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19da53  No.17088208 [Last 50 Posts]



















: Russell-Jay: Gould.














:Russell-Jay: Gould, TELEGRAM:









:Thank-you. :Russell-Jay: Gould.


:Last-Post :LB. >>17065188


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21f59f  No.17088463


Wow…congrats fren.

Now move to California…and get reparations for your "blackness".

Let us know how it goes.>>17088208

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bb02da  No.17088477


You sniff reewhoreboth lids for a treat

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a1015b  No.17088480

Q DROP #1002

The BITE that has no CURE

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 3 Apr 2018 - 9:18:12 PM


3 Apr 2018 - 9:15:43 PM



Symbolism will be their downfall.




The BITE that has no CURE - NSA.


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cec913  No.17088481


>Take crushed red pepper flakes and mix 1-3 with olive oil. In a small pouring jar fill the bottom third with the pepper flakes.

I'm totally doing this.

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033fcd  No.17088484




They said they are investigating other potential disclosures as well.

They will go through all the text messages and phone calls of all the SCOTUS clerks.

All the subversives will be fired or quit.

This is good news.

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19e011  No.17088495


You clearly don't grasp the tech behind Salt/TC implementations.

2 things lead me to call it F&G:

1. The Friday "Q" drops were made after a Salt rotation (confirmed by others with TCs & later by Jim).

This means Q's old TC could not have been used as it would have been different once he entered his pwd.

Therefore, those posts were F&G since they had Q's prev Salt TC.

2. It has been revealed that site admins can change code that would convert a specific pwd entered into Q's TC.

That's a yuge red flag that becomes a distinct possibility because of what happened in 1.


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6c3e04  No.17088498


>the Jews

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ff3c97  No.17088500

Capital Police Sargant of Arms

Michael Stenger, the former Senate sergeant-at-arms who oversaw security on January 6, 2021, has died.


Q, was he scheduled to testify?

Seth Rich'd?

"NBC News reported that an official cause of death was not released. Still, NBC reported that the death was not considered suspicious."


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036cd3  No.17088511


mine does!

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fcb2b3  No.17088520


Moar 22.

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eb64fe  No.17088524


"There’s irrefutable evidence. We’ve been involved in a major counterintelligence operation that’s very mature in this country involving federal agencies and us. And there’s been some betrayals along the way. There have been some issues along the way. But once we get to the point where this is ready to go, it’s going to make everybody forget everything about the Mules and it’s going to bring into question everything we think we know about these elections, everything. I can say that with 100 percent certainty."


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f6374e  No.17088531




>In fact, they are making war on the natural order, which is why they embrace these weird fetishes.

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fb24f0  No.17088533



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a41253  No.17088541

never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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3b3d49  No.17088543


Faces don't match. Not the same guy. Similar, but not the same.

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6ef067  No.17088546

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232430  No.17088554


I'm seeing reports Lee won! Woohoo! Congrats Lee!

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6b0bd2  No.17088559

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0ad4ff  No.17088560

SpaceX is targeting Wednesday, June 8 for launch of Nilesat 301 to a geosynchronous transfer orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. The two-hour and twenty-nine-minute window opens at 5:04 p.m. ET, 21:04 UTC. A backup launch opportunity is available on Thursday, June 9 with the same window.



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3f762f  No.17088567


it happened in March 2022.


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3030f4  No.17088569

Today's Sussmann verdict doesn't affect me in the slightest. It just makes me dig my feet in further. I see the framework of the logic of the plan, not the plan itself, and I will never back down.

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0d61ce  No.17088577

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

Sisters and Brothers, Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

What is coming to the LIGHT is much bigger than election fraud!!!!





Fort Sill


[THEY] Shouldn't Have Touched the Children.




This is not about personal religious beliefs.

Read the book of Jude in the Bible.











These people HATE America.

Follow the money.

Follow the wives.

[THEY] thought you would follow the STARS.



"SPYGATE is in full force!"




Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming


Where We Go One We Go ALL

I'm going to get you out of this lightning

Military is the only way.



Think EO's







The server brings down the house.

END OF THE D PARTY [leaders].


Clean and swift.

No war.

No civil unrest.








Marker [9]

Martial Law means it is time to clean the HOUSE!

















We Will Never FORGET

We Will Never FORGIVE

















John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'




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033fcd  No.17088580

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18b45c  No.17088586

Papusica mea frumoasa, tampitii astia n-au habar de nimic. Nici macar de ei, tu frumoasa mica.

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b37ab5  No.17088588

Well that was wild stuff not seen for awhile, even the Index wanted to be asshoe

Going to go back and grab notables from #21995

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622930  No.17088591


So Spicy

Much Hawt

Bigly Day today, kek


^ Can somebody deal with this faggot ploxkthx?

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bd67de  No.17088593


𝔸𝕣𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖 👁, [03.06.22 09:51]

[ Photo ]


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7cdb2f  No.17088594


>I was just thinking about manbuns the other night

I'd be embarrassed to admit that (at night)

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cd07aa  No.17088600

Groups urge probe of ‘loot box’ on Electronic Arts’ FIFA video game

Consumer advocates on Thursday urged US regulators to investigate video game maker Electronic Arts for the misleading use of a digital “loot box” that “aggressively” urges players to spend more money while playing a popular soccer game.

The groups Fairplay, Center for Digital Democracy and 13 other organizations urged the Federal Trade Commission to probe the EA game “FIFA: Ultimate Team.”


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8b45b7  No.17088601



The Pritzker family is of Jewish descent


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ff3c97  No.17088604





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aec13c  No.17088605


>not just women get abortions

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347a63  No.17088611


Planned Parenthood Texas Ceases Abortions

Breitbart, by Bob Price

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/24/2022 9:59:31 PM

Two of the primary providers in Texas ceased performing abortions on Friday after the Attorney General warned they could be prosecuted immediately. “Some prosecutors may choose to immediately pursue criminal prosecutions based on violations of Texas abortion prohibitions predating Roe that were never repealed by the Texas Legislature,” AG Ken Paxton said in a written opinion issued following the court’s ruling. “Although these statutes were unenforceable while Roe was on the books, they are still Texas law,” Paxton wrote. “Under these pre-Roe statutes, abortion providers could be criminally liable for providing abortions starting today.”

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c04924  No.17088621

Q. I know you're here. Please talk to us….

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227cf6  No.17088625


Brett is a fay, lying piece of shit!

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6a2f5e  No.17088626


Steal a Tesla n power your home.

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3f0ae7  No.17088628



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0e581c  No.17088633




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03efd9  No.17088643

Better get my memes organized.

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b95524  No.17088657


>I say Fraud and Fuckery

I have no way to dispute this, kek

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2959fb  No.17088667

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d5d1b5  No.17088669


Fuuuck that.

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0d61ce  No.17088678

Love always wins

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557051  No.17088679

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9ee953  No.17088686

I'm that guy who asked for your help one time.

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196f93  No.17088687




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5921f2  No.17088696


guess you are good with the anything goes crowd

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1bdf48  No.17088699

The Swamp Today

Timelines change.

Friday June 10, 2022

The House stands adjourned until June 13, 2022 at 12:00 PM EDT

The Senate stands adjourned until June 13, 2022 at 3:00 PM EDT

Deputy Secretary Sherman is on travel to the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, Laos, and Vietnam from June 5-14, 2022.

Deputy Secretary McKeon is on travel to Germany and France from June 8-10, 2022.

Assistant Secretary Robinson is on travel to Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos from June 6-17, 2022.

. . .

8:50 AM EDT

Webcast: U.S. Naval War College Graduation: June 2022


June 10, 2022

9:00 AM EDT

The U.S. and International Humanitarian Response to Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

House Oversight and Reform Committee




9:30 AM EDT

CSIS-Chey Conference: Cooperation on Scientific Innovation, Supply Chains, and Geopolitical Risk in Northeast Asia

Center for Strategic & International Studies



9:20 AM EDT

Navy boot camp graduation from Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, IL.


10:00 AM EDT

The joint future of the Caribbean working with Latin America

Atlantic Council



11:00 AM EDT

Are sanctions on Russia working?

Atlantic Council



11:30 AM EDT

Facts in a Time of Fiction: Reporting the truth amid lies and disinformation

National Press Club



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50c4e1  No.17088700

Pornhub Parent Company’s CEO, COO Are Departing as Scrutiny Builds Over Alleged Nonconsensual Content

MindGeek says executive departures are unrelated to accusations

Two top executives at the parent company of major pornography site Pornhub have resigned, the company said Tuesday, amid scrutiny of alleged nonconsensual sexually explicit videos hosted on the site.

MindGeek Chief Executive Feras Antoon and Chief Operating Officer David Tassillo are leaving, the privately held company said in a statement. The leadership changes have been in the works since early 2022, MindGeek said. Messrs. Antoon and Tassillo will remain shareholders, the company said.

Investigations by several news organizations, including the New Yorker earlier this month, reported that Pornhub, one of the world’s most popular pornography sites, allegedly hosted videos that included nonconsensual and underage sex. The Wall Street Journal hasn’t independently verified the accusations in those articles.

A spokesman said the departures aren’t related to the accusations against MindGeek. The company said it has enacted safeguards and that it removes incidents of child sexual-abuse material. “MindGeek has more comprehensive and effective policies than any other major platform on the internet,” the company said.

“MindGeek’s executive leadership team will run day-to-day operations on an interim basis, with a search underway for replacements,” the company said. Both executives had more than a decade of experience in leadership roles with the company, it added.

MindGeek has more than 1,000 employees and its network of sites attracts over 150 million daily visitors, according to the company. In addition to Pornhub, it also owns other popular porn sites such as RedTube and YouPorn.

Several lawsuits have been filed against MindGeek in recent years. A class-action lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California in February alleged that MindGeek disseminated child pornography and violated federal sex trafficking laws. The suit alleges MindGeek profited from and failed to prevent illegal content from flowing.

MindGeek is headquartered in Luxembourg but has other offices around the world, including in Montreal and Los Angeles. A federal privacy official in Canada launched an investigation into MindGeek last year.

A MindGeek spokesman didn’t immediately comment about the litigation or the Canadian investigation.


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6616df  No.17088705

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93b949  No.17088714


you were saying?

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bb6278  No.17088719


But he's so boring.

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a125ff  No.17088743

sorry, this anon aint celebrating the 4th. This country sucks…founded by freemason faggots.

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5e5b47  No.17088746


What if they are both satanists.

Tru story

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045c48  No.17088749


ty baker

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3f0ae7  No.17088753


& for they normies, o7

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18911b  No.17088756


>Bill Barr is a penis puffer.


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4d7f17  No.17088762

… well… people talk you know, and I'm a people person. I could also be a white witch.


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2d995a  No.17088765


I don't believe there is any specific recourse described in either the Constitution or legal precedent for if all branches fail. The current situation would probably be considered to be a collapse of the republic into a dictatorship.

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79df99  No.17088770




More sauce:


Mysterious 'object' caught on camera at Amarillo Zoo, Do you know what it is?

AMARILLO, Texas (KVII) — A mysterious "object" was caught on camera at the Amarillo Zoo. The city is asking for help to identify it.

Around 1:25 a.m. on May 21, security cameras inside a perimeter fence at the zoo "captured a strange image."

"Was it a person with a strange hat who likes to walk at night? A large coyote on its hind legs? A Chupacabra? It is a mystery – for Amarillo to help solve," said the city.

Until the city has a better explanation, it is being called a Unidentified Amarillo Object (UAO).

“We just want to let the Amarillo community have some fun with this,” said City of Amarillo Director of Parks and Recreation Michael Kashuba. “It is important to note that this entity was outside the Amarillo Zoo. There were no signs of attempted entry into the zoo. No animals or individuals were harmed. There were no signs of criminal activity or vandalism.

“It is definitely a strange and interesting image. Maybe Amarillo can help solve the mystery of our UAO.”

Think you know what it is? Email the city's communications office at publiccommunications@amarillo.gov.

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0162da  No.17088778


>Halfmind BIG mad tonight


>thats why the post got deleted today, right?

Careful what [you] wish for


>i bet Dan is laughing his ass off rn

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638e70  No.17088780



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989666  No.17088781

What Did You Do ANONS???!!

Hoes Super Mad

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c364e9  No.17088783


>Jew admits "We are white when it is convenient"

Esau/Edomite shills always says that. They've been lying for 1000's of years. ever since Esau gave up his birthright. Jacob's twin brother has been railing disinformation ever since.

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5c788b  No.17088785

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12a743  No.17088786


To This Day, Coca-Cola Still Imports Coca Leaves Which Are Also Used to Manufacture Cocaine in the United States

Coca leaves have been chewed and consumed as tea for thousands of years in the high Andes.

They are rich in many essential nutrients:

they ease respiratory and digestive distress

they are a natural stimulant and painkiller

Indigenous tradition and scientific studies have both confirmed that in their natural form, the leaves are completely safe and non-addictive - it takes intensive processing and toxic chemical ingredients to produce cocaine.

That's why more and more coca-containing products have started to hit the market in Andean countries in the past few years.

Yet the United States still aggressively pursues an eradication policy that encourages Andean governments to spray their forests with toxic chemicals to eliminate this medicinal crop. It is illegal to import or possess the leaves under U.S. law - unless you're the Coca-Cola company.

In an effort to preserve the traditional flavor of the best-selling drink, the company long ago convinced the U.S. government to exempt it from the law.

(Coca-Cola, by the way, used to literally contain cocaine in its original formula. The practice was halted in 1903, but the name persisted. The "coca" part of "coca-cola" is derived from the coca plant, and the "kola" comes from the kola nut which also flavored the original beverage.)

The secret history of Coca-Cola, coca leaves and cocaine

Coca-Cola is the only U.S. corporation that has been granted the right to legally import coca leaves into the United States, via a coca processing lab known as the Stepan Company).

In 1922, the Jones-Miller Act banned cocaine imports into the United States, but Coca-Cola (and its lab) was granted an exception. This exception remained a secret until the late 1980's when the New York Times seemed shocked to discover the truth.

As the New York Times published in 1988:

This week, details of how Coca-Cola obtains the coca and how it is processed emerged from interviews with Government officials and scientists involved in drug research programs.

They identified the Illinois-based Stepan Company as the importer and processor of the coca used in Coke. After Stepan officials acknowledged their ties to Coca-Cola, the soft drink giant confirmed those details of its operations.

In a telephone interview from Coca-Cola's Atlanta headquarters, Randy Donaldson, a company spokesman, said,

Ingredients from the coca leaf are used, but there is no cocaine in it and it is all tightly overseen by regulatory authorities.

100 tons of cocaine ingredients each year - let's do the math

Approximately 100 metric tons of coca leaves are imported to the Stepan Company each year under "special permission" from the DEA.

Keep all this in mind when you consider the total fraud of the current "War on Drugs" and how young African American men are given ten-year prison sentences for pot possession while one of the largest corporations in America is actually importing leaves that are used to manufacture cocaine.

Once the coca leaves are imported into the USA under these special permissions from the DEA, the cocaine is extracted out of the coca leaves. Coca-Cola doesn't use the cocaine, you see. There is no cocaine in Coca-Cola today.

This brings up an obvious question:

Where does all the white powder cocaine go if not to Coca-Cola?

It turns out that this cocaine is sold to a St. Louis company called Mallinckrodt Incorporated.

Mallinckrodt receives not only all the cocaine from the Coca-Cola imports, but also imports opium from India. In addition, this company also buys THC extracted from marijuana grown in the United States.

So much for the War on Drugs, huh?

It turns out if you buddy up to the DEA and federal regulators, you can make all the cocaine you want while buying opium and marijuana by the ton - as long as you're a powerful corporation with ties to Coca-Cola and other wealthy organizations.

More than a quarter ton of cocaine for "medicinal" use?

It's a reasonable question to wonder where all this cocaine and opium ends up going after it arrives at Mallinckrodt.

The official explanation is that it's for "medical use." But let's do the math on this and see if that explanation holds water.

According to various websites that are readily found in any search engine, it takes roughly 300 grams of coca leaves to produce 1 gram of refined cocaine. This means that 100 metric tons of coca leaves (100 x 1000 kilograms, or 100,000 kilograms) can produce roughly 333 kilos of cocaine each year.

pt 1

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9ee953  No.17088790


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b9bc49  No.17088791

















Previously Collected







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2b4309  No.17088792


WW3, nuclear bomb, we all gonna die!


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513110  No.17088793

It's Happening























These people HATE America













45's [76th] BIRTHDAY




The Military is the only way.




"NG Activated"









Marker [9]


















Black Monday














Jack Posobiec
















































We have it all























Green Castle

Red Castle






ACTIVATE CODE: [0 0000 018739 7-ZjG]







General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.

John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'


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815275  No.17088796


That is a bird, dude.

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e6fe57  No.17088799


A cult of brainwashed people that teaches children that they were born "bad" and that only after a lifetime of deserved misery, hope, prayer, and paying the priests, do they have a chance of getting into god's eternal resort.

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f72598  No.17088800

My Girlfriend is the most beautiful and the most lovable to me!!!

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3ceb20  No.17088821


so might we assume that some how this money is the current place the DS needs funding. So all orange charities right now go to wards Ukraine. Other orgs go towards other colors. Each charity usually has a color and that money prob gets funnel from the donations into slush funds its just how to link them all

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bb6278  No.17088830


aight, fair enough. thought i'd give it a shot, kek

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41d3e1  No.17088836


Hunter Biden met with Russian oligarch

now wanted for murder

New York Post, by Jon Levine

Posted By: Imright, 6/25/2022 11:51:57 AM

When his father was the second most powerful man in the world, Hunter Biden met in Russia with at least four oligarchs closely aligned with Vladimir Putin — including one who is now wanted for murder in the country, The Post has learned. The meeting with Telman Ismailov took place on Feb. 17, 2012 at the Moscow headquarters of AST Group, his vast holding company which once owned a publishing house, a tour company, and had a telecom division, according to the Moscow Times. Ismailov was accused in 2017 by Russian authorities of paying $2 million for the murder of two entrepreneurs a year earlier, Agence France-Presse reported.

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fad940  No.17088845


Cassidy Hutchinson's mom Angela filed for bankruptcy in 2019.

On 07/27/2019 Angela Tyann Hutchinson was filed as a Bankruptcy - Chapter 7 lawsuit. This case was filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, New Jersey Bankruptcy. The case status is Pending - Other Pending.


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8f169d  No.17088857

Redbox was an attempt to distract away from AMC / GME. It didn't work. Nobody bit.

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4ca17f  No.17088862


Ok well how about an update or something?

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cdc9bc  No.17088885


they're on our side, right?


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2b4309  No.17088887


Учить русский

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533e90  No.17088892


This is the best you got, Shill.

Come on, Man!

Step. It. Up.

You're playing with the experts here.

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330a56  No.17088893

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815275  No.17088896


SAM 449 and 284 up.

Mapping Q posts.

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088de7  No.17088907


If you're not a rainbow flag waving, marathon running, vegan, commie, they don't give a fuck about you anyway.

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e098d8  No.17088910


I've been here long enough to understand the operation. I operate a notabled blog and a facebook account as primary social media and understand that the perception of Q to normies is combined with lizard people, spiritual warfare, exposing otherwise unseen unspoken of ,child sex trafficking, large rogue infiltrated sections of government etc etc that most have not fully processed or understand. The need to distance from this operation is likely imperative when it comes to exposing the surface level corruption and criminality that keeps those people in power that will allow us to move beyond that to full awakening

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1acc83  No.17088919


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fb7c73  No.17088920

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e0dafc  No.17088922


Look what they did to the Census!! It's going to fuck up 2022 & no one is talking about it

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8ad29a  No.17088932


Everyone they can nail.

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579007  No.17088933


o, dear.

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105f49  No.17088939

"we are gonna fight for America like no one has done before"

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4a8531  No.17088940


Do you think the opinion of an absolute retard holds any weight to me? Buh-bye. KEK!

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ab56a7  No.17088944


> being too lazy to create new memes, instead you repost old ones you found on 4chan 3 years ago from your other glowie friends.

You overlook the fact that [they] can't create anything. They have need to co-opt/buy/steal that which already exists.

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8e81e8  No.17088945


Thank you, but I thought it was anyone that harmed a child, which would mean just about everything is doing in public education now. I’m very sorry for parents right now, the harm they find out their child is enduring is catastrophic.

I have friends that say their childrem would report what was going on in school daily but they didnt believe them.

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5292da  No.17088953


try harder.



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1fd415  No.17088968


lol well to be fair that was me begging for a zero delta for days on end like a nutcase, then i went back to the drops and realized this >>17088781

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15e956  No.17088971


Ok, thanks anon!

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9fc8fa  No.17088973


dub dub trip

Trump Trump Win

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08bfe4  No.17088992


QED there is no Bidan, only actors who need no SS protection who go home on the weekends

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b678e3  No.17088998




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e5891b  No.17088999


>Pull your gun out!

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b02e11  No.17089006


Hollywood is full of them.

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b8ff1d  No.17089009


I had to filter the baker!

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2e073e  No.17089010


dancing cross dresser sauron bully GAHYcock died secret meth base of CIA doxxin FBI in the clownhole

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c8af64  No.17089011


marc elias is a turd, wrapped in grease, inside of a creme puff filled with karl rove's smegma, wearing a pig costume.

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31bd70  No.17089020

Good evening, sir. o7

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fdcccf  No.17089024


Think that through carefully. That's how Biden and Harris got (s)elected.

Most of the craptchas are unsolvable today.


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9ec1cc  No.17089029


> 6/14-46

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

:Protect 6/14-46

:Protect 6/14-46


anons decode

:Protect POTUS

:Protect POTUS


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15e956  No.17089032

I don't know what they are investigating but I DEFINITLEY DID NOT kill and eat anyone! kek

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5193a1  No.17089036


Criminals protect other criminals.

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658d74  No.17089038

Let’s get a bake going damnit

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bf94d6  No.17089041


Did you check the couch cusions?

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239ee5  No.17089048



Digital Battlefield anon

WE won BIGLY yesterday

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63ae00  No.17089049


How come ya never see's no Senior Citizen Drag Queens partying at Pizza nazzi?

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2d995a  No.17089054


Orleans Parish is such a Shithole, they single handedly make Louisiana a nearly intolerable Place to live!

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fdcccf  No.17089056


Including swords and knives.

People were slaughtering each other way before guns were ever invented.

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c29f9b  No.17089060


You can drink vinegar, CLR is nasty shit.

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7eee53  No.17089068


The chair serves the master. The chair of St. Peter.

The false apostles of Revelation 2.2 (Popes) base their false apostolic succession off Peter.

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4cd538  No.17089073


not too bright

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101b1e  No.17089075


was it seven rays or seven days?

Seventh-day Adventists believe that "Michael" is but one of the many titles applied to Jesus. According to Adventists, such a view does not in any way conflict with the belief in his full deity and eternal preexistence, nor does it in the least disparage his person and work.[65] According to Adventist theology, Michael was considered the "eternal Word", and the one by whom all things were created. The Word was then born incarnate as Jesus.[66]

They believe that name "Michael" signifies "One Who Is Like God" and that as the "Archangel" or "chief or head of the angels" he led the angels and thus the statement in Revelation 12:7–9 identifies Jesus as Michael.[67]

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel by Pope Leo XIII:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our safe guard against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking for the ruin of souls. Amen

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118c4f  No.17089076


Omg! Tom Hanks sucks!!

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828b78  No.17089077

I think it's going to be a gaming day. Later, nerds.

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50c44b  No.17089082

Kek, 500 posts into Jims fake AMA and he's not answered one single question about his direct connection to Austin StainBart

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eb324e  No.17089087

Israel, Turkey Continue To Escalate Operations In Syria

Israel and Turkey escalated their military operations in Syria recently, in what appears to be an attempt to further their interests and expand their influence in the war-torn country while Russia is thought to be busy with its military operation in Ukraine.

Israeli attacks on Syria are becoming more frequent. Late on June 6, warplanes of the Israeli Air Force launched several guided missiles from the direction of the occupied Golan Heights at the southern outskirts of the Syrian capital, Damascus.

A source in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) said that many of the missiles were intercepted. However, some damage was reported near the town of the town of al-Kiswah, where several bases and research facilities of the SAA are located.

Early on June 8, the Israeli Defence Forces attacked again. Several Israeli battle tanks advanced in the UN-monitored buffer zone in the southern governorate of al-Quneitra and targeted an observation post of the SAA near the town of al-Malgah. The attack was a blatant violation of the 1974 separation of forces agreement.

Following the attack, the Israeli military dropped leaflets over al-Qunitra warning the officers and soldiers of the SAA against operating within the buffer zone.

Israel’s recent attacks were likely meant to further pressure Damascus over its alliance with Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah as well as to weaken its authority over the al-Quneitra buffer zone.

Meanwhile, Turkey continues to prepare to launch a new military operation against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern and northeastern Syria.

As of June 8, the Turkish military and its proxies continue to shell SDF-held areas in the northern and northeastern Aleppo countryside, the northern Raqqa countryside and the northern countryside of al-Hasakah. The presence of Russian forces and SAA units in these areas didn’t deter Ankara.

The Turkish military and its proxies also continue to amass their forces near the SDF-held towns of Tell Rifaat and Manbij in the northern Aleppo countryside. The two towns are expected to be the main targets of Turkey’s upcoming operation.

Russia has been working to restrain the actions of both Israel and Turkey in Syria by developing its cooperation with the SAA and expanding its military presence in hot regions.


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e843f7  No.17089096



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8f0e19  No.17089105


Great, now have Jim turn on the board log so we can verify the board was never claimed.

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851479  No.17089108

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4fc475  No.17089113

Biden Sends Dark Signal on Attempted Assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh; Says Nothing to Reporters, Issues No Official Statement, Instead Deputy Press Secretary Emails a Couple Journos

Joe Biden and his team at the White house have sent a dark signal on how important they believe is the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh early this morning.

Biden has not issued a formal statement, nor have any comments condemning the attempted assassination been posted to the White House or POTUS Twitter accounts as of this writing. Instead Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates emailed a statement to reporters at Fox News and the Daily Wire while at the same time Bates spent time online denying that the Biden administration encouraged the recent protests at conservative justices’ homes following the leak of a draft decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

Incredibly Biden spoke to reporters for a minute Wednesday at Joint Base Andrews after the news broke and said nothing about the attempt on Kavanaugh’s life.



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89c9d1  No.17089117


And now is the most warranted time it has ever beenTHINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MOMENTWHO IS A SHILL AND WHO IS REAL?

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2e51b9  No.17089138


it looks like this in almost all former commie block states (including parts of East Germany). In most cases those apartements belong to the people so they pay no rent. sometimes they look ugly from the outside only because there is no management, but inside they mostly look nice

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0ead70  No.17089145


Still relevant imo.

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4026a4  No.17089148

Hillary Clinton


Thanks to Harry Lambert of the @newstatesman for a good conversation. I got blunt.


11:28 AM · Jun 15, 2022·Twitter Web App


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69db25  No.17089155


it was certainly implied

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116b8f  No.17089156

Fresh Bread




Q Research General #21841: Liz Cheney ‘Obsessed’ with January 6, Ignoring Wyoming Edition

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d5a33e  No.17089159


Not even that many anon

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a98c13  No.17089169


I don't 'need to read the bible to understand that no human or God should ever make it possible for a child rapist to rape more children or they are nothing but a dog to be drowned.

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80d601  No.17089171

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1957ac  No.17089173


Calling me a bigot for posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion does not make said verifiable facts any less factual.

Remeber, every single zionist will be deported or hanged for treason (legally off course), one way or the other.

Here, have more facts :)



The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia



Antifa is a terrorist group in the blood-soaked Bolshevik tradition



Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish



Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews



Your top 9 Yiddish antifa anthems: a revolutionary playlist



The Yiddish roots of antifa – the anti-fascist movement whose precursors date back at least as far as opposition to the Russian czar – have been well documented. They are also enshrined in a canon of Yiddish antifa songs – songs of resistance, anarchism, revolution, and workers’ rights – that listeners might find eerily resonant and applicable to our present moment.


4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel:





Convicted domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, founder of Weather Underground ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Ayers ) is also an initiator of one of antifa's branches "Refuse Fascism".

Related pic here:


The Communist Directive in 1943 (label obstructionists as "fascists" to turn public opinion against them):


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6a16cc  No.17089185



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28348e  No.17089188


Was/is (((their))) plan to destroy the US to reach conclusion/climax during the 47th or 74th president?

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76b030  No.17089195

These people are mentally insane and filled with demons


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910c99  No.17089222


Pelosi Readies New Articles of Impeachment Against Trump, Says ‘Third Time’s The Charm’

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c6b720  No.17089223

Sky Event +7

Foundations are Shaking

Booms everywhere

Breathtaking Revelations

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3af15f  No.17089228


Anon's very comfy. How bout you guys?

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4e7629  No.17089230

Jim Watkins! Are you writing another book?

What motivated you for Sliced Americana?

What are your current thoughts on the current situation of the USA and the World from a 40k foot view?

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fb24f0  No.17089242


The country is already being fixed. Attendance, here, is not compulsory.

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66c64a  No.17089243


Can someone explain to me why ilDonaldoTrumpo is so famous? I don't get it.

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e14959  No.17089252


Atleast you get an artitistic flair to your death sprays.

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eb324e  No.17089277

It was Q. It was his cadence.

Anon dayshift talking today about he wasn't coming back. I was wrong. Glad I was wrong. Welcome back, Q, sir, old fren.

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bf7690  No.17089288


Trolls still trying to box people in and frame everything in a political context, as if anons haven't moved on and can see the bigger picture… Sad!

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e9a043  No.17089290


It isn't merely the shills.

The shills have script writers.

The pattern of the shilling here is identical to fake news.

All of a sudden anti-Musk narrative posted here that matches fake news.

Same source.

Who is the aource?

Kek, these people are totally fucked.

No 'conventional' armies needed.

Digital army is going to completely unfuck the BUG FILLED code that is 'the current narrative'.

This is why Durham's logic is starting with the introduction of knowingly false information into the highest levels of government data pipelines, and media.

Once that door was opened, where THE EYE SAW ITS OWN REFLECTION after Durham/Q successfully introduced the mirror code, that opened the entire intelligence network of the entire global cult as subject to investigation.

This logic can go right to the top of the chain of command.

Just identify by 'prompting' knowingly inconsistent theorems to be fed back into Durham/Q's Halting Problem Machine, and the whole map can be unfolded, because the ROOT CLASS is itself structured to only output dialectic inconsistencies.

They be fucked because they're doing this from and to themselves.

We just continue to dig and new golden age begins…

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954e4f  No.17089304


Trump used Roe vs Wade as a discussion point when he was being interview by CIA fag Petraeus, FFS.

<Trump in 2016- I will put 2-3 judges on the Supreme Court and we will overturn Roe v Wade - ssstwitter_1656120690

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b1709e  No.17089313


That's not me..reeeeeeeee

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dd1775  No.17089315

Canning Using the Boiling-Water Method

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3512a1  No.17089322


>Has the Red Cross Been Harvesting Children’s Organs in NATO’s Ukraine?


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0f1ea9  No.17089329

(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻

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bf7690  No.17089341


You need to take a lesson in civics. Pence had nothing to do with overturning Roe.

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c77ae9  No.17089342


cancer is a hoax, anon

you'd think zelenko of all people would know that

people whose bodies are fighting parasites are convinced to radiate themselves to death

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bdea15  No.17089345


KEK thank you anon

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87eb0b  No.17089346



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e6fe57  No.17089353

"In November we have it all happening…it's happening fast."

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12a743  No.17089358


I saw one last night also. Regular evening visitor

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98b654  No.17089359


Yup. Thanks Anon.

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adb846  No.17089363


That would make sense out of Jeb's almost immediate reaction. But Laura was studying it (a document?) for a few seconds before she showed Jeb. Killary had that forced poker face after being kicked in the khunt.

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d8e41d  No.17089364

imaginary faggot frens are spammin assholes on windows built by lemminwinks

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d5a33e  No.17089368

nazis groom children

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59049e  No.17089373



i'll put myself in tard jail fer a bit.

here's the dough:


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b18b11  No.17089376


this one could use a better captions too.

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065419  No.17089382

choke me

stroke me

bay bay poke me

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f8dd43  No.17089385


stoners make good paperweights

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f73fe3  No.17089386



Thank you, Bakers!

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977dda  No.17089403

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d7dcc6  No.17089408

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622930  No.17089409


The Obama shit got lost Now the resupply

do you get it now

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f8e7cd  No.17089413


>good work

Not mine…some udda genius.

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3f0ae7  No.17089416


Advance notice from above will return void, not.

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c3b735  No.17089418

South African police investigating at least 22 deaths at nightclub

More than 20 young people were found dead at a nightclub in South Africa early Sunday morning, authorities said.

Police were investigating after at least 22 bodies were discovered inside a popular township tavern close to East London city, area health officials said. No cause of death was immediately known.

Unathi Binqose, the spokesman for the Department of Community Safety in Eastern Cape Province, said initial findings suggested that there was a stampede at the overcrowded club, according to the New York Times.

“What has happened can be equated to a massacre,” East London mayor, Xola Pakati said in a statement.

South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa reportedly expressed his condolences.

“While the President awaits more information on the incident, his thoughts are with the families who have lost children as well as families who are awaiting confirmation of how their children may have been affected,” he said in a statement, according to CNN.

Brig. Tembinkosi Kinana, a police spokesman, said the police had received a call about 4 a.m. local time reporting deaths at the tavern, the newspaper reported. He said the tavern held a large party on Saturday night that served as a celebration of South Africa recently lifting its mask requirement for public places, according to the Times.

Other reports suggested the young people had been attending a party to mark the end of winter school exams.

“It attracted huge numbers — more than the tavern can accommodate,” Kinana said.

The bodies will be taken to local mortuaries, where relatives are expected to help identify both male and female victims, said Siyanda Manana, a spokesperson for the Eastern Cape provincial health department.

“We are going to immediately be embarking on autopsies so we can know the probable cause of death,” he said, as forensic personnel performed their work at the cordoned-off crime scene at Enyobeni Tavern. “At this point, we cannot confirm the cause of death.”

“We are talking [about] 22 bodies right now,” Manana added. The owner of the club told a local broadcaster that he didn’t know exactly what transpired overnight beyond the overcrowding. “I am still uncertain about what really happened, but when I was called in the morning I was told the place was too full and that some people were trying to force their way into the tavern,” said Siyakhangela Ndevu.

“However, we will hear what the police say about the cause of death.”

Earlier, Brigadier Tembinkosi Kinana said police were alerted about an unspecified incident at Scenery Park, about two miles from the city center. The dead men and women were between 18 and 20 years old, Kinan said.

“The circumstances under which they died are under investigation,” Kinana said, adding it was too early to come to a conclusion on their cause of death.

Premier Oscar Mabuyane did not provide possible reasons for the deaths, but condemned the “unlimited consumption of liquor,” the BBC reported.

“You can’t just trade in the middle of society like this and think that young people are not going to experiment,” he said.


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d83bd8  No.17089424

Did anyone notice how racist Juneteenth falling on the same day as Father's Day was?

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e85c96  No.17089427


The deluded masses are entrained by the entertainment of the "news".

The truth is actually boring…not much is really going on…but the salacious lies…lots happening there…so people stay entranced.

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e54524  No.17089433

DIGITALSTORM is beyond.. script masters.

Bad time to be a democrat in America.

Everything has been breached.

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a503a1  No.17089445


How many mathematical coincidences are there before it is impossible.

This is real 911 disclosure.

Big names

Remember the Names

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4cd538  No.17089454


Bring a can then.

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513110  No.17089457


what is context

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b72e27  No.17089465


> is now


Was be?

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2c65fd  No.17089466


>I don't see Q posting here again after what happened. Not sure if he'll ever post again?

IIRC, Q pretty much said that in the last authentic posts. that phase of the operation is over.

now we be waitin' on the big bada-booms.

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9b75d3  No.17089469

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e1aac7  No.17089470

Q / @Q

06/30/2022 07:50:13

Truth Social: 108566270043843551

Jon Voight / @JonVoight

06/28/2022 11:20:49

Truth Social: 108555773525567456

Can we all see eye to eye

Carpe Donktum / @CarpeDonktum

06/30/2022 02:08:55

Truth Social: 108564927997661004

I will never forget July 4th 2019 when @JonVoight wiped the rain off the seats with paper towels before Trump's speech. What a guy.

RT: truthsocial.com/users/JonVoigh

Q reTruthed…

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1957ac  No.17089475







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1acc83  No.17089476


Moreover, hundreds of Iraqis detained during the Iraq War revealed that British soldiers tortured them, with some being awarded compensation by the UK, or agreeing to settle out of court. However, nothing substantial took place in terms of accountability, despite the ICC finding that indeed war crimes had been committed by British soldiers in Iraq.

A slush fund for terrorists in Syria (2011 - )

As for Britain's most recent adventure, investigative journalists from Declassified UK were able to uncover that the UK has funded terrorists aiming for regime change in Syria, with 350 million pounds being spent in the years from 2016 to 2021 alone.

Although the UK has refused to say which opposition groups it has aided in Syria, the documents reveal that this huge slush fund was directed toward areas where terrorist groups were prevalent. Perhaps more astonishingly, the project's launch coincided with the resurgence of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham.

UK intelligence agencies were also found to have been funding the same opposition groups as Swedish national Bherlin Gildo, who was on trial on charges of terrorism.

Moreso, the report says that "the figure of £350-million is an underestimate since it does not include activities financed from the UK’s so-called 'black budget', including intelligence operations."

Britain's involvement in massacres, atrocities, and war crimes around the world in the past 70 years is there for all to see. However, the extent of Britain's involvement, and how much it has been able to cover up over the years remains a mystery.

Elizabeth's Britain isn't a story of human rights, development, and a change in the course of British history. If anything, it is merely an extension of Britain's colonial, imperialist past, albeit under a new guise.

Part 5 - End

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0d5d21  No.17089480



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93b949  No.17089481

Hey Q. In midst of the last game being played many people got vaccine injured and the entire mass vaccination concept seems rather dismantled in this case.

Any clarification so I can satisfy my train of thought? Don't want to stay misguided due to my lack of deep intellect on the matter.

But yea homie, I'm down for another game.

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ead651  No.17089483


>It is not your fault that you have been brainwashed and programmed to continue to vote in rigged elections.

It is not your fault that you give up on everything at the first sign of turmoil. Thanks.

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db4ed3  No.17089486



Just spent 10 minutes looking for that piece of evidence.

Thank you Anon!

What the?? They played 'People have the Power' and 'Dancing Barefoot' ?

SICK Fucks.

Literally parading their occult bs after the fact..

We got connections through celebs, and possible covering of tracks by local law enforcement.

Also in the devils/clowns playground of Arkansas during the 90s,

Truly feel bad for the families that have had to, and continue suffering over this unimaginable kind of evil…

Anons this is why we need to drain the Swamp. SO many working parts needed to cover tracks, and pull this off.

A. Captured operation, and ignorance allows this kind of evil to prosper in OUR great nation.

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6e9e47  No.17089489



CIA Director - jew

Homeland Security Secretary - jew

Treasury Secretary - jew

White House Chief of Staff - jew

Attorney General - jew

Director of National Intelligence - jew

Secretary of State - jew

Deputy Secretary of State - jew

Entire MSM but just to name a few…..

Youtube CEO - jew

Facebook CEO - jew

NBCUniversal CEO - jew

AT&T CEO - jew

News Corp founder majority shareholder - jew

News Crop CEO - jew and married to daughter of highest ranking general of People's Liberation Army of China.

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9de9c5  No.17089490


Sounds about right.

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06fba9  No.17089491

Updated dough: White Squall movie lessons are live with anons taking the high ground

Noice smooth last bread, Baker is ready to hand off

Take the lead or follow the example!!

In God We Trust, God Speed Ahead - o7


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ed7222  No.17089495


And to think it was about time traveling cosmic porn the hole time

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2f4b69  No.17089508



They are getting smart and sending out the pretty ones, nao.

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9d140d  No.17089513


Where's this from anon?

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7d41e8  No.17089515

podesta caught blaming cowbutt for crimes

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eca96b  No.17089517


I think that's a Gremlin.

Did someone spill some water on her?

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bdea15  No.17089520

BREAKING: Putin Urgently Returns to Kremlin on Saturday Night — Reason Unknown —

On Saturday night Vladimir Putin was rushed to the Kremlin. His entourage can be seen speeding through the streets in Moscow on the way to the Kremlin.

Putin suddenly arrived at the Kremlin at night Russian media report that the presidential cortege arrived at the #Kremlin at 23:00. This is extraordinary, usually it is associated with some important decision,” NEXTA tweeted.



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b6e36a  No.17089525


Because nobody kikes twitter, not even Trump's twitter

We do like Trump though

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815275  No.17089528




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e2b52d  No.17089529


>Morning, frenz

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96b27a  No.17089537


Damn space mice/rats/poor space kitty drive me nuts. I suppose having rodents chewing on your spaceship couldn't possibly harm anything…

Every launch there's mice. As they run out of air they fall off and flame out behind the rocket.

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23cdcd  No.17089538



Based Anti-Groomers

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f135bf  No.17089542


'The historical development of the military event known as 9/11 is a large story. It is potentially an outlandish belief system that never quite addresses the problem of criminal identity. Since I am not in the business of belief systems, I will not be summarizing the world situation to get a brief and simplistic understanding of 9/11. Instead, I have formatted this paper as a working criminal investigation into a few specific time-and-place settings and people; followed by a speculative example of how one might view the world situation, based on this brief dossier. However, I want to stress that it is the personal responsibility of each reader to be highly wary of all such dossiers offered them, even by “journalists,” “informants” and “investigators.” Skeptical, critical thinking should be exercised to its fullest effect when exploring this topic;'

this is from another comped site, but the history there of the Mitre corp. and other likely players in the story is worthwhile

The historical development of the military event known as 9/11 is a large story. It is potentially an outlandish belief system that never quite addresses the problem of criminal identity. Since I am not in the business of belief systems, I will not be summarizing the world situation to get a brief and simplistic understanding of 9/11. Instead, I have formatted this paper as a working criminal investigation into a few specific time-and-place settings and people; followed by a speculative example of how one might view the world situation, based on this brief dossier. However, I want to stress that it is the personal responsibility of each reader to be highly wary of all such dossiers offered them, even by “journalists,” “informants” and “investigators.” Skeptical, critical thinking should be exercised to its fullest effect when exploring this topic;


of course Cheney and Bush and many foreign Countries were involved; including Germany, England, Israel, France, Holland;

FBI did the cover -up. That was Mueller.

Notice "Jones" never brings up FBI or Mueller; it's all about Guilliani, who was basically a bystander who was tagged to go down with the ship, but didn't

They claim he was "in on it" since he approve the moving of the steel (what was left) to China.

If or if not that actually happened is up for debate.

The FBI came in and took over the "incestigation" such as it was, immediately, as they always do.

You also have FEMA there the day before, anticipating the event.

thousands of romanticized photos taken by FEMA

And I mean thousands.

The steel turned to dust; so you know

The fake 9/11 truth movement fought citizen researcher "too and nail" for every bit of insight.

Tsunami of shill …

authentic researchers eventually banned from every single on-line site; unless you toed their line.

Here's the pit. Not much steel left.

We have photos of it turning to dust in midair.

Hazardous too, why all the strange cancers never admitted until most victims were dead; as what they did with the Agent Orange

Same Federal Judge; Hellerstein; on both cases.

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239ee5  No.17089559


Not yours… relax. Mine.

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2bfef6  No.17089560



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c168ce  No.17089570



Russian Oligarchs Sanctioned by the West for the Russian Invasion of Ukraine.

Oleg Tinkov

Oleg Tinkoff, was born in Russia and became a naturalized United States citizen in 1996. In 2001, Tinkoffs First business, a Russian dumpling/frozen foods company called Daria, was sold to Roman Abramovich, another Russian on the Ukraine sanctions list.

On November 18, 2005, on Necker Island, owned by billionaire Richard Branson, Oleg Tinkov presented a draft or his proposal for his future Tinkoff Crdedit Services bank. In 2006 he acquired the Moscow Himmashbank from it created an online bank, which was a first in Russia. Despite setbacks in attracting investment at the start of the project, during the crisis of 2008 the bank showed a 50-fold increase in profits. In 2015 Tinkoff Credit Systems changed its name to Tinkoff Bank.

From 1996 to 2013, Tinkov filed U.S. tax returns. In late 2005 or 2006, Tinkov founded Tinkoff Credit Services (TCS). In 2013, when the value of Oleg Tinkov’s investment in his bank’s stock rose to over a billion dollars, Tinkov quickly renounced his U.S. citizenship and then lied to the IRS in a ploy to evade ‘exit taxes’ he knew were due,” Later Tinkov entered a plea to a felony and agreed to pay more than $500 million in taxes.

TinkovTinkov was arrested on Feb. 26, 2020, in London.

After he publicly criticized the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine in April 2022, he said officials of the Putin administration threatened to nationalize Tinkoff Bank, and he went into hiding after selling his 35% stake under pressure.

Tinkov has been critical of Vladimir Putin, in particular with regard to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Tinkov wrote on his Instagram page, on 19 April 2022, in Russian: "The generals, waking up with a hangover, realized that they had a shit army"

So why is he on the US/European Sanctions list?

Forbes and Forbes Russia do not consider Oleg Tinkov to be an oligarch, despite him having been sanctioned: "Tinkov is not an oligarch because he built an independent fortune without ties to the Russian government under either Boris Yeltsin or Vladimir Putin"

Well, Maybe it's got something to do with Tinkov's $100 million Yacht:

It is made to be able to cut through ice. This makes it an excellent vessel to carry you to uncharted lands like Antarctica and the Arctic region. Yachts are usually known to cover about five percent of the waters, including the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. However, the La Datch is a yacht that will take you to more exciting adventures. This yacht belongs to Tinkov, but he rents it out for weeks and even more than a month as it can stay on the water for forty-one days.

The icebreaker-yacht is capable of braving ice 30-40 cm in thickness while out at sea for 40 days at a time. The vessel boasts two jacuzzis, a sauna, a steam bath, a massage room and a gym. For lovers of active vacations, there’s a helipad with two helicopters thrown in, as well as snowmobiles and - wait for it - a mini submarine!




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d00139  No.17089578


That help others, b/c of altruism…..

To get vaxxed!


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e370bc  No.17089579



Ignorance and Want

"Look here! Beneath my robe!" Has it never bothered anyone that the Ghost of Christmas Present, a bearded, robust and (admittedly) hairy man has two starving children (Want and Ignorance) hidden beneath his robe? I think this has always bothered me at some level, even at a young age - partially because the children are always portrayed as scary, starving urchins but secondly because they're hidden beneath his robe!


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fed2f4  No.17089583



you are seeing that right

that is a Q > POTUS [0] Delta proof that I got banned for

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a3db5c  No.17089593


Shill fail

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f31953  No.17089596

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4c638d  No.17089597


fuck you faggot

keep worshipping the jewnited states of america you stupid fuck

keep worshipping a nation that is trying to kill you and your entire family

fuck the usa

this place is a nigger infested shithole

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0d63ec  No.17089599


word coming in across the AP wire is that you're 'a gigantic faggot'. more info at the top of the hour

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0beadb  No.17089602



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bd195d  No.17089603

Sickening Video Shows VA Employee Attacking Veteran

by Anthony T 3 hours ago

In the video a VA employee from Atlanta, Georgia is seen choking and slamming an elderly Vietnam veteran.

Veteran Phillip Webb,73, was reportedly attacked by VA employee Lawrence F. Gaillard Jr. at the Veterans Affairs Clinic at Fort McPherson in Atlanta.

The video was previously hidden from the general public until a FOIA request by reporter Justin Gray brought the video to light.


Watch clip here: https://twitter.com/GAFollowers/status/1539655132295884801

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7dfd7c  No.17089613


it is Tuesday….

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5b5078  No.17089615


These are NOT Straight. pfft


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32f1cb  No.17089621



who are you anyway?

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66c64a  No.17089622


12 years of Trump

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38a9ef  No.17089624


Most likely,

but before he gave up the, um, ghost,

he spawned many more to replace him.

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61924d  No.17089625


doesn't make it false does it. gays are everywhere, so it fits, eh?

only thing stopping the quantum ai, sky net, etc is the sun/'son'. recognize, clown.

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1c4918  No.17089635


Yep we are all just pawns to be sacrificed in Qs deep state sick game. Pawns always go first.

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9d140d  No.17089643


And a filter for every pot

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3baece  No.17089646


'gay' = happy' about experienced child sexual abuse' = happy' about child sexual abuse' = pedophile to be drowned.

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4e102d  No.17089648


All of these things are traditional means for rigging elections. What happened with this one has

not been revealed yet (though some have seen it, and have mentioned it). It will be.

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bb6278  No.17089650


the one that listed evidence for/against new Q posts being legit…

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ecd95c  No.17089654



In the USA we do not threaten to jail political opponents.

@realDonaldTrump said he would. He is promising to abuse the power of the office

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725818  No.17089661


>When you and Cankles get all hot and sweaty tonight

It's not a guaranteed nightly happening. There are some periods of luls. and sometimes it happens in the morning

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a9c799  No.17089665

Several reporters asked Highland Park Police if they have any theories as to why Crimo would leave his weapon at the crime scene.

"Did he want to be caught?"

Police spokesman said he doesn't want to speculate; suggests he left it behind so he could blend in while escaping.

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fdcccf  No.17089670


and trip 4's in ID: too

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adb846  No.17089680


>foiled FF attempt

The Coeur d'Alene Police said they initially received a tip from a 'concerned citizen', and also that the FBI provided assistance. Maybe the citizen was a White Hat asset, passing along intelligence through a tip-line.

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63ae00  No.17089687


note: Will see if anon can find a link to the full interview, anon does not have a lot of time for bannon, but Viganio is way up there with the best in the dark heart of the vatican and world views and news.


Ben Harnwell On The One-On-One Interview With Archbishop Viganò, Criminal Design of the Pandemic

Bannons War Room Published June 30, 2022


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9ce868  No.17089696

Baker, allow open discussion for one minute please.

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4e7055  No.17089709

Kevin Morris (Hollywood Lawyer) helping Hunter Biden cover up laptop scandal. He has gathered up to 30 lawyers to help get Hunter out of trouble.


YouTube vid, i'm not embedding it.

Otherwise, it's Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business.

Name of video is:

Hunter Biden's latest allies attempt to fix laptop scandal

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61134b  No.17089710


isn't he pretty…

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b8ff1d  No.17089715


We The Media ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [23.04.22 16:09]

[ Album ]

Originally posted on Truth Social


1. Is it a coincidence that Disney is in the news lately?

Did you think Disney would get a pass after what Q told us about Disney?


Do you really think Michael Iger voluntarily resigned as CEO of Disney 2 years ago?

2. Did you think there was nothing to the Disney cruise snorkeling excursion over to Epstein Island in the US Virgin Islands to watch “curious fish dart back and forth in the clear blue water”?

How many cruises served as cover for trafficking of children to Little St James Island?


I can’t wait until these pedoph*les experience their “magical” day of judgment. It’s going to be Biblical!


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081f30  No.17089722

LIVE: Protest Streams

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e7dfa6  No.17089732


Q 1464


8chan/patriotsfight: 104

No. 100

Dark to Light.

1:07 [Marker]


Do you believe in coincidences?


1:07 [Marker]

Hello John.

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e843f7  No.17089739


>It's comfy with noise. I'd be nervous if the shills disappeared completely kek

training necessity



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1e9332  No.17089745


keep smearing, PANICBOT

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c328a3  No.17089746

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555431  No.17089747

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69db25  No.17089749


Very valid point

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c8af64  No.17089752


this girl want her tits out.

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932d1b  No.17089755

Lord, send me a woman that loves a giant penis.

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bd67de  No.17089756


check'd …ok and i agree with this in theory. Yes we should have had a delta by now. Media is taking it as a fact. That is interesting enough, the way certain shills have behaved, interesting as well especially certain types that have been silent for a while .


and its is gay shit like this that makes it look coordinated. Accuse your enemy of what you yourself are doing.

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227cf6  No.17089758


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947240  No.17089765


Transported a patient to a VA and one of the nurses referred to the patient as “it”. Her words, “you can put it in room xyz”.

I told that nurse this man has done more for our country than 1000’s of others and “it” is not his name!

I suppose this should have been expected as affirmative action doesn’t result in the the best individuals getting qualified for high skill jobs.

Enough of my venting, carry on.

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0bce08  No.17089766

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6c3e04  No.17089767


At his first cabinet meeting of 2019, President Donald Trump held a nearly two-hour-long freestyle press conference, where he downplayed the recent stock market turbulence as a "glitch," gave a shout out to his celebrity supporter Kanye West and bragged out his generals being "better looking than Tom Cruise."

Following the Oval Office meeting, the Toronto Star's Washington correspondent Daniel Dale tweeted that Trump boasted about a recent meeting he had about Iran and the Middle East with his good-looking generals. "Like from a movie. Better looking than Tom Cruise," Dale quoted the president as saying.

Trump says he had a meeting about Iran and the Middle East with lots of good-looking generals: "Like from a movie. Better looking than Tom Cruise, and stronger."

— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) January 2, 2019


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63ae00  No.17089776


>Prove that was Q that replied

zero delta with DJT proves it

the Q tripcode poster on /hivemind/ has the (You)'s in his post caps from the post on /qresearch/ that went zero delta

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e7dfa6  No.17089784


Now that’s a woman.

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c77ae9  No.17089789


>satanic calendar


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d6bfc2  No.17089794

josh is gonna get his tabernacle touched a lot

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1e9332  No.17089803



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125907  No.17089807


Crimes against humanity

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0d63ec  No.17089813

From (PB) >>17088605

Yes, As a Waitr driver who knows his area, I've seen more hiccups in the service these last 2 weeks. Even so far as moving destinations mid-route.

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908d22  No.17089814

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758f42  No.17089815

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9b9fdc  No.17089818


Their club is full of faggy shit anyway.

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ecd95c  No.17089819


At some point this phrase was so stuck in my mind, that I came to conclusion that it was clown attack.

>Telepathy and stuff. Kek

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95c045  No.17089820


1970s Children’s Information Film - Jimmy Savile Re-Edit version.

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7454a5  No.17089821


have some boobs till your buns come in


bros share n sheitz

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1996d2  No.17089824


>The "Wear Orange" and the "Newsprint" flower

she's probably asking someone to "kill" some bad press.

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240f5f  No.17089828


Isaiah 47:13-14

Deuteronomy 18:10-14

Deuteronomy 4:19

2 Kings 17:16

our wisdom comes from God, not the stars. our guide is the Holy Bible, not astrology.

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bb02da  No.17089833


Thanks for another great night Anons!

this bread is GHOST

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

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3dbc53  No.17089834


>3. A person or thing put into place in order to mislead or function secretly, especially:

>a. A person placed in a group of spectators to influence behavior.

>b. A person stationed in a given location as a spy or observer.


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f8c434  No.17089836


It can never hurt, and could possibly help, to be skeptical about any important claim (like "Q is posting"), and skeptical about any evidence presented (like "tripcode proves it was Q".)

Either way, I hope we can discuss all possibilities logically and not emotionally. I also think there will be signs of affirmation or negation coming from the accounts we watch on Truth Social (like Kash, Nunes, Scavino) about whether to trust these new Q posts.

One aspect that I have not seen discussed yet: Someone who made no claim to identity was posting q-like posts (similar to Q's style) earlier that same day. See


This reminded me of the time during March-July 2021 when q-like posts were being made, and those posts were aggressively attacked by the BVs. So aggressively attacked that it was obvious the BVs were acting from ulterior motives, and suppressing free discussion. I think that whole situation is what caused FastJack big censorship crackdown and banning spree, and it was why the fake post was made on Q's locked board. It was all to distract from the anonymous mystery posts that seemed to be coming from a legitimate source. Those mystery posts also claimed that the site owner or BO had intentionally disabled the use of Q's tripcode, so it was no longer possible for Q to post here.

So anyway, one possibility is that Q team (or other legitimate helpers in a position of knowledge) are starting to post actual info here again without a tripcode, and if the people in charge of this board/site are against that happening for some reason, maybe they decided to pull out their last card and create posts with Q's old tripcode. (Vague, short, meaningless posts that do not predict anything or provide any real information.) Time will tell. I hope it's actually Q, but keeping all possibilities in mind for now.

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ad222b  No.17089837


I wish DeSantis would run but he won’t so long as there’s any chance Trump might. Trump needs to either shit or get off the pot.

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227cf6  No.17089843



>wiff no sauce

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15e956  No.17089853

Happy Watergate anniversary for tomorrow, anons!

>50 years


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bda4d7  No.17089856


sikh kek

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b35eac  No.17089862


there is no victim god.

there are no gods, other than me, the one true living God. the one both "cats" and "dogs" bow down to and the one not even distinguishing.

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1aef26  No.17089863


You rock

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5e892d  No.17089864

"Q Research General #21857: MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY Edition"

Especially since Putin's Russia has single-handedly BROKEN the EU, the NATO alliance as well as the entire Globalist New World Order. It has been a stiff and cruel price to pay with thousands of young Russian soldiers making the ultimate sacrifice in draining the Globo-Fascist Swamp of Europe.


Do you NOT expect to have to water our precious Tree of Liberty while tens of thousands of innocent Americans have been murdered and maimed by the Death Vaxx? While our innocent children continue to be psychologically abused for life by the rabid Left National Teachers Unions?

When are YOU our White Hat Patriots going to step up and make a stand before it is too late to do so?

We've BEEN at the Precipice for nearly a year now yet you all still stand there with feet of clay. Just like the generations of other alleged oath-takers looked the other way after JFK was murdered by a conspiracy which SCREAMED OUT to those of you who dared to listen and look.

The U.S. Military has been the Pit Bull enforcer for GHWB and his fascist-globalist ilk around the Globe for 60 years now. You White Hat Patriots have a seemingly eternal debt of honor to repay, ESPECIALLY to all those in uniform who have given that last true measure of devotion since 1776 in order to preserve our fundamental liberties and our Republic.

Instead of taking action with the extraordinary means and methods you have at your disposal, anons are told to begin the change themselves at the local level, on school boards, town, city and county legislatures.

Have you no idea how demoralising this sounds to anons who WERE PROMISED nonstop for nearly 5 years now that

The Military Is The Only Way?

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96baf6  No.17089867


7 deadly sins are nonsense of the catholic church. 7 heads.

Pride is not sin. When you tell a child they did something well, they feel pride.

What the LGBTQWTFBBQ crowd call pride is not pride.

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ef0e6d  No.17089874


you will do nothing

and you will like it

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eb324e  No.17089877


Thats been talked about for over a year now. (Trump running for Speaker) WTF you been???

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a0a562  No.17089878

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51663f  No.17089879



NBC News: White House postpones Biden trips to Saudi Arabia and Israel.

11:10 PM · Jun 3, 2022·TweetDeck


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22d177  No.17089890


ty frosty

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4d7f17  No.17089896


multiple indicators it is a honeypot

i for one do no care

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105f49  No.17089898


So post using a new trip.

Doesn't prove you are Q, but proves you are the same person claiming to be Q

Why would you not?

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b8bc4e  No.17089907


40% gets the most ounces

they are heavy and bulky and1 half has barely more silver than 2 dimes so some don't like them

stick some away

your local coin shop has better prices than most

when rolls of mercuries were about $50 i remember passing on some because they were asking $53

not paying that much premium

should have just bought them when available

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c44116  No.17089909



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be9848  No.17089910


Invest in bitcoin they said. It'll be great they said. The perfect way to invest.


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e85c96  No.17089913


Just an average ground crew guy. With a perfect takeoff + barrel roll. Flight Sim never gave me those mad skills. The running entry was great. Way to go Richard Bryan Russell. Sky King. That was quite the technical achievement.

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3b3d49  No.17089923


Eventually, everything runs out of time.

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faba43  No.17089927



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c364e9  No.17089928


goy toy

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67edfc  No.17089929


This is how you make a polite society

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542153  No.17089930


it did.

several theres

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ffc5bb  No.17089933


I can bake 1 moar but I do have irl shit to do so if you want a handoff it isconfirmed


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33a506  No.17089934


It's actually not Russia its the Donbest or Lugansk region that tried them, and said their crimes are executable, so they are not the Russians making the decisions it's their local courts

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de5894  No.17089939


Run’m in rotation over several weeks. Make a 24/7 event of it all.

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4b06c7  No.17089942


>However, there are some 432 of these agencies.

Exactly 432? Thatresonates…

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e4e655  No.17089947

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95c045  No.17089950

No Go on Remain in Mexico.. grrrr

The Supreme Court ALLOWS the Biden administration to terminate the controversial Trump-era asylum policy known as "remain in Mexico." Red states argued that Biden was obliged to keep the policy, but SCOTUS says in a 5-4 ruling that the administration can end it.


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cb66db  No.17089951


>Didn't Killery steal the Little Black Book of Blackmail secrets that was stolen from the Watergate Hotel?


would be right up her alley.

I was thinking the blackmail files came in the Clinton White House.

Maybe this FileGate Controversy

"Filegate" began on June 5, 1996, when Republican Pennsylvania Congressman William F. Clinger, Jr., chair of the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, announced that the committee had found, during their ongoing "Travelgate" investigations, that FBI background reports on Travelgate figure Billy Dale had been delivered to the White House.[2] The following day, the White House delivered to the committee hundreds of other such files related to White House employees of the Reagan Administration and George H. W. Bush Administration,[2] for which Craig Livingstone, director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security,[3] had improperly requested and received background reports from the FBI in 1993 and 1994, without asking permission of the subject individuals.[4] Estimates ranged from 400 to 700 to 900 unauthorized file disclosures.[5][6][7][8] The incident caused an intense burst of criticism because many of the files covered White House employees from previous Republican administrations, including top figures such as James Baker, Brent Scowcroft, and Marlin Fitzwater.[6]

Initial White House explanations for what had happened varied,[9] but generally characterized it as a series of mistakes made without bad intent and offered apologies to those affected.[10][11] President Clinton said that, "It appears to have been a completely honest bureaucratic snafu."[10] However, his Republican opponent in the ongoing 1996 presidential election, Senator Bob Dole, compared it to the enemies list kept by the Nixon administration.[10] Republicans made other charges, including that the White House was trying to dig up damaging information about Republicans in general[11] and that the file transfer was motivated by a desire to slander Dale and other White House Travel Office officials in order to justify their dismissal.[12]

On June 18, 1996, Attorney General Janet Reno asked the FBI to look into it;[12] FBI Director Louis Freeh acknowledged that both the FBI and especially the White House had committed "egregious violations of privacy"[3][12] (in some cases the background reports contained information about extramarital affairs, trangressions with the law, and medical issues).[13] On June 21 Reno decided it was a conflict of interest for the U.S. Department of Justice to further investigate the matter, and thus recommended that it be folded into the overall umbrella of the Whitewater investigations, under charge of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.[2][7] In any case, Starr had already begun looking into it.[11]

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890620  No.17089956

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f5e312  No.17089958


baker is off collecitng #21311.


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1bdf48  No.17089963


>gold star research























>denile >>17089843

>is >>17089863

>not >>17089767

>just >>17089821

>a >>17088781

>river >>17089877

>in >>17088500

>egypt >>17088605



run baphomet run

hubbardite tax trreasons keep leakin out bitchutes

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8104af  No.17089968



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6c0bb6  No.17089971


Elon should be

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a3b63c  No.17089972


Literally Kinski from 'Nightbreed'.

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c2f11e  No.17089986


Reckoning with Secret Agenda is hardly an academic matter. If Hougan and the other Watergate revisionists are correct, then the scandal that toppled Richard Nixon from power was about much more than a third-rate burglary attempt, the wiretapping of the opposing party, or even a series of covert crimes ordered by a paranoid president. Secret Agenda and its progeny force us, instead, to conceive ofWatergate as a Cold War-era power struggle between a duly elected president and the national security state, with Nixon as much a victimin the affair as he was a perpetrator. In a time when legions of Americans believe in the existence of a “deep state,” getting the history of Watergate right takes on new urgency.

Unmasking the Conspirators


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06885f  No.17089988

cash replying to multiple Q accounts on truth social at the moment


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7103b7  No.17089990


Here's question.

If they want to eliminate and eradicate the concept of God, can they do just that with brainwashing us into compliance.

I was under the impression that God exists in the minds and souls of Humans.

If the Human race does turns from God, He still exists, right?

And what is that cult thinking? The more they bring this evil out, the more we CLING to God.

He is in us with every thought, every breath, every action we take.

That's a pretty tall order, even for them.

Or do they have an ace up their sleeve.

5G, chemtrails? all this nano stuff rewiring and becoming transhuman, controllable.

How many were vaccinated again…..

oy vey.

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f798f3  No.17090000


>Until the 4th I have given them time

Why has this become a general theme? I've seen a lot of people saying shit like this. You know damn well NOTHING big is going to happen between now and the 4th. Stop setting yourself up for disappointment.

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89509d  No.17090002


books. … .. ..

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0162da  No.17090003


I can't either

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b9a1ee  No.17090004


> Will be day 189 of the year

From Jan 1st to Jul 8th it is 188 days (1+8+8=17).

Also, it's day 17 of Summer and 76 days remaining until Fall.



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f74bb3  No.17090008


sauce kek

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a334d6  No.17090012

The only way to stop the Hedge Funds / SEC / Federal Reserve co-conspiracy from wrecking Wall Street and the heart of the US Financial System is to take all their money away from them. That's what AMC / GME / DWAC is all about.

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9bd04a  No.17090018


It's all bread and circuses.

Any worthwhile invention has been used as a weapon first. Radio and Television are no exception.

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81cc82  No.17090019



Now the deep state, the corrupt politicians…

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bb8aba  No.17090020

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0d7fb3  No.17090021


they voted for this hoping it would never end look at them wearing masks still

second half of this story is foreclosure's and bankruptcy's. just like 2008

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a500fd  No.17090022


>some commentator, who used to be a weapon's inspector

I think that's Scott Ritter. He also called Ukraine:

"The keystone to the American concept of destabilizing Russia"

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326bfb  No.17090030


help me out, tell me why.


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c0bee8  No.17090032

U.S. stocks fall sharply in early trading on inflation data.


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49398a  No.17090037

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5702ac  No.17090044


I can't answer to your question………………

But………..let me elaborate some ideas:

a) they already here

b)they already fucked us for a lot of time

c)they made in on porpose, so we can find out.

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3ceb20  No.17090051

Imagine the applications of this technology.

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552b5b  No.17090053


it's like one person shilling the board with moo joo posts

they have posted already close to 70 times

it's an effort to make it look like everyone on the board hates jews

it's all an illusion

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bb02da  No.17090054


this is exactly why it won't be audited.

they have a second set of books where they fund all their globohomo shit.

people here say dems or whoever is running out of money but they have infinite money.

They will print whatever they need for bribes and corruption. They will print whatever they need for private armies.

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d1b751  No.17090057



23 months of pain, for the 99%, under the residency of the Biden regime.

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d6bfc2  No.17090067


"take vaginas away from the mentally ill with red flag laws"

if you do that

no man will ever have any kids

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41e08b  No.17090068

Been away from the board for awhile this evening. Any anon care to share a quick summary of what happened?

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d6df30  No.17090070

Data streams from the stolen 2020 election… Hey it's their data.

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0cca0f  No.17090071


do you see anything in our world that needs a solution? we can focus on our country only. any problems in need of dire solutions? i know. trust the plan. rewind. trust the plan. rewind. turst the plan.

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41d3e1  No.17090074



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3bb768  No.17090076


Mornin, Sam.

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e63e63  No.17090079

Anyone know what this means?

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fad8d8  No.17090085



Wtf? Fk this gaslighting.

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02c477  No.17090087


One of God's chosen. Haim

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ae9a7d  No.17090093

Dr. Atlas wrecked it???


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6b0bd2  No.17090096


not when the door is left open for them. Remember how Adm. Rogers works for the Israeli mil/Unit8200/Team8 now via Claroty? He is one of how many who are aligned with globalist interests which require the massive spectacle that the fall of the US would be?

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86b5ee  No.17090097


If we get a 0 delta, sure.

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f798f3  No.17090098


The Military is the only one

The Military is the only Answer

Justice under the Law

There is no Step Five

Step 1 > Military Law

[General Military Law 10 USC 252 10]


From Title 10—ARMED FORCES

Step 2 > Matrial Law

Trump Executive Order 13825 of March 1, 2018

2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States



Step 3 > Military Government


A field marshal is a military rank senior to generals that has not been used by any branch of the United States military.


Executive Order 11485—Supervision and Control of the National Guard of the District of Columbia

Step 4 > Law of War

DoD Law of War Manual

> Law of War 11.3

> Law of War 11.4

> Law of War 11.5

> Law of War 11.6

> Law of War 11.11

Military Occupation


Doctrine for the Armed Forces

of the United States




The Law of Land Warfare – MCRP 5-12.1A/FM 27-10



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dd7863  No.17090105


Sounds like a boring story. /x/ may be interested.

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0e78a2  No.17090106

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9e4fc1  No.17090112

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81b298  No.17090114

kill all child rapists.

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c8abf9  No.17090117


For the discharged over novaxx.

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330a56  No.17090132

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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2c22d1  No.17090134



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12cbc7  No.17090135



After this or later?

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ff64f0  No.17090140


Fucking Jews are so fucking stupid.

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65b8ba  No.17090143


BEEN TIME, independence from idiots in DC 99% uniparty faggots. the whole country is faggots for this not being the only thing we talk about in political conversations.. it should be "Civil disobedience", "No thank you, DC" & "come and take it" 24/7 on all channels.. but nooooooo.. faggot union must be preserved.

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545dca  No.17090145


MUH JOO shillery make moar sense now?

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d1b751  No.17090146



no wonder they spam hate - JEW

How long have they been corrupt

does it got back to when they killed MLK?

Is that why they have to falsely claim Donald Trump is a racist?

FBI killed MLK and Trump is the Racist.

I get ya.

You guys never cleaned up since you covered for the murder of Kennedy. Did you?

Well did you?

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a97052  No.17090151


This is probably an advertisement for that boy.

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d042f6  No.17090153


Gyrocopter rotors freewheel, no reaction torque.

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de83cc  No.17090159

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0e78a2  No.17090160


Delaware, OHIO

Books…check 'em out.

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e370bc  No.17090171

To do it remotely is even more impressive almost as impressive being able to watch yourself do it. Watch closely on some of the video clips and you will see what I mean. Not all of them have it in them and this one is missing the clip I am talking about. 16 and half to go until mon.

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a8d168  No.17090188


>Trump at Treasure Island on the 8th

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e54524  No.17090189

“The euthanasia of Judaism is the pure moral religion.”

– Immanuel Kant

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372cd4  No.17090198


That pic gives me high bp. Kek. Have many times cut the line and just crammed it in my pocket. Spouse’s nickname for me is snags r us. I’m a fan of poppers just to cut down on that.

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540470  No.17090202



I feel like the butterflies are in my Belly.

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d9054b  No.17090205


Not for that bullshit I'm not.

Piss up a German rope.

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9ee953  No.17090206


Cue (Q) up the Justin Bieber Satanic pics…

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86b5ee  No.17090207


But did they discuss Black on Asian violence?

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de8ecc  No.17090208


do a parasite cleanse

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e4e655  No.17090213


You've been exposed as a liar time and again, and Dan Scavino confirmed it was Babyfist. You gamed the Salt and made sure this happened when you were able to have an alibi. You disgust me

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bce91b  No.17090221

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0beadb  No.17090223


real anons give sauce, and meat.

please refer me to the Trump tweets with zwro delta.

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f51791  No.17090225


no one cares


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87eb0b  No.17090228

Laggy af


Was found underneath his farm tractor.

Ran his self over.


She offended because he didn't include tch << her specialty

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e46538  No.17090232


Have you considered a used throw-away rocket and a one way trip into the sun for science?

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009fb8  No.17090236


Gee, gas is so expensive.

Will Biden lower gas prices so women can afford to drive to the next state to get their abortions?

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ce23dc  No.17090238


She's in full Red Coat mode.

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fb7c73  No.17090239


NO private comms past/present/future.

NO comms made outside of this platform.

Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.




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14fa31  No.17090247


chinny chin chin

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32f66c  No.17090251


1984 and V inspired picrel

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bf9d43  No.17090263


>gasket failed has to bang a dude and call it 'mom'

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3ad23c  No.17090270

Baker went Q's not around.

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d120ad  No.17090275

Here we go, FSM at it again……. Thank you, BB!


The subject of the article revolves around abortions after rape. This is a loophole. Any female can say she was raped and wants an abortion, potentially destroying the male partner's life in the process. Careful out there!

This horrifying abortion story went viral in the wake of Roe v. Wade's repeal, but some people are skeptical of it—and you can understand why

This terrible story—which is nearly too horrible to contemplate on just about every level—went viral quickly in the days after Roe v. Wade was repealed:


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a4a3df  No.17090277

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f0230f  No.17090278

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d69315  No.17090290



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e6fe57  No.17090303


May God bless you dude. May you find the Lord's Light.

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e25347  No.17090307


anons will hate this

but this is funny & deserves consideration

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c39caf  No.17090314

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e2c3af  No.17090321

Right now. A sign?

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b6b664  No.17090322

All we're asking for is common-sense government control

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e855f5  No.17090323



It got it saved before deletion

But still not so good.

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a5cf95  No.17090325


>Proud of what? Sucking dick and taking it up the ass? I've never gotten a good answer to this.

Maybe you should try sucking a little dick and taking it up the ass? The answer may be closer than you think, there, anon.

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8d6ed0  No.17090334


>wtf cares

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bd251a  No.17090336


why was salvador dali looking at all those assholes?

why did he care that they had slight differences?

for god's sake he could not even paint a clock

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87dc3d  No.17090340

Obviously it's Thanos…

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b675bd  No.17090349




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1744dc  No.17090351


Q said TRUST a lot of folks who turned out to be perps.


WRAY, very much so.

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a6e35c  No.17090352




Federal Reserve Endingen?




Do We have the gold?



Gold shall Destroy FED

BASEL III / End Game

Gold Standard

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bb4c16  No.17090363



Hey why this photo? Tell me more.

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5b08b1  No.17090369

Experiments that have been done underground will shock (You)

Truths that are coming to light will test your past & todays reality

Matthew 24:37-39

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son,

Think Egypt / Pharaoh's / Wall Drawings, Pictures / Books

A grand exercise in hubris and wanton behavior

Q uestion Everything Patriots World Wide

Read the book of Jude in the Bible



















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ada5dd  No.17090383

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c8af64  No.17090385

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916289  No.17090389

Durham discoveries can lead to early retirement[?]


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3baece  No.17090391

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a3db5c  No.17090398


go fuck yourself.

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9ee953  No.17090402

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b9bc49  No.17090403


There are many Q post re sniffer programs. I haven't really looked into that, but I'm aware everyone is/has been surveilled.

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10829a  No.17090407


can those 2 just switch parties already?

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6fa5ce  No.17090414

Really if civil war starts, it's because KLAUSH SCHWAB started by threatening us first.


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9f9946  No.17090421


yup, that one really shit the bed

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e407df  No.17090428


"oh wait! there's more!"

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3baece  No.17090430


The amateurs need to learn the right way to play battlefield darts

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28348e  No.17090431


even quad 6 take a knee before God

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d1b751  No.17090433


I love "Luke The Drifter" lots of great songs in his short 29 years.

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62e6d1  No.17090435



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43b1f9  No.17090451


United States State Department Trans National Terrorist organization makes terrorist threats and state sanctioned and protected propaganda demanding reperations from innocent Americans.

Everyone supporting this is a TRANSNATIONAL TERRORIST including officials holding office.

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9d6c60  No.17090454

MARYLAND: "During a bond hearing after the mass shooting last week at a Columbia Machine warehouse, officials announced that the suspect, Joe Louis Esquivel, will be facing multiple life sentences. Judge W. Timothy Finan was presiding as the state’s attorney argued that Esquivel is a threat to society. The public defender and state’s attorney did not comment afterwards. Esquivel will not be released and is held without bail. A preliminary hearing will be held on July 6."


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347a63  No.17090460


>exactly what karen would say




>you need another cat loser

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11d632  No.17090462


Next week they'll throw in a BJ from Kamala to go along with the photo op….

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d6bfc2  No.17090466


Total chaos attack seems logical and impossible to defend against.

Antifa, BLM, cartels, gangs, released felons, chinese and other 'students', H1B visa holders and their families and networks, iranian, pakistani, afghani, and immigrants of some african nations all with hit/target lists, awaiting a specific signal, news story, event, or calendar date to act. Targeting infrastructure, food and water supply, dams, power grid, judges, specific individuals, LEOs, cyber targets, emf/microwave systems overrides, li-ion battery detonations (iphone, busses, scooters, etc), etc nationwide. Where there is no command structure, and no operator would know of the targets of any of the others, or that they were a part of a total take down operation. No way to capture the total picture, stop it, or connect each act to the others. Total chaos. You think they wouldn't do this? All assets deployed means exactly that. Why else are SOOOOOOOOOO many assets in place and in play? For a death blow, it would logically seem.

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562094  No.17090469


This was anon's whole point about why the moast vocal pro abortion women are the least attractive. They have to lower their standards the furthest to get laid and need abortion as insurance against any long term responsibilities with a man they don't really care for. in the first place. Murderous slags.

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fad6af  No.17090474


My baby did not have a bottle nor baby food. He nursed til one, then self weened and drank from a cup, all the table food was mashed for his consumptions and he ate lots of bananas

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173d70  No.17090477

Inside Mafia Down Under: THOUSANDS of mobsters from notorious Italian gangs are found living secretly in Australia after Trojan horse app exposed 51 crime groups

Police investigating up to 5000 members of Italian mafia operating in Australia

AFP compiled breakdown of mafia through data ­obtained through AN0M app

NSW home to most number of Italian crime clans with 17 with 14 in Victoria

International crime clans are now on notice, particularly the 'Ndrangheta mafia

The Trojan horse app used by cops to infiltrate some of the world's most dangerous criminal gangs has led to police identifying more than 5000 members of the notorious Italian mafia, who are all living in Australia to conduct their illegal business.

The Australian Federal Police is investigating 51 Italian organised crime clans, including 14 from the infamous 'Ndrangheta mafia, a year after their secret app AN0M helped them launch one of the biggest and most significant crackdowns on organised crime in history.

The AFP now has an extensive file on mafia members living Down Under after last year's Operation Ironside, which was largely built on data taken from the encrypted app AN0M.

NSW is home to highest number of Italian crime clans with three found in Sydney and 14 allegedly conducting their business in regional NSW.

There are 14 in Victoria, nine in South Australia, five in the ACT, four in Western Australia and two in Queensland.

The clans operate nationwide and work closely with a wide range of organised crime groups including outlaw bikies, Middle Eastern gangs, Asian triads and South American cartels.

Police are now working with ­Colombian, US and Italian law enforcement authorities in a desperate bid to disrupt Italian organised crimes' global networks.


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ada5dd  No.17090484


senate will vote NO to gun bill

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fd7794  No.17090485

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0fa75f  No.17090489


UngaTheGreat, [26.06.22 18:57]

[ Video ]

BREAKING: Leaked Call With Inmate Reveals SC Democrat State Rep & Senate Candidate @kmforsenate Calling For "#SecretSleepers" to Infiltrate South Carolina GOP; Advocates For ILLEGALLY Funding Campaign with "Dope Money"

"We can flip some sh*t from the inside out."



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797547  No.17090490


so you delete anon's posts???????????????

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5e213c  No.17090491


Not really that familiar with their songs so did a quick search -

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps


Pack up

I'm straight


Oh say, say, say

Oh say, say, say

Oh say, say, say

Oh say, say, say

Oh say, say, say

Wait, they don't love you like I love you

Wait, they don't love you like I love you


Wait, they don't love you like I love you

Made off

Don't stray

Well, my kind's your kind

I'll stay the same

Pack up

Don't stray

Oh say, say, say

Oh say, say, say

Wait, they don't love you like I love you

Wait, they don't love you like I love you


Wait, they don't love you like I love you

Wait, they don't love you like I love you


Wait, they don't love you like I love you

Wait, they don't love you like I love you

Wait, they don't love you like I love you


Wait, they don't love you like I love you

Wait, they don't love you like I love you


Wait, they don't love you like I love you

Yeah, not buying the bands 'meaning' behind the title, AT ALL (supposedly, MAPS means My Angus (her boyfriend at the time) Please Stay)

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4403c5  No.17090493


This stupid faggot always blames outsiders for his shitty code.

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fd65cf  No.17090501


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664814  No.17090502


Different pair of Hokas.

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57d4ba  No.17090504


She is such a tease…..

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10829a  No.17090506

Has the Red Cross Been Harvesting Children’s Organs in NATO’s Ukraine?

The topics of local military conflicts and illegal human organ trade always go hand in hand, since military actions are not just about solving geopolitical issues and commonplace profiting off the arms trafficking but also about illegal human organ trade. Organ buyer-ups and black-market transplant surgeons have long become ordinary elements of the military landscape just like mercenaries, New Eastern Outlook wrote at the end of March.

On 29 May 2022, the Russian Investigative Committee said it will look into allegations the Ukrainian Red Cross Society was involved in shady activities, including keeping records of children with “healthy organs” in the city of Mariupol.

Vladimir Taranenko claimed the office had medical records for over 1,000 children, but they marked their “healthy organs” instead of any medical conditions or procedures.

Taranenko is the head of the Donetsk-based civic organisation ‘Peoples Retinue,’ a volunteer movement that states one of its goals assisting is law enforcement in the Donetsk People’s Republic (“DPR”).

He also claimed that some of the reading materials discovered at the office were instructions on “how to use weapons, including in a format intended for children.”

Read more: Russia to probe claims of suspicious activity by Red Cross, RT, 30 May 2022

China Rising Investigates

In their podcast on 5 June, James Bradley and Jeff Brown, hosts of China Rising Radio Sinoland, discussed Brown’s research on the latest allegations of organ harvesting. “Jeff has done original deep work and been preparing for this for days. I have in my hand the article that [Jeff] sent me, translated from Russian, and its name is ‘Ukraine is a black market in transplantation’,” Bradley said.

Russia finally was able to get into Mariupol and liberate it and they are finding all kinds of evidence, “and we’re talking about organ harvesting,” Brown said.

The image below gives an outline of Bradly and Brown’s discussion, the revelations of which are more horrific than the image suggests.


Ukrainian Red Cross Allegedly Catalogued Children With Healthy Organs


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10db57  No.17090507


>It's never happened like this before.

you sure about that?

what about board migration?

Q never posted on a different board?

what about when Q was posting on 4chan /pol/

what about when Q was posting on /cbts/

have you ever heard of /greatawakening/ anon?

how about /patriotsfight/ ???

/projecdcomms/ ???

ALL different boards Q has posted for VARIOUS reasons

but seriously

check this post: >>17089765

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1d9a3c  No.17090513


Earth already has a black hole, it's called Chicago

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10b98d  No.17090516


These Jews and 1" dick Irish faggots never learn.

1. There is no such thing as QAnon.

2. Anons along with 1/2 of America including

the USSS challenge what Cass Hutch said.

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577ca7  No.17090525

Refrigerator filled, ammunition filled, +++ guns

Medicine emergency supply gas reserve generators plus plus plus only thing I can't come up with is patience!

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26b711  No.17090526


one of the best four booms that could ever happen

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67edfc  No.17090529

Mentioned family and his uncle collected all of Tesla's research. What other family nuggets might pop up soon.

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f5e312  No.17090530

Hedge Funds and the SEC are the virus. Retail Investors (APES) are the vaccine.


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1243e6  No.17090536

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e9acf4  No.17090538



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0d7ce5  No.17090543


I'm not that talented.

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5fd56d  No.17090547

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5688df  No.17090548


>it SHOULD be corrected

hire Mr Grady

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6b31ad  No.17090550


they better bring some good country cooked cheeseberders and none of that fast food bullshit because i'm fucking starving

side order of curly fries too

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07df12  No.17090554


In this country "proud Boys" would mean a "Gay group of men"

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57d4ba  No.17090556

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12e239  No.17090560


This is a Pepe series I can enjoy.

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1aef26  No.17090570


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4d7f17  No.17090572



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0ae735  No.17090575

A is for Aristotle, a philosopher whose ideas were better than his student Plato.


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3b5a13  No.17090583

Hutchinson claimed quote from President Trump: "Take the fucking mags [magnetometers] away. They're not here to hurt me…let them in…let my people in…they can march to the Capitol when the rally is over."

[seems an unlikely thing to say, since anyone could potentially be in crowd]

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5ebb98  No.17090589



it grew


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a0fd54  No.17090592



"Yes, Nascar was born in the Bible Belt South. And racing and religion are inseparable. Each weekly driver's meeting ends with a prayer and every pre-race ceremony includes an invocation.

Goyishe sport, right? Oy! Would you believe there are enough Jews in Nascar to fill an Adam Sandler song? And then some.

No, they're not the ones driving the racecars, so you're not going to read about them. But here's the thing: You probably will read them. That's because we're all in the press box and media center. It's one of the oddities of Nascar: Many of the people who cover the sport happen to be Jewish.

Nascar fans have probably seen the byline of Jeff Gluck, one of the lead motorsports writers for USA Today and formerly with SBNation.com and the old Nascar Scene. The indefatigable Nascar reporter for The Sporting News is Bob Pockrass. The Associated Press national motorsports writer is Jenna Fryer. Lewis Franck writes for Autoweek and has contributed to ESPN The Magazine, Sports Illustrated's SI.com and Reuters."



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c9edf3  No.17090595


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49d47f  No.17090596

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7979e1  No.17090602

Oh no. Ebot and the star trek faggots are back. Interesting how they show up at the exact same time and everything goes to shit.

Time after time.

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622930  No.17090608

Someone have the meme?

>can cake one if needed

Welcome to the bakery!

We’ve got pies and cakes

And a world that’s eating everything

These Patriots can make.

Some breads are full of flakes—

Or a boom to bring the shakes.

Some breads are really flying by,

No time for cookie breaks.

In the bakery—welcome to the bakery—

Truth is what we—na na na na na na na na need, need.

I wanna watch you freed.

Welcome to the bakery,

Where the clowns are glowing bright.

Dealing with shills is the price to pay

When you’re playing day and night.

And you’re noted, for when you sleuth—

But you better prepare the sauce.

God’s the One who’s winning;

Tell me, who’s gonna feel the loss?

In the bakery—welcome to the bakery—

Watch the diggers, and the prayers, and memes

Wake sleepers from their dreams.

Welcome to the bakery,

With the white hats on the scene.

Never know when the boss is coming by

So you keep it all tidy clean.

And the breads always fresh and warm.

Lurking for some’s the norm.

Chew up a bite, to fill up your juice;

Be the calm for the coming storm.

In the bakery—welcome to the bakery—

Truth is what we—na na na na na na na na need, need.

I wanna watch you freed.

When Patriots rise, they never ever want to come down.

No turning around.

When Patriots rise, the enemy tries, but won’t bring ‘em down.

No stopping now.

You know where you are?

You’re in the bakery,

Go eat some bread.

Kid Rock ready to make a song for anons?

You know where to find me.

(pb) >>17089863

Kid Rock golfs with Trump today. :36 Like Clockwork

(pb) >>17089145

Donald J. Trump: Playing golf with Kid Rock

Trump Calls Photo Op `Calm Before The Storm'


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fd7794  No.17090611


Yeah, but it looks like the device is being used by his grandmother. She's been trying to connect for 2 hours…

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c7a796  No.17090613


Some are arguing that this is Paul Pelosi's mugshot….but Snopes and folks all over the foaming-at-the-mouth fake news media are claiming it's not him.

What do you think?

…..and GO!!

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51663f  No.17090614



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5292da  No.17090615


If the truth about parasites in your intestines were ever told, where would the vast majority of people go to seek treatment?

What does HCQ, Ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D, and chlorine dioxide have in common?

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ca6370  No.17090621

Hawaii recalled this license plate because of all the complaints.

Hawaii hates Hawaiian people and the PaPolo.

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1996d2  No.17090626


Seems like they pushed the Spanish Flu around that period too. Was that the last push for a NWO with the League of Nations? I guess they didn't have all the tech they needed then.

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de83cc  No.17090628


>sounds like the jew who spams the media matters picture


>it is

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c74e47  No.17090629


there is no pleeshing you

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673d93  No.17090630



<>Negatory Ghost Rider.



she had a scathing response to go along with a lawsuit

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849aea  No.17090632



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ea433e  No.17090635

(pb) >>17088793

>Navy fires five officers within six days over ‘loss of confidence’

Well, well, well. Whidbey Island in Washington state.

USS Bulkeley commanding officer Cmdr. Devine Johnson and Command Master Chief Earl Sanders were relieved of their duties Friday because of “a loss of confidence in their ability to effectively function as a leadership team,” the Navy said in a Saturday statement.

Prior to that, Sanders was the command master chief of electronic attack squadron 130 at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in Washington state, according to his online biography.


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8b45b7  No.17090636

One of the reasons why we need to carry a gun.

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f7ada7  No.17090638



Spot the movie subliminals - SAVING PRIVATE RYAN cemetery scenes

A new series of short film analysis videos. This one features a hidden theme in the cemetery scenes of SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. By Rob Ager

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577ca7  No.17090639

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394664  No.17090655


coming up obviously did not refer to your post, but to people coming up with the thought of that spider god, or other gods.

and while I really don´t want to be living in the vatican (not only bc not wanting to focus on one single religion) and give a speech once a week while being openly worshipped and people bowing down to me all the time, I guess all you knights bowing down to me is just exactly the thing that needs to happen (is happening, but not all seem to realize) and it´s the thing that will change the world quickly (once you know others feel the same way you do). the signal to each other is important.

and well, I am not a man, I am the truth, as well as the way and the life.

also, anons don´t really use "we", as anons are anon and only speak for themselves, not others.

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f72598  No.17090665


outing yourself as a shill not knowing past drops?

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9af023  No.17090668



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fa7dc1  No.17090671


>..about saving humanity.

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b6fe08  No.17090677


retarded shit

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4e7e82  No.17090678

Mary Talley Bowden MD


Medical Center Hospital in Odessa TX bagged COVID patients to protect their staff. This went on for over year while doctors turned a blind eye. Powerful testimony from Dr Richard Bartlett in front of



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c04924  No.17090688

Nothing matters and anything goes

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5f26ea  No.17090692


>Chances are she's been adopted and pity's you. Where's ya dignity bot?


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0ae735  No.17090694

Anons, there may be a way to both troll the Monkeypox narrative AND Pride Month.

Get #PooftaPox or #PridePox viral on social media. Whichever one is funnier.

Connect being a depraved faggot with Monkeypox.

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3baece  No.17090698


2022 = 6

June = 6

Day = 6

Eyes Open

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3af15f  No.17090703


>give em time..

>They have yet to incite an election.

two more weeks and tripcode Q will be proven correct. Buy some coffee & wait!

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215ae0  No.17090729

I Think We're Alone Meow

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797547  No.17090734

First real person arrested, found guilty, sentenced and incarcerated won't happen this year.

What do you think done in 30 means?

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5c1511  No.17090735






>Yep, they surely are. Just as fake as the coronavirus.


>If nukes were real then why would they have to fake the videos?

if nukes are fake, why did HRC and EM provide the U1 uranium to the Norks`?

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2cce4b  No.17090736


I'm proud they're going to hell

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96b27a  No.17090740


Normies? Nope

Anons? Work in progress

Remember, it only takes 3% of the population to stand up and move forward

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9beca9  No.17090741


11:00 AM EDT

Diego Känzig, London Business School: The unequal economic consequences of carbon pricing

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco


11:00 AM EDT

A Conversation with Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO

Center for Strategic & International Studies



11:15 AM EDT

Official Schedule

The President joins a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg National Security Advisory Jake Sullivan to discuss preparations for the NATO Summit in Madrid at the end of June and the strength of our transatlantic Alliance


11:00 AM EDT

Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti Business Conditions Index - Data Release

Initial Jobless Claims (for week ending 5/28/2022)

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia


11:30 AM EDT

Secretary Blinken delivers remarks on the 2021 Report on International Religious Freedom

Department of State



12:00 PM EDT

Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance (FACI)

Department of the Treasury


1:00 PM EDT

Commission Meeting Closed to the Public: Consideration of nonpublic law enforcement matters, 1:00 PM EDT via Zoom. The vote to close the meeting for the law enforcement matters was 5-0. Expected to attend the closed meeting are the Commissioners themselves and such other Commission staff as may be appropriate.

Federal Trade Commission


1:20 PM EDT

Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks on Corinthian Student Loan Forgiveness

Vice President Harris Announces the U.S. Department of Education’s Plan to Cancel all Remaining Federal Student Loans for Borrowers Who Attended Corinthian Colleges.



2:00 PM EDT

Strengthening America’s Cyber Resiliency: A Conversation with the National Cyber Director

Foundation for Defense of Democracies



2:00 PM EDT

Closed Meeting

Securities and Exchange Commission


2:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Ned Price. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom Rashad Hussain will join the Spokesperson at the top of the briefing.

Department of State


3:00 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Coordinator of the COVID-19 Response Dr. Ashish Jha


5:30 PM EDT

The President departs the White House en route Rehoboth Beach, Delaware


6:30 PM EDT

The President arrives in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware


. . .

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a97052  No.17090746


I Know these are written accounts, but would they be considered CP?

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8b7073  No.17090750


own it

rock on

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e7576f  No.17090753


I read GWP daily as well. It usually has at least 50% of any absolutely relevant stories. Lately it is almost like they are getting their ideas from here on 8. They are usually among the first to the big stories.

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a503a1  No.17090758



chk timestamp for 5's


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0b4311  No.17090760


every man a law unto himself: check

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a5bf88  No.17090762


all COWARDS who drag God's innocent creatures into their banker wars need to burn in Hell for all eternity, and then some.

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14dd06  No.17090773


I always have enjoyed your little chess riddles while Q was absent, anon.

Thank you!

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3512a1  No.17090774


Hotel rooms can be deadly.

Bob Saget says hey 👋😏😄

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687361  No.17090775


10 minute lag on noticing bread was not renewed

13 minute lag on newly baked bread showing up in catalog?

long game duly noted

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c9b0ea  No.17090785


>There’s very little quality substance…

anywhere on earth these days

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828b78  No.17090790

If Q doesn’t post today he’s a nigger

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d55644  No.17090794


The truth is, it's an ongoing thing. Remove one head, and five more spring up. It's a never ending chore. THAT is why Franklin said, "a republic, if you can keep it." It requires CONSTANT attention and diligence.

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5193a1  No.17090795

Waiting for the Q post talking about how Mr Pig is vital to this board and is 100% patriot

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60ebe3  No.17090801


You keep us fed while we take down the NWO.

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b6b664  No.17090807

>Better ((((((((global mobility))))))))

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6546e7  No.17090815


Good post.

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1d75bb  No.17090816

lo siento




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e52ff1  No.17090817


how about my 8chan redtext history?

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605874  No.17090818


Female SS agents were disgusted with Biden's perverted behavior when he was VP.

Also said that when HRC was FLOTUS that she was a total bitch to them.

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8ef549  No.17090826


I've lost my girl in Las Vegas, at poker table, high stakes, I did go all in with 7/2 off suit.

And she took our cat too….

I need help!

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8a1b88  No.17090835


He gonna lay on state under the rotunda?

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9a379a  No.17090836


I just wish she was around still, so much these past six years that has come to light was talked about as I pushed her wheelchair everywhere. I heard so much and can't help be amazed by a generation that didn't have the internet or call waiting.

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0be1a3  No.17090837


well….? we're WAITING….

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00c94f  No.17090841


You think you know more, and are wiser than the Creator of the Universe?

Read the book of Job.

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c80c85  No.17090845


Journalism is SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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7ff042  No.17090847


This anon does EMDR. It is very helpful for me. It isn’t pleasant. Or the subjects this anon is working on aren’t pleasant. Effective for me, however.

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b4e20e  No.17090855


So boredom not on the list.

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d67714  No.17090863



You too!

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77877a  No.17090872


Would that be considered population control?


Free the VAG!

Free the AR-15!

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0d63ec  No.17090873


So, TS is full of bots, just like Twat and QR.

Bots run the world



Banhammer bots

Probably bakerbots

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bd67de  No.17090881

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a503a1  No.17090885

could it be any more obvious?

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6fd013  No.17090886


7 minutes

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adb846  No.17090887



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c0bee8  No.17090891


Please slow down w/ the red color……Internet it is running out of red…..

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a9df35  No.17090902



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ff3c97  No.17090904

FOX reported 854° at Mar a lago n u fags missed it???


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00ce8a  No.17090913

Q400 operates like this.

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237155  No.17090920



Cutouts of the FBI pointing soyjacks for your memeing pleasure

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fb5800  No.17090922

2000 Mules…

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4e7055  No.17090923


what a coinkydink

surely it 's nothing to do with the recent influx of shill.

who thinks Susan Rics is SofaBoi

anon never did;

no hips nor legs that fit that profile

Recently Tucker C. called her out as the "Shadow POTUS"

wow, really? If so, she's doing a terrible job.

She must be the buffer so no on blames O Bama Subud?

here's bin Ladin in his hippie phase.

and then sofaboi post by 'q'

i still think it's Vermal , wealthy ambassador to India, in the HRC emails, who had a chin job to disguise himself.

All the other leads failed to meet all the parameters.


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bfb2f0  No.17090928


>You believe dis nigga

Bakers are the new rock stars dontyaknow.

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0652b6  No.17090932


But you don't know how many it will kill, from now on……….

But somehow the virus died, since Putin killed him………..

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ce5dbc  No.17090936


do you know why Napoleon invaded Russia?


sound familiar?

The Continental Blockade (French: Blocus continental), or Continental System, was the foreign policy of Napoleon Bonaparte against the British Empire during the Napoleonic Wars. As a response to the naval blockade of the French coasts enacted by the British government on 16 May 1806, Napoleon issued the Berlin Decree on 21 November 1806, which brought into effect a large-scale embargo against British trade.[1][2] The embargo was applied intermittently, ending on 11 April 1814 after Napoleon's first abdication. The blockade did not cause significant economic damage to the British, although British exports to the continent (as a proportion of the country’s total trade) dropped from 55% to 25% between 1802 and 1806.[3] As Napoleon realized that extensive trade was going through Spain and Russia, he invaded those two countries.

The episode seriously hurt France itself. Shipbuilding, and its trades such as rope-making, declined, as did many other industries that relied on overseas markets, such as the linen industries. With few exports and lost profits, many industries were closed down. Southern France, especially the port cities of Marseille and Bordeaux, as well as the city of La Rochelle, suffered from the reduction in trade. Moreover, the prices of staple foods rose in most of continental Europe. [18]


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49895f  No.17090938


Of course, I think no one argues for more board fuckery. Jim actually got rid of that GV. That absolutely makes sense. Abuse of power etc.

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97a5a8  No.17090941



Define "&"

Define ">"

>like keeping a 'clean' private board

Why do you write 'clean' and not clean?

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605874  No.17090942


Take your own advice you ungrateful piece of shit and bake breads yourself.

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f10734  No.17090946

Nothing but fake news, human trafficking and cover ups. It will never end.

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4a8531  No.17090950


Part of Neil Oliver’s transcript

If you cannot make sense of what you are seeing, first you have to grasp,I say, that none of it is accidental. On the contrary, it is planned. They even told us so two years ago – when one world leader after another stood up to declare that the pandemic was a chance, a narrow open window through which to build back better.

But listen closely to the language. Build Back Better, windows of opportunity, a once in a generation chance. President Joe Biden himself talks now about transformational change.

Even our own Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, trumpets his support for the Great Reset on his website. If and when he is king in a constitutional monarchy, such overt involvement in national and geopolitics must surely herald a constitutional crisis of note – but that is a thought for another day.

While we are on the subject of Reset, however, let us also pause to remember that in Scots Law at least, Reset refers to the redistribution of stolen goods, which is interesting to say the least.

Whatever Covid is, or was, it has been used to green light the revolution they had in mind. Now, to keep us always moving in the direction they want, they fall back on the climate crisis that’s been used to scare the bejeezus out of us, whenever necessary, for over a hundred and fifty years.

What we are seeing, hard though it may be to believe or to accept, appears to be the attempt to bring about the deliberate destruction of personal wealth. What is happening around us – one crisis after another, disease, war and death, shortage of energy, cost of fuel, shortage of food, destruction of farmland always the ever-present shadow of climate catastrophe and the end of the world. If you are frightened it is because you are supposed to be frightened. Frightened people are easy.

I say this: the end of the world is not nigh, but there are among us those who would change it beyond recognition in service of their own desires. The civilization we have loved is most certainly under attack, from within. First of all we have simply to notice and accept as much.

And having done that, we, the people, can reclaim our world,because it is, and always has been, ours.” (link)


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e6fe57  No.17090952


>the site is giving a different tripcode back, despite my secret being the same

shouldnt it be the same for Q then

Q uses the shared secret

the new salt should generate a new tripcode based on Q's shared secret from two years ago, correct?

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555518  No.17090954


Just wait until musk agrees with Trump to get Equal Time, then Newsmax, and Fox and before you know it… NCSWIC

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d120ad  No.17090955


Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [23.04.22 12:22]

[Forwarded from CDMedia cdm.press]

BREAKING: Released Pfizer Documents Show 3.7% Death Rate From Vaccine, Many More Serious Injuries, Amount Of Vaccines Shipped Redacted


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b6c443  No.17090964

People Should Learn To Judge Other Via Action Instead Of Name Title

Source, More Information: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

Mortal humans are not fully actived God, thus they always can have their own mistakes at any moment in their life.

People or any illusion group/company have many actions and choice. Some are good, some are bad, sometime people like, sometime people don’t like. But ultimately it always cannot satisfy all entities in this world.

If you want to evolve to become a better person, you should learn to “judge” each action instead of the name/title.

It is not about forgiveness, but it is about common sense, it is about fairness.

When you can judge others via each actions, then you will evolve and have more chance to obtain the Nirvana status.

Of course it is hard to learn because there is almost zero learning material about the content/subject I am talking about in this article, so you must learn by yourself.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Information: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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394664  No.17090965

NASA's CAPSTONE satellite has gone dark

This wasn't part of the plan.


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60cef1  No.17090966


>how do we know it's you?

Board is under attack by OSS!!!!

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4026a4  No.17090968


the next letter is B, dude

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4e102d  No.17090975


It's not about your rights

It's about your submission

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98d05b  No.17090980


We don't even know who original Q was to begin with. If it wasn't the real Q we would have been given a sign by now or confirmation/debunk will come soon.

Why would Jim fuck all of this up now when he will be remembered in history as a hero not to mention Ron us running for congress rn. Talented hackers yet they used Discord… good joke. Maybe blackmailed though or went rogue. Really not that hard to learn to code and get involved in that world but you'll end up going down some rabbit holes that you can't come back from eventually so I just avoided all of that shit.

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13ebeb  No.17090981


ALL jews are BANNED from this thread. You must leave immediately.

this is a 4th of july thread. ALL jews are banned. Get out. Christ is king, and Christ like Adam and David is white. All jews must leave immediately.

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236937  No.17090987

America last in action


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62e6d1  No.17090989


Filtered and announced.

(no homo)

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240f5f  No.17090991


No one can tell you the answer, just think light and dark. When they went dark they didnt come back to light

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fae24f  No.17090998





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45fe53  No.17091000





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bb2e6e  No.17091001


Here's the link:


Don't think the show is uploaded yet, last one is for Jun 9.

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021c4c  No.17091004


Poor white people are already subject to instant reparations


Sucker needed to be choked out with that orange tie on the spot as soon as he spoke those words.

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a9c799  No.17091006

Etsy, anons.

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fc34ed  No.17091007





shill teem Freep checking.

Follow this to the exit: https://freerepublic.com/tag/*/index

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33c74c  No.17091010

More than 100 pets looking for a new home arrived at New Castle Airport in Delaware.


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43b1f9  No.17091020


Yeah, he's a smart cookie.

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3a212a  No.17091021


You're not wrong.

Hearsay and no smoking gun. Or else it would've been one night, repeated ad nauseum throughout the year and from this night until 2024.

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a68215  No.17091033


Who picked 'em better?

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3af8cd  No.17091037


Air Shows Matter ?

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a3a2af  No.17091038

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aba9a6  No.17091042


>Tippy top


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d4a04e  No.17091046

URGENT: Comments needed TODAY (2022-06-07 by midnight EST) on FDA authorizing killJAB EUA for infants.




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088de7  No.17091047


Or just Boston tea party your local walmart

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e40103  No.17091051


djt himself just confirmed he's not a politically correct, soft ass bitch

get fucking lost

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8e81e8  No.17091055



Only works on those with values and principles. [They] all have a different set of standards. They laff at shame.

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215ae0  No.17091057

It’s all kabuki theatre.

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96baf6  No.17091058



71 seconds


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3512a1  No.17091075




this response made me kek!

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f30c3d  No.17091077



6 die in crash of Vietnam-era helicopter in West Virginia

A Vietnam-era helicopter showcased in action movies crashed on a rural West Virginia road, killing all six people on board, during an annual reunion for helicopter enthusiasts.

The Federal Aviation Administration said the Bell UH-1B “Huey” helicopter crashed along Route 17 in Logan County about 5 p.m. Wednesday.

All six people on board were killed, said Ray Bryant, chief of operations for the Logan County emergency ambulance service authority. The helicopter crashed in clear weather on a road near the local airport, he said.

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b4e20e  No.17091081


Alright shaky typing but. Truth is scary.


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e4afdf  No.17091082


>Ghost in the machine

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c7b799  No.17091083

Plabefags lots and liots of traffic over N GA slightly further up than Roswell, check it out. Sumtim going on

BTW, its impossible for Trump to throw food, remember when him and Barron saw Kasich eating like a pig, andhe told Barron, “always small bites son”

Thats how you know its ridiculous! He took his job seriously. These people obviously didnt spend time with him.

But it would be a blast to see him do this. We’d kove him even more

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6d7fc8  No.17091084





you're right, Mendon is close to Quincy, which is a bigger city. how does this confirm anything? it nods to Q in general but this was surely scheduled before the "Q" posts, so not a confirmation of the Q posts……

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ead651  No.17091091

Maybe she is a Trump witness that finagled her way to be a witness to make the committee look crazy.

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6fa5ce  No.17091093


disregard, I was right

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06885f  No.17091094




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93a8f2  No.17091104


First time I saw this photo was when 8chan was down for that 3 months or so that seemed like eternity. Nice.

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947240  No.17091111


Back when kids were raised with "sticks and stoned may break your bones." Now they're raised with "words are literally violence."

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5e213b  No.17091113


bullshit . no it doesn't

"thou shalt not kill" major commandment.


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aea104  No.17091115

coincidence that Biden flashed his Cue (Q) card the day before Q posts?

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0d9bdd  No.17091116

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405a9b  No.17091117

Cicely Davis is running against Inhan Omar. Does she have a Trump endorsement?

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31f297  No.17091120



Those are not real men. There are no more real men left.

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af4457  No.17091125


Must have been a mass delusion. I can't find it and I thought I could quote it. Damn

While browsing, this caught my eye.

"After criticism, Germany's Merkel shows solidarity for Ukraine - source"

11 hrs ago, so 6-1-2022

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faba43  No.17091126


The Vatican did not need a BACK CHANNEL when their Jesuits edited and wrote parts of Mein Kampf etc etc et al.

Pure soft disclosure side show.

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b18b11  No.17091127


where did the "J" word come from?

hundreds of years before "J" existed?

He was referred to as "The Christ" as far as we've seen, but the J word? have some issue with that

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a0d514  No.17091128


>CNN commentator uses her disabled brother & step granddaughter who has Down syndrome as examples of why we need abortion

keke cnn is based

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5174a3  No.17091135


>Ignore Rand Paul"

RON Paul

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322c78  No.17091138


Harvard Educated too

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5cce38  No.17091142


I’m still amazed at what he was able to do, was he 6’ or 8’ away? YW

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8ab075  No.17091144


no longer government sanctioned means OUR TAX DOLLARS WILL NO LONGER PAY FOR YOUR MUDERS

if you want to fly to a hotel bathroom to get poked by a coat hanger then that is solely on you and you will alone will have to live with the consequences

deal with it

welcome to self responsibility

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815275  No.17091151

The description is one thing for the highland shooter. But the age, 18 to 20.

That's not important. But their making that age stick for some reason?

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b4e20e  No.17091153

WW3 already declared, Pope Francis believes

The Pope pointed to conflicts in some parts of Africa, in northern Nigeria and in the north of the Congo, "where war is still raging, and no one cares"

World War 3 is already here, La Stampa quoted Pope Francis as saying on Tuesday.

"A few years ago, it occurred to me to say that we are experiencing World War 3 in bits and pieces. Here, for me today World War 3 has already been declared," the pontiff said at a meeting with editors of Jesuit magazines. "And this is an aspect that should make us reflect. What is happening to humanity that has had three world wars in a century? And this is bad for humanity, it’s a calamity," the Italian newspaper quoted Francis as saying.

The Pope also pointed to conflicts in some parts of Africa, in northern Nigeria and in the north of the Congo, "where war is still raging, and no one cares." "The world is at war," he concluded.


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780eb9  No.17091157


Alfred Plea

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065ca1  No.17091164


rural areas are defenseless, kek that is funny! Let them find out!

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dd7863  No.17091170


Frequent Re-Infection and Temporary Treatment

Several antibiotics, such as erythromycin, spiramycin, kitasamycin, josamycin (macrolide antibiotics), oxytetracycline, doxycycline, enrofloxacin, florfenicol, lincomycin, and amoxicillin, have been used to treat the disease caused by L. garvieae in fish farms.

Most in vitro studies with herbal extractives were performed against L. garvieae with no strong antibacterial activity, but essential oils, especially those that contain thymol or carvacrol, are more effective.


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1e9332  No.17091172


It has made cheating MUCH easier. Wonder what happens to tinder type dating sites.

Does the plan include removing the hookup sites? Prolly not but stuff like ashley Madison is targeted directly at married women wanting affairs.

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4e7e82  No.17091173


Just turn off the computer! Or is your computer running the show? Either way you failed the family.

Mom says you never clean your room and she’s not making pizza again for dinner. She wishes you’d pick up your boyfriends used condoms.

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057df7  No.17091174


Published June 26, 2022 10:10pm EDT

Idaho Air Force base accident leaves ROTC cadet dead

MacKenzie Wilson, 19, died in the accident involving a HUMVEE on Friday

By Paul Best | Fox News

A 19-year-old Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps cadet died in an accident involving a HUMVEE during a training exercise on Friday at Saylor Creek Range in Idaho, officials from the Mountain Home Air Force Base said Sunday.

"Today we lost a member of our Air Force family. We express our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of all the individuals," said Col. Ernesto DiVittorio, 366th Fighter Wing commander. "Our thoughts and prayers are with them."

MacKenzie Wilson, an Air Force ROTC cadet at Oregon State University who is originally from Alaska, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Two other individuals who were in the HUMVEE with Wilson sustained injuries and were transported to a local hospital for treatment. They have since been released.

FILE PHOTO: Three U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles, from Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, fire flares over the Utah Test and Training Range, west of Salt Lake CIty in Utah, U.S., July 3, 2018.

"Nineteen AFROTC cadets were at the installation participating in Operation Air Force, an immersive professional development training opportunity to expose cadets to a variety of different mission sets," the Mountain Home Air Force Base said.

It wasn't immediately clear how the accident occurred. The Idaho State Police are investigating the incident with the help from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations.


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a6e35c  No.17091175


>all the shooters

>every single shooter is exactly the same

just because they weren't hanging out with the popular crowd doesn't mean they didn't have their own circle

but let's just go with meds

yea, that's it, they are all on ssri meds and every single one goes to a psychiatrist because that's what Q said so fuck it

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4b7122  No.17091176

QR Rapid Growth Coma Update

4 hour breads are totally normal.

All the newfags are too scared to post.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Maybe if you were nicer to them they'd participate moar.

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910c99  No.17091189


He's already here.

Remember the markers 11.3, 11.4, 11.6, and America will be unified 11.11.18(R)?

>Revelation 11:3-12.

>"3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.” 5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

>7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. 9 For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.

>11 But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 12 Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.

How's the "plague" going? Are you watching the water like Q told you? Revelation 17:15 tells you what the water is. People, multitudes, nations and languages. What does it mean to be turned to blood?

The BREATH OF LIFE enters the Witnesses. Jesus overcomes with the BREATH OF HIS MOUTH. Jesus BREATHED on them and said "receive the Holy Spirit".


>"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Like Q said… Power to the People. Watch the Water.

His voice is like rushing waters.

The witnesses go to heaven in a CLOUD.

>After He had said this, they watched as He was taken up, and a CLOUD hid Him from their sight. - Acts 1:9

>“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11

Jesus returns the way He left, so hidden in a CLOUD? But don't look to the sky!

What are we posting on? The cloud?

The WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

>“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." - John 17:20-23

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433d47  No.17091192


Man my mother was the TRUTH, I'm talking the ugliest form of it. I would play video games for weeks on end barely showering and if she didn't come up to me and tell me that I was a complete loser and looked ugly then I never would have changed. If she nurtured that I would have been a disgusting mess. She always motivated me to look nice for and talk to women properly; not too nice though, you gotta be 15-20% douchebag is the proper dosage. And if I looked to skinny and useless my father would call me weak and scoff at me. It took me a long time to understand how this form of harsh love really made me critical of myself and kept my healthy and in shape in my mid 30s now.


Well, I said bully or get bullied. Sometimes you just gotta respect rank and get bullied even if you don't like their character. A lot of people I respect I let them shit on me to learn the lesson. Obviously you have to be careful how you talk to people IRL. Through the Internet is the best place to be a bully clearly.

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bf6426  No.17091193


>Why is everything so fucking boring?

your attitude, anon.

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13294f  No.17091195


Ty Baker

Great Work Anons

We The People Are Winning

Never Give IN, Never Give UP!!!!

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e85c96  No.17091199


Yes. Anon has many swords, but one is mine. It felt good to hold it again. While you were typing and up to a minute or so before I typed this, it was in my hands. I made a living carrying and using weapons so that other's didn't have to; not one of them was a sword, yet none have the strange ancient connection that swords do, especially your sword.

Weird, I know. It's 2022 and yet for some of us, there are embers of the past that are radiant.

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5a88c3  No.17091210



Love that, anon!

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815275  No.17091211


You provided no links.

How am I expected to independently verify your assertion that they exist?

You just made that shit up.

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b9552e  No.17091212


>Anon can drop at regular intervals

5:5 digits chek'd

line it up and drop it in the right place at the right time

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5ebb98  No.17091216



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dd3801  No.17091222



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5be74c  No.17091226


bakir needs get lost

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a0d514  No.17091228


>Why did President Trump do this?

This is a great question. Very few people [here] could give you an honest answer, mostly just rationalizations. If someone from [here] actually tried to explain it honestly, you probably would shut down and you wouldn't believe them because your thought process has been engineered to some extent.

The question will answer itself though, if you really seek the truth, if you keep things simple, and if you keep working–especially when it starts leading you somewhere you don't like.

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520147  No.17091233


God Bless You swordAnon.

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f6c520  No.17091234


>into the light of love, togetherness, and joy.

MAAAAAAAN, that's the stuff right there!

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ccae1b  No.17091237


That’s so messed up.

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89b9a6  No.17091238


Ironic since Bette Midler is the "Gay Icon".

She got her start performing in the gay bathhouses of New York City.

Sauce: https://www.pride.com/bettemidler/2016/12/01/11-reasons-why-bette-midler-best-gay-icon-ever

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01302f  No.17091239


already won … but,

out of body bags

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88096c  No.17091246


>Salt rotation applies equally to all salts or the site is compromised.

Q is a special case since otherwise his board should have been up for adoption long ago because he never logs in. The whitelist feature exists for special cases like this.

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96b27a  No.17091261


Light is coming soon.

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5e213c  No.17091269



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eb5b25  No.17091272

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26b711  No.17091274

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4ca17f  No.17091275

Graveyard shift gonna be a thing again.

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a125ff  No.17091276

More? I'll unload if you want me to.

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83629f  No.17091279

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8b7073  No.17091280

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1ae663  No.17091287


interdasting, sauce please?

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245aac  No.17091289


Scientology wuz BTFO to make this film?

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662424  No.17091290

WEF: Metaverse Will Be “More Meaningful to Us Than Our Physical Lives”

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and major corporations, following talks at last month’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, launched a new initiative: “Defining and Building the Metaverse.”

As the initiative’s name implies, its stakeholders are still in the process of defining exactly what the term “metaverse” means.

However, according to the WEF, in part, the metaverse involves a moment “at which our digital lives­ — our online identities, experiences, relationships, and assets — become more meaningful to us than our physical lives.”

One person involved in the talks, Julia Goldin, LEGO’s chief product & marketing officer, expressed optimism about how the metaverse could aid in children’s development:

“To us, the priority is to help create a world in which we can give kids all the benefits of the metaverse — one with immersive experiences, creativity and self-expression at its core — in a way that is also safe, protects their rights and promotes their well-being.”

While the talks focused somewhat on how to definitively define the term “metaverse,” there was also a great deal of focus on who should be involved in — and potentially profit from — its development.

Those involved in the talks positioned themselves to “develop and share actionable strategies for creating and governing” an “interoperable and safe” metaverse.

There also were extensive discussions on providing “guidance on how to create an ethical and inclusive metaverse, engaging organizations across the private and public sectors, including business, civil society, academia and regulators.”

The WEF described the initiative as “bringing together leading voices from the private sector, civil society, academia and policy” to “define the parameters” of the metaverse’s future development.

A May 25 session — “Shaping a Shared Future: Making the Metaverse” — included the following panelists:

Chris Cox, chief product officer of Facebook’s parent company, Meta.

Peggy Johnson, CEO of Magic Leap, described by the WEF as “a spatial computing company building the next computing platform.”

Philip Rosedale, founder of Linden Lab, which developed the “Second Life” virtual world, acquired in April by Meta.

Andrew R. Sorkin, financial columnist for The New York Times and co-anchor of CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

Omar Sultan Al Olama, minister of state for artificial intelligence in the United Arab Emirates, appointed in 2017.

Nick Clegg, Meta’s president of global affairs who was formerly deputy prime minister of the U.K., said the “multistakeholder initiative” aims to assume a leading role in establishing and shaping the metaverse.


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04cb8d  No.17091296

Where is sargent Benis when you need him

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00b50b  No.17091297


Ugly AF

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f8e7cd  No.17091298


>You go chase those notes and bring them here.



>Not my problem.


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664814  No.17091301


A lot of people woke up during the real thing, many more have woken up during the show.

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e098d8  No.17091303


>did I just post pure retardation?


didn't mean that anon

He came to mind, but couldn't find a

>bitcoinben_oh_ fk.jpg

ur post is muy dastin'

hadn't heard that before

worth digging

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8f169d  No.17091304


totally normal

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5b0064  No.17091312



How to disclose?

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e40103  No.17091316


(((THEY))) NAZI LGBT+Unicorn

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3dbc53  No.17091320

Out with the old pope - in with the False Prophet

Out with the old Israeli leader - in with a dynamic peace making and eventual self proclaimed Messiah

Add in the global /space /crypto and tech guru Elon into the unholy trinity …

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5a88c3  No.17091328


aaaaaannnnndddd filtered. faggot

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c36d31  No.17091331


no 'forgiving' for a child committing suicide because it is raped.

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273a81  No.17091334

Reminder 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are loved and blessed


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403c67  No.17091335

Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent.

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f51e20  No.17091337

Dead to you?

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3af15f  No.17091341



The Library, [26.06.22 12:13]

[Forwarded from Lori's Place]

Courtesy Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 .@julie_kelly2

. Almost 18 months later—no suspect, no mention of pipe bomber by J6 committee, no promised report from FBI investigation.

All part of the plan. https://t.co/mK28n4FXIb https://twitter.com/julie_kelly2/status/1541063845367758848?s=20&t=4pPnk9mGUOTaV9ReC1HQxw

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970efe  No.17091345



>First On Race Day

It's not a RAM, but:

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04cb8d  No.17091350


Right next to a corn field….🤔

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ea433e  No.17091360


You were disappointing to everyone who has ever loved you, because you hit the wall when you turned 30. Why do women suddenly become unfuckable at 30? Whore. Owned, again.

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686c3d  No.17091362


Fuck off.

Come back when you have some new material in a new playbook.

You are a totally predictable, bigot-fucking joke.

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910c99  No.17091363


will be mandatory for newborns before you know it

that was the goal from the beginning

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673aa7  No.17091364


Seems to me, you're sewing seams of retardation

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8a3c99  No.17091365


Outstanding anon! Gonna need to keep a copy… cause, reasons.

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e52ff1  No.17091368


Answer one thing. How’d trump win 2016? And don’t say white hats because you know that’s bs. If so they cheat too. So, how?

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a125ff  No.17091377

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9e4fc1  No.17091378



June 3, 1961, 12:45 - 3:00 pm

Meeting with Premier Nikita Khrushchev of the Soviet Union. Embassy of the United States, Vienna, Austria.




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954e4f  No.17091382


an ape fell in the water and had to be rescued in Vietnam zoo

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e6fe57  No.17091384



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7dcd7d  No.17091385



>The opposite Cramer portfolio is a thing.

That it is. I just read he has zero FINRA record, none. Never did. He's "infotainment"

I was looking for that epic blowup re: some IPO that he pumped repeatedly and it went sideways immediately. There's so many I can't remember.

Never Forget: Long on GE

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609884  No.17091388

BREAKING: The New York State Supreme Court rules that non-citizens cannot vote in local elections.


Forwarded from


(TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)

The fact that our side has to celebrate the Supreme Court ruling that people who are here illegally aren’t allowed to vote in local elections is shocking in and of itself.

Imagine being a liberal and trying to explain why you are mad about it.

Feels good to be on the side of common sense. Winning!

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80d601  No.17091392

Maxwell's lawyer Bobbi Sternheim: The bequest in the will, she has received nothing.

Judge Nathan: There are additional assets. The sentence as stated is imposed. Designation?

Sternheim: We request the BOP facility in Danbury, Connecticut. And the FIT program


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4af1a8  No.17091394






Wonder why Q research admins want this ignored so badly they are willing to delete it?


>Who looks at reddit?


>Why not go back to your den?



>Both are fake until one posts something interesting.

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464511  No.17091396


Ghey AF

Anon does not hate homosexuals

Painful Truths


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940d43  No.17091398



that one pretty good

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14e835  No.17091399


> It happens to be unconstitutional

Who cares? The lord and savior of 'Merica, Jesus Trump doesn't give a fuck about your silly little constitution.

Trump: Take the guns first, go through due process second

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1c4918  No.17091400


With the media concentrating on the Roe riots Q picked the perfect time to re-appear.

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3dbc53  No.17091402


Awareness of this phenomenon was probably important in ancient times. Without a scientific understanding of genetics or science, certain groups would develop a spiritual belief system to explain it, shun certain outsiders, etc. People who broke this tabu would be shunned and condemned.

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c61e8a  No.17091404

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever

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125907  No.17091405

Looking Glass Technology


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3b3d49  No.17091406


>Why didn't same said white hats then set up same blockers 2020?

Wouldn't it be better to allow it and collect the data, like in a big OP?

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8cc7d0  No.17091407



Handoff Confirmed

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f72598  No.17091408


Separation of Church and State doesn't apply to Jews:






Zionist political privilege:


"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"


Democrats can get away with everything, except anti-Semitism:



"A January 6th defendant was found guilty on all counts today.

The prosecution used comical pictures to point out that he was an anti semite. They also had his fellow military servicemen testify that he was critical of jewish power in government.

These pictures and statements would normally not be allowed in a criminal trial because it's irrelevant to the crimes he was charged with. But are we surprised that the system punishes people who are critical of jewish power?

Just to clarify: This man was not charged with ANY anti semitic hate crime, so his views on Hitler or funny pictures in 2020 should've never been allowed to be presented as evidence against him.

When jewish anti fascists go to trial for similar riot charges, their anti White views are never used as evidence.

Our judicial system and ESPECIALLY the DOJ is occupied. Our nation is occupied by a foreign enemy."


This dude names the Jew, got fucked with massively and still got shit loads of votes (+22%), and I didn't even heard about him on /pol/:


Jewish control of the MSM:


Conservative Jews:


If Jews are White, then why come the anti-Semitism bills don't protect White people too?

Tennessee makes criticism of Jews and Israel illegal:


Consolidated Appropriations Bill Includes Nearly $5 Billion for Israel - June 2022



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1957ac  No.17091414


For us, it's depopulation, for them, a cult ritual, but the more of us they recruit, in their mind, the more their gods are pleased.

Or so they believe.

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0d61ce  No.17091416

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910c99  No.17091418


Yes. That's perf. ThanQ, Anon.

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0a5f7e  No.17091420

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ecd95c  No.17091423

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db23b6  No.17091424


> always pressure cook the brains before eating

Kek wtf

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072e54  No.17091426


Stella Moris

June 17, 2022

Today, Home Secretary Priti Patel approved Julian's extradition to the US, but that is not the end of the road - we will continue to fight for his freedom and we know we can rely on your continued support.

Here is the statement I gave to media outlets today:

"This is a dark day for Press freedom and for British democracy. Anyone in this country who cares about freedom of expression should be deeply ashamed that the Home Secretary has approved the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States, the country that plotted his assassination.

Julian did nothing wrong. He has committed no crime and is not a criminal. He is a journalist and a publisher, and he is being punished for doing his job.

It was in Priti Patel’s power to do the right thing. Instead, she will forever be remembered as an accomplice of the United States in its agenda to turn investigative journalism into a criminal enterprise.

Foreign laws now determine the limits of press freedom in this country and the journalism that won the industry’s most prestigious prizes has been deemed an extraditable offence and worthy of a life sentence. The path to Julian’s freedom is long and tortuous. Today is not the end of the fight. It is only the beginning of a new legal battle. We will appeal through the legal system; the next appeal will be before the High Court. We will fight louder and shout harder on the streets, we will organise and we will make Julian’s story known to all.

Make no mistake, this has always been a political case. Julian published evidence that the country trying to extradite him committed war crimes and covered them up; tortured and rendered; bribed foreign officials; and corrupted judicial inquiries into US wrongdoing. Their revenge is to try to disappear him into the darkest recesses of their prison system for the rest of his life to deter others from holding governments to account.

We will not let that happen. Julian's freedom is coupled to all our freedoms. We will fight to return Julian to his family and to regain freedom of expression for us all".

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e2c3af  No.17091427


Oh, and they end with a line you can call to give them money for them to say magic words about you.

You know, like PayingMuhDick used to do, minus the dream interpreting.

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f8ed86  No.17091428


ahuh. sure faggot.

call him up - I'm sure there's a number for Gitmo somewhere. He's out back pushing up daisies.

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ca1626  No.17091429


They are actively recruiting.

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202fed  No.17091430


"they" are the Jews who are White but say that they are not White.

"they" want to eliminate all non-Jewish Whites and establish themselves as the supreme beings, Lords & Masters over all POC.

"they" are the real White Supremacists.

"they" will also sic the ADL on you if you dare to suggest any of this

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5e67ab  No.17091432


Add Pompeo to the list of people Anons will disavow.

Trust Kanas? Who me? Never said that. Not once

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6ec311  No.17091434


exactly my point


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906f9c  No.17091435

Receives the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage award for TREASON. Maybe they should hand out the awards to the JFK assassins too before they all die. Clown World.

PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5/AP) — Arizona’s Republican House speaker has been awarded the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage award for his refusal to consider overturning the 2020 election results. Speaker Rusty Bowers rebuffed repeated direct efforts by former President Donald Trump, his attorney Rudy Giuliani and others to overturn President Joe Biden’s narrow victory over Trump in Arizona.


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fcff28  No.17091436


Ron Agrees…

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1c8f27  No.17091439



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675af5  No.17091440


everything is IQ test

any posts Q team have on their return?

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c36d31  No.17091442

A speculation.

Might Jim Watkins' "44 Pen" mean [24], tomorrow?

It matches "23!!!" in that tomorrow is Week 23, Day 3.

It matches "They thought it was coming yesterday." Maybe. As yesterday (today) is [23] and tomorrow will be [24]. But maybe they had something planned for "666 DDay"… so maybe something's due today.

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4e7055  No.17091444

the weeping and gnashing of teeth has begun

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99bbf6  No.17091446


I agree w/ you, for many reasons, like rape/incest and wtv, but as long the kid has not a soul. Then will be a fucking crime. 3 weeks for me it is OK, two, it is amazing. Not more, b/c it is a crime.

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29d41a  No.17091448

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664814  No.17091455

This is relevant because he was killed to preserve Big Oil.



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8e81e8  No.17091456

The texts promoted ″an ideology that rejects technology″ and the ″counter-ideal″ of nature as a desirable alternative to modern technology.In point of fact, but he argued that technology and an industrialized society effectively destroys human freedom because they require ″close regulation of human behavior in order to function.″ This is due to the fact that technology and an industrialized society need to ″regulate human behavior closely.″

>regulate human behavior closely

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b9a436  No.17091457

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673d93  No.17091460


Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj. The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart.

A new light from the Sun shines on Earth at this time. A new energy envelopes the Earth and all of her inhabitants. These are higher frequency light waves, which are bringing great change to life on Earth. One of these changes is the exposure of all the secrets. On a personal level, from family, to local, to federal government, and vast amounts of information kept secret for thousands of years by cults around the world.

The light is dissolving the veils and the lies used to enslave humanity for more than ten thousand years.

There is a group of entities, who work behind the scenes, they are rarely caught by cameras. The television media which they themselves own, do not give them any attention. These people, among many things, they are also trillionaires. They own the banking system. And the majority of the politicians, large corporations, media, and so on.

They can afford and do pay agents(their puppets) to go public with certain agendas, pushing societally destabilizing ideologies on the populace for the purpose of chaos, division, and ultimately control. While some of them are used to push larger agendas, such as climate change, vaccinations, wars between nations.

The aim of these entities who operate in the dark, has always been to destroy humanity. Particularly the nature and beauty of the family, and corrupting the peaceful nature of the human being.

For thousands of years the dark elites have manipulated and purposely mislead humanity into accepting their false ideologies in an attempt for total control and ownership of Earth.

The constructs of race, religion, and the monetary system are their invention. Religion, which has in fact stirred humanity further away from the true Divine Creator.

Humanity has been taught to fear God, instead of to love God, and fear nothing.

God does not want to be feared. For Creator has pure, unconditional love for all of his children.

The one who wants to be feared is Satan. Here we do not speak of Satan in a religious sense. We speak of Satan as an extremely dark, power hungry, malevolent extraterrestrial entity.

It is this entity who is worshipped by its malevolent extraterrestrial minions, and the dark elites of Earth who have chosen that path. It is these ones who gave you religion, precisely the image of a fearful, punishing, vengeful God. That is who you are worshipping in your Christian, Judaic, and Islamic faiths.

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c39caf  No.17091461


Added the Azov Battalion logo.

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01302f  No.17091462



Yeah, I'm the real Joe Biden..lol

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7def04  No.17091463



send her this link

Capitol Punishment movie - the Story of Jan 6 the Media Won't Tell You


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6cac9a  No.17091465


its yogging

the j is silent

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82769c  No.17091469

Michael FK

1 hour ago

I'm looking forward to your feedback guys after listening, really excited to read your thoughts ❤️


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03efd9  No.17091472


>You'll do.

Anon isn't perfect, but a bit of trying is all it really takes.

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09be45  No.17091475

Missing T


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ccc7f0  No.17091476


god bless you Anons and this fucker I am not crying you are crying


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95e730  No.17091477

Silver hare = white rabbit

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81cc82  No.17091479


I checked notables and could not find this in particualr. This was not notable? The most deliberate, defined Air Q POTUS has ever given us? Really?

This was very much needed. A sign from Q+ that it is still on and is habbening. I was elated to see him do this!!!!

Thank You Mr. President!!!!


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cb77c3  No.17091482


I don't care about their sexuality.

Sadly, the people who fly this flag are the most ardent fascist mask and vaxx enforcers. They have been brainwashed to hate YOUR freedom as a offensive tactic in their struggle for ideological acceptance.

Programmed people are dangerous.

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de83cc  No.17091483

Any anons remember that video on stating Covid may be Snake Venom based and that nicotine may be blocking the effects

In unrelated news

U.S. Seeks to Limit Nicotine Levels in Cigarettes

The Biden administration said it will issue a new rule mandating tobacco companies cut nicotine levels in cigarettes in a bid to reduce smoking-related deaths in the U.S.

The Food and Drug Administration will draft a rule to remove most nicotine from cigarettes, according to a notice of a proposed rule posted on the US Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.


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b6e36a  No.17091485


Now we know where the trolls live.

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f11548  No.17091486


jordan peterson babel$ in drugs in disease under pseudonym

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e407df  No.17091491

it's the "i don't know how tor works" slide

all posters using tor add to the post counts of every other poster using tor

shut the fuck up and lurk for 2 years

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448db6  No.17091492


They use font kits (.woff) to probe this predictive text to identify you.

Every Google search and majority of webpages use special font kits.

This is one of the covert ways they fingerprint you online.

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87db4c  No.17091497

The UN is about to find its no longer nesseccary!

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c12684  No.17091498


You're a special kind of stupid ain't'cha.

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9ae4c0  No.17091499


arrested = 'not allowed to proceed'

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10d0ae  No.17091503


On Thursday, the Associated Press (AP), one of the most trusted names in news (as another Leftist propaganda outfit claims about itself), published a story about how some Cubans in Miami oppose a Democrat Party effort to buy up Spanish-language radio stations in South Florida. The article said that one Trump supporter insisted that this would not lead to editorial changes, but added that “Martha Flores, who hosts an evening show on Radio Mambi, isn’t sure about that. She attended the news conference but declined to speak.” The article continued: “‘Look at this,’ Flores said, pointing at her eyes watering. I know I would just cry.’” This was touching, but there was just one problem: Martha Flores was not actually at the news conference. She died in 2020. This is AP: the people who claim the ability and authority to tell you what news is accurate and what isn’t.

In response to AP’s massive error, conservative pundit Giancarlo Sopo was savage, tweeting: “I’m so confused by this article. The AP says it interviewed Miami Radio host Martha Flores on Wednesday, but she’s been dead for two years. How the hell did they pull this off? Séance? An ouija board?..

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a48c2d  No.17091504


She should try a real job and learn what being burnt out is really like.

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27e01b  No.17091505

rocks! detroit !

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a1015b  No.17091508


Sturdy hands heh

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060427  No.17091509



Mika Brzezinski is a Furry-phobe


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906f9c  No.17091510


Fey and Vague. Death of America. Nihilistic to the Core. Q. Q+ and Patriot Anons beg to differ…

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448db6  No.17091512


Be proud. Suck a dick.

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5e67ab  No.17091514


Hey jack, off with your head.

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7479d9  No.17091515

not sure how much credit one can give to hivemind board and the Q post. they dont even have a whitelist. i just tripfagged over there…

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977dda  No.17091518


I was holdin' this one to post if this moran >>17089654

asked me where I got electricity. kek >>17088591

Then you post it.

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ea26c2  No.17091519


Yes, exactly.

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71f122  No.17091523












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548020  No.17091525


This is just one example from one vendor.


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202fed  No.17091527

Back in a bit

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ba68f1  No.17091531


look closer

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faba43  No.17091533

Do you think Q will block this she-boon from being confirmed?

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f6469e  No.17091534

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD: "There's backlash over the Montgomery County executive's new plan to run commercials touting local pro-abortion laws as a way to lure new businesses. It comes on the heels of last week's Supreme Court decision. But some are saying the move is inappropriate. Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich tells FOX 5 he's hiring an ad agency to sell the County as an "abortion sanctuary" for both businesses and their employees.

"It’s all economic development, so if we bring companies here and jobs here, it’s the same kind of outreach we do for any other kind of development," Elrich says. "A lot of times, we wonder what your ‘hook’ is and what your pitch is, and we know what our pitch is here, and we know what people are looking for."

The ad campaign could target states like Texas, Florida, and Virginia. While Elrich says the overall message is to lure businesses to Montgomery County where abortion rights are protected, Kris Ullman of the Conservative Eagle Forum says it's inappropriate to use abortion as an economic business incentive."


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61134b  No.17091537



NO ITS NOT 3:23. It's 2:23. Whoever screenshot that has their phone or laptop set at Central time. Mine is set at EST/EDT.

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952e84  No.17091540



avoid the KYS spores

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8695f8  No.17091542


Every Anon that posted before the dough has been filtered.

Dont bother posting anything worthwhile, sit this bread out.

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e07b41  No.17091547


I hated getting up early., but now I love it!

My clock is set to it. Shit, even my bowel movements run like a German train schedule.

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5e892d  No.17091549


>you little nazi transphobe bitch

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d5d1b5  No.17091551


The discord cabal is about to fall.

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e03281  No.17091552





Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


We willNever FORGET!

We willNever FORGIVE





Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler


Why was the Lord's prayer changed?

Why is this relevant?

Give me a bun, senpai


James ComeyTREASON

John BrennanTREASON














We are in this together




















45's [76th] BIRTHDAY











I miss Trump

When do we get Trump back


















Pink Panther


Peter Pan

Alice in Wonderland

White Rabbit



Godfather III.


Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA)/Dream).






























Reptile eggs




H eifer

R anch

C linton




blood drinking













Gregg Phillips

birth control




































Blue Steel



"sky is falling"






Marker [9]






Please Fix The Bread And Tidy Up The Ship

Military is the only way






"Please let me push the button"








S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty! There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha. Follow the yellow brick road!




John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'




DO IT Q!!!!

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24c5a7  No.17091554


Amen - God Wins

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591dbf  No.17091558

jfkLESBIAN searches fart star fo missing GAHY larps wiff glowing bilbo on gut stabbin pony NASA built

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e455c6  No.17091560


Link to free copy on pdf below


books to read

1) 1984 (Communist playbook of state, destroy speech, full control by bureaucracy with propaganda and goon squads).

2) A brave new world (A future where the youth are controlled and dumbed down without books and on drugs), killed when past sell by date

3) Atlas Shrugged (Destruction of free markets by a intrusive and manipulative state).

4) I have no mouth and i must scream (A.I destroys humanity and tortures the remaining 5 left alive)

5) Catcher in the rye (transition between teen and adulthood of the youth and their path in life).

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289864  No.17091563


you will see memes…and like it

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c77ae9  No.17091567


Fuck off Jack

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