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acc412  No.16883943[View All]

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bc70d2  No.16906011

There's irony in the fact that the only people on this board behaving in the way you try to characterize Jews, is (You).

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d4de57  No.16906020

Former U.S. ambassador says lifting China tariffs could slash inflation, help Biden in midterms.


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fa4faf  No.16906037

Get woke, go broke.

Pizza Hut featured a book about “drag kids” as part of its reading incentive program aimed at children as young as pre-kindergarten.

A book about drag kids titled “Big Wig” was promoted to children as young as 4.

The book celebrates little boys who perform for adults while dressed in wigs, heavy make-up and dresses.

TRENDING: FBI Arrests Trump Advisor Dr. Peter Navarro at DC-Area Airport One Day After He Vowed to Help Republicans Impeach Joe Biden

“When a child dresses in drag to compete in a neighborhood costume competition, he becomes B. B. Bedazzle! A key part of B.B. Bedazzle’s ensemble is a wig called Wig. Together they are an unstoppable drag queen team! But Wig feels inadequate compared to the other, bigger wigs. When Wig flies off B. B.’s head, she goes from kid to kid instilling confidence and inspiring dreams in those who wear her,” the book’s description read.


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031688  No.16906049





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031688  No.16906122


The White Stripes.

Thank you baker.

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6f809d  No.16906159


evil is out of business. lost your lease.

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d4de57  No.16906239



Maybe their bet is that if they "announce" it, then Russia will flood Market with gold, thus droping its price. Then they could buy it and deplete Russian gold assests.

>Ofcourse, this is just speculation.

And if Russia won't sell, that should increase gold price even more, which would in no way be harmful to Russia, because they will bypass them.

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1c398a  No.16906243


I dont speak 'insanity'.

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4cbed8  No.16906263

File: 2d863d1cc9c8984⋯.png (38.14 KB, 926x267, 926:267, ClipboardImage.png)


"I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings," Biden said in 2019.

But the president met with at least 14 of Hunter’s business associates from the U.S., Mexico, Ukraine, China and Kazakhstan over the course of his vice presidency, a Fox News Digital review found.

Two of Hunter’s Mexican business associates, Miguel Aleman Velasco and Miguel Aleman Magnani visited the West Wing on Feb. 26, 2014, according to the Obama White House visitor logs, and Joe was later photographed with Hunter giving Velasco and Magnani a tour of the White House Brady Press Briefing room.

"Do you have pictures from the lunch I had in dad's office (I think on 2/26) with Miguel Alleman [sic] Sr. And Jr. And Jeff Cooper? If so let me know >and I can send someone to pick them up. Thanks. How was Kiev?" Hunter wrote in an April 2014 email to David Lienemann, Biden's official photographer during his 8 years as vice president.

Emails, which were reviewed by Fox News Digital, from more than a year later showed that Hunter arranged a video conference with his father and Carlos Slim, a Mexican billionaire with whom Hunter was seeking to do business with at the time, on Oct. 30, 2015.

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5666e3  No.16906300


good Lord you're so plain

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5666e3  No.16906407


Beep boop beep

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d11140  No.16906543


ie Airport, Courthouse, Trump rallies

Where armed security are available to screen and disarm anyone entering a building or venue?

A sign saying No Guns Allowed doesn't quite do the trick.

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0b0b56  No.16906545



for my good??????????????

if my head hurts, I take a pill, then my leg hurts, so I take a pill, for head and leg, then my liver hurts, so now I must take 3 pills, then my stomach hurts, so I must take a pill for that too, then my heart hurts, then a pill to sheet, then a pill to vomit the pills…………………

get the fuck otta here.

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441a71  No.16906597

I love how they try and paint anons as something they're not to try isolate them and get others to turn on them. I've never once called them anything other than what they've called themselves and the one word Q used to describe them.

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ef05df  No.16906602

Muh pain muh pain.

Bunch of sickos. I'd love to hear the justifications for the sedition.

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62ded0  No.16906608

Jim Jordan accuses Deborah Birx of lying about the Covid vax. She weasels out of it by saying it was "hope" and not lying. These people are incorrigible.


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078372  No.16906645


You got the crash photos?

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261bf8  No.16906663


tell him to touch josh in the tabernacle

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d44123  No.16906711

Roe v Wade Protest Downtown LA 6/24/22

1st Responders Media


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fa4faf  No.16906722


Back to slavery it is, then. Boy, are all these "minorities" going to be surprised.

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8ca65e  No.16906728


It should say,

"…And still we continue to LET them Lie"

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441a71  No.16906742


Were you here the night ebot got a notable for pimp slapping a shill?

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deae7a  No.16906778


1 hand=4 inches

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5666e3  No.16906780

We create our timelines as a collective.

Where we go one we go all, means much more than many can imagine.

We, with our thoughts create our timeliness as a collective

They have been using yhis against us by keeping us in fear, stressed out.

They know how powerful we all are.

They know how this works and use it against us

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5a3c78  No.16906831


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deae7a  No.16906839

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5a3c78  No.16906840

Soros-Backed Challenger Ousts Incumbent Prosecutor in Maine Race

In the race to become the top prosecutor in Maine’s largest county, George Soros-backed candidate Jacqueline Sartoris ousted incumbent Jonathan Sahrbeck.

With 94 percent of precincts counted, Sartoris won with 15,209 votes, or 65 percent, compared to Sahrbeck’s 8,069 votes in the June 14 Democratic primary, according to local station WMTM.

Since there were the only two candidates running in the race, Sartoris is expected to be elected as Cumberland County’s next district attorney in November.

In the month before the primary, a George Soros-backed super PAC spent nearly $384,000 opposing Sahrbeck and supporting Sartoris, a whopping amount almost five times the combined total spent by both candidates and unheard of in local prosecutor races.

Though both candidates are registered Democrats, they hold different views on top priorities.

Sahrbeck, a career prosecutor, said most crimes in the county are fueled by either drug addiction or mental health, so he wanted to leverage the criminal justice system in a way to get more people into court-ordered treatment programs, according to a virtual candidate forum hosted by Portland Center for Restorative Justice.

As for Sartoris, an environmental-lawyer-turned prosecutor, a district attorney’s top job is to set prosecution policies.

Her vision is to reduce jail and prison populations through office-wide policies that set when to charge crimes, what charges to file, and how to resolve the charges, according to the same forum.

“People are mostly unaware that prosecutors have an incredible amount of power in the system. We, in fact, have the greatest power in the criminal justice system,” she said at the forum.

In contrast, Sahrbeck disagrees that the top prosecutor is a “policy position.”

He said prosecutors should judge every case on its own merits (such as the crime committed, the history of the offender, and the victim,) and make a prosecutorial decision that’s best in the interest of justice, which includes the interests of offenders, victims, and the broader community, according to the candidate forum.

Sahrbeck raised $49,177 in his reelection bid, twice as much as Sartoris, according to the campaign finance data published by Maine Ethics Commission.

However, about a month before the primary George Soros-backed Democracy PAC II poured $300,000 into the newly formed Maine Justice and Public Safety PAC. The latter ended up spending $383,945 on mailers and digital ads opposing Sahrbeck and supporting Sartoris, according to data by Maine Ethics Commission.

Soros is the principal donor to the Democracy PAC II in this election cycle, contributing $125 million, or 99 percent of total receipts, according to finance data published by Federal Election Commission.

Super PACs like Maine Justice and Public Safety can raise and spend unlimited money on communications opposing or supporting candidates under the protection of free speech. But they cannot communicate directly with candidates and must follow certain finance disclosure rules.

For more than two decades, Republican Stephanie Anderson held the top prosecutor job in Cumberland County, which includes Maine’s largest city Portland.

After Anderson announced her retirement in 2018, Sahrbeck, a Republican-turned Independent candidate at the time, was to face Jon Gale, a Democrat, in the general election.

However, just a week before the election, Gale dropped out of the race over sexual misconduct allegations.

As a result, Sahrbeck was elected even though he only got 26.7 percent of the votes.

Last September, Sahrbeck changed his party registration again, this time to Democrat. He said his record as a district attorney reflects the Democratic values of addressing root causes of crime, according to the above candidate forum.

While in office, Sahrbeck created a diversion program, a veterans treatment court, and a community network called the Cumberland County Coalition on Substance Use Prevention.


muh paywall

Poor bastards have us surrounded.

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62ded0  No.16906899



I know, right.

We've heard the rumblings the whole way through.

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8ca65e  No.16906910


>Step 1: Cross out anyone who declared as Democrat.

you should also do this in your personal life ; if your wife is a declared democrat. divorce the bitch; a family member? tell them to go fuck tehmselves and cross them out of your life

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62ded0  No.16906939

I'm not going to watch this, there istoo much stupid going on and it might be contagious


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276037  No.16907000


>what each of you look like

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5a3c78  No.16907023

Same Constitution


Same flag?

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276037  No.16907057


we should pay off some debt

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84d82c  No.16907058


Racist cunt

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dd2f6b  No.16907097


>“turn Nezalezhnaya into a centre for transplant tourism from rich countries,”

Would be interdasting to see a list of those "tourists"

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567a22  No.16907106


$10/gal fuel, empty shelves, & moar dead people from vaccines are a feature of this plan, not a bug…

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f3e848  No.16907144

The insanity continues at Twitter.


has been suspended for this tweet about Ellen Page. He just told me he will “never” delete the tweet.




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84d82c  No.16907211

What does clown world have in store for us today?

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f3e848  No.16907213


State Dept. Offering $10 Million ‘for

Information on Foreign Interference in

U.S. Elections’

Legal Insurrection, by Mary Chastain

Posted By: Harlowe, 7/2/2022 2:05:52 PM

The midterms happen in November. People expect a huge red wave. So weird that the State Department has offered up to $10 million for any information on foreign interference in our elections: The reward offer seeks information leading to the identification or location of any foreign person or entity who knowingly engaged or is engaging in foreign election interference. The reward offer also seeks information leading to the prevention, frustration, or favorable resolution of an act of foreign election interference, including by dismantling, in whole or significant part, an organization engaged in such activity.(Snip)…it applies to all elections in the country:

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b664ae  No.16907260


They dont want to cut off their food source.

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f3e848  No.16907264


Dig In

It is an unprecedented time for farmland sales. For young farmers, sky high land prices are preventing them from buying.

Since January 2021, Class A farmland prices in central Illinois have risen 35%, Luke Worrell of Worrell Land Services in Jacksonville told The Center Square.

Worrell works with the Illinois Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers and economists at the University of Illinois who track farmland prices. Every year, the society produces an extensive study of Illinois farmland values and leases for the previous year.

Class A acreage has the highest quality soil types and is 100% tillable. No matter what the quality of the farmland, however, prices have increased since January 2021, Worrell said.

“All other classes of land saw robust increases,” Worrell said.

Market indicators are still strong, but land sales traditionally slow down when crops go in. The number of transactions for the spring and summer have slowed down as they normally do, Worrell said. Commodity prices are still high, but so are input costs and the price of gas and oil and the price of machinery.


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5a3c78  No.16907272


Yes, lots of joy, and weird creatures seething themselves into insanity

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5055ce  No.16907289


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f3e848  No.16907371

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2e2e50  No.16907454

[disney] rights

What is a person?

What is a corporation?

What are they really?

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5055ce  No.16907469






Seems Jerry the Nad is the top pick for sloth

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567a22  No.16907500

President Trump to hold a rally in Alaska for the first time

The 45th president will head to Anchorage, Alaska, next week to rally for his Alaska-native endorsed candidates.

According to an announcement via President Trump’s Save America PAC, the rally will be held at the Alaska Airlines Center in support of Gov. Mike Dunleavy, senatorial candidate Kelly Tshibaka, and congressional candidate Sarah Palin.

President Trump will give remarks on Saturday, July 9, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. ET.

RSBN will bring all-day LIVE from Anchorage. Stay tuned for details on how you can watch.

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Alaska pic.twitter.com/8thh9khQ36

— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) June 29, 2022


Save America Rally in Anchorage, Alaska

Event Details

Sat, July 09, 2022

04:00 pm (AKST)

Doors Open: 11:00 am

Alaska Airlines Center

3550 Providence Dr.

Anchorage ak, 99508


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b664ae  No.16907514

Track 06 "Power Tools"

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276037  No.16907523


Chill bruv topkek

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2e2e50  No.16907544


kek'd and chek'd

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