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a24ce5 No.18222661 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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a24ce5 No.18222663

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Jim Watkins on patriotic liberty >>18167961 new

Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444, baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761

Offering breads to other bakers >>18061508, >>18067193 ; No RRN in notes >>17980519

Pls notable planefag & boatfag reports' >>18179893 new

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a24ce5 No.18222665



>>18221902 DOUGH

>>18221938 Great Reset Watch: EU Gives Green Light for Use of Two Insect Species in Human Food

>>18221940 Zelensky sanctions top clerics

>>18221942 A U.S. Marine assigned to Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team Central Command (FASTCENT)


>>18221949 JUST IN - Biden to deliver remarks on Ukraine at noon.

>>18221959 Word on the street is that failed RNC Chairwoman Romney McDaniel is about to get hit with a MASSIVE scandal

>>18221978 Pope says homosexuality not a crime

>>18222000 Amazon workers stage ‘historic’ strike

>>18222018 Trump is reposting Q stuff again.

>>18222019 Germany greenlights Leopard tanks for Ukraine

>>18222021 Dr. Naomi Wolf on COVID Vaccine: “A Bioweapon – Manufactured in Concert with the CCP

>>18222040 FOX posting Dog Comms:

>>18222041 PF:MILLR36 WC-135R Constant Phoenix 'Nuke Sniffer' returned to San Juan PR

>>18222042 President Jimmy Carter found classified documents in his home after leaving office in 1981 and returned them

>>18222056 A 21-year-old Thomas College student whodied suddenlylast week was an ambitious “go-getter”

>>18222058 @JackPosobiec Pence self-reported! What a dork!

>>18222066 Purge Night in Ukraine as Multiple Zelinsky Officials Resign after CIA Director Visit

>>18222098 CRACK AND CRIMES: Hunter Biden’s Laptop Reveals Timeline of Leaked Government Reports and Ukrainian Business Travel

>>18222109 Davis:New White House Chief Of Staff Has Up To $5 Million In Gold Bars

>>18222177 LIVE NOW: House Republican Leaders Hold Press Conference

>>18222190 BofA warns that the US economy will start to lose 175,000 jobs per month during Q1 of 2023,

>>18222222, >>18222375 CHQ'D

>>18222262 Researchers derive a unified topological speed limit for the evolution of physical states

>>18222279 The DOJ has officially opened up a lawsuit against Google to break up its Ad Technology Monopoly

>>18222295 Microsoft Services Recovering From An Hours-Long Outage

>>18222312 300,000 NON-Covid Excess Deaths in US Since 2020

>>18222391 How many more people are dying than usual in YOUR area?

>>18222442 Jordan Sather exposes various FAKEtriot/Clickbait/Grifters and other fake news sources

>>18222464 Tractor Supply Chicken Feed Reportedly Causing Egglaying to Stop,

>>18222477 @Project_Veritas Hi @pfizer - ready for round 3? See you tonight at 8pm.

>>18222481 Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria - Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products

>>18222442 New Jordan Sather video exposing various FAKEtriot/Clickbait/Grifters and other fake news sources such as REALRAWNEWS

>>18222650 Bun - Feds crack human smuggling ring linked to $6M Windsor mansion, records show

>>18222656 #22326

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a24ce5 No.18222666


>>18221736 Planefag aloft

>>18221148 SteveKirsh substack on FAA and Vax'd pilots - The FAA wants to play hardball

>>18221166 Josh Stirling: Dissecting Excess Death Data and How Insurance Industry’s Trillions Could Help the Vaccine-Injured

>>18221171 Las Vegas Judge who was working to expose an underage child sex ring has been found dead. She was 53.

>>18221176 Tucker on creeping communism in America (rumble link)

>>18221182 @Kash - Watermelonhead and Fang Fang go bye bye. Thanks kevin

>>18221192, >>18221204 Axios on on Pickup Trucks: Karen level = high

>>18221209, >>18221213, >>18221216, >>18221219, >>18221224 Preliminary: 4.2 mag earthquake strikes near Malibu

>>18221233 How Joe Biden went from ‘one of the poorest’ in Congress to a millionaire

>>18221237 Elected Officials No Longer Reflect Views, Values Of Average Voters: I&I/TIPP Poll

>>18221239 Iowa Gov Kim Reynolds signs historic school choice bill: 'We will fund students not systems'

>>18221252 Australian Olympic Bobsledder and Rugby Player Dies Suddenly at 35

>>18221258, >>18221260 Pompeo: Assange a scoundrel who raped America

>>18221271 TechnoFog - High level emails re: COVID origins were NOT retained

>>18221272 Japan's plummeting birth rate causing Societal Collapse

>>18221289 Feinstein introduces bill to ban 205 'assault' weapons

>>18221316 All passenger flights cancelled at Berlin airport over strike

>>18221318, >>18221331 Dr. Robert Chandler - mRNA is a shotgun blast to the brain and reproductive organs

Ghost Grab

>>18221356, >>18221497 Elon: Less than 10 people from my other companies are working at twatter. Q: [LESS THAN 10}

>>18221359 ...lies and corruption about Resident Biden’s regime are being exposed in the press, even the MSM. So, what was in the five cars that “spontaneously” caught on fire...

>>18221393 over 100K illegal ballots counted in Maricopa County

>>18221415 We're these Glitches? Toronto Exchange Tokyo Exchange London Exchange NYSE Exchange. Something is about to Break all of Hell loose

>>18221419 Kuwait's government resigns

>>18221507 elon w/CAP: all u can

>>18221510 Kash Patel w/CAP: “Joe Biden is not the target. The two-tiered system of justice is the target…

>>18221525 James O’Keefe Confronts FBI Stenographer Adam Goldman

>>18221542, >>18221582 DJT TS w/CAP: Nice! retruthed 'Trump Card'

>>18221551 Angry protestors swarm and heckle Justin Trudeau in Ontario

>>18221657 Ex-FBI agent Charles McGonigal, charged with aiding Russian oligarch walks free on $500K bond: Prosecutors say he also took $225k in bribes...

>>18221705 Medical Profession Implements WHO’s Digital Diagnosis Code For The Unvaxxed. Doctors will be ‘incentivized’ by the government to start asking more questions about your vax status

>>18221746 Barack Obama's spokesperson on Tuesday refused to answer when asked by Fox News whether he was searching his homes for classified documents

>>18221785 Justin Roiland steps down from Games studio he co founded amid domestic abuse charges

>>18221852 A ‘preemptive’ Russian attack forced Ukrainian troops to call off a planned offensive in Zaporozhye Region, a local official says

>>18221887 #22325

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a24ce5 No.18222667


>>18220388 Thousands protest against Spanish government in Madrid

>>18220392, >>18220409, >>18220410, >>18220429, >>18220445, Anons comment on Bill Gates' warning to Aussies that next pandemic could be far more brutal

>>18220403 With Joe Biden, Soros finally had a president he could control

>>18220426, >>18220441 @ChayaRaichik10 - "Bumped into this guy… Libs of TikTok and PDJT

>>18220577 Florida teacher resigns after sheriff exposes sexual video chats with prisoner during school day

>>18220631 Designer Disease? Monkeypoxed Doja Cat at Paris Fashion Week

>>18220723 China can spy through household devices, report warns

>>18220777 @dbongino: Rarely will you see Kevin McCarthy get this pissed off at a reporter

>>18220792, >>18220967 @DanScavino re: McCarthy

>>18220853 @Kash: When are the corrupt #GovernmentGangsters going to finally tell us about the classified docs Obama has???

>>18220899 Kash Patel ReTruthed: I need @JimJordan and the GOP House Judiciary committee to do better

>>18220981 Biden Regime has asked Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and six other Latin American nations to send their old Russian weapons to Ukraine in exchange for new U.S. military equipment.

>>18220986 Countering Asymmetrical Warfare in the 21st Century: A Grand Strategic Vision

>>18220991 UN DOSSIER UN aid workers raped 60,000 people as it’s claimed organisationemploys 3,300 paedophiles

>>18220995 DJT Jr's first full length podcast is up on Rumble

>>18221001 @KevinMcCarthy I have created two select subcommittees to stop the weaponization of the federal government and finally get answers to the COVID origins and the federal government’s gain of function research

>>18221007, >>18221020 @KevinMcCarthy I have rejected the appointments of Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell for the House Intelligence Committee.

>>18221013, >>18221026 Biden and top Democrats sit and laugh as reporters ask questions amid the ongoing classified document scandal.

>>18221088, >>18221095 @whitehouse Kamala twat decode

>>18220435, >>18220871, >>18221028, >>18221080 RE: DNA - Human Pathogens and Toxins Act (HPTA)

>>18221106 #22324

Previously Collected

>>18219259 #22321, >>18219537 #22322, >>18220313 #22323

>>18207912 #22318, >>18208694 #22319, >>18218574 #22320

>>18205597 #22315, >>18206370 #22316, >>18207141 #22317

>>18203293 #22312, >>18204055 #22313, >>18204861 #22314

>>18200915 #22309, >>18201671 #22310, >>18202528 #22311

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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a24ce5 No.18222673

File: adaf01479c39474⋯.jpeg (244.21 KB,881x1166,881:1166,8412ef9597e9fedc.jpeg)


#2227 https://fullchan.net/?c57468d936594300#2AU1oY4VeruUnNPdy4NFYnvVbfgH6PYeBsfH9ijt6q4p

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a1e4da No.18222686

File: a6e721ac49436ca⋯.jpg (27.35 KB,319x400,319:400,_7F1AF3F9_DB99_42FF_BBEA_2….jpg)

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cccabc No.18222687

File: 775b27f2ce71a05⋯.gif (1.93 MB,500x375,4:3,wondawimmin.gif)

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f4345c No.18222697

File: 52cd40da7e1d27f⋯.png (850.73 KB,680x642,340:321,52cd40da7e1d27fb178e213270….png)

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728038 No.18222702

File: b7e36a2ca10625a⋯.png (6.33 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc6d5b No.18222703

File: 03f7d6dbddc009b⋯.png (313.95 KB,468x503,468:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ba740 No.18222704


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d43e78 No.18222706

File: 6be0ae574bcbd79⋯.png (1013.72 KB,1266x828,211:138,TPOT1ba.png)

File: 3d7ca6deff77510⋯.png (2.52 MB,1660x1372,415:343,tpot2a.png)

File: 27e9afc94386aa5⋯.png (2.78 MB,3356x2584,839:646,tpot2b.png)

File: c2667751fefd8e7⋯.png (544.95 KB,812x1592,203:398,TPOT1a1.png)


Are you trying to piss Anon off?



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.342 📁

Oct 5 2018 12:53:48 (EST)


Important moment in time.

The picture will be the signifier.

The signifier will 'force' the Q.

The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).



Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147449624 📁

Nov 1 2017 00:41:54 (EST)

Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

11:3 THINK > MIRROR > 3:11

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d2905b No.18222707

File: 018f7132e00aec9⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB,848x464,53:29,0XpWIN7LPt1xS4Kq.mp4)

Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch

SUES FBI over Hunter Biden laptop suppression— Demands ALL records between Bureau and Big Tech


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87a754 No.18222709

File: a87e3666557efda⋯.gif (11.15 KB,500x387,500:387,sparklin444.gif)

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c58f0b No.18222711

File: 27c2c06593ff57e⋯.webp (306.93 KB,750x923,750:923,large_10_.webp)


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d43e78 No.18222714

File: 8b8aea5e83f216e⋯.png (1.63 MB,1896x2284,474:571,TAYLORVIG4.png)

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975b85 No.18222715

File: fa24d111dd53fd6⋯.jpeg (20.89 KB,254x255,254:255,918a71fdc89c42e7888ab47b6….jpeg)

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d43e78 No.18222716

File: fb387e3463efe2d⋯.png (1.75 MB,1904x2476,476:619,TAYLORVIG1.png)

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da2a9d No.18222717

File: 403be88cc5b6bba⋯.jpg (100.53 KB,960x720,4:3,Qcookies.jpg)

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a24ce5 No.18222718

File: d93204c41ce107b⋯.png (159.63 KB,426x857,426:857,ClipboardImage.png)




Graham: “if we send some Abrams tanks…” (manufactured by general dynamics)

War is money baby 🤑🤑🤑


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10a002 No.18222719

File: 5b468a305f421ef⋯.jpg (226.6 KB,1068x1315,1068:1315,0519ad7a21a7aebed3d90292d8….jpg)

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d43e78 No.18222720

File: 497f945e0cb8485⋯.png (312.19 KB,1024x1064,128:133,neumayrsamesame1.png)

by George Neumayr > Wed Dec 21, 2022 at 10:02 PM EST Trump LGBT Gala is NoMAGA! "Completely indefensible! Pull your head out of your ass, Mr. Trump! degenerates with fat wallets.Your greed is pathetic. No doubt the philosophically shallow Trump would scoff…"

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c761d5 No.18222721

File: c292be9ea826421⋯.jpg (91.21 KB,895x477,895:477,CHRISTMAS_COOKIE_WIN.jpg)

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0890fc No.18222722

Previous Bred


I do not do any of that

however she is still a herpes positive jersey milk cow that has had lots and lots of black cock


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154533 No.18222723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>18222329 lb

George Clinton

Was pushing 432 Hz for years

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d43e78 No.18222724

File: c53699eac8e30dc⋯.png (442.02 KB,1042x1016,521:508,vigvag3.png)

by Archbishop Vigano > Tue Dec 20, 2022 at 10:01 PM EST Vigano turns on Trump > Scandalous, Discouraging, Offending the Law of God, Trump Contaminated! Once a source of Hope! Soddom and Gamorrah Doom for America! All Trump' LGBT Fault!

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a24ce5 No.18222725

File: 7327fe7e8e9f3f2⋯.png (467.13 KB,481x807,481:807,ClipboardImage.png)



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d43e78 No.18222726

File: cc50f17ea52324a⋯.png (803.5 KB,1874x1056,937:528,muhjookaker23.png)

muh hero's though!

muh anon just like you!

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a24ce5 No.18222728

File: 4f1c58fdcf167f4⋯.png (86.14 KB,439x532,439:532,ClipboardImage.png)




The Democratic Party is pure evil and is taking America to the pits of Hell. This great man speaks TRUTH TO POWER.


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26c76e No.18222729

File: 9fc0b4bb2c57b8e⋯.png (497.3 KB,500x561,500:561,ClipboardImage.png)

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c1fe43 No.18222730

File: 62b7aabfd458c66⋯.jpeg (49.65 KB,768x432,16:9,136BB78C_99BE_48A9_A16C_2….jpeg)

25 Jan, 2023 15:45

Scholz trampled on key post-WWII principle – MP

Petr Bystron of the far-right Alternative for Germany party slammed the chancellor’s decision to give Ukraine Leopard tanks

Scholz trampled on key post-WWII principle – MP

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks during a question time at the Bundestag (lower house of parliament) in Berlin on January 25, 2023. © Tobias SCHWARZ / AFP

A member of parliament from the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has accused Chancellor Olaf Scholz of undermining one of the fundamental principles of Germany’s foreign policy since the end of World War II. Petr Bystron’s criticism came in response to Scholz’s decision to provide Ukraine with 14 Leopard tanks.

Addressing the chancellor in the German parliament on Wednesday, Bystron argued that Scholz would “go down in history” as a leader who had negated the “never again” tenet long espoused by Berlin. According to the AfD lawmaker, this principle was taken to mean, among other things, abstention from weapons exports to conflict zones.

He went on to remind fellow MPs and the chancellor that Germany bears special responsibility for the victims of World War II, including those in the Soviet Union.

Bystron suggested that Scholz’s latest decision was in stark contrast to the legacy of his “great” Social-Democratic predecessors, such as Willy Brant and Helmut Schmidt, who had “done a lot for peace and reconciliation.”

“Millions of [German] citizens are asking themselves: ‘Why, what for did you do that?’” the AfD politician claimed.

Germany greenlights Leopard tanks for Ukraine

Bystron went on to allege that, by deciding to supply military hardware to Kiev, Scholz hadgone “back on his own campaign promises” and gone “against the majority of the country.”

The MP also questioned just how much difference 14 tanks would make on the battlefield in Ukraine.

Responding to the criticism, Scholz acknowledged that Germany had indeed departed from the principles set out by Brant and Schmidt. This, however, was solely the result of “Russia attacking Ukraine,” according to the chancellor. He accused Moscow of waging an “imperialist war.”

Earlier on Wednesday, Chancellor Scholz announced the decision to ship 14 Leopard 2A6 tanks from its own stock to Kiev. He argued that this “follows our well-known line of supporting Ukraine to the best of our ability.”

The statement represented a major U-turn as Berlin had long resisted calls to donate the armor despite growing pressure from its allies.

Russian officials claim Western weapons deliveries to Ukraine only serve to unnecessarily prolong the conflict and could lead to a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia.


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8a5439 No.18222731

JETNET Acquires ADS-B Exchange

January 25, 2023

UTICA, NY - JETNET, a leading provider of aviation data and market intelligence, announced today that it acquired ADS-B Exchange, one of the world’s largest networks of ADS-B/Mode S/MLAT feeders and providers of real-time and historical flight data. The acquisition is the second of what the company anticipates will be several future acquisitions as JETNET expands its data-driven product offerings for the aviation industry.


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5b56f1 No.18222732

File: 7b9e070328c5bb1⋯.jpg (51.96 KB,500x801,500:801,_Trump_Big_MAGA.jpg)

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b92fc5 No.18222733


>>As he taught, Jesus said, “Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.”

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da2a9d No.18222734

File: fae27ca993ce326⋯.jpg (50.82 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Scrabble_WinningBig.jpg)


the winning never ends

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d43e78 No.18222735

File: eac4dc5a9dd8671⋯.png (250.83 KB,2310x822,385:137,bread_9237.png)


muh cares so much about muh Plan

muh [helps]!

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62ac4c No.18222736

File: adbbf3d4192f252⋯.jpeg (108.84 KB,554x692,277:346,adbbf3d4192f252b394c3ac85….jpeg)

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87a754 No.18222737

File: fa422f60895f532⋯.gif (2.96 MB,480x270,16:9,marv44.gif)

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d43e78 No.18222738


Jesus sounds like a Qewl Dude.

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ade9fc No.18222739

File: 4f0730bdf497e13⋯.png (10.97 KB,245x255,49:51,83df7159.png)

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a24ce5 No.18222740

File: f8d4893df317fd4⋯.png (62.26 KB,464x423,464:423,ClipboardImage.png)




Amazon just laid off 18,000 employees including their top software developers.

It’s important now more than ever to support patriotic small businesses who are battling Biden’s economy by signing up for PublicSq today at the below link.



PublicSc App


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c761d5 No.18222741

File: 31eb6519e9212b0⋯.jpg (185.74 KB,809x622,809:622,RESORT_KINDA_STUFF.jpg)

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f455c6 No.18222743


hope this does not impact our planefagging

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8a5439 No.18222744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EST

President Biden Remarks on Ukraine Support

President Biden delivers remarks on the U.S. and its allies providing additional support to Ukraine, including tanks, which Ukrainian President Zelensky has been requesting.



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d2905b No.18222745

File: 976357d9dbb32b3⋯.jpg (42.19 KB,594x386,297:193,Screenshot_2023_01_22_0935….jpg)

If you’re Damar Hamlin today, you would make it a point to show your face to reassure the fans.

The NFL would really want you to do it too.

You would be the special guest on every TV show in America.

You know it’s true.


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8a1c37 No.18222746

File: 06318f5a1de7aaa⋯.gif (400.15 KB,500x280,25:14,stns55ab.gif)

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62ac4c No.18222747

File: 1ebcd5949a198e4⋯.jpg (121.58 KB,700x991,700:991,1534069172904132608_png_70….jpg)

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7600f6 No.18222748


Did the real Hamlin get replaced with a body double?

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c1fe43 No.18222749

File: 0a71f0b81227fd3⋯.jpeg (72.91 KB,768x432,16:9,9CB57A16_CB51_4608_8F8F_9….jpeg)

25 Jan, 2023 15:51

Goodbye empire? US sanctions are failing in the face of multipolarity

Washington’s go-to methods can’t prevent the rise of other powers, an influential establishment journal admits

By Felix Livshitz.1 of 2

Foreign Affairs, a highly influential US magazine – effectively a US empire house journal – has published an article detailing how sanctions are quickly losing their efficiency as a weapon in Washington’s global arsenal.

Published by the Council on Foreign Relations NGO, Foreign Affairs provides space for officials within the US military industrial complex to communicate with one another on matters they believe to be of the utmost significance. Therefore, it is important to pay attention when the magazine makes major pronouncements on any issue.

It recently published an appraisal of US sanctions – the conclusion being that they are increasingly ineffective, have prompted Beijing and Moscow to create alternative global financial structures to insulate themselves and others from punitive actions, and that Washington and its acolytes will no longer be able to force countries to do their bidding, let alone destroy dissenting states, through such measures in the very near future.

The article begins by noting that “sanctions have long been the US’ favored diplomatic weapon,” which “fill the void between empty diplomatic declarations and deadly military interventions.” Despite this, it predicts “the golden days of US sanctions may soon be over.”

These “golden days” were the immediate post-Cold War era, when Washington was “still an unrivaled economic power,” and therefore could at the press of a button cripple each and every overseas economy, in theory. This was due to “primacy of the US dollar and the reach of US oversight of global financial channels.”

As international trade was overwhelmingly conducted using dollars, Washington could stop any country from exporting or importing any and all goods it wished, whenever it liked. Even then, Foreign Affairs recalls, US leaders themselves worried if sanctions were applied too liberally. In 1998, then-President Bill Clinton claimed his government was “in danger of looking like we want to sanction everybody who disagrees with us.”

The Foreign Affairs article says Clinton’s fears were “overblown,” but this is precisely what came to pass. Governments, and the countries they represented, have been sanctioned for pursuing the wrong policies, refusing to be overthrown in US-backed coups and military interventions and showing any degree of independence in their domestic or foreign dealings whatsoever. In the process, millions have died, and even more lives have been ruined for no good reason.

This approach has backfired, and badly. In response, states “have begun to harden their economies against such measures.” For example, after the US cut off Iran from the SWIFT global banking system, many other countries took note. Restricting China’s access to numerous technologies as part of the new Cold War has also served to place both Washington’s allies and adversaries alike “on notice their access to crucial technology could be severed.”

Beijing and Moscow lead the way in the push to create “financial innovations that diminish US advantage,” creating a raft of “currency swap agreements, alternatives to SWIFT, and digital currencies” that serve as “preemptive measures” against any “potential penalties” down the line.

Currency swaps, which connect central banks directly to each other and eliminate the need for trades between them to be dollar-backed, have been eagerly embraced by China. It has signed deals of this kind with more than 60 countries across the world, thereby enabling its companies “to circumvent US financial channels when they want to.” …


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87a754 No.18222750

File: a25726ffc0af034⋯.jpg (36.78 KB,812x448,29:16,gillian.jpg)

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8a5439 No.18222751

File: c060f54f08e22ec⋯.png (220.62 KB,600x413,600:413,brrrb_copy.png)

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1b0d12 No.18222752

File: 6eccee724fc52c0⋯.mp4 (10.19 MB,474x360,79:60,Hulk_Hogan_Real_American_o….mp4)

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a24ce5 No.18222753

File: bb884b6dfdada64⋯.png (171.13 KB,444x414,74:69,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da6b1911bc1631c⋯.png (338.64 KB,460x656,115:164,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a85f487abad11c⋯.png (651.17 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d1275a52be80c2⋯.png (2.53 MB,1025x1270,205:254,ClipboardImage.png)


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c1fe43 No.18222754


2 of 2

In 2020, Beijing settled more than half its annual trade with Moscow in currencies other than the dollar, making the majority of these transactions totally immune to US sanctions, and that figure has only risen ever since. In March that year also, the China and Russia-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization officially prioritized development of payments in the local currencies of its members.

Beijing and Moscow are also, Foreign Affairs reports, “busily preparing their own alternatives” to various Western-dominated international systems. Their alternative to SWIFT, the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System, isn’t yet a match in terms of transaction volume, but that’s not the point. It prevents them, and any state or organization enrolled in the framework – 1,300 banks in over 100 countries already – from being unable to make international financial transactions, should they be cut out of SWIFT.

Similarly, China is expanding the reach of the digital renminbi, the currency issued by Beijing central bank, at home and overseas. More than 300 million of its citizens already use it, and a billion are forecast to by 2030. The currency is completely sanctions-proof as the US has no ability to prevent its use, and Beijing has encouraged several countries to pay for its exports exclusively using it – “other such deals will probably follow,” Foreign Affairs predicts.

The American empire’s obsessive reliance on sanctions has now created a Catch-22 situation, by the magazine’s reckoning. The already hostile relations between the USA, China and Russia mean Moscow and Beijing are pushing ahead with this revolutionary effort no matter what. If “things get worse,” they’ll simply “double down on their sanctions-proofing efforts,” taking more and more countries with them.

“These innovations are increasingly giving countries the ability to conduct transactions through sanctions-proof channels. This trend appears irreversible,” the article bitterly concludes. “All this means that within a decade, US unilateral sanctions may have little bite.”

It is all these developments, along with Moscow’s economic pivot eastwards after the 2014 Ukraine coup, and move towards self-sufficiency in energy and food and in other vital resources, which account for the embarrassing failure of US-led sanctions against Russia.

Western leaders, academics, journalists, pundits and economists promised when these sanctions were imposed that they would soon lead to Russia’s total political, economic and military collapse. They have not, demonstrating that elites in Europe and North America do not understand the global economy they claim to rule. They should get to grips with the new reality they inhabit in short order, though – for a multipolar world has begun to emerge in 2022, and it is here to stay.

How rapidly US elites are reckoning with the radically different reality in which they are now forced to operate is ironically underlined by how quickly the author of the Foreign Affairs article, Agathe Demarais, seems to have completely changed her tune on the subject of sanctions. On 1 December, less than a month earlier, she authored a piece for Foreign Policy – another US empire in-house journal – that offered a radically different take on the matter.

Boldly declaring “sanctions on Russia are working” in the headline, Demarais dismissed suggestions punitive Western measures were intended to “force Putin to back down and pull out of Ukraine,” or to provoke “regime change”in Moscow, or to prompt “a Venezuela-style collapse of the Russian economy,” despite the fact every single one of these outcomes was explicitly cited as a motivating factor behind the sanctions by Western officials, pundits, and journalists at the time.

Instead, she argued, sanctions were effective in the quest to “send a message to the Kremlin” that “Europe and the United States are standing with Ukraine.”

Whether or not Kiev will be thrown under a bus by its Western backers in due course, and the anti-Russian measures will endure after the war is over, seems to not matter so much, though – for, as Demarais was herself forced to acknowledge less than four weeks later, the effectiveness of sanctions is rapidly diminishing. This speed of this about-face could well be an indication of how irresistibly the multipolar world is coming to be.


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8efbff No.18222755

File: f2e86529b60478e⋯.jpg (364.71 KB,1200x675,16:9,Mar_9_Trumps_pic_of_NK_in_….jpg)

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da2a9d No.18222756


great pic of our lovely FLOTUS

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f5e67e No.18222757

Inadvertently clicked the link to /projectcomms/. It turned out to be a good reminder:

"18 U.S. Code § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government.

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons."

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 04/10/20 (Fri) 17:10:12 No.109

[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ]

[Set 1]







[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ]

[Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles]

[Placeholder - Foreign Acts_pub]

[Placeholder - FISA_pub]

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 08/17/20 (Mon) 18:59:35 No.110

[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ]

[Set 1]

1. Kevin Clinesmith [KC][11.3]






[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ]



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154533 No.18222758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tanks bakes

Grooving on the 432 hz

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3d6360 No.18222759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live streaming rosary just starting

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2fb863 No.18222760

File: 60c17a41680ce3f⋯.gif (966.07 KB,500x579,500:579,skeptical_sighing.gif)


False and you're wrong about everything.

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f4345c No.18222761

File: 50d54cae036d1b4⋯.jpg (115.66 KB,477x707,477:707,Screenshot_2023_01_24_0640….jpg)


Of course. And posted it on Twitter.

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53faa8 No.18222762

File: 8dee6acc8369564⋯.jpeg (111.22 KB,700x1155,20:33,A3D809CA_B2BD_4084_BD79_1….jpeg)

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8a5439 No.18222763

File: a6e8573d0ee2781⋯.jpg (18.52 KB,300x330,10:11,crying_in_car.jpg)

Representatives Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Ilhan Omar on Committee Assignments

Representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA), Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) discuss House Republican efforts to keep them off of the Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees.


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62ac4c No.18222764

File: eef594a5bbd43b8⋯.jpg (56.21 KB,800x418,400:209,1674665419998.jpg)

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a24ce5 No.18222765

File: c9518bd158085bd⋯.png (245.62 KB,370x740,1:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d4b254f979bbab⋯.mp4 (4.91 MB,270x480,9:16,Md92h_caa.mp4)



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1d158e No.18222766


how would you know

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b92fc5 No.18222767


>Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

>The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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7600f6 No.18222768


Pattern recognition.

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3dca1a No.18222769

File: d1443d90cbddb6c⋯.png (3.24 MB,1317x859,1317:859,capture_118_24012023_21345….png)

File: d8145bcc11d8782⋯.png (3.07 MB,1119x957,373:319,capture_196_25012023_04561….png)

File: cc5790cdbcb2107⋯.png (2.52 MB,899x976,899:976,capture_197_25012023_05024….png)

File: eec6a0580db20ca⋯.png (2.49 MB,1026x847,1026:847,capture_230_25012023_08552….png)

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2fb863 No.18222770

All you need is 17 stalker (you)s to self validate your gossip stories.

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e72ac9 No.18222771

File: 39877d5c7731764⋯.jpg (23.88 KB,683x407,683:407,Hot_728_.jpg)

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73247f No.18222772

File: 77555c6f35a0af1⋯.png (718.17 KB,825x910,165:182,ac381ab665d1f2670da3ca19a4….png)




Sleepless KNights require covfefe

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0890fc No.18222773

File: 053e2693207f740⋯.png (8.85 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

I am omnipotent

one day I will flip a switch and it will all make sense

>>18222760 whore

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1c0169 No.18222774

File: e6ac72a3df96567⋯.png (526.25 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230125_120420.png)

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b92fc5 No.18222775


Among those born to women none has arisen greater than John the baptist.

She bore the flesh, not the Spirit.

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287d44 No.18222776

>>18222594 (/pb)


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9c0085 No.18222777


I find it odd that there were several futbol (soccer) players that fell out on the field since the vaxx came out, but, despite soccer supposedly being the most popular sport in the world, the media would show the incident and the aftermath. Now, when there's an incident on Primetime NFL game, we get "oh he's alive" but no proof of life. It tells me 2 things; A) the whole soccer vs. football thing is smoke and mirrors and they KNOW a lot more people are in tune with the NFL games and B) Hamlin is likely no longer alive or is on life support to this day.

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2fb863 No.18222778

File: 7e712ab255970ef⋯.jpg (109.21 KB,1193x908,1193:908,bannon_face_crusties.JPG)

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45716a No.18222779


Are these new deaths? The story may be presented today, but this was something that was going on a while ago.

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a24ce5 No.18222780

File: e47961a93cbe84b⋯.png (138.15 KB,563x490,563:490,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e5dbee3fbf7874⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,640x360,16:9,WILD_Prime_Minster_Justin_….mp4)

WILD: Prime Minster Justin Trudeau swarmed by angry protesters outside the Bread Bar in Hamilton, Ontario.

Protestors curse and yell, "Tyrant!"



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c58f0b No.18222781

File: 65b71f0758bff6f⋯.jpg (179.2 KB,820x1024,205:256,large_2023_01_25T120233_32….jpg)


Trips of truth

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68a87a No.18222782

File: 21b5da0b9e16ad4⋯.png (282.47 KB,452x508,113:127,aaavlf.PNG)

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05ffc3 No.18222783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brief History of American Elections and How Citizen Engagement Can Save our Republic

Have you ever wondered why we talk about candidates being on a “ticket”?

What is the history of the secret ballot? Have elections always been run by government?

Why should we care about private funding or management of elections?

What is the Election Integrity Network?

What difference did EIN make in 2032?

What difference can it make in 2023?

Cleta tackles these and other questions on this episode of Who’s Counting?

Who's Counting With Cleta Mitchell

Jan 25, 2023 40-minutes


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b6bee1 No.18222784

File: 9eba3c9458efa6b⋯.png (367.97 KB,1563x925,1563:925,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8682543433f6f4b⋯.png (1.56 MB,1150x1196,25:26,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d6074264fc7103⋯.png (134.72 KB,673x581,673:581,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6759a6ffa5c0d49⋯.png (383.6 KB,784x650,392:325,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de549af12aba7d3⋯.png (298.33 KB,1063x550,1063:550,squeal_team_six.png)

>>18222664 PB

The nazi shill is here

Occupation: Editor of The Daily Stormer


Take a look at its twitter... Does anything look familiar? Know your shills

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8a5439 No.18222785

File: 2bfd3b353a7da3f⋯.jpg (55.22 KB,560x315,16:9,bootsy.jpg)

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a24ce5 No.18222786

File: 985b879efa74204⋯.png (116.55 KB,567x640,567:640,ClipboardImage.png)




I’m honored to serve on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

It’s time to reveal the truth on the origins of COVID, the authoritarian Democrat response, vaccines, and Fauci’s NIAID involvement in gain-of-function research.



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610d05 No.18222787

File: 77792d7a7f6ab2e⋯.jpg (35.9 KB,624x414,104:69,20230124_194529.jpg)

ThankQ baker…


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2fb863 No.18222788

File: a8b5d725b230a2a⋯.gif (1.83 MB,481x323,481:323,dog_hair_2.gif)

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62ac4c No.18222789

File: e7fb604c95485a0⋯.jpg (162.29 KB,1364x974,682:487,1672730415917907.jpg)

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975b85 No.18222790


no what is she talking about? fans will support any version of any thing that will provide bread and circus

they do not need proof or validation


they need to be part of something because they have so little of their own

its just fine

he does not need to show his face

have some respect

the idea is greater than the reality

fans love lies and gilded statues erected to the lie they can bask in

bread and circus

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b6cdd4 No.18222791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Everything you have been told is a lie..

how about those FREEMASON FLYNN soldiers doing tours and selling silver and Bullshit and the three mouseketeers who ran to mexico all the BITCH u te know it all grandpas love so much….

CharLIE Ward, Pedo Phil,, MI5 Parkes,

Nino Ropa Dopa Rodriguez, tec

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709d3f No.18222792

File: cc2cfefb8dfcbe4⋯.png (483.19 KB,545x468,545:468,Expanded_Thinking.png)

>>18222637 (lb)

TY for this.

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26c76e No.18222793

File: 032f5dd4947e58c⋯.png (6.7 MB,1638x2048,819:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1007fdbe76f301⋯.png (33.42 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Chasing Millions

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45716a No.18222794


double trips!

I think that NFL players make so much money and also make so much money for others, that they probably (at the highest levels) got placebo vaxxes. Damar Hamlin was not paid like top tier NFL, I don't think. However, his family might (I don't want to accuse) have been incentivized to conceal what really happened. I hope not, but I've seen this view expressed elsewhere.

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69e96a No.18222795

Because of Ukraine's brutal aggression hahaha

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8f35fa No.18222796

File: 1720ed878faf21d⋯.png (1 MB,859x748,859:748,gates.PNG)


Bill Gates Funds a Startup to Stop Cows

from Burping Methane to Combat Climate Change

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 1/25/2023 12:04:22 PM

Microsoft co-founder and billionaire Bill Gates believes one of the solutions to combat climate change is to stop cows from burping. Gates invested in a startup company in Australia that is exploring dietary supplements for cows in an effort to contain ‘greenhouse gas emissions.’ “Australian climate technology company Rumin8 has closed Phase 2 of its seed funding round, led by Bill Gates-founded Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV) with participation from Andrew and Nicola Forrest’s agri-food business Harvest Road Group,” according to the company’s news release.

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a24ce5 No.18222797

File: 6ded897f56b263e⋯.png (223.53 KB,566x594,283:297,ClipboardImage.png)




rumble.com/v26uf56-does-biden- Watch this podcast and subscribe to my Rumble channel



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84d10c No.18222798

File: 2449330bff8d0f2⋯.jpeg (163.18 KB,1440x2005,288:401,0E739300_3C40_4245_A60C_7….jpeg)

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d2905b No.18222799

File: cc4d1467f90d25e⋯.jpg (109.86 KB,488x748,122:187,Screenshot_2023_01_22_0935….jpg)

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f4345c No.18222800





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c1fe43 No.18222801

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shelby Busch:Machines Have 50% Failure Rate On Election Day In Maricopa County, AZ


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c58f0b No.18222802

File: aa35b21dffabc76⋯.mp4 (6.67 MB,640x360,16:9,JeZCe753tdKEqJFy.mp4)

Meanwhile in Ukraine


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8a1c37 No.18222803

File: e568d7a2170ac47⋯.mp4 (404.01 KB,540x360,3:2,chrf1.mp4)

File: 72a0e3d6b94c539⋯.jpg (225.69 KB,1026x1474,513:737,1a511e30543.jpg)

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87a754 No.18222804

File: c23b5ff015673e1⋯.png (753.97 KB,768x512,3:2,c23b5ff015673e14165f1240a2….png)

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ca21b5 No.18222805


Germany with broomsticks* kek

I see a near future celebration of soldiers of all nations (except Ukranian Nazies) celebrating peace together

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be067d No.18222806


that's no cat ring…that's a cack ring

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f4345c No.18222807


Gotta keep the "Strawman's" income streams from merch and public appearances flowing freely and well-divided.

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7d826b No.18222808

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RAY EPPS EXCLUSIVE!! Never-Before-Seen Leaked VIDEO of RAY EPPS Breach! Is the Government Doctoring Video to COVER FOR EPPS & Incriminate the Proud Boys at their Show Trial? THIS IS PART OF THE 14,000 Hours the Government Is Hiding! MUST SEE!!

By Cara Castronuova

Published January 25, 2023 at 8:00am

We have EVIDENCE to warrant an investigation into the matter! A protected source has released footage to the Gateway Pundit that was played in court during the Proud Boy’s trial. This video is “confidential” and part of the 14,000 hours of footage THEY DON’T WANT US TO SEE!!

Below is never-before-seen video that we witnessed first-hand played by the prosecution at the Proud Boys trial to incriminate the men. It was then sent to us by our source so we could share with the public. The fuzzy “glitch” in the video literally covers RAY EPPS making the first breach through a black fence. This is the fence of Breach #2 that the prosecution is blaming the Proud Boys for breaching in their trial! You can’t make this stuff up! The suspicious “glitch” begins right before Epps breaches the gate and ends a few seconds later once he is inside. Convenient! See the video that was played for the jury here:



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da2a9d No.18222809

File: 26991c599236b63⋯.jpg (101.39 KB,1334x840,667:420,HRC_double.JPG)


dub trips confirm the faux

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a24ce5 No.18222810

File: bfee96dac1f2c48⋯.png (244.36 KB,550x649,50:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a7273884e6484f⋯.png (237.93 KB,580x699,580:699,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15d5c21f9edabc0⋯.mp4 (3.78 MB,640x360,16:9,Dr_Richard_Fleming_Pfizer_….mp4)




🚨Dr. Richard Fleming: Pfizer mRNA Shot Causes Blood Clots Under The Microscope

"The red blood cells lose their oxygen carrying capacity and the red blood cells start to clot…

This is exactly what we are seeing with neurologic harm, with cardiac harm, with blood clots."



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8f35fa No.18222811

File: eee96bf884b1ac9⋯.png (32.57 KB,1214x363,1214:363,crat.PNG)


American News Jan 24, 2023

Former Oregon Democrat mayor sentenced to prison on child pornography charge

In addition to jail time, Doyle will also have to pay $22,000 in restitution to his victims and be subject to five years of supervised release.

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e25220 No.18222812

File: b0de524543fc9f2⋯.png (530.88 KB,710x3064,355:1532,2755.png)

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d5ac6b No.18222813


[Luk 11:27-28 KJV] 27 And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed [is] the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. 28 But he said, Yea rather, blessed [are] they that hear the word of God, and keep it.

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3dca1a No.18222814

File: bcb68e58810338b⋯.png (2.32 MB,1200x675,16:9,capture_043_24012023_02182….png)

File: 79b0e6b3eea649b⋯.png (2.32 MB,1200x675,16:9,capture_041_24012023_02180….png)

File: 24db2edc4ddf6a9⋯.png (2.32 MB,1200x675,16:9,capture_044_24012023_02200….png)

File: fac11a58590a9f6⋯.png (1.8 MB,1055x594,1055:594,capture_040_24012023_02180….png)

File: 617144003512950⋯.png (2.32 MB,1200x675,16:9,capture_033_23012023_23582….png)

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8a5439 No.18222815

File: 8f4c9dd4774b422⋯.png (881.14 KB,875x876,875:876,hunter_zelensky_biden.png)


potato said it is zelenskyyyy's birthday

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2fb863 No.18222816


Elections have consequences and I'm not voting for the American slavery parties.

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9c0085 No.18222817


TPTB are offering supposed "proof of life", but all we actually get are shots of him with his hands in front of his face or supposedly him in the shadowy background. Like ER said in her post, if he were alive and well, they would have him on every show all over the place showing that muh vax didn't hurt him.>>18222794

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62ac4c No.18222818

File: b2527091f357bdd⋯.png (289.46 KB,1280x894,640:447,1671435914118156.png)

File: 15b138f342f18d1⋯.jpg (104.07 KB,626x417,626:417,1671447288383560.jpg)

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70699a No.18222819

Q said Trust Barr, Wray

Are we about to see the receipt's for these claims in upcoming house investigations and media coverage?

It seems like a lengthy unroll of disgusting truths about our government and world are on a timed release for the normies in 2023

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28bfe0 No.18222820


Welcome to 2015:


Crazy story, related doctors getting murdered as well. Seems more like some shenanigans were going on at the time with certain ones, prob over money.

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ca21b5 No.18222821


That gives the broomsticks a distinctive sense

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95f3a3 No.18222822


Thank you Baker!

Thank you POTUS!

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8f35fa No.18222823

File: 102284f090f0868⋯.png (27.51 KB,696x245,696:245,first.PNG)


Shasta, where Trump won big in 2020, to become first California county to drop Dominion

David Benda

Redding Record Searchlight

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da2a9d No.18222824


>potato said it is zelenskyyyy's birthday

did he sing happy birthday again?

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2fb863 No.18222825


Andrew Tate on social media platforms.


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001987 No.18222826


the field needs plowing and fertilizing

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45716a No.18222827

File: ba2f49085cc9e1a⋯.png (62.07 KB,661x355,661:355,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)


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ca21b5 No.18222828


… or rather distinctive meaning

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9c0085 No.18222829


TY anon! Deuces and 7's no less. I need to buy some scratch off tickets or something.

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3f1812 No.18222830

File: 5ea7a2b348649eb⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,swallowswell.mp4)

Swalwell says that he was kicked off the intel committee because of political vengeance and definitely not because he slept with a Chinese spy and kicking him off will cause irreparable damage.


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f455c6 No.18222831


was theorized that it was about the nagalase

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a24ce5 No.18222832

File: 8853d1c8afda51c⋯.png (9.11 KB,246x166,123:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b67ab2b1f0b9b89⋯.png (181.26 KB,598x702,23:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b5287408499f42⋯.png (223.15 KB,598x544,299:272,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be2e38fa5314107⋯.png (104.44 KB,598x582,299:291,ClipboardImage.png)



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8f35fa No.18222833

File: ebff2b4383df2f0⋯.png (34.6 KB,768x306,128:51,sue.PNG)


Parents sue school district over 'Gender Support Plan' that hides children's' transitions

'Students have the right to speak freely about their identity, but school staff do not'

WND News Services By WND News Services

Published January 25, 2023 at 12:01pm

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19ee4a No.18222834


>Trump is a Jehu

Jehu Strikes Down the Prophets of Baal

2Ki 10:18  Jehu gathered all the people together, and said to them, “Ahab served Baal a little; but Jehu will serve him much. 

2Ki 10:19  Now therefore call to me all the prophets of Baal, all of his worshipers, and all of his priests. Let no one be absent; for I have a great sacrifice to Baal. Whoever is absent, he shall not live.” But Jehu did deceptively, intending to destroy the worshipers of Baal. 

2Ki 10:20  Jehu said, “Sanctify a solemn assembly for Baal!” So they proclaimed it. 

2Ki 10:21  Jehu sent through all Israel; and all the worshipers of Baal came, so that there was not a man left that didn’t come. They came into the house of Baal; and the house of Baal was filled from one end to another. 

2Ki 10:22  He said to him who kept the wardrobe, “Bring out robes for all the worshipers of Baal!” So he brought robes out to them. 

2Ki 10:23  Jehu went with Jehonadab the son of Rechab into the house of Baal. Then he said to the worshipers of Baal, “Search, and see that none of the servants of Yahweh are here with you, but only the worshipers of Baal.” 

2Ki 10:24  So they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings. Now Jehu had appointed for himself eighty men outside, and said, “If any of the men whom I bring into your hands escape, he who lets him go, his life shall be for the life of him.” 

2Ki 10:25  As soon as he had finished offering the burnt offering, Jehu said to the guard and to the captains, “Go in and kill them! Let no one escape.” So they struck them with the edge of the sword. The guard and the captains threw the bodies out, and went to the inner shrine of the house of Baal. 

2Ki 10:26  They brought out the pillars that were in the house of Baal, and burned them. 

2Ki 10:27  They broke down the pillar of Baal, and broke down the house of Baal, and made it a latrine, to this day. 

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e710cd No.18222835

File: 070a0e12ed7096a⋯.jpeg (246.03 KB,820x1024,205:256,CFB22FC5_1F5B_4621_A798_1….jpeg)


Tiny Head on that chick

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2fb863 No.18222837

File: b7ac7d72b079f8a⋯.gif (2.25 MB,556x362,278:181,Snickers_got_work.gif)


Wow! Look how much idgaf!

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5b7e12 No.18222838

File: f3effeb68ee78aa⋯.jpg (33.13 KB,584x422,292:211,pzwktcsw.jpg)

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8a1c37 No.18222839

File: ebf55592d542565⋯.jpg (315.65 KB,1755x733,1755:733,fbi_russia.jpg)

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b215c3 No.18222840

File: 4695b8e26141ec3⋯.png (168.79 KB,356x475,356:475,ClipboardImage.png)


WPBF West Palm Beach

View Profile

Atlantis Police arrest man in connection to distributing antisemitic flyers, county leaders discuss hate crimes

Story by Sooji Nam • Yesterday 8:07 PM

Atlantis Police arrested 33-year-old Nicholas Bysheim for obstructing a law enforcement officer without violence on Saturday.

Investigators got reports of people in a U-Haul pickup truck tossing antisemitic flyers in the community Saturday. They soon found the truck on South Country Club Drive and saw a man throwing plastic bags with flyers onto people's lawns.

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"We can’t stop them from distributing, however, littering is littering. And we wanted to cite him for that. That’s not an arrestable offense. However, when he failed to identify himself so we could issue the citation, that is an arrestable offense," Atlantis Police Chief Robert Mangold told WPBF 25 News.

They soon learned that the suspect is from Maryland. He joined two other people, including the leader of the group Goyim Defense League that weekend.

"I was concerned that they came into my community; obviously it’s a very quiet, primarily residential community," Mangold said. "We don’t appreciate your hate, don’t want you here."

The flyers that were distributed in Atlantis were the same papers that were tossed in Lake Worth neighborhoods over the weekend.

Investigators say they are also familiar faces behind a similar incident in Boca Raton in early January.

"There was a BOLO (Be on the lookout) put out by Boca Raton PD and GDL…Goyim Defense League…was identified in that BOLO. And those were the same people that we dealt with on this last Saturday evening," Mangold said.

WPBF 25 News reached out to West Palm Beach Police on whether these individuals were also behind the projection of swastikas on the AT&T building in West Palm Beach, and have not yet heard back.

The executive director of the nonprofit, StopAntisemitism, sent WPBF 25 News a statement in part below.

"StopAntisemitism commends the Atlantis Police Department for the arrest of Nicholas Bysheim, member of a dangerous white supremacist group called the Goyim Defense League…Bysheim’s dissemination of antisemitism is threatening and he must be held accountable," Liora Rez responded.

The suspect had been taken to the Palm Beach County jail.

"He was released two hours after we transported him there, on his own recognizance. It’s kind of ironic because in the morning, PBSO (Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office) employees found that this hate literature has been distributed on their vehicles," Mangold said.

And in order to crack down on antisemitic incidents like these, Palm Beach County leaders had a roundtable discussion Tuesday afternoon. Officials gathered to have a conversation on what laws or ordinances can be in place to prevent antisemitic cases from rising.

33-year-old Nicholas Bysheim= sounds jewish

feels like ive seen this fag before

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b6bee1 No.18222841

File: 4f5aa18d6ce81ba⋯.png (385.84 KB,669x553,669:553,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d5166ffa92d760⋯.png (319.14 KB,720x832,45:52,nazi_democrat.png)

File: 3b9fdeaf81b4c0f⋯.png (304.93 KB,1094x830,547:415,nazis_skinheads_kkk_are_gr….png)


Yet another nazi that supports ukraine

don't be fooled by nazi groomers.

Nice Pink Hair Anime Figures drew. You groomer FAG

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832668 No.18222842

File: 65198661f4aadf5⋯.mp4 (9.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,Horton.mp4)

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c58f0b No.18222843

File: b5d38d90e345a19⋯.jpg (106.42 KB,1003x1024,1003:1024,large_2023_01_25T121810_85….jpg)

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8f35fa No.18222844

File: fad4221c23c3494⋯.png (515.22 KB,714x494,357:247,ank.PNG)






NOW - Biden sends 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine.

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c1fe43 No.18222845

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

38 minutes ago

Christian Persecution Is At All Time High And Christian Leaders Are Silent, Thomas Williams Reports, and only getting worse

That’s what the Black Pope brings


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05ffc3 No.18222846


>slavery parties

Video stress the importance of Citizen Involvement in the election process.

There's really nothing mentioned about "parties" in this whole video.

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da2a9d No.18222847


>will cause irreparable damage

to Chyna

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eee40d No.18222848

Is Declaring a Climate Emergency Enough to Stop Global Warming? Learning From the COVID-19 Pandemic

One of the most important challenges our global civilization faces in the coming years is to achieve the Paris Agreement's goals of preventing the planet's temperature from exceeding the pre-industrial values of 2°C and limiting it, at most, to 1.5°C. Awareness of this problem has led to the creation of many national and international organizations in recent decades,…

Thus, the current practice of declaring a climate emergency must be fortified by making it a legal tool…an international legal tool…legally binding…

The health crisis resulting from COVID-19 has proved that when a population faces a serious and urgent situation affecting its goods and services, many countries have at their disposal powerful instruments…total or partial restriction of mobility and the halting of economic activity, among others…by declaring a state of emergency or through other similar legal instruments.

…a new legal and political framework has emerged, showing us how to intervene more efficiently and forcefully.

without any legal framework able to apply limitation on the days emitting CO2, this goal will not be done. The climatic alarm should provide a legal political frame for the implementation of this restriction.


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8a1c37 No.18222849

File: 2f299c60525e3ab⋯.png (492.07 KB,828x910,414:455,2f299c60525e3ab9e5b1bfd789….png)

File: 0b463b1021fee98⋯.jpg (254.1 KB,909x826,909:826,0b463b1021fee9879e35548c38….jpg)

File: 37e2ac34ccd714c⋯.jpg (286.17 KB,792x792,1:1,1556344391096.jpg)

File: a067e628176a777⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,640x360,16:9,CommiePope.mp4)

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280697 No.18222850

Earth is vibrating at 7.83 hertz

What happens when earths frequency goes to 100 hertz?

What happens when humans start vibrating over 500 hertz?

What frequency range is currently visible to the human eye?

What frequency range is currently invisible to the human eye?

Are their entities that exist outside of the human frequency range?

Could some spacecraft have tech to vibrate at a higher frequency range and use this tech to seem to disappear?

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6b18e3 No.18222851

File: e8254bbd2d6d449⋯.png (59.19 KB,612x344,153:86,lide_death_simple.png)

File: f4b216025d09303⋯.png (93.8 KB,905x522,905:522,red_pill_01.png)

File: a3dce7dd3efd5b2⋯.png (1.17 MB,1108x831,4:3,red_pill_02.png)

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2fb863 No.18222852

File: f067bf1598f4c13⋯.gif (68.17 KB,220x220,1:1,smudge_crystal_orb.gif)

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77cbe6 No.18222853

File: 87931c9036b2830⋯.png (1.64 MB,1182x1200,197:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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a24ce5 No.18222854

File: ce957c0452d3b1a⋯.png (8.5 KB,378x162,7:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3f34d573e6ef17⋯.png (328.16 KB,598x646,299:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b08cc1d435142b⋯.png (660.33 KB,598x656,299:328,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86ddbea091b956c⋯.png (179.29 KB,598x395,598:395,ClipboardImage.png)



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f4345c No.18222855

File: bc434f7500c0bc3⋯.webp (34.62 KB,640x799,640:799,5rkeviwq2vn71.webp)

Best Fauci Meme


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19ee4a No.18222856


Having an Affair with a chinese spy should have sent this shmuck to jail, but here is another traitor yapping about vengeance. Justice is coming not vengeance, a reckoning of all their evil deeds will be put into the balance.

Swallows Well should start running now

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eee40d No.18222857

File: 8c732e1e6b9eaf8⋯.png (344.86 KB,561x421,561:421,sauce.png)

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b57052 No.18222859

File: 6c5b7d75dac7723⋯.jpg (10.68 KB,187x255,11:15,4ed76729b1c7c3e2d443e0bfa8….jpg)

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c58f0b No.18222860

File: f83fac26090022a⋯.jpg (79.77 KB,959x831,959:831,FnVVVKBaEAEB2iM.jpg)

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709d3f No.18222861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You know it’s true.

Emerald doing bible references and Milli Vanilli. Shits gettin' weird, anons.

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434966 No.18222862


Not Bad

U remember Gorgeous George

"Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!"

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975b85 No.18222863



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 732b35 No.402538📁

Feb 16 2018 20:05:17 (EST)

Clown Agency>No Such Agency.

RIP JFK - we will succeed.

Pyramid will collapse.

Think shell.


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60b991 No.18222864

File: a84cde956cf63e7⋯.png (537.68 KB,1080x1119,360:373,Sbhhu.png)

File: 6fccfe9c1f35587⋯.png (1.37 MB,1004x1455,1004:1455,Vjji.png)

Democrats are without question the sickest people to ever walk the earth.

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a24ce5 No.18222865

File: 6b80aa9c8bb381b⋯.png (21.99 KB,610x328,305:164,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c09fb198aef137⋯.png (22.66 KB,598x118,299:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4f462f46c42883⋯.png (300.46 KB,598x696,299:348,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37723fe432913a2⋯.png (284.21 KB,598x435,598:435,ClipboardImage.png)



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68a87a No.18222866

File: 45f65b133ceaf69⋯.png (474.27 KB,1005x464,1005:464,ftj100.PNG)

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c1fe43 No.18222867


God and Jesus must take care of this now, please and Amen

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1b0d12 No.18222868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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95f3a3 No.18222869


Dead man walking

Trudeau's twitter replies are even worse

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2fb863 No.18222870

File: a5c6b986b31e2e5⋯.gif (1006.65 KB,500x247,500:247,pardon_me_but_.gif)


I don't care about elections anymore and I definitely don't care about citizen involvement. Everything is screwed up and beyond saving as far as I'm concerned.

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95f3a3 No.18222871



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0f535d No.18222872

File: c1c64920fb2af87⋯.png (16.09 KB,403x234,31:18,image_2023_01_25_122346857.png)


31 tanks to Ukraine.

Such a random #

31 Oct, 1931 - U.S.A. Gold Standard

1931 : Following the announcement that Great Britain had decided to abandon the Gold Standard in mid-September a mini panic occurred when people were worried their money was not safe in local banks, the panic caused people to draw savings from the banks which in turn placed more pressure on the banks than the 1929 stock market crash had already, because of this by 31st October 827 banks were forced to close.

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8a1c37 No.18222873

File: 49164d924e83e5e⋯.jpg (60.13 KB,370x448,185:224,Climate_Change_Kerry_money….jpg)

File: 01511c6be6216ce⋯.jpg (101.3 KB,673x725,673:725,01511c6be6216ce005f520bf60….jpg)

File: bb001619fcc7894⋯.jpg (69.09 KB,753x623,753:623,Science_defeats_climate_ch….jpg)

File: 1542e114c0b97d4⋯.png (2.09 MB,1865x632,1865:632,1542e114c0b97d47c1cdb3b430….png)

File: d74e7732ddcf318⋯.png (1.17 MB,1660x575,332:115,acid_rain_map.png)

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a8054f No.18222874

File: 3b3686ea7566e1b⋯.jpeg (359.33 KB,1125x2175,15:29,85D95FFD_19E7_46B8_9998_F….jpeg)

Just when I think I’m out, he pulls me back in.

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30280f No.18222875

File: 2c35664c33e1d63⋯.png (1.79 MB,1800x1200,3:2,9db057d6cff90e66dc9fa75f1f….png)

Let Marines name all the ops.

Neon Defender

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2fb863 No.18222876

File: d2e5128bffe1723⋯.jpg (59.21 KB,564x571,564:571,grounded.jpg)

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68a87a No.18222877


He does transport semen in his butt.

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9d424e No.18222878

File: 655fcc178f1d8c8⋯.jpg (107.29 KB,1080x839,1080:839,photo_2023_01_25_12_14_03.jpg)

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8f35fa No.18222879

File: 726e18debe27656⋯.png (459.69 KB,421x714,421:714,board.PNG)


Paul Bixler, who is a board member of Liberty Elementary School District in Arizona, was seen going inside a women’s locker room in a gym, police came and did nothing.

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e710cd No.18222880

File: ec32f0193fb60fb⋯.mp4 (68.97 KB,320x180,16:9,Anthony_Fauci_Arrest_gif.MP4)

File: 2191cb41c47e42d⋯.mp4 (966.17 KB,720x732,60:61,Fauci_Thrown.MP4)

File: 9c6b32dedbb0b19⋯.jpg (67.04 KB,589x887,589:887,Fauci_Doll.JPG)

File: b107347b4b5737c⋯.jpg (81.49 KB,750x936,125:156,Bill_Gates_and_Fauci_Meme_….JPG)

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77cbe6 No.18222881


for sale: French rifle. Never been fired. Dropped once.

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2fb863 No.18222882

File: 098a4c01b5d08dd⋯.gif (903.35 KB,300x269,300:269,durr_1_.gif)

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0f535d No.18222883


You know it's bad when Canadians are getting angry.

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8f520c No.18222884

File: ec5b0de5f995c41⋯.jpeg (13.41 KB,255x199,255:199,44d79151d9d9198100719e7c9….jpeg)

File: 42e484ea0096d10⋯.png (10.38 KB,182x255,182:255,73f37ae50f6056497d785843cb….png)

File: dfaa1bbb64b9def⋯.png (10.15 KB,168x255,56:85,bec2c67af4db1d453aaff0bc08….png)

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70699a No.18222885

Oregon General Jural Assembly Public Notice

Posted by admin on Nov 14, 2022 in Uncategorized, Oregon

This De Jure Grand Jury Finding of Facts that the grievances brought before this Grand Jury on this day November 12, 2022, in a Presentment of Declaration by People assembled in Oregon State, and find these grievances true and correct. Therefore, the Grand Jury finds that the People in Oregon shall assemble to re-assemble a De Jure Constitutional Republic.


If the proper documentation and attempts were made, but ignored and refused by the governing entities, how do we cure and make lawful?

Can we now just declare a new form of government or must we convince the current military to agree for legitimacy and the control over military fight is the real battle then.

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eee40d No.18222886


What Should a Global Climate Alarm Look Like?

Looking at the measures for restricting movement and economic activity that some countries implemented by declaring a state of emergency to confront the COVID-19 pandemic, we find inspiration for defining a global state of climate alarm for at least 3 days a month in order to reduce emissions as described above.


"There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. Nothing can be seen, and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of religion. It will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness…"


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f4345c No.18222887

File: 88b2170444aa43a⋯.png (203.57 KB,480x659,480:659,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 877c8a23ab643ff⋯.mp4 (7.54 MB,640x360,16:9,ItQcQKsUcEezLWEP.mp4)

The Vigilant Fox 🦊


How Do You Account for That? Each Time They Push the Jabs, the Deaths Skyrocket

#s from the Social Security Master Death File

Jan 2020 to Jan 2021 (rollout): A 30% year-over-year increase in deaths.

Sept 2020 to Sept 2021 (vaccine mandates): A 31% increase in deaths.


6:14 PM · Jan 24, 2023


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e72ac9 No.18222888

File: 49926bb62511292⋯.png (379.58 KB,511x684,511:684,ClipboardImage.png)


This is getting serious …

"Online claims have emerged, corroborated by others, that the popular “Producer’s Pride” chicken feed sold by the Tractor Supply chain has been recently altered and that its new formulation is causing chickens to stop laying eggs. Some suggest a deliberate reduction in the amount of protein in the feed may be causing the reduction in egg production.

Hens do lay fewer eggs in the winter time due to reduced sunlight. Farmers have often used a light to expose hens to longer light so as to produce more egg-laying. Yet farmer sources report that they are seeing a much-greater-than-normal reduction in egg production, to the point where many report that hens are laying zero eggs instead of merely a reduced laying frequency. There is no word on whether this is a temporary or a permanent change among Tractor Supply feed."


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a1b867 No.18222889

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

I'm a trusted board personality and what are you? Love me or you're a demonic shill against the God narrative.

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8a1c37 No.18222890

File: ad10fb38aeb5479⋯.png (490.94 KB,553x778,553:778,1.png)

File: b488fa3f7c6d767⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB,778x360,389:180,antivax_winners.mp4)

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e4dfcb No.18222891

File: 1f047b7bd16ce03⋯.jpg (19.16 KB,255x204,5:4,db6188bbb5e3d3e95318fe8999….jpg)

File: d8e8174cec893b0⋯.jpeg (118.35 KB,540x680,27:34,d8e8174cec893b02d63b5a3cc….jpeg)

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985c88 No.18222892

File: 3eb390b797b9599⋯.gif (1.19 MB,498x498,1:1,pepeSmoking.gif)


looks like he's not able to walk down the street

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c1fe43 No.18222893


Why the FBI didn’t arrest him ASAP, tells you all you need to know. That agency is captured by China. Why even tell Pelosi and McCarthy, why not arrest him like the Rosenbergs. If they put him to death for treason it would have reduced the commies in gov. I’m starting to warm up to the death penalty

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da2a9d No.18222894

File: 651c9829076213f⋯.jpg (89.18 KB,894x464,447:232,ON_NCSWIC.jpg)

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e710cd No.18222895

File: 1854cdf8fe5f710⋯.png (964.5 KB,758x890,379:445,Fauci_face_2.png)

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9c0085 No.18222896


I want answers about the vaccine and not from people here saying it's all 5D chess. I want answers from POTUS Trump himself. Was he duped? Was it strategy? Did he even know?

With all of that said, I still want him to be POTUS again. I know of no one else who can bring the country/world back under control from the current chaos. It would just be EPIC if he'd come out and explain, that is all.

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1b0d12 No.18222897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>U remember Gorgeous George

never heard of her

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1c0169 No.18222898


These people are more brave than certain White Hats who go along with the vaccine

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553f48 No.18222899


ashkully, the water level goes down when ice melts. Ice takes more space than the water that formed it.

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c58f0b No.18222900

File: 8877d1fea77f5ee⋯.jpg (109.88 KB,500x831,500:831,FnT0K_AXEAA5N8e.jpg)

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728653 No.18222901

File: 2b6c730436b3d9e⋯.png (537.13 KB,981x723,327:241,2b6c730436b3d9e2f120f0fa72….png)

File: 0514b06eca73acf⋯.jpg (105.13 KB,1080x658,540:329,0514b06eca73acf4d4abe7656c….jpg)





'Michelle Obama Is Really a Man': The Wildest MAGA Conspiracy Yet

Story by Gerrard Kaonga • 48m ago

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87a754 No.18222902

File: 93ea98abd57929b⋯.gif (6.24 MB,400x400,1:1,arrrrrBOOOM.gif)


>What happens when Pepe starts vibrating over 500 hertz?

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cf546b No.18222903

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8efbff No.18222904


These tech companies see what Elon did at Twitter by removing so much of the fat.

Twitter didn't miss a beat when those people were fired.

They are doing the same.

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c58f0b No.18222905

File: f68c65c8594fa42⋯.jpg (163.23 KB,1080x606,180:101,FnTyxisXgAEs8s7.jpg)

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e710cd No.18222906

File: 7447a76f89c4f5e⋯.jpg (218.98 KB,1161x664,1161:664,MonkeyPox_02_Gates_Fauci_M….jpg)

My effort.

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001987 No.18222907

File: 1ea4a8ec7981f93⋯.jpg (22.94 KB,474x313,474:313,th_1593977168.jpg)

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c9401a No.18222908

File: 2a32e71537fa1ac⋯.png (388.53 KB,549x484,549:484,michelleface.png)

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985c88 No.18222909

File: d94da392831d581⋯.png (757.63 KB,666x1317,222:439,trumpcard315.png)


>Just when I think I’m out, he pulls me back in.

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95f3a3 No.18222910



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8db73a No.18222911

File: 3f23fc959186f55⋯.jpg (17.18 KB,255x254,255:254,3f23fc959186f55b3b79061faf….jpg)

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70699a No.18222912


The Fundamental Orders

In the spring of 1638 three Connecticut towns, Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield, chose

representatives and held a general court at Hartford. At its opening session the Reverend Thomas

Hooker preached a powerful sermon on the text that "the foundation of authority is laid in the free

consent of the people." On January 14 following, by the Julian calendar in use at the time, which would

January 24, 1639, by today's Gregorian calendar, the constitution given here was adopted by the

freemen of the three towns assembled at Hartford, and is usually named The Fundamental Orders.

Nowhere in this great document is there a reference to "our dread Sovereign" or "our gracious Lord the

King," — nor to any government or power outside of Connecticut itself. It did not even limit the vote to

members of Puritan congregations. This appears to be the first written constitution in the Western

tradition which created a government, and it is easily seen to be the prototype of our Federal

Constitution, adopted exactly one hundred and fifty years later. However, see also the Iroquois

Constitution and the Mayflower Compact of earlier times.

Note that the year recorded in the document is 1638, because the British calendar in use at the time

began the new year on March 25 instead of January 1 as does the Gregorian calendar we use today.

Britain did not convert to the Gregorian calendar until 1751, when 11 days had to be added to their

dates to get the Gregorian dates. In 1639 they were 10 days behind the Gregorian calendar.

For as much as it hath pleased Almighty God by the wise disposition of his divine providence so to

order and dispose of things that we the Inhabitants and Residents of Windsor, Hartford and

Wethersfield are now cohabiting and dwelling in and upon the River of Connectecotte and the

lands thereunto adjoining; and well knowing where a people are gathered together the word of God

requires that to maintain the peace and union of such a people there should be an orderly and

decent Government established according to God, to order and dispose of the affairs of the people

at all seasons as occasion shall require; do therefore associate and conjoin ourselves to be as one

Public State or Commonwealth; and do for ourselves and our successors and such as shall be

adjoined to us at any time hereafter, enter into Combination and Confederation together, to

maintain and preserve the liberty and purity of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus which we now

profess, as also, the discipline of the Churches, which according to the truth of the said Gospel is

now practiced amongst us; as also in our civil affairs to be guided and governed according to such

Laws, Rules, Orders and Decrees as shall be made, ordered, and decreed as followeth:

1. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that there shall be yearly two General Assemblies or

Courts, the one the second Thursday in April, the other the second Thursday in September

following; the first shall be called the Court of Election, wherein shall be yearly chosen from time

to time, so many Magistrates and other public Officers as shall be found requisite: Whereof one to

be chosen Governor for the year ensuing and until another be chosen, and no other Magistrate to

be chosen for more than one year: provided always there be six chosen besides the Governor,

which being chosen and sworn according to an Oath recorded for that purpose, shall have the

power to administer justice according to the Laws here established, and for want thereof, according

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87a754 No.18222913

File: d1431a098cf4353⋯.png (8.92 KB,191x255,191:255,honks44.png)

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e710cd No.18222914

File: 4dfdfac16d21dbe⋯.jpg (249.01 KB,1280x948,320:237,MonkeyPox_01_Fauci_by_Bob.JPG)

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c1fe43 No.18222915


I hope so, how did Canada parliament ignore the obvious for so long. Every world leader hates him except the compromised plants.

Canadians what options do you have to get him out once and for all?

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05ffc3 No.18222916



That was my first instinct reply.

But, then I found hope that anon was clearly at a precipice as there is alternative option to "jumping". And, the is finding [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].

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67e500 No.18222917


That Guy!

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baa9e1 No.18222918

File: 82e2f927e91e861⋯.mp4 (5.06 MB,576x544,18:17,82e2f927e91e8617dcb0dad89e….mp4)



Barbara Bush is like "Bring Out Your Dead"

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eee40d No.18222919



>ashkully, the water level goes down when ice melts. Ice takes more space than the water that formed it.


science kitty!

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b215c3 No.18222920

File: fb75a86dbc32efe⋯.png (554.71 KB,636x536,159:134,monkeypoint.PNG)

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c1fe43 No.18222921


Move to SA that should work for you

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70699a No.18222922


to the Rule of the Word of God; which choice shall be made by all that are admitted freemen and

have taken the Oath of Fidelity, and do cohabit within this Jurisdiction having been admitted

Inhabitants by the major part of the Town wherein they live or the major part of such as shall be

then present.

2. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that the election of the aforesaid Magistrates shall be in this

manner: every person present and qualified for choice shall bring in (to the person deputed to receive

them) one single paper with the name of him written in it whom he desires to have Governor, and he

that hath the greatest number of papers shall be Governor for that year. And the rest of the Magistrates

or public officers to be chosen in this manner: the Secretary for the time being shall first read the names

of all that are to be put to choice and then shall severally nominate them distinctly, and every one that

would have the person nominated to be chosen shall bring in one single paper written upon, and he that

would not have him chosen shall bring in a blank; and every one that hath more written papers than

blanks shall be a Magistrate for that year; which papers shall be received and told by one or more that

shall be then chosen by the court and sworn to be faithful therein; but in case there should not be six

chosen as aforesaid, besides the Governor, out of those which are nominated, than he or they which

have the most writen papers shall be a Magistrate or Magistrates for the ensuing year, to make up the

aforesaid number.

3. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that the Secretary shall not nominate any person, nor shall

any person be chosen newly into the Magistracy which was not propounded in some General Court

before, to be nominated the next election; and to that end it shall be lawful for each of the Towns

aforesaid by their deputies to nominate any two whom they conceive fit to be put to election; and

the Court may add so many more as they judge requisite.

4. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that no person be chosen Governor above once in two years,

and that the Governor be always a member of some approved Congregation, and formerly of the

Magistracy within this Jurisdiction; and that all the Magistrates, Freemen of this Commonwealth; and

that no Magistrate or other public officer shall execute any part of his or their office before they are

severally sworn, which shall be done in the face of the court if they be present, and in case of absence

by some deputed for that purpose.

5. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that to the aforesaid Court of Election the several Towns shall

send their deputies, and when the Elections are ended they may proceed in any public service as at

other Courts. Also the other General Court in September shall be for making of laws, and any other

public occasion, which concerns the good of the Commonwealth.

6. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that the Governor shall, either by himself or by the Secretary,

send out summons to the Constables of every Town for the calling of these two standing Courts one

month at least before their several times: And also if the Governor and the greatest part of the

Magistrates see cause upon any special occasion to call a General Court, they may give order to the

Secretary so to do within fourteen days warning: And if urgent necessity so require, upon a shorter

notice, giving sufficient grounds for it to the deputies when they meet, or else be questioned for the

same; And if the Governor and major part of Magistrates shall either neglect or refuse to call the two

General standing Courts or either of them, as also at other times when the occasions of the

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750653 No.18222923

File: 4504b4544119005⋯.png (206.15 KB,1020x2042,510:1021,Design_and_Analysis_of_She….png)

File: 433eea79b2af550⋯.pdf (384.84 KB,excretion_of_mRNA_and_spik….pdf)


(pb notable - shedding)

moar sauce



Current state of knowledge on the excretion of mRNA and spike produced by anti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines; possibility of contamination of the entourage of those vaccinated by these products

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70699a No.18222924


Commonwealth require, the Freemen thereof, or the major part of them, shall petition to them so to do;

if then it be either denied or neglected, the said Freemen, or the major part of them, shall have the

power to give order to the Constables of the several Towns to do the same, and so may meet together,

and choose to themselves a Moderator, and may proceed to do any act of power which any other

General Courts may.

7. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that after there are warrants given out for any of the said

General Courts, the Constable or Constables of each Town, shall forthwith give notice distinctly to the

inhabitants of the same, in some public assembly or by going or sending from house to house, that at a

place and time by him or them limited and set, they meet and assemble themselves together to elect and

choose certain deputies to be at the General Court then following to agitate the affairs of the

Commonwealth; which said deputies shall be chosen by all that are admitted Inhabitants in the several

Towns and have taken the oath of fidelity; provided that none be chosen a Deputy for any General

Court which is not a Freeman of this Commonwealth. The aforesaid deputies shall be chosen in manner

following: every person that is present and qualified as before expressed, shall bring the names of such,

written in several papers, as they desire to have chosen for that employment, and these three or four,

more or less, being the number agreed on to be chosen for that time, that have the greatest number of

papers written for them shall be deputies for that Court; whose names shall be endorsed on the back

side of the warrant and returned into the Court, with the Constable or Constables' hand unto the same.

8. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield shall have power,

each Town, to send four of their Freemen as their deputies to every General Court; and Whatsoever

other Town shall be hereafter added to this Jurisdiction, they shall send so many deputies as the Court

shall judge meet, a reasonable proportion to the number of Freemen that are in the said Towns being to

be attended therein; which deputies shall have the power of the whole Town to give their votes and

allowance to all such laws and orders as may be for the public good, and unto which the said Towns are

to be bound.

9. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that the deputies thus chosen shall have power and liberty to

appoint a time and a place of meeting together before any General Court, to advise and consult of all

such things as may concern the good of the public, as also to examine their own Elections, whether

according to the order, and if they or the greatest part of them find any election to be illegal they may

seclude such for present from their meeting, and return the same and their reasons to the Court; and if it

be proved true, the Court may fine the party or parties so intruding, and the Town, if they see cause,

and give out a warrant to go to a new election in a legal way, either in part or in whole. Also the said

deputies shall have power to fine any that shall be disorderly at their meetings, or for not coming in due

time or place according to appointment; and they may return the said fines into the Court if it be

refused to be paid, and the Treasurer to take notice of it, and to escheat or levy the same as he does

other fines.

10. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that every General Court, except such as through neglect of

the Governor and the greatest part of the Magistrates the Freemen themselves do call, shall consist of

the Governor, or some one chosen to moderate the Court, and four other Magistrates at least, with the

major part of the deputies of the several Towns legally chosen; and in case the Freemen, or major part

of them, through neglect or refusal of the Governor and major part of the Magistrates, shall call a

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70699a No.18222925


Court, it shall consist of the major part of Freemen that are present or their deputies, with a Moderator

chosen by them: In which said General Courts shall consist the supreme power of the Commonwealth,

and they only shall have power to make laws or repeal them, to grant levies, to admit of Freemen,

dispose of lands undisposed of, to several Towns or persons, and also shall have power to call either

Court or Magistrate or any other person whatsoever into question for any misdemeanor, and may for

just causes displace or deal otherwise according to the nature of the offense; and also may deal in any

other matter that concerns the good of this Commonwealth, except the election of Magistrates, which

shall be done by the whole body of Freemen. In which Court the Governor or Moderator shall have

power to order the Court, to give liberty of speech, and silence unseasonable and disorderly speakings,

to put all things to vote, and in case the vote be equal to have the casting voice. But none of these

Courts shall be adjourned or dissolved without the consent of the major part of the Court.

11. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that when any General Court upon the occasions of the

Commonwealth have agreed upon any sum, or sums of money to be levied upon the several Towns

within this Jurisdiction, that a committee be chosen to set out and appoint what shall be the proportion

of every Town to pay of the said levy, provided the committee be made up of an equal number out of

each Town.

14th January, 1638, the 11 Orders above said are voted.

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de1e61 No.18222926


30 mins of solid winning!

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996038 No.18222927

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB,510x438,85:73,clip_image.png)


>WILD: Prime Minster Justin Trudeau swarmed by angry protesters…

>Protestors curse and yell, "Tyrant!"

Castreau hiding behind the skirts of his security detail.

Le Kek

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e25220 No.18222928

File: 0800a372af489e0⋯.mp4 (69.04 KB,248x144,31:18,images_42_.mp4)

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47fc01 No.18222929

File: 38dc15e27fa3e1a⋯.png (439.05 KB,750x741,250:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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638847 No.18222930

File: e02a4e11b009eb1⋯.png (182.02 KB,768x597,256:199,Capture.PNG)


Dub trips chekt.

Producer's Pride is owned by Land O Lakes.

This is the tranny that runs Land O Lakes.


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da2a9d No.18222931

File: a214b8f7b205a05⋯.jpg (96.66 KB,1333x889,1333:889,Soccer2.JPG)

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1b0d12 No.18222932

File: fa0438142107fe5⋯.png (218.99 KB,351x555,117:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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87a754 No.18222933

File: 85321caaa603685⋯.jpg (7.25 KB,225x225,1:1,sabbacc44.jpg)

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1c0169 No.18222934

File: 168fd7795ca16df⋯.png (445.51 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230125_123206.png)

Moar losing


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da2a9d No.18222935

File: 2df5cd418b98920⋯.jpg (131.93 KB,1337x890,1337:890,Soccer3.JPG)

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0cc244 No.18222936

File: b182c26e6746219⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,GG32gfNRkMXmRTc0.mp4)


Potato and his fellow Democrats laugh at reporters trying to ask them questions about

classified documentsBiden's last press conference was 71 days ago.

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434966 No.18222937


And the sign said "Long-haired freaky people need not apply"

So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why

He said "You look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you'll do"

So I took off my hat, I said "Imagine that. Huh! Me workin' for you!"


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33b6b9 No.18222938

File: 98322d9e8e64ce4⋯.png (2.34 MB,1500x1500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>What happens when earths frequency goes to 100 hertz?

We get some bass up in this bitch!

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62ac4c No.18222939

File: b6fea4ef0a2634a⋯.png (577.65 KB,527x841,527:841,ppp.png)



Wheat Middlings, Ground Corn, Corn Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles, Calcium Carbonate, Dehulled Soybean Meal, Salt, DL-Methionine, Sodium Selenite, Manganous Oxide, Vitamin E Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex (Vitamin K), Niacin Supplement, Zinc Oxide, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Biotin, Choline Chloride, Copper Sulfate, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Folic Acid, Riboflavin Supplement, Dried Aspergillus oryzae Fermentation Extract, Calcium Iodate.*LABELING REQUIREMENTS VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. FOR AN ACCURATE LIST OF INGREDIENTS AND GUARANTEED ANALYSIS IN YOUR REGION, PLEASE REFER TO THE LABEL AFFIXED TO THE FEED PRODUCT.


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1d158e No.18222940


chickens got spike protein feed or no

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0700e1 No.18222941

File: 86f0b9366ed25a4⋯.jpg (53.6 KB,550x470,55:47,anus_burger2.jpg)


>I want

And you know what?

The world doesn't give a fuck what you want.

Have a nice day.

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06307d No.18222942

File: b214ddcaf4a5402⋯.png (633.76 KB,1080x1437,360:479,Scvgh.png)

File: af894f3ef8bf207⋯.webm (2.95 MB,416x720,26:45,1670446561551749.webm)


Black African NEGROID HISTORY MONTH is right around the corner!!

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f0f247 No.18222943

File: d8dd079cf295c48⋯.png (239.35 KB,421x552,421:552,rup.PNG)


👀 Jeffrey A. Tucker Says the Gates Foundation Wanted Lockdowns Until Vaccines Were Ready

“I nearly dropped the phone. I said ‘you are going to vaccinate your way out of this pandemic?’ What are we going to stay locked down for 5 years?”




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9c0085 No.18222944


Today is January 25, 2023 and Joe Biden is the worst President in U.S. history.

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f4345c No.18222945


>Infectious Diseases Research 2022;3(4):22. >https://doi.org/10.53388/IDR202211250221Submit a manuscript: >https://www.tmrjournals.com/idr

>Current state of knowledge on the excretion of mRNA and spike producedbyanti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines; possibility of contamination of the entourage of those vaccinated by these products

"These studies have not been done for mRNA vaccines (nor for adenovirus vaccines). There are numerous reports of symptoms and pathologies identical to the adverse effects of mRNA vaccines in unvaccinated persons in contact with freshly vaccinated persons."

"Lipid nanoparticles (or their natural equivalent, exosomes or extracellular vesicles (EVs)) have been shown to be able to be excreted through body fluids (sweat, sputum, breast milk) and to pass the transplacental barrier. These EVs are also able to penetrate by inhalation and through the skin (healthy or injured) as well as orally through breast milk"

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7b3384 No.18222946


As in HRC’s infamous line: “Can’t we just drone him?” Of course, she was speaking of Julian Assange and I am speaking of Gates.

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e710cd No.18222947

File: a28f98aa922b65c⋯.jpg (242.1 KB,1080x1023,360:341,IMG_5495.JPG)

File: 4673861d14a4374⋯.jpeg (314.15 KB,1446x1072,723:536,Obama_s_03_FLBOTUS_Painti….JPEG)

File: 71585d71a9b22c5⋯.png (394.13 KB,437x326,437:326,IMG_9113.PNG)

File: 6301d2770924088⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB,4482x1998,83:37,Michelle_Obama_is_a_Man.JPEG)

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c58f0b No.18222948

File: 7536d3e275ecbc8⋯.jpg (151.3 KB,1280x1068,320:267,FnEFgq4WAAU6w8i.jpg)

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0cc244 No.18222949

File: e25084a84cd104e⋯.jpg (102.19 KB,1084x1280,271:320,photo_2023_01_05_19_16_06.jpg)

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33b6b9 No.18222950

File: b09cfaedd1a0929⋯.png (63.01 KB,346x146,173:73,ClipboardImage.png)


Soon it will cause neck injuries.

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154533 No.18222951


Our chickens won't eat the pellets

Cracked corn is cheaper anywho

Pig will eat the new shit so ….at least we have a use for it

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47fc01 No.18222952

File: 35e666d0a6fdc96⋯.png (75.66 KB,292x172,73:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf3d065edadb750⋯.png (353.51 KB,371x600,371:600,ClipboardImage.png)

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95f3a3 No.18222953


We would still be in lockdown

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9c0085 No.18222954


>And the sign said "Long-haired freaky people need not apply"

>So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why

>He said "You look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you'll do"

>So I took off my hat, I said "Imagine that. Huh! Me workin' for you!"


Love me some Nirvana now! Classic!

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8f520c No.18222955

File: a2c538a6815f079⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,814x452,407:226,0tnmFGhsAUV2aep0.mp4)


Slurs his way thru the announcement.

31 M1 Abrams tanks

very complex to operate and maintain

parts and training

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0b0669 No.18222956




You must be a young buck.

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9c0085 No.18222957


Let's shake the ground!

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53faa8 No.18222958


Visibility of vibratory motion would be somewhat amplitude-dependent.

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f4345c No.18222959

File: f0ef714ddcf4044⋯.jpg (247.14 KB,846x728,423:364,vaxx_shedding.jpg)

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553f48 No.18222960


Trump is referring to the original Delta Vaccines which probably did save a lot of lives, not the boosters which seem to be causing many more problems. Originally, the CDC and Fauci was saying that one shot and a booster 4-8 weeks later would be enough. They were variant wrong.


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c58f0b No.18222961

File: 4bf5085174baf6f⋯.jpg (45.1 KB,667x800,667:800,FmvL4RXXkAEgChe.jpg)

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26c76e No.18222962

File: fbe94f0d01a906c⋯.png (248.91 KB,700x420,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Searchers Seek 2nd Hiker in Area Where Julian Sands Missing

Updated: January 24, 2023

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif.—Rescue personnel in California have launched a search for a second hiker on the same snow-covered mountain where actor Julian Sands is missing.

The San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department said in a statement that its search and rescue team received a request Sunday to search for a 75-year-old Los Angeles man on 10,064-foot (3,068-meter) Mt. Baldy.

Jin Chung, of North Hollywood, was last seen around 6 a.m. on Sunday, the sheriff’s department said.

Chung carpooled to the mountain with two others and made plans to meet them at the vehicle at 2 p.m., but Chung did not return, authorities said. Ground crews searched unsuccessfully for Chung after he was reported missing.

The sheriff’s department said rescuers unsuccessfully continued searching for Sands on Mt. Baldy over the weekend.

“Helicopters and drones continued to use infrared devices during the search however, all were negative for any signs of Sands,” the department’s statement said.

Sands, 65, was reported missing Jan. 13 while hiking. Search and rescue crews began looking for him on the highest peak in San Gabriel Mountains, about 40 miles (64 kilometers) northeast of downtown Los Angeles.

Storms have coated the mountain with heavy snow and ice, and searches have been thwarted by the threat of avalanches and foul weather, including powerful winds.

Authorities describe mountain conditions as extremely dangerous. Two hikers have died in recent weeks. One fell at least 500 feet (152 meters) down an icy slope.

Sands starred opposite Helena Bonham Carter in the 1985 British romance from director James Ivory, “A Room With a View.”

He also had major roles in 1989’s “Warlock,” 1990’s “Arachnophobia,” 1991’s “Naked Lunch,” 1993’s “Boxing Helena,” and 1995’s “Leaving Las Vegas.”

Sands has worked consistently in the decades since with smaller roles in film and television.


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47fc01 No.18222963

File: 8d5b25195a1dbdb⋯.gif (84.4 KB,300x225,4:3,sorry_working.gif)


I was born and raised here. I'm American and I'm sorry, but you're stuck with me.

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87a754 No.18222964

File: 2a3ac3aafced282⋯.jpg (18.39 KB,255x197,255:197,00096d245709b35b3249e4a0d7….jpg)

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9c0085 No.18222965

File: b6a7a6428ed81a8⋯.jpg (4.72 KB,170x247,170:247,MM.jpg)

File: 9040c419d0d5308⋯.jpg (117.23 KB,474x573,158:191,Flair.jpg)

File: 59e3ff135a8f733⋯.jpg (72.79 KB,493x341,493:341,wolf_suit_7.jpg)

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3bcf41 No.18222966

File: b32f57828cfcd0e⋯.png (1.14 MB,1781x846,1781:846,ClipboardImage.png)

Board of Supervisors in Shasta County, California Votes to Terminate Its Contract with Dominion Voting Systems and End its Use in Elections

Beautiful Shasta County became the first county in California to eliminate the use of voting machines in its elections.

The Board of Supervisors in Shasta County, California voted Tuesday night to terminate the county’s contract with Dominion Voting Systems.

A split Shasta County Board of Supervisors voted to terminate the county’s contract with Dominion Voting Systems after next month’s special election in the city of Shasta Lake.

Shasta will be the first of 40 California counties that used Dominion in the November 2022 election to drop the voting system, Shasta County Clerk/Registrar of Voters Cathy Darling Allen told the Record Searchlight after Tuesday’s meeting…

…Tuesday’s Dominion vote came after a long public debate on the machines, including a tense exchange between Darling Allen and Supervisor Patrick Jones, who led the charge to end the county’s contract with Dominion.

Jones joined Supervisors Chris Kelstrom and Kevin Crye to terminate the agreement, bucking the advice of acting CEO Patrick Minturn, who said it would cost the county at least $1 million to bring in a new electronic voting system and train employees.

The board’s majority agreed with those who spoke in favor of ending the contract and argued you can’t put a price tag on voter trust.

Many individual citizens spoke at the meeting.

In voting 3-2, supervisors directed staff to cancel the agreement. The contract states that only the CEO “and his/her designee,” or the county clerk and registrar of voters can terminate the agreement.

Many who spoke in support of terminating the contract called for an audit of past elections, specifically pointing to last June’s primary, when four far right, “non-establishment” candidates that they supported all lost convincingly to incumbents.

Jones, Crye and Kelstrom also suggested that the primary deserved a closer look. They didn’t mention last November’s election, which put Crye and Kelstrom on the board.

As reported previously, other counties have eliminated the use of Dominion voting systems in their elections. Otero County New Mexico was one, for example.

Senator Bill Eigle in Missouri is looking into the elimination of voting machines in that state.

In Georgia, Professor Alex Halderman issued a report on the use of Dominion Voting Systems in the state. This report is being kept hidden by corrupt judge Amy Totenberg. Based on Halderman’s comments from a speech in 2019 we can guess that the report is not supportive of the use of these systems.


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e25220 No.18222967


public service strikes are coming. soon. the winter festivals in ottawa streets is going to make the honking seem trivial. truckers & fed up government employees striking the capital. the honking will continue until tyrants are removed and held accountable.

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e72ac9 No.18222968

File: 3052fe0c9b04bd4⋯.jpg (5.59 KB,160x160,1:1,JohnHereToHelp_Pig.jpg)

File: d9b32321ed88d94⋯.webp (12.91 KB,931x523,931:523,JohnHereToHelp_Mug_Shot_2….webp)

File: ad280c784ff6999⋯.jpg (32.43 KB,575x445,115:89,JohnHereToHelp.jpg)

File: 45d96eec66370cb⋯.pdf (769.38 KB,JohnHereToHelp_Transcript_….pdf)


>Michelle Obama Is Really a Man

I believe JohnHereToHelp, the whistlerblower said this to be so …

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1b0d12 No.18222969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e710cd No.18222970

File: 041ab0fd618ab0d⋯.mp4 (217.85 KB,480x608,15:19,dAiKLqsTJB04zLUh.mp4)

Dr Fauci in Training

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87a754 No.18222971

File: c30e5a66d928280⋯.jpg (38.51 KB,767x325,59:25,accurateID4.jpg)


>not the boosters

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c1fe43 No.18222972


Ok well get coursge

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c51b7b No.18222973


Trump knows vaccines are dangerous. He didn't even want to take a flu shot. HIs doctor in the first year of presidency stated that he took a flu shot. I doubt it.

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47fc01 No.18222974

File: 089d9370d2376f9⋯.gif (474.53 KB,500x281,500:281,Roxbury_Brothers.gif)


Get a new script.

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0aeb1d No.18222975

File: 1080e228240524f⋯.png (213.19 KB,543x325,543:325,Screen_Shot_2023_01_17_at_….png)

File: 37613c5fa967c88⋯.png (140.9 KB,311x303,311:303,Screen_Shot_2023_01_24_at_….png)

File: 40c44af70f6aeca⋯.png (499.72 KB,681x465,227:155,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: 230a912e08e5d73⋯.png (188.67 KB,273x387,91:129,Screen_Shot_2023_01_24_at_….png)

File: 8b61ff04a290d54⋯.png (449.17 KB,493x614,493:614,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

WUSSAD in crisis


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1c0169 No.18222976


The White Hats can't sleep at night. I thought it was for other reasons. It's not. It's this. Because they knew.

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62ac4c No.18222977

File: 67037caeaefb702⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1326x1920,221:320,1670218808398157.jpg)

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f0f247 No.18222978

File: 3e5bdc0e45a29af⋯.png (270.06 KB,421x467,421:467,chair.PNG)


​ (http://ijr.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/GettyImages-1231950504.jpg)Commentary: Biden's New Chief of Staff Reportedly Had Multiple Meetings with Hunter, Served on Joe's Cancer Charity

READ: https://ijr.com/bidens-new-chief-staff-reportedly-multiple-meetings-hunter/?utm_source=telegram&utm_medium=IJR&utm_campaign=telegramfeed&utm_content=2023-01-25

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9eb4f0 No.18222979


you win

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70699a No.18222980



But he is your President and the Military is at his command.

It's been reported that less than 20% of personnel would have enough loyalty and less than 1% the knowledge of lawful to even refuse an illegal order

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434966 No.18222981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Marilyn Monroe

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9c0085 No.18222982

File: fc82e9b15cf107a⋯.jpg (11.43 KB,290x174,5:3,GNR.jpg)


What do you mean? I KNOW it's Nirvana. Here's a picture.

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8db73a No.18222983

File: 11d6dccf7df5363⋯.png (298.27 KB,443x652,443:652,11d6dccf7df53631ebcaee44db….png)

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8523c1 No.18222984


Was at a Tesla concert some years back.

Everything was great, having a good time and then the lead singer professed his love for the lead guitarist and announced they were married.

It was a buzz kill.

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3bcf41 No.18222985

File: 42b65aa5949cdc4⋯.png (291.86 KB,565x409,565:409,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 959f81589efd518⋯.png (232.17 KB,1003x459,59:27,ClipboardImage.png)

Germany ‘at war’ with Russia – FM

Annalena Baerbock made the admission in a debate with EU colleagues, pushing for the delivery of tanks to Kiev

Arguing in favor of sending tanks to Kiev, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said EU countries were fighting a war against Russia. US and EU officials have previously gone out of their way to claim they were not a party to the conflict in Ukraine.

“And therefore I’ve said already in the last days – yes, we have to do more to defend Ukraine. Yes, we have to do more also on tanks,” Baerbock said during a debate at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Tuesday. “But the most important and the crucial part is that we do it together and that we do not do the blame game in Europe, because we are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.”

While Chancellor Olaf Scholz has insisted that Germany ought to support Ukraine but avoid direct confrontation with Russia, his coalition partner Baerbock has taken a more hawkish position. According to German media, her Green Party has been in favor of sending Leopard 2 tanks to Kiev, and eventually managed to pressure Scholz into agreeing. Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht, who was reluctant to send tanks to Ukraine, was pushed to resign.


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c1fe43 No.18222986

File: 4e201ad0054d9fb⋯.jpeg (452.79 KB,1242x2052,23:38,F061EE3D_E527_4758_9000_C….jpeg)

California learned their tricks from Ukraine!


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ead358 No.18222987

File: a44fd81de397252⋯.gif (2.29 MB,852x480,71:40,biden_roxbury.gif)

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e710cd No.18222988

Julian Sands is the new Biden.

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26c76e No.18222989

File: c074d8c5cf4caa9⋯.png (295.02 KB,500x629,500:629,ClipboardImage.png)


What's worser than worst?

The Biden presidency!

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f0f247 No.18222990

File: 0fecba4d5169490⋯.png (2.27 MB,1282x946,641:473,sch.PNG)


Ben Garrison Cartoons




Hey teacher! Leave those kids alone!

Throwback Wednesday Tina Toon "School Daze"

more at


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9eb4f0 No.18222991


>Hamlin is likely no longer alive or is on life support to this day.

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e72ac9 No.18222992

File: b0702e5e65b1030⋯.png (147.7 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>We get some bass up in this bitch!

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2fb863 No.18222993


Bongos new nickname.

Tater Tot

Because he's Andrew Tate's best buddy.

Get it?

Tater Tot.

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832668 No.18222994

File: 617d273866a778c⋯.png (60.85 KB,255x207,85:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf546b No.18222995

File: 77087b47ba6d5f5⋯.jpg (598.71 KB,1357x1103,1357:1103,teachersCA.jpg)

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1c7a84 No.18222996


this is why Trump's Warp Speed saved millions.

they would have locked things down for years otherwise, and introduced the vax only after everyone was begging for it, for max benefit (to (((them))))

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cf8f54 No.18222997

File: 2e0c630f07371f7⋯.mp4 (50.45 KB,320x180,16:9,treason_inferno_gif.mp4)


>neck injuries

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ba2bf5 No.18222998

Does anyone have the Australian hospitalization due to Covid graph?

Where unvaxxed was Zero

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f0f247 No.18222999

File: 49562a3339b6a41⋯.png (154.47 KB,424x458,212:229,them.PNG)


The EIGHTH Covid shots will soon be offered, but not to everyone.


The JCVI said that the autumn 2023 Covid booster campaign, the seventh in the series of Covid shots thus far, should be expressly offered to those “at higher risk of severe Covid.” The winter boosters would represent the eighth shot in the series.

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9c0085 No.18223000


I appreciate the 'splainin anon, I sincerely do, but I just don't by the reasoning. I might be moar inclined to believe this if it weren't for the fact that hestillpromotes getting the vax and boosters. My brian won't let me believe he's referring only to the "original Delta vaccines". In any case, this has slid a lot of breads and I will just agree to disagree on this matter.

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c1fe43 No.18223001

File: b3937f7a59a5bf7⋯.jpeg (35.31 KB,1061x464,1061:464,0E5DD819_2C53_4ACD_B91D_7….jpeg)

File: 35d55e6b14c6a02⋯.jpeg (336.54 KB,1078x1937,1078:1937,57923203_76A5_4FE7_895A_E….jpeg)

File: 66f9a8ed3aa3a24⋯.jpeg (349.01 KB,1241x1783,1241:1783,4E42FCFC_50AC_4EFD_BADD_B….jpeg)

Take way 230 protection senator, it could have been years ago.


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3bcf41 No.18223002

File: d22968b84ac75fe⋯.png (425.21 KB,962x578,481:289,ClipboardImage.png)

America has suffered 300,000 NON-Covid excess deaths since 2020 — as experts blame lockdowns and delayed healthcare for spike in drug overdoses and firearm fatalities

America has recorded 300,000 non-Covid excess deaths from February 2020 until the end of 2022

The US has suffered nearly 300,000 more deaths than usual in more than two years of the pandemic that cannot be attributed to Covid, with researchers blaming lockdowns and delays to healthcare.

Latest official data shows there were 1.26million excess deaths between February 2020 and the end of 2022, of which around 295,000 did not have Covid as their main cause of death on their death certificates.

These are thought to be mostly made up of surges in deaths from cancer, heart disease, drug overdoses and firearms during the pandemic, however, a full analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is still likely weeks away.

Dr Coady Wing, a health policy expert from Indiana University, told DailyMail.com that these pandemic mandates kept people who needed care the most away from the doctor's office - potentially costing thousands of lives.


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832668 No.18223003

File: 298ad1bc6d11d01⋯.jpg (39.67 KB,932x663,932:663,popcorn_kek.jpg)

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0aeb1d No.18223004

File: 6ac6a7cfca4055d⋯.png (213.3 KB,459x453,153:151,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

wussad calls it




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b653d5 No.18223005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's the combo Deblasio was slinging for getting vaccinated.

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9eb4f0 No.18223006


>Bread Bar

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e454ca No.18223007


She will only give a little head

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f4345c No.18223008


Dems: Kill them with the vaxx in 5 years

Trump: Kill them now

Anons: How about never?

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2fb863 No.18223010

File: c516cd75e09e6a7⋯.png (689.63 KB,720x717,240:239,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm so sorry. I don't speak politics.

Try crystals.

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740a53 No.18223011


Shit yes! 25 people needed to protect. There's no protection for the shock they get once they get caught in the middle of groups of their angry constituents

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832668 No.18223012


Ok. Just call up the enemy and tell them to stop it, then.

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33b6b9 No.18223013

File: b7cdbe2db693296⋯.png (144.99 KB,499x499,1:1,pepe_1c.png)


Compare and contrast that to Haiti, where the vaccination rate was practically zero. On top of that, they're a 3rd-world country.

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9c0085 No.18223014


>It's been reported that less than 20% of personnel would have enough loyalty and less than 1% the knowledge of lawful to even refuse an illegal order

I absolutely believe those numbers. We are doomed barring Divine intervention, whichwillhappen.

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832668 No.18223015

File: 0d42271398344b4⋯.mp4 (411.05 KB,640x360,16:9,power_of_Christ_compell_yo….mp4)

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e454ca No.18223016


Goyem Defense League KEK. Similar to Anti Defamation League



IDK Rabbi

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434966 No.18223017


Les Emmerson — the Canadian musician known best as the vocalist and guitarist of Ottawa's Five Man Electrical Band — has died.

Emmerson passed away Friday (December 10 2021) of complications from COVID-19, which he contracted in November. He was 77.

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8a1c37 No.18223018

File: 4284e88b01c94c5⋯.jpeg (151.35 KB,750x708,125:118,0e3f105de3fead240966e21e2….jpeg)


Oh shut the fuck up you idiot.

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3bcf41 No.18223019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Project Veritas Confront NYT Reporter Alec Goldman


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70699a No.18223021


>bucking the advice of acting CEO Patrick Minturn, who said it would cost the county at least $1 million to bring in a new electronic voting system and train employees.

Problem is the other voting machine companies are also compromised and you are not undoing anything, you are just believing you fixed the problem, never again!

> The board’s majority agreed with those who spoke in favor of ending the contract and argued you can’t put a price tag on voter trust.

The people moved by the authority of the Smith-Mundt act show demand the new boss be the same as the old boss

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c1fe43 No.18223022

File: 283a90e48366586⋯.jpeg (341.46 KB,1241x1526,1241:1526,8320DB1F_99D3_43B4_A071_A….jpeg)

A friend mine works at Microsoft, he’s amazed at what employees are able to get away with. It takes 3 years to terminate bad employees. The cycle is speeding up though.


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553f48 No.18223023




Yes, just something I saw, remarks about "saving 100 million lives"

He shouldn´t be still promoting it.

Maybe it was a red october move. No warpspeed and we would be in lockdown still today? Economy in the toilet.

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f99f25 No.18223024

File: 2296c869ab85508⋯.png (1.26 MB,1080x1130,108:113,Screenshot_20220913_180834….png)

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aba0dc No.18223025

File: 01512244ef987dd⋯.jpg (8.16 KB,245x246,245:246,1674012282945623s.jpg)


Yeah, no interviews, hidden by a mask and sunglasses, plus tons of security keeping everyone from getting remotely close to him.

I think he either couldn't be resuscitated and is dead, or he's in far worse shape than they'll admit.

I guess when one of your largest advertisers is Phizer you'll jump through a few hoops to stay away from the vax injury topic.

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f455c6 No.18223026

jordan s. should be aware that his viewers can't read the comments he is responding to, too small.

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9c0085 No.18223027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hank Williams Jr. "Dinosaur"… he alludes to bandmates in love with each other in this song. It's actually a great song well ahead of it's time.


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2fb863 No.18223028

File: 1cc72bb88ec6bd7⋯.gif (972.18 KB,334x251,334:251,cool_story_bro.gif)


Bringing the Inquisition to America?

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fef4a5 No.18223029

File: af7656c58c78a14⋯.png (19.24 KB,1227x154,1227:154,Untitled.png)

>>18222173 lb

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23a107 No.18223030

File: bb2c5d825731cf0⋯.png (518.83 KB,999x711,111:79,Vhj.png)

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13a20d No.18223031

File: 22935d249fd742e⋯.jpg (202.63 KB,1280x1280,1:1,photo_2023_01_25_12_45_11.jpg)






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fe6757 No.18223032

File: 964067f2cfb9126⋯.png (3.98 MB,3145x1933,3145:1933,COVIDPERKS.png)

File: 1193359dfedcaa7⋯.png (3.5 MB,2054x1912,1027:956,covidk.png)


this is how to get the sheep to beg for them

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f4345c No.18223034

File: 1f30ff1dd7bf118⋯.jpg (60.59 KB,1055x728,1055:728,FmYfMAZWIAA8RsL.jpg)

File: 2222c814624643f⋯.webp (42.11 KB,768x422,384:211,pfizer_prop_768x422.webp)


>I guess when one of your largest advertisers is Phizer you'll jump through a few hoops to stay away from the vax injury topic.



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eaa46c No.18223035


his parents got that house paid off tho

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1c7a84 No.18223036


what would you have done differently?

if Trump demanded no vax - fired Fauci, gutted FDA, etc. etc. - how would that have played out, exactly?

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fdcf14 No.18223037

File: c14e4583ea90534⋯.png (382.99 KB,793x792,793:792,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bcf41 No.18223038

'Microsoft shares our values': chat bot company OpenAI to receive billions from Microsoft

Microsoft has announced a multibillion-dollar investment into OpenAI, the company behind the popular ChatGPT application that allows users to ask the artificial intelligence complex questions or have it write content based on keywords and ideas.

"We are announcing the third phase of our long-term partnership with OpenAI through a multiyear, multibillion dollar investment to accelerate AI breakthroughs to ensure these benefits are broadly shared with the world," said the company in a blog post.

Microsoft made previous investments in the company in 2019 and 2021 and intends to add ChatGPT to its cloud devices as part of the exclusive deal, according to CNN.

The main pillars of advancing artificial intelligence technology listed by Microsoft include adding functions across applications and using OpenAI's existing technology to be used to build future apps.

The company intends to continue "supercomputing at scale," which it says "will increase [its] investments in the development and deployment of specialized supercomputing systems to accelerate OpenAI’s groundbreaking independent AI research."

Much of the OpenAI integration will be with Microsoft Azure, which provides open-source framework and programming for both Microsoft and third parties. The inclusion of the new technology would allow the company and others to use it to create new apps using the artificial intelligence.

Microsoft often refers to Azure as a way to "democratize" artificial intelligence.

“In this next phase of our partnership, developers and organizations across industries will have access to the best AI infrastructure, models, and toolchain with Azure to build and run their applications," said Satya Nadella, chairman and CEO of Microsoft.

“The past three years of our partnership have been great,” said Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI.

“Microsoft shares our values, and we are excited to continue our independent research and work toward creating advanced AI that benefits everyone," Altman added.

Just days prior to the announcing the investment , Microsoft said it was cutting 10,000 jobs due to inflation costs.


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33b6b9 No.18223039

File: 8927b29174fb976⋯.png (390.35 KB,608x500,152:125,Biden_10_percent.png)

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2fb863 No.18223040

Christians persecuting Christians.

And then persecute them more when they defect from the Christian Inquisitors.

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c1fe43 No.18223041

File: ef145c73909df78⋯.jpeg (435.93 KB,1241x1756,1241:1756,67B913D9_A867_425D_A10D_8….jpeg)

File: e2aa720d6a81a51⋯.jpeg (424.96 KB,1241x1678,1241:1678,93C1145A_EF4C_42DC_831E_F….jpeg)

File: cd480ea89bfae42⋯.jpeg (321.52 KB,1241x1653,1241:1653,AEBBDD0A_A36F_4885_A00F_1….jpeg)

Predictable! But there’s no two tier justice system. Comer should send a Raid Team into NARA, they are getting rid of documents quickly.


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3bcf41 No.18223042

File: 83b440dbebd195d⋯.png (132.34 KB,293x417,293:417,ClipboardImage.png)


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f455c6 No.18223043


if they can replace the coders, the tech writers, and the marketing people with GPT who is left?

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aba0dc No.18223044

File: e862d52094fb654⋯.jpg (9.36 KB,340x340,1:1,1672279877180992.jpg)


I'm curious: Are you vaxed and boosted?

Why would you wish to shut down any conversation on the topic and Trump's role in it?

Until we hold those who seek power completely accountable we'll never get out of this demonic shit show.

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41e3b0 No.18223045

File: 793baa6d622e11f⋯.png (250.13 KB,598x436,299:218,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ac5c0ee0c6dd2f⋯.mp4 (7.79 MB,634x360,317:180,Australia_The_casualties_o….mp4)

Adam Rowland MSc Retweeted


Replying to @Afreemindisbest @oneadds and @ake2306

Australia. The casualties of the Pfizer Killing Fields


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941f06 No.18223046

File: 379adbd3d10a01a⋯.png (180.23 KB,480x504,20:21,omarwhite_2.png)


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ba2bf5 No.18223047


Same goes for their neighbor Cuba

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1d158e No.18223048


how do you know they have not already been replace for a long time

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832668 No.18223049


How do we activate your omega alter so u can kysf?

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434966 No.18223050


>Nirvana, Whats a Nirvana?

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87a754 No.18223051

File: d59874ca4271706⋯.jpg (15.79 KB,225x225,1:1,4D4D.jpg)


>Until we hold those who seek power completely accountable we'll never get out of this demonic shit show.


narrow path is narrow

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f4345c No.18223052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Broke the 4th wall

Play this video in front of Fauci & the world

Demand an explanation

Too abrupt?

I for sure wouldn't still be shilling for Big Pharma, nor would I have ever begun.

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c74bef No.18223053

File: 671a318d2ab8622⋯.png (601.32 KB,723x723,1:1,7A4A3EC9_F696_4FCF_82BB_8A….png)

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62ac4c No.18223054

File: d7389bfe9ab771a⋯.jpg (132.98 KB,896x1087,896:1087,1659622875698570.jpg)

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3bcf41 No.18223055

File: 39ccba855ad5914⋯.png (370.32 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

Josh Kushner now ‘richer than Trump’ as billionaires Iger, Kravis take stake in firm: report

Jared Kushner’s baby brother will be picking up the check the next time he has dinner with his better-known sibling.

Josh Kushner, founder of Thrive Capital, has seen his personal fortune soar to an estimated $3.7 billion, according to Bloomberg’s calculations, after his firm secured a major investment from several billionaires.

Disney CEO Bob Iger and KKR co-founder Henry Kravis were part of a group that paid $175 million to acquire a minority stake in Thrive Capital, the firm announced on Tuesday.

The infusion of cash allowed the 37-year-old Kushner, who is married to supermodel and TV personality Karlie Kloss, to eclipse the net worth of his ex-White House adviser brother and even former President Donald Trump.

Jared, 42, and his wife, Ivanka Trump, have disclosed personal assets worth between $206 million and $803 million, according to the outlet. Trump is worth an estimated $2.6 billion.

The son of disgraced real estate developer Charles Kushner, Josh founded Thrive Capital in 2009 after a stint in private equity at Goldman Sachs.

Thrive has specialized in tech-related investments, making early bets on major firms such as Spotify, Instagram, Twitch and Stripe.

More recently, Thrive has poured money into Kim Kardashian’s booming shapewear brand Skims and the NFT-focused Bored Ape Yacht Club. Other bets on firms such as Robinhood and Instacart have proven less successful during a slump in the broader market.

With the latest investment, Thrive is now valued at a whopping $5.3 billion, a spokesperson for the firm told Bloomberg. Other participants included Indian oil magnate Mukesh Ambani, French telecom executive Xavier Niel and Brazilian food mogul Jorge Paulo Lemann.

“These extraordinary operators have built storied institutions, achieved geographic preeminence, ushered beloved brands to even greater heights, and pioneered entirely new industries,” Thrive said in a blog post about its latest minority investors.

“As our companies move into new regions and industries, maturing into the generational businesses we believe them to be, this group will serve as a powerful extension of the Thrive network,” the post added.

Iger has close ties to Thrive. Last September, he took a role as a venture partner at the firm and was slated to serve as an adviser on its day-to-day operations. Instead, he left the role in November to return as Disney’s top boss.

The deal gives Thrive access to the billionaires’ expansive networks.

Ambani ranks among the world’s richest people with a personal fortune of $84.7 billion, while Lemann is worth $21.1 billion, Kravis is worth $9.5 billion and Niel is worth $8.1 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

“A lot of these folks have been involved in my life for quite a bit of time,” said Kushner in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. “Now they actually have a vested stake in the firm’s success.”

Jared Kushner founded his own $3 billion investment firm, Affinity Partners, in 2021 after leaving the White House.


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33b6b9 No.18223056

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB,473x500,473:500,pepe_12.png)


Kek, they're both getting sued for the AI scraper, stealing loads of source code from GitHub.


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37fe0e No.18223057

I had a heated discussion with a group of normie frens 2 years ago.

They were all excited about the jab,

Could not understand why I would not get it.

Told them about the mRNA spike protiens and how it will cause heart problems.

Told them I stocked up on Ivermectin instead.

They all laughed. Called it horse paste and said it was dangerous for humans.

One said "So you think I am going to die within 5 years for getting vaxxed?"

Same guy has heart issues now, and another one had a heart attack and bypass surgery. The others seem sick every 2-3 months with some type of viral infections.

They still go silent when I mention getting some Ivermectin for those parasites…..

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832668 No.18223058


And day shift knows how fkn smart their AI is.

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154533 No.18223059


Biden had a lobotomy in 1988

With this in mind

He cannot be a compete asshole

He is missing some parts


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1b0d12 No.18223060

File: a05ac2f84c99aba⋯.mp4 (10.38 MB,480x360,4:3,Deltron_3030_Virus_Music_V….mp4)

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f4345c No.18223061


It's exactly how they are indoctrinated and trained. A slave colony guarded by the slaves, who worship their guards as "protectors" sent by "God".

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dd28fa No.18223062

File: 85caa5765e81ffa⋯.png (963.19 KB,1054x1060,527:530,ClipboardImage.png)

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77cbe6 No.18223063


such a simple mind trying to perceive and understand complex issues.

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2fb863 No.18223064


Have you tried an army?

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c1fe43 No.18223067

File: af19516af1c1007⋯.jpeg (549.57 KB,1242x1951,1242:1951,DDAB8DDA_5F2C_4B6E_BB1F_4….jpeg)

File: a465bb7395b2770⋯.jpeg (412.69 KB,1241x1487,1241:1487,675027F5_9047_4ECA_BADB_3….jpeg)

I hope so but the Bidan Admin is never embarrassed about their evil


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4c280d No.18223068


I find it fascinating how the people I know, even the antivax, are reluctant to take the ivermectin

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33b6b9 No.18223069

File: 25c84ae9283c7f5⋯.png (1.24 MB,1706x1706,1:1,TDS_HELP.png)

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8a5439 No.18223070

File: 5c23e0c3706e28d⋯.jpg (93.21 KB,500x435,100:87,peter_b.jpg)

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54fb30 No.18223071

File: 80c78bdc3308821⋯.png (32.2 KB,274x261,274:261,viut1.PNG)

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3bcf41 No.18223072

File: 76a001754703bba⋯.png (161.73 KB,678x841,678:841,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f00c5efd2bb7420⋯.png (105.3 KB,696x658,348:329,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63775cd4202feff⋯.png (171.44 KB,702x892,351:446,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffdd35a508b32a8⋯.png (129.13 KB,732x760,183:190,ClipboardImage.png)

Elevated Rate of Facial Paralysis Identified After Pfizer COVID-19 Booster in Elderly: FDA

An elevated rate of Bell’s palsy was identified among elderly people after vaccination with a Pfizer booster shot, U.S. regulators said in a new study.

The “small but statistically significant elevation” in Bell’s palsy was detected after vaccination with Pfizer’s old booster, which is no longer available in the United States, researchers with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said in a preprint study.

The elevated rate resulted in an adjusted incidence rate ratio of 1.13 and remained consistent when researchers adjusted for different factors, such as prior COVID-19 infection.

A rate above one shows a possible connection between the vaccine and an adverse event.

A statistically significant elevated rate for Bell’s palsy after vaccination with a Moderna booster was not detected, although adjustments for certain factors, such as seasonality, did result in statistically significant results.

Bell’s palsy is facial paralysis or weakness, typically of one side of the face. Symptoms often improve partially or fully within weeks but some people suffer longer-lasting problems. The cause of the condition is unknown, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

Both messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines can cause side effects, including a form of heart inflammation called myocarditis, U.S. authorities and other experts have acknowledged.

Pfizer and Moderna did not respond to requests for comment. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said during a recent appearance on CNBC that a Pfizer team constantly reviews and analyzes data, and that the team has not seen “a single [safety] signal.”

A safety signal means a sign a vaccine may cause an adverse event. The FDA detected safety signals for Pfizer’s vaccine in early 2021 and reported an update in a paper in late 2022. The new study, published as a preprint (pdf), outlines a new examination of post-booster issues.

FDA researchers analyzed data from the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Medicare, which maintains a database that includes vaccination history and adverse events for Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 and older.


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aba0dc No.18223073

File: 50845fce6db71a2⋯.jpg (474.13 KB,1620x1950,54:65,1673578081071542.jpg)




Oh yeah it has never taken that much cash to keep some people quiet. Its especially easy when the media is in on the cover up.

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4d0a58 No.18223074

File: b6a1206113514d2⋯.png (1.33 MB,1327x733,1327:733,1D995FDD_5BA1_49EA_9DD3_79….png)

I did the math. This ain’t Damar.

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154533 No.18223075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alex harvey

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5232ce No.18223076

File: 9044816f7bd2b73⋯.png (94.42 KB,300x300,1:1,9044816f7bd2b733808430acf3….png)

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0ebcc8 No.18223077

File: d14a84036c27635⋯.jpg (59.32 KB,609x458,609:458,Vh_u.jpg)

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62ac4c No.18223078

File: f73c7b7f33441e8⋯.jpg (25.76 KB,474x256,237:128,1674667517102877.jpg)

File: e34113b7b89fa37⋯.jpg (58.97 KB,600x400,3:2,kornet.jpg)

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5d8681 No.18223079


Most who took the vax had no symptoms

Most people have no symptoms of what they call covid

Why take ivermectin?

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740a53 No.18223080


Warp Speed was to rid the vax of poison and replace it with saline. It worked, but pfizer, Moderna, astra-azenica all let countermoves play with the death lots.

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2fb863 No.18223081



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0aeb1d No.18223082

File: 6b8a08a4ed08841⋯.png (84 KB,631x319,631:319,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: a9d94b68f3c4c7d⋯.png (1.57 MB,779x3555,779:3555,Screenshot_2023_01_25_at_0….png)

File: 0b15297c978bbca⋯.png (724.9 KB,1157x656,1157:656,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: 077dc0c44b425a5⋯.png (1.19 MB,1066x653,1066:653,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)


here we go!

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fe6757 No.18223083


I wonder can you 'catch the vaxx' from performing CPR

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9c0085 No.18223084


Gay transfem “cat girl” hacked into an unsecured airline server and stole the TSA “no fly” list…

An old copy of the TSA “no fly” List was hacked recently by a self-proclaimed transfem “cat girl” from Switzerland.

She goes by the name “maia arson crimew,” and her Twitter bio describes her as follows:

“indicted hacktivist/security researcher, artist, mentally ill enby polyam trans lesbian anarchist kitten (θΔ), 23 years old.”

In addition, her Wikiepedia page says she was indicted by a US grand jury back in March 2021 on criminal charges related to her alleged hacking.

The hacker told The Daily Dot the list appeared to have more than 1.5 million entries. The data reportedly included names and birthdates of various individuals who have been barred from air travel by the government due to suspected or known ties to terrorist organizations. The Daily Dot reported that the list contains multiple aliases, so the number of unique individuals on the list is far less at 1.5 million.

The Swiss hacker says she was shocked that the list was made up of mostly Arabic and Russian names.

And in a strange twist, one man who showed up on the list was somebody Joe Biden just did business with recently.

Noteworthy individuals reported to be on the list include Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, who was recently freed by the Biden administration in exchange for WNBA star Brittney Griner, and suspected members of the IRA and others, according to The Daily Dot.

Even though the actual list is a few years old, it doesn’t lessen the threat-level of this security breach.

In a statement to FOX Business, CommuteAir confirmed the legitimacy of the hacked “no fly” list and data that contained private information about the company’s employees.

“CommuteAir was notified by a member of the security research community who identified a misconfigured development server,” said Erik Kane, corporate communications manager for CommuteAir. “The researcher accessed files, including an outdated 2019 version of the federal no-fly list that included first and last name and date of birth. Additionally, through information found on the server, the researcher discovered access to a database containing personal identifiable information of CommuteAir employees.

“Based on our initial investigation, no customer data was exposed,” Kane added. “CommuteAir immediately took the affected server offline and started an investigation to determine the extent of data access. CommuteAir has reported the data exposure to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and also notified its employees.”


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c1fe43 No.18223085

File: da22f50adf68c4b⋯.jpeg (406.12 KB,1241x1970,1241:1970,D1E37EE9_441C_43D4_B8A5_7….jpeg)

File: 93f30a04d278900⋯.jpeg (202.86 KB,1241x1014,1241:1014,8212BED4_60C7_4576_9EE9_7….jpeg)

First jobs to go, fake journos


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33b6b9 No.18223086

File: bbd059693c78c6f⋯.jpg (64.02 KB,523x400,523:400,horse_keeping_eye_on.jpg)


>take the ivermectin

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87a754 No.18223087

File: 939c39d0162428d⋯.jpg (108.65 KB,888x499,888:499,sauceV2.jpg)


>Warp Speed was to rid the vax of poison and replace it with saline.

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f4345c No.18223088


Excellent, anon

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10a002 No.18223089

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>New Jordan Sather video exposing various FAKEtriot/Clickbait/Grifters and other fake news sources such as REALRAWNEWS

45 minutes is when the try not to cringe challenge begins


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5d8681 No.18223090


Those companies clearly warned of unknown side effects over many years of mass vaccinations

It was never meant for everyone

Pharm companies are actually innocent, it's those who mandated with these warnings in mind who are the criminals

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293a1a No.18223091

File: f41acf04b35f0a2⋯.jpeg (54.35 KB,474x298,237:149,9B77CA59_515C_437A_A5BF_7….jpeg)

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2fb863 No.18223092

File: 0d4b1adcbbcc183⋯.webp (514.71 KB,500x257,500:257,ze_bugz.webp)

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0f535d No.18223093

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1b0d12 No.18223094

File: afca75bec21658e⋯.jpg (81.18 KB,1700x2189,1700:2189,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

File: 4f1f71d93f0457e⋯.jpg (511.58 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

File: bde3bab5bccb4a6⋯.jpg (403.68 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

File: 05c146faab67cf0⋯.jpg (441.6 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

File: bb55232be1c43d9⋯.jpg (406.71 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

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9c0085 No.18223095


I take Ivermectin (12mg tablet) if/when I know I've been around somebody who is sick. I also took it when I had the COVID a year ago.

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aba0dc No.18223096

File: ce17613256b75ba⋯.jpg (46.7 KB,577x680,577:680,1669687238837416.jpg)


Yeah I've noticed those among the vaxed community seem to come down with every bug that comes down the pike. It would seem their immune systems are compromised and the more boosters they take the worse it becomes.

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f455c6 No.18223097



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11597d No.18223098

File: 62e9ca090d50bd4⋯.png (108.33 KB,997x838,997:838,bigpharma.png)


oh shit, we got Big Pharma in the house

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41e3b0 No.18223099

File: dd74376a26ed0f6⋯.png (317.77 KB,598x544,299:272,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d81a5a9f7f5a592⋯.mp4 (4.82 MB,848x464,53:29,Turin_Italy_VaccineDeathTo….mp4)

Adam Rowland MSc Retweeted

FreeMindBill🤷🏼‍♂️🇬🇧 @Afreemindisbest @ake2306

This from Turin. I know they had white roses the other day but boy does the white coats make an impact with the photos of loved ones.

Quote Tweet Jamie Sale @JamieSale

Turin Italy 🇮🇹 Whether you're pro vaccines or not, these images should send SHIVERS down your spine. #crimesagainsthumanity


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1c0169 No.18223100


Hooray equality

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87a754 No.18223101

File: e22a86459bd0121⋯.jpg (91.51 KB,518x500,259:250,toomuch44.jpg)

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d4de23 No.18223102

File: b6083086fadc057⋯.mp4 (8.84 MB,1152x648,16:9,b6083086fadc05716c8e63c6f8….mp4)



The death lots were all sent to red states.

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e814fb No.18223103

>>18222262 (pb)

>Researchers derive a unified topological speed limit for the evolution of physical states

This "speed limit" was the primary smoking gun that Cov-19 was man-made as its evolutionary "jump" into existence was determined by experts to be exponentially greater than anything nature could have done on its own. The fingerprints of men in laboratories are all over Covid-19.

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154533 No.18223104


Bricks plus mortar joints is actual height

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280697 No.18223105

I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these times that continue to bring great change into your lives, to the lives of your loved ones, to the lives of your friends, your family, to all of those that are around you.

Change is coming. Change is upon you. And all of you have been preparing for these changes. You have been preparing for lifetimes for these changes, but now you are right here in the midst of them. Right here at the cusp of the greatest changes to come over this Earth in your entire history. All that you have been working toward, training for, preparing for is now right here in front of you. It is not far off where you are going to begin to see the major changes to your life, but changes that you have been ready for, that you can know how to move through and withstand. Whereas others, who are not awakened such as you, will have a much more difficult time in understanding what is happening, why it is happening.

And that is where you will come in. You, those of you, the Light-Warriors now, the ones that are not only carrying the Light, but sharing and spreading the Light everywhere. Even in just your every-day moments throughout your life, you have been spreading this Light without even knowing that you are doing it. But you are doing it, because you are the Light, you are the love, you are the truth. You are bringing the truth forward in every way imaginable at this point, from many different sources, through many different sources.

The truth, the Light, is shining through now. Through the darkness. It can no longer be held back down within that darkness, as those of the forces of darkness have attempted to do for many thousands of years now, holding the truth in the darkness, holding you in the darkness. Not allowing you to become aware of the truth, aware of who you are, what you are really here for. Holding you back. Holding you within the programs. But no longer.

For you are moving beyond the programs. You are moving out of the doldrums of the third-dimensional illusion, and recognizing that indeed it is just that, an illusion. And as you continue to go about your daily activities realizing that it is indeed just an illusion and you do not need to become ensconced within it, to be held within it, any longer.

And in your discussion earlier about consciousness and vibration, indeed everything is consciousness and vibration. There is nothing else. Life was started with vibration, with light vibration. And vibration is what continues to keep the entire universe moving. Vibration and consciousness are changing all of the time. That is why you cannot be told when these things are going to be happening, because it only happens based on changing consciousness and vibration. And in every single moment there is a new vibrational change which brings about a new consciousness change.

And so much at this point, my friends, life is changing. It is adapting. It is evolving. And it is evolving because of you. You, those of you, again, the Light-Warriors that are sharing and spreading the Light everywhere. It is because of you that the dark forces are losing the battle now. Not only the battle, but the entire war. The war that they have started, and you are finishing. Look at it in that respect. It is a battle between Light and dark, good and evil. And you are not only winning this war, you have already won it. It just needs to remain to be seen as a victory, well thought.

I am Sananda. And I leave you at this time in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you would continue to move throughout your daily activities spreading the Light both consciousness and unconsciously throughout the planet. For this is the beginning of The Great Changeover.

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26c76e No.18223106

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don Jr

Former FBI Official Who Investigated Trump-Russia Collusion ARRESTED… For Colluding With Russia!

You literally can't make this up folks.


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217e97 No.18223107


his head is down and he needs to be against the wall. close but you're a little off.

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434966 No.18223108


1980 had problems back then too

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c9a611 No.18223109

File: 558565c7a845e50⋯.jpg (743.37 KB,1116x808,279:202,WHOSNAKE.jpg)

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87a754 No.18223110

File: 0cc92cee2046657⋯.jpg (59.58 KB,700x541,700:541,0cc92cee2046657a0a6a702886….jpg)

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1b0d12 No.18223111

File: 5026544706790e8⋯.jpg (188.15 KB,1003x1298,17:22,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

File: e6d1e32b7f05c32⋯.jpg (418.28 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

File: e9f8260f14b494c⋯.jpg (466.31 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

File: fd88cec10d90c58⋯.jpg (633.23 KB,2049x3014,2049:3014,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

File: 47bf26baf40bece⋯.jpg (440.21 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

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1c0169 No.18223112


How often anon?

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3bcf41 No.18223113

Multiple Reports Say White House Hid Classified Doc Scandal

Multiple reports from establishment media outlets indicate the White House and the Justice Department agreed to hide President Joe Biden’s classified document scandal from the American public, despite claims of transparency after it was leaked to the press.

At least three times the establishment media reported that Biden and the DOJ agreed to hide the scandal from public view with likely had no plans to disclose it until the scandal was leaked to CBS News on January 9, weeks after the initial trove was found by Biden’s personal lawyers November 2.

White House officials are reportedly suspicious about how Biden’s classified document scandal was leaked to the press after only a select group of White House and DOJ officials knew about the violation.

The latest report of the alleged coverup came Wednesday from the New York Times, which recounted its previous reporting and the initial report by the Washington Post on January 19.

“Democratic allies are increasingly frustrated by a White House that hid the discovery of secret documents from the public for two months and, even once it was reported, provided only partial information, then declared the search complete only to have more papers turn up,” the Times reported. “They promptly contacted the authorities [DOJ] after the documents were found and have sought to work collaboratively to find any other stray papers.”

“That cost them in the public sphere because they concluded that it would be more advantageous not to publicly disclose the discoveries, so as not to antagonize Justice Department officials examining the situation and ultimately persuade them that the incident was nothing more than a good-faith mistake,” the Times‘ Wednesday report stated.

The Washington Post reported that not only did the White House and DOJ try to obscure the scandal from public view, but they also refused to divulge that the second trove of classified documents was already unearthed at Biden’s home in Wilmington when CBS News first contacted the White House about the initial leak of classified documents apparently illegally stored at the Biden Penn Center.


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5d8681 No.18223114

File: aa1c8a89b9679ea⋯.jpg (824.89 KB,1903x1559,1903:1559,c98309bbc757b73b2708b5701b….jpg)


responding from device with pic

big pharm new they were going to be watched every step of the way

here it is clearly worded that they are unsure of long term mass vaccination side effects

it was mandated with this info KNOWN by those in power

big pharm isn't taking the fall on this one, get used to that fact

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1b0d12 No.18223115

File: 7851a5654c3cfc5⋯.jpg (413.17 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

File: 6a92ee1e46b9e12⋯.jpg (442.61 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

File: 7181548c48410ab⋯.jpg (327.9 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Operation_Warp_Speed_Page_….jpg)

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832668 No.18223116


They're scared to eat the horsey paste but not scared to inject some unknown shit directly into their bloodstream.

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001987 No.18223117


29 times mortar thickness?

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2fb863 No.18223118

File: 21c0b926a7abc09⋯.png (386.66 KB,498x498,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Timmie without his Portland fashion comfort cap.

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b6f523 No.18223119

Huma Abedin,

Sergey Abyshev,

Zainab Ahmad,

Rinat Akhmetshin,

Dmitri Alperovitch,

Hina R. Alvi,

Amy Anderson,

Trisha Anderson,

Manos Antonakakis,

Robert P. Ashley,

Rush Atkinson,

Brian Auten,

Abid Awan,

Imran Awan,

Jamal Awan,

James Baker,

Nada Bakos,

Jeremy Bash,

William Barr,

Robert Bauer,

Edward Baumgartner,

Michael Bertrand,

Joe Biden,

Dennis Blair,

Richard Blumenthal,

Sidney Blumenthal,

Jeb Boasberg,

John Andrew Boehner,

Dana Boente,

Jennifer Boone,

Patty Brandmaier,

John Brennan,

Keith Bristow,

Gregory Brower,

James B. Bruce,

David Buckley,

Dawn Burton,

George Bush Jr.,

Jean L. Camp,

David Cariens,

Janice Cariens,

John Carlin,

Jeff Carlton,

Peter Carr,

Thomas Catan,

James Clad,

James Clapper,

Kevin Clinesmith,

Hillary Clinton,

William Clinton,

Rosemary Collyer,

James Comey,

Patrick Conlon,

Rudolph Contreras,

Anne Conway,

Peter Corsell,

Steven Cuevas,

David Dagon,

Igor Danchenko,

Brett Davis,

Raymond Dearie,

Michael Dempsey,

Oleg Deripaska,

Joseph DiBartolomeo,

Elizabeth Dibble,

Charles H. Dolan Jr.,

Alexander Downer, 

Iva Drasinover,

Michael Dreeben,

Claire Eagan,

Marc Elias,

Stuart Evans,

Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein,

Jonathan Finer,

Peter Fritsch,

Michael J. Gaeta,

Olga Galkina,

Merrick Garland,

Tashina Gauhar,

Roger Zane George,

Glenn Gerstell,

Carl Ghattas,

Andrew Goldstein,

Brandon Van Grack,

Aleksej Gubarev,

Charles Ronald Llewelyn Guthrie,

Steven L. Hall,

Stefan Halper,

John Hannah,

Kent Harrington,

Gina Haspel,

Curtis Heide,

Kevin Helson,

Shawn Henry,

Don Hepburn,

Brittany Hertzog,

Fiona Hill,

Eric Holder,

Michael Horowitz,

John Huber,

Calvin Humphrey,

Doug Hunt,

Adam Irwin,

Mary Jacoby,

Mark Jaroszewski,

Valerie Jarrett,

Adam Jed,

Rodney  Joffe "max",

Daniel Jones,

James Jones,

Peter Kadzik,

Colin Kahl,

Kathleen Kavalec,

John Kerry,

Timothy D. Kilbourn,

Konstantin Kilimnik,

Neil King Jr.,

David Kris,

Paul Kolbe,

Robert Kugler,

Stephanie LaParre,

David Laufman,

Corey Lewandowski,

April Lorenzen "tea leaves",

Stephen Laycock,

Jacob "Jack" Lew,

Andy Liepman,

Vincent Lucero,

Lewis Lukens,

Loretta Lynch,

Ron Marks,

Andrew McCabe,

Mary McCord,

Denis McDonough,

Arthur McGlynn,

Charles McGonigal,

Jonna Hiestand Mendez,

Kevin Michelena,

Joseph Mifsud,

Sergei Millian,

Jonathan Moffa,

Robbie Mook,

John Moseman,

Micheal Mosman,

Sally Moyer,

Robert Mueller III,

Shailagh Murray,

Emile Nakhleh,

Joe Nelson,

Mike Neufield,

Sean Newell,

Victoria Nuland,

Barrack Obama,

Bruce Ohr,

Nellie Ohr,

Gerald A. O’Shea,

Stephanie L. O’Sullivan,

Lisa Page,

Mike Pence,

Nancy Pelosi,

Dmitry Peskov,

Joseph Pientka,

Larry Pfeiffer,

Elizabeth Prelogar,

David Priess,

John Podesta,

Marc Polymeropoulos,

Mike Pompeo,

Anna Popova,

Samantha Power,

David Priess,

E.W. “Bill” Priestap,

Pam Purcilly,

James Quarles,

Sarah Raskin,

Jeannie Rhee, 

Steve Ricchetti,

Susan Rice,

Jeffrey A. Rosen,

Rod Rosenstein,

Yoel Roth,

Aaron Rouse,

Thomas Russell,

Paul Ryan,

Christopher M. Sanders,

Gabriel Sanz-Rexach,

Felix Sater,

Chris Savos,

Adam Schiff,

Debbie Wasserman Schultz,

Jeff Sessions,

John Sipher,

Nick Shapiro,

Cody Shearer,

Nathan Sheets,

Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall,

Glenn Simpson,

Petra Sipe,

Stephen Slick,

Rodney Snyder,

Stephen A. Somma,

Cynthia Strand,

Peter Strzok,

Jake Sullivan,

Michael Sussman,

Adam Szubin,

James Taliento,

Greg Tarbell,

David Terry,

John Tharp,

George Toscas,

Russ Travers,

Greg Treverton,

John Tullius,

"Azra Turk"

David A. Vanell,

Natalia Veselnitskaya,

Alexander Vindman,

Paul Vixie,

Ivan Vorontsov,

M. Ro. Wahid,

Karen Walsh,

Clint Watts,

Monty Wilkinson,

Matthew Whitaker,

Winston Wiley,

Matthew Williams,

Thomas Williams,

Jonathan Winer,

Andrew Weissman,

Kristin Wood,

Christopher Wray,

Sally Yates,

Aaron Zebley,

Aaron Zelinsky

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280697 No.18223120


>you are the Light, you are the love, you are the truth. You are bringing the truth forward in every way imaginable

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33b6b9 No.18223121

File: ed383622f4d11d4⋯.png (215.48 KB,500x533,500:533,pepe_11c.png)


Did you account for the mortar in between the bricks? Usually about 0.5" thick.

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f4345c No.18223122


Trump was the Trojan Horse

Vaccine salesman of the Century

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50569b No.18223123

File: 3821c79dac9580f⋯.png (271.28 KB,404x538,202:269,Opera_Snapshot_2023_01_25_….png)


Everyone needs to start calling ALL OUT on this side of the aisle.

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2fb863 No.18223124


Too much chan horseshit?

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45716a No.18223125


> it's those who mandated with these warnings in mind who are the criminals

I don't think this is actually correct. The revolving door is so pervasive the regulators are also the pharma companies themselves, essentially. Given the environment intentionally created over the years, once vaccine has the air of "approval" it is used to the max as a matter of course.

Also, in the case of Israel it appears to me (open to correction on this) that the government of Israel actually was contractually obligated to basically offer the nation as a group of "lab rats"

Big Pharma knows EXACTLY how and why their products are used. If they don't want to be part of genocide they can stop participating.

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dd28fa No.18223126

File: 4696b487cfa8b59⋯.png (3.12 MB,1774x1338,887:669,ClipboardImage.png)


he's pretty

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0aeb1d No.18223127

File: 4584a56175ea8ad⋯.png (227.61 KB,463x597,463:597,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: 6e645d75448ce0b⋯.png (445.8 KB,907x645,907:645,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: 5e5c2c357890356⋯.png (523.31 KB,814x637,814:637,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: 5594a6e6b17658d⋯.png (143.85 KB,451x490,451:490,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: 0e8cf65285dd2f0⋯.png (516.5 KB,1366x630,683:315,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)




mobbed up


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8106da No.18223128


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dd28fa No.18223129

pretty queer

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1c0169 No.18223130

Any Anons aware if Ivermectin can help with bronchitis?

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eaa46c No.18223131

File: 53233175ca4c927⋯.jpg (12.29 MB,6048x4032,3:2,horse.jpg)

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9c0085 No.18223132


>How often anon?

If I have had an exposure, I just take one 12mg tablet (prophylactic).

If I have symptoms and/or positive test, one 12mg tablet/day for 5 days.

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985c88 No.18223133

File: 3b3686ea7566e1b⋯.jpeg (359.33 KB,1125x2175,15:29,tt_trumpcard.jpeg)

File: 03262b42eb947b3⋯.png (15.56 KB,672x105,32:5,Screenshot_from_2023_01_25….png)

File: 92b6acffb9d0e6d⋯.png (206.55 KB,834x268,417:134,trumpCardComing_14_1.png)

File: eaf4a341433f323⋯.png (50.99 KB,504x765,56:85,Screenshot_2023_01_25_at_1….png)

File: 0aecaeb90c4b066⋯.png (38.06 KB,718x225,718:225,Screenshot_from_2023_01_25….png)



>>18221542, >>18221582 DJT TS w/CAP: Nice! retruthed 'Trump Card'

24 JAN 2023 [14] [36] [44] [56]


Apr 20, 2018 1:48:56 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5a1150 No. 1116344


TRUMP CARD coming.


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996038 No.18223134

File: dff43fe60265621⋯.png (84.73 KB,282x244,141:122,pepe_thinking.png)


>Teachers! Leave them kids alone.

Have liberal undergrad colleges for teachers and educators become groomer mills that prey on our young?

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45716a No.18223135


Not in my circle.

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001987 No.18223136

.275 x 29 = 10.5+

at 3/8 in thickness

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c645df No.18223137


Has he done anything for the country other than build a brand for himself?

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649163 No.18223138

File: 6bc3dc05c822a12⋯.webp (87.29 KB,600x600,1:1,Surrealist_Ball_600_Roths….webp)

File: 495217504f18b1d⋯.png (243.69 KB,500x300,5:3,project_y_font_indoor_post….png)

File: 4a30597374ff79d⋯.jpg (74.06 KB,820x461,820:461,26850887_10155294583193697….jpg)

File: fc7a93cdcccabd1⋯.jpg (38.44 KB,198x168,33:28,the_simpsons_movie_et00000….jpg)

File: 4e39d4a1ecda4d8⋯.jpg (45.09 KB,634x872,317:436,ae8884536eb90b1783f87d1754….jpg)


The Los Alamos Laboratory, also known as Project Y, was a secret laboratory established by the Manhattan Project and operated by the University of California during World War II. Its mission was to design and build the first atomic bombs.

homer says DOE

homer has the Q clearance

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1c0169 No.18223139

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f0f247 No.18223140

File: cb7ebc0c1b91a54⋯.png (915.96 KB,844x696,211:174,pop.PNG)


'Queen of Pop' Hit with Shocking Child Trafficking Accusations, Hosting 'Experiments' on Vulnerable Kids - Report

By Jack Davis January 25, 2023 at 9:05am

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72ba70 No.18223141

File: 01cbd7a4d9b401a⋯.png (420.04 KB,474x714,79:119,IMG_1957_1236_.PNG)

File: 39367bb557b8e4a⋯.jpg (81.02 KB,800x500,8:5,P_Jesus_Meditation_v4.jpg)

File: 3633d033e5a6e6a⋯.jpg (84.01 KB,927x500,927:500,gelatin_yogurt.jpg)

File: 81d4a83c5413458⋯.jpg (44.22 KB,500x500,1:1,cat_agrees.jpg)

File: 40f1e74f8dd5e14⋯.jpg (139.92 KB,750x499,750:499,not_good_enough.jpg)

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87a754 No.18223142

File: 9c0c3da76bc2d87⋯.png (15.55 KB,214x255,214:255,likeahorse44.png)

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5d8681 No.18223143


Read their archived doc word for word and pretend to be a court system


appears rather clear, media lied, Biden mandated

China doesn't use this mrna shit

India doesn't use this mrna shit

Worldwide how many people is that?

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f4345c No.18223144


"Blame Trump for the vaxx deaths" is the "Trump Card"

They want a scapegoat, which totally isn't "fair" either.

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c1fe43 No.18223145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Great thread




Jan 23

==McGonigal Interview May 9, 2017. (Same day Comey was fired)=+


Foreign Influence Operations and Counterintelligence



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f0f247 No.18223146

File: de3d7db0fd9423b⋯.png (122.59 KB,424x403,424:403,ppp.PNG)


Pope Francis criticized laws that criminalize homosexuality as “unjust,” saying God loves all his children just as they are. The pontiff called on Catholic bishops who support the laws to welcome LGBTQ people into the church.

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33b6b9 No.18223147

File: faa30a89bc9caa4⋯.png (185.36 KB,391x360,391:360,pepe_sweating2.png)


Kek, that horses face looks like this Pepe…

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3bcf41 No.18223148

Youth Pastor and Hospital Director Among 46 Arrested in Sex Trafficking Ring Bust

46 men including a youth pastor and a hospital operations director have been arrested as part of a bust on a sex trafficking ring in North Texas, per the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Federal authorities announced that two hotels in Frisco were used in the bust, which resulted in the arrests of 46 men across just two days. Law enforcement added that sex trafficking remains a big problem in Texas, and there’s been extensive efforts to crack down on continued activity in the state. While the names of those arrested were not released, among those detained was a high school teacher, a youth pastor, a volunteer firefighter, a director of operations at a hospital, and a “semi-pro hockey player.”

“Thwarting sex trafficking is one of our agency’s top priorities, one that every law enforcement office that has a role on the HSI Dallas led North Texas Trafficking Task Force takes very seriously,” said Lester R. Hayes Jr., HSI Dallas Special Agent in Charge. “By targeting those involved in this crime, we hope to disrupt this activity and provide assistance to human trafficking victims by getting them connected to the advocates and resources they need.”

The bust is among the biggest in recent history. “The victims of these heinous crimes are treated like commodities, used to make as much money as possible, as quickly as possible,” said Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn in a news release. “Those who traffic victims are the scourge of the earth, and we will continue to target those responsible for the trafficking and those who solicit sex from them.”

John Perez of Homeland Security Investigations added that the activity isn’t just in Dallas, but all over the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex area.


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508703 No.18223149

Hunter will be the first arrest.

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87a754 No.18223150

File: e907da4394f5cc6⋯.png (9.03 KB,255x204,5:4,5d230ef6bff45c50cd92c3ce2e….png)

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47fc01 No.18223151


Do you have an update on the Andrew Tate rape and trafficking case? I'm looking all around the chan and can't find it. Do you have anything on that situation or are you going to defend him?

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a24ce5 No.18223152


>>18222673 DOUGH

>>18222707 Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch SUES FBI over Hunter Biden laptop suppression

>>18222718 TS @Q Graham: “if we send some Abrams tanks…” (manufactured by general dynamics)

>>18222728 @TrueGenFlynn The Democratic Party is pure evil

>>18222740 @DonaldJTrumpJr Amazon just laid off 18,000 employees including their top software developers.

>>18222744 12:00 PM EST Biden Remarks on Ukraine Support

>>18222753 @ilpresidento Mr Mrs Trump (Caps)

>>18222759 Live streaming rosary just starting

>>18222765 @DanScavino Flashback Vid

>>18222780 Prime Minster Justin Trudeau swarmed by angry protesters outside the Bread Bar in Hamilton, Ontario.

>>18222786 @RepMTG I’m honored to serve on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

>>18222797 @MayorRudyGiuliani Watch this podcast: Radical Left Hate

>>18222801 Machines Have 50% Failure Rate On Election Day In Maricopa County, AZ (Unbelievable!)

>>18222832 Schiff Trending

>>18222844, >>18222872 Biden sends 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine.

>>18222850 Are their entities that exist outside of the human frequency range? #432

>>18222854 #BidensAmerica Trending

>>18222865 WWIII Trending

>>18222887 @VigilantFox Each Time They Push the Jabs, the Deaths Skyrocket

>>18222909 Time Mapping TS PDJT Post: 315

>>18222966 Shasta County, California Votes to Terminate Its Contract with Dominion Voting Systems

>>18223002 America has suffered 300,000 NON-Covid excess deaths since 2020

>>18223019 Project Veritas Confront NYT Reporter Alec Goldman

>>18223045, >>18223099 The casualties of the Pfizer Killing Fields MP4

>>18223052 Anon has a request, Play this video in front of Fauci & the world

>>18223072 Elevated Rate of Facial Paralysis Identified After Pfizer COVID-19 Booster in Elderly: FDA

>>18223106 JUST TO BE CLEAR: Former FBI Official Who Investigated Trump-Russia Collusion ARRESTED… For Colluding With Russia! - Don Jr. RMBL Vid

>>18223113 Multiple Reports Say White House Hid Classified Doc Scandal - breitbart


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832668 No.18223153


That's not sause.

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84d10c No.18223154



[They] won’t be able to walk down the street!

Q is a savant! A Future-See’r, it’s been foretold!

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f455c6 No.18223155


simpler to go to the mural and measure up to its elbow

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aba0dc No.18223156

File: b81c837c3f34e6d⋯.jpg (12.9 KB,468x258,78:43,ffc9881aa627262ab93e15d69c….jpg)


He should stop pushing it. He should come clean on the dangers.

Holding those who seek power accountable is our only way out.

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19ee4a No.18223157


>running count up to 2021

Sounds like a fair share of executions:


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1c0169 No.18223158


Garland disagrees

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154533 No.18223159

File: 0836ad4af5d2c2e⋯.png (122.81 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_25_13_11_0….png)


Because it ride the body of these


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47fc01 No.18223160


Hows about the Dr. Hadden conviction?

Anons have any updates on that?

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9c0085 No.18223161

Populist Backlash Part of "The Plan"

Henry Makow

The "Plan" is for the betrayed vaccinated to revolt and create a state of anarchy, such as seen in the Mad Max movies. The global government will ride in and restore order.

As the death toll mounts into the millions, and people realize the vaccines are the cause, the public will be so outraged that they will overthrow their governments and assassinate all those who promoted the scamdemic. The Illuminati want to instigate domestic insurrection, overthrow national governments, lynch politicians, in other words, create chaos. Ordo ab Chao is their motto. This "plan" will unfold over the next 2-4 years.

That's why they launched this diabolical scam which exposes and discredits all their flunkies without first securing gun control in the US. I urge members of their Masonic networks to break ranks now, rather than get thrown to the wolves later. (It's also the right thing to do.)

A billionaire in NZ supposedly leaked this "Plan" to a service provider he befriended.

"The tables turn on the vaccine narrative. I was told in time the vaccine will increase infection and increase death. That billions will die, and the people will be enraged and burn their governments to the ground. Their leaders, scientists and media will be torched, hunted and hung in the streets. BOTH sides will burn their governments to the ground. The pro-vax side, completely betrayed and dying will rage.. the non-vax side will rage for what their gov allowed to happen."

The people promoting the vax will take the fall. That's why they are so disposable. Biden is almost dead. Bojo, Macron & Fidelito are twits.

The damage timeline for the mRNA vaccines is 2-3 years. The mRNA uptake "has exceeded their wildest expectations."

In the wake of anarchy, a new global government will emerge as "the great saviour."

Is this why some prominent anti vaxers belong to a Masonic organization? They believe in telling us in advance what they're going to do. Are these some of the people the billionaire says they "recruited?" Is this why Twitter now allows anti-vaccine info (except mine) to circulate?


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ce9e9e No.18223162



They think I am the conspiracy theorist.

I prefer the title "Conspiracy Therapist"

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164257 No.18223163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Geez, you young whippersnappers

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740a53 No.18223164

File: be8b90569e3bc18⋯.png (779 KB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Color anon surprised.

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33b6b9 No.18223165


Trump will be.

When Pence and Biden walk away scot free for the same crimes, more people will realize just how corrupt the entire govt is.

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c1fe43 No.18223166


McGonigal scratches his face and nose when the announcer says“We need to change our behavior to be cognizant and not give our adversaries…”

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0f535d No.18223167

File: 995e829030e1bc3⋯.png (363.52 KB,527x585,527:585,Capture.PNG)

Did someone order a package?

📦 💥


conducts an ammunition transfer with #USSCarlVinson (CVN 70) during a replenishment-at-sea with the


USNS Henry J. Kaiser (T-AO 187).


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1b0d12 No.18223169

File: 11ee4b81cf299d6⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,1278x720,71:40,President_Trump_Says_He_Is….mp4)


how bout this?

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aba0dc No.18223170

File: 05105903f3e64dc⋯.jpeg (220.75 KB,584x552,73:69,fullsizeoutput_12ec.jpeg)


Who is going to arrest him? The FBI, the DOJ?

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0aeb1d No.18223171

File: b702f29683ccc37⋯.png (1.81 MB,1091x655,1091:655,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: e892328229d7de1⋯.png (314.33 KB,1242x378,23:7,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: 6a3f1e14747f4d8⋯.png (258.81 KB,539x377,539:377,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: 13142291e80d453⋯.png (288.58 KB,683x451,683:451,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: 2f8f31d24907971⋯.png (884.65 KB,1366x640,683:320,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

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5d8681 No.18223172


Irrelevant conjecture

Fact based they are archived as recommending against it, for whatever reason it may have been, they still said don't take it if you don't need it

Ask yourself, who convinced you that you need it?

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9c0085 No.18223173


>you young whippersnappers

That's a classic pic of Motely Crue! I may be young but I like them too.

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19ee4a No.18223174


If it proves to be true, there was no conspiracy only a working theory that proved to be truthful and precise.

The choice to know will be yours.

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507b46 No.18223175

File: 9c9074edd53c2a3⋯.jpg (144.16 KB,509x399,509:399,iver.jpg)

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47fc01 No.18223176

File: 9f0a0916f1904e7⋯.png (560.42 KB,992x558,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

OH, here it is. Never mind guys. I found it!

Former Columbia University OB-GYN Robert Hadden convicted of sexual abuse

>Robert Hadden has been convicted of all four counts.


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3bcf41 No.18223177

Watchdog group calls on High Court to declare Netanyahu unfit to hold office

In petition to justices, Israeli Democracy Guard accuses PM of pursuing judicial overhaul plan with the sole purpose of ‘escaping prosecution’ in ongoing criminal trial

An Israeli democracy watchdog filed a petition to the High Court of Justice on Tuesday asking it to rule on whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is fit to hold office.

The petition was filed just days after the High Court ruled that Shas leader Aryeh Deri was unable to serve as a minister, and amid reports that the attorney general has considered compelling Netanyahu to take a leave of absence due to a conflict of interest — something she has denied.

The Israeli Democracy Guard called on the High Court justices “to instruct” the government and Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara “to determine that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is unable to fulfill his duties as prime minister,” the organization said in a statement.

Netanyahu is unfit for office due to his ongoing criminal trial, his conflict of interest and his actions to promote a “regime coup d’etat,” the organization added.

In its petition to the court, the Israeli Democracy Guard wrote that there is “a serious and real concern that there is a direct connection between the government plan” to radically overhaul the justice system “and the criminal cases against Netanyahu — and the main purpose of the plan is to help [Netanyahu] escape prosecution.”

Netanyahu is currently on trial for charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust in three cases, known as Cases 1000, 2000 and 4000, in which he is accused of providing quid pro quo benefits to two billionaires in return for luxury gifts, and of working to improperly influence media coverage. The prime minister has denied all wrongdoing.

When Netanyahu was indicted in November 2019, he was forced to relinquish all ministerial positions — with the exception of that of prime minister — in line with a High Court precedent.


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996038 No.18223178

File: fd52a98313dd43f⋯.png (53.92 KB,247x202,247:202,yikes.png)


>LIst of ne'er-do-wells

I'd like to ask them if it was worth it.

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ade9fc No.18223179

File: fb3175031b5dee6⋯.jpg (13.12 KB,168x255,56:85,e72a40738b1100100bb15da8e5….jpg)

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73541d No.18223180


We really have no options. Every institution is corrupted. Governer General can instruct to dissolve Parliament and call an election but if she hasn't by now, she never will. She is bought and paid for.

Sadly, many Canadians are just going to swing the pendulum to the other side of the political establishment spectrum and will elect Conservative leader Pierre Pollievre who is apparently compromised by blackmail collected by the Chinese.

People gave up after the convoy was ended via the Emergencies Act. A lot of our people also have had their brains fried through propaganda and getting them to awaken is becoming a great challenge. They will blindly support any Conservative that opposes Trudeau without realizing that the right has been infiltrated too and that they're stepping into a trap. They don't realize that their former hero leader, Stephen Harper, sold us out to the UN.

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f4345c No.18223181


There's a lot of "truthiness" in the schemes of this plan, in general terms.

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47fc01 No.18223182

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1c0169 No.18223183

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62ac4c No.18223184

File: 666f0ef8b4bc9af⋯.png (530.1 KB,879x485,879:485,666f0ef8b4bc9af42990a3620d….png)

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1b0d12 No.18223185


>Motely Crue!

Top Kek!

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3bcf41 No.18223186

File: 2fdb041d087ca54⋯.png (232.42 KB,554x734,277:367,ClipboardImage.png)

Despite mountain of damning evidence, FDA pushes annual COVID boosters!

'Pfizer will keep earning billions'

The FDA is now recommending Americans take annual COVID booster vaccines much like the flu shots that are made available every year, but selling that plan to a skeptical public will be increasingly difficult as doubts about the booster shots grow.

One prominent doctor said outside of people with multiple extreme health issues like obesity and diabetes, "nobody … should take" the booster shots, and even those high-risk patients should "weigh the pros and cons" before getting injected.

"The Food and Drug Administration on Monday proposed a simplified approach for future vaccination efforts, allowing most adults and children to get a once-a-year shot to protect against the mutating virus," reports the Associated Press. "This means Americans would no longer have to keep track of how many shots they’ve received or how many months it’s been since their last booster."

The new FDA guidance, which, according to AP, hears from a panel of "outside vaccine experts" Thursday, echoes President Biden's call to get a COVID booster shot annually. Biden has ostensibly taken a total of five COVID shots already, Breitbart reports.

“If you’re fully vaccinated, get one more COVID shot. Once a year. That’s it,” Biden said during a speech made at "his imitation White House video set," according to Breitbart.

"In the latest documents posted online, FDA scientists now say many Americans now have “sufficient preexisting immunity” against the coronavirus because of vaccination, infection or a combination of the two," it reports. "That baseline of protection reportedly should be enough to move to an annual booster against the latest strains in circulation and make coronavirus vaccinations more like the yearly flu shot, according to the agency."

The government's plan comes amidst widespread reports of unexplained, heart-related "sudden deaths" and serious cardiac incidents of young, mostly male Americans, including athletes — which prominent dissenters like Dr. Peter McCullough assert are most likely linked to the vaccines' myocarditis and blood-clot side effects.

In a video interview with Just the News, former Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch, another high-profile critic of the government's "safe and effective" COVID vaccine narrative, said outside of people with "who have multiple, chronic" health issues, "I would say there's nobody who should take" the boosters.

But even for those higher-risk people, potential risks may outweigh benefits of taking the booster injections, Risch said.

"For people, say, over age 65 or 70, who have multiple, chronic conditions, maybe they're obese, they have diabetes, chronic heart disease, kidney disease, maybe they've had cancer — things like that — [for] those people, I think it's uncertain. The vaccines can do damage to those people, too, but the vaccines may actually provide some benefit, at least for some months, in reducing the risks of a more serious illness if they contract COVID. So I don't think the data are particularly clear as to the risk versus benefit, in a quantitative way, in those kind of people," he told Just the News' John Solomon and Real America's Voice in the interview posted today.

"For everybody else, there's no benefit of taking the booster. The booster has lost its efficacy for the new [COVID} substrains that are circulating now. …So it's already uncalibrated for what's circulating, and that means its efficacy as a booster is less," he said. "But still the original component of it and the generic value of it as a booster … provides benefit for some shortish period of time that might not be outweighed by the risks of the booster itself in high-risk people in the first place."


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f4345c No.18223187


Exactly. The same reason why Dr. Stella takes HCQ prophylactically.

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c1fe43 No.18223188


He touches his eye when the announcer mentions he worked on the 911 attack, flight 800, etc. For being FBI he has a lot of tells

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ce9e9e No.18223189


it can't hurt

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84d10c No.18223190


He should be hung! Publicly!

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832668 No.18223191

File: a315c1a1cb63df9⋯.jpg (102.45 KB,482x484,241:242,four_you.jpg)


No mention of saline. If u think the bioweapons are saline, you are in denial. Please reconcile saline injections + WAR vs bioweapon injections + WAR. Then see the # of deaths n you'll prolly start to figure it out. Sause the saline.

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e25220 No.18223192

File: 06de70d107c5341⋯.png (76 KB,710x708,355:354,1305.png)

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649163 No.18223193

File: cb0b10abbc73ff2⋯.jpg (85.92 KB,1024x811,1024:811,03_nuclearweapons_02_implo….jpg)

File: d3c843b2f7d7de2⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,1100x619,1100:619,180725155238_trump_putin_s….jpg)



here we have an implosive "nuclear core"

the nuclear futbol

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e1eb4c No.18223194

File: 8eea0a897d45995⋯.jpg (119.36 KB,859x500,859:500,same_same_same.jpg)

File: 2eb3c5691cd2f43⋯.jpg (102.38 KB,859x500,859:500,Same_same.jpg)


Q never said which vaccines were not safe.

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0f535d No.18223195

File: 324e6e54e0457ce⋯.png (378.66 KB,532x714,38:51,Capture.PNG)

On January 26, the Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB) will hold a two-day in-person public meeting and conference at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library and Museum in Austin, TX. Learn more about registering for this meeting:


#Archives #OpenGov


Might be a good time to ask some Q's.

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3bcf41 No.18223196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Schiff Claims He Never Took Classified Docs Home

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) says he never took classified documents back home amid a growing scandal over the handling of secret material by top government executives.

As chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Schiff had access to all sorts of classified information, but the congressman asserted Tuesday he was too paranoid to take any of it with him.

“This is what’s so astounding, I think, for all of us on the Intelligence Committee. I never take classified documents to my house,” Schiff told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, who asked if he had taken any records home. “I don’t know any reason why people would.”

Schiff referred to a SCIF, which is a secure location where sensitive information can be viewed.

“I am so paranoid when I go into the SCIF and out of the SCIF to make sure I’ve got no electronics on the way in, that I’ve got nothing with me on the way out. I am very, very careful about it, and I would assume that everyone else is, but clearly there’s a problem here,” he said.

The conversation happened as it was revealed about a dozen documents marked classified were found at former Vice President Mike Pence’s home in Indiana and turned over to the FBI. The Justice Department already appointed two separate special counsels to investigate former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden for their handling of documents over classified materials stored in their residences and offices.

Schiff said there is a “systemic problem” with how White House officials are handling classified materials and called for an intelligence community risk assessment.

In the four years since he became chairman of the intelligence panel in 2019, Schiff has become a controversial figure, in part of his public claims of there being “ample” evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia as well as his handling of whistleblower allegations during the Ukraine impeachment saga.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has accused Schiff of being a repeat liar in vowing to remove Schiff from the Intelligence Committee this session of Congress, along with Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA). Daring McCarthy to make good on his pledge, Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) formally recommended Schiff and Swalwell to stay on the committee, calling them “eminently qualified.”


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87a754 No.18223197

File: e62daed879c57f2⋯.mp4 (8.37 MB,748x418,34:19,TrumpVaxxMontage.mp4)

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33b6b9 No.18223198

File: 2d5b65a2a5d5838⋯.png (162.14 KB,500x499,500:499,pepe_smart.png)


> Schiff Claims He Never Took Classified Docs Home

The fact that he comes out and says that, tells me otherwise.

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09188b No.18223199

File: 46f901c5df28037⋯.jpg (168.71 KB,458x601,458:601,adamcorona.jpg)

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50569b No.18223200

We all need to start CALLING OUT EVERYONE that is Elected, Appointed, Employed (BADGE OR NO BADGE) in Government; also need to start 'MARKING' ALL Perverts in Pulpits that perverse Holy Scriptures i.e. ROMANS CH. 13 as a means to subject us all to a form of Tyranny unto Government. We also need to start targeting ALL ONLINE INFLUENCERS who use certain Propaganda Slogans such as #HoldTheLine as a means to quell the general public into not doing anything worth a damn.

Americans, my Fellow Americans will allow themselves to be ushered into the SLAUGHTER HOUSE all because some Dipshit in a Church Pulpit (Protestant & Roman Catholic) says it's the 'Christian Thing to Do". And the whole BLUE LINE CULT is a Cult of Personality that divides We the People, the same way the Demonic Liberal Left do to everyone daily.

The damn Media MUST BE destroy in the literal sense. Using Nazi - Communist Agit-Prop to divide us all on Television & Radio, and Online must al be destroyed. NAZI EUGENICS of Big Pharma also must be destroyed. ABORTION IS NOT A GOD GIVEN RIGHT. ABORTION IS MURDER ONE AND ALL WHO DO IT DESERVE THE DEATH PENALTY. Even all these LGBTQ DRAG QUEENS and the Parents who usher their children into the entertainment thereof imprisoned for Natural Life.

NEW AGE THEOSOPHIST AND THE DEMONIC BELIEF also must be destroyed because it is all ANTI-MALE with the propagation of the DEMONIC DIVINE FEMININIE It is used to give Females Section 8 Housing and Males Cellblock 8




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3bcf41 No.18223202

EU adds another half billion in military aid for Ukraine war

The EU Foreign Affairs Council has reached a political agreement on another tranche of military aid to Ukraine worth EUR 500 million under the European Peace Facility.

The EU foreign ministers also approved EUR 45 million for the EU’s military training mission for Ukraine.

EU High Representative Josep Borrell said this at a press conference in Brussels on Monday following a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council….

“Today we reached a political agreement for the seventh tranche of military support with an additional EUR 500 million and an additional assistance measure, worth EUR 45 million, for the Ukrainian force being trained by our military training mission….This brings the total military support [to Ukraine] under the European Peace Facility to EUR 3.6 billion,” Borrell said.


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740a53 No.18223203


Cause he took them straight to the Standard hotel. He's telling the truth, but not the whole truth.

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0aeb1d No.18223204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a1e4da No.18223205

File: 6e0b275d31fa7b9⋯.png (937.58 KB,939x835,939:835,_0FA8A212_5428_4CCF_A049_3….png)

File: 1b35584b54661a1⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x1024,1:1,_D78CB44E_8A8F_4BAC_92CE_D….png)

NBC reports Marjorie Taylor Greene intends to be Trump's VP pick in 2024

"This is no shrinking violet, she's ambitious — she's not shy about that, nor should she be," said Steve Bannon, the former top Trump aide who hosts the War Room podcast, where Greene has been a guest.

"She sees herself on the short list for Trump's VP. Paraphrasing Cokie Roberts, when MTG looks in the mirror she sees a potential president smiling back," he added, referencing Roberts, the late political reporter who worked for NPR, ABC News and other outlets.

sauce https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/marjorie-taylor-greene-aims-trumps-vp-pick-2024-rcna67266

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c959aa No.18223206


"I'm really happy with the jab we're doing" ohk

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1c0169 No.18223207


Misinformation is necessary. Evidentiary so is death. But it won't be his family and friends

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3bcf41 No.18223208

Obama office declines to disclose plans, if any, to search for classified docs

The handling of classified documents by former White House officials has become a hot button issue since the Aug. 8, 2022, FBI raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate.

Amid revelations that President Joe Biden, former President Donald Trump, and now former Vice President Mike Pence all stored materials marked as classified at their private residences, the office of former President Barack Obama has declined to state its plans, if any, to conduct a search of his properties for similar materials.

Following the Tuesday report that Pence had found materials marked classified at his Indiana home, Fox News reached out to the 44th president's office seeking details on any plans Obama may have to search his own properties. Pence indicated that he searched his home following the discovery of documents in Biden's possession.

"We have nothing for you at this time," came the response from Obama Communications Director Hannah Hankins. Obama maintains residences in Washington, D.C.; Chicago, Ill.; Martha's Vineyard, Mass.; and New York, N.Y.; the outlet noted.

The handling of classified documents by former White House officials has become a hot button issue since the Aug. 8, 2022, FBI raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate. Prior to that raid, Trump complied with a grand jury subpoena and surrendered classified materials to the government.

Reports emerged this month that a lawyer for President Joe Biden had discovered a batch of classified documents in Biden's office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington while cleaning it out. Subsequent searches for such materials by Biden aides turned up four separate batches of documents at his Delaware home.

The Department of Justice has appointed special counsels Jack Smith and Robert Hur to handle its investigations into the Trump and Biden incidents, respectively.


>>18223198 +1

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0f535d No.18223209

When will Congress step in and take back their declaration of war power?

I don't have high hopes for it.

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54fb30 No.18223210

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372396 No.18223211

File: f241184f8b73fd2⋯.png (321.5 KB,650x488,325:244,ClipboardImage.png)


>USNS Henry J. Kaiser (T-AO 187).

(((Henry J. Kaiser))), hooknosed mongrel!

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211736 No.18223212

File: 2c18f9747b21cb5⋯.png (4.34 MB,3208x1732,802:433,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18221963 pb

>If you want to watch the movie White Squall for free, here is a link:

Almost at 11:11 in the movie:

* Captain grabs the cross necklace the new sailor is wearing and says "You don't want to lose that"

Symbolism to not lose Screen Shot 2023-01-25 at 1.19.41 PMThe Faith through the Storm.


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62ac4c No.18223213

File: 663d058d32a9053⋯.mp4 (415.19 KB,384x480,4:5,663d058d32a905380c708a6cdb….mp4)

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e72ac9 No.18223214

File: cdf179b5ee53e73⋯.png (395.95 KB,592x480,37:30,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd5e4d0284929cc⋯.png (388.01 KB,517x640,517:640,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d166b77c7a7ff4⋯.png (231.06 KB,488x602,244:301,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fd049c4adccec1⋯.png (775.85 KB,811x540,811:540,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa84d028cab3804⋯.png (367.2 KB,510x600,17:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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8efbff No.18223216


>Hunter will be the first arrest.


>>>18223149 (You)

>Trump will be.

>When Pence and Biden walk away scot free for the same crimes, more people will realize just how corrupt the entire govt is.

the dems are actively getting rid of Bidan before our eyes. Hunter will be the catalyst to force him out. Kamala will become the POTUS, but will not be the nominee. Newsom will be.

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f473b7 No.18223217


FBI keeping the customer lists of NXVIM and Epstein (the REAL human traffickers) secret.

Your retardedness is unbelievable!!!

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1b0d12 No.18223218

File: eb0eb4d5f8e5b0e⋯.png (402.18 KB,1616x254,808:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c0085 No.18223219



Hard to argue about his position on the vax with this montage.

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3bcf41 No.18223220

North Korea orders capital lockdown over 'respiratory' illness

Residents are instructed to check their temperatures four times a day and report the results to a hospital by phone.

Officials in North Korea reportedly ordered a five-day lockdown for residents of the capital Pyongyang starting Wednesday because of increasing cases of an unspecified respiratory illness.

The Russian embassy posted a notice on Facebook from the North Korean government stating, as translated, that "for 5 days, a special anti-epidemic period has been established" due to an "increase in winter cases of recurrent flu and other respiratory diseases."

The lockdown may be extended by three days, the notice also states.

Residents are instructed to check their temperatures four times a day and report the results to a hospital by phone.

Pyongyang residents appeared to stock up on goods one day before the lockdown, according to South Korea-based NK News.

North Korea did not specify whether the respiratory illness was COVID-19, over which the Communist country declared victory in August. North Korea enacted stringent COVID restrictions in May, when the country reported its first-ever coronavirus case.

North Korea's neighbor, China, experienced an explosion of COVID cases earlier this month after easing lockdown restrictions.


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19ee4a No.18223221


waahahaha, asshole left them at the hotel, you know that special room he freaked out in after waking up next to a crime scene.

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9e4133 No.18223222


If she is the answer the question is retarded.

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9b72c9 No.18223223

File: 5e37f26304959dd⋯.jpg (93.91 KB,1038x675,346:225,EYE5Gd_U8AA_ZKd.jpg)



>>18221165 pb

>Need a Pepe to pop that blister.

Got a major to lance that boil.

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1c7a84 No.18223224


I think Trump is trying to make it easier for retards to finally go against the vax by appearing to continue to promote "his" initiative… if the libs ever have the lightbulb go off, they can easily transition to blaming Trump for the whole thing (which they are going to do)

then, once there is critical mass, Trump will disavow it.

the reality is, he could not have done things differently. that's how much power big pharma (i.e., the bioweapons arm of the NWO) has in this country.

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154533 No.18223225


Grew up on a farm

2 times a year

All animals got "dewormed"

Including the human aminals

After we left farming we also stopped

Doing this too

About 7 years ago was talking to ole lady bout stuff we did years ago that fell to the wayside

Started researching

Best I have felt in years

Eat ya sum paste

You be amazed

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e25220 No.18223226


as if trump does fox interview. first to commit treason by calling it election night. ghey

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30280f No.18223227

File: be79d1099eb751e⋯.png (1.18 MB,1080x1349,1080:1349,75db23a4d45c15c0e8469f6ea9….png)


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0aeb1d No.18223228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1b0d12 No.18223229


>his position

key words


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3bcf41 No.18223230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

30 years ago this was a joke.


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0aeb1d No.18223231

File: 9e5e7e7f80466bf⋯.png (587.71 KB,812x451,812:451,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: fa4bba3735de9ed⋯.png (552.76 KB,809x450,809:450,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: 7289cb4f3b18c0d⋯.png (960.78 KB,825x508,825:508,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

File: 1086aecc981eea1⋯.png (340.58 KB,784x495,784:495,Screenshot_2023_01_25_at_1….png)

File: f9b4519d569a757⋯.png (1.46 MB,1301x591,1301:591,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

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73541d No.18223232

Ivermectin has been administered over 4 billion times to humans with less than 5000 attributed adverse reactions. It was designed for humans. Just because it may be marketed to cows, horses and dogs doesn't mean that it is unsafe for humans. It's all about the dosage. I know people who have taken 5 times the recommended dosage and they were fine. I've had the pour-on ivermectin spilled on me in large amounts while treating cattle and here I am, brain still functioning optimally.

A similar product, fembendazole, is showing great promise at killing many types of cancer.

Now does it make sense why the big push to subvert humans away from these products? Could their new found uses kill the cancer drug industry? Absolutely. As it should.

The only animal that I'm aware of that can't handle ivermectin is the Border Collie, they have a weak membrane of the blood/brain barrier and die instantly.

I prefer to take my ivermectim straight up so that the parasites feasting on my brain cells get a mouthful of nasty tasting neurons from my taste buds so that they know that they're fucked before the ivermectin actually kills them. I'm sadistic like that.

It fucking works and anyone that doesn't believe it is a brain dead mainstream media believing retard.

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af00d7 No.18223233

File: 2f43cb6eae20f05⋯.png (1.79 MB,1246x924,89:66,ClipboardImage.png)

Fart noises

Pencil over neck

Brother doing booty dance behind her

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c9401a No.18223234


Sheep- majority

Sheepdogs- media/celebrities/educators

Farmer- gov/health care

Wolves- hunters/prey on sheep

Lone wolves- anons?

Do the wolves save the sheep in this scenario?

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f4345c No.18223235

File: b56e0b96208fd5f⋯.jpg (160.3 KB,1172x2048,293:512,FnVBIODXoAMW2Ne.jpg)


VAERS, for comparison.

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53faa8 No.18223236

File: 2cb008c4b80cccf⋯.jpeg (80.41 KB,750x600,5:4,80BC0756_A9F1_4032_A88D_D….jpeg)

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79b437 No.18223237


Who is that guy?

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638847 No.18223238

File: 2c9699014e44005⋯.png (368.93 KB,606x526,303:263,Capture.PNG)

Will it collapse?


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088cca No.18223239


Might be why the Bills were knocked out this weekend. If they'd stayed, Damar would be in the news cycle all the way up to the Super Bowl. Now he and this story can fade into obscurity.

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1c0169 No.18223240


We were told the country/world would be united. It's more and more division everyday

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9eb799 No.18223241

File: fccc95d5c3a96bb⋯.png (218.81 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


So was Vera De Milo

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9b72c9 No.18223242

File: 65bb21ab7091b5a⋯.png (12.18 KB,255x255,1:1,0f482e8050604258aea98e1935….png)


He likes tooling around in a t-shirt. But, unlike Zuck the Chicomm honeypot cuck fuck, knows when to dress the part.

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33b6b9 No.18223243

File: 4a345f4ccf30d44⋯.png (288.83 KB,637x499,637:499,conspiracy_theory.png)

File: 57a46487f2f4b33⋯.png (143.44 KB,500x491,500:491,conspiracy_theory_friend_w….png)

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aba0dc No.18223244

File: de566adf39efe4e⋯.jpeg (50.42 KB,554x372,277:186,fullsizeoutput_3e9.jpeg)


>No mention of saline

Yep, this "saline" nonsense is a giant cope.

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3bcf41 No.18223245

File: 8904fd4c8dc9c79⋯.png (669.45 KB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d61312d2cb4de22⋯.png (91.21 KB,780x826,390:413,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c86c058938501b4⋯.png (68.49 KB,803x639,803:639,ClipboardImage.png)

Extreme Israeli group takes root in US with fundraising bid

An Israeli group raising funds for Jewish extremists convicted in some of the country’s most notorious hate crimes is collecting tax-exempt donations from Americans, according to findings by The Associated Press and the Israeli investigative platform Shomrim.

The records in the case suggest that Israel’s far right is gaining a new foothold in the United States.

The amount of money raised through a U.S. nonprofit is not known. But the AP and Shomrim have documented the money trail from New Jersey to imprisoned Israeli radicals who include Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassin and people convicted in deadly attacks on Palestinians.

This overseas fundraising arrangement has made it easier for the Israeli group, Shlom Asiraich, to collect money from Americans, who can make their contributions through the U.S. nonprofit with a credit card and claim a tax deduction.

Many Israeli causes, from hospitals to universities to charities, raise money through U.S.-based arms. But having the strategy adopted by a group assisting Jewish radicals raises legal and moral questions.

It also comes against the backdrop of a new, far-right government in Israel led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, where ultranationalists and extremist lawmakers have gained unprecedented power.

According to Shlom Asiraich’s promotional pamphlets, its beneficiaries include Yigal Amir, who assassinated Rabin in 1995; Amiram Ben-Uliel, convicted in the 2015 murder of a Palestinian baby and his parents in an arson attack; and Yosef Chaim Ben David, convicted of abducting and killing a 16-year-old Palestinian boy in Jerusalem in 2014. The group also assists an extremist ultra-Orthodox man who fatally stabbed a 16-year-old Israeli girl at Jerusalem’s gay pride parade in 2015.

Shlom Asiraich, or “The Well-Being of Your Prisoners,” has been raising money in Israel since at least 2018, and officially registered as a nonprofit in 2020 by a group mostly consisting of Israelis from hard-line settlements in the West Bank. At least five of the group’s seven founders have themselves been questioned by Israeli authorities for crimes related to their activities against Palestinians. Some have been arrested and charged.

Recipients of its largesse have hailed the group for coming through in difficult times.

“You have no idea how much you help us,” the family of Ben-Uliel, who is serving three life sentences, wrote in a hand-written letter posted to the group’s Facebook page.

Being a relatively new organization, Shlom Asiraich’s official filing to Israel’s nonprofit registry provides little data and does not indicate how much money it has raised. But in its promotional flyers, recently broadcast by Israeli Channel 13 news, the organization indicated it has raised 150,000 shekels (about $43,000).

Israeli nonprofits have long sought funding abroad, with the U.S. a major source. According to figures published by Noga Zivan, a consultant for nonprofits in Israel, between 2018 to 2020 Jewish-American organizations alone donated $2 billion to Israel each year.

Israeli right-wing groups have long raised funds in the U.S. But Dvir Kariv, a former official in the department of Israel’s domestic security agency Shin Bet that deals with Jewish violence, said it is unusual for extremist Jews such as the ones who run Shlom Asiraich to do so.

He said the group appears to have taken a cue from other far-right Israeli groups, particularly Kach, an anti-Arab racist group that was once banned as a terror organization in the U.S. but which Kariv said was adept at raising money there decades ago.

Itamar Ben-Gvir, a senior Cabinet minister in Israel’s new far-right government, is a disciple of Kach’s founder, Rabbi Meir Kahane, who was once barred from Israeli politics.


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a4a4b6 No.18223246


It looks like the fire is mostly out on the stream I'm watching.

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eee40d No.18223247


but it weighs the same, Einstein, and the level depends upon that.

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11597d No.18223248

File: 109b6bb6d55e359⋯.jpeg (221.44 KB,676x754,26:29,toldyaso.jpeg)

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975b85 No.18223249


31 tanks huh


Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147454188 📁

Nov 1 2017 01:38:23 (EST)

World stalemate.

We all have the goods on everyone else.

That’s part of the reason why some things that tie back to foreign heads of state will remain classified (not all).

We are in one of the most critical times of our country. Trump and others are working to balance the we’re doing well for America (for the common person to endorse) while at the same time purify our govt and remove the bad actors who are entrenched. There is so much string pulling and blackmail that we need to cut these off to truly gain the power granted to us by the Patriots and hard working people of this great country.

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3bcf41 No.18223250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former Lebanon PM Diab charged in Beirut blast investigation

Lebanon’s public prosecutor and head of its domestic intelligence agency also are charged in connection with the 2020 explosion, which killed at least 218 people.

The judge investigating the 2020 Beirut port explosion has charged Lebanon’s then-prime minister, Hassan Diab, and two other former ministers with homicide with probable intent, according to a court summons seen by the Reuters news agency.

Other top officials, including the country’s public prosecutor and the head of the domestic intelligence agency, were also charged in connection with the blast, judicial sources said on Tuesday.

Judge Tarek Bitar, who has unexpectedly resumed an inquiry that has been paralysed by high-level political resistance, has scheduled questioning with Prosecutor General Ghassan Oweidat for February.

Pierre Gemayel, brother of a victim, told Al Jazeera that he was surprised but also happy with Bitar’s move.

“It is not normal [that for] more than one year the investigation is blocked; now we have a little hope that something is moving on,” he said.

Bitar’s efforts to interrogate top officials over the explosion, which killed at least 218 people and shattered parts of Beirut, have been hindered by factions including heavily armed, Iran-backed Hezbollah.


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05ffc3 No.18223251

File: ffc174e2a303000⋯.png (93.69 KB,810x514,405:257,ClipboardImage.png)

Gregg Phillips

We are finishing testing on a new device that combines tech from all of the world to effectively allow you to vanish from all know tracking capabilities. We are also building a U.S. based VPN that provides addition layers of security. Finally, we are partnering with a large private network provider.

Some practical stuff now:

1) Turn off locations services

2) Use a VPN

3) Swap browsers consistently

4) Reduce or eliminate messaging apps

Jan 25, 2023, 1:28 PM


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30280f No.18223252

File: 4fe7c87523ed745⋯.png (131.18 KB,423x421,423:421,4fe7c87523ed74596ff414ab2a….png)


Human beings have thousands of parasites and symbiotic organisms. They do part of our digestion. They clean, they catalyze enzymatic reactions. Even our parasites have parasites, and we have merged with many of them over the millennia, so our genetic code includes huge chunk of bacterial code. The mitochondria in every cell in our body was the result of a cellular merger,.


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e1eb4c No.18223253

File: ac64e172fc4f0b5⋯.jpg (163.74 KB,1300x1300,1:1,medical_symbol.jpg)


Great video. Is it on line? How Do I share it? Anons must realize that DS was here from the beginning. There was no way to keep them off the board. They are successfully keeping anons divided and keeping the truth from being understood. But in doing so, they are exposing themselves. Their control of the narrative is slipping. Beware of those who profess to know the truth about vaccines. Chaos is necessary for truth to be understood.

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aba0dc No.18223254

File: cb4855ee7356fc4⋯.jpg (275.5 KB,983x760,983:760,joseph.jpg)


>I think Trump is trying to make it easier for retards to finally go against the vax by appearing to continue to promote "his" initiative…


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9b72c9 No.18223255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eee40d No.18223256

File: 8bf55202b7385d4⋯.png (94.6 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


CNN would have a body-count crawl

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129a0a No.18223257


People are still following this clown, for real?

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3bcf41 No.18223258

USAID Tells Teachers to Hide Students’ Gender Identity from Parents

The Agency for International Development (USAID) instructs education officials to hide students’ gender identities and sexual orientation from their parents.

A guide from USAID entitled “Integrating LGBTQI+ Considerations into Education Programming” was created in order to “support USAID’s staff working in the education sector to integrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI+1) considerations into programming.”

It also identifies some of the challenges and obstacles that LGBTQI+ individuals can face in the education sector” and “provides approaches that can be used to integrate LGBTQI+ considerations into the education sector.”

One portion of the guide specifically calls on education officials to hide students’ gender identity or sexuality from their parents in order to “protect students’ privacy. The guide says “Ensure that education officials do not reveal a student’s sexual orientation or gender identity without the student’s permission – even to the student’s family. Students may elect to hide their sexual orientation or gender identity from family and close friends, which makes it imperative that educators respect students’ right to privacy.”

The guide also explains how it helps fulfill USAID’s mission, remarking “Promoting equity and inclusion is a key principle … and reflects USAID’s commitment to reach marginalized populations.”

Another portion of the document adds “Efforts to improve the learning outcomes and expand access to quality, equitable, and inclusive education of LGBTQI+ students across the education continuum directly support the U.S. Government Strategy on International Basic Education and USAID Education Policy.”

In addition, the guide tells education officials to “Provide inclusion-focused professional development programs for educators,” “Promote the concepts of diversity, inclusion, and respect,” and “Create an inclusive curriculum and learning material.”

The mission of USAID is to “promote and demonstrate democratic values abroad, and advance a free, peaceful, and prosperous world.”


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05ffc3 No.18223259

File: 3b957c11abcef3e⋯.png (24.24 KB,735x365,147:73,ClipboardImage.png)

Project Veritas will be hosting a Twitter Space tonight to discuss BOMBSHELL NEW UNDERCOVER VIDEO we have obtained about Pfizer.

Set your reminders now!

Release at 8pm, Space starts at 9pm.

Space link below:


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1eb440 No.18223260

File: beee516d76eb987⋯.mp4 (8.42 MB,930x518,465:259,yugic3_1.mp4)

File: 57b295e47cf5715⋯.png (222.46 KB,742x622,371:311,scholz.png)

File: 8f8be146be812bb⋯.png (195.86 KB,474x257,474:257,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3639bbada35719⋯.png (1.11 MB,979x1280,979:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03ba42897c74f6d⋯.mp4 (4.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,video_2023_01_19_07_27_10_….mp4)

NOW - Chancellor Scholz asks concerned citizens to "trust him and the government" regarding the decision to send Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine.



🇷🇺🇺🇦 Destroyed Ukrainian militants in Soledar


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a1e4da No.18223261

File: 95a3660848085b4⋯.png (289.17 KB,781x439,781:439,_00C47E41_844B_4A57_AAE3_8….png)

White House Press Briefing LIVE now


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154533 No.18223262


And have never been around horses and their owners

Owners are not gonna poison their precious horses

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9eb799 No.18223263


That's because Zuck's shtick is the "College Dropout Genius Billionaire", and he has to stick to it for the rest of his life.

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6812d6 No.18223264


If I were a FBI scumbag, I would target the VPN first - that's where the interesting stuff will be. Infact, I would create a VPN service for people to sign up to.

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33b6b9 No.18223265

File: 4679dbad535406d⋯.png (123.75 KB,500x325,20:13,pepe_shit_.png)


I honestly hope that the PV staff have a serious security detail. Big pharma is well-known for "offing" those that threaten their profits.

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434966 No.18223266


1st Q How many shots were given By the military when first rolled out?

2nd Question when did the recipe change?

Its was OK but what they did with it after leaving office IDNK.

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e72ac9 No.18223267


>Who is that guy?

He writes some cartoon. I watched a vid where he got drunk and talked live and made a complete fool of himself. I no like.

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9b72c9 No.18223268

File: c718648e6e788c9⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,852x480,71:40,CNN.mp4)

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30280f No.18223269

social media e quake?

Anon is on top of this e-quake (10 miles away) and felt nothing.

Of course anon is on Mt Vulture which is gimbaled, they say.

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9498bd No.18223270



Please all bakers, use the CURRENT version of the dough not an old one, because there are often updates and corrections, especially to Globals. See below.



Anons: bunker = https:'//'endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444, baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761

Offering breads to other bakers >>18061508, >>18067193 ; No RRN in notes >>17980519

Pls notable planefag & boatfag reports >>18179893

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62ac4c No.18223271

File: 64e8ad3fdff45d5⋯.png (329.69 KB,776x828,194:207,G_A_SX.png)




And for all Musks’ brouhaha and likability, he is and always has been a CIA Asset. The Boy Wonder whose entire asset base; Tesla, Starlink, Space X, Twitter and Starshield are the brainchildren of DARPA.


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d22b56 No.18223272


They have VAIDS

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eee40d No.18223273


"it's not a crime. It's a sin."

He's right, you know.

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3bcf41 No.18223274

File: 82abf2c96cc880f⋯.png (1.27 MB,1000x597,1000:597,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 263e29fe975cc20⋯.png (1.22 MB,1000x666,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

Australia Has Not Written to US on Assange For 6 Months

In Nov., Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said for the first time he’d raised Julian Assange with the U.S. A Freedom of Information request shows Australia has not corresponded with the U.S. on Assange for at least six months.

A Freedom of Information request by a member of the Australian parliament has revealed that the Australian government has not engaged in correspondence with the United States regarding the case of imprisoned publisher Julian Assange for at least the last six months.

MP Monique Ryan filed the requests with the offices of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Attorney General Mark Dreyfus and Foreign Minister Penny Wong and no documents were returned, indicating that there has been no written communication with the U.S. over the fate of Assange since at least last May, reported former Australian Senator Rex Patrick in the Australian publication Michael West Media.

The absence of written correspondence does not exclude that Australian officials may have engaged in verbal communications with U.S. counterparts about Assange over the past half year, though written notes are normally made on such meetings.

The freedom of information request asked for all correspondence or other records of communication sent after May 23, 2022 between Albanese and President Joe Biden; Dreyfus and U.S. Attorney General Marrick Garland and Wong and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Albanese raised Assange supporters’ hopes in November when he responded to a question in Parliament from MP Ryan by saying:

“The government will continue to act in a diplomatic way, but can I assure the member for Kooyong that I have raised this personally with representatives of the United States government. My position is clear and has been made clear to the US administration that it is time that this matter be brought to a close.”

Hopes for Australian action on Assange were further raised when Australian Broadcasting Corporation journalist John Lyons told an ABC program at the end of December that he understood Assange would be back home in Australia within two months.

Ryan told Michael West Media:

“If the Albanese Government was serious about working to secure an end to the US prosecution and Mr. Assange’s release, then he and his Ministers would have raised the matter formally, in writing, with their counterparts at the top levels of the US Government. It is now confirmed that they have not done so via any formal means.”

Ryan said that she intends to question Albanese about the absence of written communication. “When the Federal Parliament reconvenes in February, the Government will need to explain – in much more detail – when we can expect to see Mr. Assange return to Australia,” she said.

Attorney General Dreyfus announced last week that the Australian government would hold a roundtable on media freedom, saying, “The Albanese Government believes a strong and independent media is vital to democracy and holding governments to account. Journalists should never face the prospect of being charged or even jailed just for doing their jobs.”

Ryan responded: “Last week, in announcing a forthcoming national media roundtable, Attorney-General Dreyfus declared that ‘Journalists should never face the prospect of being charged or even jailed just for doing their jobs‘. Julian Assange is an Australian journalist who faces lifelong imprisonment for doing his job.”


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05ffc3 No.18223276

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kash Patel ReTruthed

Andy McCabe, Pete Strzok, Lisa Paige, Charlie McGonigal, Chris Steele, Russians, Albanians (Person A & B), cash pay offs, CEFC, Patrick Ho, Hunter Biden, classified docs all over Joe Biden's places where the Chinese business partners had access, soft policy allowing Mexican cartels to control our southern border but also Albania? … Seems like a lot of coincidences. We usually call that a "conspiracy."

What if the Covid vax mandate was designed to root out those with principles at the FBI?


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33b6b9 No.18223277

File: c6cfb8d81da1662⋯.png (464.71 KB,800x419,800:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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aba0dc No.18223278

File: 11a23b599c77ee4⋯.jpeg (15.93 KB,226x255,226:255,95450c6a109037b0a11f6cd34….jpeg)



Cardboard cutout.

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c645df No.18223279


Gregg is an FBI informant.

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553f48 No.18223280


no, it doesn´t, zweistein

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772c7e No.18223282

File: 4743d154965a5c4⋯.png (670.65 KB,1436x887,1436:887,fauxIsLeninPravda.png)

For those still blaming POTUS for talking about vaccines: Number one: Try saying ANYTHING when all most people have is a NWO/Communist pravda for "info". POTUS would have been blamed for any and everything, regardless of what he'd said, and the Country would have been completely locked down brining on the NWO/Communist great reset. Instead, GOVERNORS were given the choice of what to "mandate" or not, as it should be. (Communist "governors" did the predictable, of course.)

Communist mass media censored all of the Invermectin & Hydroxychloroquine info whenever POTUS talked about it, and FAUX slandered the fuk out of THAT, too.

POTUS couldn’t have fired fauci if he wanted to. Even CNN admitted it:

Under federal law, Trump doesn’t have the power to directly fire Fauci, a career civil servant, and remove him from government. And while Trump could try ordering his political appointees to dismiss the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci could appeal – a time-consuming process. https://archive.is/ngWSj


POTUS had to let fauci, ETC.them hang themselves publicly. OAN was the ONLY network telling the truths from DAY ONE and look what happened to them!

NWO/Communist pravda:

Federal Government Paid $1 Billion to Media Outlets to Manipulate COVID Vaccine Coverage March 9, 2022 by The Vault Project 

The Biden administration made direct payments to nearly all major corporate media outlets to deploy a $1 billion taxpayer-funded outreach campaign designed to push only positive coverage about COVID-19 vaccines and to censor any negative coverage. Media outlets across the nation failed to disclose the federal government as the source of ads in news reports promoting the shots to their audiences.

According to a Freedom of Information Request filed by The Blaze, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) purchased advertising from major news outlets including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, CNN and MSNBC.

HHS also ran media blitzes in major media publications including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, New York Post, BuzzFeed News, Newsmax and hundreds of local TV stations and newspapers across the nation. https://archive.is/3pTsg https://thevaultproject.org/federal-government-paid-1-billion-to-media-outlets-to-manipulate-covid-vaccine-coverage/

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da2a9d No.18223283

File: e46f2f916d39af8⋯.jpg (34.83 KB,857x207,857:207,Horsepaste.JPG)


a little dab'll do ya…every week or two

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eee40d No.18223284


sting is ghey

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1eb440 No.18223285

File: 2a6cb7e85d56a70⋯.png (877.95 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c25d83f0c7204da⋯.png (1.27 MB,853x1280,853:1280,ClipboardImage.png)


⚡️Western tank coalition (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/12621) to Kiev - the data we have so far.

Subscribe @IntelRepublic



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9b72c9 No.18223286

File: 29a77edd7bf5d55⋯.png (48.39 KB,353x352,353:352,29a77edd7bf5d550b1bdf9c784….png)




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aba0dc No.18223287

File: 9c4722272038aac⋯.jpg (188.22 KB,499x489,499:489,1673463671395684.jpg)

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d22b56 No.18223288


This is the most openly satanic pope to ever take the position, and that's saying a LOT.

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e72ac9 No.18223289

File: 3df49a09a0a54d8⋯.jpg (44.36 KB,603x405,67:45,Thank_You_Trumpy.jpg)


>White House Press Briefing LIVE now

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a4a4b6 No.18223290

Reporter: Is the US confident that direct budgetary assistance has been used properly in Ukraine?

John Kirby [White House press conference]: That budgetary assistance is directed through the World Bank, and we're confident in that process.

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1d158e No.18223291


>"Conspiracy Therapist"

fun TY

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ba43af No.18223292

File: 7ffb14d3f931ae7⋯.png (609.01 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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508703 No.18223293


wait til we see the next one.

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6812d6 No.18223294

File: 62529ead57c5086⋯.png (873.69 KB,1240x698,620:349,ClipboardImage.png)



5 years after a billionaire and his wife were found murdered, their family is offering $35 million to catch their killer


Their company made HCQ.

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2fb863 No.18223295


How can anyone give you a list when you keep covering it all up with ridiculous gossip?


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d22b56 No.18223296


Are you saying this is good or bad? Because Trump was also an FBI informant against the mafia.

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e710cd No.18223297

File: f8504e85ba1ddbd⋯.jpeg (119.15 KB,1088x661,1088:661,4CE7E68B_457D_48F2_8B61_C….jpeg)

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a24ce5 No.18223298


ty bo, using the last known dough handed off to me.

but have updated


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444, baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761

Offering breads to other bakers >>18061508, >>18067193 ; No RRN in notes >>17980519

Pls notable planefag & boatfag reports >>18179893

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eee40d No.18223299


bo please filter the ignorance


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2fb863 No.18223300


You given a list and what did you do with it?


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33b6b9 No.18223301

File: 3d722baf9daa9bf⋯.png (589.51 KB,680x640,17:16,pepe_sly_laugh.png)


>How's it going to end?

Like this…. → >>18222997

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30280f No.18223302

File: 9a529ade54fc7d3⋯.png (133.11 KB,360x528,15:22,ClipboardImage.png)


Biggest scandal in equestrian sports was pedos murdering hunter jumpers horse for insurance cash.

It happens in horse racing also, where anon was once involved. They didn't just kill the horses either. Some had their legs broken with bats. This was very sick stuff.


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d22b56 No.18223303

File: 0468e6c3f43455f⋯.png (412.78 KB,696x457,696:457,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff93f6 No.18223304

File: 8512dba9708137d⋯.png (393.68 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 687ab026d83ad6a⋯.png (134.3 KB,320x240,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b0a63ff5495578⋯.png (405.03 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Ask catturd


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507b46 No.18223305


They had a lot of time off for making dancing videos and fucking, and traveled freely while the country was on lock down

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a4a4b6 No.18223306

Kirby: We have not seen any signs that our budgetary assistance have fallen prey to any kind of corruption in Ukraine, and I would go so far as to say the same on the security side as well. The weapons, and the systems…I've seen no indication that anything we've sent over has ended up in the wrong hands or is being used inappropriately.

[knowingly false]

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9eb4f0 No.18223307


It seems that, just as in 1918, the Ukrainian Jewish state authorities have started to perform pseudo-Satanic rituals in Christian churches, desecrating and defiling them.

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05ffc3 No.18223308

File: 675966fe460b9bd⋯.png (36.59 KB,631x284,631:284,ClipboardImage.png)





Ronny Jackson

What should be the FIRST question the House committee on Covid asks Fauci?

12:49 PM · Jan 25, 2023


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cf8fa9 No.18223309


Imagine comparing a failed corrupt career bureaucrat turned grifter to President Trump.

Pretty much sums up the state of the tards following Phillips.

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c58f0b No.18223310

File: d39b8d37b362018⋯.jpg (60.47 KB,811x960,811:960,FnVXYXSXEAw3HLv.jpg)

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62ac4c No.18223311

File: e793edd958853a8⋯.jpg (26.49 KB,255x255,1:1,e793edd958853a808568d95c65….jpg)

File: cd3456385d63ea1⋯.jpeg (220.87 KB,634x648,317:324,cd3456385d63ea1e850e74afc….jpeg)

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eee40d No.18223312

File: 77a3c71c38f7ea2⋯.png (165.6 KB,464x453,464:453,pepe_eyeroll.png)


double-filtered for double stupidity.

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9eb4f0 No.18223313


It seems that, just as in 1918, the Ukrainian Jewish state authorities have started to perform pseudo-Satanic rituals in Christian churches, desecrating and defiling them.

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6812d6 No.18223314


They sound like the opposite of Pfizer.

"He fought for what he really thought was right and provide generic drugs that made it possible for those that weren't on drug plans to get the drugs that they needed for the ailments that they suffered through," longtime friend Paul Godfrey told CBS News in 2018.

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154533 No.18223315

File: 57444f3d8f0b6c1⋯.png (116.09 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_25_13_40_5….png)


Read. This and. Report back


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33b6b9 No.18223316


And they continue to push the vaccine. The big pharma payouts are why they are doing this.

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eee40d No.18223317


something will turn up soon.


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d22b56 No.18223318


They are the conspiracy theorists,

1. for believing a novel new "vaccine" can be created, tested for safety and efficacy, and released in 6 months.

2. for believing a HUMAN drug that won the Nobel Prize is "horse paste"

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314a8d No.18223319

File: 45859b34cc1055e⋯.png (1.05 MB,1009x646,1009:646,ClipboardImage.png)

(you) are more than you know

The Energy of the Universe flows through (you)

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553f48 No.18223320


go to school, ask a teacher, learn physics

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9498bd No.18223321


not blaming you, but dough keeps reverting, so need to get the word out.


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33b6b9 No.18223322

File: ed338d60dd261a0⋯.png (237.78 KB,645x640,129:128,pepe_sophisticated.png)


>What should be the FIRST question the House committee on Covid asks Fauci?

Was it worth it? Was it worth your facing the death penalty?

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2fb863 No.18223323

Can't give you anything when you keep attacking it with ad hominem threats of physical violence and cover ups.


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633dca No.18223324

File: e14d3eafee31c3a⋯.jpeg (227.22 KB,881x700,881:700,janis.jpeg)

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eee40d No.18223325


triple filtered

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aba0dc No.18223326

File: 773ff1f91367074⋯.jpg (719.36 KB,775x900,31:36,1664557421599709.jpg)


>And they continue to push the vaccine.

Um, so does Trump.

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19ee4a No.18223327

File: 3f8a5880d32bacd⋯.jpg (95.13 KB,640x590,64:59,Don_t_Fear_the_Reaper.jpg)


2 Jabs + 4 Boosters = Full Dance Card

Don't fear the Reaper

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a24ce5 No.18223328

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8efbff No.18223329


they are laughing at us.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Joseph Goebbels

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3f6314 No.18223330

File: 4dc2bf7ac59f656⋯.jpg (105.95 KB,870x492,145:82,4dc2bf7ac59f656dd234322473….jpg)

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30280f No.18223331

File: 684ab5732feae9b⋯.jpg (86.9 KB,1440x923,1440:923,684ab5732feae9b2734477b529….jpg)

an infinite supply of red text and no thoughts

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553f48 No.18223332


ignorance is bliss, doesn´t change scientific facts

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ba43af No.18223333

File: 9ce793ef4f6fade⋯.png (452.48 KB,708x499,708:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b72c9 No.18223334

File: 84e9761b02cca5f⋯.png (1.58 MB,1444x970,722:485,crazy82023.PNG)

Think mirror. In this case, barber shop mirror. Everybody gets a haircut, kek.

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709d3f No.18223335

File: 7de833ba25d3a61⋯.png (15.7 KB,427x149,427:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 041218a6f06d891⋯.png (35.57 KB,577x313,577:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d58e71d21fa571f⋯.png (1.01 MB,1023x571,1023:571,Stratocracy.png)

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c58f0b No.18223336

File: 2ca7ce5f78046e2⋯.jpg (74.14 KB,615x579,205:193,FnVr1YKXgAUjOJ2.jpg)

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eee40d No.18223337

File: 73d985809790bff⋯.png (443.06 KB,779x764,779:764,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

Partnership Fund for New York City taps Bourla as board co-chair

The Pfizer executive will work alongside Rob Speyer, CEO of real estate developer Tishman Speyer

Crain's. Paywall. If yer. willing to pay, you ought to be willing to google it.

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52965a No.18223338



It is all fake

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314a8d No.18223339

Vaxxed are Realizing that they may have made a poor choice

But of course, it's the fault of someone else

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33b6b9 No.18223340

File: b1c2e45afe9d707⋯.png (1.08 MB,1125x1115,225:223,Ooooo_.png)


Digits confirm!

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62ac4c No.18223341

File: 5e7c57ec2adf4de⋯.jpg (2.84 MB,3840x2560,3:2,jakub_rozalski_competitors.jpg)

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2fb863 No.18223342


Why didn't nurses doctors say anything about the trafficking and human rights abuse pandemic?

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772c7e No.18223343

File: 58661319a588777⋯.mp4 (15.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Pearson_fauxi2019.mp4)


Here's a good sampling - VID (3:08), but they won't. The "Rs" are no different than the "Ds" – all controlled by china. (See fitzpatrickk in PA who consistently votes left of Stalin.)

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434966 No.18223344


yep Every death known to man would have been blamed on Mr T.

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eee40d No.18223345


too busy making dancing videos

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af00d7 No.18223346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


*Raises hand*

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8f2b01 No.18223347


Pointless. GOP is ruined.

They've learned nothing from the Strzok case.

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2fb863 No.18223349

Too busy stalking and attacking women.

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44f4f9 No.18223350

File: 2510fec3c99df5b⋯.jpg (41.77 KB,323x368,323:368,PEPE_that_sick_shit_right_….jpg)

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a4a4b6 No.18223351

Kirby: These tanks [Abrams] are not going to get there [Ukraine] for many months…they don't represent an offensive threat to Russia. Do they represent a threat to Russian soldiers? You bet they do. Russian soldiers that are in Ukraine…not to Russia proper.

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e710cd No.18223352

File: d6d4ebf5c8f6015⋯.jpeg (129.82 KB,800x390,80:39,DrFauci_Films_Deerhunter.JPEG)

File: 3ff99e16f7e7826⋯.jpeg (211.78 KB,800x557,800:557,DrFauci_Films_Home_Alone.JPEG)

File: ba217e80bee4459⋯.jpeg (136.28 KB,620x400,31:20,DrFauci_Films_Alien.JPEG)

File: e5b86bd31dee071⋯.jpeg (83.52 KB,510x361,510:361,DrFauci_Films_Dracula.JPEG)

File: 629fccd5e650829⋯.jpeg (186.77 KB,970x485,2:1,DrFauci_Films_Die_Hard.JPEG)

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6b18e3 No.18223353

File: 0a2fa82c38fd161⋯.png (30.19 KB,772x281,772:281,Q3387_8_year_timeline.png)

We still have a long way to go…

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3bcf41 No.18223354

File: 46a803c2798a79c⋯.png (129.33 KB,741x871,57:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d4ba95c0c31ce0⋯.png (42.61 KB,746x367,746:367,ClipboardImage.png)

Foreign National Pleads Guilty to Mailing Ricin to President of the United States in 2020

Defendant Also Mailed Threatening Ricin Letters to Texas Law Enforcement Officials

A dual citizen of Canada and France pleaded guilty today to sending a threatening letter containing homemade ricin to then-President Donald J. Trump at the White House in September 2020, and eight similar letters, each containing ricin, to Texas State law enforcement officials.


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2fb863 No.18223355

File: f2d119b08a0d182⋯.gif (1.17 MB,640x640,1:1,deuces.gif)

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996038 No.18223356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Nurses and Doctors knew the pandemic was fake.

>Why didn't they say something?

They sold the masses out decades ago.

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1eb440 No.18223357

File: d3b9df049baf6f2⋯.png (1.08 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)

This is what selling your soul to Christ deniers looks like

College Dissident


EXCLUSIVE: Charlie Kirk Says Christians Who Don't Love Israel Don't Love The Bible, Demands American Churches Support Israel

“So a Christian that's not pro-Israel, I doubt they actually love their Bible. And I will stand by that statement,” Kirk told a Jewish audience.


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524f31 No.18223358

File: ab17df917c52625⋯.jpg (61.18 KB,1200x867,400:289,Ichigo_bleach_anime_682470….jpg)

File: c031b834775860c⋯.jpg (25.51 KB,500x333,500:333,82d12698d9f93fbe62810898ab….jpg)

File: 0af52afc4651f26⋯.jpg (40.79 KB,623x546,89:78,f891e17cdeb5b062337b91b889….jpg)

File: e4fec161c048736⋯.jpg (27.18 KB,473x651,473:651,2dea20b9fa8fcd857f073ee261….jpg)


Anon Boiled lemons, limes, (chopped whole) about a gram of licorice, about a gram of seasme seeds,

About a gram of ginger,

And a large root of gin seng.

Make a large pot, drink a cup of tea. Use any time as a booster. Freeze it, pull it, out as soup with dinner one day, tastes wonderful!

Energy tea high amounts of b12.

This isn't medical advice, just cured pneumonia and bronchial disease and covid, that I almost died from. While they were experimenting with innoculating me, my whole life.

When Sars covi-2 hit I experimented with adding chilli peppers, jalapeño, and this last time with Japanese Wasabi.

Applied the infuenza technic, Fight fire with fire.

I have been sprayed in public w/ partical aerosol twice by dark operators, there's cctv footage of this happening to me. Once it was in a movie theater and, they failed, so [they] sent out an other hit squad, the day after when I was grocery store. I was aerosol attacked shopping. This was before 2019.

I was targeted by the [CDC], [WHO] and the pay for play greedy [elites][DS], that have been trying to kill me since birth. I was mutalated in a surgery at birth. And have had loss of quality of life, my INTERER LIFE.

This was some of the research that lead me to healing with alternative, holistic wellness, and studying Tai Chi and Hung gar Gung fu!


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aba0dc No.18223359

File: 5b64499a88fca86⋯.jpg (2.05 KB,125x92,125:92,1591406654740s.jpg)


Many of them did. They lost their jobs and or were ostracized in their professional communities.

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e710cd No.18223360

File: 0ea2dca08ad5b89⋯.jpeg (143.1 KB,640x436,160:109,DrFauci_Films_Jaws.JPEG)

File: 47412748b7ab165⋯.jpeg (73.46 KB,476x280,17:10,DrFauci_Films_Saw.JPEG)

File: 4c300cbd3e111d7⋯.jpeg (157.72 KB,800x443,800:443,DrFauci_Films_The_Godfath….JPEG)

File: b0f48dcbf68dbb1⋯.jpeg (104 KB,580x431,580:431,DrFauci_Films_Psycho.JPEG)

File: 422a559bed6e19c⋯.jpeg (172.62 KB,800x450,16:9,DrFauci_Films_Scanners.JPEG)

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d22b56 No.18223361

File: 9e68407a9bb4e17⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB,414x360,23:20,dancing_nurses.mp4)


Who, us?

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032e61 No.18223362


legs are already fat

and the tits is some Ploymer bags

have fun

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649163 No.18223363

File: 6d77aabec34a827⋯.png (202.45 KB,800x1106,400:553,6d77aabec34a827072cc4320e9….png)

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9b72c9 No.18223364

File: c6d9573a7028f51⋯.png (487.15 KB,735x577,735:577,ClipboardImage.png)

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c58f0b No.18223365

File: b21bb0d3c66be34⋯.jpg (137.46 KB,906x1024,453:512,large_2023_01_25T134959_23….jpg)


Quads, checked

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50569b No.18223366

File: 10593440dd13ba6⋯.png (33.38 KB,450x419,450:419,image_2023_01_25_125150881.png)

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314a8d No.18223367


Vaxxed should not ask how did we know

Vaxxed should ask how did they not know

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eee40d No.18223368

File: f98ca1001bcbbac⋯.png (104.86 KB,825x570,55:38,Screen_Shot_2023_01_25_at_….png)

moran, ffs please. water weighs what it weighs, whether it's liquid, steam or ice.



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032e61 No.18223369



the word you need is


nor "soccer" or anything degenerate pls

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3bcf41 No.18223370

File: 8f6f2f355a996b8⋯.png (114.26 KB,689x863,689:863,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e0b81e8891b709⋯.png (73.91 KB,687x551,687:551,ClipboardImage.png)

Four Men Convicted of Engaging in a Child Exploitation Enterprise for Participation in the “Rapey.su” Website

Four Men Convicted of Engaging in a Child Exploitation Enterprise for Participation in the “Rapey.su” Website


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47e382 No.18223371


Mr Phillips is this dude a spook or a good cat?

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e710cd No.18223372

File: b6bd03b1c78b245⋯.png (168.47 KB,682x642,341:321,B63FAB59_4962_4BA2_9EC9_44….png)

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985c88 No.18223373

File: d3ceb3b22cb72f4⋯.png (2.93 MB,2530x2189,230:199,qclock_TrumpCardComing.png)




>Apr 20, 2018 1:48:56 PM EDT

>Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5a1150 No. 1116344


>TRUMP CARD coming.


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9b72c9 No.18223374

File: a8ee134d408a72a⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,2100x2575,84:103,a8ee134d408a72ac6d3990a1b8….jpg)


trip dubs chekked

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1eb440 No.18223375

File: f654a1a8386e821⋯.png (320.48 KB,1179x704,1179:704,ClipboardImage.png)

Balkanization accelerates


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62ac4c No.18223376

File: ba986ea87bc1ce5⋯.gif (1.52 MB,255x192,85:64,1671944256994190.gif)


Last Meal


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44f4f9 No.18223377

File: 7dc2c7d1e5b4afa⋯.jpg (58.82 KB,680x680,1:1,FnOEq1PXwAA4ybT.jpg)

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9c0085 No.18223378


Great! A Water slide

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4597d3 No.18223379

File: b4c794812d9f8c5⋯.png (124.47 KB,914x498,457:249,comms.png)



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553f48 No.18223380


no objection to that, but ice still takes up more space than the water that formed it. Water from melted ice takes less space, ergo, water level goes down.

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a4a4b6 No.18223381

Reporter: The Ukrainians said today, 'Thank you very much [for the tanks], now how about some 4th generation fighter jets? What are the chances of that happening?

Kirby: We're in constant discussions with the Ukrainians about their capabilities, and we evolve those as the conditions change.

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44f4f9 No.18223382

File: c1061ae21f71458⋯.png (189.05 KB,359x480,359:480,dfasdfasdss.png)

File: 7699f573dfc4d77⋯.jpg (56.8 KB,421x408,421:408,THE_FRAUDCI_FILES.jpg)

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996038 No.18223383

File: 08a5f2d1418b104⋯.mp4 (98.81 KB,320x180,16:9,cooper.mp4)

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2a054c No.18223384


Trudeau is a retard. He’s not there at all if you watch him and listen to him he’s a fucking space cadet. It doesn’t matter if they remove him there are obviously powerful people behind the scenes who writes the script. The whole system from top to bottom is run by criminals and cartels. And they have used their cult initiation tactics to hoodwink the majority of the population into their grip. It open war. Nobody seems to be noticing that.

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f4345c No.18223385


Holistic, not plantation grown AMA doctors

33 - hitjob

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77cbe6 No.18223386


water level never goes down. ice level may increase but that is different.

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280697 No.18223387


A long way to go


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e710cd No.18223388


Which of your Smallpox, HIV or COVID-19 vaccines would you like first?

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c7ccf4 No.18223389


I think the concern is moving from land

(out of water)

to the sea


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62ac4c No.18223391

File: 6e1351fe89e80d4⋯.jpg (73.19 KB,540x387,60:43,6e1351fe89e80d4a964d5d9bea….jpg)



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314a8d No.18223392


Russia Disinformation is like Farts

He who smelt it, Dealt it

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19ee4a No.18223393


Made HCQ for cheap, found murdered

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c58f0b No.18223394

File: 23902253f9617fa⋯.png (75.43 KB,729x842,729:842,FnVuaQaWYA0Nfwo.png)

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3bcf41 No.18223395

File: 03514509eefbee4⋯.png (170.95 KB,640x837,640:837,ClipboardImage.png)

New U.S. Research Finds Evidence Linking Monsanto Weedkiller to Cancer

Study measures levels of glyphosate in urine and finds high levels associated with oxidative stress leading to dangerous diseases.

New research by top US government scientists has found that people exposed to the widely used weed killing chemical glyphosate have biomarkers in their urine linked to the development of cancer and other diseases.

The study, published last week in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, measured glyphosate levels in the urine of farmers and other study participants and determined that the presence of high levels of the pesticide were associated with signs of a reaction in the body called oxidative stress, a condition that causes damage to DNA. Oxidative stress is considered by health experts as a key characteristic of carcinogens.

The authors of the paper – 10 scientists with the National Institutes of Health and two from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – concluded that their study “contributes to the weight of evidence supporting an association between glyphosate exposure and oxidative stress in humans.” They also noted that “accumulating evidence supports the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of hematologic cancers,” such as lymphoma, myeloma and leukemia.

“Oxidative stress is not something you want to have,” said Linda Birnbaum, a toxicologist and former director of the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences. “This study increases our understanding that glyphosate has the potential to cause cancer.”

The study findings come after the CDC reported last year that more than 80% of urine samples drawn from children and adults contained glyphosate. The CDC reported that out of 2,310 urine samples taken from a group of Americans intended to be representative of the US population, 1,885 were laced with detectable traces of glyphosate.

Glyphosate is the most heavily applied herbicide in history, both in the US and globally. One of the best-known glyphosate-based products is Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller. Roundup has been used by farmers as well as consumers for more than 40 years. Officials with Monsanto and its German owner Bayer AG have always assured the public and regulators that exposure to the weed killer does not pose a threat to human health.

Bayer said the new NIH study has many “significant methodological limitations that affects its reliability,” and said the results conflict with other government research.

“The increased oxidative stress found in the study could have been caused by any number of non-glyphosate related factors or a combination of them, and the study does not support the conclusion that glyphosate is the cause,” Bayer said in a statement.

People are exposed to glyphosate by using products made with the chemical and also by eating food and drinking water contaminated with the pesticide. Scientists have found glyphosate residues in an array of popular foods and in waterways across the US.

Notably, in the new paper, the NIH and CDC scientists said that while their study focused on farmers who were exposed to glyphosate when they sprayed it on fields, they saw similar results in “non-farmers.”

The findings suggest “these effects may apply more broadly to the general population who are primarily exposed through ingestion of contaminated food and water or residential applications,” the study authors wrote.

The study is so significant that it warrants regulatory attention, said some independent scientists.

“This is a top level team of investigators and a highly credible study to which regulators need to pay attention,” said Phil Landrigan, a pediatrician and epidemiologist who worked for years at the CDC and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and now directs the Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good at Boston College.

Michael Antoniou, a scientist with the department of medical and molecular genetics at King’s College in London who has been researching glyphosate for years, said the results were “worrying,” with “major health implications.”


Glyphosate Exposure and Urinary Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in the Agricultural Health Study


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553f48 No.18223396


yes it does

this is not rocket science, ask a teacher or someone who knows about physics

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33b6b9 No.18223397

File: 2c6d77676b3dfc9⋯.png (1.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Great! A Water slide


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62ac4c No.18223398

File: a6ea5d2f47fe538⋯.jpg (51.4 KB,640x741,640:741,weed_killer_killer_weed_ca….jpg)

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6b18e3 No.18223399


Some of us are noticing everything. Nobody wants to speak up, gather and discuss, share ideas, etc.

Inaction is the real problem.

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c1fe43 No.18223400

File: 557353858b5b6dd⋯.jpeg (480.45 KB,1241x1937,1241:1937,F0025C49_F4E0_4ACF_B801_6….jpeg)

File: d176d5dae66f34c⋯.jpeg (372.59 KB,1242x1618,621:809,F24B4047_E74B_472E_BE7E_6….jpeg)

File: 995149db707090b⋯.jpeg (202.12 KB,1241x1242,1241:1242,3AEC66E6_52F4_44AC_85BA_A….jpeg)

So Barry has 0% documents scanned out of the approximate 40,000,000 documents.I wonder why


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553f48 No.18223401

>>18223396 (me)

oops, wrong post

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44f4f9 No.18223402

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314a8d No.18223403

The Truth of the vax is coming out

It can't be Un-Noticed

The[y] will accept that the vaxx is bad but

Somehow it'll be the fault of those that didn't take it again

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553f48 No.18223404


yes it does

this is not rocket science, ask a teacher or someone who knows about physics

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9498bd No.18223405



good idea

here's a link that will last:

Plz use CURRENT dough when baking >>18223281 new

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d2905b No.18223406

File: 297df9cda566ba5⋯.jpg (100.07 KB,641x586,641:586,Screenshot_2023_01_25_1243….jpg)

I'll repost NB but 'tis a good reminder.

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish

This article is more than 15 years old

Special flights brought in tonnes of banknotes which disappeared into the war zone


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2a054c No.18223407


If people were locked down they would never no that fucking nobody actually was dying from Covid unless they were fucking terminal. They would just believe the media.

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553f48 No.18223408


That´s totally different. We were talking about ice floating in water, as the picture showed in original post

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19ee4a No.18223409


Scott Adams. Despite writing Dilbert for years based upon corporate stupidity, he trusted the government and the pharma's. Unfortunately he lost as did about 4 billion others.

2 jabs + 4 boosters = Full Dance Card of death

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3dca1a No.18223410

File: 158aa3cdd1d3567⋯.png (866.22 KB,607x486,607:486,capture_237_25012023_10572….png)

File: 652f2c273699ca5⋯.mp4 (142.1 KB,480x360,4:3,PULL_.mp4)

File: 627b6cdc5de8d2b⋯.mp4 (7.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Happy_Trails.mp4)



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9b72c9 No.18223411

File: 106c143575f839d⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB,852x480,71:40,2023_01_25_12_59_20.mp4)

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3bcf41 No.18223412

File: 46797c7ce3f9687⋯.png (385.8 KB,640x914,320:457,ClipboardImage.png)

They knew: why didn't the unvaccinated do more to warn us?

The unvaccinated knew what we didn't. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.

As the world struggles to come to terms with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, one question that continues to surface is why the unvaccinated didn't do more to warn us about the potential dangers of being injected.

While well intending citizens lined up, did the right thing, and received their COVID19 vaccinations now seeming to do more harm than good their unvaccinated friends stood by and let them do it. Some of them said too little. Some said nothing at all.

Even though they knew what we didn't.

Our blood is now on their hands.

Those are strong words. But the unvaccinated had access to important information about the potential side effects of vaccines. They knew about the risks of severe allergic reactions, blood clots, and other serious health complications. They knew that vaccines did not immunize us. They knew it wasn't effective, and that they can cause more harm than good.

They knew all of that, but instead of warning us, the unvaccinated chose to remain silent. They chose to look the other way and not speak out about the potential dangers of vaccines. They let millions of good folks who did the right thing (at the time) fall to death and disease, and many antivaxxers even gloated online about how their coin flip had been the right bet. The more diabolical even urged folks they disagree with to "get boosted."

It has become all too clear. The silence of the unvaccinated was a dangerous, sociopathic, and irresponsible decision that has had serious consequences for those of us who received the vaccinations.

And silence is, after all, consent.

It is time for the unvaccinated to take responsibility for their actions and to work with the rest of us to find a solution to this crisis. We cannot afford to let their selfishness and lack of action continue to harm our communities. It is time for the unvaccinated to step up and do the right thing.

The unvaccinated should by any moral measuring stick have done more to warn about the potential risks – to help us make informed decisions about our health. And they must now ask us for our forgiveness.

And, hand to heart, we may just give it to them.

Because we are good people. We took those injections because it was the right thing to do – until it wasn't.


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709d3f No.18223413

File: 0f1973b352b408b⋯.jpg (78.39 KB,750x600,5:4,Nancies_Air_Force.jpg)


>Kek…I saw what you did there

I suck at making memes. I can envision it, but it's up to the real geniuses to make it work.


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62ac4c No.18223414

File: e996a7e0f3d2115⋯.jpg (144.13 KB,1200x1600,3:4,slide_2_.jpg)

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44f4f9 No.18223415


Where's Die Harder?

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280697 No.18223416


We send 34 billion EVERY MONTH to the federal reserve for the interest on the debt and 99% of the population has no idea or cares.

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c1fe43 No.18223417


So we share the same disfunction, except Trudeau and backers may be worse. I feel sorry for Canadians, he’s such a retard

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41f8e2 No.18223418

File: 7ed02531a614697⋯.png (240.37 KB,1245x627,415:209,NSNE.png)

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9b72c9 No.18223419

File: 2427f64c3be6017⋯.png (766.44 KB,1439x1007,1439:1007,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd540748eea2110⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,2820x1850,282:185,Gen_Richard_A_Ellis_Strate….jpg)

Callsign STOIC47. USN Boeing E-6B Mercury 163918. Prolly be flying an offshore transmit loop in about an hour. Tune to 8992 mhz USB. Pick up the reciever and they'll make you a believer.




One who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain.

A member of an originally Greek school of philosophy, founded by Zeno of Citium about 308 BC, believing that God determined everything for the best and that virtue is sufficient for happiness. Its later Roman form advocated the calm acceptance of all occurrences as the unavoidable result of divine will or of the natural order.

[capitalized] A disciple of the philosopher Zeno, who founded a sect about 308 b. c.


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1c0169 No.18223420


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7600f6 No.18223421


Did you take into account the mortar BETWEEN the bricks?

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f4345c No.18223422

File: 8da86543071815d⋯.jpg (169.09 KB,1284x1186,642:593,FnRAzkXXoAALWWq.jpg)


That article wasn't due for another 4-5 months.

Warp Speed?

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48c229 No.18223423


A lot of people saying, "it is a spiritual war", but no one thinks about the not visible realm and that it is a spiritual war by all means!

Do you really think they are dying and that they are gone and that´s it? Their body is failing in a time of war! A war, humanity has never seen before in this Magnitude!

Maybe their spirits and souls are needed for much bigger shit than autists can imagine? And if they are dumb enough, took that shit, in repeat and yelled at everything that didn´t take the shit, well.. maybe their free soul is better for realizing what is really going on! Beyond the daily shit!

And I hear all the time, evil rules the world! That is also false! The Brotherhood of Light is in charge! Or how is it to explain, that good things happen and the mass is waking up? No open WWIII, whatever they try! This whole shit here is smoke and mirrors and you are alive, because God thinks that you can do something here, right now!

Either you are helping to wake people up or the bullshit you are putting out will help people to wake other people up!

The ride never ends is not just a phrase!

>Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

The great awakening! Jesus is King! God´s Plan!

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524f31 No.18223424

File: 0c49c0230552264⋯.jpg (121.66 KB,1200x675,16:9,maxresdefault_1_.jpg)


God loves stupid, God loves all, even heretics, slavery evangelists, these lot are evil. But on the other hand God, has been exposing and punishing these wicked hearts. And blessing ours instead.

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c7ccf4 No.18223425

File: 4fab7e6215f837b⋯.png (674.97 KB,1029x1380,343:460,sorry.png)


follow the pen

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7600f6 No.18223426


Clown source.

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8609e8 No.18223427

Kirby: There is no question that Russia's military is weaker today than it was eleven months ago.

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a24ce5 No.18223428


>>18222673 DOUGH

>>18222707 Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch SUES FBI over Hunter Biden laptop suppression

>>18222718 TS @Q Graham: “if we send some Abrams tanks…” (manufactured by general dynamics)

>>18222728 @TrueGenFlynn The Democratic Party is pure evil

>>18222740 @DonaldJTrumpJr Amazon just laid off 18,000 employees including their top software developers.

>>18222744 12:00 PM EST Biden Remarks on Ukraine Support

>>18222753 @ilpresidento Mr Mrs Trump (Caps)

>>18222759 Live streaming rosary just starting

>>18222765 @DanScavino Flashback Vid

>>18222780 Prime Minster Justin Trudeau swarmed by angry protesters outside the Bread Bar in Hamilton, Ontario.

>>18222786 @RepMTG I’m honored to serve on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

>>18222797 @MayorRudyGiuliani Watch this podcast: Radical Left Hate

>>18222801 Machines Have 50% Failure Rate On Election Day In Maricopa County, AZ (Unbelievable!)

>>18222832 Schiff Trending

>>18222844, >>18222872 Biden sends 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine.

>>18222850 Are their entities that exist outside of the human frequency range? #432

>>18222854 #BidensAmerica Trending

>>18222865 WWIII Trending

>>18222887 @VigilantFox Each Time They Push the Jabs, the Deaths Skyrocket

>>18222909 Time Mapping TS PDJT Post: 315

>>18222966 Shasta County, California Votes to Terminate Its Contract with Dominion Voting Systems

>>18223002 America has suffered 300,000 NON-Covid excess deaths since 2020

>>18223019 Project Veritas Confront NYT Reporter Alec Goldman

>>18223045, >>18223099 The casualties of the Pfizer Killing Fields MP4

>>18223052 Anon has a request, Play this video in front of Fauci & the world

>>18223072 Elevated Rate of Facial Paralysis Identified After Pfizer COVID-19 Booster in Elderly: FDA

>>18223106 JUST TO BE CLEAR: Former FBI Official Who Investigated Trump-Russia Collusion ARRESTED… For Colluding With Russia! - Don Jr. RMBL Vid

>>18223113 Multiple Reports Say White House Hid Classified Doc Scandal - breitbart

>>18223167 @USNavy Did someone order a package?

>>18223186 Despite mountain of damning evidence, FDA pushes annual COVID boosters! #Knowingly

>>18223208 Obama office declines to disclose plans, if any, to search for classified docs

>>18223220 North Korea orders capital lockdown over 'respiratory' illness

>>18223250 Former Lebanon PM Diab charged in Beirut blast investigation

>>18223258 USAID Tells Teachers to Hide Students’ Gender Identity from Parents

>>18223261 White House Press Briefing LIVE now

>>18223370 Four Men Convicted of Engaging in a Child Exploitation Enterprise

>>18223353 Anon Time Mapping Q post #3387

>>18223419 Callsign STOIC47. USN Boeing E-6B Mercury 163918


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d2905b No.18223429

File: 1f3db1dd66835f0⋯.jpg (202.37 KB,781x845,781:845,Screenshot_2023_01_25_1254….jpg)


On that note.

The U.S. seized a record $1 billion of bitcoin a year ago. Its value has tripled.

(From Dec. 3, 2021)


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62ac4c No.18223430

File: 7fe77be3637b459⋯.jpg (346.79 KB,1200x798,200:133,1674664032426793.jpg)

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553f48 No.18223431


what should I be sorry about? teaching you basic physics?

projection much?

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314a8d No.18223432

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154533 No.18223433


When you treat the cause

The symptoms vanish it's amazing

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c1fe43 No.18223434


Ok, once we wake people up here, anons will invade Canada and join you. Not physically of course

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8db73a No.18223435

File: f798de520716da2⋯.jpg (254.52 KB,1208x1276,302:319,1670761378465602.jpg)

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44f4f9 No.18223436


I thought it was great!

This is a dandy little tool, free to remove an object not wanted in the original photo if it helps, fren and …I use with an old relic Hallmark card maker…

Good Luck, happy meme-ing


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f4345c No.18223437


CBDC's backed by stolen bitcoin, kek

Seems right for a Pirate Bank

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ad4c9f No.18223438



I was gona say someone better be posting this.

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c7ccf4 No.18223439


Can't even follow a pen


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e710cd No.18223440

File: 531ef4418bf44b7⋯.jpeg (99.2 KB,640x548,160:137,192B46C2_44C4_4438_A18A_6….jpeg)

Perfect cabinet for storing your Dr.Faucis

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3bcf41 No.18223441

File: 5018fc49da61619⋯.png (82.26 KB,600x865,120:173,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a0a0142fac24a4⋯.png (72.87 KB,628x730,314:365,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukraine And The Rothschild ‘Financial Vultures’ Family

This article was published back in 2015, and it brings much needed context to the current situation in Ukraine.

A group of large international investors buy out Ukrainian government’s securities. Franklin Templton is one of them. The investment group snapped up Ukrainian international debt with a face value of almost $5 billion at the end of August, nearly a fifth of the country’s outstanding international government bonds.

Franklin Templton has all the makings of a «financial vulture».

White-tailed eagle feasting on a wolf’s carcass in the exclusion zone caused by the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl – Image by Vasily Fedosenko / Reuters

Until now the sum paid by it for 20% of Ukraine’s national debt remains to be a commercial secret. The vultures purchase the securities with low, almost junk, ratings at low prices to demand full payment from issuer afterwards.

Argentina is a good example of vultures’ destructive activities.

The country made a deal on restructuring with 95-97% of debt holders but the rest happened to be in the hands of financial vultures that spoiled it all by demanding full payment. The vultures (two US investment funds) started court proceedings to make Argentina default. The country may be mercilessly pillaged in case it complies with the ultimatums of vultures and the ruling of US court.

The story is a warning to Ukraine which has sold its securities to Franklin Templton. According to a recent Bloomberg report, the investment fund acts under US jurisdiction and is controlled by Rothschilds, the family known for its death grip.

Last year I wrote in my article The Financial Situation of Kiev Regime and Prospects for Ukraine’s Default that Ukraine may face the very same default that «will never come» according the assurances provided by Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

Some may lose billions, some may acquire unprecedented wealth. As the global experience shows, defaults are seldom impromptu. Normally they are planned. Sometimes the preparations may last for a few years. Ukraine is not an exclusion. It will default on its debts.

The time will be defined by sponsors and modest beneficiaries of such organizations as Franklin Thompson. At the moment of writing the article I did not know their names. Now they have come into the open. It’s a sign that the drama is nearing its denouement.

The Rothschilds family [which is the head of the New World Order beast] has come up with an initiative to create a group of Ukrainian bonds holders to shape a common policy on debt settlement. Rothschild & Cie Banque, a French bank belonging to Rothschild Group, offered its service in the capacity of «go-between» in the talks of Ukraine’s Ministry of Finances and creditors on restructuring the debt. Now creditors are waiting for Kiev to put forward the proposals in mid-March, according to Giovanni Salvetti, Co-head of Russia and CIS at Rothschild Inc., who handles central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Salvetti said there were two opinions among creditors about setting up the committee: those who want to wait and see what the government will say and those who want to set «some hard lines for the potential restructuring, like saying we’re looking for a proposal but be aware that we are not ready to accept X, Y, Z.»


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cbeb33 No.18223442

File: 0aaaef11fa448c4⋯.png (90.26 KB,212x239,212:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c0085 No.18223443


Them: Why didn't you tell us the vax was bad?

Us: We tried.

Them: When?

Us: Several times, but you wouldn't listen.

Them: What do you mean we wouldn't listen? You never said anything!

Us: Yes we did, but you have what's called cognitive dissonance, and our words could never penetrate your blood brain barrier the way your spike proteins did.

Them: Now you're gaslighting!

Us: Now you know how it feels. You ostracized us for being "anti-vax" and tried to get us fired and even supported us getting locked up and sent to camps.

Them: crickets

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1eb440 No.18223444


'red bull sink'

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2a054c No.18223445


It’s pretty funny when you think about it if you have a dark sense of humour. The leaders are extremely arrogant power hungry and mostly retarded. So the secret groups gives them an opportunity to get all these things. Unknowingly they poison majority of people…now have to fear for their lives as the population figures it out. What will they do next to avoid justice? Find out soon.

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8609e8 No.18223447

Kirby: The Russian military, and their thugs, are still pretty lethal.

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e86886 No.18223448

File: a21c0d5cf44f4e3⋯.png (1.81 MB,2070x1405,414:281,ClipboardImage.png)

Bidan @ 06:30

"all to help counter ukraine's brutal aggression… that's happening because of russia"


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62ac4c No.18223449

File: bb92230742a6809⋯.jpg (142.5 KB,717x694,717:694,165806917014634.jpg)

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c1fe43 No.18223451


Seriously is there any patriots in governments. Some provinces disobeyed their orders

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553f48 No.18223452



too silly

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6812d6 No.18223454

File: 4c79e54bf5b455d⋯.png (1.81 MB,1842x1036,921:518,ClipboardImage.png)


They were having the time of their lives - extra money, no work, no patients

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af00d7 No.18223455

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9b72c9 No.18223456

File: f7c2567779653b9⋯.jpg (42.07 KB,500x404,125:101,FB_IMG_1673834155365.jpg)

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1d158e No.18223458



Sorry, commenting has been disabled.

While 85% of you are wonderful people and we'd love to hear from you (feel free to reach out at contact@IQfy.com or our @IQfy_ twitter!), the other 25% of recent comments have tended to be the result of targeted troll storms. Abuse from this vocal minority has traumatized our moderators and caused harm to the community.

guess the faggot clowns don't want any unVaxed feedback

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1eb440 No.18223459

File: 750c2d22e79896e⋯.png (463.91 KB,843x1280,843:1280,ClipboardImage.png)


Has Charlie Kirk ever read his Bible?


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996038 No.18223461

File: 35ffb467ed22160⋯.png (305.06 KB,530x331,530:331,gates_collins_fauci.png)


>What should be the FIRST question the House committee on Covid asks Fauci?

It doesn't matter what they ask, he's going to lie his ass off trying to save himself.

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1eb440 No.18223462

File: 40d48f2e22bddd3⋯.png (549.28 KB,803x1280,803:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff93f6 No.18223463

File: 1d55b47306f7b5f⋯.png (188.59 KB,660x689,660:689,ClipboardImage.png)



>Does anything look familiar?




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3bcf41 No.18223464

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524f31 No.18223465


We can follow the wives as well, as well as our own.

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1b0d12 No.18223466

File: 106f6ea03c4eab3⋯.png (751.49 KB,895x305,179:61,eyes_on.PNG)


got an sdr link?

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9b72c9 No.18223467

File: 22c93f7aa4bc9da⋯.png (233.9 KB,598x935,598:935,bread10777.PNG)

File: 75384bee319061b⋯.jpg (59.67 KB,540x809,540:809,tumblr_a484ca6e3f705c4c858….jpg)

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c58f0b No.18223469


>What will they do next to avoid justice?


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9b72c9 No.18223470



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1c0169 No.18223471

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