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File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,d7f96ae859fbb83702782a5e34….png)

ef927b No.18182332 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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ef927b No.18182336

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Jim Watkins on patriotic liberty >>18167961 new

Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444, baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761

Offering breads to other bakers >>18061508, >>18067193 ; No RRN in notes >>17980519

Pls notable planefag & boatfag reports' >>18179893 new


#22295 >>18181572

>>18181596, >>18181628, >>18181620, >>18181697 @USNavy Supply Re-Up!

>>18181615, >>18181681 Listen up liberal sheep, AlGore lies

>>18181626, >>18181639, >>18181745, >>18181891, >>18181912, >>18181949, >>18181968, >>18182264 Pro-lifers set for 50th March for Life after fall of Roe v Wade and DC trains are down for it

>>18181696 Matthew Peterson: The Left’s Woke Capital Must Be Replaced If We Hope To Have An American Economy Bannons War Room

>>18181713 "Google may have to lay off up to 25 members of Congress— that's how bad it will be."

>>18181722 Hedge fund industry lost $125 bln worth of assets in 2022

>>18181768 Investigation pulls back veil on Soros’ ‘indoctrination’ efforts

>>18181775 Planefag CONUS activity: Bizzy for a friday but not much out of the ordinary

>>18181786 @USNationalGuard Airmen from the @MDNG's 275th Cyberspace Operations Squadron recently became the first cyber operators in the @AirNatlGuard to certify a Cyber Protection Team

>>18181788 Davos Attendee: Agenda is to Create a “New World Order”

>>18181818, >>18182027 IT’S TIME TO LEARN THE TRUTH

>>18181823, >>18181873, >>18181935, >>18181984, >>18182028 Joe Allen: Super Rich Launch, Artificial Intelligence Invasion

>>18181827 Tucker: CIA Took Down Nixon Because He Wanted to Know Who Killed Kennedy, Woodward was Intel Plant

>>18181835 California Rejected 226K Mail Ballots in 2022 Elections, 10 Million Mail Ballots Unaccounted for in Nov. Midterms

>>18181867 5yr delta coming up Jan 27

>>18181885 Big Tech Unites, Urges Supreme Court to Keep Laws Protecting Social Media Companies in Place

>>18181887 GM to invest $918 million in new V-8 gas engines and EV components

>>18181889 FBI Chief Says China Stole Sensitive Data for Use in AI Program

>>18181918 Readout of Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman’s Travel to Canada

>>18181931 UK PM Sunak: ‘Idiots’ Think the Government Can Cut Taxes

>>18181940 Mexican Judge Jails Entire Cartel Cell After Attempted Murder of Journalist

>>18181967 Hubble Captures Cosmic Treasure Trove

>>18181981 @DeptofDefense Giving the signal.

>>18181993 Police to deploy 1,000 officers, block roads at Tel Aviv anti-government protest

>>18181994 @NASAJPL This is 4️0️.

>>18182010 Sex cult leader at Sarah Lawrence College sentenced to 60 years in prison

>>18182040 Russian Su-34 Fighter Bombers Spotted In Belarus With Kh-35 Cruise Missiles

>>18182061 Democrats Propose Constitutional Amendment to Overturn First Amendment Decision

>>18182076 AMO P-3 crews, partners seize 20 tons of narcotics between November 1 and December 31, 2022

>>18182115, >>18182165 US Existing Home Sales decrease - largest ever annual decline, savings rate vs cc debt

>>18182137 20 Jan 1942: The #Wannsee Conference takes place among Nazi officials to discuss the details of the “Final Solution” of the “#Jewish question.”

>>18182147 Former Gabonese Ambassador to the United States Dies Suddenly at Cabinet Meeting After Suffering from Heart Attack

>>18182178 @USNavy Keeping communities ship shape! ⚓

>>18182198, >>18182208 Dark Origin and Agenda of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum

>>18182218, >>18182243 The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican - YT Video Collection

>>18182284 Mayorkas, amid impeachment calls over border, tells mayors mass migration problem is global issue

>>18182329 #22295

#22294 >>18180785

>>18180868 An error appears to have been found in a New Jersey election that has changed the result of the contest for school board

>>18180889 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxy Wars: M81 and M82

>>18180893 WEF alongside various major central banks has launched a central bank digital currency (CBDC) policymaker toolkit

>>18180903 Moar Chyna-Hunter-Tater

>>18180936 VALL-E - text to speech

>>18180946, >>18181167 Wikileaks/Blitzer/Israel

>>18180950, >>18181101, >>18181128, >>18181131 US defence secretary live in Rammstein,Germany "Briefing on Ukraine Defense"

>>18180995, >>18181477 ‘Toadzilla’ For the Frogs!

>>18180996 Biden’s strongest allies are saying they approve of the appointment of a special counselto criminally investigate the president.

>>18181016 @I_Corps That #FridayFeeling

>>18181024 Central Europe must be sacrificed in favor of a new order.

>>18181025 Trump calls for arrest of Politico reporters after SCOTUS leak probe comes up empty

>>18181028 Brazil with WEF/Soros

>>18181073, >>18181136, >>18181150, >>18181165 Gabon's foreign minister dies after suffering heart attack during cabinet meeting

>>18181228 @780thC According to BlackBerry, The Gamaredon Group, a Russian state-sponsored cyber espionage group, has been actively targeting the Ukrainian government, relying on the infrastructure of the popular messaging service Telegram

>>18181233 Genesis filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy at 11:11:01 last night, 1/19. 9/11 mirrored response The end will be biblical.

>>18181235 Japan plans to downgrade COVID-19 to flu status

>>18181259 Chief Operating Officer of Twin Cities Largest Law Firm Dies "Suddenly"

>>18181283, >>18181286, >>18181240 Das Boot Review

>>18181291 Planefag Yerp: Polish Prez Duda left Zurich-Defense Chiefs left Ramstein after talks with Sec. of Defense Austin (muh Ukraine tanks)

>>18181292 Graham speaks the truth, not in favor of it though kek

>>18181309 Food made of aborted fetuses needs clear labels, new Texas bill says

>>18181327 Refresher on Piglosi Wrap Up Smear

>>18181372 Trump is heavy favorite in GOP 2024 primary

>>18181386 Trump withdraws lawsuit against New York attorney general

>>18181438 INSIDE THE SPACE FORCE: 12th Space Warning Squadron (Part III)

>>18181500 jd vance seems quite promising…

>>18181552 #22294


>>18180012 FBI Director Wray Hints at ‘Collaboration’ with Private Sector Amid Political Scandals

>>18180027 Biden’s bribe: Americans who receive booster jab this winter will get $20 off sky-high groceries

>>18180031 DJT resort is set to host a conference "headlined by QAnon promoters and other conspiracy theorists"

>>18180037 Democrats Once Again Resist A Supreme Court Demand That They Respect Our Civil Rights

>>18180045 Covid vaccines and therapeutics authorisation decisions were taken by the Licensing Minister and were not delegated

>>18180055 CDC Knowingly Left Serious Adverse Events Off Post-Vaccination Surveys, Documents Show

>>18180061 Planned Parenthood CEO boasts about having more male patients after Dobbs ruling

>>18180039, >>18180057, >>18180065 Moar on Comet event from PB

>>18180076 DJT: [posted 3x] Allen Weisselberg in a prison cell for a type of case that has never been brought before in the history of our Country

>>18180078 The number of High Schools in Virginia who failed to inform students of merit awards rises to 17

>>18180080 Parents questioning all the other vaccines, and vax rates for children are dropping

>>18180089 NSA publishes internet IPv6 Security guidance

>>18180134 Biden's 'phenomenally successful' partnership with foreign-funded Penn examined

>>18180135 Completely accidental ‘Classified spillage’ happens everyday: CNN Reporter

>>18180139, >>18180144 New Body-Worn Camera Footage from J6 Supports Calls for Release of All Video

>>18180142, >>18180145 ICYMI Greta vids from Davos and her 'arrest'

Baker Ghost Grab

>>18180268 Sarah Lawrence sex cult fiend Larry Ray to face sentencing Friday. Ray, convicted by a Manhattan federal court jury in April is looking at life in prison

>>18180320, >>18180325 Chelsea and Oprah shoe comms

>>18180351, >>18180423 Mills searched UPenn filings and according to IRS documents there is NO UPenn Biden Center

>>18180426 Treasury Taps Retirement Funds to Avoid Breaching US Debt Limit

>>18180435, >>18180437 Fury as 'neutral' South Africa announces 'immoral' joint wargames with Russia and China off its coast on anniversary of Putin's invasion of Ukraine

>>18180478 Hunter Biden’s extended access to father’s home where classified memos found alarms investigators

>>18180501, >>18180504 Glenn Greenwald w/CAP: How can anyone not be disturbed about thehuge number of top officials, operatives and agents from the FBI, CIA, NSA & Pentagon dominating "news...

>>18180621 NATO is going all in. These counties are draining their stocks.

>>18180628, >>18180646 anon Digg call: Greg Rubini: A 29 post thread of verified fraudulent elections in 2020. Lots and lots of data.

>>18180658 Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, admitted Ukrainian banker Denis Kireev was "mistakenly" executed

>>18180770 #22293

Previously Collected

>>18179185 #22291, >>18179982 #22292

>>18176914 #22288, >>18177677 #22289, >>18178431 #22290

>>18174617 #22285, >>18175387 #22286, >>18176131 #22287

>>18172275 #22282, >>18173022 #22283, >>18173845 #22284

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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ef927b No.18182344

File: b10fbdfcdf7bb04⋯.png (224.88 KB,454x624,227:312,beats2.png)

File: 8b55af071a01862⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,640x360,16:9,BeatsForTheBoss.mp4)

File: b0c52c0c7585737⋯.png (88.35 KB,261x195,87:65,beats.png)



Baker needs handoff, IRL, will tap @20, been real anons

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49370f No.18182357

File: ea09784db8b089e⋯.png (728.92 KB,989x1280,989:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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72b6d2 No.18182360

File: 19c49460a19f3bc⋯.png (431.13 KB,754x499,754:499,dripping_intensifies.png)

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74665e No.18182365


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18c745 No.18182366

Will Ukraine nuke itself with the Uranium Hillary sold to Russia?

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7003e1 No.18182377

Hello fellow wage slaves. How goes your day in the salt mines? Happy and productive? Remember, God loves you.

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938ccc No.18182380

File: 43b54544d290a62⋯.jpg (56.92 KB,613x398,613:398,pozsklygedchrhbg.jpg)

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18c745 No.18182381

File: 0621002728cb0b8⋯.png (238.24 KB,532x583,532:583,Capture.PNG)

Pentagon Construction Alert! Traffic pattern changes start Monday, January 23. Parking Lane 23 entrance will be closed – Use Fern Street. Access to Rt 3 and Rt 17 slug stations by the motorcycle parking will remain open.


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152811 No.18182383

File: 66b448275e1be80⋯.jpg (140.2 KB,676x1024,169:256,large_2023_01_05T051216_60….jpg)


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c8e920 No.18182384

File: 1faa03a464b66bf⋯.png (588.3 KB,817x737,817:737,bc21337efa9d0ccac4bbae867c….png)

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72b6d2 No.18182385

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)

>>18182376 (PB)

>to replan

Kek, they keep using the same tactics over and over again, while somehow expecting a different result.

Definition of insanity

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f0a357 No.18182386

BREAKING!!! Biden telling a conference of mayors that he is going to eliminate legislative branches of both State and Federal governments. It's live now on c-span and msnbc is airing it.

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952a9e No.18182387

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Freedom_Flag.png)

File: 1b63689cadcf1da⋯.jpg (105.25 KB,1179x638,1179:638,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….jpg)

>>18182014 lb

>>18182095 lb

>>18182117 lb

: Sauce.

>>13078464 pb



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b1b831 No.18182388

File: 1d9f7089b091a7f⋯.jpg (56.77 KB,507x492,169:164,7873ec.jpg)

>>18180406 lb

>The dumbasses are trying to stop God narrative in the breads

>The demonic shills get offended by God, that's the real reason they're trying to form the narrative.

Never mentioned anything about God. Yet the clown turns the discussion from being about "swordy" namefaggot to being about God. This is going to be a real sore spot.

Define projection.

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2191d5 No.18182389


Ah.. still slugging :)

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aa132a No.18182390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8abad0 No.18182391

>>18182372 ob

shots of fermented headless vAxe deniers for everyone

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ee1582 No.18182392

File: d4dea0bf3b2a1bd⋯.jpg (523.19 KB,563x866,563:866,_2E587C53_53B4_459D_90A9_6….jpg)

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0d30d7 No.18182393

File: 2cab892aba0e236⋯.png (60.86 KB,662x475,662:475,68.PNG)


Biden's '68 days of silence' on the documents

farce: White House used group of loyalists

including Joe's sister to keep discovery

secret for six weeks in failed plot to

prevent a Special Counsel and make debacle

go away, bombshell report claims

Daily Mail (UK), by Emily Goodin

Posted By: Imright, 1/20/2023 1:37:06 PM

President Joe Biden and a small team of trusted advisers, including his sister Valerie, plotted to keep the discovery of classified documents a secret, betting that they could quietly handle the problem without it becoming public knowledge, a bombshell new report claimed on Friday. For 68 days they succeeded. Then it blew up in their faces. Biden and six of his closest advisers, all of whom were aware of the initial discovery of classified documents at the president's D.C. think tank on Nov. 2 - gambled they could keep the matter a secret and deal with the Justice Department privately.

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7003e1 No.18182394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0a8ac2 No.18182395

File: db151bbe78de542⋯.jpg (542.53 KB,1920x1147,1920:1147,Apu_on_bitchin_ride.jpg)

File: e436e6b8cd4de23⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1766x1200,883:600,Baker_girl.jpg)

File: cb0ccf560ac5bd4⋯.jpg (862.39 KB,1110x1357,1110:1357,Apu_America.jpg)

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d086b5 No.18182396

File: 0d1aa194933759c⋯.jpg (33 KB,660x583,60:53,locandina_9_maggio_2022_67….jpg)

File: 3ca34796504847c⋯.jpg (130.78 KB,1024x706,512:353,pepe_frog_.jpg)

File: bc110658526ef1f⋯.jpg (123.1 KB,1500x500,3:1,bc1.jpg)

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72b6d2 No.18182397

File: 7b81343495d94e8⋯.png (433.49 KB,728x800,91:100,pepe_bk_crown.png)



He wants to be King Biden instead of President Biden.

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d934d7 No.18182398



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655294 No.18182399

File: b8fb55528f62b8e⋯.png (50.05 KB,622x262,311:131,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….png)

File: edc0e5fd80909ee⋯.png (404.39 KB,611x727,611:727,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….png)

File: a47a8fe10938a0e⋯.png (419.07 KB,621x714,207:238,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….png)

File: 8c6075a726738d9⋯.png (188.5 KB,642x331,642:331,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….png)



chek't. very dank twat, anons should peruse. clearly

NOtable12/23/22 Tweet: "George Neumayr died tomorrow;" "George Neumayr didn't hang himself."


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b1b831 No.18182400

File: ba0bed4b3645b5d⋯.jpg (60.6 KB,507x492,169:164,78755u.jpg)


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35d00f No.18182401


The God narrative is the extermination of the Jew.

Wayfair scandal and Epstein island has primed the mainstream for the great unveiling.

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2191d5 No.18182402


Great pics 👍

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064856 No.18182403


Dear manthis,

Please let me invite this mortal secsy to a ride among stars.

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655294 No.18182404


>>>18182292 p

>>>18182341 p

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d934d7 No.18182405

File: 5b4d92f0a8f2ff8⋯.webm (691.58 KB,406x720,203:360,Racist_Sky_King.webm)

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e420c5 No.18182406

File: e41c049abe70cdb⋯.png (231.96 KB,309x457,309:457,Screen_Shot_2023_01_17_at_….png)

File: e6849d56ea01f2d⋯.png (395.51 KB,455x450,91:90,Screen_Shot_2023_01_17_at_….png)

File: a231e33c16714c7⋯.png (349.68 KB,586x324,293:162,Screen_Shot_2023_01_18_at_….png)

File: 9acbe8d566f03a5⋯.png (211.13 KB,311x345,311:345,Screen_Shot_2023_01_18_at_….png)


Yu mad bro?

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5da04d No.18182407

File: f7c9eddd3c7049f⋯.png (779.65 KB,908x481,908:481,nopower.png)

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0a8ac2 No.18182409

File: fa5876671549777⋯.jpg (346.66 KB,1200x867,400:289,Pepe.jpg)


Ty anon, have a wonderful Friday!

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e8d549 No.18182410

If you're not my attorney, you can't be mad. If you are, we need to talk.

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b8d9ef No.18182411

That was totally Q lb wasn't it

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655294 No.18182412





within the last 4 weeks…

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74665e No.18182413




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f0ae6f No.18182414

File: f5224ee1e7dae66⋯.png (92.21 KB,622x408,311:204,Bildschirmfoto_2023_01_20_….png)

File: 2d95c1311de4764⋯.png (63.6 KB,584x291,584:291,Bildschirmfoto_2023_01_20_….png)

>>18182292 lb

>>18182328 lb

"This morning I have the tragic news to announce that my friend, the respected journalist, George Neumayr died yesterday from some illness, when visting the Ivory Coast, in Africa. His family, friends, are in shock about his death. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord!"

Rev. Paul John Kalchik




"George Neumayr


And I suspect there will be some murders before this is over, maybe even my own. I am not joking. This is getting scary."



died of malaria?




call for dig and moar sauce


ty, seent it after typing this

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5a75ce No.18182415

File: d7b869ddd808970⋯.jpg (27.06 KB,480x270,16:9,lloyd_austin_USA_Clown_wit….jpg)


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4e1b88 No.18182416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Anon just got the fucking plane loaded!


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938ccc No.18182417

Mr. Biden: Only now, as of January 1st, a lot of people are waking up and finding out, if they are on Medicare, they only have to pay [for Insulin] $35 per month instead of $400 a month to save their lives.

[President Trump lowered it to $35 before Biden reversed it, then reinstated it, stealing credit]

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c70dd2 No.18182418

File: 51cf584e99ef3ec⋯.jpg (127.67 KB,768x960,4:5,326339553_1138125150237788….jpg)

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152811 No.18182419

File: 85ead7f5008a194⋯.jpg (61.55 KB,800x533,800:533,medium_16_.jpg)

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ef927b No.18182420


music on

for now

real music


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b29cba No.18182421

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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655294 No.18182422

File: b42c7ded8791e2d⋯.gif (2.68 MB,480x276,40:23,tesla_burn.gif)

Exorcists: "Demons can have control over anything electrical."

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064856 No.18182423


swordy it is under my protection, any problem???????????????????????????????

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655294 No.18182424


>call for dig and moar sauce


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ef927b No.18182425


bet yo ass, mine too

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05e98c No.18182426

File: 253c819313e1e3c⋯.mp4 (11.22 MB,1440x812,360:203,Mayorkas_Cunt_1.mp4)

CGI Mayorkas

AI knows


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f0a357 No.18182427


Yeah. He said he's going to bypass the Legislative Branch. Can't do it because every congress person is going to want a piece of it. It's better if the cities/towns get it directly from him. Claimed he called for that while he was a Senator and VP.

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938ccc No.18182428

Mr. Biden: We're gonna ban assault weapons. We did it once, we're gonna do it again.

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685615 No.18182429

File: 20e09c856fafd06⋯.png (96.2 KB,1128x851,1128:851,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8455d No.18182430

File: 96150788a0426e0⋯.png (176.28 KB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c26b32f65b6061a⋯.png (1.66 MB,300x224,75:56,ClipboardImage.png)


looks familiar..

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4e1b88 No.18182431

File: e2f4e2a53ee56df⋯.png (619.77 KB,810x800,81:80,GS3.png)

File: 2d5184c4b9fc79f⋯.png (84.88 KB,462x872,231:436,q_94_godfathera.png)

File: f5634156d2f2f61⋯.png (16.42 KB,840x790,84:79,Q_3565_POPE_BIBLICAL_Z.png)

File: 1b4bcdca6ff2eb6⋯.png (962.28 KB,2688x2312,336:289,vc_soros_abortion_RCC.png)


or not…

SOROS on the Map in 6 drops

Where does Soros fit in? Godfather III Do you truly believe that Soros + the Godfather sig dropped last in drop #94 right after the ? "where does Soros fit in?" is a coincidence?

What Happened to Saudi Arabia? Godfather III A purge occurred in SA, with Trumps consent! An EU, Asia + purge is coming and that includes the Vatican hence Godfather III sig.

Godfather III Be prepared for what you find. Most were not…

Soros Takes orders from P.

Guardian_P < Q named the owl file image in a drop about "Guardians of the Pope".

Godfather III. Pontifex/Pope + Human Trafficking. no Mafia or anything else for the matter. Just the Pontifex/Pope + human trafficking and the Godfather III sig.

Godfather III sig is the Pontifex/Pope/Vatican sig.

Q Drop #94

Anonymous 11/05/2017 02:14:12 ID: cS8cMPVQ

4chan/pol: 148032910

Anonymous 11/05/2017 02:09:14 ID:GwO0QESl

4chan/pol: 148032489


if she's not, I think they're gunning for her. How can she repay the money sent to CF for influence? Do they have Huma?


Review my other threads.

This is why complete graphics are so important.

BO paid the debt prior to leaving office.

HRC is not currently in SA.

Bill wants a deal.

Playing the former President card.

Watch the cookie quickly crumble.

Where does Soros fit in?

Godfather III

Q Drop #95What Happened to Saudi Arabia?

Anonymous 11/05/2017 02:17:24 ID: cS8cMPVQ

4chan/pol: 148033178

What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU.

Keep digging and keep organizing the info into graphics (critical).

God bless.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia

Snow White

Godfather III


Q Drop #274

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/05/2017 16:21:56 ID: 7cfe10

8chan/cbts: 38638

Godfather III

Be prepared for what you find.


Q Drop #416

Anonymous 12/21/2017 20:31:58 ID: deb9fa

8chan/cbts: 143329

Soros takes orders from P.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.


Q DROP #1413

Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 17 May 2018 - 8:15:27 PM


Guardian of the Pope.



Q Drop #3565

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 07/30/2019 20:23:13 ID: 231874

8chan/qresearch: 7266574


Godfather III

It's going to be BIBLICAL.


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064856 No.18182432


don't fuck w/ me.

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d2e682 No.18182433

File: e84876ec9d3d9f7⋯.jpg (161.29 KB,1383x763,1383:763,BakerSalute.JPG)

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a31766 No.18182434

File: ac4f35fabab6141⋯.png (29.65 KB,545x301,545:301,Screen_Shot_01_20_23_at_02….PNG)

President Biden


United States government official

I’ve instructed my Administration to bring every element of the federal government together to help with immediate needs and long-term rebuilding of California.

We'll be with you long after the headlines fade.

11:00 PM · Jan 19, 2023


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c97621 No.18182435

File: 9668aadf9cbf253⋯.jpg (567.97 KB,1312x2410,656:1205,HRCCannibal.jpg)

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1c2afd No.18182436

File: 25e2e539f2feea8⋯.jpeg (350.51 KB,828x1172,207:293,F1D9FDA6_DD7D_4A6F_9A18_D….jpeg)


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a31766 No.18182437


>We'll be with you long after the headlines fade.

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1cf113 No.18182438

File: 4c5f79be4ed0aad⋯.pdf (129.79 KB,UN_Agenda_2030_Alberta_.pdf)

Here's a fair bit of info regarding Canadian corruption perpetrated by the Conservative Party of Canada in regards to the Sustainable Developement Agenda and other bullshit. Harper set us on this path, Trudeau is merely the patsy to bring it forth.

Interesting tidbit concerning Bill Gates and N. Murray Edwards. The two have formed a business partnership in Calgary. Carbon Engineering LTD.

There's a few quotes in there from Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and her comments in SUPPORT OF the WEF and Digital CBDC and Net Zero Carbon bullshit.

The newly formed Independence Party of Alberta had a candidiate run against Danielle. After a debate, he tracked her down to implore her to stop the vaccines because they're killing people. She grabbed him by the arm, slithered her hand slowly down it, in a very creepy way, and told him "I know"….yet she has NOT PUBLICLY STATED THIS. I'm afraid that Albertans are being led to slaughter by voting for her. She was a sleeper agent that activitied in 2012 when she destroyed the populist Wildrose Party by crossing the floor to the former Progressive Conservative party at the behest of Stephen Harper

Please read and disseminate the information in this document so that the people of Alberta can see what they're truly supporting.

The document contains hyperlinks to sauce.

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5a75ce No.18182439

File: a25ae0921f0f9b2⋯.jpg (87.6 KB,1146x652,573:326,ca_clowns.jpg)


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0f5e8f No.18182440

File: df219dc16d8e5da⋯.png (108.76 KB,707x711,707:711,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e60e836cb7bcfb⋯.png (450.86 KB,634x453,634:453,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 610e7947b9be693⋯.png (266.72 KB,571x546,571:546,worms.png)


US is investigating first two cases of super strength gonorrhea strain that is resistant to EVERY antibiotic - as experts warn it poses ‘serious public health concern’

Both patients are in Massachusetts, health authorities in the state said

Contact tracing is underway to track down any other cases of the disease

Super-gonorrhea is resistant to a large swathe of available antibiotics

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4e1b88 No.18182441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


one moar

as bombs drop all around

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000000 No.18182442



"Give us this day our daily faith but deliver us dear God from belief"

Aldous Huxley

Swordy is a righteous dude.

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dad670 No.18182443

File: 8ac09f72aa3fec1⋯.jpg (59.8 KB,282x567,94:189,ISee.jpg)


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152811 No.18182444

File: 1359fed54338565⋯.jpg (41.29 KB,640x552,80:69,medium_17_.jpg)

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938ccc No.18182445

Mr. Biden: I need you badly.

[speaking to roomful of corrupt mayors]

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f0ae6f No.18182446

File: ba061ca71e29034⋯.png (155.88 KB,1002x676,501:338,Bildschirmfoto_2023_01_20_….png)

>>18182414 me

>>18182399 you

"*REPORT: SCOURGE OF PERVCHURCH GEORGE NEUMAYR DEAD IN IVORY COAST* If George Neumayr was dying of Malaria 7 days ago, why is there no mention of it in his twitter feed from 3 days ago, at which point tweets abruptly stopped? https://canon212.com/"


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0f5e8f No.18182447

File: b776442602e4c4b⋯.png (507.51 KB,634x792,317:396,ClipboardImage.png)

Kanye's new rebound bride.


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4e1b88 No.18182448

File: e940a62fe71b828⋯.png (11.73 KB,750x576,125:96,Q_95_PURGE.png)

File: c160617f895a9ae⋯.png (11.75 KB,745x571,745:571,Q95N.png)

File: 90f7386b6dbe910⋯.png (340.94 KB,1220x856,305:214,Q_95pn1.png)

File: f0114b974cbbda3⋯.png (420.04 KB,906x892,453:446,04242020zh1.png)

File: 6c713c6c1eef81d⋯.png (473.04 KB,996x966,166:161,04242020sr1.png)


What Happened to Saudi Arabia?

Anonymous 11/05/2017 02:17:24 ID: cS8cMPVQ

4chan/pol: 148033178

What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU.

Keep digging and keep organizing the info into graphics (critical).

God bless.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia

Snow White

Godfather III


What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU.

What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU.

What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU.

heads been out rollin' on the blessed hellride…

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72b6d2 No.18182449

File: 577f9f0a7d4cda4⋯.png (518.63 KB,857x500,857:500,ClipboardImage.png)

"it's for the greater good…"

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901410 No.18182450

File: 9df52f529e43175⋯.png (305.65 KB,727x440,727:440,ClipboardImage.png)

Would you?

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b8f3ab No.18182451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Holy Spirit is the power of the living God in us, enabling us to love and forgive, to endure, to persist.

The Holy Spirit is the power of the living God in us, enabling us to love and forgive, to endure, to persist.


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4bf8ec No.18182452

File: 9c7fa4bd38b4299⋯.png (208.07 KB,502x497,502:497,9c7fa4bd38b42998deffa264dc….png)

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dad670 No.18182453

File: 876774595f0effb⋯.jpg (162.14 KB,282x567,94:189,armour.jpg)


Trips confirmed

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4e1b88 No.18182454

File: f8f0f58602bc197⋯.png (18.53 KB,761x652,761:652,Q_22.png)

File: fecefe5cf062050⋯.png (9.25 KB,758x421,758:421,Q_26.png)

File: b64eb1fb68e3b9e⋯.png (11.33 KB,758x474,379:237,Q_32.png)

File: 9d7d89ed25f583d⋯.png (18.51 KB,748x612,11:9,Q_43.png)

File: 6f0f3e39ca5b631⋯.png (10.48 KB,835x618,835:618,Q_55.png)

you can never get too low

when yer so damn high

on the blessed Q drops

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5da04d No.18182455

File: 795860186eee756⋯.jpg (88.84 KB,620x413,620:413,mediumforwhat.jpg)

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fbedbd No.18182456

File: 7141635c4239b18⋯.jpg (71.84 KB,500x727,500:727,Biden_hold_ny_beer.jpg)


what's worth losing over?

get in loser let's lose

memes are important :)

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655294 No.18182457


"…fire ouchoe butthole…"

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a31766 No.18182458

File: f280fae99b89fdb⋯.png (332.74 KB,545x472,545:472,Screen_Shot_01_20_23_at_02….PNG)

File: 3ea7121b3ae7338⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB,480x270,16:9,joe_kamala.mp4)

President Biden & Vice President Kamala Harris


United States government official

It’s been an incredible two years.

10:58 AM · Jan 20, 2023


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685615 No.18182459

File: f35c866e19bbd87⋯.png (3.38 MB,180x320,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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74665e No.18182460


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8655db No.18182461

File: cff0db4aabb1096⋯.jpg (57.68 KB,626x464,313:232,chy7x.jpg)

Literally her job.



Her wife got fired from cnn 2weeks ago.

She can't quit.

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a31766 No.18182462

File: 8e1184554b946ef⋯.png (148.48 KB,545x564,545:564,Screen_Shot_01_20_23_at_03….PNG)

President Biden


United States government official

Two years down.

Quote Tweet

President Biden



Jan 27, 2021

United States government official

One week down.

11:45 AM · Jan 20, 2023


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0e04e1 No.18182463

File: 46b206b147f9351⋯.jpg (70.94 KB,500x739,500:739,Vhi.jpg)

File: 7b8c2740a6e8e61⋯.jpg (93.46 KB,500x469,500:469,Vhio_1_.jpg)

MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY have many options to stop any military conflict it chooses to especially between Russia and the USA.

Depending on the trajectory MAGA PATRIOTS choose a reprogrammed GPS satellite could leave Earth's orbit and travel into deep space and never return. It could also be reprogrammed to travel to the sun and burn-up or remain in a stable orbit around Earth but totally decommissioned.

It would take about 5.3 years for a satellite currently orbiting earth with a changed trajectory to leave earth's orbit and travel to the sun.

The calculation for a travel time of 5.3 years would depend on the initial velocity of the satellite, the mass of the satellite, and the gravitational force of the sun. The equation for calculating the travel time would be:

Travel Time = (Initial Velocity / (Gravitational Force of the Sun * Mass of the Satellite))^(1/2)

Anons feel free to correct my aerospace mathematical sciences mistakes.

Satellites can collide with other satellites due to a variety of factors, including orbital debris, incorrect orbital placement, and insufficient communication between operators. Orbital debris can be caused by a variety of activities, including the destruction of old satellites and the accidental release of objects from satellites. Incorrect orbital placement can occur when satellites are placed too close together, or when a satellite's orbit is not accurately calculated. Insufficient communication between operators can also lead to collisions when operators fail to accurately track the movements of their satellites.

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938ccc No.18182464

File: 9a260b462a9f055⋯.jpg (43.75 KB,750x472,375:236,uahbkeljdcasd.jpg)

Mr. Biden: One [reason I ran for president] was to restore the soul of America, the decency, the honor, the idea we could deal with one another.

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5da04d No.18182465

File: 133e24b75d720e3⋯.jpg (87.07 KB,500x782,250:391,spacekitehd44.jpg)

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1ef8c1 No.18182466

File: 0313765be166c84⋯.mp4 (368.03 KB,350x190,35:19,cheetah_patient.mp4)

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4e1b88 No.18182467



SOROS is a Court Jew OR Court Factor.

(you) do not know what a Court Jew OR Court Factor is?


In the early modern period, a court Jew, or court factor (German: Hofjude, Hoffaktor; Yiddish: היף איד, romanized: Hoyf Id, קאַורט פאַקטאַר, Kourt Faktor), was a Jewish banker who handled the finances of, or lent money to, European,

mainly German, royalty and nobility. In return for their services, court Jews gained social privileges, including, in some cases, being granted noble status.

Examples of what would be later called court Jews emerged in the High Middle Ages[a] when the royalty, the nobility, and the church borrowed money from money changers or employed them as financiers.

Among the most notable of these were Aaron of Lincoln and Vivelin of Strasbourg.

Jewish financiers could use their family connections to provide their sponsors with finance, food, arms, ammunition, gold, and precious metals.[citation needed]

The rise of the absolute monarchies in Central Europe brought many Jews, mostly of Ashkenazi origin, into the position of negotiating loans for the various courts.

They could amass personal fortunes and gain political and social influence. However, the court Jew had social connections and influence in the Christian world mainly through the Christian nobility and church.

Due to the precarious position of Jews, some nobles could ignore their debts. If the sponsoring noble died, his Jewish financier could face exile or execution.

The most famous example of this occurred in Württemberg when, after the death of his sponsor Charles Alexander in 1737, Joseph Süß Oppenheimer was put on trial and finally executed.[1]

In an effort to avoid such fate, some court bankers in the late 18th century—such as Samuel Bleichröder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, or Aron Elias Seligmann—successfully detached their businesses from these courts

and established what eventually developed into full-fledged banks.[2]

Prohibited from nearly every other trade, some Jews began to occupy an economic niche as moneylenders in the Middle Ages. Only they were allowed to take interest on loans,

since—while the Church condemned usury universally—canon law was only applied to Christians and not to Jews. Eventually, a sizable sector of the Jewish community were engaged in financial occupations,

and the community was a financially highly successful part of the medieval economy.[3][4] The religious restrictions on moneylending had inadvertently created a source of monopoly rents,

causing profits associated with moneylending to be higher than they otherwise would have been.[5]

By most parameters, the standard of living of the Jewish community in Early Medieval period was at least equal to that of the lower nobility.[6]

However, despite this economic prosperity, the community was not safe: religious hostility increased to the extent that it manifested itself in the form of massacres and expulsions,

Culminating in the repetitive expulsion of all Jews from various parts of Western Europe in the late medieval period.


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0a8ac2 No.18182468

File: 5d75791f50d54b3⋯.jpg (485.83 KB,1200x1236,100:103,Cat_in_armor.jpg)

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4e1b88 No.18182469



Although the phenomenon of "Court Jewry" did not occur until the early 17th century, examples of what would be later called court Jews can be found earlier in Jewish moneylenders

who accumulated enough capital to finance the royalty and the nobility.

Among them was Josce of Gloucester, the Jewish financier who funded Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke's conquest of Ireland in 1170,[7] and Aaron of Lincoln, presumably the wealthiest individual in 12th-century Britain,

who left an estate of about £100,000.[5][8]

Also notable was Vivelin of Strasbourg, one of the wealthiest persons in Europe in the early 14th century, who lent 340,000 florins to Edward III of England on the eve of the Hundred Years' War, in 1339.[9]

By the 16th century, Jewish financiers became increasingly connected to rulers and courts.

Josef Goldschmidt (d. 1572) of Frankfurt, also known as "Jud Joseph zum Goldenen Schwan", became the most important Jewish businessman of his era, trading not only with the Fuggers and Imhoffs,

but also with the nobility and the Church.[10] In the early 17th century the Habsburgs employed the services of Jacob Bassevi of Prague, Joseph Pincherle of Gorizia, and Moses and Jacob Marburger of Gradisca.

At the dawn of mercantilism, while most Sephardi Jews were primarily active in the west in maritime and colonial trade, the Ashkenazi Jews in the service of the emperor and princes tended toward domestic trade.[11]

They were mostly wealthy businessmen, distinguished above their co-religionists by their commercial instincts and their adaptability. Court Jews frequently came into conflict with court rivals and co-religionists.

The court Jews, as the agents of the rulers, and in times of war as the purveyors and the treasurers of the state, enjoyed special privileges.

They were under the jurisdiction of the court marshal, and were not compelled to wear the Jews' badge.

They were permitted to stay wherever the Emperor held his court, and to live anywhere in the Holy Roman Empire, even in places where no other Jews were allowed.

Wherever they settled they could buy houses, slaughter meat according to the Jewish ritual, and maintain a rabbi. They could sell their goods wholesale and retail, and could not be taxed or assessed higher than the Christians.

Jews were sometimes assigned the role of local tax collectors.


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f0ae6f No.18182470

File: 5bcfbb78aeb7f85⋯.png (398.22 KB,650x639,650:639,Bildschirmfoto_2023_01_20_….png)

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c70dd2 No.18182471

File: 67a1f6b5b7ae8b0⋯.jpeg (65.36 KB,976x234,488:117,Screenshot_2023_01_20_104….jpeg)

Nearly 30 percent of professionals say they have used ChatGPT at work

The AI search tool launched to the public in November and has grown significantly in popularity since then as a free service. A user of the program can type in a question and the tool will respond with an answer in the form of an essay.

ChatGPT’s popularity has led some schools to take steps to ban it to prevent cheating and negative impacts on students learning


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685615 No.18182472

File: 154736449ea1177⋯.jpg (29.71 KB,276x362,138:181,ABOK_Cover.jpg)

File: 83f1f4fdd819fb2⋯.jpg (129.94 KB,857x1200,857:1200,Sails_bright_white.jpg)


Knots are fun.

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168cc0 No.18182473

File: 923af51e09dcae4⋯.png (778.25 KB,2514x1348,1257:674,Screenshot_2023_01_20_at_3….png)

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a31766 No.18182474

File: bd3c6e8523575e6⋯.png (473.59 KB,545x660,109:132,Screen_Shot_01_20_23_at_03….PNG)

President Biden


United States government official

On January 20th, 2021, I placed my hand on my family's bible and gave you my word as a Biden that I'd serve you thinking not of power, but of possibilities.

Two years, millions of new jobs, and countless investments later – I'm proud to have kept my word.

12:15 PM · Jan 20, 2023


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ef927b No.18182475


you play the best

will ride off into sun

back when it's down and dank is at play


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34fba9 No.18182476

File: 738d726d69680a2⋯.jpeg (205.66 KB,1187x756,1187:756,A654812B_D07B_4AAC_8E10_F….jpeg)

File: 148fa75add3cf75⋯.jpeg (46.27 KB,350x459,350:459,719FE270_43C3_4298_A07B_F….jpeg)

>>18181788 PB

Hitler dubs chekt

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901410 No.18182477

File: cfbe9d7596f17cf⋯.png (44.87 KB,610x723,610:723,ClipboardImage.png)


>Down she goes.

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0f5e8f No.18182478

File: 25bd6c3dad4409c⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB,640x360,16:9,butthole_burn.mp4)

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1ef8c1 No.18182479

File: 56704ace285ce62⋯.png (122.66 KB,474x689,474:689,karine_jean_pierre_moveon.png)

File: feead6a04fa33ff⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB,360x640,9:16,karine_jean_pierre_moveon.mp4)

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a795f7 No.18182480

File: 7269df280ec49f8⋯.png (720.05 KB,1280x1024,5:4,Screenshot_20230120_140056.png)

>>18182344 tyb

TRU TUBE 54 Video Update

100 New Videos added


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5a75ce No.18182481

File: 9cf9c76b7a3732d⋯.png (307.82 KB,748x612,11:9,9cf9c76b7a3732dbb69adca2f1….png)


Can't means Won't



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72b6d2 No.18182482

File: 833a1f54c7f3f4d⋯.png (48.57 KB,596x394,298:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e1b88 No.18182483

File: e89e64aeb07979e⋯.png (1.18 MB,3452x2728,863:682,FB3.png)

File: 8078bfaa6589abd⋯.png (729.35 KB,3452x2728,863:682,FB2.png)

File: b615aa377a8cecf⋯.png (337.85 KB,3452x2772,863:693,FB1.png)

File: 5eb805da5b36c49⋯.png (616.35 KB,998x704,499:352,rupertmurdochpapalknight5.png)



But wait! Muh muh joo shill guru neber tolds muh bout dis!

Anon loves the smell of brains melting any time of day!

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685615 No.18182484


good job

ty anon

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e420c5 No.18182485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Obama Slips Up: "We're Training ISIL"

Rob Trent

1.75K subscribers

1.8M views 7 years ago

The White House.gov website has corrected an embarrasing mistake made by President Obama during his press briefing yesterday about the Islamic State when the President said that U.S. forces were "training ISIL

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daf29d No.18182486



serious question

how did (you) escape the all powerful world dominating clan and enable your (shit)posts?

you must be very brave (stupid)

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0f5e8f No.18182487

File: 48bbbc18269a598⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB,320x240,4:3,eat_the_poo_extended_versi….mp4)

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938ccc No.18182488

Mr. Biden: The budget we are introducing is expected to reduce the debt another trillion dollars this next year, by spending more, spending less, than we, than we, than we, spending less than we bring in.

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b7287d No.18182489



Walls are Rayyycist?

What about Israel's Wall?

She's calling Israel Rayyycists cause it has walls!

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4e1b88 No.18182490

File: 5f789bd145070dc⋯.png (1.45 MB,836x1412,209:353,5b706e8ff331f774b8bd217d32….png)


but muh joo shill narrative collapses!

All of [your] narratives fail…hmmm wonder why?!

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168cc0 No.18182491

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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35d00f No.18182492


>the Q team sent a satellite into past that can see into the future

>don't bother doing anything the future is predetermined

neck yourself

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22912f No.18182493

File: 993ee801a7ab919⋯.jpg (36.29 KB,651x290,651:290,red_dot_cat_badass.jpg)

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d934d7 No.18182494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f0ae6f No.18182495


here it says he died yesterday:


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3e1f76 No.18182496

" In another study, bromelain at a concentration of 100 μg/ml (I have edited what I believe must certainly have been a typo. The referenced paper has this measure, the published paper was 100 g/ml, clearly a typo.) was found to be effective in dissolving SARS-COV-2 spikes and envelope proteins. When combined with 20 mg/ml of acetylcysteine, the SARS-COV-2 spike and envelope proteins are fully disintegrated.

"So, clearly this is VERY good news. If we can literally DISSOLVE the Spike Protein before it interacts with our ACE2 (and clearly many other) receptors, then the Spike, in essence, becomes as the nonillions of other viruses on the planet that cannot enter our cells."


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3a51fa No.18182497

File: 9465ee8822f21a4⋯.jpg (158.08 KB,960x938,480:469,ISISdrop2.JPG)

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22912f No.18182498

File: 91e6a9741cf0325⋯.png (319.23 KB,546x599,546:599,GinsBorg.png)

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152811 No.18182499

File: 1a29abc216d3572⋯.jpg (242.42 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Fm8PVlYaAAAs4OD.jpg)

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164039 No.18182500

File: 1d2aa180a15d99a⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB,640x908,160:227,1d2aa180a15d99a417e8f4ce59….mp4)

The open border contradicts everything Biden says in this video about protecting the police and the American people… Biden is so of shit it's dangerous.

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5a75ce No.18182501



I rather have a gun fight adam

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0f5e8f No.18182502


I hate when IDK which eye to look at. I don't want to seem obvi.

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4e1b88 No.18182503

File: 417a229761e8956⋯.png (250.86 KB,836x1902,418:951,Q_1950_VATICAN_HOLY_SEE.png)


[you] cannot be (this anon) Shilly

Q DROP #1950

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 28 Aug 2018 - 4:12:23 PM


"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


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b7287d No.18182504

File: 6591d90ddaa1d4a⋯.png (1.23 MB,994x755,994:755,ClipboardImage.png)

God Bless the Anons

God Bless the Bakers

God Bless the Board Operators

& God Bless Swordy,

(you)r Faith and Conviction is a Guiding Light for all to follow

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e420c5 No.18182505

File: 1a8b5980987249a⋯.png (549.24 KB,978x642,163:107,Screen_Shot_2023_01_19_at_….png)

File: 87ffd1d15ed7af4⋯.png (677.24 KB,627x625,627:625,Screen_Shot_2023_01_19_at_….png)

File: eb9f24b082404a1⋯.png (361.26 KB,466x624,233:312,Screen_Shot_2023_01_18_at_….png)

File: c3fe47c3d61d902⋯.png (719.6 KB,1124x630,562:315,Screen_Shot_2023_01_18_at_….png)

File: 74c698f203f050f⋯.png (916.48 KB,1200x984,50:41,Screen_Shot_2023_01_19_at_….png)



nothing up top but a bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about birds -nirvana

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5a75ce No.18182506


Agree and everyone wearin the badge and uniform standing around doin his bidding is a fucking TERRORIST ENEMY of the United States of America

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1ef8c1 No.18182507

File: 010fa17b170606f⋯.png (446.23 KB,881x1024,881:1024,red_dot_wisdom.png)

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5da04d No.18182508

File: fb0bf84ae41ee93⋯.jpg (114.88 KB,500x731,500:731,catresume.jpg)

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fbedbd No.18182509

File: 4f7f7b37e8f0346⋯.jpg (124.75 KB,943x500,943:500,3i8re1.jpg)


>Two years down.

still fake resident

Pedo potato Joe 2.0

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c70dd2 No.18182510

File: 4eac97a71a90e59⋯.jpeg (79.96 KB,1045x317,1045:317,Screenshot_2023_01_20_104….jpeg)

Los Angeles hit-and-run driver who plowed into mom and baby in stolen car is murdered after light sentence


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c18dea No.18182511

File: 45990fe238d884f⋯.jpg (119.5 KB,375x606,125:202,0_2.jpg)

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4bf8ec No.18182512

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)

I am the red dot.

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72b6d2 No.18182513

File: 169692d2601a7e4⋯.png (327.59 KB,443x423,443:423,cat_points8.png)


Catfucious say…

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938ccc No.18182514

Mr. Biden:Nationally, I still think we should have the George Floyd legislation, I didn't able to do that, so what I was able to do…I said [no] no-knock warrants, or limit it significantly…no chock holds, certain basic things…when I was coming up as a kid, cops we learned to 'shoot to kill', well you ought to be able to 'shoot to stop'. Everything shouldn't be an extreme.

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4e1b88 No.18182515

File: fcd4e392da87f7b⋯.png (68 KB,244x189,244:189,ao2.png)

>>18182503 A certain demographic of Shills cannot help themselves. It is built in…


Sounds innocent enough yet let's examine the changes to the "Good Friday prayer for the Jews" over the years.

Anon would also like to contemplate the inferiority/superiority complex which most if not all Modern Religions seem to possess in abundance and exhibit in "Prayer's for non believers". Anon considers this the Weaponization of Religion.

PRE 1955 Let us pray also for the faithless Jews: that Almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts;[6] so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord. ('Amen' is not responded, nor is said 'Let us pray', or 'Let us kneel', or 'Arise', but immediately is said:) Almighty and eternal God, who dost not exclude from thy mercy even Jewish faithlessness: hear our prayers, which we offer for the blindness of that people; that acknowledging the light of thy Truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.[7]

POST 1955 Let us pray also for the faithless Jews: that almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us pray. Let us kneel. [pause for silent prayer] Arise. Almighty and eternal God, who dost not exclude from thy mercy even Jewish faithlessness: hear our prayers, which we offer for the blindness of that people; that acknowledging the light of thy Truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness. Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.[10]

POST 1959 Let us pray also for the Jews: that almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us pray. Let us kneel. Arise. Almighty and eternal God, who dost also not exclude from thy mercy the Jews: hear our prayers, which we offer for the blindness of that people; that acknowledging the light of thy Truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness. Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

1971 - 1973 Let us pray for the Jewish people, the first to hear the word of God, that they may continue to grow in the love of his name and in faithfulness to his covenant. (Prayer in silence. Then the priest says:) Almighty and eternal God, long ago you gave your promise to Abraham and his posterity. Listen to your Church as we pray that the people you first made your own may arrive at the fullness of redemption. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

2007 Let us also pray for the Jews: That our God and Lord may illuminate their hearts, that they acknowledge Jesus Christ is the Savior of all men. (Let us pray. Kneel. Rise.) Almighty and eternal God, who want that all men be saved and come to the recognition of the truth, propitiously grant that even as the fullness of the peoples enters Thy Church, all Israel be saved. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

2011 Let us pray also for the Jewish people, to whom the Lord our God spoke first, that he may grant them to advance in love of his name and in faithfulness to his covenant. (Prayer in silence. Then the Priest says:) Almighty ever-living God, who bestowed your promises on Abraham and his descendants, hear graciously the prayers of your Church, that the people you first made your own may attain the fullness of redemption. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

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a795f7 No.18182516

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eef494 No.18182517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Google may have to lay off up to 25 members of Congress." ????????

Sen. Kennedy - Fox News @ 1:50 mark

Could a kind anon please enlighten this somewhat retarded anon today. Thanks.

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c70dd2 No.18182518

File: 89c1c1118b42b93⋯.jpeg (80.4 KB,1023x379,1023:379,Screenshot_2023_01_20_104….jpeg)

Sen. Kennedy sends message to SCOTUS leaker: 'Congratulations, butthead,' you almost got a justice killed


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0f5e8f No.18182519

File: 3d531a92cc53201⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,shits_all_retarded.mp4)


Extracted 4 dwnld.

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4e1b88 No.18182520

File: ba7431d9e3b5b96⋯.gif (5.5 MB,464x276,116:69,ba7431d9e3b5b9687ffb94636d….gif)

Q DROP #3565

Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 30 Jul 2019 - 8:23:13 PM


Godfather III

It's going to be BIBLICAL.


In a drop concerning only two things: The Pope/Vatican/Pontifex AND Human Trafficking… what else do anon's SEE?

The Godfather III sig yet absolutely no sign or any mention of a Mafia, no, just the Pope and Human Trafficking


''It's going to be Biblical" which comes from the movie "Law abiding Citizen" and here is the full quote that leads up to the "Its going to be Biblical" part:

Law abiding citizen (It's Gonna Be Biblical)

I'm just gettin' warmed up.

This is von Clausewitz shit, total fucking war.

I'm gonna pull the whole thing down.

I'm gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased corrupt temple down on your head.

It's gonna be Biblical.




A temple (from the Latin templum) is a building reserved for spiritual rituals and activities such as prayer and sacrifice. Religions which erect temples include Christianity (whose temples are typically called churches), Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism (whose temples are called gurudwara), Jainism (whose temples are sometimes called derasar), Islam (whose temples are called mosques), Judaism (whose temples are called synagogues), Zoroastrianism (whose temples are sometimes called Agiary), the Baha'i Faith (which are often simply referred to as Baha'i House of Worship), Taoism (which are sometimes called Daoguan), Shintoism (which are sometimes called Jinja), Confucianism (which are sometimes called the Temple of Confucius), and ancient religions such as the Ancient Egyptian religion and the Ancient Greek religion.

The form and function of temples are thus very variable, though they are often considered by believers to be, in some sense, the "house" of one or more deities. Typically, offerings of some sort are made to the deity, and other rituals are enacted, and a special group of clergy maintain and operate the temple. The degree to which the whole population of believers can access the building varies significantly; often parts, or even the whole main building. can only be accessed by the clergy. Temples typically have a main building and a larger precinct, which may contain many other buildings or may be a dome-shaped structure, much like an igloo.

The word comes from Ancient Rome, where a templum constituted a sacred precinct as defined by a priest, or augur.[1] It has the same root as the word "template," a plan in preparation for the building that was marked out on the ground by the augur.

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168cc0 No.18182521

File: 6be37e4caeb7b38⋯.png (1.17 MB,960x1045,192:209,1674245220780490.png)

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d934d7 No.18182522

File: 71a99497bfc3f9b⋯.png (344.78 KB,512x420,128:105,ClipboardImage.png)


Make more fake and gay shit…

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45d7f4 No.18182523

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WEF says the quiet part out loud. Like Noor said, they are telling us directly their plans for humanity, they aren’t hiding anything now. That must mean they think they’ve already won.

Humans, Robots, AI, Oh My!

2 hours ago

Globalists Plan ToUtilize Brain-Computer Interfaces As Surveillance System Of Employees

Lecturer from Duke University:

“We are not talking about implantable devices. We are taking about, wearable devices that are like fitbits to your brain, ie earbuds, headphones, tiny tattoos behind you're ears. We will be able to pick up emotions, thoughts, people etc to decipher what you are feeling…etc. For the use on employees…and more.


Some more AI info to trigger the shills or AI that consider themselves anons. They usually start out with Sloppy Steve! Kek

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02e854 No.18182524


This is how you get dead cops.

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35d00f No.18182525

>study the politicial calendar

>study the economic calendar

>study the cultural calendar

>set the agenda

Use as means to 'predict'/'create' the future.

Anons need to study the political calendar to start making forecasts and manifesting events into existence.

Beat them at their own game.

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5a75ce No.18182526


A fucking two poll two throw switch turns my AC on and off.

Adam Shit fucking lawless NAZI supporter who shits on the Constitution and has conspired to genocide Americans.


I filter you, I am not with you.

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4e1b88 No.18182527

File: 3ca4437cda9a8db⋯.png (447.53 KB,604x1080,151:270,TPOT0A.png)


[you] gettin' that "Fucked" feeling yet, Shilly?

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8abad0 No.18182528


try again, I don't have a thermostat nigger

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dcb39a No.18182529

LMFAO this can't be real

Stahp it joe

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74665e No.18182530


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938ccc No.18182531

The mayor of Reno, Nevada, Hillary Schieve, just suggested that putting mayors into White House cabinet positions should be a requirement.

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5a75ce No.18182532



WEF are Lunatics with doublespeak and lies and manipulations with subroutines to keep people busy while their unrestricted warfare consumes more freedom.

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10ea36 No.18182533

File: 0f8757e561977a2⋯.jpg (35.71 KB,270x712,135:356,0ef3be4b8cf2b64a9b9a9f28b1….JPG)



baker claiming dough

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0f5e8f No.18182534


Anon members that clip. What a show.

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279f83 No.18182536

File: 4d352baf831dbc9⋯.png (60.06 KB,685x394,685:394,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89d1516ac649299⋯.png (51.23 KB,511x459,511:459,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72cc2e3a8241fc0⋯.png (466.42 KB,803x732,803:732,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 751c4438b4cd307⋯.png (66.89 KB,601x770,601:770,ClipboardImage.png)


WHO 2018:


UK 2019:


US 2020:




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168cc0 No.18182537

File: fd4db8db0273bcd⋯.png (918.34 KB,1134x1198,567:599,rpg_dice.png)

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72b6d2 No.18182538

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB,473x500,473:500,pepe_12.png)


He's just "playing the part" he was given.

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152811 No.18182539

File: 7884626884018a9⋯.gif (44.43 KB,446x384,223:192,277971.gif)

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5da04d No.18182540

File: 549df9ac7ed2520⋯.png (22.11 KB,242x255,242:255,confuciousdude.png)

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d934d7 No.18182541

File: 8a18bac8c8f02c2⋯.jpg (47.05 KB,1500x500,3:1,1500x500_angel_planes.jpg)


Good lookin Anon. :)

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b7287d No.18182542

File: 0fea1821032cbde⋯.png (616.04 KB,606x489,202:163,ClipboardImage.png)

God bless this Board of anons

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4e1b88 No.18182543

File: 70a5a78ffbd487f⋯.png (2.17 MB,1386x868,99:62,nsmindfucker1.png)

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72b6d2 No.18182544

File: da94fe22965f484⋯.png (893.89 KB,786x958,393:479,Hunter_4.png)


>Super Gonorrhea

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10ea36 No.18182545



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901410 No.18182546

File: 88bc2f322dafa05⋯.png (362.12 KB,474x667,474:667,ClipboardImage.png)



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938ccc No.18182547

Mr. Biden: We lost over one million, in several years, to COVID.

[they died with COVID, not from COVID]

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4e1b88 No.18182548

File: e9177efe07b3fa7⋯.png (3.3 MB,1896x1056,79:44,00000000000000000000000000….png)


but temple is duh muh joos!

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4bf8ec No.18182549

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,popcorn2.gif)

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74665e No.18182551


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0f5e8f No.18182552

File: dffef896aece930⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB,490x270,49:27,transhumanism_klaus.mp4)

File: 3b42ef16f65c379⋯.mp4 (12.31 MB,1136x640,71:40,elon_twitter_transhumanism.mp4)

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51851c No.18182553

File: 3a83a9778f3fb25⋯.jpg (138.09 KB,2203x1026,2203:1026,downloadfile_1.jpg)

File: 7b8c2740a6e8e61⋯.jpg (93.46 KB,500x469,500:469,Vhio_1_.jpg)

STARLINK'will be easy pickings for the MAGA PATRIOTS because of the programming language in the satellites control line it will be like turning off a light in your home.

MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY knows exactly what systems they are up against and they already know how to take em' off at the knees.

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0f5e8f No.18182554

File: 048507cac5aeac2⋯.jpg (53.81 KB,960x838,480:419,frogs_to_destroy_them.JPG)

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5da04d No.18182555

File: 97797626052fccd⋯.jpg (12.5 KB,255x236,255:236,fireyo44.jpg)

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4e1b88 No.18182556

File: 8745e0765a5a677⋯.png (575.99 KB,638x478,319:239,dspoo1.png)

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45d7f4 No.18182557


So true. WEF doesn’t understand the war for humanity that is coming

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b7287d No.18182558

First Annual Stroke Season Is upon us

Don't miss your shot

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ab6ec4 No.18182559

File: 6e20434b4c4ef26⋯.png (370.01 KB,600x353,600:353,ef0.png)

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1ef8c1 No.18182560

File: ed8aec230bfe641⋯.jpg (69.65 KB,1127x422,1127:422,wef_bad_it_is_klaus.jpg)

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c17e41 No.18182561


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168cc0 No.18182562

File: fe93858a60fc111⋯.webp (41.54 KB,640x513,640:513,hgdzuv79q5551_jpg.webp)

File: 773b9f56a551f3b⋯.jpg (54.88 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_9.jpg)

File: b77d59356736a68⋯.jpg (224.35 KB,1680x1050,8:5,cotwdscreen4.jpg)

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8655db No.18182563


No tell anon what time it is


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168cc0 No.18182564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5a75ce No.18182565

>Lecturer from Duke University:

>“We are not talking about implantable devices. We are taking about, wearable devices

No you we're talking about unfolding proteins inside the body. that' EXPERIMENTING on MAN.

No you try to sugar coat the shit with "WEARABLE"

pretending you dind't already say "HACKABLE" when you meant "BATTERY WITHOUT CONSENT OR BY DECEPTION"

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22912f No.18182566

File: 6d67ff0eb844c21⋯.gif (3.38 MB,854x480,427:240,86388.gif)


>I don't have a thermostat

Same here.

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72b6d2 No.18182567

File: a1153f5eae30a3e⋯.png (397.11 KB,534x538,267:269,HRC_wildeyes.png)

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74665e No.18182568


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0f5e8f No.18182569

File: 590a60d904b4bdd⋯.png (298.95 KB,1117x641,1117:641,pepe_salute.png)

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5a75ce No.18182570

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,a3482af3374bb7f9c50d517d84….jpg)


Oh fuck ….

Oh fuck. …


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72b6d2 No.18182571

File: 99648c16b147a92⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,354x461,354:461,ewww.jpg)


That thumbnail tho…

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938ccc No.18182572

Mr. Biden [to Buttigieg, speaking about post-traumatic stress]: Pete, you toted a rifle, man. You were there.

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2191d5 No.18182573


Which is the plan maybe?

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daf29d No.18182574


jew posts are the most consistent and persistent high volume spam on this board

give it a rest we all know the score

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e420c5 No.18182575

File: 73cceeb457be66f⋯.png (455.49 KB,513x607,513:607,Screen_Shot_2023_01_14_at_….png)

File: 0454ab5b7467ce3⋯.png (741.04 KB,868x561,868:561,Screen_Shot_2023_01_12_at_….png)

File: 80a39eb515cd576⋯.png (1.34 MB,953x661,953:661,Screen_Shot_2022_12_22_at_….png)




The Papal Black "Nobility"

Catholic or Islamic?


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152811 No.18182576

File: db0c13428db4741⋯.jpg (10.25 KB,223x223,1:1,FlhyMWpacAkOWgj.jpg)

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84bf6c No.18182577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Started looking real hard at what the DOD

Started saying some 7 or 8 years ago

When they say war War war. Emp. Emp

Gonna happen

Seen what that would do …no power…no supplies …differing effects on electronics

They been telling us for years

Money is worthless

Easiest way to fix that


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74665e No.18182578


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279f83 No.18182579

File: ffb43f0282bd948⋯.jpg (166.92 KB,1436x1061,1436:1061,kek_in_pepe_color_vision.jpg)

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daf29d No.18182580


>A certain demographic of (muhjoo) Shills cannot help themselves. It is built in…

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79645c No.18182581

File: e3f2c1b7e996683⋯.png (577.12 KB,510x739,510:739,adjw5.PNG)

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c4c7f0 No.18182582


Impeach this cunt!

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45d7f4 No.18182583

Really good videos on “The March for Life”. God Bless and protect all the unborn, babies and children. Jesus protect them all!

2 hours ago

Chris Carter Reports Live From March For Life 2023:ANTIFA Spotted Stopping Prayers


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685615 No.18182584

File: a836c9e0f9bb44b⋯.png (627.42 KB,640x1003,640:1003,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bf8ec No.18182585


They probably have little shill mouths to feed, learning life lessons through the examples of their evil.

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168cc0 No.18182586

File: ff1e4355322a496⋯.png (1.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e1b88 No.18182587

File: beba68b6c49abb2⋯.png (362.95 KB,523x513,523:513,000NSQ4I.png)


give what a rest?

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6614b6 No.18182588

File: 0c7818da0ba47ca⋯.jpg (111.28 KB,847x500,847:500,787aza.jpg)

Kinda funny how they shut the fuck up when their post is linked to give context. "Attack swordy? You're attacking God."

Seething greatly intensifies.

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279f83 No.18182589

File: eb14cdc61732bff⋯.jpg (118.01 KB,840x589,840:589,45_555.JPG)

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901410 No.18182590

File: e32af4e59fc2e2d⋯.png (115.7 KB,245x242,245:242,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a75ce No.18182591

File: 17b9afac27dedea⋯.jpg (105.89 KB,960x734,480:367,ks_clows.jpg)


it's unrestricted warfare and if those waring the badge and uniform with smirk got a choice to make now. They protecting TREASON. ALL OF THEM RIGHT NOW.

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0f5e8f No.18182592

File: 8c7d58c698111a4⋯.png (253.41 KB,631x757,631:757,schwab_nazi_1.png)

File: 0447bcfc33acdfd⋯.png (395.47 KB,637x757,637:757,schwab_nazi.png)

File: 4cef0b1a1a47718⋯.png (100.24 KB,693x623,99:89,schwab_nazi_2.png)

File: 8ee184a400c7a52⋯.png (794.68 KB,1169x653,1169:653,klaus_lenin.png)

File: 7a7ca5e348e4662⋯.png (564.83 KB,602x693,86:99,soon_schwab.png)



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8655db No.18182593

File: 6879a4e001c2abc⋯.png (19.89 KB,103x106,103:106,bd3c6e8523575e6abad4cf5607….png)

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45d7f4 No.18182594


Captain Maureen Bannon Previews The March For Life 2023


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4e1b88 No.18182595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ronald Reagan: "Marijuana… is probably the most dangerous drug in the United States" 1980

"Marijuana, pot, grass, whatever you want to call it, is probably the most dangerous drug in the United States." - Ronald Reagan, 1980


U.S. President Ronald Reagan declares war on drugs, organized crime, 1982


Ronald Reagan-Speech to the Nation on the Campaign Against Drug Abuse (September 14, 1986)

95,215 views Jul 22, 2010 President Ronald Reagan speaks with First Lady Nancy Reagan to the nation about the campaign against drug abuse.

They want to launch a national crusade to fight against drug abuse in schools, workplaces, and communities.

They focus on the damage drugs are inflicting throughout the country and advocate "Just Say No."


Is the CIA Involved in Drug Trafficking? "I think George Bush is deep into it" - Ron Paul


'Bush, Reagan let drugs flow free to US from Nicaragua' ex dealer




What Was the Iran-Contra Affair? | History


Gary Webb: In His Own Words (2002) | CIA Cocaine Dark Alliance


CIA Drug Trafficking Allegations Hearing (1998) | w/ Maxine Waters Gary Webb


CIA Involvement in Cocaine Trafficking/Distribution in America, CIA Director Takes Questions


The CIA "Actively Supported Heroin Cultivation in the Golden Triangle to Fund Covert Operations"


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21344e No.18182596

File: 266965a6e7ee1ea⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,1920x1200,8:5,peperaisingfromthedead6.jpg)

>>18181308 pb

George is a clown

>>18180913 pb

proved by insta-shills

>>18181156 pb


panick ekkkekkkekkkk

>>18181156 pb

it's a person. you can't be that dumb, right. If so, serves you right

more likely googggle employees trying to keep their jobs.

>>18181172 pb

America Haters, Hate Jews, Red Text, Reddit spacing


they never learn, do they?

Been years and they never bothered to learn about us?

they must shirk their homework?

and never bother to read?

Illiterate on a time clock? Whatever

Script written by busy supervisor?


Not that they'd glow any less otherwise, but really?






how do machines defeat humans in chess?

Brute Force?


lie made up by the "Romans"

they had to paint Him as a wimp.

Far from it.

>>18181488 pb

why do catholics allign with the CIA?

Are Catholics Roman, Roman?


isn't the Holy Roman Empire, Roman?

Aren't the British Monarchs "Roman" Normans?

connect the dots.


wasn't "AJ" originally at "Genesis Broadcasting"?


line written by Romans to escape anger of the public


you forgive because you remember you were forgiven?

but it's your choice. it's a free choice; no obligation. No commandment to forgive. Not one of the ten. anon is a skeptic that Jesus ever said that.

Bible is mostly true history, but the context may be important?

"We all pray for mercy

and that same prayer should lead us all to render the deeds of Mercy"

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51851c No.18182597

File: bc1105c126cd389⋯.jpg (33.22 KB,311x519,311:519,16ggu.jpg)

This old Jewish pedophile likes baby foreskins in a Sweet French Mignonette Sauce.

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b7287d No.18182598

File: 045dcddb16cf44f⋯.png (667.75 KB,820x779,20:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f5e8f No.18182599

File: f9f6e58505bb6df⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,biden_perv.mp4)

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5a75ce No.18182600

File: ee1f4d963e6ca8e⋯.jpg (169.67 KB,999x1064,999:1064,scotus_bad_behavior.jpg)

You can ignore my Secretary of State complaints about the election. (quick synopsis: NO CONFIDENCE IN FBI, DOJ, SES, CIA, NSA and US MILITARY BACKGROUND CHECKS or SECRETARY OF STATE who allows in

commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialist globalist terrorist pedoist jihadism sharia-ism and identity fraud


but with Smith Mundt Modernization Act

Continuity Of Government


Patriot Act

Genocide is what is happening. Slow Genocide. a few here a few there, unrestricted warfare. YOU wearing the badge have allowed this fucking shit.

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4bf8ec No.18182601

File: 0678d410d19df5e⋯.png (685.51 KB,806x805,806:805,0678d410d19df5e1f3049c4f5d….png)

Best they can do right now is try to smear two of the Anons on this board that stand out more than the others, that post positivity and/or call out bullshit from shills. Yeah, that's not going to work.

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6614b6 No.18182602

File: 78ba0f527684d3c⋯.jpg (89.17 KB,847x500,847:500,787bke.jpg)

>>18180406 lb

>The dumbasses are trying to stop God narrative in the breads

>The demonic shills get offended by God, that's the real reason they're trying to form the narrative.

There it is. Equating swordy to the God narrative. Go on try to backpeddle out of this one. Funny you immediately STFU.I love it.

Seethe harder.

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4e1b88 No.18182603


The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. #5

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil. #6

The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc. #29

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil. #91

The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital. #111

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. It must be controlled. #142

20% public. 80% private. The world would otherwise collapse. #189

80% dark ops necessary. 20% public for justice. #190

The world cannot handle the truth. This pill cannot be swallowed by most. #199

The world cannot swallow the truth. #213

We were inspired by anons here to make our efforts more public. Find the exchange 2 days ago. Feel proud! #299

We listened. Find the exchange. No coincidences. #405

Correct exchange. Anon(s) changed our mind re: Private / Public. We are listening. Highest priorty. Have faith. #409

Could you sleep if you knew the truth about EVERYTHING? #487

TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE. #512

PUBLIC. We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60]. #527

SHOW the WORLD the TRUTH. #532

Set the TRUTH FREE. #630


Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH? #666

You are missing the connections. Continue to build the MAP. MAP provides the KEY. KEY spreads the TRUTH. TRUTH shines LIGHT. #764

We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH #777

What you see is 2%. #832

We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH. #854

Truth will shock the WORLD. #928

Truth is Freedom. Truth is logic. #1043

Be loud. Be heard. Fight for TRUTH. #1496

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. #3721


Some things are better left untold [cov]. Public truths of some events force wars. WWIII prevent. #4021

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72b6d2 No.18182604

File: 167d509240d4285⋯.png (383.36 KB,526x499,526:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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8655db No.18182605


He bloody mad

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1ef8c1 No.18182606

File: 6ea86cf26af5d8c⋯.png (159.88 KB,400x287,400:287,Bush_Obama_clinton_Evil.png)

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fadecc No.18182607


In = Not

Credibilis = worthy of belief

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b6331d No.18182608

File: 44eeab8ab4b14b9⋯.jpg (40.04 KB,564x330,94:55,Dub.jpg)

File: 2296c869ab85508⋯.png (1.26 MB,1080x1130,108:113,Screenshot_20220913_180834….png)

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168cc0 No.18182609

File: 2afec1f76f2f45e⋯.png (55.74 KB,800x359,800:359,Mytp_2.png)

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79645c No.18182610

File: 7dad6752ee45f36⋯.png (219.16 KB,618x489,206:163,bbbftm.PNG)

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4e1b88 No.18182612

File: 319c9e8354fb97a⋯.png (1.4 MB,1978x752,989:376,god777b.png)


dots connected


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74665e No.18182613


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b7287d No.18182614

File: b259cf7d4fb8d11⋯.png (251.57 KB,466x551,466:551,ClipboardImage.png)

We Won't Be eating the Bugs

We Won't Be eating the Humans

We Won't Be sacrificing the Children

We Will Teach the Next Generation how to Exists Happily, Without [[y]ou]

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e8455d No.18182615


You people don’t realize the danger..

to my beach house.

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4bf8ec No.18182616

File: 04d0f1dbff3c5d2⋯.png (362.26 KB,600x440,15:11,04d0f1dbff3c5d2025b1258825….png)

I'm not even going on the attack. I'm still observing and defensive posting. I don't want to. I never want to. But in the moment it does become fun.

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4e1b88 No.18182617

File: 5668dcc4f107e30⋯.png (6.98 MB,10808x4952,1351:619,7.png)


sweet work as well huh?!?!?!


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4e1b88 No.18182618

File: f2a7871ef338d3d⋯.png (319.41 KB,814x707,814:707,RPEPE.png)


is that a fucking jelly doughnut!

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72b6d2 No.18182619

File: 38542e86543274c⋯.png (511.97 KB,840x1216,105:152,pepe_scarf.png)

File: f02c816c84875a3⋯.png (578.91 KB,500x752,125:188,suicide_weekend.png)

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168cc0 No.18182620

File: f48a7c96a17e6fc⋯.jpg (142.87 KB,1098x561,366:187,1069982.jpg)

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35d00f No.18182621


>EMP war

Doubt it. There's too many involved to round them up in one fell swoop.

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4bf8ec No.18182622

File: 03a0a60c6d66d3a⋯.png (210.14 KB,409x409,1:1,03a0a60c6d66d3a649b38eb5d6….png)


Shut the useless cock hole under your nose, you dumbfuck retard VaticanShill spammer. The compost outside has more skill than you.

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5da04d No.18182623

File: e04b2b0346a20a2⋯.jpg (75.18 KB,960x540,16:9,cereal.jpg)

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064856 No.18182624



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4e1b88 No.18182625

File: d0594a9ddc8a5fa⋯.png (2.84 MB,4992x4248,208:177,12.png)

cereally tho, [scro]

no comp


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8655db No.18182626

File: cd8cd9dc31c2446⋯.jpg (53.05 KB,460x460,1:1,hggy5.jpg)

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72b6d2 No.18182627

File: b1f9d694fd996fa⋯.mp4 (10.99 MB,720x1280,9:16,bj_and_a_donut_keks.mp4)

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144552 No.18182628



That Klaus fuck gets on the bad side of MAGA he'll find out it's a small world.

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fbedbd No.18182629

File: acb7aadd9dfb431⋯.webp (21.65 KB,696x392,87:49,stock55_696x392.webp)

File: 8eab6509e859827⋯.png (5.55 KB,96x96,1:1,e8613714b1a8883810ab88ddd1….png)



muh mike baxter

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279f83 No.18182630

File: 960ecf25ccc2069⋯.jpg (524.86 KB,2048x1364,512:341,biden_family_if_only.jpg)

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eef494 No.18182631

File: 7b962c84b7f2ea3⋯.jpg (134.71 KB,1024x576,16:9,fuckyou4.jpg)

File: f465cb857d1502c⋯.jpg (170.97 KB,1024x684,256:171,fuckyou6.jpg)

File: 83aa940347927c6⋯.jpg (188.36 KB,1024x698,512:349,fuckyou7.jpg)

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e8455d No.18182632


vee vill penetrate zuh congress..

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c99ed3 No.18182633

File: 3fb467d077a0d6c⋯.jpg (174.45 KB,400x523,400:523,pyrami3.jpg)

Everybody talks about the top, but what's missing in the middle?

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bc20e0 No.18182634


fucking never gets old

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4e1b88 No.18182635

File: fb387e3463efe2d⋯.png (1.75 MB,1904x2476,476:619,TAYLORVIG1.png)

File: ca0dada143bbf6c⋯.png (1.75 MB,1904x2608,119:163,TAYLORVIG2.png)

File: c53699eac8e30dc⋯.png (442.02 KB,1042x1016,521:508,vigvag3.png)

File: 71ee5a2db14af30⋯.png (963.32 KB,1888x1476,472:369,TAYLORVIG6a.png)

File: 4418d31039e877b⋯.png (91.6 KB,900x675,4:3,tumblr_826a570a7249de33c25….png)


>>18137446 ArchDevil Vigano Finally Turns on POTUS

>>18137450 Taylor Marshall says that, per the Bible, Romans Chapter 1, POTUS is Worthy of Death for supporting LGBT Republicans albeit in a "nice" Division by Religion sorta way...

Read 'em and weep, cope, seeth and the gnashing of teeth...

Careful Who (you) Follow

ArchDevil Vigano with Taylor' Marshall' "Help" Attacks POTUS

Are (you) surprised?

If (you) are surprised by this, (you) need to Go Back < this means that it is apparent that (your) knowledge base and thus (your) opinion is probably shit as well, (you) probably haven't read the drops which Shows.

Timestamp 13:00 > After Taylor Marshall reads Carlo Maria Vigano' letter, putting down POTUS, Taylor Marshall paraphrases from Romans Chapter 1.

"It (Romans Chapter 1) condemns Men with Men and Women with Women AND It says that they are WORTHY OF DEATH."

"And not only them, I know these are hard words but, THOSE WHO APPROVE OF IT"


Taylor is suggesting that, The Bible, Romans Chapter 1, means that ANYONE including POTUS, who is either Gay or Approving of the Gay Lifestyle are WORTHY OF DEATH.


If Anons do not See that this is a Veiled Threat at POTUS for not doing everything the "Catholic Way" Anons are Blind.

If Anons are not up in arms about this... (you) might not be an Anon...

Taylor and Vigano attached/grafted themselves to this movement only to gain followers before they Turn on POTUS, Q, The Plan and (you) via Division by Religion.Q DROPS 1295, 1339, 1343, 3182, 3188, 3222 ONLY TO NAME A FEW!

99% in a Hospital

(You) are very welcomed

Enjoy the Show!


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064856 No.18182636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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901410 No.18182637


Hunter fucked her.

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279f83 No.18182638

File: d167ff9684f834a⋯.mp4 (563.88 KB,426x240,71:40,use_a_scarf.mp4)

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eef494 No.18182639

File: 4c461354e24f7f3⋯.jpg (109.6 KB,1100x619,1100:619,trumprightyouknow.jpg)

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4e1b88 No.18182640

File: 1fd53bc0dee61b6⋯.jpg (60.58 KB,600x688,75:86,1ad.jpg)


shit must be terrifying!

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e1c7c2 No.18182641


Pretty stupid. Everyone knows God doesn't carry a sword.

God's angels, on the other hand, all have swords.

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5da04d No.18182642

File: c1d62279ba17691⋯.jpg (15.87 KB,255x255,1:1,doughnuthead.jpg)

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51851c No.18182643

File: 772e7bce9106699⋯.webm (2.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,1665048779615511.webm)

File: 113558c109984a7⋯.png (460.54 KB,965x837,965:837,Hgf.png)

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780cf2 No.18182644

File: 88aaa3ba3a248d6⋯.png (700.93 KB,1149x963,383:321,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37f786b7ffeaf29⋯.png (732.74 KB,1150x1040,115:104,ClipboardImage.png)


The 'Director' of the UPenn Biden center, Michael Carpenter, IS THE SAME 'MIKE' Biden referenced when he stupidly announced to the world of the quid pro quo in Ukraine of firing the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden in exchange for the $1 billion US taxpayer loan guarantee.

Drip > Flood

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c860cb No.18182645

File: b3311cbeb4276be⋯.jpeg (75.8 KB,752x735,752:735,D88471EE_DC3C_41AC_8191_2….jpeg)

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780cf2 No.18182646



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5a75ce No.18182647


I think what happened is early in the internet people used to say, if you don't like this site CLICK here or somehting, that LINK would go to disney. THEY WENT TO DISNEY and BRANCHED OFF TO REAL RAW NEWS


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4e1b88 No.18182648

File: c366b398cc2b1d9⋯.png (295.68 KB,800x707,800:707,rpcb.png)

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d934d7 No.18182649

File: 70aa17d1ba1d9dc⋯.gif (1.58 MB,498x268,249:134,office_officespace.gif)

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5da04d No.18182650

File: c63bd8d95260882⋯.jpg (10.02 KB,255x136,15:8,biggs.jpg)

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ecd6dc No.18182651


For this old Veteran, he’s already there.

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72b6d2 No.18182652

File: 2407671993d5cf5⋯.jpg (157.5 KB,480x484,120:121,lets_go_brandon_yard_sign.jpg)

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10c7d4 No.18182653

File: f0981d85c922561⋯.png (867.5 KB,2001x1125,667:375,E4784A7E_D2D7_4A91_80E7_24….png)

Who the Hell is this flying over Merica?

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e420c5 No.18182654

File: 30643f91249647c⋯.png (229.58 KB,354x362,177:181,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….png)

File: 52d28820aadc7b9⋯.png (652.49 KB,961x489,961:489,Screen_Shot_2022_12_27_at_….png)

File: 627f131c78ce03c⋯.png (47.59 KB,247x252,247:252,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….png)



[++] ROTH

[+++] [SA]


The Third Reich,[k] meaning "Third Realm" or "Third Empire", alluded to the Nazi claim that Nazi Germany was the successor to the earlier Holy Roman Empire (800–1806) and German Empire (1871–1918). The Third Reich, which Hitler and the Nazis referred to as the Thousand-Year Reich,[l] ended in May 1945 after just 12 years when the Allies defeated Germany, ending World War II in Europe.


2 the action or process of inheriting a title, office, property, etc.: the new king was already elderly at the time of his succession.

• the right or sequence of inheriting a position, title, etc.: the succession to the Crown was disputed.

• Ecology the process by which a plant or animal community successively gives way to another until a stable climax is reached. Compare with sere2.


nazi germany was just one iteration


istanbul / constantinople




one world government = feudalism

one world religion… = ALL religions under rome

clue: the roman priest, pontifex maximus, is the high priest of ALL roman religions

that is, the four corners of the world.



31-Aug-2018 6:52:51 PM PDTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch

Archived links:

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ab6ec4 No.18182655

File: dabf4893eadf284⋯.jpg (27.22 KB,474x570,79:95,th.jpg)

File: 024dbfd6da6c8cc⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,150x162,25:27,al_gore_angry_e12961432762….jpg)


>Without [[y]ou]

10 yrs later an inconvenient truth

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655294 No.18182656



>Nearly 30 percent of professionals say they have used ChatGPT at work

what's the metaphor for playing around with the monster that's gonny eat you?

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279f83 No.18182657


Tell the Feds…oh wait, they've known for years.

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4bf8ec No.18182658

File: 34a63766a259254⋯.jpg (173.28 KB,1080x1350,4:5,white_scar_primaris2.jpg)


>God's angels, on the other hand, all have swords.

Big ones.

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4e1b88 No.18182659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Viganò criticizes Trump…

Dr Taylor Marshall

437K subscribers

61,634 views Streamed live on Dec 21, 2022

In this video, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò criticizes President Donald Trump for attending the recent LMNOP+ Gala. Archbishop Viganò argues that the event signifies the moral decline in the US and the growth of the deep state. Former President Donald Trump recently hosted a gala for homosexual Republicans at Mar-a-Lago after Biden signed the so-called same-sex ‘marriage’ law or “Respect for Marriage Act”. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Apostolic Nuncio from the Vatican to Washington DC, has historically advocated for President Donald Trump in defense of the president's fight against Globalism, the Great Reset, and the Pro-Life cause. However, Viganò has recently criticized Trump for his open promotion of LMNOP advocates in the wake of President Biden's “Respect for Marriage Act”. Dr. Taylor Marshall explains Archbishop Viganò's recent disappointment over former President Donald Trump.

Taylor Marshall, the main fag that supports Vigano and was nominated to "help" POTUS vis re election Committee for Catholics, says, and anon quotes:

15:00 Timestamp in the following youtube video > https://youtu.be/AglQWAntgas

"Until we have a Catholic Monarch, who submits to the Holy See and Wills in a Catholic Way, there will always be, in our broken political American Arrangement, there will always be some kind of compromise"

and several times in this video Taylor Marshall explains why a Catholic Monarchy is so desperately needed in America.

Traitors Everywhere

Surrounded by Evil

(You) are very welcomed…

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79645c No.18182660

File: 04d43ab3f351896⋯.png (1.23 MB,1298x494,649:247,adjq55.PNG)

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901410 No.18182661


What did he do?

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4e1b88 No.18182662

File: 9ffe699edd2fce6⋯.jpg (24.22 KB,500x415,100:83,0001.jpg)

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5da04d No.18182663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0a8ac2 No.18182664

File: ba299b61df112a4⋯.png (128.17 KB,500x500,1:1,Apu_stovetop.png)

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b7287d No.18182665

File: 4a3ba62ef83377e⋯.png (155.53 KB,540x480,9:8,ClipboardImage.png)

Klaus has a god Complex

That means anyone that participate in his Forum also has a god Complex

If you haven't Realized it yet

the WEF & CFR are enemies of Humanity & God

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655294 No.18182666




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901410 No.18182667

File: b243c757480edc2⋯.png (144.34 KB,378x338,189:169,Screenshot_2022_10_23_0938….png)

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279f83 No.18182668


Kek, the Gonorreah Goblin

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5da04d No.18182669

File: d05be2ab52900fa⋯.jpg (12.86 KB,236x391,236:391,Jophielssword44.jpg)


fiery ones

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1ef8c1 No.18182670

File: 1f660a8dcc839a0⋯.jpg (50.2 KB,486x960,81:160,trump_sword.jpg)

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72b6d2 No.18182671

File: 36d7183fffdde74⋯.png (334.48 KB,696x412,174:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e1b88 No.18182672


Soros Roth and SA are/were puppets

Need sauce?


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b7287d No.18182673

File: 2e4dced75cf46e2⋯.png (1.44 MB,912x1292,12:17,ClipboardImage.png)


Positive Energy Ones

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72b6d2 No.18182674

File: 8909e23d8970d73⋯.png (98.96 KB,498x498,1:1,pepe_ninja.png)

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53b4f8 No.18182675

File: 6ccd5c25f0a578a⋯.png (26.02 KB,231x250,231:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd867d No.18182676


He's a fag in Tel-Aviv Israel.

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9d5887 No.18182677

File: d742195c92f13d9⋯.png (1.69 MB,1024x818,512:409,Screenshot_20221225_035146….png)

File: aa7017fb14ca530⋯.png (1.5 MB,1080x1360,27:34,Screenshot_20230117_035646….png)

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45d7f4 No.18182678

File: 097e4ed3ea97cc5⋯.jpeg (374.72 KB,1242x1454,621:727,AF055DFF_44F9_4847_B31E_1….jpeg)

Here we go! “Its” mission has been pushed for years and its taken that amount of time, but its catching on.

I remember anons complaining 4 years ago how all commercials have at least one black person, then it became a few, then all black. WTF is going on, so there’s no equality or “equity” as they call it, now? I’m sure its been slipped in for 15+ years.

The radicals have a lot of patience because they planned their attack for many decades. ==My questions are to historians here:

1. when did this really start?

2. How much time will they work at their goal?

3. Is the cycle accelerating since they have achieved victories?

4. Is this the Reincarnation of Egyptian Gods they believe in?


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10c7d4 No.18182679


Was it Klaus walking the beach in that weird outfit or was it fake?

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4bf8ec No.18182680

File: 1341bdf2aa06f6e⋯.png (1.15 MB,937x785,937:785,ClipboardImage.png)


Big fiery ones.

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4e1b88 No.18182681

File: b67529dfb4d594b⋯.png (9.17 KB,225x225,1:1,0_SMILE.png)


Losing [their] 'Defenders" on the daily!

must be extremely painful…

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152811 No.18182682

File: d418f4105af4eaf⋯.jpg (82.35 KB,503x1024,503:1024,large_78_.jpg)

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901410 No.18182683


Who cares. He wasn't hurting anyone.

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aa71a4 No.18182684

File: 161467c8bf39cbd⋯.jpg (11.54 KB,255x175,51:35,161467c8bf39cbd3562b3d2ae7….jpg)


>I am the red dot

Exactly the kind of useless mindless bread wasting shitpost this retard spews day in and day out on here. Never posts a single real dig. Never posts any sauce. Just spew endless amounts of verbal diarrhea. Someone said in a previous bread

>smokingpepe online 24/7

I bet the BO or BVs can check that. I mean really every time i look on here this same poster seems to be on literally all the breads just wasting it. Another comment from PB

>The shills have infiltrated so deeply that they are changing the board culture without anyone ever knowing it.

This is 100% true. I only started noticing this after 5 years just this past couple weeks. Lurk long enough and you learn all their patterns.

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279f83 No.18182685


There's quite a few, kek. It's probably what half of Twatter and Microshaft "engineers" have been using.

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eef494 No.18182686

File: 83d54b9ed156999⋯.gif (25.24 KB,220x256,55:64,stickman_penis.gif)

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901410 No.18182687

File: 093d481b4c00ef4⋯.png (1.11 MB,884x829,884:829,Ai_SchwabBouquet.png)

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655294 No.18182688

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB,555x428,555:428,muhjooshills_filter.png)

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f46f5a No.18182689

File: 6c5472b311cc5cb⋯.webp (38.38 KB,640x640,1:1,Trump_babies_Cabal.webp)



another branch



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e1c7c2 No.18182690

File: a6b52825fcba8f5⋯.jpg (7.13 KB,474x266,237:133,th_138599586.jpg)


sharp ones

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0a8ac2 No.18182691

File: e8c8845a0e1816d⋯.jpg (380.47 KB,1920x803,1920:803,There_is_no_red_dot_kitteh.jpg)

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e420c5 No.18182692

File: f734e46ae093c60⋯.png (78.7 KB,1118x300,559:150,Screenshot_2023_01_20_at_1….png)




31-Aug-2018 6:52:51 PM PDTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch

start here

ignorance is a choice

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5a75ce No.18182693

File: 5eb581a4660c042⋯.png (58.05 KB,564x548,141:137,ClipboardImage.png)


dsz port 3 speed 1200 ATDT FOR1FTX


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45d7f4 No.18182694

File: 18e0a67487b5393⋯.jpeg (254.6 KB,1242x1361,1242:1361,25D69B6F_BE21_4DB9_BE8F_B….jpeg)

How’s Vance doing in Senate? Anyone keeping track?


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152811 No.18182695

File: 742f96cce04793c⋯.jpg (84.25 KB,750x903,250:301,FgUtA_lWYAATY8l.jpg)


Evil digits, checked

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4e1b88 No.18182696

File: 95ddd1a5a4f5780⋯.jpg (8.03 KB,255x176,255:176,0_CONSOLE.jpg)


just started noticing?!?!!?


fuck, Soldier

that must be painful as well?

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064856 No.18182697

I wish to be a retard, and be your next president.

So you can see the amazing life of crazy people.

where my yogurt?

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4bf8ec No.18182698

Finally I can feel it again. That feedback earlier this week was like a block for me. Dumbfucks are gonna get fucked soon, without lube.

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5da04d No.18182699

File: 996ea20f1672b3b⋯.png (1.07 MB,689x622,689:622,omniKitteh4.png)

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c2bd69 No.18182700

File: a2aa1c3fcee7ea2⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x984,128:123,a2aa1c3fcee7ea2920820241f7….png)


Hello Special Agent

MAGA Patriots/MAGA Extractions/MAGA Civil War/MAGA Ex-Military/MAGA Mercenary/MAGA Code Red/MAGA Black Ops/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Point Blank/MAGA BlackOut Ops/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Internet Key

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279f83 No.18182701

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)

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901410 No.18182702

File: d496294abb074bc⋯.png (1.1 MB,882x834,147:139,ai_horridjewess.png)

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cabe9e No.18182703


"My word as a biden"


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4bf8ec No.18182704

Wow, still nothing but still images of Damar from the media. No proof of life yet presented from his family, the NFL, or Fake News media like Faux.

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b9de15 No.18182705

File: c1c65c44611fdc4⋯.png (754.41 KB,608x1197,32:63,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f08665b521ebeea⋯.png (275.68 KB,712x667,712:667,ClipboardImage.png)

Here we go. It's going to come out.



Arrest the reporter, publisher, editor - you’ll get your answer fast. Stop playing games and wasting time!

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9e8790 No.18182706

File: 0daa4bbf39a8868⋯.png (233.98 KB,321x398,321:398,ClipboardImage.png)

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45d7f4 No.18182707


Yes, so true. There is no such thing as “Fair weather patriots”

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d934d7 No.18182708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4e1b88 No.18182709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Worthy of Death!


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10c7d4 No.18182710



Is AI a china homersexal male?

Plus, who would ask to combine those two terms besides a china homersexal male?

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064856 No.18182711


is that Hubble???????

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279f83 No.18182712

File: cfe983a869d348b⋯.png (2.18 MB,934x1073,934:1073,trump_highlander_there_can….png)

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c2bd69 No.18182713


Self-moms not notable, court jew stuff is old, and lame

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72b6d2 No.18182714

File: dc7190f380e3a94⋯.png (45.49 KB,898x432,449:216,ClipboardImage.png)



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685615 No.18182715

File: d5dde192adf1314⋯.png (82.6 KB,634x772,317:386,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5f091df255eb3b⋯.png (503.5 KB,561x547,561:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e1b88 No.18182716

File: 86747044a1325ac⋯.png (330.96 KB,662x767,662:767,ciawhy1.png)

File: 8b9a1d7fd757cff⋯.png (1.43 MB,1564x2840,391:710,a1_aaa.png)

File: 61b4030bb69ed32⋯.png (551.01 KB,1780x2244,445:561,a4_c.png)

File: 0bfe5fd44bb4029⋯.png (2.26 MB,2520x3352,315:419,a5.png)

File: bd42f48dc3e445b⋯.png (620.93 KB,1058x844,529:422,singlaub35.png)


So is arrogance…

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064856 No.18182717



but enough about me.

What you;ll do???????????

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5a75ce No.18182718

File: 8736cde644a1767⋯.png (267.8 KB,392x743,392:743,Screenshot_2020_05_02_04_2….png)


I think they have a whole network I'm sure of it..

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279f83 No.18182719

File: fff67ea29251cc7⋯.png (20.37 KB,235x215,47:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aac660c93e0a8fe⋯.png (102.74 KB,253x199,253:199,ClipboardImage.png)

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79645c No.18182720

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4e1b88 No.18182721

File: 2f848bce0da93a5⋯.png (378.96 KB,952x3256,119:407,Q_128_CIA_CODE.png)

File: f613bff3cbbfe1e⋯.png (10.24 KB,773x537,773:537,Q_129_CIA_NSA.png)

File: e72da05124c28e2⋯.png (93.11 KB,1620x594,30:11,Q_146_148_CLOWNS_IN_AMERIC….png)

File: 4865c07b792e987⋯.png (14.44 KB,793x630,793:630,Q_714_BEST_LAST.png)


all nightmare long…

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10ea36 No.18182722

File: d961e89e2c5c3bd⋯.png (404.67 KB,1080x1422,60:79,ClipboardImage.png)




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84bf6c No.18182723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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780cf2 No.18182724


It wasn't Klaus.

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45d7f4 No.18182725

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0a8ac2 No.18182726

File: 436940b80f89c1c⋯.jpg (432.32 KB,1200x1200,1:1,POTUS_perfect_phone_call_1.jpg)

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279f83 No.18182727

File: 1d380d9927220ed⋯.jpg (34.82 KB,792x571,792:571,bidan_laugh.JPG)

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b7287d No.18182728

File: 6293a33ee000fd9⋯.png (698.82 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b9e09 No.18182729



You don't need to go all the way to Israel!!

What about pedo pete's wall being built around his own HOME USING TAXPAYER $$??


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4682a2 No.18182730

File: de3ac423511dc41⋯.gif (2.41 MB,250x380,25:38,6AC12AF3_AAB7_4E14_BB50_4B….gif)


Jewish Pimp

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4e1b88 No.18182731

File: 5a786f050eeb0a9⋯.jpg (100.1 KB,630x631,630:631,Q_1384_new_eyes_joining.jpg)


it was a jokenom

anons (you)'s literally overfloweth!


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901410 No.18182732

File: ee1c74797754eda⋯.png (145.44 KB,348x268,87:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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79645c No.18182733

File: f09a12fb35f8dd7⋯.png (42.84 KB,364x478,182:239,ftj27abc.png)

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4e1b88 No.18182734

File: 5a85ed1cc3e6373⋯.png (66.58 KB,908x944,227:236,Q_1584_new_eyes.png)


and what about those NEW EYES?

Do you even drops?


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e420c5 No.18182735

File: 16f2e219285b16b⋯.png (579.29 KB,935x606,935:606,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….png)

File: 26c23d0f8936c07⋯.png (677.75 KB,1179x637,1179:637,Screen_Shot_2023_01_18_at_….png)


Sergio at the Festival delle Religioni

Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini

Born in 1965, he is the Imam of the Al-Wahid Mosque in Milan. Since 2006 he has been Councilor of the Ministry of the Interior in the Italian Council for Islam and President of the ISESCO Council for Education and Culture in the West. Author of many essays and witness of a spiritual, orthodox and ecumenical Islam, he recognizes the presence of citizens of different culture and religion as a heritage of our culture and its development.

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5da04d No.18182736

File: 80f8231cd6d5e9b⋯.jpg (87.53 KB,1920x816,40:17,shieldisdown.jpg)

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3b50d5 No.18182737


Definitely one of his most fucking annoying tropes.

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064856 No.18182738


he's so loved, that ended up in a center.

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b7287d No.18182739

File: fccfa9279f6b6cf⋯.png (1.02 MB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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c860cb No.18182740

File: ed27c9050167c97⋯.jpeg (269.11 KB,1170x1882,585:941,FFC2FA29_0A3A_42C8_955E_A….jpeg)

File: 64e1c9001eabeb9⋯.jpeg (584.04 KB,1170x2298,195:383,FF5A1314_1741_4279_A333_A….jpeg)


Google-parent Alphabet to cut 12K jobs from global workforce

As a tech anon, this shit is truly scary. Gonna be a rough two years

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eef494 No.18182741


Learn to mine.

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e420c5 No.18182742

File: 079f2b5d398c932⋯.png (1.2 MB,1259x646,1259:646,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….png)



one world religions

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21344e No.18182743

File: d9b00e339079cf2⋯.mp4 (28.59 KB,220x220,1:1,strzoksface.mp4)


all are pb




no, it's just we're taken over by a new crew.

doubt FBI that would be you and your friends

""Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. #3721


anon mixes it up and gains knowledge from





but have to weigh it; mix and match.

Experience, would be through my senses? UnMediated by what people tell me; Or Not.

Some must be instinct; Trump says "Clarivoyance"?

How can we even know what someone is saying?


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72b6d2 No.18182744

File: cc40ee4992be2f3⋯.png (638.72 KB,711x500,711:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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10ea36 No.18182745

File: f358a47dbf444cc⋯.gif (2 MB,400x200,2:1,drift_360.gif)

Notables Are Not Endorsements

>>18182344, >>18182533


>>18182381 Pentagon Construction Traffic pattern changes start Monday, January 23

>>18182393 Biden's '68 days of silence' on the documents farce - dailymail

>>18182399, >>18182412, >>18182414, >>18182495 "George Neumayr didn't hang himself." call for dig and moar sauce

>>18182434, >>18182458, >>18182462, >>18182474 @POTATO "Two years down." - "We'll be with you long after the headlines fade"

>>18182438 UN_Agenda_2030_Alberta_.pdf

>>18182436 bunch of new unredacted emails detailing the Feb 1 2020 teleconference between Dr. Fauci and virologists discussing SARS-Cov-2:

>>18182440, >>18182536, >>18182544 US is investigating first two cases of super gonorrhea OH SHIT

>>18182480 TRU TUBE 54 Video Update 100 New Videos added

>>18182523 Globalists Plan ToUtilize Brain-Computer Interfaces As Surveillance System Of Employees

>>18182644 The 'Director' of the UPenn Biden center, Michael Carpenter, IS THE SAME 'MIKE' Biden referenced RE: the quid pro quo in Ukraine

>>18182705 @realDonaldTrump Arrest the reporter, publisher, editor - you’ll get your answer fast. Stop playing games and wasting time!


Nom if mist

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8655db No.18182746

File: f33f129448540ea⋯.jpg (58.6 KB,500x1026,250:513,haha.jpg)

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4682a2 No.18182747

File: 3a17e48b4638bc9⋯.jpeg (177.78 KB,800x572,200:143,919CC492_D816_40EC_85E8_F….JPEG)

File: dee502a6d0737ea⋯.jpg (296.58 KB,795x1194,265:398,A3BEF874_94A0_47F3_9B32_B3….jpg)

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064856 No.18182748


Please tell me that she survived.

I don't like to hurt old womans.

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45d7f4 No.18182749


This is no longer a church its what it always was, the Mafia. Can anyone defeat it? I think it was Godfather III that made it clear. What now?

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84bf6c No.18182750


Learn to get dirty

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eef494 No.18182751


Not my prefered outcome but willing and very ready!

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211432 No.18182752

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,digitalsoldiers.mp4)

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10c7d4 No.18182753

Don’t blame Q one bit for not posting no more.

Nuthin but shills, feds and satanist round here most times.

Good honest breads are few and far between.

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5da04d No.18182754

File: 00ee5d6b6b9fd6b⋯.jpg (65.23 KB,500x619,500:619,glass.jpg)

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5a75ce No.18182755


I'ver heard that klaush trany photo is hoax, (some know tranny in cali or some whit) dont get caught on wrong side of argument and plucked from the battle.

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aa132a No.18182756

File: 39ad5674363504d⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1080x1533,360:511,Screenshot_20230120_125724….jpg)

Debt ceiling x date.

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4682a2 No.18182758

File: 4b1eda59cb9970d⋯.mp4 (6.27 MB,852x480,71:40,GB_News_Sudden_Death_Syndr….mp4)


More like fucked immune systems

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685615 No.18182759

File: 021a239e128c9f1⋯.png (3.23 KB,496x421,496:421,ClipboardImage.png)

Learn to anon.

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6a3ed4 No.18182760

File: 4e610f6f16dd7e3⋯.png (112.82 KB,1049x577,1049:577,agents.png)

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3b50d5 No.18182761


Join the club twinkie dink.

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ae9dee No.18182762

File: 60bbed9d088ba0f⋯.png (402.14 KB,616x760,77:95,2023_01_20_15_58_07.png)



>Her wife got fired from cnn 2weeks ago.

>She can't quit.

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5b7fc8 No.18182763

File: 375751d58948603⋯.jpg (55.57 KB,502x284,251:142,MrPigTRUE_STORY.jpg)


Not he, but best I can do for ya. We need a Bat-Style Pig Summoning Search Light Meme, whaty what?

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04288e No.18182764

File: c2534aa32ccb161⋯.png (292.77 KB,560x735,16:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da35e3b90f19728⋯.png (452.44 KB,1029x803,1029:803,ClipboardImage.png)

Pfizer tried to ‘bully’ India – minister

>New Delhi never approved the company’s jab as the US drugmaker apparently wanted protection from lawsuits over adverse effects


embedded in the story;


Watch this twatter, Independent journo's follow CEO of Pfizer asking the tough questions as the CEO gets more desperate for a way into the building.

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daf29d No.18182765


the whole megaboom was fake and gay

tech was huge yes but they milked the fuk out of it and now reality hits

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45d7f4 No.18182766



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d934d7 No.18182767

File: 0713c43f1b0ea15⋯.png (321.07 KB,512x342,256:171,ClipboardImage.png)

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2191d5 No.18182768


Sorry for you techanon but f google.

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9f0efd No.18182770


The rich used it as a way to get all their kids jobs and adult daycare. They were too stupid to find real jobs.

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72b6d2 No.18182771

File: a0d68455359da82⋯.png (174.59 KB,321x398,321:398,ClipboardImage.png)

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e420c5 No.18182772

File: a1e1c89b86c47a3⋯.png (106.84 KB,221x273,17:21,Screen_Shot_2023_01_19_at_….png)

File: 5e877b182f1f39f⋯.png (535.09 KB,799x506,799:506,Screen_Shot_2023_01_19_at_….png)


yu mad bruh?


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45d7f4 No.18182773


When you know what an MK Ultra victim is

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5da04d No.18182774

File: ead9e8dd4486c89⋯.gif (4.8 MB,540x404,135:101,ead9e8dd4486c891b252924c43….gif)

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daf29d No.18182775


mebbe so but this anon believes 3 letter agencies and massive fukery were the driving forces

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10ea36 No.18182776

File: bd1652b5a9db673⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,255x200,51:40,bd1652b5a9db67353d91d5db6b….jpg)

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4798b9 No.18182777

File: ab1d4f9dd0c29d0⋯.png (1.65 MB,1024x1002,512:501,WH_Frog.png)

Those who would normally hide in the shadows are forced into the light.

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aa132a No.18182778

File: febd58e14031849⋯.jpg (501.78 KB,1080x1937,1080:1937,Screenshot_20230120_130051….jpg)

File: c2461ad28a58476⋯.jpg (234.66 KB,1080x941,1080:941,Screenshot_20230120_130040….jpg)

Lunar new year approaching. Jan 22nd, year of the Rabbit


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72b6d2 No.18182779

File: 984a9488998a58f⋯.png (328.77 KB,571x437,571:437,ClipboardImage.png)


I'd bet Ivermectin could kill it.

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10c7d4 No.18182780


Seems like there wood be lots of puking in this lesbian sexual situation.

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8655db No.18182781

File: e61a308aa5ca2d1⋯.jpg (39.98 KB,538x360,269:180,360_F_136044423_khMzYHthZI….jpg)

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152811 No.18182782

File: 0ebec9a044e5bb1⋯.jpg (93.78 KB,640x799,640:799,large_80_.jpg)


Digits of truth

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9e8790 No.18182783

File: 2274df93914a8fc⋯.gif (8.91 MB,500x500,1:1,risista.gif)


This one is updated.


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50a0f6 No.18182784

File: 6d27a2ca19b4011⋯.png (70.37 KB,747x431,747:431,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e57079623d015f⋯.png (113.86 KB,747x430,747:430,ClipboardImage.png)

Lines being drawn all over the place. And no, Benny. This isn't how capitalism works. This is how crony capitalism works. When advertisers control the flow of money, and those advertisers don't like what you say, that's using money to restrict free speech.


It's nasty to attack my company and DW+ hosts as "Big Con" by lying about the meaning of a non-binding term sheet. It’s despicable to plan weeks in advance to attack my best friend (and your friend!) by setting up and secretly taping a phone call, all to grow your email list.

Once more, if you actually care about the supposedly horrific non-binding first offer term sheet offering $50M/4 years, Jeremy reads it line-by-line here.

It is quite simple. If your show loses money, you lose money. This is how capitalism works.

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064856 No.18182785


I've lost my IP.

Please help.


Thank you for my phone.

And fuck you for the elections.

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eef494 No.18182786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



see @ 1:50


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c860cb No.18182787


Kek, fair point. Previously I was scared about family dying off from vax.

Hell of a storm

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211432 No.18182788

File: 1f1d306490ce7ba⋯.jpg (21.44 KB,255x254,255:254,HB_armorofgod2.jpg)

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685615 No.18182789

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c860cb No.18182790


This, when all is said and done.

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d086b5 No.18182791

File: 9e5621f4d3e30cd⋯.jpg (353.17 KB,1908x1146,318:191,21690262_0_image_a_31_1575….jpg)

File: c581ada0cf8e5c5⋯.jpg (7.37 KB,308x164,77:41,download_37_.jpg)

File: 016d29f605d89ea⋯.jpg (7.92 KB,300x168,25:14,download_36_.jpg)


muhfuggin habsburg jaw af

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a31766 No.18182792

Q, I miss you.

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aa71a4 No.18182793

File: 939033fbb05e176⋯.jpg (10.09 KB,255x255,1:1,166ecb9590387bff314b3ff361….jpg)


I don't need your support. You're spamming the board with muhjoo copy pasta and outing yourself as a shill. I can stand on my own thank you.

Do these posts come off as an organic anon that spends their entire day helping the Great Awakening?





Like what exactly do you think you are contributing to the Great Awakening or helping yo ascend humanity's consciousness with this? You add nothing of value to this board.

BO or BV can you crunch some numbers to see how many waking hours out a day this "anon" is on here posting? How many of those posts are valuable digs helping the cause?

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45d7f4 No.18182794


Fucking evil liar

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c97621 No.18182795

File: 70f29bae8ed5580⋯.jpg (349.25 KB,3648x2736,4:3,FauciNazi.jpg)

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4bf8ec No.18182796

File: b90f2e7dd506067⋯.png (86.36 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe4.png)


Told you I was the red dot.

> Never posts a single real dig

I've posted many over the past 5 years.

> Never posts any sauce.

That's a blatant lie.

>Just spew endless amounts of verbal diarrhea.

That red dot sure triggered your delicate senses. You do realize the same copypasta has been used many times before, right? And has failed every single time. But you wouldn't know that because you haven't been here that long, as well as are operating off a binder/page of notes.

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4682a2 No.18182797

File: b4decc5af52dbc0⋯.mp4 (377.63 KB,640x360,16:9,Greta_UN_Speech_Re_edit_.mp4)

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10ea36 No.18182798

File: b37a421b1462a96⋯.webp (52.7 KB,466x495,466:495,lighthandsrainbowheart.webp)

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6a3ed4 No.18182799

File: c2d08c4cd1bea5b⋯.png (77.95 KB,660x478,330:239,Thief_is_stabbed_by_angel_….png)

Thief attacked by the angel Michael, and lives to tell about it!

Divine justice! Thief is stabbed by angel statue's sword after trying to steal it from Mexican church and tripping over

Whilst drunk, a man in Mexico injured himself attempting to steal from a church

A statue of St. Michael holding a sword was taken in the darkness of night

The drunk man tripped seriously injuring himself in the process


PUBLISHED: 06:04 EST, 20 January 2023 | UPDATED: 06:55 EST, 20 January 2023

A drunk man has injured himself whilst attempting to steal a statue of St. Michael the Archangel carrying a sword from a church in Mexico.

The 32 year-old Michael Alonso visited his local church in Monterrey in the early hours of the morning. According to a report translated by the Catholic News Agency, Alonso broke into the church at night before tripping and cutting his neck with the sword causing serious injury.

Locals who noticed the incident at the church entrance called for assistance where shortly after he made contact with local authorities. He received much needed medical attention before being handed over to police. The statue was undamaged and returned to the church.

In Catholicism the Archangel St. Michael is seen as the defender of the heavenly host and the helper of the armies of god against the Devil, which is why he is usually always depicted with a sword.

In the Bible passage, Revelation 12:7-8 it reads, 'Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.'

Catholics celebrate the feast day of Saint Michael, also known as Michaelmas, on September 29th, where tradition dictates a day spent with family and a meal prepared made up of goose stuffed with potatoes, vegetables and herbs.

Given that over 75% of Mexico are practicing Catholics the symbolism that St. Michael holds is not an insignificant one.

The thief being cut by the blade of St. Michael, defender of the church, has been called by some local residents as divine retribution.

Lupita, a local shop owner in Monterrey, told ABC Noticias as much.

That happened to him for doing bad things,' she said. 'Saint Michael is for protection, to combat evil, I think that's why that happened to him.'

The church was targeted again back in October as another thief tried to steal the statue of an alter boy, but was quickly apprehended by police.


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c5a86d No.18182800


Swordy is a team of less than 10 …

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b7287d No.18182801


Judge not the Color of anon's Posts

But the Content of their meme folder

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c2bd69 No.18182802

File: d5332d2e9aa5c34⋯.png (509.33 KB,503x496,503:496,d5332d2e9aa5c34d52ab5b0dd7….png)


I got this

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5da04d No.18182803

File: de7279401d30a9a⋯.gif (1.66 MB,480x217,480:217,clu44.gif)

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90bb16 No.18182804

File: 3997ef8e97d384c⋯.png (675.84 KB,625x835,125:167,ClipboardImage.png)


>the light

Jesus is the way. Why don't you say his name?

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bababb No.18182805

File: 7b8c2740a6e8e61⋯.jpg (93.46 KB,500x469,500:469,Vhio_1_.jpg)

File: f1b7253adf751cc⋯.jpg (224.83 KB,1254x836,3:2,downloadfile_1.jpg)

File: a0ecefe9e3d4b05⋯.jpg (454.59 KB,1750x1143,1750:1143,downloadfile_2.jpg)

MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY have many options to stop any military conflict it chooses to especially between Russia and the USA.

Depending on the trajectory MAGA PATRIOTS choose a reprogrammed GPS satellite could leave Earth's orbit and travel into deep space and never return. It could also be reprogrammed to travel to the sun and burn-up or remain in a stable orbit around Earth but totally decommissioned.

GPS satellites are essential for the accuracy and precision of modern missiles. They provide the necessary data to the missiles to update their position and trajectory in order to reach the desired target. GPS satellites also provide the missile with data about the earth's atmosphere and terrain which it can use to adjust its flight path. Without this data, the missile would be unable to accurately reach its target.

Disclaimer:This post is only my personal Research opinions while other researches have a different opinions I would be happy to hear your opinions this topic.'''

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4682a2 No.18182806

File: f89f819259879e9⋯.mp4 (290.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,Klaus_Schwab_Eatz_Flies.mp4)

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10ea36 No.18182807

File: 3a1ee134593db78⋯.jpg (35.84 KB,427x320,427:320,3a1ee134593db7882ecd1f1d97….jpg)


>But the Content of their meme folder

Only Allah can judge some of these poor creatures

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064856 No.18182808


stay close, there will be a 2024 election fraud.

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8655db No.18182809

File: 1700f44d0ee9933⋯.jpg (54.38 KB,666x375,222:125,5ifi6n.jpg)

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3fd1d1 No.18182810


it's symbolic

meaning they are elevated above everyone else to god status

money has become everyone's god

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5da04d No.18182811

File: e7be09bdc13cf1f⋯.jpeg (46.92 KB,250x381,250:381,Arch44.jpeg)

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211432 No.18182812




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497840 No.18182813

File: 3d84ff54029a76d⋯.png (275.79 KB,1857x950,1857:950,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae7dad8f4a17fbd⋯.png (252.35 KB,1857x950,1857:950,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18182399 re: McCarrick is the epstein of the church…

16 Hits in the DoS FOIA reading room for "Theodore McCarrick"

From a Catholic News Agency article in 2018:

"CNA had asked for information about McCarrick's roles with the State Department, a summary of his trips, and whether the State Department is reviewing the trips for potential misconduct. The department was also asked whether it had any knowledge of misconduct or rumored misconduct by McCarrick and whether it had been informed of any Catholic disciplinary action taken against the former Archbishop of Washington.

McCarrick served in diplomatic roles for both the Holy See and the U.S. State Department. In November 1996, McCarrick was invited to serve on the U.S. Secretary of State's Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad. From 1999 to 2001 he was a member of the U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom.


In the year 2000, the U.S. Secretary of State recommended him for the Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights Award, a recommendation approved by then-President Bill Clinton. At the award ceremony Dec. 6, 2000 Clinton said that two years prior he had sent McCarrick as one of his representatives on "a groundbreaking trip to discuss religious freedom with China's leaders."


"In tough places, where civilians are struggling to get out, chances are you will find Archbishop Theodore McCarrick working hard to get in and to help them," Clinton said. "The litany of countries he has visited sounds more suited to a diplomat than an archbishop: the former Soviet Union, the Balkans, the countries devastated by Hurricane Mitch, East Timor, Ethiopia, Burundi, Cuba, Haiti, Colombia."


The Archdiocese of New York's June 2018 announcement of a credible accusation that McCarrick had abused a minor decades previously set in motion a wave of allegations about misconduct, including misconduct with seminarians. It is now known that Archbishop McCarrick was the subject of two legal settlements in 2005 and 2007 with men who said he sexually abused them while they were seminarians for the New Jersey dioceses he headed until his move to the Washington archdiocese in 2001.


McCarrick resigned from the College of Cardinals on July 27, the first American ever to do so, and Pope Francis ordered him to observe "a life of prayer and penance in seclusion" until the conclusion of the canonical process against him.


Questions about his alleged misconduct became even more controversial after Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the former apostolic nuncio to the U.S., released an 11-page statement charging that senior bishops and cardinals for more than a decade had been aware of the allegations of his misconduct against priests and seminarians. Archbishop Viganò also stated that, in either 2009 or 2010, Pope Benedict XVI imposed sanctions on McCarrick "similar to those now imposed upon him by Pope Francis" and that McCarrick was forbidden from traveling and speaking in public."



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aa71a4 No.18182814

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,f2c8a70267acd3e7a03e853906….png)


>I've posted many over the past 5 years.

Link screenshots and sauce of all your notables.

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4e1b88 No.18182815

File: 1d4c567838039ff⋯.png (81.69 KB,693x552,231:184,0kbw1.png)


data is data

discernment is not free

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c5a86d No.18182816


Little Ben stumped hard for Hilary in 2016. Has everyone forgot about that?

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ae9dee No.18182817

File: 551c0d0654476c6⋯.png (265.83 KB,478x316,239:158,number_1.png)


>Biggest mass murderer in world history

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9e8790 No.18182818

File: 5bd55705b0b0657⋯.gif (1.65 MB,480x216,20:9,tr26f.gif)

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b7287d No.18182819

File: 4bdfe2d21fe5c05⋯.png (528.87 KB,578x689,578:689,ClipboardImage.png)


He was Unworthy

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aa132a No.18182820


Cannot provide sauce beyond what is shown. Maybe a marketfag can provide details beyond my scope. Any financial advisors lurking

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10c7d4 No.18182821

Biden must be goin down cause there is lots of pissed of china rights now.

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655294 No.18182822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dafug is. this?

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04288e No.18182823

File: bb7a551533104e6⋯.jpg (246.48 KB,992x659,992:659,Joe_Biden_Going_Down.jpg)



Don't use that word near Kamal Toe.

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9e8790 No.18182824

File: 333742858d155de⋯.gif (494.38 KB,500x281,500:281,002127233186.gif)


chk n kek

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e60411 No.18182825

File: 5c7e8ab8b637ae2⋯.png (1.92 MB,1166x1160,583:580,ClipboardImage.png)

big oof

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685615 No.18182826

File: 21f31cd4a658c2a⋯.png (48.16 KB,600x847,600:847,ClipboardImage.png)

One mans debt ceiling is another god´s floor

"WTF is that noise down there?"

(anon just made this up because anon thinks "debt-ceiling is no proper word)

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4bf8ec No.18182827

File: 021a1235f509e46⋯.jpg (44.4 KB,600x488,75:61,021a1235f509e46c50bfa98d79….jpg)


Are you a faggot that screenshots when you get into notables as a form of trophy, so you can defend yourself in the future from shills? No? I didn't think so. Neither do I. I don't have to justify myself to the likes of you.

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8655db No.18182828


Isaiah 9:2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light

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5da04d No.18182829

File: 4395aa9aa524e6a⋯.png (13.5 KB,255x215,51:43,gulp.png)

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064856 No.18182830


ETs ready to land.

Go buy a tent.

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018a85 No.18182831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

jimmy basically laying out "we have it all" and yes Virgina there is a deep state.

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901410 No.18182832

File: 06aab972536697d⋯.png (144.47 KB,385x205,77:41,ClipboardImage.png)

I was looking through my plastic tub of Halloween stuff for my costume, when all of a sudden I pulled out a Kriegsmarine white ribbon with Blue Eagles.

My brother's gf (who is Jewish) saw it.

I know she saw it.

She saw it.

She said nothing.

I said nothing.

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065ba7 No.18182833

File: 116254662479469⋯.jpg (155.55 KB,904x853,904:853,RRN1.jpg)

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10c7d4 No.18182834

Any bets on post count max. On this bread?

Me thinks 550.

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5da04d No.18182835

File: cbc5baa25d8566f⋯.gif (4.73 MB,750x336,125:56,IddiskNS4.gif)

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5a75ce No.18182836

File: 6c847ba7b945ace⋯.png (114.37 KB,373x219,373:219,ClipboardImage.png)



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4bf8ec No.18182837

File: b07558d19cd8954⋯.png (101.36 KB,259x194,259:194,04f85ffb97b74f72d4d1c7a350….png)

Attack Jim if and when possible, when that fails

Attack BO if and when possible, when that fails

Attack BVs if and when possible, when that fails

Attack Bakers if and when possible, when that fails

Attack anons in general if and when possible, when that fails

Attack specific anon if and when possible, when that fails (shills are banging their heads against the concrete without a helmet here)

Return to top of list and repeat

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064856 No.18182838


Dumb, everywhere I go, I light.

That was for you, sinner.

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a19827 No.18182839

File: 3a83a9778f3fb25⋯.jpg (138.09 KB,2203x1026,2203:1026,downloadfile_1_3_.jpg)

MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY have many options to stop any military conflict it chooses to especially between Russia and the USA.

Depending on the trajectory MAGA PATRIOTS choose a reprogrammed GPS satellite could leave Earth's orbit and travel into deep space and never return. It could also be reprogrammed to travel to the sun and burn-up or remain in a stable orbit around Earth but totally decommissioned.

GPS satellites are essential for the accuracy and precision of modern missiles. They provide the necessary data to the missiles to update their position and trajectory in order to reach the desired target. GPS satellites also provide the missile with data about the earth's atmosphere and terrain which it can use to adjust its flight path. Without this data, the missile would be unable to accurately reach its target.

Disclaimer:This Post's information consists of only my personal Research opinions while other researches have different opinions I would be happy to hear your opinions on this topic.

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aa71a4 No.18182840

File: 8d0a094ccb58399⋯.jpg (88.3 KB,585x630,13:14,8d0a094ccb58399cf2af3fe6b2….jpg)


>says posts tons of digs over 5 years

>cannot provide a single screen shot of proof

>must call faggot as distraction now

That is rich. Stew in the irony for a bit. Proof is important and facts matter.

BO or BVs can you vouch for this anons digs in their IP hash history? Bet its not pretty

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4e1b88 No.18182841

File: 96bec66397818e8⋯.png (13.23 KB,255x254,255:254,2_PEPE_TRUMP_5.png)



Is Anon a Vatican Shill or a Muh joo shill?

Do you even know?

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6a3ed4 No.18182842

File: c97b8f42b7eb320⋯.png (80.88 KB,483x229,483:229,LamdaIsLiar.png)

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b1f89f No.18182843

File: 80b2fc1bba7f512⋯.jpg (70.5 KB,750x500,3:2,pinky_and_brain_wef.jpg)

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0018fa No.18182844

File: dc612c959f04965⋯.mp4 (13.91 MB,848x448,53:28,52321a5f7fee169b.mp4)

This guy never gives them a break, good on him

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3fd1d1 No.18182845


good job

you're the greatest cock sucker of them all

your cookie awaits for being the goodest authoritative figurehead cock sucker

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497840 No.18182846

File: 2a6a65be77e33eb⋯.png (690.83 KB,1857x910,1857:910,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18182813 (me)

Vigano on McCarrick:

My first intervention about McCarrick, which I made as Delegate for Pontifical Representations in the Secretariat of State, dates back to Dec. 6, 2006, following a report of the then-nuncio to the United States, Abp. Pietro Sambi. Subsequently, in 2008, I presented a second memorandum that reported facts of such gravity and in such detail that it led me to recommend that McCarrick be deposed as cardinal and that he be reduced to the lay state. My testimony of August 2018 is known to everyone, as are my subsequent declarations.

It is completely incomprehensible and anomalous that it was not considered opportune to call upon me to testify. But it is even more disturbing that this deliberate omission was then used against me. And they cannot claim that I made myself untraceable; the Secretariat of State has my personal email address, which is still active.

Furthermore, it also seems significant to me that James Grein, the only victim of McCarrick's sexual molestations who had the courage to denounce him publicly does not appear in the report, and that there is no trace of his testimony, in which he would have also reported the trip he made with McCarrick to St. Gallen at the end of the 1950s.

From the public statements of James Grein, it is clear that the beginning of McCarrick's climb — he was then a young, newly ordained priest — coincided with that visit to Switzerland, to a monastery that was later the site of the meetings of the conspirators of the so-called "St. Gallen mafia." According to the declarations of the deceased Cdl. Godfried Danneels, that group of prelates decided to support the election of Bergoglio both after the death of John Paul II as well as during the conclave that followed the controversial resignation of Benedict XVI.

[moar at link] https://archive.ph/JE9uM


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f0ae6f No.18182847

File: 07fe85e33e5b716⋯.png (662.62 KB,517x644,517:644,Bildschirmfoto_2023_01_20_….png)

Trans dad got pregnant after one-night stand during transition

"Although I identify as transmasculine rather than male, people often read me as a cisgender gay man. So I’m aware that it does make me more visible to live in my identity as a transmasculine person,” Wakefield wrote in a 2020 piece for Newsweek.

In April that year, Wakefield found out they were pregnant — during a bout with COVID-19 — after a one-night stand with an unnamed man."


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8655db No.18182848

And the filter is for you

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a31766 No.18182849


I need some examples. I'm not seeing it.

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10ea36 No.18182850

File: 953fdb2ca9e7541⋯.png (502.43 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


> We need a Bat-Style Pig Summoning Search Light Meme

He has one, I seent it. Wish I had saved.


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0c10d0 No.18182851


5 Rivers Delta

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4bf8ec No.18182853

File: 030e007023f17ec⋯.jpg (10.49 KB,236x193,236:193,030e007023f17ec88d02025539….jpg)



>BO or BVs can you vouch for this anons digs in their IP hash history? Bet its not pretty

I'm game. Let them compare both of ours. I do not IP hop or use a VPN so there is a lot for them to go through.

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655294 No.18182854

Bun: "George Neumayr didn't hang himself." call for dig and moar sauce







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ae9dee No.18182855

File: dd7be31e6745eb1⋯.png (156.94 KB,339x331,339:331,wtf.png)


>Dafug is. this?

Asphalt, concrete, and butt-ugly buildings.

God should be pissed by what they did to his beautiful planet.

Just saying…

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10c7d4 No.18182856

File: 1b6c52129453f6b⋯.png (120.8 KB,416x228,104:57,CFA6A2B2_CF90_477A_8039_09….png)

Hunter meeting this week.

The host standing in the window watching Hunter walk up the sidewalk to the front door.

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4e1b88 No.18182857

File: 311d6239b52104f⋯.jpeg (16.48 KB,255x255,1:1,311d6239b52104f1b87713d85….jpeg)


shoulda become anon but no!!!!!

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c2bd69 No.18182858

File: 62f8cdeecf08d6c⋯.png (628.87 KB,650x530,65:53,Greta_Soros_wind_up_650.png)

File: 2dd1a444cbc1d2c⋯.png (711.92 KB,600x699,200:233,f69096140fb4301f3a07eb2c30….png)

File: 03d8aef33cc977d⋯.jpg (47.84 KB,615x631,615:631,1_Greta_5JPG.jpg)

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655294 No.18182859


baker, consider


in place of

>>18182399 (You), >>18182412 (You), >>18182414, >>18182495 "George Neumayr didn't hang himself." call for dig and moar sauce

your call. Godspeed. o7.

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064856 No.18182860


fighting w/ satan.

to save you.


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626ccb No.18182861

File: e0c5a7803a379ea⋯.jpg (576.81 KB,1500x1000,3:2,USS_BIG_TECH.jpg)



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21344e No.18182862

File: da137e5c79b732a⋯.png (17.85 KB,666x165,222:55,empiricism.png)

File: 9fb0ca6650cc003⋯.jpg (69.42 KB,650x370,65:37,judgmenttarot.jpg)


>but have to weigh it; mix and match.

but have to weigh it; mix and match.

that's judgment?

power of reasoning?

basis of logic, reason, and empiricism is ….?

that's where the definitions/ grammar, logic come in?

"Empiricism" through the means of experience "the 5 senses"

Rational - is how you weight the different inputs "judgment" ?

that's the excellence of Trump

weighing and sorting info;

then seeing the large picture and choosing what action?

How he influences through his choices?

is Rhetoric. ( without any bad connotation)

the final goal .. Teaching and moving others, one society even, to healthy actions

An ancient program perverted with 'sophistry" i.e. using knowledge to mis-lead and exploit, To bind people instead of freeing them.

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901410 No.18182863

File: 71ea2dcf88306d0⋯.png (156.94 KB,372x249,124:83,ClipboardImage.png)


>Congratulations! It's a TURD!

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4e1b88 No.18182864

File: 7c1fa3e12ad7d92⋯.png (143.5 KB,1370x868,685:434,potscotfu1.png)


Vig knew the whole time

All of [THEM] knew

and so much moar…

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04288e No.18182865


The number of cat memes in this bred is


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dc39df No.18182866


black man with white wife commercials everywhere

little mixed niglets running around everywhere

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655294 No.18182867

File: 5b3c0df3c92c266⋯.png (640.65 KB,750x745,150:149,ClipboardImage.png)



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5b7fc8 No.18182868

File: d84572cbfe6f736⋯.jpeg (28.5 KB,255x255,1:1,Noice.jpeg)

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7e1f4a No.18182869




If you trust the bias Google assistant you got to be nuts…. Ask it about Paul Begala and Joe Biden and Apple Inc.'

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c2bd69 No.18182870


Preggers, yet no boobies? I think that might be a tumor

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10ea36 No.18182871

File: 450f1143c8ed495⋯.png (380.06 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Takin one helluva long covfefe break, jus sayin

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279f83 No.18182872

File: 934d8ce34e45fd6⋯.jpeg (26.81 KB,474x322,237:161,fauci_rats_of_nih.jpeg)

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02e854 No.18182873


Looks like a beer gut to me

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655294 No.18182874


pig in the '80s?

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a31766 No.18182875


Oh hell…

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e8455d No.18182876


>black man with white wife commercials everywhere

i just watch a few minutes here and there on

phone. above seems true.

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38164c No.18182877



IT’S TIME TO LEARN THE TRUTH = 1800 in Gematria

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064856 No.18182878


JFK aplaude.

He and his brother are happy for your winning.


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700d52 No.18182879

File: f8f07207e76744c⋯.gif (189.97 KB,250x167,250:167,f8f07207e76744cb25d13f6a53….gif)

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4bf8ec No.18182880

File: 06f18d1c47b3cfe⋯.jpeg (86.79 KB,500x475,20:19,06f18d1c47b3cfeec468a9cdb….jpeg)

"Appeal to authority"

"Attack specific anon"


I'll bet they don't even know if they like coffee.

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518260 No.18182881


never trumpers like Benny are comped. not hard to see who is pulling the strings.

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4e1b88 No.18182882

File: 3a389c3a97e3940⋯.jpg (336.03 KB,788x764,197:191,0000000000000000000000000o….jpg)

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9e8790 No.18182883

File: aa26b8c00514635⋯.jpg (150.54 KB,1079x1281,1079:1281,Jacinda_A.jpg)

File: a486f556b69136e⋯.jpg (59.36 KB,500x689,500:689,a486f556b69136e7451411defd….jpg)

File: f3aa4060035b63d⋯.png (185.44 KB,253x382,253:382,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05f5abd30ab6e8c⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,360x640,9:16,Jacinda_DONG.mp4)


those teeth

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b7287d No.18182884

Strange, Media is so Silent on Married Pedos raping Children under the guise of a Gay Couple


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e8455d No.18182885

Where is New Q?

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901410 No.18182886

File: 075c6006c4b44c4⋯.png (90.19 KB,302x281,302:281,ClipboardImage.png)



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c2bd69 No.18182887

File: bd8e4291cf043b8⋯.jpg (66.7 KB,564x846,2:3,1.jpg)

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706bf5 No.18182888



24 hour tumor.

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064856 No.18182889


Sorry, but their killers are still running your shit country?????????????

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901410 No.18182890

File: b04347e33da7fcd⋯.png (293.23 KB,485x321,485:321,Screenshot_2022_12_29_1123….png)

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e420c5 No.18182891

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,deadPoolTheater.mp4)


tehy so mad!

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72b6d2 No.18182892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




← I wonder if this guy will make a new video with him in it again.

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0eb520 No.18182893

File: d2cd8e79a1cfb6f⋯.jpeg (2.59 MB,2126x2268,1063:1134,Laughing_angel_Reims.jpeg)

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8655db No.18182894

File: fa7e47dd1e040c0⋯.jpg (68.36 KB,500x581,500:581,6ez8j5.jpg)

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10ea36 No.18182895

File: e4454aa8fd0ce2b⋯.jpg (24.94 KB,507x900,169:300,20221106_170020.jpg)



Couldn't even caption the meme you're referencing

Lazy faggot

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0595a3 No.18182896


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10ea36 No.18182897

File: 5bbe41c0aa83705⋯.png (322.61 KB,1282x708,641:354,can_you_sleep.png)


>Where is New Q?

Check under your bed

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04288e No.18182898

File: 90b7777becb1405⋯.jpg (72.94 KB,900x900,1:1,Great_Scott.jpg)


Time is a cruel mistress.

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aa4240 No.18182900

File: 1f98d074da2bde1⋯.jpeg (666.28 KB,1170x1275,78:85,4324D6CF_9D8B_4BE4_9FD7_7….jpeg)

File: b48a9a4d67c4452⋯.webp (42.8 KB,1236x1201,1236:1201,74BC9567_8C9F_47BA_AE88_2….webp)


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700d52 No.18182901

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064856 No.18182902

File: cb6a1373027798f⋯.jpg (67.16 KB,970x552,485:276,81mm_rally.jpg)


81 million voters????????????????????????????


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10ea36 No.18182903

File: 8f89e5e591b60bc⋯.png (311.14 KB,472x470,236:235,8f89e5e591b60bcad90c057e94….png)




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4bf8ec No.18182904

File: 04727ba111ac8bc⋯.jpg (46.6 KB,400x400,1:1,04727ba111ac8bc01a8cba798f….jpg)


Welcome to the always off by one club. But, off by one in a timestamp is still pretty damn accurate. Not many can claim a plus/minus of one second on a target.

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0595a3 No.18182905

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1ef8c1 No.18182906

File: 861525d6499e3df⋯.png (76.35 KB,610x441,610:441,drone.png)

Drones Attack U.S. Forces

Friday, January 20, 2023

Three drones targeted a United States garrison in Syria’s Al-Tanf region, the U.S. Central Command announced on Friday.


Jan. 20, 2023

Multiple Drone Attack on Coalition Outpost in Syria


Jan. 20, 2023

Release Number 20230120-01


TAMPA, Fla. – This morning, three one-way attack drones attacked the At Tanf Garrison in Syria. Two of the drones were shot down by Coalition Forces while one struck the compound, injuring two members of the Syrian Free Army partner force who received medical treatment. No US forces were injured.

“Attacks of this kind are unacceptable – they place our troops and our partners at risk and jeopardize the fight against ISIS,” said Joe Buccino CENTCOM spokesperson.


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901410 No.18182907

File: a06b75e91838bac⋯.png (302.54 KB,460x369,460:369,ClipboardImage.png)

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065ba7 No.18182908


couldn't hurt to try it

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4e1b88 No.18182909

File: 4c3fe265df47332⋯.jpg (199.08 KB,599x602,599:602,4c3fe265df4733214829937bc2….jpg)


Columbian guud!

that megdalia whatever shit though

heroine if coffee was a heroine

reeeeeeeee juice

anon just slew a shill by accident

does that still score or no?

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10c7d4 No.18182910

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We need a Patriot Baker to steal the bread.

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38164c No.18182911


2:23 is better anyways! 2-2-3!!

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d6a9ab No.18182912

File: 9b1a186bc43c551⋯.jpg (336.31 KB,625x417,625:417,beer_guts_cropped.jpg)

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952a9e No.18182913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4e1b88 No.18182914

File: 136bdecd2f4a773⋯.jpg (8.19 KB,225x225,1:1,0_CLOCK.jpg)



Shills will bake!

It is [their] punishment

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5da04d No.18182915

File: b54b37e7dcf77db⋯.png (413.91 KB,584x656,73:82,indeed.png)

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279f83 No.18182916

File: f8a27e4cb394a94⋯.png (324.09 KB,431x419,431:419,POTUS_point_6.PNG)


I love and respect that dude no homo

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c2bd69 No.18182917

File: 7ea0d4c8b0868da⋯.jpg (86.87 KB,870x555,58:37,7ea0d4c8b0868dafaab649e5e1….jpg)


Different disclaimer? Why not the one where you are just repeating something you found on the dark web?

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8655db No.18182918


Meme would have been better

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75fac7 No.18182919

File: b08ffa968cfc18c⋯.png (1.66 MB,2044x1709,2044:1709,ClipboardImage.png)


Here's what looks to be one of George Neumayr's most recent articles. The one below it was written by him as well.


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901410 No.18182920

File: ba32eef9e7123ec⋯.png (636.48 KB,1011x1059,337:353,Screenshot_2022_12_27_1256….png)


I play didj to this and it sounds AWESOME!

Really good healing vibes!

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f0ae6f No.18182921


he was still a woman when receiving the child

it's a fucked up world

poor child

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9e8790 No.18182922

File: 859d5af2c3321ef⋯.jpg (633.44 KB,1500x1064,375:266,d1.jpg)

File: 5d0aa5602a50f39⋯.jpg (440.17 KB,1478x700,739:350,d2.jpg)

File: 26026d45cc488c6⋯.jpg (319.57 KB,833x1030,833:1030,K9_002.jpg)

File: 56b155003d991c5⋯.jpg (95.05 KB,969x645,323:215,frog_dog.jpg)

File: b79426646a9bbfa⋯.jpg (107.21 KB,400x417,400:417,1580017149867.jpg)

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aa4240 No.18182923


>>18181827 Tucker: CIA Took Down Nixon Because He Wanted to Know Who Killed Kennedy, Woodward was Intel Plant

That is incorrect. Tucker said the CIA took Nixon out becauseHE KNEWwho killed Kennedy. Very, very important difference.

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07fea0 No.18182924

File: 60a75066d711cd8⋯.png (540.92 KB,612x885,204:295,Screenshot_2023_01_20_at_1….png)


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152811 No.18182925

File: 8ecb4d36ff1b0c2⋯.jpg (41.46 KB,564x680,141:170,277432.jpg)


No worries, just a beer belly

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04288e No.18182926

File: 3d2b6b2f1b00ae1⋯.png (725.16 KB,800x800,1:1,Dan_This_Donut.png)


we are the news now.

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0d999f No.18182927

File: d2354456cee3c8e⋯.jpg (432.12 KB,1079x1269,1079:1269,Screenshot_20230121_102253….jpg)

Call for diggz

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62dc97 No.18182928

File: a8041dbd799ce5d⋯.png (275.01 KB,450x339,150:113,ClipboardImage.png)


One re or re ickery Ann,

Phillison follison Nicholas John.

Queevy quavy English navy,

Sticklum, stacklum, cat,

C-A-T spells cat,

Ophelia my sweet come, catch a rat

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10ea36 No.18182929

File: 05e7938076edac8⋯.gif (2.48 MB,438x238,219:119,Just_When_I_Think_You_Coul….gif)




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065ba7 No.18182930

File: 299a6c59106e19d⋯.jpeg (265.42 KB,673x625,673:625,juice.jpeg)

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1ef8c1 No.18182931

File: 7cc89b0cd1ebebe⋯.mp4 (382.43 KB,640x360,16:9,Trump_don_t_panic_fox_bob_….mp4)

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4e1b88 No.18182932

File: 7b2d229353324df⋯.png (48.59 KB,657x241,657:241,7b2d229353324df6c3a779e81e….png)


knew it!

a didji fag!

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700d52 No.18182933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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72b6d2 No.18182934

File: 92118a4f24f7e74⋯.png (469.05 KB,1000x640,25:16,Twitter_censors.png)


← Before Elon…

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04288e No.18182935


What a gooddamned travesty.

A fuckwit, if you will.

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8655db No.18182936

File: cea9c8662109eb6⋯.jpg (225.95 KB,483x640,483:640,5J_Fetus_2021_jpeg.jpg)


Maybe she say it reminded her of the womb

And not a tomb

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a27fba No.18182937

File: 76636d3dc894689⋯.png (464.23 KB,798x652,399:326,ClipboardImage.png)


>>18181259 pbChief Operating Officer of Twin Cities Largest Law Firm Dies "Suddenly"

do not ask me why, but anons almonds say this is not just another vax death.

Anon thinks this may looks like a suspicious death and not for the reason that most now assume.

maybe to look like a vax death.

All anon can find at the moment is blaming this on the vax.

strange as they do not usually mention the vax in their articles.

Something smells off?

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10ea36 No.18182938

File: ed9525e830c187e⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,1015.22 KB,500x500,1:1,1671594850674755.gif)


>A fuckwit, if you will.

The politically correct term is ZIPPERTITS

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4e1b88 No.18182939

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0000001.png)


don't fit some narrative anon!

stand down!

stand down!


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fadecc No.18182940

Any of ya'll niggers got the "I don't always datefag" meme for me?

Also, I really want to have mug "Q? Never heard of her" adm r meme if any one gots it.

Need the date fag mem for Gregg's latest Truth post.

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84bf6c No.18182941

File: d1b61630d608c15⋯.png (175.81 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_20_16_11_3….png)

Nothing makes me smile more than to see

News that's been here

For some time

Surface on soon to be msm


We are the news

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04288e No.18182942


He's cunt #1

He became a prominent figure as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand, serving as Minister of Health from July to November 2020 and Minister for COVID-19 Response from November 2020 to June 2022.

Lockdown King.

Your rights are selfish.

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0d999f No.18182943



News unlocks MAP

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10ea36 No.18182944

File: 523b0e45b53201b⋯.gif (1.98 MB,500x281,500:281,drift_beemer.gif)

Notables Are Not Endorsements

>>18182344, >>18182533


>>18182381 Pentagon Construction Traffic pattern changes start Monday, January 23

>>18182393 Biden's '68 days of silence' on the documents farce - dailymail

>>18182399, >>18182412, >>18182813, >>18182846, >>18182854 "McCarrick is the epstein of the church…" George Neumayr didn't kill himself! call for dig and moar sauce

>>18182434, >>18182458, >>18182462, >>18182474 @POTATO "Two years down." - "We'll be with you long after the headlines fade"

>>18182438 UN_Agenda_2030_Alberta_.pdf info regarding Canadian corruption perpetrated by the Conservative Party of Canada

>>18182436 bunch of new unredacted emails detailing the Feb 1 2020 teleconference between Dr. Fauci and virologists discussing SARS-Cov-2:

>>18182440, >>18182536, >>18182544 US is investigating first two cases of super gonorrhea OH SHIT

>>18182480 TRU TUBE 54 Video Update 100 New Videos added

>>18182523 Globalists Plan ToUtilize Brain-Computer Interfaces As Surveillance System Of Employees

>>18182644 The 'Director' of the UPenn Biden center, Michael Carpenter, IS THE SAME 'MIKE' Biden referenced RE: the quid pro quo in Ukraine

>>18182705 @realDonaldTrump Arrest the reporter, publisher, editor - you’ll get your answer fast. Stop playing games and wasting time!

>>18182740 Google-parent Alphabet to cut 12K jobs from global workforce

>>18182756, >>18182820, >>18182836 Debt ceiling x date. Any financial advisors lurking?

>>18182764 Pfizer tried to ‘bully’ India – New Delhi never approved the company’s jab as the US drugmaker apparently wanted protection from lawsuits over adverse effects

>>18182799 Divine justice! Thief is stabbed by angel statue's sword after trying to steal it from Mexican church and tripping

>>18182900 NYP now reporting on the Jamie Lee Curtis "artwork" child in a bin. Not allowed to call it Podesta Vibes.. fell back to Epstein

>>18182906 Three drones targeted a United States garrison in Syria’s Al-Tanf region, Central Command announces

>>18182927 Call for diggz on supposed NZ replacement PM Chris Hipkins


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2191d5 No.18182945


They project. Acting like it’s the norm. Nope.

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6ee20c No.18182946


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10c7d4 No.18182947


The bread must be stoled.

There is too much good stuffs goin on.

All we is seein is the poop way down at the bottom of the barrel, like cats n sheet.

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8655db No.18182948

Release the cures


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d6a9ab No.18182949

File: 23f4eeb96bce087⋯.png (476.44 KB,894x734,447:367,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….png)

File: 6b4206a6b2c0c32⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB,720x404,180:101,MQ3nXsO_Apic_HjV.mp4)


I can’t get over this clip


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68b1c7 No.18182950


Carnival Hucksters

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72b6d2 No.18182951

File: 2a37798d4a2f67a⋯.png (349.38 KB,620x413,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bf8ec No.18182952


Open a search engine

Type "I don't always meme generator"

Make your own

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4e1b88 No.18182954

File: 6faef2709eee45a⋯.png (776.89 KB,1226x622,613:311,is36.png)


you wasted time commenting on it

in q research

in front of the world

recorded in real time

archived offline


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04288e No.18182955



me no likey zippertits.

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c97621 No.18182957

File: bf1b401f0e90c33⋯.jpg (115.9 KB,1500x1000,3:2,BidenHalloween.jpg)

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10ea36 No.18182958



>wasted time

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e420c5 No.18182959

File: 84f4115b97d8db3⋯.png (815.5 KB,752x565,752:565,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….png)

File: 7e406683f231747⋯.png (226.3 KB,1228x1485,1228:1485,Screenshot_2023_01_20_at_1….png)

File: dd5459a0da3ac94⋯.png (698.33 KB,1025x1064,1025:1064,Screenshot_2023_01_20_at_1….png)

File: 2e8053c088866f2⋯.png (950.37 KB,999x559,999:559,Screen_Shot_2023_01_02_at_….png)

File: 9de54f77069f719⋯.gif (264.64 KB,220x180,11:9,sauce_pasta.gif)


ANTI is a unique hybrid of an integrated marketing & communication agency & venture studio that builds the future.

We believe that magic happens when business goals are shared passions & purposes. All the brands we work with see the world the same way we do – that’s why we call them friends, not clients.

From VC funds to startups, nonprofits and governments protecting our future on this planet depends on the radical evolution of all businesses.

This is why we’re laying the foundation for a new collective consciousness: we believe accelerating economic growth is actually the single best strategy for the environment in activating financial, environmental and social capital to create a blueprint for a new World.



To save the world. Because after all, there is no planet B.


The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican Launches

inclusivecapitalism By Council Staff

inclusivecapitalism December 08, 2020



The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican, an effort led by some of the world’s largest investment and business leaders, launched today. It signifies the urgency of joining moral and market imperatives to reform capitalism into a powerful force for the good of humanity. Under the moral guidance of His Holiness Pope Francis and His Eminence Cardinal Peter Turkson, who leads the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development at the Vatican, and inspired by the moral imperative of all faiths, the Council invites companies of all sizes to harness the potential of the private sector to build a fairer, more inclusive, and sustainable economic foundation for the world.

The Council is led by a core group of global leaders, known as Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism, who meet annually with Pope Francis and Cardinal Turkson. These leaders represent more than $10.5 trillion in assets under management, companies with over $2.1 trillion of market capitalization, and 200 million workers in over 163 countries. The organization challenges business and investment leaders of all sizes to embrace the Council’s guiding principles and make public commitments to act on them. These collective actions are intended to lead to systemic change by making capitalism a greater force for inclusivity and sustainability. Watch a video of the Guardians discussing the Council’s mission here.

Speaking to the Guardians, Pope Francis said, “An economic system that is fair, trustworthy, and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet is urgently needed. You have taken up the challenge by seeking ways to make capitalism become a more inclusive instrument for integral human wellbeing.”



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b29cba No.18182960

File: e9c60463a775a36⋯.png (57.5 KB,506x540,253:270,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26bee07d41b304f⋯.png (64.25 KB,919x1089,919:1089,ClipboardImage.png)

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72b6d2 No.18182961

File: c6f58e4798c152d⋯.jpg (255.75 KB,695x500,139:100,hahahaha_.jpg)

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4e1b88 No.18182962

File: 0de455b728ce566⋯.png (23.48 KB,3396x448,849:112,ANONh1.png)


This is a 40% truth zone

The Patient is not ready

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ae9dee No.18182963

File: 1948f884d25ff13⋯.png (90.45 KB,254x251,254:251,wtf_30.png)


Looks like Joe's sizing up the kids in the crowd for the next sniff.

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1212aa No.18182964


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b7287d No.18182965


Senile is an act

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efd635 No.18182966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4e1b88 No.18182967

File: 5f789bd145070dc⋯.png (1.45 MB,836x1412,209:353,5b706e8ff331f774b8bd217d32….png)


you did it again!

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04288e No.18182968

File: fe830ba4bfeca89⋯.jpg (90.03 KB,600x600,1:1,Joe_Biden_Dark_Brandon.jpg)


There's nothing in there. Nobody home.

Frightening to consider.

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065ba7 No.18182969

File: 3cb1b8156bf1ab8⋯.jpg (137.17 KB,814x489,814:489,shills12.jpg)

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2f1abb No.18182970


I never think about Benny.


As a matter of fact, every time Benny comes up in my feed/timeline, it's always yet another reason to ignore him.


They all are, and are writhing in the discomfort of exposure.

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e3875a No.18182971


Yes and no.

Crowder is setting up a fight against contracts in general. While crowder is right that these contracts are not good for most content creators, he is creating an enemy where there isn't one.

There is a more revolutionary side that wants to push beyond "big tech" and a more reformist side that wants to go back to the 80s/90s for networks and related social values. Somewhat. The daily wire wants to be like what cable actually was in the past while crowder wants to be more like wayne's world.

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549ca7 No.18182972

File: 1a61909f775a13d⋯.jpeg (72.71 KB,634x634,1:1,66787289_11658079_image_a….jpeg)

Adoptive gay couple charged with sodomizing their adopted sons also 'pimped them out to local men and sent out videos of them raping the boys': Full horror of mysteriously wealthy couple's sordid lives revealed in jaw-dropping court docs

A mysteriously wealthy gay couple from Atlanta who have been charged with sodomizing their adopted sons also pimped them out to other local men, disturbing new documents reveal.

Zachary Zulock and his husband William Dale Zulock Jr. were once the darlings of the LGBTQ scene in Georgia.

Zachary worked for a local bank branch while William worked for a local government customer service center, but somehow the couple were raking in $7,500-a-week.

They also built their dream home in an area where similar properties sell for $900,000.Friends and relatives are at a loss over how they made so much money.

In August, the pair admitted a range of heinous sexual crimes, including rape and forcing their young sons to perform oral sex on them, after a midnight raid on their home during which one of the adults was hauled naked from the house.

Now, thanks to an investigation by Townhall, it has emerged that not only did the sick pair abuse the boys - they also stand accused of offering them up to other local men.


these faggots were selling the porn of their sons to finance their lifestyle. i can't wait to see how many pervs are caught up in this web.

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10c7d4 No.18182973

File: e57c9a5ac26a035⋯.png (7.28 MB,2001x1125,667:375,42C1A2C6_C192_4DE3_843C_10….png)

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2191d5 No.18182974


Looks like my grandpa when we surprised him at the nursing home for his bday. Was pleased but had no idea what was going on,

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4e1b88 No.18182975

File: d7128583f7f9c93⋯.png (1.38 MB,2912x2456,364:307,cc1a.png)

File: d93bb32f1ca2f16⋯.png (1.99 MB,2924x2460,731:615,cc1b.png)

File: bedd4bfe3ff87ac⋯.png (1.93 MB,2912x2444,56:47,3cc.png)

File: 9637145d79958f9⋯.png (2.48 MB,2924x2448,43:36,cc1zg.png)

File: 114e561efb996ae⋯.png (2.09 MB,2178x2356,1089:1178,cc1zd.png)




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07fea0 No.18182976

File: 747b69764d90eb2⋯.png (113.55 KB,333x325,333:325,62e2b3d7df076a83a98aa00c02….png)


And to think that in some parts of Europe these memes are illegal…

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10ea36 No.18182977

File: 05500fb824c0eb4⋯.jpg (25.86 KB,600x522,100:87,278665571_4700150663430283….jpg)


How old is that clip?

Looks like someone wearing an obvious Joe suit

He's all lumpy and stuff

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655294 No.18182978


thought it said "theil" and anon thought, "divine".

>>18177401 p related

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700d52 No.18182979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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72b6d2 No.18182980

File: 7ec31704252e957⋯.png (137.35 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_pissed.png)


Hang 'em both. Fuck that.

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549ca7 No.18182982


they are grooming society to accept it as mainstream.

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4e1b88 No.18182983

File: 3f6833ef9045946⋯.png (2.75 MB,2904x4288,363:536,cc1i.png)

File: 5bbdbb643e4fc06⋯.png (3.11 MB,2920x2444,730:611,cc1j.png)

File: 22e53793adc7280⋯.png (2.71 MB,2032x2072,254:259,cc1k.png)

File: 9e70665f9a22067⋯.png (2.05 MB,2904x2436,242:203,cc1h.png)

File: 7b3e2f8b37155d9⋯.png (1.81 MB,2180x2894,1090:1447,cc1zb.png)


spam though

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700d52 No.18182984

File: 139ba736ae58952⋯.mp4 (400.95 KB,360x376,45:47,139ba736ae589525e1f987fcae….mp4)

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4bf8ec No.18182985

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,075f1976c86ed150c800baeaba….jpg)


I could never imagine what it would be like to live with such negativity and jealousy in my heart. I'll pray for you out of pity.

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aa132a No.18182986

File: 57eb678aae6057e⋯.png (200.8 KB,507x445,507:445,57eb678aae6057e307bdd6c508….png)

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b7287d No.18182987


Media Silence is Deafening

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952a9e No.18182988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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063e9d No.18182989

File: d1f8589ae9dc643⋯.png (534.3 KB,1080x992,135:124,Screen_Shot_2019_06_27_at_….png)


>Patience is a virtue

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901410 No.18182990

File: 96438fb5634c2e6⋯.png (486.43 KB,805x433,805:433,PepeSho_Nuf.png)

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685615 No.18182991

File: d01f7314d65ada3⋯.png (221.54 KB,715x953,715:953,ClipboardImage.png)

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152811 No.18182992

File: 781be7c535c8b55⋯.jpg (105.19 KB,750x797,750:797,Fm8Dtu6XEAgDKk0.jpg)

Pass. How about you?

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6ee20c No.18182993


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3fd1d1 No.18182994


hard pass

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700d52 No.18182995

File: 4f377a866d9daed⋯.png (599.53 KB,787x949,787:949,4f377a866d9daed032dafe3852….png)

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952a9e No.18182996

File: cfe90c6f441eefc⋯.gif (3.6 MB,450x709,450:709,cfe90c6f441eefcf4ebca1997e….gif)

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9e8790 No.18182997

File: 3334b80d8ea3417⋯.jpg (67.02 KB,518x482,259:241,fc96829c40015b2b0ff41c3e23….jpg)

File: 677a155fcab2cd1⋯.mp4 (4.94 MB,640x360,16:9,This_is_extremely_dangerou….mp4)

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655294 No.18182998

File: c531cc91b4837cc⋯.png (328.35 KB,584x375,584:375,langley.png)


Richmond, eh? That's getting close…

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5da04d No.18182999

File: 29bc29dad01f245⋯.jpg (27.91 KB,720x480,3:2,heymon44.jpg)

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10c7d4 No.18183000


Symbolism is their downfall

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6acb29 No.18183001

File: 8bae67e6cf3ae57⋯.png (556.83 KB,1009x561,1009:561,Vhni.png)


That is not even Joe Biden that is one of the actors.

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02e854 No.18183002


Almost looks like a real person. Almost.

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f0a116 No.18183003

File: 6099beda79ba88c⋯.png (1.37 MB,1215x678,405:226,Lynette_Diamond_Hardaway_C….png)

Tomorrow; Lynette "Diamond" Hardaway Celebration of Life with President Trump, Silk and Others

Livestream begins tomorrow: Jan 21, 3:00 pm EST




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72b6d2 No.18183004

File: 3d722baf9daa9bf⋯.png (589.51 KB,680x640,17:16,pepe_sly_laugh.png)


Reason for the article. No one wants to date woke "ugly" as bitches.

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1ef8c1 No.18183005

File: a34f020363ac3b1⋯.gif (388.11 KB,498x268,249:134,pepe_lightning.gif)

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549ca7 No.18183006


nailed it

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655294 No.18183007


"…so, you been a woman long?"

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5a75ce No.18183008


> I wonder if this guy will make a new video with him in it again.

Give a Push..

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c8e920 No.18183009

File: 1496ebdd35ddd38⋯.png (60.62 KB,1418x486,709:243,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. ‘No Fly List’ Leaks After Being Left in an Unsecured Airline Server


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4bf8ec No.18183010

File: 158d334b6779571⋯.png (459.46 KB,794x423,794:423,ClipboardImage.png)

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72b6d2 No.18183011

File: 3a27c79c4c59bcb⋯.png (377.88 KB,652x870,326:435,donut_pepe.png)


Donut trips confirm!

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5da04d No.18183012

File: 6a032fa87ee6318⋯.jpg (14.36 KB,450x402,75:67,flyingcamel.jpg)


yoinks in ginger scout

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0c10d0 No.18183013

File: f561413d4d70427⋯.png (5.17 MB,2103x1188,701:396,winning_intensity.PNG)

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952a9e No.18183014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1212aa No.18183015


no force needed, the light itself is known to all.

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d7b2a0 No.18183016

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. airline accidentally exposes ‘No Fly List’ on unsecured server



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4e1b88 No.18183017

its like everyone thinks Klaus is a monolith

like soros

like murdoch

like, like, like


The "Guardians" will be the one's who implement that shit into Business and thus into every day life…

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57f7fc No.18183019



What did Diamond die from?

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07fea0 No.18183020

File: 0a8538baf90d2ac⋯.png (436.27 KB,598x617,598:617,Screenshot_2023_01_20_at_1….png)

U.S. Navy


Keeping communities ship shape! ⚓


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952a9e No.18183021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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75a611 No.18183022

File: dc8b576db51e069⋯.jpg (52.6 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1.jpg)

>>18181121 pb

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5da04d No.18183023

File: 77c6cda0e96182b⋯.png (5.39 KB,167x255,167:255,ramenchkt.png)



chkts in ramen clam

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065ba7 No.18183024

File: 65a34e4ed5e677b⋯.png (838.98 KB,770x960,77:96,lgbt.png)

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a27fba No.18183025

File: 6b5be186f27a270⋯.png (598.63 KB,1150x745,230:149,ClipboardImage.png)


Does this person look like someone who died from a vax injury?

Chief Operating Officer of Twin Cities Largest Law Firm Dies “Suddenly”

By Jim Hoft

Published January 20, 2023 at 10:30am



Robert Hamilton, the chief operating officer of Fredrikson & Byron, P.A., Minnesota’s twin cities’ largest law firm, died suddenly last week, the firm announced.

“Fredrikson is saddened to announce the unexpected death of Robert J. Hamilton, its chief operating officer, on January 15, 2023,” according to the firm’s news release.

According to his obituary, Robert Hamilton “passed away suddenly on Jan. 15, 2023, at age 65 from a ruptured aortic aneurysm.”

According to CDC, an aortic aneurysm is a balloon-like bulge in the aorta, the large artery that carries blood from the heart through the chest and torso. The aneurysm can burst completely, causing bleeding inside the body. This is called a rupture.

Fredrikson mourns passing of COO Robert Hamilton https://t.co/DxxlI0SJww

— Minnesota Lawyer (@LawyerMN) January 18, 2023

Hamilton’s colleagues paid tribute following the news of his sudden passing.

Kevin P. Goodno, chair of the firm’s board of directors, said in a statement, “it is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our friend and colleague, Bob Hamilton. Bob joined our firm in 1992 and served in several leadership roles, first as chief financial officer, and then as chief operating officer. He helped guide the firm through a period of unprecedented growth. Today, Fredrikson is the largest law firm in the Twin Cities and recognized as one of the strongest regional law firms in the country. We owe Bob a debt of gratitude for his exceptional leadership. On behalf of the entire firm, we extend our heartfelt condolences to Bob’s wife, family and friends.”

“A hallmark of Bob’s servant leadership was his commitment to building talented and diverse teams that work together to support the firm and to provide the best possible advice and advocacy to our clients,” stated John M. Koneck, president of Fredrikson. “Bob brought that passion and approach to his many years of service to the non-profit Global Rights for Women, an organization advocating for freedom from violence for women around the world. Bob made an enduring impact on our firm and in our community.”

Recall, longtime American sports journalist Grant Wahl died suddenly due to an aneurysm while covering the soccer World Cup in Qatar. He was 49.

Wahl’s wife, Dr. Celine Gounder, said Wahl died from a “slowly growing, undetected ascending aortic aneurysm with hemopericardium.”

“He had an autopsy done here in New York by the New York City Medical Examiner’s Office, and it showed that he had an aortic aneurysm that ruptured,” Gounder told CBS News on Thursday.


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45d7f4 No.18183026


Thank you

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72b6d2 No.18183027

File: 72aaa363ad7fbb9⋯.jpg (27.94 KB,270x338,135:169,HRC_7.jpg)

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901410 No.18183028

File: 40a123e6004c4b3⋯.png (305.65 KB,582x734,291:367,PepeSho_NufNuf_Copy.png)

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700d52 No.18183029

File: a5e0d631847acf4⋯.png (1.12 MB,1608x617,1608:617,P.png)

File: 99556d3968aece2⋯.png (184.58 KB,445x422,445:422,P1.png)

File: fa23e5e9a076f11⋯.png (686.44 KB,881x751,881:751,P2.png)

File: f9cce2155b79ae0⋯.png (1.11 MB,1137x881,1137:881,z.png)

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de5e94 No.18183030


Claps and rumbles awaken anon. Rain only for sleeping.

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1ef8c1 No.18183031

File: c2f23b4436214cb⋯.jpg (81.63 KB,770x1085,22:31,st_michael_yeah.jpg)

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d6a9ab No.18183032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5 days ago


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4e1b88 No.18183033



But don't tell any anon because anon takes no shit from anyone!


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2191d5 No.18183034


Find a woman who will have kids with you and stay home to raise them and 99% of your problems will never come to fruition. :)

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aa132a No.18183035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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efd635 No.18183036



baker notable

U.S. ‘No Fly List’ Leaks After Being Left in an Unsecured Airline Server

The list, which was discovered by a Swiss hacker, contains names and birth dates and over 1 million entries.

A copy of the U.S. No Fly List has leaked after being stored on an unsecure server connected to a commercial airline. The No Fly List is an official list maintained by the U.S. government of people it has banned from traveling in or out of the United States on commercial flights.

As first reported by The Daily Dot, a Swiss hacker known as maia arson crimew discovered the list on an unsecured Jenkins server one night while poking around on Shodan, a search engine that lets people look through servers connected to the internet.

“Like so many other of my hacks this story starts with me being bored and browsing shodan (or well, technically zoomeye, Chinese shodan), looking for exposed jenkins servers that may contain some interesting goods,” crimew said in a blog about the leak. “At this point I've probably clicked through about 20 boring exposed servers with very little of any interest, when I suddenly start seeing some familiar words. ‘ACARS,’ lots of mentions of ‘crew’ and so on. Lots of words I've heard before, most likely while binge watching Mentour Pilot YouTube videos. Jackpot. An exposed jenkins server belonging to CommuteAir.”

On the server was a large amount of company data about CommuteAir, including the private information about its employees. There was also a file containing a copy of a 2019 edition of the No Fly List. The list includes names and birth dates and more than 1.5 million entries, but many of those entries are aliases that all reference the same person.“It’s so much bigger than I thought it’d be,” crimew told Motherboard.

“TSA is aware of a potential cybersecurity incident, and we are investigating in coordination with our federal partners,” a spokesperson for the TSA told Motherboard.

The United States has maintained a No Fly List for decades, but its number was much smaller in the days before 9/11 and only contained 16 people. After the attacks and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the list rapidly expanded. The exact number of people on the list is unknown, and the leaked data is a few years old and contains multiple entries for a single individual, but recent estimates put the total number at somewhere between 47,000 and 81,000 people.

“It’s a perverse outgrowth of the U.S. police and surveillance state,” crimew said. “Just a list with no due process…mostly just based on them being related to someone or being from the same village as someone. It’s so massive. I feel like this has no place anywhere. I feel like this doesn’t solve the problem.”

crimew told Motherboard they weren’t shocked to stumble on an unsecured copy of the No Fly List. “I’ve been digging into various jenkins [servers] for a while and there’s just so much to find,” they said. “It was just a matter of time until I found something like this.”

CommuteAir said the leak happened because of a misconfigured development server. “The researcher accessed files including an outdated 2019 version of the federal no-fly list that included first and last name and date of birth,” it said. “Additionally, through information found on the server the researcher discovered access to a database containing personal identifiable information of CommuteAir employees. Based on our initial investigation, no customer data was exposed. CommuteAir immediately took the affected server offline and started an investigation to determine the extent of data access. CommuteAir has reported the data exposure to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and also notified its employees.”

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dad670 No.18183037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ae9dee No.18183038

File: 3a1396475d4d7af⋯.png (235.33 KB,526x446,263:223,why_.png)


>Adoptive gay couple charged with sodomizing their adopted sons also 'pimped them out to local men and sent out videos of them raping the boys':

Catholic priests have been sodomizing young boys for eons.

It shouldn't be a shock to anyone, actually.

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c0cd58 No.18183039

File: ed7bc70564d947c⋯.jpg (69.07 KB,529x471,529:471,77hqtg.jpg)

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0085b8 No.18183040

U.S. ‘No Fly List’ Leaks After Being Left in an Unsecured Airline Server

The list, which was discovered by a Swiss hacker, contains names and birth dates and over 1 million entries


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5a75ce No.18183041

File: e300c585dd13bbf⋯.jpg (223.28 KB,1080x992,135:124,good_ol_days.jpg)

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4e1b88 No.18183042

File: eddac5ebd326e5e⋯.png (453.9 KB,644x626,322:313,e1a.png)


prolly all the winning

too soon?

that's a twofer!

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901410 No.18183043

File: 8de1be9842f3591⋯.jpg (13.16 KB,228x255,76:85,PepeBuds.jpg)




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1e5a3f No.18183044


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279f83 No.18183045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you're suggesting the picture is mirrored, you're wrong. When the pic first appeared, anon was checking for that and the buttons on his shirt and jacket… The retard gave the excuse they changed it to the other leg to give the other one a rest.

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aa4240 No.18183046

File: d060e359d96e87b⋯.jpeg (977.41 KB,1170x1616,585:808,EEA52056_B978_4865_A4C2_6….jpeg)

Brace yourselves anons…

Riots are coming.


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04288e No.18183047

File: 665d4f3ec4f1c41⋯.jpg (450.06 KB,1080x1080,1:1,She_Fixes_You_A_Sammich.jpg)


Woke women don't make good sammiches.

This is a fact.

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901410 No.18183048

File: 133e0c4c960a9ca⋯.png (116.08 KB,237x249,79:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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064856 No.18183049

I once farted 3 times/day.

Now I don't even don't know where the toilet is.

What year are we?

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75fac7 No.18183050


Lived in northern Virginia for a few years off and on. And yea, Richmond is nearby.

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4e1b88 No.18183051

File: f8e8b4aab6483ce⋯.png (23.61 KB,790x886,395:443,Q_1879_CATHOLIC_PREDATOR_P….png)


the gays though!

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063e9d No.18183052

File: cb9e820309bfa6b⋯.png (200.22 KB,726x703,726:703,Screen_Shot_2018_09_24_at_….png)


>It’s so much bigger than I thought it’d be,” crimew told Motherboard.

>“It’s a perverse outgrowth of the U.S. police and surveillance state,” crimew said. “Just a list with no due process…mostly just based on them being related to someone or being from the same village as someone. It’s so massive. I feel like this has no place anywhere. I feel like this doesn’t solve the problem.”

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279f83 No.18183053


Mocking Bird

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efd635 No.18183055


>Something smells off?


blaming it on the suddenly and using a picture which clearly does not depict a 65-year old

GWP is a menstrual rag full of egregious editorial mistakes and obviously planted stories

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4bf8ec No.18183056

File: 03ffe8edd77569d⋯.jpg (561.77 KB,1182x1920,197:320,03ffe8edd77569d45350a5df7a….jpg)

I can't help but stand out here. I stand out IRL as well. What takes place here is not about me, but I will defend myself when the shills try to make it about me. Must piss them off that they can't get other anons to dogpile on their attacks like the brianwashed on other platforms do. QR Anons are not like a school of fish to be guided by evil.

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b664ee No.18183057



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67c4c2 No.18183058

File: f2a6011fd4ba40b⋯.jpg (51.97 KB,500x491,500:491,Bbuo.jpg)

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655294 No.18183059


sounds like he might have died from being in the hospital.

it's a thing.

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0595a3 No.18183060


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952a9e No.18183061

File: 2b118023c47a7d0⋯.jpg (16.76 KB,496x105,496:105,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….jpg)



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b7287d No.18183062

Pedophiles Partner up & rape Trafficked Errr.. Adopted Children

Under the Guise of the Gay Marriage

Because Married Gays are a protected class and the pedos knew this would provide cover for their evil deeds

They're the Victims not the Abusers

Didn't you know

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700d52 No.18183063

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901410 No.18183064

File: fde52e2ef1bf4c1⋯.png (302.54 KB,678x467,678:467,DrrllBrksTrlll.png)


I say we join them. Fuk it.

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2191d5 No.18183065



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1212aa No.18183066


>those who you are taught to trust the most

like Q?



different meaning depending on your POV and narrative? The choice to know will be yours, or mine?

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b7287d No.18183067


Died of covid


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04288e No.18183068

File: b33ae26897d76a6⋯.png (4.08 KB,281x53,281:53,ClipboardImage.png)



I cricked for comments

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4bf8ec No.18183069


It works better when you don't try to hit the digits. At least in my experience. I just let it happen, and it happens more often than not.

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b9de15 No.18183070

File: 1a25a8fa8640a80⋯.png (331.13 KB,1772x770,886:385,ClipboardImage.png)


>he is creating an enemy where there isn't one.

The enemy is very clearly indicated in the "fast and easy money" deal between Dailywire and ad revenue payouts by Big Tech. If Big Tech doesn't like your message, you lose money. Dailywire is the contract enforcer for Big Tech's unwritten policy of content curation. This is a deal with the devil.

>There is a more revolutionary side that wants to push beyond "big tech" and a more reformist side that wants to go back to the 80s/90s for networks and related social values.

I somewhat agree and disagree, based on my observances, and here's why (pic related).

-Crowder is advocating for creative content unrestricted by ad giants "punishing" them for going off the reservation. A true free market capitalist approach.

-Dailywire is advocating for the reservation, and willing to punish creators when they go off message on behalf of Big Tech. A true crony capitalist model that gives ultimate power to ad sponsors (controlled by Big Tech).

This is why this has exploded. When it became clear that all the same voices stabbing PDJT in the back were all a part of the same family of gatekeepers with their claws dug REALLY deep into the conservative movement (now just a big business model a la neo-neo con), the grift became totally exposed. Then the non-conservatives, libertarians and others started coming out of the woodwork; Cernovich, Masterson, etc. These people are all in cahoots to control the market and are open about being willing to allow Big Tech control the message.

This shit, right here, is why Rumble and independent creators are going to explode.

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0595a3 No.18183071

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a27fba No.18183072

File: da9032ff240ae5a⋯.png (180.85 KB,749x940,749:940,ClipboardImage.png)



Cause of Death - >ruptured aortic aneurysm



An abdominal aortic aneurysm is an enlarged area in the lower part of the major vessel that supplies blood to the body (aorta). The aorta runs from the heart through the center of the chest and abdomen.

The aorta is the largest blood vessel in the body, so a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm can cause life-threatening bleeding.

Depending on the size of the aneurysm and how fast it's growing, treatment varies from watchful waiting to emergency surgery.


Abdominal aortic aneurysms often grow slowly without noticeable symptoms, making them difficult to detect. Some aneurysms never rupture. Many start small and stay small. Others grow larger over time, sometimes quickly.

If you have an enlarging abdominal aortic aneurysm, you might notice:

Deep, constant pain in the belly area or side of the belly (abdomen)

Back pain

A pulse near the bellybutton

When to see a doctor

If you have pain, especially if pain is sudden and severe, seek immediate medical help.

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4e1b88 No.18183073

File: d62fbd2ba07fdd6⋯.jpeg (154.04 KB,1280x932,320:233,d62fbd2ba07fdd68d20863faf….jpeg)




STFU and help Anon kill the muh concerns! shill above!


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9e8790 No.18183074

File: bd8c425cac443a1⋯.jpg (582.38 KB,1200x1081,1200:1081,1557257409695.jpg)

File: 0fa2242eea6efd7⋯.jpg (40.69 KB,720x734,360:367,1548031301707.jpg)

File: 4e62acd979ee643⋯.png (685.27 KB,962x964,481:482,1551203446486.png)

File: 6a06951270173e2⋯.jpg (60.54 KB,960x932,240:233,1551203446478.jpg)

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064856 No.18183075


did we won the Vietnam war?

Did songbird saved us?

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700d52 No.18183076

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72b6d2 No.18183077

File: 38004f7dfde60cb⋯.png (542.27 KB,856x482,428:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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0595a3 No.18183078

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952a9e No.18183079

File: 69ae8efbfecfeeb⋯.png (Spoiler Image,83.43 KB,256x298,128:149,Screen_Shot_2021_02_13_at_….png)

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10ea36 No.18183080

Notables Are Not Endorsements

>>18182344, >>18182533


>>18182381 Pentagon Construction Traffic pattern changes start Monday, January 23

>>18182393 Biden's '68 days of silence' on the documents farce - dailymail

>>18182399, >>18182412, >>18182813, >>18182846, >>18182854 "McCarrick is the epstein of the church…" George Neumayr didn't kill himself! call for dig and moar sauce

>>18182434, >>18182458, >>18182462, >>18182474 @POTATO "Two years down." - "We'll be with you long after the headlines fade"

>>18182438 UN_Agenda_2030_Alberta_.pdf info regarding Canadian corruption perpetrated by the Conservative Party of Canada

>>18182436 bunch of new unredacted emails detailing the Feb 1 2020 teleconference between Dr. Fauci and virologists discussing SARS-Cov-2:

>>18182440, >>18182536, >>18182544 US is investigating first two cases of super gonorrhea OH SHIT

>>18182480 TRU TUBE 54 Video Update 100 New Videos added

>>18182523 Globalists Plan ToUtilize Brain-Computer Interfaces As Surveillance System Of Employees

>>18182644 The 'Director' of the UPenn Biden center, Michael Carpenter, IS THE SAME 'MIKE' Biden referenced RE: the quid pro quo in Ukraine

>>18182705 @realDonaldTrump Arrest the reporter, publisher, editor - you’ll get your answer fast. Stop playing games and wasting time!

>>18182740 Google-parent Alphabet to cut 12K jobs from global workforce

>>18182756, >>18182820, >>18182836 Debt ceiling x date. Any financial advisors lurking?

>>18182764 Pfizer tried to ‘bully’ India – New Delhi never approved the company’s jab as the US drugmaker apparently wanted protection from lawsuits over adverse effects

>>18182799 Divine justice! Thief is stabbed by angel statue's sword after trying to steal it from Mexican church and tripping

>>18182900 NYP now reporting on the Jamie Lee Curtis "artwork" child in a bin. Not allowed to call it Podesta Vibes.. fell back to Epstein

>>18182906 Three drones targeted a United States garrison in Syria’s Al-Tanf region, Central Command announces

>>18182927 Call for diggz on supposed NZ replacement PM Chris Hipkins

>>18182972, >>18182995, >>18183062 Homosexual couple busted selling the cp of their adopted sons and literally pimping them out to finance their lifestyle

>>18183009, >>18183016, >>18183036 U.S. ‘No Fly List’ Leaks After Being Left in an Unsecured Airline Server

>>18183020 @USNavy Tweets: Keeping communities ship shape!


Seeking handoff next rbead

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8655db No.18183081


All of Hollywood and Washington with adopted or hatched twins are shitting their pantaloons

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4bf8ec No.18183082

File: 066cd690a438e32⋯.jpg (8.09 KB,251x172,251:172,066cd690a438e328310803f135….jpg)


You're wasting time on AFLB? Count me out. That dumbfuck is just a gnat now.

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700d52 No.18183083


3rd charm

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4e1b88 No.18183084

File: 062ac31f93c37ad⋯.png (144.17 KB,555x557,555:557,062ac31f93c37adbce8c1b1d7c….png)

anon bets that [they] hate the drops and shave [their] vagina's!

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2191d5 No.18183085


No, I mean the adult diaper.

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0595a3 No.18183086


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152811 No.18183087

File: 871fb151347ae51⋯.png (83.08 KB,809x828,809:828,Fm8mF4TWIAEvhxb.png)

File: 5ac0a130946711c⋯.png (51.23 KB,787x500,787:500,Fm8mIdLX0AIdxtO.png)

ChatGPT AI from musk and Microsoft is Woke

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aa4240 No.18183088

File: dc45826f83bbd38⋯.jpeg (912.73 KB,1170x1685,234:337,9A32D5A4_53C5_4F4D_9330_A….jpeg)



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7c14ad No.18183089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Have a great weekend, frens. Bless you all, we´re in the fight and we will win the fight!

Qteam, we´re locked and loaded, lets get the ball rolling.

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064856 No.18183090


da fuck…………

I put so much hope in him……………

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9e8790 No.18183091

File: ae74d626bc9a7a6⋯.jpg (64.76 KB,625x421,625:421,ae74d626bc9a7a6bd9ccdb7025….jpg)

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de5e94 No.18183092



Could've had some sort of 'win' if the forces sent to Cambodia weren't called back before they got to the enemie's HQ

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10ea36 No.18183093

File: 03b156827a6b0e0⋯.gif (1.15 MB,498x278,249:139,ill_allow_it.gif)



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0595a3 No.18183094


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04288e No.18183095

File: 8f6d6e51b2f3a8b⋯.png (6.63 KB,128x77,128:77,ClipboardImage.png)


It's good, yet the ending is somewhat wrong.

Needs to continue down then end a bit like it begins with more of picrel but pointing up , then looped just right.

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fb447b No.18183096

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685615 No.18183097

File: cf815bfd7e1a6d5⋯.png (577.48 KB,640x502,320:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e1b88 No.18183098

File: 69df15bfbe738a5⋯.png (687.73 KB,668x854,334:427,9ea46b9b0174e91d49017e09dd….png)


is that what leaf became?



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901410 No.18183099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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fb447b No.18183100

File: 700b36acf0af334⋯.jpeg (16.18 KB,399x400,399:400,1637709030300.jpeg)

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938ccc No.18183101

File: 4baa213cf0378aa⋯.jpg (50.75 KB,889x495,889:495,crookedbencrump.jpg)

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6e4470 No.18183102

File: 334508e03b5992b⋯.jpg (49.69 KB,335x328,335:328,the_worst_president_007.JPG)

File: 21e6b93c9a0c355⋯.jpg (481.09 KB,816x528,17:11,finnifinni.JPG)

File: 80e4af4e3ee7353⋯.jpg (146.84 KB,932x626,466:313,804e91e221a.jpg)

File: b5c29b57de60f47⋯.jpg (241.35 KB,816x528,17:11,50TH_ANAL_MEETING_KLAUS_AN….JPG)

File: 776ec1f9e18cc96⋯.jpg (90.5 KB,768x384,2:1,the_best_sm_treason_global….JPG)

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780cf2 No.18183103

File: b1ff54afa54e9b1⋯.png (243.16 KB,500x566,250:283,DialecticOfFail.png)

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0595a3 No.18183104

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4bf8ec No.18183105


I think so. He went through a phase where he signed every post with a tilde, then switched to the "shut your nigga" shit.

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fb447b No.18183106


show off

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b7287d No.18183107


Why did he Run?

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04288e No.18183108

File: 59dd41b93d4d489⋯.png (399.83 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



Bond, James Bond digits

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1212aa No.18183109

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1212aa No.18183110

why would I ever fail?

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064856 No.18183111


this anon know shit.

save him.

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90bb16 No.18183112

File: f067bf1598f4c13⋯.gif (68.17 KB,220x220,1:1,smudge_crystal_orb.gif)

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958c8a No.18183113


Is he trying to get impeached at this point.

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4bf8ec No.18183114

File: 055c3337aa9e511⋯.jpeg (8.4 KB,230x255,46:51,055c3337aa9e511cc7779d92f….jpeg)


Always nice to see a fellow digit wizard. Your skills will be handy here. Find a place on the line and get comfy.

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c8b7f4 No.18183115

File: ec85efe18b961d1⋯.png (35.62 KB,860x593,860:593,1673617982184767.png)

Some of the Chinese super computer's run a brute force attack on American computers 24/7 to figure out the password or passwords to breach the system or cloud and have a high success rate.

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0595a3 No.18183116

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21344e No.18183117

File: a97ba8b607b5449⋯.jpg (45.95 KB,555x361,555:361,entringthefuture.jpg)

File: 9fb0ca6650cc003⋯.jpg (69.42 KB,650x370,65:37,judgmenttarot.jpg)




"Discernment is not free"

"Freedom is not free"


to me, discernment is free; it's just seeing; telling the difference between two things. Matching things that match. Pattern recognition?

Isn't that just a power, can't pay for it if you don't have it. but you can learn it?


Maybe people learn to bury their discernment? Lack of faith in themselves?

We are entering a New World

anon was surprised to see people cry at Weddings, Or get sentimental at New Year's —

It's a crashing , leaving behind of what came before? But with so much potential ahead; "best is Yet to Come"


a lot of sadness for all the havoc by the clique of haters. We should be good to ourselves.

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952a9e No.18183118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

: CLOSER-LOOK AT THE FILM: Winifred: Adams & Russell-Jay: Gould.

: ~19-~01-~2023.


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90bb16 No.18183119

File: 0ff449120dc7950⋯.gif (2.51 MB,350x245,10:7,sippie_sip.gif)

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1ef8c1 No.18183120

File: b20ae059bb77cc9⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,320x240,4:3,patience_and_fortitude_cou….mp4)

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19ced0 No.18183121

File: 84486d25831bbfb⋯.jpg (158.08 KB,735x1220,147:244,Jesus_saves.jpg)

Jesus saves!

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0595a3 No.18183122

File: 9911de7851867b4⋯.png (115.75 KB,275x364,275:364,MCiwgfeuiowbf.png)

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685615 No.18183123

File: cf8ba90fa419db1⋯.png (63.04 KB,623x596,623:596,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e1b88 No.18183124

File: 0644fa87ceec5a1⋯.jpg (11.22 KB,255x170,3:2,46fe7f9506e61b3d19b0df219e….jpg)


Ahhh that must have been when anon took some R & R

anon thought leaf died




something to say?!!!!!!


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45d7f4 No.18183125


Ben Shapiro doesn't help anyone by talking. All I can hear is a screechy mouse voice. No reason to get involved. Adults can solve their own problems. “My best friend”???? Really

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4e1b88 No.18183126

File: c85d010803ab9c6⋯.jpg (151.19 KB,1784x1296,223:162,dfir23.jpg)


yeah which is why 99% hospital

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de5e94 No.18183127


At least his fans are letting people know he's a biologist and what his pronoun preferences are.

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d6a9ab No.18183128

File: 8caa7063954f52e⋯.png (1.15 MB,1430x794,715:397,Screen_Shot_2023_01_20_at_….png)

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87ce25 No.18183129


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72b6d2 No.18183131

File: b35c6828a0848f3⋯.png (370.52 KB,750x400,15:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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064856 No.18183132



you just do nothing but wait.

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4e1b88 No.18183133

File: 29f407667fa4d68⋯.jpg (63.4 KB,516x499,516:499,29f407667fa4d68d36fdd8ef9d….jpg)

just like that

a form of mental tai Q doe

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10ea36 No.18183136

File: f8e5bb17a44aa3d⋯.gif (1.61 MB,400x225,16:9,drift_360.gif)

New Bread






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952a9e No.18183137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




: Russell-Jay: Gould.


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4e1b88 No.18183138

File: d30a42ce7070c15⋯.jpg (22.67 KB,400x400,1:1,DFIRE2.jpg)


yet the catholic church runs many of the adoption agencies that oppose gay adoption!

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4bf8ec No.18183139

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,090d8c76d5645e015971f4187….jpeg)


Now do palindromes. Those are my favorite. Palindromes between post count and seconds/hours. Palindromes between post count and last two digits of post. Etc, etc. Then the math comes addition/subtraction/multiplication/division between the three (time/post count/post #) to make a digit. The patterns are there, but it's probably just my brian amusing itself with these patterns.

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064856 No.18183141


ty for your service.

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