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caaa6b  No.17193386[Last 50 Posts]

Military incompetence refers to incompetencies and failures of military organisations, whether through incompetent individuals or through a flawed institutional culture.

The effects of isolated cases of personal incompetence can be disproportionately significant in military organisations. Strict hierarchies of command provide the opportunity for a single decision to direct the work of thousands, whilst an institutional culture devoted to following orders without debate can help ensure that a bad or miscommunicated decision is implemented without being challenged or corrected.

However, the most common cases of "military incompetence" can be attributable to a flawed organisational culture. Perhaps the most marked of these is a conservative and traditionalist attitude, where innovative ideas or new technology are discarded or left untested. A tendency to believe that a problem can be solved by applying an earlier (failed) solution "better", be that with more men, more firepower, or simply more zeal, is common. A strict hierarchical system often discourages the devolution of power to junior commanders, and can encourage micromanagement by senior officers.

The nature of warfare provides several factors which exacerbate these effects; the fog of war means that information about the enemy forces is often limited or inaccurate, making it easy for the intelligence process to interpret the information to agree with existing assumptions, or to fit it to their own preconceptions and expectations. Communications tend to deteriorate in battlefield situations, with the flow of information between commanders and combat units being disrupted, making it difficult to react to changes in the situation as they develop.

After operations have ceased, military organisations often fail to learn effectively from experience. In victory, whatever methods have been used—no matter how inefficient—appear to have been vindicated (see victory disease), whilst in defeat there is a tendency to select scapegoats and to avoid looking in detail at the broader reasons for failure.

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f8ece6  No.17193400


Hello, Q. Wanted to say thank you. You gave me the inspiration to go off somewhere I'd never been, meet people who reinvigorated my belief in humanity, and enjoy an unforgettable experience that will never leave my heart. You helped rediscover someone that I thought was gone a long time ago: me. Thank you, Q.

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f792d6  No.17193416



Here is how anti-Christian really Israel is:

Plus sign and schools in Israel:



"Alternative plus sign:

A Jewish tradition that dates from at least the 19th century is to write plus using the symbol ﬩.[24] This practice was adopted into Israeli schools and is still commonplace today in elementary schools (including secular schools) but in fewer secondary schools.[25] It is also used occasionally in books by religious authors, but most books for adults use the international symbol +. The reason for this practice is that it avoids the writing of a symbol + that looks like a Christian cross.[24][25]"

Christian goes preaching in Israel, gets death threats:


Christian goes preaching in Israel, Jews spit on him:


The Orthodox Christian Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem has recently come out with the facts about how Israelis treat Christians like crap in the terrorist state of Israel:

"PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM: Israeli extremists are threatening us, they want to drive us out of the Old City"


Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about the Rothschild founded Israel:



To learn more about the true relationship between Judaism and Christianity, here is a link to the chapter about it from the book "When Victims Rule: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins":


Israeli TV show mocks the crucifixion of Christ:


Jews demand access to abortions as part of their religion:





Israel eases access to abortion, days after US Supreme Court overturns Roe vs Wade

New rules allow drug-induced early-term abortions at clinics, end requirement for in-person approval by intrusive committees; health minister hails reforms as opposite to US ruling.

Professional and volunteer internet zionist shilling operations are exposed in detail:


"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

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23b998  No.17193417



tha absolute state of jiggle tv and the bra burning generation twice removed ( i ron ic ally) god bless the watkins

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47fae7  No.17193423



Good Night

Sweet Dreams

even if that is all you find

Sweet Dreams

The principle of love is… no harm.

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48b560  No.17193425




Father Stu


Father Stu is a 2022 biographical drama film written and directed by Rosalind Ross in her directorial debut. The film stars Mark Wahlberg, who also produces, as Stuart Long, a boxer-turned-Catholic priest suffering from inclusion body myositis. Father Stu was released in the United States on April 13, 2022, during Holy Week. The film received mixed reviews from critics but was acclaimed by audiences. It has grossed over $21 million

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a3d30d  No.17193428



Half the previous bread was deleted.

I do not care to read your explanations as to why.

The fact is, half was deleted.

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09e395  No.17193436

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b0e86a  No.17193439



(pic flagged as illegal content!)

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85852a  No.17193440



>Anime… It's like a gateway drug to kid fucking

Wait, what…

More like they use it to draw attention from kids like:

>"look at me I use animated avatar, I'm not old" Kek.

But ofc in some cases I agree, there is plenty of questionable content in anime

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0cc37c  No.17193443



I'd vote for Massie as VP with Trump.

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911894  No.17193445



Because high gas prices and inflation are a lesser concern to the average American citizen in her view…

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8a1a38  No.17193451



At least we still have each other..

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088399  No.17193454


THE CENTERAL SCRUTINIZER wants to know how long it will be before George Webb smashes thru genevia and destroys Kolomoisky, Klaush Schwab, Soros, and the rothschildren.


Who will Klaush Schwab give nukes to next?

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48b560  No.17193461



still bad acting, although practiced many times in front of the mirror

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a3d30d  No.17193463


From (lb)

"Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders"

Reminder: a person cannot change genders.

A person cannot transition from one gender to another.

Using the term, "detransition" is to buy into the mangling of language by {them].

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fed00d  No.17193465



Can a Drag Queen be not gay and just like looking like a gaudy woman?

Maybe they hook up with butch looking girls who aren't dikes.

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53f565  No.17193466



Cambodia(Kum Pu Chea) still soaked in blood and fear when I was last there back in'95.

God Save us from the Commies.

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ce5ad1  No.17193467

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e2d15b  No.17193478



What is “the salt”

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b0e86a  No.17193481



dang. you're right anon. i think i see a match.

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00e57c  No.17193482




A few Agencies about to be gutted of their regulatory powers

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fe5201  No.17193489


David Hogg 🌻


The next shooting is already being planned senators should be mindful everyday they wait to act Americans die.

8:24 AM · Jun 1, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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eeedec  No.17193490




>Apparently HRC always carried around a bottle of hot sauce. What's the meaning of that?

>It was actually blood…

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a0aa8c  No.17193494



>Vera Wang age defying at 73 - what is her secret?

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6fc454  No.17193499



Trump's on of them there Jews for Jesus, now?

Your schtick isn't making any sense, Rabbi.

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9f6eff  No.17193503



STFU inferior Kike brat!

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5cb581  No.17193508



I think you mean open carry is coming.

To which I say, NOT SOON ENOUGH!!!

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a0aa8c  No.17193536



Great minds think alike, fuckkin saved

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ad01cd  No.17193545



>Durham? He failed.


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46f183  No.17193550


Now the minions know where to get their guns and ammo from in CA.


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596150  No.17193556


Super gonorrhoea warning: Austrian man catches drug-resistant strain of STI from Cambodian prostitute as experts claim virus poses 'major global threat'

Unnamed man in his 50s caught the STI by not using a condom in Cambodia

Tests revealed he had super gonorrhoea, which is resistant to regular drugs

Experts warned the spread of the super strain could makes cases untreatable

Comes as MPs were today warned more needs to be done to tackle superbugs


Today's fear porn

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3d6727  No.17193557

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abfd83  No.17193559



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81b9cb  No.17193568

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770047  No.17193574



apple.news (like that aint' woke.)


there you are again fucking with people

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ad01cd  No.17193579






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5f9351  No.17193581


Ain't gonna vote no mo' no mo'

Ain't gonna vote no mo'

Why in the heck should I break my neck?

Ain't gonna vote no mo'

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5f135e  No.17193587


God damn my farts smell extra good tonight.

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00da2d  No.17193589



It's in the notables.

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7ba0e5  No.17193591



>Q's trip is !!Hs1Jq13jV6

even after a salt rotation?

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c86abb  No.17193642



>Britain offers full pardons to all American rebels who turn themselves in. The amnesty does little to reverse the widening crisis.

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51bbd7  No.17193643



Doesn't matter, when it's a federal court and there's a grand jury involved… there's no video allowed no matter what anyone thinks.

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23fc13  No.17193646

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39a3b6  No.17193649


WOW talkin wolf mouth full

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3548c5  No.17193662

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19a27a  No.17193664



… fkn germans.

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987b71  No.17193666


What did he mean by this, bros?

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565641  No.17193675



Thank you for all the work you’ve done.

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5360d8  No.17193677


What a glorious night anons, autists and keyboard warriors o7

RvW ot and Q returns.

Man the meme canons and 🔥 4E

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6c3cdf  No.17193690


President Trump: The greatest danger to America is the destruction of our nation from the people within.

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b9e5bc  No.17193692



trump needs to win elections for his agenda.

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1eeae9  No.17193694


Paul Pelosi Mug Shot

Head on Collision- Hair is Perfect

Napa County authorities release Paul Pelosi mugshot weeks after DUI arrest


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cf32c8  No.17193700



Burn this jiddish rubbish to the ground!

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2f7adf  No.17193701


I believe Q is one of the two witnesses during the End Times. Who else could it be really. All attacks against Q failed. Q poured oil onto our weary hearts and gave us hope again. Q appeared as an anon, never revealing himself aka "wore sackcloth" He stopped posting after 3 years of activity, afterwards the enemy was able to conquer him by stealing control of all 3 letter agencies. The enemy refuses to bury Q, they continually bring him up and the Anons gloating over our perceived failures. One day Q WILL stand up again, and on that day the enemy will tremble.

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a6a10d  No.17193703



yeah yeah evenin

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d49931  No.17193708



no, youre just a pathetic white pussy faggot who has been CUCKED into thinking he needs to make friends with satans shitskins army

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15393a  No.17193714


why is every local sewage treatment plant not making DEF?

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b9e5bc  No.17193720



you have not taken/passed the Not Give a Fuck belt-test yet, kohai.

The surfer does not anger at the sea, the weather, nor the surf. He merely observes until he rides.

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6b5e01  No.17193721


Been in the woods for a week. Is the world on fire yet?

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76123d  No.17193722



What did post 111 & 112 say?

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fed913  No.17193730



>Lopez got away by shedding his shackles

Comprehension issues today. HTH did he do this with another guard not hearing or seeing it in such a confined space as a bus such as that? As he was stabbing the driver, WTF was the armed guard (who would shoot the bus' back tires) doing?

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788b4a  No.17193732



warned ya'll about that barn

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2cb99c  No.17193741



Cela restera ton choix Mon Ami

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ebd49d  No.17193746


What happens when you let cultist entities control the public water supply?

Former Central California water manager stole $25 million in water over 23 years, prosecutors say' '



It is not wwho is right or wrong, the tactic is to shutdown water distribution.

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956404  No.17193748



You just did, sir.

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f039b9  No.17193758



if you dont hate jews you're doing it wrong

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0f7013  No.17193759



they never talk about the ones that died

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e2d7a3  No.17193761


Anyone pick up any comms from the rally?

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834437  No.17193765



And funny AF how this aligns with the Current 1-6 Committee

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72094a  No.17193767



In first grade I had a Jewish teacher who made us do a Hanukkah Play instead of Christmas play. I was in the cemetery during memorial day dressing up my Grandparents stones with flowers, Grad dad was Army WW2 and Uncle was Coast Guard in Vietnam. It is an Interesting cemetery, lots of Obelisks

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961527  No.17193776



Well the last time I pointed his non usage of full word..don jr used it fine on a TS post…so I don’t think that’s it.

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8ed813  No.17193779



My ol best fren made it, tell him I say hello and hope he’s well

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2a37a2  No.17193781



the rapid growth and sustainment of such high numbers

is unprecedented in US history

it ain`t nothin

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435a1b  No.17193785

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63022e  No.17193792



>invaded by tranny he has to call 'mom'


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3dc3a9  No.17193794



Was there a dog involved

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e9b933  No.17193795



>not a real anon

too early in the day for ontological discussions.

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8e7139  No.17193797



offline in case youtube censors delete it for 'cOViD dIsinForMaTiOn'


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e255c1  No.17193799





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666fd1  No.17193803



POTUS: "We have the servers!"

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99a992  No.17193805

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2421ca  No.17193823

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15c634  No.17193824



I hope they at least made a few of my multiples cooler than my face one.

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e1b2d1  No.17193839



She ruined Atlanta, they won’t notice if she ruins DC more than it is

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610b06  No.17193848

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136b3a  No.17193851



Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/11/2017 23:33:51 ID: gO/UntOB

4chan/pol: 149063644

Wealth (over generations) buys power.

Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.

More wealth/control buys countries and its people.

Families combined (TRI) = NWO.

Inner TRI families will collapse.

What is the keystone?

What Nation dominates all others?

What Nation has influence over most others?

What is the keystone?

Return to SA.

Strings cut (+++).

Puppets (+++) in shadows.

Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers.

Power brokers are also labeled as the puppets/servants.

What is the New World Order?

Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA?

What does this mean culturally?

Why is this relevant?

What occurred in SA?

How did POTUS remove one side of the pyramid?

What did POTUS receive while visiting China?

Where did POTUS dine?

What is the significance?

What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?

Who controls NK?

Who really controls NK?

Who controls several agencies within the US, EU, and abroad?

Why is No Such Agency so vital?

Enormous scale of events currently ongoing.

Why is Russia helping to kill ISIS?

This is not easy to accept nor believe.

Crumbs make bread.

Operations active.

Joint missions underway.

The world is fighting back.

Refer back to graphic.

The Great Awakening.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).



Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/22/2018 21:05:01 ID: 0c9770

8chan/qresearch: 465919

Clowns revealed in China/other.



Sold intel?

HRC open source server?

[Missing emails]


Granted access.


Only the tip.

This will be made public [soon].



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/12/2018 01:23:59 ID: f666d7

8chan/qresearch: 1008491


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/12/2018 01:21:58 ID:f666d7

8chan/qresearch: 1008463


https:// www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2018/04/09/the-crisis-in-journalism-thats-helping-trump/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.01054835c682


Night [5]




Building 8.




Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/11/2018 01:11:07 ID:

8chan/patriotsfight: 78

Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.


[F9 algorithm]

Are they recording/safe-housing?

Metadata collection?

Building 8.




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6a82a6  No.17193854


Commercial break. We all know what Staff Sgt. Jones is doing.

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1895fd  No.17193857



what is your purpose

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56169e  No.17193858




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b908d7  No.17193862



lmao found the division shill. Get lost, shill. We don't want you here. Q is real, deal with it.

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ff177e  No.17193878


Anon has a fever…feels like he got run over by a '52 Powerwagon.

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ba0aa5  No.17193881



I kinda feel sorry for all the kids turning 6 tomorrow or being born…

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2619d2  No.17193891




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e294bb  No.17193892




>Interesting – I took it as they don't merely "know" the future, but they (Q & team) "control" the future. Not that they are micromanaging, but that they are optimizing for greatest good.

I should add that when this article came out on navy inventions, I took it as "confirmation" of my interpretation. I fully admit, I could be wrong.



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11db4f  No.17193894

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56cb7a  No.17193899

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90896e  No.17193900



Election Wizard, [10.06.22 08:58]

[In reply to Election Wizard]


Overall: +8.6% since last year

Gas: +48.7%

Fuel Oil: +106.7%

Meat, Poultry, & Fish: +13.1%

Milk: +15.9%

Eggs: +32.2%

Coffee: +15.3%

Used Cars: +16.1%

Airline Fares: +37.8%

Real Average Hourly Earnings: -3%


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19db88  No.17193909



I hope the world ends. There's nothing left to save.

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45c69c  No.17193921

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03bf96  No.17193931



For the 'HOW' & 'WHY'. >>17193776

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c303c0  No.17193932

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919213  No.17193933


Dis who mad @ Roe v Wade decision.

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e0a1d4  No.17193934



I fuck trump, truth social, and anything. I only push for aliens and justice!


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90896e  No.17193938





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56cb7a  No.17193940



Way too hot for Curling slides

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e2f40a  No.17193945



Extreme promiscuity in the gay community confirmed. This guy who got monkey pox doesn't know which of the "around ten" guys who came in his ass during a period of a couple weeks gave him the pox

>He became convinced he had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) after sleeping with around 10 new partners in the weeks before his symptoms started


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eea6f7  No.17193947



it's everywhere

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853704  No.17193949



Adventures in Whoredom coming to an end! News at 11!

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28c0d7  No.17193952

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4b84d2  No.17193959



If this drop's "multiple" has one meaning as "x" (multiplication symbol), the 24th letter, and that 24th is today, then we ain't seen the end of the booms.

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e0a1d4  No.17193967



The scientists had a hell of a job finding that tortoise because it kept running away from them and hiding.

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130601  No.17193968

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58ffd4  No.17193972



the fbi

state secret though

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81edee  No.17193974



>fucked a pig


IS the pig

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a187d4  No.17193979

















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57347c  No.17193982

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e11099  No.17193983









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e147b6  No.17193985




Presidential Debate with Ronald Reagan and President Carter, October 28, 1980

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08ec3a  No.17193986



>Might be a timeline of the Nixon years will be useful.

hivemind anon ty

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e2f40a  No.17193991



anon nik'd it


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38f2f9  No.17193996



when corruption ocure?

when you rich???????????

I give you one penny, be a judge, what you'll do???????????????

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4c261a  No.17193998

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d244cd  No.17194001



Someone is going to need to make a new patch for us after all this blows over.

>Veteran of the Battle of Fake Q 6/27/22-7/4/22

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0d90af  No.17194005


Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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c59848  No.17194006



>Did CERN shift the timeline today?

IMO - yes…we either have full control or we have more powerful. Odd factoid, new collission capacity is 23.33333333 (etc) x more powerful than original capacity. Article didn't mention it, I had to do the math.


KEK - handy thanx


> ♾

yes exactly that


see img

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166676  No.17194017

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341f8e  No.17194023


Blackface Zoolander

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81edee  No.17194024


((('die for us')))

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4522a0  No.17194027



we work for free so don't come here looking for handouts

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6046fc  No.17194031



Are you a biologist?

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36cf66  No.17194033



lots of people

but reporters when the popes gonny resign? not so much.

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815a4b  No.17194035



just popping off

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2484cb  No.17194044


So are we not waking him up?

when September end?…

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d244cd  No.17194047


There is no god for trees, or chimps, or dogs, or mushrooms, why would there be one for humans? Tis silly. A means of controlling populations and extracting resources…followers of religions are no different than covid vaxxers…Stockholm syndrome works both ways..

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453348  No.17194049



kill my baby harder mommy

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e1957b  No.17194053


We need a bigger distraction from the price of gas, the stealing of our children's innocence, the lack of baby formula… I KNOW… RELEASE THE CURE FOR CANCER!

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d57f16  No.17194063



I have to say no.

It just killed me to see all the disrespect he went through. I could not take an arrest. That might put me over the edge.

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341f8e  No.17194069



Your Kids Are in Grave Peril From the Predators in the Transgender Cult

By Matt Margolis Jun 16, 2022 2:25 PM ET

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89a217  No.17194070



amen…women are nothing but selfish cunts at this point men have rights over this also

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043795  No.17194077



>Have you ever heard the tale of the little boy who cried wolf?

Never cry Shitwolf

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eb4180  No.17194081



Check your algorithm Hymie, methinks you are confoozled.

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efce37  No.17194082


Police Brutality WeBm's.

>Police Brutality WeBm's.

Police Brutality WeBm's.

>Police Brutality WeBm's.

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2c0df5  No.17194098



Part 2

…why did the jews use a humble man from a humble background, and not use one of their own ilk? Hitler came from a working class background, orphaned later on in his childhood, on the streets so to speak, living hand to mouth selling street paintings. Does this smack of one of their boys? They could have used any number of honed agents. As they have with so many other agent-leaders. And please don’t suggest he was just bought off. There is zero indication of this. An agent? Come on.

…why was he the only ‘agent’ who was an authentically brave soldier fighting in the trenches? This man had more courage than all of us put together. Hitler relished the opportunity to fight for his county, and for the spirit of the Germanic/Aryan race. He was injured twice and hospitalised. He loathed cowardliness and those who would not contribute towards the war effort. Just look at reports from someone like Leon Degrelle who spoke of Hitler’s remarkable bravery. An agent? Come on.

…why did Hitler abolish usury [debt slavery]? The jew’s number one control weapon. Why oh why would the jews allow a leader/agent to show the results of a country without this parasitism, knowing this would be broadcasted all across the world? ‘Look, look what can happen when you rid your country of the parasite and the parasite’s main tool’. An agent? Come on.

… why was Hitler the only ‘agent’ who was clean living? He was a teetotaler, vegetarian, who promoted traditional remedies, anti-vivisection, and promoted naturalistic lifestyles for his people. It is well recorded his affinity toward animals. This is a man of compassion, a man of substance who is deeply connected to nature – not an anti-nature sellout. An agent? Come on.

…why would he be slung in prison if he was an agent? And he was [slung in prison]! This has been thoroughly documented by eminent historians. That cannot be disputed. Yes, he was not in for so long considering his plot. But this was because the authorities knew the pressure would come from the people if they held him indefinitely. Also there were good people on the inside who wanted change, who were jew-wise and knew of the potential and genius of this man. Society and people were not as corrupt back then. An agent? Come on.

…why did he radically improve the working man’s lifestyle? He improved the working conditions, doubling the wages, reduced/eradicated their debt, instigated and provided an affordable Volkswagen (people’s car), built infrastructures to allow the working classes to travel around the country, make foreign cruises affordable/or for free, etc, etc, etc. An agent? Come on.

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b08bfd  No.17194101



If the Mil drone fags who operate that thing are in here, could you please put some Toots nose art on it just for the keks?

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3d1448  No.17194104





Sounds like the US military might be going over there to do some new "training exercises" with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

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75b1bd  No.17194106



Q Research has arrived. Season - renewed. Anons are certified as kek and kickass specialists and approved for Season 7. Fake News quote - "oh, not this shit again.". Anons trusted news and habbeniungs goto.

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45637e  No.17194108







Word Out!!

Games R Fun

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e10cb0  No.17194114



>This ANONLight 'em up and Anon will Fire 'em up!

Get it, Get it! Thinking Deeper and Outside the Box is the way to go!

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e86bda  No.17194118

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71c352  No.17194119



On leadership, movements and subversion of people's movements:

People are willing to die for ideas, but most people don't find themselves having those ideas on their own, so it takes a leader and a movement to show them those ideas and what can be done.

That's why the feds and Jews infiltrate almost every political movement, since they know their best bet is to snub it out while it's small, or redirect it towards their goals. That's why it's good to tell people to always follow the law (avoid entrapment, the feds want people to self incriminate), and remind them that when the West inevitably collapses there are no laws anymore (and let them make of that what they will). Also remember that lawful and peaceful preparations are an important aspect of this struggle against the West-wide zionist occupation government (ZOG) and Jewish collective power (ZOG is a part of it).

Ideally, along with redpilling everyone about the issue of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, people are building their own parallel economies at a local level, but it might not be possible for everyone depending on where you are.

Some more important points:

"The unit card of the right is the lone wolf. Lone wolves are a very special kind of soldier in that they are self sustaining, self motivated and highly intelligent. They are also likely going to be brave because you need to have guts to go it alone. The swarming tactic allows lone wolves to become a pack and then disappear back into the wilderness where they will continue their own little, yet important, operations. When the lone wolves use their "concentrated autism", serious shit gets done. What's also very interesting to remember is that the lone wolf pack storming culture can be applied to lots of things, not just internet mischief. All the lone wolves need is a mission statement. They will do the rest. All the enemy will "know" about them is that an unspecified number of hidden enemies will use unspecified tactics to complete their mission at unspecified points within an indefinite time frame. It's also interesting to consider the fact that, as the Trump election and Brexit have shown, we could probably defeat the enemy before the cold war even gets hot. We must press our advantages and let the left keep doing the wrong thing. And then after Anfita, BLM, RAM and all those groups must go. Everything connected to Soros must go to shit. Everything connected to the Rothschild and Israel too."

Also recommended, this thread about civil war in the US:


The whole thread is worth reading, but here is the most notable post:


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0e0d49  No.17194120



You have a dream and I have a dream.

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3dafe8  No.17194124



Ever Rock a Boat?

Get stuck in a Snow?

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d71600  No.17194125


GOP member of Jan. 6 committee warns that more violence is coming

One of two Republican members of the House committee investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, starkly warned Sunday that his own party’s lies could feed additional violence.

“There is violence in the future, I’m going to tell you,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), on ABC’s “This Week.” “And until we get a grip on telling people the truth, we can’t expect any differently.”



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0e4983  No.17194126



WHO can we trust?

Think for (you)Rself

TRust (you)Rself

Research uu Rself.


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5e0d16  No.17194128



he was supposedly on the way to the hearing when murdered; according to George Webb.

I believe Webb above CNN

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c610ae  No.17194130




National Children's Alliance

See Also

Alliance for Strong Families and Communities - National Coalition to End Child Abuse Deaths

"The National Children’s Alliance (NCA) is the national association and accrediting body for Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs). Formed in 1988, NCA has been providing support, technical assistance, and quality assurance for CACs, while serving as a voice for abused children for more than 25 years. A children’s advocacy center is a child-friendly facility in which law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, mental health, medical and victim advocacy professionals work together to investigate abuse, help children heal from abuse, and hold offenders accountable."


Archived -> https://archive.ph/oyCvt

Alliance for Strong Families and Communities - Member Network - Page 1 through 7s

National Children's Alliance connected to a lot of organizations through the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities.


Archived -> https://archive.ph/z5qzi

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e1a847  No.17194131



Me, but I'm weird like that.

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6714ad  No.17194135




pb cap on the EPA supreme court case

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f886fc  No.17194136



Art TakingBack 🇺🇸


This is hilarious 😆


New World Odor

5:52 PM · Jul 2, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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823c1c  No.17194144


>bread poopers yesterday

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3d1448  No.17194152


This is the current Secretary of HHS and Former AG for the state of CA, admitting he does illegal things, he’s ready to break the law so more babies will die. And he wants our taxes to pay for it. He also went after David Daleiden. The must have their satanic sacrifice at all costs.


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45637e  No.17194158



Inciting an erection

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d9c7c9  No.17194159




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6c82fb  No.17194163

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f17013  No.17194169


Morning, frenz

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47670d  No.17194171



The truth is so stupid and fucked up. Madeleine McCann is alive and living in California under the name Maribel Rouse. Dannielynn Birkhead's biological father is Howard K Stern.

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0e0d49  No.17194180



why you jump IPs????

and you

don't feel sorry for making me captcha, I know.

But fuck your captcha.


See how I feel you everything????

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082e8f  No.17194186



Devin Nunes also retruthed a story about a giant anaconda caught in the Everglades.

It had 122 eggs in it.

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211cdc  No.17194188



I should write an Urban Dictionary for the 5 high schools I went to. This looks like a lot of fun.

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40712b  No.17194194



your move

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540b92  No.17194195








































lemme know

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4ff8a0  No.17194196



pence is a puppet

Q? Maybe Jim can shed some light and admit or dispel all these coincidences re AZ

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39665c  No.17194198



Earth already has a black hole, it's called Chicago

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688139  No.17194213



You couldn't be more wrong.

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254a3c  No.17194214



solo protest?

where's er'body at?


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5902bb  No.17194225

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6c82fb  No.17194226


Ignore the racist retards and they’ll eventually find some other manhole to scream into.

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c9a0cc  No.17194229


Wtf is going on. Just got notification of Q post.

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3cb731  No.17194231



Yes - I also nominate.. I came here last night and Said Jim would explain tomorrow and Q is infact back. - annnnd Jim did say exactly what I said.. That aftet the last salt rotation where Q lost the tripcode and had to prove it was Q with the watch something was put in place so Q was immune to the Salt changing the tripcode again.

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d4704c  No.17194235



What a cool drawing

(h) scooped, anon.

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40712b  No.17194248


Former FEMA and DHS employee whistleblower. It's much worse than we think. Graphene and hydrogel are in the water supply and food.


gotta see her short video

not able to embed

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211cdc  No.17194250



filtering an idiot


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ea916a  No.17194255




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6d6e41  No.17194258



This anon (me) has been trying for 30 minutes to view this board! Anybody know what’s going on?

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053750  No.17194259



Leaked Internal Twitter Slack Chat: 'I Don't Think Deplatforming Libs of TikTok is Going to Cause a Mass Exodus'

By Megan Fox Jun 14, 2022 5:00 PM ET

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1a8ef2  No.17194262





Got it straight from him.


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02be0f  No.17194267


Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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9b1366  No.17194270

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4fd8ef  No.17194274


Joe Biden touches children. RUN!

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23e592  No.17194281



>Earth is vibrating at 7-8 hertz, how do we raise it and get out of this low frequency of fear and hate?

It needs a big bada boom to get it going.

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d45c21  No.17194290

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e604a9  No.17194291



My buzz is permanently harshed. I wish I could go live in Russia.

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9edcc5  No.17194294



More Omaha Children’s Hospital

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3d50cc  No.17194298



would love to here your opinions on the who and how anon

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b6a0d0  No.17194304


Do you think these young men are going to pay attention to gun laws?

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4e9569  No.17194313



Spoiler that shit, won't ya?


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0e1d35  No.17194320



vid is about 47 minutes long.

Trans sharing thoughts about her/him/now her (again) transition and reversal.

Her voice is permanently changed.

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ba9ed8  No.17194321

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d66428  No.17194325




Stepan Company Natural Products Maywood Nj extracrs the actives from coca leaves.

Flavor sent to Coca Cola.

Lab grade cocaine goes to Mallinckrodt.

All under Fed Gov jurisdiction.

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4fd8ef  No.17194326


Hillary Clinton / @HillaryClinton

06/03/2022 10:51:05

Twitter: 1532736636815015937

Thrilled to join @hayfestival last night in Wales to talk Putin, disinformation, and democracy while quoting my friend Madeleine Albright: "I'm an optimist who worries a lot."

Photo: Billie Charity

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288bee  No.17194327



She is kinda hot.

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d038e0  No.17194339



Yes and also the story of Jesus Christ is, by definition, a transhumanist idea. Gas me now Bible cucks.

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a3fed6  No.17194344



That's a suburb, not a city.

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b6a0d0  No.17194348


I shared too much. FFS. I must be in idiot mode.

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1dd5e4  No.17194350



>why does it always go back to ….

Homo things?

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992e37  No.17194352



The World is comped, where have you been

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ab31ec  No.17194354

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53804d  No.17194356



Right why make such a serious thing into a movie and no prosecutions? What’s really going on?

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613038  No.17194357

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d66428  No.17194367


I'm human. I took more pens than I needed. Difference is, I'll use them.

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6745c2  No.17194373



>If there are no favourable results then I'm out of here and other Anons should reconsider what they're doing with their time

You should give less fucks about what anons do with their time.

Also, you are free to leave any time you want. No need to stick around for the glory and pain.

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97c023  No.17194374






Paper money

Sand is just Earth melted by God

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7bd17b  No.17194377



Dang man, you fast as grease lightning. 16 second delta.

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7220da  No.17194381



Keister Corkers are the fakers that Jesus mentions in Revelation 2:9 & 3:9.

Why are there so many "Corkers" on this board lately?

Where are all the anons? Any anons on Night Shift tonight?


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736840  No.17194384


Lot of shit posting today.

dig, meme, pray

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cb02e6  No.17194385



"7 part plan to overturn election."

Liz makin' daddy proud.

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199891  No.17194393



Dr Q only makes house calls on suicide weekends

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613038  No.17194398



Yep, sorry, the links didn't copy over. Here you go






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1e7b09  No.17194400

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4df5bf  No.17194403



ramrod straight

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b8fe29  No.17194405



Ukraine gave ‘assurances’ about US-supplied weapons – Blinken


The rat Zelensky is making promises, which if when broken could lead to Russia v USA direct.

If these weapons can only fire up to 300km then who exactly are the targets, if not Russia?

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85be72  No.17194407


Fifty dead in terrorist attack on Nigerian Catholic church

'Only fiends from the nether region could have conceived and carried out such a dastardly act.'

OWO, Ondo State, Nigeria (LifeSiteNews) – The Catholic Diocese of Ondo in Nigeria has expressed sorrow regarding the terrorist attack on the faithful who had come to solemnize Pentecost Sunday at St Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Owo.

Yesterday Father Augustine Ikwu, the Director of Social Communication for the Ondo diocese, confirmed that there had been a terrorist attack on Sunday, June 5, 2022, which left dozens dead and injured during the Pentecost Sunday Mass.


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df7126  No.17194414




No diggers.

You win.

Move along.

Your daddy still going to jail. Suck it.

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91db62  No.17194417




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5b138e  No.17194430



>Peter Nygard

Wait, there was a twitter video with that guy, with him talking about stem cell research.

That's missing in your bun.

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e5b5b7  No.17194431



No, this is so fucked up. I was supposed to be in a gay throuple with both Henry Cavill and Sam Heughan… I wasn't supposed to marry black Q!

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75f2e8  No.17194433

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c24ae6  No.17194438

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4df5bf  No.17194440




what are the chances….

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285432  No.17194442



OSS???…more like ASS!!!…he sounds like a ASS…dogs don't go near him because he smells like ASS…Girls won't kiss him because he taste like ASS…poll is in…he is 100% ASS!!!

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a16dbe  No.17194450


Not one witness has been a person of color nor a woman (real or surgical) and mostly no "Parade Gay" witnesses supporting Pride Month.

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98cd34  No.17194466

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36cdea  No.17194467



Yeager Airport.



The new USA Capital.

It’s not St. Louis.


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17a79b  No.17194471



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4274fe  No.17194483



Why not fake and “Bluebeam”?

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c24ae6  No.17194484



and all US taxpayer built.

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3b3f00  No.17194485



He says they're all luciferian. Was reading something about them putting a little dog in the mircrowave and also hanging him from the leash out the car window. Gawd, I hate these people. They all need to go.

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c324bc  No.17194492



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5c6159  No.17194499




Two sites at the same time.

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9522fb  No.17194504



>sowell on now

>sowell on then

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8da707  No.17194509

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36cdea  No.17194510



QClock June 2, 2022


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634f0f  No.17194515



I have had an acct on GAB since it started in 2016. Free Speech has been paramount. Your issue with a parallel economy, etc. seems a bit ignorant. Anyone who talks like that must have a sinister plan, or they are looking for a true way out of the norm which is currently destroying the world. Self Sovereignty would seem far better than the BORG COLLECTIVE.

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82276d  No.17194516

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f3ab47  No.17194518



Good morning very fake news. I just came to watch whale vidoes because they're so accurate.

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6fc852  No.17194527






doesn't have to be fancy,

at minimum, just start a new thread and include this dough for next baker:


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72e854  No.17194530



how anti-semitic of them….

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2c6b96  No.17194535



Concur. Still 45. No 46 yet.

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693e21  No.17194539


rat skin on now


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c3fc92  No.17194540



Your argument speaks for itself. But one final question before I ignore you utterly.

If all you say is true, and the movement has moved on from the board, why are you here? Couldn't your time and words be better spent elsewhere?

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408337  No.17194542



>people around me are dying including young people


But I'm a serial killer.

>They had it coming.

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7e99b7  No.17194555




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457bed  No.17194558


wtf is he doing? acting like jan6 committee and committing treason against the branch of the supreme court


fucking satanic nazi prosecuting the supreme court

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f3ab47  No.17194570



but tell me, why do you send a picture of my house?

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5ae27e  No.17194582



Love that stove

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2e3830  No.17194588

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a50e18  No.17194589



Mornin' Frater

Odd feeling day yesterday…

Like a… waiting for the other shoe to drop feeling.


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27606e  No.17194600






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475fbf  No.17194615

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d8b600  No.17194617












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c2ebc2  No.17194618



>As Lopez was being transported, he somehow freed himself from his hand and leg restraints, cut through the expanded metal of the cage, and crawled out the bottom, TDCJ said.

Did he have a cuttin' torch? Nobody noticed? Something spoopy.

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10da08  No.17194622


Woman streaming who wants to loot Walmart is wearing a ninja-style full head mask, kind of like what Walker was wearing when he bailed from the car.

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59f647  No.17194624

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1c29b9  No.17194633



The only violence I've observed and kept track of, is the Godless Sodomite Leftist Faggot Trannies.

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dd790c  No.17194636



>How would you relate it without making life seem pointless because literally all of it could be wiped out at any second?

Can start by recognizing that this is what makes life precious, not 'pointless'.

We're not gods.

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a876bb  No.17194637





06-Mar-2018 8:04:43 AM PSTQ !UW.yye1fxo8ch/qresearch




These peo>>17193443

ple are stupid.

Wait for Russia/China reports.



Strike 99999999.


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3b521f  No.17194643



he might've thought it was, maybe he still does

maybe he's not that religious

maybe he and lin wood are reading a script

better to learn about what's going on than waste time in this drama or thinking about what the point is

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90636d  No.17194648



It's not even that.

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379f3d  No.17194655




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aa8f4c  No.17194660

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f6ea1f  No.17194677



Tail-gunner Joe watching our six.

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648ad4  No.17194678



ok Debbie Downer

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d5b6eb  No.17194681



I discovered it and (you) want to take credit for it!!!! FUCK I've been fighting through at least 5 breads to get some attention on this…sigh, Ima humber servent of the greater good and love you all.

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20c18c  No.17194686



>Don't think true Anons would follow a leader, if they could.

this. Anon is independent to a fault. Missed out on some good opportunities because of it but that's life

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501548  No.17194690



Wrongly replied in vain

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4dfd91  No.17194698



>End of May we will launch PWA (Web Browser) this will allow access from any device.

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379f3d  No.17194706



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da59e8  No.17194709



That’s what I was thinking. The stage was set while trump was in office. I do believe patriots are still very much in control. What a wonderful day and, as always, much much more to come!

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c38303  No.17194711


"Mike Pence demonstrated his loyalty to Donald Trump for four years".

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2da153  No.17194714



double digitzs of pain confirm

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98c366  No.17194722




>ah peace and quiet

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7f8a67  No.17194726

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a1078d  No.17194738




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71cbb6  No.17194739



yeh, I did that and surprised myself, learned something very quickly and the old hats hated me and claimed I couldn't' do it.

But it wasn't by 25 , not at all

And the injection injured youth, they may have to recover from the damage before they hit their stride?

Without opportunity, one may never learn one's strenghts. Not about age.

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899b0a  No.17194742

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cfa8d2  No.17194744

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2fcec1  No.17194745



you aint fisting nobody with your juggernaught brand condom

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097fbb  No.17194746



If such a thing has already habbened, wouldn't that mean that they inherited the entire Disney Corporation?

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05a261  No.17194750



>the dough that we've been passing down for 4 years, that's been at the top of the bread, every single bread, is gone.

Seems like either fuckery or fuckup, wonder if current baker or incoming can comment? BV? BO?

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b69660  No.17194751

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54bae6  No.17194752



Nobody needs Hillary Clinton /fixed

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31b266  No.17194753



kinda brilliant

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61cbfd  No.17194755



Little? why not child? I hate these fucks i hate them

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ac3dd9  No.17194756



I'm thinking dry it out…discover past crimes…thin out LV and Ca…force them to make better decisions on going forward…saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket"…meaning don't rely on one source of water and power…LV and Ca got too damn big and using up too much Nature's resource for their own benefit…basically they sucked it dry!!!

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2f2578  No.17194762



Free advertising.

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90a9b5  No.17194765




Kudos to you! If anons are paying attention the Russians are doing this and TRYING to preserve LIFE in every way possible. Their advance is slow and obvious and they always leave a line of retreat before they close their cauldrons.

Russia is fighting the DEEP STATE and we all should understand that.



"military" is a combined term. Russia, China, ours…

Watch what happens…

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f7186b  No.17194768


Dem Lawmakers Slam Biden's Plan to Sell F-16s to Turkey

By Brian Freeman

Tuesday, 05 July 2022 04:59 PM EDT

Home | Newsfront

Tags: democrats | turkey | f16s

Dem Lawmakers Slam Biden's Plan to Sell F-16s to Turkey

F-16s in flight

F-16s in flight. Getty Images)

By Brian Freeman | Tuesday, 05 July 2022 04:59 PM EDT


Comment|Print| A A

Democrat congressmen on Tuesday harshly criticized President Joe Biden's intention to sell F-16 fighter jets to Turkey, noting that Ankara is currently under sanctions by the U.S. for purchasing the Russian-made S-400 missile defense system, Politico reported.

The lawmakers said in a statement that the Biden administration "has not provided answers to how Turkey would qualify to be exempt from these sanctions and how the administration would mitigate the risks of co-locating F-16s and modernization kits with a Russian weapons system, which is why Turkey was removed from the F-35 program."

The Democratic members of the Hellenic Caucus who signed the statement — Reps. Dina Titus of Nevada, Chris Pappas of New Hampshire, Charlie Crist of Florida, Carolyn Maloney of New York, Frank Pallone of New Jersey and John Sarbanes of Maryland — added that "over the last decade, Turkey has not been a productive member of NATO nor a reliable ally to the U.S."

Their opposition comes after the president said last week at the NATO Summit that he backs selling the jets to Turkey, according to Politico.

The day before, Ankara dropped its opposition to permitting Finland and Sweden to join NATO. However, the White House denies any link between the two moves.

The Democratic lawmakers wrote that "while Turkey's relenting on their opposition to Sweden and Finland joining NATO is a welcome development, there are still too many outstanding issues to move forward with the sale of F-16s to (Recep) Erdoğan's government."

The congressmen also pointed out that Turkey has violated Greece's airspace more than 2,300 times this year, slammed Ankara for its "antagonistic actions in the Aegean Sea" and warned against a possible Turkish re-invasion of Syria to strike at Kurdish allies of the U.S.

The critics stressed in their statement that "until the administration can provide suitable answers on how they intended to mitigate the above-listed concerns, we will continue to object to this weapons transfer and do everything we can to ensure that these F-16s are not delivered to the Turkish government."

The Democrats who signed the statement are not the only ones in the party who slam the proposed sale, Politico noted, with Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez, whose approval is needed for the sale to go through, also expressing his opposition.


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89698c  No.17194773

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2efcf7  No.17194774



It will process whatever protein shows up.

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90303e  No.17194776


More details about the Secret Service bribery scandal are coming to light.

Apparently one of Joe Biden’s Secret Service Agents was involved in a bribery scheme that included two men posing as DHS agents.

As previously reported, federal prosecutors on Wednesday charged two men with posing as DHS agents, giving expensive gifts to Secret Service Agents.

A dozen FBI agents busted down the door of a luxury apartment in DC and arrested Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, 36 on Wednesday night. Taherzadeh and Ali gave free apartments, iPhones, surveillance systems, drones and other tools to the Secret Service Agents. Four Secret Service officers – including one assigned to protect the First Lady, were placed on leave as the feds investigate.

Haider Ali told witnesses he was connected to Pakistani intelligence.

“Both U.S. citizens accused of the bribery hold passports with visas to Iran and Pakistan.” Real Clear Politics reported. One of the Secret Service Agents caught up in this bribery scandal was assigned to Joe Biden’s detail.

RealClearPolitics reported:

More details are emerging about the four Secret Service employees entangled in an alleged bribery scheme carried out by two men accused of masquerading as Department of Homeland Security law enforcement agents. Real Clear Politics has learned that another Secret Service special agent involved in the alleged bribery is assigned to President Biden’s detail, those agents who accompany the president nearly everywhere he goes and stand by his side during the most sensitive of discussions and private moments. A second Uniformed Division officer caught up in the bizarre scheme was assigned to protect Vice President Harris’s residence, according to sources familiar with the matter.

All four have been placed on administrative leave while an investigation takes place. RCP is not releasing their names because of privacy concerns. Usually, the Inspection Division and the Office of Professional Responsibility handle investigations into possible employee misconduct. U.S. Secret Service leaders decided that the bizarre and serious nature of the allegations requires a more specialized approach.

The agency’s “Insider Threat Division” is leading the investigation into whether the employees allowed themselves to be bribed, whether they knowingly took part in the possible scheme, and whether espionage was involved.

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9a034b  No.17194783




Who loves you anon?


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1c9c59  No.17194784



Oh look fake Q's back

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d6eaf6  No.17194787



Laying claim to a faggy word is gayest.

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e790d6  No.17194810



hivemind- one thought pattern of stupidity

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2efcf7  No.17194812



<day shift

>night shift

moar division

24/7 clown shift is only shift

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2f1415  No.17194815

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18c64b  No.17194820


Q - you were in an earlier bread today? Five posts or so (untripped) with one a response to another all 0 id?

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d9898a  No.17194822





Yes the words differ at the Q index and on.

But these words could also apply to the Biden Presidency too, as some type of foreshadowing. just as Fire and Fury could be foreshadowing. Maybe it is about things falling from the sky on evil (asteroids, comets, heaven's angels ) Thank you Michael Good when that happens or Thank you Michael Good win = this is finished. I just do not see the logic of going dark coming tomorrow. Lock: 15-10-5 could also mean 3 2 1 sequential. Conse or Conso is a logic programming term, which means to conj onto or add to a list.

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f0ba14  No.17194826

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2bc279  No.17194828


Netflix and chill again?

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a7c9dd  No.17194830

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981ee2  No.17194841



Losing too much money.

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b00e01  No.17194842




Nice try, it takes way more faith to believe what you're inverting as what supposedly doesn't need faith.

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463f3e  No.17194843

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b1b7ae  No.17194849



Truth will shock the world!

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a202ac  No.17194862



no one mentions food supply chain attacks, including those you choose to follow, stand under, or be behind. 40+ posts with ZERO value-add? define bread eater.

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82fc70  No.17194864


VACCINE CARNAGE: Justine Bieber’s face paralysed



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4f80de  No.17194871

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f5d75c  No.17194873


It's your story. Frame it however you want (need) to frame it.

I wouldn't have a clue what's goin on over there. They call it information warfare, somethin like that. Just a bunch of lies, agendas, and throwing people under buses observing from here.

Rule of law and justice. I thought it was really straight forward. Obviously not because the level of corruption, desperation, and evil is off tap.

Too far gone to value honor, integrity, accountability.

I can imagine demands like, 'if you don't let me go we'll do this to the people and your best and brightest'.

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e799c0  No.17194889



perhaps the uni-party must be exposed before the majority of normies will wake up?

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830e5b  No.17194891

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22a273  No.17194892


Can You Pirouette On A Bike?

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c36e46  No.17194894



Shit, I always get those two confused….Mark Meadows & Kevin McCarthy & I don't know why.

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a9df7e  No.17194904



Does she do anal?

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4f36d8  No.17194918


anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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7eef36  No.17194919



seconded. Putin is based af. and he's correct, old world order not returning.

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46b2ae  No.17194922



I have a friend who is waking up but is having serious physical side effects…the hospitals in the community have been expanded and completed and they will be full when SHTF

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522535  No.17194927



Red Caps in morning, anons take warning. Red Caps at night, shills delight. Calm your titties FFS.

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4b9903  No.17194928




>Radical <gahyjapoo Lessons for Young Children

>Evanston–Skokie’s school district adopts a curriculum that teaches pre-K through third-grade students to <gahyjapoo

>Christopher F. Rufo

>Evanston–Skokie School District 65 has adopted a radical <gahyjapoo curriculum that teaches pre-kindergarten through third-grade students to celebrate the <gahyjapoo flag, break the “<gahyjapoo” established by white “colonizers,” and experiment with neo-pronouns such as “ze,” “zir,” and “tree.”

>I have obtained the full curriculum documents, which are part of the Chicago-area district’s “<gahyjapoo,” which administrators adopted last year. The curriculum begins in pre-kindergarten, with a series of lessons on <gahyjapoo. The lesson plan opens with an introduction to the rainbow flag and teaches students that “Each <gahyjapoo has a meaning.” The teacher also presents the<gahyjapooflag and the basic concepts of<gahyjapoo identity, explaining that “we call people with more than one<gahyjapoo or no <gahyjapoo, non-binary or queer.” Finally, the lesson plan has the teacher leading a class project to create a rainbow flag, with instructions to “gather students on the rug,” “ask them to show you their flags,” and “proudly hang the class flag where they can all see it.”


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eebbfa  No.17194932



By posting again, faggot?

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8192c6  No.17194935



>BHR Partners


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a794ed  No.17194946

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4fa981  No.17194947

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7f084f  No.17194965



But I love hoes. No matter what. They love me too. They got two foot one dances and I know she respects me as a man. Stop treating hoes wrong.

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bdd4b4  No.17194971



>anyone remember poland/germany after ww1 & "map changes',

I remember, part of my relatives come from Pommern, which is now occupied by the Polacks!

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3775af  No.17194979


"To make the loss of these lives matter…" *tongue click*

There's his >>17193556

agenda right there. Implying he usually doesn't but his mission is to politicize the issue and usher in gun control when the area was gun free zone anyway.

Revealed as a snake right away.

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fde887  No.17194983



didn't mm Mark Meadows do the secret handshake with rr rod rosenstein?

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2236a6  No.17194988





Is there any talks of Saudi, Iran, or anyone from the Middle East joining?

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60236d  No.17194992



Noice digits fren.

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1ec5db  No.17194993



Why do democrats always look like villains?

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366def  No.17195000



>arresting trump lines up with the plot of white squall


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725c07  No.17195001

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7fb6ce  No.17195003



Joe was the quintessential politician back in the day. Straight out of central casting. His working class style communication skill was top tier.

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e83010  No.17195005




OR… is is a child of someone in the MSM ?

And, the MSM character would readily recognize a pic of their child (or grandchild) ??

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666eb4  No.17195018



>Hurr durr, I do not understand.

Why am I not surprised?

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8def39  No.17195019


Q drops specifically state Q can not first verify/re-verify with TRIP, it's against the National Security Charter.


Nov 21, 2019 10:18:33 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 7359408


/pf/ was taken down [cleared of content] just prior to platform TERM [specific reason].

NAT SEC [charter] prevents use of 'keys' to establish IDEN via public utility/domain - non_reg.

Formation of 'clean' board possible to lock in trip(s) > issues w/ safeguards.


Q posted on /QR/ and got the 0 Delta, they then waited for anons, who used to watch all of PDJT's social media to catch it. They didn't, so Q nudged anons with WATCH POTUS. They still didn't, so Q directly pointed at the DROP that had the 0 delta. Once anons (Possibly Dan Scavino himself) pointed out the 0 delta and confirmed it, Q posted on /hivemind/ because /hivemind/ has TRIPCODES enabled, and /QR/ has tripcodes blocked. Q couldn't set a new TRIPCODE for initial verification, it is against NAT SEC charter. It says it in drop 3619, check for yourself

The clean board, /projectdcomms/, meant to use to establish a new trip is no longer in Q's control, as soon as Babyfist posted there it was no longer in Q's control. THAT WAS THE POINT OF THE BABYFIST DROP. THE MOMENT THAT HAPPENED, Q COULD NOT USE THAT BOARD FOR VERIFICATION BECAUSE A CIVILIAN HAD POSTED ON IT. AND IT IS THE REASON THAT BARON OF ARIZONA IS GOING AROUND SAYING HE IS THE NEW BOARD OWNER OF /DCOMMS/. AGAIN Q DROP 3619

Whitelists only allows you to post a "whitelisted" trip on said board. There is no such thing as "excluding/whitelisting" a trip from the SALT rotation. The fact Jim lied about this is the second biggest red flag next to the secret SALT rotation to begin with.

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48ea63  No.17195027


Prince Andrew Tests Positive for COVID-19, Won't Attend Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee Events

Prince Andrew has seen the Queen in the last few days, but he has not seen her since he tested positive, a source confirms



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0dfcbd  No.17195033





Whatchu think this is all about, really?

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01ef0e  No.17195035

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ff0425  No.17195040



Nah, these families were allowed to have way too many damn kids (10+) and have very large families, while we focused on keeping our circle small. Try the worst of the worst and sanction the rest of the family from powerful positions that sell out Americans. That should cut back a lot of problems.

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725c07  No.17195042



Michael Stenger murder at Senate Sergeant of Arms overshadows my Klaus Schwab stories today from Ravensburg. Here’s why his death holds clues to Ukraine corruption. (check my substack) Klaus’ nuke parts to South Africa later today.


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6609d0  No.17195047



I'm a leaf so the damn thing was never up or me.

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2bfd5f  No.17195050



So… get to work.

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9a0677  No.17195062



>BDAand frens have been dropping way better intel

'Cos Paul Furbuger, former BO of /CBTS/ is an insider, amirite?

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d34ecc  No.17195065


I've noticed Pompeo has been tweeting close to when Trump Truths (especially in the mornings). Here is one from last night. Pompeo doesn't normally post late at night.

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8def39  No.17195068



I don’t know exactly why, but I think TS is linked to what’s going on at Twitter currently. Shills and fake accounts need to be exposed before TS can go full desktop mode.

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6f3fd6  No.17195070



If it's just a movie, I think she gets away with it.

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f5899d  No.17195071




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b5336f  No.17195077



Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

Dark Roast if it's available.

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73f4dc  No.17195078


Just flick the tip really hard. It works, temporarily

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03e3d3  No.17195079


I have no girlfriend to hold yet, but once I hold her I won't have to let her go ever again, true love!!!

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9a2828  No.17195080



anons own qanon

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de22b8  No.17195089





You circle-jerk faggots don't know if RRN is fake or not so stop pretending you do.

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cabb4d  No.17195091




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504024  No.17195095


Received this via email from Senator Melissa Melendez out of Lake Elsinore, CA.

Anons stay frosty and be aware. See something, say something.

They are going to create havoc to try to force mail in voting. Anons know.

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146f25  No.17195109





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4ec5fa  No.17195110



President Trump did and does more for the country in and out of office! That's gotta piss off the LEFT supremely…kek

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213ebc  No.17195111



Second Amendment

Right to Bear Arms

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31dd57  No.17195113




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883f21  No.17195118


the DANvil and it's devices

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076b95  No.17195122




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63e5c6  No.17195130



Really. No one finds it the least bit interesting that the 4th Psyops Group released a video that features a cartoon called "St. James Infirmary Blues" and every statement in the video has the same Gematria calculation as a notable Q phrase or a Song that PDJT walked onto stage to 3 days ago? Where have all the autists gone. This shit is the most obvious comms ever.

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856d16  No.17195131




we cannot lose sight of what this primary mission was all about. the children

asymmetric battlefields are a complicated, but

mission creep is dangerous

you begin to lose sight of the primary mission and become focused on another while failing at the primary.

i will always stand with you here in Truth.



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10c638  No.17195138





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cce4f7  No.17195144



up Five-Zero, FFE

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19472c  No.17195147


Dear God, let OUR PRAYers be the cover and camo for Brave Honest Soldiers

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f40e46  No.17195149



…the blistering hugh burns guitar solo?

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a89a1c  No.17195151



Congrats and welcome back. Its been a very difficult time but we never give up

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d8f38c  No.17195154



HAARP like system installed on Cali electric grid to heat up atmosphere and create high pressure system over the SW for drought and weather changes across the U.S.?

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723d26  No.17195157



>filthy fucking capitalist environment.

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f627df  No.17195158



Nice BOLD text there sport. Thanks for calling yourself out and making your bullshit easy to spot.

No trip, get a grip.

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213ebc  No.17195162



>Financial Engineers

fancy description for thieves

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947ec0  No.17195164



Stolen elections have consequences.

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43cb4e  No.17195174



You're cute

You gonna kill some people to glorify your god?

Is your God so impotent, that he resorts to violence?

Must be a short little guy

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46bbec  No.17195185


Send in the Blacks

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23f0a4  No.17195189


>that dangerous homemade formula

these mormons gotta go straight to hell

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a08ee3  No.17195191

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88ce97  No.17195193




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d42221  No.17195194


happy b-day sir

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50219a  No.17195210



Yes, God is pleased. Amazing really, finally a win that is so monumental the whole earth has changed. I feel like the sin of abortion is being cleansed from the country. The forces that oppose this ruling are making plans, but they will not win. They will probably order baby parts from around the world. The evil if scientists will be revealed next.

No reason to be embarrassed many anons held down the fort for warriors to return.

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193ac3  No.17195219



I demand to see any and all texts messages between Maxine Waters and the DOJ!!!

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732040  No.17195221




Proof that they don't.

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20200e  No.17195222



Oh, it´s the obvious AF shill again, pretending to be a retard.

You sure are fooling everyone, aren´t you?


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eb85cd  No.17195226

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7fa027  No.17195227



i smile when i'm happy

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9f55fb  No.17195231



Malachi 3:6

For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

the воок ıs маlleaыe

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7d988c  No.17195233


Breitbart Business Digest: Kellogg’s Is Dying of Wokeness

John Carney21 Jun 2022

The Kellogg Company announced today that it was breaking itself up into three companies: a cereal business, a plant-based food business, and a snack business.

It’s hard to think of a starker admission of corporate failure. The company’s shares basically sat out the great bull market that ended recently. Shares peaked in April of 2016 just short of $82 and never came close again. Shares mostly traded below $70 over the next six years, sometimes much lower. At their trough in 2019, you could pick them up for less than $54 apiece.

The company now says that its basic structure is unworkable. The growingsnack business is, somehow, being weighed down by the stable, mature, and boring cereal business. There’s also the plant-based food business that does not seem to fit into either snacks or cereals. Certainly, the structure has been unable to produce returns for shareholders. Now management hopes that the parts might be worth more than the sum. Naturally, the chief executive is going with the growing snack business rather than staying with the cereal business that management helped destroy.

Kellogg did real damage to its brands—cereals such as Special K, Kellogg’s Raisin Bran, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Rice Krispies, and Frosted Mini Wheats—when it decided to take sides in American politics by boycotting Breitbart. The company had long been suspected of basically beingcontrolled by the the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the far-left social justice operation that is its largest shareholder. Declaring that Breitbart—and by extension the entirety of center-right politics in American—did not conform to its values sealed this impression. Suddenly, Snap, Crackle, and Pop and Tony the Tiger were the self-declared opponents of ordinary Americans who preferred, say, Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton.

“Every time an American family picks up a box of Kellogg’s cereal at the grocery store, it is contributing to the wealthy radical leftwing foundation that agitates for open borders, supports George Soros’s Open Society Institute, and pushes a host of leftwing causes,” we wrote back in 2017.

Now that company is on its deathbed, its business model declared by its managers as untenable. Perhaps the emergent smaller descendants will be a bit less eager to act as aggressors in the culture wars.

Americans Are Not Buying the Putin Price Hikes

As recently as Monday, the White House was tweeting about “Putin’s prices hikes,” claiming they were the single biggest contributor to inflation. That is nonsense, of course. At most, the invasion of Ukraine likely contributed to higher oil, natural gas, and gasoline prices. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, however, tells us that inflation is up 6.6 on an annual basis excluding energy. What’s more, inflation was high and rising a year ago, long before Putin sent tanks into Ukraine.

To take a more concrete example, the price of ice cream is up 9.6 percent year over year. Whatever evils Putin has undertaken in Ukraine, surely they do not include cornering the market on American ice cream. Did Vlad drink all the coffee? Prices are up 15.6 percent. Is he secretly running America’s pet groomers? Pet services prices are up 7.4 percent.

A new poll from Rasmussen Reports shows that this attempt to blame inflation and gas prices on Putin has completely failed. Just 11 percent of Americans say Putin is responsible for high gas prices. Fifty-two percent blame Biden’s energy policies…


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a24902  No.17195237

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72cbe1  No.17195241



Polio is caused by the polio vaccines. Also on,y o.5 percent of polio infections cause symptoms and on,y a fraction of those were severe….SOUND FAMILIAR?

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91e0fb  No.17195242

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56d56f  No.17195260



: 1-800-667-5005

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480a24  No.17195270


I just want go home, that's all I want.

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773d3a  No.17195271

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e50b2d  No.17195273


The light particle conceived by Einstein is called a photon. The main point of his light quantum theory is the idea that light's energy is related to its oscillation frequency (known as frequency in the case of radio waves). Oscillation frequency is equal to the speed of light divided by its wavelength.

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b74e7b  No.17195274



… even if it's all good, wonder and privacy has been crushed. No requests. No consultation. They'll just take what they want. Nothing is sacred, and everything has been devalued. Big brother is here.

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9995b3  No.17195279



proof that she never got anywhere on her own other than on her knees or her back. not that there's anything wrong with that.

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593c6c  No.17195284


Chelom Leavitt the wife of Utah County Attorney David Leavitt is accused of child ritual sex abuse in Utah. It's interesting that she teaches in Kiev, Ukraine.

Dr. Chelom Eastwood Leavitt grew up in Yakima, Washington with seven sisters and one brother. She attended BYU as an undergraduate in Economics and then went to J. Reuben Clark Law School. One the first day of law school Chelom met David Leavitt and they married after their first year of law school. Chelom practiced family and estate law for years and then returned to get her Master’s degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development. In 2010 Chelom was invited to be a Fulbright Fellow in Ukraine and teach in Schevshenko University in Kyiv. She also ran a research study in Ukraine on how religious and secular traditions were associated with couple and parent-child relationship well-being.

I like how they call it a wild Qanon conspiracy. LOL

Follow the wives, indeed.



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b4f7dd  No.17195288



It is actually

16:22:33 EST

17:22:33 EDT

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61f090  No.17195289



Do they still sell MEK? Methyl Etheyl Keytone

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72cbe1  No.17195291



The Royal Family


At Windsor Castle, Sir David Attenborough is invested by The Prince of Wales as a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George.

👏 Congratulations Sir David!



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9ff1a6  No.17195293



All your projecting, all your shilling, AND STILL NO REFUTATION that these,THESEQ drops are FAKED


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262428  No.17195294


Does any of this make sense?

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a99921  No.17195297



Jean Cocteau "A bird sings best in its genealogical tree"

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212762  No.17195298



'You'd be in jail'

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d8ba51  No.17195300


I'll be sure to light 🕯️ a Candle for (You) so you'll know to come home after the Trailer Park KOA Orgy & BBQ…

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92788f  No.17195303



Nearly 350,000 Rainbow Trout To Be Euthanized After Bacteria Outbreak

Nearly 350,000 rainbow trout must be euthanized as California wildlife officials battle bacteria outbreaks at two fish hatcheries in the eastern Sierra.

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b9e0cb  No.17195307


China slams NATO's strategic blueprint and blames the United States for Russia's invasion of Ukraine

China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson has blasted NATO for its strategic blueprint claiming it wants to start a "new Cold War" as he blamed the United States for Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

China has called for NATO members to drop their “Cold War mentality” after the intergovernmental military alliance declared Beijing was a “challenge” to its interests and security.

NATO’s new 10-year strategic policy called China out for its “malicious” cyber operations, strategic partnership with Russia, attempts to dominate supply chains and expansion of its nuclear arsenal.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian on Wednesday took aim at the intergovernmental organisation and accused member nations of repeated "forays into the Asia-Pacific region".

“NATO should stop drawing ideological lines, stoking political confrontation, or seeking to start a new Cold War,” Mr Zhao said.

“It should discard the Cold War mentality and zero-sum game mindset and stop making enemies. NATO has already disrupted Europe. It should not seek to destabilize Asia and the world.”

Mr Zhao then turned to the nations imposing sanctions on Russia and supplying weapons to Ukraine before accusing the United States of benefiting from the conflict.

“The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has taken a heavy toll on Europe politically, economically and socially, while the US benefits from it, with arms dealers popping champagne and American grain and energy industries making exorbitant profits,” the Foreign Ministry spokesperson said.

“As the one who started the Ukraine crisis and the biggest factor fuelling it, the US needs to reflect on its disreputable role it has played in the Ukraine crisis and stop smearing China.”

NATO’s recently released strategic blueprint did not hold back in its overview of China’s activities, accusing it of “confrontation rhetoric” and distributing disinformation to target allies with the aim of harming alliance security.


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56d56f  No.17195308


hamburger style, hotdog style

hour hand, minute hand

five burgers, four dogs


Jan 7 2018 22:46:19 (EST)




first pic burgers point straight down to 6:00

dogs point to :14

Q614 vid related

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70ce3b  No.17195313


"Israel provokes Russia"


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2c3064  No.17195320



"We're not gonna take it anymore"



Qtown, Illinois

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480a24  No.17195321



The same person who uses the word: enumerated. As he (Ornado) enumerated to me……

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9995b3  No.17195328


At this point the democrat politicians future is not very bright.

MAGA Patriots forefathers won two world wars and developed the best protection strategy to secure America.

Democrats 100 million Americans wanting your head on a stick is today's reality.

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02da27  No.17195332








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54e823  No.17195333



Exactly why I am here.

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397ae5  No.17195335


Vatican Sells London Building at Heart of Corruption Trial to Bain Capital

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican said on Friday it had sold the luxury London building at the centre of an ongoing corruption trial to Bain Capital in recent days for 186 million pounds ($223.6 million).

The real estate venture at its centre began in 2014, when the Vatican's Secretariat of State invested 350 million euros ($390 million)in the building, using brokers it later accused of extortion and other financial crimes.



Bain Capital/Blackrock have worked with the Vatican Before

Catholic Trust Looks to Brazilian Fund for Social Returns

May 21, 2015 · Bain Capital and the Blackstone Group announced initiatives this year. The Vatican has long spoken about the need for the markets to reduce inequality.


Vatican ambassadors back Romney

January 09, 2012

Forbes reports that 5 former ambassadors to the Holy See signed a statement backing the Mormon candidate for president, Mitt Romney, passing over Catholic candiates Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.



Amidst reports that Mitt Romney launched Bain Capital with funds from investors tied to 1980s Salvadoran death squads, his new running mate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is getting foreign policy briefings from a man who actively covered-up some of the worst atrocities committed by those same death squads. The GOP's vice-presidential candidate also earned his political stripes working under neoconservative Republicans who funneled billions in U.S. aid to those military hitmen. Though the war in El Salvador was just one chapter in history, Romney and Ryan's relationship with that war may provide a snapshot into their worldview.



Many allegations of tunnelling – where insiders manipulate assets for personal gain – and misappropriation of funds are reported in the books.

"Merchants in the Temple" by Gianluigi Nuzzi and Avarice by Emiliano Fittipaldi is an exposé of the entrenched, morally suspect and financially unscrupulous culture of the Vatican.



Ever heard of Knight Capital Group? What is a Knight? Who does a Knight work for?

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00de94  No.17195341



Not even a newfag, fag. Tell me, have you always raped your dog or just since your wife left you for a midget lesbian stripper with a hair lip?

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86a370  No.17195345



That's actually quite witty and clever for that account.

Anon always considered it too low-brow to even consider it it to be a real DJT account.

This is a step up.>>17194417


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897c21  No.17195347



>Kamala's daughter

Yep, same one. Looks like a dude.

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d8ba51  No.17195354



Hey! Let's ask Mikey.

Yeah! He'll meme it.

He'll meme anything.

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d455c8  No.17195358



that is kekity fkn funny

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0e24d5  No.17195367






P.S Marc Elias is defending this nigger faggot

Not a joke.

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af30b6  No.17195368


Evenin’ Nightshift

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c54307  No.17195374



>Since you attack Q and the board, you're skeered

Expecting Q to follow set procedures = Attacking the Q board.

Could you be more Jewish?

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b9efb3  No.17195378



She doesn't sound like that.

She sounds like someone who actually was abused as a child, or a teenager, and can't handle such a story (which was even written by a woman, which makes her hating men in the game quite hilarious in a way - "wah, the game probably thinks it's a great moment when the father…" I really can't stand her, she sounds like a typical leftist - women good, all men evil and bad and probably into raping children, castrate all men).

Still in todays time 12 year olds have porn on their smartphones, probably even younger ones. I don't like that at all, but that's how it is. I consider that a major problem, in fact I would ban these phones especially for children including internet access. At the same time she pretends as if a 16 year old was an innocent child, and some may actually be even nowadays. The norm isn't like that. And in the end it's a numbers game. When is it okay for a let's say 35 years old man to have a relationship with? 18? 20? 25? Is there some math to it? When is a woman a woman and can decide for herself (sometimes badly)? 18? 25? When she personally feels like it? When is a woman allowed to decide for herself? My personal opinion is that women are never really mature.

And what would even banning that game accomplish? It's like banning the book Lolita, and isn't that one actually about a pre pubescent girl?

If you want to ban something, ban smartphones for children, so that they can have a childhood again. and fuck internet. Of course nowadays you also need to ban school books and schools too.

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b66715  No.17195379


Deep State Doubles

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27091b  No.17195387



Was last month but haven't heard of any other Bidan endorsements.

Why is that?

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4a2f11  No.17195392



The seal in the story, the one in the headline is from when students put up a fake seal with golf clubs.

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e2b597  No.17195393


Happy Friday, frens.

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897c21  No.17195395



>Hello poster. Do you ever have anything positive to say? Never mind, rhetorical question.

Hello shill, do you have any reason you can think of that someone claiming to be Q stating they are locked out of the trip and got a 0 Delta with PDJT should not be noted?

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f38d50  No.17195405



I'd say you've had enough….

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9b4418  No.17195408



"mid terms are safe" gets a new breath of life; last one, though

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4476e0  No.17195431



Sounds feasible

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4d8b70  No.17195432



that looks like an uncontrollable anxiety, a panic attack that cannot be hidden from someone who wants to hide it

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802745  No.17195433


The cold one in visit!

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c4d678  No.17195444

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9f6aa2  No.17195445



Delete this test bread.

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71f210  No.17195448



>to all you dumbfucks who think NOT voting will somehow "teach them a lesson"…

If nobody showed up to vote, would that not matter? The appearance of democracy would be totally destroyed in that case. However, not voting only works as a strategy if voters on all sides agree. If Democrats vote but Republicans don't then all is lost.

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3df2ca  No.17195450



The equipment to manufacture formula is similar to the equipment needed to manufacture pharmaceuticals. It makes sense from a market standpoint. It makes sense from a control the world standpoint too.

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a9487f  No.17195458



>Why are the IDs different?

they are exactly the same anon

both caps show UID: 296f7b

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7f9dbb  No.17195469



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5db943  No.17195471



The opposite, natch.

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a60758  No.17195477




Boeing E-6B Mercury 164386. Call sign CLOD49.

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8a7469  No.17195488



Cuz Bidans Build Back Better Blows

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fe66fa  No.17195492

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bcb6bf  No.17195493


Which one did Q send

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defda7  No.17195497



>Drag has been appropriated.

That gives me an idea.

Everyone here needs to start calling out trans people forgender appropriationkek! Use their own dumb shit against them.

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3df2ca  No.17195500



None can stop it, so just enjoy the ride.

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4a7eec  No.17195503



Getting suspicious she ain't even your gilrfriend and you're just some sick-ass pervert bastard.

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48cb37  No.17195505



have to show them

telling them doesn't help

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4ae358  No.17195510



They shot and killed an unarmed female veteran.

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eb01ce  No.17195511



OK, Boomer.

I'm sure the 60 million or so Americans who are left after the economic reset will just be glued to their screens when it all finally "comes out". Thank God for the White Hats and their unwavering allegiance to Freemasonry, er I mean The Constitution of the USA.

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14ef7a  No.17195513


old bewbs sends feels fill fakejuwtwat message

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0649d1  No.17195516


All I know is that I have been grieving for a hell of a long time and whilst at my lowest, I got disssssss'd….. It's not the collective, it's a sporadic parcel of rogues.

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4ed606  No.17195519



>Deltas are not prerequisites

Keep trying to sell that to anons. It may catch on at some point

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ea73c8  No.17195521



>violated a two-month-old promise

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a60758  No.17195523



CODEMONKEY - once IDEN validated can you provide a secure board to post under your control to prevent future issues.

IP / device kept the same for your verification.

IP / trip secured at highest level.

BIG events coming.


They have to post from TOR, or it would be proof that the posts are not coming from the IP address that Q used for verification with CMZ.

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5d25e1  No.17195524


As long as bio/chem/tech is running this world, we win nothing.

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de1be1  No.17195526



I don't think it's today, I believe it's tomorrow

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fc96ac  No.17195528


anyone else notice?

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220e54  No.17195536


Undertaker Theme for tonights entrance Q+ ?

I want to see fireworks & comms!

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bcb6bf  No.17195537



Apologies, friendly fire.

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0b0297  No.17195540



Check out how many eagles and other birds are killed by the large ones. And no Im not doing it for you.

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4a7eec  No.17195545




20:30 timestamp


Tomorrow's the 23rd

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7ea8be  No.17195548



>Rainbows are always in (even inside the dome), but we need to put the rainbow back into the right light so all can see it's true meaning and promise.

Well Pride month has now become Pro-Life month…

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6252d3  No.17195555



These creatures are disgusting

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2673e1  No.17195562


Royal Pepe approves this message

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6ca152  No.17195572



Trusting the plan, Q.

It’s been a heck of a week so far. Pardon the bitching earlier this year.

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2e4ecc  No.17195573


Ultra MAGA IET 17 ⛈⛈⛈, [6/25/2022 11:39 AM]

[ Photo ]

Hey Lin, seeing as you’ve never read a single Q drop or been a real anon ever, I wouldn’t expect you to understand things like how an IP address, an SHA256-bit 64 character hash code password, generating a specific tripcode with a specific color pattern, and lining up with military precision timing would indicate THIS IS THE REAL Q.

So why don’t you just keep your mouth shut


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1cb20d  No.17195576



Stupidity is the mass murderer. Don’t give that little shrew any recognition for anything never even say that bastards name.

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889a80  No.17195577


Interesting DELTA on deck.

>We may have to 'force' this one.

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81d4b0  No.17195579



remember these posts back on 3/21/20?

3+2+1/20 is 6/20, fwiw

Then there was the papal planfag penis.

I don't know jack. Just posting what I've got in my archives about that plaace alleged to have all the archives.

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02a714  No.17195580



>For Liberal White Women

NOTABLE AF message

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473f44  No.17195591


Q Research General #21252: Anons Stand Together!! Edition Anonymous




























notables at 530, still need to collect last bread notables, any note takers avaliable, if not baker will get bread upto date by next bread, will take to the top and cruise on through a bit of saturday. - o7

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6cd342  No.17195594



This has also been a really great way to summon Q, I can not lie.

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c4b177  No.17195595



Can somebody tell the SEC, please?

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4c3719  No.17195596


Has anyone seen the irony that a black holiday is also on Fathers day this year?

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afdf18  No.17195600


I don't feel no ways tired

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a7053d  No.17195602




Victor Yushchenko and the Leavitt Institute for International Development

887 views, 4 likes, posted Sept 11, 2011

Description: In this videoVictor Yushchenko, former President of Ukraine and leader of the Orange Revolutions describes the need for the rule of law and the Leavitt Institute for International Development.


In this video, Yushchenko says that The Leavitt Institute was important for “public perception”.

The Leavitt Institute appears to have a primary function of teaching youths in these countries about “democracy” (read: color revolutions). Video attached in next post.


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7311e0  No.17195604




Damn, anon, we're on the same wavelength it seems. o7

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da3455  No.17195606



>Tyrant Justin Trudeau WeepsOver US Women ‘Losing’ the Right Over Their Bodies — After Forcing Every Person in Canada to Receive Experimental Vaccine


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2673e1  No.17195607




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675541  No.17195609




Do you guys even understand why this glows?

You must be getting pissed huh ?



The Q posts dont matter dick head you guys never did get the connection because you dont have it

Like Tupac said YOU CANT SEE ME


what has the new drops done other then melt down shills?

So if it is not Q team Nice job nigger If it is Anons are still mad so fuck you but this troll helped


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67b8e7  No.17195611



Fix the fucking code will ya?

Getting pretty fucked off clicking posts and getting flung halfway up the bread. And updating thread forever.


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238ba3  No.17195614




Q Research General #21705: Bracketville Texas Optics Edition




case i dont make it back

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07c202  No.17195615



The X22 is a Russian Missile…

"Trump and the Patriots are setting the stage"

"Trump and the Patriots are exposing the DS"

"Trump and the Patriots are going on offense"

Sponsored Ad

"The world is coming to the end. Buy Prepper Supplies. Mad Max is around the corner."

"Trump and the Patriots are gonna drain the swamp and prosecute the traitors"

"Trump and the Patriots are gonna…"


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6ca152  No.17195618



are they summoning the devil?

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b809f3  No.17195621

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276714  No.17195626



well la ti freakn da

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02a714  No.17195627



tek supports.

canz u shows on the doll which bottonz gibz troubles?

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79e046  No.17195632




FFS Anon

Creeped me out to see this post.

Copy/pasta of me from a yesterday.

Like deja vu all over again.

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6cd342  No.17195639



>Their brains are backwards.

55 years of brainwashing…if not more….

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4c3719  No.17195641



Donde esta? where is it?

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0483bb  No.17195649


Thank you Q for showing us that people have the power.

This is a battle between good and evil and many of us miss your posts and need hope.

God bless you and all Gods children.

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3c6911  No.17195650



>They haven't cashed my check! Since April!.

I would have had the lawyers involved trying to close EOM for April. By the end of May the Judges would have been involved,

You can't leave shit like that hanging for months. You need to employ someone who knows business. Or learn it yourself. If I ordered something April and payed for it in advance by today, June 17, I would have a settlement in court. I get my money back + court costs or I get my product + court costs.

You need a better Lawyer. People hate court. Just the threat makes things happen.

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d9e4e8  No.17195652

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26c67f  No.17195667



i just don't see an outside force being too much a threat because they obviously would have done that by now had it been an option for them

it's a logistical nightmare for them to invade without being annihilated and the majority of the country would fight them in unison

the left have to inflate their numbers through false means because they know their base is small

the majority of the mil would also side with bubba and the boys because despite the differences or disagreements, it's always fuck you to a foreign invasion

and if it ever came to life or death, many on the left would probably find their precipice moment and wise the fuck up and beg forgiveness from bubba and the boys to save their ass and although there's a rugged demeanor often portrayed to them and their lifestyle, the forgiving nature that's inherit in bubba in the boys would oblige

except for pedos - those faggots get a quick death

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807869  No.17195668


Didn't see this yet

Nigerian politician one of two people charged with conspiring to harvest the organs of a child in the UK

Beatrice Nwanneka Ekweremadu, 55, and Ike Ekweremadu, 60, were remanded in custody and were expected to appear at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court today.

A Nigerian politician is one of two people charged with allegedly conspiring to harvest the organs of a child in the UK.

District senator and lawyer Ike Ekweremadu, 60, has been charged alongside Beatrice Nwanneka Ekweremadu, 55 with conspiracy to arrange and/or facilitate travel of another person with a view to exploitation.

The pair were remanded in custody and were due to appear at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court today.

Charges were brought against the pair, who are from Nigeria, following an investigation by the Metropolitan Police's Specialist Crime team.

The politician was recently made a visiting professor at the University of Lincoln.


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e35775  No.17195672


all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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1af9df  No.17195673



Gay community seems like their latest target

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591172  No.17195674



Think about the future, too. The longer this goes on, at SOME POINT you're gonna have to realize verification is long past not given temporarily, correct? And who would have been correct all along? TESTERS OF THE SPIRIT. Don't fucking fall for people who mindlessly aggro agitprop. LOGIC is how you escape.

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279478  No.17195678


people are watching anons

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2e67ef  No.17195686



You kikes are desperate to maintain the "mustache man bad!!" narrative, arent you?

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608a19  No.17195688



>when does a bird sing?

twilight, the transitions between night and day, day and night

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3c6911  No.17195700





"Q" reportedly returns to 8kun and makes their first post since December 2020.

“Shall we play a game once more?


10:29 PM · Jun 24, 2022·TweetDeck

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0483bb  No.17195701



True, but there's no way to be certain he knows there's a B post on his board.


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d9e4e8  No.17195703







The Internet is Made of Demons

Sam Kriss

April 21, 2022

Review of Justin E.H. Smith, The Internet Is Not What You Think It Is: A History, A Philosophy, A Warning (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2022).

According to one theory, the internet is made of demons. Like most theories about the internet, this one is mostly circulated online. On Instagram, I saw a screenshot of a Reddit post, containing a screenshot of a 4chan post, containing a screenshot of Tweet, containing two images. On the left, the weird, loopy lines of a microprocessor. On the right, the weird, loopy lines of a set of Solomonic sigils. Caption: ‘Boy I love trapping demons in microscopic silicon megastructures to do my bidding, I sure hope nothing goes wrong.’ In other versions, the demons themselves are the ones who invented the internet; it’s just their latest move in a five-thousand-year battle against humanity. As one four-panel meme comic explains:

The king’s pact binds them. They cannot show themselves or speak to us.

1) Create ways to see without seeing

2) Create ways to speak without speaking

Pictures of more Solomonic sigils, progressing into laptops and iPhones. The fourth panel, the punchline, has no words. Only a giant, mute, glassy-eyed face.

This theory is—probably—a joke. It is not a serious analysis. But still, there’s something there; there are ways in which the internet really does seem to work like a possessing demon. We tend to think that the internet is a communications network we use to speak to one another—but in a sense, we’re not doing anything of the sort. Instead, we are the ones being spoken through. Teens on TikTok all talk in the exact same tone, identical singsong smugness. Millennials on Twitter use the same shrinking vocabulary. My guy! Having a normal one! Even when you actually meet them in the sunlit world, they’ll say valid or based, or say y’all despite being British. Memes on Instagram have started addressing people as my brother in Christ, so now people are saying that too. Clearly, that name has lost its power to scatter demons.

Everything you say online is subject to an instant system of rewards. Every platform comes with metrics; you can precisely quantify how well-received your thoughts are by how many likes or shares or retweets they receive. For almost everyone, the game is difficult to resist: they end up trying to say the things that the machine will like. For all the panic over online censorship, this stuff is far more destructive. You have no free speech—not because someone might ban your account, but because there’s a vast incentive structure in place that constantly channels your speech in certain directions. And unlike overt censorship, it’s not a policy that could ever be changed, but a pure function of the connectivity of the internet itself. This might be why so much writing that comes out of the internet is so unbearably dull, cycling between outrage and mockery, begging for clicks, speaking the machine back into its own bowels.

This incentive system can lead to very vicious results. A few years ago, a friend realized that if she were murdered—if some obsessed loner shot her dead in the street—then there were hundreds of people who would celebrate. She’d seen similar things happen enough times. They would spend a day competing to make exultant jokes about her death, and then they would all move on to something else. My friend was not a particularly famous or controversial person: she had some followers and some bylines, but probably her most divisive article had been about tax policy. But she was just famous enough for hundreds of people, who she didn’t know and had never met, to hate her and want to see her dead. It wasn’t even that they had different political opinions: plenty of these people were on the same side. They would laugh at her death in the name of their shared commitment to justice and liberation and a better future for all.

pt 1

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807869  No.17195714





will insert into Dough Post

refresh to view


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80d900  No.17195718

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f531e7  No.17195719


black market fetuses protest medical shotgun gay marriage unfenced marijuana rights

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279478  No.17195724



back the fuck up

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215726  No.17195725

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75a5ed  No.17195726



The one with the big boobs - didn't she play a mermaid in a movie?

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26c67f  No.17195727




#21326 @110



















“You New World Order traitor piece of Sh**!”- twat mp4 vid (worth a watch)










notables at 515, biden rushed to safety, forces comms, planefags call signs - eyes on, stay alert, somethings up

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837524  No.17195731



go back. https://freerepublic.com/tag/*/index

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2e67ef  No.17195732


Lost Boys: How Young Men Are Losing Their Place


For a long time, young men had clear definitions and guidance on what it means to be a man. Men had to be the breadwinner, the head of the household, a protector, and so much more. Granted, some of that changed and for good reason, but generally it provided clarity and stability led by mentors and male role models. However, this does not appear to be the case anymore.

In the midst of everything going on in our society, more young men find themselves looking for their place in this world. This is creating disaffected youth that can grow apathetic and sometimes violent. What is causing these young lost boys to become so dissociated with society and how do we fix this?

Changes in Society

One of the most significant contributions to these lost boys is changes in society. For a long time, America had a gender-polarized society. Masculinity and femininity were treated as opposites, affecting the way institutions and society saw them. Socially constructed roles, behaviors, attributes, and activities were separated by the polarization.

For men, they were always expected to be in charge. They needed to be breadwinners and heads of their households. Men had to hide their emotions, be aggressive, and have other associated masculine traits. Likewise, women were homemakers and mothers, who were expected to be gentle and nurturing. However, these rigid standards were broken.

Over the years, America’s gender-polarized society changed to one where men and women share and exchange roles. There was no longer a division between what men and women were allowed to do. This change was amazing, especially for women, who in some real ways, were marginalized for years. However, there have been other changes, particularly in the roles of men that have consequences.

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04c5c6  No.17195739



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801814  No.17195743



New energy is fusion reactors. All else is a grift.

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8af42c  No.17195749




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644e1f  No.17195755



It's illegal to conduct it on FBI hardware and with FBI personnel.

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73e6da  No.17195759



New eyes can peruse the catalog as well as I

I've been called gatekeeper and worse, my agenda has been to help anons, do digs, stuff like that

You must be the guy with the Jesuit obsession

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86440e  No.17195763



Well, on the other hand God is separating the wheat from the chaff on Earth right now.

Be well, and be good to yourself.

Trust your internal compass.


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1ff15f  No.17195768



That's the last thing America needs is more fucking division.

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45d39a  No.17195776

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29c135  No.17195778




it no longer matters

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d4d9be  No.17195789

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8e06f3  No.17195792






>To CONFIRM. Don't over complicate it.

Scrolling through the trolls anon noticed a simple method to defeat their attack.

Rather than hovering over the link to see if it's the same bread?

Just look at the post number, and then look at the linked number (>>17193550

They'll see this too and adjust. Life goes on, forever I've learned (although not in this suit).

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b5ae9b  No.17195793



you da man. claro que si.

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4d5f26  No.17195794



>COVID related

It's the vax. The babies are lucky to be alive.

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9183fb  No.17195800




walrus josh wants to bang a racist

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73e6da  No.17195806



I assume by default that all women were sexually assaulted/molested. The statistics are really bad atm, most of it goes unreported on top of that. Not saying all women but majority are bonkers currently. Met a chick with a PhD in physics and even she was a goner in terms of innocence.

It's just a matter of lack of God in their lives; spiritual decay leads to this behavior. It got to me too, porn really warped me but have been clean for a while now and don't look at women the way I used to anymore.

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7cb2d9  No.17195807



Michael Moore is a blowhard

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86440e  No.17195813




>It would be my privilege to serve this country again.

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45d39a  No.17195833


Ulterius Ultra.

Deus Vult.

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6f2b3d  No.17195838



Impressive, Most Impressive


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2f8d5e  No.17195840

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37d000  No.17195841







I joined because I Like Devon, I want to see truth do well and want to support a new platform

still shity tho I guess anons should join unless they are playing a roll

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a0fd58  No.17195844



>Ya little nazi fuckboi. No one believes you.

Glow more, you fake Q shilling faggot.

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3c0d38  No.17195847



Didn't get the 4am plan of the day?

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2e82f1  No.17195855



The Western Journal, [20.06.22 10:33]

Mainstream Media Giant Deletes 23 Articles After Reporter Is Caught Fabricating Information

READ: http://w-j.co/s/f81be

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b3b039  No.17195864



freddy can bakerer

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6650ae  No.17195865




Eyewitness medical Doc "Dirty" Baum fortuitously on the spot to paint the mass slaughter picture, giving the first important account of the "horrific" story, which will now be replayed world wide 1000s of times.

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4ac35e  No.17195869



Radio/TV/youtube/twitch/wherever it's okay to advocate for abortions at nine months but don't…DON'T YOU DARE SAY NIGGER!

It's fucking insane that these people are okay with 9 month abortions but the word nigger is just the fucking worst thing ever and they don't tolerate that language?


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e5a857  No.17195870



Thanks anon. Other anon posted the clip and sure enough. Air Q. Best one I've seen yet.


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716200  No.17195875



Crimes against humanity.

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097f42  No.17195880


Well now I'm raging because the deadpool faggot told me I was a superhero so I jumped out my window trying to fly and I broke my leg

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2cb812  No.17195883



Al-Quds Brigades launch large-scale drills in Gaza

Al-Quds Brigades, the military arm of Palestinian resistance faction Hamas, will conduct two-day-long military exercises in the Gaza Strip entitled The Will of the Honest (Azm Al-Sadiqin), Al Mayadeen's correspondent reported on Sunday.

Various formations within Al-Quds Brigades will participate in the drills, mainly the missile and artillery formations from all over the Gaza Strip, to increase preparedness, test the readiness of the forces, and expand cooperation, our correspondent reported, citing informed sources.

The exercises will also simulate the simultaneous bombing of several targets by the various formations of the factions, Al Mayadeen's correspondent added. The formations will practice how to bomb several geographic locations with barrages of rockets.

Al-Quds Brigades had announced on Saturday that they would be launching wide, large-scale drills in the Gaza Strip in order to up the preparedness of the forces and to lay down the groundwork for any future battle.

The drills "will simulate large-scale field operations with the participation of several military formations," Quds Brigades spokesperson Abu Hamza announced.

The joint operations room of Palestinian Resistance factions had launched the Al-Rukn Al-Shadid 2 joint military exercises in late December.

The drills saw the participation of all the Palestinian resistance factions to achieve greater harmony, unite their concepts, and increase their efficiency.

The military maneuvers in late 2021 came in light of Israeli aggression launched on the Gaza Strip, which killed hundreds of Palestinians, wounded hundreds of others, and destroyed the Strip's infrastructure.

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b5b8b7  No.17195886



> They'll have plenty of customers in developing nations over the next decades.

well, that kindy shoots down "the mass depop agenda" theory.

can't have it boath ways, anons. user yer logics!

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54ebc5  No.17195890



Past proves future?

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b9e51d  No.17195901



oops forgot the Marlin M-60 22 LR

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fc78f9  No.17195902



head just exploded


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a0fd58  No.17195904



These pro-abortion moms illustrate the horrors of the culture of death

Perhaps the most unsettling image was a photo of a tattoo depicting a frightened late term baby in utero with an abortion instrument plunged into his or her forehead.


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49e643  No.17195907


Former Mark Meadows staffer Cassidy Hutchinson hires new attorney ahead of public Jan. 6 hearings


9 June 2022

Cassidy Hutchinson, a member of Mark Meadows' staff when Meadows was Donald Trump's chief of staff, has hired Jody Hunt to represent her as the public Jan. 6 hearings begin, a source familiar with the matter confirmed to ABC News.

At the start of the Trump administration, Hunt served as chief of staff to then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Hunt later became the head of Department of Justice's Civil Division.

Members of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack are actively negotiating with Hutchinson for her public testimony during the upcoming committee hearings, sources with knowledge of the matter told ABC News.

If Hutchinson agrees to appear publicly, she will put a voice to many of the interactions involving Jan. 6 that have been reported publicly, and offer significant insight into Meadows' actions and interactions with the former president on Jan. 6 and in the days before and after, the sources said.

During earlier depositions with the committee, Hutchinson confirmed to committee investigators accounts that Meadows had burned documents in his office, according to sources.

It was not immediately clear the contents of what Meadows is alleged to have burned, or whether his actions as described by witnesses constitute anything illegal.

ABC News previously reported that the committee is negotiating with former White House counsel Pat Cipollone for his public testimony. Should either Hutchinson or Cipollone agree to testify, it would mark the first witness to publicly appear before the committee who was physically in the West Wing on Jan. 6.

Politico was first to report Hunt's new role.

PHOTO: Attorney General Jeff Sessions departs with chief of staff Jody Hunt following a press conference at the Department of Justice on March 2, 2017 in Washington, D.C. (Win Mcnamee/Getty Images, FILE)

How does this attorney Jody Hunt and Sessions recusal timeline line up?

These Q drops re Sessions and light are interesting in light of the comments made today by Trump and the J6 hearing.

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ff180f  No.17195908



May I make a suggestion?

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c125b5  No.17195919



Hi Q:

Partial Match:

Tripcode for Q = !CbboFOtcZs

Your ID:

c2b = cbb

0 = o

cc = 3 + 3 or 6 = F

Now OtcZs remains.

OTC usually stands for "Over The Counter"

Zs = many plan Z

DELTA = Change

Seems like it is time for change, stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.

FF weather WW alerts means outages means internet down.

Filename = FF_WWWWWWWWW = Fast and Furious NEIN W.

Judgement has come, Biblical.

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80eaf2  No.17195924



>Jim generally comes off as incompetent and aloof

Possibly intentionally. Better to have everyone assume you're a fat retard so that you can carry out whatever it is you're trying to do in peace. Not saying he isn't one, but "haha I was just pretending to be retarded" is a viable intelligence gathering tool.

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ae134e  No.17195932



Yemeni journalist assassinated by car bomb in Aden

A Yemeni journalist was killed by a car bomb in Aden, the country's second-largest city and the main center point for the Saudi-backed forces, a security official said on Thursday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, added that “unidentified assailants had planted an explosive device in the vehicle of journalist Saber Al-Haidari, who works for a number of foreign media outlets."

The bomber struck on Wednesday night as "Haidari was driving home, killing him and injuring others in the car," according to the official.

Furthermore, the official compared the attack to the November car bombing that killed pregnant Yemeni journalist Rasha Abdullah Al-Harazi. It is worth noting that her husband, journalist Mahmud Al-Atmi, was also injured in the attack.

On its account, Reporters Without Borders said that Haidari "was killed yesterday (Wednesday) night after an explosive device was placed in his car."

He was a correspondent for China's Xinhua News Agency, according to the report.

Saudi-led military aggression launched in 2015 has left hundreds of thousands dead and millions more displaced in what the United Nations calls the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

Yemeni journalists attempting to cover the war on Yemen have constantly faced threats of retribution.

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df89ee  No.17195933



Bravo JimWell put sir.

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716200  No.17195934



They had to make sure.

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fed913  No.17195935



Israeli excavations threaten Al-Aqsa, undermine historic features

Relevant institutions and authorities have revealed that excavations made by "Israel" under Al-Aqsa Mosque are threatening its foundations, revealing that new cracks have appeared in the floor of the Holy Mosque.

The cracks appeared near the Islamic Museum and the Mughrabi Gate adjacent to Al-Buraq Wall all the way to the Umayyad palaces area.

On its part, the Council of Endowments, Islamic Affairs, and Holy Sanctuaries in the occupied city of Al-Quds said it is following the dangerous activities of "Israel" in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa.

The council stated that the "Israel" Antiquities Authority and the "Elad" settlement association have been conducting suspicious and mysterious excavations in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, especially from the southern and western sides adjacent to the mosque's external foundation, in the areas of Al-Buraq Wall and the Umayyad palaces.

The Council also indicated that it has been monitoring for a while a group of workers using bulldozers and heavy excavating machinery working at an extremely suspicious fast pace in the said areas.

According to the Council, the works included digging the sand out and making holes in the walls adjacent to the southern wall of the mosque.

Observers have also monitored continuous crushing for months of important huge archaeological stones, which are converted into smaller stones in order to hide their traces and are removed in the guise of mounds intended for rubbish.

The Council of Endowments, Islamic Affairs, and Holy Sanctuaries warned "against continuing to tamper with, sabotage and change the historical and religious landmarks of these historical endowment sites."

On its part, Hamas said the Israeli excavations in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque are a "direct threat to the foundations and walls of the mosque," in occupied Al-Quds.

Hamas said in a statement a few days ago, "The continuous excavations carried out by the Zionist occupation authorities in the areas of Al-Buraq Wall and the Umayyad palaces are a direct threat to the foundations and walls of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque." The movement added that "the excavations are an attempt to obliterate the features of the Islamic and historical city of Jerusalem," and warned the occupation that it would be held "fully responsible for the repercussions of these dangerous violations."

Hamas called on the League of Arab States, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and Jordan to "move urgently to stop these malicious colonial schemes, in order to protect Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque…"

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fbfb37  No.17195936




Black African Negroid Cesspool people can fuck off entirely.

Negroid Cesspool are 70% of America's crime and only 12% of the population.

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27ba60  No.17195942



Ease them into it



You know [their] tactics

Time we start using them

Establish doubt

Expose holes in narrative

Targeted ads

Estimate how much the person trusts the topic of the conversation

Find out who they trust the least in the whole story

Start from there

Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party (2016) - by Dinesh D'Souza is a good start

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57540e  No.17195947












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8477c2  No.17195951





when old notables are collected, they must be LISTED in the dough to be picked up by aggregators, can't go directly into "previously" section.

please add back #21923 for one bread.

Then it can go into Previously section.

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804cbd  No.17195953



I think:

>It had to be this way

applies there too.

I'm both glad I didn't know, and glad I'm still here!

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54ad66  No.17195954



> use of the word "me" instead of "my"

Found the euro.

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0e18f8  No.17195956



>Morning, frenz

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e08359  No.17195959



superimpose this under a fishbowl and you're done.

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4987f4  No.17195960


Another company decides to proudly reimburse baby killers.

Add one more to the list.

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f76f4f  No.17195967

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387271  No.17195971



Ukrainian ambassador to German intellectuals: "Go to hell", "loosers"!

The Ukrainian ambassador to Germany has done it again!

Andrij Melnyk, who has recently called German chancellor Olaf Scholz a sausage, has told 21 German intellectuals calling for an end to arms deliveries to Ukraine to "go to hell."

The signatories that signed the open letter were called on the West to make Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky negotiate peace.

He went on to call the signatories "pseudo-intellectual loosers (sic)."

Addressing some of the intellectuals with their last names, he wrote they “should go to hell with [their] defeatist advice.”

The letter which was published in Germany's Die Zeit newspaper on Wednesday, titled "Ceasefire now!", included philosophers, academics, journalists and ex-diplomats.

According to the signatories, it is the EU’s duty to “restore and secure peace on the continent.” Countries should come up with a strategy to bring the war to an end, according to the document.

“Ukraine has so far been able to defend itself against the brutal Russian aggressive war thanks to, among other things, massive sanctions and military support,” they argued.

The intellectuals see that it is highly unlikely that Ukraine will regain control of Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea, and that Russia is “militarily superior and has the ability to mount further military escalation.”

With that being said, they urged Western nations to consider “what goal they are pursuing and whether (and for how long) weapons deliveries are still the right way.”

The ongoing conflict and the deliveries of weapons will mean more deaths by the thousands and “massive humanitarian, economic and ecological emergencies all around the world,” referring to food shortages in Arica and food prices on the rise.

Finally, the intellectuals see that there should be an opposition to the war in Ukraine, but the continuation of the war "is not the solution."

Last week, Germany announced that it will send Kiev two to three more self-propelled Panzerhaubitze 2000 howitzers.

Ukraine has been asking Europe for 18 German-made PzH 2000 howitzers to fully arm their artillery battalion, according to the DPA news agency. Germany has sent 7 howitzers and the Netherlands donated 5.

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a2b7ea  No.17195973



Please, please, don't spread your legs, I don't want to see dicks.

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d18a36  No.17195979


slow moving breads ; all the shill on Troof? or did the money run out? Nevertheless, and nonetheless as well…Occam still does his shaving in this mirror

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61ca02  No.17195984



>no your just an annoying spamming bot that I decided to bounce some shit off of since you're getting too comfy with this demoralizing bullshit.


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8d435a  No.17195988


Wow Ivanka accepted what Barr said!

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5e33f1  No.17195989



A ‘black pill’ simply means to know the incomprehensible

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23b25d  No.17195996



The reason they exist is the reason they aren't thrilled.

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a9364a  No.17195997

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54ad66  No.17196006



>they didn't find him guilty cause it was D.C.

Seems too simplistic an explanation for my taste, anon.

Maybe something else is going on.

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4987f4  No.17196007


Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

The world isWATCHING

The world isCONNECTED


If Trump was in office, our economy would be BOOMING…

If Trump was in office, we would have a wall and no problems with our border…

If Trump was in office, our babies would have their formula…

If Trump was in office, we would have so much gas. it would be coming out our asses…














>The Great Awakening

>It's Happening


Question everything























When does a bird sing? When it tweets.


ENTER [99154] EXEC.



General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…


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53c45c  No.17196009



Matthew McConaughey Has Used 18 Guns in 11 Movies over 25 Years



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4f1cce  No.17196014




Noice edition title

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1de3a7  No.17196017



But they won't.

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9a3317  No.17196018



absolute fake shillery.

TheWarrenreport. Follow the white fucking rabbit….

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35c480  No.17196021



I would suggest you watch some first and second amendment audits on youtube. Police in this country are lawless, and it's not only black people or those with attitude whom they violate the rights of daily. Many think they ARE the law and whatever they say is law while being clueless of actual law.

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ade373  No.17196027



That was from just double jabbed. This is after two boosters.

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215717  No.17196028



> Doge

I pray tell me this isn't INTELdogE

or the DogE coin

it's just a handle right?

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d1e763  No.17196033



Take a sear faker

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4cd903  No.17196035

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5e33f1  No.17196043



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1f0818  No.17196047


=Supreme Court Overturns President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” Policy for Migrants Who Claim They Are Seeking Asylum

The US Supreme Court, with the help of Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh, sided the Biden Administration in allowing Joe Biden to further weaken US immigration policy and flood the US Southern border with millions of more illegal aliens.

President Trump initiated a law that forced migrants crossing the US Southern border who claim they are seeking asylum remain in Mexico until their cases were reviewed by US Courts. Now that law has been overturned.

The far-left Washington Post reports:

The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled for the Biden administration on a controversial immigration policy, saying it had the authority to reverse a Trump-era policy that requires asylum seekers to remain in Mexico while their cases are reviewed in U.S. courts.

The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. writing for himself and Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, and the court’s three liberals, Stephen G. Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr., Neil M. Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett dissented.

Barrett said she agreed with the majority on the merits of the decision, but she felt the court should not have decided the case, but remanded it to lower courts.

The justices had expedited review of Biden’s attempt to get rid of the “Remain in Mexico” policy after a lower court judge said the administration had not provided sufficient justification for ending it, and that the administration’s procedures were unlawful.

The ruling by the Court is puzzling. Migrants on the Southern border are taught by radicals to claim that they are fleeing abuse in their native countries and are seeking asylum. This puts these migrants into a special category. What abuse these people are claiming is questionable at best. It’s actually more apparent that the migrants are trained by radicals to make this claim whether true or not.

President initiated a policy to have these individuals remain in Mexico while their cases were reviewed. Now they will be allowed in the US where they will stay God knows where and taken care of by the US government since the number of individuals who make these claims who can cover their own expenses is limited.

This decision also is dangerous as many of the migrants on the border are being trafficked by cartels at the border, making lots of money in their human trafficking operations. The Democrats and the courts are promoting violent acts by allowing this to continue.


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a9364a  No.17196049


Wanted to share this video with anons who are curious about the shared symbolism between the Roman Catholic church and the pagans (freemasons). Everything from halos, evil eye, Coptic shells, nimrod mitre, and the most interesting bit is the symbolism behind EVERGREEN.

>One of the common points of pagan worship is their common symbol for eternal life, the Evergreen.

Those you trust the most (the Catholic church for many) are the ones leading you directly to paganism

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14006c  No.17196062


You know what you were given.

Time reveals All.

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9234de  No.17196063



Qtime Network ️ ️ ️, [04.07.22 14:52]

[ Photo ]

The Netherlands 🇳🇱

A picture worth a thousand words

We aren’t each other’s Enemy

United we go forward


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f74ec9  No.17196064





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2fb86c  No.17196065

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643173  No.17196068



i'm surprised he didn't mention this at the rally tonight. he's probably letting it percolate for a bit on social media and will mention it this Friday in Nebraska

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123c6e  No.17196072



Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [23.04.22 10:02]

[ Photo ]

Amid wild laughter, Alexander approached the horse he would name Bucephalus calmly. He had realized something the others had not - the horse was afraid of his own shadow. Turning Bucephalus toward the sun so his shadow was behind him…

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56fe12  No.17196082



But what if that is his role? Then he's a great actor.

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f5c42a  No.17196083


If you are an Election Denier, you WILL be punished to the fullest extent allowed by law, UNLESS, of course, you apologize for your actions.

You have a choice, anons.

Do NOT fuck this up.

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0cc582  No.17196085


The Public now know how to cast stones

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d4f30f  No.17196086



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f4cf01  No.17196094




Your arrogance is unbecoming of a sentient being, therefore you must be artificial.

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cf438d  No.17196106



death to ZOG worldwide


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75dbe8  No.17196111


George Soros


The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn #RoeVWade ends federal protections for abortion, diminishes human rights, and greatly threatens reproductive care. We have invested in reproductive rights organizations that are fighting back at this moment.





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454819  No.17196119

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6cb3e4  No.17196128


Why is the U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland visiting Ukraine? To form a new team to investigate war crimes, of course.





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0cf0bb  No.17196131



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63ec73  No.17196134



Pages from her never published book.

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ba3b8f  No.17196136



[They] thought you would follow [their] clowns.


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e13f61  No.17196141



TY anon!

you got me,

if you only knew how good of a laugh I just had.

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f4cf01  No.17196145

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80aefc  No.17196146



I meant *Schwab

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2ebcac  No.17196159

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3e6740  No.17196162



When I was in the service, moving nuclear materials required specialized training and was only allowed via "armed road train" due to treaties. We had specific orders, we stop for no one, no thing and you had to clarify you understood you kill anyone in your path to include family members.

So what was on the plane?

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c62201  No.17196171



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008794  No.17196172



Are you a famenigger like doge?

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454819  No.17196173



Ask and ye shall receive, considering I forgot to include the pic when I thanked the baker with my first post.

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7a37d0  No.17196174



I have lost a little steam this time around…

waiting for IRL to catch up

super tired of being the crazy one

>We've lost our jobs over this. Lost friends

can confirm

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6dde35  No.17196176



They send out actual biden for foreign engagements.

Very old slow guy.

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52e34a  No.17196178



Literally none. No one cares because everyone in the real world knows it's bullshit and we know it's been Jim and Ron for a long time.

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34e185  No.17196182


First anon to reply to this post with a meme, the meme gets posted to my facebook.




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0cf0bb  No.17196187



No armed security for any of these political rats.

They want us unarmed, then they get no armed security.

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99a1f7  No.17196190



gods but you are insufferable

your death will be slow

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63ec73  No.17196191



Could've picked a better picture for the Live Weapons Firing training. That yellow thing at the end of the barrel is our first clue.

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ebc308  No.17196192



Thank you for that

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ba3b8f  No.17196196



It is when you utilize classified data on servers disassociated from the network along with other classified tools.

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a54bca  No.17196197



cheney started speaking

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fd0c2e  No.17196198


Demonstrator scales Frederick Douglass Bridge following Supreme Court decision

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ce0db7  No.17196205



I order you to stop spamming our breads!

Your bullshit cannot, will not be tolerated’

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38fadb  No.17196214



Roberta Flack - Killing Me Softly… with your bad spelling.

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6ba3e8  No.17196215



-Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer

-Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna

-Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca

-Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson

-Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation

-Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum

-Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO

-Anthony Fauci

-Peter Daszak

-Francis Collins

-Bill Gates

-George Soros

-Barack Obama

-Hillary Clinton

-Bill Clinton

-Joe Biden

-John Podesta

-John Brennan

-James Comey

-Adam Schiff

-Peter Strzok

-Mark Zuckerberg

-Melinda Gates

-Nancy Pelosi

And about 20 other treasonous bastards in politics, 6 Dem. Governors, Judges, Federal Agencies, FDA, CDC, WHO, Liberal Main Stream Media, Reuters, Politifact, etc., big tech, Pedowood/Pedoland

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2ebcac  No.17196216


Where'd that expert go, how about that other piece of shit? you all scattered!?

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3e6740  No.17196217



>The J6 Committee Went Full Jussie Smollett Today and It is Hilarious


Am over these distractions…

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c9bc08  No.17196219



no facade

no masquerade

no deals!

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6ebc7c  No.17196220





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e3f564  No.17196221



More bewbs fo sho

Protect our country at all costs!

More trannies might be good too – just to confuse the enemy … you know?

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36a2de  No.17196224



>Choosy moms, choose jif.

This ^

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d15f62  No.17196226



Anon, dead serious question: how will we know what to say?

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e2d46f  No.17196228



Oh, thats good, anon

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83051e  No.17196229



Bitch I sleep on the ground. STFU kek

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229280  No.17196231






This one has a :24 timestamp.

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4c2c8f  No.17196232

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b6628b  No.17196235

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ff2cc0  No.17196239

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99a1f7  No.17196247



laws of war, being the winners, etc.

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2b2f7b  No.17196249


All tubes lit?



Way high

ETOH on hand?


Ready for SAM?


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e5f376  No.17196257



Learned about hitler and terrorized with mass grave photos in school every history class, but they hardly mentioned communism

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43d309  No.17196266


The fate of Ghislaine Maxwell is sealed as 60-year-old is sentenced to 20 YEARS in prison for sex trafficking underage girls for pedophile Jeffrey Epstein - and says meeting him was her 'biggest regret'

Ghislaine Maxwell, 60, has be sentenced to 20 years in jail after being convicted of sex trafficking in December

Prosecutors asked Judge Alison Nathan to impose a sentence of at least 30 years because of Maxwell's 'utter lack of remorse,' while Maxwell claimed she should serve just four years as she is not a danger to the public

Annie Farmer, Sarah Ransome, Elizabeth Stein and one woman known only as Kate read their heartbreaking victim impact statements where they pleaded for the longest possible sentence

Sarah Ransome claimed in her victim impact statement, 'I was nothing more than a sex toy with a heartbeat and soul used to entertain Epstein, Maxwell and others'

Elizabeth Stein revealed she had to have an abortion after getting raped 'countless times'

The sentencing marks the end of a decades-long fight for justice by victims of Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein


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b76f85  No.17196267



He never left us

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aac60e  No.17196269



>the Qanon movement

Greetings, hello QAnonerer!

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3a2b0b  No.17196270



The gunman who killed four people and himself at a medical office in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Wednesday has been identified as 45-year-old Michelet Louis, his family told The Daily Beast.

“Tulsa Police called me and verified that it’s my uncle,” one of his nieces texted Thursday morning. “We are so distraught.”

She asked not to be named in the story, citing the “heinous” nature of the crime. “I don’t even want to be associated because I’m so disgusted,” she told The Daily Beast.

A Muskogee law enforcement official confirmed the name of the suspect as Michael Louis. Public records show the Muskogee man used both first names.

In addition, public records list Louis as a resident of a home in Muskogee that Tulsa police asked local cops to search for a possible bomb on Wednesday night, saying it was related to the hospital incident.

The home was evacuated Wednesday night, according to authorities, and neither Louis nor his wife, Edith Lubin, could be reached by reporters or worried relatives.

The motive for the shooting, which took place on the second floor of the Natalie Medical Building near St. Francis Hospital, has not yet been confirmed. Spokespeople for the Tulsa and Muskogee police did not immediately respond to The Daily Beast’s requests for comment before regular business hours Thursday.

When will it end! Deeply saddened to hear of tragic loss of Preston Phillips, MD who I knew during his days as a @harvardmed student. Remarkable spine surgeon and man called home to soon. We can’t continue to ignore. My thoughts and prayers to family & friends. #StopGunViolence pic.twitter.com/P93pZWLmxZ

— Edward M Barksdale, Jr MD (@emb7658) June 2, 2022

Citing a conversation with police, the niece said Louis left a note explaining a motive for the attack, but officials declined to immediately disclose to her what it said. The assailant died by suicide, according to police.

“It’s just so shocking. Like, if he had killed himself, okay. But those innocent people, that’s what I’m hurting about,” the niece continued.

When initially reached by The Daily Beast Wednesday night, Louis’ family expressed disbelief that he may have been involved.

“This is really crazy. Like, this is shocking…No one in our family, like nobody in our family, has this type of behavior. No one,” the niece had said.

“It’s not him. Because it’s not his personality.” another family member added.

45-year-old Michelet Louis

confirmed the name of the suspect as Michael Louis.

one of his nieces texted Thursday morning. “We are so distraught.”

Natalie Medical Building near St. Francis Hospital

hunter incest pornhub?

me thinks comms

no pic he blek?

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2db5b1  No.17196271



Why not fake and “Bluebeam”?

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fe2eb7  No.17196276

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add8df  No.17196280



>Define mistake

I already did


>by definition

an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.

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d9ddc8  No.17196281


Maybe most of everything that happened to me gave me the ability to image and feel everything the evil ones have caused because it has lead mostly to pain and missing out on the best things in life so far, makes sense to me at least.

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b6628b  No.17196284


anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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e2d46f  No.17196285



morn'n baker agrees with this post

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eb2fde  No.17196294



and no chili? you HEATHEN.

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ae5bf5  No.17196302



Because, unlike #DarkMAGA would like you to think, most "human trafficking" is of women.

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d8f1e9  No.17196303

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e9df59  No.17196304



How old is your mom?

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236c16  No.17196312



>May the Lord help you


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78a515  No.17196313



ThanQ Baker!

DO IT Q!!!

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531504  No.17196318


all this

cause a drunk pedo tweaker

recorded his buttjuws hoax

for sci fi smut

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1b59dd  No.17196319



pretty sure it's coz this is a larp

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547245  No.17196320




24-Jun-2022 8:04:01 PM PDTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch16506930

Are you ready to serve your country again?

Remember your oath.


-18 days to 2 yr delta

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f8275a  No.17196322



I like how many things she put on her………..for nxt birthday buy her one of this.

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fb6836  No.17196324


Is Biden really the President?

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7baea0  No.17196333



Oh, Lord have mercy. I was just giving anon shit. I'd have much less self control than them.

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6ef822  No.17196335



… didn't even watch it 😁

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ae5bf5  No.17196337



I'm cooking dinner..

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5e0408  No.17196340



89 million for illegal aliens but how much for veterans and homeless families?

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f65288  No.17196343



The social media footprint of Robert Crimo also points to the other side of the political spectrum, however, as well as a general feel that he is a deranged individual.

In a video uploaded by Crimo, a newspaper clipping detailing the shooting of Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald can be seen on displayed on his wall.

In another photo of himself, Crimo donned a helmet while a photo of former Yugoslavian dictator Josip Bronz Tito can be seen on his mirror. Tito, a communist with Soviet backing, ruled the now defunct nation for decades after leading anti-Nazi resistance movements.

The Twitter account for Crimo’s rapper name, “Awake,” follows Democrat politicians exclusively, including Barrack Obama, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. A “fan page” for the fledgling rapper — which may very well have been operated by himself given how small of a following he had — is filled with “likes” on leftist content calling for Trump and his supporters to be arrested over January 6.

Here's some more from the account of #HighlandPark shooter Robert Crimo. He followed and retweeted Barack Obama as well as Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. He also had a weird thing about wearing FBI hats. pic.twitter.com/54fY4TXaPY

— Hardhatbeast (@hardhatbeast) July 5, 2022

In addition, Crimo has a rose tattoo frequently associated with leftist organizations on his neck. A rose emoji can also be found in the bio of his rapper page.

The bulk of the suspected gunman’s social media footprint centers around dark and cryptic subject matter, however. Numerous references to the number 47 can be found in his videos, as well as occult themed symbolism.

The video titled “Toy Solider” is an animated cartoon that begins with a student texting in class while Crimo can be heard rapping “fuck this world.” It cuts between images of an armed gunman entering a school and massacring its occupants. The gunman then goes outside and engages police before the video ends with the shooter lying in a pool of blood.

He has also uploaded several images where he can be seen sporting an FBI hat.

In addition, Robert “Bobby” Crimo posted a video of him driving on what appears to be the parade route last year.

This looks like the parade route https://t.co/06h6yT6iDi

— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) July 5, 2022

According to a number of reports, Robert Crimo is from the area. His father is a local small business owner for unsuccessfully ran for Mayor of Highland Park in 2019.

This is a developing story.


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a8590a  No.17196344



Do you have pics of what a mongrel looks like?

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927cca  No.17196346


Anyone have that one meme of HRC from the bad old days where she's walking down that long staircase with a zoom-in and the caption: "We have a special play for you too, Hillary"?

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438305  No.17196350



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f8275a  No.17196351



Lin is has a role to play in our movie.

So do WE.

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3d4caf  No.17196354



Rep. Boebert says she'll take legal action

against PAC that claimed she had two abortions,

worked as an escort

Hot Air, by John Sexton

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/15/2022 9:49:57 PM

While some people on the left are making much of a passing joke about AR-15s, others have opened the floodgates of slime, accusing her without any evidence of having worked as an escort and of having had two abortions. Jezebel passes along the allegations: Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Co.) reportedly had two abortions and worked as an unlicensed paid escort. During her escort work, one wealthy client in Aspen introduced her to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who subsequently encouraged Boebert to run for office. The allegations come from American Muckrakers PAC, the group that published the viral sexually explicit video of Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) with another man

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f6a736  No.17196356


There once was a LARPING faggot named Q, A few useless clues the riddlenigger did spew.

A one year delta turned into two, three, and then four, Anons are suckers for punishment so let's wait ten more.

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design, Is nothing more than a place to shitpost in your spare time.

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made, But future disproved past and they were never repaid.

Pissy smell Hill was supposed to be caught in October by the team, But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme.

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment, But he's still Scott Free and tortures minors for excitement.

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope, For nothing to habben so now we just cope.

The Great awakening fell flat on it's face, To your friends and family an outcast and disgrace.

A natural death has been the only justice so far, Maybe Q could hang just one traitor and at least raise the Barr?

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage? Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but it was just for the stage!

Whether you know it or not Donny is related to boiled cabbage Hill, You claim to be awake but took the blue pill.

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun, To use on the public when Q's job was done.

A few million people had to die just for "optics", While Trump played golf with his friends in the tropics.

But don't worry frens Q said "this is war", While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore.

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab, So we wait in line like good little sheep just for the jab.

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel, Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable?

Trump sent more to (((them))) then in all of past history, Are his zionist friends really a mystery?

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur, Undone in a year by Joe his victories were a blur.

You thought Donny would deliver us to the land of milk and honey? The country burns while his face shines on zionist money!

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior, Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior?

A cognitive dissonance when faced with this proof, Cry all you like every word is the truth.

Look back on the years of defeat and dismay, You really think the military will come save the day?

With this ballad of truth you might call me a shill, But only the learned chose the red pill.

For thousands of years they've won at this game, red vs. blue it's always the same.

History repeats itself all through the ages, Those who can see are the wisest of sages.

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a85d09  No.17196358


Isn’t this treason?

Help me understand.

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19f22d  No.17196361



Every occur to you I could have just been wrong? Cause it is to me.

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695f20  No.17196363



Telling anons what you speculate was in Q's head is a red flag.

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7baea0  No.17196366



>NOW - Robert Crimo, the Highland Park shooter, wore women’s clothing during the attack, the police say.


> thats_a_man_bab.jpg)

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6ef822  No.17196367

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9432c5  No.17196368



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63ec28  No.17196370

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859dac  No.17196373


YouTube deletes Post interview with judge’s son who stormed Capitol, citing ‘misinformation’

Ahead of a primetime congressional hearing on last year’s Capitol riot, YouTube on Monday deleted The Post’s widely circulated interview with fur-clad rioter Aaron Mostofsky — saying the Brooklyn judge’s son spouted “misinformation.”

The Justice Department cited the interview in its case against Mostofsky, 35, who was sentenced to eight months behind bars last month for his role in the riot. It was one of the only professional interviews conducted inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as a wild mob of then-President Donald Trump’s supporters disrupted the certification of the 2020 election.

“We realize this may be disappointing news, but it’s our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all,” the Google-owned platform said in a Monday night notice of removal.

“Content that advances false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches changed the outcome of the US 2020 presidential election is not allowed on YouTube.”

The policy on election-related claims appears to be unevenly enforced. For example, footage remains available on YouTube of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton claiming that the 2016 election was “stolen” and that Trump was an “illegitimate president.”

The interview with Mostofsky, published 17 months ago to the personal channel of a Post reporter, was clearly labeled as a journalistic product and the description field specified that the interview was with The Post, with a link to the newspaper’s reporting.

Footage from the riot featured prominently in the 2021 Senate impeachment trial of Trump for allegedly inciting the violence, and it may again feature in the Thursday primetime hearing put on by the Democrat-led House select committee investigating the mayhem.

Mostofsky, the son of Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge Steven Mostofsky, was wearing a police vest and holding a riot shield outside the Senate chamber when he agreed to be interviewed.

He was among the first wave of rioters to breach the building, which sent Vice President Mike Pence, legislators and most journalists fleeing to secure locations.

Mostofsky, standing feet from the main doorway to the Senate, claimed he “found” the police supplies he was wearing and that he joined the mob because the election was “stolen.”

Prosecutors later revealed that he wore his bizarre fur-pelt costume to demonstrate that “even a caveman knows [the election] was stolen.”

“Can you tell me what you’re doing here today?” the interview begins.

“Well, to express my opinion as a free American, my belief that this election was stolen. We were cheated. I don’t think 75 million people voted for Trump, I think it was close to 85 million. I think certain states that had been blue for a long time had been red and were stolen like New York,” Mostofsky said.

“And where did you travel from?” The Post asked.

“Brooklyn,” Mostofsky said.

“Can you tell me anything about the shield here?” The Post followed up.

“The shield? Found it on the floor. I found a cap and I gave it to the cops because it may be someone’s personal thing. This [shield], I have no idea. There’s no name. They probably just grab it. Looks like it’s been used a lot,” the rioter said.

“Should senators be afraid? Should House members be afraid?” The Post asked as Mostofsky’s compatriots smashed up the historic building.


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1a9024  No.17196374



where's the eye chart?

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24d73d  No.17196375

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07c24e  No.17196376



That's what we had to do on faceshit,

Which is why I'm done "truthing" there, kek

Purrhaps TS has yet to take off..


Best I can do

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4ee8ed  No.17196377

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3f0dc1  No.17196378



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d84f42  No.17196379



they would be of moar use than most available tools


very nıce


they do not assault solely in the spiritual


though that is all that remains to them

they were once flesh with great capacities

hosted or not

they are ever hungry

ever thirsty

never to be satisfied as in life

ever again

glimpse the kind of your foe

and know the eternal hunger

of those cast into the void

that is the sea

of humanity

do you know your enemy`s history

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438305  No.17196380



when its you it is!


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e3d3dc  No.17196381




not sure those apostrophes belong there

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d3e8ba  No.17196382


To me the fact that Q is using Tor makes me highly doubt the legitimacy, they didn't need Tor before. I vote fake.

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daf5ef  No.17196383



>But it is clear you have an agenda


with clarity, list everything I said that leads to that assertion

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cdfe30  No.17196384



Love isn’t always on time!

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245c60  No.17196385

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c388be  No.17196386

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ed1b29  No.17196387

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89e184  No.17196388



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8f799a  No.17196389



My grocer has two home made signs on the baby formula shelf. One says the plant was shut down for violations. The second said all formula is behind the counter. Need to request it.

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d0411b  No.17196390





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f1f30a  No.17196391



>What fixed the situation for me atleast was the Jane Roe post.

hello, fellow anon

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63ec28  No.17196392



Trips confirm Jim is not Q. Lol

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859dac  No.17196393



Long hair doesn't make a girl, and short hair doesn't make a boy.

Do you even know the differences between boys + girls? You are not told these at school. Why is that? You are not supposed to know.

Right side of this pic is a self-admitted M2F.

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93654b  No.17196394



deliberate indeed


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e02bab  No.17196395

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07f663  No.17196396




many anons seem to forget how important this is…

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31ae72  No.17196397


Spaceshot76 is promoting the O55/8bit shilling posts on TS.

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24d73d  No.17196398


I just premied.

Filter this if I'm a Kennedy

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bf3174  No.17196399



>You just showed all of us you don't want help. GROW THE FUCK UP YOU PATHETIC MAGGOT. I'm glad you are suffering. I hope you cry yourself to sleep tonight while crying for your mommy.


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0e8aa6  No.17196400


… nothing can make up for his death. Not even sacrificing me.


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beab8c  No.17196401




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cd2038  No.17196402



(you) are treading on water, anon.

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f5aa63  No.17196403



pfft. they all get there soon enough

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b83ce3  No.17196404


ok, there is a new Q post, starting a new game which leads anons to babyfist and the others known as OSS and so on. But insteed shills try to concern derail.

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4ee8ed  No.17196405



Fauxnuz pass

Where's that turd polish?

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ab9a90  No.17196406



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e3d3dc  No.17196407



>Hello hivemind, you do know Q's tripcode is BOARD SPECIFIC & not sitewide right?


Q drop related

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d67de0  No.17196408

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0bef2a  No.17196409



Gonna have to do a glycine detox to get it out of you.

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db70e9  No.17196410



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7b3a71  No.17196411


Kari Lake is lighting up Brett Baier about election fraud

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245c60  No.17196412



As unusual, it's gonna take about 2 or 3 re-watches to get everything he says…Praise God for this opportunity to be alive! Amen

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398c69  No.17196413



G'day. Been on for a bit.

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19668f  No.17196414



Yeah, you pasted over my Luftwaffe hat. But that was before I figured you were American.

Some other anon said you were German - thus the hat.

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afeba9  No.17196415



Not a "pretty ass" neither anon!! kek

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ed1b29  No.17196416





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89e184  No.17196417


Trolling is fun!

A little humor goes a long way.


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5ed3e3  No.17196418



top shelf

as always…


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e8ff41  No.17196419



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43a8bb  No.17196420



shills get the rope too

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ed044d  No.17196421



Is that you Doc?

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d8a5db  No.17196422

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8f799a  No.17196423


Shocked!!!…Totally "SHOCKED" that Cassidy Hutchinson didn't say "Trump grabbed me by my PUSSY"…really shocked I tell you…


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aebb8f  No.17196424



Anal Schawb

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8fa169  No.17196425


Follow The Data With Dr. Frank


"You are discouraging people from voting!"

This week, I had to endure another self-righteous speech from an election official claiming that I was discouraging people from voting because I was calling the integrity of our elections into question.

I replied that I've been encouraging people to vote in larger numbers to overcome the fraud, and have been working to restore faith in our elections by exposing the fraud that everyone knows is there.

If election officials want to restore trust in their election systems, all they have to do is to let us examine them more closely.

But they won't.

So, WHO is perpetuating the lack of transparency that allows fraud to flourish and results in less public confidence in our elections?

It ain't me.

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5b6be9  No.17196426




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79cf5c  No.17196427



I missed that…can you post a screenshot?

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