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78c6c7  No.16883747[View All]

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>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

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b60fa8  No.16905493




but you're a limp wristed little faggot who smears starbucks lattes all over his inward caved chest while masturbating to trannie pr0n

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edc637  No.16905516


Bill would hit it twice.

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4e2dc0  No.16905520


it will never be caused by the vaccine

ist verboten

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b60fa8  No.16905554

kill all child rapists.

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fe7d7a  No.16905593



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fb8d9a  No.16905621

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/11/2022 21:14:17

Truth Social: 108461847820758313

Congressman Joe Wilson is a phenomenal Representative of the people of South Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District!

A retired Colonel of the South Carolina Army National Guard, Joe is fighting to Defend our Country, Strengthen the Military, Support our Veterans, Secure the Border, and Protect our Second Amendment.

Joe Wilson is a fearless advocate for our America First movement, and he has my Complete and Total Endorsement!


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041ac9  No.16905626


For your ignorance you get a slap with filter. Learn what a GenX is moron

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4d0223  No.16905691


fucken saved


>What does homemade video fuck sllut wifey have to do with this? Or is anon just horny for an online whore?

Dude do you even infer?

Knowing such wifey does one seek other thing?


>Cassandra whatever the fuck her name is.


Greek, not Apollo's wifey.

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4e2dc0  No.16905744


Quick question, who do military take orders from?

I don't think it's "we the people",

military paycheques are written by MIC

So that plan has "issues" imho

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8b1373  No.16905787

DJT 16:49 ENJOY!

Q 1649 Enjoy the show

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605a0b  No.16905809



Excellent work

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4ccd7e  No.16905853


made into 2

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fe5a87  No.16905859



See new Tweets


Jennifer Zeng 曾錚


Now everyone in #CCPChina is monitored and controlled by this so called Health Code. If your code turns yellow or red, you are doomed. It can turn yellow if you stay in the same 800mx800m square with a #Covid positive person for more 10 minutes. #CCP tracks all your movements.

8:36 AM · Jun 4, 2022

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226a44  No.16905871


>What the H does "you really screwed the pooch that time" even mean?

"…dictionaries of American slang recognize that “screw the pooch” must have developed as a euphemism for an older military vulgarism: “fuck the dog.”

In The F-Word, lexicographer Jesse Sheidlower gives examples of “fuck the dog” dating back to 1935, when it appeared in Jack Conroy’s novel A World to Win. And there are even a couple of examples from the World War I era that refer to the expression obliquely, in the more decorous, and therefore more printable, versions “feed the dog” and “walk the dog.”

Whether the action was feeding, walking, or fornicating, though, all of these early examples were used to mean “to loaf around” or “to waste time” (dogs have often been associated with laziness, as in the expression “dogging it”). Later on, possibly around World War II, “fucking the dog” and its euphemistic equivalents took on a secondary meaning of “blundering.”

But where did the enjoyably assonant “screw the pooch” come from and how did the Mercury astronauts end up using it? Searching for clues, I noticed that the entry for the expression on Wiktionary had been anonymously edited a few years ago to give credit to “a Yale graduate named John Rawlings who helped design the astronauts’ space suits.” In turn, the Wiktionary editor claimed, Rawlings got it from a Yale friend, “the radio DJ Jack May (a.k.a. ‘Candied Yam Jackson’),” who had softened “fuck the dog” to be “simultaneously less vulgar and more pleasing to the ear.”"


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47e942  No.16905950


Stubby fingers are stubby

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32d96b  No.16906061

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1e3980  No.16906079

>afghan earthquake timing

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction: “It is my duty to report that the State Department & USAID are unreasonably refusing to provide information and assistance.” The topics pertain to the fall of Afghanistan & the Taliban takeover…



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a269ba  No.16906229

do interracial marriage next

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d1a738  No.16906258

Shakowsky's (Mrs. Robert Creamer) district::

City Journal


Evanston–Skokie School District 65's gender curriculum offers additional proof that parents and legislators are right to be concerned about gender ideology in American public schools. https://www.city-journal.org/radical-ge … g-children via @realchrisrufo

https://twitter.com/CityJournal/status/ … 6013261824

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c7bca9  No.16906303


when they tweeted "priDEMONth" I put them on my to eat list.

But the drivethru is always around the building kinda busy, and I normally eat home cooked meals (hot asian wife knows how to sammitch), but yes. I will plan to support them if out and hungry.

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296827  No.16906319



- t. schlomo

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c7bca9  No.16906348


>Lovely if it were true

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49fd5d  No.16906410


but can you dance to it…kek

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c7bca9  No.16906425


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f6daf8  No.16906459


Ghetto shootings is more of a CIA op.

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ba2b83  No.16906479

File: d964101bcf0b2c3⋯.png (358.41 KB, 489x312, 163:104, pepe_antiques_road_show.PNG)

if you post an image, then it is known you are not a spam bot

should temp require images with every post until this onslaught subsides

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1ec9c3  No.16906580


IS torr recommended? Use to be slow and pain in the ass to use

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fb58f5  No.16906584


>so the fake moon landing wasn't a one time thing


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3b5393  No.16906606

You have more than you know

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9591de  No.16906626

P = Pindar

Pindar the Lizard King

The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for " Pinnacle of the Draco ", also known as the " Penis of the Dragon ". Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear.

Pindar, represents himself as the supreme purebred royal leader of the earth for serving the Draco Empire, and heads up all the Bloodline families in a top-down pyramid of mafioso control. Apparently, he is at the top of the pyramid as the hidden capstone, and all under him must take his orders down the chain of command or suffer punishment, torture or death. The Pindar entity assigns positions and roles throughout the organized hierarchy of the Anti-Christ and Satanic Councils, and many are holders in positions of running specific Alien Machinery, other networks and pillars, which connect directly to run reversals in the cardinal directions, also called the inorganic four.

The Pindar oversees the geo-political operations globally, but his merged AI consciousness with AI Thoth and AI Azazael holds the antichrist architecture for running the beast machine throughout the Northern Pillar. This position is the most important cardinal direction, which oversees the land mass of United Kingdom, entire North America and Antarctica. This means Pindar is overseeing all the main spiritual gateways such as the 11D Stonehenge, 9D Antarctica, and North America, such Stargate 1 Inner Gate Cyprus, and Northern Arizona.

The point is knowing that Pindar is the top of the chain holding the Northern position, and he assigns other entities to hold the Southern position, the Eastern position and the Western position for running beast machine reversals and carrying out the NAA agendas for the One World Order.

Pindar seems to be heavily involved giving orders to run the world conglomerates of transnational businesses, such as giving orders to the Council of 300, with the main goal of manipulating the geo-political environment. Pindar enjoys staging proxy wars for proxy nations for their massive corporate entities and running of industries that serves the Draco Empire, such as mass Human Trafficking and child trafficking off planet, and setting up empires or colony's on other planets from the earth's stolen resources. This is run at the top by anti-human, non-human forces, these are Draconian entities that comprise the Orion Group and Alpha Draconis who created partnerships with those Luciferian bloodlines that have the most significant amount of reptilian DNA from thousands of years of genetic modification and alien hybridization.

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cb6784  No.16906629

More spins from the bin…

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15cd12  No.16906653


>why is Q sitting there while kids are murdered by their own parents?

>seems to be going right along with the enemies depopulation plan.

IDK, seems like a valid question to me.

if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck….

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c7bca9  No.16906659



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58e1db  No.16906661

Julian Assange is my husband – his extradition is an abomination

Julian must be freed before it’s too late. His life depends on it. Your rights depend on it

Stella Moris

Julian now faces a prison sentence of up to 175 years

Last Friday, home secretary Priti Patel gave her approval for the UK to send my husband, Julian Assange, to the country that plotted his assassination.

Julian remains imprisoned in Belmarsh after more than three years at the behest of US prosecutors. He faces a prison sentence of up to 175 years for arguably the most celebrated publications in the history of journalism.

Patel’s decision to extradite Julian has sent shockwaves across the journalism community. The home secretary flouted calls from representatives of the Council of Europe, the OSCE, almost 2000 journalists and 300 doctors for the extradition to be halted.

When Julian calls around the children’s bed time, they talk over each other boisterously. The calls only last 10 minutes, so when the call ended abruptly the other night Max, who is three, asked tearfully if it was because he’d been naughty, I absentmindedly said it wasn’t his fault, but Mike Pompeo’s. Five-year-old Gabriel asked: “Who is Mike Pompeo?”

Mike Pompeo had been on my mind, because while the home secretary in this country was busy signing Julian’s extradition order, in Spain a High Court judge was summoning Pompeo for questioning regarding his role as director of the CIA in their reported plots to murder my husband.

While at the helm of the CIA, President Trump’s most loyal supporter reportedly tasked his agents with preparing “sketches” and “options” for the assassination of their father.

The citation for Pompeo to appear before a Spanish judge comes out of an investigation into illicit spying of Julian and his lawyers through a company registered in Spain. Spanish police seized large amounts of electronic data, and insiders involved in carrying out the clandestine operations testified that they acted on instruction of the CIA. They had discussed abducting and poisoning Julian.

Gabriel was six months old at the time and had been a target too. One witness was instructed to obtain DNA swabs from a soiled nappy in order to establish that Julian was his father. Another admitted to planting hidden microphones under the fire extinguishers to tap legally privileged meetings between Julian and his lawyers.

The recordings of Julian’s legal meetings in the Ecuadorian embassy in London were physically transported to handlers in the United States on a regular basis. A break-in at Julian’s lawyers’ office was caught on camera, and investigators discovered photographs of Julian’s lawyer’s legal papers taken inside the embassy. The operations targeting his lawyers read like they are taken from a Soviet playbook.

Across the pond, ever since the Nixon administration’s attempted prosecution of the New York Times over the Pentagon Papers over half a century ago, constitutional lawyers had been warning that the 1917 Espionage Act would one day be abused to prosecute journalists.

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cb6784  No.16906665



Alrighty, then. Translate. Anon has the dumbs, but wants to know. What are anons seeing, here?

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15cd12  No.16906708


7 deadly sins are nonsense of the catholic church. 7 heads.

Pride is not sin. When you tell a child they did something well, they feel pride.

What the LGBTQWTFBBQ crowd call pride is not pride.

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5704ac  No.16906710


grrr there is no exceptions for this! Not all abuse victims commit crimes; those who do need to be subjected to the fullest extent of the law: BECAUSE THEY KNEW IT WAS CRIMINAL AND DIDN'T CARE

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14db72  No.16906729


Lip added, “Finally, the people here have been liberated from the terror that they’ve been experiencing for the last eight years,” under continuous shelling by the Ukrainian military.

Soon after the video went viral, Lipp’s YouTube channel was closed, her PayPal account was blocked, and the Ukrainian government labeled her a “terrorist”.

Join the 20,000 subscribers who get my newsletter sent directly to their inbox!

Last month, the journalist received a letter from Germany’s prosecutor’s office which states that she now faces three years in prison for supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

This comes after German authorities closed down her bank account and her father’s bank account without warning.

In a recent interview, Lipp explained, “The letter says that, for example, I say in my Telegram channel that the population of Donbas supports the fact that Russia has launched a special operation.”

“I also said that for several years Ukrainians have been killing civilians in the Donbas, and that this is genocide and it turns out to be a crime for Germany, so they took 1,600 euro from my bank account and didn’t even tell me about it.” Lipp said.

According to Lipp, the German government has declared her guilty and she will not be able to defend herself in court.

“At the end of the letter, he says that they are not going to invite me to a hearing because this would ‘disturb the investigations,’ and that is very interesting, so they are chasing me, but they do not want to listen to me,” she said in a video posted to her telegram channel.

Despite the charges against her, Alina Lipp plans to continue reporting from Donetsk, which she said is being shelled daily by the Ukrainian armed forces.

Twitter avatar for @hobeetsFrank Hoogerbeets @hobeets

German journalist persecuted and her bank account blocked for sharing what's happening in Ukraine. Free speech is no longer allowed. What's at stake for the #EU? With Dutch subtitles.

June 19th 2022

Forty Democrats Labeled Ukraine's Azov Battalion a Terrorist Organization in 2019: They compared them to ISIS and blamed them for the Christchurch shooter then they sent them $31 billion in weapons. Read more.

OSCE Reports Reveal Ukraine Started Shelling The Donbas Nine Days Before Russia's 'Special Military Operation': On-the-ground video journalism from an independent reporter named Patrick Lancaster and the OSCE maps clearly show that the Ukrainian side backed by the United States and NATO forces began shelling the independent republics of Donetsk and Luhansk on February 16th, 2022. Read more.

The Ukrainian Billionaire Who Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion: The real person who was the benefactor to, and the boss of, Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, at the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings, was Ihor Kolomoysky, who was the same Ukrainian oligarch who funded the presidential campaign of Volodymyr Zelensky, and the neo-Nazi Azov Battalions shooting rockets at the Donbas. Read more.

How Obama And Biden Installed Neo-Nazis In Ukraine: Today’s war cannot be understood without first understanding the U.S. government’s role in Ukraine's Maidan Coup and how Obama and Biden helped neo-Nazi factions overthrow the elected government of Ukraine. Read more.

Inflation, De-dollarization, and Russia's Ultimate Goal for War in Ukraine: The ultimate goal has always been to displace the U.S. at the apex of the global pyramid, and therefore, to end the role of the dollar as the global reserve currency. Read more.


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cb6784  No.16906751


Biggest Sissy Jew I've ever seen.

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64b73b  No.16906768


they raise the price

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9591de  No.16906827





UpFrontInTheProphetic interviews Jeffrey Pedersen AKA @IntheMatrixxx

"Join us with Special Guest Jeffrey Pedersen AKA InTheMatrixxx, Wizards, CORN, AMPFest, Symbolism and so much more….."

"We are all trying to get to that 777 consciousness"

"we know 66 is the number of the fallen angels"

"Yhead is a Chinese satellite company"

"I have been Q'ed 15 times"

"Q did confirm my Payseur post by reposting "hey Q does P = Payseur?""

Wow, just wow!

Amazing work gentlemen!





1 20180525 [intheMatrixxx] on Twitter [30977 views] - 1mfVZ6JO1Ik

00:312 20181006 Wrap Up Smear by [Nancy Pelosi] [139723 views] - 6 WejAVUTCE

03:293 20181218 Q - Anons Perspective NAILED IT! [15698 views] - OAw 4q7-NRU

02:554 20181219 The Global Cabal Power Structure [12868 views] - YRHIcGaTZMI

32:475 20181220 Understanding the Q Clock The Time is Now [41891 views] - jyzxXiY8SKs

04:566 20181221 Twelve Q Drops of Christmas! #QArmy [13275 views] - gqKir0zrqQo

01:42:577 20181223 PAYSEUR PART 1 - Presentation on Q Lounge Live 8 19 PART 1 [73324 views] - 7DlXMs3zyGU

01:43:498 20181224 PAYSEUR PART 2 - Presentation on Q Lounge Live 8 26 PART 2 [28396 views] - oh9R0H6X664

01:20:239 20181226 PAYSEUR PART 3 - [P]=Payseur Confirmed. Q Lounge Live 8 28 [25714 views] - 4Nol07Dmo7M

01:31:5010 20190101 PAYSEUR PART 4 - TRUST the Plan 12 14 Q Lounge Live #QArmy [21102 views] - SYC-owQuIeE

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202fe3  No.16906843

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8d26a8  No.16906851


ah! here we go. Problem solved. A poor ugly person. Probably use to be a good soul but rejected in life, because of his looks. Not watching the entire vid. He is twisted from the few drawings I saw.

Poor guy. BUT

you don't kill people because you have problems in life.

You get no sympathy or help.

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8d26a8  No.16906888

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202fe3  No.16906889


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561c2d  No.16907008


>our party and our democracy

Comped piece of Uniparty garbage.

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933613  No.16907019


Fuck those cunts.

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58e1db  No.16907040

built by lowest bidder

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64b73b  No.16907067


Pat never reveals anything.

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f1db25  No.16907072


Here's another rockin' oldie.

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