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File: e20e07fc06c2358⋯.jpg (153.06 KB, 1099x641, 1099:641, ugp3l66orz.jpg)

81a0a2  No. 17226516 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Anti-Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

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9489e7  No.17226662

File: b26a655ca7c245e⋯.jpg (156.44 KB, 1118x653, 1118:653, bfjbota2z.jpg)




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622f25  No.17226708

File: e5bdacc9ae0d8db⋯.jpg (77.86 KB, 996x571, 996:571, r6yuhwm9p0x.jpg)



>FATTY LUMPKIN caught frolicing around shire

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18b940  No.17226732

File: 97530d31c7269b9⋯.jpg (88.42 KB, 1050x636, 175:106, 1a31pxl357j.jpg)











Notespassing, dough updated, TYA




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f50d7e  No.17226761

File: 0e7860414f90c9c⋯.jpg (83.92 KB, 1170x531, 130:59, hh5tpb2rc.jpg)



Jason Crow stands with NAZIS - check

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fa0c54  No.17226769

File: e0207d01dda338b⋯.jpg (81.27 KB, 1079x558, 1079:558, fkm3clnjcxxxxy.jpg)



Maybe, that is yet to be seen.

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9c69d7  No.17226778

File: a3febab7a0d57b1⋯.jpg (87.58 KB, 1073x609, 37:21, 91fc2ayezacdbj.jpg)



all of the people or none of the people?!?!

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d3c656  No.17226857

File: 333ecd51c2d2471⋯.jpg (78.85 KB, 1137x507, 379:169, h1u80f.jpg)



Welcome, Agent Idiot. Have a seat, you'll be more comfortable.

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97d9af  No.17226897

File: 609b0875c6a8b94⋯.jpg (74.69 KB, 980x549, 980:549, 7kilysy19q.jpg)


Explain this in 5 words or less.

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fdf516  No.17227004

File: db8c8825fdf1ded⋯.jpg (71.57 KB, 984x523, 984:523, jqrrtuos9e8n73.jpg)




suspect gold dove is symbol for Semiramis:

According to Diodorus, a first century BC Greek historian, Semiramis was of noble parents, the daughter of the fish-goddess Derketo of Ascalon in Assyria and of a mortal. He related that Derketo abandoned her at birth and drowned herself and that doves fed the child until Simmas, the royal shepherd, found her.

The association of the fish and dove is found at Hierapolis Bambyce (Mabbog, now Manbij), the great temple that according to one legend, was founded by Semiramis,[26] where her statue was shown with a golden dove on her head.[27]


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35d76a  No.17227025

File: 7e444118bf660ee⋯.jpg (80.58 KB, 1174x508, 587:254, qzwy0mysl5mou4.jpg)

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6d3329  No.17227071

File: 62a9effed2452b6⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 1021x623, 1021:623, n3q1p0wh.jpg)



Already rekt. Starting tomorrow.

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7d0f08  No.17227092

File: 7bb04cbadf608cc⋯.jpg (84.25 KB, 1182x535, 1182:535, j7mnti5sf4is.jpg)


They forgot to disable comment section.

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5a61c8  No.17227110

File: 4823e6dd1aa6335⋯.jpg (86.69 KB, 1111x581, 1111:581, 9kt70she.jpg)



I'll kill this MF in this second………………….why you don't let me fly??????????????????????????

This garbage deserve to fkin die, like right now, so why you stop me???????????????????????????????

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7e7315  No.17227168

File: e9ae5a7d3b53c3e⋯.jpg (90.8 KB, 1067x644, 1067:644, luzk71ymp.jpg)


He answered himself with his take the oath again.


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402b56  No.17227176

File: 795fa0997c7dc90⋯.jpg (89.92 KB, ji2kno37ha9vqb.jpg)



Never been there but i don’t bet my money on losers, i have a million dollar eye. I won’t keep preaching anymore, had to speak up.

This slide has gone on long enough.

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7813b8  No.17227245

File: e868fd09a3ced65⋯.jpg (79.18 KB, bnub1k.jpg)


@22:35:00 ish.

Mitt Ram Knee

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230405  No.17227261

File: cb2f2a1d8e5f0ed⋯.jpg (96.73 KB, 1045x712, 1045:712, w1edbo0v470b.jpg)



divide and Qonquer, anon. Muh Peeps have got 'em on the run.

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829a4c  No.17227278

File: 1f0ca7e2e2b750f⋯.jpg (85.96 KB, 1126x575, 1126:575, ap2fbmrwzv11y.jpg)



move to austin

it has gapes

and crack

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993ee5  No.17227355

File: 04a0c66844d3830⋯.jpg (81.25 KB, 972x619, 972:619, wvn5msjiyfr.jpg)



“The euthanasia of Judaism is the pure moral religion.”

Immanuel Kant

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c3a15b  No.17227392

File: e34723b7dc4d07a⋯.jpg (102.91 KB, 1107x725, 1107:725, bne85nc.jpg)


My period came………

miley, care to share a tampax?????????????

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c6e753  No.17227456

File: 9b81200440d49a3⋯.jpg (105.08 KB, 1187x693, 1187:693, co4kx8ofnklwb.jpg)



flts both landed okay

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1329f6  No.17227517

File: ab0a9f1e407c254⋯.jpg (108.43 KB, 1191x736, 1191:736, j7ak4ou.jpg)



Sarcasm an irony not a thing for you, anon?

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842955  No.17227566

File: 632600d5a88e6f2⋯.jpg (72.88 KB, 982x530, 491:265, 99d9c6h894xow.jpg)



thanks baker

be best

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ff1862  No.17227643

File: 201bbfa9f3582f2⋯.jpg (87.18 KB, 1148x570, 574:285, fxdet4os9he2nx.jpg)



Goddamn, I miss that man.

We the People NEED you back in the WH, sir.


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5d7e6c  No.17227660

File: 2e56a109d67bbd3⋯.jpg (89.55 KB, 1145x588, 1145:588, qgmjzxim5kk.jpg)



>strange constellation has emerged

Can anyone verify?

You are correct. The drop says 'Undiscovered stars learned.' In the context of the PJ Media article however, 'constellation' is used to mean a pattern of data, not a pattern of stars.

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574cc4  No.17227689

File: c2c35716b26b50c⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 1038x685, 1038:685, 82fle5.jpg)



Suicide weekend?

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dcc8aa  No.17227693

File: 6ed48e3f3168980⋯.jpg (81.87 KB, 1138x529, 1138:529, kb7eq78.jpg)





Color change or kys

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683728  No.17227715

File: e22c71ac22f18e7⋯.jpg (96.38 KB, 1100x675, 44:27, eeakuvd12.jpg)



Notable to add

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7d666e  No.17227736

File: bead27ad36602af⋯.jpg (78.12 KB, 965x590, 193:118, mhwlaop1.jpg)


commie thauce seeks salty juw battered pedo exile corndog for biblical tribadisms

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bbc62a  No.17227796

File: 465232141197a5b⋯.jpg (78.79 KB, 1117x517, 1117:517, 731y1txh06t1e.jpg)



Everyone who goes to a pride parade should be detained.

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7d81fa  No.17227824

File: 7698582f4b3e370⋯.jpg (90.97 KB, 1202x576, 601:288, 8otecpid8wskg.jpg)




Give me an S

Give me an S

Give me an R

Give me an I




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4e55f5  No.17227885

File: a927a9f0ef89a3f⋯.jpg (102.19 KB, 1183x677, 1183:677, zjr4r9ds5gl3.jpg)


Oh so it sounds like Desantis is not in a Potus plan the next 4 years.

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02ed10  No.17227889

File: 03dc866366b2e35⋯.jpg (95.5 KB, 1172x625, 1172:625, wy7rg4u11g2py.jpg)



Face reminds of The Lady Of PAIN, from D&D: Manual of the Outerplanes.

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323a85  No.17228002

File: c23a7d9359cbf4c⋯.jpg (100.62 KB, 1059x742, 1059:742, wse1w8uvyo6e15.jpg)




I've said that.

But I change my mind.

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c9690a  No.17228004

File: fbfbe5c4cfcb37f⋯.jpg (86.59 KB, 1096x622, 548:311, ebw3rsjtx58p.jpg)

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89e17a  No.17228040

File: b957b3e035ba5dd⋯.jpg (74.84 KB, 1007x540, 1007:540, 4jir19.jpg)



Kek. Imagine being this desperate for ANY kind of Delta. Not how Delta verification works, faggot. And Deltas are between Q & POTUS.

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98e918  No.17228054

File: a9070df53623398⋯.jpg (102.25 KB, 1104x726, 184:121, xdx0s7e2.jpg)



>over the legitimacy of the new drops

In reality, Q has done nothing.

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9a7efb  No.17228059

File: eb1c2e1897d4fb4⋯.jpg (82.91 KB, 990x619, 990:619, bxo4kk.jpg)


She's pretty.

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9cee1f  No.17228092

File: 000b8f22a12c790⋯.jpg (76.86 KB, 1086x513, 362:171, 6d6zmiy0.jpg)

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722a0f  No.17228097

File: 1a7354496773c3f⋯.jpg (82.49 KB, 1069x566, 1069:566, kirlea7xz2v.jpg)



Great….it's this shill again….

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e9c07c  No.17228182

File: f9c18ebaef6a010⋯.jpg (81.25 KB, 1030x578, 515:289, 53idb3u570es.jpg)


Why is Julian assange a big deal to DS? Because he knows it was SR who turned over the DNC emails to wikileaks and SR was "[made] and example of…"

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5f8d70  No.17228224

File: 32daacd5ca5ada5⋯.jpg (86.38 KB, 1082x599, 1082:599, o3vr0ke5.jpg)



He announced his retirement months ago.

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e8371c  No.17228242

File: 599b41e144cfde4⋯.jpg (95.81 KB, 1156x640, 289:160, l3scxu1.jpg)


blood heat gives an example of a war-time bio-weapons program that was given a second life in the private sector after the war and subsequently administered by the civil powers in the story-line, analagous to china virus and cdc.

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bfe094  No.17228245

File: 87168d2bae1d208⋯.jpg (100.53 KB, 1155x673, 1155:673, y8w2bqwnh.jpg)



actually enjoyed that, to my surprise. ty.

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54a698  No.17228317

File: c506f4e3dc2cf87⋯.jpg (83.37 KB, 1197x521, 1197:521, 3od7x0e.jpg)



moustache rider cinema

auf dem glocke

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af36bf  No.17228353

File: 7f06d8281f6a421⋯.jpg (90.74 KB, 1088x639, 1088:639, zhb0sm7sha.jpg)



Whats a picot?>>17227715

I know, kek

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902195  No.17228368

File: 32b06d8ebe1a765⋯.jpg (104.43 KB, 1113x738, 371:246, 0sgh5ol8y47ux.jpg)



It doesn't matter we live in a alternate universe by design. For the elite. it's all about make believe.

For us it's irrelevant.

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19ab8c  No.17228378

File: 73ae65157ae2f44⋯.jpg (95.67 KB, 1016x726, 508:363, wkq8uagb5e1gl7.jpg)



who gives s fuck

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44db5b  No.17228379

File: 3094dc1c750f725⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 973x735, 139:105, ieg5zznku3.jpg)




oh shit, this is so much better than what i have. does it have the nope button and post counter on the right? and assuming it works with other themes right?

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813e15  No.17228434

File: 0a7b652bf1b98c0⋯.jpg (103.73 KB, 1157x700, 1157:700, eb5roi7oj3v.jpg)




That would be the obvious, surface level assumption

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03da2c  No.17228507

File: bdf470d102dc512⋯.jpg (95.56 KB, 1036x712, 259:178, o0ep6h39ovuz3n.jpg)



And homicidal sex traffickers of adult women.

Y'all keep forgetting this obvious fact. I guess you never investigate it either. smh

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975ae3  No.17228629

File: f1170a1e5400e16⋯.jpg (94.98 KB, 1159x626, 1159:626, ghah0v8xs1z6t.jpg)


anyone following?

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03f671  No.17228646

File: 5f5ac90734e5e1b⋯.jpg (94.4 KB, 1139x630, 1139:630, sovl8krehox9.jpg)



QClock June 29, 2022

Teams On Standby

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27d59e  No.17228655

File: e25e68b95427433⋯.jpg (100.87 KB, 1145x683, 1145:683, ls00ur.jpg)



The Queen plans on having some discomfort…

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642a5e  No.17228656

File: 2608aa1d2f0c313⋯.jpg (96.65 KB, 1151x653, 1151:653, xe9dwm97zr32w.jpg)



Sir! Yes, Sir!

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1dab72  No.17228674

File: 257e36857d99d0e⋯.jpg (97.37 KB, 1032x723, 344:241, wv3qelzbeqihm.jpg)



>half irish and half german yet full blooded american

This is how Shootouts habben where nearly everybody dies…

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459675  No.17228697

File: 694177aed23ad43⋯.jpg (99.84 KB, 1116x695, 1116:695, iuzv7r3474ee.jpg)



Is there a plan to send all of the illegal immigrants back to their country of origin?

If not, our country is fucked.

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fa8a23  No.17228717

File: daab0580f5f4438⋯.jpg (95.12 KB, 986x740, 493:370, ckp788nf.jpg)



so transparent

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5d62f6  No.17228728

File: 8b5ef3294d45c75⋯.jpg (107.36 KB, 1165x735, 233:147, 1ltlzh6ven.jpg)



>winner takes all.

Yep. That's how you win their game.

Hmmm. Maybe that is why they are gouging us for food and oil. Maybe it's why they are selling assets.

Is it getting time to cash out and see who has the most money?

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9f219a  No.17228740

File: 3fce2a355c701fc⋯.jpg (95.6 KB, 1086x677, 1086:677, 4c39vd0.jpg)


I am the cracker formally known as 4chan.

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a7a104  No.17228803

File: 4cd1390dea256ca⋯.jpg (80.53 KB, 962x613, 962:613, qnx6njivd.jpg)



you really are much dumber than you look

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9d0f7d  No.17228820

File: a8943eace0da895⋯.jpg (103.2 KB, 1107x733, 1107:733, 3nzzgdo0.jpg)



Why you so triggered, shill? How many Shekels does Israel pay you per shit-post?

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5f3547  No.17228914

File: ecf93084e11528c⋯.jpg (96.98 KB, 1173x641, 1173:641, sb6hebh.jpg)






every pick, every position- comped

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e6290d  No.17228943

File: e813d65fc3c376e⋯.jpg (106.88 KB, 1162x725, 1162:725, hovxi9krcrjt.jpg)

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c66850  No.17228964

File: fe447205d591eb1⋯.jpg (82.31 KB, 1058x571, 1058:571, f5c4w27h5z9mw8.jpg)



got kinda tired of that one I guess

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f30ad0  No.17228976

File: 83a73d6a84622f6⋯.jpg (90.54 KB, 1052x649, 1052:649, 510w5le4.jpg)



Conspiracy Bot said don't leave more money in the bank than you can afford to lose.

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4a6230  No.17229016

File: 57882046e1fbf80⋯.jpg (104.38 KB, 1110x737, 1110:737, fwxg0o0wwx.jpg)



>its a secret service tactic


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00ac86  No.17229038

File: 0e0734216792b52⋯.jpg (86.91 KB, 1006x646, 503:323, gn1hgjqx.jpg)

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8fbd8e  No.17229057

File: 45a6c9a00b6cfe4⋯.jpg (86.93 KB, 87zluplm.jpg)




>^looks like micheal moore

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81edea  No.17229068

File: 880b40c91012ef3⋯.jpg (84.77 KB, 1029x616, 147:88, fwfix4u.jpg)



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8e93bc  No.17229092

File: 8a7eb2b5d829f69⋯.jpg (104.48 KB, 1146x719, 1146:719, qhh63kqtka02.jpg)



guess I have to read the second page.


cliff hanger.

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39c7be  No.17229147

File: 0dcf48bde2695ea⋯.jpg (101.3 KB, 1155x687, 385:229, wivi88n.jpg)



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853206  No.17229155

File: bed60c9ac2d442a⋯.jpg (102.25 KB, 1101x735, 367:245, zf90sx.jpg)



Every night

It stopped recently

Spooky spooky

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964bd6  No.17229192

File: c78476301af2dfe⋯.jpg (107.93 KB, 1206x711, 134:79, jq5740fi1u6.jpg)


Election stealing Democrats are America's biggest morons.

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b9047a  No.17229226

File: aa4bc49b22730cb⋯.jpg (100.06 KB, xtijymyuovs.jpg)



ok yesterday

more covfefe

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51da76  No.17229291

File: 09a93cc642afb5f⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 1063x542, 1063:542, fga73bdz.jpg)



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594176  No.17229340

File: cf180d4cceb06c1⋯.jpg (81.42 KB, 1021x592, 1021:592, gqioeb4cmvm.jpg)



Note the red shoes!!

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1ec585  No.17229423

File: 5b0eba41028c37f⋯.jpg (92.1 KB, 1114x627, 1114:627, 8nwer0j28u.jpg)



Not Q. I pasted a (presumably) well known Q quote from Drop 775. Just so you know, if Q should post the Name field will display 'Q's flashing tripcode (e.g. Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6). There's no need to wonder or speculate. No harm in asking. Take care.

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fbf057  No.17229452

File: 84a007b9103e058⋯.jpg (77.46 KB, 1128x510, 188:85, 7m46sq.jpg)




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39b1c1  No.17229483

File: 21c7fb63d620088⋯.jpg (90.91 KB, 1086x637, 1086:637, u4bp0zam.jpg)





Faggot not only self nomming but giving anon hell for trying to correct the dumbass.

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28daf6  No.17229578

File: 3f2905e401f6929⋯.jpg (82.04 KB, 997x612, 997:612, o15pak98kmqw3m.jpg)



And colostomy bags

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a0fc14  No.17229586

File: 45930a10a25d3e4⋯.jpg (89.89 KB, 966x712, 483:356, 736h458xj7l.jpg)

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af1201  No.17229594

File: d9ebe0d992e5d1e⋯.jpg (95.35 KB, 1112x662, 556:331, hyxfp8db.jpg)







FIX YOUR FUCKING WEBSITE, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q

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23a7e7  No.17229601

File: f8a4b3c17b7fe6e⋯.jpg (91.07 KB, 1127x613, 1127:613, w417x3qk13.jpg)

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74d287  No.17229611

File: ec8cf512a08198c⋯.jpg (83.42 KB, 960x655, 192:131, xmr61yuv3zi.jpg)



NATO has been using Poland and Ukraine to pester Russia since, like, what, 1991?

I'm not a fan of Russia by any means and I also think NATO is sh*t.

I don't agree that that it's a thinly veiled attempt to bail out Western economies, however.

Why do you think that it is?

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ee0bb3  No.17229624

File: e16641ebd445137⋯.jpg (83.08 KB, 1197x520, 1197:520, ty48ws8b2ha8.jpg)



some have begun to weigh the


of their actions?

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4100e2  No.17229632

File: 16951086d90bad5⋯.jpg (73.66 KB, 965x552, 965:552, owzyzojok76.jpg)





>silver comms?

More in that vein?


>your local coin shop has better prices than most

Yeah, pretty good recent discovery. Sound advice.

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cbc3b4  No.17229650

File: 6e9bfaf5429f9a7⋯.jpg (104.27 KB, 1195x687, 1195:687, fcq0c4u.jpg)


Reeepost pedovore alert

NPR is a known evil nest of subversive satanic pedos.

One of their pedo producersPAULA POUNDSTONEwas arrested on a public street in Santa Monica, drunk, in daylight, having oral sex with her minor foster child in the back of her car.



This pedovore cultist "P.P" not only got away with a slap on the wrist, community-service-sentence, she retained custody of her minor foster children and she was subsequently whitewashed by and hired as a performer and producer by the fulminant pedovores running NPR.

The female cop who arrested her? She was forced off the department.

>The 41-year-old standup comic was sentenced to five-years probation for child abuse and infliction of injury upon a child. She was also ordered to serve six months in an alcohol and rehabilitation facility





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f760d7  No.17229696

File: cf0b7839af9c68a⋯.jpg (77.82 KB, 1122x512, 561:256, wond3ozb9h29.jpg)



Not good enough. Anon wants actual nose art on the drone.

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b72720  No.17229698

File: 416c335fd012adb⋯.jpg (80.49 KB, 978x601, 978:601, o4osr8.jpg)



She wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the tattoos.

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3e00aa  No.17229771

File: f9f59b90b90edab⋯.jpg (96.03 KB, 1037x714, 61:42, f0de8c0xjp.jpg)



That might be a source of his/it/they/their/whatever's frustration. I get pissed sometimes doing it once every 24 hours.

I've developed a pretty decent filter system for it but a lot still gets through.

(((inbred))) faggot seems to be taking a break.

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43c85b  No.17229807

File: 9d3511b2c469bcc⋯.jpg (109.88 KB, 1204x734, 602:367, qsrby9wxmoy6v.jpg)





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f0b30c  No.17229812

File: e4e36fd71caa8b9⋯.jpg (90.92 KB, 1056x666, 176:111, pn3q9lc5wkdr1.jpg)


Bill & Dopey's Big Adventure…

Big ego, big palazzo: Critics bash bachelor Bill Gates’ Roman real estate conquest

June 30, 2022

"Bill Gates is saying buongiorno, Roma!

The billionaire — who is the brand-new owner of more than 2,000 acres of prime farmland in northeastern North Dakota — is adding something more luxe to his burgeoning real estate portfolio: the Palazzo Marini in Rome. Reports say Gates plans to convert the 17th-century structure, located near the fabled Spanish Steps, into a six-star hotel.

The building is very close to the Trevi Fountain, Piazza di Spagna and Via Condotti, and not far from the Piazza Navona and Via Veneto.

Gates, 66, the former CEO of Microsoft and its largest shareholder, and his frequent investment partner, Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, 67, are paying about $170 million for the property, Corriere della Sera reported.

The palazzo is reportedly a “real fixer upper” that’s been used as a pop-up Ikea shop selling kitchenware and as a canteen for legislators in the country’s lower house of Parliament in recent years.

Gates and the prince likely will shell out big bucks to turn the building, which spans four city blocks in the heart of Rome, into a luxury hotel that reportedly will include about 100 rooms and possibly space for a conference center, gym and spa.

It’s planned as a “six star” hotel, even though such a ranking doesn’t officially exist. According to at least one travel writer, other extremely high-end hotels worthy of six stars include the Burj Al Arab in Dubai, the Baur au Lac in Zurich, Le Bristol in Paris, the Mandarin Oriental in Thailand and the Taj Falaknuma Palace in south India.

A spokesperson for Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts disputed the characterization of Palazzo Marini being purchased by Gates and the prince. He said it was more accurate to say the Rome property was bought by Fort Partners, a Puerto Rican company, and will be managed by the Four Seasons.

Gates and Prince Alwaweed were stymied in their efforts to buy the venerable Danieli Hotel on Venice’s Grand Canal earlier this year because Venetians didn’t want foreign investors taking control of the property."

Sauce/moar: https://nypost.com/2022/06/30/critics-bash-bill-gates-real-estate-conquests-in-rome-nd/

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d7e528  No.17229818

File: 2c6124b9cf28166⋯.jpg (102.71 KB, 1194x673, 1194:673, 1i82rva83.jpg)


Before Q, before Trump was elected, around mid-2016 I, and many intuitive people around me, had a general feeling that we were in for tough and dark times in the then near future. Trump gave us a glimpse of the light, to give us hope, but we were always meant to go through great darkness before we could know true light. It was always supposed to get a lot worse, the worst it's ever been, before it gets better. We are unfortunately living through those times now and everyone feels it on a personal and collective level. But we will get through them, and when we do, we have a beautiful brave new world waiting for us. We have to hunker down and remember that these are the times that try men's souls. Hard times create strong men. This generation is going to be the strongest and best equipped to ensure the future of our civilization.

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95c5cf  No.17229871

File: 8aacdc886667359⋯.jpg (91.32 KB, 1016x685, 1016:685, t1en1xy00911.jpg)



What I said was quite clear, yet you claim I said nothing at all.

We're born again, literally. We're growing and learning, hence why people die. They're learning. You wanted to know what I meant by why people die, and why the bible says people are to be put to death, but that doesn't mean we're supposed to kill them.

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30bea9  No.17229879

File: bc6aa13976c239c⋯.jpg (75.12 KB, 1062x516, 177:86, cubf50t2hhwxg8.jpg)



dub dubs confirms

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978344  No.17229881

File: f898d5d624d5614⋯.jpg (96.83 KB, 1104x674, 552:337, 9ptr8lg.jpg)

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2ec765  No.17229899

File: 7577f1387678635⋯.jpg (74.44 KB, 1032x523, 1032:523, v4h6fvwrbswskl.jpg)



so, should we share with them our News or just give them the propaganda…maybe we should introduce them to OSS…that would be fun…

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9ee2ca  No.17229905

File: 4df19d5069ae2e3⋯.jpg (75.66 KB, 1083x512, 1083:512, 6fu5yd6u20zh0.jpg)



An 11.3 with a 2 year delta.

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5a3713  No.17229929

File: cbc5f676110d35f⋯.jpg (82.98 KB, 1153x535, 1153:535, fkp4inp9yz.jpg)



>"MyQ is an Internet portal available to all faculty, staff and students on the Quinnipiac campus.

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01fbbe  No.17229942

File: 582a203b88b0093⋯.jpg (88.33 KB, 992x665, 992:665, 5ia2u5o.jpg)



WHO can we trust?

Think for (you)Rself

TRust (you)Rself

Research uu Rself.


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e656d1  No.17230089

File: 0a84dccbf482369⋯.jpg (78.29 KB, 1151x504, 1151:504, dw005vmy.jpg)

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6588e0  No.17230120

File: 69b32a06006db6f⋯.jpg (78.06 KB, 1109x514, 1109:514, g1a0dvvkir9eun.jpg)



>12:23 Timestamp

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72d0c6  No.17230133

File: 4914f292ce94e53⋯.jpg (75.29 KB, 961x562, 961:562, 13xs2yq.jpg)

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dceb81  No.17230144

File: 6e93cd974fcb088⋯.jpg (102.3 KB, 1150x698, 575:349, 5k3hpx2l.jpg)



Are you making a reference to the spiral of animist proto-religions? The "Q-Clock" is a spiral as well, it doesn't mean what you've been taught it means.

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6a0c4b  No.17230157

File: 332c38a1610fba7⋯.jpg (87.21 KB, 1151x574, 1151:574, sd33po04oyc.jpg)



they should know fear after what they have been pushing. At some point a parent is going to walk up to one of those faggot freaks and kill them it is only a matter of time before fags are curb stomped. Not saying i endorse but i understand when it happens and if i was on the jury for that person i would let them off.

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29f4e2  No.17230247

File: 35068e93add8a2d⋯.jpg (90.23 KB, 1199x570, 1199:570, s8qainj.jpg)



>About time Q verified

the Q Tripcode just flew over my house

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f57976  No.17230303

File: 3e8857dabede0f0⋯.jpg (77.9 KB, 1108x516, 277:129, mldr5iwymbs.jpg)




ALERT: In the dark and early morning hours of May 21, security cameras inside a perimeter fence at the Amarillo Zoo captured a strange image outside the zoo. City of Amarillo in seeking public assistance to solve a mystery of this Unidentified Amarillo Object

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b57494  No.17230316

File: 550a1de16b453d4⋯.jpg (105.24 KB, 1177x701, 1177:701, jp6r3i6z0c.jpg)

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aa92f7  No.17230332

File: c3c5d4b43f6418b⋯.jpg (86.02 KB, 1150x561, 1150:561, iczi5h.jpg)

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480694  No.17230345

File: fb124d520c04629⋯.jpg (90.14 KB, 5w0xg3.jpg)



Its the soy. You can hear it in his/her voice.

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9ac5a4  No.17230394

File: 6134c5774647502⋯.jpg (99.5 KB, zwdd35q6q6j.jpg)

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0f28ab  No.17230404

File: f4b84bd8c4c31d9⋯.jpg (75.65 KB, 1098x499, 1098:499, a2cehj4k0fig.jpg)

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165455  No.17230476

File: e49e32c478fff67⋯.jpg (78.06 KB, 1026x556, 513:278, bdxejsku2.jpg)



Amazing how armchair generals always know what somebody should do

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912a05  No.17230570

File: 0ab3efe5b363cdd⋯.jpg (87.5 KB, 7t2qiduf9.jpg)



i don't think they'd take me

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f957b9  No.17230596

File: 2246bfd8e853167⋯.jpg (85.25 KB, 1111x570, 1111:570, zp54xb5.jpg)



>admitting the jews have enough collective power to shut down website for exposing them

you never think that far ahead and it's pretty hilarious

/pol/ has named the yid for many a year long before even Q came around and yet you all have failed to shut it down

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f14d2f  No.17230598

File: 4f57e93a1d9e609⋯.jpg (93.89 KB, mu08s2gwuc2y.jpg)

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fc31aa  No.17230648

File: 0ecf001fc6cb715⋯.jpg (79.68 KB, 1022x576, 511:288, 8krwtx.jpg)

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9655d7  No.17230659

File: dbff42f49382d0e⋯.jpg (103.97 KB, 1194x681, 398:227, 7bzjykp357l6rx.jpg)



love how Donald stands off the side and gently smiles as his former trash talkers proclaim he is the best president of our lifetimes

cocaine mitch, liz cheney, adam kinzinger must be shittin' bricks

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9992cd  No.17230699

File: 2545f545993a389⋯.jpg (73.34 KB, 985x534, 985:534, 5x02nqk7uo7p.jpg)



no problem

always patrollin'


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214564  No.17230700

File: 364c20e3cdd47c5⋯.jpg (77.58 KB, 1067x531, 1067:531, 991jr7ot.jpg)


Truth is open territory

You don't an app

Create. An post

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c39967  No.17230711

File: 11add096510e418⋯.jpg (93.02 KB, 973x735, 139:105, kp0rh7f93t.jpg)





below all past breads

, this faggot spams the shit out the board with the same newsfeed every fucking day.

bakers are not here as newboys for online or tabloid, adds something new abdul or fuck off!!


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f57976  No.17230751

File: 38dcf8ee98ecf76⋯.jpg (78.34 KB, 1116x513, 124:57, xhe1ulnrt.jpg)



>Seems like another Boom.

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87f5ae  No.17230813

File: 324d6df552366a2⋯.jpg (90.42 KB, 1059x646, 1059:646, okkuum9q2o.jpg)



What is Clinton selling now? When she was SoS she sold access and influence.

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478661  No.17230820

File: 4aba5594b8a06da⋯.jpg (84.54 KB, 1144x554, 572:277, ulo4z4b01b4jfh.jpg)




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7cebc9  No.17230859

File: 19b9db2a35b575b⋯.jpg (76.56 KB, 977x563, 977:563, crq6v7w1fe1kg.jpg)



>Can you please not to kiss Johnny Depp's ass tomorrow?

I put that in my notes for morning.

Nite fren!

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80a88a  No.17230864

File: 4ef5312975209bc⋯.jpg (85.24 KB, 1067x593, 1067:593, v5q45gd.jpg)




bring back guns carry to the uk


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29f4fe  No.17230879

File: 5cb45465e9dfb4e⋯.jpg (94.27 KB, 980x745, 196:149, 8arl6tc.jpg)



they are getting desperate

colbert knows his sex crimes against children soon to be exposed

as aside, joe scarborough has been mouthing off about j6, clearly his murder of his pregnant intern, then deal he made to have mika take him under her wing as his handler, is close to being exposed, as well

interesting times…

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227897  No.17230917

File: 2fa980c299801d7⋯.jpg (100.32 KB, 1074x722, 537:361, ww2fi0q2g.jpg)



His daddy is FBI

The Ghost of Donutsk


Replying to


Does your dad know you're dropping spoilers for his next op?

12:11 PM · Jun 1, 2022·Twitter for Android


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a7bbac  No.17230932

File: f26d5d304f2af43⋯.jpg (110.98 KB, 1206x738, 67:41, eh0evxhkk6xf.jpg)

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323b62  No.17230955

File: ecef1a5db8a12c7⋯.jpg (88.2 KB, 1176x562, 588:281, 21023qgdb.jpg)




Baker got dough mixed up, stand by for another update

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def654  No.17230999

File: bd27a663b4644e1⋯.jpg (90.32 KB, 1063x648, 1063:648, amr3zhs.jpg)

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065496  No.17231083

File: 47d5ba192af5645⋯.jpg (93.29 KB, 1097x667, 1097:667, k0ldb2i9.jpg)



Uhm. I think the riots are going to happen once the January 6th panel fucks off and everybody forgotten about it.

It'd be pretty idiotic of these people to riot over Roe VS Wade while Congress talks about the "INSURRECTION".

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cab1e5  No.17231176

File: 877451acbd437b0⋯.jpg (80.8 KB, 1185x504, 395:168, u406vv.jpg)



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ad5118  No.17231193

File: b3b6ad87d000d33⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 964x650, 482:325, sa8he6uzhh3ep.jpg)



Who cares !! That good man that was Bill Hicks died the day Alex Jones became a paid entertainment journalist. Clones will copy.

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a97e4e  No.17231205

File: 8d90324042863d5⋯.jpg (83.38 KB, 1168x532, 292:133, lw8xcet.jpg)



Jeffrey Peterson - jeff.pro, [17.06.22 16:01]


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c554e6  No.17231244

File: ab29ac41ca86ea5⋯.jpg (84.23 KB, 1078x577, 1078:577, 2lnzx9i61j.jpg)



>Why isn't the new Q post in this dough?

which one?


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3c8225  No.17231268

File: aecf0f105ac14d3⋯.jpg (87.36 KB, 1001x663, 77:51, l5hbddpi5q.jpg)

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24c208  No.17231292

File: 82648faaba4707a⋯.jpg (87.07 KB, 1189x550, 1189:550, o84jj3oviry6r0.jpg)


Cuz That's what we need moar of…Farming


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3f549d  No.17231322

File: 71bbc6cc0982917⋯.jpg (81.29 KB, 1155x522, 385:174, unu11pay.jpg)



The FBI sound a bit out of touch with connections. Why is tgis related to K9 heroes. Pandering much? When did this agency go full woke

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2d4f94  No.17231329

File: debb0f0e3f95720⋯.jpg (74.67 KB, 1077x507, 359:169, 19a3gm49jn5z7.jpg)



I order you to stop spamming our breads!

Your bullshit cannot, will not be tolerated’

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29973e  No.17231387

File: ba9e0f15070f3e9⋯.jpg (97.74 KB, 1156x663, 68:39, a9nyr36dg5e7y.jpg)


Bill D'Agostino


As you celebrate the 4th tomorrow, remember our President's inspiring words about this great nation.


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65e704  No.17231395

File: fbc88abd507bbd8⋯.jpg (82.57 KB, 1044x581, 1044:581, 446vpt.jpg)



What did she do that elephant?

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651d15  No.17231427

File: 41e05c51be0d922⋯.jpg (77.99 KB, 1031x549, 1031:549, prelv17jaxu.jpg)



Something you don't want copies made of.

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acfd89  No.17231506

File: 72a15aeee6e47c9⋯.jpg (77.6 KB, 1007x562, 1007:562, u1e4m3.jpg)



EXACTLY what a bot would say

I see you AI boi

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227b03  No.17231519

File: 636c7fd166aff96⋯.jpg (78 KB, 978x581, 978:581, vz492iqs.jpg)



These religious groups getting paid handsomely for anti American activities.

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6535f7  No.17231541

File: 0c89137a1169442⋯.jpg (82.32 KB, 1178x518, 589:259, wss6bu3l589m76.jpg)



Oops. Forgot the Patel.


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da1e7f  No.17231547

File: 302a1f312b43817⋯.jpg (101.79 KB, 1133x700, 1133:700, ur4ted.jpg)


"Crescit sub pondere virtus" || "Virtue thrives under oppression."


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ece495  No.17231548

File: a895f8445414016⋯.jpg (80.97 KB, 973x620, 973:620, 6obt9zltdaz.jpg)



Or people that said FU?

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023946  No.17231599

File: 6f428ae238f395b⋯.jpg (82.05 KB, 997x618, 997:618, vavjeou.jpg)



Paul became a citizen in Tarsus where he was born.

He was a citizen there by virtue of being born there,

as all born there were automatically citizens.

They spoke Greek.

Most of the Roman world in fact spoke Greek in those days.

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b313d5  No.17231625

File: b09863371e33494⋯.jpg (70.41 KB, 964x528, 241:132, urv79i8.jpg)



Awoo posters were the bulk of 2016-17 /PTG/

C'mon man.

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741adf  No.17231685

File: 3e2cf496b919129⋯.jpg (105.36 KB, dndym09sd9.jpg)




Ignore the writing at the bottom.

Not :23

Is :18

ClockFag has old eyes/brain.

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f27f98  No.17231706

File: e28a94db0ac3c9b⋯.jpg (87.25 KB, 953rmrzo.jpg)



look at that!

fake Q is leading us to a Qpost that mentions rogue operator comms. Fake Q wants us to know it's not real Q.

But why?

What does it all mean?

That kappy comment really has me thinking.

Maybe we should ask babyfist.

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c3e413  No.17231722

File: 466a7a0f2cdff5a⋯.jpg (85.7 KB, e8yu6rede.jpg)


The Biden administration will make abortion pills more widely available following Roe's 'despicable' demise, top health official saysBecerra vowed his office will work with federal law enforcement agencies to ensure that states cannot ban abortion pills, as some Republican-led states have tried to do — though it's unclear how the laws would be enforced given that pills are sent through the mail. 

Federal offices also will be sending information to healthcare providers about the medications, called misoprostol and mifepristone, Becerra said. But he stopped short of saying that every medical provider should offer the abortion pill when asked about the possibility by a reporter.

The plan is still taking shape

Part of the plan will make clear to healthcare providers who accept Medicaid funding which generally covers people with lower income levelsthat they can use federal funds to pay for birth controlfor patients. The coverage will pay for emergency contraception, such as Plan B, and long-term contraceptives known as intrauterine devices, or IUDs.  

The agency will help train doctors and pharmacists on birth control and on referring patients elsewhere in cases where they cannot provide reproductive healthcare. 

Becerra is also directing the Office for Civil Rights to ensure that patients and medical providers can keep health information private and not face discrimination when they seek abortions or birth control.

He wants his office to see how to use the Emergency Medical Treatment Act to enforce abortion rights. While Becerra didn't commit to specifics, one way could be for federal officials to investigate emergency departments that fail to provide abortions when a pregnancy would threaten a patient's health or life. 


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28d386  No.17231779

File: ba1f510460028b5⋯.jpg (87.24 KB, oietj2x.jpg)



Hundreds die as Somalia faces famine

A drought in the Horn of Africa has taken away four of Owliyo Hassan Salaad's children this year.

Now she cradles Ali Osman, her weak and squalling 3-year-old, whom she carried on a 90-kilometer walk from her hamlet to Somalia's capital, frantic not to lose him as well.

She can scarcely speak about the young bodies buried back home in the dirt too dry for planting as she sits on the floor of a malnutrition treatment clinic full of worried mothers.

The death toll is rapidly increasing amid the region's worst drought in four decades. According to previously unreported data supplied to the Associated Press, at least 448 people have died this year in malnutrition treatment centers in Somalia alone.

Authorities in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya are now focusing on the difficult challenge of preventing starvation.

'Silent death'

Many more individuals are dying without the knowledge of authorities, such as Salaad's four children, all of whom are under the age of ten. Some are killed in isolated pastoral settlements. Some people perish while undertaking rescue missions. Some die even after reaching displacement centers because they are hungry beyond help.

“Definitely thousands” have died, the UN humanitarian coordinator for Somalia, Adam Abdelmoula, told reporters on Tuesday, though the data to support that is yet to come.

Salaad had four more children with her husband. They were too weak to travel to Mogadishu, she explained.

Drought comes and goes in the Horn of Africa, but this time it's like no other. Humanitarian assistance has been sapped by global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and now the war in Ukraine. Prices for staples like wheat and cooking oil are rising quickly, in some places by more than 100%.

Part 1

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c9359f  No.17231803

File: c71e5bc512901a4⋯.jpg (80.19 KB, 1136x523, 1136:523, gvif294kxb.jpg)



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45c09b  No.17231831

File: 2e47a821419920e⋯.jpg (97.12 KB, 1108x678, 554:339, bothhz0vjl7ym.jpg)


Baker these should be listed in notables

From 2 breads ago…

2 body bags departing White House



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7a3b66  No.17231870

File: 34222dfa66b33b4⋯.jpg (93.33 KB, 25ec878sk.jpg)


Putin Won't Congratulate Biden On July 4th: "Hardly Appropriate"

In prior years before there was a war on in Eastern Europe, it was customary for the Russian president to send a congratulatory commemorative message to the US president marking the July 4th holiday.

As perhaps expected given the Ukraine invasion and Washington's unprecedented sanctions against the Russian state and economy, including on Vladimir Putin himself, the Russian leader won't congratulate Biden this year, according to a Monday Kremlin statement.

"This is because this year, the U.S.' unfriendly political discourse towards Russia has reached its culmination point," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, as cited in Interfax. He called it "hardly appropriate" at this time.

"Under this circumstance, sending such a congratulatory message is hardly appropriate," he explained.

Not only have US-Russia relations reached a historic low-point of late, but there's not even the basic level of diplomacy and communications one might expect as part of efforts to end the Ukraine war and achieve a ceasefire.

Instead, the Biden administration has approved wave after wave of billion dollar weapons packages, also while signaling Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to take a hardline 'no compromise' stance in refusing the possibility of any territorial concessions for the sake of ending the war.

The Moscow Times observes of where things stand between Moscow and Washington in the following:

In March, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the relationship between the Kremlin and the White House was "on the verge of a breakup." Ryabkov said that the only way to "save" it would be for the U.S. to halt the supply of weapons to Ukraine and, instead, "project positive influence on Kyiv."

But as for the type of warmer, relaxed relations which might have allowed for exchanges of congratulatory holiday messages, that hasn't happened since 2020.


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f8e820  No.17231873

File: 81cb8fa81017adb⋯.jpg (74.22 KB, iwdfjeg5v.jpg)

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8e30ea  No.17231931

File: 9bc6e2d08866651⋯.jpg (75.97 KB, qj81lqkr.jpg)



Tough to argue against.

Hope this is legit!!

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690511  No.17231976

File: 7ceca72464b6a49⋯.jpg (106.24 KB, 1169x719, 1169:719, 8mihipio222.jpg)


I gain new power.

Now I make money became wine.


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33e97a  No.17232050

File: c75838754cdd3a8⋯.jpg (93.2 KB, 981x727, 981:727, y4h4h8h2ah8iug.jpg)


>good times…

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79ef95  No.17232312

File: 93864b1719ff63d⋯.jpg (85.67 KB, 981x666, 109:74, o2goynauzzoq.jpg)


This new world is going to be awesome.

Work if you choose to.

All the money they stole from us and our ancestors to be redistributed.

More time for relaxing, nature.

All the technology they kept from us released.

Free energy

Med beds

Age reversal

Sign me up, fuck this cabal timeline of misery and control.

Take us to the new world Q

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b359a2  No.17232333

File: 7b15dd7d4c04928⋯.jpg (88.33 KB, 989x680, 989:680, 4lxcuib2o69k4x.jpg)

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c2bbff  No.17232348

File: 6560e21890ba4ef⋯.jpg (84.14 KB, 1044x596, 261:149, q06w2vqgcy.jpg)


Who is doing all the raping, killing, destabilizing, stealing, lying, drug running, human trafficking, caging, dismembering, poisoning, pilfering, and genocide?

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4616e6  No.17232354

File: cb9f1a7de745831⋯.jpg (79.77 KB, 1146x514, 573:257, 6vuh0g.jpg)


How many breads?

Just saw one at 265°

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555bca  No.17232432

File: 6b4580b14d5dfa6⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 1091x675, 1091:675, g79ckopqrtvw.jpg)



Michio Kaku is a deep state scumbag lying piece of shit who says anyone doesnt believe 9/11 is a tard

fuck him

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433851  No.17232439

File: b5691ef156fddd8⋯.jpg (81.83 KB, 961x628, 961:628, 047k7itfk8a5.jpg)


just an observation fr family and friends get togethers over the july 4th weekend…

there were about 20 of us, we got together on sat, sun and july 4th

our main bbq was sunday afternoon

so, we casually discussed a lot of things, while swimming in the pool, bbqing, watching fireworks, playing cards, etc.

one thing was almost everyone said they have never seen the country in such a bad condition, a couple of the older ones commented that things were not this bad even under carter

regarding roe v wade overturned, seemed unanimous that this was the right thing, comments were made how gruesome it was to kill and 8 or 9 month fetus, and also that there is so much contraceptive available to today that there should not be any need for abortion, with exception of saving the life of the mother

most expressed belief that the election was stolen and most commented that Trump did a good job as president (mind you, some of the attendees were democrat voters)

overall, the group loves America, many dressed in patriotic shirts (with stars and stripes)

everyone seemed to think the media is downright evil and the media slants almost all of the stories they report on

also, sympathy for the people being held in dc over j6, and then complaints about violent criminals being let out on bond in some of the big cities

in any case, it was not all politics, we had much fun together celebrating the 4th

what i took away fr it was many people are now awake or awakening, and people are not buying the big bag of bullshit blasted by the cabal/deep state controlled corporate media, and that Donald Trump seems well respected by the American people, while brandon is a pathetic laughingstock

i have hope for the future of our country

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f8e654  No.17232469

File: 66ecc35494e7e4d⋯.jpg (79.48 KB, 1004x584, 251:146, nv35goiqgkr.jpg)



Yea, helps djt's ego also.

Wonder why he picked barr-t, pompass, gina etc?

Keeping "enemies" close?

or "birds of feather"

Careful who you follow.

(they) may no be who we think (they) are.

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cf2f33  No.17232472

File: 37c55bf29a33fd2⋯.jpg (89.71 KB, 1124x604, 281:151, aryc7tj.jpg)



Iran expresses readiness to help BRICS reach goals

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, today, Saturday, expressed Iran's readiness to use its potential to help BRICS to reach its goals.

BRICS, a group of countries consisting of emerging economies - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - has been functioning on a working mechanism that runs against the tide of the economic and political isolation of Russia which is created by NATO.

At a virtual summit of the BRICS Business Forum, Raisi delivered a speech in which he spoke of Iran's willingness to use its unique energy reserves, wealth, manpower and transportation networks to help BRICS achieve its goals.

He started off by congratulating Xi Jinping, China's president, on holding the summit and inviting Iran to the dialogue, then went on to address a few points in the conference, which went under the title "Participating in Global Development in the New Era".

The current global difficulties and situation have made cooperation of increased importance: "Emerging crises such as the coronavirus pandemic, climate change, as well as regional and international conflicts have made interaction between countries doubly necessary. On the other hand, we see collective experiences and wills to overcome problems that, in the form of collective institutions and arrangements, facilitate the realization of collective development initiatives and the pursuit of global common interests."

"Conflicting global trends, unilateralism, nationalist preferences, and challenges such as sanctions and coercive economic action underscore the importance of creating and strengthening new institutions alongside the United Nations, so that while respecting the sovereignty and national interests of nations, important steps can be taken for the realization of a “Human Society with Common Future".

Raisi continued to praise BRICS by saying that it has played an effective role in developing South-South relations and advancing economic initiatives that connect continents, such as the One Belt-One Road Initiative.

He said, "The agenda of this meeting also shows the connection between development and security, peace, health, environment and innovation. Proposals such as the Global Security Initiative also provide a good platform for shaping organized cooperation."

Raisi's speech concluded with Tehran's promise to share resources to "take lasting steps in the process of its national development with the help of a culture of independence-seeking and right-seeking."


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6ff950  No.17232480

File: 9f97d0c7dc60b8b⋯.jpg (92.14 KB, 995x708, 995:708, 7j560w9.jpg)



Anon I’m not sure Saturday is a day to get attention for real research. Try after 8 at night

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03f180  No.17232489

File: cce96d8ce698392⋯.jpg (89.13 KB, 1005x661, 1005:661, wvi97mpm8b2td.jpg)


so chinese auto manufacturing is ready for the next phase of the plan.



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a3bec6  No.17232516

File: f19c82ebb9458b9⋯.jpg (97.96 KB, 1058x714, 529:357, 8hc93ttz.jpg)



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805eb3  No.17232539

File: 53a35402bb10b2c⋯.jpg (102.33 KB, 1174x679, 1174:679, 5k6hennqv4.jpg)



from last bread

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7a3b66  No.17232602

File: f6a3feddafaf398⋯.jpg (87.41 KB, 1058x618, 529:309, 59e1kca.jpg)


Post more whale videos guys.

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7d34eb  No.17232605

File: 1aadd38a55a7000⋯.jpg (89.89 KB, 1131x608, 1131:608, dkjpxb7ko2yxwi.jpg)


America has no treaty of alliance with Ukraine nor Russia.

Do normies not notice Fox provides one-sided propaganda platform for Ukraine partisans, even "Kyiv" govt officials to speak, all heroes, every word accepted as sacred fact….never a single person from Russian POV, not even a hostile interview they could easily do…

Fox anchors (Bret Baier)/correspondents (Jen Griffin) all parrot same 'Putin is Hitler' party line…

This is how media manufactured consent for Iraq War…

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dfaf1e  No.17232619

File: 5236489963d1571⋯.jpg (88.09 KB, 1164x575, 1164:575, pmu2ixe4v.jpg)


fayk juw bilbo sacirifced lightening generators

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06c6be  No.17232637

File: e5b3a374bf8da9d⋯.jpg (97.7 KB, 1027x745, 1027:745, hdu5394x8f5g4.jpg)



He looks like Chucky.

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a20c5a  No.17232643

File: 1060ca7a1133cd7⋯.jpg (91.09 KB, 1057x652, 1057:652, 2lf6fysh.jpg)


LOL believe me when I say I never saw this coming, but Kash Patel has fully transitioned into a book slinging paytriot.

We are almost exclusively getting ads for his book now that Durham swung and missed w Sussmann.

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334419  No.17232647

File: 082af6ee1ac727b⋯.jpg (81.35 KB, 1111x541, 1111:541, k7rejr3y.jpg)



Company like mine just gotta pay the tariffs. Paying over $2.00/lb.

Same shit as always just WAY more expensive.

There isn't enough domestic aluminum available for the quantities we go through in the form we use (Ingot).

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d3db0a  No.17232662

File: f6db1e5770ff9f4⋯.jpg (90.24 KB, 1173x580, 1173:580, w1sl9c7g4.jpg)



BLM is back to their evil spellcasting again with the repeated sayings, and the "say his name" chant

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2dfdba  No.17232666

File: ae8fd9c4c01cd5f⋯.jpg (91.94 KB, 1105x637, 85:49, 4ubi5e.jpg)




yeah, right. Not faggish enough.

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489a26  No.17232673

File: b029a760846e152⋯.jpg (84.99 KB, 1041x606, 347:202, lw1ulma.jpg)





It’ll be okay lil faggot (no it won’t)

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ad87f1  No.17232695

File: 8ef3b41831f4659⋯.jpg (78.48 KB, 1079x535, 1079:535, g3wm9791pyhgx5.jpg)




Will try after the rally.

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309a50  No.17232719

File: 642a711cc13b6ea⋯.jpg (99.71 KB, 1123x690, 1123:690, sp0xh613.jpg)


257 posts and already 149 UIDs

Q brings em out of the woodwork

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f14044  No.17232724

File: c2e738240b72e30⋯.jpg (86.36 KB, 1088x596, 272:149, r5bmuusp32m.jpg)



How many Vaxes did they take?

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af75af  No.17232755

File: 86d8818c1c6e95c⋯.jpg (82.38 KB, 981x621, 109:69, zlwazrmfxfkjl.jpg)




Alaparthi died at the scene, Monroe County Sheriff Sgt. Deborah Johnson said in a report; Alaparthi’s 9-year-old nephew was unconscious and “barely breathing.” Although initially delayed because of the severe weather, a helicopter eventually flew the 9-year-old to a hospital in Miami.

On Tuesday, the boy’s parents told Callion that they expect their son to make a full recovery, Keys Weekly reported.

Woman killed by jet-engine blast at popular Caribbean tourist attraction

The full sequence of events is still being investigated. According to state investigators, the captain of the parasailing boat, identified in an incident report as 49-year-old Daniel Couch, cut the line, causing the three parasailors to drop “from an unknown height.” A person in law enforcement told the Herald that Couch probably did so thinking he and his crew would then catch Alaparthi and the two children as they fell.

Mark McCulloh, who pioneered parasailing in the 1970s and serves as chairman of the Florida-based Parasail Safety Council, told the Herald that Couch should have used other tactics, like veering side to side in an effort to deflate the parasail. Cutting the line is considered a no-no.

“He never should have done that,” McCulloh said. “That’s the golden rule. Do not cut the line.”

Lighthouse Parasail didn’t respond to a request for comment from The Washington Post.

In his Facebook post, Callion described the incident as “life changing” and ended it by articulating the lessons he’d drawn from it, lessons he hopes others will also take to heart.

“Never take life for granted,” he said. “Things can change in a second.”

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8d1099  No.17232760

File: b08d4676205bdea⋯.jpg (99.53 KB, 1165x671, 1165:671, 7jpn92h5e2d.jpg)



Are you planning on spamming this crap for the next 3 years?

You sad fucking malcontent.

Move on.

Go make hivemind everything you think it should be.

Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door. Of course if it's shit you'll be there all by yourself. You could invite Q. If he posts there we will know you were right all along!

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18aac6  No.17232775

File: 49f4e080f37bd90⋯.jpg (88.79 KB, 1111x608, 1111:608, ffp94ce4be.jpg)



Holler if you have moar prollems

muh electric off and on for a bit due to storm

it habbens

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068d58  No.17232801

File: d966a45c0da795c⋯.jpg (75.33 KB, 1055x525, 211:105, zql6e7yklk.jpg)



these are the same ol same ol

one guy has a crush on Obama soeto and found out Barry comes here, so use the on-going gay love story to tease him

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c9359f  No.17232822

File: da1ae30b50e26e8⋯.jpg (106.63 KB, 1205x698, 1205:698, xzzdequ.jpg)



Time and time again, Q have been proven to be a LARP. Say sorry for believing (and spreading) their lies right now. This is the LAST fucking time I’m going to say it. You have until the end of this bread to apologize, otherwise you’re going on a government watch list for domestic extremists.

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f8ae1d  No.17232836

File: 2a2efeda947a331⋯.jpg (87.32 KB, 1072x620, 268:155, dze9t41wt.jpg)




Trip 9s

I love deltas.

And 9s

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79a1c9  No.17232838

File: e46b18514fc207c⋯.jpg (83.08 KB, 1103x559, 1103:559, y8t3x9vuzm426.jpg)



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b3e0de  No.17232864

File: 4f4bdb01dc0fb46⋯.jpg (84.42 KB, 985x640, 197:128, nyfvxygk1vnl.jpg)



pope woody allen still in the closet

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4ecc2c  No.17232867

File: f17e9497fcab5b8⋯.jpg (77.47 KB, 960x593, 960:593, 0bdjamwyr94br.jpg)


At least 60 incidents of Chinese pilots buzzing Canadian aircraft


The Canadian Armed Forces has reported that Chinese fighter jets are coming into dangerously close range of Canadian aircraft over the Asia-Pacific region.

According to Global News, the Chinese planes are buzzing Canadian pilots taking part in a United Nations mission to monitor North Korea.

Reports have emerged of Chinese jets flying as close as 20 feet from Canadian military aircraft. According to some accounts, the Chinese planes have come so close that pilots have made eye contact. Canadian pilots also report having seen Chinese operators raise their middle fingers in defiance.

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df22ff  No.17232874

File: 1f6b9550e59ac88⋯.jpg (78.11 KB, 1044x548, 261:137, zl4enjo8.jpg)

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4ba1f5  No.17232895

File: 315f313b4097c87⋯.jpg (79.47 KB, 1053x557, 1053:557, wfxszac.jpg)

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65b644  No.17232924

File: 4cec33210797a3e⋯.jpg (88.48 KB, 1200x556, 300:139, vy0p7nrzkia.jpg)


Updated dough: Podesta emails missing from wikileaks

This is a big deal, something fuckery is going on, hopefully anons would have archives of these emails saved somewhere else other then wikileaks.

Baker is ready to hand off. night shift activated !!!

New baker claim bread,

In God We Trust - God Speed Ahead - o7


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4d68b9  No.17232929

File: f9bf9347e438d84⋯.jpg (90.19 KB, 993x685, 993:685, ypvi6exjy.jpg)



>the first google image

Caught one!

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5546d1  No.17232972

File: 4c85e3b5346c149⋯.jpg (91.25 KB, 1009x678, 1009:678, pvw502z.jpg)

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84c516  No.17232981

File: 97a1b2cc9c205ae⋯.jpg (88.5 KB, 981x687, 327:229, u77mtyn4ly.jpg)

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1d59e1  No.17232991

File: a6d926d7c1f93ea⋯.jpg (79.07 KB, 1038x561, 346:187, jetr2dnamuw.jpg)



The Supreme Court should be overturning much more than that.

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d4994b  No.17233055

File: c96453a4866a238⋯.jpg (101.27 KB, 1148x691, 1148:691, 7rj5sfx3csst58.jpg)


Pop quiz hotshits.

>What’s 30x’s larger than Fort Fucking Knox?

>Why would the explicitly Constitutional entity, USPS, patent blockchain tech?

>What do you think happens when Legislative delegation is deemed unconstitutional tomorrow?

We’re crashing the petro-dollar, with no survivors.


Trump's second term is even more entertaining than his first.


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cc7836  No.17233057

File: 8197cc238944e03⋯.jpg (96.1 KB, 1200x617, 1200:617, i7d9ks9ptl7.jpg)


The kids think it's all fun and games till they get older and find out the clown wants to put his weeny in their butts.

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50a6c0  No.17233090

File: fcde941e7931354⋯.jpg (96.14 KB, 1195x617, 1195:617, h86c4nau.jpg)


Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

The calm before the storm.

THEY Shouldn't have touched the children.

Why was the Lord's prayer changed?

Why is this relevant?

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler?

Give me a bun, senpai.

Everything is connected.

We are in this together.


We only hate people who lie to us, and who try to kill us.








Who is W.H.O.



This is not about personal religious beliefs.

Read the book of Jude in the Bible.

God Our Eternal Heavenly Father told others to warn everyone

Jesus Christ came here to teach us the Truths of Life and Love




The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED











ACT OF 1871



Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.





















I tried to warn them…

They were warned.

I tried to tell them.

Lets keep Playing…

Nobody escapes this.

Down she goes.






















These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.

Alice in Wonderland


Wizard of Oz

Yellow Brick Road


Godfather III

Sum of All Fears

Project DeepMind

"AI Manhattan Project.






Chaney <>Cheney
















Reptile eggs














Military is the only way.





S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty! There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha. Follow the yellow brick road!



CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis Templar X










AUTH: 44-144-1774

ENTER [99154] EXEC.


General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥


I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….G[o]!!!!




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979b7b  No.17233115

File: 542742c2ff52c3d⋯.jpg (94.19 KB, 1179x610, 1179:610, 4281hga9f0mz0.jpg)



Can't read the title so if it's brilliant, I'm missing it.

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cfc92e  No.17233119

File: 9736881625176f9⋯.jpg (73.64 KB, 1069x504, 1069:504, smw2bq9q9d7.jpg)



> Turning Point Academy

So, basically PragerU got into the Private School business.

"Foreign Aid U", for those in the know.

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cea2bb  No.17233127

File: fdf02251a8f1266⋯.jpg (85.71 KB, 1090x585, 218:117, mm5ylffe.jpg)


Trump's endorsement of Kevin McCarthy is piss poor leadership right up there with his Mitch McConnell endorsement.

Only an idiot would endorse Frank Luntz's buttboy.

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b3e409  No.17233199

File: 8ad446464c6502b⋯.jpg (80.55 KB, 1083x545, 1083:545, bun3s7hfc8y.jpg)



Right. The Creator of the Universe can't write clearly because muh Badguys might figure out we're talking in code…but we're totally not a cult that enslaves people with brainwashing.

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05a3b5  No.17233204

File: 09d8087e98b1dae⋯.jpg (80.87 KB, 1194x499, 1194:499, 16hfnncxxnjl.jpg)



What you say is false. I provided scripture, you should read it.

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50de8d  No.17233213

File: 2572b5399a413de⋯.jpg (91.98 KB, 977x716, 977:716, ps84k36e6.jpg)



Not to mention mask mandates, which will probably start again in the Fall so they can do their excuse for mail-in ballots again for Mid-terms.

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d83f4c  No.17233337

File: 0ded780ccc80bfd⋯.jpg (75.54 KB, 985x556, 985:556, 1txp8g.jpg)



whoops….slight error. kek

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a253ea  No.17233353

File: 024517964cbe4c7⋯.jpg (113.67 KB, 1194x747, 398:249, z74f3dvxwcel.jpg)

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2d4f94  No.17233381

File: d80832fee366b1f⋯.jpg (84.63 KB, 1141x547, 1141:547, h7rriay.jpg)



boo hoo

my son and sister both have covid

one vaxx'd one not

I like prayer myself

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94b011  No.17233452

File: 59905d33297bb62⋯.jpg (97.59 KB, 1082x693, 1082:693, jb2a58hkart.jpg)

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85d97e  No.17233466

File: 3f473e18bde1efa⋯.jpg (83.25 KB, 1073x572, 1073:572, 17h0h1ndrw3392.jpg)



wrong number, corrected.

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d01af6  No.17233486

File: a6ff0e4f556a28f⋯.jpg (93.73 KB, 1162x620, 581:310, xexs5ag.jpg)



How much you wanna bet it really is Q?

Just some guy. Nah, must be an AI from the future.

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d56ca1  No.17233491

File: 244ad5397ee56ea⋯.jpg (92.33 KB, 1004x702, 502:351, dz0o1djl0047l.jpg)




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1b6d06  No.17233519

File: 6d9896da6281595⋯.jpg (89.81 KB, 1106x610, 553:305, b2vcsh9ydz9w3u.jpg)



Moar nonsense.

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fa381f  No.17233562

File: 5af6de48dbbdd52⋯.jpg (77.76 KB, 993x567, 331:189, d009kz1u14fytl.jpg)




>Was MegaAnon really Megyn Kelly?


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aa78d9  No.17233573

File: a7d38c1621e9d2e⋯.jpg (91.53 KB, 1101x640, 1101:640, 9t2eu8ylq.jpg)



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d1b733  No.17233575

File: 5ed00303c9519b0⋯.jpg (102.22 KB, 1095x731, 1095:731, v9jh2foxyn.jpg)



You're barkin' up the wrong tree if you're lookin' for someone to buy into that McAfee LARP.

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ea3482  No.17233583

File: 00bc13152da2576⋯.jpg (86.73 KB, 1155x562, 1155:562, l9hvksq.jpg)



Kek. Was at gnp recently.. they’re there and they’re majestic! (Glaciers)

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6b10fd  No.17233680

File: 5391ac477314e7c⋯.jpg (93.74 KB, 978x733, 978:733, 2p3mmcnsroy.jpg)



Your full of shit. You engaged me. that's bad sign

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af75af  No.17233683

File: efeb99c0a58f51a⋯.jpg (100.89 KB, 1136x699, 1136:699, y0iqoh3iv.jpg)


Has the Blue Beret UFO Crash Retrieval Team Arrived Yet?…

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1ebadd  No.17233706

File: 6d39f086add697a⋯.jpg (107.13 KB, 1191x711, 397:237, 47u2z6d9ib.jpg)


what will send 99% to the hospital?

A: The jab and how to undo it.

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d1050a  No.17233710

File: d36992f6575db39⋯.jpg (72.69 KB, 1041x506, 1041:506, tfcefa6xyco.jpg)



coincidentally, the Supreme Court enters their recess at the end of this month



the last time Q used the word "break" it had to do with election fraud and the precipice. i think you're on the right track.

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149e54  No.17233755

File: 74d457dc5c84e59⋯.jpg (96.7 KB, 1093x677, 1093:677, k1ww5sg.jpg)



as anon has said many times before

anon can't have fucking nothin'!

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3440fe  No.17233764

File: 44dd18d493f668a⋯.jpg (90.63 KB, 964x744, 241:186, 13qvf64kdkl.jpg)


Can't wait to move on from this bullshit world.

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d34e92  No.17233766

File: efe9af7f6322215⋯.jpg (94.02 KB, 1042x683, 1042:683, u3j7kywvn.jpg)


What would happen if we find out who OSS is?

Must be a big name, right?

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05ad47  No.17233782

File: 772cb750a575f0c⋯.jpg (91.6 KB, 1188x580, 297:145, y20d68w6ijdiny.jpg)



Toad! What are you doing with my distributor cap?

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61c626  No.17233809

File: eb0b19fb367ee0b⋯.jpg (72.5 KB, 1008x524, 252:131, jsneix1x6v0s.jpg)



>Scylla or Charibdis


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9d253c  No.17234130

File: 4fb67ded0ca006a⋯.jpg (88.21 KB, 1156x572, 289:143, rmgkqe72g7vz.jpg)



as usual, future will prove past.

or not.

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7ddf8d  No.17234150

File: 63433d15baaf693⋯.jpg (80.38 KB, 1097x544, 1097:544, msuigw.jpg)



OBL was put to death and cremated and his ashes were put out to sea, if you do not believe this story then go check the ocean for yourself.

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916aa8  No.17234191

File: 7ea76b20f85ba8b⋯.jpg (104.62 KB, 1115x742, 1115:742, edql45.jpg)

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d5bfb8  No.17234252

File: 20df928d2db461e⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 1045x517, 95:47, tzdytyryt85o.jpg)

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e860df  No.17234336

File: 4fa1ee8493a6849⋯.jpg (110.4 KB, 1197x735, 57:35, qz1y2ci1e6r1ba.jpg)



link or it didn't happen

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0eaf73  No.17234355

File: 5ac6211341c8087⋯.jpg (105.98 KB, 1145x736, 1145:736, q10lp9ijcbzhe.jpg)



HM is where Q posts now, that is where the real research is going on. You should check it out.

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b6812e  No.17234361

File: 28e0b463a51a1b9⋯.jpg (82.3 KB, 986x623, 986:623, dk91nq2u.jpg)

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bdb36e  No.17234368

File: c4522dbd3610dd7⋯.jpg (93.79 KB, 1068x673, 1068:673, e3zvoawrwi2.jpg)



I wonder if he's referring to the post on projectdcomms as the 4954?, not the posts here on Fri and Sat?

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a25221  No.17234378

File: 25b55d0e54449d6⋯.jpg (95.34 KB, 1039x712, 1039:712, mef5nfjphf2opl.jpg)


This is the Day the Lord has made, Rejoice and be Glad in it

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b86285  No.17234385

File: 41ad21501e79765⋯.jpg (92.65 KB, 992x716, 248:179, 0kefphawtufc.jpg)




Nice grab with some sauce.

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a00811  No.17234480

File: 297f631c8360847⋯.jpg (92.14 KB, 1006x696, 503:348, zi8w4t.jpg)


Is captcha fixed?

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8d14a0  No.17234497

File: abac6ad4448b8a0⋯.jpg (92.25 KB, 1081x650, 1081:650, p6vxuwpw.jpg)



not clicking that shit

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d62943  No.17234504

File: e7837c78237fc59⋯.jpg (90.62 KB, 1201x567, 1201:567, 3ev50w1.jpg)



Last I heard JoeM lives on a spinning Baal

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3f6cf8  No.17234532

File: cef9f6680db4631⋯.jpg (87.93 KB, 1132x580, 283:145, w3niqhtnj1qtc.jpg)



I would buy 4 bumper stickers and do just that, for IRL Keks

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a5d8e7  No.17234655

File: f158a0e422037b0⋯.jpg (75.3 KB, 960x573, 320:191, g1bb8p142pcd.jpg)




Hope you are not rabid. Prayers for you and your mother. Smurfness be abound, fren.

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a5d8e7  No.17234699

File: 81566b70173237f⋯.jpg (107.54 KB, 1105x747, 1105:747, mwhhatwl5.jpg)



>he would have been very clear

kek I hear ya but….

That would be so unlike Q to do that.

Many such cases in the drops of Q beating around the bush and leaving the door open for multiple meanings.

And, considering that, I'd say drop the use of QAnon is about as explicitly Q as it ever got.

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6a7e6c  No.17234729

File: 52394933012caea⋯.jpg (83.56 KB, 986x629, 58:37, uz1s8p4a.jpg)



The poor babies don’t usually survive very long as the skin is our main protective barrier and they are born with none, sad.

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66661c  No.17234801

File: e0d3d8f006234e4⋯.jpg (71.12 KB, 975x528, 325:176, 6pozfq.jpg)



JA is Private Ryan.

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07af11  No.17234845

File: 1c54fb4fc5e5019⋯.jpg (90.78 KB, 1092x627, 364:209, awq96i.jpg)



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c9c6ae  No.17234874

File: 87d48b5179849ec⋯.jpg (84.91 KB, 1160x550, 116:55, 702mlvx1h.jpg)



Correction he said take the oath after I posted the oath been awhile

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0b639b  No.17234893

File: fb4814ae3e24d65⋯.jpg (95.93 KB, 1054x701, 1054:701, ht6xm2i.jpg)



Q3716 was duplicated in Q3717.

We have two things mentioned

- the first indictment (unseal)

- the first arrest

Perhaps these are actually two separate things

In view of the direction the Unselect Committee hearings are going, as described in the article below, is it possible that President Trump will be the "first arrest" and this will lead to "the first indictment" which will then trigger the mass popular awakening referred to by Q?

How do you introduce evidence legally? asks Q

If Trump is indicted, he then has the opportunity to reveal IN COURT all the evidence of electoral fraud and show this to the whole world!! Trump is then exonerated and a shocked world would certainly be AWAKENED when the first indictment is unsealed

J6 Hit Piece Article

"After two weeks of public hearings by the Home Choose Committee into the January 6, 2021 revolt,it’s apparent that Donald Trump won’t be the Republican Celebration’s nominee for president in 2024. The proof given in two weeks reveals that:

Regardless of understanding that there was no credible proof of voter fraud (then-Legal professional Normal Invoice Barr instructed Trump that such allegations have been “bulls**t”) Trump knowingly promulgated the “stolen election” declare.

Trump pressured Vice President Pence to refuse to certify the election outcomes.

This strain was utilized on the idea of doubtful authorized recommendation offered by an obscure lawyer (who later sought a pardon from Trump) that had been contradicted by Trump’s personal White Home authorized advisers and the Division of Justice.

Trump pressured state electoral officers into falsifying the election outcomes.

Trump pressured Division of Justice officers into supporting his claims of electoral fraud. At one level, he instructed then-acting Legal professional Normal Richard Donoghue, “Simply say that the election was corrupt and depart the remaining to me and the Republican congressmen.”

Quite a lot of Republican congressmen who tried to forestall certification of the election end in Congress later cravenly sought pardons from Trump earlier than he left workplace.

When the DOJ officers refused to adjust to Trump’s calls for, he threatened to nominate a compliant low-ranking lawyer, Jeffrey Clark, as appearing lawyer basic. Solely the spectre of mass resignations by DOJ officers prevented this from occurring.

Trump pressured the chairperson of the Republican Nationwide Committee to nominate alternate electors who would falsely declare that Trump had carried quite a lot of key states.

What’s shocking about this litany of improper acts is that Trump did every one of them personally. They weren’t delegated to intermediaries – a mirrored image maybe of Trump’s personal paranoia, megalomania and innate mistrust of others."


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07af11  No.17234903

File: a804263358a7a62⋯.jpg (95.18 KB, 1165x628, 1165:628, of37uicdy4jgy.jpg)




baker got it


here's a correction, should be:


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a02885  No.17234921

File: 7f69520ee511f3c⋯.jpg (84.72 KB, 1100x571, 1100:571, 30uh13fszvs0.jpg)



Can you at least switch off the red text? It's quite annoying, no offense.

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6b8315  No.17234966

File: ece4b3b4483a97d⋯.jpg (101.98 KB, 1193x672, 1193:672, xfcrunit8plett.jpg)



Welcome back, missed you. Hope all is well with you and yours.

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66c6e6  No.17235054

File: 39de71228f4ef75⋯.jpg (102.27 KB, 1173x682, 1173:682, 78gwojo.jpg)



Watching this man talk during all those hearings while PDJT was publicly serving was infuriating. So many worthless sacks of shit in office for so long.

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50a955  No.17235211

File: 64933cf05179f05⋯.jpg (94.72 KB, 1147x630, 1147:630, r3wavfcr.jpg)


Q what were those sealed indictments all about, anything to them?

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980626  No.17235373

File: 839d7b69f968223⋯.jpg (88.17 KB, ulznxlg.jpg)



Ligars can't repo, afaik

and donkeys + horse => ?

but carry on, interested.

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f424a9  No.17235409

File: a82cbe60f1852a7⋯.jpg (109.82 KB, 7cji8s.jpg)


Live from the FARO Dinner in Geneva, Road Show, 2022-05-31


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79ff4b  No.17235438

File: 12dfb5742fa3020⋯.jpg (90.32 KB, sa5nrptwyavk.jpg)



>the left can't meme

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12e8c4  No.17235539

File: 379a62d3e2ce73a⋯.jpg (77.24 KB, s7udkc79y.jpg)

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e91487  No.17235562

File: c504658245a7e88⋯.jpg (92.44 KB, gtnz06niq65.jpg)


The C_A's accountant

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cfdc84  No.17235614

File: 43b9b61a2aba1af⋯.jpg (86.11 KB, 1023x621, 341:207, wxd5dmd0e6p8q.jpg)


Had another dream with regarding Trump, I only have 2 recurring dreams and one of them involves him. Dream involved staring at the beautiful Sun, magnificent blue sky and translucent clouds; literally pic related. All I hear is a voice (I think it was mine) that said Trump card and I felt really emotional and not physically crying but the way you feel when you do.

Literally Trump is his name.

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42974a  No.17235627

File: 46d67cafc8d0f38⋯.jpg (100.46 KB, 1092x718, 546:359, 17n5r5a171m.jpg)

GOP Rep. Mayra Flores accuses Speaker Nancy Pelosi of ‘pushing’ daughter during photo op

June 26, 2022

Video evidence


James Woods is the best.

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e62032  No.17235672

File: 1f993bd7f1c241f⋯.jpg (102.97 KB, r214rfiehstz.jpg)


>Sign should say

But in the new QAnon clown world order

the Sign says no long haired freaky white QAnon people need not apply,


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38b851  No.17235826

File: dd7531f8498a859⋯.jpg (88.26 KB, gpxk57ohvr38hq.jpg)


The fight always ends the same way.

You are just the right before.


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7914df  No.17235880

File: 9e8faff749b8714⋯.jpg (84.45 KB, yf65gdya.jpg)


They would've just used it against Trump; if it were true.

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08957a  No.17235919

File: 29a0b86fc621c6e⋯.jpg (81.87 KB, 4coysrq37dgej.jpg)

She killed the man who sexually abused and trafficked her. 27 years later, California pardoned her


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8fa24b  No.17235951

File: e6e29a3c313a5b0⋯.jpg (92.41 KB, 1119x632, 1119:632, rfb53uutfm3.jpg)

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b8b463  No.17235957

File: 364dadb7b6ee93f⋯.jpg (81.16 KB, 1186x509, 1186:509, mup2quc7qzc.jpg)


military is the only way…

Well… I learned patience!

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97e961  No.17236043

File: 622fce04f6ad99d⋯.jpg (89.61 KB, 1181x573, 1181:573, amevwz5.jpg)



it's where all the deplorables hang

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62900a  No.17236045

File: a553353bf631e9f⋯.jpg (104.77 KB, 1175x704, 1175:704, q82tz0beew6.jpg)


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549639  No.17236057

File: 9eb2bc9e67c0c25⋯.jpg (91.87 KB, 1195x587, 1195:587, bvkkgdkab72h.jpg)


Sounds like a standoff

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aba9ed  No.17236078

File: 3d043e5b7157060⋯.jpg (94.54 KB, 1024x716, 256:179, hnhfddazs1uqfl.jpg)


Who are 'the Epstein eight?'

Who are the Epstein eigh? In February, one of those men, Prince Andrew, settled a sexual abuse lawsuit with Virginia Giuffre, who says she was groomed and trafficked by Epstein and Maxwell. Eight other powerful men, also known as “the Epstein eight” were named by Giuffre in that sealed lawsuit against the prince. Criminal Defense Attorney Josh Schiffer and British Royals Commentator Hillary Fordwich weigh in on NewsNation's "Banfield."


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d232f8  No.17236123

File: 0c8fae86e4e9f41⋯.jpg (96.79 KB, 1093x685, 1093:685, e8h0xwqllbhqs.jpg)


Why do these faggot bakers love adding these as notables? It's in the same vein as those Buddha savior posts which are so blatantly anti-Christ and were meant to deceive and lead people astray.

Remember this, you gnostic demons, God wins.

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49e3f5  No.17236233

File: d37811701db8ad0⋯.jpg (87.1 KB, 1083x608, 57:32, ilgtt7j2.jpg)

EPA gutted ✔

Trickle down


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5cdc2d  No.17236341

File: 71f0c68c0dff2fe⋯.jpg (93.05 KB, 1145x623, 1145:623, fn1ooi.jpg)


>calm waters

Glug glug glug… she's going down…"calmly"…lol.

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caa867  No.17236367

File: c8a9b732f1e1e9b⋯.jpg (79.48 KB, 1017x569, 1017:569, 530nck.jpg)


When did you tell the new Q that tor works and don't you think if you HAD made a significantly weakening error such as using dev data in production which rotated all salts BUT the whitelisted one by old Q, why would the new Q choose the WEAKEST moment in your site's history to choose to return without doing the STRONGEST verification he has done previously? It just doesn't smell right, it smells like you got compromised by a bad actor who cannot verify. You either told someone and they took advantage, or you're saying Q was observing and chose that moment when things are going sideways. I don't think Real Q would do that, I think Fake Q would.

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5e7e54  No.17236445

File: 21f0c78ea7c635e⋯.jpg (85.5 KB, 1010x631, 1010:631, 5wmfvdyj0r.jpg)


This was retweeted by Dept of Energy right around the same time the story was released about a woman & her two dogs were struck by lightning in CA today

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b4d041  No.17236470

File: 354172ee9c6bf93⋯.jpg (91.78 KB, 961x721, 961:721, obykqj9cdk7vzw.jpg)


Yes, he's saying it's been done. We have already witnessed it. Nobody realized…

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f1559e  No.17236475

File: 63fb38846c7b572⋯.jpg (71.35 KB, 1013x506, 1013:506, p2vbi9gye6.jpg)


re post nb

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af3562  No.17236548

File: 365a9f2620af887⋯.jpg (86.97 KB, 1070x609, 1070:609, qtv43bok.jpg)



Ukraine, Taiwan then Israel.

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f42dfb  No.17236564

File: f8f25a47e2ee469⋯.jpg (71.98 KB, 1036x503, 1036:503, 3n2fy82w1c.jpg)




mitochondria are our EVERYTHING…they should not be fucked with artificially…

they are literally the philosophers stone…


"So, by making our mitochondria more and more efficient we can be 50x more energetic, 50x more intelligent, 50x more conscious, 50x closer to God?

Lastly, when your mitochondria are super efficient, they emit photons. They give off light. There are ways to cause a cell to create more of them. You can optimize them.

If your mitochondria are efficient, what happens to the cell they are contained within? Will it become more efficient? Will it become the “best expression of itself”? And if all your cells are at their best expression, what will happen to YOU? You certainly will not get sick. You will not suffer from any of the ills we do now."

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dde36b  No.17236620

File: 168c86ea905025f⋯.jpg (83.52 KB, 73tobrex4wxcap.jpg)



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bb9af8  No.17236652

File: 1fc6c192ae54e51⋯.jpg (88.28 KB, 9lzgfm5p.jpg)

Fully Vaccinated and Boosted HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Tests Positive for COVID-19 Again

Joe Biden’s top health official has tested positive for Covid-19 for the second time in less than a month after contracting the virus during a trip to the G7 health summit in Germany.

U.S. Health Secretary Xavier Becerra experienced symptoms of the Covid-19 on Monday morning and tested positive for the disease after taking an antigen test, spokeswoman Sarah Lovenheim confirmed.

“He is fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19, and is experiencing mild symptoms,” Lovenheim said. “He will continue to perform his duties as HHS Secretary, working in isolation.”

“His symptoms are mild and he is isolating in Sacramento, California. Lovenheim said Becerra had been in California for a personal commitment,” AP reported. “A statement from HHS said the secretary was not believed to be a close contact of Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris, who also tested positive earlier this spring.”

HHS spokeswoman Loveheim announced that Becerra was fully vaccinated and has received a booster shot against the Covid-19.

“Yes, Sec. Becerra is up to date on his vaccines to protect against COVID’s severity but not everyone in America is,” Lovenheim tweeted.


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d5400d  No.17236693

File: 1e9a837d3557c2e⋯.jpg (70.6 KB, 1003x499, 1003:499, 9p684c7li3.jpg)

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108e5f  No.17236695

File: d7e7c76369bb5c4⋯.jpg (93.56 KB, k5lm3ht22hg8.jpg)



Good Morning Anon. May the Glory of God Spread itself before you and direct you in all your efforts

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7ddd05  No.17236712

File: d9c7d4012789a6f⋯.jpg (83.49 KB, 971x639, 971:639, mog9d12cog391s.jpg)

vote ebot 2024

burn that mofo down

#mofo #burn

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f5fba6  No.17236756

File: 69df9b3ce33449f⋯.jpg (81.36 KB, 1136x532, 284:133, 4bjsf5io0io.jpg)



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b2b767  No.17236849

File: 541fe83390eabb5⋯.jpg (76.42 KB, 1030x543, 1030:543, 2xih2kezrx0j7q.jpg)


ok…. do you think that Q will post again with that trip code? If so will it be on hivemind or QR?

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f22003  No.17236859

File: 68757189ea673e6⋯.jpg (70.11 KB, 970x518, 485:259, 83j0qstdjzm.jpg)


this will be a litmus test for your admin.

do you think Q's posts tonight were legitimate? why/why not?

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dd12cc  No.17236877

File: 39b6f1ed32fd43a⋯.jpg (80.49 KB, 1056x563, 1056:563, 7ldplbs0.jpg)



repeat of drowning actresses….

Was some shit a few years ago,

one of whom left their kid in the boat.

Something like that.

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5888c9  No.17236880

File: ee5359745b7570b⋯.jpg (100.4 KB, 1196x651, 1196:651, 1fiqja.jpg)


This statement from Sheriff Smith is only a small part of that investigation. You left out crucial info as usual.

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1dba15  No.17236915

File: c053d8f884b3aba⋯.jpg (79.19 KB, 1018x566, 509:283, 5m2emx.jpg)

How the Hell did Qmap dot pub have a half a million logged in and posting and 8 kun has 100?

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a85efc  No.17237047

File: be1cbc6589ce8f0⋯.jpg (71.86 KB, 1029x501, 343:167, tg9esawb7xry.jpg)

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47df2f  No.17237060

File: f2c543d26a9218a⋯.jpg (105.23 KB, 1188x695, 1188:695, 4ddy6nrurg4z59.jpg)


"you must organize and be heard"

while the black hats own big tech


we stay home and make memes and claim to be saving the world

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710f50  No.17237107

File: d1d7aff41fa11b4⋯.jpg (82.86 KB, 1085x565, 217:113, iwz74z6pac01.jpg)

Think Mirror

Sometimes it's the people in the background that are of greater significance.

In July 1984, Maxwell acquired Mirror Group Newspapers, the publisher of six British newspapers, including the Daily Mirror, from Reed International plc.[32] for £113 million.[33] This led to the famous media war between Maxwell and Murdoch, the proprietor of the News of the World and The Sun.

Six serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence services attended Maxwell's funeral in Israel, while Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir eulogised him and stated: "He has done more for Israel than can today be told."[55]

saving israel for last

whether the reason is related the common denominator of harm to children is widespread amongst them all.

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aa3f5c  No.17237123

File: 09ecc6e3095d855⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ir6o0430wy.jpg)


Kek if trump or Jr confirm. We will fight like hell.

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c02523  No.17237143

File: 611938b0bc324a0⋯.jpg (79.29 KB, 985x591, 5:3, gv59fl901x.jpg)


from classy to trashy

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9dcda0  No.17237260

File: 3f630b477e8cdfa⋯.jpg (76.8 KB, 997x570, 997:570, fuajyzli.jpg)


The Vigilant Fox 🦊, [02.07.22 14:35]

UFC Superstar Israel Adesanya Asks The One Question Everyone Wants To Know


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6a26b9  No.17237261

File: a270727670de8ad⋯.jpg (87.57 KB, 969x676, 969:676, qwo8xg56dk.jpg)


>Our friend Elmo and his dad, Louie, talked to their pediatrician and learned that getting the vaccine is the best way to keep Elmo and the whole @SesameStreet neighborhood safe and healthy!


Elmo Gets Vaccinated

>182 views | Jun 29, 2022 | KPIX CBS SF Bay Area

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5a22df  No.17237331

File: 2adb1f54177d237⋯.jpg (87.71 KB, 1104x600, 46:25, 3mym4vapy.jpg)


At whom's direction?

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e1a033  No.17237391

File: 9eaaa1fb2ceab5c⋯.jpg (97.67 KB, 1199x635, 1199:635, d7e9jlj7f.jpg)

World Vision defendant convicted for assisting terrorist group

The Beersheba District Court on Wednesday convicted World Vision defendant Mohammad al-Halabi of most terror financing charges, around six years after his arrest and under pressure from the High Court of Justice to stop dragging its feet.

Who is Mohammad al-Halabi?

He was acquitted of one charge of assisting the enemy, based on the idea that, as a Gaza resident, he is not the citizen of a state.

Halabi's lawyer Maher Hana said that he would appeal the conviction to the Supreme Court.

The court found that Halabi confessed to the financial terror charges during his interrogation by the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency).

The judges said that he was highly sophisticated and that his confession was "coherent, specific and included unique details… which he could not have concocted on the spot."

Convicted World Vision defendant Mohammad al-Halabi's confession was "coherent, specific and included unique details… which he could not have concocted on the spot."

Beersheba District Court judges

In addition, they said that there was significant external documentary proof of his actions.

Though the court said that it knew World Vision believes Halabi to be innocent, it said that it was more likely that the organization did not want to overdo oversight of its finances, lest it harms its working relations with Gazan groups.

Further, the court scheduled a hearing for July 10 to debate extending his detention and set a date for Halabi’s sentencing hearing.

Although he has already served six years in prison, his maximum sentence for convictions on over a dozen charges could run over 20 years (though maximum sentences are rare).

His Hamas connections

According to the court ruling, Halabi was recruited by Abu Cuchba of Hamas in 2004.

Though Halabi and his brother, Diya, were initially Hamas fighters, he was eventually assigned to infiltrate World Vision to be an undercover Hamas operative assisting the group, the court said.

World Vision hired him in 2005. Initially, he worked in its northern Gaza section, but by 2014 he had achieved a high management position for the entire Strip.

The judges said that throughout his World Vision employment, Halabi met with Hamas military operatives to keep up with their needs.

In the verdict, the court said that Halabi intentionally diverted large volumes of iron, plastic and digging tools to Hamas to assist it with digging terror tunnels.

Further, the court said that in 2012, Halabi twice visited terror tunnels with his brother and another operative, in one case providing the operative with $20,000 to repair tunnels destroyed by flooding.

Hana said that the court failed to address issues, such as the source and the tracing of the alleged terror funds.


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9ca04f  No.17237404

File: 200e27fc99d3bb7⋯.jpg (79.45 KB, 1038x562, 519:281, xfth6qkn8.jpg)


>What's up with damn 19 Potus?

15 is 1 in 5 or the Pentagram/Holy Spirit/Harlot

which the Jews follow because of hedonistic values.

17 is 1 in 7 or Christ, the 7 Churches and personal sacrifice, bearing your own cross.

19 is the 17 with two witnesses, even the Shroud showed to lights.

This is why there is talk of bridges. Read Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23 and "Reconcile". The Jews do not teach that part of Isaiah to their synagogue because they would have to admit that Christ was predicted in the Torah. They want to be vulgar hedonistic satanists not like Christians who sacrifice. They have in affect replaced the understanding of the two witnesses and have replaced it with their own wickedness. This is why the Menorah first had 7 lights then the next version had 9 lights. This information was depicted also in the Lord of the Rings, where 8 stab 7 in their sleep.

We have taken back the power of the 7 Churches and the anointed 2 witnesses are rightfully re-established. This is why there are comms about forgiveness too, they are scared.

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2088b0  No.17237465

File: 8f875d5125e325f⋯.jpg (75.96 KB, 973x564, 973:564, rdnnmq5vum6.jpg)


Bidan doesn’t like anyone==

Black people hate him because they know he hates them

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a48a8b  No.17237511

File: 335ae934062dc39⋯.jpg (79.66 KB, 986x588, 493:294, tojqamr.jpg)


nik'd it


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390a14  No.17237675

File: d61ab31304596c7⋯.jpg (47.54 KB, h3t7s5n357.jpg)



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5d2f2c  No.17237780

File: 885e5245a99b6b4⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, d2ihbk5907vbv7.jpg)


Nobody knows jews better than jews. In fact, nobody else knows anything about them because they are so secretive.

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ce0902  No.17237797

File: 56f4dd0b906a7ff⋯.jpg (61.31 KB, lp3dwsllz4.jpg)


… sounds like you fell in love cuz ay.

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260910  No.17238013

File: c490ef974c8aedd⋯.jpg (44.21 KB, 970x582, 5:3, loyvlm.jpg)


Maybe they were planning to actually use planes, but then went with explosives instead?

or both?

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8c5f04  No.17238038

File: 613f057baf71106⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 1063x527, 1063:527, palxq7z72chmjt.jpg)

Albanese invited to visit Kyiv by Ukraine president

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has been invited to visit Ukraine by the president of the war-torn country - and could visit later this month.

Albanese will travel to Europe for a NATO summit in late June and there are reports he could make the short journey to Kyiv after the two-day meeting.

The prime minister will attend the summit in Madrid in a show of support for the security alliance by nations in the Asia Pacific.

A spokesman for the Ukrainian embassy in Canberra confirmed to 9News that last month President Volodymyr Zelenskyy invited Albanese to visit Kyiv in a letter congratulating him on the Labor federal election victory.

The Ukraine embassy spokesman said there were "special arrangements" in place for the safe journey of VIPs to the war-torn nation.

The prime minister's office has been contacted by 9News for comment.

On Thursday (Ukraine time) French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italian Premier Mario Draghi travelled to Ukraine on a special train from Poland.

Many in Ukraine hoped that the leaders' visit could mark a turning point by opening the way to significant new arms supplies and it also comes as EU leaders prepare to make a decision next week on Ukraine's request to become a candidate for membership in the bloc.

Their visit came amid a new round of Western arms pledges for Ukraine as the war grinds on in the eastern Donbas region.

The US and its European allies have given billions of dollars in weaponry to Ukraine, and Germany and the US recently announced new arms shipments.

Such arms have been key to the country's surprising success in preventing the Russians from taking the capital, but officials in Kyiv have said much more will be needed if they are to drive Moscow's forces out.


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7971b8  No.17238053

File: 2d3f38bfb9f04af⋯.jpg (45.11 KB, 1111x521, 1111:521, d5ufvotaoiwx.jpg)


We can now post a "Truth" in response to Swordanon.


ANALYSIS: Woke Corporations May Have Finally Met Their Match


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d2ce8b  No.17238059

File: b7daa7de964b54e⋯.jpg (46.78 KB, 978x624, 163:104, duz57uypw0c9.jpg)

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

07/01/2022 14:41:43

Truth Social: 108573550409030035


The J6 Show Trial Is Lying About Election ‘Fraud’

The January 6 show trial is partly about persecuting political opponents. But it’s also about covering up the truth of the 2020 election.

The purpose of the January 6 committee is to further the lie that there was nothing seriously wrong with the 2020 election and to criminalize any questioning of the election. The January 6 riot gives the committee a nice hook, but that’s not what they really care about.

They want to prevent you from admitting the election was irregular, faulty, or anything less than the most perfect election in the history of mankind, and from supporting people who fought against those irregularities. In service of this goal, the January 6 committee repeatedly lied about the actual claims Donald Trump supporters have made about the flaws in the election.

The January 6 Committee is conducting a show trial, not a criminal one. Show trials, common in authoritarian regimes, are held for propaganda purposes, to punish political opponents, and to cover up the truth of what the regime has done.

Democrats’ show trial is completely one-sided. The members on the committee were appointed exclusively by Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. There are zero Republican-appointed members. In fact, Pelosi refused to allow the top Republicans Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy picked for the committee — an unprecedented violation of House rules and norms.

No one represents the accused or advocates for their rights. No cross-examination or presentation of a defense has been allowed from the targets of the trial. The committee does not follow House rules on evidence or witness depositions. The so-called investigation has declared off-limits any good-faith inquiry into issues that contradict their persecution, whether a look at what led to the lack of security by Capitol police forces or a look at the legitimate concerns about the unique and novel way the 2020 election was conducted.

The show trial is deeply and profoundly un-American. This week’s “surprise” hearing has already imploded under the weight of the inaccurate testimony given by young staff assistant Cassandra Hutchinson. But last Thursday’s episode also deserves scrutiny for the lies it contained.

That hearing was focused on Jeffrey Clark, a Department of Justice (DOJ) official during the Trump administration who had proposed more aggressive investigative and legal efforts in the controversial aftermath of the 2020 election than many of his peers. Incidentally, among the growing concerns about a ream of false statements given is a report that Hutchinson also lied about Clark.

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fa81d1  No.17238083

File: ac205067abe5329⋯.jpg (44.77 KB, 1114x516, 557:258, 5b7er7.jpg)



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b2e05a  No.17238084

File: 8f6312f65da84e5⋯.jpg (45.69 KB, 963x622, 963:622, 6827bty.jpg)


and now they holding political prisoners at the d.c. bastille

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96c7f6  No.17238093

File: b1e92cb7f9de169⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 1189x573, 1189:573, lzot1tzt0elq.jpg)

Filter hard and filter fast for a comfy bread

comment BABYFIST

comment HIVEMIND

comment No-trip

comment TRIPCODE

comment Tripcode

name Pilotorb

comment faggot

comment tripcode

Adding to the list is fast

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01bdf1  No.17238110

File: b5c932ea9158cb9⋯.jpg (41.89 KB, 1054x503, 1054:503, lendy02zx318ju.jpg)

Dear Supreme Court, is the only thing going in otherwise collapsing America

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0b503e  No.17238112

File: d6c275c7c34cfce⋯.jpg (50.76 KB, 1095x612, 365:204, 16b12z0.jpg)



back later

Notetakers step up


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f6d0cf  No.17238138

File: 81a7b2f07962b54⋯.jpg (56.93 KB, 1080x706, 540:353, lupr4iv023hh6.jpg)

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33519b  No.17238147

File: c7bc0b64b253394⋯.jpg (47.9 KB, 7txhpxtxm6b7.jpg)

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/17/2022 11:52:40

Truth Social: 108493613343422134

Join me today in Nashville, Tennessee—LIVE at 1:00 PM EDT, where I am speaking at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Policy Conference. Will be on @RSBN, @NewsMax, @OAN, @realamericasvoice, and Donald J. Trump @rumble, among others!




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d122c1  No.17238185

File: fb564af6a45e6a9⋯.jpg (50.89 KB, 992x676, 248:169, dm9v35iwcrs.jpg)


no wait i double negatived myself. whatever.

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642af3  No.17238265

File: a7750411e70536f⋯.jpg (57.68 KB, 1192x660, 298:165, fz7isxerud6wzg.jpg)


Fuck Santa Claus is Tom cruise too

It's the big bang day

That's what they was do Last 4 years

Fucks and fucks and FUCk to great awakening save child bullshit

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2b5a4c  No.17238339

File: b5119bd3c13c86b⋯.jpg (44.41 KB, 982x577, 982:577, plnfra.jpg)


I would start looking here …

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9a8de1  No.17238354

File: ee1e49884d7e5c2⋯.jpg (57.75 KB, 1125x694, 1125:694, v5j6ck7fbrvli.jpg)

Doesn't even look like a human.

Looks like an ET doing a piss-poor human cosplay.

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5463e1  No.17238417

File: 6ad79481ba83846⋯.jpg (57.29 KB, 1053x736, 1053:736, 7avrv7inn4.jpg)


so kids who were molested should just kill them selves?

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09275d  No.17238536

File: 59e9685ae03100d⋯.jpg (49.22 KB, 968x660, 22:15, ly5yhhg3d6z.jpg)


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8c4c4f  No.17238537

File: e4ab5d9dd72984e⋯.jpg (58.29 KB, 1084x726, 542:363, rmp2ktz4.jpg)

We are under HEAVY attack.

AB[C] took control.

TRIPCODE compromised.

No. 131 Last.



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04a604  No.17238601

File: 490f8560c71209f⋯.jpg (53.86 KB, 998x709, 998:709, l6oxcyf4stopt.jpg)


'big tech' have been using bots to ((('up stock-market value'))).

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0a3fae  No.17238665

File: 5baba5fe5db18af⋯.jpg (52.19 KB, 1102x631, 1102:631, ayyxbjsax.jpg)

My Ancestral Fields are being tended

God Has Guided me & blessed my Land

This is the Year of Happening

The likes of which none of us has seen't before

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8dc87a  No.17238671

File: 4cb34f654dec923⋯.jpg (45.28 KB, 1116x525, 372:175, 7443bkbl0i2e3f.jpg)


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67b076  No.17238739

File: c435b6782b5a1a7⋯.jpg (54.48 KB, 1053x690, 351:230, q4ckmdmw73dv.jpg)



so, probability says Mr. Pig is a rooskie. i knew it. and Putin is Q.

c'mon Mr. President, nuke DC for "we the people." pretty please? and tel aviv, while you're at it.

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3fb336  No.17238763

File: c88b778f2859e3a⋯.jpg (53.63 KB, 977x719, 977:719, vi46wwkwzpos.jpg)


>Howitzer-type noises

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f4a292  No.17238796

File: 19cf2eb10eb9f10⋯.jpg (47.37 KB, 983x630, 983:630, te1jjxcqdwte3h.jpg)

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50198a  No.17238827

File: 0ef538cdd7412e2⋯.jpg (64.79 KB, 1203x742, 1203:742, 5l6x3lf21ysi.jpg)


Isn't Ilhan Omar a paid Qatari agent?

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b81cb3  No.17238914

File: 272b70ec2203df7⋯.jpg (52.77 KB, 991x707, 991:707, tvbn040x2a6.jpg)


Regardless, TOR is borked

It's like posting from the Alamo as the wetbacks climb the walls

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4a1918  No.17238930

File: 15d0e3b378d3931⋯.jpg (55.1 KB, 1059x693, 353:231, skerejqepxgbq.jpg)


Donoghue dismissed every allegation and evidence of election fraud as 'conspiracy theories'. He is either corrupt or an idiot, and I don't think he is an idiot.

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148913  No.17238976

File: 01bd7097ff4727a⋯.jpg (51.68 KB, 1072x647, 1072:647, fmbwlx5at6gdhx.jpg)


because no sane, unretarded Anon is going to accept that it's Q without proper verification, so that has probably left them in a bit of a situation. How are they going to provide that verification?

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3cfac9  No.17238984

File: 791c2911b1337fc⋯.jpg (58.74 KB, 1108x720, 277:180, jrhd29hqo.jpg)

Brutal abuse suffered by teenage boys at a former Australian Navy base has "destroyed" the lives of men today, the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide has been told.

Retired judge Len Roberts-Smith — the former chair of the Defence Abuse Response Taskforce (DART) — has given evidence at the public inquiry in Townsville.

DART was established in 2012 to assist complainants who had suffered abuse, harassment and bullying in the Australian Defence Force prior to April 2011.

Mr Roberts-Smith said the taskforce received 238 complaints related to the former HMAS Leeuwin base in Western Australia's Fremantle, which operated between the 1960s and the 1980s.

"We were talking about men … in their 60s and 70s, and so on, whose lives had been destroyed by the abuse and, in many instances, if not most, had never told anybody about the abuse they had suffered or the impact in had on their lives," he said.

Mr Roberts-Smith said most of the abuse was inflicted by older recruits onto their junior counterparts, who were as young as 15 years of age.

"We are talking here about serious abuse, like running the gauntlet, bashing, being raped with broom handles and mop handles," he said.

"They also knew that, if they did say anything, they would be brutalised for doing so.

"And they did know that, if they did manage to say something to staff, the staff would either ignore it or would pass [the matter] back to the perpetrator."

In total, DART received more than 2,400 complaints.

Mr Roberts-Smith said it was clear the instances of abuse examined by the taskforce continued to have long-lasting impacts on victims.

"The mental and emotional and psychological consequences literally last a lifetime," he said.

Mr Roberts-Smith also spoke about the limited scope of the taskforce in probing abuse allegations.

"We had no investigative function, no legal determinative function, we couldn't make findings," he said.

"It was a rather challenging environment in which to operate."

The former DART chair said the taskforce faced a number of obstacles, including challenges in obtaining documents from Defence.

"Sometimes units had disposed of, or not kept records [that] ought to have been kept," he said.

Mr Roberts-Smith will continue giving evidence on Wednesday, before the royal commission wraps up its Townsville hearings on Thursday.


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8fa125  No.17239011

File: 880b9be2a17d194⋯.jpg (44.51 KB, 994x572, 497:286, j0ckc4vstk47t4.jpg)


now we're talking; don't let it flare-up bear!

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db7822  No.17239022

File: 33be1281ae1c8aa⋯.jpg (58.26 KB, 1163x684, 1163:684, 2jzqjxh8p71.jpg)

Is Sexual Deviant Month almost over?

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33980f  No.17239025

File: 68ffc7c704bb7ca⋯.jpg (45.61 KB, 1063x554, 1063:554, x8h7mxiw.jpg)


Sorry baker

i picked up the bake bc did not see notables and no one answered when i asked notetaker is there was a baker

You have some dead links in notes.

must insert COMMAS between the links

standing down unless you want me to bake.

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3ced24  No.17239058

File: e769301cd605766⋯.jpg (53.06 KB, 1132x632, 283:158, i0dp4x.jpg)


>Social Sentinel is the leading linguistics and AI-based software solution

There's the problem right there. It's clearly NOT a solution. Software dont stop kinetic attacks. It also ignores ANTIFA BLM still to this day.

Is that you Social Sentinel?


Say his name Captain David Dorn

Say his name Arron Danielson

Say her name Jessica Doty Whitaker

Say their names

Steven Matthew Head

Toreon Jermaine Hudson

William Scott Smallwood

Say her name Secoria Turner


Say his name Aaron "Jay" Danielson

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06ad89  No.17239147

File: 88cf5de429a54f2⋯.jpg (47.75 KB, 995x631, 995:631, ksxn6yyhn28zr.jpg)

the weeping and gnashing of teeth has begun

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88d4d3  No.17239190

File: 7ad4c00246cda5d⋯.jpg (56.38 KB, 1178x655, 1178:655, z4yxrs6lst4.jpg)


Pervert teacher. Fast trial, death penalty.

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2f8728  No.17239224

File: 5b74d8eb86386f7⋯.jpg (56.67 KB, 1091x702, 1091:702, zgv91y.jpg)

Georgia Sheriff And Police Sergeant Threaten To Arrest Each Other During Screaming Match

July 2, 2022

Hiawassee, GA – Bodycam video captured the moment Towns County Sheriff Kenneth Henderson interrupted a Hiawassee police sergeant’s traffic stop in June and started screaming at him (video below).

The Towns County Sheriff’s Officer and the Hiawassee Police Department have had an ongoing dispute over boundaries for traffic stops, WXIA reported.

The sheriff’s department has accused Hiawassee officers of pursuing suspects and traffic violators outside of the city limits.

The two agencies use the same dispatch center but have no other overlap of command, WXIA reported.

The argument between the two law enforcement officers occurred when Sheriff Henderson stopped to find out what was going on during a traffic stop that Hiawassee Police Sergeant Tracy James had made on June 24.

Sgt. James had just handed the driver of the vehicle he’d stopped a citation when the sheriff rolled up and started asking his own questions, WXIA reported.

Bodycam video from Sgt. James showed that Sheriff Henderson approached the driver’s window and asked him if he’d been pursed from inside the city limits or stopped right where he was.

The sheriff thanked the driver and then turned to start lecturing Sgt. James.

But the Hiawassee police sergeant wasn’t having it, the video showed.

“Go pull the video at Bolero,” Sgt. James told him.

But the video showed the sheriff wasn’t listening and pointed his finger at the sergeant in a threatening manner.

“You get on my traffic stop again, I will arrest you!” Sgt. Tracy James told Sheriff Henderson.

“I’ll arrest you right now,” the sheriff retorted.

“Do it, buddy. Do it,” the sergeant said as the bodycam showed him walking away from Sheriff Henderson and back to his patrol vehicle.

But bodycam showed the sheriff wasn’t letting him leave so easily.

Sgt. James tried again to explain to the sheriff that traffic cameras would prove that he had initiated the traffic stop within city limits, the video showed.

“There’s cameras at Bolero and there’s cameras at Napa that…” he started to explain but the sheriff cut him off.

“Shut your f-king mouth,” Sheriff Henderson told the police sergeant, referring to him as “boy” more than once.

“Don’t talk to me like that, I’m not your ‘boy,’” Sgt. James shot back.

But that only made the sheriff angrier, the video showed.

“You’re a f-kboy! You’re a f-kboy,” Sheriff Henderson yelled at Sgt. James.

The video showed that the sheriff followed the sergeant to his vehicle and continued yelling at him the entire time.

Instead of yelling back, Sgt. James thanked the sheriff a few times as he jumped back into his cruiser.

Sgt. James did not lose his temper during the exchange and didn’t use any foul language until after he was back inside his vehicle with the door shut.

At that point, bodycam video showed he called Sheriff Henderson a “motherf-ker,” WXIA reported.

Hiawassee is a tiny city on Lake Chatuge in Towns County, near the North Carolina border.

Sources told WXIA that Hiawassee is so small, many drivers don’t stop for police until after they have crossed out of the city limits, WXIA reported.

It wasn’t the first time that Sheriff Henderson has gotten into it with the same Hiawassee officer.

Sources told WXIA that on Memorial Day weekend, the sheriff ordered Sgt. James to stop a pursuit that had crossed out of the city limits and the sergeant ignore his order.

Hiawassee Police Department policy allows an officer in “hot pursuit” to follow a suspect into another jurisdiction.

WXIA made an open records request for “recording(s) of Towns County Sheriff Kenneth ‘Ode’ Henderson talking with and/or about Hiawassee officer(s).”

One of the audio recordings that was released contained a clip of the sheriff telling his deputies that Hiawassee officers are “enemies” of the sheriff’s office and not to fraternize with them.

“We regret that this unfortunate event occurred,” the statement read. “The Hiawassee Police Department will continue to strive for excellence in safety and service to our citizens and visitors while working with all public agencies to accomplish that goal.”



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8c5396  No.17239254

File: aa5acf26d27bea1⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 967x694, 967:694, l1jibmsb10.jpg)

Countdown to Potato screaming and then whispering in 3….2…..1….

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bec679  No.17239257

File: 04f5c5985a2126d⋯.jpg (53.33 KB, 1065x672, 355:224, 877ls9bw9g.jpg)


from classy to trashy

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3fbd28  No.17239344

File: c09211f5b184c3e⋯.jpg (59.36 KB, 1124x713, 1124:713, fhzc8b8.jpg)

Latin music company executives arrested on federal criminal complaint alleging violations of U.S. sanctions related to drug traffickers



"The complaint alleges that on April 19, 2018, FBI agents approached a well-known musician, referred to in the complaint as Individual A, and explicitly told Individual A about Perez’s designation under the Kingpin Act and how that prohibited him from conducting business with Perez and performing concerts that Perez promoted."

I wonder who Individual A is

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2d85ee  No.17239378

File: 95773128c629b4b⋯.jpg (49.53 KB, 1037x634, 1037:634, l1dwklyghm.jpg)


He had his chance. In the White House no less. You now what's good. He was used too. By the same people that use everyone. That's karma.

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d82df2  No.17239409

File: 7186e9576aa249a⋯.jpg (50.77 KB, 1100x609, 1100:609, 7o2lko.jpg)


4 killed in shooting at Tulsa hospital; gunman also dead, police say

Police say a man armed with a rifle and a handgun was also dead after Wednesday's shooting at St. Francis Hospital.


June 2, 2022, 12:00 AM BST / Updated June 2, 2022, 2:05 AM BST

By Tim Stelloh and Lindsey Pipia

Four people were killed as a gunman opened fire inside an Oklahoma hospital Wednesday, authorities said.

The gunman, described as 35 to 40 years old and armed with a rifle and handgun, appeared to have died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Tulsa Deputy Chief Eric Dalgleish told reporters.

Tulsa police Capt. Richard Meulenberg said the gunman fired that shot as officers were kicking in a stairwell door to gain access to the Tulsa medical building where the gunfire erupted.

As many as 10 people could have been wounded in the shooting, Meulenberg said. No injuries were considered life-threatening, he said.

The shooting occurred shortly before 5 p.m. inside the Natalie Building at St. Francis Hospital, authorities said. The victims, whose identities have not been released, appeared to be a combination of patients and employees, Dalgleish said.

Part of the shooting appears to have occurred inside an orthopedic facility on the building's second floor, Dalgleish said.

The gunman and his motive have not been identified.

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84ea79  No.17239454

File: 38ee4b7ec1d28ba⋯.jpg (48.61 KB, 1123x567, 1123:567, yl79e0oc83f4n.jpg)


and the "cup of hermes" stuff in/around this, like it's a big secret. The only change is there is nothing new under the sun, no change, they just keep degenerating, they were always horrible. We needed a bigger flood.

What was Noah doing drunk in a cave and what was he doing that caused him to curse his grandson?

Not even Moses followed the rules & there are no lost tribes. They intermarried with Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians and evidently whomever else came down the pike.

All the animals are ZODIAC signs

Bull of Heaven- Taurus

Lion -Leo

Virgin- Virgo

etc, and so forth. The riddles are too much!

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1ec4e5  No.17239463

File: f2ae708dc9a7b83⋯.jpg (50.34 KB, 994x662, 497:331, qjnjfi7p1a.jpg)


They release a lot of prisoners there too.

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e0a08d  No.17239513

File: 3e76b72fdaf92ef⋯.jpg (43.2 KB, 1064x514, 532:257, by4o675qaz9vhq.jpg)

Trump roasts Clinton at Al Smith charity dinner


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02819d  No.17239527

File: b21896651f1e11e⋯.jpg (58.38 KB, 1175x679, 1175:679, n4el4zoxsov.jpg)


Don't need to know now, bootlip. we got the problem solved before you took your seat, now shup up nigger and do as you are told.

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3ff6c6  No.17239553

File: 4bf4b617132ab5c⋯.jpg (59.85 KB, 1168x701, 1168:701, mizzydladzhb.jpg)


Maybe not,

But, (You sure wear hivem1nds low self-esteem issues and super paranoia well

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a7ffa6  No.17239669

File: 2aee754a7af4a23⋯.jpg (48.11 KB, 1078x592, 539:296, z7vrmdq.jpg)


It's almost as if it's not really a free speech platform?

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05831f  No.17239699

File: 236194ce2348b98⋯.jpg (43.66 KB, 979x566, 979:566, 30egiy9tavr19.jpg)


>Baker are compromised 100%.

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219ad7  No.17239727

File: e4c6d928d525c63⋯.jpg (53.59 KB, 979x719, 979:719, th1rmrn4f9jx4.jpg)

Fuck Hivemind, you stupid fucking faggot

You only seek to split the board, nigger.

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ac0892  No.17239740

File: 4f7ba91921dd3f6⋯.jpg (49.81 KB, 1184x553, 1184:553, dk17lh9b.jpg)

Signs of Low and High IQ | livestrong

According to the Extreme Intellect website, the average intelligence quotient (IQ) is between 85 and 115, which comes from dividing a person's tested mental age by her chronological age and multiplying that number by 100. Half the population of the United States have IQs of between 90 and 110, with 25 percent higher than that and 25 percent lower.

long standing practice of stupid cops

Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops

ByABC News

September 08, 2000, 7:32 AM


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509fe1  No.17239780

File: 478d9abf6db431b⋯.jpg (56.46 KB, 967x747, 967:747, urh71yovzii.jpg)



cuz the world needs moar witches smdh

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6f737b  No.17239803

File: 00fef55f29ce8fe⋯.jpg (54.35 KB, 1124x648, 281:162, 061mzrfi50cjl.jpg)


I think they have been turning he's into she's for a long time. Part of the Brainwashing scheme to turn everything in society upside down and backwards.

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84ea79  No.17239856

File: 3ebad1a3034899b⋯.jpg (56.22 KB, 1156x657, 1156:657, xpjzgrg838kl.jpg)



I feel like this post might have been included in notables by mistake


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856923  No.17239857

File: 1a51963db23ff00⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 1175x568, 1175:568, lv8oica.jpg)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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80995c  No.17239939

File: 0f0261d6754df8d⋯.jpg (47.64 KB, 1031x602, 1031:602, tj5l167.jpg)


come on down and get a DNA test faggot

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b3951f  No.17239963

File: 4058de7b5b98e87⋯.jpg (57.19 KB, 1125x686, 1125:686, sg4dquf.jpg)

so many dead



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8d11d0  No.17239965

File: f094fbdedd1eb2d⋯.jpg (51.07 KB, 1126x602, 563:301, witwbu.jpg)

The Storm is upon us.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.



We stand.

We fight.




Trust yourself.

Public awakening.



Stay Vigilant.

Stay Together.

Stay Strong.




This is a battle between GOOD & Evil


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fece26  No.17240003

File: 9fe398bf589ae0e⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 1142x621, 1142:621, rvduntkwllv.jpg)


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ff9300  No.17240037

File: 800406d284db1ed⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 1160x701, 1160:701, hcq054hyuyzac.jpg)


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25064a  No.17240081

File: ed3ba49f2d81c28⋯.jpg (53.63 KB, 1147x627, 1147:627, d4ehaearc.jpg)



<Compact Fusion Reactor

>old news… this info came out at least 5 years ago. Probably isn't the half of it.

SOP. they patent world-changing tech so they can sit on it and prevent anyone else from developing it.

in the 70s, Gulf Oil patented a process that can turn municipal trash (garbage) into 60 BILLION gallons of fuel-grade ethanol per yr.

they had an operational pilot plant. tried to get this info to DJT back in 2017. seen any plants being built?

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a8b642  No.17240104

File: 0460c9b079bd3f1⋯.jpg (63.5 KB, 1171x742, 1171:742, zc1ozf1o0.jpg)

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3bc1ed  No.17240170

File: c201b4bdaa7c243⋯.jpg (56.06 KB, 1165x663, 1165:663, ormqzhy.jpg)



his minions are carrying out the operations

Satans minions comprise all governments throughout the world

"The Beast System" that is the United Nations

this is the foundation of the NWO that CIA spook Big Daddy Bush declared would absolutely succeed

and it will, because they know the timing of the end of the world

they tell you "Don't Look Up" while they spray chemtrails to conceal inbound objects from the binary system

Satan is the father of lies, and liars hold all positions of authority in government.

Biblical means BIBLICAL, as in the end of the world.

"Nothing can stop what is coming" has nothing to do with restoring our nation.

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e533fb  No.17240197

File: ab60b882739095c⋯.jpg (53.7 KB, 1170x615, 78:41, jvo92h6svdu8kt.jpg)


You will smile


Be happy

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e83110  No.17240301

File: 47aee077d25e4af⋯.jpg (53.23 KB, 1104x641, 1104:641, o0npwhwuw.jpg)




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ce0902  No.17240465

File: 89fcf5aa0edcf92⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 976x600, 122:75, iwrkl2.jpg)


← {click it}

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b3951f  No.17240471

File: 2d38cafa2da6100⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 1141x551, 1141:551, pu2h57f86lqgnu.jpg)


Another business caught up ostensibly in the bigger scandal of which the game prizes are a tiny part, is Yucaipa Companies. Yucaipa owns 70 per cent of Golden State foods, one of McDonald's Hamburgers largest food suppliers. Yucaipa also is an investor in Simon Worldwide, Inc.

An interesting sidelight is how Rev. Jesse Jackson apparently pressured Yucaipa to reward Jesse's mistress, Karin Stanford, by paying her as a purported "consultant", ten thousand dollars per month. [See, Chicago Sun-Times, 1/26/2001.]

Some of the illicit dealings of Simon Marketing have come out in a suit where they and Coca-Cola are named defendants. The suit, pending in Chicago's federal courts also involved a fraud upon the court by Judge Blanche Manning hearing the case. The attorneys for Simon Marketing's liability carrier, referring to themselves as "attorneys for Simon Marketing", had originally stated in Court in the lawsuit, that they did not know of Cyrk. Later, the same lawyers, exposing their false prior statements, said they DID know of Cyrk.

[To understand more about McDonald's, Coca-Cola, and DDB Chicago their advertising agency, visit the prior parts of this series.]

It should be obvious from the details of those that have overseen McDonald's Hamburgers and Coca-Cola's advertising and marketing agenda, that such entities and their top officials most likely were in a position to be aware of the criminal mess confronting McDonald's marketing adjunct, Simon Marketing.

In further parts of this series will be detailed how the McDonald's "embezzlement" scandal is really the dope rackets of the U.S./Colombia dope cartel. See "The Chandra Levy Affair, Part Two" as to dope king Carlos Lehder and his business partners the Bush Family.

When the details are all laid out, it would be obvious the scandal reaches all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Fraud Upon The Chicago Federal

Appeals Court And The US Supreme Court

September 22, 2003

There is one subject lawyers do not generally study at all.

That is, Fraud Upon the Court, implicating the Judges themselves. After all, lawyers are Officers of the Court, pledged and sworn to uphold and respect the Courts. Corruption and bribery, involving the Judge themselves, are a rarity; and lawyers do not wish to get caught up in it.

The biggest judicial bribery scandal in American history was caused by me as a non-lawyer, self-educated in Law. In 1969, in a little-known or understood procedure, I invoked the same directly confronting most of the Judges on Illinois' highest state tribunal. Instead of denying the accusations, the Illinois Supreme Court ordered a local Judge in Chicago to grill me as to how our group, of which I am the Founder and Chairman, since 1963, goes about investigating court corruption.

That is, the Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts.

If I did not detail our methods, I was informed, I would be sent to prison for a judge-invented offense, created out of the mists and vapors of antiquity, called contempt of court. It was an extreme burden and jeopardy thrown upon me.

pt 27

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412f4b  No.17240532

File: dbdf4ccbd103457⋯.jpg (48.21 KB, 1118x570, 559:285, wnvcc7ehxeg693.jpg)


>forgot text

Oh, there’s text?

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7d4743  No.17240647

File: 162fc175795eb27⋯.jpg (57.3 KB, 1078x713, 1078:713, cgmjqj.jpg)


>Kalergi plan is a historical curiosity, it was just an idea, not relevant today

Kek, brain-dead Shmuel!

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ce0902  No.17240654

File: fe03d908f77b0dd⋯.jpg (53.9 KB, 1034x694, 517:347, xzmb8n5e4f8tfo.jpg)

Pretty sure this kangaroo court is wanting to arrest orange man.

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61d4b1  No.17240681

File: 027287a8000c67d⋯.jpg (52.67 KB, 1113x638, 1113:638, shb7c8.jpg)



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4ddb74  No.17240757

File: d1f6b4a4c98e422⋯.jpg (46.88 KB, 1174x514, 587:257, 8i8rvzu.jpg)



Good job new baker

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79902b  No.17240773

File: 6e60f287b60e55c⋯.jpg (48.66 KB, 1009x630, 1009:630, oqgg39b.jpg)

For the Keks



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edfadb  No.17240804

File: 99abfcf8e49bc9b⋯.jpg (51.98 KB, 1003x672, 1003:672, j8hvkan.jpg)


Tally ho, bitches

We ride at dawn

Heeeeey Rayray…we didn't forget abouchoo

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219ad7  No.17240832

File: 84737f19cce46d0⋯.jpg (58.17 KB, 1098x716, 549:358, bl5a598lt.jpg)




>did you guys just get here?

Thanks for the reminder!

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4ddb74  No.17240851

File: 7285b849106f4f0⋯.jpg (39.54 KB, 972x510, 162:85, xasxxt8gwq.jpg)


Too much covfefe or not enough… unknown.

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fece26  No.17240893

File: ea3c9a06ca8467a⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 1082x685, 1082:685, fxqxbe8.jpg)


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ce0902  No.17240905

File: 0076724999542ba⋯.jpg (46.14 KB, 1153x518, 1153:518, ewmk1my7.jpg)


Wow, an actual mind! I always say to my family it's like the Japanese who kept fighting after Japan surrendered. Trump was a dud, we all went all in, and we all got an AIDS jab out of it. To me, that's a hard red line, and I'll never support him again, and deny I ever did. We need a new direction, one that wants to smash this fucking system and restore it to a proper Republic.


Truth, and it's sad. Someone has to spark a new movement, one that truly deserves the punisher logo as it's emblem.


Just because you say kek doesn't mean you belong here. Fuck off.

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0d48a0  No.17240941

File: e8f634d31a04071⋯.jpg (47.85 KB, 979x640, 979:640, oklro8dbl.jpg)

has DART shown tits yet? If not, why not.

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219ad7  No.17241020

File: 3dbeac46ebd4a15⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 1077x545, 1077:545, d85cx2.jpg)


Site went down for like 10 mins maybe after this Tor post

"I use NSA" in response too

"How many of you still use iOS to visit 8kun?"

Are y'all blind????

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c9f2ef  No.17241051

File: ed84937af065ea8⋯.jpg (59.37 KB, 1131x709, 1131:709, tzfadc3nuhi.jpg)

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c17ef5  No.17241081

File: 6bcf7c973d41e22⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 970x743, 970:743, l4tf40cexjeo37.jpg)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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9df239  No.17241084

File: 9bd3b7f38d11d64⋯.jpg (43.43 KB, 1027x535, 1027:535, jw7qg3nvrl14.jpg)

Jerry Nadler says he supports banning 18-year-olds form buying guns because their brains aren't fully formed but opposes raising the draft age to 21 because "if the country needs people [to fight wars], it needs people."

4:31 PM · Jun 2, 2022·Twitter Web App


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6f737b  No.17241097

File: eaba527211c3a32⋯.jpg (59.32 KB, 1135x712, 1135:712, xr1sue9.jpg)




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8d11d0  No.17241198

File: 55673b8b7afa491⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 1111x557, 1111:557, djdvpqumhyjp4.jpg)


This better be a part of another music video in the making…..

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60fe18  No.17241288

File: d6f097cc28364a3⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 1141x550, 1141:550, qd46cztaa5b2.jpg)


Q DROP #154

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/14/2017 21:25:29 ID: wmN+33xv

4chan/pol: 149467690

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us ourtrespasses,

as we forgive those whotrespassagainst us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


Q DROP #306

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/2017 13:12:19 ID: 571cae

8chan/cbts: 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.


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4e078e  No.17241351

File: 6831f1ec159208b⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 1091x631, 1091:631, 14re78c5fru44j.jpg)

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2b5784  No.17241461

File: bf45aa346b3bce6⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 1020x626, 510:313, b2v4hy63.jpg)


Jews waited until last few minutes of trading then dumped 870 points

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2ff19c  No.17241486

File: 3ed65da1ed1d041⋯.jpg (47.89 KB, 1037x608, 1037:608, ut7y5ngu30r.jpg)



now how do we know you're the BV?

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ce0902  No.17241492

File: 7266c32e407e74f⋯.jpg (42.54 KB, 1029x527, 1029:527, oewyfnri.jpg)


Also I don't know if Anons caught this: Tedros was recently re-elected as head of WHO and he ran UNOPPOSED .

Like what the actual fuck. We do not have our shit together enough as Patriots to know this ahead of time, and insist that our own governments field alternative candidates to replace him, after all the Covid debacle. Nope. We are so happy with Tedros, we'll just let him cruise to an easy re-election.

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9e825a  No.17241525

File: b5d26041bb86c5d⋯.jpg (41.06 KB, 1024x498, 512:249, qsrj5hwxeqv2kj.jpg)


Sounds like these people aren't

"remembering their oath"

to uphold the Constitution

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8e2e4a  No.17241550

File: 75a85dd0869d44d⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 1056x663, 352:221, nogdom.jpg)


4am timestamp.

4am talking point to fake news:"tWo mOaR wEeKs oF dIaLeCtiC iNveRsiOn, tHeY DiDn'T bUy tHe J6 CiRcUs"

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9573db  No.17241633

File: 66979003bb3f91e⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 1110x572, 555:286, lzvl1hi.jpg)


[They] tried, I can see my white bold aura.

Don't harm any chilldren.

These ppl are stupid.

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9976e1  No.17241664

File: 6eb7964de296cfc⋯.jpg (60.11 KB, 1183x697, 1183:697, yq2xdc71h.jpg)


Kek - the same old haters.

Anons - buy all the AMC / GME / DWAC stock you can. By the time this is over Hedge Funds will be a smoldering pile of ash.

The same people that are shorting AMC / GME / DWAC are funding the Dominion Voting Machines and paying crooked politicians to install drop boxes.

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dc1aff  No.17241710

File: 0149a607c4d7d6d⋯.jpg (53.39 KB, 1084x661, 1084:661, 5xkp8sykd7yjy.jpg)



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8b0e63  No.17241846

File: 4d274042a683af3⋯.jpg (47.41 KB, 973x640, 973:640, fadh1vyllo5k0k.jpg)



oh noooo, what will I do!!!!

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979b7b  No.17241892

File: 1d2480ef74b2f31⋯.jpg (56.08 KB, 1087x691, 1087:691, re7xccqjvq.jpg)




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2388f7  No.17241932

File: b033d4cc83e9976⋯.jpg (46.24 KB, 986x602, 493:301, fxmbrp0ed.jpg)

— The only thing happend on Jan 6 was Schumer had an ERECTION. and innocent americans got fucked today is 696.

69 = fuck 6

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e2eda3  No.17241937

File: cce637b3dba6996⋯.jpg (49.43 KB, 1030x632, 515:316, 7kjzt3xbparo6.jpg)


Fake MAGA PAYtriot

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542f6b  No.17241971

File: 875019d272351c7⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 990x621, 110:69, ct2moe.jpg)


Do you really believe the votes for you are counted? You will never win based on votes.

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dc1aff  No.17241981

File: dfc916fcddd1934⋯.jpg (58.2 KB, 1055x741, 1055:741, 4nnwrv.jpg)


Quit projecting your paranoid fantasies you dumb fucking shill.

I'm unafilliated with anything Jewish.

Your dim worldview cannot apparently comprehend that you offend me with your stupidity not your message.

I am not pro-jew. I am anti-moran.

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9573db  No.17241985

File: d61604837bd2390⋯.jpg (53.42 KB, 1017x693, 113:77, ek1d6qhcy.jpg)



>TeoAnon17, [09.06.22 11:27]

>[ Video ]

>ABC News: Gas prices are so high that a Michigan county’s Police Department has “blown through their fuel budget” and will no longer respond to every 911 call in-person.

What is their budget to gay parades?

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e2eda3  No.17242013

File: 75e3e2fc58fe8f6⋯.jpg (51.25 KB, 977x688, 977:688, m7iwvuogxb6fkp.jpg)


Start here then the PB


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4f49d0  No.17242022

File: 4637c11d88b8c27⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 972x681, 324:227, t3uj0fo8.jpg)

Q, can you do a zero-delta with POTUS on Truth please? To shut the damn shills up like in the before time? Pretty please kek.

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297423  No.17242027

File: 4dad326d1320442⋯.jpg (49.3 KB, 1087x594, 1087:594, xu259o2.jpg)


The dance

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cace3e  No.17242070

File: ecbd23b3f5a63eb⋯.jpg (62.24 KB, 1166x735, 1166:735, nxlzqvyu4yflp.jpg)


I live offgrid totally.

and if I am considered an enemy of the agenda (I am because I am independent). then you are correct.

I knew this before, and is why I am OG.

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ce3b7d  No.17242167

File: 89c8ef714dd01e7⋯.jpg (48.98 KB, 980x654, 490:327, xgpr09cybo48.jpg)


Turkey: Wheat harvest started in Amik Plain


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d853ca  No.17242177

File: acf4b236ff3e925⋯.jpg (42.91 KB, 979x555, 979:555, lug1fi9.jpg)


>tidy catalog


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a733e4  No.17242186

File: e385c7d6555e2e0⋯.jpg (46.48 KB, 1093x545, 1093:545, wbt9kxq5r.jpg)


post moar larp accts from telefag

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297423  No.17242217

File: c62a13703723c0e⋯.jpg (45.1 KB, 1165x503, 1165:503, olo1xkm7z5gxz7.jpg)


You mean like "Ha ha God, you can't kill our deviant asses with another flood and now we shall mock you by making the rainbow flag our symbol" ?

I would not recommend this strategy. These people are stupid.

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2388f7  No.17242222

File: 27231aa7fc5d9fa⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 1206x572, 603:286, 2b8266gqyyof.jpg)

Cat Turd Baker mad his life is killing a mouse and dragging it to Soro’s front porch.

Pic attached makes Mr. Pig big mad.

Anons, demand to know who runs this board.

It is outsourced.

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ce3b7d  No.17242252

File: 0ba773b64d49f58⋯.jpg (52.66 KB, 1024x686, 512:343, n80wm5qex.jpg)


Fuck it. Fire that bitch up and lets blow this rock to pieces. Someone needs to roll credits on this shitty ass movie.

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e2eda3  No.17242267

File: bf51ca48d011414⋯.jpg (48.42 KB, 1144x558, 572:279, 8im6pnh7sol.jpg)


she was 14. Probably traveled with boyfriend and his parents to the summer lake.

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e54cc9  No.17242291

File: 6486448ff3a1d96⋯.jpg (58.33 KB, 1085x721, 155:103, 9zth6z9kn.jpg)


Well I actually want to join the military. They won't let me in the Canadian military for sure, I'm too smart and 2 year background check just to find out you got rejected. It takes 10-20x longer to do anything here.

Tell me proper way to do it so I don't feel like a shitbag plz. I can already cross over and claim refugee status considering how bad it is in Canada atm.

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847222  No.17242377

File: eee817b4d29deb6⋯.jpg (56.11 KB, 1116x680, 279:170, 0j0w1w5we.jpg)


If trump saysbabyfistat the rally tomorrow I will literally fall over

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a507b7  No.17242395

File: 3365d51e965cc24⋯.jpg (44.11 KB, 1001x574, 143:82, 31qn00f.jpg)

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f7591e  No.17242406

File: 3f014933beb27f1⋯.jpg (57.22 KB, 1116x691, 1116:691, j2na1bi1m1.jpg)

House Democrats Block Bill to Provide More Security For Supreme Court Justices Despite Foiled Plot to Kill Kavanaugh

House Democrats on Wednesday evening blocked a bill to provide more security for Supreme Court justices and their families.

“This passed unanimously in the Senate, yet Speaker Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote—despite today’s foiled plot to kill Justice Kavanaugh. Shameful.” GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA) said on Wednesday.



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34500c  No.17242416

File: 4cf83ea51a1bb63⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, i2vdv4aehwqnz.jpg)


Prepare Operation Meat Shield!

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da9235  No.17242423

File: 847ec5566eb3802⋯.jpg (44 KB, u4l60m7cgn49.jpg)


>She sued the once

Did she win?

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d99620  No.17242430

File: eae875302087142⋯.jpg (51.84 KB, v6p2h6s3v5ccr.jpg)


when all that 'negative energy' that exists in the universes where Jesus will never be (i.e. hell) concentrates to try to impossibly 'reach the surface' of 'non-darkness' it looks like anubis.

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4971b4  No.17242698

File: 007503607b0a195⋯.jpg (43.73 KB, vvekzcct6.jpg)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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ef573a  No.17242806

File: 96e941119ea54d5⋯.jpg (59.51 KB, i68bl38.jpg)



Born 40 days and 40 nights (actually, I have no clue what time of day he was born kek) after Truman formally recognized the state of Israel.

39+ days if prior to 6:11pm.

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69e2f5  No.17242848

File: ff6868ddf887760⋯.jpg (58.4 KB, 1058x736, 23:16, y80nqgpjkfj1c.jpg)

Even so OSS lost the BV position, a lot of his gay discord members still hold positions on this board.

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b01805  No.17242911

File: 7e8c68317f54a10⋯.jpg (48.83 KB, 1130x565, 2:1, 2gz2bylbit.jpg)


It wasn't so long ago when you had to get a blood test to get married in America.

Not much different.

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afe17f  No.17242926

File: 950c6351ff33ce5⋯.jpg (58.83 KB, 1182x687, 394:229, z8lub9ck.jpg)




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0cdfc8  No.17242929

File: d53035b8a59808c⋯.jpg (57.81 KB, 1150x684, 575:342, k2qy8a31gp.jpg)

Who was Roe's lawyer at the pizza parlor?

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ef2381  No.17243022

File: 574c1f72ea1028b⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 1109x553, 1109:553, mzi49yk1t9cxm.jpg)


maybe that he's MK'ed

but he really another death faker.

There's quite a few of those.

Apparently not that difficult, and can be profitable too.

If you honestly study it a bit more, you'll be surprised.

Ties into what people were anons were writing about yesterday.

If you think everybody is stupid, then you ignore what they say.

If you are really smart though, you will by habit listen to everyone knowing that you may not be the smartest person on Earth , with a "high IQ" - thinking all stupid people should be killed (qualifies as psychopath right there)

Premature passing of judgement is a loser move.

What 's wrong with just suspending disbelief when you're out of a movie theatre

Everybody suspends disbelief in a movie

What about on real subjects?


From someone bothered by too much fame it can be a way out.

Retire early

And then it's used to traumatize the public when their idol commits "suicide" or "is shot"


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20fc7d  No.17243107

File: 7b2e1e54a27ad5e⋯.jpg (55.54 KB, 1087x682, 1087:682, tbt8klo.jpg)


gots something for your ass too

o7 ns

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45574c  No.17243110

File: 10f0b90ed5d408d⋯.jpg (42.67 KB, 1038x526, 519:263, b8c06r.jpg)


tor exit nodes have been owned by the FBI since before 2012. They actually killed anonymous and lulzsec via TOR.

Tell me again how the FBI is after your best interests.

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8d84dd  No.17243114

File: 89fbc43551c3355⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 1034x683, 1034:683, gqdykfgx13.jpg)

kill all child rapists.

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a4cc7c  No.17243194

File: eb1013e48faaf8f⋯.jpg (53.03 KB, 1084x658, 542:329, bf51iuy3.jpg)











>What did they just fount out?

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063c8f  No.17243239

File: bd113a322a8a92e⋯.jpg (55.55 KB, dha271l99lh0.jpg)


Biggest joke was the recommendation in hospital to eat liquid medical food only, so that my colon wouldn't have much to do.

This type of food, if you can even call it that, is pure sugar.

And I found out years later that sugar makes it far worse. I stopped with that completely immediately after I found out.

Now that is actually pure evil, nothing surprises me anymore.

They also blamed it on genes, me as a child not being outside (which was bs, they just assumed I was a computer nerd 100% at home). My research even confirmed that even athletes get that disease. It's all lies. They can't even be honest as in " we don't know what's going on".

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224396  No.17243340

File: a5ed6f1d94decad⋯.jpg (60.89 KB, 1195x693, 1195:693, 3ti1hxfm1t.jpg)

Just waking up, did I miss “those aren’t real Q posts” all night shift?

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025641  No.17243343

File: e2a4b475224e056⋯.jpg (60.36 KB, 1126x727, 1126:727, g49o7ig3cr.jpg)


thanks for posting this, redpill78 doesn't believe the drops are real either

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52cf28  No.17243370

File: de3da4e7a823466⋯.jpg (62.59 KB, 8ux25wg6c54q.jpg)


DEA now has to actually stop Chinese drugs from coming into US….C_A mafia hates competition and is losing big time

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59bac2  No.17243379

File: b9bb3a1b5cc1d2b⋯.jpg (55.78 KB, 7jtrf1l.jpg)


The Talmud – NOT the Old Testament is the governing religious book of Judaism.  Evidence of this is found in the Talmud itself.

Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): “My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes (the Talmud) than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament).”

The Talmud nullifies the Bible by permitting and encouraging virtually everything the Bible defines as Sin!  While on earth, Jesus made a direct reference to the Talmud when he denounced the Pharisees, the leaders of the synagogue, for voiding the Scripture by teaching the traditions of men. (Mark 7:1-13)

Non-Jews - derogatorily referred to as goyim, minim, heathen, or gentiles, by the Jews - are considered to be no better than cattle, according to the Talmud, so their possessions, their land, and even their lives can be taken at will, by the Jews.

The teachings of the Jewish Babylonian Talmud are arguably the most bigoted, despicable, and hate-filled teachings known to man.  Keep in mind that they have a “sanitized” version of the Talmud available to deceive  non-Jews. The deceit then becomes layered – deceit on top of deceit!

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c035a1  No.17243424

File: 9c2439ac2178f50⋯.jpg (57.87 KB, 1128x695, 1128:695, fj14uau1dbh9.jpg)



what is in between potatus and the light that reflects off his red clown nose.

A small barrier.

In this barrier MAGA LIVES RENT FREE.

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0e1e8f  No.17243432

File: 837f5fc81a02292⋯.jpg (53.35 KB, 1162x624, 581:312, nubajwgj.jpg)


Disregard that link maybe it will show live here


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b22b1f  No.17243443

File: ea2dd9afcd7e975⋯.jpg (63.54 KB, 1181x740, 1181:740, ei8zwev0w.jpg)

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3eeb5e  No.17243486

File: d98ad7d8c5c5cd0⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 1064x596, 266:149, nlur5l37y5ca.jpg)

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673164  No.17243577

File: 1ba09d689fb9556⋯.jpg (48.47 KB, 1113x572, 1113:572, 3d29hvrv6yf.jpg)



>Show them

Astronomical Clock Analysis

10,320 views Premiered Feb 26, 2021 The 600 years old astronomical geocentric clock of Prague, presentation. Basics things for easy clock reading.

A big proof of our geocentric motionless world.

Vibes of Cosmos


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cc2b3e  No.17243615

File: b8d81f36b7f1ca7⋯.jpg (48.38 KB, 975x653, 975:653, xe8uxyjdvqam.jpg)


10. Brave with Epic VPN extension…

Just had annuda post disappear


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bd3626  No.17243674

File: 41142985157c042⋯.jpg (45.58 KB, 1131x516, 377:172, h06aug43gr0.jpg)


No way of telling if Jim or Ron aren't assets, someone could have tipped them off intentionally.

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9536a1  No.17243686

File: d0ca85586849a96⋯.jpg (55.8 KB, 1075x690, 215:138, ta2jlaq4.jpg)

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8528e3  No.17243700

File: ea3fb7fcfdfc843⋯.jpg (50.27 KB, 1151x581, 1151:581, 7ig7o3v.jpg)


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ce792e  No.17243709

File: 08e83638aac1ac5⋯.jpg (54.95 KB, 1180x626, 590:313, fffe3iocny.jpg)


it was like 4 breads ago.

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0ac9ea  No.17243721

File: 17df1f5b735bde3⋯.jpg (61.63 KB, 1180x719, 1180:719, gs814ixzf.jpg)

Maxwell addresses the court

After her attorney finished, Maxwell stood to address the court directly.

“I empathise deeply with all the victims in this case,” she began.

“I realise I have been convicted of assisting Jeffrey Epstein to commit these crimes. My association with Epstein will permanently stain me. It is the biggest regret of my life than I ever met him.

“I believe Jeffrey Epstein fooled all of those in his orbit. His victims considered him a mentor, friend, lover.

“Jeffrey Epstein should have stood before you. In 2005. In 2009. And again in 2019. But today it is for me to be sentenced.

“I am sorry for the pain you have experience. I hope my conviction and harsh incarceration brings you peace and finality. I hope this date bring a terrible chapter to the end.”




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b2b84f  No.17243752

File: b0231415095de48⋯.jpg (53.47 KB, 1052x678, 526:339, qeeuu1ku1z.jpg)

"President Joe Biden will invoke the Defense Production Act on Monday to increase domestic production of solar panel components and other technologies in support of his green energy agenda. The White House announced the set of executive actions as domestic solar developers and manufacturers face off over an active Commerce Department investigation weighing new tariffs on solar imports, which developers say is hampering their projects and threatening Biden's goals of cutting greenhouse gas emissions. The DPA will cover the manufacture of photovoltaic modules, which are a central component of solar panels, as well as heat pumps and equipment for building electrolyzers and fuel cells. Biden will also invoke emergency authority to create a two-year "bridge" preventing the imposition of new tariffs to ensure solar developers have access to solar product imports while manufacturing grows, the White House said.

Nick Iacovella, senior vice president of public affairs for the Coalition for a Prosperous America, which represents U.S. producers and manufacturers, said the DPA announcement is positive but complained the White House moved forward without consulting U.S. module manufacturers.

"All of the U.S. manufacturers are pissed at this," Iacovella said. "What they're saying in this announcement is, even if Commerce rules that the Chinese, what they're doing is illegal, that they are illegally circumventing the [duties], they're going to give them a free pass."


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7af994  No.17243758

File: 826731ca3cb96d9⋯.jpg (54.33 KB, 1102x661, 1102:661, 2r987fo7z.jpg)


7s have been off the chart of late

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8d84dd  No.17243769

File: d5a478c86cfd818⋯.jpg (54.4 KB, 1157x636, 1157:636, c91622rnq9h.jpg)


surely they stopped tho. They aren't doing this now? kek

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95a75f  No.17243772

File: a058c2e8ef0b7a4⋯.jpg (49.55 KB, 1111x590, 1111:590, vkeeacuawjoqt.jpg)

When will the rod strike the ring

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7a0287  No.17243913

File: 9a7299256466c9d⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 1141x529, 1141:529, 277bn720mbxu.jpg)


With the media concentrating on the Roe riots Q picked the perfect time to re-appear.

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9841ed  No.17243994

File: 711b2944fec8edd⋯.jpg (47.82 KB, 1122x557, 1122:557, dc1aqiohzjgq.jpg)





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f34eeb  No.17244113

File: 84555ec9073099f⋯.jpg (60.31 KB, 1148x714, 82:51, wimqdn8acq.jpg)

Truth Social

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b05572  No.17244115

File: 95ab3f833c6b94d⋯.jpg (56.06 KB, 1056x712, 132:89, yq1ne70vwcf6w9.jpg)


i see what you did there no need to capitalize

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d5c3d2  No.17244121

File: 427aa52f774a860⋯.jpg (54.81 KB, 1075x679, 1075:679, yrwcikk.jpg)


Some q drop images towards end of that bread too.

Nice touch of a snipe with that video to close it out.

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7a0287  No.17244174

File: b5bc37f641ffa1b⋯.jpg (45.64 KB, 1101x539, 1101:539, 5k112v3czyt.jpg)


"In order to protect the public, that these White Supremacists pose, we must enact this legislation now, if we hope to protect our Democracy"-Wait for that.

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af6285  No.17244178

File: 2cfa6e4100c76c3⋯.jpg (55.02 KB, 1048x701, 1048:701, 35zdwgc69ubpbp.jpg)

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Mexico President Lopez Obrador: US.-Mexico border ‘out of control’

Mexico’s president slammed the Biden administration’s border policies after at least 50 migrants were found dead in texas in an alleged human trafficking incident. On Tuesday, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said the US-Mexico border is “out of control.”

He further lamented 22 of the deceased were Mexican nationals while seven were reportedly from Guatemala and two from Honduras. Lopez Obrador claimed the surge of migrants going into the US is a result of poor economic policies affecting Central and South America as well as the entrepreneurship of human smugglers.

Lopez Obrador said he will meet with President Biden on July 12 to discuss migration. Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers are speaking out regarding the left’s open border approach to immigration.

Specifically, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) blamed Biden’s border policies, or lack there of, for the dozens of migrant deaths that took place in the Lone Star State. In a tweet Monday, Abbott said the deaths occurred due to Biden’s refusal to enforce the law.

His criticism comes as the death toll has risen to at least 50 people after a large group of migrants was discovered Monday in an abandoned 18-wheeler. The migrants were coming from Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. Authorities said there weren’t any signs of a working air conditioner or water and are unsure how long the migrants were stuck for.

Record numbers of migrants have crossed the southern border under Biden’s watch and Border Patrol carried out more than 222,000 apprehensions in May alone.

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21a4d4  No.17244211

File: f1bb40072e7e393⋯.jpg (60.86 KB, 1118x745, 1118:745, 2daoeo4.jpg)


Can't say that in a mandatory diversity training class now can you?

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2bfa06  No.17244275

File: 4b1c623d5d10b7b⋯.jpg (52.99 KB, 982x706, 491:353, 0qe8nuvyxj.jpg)


bakers who spam the notables 10 fucking times need to be drawn and quartered. quit it, faggot

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8ad39c  No.17244287

File: 4d85dedc473d6fd⋯.jpg (54.07 KB, 1148x634, 574:317, dw26wnd.jpg)


THEY tell us to our faces

they think we are sheep and cattle

and we were

we never paid real attention

as it was just "music and art"


i was going to post but you beat me to it


go watch Y control and Chrome and all other in frame by frame

really look

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11cbbd  No.17244304

File: afcde31b386a4da⋯.jpg (53.65 KB, 961x725, 961:725, 12w3nmffo7.jpg)


>Lopez got away by shedding his shackles

Comprehension issues today. HTH did he do this with another guard not hearing or seeing it in such a confined space as a bus such as that? As he was stabbing the driver, WTF was the armed guard (who would shoot the bus' back tires) doing?

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f5c660  No.17244328

File: f5773a6efb905fa⋯.jpg (42.59 KB, 1047x520, 1047:520, 24099p8tuhf.jpg)


in z bun

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57bef8  No.17244358

File: 3c87cabef0fdf47⋯.jpg (58.39 KB, 1183x678, 1183:678, n2fdg3y9stm.jpg)


By ARIJETA LAJKA January 7, 2021






In reality, Vos was reporting on the insurrection for the Dutch television channel RTL 4’s talk show Jinek. During the phone interview, Vos said that Pelosi, his wife and son had to take shelter inside the building, while he reported from outside the building. He said he lost contact with his family for a few hours.

The rioter captured in the photograph with Vos has been identified as Jake Angeli, who also appeared in images of rioters inside the Capitol building wearing a furry hat with horns. He is a regular at pro-Trump events and a known follower of QAnon, a baseless conspiracy theory that claims that Trump is secretly fighting deep state enemies and a cabal of child sex traffickers.

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6382a4  No.17244361

File: 8d0f1c99da50d0e⋯.jpg (44.68 KB, 1093x523, 1093:523, e07rktcm9x7d.jpg)


>I'd like to donate money to your next IP hop


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bf52b9  No.17244388

File: bf8979f901ef857⋯.jpg (47.68 KB, 991x637, 991:637, 47jruiyq7dr.jpg)



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7fa931  No.17244395

File: c457a925169cc01⋯.jpg (53.11 KB, 1189x595, 1189:595, gyfml4ciy2d.jpg)


whew, one tax write off is good enough

3 would just be too much to handle between going to the gym to get a bigger ass so they can post on instathot and long walks to starcucks and lounging around poolside at a luxury spa & resort

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3208d8  No.17244401

File: 8cdf2016ba1e9f1⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 980x520, 49:26, njh4g1djhx7wx.jpg)


>it is clearly retarded to continue voting in elections you know to be rigged

it's called making the best of a bad situation

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da2862  No.17244409

File: 2f39a7b400e0cad⋯.jpg (57.28 KB, 1135x685, 227:137, onkx4drwe.jpg)


Don't believe everything you read. That includes the replies of a chatbot and the bible.

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42b546  No.17244431

File: f0c5898ce87e941⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 1005x673, 1005:673, vbnxtfrwpyl.jpg)


not in the way you imply

keep following your


carry on

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c836b1  No.17244484

File: 1ff2a14c171cb75⋯.jpg (45.61 KB, 991x595, 991:595, itlq9ddje.jpg)

I can’t watch that video so I won’t post it. These people are fucking sick


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7b95f2  No.17244529

File: 60220c29775ffbd⋯.jpg (60.6 KB, 1121x735, 1121:735, dghjeo0brrhnv.jpg)

Levin: ‘Stalinist’ J6 Committee Is ‘Second Biggest Farce’ After Russia Hoax

‘This committee has violated due process. This committee is withholding evidence. This committee is withholding exculpatory witnesses,’ Levin said.

Mark Levin, lawyer and radio host, weighed in on the Jan. 6 Committee’s show-trial hearings on Tuesday night’s episode of “Hannity” after former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified that the Trump administration had prior knowledge of and supported the violence on Jan. 6, 2021.

“I guess tonight I’ll try and help Joe Scarborough tonight. Joe, I’m going to talk slowly. You listen slowly and see if I can educate you and all the rest of them. This committee is filled with these bastards on this committee and these phony former federal prosecutors behind the scenes,” Levin said.

“You know why this woman testified today the way she testified today, in my opinion? This was her fifth interview. They had her behind the scenes for four interviews. They wore her down, in my view. She changed lawyers. They said she had to testify today because of death threats. She couldn’t testify last week or the week after that?”

“This committee is a farce. It is a Stalinist committee,” he continued.

“I want to tell Kevin McCarthy and the Republican leadership: You need to put out the equivalent of a protective order right now and let Nancy Pelosi know, and this Bennie Hill Thompson who runs the committee, and Dizzy Lizzy, and you need to tell them right now they are to preserve all the records that this committee and the staff has pulled together, whether it’s text, emails, documents, phone records. And while we’re at it, they need to preserve their own texts, emails, documents, and phone records, and they need to tell Nancy Pelosi to preserve hers, and Steny Hoyer too, and their staffs because this is the greatest — well Russia collusion was the greatest — this is the second biggest farce against the American people.”

“They bring this woman up to testify. She’s about 25 years old. Among other things, what did she say?” Levin asked. “That the president knew that there were going to be threats. The president knew that people might be armed. The president knew there might be violence. Yeah! Which is exactly why the president offered the National Guard on Jan. 4, according to five eyewitnesses, of which she wasn’t one.”

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e945b1  No.17244562

File: a0bc3c922b1c483⋯.jpg (44.63 KB, 1049x541, 1049:541, ah6a27xqryv7hg.jpg)



"swirling aerosol map"

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a46999  No.17244569

File: 1232f0b97590a9c⋯.jpg (42.16 KB, 1054x505, 1054:505, 2vuk4hld.jpg)


Sure. You have a deal.

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534bf6  No.17244572

File: 3e908994c55ce49⋯.jpg (44.2 KB, 977x576, 977:576, t9pfcdmg4cm5l.jpg)


>FF on the 4th by saying over & over again Fuck the Forth

plausible, but would be stupid. can't think of anything that would piss Americans off moar

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864a11  No.17244663

File: d9b273b3ea5386a⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 1041x616, 1041:616, jv3svhex8lw7oi.jpg)

/Our/ Girl

Give this woman's salon a five star review. The kikes are bombing her salon reviews, because she exposed them. Search for 'Jenny Rose Luxury Hair' on Google Reviews.



Kike jannies on 4chan have deleted the first 4 threads:






A White person is having her business ratings destroyed for being vocal about her opinions on Jews.

The business is called Jenny Rose Luxury Hair.

She got unpersoned by the synagogue of Satan!


"No more google reviews, no more google maps

Our Queen has been scrubbed from google

What are the political implications of this?"

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4a2411  No.17244666

File: a294326c173ea9f⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 1110x547, 1110:547, z6r0pktvywi1bt.jpg)

It's Phil G posting

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ccdefd  No.17244681

File: ff8c594b8f4a604⋯.jpg (57.67 KB, 1081x715, 1081:715, yt9oyxxjr.jpg)



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e945b1  No.17244746

File: f7c15d61248ea6c⋯.jpg (46.91 KB, 980x619, 980:619, vlrfs0gmuu.jpg)

necromacer juw pedo shares HOm00 for daddy's incest lies

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af6285  No.17244851

File: f08d6f560e5c2f8⋯.jpg (50.48 KB, 1115x597, 1115:597, u2gys5tc6.jpg)

Anons figure out who Cassidy Hutchinson is yet? Or what is at stake?

BTW who is in control? Obama?

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6382a4  No.17244896

File: bca9757f4331960⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 973x549, 973:549, g21ka995wyqn.jpg)

Where do we go from here?

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40e575  No.17244925

File: 72b1a36d955ca85⋯.jpg (55.04 KB, 1146x653, 1146:653, gutw39vm4y.jpg)


The former presidential candidate on negotiating with Putin, the ‘prophet’ Margaret Atwood — and why the Democrats need to rein in the radical left

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215dcc  No.17245015

File: 7ab30ead34a6f49⋯.jpg (54 KB, 1116x653, 1116:653, 0y462n5nl.jpg)


DPFC w/ bars

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da2862  No.17245073

File: ed676826884df81⋯.jpg (42.59 KB, 963x568, 963:568, 2zocc9z2vmvfm.jpg)

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2a9fd4  No.17245093

File: 7e2fb0cf3c05e36⋯.jpg (48.08 KB, 1008x629, 1008:629, bucf0pxg5phuy1.jpg)


I am already boycotting everybody involved with them. Thanks for the force multiplier!

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4d9024  No.17245119

File: 5ec97804d4cb866⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 1133x578, 1133:578, edcyree3.jpg)


[W]e're not arguing

[W]e're explaining why were right

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9cb7be  No.17245167

File: c91670906fcd0b4⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 1194x653, 1194:653, 36el5w.jpg)

Not retired Q, lurking.

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e427f8  No.17245216

File: df0b6fd99019013⋯.jpg (54.34 KB, 1200x615, 80:41, rede8pg0b5f0g4.jpg)


75c1c6 here IP swap

Thank you emergency Baker

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9196c0  No.17245234

File: 365420ba55eccbb⋯.jpg (51.3 KB, 1173x587, 1173:587, bz29enks4.jpg)

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80a991  No.17245260

File: 354e7399646f117⋯.jpg (40.83 KB, 1027x500, 1027:500, oq66f38szya.jpg)

January 6th Committee Announces Surprise Hearing for Tuesday: “Recently Obtained Evidence…Witness Testimony”

The Pelosi-controlled House January 6th Committee investigating the Capitol riot and efforts by President Trump to stop the steal of the 2020 presidential election suddenly announced a hearing scheduled for Tuesday at 1 p.m. EDT “to present recently obtained evidence and receive witness testimony.”

The surprise hearing comes after Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) said last week there would be no more hearings until after the long July 4th recess. The committee had previously put off two hearings set for this week. No further details on the hearing were released.

Tuesday’s hearing will be the sixth the committee has held.

NBC News reporter Gary Grumbach observed the committee has been knocked out of the news cycle by recent events, “They were knocked out of the news cycle by the signing of gun legislation and the overturning of Roe v. Wade, but the Jan. 6th committee is back – they will hold a hearing *tomorrow* “to present recently obtained evidence and receive witness testimony.”

Last Thursday’s hearing focused on former Trump Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark. By sheer coincidence the FBI staged a dawn raid on Clark’s home the day before, seizing his electronic devices while forcing him to wait outside his home in his pajamas.

MSNBC excitedly reported news about the new hearing:


Incoming Bullshit

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7797c0  No.17245278

File: cef26d6bc1e7319⋯.jpg (42.5 KB, 1035x519, 345:173, 7f2f2xs04p4r.jpg)

Why does Q seem to be Masonic?

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534bf6  No.17245340

File: 290b54a38ac20f2⋯.jpg (47.9 KB, 1033x608, 1033:608, c68ko30ague.jpg)


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f11bcf  No.17245372

File: 9fedf6e9b20a68c⋯.jpg (44.01 KB, 1109x498, 1109:498, m3sc44t.jpg)


The only path forward is Voter I.D.

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0c33a5  No.17245396

File: c33478366332723⋯.jpg (52.93 KB, 1136x628, 284:157, f5qseu.jpg)

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7fa931  No.17245506

File: 1694f0e631bd445⋯.jpg (61.25 KB, 1202x697, 1202:697, btsj90n696jqqu.jpg)

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61b214  No.17245655

File: b313d653cdcdcd7⋯.jpg (47.33 KB, 1147x537, 1147:537, mirkw67wqn5v2r.jpg)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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a910f7  No.17245737

File: 6f2bbe3f1a3065b⋯.jpg (52.64 KB, 1042x672, 521:336, 5dt7z4vqeuc7.jpg)


But couple spoilers, do you know what Operation Paperclip is/was, what Planned Parenthood was originally set up for, or what Bill gates father did. Or who always dies first in Hollywood movies, who got fed midazolam and remdesivir in the first covid lockdowns, and why do certain people like to gather pineal glands from different species. And what does young cerebrospinal fluid to do older rats. I don't know where to start with the antarctic…

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91508a  No.17245752

File: 0ca6b3b9cbe742b⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 1007x689, 19:13, kb4ev2288ocn7s.jpg)


>POTUS also said 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,…

>Marker 9 was called!!!

No saying he did, but here is the reference:


Dec 17, 2019 5:03:45 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No. 7538263

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.

They will fight but you are ready.

Marker [9].


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eb2781  No.17245753

File: 58a073f0bd48fb7⋯.jpg (49.25 KB, 1084x608, 271:152, 9bj6xrtkm5cc.jpg)

Nearly 20M watched Jan. 6 hearing: Nielsen

(The Hill has removed its comment section, as there are many other forums for readers to participate in the conversation. We invite you to join the discussion on Facebook and Twitter.)


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4bff53  No.17245800

File: b9e5dbaddb0ea8f⋯.jpg (54.64 KB, 965x739, 965:739, bsy6rffnpe.jpg)

This is Globohomo.

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574206  No.17245818

File: aa41a503fff1dd3⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 0mly5dbridu.jpg)

A bigot, a demoralizer and a derailer walk into a board…

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675cc4  No.17245952

File: af5417a7d574076⋯.jpg (59.52 KB, 1198x676, 599:338, bu7bob8b.jpg)

U.S. Army


Members of @7thForces conduct overnight land navigation during assessment training at Camp "Bull" Simons, Fla., April 26, 2022.

📸: Sgt. Carolina Sierra

6:06 PM · Jun 26, 2022 · Sprinklr


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70a17f  No.17245971

File: 157ee55bd0d7feb⋯.jpg (58.37 KB, 1136x701, 1136:701, c52gf61k6tqlq.jpg)


Concur, but lawsuits alone take forever to play out.

What's needed is an injunction to be granted in the interim once this passes referencing today's SC decision.

Don't even let them have 1 minute of the new law to be active until it's settled via the courts again.

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a3111f  No.17245996

File: 3b16da7d047e95e⋯.jpg (63.95 KB, 1209x714, 403:238, 1f679suwuhd.jpg)



Define numerology.

Describe a scientific endeavor that doesn’t involve letters, numbers & related symbols.

Is encryption & decryption scientific?

One of the first things we’re all taught, A-Z 26 letters (for our current form of english).

A1, B2, C3, D4, E5…Z26, AA27, BB28, CC29…

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d83f91  No.17246051

File: 4d4efbad537711c⋯.jpg (62.57 KB, 1179x727, 1179:727, spueno9gyqi7m.jpg)

Ben & Jerry’s Puts Up Billboards Across Multiple States Supporting ‘Trans’ Kids

Ben & Jerry’s and the National Center for Transgender Equality have collaborated on a multi-state billboard campaign to support “transgender” children.

The billboards are targeting four states: Florida, Texas, Georgia, and Virginia — all of which have passed legislation to protect girls sports or try to prevent gender change treatments and surgeries for minors.

“In the wake of a recent spate of hateful, anti-trans legislation in states across the nation, Ben & Jerry’s has launched a billboard campaign to stand in solidarity with trans youth and their families who have been targeted by the latest wave of attempted new laws,” Ben & Jerry’s said in a press release obtained by The Gateway Pundit.

The message on the billboards, placed in each state’s capital, reads “We Stand with Trans Youth and Those Who Love Them” and “trans rights are human rights.”

“At a time when many politicians are criminalizing access to health care for trans youth — in addition to other efforts to marginalize them — we felt it important to make a public stand in support for them and their friends and families. We see them, we hear them, we stand with them,” said Maroni Minter, US Activism Manager for Ben & Jerry’s. “After years and years of progress in the LGBTQ+ and trans community, this wave of regressive legislation is trying to take us backwards not forward. In the face of this reality, it is more important than ever that we not remain silent.”

The press release added that “on top of the four states included in the campaign, 31 other states have seen legislative activity that seeks to marginalize the transgender community, most specifically designed to affect trans youth. Additionally, Ben & Jerry’s will also be placing a newspaper ad in their home state of Vermont. The state has been dealing with its own spate of anti-LGBTQ+ activity, including the recent murder of a trans woman, vandalism of a local LGBTQ+ community center, and hateful messages targeting local school staff for hosting workshops about gender equity.”

The ice cream company is notorious for their extreme far left activism.


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dabfac  No.17246067

File: 2ab7b29fe0046da⋯.jpg (59.4 KB, ww6nerl2zote.jpg)


It's about power and control. Think about the Ukrainian Nazis who want all Russian speakers in Ukraine gone. Nazi satanists are a concern that ppl don't know much about because no-one wants to talk about it. It is really ugly. These are the real Nazis, not what Dems are calling Trump supporters.

There is more here if you want to look further.


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d9773e  No.17246113

File: da3e34db49392a7⋯.jpg (48.55 KB, 1153x550, 1153:550, ahipcaiyw8656.jpg)

based Moroccans taking out the nigger trash

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b08f9f  No.17246453

File: 69318ef9ceb1f7d⋯.jpg (61.55 KB, 1203x700, 1203:700, ro53d05.jpg)

G'Morning Girl Vrind

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6c2d17  No.17246561

File: 95cb9a4fb8fa486⋯.jpg (56.07 KB, 998x740, 499:370, cp9iic57v8.jpg)

Pregnant Woman Used AR-15 to Drop Armed Robber Attacking Her 11-Year-Old Daughter

As Democrats rabidly push for more “gun control” amid the terrifying crime waves ignited by their soft-on-crime policies, there are daily reminders of why our Second Amendment right to self-defense must never be infringed.

One of the most poignant examples involved an eight-month-pregnant woman who used an AR-15 rifle to defend her then 11-year-old daughter and injured husband during a violent home invasion three years ago in Lithia, Florida.


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0e3ea5  No.17246570

File: 6f3bcdadb6bf9b8⋯.jpg (51.26 KB, 1176x578, 588:289, xk6sqin65ll.jpg)


OWN- oprah winfrey network

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0e7c6c  No.17246597

File: ad3714252cd8951⋯.jpg (48.64 KB, 990x643, 990:643, ktzswhuyan.jpg)

God gave us bible prophecy not to scare us but to prepare us. They are "proofs" much like Q proofs.

So we might know that both exist.

It would be wise to listen to both works of clues.


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b96508  No.17246669

File: d4dac277859cc9f⋯.jpg (59.6 KB, 1139x708, 1139:708, pevc63agw.jpg)


What if I told you the "Crusades" never ended…

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02a6ee  No.17246751

File: 0afb440f0c289c7⋯.jpg (53.56 KB, 1060x669, 1060:669, ryx9bx6o5rrhg7.jpg)


Pulled the number from the wiener pix 3250 from Q post


wow spooky

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 87b5e7 No.5944119 📁

Mar 28 2019 12:50:09 (EST)


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edad34  No.17246853

File: dfae80907c41b35⋯.jpg (53.23 KB, clffol194iao3.jpg)

Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirms judicial paedophile protection racket with 28% not going to jail

By Shane Dowling on September 24, 2019 • ( 7 Comments )

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on the 3rd of September that 28% of paedophiles convicted of federal laws do not go to jail so the government is introducing mandatory sentencing laws. The minimum inference that can be drawn is that Australian judges and magistrates are running a paedophile protection racket.

If 28% of paedophiles convicted of federal laws aren’t going to jail what is the real number of paedophiles that are knowingly being let off in Australia when state laws are added? 40%? 50%?

The judges that let paedophiles off are deliberately and knowingly breaking the law as they know they should be sending the paedophiles to jail. So why aren’t the judges sending the paedophiles to jail? Without a doubt, some judges are paedophiles themselves and some would be taking bribes. Whatever the case it needs investigating by authorities in a major way and this website has been shining a light on the issue for a long time.

The government press release is in full below:

Mandatory jail sentences for child sex offenders

Media release

The Hon. Christian Porter MP


Minister for Industrial Relations

Leader of the House

The Hon. Peter Dutton MP

Minister for Home Affairs

Paedophiles would face mandatory jail sentences and the most serious offenders could be jailed for life under sweeping changes to Federal sentencing laws to be introduced to Parliament next week.

The Crimes Legislation Amendment (Sexual Crimes Against Children and Community Protection Measures) Bill 2019 will also make it harder for serious offenders to get bail, while repeat offenders will have to stay in prison for longer.

The Bill reflects the Morrison Government’s commitment to keeping Australians safe and creates new offences to capture evolving forms of child exploitation such as being the administrator of a website that functions for the purpose of distributing child abuse material.

Attorney-General Christian Porter said 28 percent of child sex offenders convicted of federal offences in 2018-19 did not spend one day in jail – a statistic totally out of step with community expectations.

“It simply beggars belief that nearly a third of all child sex offenders who were sentenced last year were not required to spend a single day behind bars, despite the devastating and life-long impacts that their crimes have on their young victims and their families,” the Attorney-General said.

“And when jail terms were handed out, the average length of time that offenders spent in custody was just 18 months.

==Read Further


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dc324f  No.17247133

File: 662ac59362a9611⋯.jpg (42.78 KB, n4ctlwzym9d.jpg)


the silent war continues…

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bf7f2f  No.17247154

File: 14201934d409239⋯.jpg (43.77 KB, cri28u3r2hw.jpg)

Seattle police arrest street preacher for reading the Bible: ‘Risk to public safety’

Seattle police arrested a street preacher on charges of being a risk to public safety for reading his Bible aloud at a public park near an LGBT pride event.

Matthew Meinecke, who identifies himself as The Seattle Preacher on Twitter, was surrounded by Seattle police officers as he was reading his Bible and was subsequently arrested and fingerprinted at a police station before being released.

“SPD has enough resources to send 10 police officers to arrest a preacher reading his Bible in a public park. Because it's such a horrible crime now!” Meinecke wrote on Twitter, posting a video showing his arrest.


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03cb71  No.17247166

File: 235eae020781b1e⋯.jpg (57.19 KB, 72scw7cwfta.jpg)


This was a mind blowing find!!!

The horror of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001— followed by the Capitol Hill anthrax attacks a month later—united the 107th Congress (2001–2003) behind a shared sense of national duty, and forged momentary bipartisanship.


The Pence Agenda for the 107th Congress:

A Guide to Renewing the American Dream


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b3c510  No.17247255

File: 94f46115e323954⋯.jpg (54.53 KB, j3h0v070z5eh3k.jpg)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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0ae5da  No.17247433

File: 046ec63d0027220⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, k3gdjhak9i.jpg)

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fb94d6  No.17247474

File: 7305bcef0d4a671⋯.jpg (47.63 KB, pnvdhr3pz.jpg)


It'd be great if anons helped this dear woman spread her message for ALL to hear!

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1f3538  No.17247863

File: ff9aee83873b0b1⋯.jpg (56.05 KB, 1056x710, 528:355, 9t3nsl6mz0rc.jpg)

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67cf68  No.17247961

File: 09bf5299c029bb7⋯.jpg (61.27 KB, ustg0dplkw0xj.jpg)

meme production is down 64%

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14be4e  No.17248098

File: 62623ff6e092ecc⋯.jpg (59.85 KB, eo8hiqs.jpg)


Oops, I meant >>17228040

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