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a16228  No.17079937[Last 50 Posts]













































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beb413  No.17080048


>At least he wasn't suicided by HRC

Hillary can call him up from hell and we can amend that.

We'll have the Mormons baptize him while he's here too.

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8e4587  No.17080051

“SECRET Gender Transition Closets,” Where Young Children Can “Trans” Without Their Parents’ Knowledge, Are Popping Up At Schools Across the Country

50 years ago… 20 years ago… heck, even 2 years ago under Trump… Would you ever have imagined, in your wildest nightmares, that radical leftist activists calling themselves teachers would be setting up secret areas at school for children to undress and change into trans outfits? And in middle school, no less?

Well, unfortunately, that’s exactly the hell that America has found itself in. It’s 2022, Joe Biden is President, parents are labeled terrorists while the actual terrorists are handed billions in high-tech weapons, and schools are allowing teachers to create and maintain “secret gender transition closets” that are used to encourage children to change their clothes along with their gender, behind their parent’s backs.

So-called ‘safe spaces’ for gender transition originally started in colleges, and, like all other radical education theories and tactics, these trans closets – a room stocked with transgender clothes and accessories – are now appearing at middle schools and high schools across the country.

However, since these are younger children in this scenario and not college students, the trans closets are being used for a much more nefarious agenda – hiding the trans behavior and indoctrination from parents. Instead of simply providing an array of clothing options to wear, the students are told to change into their preferred clothing when they arrive at school and change back out to what they arrived in before going home – that way their parents are kept in the dark about their child’s trans identity.

Not only are these children being indoctrinated with a radical sexual ideology that has no basis in reality, but they are also being taught to keep things hidden from them.

The Epoch Times provided several examples of these “secret gender transition closets,” which they say are popping up “more” of late, especially in the wake of the “don’t say gay” hullabaloo over Florida’s new Parental Rights bill. In one example, Thomas Martin-Edwards, a transgender California teacher and founder of the “Queer Teacher Fellowship,” explains the true goal of these secret areas in a recent TikTok video.

From the Epoch Times:

“The goal of the transition closet is for our students to wear the clothes that their parents approve of, come to school and then swap out into the clothes that fit who they truly are,” the teacher said.

The California Family Council and others eventually confirmed the identity of the teacher as Oakland Unified School District Spanish teacher Thomas Martin-Edwards, who is also the founder of “Queer Teacher Fellowship.”

Martin-Edwards, the teacher who runs the trans closet, is also transgender. He has posted videos of himself in the classroom showing off the stilettos he wears to school.”

As for the school? They are apparently just letting it happen. Neither the district nor the teacher responded when asked for comment by the Epoch Times.

Another example comes from Colorado, where another trans closet was found to be in operation at the Denver Conservatory Green Middle School after it was exposed on social media. Naturally, parents and people in the community were outraged, with many tweeting their displeasure at the school, which, like the other one, did not respond when asked for comment.

Furthermore, the school is demanding nearly $2,000 to produce public records related to the trans closet.

The Epoch Times had more:

“‘This is grooming,’ Tweeted one Colorado man, ‘Police should come to the classroom and arrest whoever the teacher is in this classroom.’

The original post about the Denver trans closet was made by ‘Buy Nothing Central Park’ and refers to the closet for transgender students as being started at “our school.” It also asks for clothing for the trans closet being dropped off at the school.

Megan Fox, a freelance columnist for PJ Media and co-host of the weekly YouTube show “Exposing Family Court Corruption,” recently raised $1,650 through gofundme.com to pay for documents relating to the trans closet at a Colorado school.

Fox recently wrote in her column that the school told her she had to pay $1,650 to obtain the documents, which she requested via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). According to Fox, the school said the bill was based on 55 hours of staff time at $30 an hour to fulfill her request.”



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fc8c4f  No.17080059


Do you believe in coincidences?

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984a58  No.17080066

U.S. Marines


#OTD in 1941 Marines from the 1st Marine Brigade (Provisional) departed Charleston, South Carolina on their way to reinforce British troops in Iceland, deterring Nazi German aggression in the Atlantic.

10:12 AM · Jun 22, 2022 · Sprinklr Publishing


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2ebeb5  No.17080077

In early April of 2020 TGP reported that the China coronavirus (COVID19) most likely came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. After years of denials and disputes the head of the WHO believes this is where it came from as well.

We reported in a series of articles in April of 2020 that the probable epicenter of COVID19 was the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This was refuted by experts in the field and our reporting was denounced by those involved intimately in the origins of COVID19.


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8c4361  No.17080078


you try too hard, glowie

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a3b15a  No.17080081


>valid criticism


>Whether that was Q or not, well, much more needs to transpire before that question is definitively answered.

absolutely agree

I think the non-trip/hivemind post series rises to the level of deserving tracking

and is probably not deserving of being deleted as spam


like all things

patience is key

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a938e8  No.17080086

SpokesJoke.MuppetHead declared the Biden Administration is against hardening school security.

1. We know the handlers behind the D party call the shots not Potato.

2. Hardening School Security is a BIPARTISAN solution and makes sense.

3. D's WILL NOT pursue a solution that benefits R's in any way.

4. Therefore they are focused on GUN CONTROL which only benefits D candidates in the Mid Terms.

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206ff0  No.17080094


Myorkas needs to be removed from power.

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daf236  No.17080095

June 2 at 10:00 PM EDT

Public Lecture | Seeing the Universe through Quantum Eyes

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory


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c73851  No.17080103


kek. you deserve those digits

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591118  No.17080106



kek the putin stuff stuck from a previously failed post

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c50ddb  No.17080112


Nothing worse than that ole five o'clock shadow for a tranny.

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f6fc71  No.17080117


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6ac19f  No.17080120



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5068bb  No.17080121

Have any anons ever made a report of allegations of criminal conduct by state government officials directly to the military officials?

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fa85de  No.17080126



tramp stamp

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a03b76  No.17080137



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5068bb  No.17080142


40% isn't it?

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a3e922  No.17080146

smash that like button

like and subscribe

phrases that should be stricken from the American lexicon

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9c5d32  No.17080147


'big words' = ((('harvard credibility')))

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220aeb  No.17080150


what was he doing there?

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ef6c1a  No.17080151

God we pray, bless ALL on the board and protect Our chilldren.

Anoint the planet and solar system with your holy spirit.

The surge in the number of migrants trying to cross the southern border and enter the U.S. illegally is facilitating the flow of drugs and human trafficking into the country, with both the American people and the migrants themselves suffering as a result, according to experts and former officials who spoke to Just the News.

"The higher the flow of illegal immigration, the more inability we have to secure the border, and the more operational control we hand over to the cartels," said Mark Morgan, former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). "When illegal immigration is up, the more Border Patrol is relegated to a travel agency for illegal immigrants."

Morgan said that when an overwhelming number of illegals are entering the country, large numbers of border agents — about half the agents on duty at any given time — have to be pulled off the line to process, care for and transfer them, leaving huge gaps for cartels and smugglers to exploit.

"How in the hell did border security become a right or left thing, not an American thing?" Morgan said. "Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime."


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83735b  No.17080152


Back when the breads used to fly that bs could blend in better.

In today's much slower QR that shit really sticks out.

Sucks to be them now.

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d95256  No.17080162



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dfb36f  No.17080177


gay nazi unicorns…

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e57040  No.17080191

rr ch al

ronald reagan

charleston heston

abraham lincoln




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68e1d0  No.17080192



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7068fc  No.17080193


Hookers be needing them abortions, right Chuck?

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698191  No.17080205


>Let it happen.

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84e4f3  No.17080206

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5ed8bf  No.17080207

Biden was right.


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39c926  No.17080209


Brush your hair

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e448fc  No.17080211


Notice you ignore that what Jesus said that directly contradicts what Paul said and you posted, so you ignore it and move on to your next anti-Jew post?

Jesus was being challenged by the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law,. Also you skipped what He said before the verse you posted. "To the Jews who had believed him…"

Again, "The reason the Father loves Me is that I lay down My life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from My Father.” Again THERE WAS DIVISION AMONG THE JEWS because of Jesus’ message.".

"Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him."

They are also our brothers and sisters.

YOU are of your father the Devil.

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6ccb4a  No.17080215


>bc it was whitelisted, says Jim

Other trips are whitelisted as well.

Those don't work anymore / result in a different trip.

Are there 8kun servers with the old salt or algo or whatever? How can one use them?

It seems Q posted via TOR as well as clearnet, both with proper trips. I still don't get it.

With a different salt, you would get a different trip, but Q's trip is the same, which would mena different secret is used. I can't wrap my head around it.

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b6680b  No.17080222


Flag me too, pls


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9a3b89  No.17080231


Hunter biden is a Crack head not SES.


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3bb6e8  No.17080236

US Navy Huckster Fat Leonard Gets A TV Show

GCaptain July 2, 2022

Project Brazen today announced they have entered a deal with Peter Chiarelli (Crazy Rich Asians) to write a television adaptation chronicling the decades-long Fat Leonard U.S. Navy scandal, one of the military’s largest national security breaches.

The script will be based on Project Brazen’s popular podcast “Fat Leonard” which featured Leonard Glenn Francis, a corrupt foreign contractor, who spoke exclusively for the first time about stealing tens of millions of dollars through deals with the U.S. Navy in exchange for cash bribes, escorts, and luxury items. The adaptation marks the first television co-production for Project Brazen and will follow an actively developing story with the podcast playing a major part around the current trials of five Navy officers involved with Francis.

In a joint statement, SK Global Co-CEO’s John Penotti, Charlie Corwin, and President of Television Marcy Ross add, “Like story divining rods, our friends Tom and Bradley have uncovered yet another thrilling true story – a tale of epic international intrigue that is decidedly stranger than fiction! Building on our adaptation of their bestselling book Billion Dollar Whale, the SK Global team could not be more excited to work here with Project Brazen on their first co-production.”

Project Brazen is excited to announce our first TV co-production deal. With our wonderful partners, SK Global, we've hired Pete Chiarelli (Crazy Rich Asians) to write our hit podcast Fat Leonard for television.https://t.co/I33eAvarbX

— Tom Wright (@TomWrightAsia) June 21, 2022

“We’re thrilled Pete’s bringing his trademark wit to the Fat Leonard story, an absurd tale of military adventurism and misogyny that could only have occurred in the crazy period after 9/11. This TV series is at the heart of Project Brazen’s mission to deliver unbelievable true stories to the widest audience,” said Wright and Hope.

Project Brazen’s “Fat Leonard” revealed a Navy cover-up of the case, with the prosecution

involving nearly 30 officers but sparing top admirals whom Francis claims took gifts and favors.

The podcast also featured other voices, including prominent women who share their stories of

misogyny and sexual abuse in the military. With many officials who protected Francis for years escaping justice, he was ultimately exposed by a Navy spouse whose family had been destroyed by his scam. This month, during the federal trial of five Navy officers charged in the case, defense counsel played portions of interview tapes from “Fat Leonard,” attempting to discredit Francis. The government subsequently pulled him as a witness due to the podcast as he awaits sentencing.

“Fat Leonard was a world-class conman who stole from the U.S. Navy for more than a decade. He thought he was untouchable and above the law. I’m thrilled to tell the story of the small group of brave men and women who managed to con this conman and expose his nasty conspiracy,” added Chiarelli who started his film and television career working as a producer and studio executive. Most recently he wrote Crazy Rich Asians 2 and is currently writing another Warner Brothers project. He previously wrote the hit films Crazy Rich Asians (2018) and The Proposal (2009).


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db22cc  No.17080244

Well HOMO month is over thank God.

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7068fc  No.17080247


>What sounds nonsensical or like perjury?

Her claim that in sub-Saharan Africa, there is better access to routine medical care and testing than in the United States.

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deb8c2  No.17080251


>why no Q

IT gets confused with zera and O

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9c8d65  No.17080256


Scholasticism was a medieval school of philosophy that employed a critical organic method of philosophical analysis predicated upon the Aristotelian 10 Categories. Christian scholasticism emerged within the monastic schools that translated scholastic Judeo—Islamic philosophies, and thereby "rediscovered" the collected works of Aristotle. Endeavoring to harmonize his metaphysics and its account of a prime mover with the Latin Catholic dogmatic trinitarian theology, these monastic schools became the basis of the earliest European medieval universities, and scholasticism dominated education in Europe from about 1100 to 1700.[1] The rise of scholasticism was closely associated with these schools that flourished in Italy, France, Spain and England.[2]

Scholasticism is a method of learning more than a philosophy or a theology, since it places a strong emphasis on dialectical reasoning to extend knowledge by inference and to resolve contradictions. Scholastic thought is also known for rigorous conceptual analysis and the careful drawing of distinctions. In the classroom and in writing, it often takes the form of explicit disputation; a topic drawn from the tradition is broached in the form of a question, oppositional responses are given, a counterproposal is argued and oppositional arguments rebutted. Because of its emphasis on rigorous dialectical method, scholasticism was eventually applied to many other fields of study.[3][4]

Scholasticism was initially a program conducted by medieval Christian thinkers attempting to harmonize the various authorities of their own tradition, and to reconcile Christian theology with classical and late antiquity philosophy, especially that of Aristotle but also of Neoplatonism.[5]


The Society of Jesus (Latin: Societas Iesu; abbreviated S.J. or SJ), also known as the Jesuits (/ˈdʒɛʒu.ɪts, ˈdʒɛz(j)u-/;[3] Latin: Iesuitæ),[4] is a religious order of the Catholic Church headquartered in Rome. It was founded by Ignatius of Loyola and six companions with the approval of Pope Paul III in 1540. The society is engaged in evangelization and apostolic ministry in 112 nations. Jesuits work in education, research, and cultural pursuits. Jesuits also give retreats, minister in hospitals and parishes, sponsor direct social ministries, and promote ecumenical dialogue.

The Society of Jesus is consecrated under the patronage of Madonna Della Strada, a title of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and it is led by a Superior General.[5][6] The headquarters of the society, its General Curia, is in Rome.[7] The historic curia of Ignatius is now part of the Collegio del Gesù attached to the Church of the Gesù, the Jesuit mother church.

Members of the Society of Jesus are expected to accept orders to go anywhere in the world, where they might be required to live in extreme conditions. This was so because Ignatius, its leading founder, was a nobleman who had a military background. Accordingly, the opening lines of the founding document declared that the society was founded for "whoever desires to serve as a soldier of God,[a] to strive especially for the defence and propagation of the faith, and for the progress of souls in Christian life and doctrine".[9] Jesuits are thus sometimes referred to colloquially as "God's soldiers",[10] "God's marines",[11] or "the Company".[12] The society participated in the Counter-Reformation and, later, in the implementation of the Second Vatican Council.


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ea82ad  No.17080260


interdasting indeed

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f65deb  No.17080265


Tried to meme it, couldn't combine them.


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ba242f  No.17080268


Yer about 20 points short Sparky.

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1e14db  No.17080274



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6fd8b2  No.17080279


yeah like gandalf

and remember he wasn't really human

he was mayar

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ad962e  No.17080281


I'll fuck your wife later.

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ae8f8c  No.17080286


Yup. Big ones are out there. Now what's hiding in the trench?

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b7f287  No.17080290


days are getting shorter

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8e4587  No.17080297

what the camera sees

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c50ddb  No.17080298

what will convince anons that this Q is real?

>a zero (or close) delta with Trump

what will convince anons that this Q is not real?

>more fuckery (non-Q or vague language, salt/tripcode/admin changes)

in which direction do we appear to be headed?

>3 days, no delta yet

>more fuckery

so, how long will this last? do we need an admission by Jim that it was all a lie? we're relying on a liar to admit he lied?

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4e0835  No.17080318

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d27197  No.17080331


>A one use trip?


>I say Fraud and Fuckery


>We shall see, Future Proves Past right?

I would say that is to stop anyone from trying to spoof the Trip being that it has been shown now that Watkins can do that. Q provided a Zero Delta, destroyed Fake Q and posted in a way to let us know if they ever came back it would with re-verification. That's a wrap.

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141bc5  No.17080338

An Illegitimate Court Gets Ready To Convene

By Peter Navarro

As the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack prepares to stage a show trial of Donald Trump on Capitol Hill this week, I have filed a lawsuit challenging the Select Committee’s gross violations of the Constitution’s separation of powers.

Yes, congressional committees do have the power to investigate. Yet, they can only do so in pursuit of a “legislative function,” e.g., to enact new rules, regulations, or policies.

What settled law explicitly rules out is the pursuit of a “judicial function” in which a congressional committee seeks to act as judge, jury, and executioner. That clearly violates the separation of powers – punishment is reserved exclusively for the judicial branch.

In this case, Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat-controlled House passed H. Res. 503 on May 21, 2021 to establish the committee; and the legislative activity of all seven of the committee’s Democrats reveal their clear intent to unconstitutionally punish Trump and his most senior advisors by subjecting us to the shame, humiliation, ostracization, banishment, denial of public office, and possible imprisonment that comes with being falsely accused of being insurrectionists seeking to overturn a fair election.

A sordid legislative history of these committee members spanning more than five years includes: a thoroughly discredited Russia hoax, two attempted impeachments, a Trump censure, and three House resolutions to remove Trump from office.

The committee’s chair, Bennie Thompson, himself created a task force in 2017 as part of the perpetuation of the Russia hoax and has described President Trump as “racist and unfit to serve.” Thompson also refused to show up for Trump’s 2017 inauguration.

Thompson’s chief lieutenant, Adam Schiff, was the lead investigator for the first Trump impeachment trial and the tip of the Democrat’s spear for the Russia hoax. After his hoax imploded, Schiff hired investigators to expand a probe into Trump "beyond Russia."

Jamie Raskin, the lead House Impeachment Manager for the second impeachment trial, has referred to Trump as “a barbarian,” and likewise repeatedly pushed the Russia hoax. Raskin also led the charge in pushing a trifecta of House resolutions to remove Trump from office.

Zoe Lofgren has called Trump “an ignorant bigot” who “shames our country” while seeking “to disqualify him from holding future office.” Elaine Luria boycotted Trump’s 2020 State of the Union address and attempted to convict Trump in the court of public opinion of “high crimes and misdemeanors set by the Constitution.”

Pete Aguilar and Stephanie Murphy likewise voted “yes” on both impeachments and co-sponsored H.Res. 24 which initiated the second impeachment. In acting as judge and jury in the second impeachment trial, Aguilar falsely alleged that “President Trump attempted to use the power of his office to coerce a foreign government to interfere in an American election.”


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e2cdd2  No.17080339


Biden mentions "international flat tax" in this clip too… WTF?

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9d4e3d  No.17080350


stop looking for 'good guys' in hell.

just be one

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9cd6db  No.17080366


It's shouting into a box anon. Can't decide if it's an emo-bot, larp or genuinely distressed dude. I'm actually leaning toward #3 though.

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d29e9b  No.17080367


Maybe they found out they are Fucked

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a21bc9  No.17080371




Dont fuck with the dough Dart

I am baking as BO wants

less you want handoff.




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9a38d2  No.17080385


>laws of the Jew?

Leviticas 23 is thus saith the Lord, not thus

saith the jews.

read your bible MOTARD.

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707f76  No.17080392


Breaking911, [03.07.22 15:41]

More charges for ‘Tiger King’ star.


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42a597  No.17080393


> Easily done by posting Q proofs until undeniable. The shared secret is not the only verification method

Would look pathetic though anon, imagine the scene:

"Look it's me it's Q, look no really though, here's the receipt for my watch, erm, erm, here's my backstage pass for (insert MAGA event"… I don't think it would have worked, and the terrible fucking optics would have fed into the "Q is a larping tard" narrative, instead of "Q knows Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" (etc).

I mean "look no honest it's me guys, reallyyy" isn't very "Patriots In Control"!

So for now I'm going with my "this is Q forgot the name of his first pet" theory because that "Google search is proof of baby fist" doesn't seem bulletproof.

Also, if Q is what they claim, they seem most able to alter the salt/algo, game it to get a trip matching the old, then set things back, which is what I take to have happened here >>17080126

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49e3a2  No.17080411


>what code?

Anon remembers that when he did this, it wasn't a code. It was recycled login creds. If you left your page up and logged in, you could wait a few hours and then refresh and you'd be in someone elses account. Anon only fucked with it for a while before getting bored.

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ef0742  No.17080420



You have it wrong about the Christian faith.

It's not the faith, it's the American government you speak of.

Don't worry your little foreign selves.

We got this.

It'll get better after we revert the American government back to the people.

Work on your own countries.

Be best.

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1ce167  No.17080421


I think every knows this fact, so maybe it's time to take the potato out of the microwave?

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db22cc  No.17080430


no guns in canada

no freedoms in chyna

no peace in ukraines

no gas in US

brandX demoncrat 2022

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2645f9  No.17080433


fixed pole to poll

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262c3f  No.17080444


no 'p's here

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2e61bb  No.17080445


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸




Roe v Wade has been overturned after 50 years of wrongful legal precedent but do not let them distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table

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c097ea  No.17080457

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ea82ad  No.17080463


"Biden sent only one HIMARS MLRS installation to Ukraine, - Colonel of the US Army

Retired US Army Colonel Douglas McGregor, in an interview with Tucker Carson, said that the HIMARS MLRS, which Biden spoke of, will go to Ukraine in numbers of: one battery with six shots.

He also believes that the United States lost the war to Russia, and the Biden administration has always been “a few steps behind. And now they are looking for a way to continue this war for as long as possible.”


"Ukrops are selling Javelins on the darknet.

The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine resells equipment and weapons supplied by NATO to the Middle East and North Africa.

Anyone with a TOR browser can buy this ATGM in the online store."

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ca4ea3  No.17080465


I love her. TY for that.

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b5161a  No.17080470

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b51f64  No.17080472


yes, if only they'd stop and think

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aee310  No.17080477

Gateway Pundit News…




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06d704  No.17080481

August 13, 2020

Top Pelosi Staffer Registered As ‘Foreign Agent’ to Lobby For Chinese State Media Outlet

Brendan Daly, former Communications Director for Nancy Pelosi and a political appointee of the Obama administration, is a registered foreign agent who provided the Chinese Communist Party’s premier state-run media outlet China Central Television Network with “strategic counsel” as it expanded into the United States, The National Pulse can reveal.

During his tenure as Executive Vice President at Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, Daly secured a contract between the lobbying behemoth and China Central Television Network (CCTV).

Specifically, the firm helped the state-run propaganda outfit CCTV expand into American homes by “providing strategic counsel, identify relevant parties to communications activities, and media relations to support the launch of CCTV America.”

“Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide will work with CCTV America to communicate to the American public that CCTV America will provide compelling, comprehensive, and balanced news programming from an Asian perspective that is relevant to a global audience,” the 2012 filing in accordance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) noted.

Per CCTV’s FARA registration, however, the outlet is “supervised, owned, directed, controlled, financed, and subsidized” entirely by the Chinese Communist Party.

Email correspondence from Daly identifies him as taking the lead on the account, as he spoke with CCTV’s American representative on the phone.

He also provided the outlet with a memo detailing Ogilvy’s strategy on the count, detailing how to best bridge the gap between American homes and Chinese Communist Party propaganda:


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237a6c  No.17080493


And he was already CIA. He probable help run the Watergate Break-in. The Democrats had something they wanted.

Virgilio Gonzalez, Bernard Barker, James McCord, Eugenio Martínez, and Frank Sturgis all tie into the JFK assassination.

As did Nixon and Bush.

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e3c37d  No.17080495


No worries and fine observation, Anon

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9f069b  No.17080500


Adolf was insane. He projected what he was doing onto the Jews.


Fourth Reich = Fourth Technological Revolution

They plan to alter people's bodies so they will not be in touch with any spirit realm (turn people to machines) - since they hate God and are a Death Cult.

Hitler didn't commit suicide.

Had a lot of offspring and that's who's apparently running the mess we are in now. Those and their close relatives / associates?

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d9fe89  No.17080507


>2 moar weeks


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4f30f6  No.17080512


She’s a known traitor, for around 60 yrs. Disregard anything she spews out.

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5068bb  No.17080516



The YouTube links for the meetings on June 14 and 15 8:30 - 5 pm Eastern are

Day 1:


Day 2:


Eyes on

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9e1eea  No.17080527


The White Hats have either replaced their poison with safe saline solution OR they will release all the cures needed for people to return to their pre-jabbed selves. Anon believes that the jabs were the needed "scare event". Otherwise, anon agrees as his college budding offspring anons were forced to take the jabs else lose their scholoarships and seats at school. Anon would NEVER be able to accept that Trump and the White Hats knowingly allowed tens of millions of innocent children to be permanently maimed or worse while they were able to protect their own loved ones. Anon's mind would break if this turns out to be true.

However, anon believes that Trump ordered USNORTHCOM, under the guise of assisting in operation Warp Speed beginning in the spring of 2020, to intercept and replace thrir poison with saline. Had the Cabal REALLY disseminated the poison they had ready, tens, hundreds of millions would have aleady died with the death rate still increasing. No anons, we were protected and I will not consider the alternative.

This will not stop the board shills from continuing trying to divide anons on this point. They are panicked and desperate and will grab at any and all wedge issues to use agsinst anons.


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426c9c  No.17080531


what an amazing world we live in. ty anon

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893c28  No.17080539


>Crisis Pregnancy Centers fire bombed

someone needs funding

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2824d8  No.17080542

Evenin’ Nightshift

Taking a little R&R, but had to check in on my Frens.

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800c0c  No.17080544

Good-B[y]e Old Guard

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0c9592  No.17080547


>We will take it back for We The People

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c449b7  No.17080555

I can’t wait to die so that God can show me what the truth is and what really goes down on Earth.

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0dea42  No.17080558


CRAP! I forgot about RSBN. Oh well, it was hot at his place. Only has a window unit that is struggling.

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c593eb  No.17080560


Schumes drank the tainted Corona?


Aliens know a thing or two

Turds, contrary to popular belief, are not polishable even with the greatest of parade gloss

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668515  No.17080571


The one who wants to be feared is Satan. Here we do not speak of Satan in a religious sense. We speak of Satan as an extremely dark, power hungry, malevolent extraterrestrial entity.

It is this entity who is worshipped by its malevolent extraterrestrial minions, and the dark elites of Earth who have chosen that path. It is these ones who gave you religion, precisely the image of a fearful, punishing, vengeful God. That is who you are worshipping in your Christian, Judaic, and Islamic faiths.

The very idea of ritual(blood) sacrifice has been invented by these parasitic entities.

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d51696  No.17080580

i am willing to die for the constitution of these united states Q

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aa6dd8  No.17080582


The BO or a BV said turning off TOR was preventing too many anons from getting on the board so they reverted back.

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a9b3b0  No.17080590


It was prolly OSS slipping back in incognito and what was deleted was prolly the entire fucking Protocols.

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fb7613  No.17080602

Got boring real fast. See you on the next bandwagon.

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492fb6  No.17080603



Doesn't read right

Except there's there there

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457cfe  No.17080607


Woody has that same weird one big eye, one droopy eye thing. Is something they are doing causing this feature, or is the feature an indication of a seriously f'd up brain?

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78d9bf  No.17080612


if we knew that, the jews would know too

if you're not one of themstop being a faggot!

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1842c7  No.17080620


Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [11.06.22 23:36]


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9e12a6  No.17080626


… the sex education that scares the clowns for some reason 🙈🙉🙊

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5e4664  No.17080635


:25 is Thursday the 9th, then Friday the 10th is :26 which is also 11/3 from 2017.

Also 23 days after 5/19.

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f876f9  No.17080640


Also don't buy it.

IDGAF what protocol is. If it's not "go the fuck in and put the shooter(s) down", then it's wrong.

Those towny cops were faggots. <-period

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591118  No.17080641


>I am grateful that my vaccinations are up to date

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80a714  No.17080642


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842080  No.17080649


Zelensky like Nazis!!!

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7177fc  No.17080661


>Oh I see

Shouldn't you projection scam artists be making another cringe B movie full of your own warped psychological 'conflict' issues?

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b7f99f  No.17080663



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21890a  No.17080669


Dig In

FBI Director Christopher Wray disclosed Wednesday that Iranian-backed hackers launched a cyber attack last summer designed to disrupt services to sick patients at Boston Children’s Hospital.

In a speech at Boston College, Wray called the incident “one of the most despicable cyberattacks I have ever seen” and an example of the increasing risks medical providers face from state-sponsored cyber attacks.

“If malicious cyber actors are going to purposefully cause destruction, or hold data and systems for ransom, they tend to hit us somewhere that’s really going to hurt,” the FBI boss warned.

Wray detailed how quick action by he bureau and hospital thwarted the hackers.

“We got a report from one of our intelligence partners indicating Boston Children’s was about to be targeted, and understanding the urgency of the situation, the cyber squad in our Boston field office raced out to notify the hospital,” Wray said.


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824ea5  No.17080670

This is the reason for the revolution in Ukraine, they are doing what they did to Libya, Gaddafi wanted Africa to have their own monetary system so they killed him and destroyed the country, the President of Ukraine didn't want to be beholden to the IMF. There intention was to kill all the ethnic Russians and citizens that didn't want to be part of Ukraine, so they are back at it

very long but informative article

Itching for a Genocide

Slanted Propaganda

Again, we have the Post stating as flat-fact what is really slanted propaganda. Though “blame-Putin” has been at the center of Official Washington’s false narrative on Ukraine from the beginning, the reality was always that the West the United States and the European Union provoked this crisis, not Putin and Russia.

The crisis emanated from the EU’s reckless offer of an economic association agreement to Ukraine that President Yanukovych weighed but ultimately rejected because it came with a draconian International Monetary Fund austerity package attached. The Russians offered a more generous $15 billion loan and also provided energy subsidies for Ukrainians.

Yanukovych’s decision to opt for what he considered a better deal for Ukraine was well within his rights as the elected president, but his choice touched off furious demonstrations led by western Ukrainians and openly encouraged by senior U.S. officials, including Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland.

When Yanukovych refused to reverse his decision, the protests turned violent with well-trained neo-Nazi militias, organized in groups of one-hundred fighters each, moving to the fore to battle police. In the violence, both protesters and police were killed, though the typical treatment in the New York Times and much of the U.S. press was to simply report falsely that all the victims were protesters. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “The Danger of False Narrative.”]

On Feb. 21, seeking to stanch the violence, Yanukovych signed an agreement guaranteed by three European countries Germany, France and Poland to surrender many of his powers and accept early elections so he could be voted out of office. The elections would have tested popular opinion on the EU’s package while maintaining the Ukrainian constitutional structure.

Yanukovych also agreed to pull back the police, a move that opened the way for the neo-Nazi militias to seize government buildings and force pro-Yanukovych officials to run for their lives. With these storm troopers patrolling government buildings, the remnants of the shaken parliament cobbled together a new regime led by Assistant Secretary Nuland’s personal choice, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who became prime minister.

The neo-Nazis got a share of ministries with their top commander Andriy Parubiy made chief of Ukraine’s national security to reward them for their service to the coup and in recognition that these militias might otherwise turn on the fragile new regime and seize power for themselves. Reflecting Western Ukraine’s hostility toward Eastern Ukraine, the parliament took actions offensive to ethnic Russians including a vote to ban Russian as an official language throughout the country (though that plan was later rescinded).

Resistance to the Coup

The stunning developments in Kiev led Crimea’s local government to organize a hasty referendum on leaving Ukraine and rejoining Russia, a choice approved by more than 90 percent of voters. Putin and the Russian government agreed.

Though the U.S. media carried lurid headlines about a Russian “invasion,” the articles strangely lacked any photographs of tanks crossing borders, paratroopers jumping from planes or an amphibious landing. The reason for the absence of these photos was that thousands of Russian troops were already stationed in Crimea (under an agreement with Ukraine giving Russia access to its historic naval base at Sevastopol). The Russian troops simply left their bases and engineered a largely peaceful transfer of power.

The political resistance in the East and South and the unwillingness of Ukrainian soldiers to fire on fellow Ukrainians also led the new national security chief Parubiy to incorporate the neo-Nazi militias into National Guard units and dispatch them to the front lines….


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3e0b3f  No.17080673

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6f6914  No.17080674


Fighting The Commies, [22.06.22 21:43]

BREAKING: Texas State Police release full timeline and dispatcher call, reveals Uvalde School Police Chief Arredondo false statements

FULL STORY: https://fightingthecommies.com/EYT

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bf4eb1  No.17080698


largest spy network on earth for humint

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8f29a7  No.17080711


>can you

Not with that attitude.

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6ede8a  No.17080712


The shills pushing "muh fake Q" made the B post, and were proud of it. They even shilled hard trying to convince anons, that it was something. Q deleted that post, and now they are seething, and trying to convince you that Q is fake.

Loser shills!

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4aa91b  No.17080714

Jordan: Why should we believe anything the government tells us about COVID?

Birx: That's why I wrote the book, and that's why I believe this is a moment in time where we can increase accountability and transparency, and provide that data and information in real time to the American people.

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d9217d  No.17080723


I'm not that talented.

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1be765  No.17080726


sounds familiar

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259671  No.17080730



2000 Mules shows the Power of Geo Tracking, Antifa is all mapped. I Highly doubt all these Blac Bloc Punks are gonna have a spare phone and LEFT if at home. KEK

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b726ec  No.17080734


No, first time I've voiced that… angle.

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632828  No.17080735

"you're just jealous because my mom blew him on a boat" - baby fee-dell


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dabe2d  No.17080741

holy fuck, Pedo Joe! The demons are howling! Wild weekend coming up!!

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83dfda  No.17080745


Listen to the comms in the song

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39d0e6  No.17080754


Holy crap, if Newsweek say so then it must be…

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d27197  No.17080760


>big Anon BBQ

one way or the other, this will be true

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060d76  No.17080777


Saw this posted on night shift, too.

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b702bf  No.17080780




ty anons to those who answered and even the lurkers who said a prayer.

Seems like it is working already.

have spent the whole morning looking for wifi password at home.

asked for prayer and found stickers just after asking for prayers.

that anon thinks is a victory.

Quite something, the power of prayer.

Would have been a real pain in the neck trying to get a new one from broadband provider.


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36f651  No.17080790


Dems. are fine when voter fraud gets a RINO elected though. It's all part of the Game to them, they just fake righteous indignation. But they knew they were fucked when Trump beat Killery.

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7177fc  No.17080799


Jesse Wade was an Elvis Presley character.

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9f050e  No.17080800

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807a20  No.17080802


SD Gov. Kristi Noem grilled about 10-year-old rape victim who reportedly got pregnant

this is how they gonny pressure the anti-abortion states.

they'd knock up their own daughters to do it.

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3a493e  No.17080817

Hedge Funds are starting to attack APES directly, both in the FakeNews and in AMC / GME / DWAC stocks. The Hedge Funds are doubling down on stupidity and it's going to cost them dearly. Hedge Funds got caught gambling with their client's $$$ and are blaming those that caught them (APES).

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53b12d  No.17080823


all the dead so far and all all the dead to come from the vaxx- 'safe and effective' my ass

What about the EO that stupidly started it all?

Deagel.com 2025 estimates are looking more and more likely.

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5068bb  No.17080824

James Carville downplays Putin blame for high gas prices, faults Biden being weak with oil companies


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3a4764  No.17080834


It's a slippery slope. They are desperate to get the guns….

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34cc34  No.17080837


Not an argument. Try harder.


Jesuits were founded by a Jew, and are just another front for Jewish collective power.




Also recommend that everyone watches this video where the professional and volunteer internet zionist shilling operations are exposed in detail:


"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"


Reminder that Soros is a front to the Rothschild and Schwab is a Rothschild, and Rothschilds are the leaders of zionism.

Proof here:


Antifa 4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel:





https://bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/73FsRbYNovPi - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”

Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


How and why zionists are always traitors:



Soros promoting WW3 at WEF:





"Pollard claims Jews ‘will always have dual loyalty,’ whether they know it or not"

"Convicted spy laments US Jews see themselves as more American than Jewish, suggests he’d counsel Jew working in American security apparatus to spy for Israel even now"

"Why do we have an Antisemitism Czar, but no government positions to address the more prevalent anti-White or anti-Christian attacks in a country founded by Whites and Christians?"


"How Israel betrays US"


Texas Officials Forcing Hurricane Victims to Pledge Loyalty to Israel to Receive Funding



The Israel lobby is seeking loyalty oaths in America



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f8ca75  No.17080839


That lady at the corner doesn’t actually love you back, no matter what she’s willing to do for money.

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f4ae17  No.17080841


>Anon morale is very low

BS, my morale is in Tippy Top shape.

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7142a0  No.17080842


All I am seeing is alotta

ass and erection talk…

Its all lookin pretty gay

over here jizz gobbler.

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da8872  No.17080844


Any relation to Dontell?

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261892  No.17080846


if i were king i would lock up everyone with a tat, but that would not be due process, so things would be more complicated.

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4e0835  No.17080850

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


























do it Q , Q+…….Just DO it !!!




















Come and Take it Faggots













































lonE skuM

zuck wife

rizvi traverse







Now Comes THEP@in ___23!!!

General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!💥









>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

> Follow the yellow brick road!




John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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44e418  No.17080851


Great meme, saved

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872eb3  No.17080864


>Marry Miller is a STAR

Ee-i, ee-i, oh!

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a17fe4  No.17080870

This YouTube channel has been covering news about super yachts being seized/arrested all over the world.

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5f65f4  No.17080887


> the closer to the end we are.

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40af40  No.17080894

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ba9b7d  No.17080895


If you ever want to look into the origins of the electronics warfare technology that causes Havana Syndrome.

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e76a11  No.17080899



OK but here is a theory.

Ball of " " flies through space, cooling.

surface solidifies (evenly?)

ice top & bottom, slowly thaws, creates oceans.

What put the f'n great gash in the land masses? to creat Atlantic & pacific 'trenches" ?

Could it be that a big hunk of moon fell off, hit earth , putting couple of great dents in crust?

and now moon is like ball on end of string (gravity) because moon mass cog is offset?

What covered the sahara tropics with heaps sand?

This sh!t keeps me awake at night, while I await simple things to de-code, aka a q post :-0

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f02296  No.17080900

Carlyle CEO tapped to lead Lincoln Center Theater

Kewsong Lee has served on the theater’s board since 2009, most recently as president


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060d76  No.17080906


We gonna pay for that shit now.




Black AME

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78a253  No.17080914


Just a shill shilling.

You're guaranteed not to be missing out on anything worthwhile.

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ebaec0  No.17080920


What a coincidence.

Autobahnpolizei is the term in Germany for the highway patrol.


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1e14db  No.17080929


Trump the Honey Badger

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d84e10  No.17080933




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fc7cf0  No.17080948

Staff Sgt. Jones, your fivehead is shiny.

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84e4f3  No.17080956


What about all of those vaxxed people who have died "suddenly & unexpectedly," or who have vax injuries?

Casualties of war?

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e2e000  No.17080959


Kek! Enjoyable laugh!

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185e1f  No.17080961


Probably a tight budget. Joe's economy is even hurting the glowie psyops.

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e6ba37  No.17080979




sure buddy

just another coincidence

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c54c02  No.17080980


so cute

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36331a  No.17080987


>no mercy


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c54054  No.17080988


What is the solution to the algorithm problem?

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ad962e  No.17080991

>…we is a threat…<

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6a80e3  No.17080996

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7b3e1c  No.17081001


You have to make it personal, I am by no means a meme maker, but did make these to push the issue.

They have the mind frame of a 2 yr old narcissist, terrible twos, which the world is believed to center only on themselves, to show a personalized view, may break that thinking pattern.

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38ba08  No.17081007


Goodmorning mister BREAKFAAAASTT!!!

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38d906  No.17081009

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1e29b7  No.17081010



Seconded for keks

>Now we need the Deadpool scene version.

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21ce17  No.17081022


no (((money))) 'compensates' for a child being raped.

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7790b6  No.17081024


so we have to suffer bc you're poor white trash that can't afford to move?

why don't you go to pol with your racist shit?

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90d1bd  No.17081025


Fuck off.

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63d5ee  No.17081026


Planefags check this area out daily, a lot of traffic

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9680bd  No.17081041

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

I'm learning Python so in the future, after we're living in a virtual reality ruled by AI, I'll have at least some power.

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ac1cc2  No.17081042


the Israelites are white

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346085  No.17081068


Why broadcast it?

Mercenaries, no record, why waste time?

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e98520  No.17081075

Sky Event +6

The Sky is Falling

Booms Everywhere

Foundations Trembling

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7ef3b6  No.17081088


It doesn’t matter.

Just more rude shit I laugh at.

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a5dec6  No.17081091


I don't know who Shannon is, but you should definitely go do a cheek plant into a river.

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afb1d0  No.17081100



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f283f3  No.17081114


DeSantis passed the same law in FL against bad mouthing Jews as the Feds have on their books.

He is due no more blind trust than Trump or anybody else.

Most here have already learned to discern.

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741c92  No.17081120


anybody with a haircut like that gotta be an asshole…

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2b44af  No.17081140


oare cat de mult te iubesc?!?!

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9493b6  No.17081145

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be3b57  No.17081146


I'm cooking dinner..

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4fe60e  No.17081149


it's a suspicious detail

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e193a8  No.17081151


I'd like to insert my floppy in her slot

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f876f9  No.17081158


henlo, dis machin supportz. wut bottons gibs trouble?

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c54c02  No.17081172


people have wrapped their entire identities up in the concept of abortion, sick

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f286bb  No.17081178


Tonight Only — Watch “THE TRUTH ABOUT

JANUARY 6th” Documentary: Narrated by

Political Prisoner Jake Lang from Inside

Solitary Confinement! MUST WATCH!

Gateway Pundit, by Cara Castronuova

Posted By: Imright, 6/9/2022 8:44:06 PM

The highly anticipated documentary “The Truth About January 6th” premiered today on The Gateway Pundit this week!This groundbreaking documentary contains never-before-seen footage of and commentary on January 6th.The film is narrated by Jake Lang, a January 6 political prisoner who is currently being held in Alexandria, Virginia.Watch the film BELOW and share to get out the truth about January 6th!

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f8e01d  No.17081181


Halts Maul du unterbelichteter Judenvogel und kack nicht immer ins Brot. Man erkennt euch Trottel sofort an euren tollen "englischen" ausdrücken! kek

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4db822  No.17081187


>After being in real wars.



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11b6f8  No.17081188



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b1ad81  No.17081190


CIVIQS Poll: Joe Biden’s Job Approval

Lowest of Presidency at 30% Overall

Breitbart, by Jacob Bliss

Posted By: LoveYourCountry, 7/4/2022 9:11:37 AM

President Joe Biden’s job approval rating is down to the lowest of his presidency, 30 percent, and 57 percent disapproval roughly 18 months into his presidency, according to the CIVIQS rolling job-approval average as of July 2. Only 12 percent of respondents either did not approve or disapprove of the president. Thus, bringing his net job approval down to a negative 27. In fact, the poll also showed that Biden’s job approval is underwater in 48 states. The only two states in which he is above water are Hawaii (45 to 41 percent) and Vermont (44 to 39 percent).

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ed3286  No.17081192


2 weeks

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fc06ae  No.17081221


We have all been programmed, manipulated, and brainwashed all of our lives.

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e59bff  No.17081223

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1cdc8b  No.17081227


Scoop: Obola started the ministry of truth that has already been made clear because of the Big Mike Tranny memes and the gay memes about him…

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34040b  No.17081236


reee on keyboard warrior

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a85215  No.17081238


Those look familiar!

are you boob-fagging?

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54c1c8  No.17081244

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e57040  No.17081248


<proof me wrong

are you here to work on your english? why are you here?

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d9beda  No.17081250



oh shit

that was a stroke

is he really vaxxed?

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1b7731  No.17081257


Not a q crumb, but the SAA from Jan 6 died yesterday.

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2aa63b  No.17081269



> make energy from carbon maybe

Water and ions…you don't need carbon…

Plants take LIGHT energy and CO2 and make O2 and chemical energy. We take that chemical energy and O2 and make LIGHT and CO2. A nice symbiosis if we understand it and HONOR IT…

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ec0a8b  No.17081270


TY, baker.

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3f6e3a  No.17081271


Halts Maul du unterbelichteter Judenvogel und kack nicht immer ins Brot. Man erkennt euch Trottel sofort an euren tollen "englischen" ausdrücken! kek

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e394ee  No.17081274


Can you name the alleged Rich Catholic Nobility?

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971042  No.17081277


>Translate this Brokedick.

Translation: You nailed me with the truth so I had no choice but to respond with a lame meme.

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dcf623  No.17081285


see, i had filtered them, so i don't know what you saw


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44e418  No.17081287



Please see the wizard.

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c01747  No.17081292


baker seeking handoff


anon wanna check for more notables LB?

came in too late to ck for holes

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418772  No.17081298


anon does not like mayer but to get some sort of middle ground and judge the panic he is probably a good barometer of what the left are doing.

He has a lot of skeletons and his panic real.

cannot watch colbert, fallon, noah,

all they talk about is politics, no longer comedians but moar a control group.

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8ba53f  No.17081300


>Looks weirdly like Jen Psaki

It is…..

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27ddcb  No.17081301


I agree with you anon

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6d7ef1  No.17081309


proximate repetition of threats and intimidation to the court directly - repeatedly

it was a violent rhetoric and tone from beginning to end

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24fbcb  No.17081316


>kill all child rapists.

Death is the easy way out for these evil people.

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1be765  No.17081318

shills weak af, try harder

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aed4e3  No.17081325


>do not make eye contact with it

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c139c5  No.17081342

Military is the only way.


Good news is…

We're getting closer to 'the buy-in' on the left.

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05e837  No.17081352


"Training missions"

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bc48ca  No.17081362


Stay the fuck out of Europe you senile old prick

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19eb48  No.17081371



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ebef44  No.17081384


The best he can do is a DC photo bomb and question why Jim points out he didn't make a post from the most famous poster on his board? Insinuating Jim is Q is pretty weak sauce to demoralize Anons.

He's admitting he's fucked.

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cbed46  No.17081386



that would вe a no

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7b3e1c  No.17081393


Seth Rich was “Panda”

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13f716  No.17081399



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36f651  No.17081406

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b74159  No.17081417


yeah, I need to find that one and destroy it.

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729dda  No.17081419


POTUS was telling us that our vote doesn't count because they have been rigging elections for years

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bbcb5d  No.17081427


you really don't know how this works, do you? you don't belong here

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3b2a19  No.17081430


>pathetic old man bloviates on podcast #219683

Yawn. I wonder what else is on TV.

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1649a0  No.17081431

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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2dd5a7  No.17081437



>5 billion people are fully vaccinated

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ee3b30  No.17081443



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4e0835  No.17081444


feeling better now.

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1002de  No.17081445


Jessup, MD is a shithole btw.

>at least it's not Greenville, SC

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70b8d4  No.17081455


>Q or not

Time will tell

meanwhile, shills making the most of open questions as usual

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d87cf3  No.17081462


The 0bamas don't give a shit about anyone but their selfish selves.

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b4c5f2  No.17081475





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1c5fd9  No.17081483


they're staged. and less then swift about it.

once you figure that out it all makes sense.

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141bc5  No.17081486

GLOBAL ILLUMINATION sounds ominous …. a COMM?

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eca8f7  No.17081495

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e55a1a  No.17081497


Got to be up in 2 hours. I havent slept in 2 days.

Everyone is running around screaming Q is back but we have yet to have anything verified.

How can one sleep with these kinds of questions on the mind?

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12ffa0  No.17081498


It is not OUR oath that is in question, Sirs…

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a85215  No.17081503



Bill Clinton


On this Juneteenth, we should all take time to reflect on our nation’s long struggle for freedom, equality, and justice, andrecommit ourselves to finishing the job.


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4e9afc  No.17081508

Lightning ⚡ Flash Fact:

The F-35B’s propulsion system is the F135-PW-600


Lot of "lightning" comms lately.

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67bf26  No.17081516


if you want to become a fly

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d87cf3  No.17081526


Hope you're here when it happens anon. I'll call you a asshoe homo.

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b3676d  No.17081541


Your stupidity has nothing to do with this.


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679e92  No.17081553









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58f257  No.17081554

I dont know


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d555be  No.17081557


Shill was grinding my gears… Decompressing with some tunes. Apologize if not your cup of tea

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da109e  No.17081560


What exactly does Trump hope to accomplish with his moronic, juvenile posts? He sounds like a scorned wife in a yahoo chat room

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31c226  No.17081561

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141bc5  No.17081566


WV's got some funny looking rock formations.

*sips covfefe*

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d68693  No.17081567


4th PIGop group


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818e6e  No.17081570


>Is Grey a Color?

Yes because your hair grows gray before you turn green, unlike purple which is mixed of the colors red and blue, but you might as well tell people your hair is silver!

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2f0b93  No.17081577


this Rice fellow is obviously a child molester: he has no shot ; says he will wear the loss like a badge ; whatever you say, twinky …go work for CNN now



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8c4470  No.17081588

Trump hasn't been president for a year and a half and shills scripts still targeting him.

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ad962e  No.17081589


looks more round eye in the first pic

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f893e0  No.17081592

The Army Counter Intelligence Corps: The Original "Men in Black"



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7ad745  No.17081603

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15779c  No.17081604

improvised weapons of ass destruction loosen border morals

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2b7b5a  No.17081612


Nice testimonial. I totally trust you and believe you to be thoroughly authentic and not a shill.

Pro-tip: When engaging in any campaign, testimonials (even fake ones) are extremely important. People give more credence to testimonials EVEN IF THEY KNOW THEY ARE FALSE! People are weird but that's how they work.

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3f047d  No.17081613


not lovin it

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1cdc8b  No.17081619


Former Bank Vice President And Real Estate Developer Sentenced To Federal Prison For Bank Fraud Conspiracy And Aggravated Identity Theft


Family of Bill Clinton advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times has blocked release of files detailing the death scene after he was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast at a ranch 30 miles from his home


Tony Blair’s son built a $587m fortune


Former Tungsten Heavy Powder & Parts CEO Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Export United States Defense Articles including to The People’s Republic of China


Caitlin Long’s Bitcoin Bank Custodia Is Suing The Federal Reserve

Custodia’s lawsuit states “unlawful” delays in the bank’s approval process to gain a master account with the Federal Reserve which would lessen cost and risks.

“For more than 19 months, Defendants [The Federal Reserve] have refused to act upon Custodia’s application for a master account with the Federal Reserve,” states the lawsuit.


Spanish government admits to spraying chemtrails on citizens, at behest of the UN



Everything Is A Weapon: The US Government Is Waging Psychological Warfare On The Nation


Former CSIRO executive Mark Wallis jailed for two years after defrauding government of $300,000


FOI shows NSW planning department 'coaching' miner to stress BlueScope link, green groups say


Obama in Copenhagen: We Have to Take Steps to Detoxify Our Discourse…Particularly the Scourge of Disinformation, Conspiracy Theories and Hate Online


FBI Chief Comey Misled Congress’s 'Gang of 8' Over Russiagate, Lisa Page Memo Reveals


3 US Companies That Allegedly Sent Defense Blueprints To China Receive Export Denial Order



DuPont concealed decades-long chemical pollution linked to kidney cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, and ulcerative colitis


Michigan Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about Jan 6th.

“It was ALL staged, Mitch McConnell wanted it to be “a mess” so he could secure a Trump impeachment conviction for Pelosi and Schumer”


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cb3492  No.17081621


Back when the breads used to fly that bs could blend in better.

In today's much slower QR that shit really sticks out.

Sucks to be them now.

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399374  No.17081633


When "muh mental illness" doesn't work, try ugly old fat ass instead. Jump in a river and go fuck yourself, rino.

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63bc8b  No.17081642


>Interesting the plate doesn't photograph


Anon can almost see what the bird had for breakfast

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f0c541  No.17081643


Nope, he’s got a nice vibe

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591118  No.17081644

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

07/05/2022 18:50:28

Truth Social: 108597177769311888

A great guy to replace a total RINO who has let Maryland down, and more importantly, to defeat RINO Kelly Schulz, who is even worse. Dan will do a fantastic job!


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2f0b93  No.17081647


So this was the plan all along( by you shills)

Disrupt the board.

Cause havoc.

Create doubt with each fraudulent Q post.

Get anons to fight!

Together you are strong.

Divided you are weak!

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9724cd  No.17081656

Trump’s daughter broke with him on election fraud claims

Ivanka Trump told the Democrat-led January 6 Committee that she had “accepted” her father’s loss to Joe Biden

Ivanka Trump told the Democrat-run committee investigating the January 6, 2021 riot on Capitol Hill that she “accepted” former Attorney General Bill Barr’s statement that Donald Trump’s claims of 2020 election fraud were “bulls**t.”

“I respect Attorney General Barr. So I accepted what he was saying,” Trump, who served as an advisor to her father, said in a Thursday video deposition shown by Representative Liz Cheney, a Republican opponent of the ex-president.

A month after the 2020 election, Barr released a statement saying that the US Department of Justice had found no evidence of fraud widespread enough to have swung the vote for Joe Biden. In his testimony to the January 6 Committee, Barr said that he had “made it clear” to Trump in late 2020 that he considered the then-president’s claims “bulls**t,” and that he “did not want to be a part of it.”


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34c361  No.17081675


2nd fag, it was for my own kek

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5ec547  No.17081677



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d34f27  No.17081683


Really good video after the Patel Patriot Video,Gregg says Sheriffs are helping a lot

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2cee4f  No.17081688


"VIVAL" can be likened to slaking the thirst of dry and thirty people.

What good is hydrating if one later has to be rehydrated?

Renewal is a periodic signal.

Times and Seasons.

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0bde2d  No.17081690

One of the many "Live" streams of protesting…

“Bite Back” protesters march for abortion access through DC

Go on… https://woke.net/streams for more…

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173abc  No.17081693


This is how we get rid of liberal ass holes

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1e29b7  No.17081701


it is democrat

law does not apply

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ba9dad  No.17081702


They always do the cp planting… so yea

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46df7e  No.17081707


is there a way to get all that 2000 mules geolocation data for the forest fire locations?

can i get my GIS professors' phone data for three degrees of separaion outwards and compare to fire start locations?

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89b35a  No.17081713

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dab2ae  No.17081722


FEMA to uninsured Montanans: ‘Take responsibility

for your own disaster recovery'

KTVH-TV [Helena MT], by Ashley Nerbovig

Posted By: NorthernDog, 6/26/2022 6:15:21 PM

FROMBERG — As Fromberg residents worked to clear the muck and river water from their homes Thursday, a FEMA spokesperson said people should manage their expectations about federal aid. “If you’re waiting for the federal government or somebody else to help you that help may or may not come, and I’m not sure when it will come,” FEMA spokesperson Leo Skinner said Thursday in Stillwater County. “So I always tell people, this is a tough line to tell people, ‘Take responsibility for your own disaster recovery.’” On Thursday, Gov. Greg Gianforte requested President Joe Biden activate the FEMA Individual Assistance

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eb56c3  No.17081725


Who said I gave up on the MAC Address?

For an additional layer of security in case someone could have gotten the password (highly unlikely), but not the device with a MAC Address that hasalsobeen hard coded into the same function allowing the salt bypass.

It's called two factor authentication, and it's NOT NEW ass hat.

Just because your tiny little Piss Ant brain can't comprehend that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

You really must be new at this…

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1785b4  No.17081741

So, they're doing that Jan 6th committee bullshit during Primetime? Making a big event out of it?

Perhaps almost like a red carpet event…

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98476a  No.17081743


Damn Kamala, you so ugly, beatch.

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21137b  No.17081749


BROCKTON — A 30-year-old Brockton man has been indicted on charges that he robbed and then stabbed a man to death at a city gas station earlier this year.

The Plymouth County District Attorney's Office said that on Tuesday, a grand jury indicted Manuel Gui Goncalves on one count each of murder and armed robbery in the killing of 54-year-old Brockton manRichard Russell.

At around 12:34 a.m. on March 19, Brockton police responded to a gas station at 81 Warren Ave. for a reported stabbing.

Emergency first responders arrived to find the male victim suffering from a stab wound and lying unresponsive on the ground in the parking lot at the Stop 'N Gas station, according to the D.A.'s office.

Later identified as Russell, the victim was rushed to Good Samaritan Hospital, where he died from his injuries.

Investigators conducted interviews at the scene and reviewed video footage that allegedly shows Goncalves engaged in a physical altercation with Russell, the D.A.'s office stated.

According to the office, police found Goncalves near the scene of the homicide immediately after the stabbing.

The D.A.'s office said the suspect allegedly had a knife on him that appeared to be covered in blood.

He was arrested that morning and is set to be arraigned on the charges in superior court at a later date, according to the office.

No further details were disclosed.

Read More: Brockton Man Indicted for Murder in Fatal Gas Station Stabbing | https://wbsm.com/brockton-man-indicted-murder-gas-station-stabbing/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

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6ccbc3  No.17081751


911 call audio has been released from the man who threatened to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh

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e2e000  No.17081762


Muh Catalog has always lagged (especially on 8kun), but 8 minutes is a bit extreme.

That's why you use the Index on a separate tab to grab your just created OP.

It shows up right away there.

Or used to, it could be borked as well now on this kludge platform.

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ba0a81  No.17081767


>since he already shared my dox with all of you

oh shit when did this happen? missed all the fun

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3bb6e8  No.17081782

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98397c  No.17081784

Reposting. Bates.

Guys are going to Hutchinson, which is possible, but the mother and possible connection to GW university & media family.

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a52c7e  No.17081790

Mike Hixenbaugh


The Uvalde school police chief told the @TexasTribune that he was ready to die for those kids, he just needed a key. Now the @ExpressNews is reporting that he never even tried to open the doors and that they may have been unlocked the whole time. twitter.com/sheppard_david…

The @ExpressNews also reports that police had a tool to breach the door but didn’t use it. Read their story here. expressnews.com/news/local/art…


“Police might have assumed the door was locked. Yet the surveillance footage suggests gunman Salvador Ramos, 18, was able to open the door to classroom 111 and enter with assault-style rifle — perhaps because the door malfunctioned, the source said.”


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6e069d  No.17081793


It's true; I didn't believe it at first but after a second exposure with the same symptoms, I did.

The first time was a family dinner with a vaccinated couple who bragged they were 'double-shotted'. I kept my thoughts to myself, but the very next day I woke up with flu like symptoms.

The second encounter convinced me it was true when I again encountered the same family members, who were now thrice boosted, and again experienced flu like symptoms but a little more violent than the first. I did the at home cleanse at that point with boiling the skins of lemons and grapefruit and all that shit.

Turns out, one of those family members has now been diagnosed with 3rd stage tonsil cancer…even though he had his tonsils removed.

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715bc0  No.17081802


👻 spooky trips

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7e153e  No.17081806

PRINCE Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell had an "intimate relationship" which gave the socialite "unrestricted access" to Buckingham Palace, a former Royal cop has claimed.

Jul 02, 2022


Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]?

Financed by who or what [F] entities?

1. [Primary] gather blackmail on elected pols, dignitaries, royalty, hollywood influencers, wall street and other financial top level players, other high profile industry specific people, etc.

2. Feed an addiction [controllable]

Maxwell family background?

Robert Maxwell history [intel, agency, wealth, [CLAS 1-99]]?

Sometimes it's the people in the background that are of greater significance.




GHISLAINE MAXWELL: From little rich girl to sex trafficking rogue

Jul 02, 2022



Impressive, most impressive.

Argument: "Maxwell is not a big enough name to trigger a mass awakening." [example]

Counter-argument: Do not make statements based on assumption of 'worth' and/or 'value'. Do not think 'today' but rather 'after' today.



Crimes against Children = common denominator [no matter political affiliation][mass pop awakening].

Have faith in Humanity.




Now find the ‘invisible’ rapists enabled by sick sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell and bang them up too

It is time to prosecute the men who took advantage of women 'supplied' by Epstein and Maxwell

1 Jul 2022


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e2e000  No.17081849

Techies know such a scenario is extremely rare and indicative of baud rate fuckery by some low level firmware fuckery..

Was it a cyberattack? Klaus Schwab and other great reset perverts all got their dicks out for such a scenario.


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f4ae17  No.17081864




“Crown source” could really be “Crowdsource”

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8c6842  No.17081869


Which reminds me of this….

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e57040  No.17081870

Grand Jury Indicts Former UC Davis Assistant Water Polo Coach

A federal grand jury returned a three-count indictment today against Daniel Joseph Noble, 26, of Davis, charging him with distribution of visual depictions of minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct, U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert announced.


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893c28  No.17081871


Its a ridiculous task, i dont even comment anymore to family, theres only one sister that is still concerned about me (not my opinion) and I have 8 of them alive.

Its the way it is, I’m at the point if everything we know is proven true none of them will believe it. Its sad but expected.

As Buddha said, “family is like a flock of birds from one life to the next. Not really a connection but put together to fly in one direction”! When we can’t be part of the flock we must fly on our own. Thats this lifetime for me.

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dc2521  No.17081872


Um, the guy on the right in the picture appears to be Senator Coons from Delaware? For the record, he has ownership of car dealerships in Ukraine. Could be wrong, just looks like his dumb ass.

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3a493e  No.17081874


According to the guy above you, you are a shill


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2457fa  No.17081879


Started streaming march 10th…seems legit.

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49e3a2  No.17081884


Part 2

…why did the jews use a humble man from a humble background, and not use one of their own ilk? Hitler came from a working class background, orphaned later on in his childhood, on the streets so to speak, living hand to mouth selling street paintings. Does this smack of one of their boys? They could have used any number of honed agents. As they have with so many other agent-leaders. And please don’t suggest he was just bought off. There is zero indication of this. An agent? Come on.

…why was he the only ‘agent’ who was an authentically brave soldier fighting in the trenches? This man had more courage than all of us put together. Hitler relished the opportunity to fight for his county, and for the spirit of the Germanic/Aryan race. He was injured twice and hospitalised. He loathed cowardliness and those who would not contribute towards the war effort. Just look at reports from someone like Leon Degrelle who spoke of Hitler’s remarkable bravery. An agent? Come on.

…why did Hitler abolish usury [debt slavery]? The jew’s number one control weapon. Why oh why would the jews allow a leader/agent to show the results of a country without this parasitism, knowing this would be broadcasted all across the world? ‘Look, look what can happen when you rid your country of the parasite and the parasite’s main tool’. An agent? Come on.

… why was Hitler the only ‘agent’ who was clean living? He was a teetotaler, vegetarian, who promoted traditional remedies, anti-vivisection, and promoted naturalistic lifestyles for his people. It is well recorded his affinity toward animals. This is a man of compassion, a man of substance who is deeply connected to nature – not an anti-nature sellout. An agent? Come on.

…why would he be slung in prison if he was an agent? And he was [slung in prison]! This has been thoroughly documented by eminent historians. That cannot be disputed. Yes, he was not in for so long considering his plot. But this was because the authorities knew the pressure would come from the people if they held him indefinitely. Also there were good people on the inside who wanted change, who were jew-wise and knew of the potential and genius of this man. Society and people were not as corrupt back then. An agent? Come on.

…why did he radically improve the working man’s lifestyle? He improved the working conditions, doubling the wages, reduced/eradicated their debt, instigated and provided an affordable Volkswagen (people’s car), built infrastructures to allow the working classes to travel around the country, make foreign cruises affordable/or for free, etc, etc, etc. An agent? Come on.

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12ffa0  No.17081886

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054a59  No.17081888

U.S. Air Force


Post-traumatic stress disorder may develop for those who remain highly distressed by thoughts and memories of the traumatic event after it's experienced. Effective treatment is available for DAF personnel, CONUS & OCONUS.

To locate your MTF, search here:


9:24 AM · Jun 27, 2022 · Sprout Social


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1defb4  No.17081899


>its a secret service tactic


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661d20  No.17081902



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eb731f  No.17081904



Scare event necessary

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4e0835  No.17081909

Seeing some servers go back offline.

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306d20  No.17081915


Anons, get your local food sources in place NOW.

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72249d  No.17081918


>This always confuses anon.

I have the answer! Idgaf. Kek

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077a3f  No.17081920

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d00194  No.17081923

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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b98663  No.17081942


>desire praise for

Not seeking praise, just super stoked for getting a (You) and I appreciate those who can understand that and give a congrats post. It’s nice.

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73e424  No.17081950


Her face is so familiar. I have seen her somewhere before, I think she’s an actress. I could swear I’ve seen her in porn.

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365f17  No.17081956

BREAKING: @RepLizCheney just voted with Democrats on the Armed Services Committee to kill an amendment that would've forced Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to rescind the covid vaccine mandate for the military.


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2028a9  No.17081965


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e5ba19  No.17081967


You moron, 8kun is the real world. Go back to the cave if you don’t get it.

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8edfb7  No.17081971

>Nothing but GATEKEEPERS

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984a58  No.17081972


President In Name Only was my guess…

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f6195f  No.17081973



It boggles the mind that they are STILL allowed to do these things in this day & age.

I know I don't know the whole story, they probably can justify this shit to themselves & others that they report to.

But they need to be either 100% shut down treated as a Cancer & eradicated, or thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom & restructured to ONLY focus on Enemies of the US. And none of this bullshit saying that by fighting other Countries wars for them/dictating how those wars go, IS focusing on US future enemies.

Fuck off We have enough(well, if everything was declassified) historical information, even with the little info they give, that all that shit DOES NOT WORK & has caused nothing but death & pain after they leave/pretend to leave

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b2f900  No.17081976



Kaveh MD


Fun fact: Matthew Modine was originally offered the role of Maverick in Top Gun and knew it would be a massive success but didn’t want to make a two hour commercial for the military.


1:38 PM · Jun 4, 2022 from San Francisco, CA·Twitter for iPhone

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cb7e6a  No.17081984

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have 'sex with a child' are a child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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a7ee9d  No.17081989



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34d2ee  No.17081993


the salt is delicious

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f13890  No.17081994


A True Prophet.

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5d25cc  No.17082006

China buys $7.5 Billion of Russian energy, with record amounts of crude

<Mon, 20 Jun 2022 07:37 UTC


>Don't worry, just keep celebrating Niggers and Faggots

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2824d8  No.17082015


Fake like CNN fake or Fake like ET’s fake?

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769875  No.17082813

i eat tacho, but I'm not mopey, these investments and you!! as a broker ref, I spotted them manipulating the wheel, I'm betting, I bet, my whole savings on AMC. I'm no stock tipster, not, at all. I just know a torc, a path in the charts to the moon just??? that's not kinda.. the charts sparke, LFG!!! I want some coin, it's about fixing the market. If you disagree, GFO!!! The people deserve tons of blig!!! how can they not!! listen, just ignore the left, AMC's targets didn't miss??? With all that money, I'll buy some physio, and some NFI!!! The charts look like they're about to burst!!!

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016e96  No.17082816



Thank you, both.

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31c226  No.17082817


There's got to be a legal reason Stephen Miller isn't on Truth yet (unless he is and I done missed it). Dude is fire.

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15779c  No.17082818


Duh. Thank you for checking up.


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60a181  No.17082819


Seconded and Amen

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8219af  No.17082820



May God bless this bread

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0ad9ea  No.17082821

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eb54a0  No.17082822


When the germans start tearing down government buildings for firewood come september 2022 maybe things will change finally in Europe. They've become soft just like 50% of americans.

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7fb7ca  No.17082823

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637ee1  No.17082824


>Anons ready for some TRUTH and REALITY???

>Rally Day with President Trump IS HERE!!!

take the vax. the vax is good. i am great 'cause muh warp speed.

'zat the troof and reality to which you refer?


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cec3b8  No.17082825

Fear drives profits

AI pushes "apocalypse" fear-mongering

to profit from "preppers"

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2bef8e  No.17082826



thanks. Gives me something to watch while i browse the internet

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02bb35  No.17082827


You're convincing no one SHILL, no piss off back to /hive…/

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d88221  No.17082828


Fun means NOTHING when your ENJOYING yourself…

Sounds like your in a meaning crisis… so most I can do for you right now is till you this…

Your state of mind affects your SOUL… your mind wants fun your soul NEEDS JOY… & JOY comes from within…

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6fd8b2  No.17082829



the few days we used to get to have a booze up and just chill

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5739a4  No.17082830


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f8071b  No.17082831


what the fuck is this clown show. So Madcow is admitting she was wrong? Panic?

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880cb4  No.17082832


I wonder what will happen first, HRC arrested or Elon-Twitter deal finalizing

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dabe2d  No.17082833

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

some of you are true fags

















is said for a reason



↻ ↑ 10 posts

more 6's with awesome posts


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: cee948 No.9795415 📁

Jun 29 2020 23:09:31 (EST)

THESE are the times that try men's souls

The summer soldierand the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. – Thomas Paine


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896e86  No.17082834


>trump fires back, bannon has nothing to do with my or my presidency - intelligience.house.gov

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f2867b  No.17082835


All links collected during the day on the good ship 8kun

Anon is going to repost Michael Cohen#s video for keks, this faggot is either being held hostage or is just a treasonous traitor.

The producer is James Goldston, chaired by the criminals in d.c, we have the worlds tech companies, clowns and the media against anons.

No mean feat to take on trillions of dollars organisations, you should be proud!!


note : youtube and rumble links !!!


Insurrection Day! Featuring the January 6th Select Committee Season Premiere





Note: We are the news, they are propaganda, lets see what habbens !!!


8:00 PM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation


House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


First Open Testimony Before January 6 Committee


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07b9ae  No.17082836


Everyone who watches this board knows you just showed up with your lies.

Who you trying to fool? Newfags?


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85b9cc  No.17082837


Kinney Texas Border Invasion Press Conference


ACTION: “Sheriff’s declare Border invasion.”

>If any vid fag could download?

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395918  No.17082838

Electric ‘jellyfish’ spotted flashing above storm in night sky.


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2ebeb5  No.17082839


Collage memes are the best memes

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2947cf  No.17082840

When the government views itself as superior to the citizenry, when it no longer operates for the benefit of the people, when the people are no longer able to peacefully reform their government, when government officials cease to act like public servants, when elected officials no longer represent the will of the people, when the government routinely violates the rights of the people and perpetrates more violence against the citizenry than the criminal class, when government spending is unaccountable and unaccounted for, when the judiciary act as courts of order rather than justice, and when the government is no longer bound by the laws of the Constitution, then you no longer have a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.”

What we have is a government of wolves.

Our backs are against the proverbial wall.

“We the people”—who think, who reason, who take a stand, who resist, who demand to be treated with dignity and care, who believe in freedom and justice for all—have become undervalued citizens of a totalitarian state that views people as expendable once they have outgrown their usefulness to the State.

Brace yourselves.


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de482f  No.17082841


Jeses also told his crowds that some of them/us have a different father and do not belong with children of His Father/ God

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016e96  No.17082842


That was sorta obvious huh?

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382bef  No.17082843



We can't play their game

We need to be the aggressors

If they want to be victims lets grant their wish.

Cry bullies should be tred upon.

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01e3fd  No.17082844


Your a shit talker. narcisist. dishonest. your intention is aligned with Mike Rothschild.

there's I've told your fortune

/fortune &

Your a fucking retard. Continue and I'll ignore you. you have no value add, just witch hunt.

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76af49  No.17082845


Hello sir. Welcome to the party.

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31c226  No.17082846

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15779c  No.17082847


i was posting that so much in 2018 that I got the name navysealanon.

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d02afc  No.17082848



why not just share them with him?

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452a70  No.17082849


I am very curious to find out who their wet workers are. Very professional, and with a bit of artistry and imagination, not simple gangbangers or off the shelf contractors.

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e81117  No.17082850


During the tape recorded conversation, Mr Sherman openly discussed a fundraiser held at his house on August 26, 2015, which featured then-Liberal candidate Michael Levitt, now an MP, along with Trudeau. Because OCL launched an RCMP investigation of the August 26, 2015 fundraiser for Justin Trudeau based on the content of the tape recorded Nov 3, 2016 interview Apotex filed a law suit seeking a transcript of the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying interview with lobbyist Barry Sherman, or a copy of the recording. Justin Trudeau responded by paying the Office of Commissioner of Lobbying $400,000 to obstruct/defeat Barry Sherman suit & a court hearing that was to be held Feb 2018 to address OCL refusing to comply with a chief court clerk order that “redacted” documents that detail the taped interview between OCL & Barry Sherman must be uncensored & handed over to Apotex. The chief court clerk order was made as a result of the Commissioner of Lobbying redacting Justin Trudeau name from material evidence in an ongoing RCMP investigation. Complying with Chief court clerk order would prove OCL REDACTED Justin Trudeau name from the transcript in order to conceal OCL finding that Justin Trudeau broke the law: “There is basis to conclude that the private interests of (REDACTED) were advanced to a high degree, & that a sense of obligation was created by Mr. Sherman’s” Aug 26, 2015 fundraiser.

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37e8bb  No.17082851

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5a0722  No.17082852


Check this out, a Santa Clara professor was charged with setting one fire, and linked to two more wildfires.

Shows just how some of these Jesuits like to burn and destroy…


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f8ca75  No.17082853

muh symoblismz are uncomfy

et tu, RDA?

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42f4bc  No.17082854


glowies gonna glow

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8f0ff0  No.17082855

we gotta unite with the niggers, queers, and pedophiles, goys

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32a0f1  No.17082856


I don't engage in argument with dogmatic, disingenuous, mendacious cunts like (You).

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601d40  No.17082857

CAPSLOCK +red text= Filtered

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34040b  No.17082858



A lot of the drops hit us like that in real time. Still do. There were periods of horror at what was uncovered. Learn all you can.


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71ef87  No.17082859


They thought you would follow the stars!

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a1f873  No.17082860



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523dea  No.17082861


Never be afraid to ask anything on here, especially a Q drop.

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6b8cd2  No.17082862


Psalm 53

1 The fool says in his heart,

“There is no God.”

They are corrupt, and their ways are vile;

there is no one who does good.

2 God looks down from heaven

on all mankind

to see if there are any who understand,

any who seek God.

3 Everyone has turned away, all have become corrupt;

there is no one who does good,

not even one.

4 Do all these evildoers know nothing?

They devour my people as though eating bread;

they never call on God.

5 But there they are, overwhelmed with dread,

where there was nothing to dread.

God scattered the bones of those who attacked you;

you put them to shame, for God despised them.

6 Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion!

When God restores his people,

let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!

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fec680  No.17082863


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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7413e3  No.17082864


>U.S. will no longer buy Russia's gold.

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419496  No.17082865

No verification needed

Ignore the doubters

We can hear you masturbating

Pig Farmers are cool


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b0d1b9  No.17082866


Are their locations antipodal?

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36f651  No.17082867


Watch out for in the Rio Grande Valley, Mayara Flores is in the lead currently in votes and she's a Republican.

Rio Grande Valley area has been heavily and traditionally Democrat.

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646a0e  No.17082868



That posted tried it already the thread before.


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c386b7  No.17082869



Religion isn't even a thing. It's a flawed advertisement for something it can never produce. Religion is prostitution on steroids.

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17a712  No.17082870

>1:07 video length


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60a181  No.17082871

United States Army National Guardsman and Former Rockville, Maryland Police Officer Admits to Possessing Over 12,000 Depictions of Child Pornography

Defendant Discarded Computer and Factory Reset Smartphone in Anticipation of an Interview with Federal Law Enforcement


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656b28  No.17082872

Dan Scavino/ @DanScavino

06/17/2022 13:28:32

Truth Social: 108493990282542224


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ced350  No.17082873


>"They want race wars" - Q

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156cd9  No.17082874


Shall we play a game ?

This is not a game.

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edd9a7  No.17082875



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34cc34  No.17082876

Doctor Who – Tick Tock Goes The Clock

Tick tock, goes the clock,

And Now what shall we play?

Tick tock, goes the clock,

Now Summers gone away.

Tick tock, goes the clock,

And then what shall we see?

Tick tock, until the day,

'Till thou shalt marry me.

Tick tock, goes the clock,

And all the years they fly,

Tick tock, and all too soon,

You and I must die.

Tick tock, goes the clock,

We laughed at fate and mourned her,

Tick tock, goes the clock,

Even for the doctor.

Tick tock, goes the clock,

He cradled her, and rocked her,

Tick tock, goes the clock,

Even for the doctor.

Doctor, brave and good,

He turned away from violence,

When he understood,

The falling of the silence.

Tick tock, goes the clock,

He gave her all he could give her,

Tick tock, goes the clock,

Now prison waits for River

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cb3492  No.17082877


Boilerplate low IQ shill fail. Gome home gramps, it's time for your meds.

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19eb48  No.17082878


Happy spelunking. With regard to the Intelligence Commitee transcript of the interview of Roger Stone above: Who copied the contents of files from the DNC server onto a thumb drive to give it to Craig Murray, if that is what happened?

Why does this matter? Because today we learn the whole "Russia Hack / Crowdstrike " story was a red herring. The FBI didn't investigate it properly. They just took Crowdstrike's word that it was an internet hack exfiltration.

Several Intel community members including Bill Binney, however, long maintained that the only way to get the files out of the server with the timestamps that they had was if files were copied onto a thumbdrive at high speed, not exfiltrated over a slower Internet connection (to anywhere, much less Russia.)

The DNC files were most likely copied onto a thumb drive.

By Seth Rich.

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e81117  No.17082879



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bd6765  No.17082880


ah yeah got you to post though didn't I


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4410b9  No.17082881


my phone all the sudden told me I was "sharing my location" on jan 6th, although I wasnt there, and i dont have any navigation apps on my phone.

Basically confirmed that Im on a watchlist

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5dee9f  No.17082882


merchants gonna merchant

here's another stupid one

and the hilarious about section on their site

>About Us

>Unfortunately, no amount of exercise can change your body’s natural number of fat deposits. Even with a healthy diet and regular exercise, stubborn areas of fat (typically occurring around the thighs, abdomen, hips and lower back) can be difficult to lose.

>can be difficult to lose

not saying that it's impossible to lose, just that "can be difficult" so just buy their product instead because shekels and shit and work is too hard


trannies can only recruit through force

that should have been clue #1

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40dc14  No.17082883

Oh no. Ebot and the star trek faggots are back. Interesting how they show up at the exact same time and everything goes to shit.

Time after time.

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8219af  No.17082884



no corporate media, ever

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abe0b8  No.17082885

STEVEN COLBERT should be Imprisoned for his CRIMES at CAPITOL HILL

BIDEN molested his Own DAUGHTER

Check your Elite Privilege

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5e897a  No.17082886

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ced350  No.17082887


nut burger

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5e897a  No.17082888


Is the AI containable or Pandora's Box is open?

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6cf8b4  No.17082889

Every person pushing this shit is conspiring in treason

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a28369  No.17082890



>God Wins

tomorrow. peep that logo. god over the world, over darkness and light. who could that be?

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3c624f  No.17082891


thats still a man

he has HRC reptile tongue, prominent brow, thinming hair and male pattern baldness setting in

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b5e000  No.17082892

Us v them

Winning v whinging

I'm going to bed a smiling happy camper tonite!


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26e1f6  No.17082893


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e245ac  No.17082894


Maybe if you could turn it around.

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376e2c  No.17082895


Glad you can listen to Hannity without going crazy, but I’m sure “Putin’s fault” will come up with seeeyeaye hannity. He drives me nuts, his voice is irritating. Report back if you can

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c1eb3f  No.17082896

Peepers creepers

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ad1b83  No.17082897


moral of the story

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029727  No.17082898


The US should invade northern ukraine and take their leaders head.

They took our weapons on the condition that they were going to be used on military targets.

That kike leading ukraine broke his word to bait Russia into attacking our troops and escalate this war.

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3a4788  No.17082899


If Greta is over 18 then it's ok for me to say…


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d0f1d8  No.17082900


putin out moved biden.

russia pegged gold at 5K/gram.

russia currency basically got pegged also, to a gold standard.

chyna is in, india is in (thats 50% globe), and more.

Besides putin is NOT selling, he is buying, as much as he can get his hands on, he knows where world economies are going.

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68139e  No.17082901


the heading doesn't match the vid

Nobody almost knocked over his wife.

she almost walked into a young man with a camera.

they were being crowded from behind.

is that Rockefeller center?

Home turf for hanx.

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665981  No.17082902


ThanQ Baker!

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20669b  No.17082903


"i used to hate baby murder, and then i tried adrenochrome, and it was pretty lit"

in a nutshell

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f2756a  No.17082904


she was all dolled up for her masters

imagine how used up she is now

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124657  No.17082905


Hard copies are kept.

So there's that

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dc459f  No.17082906


well it went off on a tangent, didnt it karen?

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87deb5  No.17082907

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a5b2c4  No.17082908


Q or Kyle did nothing but kill and break laws.

Start a truck convoy to block peoples lives.

Q is evil.

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1013f9  No.17082909


Dan Scavino Force🇺🇸🦅, [15.06.22 17:36]

[Forwarded from MEME WAR]

[ Photo ]

BREAKING - The U.S. Mint has released the new official coin commemorating the success of the Biden economy.


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b3b6de  No.17082910

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56141f  No.17082911


Abortion, mRNA: Two Sides Of The Same Coin?

Meaning In History, by Mark Wauck

Posted By: earlybird, 6/26/2022 3:35:52 PM

Or at least a similar coin. There’s little doubt that what drives the elite ruling class of the West is eugenics and a push for depopulation—NOW. The fact that the elites have embraced Fascism in a Globalist mode fits right in with population control proposals that leave the Nazis in the dust. Watch any of the pro-abortion demonstrations and you’re sure to see people screaming about the joys of killing babies. No, that’s not an exaggeration. Safe, legal, and rare is so 70s—it’s now quite explicitly all about killing children. Which is a bit bizarre, considering: (tweet)If you doubt any of this consider the vast amount of money that has

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7fb7ca  No.17082912

Look at the panic in the comments and retweets


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55070c  No.17082913


Thanks Anon.

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b1efda  No.17082914



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ee8809  No.17082915


>muh shiny jew metal

Fuck off with that boomer shit

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fb41d3  No.17082916

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c547ce  No.17082917

Whoever the ol'fag wraslin' anon is lurking, when I was in HS, my health teacher, who was also the HS baseball coach, and myself became good friends.

All because I made fun of a kid in class named Rhodes whenever he took attendance and called his name.

I would scream out, "Wooooo! The American Dream, baybay!"

The teacher cried laughing when I first did it. Turned out he loved wrestling and Dusty Rhodes.

He went to the U of Georgia and watched the southern wrestling circuit. We became bros after that.

The look of confusion on this kids face every time I would go "Wooooo! The American Dream, baybay!" was priceless.

The teacher would laugh his ass off every time and I think he knew the kid was queer. Which made him laugh harder.

One day he asked in the typical effete lisp, "Why do always do that?". I asked, "You don't know who Dusty Rhodes is? The wrestler?"

He's like, "Oh, no. I never watched wrestling." The teacher and me just looked at each other like, "Mmmmmmhmmmm"

Good times.

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9c5d32  No.17082918


ur the fake


cry more loser

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d6b0a6  No.17082919


Guess bieber didnt make the cut.

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096798  No.17082920

Kinda thinking Il Trumpo has branched off again.

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04b5d9  No.17082921


Q will return today

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cec3b8  No.17082922


This is the faggot who just shut down fertilizer train shipments. He has played a key role in the planned famine that is in progress. it wont be obvious till harvest time.

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325979  No.17082923


Tell Austin/Doge to come say hello

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ee4f75  No.17082924



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637ee1  No.17082925


only need one .17 BMG

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6bf289  No.17082926


weak wrists and weak intellect

sad boy is sad

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be9937  No.17082927


from dark to light


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a03b76  No.17082928

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31c226  No.17082929

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Missions Forward Sir!

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94b7f0  No.17082930


i read a book

everyone told me that was god so i believed them because i was too heathen lazy to seek him on my own

think bigger

God the creator is not in a book

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d88221  No.17082931


Which means Fauci chose not to get vaxxed.

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a7277b  No.17082932



NED, Solidarity Center, AFL-CIO, CIPE, NDI, IRI, FTUI, ACLIS, Our Tax Dollars and Extra Constitutional Activities?

Let's take a closer look at Elizabeth Shuler. She seems to have a lot of support and influence. There are 3 AFL-CIO bio(?) pages about her. The 3 links are below. Shuler is a member of the Aspen Institute. Anon made some copy pasta for your convenience.

Elizabeth Schuler - AFL-CIO


"Elizabeth Schuler - About Us - Elizabeth Schuler


Elizabeth Schuler - AFL-CIO - Union Hall


Shuler - Aspen Institute


Liz Shuler


Advisory Council, Economic Opportunities Program

Elizabeth H. Shuler is president of the 56 unions and 12.5 million members of the AFL-CIO. A visionary leader and longtime trade unionist, Shuler believes the labor movement is the single most powerful vehicle for progress and that unions are a central force in leading lasting societal transformations. She is committed to busting myths about labor, leveraging the labor movement’s diversity for innovative approaches to social justice and making the benefits of a union voice on the job available to working people everywhere.

Shuler is the first woman to hold the office of president in the history of the labor federation. She was elected by the AFL-CIO Executive Council on Aug. 20, 2021, after the unexpected and untimely passing of her predecessor, Richard Trumka.

In 2009, Shuler became the first woman elected to the position of secretary-treasurer at an AFL-CIO convention and the youngest woman ever on the federation’s Executive Council. As secretary-treasurer, she served as the chief financial officer, turning deficits into surpluses and steering the federation through multiple fiscal crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to her stewardship of the federation’s finances, she led the AFL-CIO’s initiatives on the future of work, retirement security, the clean energy economy, public safety reform, workforce development, and empowering women and young workers.

Shuler grew up in a union household—her father, Lance, was a power lineman and longtime member of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 125 at Portland General Electric and her late mother, Joyce, worked as an estimator in the company’s service and design department. In 1993, Shuler was hired at Local 125, where she was thrust into a full-fledged campaign to help the clerical workers organize, an experience that underscored the importance of building mobilizing capacity within the local union, particularly for women workers.

When energy giant Enron Corp. tried to muscle electricity deregulation through the Oregon Legislature, Shuler worked with a broad-based coalition of labor, community and environmental activists to challenge and ultimately overcome Enron’s powerhouse lobbying campaign, a victory that sparked her passion for mobilizing workers to make change even when faced with overwhelming odds.

In 1998, Ed Hill, then-secretary-treasurer of the IBEW, took notice of Shuler’s outstanding work and temporarily assigned her to California where she mobilized IBEW members to help defeat Prop. 226, the so-called paycheck protection initiative that threatened to silence union members in the political process. That victory prompted John J. Barry, president of the IBEW at the time, to hire her as an international representative in the union’s Political/Legislative Affairs Department in Washington, D.C. In that role, Shuler mobilized local unions across the country and frequently lobbied Congress on a range of issues important to working families. In 2004, she was promoted to assistant to the international president, where she advised President Hill, who had succeeded to that position, in driving the agenda of the nearly 1-million member union.

Shuler is not afraid to think big, take risks and do things differently. She looks at technological change as an opportunity to strengthen worker voice and to carve new pathways for workers to learn skills and stay relevant in a changing economy. She knows digital tools can help workers organize in new and powerful ways, forge community alliances and advance issues that matter to working people.

Shuler believes unions are the single greatest force for economic fairness and equality, and a collective bargaining agreement is the best tool for achieving justice for all working people, especially for women, immigrants and people of color…

"Liz is a member of the Advisory Council of the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program. Learn more at as.pn/eopadvisorycouncil."

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ddb7bb  No.17082933


ThanQ. Kek wills your digits.

Fukken deviants.

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f9cbb8  No.17082934


Article was from a year ago…

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f2642e  No.17082935


Imagine the amount of locks to go through just to get around Denver.

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705e3a  No.17082936


>The 21st should tell us all we need to know about how the future will unfold for us.


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5739a4  No.17082937

putin is abiding e.u. u.n human rights convention

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f8071b  No.17082938


how's about deploying some investigators to look into the inciters to riot who's RHETORIC led to an attempted assassination of a Supreme Court Justice?

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4b5f0e  No.17082939

Caitlin Long’s Bitcoin Bank Custodia Is Suing The Federal Reserve

Custodia’s lawsuit states “unlawful” delays in the bank’s approval process to gain a master account with the Federal Reserve which would lessen cost and risks.

“For more than 19 months, Defendants [The Federal Reserve] have refused to act upon Custodia’s application for a master account with the Federal Reserve,” states the lawsuit.

On October 28, 2020 the Wyoming-chartered bank was successfully approved as a special purpose depository institution (SPDI), which means it can serve both traditional banking services and bitcoin transactions. The next day, Custodia simultaneously submitted its master account application.

“The delay also breaches the schedule contained on the master account paperwork itself, which provides that a master account decision ordinarily takes “5 – 7 business days,” the lawsuit continues.

In early 2021, the lawsuit states a representative from the Kansas City Fed informed Custodia that there were “no showstoppers,” in the application, which was confirmed to be complete.

The charter obtained through Wyoming was great news as Custodia became the second crypto-bank in the U.S. behind Kraken, but in order for Custodia to reach the federal level on its own, it is required to go through the Fed.

Currently, Custodia has to endure higher costs, counterparty and settlement credit risks and claims it is losing its competitive advantage by being forced into partnership with an institution that does currently hold a master account.

"Through this lawsuit, Custodia seeks to ensure that its Federal Reserve master account application receives the fair dealing and due process guaranteed to it by both federal statute and the U.S. Constitution,” Custodia Bank’s spokesperson Nathan Miller reportedly stated.

Miller continued to say “Custodia has satisfied every rule applicable to it, and has gone beyond by applying to become a Fed member bank."

Custodia was founded by former Morgan Stanley alumni Caitlin Long under the name Avanti Financial Group in 2020. Long helped write some of the legislation used to regulate these financial service entities entering the bitcoin and broader cryptocurrency space for the state of Wyoming.


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dabe2d  No.17082940


USS Frenship

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6ccb4a  No.17082941


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258dfb  No.17082942


>Toots is your better.

RIP Toots

'lil fighter

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986e41  No.17082943


How many reTruth's is that?

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9afceb  No.17082944


That would be fun

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552360  No.17082945


muh legs also go right up to my back….there is no ass there….comes from my blue-eyed gypsy dad's mom's dad's side: probably runaway polish 'jews'

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f48a6e  No.17082946

BREAKING NEWS: January 6 committee members say they have enough evidence for the DOJ to weigh a criminal indictment for Trump


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11c2df  No.17082947


ThanQ Baker!


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3851c0  No.17082948


>Q is here right now watching.

<and I'm all like

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dcf623  No.17082949

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5f56a9  No.17082950


welp maybe that's proving all them BLM parties weren't that organic after all

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5043c8  No.17082951


Ahemmmm Titanium is used in all those nice blow up things we just sent over to Ukraine. After the Afghanistan debacle, Buffett knew the next war would be in Europe and need lots of parts, since we left billions worth behind in the mid east. No AI needed to follow the democrat playbook about muh Russia and Ukraine is our bitch.

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85b9cc  No.17082952



It's illegal to do a full-scale abortion ban, because that would be the government showing deference to a single religion, and a sect of a religion, at that. Muslims have a 120 day (before "it's a life"/the soul enters the body/it's officially people) standard. Jews claim "Life at First Breath", because Adam parallels… which makes "up to birth" abortions illegal for the same reason; especially considering that THAT IS the Biblical Standard, "officially".


Murder is already illegal, and doesn't need to have any attachment to religion.

- Logically, a full-scale abortion ban would just be recategorizing abortion as murder, which again doesn't need to have anything to do with religion.

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395918  No.17082953



>Order of the Dragon

logo is a






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2947cf  No.17082954


no problem

the night before the attempt ghwb was probably too busy making "plans" to eat anyway

hinckley being a poor shot delayed bush being president for 7 years

or was he the acting president for reagan the whole time

when the son of a "family friend" of the vice-president shoots you after only 70 days in office

you get in line fast

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2ebeb5  No.17082955


Favorite movie is Rocky

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382bef  No.17082956


That's because they feel they can no longer depend on protection from America.

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53e862  No.17082957


like that matters

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812834  No.17082958


>coincidence that Biden flashed his Cue (Q) card the day before Q posts?

Biden's Q card yesterday

Q posts today

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7f66b1  No.17082959


I see that now

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3bcf0c  No.17082960


thanks for proving my point, over and out.

See yo Karen.

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de482f  No.17082961


>Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized Jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-Jewish crime and subversion discussion and to promote the globalist anti-White, anti-Christianity Jew agenda.


The organization most easily known as theC_Ahas been using the same playbook for almost a century, possibly longer, and they still think it works!


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b73230  No.17082962


>citizens should be ready and trained with weaponry.


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3b83dd  No.17082963


Fashion mogul my ass. That v neck and jean jacket screams of a older woman trying to stay relevant.

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b0f4c7  No.17082964


Good, less brainwashing.

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76af49  No.17082965

Parade the shit unprivileged lives of go getter white battlers to stroke ya 'coloured' core 👍 awesome

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78a253  No.17082966


banned is banned

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fe6930  No.17082967




US MILITARY sucks balls.

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20669b  No.17082968


At the next unplanned salt rotation and until the next salt backup. Duh.

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e394ee  No.17082969

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cec3b8  No.17082970


You stupid lying niggers addRPGafter Live Action and make some shit up and call it fact.

I Think Thats Called Gas Lighting

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1faa49  No.17082971




Are there any true normies any more? Or are we left with only NPCs now?

>their immune system

"natural immunity is misinformation"

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6b8cd2  No.17082972



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34040b  No.17082973


Democrats don't benefit politically by cities burning under their watch when they're already on thin ice with the American public. All the antifaggot groups who were extremely well funded and organized in 2020 are not so this time around.

Also this event shines a light on the fact that women are indeed pussies and should just kind of shut the fuck up already.

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157a90  No.17082974


I saw this meme, but didn't steal it, so I had to draw it from memory.

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27ddcb  No.17082975

Kenyan policeman's suicide: A widow's grief

By Joice Etutu

BBC News, Malindi


30 minutes ago


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99e6ed  No.17082976


member when we thought he was the stealth bomber?

fooled by so many.

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b0d1b9  No.17082977



That about covers it.

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37e8bb  No.17082978


Baker is ghost…

Kitchen is open / Note takers & bakers please step up

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452a70  No.17082979


Bottom line, when false flags come out, all of us need to speak up, and say, give us actual proof or stfu.

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a01bec  No.17082980


I think the majority of arrests on Jan 6th, were indeed feds, so they wouldn't get backlash with lawsuits. IMO

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c386b7  No.17082981


>WEATHER Underground

IPOT was all over this in 2019.

The Weather Men IPOT Presents 6.21.19 In Pursuit Of Truth


Episode 3: https://www.bitchute.com/video/SYHc9DO7IYZK/

There's more than one episode of Weather Underground.

SPM's Bitchute channel is full of great work, well researched:



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01e3fd  No.17082982


Are the shills going full retard or…?

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971042  No.17082983


an hour ago saw this Monty Python clip which is extremely relevant:


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013057  No.17082984


Hillary Clinton to be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges


May 29, 2016

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a United States Federal Law passed in 1970 that was designed to provide a tool for law enforcement agencies to fight organized crime. RICO allows prosecution and punishment for alleged racketeering activity that has been executed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise.

Activity considered to be racketeering may include bribery, counterfeiting, money laundering, embezzlement, illegal gambling, kidnapping, murder, drug trafficking, slavery, and a host of other nefarious business practices.

James Comey and The FBI will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, that includes a cogent argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic.

“The New York Times examined Bill Clinton’s relationship with a Canadian mining financier, Frank Giustra, who has donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and sits on its board. Clinton, the story suggests, helped Giustra’s company secure a lucrative uranium-mining deal in Kazakhstan and in return received “a flow of cash” to the Clinton Foundation, including previously undisclosed donations from the company’s chairman totaling $2.35 million.”

Bloomberg Politics

Initially, Comey had indicated that the investigation into Hillary’s home brewed email server was to be concluded by October of 2015. However, as more and more evidence in the case has come to light, this initial date kept being pushed back as the criminal investigation has expanded well beyond violating State Department regulations to include questions about espionage, perjury and influence peddling.

Here’s what we do know. Tens of millions of dollars donated to the Clinton Foundation was funneled to the organization through a Canadian shell company which has made tracing the donors nearly impossible. Less than 10% of donations to the Foundation has actually been released to charitable organizations and $2M that has been traced back to long time Bill Clinton friend Julie McMahon (aka The Energizer). When the official investigation into Hillary’s email server began, she instructed her IT professional to delete over 30,000 emails and cloud backups of her emails older than 30 days at both Platte River Networks and Datto, Inc. The FBI has subsequently recovered the majority, if not all, of Hillary’s deleted emails and are putting together a strong case against her for attempting to cover up her illegal and illicit activities.

A conviction under RICO comes when the Department of Justice proves that the defendant has engaged in two or more examples of racketeering and that the defendant maintained an interest in, participated in or invested in a criminal enterprise affecting interstate or foreign commerce. There is ample evidence already in the public record that the Clinton Foundation qualifies as a criminal enterprise and there’s no doubt that the FBI is privy to significantly more evidence than has already been made public.

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6ccb4a  No.17082985

Chairman Thompson: At the encouragement of the president of the United States…the president of the United States trying to stop the transfer of power.

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cdbe41  No.17082986


Myanmar was the start of the removal of Soros who is one side of the triangle.

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d95256  No.17082987

The calm before the storm.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.



The Calm before the Storm










We the People

We WillNever FORGET!

We WillNever FORGIVE!

'Hold On, I'm Coming'

I Got Them All






Military is the only way.




7th floor is no more









































Scot Free
























Yellow Submarine


Reptile eggs


Epstein Island

Get me a bun, senpai

Who was Bin Laden's handler?

Why was the Lord's prayer changed?

911-clowns-our father?

"Trick or Trick"




pedo bun


pork chop sandwich







Big Pharma









puppet master



Maxwell House















The Long Game





DD Dangerous Dragons

DD Daniel Defense





















e[Y]e of Horus





Holy See

e[Y]e of Ra




















CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta, & Epsilon Hereculis

When does a bird sing?

When it tweets

Fourth Wall?

When (You) are watching a movie.

General K.

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.

Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!💥













>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

>Follow the yellow brick road!



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope…

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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705e3a  No.17082988



Russia state-affiliated media

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the United States sees itself as a "messenger of God on Earth", who has interests but no responsibility:




And just like that, everyone´s talking about God today.

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ed7bf8  No.17082989


yea it makes no sense to me but i definitely noticed the change when it occurred because not only did my first post hit 911 digits but i make a habit out of noticing my id/post count

maybe it will offer something toward the troubleshooting issues but i've never seen that before from my end on an img board

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0bb718  No.17082990


NATO too.

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d02afc  No.17082991


try harder Jim

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17a712  No.17082992


>nobody told you anything

>no time for kidz

That hilarious, because I have no time for absolute retards.

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5fb681  No.17082993


I've been waiting for the knock at the door since 2015.

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6a7194  No.17082994

Biden was right.


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1817f0  No.17082995




>Good Lord…



could be parsed both ways

Multiple meanings exist.


the answer was true regardless of the question

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ba9b7d  No.17082996


Quit projecting your paranoid fantasies you dumb fucking shill.

I'm unafilliated with anything Jewish.

Your dim worldview cannot apparently comprehend that you offend me with your stupidity not your message.

I am not pro-jew. I am anti-moran.

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5eff5a  No.17082997

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edd9a7  No.17082998

Israel deploys tear gas drones against al-Aqsa worshippers

Rocket fire from Gaza was reported late Friday after Israeli police used violent force against Palestinian worshippers following prayers at Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque earlier in the day.

Israeli violence against Palestinians on the third Friday of Ramadan again threatened to spill over into Gaza.

There was a flurry of diplomacy following Israel’s attack on the holy site last week to try to prevent a full-scale confrontation in Gaza like the one that devastated the territory in May last year.

Those 11 days of heavy rocket fire from Gaza and Israeli bombardment of the territory was precipitated in large part by violence against Ramadan worshippers at al-Aqsa.

The situation remained precarious during the week as Israeli Jewish nationalists marched through Jerusalem on Wednesday chanting anti-Palestinian slogans such as “death to the Arabs.”

Later that evening, a rocket was fired from Gaza, landing in an open area near Sderot in southern Israel. Israel carried out air raids on Gaza early Thursday, which were followed by additional rocket and gunfire from the besieged territory.

No serious injuries were reported from Gaza or Israel.

Both Hamas, which oversees Gaza’s internal affairs, and Naftali Bennett, Israel’s prime minister, appear to be trying to avoid another major escalation.

However, Hamas officials reportedly told international mediators that continued violations at al-Aqsa could set off another military confrontation with Israel.

The resistance group has repeatedly called for mass Palestinian mobilization in defense of al-Aqsa and Jerusalem in recent days.

Palestinians confronted Israeli riot police stationed around the mosque complex in Jerusalem on Friday by throwing stones and setting off fireworks following dawn prayers.

Israeli police fired tear gas canisters, rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades towards Palestinians inside the complex but did not raid or fire into al-Aqsa mosque as they did last Friday.


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f293b5  No.17082999


why big nigga grabbin' lil nigga dick?

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59fdb6  No.17083000

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8ba53f  No.17083001


Why is it illegal to criticize Israel in Florida? Why does every single US politicians has to grovel like a dog for Jewish and Israeli approval? Why is there an "anti-Semitism" Czar but no similar cargo for protecting Christians?



The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia



Antifa is a terrorist group in the blood-soaked Bolshevik tradition



Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish



Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews



Your top 9 Yiddish antifa anthems: a revolutionary playlist



The Yiddish roots of antifa – the anti-fascist movement whose precursors date back at least as far as opposition to the Russian czar – have been well documented. They are also enshrined in a canon of Yiddish antifa songs – songs of resistance, anarchism, revolution, and workers’ rights – that listeners might find eerily resonant and applicable to our present moment.


4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel:





Convicted domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, founder of Weather Underground ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Ayers ) is also an initiator of one of antifa's branches "Refuse Fascism".

Related pic here:


The Communist Directive in 1943 (label obstructionists as "fascists" to turn public opinion against them):


The US is a vassal state controlled by zionist traitors:


Zionism in the West must perish, or the Western people will. If the Founding Fathers were around today they would have started shooting zionists on sight a long time ago (disclaimer: always follow the law).

Solution: have all zionists (Jew or Gentile) deported or hung for treason (legally off course) and ban the Talmud (which is anti-Christian, anti-Gentile (in a racial way) and approves of pedophilia) and ban male genital mutilation (aka circumcision) too.

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34040b  No.17083002




Early Notes @ 250 incoming Baker



























notables at 500, call em if anything missed.

is it not noice to see them cancelling themselves after their own narratives fail time and again, j6 committee, video now the big lie.


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594f40  No.17083003


kuman thong

considered lucky

sometimes these re real babies

and worth a lot of money

lots of articles out there about it

and about arrests of people selling fetuses

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b5e000  No.17083004


I've learned that there's different levels of red-pilled. For example, many anons here still don't accept that the holocaust never happened. Their NPC triggers, and they get mad. But once you look into it, the holocaust laugh disintegrates. And the implications of that truth are staggering.

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e11e75  No.17083005


What if HRC is arrested on Monday? What then?

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4cc3ea  No.17083006




I can only guess your point, but check this out!

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8d0dd3  No.17083007


So Hutch is a plant to insert folks into the pool of folks the J6 Circus wants to put in front of a camera…

But… what are your thoughts on Jovan's presentation in Arizona?

Distancing and poo-pooing aside.

No one cares about that.

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5e897a  No.17083008


whatsup bro authority here

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4ca852  No.17083009


"what is a woman"

I don't know for sure

but just remember being told as a kid

it could bring home the bacon

fry it up in a pan

and never let you forget you're a man

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cd4533  No.17083010

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e2bc29  No.17083011


Entire state of Michigan was poisoned in 1973 1974 by cattle feed.

Weirdly memory-holed.

Poisoning Michigan: Author revisits PBB crisis 30 years late

The accidental poisoning of Michigan dairy cattle in the 1970s sparked the largest chemical contamination in United States history.

Nine million residents consumed contaminated meat and milk for a year after a Michigan chemical plant mistakenly added PBB (polybrominated biphenyl) – a toxic fire retardant – to dairy cattle feed, and distributed it to farms throughout the state.


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5efee2  No.17083012


Seems filterable as well

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22f21d  No.17083013


"be rolling"

those fucking ebonics though

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1374c0  No.17083014


Whoa so is this going to go anywhere?


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d3c4c2  No.17083015


8kun is muh safe-space with frens

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b73e45  No.17083016


If you must be wrapped in rubber, and are a little on the larger size, then may I recommend MY.SIZE condoms? They cater to gentlemen that carry a bit more and I endorse them fully. Speaking from personal experience.

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ced350  No.17083017


Polish ruling party chief leaves government post

Jarosław Kaczyński says he wants to focus on the upcoming elections.

Jarosław Kaczyński, leader of Poland’s ruling nationalist Law and Justice party (PiS), on Tuesday resigned from his post as deputy prime minister — but he’s still running the country.

“I am not in the government at the moment,” he told the Polish Press Agency. “I have already submitted the appeal to the prime minister and it has been approved. As far as I know, the president also signed it.”

Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak will replace Kaczyński as deputy prime minister.

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e075a2  No.17083018

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c0e5b2  No.17083019

plan is mind blowing

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457cfe  No.17083020


it took and hour and ten minutes for you to come up with that?

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c01747  No.17083021



yes it's scary af

but it won't go their ways!

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a5b2c4  No.17083022



yep… cheap, and i can stream four live sportsball games simultaneously at a bitrate adequate to watch them.

anyone thinks they need more bandwidth probly needs more brainwidth.

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b5e000  No.17083023

All (LB)








I've heard this codeword before…

Oddly enough from a girl named Alice… She could be a bit… Cruel..

This is weird…

Alas Babylon

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068601  No.17083024

Fresh Bread




Q Research General #21714: 'The Woman Is Living in Fantasy Land' - PDJT Edition

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a0da99  No.17083025


54 post, that's Jeremiah 29:11

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84e4f3  No.17083026

New Pentagon policy allows HIV-positive service members to deploy, remain in uniform


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53b12d  No.17083027


If America falls, the World falls.

God bless our brave fighting men & women.

They deserve our deepest gratitude.

Through their strength, and the millions of united Patriots around the World, we will succeed in this fight.

Peace through strength.

Now comes the pain.

anon likes this one too

As the darkness falls so does our enemies.

down they go

they will fight

but we are ready

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d4fcc9  No.17083028

I hate niggers.

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ad1b83  No.17083029


>It's comfy with noise. I'd be nervous if the shills disappeared completely kek

training necessity



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60543b  No.17083030


Are you baking?

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ea9ec1  No.17083031


-Jody Hunt worked with and was close to Jeff Sessions.

- He was in the infamous meeting between Sessions and Comey about Trump.

-After 21 years, Jody Hunt left the DOJ Civil Div to go work for the law firm Alston & Bird in DC.-He works on their False Claims Act team

-He is now representing Cassidy Hutchinson at the J6 hearing. She is the former aid to Trumps former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows.

-Anons know she is making false claims against Trump.


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76057b  No.17083032


any time

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dc459f  No.17083033


Start by going to cnn.com

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124657  No.17083034


they're afraid americans will finally want off the rothschild plantation of usury, blood libel, and globalism

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3a4788  No.17083035

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8f0ff0  No.17083036


it seems to me that Elon is in the closet.

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cfdb48  No.17083037


How do you feel about the Iran?

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f8ca75  No.17083038


Mine? Yours? The Von Bondies? C'mon maaaaaan.

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56141f  No.17083039


KYS shill. Tripcode fake Q BTFO. Austin currently browsing want ads.

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b5b32b  No.17083040


How the Media Used Russiagate Conspiracy

Theories to Create a News Cartel

Frontpage Mag, by Daniel Greenfield

Posted By: Hazymac, 6/15/2022 7:14:03 AM

In the fall of 2019, Facebook announced that it would be writing selected media outlets some very big checks. The launch of Facebook News was billed as a way to give consumers more access to information, but it was actually an attempt at appeasing big media companies. Facebook, with its older and more conservative user base, had become the epicenter of election conspiracies from the Clinton campaign and its media allies. While Hillary Clinton and her associates were eager to shift the blame for her defeat by relaunching their existing Russiagate smears with false claims that Russian Facebook ads had tilted the election to Trump

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6a6783  No.17083041


my personal pronoun is "liberal hangman"

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240ff3  No.17083042


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818e6e  No.17083043


it better be uncut

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b4399d  No.17083044


To be fair, Trump was only the POTUS…we all know that Fauci made Trump his bitch, and probably fucked Kayleigh in the Oval.

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523dea  No.17083045



Youre low IQ does not effect the outcome













13(storm Cloud)





17 communication artifacts

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d29e9b  No.17083046


What is there to approve of?

Unless you're Ukrainian, Taliban, or Chinese, Biden hasn't done jack shit for you. Even Democrats he ignores. Probably because they're Americans.

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7f66b1  No.17083047

Does the ruling spell the end of the forceful push for electric vehicles?

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d555be  No.17083048



come at me bro

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34cc34  No.17083049


Dancing Jesus for overturning of Roe Vs Wade.

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a1f873  No.17083050




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7413e3  No.17083051


God bless America

Land that I love

Stand beside her

And guide her

Through the night with a light from above

From the mountains

To the prairies

To the oceans white with foam

God bless America

My home, sweet home

God bless America

Land that I love

Stand beside her

And guide her

Through the night with a light from above

From the mountains

To the prairies

To the oceans white with foam

God bless America

My home, sweet home

From the mountains

To the prairies

To the oceans white with foam

God bless America

My home, sweet home

God bless America

My home, sweet home

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419496  No.17083052



>Can you faggots believe they are about to put more taxes on gas??

It's not hard to believe. The Government wants to put their hands into everything and make a profit for themselves whenever and wherever they can.

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36f651  No.17083053


asking you and the board for two days, and not receiving any response nor sauce, if and when he said anything regarding the attacks on the food supply chain is 'too obvious'ly what? Someone who is pointing out what others choose not to consider?

Anon believes nothing. there is no good or bad. there is fully honest or deceptive, however. And neither he, nor any other politrickster, or any other person with a significant platform has called attention to the food supply chain attacks.

There are no enemies. There is charge, potential, and resistance.

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f4c5c8  No.17083054



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725244  No.17083055


I posted it. move along noaw.

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6bf289  No.17083056

Van Halen-Right now

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3b4301  No.17083057


yes captain - full speed lib/democrat, fuck the icebergs dead ahead

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807a20  No.17083058


Dough claimed

noms appreciated

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646a0e  No.17083059

Oh Shit were at squeeze..This is fuckin stupid

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942861  No.17083060


I’m sure it was partly /sarc

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8b4afb  No.17083061


President Trump calls for an end to the Radical Left education cartel of unhinged Marxists trying to indoctrinate your kids

”You can’t teach the Bible, but you can teach children that men get pregnant and that Kindergartners are allowed to pick their own gender.

“You would not trust these people to babysit your children for 30 minutes, and we should not let them educate millions of American students 6 hours a day, year after year.”



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b8824d  No.17083062


Chekt, are you sure?

Looks white to me

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3bb6e8  No.17083063



Best game ever.

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9675b0  No.17083064

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4de01b  No.17083065



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ff90ce  No.17083066

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d51696  No.17083067

I wish Q would die in a fire for wasting my time and letting the country burn without fixing shit.

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a1acb3  No.17083068

Special message for the enemy.

Q team sent their regards.

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4b5f0e  No.17083069


yeah its totally normal too have these inside. "New"


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898033  No.17083070



PAYSEUR PART 3: [P]=Payseur Confirmed. Q Lounge Live 8/28

"PART 3 Q CONFIRMS [P]=Payseur from of my very FIRST EVER presentation on the [P]=Payseur on 8/26/18 from our July dig with host @ShadyGrooove."

IntheMatrixxx/Jeff and Shady Groove really lay it all out.

Everything they find leads back to this one family bloodline, everything!

Q confirms [P] = Payseur!

"In the Vatican - Holy See Q Drop #1950 "Recipe for ……." Q meant P,A,Y,S,E,U,R" IntheMatrixxx direct quote from this video.

Just amazing work guys!



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c54bcc  No.17083071

I lost my panties.

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bd6765  No.17083072


supposition based upon consensual hearsay

one is not being oвтuse

there is no proof of science

even gravity is still an theory



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b51f64  No.17083073


neck yourself kike

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acab3c  No.17083074

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656b28  No.17083075


Probably the most fun I've had watching something court related.

Well played.

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abe0b8  No.17083076

"It had to be done this way"


No, it didn't. Trump & Q Team chose to play brinksmanship politics with the lives of thousands of American patriots. Next time you feel like gambling with our lives, don't.

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4410b9  No.17083077


Lucky they didn't off him. Anon hears that 100% of the people that die in the hospital first made the choice to go to the hospital.

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3c624f  No.17083078


>Great, open the board log up and prove that Jim Watkins didn't stealth claim the board just like he did with QR

And there's the root of your pain, anguish, and embarrassment. Isn't that correct? You feel as though Jim slighted you. You come across as someone that would say or do whatever was necessary in order to harm Jim for hurting you. Every pathetic post reveals your desperation. You've made your case. Please afford Jim the opportunity to assess the situation and respond. Jim does deserve an opportunity to respond, doesn't he?

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2fb3d2  No.17083079



>Misspellings matter.

Shuffles matter even more.

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3851c0  No.17083080


Whoo! She's a bitter, vindictive person who loves the opportunity to try to eviscerate POTUS! Man oh man, what evil lives in her! I bet she begged for this opening monolog to thismovie.

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986e41  No.17083081


talk to me goose

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b3b6de  No.17083082



What is a crowd of 100 people doing at a strip mall?

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be3b57  No.17083083

Why America is NOT the greatest country in the world, anymore.

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1013f9  No.17083084


looks more like chelsea handler

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4d4ea0  No.17083085

Under Alaska’s shimmering Northern Lights, the Long-Range Discrimination Radar rises five stories high and 60 feet wide to track and detect objects to provide layered missile defense.


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3d0e94  No.17083086

if you use "normie" and not "normalfaggot" then you are the normalfaggot

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705e3a  No.17083087


Digits aren't hard to game here.

Not a slam dunk, but fairly easy.

Halfchan digits are much harder to game and essentially impossible for all but 1% of the pro scriptfags.

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7cc96c  No.17083088


"If Jean-Luc Mélenchon is appointed Prime Minister, Julian Assange "will be naturalized French""


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9f050e  No.17083089


why did you have to tag that retarded namefag, anon? i'll put it in notables anyway, begrudgingly..


shhh.. don't tell them, normies don't like to be called normies

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6f4c32  No.17083090


did AF1 take off? supposed to at 9:40 but press conf late so….

9:40 AM

Official Schedule

The President departs Madrid, Spain en route Joint Base Andrews

5:20 PM

Official Schedule

The President arrives at Joint Base Andrews

Joint Base Andrews Out-of-Town Pool

5:40 PM

Official Schedule

The President arrives at the White House


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d555be  No.17083091


TOR is not recommended for regular posting. But has been the only way to post during certain kinds of attacks, especially those happening within the first six mos of replatforming. May be handy again if attacks accelerate in intensity.

Afaik, the only reason TOR was disabled is that oss was banning anon UIPs and didn't want them to have a way around the bans, would have asked FJ to change the setting.

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9a38d2  No.17083092







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5323ba  No.17083093


Who is shooting that footage? Glowwie, that's who.

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c34a71  No.17083094


Hi anon….Today is the morning on wed July 6 (going to add this tag to all of my posts for a bit, for clarity)….

See here for an explanation of what’s going on: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/16634620.html (this is an off-bread link)

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545d7f  No.17083095


Kek! NWO pawn knows they're getting ass punched. God bless Putin for taking names.

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eda48a  No.17083096




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59e746  No.17083097

Donald Trump Jr./ @DonaldJTrumpJr

06/26/2022 16:20:49

Truth Social: 108545628537456845

Nailed it


for keks

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4c0b18  No.17083098


More shit, written by power hungry nutters, for morons like you. "Scripture!!" Ha, ha!!

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5a34a7  No.17083099

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4fdb6e  No.17083100

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7790b6  No.17083101


All that may be true, but Presidents don't get excuses, only a record.

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1002de  No.17083102



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3a493e  No.17083103

I really want to search for certain topics and names.

Anything about the Ellen Comms from way back is an example of a topic I’m curious about.

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382bef  No.17083104


>little girls

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63d5ee  No.17083105


> being left-handed a good or bad thing?

It's an EXPENSIVE thing when it comes to Music.

too bad God didn't make you Ambridextrious.

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0ffdfa  No.17083106



the cabal wouldn't have a ff at a 4th of July parade and then have the shooter go missing for a time so that the police can gather descriptions of a patsy from FBI/C_A plants.

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533518  No.17083107


> if you're dead.


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12ffa0  No.17083108

Before AI…there were 8Kun memes.

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b5cd7b  No.17083109


Woops, thanks.

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55070c  No.17083110



2021 was hard Q.

But we were here.

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6981f5  No.17083111

Left-Wing Disney Heiress Demands Disney to Go More Woke: My Grandfather’s Company Should ‘Stand for Love’

Abigail Disney, the outspoken, left-wing granddaughter of Disney co-founder Roy O. Disney, is urging the company to embrace more leftist social positions, saying political neutrality is no longer an option for American corporations.

“If this brand [Disney] does not stand for love, what on earth is it for?” she wrote in a recent op-ed for The Washington Post.

In her editorial, Abigail Disney slammed Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, falsely claiming that its supporters “will not be satisfied until they have erased an entire class of human beings.”

She also focused on the growing backlash against Disney among conservatives while omitting the fact that it was left-wing LGBTQ activists who dragged Disney into the political debate by pressuring the company to abandon its neutral position and oppose the legislation.

“We need corporations to step up on principle, regardless of what the resulting backlash might look like,” she wrote.

“The only option for corporate leaders is to stand tall for authenticity, generosity, joy and decency. These things are kryptonite for the right-wing agenda. Fortunately, they are also the heart and soul of the Disney brand.”

Abigail Disney’s brother, Roy P. Disney, recently revealed that one of his children is transgender in a fundraiser for the left-wing Human Rights Campaign, saying he was “heartbroken” over the Florida law.

Abigail Disney has been an outspoken critic of Disney senior management, even creating a documentary criticizing the pay gap of Disney employees, focusing on wage earners, or “cast members,” at Disneyland, some of whom say they are unable to afford sufficient food on their pay.


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61cf61  No.17083112


Hunter Biden keeps clothes on grabbing lunch with daughter in California

New pictures have emerged of disgraced first son Hunter Biden — this time, thankfully, fully clothed.

The 52-year-old son of President Biden was snapped taking one of his own daughters, Maisy, to lunch in California, just a day after The Post revealed his latest embarrassing personal video leak, showing him naked and playing with a pellet gun while cavorting with a hooker.

Biden was fully covered for his lunch outing in Malibu, wearing pants, boots, a buttoned-up casual jacket and even a light brown baseball cap, while also proudly wearing an “I voted” sticker. (The Golden State held its primary elections for federal and statewide offices Tuesday.)

Hunter smiled as he entered the laidback Cholada Thai Beach Cuisine with Maisy, 21, who wore a yellow T-shirt and loose slacks, with a blue facemask around her chin.

Biden has long brought his father into disgrace, with Tuesday’s leak just the latest humiliation in his long-running battle with drug addition.

Maisy is one of three kids Hunter shares with his ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, who has added to Hunter’s humiliation by detailing in her forthcoming memoir how his addiction and philandering destroyed their marriage of 24 years.

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a1f873  No.17083113


here's the video for late shift.


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4b2c85  No.17083114

TEST 01.

Patriot Anons Sound Off.

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063b6b  No.17083115


>Day 4


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1785b4  No.17083116


Board of Directors Meeting in 3…2…1

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ef6c1a  No.17083117




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67e554  No.17083118


You know you are completely jaded when you read this story and think to yourself….at least he wasnt fucking kids.

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350cc4  No.17083119


Break-away civilization

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63bc8b  No.17083120



"Fear pron". Kek. Nice touch.

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3a493e  No.17083121


I wonder where they got their ideas from?

The Secret Covenant

"When a Light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best."

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688ddc  No.17083122

How is it 400k children go missing each year from the U.S. and it's not even mentioned on the nightly news?.

Thats 8k children a week

how did people not flip the fuck out by now?

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76d430  No.17083123


Fuck off fungus.

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76744b  No.17083124

Lol what a bunch of so called fucking patriots manipulating tech so no one logical can get a word in. You motherfuckers ARE gonna die. You will watch you so called innocent ilk die before. Keep it up. You doin a fantastic job little fucks

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e74b08  No.17083125



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abd15a  No.17083126


nom for abc meme night

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bdd917  No.17083127

Storm incoming.

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848609  No.17083128

Ever been part of "the wave" at a sporting event? Stood up at a show or event and applauded because others were applauding without knowing much about who, or what the clapping was for?

It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation, to go along with the crowd, and use this to propagate unconscious self-replicating social behaviors (fads, trends, crazes) in a culture for purposes of marketing or for social control.

It's common sense that such a phenomenon, ripe for exploitation, is being used by cultist pedovores interested in controlling human behavior – especially the for controlling the future evolution of social and economic systems.

Pop culture is not the organic phenomena it appears, but a curated artificial medium engineered to permit rapid introduction and transmission of contagious, conditioned behaviors like purchasing and to spread psychogenic illnesses, self-destructive sexual fetishes etc.

Cultures where commerce controls media content and where art is used to sell consumer goods also have the capacity to engineer psychological operations which induce delusions and powerful contagious mental illnesses or collective insanities.

Historical incidents and known forms of contagious psychogenic illnesses are described in "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles Mackay.


In recent years, we have seen mysterious maladies proliferate. Recently, American and European psychologists have been tracking the blue whale game, the Momo challenge, the gorilla glue challenge which use guided imagery, occult symbols sigils and glyphs to evoke a psychic dilemma which persuades victim to ice themselves or huff wasp spray. In addition to obvious mind traps like Momo and the Whale, there are similar cognitive exploits which are far more dangerous.

Rothko's basilisk is a logic trap to which a small segment of the population is especially vulnerable -


The evil clowns create both the pathology, “induced contagious, epidemic psychogenic illness” and the psyops which exploit it, constantly.





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10b1a2  No.17083129


>started talking 17 mins early

was throwing hats and waving till then I think

not sure

I knew he could do it! Thank You President Trump! Not just on time but early. Way to respect the people.

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9cd90a  No.17083130



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04f400  No.17083131

"we're not going to take it any longer"


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1cb341  No.17083132


Yeah. I was in a rush. Whatever.

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e5fa25  No.17083133


give me a link to click.


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d0467a  No.17083134


Nothing can stop what’s coming…nothing…history books 😎


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335042  No.17083135

all (((inbreds)) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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d88221  No.17083136


I’m assuming you still monitor these boards. Putin is destroying the bioweapons labs the deep state has in Ukraine. I’m sure you know it goes way beyond Covid-19 and has for many years from Gulf War Syndrome to Lyme disease.

But now these evil bastards have approved their Covid poison injections for babies and little children. WTF?? It’s clear they want us sick and miserable and addicted to their poisons.

I’ve all but given up on Trump. The fact he promoted the shots after promising Regeneron is inescapable. Now we have our youngest being poisoned by them. I see only one politician speaking out against it but it’s not Trump.

I don’t like this show, I don’t seek out shows that involve sacrificing children for entertainment. I don’t know what the plan is but it appears to be failing badly.

Oh I know, others will say it’s 4000D chess but who will bring these innocent children back from the dead? Who will heal the ones maimed and suffering for life? They have no choice.

I know ppl must learn the hard way, but seriously, this is a shit show and must end soon.

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063477  No.17083137


>but never mind a good love story right.

I'll start listening when you start telling a good one.

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d6e1d0  No.17083138

God bless baker

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ee3b30  No.17083139


just another obedient plantation nigger

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9cd6db  No.17083140


моsт of that is in the subtext

but you be you

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fba087  No.17083141


From strong hand to weak!

Always the path without dedication

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871823  No.17083142


>Why are anons giving cops and republican politicians a pass on child grooming and child trafficking? Watching too many episodes of Hannity? Afraid of prison?

Tell me you're a tard without telling me you're a tard.

Q posts naming R's for abuse


Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.

Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.

Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.

Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.

Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.

Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.

Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.

Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).

Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.

Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.

Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.

Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.

Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.

Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.

Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.

Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.

Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.

Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.

Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.


#4633 has more but I'm outta here. https://qagg.news/?q=arrested

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32a0f1  No.17083143


>Pinched it anon, kek. These may help?



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0c15c9  No.17083144


You idiots are going against the values this country was founded on to appease a bunch of jews and niggers

you are worse than the enemy, you are traitors

fucking disgusting nigger lovers

your ancestors would be ashamed of you

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637ee1  No.17083145


>What are anons doing with your money?

(((Anons))) try to hide, but do not realize that they are recognized by their words and actions.

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6bf289  No.17083146


>That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you.

now go clean up your room and empty the bit bucket

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930946  No.17083147



Only 6 left in stock, holy shit… https://www.ceratac.com/Carbine-Classic-Parts-p/kit-556-c-ck-u-blk.htm

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eeb75e  No.17083148


all of those hoes have haunted wombs from their murdered babies. Their sacred life growing womb has been turned into a graveyard.

Never sleep with a leftist or a baby ghost will bite your dick off and they will curse you with all of the STDs these hoes have collected.


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609437  No.17083149


==notable= nice list.

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2b16db  No.17083150


Could be. I'd say Yes.

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11b6f8  No.17083151


Gods power is made perfect in weakness. Don't presume to speak for me. I hate no one and nothing will make me hate.

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7f66b1  No.17083152


Slow walking like the FDA in Sturgis MI baby food plant.

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016e96  No.17083153


You don't vote because you live in Zhōngshū Shěng province in China you CCP bitch

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1357d0  No.17083154


Fuck that.

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253a4b  No.17083155


He should scream louder.

That will Save America.

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786d62  No.17083156

Hold the Line

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7ec3f4  No.17083157

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bae14e  No.17083158


>That book quote

it doesn't even enter their heads that they and their meddling and control freak nature are the source of conflict.

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d348e5  No.17083159

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3f0a56  No.17083160


oh the irony of a free country


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7f1ca4  No.17083161

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abe0b8  No.17083162


You have my attention anon

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acab3c  No.17083163


>So is this weather manipulation

yes. draughts, floods, etc are allowed, strengthened, or targeted. Since at least the 1950's.


"wilhelm reich"

"cloud bursting"

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942861  No.17083164







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d4fcc9  No.17083165

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b893b6  No.17083166


It's Toiletboi's new kick, worst fucking memes ever. Maga Riot shill, Muh Dick Shill, the "negroid" this or that posts, all the same tard. That fucker's been around since day one, give or take, and has as many personas as the Fungus… probably the same controller.

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37350e  No.17083167


So let me get this straight ..

He built a wall?


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c9f22b  No.17083168

We got an Bide bike fall MEMEs, yet?

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410555  No.17083169


>hi media

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33b946  No.17083170


Fake(?) Q posted via TOR

complaining that Ron removed his trip from the whitelist

he then replied to his own post

thus creating his own (you)

he then capped it and reposted his (you)

he also confirmed the zero delta.

as soon as his trip was added back, he posted again.

You had to be there.

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24a15c  No.17083171


Kek, roger that.

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e81117  No.17083172


>board log from the past 4 hours

Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>

that can nuke a huge amount of a bread if that single IP has a majority of the posts

Deleted all posts by IP hash: <IP hidden>

so can that

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c593eb  No.17083173



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824ea5  No.17083174


John John says at 1:38 "You gotta watch who you follow"

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8074d0  No.17083175


nice magic proxy powers, but if you truly want to get your truth to your target audience, then don't treat your audience like shit, and don't be a Jerk.

So far I am not havin high expectations

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18842a  No.17083176


you realize that statue is a dude, right?

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abd1ef  No.17083177


needed a new camshaft

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7ef026  No.17083178


Me very happy!


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85c5ba  No.17083179

kill all child rapists.

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7ef3b6  No.17083180


Nice graphic anon.

Much Kek


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5cbf30  No.17083181

Donald Trump Jr. / @DonaldJTrumpJr

06/20/2022 16:45:57

Truth Social: 108511753533830590

Much more accurate logo


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24763b  No.17083182


Good they can dig their own grave$!

Save a Bullet for Yerselves…

They can't fight with weapons no how…

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bee75e  No.17083183

John McAfee, [6/25/2022 7:51 AM]





















Si Si Si;



Ai & AE if You Love Your Sanity;









Join: John McAfee (https://t.me/johnmcafeechannel)

everyone trying to be relevant? or a big campaign to confuse via fog of war? or ….. division faggotry?

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ee0ba0  No.17083184

All this porn shilling, kek!

I'm old enough to member when Q posted during times like this.

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5efee2  No.17083185


KEK the level of fear

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8d0d52  No.17083186


I love the armor of God in that shot

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0ffdfa  No.17083187

Navalny supporters fretful with imprisoned Putin critic’s location unknown

Allies of imprisoned opposition politician Alexei Navalny sounded the alarm on Tuesday, saying the Kremlin critic is missing from the prison where he was serving his time.

Most likely he is being transferred to another prison, his close associates say, but in Russia prison transfers take days, if not weeks, and are shrouded in secrecy.

“All this time that we don’t know where Alexei is, he is left alone with the system that has already once tried to kill him,” Navalny’s spokesman Kira Yarmysh said on social media.

Navalny’s closest ally, Leonid Volkov, said on Telegram that the politician’s lawyer went to visit him in prison on Tuesday and was told that “there is no such convict here.”

“Where Alexei is now and which prison he is being taken to, we don’t know,” Volkov said.

Navalny, the most determined political foe of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was arrested in January 2021 upon returning from Germany, where he had been recuperating from nerve-agent poisoning that he blames on the Kremlin, and handed a 2½-year sentence for a parole violation.


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11b6f8  No.17083188

Houston Forces Private Businesses to Install 24/7 Citywide Digital Surveillance Cameras for Warrantless Access by Police

HOUSTON, Tex. — The Rutherford Institute is calling on the City of Houston to address glaring constitutional concerns relating to a recently adopted ordinance that requires private businesses to install citywide digital surveillance cameras that can be accessed by police without a search warrant. The Exterior Security Cameras Ordinance, adopted by the Houston City Council on April 20, 2022, requires private businesses to purchase and install digital surveillance cameras that carry out round-the-clock, citywide surveillance on the populace while “allowing” police to access the footage at any time, for any reason, and without the need of a court-issued warrant. In a letter to the Houston City Council, Rutherford Institute attorneys warn that the City’s thinly veiled attempt to evade oversight and accountability for Fourth Amendment violations by forcing a quasi-private/public arrangement on private businesses regarding the ownership and governance of digital surveillance cameras will not likely hold up to judicial scrutiny.

“By placing the burden of round-the-clock, citywide surveillance on private businesses, the City of Houston is clearly attempting an end-run around the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement as it relates to surveillance by government officials,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “This kind of warrantless, citywide surveillance program inevitably gives rise to a suspect society in which the burden of proof is reversed so that guilt is assumed and innocence must be proven.”

On April 20, 2022, the Houston City Council passed an ordinance ostensibly aimed at addressing “an increase of violent crimes due to the pandemic, social anxiety and economic uncertainty, open carry law and a strained criminal justice system resulting in a criminal backlog of cases.” The Exterior Security Cameras Ordinance requires certain private businesses (all bars, nightclubs, sexually-oriented businesses, convenience stores and game rooms inside city limits) to work in consultation with the Houston Police Department in order to install digital surveillance cameras that record the exterior property areas at all times. Business owners must bear the costs of the cameras, ensure the cameras are in proper working order, maintain recordings for at least 30 days, and provide video footage within 72 hours to police upon their request without a search warrant. The Ordinance is slated to take effect mid-July. Failure to comply with the Ordinance is a punishable offense for business owners with fines up to $500 per day. However, as The Rutherford Institute warns, by lodging the responsibility for the cameras with private businesses, the City is proceeding as if it is not bound by the warrant requirements of the Fourth Amendment, giving police carte blanche access to the surveillance footage from these digital cameras. Consequently, the Ordinance does not require a judge or magistrate to confirm that the police demand for video footage is supported by probable cause of criminal activity under oath, it does not limit the scope of the video footage which can be requested by the police in order to prevent obtaining extra and unnecessary video footage, and it does not require the crime to be violent or even serious in relation to the Ordinance’s stated goal of reducing violent crime. The Ordinance also fails to limit the use and further dissemination of the video footage by the police.

The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties organization, provides legal assistance at no charge to individuals whose constitutional rights have been threatened or violated and educates the public on a wide spectrum of issues affecting their freedoms.


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f95eda  No.17083189


the main problem is the descriptions, for example

>mgt bill on abortion, attacks on pregency 21 cases and timeline - raheem kassam

baker should just keep the title of the article

I have no idea what it's about from the


almost all the other notes are like this

if you dont know how to write a description, just keep the one in the article


paul pelosi

kamala no one cares

buenos aires fire

victorian efags

no courage in corporations pride month celebrations

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4ea6fc  No.17083190


>13 year old girl

dafuq is dis shit?

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bfcdff  No.17083191


Teen Trans Remorse and Dangerous Deranged Butchers


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cdd758  No.17083192


Is it too late to buy stock in 8kun?

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812834  No.17083193


wearing those red shoes contemplatively

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76af49  No.17083194


Remember when 45 was in office, and Nancy tried going on vacation and she was prevented from leaving?

Might be the same thing here.

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365f17  No.17083196


Yes, a Chinese one, which translates to KUN

Easy to reproduce with notepad++

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279b69  No.17083198


Philippine government attorney shot and killed while taking Uber to airport with his mother in Philadelphia


Philippine government attorney shot and killed while taking Uber to airport with his mother in Philadelphia

Updated on: June 20, 2022 / 1:09 PM / CBS/AP

Philippine officials on Monday were mourning a government attorney fatally shot in Philadelphia and called for the perpetrator to be brought to justice.

John Albert Laylo and his mother were heading to the airport to board a flight early Saturday when someone in a black car fired several rounds into their Uber at a red light near the University of Pennsylvania, police said. Laylo was shot in the back of the head and taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead Sunday, police said.

Philippine Consul General Elmer Cato met Laylo's mother at the hospital and said she was slightly injured by glass fragments during the shooting.


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a53cfa  No.17083200


Catholic Apologetics 101, no need to defend your own faith when it's easier to sweep the legs out from under the unsuspecting Mormon. My mother had more pissed off parents come by the house after their kids wanted to convert to Catholicism.

The always invited the Mormon kids in and never failed to politely open their eyes to the lies of their faith. Mom had a gift, may God have mercy on her soul.

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21137b  No.17083202


Dark Reddish Green when boiled for 18 mins…Muy delicioso!

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86dc05  No.17083204


Youngkin and Giuliani, both 9/11 co-conspirators…in political office…what could go wrong? Gotta love the party that kills it's own citizens and blames "the devil".

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0ad9ea  No.17083218

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1afa7d  No.17083220




>If you watch the HBO movie he abandoned his wife and dog there.



it was the libel case of Jim Watkins. The libel laws are harsh in the Philippines, and the prisons i guess primitive, Fred had called Jim senile or something.

But why did the Watkins leave the Philippines/Asia?

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a5b2c4  No.17083221


You're fuckin nuts! He's talking CONSEQUENCES, pussy!

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26ea23  No.17083227


I dare you!

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0dea42  No.17083230



Do you even know what you are talking about?

The odds would be astronomical for someone to guess the same trip code after a supposed salt rotation.

Would take like a million years for a computer to crack.

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9f069b  No.17083231


>trusting muh plan

your faghoe is…

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bf41b6  No.17083236


I take it you are not enjoying the show?

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98397c  No.17083237


Seventeen months after the events of January 6th, Democrats are unable to offer solutions. They are desperate to change the narrative of a failing nation, without even making mention of the havoc and death caused by the Radical Left just months earlier. Make no mistake, they control the government. They own this disaster. They are hoping that these hearings will somehow alter their failing prospects.


Anon is DAILY amazed at Q's counter-counter-Intel to reveal the truth of the MINDS of so many 'trusting FACES and VOICES'.

Absolutely genius.

The world's physical reality is logico-informationally structured in 2022 to BE ACCURATELY DESCRIBED BY THESE STATEMENTS(FACTS).

Anon knows the purveyors of nwo dialectic logic would NOT have wanted it this way, yet here we are.

That happened because real people with minds and hearts of the people, REVEALED what reality REALLY IS, not just what we're seeing blasted in fake news channels or bot infested fake social media titter sites.

That's HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE because any PHYSICAL JUSTICE against the guilty, by having the world SEE the prosecuted as not just guilty but sociopathic in devotion to clinging to the dialectic logic of lies and deception that HUNTED the very same bodies that are now waking up with seeing the radical left for what it really is at its core, that's all genius to have U FOLDED in the first place, given the dialectic logic structured 90% of 'news' and what populations of billions 'believed' was a path to truth.

Genius management of information, because information ABOUT federal agencies is mind boggling to Anon in how to navigate given so difficult to know who to trust.

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edc3fc  No.17083238

Asshole pieces of shit in Washington DC think the American people are stupid.

The data shows a completely different story.

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2645f9  No.17083240

R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison after conviction for sex-trafficking

Haven Orecchio-Egresitz and Jacob Shamsian




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d2106e  No.17083244

Question for Jim and/or Q/New Q/Fake Q/Whoever (anons feel free to answer as well):


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d01f27  No.17083245

his buttgina wants to feels abortions too

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e7a9da  No.17083252


Why would they put you there fellow anon??

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c547ce  No.17083254



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9c5d32  No.17083259


Sounds bout right!

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cd25b8  No.17083261


(British) Crown Empire And The City Of London Corporation

Alexander Light November 6, 2013

World politics today is governed by the Vatican, but also by the Crown Empire. The modern world of so-called Western Civilization began at the end of the 17th century with the blossoming of the British Empire.

That empire actually began several hundred years earlier with the establishment of the City of London, which is now an 800-year corporation that controls finance from an entity called ‘The Crown’.

This entity is the creator and controller of the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve, the World Bank (IMF – International Monetary Fund), The European Union, and various cartels and corporations across the earth.

The Crown Identity is kept most secret, and The Crown Bank of England took and assumed control of the United States during the Roosevelt Administration (1901-1909) when its agents, who were really Crown agents (J. P. Morgan), took over 25% of American business.

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538d1f  No.17083263


Symbols are for fags.

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6981f5  No.17083270

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986e41  No.17083278


Free is a state of mind. You will probably never be free.

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6ed0fc  No.17083281


who is this suppoesed to be?

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a03b76  No.17083282


Planning on another two years before I can afford to jumpstart my own thing.

CNC is expensive.

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d1ea69  No.17083287


Nice projection.

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eca8f7  No.17083288


Something very important to note here is that Rousseau was 17 when he formed Patriot Front. Olena taught Rundo how to proficiently organize younger impressionable minds and the way to do that back then (according to the fbi doc) was discord servers and groups. You will see that proofed later in the article. This prior arrest report reflects Rousseau’s age from an arrest he had in Texas in 2020 so we could verify his age. Sauce

These groups know a lot of each others members since they share similar world views and you can see here that Patriot Front accepted “dual memberships” as long as they were transparent about every action they were committing.

With the formation of Patriot Front, Rousseau instituted strict rules on dual membership, requiring members to disclose affiliations with other organizations. He also required members to disclose activity on a regular basis or risk being purged from the organization. Typical offerings include distributing flyers and banner drops, proof of which are posted to Patriot Front’s social media accounts almost every day. Sauce

A very interesting picture we were able to catch from the most recent coverage of the Patriot Front arrests in Idaho was this picture here from the video. A few of the members were wearing these shirts with the Knight Templars logo on it. Interestingly enough these shirts are made by a merchandise shop owned by Robert Mundo (head of Rise Above Movement). 1st photo below is of the arrest of the Patriot Front wearing that shirt. 2nd photo is the screenshot from the merch store. Sauce


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8b810e  No.17083293



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41f3d6  No.17083305





#21545 >>17082923

#21545 >>17082858

#21545 >>17082906

#21545 >>17082971


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12ffa0  No.17083310


This is not a drill.

Set condition 1SQ.

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abd15a  No.17083320


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4ca852  No.17083321


plus kushner is HARDCORE j3oo

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d6e1d0  No.17083322

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abe0b8  No.17083326



Breadshitters eww



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9cd90a  No.17083327


put cowboys in, get the government out.

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163fb7  No.17083333


No zero delta, no trip code, not tagged by Q, fake and ghey

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3f47ae  No.17083338

Does the FBI operate the FF Members Of Reclaim America 'Patriot Front'. to stir shit against the left wing pet causes? Have they ever been prosecuted or just captured and let out the back door until the next operation?

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