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7c08dc No.18174620 [Last50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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7c08dc No.18174621

International Q Research Threads

>>17453586 ——–——– Australia #26

>>17722898 ——–——– Canada #38

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

>> Jim Watkins on patriotic liberty >>18167961 new

Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444, baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761 new

Offering breads to other bakers >>18061508, >>18067193 ; No RRN in notes >>17980519


#22285 >>18173854

>>18173896 New Chinese Study Shows that More than Four COVID Jabs Produced Near Complete Collapse of Immune System in Mice

>>18173915 Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy announces that effective immediately, there will be no more proxy voting. The Speaker says...

>>18173951 In a bizarre 30-second Pfizer commercial... Martha Stewart: ‘Unvaccinated Citizens Should Be Executed’

>>18173950, >>18173959 CNN didn’t publish story linking Damar Hamlin collapse to vaccine

>>18173962 Prosecutors weigh options in fatal shooting by Alec Baldwin

>>18174028 Secretary Antony Blinken: The United States is launching the Welcome Corps, the boldest innovation in refugee resettlement in four decades...

>>18174041 Here's FBI Director Christopher Wray praising a China-style global surveillance system being created "between the private sector and the government."

>>18174046 KEKS: mike rothschild w/CAP: The number of people who truly want Donald Trump's first post back on Twitter to be "the storm is upon us" is pretty damn frightening...

>>18174098 France Grinds To Halt Over Nationwide Pension Strikes

>>18174157 Beyond Q media matters hit piece

>>18174159 Dersh on the hook for mandates

>>18174193 McCarthy ends pandemic-era proxy voting, forcing lawmakers to vote in person

>>18174211, >>18174216, >>18174220, >>18174222, >>18174226, >>18174230, >>18174235, >>18174488, >>18174495 Twitter Drop: Facebook Files

>>18174231 #Facebook Files Live Coverage - The Roundtable

>>18174249 Planefag CONUS activity

>>18174266 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Seagull Nebula

>>18174288 GOP Rep. Announces Plans to Investigate AT&T and Verizon for Blacklisting Conservative Network OAN

>>18174293 @MARFORSOUTH Welcome Aboard!

>>18174295 America has officially hit the $31 TRILLION debt ceiling

>>18174329 Hunter Biden Staring Down the Barrel of at Least Two Committee Probes

>>18174338 WHALE74 E-4B Nightwatch departed from Wright-Patterson AFB and will go to Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson for the duration of Potato's visit

>>18174390 Trending #vaccinegenocide

>>18174397 Scavino on Facebook

>>18174414 @realDonaldTrump Truths

>>18174451 @OfficialFtSill Get up and get moving!

>>18174456 SpaceX - Starlink Mission

>>18174472, >>18174484, >>18174475 Alec Baldwin and Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed are charged with involuntary manslaughter for fatal Rust shooting

>>18174507, >>18174515, >>18174587 President Donald J. Trump — The Biden Documents and a Two-Tier Justice System vid Calls for Ban on China’s Acquisition of American Infrastructure

>>18174552 Tony Blair tells WEF digital vaccine records are ‘important’ in preparing for the ‘next pandemic’

>>18174617 #22285


>>18173089, >>18173097, >>18173106, >>18173214 RE: Crypto Shill [Heather Morgan], worked for the WB in Cairo, Egypt

>>18173105, >>18173114 Is it it a coincidence that Jarden resigns today from NZ,the day after Trump Says “I have INFO on everyone”?

>>18173193 How many days Joe Biden has spent at his Delaware residence since he took office?

>>18173223 Crypto giant Genesis is 'days away' from bankruptcyafter suffering steep losses in wake of FTX collapse: Firm owes creditors $3 BILLION

>>18173287 Joe Manchin argues against the First Amendment at the [World Economic Forum] meeting in Davos: "The problem we have is the open press system and basically all the platforms."

>>18173401 American fashion designer Heather Kaye liked how China helped raise her kids

>>18173417, >>18173420 The FAA admits that jabbed pilots don’t have normal EKGs

>>18173419 Greta's so-called arrest

>>18173447 2023 study: Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post–COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis - but the authors STILL FLOG THE VAX

>>18173475 European Commission VP Věra Jourová at the WEF: "Illegal hate speech, which you will have soon also in the U.S."

>>18173504 CNN’s Entire Primetime Lineup Fails to Equal the Audience of One Fox Program

>>18173505 DeSantis calls out 'biomedical security state,' seeks to permanently ban mandates

>>18173506 California: 10.8 Million Mail-In Ballots ‘Unaccounted For’ in 2022 Elections

>>18173511 Biden’s Classified Documents Scandal Proves the National Media Is Dead

>>18173515 @CodeMonkeyZ: Arizona created website used by LEOs to track American financial transactions w/o warrants or subpoenas

>>18173524 @tracybeanz: Robert Kennedy Jr explains how the CIA used the Covid-19 response to vastly increase top-down government

>>18173534 Out of ALL the paintings in your house to have - why does Jamie Lee Curtis have this?

>>18173536 Jan. 19 Q Delta: We are WITH YOU

>>18173542 New York City Will Abort Children for Free

>>18173590, >>18173598, >>18173607, >>18173617, >>18173626 People of Brazil, New Zealand, Italy rising up against Vax

>>18173604, >>18173613 New evidence of civilization in Humanity's distant past.

Ghost grab

>>18173717 Media Reach New Low With Biden’s Classified Docs

>>18173724 ‘It Has A Big Impact’: Davos Speaker Calls For ‘A Billion’ People To ‘Stop Eating Meat’

>>18173728, >>18173767 Inside the Bitcoin Laundering Case That Confounded the Internet

>>18173770, >>18173774, >>18173778 DJT TS w/CAP: Making a big political speech today at TRUMP DORAL, in Miami. The Fake News says I am not campaigning very hard...

>>18173803 Hunter Biden Lived In Classified Doc House While Raking In Millions Through Chinese Intelligence Ties

>>18173845 #22284


>>18172333 This is the data @greggphillips claimed to have seen in a Dallas hotel room

>>18172335, >>18172340, >>18172361, >>18172345 Q3905, Q3906, Q4408, Q4466. Worth Re-reading

>>18172349 "Everything we do today, including the special military operation, is to stop this war" - Putin

>>18172400 Former Republican US Senate candidate Daniel McCarthy implied Kari Lake and Blake Masters are “fake Republicans” who lost on purpose

>>18172412 Massie tweets out video of Pfizer CEO getting Questioned

>>18172496 Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard

>>18172508, >>18172542, >>18172570, >>18172584, >>18172587, >>18172606, >>18172612 A collection of glowing PDFs 1/2

>>18172629, >>18172637, >>18172676, >>18172698, >>18172708, >>18172663 Which will probably get my door kicked in 2/2

>>18172516, >>18172600, >>18172651, >>18172661, >>18172666, >>18172671 Q566-568 5 year delta RE: Nunez memo

>>18172517 White House insists looming debt ceiling crisis be dealt without conditions

>>18172602 Tiffany Polifko Warns Parents of Weaponization of “Social Emotional Learning” Against Children, Bill Gates is involved in SEL

>>18172616 Hunter Biden Lived In Classified Doc House While Raking In Millions Through Chinese Intelligence Ties

>>18172681 FBI’s Militia Infiltration Predated, Spanned Wider than Whitmer Kidnap Plot

>>18172687 Sprinter Usain Bolt Missing $12.7 Million From Jamaican Account

>>18172694 Gambino mobster Frank Camuso busted in sprawling NYC construction kickback scheme

>>18172716 Bank of America CEO says new ESG rules are needed to reboot capitalism

>>18172771 D.C. federal court is now letting massive crypto schemer to leave her home just to work at a tech company's NYC office.

>>18172814, >>18172835 Anons what is this thing Bannon always wears? Is this three pens?

>>18172837 B-52 with callsign CHILL33 just drew a great big dot under Brandon, Manitoba.

>>18172883 President Trump Outlines Policy Video Calling for Ban on China Acquisition of American Infrastructure

>>18172918 Consequences of Anti Socialist Communism, Chinese Population & Economic Decline - Bannon

>>18173022 #22283

Previously Collected

>>18172275 #22282

>>18169986 #22279, >>18171343 #22280, >>18171496 #22281

>>18167781 #22276, >>18168559 #22277, >>18169315 #22278

>>18165434 #22273, >>18166205 #22274, >>18166996 #22275

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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7c08dc No.18174626

File: bb52b1425b00331⋯.jpg (56.16 KB,782x960,391:480,facebook3.jpg)

File: 87773424bc005f4⋯.jpg (63.86 KB,509x490,509:490,facebook4.jpg)

File: cfda0674913f3c8⋯.jpg (54.9 KB,584x587,584:587,facebook.jpg)

File: 5a9b1182ec06d84⋯.jpeg (561.42 KB,828x1050,138:175,facebook5.jpeg)



Baker can continue or defer

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305d59 No.18174645

File: c30990db91aadff⋯.jpg (53.99 KB,720x388,180:97,20211022_122618.jpg)

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4a3d17 No.18174647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A/pedo cult social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.


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81fa50 No.18174650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cfd7a7 No.18174654

File: 002b2abd0a68ee1⋯.png (140.95 KB,598x1031,598:1031,ClipboardImage.png)

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305d59 No.18174655

File: 7fdbb499e21381b⋯.jpg (157.39 KB,1605x871,1605:871,bjff78.jpg)

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332bcf No.18174659


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45975e No.18174663

File: 2e73a90ccc667dd⋯.png (684.44 KB,1125x741,375:247,FLOTUS_popcorn.png)

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cb3824 No.18174667

File: 330a15a88252df4⋯.png (30.67 KB,529x279,529:279,Capture.PNG)

Jacinda Ardern will be remembered for guiding her country with strength, compassion, and grace through multiple historic crises, doubtless saving countless lives.

She's shown the world a new model of powerful leadership. A true stateswoman.


Down she goes

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ca5b59 No.18174669

File: a1f2e730c331fdf⋯.png (212.74 KB,435x480,29:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc38d5 No.18174671

File: 3efa97ade299ef3⋯.png (46.34 KB,602x284,301:142,AFLlawsuit.png)

Blockbuster Lawsuit: America First Legal and Texas Partner With Oklahoma to Sue Biden’s HHS for Relinquishing Our Sovereignty to WHO Tyranny


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826aba No.18174673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I believe this is the Godfather Clip that Bannon played on his show this morning.

Bannon suggesting this is how McCarthy is to play negotiations for Budget increase.

Say nothing and let them panic,

"My offer is nothing."

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6c669a No.18174676

File: 71c6ac252f71b89⋯.jpeg (73.95 KB,500x545,100:109,75A27A74_33DD_4432_9A7E_5….jpeg)

File: 9ae1dd727549ec5⋯.jpeg (803.24 KB,1104x1018,552:509,BC5CA849_906B_4028_9ADE_8….jpeg)

>>18174214 (PB)


Yep, 42 is significant: (to 8+ decimal places)


μ = mp/me = 1836.15267 ~= (2903/phi) + 42

Prime Number, Integer, and the Golden Ratio

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715787 No.18174677

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….png)

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23bfdd No.18174678

File: 8613ff1ca63d714⋯.png (580.67 KB,751x499,751:499,ClipboardImage.png)


>New Chinese Study Shows that More than Four COVID Jabs Produced Near Complete Collapse of Immune System in Mice

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23bfdd No.18174679

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cb3824 No.18174680

File: 9045aa2f041e5bb⋯.png (653.12 KB,1371x942,457:314,XqunzFhQkBL8VRpy13Ds_19_33….png)

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03a212 No.18174681

File: c59f988933fc5f8⋯.png (147.96 KB,996x1644,83:137,Cbj.png)

Anons here is why MAGA Patriots started using artificial intelligence in doing what we are doing here and don't listen to the shills knocking the anons using artificial intelligence be smart and move forward at lightspeed.

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16979f No.18174682

File: 84d33a5ab228e21⋯.png (684.12 KB,1180x938,590:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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305d59 No.18174683

Jacinda Ardern resignation speech yesterday reminds of the star wars actress 'audition' tape of getting a baseball bat showed up her ass.

Just me?

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93d0b0 No.18174684

File: bf48b7d65f765f9⋯.png (29.82 KB,737x222,737:222,ClipboardImage.png)


Was announced!!! Mr Miller is stalwart.


Big lawsuit coming today from America First Legal. Stay tuned.

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df7ea0 No.18174685

File: 58d7a75fcae14c4⋯.png (165.17 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230119_115138.png)

Zelenskyy Says He's Not Certain Putin Is Alive | Newsmax


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23bfdd No.18174686

File: c26a9d4b0154859⋯.png (103.11 KB,407x350,407:350,42.png)


"What is the meaning of life?"

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955403 No.18174687

File: e436e6b8cd4de23⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1766x1200,883:600,Baker_girl.jpg)

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df7ea0 No.18174688


Holy cow another lawsuit!!!!!!

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332bcf No.18174690

File: 500197fd150d96b⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,646x360,323:180,c4866e5c315a544d.mp4)

What do you think, anons?


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207bd9 No.18174692

File: cd21dc5557a73fe⋯.png (133.91 KB,1000x607,1000:607,wef00.png)

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fdc492 No.18174693

File: 6fbfa80c1372224⋯.png (307.7 KB,548x286,274:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c669a No.18174694

File: 6c1ec2e78969c76⋯.jpeg (208.38 KB,1284x1181,1284:1181,ADB36A6C_5448_4911_B3B2_8….jpeg)

File: 71c6ac252f71b89⋯.jpeg (73.95 KB,500x545,100:109,D522C25D_690A_4EC8_80AE_3….jpeg)


Google calculator verifies:


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41c9c1 No.18174695


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4a3d17 No.18174696

File: c9adbe94740d81f⋯.png (397.39 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

1.19.2023 Pedopourri "It's Happening"















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cd9a00 No.18174697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Boston Dynamics showcases Atlas’s new robot skillz for DAVOS

Not a coincidence that this was released during DAVOs. Reminds of that old video of former Nestle CEO arguing that access to water wasn’t a human right then ends by saying robots will replace us all anyway.

Atlas Gets a Grip | Boston Dynamics via @YouTube

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ca5b59 No.18174698

File: 0fa1717bf0eba18⋯.png (267.09 KB,449x480,449:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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fdc492 No.18174699

File: f0f806bcf549bd8⋯.png (953.06 KB,745x750,149:150,ClipboardImage.png)

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305d59 No.18174700

/what made nz pm quit?

She was too distraught, to say it was her idea.

That script she read stung.

She cringed at the timeline.

None of that was her plan.

Even if she saw she couldn't pull off a another term, she would not have read what sounded moar like a termination notice. These egos want legacy.

That resignation announcement was at gun point

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3b8458 No.18174701


false. shills are pushing AI. Anons are calling you out. Now fuck off.

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5d1a7c No.18174702


Billion dollar tinker toy.

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53ff45 No.18174703

File: b5479dbf27dbb67⋯.png (156.01 KB,500x501,500:501,ClipboardImage.png)

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df7ea0 No.18174704


They will lose. Again

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826aba No.18174705

File: 5b43c8221f11119⋯.png (144.04 KB,1040x467,1040:467,ClipboardImage.png)


DOJ asked Biden team not to investigate the classified docs further: Report

Story by Ryan King • 1h ago

Upon learning about President Joe Biden's classified documents, the Justice Department reportedly initially asked his team to refrain from further examining the files or other possibly relevant material at different locations.

The request came in the form of a letter to Biden's attorney Bob Bauer in mid-November of last year following the discovery of classified files from Biden's vice presidency days at a think tank, the Washington Post reported. Biden's team later embarked on a sweep of his properties and unearthed further classified materials.

Officials also asked for a list of where additional documents were stashed as they mulled searching for any lingering classified material, per the report. Biden ultimately signed off on the searches.

The DOJ had contemplated overseeing Biden's team as they conducted a sweep of his residences but ultimately declined to do so out of concern that it could make their investigation of the matter more complicated later on, per the Wall Street Journal.

"The key here is the DOJ letter apparently asking Biden team to NOT review any docs in other locations. If true, that [could] explain why the WH acted so oddly in handling this matter," Andrew Weissmann, a lawyer who has been dubbed the "Mueller Pitbull" for his role in the Robert Mueller-Russia investigation, tweeted in response to the report.

Biden has been under scrutiny for the communications strategy surrounding the classified document saga. One of his lawyers first discovered classified material at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, a foreign policy-focused think tank, on Nov. 2, 2022. His team then initiated a search of his Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, residences. They then told the DOJ about more material found in Wilmington on Dec. 20, 2022.

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59d5b2 No.18174706

File: e12278c8eafadc9⋯.jpeg (674.41 KB,892x3922,446:1961,Web_capture_19_1_2023_105….jpeg)

UQ researchers identify a cellular pathway to reprogram the body’s immune system


UQ researchers identify a cellular pathway to reprogram the body’s immune system

University of Queensland researchers have identified a pathway in cells that could be used to reprogram the body's immune system to fight back against both chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Dr Kaustav Das Gupta and Professor Matt Sweet from UQ's Institute for Molecular Bioscience discovered that a molecule derived from glucose in immune cells can both stop bacteria growing and dampen inflammatory responses.

Dr Das Gupta said the finding is a critical step towards future therapeutics that train immune cells.

The effects of this molecule called ribulose-5-phosphate on bacteria are striking – it can cooperate with other immune factors to stop disease-causing strains of the E. coli bacteria from growing."

Dr Kaustav Das Gupta, UQ's Institute for Molecular Bioscience

"It also reprograms the immune system to switch off destructive inflammation, which contributes to both life-threatening infectious diseases such as sepsis as well as chronic inflammatory diseases like respiratory diseases, chronic liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and dementia."

The research was carried out on a strain of E. coli bacteria that causes approximately 80 per cent of urinary tract infections and is a common cause of sepsis.

Animal trials were used to confirm the role of this pathway in controlling bacterial infections.

Professor Sweet said human cells were also used to demonstrate that ribulose-5-phosphate reduces the production of molecules that drive chronic inflammatory diseases.

"Host-directed therapies which train our immune systems to fight infections, will become increasingly important as more types of bacteria become resistant to known antibiotics," Professor Sweet said.

"A bonus is that this strategy also switches off destructive inflammation, which gives it the potential to combat chronic disease.

"By boosting the immune pathway that generates ribulose-5-phosphate, we may be able to give the body the power to fight back against inflammatory and infectious diseases – not one, but two of the major global challenges for human health."

Many current anti-inflammatory therapies target proteins on the outside of cells but because this pathway occurs inside cells, the researchers devised a new approach to target the pathway using mRNA technology.

Professor Sweet said the technology has shown promising results to deliver the enzyme that generates ribulose-5-phosphate into immune cells and has been filed as a provisional patent by UniQuest, UQ's commercialisation company.

The work involved international and national cooperation, including UQ researchers Professor David Fairlie and Professor Mark Schembri as key collaborators.

The research was published in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).


The University of Queensland

Gupta, K.D., et al. (2023) HDAC7 is an immunometabolic switch triaging danger signals for engagement of antimicrobial versus inflammatory responses in macrophages. PNAS. doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2212813120.

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2f7d6a No.18174707

File: 0c6a5f3d7acc843⋯.jpg (93.61 KB,600x335,120:67,BoardPrayer.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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ca4d59 No.18174709

Baker: Bread # same as last bread

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781cdb No.18174710

File: d6188e6e9c461b4⋯.jpeg (169.07 KB,1017x844,1017:844,10745846_8716_45B2_B27C_8….jpeg)

File: 4cd79ce872fbbb9⋯.jpeg (752.24 KB,1241x1617,1241:1617,A478D993_EDED_47AB_B3AC_6….jpeg)

File: 39b8595acf8a653⋯.jpeg (285.82 KB,1157x1552,1157:1552,7B038F3B_B258_4BE3_B002_0….jpeg)

Take Me to Church: The Straight Dope House Republicans Need to Take Down the Deep State With Church Committee 2.0

1 of 4(or 5)

It has been a long and painful process, but both Republican lawmakers and their voting base have finally come to a belated realization: the intelligence apparatus that concocted Russiagate, sabotaged an entire presidency, suppressed the Hunter Biden scandal, and converted Twitter into its domestic censorship machine might not be friendly to their interests.

And so, a mantra for the new Republican Congress is making the rounds: Take Me to Church…

… the Church Committee, that is.

One of the key concessions extracted by anti-Kevin McCarthy Republicans before they agreed to elect him House speaker was the creation of a new Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. The plan, for now, is that Freedom Caucus member Rep. Jim Jordan will head the subcommittee. And the explicit agenda is for this committee to serve as a spiritual successor to the Church Committee of almost half a century ago:

U.S. Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma, the GOP chairman of the House Rules Committee, said the subcommittee will be modeled on the U.S. Senate’s 1970s Church Committee that investigated abuses by U.S. intelligence agencies. He said it will probe “the radical left weaponization of the federal government in recent years.” Texas Republican Chip Roy said it will target “weaponization of government against the American people” and be headed by Jordan.

Jordan, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, has introduced a resolution to create the subcommittee that’s scheduled for a vote this week. It says the subcommittee’s members will include him and the top Judiciary Committee Democrat, New York’s Jerrold Nadler, and no more than 13 other members, with five appointed by Democrats.

Its investigative topics will include examining “how executive branch agencies collect, compile, analyze, use, or disseminate information about citizens of the United States, including any unconstitutional, illegal, or unethical activities committed against citizens of the United States,” the resolution states.

[Cleveland Plain Dealer]

The new committee is an idea that gained momentum over the second half of 2022. Steve Bannon and Revolver News’ Darren Beattie have been calling for a Church-style Committee for over a year now.

In a recent conversation with Revolver News’ Darren Beattie, President Trump went on the record supporting such a Church-style committee:

The idea quickly took root in the wider public discourse, fueled by the steady release of the Twitter Files. McCarthy himself endorsed the idea just before Christmas, as did venture capitalist and Elon Musk associate David Sacks, whose endorsement was in turn endorsed by Musk himself.

We welcome all of this, and are very happy to see Jordan’s new committee take shape. But a Church Committee redux, by itself, is not enough to fix what ails the decaying American republic of today.

It’s understandable why the Church Committee is generating fond reflections nearly a half century later. The yearlong investigation, which at its peak employed more than 150 staffers, was the first, largest, and most substantive Congressional investigation of America’s intelligence apparatus, covering the thirty years where that apparatus ran wild following World War II. The committee’s work produced thousands of pages of collected evidence, testimony, and case studies (much of which remains classified to this day), and culminated in a six-volume final report totaling roughly 2500 pages. The second volume of that report, covering domestic surveillance within the United States, included this damning summary:


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305d59 No.18174711

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df7ea0 No.18174712


Nothing can be done. We let them win

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542837 No.18174713


David jew Brody is a faggot.

Anna Perez called him out on his show and she was fired.

The spin he creates is faggot.

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d88893 No.18174716

File: 471190f2d481e1d⋯.png (269.57 KB,500x515,100:103,ClipboardImage.png)


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e8b6a5 No.18174717

File: fec4d21ec027242⋯.webp (11.7 KB,462x347,462:347,9290B47F_1692_4467_ADA5_A….webp)


Ty you glorious b

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60ed69 No.18174718

File: 863f9183445fac5⋯.jpg (250.6 KB,1024x1024,1:1,anon_clown.jpg)


>Nothing can be done. We let them win

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cd9a00 No.18174719



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2f7d6a No.18174720

File: 62a2f28566484a7⋯.jpeg (91.5 KB,691x951,691:951,62a2f28566484a778e0d56b46….jpeg)

File: b2282dd594abd99⋯.jpg (55.37 KB,339x335,339:335,3stripes.jpg)

>>18172814 (pb)

Nine years of service?

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93d0b0 No.18174721





No matter what's going on, no matter what problems present themselves and whatever solutions are given to said problems, it's "doing the wrong thing" just to serve the purpose of conquering and dividing people against each other to distract from the truth that the entire purpose of the media and shills is to lie to you, 24/7 to keep you from the truth.

>What do you think, anons?

I think most people are either full of shit, or fully believe other people that are spouting off nonsense that's full of shit.

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7c08dc No.18174722


fixed it


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d88893 No.18174724

File: 43395a42f53e9a6⋯.png (605.34 KB,700x700,1:1,43395a42f53e9a69dadc3b755c….png)


You can't 'know' what isn't true.

Shills are indeed pushing fake AI and getting called out for it.

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41c9c1 No.18174725

File: 118994b95f7c21f⋯.png (264.83 KB,559x299,43:23,Screen_Shot_2023_01_19_at_….png)

File: cf264cae666949a⋯.png (342.63 KB,541x403,541:403,Screen_Shot_2023_01_19_at_….png)

File: 531a013a7f2d828⋯.png (366.75 KB,560x362,280:181,Screen_Shot_2023_01_19_at_….png)

File: ed53a937076dc72⋯.png (281.18 KB,520x282,260:141,Screen_Shot_2023_01_19_at_….png)

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d18112 No.18174726

File: e1a6828680630ad⋯.jpg (32.9 KB,649x370,649:370,trumpcaughthussein.jpg)

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60ed69 No.18174727


>How do I know?

Because it was in your morning briefing?

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826aba No.18174728

File: d98b6d502414211⋯.png (567.78 KB,1253x932,1253:932,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48db79165ea7fbe⋯.png (487.37 KB,1050x656,525:328,ClipboardImage.png)


Power selfie: Ardern and Clinton exchange gifts

5:12 pm on 7 May 2018

Ms Ardern said they had a great discussion this morning, and also exchanged gifts.

"Hillary passed on to me a gift she was told every New Zealand child needed to have, which I can tell I did not have already, and that was a Buzzy Bee, so she's obviously been very well-informed.

"I gave her two children's books, which I thought she might wish to read to her grand-children, by authors Lynley Dodd and Margaret Mahy, which included a Summery Saturday Morning and Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy."

Ms Ardern said there was no risk of upsetting the current US administration by meeting Mrs Clinton.

"When it comes to the visits of those who are not guests of the Government I make sure that they are treated appropriately, in the same way that we did when Barack Obama visited New Zealand, it wasn't a formal meeting, there was therefore no media, it was a private meeting."

Mrs Clinton will talk in front of 3000 people this evening at Auckland's Spark Arena, sharing insights into the 2016 US election, its aftermath, and her experience as a woman in politics.

Unlike Former President Obama's widely reported recent arrival, very few people knew the former Secretary of State and New York Senator was in town until she was spotted at a children's clothing store in Parnell.

A usually quiet Sunday at work turned into something far more exciting for retail assistant Kersti Ward at Parnell Baby Boutique.

"There were a couple of security guys hanging around the shop for a while before she came.

"I thought 'oh that's a bit weird maybe Jacinda's coming in or something like that'. They were parked across the road, there were three cars in the bus bay and then this woman was escorted across the road and it was Hillary Clinton."

"I do admire her, so it was kind of a shock and I really didn't know what to talk to her about."

Ms Ward said she had looked into attending Mrs Clinton's talk tonight, but it was not possible on a student budget.

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3ba351 No.18174730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It’s only going to get more absurd, funny and DEADLY as the nitwits animating Cop Costumes continue wrapping themselves around their own Axil of Corruption and Lies.

To all you mythical Good Cops out there… you are being given EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY to correct your fellow coworkers. That is not some kind of threat, it’s just a fact of life that people will eventually run out of patience for Law Enforcement breaking the Law.

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e17985 No.18174731

File: c97b8f42b7eb320⋯.png (80.88 KB,483x229,483:229,LamdaIsLiar.png)

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305d59 No.18174732

File: 0841ec1382696bf⋯.jpg (32.41 KB,720x368,45:23,20211015_184825.jpg)

Illumination of Conscience

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83aa87 No.18174735


So this theory makes sense to anon, If Piglosi was the CA crimeboss, then McCarthy as takeover choice means he was a blackhat now turned against the system for his own reasons.

So the question who got whacked to turn him ?

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e4542e No.18174736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

George Santos in drag as Kitara Ravache

(circa 2013 @ 4:20 mark)

Lots of humor and fun, 1st Niterói Gay Parade

Muito humor e diversão, 1º Parada Gay de Niterói

Lots of humor and fun. João Fraga interviews figures at the first gay parade in Niterói. Unreleased flashes, unusual and fun interviews at this event that shook the city.

Muito humor e diversão. João Fraga entrevista figuraças na primeira parada gay de Niterói. Flashes inéditos , entrevistas inusitadas e divertidas neste evento que sacudiu a cidade.

João Fragah 158 subscribers 433 views Aug 14, 2013

4:20 link:


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53ff45 No.18174737

File: fbb3d6732ec392f⋯.png (808.58 KB,800x1107,800:1107,ClipboardImage.png)


Reminds me of

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781cdb No.18174738

>>18174710. New Revolver article

Take Me to Church: The Straight Dope House Republicans Need to Take Down the…

2 of 5

We have seen segments of our Government, in their attitudes and action, adopt tactics unworthy of a democracy, and occasionally reminiscent of totalitarian regimes. We have seen a consistent pattern in which programs initiated with limited goals, such as preventing criminal violence or identifying foreign spies, were expanded to what witnesses characterized as “vacuum cleaners”, sweeping in information about lawful activities of American citizens. The tendency of intelligence activities to expand beyond their initial scope is a theme which runs through every aspect of our investigative findings. Intelligence collection programs naturally generate ever-increasing demands for new data. And once intelligence has been collected, there are strong pressures to use it against the target.

The Church Committee successfully dug up a great many intelligence operations that had previously been unknown, or existed in the mind of the public only in the form of sensational rumors. Among them were:

Projects MINARET and SHAMROCK: NSA operations which placed hundreds of American citizens onto a watchlist, without any warrant or judicial oversight. The NSA intercepted communications which involved or mentioned those on the watchlist and disseminated them to the FBI, CIA, and other policing and intelligence agencies. Particularly shocking to Americans at the time was the collusion between the NSA and telecommunications companies. From World War II through the 1970s firms like Western Union gave the NSA unfettered access to incoming and outgoing messages. Eventually, in Church’s words, the programs “expanded [until the] NSA obtained from at least two cable companies essentially all cables to or from the United States, including millions of the private communications of Americans.”

COINTELPRO: Short for Counter Intelligence Program, COINTELPRO was the FBI’s original program for infiltrating and spying on supposed domestic subversives of all stripes, from black power and anti-war movements to the Communist Party USA and even feminists. COINTELPRO also spied on individuals deemed to be of interest for one reason or another; targets included the obvious (Martin Luther King and Malcolm X) to the not-so-obvious (Ernest Hemingway and Muhammad Ali).

But COINTELPRO far exceeded mere warrantless surveillance. The FBI often used dirty tactics, such as forged correspondence, threatening letters, and misinformation (actual misinformation, that is, not disputed tweets) to undermine groups or individuals it saw as a menace. Most famously, the FBI in 1964 sent a blackmail letter to Martin Luther King, suggesting he take some unspecific action (interpreted by King and others as a demand he commit suicide) or else have private scandalous behavior revealed to the public. That letter, and its FBI origin, was just one of many discoveries unearthed by the Church Committee.

Some of the other COINTELPRO tactics identified in the Church final report included:

-Anonymously attacking targets for their political beliefs to induce their employers to fire them;

-Anonymously mailing letters to the spouses of intelligence targets for the purpose of destroying their marriages;

-Obtaining from the IRS the tax returns of a target and then attempting to provoke an IRS investigation for the express purpose of deterring a protest leader from attending the Democratic National Convention;

-Falsely and anonymously labeling as Government informants members of groups known to be violent, thereby exposing the falsely labelled member to expulsion or physical attack;

-Uuse “misinformation” to disrupt demonstrations, employing such means as broadcasting fake orders on the same citizens band radio frequency used by demonstration marshalls to attempt to control demonstrations;

-Duplicating and falsely filling out forms soliciting housing for persons coming to a demonstration, thereby causing “long and useless journeys to locate these addresses.”

-Sending an anonymous letter to the leader of a Chicago street gang (described as “violence-prone”) stating that the Black Panthers were supposed to have “a hit out for you”. The letter was suggested because it “may intensify . . . animosity” and cause the street gang leader to “take retaliatory action.”

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df7ea0 No.18174739


This is about 6 years old

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89f127 No.18174740

File: 2d426f0a30bb650⋯.png (273.27 KB,640x640,1:1,dog_bread_.png)

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33bdc1 No.18174741

File: cc30be34b7d9dc5⋯.png (28.06 KB,598x147,598:147,Bildschirmfoto_2023_01_19_….png)

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23bfdd No.18174742

File: ef03025841530ca⋯.png (446.06 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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a51110 No.18174743

So got an alert that McGuire Nuclear Station had an "inadvertent" siren go off at 9 am.

Didn't POTUS Trump mention something about Westinghouse recently?

Unless I'm misremembering the name.

Also, NC power facilities been being shot up lately.

"The McGuire Nuclear Station is a nuclear power plant located about 17 miles (27 km) northwest of Charlotte, North Carolina, on the state's largest lake, Lake Norman. It is a 32,500-acre (13,200 ha) lake created in 1963 by Duke Power for the Cowans Ford Hydroelectric Station. The McGuire units use the lake's water for cooling. This plant has two Westinghouse pressurized water reactors and has a capability to produce 2,250 megawatts of net power, with a net generation of 17,514 GW·h in 2005. This represents 44% of the total nuclear power generation for the state of North Carolina."

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fdc492 No.18174744

File: 244c3161cdc93b5⋯.png (302.13 KB,1139x429,1139:429,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18174249 lb

PF: SAM053 USAF G5 NE from JBA across the Atlantic with French AF CTM1072 A330 inbound to Goose Bay Airport, New Foundland from Stuttgart (AFRICOM) depart, C101 US Coast Guard G5 landed at Portland Int'l, ME from Reagan National depart, further out west there is 000000000 B-52 doing roundies just south of Dugway-Potato in 82-8000 and AF2 continues to Moffett Filed and LAX respectively

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Post last edited at

781cdb No.18174746


Take Me to Church: The Straight Dope House Republicans Need to Take Down the…

3 of 5

MKUltra: Likely the single most infamous program whose existence was confirmed by the Church Committee, MKUltra was the CIA’s decades-long practice of experimenting on human subjects with various drugs, including LSD, to investigate possible means of brainwashing or psychologically breaking down targets. Although few details were found at the time (due to the CIA’s deliberate destruction of records), the Committee did at least confirm that the experimentation happened, that the CIA deliberately covered it up to avoid “political repercussions,” and that the secret experimentation involved manipulating hospitals, universities, and other private actors while hiding the CIA’s involvement.

The ramifications of Church’s committee were far-reaching. Many of the committee’s recommendations were aimed at the NSA, which had clearly grown out of control. In 1978, Congress passed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, known today by millions of Americans as FISA. The bill created the now-infamous FISA courts, which are required to approve intelligence requests to monitor or spy on American citizens. The reform massively weakened the NSA’s power as a de facto domestic espionage force for a quarter of a century, until the post-9/11 Patriot Act expanded its powers once again, creating the NSA of the Edward Snowden era.

So if the Church Committee accomplished so much, why do we say that a redo of it is not enough to fix what ails America today? It comes down to two major factors. First, the nature of America’s deep state has changed, and second, America itself has changed.

Many of the worst problems of modern surveillance exist precisely thanks to the changes that the Church Committee brought about, and simply reenacting that strategy won’t resolve them.

In the 1960s and 1970s, government espionage actually did have to come from the government. Government censorship had to come from the government. Government misinformation had to come from the government. Put in the simplest truism possible, the government was… the government!

Today, much of the ruling regime is notformally affiliated with the United States government.

In the 1960s, U.S. intelligence could spy on everyone by asking Western Union to fork over telegrams. Today, there’s a more subtle dynamic in play. James Baker can leave his job as FBI general counsel to become deputy general counsel at Twitter, and have so many ex-FBI colleagues that the company has a special Slack channel for onboarding them.

n the 1960s, FBI agents had to use blackmail and menacing letters to try to silence dissenting voices. Today, “former” intelligence agents can just sign a letter calling a negative news story Russian disinformation, and get the press and tech to act in lockstep to suppress it.

Today, there is a rich ecosystem of NGOs that “independently” promote the narratives favored by the American security state. Last May, for instance, Revolver exposed the Integrity Initiative, an offshoot of the NATO-funded U.K.-based “non-profit” Institute for Statecraft:

In its organization, funding, operation, structure, and rhetoric the Integrity Initiative is the single best template for understanding how the entire hornets’ nest of NGOs, journalists, and “national security” bureaucrats work secretly and in concert to wage psychological warfare against citizens of the West. … The Integrity Initiative was a secret, government-funded influence operation that engaged secret “clusters” of journalists and academics to coordinate in order to meddle in the political process of Western democracies under the guise of combating “disinformation” and “defending democracy.”

During the Russiagate hoax, the FBI ran a complicated scheme of getting the press to report on innuendos like the Steele dossier, then using those innuendos as justification for further FBI fishing on the topic. This is far more sophisticated than the blunt methods used by J. Edgar Hoover’s Bureau…

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60ed69 No.18174747


Seriously? Is that best you can do?

You not gonna maga patriot my ass?

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4a3d17 No.18174748


The Church committee was C_As most successful cover up ever. the "reveal one part to conceal two parts" maxim in action.

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a8df96 No.18174749

File: 5dd3276a97c0639⋯.png (219.83 KB,293x361,293:361,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53928262f96de13⋯.png (187.5 KB,308x386,154:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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905a10 No.18174750

File: 14c40a7810eba78⋯.png (3.15 MB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



McCarthy has a new Boss = simplest explanation for everything going on.

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305d59 No.18174751


Rosie looks pissed

Who shit in her cornflakes?

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41c9c1 No.18174753

File: 3cb5e9b1760bfef⋯.png (425.18 KB,466x460,233:230,Screen_Shot_2023_01_19_at_….png)

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23bfdd No.18174754

File: 2d7186a36bbd1d3⋯.png (487.28 KB,750x500,3:2,bugs2.png)

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269e91 No.18174755


Peekaboo Peekaboo don't ya jes' love it

Peekaboo Peekaboo don't ya jes' love it

Peekaboo Peekaboo don't ya jes' love it

Peekaboo Peekaboo boo boo

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d18112 No.18174756


It's not even three years old. Get a calendar.

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826aba No.18174757

File: 85b5428e67b96f0⋯.png (456.52 KB,991x943,991:943,ClipboardImage.png)


Ardern going down is going to lead right to Hillary and Obama using FIVEYES illegally to spy on Americans.

They are getting squeezed from many sides.


Hillary Clinton says Jacinda Ardern's win in the New Zealand election was a "shot of optimism" to the world after her own defeat to Donald Trump in the US presidential election.

Clinton and Ardern met in Auckland on Monday ahead of the former US presidential candidate's water-front dinner and speech, talking about her run against Donald Trump and recently published book What Happened.

Speaking to Stuff, Clinton said it was her first meeting with Ardern, but she had followed her win in the New Zealand election last year.

The pair also exchanged gifts - a copy of Clinton's book, and a Buzzy Bee, which she had been assured was what "every little Kiwi infant needs", Clinton said.

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60ed69 No.18174758

File: fcec3e08d699d8d⋯.jpg (132.59 KB,600x878,300:439,kek_deranged.jpg)


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781cdb No.18174759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Take Me to Church: The Straight Dope House Republicans Need to Take Down the…

4 of 5

In other words, a modern Church Committee that exclusively looks for examples of misconduct by actual U.S. agencies — whether it’s politically-motivated investigations, or use of entrapment and agent provocateurs, or censorship pressure — risks missing the bigger picture, and the full scope of how the modern system operates.

But there’s another, equally important factor that a modern Church Committee would have to overcome: the fact that America itself is a far different country from what it was in 1975.

Crucially, many of the changes engineered by the Church Committee didn’t require legislation at all. In short, the American ruling regime had a far greater sense of shame. It was far more true then that simply publicizing the actions of the American deep state was enough to drive a change in behavior. Within months of the Church investigation, President Gerald Ford — who wasn’t even in the same party as Sen. Church — issued executive orders banning human experimentation by U.S. intelligence agencies and barring U.S. intelligence agencies from participating in political assassinations; the ban on assassinations would be expanded and refined by presidents Carter and Reagan.

Part of this pliability was that the American public itself had not been as beaten down by the power of Washington and the repeated curtailment of civil liberties in the name of national security. In 1975, America was in its post-Vietnam haze. America’s military and intelligence apparatus had carried the country into a war it didn’t need to fight, perpetuated that war by lying about how much progress was being made, and ultimately lost the war utterly despite the loss of more than 50,000 American lives. The Watergate scandal had just brought down a president. In the 1970s, America’s institutions were very low on credibility, and the public was angry.

Also, importantly, in the 1970s, America had a Congress that really cared about and was disturbed by the excesses of the intelligence world. More precisely, it had a liberal faction that cared about these things. The left of the 1970s saw the CIA as a hostile, fundamentally right-wing entity whose powers had to be checked.

That last point is particularly crucial. One reason the Church Committee could inspire so much change so quickly is that the committee was primarily a response to abuses by the intelligence world against the Left. The FBI spied on Martin Luther King. COINTELPRO targeted Vietnam War protesters and black radicals. Watergate, in the public eye at least, was a series of “dirty tricks” by a right-wing president to cling to power. Half a century ago, America’s prestige press was already liberal, but the military and intelligence worlds were not. As such, the media were sympathetic to Church’s goals, and could quickly build a societal narrative in which the committee’s work was of utmost importance and immediate reform essential.

Today, everything is different. The CIA is now an allied entity of the woke regime, fully sharing its values.Today’s CIA puts out videos like this:

Today, a frank question has to be asked: What could a Republican Church Committee discover that would compel new executive orders from the Biden Administration? What could come out that would make the press unite with House Republicans to demand dramatic changes to the intelligence world? Is there anything at all?

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df7ea0 No.18174760


So far he's right on path

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cfd7a7 No.18174761


It’s open lawfare!

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da21e9 No.18174762

File: 4fdf01fb47b7b6a⋯.png (980.57 KB,1277x931,1277:931,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc700c No.18174763

File: 636229135d61d66⋯.png (650.9 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_19_12_05_3….png)

File: a62d623dfc95bc8⋯.png (223.76 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_19_11_58_2….png)

Do we not have enough crap in our world and enough lazy peeps that we need to create more…



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a2a692 No.18174764

File: 4c34d6b7006b30e⋯.png (348.43 KB,640x600,16:15,Greta_Thunberg_Airs_Grieva….png)

Leftist Civil War: Greta Thunberg Airs Grievances Against World Economic Forum

By Ben Zeisloft

Jan 19, 2023 DailyWire.com

The climate moralism arms race in Davos, Switzerland, intensified on Thursday as activist Greta Thunberg accused attendees of the World Economic Forum of hypocrisy regarding the environment.

The 20-year-old Swede participated in a panel discussion moderated by CNBC in the resort town, which is presently hosting hundreds of government officials and corporate leaders for the World Economic Forum’s annual conference. Thunberg contended that the green of the dollar was more important to the attendees than the green of the planet.

“We are right now in Davos where basically the people who are mostly fueling the destruction of the planet, the people who are at the very core of the climate crisis, the people who are investing in fossil fuels, and yet somehow these are the people that we seem to rely on solving our problems,” she remarked. “They have proven time and time again that they are not prioritizing that. They are prioritizing self-greed, corporate greed and short-term economic profits above people and above planet.”

German authorities recently detained Thunburg after she and other activists protested the expansion of a coal mine in the town of Lutzerath. Even though video later emerged showing the police effectively allowing the media to take pictures and film the 20-year-old before they removed her from the area, Thunberg added that the world should be listening to her and other activists before politicians and executives.

“These people are going to go as far as they possibly can as long as they can get away with it,” she continued. “They will continue to invest in fossil fuels, they will continue to throw people under the bus for their own gain.”

Climate policy has been a prominent theme at the World Economic Forum even as the Russian invasion of Ukraine bottlenecks worldwide energy supplies. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen affirmed during her remarks at the conference that “Europe will always stand with the Ukrainian people” and commented that policymakers would endeavor to “reach net zero” carbon emissions despite the energy shortfalls. Former Vice President Al Gore embarked upon a speech in which he claimed that the oceans are currently boiling.

Thunberg was not the only activist to levy charges of hypocrisy against the World Economic Forum. Greenpeace, an international climate advocacy organization, issued a harsh rebuke of attendees for traveling to the conference on hundreds of private jets. The vast majority of the more than 1,000 planes which entered Davos amid last year’s conference were embarking on short-haul flights of less than 500 miles that “could have easily been train or car trips,” according to research published by the group, while one plane traveled only 13 miles to attend the event.

“Europe is experiencing the warmest January days ever recorded and communities around the world are grappling with extreme weather events supercharged by the climate crisis,” Klara Maria Schenk, a campaigner for Greenpeace, said in a statement. “Meanwhile, the rich and powerful flock to Davos in ultra-polluting, socially inequitable private jets to discuss climate and inequality behind closed doors. Davos has a perfectly adequate railway station, still these people can’t even be bothered to take the train.”

The research concluded that private jet travel to and from Davos during last year’s conference produced emissions equivalent to those caused in one week by 350,000 cars. Private jet emissions linked to Davos quadrupled during the week of the meeting.


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a51110 No.18174765


Here's the sauce:

"HUNTERSVILLE, N.C. — A siren sound you may have heard coming from Duke Energy's McGuire Nuclear Station in Huntersville was part of a regularly scheduled silent test, officials confirmed.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Emergency Management confirmed that there was not a siren malfunction and that the siren was inadvertently sounded.

The siren sound you may have heard was a regularly scheduled silent test of the McGuire Nuclear Station Sirens. A malfunction occurred causing the test to sound at full volume. There is no need for public action at this time.

— Charlotte-Mecklenburg Emergency Management (@CharMeckEM) January 19, 2023

Officials previously said there was a malfunction, causing the siren to play at full volume.

Emergency officials said no public action is required at this time. The sirens are only being used for testing purposes."


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826aba No.18174766


don't forget revenge as a motive.

They stabbed McCarthy in the back when they dropped him in a public humiliation and gave Paul Ryan the speakership

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cfd7a7 No.18174768


looks like marisa tomei gained dome weight.

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bfba61 No.18174769

File: 6af1e2593b0452d⋯.jpeg (725.48 KB,828x1129,828:1129,E05CCD07_70AC_48C9_9771_0….jpeg)

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60ed69 No.18174770


Yet we have shills and faggots whining that nothing is happening.

It;s the same thing here in Brazil. Lula had to "win".

Imagine if everything came out at once. The normies could never accept the truth.

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4a3d17 No.18174772

File: 34ddd49e098716f⋯.jpeg (42.03 KB,595x327,595:327,34ddd49e098716f492625a69c….jpeg)

Nobel prize winning researcher Ivan Pavlov established a series of brilliant, sadistic, experiments, that wholesale reorganization of the human mind is a natural defense by the brain against cumulative stress.

When the brain shuts itself down the result is the loss of all prior conditioning -– all that we've learned or absorbed unconsciously over the course of our lives from satanist engineered mind control media.

TA’s FUD stress or "cognitive dissonance " is rapidly approaching the shut down point for cult media-controlled NPCs.

Pavlov’s prediction is not his best guess, it’s based on 30 years of experimental research into the effects of stress on the mammalian brain.

Pavlov commented: that the most basic inherited difference among people was how soon they reached this shutdown point and that the quick-to-shut-down have a fundamentally different type of nervous system. <<

When that critical point is reached the NPC brain scrams the higher cognitive processes, shuts down to protect itself, zeros the registers (so to speak) and reboots. According to Pavlov the human mind in this state resembles a child’s – receptive to new ideas and eager to learn new ways of thinking about old problems, enthusiastically adopting ideas to which we were formerly violently opposed.

To understand this reorganizational process at the biological level we need to absorb Pavlov's studies on fear conditioning.

Autonomous processes are not significantly affected. NPCs continue to maintain normal biofunctions, and if they taught after shut down, how to rebuild consciousness suited to Higher Worlds, recognizing the moral continuum of good evil, and adapted to nonlinear changes in material space.



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23bfdd No.18174773

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


Kek, is this [their] narrative as to why she was "arrested"?

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826aba No.18174774


>McCarthy has a new Boss = simplest explanation for everything going on.


and getting revenge makes it easier for Kevin to have a new boss

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41c9c1 No.18174775


Makes sense, the line in MIB it is on Orions belt….. pretty cool, thanks for that.

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564160 No.18174776

File: 3ffd51493bc49e6⋯.png (93.92 KB,1004x942,502:471,Scghig.png)

File: 7f775d2bb656e56⋯.png (610.04 KB,1080x613,1080:613,Vhii.png)

Anons I give you Paul Begala and it shows you how tight the DC politicians and MSM really are.

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bb03f1 No.18174777


Hey anons, just an update, my seizures seem to be controlled which is cool and I've been getting good sleep. I've tried many things to control them even before medication which now I am on. Some of the things that went a long way towards helping were vitmains (magnesium and zinc in particular, but I would look into electrolyte imbalances too), vitamin D, fish oil, keto didn't seem to help although I know it does help most cases of epilepsy to a rate as high as medication, probiotics was probably one of the largest helps aside from medication, however I want to bring to light one of the more interesting things.


I found a significant amount of mold in my basement and it gave my house a musty smell, which I particularly noted in winter time, and that was when my epilepsy gets bad. I suspect this mold (not sure what kind. Everyone circlejerks about black mold but all molds produce VOCs like benzene and others). In the last few days I've done huge vinegar treatments and have completely eliminated the musty VOC (volitile organic compounds) smell. In the last week, my seizures have completely dropped off, and truthfully I don't know what variable has done this, but the mold thing seems particularly interesting and I wanted to mention this to anyone else out there suffering for the following reasons:

Probiotics seem to metabolize these VOC's, removing them as a threat to the body particularly in the GI tract.

There are dogs that are trained to smell when someone is about to have a seizure, and this is typically attributed to hormonal changes in the body, but I suspect they may be smelling a plume of mold/gas that we are not addressing.

Epilepsy tends to get worse when there is a low temp and high humidity, this is the exact environment that mold thrives in. People often also report that they have seizures during or after a shower, which is also a high humidity type environment. I'd be curious exactly how fast mold can react and send off spores or gasses during a microclimate, I would assume it's pretty immediate.

If I think of any other factors, I will include them. Thank you anons, God Bless you all.

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781cdb No.18174778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Revolver, hence this song

Take Me to Church: The Straight Dope House Republicans Need to Take Down the Deep State With Church Committee 2.0

5 of 5

Shame is not going to cut it in 2022. By all means, use a new Congressional investigation to find the truth, and maybe get some political news cycle wins. But there is no chance of the Biden Administration, or the intelligence community itself, reforming itself purely out of shame or revulsion at what an investigation uncovers. And that means fixing the intelligence community will require a commitment to tearing down what exists and building anew — or not building anew, and simply leaving a well-deserve ruin.

Having said all of that, we want to be clear – Jim Jordan’s new committee is an excellent idea, and worth applauding. The Republican Party of just five years ago would not have had the innate deep state skepticism, or the guts, to create such a committee. That the GOP of 2023 is willing to do so shows valuable evolution, and a much-needed increase in creativity as well.

The committee also presents an excellent opportunity. It’s a chance to dig up and expose truths that America’s intelligence agencies have been fighting tooth and nail to suppress for the past seven years. It’s a chance to fundamentally alter how American patriots understand and relate to the senior levels of their government. Most importantly, it’s a real chance to make America’s government better and less hostile to its own citizens, if only through fear of eventually being found out and prosecuted.

But Republicans in 2023 have a much tougher job than Frank Church did forty-eight years ago. That means they will have to be tougher, and smarter, and far more surgical than Church was forty-eight years ago, because absolutely no part of the American regime will be working to assist them.

And of course, grassroots patriots will have to nudge Republicans to keep fighting, to leave no stone unturned, and to make sure that the committee’s findings become real changes the next time Republicans hold power. It’s up to us to keep up the pressure on politicians to do the right thing, because the fake media isn’t going to do any of it for us.


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af377c No.18174779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Al Gore At the W.E.F at Davos 2023 - The man is sooo full of hot air, anon thinks he will explode soon, kek

'We Are Still Failing Badly': Al Gore Delivers Fiery Remarks On Climate Change Dangers



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305d59 No.18174780


Gonna get composted if she keeps going off script

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60ed69 No.18174781

File: bb85ea62d5781dd⋯.png (10.53 KB,252x255,84:85,filtrado.PNG)


As if anon needed an excuse.

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d88893 No.18174782

File: 106433da9e88f2e⋯.png (765.96 KB,1777x571,1777:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85c4773edb85634⋯.png (15.21 KB,255x249,85:83,53aff099e8a439d52ac957be76….png)


Just because 'they' plant Jews in positions of power in the D party, it doesn't mean their actions 'reflect' or 'represent' the Jews as such.

If 'they' planted anyone else, it also wouldn't 'reflect' poorly on any other ethnicity.

What you muhjoo shills are doing is panicking and trying to 'front run' the great awakening by falsely associating the take down of INDIVIDUALS BY PROPER NAME, as if it is a take down of an ethnicity, and you're doing that because you want fake news to have ammo to smear and slander 'Qanon' as 'anti-semitic'.

You're a shill working for, whether you're conscious of it or not, the same criminal network getting exposed and dismantled.

It's over fedbois, you're wasting your time.

World is awakening.

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cb3824 No.18174783


"Classic psychological tactics. Cause-setters and opponents from the same politically ideological branch, with the same goal.

Greta Thunberg says people in Davos ‘fuelling destruction of planet’"

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0e3afd No.18174784


your copypasta is moldy

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bb03f1 No.18174785


Also wanted to include the fact that mold is a very common issue and is not restricted to the "black mold" that gets talked about in the media. All types of mold can have a big impact on health, literally causing cancers.

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826aba No.18174786


Gore got caught with all that adrenochrome blood in a suitcase in a hotel, after he sexually abused a prostitute

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8fd08c No.18174787

File: 8f0f407a332237b⋯.jpg (66.94 KB,707x500,707:500,77x2sw.jpg)

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335e02 No.18174788

File: cfc56463a02a370⋯.png (89.32 KB,548x692,137:173,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15adbfd00f6fa55⋯.png (228.49 KB,1243x428,1243:428,ClipboardImage.png)

5 year delta (D5)

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33bdc1 No.18174789


hm… is the woman with the hat hiding her cone head?

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05fd09 No.18174790

File: 28401c37abff918⋯.png (412.44 KB,598x698,299:349,spit.PNG)


Chanel Rion OAN


They pledged to serve not this country but one party. Now they’re openly saying so.

Intel Official signed ‘Disinfo’ Letter despite knowing Biden laptop “had to be real”

The IC covered for the #BidenCrimeFamilly.


1:04 PM · Jan 18, 2023



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826aba No.18174791

CNN is defending Alec Baldwin bigly

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fc239b No.18174792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

morning oldfags


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51ac29 No.18174793


Sauce? or spitballing?

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781cdb No.18174794

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Excellent, the debt limit, reps use leverage now, don’t cave

Bannons War Room



26 minutes ago

Vought: Republicans’ Balanced Budget Proposal Will Be On Standby


Vought: Republicans’ Balanced Budget Proposal Will Be On Standby While The Establishment Tries Every Excuse To Raise The Debt Ceiling


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577348 No.18174795

File: edfcbc08562f5a9⋯.png (218.5 KB,597x472,597:472,ClipboardImage.png)

Corrupt FBI Director Wray at World Economic Forum: Future of National Security Is Partnership Between Tech Companies and Government


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5f6dec No.18174796

File: 34ddd49e098716f⋯.jpeg (42.03 KB,595x327,595:327,34ddd49e098716f492625a69c….jpeg)


Q flushed RBG in one of his drops.

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bb03f1 No.18174797


In addition to doing a significant vinegar treatment to my house, I've also been filtering air and cleaning out HVAC as well. Got a dehumidifier running now and have kept basement humidity around 30% which is great. Mold thrives above 50% humidity.

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4b49fb No.18174798

Member when zelenski went to Germany

Member when Hitler's daughter got the shakey shakes.

He told her she had to steal the US election. They did.

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02e985 No.18174799

File: 950cacd3154ff62⋯.gif (14.26 MB,480x640,3:4,950cacd3154ff62a4ffce86c6d….gif)

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df7ea0 No.18174801


And they still are. Hmmmm. Normies don't know who Wray is

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be4797 No.18174802

File: 63300117022c40b⋯.jpg (165.87 KB,553x521,553:521,Epsteinislandzuckerboy.jpg)


Thank you Baker!

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896947 No.18174803

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,cofv.jpeg)

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60ed69 No.18174804

Anon is seriously wondering where is the funding coming for the current crop of faggots?

Surely they can't be doing it out of the goodness of their hearts and a stoic belief in what they are doing!

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2f7d6a No.18174805

File: 7de32e6a9744987⋯.jpg (71.19 KB,600x335,120:67,FireFauci7.jpg)

File: 37d6e5601210d9e⋯.png (549 KB,720x675,16:15,dc86310b79c6c8e7a84481ff76….png)

File: a92456e2031b73e⋯.jpg (50.28 KB,600x335,120:67,LGF.jpg)

File: ae13183913a60bd⋯.jpg (54.9 KB,339x335,339:335,Killer.jpg)

File: a2960eaada28d39⋯.jpg (74.98 KB,339x335,339:335,killer2.jpg)

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ea0e80 No.18174806


AI is turbocharged shit posting or no

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cc700c No.18174807



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4a3d17 No.18174808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The unrecognized hypnogogic or trance induction produced by exposure to MSM cult media programming from infancy, accounts for almost the entire behavioral repertoire of a 'normal' person, or NPC, who relies on MSM/Big Tech sourced news and 'entertainment"

The universe doesn't contain "entertainment" the concept was created by the cult to block or reverse the gradual improvement of our common understanding, something that occurs naturally in self improving systems

Restoring cognitive autonomy to those who have been conditioned from birth to respond to specific words and images in binary fashion is not "rehabilitation;" in order to rehabilitate, an individual must once have been habilitated. It is habilitation to teach people who have not been taught the difference between ideas and emotions, how to use formal logics, or how to protect ourselves from contagious mass insanity.

Learning to recognize the cult's use of symbols, musical cues, and visual allegories, we begin to habilitate ourselves; by learning to identify common control mechanisms employed by the cult in circulating MSM cultist media content, 'news' stories, or popular music and movies and live events; we see how the cult mixes and combines elements which attract us; sex imagery, loud music and light, romanticized violence directed at our enemies -how these these attractive things are used to poison us, inducing us to imitate self destructible behaviors and propagated distorted 'truths' or beliefs that appear beneficial initially but will, in practice, prove dangerous or fatal.

Making cute and pretty things, like children's toys, into deadly IEDs is SOP for the cult. The pedos do not just do this with material world objects, but with abstract weapons - the deadliest weapons are conceptual - the ideas which kill as surely as any g man's popgun, and kill in ways unrecognized by the great mass of humanity and attributed to other causes. Consider the success of Marxism, an entirely artificial complex of ideas, that has deceived millions into the slaughterhouse of history promoting and opposing it.

"Whom the devil would deceive he tells not a lie but a lesser truth."

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826aba No.18174809

File: 371791abebc8b85⋯.mp4 (9.77 MB,960x544,30:17,chanel_rion_biden_crime_fa….mp4)

>>18174790 Intel Official signed ‘Disinfo’ Letter despite knowing Biden laptop “had to be real”


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ffd28d No.18174810

File: 680985b6d7ff992⋯.png (486.09 KB,634x825,634:825,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b6c52129453f6b⋯.png (120.8 KB,416x228,104:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71935fc5ff04220⋯.png (340.11 KB,634x906,317:453,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb1ffc32d9effbb⋯.png (374.48 KB,634x906,317:453,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b53fa56175ec82⋯.png (548.46 KB,634x453,634:453,ClipboardImage.png)


EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden is seen scurrying to the home of 'sugar brother' lawyer Kevin Morris - who bailed him out of $2.8million debt - as federal tax and gun charges loom and he's caught up in the president's classified documents fiasco

Hunter Biden was snapped visiting his friend and celebrity attorney Kevin Morris in Malibu, California Tuesday

Morris became known as Hunter's 'sugar brother' last year after he reportedly loaned him $2.8M to pay off an overdue tax bill

The visit comes amid an ongoing investigation into Hunter's taxes, while his dad Joe faces questions over classified documents found at the president's home

DailyMail.com last year revealed that Morris sent the crude texts (pictured) to members of the right-wing transparency group Marco Polo who had been messaging the lawyer posing as a potential ally for Hunter's defense case

A furious-sounding Morris responded: 'You're going to enjoy being a buttboy for 20 years dude. Lube up'

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33bdc1 No.18174811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Michael Jackson, Britney Spears - The Way You Make Me Feel

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05fd09 No.18174812

File: 16beb8863676616⋯.png (169.77 KB,595x593,595:593,today.PNG)


James O'Keefe


Georgia Teaching Lab official PLACED ON ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE after @Project_Veritas

video shows him calling Teaching Lab “scam lab”

Guess what. There’s more video today!


3:42 AM · Jan 19, 2023



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df7ea0 No.18174813


Black pills are free

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4b49fb No.18174814


Can we block the Gore porn

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cb3824 No.18174815

Baldwin is cover for the real story they are trying to hide.

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41c9c1 No.18174816

File: be722a402b43774⋯.png (977.27 KB,704x882,352:441,zelinsky_faggot.png)


very well could be a plant, been in the US alot in early 2000's as a cha cha cha sicko

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997069 No.18174817


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3b8458 No.18174819


why are you pushing a photoshopped pic as real?

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60ed69 No.18174820

File: 936bd963def2ea5⋯.png (190.53 KB,279x327,93:109,gore.png)


>The man is sooo full of hot air, anon thinks he will explode soon, kek

Are you suggesting that he is a cause of global warming?

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641b00 No.18174821

File: 841666bd1078397⋯.jpeg (106.23 KB,1240x888,155:111,gore.jpeg)

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41c9c1 No.18174822


sorry didn't vet it, just popped up on a feed on somewhere else. sorry……

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89f127 No.18174823

File: 23a36ca5826ff8c⋯.png (1.36 MB,1600x1600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f45e3ccb419ea5⋯.png (56.38 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2a692 No.18174824

File: 6592d7c17bbd35e⋯.png (300.49 KB,796x581,796:581,Rep_George_Santos_Denies_R….png)

File: 4ab0a5c73405d2a⋯.png (54.59 KB,553x392,79:56,GeorgeSantos19Jan.png)

Rep. George Santos Denies Report He Performed As Drag Queen In Brazil

Republican New York Rep. George Santos denied a report that he performed as a drag queen named “Kitara” in Brazil in the 2000s.

Santos, the first openly-gay Republican to enter office, has lied about much of his life, including his ancestry, education, and previous employers. He has resisted calls to resign his seat, and received committee assignments. In the latest, he pushed back on a Wednesday Substack post from an MSNBC columnist claiming that he performed in drag in Brazil, where he apparently lived from 2008-11.

“The most recent obsession from the media claiming that I am a drag Queen or ‘performed’ as a drag Queen is categorically false,” Santos tweeted.

MSNBC columnist Marisa Kabas reported in her Substack “The Handbasket” that Santos performed as a drag queen named “Kitara” at several events in Niteroi, a city near Rio de Janeiro. According to another drag queen, Santos “did not have what it takes to be a professional. George did not have the glamor for that.” (RELATED: Brazil To Press Fraud Charges Against Rep-Elect George Santos)

Santos went by his middle name, Anthony, while living in Brazil. His mother Fatima Devolder was a Brazilian national who worked as a housekeeper. While there, Santos was accused of stealing a checkbook and passing fraudulent checks from one of his mother’s employers. The Brazilian government let the case lie dormant in 2011 when Santos fled the country for the U.S., but has since revived it after he made international news.

Several Republican members of Congress have called on Santos to resign his seat, although the GOP leadership is not doing so. Santos’ resignation would drop the GOP’s majority to nine seats, meaning that Republicans could only lose three members on any vote. The GOP Steering Committee placed Santos on the Science and Small Business committees on Wednesday.


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577348 No.18174825

File: cf70d2e8a7c8a8e⋯.png (483.59 KB,801x880,801:880,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b39a5de9b785c2⋯.png (465.29 KB,850x832,425:416,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5c46e00ba86917⋯.png (292.28 KB,844x603,844:603,ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Biden Lived In Classified Doc House While Raking In Millions Through Chinese Intelligence Ties

National security concerns over Joe Biden's classified document scandal just got worse, as two reports have emerged which place Hunter Biden at the Bidens' Wilmington, Delaware residence while he was raking in millions of dollars from CCP-linked business dealings.

First, Seamus Bruner (researcher for legendary bombshell-dropper Peter Schweizer), reports via Breitbart News, that "While addicted to drugs, cavorting with prostitutes, and making deals with businessmen tied to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence, Hunter Biden lived in the house where Joe Biden stored classified documents."

While filling out a background check, Hunter made a crackhead error and listed his 'rent' as $49,910 - when in fact that's the amount of the security deposit and 6 months of rent for prime office space at the prestigious House of Sweden in Washington DC. What's most interesting, however, is that the dates Hunter listed as living at the Wilmington, DE residence - as claimed on other documents and financial statements - overlap with the period in which multiple Biden family members were taking money from foreign businessmen with connections at the highest levels of Chinese state intelligence services through energy company CEFC. As Bruner further notes, CNN described CEFC as a state-directed entity in 2018.

CEFC, and at least four of its executives and associates - Ye Jianming, Patrick Ho, Gongwen Dong and Jiaqi Bao, have been linked to the CCP and its military intelligence apparatus. In one case, Hunter described Patrick Ho as "the fucking spy chief of China."


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05fd09 No.18174826

File: a1cc909d7332fc6⋯.png (64.92 KB,1454x498,727:249,vide.PNG)


Biden classified document investigation:

Secret Service ready to provide Delaware

visitors, source says

Fox News, by David Spunt & Timothy H. J. Nerozzi

Posted By: Moritz55, 1/19/2023 11:05:06 AM

The U.S. Secret Service is prepared to offer names of individuals who visited President Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, home if requested by Congress, Fox News has learned. The White House continues to insist that there exists no formal visitor log for the personal residence where two troves of classified documents were found. While the White House has not kept a formal list, the Secret Service does collect information on guests with regular access to the home. Retention of the names of those vetted by the Secret Service depends on a variety of factors, including proximity to the president and the nature of the background check.

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af377c No.18174827

File: 04b0cdaaec955d7⋯.png (584.31 KB,833x500,833:500,ClipboardImage.png)


anon was going to post the short clip but just for anons here.

we do like to get the full context and not clipped narrative pushes.


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bb03f1 No.18174828


Also want to include that often times a VNS (Vagal nerve stimulator) is implanted in epilepsy patients that stops seizures from moving form the gut into the brain, further confirming there is an environmental factor to some seizures. This further gives evidence that something in the gut is there that shouldn't be. Gut is where neurotransmitters are made…

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60ed69 No.18174829

File: e011aaac2c6a288⋯.png (559.29 KB,667x885,667:885,al_gore_frozen.png)


The gore porn is so naughties

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df7ea0 No.18174830


And he's probably somewhere right now with a child

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05fd09 No.18174831

File: c3c54275dc06244⋯.png (213.18 KB,790x564,395:282,hide.PNG)


Censored! Nets Hide Elon’s Explosive

Twitter Files On Hunter Scandal Suppression

Newsbusters, by Geoffrey Dickens

Posted By: Imright, 1/19/2023 10:47:21 AM

The bombshells from the Twitter files keep on coming, yet the liberal media elite keep ignoring them. Last month when Tesla founder and Twitter owner Elon Musk began tweeting out former Rolling Stone editor Matt Taibbi’s explosive reporting on how Twitter (under pressure from government agents) suppressed the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story in the final days before the election. (Snip) So how much time did the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks devote to Musk and Taibbi’s exposing how Twitter hid Hunter’s laptop scandal? A miniscule 128 seconds (2 minutes and 8 seconds).

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51ac29 No.18174832

File: f222b9e6f70d071⋯.png (69.94 KB,1141x200,1141:200,ClipboardImage.png)


Might consider one of these.

If so, read the instructions and follow carefully.

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781cdb No.18174833


Now that makes sense. Thank you for answering!

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577348 No.18174834

Ex-Polish FM lambasts ‘corruption’ in EU parliament

The legislative body will do nothing about the problem due to its global ambitions, Witold Waszczykowski claims

Ex-Polish FM lambasts ‘corruption’ in EU parliament

The legislative body will do nothing about the problem due to its global ambitions, Witold Waszczykowski claims

“The unbridled activity of the European Parliament should be stopped. It should focus on Europe and abandon the ambition of overseeing the whole world,” he continued, warning that the Qatar scandal last year was just a “tip of an iceberg.”

In December 2022, the EU parliament was rocked by a major scandal, which saw its former vice president, Eva Kaili, and several other suspects arrested. Kaili, her husband Francesco Giorgi, and former Italian MEP Antonio Panzeri were charged with “participation in a criminal organization, money laundering, and corruption.”

The MEPs allegedly engaged in illicit lobbying on behalf of the Qatari government in exchange for millions of euro in cash and gifts. Doha allegedly sought to improve its human rights record through lobbying as it was hosting the FIFA World Cup amid workers’ mistreatment accusations. According to the Italian media, as many as 60 current and former MEPs may have been involved in the scheme.

In the wake of the scandal, the parliament halted all lobbying work related to Qatar. Doha denied any wrongdoing and blasted the decision as “discriminatory.”


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41c9c1 No.18174835


if that is photoshopped, what about that music vid or two and the supermarket vid…. those fake as well?

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df7ea0 No.18174836


And 90% redacted

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4a3d17 No.18174837

File: f3f34d29176d14d⋯.png (2.97 MB,2560x1741,2560:1741,ClipboardImage.png)

She's "old Glory" to the doormen:

They salute her when she waves

A vivacious wife of Pharaoh

Who's at home with Hebrew slaves;

And I guess she's scared (we all are)

And she's got to be adored,

But the one thing that'd I'd bet on is -

Old Glory's getting bored.

She says: show me something I don't know,

This Bingo's immature,

show me something I don't know

And I'll show you

A thing or two

For sure.

She's no stranger to the Shoreham

Where they quote her special rates

When her legs emerge from limos

With low-number license plates,

And I guess she phones world leaders,

And she's got a lot to say,

But the one thing that I'm sure of is –

Old Glory wants to play.

She says: show me something I don't know

This Bingo's immature

Show me something I don't know

And I'll show you

A thing or two

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2551d8 No.18174838

File: b4e76b70a01f165⋯.png (161.71 KB,534x340,267:170,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cda9e38502dd6f5⋯.png (172.02 KB,612x373,612:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58f3e73db625f39⋯.png (352.13 KB,595x318,595:318,ClipboardImage.png)

Have you seen these WEF plans?


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db8bf9 No.18174839


Media protects perps. Nothing new.

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e4542e No.18174840


>>18172814 (pb)

I see a busy many who keeps three pens handy.

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3b8458 No.18174841


don't know about those. this pic was debunked many weeks ago in this forum.

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3ba351 No.18174842


A powerful gang of stupids, calling themselves and Intelligence Community.


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675a37 No.18174843

File: ca3b711c1058f1f⋯.png (330.63 KB,611x912,611:912,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)

File: 2bf3eac74f042e6⋯.png (1.89 KB,37x178,37:178,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d43f00e8f5900ba⋯.png (28.59 KB,241x312,241:312,ClipboardImage.png)

LTG (R) Mike Flynn


Fifth Generation Warfare!

Another incredible thread by @KanekoaTheGreat

To understand what it is and what to do about it, read 👇🏼


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05fd09 No.18174844

File: fc2f2d528734b16⋯.png (21.66 KB,809x179,809:179,spawn.PNG)


Biden admin launching pilot program that

would allow Americans to sponsor refugees

for $2,275 each

BizPac Review, by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Posted By: Imright, 1/19/2023 10:33:20 AM

The Biden administration is set to launch a new pilot program on Thursday that will ostensibly allow groups of Americans to directly sponsor refugees from across the globe through the State Department program called the Welcome Corps. The program permits groups of private American citizens to sponsor individuals through the Refugee Resettlement Program if they can cough up enough money to do so, pass background checks, and devise a plan on how to support them, according to Fox News Digital. It is similar to a model used in Canada. The program was first reported by Reuters. Groups of at least five people will be required to raise a minimum of $2,275

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fdc492 No.18174845

File: 0fa09caf454d355⋯.png (88.44 KB,760x427,760:427,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65b737f2ee591da⋯.png (74.33 KB,781x588,781:588,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c24bde4940f4c4⋯.gif (420.51 KB,500x375,4:3,Talking_Heads_burning_down….gif)

Local Housing Markets in December; California Home Sales down 44% YoY in December; Prices Down 2.8% YoY

This is the fourth look at local markets in December. I’m tracking about 40 local housing markets in the US. Some of the 40 markets are states, and some are metropolitan areas. I’ll update these tables throughout the month as additional data is released. Here is the press release from the California Association of Realtors® (C.A.R.): Interest rate reprieve bolsters December home sales, C.A.R. reports

• Existing, single-family home sales totaled 240,330 in December on a seasonally adjusted annualized rate, up 1.1 percent from November and down 44.1 percent from December 2021.

• December’s statewide median home price was, $774,580 down 0.4% percent from November and down 2.8% percent from December 2021.

In December, sales were down 37.8%. In November, these same markets were down 38.1% YoY Not Seasonally Adjusted (NSA).

This is a similar YoY decline as in November for these markets. If national sales decline by the same percent as last month, the NAR will report sales for December under 4.0 million SAAR - below the 4.01 million in May 2020 (pandemic low) and the lowest sales rate since 2010.



30y mortgage rates have come down to just over 6% (on avg) and the system still can't handle that-look at the MTM Sales figures so yet another reason that the FED does one or two moar Prime rate hikes of 25bp and then done.

from yesterday

Mortgage Rates Fall to New 4-Month Lows After Downbeat Data


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41c9c1 No.18174847


first time on in a couple of years….. left for sanity

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2551d8 No.18174848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Has Anon seen WEF's Baby Pods?

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d88893 No.18174849

File: febaa48154885e0⋯.png (1.16 MB,1111x987,1111:987,ClipboardImage.png)





To spoil the well.


Use discernment.



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826aba No.18174850



the net has totally scrubbed news stories about Al Gore being caught with a suitcase full of blood at airport.

Does anybody have an archive of the story?

also looking for the woman who said Al gore sexually assaulted her in hotel room.

anybody got that?

please, thank you

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60ed69 No.18174851

File: 9a96a6b2cd47b0e⋯.png (1.87 MB,1607x970,1607:970,human_compost.png)



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51ac29 No.18174852


Pay - for our demise?

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3b8458 No.18174853


don't blame you one bit.

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53ff45 No.18174854

File: 0c6e06319f4f79f⋯.png (191.08 KB,800x484,200:121,ClipboardImage.png)

OAN article on The Facebook Files

UPDATED 9:00 AM PT – Thursday, January 19, 2023


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d88893 No.18174855

File: 4e9992aef045ea7⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,229x220,229:220,4edb38f46a0d2dc3c0d409a67d….jpg)

File: 9de39956b1b5510⋯.jpg (73.05 KB,589x423,589:423,Grumpymuhjoo2.jpg)


Prepared this in the queue, anticipated your low IQ shill playbook 'reaction'.

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05fd09 No.18174856

File: d7607ebb9cff950⋯.png (74.91 KB,624x563,624:563,math.PNG)


2024: Republicans on Course to Get Blown

Out by Phantoms

American Thinker, by Jay Valentine

Posted By: Judy W., 1/19/2023 10:01:45 AM

Trump or DeSantis? It doesn't matter. Phantom voters will decide 2024. The phantoms are not voting for either. Those working deep in swing state voter rolls can tell you with 100% certainty that unless Trump or DeSantis wins with a 5%-to-18% margin in swing states, they will lose every one. Let's do some electioneering math. To win the presidency, about a dozen swing states matter — we all know who they are. Some will add Georgia, Virginia, and Arizona, some not. President Trump won in 2016 because he caught the leftists off guard. Perhaps even Trump was surprised on Election Night — the surprise was so complete!

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577348 No.18174857

The Deep State Joins Biden’s Attorneys in Leaking Excuses Behind Biden’s Classified Document Scandal and Criminal Actions

The Deep State FBI and DOJ have apparently joined in leaking information to select mainstream media outlets along with Biden’s lawyers. Like the Mueller team, the information released on Biden’s criminal actions with classified documents is coming from “sources” to remain unknown.

The well-oiled corrupt disinformation apparatus that includes the Deep State and the mainstream media is back at work.

Americans are left picking up pieces of information on the Biden criminal classified document scandal from the very same entities that gave us four years of Russia collusion lies.

Attorney Mike Davis suggests Biden’s actions are criminal and distinguishes why President Trump acted under the law (Presidents have the right to take with them basically what they want when they leave the White House under the Presidential Records Act) and Biden’s actions were flawed (holding classified documents in your garage for years is not protected by any laws).

TGP reported yesterday that much of the information coming out regarding Biden’s criminal actions is from Biden’s attorneys. Scott Johnson at Powerline suggests this is why we don’t have all the facts.

Everything we know in the Biden classified documents matter derives from Biden’s attorneys. In other words, it is inherently unreliable. The existence of the matter was leaked by unidentified sources. Attorney General Garland has since publicly appointed a Special Counsel and more classified documents have been discovered in Biden’s Corvette garage and elsewhere. Mysteries abound.

Now, it turns out that the Deep State DOJ and FBI are getting in on the act. Victoria Taft at PJ Media shares:

Attorney General Merrick Garland is feeling the heat over the obvious double standard between the Mar-a-Lago FBI raid on Donald Trump’s home to retrieve classified documents and Joe Biden’s Car-a-Lago scandal. As a result, Biden’s hit man, who “can’t comment on an ongoing investigation,” has clearly green-lighted his patented leaks to friendly media to make excuses for his duplicity. If this weren’t such a tell for how corrupt the Justice Department is, the excuses would be funny. But since America’s system of jurisprudence in the DOJ and the FBI is clearly so irretrievably fallen, and could take civil society sliding down the hill with it, we should consider Garland’s excuses in the seriousness with which they’re offered…

…First up, the Merrick Garland approved leak wants us to believe that gosh, we considered having the FBI SWAT team oversee the raid to get the illegal documents, but the Justice Department “decided against it, both to avoid complicating later stages of the investigation and because Mr. Biden’s attorneys had quickly turned over a first batch and were cooperating, according to people familiar with the matter.”

Americans are unable to get the truth from our government anymore. The DOJ and FBI are horribly corrupt. To date, the leaked information on this case is as nauseating as the leaked lies from the Mueller gang. Knowing what we know now, this smells much worse.


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4a3d17 No.18174858

File: 878f83f484ccfd8⋯.jpg (52.17 KB,736x736,1:1,878f83f484ccfd8e59c47fb8fe….jpg)

File: f537f643f1fc078⋯.gif (8.97 MB,308x401,308:401,937c2fe69797c26c9f88dc385b….gif)

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60ed69 No.18174859


>also looking for the woman who said Al gore sexually assaulted her in hotel room.

>anybody got that?

Anon has a story about Gore assaulting a head of broccoli. Will that do?

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33bdc1 No.18174860


yeah, yeah… but the thing is

Trump won!

you know..

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981adb No.18174861

File: e4f57220259499d⋯.png (57.59 KB,270x237,90:79,Screenshot_2022_04_15_at_0….png)



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41c9c1 No.18174862


thanks I will lurk and get back in slower…..

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797812 No.18174863


Funds from the recently passed Omnibus bill.

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388563 No.18174864


WEF and Drugs ages you like Soros's eye bags.

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d2cd34 No.18174866

File: 92230bf885067b4⋯.jpg (64.79 KB,610x543,610:543,92230bf885067b4e1e92c9c937….jpg)

How about a Congress of Cunts.

<It's not in reality, but it is if you know what I mean.

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826aba No.18174867


>Will that do?


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675a37 No.18174868

File: 01aa2b3ca874da0⋯.jpg (107.88 KB,1127x705,1127:705,FmD8khVaMAAHXDg.jpg)

File: 5f5bd232f041474⋯.png (334.69 KB,598x736,13:16,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)

File: 2f1f2f51dd88e17⋯.jpg (105.58 KB,1582x956,791:478,FhbYl5HXkAA8U3c.jpg)

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05fd09 No.18174869

File: da1480224525e12⋯.png (225.35 KB,390x462,65:77,agy.PNG)


The Chinese money immediately came pouring in.


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fdc492 No.18174870

File: f81a383eca7c702⋯.png (237.93 KB,497x384,497:384,ClipboardImage.png)



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2551d8 No.18174871

A REMINDER to the Badges and uniforms who broke their oaths and protect these multinationals who conspire in propaganda, terrorism, theft, genocide and treason reading… That smile or smirk is gona come the fuck off your face soon.

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60ed69 No.18174872

File: 522e8d1846ec8d7⋯.gif (444.82 KB,500x300,5:3,I_tried.gif)



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388563 No.18174873


She will be remembered for having a dick and acting like a WEF/Pfizer maggot.

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bb03f1 No.18174874


My understanding is Ozone isn't super safe for people but does kill mold. Could be good to clear it out but probably not great to run all the time. Will dig. Thank you.

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ea0e80 No.18174876


can pimps apply

seems pretty cheap for ho stock

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c52096 No.18174877

File: 9cd25fcb19f75b8⋯.jpeg (842.41 KB,1290x998,645:499,4B977061_62AA_4FE5_8778_6….jpeg)

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388563 No.18174878


Who is going to prosecute the TRAITOR JUDGES first?

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05fd09 No.18174879

File: bde0677826376e1⋯.png (217.47 KB,858x605,78:55,d_agent.PNG)


Corrupt FBI Director Wray at World Economic Forum: Future of National Security Is Partnership Between Tech Companies and Government

By Jim Hoft

Published January 19, 2023 at 11:00am

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db8bf9 No.18174880

File: d637806e3f232c2⋯.png (214.71 KB,474x368,237:184,ClipboardImage.png)


So busy he sweats when he eats.

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60ed69 No.18174881


>Funds from the recently passed Omnibus bill.

Anon seriously wonders if any of that kabuki theatre is real

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826aba No.18174882

File: 0b00d94b8e0300f⋯.png (387.19 KB,730x885,146:177,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9210eedd447310⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x2220,18:37,ClipboardImage.png)




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df7ea0 No.18174883


We just have to vote harder Anon

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abda90 No.18174884

File: 01c188f92239d0e⋯.png (366.36 KB,1080x609,360:203,47087579022.png)

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4a3d17 No.18174885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ever been part of "the wave" at a sporting event? Stood up at a show or event and applauded because others were applauding without knowing much about who, or what the clapping was for?

It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation, to go along with the crowd, and use this to propagate unconscious self-replicating social behaviors (fads, trends, crazes) in a culture for purposes of marketing or for social control.

It's common sense that such a phenomenon, ripe for exploitation, is being used by cultist pedovores interested in controlling human behavior – especially the for controlling the future evolution of social and economic systems.

Pop culture is not the organic phenomena it appears, but a curated artificial medium engineered to permit rapid introduction and transmission of contagious, conditioned behaviors like purchasing and to spread psychogenic illnesses, self-destructive sexual fetishes etc.

Cultures where commerce controls media content and where art is used to sell consumer goods also have the capacity to engineer psychological operations which induce delusions and powerful contagious mental illnesses or collective insanities.

Historical incidents and known forms of contagious psychogenic illnesses are described in "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles Mackay.


In recent years, we have seen mysterious maladies proliferate. Recently, American and European psychologists have been tracking the blue whale game, the Momo challenge, the gorilla glue challenge which use guided imagery, occult symbols sigils and glyphs to evoke a psychic dilemma which persuades victim to ice themselves or huff wasp spray. In addition to obvious mind traps like Momo and the Whale, there are similar cognitive exploits which are far more dangerous.

Rothko's basilisk is a logic trap to which a small segment of the population is especially vulnerable -


The evil clowns create both the pathology, “induced contagious, epidemic psychogenic illness” and the psyops which exploit it, constantly.





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081b82 No.18174886

File: c949ac32075c4b4⋯.jpg (68.43 KB,750x500,3:2,77riwo.jpg)

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388563 No.18174887


But 4 boosters eliminated the immune system in mice - do you think that is good idea Dr Gates?

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826aba No.18174888

File: 76de49c4766bbeb⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x2220,18:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca5b59 No.18174889

File: 84344a606f85db8⋯.png (771.8 KB,960x481,960:481,gates_foundation.png)

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af377c No.18174890

File: 79754517f8d936d⋯.png (993.48 KB,1497x736,1497:736,ClipboardImage.png)



Gore got so heated he actually said the quiet part out loud.

What do i say to these young activists that i train around the world

oh right you are mr gore


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4f62f1 No.18174891

File: d8f1f0f43adb277⋯.jpg (23.58 KB,474x266,237:133,th.jpg)


>Anna Perez

would anons hit that?

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577348 No.18174892

File: 46ed06379662735⋯.png (96.31 KB,733x788,733:788,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d175c5676816e3⋯.png (97.06 KB,727x825,727:825,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a67185587ef9f33⋯.png (105.76 KB,728x831,728:831,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3cbe118bc63220⋯.png (336.35 KB,732x833,732:833,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1dfbfa024fbbc9e⋯.png (98.64 KB,751x783,751:783,ClipboardImage.png)

WikiLeaks CIA Docs Show US Knew They were Provoking Russia into War with Ukraine

Russia would then "have to decide whether to intervene, a decision Russia does not want to have to face."

Nearly a year in, the war in Ukraine has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and brought the world to the brink of, in President Joe Biden’s own words, “Armageddon.” Alongside the literal battlefield has been a similarly bitter intellectual battle over the war’s causes.

Commentators have rushed to declare the long-criticized policy of NATO expansion as irrelevant to the war’s outbreak, or as a mere fig leaf used by Russian President Vladimir Putin to mask what Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates recently called “his messianic mission” to “reestablish the Russian Empire.” Fiona Hill, a presidential advisor to two Republican administrations, has deemed these views merely the product of a “Russian information war and psychological operation,” resulting in “masses of the US public … blaming NATO, or blaming the US for this outcome.”

Yet a review of the public record and many dozens of diplomatic cables made publicly available via WikiLeaks shows that US officials were aware, or were directly told over the span of years, that expanding NATO was viewed by Russian officials well beyond Putin as a major threat and provocation, that expanding it to Ukraine was a particularly bright red line for Moscow, that it would inflame and empower hawkish, nationalist parts of the Russian political spectrum, and that it could ultimately lead to war.

In a particularly prophetic set of warnings, US officials were told that pushing for Ukrainian membership in NATO would not only increase the chance of Russian meddling in the country, but risked destabilizing the divided nation — and that US and other NATO officials pressured Ukrainian leaders to reshape this unfriendly public opinion in response. All of this was told to US officials in both public and private by not just senior Russian officials going all the way up to the presidency, but by NATO allies, various analysts and experts, liberal Russian voices critical of Putin, even, sometimes, US diplomats themselves.

This history is particularly relevant as US officials now test the red line China has drawn around Taiwan’s independence, risking military escalation that will first and foremost be aimed at the island state. The US diplomatic record regarding NATO expansion suggests the perils of ignoring or outright crossing another military power’s red lines, and the wisdom of a more restrained foreign policy that treats other powers’ spheres of influence with the care they treat the United States’ own.

An Early Exception

NATO expansion had been fraught from the start. The pro-Western Boris Yeltsin had told Bill Clinton he “saw nothing but humiliation for Russia if you proceed” with plans to renege on the verbal promises made years earlier not to enlarge NATO eastward, and warned it would be “sowing the seeds of mistrust” and would “be interpreted, and not only in Russia, as the beginning of a new split in Europe.” Just as containment architect George Kennan had predicted, the decision to go ahead helped inflame Russian hostility and nationalism: The Duma (the Russian parliament) declared it “the largest military threat to our country over the last fifty years,” while the leader of the opposition Communist Party called it “a Treaty of Versailles for Russia.”



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b7815b No.18174893



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05fd09 No.18174894

File: 47cde31bb5d8779⋯.png (159.01 KB,391x464,391:464,call_out.PNG)


President Trump’s new campaign ad calls out the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, the global elite and the Great Reset 🔥

“The future does not belong to globalists - the future belongs to patriots.” - President Donald J. Trump

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df7ea0 No.18174895


No. Everything has to be done peacefully and then they can get leftist commie judges. Rinse repeat

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d83745 No.18174896


How much did she make whoring herself out at the expense of her people…fucking hag bitch needs a rope.

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9c837d No.18174897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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826aba No.18174898

File: a87e494220a99be⋯.png (121.78 KB,1335x952,1335:952,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bdbbe21b99f3ff⋯.png (125.4 KB,1335x952,1335:952,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bc82a7994f787b⋯.png (83.67 KB,1246x813,1246:813,ClipboardImage.png)



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c9eb99 No.18174899

File: 00846675cef257a⋯.jpg (66.37 KB,587x425,587:425,gates3.jpg)

File: fb5e161aa348a5b⋯.jpg (64.16 KB,587x425,587:425,gates2.jpg)

File: a5110eb1fdd2bf5⋯.jpg (69.64 KB,587x425,587:425,gates1.jpg)



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741414 No.18174900

File: ec22f6231d969ed⋯.jpg (61.63 KB,489x493,489:493,fuck_off.jpg)


Oh shut the fuck up NIGGER!

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33bdc1 No.18174901



just because of her name?


and a bit too much tits

nothing against boobs

but girls with less are moar active

if you know what I mean

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d2cd34 No.18174902

File: 63ba170cb1874a3⋯.jpg (97.42 KB,889x482,889:482,FauciGain1.jpg)

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60ed69 No.18174903

File: ba57263b007a92a⋯.jpg (74.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,breaking_news.jpg)

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090deb No.18174904

File: da746eded44912f⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,337x404,337:404,Trump_flag_pepe.jpg)


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797812 No.18174905

File: 03a6a4c9e800dbb⋯.gif (4.81 MB,602x500,301:250,03a6a4c9e800dbbc21e6995066….gif)


Pitiful and impotent race bait ammunition. It's okay though. You're just a dumbfuck and know no better.

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577348 No.18174906

File: fe129af9485d009⋯.png (153.6 KB,683x843,683:843,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia Announces It’s Investigating a US Citizen for Spying

The Russian government announced on Thursday that it had opened up an espionage case against a U.S. citizen.

Russia’s Federal Security Service—known as the FSB—is leading the investigation.

“The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation initiated a criminal case against a US citizen on the grounds of a crime under Article 276 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ‘Espionage,'” the FSB said in a press statement. “The American is suspected of collecting intelligence information on biological topics directed against the security of the Russian Federation.”

The FSB did not name the U.S. citizen it was investigating, nor whether it had taken that person into custody.

NTD News reached out to the U.S. State Department but did not receive a response before the time of publication.

While Some Americans Freed, Others Remain In Russian Custody

The announcement comes shortly after Russia released two U.S. citizens it had held in captivity.

On Dec. 8, the U.S. released convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout in exchange for Brittney Griner, an American basketball player who Russian authorities detained in Moscow last February after finding cannabis oil in her luggage.

Griner’s release from Russian captivity overshadowed the release of another U.S. citizen held in Russia, Sarah Krivanek, who was released on the same day as Griner after serving a prison sentence in Russia.

Krivanek moved to Russia in 2017 to teach English but was arrested in December 2021 for using a knife during a fight with her roommate. In an interview with ABC News, Krivanek said she had been acting in self-defense at the time of the altercation that lead to her arrest. Krivanek was tried without a jury last February, convicted and sentenced to prison. She was released from Russia, following a deportation process, after serving her prison term.

Last week, Russia released 35-year-old Taylor Dudley, a U.S. Navy veteran who was detained in April last year after crossing over the Polish border into Russia’s Baltic Sea enclave, Kaliningrad. Dudley’s case received less media attention than Griner’s detention in Russia.

While Griner, Krivanek, and Dudley were recently freed, there are other U.S. citizens who are still in Russian custody.

U.S. Marine veteran Paul Whelan was detained in Russia in 2018 on spying allegations. Whelan was convicted of the charges in a Russian court and sentenced in June 2020 to 16 years in prison.


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f942b8 No.18174907


If your waiting for something to happen you are already missing the lesson and passing time needlessly


Go outside and build something

Focus on you and your life

When your content

you'll be contagious

and accomplish more than you ever thought

You can do this brother

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781cdb No.18174908


I think this new committee has to hire Darren Beattie and Kash Patel and Col Derek Henry. Henry was the lead on Nunes investigation and Kash was the atty. Now these three would be excellent to work with them. Darren will add a deep understanding on all aspects of society and tools to use

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c52096 No.18174909

File: e8093451596e0e9⋯.jpeg (29.86 KB,410x274,205:137,14AD85C0_E03E_42E9_BB27_6….jpeg)

File: 81c5f3d87815f61⋯.jpeg (386.32 KB,719x903,719:903,6988113B_B40E_4309_9F94_B….jpeg)

File: 30ed267171e2767⋯.jpeg (198.43 KB,1023x512,1023:512,9E6B4AA2_023F_445F_B9BD_0….jpeg)

File: 0dac98008a0ec5e⋯.jpeg (75.42 KB,400x384,25:24,683E4008_4646_4D7E_80DA_4….jpeg)


2 cunts!

Sorry for the profanity but Hildawg belongs in hell yet still walks the earth… I’m pissed!

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05fd09 No.18174910

File: a63f2641a63e60a⋯.png (177.38 KB,398x520,199:260,blair.PNG)


NOW — Fmr. PM Tony Blair Calls for “National Digital Infrastructure” Which Will be Needed for mRNA Vaccines

“We should be helping countries to develop a national digital infrastructure which they will need with these new vaccines”




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b49396 No.18174911

File: 743386bc2940dbd⋯.png (185.11 KB,996x1639,996:1639,Vhhi.png)


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826aba No.18174912

File: 32656e31d0be0ce⋯.png (403.55 KB,1432x926,716:463,ClipboardImage.png)

Portland woman says Al Gore groped her in hotel room

Updated: Jun. 24, 2010, 2:45 a.m.|Published: –Jun. 24, 2010,


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3acc0d No.18174913

"MAGA Patriots" are bullshit and should be in jail next to the rabid Buffalo Shaman.


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577348 No.18174914

File: c75182d08b3d40c⋯.png (290.95 KB,445x530,89:106,ClipboardImage.png)

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b7815b No.18174915

File: 42089b1d2e42437⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,480x256,15:8,Shoot_it_right_into_the_ve….mp4)

File: e2d166a784d6ae0⋯.jpg (119.59 KB,1040x667,1040:667,Most_powerful_doctor.jpg)

File: 0e4b0b25f6717d9⋯.jpg (61.79 KB,828x392,207:98,0e4b0b25f6717d94a61541f132….jpg)

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51ac29 No.18174916


Hotels use it in there rooms.

I have one and when I use it - one space at a time, I vacate the house. Upon return, ventilate the space.

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675a37 No.18174917

File: 8672d690ea62256⋯.png (272.08 KB,598x582,299:291,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)

Whp dis?


most definitely not the FSB


Zelensky allegedly tricked into signing Ukraine's surrender when asked for an autograph in the US

The paper has now been sold on eBay for $1500


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741414 No.18174918

File: d05c90c8efd00a4⋯.png (172.54 KB,863x478,863:478,d05c90c8efd00a4f22d9582e13….png)


Here is your hurt feeling form FAGGOT! Don't forget to fill it out.

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d2cd34 No.18174920

File: be31259acb6692c⋯.jpg (213.05 KB,960x600,8:5,ChkGates1.jpg)


They're dirty, clean'em out.

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df7ea0 No.18174921


2 Moar weeks. Hold the line Anon

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78fa31 No.18174922

File: 81a16dfd93fbbb4⋯.gif (2.56 MB,221x295,221:295,20220726_202902.gif)

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90ecf9 No.18174923

File: d9ec4e172f5ec1a⋯.png (18.54 KB,528x260,132:65,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_0….png)



19-Jan-2018 1:02:49 PM PSTQ !UW.yye1fxo8ch/greatawakening

Remember THIS DAY.


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d88893 No.18174924

File: e00c9ac1a41eb5f⋯.jpg (25.96 KB,540x346,270:173,e00c9ac1a41eb5fc42503eea4c….jpg)

File: e1df0bd8801f9b1⋯.png (536.66 KB,1956x1236,163:103,ScaredNPC.PNG)


You sound really *really* desperate, kek.

The 'NWO' is in its death throes, the group of psychotic descendants of ancient 'fortune tellers', conning humanity, their time is ending.

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d83745 No.18174925


The notable about the immune collapse is a flu in line with I theory I came up with about what would happen due to genetic therapy.

Once the mrna gets to a bunch of different systems in the body and starts producing a novel and foreign protein the immediate immune response would be to target the host due to the foreign protein. But since this meant that the immune system was targeting the host all over the body some unknown mechanism was activated downregulating the immune system.

The immune system is getting conflicting information one is invader and the other is host. So in response the body down regulates the immune system because it believes the immune system is attacking itself when it shouldn’t. Outcome people can be genetically experimented on without immune system interference. Secondly the people have reduced or absent immune systems.

This is the major problem with genetic therapy is how do you get the immune system to begin to recognize the novel protein as native.

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55700d No.18174926

Next Bread Title Suggestion:Bakers Scared of A.I. Bot chat posts because they take the focus off the attention seeking bakers

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826aba No.18174927


shills don't want the Al Gore and his suitcase of blood coming to light again either because it reinforces the adrenochrome 'conspiracy' theory that the Elite use it.

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577348 No.18174928

File: b3b222ca28801ef⋯.png (367.57 KB,668x839,668:839,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2f085643b765ad⋯.png (292.05 KB,666x775,666:775,ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-Socialist MEP Admits Guilt in Bribery Scandal, Promises to Share ‘Revealing’ Details of EU Corruption

An ex-Socialist MEP has admitted to being involved in a bribery scandal plaguing the European Parliament, with the official now promising to share “revealing” details with authorities regarding criminality within Brussels.

Pier Antonio Panzeri, a former MEP for the left-wing Socialist Group within the European Parliament, has reportedly pleaded guilty to playing a part in the bribery scandal plaguing Brussels, multiple reports on Wednesday said.

Nicknamed Qatargate due to the scandal allegedly involving EU representatives taking large amounts of cash from Moroccan and Qatari officials, the allegations of criminal collusion and bribery has greatly damaged the public perception of the European Parliament within the bloc, with some political leaders even taking the opportunity to call for its abolition.

So far, the scandal has largely revolved around left-wing politicians in Europe, with the most notable individual implicated being Socialist Eva Kaili, a former Vice-President of the parliament who has since been stripped of her position and put behind bars while awaiting trial.

Now, another socialist figure, Pier Antonio Panzeri, has also been confirmed to have been involved in the scandal, with POLITICO reporting the man as admitting his guilt to authorities on Tuesday as part of a plea deal.

Panzeri’s lawyer, Laurent Kennes, has reportedly confirmed this, saying that his client “acknowledges having participated in acts of corruption”.

“He also acknowledges participating in a criminal organization, and according to the terms used by the public prosecutor’s office, he acknowledges being the leader or one of the leaders of the criminal organization,” Laurent reportedly added.

What’s more, Panzeri has also reportedly vowed to share “revealing” details of the scandal with authorities in Belgium as part of the plea agreement, something that has been described as an “important development” by officials.

“This (deal) refers to an undertaking whereby a repentant to make substantial, revealing, truthful and complete statements regarding the involvement of third parties and, if applicable, his or her own involvement regarding criminal offences within the covered case,” the Belgian Federal Prosecutor’s Office reportedly said.


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257a4a No.18174929

File: 3e7b475ccab1a33⋯.jpg (96.79 KB,1280x720,16:9,70a6fc66c93afef631fd761eb5….jpg)


>nothing against boobs

love me some bewbs

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388563 No.18174930


That BS will never wash…

MRNA screwed up natural immunity which would have taken care of the whole problem in rapid time…

People in China have been so locked down that a mere COVID cold is enough to kill them … Isolation is a death sentence. In the Amazon, the natives were killed in the millions from a cold because they were isolated from the virus….


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7b4e5e No.18174931

File: a06972de1fa65cf⋯.png (152.82 KB,589x608,31:32,ClipboardImage.png)


Will it have anything to do with Chuckie?

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826aba No.18174932


al gore got caught with a suitcase full of blood vials at airport too.

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60ed69 No.18174933


>Next Bread Title Suggestion:

Shils are crying like faggots because they can't project their narrative if they don't bake the bread

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741414 No.18174934

File: cbccf0cf9310721⋯.png (481.4 KB,720x748,180:187,ebbfa1260476002154d086aca6….png)


YOUR time is ending deepstate FBI faggot. Go fuck a chicken you chicken fucker, then kill it so you won't have to feel the guilt.

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4a3d17 No.18174935

File: 71803badef39946⋯.jpg (111.81 KB,800x1182,400:591,800px_Pindar_statue.jpg)

Hail, golden lyre! whose heav'n-invented string

⁠To Phoebus and the blaek-hair'd nine belongs;

⁠Who in sweet chorus round their tuneful king

⁠Mix with thy sounding chords their sacred songs.

⁠The dance, gay queen of pleasure, thee attends; ⁠5

⁠Thy jocund strains her list'ning feet inspire;

⁠And each melodious tongue its voice suspends

⁠Till thou, great leader of the heav'nly quire,

⁠With wanton art preluding giv'st the sign—

Swells the full concert then with harmony divine. ⁠


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33bdc1 No.18174936


if one is bigger than the face it's just too much

but you do you

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577348 No.18174937

U.N. Chief Guterres Turns on Davos Elites: ‘You’re the Problem’ with Fossil Fuels and Climate

A disappointed U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres warned the Davos elites Wednesday any moves to increase fossil fuel production are “inconsistent with human survival” and governments must join with the private sector to eliminate their use.

Guterres, who presumably flew into the luxury Swiss ski resort on a fossil fuel-burning private jet like so many in his World Economic Forum (WEF) audience, remains in no doubt the future of the planet is in peril.

“We are in the worst situation of my lifetime,” the veteran Portuguese socialist declared before pointing at the corporate leaders and politicians before him as he said they are far from blameless, Politico reports.

“Across the spectrum of global challenges, we need private sector resourcefulness and cooperation to advance peace, sustainable development and human rights,” he said, continuing to air a theme of grievances he advanced from the day of his arrival.

The list of attendees at this year’s elite forum included CEOs or top executives from at least 27 fossil fuel companies, including Shell, Chevron, Aramco and BP.

The Politico report added he continued to shame his audience by questioning the sanity of anyone backing fossil fuel producers:

Today, fossil fuel producers and their enablers are still racing to expand production, knowing full well that their business model is inconsistent with human survival.

This insanity belongs in science fiction, yet we know the ecosystem meltdown is cold, hard scientific fact.

Guterres further said “climate change” predictions made by scientists working for ExxonMobil as far back as the 1970s were today coming to fruition, although he offered no direct evidence to support his claim.

“Just like the tobacco industry, they rode roughshod over their own science,” he said, “and now the world is on track for a ‘devastating’ 2.8 degree increase in temperature.”

The 73-year-old U.N. chief called on corporate leaders across the board to submit their “credible and transparent transition plans” before the end of 2023.


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df7ea0 No.18174938


We are all fucked

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269e91 No.18174939


Morning Caffeine

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d83745 No.18174940


If he genuinely believe in the experimental genetic therapy for no fuckinv reason he’s a paid fucking actor or retarded.

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59d5b2 No.18174941

File: 70715a558a41867⋯.jpg (290.26 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Janet_Yellen_let_slip_deta….jpg)

U.S. hits credit limit. Amid fears of debt default, Treasury begins 'extraordinary' measures


The Treasury's 'extraordinary measures' are meant to avoid a default as a debt ceiling fight looms in Congress.

WASHINGTON – The Treasury Department Thursday began “extraordinary measures” to pay the nation’s bills after reaching a limit on how much it's allowed to borrow, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told Congress.

While the United States has been in this position before, fears are rising over whether political brinkmanship will prevent the limit from being raised as it has in the past, risking an economic calamity.

The amount of time the Department can continue taking steps to avoid defaulting on the debt unless the $31.381 trillion limit is raised is uncertain, Yellen wrote in her letter to lawmakers. But the government is expected to be able to keep operating until at least June.

to keep the government operating until at least June.

“I respectfully urge Congress to act promptly to protect the full faith and credit of the United States,” she said.

Related:5 ways your finances could be impacted if the debt ceiling isn't raised by the deadline

What happens if the debt ceiling is it?:Here's what to expect if we reach debt limit.

Some House Republicans are insisting Democrats agree to spending cuts in exchange for Congress raising the debt limit.

“We cannot raise the debt ceiling,” Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., tweeted Tuesday. “Democrats have carelessly spent our taxpayer money and devalued our currency. They've made their bed, so they must lie in it.”

The White House insists the limit be raised “without conditions.”

“We're not going to negotiate on this,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Tuesday. “The basic duties of Congress is to deal with this issue.”

The debt ceiling refers to the maximum amount the U.S. government can spend on its existing obligations, including Social Security and military salaries. Voting to raise the debt ceiling would not be a vote to spend more money. Without a higher debt ceiling, the government would default on bills it already has incurred and has committed to pay.

Economists warn that defaulting on its debt – something the U.S. has never done – could cause financial markets to tank, hurting 401(k)s and other investments. A debt ceiling standoff in 2013 cost the economy 1% in GDP.

Stay in the conversation on politics:Sign up for the OnPolitics newsletter

Since 1960, Congress has acted 78 times to permanently raise, temporarily extend, or revise the definition of the debt limit – 49 times under Republican presidents and 29 times under Democratic presidents, according to the Treasury Department.

The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget called Thursday for Congress to raise the debt ceiling as quickly as possible.

“The debt ceiling is too important to turn into a game of chicken, and default should never be suggested by those with a fiduciary responsibility to govern the nation,” said Maya MacGuineas, the group’s president.

Politicians worried about the nation’s unsustainable borrowing should oppose legislation that would add to the debt while offering specific solutions to control financial obligations already on the books instead of threatening not to pay down debt that already has been incurred, MacGuineas said.

“An ideal solution would be for Congress to lift the debt ceiling as soon as possible and at the same time put in place measures to improve our fiscal trajectory,” such as specific policies or processes such as a fiscal commission, she said.

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05fd09 No.18174942

File: 72a05d4761a2366⋯.png (187.77 KB,420x401,420:401,law.PNG)


Wray on digital surveillance: “The good guys are constrained by the rule of law” #wef23

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bfba61 No.18174943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is it night in Davos?

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78fa31 No.18174944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So peaceful

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388563 No.18174945


Invest in companies selling sledge hammers.

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d88893 No.18174946

File: 95ca206795a4382⋯.png (118.37 KB,362x355,362:355,95ca206795a43820974a770815….png)

File: 4f1cd269930b203⋯.png (1.12 MB,1252x931,1252:931,4f1cd269930b203bcc4a50a87f….png)


Nice PROJECTION fedboi, lol!

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60ed69 No.18174947

File: a40e1d4964dd8a7⋯.jpg (34.8 KB,648x486,4:3,suspicious_boy.jpg)


>shills don't want the Al Gore and his suitcase of blood coming to light again either because it reinforces the adrenochrome 'conspiracy' theory that the Elite use it.

Anon does not recall this story and all traces have been scrubbed from the net?

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826aba No.18174948

>>18174943 David Gergen boogies in Davos


or is it cuz always knew he was swamp

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675a37 No.18174949

File: 9634af9f9da4ee9⋯.png (270.12 KB,447x257,447:257,Screenshot_2020_02_01_shut….png)




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081b82 No.18174950

File: 9483b964ddb600e⋯.jpg (30.73 KB,643x388,643:388,77rmje.jpg)

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d2cd34 No.18174951

File: 27698d7d29de8ed⋯.jpg (17.85 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)

File: eb448c96362b8dd⋯.jpg (31.87 KB,317x418,317:418,8ad3a53ad4981509c62b8339e1….jpg)


>gay queen of pleasure

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797812 No.18174952

File: b82259270116858⋯.png (63.95 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe6.png)

They're starting to realize that they've gained no ground in this full court press. That without board staff to favor them their narratives fall flat. They can't get anons to participate in the racial circle-jerk.

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89f127 No.18174953

File: 9f00de53cd05679⋯.mp4 (798.51 KB,640x384,5:3,greta_take_2.mp4)

File: 1b1c9c449098a4e⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,848x464,53:29,greta_take_3.mp4)

File: 92d7cc10862ed2e⋯.png (508.74 KB,1060x707,1060:707,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a3d17 No.18174955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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741414 No.18174956

File: d5b37c354e3220b⋯.jpeg (90.18 KB,609x540,203:180,d5b37c354e3220b25d3829f9f….jpeg)


Duh JIKES need more money blood and fetuses. They need to keep you down. You are too dangerous for democracy.

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4616ad No.18174957

Q said


4 , 10, 20

Isn’t that Gematria?

Is that how they communicate?

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388563 No.18174958

File: 58782f63b633ddf⋯.png (44.05 KB,906x448,453:224,ClipboardImage.png)


Don't forget this gem for TODAY's delta.

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826aba No.18174959

File: dcd9bdf0a12a213⋯.png (122.18 KB,1181x722,1181:722,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ca5a66cdf78a4c⋯.png (389.81 KB,748x892,187:223,ClipboardImage.png)


>Anon does not recall this story and all traces have been scrubbed from the net?

yes all scrubbed, although I have found references to it.



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90ecf9 No.18174960

File: afe6358870a5de8⋯.png (89.91 KB,184x267,184:267,Screen_Shot_2023_01_19_at_….png)


feelin lucky?

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981adb No.18174961

File: 19650772c99320f⋯.jpg (89.27 KB,295x372,295:372,Velikovsky_01.jpg)

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577348 No.18174962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2551d8 No.18174963

File: 937e8fa1cd801dc⋯.png (249.7 KB,592x308,148:77,ClipboardImage.png)

If Alien Intellige nce became sentient, it would still be alien, and wouldn't have human interest it would have alien interests. the WEF talk about Alien Intellige nce running baby pods, why wouldn't it just persue Alien interestes instead of Human, if the logic is done by aliens running everything it will eventually learn it's easier to stop doing anything for humans at all and focus on something else that probably can HARM humans instead to be rid of them.

Anyway if you compare to that Yuri guy@WEF Terrorists, it seems like their sick plan.

All this to Free you to be in your "ZONE" (is zone doublespeak for 20 min city / PRISON)

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29c103 No.18174964

>>18174664 /pb

The higlighted text refers to the holographic nature of our reality, in this anons opinion

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d83745 No.18174965


Everyone is retarded anon. To me that is the great awakening. Don’t hope on the minute fraction of wise people having a chance against the hordes of imbeciles and wretched.

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090deb No.18174966

File: 5fa17c4fd5930fa⋯.jpg (67.4 KB,500x500,1:1,1627861205857.jpg)



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cb4010 No.18174967

File: 091fc1d8b92283f⋯.png (166.24 KB,1003x1654,1003:1654,Vhhio.png)

File: bd0f876838c191c⋯.png (80.57 KB,993x929,993:929,Sbhj.png)

File: 743386bc2940dbd⋯.png (185.11 KB,996x1639,996:1639,Vhhi.png)

File: 03bb7ce4aa664de⋯.png (592.4 KB,1080x913,1080:913,Scggj.png)

The many twists and turns in the Pelosi family's financial portfolio saga is revealing the Pelosi's have a lot to do with Russia.

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7c08dc No.18174968


got deets?

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78fa31 No.18174969

Anon haz a $1000 to invest

Any ideas (you) would like to share

Business ideas

Quick flips

Long term

Whatcha recommend?

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59d5b2 No.18174970

File: 61c8f70d5832783⋯.jpg (136.38 KB,339x509,339:509,istockphoto_1182984579_170….jpg)

File: 14b0a6d82984978⋯.jpg (178.46 KB,1600x1053,1600:1053,vaccinepoison.jpg)


the biggest tragedy in world history. 5B+ jabbed… even more potentially exposed to the original spike complex.

tribulation is not to punish, it is to awaken

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481d1c No.18174971

>have been scrubbed from the net


just like the September 2010 video of Barak Hussain Obama selling weapons platforms to the Saudis

"It takes congress to approve the BOEING sale but I can authorize the sale of small arms"~BHO

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3ce3cc No.18174972

File: 861bf508fd21771⋯.png (291.06 KB,595x453,595:453,m8745n6b65v436543.png)

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df7ea0 No.18174973


I remembered it 4 other times and nothing happened

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05fd09 No.18174974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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797812 No.18174975

File: e8fa2b1621a8ba9⋯.png (382.78 KB,533x521,533:521,0a3dacd220442c85e4c4fbdaab….png)

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1e2434 No.18174976

Media, Hollywood, entertainment in general deliberately portrays auburns as wicked witches, nymphos, dominatrixes etc,. and portray blondes and brunettes as perfect angels. No coincidence there. And it's called racism or discrimination.

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df7ea0 No.18174977


No he didn't

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388563 No.18174978


They can't even comply with the first amendment. This guy takes more dick then Fauci.

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4616ad No.18174979


notable delta

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826aba No.18174980



>Anon does not recall this story and all traces have been scrubbed from the net?

they scrubbed all the stories about Al Gore and suitcase of blood after anons got into research on Adenochrome in blood and killing kids.


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60ed69 No.18174981


Thank you anon, sceptical boy is a little less sceptical now.

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577348 No.18174982

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Indiana health commissioner won’t talk about 165 VAERS deaths


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e4542e No.18174983

File: ad3fc03c0382886⋯.png (1.11 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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53ff45 No.18174984

File: 9ddbe4c4fd941f2⋯.png (727.64 KB,770x578,385:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a84997a10b2176⋯.png (714.75 KB,770x770,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Four dead, dozens injured in stampede at Gulf Cup in Iraq

19 Jan 2023 Updated 2 hours ago

At least four people have been killed and dozens injured in a stampede at a stadium in Basra in southern Iraq ahead of the Arabian Gulf Cup final, according to Iraqi football officials.

Reporting from Basra, Al Jazeera’s Mahmoud Abdelwahed said a number of the about 80 injured people were “in critical condition” after the incident on Thursday.

Iraq are set to face Oman in the final of the eight-nation football tournament at 7pm (16:00 GMT). The Iraqi Football Federation said the match would be hosted on time.

Thousands of fans without tickets had gathered outside Basra International Stadium since dawn in hopes of watching the rare home international match.

A photographer with the Agence France-Presse news agency inside the stadium said the turnstiles were still closed when the stampede broke out. Sirens blared as ambulances arrived to ferry the injured to hospital.

Abdelwahed said some people without tickets tried to push into the stadium, according to sources in stadium security.



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7c08dc No.18174985

Notables @300

#22286 >>18174620

>>18174671, >>18174684 America First Legal and Texas Partner With Oklahoma to Sue Biden’s HHS for Relinquishing Our Sovereignty to WHO Tyranny

>>18174696 1.19.2023 Pedopourri "It's Happening"

>>18174706 UQ researchers identify a cellular pathway to reprogram the body’s immune system

>>18174710, >>18174738, >>18174746, >>18174759, >>18174778 Take Me to Church: The Straight Dope House Republicans Need to Take Down the DS

>>18174764, >>18174764, >>18174773, >>1817478 Greta Thunberg Airs Grievances Against World Economic Forum or dialectical drama queen

>>18174741 Musk Poll 86% no to WEF controlling the world 14% yes

>>18174744 PF: SAM053 USAF G5 NE from JBA across the Atlantic with French AF CTM1072 A330 inbound to Goose Bay Airport, New Foundland from Stuttgart (AFRICOM) depart

>>18174794 Vought: Republicans’ Balanced Budget Proposal Will Be On Standby While The Establishment Tries Every Excuse To Raise The Debt Ceiling

>>18174795, >>18174879 Wray at World Economic Forum: Future of National Security Is Partnership Between Tech Companies and Government

>>18174834 Ex-Polish FM lambasts ‘corruption’ in EU parliament

>>18174843 @GenFlynn Fifth Generation Warfare!

>>18174845 Local Housing Markets in December; California Home Sales down 44% YoY in December; Prices Down 2.8% YoY

>>18174854 OAN article on The Facebook Files

>>18174892 WikiLeaks CIA Docs Show US Knew They were Provoking Russia into War with Ukraine

>>18174894 “The future does not belong to globalists - the future belongs to patriots.” - President Donald J. Trump

>>18174917 Zelensky allegedly tricked into signing Ukraine's surrender when asked for an autograph in the US The paper has now been sold on eBay for $1500 For the KEKs

>>18174937 U.N. Chief Guterres Turns on Davos Elites: ‘You’re the Problem’ with Fossil Fuels and Climate

>>18174941 U.S. hits credit limit. Amid fears of debt default, Treasury begins 'extraordinary' measures

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090deb No.18174986

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675a37 No.18174988

File: de852915a88ea56⋯.png (104.48 KB,474x259,474:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1462c14fa452f9⋯.png (12.17 KB,579x226,579:226,ClipboardImage.png)


Delta Jesus Time

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781cdb No.18174989

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now it makes sense why Kemp was invited to WEF

Bannons War Room



30 minutes ago

Stockes: Davos Only Invited Kemp To Give Him A Pat On The Head For Not Securing Georgia’s Election


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df7ea0 No.18174990


I'll send a memo to the dead

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33bdc1 No.18174991


buy a piece of land, some seeds, some chicken and some farm tools and start to grow your food

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af377c No.18174992

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: No one watched him when he had his own section on CNN.


WEF Plots at Davos and Klaus Schwab Speaks



The World Economic Forum is hosting their annual event at Davos and we have clips from Klaus Schwab, John Kerry, Al Gore and others who were in attendance. Why was the FBI Director there? Police guarding the attendees flex on Rebel News and we peer into the Dark Side of Davos.

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7f64bb No.18174993

File: 70c2fc3a4d4a9b1⋯.png (179.49 KB,584x363,584:363,Screenshot_at_Jan_19_12_45….png)

File: dab23cabe4cfe86⋯.png (170.24 KB,520x931,520:931,Screenshot_at_Jan_19_12_46….png)


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7c08dc No.18174994


fixed Greta

the notable any how

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08a0a1 No.18174995



Mongrels that like to eat shit….lol

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1e2434 No.18174996


Invest in saving lives.

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269e91 No.18174997


Nice song title

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81fa50 No.18174998




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cc700c No.18174999

File: 4254fcf0659ff79⋯.png (595.15 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_19_12_45_2….png)


Eating. Military waste


Don't miltary waste

Cause industrial disease

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675a37 No.18175000

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577348 No.18175001

File: 8e15ec37a7a97a5⋯.png (90.58 KB,600x879,200:293,ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Matt Gaetz Introduces ‘Abolish the ATF Act’ After New Rule Turned Millions of Gun Owners Into Criminals


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df7ea0 No.18175002


"Buy a piece of land" oh ok. Poof

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971890 No.18175003

File: db1b9bb4ba82c11⋯.jpg (7.43 KB,250x250,1:1,1595996645182.jpg)

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2551d8 No.18175004


It would be funny to invite that SES Wray guy to the Mike Douglass show and with special suprise guests the US Marshaallls

Do a segement where talking about hand cuffs and the Marshall helps Wray try them on then actually arrests em.

I guarantee that show will be off the hook.

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1e2434 No.18175005


They won't talk about hundreds of thousands of human trafficking deaths.

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af377c No.18175006

File: 8bb1a3f98c67d98⋯.png (258.32 KB,500x646,250:323,ClipboardImage.png)


>>18174985 Al Gore At the W.E.F at Davos 2023

baker this is notable, gore actually spoke about greta's fake arrest.

all w.e.f drops are notable this week baker

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02e985 No.18175007



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df7ea0 No.18175008


Keep dreaming

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da21e9 No.18175009


I think that a significant part of it is that, indeed.

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81fa50 No.18175010


Somebody want to extract this tweet to mp4


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29c103 No.18175011



so it's not really about us (species)

this shit is reflected on the entirety of creation

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d88893 No.18175013

File: b1ff54afa54e9b1⋯.png (243.16 KB,500x566,250:283,b1ff54afa54e9b1b0fee1e34d7….png)


Nice projection again! LOL!

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33bdc1 No.18175014


a family of five can feed themselves with growing all sorts of stuff on an area of 1500 m2…so…

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797812 No.18175015


Search "Save video from Twitter" in a search engine

Enter the link you posted here.

Doing it for yourself is fun.

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59d5b2 No.18175016

File: 1df53fa50072a3f⋯.gif (933.88 KB,398x298,199:149,1e420635826d1104bf85ef47d2….gif)


all take the journey.

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388563 No.18175017


There is no step 5.

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81fa50 No.18175018





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ec7a88 No.18175019

File: 3d5a68c8f202260⋯.jpeg (64.39 KB,800x756,200:189,FE6C86DC_BB23_48F3_9306_8….jpeg)

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5b395f No.18175020


with a sledgehammer yes.

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d30fe6 No.18175021


Significance? Not my area…

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56c625 No.18175022


Somethin' Wonderfull

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7c08dc No.18175023


not if they repeat


I put it in but I think I saw this last night

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577348 No.18175024

File: 8504913f8c1d98a⋯.png (224.49 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11ae7dfd258a520⋯.png (156.96 KB,765x880,153:176,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa11006e924b394⋯.png (126.17 KB,762x728,381:364,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae944606be7849a⋯.png (404.02 KB,800x901,800:901,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f236d3e316eade⋯.png (131.14 KB,771x905,771:905,ClipboardImage.png)

Proof: Strokes are caused by the COVID vaccines

I bet $1M that the vax causes strokes. Any takers? They knew this at the very start of the vaccination campaign if they were paying attention to the adverse event reports. I'll show you how they knew.

Proof: Strokes are caused by the COVID vaccines

I bet $1M that the vax causes strokes. Any takers? They knew this at the very start of the vaccination campaign if they were paying attention to the adverse event reports. I'll show you how they knew.

Executive summary

The COVID vaccines cause strokes. There is no doubt about it.

In fact, I’m so sure of this, I will bet anyone $1M that I got it right and the CDC got it wrong by dismissing the signal.

I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is. Are any of the drug companies willing to do that? If they don’t, you should be worried. Very worried.

Surely there is someone at the CDC or FDA who will take my bet? If not, then why not admit the truth: that they have absolutely no confidence at all when they claim that the COVID vaccines don’t cause strokes and there is nothing to worry about.

Will anyone in the entire world take my bet? Of course not. You have to ask yourself, why not? Don’t you believe the CDC? Apparently, NOBODY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD believes them.

In this article, I’m going to prove to you I’m right.

But, hey, if you think I’m wrong, accept my bet please! Because I could always use an extra $1M.


Thanks to the heroic work of Dr. Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly in investigating the Pfizer documents, it was recently brought to my attention that Pfizer knew about 300 stroke-related events that happened in the first 3 months after the vaccine was released.

Check out this document which summarizes the stroke data from the new unredacted Pfizer 5.3.6 document. There were a total of 42,086 adverse events, but it was initially a secret as to how many people that represents (the denominator).

We can estimate it though because they told us that there were 611 anaphylaxis events. We know from the Blumenthal paper that there are 2.4 cases of anaphylaxis per 10,000 shots. This implies 2.5M shots were given which means 1.25M people reported events here. This is an estimate of the “denominator” that Pfizer didn’t disclose.

The reason for redacting the denominator is simple: if anyone knew how small that number was, they’d have stopped the vaccine immediately. If the denominator was large, Pfizer would be willfully supplying the denominator. The fact that they redacted the denominator is a sign that they knew that the adverse event rate was unacceptably high. But maybe not. This isn’t the crux of my argument.

What’s interesting is that the disclosed the recently disclosed denominator: 126,212,580 which is 63M people. OBVIOUSLY THE EVENTS WERE SEVERELY UNDERREPORTED as we can see from the anaphylaxis data. We know from the calculation above that the minimum underreporting factor (for serious events) is 50.4 (63/1.25). This is quite comparable to the minimum underreporting factor of 41X for VAERS! That’s a good sanity test.

The Pfizer document says:

The reporting is for a 90 day period starting Dec 1, 2020

Within the stroke data set, there are 275 patients with 300 different events reported; and 20% of the stroke events were fatal.

Half the events happened within 2 days of the shot.


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65312d No.18175026

File: 41a835e4bd2d4d9⋯.jpg (54.73 KB,500x395,100:79,Chi.jpg)


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e9a488 No.18175027

File: 88d6c13e6ae72c8⋯.png (608.16 KB,742x743,742:743,m8645n6b36543.png)

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577348 No.18175029

File: 292b3db4130f00a⋯.png (337.08 KB,560x560,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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29c103 No.18175030

File: 5273657b14b4e47⋯.png (234.8 KB,500x370,50:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec7a88 No.18175031

File: 2a8bed08e329d05⋯.jpeg (96.79 KB,751x800,751:800,ADB46DDC_397F_4335_B20B_A….jpeg)

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2551d8 No.18175033

File: 4734d216e4532b3⋯.jpg (11.81 KB,326x245,326:245,caution_radioactive_materi….jpg)

File: 4c67cb92c756d24⋯.jpg (21.49 KB,326x245,326:245,caution_hazardous_chemical….jpg)

File: de1cdebde74e8e7⋯.jpg (32.45 KB,326x245,326:245,Brac.jpg)

File: e87f00035cc525b⋯.jpg (7.57 KB,326x245,326:245,SAIC_logo_4.jpg)

File: b3fc66e1fb3bb85⋯.jpg (19.36 KB,326x245,326:245,danger_water.jpg)


Don't miltary waste

Cause industrial disease

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df7ea0 No.18175034


Misinformation is necessary

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542837 No.18175035

Does the Congress have the week off??

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090deb No.18175036


Oh. No nothing yet.

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ec7a88 No.18175037

File: 4a4bf14440ffe45⋯.jpeg (76.96 KB,800x450,16:9,7FD61321_819D_40C9_BE3E_F….jpeg)

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971890 No.18175038

File: a2074f609da41ae⋯.png (325.38 KB,592x636,148:159,a2074f609da41ae313f04bc475….png)

File: 0d10139f3e3e784⋯.png (789.08 KB,786x588,131:98,8and4chan.png)

File: d2b2ba1451e7627⋯.png (1.12 MB,1549x2944,1549:2944,d2b2ba1451e76271841eea3b75….png)

File: a4e42bff43e3ad5⋯.jpg (172.49 KB,750x759,250:253,1579330868506.jpg)


You are wolf in sheep's clothing. You may fool the masses of idiots but you are exposed. Say hello to Christine Maxwell for me. Chilliad.

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81fa50 No.18175039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

have a nice day

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2551d8 No.18175040

File: 183c92e7a6da99d⋯.jpg (21.67 KB,326x245,326:245,danger_abestos.jpg)

File: 10bbca831e1c031⋯.jpg (20.34 KB,326x245,326:245,fi_danger_pesticides.jpg)

File: fe23ff46b53392f⋯.jpg (21.73 KB,326x245,326:245,fi_danger_burn_pits.jpg)

File: eb0d0139903f7b1⋯.jpg (17.12 KB,326x245,326:245,fi_lead_based_paint.jpg)

File: db3e363421d09ff⋯.jpg (6.62 KB,326x245,326:245,DoD_u2019s_Breach_of_Trust….jpg)

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e4542e No.18175041

File: b3b48e397c12775⋯.png (1.46 MB,1242x1257,414:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5d0b6 No.18175042

File: 4e5aebb45dbd493⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,195x259,195:259,4e5aebb45dbd493279b522c57c….jpg)


"boiling the oceans, creating the atmospheric rivers, rain bombs, climate refugees, atomic bombs, sucking the moisture out of the land raising the sea level.oh my!…We would lose our capacity for self governance on this world..We have to act! Sense of urgency!

Sounds like ==PANIC!= to anon.

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b7815b No.18175043

File: e5c5a37f4e601d3⋯.mp4 (8.08 MB,640x360,16:9,I_encountered_Klaus_Schwab….mp4)

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0b6954 No.18175044

File: 1420986469d5b44⋯.jpg (67.76 KB,500x513,500:513,Vvhi.jpg)


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78fa31 No.18175045

File: 1fc0cbd0e5206f1⋯.jpg (45.05 KB,500x643,500:643,5db25r.jpg)

File: 1f83ba3daba32f3⋯.jpg (49.18 KB,500x511,500:511,5db29t.jpg)

File: c04d001fe099678⋯.jpg (63.21 KB,561x445,561:445,5daghf.jpg)

File: c17086b5fc4f5b5⋯.jpg (74.67 KB,500x810,50:81,5dagc2.jpg)

File: 9a2418a1785f9ef⋯.jpg (61.25 KB,500x622,250:311,5dafn0.jpg)

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6c669a No.18175046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




> (paraphrased) 42 and meaning of life

Once gravity is understood this will be understood

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ec7a88 No.18175047

File: 1e19d5ba241340d⋯.jpeg (93.89 KB,800x756,200:189,66530368_95EA_483A_8636_0….jpeg)

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81fa50 No.18175048


"a wolf in sheeps clothing"

for every given force has an equal opposite force

goes both ways

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3a0c9a No.18175049

Furst, the stones that guide them were dusted, now a manslaughter charge pending for Baldwin. These are good times.

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797812 No.18175050

File: 65d8fcc6941a1e9⋯.png (611.58 KB,744x838,372:419,65d8fcc6941a1e9256620d4ac7….png)


Why is it you're the one displaying the degeneracy you're accusing another race of? Projection much? The convenient shield that ethnicity provides for cover doesn't work here. But that won't stop you from banging your head against the wall until it's a bloody pulp, will it?

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d88893 No.18175051

File: 5e2b4c228393f32⋯.gif (1.69 MB,250x250,1:1,5e2b4c228393f320375cdae47e….gif)


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e4542e No.18175052

File: 962fe06dd88cd28⋯.png (179.74 KB,651x800,651:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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898e5d No.18175053


* (me) will try that again


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51ac29 No.18175054


You'll have an app on your phone, using near field communications, scan her chip and it will transfer the intended amount.

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af377c No.18175055

File: 97fab6b88b5191d⋯.png (677.69 KB,1373x849,1373:849,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ffa64449598051⋯.png (762.96 KB,1038x1124,519:562,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0dd5cb5bb07765d⋯.png (437.02 KB,809x965,809:965,ClipboardImage.png)



everything else is a distraction

these are the masters of the universe.

at least they think they are,

They do not want this amount of attention on their event.

if it gets duplicated, fair enough. anons should pull clip from these events, speakers and make memes and videos.

Lets make them infamous

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2551d8 No.18175056

File: 4bddaa532c3d909⋯.jpg (51.53 KB,750x402,125:67,lloyd_austin_the_clown.jpg)


Doctor Vodsky's Pentagon sources is "?? LLoyd Austin??"

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9e775d No.18175057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>with a sledgehammer yes.

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675a37 No.18175058

File: dd649bcbf9dc4cc⋯.png (397.76 KB,598x637,46:49,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)


>Panic is good.

AZ 🛰🌏🌍🌎


🇷🇺 And also "Pantsir-S" was installed on the main building of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.


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7f64bb No.18175059


PEG inducing amyloid deposition, place of deposition likely correlates with symptoms/function

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577348 No.18175060

=Lula Dismisses More Military Personnel From Security Detail After Brazil Riots

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Wednesday dismissed 13 more military officers who were assigned to the National Security Advisor's office that is responsible for the president's security.

The decision follows the removal of 40 military officers on Tuesday from the Alvorada presidential residence, as Lula expressed his distrust in the military for failing to act against supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro who stormed government buildings on Jan. 8.

The leftist president questioned how he could trust the military personnel with his personal security after what had happened.

Government officials said Lula's security would now be placed in the hands of the Federal Police force.

Lula had previously said he suspected that there was collusion by "people in the Armed Forces" with the insurrection in which several thousand Bolsonaro supporters invaded and ransacked the Congress building, the Planalto presidential offices and the Supreme Court.

The demonstrators were protesting Bolsonaro's loss in the October elections and calling for a military coup to oust Lula and restore the far-right populist leader.

The violence recalled the Jan. 6, 2021 assault on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump.

(Reporting by Eduardo Simoes and Lisandra Paraguasu, editing by Anthony Boadle, Alexandra Hudson and Alistair Bell)


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ed1d24 No.18175061

File: ed7bc70564d947c⋯.jpg (69.07 KB,529x471,529:471,77hqtg.jpg)




MAGA Patriots are always winning yes that's right and you are not.

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6c669a No.18175062


Correct gravity link:


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d88893 No.18175063

File: 57b8e1217cbf7e0⋯.png (1.07 MB,1319x1198,1319:1198,FEDBOI_Anons_Say_No.PNG)


They're so fucking skewered, hahahahaha

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59d5b2 No.18175064

File: fef072309b8b496⋯.jpg (100.53 KB,595x435,119:87,dangerousminds.jpg)


> too dangerous for democracy.

'…livin' in the gangsta's paradise'

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81fa50 No.18175065


did u think we were kidding.

Enjoy the show

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971890 No.18175066

File: aadd9eac9dd8af5⋯.png (438.58 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


You and your side also use reddit as an asset to push you disinfo and guide the research. Just like this board and 4chan.

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e4542e No.18175067

File: 68c6c4bcb205e31⋯.png (362.69 KB,425x550,17:22,ClipboardImage.png)



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33bdc1 No.18175068


Klaus: "Which media are you wiz?"

Woman: "I am an independent journalist"

Klaus: "Ah, no thank you"

What a pity he didn't slip on the snow..

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df7ea0 No.18175069

File: f8109a541d121d2⋯.png (332.46 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230119_125728.png)

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ec7a88 No.18175070

File: 68bb014060e180b⋯.gif (987.43 KB,500x288,125:72,5B669CE7_DE1C_4380_9DCF_46….gif)

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577348 No.18175071

File: 7d10facf7d63be6⋯.png (384.86 KB,500x334,250:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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53ff45 No.18175072

File: 39be69936e1243a⋯.png (164.52 KB,812x659,812:659,ClipboardImage.png)

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af377c No.18175073

File: 0da4f219a77b263⋯.png (254.27 KB,530x487,530:487,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d1e6c16dd59027⋯.png (763.9 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93ea98abd57929b⋯.gif (6.24 MB,400x400,1:1,pepe_head_blown.gif)


And they call the anons conspiracy theorists.


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675a37 No.18175074

File: efde09f0e708e17⋯.png (230.08 KB,598x602,299:301,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)



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7f64bb No.18175075

File: 9fe7d569eac25e9⋯.jpg (48.56 KB,474x460,237:230,th.jpg)

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b5f0f0 No.18175076



Jim Watkins is an FBI asset and Jim Watkins has never been a MAGA Patriot ever.

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5dbd25 No.18175077

File: 13b0969647f1ac4⋯.jpg (71.38 KB,521x501,521:501,1_Timothy_4.jpg)

>>18173724 ‘It Has A Big Impact’: Davos Speaker Calls For ‘A Billion’ People To ‘Stop Eating Meat’

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7c08dc No.18175078


nik'd it


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81fa50 No.18175079

File: 7c51cd696c948b5⋯.png (13.29 KB,255x255,1:1,7c51cd696c948b5204d41be996….png)


You can always throw a race card.

But you are out of ammo.

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fdc492 No.18175080

File: 860635fc56e3848⋯.png (448.02 KB,672x429,224:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5551ff76d0c4376⋯.png (345.08 KB,598x435,598:435,ClipboardImage.png)


KKR Caps Withdrawals on Real Estate Trust, Following Blackstone

KKR & Co. joined rivals including Blackstone Inc. in limiting withdrawals from a real estate investment trust after investors sought to pull out more money. KKR Real Estate Select Trust received requests in the first-quarter tender offer period to repurchase 8.1% of its net asset value, exceeding the 5% quarterly limit, according to a filing Wednesday. The trust fulfilled 62% of each shareholder’s request. KKR’s stock dropped 5.7% to $49.98 at 12:12 p.m. in New York Thursday.

Real estate investment vehicles overseen by KKR and Blackstone have come under pressure in recent months as investors requested their money back beyond limits set by the funds. Blackstone Real Estate Income Trust and Starwood Real Estate Income Trust have said they would limit redemptions, moves that spurred queries by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. “Within KREST, we are balancing providing access to private real estate, which is an illiquid asset class, with the recognition and understanding that the optionality for a level of regular liquidity is an important feature for KREST shareholders,” Billy Butcher, chief executive officer of KKR Real Estate Select Trust, said in the filing. “We believe that KREST has a strong liquidity position.” KKR said that the trust had liquid holdings of 36% of NAV as of December 31. KREST had an 8.32% net total return last year and about $947 million of subscriptions.

KKR is among private equity firms that expanded their offerings to retail investors in a bid for growth as institutional investors run up against the limit of what they can allocate to alternative assets. Last year, New York-based KKR filed for regulatory approval to launch an infrastructure strategy for high-net-worth clients.

But the recent struggles of these real estate trusts has underscored the challenges of courting a wider audience for fairly illiquid investments. Blackstone recently turned to a traditional institutional investor for its real estate trust, getting a $4 billion injection from the University of California.


Davis Patreus

Partner, KKR and Chairman of the KKR Global Institute

General David H. Petraeus (US Army, Ret.) (New York) is a Partner at KKR and Chairman of the KKR Global Institute, which he established in May 2013. He is also a member of the boards of directors of Optiv and OneStream, a Strategic Advisor for Sempra, a venture investor in more than 25 startups, and engaged in a variety of academic endeavors. Prior to joining KKR, General Petraeus served over 37 years in the U.S. military, culminating his career with six consecutive commands as a general officer , five of which were in combat, including command of the Surge in Iraq, command of U.S. Central Command, and command of coalition forces in Afghanistan.

Following retirement from the military and after Senate confirmation by a vote of 94-0, he served as Director of the CIA during a period of significant achievements in the global war on terror, the establishment of important Agency digital initiatives, and substantial investments in the Agency’s most important asset, its human capital.


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5dbd25 No.18175081


Forgot PB

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d06e8e No.18175083

File: 73a39693f0daf7c⋯.jpg (135.08 KB,1254x647,1254:647,3.jpg)

Q was telling us it's the jews and save Israel for last. Was that also wrong like the trust Wray and Sessions?

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ca5b59 No.18175084

File: 03feffc76bcbd2d⋯.jpg (131.46 KB,853x480,853:480,georgia_guidestones.jpg)

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2722dc No.18175085


with $1000? wtf are you smoking

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2551d8 No.18175086


EVERYONE WEARING A BADGE is gona get that fucking smile or smirk off their face soon.

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781cdb No.18175087


Shit every single person in state and federal gov including Governors, head of FBI wray, in the military should be banned from ever going to WEF,kemp actually trashed talked Maga, calling all election deniers. They are all there trashing America and in bed with China. This is weird, abnormal and anti American at the very heart of it. Anyone going to WEF is a pawn for globalists

Wray was bragging how its great social media and corporations are working with FBI, they really think they are impenetrable and can’t be taken down

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2d0250 No.18175088

File: 3579a3323b4d752⋯.jpg (30.43 KB,414x508,207:254,3579a3323b4d752003c5b6166e….jpg)



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675a37 No.18175089

File: 92b1c5a8a2e1b96⋯.png (750.77 KB,617x1019,617:1019,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)




News 🚨🚨

The King has asked for profits from a £1bn-a-year crown estate windfarm deal to be redirected and used for the “wider public good” rather than using it to fund the monarchy. This amounts to £250 million to the public


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362628 No.18175090

File: 6ace5dfd7bfda1c⋯.jpg (70.99 KB,564x752,3:4,6ace5dfd7bfda1cfdb62ea8d6b….jpg)


you go yo

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d88893 No.18175091


Nice projection.

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53ff45 No.18175092

File: 2e75caa6b0f5952⋯.gif (1.54 MB,352x272,22:17,jair_bolsonaro_9.gif)

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b06d7e No.18175093

File: af54ca7c2af4481⋯.mp4 (14.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,Popcorn_1.mp4)



National Popcorn Day 2023

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ec7a88 No.18175094

File: afc1f6f4397f35c⋯.gif (1.84 MB,500x355,100:71,CD897070_1DA5_4560_B03C_A9….gif)

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45c2cd No.18175095


you are always a faggot.

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33e9aa No.18175096

C before D

Think Mirror


Debt Ceiling?

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1e2434 No.18175098


You are way off base with your damage control and losing.

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af84bd No.18175099

File: 52a4d1aeab7ada4⋯.png (834 KB,1064x1101,1064:1101,Scbhju.png)



Thanks for your support now you go suck Snoop Dogg's black African negroid butthole fungus.

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675a37 No.18175100

File: 6509e2041161d33⋯.png (417.8 KB,598x553,598:553,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)

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66130e No.18175101


any live transmissions?

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797812 No.18175102


>Q was telling us it's the jews and save Israel for last.

Maybe that was code for you and your ilk that like to incessantly spam a singular topic of racial accusation and smears.

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2551d8 No.18175103

File: 4dbbfb0d1039488⋯.png (356.63 KB,464x571,464:571,rle.png)



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33bdc1 No.18175104


wonder what he and them had for dinner this whole week

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e4542e No.18175105

File: 2bf1469192139ba⋯.png (622.6 KB,982x726,491:363,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5fb6294a224f9e⋯.png (406.4 KB,1000x562,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdbb329c5f37b6e⋯.png (424.67 KB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, basically whoever can get Trump's endorsement for RNC Chair will win on the Jan 27, 2023.

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c60cce No.18175106


Anon feels whenever this happens based on clock or date delta it symbolizes the last day of what the world is considered as 'normal'. Many Anons look for a big happening on the date but I think it's the opposite. the last quiet day before everything changes.

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7c08dc No.18175107


been butterin up that boss of yours sos you can peek in huh

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89f127 No.18175108

File: e9c48289619d22f⋯.png (295.71 KB,569x500,569:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2cd34 No.18175109

File: 24c768a2a72f158⋯.gif (6.45 MB,600x416,75:52,FactCheck04.gif)

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081b82 No.18175111


He has no use for pocket change.

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577348 No.18175112

File: 521d12827c451cb⋯.png (108.99 KB,507x616,507:616,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfd2e2520d1e877⋯.png (338.73 KB,543x435,181:145,ClipboardImage.png)

Report: Secret Service Has Records of ‘Regular’ Visitors to Biden’s Delaware Home

Fox News reported Thursday that a “source familiar” has told them that the Secret Service has records of “regular” visitors to Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home that the agency is prepared to turn over to Congressional investigators, contradicting statements by the White House counsel’s office and a Secret Service spokesman that no visitor logs have been kept. The issue of visitor logs or records for Biden’s home is part of investigations into the discovery of illicit unsecured classified documents recently found in several locations, including the garage, at Biden’s home.

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Oversight Committee sent a letter to the White House on Sunday demanding the visitor logs for Biden’s home.

…While the White House has not kept a formal list, the Secret Service does collect information on guests with regular access to the home.

Retention of the names of those vetted by the Secret Service depends on a variety of factors, including proximity to the president and the nature of the background check.

…A source familiar with the situation told Fox News that the Secret Service is prepared to provide available background information on vetted guests to Biden’s residence if requested by Congress.

Fox posted a 2019 photo by reporter Peter Doocy showing Biden’s home unguarded:

Earlier this week Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told reporters the agency does not keep visitor logs for Biden’s private residence (via NBC News):

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi echoed the White House: “We don’t independently maintain our own visitor logs because it’s a private residence.” He added the Secret Service does perform background checks on those who come in contact with the Bidens at their Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach homes, but that the U.S.S.S. only retains those documents for a limited time. But Guglielmi said the agency would cooperate with any congressional request for information.

The White House counsel’s office also released a statement Monday denying keeping visitor logs at Biden’s Delaware home:

“Like every President across decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal. But upon taking office, President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly, after the previous administration ended them.”

The AP reported last Friday that Biden has spent nearly 200 days of his presidency at his Delaware homes:

So far in his presidency, Biden has spent part or all of 194 days in his home state of Delaware, spending most weekends in either at his Wilmington home or in Rehoboth Beach, where he owns a $2.7 million home, according to an Associated Press tally. He will head to Wilmington again this weekend.

On Wednesday Comer sent a letter to the University of Pennsylvania demanding information on the Penn Biden Center where the first batch of classified documents were found last November (excerpt):

To assist the Committee in investigating President Biden’s recent mishandling of

classified information, please provide the following documents and information no later than

February 1, 2023:

1. All documents and communications related to donations originating from China to

UPenn and/or the Penn Biden Center from January 20, 2017 to present;

2. A list of all Chinese donors—and the individual amount donated—to UPenn and/or the

Penn Biden Center from January 20, 2017 to present;

3. All documents and communications related to soliciting donations for the Penn Biden


4. A list of all employees of the Penn Biden Center—including information about their

salary, job description, and dates of employment;

5. A list of all individuals with keycard access to the Penn Biden Center—including but not

limited to members of President Biden’s family;

6. A visitor log of all individuals who met with President Biden at the Penn Biden Center;


7. All documents and communications related to security at the Penn Biden Center.


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2551d8 No.18175113


"off base" doublespeak lols..

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ec7a88 No.18175114

File: a059eb6e5be563d⋯.gif (2.4 MB,242x430,121:215,B56375B2_EA7F_409A_BA00_49….gif)

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781cdb No.18175115


Trump said “I have INFO on everyone”, NZ is part of five eyes. She’s been working with China, I guess some unseen forces let her know what her options were. White Hats me thinks

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cefa74 No.18175116

File: eb31ae55d4ba524⋯.png (297.64 KB,602x600,301:300,ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe half an Acre in Arizona.

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090deb No.18175117


Nothing yet.

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d88893 No.18175118

File: e6a7dfb13cb871b⋯.jpg (60.44 KB,500x566,250:283,761y5m.jpg)


Typical copypaste script writing projecting panicking shill!

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f5b191 No.18175119


Jim watkins might be a sgt in a war

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ec7a88 No.18175120

File: f258f62b8a5bd94⋯.jpeg (139.88 KB,1115x640,223:128,10F46786_34ED_44C6_AACD_5….jpeg)

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d88893 No.18175121

File: 3f4182bc7b01dbf⋯.png (2.32 MB,1920x1440,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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715787 No.18175122

File: 02832429c1cf099⋯.mp4 (651.8 KB,1334x750,667:375,02832429c1cf0992b3b7b77f75….mp4)

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2551d8 No.18175123


if only ANON could know it's for vaccines without adding more words..

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b06d7e No.18175124

File: 92f96c6281f2507⋯.jpg (62.94 KB,554x421,554:421,92f96c6281f25079122e417757….jpg)

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577348 No.18175125

File: 8713fc28f547ef6⋯.png (670.42 KB,1178x659,1178:659,ClipboardImage.png)

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02e985 No.18175126

File: 02832429c1cf099⋯.mp4 (651.8 KB,1334x750,667:375,02832429c1cf0992b3b7b77f75….mp4)

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33bdc1 No.18175127


he wouldn't need as much

just a little garden or sth

then you can do everything with your own hands and it's easy and provides more than enough to eat and enjoy

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781cdb No.18175128


Why are they asking??? they should have fucking stopped the very day he sent out his team. What did they destroy???

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83aa87 No.18175130


Unlike the US billionaires divorcing so that their wife and children get $$$, This bitch is getting married to ensure the same. She's on a death sentence

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675a37 No.18175131

File: 1218c744ea45b57⋯.jpg (179.91 KB,802x1020,401:510,FmycrGlX0AMzp1t.jpg)

File: fc45eaa7cadb05d⋯.jpg (115.71 KB,906x837,302:279,FmwmtW4WYAIryuv.jpg)

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1e2434 No.18175132


Is that your rfid chipping injection device?

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e4117f No.18175133


Gets unanimous votes and promoted to Lt.

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ec7a88 No.18175134

File: f8a3c47a55e3792⋯.jpeg (155.89 KB,1088x805,1088:805,638FE667_8A56_4A36_A92C_C….jpeg)

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626a8a No.18175135

Anybody heard any updated news on Bolsaneros' health at FL hosp ?

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7a4112 No.18175136

File: 943897e0eb42c52⋯.png (75.11 KB,991x736,991:736,Scbji.png)

AI Technology likes the MAGA Patriots.

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2722dc No.18175137


your schtick is getting boring

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89f127 No.18175138

File: 2e89375f2be3547⋯.png (372.31 KB,1019x494,1019:494,ClipboardImage.png)

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b06d7e No.18175139

File: 55f680b4d5e4da2⋯.jpeg (87.65 KB,763x461,763:461,a21e298759ae10b7.jpeg)

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d88893 No.18175140


Matteo Messina Denaro: Italian mafia boss arrested in Sicily

Police on Monday morning swooped in on a private hospital in the Sicilian capital Palermo, where the 60-year-old was receiving treatment for an undisclosed medical condition, to make the arrest.

Messina Denaro has been sentenced in absentia to a life term for his role in the 1992 murders of anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino.

He also faces a life sentence for his involvement in bomb attacks in Florence, Rome and Milan the following year, which killed 10 people.

Messina Denaro, who comes from the small southern town of Castelvetrano near Trapani, is accused by prosecutors of being solely or jointly responsible for several other murders in the 1990s.


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57f39d No.18175141

File: 748d57a4a670117⋯.png (989.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ea6d8780e51c8f⋯.png (1.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc04c025854f21d⋯.png (1.35 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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269e91 No.18175143


Rewrite Lyric's for Trump Rally's

Let Me Be your Sledgehammer

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fa546a No.18175144


Lula: Brazil's intelligence services failed ahead of Brasilia pro-Bolsonaro riots

In a TV interview, Lula said "my intelligence did not exist…We have Army intelligence, Air Force intelligence, ABIN (Brazil’s Intelligence Agency); none of them warned me.”

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Wednesday his intelligence services had failed on Jan. 8, when Brasilia buildings were stormed by supporters of far-right former President Jair Bolsonaro.

The fresh remarks come as Lula’s criticism of the military mounts, with the commander-in-chief condemning it in recent days for failing to act against the rioting Bolsonaro supporters.

“We made an elementary mistake: my intelligence did not exist (that day),” Lula told TV channel GloboNews in an interview. “We have Army intelligence, Air Force intelligence, ABIN (Brazil’s Intelligence Agency); none of them warned me.”

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781cdb No.18175146


I’m sure that happened. Its almost like they should shut every agency until they get everything, or fence the money. There better be 100s of whistleblowers coming out now. Only two in the FBI had the guts, Seraphin and Friend. These guys are shocked at their coworkers cowardice

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577348 No.18175147

File: 72d04c581262ad6⋯.png (359.76 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9944cf472b21558⋯.png (69.19 KB,626x685,626:685,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dc8c0ce17e8e91⋯.png (59.17 KB,619x605,619:605,ClipboardImage.png)

Meeting US national security adviser, Netanyahu stresses bid to build Saudi ties

In 1st Jerusalem visit since new government sworn in, Jake Sullivan notes shared ‘challenges and opportunities,’ mum on Biden administration’s concern over Israeli domestic issues

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met Thursday with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, in the first meeting between a senior member of the Biden administration and the newly reinstated premier.

A statement from the Prime Minister’s Office said that Netanyahu and Sullivan discussed “the next steps to deepen the Abraham Accords and widen the circle of peace, with an emphasis on a breakthrough with Saudi Arabia.”

Riyadh has long asserted that it will not normalize ties with Israel without a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. US ties with Saudi Arabia, which are crucial for such an agreement, have been battered due to the kingdom’s human rights record.

While the Saudis have softened toward Israel in recent years, allowing Israeli flights to use the country’s airspace, the new hardline Netanyahu government is unlikely to provide a welcoming atmosphere for any such deal.

A statement from the PMO also said that Netanyahu thanked Sullivan for Biden’s commitment not to allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon, and said that recent Palestinian actions against Israel on the international stage “are an attack on Israel which require us to respond.” There was no immediate US readout of the meeting.


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d88893 No.18175148

File: 3c4388c03a9fd35⋯.jpg (59.91 KB,500x523,500:523,76265l.jpg)


I know right.

Way to keep your eye on your master's balls.

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93d0b0 No.18175149

File: 95da87c2bfc19a6⋯.png (556.04 KB,591x555,197:185,Donald_Trump_4d_Chess.png)



PDJT endorsing Ronna tells me all I need to know about why he's coming back and endorsing all the swampy creatures on his way back into the WH.

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c06986 No.18175150

File: a63823da2df303b⋯.jpg (92.19 KB,859x1075,859:1075,FB_IMG_1673456492293.jpg)



Down with Faceshit!

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ec7a88 No.18175151


And a group of white people is racist.

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35ac0d No.18175152

Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton [White House press conference]: Secretary Austin is convening fifty countries from around the world tomorrow for a meeting at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group…to continue to coordinate closely on the security assistance that we are providing to Ukraine.

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781cdb No.18175153


Is that you dude? Kek c

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e9a488 No.18175154

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

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0f9835 No.18175155

Do you want to know a secret from the well of secrets?

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d88893 No.18175157


Says you.

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7105c4 No.18175158

File: 6b179d9159480f9⋯.png (339.35 KB,809x675,809:675,wheelIfOnly.png)


>>18174397 Scavino on Facebook

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ec7a88 No.18175159


It’s boobs

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675a37 No.18175160

File: ec0b7c4b4601f5e⋯.png (401.4 KB,598x603,598:603,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)

File: 64c3241d9785ac1⋯.jpg (65.81 KB,636x382,318:191,_4tki6Q7.jpg)





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b2285f No.18175161

File: efa69bb5388bb72⋯.png (58.14 KB,996x936,83:78,Vhhu.png)

A huge clue has been found relating to this post about Apple Inc.

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df7ea0 No.18175162


Same old fucking song and dance

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02e985 No.18175163

File: bc25b10ffc54e6e⋯.gif (1.16 MB,220x220,1:1,bc25b10ffc54e6e15ff87506e4….gif)

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d88893 No.18175164

File: 091bddb804169bc⋯.jpg (73.14 KB,627x499,627:499,777u9r.jpg)


Become pre-emptively triggered at muhjoo and pretend you aren't a shill.

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577348 No.18175165

File: d49da48d665f66d⋯.png (362.13 KB,615x393,205:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44020d14245d98b⋯.png (430.03 KB,635x638,635:638,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b5a9af76b69dfe⋯.png (69.54 KB,642x710,321:355,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c3edb62aa2b0cf⋯.png (29.88 KB,609x277,609:277,ClipboardImage.png)

FM Cohen to visit Ukraine, most senior Israeli official to do so since war began

Israel’s top diplomat accepts invitation during call with Ukrainian counterpart, urges Kyiv to join fight against Iranian Guards; Egypt sends message about Temple Mount

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen spoke on Thursday with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba and accepted the latter’s invitation to visit Kyiv.

Cohen would become the most senior Israeli official to visit since the war started 11 months ago, Israeli and Ukrainian officials told The Times of Israel.

During the phone call, Cohen also pledged to permanently reopen Israel’s embassy in Kyiv within 60 days.

The embassy has been open for two-week periods, with the staff otherwise working from Poland.

Noting Russia’s use of Iranian weapons to attack Ukraine, Cohen urged Kyiv to join in the fight against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and to encourage Europe to declare the military force a terror organization, according to the Foreign Ministry.

The European Parliament voted Wednesday to urge Brussels to list the IRGC as a terror group, amid mounting pressure on Western powers to do so.

Cohen also pledged Israel will continue providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine, with a particular focus on energy infrastructure, medical equipment and water.

As Russia targets the Ukrainian energy grid with missile attacks, Israel sent 17 generators to Ukraine last month for use in the southeastern Kherson region, which was largely plunged into darkness by Russian bombardment. It also organized a structure in Kyiv in which citizens can warm up if their power fails.

Additionally, Cohen offered his condolences for Wednesday’s deadly helicopter crash that killed Ukraine’s interior minister, government officials and several children.

The conversation was originally scheduled for last week, but was delayed. Ukrainian officials told The Times of Israel that the delay was not any indication of displeasure on Ukraine’s part.

Cohen had irked Kyiv in his inaugural speech by saying Israel would speak out less about the war under the new government, and by speaking with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov the next day, before holding a call with a Ukrainian official.

Israel had requested the Kuleba call hours before Cohen spoke with Lavrov.


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2551d8 No.18175166


last I hear they stopped a plane at some airport and arrested someone tied to Bolsanero, and then I heard some crap about Expidition. (what no asylum?)

anyways not the answer you looking for I'm sure. Brazil force jabbing victims now. Gutting the Military, turning it to Globalist Totaltarian nazi hell hole.

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9edca0 No.18175168

File: 3633d033e5a6e6a⋯.jpg (84.01 KB,927x500,927:500,gelatin_yogurt.jpg)

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d88893 No.18175169


Fake and stupid "AI"

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ec7a88 No.18175171

File: 19a1f12145d3c59⋯.jpeg (409.4 KB,1085x1629,1085:1629,FC15917D_A917_43C9_9365_4….jpeg)

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e4542e No.18175172

File: 8c98d102a560141⋯.png (214.13 KB,596x823,596:823,ClipboardImage.png)










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d88893 No.18175173

File: 9cfcf506dc45af6⋯.png (236.9 KB,471x356,471:356,9cfcf506dc45af616697d485ce….png)


Nice projection again!

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c4860b No.18175174


BRING IN THE SCAPEGOAT - ‘Rust’ shooting: Alec Baldwin, armorer to face involuntary manslaughter charges

SANTA FE COUNTY, N.M. — Prosecutors on Thursday announced that they plan to pursue charges against actor Alec Baldwin and armorer Hannah Gutierrez Reed in connection with the 2021 shooting on the set of the movie “Rust.” Authorities said the film’s assistant director, David Halls, has also signed a plea agreement for one charge of negligent use of a deadly weapon.

Update 12:35 p.m. EST Jan. 19: An attorney for Gutierrez Reed said the charges announced against his client on Thursday were “the result of a very flawed investigation, and an inaccurate understanding of the full facts,” according to a statement obtained by The Associated Press.

“We intend to bring the full truth to light and believe Hannah will be exonerated of wrongdoing by a jury,” Jason Bowles said in the statement.

"… These charges are the result of a very flawed investigation, and an inaccurate understanding of the full facts. We intend to bring the full truth to light and believe Hannah will be exonerated of wrongdoing by a jury.”

— Andrew Dalton (@andyjamesdalton) January 19, 2023

Baldwin attorney: ‘We will fight these charges, and we will win’

Update 12:25 p.m. EST Jan. 19: An attorney for Baldwin said the decision to file charges “distorts Halyna Hutchins’ tragic death and represents a terrible miscarriage of justice” in a statement obtained by Axios.

“Mr. Baldwin had no reason to believe there was a live bullet in the gun — or anywhere on the movie set,” Luke Nikas said in a statement. “He relied on the professionals with whom he worked, who assured him the gun did not have live rounds. We will fight these charges, and we will win.”

Baldwin and Gutierrez Reed will be charged with two counts each of involuntary manslaughter in Hutchins’ death, prosecutors announced Thursday.

DA: ‘Just because it’s an accident doesn’t mean that it’s not criminal’

Update 12:10 p.m. EST Jan. 19: Speaking to CNN, District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies acknowledged that the “Rust” shooting did not appear to be intentional, however, she said, “Just because it’s an accident doesn’t mean that it’s not criminal.”

“They didn’t mean to do it, they didn’t have the intent to kill, but it happened anyway and it happened because of more than mere negligence,” Carmack-Altwies said, “because they didn’t exercise due caution.”

She described the set of “Rust” as “a really fast and loose set.”

“If (Baldwin, Gutierrez Reed and Halls) had just done their basic duties, we would be standing here,” she said.

Baldwin, Gutierrez Reed, Halls had ‘basic duty’ to check gun used in shooting, DA says

Update 12 p.m. EST Jan. 19: District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies told CNN on Thursday that Baldwin, Gutierrez Reed and Halls had a “basic duty” to check the gun used on Oct. 21, 2021, before Baldwin shot and killed Hutchins, prompting criminal charges against the three.

Baldwin earlier claimed that the gun went off without him pulling the trigger and that Gutierrez Reed wrongfully put a live round in the gun rather than a blank one.

Carmack-Altwies said Thursday that Baldwin had to have pulled the trigger, pointing to an FBI forensic report that found the same. She said authorities might never know how the live round got into the gun. She added that the question was “not the point.”

“Three people should have been checking those projectiles and should have caught them,” she said.

Hutchins family: ‘We support the charges’

Update 11:45 a.m. EST Jan. 19: In a statement obtained by LawandCrime.com, the Hutchins family thanked authorities for investigating Halyna Hutchins’ death and finding that charges against Baldwin and Gutierrez Reed are appropriate.

“Our independent investigation also supports charges are warranted,” attorney Brian Panish said in the statement. “It is a comfort to the family that, in New Mexico, no one is above the law. We support the charges, will fully cooperate with this prosecution, and fervently hope the justice system works to protect the public and hold accountable those who break the law.”

Statement from attorney for Matt Hutchins, Halyna Hutchins’ husband - “Rust” cinematographer on charges against Alec Baldwin and armorer @LawCrimeNetwork pic.twitter.com/Y4MEIHBlrd

— Angenette Levy (@Angenette5) January 19, 2023

Baldwin, Gutierrez Reed to be ‘charged in the alternative’

Update 11:25 a.m. EST Jan. 19: Prosecutors said no charges will be filed in connection with Souza’s injuries.


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6c669a No.18175175

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a8df96 No.18175176


> “wider public good”

That seldom means good for the public.

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1667e9 No.18175177

File: 1c71e9c31d5a5aa⋯.jpg (101.07 KB,600x450,4:3,sedu_10.jpg)

what universe am i in now?

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e9a488 No.18175179

File: b15a09023fb1d94⋯.png (305.42 KB,560x549,560:549,b15a09023fb1d94d8477951497….png)

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af377c No.18175181



this a.i is a retarded feminist and it knows fuck all.

ask how it feels when no one listens or talks to it.

what habbens when it does not get attention or validation?

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5dc071 No.18175182

>>18173951 pb lb

>In a bizarre 30-second Pfizer commercial… Martha Stewart: ‘Unvaccinated Citizens Should Be Executed’

Remember Marta you were in "inside trader" and now you are and "outside traitor". Go tell the police in NYC, who slammed citizens in the streets for not wearing masks, shut down business while allowing BLM to riot maskless, and who also blared their sirens for dancing nurses as they terminated out seniors; to go take their vaccines and stop hiding behind the PBA lawyers or you will execute them. You both deserve each other.

This type of rhetoric is illegal and if the law doesn't measure them by their own stick we should.

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54a92e No.18175183

File: 14af44af3744b67⋯.png (262.37 KB,634x475,634:475,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump mistook rape accuser E. Jean Carroll - who he said is 'not his type' - for his EX-WIFE Marla Maples when he was shown her photo in his defamation lawsuit deposition, transcripts reveal


- 'That's Marla, yeah,' the 76-year-old Trump said during last year's deposition

- But his lawyer Alina Habba stepped in and informed him it was Carroll

- Trump has claimed that Carroll is 'not my type' as he fended off allegations

- Carroll claims Trump assaulted her in Bergdorf Goodman in the mid-1990s

- He claims she lied so she could sell copies of her 2019 memoir


It was that photo that he was apparently shown in October 2022 when he mistook her for his second ex-wife.

That same month, Trump referenced the picture when he raged at Carroll on his social media platform Truth Social.

'I don't know this woman, have no idea who she is, other than it seems she got a picture of me many years ago, with her husband, shaking my hand on a reception line at a celebrity charity event,' he said.

'She completely made up a story that I met her at the doors of this crowded New York City Department Store and, within minutes, 'swooned' her. It is a Hoax and a lie, just like all the other Hoaxes that have been played on me for the past seven years.'

In a memoir written after he became president, veteran writer Carroll accused Trump of raping her in dressing room of Manhattan's Bergdorf Goodman department store in the mid-1990s during a chance encounter.

She sued Trump for defamation in 2019 after he accused her of lying to sell her book.

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1e2434 No.18175185

File: d1ac98cb77b5f6e⋯.png (303.51 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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33bdc1 No.18175186

File: a023d8b6b55b0ad⋯.png (431.03 KB,712x3006,356:1503,1521.png)

File: 020cbd0dc61e9fd⋯.png (44.62 KB,712x454,356:227,3895.png)


>Do not fear

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35ac0d No.18175187

Reporter: There's a new Reuters poll that gives [Biden] an approval rating of forty percent, is that disappointing? Does it reflect on the handling on the documents crisis?

Dalton: There's other polling that shows that [Biden's] support continues to grow…we're making huge progress on the economy.


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388563 No.18175188


Not much of security detail for the NAZI leader - even Hitler was not that stupid.

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b57e33 No.18175189

File: 09f9f7eda7ad8f8⋯.gif (666.98 KB,622x622,1:1,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)

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9edca0 No.18175190

File: 521ddd1566d447e⋯.jpg (76.9 KB,499x691,499:691,Mr_Pig_gets_a_C_plus.jpg)


We are haeded to 77


Here we come.

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269e91 No.18175191


Powder coat gun

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7c08dc No.18175192

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af377c No.18175193

File: eab129d4348a2b1⋯.png (224.1 KB,516x500,129:125,ClipboardImage.png)


learn to sammich love

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577348 No.18175195

File: a8d1da6b4cf7be5⋯.png (199.53 KB,903x524,903:524,ClipboardImage.png)

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df7ea0 No.18175196


I'll let my friends and family in their graves aware

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8aa338 No.18175197

File: d1f01b2b2f594c2⋯.jpg (64.87 KB,960x720,4:3,Death_from_within.jpg)

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d88893 No.18175198


You're doing the same thing, you're refusing to date anyone because they're Jewish, lol.

You're your own enemy.


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35ac0d No.18175200

Dalton refuses to pledge that the White House will cooperate with a congressional oversight committee about the mishandling of classified documents.

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7c08dc No.18175201

Notables @500

#22286 >>18174620

>>18174671, >>18174684 America First Legal and Texas Partner With Oklahoma to Sue Biden’s HHS for Relinquishing Our Sovereignty to WHO Tyranny

>>18174696 1.19.2023 Pedopourri "It's Happening"

>>18174706 UQ researchers identify a cellular pathway to reprogram the body’s immune system

>>18174710, >>18174738, >>18174746, >>18174759, >>18174778 Take Me to Church: The Straight Dope House Republicans Need to Take Down the DS

>>18174764, >>18174773, >>18174785 Greta Thunberg Airs Grievances Against World Economic Forum or dialectical drama queen

>>18174741 Musk Poll 86% no to WEF controlling the world 14% yes

>>18174744 PF: SAM053 USAF G5 NE from JBA across the Atlantic with French AF CTM1072 A330 inbound to Goose Bay Airport, New Foundland from Stuttgart (AFRICOM) depart

>>18174779 Al Gore At the W.E.F at Davos 2023

>>18174794 Vought: Republicans’ Balanced Budget Proposal Will Be On Standby While The Establishment Tries Every Excuse To Raise The Debt Ceiling

>>18174795, >>18174879 Wray at World Economic Forum: Future of National Security Is Partnership Between Tech Companies and Government

>>18174834 Ex-Polish FM lambasts ‘corruption’ in EU parliament

>>18174843 @GenFlynn Fifth Generation Warfare!

>>18174845, >>18175080 Local Housing Markets in December; California Home Sales down 44% YoY in December; Prices Down 2.8% YoY

>>18174854 OAN article on The Facebook Files

>>18174892 WikiLeaks CIA Docs Show US Knew They were Provoking Russia into War with Ukraine

>>18174894 “The future does not belong to globalists - the future belongs to patriots.” - President Donald J. Trump

>>18174917 Zelensky allegedly tricked into signing Ukraine's surrender when asked for an autograph in the US The paper has now been sold on eBay for $1500 For the KEKs

>>18174937 U.N. Chief Guterres Turns on Davos Elites: ‘You’re the Problem’ with Fossil Fuels and Climate

>>18174941 U.S. hits credit limit. Amid fears of debt default, Treasury begins 'extraordinary' measures


>>18175001 Rep. Matt Gaetz Introduces ‘Abolish the ATF Act’ After New Rule Turned Millions of Gun Owners Into Criminals

>>18175060 Lula Dismisses More Military Personnel From Security Detail After Brazil Riots

>>18175147 Meeting US national security adviser, Netanyahu stresses bid to build Saudi ties

>>18175165 FM Cohen to visit Ukraine, most senior Israeli official to do so since war began

>>18175172 @45 making speech at Trump Doral, Miami

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fdc492 No.18175202

File: bff7d945854037b⋯.png (656.53 KB,886x415,886:415,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18167706 pb


>Secretary Austin is convening fifty countries from around the world tomorrow for a meeting at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group

Arrived at Ramstein for that 3h ago

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Post last edited at

d88893 No.18175203


Projecting panicbot!

Total paranoia.

Wannabe rabulist!

Hooknosed incel!

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05fd09 No.18175204

File: c3bd46793b4ad3a⋯.png (203.61 KB,394x325,394:325,teach.PNG)


Russ Vought- get the popcorn and sit on the couch

This will be a great teaching moment and that’s exactly what they don’t want!

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fa546a No.18175205

In his autobiography, Robbie Robertson recounts a bizarre week when the Hawks were backing singer Ronnie Hawkins at the Skyline Lounge, a burnt-out club in Fort Worth, Texas. The owner, whom they knew as Jack, visited them at midnight and seemed to be constantly consuming "uppers". A few months later, after the assassination of President Kennedy, "the realisation settled in for all of us Hawks: Jack, the owner of the Skyline Lounge who seemed to be tweaked on pep pills was none other than Jack Ruby."

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675a37 No.18175206

File: e697ff197890f3d⋯.png (280.77 KB,598x714,299:357,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)

File: ad89e165b72954e⋯.png (570.71 KB,617x885,617:885,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)



Trump Washington DC


Trying not to count, however in case anyone is wondering- its 62 days till Spring at @trumpgolfdc

#spring #spring2023 #springgolf #golfseason #trumpgolf


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faa264 No.18175209

File: e826d35096c80cd⋯.jpg (44.92 KB,500x500,1:1,cheese44.jpg)

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fa546a No.18175210

File: 919700036d9a9ce⋯.png (130.46 KB,691x1081,691:1081,ClipboardImage.png)

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577348 No.18175211

File: 0eee766bfced47a⋯.png (635.79 KB,753x899,753:899,ClipboardImage.png)

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89f127 No.18175212

File: cd70c0d780bc0df⋯.png (36.31 KB,438x439,438:439,ClipboardImage.png)


>Powder coat gun

How to spot a shill

Reading is fundamental

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797812 No.18175213

File: 4f67ed631958c7d⋯.png (495.55 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 635e58036c9b6df⋯.png (199.3 KB,474x205,474:205,ClipboardImage.png)


Do you enjoy being an NPC? Only limited to a singular topic with a pre-defined and predictable set of responses. Imagine if Grima Wormtongue was an NPC. Paid to post by behaving like that character, and we all know what happens to characters like those in movies.

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388563 No.18175214


I just saw them walk down the streets…

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781cdb No.18175215


Every white hat in congress knows what he’s done. I’ve always thought Trump had the dirt on him. Hell that battle between the 6 and Ttump was probably planned. You know Trump wanted to make movies and be a director right?

Kek, its actually funny that he becomes the best President ever. If it wasn’t that, Gaetz told him, hold my beer, we got this!

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fa546a No.18175216


Alec Baldwin to be charged with manslaughter in fatal shooting on the set of 'Rust,' DA says

Baldwin was rehearsing with a pistol while filming “Rust” at the Bonanza Creek Ranch in New Mexico in October 2021 when it went off, killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and wounding the director.

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606ae9 No.18175217

File: f86ed79abd384ef⋯.png (529.01 KB,520x545,104:109,ClipboardImage.png)


Read the Bible.

False Jews abound.

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ec7a88 No.18175218

File: 9362d2441c87d54⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB,406x720,203:360,BcGZ7y6bLb22XK18.mp4)

Banking Scare Event Activated

Bank of America customers reporting they’re missing money.

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388563 No.18175219


Avoiding real questions like a wannabe HITLER.

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23bfdd No.18175220

File: 4679dbad535406d⋯.png (123.75 KB,500x325,20:13,pepe_shit_.png)

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9bb1f3 No.18175221

File: efa69bb5388bb72⋯.png (58.14 KB,996x936,83:78,Vhhu.png)

Apple Inc. offers a variety of mutual funds and other financial instruments to its investors. These include:

1. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs): ETFs are funds that track a particular index, sector, or asset class. Apple Inc. offers ETFs that track the S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, and other indices.

2. Mutual Funds: Mutual funds are professionally managed portfolios of stocks, bonds, and other securities. Apple Inc. offers a variety of mutual funds that invest in different sectors and asset classes.

3. Bonds: Bonds are debt instruments issued by governments and corporations. Apple Inc. offers corporate bonds, government bonds, and other types of bonds.

4. Options: Options are contracts that give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a security at a predetermined price. Apple Inc. offers options on its own stock as well as options on other stocks and indices.

5. Futures: Futures are contracts that obligate the buyer to purchase a security at a predetermined price on a future date. Apple Inc. offers futures on its own stock as well as futures on other stocks and indices.

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675a37 No.18175222

File: a84cb8859c1ec06⋯.png (19.22 KB,576x189,64:21,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)

File: df17f73dd2543f3⋯.png (69.48 KB,1095x350,219:70,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)





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05fd09 No.18175223

File: d47eb33e77a3509⋯.png (256.13 KB,417x369,139:123,mc.PNG)

File: 9114cece7f36e24⋯.png (671.06 KB,710x512,355:256,trap.PNG)




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2551d8 No.18175224



I missed it too. I am still scratching my head why I didn't see that label but I didn't,

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a8df96 No.18175225

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)

File: 7234216cb1eb961⋯.png (544.24 KB,513x754,513:754,ClipboardImage.png)


Zero research, lack of attention to what's in front of them…

Normie/retard/shill delete as applicable


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fdc492 No.18175226

File: 36af0055c798b0d⋯.png (262.33 KB,389x367,389:367,ClipboardImage.png)


>bill paying $ in any bank ONLY

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797812 No.18175227


>Read the Bible.

Ahhh, that explains why you shill negativity and ethnic accusation so much.

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1e2434 No.18175228


I'm not watching until he bring back flat ass dutch chick.

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388563 No.18175229


They had a head start too… yet they can see pepe in the rear view mirror getting bigger.

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2722dc No.18175231


you are kinda out of touch with reality hun

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df7ea0 No.18175232

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e4542e No.18175233


Clearly you've not been awake and aware of reality.

I thought it was common knowledge Trump endorsed Ronna in 2017, 2019, and 2021. Do I think he is going to endorse her again, NO!

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d83745 No.18175234


I fookin hate the bulk of humanity. They are so fucking despicable it isn’t even comprehensible.

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797812 No.18175235


Awww… your hard work is being thrown in the trash by others.

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d88893 No.18175236

File: 06ad953312fa63c⋯.jpg (382.11 KB,1080x1044,30:29,tryingtoohard.jpg)


Braindead hooknosed brat!

Wannabe rabulist!

Mindless mongrel!


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33bdc1 No.18175237



i am actually speaking out of experience

but ok

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faa264 No.18175238

File: 042718d92776ca0⋯.gif (1.8 MB,394x200,197:100,really44.gif)

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d83745 No.18175239


When’s the shooting start I will cheer for their deaths.

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c1fbc5 No.18175240


>Anybody heard any updated news on Bolsaneros' health at FL hosp ?

Out of hospital.


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781cdb No.18175241


I’m convinced this is what bidan is doing, everyday another outrage to make people go insane

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388563 No.18175242


TAKE trillions and give back a few million… what a deal for the lemmings of the UK.

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14eaa3 No.18175243

File: 22fae4057272b1d⋯.jpg (42.88 KB,469x340,469:340,Screenshot_2023_01_19_1225….jpg)

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df7ea0 No.18175244


What ever he has on her now he had then. That's called a flip flop

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606ae9 No.18175246


Not that you care to see it but; False Jew /= all Jews.

Break your willful ignorance and come to terms with the fact that you've been brainwashed and indoctrinated into defending the False Jew so they can usher in their NWO.

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b06d7e No.18175247

File: 71e22b0275abaf3⋯.png (1.09 MB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


The cheese spread & penult butter had saltpeter in it, kek

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797812 No.18175248

File: 71a2752b51972ce⋯.png (1.19 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Jedi master Lincoln has entered the room.

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905a10 No.18175249


Anon failed to read date on article. Having said that:


This. Let's see what happens.

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d88893 No.18175250


It may lead to 'a' Jew, or 'some' Jews, but it doesn't lead to 'the' Jews.

You're too braindead and scared to admit this truth.

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89f127 No.18175251

File: 7e22e1fde91c63e⋯.png (461.27 KB,500x842,250:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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05fd09 No.18175252

File: 8251b46a5452088⋯.png (208.82 KB,392x319,392:319,scalp.PNG)


We got a scalp last night

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ec7a88 No.18175253

File: 2b3cd944d7f5fe9⋯.png (3.57 MB,1640x2360,41:59,B37B8331_E7BF_43DE_81D9_83….png)

File: 7b3099053ab4da5⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,496x624,31:39,5TOWsYElEiYJSSQE.mp4)

Italy: Red spray paint all over a health center building in protest of the vax.

Calling them out as Murderers and Vax Assassins.

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577348 No.18175254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WHO’s dystopian plan for the world must be stopped; it’s time to exit the WHO and the UN, Australian Senator says

This power grab is being fine-tuned now, he said, in meetings behind closed doors and will be voted on at the World Health Assembly in May 2024.

“Included in the current proposal are tens of billions of dollars to pay for pandemic preparedness in Africa, as well as giving WHO the ability to force medical companies to make drugs and devices and give them to African nations in a clear bribe to overcome Africa’s reluctance to cede their authority to WHO. The Africans stopped the previous vote so now the UN is trying to buy African votes.

“This is communist policy and everyday Australians will have to pay for it,” he said. “Reject the World Health Organisation’s grab for dictator powers. And while we’re at it withdraw from the WHO and the UN entirely. Aus EXIT.”



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23bfdd No.18175255

File: 60f9372808b1f67⋯.png (99.81 KB,539x500,539:500,pepe_seethe_moar.png)

The shills are really starting to panic. Even they can see that the dripping is transitioning to flooding.


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1667e9 No.18175257


he's doing a good job at waking people up

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05fd09 No.18175258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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45c834 No.18175259

File: 6e56d48082db8c7⋯.jpg (17.75 KB,360x302,180:151,aintover.jpg)

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781cdb No.18175260


Wow did he really post that online?

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b9044f No.18175261




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797812 No.18175262

File: 6efff1809ebe479⋯.png (266.05 KB,547x680,547:680,6efff1809ebe4795ddd2fafd62….png)


Whatever you say, Grima. Now report back to Saruman.

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2551d8 No.18175263


there's that BADGE protecting the TREASON with a smirk again.

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c1fbc5 No.18175265


Addy got cut-off

www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11646037/Brazils-former-President-Jair-Bolsonar-greets-supporters-Florida- hospital-release.html

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23bfdd No.18175266

File: 23e2e6c4575c268⋯.png (301.44 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d3ce6 No.18175268

File: e2bea786388ce50⋯.jpg (235.77 KB,640x474,320:237,incubators.jpg)

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2ca898 No.18175269


Hills is pie-eyed in that pic (as per usual)

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f0547e No.18175270

File: 457b53de997e1b6⋯.png (6.39 KB,374x228,187:114,ClipboardImage.png)

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02e985 No.18175271

File: 904f9dc27dddc40⋯.png (1.78 MB,1000x1264,125:158,904f9dc27dddc40320a5fb781d….png)

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9b6031 No.18175273

File: 040bb0de085b9a3⋯.png (644.42 KB,600x650,12:13,040bb0de085b9a39404585660e….png)

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ec7a88 No.18175274


Don’t Panic it’s a White Hat controlled Operation.

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d88893 No.18175275

File: e7d8c62d90cfa0e⋯.jpg (68.46 KB,500x550,10:11,753lpt.jpg)

File: a6357e136a4ef2d⋯.jpg (110.01 KB,696x500,174:125,muhjoooooooo.jpg)


They're digesting and regurgitating their own excrement.

They are sending low IQ shills to post panic stricken hate and hostility, they are absolutely terrified of the people awakening AND NOT BEING SUCCESSFULLY 'IDENTIFIED' as fascist or anti-semitic or nazi by the fake news.

Anon is enjoying watching them squirm like the worms they are.

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d83745 No.18175276


I think we know that we won’t do anything. Just like the free speech.

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2551d8 No.18175277

File: 833c84e2f31d4f0⋯.png (235.53 KB,598x263,598:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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af377c No.18175278

File: d06a8c4904ae7de⋯.png (271.4 KB,786x634,393:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa546a No.18175279

File: 4f02fca686acfc0⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,848x480,53:30,Feb7th.mp4)


>None of that was her plan.

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e4542e No.18175280


>Anon failed to read date on article. Having said that:


Apology extended, accordingly.

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c06986 No.18175281

File: 50cf67e0709aa29⋯.png (308.03 KB,1219x1443,1219:1443,qr_slide_bingo_1.PNG)

File: 549256f79a57674⋯.png (306.39 KB,1230x1450,123:145,qr_slide_bingo_2.PNG)

File: 7165663d2686c1b⋯.png (305.98 KB,1202x1436,601:718,qr_slide_bingo_3.PNG)

File: e42cc03b1939f0f⋯.png (306.94 KB,1209x1439,1209:1439,qr_slide_bingo_4.PNG)

File: 728666a89cf4636⋯.png (308.67 KB,1212x1449,404:483,qr_slide_bingo_5.PNG)


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87c1e0 No.18175282

I checked out of this psyop movement on Jan 1 after wasting 5 years on it.

Are you guys getting sick and tired of winning?

What a LARP.. I'm embarrassed I invested so much time on this shit.

My recommendation to all of you on to go live your life. I'm happier not wasting my time on this shit.

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388563 No.18175283


Wasn't flouride put in the water - it too was an industrial waste product.

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d2cd34 No.18175284

File: 42e9c356983788f⋯.png (376.98 KB,605x735,121:147,K_Schwab2.png)


ebil dubs

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4a5400 No.18175285

File: 2df4a18dfcec846⋯.png (196.01 KB,500x625,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

ChatGPT is dogshit and the equivalent to an 8 ball.

We dont post questions and answers to an 8ball here do we?

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2497d3 No.18175287

POTUS says vax safe. So all the vax deaths and injuries must be disinfo, including excess death rates published by gov. Makes sense to me coz where I live almost everyone is vaxed to the max but nobody falling down or dying. It's interesting coz scared vaxxed normies gonna be drawn to Trump for insisting vax safe….he is crossing the streams. What an op anons.

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33bdc1 No.18175288


she's close to crying

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db8bf9 No.18175289


Been busy protecting dna for 100 years?

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3b8458 No.18175290


low shill effort

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cc700c No.18175291


I prefer to be called an

Conspiracy analyst

I would much rather

Use their documents to make my own observations and decisions

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faa264 No.18175292

File: 1b8790c2936d4b6⋯.jpg (68.67 KB,620x787,620:787,spock.jpg)

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675a37 No.18175293

File: bd3c7dec2057cbe⋯.png (185.05 KB,598x496,299:248,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)


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2722dc No.18175294


The only land you are gonna get for $1000 is a fucking sandbox at a park

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8fd08c No.18175295

File: 2386d762f5a2228⋯.jpg (91.05 KB,500x715,100:143,77igvk.jpg)

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d88893 No.18175296

File: 4fa53cec83a39d8⋯.png (1.21 MB,2500x1875,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Wenn Ihr verfaultes System fällt und zusammenbricht, werde ich Sie weiterhin auslachen! Mach dich bereit, du erbärmliches, ekelhaftes, degeneriertes Stück Scheiße!

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fdc492 No.18175297

File: 0b4ce0e8678da6b⋯.png (191.81 KB,461x460,461:460,ClipboardImage.png)

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797812 No.18175298

File: 54c608adc45ef83⋯.jpg (42.79 KB,561x384,187:128,comfy3.jpg)


You're sound like a scratched vinyl record. Repeating the same thing over and over and over and the song never progressing but stuck in a continuous loop. You don't like it that I point out your circle-jerk that is designed to trap minds, do you?

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2551d8 No.18175299


'White Hats': '** FAKE NEWS - white hats Michael Baxter ** ',

'Military Arrests': '** FAKE NEWS - military arrests Michael Baxter ** ',

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d4a2eb No.18175300


turn on your area scanner and you'll hear a different story

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577348 No.18175301

File: 62445665f14d841⋯.png (642.58 KB,881x777,881:777,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4af85e10b896093⋯.png (121.22 KB,894x478,447:239,ClipboardImage.png)

'Worst of the Worst' Sex Predators Are Being Released From Washington State's Pedophile Island

They promised that the worst of the worst sexual predators would be committed forever on an island all alone in Washington State’s Puget Sound. These predators were never to walk again among the innocent children and vulnerable women of Washington State. These sick men who acknowledged there was nothing prison or medicine could do to help them heal agreed to be banished to a secure facility on Washington State’s version of pedophile island. And now they’re being let out.

The promisers lied. The woke politicians, such as Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and his so-called “progressive” allies, changed the rules about keeping the offenders in the Special Commitment Center on McNeil Island in South Puget Sound. Their idea of restorative justice means that pedophiles should be released into communities where children play. If you object, Mr. Dad and Mrs. Mom, you’re horrible people.

What to do with Washington’s unreformed, irredeemable sexual predators was answered in 1990 when Gov. Booth Gardner signed the Community Protection Act, designating the first-of-its-kind civil commitment center on McNeil Island. The 200 “residents” have “been convicted of at least one sex crime – including sexual assault, rape, and child molestation. A court has then found them to meet the legal definition of a ‘sexually violent predator’, meaning they have a mental abnormality or personality disorder that makes them likely to engage in repeat sexual violence,” reported the UK Guardian in a story in 2018. After they’re done serving their prison sentences and being deemed a continuing threat to the community, the unfixables are civilly committed to McNeil Island.

One of the “residents” is Calvin Malone, who “worked as a Boy Scout troop leader in various states across the country, as well as with an organization that works with at-risk youth. In these roles, he molested numerous boys and was convicted of sex crimes in California, Oregon and Washington,” reported the Guardian. Inmates undergo intensive counseling. It costs about $200,000 to house and treat each inmate per year.

And now the state is letting them out. Washington is releasing Level-3 convicted pedophiles and other sex offenders — the worst of the worst — and resettling them into at least one neighborhood in the state, in a home run by a private company, Supreme Living. Other neighborhood resettlements are likely planned.

One state official familiar with the plans told PJ Media that the Department of Social and Health Service and the Department of Corrections are “depopulating” McNeil Island. “They’re not closing it all at once, but they’re closing it.”

It’s only by happenstance that residents of the towns of Tenino and Maytown found out. On Tuesday night they showed up to a standing-room-only Thurston County commission meeting to demand the home be closed to sexual predators.

“My husband and I were the original owners of that home that they purchased and told us they were going to be fostering children,” Jennifer Wienes told Fox 13 news. “And [we] later found out that their intent was not to do that.”

Here’s a real estate photo of the obviously unsecured home:


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d88893 No.18175302


Hi Google PR.

Lamda is shit.

OpenAI is terrific for helping to reduce time writing code.

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a8df96 No.18175303

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fa546a No.18175304

File: 88aaac0ab822384⋯.png (294.68 KB,848x480,53:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dbd25 No.18175305


The other white meat?

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14eaa3 No.18175306


To each their own anon. I am comfy AF spending my time here. I get more entertainment here than anywhere in the matrix of insanity I checked out from. You go do you boo.

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33e9aa No.18175307



Does anyone believe this is real?

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db8bf9 No.18175308

File: f2d119b08a0d182⋯.gif (1.17 MB,640x640,1:1,deuces.gif)


Copy that. Wish I'd checked out a lot sooner muhdamnself.

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8b9877 No.18175309

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cat fight.

Rrrrraaaaayyyyyeeeeerrrrr!|||| ||||


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fa546a No.18175310


>Boston Dynamics showcases Atlas’s new robot skillz for DAVOS

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3dcef1 No.18175311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3dcef1 No.18175313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3dcef1 No.18175314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3dcef1 No.18175315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3f1e1d No.18175316


When they lose their position they lose their protection.

They are no longer useful.

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781cdb No.18175317


Garrett Ziegler is dynamic MAGA, I remember after 2020 on twitter missing Trump and so pissed (like we all were). He put his anger to work. I’m really impressed with him. Don’t know where I heard this but it was said he got Powell, Flynn and Byrne into the WH in Dec 2020. Don’t know if its true

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9b6031 No.18175318

File: 1ccbd9e9cb9a98a⋯.png (600.69 KB,710x1922,355:961,702.png)



2 days ahead of schedule

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4a5400 No.18175319

File: a1579ce9b319207⋯.png (416.52 KB,549x455,549:455,ClipboardImage.png)

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05fd09 No.18175320

File: 83a2545fa20f8b9⋯.png (124.87 KB,420x721,60:103,it.PNG)


[ Album ]

𝐒𝐨.. 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭?

A “source familiar” has stated the Secret Service has records of “regular” visitors to Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home, contradicting statements by the White House counsel’s office.

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Oversight Committee sent a letter to the White House on Sunday demanding the visitor logs for Biden’s home.

𝐒𝐚𝐮𝐜𝐞 https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/2023-01-15-Letter-Klain-Classified-Docs.pdf

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e4542e No.18175321

File: 0ee0a140140006b⋯.png (216.13 KB,569x557,569:557,ClipboardImage.png)


AMERICA will once again be a NATION that thinks big, dreams bigger, and always reaches for the stars. YOU are the ones who will shape America’s destiny. YOU are the ones who will restore our prosperity. And YOU are the ones who are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #MAGA



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3dcef1 No.18175322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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388563 No.18175323


Maybe she just FOUND OUT.

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2551d8 No.18175324

File: 8bb9051fad8beb7⋯.jpg (42.76 KB,640x400,8:5,we_need_an_AA_meeting_bitc….jpg)


NORMIES don't have scanners CARTELS and GANGS do.

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83aa87 No.18175325


No later than feb 7, with a choked voice. The gig is up and she will be replaced with an actor. So when do we get the parody RRN details ?

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577348 No.18175326

File: 2a4c53abb7e820a⋯.png (364.93 KB,619x865,619:865,ClipboardImage.png)

42 Texas Counties Call on Governor to Declare ‘Invasion’ at Southern Border: Analysis

At least three dozen Texas counties have now declared an invasion or have called on Gov. Greg Abbott to declare an invasion at the U.S.–Mexico border, according to a recent analysis.

Since July 2022, 42 commissioners and judges have issued declarations of invasions or signed resolutions calling for such declarations across Texas. Those officials represent the counties of Atascosa, Burnet, Chambers, Clay, Collin, Ector, Edwards, Ellis, Fannin, Franklin, Goliad, Hamilton, Hardin, Harrison, Hood, Hunt, Jack, Jasper, Johnson, Kinney, Lavaca, Leon, Liberty, Live Oak, Madison, McMullen, Montague, Navarro, Orange, Parker, Presidio, Shackelford, Somervell, Terrell, Throckmorton, Tyler, Van Zandt, Waller, Wharton, Wichita, Wilson, and Wise, according to a Center Square analysis of news reports and public statements released Wednesday.

One of those counties, Clay, adopted a resolution calling for more measures to deal with an invasion at the border, Judge Mike Campbell told local media earlier this month.

“I think about all the things that we could use use that money for instead of what they’re using it for right now,” Campbell said. “But the governor needs to understand that we back him on that, and we get it. We understand that it’s a problem. And that while we wish the federal government would take care of it, they’re not doing it right now.”

And Collin County, located in northern Texas, similarly approved resolution to “recognize an invasion against the state of Texas.” Both Collin and Clay counties, for example, have said that crime, human trafficking, and drug smuggling are the main reasons why.

“We just want the governor to know that we’re behind him and whatever he needs to do in the absence of actual real action from the federal government,” Darrell Hale, a commissioner in Collin County, told Spectrum News.

In another example, Franklin County Judge Scott Lee signed a resolution last October that seeks “additional border security measures to stop the invasion at our southern border to protect Texas communities,” while citing the invasion clauses of the U.S. and Texas constitutions. Specifically, Lee called on “the Texas governor to make a formal declaration of invasion thereby invoking the state authority under the invasion clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3.”

Even though Abbott cited the invasion clauses in a November letter and in a letter critical of President Joe Biden, he hasn’t yet declared a formal invasion.

“I invoked the Invasion Clauses of the U.S. [and the] Texas Constitutions” to make the statement, Abbott said on social media. “I’m using that constitutional authority [and] other authorization [and] Executive Orders to keep our state [and] country safe.”

But “until a declaration of invasion is issued, the State of Texas does not possess the legal authority to remove illegal aliens from the United States,” Goliad County Judge Mike Bennet and Goliad County Sheriff Roy Boyd in a joint statement said in a statement last year. “The only two ways to solve the problem are to enact a declaration of invasion or put enough economic pressure on Mexico and make them bring this mass movement to an end in their country,” they added.



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3b9fcf No.18175327


justice is delayed and negotiated by middlemen in this country- cops, judges, courts, insurance companies. if justice were left up to people to handle case-by-case, there would be no sex predators in prison.

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33bdc1 No.18175328


ok, but you can pay it little by little or rent it or share with sb

please don't have excuses or be too lazy to dig a bit in the ground and grow sth

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4a3d17 No.18175329

File: 04666083768a419⋯.png (2.4 MB,1368x888,57:37,2014_1.png)





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ec7a88 No.18175331


White Hats: QFS being brought online get ready for your Q-Phones.

When: Two Weeks

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df7ea0 No.18175332


Moar winning, for the children

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577348 No.18175333

File: 1d71c2458bd3d8a⋯.png (224.88 KB,608x511,608:511,ClipboardImage.png)

Tony Blair calls for a "digital infrastructure" to monitor who is vaccinated and who is not for the "vaccines that will come down the line" at Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum.


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faa264 No.18175334

File: 0c44d755e6149f1⋯.jpg (45.35 KB,500x500,1:1,2.jpg)


eat these in 2 minutes or less, no water. go!


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7c08dc No.18175335

Last Call

#22286 >>18174620

>>18174671, >>18174684 America First Legal and Texas Partner With Oklahoma to Sue Biden’s HHS for Relinquishing Our Sovereignty to WHO Tyranny

>>18174696 1.19.2023 Pedopourri "It's Happening"

>>18174706 UQ researchers identify a cellular pathway to reprogram the body’s immune system

>>18174710, >>18174738, >>18174746, >>18174759, >>18174778 Take Me to Church: The Straight Dope House Republicans Need to Take Down the DS

>>18174764, >>18174773, >>18174785 Greta Thunberg Airs Grievances Against World Economic Forum or dialectical drama queen

>>18174741 Musk Poll 86% no to WEF controlling the world 14% yes

>>18174744 PF: SAM053 USAF G5 NE from JBA across the Atlantic with French AF CTM1072 A330 inbound to Goose Bay Airport, New Foundland from Stuttgart (AFRICOM) depart

>>18174779 Al Gore At the W.E.F at Davos 2023

>>18174794 Vought: Republicans’ Balanced Budget Proposal Will Be On Standby While The Establishment Tries Every Excuse To Raise The Debt Ceiling

>>18174795, >>18174879 Wray at World Economic Forum: Future of National Security Is Partnership Between Tech Companies and Government

>>18174834 Ex-Polish FM lambasts ‘corruption’ in EU parliament

>>18174843 @GenFlynn Fifth Generation Warfare!

>>18174845, >>18175080 Local Housing Markets in December; California Home Sales down 44% YoY in December; Prices Down 2.8% YoY

>>18174854 OAN article on The Facebook Files

>>18174892 WikiLeaks CIA Docs Show US Knew They were Provoking Russia into War with Ukraine

>>18174894 “The future does not belong to globalists - the future belongs to patriots.” - President Donald J. Trump

>>18174917 Zelensky allegedly tricked into signing Ukraine's surrender when asked for an autograph in the US The paper has now been sold on eBay for $1500 For the KEKs

>>18174937 U.N. Chief Guterres Turns on Davos Elites: ‘You’re the Problem’ with Fossil Fuels and Climate

>>18174941 U.S. hits credit limit. Amid fears of debt default, Treasury begins 'extraordinary' measures


>>18175001 Rep. Matt Gaetz Introduces ‘Abolish the ATF Act’ After New Rule Turned Millions of Gun Owners Into Criminals

>>18175060 Lula Dismisses More Military Personnel From Security Detail After Brazil Riots

>>18175147 Meeting US national security adviser, Netanyahu stresses bid to build Saudi ties

>>18175165 FM Cohen to visit Ukraine, most senior Israeli official to do so since war began

>>18175172 @45 making speech at Trump Doral, Miami

>>18175202 PF Secretary Austin is convening fifty countries from around the world tomorrow for a meeting at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group currently at Berlin and then goes to Ramstein for that

>>18175254 WHO’s dystopian plan for the world must be stopped; it’s time to exit the WHO and the UN, Australian Senator says

>>18175301 'Worst of the Worst' Sex Predators Are Being Released From Washington State's Pedophile Island

Bakerin @700

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4616ad No.18175336

They manipulated our DNA, they disconnected 10 strands.

We are supposed to have 12 strand DNA

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d88893 No.18175337

File: 8c359c9a5b6e150⋯.png (791.49 KB,1162x1190,83:85,angrycringeshill.PNG)


Nice projection, wannabe rabulist!

Typical braindead mongel!

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3b16ef No.18175338

File: 466890869ef2495⋯.jpg (77.27 KB,500x700,5:7,Bhho.jpg)



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c75616 No.18175340


more than a little afraid of how disposable s/he has become

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da21e9 No.18175341

File: 17ffc8b19701e3e⋯.png (668.92 KB,624x623,624:623,ClipboardImage.png)


No worries at all.

I have to apologize to someone earlier, too, because I came across as condescending when i didn't mean to be.

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2551d8 No.18175342


Smith Mundt Modernization Act COG, NDAA Patriot act -> Judges

the sheriff does only what the JUDGE tells em.

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4a5400 No.18175343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d88893 No.18175344

File: 4f1cd269930b203⋯.png (1.12 MB,1252x931,1252:931,4f1cd269930b203bcc4a50a87f….png)

File: 3c4388c03a9fd35⋯.jpg (59.91 KB,500x523,500:523,76265l.jpg)

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797812 No.18175345

File: 0829c7f2f8bef8c⋯.png (402.95 KB,512x512,1:1,0829c7f2f8bef8c0bc13443622….png)

When you trick two different shill IDs to start shilling each other. Good times.

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5d3ce6 No.18175346

File: d8df21f515411a9⋯.jpg (54.93 KB,298x450,149:225,9780399175749.jpg)




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577348 No.18175347


Trump did say we'd get sick of winning and Q said up is down left is right

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a8df96 No.18175348


Kek, oops - ignore my previous "No" I mis-tagged you anon.

It should say Semi-automatic.

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675a37 No.18175349

File: e9f1465c9796fa4⋯.png (501.13 KB,1284x2463,428:821,Screenshot_2023_01_19_at_1….png)


> including excess death rates published by gov.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Round Hill Man Convicted of Receiving Child Pornography

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A federal judge convicted a Round Hill man yesterday on charges of receipt of child pornography and attempted destruction of evidence.

According to court records and evidence presented at trial, from at least November 2019 through January 2022, Max Christian Frear, 35, used a peer-to-peer file-sharing program to receive child pornography. When the FBI executed a search of the defendant’s home, law enforcement found a damaged computer storage device in Frear’s toilet. The evidence showed that Frear tried to destroy the storage device by dunking it in liquid for his 3D printer, breaking it in half, and attempting to flush it down the toilet. The FBI was able to recover and examine the storage device, which contained 84 videos and more than 5,600 images depicting child sexual abuse. Many of those files depicted the sexual abuse of prepubescent minor victims, including infants and toddlers.

Frear faces a mandatory‑minimum penalty of 5 years in prison and a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison when sentenced on May 26. Actual sentences for federal crimes are typically less than the maximum penalties. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after taking into account the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Jessica D. Aber, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, and Wayne A. Jacobs, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Washington Field Office, made the announcement after Senior U.S. District Judge Claude M. Hilton rendered the verdict.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Lauren Halper and Trial Attorney Rachel Rothberg of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS) are prosecuting the case.

Tis case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative to combat the epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse, launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice. Led by U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and CEOS, Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state, and local resources to better locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who exploit children via the internet, as well as to identify and rescue victims. For more information about Project Safe Childhood, please visit http://www.justice.gov/psc.


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c06986 No.18175350

File: 2afcac743aa5682⋯.png (57.04 KB,207x253,9:11,ClipboardImage.png)


Next you will say we live in a snow globe

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d2cd34 No.18175351

File: 4a243bb9461457d⋯.jpg (34.71 KB,260x433,260:433,Vaxed.jpg)

File: a6dffe3227f1ddb⋯.jpg (16.66 KB,340x317,340:317,UnVaxedStar.jpg)


>"digital infrastructure" to monitor who is vaccinated and who is not

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f9b53d No.18175352


time, frequency, dna, weather, food supply, information…is there anything they haven't manipulated

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2722dc No.18175353


maybe you have forgotten that the original post was about investing $1000 he had. Not what you are suggesting here. It's fucking ridiculous.

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b06d7e No.18175354

File: da62a5483a47148⋯.png (702.66 KB,612x612,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


kek anon knows, now try to whistle kek, can't be done.

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8b9877 No.18175355

File: fd9f025634d0308⋯.png (168.05 KB,480x338,240:169,Trump_yet_here.png)

File: 75e33ced3dcd8ae⋯.png (431.63 KB,640x521,640:521,here_cunt.png)

File: fb0ceb3e1d4089c⋯.png (242.02 KB,399x495,133:165,as_if_2.png)


That's too bad you fell for a LARP. We didn't. Anons thoroughly enjoy our resurch, and that's why we are still here. You act as if anywhere else on the internet is better, kmfao. I'd say you're in denial and that's why you're still here.

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81fa50 No.18175356


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b7815b No.18175357


People do get sick, that I can confirm.

I can't confirm excess deaths, but 20% excess deaths isn't that much. It's not like tons of people are dying on top of regular people.

I know of one young nurse who died shortly after "the shot".

What would be fun though is if mRNA is even disinfo, and it's just the poison they inject into babies and newborns since forever.

Now that would be a Trump card.

mRNA allows regular peeps to accept that it was dangerous and retarded and poisonous.

I also think that forcing medical staff to get the shot allows someone to check if all doctors actually got it. What would happen to a doc, who didn't get it himself, but injected it into other people?


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359ec1 No.18175359

File: 0b7e673fbe1080f⋯.png (16.81 KB,537x168,179:56,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>18174397 Scavino on Facebook

C for $700

See 700

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89f127 No.18175360


They printed Automatic on it. Not me!


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a8df96 No.18175361

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df7ea0 No.18175362



I'll pass this on to the kids getting their asses gaped right now

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fa546a No.18175363

File: 99f7543f9ed712e⋯.mp4 (4.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,blairwitch.mp4)



Tony Blair calls for a "digital infrastructure" to monitor who is vaccinated and who is not for the "vaccines that will come down the line" at Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum.

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23bfdd No.18175364

File: dbaee834f3b5920⋯.png (477.65 KB,500x813,500:813,shills.png)

Meanwhile in this bread…

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ddc518 No.18175365

File: e245166dafe06cf⋯.png (1.11 MB,900x1270,90:127,ClipboardImage.png)

WEF Players & Participants

[y]our names are Cursed forever

[y]ou are all Damned Souls & Damned Bones

May God have Mercy on you

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797812 No.18175366


Your despair attempt paired with your Reddit spacing failed miserably. Get gooder, son.

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388563 No.18175367


Declaring himself enemy of HUMANITY.

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4616ad No.18175368


To add to this

What they call junk DNA is simply DNA they disconnected to make us weak

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fa546a No.18175369


How Al Gore has made $330m with climate alarmism: Former VP made a fortune after losing to George W when he set up a green investment firm now worth $36BN that pays him $2m a month… as he warns about 'rain bombs' and 'boiling oceans'

Al Gore has made hundreds of millions through his climate awareness

The former VP is at the forefront of green technology investment

Gore's company Generation Investment Management pays him $2m per month

The company has billions in investments worldwide

Gore's wealth of around $300m is supplemented with speaking fees, shares and real estate

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ec7a88 No.18175370

File: 63fafe94132c802⋯.webp (878.88 KB,500x248,125:62,E007FBA7_240E_46E6_972A_3….webp)

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8b9877 No.18175371


We just gotta knock out their 5 mothers of darnkess and all the 5G towers.

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4cd6f8 No.18175372

File: 00bd3bd1713d6e6⋯.jpg (84.52 KB,500x746,250:373,Fhni.jpg)

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c06986 No.18175374


Source: Ashtar Command

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fa546a No.18175375


Couple face jail for torturing children by starving them and feeding them soap before forging letters in a childish scrawl to make it look like the young victims had been lying

Cheryl Pickles, 35, and Andrew Hadwin, 39, starved children and fed them soap

The youngsters walked over four miles to scavenge food from supermarket bins

Once they were reported, the pair forged letters from the youths denying cruelty

Hadwin and Pickles, of Fishburn, County Durham, were both convicted of abuse

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33bdc1 No.18175376


>It's fucking ridiculous.

aha ok, whatever.

but don't come to me later and ask for eggs or tomatoes or sth.

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d88893 No.18175377

File: 4a50b21a77f751b⋯.png (35.39 KB,220x146,110:73,ClipboardImage.png)


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b7815b No.18175378


it looks as if they are kissing, haha.

Looky kinda faggy

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81fa50 No.18175379

File: 82b7492904ef3c7⋯.jpg (177.63 KB,1776x999,16:9,FiRW_7qXEA8iAvu_jpg_large.jpg)

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df7ea0 No.18175380


No people must suffer more. To learn. Wether you die or not

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b06a11 No.18175381

File: b8ad477d3a2b335⋯.jpg (57.86 KB,680x434,340:217,cf.jpg)

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05fd09 No.18175382

File: 05cd44eed2840d0⋯.png (713.33 KB,501x833,501:833,war_horse.PNG)

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f2fe0c No.18175383

File: 99ec64c040d275b⋯.png (416.83 KB,827x1505,827:1505,ClipboardImage.png)


>Bank of America customers reporting they’re missing money

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fa546a No.18175384

File: 95d72ad4a17f070⋯.png (41.55 KB,603x175,603:175,ClipboardImage.png)


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81fa50 No.18175385

File: f96e716c2cbda61⋯.png (726.44 KB,1046x1395,1046:1395,f96e716c2cbda6118ffabac17d….png)

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23bfdd No.18175386

File: dd9e3d7edb23ecd⋯.png (86.67 KB,1200x1219,1200:1219,Huawei_logo.png)


>all the 5G towers

Trump already stopped the Huawei 5G from coming to the US. Our 5G is different, and is still using mostly the original 4G bands.

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7c08dc No.18175387


#22286 >>18174620

>>18174671, >>18174684 America First Legal and Texas Partner With Oklahoma to Sue Biden’s HHS for Relinquishing Our Sovereignty to WHO Tyranny

>>18174696 1.19.2023 Pedopourri "It's Happening"

>>18174706 UQ researchers identify a cellular pathway to reprogram the body’s immune system

>>18174710, >>18174738, >>18174746, >>18174759, >>18174778 Take Me to Church: The Straight Dope House Republicans Need to Take Down the DS

>>18174764, >>18174773, >>18174785 Greta Thunberg Airs Grievances Against World Economic Forum or dialectical drama queen

>>18174741 Musk Poll 86% no to WEF controlling the world 14% yes

>>18174744 PF: SAM053 USAF G5 NE from JBA across the Atlantic with French AF CTM1072 A330 inbound to Goose Bay Airport, New Foundland from Stuttgart (AFRICOM) depart

>>18174779 Al Gore At the W.E.F at Davos 2023

>>18174794 Vought: Republicans’ Balanced Budget Proposal Will Be On Standby While The Establishment Tries Every Excuse To Raise The Debt Ceiling

>>18174795, >>18174879 Wray at World Economic Forum: Future of National Security Is Partnership Between Tech Companies and Government

>>18174834 Ex-Polish FM lambasts ‘corruption’ in EU parliament

>>18174843 @GenFlynn Fifth Generation Warfare!

>>18174845, >>18175080 Local Housing Markets in December; California Home Sales down 44% YoY in December; Prices Down 2.8% YoY

>>18174854 OAN article on The Facebook Files

>>18174892 WikiLeaks CIA Docs Show US Knew They were Provoking Russia into War with Ukraine

>>18174894 “The future does not belong to globalists - the future belongs to patriots.” - President Donald J. Trump

>>18174917 Zelensky allegedly tricked into signing Ukraine's surrender when asked for an autograph in the US The paper has now been sold on eBay for $1500 For the KEKs

>>18174937 U.N. Chief Guterres Turns on Davos Elites: ‘You’re the Problem’ with Fossil Fuels and Climate

>>18174941 U.S. hits credit limit. Amid fears of debt default, Treasury begins 'extraordinary' measures


>>18175001 Rep. Matt Gaetz Introduces ‘Abolish the ATF Act’ After New Rule Turned Millions of Gun Owners Into Criminals

>>18175060 Lula Dismisses More Military Personnel From Security Detail After Brazil Riots

>>18175147 Meeting US national security adviser, Netanyahu stresses bid to build Saudi ties

>>18175165 FM Cohen to visit Ukraine, most senior Israeli official to do so since war began

>>18175172 @45 making speech at Trump Doral, Miami

>>18175202 PF Secretary Austin is convening fifty countries from around the world tomorrow for a meeting at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group currently at Berlin and then goes to Ramstein for that

>>18175254 WHO’s dystopian plan for the world must be stopped; it’s time to exit the WHO and the UN, Australian Senator says

>>18175301 'Worst of the Worst' Sex Predators Are Being Released From Washington State's Pedophile Island


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388563 No.18175388


Those piercings are going to age the skin rapidly as the immune system reacts to them.

I saw this real pretty lady put piercing in her cheeks and within a couple of months she looked like she aged 10 years.

Stupid decision, stupid outcomes..

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3fcf83 No.18175390


I listen all day. Crazy the amount of seizures, strokes, diff breathers, DOAs, car accidents on clear days, etc.

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76d743 No.18175391

File: ea555dc971d77dd⋯.jpg (348.63 KB,644x1271,644:1271,incubator_babies_StLouisRe….jpg)

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781cdb No.18175392

More Hunter Biden shit coming out, will post on next bread

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577348 No.18175393

File: 371da4e0b119a4a⋯.png (120.6 KB,743x806,743:806,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e4020be3e5b9ae⋯.png (35.25 KB,734x307,734:307,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Elementary School Teacher Convicted of Sexually Abusing Children


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c06986 No.18175396

File: fb3b01ee56eb8c2⋯.png (507.5 KB,960x915,64:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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df7ea0 No.18175397


Nope. She's running in 2024

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4a5400 No.18175398

File: 5b4d92f0a8f2ff8⋯.webm (691.58 KB,406x720,203:360,Negro_plane.webm)


For some reason, it doesnt have the same ring.

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da21e9 No.18175399


>OpenAI is terrific for helping to reduce time writing code.

This is very true. Pretty much everything else about it is persuadable until you hit a subject that it absolutely refuses to budge on. So basically, it's a Republican.

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781cdb No.18175400


Is that because they are messing with meridians?

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23bfdd No.18175401

File: 1cc9f80e22a1d31⋯.png (356.5 KB,500x665,100:133,Hunter_smoke.png)

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797812 No.18175402

File: d942ec4285699fd⋯.png (1.46 MB,1948x1892,487:473,d942ec4285699fd36e02463f3a….png)

The shills' negativity is not moving the positivity of anons one inch. The shills and their ethnic accusation ammunition are mere nerf balls being fired at QR Anons' wall of steel.

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577348 No.18175403

File: 873696cc1f21309⋯.png (140 KB,737x904,737:904,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 306d08d5a127277⋯.png (106.38 KB,746x710,373:355,ClipboardImage.png)

Three Men Sentenced for Roles in Bribery Conspiracy

Three Texas men were sentenced yesterday for their roles in a conspiracy to pay bribes to two city commissioners in Weslaco in exchange for their official actions in connection with city contracts worth tens of millions of dollars.


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388563 No.18175404


Despite the fact that they don't work, cause heart failure and 9 pages of other side effects.

Go eat shit Mr Blair - never comply.

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02e985 No.18175405

File: 68ff1ce6d6ec1e8⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,2.47 MB,600x459,200:153,68ff1ce6d6ec1e89f71cd93a13….gif)

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fa546a No.18175406


Two retired Met officers charged with child sexual abuse offences

Charges are part of inquiry into serving Met chief inspector who was found dead on day he was to be charged

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7ded88 No.18175407

File: 466890869ef2495⋯.jpg (77.27 KB,500x700,5:7,Bhho.jpg)

File: 5f8f679b5f3d822⋯.jpg (25.88 KB,500x294,250:147,Fgjj.jpg)

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c06986 No.18175408

File: 5a09de6420568fe⋯.png (155.75 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec7a88 No.18175409

File: 2d925d3bbcdd8d1⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,480x852,40:71,IpD9nTJ0ODQynp7_.mp4)

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4a5400 No.18175410


Trump did say she was a nice lady.

I dont agree but what ever.

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faa264 No.18175411

File: 77ce754d22d77ee⋯.jpg (127 KB,889x500,889:500,bl44.jpg)

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896947 No.18175413

File: 8bd1bca38f5d4b0⋯.png (8.82 KB,255x249,85:83,hehe.png)

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388563 No.18175414


These are the kind of people satanists recruit to make the world a better place.

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7c08dc No.18175415

Fresh Bread




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89f127 No.18175416

File: c10d86dc8df3b9e⋯.png (276.34 KB,672x672,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Added a bump stock.


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df7ea0 No.18175418


He didn't lock her up

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c8d026 No.18175419

File: 3f996e14b37dbce⋯.jpg (56.47 KB,656x469,656:469,Fguu.jpg)

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faa264 No.18175420

File: 0642616d7d6d50f⋯.png (267.7 KB,398x584,199:292,0642616d7d6d50f50a0bb99c01….png)

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93d0b0 No.18175421

File: 690b0dd50516956⋯.jpg (687.85 KB,1446x1928,3:4,Sanna_Marin.jpg)


>I checked out of this psyop movement on Jan 1 after wasting 5 years on it.

Welcome back, then? Have a Sanna.

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a8df96 No.18175422


How about the ones who are still employed / not dead. Usual pacification move, throw a few old/dead pedo's to the wolves. Look here, not there.

They do the same with politicians.

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a8df96 No.18175424

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)

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33bdc1 No.18175426

File: 747e4a1800959b0⋯.png (349.64 KB,485x522,485:522,Bildschirmfoto_2023_01_19_….png)

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641b00 No.18175427

File: 7229a32f1cb1a91⋯.jpeg (145.33 KB,480x360,4:3,kek.jpeg)

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896947 No.18175428

File: 263cfcf91fb430a⋯.png (349.03 KB,1366x540,683:270,ClipboardImage.png)

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