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c1487c  No.16981331[View All]

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db5560  No.16988088


Not true, a lot of people voted him cause "muh first black president"

Not to mention the cheating, especially by ACORN or whatever hell that organization was.

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76c43c  No.16988090


>Richard Russell Steals a Horizon Air Q400 (Exclusive New Footage)

The Russel Hustle

I Remember watching it as it happened on 8 Chan. I always thought the audio between RR and the fighter pilot sounded like a script from an actual audio recording. It was as if the white hats were trolling someone(s) to let them know they have everything. There was a period in the conversation where the words didn’t fit the context of the moment. It was an interesting show!

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7446cc  No.16988092

Vladimir Putin attends midnight Orthodox Easter mass in Moscow



Happy Easter Midnight Riders

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7446cc  No.16988096

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7c10c4  No.16988108


czech'd on 11.11'ish quads (preceded by 5:5 dubs)

speaking of which, your ID: dbe4eb …

dbe → 4+2+5 = 11

4eb → 4+5+2 = 11

so11.11on ID: as well

what did Q say about coincidences?

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fc5302  No.16988110


Trudeau gonna be jealous…

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61d3de  No.16988111


You're right. Bots come in both silicon and carbon flavors. They just can't help but to shill for "The Powers and Principalities".

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f9bf53  No.16988119

They can see the wall for what it is.

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1944fe  No.16988128

Retail Sales Turn Negative in May Reflecting Continued Contraction Within Economy

June 15, 2022 | Sundance |

The U.S. economy is 70% driven by consumer spending. When consumers stop spending the economy shrinks, it is that simple. The U.S. Dept of Commerce has released the May retail sales [pdf DATA HERE], showing a 0.3% drop in retail sales for the month. If you are interested in details, look at Table-2.

The critical point to remember is this sentence extracted from CNBC, “the numbers are not adjusted for inflation, which increased 1% for the month on the headline number and 0.6% excluding food and energy.” Everyone ignores this point, and every MSM economist pretends not to know it.

Retail sales -as measured in units purchased- have been in a contracting position since June of 2021. When the current data shows a drop of -0.3% in May, the actual drop in retail sales is much, much greater. The dept of commerce calculates retail sales in dollars. When prices are 20% higher and sales are low, retailers are selling less stuff (less units) at higher prices. This has been the reality of our economy for several months. This is also why productivity has been declining for more than a year.

If you take the 8.6% inflation rate (far understated) and an aggregate drop in sales of 0.3% (again, far understated as a measure of inflation), that means consumers are spending limited incomes on critical or essential purchases like housing, food, fuel and energy. Consumers are not purchasing durable goods; people are hunkering down.

Yearly retail sales (May ’21 compared to May ’22) are +8.1%. However, yearly retail inflation for the same period is +8.6%. Again, reflecting that less stuff is being purchased inside the economy at higher prices. If the commerce dept was measuring actual units being purchased, we would be seeing massive drops in sales.

(Via CNBC) – […] Advance retail and food service spending fell 0.3% for the month, below the Dow Jones estimate for a 0.1% gain. Excluding autos, sales were up 0.5%, which fell short of expectations for a 0.8% increase…..

The people within the economic bureaucracy, that are aligned with the political ideology of the Biden administration, are going to lie on the second quarter statistics in order to protect the administration. The Q2 data is going to be heavily manipulated by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Dept of Labor, Dept of Transportation and Dept of Commerce in order to hide the second quarter results.

Import data will be manipulated to help hide the GDP contraction. The rates of inflation within the economy will be manipulated downward in order to help hide the GDP contraction. All of the agencies aligned within government will manipulate the data in order to avoid a Q2 contraction which, when added to the Q1 contraction, would mean we are in a factual recession.

We are in an abusive relationship with our own government.


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b6447d  No.16988138


The corporate voting charade.

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399d74  No.16988144

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ff8080  No.16988150


Actors support their fellow actors.

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fc5302  No.16988157

I'm the all worshipful master. If you disagree, my dad will buy your rental.

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4964ef  No.16988162

TFW the shillbot is using reddit spacing…

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9d9497  No.16988170


no one is going to save you from this except you.

it is big and it is coming soon (3rd week Sept).

don't see it…how can you be here and not?

wake the fuck up or stop the shilling

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b5a6a0  No.16988178



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6c7ba5  No.16988183

Evenin’ Nightshift

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af2e95  No.16988185


Best I can do at the moment is an F-4

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6c5168  No.16988198

Schools only teach what the government allows them to teach. They want to keep you poor.

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cc9c1b  No.16988200


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26e399  No.16988206


F off saying the people actually doing shit are feds…and if they are ffs they ata leasta re doing shit lazy fucktard.

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f4b70a  No.16988215


you dip shit. it's his mom's maiden name. who married his dad James. It's right there in the notice

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58d244  No.16988221


>What do you need?


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d8e1c4  No.16988228


>reality has no moral component

I would re-tool that nugget.

God is the Truth. Reality. See where I'm going?

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399d74  No.16988237


I am asking you, never talk to me again.


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b46007  No.16988246


Wanna be nice naow?

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70f5ef  No.16988247


I wonder if the American Food factories were targeting us and the other countries were not doing the same. Most of the food in the grocers I will not touch, eat or use for preparing my meals. Kroger's in loved in my town and the deli food is tasteless, I know many friends whose smell is compromised and that interferes with their taste buds. One friend asked me to sniff her fridge to be sure she did not have something going bad. That means she could be eating food that is spoiled and not know it. It also means she could by shitty food that has no nutritional value. I have not been able to eat bell peppers for three years. They taste just like petroleum. I smell the same when I pump gas. I used to eat them Amish farm fresh by the bushel.

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6350be  No.16988266




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fc5302  No.16988269


You are still here!

We’ve missed you terribly.

Happy for the innocents!

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26e399  No.16988270


you so grrr very rawr

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43d81e  No.16988274

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4f8c46  No.16988276



Now do "KYS" or "do a flip" or one of your other creative responses.

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9e86e1  No.16988279


I argue this every summer tilll the fam cant stand it anymore and turn in the ac, made it to july once, but people were cross

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399d74  No.16988284

Q ive been dealing with awful tinnitus since jan 2021. Its not the vax that caused it as im pureblood. Any idea what it could be? My doc thinks its signals from radios, satellites or other new energy tech that was deployed. This is truly debilitating. Only reason i havent given up or worse is to see the plan through.

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f05ae8  No.16988315


Liar, I have repeatedly specified Q's conditions for re-verifying tripcode.

You have repeatedly not integrated the knowledge. Remove yourself


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8032db  No.16988318




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11a8cc  No.16988320

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db5560  No.16988321


>Seems like something that would be of interest to more people if they knew about it

Yep, they know something that we only intuit.

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59c311  No.16988338


>Ghislaine Maxwell Sentenced to 20 in Prison

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3111ff  No.16988342


It doesn't matter to me which is used as long as all the links in the old one still work.

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0419d8  No.16988356



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65b20c  No.16988358


Is this GPT-4chan bot?

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6a717e  No.16988359

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f05ae8  No.16988392


>Yep. "Muh whitelist".

The desperation is palpable.

They didn't think their scam would be caught, now they're panicking. Shill count through the roof.

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b14f31  No.16988396


If you were given the opportunity to solve the issue of corruption in politics once and for all, how would you do it?

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0419d8  No.16988408


So they are doing it to us in increments.

Shit, I failed their test…I'm still unsure what they were expecting to happen. I need TO SEE FACTS. FACE to FACE. Otherwise, everything can be explained away with digital snoping/hacking

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db5560  No.16988427

6 million

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b9ef1b  No.16988445


Hey anon. I see your posts. We all do. They are interesting… I have the public originals for the boat pics with POS C and H…

Can you discuss? I'm tempted to try and OCR/translate.

I realize we repeat… Can I buy a vowel?

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3e60c8  No.16988451


>30mm cures a lot of ills.

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b0e826  No.16988454

It's the 'Jews'- the Synagogue of Satan

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