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6da0f8  No.17768125 [View All]













208 posts and 208 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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cb6259  No.17770073

File: 9489022d514cb11⋯.jpg (26.25 KB, 482x507, 482:507, Ikow0e.jpg)


hiway 751 or bust

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4562dd  No.17770075

File: 6100c86629dfbdb⋯.jpg (136.85 KB, 1325x1344, 1325:1344, dxfVVOOSE.jpg)

see the framework the plan is built upon, and catch glimpses in my peripherals of it but those glimpses are fleeting and then disappear. If that makes any sense at all. That's why I trust the plan. The logic is sound and the goal is just. That's the only way I can describe it from my point of view.

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fb8449  No.17770088

File: c29e561b749a719⋯.jpg (40.38 KB, 713x607, 713:607, GniTiG.jpg)

en Davidson on Destructive Solar Cycles & The Rebirth of Catastrophism - #8

Jul 1, 2022

Matthew Lohmeier


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f1f094  No.17770104

File: 397488d63b7f033⋯.jpg (24.05 KB, 1146x562, 573:281, 11ebnh.jpg)



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eeed7f  No.17770114

File: aad417081a914b9⋯.jpg (123.61 KB, 1190x1288, 85:92, eqFAuBUW1.jpg)

gain, for those in back that didn't hear it the first time

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909c80  No.17770124

File: e32c93873fd7e8e⋯.jpg (66.73 KB, 788x1240, 197:310, lEAWfryxi.jpg)


<>it will all be cleared up in just two more weeks.

and you'll still be here collecting a few shekels

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07784e  No.17770134

File: 33e569370d247b5⋯.jpg (134.82 KB, 1176x1473, 392:491, PB0XkEpeC.jpg)


How can Jim be at Trump Washington if it already reopened as the Waldof Astoria?

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7a4a6a  No.17770136

File: ce4d0486d0e9ae9⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 1259x619, 1259:619, mpvH4lV4.jpg)


10:00 AM EDT

Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations Markup: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023

House Armed Services Committee




10:00 AM EDT

Technological Advisory Council Meeting - June 9, 2022

Federal Communications Commission



10:00 AM EDT

Field Hearing: European Energy Security: America's Role in Supporting Europe's Energy Diversification Agenda

Senate Foreign Relations Committee


10:00 AM EDT

Oversight of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee



10:00 AM EDT

Full Committee Hearing to Examine the President's Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for the U.S. Forest Service

Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee



10:00 AM EDT

A Legislative Hearing on S. 4244, Legislation to Prohibit the Manufacture, Processing, and Distribution in Commerce of Asbestos

Senate Environment and Public Works Committee



10:00 AM EDT

Compartmented Budget Hearing (Closed)

House Intelligence (Permanent Select) Committee


10:15 AM EDT

Domestic Extremism in America: Examining White Supremacist Violence in the Wake of Recent Attacks

Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs



10:30 AM EDT

Hearings to examine European energy security, focusing on America's role in supporting Europe's energy diversification agenda

Senate Foreign Relations Committee



11:00 AM EDT

Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti Business Conditions Index - Data Release

Initial Jobless Claims (for week ending 6/4/2022)

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia


11:00 AM EDT

Agricultural Trade: Priorities and Issues Facing America's Farmers

Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee



11:00 AM EDT

Saving Social Security: Expanding Benefits and Demanding the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share or Cutting Benefits and Increasing Retirement Anxiety

Senate Budget Committee



11:00 AM EDT

Orientation to Legal Research Series: U.S. Federal Statutes

Library of Congress



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334d01  No.17770145

File: 1e5a91fdb187d23⋯.jpg (120.77 KB, 1102x1387, 58:73, gzVv4wTCp7fY.jpg)


london bridge is falling down…falling down

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bebbf1  No.17770155

File: f78166763049be0⋯.jpg (32.31 KB, 1217x783, 1217:783, eET2SHI.jpg)



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cfdc64  No.17770169

File: 020b726a8723a64⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 1140x1086, 190:181, XsYGJDo4DXPh3x.jpg)


>Kek, yeah you are a jiddish clown who knows nothing!


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3be649  No.17770183

File: 46c573779e77670⋯.jpg (25.74 KB, 1210x586, 605:293, 9JzDUMzf.jpg)


>no real true chance.

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6c1a07  No.17770184

File: 34fdbbf1cdffff9⋯.jpg (23.96 KB, 1130x667, 1130:667, IkMZxRY6B4XOb.jpg)

heres a rumor going around that Zelensky has a gay lover

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c6f760  No.17770192

File: 604050f098ecc2c⋯.jpg (122.17 KB, 1110x1366, 555:683, yFgPoFwniMq.jpg)


The pope won't resign until August

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b5af63  No.17770195

File: a822eac323a0414⋯.jpg (70.57 KB, 897x1171, 897:1171, F7ykZ6LhaPE78A.jpg)


Here, take this whistle and blow.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

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08a39b  No.17770202

File: 693062c073b13ee⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 1213x803, 1213:803, ruWo8Tq3d6YH.jpg)



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7eddf4  No.17770204

File: 7d5ea0cdad49c95⋯.jpg (24.28 KB, 1140x572, 285:143, 38XNs62foj29T.jpg)


You think I don't know your nigger style? Shhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt your big ugly nerdy ass lives for it. I mean you're plotting you retaliation right. Probably pushing buttons on one of your tech toys right now. I SEE YOU WITHOUT AND I DONT NEED ALL OF YOUR BULLSHIT TO DO IT.

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550c9d  No.17770213

File: 51885dcce8c5778⋯.jpg (28.73 KB, 1101x956, 1101:956, lrSSCjf.jpg)



Apologize Anon(s).

Will be neater for future posts

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21692f  No.17770217

File: 2d1c1b7e3964857⋯.jpg (25.86 KB, 990x913, 90:83, kYPD1O1kVhCUK.jpg)


At one point someone is going to have to do something to someone in order to end this.

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c4c664  No.17770222

File: 442777030ed77aa⋯.jpg (31.28 KB, 568x542, 284:271, KpWVGIVb.jpg)

o has any anon signed up for Jim's Newsletter?

When does it go out?

Is it any good?

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7cd7de  No.17770223

File: ec4b80198cab667⋯.jpg (41.22 KB, 645x677, 645:677, w55p2wy.jpg)


he was so sad when he lost his wife on 9–11

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edb4e2  No.17770225

File: edf5b9fe4b8aa66⋯.jpg (30.04 KB, 1123x1001, 1123:1001, Y0RmjS.jpg)


you just bounced me to PB hell faggot

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cc432d  No.17770242

File: 99ca5f7816a07f0⋯.jpg (69.52 KB, 854x1205, 854:1205, TVulrYiQ1DYtB.jpg)

=Apple’s Former Director of Corporate Law Admits Insider Trading==


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6191b6  No.17770244

File: 922d3d8add73d40⋯.jpg (132.15 KB, 1249x1336, 1249:1336, dS7GCp2tQJweU.jpg)

hy you call me here at 3 AM, you fucking fuck?!?!?!

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2a1e52  No.17770245

File: 4d5be701eb1c3fd⋯.jpg (79.85 KB, 1001x1245, 1001:1245, ITgCXWWPGrEjdQ.jpg)


you cannot "get" what was before

it is beyond you

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464160  No.17770246

File: 350a6d59e8d4d42⋯.jpg (129.16 KB, 1117x1473, 1117:1473, bi9iyeo.jpg)


Russia, Ukraine connects.

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135170  No.17770247

File: 49adf49d8da3bbc⋯.jpg (26.39 KB, 510x490, 51:49, mpNcAl7nM3.jpg)


Bet the vaxxxed are going to be hoping mad like this as things play out

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0432db  No.17770249

File: 30728d3bb7466df⋯.jpg (87.22 KB, 1006x1379, 1006:1379, k8Dyf5.jpg)


Christopher Steele?

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5aa459  No.17770253

File: c28442f68a147d7⋯.jpg (127 KB, 1304x1227, 1304:1227, Y9chbrFTU.jpg)


ThanQ Baker!

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6b2543  No.17770256

File: 60b1a5b148a3283⋯.jpg (75.88 KB, 902x1294, 451:647, Y2rUGqg.jpg)


many spooky (1)s today

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8688bd  No.17770257

File: 035f3be5e81f1a7⋯.jpg (68.95 KB, 884x1153, 884:1153, NBcjmXd.jpg)


i aint click that shit either

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583af5  No.17770259

File: 8a684b9b2424e49⋯.jpg (70.41 KB, 895x1187, 895:1187, J7jkwbpae.jpg)


That’s a cute baby. Many facial abnormalities can be fixed. Anon has a friend who was born similar.

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78ce4d  No.17770261

File: 431e496c0e28855⋯.jpg (24.24 KB, 1088x697, 64:41, pWALtiwIPu.jpg)


Nice smile.

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99e124  No.17770264

File: 2649826def27ef8⋯.jpg (29.42 KB, 1201x898, 1201:898, d51zxW2tdnOLk.jpg)



>What is it you identify with for our under standing may be more connected to your's

I identify as the husband of my future wife, I am just a young boy until then.

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4ea605  No.17770269

File: 851bcd619e14b9e⋯.jpg (121.68 KB, 1200x1256, 150:157, yivWqduLQmA7v.jpg)


The world changes when we focus on positivity.

The Universe is like a pendulum, it brings us the energy we put

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1af2a8  No.17770270

File: f25344d4311c902⋯.jpg (21.63 KB, 1080x616, 135:77, kDZgw8Q.jpg)


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173a94  No.17770272

File: 6b75fc97d16713e⋯.jpg (18.19 KB, 1041x505, 1041:505, EVSqKKVOfz0z1.jpg)



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d7784b  No.17770273

File: 90a44ae25a3f75f⋯.jpg (34.61 KB, 554x618, 277:309, eTD7Lo9vNL3y.jpg)


I mean really I don't care if people are gay…I just can't imagine being a parent and having to explain to child the story behind what they are walking in.

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dc2802  No.17770274

File: 77afd31f5274f8b⋯.jpg (22.63 KB, 960x708, 80:59, KCHMXG7jCoF0.jpg)


As all right wing perspectives are censored [they] are propagandizing about their own left fake wing white supremacist posts.

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a67e1f  No.17770276

File: f6818adc5288239⋯.jpg (84.14 KB, 992x1349, 992:1349, 0PGscHGOLfEAP.jpg)

e careful who you follow Cassidy

Pic related

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120568  No.17770283

File: a78485753f2a2ba⋯.jpg (26.75 KB, 1180x629, 1180:629, xomWOKb012.jpg)


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2eebfb  No.17770324

File: b46000b28a1e690⋯.jpg (39.19 KB, 724x558, 362:279, kLTR2YLA.jpg)



Thank you, sweet anons. I owe you both bigly.

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d3f2e2  No.17770326

File: 803ce30b51403cd⋯.jpg (65.89 KB, 805x1188, 805:1188, MVluc6bA.jpg)


Buckle Up ;) Ty Baker

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499c8d  No.17770327

File: 95d7ca0b0d33664⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 1198x796, 599:398, yX3kjO.jpg)

ou know what I'm having trouble with? Why should I believe in Christianity when it's a Jewish religion and the Jews are responsible for all evils in this world? Jews are behind the efforts to usher in the New World Order.

If I'm going to believe in something, then I think it should be pre-Christian beliefs like Egyptian mythology or Norse mythology.

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d72a54  No.17770335

File: a12fb7feb0ea521⋯.jpg (115.59 KB, 1103x1298, 1103:1298, CaD2VJyUREJ.jpg)

ll servers data and phone regardings are ours.

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d7ffe7  No.17770336

File: 2eec0979db41655⋯.jpg (20.08 KB, 1040x583, 1040:583, d8SJFKVy87R676.jpg)


You will never know. Keep asking the folks who do and try not to insult them in the process. You might find more answers that way.

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aad4e9  No.17770338

File: 867eae721357b18⋯.jpg (135.33 KB, 1194x1465, 1194:1465, V8bLk9Yklk.jpg)

ll (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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f4ea61  No.17770340

File: df95ce5aa94a396⋯.jpg (71.78 KB, 826x1304, 413:652, i9KOcHy.jpg)

ode monkey calling out Kari Lake

Kari Lake allegedly invited and paid a drag queen to perform for her young daughter at her house.

This AZ Family article paints a Kari Lake very unlike the Kari Lake that I have met.

These types of attacks must stop.


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387b34  No.17770341

File: 6daf9c3d80d2adc⋯.jpg (120.06 KB, 1202x1248, 601:624, gUJR572peHFNk.jpg)

eter Nygaard

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c84cb0  No.17770346

File: aa5213635c96f4c⋯.jpg (23.3 KB, 1069x580, 1069:580, 2KOGMgJabe8.jpg)


Love that biblespeak kek

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