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f7b739 No.18309166 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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f7b739 No.18309169

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444, baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761

Offering breads to other bakers >>18061508, >>18067193 ; No RRN in notes >>17980519

Pls notable planefag & boatfag reports >>18179893

Plz use CURRENT dough when baking >>18223281



>>18308398 DOUGH

>>18308419 US Attorney General allows first transfer of Russian oligarch's confiscated assets to Ukraine

>>18308432 China wants spy balloon back: "It belongs to China"

>>18308441, >>18308442 House GOP questions ex-Twitter execs about handling of Hunter Biden reporting

>>18308448 2:00 PM EST Potato discusses how his economic plan is creating good-paying, union jobs

>>18308450, >>18308693, >>18308763 milfag tweets

>>18308458 @rothschildmd "The CIA worked with Twitter to ban me" is the kind of stuff you used to see on gangstalking message boards

>>18308467 Second minor earthquake in less than a day rattles Israel; no injuries or damage

>>18308476 Eating chitin is like flipping on the kill switch for parasites

>>18308482 Ukrainian Nazis Do Not Stop Shelling Civilians - southfront.org

>>18308487 Secretary Blinken News Conference with NATO Secretary General

>>18308489 House Session, Part 2 The House will consider legislation ending an April 2022 CDC order

>>18308493 2:10 PM EST Vice President Harris

>>18308498 Why does Congress swear Twitter atheists? It's meaningless.

>>18308513 Former top Twitter execs: Twitter 'made a mistake' censoring Hunter Biden laptop story

>>18308526, >>18308624, >>18308721, >>18308730, >>18308818, >>18308895, >>18308916, >>18308927 LIVE CLOWN SHOW: House Oversight Committee holds hearing with former Twitter executives

>>18308532 Israeli Minister Says No Pause on Settlements After US Asked Israel to Halt Expansion

>>18308548 Austrian Colonel claims NATO soldiers are fighting in Ukraine as mercenaries

>>18308555, >>18308888, >>18308917 Anon theory on parasitic entities

>>18308572, >>18308786 PF: EGY1103 Reg: SU-BAE, Egypt military, LOCKHEED C-130 Hercules + ATOMIC1 Reg: 62-3752 Northrop T-38C Talon

>>18308574 New Zealand's repressive regime continues to withhold information and refuses to investigate vaccine harms

>>18308584 Israel Deepens Support For Ukraine Despite Claims Of Balancing Its Relations With Russia

>>18308607 Former Twitter Executives Testify on Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Part 2

>>18308614 A New Jersey town council and the mayor of the town have unanimously decided to switch parties


>>18308643 The House special subcommittee probing the federal government's weaponization will hold its first hearing Thursday

>>18308649 Anon Chimes in on RRN REAL RAW NEWS IS REAL (iao) - RMBLE ( >>18308676, >>18308707, >>18308764, >>18308793 Anon Calls BS)

>>18308662 28 arrested as Europe's biggest Chinese prostitution ring is dismantled

>>18308693 @PACAF Operation Deep Freeze

>>18308699 REMINDER: Irrefutable Evidence to Commit Mass Murder (Jab) by the US DoD, HHS & Big Pharma Cartel

>>18308724 Mike Lindell Goes After Ron DeSantis for Aligning Himself with Dominion Attorney's Dives Into Florida Election Results

>>18308730 Rep. Comer Confronts Yoel Roth About His Tweet Calling Trump and His Supporters Actual Nazis

>>18308750 Pedophile killed himself in Texas courtroom by drinking toxic amount of common food preservative

>>18308758 Earthquake Death Toll Surpasses 11,000 In Turkey, Syria

>>18308763 Within 24 hrs of initial notification, 2 Urban Search & Rescue teams & a critical aid package were loaded on two C-17s #COMMCHQ

>>18308779 @us_sams Congrats to our 48 Army #SAMS alumni

>>18308786 ATOMIC1 Reg: 62-3752 Northrop T-38C Talon

>>18308789 There is an uncanny resemblance between that weird cloud seen just before the Turkey earthquake and the logo of Artificial Intelligence company Nvidia

>>18308816 UK reporter fawns over Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

>>18308841 Higgins: The bottom line is the FBI had the Biden Crime Family laptop for a year. They knew is was leaking.

>>18308847 White House responds to new Nord Stream investigation

>>18308855 "Obama" on cover of Newsweek is in pose of "Shiva Nataraja" MP4

>>18308856 Anon Cap - Mr. Higgins, "This is the Investigative Part, The Arrests Come Later"

>>18308879, >>18308892 Shooting at Williamsburg Charter High School in Brooklyn, New York City. 3 people

>>18308888 QReminder - Stay in the Light.

>>18308891 ANDY NGO REPORTS: Twitter locked my account and removed my screenshots of violent Antifa threats

>>18308917 Anon points out - If you want to change this world, you have to first know what exactly was wrong with it

>>18308941 Anon Bun

>>18308955 World Economic Forum announces new mRNA technology they will use to edit and write your genome

>>18309148 Clay Higgins tells former Twitter employees they are going to get arrested for rigging the 2020 election.

>>18309159 #22438

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Post last edited at

f7b739 No.18309173


>>18307449 Dough

>>18308240, >>18308274, >>18308264, >>18308256, >>18308275, >>18308360, >>18308369 RRN Discussion (Real untill proven otherwise?)

>>18307490 Museum explains why it’s removing Chinese cameras

>>18307498, >>18307530, >>18307532 The Sakurajima volcano has erupted on Kyushu Island in Japan.


>>18307541 Timmons Hunter Laptop Twitter Recap

>>18307558 10,000+ killed in Türkiye-Syria earthquakes


>>18307606 @realDonaldTrump Prior to deplatforming me, Twitter would not send out my Tweets,

>>18307617 @realDonaldTrump Watch the Twitter hearings going on right now in Washington.

>>18307622 @realDonaldTrump Remember, they SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN!!!

>>18307625 @realDonaldTrump My poll numbers are great against everybody, Republican & Democrat, alike

>>18307644 Yoel Roth: "Unrestricted free speech paradoxically results in less speech, not more" MP4

>>18307652, >>18307936 It Looks Like Team Biden Blew up Europe's Nord Stream Pipeline

>>18307661 New Massachusetts Bill Will Allow Prisoners To Donate Organs for Reduced Prison Time

>>18307683 Disney+ Cartoon Pushes ‘Reparations,’ Says America ‘Built on Slavery’

>>18307776 Two children dead after bus hits Quebec day care center, police say

>>18307810 HBAL618 Raven Aerostar Balloon Reg: N258TH Squawk: 4453

>>18307843 Anon Recap on Twitter Committee Gosar/Baker

>>18307884 Special Elections LATEST: Democrats win control of Pennsylvania House

>>18307907 Twitter Committee Lights Out 12:45? (Blackout necessary?) Still think nothing is happening?

>>18307913 RSBN A power outage in Washington DC?

>>18307974 LIVE: House Ways and Means hearing on alleged unemployment fraud during COVID-19 pandemic

>>18307950 Last words before black out (It Is Your Fault)

>>18307995 Capitol cam - is power really out?


>>18308029 1:20 PM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken

>>18308039 Russia warns of direct clash with US

>>18308066 Some drone footage out of Turkey made it to Twitter. MP4

>>18308078 LIGHTS OUT 12:45 - 1:08 (23 MINUTE DELTA)

>>18308142 Burisma Asked Hunter to End Ukraine Investigation on Company

>>18308175 No confirmation yet. Power has now gone out in 2 DC Congressional buildings Cannon and Rayburn

>>18308189 Day 13: Murdaugh attorney, SLED confirm bomb threat clears Colleton Co. Courthouse

>>18308193 Russia vows ‘response’ if UK sends planes to Ukraine: embassy

>>18308217 Before black out TS Q went dark


>>18307618 Angela Merkel got a major award today

>>18307823 GOP Leaders Deal Blow To Chamber Of Commerce – Won’t Meet With Them For Backing Democrats

>>18307871 Latest Twitter Files shows CIA, FBI have spent years meddling in content moderation

>>18307718 Former Twitter Executives Testify on Hunter Biden Laptop Story LIVE

>>18307905 Mike Yeadon "I'm convinced over 100K people were killed by government protocols of Midazolam and Morphine… doses used were between 3-5x recommended amounts"

>>18308226 UPDATE: Twitter hearing in recess "due to power outage." Resumes at 2 p.m.

>>18308227 Nord Stream Sabotage Was CIA, US Navy Covert Op: Seymour Hersh Bombshell Prompts White House Response

>>18307869, >>18308231 3yr 3day SOTU Delta

>>18308234 GOP Rep Nancy Mace RIPS INTO Fired Twitter Officials Over COVID Censorship

>>18308277 2:00 PM EST EmpoweringEntrepreneurs: Removing Barriers toCapital Accessfor Small Businesses

>>18308289 JPMorgan Says Epstein Accuser's Claims Are "Unsupported"

>>18308300 Joe Rogan accused of anti-Semitism

>>18308308 Anon Speculates Trump wanted us to watch and see the plug pulled #Metoo

>>18308319 New Zealand Police Find 3.5 Tons of Cocaine in Pacific Ocean

>>18308330 Boston Mayor Formally Announces Reparations Task Force

>>18308388 #22437

#22436 >>18306694

>>18306761, >>18306946, >>18307056, >>18307065, >>18307103, >>18307113, >>18307128, >>18307244 Planefags Aloft

>>18306709 the spin is nauseatingly funny

>>18306710 Five more Chinese nationals just crossed illegally here in Mission, TX and are now in Border Patrol custody

>>18306715 jabs: this is a recipe for "we have no idea what we're coding for" (but it won't be good)

>>18306716 Netanyahu says Israeli humanitarian delegation to the Earthquake in Turkey will also act in Syria (rebel-held areas

>>18306728, >>18306855, >>18306920, >>18306930, >>18307208 UK: Zelenskyy addresses both Houses of Parliament

>>18306732, >>18306738, >>18306743 The story of the first 3 trials against Monsanto & their herbicide Roundup

>>18306776 "Biden's State of the Union" per PDJT

>>18306798, >>18306801, >>18306911, >>18306942, >>18307157, >>18307231, >>18307282, >>18307385, >>18307406 Ex-Twitter execs who censored Hunter Biden laptop story set for Capitol grilling

>>18306805, >>18307174 Protecting Speech from Government Interference and Social Media Bias, House Oversight and Accountability Committee

>>18306817 Joint Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee and Health Subcommittee Hearing Titled: “The Federal Response to COVID-19.”

>>18306821 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Stellar Wind-Shaped Nebula RCW 58

>>18306828, >>18306932 Russia’s UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia has called on the West to stop using Ukrainians in a “proxy war”

>>18306832 Open Panel w/ Former National Security Officials House Intelligence (Permanent Select) Committee

>>18306859, >>18307032, >>18307185 President Trump's Response to the State of the Union 22 hours ago

>>18306864 Zelensky due in Paris later on Wednesday

>>18306884 Boris Pistorius said it was “difficult” to determine if Kiev could retake Crimea and Donbass

>>18306886 Whoop Whoop! Sarah Sanders sets em straight

>>18306891, >>18306898 @TxDPS and Houston PD busted a fentanyl lab operating inside a car rental business

>>18306901 UNC: Board of Trustees announced the decision to create a new school and new degree pathways that remove ‘political constraints on what can be taught in university classes

>>18306923 mofo potato wants to ban AR's, again Make It Fail Again

>>18306954, >>18306976, >>18306908 Secret Service records show that countries and territories visited by Hunter Biden, between June 2009 and May 2014, included

>>18306970 Russia Develops Heavy Drone Called TrUMP

>>18306985 More internet providers have started restricting Twitter in Turkey: NetBlocks

>>18306986, >>18306994 US_STRATCOM “There we go”

>>18306998 @CBP Certain fish and wildlife, and products made from them, are subject to import and export restrictions

>>18307004 Societe Generale Gets Pulled Into SEC’s Widening Messaging Probe

>>18307014, >>18307037 BIDEN:"Fentanyl is killing more than 70,000 Americans a year." crowd: "IT'S YOUR FAULT!"

>>18307018 Unleashing Innovation in Satellite Communications Technologies House Energy and Commerce Committee

>>18307039 Musk: GEC Global Engagement Center, threat to our democracy

>>18307134, >>18307130, >>18307157 2019 Refresher: Former FBI General Counsel James Baker is under criminal investigation for leaks

>>18307170 Weaponization Committee

>>18307245 Moving Fed policy rate to 5.00%-5.25% this year seems reasonable, Williams says

>>18307345 meme trends

>>18307431 #22436

#22435 >>18305906

>>18305943 Guns for me but not for thee

>>18305952 Kennedy SOTU response: Louisianians deserve better than Biden’s record

>>18305964, >>18306063, >>18306313 PF

>>18305978 Newsom reaping what he sowed

>>18305983, >>18306140 Canadian teen arrested for attending class after suspension over opinions on transgender ideas

>>18306004 Valiant effort of dude tracking vax injuries and deaths on blog

>>18306022 China and Russia are both making mobilization moves that are raising red flags

>>18306043 Reminder: Fired Twitter gang will be testifying today on Hunter Biden censorship today

>>18306058, >>18306090, >>18306093, >>18306111 Joseph Cofer Black, Romney's man in Ukraine

>>18306101, >>18306235, >>18306247 Dropped COVID vial caused 15 in close contact ocular surface erosion and 4 experienced skin rash

>>18306105 Turkey's stock exchange suspends trading for the first time in 24 years, following a deep selloff after EQs

>>18306121, >>18306161, >>18306167 Do you know what the anadrome of PFIZER is?

>>18306126 kek President Biden's State of the Union Address summed up in under two minutes

>>18306129 A German circus is experimenting with holograms instead of living animals

>>18306195, >>18306207 MTG reacts to SOTU

>>18306228 Exosomes, mRNA and shedding

>>18306229 Trump's response to SOTU

>>18306197, >>18306255 Porn Star Ron Jeremy Committed To Mental Hospital

>>18306244 Jim Jordan on big tech censorship

>>18306264, >>18306277, >>18306284 DAN says HAARP was used on Turkey (TR has stated in past being target of weaponized EQs)

>>18306279 It just ended up we got on topic of brain chip implants

>>18306291 Truth About Tanks: How NATO Lied Its Way To Disaster In Ukraine

>>18306295 HOW TO: Uncensored ChatGPT

>>18306325, >>18306330 Four UA flight attendants taken to hospital after laptop battery burst into FLAMES while jet was airborne

>>18306367 Mil tweets decode bun

Baker Change

>>18306406, >>18306420 follow up to San Diego militayt helo training ops through the city

>>18306478, >>18306483 Canada: Catholic student who was suspended for ‘opposing gender ideology’ is now arrested by police

>>18306501, >>18306502 Biden Tells Congress 'It's Never a Good Bet to Bet Against America'

>>18306518 Fire breaks out at U.S.-owned drone factory in Latvia

>>18306559 the two faces of Sen Mike Lee? on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

>>18306609, >>18306624 anons opine on 45's play by play of the resident's sotu speech

>>18306623 British media turning up the heat on Russia as Zelenskyy visits UK to thank politicians

>>18306641 DJT TS w/CAP: Big night for “TRUTH” last night. Tremendous numbers of people signed on to hear my “Play by Play” of the SOTU Speech…

>>18306666 #22435

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f7b739 No.18309175

Previously Collected

>>18305139 #22433-A, >>18305871 #22434,

>>18303711 #22431, >>18304487 #22432, >>18305140 #22433-B

>>18301443 #22428-A, >>18302176 #22429, >>18302960 #22430

>>18299859 #22426, >>18300611 #22427, >>18301455 #22428-B

>>18297465 #22423, >>18298277 #22424, >>18299030 #22425

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear >>18154557

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f7b739 No.18309188

File: ac43fd670ad6bbb⋯.png (630.26 KB,640x640,1:1,ac43fd670ad6bbb5dab5f61587….png)


#22439 https://fullchan.net/?27466510db514d88#HLxQ1CDSvEDKdMp7T8HBdzAutfNCyosykxV3XmWap9KT



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6c854e No.18309190

pb >>18307398

no men in lifeboats

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90acad No.18309191

File: 5beca8412e2cfaa⋯.png (765.6 KB,1002x1222,501:611,Screenshot_2023_02_08_at_2….png)

File: f69111976271a0d⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,480x682,240:341,HAARP_in_Turkey_earthquake….mp4)


HAARP used to cause earthquake in Turkey?

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1237e2 No.18309192

What am I missing? A lot of YouTube accounts discuss the nature of the economy right now and often ChatGPT and/or Google's proposed competitor are mentioned related to loss of certain jobs. Is there some manner in which these two "AI" programs could destroy the market for both? So, if one of them can write nice blog posts what's to stop people from seeing which does a better job? Eventually what's to stop a huge turf war that demolishes both? Again, what am I missing?

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f7b739 No.18309193


missed it by this much ||

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90acad No.18309194


Ignore. Apparently Fake and Gay. It is a Space X rocket launch.

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f0bb99 No.18309195

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2ed354 No.18309196

File: 3ac43f1bd3721c4⋯.jpeg (21.76 KB,720x515,144:103,3ac43f1bd3721c4add3fee34c….jpeg)

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c410b7 No.18309197

File: 60e149d087bd807⋯.png (286.67 KB,720x567,80:63,ClipboardImage.png)




Baker claiming dough

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0142f0 No.18309198

wtf is Jira?

seems notable af

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4950a1 No.18309200

>>18309184 -lb tard


you're right.

He said exactly like this:

"You must convince the workers, to take the vaccine."

He let the "your choice"…….between the a and b…….

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9afa2e No.18309201




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d5ba99 No.18309202

FBI whistleblowers have already giving transcripts interviews (depositions) according to Jim Jordan.

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0142f0 No.18309203

File: 9797d2735ef23bd⋯.png (495.61 KB,878x496,439:248,9E7B6C47_A191_48D8_AAB3_41….png)

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6baee0 No.18309204

You will have to pardon my slight outrage, but I don't like ANYONE, ANYBODY, and ANY ANON, telling me I have to believe in something based on THEIR OPINION!!!

I question everything, I make my OWN decisions on what I believe to be true or false based on the evidence and sources that I see…and not that from some other ANON who I don't know has a narrative or not.

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90acad No.18309205

File: 311ace9e7471e19⋯.png (244.77 KB,759x328,759:328,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f63490c9fffc954⋯.png (452.1 KB,804x943,804:943,ClipboardImage.png)



Also, it wasn't the Titanic.

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766d1d No.18309206

File: 18753d394b9f84e⋯.png (569.55 KB,1080x1810,108:181,Screenshot_20230208_122148….png)

File: b71651830c7bd0b⋯.png (840.72 KB,1080x779,1080:779,Screenshot_20230208_112051….png)

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657d01 No.18309207

File: 0071f1107650a73⋯.png (568.27 KB,718x1000,359:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b151a No.18309208

File: 87511aef458988c⋯.png (8.54 KB,255x255,1:1,smilingsmoke44.png)

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8042a9 No.18309209

File: 83a0eb142ad8592⋯.png (129.71 KB,557x812,557:812,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3e5f5c67893faf⋯.png (650.83 KB,1230x819,410:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b55229bd60e6984⋯.gif (1.2 MB,400x400,1:1,pepe_club.gif)



Anon just wants to say, that even if nothing happens to these four faggots giving evidence (not) just watching them get them get chewed out is so much fun.

may it continue every day for the rest of their lives everywhere they go by everyone!!

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9431f8 No.18309210

File: fe6119604133ab2⋯.png (560.13 KB,1230x574,15:7,chuck_edwards.png)

Chuck Edwards asking about 2020-09 Hunter Biden hypothetical hack scenario by Aspen Institute

Roth and Zuckerberg there with feds

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6e86c5 No.18309211

File: 8cc4d9b247da93c⋯.jpg (76.22 KB,888x470,444:235,yauhksdjlasdf.jpg)

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76a012 No.18309212

File: 8540b73fb2c0af0⋯.jpg (224.3 KB,819x1024,819:1024,1675638193008600m.jpg)

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332415 No.18309213

File: 808d66930e25fa1⋯.png (597.2 KB,1276x686,638:343,ClipboardImage.png)

Why RRN is Bad for Business

1. He censors comments on his articles that oust him as a charlatan

2. He begs for donations to his givesendgo like Wikipedia begs for your money, with that shitty banner!!!

3. He is giving Qtards false hopes

4. He has been outed many times but somehow he keeps reinventing himself with new websites and more lies

He operates from an office inside a basement of a house, likely mommy's or his own who knows.

This is what he looks like and politifact did a well researched piece on him. The lame stream media can do research when the choose to.

It would do the reader well to read this entire article.


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b44b0b No.18309214


>Chuck Edwards asking about 2020-09 Hunter Biden hypothetical hack scenario by Aspen Institute

>Roth and Zuckerberg there with feds

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d5ba99 No.18309215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Transcribed interviews (depositions) according to Jim Jordan

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6e86c5 No.18309216

Luna: This, ladies and gentlemen, is joint action between the federal government and a private company to censor and violate the First Amendment. This is also known as 'joint state actors'. It's highly illegal. You are all engaged in this action, and I want you to know you will all be held accountable.

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79e8fb No.18309217

File: 7be1a7b0796d7bb⋯.jpg (75.5 KB,900x675,4:3,flak.jpg)

preemptive flak for all the RRN deniers

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6e86c5 No.18309218

Luna: If you don't think this is important to your constituents and the American people, from those saying this is a pointless hearing, I suggest you find other jobs.

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4950a1 No.18309219



so tomorrow we are free?

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8034a2 No.18309220

gaslight us harder ms. bush

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b44b0b No.18309221


>Luna: If you don't think this is important to your constituents and the American people, from those saying this is a pointless hearing, I suggest you find other jobs.

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85b2db No.18309222

File: 8d5949df79fd05a⋯.jpg (266.94 KB,2538x843,846:281,Dark_Light_Sky.jpg)

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d5ba99 No.18309223


So they know more than the twitter panel thinks, and the interview with twitter if more about the FBI than twitter itself.

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657d01 No.18309224

File: 11cae380d6d220d⋯.png (15.52 KB,580x388,145:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0dad8b36864e8fa⋯.png (56.95 KB,1539x306,171:34,ClipboardImage.png)




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4b151a No.18309226

File: 75a2d9b93596c23⋯.jpg (72.55 KB,800x537,800:537,ridinEagles.jpg)

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a1bb8e No.18309227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Consulting Salaries and Working Hours Exposed - McKinsey, BCG, Bain, Big 4 etc.


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c410b7 No.18309228

File: bd1652b5a9db673⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,255x200,51:40,bd1652b5a9db67353d91d5db6b….jpg)

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6e86c5 No.18309229

Bush: Republicans are holding this hearing because of their ridiculous, politically motivated obsession with Hunter Biden.

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ac554a No.18309230

File: 82b258f46a87116⋯.png (36.79 KB,200x197,200:197,Merkowski1.png)

File: 9d93a4ca41126bb⋯.png (35.65 KB,151x192,151:192,Merkowski2.png)

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9431f8 No.18309231

File: e3cf736ce05171e⋯.jpg (14.86 KB,408x233,408:233,lalala.jpg)

File: 08b75018e0c3cc0⋯.png (669.21 KB,1230x638,615:319,cori_bush.png)

Cori Bush

lalalala Jan 6

lalalala softball questions

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4ff91d No.18309232

There is a group of entities, who work behind the scenes, they are rarely caught by cameras. The television media which they themselves own, do not give them any attention. These people, among many things, they are also trillionaires. They own the banking system. And the majority of the politicians, large corporations, media, and so on.

They can afford and do pay agents(their puppets) to go public with certain agendas, pushing societally destabilizing ideologies on the populace for the purpose of chaos, division, and ultimately control. While some of them are used to push larger agendas, such as climate change, vaccinations, wars between nations.

The aim of these entities who operate in the dark, has always been to destroy humanity. Particularly the nature and beauty of the family, and corrupting the peaceful nature of the human being.

For thousands of years the dark elites have manipulated and purposely mislead humanity into accepting their false ideologies in an attempt for total control and ownership of Earth.

The constructs of race, religion, and the monetary system are their invention. Religion, which has in fact stirred humanity further away from the true Divine Creator, is their invention.

A spark of God is in your heart. God’s word is in your heart and soul. Which is why today’s society is one huge distraction factory, so that you keep your focus on the outer world, and forget to go within.

God does not want to be feared. For Creator has pure, unconditional love for all of his children.

The one who wants to be feared is Satan. Here we do not speak of Satan in a religious sense. We speak of Satan as an extremely dark, power hungry, malevolent extraterrestrial entity.

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90acad No.18309233

File: e596c9909ef20ac⋯.png (1.51 MB,1440x1428,120:119,Screenshot_2023_02_08_at_2….png)

File: 1930b8d5b797211⋯.png (1.06 MB,1386x1200,231:200,Screenshot_2023_02_08_at_2….png)




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c410b7 No.18309234

File: 4721ee6f5e54b56⋯.png (1.72 MB,1996x1328,499:332,46898815035ac2e7327a76e846….png)

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9431f8 No.18309235


Former Twitter Executives Testify on Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Part 2

Former Twitter executives testified on the social media company’s role in blocking access to an October 2020 “New York Post” story about Hunter Biden’s laptop. The hearing took place before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.


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79e8fb No.18309236

File: ec59767efc6631d⋯.png (10.43 KB,1196x586,598:293,RRN.png)

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532901 No.18309237

I am guilty of standing by, watching so many bad things happening, and doing nothing.

God, please forgive me.

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4b151a No.18309238

File: 6f154fde395096b⋯.gif (3.69 MB,332x450,166:225,6f154fde395096bf484c5d437a….gif)


are those his teef?

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4950a1 No.18309239


I had a girlfriend that had a doberman called Luna.

When she came to sleep, she always choose to sleep over me and on the phone, she grabbed her phone to bark at me……………

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05c3c2 No.18309240

File: fb35f1463e14c4d⋯.png (119.1 KB,1051x284,1051:284,2023_02_08_12_40_33.png)

>>18309197, >>18309188


<< UPDATED "no RRN" in Globals.

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f625cf No.18309241

File: 566e422fdaf68b1⋯.png (69.72 KB,228x156,19:13,ClipboardImage.png)

this negro

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b47989 No.18309242


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90acad No.18309243


I think RRN is a scam site, but you can't seriously be posting a Politico article here to make your point.

Politico is worse than RRN.

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90acad No.18309244


Politifact, not Politico.

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073aa0 No.18309245

"This is an EVIL time in America!" - DJT

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341b34 No.18309246

File: 2fe93fdeefb2277⋯.png (43.01 KB,677x385,677:385,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1171b6dd897d0a⋯.png (448.2 KB,800x449,800:449,ClipboardImage.png)

Emerald Robinson ✝️


The American people can rest assured that no matter what happens to Joe Biden in the next two years of the Third Obama Administration, the Democrats have Montel Williams’ ex-girlfriend in place to fill the gap.

8:40 AM · Feb 8, 2023


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2e351c No.18309247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: House Armed Services Committee Holds Hearing on the Role of Special Operations Forces

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821033 No.18309248

Murder Suspect Cut Off Ankle Monitor, At Large: DA

Albuquerque, NM – Today a warrant was issued for Murder Suspect Joe Anderson.

After requesting the Court issue a warrant for his arrest today, Prosecutors learned late this afternoon that Anderson cut off his ankle monitor.

Anderson was charged with first degree murder in 2022. Last month, the District Court ruled he could be released pending trial. Yesterday, the New Mexico Supreme Court overruled the District Court’s decision, saying Anderson should be in custody.

Anderson has also previously been convicted of a separate crime of voluntary manslaughter in 2016.

“This is exactly why we filed pretrial detention in this matter. Unfortunately this individual has cut off his ankle monitor and is in the wind,” said Bernalillo County District Attorney Sam Bregman.

Law enforcement from the District Attorney’s Office, as well as other agencies, are currently looking for Anderson.

SAUCE: https://breaking911.com/murder-suspect-cut-off-ankle-monitor-at-large-da/

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d263ea No.18309249

>>18308432 China wants spy balloon back: ‘It belongs to China’

Dismantled U.S. Spy Plane Flown Out of China

ByPaul Eckert

B E I J I N G, China, July 3, 2001 – The dismantled U.S. EP-3spy plane held on China's Hainan Island since April was flownout to the United States today, the U.S. Pacific Commandsaid.

The departure of the EP-3 more than a week ahead ofschedule removes a major impediment to improving U.S.-Chinarelations.

"The final flight of the AN-124 carrying the EP-3 departedLingshui at 4:45 a.m. EST," the Hawaii-based U.S.Pacific Command Web site said.

Lingshui is the Chinese air base where the EP-3 was heldsince April 1, when it made an emergency landing aftercolliding with an intercepting Chinese fighter jet.

China held the 24-member EP-3 crew for 11 days after thecollision in a standoff that roiled U.S.-China relations in thefirst months of the Bush administration.

It released them only after Washington said it was "verysorry" for the death of the Chinese pilot and for the spyplane's landing on Hainan without permission. China declaredthe lost pilot, Wang Wei, a revolutionary martyr.

Plane Bound for Georgia

The U.S. Pacific Command Web site, said thegiant Antonov cargo plane would land in Manila — where controltower officials said it would spend five hours — and Honoluluen route to Dobbins Air Force Base in Marietta, Ga.

The 12-strong American recovery team was expected to leaveHainan on Wednesday and arrive in Hawaii at 6:30 p.m. ET the sameday, it said.

The technicians went to work dismantling the plane onlyafter talks on removing the plane had dragged on amid a seriesof other disputes, including one over a U.S. pledge of armssales to Taiwan — which China considers part of its sovereignterritory.

The United States had originally intended to repair theplane and fly it out.

China, demanding an end to U.S. spy flights off its coast,said allowing the plane to fly off Hainan would be a nationalhumiliation.

Beijing eventually agreed to let the plane be dismantledand flown out.

Powell and Tang to Meet

U.S.-China ties remain strained over issues ranging fromhuman rights to China's arrest of several U.S.-affiliatedChinese academics to U.S. plans to build an anti-missileshield.

Last week, Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan promisedSecretary of State Colin Powell in a telephone call toboost bilateral relations after the recent troubles.

Tang told Powell he looked forward to meeting on thesidelines of a Southeast Asian meeting in Hanoi at the end ofnext month and welcomed a Powell visit to Beijing afterwards.

Tang told Powell China was preparing for the meetingbetween President Jiang Zemin and Bush in Shanghai and Bush'svisit to Beijing in October.

Bush is slated to attend the annual informal summit ofleaders of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) forum in Shanghai.

No date has been set for Powell's visit to Beijing.


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c410b7 No.18309250

File: 23a6d8a82cbece6⋯.png (129.98 KB,1885x1888,1885:1888,ClipboardImage.png)



Well sir, if that sauce is not palatable enough for you, why don't you try this?

The Man Behind Real Raw News | Michael Tuffin AKA Michael Baxter ~ November 16, 2021


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79e8fb No.18309251

File: 70e166abee3a08b⋯.jpeg (679.29 KB,1536x1464,64:61,flak3.jpeg)

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22f390 No.18309252

File: b7bad53748d0f8e⋯.png (50.24 KB,500x352,125:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7bad53748d0f8e⋯.png (50.24 KB,500x352,125:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7bad53748d0f8e⋯.png (50.24 KB,500x352,125:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7bad53748d0f8e⋯.png (50.24 KB,500x352,125:88,ClipboardImage.png)

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f625cf No.18309253

C-span is comped - selectively glitchy at inopportune times when roth is being asked questions

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332415 No.18309254


Here's a video for you then fuck face


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4ff91d No.18309255


It is this entity who is worshipped by its malevolent extraterrestrial minions, and the dark elites of Earth who have chosen that path. It is these ones who gave you religion, precisely the image of a fearful, punishing, vengeful God. That is who you are worshipping in your Christian, Judaic, and Islamic faiths.

This entity we speak of here, has been forced to relinquish not only control of Earth, but this entire sector of the galaxy. They are no longer permitted to pursue further destruction anywhere else.

The very idea of ritual(blood) sacrifice has been invented by these parasitic entities.

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657d01 No.18309256

Aspen Institute ?

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7bc1d0 No.18309257

File: 37138158bcda20c⋯.png (242.57 KB,1170x402,195:67,Screen_Shot_2023_02_08_at_….png)

🚨#BREAKING: Twitter has just launched the 4,000-character long-form tweets for twitter blue subscribers in the U.S


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ab0a7b No.18309258


>China wants spy balloon back

Joe's gonna give it 'em too.

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076de6 No.18309259

File: 20fcdb3037d49a4⋯.png (2.36 MB,1993x1162,1993:1162,20fcdb3037d49a4de49326b943….png)

File: 7455623703082cc⋯.jpg (390.96 KB,1077x1294,1077:1294,7455623703082ccc0250f7e4f9….jpg)

File: 9daedc6e314cded⋯.png (241.82 KB,998x580,499:290,dfghflkj.PNG)

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c410b7 No.18309260

File: dd12dc5b84c36fb⋯.png (830.06 KB,1509x942,503:314,ClipboardImage.png)



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805fde No.18309261

File: d7dc76989276911⋯.png (209.97 KB,1172x568,293:142,ClipboardImage.png)


TYB… just fyi, there's a bunch of fucked up symbols in globals (picrel)… tum ting wong… might need to fix dough.

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9431f8 No.18309262

Former top Twitter exec: We've used 'visibility filtering' to suppress certain content

February 8, 2023

"In the months leading up to the laptop story, the FBI advised senior Twitter executives to question the validity of any Hunter Biden story," he said. "We also know that one of the witnesses before us today participated in an Aspen Institute exercise in September 2020 on a potential 'hack and dump' operation relating to Hunter Biden. Other Big Tech companies and reporters attended as well.

"This exercise prepared them for their future collusion to suppress and delegitimize information contained in Hunter Biden's laptop about the Biden family's business schemes."


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79e8fb No.18309263

File: 18c7875e3935612⋯.jpg (194.21 KB,800x613,800:613,flak4.jpg)

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b47989 No.18309264

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76a012 No.18309265

File: 59b29de233d248e⋯.jpeg (90.85 KB,1020x636,85:53,1570894848.jpeg)

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6baee0 No.18309266


I don't love RRN. but I don't brush away their articles, the thing I can't understand that if…big if, they were true, why aren't people coming out with corroborating facts….like…blah, blah is missing…or I saw they arrested so, and so…(eye witnesses).

Then again, some of the things they say, can be backed up by some articles buried in the news and vanished…so, I'm not faithful to RRN but I keep an open mind….as to the fact that he doesn't answer questions….I do find that disappointing.

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d43cb4 No.18309267

File: 697ea801e551169⋯.png (274.39 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_bird.png)


"muh January 6th… muh January 6th… muh January 6th… "

~Every damn Democrat

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bd38ef No.18309268

File: 198823ae805aa85⋯.png (288.41 KB,755x708,755:708,198823ae805aa85b611bd82e30….png)


jira is a ticketing system and generally used for change management. it has a comms component as well for direct chat for authorized users.

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d263ea No.18309269


That is no cross on motel's neck

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6e86c5 No.18309270

Roth: I don't recall specific contact from the CIA.

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332415 No.18309271


Video for you anon as I see the one in your pic is unavailable.


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6178de No.18309272

File: 8877c9e7de3d34e⋯.png (554.36 KB,592x599,592:599,Screen_Shot_2021_11_08_at_….png)


TY Baker

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821033 No.18309273

NEW 🚨 China Sends Spy Balloons Over Military Sites Worldwide, U.S. Officials Say - New York Times


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4b151a No.18309274

File: 87511aef458988c⋯.png (8.54 KB,255x255,1:1,smilingsmoke44.png)



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4d731d No.18309275


Well, for some of us in tech, JIRA is used by Project Managers and PMP professionals.

Here's the official definition.


Issue-tracking product developed by Atlassian


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805fde No.18309276



derp… NOT globals, just in regular notables… apologies

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9431f8 No.18309277



So how many 2020 Election Coup peeps are affiliated with Aspen Institute? Well.. Adam Schiff, Chris Murphy, Sam Vinograd, Glenn Simpson, Evelyn Farkas, James Clapper, James Comey, John Brennan, Christopher Wray, Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller, John McCain, Ken Dilanian (cont)

3:13 PM · Dec 5, 2022


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c410b7 No.18309278

File: 38b7754ebd4529f⋯.png (284.61 KB,540x470,54:47,ClipboardImage.png)


>That is who you are worshipping in your Christian, Judaic, and Islamic faiths

Give it a rest now, Ashtar, you got your 15 minutes of fame in lb notes

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076de6 No.18309279


NSA-asset Montel Williams

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8042a9 No.18309280

File: 3e1bcb3abda41f6⋯.png (720.17 KB,1218x803,1218:803,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a877c5c5caa43db⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,720x1060,36:53,truth.mp4)


mr timmons just caught roth

he participated in a table top in sept before a leak on hunter biden laptop before they surppressed the info.

he stated he was at the meeting in september

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90acad No.18309281


Are these people under oath? Or is it just more BS theater.

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d43cb4 No.18309282

File: b987e9e3a75238e⋯.png (254.96 KB,600x600,1:1,pepe_braces.png)


>brush away

So many of them have already been completely proven bullshit. Pelosi obviously isn't in GTMO like they said too.

Oh wait…. muh body double…. right?

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4ff91d No.18309283


Does SATAN exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of SATAN exist?

Who worships SATAN?

What is a cult?

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a1bb8e No.18309284

File: cf11f477ea78f40⋯.png (333.2 KB,497x342,497:342,ClipboardImage.png)

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341b34 No.18309285

File: 8151a49efea56f4⋯.png (264.03 KB,519x700,519:700,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f77ee156c21e1d0⋯.mp4 (887.62 KB,480x270,16:9,gaddegettingmaced.mp4)

enjoyable exchange, yah.




: You're not a doctor, right?

Gadde: No I'm not.

Mace: What makes you think you or anyone else at Twitter have the medical expertise to censor actual, accurate CDC data?

Gadde: I'm not familiar with these particular situations.

Mace: Yeah, I'm sure you're not.


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561df2 No.18309286

File: 44d9c0c752afc5c⋯.jpeg (11.6 KB,255x255,1:1,7e7b450d9defb301350c0628f….jpeg)

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073aa0 No.18309287

File: 0dd0f8ae72e86d0⋯.png (172.03 KB,618x840,103:140,keep_the_faith.PNG)

File: 12a80227f61aa45⋯.png (46.09 KB,1298x295,22:5,keep_the_faith_1.PNG)

"Keep the faith" 17 words make up that sentence in Joe's tweet.


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332415 No.18309288


Let's make this video viral. kek

The Real Raw Noose


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ab0a7b No.18309289


>Are these people under oath?


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8042a9 No.18309290


under oath with lawyer representation at the hearing.

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cef686 No.18309291

File: c8d05ad15014987⋯.png (461.08 KB,720x882,40:49,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2553f3fad5afa6⋯.png (650.92 KB,1280x719,1280:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb09218185fc133⋯.jpg (83.26 KB,1024x1001,1024:1001,ursula_von_der_leyen.jpg)

A desperate tragedy in Turkey, something even more appalling in Syria, where it comes after a decade of war, in a country battered by Western sanctions. There must be international relief efforts, predicated on ending the sanctions.

🔗 Clare Daly (https://twitter.com/ClareDalyMEP/status/1622868644664426496), Irish Member of European Parliament

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance


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6e86c5 No.18309292

Burlison: Do you still believe that the Hunter Biden laptop is not real?

Roth: Sir, I never held that belief.

Burlison: Do you believe the story is Russian disinformation?

Roth: No sir. I didn't then, and I don't now.

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c410b7 No.18309293

File: 98152b9b277ab05⋯.jpg (71.44 KB,658x762,329:381,98152b9b277ab0571196245020….jpg)


How… peculiar

Wacky, even

Anything else I need to clean up?

Thought there was a notes repost intended lb

Not sure I see it

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d43cb4 No.18309294

File: 9af80b41ee9edb7⋯.png (370.44 KB,540x700,27:35,pepe_maga.png)


>Are these people under oath?

Yes, and obviously reminding them of this and the consequences of perjuring themselves is "muh witness intimidation"

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90acad No.18309295



So something could actually come of this. Interesting.

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138952 No.18309296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>18308761 lb


… 'Almonds'



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a1de44 No.18309297

File: ac777401a952867⋯.png (122.45 KB,899x605,899:605,Bild_2023_02_08_215503416.png)

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6baee0 No.18309298

I do find it very odd that you always go after the owner of RRN, and not one article that he has published, people, places, times and events…strange, huh…

Messenger over MESSAGE…Hmmmm..

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073aa0 No.18309299


Sweet Q!

Keep the faith, Patriot.

You are never alone.


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76a012 No.18309300

File: 93efd329d49604b⋯.png (1009.16 KB,1080x709,1080:709,Memeto_1672698434613.png)

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9431f8 No.18309301

File: 469f60cde6dd883⋯.png (570.23 KB,1230x574,15:7,Burlison.png)


Baker: ask musk why I was fired

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85b2db No.18309302

File: 64e351e4ebfc79a⋯.jpg (34.31 KB,354x450,59:75,TooMuch.jpg)


goes with muh Democracy

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4d731d No.18309303


Amazing how these Democrats can't stop for one minute and realize that the NYPost is held to a higher standard for publishing than any Social Media tech company So who are they to not distribute NYPost articles which are infinitely more vetted than any post on social media.?

I know, Democrats are all about narrative.

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ab0a7b No.18309304


Don't be fooled by Mace. She is just opportunistic. She blows in the wind.

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c410b7 No.18309306


The devil is in the details, and I just rebuked them


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1040dc No.18309307

File: 0549343731825ed⋯.png (382.16 KB,491x469,491:469,frogteef.PNG)

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561df2 No.18309308


is that what potato said to schiff last night after sotu?

the comment that induced one of the gayest facial expressions anon has seent?

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1c24bb No.18309309

File: caba77d17c7ad9e⋯.jpg (191.28 KB,851x641,851:641,awaken.jpg)

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d43cb4 No.18309310

File: 2f576e3cc3e2eb9⋯.png (359.94 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Worst slide ever…

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c410b7 No.18309311

File: 1c1b82111527ce1⋯.jpg (107.56 KB,986x797,986:797,1c1b82111527ce1c847d803d5f….jpg)


>Messenger over MESSAGE…Hmmmm..

Filter over (You)

May actually be the case

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805fde No.18309312


Not sure, just got here

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073aa0 No.18309313

File: 484e65c5696fb3d⋯.png (35.14 KB,614x348,307:174,Screen_Shot_02_08_23_at_03….PNG)

President Biden


United States government official

Last night, when I reported that the state of our union is strong because the people of this nation are strong, I was talking about you.

The American worker.

The American middle class.

The people who built this country.

3:30 PM · Feb 8, 2023


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b44b0b No.18309314

how did twitter know they were russian bot farms?

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ffc3dc No.18309315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank you, Patriots!

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2bac03 No.18309316

File: ba21e1205ca0c49⋯.png (19.91 KB,1022x347,1022:347,rdutch.png)



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c410b7 No.18309317

File: 8f38f053ccbf8e1⋯.png (225.53 KB,474x266,237:133,8f38f053ccbf8e1743176a9e92….png)



Ah yes, another buzzword to filter

Ty for playing!

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d43cb4 No.18309318

File: 72aaa363ad7fbb9⋯.jpg (27.94 KB,270x338,135:169,HRC_7.jpg)

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ab0a7b No.18309319




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8042a9 No.18309320


anyone classed as maga


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4ff91d No.18309321

Humanity has been doing a wonderful job of keeping their focus on the supposed suffering of Jeshua, instead of his times of joy and his actual teachings on enlightenment. Why? Simply because humans love the victim role, which once more is pushed by the dark ones. Please understand that the true Divine Creator does not sacrifice or punish anyone for anything. It is each Soul that chooses their own experiences in every lifetime, and pay their own ‘debt.’

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6e86c5 No.18309322


Baker probably told them. kek

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76a012 No.18309323

File: b3c74a08713ff75⋯.jpg (4.64 KB,299x168,299:168,teef.jpg)

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bd38ef No.18309324

File: c818df13ce830fd⋯.png (4.19 MB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>BS theater.

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a10b23 No.18309325

File: 4197afa9c750698⋯.png (73.15 KB,670x660,67:66,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3db267eb4d8e6fc⋯.png (58.17 KB,880x474,440:237,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d63506bd4df5a0⋯.png (70.22 KB,795x420,53:28,NA_1.png)

File: 4088d341e7e4720⋯.png (130.98 KB,507x479,507:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 988d8219706d865⋯.png (63.53 KB,347x857,347:857,ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Watkins! You have some explaining to do


Let's review


>Hooknosed mongrels

Not a very common phrase…

But was one used often by:

Dr. William Pierce (DEAD) NEO-NAZI

His son is Kelvin Pierce was raised as a bigot & racist and claims to be reformed.


The shill using the Hooknosed mongrels phrase is likely his son or one of his disciples

from National Alliance (NA) Mill Point, West Virginia compound.

It's probably Neo-Nazi National Alliance Chairman William White Williams

Lets go a little deeper

Why are numbers and clocks so important here?

Muh DNA, Muh Dubs, Muh Trips, Muh Quads, Muh NAZI Infinity 88. Or skinhead nazi 1488

A small amount of research explains things…

What is Cosmotheism? (A NAZI religion used by National Alliance (NA))

COSMOTHEISM is the religion of the future. Cosmotheism is the religion of upward evolution.

Cosmotheism is the religion of European Civilization.

Cosmotheism is the religion of reality and science.

Cosmotheism is the religion of God —

the real God, whose true words are mathematics, physics, and genetics.






a few small groups of Neo-Nazis ping pong this Muh Joo shit back and forth.

This board is being worked by several NEO-NAZI GROUPS

Andrew Anglin



Baked Alaska Tim Gionet



Sargon of Akkad Carl Benjamin



“If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth”

Wonder why no one is digging on this subject?


Why so worried about FEDBOIS? Real patriots don't worry about FEDBOIS but NEO-NAZIS DO

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8042a9 No.18309326

roth just threw baker under the bus.


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c410b7 No.18309327

File: 038ed58a866528e⋯.png (378.17 KB,621x349,621:349,038ed58a866528efb269b5ccd5….png)


>Humanity has been doing a wonderful job of keeping their focus on the supposed suffering of Jeshua, instead of his times of joy and his actual teachings on enlightenment. Why?

Wrong, the [[[church]]] is not humanity

I suggest you actually study these religions before spewing copypasta to discredit monotheism as a whole

But that's not what you're here to do, by the looks of it

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9431f8 No.18309328

File: add1556aec6f091⋯.png (626.47 KB,1230x638,615:319,McClain.png)

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561df2 No.18309329

File: 5b925cfed7bd9ef⋯.jpeg (11.62 KB,179x255,179:255,7583fe046f183b0f2a103afb1….jpeg)

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1040dc No.18309330

File: a9a4d9543c9c840⋯.png (324.89 KB,693x467,693:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65612b0dcf56df1⋯.png (307.95 KB,660x467,660:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 739e2fe864763c7⋯.png (343.25 KB,708x459,236:153,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 091d489100db1cd⋯.png (334.61 KB,759x445,759:445,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2c3ba2a70c91bf⋯.png (320.73 KB,705x456,235:152,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e86c5 No.18309331

Roth: For the final, I believe year and a half of my tenure at twitter, Ms. Gadde was my direct supervisor.

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532901 No.18309332


You got that right.

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d263ea No.18309333

Israeli intelligence - stand down.


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138952 No.18309334



(you) Really not good at this!… kek.''


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6e789c No.10774056📁

Sep 24 2020 16:52:19 (EST)


These people are stupid!



For [you]

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fad5e4 No.18309336

File: 98514430be53cb1⋯.jpg (147.65 KB,474x399,158:133,global_golem2.jpg)

File: 102dd61497ed5c5⋯.jpg (34.97 KB,368x425,368:425,alien_illegal.jpg)

File: 749265dff24a2e7⋯.jpg (111.98 KB,1223x522,1223:522,think_you.jpg)

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805fde No.18309337

File: 6a99e546ec61c00⋯.png (404.05 KB,592x421,592:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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b47989 No.18309338



Expand your thinking

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df2e76 No.18309339

his momma's tabernacle caught mo GAHY tahn his


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4ff91d No.18309340

File: 70c28693aa33ff7⋯.jpg (78.92 KB,500x625,4:5,three.jpg)

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60fbd7 No.18309341

File: 9b59cb62dcb3b73⋯.jpg (735.59 KB,1200x1837,1200:1837,c21f059660779b4a378ed67bf8….jpg)

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ffc3dc No.18309342

File: 49395e36ae41b5c⋯.jpg (13.04 KB,236x233,236:233,9630b4176e48393b77ad0941e8….jpg)

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c410b7 No.18309343

Notables are not endorsements

#22439 >>18309188

>>18309227 Consulting Salaries and Working Hours LEAK

>>18309210, >>18309235, >>18309229, >>18309262, >>18309285, >>18309292, >>18309326 Former Twitter Executives Testify on Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Part 2

>>18309248 Murder Suspect Cut Off Ankle Monitor, At Large: DA

>>18309250, >>18309254, >>18309260, >>18309271, >>18309213, >>18309310 The Man Behind Real Raw News | Michael Tuffin AKA Michael Baxter

>>18309257 Twitter has just launched the 4,000-character long-form tweets for twitter blue subscribers in the U.S

>>18309275 [Jira] Issue-tracking product developed by Atlassian

>>18309314, >>18309318 How did twitter know they were russian bot farms?



>there's a bunch of fucked up symbols in globals (picrel)… tum ting wong…

baker requesting permission from bv to use my 'anon notes' taken last bread, rather than cleaning up all that shit

Otherwise I suggest we keep as evidence

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79e8fb No.18309344

File: dc7095edd6a1d0b⋯.png (640.16 KB,1080x794,540:397,flak5.png)

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df2e76 No.18309345


he still mad tho

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a1de44 No.18309346


>Does SATAN exist?

Call him

Judas the reptilian shape shifting hook nosed mongrel.


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c410b7 No.18309347


>Expand your thinking

I did, still do everyday, now it's your turn

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0f7a9d No.18309348

File: c4cfc1fe26af623⋯.png (959.83 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf6df2e6ff2fc87⋯.png (1.17 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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df2e76 No.18309349

File: cf5365f7ba99a67⋯.jpg (313.08 KB,892x1154,446:577,HDTC3203.jpg)

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b44b0b No.18309350

why would anybody but the govt raise Hunter Biden's name?

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821033 No.18309351

File: b95b9e48b43cef5⋯.png (39.85 KB,589x294,589:294,1.png)

BREAKING: Fired Twitter censor James Baker just testified he was hired at Twitter by Sean Edgett, whom records show formerly worked for Latham & Watkins–the same law firm that employs Hunter Biden's attorney Chris Clark, who is defending him against incriminating laptop evidence


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4ff91d No.18309352

One more thing invented by the dark ones is that you only live once. Then after ‘death’ it is the end. It is either eternal hell or heaven. Another attempt to minimize the magnificence of the human life and existence. You only live once, so go ahead and do harmful things to your own being, because the parasites feed off of your lower energies. Party like a rock star, and drink yourself to death. For the dark needs your energies of misery in order to sustain itself.

In truth there is no death. You are the Soul. Your physical vessel is a vehicle which You the Soul use to operate on a planetary body. The Soul chooses when it will transition to the next life cycle, and incarnate in a different body, after spending many lifetimes on one planet, dimension, you will incarnate on other planets and dimensions.

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b47989 No.18309353


Dogma is not the answer.

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f0bb99 No.18309354


And why not ask who raised his name?

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4d731d No.18309355

File: 7f12239dd24c3e2⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,886x678,443:339,HoJ6kzebFbDErjZP.mp4)

clip of Boebert today.

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073aa0 No.18309356

File: 63e1ab77220940b⋯.png (582.33 KB,552x948,46:79,Screen_Shot_02_08_23_at_04….PNG)

17 words in the green checkmark section

Democrats Deliver! = 17 beats

When I copy and paste- it's showing an extra space between "a" and "pandemic"

Hillary Clinton


President Biden, VP Harris, & Democrats have delivered:

✅Historic job growth

✅Historically low unemployment

✅Historic clean energy investments

✅Huge savings on household costs for families

All while tackling inflation and recovering from a pandemic.

Let's finish the job.

8:28 AM · Feb 8, 2023


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df2e76 No.18309357

File: b1a687430652fc7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.35 KB,1024x1024,1:1,FFMP5319.jpg)

don;t fapp to taht

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60fbd7 No.18309358

File: 6b484d9f6cabcee⋯.jpg (152.45 KB,351x504,39:56,8f782620f80e1bf8e4361aea53….jpg)



First in-butt, non drug therapy for constipation. Good vibes, NPCs.

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ffc3dc No.18309359

File: 0d7e24b890ed433⋯.png (123.24 KB,393x341,393:341,0d7e24b890ed43309c76d1ea26….png)


I see only yourself saying that you're taking flak and how many did you tag that say otherwise?

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df2e76 No.18309360

File: fc95da71b0e67ec⋯.jpg (30.01 KB,492x376,123:94,FDJI3102.jpg)


>don;t fapp to taht

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6e86c5 No.18309361

Jordan: Did you ever tell the FBI that they had no legitimate interest in enforcement of twitter's policies?

Baker [long pause]: I don't recall ever having such a conversation with the FBI.

Jordan: Did you think there was a problem with the FBI sending you a list of names and accounts and saying, hey these violate your policies?

Baker: I was always concerned that the FBI adhere to the constitutional laws of the United States…had I thought that they were doing something unlawful, I would have taken appropriate steps to address it.

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805fde No.18309362

File: 18c1d8d7c590a32⋯.png (67.01 KB,1020x652,255:163,ClipboardImage.png)


Just to reiterate, bv & bakerer - I meant the symbols were in reg notables… I mistakenly typed "globals"… putting myself in tard jail kek

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df2e76 No.18309363

File: a450726fe5b9c0a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.44 KB,769x1039,769:1039,HGKE3820.jpg)


>>don;t fapp to taht

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8042a9 No.18309364

File: 92b19f5db29d141⋯.png (58.31 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


notable - mp4 boebert video

confirmation dubs chek'ed

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df2e76 No.18309365

File: 06488f78445bc7e⋯.jpg (115.88 KB,868x640,217:160,IMG_4149.JPG)

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b44b0b No.18309366

congress can't arrests people, can they?

so , how could they make threats of arrest?

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532901 No.18309367


Is piece of shit Hunter Biden the anti christ?

There is an army of assholes trying to hide his actions.

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b9c3b7 No.18309368

File: 5b8be13628514b5⋯.png (335.84 KB,490x275,98:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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7bc1d0 No.18309369

File: 89b25e860fceec6⋯.png (15.52 KB,255x255,1:1,89b25e860fceec6ee6ba31d185….png)



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05c3c2 No.18309370

File: 6003d94cf437bc3⋯.png (820.45 KB,1218x725,42:25,2023_02_08_13_01_37.png)





This is too funny not to include:

Michael Baxter image from YT video.

But if so…..what a weirdo, just listen for a coupla minutes.

Interview was FIVE YEARS AGO.

Not a Covid mask, kek.

this is the guy who calls MAGA people are "rabid"!!!


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138952 No.18309371


Serious question: does the tin-foil / Aluminium-foil work?

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df2e76 No.18309372

File: 0457a1316bd3961⋯.jpg (366.91 KB,2246x2245,2246:2245,IMG_4010.JPG)

_ranus diggers explod

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6e86c5 No.18309373

Chairman Comer: We apologize for the electricity going out. That's never happened in my six years in congress.

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e695ce No.18309375


That just means you´re a newfag or distraction shill.

Maybe a new term is needed, babyfag?

RRN is BS from finish to start. Reading one word over there is a complete waste of time.

I´m speaking from experience. First I thought there was something to it, but only once, and that was some time ago.

Fool me once….

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657d01 No.18309376


well then it is not a real threat, if there is no power behind it. Not saying they should not be arrested but the language of saying by saying these fucks should be arrested is violence is a joke.

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1c24bb No.18309377


Dementia Joe remembers the people this morning. What a fuking retard.




- MANDATE the Death Shot

- OWNED by the CCP

- Money Laundering

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4d731d No.18309378

File: 4ca3f6ea9f87674⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB,608x320,19:10,sjSu16urk7SW2Jvz_1_.mp4)

Rep Donalds (FL)

Interaction with Roth today - Biden campaign team questions.

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d0d95d No.18309379

File: 3863fc075a085fe⋯.png (186.86 KB,248x400,31:50,3863fc075a085fe98f559acdaa….png)

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0f7a9d No.18309380

File: 9b4457dd3e053db⋯.png (970.35 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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b44b0b No.18309381

>>18309351 BREAKING: Fired Twitter censor James Baker just testified he was hired at Twitter by Sean Edgett, whom records show formerly worked for Latham & Watkins–the same law firm that employs Hunter Biden's

attorney Chris Clark, who is defending him against incriminating laptop evidence


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d43cb4 No.18309382

File: 2d5b65a2a5d5838⋯.png (162.14 KB,500x499,500:499,pepe_smart.png)


[They] can keep up with this nonsense as long as they want to. But real people know how much their grocery bills have gone up. Real people are the ones who must decide between paying their gas bill to keep warm, or to put food on the table.

These people won't ever buy this BS. Even if they previously supported democrats, this bullshit will drive many away.

Keep going….. keep going!

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79e8fb No.18309383

File: 60b0d7cdc1fa1f9⋯.jpg (56.98 KB,500x485,100:97,argument5.jpg)

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4bb6b3 No.18309384


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a1de44 No.18309385


almost right, no longer current!

a1 de meanwhile 45


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60fbd7 No.18309386

File: 8004f25ce3e7da4⋯.png (262.3 KB,849x479,849:479,8180f35a240ed53aabcb220525….png)



The private life of a Q Research grifter.

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6e86c5 No.18309387

Raskin: Thank you to the witnesses..I hope you don't feel as bad about the day as you seem to look right now.

[they are petrified of being prosecuted]

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219c3e No.18309388

Regarding Turkey - where TF are the Turkish military in all of this? I've not seen any on news clips in the last couple of days.

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df2e76 No.18309389

File: 208e117ea284ddd⋯.jpg (42.56 KB,337x450,337:450,IMG_4549.JPG)

#peanutbutter time

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805fde No.18309390

File: 6cb5ca22fded287⋯.png (233.57 KB,489x485,489:485,ClipboardImage.png)


Try it… then report back here with your findings.

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ffc3dc No.18309392

File: d1aeb948294423e⋯.png (336.84 KB,600x403,600:403,d1aeb948294423e12c51fc9916….png)


So just deflection. Can't answer the question, can you?

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0972db No.18309393

File: ed1efc0e8235a36⋯.png (1 MB,1256x704,157:88,Screen_Shot_2023_02_08_at_….png)

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1040dc No.18309394

File: bdad401ee3d2f40⋯.png (557.25 KB,670x670,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8afcc5f7731811b⋯.png (260.82 KB,620x413,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)


halyna hutchins husband also worked at latham and watkins

and she was Ukrainian


Who is Halyna Hutchins' husband, Matthew? | The US Sun

Feb 15, 2022Matthew Hutchings is known as the wife of cinematographer Halyna and as an attorney with the Los Angeles firm, Latham & Watkins. According to his LinkedIn page, he graduated from Harvard Law School after receiving his undergraduate degree from the University of Southern California.

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4d731d No.18309395

File: 4f565ca2e096f82⋯.jpg (88.72 KB,659x680,659:680,FnVdjqTXEAAtLji.jpg)

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b44b0b No.18309396


>halyna hutchins husband also worked at latham and watkins

>and she was Ukrainian

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6e86c5 No.18309397

Raskin: We have members who are actually threatening witnesses with arrest and prosecution for clearly imaginary offenses, or at least offenses that makes sense in their minds, but I don't quite know what they would be.

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19712a No.18309398

File: 3f76b9faeae43e9⋯.png (377.74 KB,532x683,532:683,Capture.PNG)

File: 7f70f4d0016792c⋯.png (498.46 KB,816x362,408:181,image_2023_02_08_161307145.png)

File: 25d9b50ac35fc80⋯.png (24.71 KB,707x261,707:261,Capture2.PNG)

#Marines with the


, operate an FIM-92 Stinger during Marine Littoral Regiment Training Exercise (MLR-TE) at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona.

MLR-TE is designed to train and develop the Marine Air-Ground Task Force operating as a Stand-in Force.



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532901 No.18309399


RRN is real.



Nancy seeeths.

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bfd9be No.18309400

File: f530d5b85249c47⋯.png (333.09 KB,422x637,422:637,aa11djwa.png)

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1f7f61 No.18309401

Did we win?

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df2e76 No.18309402

File: d5c9fce6b8f6054⋯.gif (1.32 MB,400x325,16:13,IMG_4623.GIF)

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b44b0b No.18309403


>Did we win?

the lights went out….we are winning

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df2e76 No.18309404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bfd9be No.18309405

File: 1c50d4e260d3dae⋯.png (573.17 KB,823x481,823:481,hhm.PNG)

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d89795 No.18309406


In Syria.

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073aa0 No.18309407


That was quick, anon! Nice!

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60fbd7 No.18309408

File: 43cd32a652b89df⋯.jpg (356.74 KB,1566x881,1566:881,43cd32a652b89dfa6354dce56d….jpg)

File: b7d1221163d98b8⋯.jpg (96.61 KB,1155x920,231:184,b7d1221163d98b8da504c5f9dd….jpg)

File: d7d647ac4d9516b⋯.jpg (214.93 KB,721x576,721:576,d7d647ac4d9516b62cc643a31e….jpg)

File: 72c66e3db35fbd9⋯.png (823.47 KB,615x900,41:60,ClipboardImage.png)

More Liz-zard posts, please.

- Earthbound Anon

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c410b7 No.18309409

File: 03b391f4eaeae19⋯.jpg (6.44 KB,307x164,307:164,1673362181451013.jpg)


>RRN is real

It's scared.

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9431f8 No.18309410

This event has been canceled.

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan meet with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg at the Department of State.


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6e86c5 No.18309411

Raskin: There is no state action here. There is an attempt to, perhaps jerry-rig some state action, by claiming it was really the FBI that committed whatever offense that was there.

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ea3ec3 No.18309412


Why not go home and relax

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df2e76 No.18309413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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40f84b No.18309414

File: e2fd721b3362516⋯.png (13.52 KB,1348x214,674:107,ClipboardImage.png)

Facebook down

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b44b0b No.18309415


>This event has been canceled.

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9b54b9 No.18309416


why the fuck is mace on that committee, McCarthy?

she's an anti-Trump RINO, and a traitor


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c410b7 No.18309417



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69627b No.18309418

File: c66e94650a7ee75⋯.jpg (108.24 KB,720x850,72:85,20230208_141122.jpg)

File: e191f02eedff1f2⋯.mp4 (11.02 MB,848x464,53:29,OsS1adNCtGdrB1lO.mp4)


🚨@RepLuna came prepared with the receipts of Twitter 1.0’s collusion with the government

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219c3e No.18309419


Turkish folks are pissed at Erdogan..

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df2e76 No.18309420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d0d95d No.18309421

File: 986a598f35dc55d⋯.png (171.75 KB,1249x635,1249:635,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50499bdf1d47cbe⋯.png (225.05 KB,330x422,165:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb1300ff25202e2⋯.png (86.61 KB,900x565,180:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9119d036205a3e⋯.png (217.97 KB,676x498,338:249,ClipboardImage.png)

Jared Evan Moskowitz (born December 18, 1980) is an American politician serving as the U.S. representative for Florida's 23rd congressional district since 2023.

A member of the Democratic Party, Moskowitz served on the Broward County Commission from 2021 to 2022 and as director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management from 2019 to 2021.

Before his appointment, he served in the Florida House of Representatives, representing the Coral Springs area in northern Broward County from 2012 to 2019.




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b44b0b No.18309422

Zelinksy is a dead man walking because the cabal has no further use for him.

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1c24bb No.18309423



The Overlords Have no mercy with their minions. Suicide weekend coming

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b44b0b No.18309424


>Turkish folks are pissed at Erdogan..

they are?

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219c3e No.18309425


Where? Still online in Europe.

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fcd47c No.18309426

File: a879752d1cbcb6e⋯.mp4 (11.46 MB,320x240,4:3,RedBlueOneblackholesun.mp4)

>>18308855 pb

crescent moon in his hair

horn of the moon

Carried a trident.

Uses a snek as a necklace

Milky Way, "Waters" flow from his hair.

Bull is his mascot.

Meditates on a Tiger skin.

There's textbooks full of stories on him.

red dot for the 3rd eye.

Pineal reference?

RED Ball

psychics in P.K. Dick based movie; "Minority Report" which predicted what they do now; are moving toward;

Putting you on a list if you fit the "profile" of someone who will likely, or who might, commit a crime; (Just to be safe? is their excuse, as now?)

So they rehearse their ideas in the movies and in science-fiction.

this seems to be their "reasoning" (flawed and anyway they are lying) for banning people from twitter.

"They might say something that will cause violence"

when in fact "They might say something that will reveal the criminality of the people who own us"?

"I got the poison, I got the revenue"

Or of the people killing us for lots of money?

Red Dot on Jupiter recently disappeared?

Red Dot, eye of fake AI "Hal" 2001?

Red matter; blood

One -Eye code

Black Hole Sun, "singularity" at center of galaxy?

"Black Sun" worshipped by NAZI-s and by some high orders of FreeMason (same thing? We know Adolf was an occultist)

"Black Hole Sun"

"I'll hear you scream"

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073aa0 No.18309428

Was Qanon mentioned in the Twitter hearings today?

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219c3e No.18309429


Yes, they think that he's done eff all for them… turned up and shook a few hands, but not much help.

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1f7f61 No.18309430


>Facebook down

AOL down too

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076ca0 No.18309431

File: e71b2afb38b4e8d⋯.png (299.34 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18308888 lb


No, thank you, sirs.

I stay with Jesus.



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a1de44 No.18309432

File: 9d65a3aa91487dc⋯.png (100.95 KB,791x401,791:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e86c5 No.18309433

Chairman Comer [to Raskin]: You've come through quite the transition; at the beginning of the hearing, you, as well as many of your colleagues, said this was a conspiracy theory. After listering to the witnesses, you say it was a simple mistake they made, in suppressing the laptop story.

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d0d95d No.18309434

File: 04a70a501e01855⋯.png (308.6 KB,497x599,497:599,04a70a501e01855457f867a4c7….png)

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40f84b No.18309435

File: 1cfedfaf8e48f58⋯.png (172.69 KB,1316x859,1316:859,ClipboardImage.png)

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df2e76 No.18309436

File: 0fa70086e9cf6d5⋯.jpg (361.33 KB,1600x800,2:1,IMG_4178.JPG)

split pea hogg

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e695ce No.18309437


Either you´re glowing or too stupid to be in here.

Maybe you´re new, so live and learn. If you don´t learn then the shame´s on you.

Fool me once…

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9431f8 No.18309438

File: aec66f17fd21d03⋯.mp4 (5.66 MB,640x360,16:9,halpern_pfizer_yt_veritas.mp4)

Project Veritas




issues CRIMINAL search warrant against Project Veritas journalist for asking

@YouTube's Global Head of Trust & Safety Matt Halprin questions about why YouTube removed viral #DirectedEvolution video from platform

4:02 PM · Feb 8, 2023


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c410b7 No.18309439

File: fb623b23ca82394⋯.jpeg (59.64 KB,1024x770,512:385,received_874037710586838.jpeg)

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8042a9 No.18309440

File: 9a726298ae66768⋯.png (362.11 KB,571x500,571:500,ClipboardImage.png)


in the court of public opinion

yes it is a slam dunk

watch the fallout, not the black out, that will acutally elevate this trial even further as they tried and failed to shut it down with sabotage.

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5a6cf0 No.18309441


got him.

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1d2c88 No.18309442


Greeley Colorado

Lots of mil there

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da83ef No.18309443

File: dbe77adde29b04f⋯.png (905.42 KB,1919x1011,1919:1011,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b34029b7f89e007⋯.png (1.13 MB,1053x518,1053:518,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9b5d1d79570faa⋯.png (505.88 KB,819x471,273:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d8ec488bb137d0⋯.png (672.03 KB,999x715,999:715,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb4031df31634cd⋯.png (617.63 KB,1022x683,1022:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea3ec3 No.18309444


I thought it was just another democrat fashion statement but no he has cancer.

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138952 No.18309445

File: 1d7d8d3f82ad356⋯.jpeg (4.09 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_7805.jpeg)




Probably need a few costco sized boxes of heavy duty foil to do a room?

New development happening with Braves latest update… anon can't upload any Screen-Shots, taken from anons Computer, to the Board… coinky I'm sure

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ffc3dc No.18309446

File: 789a51b47ffcd1e⋯.png (420.06 KB,1000x513,1000:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a6cf0 No.18309447


>they are petrified of being prosecuted

as well they should be. it will happen when POTUS is back in office.

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4ff91d No.18309448

Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? How many kids disappeared?

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ea5e9e No.18309449

File: 40afd7faad97ee2⋯.jpg (699.04 KB,758x556,379:278,elmo_iceT_wtf.jpg)


Might as well tell them 4th dimensional space monkeys are here and begun to eat the gold and drink diesel.

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1c24bb No.18309450


Not to the best of my recollection. Next hearing this statement will become, I respectfully invoke the 5th amendment.

These people know they are fucked

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da83ef No.18309451

File: 685f83fc8627dc0⋯.png (146.14 KB,1796x1016,449:254,ClipboardImage.png)



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9431f8 No.18309452


Robert S. Mueller, III, September 4, 2001- September 4, 2013


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60fbd7 No.18309453

File: 1f3e4b86e23dd0a⋯.jpeg (17.7 KB,220x329,220:329,VSv_7_May_2013_jpeg.jpeg)


Tough questions should be discussed on the shill's private board "Exterior Darnkess''

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6baee0 No.18309454

File: bd6f738ef22ed30⋯.png (251.78 KB,481x550,481:550,turn_my_guns_in_to_the_gov….png)

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2c47fe No.18309455

File: f684c5287566629⋯.jpg (58.22 KB,669x649,669:649,sdf.jpg)

Holy Spirit bless Our chilldren, the board and our solar system.

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ea3ec3 No.18309456


The Dems didn't even look at HB HDD and was caught flat footed.

I'd say Q had a good day

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be4b92 No.18309457

File: 22b695b1a92c982⋯.png (309.73 KB,707x621,707:621,Screenshot_2023_02_08_at_1….png)

File: 9413777287fd857⋯.png (38.97 KB,648x226,324:113,hiredJimBakerSeanEdgett.png)

File: a9ba78acf5a5e4c⋯.png (346.5 KB,1354x3183,1354:3183,Screenshot_2023_02_08_at_1….png)

Hired Jim Baker at Twitter

Sean Edgett


Twitter is full of the most amazing people. I have so much gratitude for my former team and colleagues. Keep taking good care of this place, Tweagle. ❤

12:26 PM · Oct 28, 2022


Facilitated Aspen Institute Hunter Biden election wargame

Garrett Graff

Director, Cyber Initiatives , Aspen Digital


Garrett M. Graff, a distinguished journalist and internationally bestselling historian, has spent nearly two decades covering politics, technology, and national security—helping to explain where we’ve been and where we’re headed. He is the founding director of the Aspen Institute’s cybersecurity and technology program and a contributor to WIRED and CNN. He’s written for publications from Esquire and Rolling Stone to the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, and edited two of Washington’s most prestigious magazines, Washingtonian and POLITICO Magazine, which he helped lead to its first National Magazine Award, the field’s highest honor.

Graff is the author of multiple books, including the New York Times bestsellers Watergate: A New History and The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11, as well The Threat Matrix: Inside Robert Mueller’s FBI and Raven Rock, about the government’s Cold War Doomsday plans. He is the co-author of Dawn of the Code War: America’s Battles Against Russia, China, and the Rising Global Cyber Threat.

A regular voice and analyst on NPR, PBS NewsHour, the History Channel, and other outlets, he is also the host of “Long Shadow,” an eight-episode podcast series about the lingering questions of 9/11 and executive producer of “While the Rest of Us Die,” a VICE TV series based on his book Raven Rock, among other multimedia projects.


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d43cb4 No.18309458

They need to bring @Jack back for questioning. Confront him with the fact that he lied during his previous sworn testimony, and then recommend indictments.

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073aa0 No.18309459

File: 8b2812746fcf2bd⋯.mp4 (302.83 KB,540x540,1:1,cat.mp4)

For all you cat lover anons….

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561df2 No.18309460


there you have it.

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9b54b9 No.18309461


Raskin's plugs and cancer have addled his tiny brain.

The F_I, a state actor, was requesting (ahem, directing) Twitter to censor tweets. You cannot use a private company as an agent to do something you yourself cannot do under the Constitution. First Amendment applies, and Twitter / F_I violated users' First Amendment rights.

So, yes, clearly there was state action. Open and shut case.

F_I also likely violated many other laws, especially those pertaining to election interference and treason or insurrection.

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df2e76 No.18309462

File: 62808afc51ff6c9⋯.jpg (17.54 KB,255x189,85:63,HJNG2909.jpg)






>#peanutbutter time


>anus digger


>his momma's tabernacle

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c410b7 No.18309463

>>18309458 They need to bring @Jack back for questioning.


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2c47fe No.18309464

File: 7df56c7722801a1⋯.jpg (50.56 KB,529x417,529:417,br1.JPG)

Tidy bread, ship shape, init!

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fcd47c No.18309465

File: e81a2a912d82a92⋯.jpg (125.48 KB,640x412,160:103,blacksunmorganhouse.jpg)


anon made a mistake, saying the "Black Sun" symbol at the Winnepeg Government bld (built as a replica of Solomon's Temple) matched the one in the foyer of the Carnegie Mansion on 5th ave?

anon was wrong; it 's the J. P. Morgan manse.

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c410b7 No.18309466


notable synopsis

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823307 No.18309467

>>18306715 (lb)

I'm really trying to pretend everyone I know wasn't genocided, but holy fuck the 33 G's for Gadreel they encoded were to literally create prions, holy fucking fuck.

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4d731d No.18309468


Joint State Actors

wonder what case law backs that up….?

Gadde still on CISA Security Advisory Council.

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4ff91d No.18309469


The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is nothing more than an energetical implant into the consciousness of the Human Collective as a ‘reminder’ that should one seek the true Divine Creator, should one seek to be of service to the Light, and deviate from the dark path and evil doing, and serving malevolent entities, you will face severe punishment.

Humanity has been doing a wonderful job of keeping their focus on the supposed suffering of Jeshua, instead of his times of joy and his actual teachings on enlightenment. Why? Simply because humans love the victim role, which once more is pushed by the dark ones. Please understand that the true Divine Creator does not sacrifice or punish anyone for anything. It is each Soul that chooses their own experiences in every lifetime, and pay their own ‘debt.’

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437cfb No.18309470

This is why many feel hopeless. More useless congressional hearings.

"This is how “ITS BEEN INVESTIGATED AND DEBUNKED” narratives get formed.

A complete waste of time and dozens of unasked questions, and the Democrats won. And now they can say that Twitter collusion was debunked. Hamilton-68 and new knowledge was debunked, etc."


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9b54b9 No.18309471


would be ironic if Zelensky was the one to be [187]'d, and not Putin, after Zelensky's calls for the latter

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1237e2 No.18309472


Maybe because she's vaccine injured and is willing to talk about it. How many people would have avoided the jabs if Twitter hadn't suppressed/censored content?

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f0bb99 No.18309473


> Conspiracy against rights


> Deprivation of rights under color of law


Should mean prison sentences for all F_I agents involved.

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4950a1 No.18309474


Insert the clip: "I don't work for you, man."

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c410b7 No.18309475

File: 0b527d97bea1281⋯.jpeg (53.16 KB,828x926,414:463,received_838778664078953.jpeg)


>How many people would have avoided the jabs if Twitter hadn't suppressed/censored content?

Was twitter worse than Facebook?

Better question: Who's going to buy Facebook when Zookerberg falls?

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6baee0 No.18309477

File: 4003dd52c3f29d3⋯.png (8.57 KB,255x197,255:197,Cat_walking_away_from_the_….png)



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1040dc No.18309478

File: b085f6000913221⋯.png (284.81 KB,680x443,680:443,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b190138ba29527⋯.png (274.27 KB,660x437,660:437,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66dbf1462cba711⋯.png (161.09 KB,472x343,472:343,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32be3e24461fc45⋯.png (180.95 KB,407x435,407:435,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bceb1d60812c692⋯.png (186.8 KB,434x429,434:429,ClipboardImage.png)

cray cray

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0972db No.18309479

File: 05d1cb0d88c9844⋯.mp4 (7.44 MB,640x360,16:9,Everybody_hurts.mp4)

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85c579 No.18309480


2 words



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cef686 No.18309481

File: 16e9997f3e3e237⋯.png (717.17 KB,1016x1103,1016:1103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39b2b1267d04454⋯.png (470.63 KB,867x831,289:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 705d50f62c3649a⋯.png (3.97 MB,1440x2560,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6ce0c0f720cd9a⋯.png (945.82 KB,901x575,901:575,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40b38c8aa61443a⋯.png (169.37 KB,897x605,897:605,creepy_joe_biden_png_35258….png)


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9ba649 No.18309482

File: 9b7d80d3ecd5ac7⋯.png (548.73 KB,1336x447,1336:447,ClipboardImage.png)



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05c3c2 No.18309483




Tx for noticing the problem.

edited in needed changes both in the bread above and in previous bread link


please added this updated version to the current DOUGH:


>>18308398 DOUGH

>>18308419 US Attorney General allows first transfer of Russian oligarch's confiscated assets to Ukraine

>>18308432 China wants spy balloon back: "It belongs to China"

>>18308441, >>18308442 House GOP questions ex-Twitter execs about handling of Hunter Biden reporting

>>18308448 2:00 PM EST Potato discusses how his economic plan is creating good-paying, union jobs

>>18308450, >>18308693, >>18308763 milfag tweets

>>18308458 @rothschildmd "The CIA worked with Twitter to ban me" is the kind of stuff you used to see on gangstalking message boards

>>18308467 Second minor earthquake in less than a day rattles Israel; no injuries or damage

>>18308476 Eating chitin is like flipping on the kill switch for parasites

>>18308482 Ukrainian Nazis Do Not Stop Shelling Civilians - southfront.org

>>18308487 Secretary Blinken News Conference with NATO Secretary General

>>18308489 House Session, Part 2 The House will consider legislation ending an April 2022 CDC order

>>18308493 2:10 PM EST Vice President Harris

>>18308498 Why does Congress swear Twitter atheists? It's meaningless.

>>18308513 Former top Twitter execs: Twitter 'made a mistake' censoring Hunter Biden laptop story

>>18308526, >>18308624, >>18308721, >>18308730, >>18308818, >>18308895, >>18308916, >>18308927 LIVE CLOWN SHOW: House Oversight Committee holds hearing with former Twitter executives

>>18308532 Israeli Minister Says No Pause on Settlements After US Asked Israel to Halt Expansion

>>18308548 Austrian Colonel claims NATO soldiers are fighting in Ukraine as mercenaries

>>18308555, >>18308888, >>18308917 Anon theory on parasitic entities

>>18308572, >>18308786 PF: EGY1103 Reg: SU-BAE, Egypt military, LOCKHEED C-130 Hercules + ATOMIC1 Reg: 62-3752 Northrop T-38C Talon

>>18308574 New Zealand's repressive regime continues to withhold information and refuses to investigate vaccine harms

>>18308584 Israel Deepens Support For Ukraine Despite Claims Of Balancing Its Relations With Russia

>>18308607 Former Twitter Executives Testify on Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Part 2

>>18308614 A New Jersey town council and the mayor of the town have unanimously decided to switch parties


>>18308643 The House special subcommittee probing the federal government's weaponization will hold its first hearing Thursday

>>18308649 Anon Chimes in on RRN REAL RAW NEWS IS REAL (iao) - RMBLE ( >>18308676, >>18308707, >>18308764, >>18308793 Anon Calls BS)

>>18308662 28 arrested as Europe's biggest Chinese prostitution ring is dismantled

>>18308693 @PACAF Operation Deep Freeze

>>18308699 REMINDER: Irrefutable Evidence to Commit Mass Murder (Jab) by the US DoD, HHS & Big Pharma Cartel

>>18308724 Mike Lindell Goes After Ron DeSantis for Aligning Himself with Dominion Attorney's Dives Into Florida Election Results

>>18308730 Rep. Comer Confronts Yoel Roth About His Tweet Calling Trump and His Supporters Actual Nazis

>>18308750 Pedophile killed himself in Texas courtroom by drinking toxic amount of common food preservative

>>18308758 Earthquake Death Toll Surpasses 11,000 In Turkey, Syria

>>18308763 Within 24 hrs of initial notification, 2 Urban Search & Rescue teams & a critical aid package were loaded on two C-17s #COMMCHQ

>>18308779 @us_sams Congrats to our 48 Army #SAMS alumni

>>18308786 ATOMIC1 Reg: 62-3752 Northrop T-38C Talon

>>18308789 There is an uncanny resemblance between that weird cloud seen just before the Turkey earthquake and the logo of Artificial Intelligence company Nvidia

>>18308816 UK reporter fawns over Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

>>18308841 Higgins: The bottom line is the FBI had the Biden Crime Family laptop for a year. They knew is was leaking.

>>18308847 White House responds to new Nord Stream investigation

>>18308855 "Obama" on cover of Newsweek is in pose of "Shiva Nataraja" MP4

>>18308856 Anon Cap - Mr. Higgins, "This is the Investigative Part, The Arrests Come Later"

>>18308879, >>18308892 Shooting at Williamsburg Charter High School in Brooklyn, New York City. 3 people

>>18308888 QReminder - Stay in the Light.

>>18308891 ANDY NGO REPORTS: Twitter locked my account and removed my screenshots of violent Antifa threats

>>18308917 Anon points out - If you want to change this world, you have to first know what exactly was wrong with it

>>18308941 Anon Bun

>>18308955 World Economic Forum announces new mRNA technology they will use to edit and write your genome

>>18309148 Clay Higgins tells former Twitter employees they are going to get arrested for rigging the 2020 election.

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657d01 No.18309484

File: b35b197e56e8d22⋯.png (420.22 KB,819x461,819:461,4kh3pepd.png)

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1ec8f8 No.18309485

File: 40cbeefbf8d4672⋯.png (283.81 KB,1920x742,960:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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c410b7 No.18309486

>>18309418 Rep Luna came prepared with the receipts of Twitter 1.0’s collusion with the government


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b41dc4 No.18309487

File: 5783328feebeaa9⋯.png (407.88 KB,700x393,700:393,Screenshot_2023_02_08_at_1….png)


He was looking like Prison Mike from the office today. Jews can play any role

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45a3c2 No.18309488

File: b903bb189c642a9⋯.png (277.56 KB,597x745,597:745,Screen_Shot_2023_02_08_at_….png)


As promised, the @FBIRichmond office pushing for source recruiting in the Catholic Church in order to mitigate #WhiteSupremacy on the advice of the Leftist and out of FBI Policy @splcenter "hate watch" activists.

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9b54b9 No.18309489


Committee needs to ask witnesses why they complied.

The internal communications evidencing that Twatter execs did not agree w the F_I calls on some of the censorship is damning for the F_I.

Shows agency.

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90acad No.18309490


I thought he said slaves built this country.

Now he's saying workers and middle class built it.

Which is it?

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4950a1 No.18309491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here, for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

now I respond to myself, you fucking scum garbage.

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d0d95d No.18309492

File: 9d446c106e730c1⋯.png (1.15 MB,634x871,634:871,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e83eb959fd42c1⋯.png (80.32 KB,958x542,479:271,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9875b8c4f2f9ae9⋯.png (1.11 MB,634x942,317:471,ClipboardImage.png)

How upper-crust Robert Mueller, the son of a DuPont executive, went to a Waspy New England prep school where he was John Kerry's lacrosse captain


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9431f8 No.18309493

File: 1b2493e78bbde16⋯.png (144.53 KB,317x299,317:299,zelensky.png)

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05c3c2 No.18309494





here's a pastebin for #22438 to make it easier:


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ed193e No.18309495

File: e7e2491930c35b6⋯.png (538.17 KB,700x416,175:104,2023_02_08_16_29_53.png)


>Well I was going to turn all my guns over to the government…

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6baee0 No.18309496



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ed193e No.18309499

File: 5bc9167a39bb9a5⋯.png (95.68 KB,286x285,286:285,man_baby.png)

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69627b No.18309500

File: 859ccbde0db478f⋯.jpg (139.33 KB,720x914,360:457,20230208_143155.jpg)

File: a91e98d1783234a⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,1920x1080,16:9,THpwKSN7WdHPqUbi.mp4)

Daaaaamn Biden is Falling apart, totally lost in confusuon


WOW! What is going on with Biden here??? He’s TOTALLY lost. This man needs a cognitive exam NOW. There’s NO WAY he’s ok!!

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4950a1 No.18309501

File: c277d3093deb277⋯.gif (846 KB,245x245,1:1,23.gif)

File: 39073fe80f6a2ff⋯.png (314.48 KB,856x626,428:313,1723.png)


'merica, criminals of the world.

Let's go Putin.

Destroy all the thanks and fuck their roads and all their tran rails, and soot the fuck out everything in the ukraine air space, and some usa satellites.


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2c47fe No.18309502

File: fd78f0ecf2383bf⋯.jpg (33.79 KB,800x450,16:9,GettyImages_1240726124.jpg)

Fauci paper suggests feds knew COVID vaccines were doomed from the start: 'Decidedly suboptimal'

"Systemic immunity" through intramuscular injection has never worked for respiratory viruses, ex-NIAID chief admits after stepping down, promoting "mucosal immunization" long advocated by critics.


The monkey wrench, in the [dwindeling, immunological, death machine] grinding to a cog, shatter halt.

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f342b6 No.18309503


Ewww!!! Gross!!!!

That's him?! Kek!

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e4c04f No.18309504

Rochelle Walensky is an excellent liar. She's quick on her feet, she provides quick and cock sure answers but they are superficial. She may be a psychopath.

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e695ce No.18309505

File: f90ba86515853fb⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,682x449,682:449,f9c6e18f51eee1.jpg)

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138952 No.18309506

File: 29c07c1f298a8eb⋯.jpg (13.11 KB,255x228,85:76,8803b5c7bff4cf4b2c560ae369….jpg)



It's happening!



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ad7407 No.18309507

File: 544590d9c463c3a⋯.jpeg (111.92 KB,822x778,411:389,395FE470_6228_4491_BDD5_B….jpeg)

Yippee it’s a good day to whip somebody’s ass

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4b1fc1 No.18309508


Never have I wanted to reach into the TV and slap the shit out of these traitors scum artists… what horrid little bitches and bastards. FBI are frauds too… ELECTION INTERFERENCE MUST BE TREATED AS TREASON.

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734f19 No.18309509

File: d70b729fe9bdd91⋯.jpg (35.45 KB,614x444,307:222,moran.JPG)

File: ce18c34014b4670⋯.jpeg (157.5 KB,570x480,19:16,getabrianmoran.jpeg)



moran replaces moran

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b41dc4 No.18309510


Activate the Cat Slide

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ff748a No.18309511

So America has come out as the blatant kneecapping thug we have always known them to be.


“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”


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45a3c2 No.18309512



anon remembers meeting new parishoner from FBI at St. Michael's just before they took down Fr. Rutler.

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734f19 No.18309513



there's a resemblance

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1ccdf6 No.18309514

File: 2df4ce1b1f49231⋯.png (978.01 KB,1194x797,1194:797,moran.png)

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bd38ef No.18309515

File: 8a56e8f19877a87⋯.mp4 (67.84 KB,320x320,1:1,8a56e8f19877a87204f7e1a352….mp4)

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a3db98 No.18309516

File: 89a8abbb6e6b78f⋯.png (15.08 KB,255x255,1:1,85a11ec328233673a9aa064211….png)

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cef686 No.18309517

File: 83a45c074765dd1⋯.png (965.27 KB,1042x1218,521:609,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79d6f3fc7239861⋯.mp4 (501.19 KB,848x848,1:1,nordsteams.MP4)

File: 7f6a0e48a2e9dfd⋯.png (876.87 KB,1080x1268,270:317,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia: U.S. has questions to answer over Nord Stream explosions - https://archive.is/eQDCd

Great timing…

'Investigators behind the criminal probe into the July 2014 downing of Malaysian flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine'



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69627b No.18309518

File: 85ecb92b8056bf5⋯.jpg (74.71 KB,720x416,45:26,20230208_143551.jpg)

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f342b6 No.18309519


OMG!!!! Such a total incel loser!!!!!!


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c410b7 No.18309520


ty, making popcorn, will fix on my end momentarily

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4950a1 No.18309521


take down their satelites.

they can not move

you are already at war w/ them

you can say that they started.

play the game they play.

make them lose.

you have the best

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ea3ec3 No.18309522


Epstein, Oh about this big

Large enough I couldn't swallow.

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ffc3dc No.18309523

File: 7f8ec345f97c3c0⋯.png (611.44 KB,602x828,301:414,7f8ec345f97c3c0e2b8c0a7433….png)

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d0d95d No.18309524

File: d97ab14c5f08ee2⋯.png (245.07 KB,519x574,519:574,ClipboardImage.png)

BIDEN: "There will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."

REPORTER: "How will you do that, exactly? Since the project and control of the project is within Germany's control?"

BIDEN: "I promise you we'll be able to do it."

3:56 PM · Feb 7, 2022 [ONE YEAR DELTA]

·Twitter Web App


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22f390 No.18309525

File: d27b50f598cf384⋯.png (424 KB,1276x1015,44:35,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b1fc1 No.18309526



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4d731d No.18309527

File: c6306606f4c46d3⋯.png (795.71 KB,1080x1266,180:211,ClipboardImage.png)



Yoel Roth, who wrote his dissertation at Penn on the gay dating app Grindr, censored highly esteemed medical professionals like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya in the middle of a health crisis.

What a nightmare.


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70bbbd No.18309528


i honestly trust putin more than these asshats running dc.

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e695ce No.18309529


This video isn´t RRN.

Since I was fooled myself when i was a newfag, I shouldn´t really call you stupid.

Just be critical about RRN and you´ll find out very soon it´s all BS. All of it, and a waste of your time.

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4d731d No.18309530

File: 75c3c9a54ed3d07⋯.png (129.12 KB,304x512,19:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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94953f No.18309531

File: af22fadb91d522a⋯.png (52.6 KB,278x352,139:176,Brian.png)

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bd38ef No.18309532


Sheit Bakes!

only 340 posts and you got 1/2 of them in notes

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4b1fc1 No.18309533


This little WOKE FUCK was called out as a PEDOPHILE PROMOTER in the hearings — this is a good hearing, although I doubt these traitors will be treated as such.

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0972db No.18309534

File: 6b4206a6b2c0c32⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB,720x404,180:101,MQ3nXsO_Apic_HjV.mp4)

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9431f8 No.18309535

9:00 PM EST

Onstage at the Reagan Library With Secretary of State Mike Pompeo - an In-Person Event

Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute



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45a3c2 No.18309536



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734f19 No.18309537


What is Jira used for?

Jira Software is part of a family of products designed to help teams of all types manage work. Originally, Jira was designed as a bug and issue tracker. But today, Jira has evolved into a powerful work management tool for all kinds of use cases, from requirements and test case management to agile software development.

In this guide, you'll learn which features and functionalities of Jira can help your team with your unique needs. Explore how to start your project off right with pre-configured templates in Jira. Go to the template library

This guide is for Jira Software Cloud. If you're using Jira Software Server or Data Center, some of the features listed on this page may vary. Not sure which Jira you have? This guide can help >>

Jira for agile teams

For teams who practice agile methodologies, Jira Software provides scrum and kanban boards out-of-the-box. Boards are task management hubs, where tasks are mapped to customizable workflows. Boards provide transparency across teamwork and visibility into the status of every work item. Time tracking capabilities and real-time performance reports (burn-up/down charts, sprint reports, velocity charts) enable teams to closely monitor their productivity over time.

Jira Software supports any agile methodology for software development. Learn more

Moving tickets in Jira board

Checkmark icon

Issue tracking

Checkmark icon

Customizable workflows

Checkmark icon

Estimation & work logging

Checkmark icon

Progress reporting

Checkmark icon

Scrum boards

Checkmark icon

Kanban boards

Checkmark icon

Project-level permissions

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Project backlogs

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Email notifications

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Team collaboration and incremental delivery starts on the scrum board

The scrum framework enables software teams to manage complex projects by creating a culture of collaboration.The Jira scrum board is the tool that unites teams around a single goal and promotes iterative, incremental delivery.


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70bbbd No.18309539


it's a based bread. kek

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f342b6 No.18309540


Top kek! You're a dipshit.

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138952 No.18309541


>This video isn´t RRN.

: Duh!

Though relevant to the big picture.

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7bc1d0 No.18309542

File: da371272b48167b⋯.png (1.28 MB,1178x944,589:472,Screen_Shot_2023_02_08_at_….png)

Maryland Considering Bill That Would Allow The Vaccination Of Children Without Parent's Consent


The State of Maryland has introduced a bill for consideration (Senate Bill 378) that would allow healthcare workers to vaccinate a child who is deemed "able to understand the benefits and potential consequences of getting vaccinated" without parental consent. The determined age of consent for a child to "choose" to be vaccinated is 14, though, such laws are often a slippery slope as guidelines and goalposts can be adjusted once a bill is passed to include even younger people.

It should be noted that Maryland law prevents children of 14 or older to refuse vaccination ordered by parents. In other words, they are considered competent enough to get vaccinated without parent's knowledge, but not competent enough to refuse vaccination with parent's knowledge. The push among some states to provide or legalize medical procedures on minors without advising parents has been growing in multiple sectors of healthcare the past few years, from abortions to gender affirmation surgeries.

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6baee0 No.18309543

File: 6680a7260bc9302⋯.jpg (60.82 KB,828x1792,207:448,Batman_fan.jpg)

I'm a batman fan.

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45a3c2 No.18309544


Jira is to software types what Religious Life is to Catholics.

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b7c740 No.18309545

File: 469811f7232425c⋯.png (259.47 KB,551x875,551:875,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48d6afe59d86a3f⋯.png (29.31 KB,1215x331,1215:331,ClipboardImage.png)


>at Penn



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05c3c2 No.18309546

File: e83d9311a010bda⋯.jpg (8.35 KB,259x194,259:194,popcorn_and_beer_3.jpg)


have a beer, then.

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45a3c2 No.18309547


dey sure likes to jab muh peeps

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2c6e2c No.18309548

File: 5ca964a582d805a⋯.png (20.62 KB,1288x727,1288:727,ClipboardImage.png)


YouTube really didn't like that one.



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ed193e No.18309549

File: 8331d37527297a3⋯.png (80.14 KB,255x203,255:203,pepe_hurl.png)


>President Biden


>United States government official

>Last night,

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ffc3dc No.18309550

File: 7c51570c0480e9f⋯.png (615.23 KB,613x556,613:556,pearlclutchingbitch.png)


I thought that there was reported evidence of something about a British Navy ship in the area when it happened. Joint cooperation?

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4d731d No.18309551

File: 563a1be17c859ec⋯.png (379.59 KB,720x416,45:26,ClipboardImage.png)



National Association of Secretaries of State


National Association of Stated Election Directors

So, is this why the FBI failed to investigate Nov 3 2020?

Were they 'in on it' too?

/rhetorical question

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c410b7 No.18309552


>have a beer

Mind if I save it for Sunday? kek


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0bd729 No.18309553

File: a5fb86f5941e257⋯.png (256.07 KB,513x401,513:401,ClipboardImage.png)

Marjorie Taylor Greene SHAMES Former Twitter Censorship Boss For Banning Her Campaign Account But Allowing Child Porn…Claims Roth Once Wrote Minor Boys Should Be Allowed on “gay, adult male hookup site”

Rep. Taylor Greene ripped into Roth for election interference when he allowed her account to be suspended during her campaign while allowing child pornography to flourish on Twitter. The Georgia lawmaker dropped a MOAB bomb on the censorship weasel when she shared an example from Roth’s doctoral dissertation, titled “Gay Data,” where he allegedly argued that minors should have access to the adult, male gay “hookup” site Grindr.

Rep Taylor Greene blasted the disgusting Roth, “You permanently banned my account, but you allowed child porn all over Twitter!”


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532901 No.18309554


I don’t glow and I am not stupid.

I am actually one of the smartest Anti-glows on Earth.

I not new. Been on the half, full and qmap since the beginning.

Qmap my favorite by far.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

RRN is real DECLAS. HATCH ACT. Nancy spent so much time fighting it, and lost her battle.

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4ff91d No.18309555

What would a Trump / Lake 2024 ticket look like?

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f0bb99 No.18309556

File: 43e1547ac375497⋯.png (283.3 KB,703x313,703:313,ClipboardImage.png)


> Be well, citizen

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a506a1 No.18309557



But you are being given a clearer view of the depths of the corruption in gov't and our legal system.

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ffc3dc No.18309558


>National Association of Secretaries of State

>National Association of Secret

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45a3c2 No.18309559

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6b4665 No.18309560


oh i hope another one goes down during the superbowl.

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1040dc No.18309561

File: c310ac5f4e45c9d⋯.png (184.31 KB,536x439,536:439,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 625410617bcf2f7⋯.png (184.83 KB,550x438,275:219,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c01b72950314cd4⋯.png (188.04 KB,537x418,537:418,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24c91e139b163af⋯.png (187.04 KB,542x434,271:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fb5bf10219b78a⋯.png (199.33 KB,596x433,596:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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cef686 No.18309563

File: df502c1b3616fa2⋯.png (658.05 KB,955x1060,191:212,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 810ad57d7eba3b3⋯.png (1.25 MB,1280x746,640:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 114421b3125a6f8⋯.mp4 (6.18 MB,848x448,53:28,IMG_9127_1_.mp4)

File: 8983aa6e59b8777⋯.mp4 (960.12 KB,480x512,15:16,video_2023_02_06_21_47_58.mp4)


critical infrastructure are legitimate targets in (((allied))) countries

(VID4) 🇹🇷 Hatay Airport in southeastern Turkey has suspended operations due to runway damage caused by an earthquake.


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734f19 No.18309564

File: 97563dba2e72782⋯.png (172.24 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2023_02_08….png)

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0b1480 No.18309565


The Art Of THe Sandwich: Salami

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0bd729 No.18309566

File: f4261570d73a3cb⋯.png (306.1 KB,563x507,563:507,ClipboardImage.png)

GOP Congressman Warns Twitter Execs They May be Arrested For Interfering in 2020 Presidential Election

Congressman Clay Higgins warned the Twitter execs that they may be arrested for interfering with the 2020 presidential election.

“The bottom line is that the FBI had the Biden Crime Family laptop for a year. They knew it was leaking. They knew it would hurt the Biden family. So the FBI used its relationship with Twitter to suppress criminal evidence from being revealed about Joe Biden one month before the 2020 election,” Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) said.

“You, ladies and gentlemen interfered with the United States of America 2020 presidential election! Knowingly and willingly!” he said.

“That’s the bad news! It’s gonna get worse! Because this is the investigation part! Later comes the arrest part, your attorneys are familiar with that.. I’d like to spend five hours with these ladies and gentlemen doing depositions surely yet to come,” the Congressman said.


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4950a1 No.18309567

fbi put high rewards for info about jihadits, but no reward for finding who it is behind JFK killings , b/c there were 3………..

also, they keep hidden the files………….

wonder why………….

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c410b7 No.18309568


Why else would anon watch it?


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138952 No.18309569


Q 1034 ~April-~5-~2018

Posted 30yrs, to the day, after David Wynn, Miller cracked the code on Grammar on ~April-~6-~1988

W= 23= PAIN.

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95c63c No.18309570

File: 92913b64cda8dee⋯.png (719.92 KB,1099x669,1099:669,ClipboardImage.png)


>clip of Boebert today.

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98480c No.18309571

File: 1d627141838c931⋯.jpeg (816.03 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1d627141838c931cc589a9033….jpeg)


I can save her

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1f34cc No.18309572

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45a3c2 No.18309573


>I can save her

(you) can have her.

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d89795 No.18309574


Must've been the Brits to send the remote signal, coz it was the UK PM that was stupid enough to send a text to the US, 'It's done.' a minute after the pipelines were blown up.

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e695ce No.18309575

File: 817da7d4e44a137⋯.jpg (70.49 KB,750x750,1:1,817da7d4e44a13749d3f4b70a3….jpg)

File: 826d23028857cb2⋯.jpg (114.32 KB,957x600,319:200,826d56.jpg)

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4950a1 No.18309576


But no worries.

They will save you.

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4d731d No.18309577

File: ad263a924ebbfaf⋯.png (17.33 KB,457x145,457:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1e643e5c64193d⋯.png (64.3 KB,348x138,58:23,ClipboardImage.png)




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d43cb4 No.18309578

File: f845a670b254473⋯.png (442.02 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_gallows.png)

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f342b6 No.18309579



You're not autistic; you are just retarded.

And you glow big time.

Get a new script.

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138952 No.18309580



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: db01ff No.914569📁

Apr 5 2018 23:26:36 (EST)

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: db01ff No.914510📁

Apr 5 2018 23:24:13 (EST)


What fell from space recently?

Accident or retaliation?



When was Hussein in China?

Track events.


We are in control


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ffc3dc No.18309581

File: 255a719dee009c5⋯.png (47.47 KB,180x292,45:73,255a719dee009c5b6be2a53683….png)

So weird red cloud in Turkey and then those earthquakes? Coincidence?

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e695ce No.18309582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Another topic… duhh..

You want relevant to the big picture?

I´ll give you relevant to the big picture!

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0bd729 No.18309583

File: c29076e3e328227⋯.png (79.02 KB,730x906,365:453,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e35f2c39d550a62⋯.png (80.68 KB,724x858,362:429,ClipboardImage.png)

Former top Twitter exec: We've used 'visibility filtering' to suppress certain political content

Chairman Comer argued that Twitter worked with the FBI to 'monitor the protected speech of Americans' with the Hunter Biden laptop story as an example but a former Twitter exec says he doesn't recall talking to the FBI about it

Former Twitter executives who worked for the company when the Hunter Biden laptop story was censored on the platform were in the hot seat on Wednesday at a marathon House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing on "Protecting Speech from Government Interference and Social Media Bias."

The committee's chairman, James Comer, alleged that Big Tech giants such as Twitter are "under the control of people who are hostile to the fundamental American principles of free speech" and have colluded with federal agencies to censor stories embarrassing to President Joe Biden and his family.

"We owe it to the American people to provide answers about this collusion to censor information about Joe Biden's involvement in his family's business schemes," Comer said at a committee hearing on censorship in America with former executives from Twitter.

Comer said his investigators had substantiated that there was "coordination between the federal government and Big Tech to restrict protected speech and interfere in the democratic process" that began even before Twitter famously censored New York Post stories in October 2020 about the contents of Hunter Biden's now infamous laptop.

"In the months leading up to the laptop story, the FBI advised senior Twitter executives to question the validity of any Hunter Biden story," he said. "We also know that one of the witnesses before us today participated in an Aspen Institute exercise in September 2020 on a potential 'hack and dump' operation relating to Hunter Biden. Other Big Tech companies and reporters attended as well.

"This exercise prepared them for their future collusion to suppress and delegitimize information contained in Hunter Biden's laptop about the Biden family's business schemes."

Censorship of such stories in the midst of a presidential election might in earlier generations have been unthinkable but Comer said it was made possible by troubling biases in the leadership of Big Tech companies.

"Many social media platforms are under the control of people who are hostile to the fundamental American principles of free speech and expression protected in the U.S. Constitution," he said. "We've witnessed Big Tech autocrats wield their unchecked power to suppress the speech of Americans to promote their preferred political opinions. Twitter was once one of these platforms — until Elon Musk purchased the company a few months ago …


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ed193e No.18309584

File: bd48d9c9ab528f0⋯.png (181.56 KB,446x432,223:216,they_aint_black.png)


>The power of the Lord

Biden has the deer in the headlights look when his inner demon cannot comprehend what's going on around him.


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1c24bb No.18309585


Loved this guy!!!

The lawyer coached answer voiced by the ex-twatter execs is "Not to the best of my recollection" . Then each congress rep, brings in a huge exhibit of the collusion.

major kekking

hope they know jail is not kind to leftists. Being a thief is an entreprenaural activity.

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492304 No.18309586

File: 042c966c19b4c97⋯.png (217.2 KB,622x380,311:190,ClipboardImage.png)

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cef686 No.18309587

File: aae61e4a188c34c⋯.png (56.8 KB,750x525,10:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ff91d No.18309588

File: b918042c4c8d28a⋯.jpg (69.27 KB,923x824,923:824,luke_tranny.jpg)

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cef686 No.18309589

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a506a1 No.18309590

File: 12d1bfab6da9b9a⋯.jpg (120.89 KB,700x859,700:859,12d1bfab6da9b9a7db7bdba1e7….jpg)


Anon, she knows precisely what she's doing. Don't you worry about her.

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45a3c2 No.18309591

File: 026b4dbf9c93819⋯.png (210.51 KB,727x408,727:408,Screen_Shot_2023_02_08_at_….png)

send yer monies to Ukraine!

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ed193e No.18309592

File: c5d232f65104b27⋯.gif (1.45 MB,534x338,267:169,its_all_so_tiresome.gif)

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ea5e9e No.18309593

File: 8b6283620faca85⋯.png (450.66 KB,549x499,549:499,ClipboardImage.png)


Fixed your famefag meme.

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4ff91d No.18309594


the chaffing would be brutal.

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7bc1d0 No.18309595

File: 52664256514687d⋯.png (59.48 KB,930x102,155:17,Screen_Shot_2023_02_08_at_….png)

just tried to comment on twitter thread and got this error message. never seent it before.

i've only commented on twat maybe 10 times so far today.

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05c3c2 No.18309596

File: afbd67249f13293⋯.png (17.89 KB,402x225,134:75,RRN.png)


fixed it.

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d37452 No.18309597


I would definitely finger fuck that bikes bottom bracket

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45a3c2 No.18309598


must be making the hair on his legs dance

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4b823d No.18309599


its almost sad to see…. but because he is a child raping scumbag and career crim using american tax payer money… you just have to fuckn laugh ya balls off at it

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ea3ec3 No.18309600


Nothing on the news that I can find about support

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e695ce No.18309601


How many times does RRN need to be proven wrong for you? Completely wrong and obviously made up.

How many executions have been performed at Quantanamo so far, according to RRN?

It´s basicallly all the DS players at this point.

..but no, Nancy said something so it must be correct?

Fool me once….

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734f19 No.18309602

File: 1a1d0936d1c4e6e⋯.png (650.28 KB,1224x536,153:67,Screenshot_2023_02_08_at_1….png)


Parallel Construction

you know those niggers already accessed Veritas Location data.

Chief of Police

I am truly honored and humbled to serve this amazing community as its Chief of Police, and to represent the incredible people of the San Bruno Police Department.

At SBPD, we believe that our ultimate purpose is to help create an environment in which all people live in peace, free from violence, safe from harm, secure in their effects, and confident that appropriate help will be there when they need it most. We know that the peace, safety, and security that we provide is essential for people to pursue the best possible versions of themselves in life, and we are committed to providing it. We achieve this through our tireless commitment to courage, service, community partnership, innovation, fairness, and professionalism. I am extremely proud of the heroic and dedicated manner in which the people of this department serve this great City each and every day.

The intention of this website is to provide you with a high level of transparency regarding police activities and access to important tools for interacting with your Police Department. I also encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Nextdoor, Twitter, and Instagram so that you get the most current information and notifications automatically.

Thank you for your trust and confidence, we will continue to earn it one call at a time.

Ryan Johansen

Chief of Police

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98480c No.18309603

File: c9e0adc49a313ac⋯.png (7.88 KB,241x209,241:209,1672348247249058.png)


Hmm, on second thought, I think this one is more deserving of my time and attention

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6178de No.18309604

File: 9d1236276974638⋯.png (622.89 KB,800x800,1:1,Screen_Shot_2023_02_08_at_….png)


First I thought he joined a gang, then I heard he has turbo-cancer.

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4d731d No.18309605

File: f8a05d7ed46b31a⋯.mp4 (9.51 MB,640x360,16:9,ahSM1rvA63c1G0th.mp4)

File: e69a257c989e1ee⋯.png (254.33 KB,539x621,539:621,ClipboardImage.png)

Emerald Robinson

The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson


We now have more information regarding the partnership between the intelligence community and social media companies and their efforts to censor Americans ahead of the 2020 election.




to uncover his latest findings.



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94953f No.18309606


Looks like he's trying hard not to kek.

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ea5e9e No.18309607


They are being threatened with Criminal Prosecution.

The censors could be fucked over there.

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138952 No.18309608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>Track events.


February 8 2014:Russell-Jay: Goulds' First

:Russell-Jay: Gould, his first seminar in 10 years.





9 years ago today

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d43cb4 No.18309609

File: e85ee4c1efce89f⋯.png (206.85 KB,492x402,82:67,pepe_gift_and_pump.png)

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e695ce No.18309610

>>18309601 (me)


We would sooo much love for RRN to be just a tiny bit true. It all sounds so nice to anons.

But it´t not, it´s BS.

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dfcdf7 No.18309611

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

10 hr ago

The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City, a now-booming resort city in the southwestern panhandle of Florida, 70 miles south of the Alabama border. The center’s complex is as nondescript as its location—a drab concrete post-World War II structure that has the look of a vocational high school on the west side of Chicago. A coin-operated laundromat and a dance school are across what is now a four-lane road.

The center has been training highly skilled deep-water divers for decades who, once assigned to American military units worldwide, are capable of technical diving to do the good—using C4 explosives to clear harbors and beaches of debris and unexploded ordinance—as well as the bad, like blowing up foreign oil rigs, fouling intake valves for undersea power plants, destroying locks on crucial shipping canals. The Panama City center, which boasts the second largest indoor pool in America, was the perfect place to recruit the best, and most taciturn, graduates of the diving school who successfully did last summer what they had been authorized to do 260 feet under the surface of the Baltic Sea.

Last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.

Two of the pipelines, which were known collectively as Nord Stream 1, had been providing Germany and much of Western Europe with cheap Russian natural gas for more than a decade. A second pair of pipelines, called Nord Stream 2, had been built but were not yet operational. Now, with Russian troops massing on the Ukrainian border and the bloodiest war in Europe since 1945 looming, President Joseph Biden saw the pipelines as a vehicle for Vladimir Putin to weaponize natural gas for his political and territorial ambitions.

Asked for comment, Adrienne Watson, a White House spokesperson, said in an email, “This is false and complete fiction.” Tammy Thorp, a spokesperson for the Central Intelligence Agency, similarly wrote: “This claim is completely and utterly false.”

Biden’s decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community about how to best achieve that goal. For much of that time, the issue was not whether to do the mission, but how to get it done with no overt clue as to who was responsible.

moar: https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream

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94953f No.18309612

File: 9840913a4767230⋯.jpg (34.42 KB,472x558,236:279,ratskin.JPG)

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4950a1 No.18309613

File: 67fbde3c56b7939⋯.mp4 (9.6 MB,1280x716,320:179,Anne_Laure_Bonnel.mp4)

Elon, borrow me some money to help your friend zelensky.

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e1a6ca No.18309614

File: 40d65c79e57a690⋯.jpeg (488.46 KB,1170x2019,390:673,A99C8EB0_B47F_463A_90BD_9….jpeg)

File: 68c6ef26738fce3⋯.jpeg (420.18 KB,1170x2006,585:1003,0A457351_4A72_45DA_8A9B_E….jpeg)

File: 4b16e534acff292⋯.png (3.4 MB,1170x2532,195:422,96230457_97EA_4152_A369_1F….png)


Quebec daycare bus crash – live: Two children dead, six injured after Laval bus crash

Hamdi Ben Chaabane is a resident in the area and witnessed the incident, telling CBC that the bus appeared to be going between 30 and 40 kph at the time of the crash.

“From what I saw, it wasn’t an accident,” he said.

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a8f1d4 No.18309615

File: fc1ad233a8f616c⋯.png (345.4 KB,775x653,775:653,pepe_blush_honk_horn.png)

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7bc1d0 No.18309616

File: 8990ed11ddb5042⋯.jpeg (49.97 KB,700x693,100:99,8990ed11ddb5042a9b6c1489f….jpeg)


fukkin sucks. i need me some daily twat shitpost to keep DS shitheads on notice

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a1bb8e No.18309617

File: 335c2114f6c63f0⋯.png (291.26 KB,554x342,277:171,ClipboardImage.png)


>That was me in the mirror.

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0bd729 No.18309618

File: 0391a4247f7ddcd⋯.png (121.42 KB,687x627,229:209,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4d873d01a74293⋯.png (583.1 KB,862x485,862:485,ClipboardImage.png)

Commonwealth offices 'riddled' with security cameras linked to Chinese government

An audit has uncovered more than 900 units of surveillance equipment built by companies linked to the Chinese government within Commonwealth government buildings.

Key points:

Chinese government-linked equipment was found in hundreds of Commonwealth buildings, including Defence and Foreign Affairs offices

Dahua and Hikvision cameras have been banned in the United States and United Kingdom

The Shadow Cyber Security Minister says the government needs a plan to remove them

The government has been urged to rip out cameras and security gear made by Hikvision and Dahua in the wake of them being banned in the United States and United Kingdom due to fears they may contain spyware.

Shadow Cyber Security Minister James Paterson issued questions over six months to each federal agency, after the Home Affairs Department was unable to say how many of the cameras, access control systems or intercoms were installed in Commonwealth buildings.

He said the audit found the Commonwealth was "riddled" with the units, and some departments were unsure how many may were present on their sites.

"We urgently need a plan from the Albanese government to rip every one of these devices out of Australian government departments and agencies," Senator Paterson said.

The Australian War Memorial and National Disability Insurance Agency have both already promised to remove cameras found at their sites.

Equipment uncovered in Attorney-General and Defence departments

The cameras and security gear were found in almost every department except Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Agriculture Department.

One hundred and ninety-five pieces of equipment were discovered at 29 sites within the Attorney-General's Department, however none of those were within the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation.


Aus Gov comped by CCP cameras

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a506a1 No.18309619

File: ea8cba30c5f8404⋯.gif (860.21 KB,320x253,320:253,Spit_Drink_Laugh.gif)

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d43cb4 No.18309620

File: 2804dd32a24002c⋯.png (104.57 KB,197x220,197:220,grammar_kitty_peeking.png)



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45a3c2 No.18309621

File: 6e26036fff7edb0⋯.png (98.82 KB,459x274,459:274,quantum_grammar.png)

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def1e1 No.18309622

File: 8091e1973ae156b⋯.jpg (104.86 KB,608x604,152:151,287256.jpg)

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532901 No.18309623


How many times does one have to say fool me once to realize he is a fool.

Most people once,

You, still counting.

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0972db No.18309624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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138952 No.18309625


to + too = fore?

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e695ce No.18309626


Nice, didn´t notice that

saved and replaced

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69627b No.18309627

File: 0ea2663df72e60e⋯.png (1.77 MB,1085x1085,1:1,1640565417484.png)

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821033 No.18309628

JUST IN: Twitter down worldwide, users unable to tweet.


This was tweeted via the developer API. Clients are unable to tweet.


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4950a1 No.18309629


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0bd729 No.18309630

File: 8c7ee694a3dbe80⋯.png (68.89 KB,661x560,661:560,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a14449a636d1d26⋯.png (228.27 KB,508x266,254:133,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Nothing Is Off the Table’ — Sunak Considering Sending Fighter Jets to Ukraine amid Pressure from Boris and Zelenksy

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that “nothing is off the table” in terms of sending fighter jets to Ukraine after demands from both President Volodymyr Zelenksy and former Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday.

Following a speech delivered in the historic Westminster Hall by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy in which he cheekily thanked the United Kingdom “in advance” for shipments of “powerful English planes” to fight the Russians, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s official spokesman attempted to play down the prospect of sending fighter jets to the country for now, noting that Ukrainian soldiers are not currently trained in how to fly British war planes — a process that typically takes years.

However, Downing Street said that the measure, which would represent a dramatic escalation in the conflict, is under active consideration.

“I think you can see from the steps that we are taking that we are willing to put Ukraine in the position where, once we have reached the goals of training pilots, they are able to fly these type of jets,” the prime minster’s spokesman said according to The Times.

“What we have not made a decision on is whether we send UK fighter jets. Obviously there is an ongoing discussion among other countries about their own fighter jets, some of which are more akin to what Ukrainian pilots are used to.”

When personally pressed on whether the British government would send jets to Ukraine, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “Nothing is off the table.”

The pressure on the government to send jets into Ukraine was ramped up further on Wednesday following Zelensky’s speech by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has been one of the chief advocates in the Western world for pouring more military equipment into the conflict zone since the invasion last February.

Demanding that the Ukrainian president’s call for arms be headed, Mr Johnson said: “There is nothing to be lost and everything to be gained by sending planes now.”

The former prime minister went on to note that the UK has over 100 Typhoon jets at its disposal, adding: “The best single use for any of these items is to deploy them now for the protection of the Ukrainians.”


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734f19 No.18309631


San Bruno parents charged with hate crime after allegedly assaulting boy found in daughter's closet

Luz Pena Image

ByLuz Pena KGO logo

Sunday, August 25, 2019

SAN BRUNO, Calif. (KGO) – The mother and step-father of a 15-year-old girl are in jail after allegedly assaulting and kidnapping the teenage boy they found in their daughter's bedroom. Police are saying it was a hate crime.

According to San Bruno Police the 15-year-old's biological dad Luisandor Suarez, her mom Haydee Arguello and step-dad Wilfredo Amaya physically abused a 17-year-old African American boy for 30 minutes and threatened to kill him with a deadly weapon.

The three suspects were booked into the San Mateo County Jail facing multiple felony charges related to committing a hate crime, kidnapping, and assault with a deadly weapon and criminal threats.

"These family members ultimately restrained the victim using a rope. Held him against his will, assaulted him multiple times and even threatened to kill him," said Lieutenant Ryan Johansen with San Bruno Police Department.

According to San Bruno police, the crime took place on Thursday around 2:30 AM. At 12:38 PM the victim arrived at the San Bruno Police Department and reported the crime.

The 15-year-old's oldest sister says her parents thought the boy was an intruder and acted in self-defense.

"They were so scared because they found someone in the closet. They jumped because everyone was sleeping and this guy started kicking my step-father and trying to kill him," said Belkys Gomez.

Katherine Gomez was in the house during the incident and said she came out of her room when she heard the commotion.

"He punched her and then my step-dad, of course, is not going to let anyone hit his wife. They tried to stop him and he was acting very violent so they grabbed a rope to try to tie him down and ask him why he was at the house," said Katherine.

According to San Bruno Police the three suspects used racial slurs against the victim while he was tied up.

"The victim reported that throughout this attack the suspected yelled at him using multiple racial slurs. He believed his race to be a motivating factor in the attack," said Lieutenant Ryan Johansen.

We asked the sister who was in the house:

Luz: "Did they hurt him?

Katherine: "No they didn't"

When we asked about the racial accusations Gomez responded, "It's not true at all."

Jorge Flores lives several houses down from the where the incident took place and said he heard the screams.

"A boy screaming? What was he screaming? Like AHHHH in pain like that," said Flores.

On Friday morning the three suspects were arrested for charges related to committing a hate crime, kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon and criminal threats.

The 15-year-old is under Child Protective Services custody.

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c410b7 No.18309632

File: d0e1abc08013b87⋯.png (72.16 KB,1458x649,1458:649,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18309628 Twitter down worldwide, users unable to tweet.


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ab9a49 No.18309633

File: a12862583d446a5⋯.png (311.43 KB,905x437,905:437,ClipboardImage.png)


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bd38ef No.18309634



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0972db No.18309635

File: f3e9bfb35074597⋯.png (320.74 KB,1494x1044,83:58,Screen_Shot_2023_02_08_at_….png)

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e695ce No.18309636


The message doesn´t seem to register with you RRN guys.

What do you think it means?

(PS: ad hominem is not a strong move)

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4b151a No.18309637

File: 7598adee9c52086⋯.jpg (148 KB,1280x720,16:9,DDchkt.jpg)

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45a3c2 No.18309638



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192e30 No.18309639



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d43cb4 No.18309640

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB,550x550,1:1,pepe_dank_3.png)


Wow, what interestingtiming

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a506a1 No.18309641

File: fa9c4991bf277c9⋯.png (4.83 KB,672x63,32:3,ClipboardImage.png)


You broke twitter. Fix it.

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4b151a No.18309642

File: dc1597bd367a2d9⋯.jpg (31.59 KB,780x437,780:437,archerRampage.jpg)

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a506a1 No.18309643



Confirmed. It's down, alright.

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138952 No.18309644

File: def02c1daf07996⋯.jpg (76.75 KB,630x630,1:1,def02c1daf07996a2a2bad1bba….jpg)

File: de4939f6f5ab72e⋯.jpg (3.81 MB,4032x3024,4:3,de4939f6f5ab72ebfb77152828….jpg)

File: 3d9e22240e52100⋯.jpg (4.66 MB,4032x3024,4:3,3d9e22240e52100f5423fdb319….jpg)

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB,310x163,310:163,a7ffb193423f0a5573ceeefe7c….png)

:Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar: meme-relat__ed_.

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b41dc4 No.18309645


AOC got BTFO'd because she said they were intimidating the witnesses, she is always looking for the victim card.

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45a3c2 No.18309646


but this place isn't.

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