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a32ef3  No.16981332[View All]

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bd4bc8  No.16988357

They’ve got to be a really dumb fucks to pay for a picture with her. Bet the price goes down further, like her. Charging $15,000 or $5,000 is that even legal?


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d87b6d  No.16988364

In connection with Whitney Webb’s upcoming book on the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, One Nation Under Blackmail, Unlimited Hangout filed a Freedom of Information request asking UK law enforcement and the Ministry of Defence the identity of two sitting US senators who were present at Foxcote House in North Warwickshire, UK on September 1, 2002. UH contributor Johnny Vedmore had previously obtained information from eyewitnesses of that meeting that, not only were two US Senators present at that location that day, but that Metropolitan Police officers had supplied security for the meeting. The FOI request was filed to Metropolitan Police, the UK Ministry of Defence and North Warwickshire Police and only a response from the Metropolitan Police was received.

The motive for UH’s FOI request is as follows. It is known that Jeffrey Epstein, as attested to by Epstein’s flight logs, was present in this part of the UK during this same period (from August 31, 2002 to September 2, 2002) and eyewitnesses saw him attend this specific meeting at this location with two attractive and glamorously dressed women on each arm. One of these women was Nicole Junkermann, a former model and apparent intelligence asset as revealed in Vedmore’s previous investigative work. The other woman was described by eyewitnesses as a tall brunette. Per those eyewitness accounts, Epstein personally escorted the two women into the room where the two senators were waiting.

Notably the house where this meeting took place, Foxcote House, has been owned by the family of Leslie Wexner, specifically his wife Abigail Wexner, since 1999. Wexner’s role in financing much of Jeffrey Epstein’s activities, legal and illegal, is a major focus of Webb’s upcoming book and Wexner has encountered considerable difficulty in explaining away his relationship with Epstein, despite the largely servile posture of mainstream media in this regard.

Given the circumstances, it seems highly likely that this meeting was a high-profile instance of Jeffrey Epstein engaging in the sexual blackmail of sitting American politicians. However, due to the well-known scandal around Jeffrey Epstein, his name was not used in our FOI request in order to avoid potentially “spiking” the response.

Despite the omission of Epstein’s name, Metropolitan Police responded to the request stating that they can “neither confirm nor deny whether it holds” the requested information. Their response goes on to state that confirming or denying “whether any United States of America (USA) senators were afforded protection could undermine the safeguarding of national security.” It also notes that it blocked providing the requested information on four other grounds aside from “national security” (five in total), including “international relations”, “law enforcement”, “health and safety”, and “personal information.” It also states that providing the requested information could place “those who are afforded protection, protection officers and members of the public at risk.”

UH has since re-filed a new, related FOI request asking why Metropolitan Police officers were providing protection to a meeting where Jeffrey Epstein was present, since his criminal activities are undeniable.


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bdfbad  No.16988366


Hmmm… Mental Health or Asshole?

Right now, I am siding with Asshole but Mental Health this a strong consideration.

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3d9fe0  No.16988369



> BANNOnGAPE'sgate probed deep and dumb into pedostaslilpeepee@gmail.com

BANNOnGAPE'sgate volcano spead mexican beer disease terrorisms

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87f48f  No.16988370

Minor Shumman event underway…


This is aSHIT TONof military traffic for a Monday…

Anyone else have thatIMPENDING DOOMfeeling?

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543346  No.16988399



happy 4th

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c490cc  No.16988412


Perhaps Ted was onto something.


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44f860  No.16988413


In this?

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b01847  No.16988414

Two rail experts say that a battery explosion on a new Orange Line car earlier this week was likely behind the MBTA’s decision to keep all new Orange and Red Line trains away from passenger service.


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70c1ca  No.16988416



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768026  No.16988419


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6080ad  No.16988437


you would think this to be common knowledge.

ffs the state of the US

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9d71ae  No.16988438

Do you think the invisible powers that control the power are one, or are there numerous factions competing for power?

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1be4c8  No.16988450


A good reminder our history is made up by degenerates.

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d1f2de  No.16988455


































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1c289b  No.16988463


>They were destroyed during the Ass-Legs alliance of '94.

They were not even grown on yet in '94 if I remember correctly.

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ff4b27  No.16988479

#ESG targets small ranches and farms who don't comply with the proposed SEC climate rule. (Even though SEC can't regulate ag.) Very proud to publish this on behalf of @IWF at @RealClearEnergy

w/ @MississippiMG's & @HadleyHeath's guidance. Please share!



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5849b0  No.16988480


Still trying to argue that I'm a shill? It's genuinely hilarious because I am actually a poor, fat dude in Canada, your shill detection is fucking terrible. Maybe you're the shill, here to call anyone trying to engage in real discussion a shill, so that others won't engage? Doesn't matter, I won't be here for long today, and probably never again afterwards, so don't worry, little trigglyfuck, life will be back to it's normal self of Fox news and Trump 2024. Bet you're fucking jabbed, you special ed fuck.


Nice digits, retard. Am I supposed to cry? OH NO YOU CALLED ME FELICIA. Great comeback. DERP.


God bless you. I'll fight through the fucking fires of hell, I have nothing to lose. Bring on the end times, it's time now.

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0d8a2c  No.16988483


reddit spacing.

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a0e806  No.16988501


Get em out! With a nigger and Mexican under each arm,!

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653eb7  No.16988502


I am very curious to find out who their wet workers are. Very professional, and with a bit of artistry and imagination, not simple gangbangers or off the shelf contractors.

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eb9e09  No.16988503



dubs dubs chek'ed and confirmed, these three dogs are controlling the other dogs

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4a79c6  No.16988504


C-VINE News (Official Channel), [24.06.22 16:07]

[ Photo ]

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b3e1f5  No.16988518



Kekistan kicks

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0f5aa6  No.16988519

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Nashville, Tennessee

Donald Trump






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82a417  No.16988526



>Women only know what women are."

THAT is the point. trannies are NOT women. as men all they can do is make stuff up as to what they think and 'feel' a women is. this insistence the rest of the world play along is legit…insanity.

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3ae655  No.16988529


Call me crazy, but I even assume that what is being 'bought' is actually seized, realty wise, and may even be offered up later, at a very discounted price, oh, how I ponder.

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bdd4e6  No.16988536

Germany supports NAZIS 2022. (I suppose it's the shit government of Germany and not the people of Germany.)


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41f3db  No.16988547


ECHO == ""

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35b63e  No.16988548

Bought & Paid For

comp'd, comp'd, everything is comp'd

Liberal GOP governor of New Hampshire breaks promise, vetoes repeal of abortion mill buffer zone law

‘If Sununu is willing to go back on his word on this, then what else?’

CONCORD (LifeSiteNews) – Liberal Republican Gov. Chris Sununu drew the ire of New Hampshire pro-lifers on May 27 with his veto of legislation that would have repealed a Granite State law empowering abortion centers to establish 25-foot “buffer zones” on public property to prevent pro-life advocacy, despite the facts that the law has never been invoked and Sununu had previously pledged to repeal it.


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c10d66  No.16988552


>I saw your post and wanted to reply.

7 hours later. I've been here the whole time, kek. Dunno if other anon is that dedicated.

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803dd7  No.16988562

The question? Why did the FBI have a secure workspace at Perkins Coie? They’ve allegedly had it since 2012.

“Perkins Coie is responsible to the FBI for maintaining the Secure Work Environment,” the letter reportedly said.

Gaetz and Jordan are now demanding answers from the FBI. They’ve sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, demanding an explanation.

“We have learned that since March 2012, the FBI approved and facilitated a Secure Work Environment at Perkins Coie’s Washington, D.C. office, which continues to be operational,” the letter states. “In a letter dated May 25, 2022, the law firm confirmed and acknowledged the arrangement.”

The congressmen’s letter states that Michael Sussmann, the former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer who was acquitted Tuesday of lying to the FBI, had access to the Secure Work Environment until some point in 2021 and had “limited supervised access thereafter.”

The FBI’s response to the question is interesting. They don’t mention Perkins Coie, but implicitly seem to be acknowledging there was such a workspace but appear to be trying to justify it.

“The FBI complies with the law and security policies and works with the Department of Justice to serve classified, Court-authorized legal process necessary to support national security investigations. In certain instances, the FBI coordinates with non-government, third-party entities, such as law firms, that represent service providers which receive these classified Court orders,” an FBI spokesperson told Fox News Digital in a statement.

“This includes providing access to private attorneys which represent the service providers in satisfaction of their legal rights. As part of this, the FBI ensures that any storage of classified orders meets stringent security protocols required for such documents.”

Gaetz said they were demanding answers from Wray by June 15, and that there were serious questions that were raised by this relationship.

“Our concern is that politically motivated dirt was being converted into politically motivated investigations,” Gaetz said on Fox News. “That’s why Jim Jordan and I are making demands for answers on Christopher Wray immediately. And it’s my hope, certainly, that we shut this facility down.”

He wants any records related to the space, who had access to it, and why, not to mention when and how this workspace was approved.

Meanwhile, Perkins isn’t talking.

Congress needs to get a further explanation from Christopher Wray as to what this space was about and why it was at Perkins. If it’s about providing access to Perkins to review records, why isn’t that at the FBI and/or why they just aren’t providing the records? What other places do they have this at besides Perkins as their attempted explanation seems to imply that there are multiple other places? What access to FBI databases might have been given here? And who has had access to this space over the time it has been in operation? And if Sussmann was the contact — who was he working with at the FBI on this?


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f919a4  No.16988565


JUST IN 🚨 UK Army’s Twitter and YouTube accounts breached, investigation underway: Defense ministry

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cabb8f  No.16988575

Leaked Docs Reportedly Show Ecuador's Effort to Take Edward Snowden in From Russian Airport Impasse

Snowden's passport was supposedly canceled by the American government when he was en route to South America, leaving him effectively trapped in the Moscow airport. A month later, he would receive asylum and eventually a residency permit, and as of June 2022, he continues to live in Russia with his family.

Former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden's international status and asylum were the subjects of a series of messages between the Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility and the Russian Foreign Ministry in the summer of 2013, as Quito tried to secure "international protection" for the whistleblower and provide him safe passage to the Latin American country.

According to a report by the Daily Dot, a trove of documents, emails, and conversations were made public thanks to data stolen from the Ecuadorian Embassy in Moscow by hackers. Over 71,000 files, including passport scans and personal data from visa applications, are allegedly included in the more than 53 gigabytes of material that hackers claiming affiliation with Anonymous handed to the media group DDoSecrets.

Some of the documents in the stache reportedly date as far back as 2013. The fate of Snowden, who notably revealed top secret information about the NSA's surveillance practices that year after escaping to Hong Kong, is the subject of numerous documents that go into depth.

In one such document, dated June 24, 2013, Galo Galarza, then-Ecuadorian foreign minister, is seen asking Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Federation's minister of Foreign Affairs, for permission to send Snowden to Ecuador safely from US special services. The day prior to the message, the US had revoked Snowden's passport.

According to the report, citing obtained letters, Galarza also requested Lavrov "take the necessary measures to establish coordination so that the transfer of citizen Edward Snowden… is carried out with the due guarantees of security and integrity," according to the outlet's translation of the Spanish text.

Then, Ecuadorian officials reportedly said the efforts were necessary in light of its choice to "grant international protection" to Snowden. Russia supposedly replied the same day, acknowledging receipt of the letter but requesting more information regarding Ecuador's legal standing.

"The Department of Latin America of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, once the content of the same is known, has requested to clarify what Ecuador refers to when it indicates its decision to grant ‘international protection’ since, according to the jurists of the Russian Foreign Ministry, in international law there is no such category," the Russian MFA allegedly told the embassy.


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587bec  No.16988584


New York Post


Amber Heard has one of the world's most beautiful faces, according to science https://trib.al/vUtp0zs


1:34 PM · Jun 21, 2022·SocialFlow

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6972a5  No.16988585


It's the 'Jews'!

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f9fb42  No.16988587














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472b0d  No.16988593


Deflection garbage.


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112b7e  No.16988596

Dumb Ass Post of the Day. 🤣

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0d8a2c  No.16988610

Thank you God, For one more day on this Earth.


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52c84c  No.16988614


hah hah

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dc5382  No.16988618

All Speech to be Monitored and Approved by Police in Ottawa

Ottawa police have sworn to monitor speech and gestures on Canada Day, adding that they will “actively respond to” anything deemed offensive.

While speaking at a Canada Day planning update meeting, interim OPS chief Steve Bell responded to a question regarding potentially offensive speech (speech deemed homophobic, misogynistic, or potentially racist), saying that no such speech would be tolerated.

“I think the easiest way to answer that is just with a no,” said Bell, adding that Ottawa police will “actively respond to” and investigate hate or bias crime incidents, intimidation or threats, reports the Ottawa Citizen.

In an email to the Ottawa Citizen, Police Service spokesperson Cst. Mike Cudrasov wrote, “Communicating (words spoken or written, gestures or signs) homophobic, misogynistic, and/or racist messages in a public place will be investigated and can lead to various criminal charges including public incitement of hatred Sec 319(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada.”

“These will NOT be tolerated.”

Potentially offensive speech isn’t the only thing that police say they’ll be looking out for, though. Camping is also a hot topic this year.

“Camping and the placement of structures in City Parks are not permitted unless the authority to do so has been granted through a permit. Enforcement will be on a zero-tolerance basis.,” Ottawa By-law tweeted.

Leading up to Canada Day, police promised that they would have an “unprecedented and unique” response to any protests planned. Just five days ago, they revealed what that response would entail.

On June 24, the City of Ottawa announced several restrictions for Canada Day, including a barricaded motor vehicle control zone with police checkpoints to ban protesters’ vehicles.


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819a44  No.16988619


real life zombies

easily programmable of what to think

mass sleeper cells ready to attack on "triggers"

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e86432  No.16988621


and all 5 5-eyes countries have been acting like communist dictators since Trump.

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bd6b82  No.16988625


Without some kind of intervention…we ain't gettin' to 2024.

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94df46  No.16988637


well said!

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1cbd00  No.16988644


Whoever said Vigano was a child murderer?

What do you KNOW Anon?

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73dfd3  No.16988650



dark to light

nowhere to hide

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a238c5  No.16988652



repeat of drowning actresses….

Was some shit a few years ago,

one of whom left their kid in the boat.

Something like that.

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0d8605  No.16988655


These are underreported by a 1,000%. Doctors refused to actually believe and follow up on vaccine injuries.

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