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73b962  No.16995703[View All]

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101 posts omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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2b280c  No.17000877

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9015ab  No.17000899


But I love hoes. No matter what. They love me too. They got two foot one dances and I know she respects me as a man. Stop treating hoes wrong.

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c82af1  No.17000933


see dear?????????????????

who must die????????????????

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763c6c  No.17000978


Did you mean "kekking"?


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01d39d  No.17000980

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cc40f2  No.17001111


>continuation of clown tactic

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1d66ec  No.17001146





1 post shills triggered

Top Kek

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cd61fb  No.17001202



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4b703d  No.17001208

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1a2c5e  No.17001262

July 3, 2020


Ghislaine who?

Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Friday denied knowing Ghislaine Maxwell after a picture of them at the 2014 Vanity Fair Oscars afterparty resurfaced.

The image, which shows the pair standing side by side in evening wear, was shared online after Maxwell’s arrest in New Hampshire on Thursday for allegedly conspiring with Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse minors.

Asked by a Twitter user whether the two were friends, Musk responded: “Don’t know Ghislaine at all.

“She photobombed me once at a Vanity Fair party several years ago. Real question is why VF invited her in the first place,” the SpaceX founder added.

Maxwell, a British socialite, was known to be well-connected, and photos show her and Epstein, the now-dead pedophile, rubbing elbows with some of the world’s most prominent businesspeople, celebrities and politicians.

The Vanity Fair party took place six years after Epstein pleaded guilty to procuring an underage girl for prostitution and of soliciting a prostitute in Florida — but before his 2019 arrest on federal charges for the sex-trafficking of minors.

Replying to Musk, one Twitter user wrote: “They love to use this against you on [conspiracy theorist] forums but… it sounds like Epstein was just trying to get his hands on you.” ..

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8d5e24  No.17001466


>What does a Bann mean

its kind of like a slap on the wrist

with a whet noodle

in the hands of a brony

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194e62  No.17001481


Bunch of Harley Quinns; and no, I couldn't find a female alignment chart.

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00db21  No.17001522


>Interesting symbolism


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7f03d6  No.17001537


coincidental that he's a 'brennan'

and went on a big time tv show, cable to diss the host of our board.

then comes here to tell us what to think


ultimate fame fag. and hater.

Never 'got' Q anyway. though sent a personal memo

after being a q and a watkins-hater expects us to eat up his drivel? who bad mouthed us on National tv

right, he's the expert now; gonna come tell us what to think

don 't think so

bv and hotwheels.

got it.

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4bd19c  No.17001538

Question: what are the anons doing on the side when the bread is going slow?

Are you all just sitting there staring at the screen while huffing three spiffs at once?

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6f7020  No.17001696


>Nothing but Fake News, Human Trafficking, Genocide & Cover Ups

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937f1d  No.17001743


seems to me that America has two traditions that sometimes clash … Individual Freedom and Puritanism

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041c96  No.17001766

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125af6  No.17001884

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1c1a2d  No.17001938


he's got a good voice for that shit

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299191  No.17001949


>You won this bread

no, You won this bread

ID: 63c35a (17) posts

6+3+3+5= 17

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132dfe  No.17001954

Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News @BenBergquam


From the edge of the Darien Gap, Panama with Michael Yon - part 1

Soon it will be every country in the world!

@RealAmVoice @bennyjohnson @JackPosobiec @Oscarelblue @Saorsa1776 @AgueroForTexas @ACTBrigitte @Brick_Suit @maureen_bannon




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BenBergquam's avatar

Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News


From the edge of the Darien Gap, Panama - part 2.

It was all a lie. Everything the open borders left is saying is a lie!

@RealAmVoice @JackPosobiec @Oscarelblue @Saorsa1776 @ACTBrigitte @Brick_Suit @maureen_bannon @unite1st @JasonMillerinDC @AgueroForTexas @maureen_bannon @RepMTG


Two clips from Michael Yon in dose. I are a retard and flub linking clips all da time.

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041c96  No.17001970


Oh, this news network also has teh babes

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7beb0e  No.17001976



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b2db88  No.17001982

Our tax dollars here in Shasta County (Commiefornia)will no longer promote these sexual freaks!!!

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34d53a  No.17002007


>By the time we're no longer here, but in Heaven, evil will have been completely dealt with by Jesus Christ.

Evil has already been completely dealt with by Jesus when He died on the cross and descended into Hell for us and conquered it. He literally went to Hell & Back for us.

Goodnight, fren. Sleep well.

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1881c7  No.17002017




Past Bread Conversation

Conservatorship in Secret Question

Continued… Sorry, busy day for me today.

To answer your question… Yes, absolutely…

Someone could without a doubt get Conservatorship granted over someone in secret… It could very much be done as long as the right people are in the right legal places for such things to occur…

It would also require Co-operation on all parts.

Legally speaking a Conservatorship could also, with the proper people making it happen, be transferred in secret… To last for years…

Based on the attachment you provided… I'd say it sounds like B's Conservatorship was 100% secret… Fully Premeditated, including making sure the right people were in the right place at the right time…

Based on this email… I'd say it's a VERY high chance there was conspiracy between not just Tri-Star, but her family, her manager, and whoever was basically waiting for her at the facility…

This could be found very easily in discovery. However we are talking about the realm in which deleting evidence is standard procedure if/when anything like this were to go public in any form….

I'd almost be willing to be money on it that this is going on as we speak….

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3a736e  No.17002080


He should mention the Everforward, its closeness to DC, container missles/foreign war supplies, and how all the Dems caught Covid so they won't be there if there was an attack.

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39c318  No.17002132






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Maybe the best tactic would be to find some wrongfully terminated employees and filed legal action?





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Interesting, so everyone who was fired under this person can come back and say they were fired because of their political beliefs 🤔





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here for the plot twist of when she gets terminated for this


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a29e85  No.17002159


Wasn't there a dig on Letitia James?

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e384b5  No.17002164


She's not White, she's Jewish.

Jews say, "I'm not White, I'm Jewish," and then accuse White people of all of the crimes that they themselves are guilty of committing.

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07ec22  No.17002210




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9aa756  No.17002233


Recipe for Soylent Green?

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2aa619  No.17002244



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584ff6  No.17002269


I doubt that Pence is Q. I said some nice things about him in the past, but since then more has come out, and I don't think he is worth a bag of Indiana manure in a corn field.

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f4d8be  No.17002331


mabbe a little?


save all of them

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e5a0ca  No.17002351


Is that a pencil cat?

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11610b  No.17002374

2 Q-related threads on /pol/ rn



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7326a2  No.17002641

and then i filter juws

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bb65ca  No.17002649

Saturday is rally day

And Q is back


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5e2422  No.17002659


Whom has WHO had fucking monkeys ?

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9957ce  No.17002706


I endured 5 months in an urban setting with no water or power

its sucks bigly

best to prepare

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5e3319  No.17002734

What is going on with US pilots?

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eb9bf6  No.17002765



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615918  No.17002835


How about Trump on a UFO with popcorn

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f79a7e  No.17002878


Absolutely..kek..Do your own research you got here..kek..Glowing agent

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87376f  No.17002925


No children were injured or died in this False Flag.

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47786d  No.17002946


>That B post on projectdcomms has been deleted… Someone help.

LARP wars in full effect

8kun tripcode salt got rotated before the "new" Q's

except the new Q's use tripcode from the OLD salt?


its fake and ghey anon

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009fce  No.17002951


He didn't win the last one, no reason he'd be the favorite to win the next one. Third place Joe.

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069ae0  No.17003008




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