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460921  No.17193389[View All]

Military incompetence refers to incompetencies and failures of military organisations, whether through incompetent individuals or through a flawed institutional culture.

The effects of isolated cases of personal incompetence can be disproportionately significant in military organisations. Strict hierarchies of command provide the opportunity for a single decision to direct the work of thousands, whilst an institutional culture devoted to following orders without debate can help ensure that a bad or miscommunicated decision is implemented without being challenged or corrected.

However, the most common cases of "military incompetence" can be attributable to a flawed organisational culture. Perhaps the most marked of these is a conservative and traditionalist attitude, where innovative ideas or new technology are discarded or left untested. A tendency to believe that a problem can be solved by applying an earlier (failed) solution "better", be that with more men, more firepower, or simply more zeal, is common. A strict hierarchical system often discourages the devolution of power to junior commanders, and can encourage micromanagement by senior officers.

The nature of warfare provides several factors which exacerbate these effects; the fog of war means that information about the enemy forces is often limited or inaccurate, making it easy for the intelligence process to interpret the information to agree with existing assumptions, or to fit it to their own preconceptions and expectations. Communications tend to deteriorate in battlefield situations, with the flow of information between commanders and combat units being disrupted, making it difficult to react to changes in the situation as they develop.

After operations have ceased, military organisations often fail to learn effectively from experience. In victory, whatever methods have been used—no matter how inefficient—appear to have been vindicated (see victory disease), whilst in defeat there is a tendency to select scapegoats and to avoid looking in detail at the broader reasons for failure.

701 posts omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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497642  No.17196101


normies, wear your mask to the supermarket forever so you don't get aids

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f4d91a  No.17196113


Get off the drugs Kash. You only think they make you smarter & more clever. You’ve never been clever & your strain of dipshit has no cure.

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73163a  No.17196118



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69588e  No.17196122



dan is always "first".


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81e073  No.17196124

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af1657  No.17196125


Is Valeria a man

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1f089d  No.17196135




No zero delta, no trip code, no Q tag.

Shills trying to SMEAR Site Owner, Q, Anons, all because they're scared.

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a9060b  No.17196139



yeah ,I think so too

I saw a pic of the 'guy and he looks like he has a flacid penis

too much hate will do tht.

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9e89d3  No.17196152



The oldest ones generally have a,


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b4d44a  No.17196154


Can you imagine if you are a lousy piece of shit democrat and 100 million MAGA Patriots got you on the radar.

Yeah my browser is no longer supported because I'm using the gutted 8Chan 950 KB browser.

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bcb2b0  No.17196160

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47e676  No.17196164


Anonymous 06/04/2022 (Sat) 13:16:12 [Preview] No.55714 [X] del

Morning News Update. Super late edition:

Ukraine is losing the war. Anons were right this entire time:



Some progress on elections:




Blackouts likely will come.


Mccormick conceded to Oz:


2000 indictments please:


Hillary clinton will will wear orange but it's not for what she's hoping for:


Elon sees the writing on the wall:



Happy Flannel Friday Patriots:


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3083cc  No.17196165

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9dc67a  No.17196169



Baby, you ain't kiddin.

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aabb00  No.17196170


They don't joke.

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7047d3  No.17196177



i remember seeing neighborhoods where some houses were torched and ones right next door were fine

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1f089d  No.17196194


Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon vowed over the weekend that if elected she would sign a bill establishing criminal penalties for adults who "involve children in drag shows."

Dixon, a former conservative pundit and host on the Real America's Voice livestream network, posted to her Twitter account in response to a tweet from journalist Andy Ngo, who had shared images from a drag event for children at a Dallas bar titled "Drag the Kids to Pride."

This past weekend was the first in LGBTQI+ Pride Month.


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37c2ab  No.17196195

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86ca56  No.17196201



I don't think anyone is saying 'only vote'.

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0782d5  No.17196206



>I've had to live in shitholes beyond your worst imagination for extended periods of time.

Did you live in Baltimore, or Philadelphia on purpose?

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b18e4a  No.17196207



Yes, notice how you correct me with post ending in 666. I know it was probably in good faith based upon a certain understanding. Be assured, that this and the topic are related to miracles. Understand my correction to your correction. There is something greater than me (Elijah) here.

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b4d44a  No.17196209


Get your Popcorn

It's Happening

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bcb2b0  No.17196211



Pedos want to control the world & your children. Their agenda make pedophilia legal

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f02344  No.17196223



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63c148  No.17196225



maybe zucks meta gas is a dolla cheaper?

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c0c415  No.17196227



>Pull your gun out!

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1defaa  No.17196230



Ewww ber.

Postmates == Uber

Shitstained fingers handling your food. Eww.

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55128d  No.17196236



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f0ff4e  No.17196237



Shove it back in. No wants your shit.

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37a44e  No.17196241





The Energy 202: Conservatives predict gas prices will spike under Biden. Experts say those fears are overblown.


November 12, 2020

This article was published more than 2 years ago


Analysis by Dino Grandoni

Staff writer

November 12, 2020 at 8:05 a.m. EST

with Alexandra Ellerbeck

A dubious meme has emerged online in conservative circles: The price of gasoline will spike because Joe Biden is taking office.

The theory is that the president-elect's coming efforts to wean the United States off oil will nail people's pocketbooks. Conservative corners of Facebook are filled with viral photos of gas station signs with prices above $5 a gallon. “Just a reminder of what things looked like the last time Biden was in the White House,” reads one image.

But this vastly overstates a president's power to control the cost of a commodity traded on a world market. Although a president's actions — including Biden's climate policies — can nudge the price of oil, the effect is marginal at best, experts say.

“The scale of the global oil market,” said Pavel Molchanov, an oil analyst at Raymond James, “is so massive that it would be extremely unlikely for any single political decision, anywhere in the world, to materially affect oil prices.”

Simply put, neither Biden nor President Trump have a secret lever at the Resolute Desk that makes the price of oil go drastically up or down.


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cb5c69  No.17196243


Laptop From Hell - Miranda Devine

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a743f4  No.17196246



If you don't vote, you don't even have the moral right to bitch about. If you want to morally justify whatever it is you do in response to a stolen election, you need to vote in it.

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2d5518  No.17196251



If/when I find myself at a doctor's appointment ever again, there's no telling what I might say.

I think there might be a lot of things where my instinct might be to preface comments with "no offense but your profession said/did/has lost/destroyed its/ruined…"

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dc1b69  No.17196252

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6a323b  No.17196256














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68ccf9  No.17196259



Nope, I don't use social media really beside faceshit for stealing memes and posting hate speech

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5a3952  No.17196260



>looks like they got it worked out

interesting timing for it being "worked on" for over a year

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35d5c9  No.17196263



>'m tired of seeing China insulting us in public

we are the US/Biden government?

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9a585e  No.17196264



Yea…but those sandwiches

have slices of kids in them.

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d33858  No.17196272



no biggie, made me laugh.

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0aaa2d  No.17196273



I love that is an apple

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dcb86e  No.17196274



Yes, and they can read your mind.

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35a4b3  No.17196277



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479211  No.17196288



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d9f755  No.17196292




Is Jeremy Fleming one?

Robert Hannigan?

Tony Blair? he's even in the emails with LdR and Jake Sullivan!


It is so tiresome waiting for the world to catch up with what we already know. At least there is shitposting!

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f7f4a9  No.17196301

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f94b1f  No.17196306



And why is the Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn called that?

Why were they called that on VERY OLD MAPS?

Why are they STILL called that?

When will they be renamed? (per the stars they should be, I think?)

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abfba0  No.17196309


Repost from lb but its important shit

A few counties in Texas got cheated and flipped blue out of nowhere. Texas did go to Trump in the elections, but not for long if this gets overlooked.

(You)r state is more than likely at risk too!

7 Steps to Save Texas Elections

Do These Things to Save Our State


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5a323e  No.17196314



Does it matter if Q posts again? Either the plan is in place or it is not.

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693973  No.17196316




would be great if lots of anons get live online access and vidcap the entire kangaroo court proceedings to save offline.

There will be a FOIA hearing on Julian Assange in Australia on Friday June 10th, at 10 a.m. Canberra-time. (8p.m. ET on the 9th for US residents)

Case: 2021/5474 Maurizi and DFAT (Australian Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade).

To request videolink access:

Send an email to:


Subject: request to attend hearing

In the body of the email simply put that you are requesting video link access and list the case number above.


This hearing is incredibly important and part of an ongoing battle by journalist Stefania Maurizi to press for documents and evidence on the Julian Assange case being hidden, deleted, and or expunged from records by the US, UK, and AUS governments.

Having eyes on it matters.


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