:586,albaghdatifake.png)


don't think that's his image.

that's the image of a reputed 9/11 mastermind patsy.

Guess POST got it mixed up


al Baghdadi was 48 when he died.

Dude they are presenting as "him" is much older?

They used that pic before anyway. Why so sloppy?

Doesn't have the red ring either.

something else weird, offered muslim burial, refused, and buried at Sea.



Maybe Generals lied to Trump again, and they killed some other guy?

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73d159 No.18325303

File: 2ff9444d5ca48e4⋯.png (156.94 KB,945x852,315:284,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecbea51936aec07⋯.png (114.13 KB,1649x994,1649:994,ClipboardImage.png)


For anons who wonder what the music image is, it is a poem by Mozart - Explaination below.


"Das Veilchen" ("The Violet"), K. 476, is a song for voice and piano by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, written in Vienna on 8 June 1785, to a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

A violet in the meadow stood,

with humble brow, demure and good,

it was the sweetest violet.

There came along a shepherdess

with youthful step and happiness,

who sang, who sang

along the way this song.

Oh! thought the violet, how I pine

for nature's beauty to be mine,

if only for a moment.

for then my love might notice me

and on her bosom fasten me,

I wish, I wish

if but a moment long.

But, cruel fate! The maiden came,

without a glance or care for him,

she trampled down the violet.

He sank and died, but happily:

and so I die then let me die

for her, for her,

beneath her darling feet.

Mozart added the following line to the end of his setting:

Poor little violet! It was the sweetest violet.

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f34d1e No.18325304

File: b82259270116858⋯.png (63.95 KB,229x220,229:220,b822592701168584419fed7d2f….png)


The pureblood narrative is nothing more than a tool of division. the same division smoking pepe has perpetrated. Real anons come in vaxxed and the unvaxxed flavors. Stating anything to the contrary automatically makes you a shill. Q is military. 96% of them are vaxxed


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aa0a21 No.18325305

File: 31d27cd8d5dd04b⋯.png (213.32 KB,437x425,437:425,world.PNG)


Did you catch that “build a narrative” far right all over the world could become nazi’s! Remember, whatever they blame you of is exactly what they are doing!

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ba3496 No.18325306

File: 8aeb879487e721a⋯.jpg (8.67 KB,255x205,51:41,saintSbear44.jpg)

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54b3df No.18325309

File: 1c1c5063c039f28⋯.jpg (65.59 KB,720x1600,9:20,FB_IMG_1676126282141.jpg)

planefags wya

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7c6c68 No.18325310

File: 04299c4e573cce1⋯.png (1.13 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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3e332f No.18325311


Purebloods are respected by the VAX victims - some people are just slower then others.

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ebf825 No.18325312


a sauceless declaration.

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12a6ae No.18325313

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f34d1e No.18325314

File: 556514367fdc7cf⋯.png (144.73 KB,328x313,328:313,556514367fdc7cf412f8942181….png)


Divide they try, fail they will

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38341e No.18325315

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3e332f No.18325316

File: 64ada82847e705f⋯.png (178.49 KB,235x543,235:543,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3ddad No.18325317

File: 0eb856d61b709ac⋯.jpg (31.85 KB,500x598,250:299,82.jpg)

File: 3e73d632c0119e3⋯.png (93.34 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31f4646a1495b31⋯.png (81.7 KB,284x178,142:89,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek…hear a dog barking (hee, hee)

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ddf0e2 No.18325318


Looks like a massive flintstone layer under the upper layer of earth

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8e4ffa No.18325320


The blade that divides slaves from their children and runs them through, wasting their lives in vain hope it will bring the rains, riches, and a guaranteed future by "pleasing god" who like his kids dead, apparently.

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ebf050 No.18325321


This is the exact way that the fight needs to be fought. They all have been caught, red handed. And they know it.

Indict, try, convict, sentence and hang these criminals of mankind by their filthy, treasonous necks and then dump their shit/pissed stained corpses into a dirt hole.

I see alot of fear on Roth's and Gaddei's faces. Problem is, we have no one in a position of power, upholding the "law of the land" that will hold them to account for their crimes against humanity.

Of course there is no statute of limitations on mass murder or conspiring to aid and abet. All of this could be strightened out in a short period of time. All of it.

btw, did Yoel Roth get asked about his pedophile cravings he compulsively tweeted about? Did he ever get asked if he has ever had sex with a child? His tweets implicate him.

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96cd1b No.18325322

File: 96e0ee6dc407171⋯.png (109.77 KB,598x587,598:587,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d67ae31f73e9059⋯.png (233.85 KB,598x734,299:367,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68dbb9972fc1cf0⋯.mp4 (355.38 KB,288x480,3:5,pervypervperving.mp4)

Catturd ™


Stop pretending this is normal.



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3f6b4e No.18325323


they run on hate, feel they have been wronged. prob in dna.

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f34d1e No.18325324

File: 8d9ff065878d26f⋯.jpg (130.14 KB,425x408,25:24,8d9ff065878d26fb2294728b9f….jpg)


Morning swordy anon. Let's be board idols famefaggots for life together! Nice to see you clock in even if it's a little late. Sam and Ralph clock in yet?

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3e332f No.18325325


Just look at Scott Adams begging for forgiveness from the UNVAXXED after shilling for Pfizer for a years, as exhibit 1.

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7c6c68 No.18325326

File: 9e39999a058de55⋯.png (176.71 KB,1207x586,1207:586,ClipboardImage.png)

Q+ tells world in code Bill Maher is a pedophile

Anons know what 'liddle' means.


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12a605 No.18325327

File: 3004ad4dcf0cdf4⋯.png (2 MB,1280x757,1280:757,ClipboardImage.png)

PLEASE READ THE VAXX INGREDIENTS LISTED. Anyone Who Believes That Injecting Any of Those Ingredients Into the Bloodstream of anyone or any living beings, including a 2-Month-Old Infant…is either Corrupt, Delusional, a Moron, or a Psychopath!


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f34d1e No.18325328

File: ee64286e3ac3523⋯.png (19.48 KB,255x248,255:248,a9fd57769a1c81adbfedd7bb0a….png)



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cf7996 No.18325330


Cue the pic of Bill in his red shoes

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395125 No.18325331

File: 99a41d86b0aaeb5⋯.png (45.58 KB,231x259,33:37,ClipboardImage.png)


Yo ho ho and a bottle of freedom

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ebf050 No.18325332


The suffering of others. That's what makes them laugh.

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ba3496 No.18325333

File: 61d6a5578a5ea0e⋯.jpg (18.23 KB,255x251,255:251,pepebeard44.jpg)

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38341e No.18325334

File: f4d1d4f62f89529⋯.png (147.95 KB,283x335,283:335,stpfdkz.PNG)

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016831 No.18325335

File: 8cae44eb1d0d708⋯.mp4 (408.23 KB,640x352,20:11,notareptile.mp4)

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872169 No.18325336



I have seen Them giggle a bit when they see an innocent person being beaten for not following orders from stupid men in LEO costumes. But all of that is a very ugly soup of shit i have no interest in cooking up for Them, just to get some laughs.

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3f6b4e No.18325338

File: cd3b1ae76a08f48⋯.png (551.35 KB,858x499,858:499,cd3b1ae76a08f481329861ba85….png)

We are the Jews Naow.

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25c948 No.18325339

File: 7f3907b2ada3cbb⋯.jpg (70.82 KB,960x745,192:149,oct_26_2019_Head_of_ISIS_B….jpg)

File: 92f4c1b8bfa3025⋯.png (481.67 KB,678x1554,113:259,oct_26_2019_Head_of_ISIS_B….png)

File: 0685b27a2ebc587⋯.png (231.07 KB,701x575,701:575,sept_24_2022_Iran_K_H_bagg….png)

File: 634ce5089098ed2⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,678x574,339:287,sept_24_2022_Iran_K_H_bagg….mp4)


dont have links but hive mind (maybe some can figure out the other..)

I dont trust K$H much.. seems disinfo operator (GOOD I know) no trust for Info current. same as Gen Flynn/ChrisMiller ect ect.. info war

Iran bagged daddy

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f34d1e No.18325340

File: d5e3b74d75a1e16⋯.png (132.51 KB,324x318,54:53,d5e3b74d75a1e168dbdc5598cd….png)


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73d159 No.18325341

File: 0dd5cb5bb07765d⋯.png (437.02 KB,809x965,809:965,ClipboardImage.png)


Trip Trip chek'ed - arrrrgh

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dcae94 No.18325342

File: ff6fdd11ce83896⋯.jpg (131.77 KB,1000x750,4:3,binladinactors.jpg)


The images appears to have been one photo session

I wonder it the man shown was / is an actor of some kind

The eyes look staged / phoney

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ba3496 No.18325343

File: 60d2d9cf683d7be⋯.jpg (58.9 KB,559x447,559:447,argface.jpg)

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ba3496 No.18325344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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38341e No.18325345

File: cf65b46c7b68ec2⋯.png (70.88 KB,241x290,241:290,stpkfsw1.PNG)

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f34d1e No.18325346

File: 2b7c7f10fa518b6⋯.png (78.33 KB,229x220,229:220,2b7c7f10fa518b6793b6150712….png)

I never cease to amaze myself with myself. Fuck I am such a God here

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016831 No.18325347


An Azov militant with the call sign “Psycho” told how the Ukrainian militants murdered civilians in Mariupol. Among other crimes committed by Ukrainian militants, "Psycho" spoke about the execution of captured soldiers of the RF Armed Forces.

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bd0361 No.18325348


Purebloods will be targeted for their blood and fully functioning organs in the future.

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3e332f No.18325349

File: ebfdf73d349255d⋯.png (551.5 KB,970x647,970:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c6c68 No.18325350

File: 41b0e7788a9fc43⋯.png (937.11 KB,1572x1181,1572:1181,ClipboardImage.png)

Idris Elba is awake! Fuck yeah Idris! Humanity is Unity!

Idris Elba Rejects Identity Politics, Reveals He No Longer Refers To Himself As A Specifically Black Actor: "I Don’t Want To Be The First Black, I’m The First Idris".

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q


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aa0a21 No.18325351

File: a465baab65b1e5f⋯.png (16.74 KB,601x182,601:182,20.PNG)

File: abc7954f0cf6ac7⋯.png (21.65 KB,598x243,598:243,2.PNG)


Leading Report


BREAKING: Over 20 states have banned COVID vaccine mandates for schools in response to the CDC adding the vaccines to its routine immunization schedule.

10:49 AM · Feb 10, 2023




Leading Report


Replying to


Florida, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, New Hampshire, Iowa, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Arizona, and Utah.

10:52 AM · Feb 10, 2023



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96cd1b No.18325352

File: 456d455c6861548⋯.png (126.64 KB,795x863,795:863,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb18ad2b48521ae⋯.png (139.91 KB,634x313,634:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87a4eb413a46f50⋯.png (52.19 KB,946x509,946:509,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a4245a9f3c54fb⋯.png (134.51 KB,634x309,634:309,ClipboardImage.png)


liddle liddle liddle liddle

He said at another point his assault on Schiff that he intentionally calls him 'Liddle' instead of 'Little' as he responded to commentary he'd apparently been watching on CNN.

'To show you how dishonest the LameStream Media is, I used the word Liddle', not Liddle, in discribing Corrupt Congressman Liddle' Adam Schiff. Low ratings CNN purposely took the hyphen out and said I spelled the word little wrong. A small but never ending situation with CNN!' he stated.


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3e332f No.18325353


Gender Equality doesn't work - men and women, the two genders, have different preferences… God knows better.

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e39e91 No.18325354

File: d6d164d9e10de93⋯.jpg (134.26 KB,1125x1035,25:23,q_2886.jpg)

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ba3496 No.18325355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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38341e No.18325356

File: db1f9366528dafe⋯.png (150.83 KB,470x280,47:28,adjq39.PNG)

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fe6b04 No.18325357

File: 83f1f4fdd819fb2⋯.jpg (129.94 KB,857x1200,857:1200,Sails_bright_white.jpg)

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dcae94 No.18325358


false, jew haters are allowed here, spam constantly and fail to actually follow leads on q research.

Kinda makes sense because according to Q - team Patriots come in all religions, races, genders, countries, even

Jew hater s are here constantly and are allowed to stay even though they won't stop smearing Jews as a group and as a religion.

Remedy for bad speech.

More speech

No censorship

Nobodies afraid of them because their argument are un-founded and based on hatred not on facts.

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da5c17 No.18325359

File: 1220d8a0f6c43ab⋯.jpg (28.94 KB,590x393,590:393,icbm.jpg)

Did we just shoot down an ICBM over Alaska?

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220f92 No.18325360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Easily pleased.

Think mirror


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aa0a21 No.18325361

File: 27b6f2eb24cfa5b⋯.jpg (36.42 KB,638x473,58:43,music_pepe_meme.JPG)

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73d159 No.18325362

File: 82c000b899228e1⋯.png (326.9 KB,571x500,571:500,ClipboardImage.png)


all is training to be a sperm donor.

no fapping allowed.

no tubbies allow

real females only


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872169 No.18325363


Just the beginning sounds of the sicko criminals at the CDC getting their neck snapped?

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25c948 No.18325364

File: 6c4861d0c2f1c17⋯.jpg (51.4 KB,702x411,234:137,THEY_BAGGED_DADDY.jpg)


Also god bless the soldiers who destroyed that PIG network. God bless & IDK hard to say the sacrifices

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395125 No.18325365

File: 8d3b2e2ec79ec32⋯.png (1.51 MB,800x1200,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the day

Feb 11 2023

Magellanic Clouds over Chile

The two prominent clouds in this Chilean Atacama Desert skyscape captured on January 21 actually lie beyond our Milky Way galaxy. Known as the Large and the Small Magellanic Clouds they are so named for the 16th century Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, leader of the first circumnavigation of planet Earth. Famous jewels of southern hemisphere skies, they are the brightest satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. The larger cloud is some 160,000 light-years, and the smaller 210,000 light-years distant. While both are irregular dwarf galaxies in their own right, they exhibit central barred structures in the deep wide-angle view. Wide and deep exposures also reveal faint dusty galactic cirrus nebulae and the imprints of gravitational tidal interactions between the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.


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dcae94 No.18325366


is that what it looks like?

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aa0a21 No.18325367

File: 510418bcd614496⋯.jpg (22.49 KB,393x355,393:355,my_name_is_11_Copy_3_.JPG)

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b17a57 No.18325369

File: b766d55fd7993f9⋯.jpg (140.58 KB,720x960,3:4,20230211_075154.jpg)

File: 269da4c02455b18⋯.gif (47.01 KB,500x711,500:711,EM_effects_on_human_body.gif)

File: 4d9ac7e582565ff⋯.jpg (36.94 KB,616x465,616:465,9RNM.jpg)


How many anons experience these symptoms?

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f34d1e No.18325370

File: 4cb225092084b37⋯.png (15.11 KB,255x245,51:49,be98eb0f47ec4c3437a919c946….png)


Divisionfag. Next you'll be using a board idols personality shill. The pureblood narrative was always created to divide the population. Propaganda from both the vaxxed and unvaxxed side has become incredibly obvious over the past year. Both left and right are equally guilty. The division is manufactured on both sides

You won't survive without someone as smart as me helping you, retard. Smoking pepe faggot has been equally guilty attacking the vaxxed population. Part of the reason for destroying his trusted board personality and the echo chamber who supports it

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3e332f No.18325371

File: 4ad0b74aa9b383a⋯.png (1.5 MB,1848x1602,308:267,ClipboardImage.png)


The only difference between fact and conspiracy is time.

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f11181 No.18325372


Phillip Turd

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7c6c68 No.18325374

File: 1c61daceda8edf4⋯.png (917.85 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 260aac4b6ed0950⋯.png (429.78 KB,614x469,614:469,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca76d57a17f08ae⋯.png (595.21 KB,875x972,875:972,ClipboardImage.png)




Anons know the reference to 'red shoes'.

These people are sick.

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38341e No.18325375

File: ae7aeaf18eb5d34⋯.png (679.01 KB,1019x668,1019:668,stpkfsw.PNG)

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d68446 No.18325376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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aa0a21 No.18325377

File: cddbaf1fd3b8c74⋯.png (179.85 KB,433x521,433:521,dam.PNG)


30 Percent of Counties Vote to Secede From Oregon, Join Greater Idaho | Facts Matter

WATCH: https://1.breakingheadlines.news/HEPMaW


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0fb75b No.18325379

File: b58bc8629045cdd⋯.png (166.56 KB,350x351,350:351,aa704ad9072fce1249699dd8e1….png)

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da5c17 No.18325380

File: c0907b7c8778bcf⋯.jpg (30.84 KB,330x495,2:3,jd.jpg)


This Larp again? anon you are a asshole for posting this fake shit everyday

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a90bbe No.18325381

File: 9535a25eff50fc1⋯.png (178.79 KB,452x473,452:473,ClipboardImage.png)

Covfefe & Cannabis

Feeling cute might take over the world later.

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4bb478 No.18325382



Editor of major newspaper says he planted stories for CIA


Dr. Ulfkotte says the corruption of journalists and major news outlets by the CIA is routine, accepted, and widespread in the western media, and that journalists who do not comply either cannot get jobs at any news organization, or find their careers cut short.

Dr. Ulfkotte is the author of a book currently available only in German, “Bought Journalists” (Kopp 2014.) Aged 55, he was also once an advisor to the government of German Chancellor Helmet Kohl.

Among the stories Ulfkotte says he was ordered to plant in his newspaper over the years was a story that Libyan President Moammar Gaddafi was building poison gas factories in 2011. Ulfkotte also claims he was an eyewitness to Saddam Hussein’s use of poison gas against Iranians in the war between Iran and Iraq, but that the editors he worked for at the time were not interested, because Iraq was a US ally at the time.

Udo Ulfkotte (20 January 1960 – 13 January 2017)

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f34d1e No.18325383


There you go. Fuck I am having fun destroying this board idols and in the process using satire to wake up the brainwashed drones here that fell for this shit all these years. Keep up the good work


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395125 No.18325384

File: 06f1c35c880d1c2⋯.png (277.63 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Flying lariat from the top rope

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ba3496 No.18325385

File: 914e7f63375b837⋯.jpeg (28.56 KB,255x200,51:40,Bripsandcovfefe44.jpeg)

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3e332f No.18325386


Yes - he is FBI

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92ae48 No.18325387

File: fd799efa5e22514⋯.png (394.66 KB,590x478,295:239,9fe3b9f6e61b689a2624f18b95….png)

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f34d1e No.18325388

File: d5e3b74d75a1e16⋯.png (132.51 KB,324x318,54:53,d5e3b74d75a1e168dbdc5598cd….png)



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38341e No.18325389

File: 354dcc2d1be7a53⋯.png (323.21 KB,776x675,776:675,wwj2.PNG)

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237a43 No.18325390

File: f012de9d2c9d0a0⋯.mp4 (5.72 MB,884x502,442:251,328842450_908009113963508_….mp4)


65th Governor of Mississippi

Tate Reeves

When it comes to education, Mississippi went from needs improvement to most improved. Now, we’ve led the nation in fourth grade reading and fourth grade math gains! And students from all walks of life are finding more success.

📷 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoaKWUzqmcZ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

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7c6c68 No.18325391


"Oh no!"

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831bbb No.18325392


thank you for reminding me to kick up my scheduled activity.

Prayers for Scott and all the Scotts!

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4bb478 No.18325393


maybe Tim likes the Grecian Formula

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872169 No.18325394


I wonder how many are seeing The Context for the first time?

Nice compilation.

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f34d1e No.18325396

File: b82259270116858⋯.png (63.95 KB,229x220,229:220,b822592701168584419fed7d2f….png)


Yup you're right. Vaxxed vs unvaxxed. pureblood vs mongrel mutts


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25e979 No.18325397

File: 04a0b45ef8c08a7⋯.jpeg (707.25 KB,828x1337,828:1337,37C66721_8A5A_449A_8225_C….jpeg)

File: 599acd79d4eadda⋯.jpeg (325.96 KB,686x414,343:207,4A9F44E7_2B87_4728_A585_2….jpeg)

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d68446 No.18325398

File: b20d27399f8a3ea⋯.png (155.4 KB,714x383,714:383,ClipboardImage.png)


All natural….


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463dc3 No.18325399

>>18325074 5 year Delta

>>18325096 MEXICO CITY —A day after banishing most of its political prisoners to the United States,Nicaragua has sentenced a Catholic bishop to 26 years in prison

>>18325165 Rep. Nancy Mace may have single-handedly sent them all to GITMO in this one clip

>>18325166, >>18325175, >>18325178 CAN: High school student suspended, arrested for saying only 2 genders

>>18325185 Turkey EQ

>>18325221 US issues strongest-possible 'do not travel' warning for Mexico ahead of spring break

>>18325223 Push To Ban China From Purchasing US Farmland

>>18325236 Project Veritas Donors Send Letter Demanding Board Members to "Cease Actions Threatening Project Veritas' Mission"/lots of PB notables to czech out

>>18325265 "Journalists who spread CIA conspiracy theories get promoted, and journalists who question the CIA get destroyed."

>>18325289 𝐄𝐱-𝐅𝐁𝐈 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫: testified to a House panel investigating the “weaponization” of the federal government

Notetaker Out For Now

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92ae48 No.18325400


Modern education doesn't educate so what exactly is he bragging about?

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135119 No.18325401


They r psychopaths, as are any so called “white hats” who signed off on this as a way to “wake ppl up” knowing at least some children will die as result of uninformed parents.

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f34d1e No.18325402

File: 1316196a84efae2⋯.png (103.83 KB,249x240,83:80,1316196a84efae2add2aca3537….png)

When I'm done smoking pepe will be nothing but cigar ashes

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8e4ffa No.18325403

File: c2982c9705c9918⋯.jpg (128.79 KB,1280x853,1280:853,BN_TN907_wester_M_20170522….jpg)

File: 1f047b7bd16ce03⋯.jpg (19.16 KB,255x204,5:4,1f047b7bd16ce03cce879b89a8….jpg)

File: 727d4a19b081109⋯.jpg (19.63 KB,192x255,64:85,727d4a19b081109dd69ed24dd0….jpg)

File: 531df92623fedb8⋯.jpg (170.79 KB,1242x1257,414:419,FnKY_hLaUAMc_IF.jpg)

File: 78bf3d7d6f2c54e⋯.webp (12.18 KB,300x255,20:17,trump_father_vaccine_300x….webp)


Jesus Trump's grandkids are Jews, therefore they will be protected at all costs. Even if that means the extermination of non-Jew Whites aka Goyim.

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463dc3 No.18325404


#22459 >>18324857

>>18324870, >>18325037 @45 POTUS is saying Jack Smith is actually investigating Pence for not sending votes back to the electors, not the spying or rigging of election

>>18324879 Visa Offers Restaurants $10,000 to Go Cashless

>>18324885 Refresher: Reporter: "Do you know who Anonymous is?" POTUS: "I don't want to say, but you'd be surprised"

>>18324918 @realDonaldTrump So Ratings Challenged, FAKE NEWS CNN, which just had their lowest & worst numbers in History, wants to give wacky liddle’ Bill Maher a shot at bringing them back

>>18324941, >>18324991, >>18325008


>>18324954 CMZ: It is almost time to release <codename> Project Odin

>>18324972 Killery/Scavino BUSTED

>>18324973 Broward County Felony Aggravated Stalker Case Number 19014044CF10A Field McConnell was Abel Danger

>>18324988, >>18324998, >>18325011, >>18325027, >>18325029, >>18325031, >>18325050, >>18325086, >>18325138 WHO WAS WHITE HOUSE LEAKER/Esper

>>18325003 Canadian Pepe Pride

>>18325016 Cathay Pacific Airways and American Airlines today announced that codeshare services operated by the oneworld alliance partners

>>18325074 5 year Delta

>>18325096 MEXICO CITY —A day after banishing most of its political prisoners to the United States,Nicaragua has sentenced a Catholic bishop to 26 years in prison

>>18325165 Rep. Nancy Mace may have single-handedly sent them all to GITMO in this one clip

>>18325166, >>18325175, >>18325178 CAN: High school student suspended, arrested for saying only 2 genders

>>18325185 Turkey EQ

>>18325221 US issues strongest-possible 'do not travel' warning for Mexico ahead of spring break

>>18325223 Push To Ban China From Purchasing US Farmland

>>18325236 Project Veritas Donors Send Letter Demanding Board Members to "Cease Actions Threatening Project Veritas' Mission"/lots of PB notables to czech out

>>18325265 "Journalists who spread CIA conspiracy theories get promoted, and journalists who question the CIA get destroyed."

>>18325289 𝐄𝐱-𝐅𝐁𝐈 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫: testified to a House panel investigating the “weaponization” of the federal government

So Far

Now Notetaker Out

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7c6c68 No.18325405


You're projecting.

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23243d No.18325406

File: 658092cf835ad52⋯.png (611.47 KB,1080x1662,180:277,Screenshot_20230211_084943….png)

I'm guessing this plane went to mcmurdo

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73d159 No.18325407

File: 108f6ecb8760639⋯.png (271 KB,575x500,23:20,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2ff83ef8232927⋯.png (174.06 KB,445x448,445:448,ClipboardImage.png)


see anon knows that the jews are the most indoctrinated among the religions groups, The are have had 12, 000 years of weaponized victimhood drummed into their generations from birth.

Anon believes that each person is responsible for his own actions and is accountable for his or her decisions.

So your sly way of trying to demonize a whole group just by association is invalid.

Especially the banksters

There is no Division, there are the elites and those who willing go along with them for fame, gain and ego!!

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dcae94 No.18325408

File: 1f24370bb414c0c⋯.png (406.17 KB,621x650,621:650,marxism.png)


What's really the Propaganda?

Vaxed and un-Vaxxed should join hands. KumBayYa.

if vaxed join the cause to stop the plandemic, well yeah

If they still promote injections, no - We're still individuals with our own opinioins, Not communist, where Opinions have to be equal

No, there's wrong and right, yes and no, male and female, night and day


Everbody has the same opinion.

"let's all be friends"

That 's how they silence.

"Stop being devisive"

That's how they will shut you up

Seen it.

In Marxism everybody's got to have the same opinion

In this case they push,

" We're all one. "


but guess what, it's dumbaya when they come to force inject you or your family,. Or put you in quarantine for refusing.

Or cut off your bank account.

Turn about is fair play"

Let the ones who wanted to hurt us , and trick us into a eugenics program, Let them face "quarantine" Let them lose their jobs.


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992238 No.18325409


>Counties Vote to Secede From Oregon


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463dc3 No.18325410


mornin sweater gawdz


beevee will return


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8e4ffa No.18325411


Nothing more than a beam of light on your self-identified "Chosen One".

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872169 No.18325412

File: 8f46a5b3a070c83⋯.gif (4.9 MB,300x226,150:113,F0E3A942_CD57_4F29_BFCC_9C….gif)


I live for the shitwinds, Bubbles.

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4bb478 No.18325413



They had it right the first time.

The Washington Post changed the headline on its Al-Baghdadi obituary from “Islamic State’s terrorist-in-Chief” to “austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State.”

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123761 No.18325414

Do Anons worship Trump?

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aa0a21 No.18325415

File: e86c9b7465703d7⋯.png (452.02 KB,918x672,153:112,Watergate.PNG)

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e39e91 No.18325416

File: aebe6b146cad368⋯.png (559.68 KB,960x487,960:487,bill_mahr_1.png)

File: 7380218d6ecca77⋯.png (2.04 MB,1204x1618,602:809,bill_mahr_2.png)

File: 85e613785455a48⋯.png (80.48 KB,1136x413,1136:413,bill_mahr_3.png)

File: 9e2ad7fe0ffb7e9⋯.png (464.82 KB,507x970,507:970,q_1918.png)

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ba3496 No.18325417

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ebf825 No.18325418

File: dd11fe82b8588d9⋯.webp (11.36 KB,406x225,406:225,retards_everywhere.webp)

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3b019d No.18325419

File: b82259270116858⋯.png (63.95 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe6.png)


And you as well, Swordy. o7

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4bb478 No.18325420



or is he C_A acting as FBI acting as a fag

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8c93b0 No.18325421

File: da8205fee7d9856⋯.jpg (757.99 KB,2016x1512,4:3,hare_krishna_mantra_SH_pro….jpg)

Pronouncing the Hare Krishna Mantra (see pic):

In many languages, when certain syllables are said the following syllables require the silencing of a part(s) of the said following syllable, in order to physically compensate.

When "Hare" is pronounced, as in "Hare Krishna", the word "Krishna" is pronounced differently than when "Hare" is absent before it.

See the pic to see what I mean.

I am specifically referring to the "SH" in "KriSHna"

Those who have eyes to see,



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8e4ffa No.18325422


Only the really smart ones who are gonna help Trump, help God, rule heaven over all the slaves for eternity. Praise Jebus.

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7c6c68 No.18325423


Now you're projecting your own desire to 'negate' the concept of a 'chosen one' thereby sublating the concept for yourself.

We see you.

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f34d1e No.18325424

File: d5e3b74d75a1e16⋯.png (132.51 KB,324x318,54:53,d5e3b74d75a1e168dbdc5598cd….png)


It's not the jews, hater

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aa0a21 No.18325425

File: 6a954b56ee420b0⋯.png (263.54 KB,437x607,437:607,drew.PNG)


Pfizer Director: “Concerning” mRNA Effects on Women’s Reproduction w/ Naomi Wolf – Ask Dr. Drew


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872169 No.18325426


Kinda like They circle-jerk Themselves.

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4bb478 No.18325427




While many celebrated the death of the serial rapist and murderer, the Washington Post left many confused by giving him the title of “austere religious scholar at the helm of the Islamic State.”

The Post acknowledged Baghdadi led ISIS with “shocking brutality” but focused much of its obituary on his academic career. “The man who would become the founding leader of the world’s most brutal terrorist group spent his early adult years as an obscure academic, aiming for a quiet life as a professor of Islamic law,” the Post wrote.

The reasons behind the newspaper's decision to tout Baghdadi’s academic career rather than his brutal leadership were unclear. The first version of the story described Baghdadi as the “Islamic State’s terrorist-in-chief,” before it was changed to “austere religious scholar.”

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92ae48 No.18325428

File: 0f39ff6f2e256b4⋯.png (668.56 KB,922x847,922:847,Screenshot_2023_02_11_0806….png)

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37a281 No.18325429

File: d1da47a772db7af⋯.png (762.79 KB,869x595,869:595,kamala_trash_bag.png)

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a199d1 No.18325430

File: a3c21c763d99afe⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,320x568,40:71,a3c21c763d99afe25def00ca4a….mp4)

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ebf050 No.18325431


I worship no man. Nor will I live on my knees at the behest of any man.

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7c6c68 No.18325432

File: 6ef87847b11fba4⋯.png (52.62 KB,411x895,411:895,ClipboardImage.png)

Today's 'FISA works both ways' day.

Liddle' Adam Schiff.

Q+ truths Liddle' Bill Maher.

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8e4ffa No.18325433


In a sense, you're right. It's their fucked up, wrong-headed, archaic, evil idea of what a "god" is and all the people who blindly accept and follow along in a world built on those dumbass ideas.

Killing babies doesn't bring the rain boys.

Shut it down.

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ba3496 No.18325434

File: f92c6263de85499⋯.jpg (70.31 KB,1280x720,16:9,driveit.jpg)

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ee4977 No.18325435

File: 792257c01db2bb6⋯.jpg (84.84 KB,500x715,100:143,7ass9e.jpg)

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7c6c68 No.18325436


Some wear them for symbolism, others wear them for innocent fun.

Anons know the difference.

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fe2337 No.18325437

File: 12fbef0bcea199a⋯.png (365.8 KB,600x467,600:467,ClipboardImage.png)


>t saying "anons" (meaning anonymous posters) should develop identifiable board personalities and maintain them for notoriety and fame?

>Let's be board idols famefaggots for life together!

3 days of this shit and it's still funny

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8c93b0 No.18325438

File: bd9e3fc95f70215⋯.jpg (94.68 KB,640x480,4:3,hare_krishna_mantra_SH_pro….jpg)


TheREDp.arts are to be pronounced.

TheSHin KriSHna.

Mods, please ignore the 'spam' this once. I'm ware. But this needs to be said.

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f34d1e No.18325439

File: 0c7818da0ba47ca⋯.jpg (111.28 KB,847x500,847:500,787aza.jpg)



Board idols for life

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872169 No.18325441

The simple fact that DJT is still alive after tossing Their Game over so wonderfully… does kinda say a lot to my way of thinking.

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efeada No.18325442

File: c0b12bca97b354c⋯.png (1.07 MB,1256x848,157:106,Screen_Shot_2023_02_11_at_….png)

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992238 No.18325443

File: e094a15e516aeaa⋯.jpg (36.15 KB,504x504,1:1,e094a15e516aeaa8ce66b3bd31….jpg)

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7c6c68 No.18325444


The notion that people posting Anonymously, are in any way successfully acquiring 'fame', is fookin' retahded.

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92ae48 No.18325445


It's clear you don't know shit.

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f34d1e No.18325446

File: 2b7c7f10fa518b6⋯.png (78.33 KB,229x220,229:220,2b7c7f10fa518b6793b6150712….png)


Well I'm glad there's at least one REAL ANON HERE finding amusement in my godlike musings. If you're a real anon and I presume you are, you've seen the patterns of this bullshit day in day out for years. Time to take the power back from the sycophantic echo chamber circle jerk of board idols.

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2478b4 No.18325447

File: 7b2c40cb6076453⋯.jpeg (293.61 KB,1170x989,1170:989,56F14F99_5874_4B4B_BD1B_2….jpeg)

Hunter Biden just made Republicans' investigation a lot easier

The bill has come due on the alleged Biden influence peddling operation

By Jonathan Turley | Fox News

Hunter Biden’s legal team has been at the center of news coverage this month after it appeared to confirm the authenticity of his laptop in a letter (only to try to backtrack 24 hours later). It was a curious and gratuitous move for Biden and his counsel Abbe Lowell as they called for criminal investigations into his critics, suggested lawsuits against media, and even argued that the tax-exempt status of some groups be rescinded by the IRS.

Now, however, the team is moving in a far more precarious direction. They seem to be adopting the strategy of Steve Bannon that resulted in his conviction for contempt of Congress. Lowell categorically refused to turn over material to Congress this week, leaving his client open to a subpoena and possible prosecution. The move may have thrilled hardcore Democrats, but it is the Republicans who should be most ecstatic with Hunter's initial position.

Lowell has declared the oversight investigation in the Biden family's alleged influence peddling as illegitimate and has refused to turn over records related to its investigation. In a letter to House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY), Lowell declared "Peddling your own inaccurate and baseless conclusions under the guise of a real investigation, turns the Committee into ‘Wonderland’ and you into the Queen of Hearts shouting, ‘sentence first, verdict afterwords.’"

The move comes after news reports of a Democratic team forming around Hunter to attack potential witnesses and adopt a scorched earth approach in litigation. Even in personal matters, Hunter appears to be dispensing with his prior cultivation of a tragic and besieged figure. Recently, Hunter moved to block one of his daughters from using his surname.

In this latest matter, Lowell appears to be channeling the same strategy of Steve Bannon who was ultimately charged with contempt and convicted. At the time, I said that Bannon was asking for a contempt charge and Biden appears to be replicating this same ill-considered strategy.

Lowell would have been far smarter to turn over some material to the Committee in good faith while seeking to negotiate on the scope of the inquiry. A categorical refusal gives the Committee ample basis to issue a subpoena. Lowell is simply wrong that there is "no legislative purpose" in seeking information on possible influence peddling by the Biden family that could involve the President himself. Such corruption scandals have been part of congressional inquiries from the XYZ Affair to the Teapot Dome scandal to the investigation of Trump family business interests.



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fe2337 No.18325448


> successfully acquiring 'fame'


Local fame, here on kun. Does anywhere else even matter?

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dcae94 No.18325449

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fe2337 No.18325452


Don't stop, do the others next.

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7c6c68 No.18325453

File: 47e73e3c17ce905⋯.png (806.25 KB,1608x1078,804:539,ClipboardImage.png)


>both sides

Kek, that's you.

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12a6ae No.18325454

File: 18ea6e8da639c9a⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,720x1280,9:16,326802064_1663749677375544….mp4)

You's on First

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f34d1e No.18325455

File: 562b812c96d2d4c⋯.jpg (53.76 KB,507x492,169:164,7a1lem.jpg)


No, no it'd really not. When you use the same memes, every post, day in, day out, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, 5 years in a row, all so that your board personality is immediately identifiable in conjunction with your posts, it does fall into the realm of having a face and a name. These clowns respond to their names, if you use them, so how exactly is that remaining nameless? Your logic is flawed as bidens fake presidency

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7c6c68 No.18325457


It's clear you're triggered that Anons know, thereby nullifying your cringe failed pathetic attempt.

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12a6ae No.18325458


Campbell or Cannibal?

Not sure im hearing this right

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54b3df No.18325459

File: 9da3aa2c5602cf5⋯.jpg (36.92 KB,603x609,201:203,NOTA.JPG)




Can anyone confirm?

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ebf050 No.18325461


Freddie looks like shit. Not that he ever looked better than shit to begin with. Wonder when's the last time he took a shower? Tattoos all over him, fingernails absolutely disgusting. The perfect example of what a troll would look like. Literally.

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2d662a No.18325462

File: 57558e70c9cd3d2⋯.png (1.46 MB,1719x732,573:244,chfifag.png)

File: c07f7b7bc1b95a5⋯.jpg (1005.24 KB,2035x3042,2035:3042,tumblr_2b9e742c4610caf53b0….jpg)

EU deploys more than 250 emergency responders to Chile

Following a request for assistance from Chile, France, Portugal and Spain are deploying more than 250 firefighters, coordination experts, and medical personnel to the most affected areas via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.



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8e4ffa No.18325463


At minimum its the perpetuation of child genital mutilation to prop up the lie of a perpetual land contract on Israel between The Jews and their "Fictional God" in exchange for foreskins

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a199d1 No.18325464

File: e6e209bff6959bc⋯.png (16.75 KB,255x245,51:49,8c194d50e702cd59bc24efafdc….png)

File: 4d7fb5f1dc9da09⋯.png (440.95 KB,983x515,983:515,4d7fb5f1dc9da09c3e96b5ccc7….png)

File: ff0f1b0315bd886⋯.png (1.58 MB,952x921,952:921,ff0f1b0315bd886b37c3c39490….png)


each day brings slightly moar irritation & attention to the tactics used. gonna have to read the fucking manual to figure out the zit remedy.

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7c6c68 No.18325465


You're projecting your own self division from humanity that occurs first, that then sources you 'seeing' millions and millions and millions of people you never met as dividing themselves from you.

Humanity is Unity.

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9aee02 No.18325466

File: 95cb476c557423f⋯.jpg (205.64 KB,1440x811,1440:811,95cb476c557423fb6ece4d998f….jpg)


Depends on who's ego is rearing it's ugly head the worst in the next little bit. Swordy was the first I destroyed. Now people can easily identified the exact copy pasta verbatim posts of the bots who reply to him every morning. How can there be the same 5-10 people every single day at the exact same time just happen to be here to use the exact same bot like copy pasta memes and replies? They can't. It's all bots running scripts. And they literally had even legit anons fooled. Now that I'm destroying this false reality they are encountering cognitive dissonance. It's gonna be painful for the brainwashed to wake up from this

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bba7e9 No.18325467

File: 9b9476d07e1105e⋯.png (862.66 KB,1296x730,648:365,ClipboardImage.png)

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73d159 No.18325468

File: d29c37b5c2cc7ae⋯.png (42.07 KB,154x255,154:255,ClipboardImage.png)


that is ok

neither will anon

each to their own

anon has no issue with that.

you are free to choose.

hate is a negative energy and will kill your immune system through stress and rage.

plus does not like the way they dress.

if they woke up to their own using them as a meat grinder for control, it would help the cause against the elites.

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12a6ae No.18325469


No it was aliens. They live in the Arctic

*Think Terramar, northern Green lights, hollow earth, land beyond the ice

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7c6c68 No.18325472


Projection again.

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8c93b0 No.18325473

File: c88715c18023c9a⋯.jpg (93.57 KB,662x499,662:499,namaste.jpg)

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dcae94 No.18325474

File: f448274838cf3b6⋯.png (822.17 KB,1000x1224,125:153,dragonandswordstory.png)


Depends on who you care about.

obviously most of society believes we're 'deplorables' and ignorant

maybe that's a good thing?

Would get too crowded otherwise?

Hillary Clinton's friends demean us and ignore what we find.

That seems like a good claim to fame

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1313f6 No.18325475

File: e59f82eb5b0738f⋯.jpg (20.71 KB,711x179,711:179,Plan_to_save_the_World.JPG)

Do (you) remember when (you) woke up…???

I do…!!!


The Plan to Save the World (Old Version)


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7c6c68 No.18325476

File: b2cedc5269abfc2⋯.png (552.31 KB,798x839,798:839,b2cedc5269abfc2a0bac59ca1e….png)


How's Kiev?

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8e4ffa No.18325477


"Saving" is something Religions offer…particular religions, that want you divided.

This video was and is bullshit.

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7c6c68 No.18325478


>obviously most of society believes we're 'deplorables' and ignorant

Kek, that's false.

Most of 'society' isn't who the fake news pretends is the majority.

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7c6c68 No.18325480


>Swordy was the first I destroyed.

LOL, sorry is the first projection session exposing you godbless haters.

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fe2337 No.18325481

File: 6a34d6952683cec⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,720x1174,360:587,6a34d6952683cecab5cc3c65e6….mp4)

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fe07dc No.18325482

File: fc8db5cbf2ec9de⋯.jpeg (118.97 KB,1200x630,40:21,DFB2B8D9_3EAA_4E18_975C_4….jpeg)

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37a281 No.18325483

File: 18038dad5ae0627⋯.png (807.1 KB,872x597,872:597,kamala_hooker.png)

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395125 No.18325484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4bb478 No.18325485


totally satire, but anon wonders if things like this have happened


As the investigation continued, the BATFE compiled more evidence, shocked to find one of the members had even managed to steal nuclear waste from radiological equipment at a local hospital in an effort to make a dirty bomb. It was at this time the BATFE decided to make their move. Their plan was simple, “At the meeting before the first attack, we had planned on sending in a tactical team to bring down the group. It didn’t work as we had planned,” Puppopper said. “We sent in a team, and it immediately resulted in a large scale gunfight. People were screaming, shouting, yelling things like FBI, DHS, Secret Service as the bloodshed continued.” What Puppopper didn’t know, however, was that the people screaming the names of Federal Agencies were actually undercover agents from those agencies. “It turns out all the members were federal agents,” Puppopper told us. “We managed to trigger a gunfight with the other federal agents, and it resulted in the death of five of our agents, four FBI agents, and three homeland security agents. Moving forward in the future, we really need better communication between agencies,” Puppopper said.

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1313f6 No.18325487

File: 3088ec0dfb51936⋯.jpeg (33.48 KB,255x191,255:191,Autistic_Play_Here.jpeg)


[Your] force is WEAK at Best

Young Padawan…

Train Harder if [You] plan to Play inTHISGame…

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ebf050 No.18325488


So the House committee sends a criminal referral to the Dept. of Justice and what is it that is expected to happen?

We already know the answer to this one.

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12a6ae No.18325489


>Do (you) remember when (you) woke up…???

yep. plain as day.

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0fb75b No.18325490

File: 30055e75dcb679f⋯.jpg (93.75 KB,960x904,120:113,30055e75dcb679f10022c70d9a….jpg)

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dcae94 No.18325491

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"about to be permanently eradicated"

"about to be" from back then, sound like … sooner than now.

No regrets.

"The Road Goes Ever On and On"

"and I will follow if I can"

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ba3496 No.18325492

File: e32844339c28e5b⋯.png (2.69 MB,2048x1582,1024:791,mattresstester44.png)

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299064 No.18325494


I am not a number, I am a free man!

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9aee02 No.18325495

File: 8b9cc44a79d775c⋯.png (239.23 KB,462x424,231:212,8b9cc44a79d775cc8311413d4d….png)


As an actual CAF air force member I can confirmed this plane was sent down to the desert AC grave yard to rob parts of the rob birds parked in the desert. Specifically for CC-130 hercs and CP-140 aurora. We literally have zero stock left in the parts system, it's pathetic. Justin Castro has destroyed the military and its funding. It's imploding. Canadian military is absolutely pathetic

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af103a No.18325496

File: 72f0f6dad23da1b⋯.png (1.91 MB,840x3248,15:58,Screenshot_2023_01_21_1821….png)

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7c6c68 No.18325497

File: db006ae03a2d0fc⋯.png (2.18 MB,2093x1200,2093:1200,Democrat_Muhjoo_.png)



Kek, the same cult smearing Musk as 'allowing a rise' of anti-Semitism on Twitter is the same cult sourcing the division.

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8e4ffa No.18325498


I don't need "the force"

I have a printed Encyclopedia that tells me that "The Great Awakening" is a religious scam to revive their dying cult at the expense of human lives, knowledge, and human dignity, to prop up the Religious idea of a Global Monarchy/Dictatorship based on the LIE of, "Because God said so". .

Not falling for it again.

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4bb478 No.18325499


that bird is a good bit sw of the plane graveyard of which anon speaks…

only thing floating around there now mil is a USAF C27 GECKO89

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299064 No.18325501



They had to stop selling the Mach-E because they kept bursting into flame.

Have seen a couple driving around, makes anon change lanes.



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7c6c68 No.18325502

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….png)


So Anon takes it you're not doing so well.

You'll never win as long as you are self-negating.

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dcae94 No.18325503


for me it's a process.

always another horizon.

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d68446 No.18325505

File: 965d83f99a8b306⋯.png (92.58 KB,300x248,75:62,ClipboardImage.png)


I Feel Lonely: What To Do When You’re Feeling Alone

“Why do I feel alone?”

Human beings are instinctively social animals. It is natural for us to feel alone or lonely when we are isolated from others. As a tribal species, our brains adapted to rely on social connections as a means to survive. In fact, according to neuroscientist John Cacioppo, who has made a career out of studying loneliness, “The absence of social connection triggers the same, primal alarm bells as hunger, thirst and physical pain.”


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5b1681 No.18325506

File: 680581353bff1a0⋯.png (230.56 KB,646x550,323:275,pepe_apu_big_red_eyes_drin….png)

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9d2f0a No.18325507

File: 60f6555fce5a93b⋯.jpeg (88.63 KB,500x758,250:379,4F653E46_E7A6_4667_A4E2_6….jpeg)

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9aee02 No.18325508

File: 0c7818da0ba47ca⋯.jpg (111.28 KB,847x500,847:500,787aza.jpg)



"God bless you and save you from harm" I never once attacked this. Only the famefaggots posting it and the bot scripts replying to it every day. The massive retard smoking pepe shill tried to deflect away from this and make it all about the "God bless" part and nothing about the actual issue. Religion is a middle man for God. God needs no middleman. No one is gonna save you but yourself. If you choose to jump off a bridge and die it wasn't God that made you do it, your own choices did. Your choices determine your destiny.

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299064 No.18325509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Like this guy, who was a first generation Sicilian-American from Louisiana.

He was pretty good in the commercial.

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7c6c68 No.18325510

File: 9de39956b1b5510⋯.jpg (73.05 KB,589x423,589:423,Grumpymuhjoo2.jpg)



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69378f No.18325512

Marty the Robot Escapes a Grocery Store: https://youtu.be/LUVBjvLy6A0


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af103a No.18325513


What are those Jewish people doing with NAZI flags and stuff?

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3e332f No.18325514


Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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7c6c68 No.18325515

File: 04299c4e573cce1⋯.png (1.13 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)


God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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299064 No.18325516

File: 7636b0c260e7b13⋯.png (395.7 KB,500x605,100:121,Trigger_swordy_fag.png)


The stupidest motherfucker in the Kun.

That includes shills.

KYS, famefag

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8c93b0 No.18325517

File: cab4fd036254254⋯.jpg (110.31 KB,702x455,54:35,number_6.jpg)

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da5c17 No.18325519

File: 33543907918aa52⋯.jpeg (907.09 KB,838x4266,419:2133,The_Secret_Covenant.jpeg)

I thought the Great Awakening was to awaken the people.

Most are already awake, more voted for Trump than Biden.

No, the great awakening is showing (force feeding) everyone what [they] were doing to us.

How they control everything, how they pretend not to be connected.

How they changed our laws to protect themselves.

How they are slowly poisoning us.

How they are gas lighting us.

How they used our own money and institutions and weaponized them against us.

How they are harming our children

And much more.

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37a281 No.18325520

File: 82a765083e7266e⋯.png (459.76 KB,573x443,573:443,2023_02_03_14_45_07.png)

File: 16f6f427a2b0db2⋯.png (158.06 KB,231x343,33:49,2023_02_11_10_31_36.png)


>No it was aliens. They live in the Arctic

>*Think Terramar, northern Green lights, hollow earth, land beyond the ice

Not that shit again…

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e39e91 No.18325521

Florida GOP Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Calls Washington Post Report ‘Completely False’


Florida Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna tore into The Washington Post’s treatment of conservative minorities Friday, saying that the media outlet’s “completely false” report on her background had an “incredibly racist” undertone. “They did start out with saying that I basically made up the fact that my father never went to jail and, as you saw with the records that we sent to Fox News, that’s completely false. You know, my story, growing up within the welfare system, going to over six high schools,” Luna told “Jesse Watters Primetime” guest host Will Cain. “That’s not something that the Washington Post wants to tell the truth about.” Luna added that the newspaper omitted information from some interviews that contradicted claims published by the outlet.

The Post later added a correction on one of its claims, admitting Luna had not registered to vote as a Democrat while in Washington state.

“They also proceeded to leave out an entire interview with a roommate that I had that debunked a bizarre claim made by someone that was apparently stationed with me that claimed that I owned a firearm during this break-in,” Luna said, noting that her attorneys sent the paper a letter demanding a correction. Luna added that People magazine had agreed to hold off publishing an article until after her appearance on Fox News. Luna defeated Democratic candidate Eric Lynn for Florida’s 13th Congressional District, securing 53.1% of the vote in the Nov. 8 midterm elections after she narrowly lost to then-Democratic Rep. Charlie Crist in 2020. “It’s awful how they treat minorities and the fact is the undertone of the article was incredibly racist. They tried to undercut my Hispanic heritage,” Luna said. “They even spoke to my mother and did a report on what she was posting. The Washington Post is compost and they should do better.”

Luna accused the Post of targeting her because she was a conservative Hispanic woman after Cain brought up attacks on Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, who is black.

“I think that my story is something that they didn’t want to believe is true. Again, I grew up within the welfare system. I went to over six high schools. My parents were never married. I think also one of the craziest claims that they’re trying to say I wasn’t raised as a messianic Jew. You know, I have documentation and photos of my father at synagogue. My mother confirmed this to the Washington Post,” Luna said. “But again, they don’t want people like me to have credibility, so what they try to do is attack the reputation. Mind you, this is also a few days after though I went after Yoel Roth and Twitter for exposing them as being joint state actors,” Luna continued. “So, I am on congressional oversight. I do believe that they are trying to again attack my credibility and I’m not going to let them get away with it. The American people deserve honest representation. I’m exactly that and I have the receipts to prove it.”

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7c6c68 No.18325523

File: d82b72eb2eb8949⋯.png (1.01 MB,983x692,983:692,ClipboardImage.png)


Humanity is Unity.

You'll never win by repeated fails of self-negations.

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acf8f5 No.18325524


Fuck are you talking about.

That meme is talking about vaccines since vaccines came about.

Reading comprehension is required here.

Fuck off and try again.

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9aee02 No.18325525

File: 0c7818da0ba47ca⋯.jpg (111.28 KB,847x500,847:500,787aza.jpg)

If you trusted God you wouldn't need to be reminded every day via lack of faith. Swordy is a bot script, the replies are bot scripts. Also swords are an instrument of death, division and cleaving body parts off. Not exactly a modern ideal for God. Swords in biblical terms are from 2000 years ago because they had nothing else to references. You live by the sword you die by the sword. They want you DIVIDED by the sword

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06b48c No.18325526

Re: 18324412 (lb)

What is the US Marine Corps doing donating to ANYthing, much less the Aspen Institute? So much for the Marines saving the USA.

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3e332f No.18325528


Mirror on the wall, who's the stupidest of them all, out of Biden, Aoc, Trudeau and myself?

It's a tie.

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7c6c68 No.18325529

File: c86884a5994c9f6⋯.jpg (169.99 KB,753x1598,753:1598,GeorgeWashington.JPG)


Good people of all faiths are welcome and have been welcome during the entire history of America.

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69378f No.18325530

Louisiana is wild.


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f73cd4 No.18325531

File: 262031b59e538ec⋯.png (56.97 KB,1622x366,811:183,Screenshot_20230211_162905.png)

Turkiye people shooting at

"german and austrian" satanic "rescue teams" now

German TV deleted this msg

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8e4ffa No.18325532


And who funds the daily insult?

And why?

To keep their slaves on their plantation.

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3e332f No.18325533


Rub one off.

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af103a No.18325534


Those flags are brand new out of the Amazon box.

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a90bbe No.18325535

File: a6d623179a892b8⋯.png (79.33 KB,352x322,176:161,ClipboardImage.png)


How dare you

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8c93b0 No.18325536

File: ce0ed875ef15247⋯.jpg (226.6 KB,474x842,237:421,4EF151_A.jpg)


When Hare Rama is pronounced before Hare Krishna is pronounced, it is forMoksha, or Liberation.

When Hare Krishna is pronounced before Hare Rama, it is forBhakti, or Devotion.

In this world, we need both; I'm a Kabbalist.

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9aee02 No.18325537

File: 0c7818da0ba47ca⋯.jpg (111.28 KB,847x500,847:500,787aza.jpg)


This is a reaction of purely triggered anger. You know your narrative is destroyed. This has nothing to do with God, God bless, or the God narrative. This was always about famefaggots and the shills paid to worship them or the brain dead retards who haven't clued in yet. Waking up can be painful. You wouldn't have created this meme to defend swordy if you didn't have an emotional or monetary investment in doing so.

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efeada No.18325538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9d2f0a No.18325541

File: 00937390dca5348⋯.jpeg (68.83 KB,500x758,250:379,C58EAEC5_FD43_45F1_8FCC_F….jpeg)

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299064 No.18325542

File: 91edd2f403e3e16⋯.jpg (35 KB,680x383,680:383,FoQp_DfWYAQa63u.jpg)


We had it in notables.

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7c6c68 No.18325543


> you wouldn't need to be reminded every day via lack of faith.

If swordy and 'God bless' were as ineffective and as bad as you say, then you wouldn't need to remind everyone everyday of what you're doing now.

You'd be as silent as you're calling on others to be.

You're posting inconsistent self-negations.

You may believe you're successfully persuading Anons that you're speaking of someone or something outside yourself, but in reality everyone sees you're in fact talking about your own psychology, nothing more.

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ebf050 No.18325544


Really? TOFTFO Ma'am.

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b189c7 No.18325546

File: aaa775aafcaad9d⋯.png (652.48 KB,863x1200,863:1200,t_Esper_Jun1_Jan6_16_61Cal….png)

File: e53b5e0998d3ddd⋯.png (101.75 KB,1135x690,227:138,yesper25days.png)

File: 8dab015ee041720⋯.png (87.02 KB,1009x332,1009:332,t_missingY_sleepSleepy.png)

File: 14f6cdb44ffced0⋯.png (371.03 KB,877x734,877:734,t_yesper.png)

File: 7f26941fab01278⋯.png (53.36 KB,549x222,183:74,Screenshot_from_2023_02_11….png)

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74ae62 No.18325547

File: aa616fdbb3e656d⋯.png (58.77 KB,255x187,15:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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9aee02 No.18325548

File: ba7c171e4d87a04⋯.png (41.63 KB,229x220,229:220,ba7c171e4d87a0410df16e85d9….png)


I just shitpost when I come to the gym to do cardio. Makes an hour and a half fly by with sheer amusement and keks. Destroying sacred cow board idols shills and their narratives is just a massive bonus

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bdf976 No.18325549

Not good enough >>18325165

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8c93b0 No.18325550

File: a991b02b22d710c⋯.jpg (77.97 KB,499x468,499:468,kri_SCHW_na.jpg)

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7c6c68 No.18325551

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,090d8c76d5645e015971f4187….jpeg)

File: 7c83a1be56b10e8⋯.jpg (47.4 KB,452x679,452:679,7c83a1be56b10e868b5bb03361….jpg)

File: 6aba2c7aa729da8⋯.jpg (65.28 KB,1024x768,4:3,6aba2c7aa729da835e1b984d59….jpg)

Q was right.

It was over before it began.

Down they all go.

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aa0a21 No.18325552

File: b2b2312c1283ded⋯.png (444.65 KB,603x569,603:569,wash.PNG)


Daily Mail US


CJ PEARSON exposes how Disney is using them to brainwash your kids with woke, offensive nonsense


CJ PEARSON: Disney cartoons brainwash your kids with woke nonsense

PEARSON: Disney+'s reboot is so far removed from what I grew up watching that I don't even recognize it. In fact, it's a Trojan horse of un-American, woke, propaganda.

2:53 AM · Feb 11, 2023



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be3d38 No.18325553

File: aa47205c8154368⋯.png (89.62 KB,900x675,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


> I'm a Kabbalist.

satanic gibberish

you are lost in words and indoctrination

self obsessed and moronic.

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7c6c68 No.18325554

File: 2ec40337f38c1c9⋯.png (2.77 MB,1544x1148,386:287,2ec40337f38c1c9ef01a10d9a1….png)


Humanity is Unity

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8c93b0 No.18325555

File: 57ec1d9723cca3e⋯.jpg (105.83 KB,498x699,166:233,pink_lightning.jpg)

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d14218 No.18325556

File: 61fcce415bb7c46⋯.jpg (105.45 KB,860x481,860:481,61fcce415bb7c46f0ab1313434….jpg)

File: 64f5d54ad4b4c0a⋯.jpg (45.17 KB,380x380,1:1,64f5d54ad4b4c0ae3e8b46aaec….jpg)

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bd0361 No.18325557

File: f656de123263044⋯.jpeg (306.3 KB,1242x1726,621:863,1F9A585F_34D9_4DF2_A4F8_F….jpeg)

File: e9fe16cfc561723⋯.jpeg (463.56 KB,1242x1968,207:328,4C1E0936_D06B_4359_BA10_2….jpeg)

File: f026eccfd8b3a9d⋯.jpeg (249.05 KB,1242x1712,621:856,56D6AD9B_70AD_49E0_BAD3_F….jpeg)

File: 7fed3dbb0fa1ac7⋯.jpeg (322.65 KB,1242x1728,23:32,7CCAC9EE_D716_4101_B82E_B….jpeg)

>>18322432 (PB)


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b861c8 No.18325558

File: 5a556ee39e9ba57⋯.png (49.5 KB,554x492,277:246,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf81038afd270b8⋯.png (746.95 KB,1912x915,1912:915,ClipboardImage.png)

SAM145 Headed out on the North Atlantic route.

Mapped to Q145.

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9d2f0a No.18325559

File: 333eaf869504c55⋯.jpeg (101.99 KB,500x758,250:379,D11004F8_785E_427B_A305_E….jpeg)

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f0ce70 No.18325560

File: dd2d7164c503ec1⋯.png (72.62 KB,1034x512,517:256,Tom_Fitton_JW_Clean_House_….png)

File: 1a7e1ed729fbafe⋯.jpg (16.81 KB,255x255,1:1,toongore_badge.jpg)

File: bdf6ea35ca8c1b6⋯.jpg (117.47 KB,718x802,359:401,toy_fun.jpg)

>Ask yourself, do we want a WAR?

not against targets false flagged into us 'hating'

>Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR?

clowns who are financially invested and want distraction

>Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?

to kill, silence, start a war

>Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR?

assassination, destruction of public utilities, killing of civilians, no respect towards soveriengty

>Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: "Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?"

3+ years ago the PUBLIC would not understand, now the PUBLIC doesnt trust mockingbirds and have examples of social grooming for such things

>Be the autists we know you are.

we are trying

>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


Did you read your qposts for today?


>why won't 8kun take my rumble embed?!

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7c6c68 No.18325561

File: 7636b0c260e7b13⋯.png (395.7 KB,500x605,100:121,SwordyTrigger.png)


You keep projecting.

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e39e91 No.18325562

If the support for Trump has stayed above 50% for 7+ years, it's highly unlikely it will change anytime before 2024. Who is about to be exposed? Ronna McDaniel and the fake as hell GOP money laundering machine that favors Democrat control of the machine in DC.

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3e332f No.18325563


Did you know you've been eating bug for years, already…

Red and pink products, such as ketchup, yogurt and grapefruit juice, that were died by crushed-up tiny insects


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8e4ffa No.18325564


I started making notice and comment of the daily famefaggots a couple of years ago, and got mercilessly hammered by anons and faggots alike. Zero support for considering the symbolism of the sword, and how it is perpetuating a violent narrative.

Then you started in on them a while back, and I started seeing a glimmer of support from the "scattered free-thinkers".

I, too, am no fan of the sacred cows, and their blathering worshippers.

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af103a No.18325565


I woke up when the Mainstream media kept telling me that Hillary was going to win by 98%. When I woke up the next day…it was like I was in an alternate reality. I was prepared to except Killary as my POTUS. I was just going to come to grips over it and move on with my life.

Then Trumpo won!

I quit watching CNN altogether.

Was oblivious to how much the CIA and FBI was embedded into the news media.

That woke me.

Now, concerning the pandemic and how the pharmaceutical companies are also run by the CIA/FBI and control the information that we are receiving.

So..at this moment…I am WIDE awake!

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9aee02 No.18325566

File: 95cb476c557423f⋯.jpg (205.64 KB,1440x811,1440:811,95cb476c557423fb6ece4d998f….jpg)


God bless you anon. I love God. I also love destroying board shills and their deflections away from the actual point being made. Free speech exists to call out the bullshit, including religious fallacy. So long as free speech exists I will combat the famefags and Those who bolster them

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be3d38 No.18325567

File: 3b354b5345458f2⋯.png (324.75 KB,606x345,202:115,ClipboardImage.png)


confirmation Quads chek'ed

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ebf825 No.18325568


yet you are here. fuck off.

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b189c7 No.18325569

File: fad2939989935e3⋯.png (579.23 KB,1366x768,683:384,sabotagePotato.png)

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cf7996 No.18325570


Well bless your little ole heart

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2d662a No.18325571

File: d0931f984a0c75e⋯.jpg (102.26 KB,1200x900,4:3,1676117455350757.jpg)

File: f557c2b73b16ab3⋯.jpg (151.6 KB,1206x905,1206:905,1676005578188328.jpg)

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aa0a21 No.18325572

File: 04188f1e6d2b79a⋯.png (398.87 KB,410x571,410:571,sft.PNG)


📝 (https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1676075209252630.jpg) 304 replies

Despite our political differences I think we can all agree that this is a crime against humanity. If not explain yourself


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e39e91 No.18325573

'Trump put all the people in place that stole the election.'

Think about that. It almost sounds like a 'plan'.

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8c93b0 No.18325574

File: a6edba89d548028⋯.png (935.63 KB,1737x714,579:238,Ultimate_Prayer_v3.png)

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a90bbe No.18325576

File: 45c8d27d5db1e45⋯.png (699.37 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)


Have involuntarily eaten many bugs.

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8e4ffa No.18325577


Whatever that "plan" might be, it doesn't have anything to do with the propaganda posted by Joe M.

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8c93b0 No.18325578

File: ff9dcf41c1b0add⋯.jpg (101.71 KB,604x454,302:227,BOOM_5.jpg)

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7c6c68 No.18325580

File: e7d8c62d90cfa0e⋯.jpg (68.46 KB,500x550,10:11,753lpt.jpg)

They're muhjoo'ing on 8kun and they're muhjoo'ing on Twitter, then they smear and slander 8kun and Twitter with 'anti'-joo narrative, all because they fear uncensored truth platforms that are exposing their evil.


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dcae94 No.18325581

File: cce9ffb2cb65c0f⋯.jpg (133.81 KB,500x690,50:69,boomerrang.jpg)





I missed what's that's supposed to prove.

Also, anon never made a claim about the screen shot.



Weren't they all there already? for decades?


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8c93b0 No.18325582

File: 39367bb557b8e4a⋯.jpg (81.02 KB,800x500,8:5,P_Jesus_Meditation_v4.jpg)

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4bb478 No.18325583


>Trump put all the people in place that stole the election

that way when the hammer stroke falls

it falls hardest on all

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acf8f5 No.18325585



It's a bunch of criminals no matter what flag they carry.

Be it Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Atheists, Satanists, Lucifarians, Rastafarians, House of Science, et al.

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d19b0a No.18325586

File: 936cd3044095c45⋯.jpg (519.64 KB,1076x1092,269:273,Screenshot_20210730_113221….jpg)

File: 628eb8b382925f4⋯.jpg (16.92 KB,255x253,255:253,280b5f745567a18fd321e5fe91….jpg)

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e39e91 No.18325587


^^^^^^^^^^^^ This anon gets it.

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8e4ffa No.18325588


Not quite.

The Great Awakening is a Religious plot to prop up the NWO.

The "Q" drops exposed the plot for those who cared to look deeply enough.

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ecb9f4 No.18325589

File: 90f16e8d26398ff⋯.jpeg (76.07 KB,500x625,4:5,C3FA9356_00A6_4D2A_B2F8_A….jpeg)

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ebf050 No.18325591


Not the same person. smfh. But point taken. There is no woman on this earth who has breast like that who would even consider having those beautiful things removed. No, fucking way.

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a2563a No.18325592

File: 79d160c6aacee72⋯.png (720.79 KB,1270x866,635:433,ClipboardImage.png)


Cody Longo, ‘Days of Our Lives’ actor, dead at 34

By Taylor Romine, CNN

Updated 11:16 PM EST, Fri February 10, 2023

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8c93b0 No.18325593

File: c329137f61cf8fa⋯.jpg (108.44 KB,500x535,100:107,BOOM_THE.jpg)

File: ff0776a6cfa0cf7⋯.jpg (67.11 KB,609x398,609:398,cat_bake.jpg)

File: d1adc779b4dbcee⋯.jpg (57.81 KB,577x433,577:433,c_sharp_b_flat.jpg)

File: a265a25379bf810⋯.jpg (65.84 KB,500x500,1:1,77777.jpg)

File: 81d4a83c5413458⋯.jpg (44.22 KB,500x500,1:1,cat_agrees.jpg)

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e39e91 No.18325594

I love Trump no homo and I don't care who knows.

EFF YOU fakenews.

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a199d1 No.18325596

File: fed5c9ecdbead5d⋯.jpg (428.29 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230211_104738….jpg)

File: 578d4c680d41dfa⋯.png (343.99 KB,710x1292,355:646,1002_3_.png)

File: 005d0f95a884680⋯.png (190.57 KB,710x1518,355:759,68_2_.png)

File: 01afa8a039942a4⋯.png (65.26 KB,710x654,355:327,74.png)

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d19b0a No.18325597

File: 0a30d9da50fb8ab⋯.jpg (63.11 KB,700x538,350:269,ZomboMeme_08022023132540.jpg)

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8c93b0 No.18325598

File: 6c867bd75b700ec⋯.jpg (132.3 KB,499x454,499:454,Lord_Yeshua_3.jpg)

File: e4887dbc802c3c3⋯.jpg (115.64 KB,705x444,235:148,naarakaalii.jpg)

File: c701b13280d6c80⋯.jpg (32.12 KB,500x500,1:1,11_7.jpg)

File: 83dffff078d48e9⋯.jpg (113.96 KB,869x434,869:434,77_B.jpg)

File: ecbf783263282b2⋯.jpg (70.45 KB,500x500,1:1,remember_nothing.jpg)

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a2563a No.18325599


>Cody Longo, ‘Days of Our Lives’ actor, dead at 34

Cody Longo, an actor famous for his roles in “Hollywood Heights” and “Days of Our Lives,” was found dead Wednesday at his home in Austin, Texas, his representative Alex Gittelson told CNN.

He was 34.

“Cody was our whole world,” his wife, Stephanie Longo, said in a statement provided by Gittelson. “The kids and I are shattered and beyond devastated. He was the best dad and best father. We will always and forever miss you and love you.”

The actor was “a dear friend going back many years” before he was a client, Gittelson said. Longo had taken some time away from acting to pursue his music career and spend more time with his family, but he was excited to get back into acting this year, Gittelson said.

“Cody was such a loyal, loving and talented person and he will be greatly missed,” Gittelson said.

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dcae94 No.18325600

File: 611afb31c4b1ff0⋯.jpg (94.02 KB,750x468,125:78,scherfs.jpg)

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aa0a21 No.18325601

File: 61b571428475458⋯.png (214.16 KB,409x372,409:372,cam.PNG)


Australia Moves to Ban Chinese-Made Security Cameras From Government Offices Over Spying Concerns

FULL STORY —> https://republicandaily.com/2023/02/australia-moves-to-ban-chinese-made-security-cameras-from-government-offices-over-spying-concerns/

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5b1681 No.18325603

File: 616195469d7d56c⋯.png (3.99 MB,1366x2048,683:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecb9f4 No.18325604

File: 56481f0c403640c⋯.jpeg (101.66 KB,500x758,250:379,C1CCD250_C2A3_4FEF_B8DA_E….jpeg)

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d19b0a No.18325605

File: 8343762b43d1125⋯.jpg (78.2 KB,900x900,1:1,ZomboMeme_11022023105246.jpg)

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a2563a No.18325606


>Not the same person.

why do you say that?

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ebf050 No.18325607

File: 9f6bafeb95bb71a⋯.jpg (703.6 KB,800x1222,400:611,hold_on_im_3c82b769a6.jpg)

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f11181 No.18325609


The moles seem the same. If you hated your body whether you had those breasts, or a cock like Hunter's. You would want them off.

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a2563a No.18325610


>'Trump put all the people in place that stole the election.'


who did Trump put in place that stollen the election?

Name one

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acf8f5 No.18325612


Corney and his Howdy Doody fascination.

That still a thing?

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9d2310 No.18325613

File: 760230f3b5485fe⋯.png (450.41 KB,417x629,417:629,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e4ffa No.18325614

File: 2809dcde081f218⋯.png (570.21 KB,627x474,209:158,Fosj7OqXgAQXGFP.png)

File: 7adb79ff00e88e4⋯.png (335.23 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Are any of them real?

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e39e91 No.18325615


Nice. End of bread. CISA, Ronna McDaniel to name a few. Trump is setting them up to destroy themselves. Note - The precipice is still in the future.

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92ae48 No.18325616

File: a491223144ce3c6⋯.png (1.05 MB,921x667,921:667,Screenshot_2023_02_11_0856….png)


She did because of muh science.

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7c6c68 No.18325617

File: b82259270116858⋯.png (63.95 KB,229x220,229:220,b822592701168584419fed7d2f….png)


You are a source of the very 'famefag' narrative you claim to be 'destroying'.

Swordy meme is posted Anonymously.

You're trying to control Anon's minds by casting a spell of 'destroying' what you are bringing forth.

After all these years, God bless continues, and will continue despite your attempts to silence.

You talk about free speech, yet you seem to want to stop the free speech of who you label 'board shills'.

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89fe82 No.18325618


Alice is H.E.D !!!

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89fe82 No.18325619

File: ce7b4bc5524ccb6⋯.png (369.66 KB,973x978,973:978,ce7b4bc5524ccb6c8047a3ee0a….png)

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dcae94 No.18325620


false, CIA are NAZI, royals and "knights" not Jews.

That's why they blame Jews.

Guilty for killing King of Jews.

Hate Jews for their own guilt

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e39e91 No.18325621

The movie is in the can and coming to theaters. The anons are the movie guides and suppliers of the popcorn moments.

Don't kid yourselves. Shit is going to be off the hook till at least 2028.

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af103a No.18325623



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37a281 No.18325624

File: 9f141e4e3f8140f⋯.png (795.33 KB,866x599,866:599,bidan.png)

File: 536be1c8707e071⋯.png (680.63 KB,867x598,867:598,blank.png)

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e39e91 No.18325625

Financial markets are becoming the graveyards of the money grubbers. America is changing before your very eyes and if you blink you'll miss it.

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8c93b0 No.18325626

File: ba16989fef7acf4⋯.jpg (32.15 KB,668x374,334:187,numb.jpg)


Last one

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9ad252 No.18325627



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ebf050 No.18325628



Just didn't look the same to me but now that anon mentioned the moles, identical it appears. Brain damage.

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acf8f5 No.18325629


He worth about $12k in the Philippines.

Does he ever leave his cave to wander locally where he lives?

Probably dresses as a woman when it does.

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112ad0 No.18325630



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a199d1 No.18325631


how very strange (you) sharing muh (you). fuckeey afoot.

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e39e91 No.18325632

The best days of America are ahead of her and anons kept that flame alive in the darkest days of despair. Belief is part of the recipe to bake a reality chosen by 'We, the People'.

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5b1681 No.18325633

File: ceb5072a982874a⋯.png (68.7 KB,1044x312,87:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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130c3b No.18325634

File: 5341c322c34a4fb⋯.jpg (143.2 KB,633x727,633:727,wtpflag.jpg)

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b189c7 No.18325635

File: 8b8169d64c776d4⋯.png (95.14 KB,475x420,95:84,BlowdartFl.png)

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ecb9f4 No.18325636


Hi Elon. How’s about aQdrop today?

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89fe82 No.18325637

File: 8b5cb6da410dd57⋯.jpg (407.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,follow_the_white_rabbit.jpg)

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ebf050 No.18325638


Hmm…………….damn interesting anon. ty for the explaination. Was this recent? Have anything to do with the barrooms?

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ba3496 No.18325639

File: 450004e211140a8⋯.jpg (64.04 KB,360x640,9:16,philSuddenly.jpg)

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ba3496 No.18325640

File: f76122524501c39⋯.jpg (99 KB,1280x720,16:9,bar.jpg)

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ebf050 No.18325641

File: 1602f87b92375b7⋯.png (403.83 KB,496x661,496:661,Hurry_Up_Q_Is_Gonna_Drop.png)


kek I love this meme!!!!

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dcae94 No.18325643


so we need to censor ourselves "so we won't look bad."

but already everybody's on our side.

Makes no sense.

anybody 's free to post here. Take or leave. Nobody's representing "the group" not even Bakers.

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e39e91 No.18325644

We, the People are not the chosen. We, the People are the first with true 'choice'.

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d14218 No.18325645

File: da54bc3844ec56a⋯.jpg (587.83 KB,1125x1231,1125:1231,0d911a278d8cbd3bba19c92a93….jpg)


Never let ignorance of a topic prevent you from expressing yourself.

The changes wrong by the First Great Awakening made the American revolution possible.

>The Great Awakening notably altered the religious climate in the American colonies. Ordinary people were encouraged to make a personal connection with God, instead of relying on a minister.

This Spiritual and religious revival occurred at the end of a series of financial panics and depressions. The GA effecting lasting moral change, ten of thousand of men quit drinking reuniting families, repairing relations between employers and the work force. The number of pawn shops and retain booze outlets dropped by two thirds and many of these social changes were still visible two generations later.


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95f82c No.18325646


Get rid of that poison Teflon and get some American Cast Iron cookware.

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ecb9f4 No.18325647

File: 7bb9eb6dfdd637f⋯.jpeg (74.51 KB,500x758,250:379,D3FF9CF5_88CA_451E_9150_B….jpeg)

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ebf050 No.18325648

File: 8825760e50f9e7e⋯.png (409.26 KB,800x500,8:5,moar_than_8ee44d39bd.png)


Cause you exhibit great retardation anon. pic related.

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f9e422 No.18325649

why would I care for a couple of thousand dead people, when you are all dead without me?

the last chance you will not get, bc I am not playing lottery today. no savings.

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d14218 No.18325650

File: a197f09e79b8a06⋯.png (713.22 KB,600x794,300:397,1aaaa.png)

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3a5523 No.18325651


is that a throat or a vaginal canal

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89fe82 No.18325652

File: 9797c2f13059804⋯.jpg (53.43 KB,508x720,127:180,2b27bec532d2ccbc6d4bbb4810….jpg)

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12a6ae No.18325653


>Not that shit again…

see reference link


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ebf050 No.18325654


C'mon Man!!!!

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dcae94 No.18325656


Thanks for the compliment.

yea, inspired by jr. rants, I am.

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aff4a0 No.18325657

File: 1ddf2dedeb5f060⋯.png (36.62 KB,700x612,175:153,elong.png)


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e39e91 No.18325658

One finger is all America ever needed - Al Bundy

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37a281 No.18325659

File: 21b84bc914b2514⋯.png (154.21 KB,357x322,51:46,pina_colata.png)

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d14218 No.18325660

File: d768e1fea9292c3⋯.png (726.14 KB,600x794,300:397,1a22.png)

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8e4ffa No.18325661


In other words, Religion quelled an uprising, and pacified the sheep, for a while, leading them further into the bondage of slavery.

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af103a No.18325662

File: 5336aeec58f4e0c⋯.png (495.66 KB,393x633,131:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d9c50 No.18325663

File: dcf5da09588dc9e⋯.png (116.35 KB,684x296,171:74,Screen_Shot_2023_02_11_at_….png)


Can't use wikipedia. Found this.

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5f61d7 No.18325664

>>18324178, >>18324686, >>18324283 pb, notable Trump has giga-DNA + bloodlines dig from a year ago

President Trump is anointed by God.

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12a6ae No.18325665


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828157 No.18325666

File: e48d965fe169f4d⋯.png (312.8 KB,1424x1594,712:797,ClipboardImage.png)




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