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f873ca  No.16882806[View All]

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40c03c  No.16903184


>This is why we need DeSantis

He sail past Surfside today?

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4cad81  No.16903212

Equation of the military industrial complex.

To grow and thrive, A + B = C.

Human, plant and animal death = C.

What if the equation was changed to;

Human, plant and animal thriving = C?

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c4744e  No.16903248

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1aa506  No.16903250


Triggering isn't it, kek

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cdfcdd  No.16903261

It’s not safe going against the Speaker’s narrative


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fad672  No.16903283


When did I say DJT is dumb? You know it's not an either or situation right? They're both part of this SHOW.

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7e756b  No.16903330


7th floor dig.

Thanks Anon.

Was discussion regarding "The 7th floor is no more" Q post.

CIA Headquarters or State Department?

W full article

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ae526b  No.16903331

Hedge Funds and the SEC are the virus. Retail Investors (APES) are the vaccine.


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35a70a  No.16903384


the 'revelation' will be that (((inbreds))) poison humans to make it seem as if not only (((inbreds))) are punished by God with (((degenerative diseases))) (((inbreds))) want 'abortion' 'legal' for.

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766aa9  No.16903399

Former Louvre director charged with money laundering and antiquities trafficking

A scandal ripped through the halls of Paris’ most famous museum when authorities charged the former director of the Louvre with money laundering and organized fraud in connection to antiquities trafficking.

This prompted the art museum to launch on Monday a civil action so that it could take part in the investigation as a civil party.

“The Musée du Louvre would like to emphasize the utmost, unwavering and ongoing commitment of its scientific experts in the struggle against illicit artwork trafficking,” the museum said in a statement. “The work accomplished at both a national and an international level remains a priority in order to thwart ever more active and increasingly organized crime.”

Jean-Luc Martinez, who, after his tenure at the Louvre ended in 2021, became France’s special ambassador for cooperation on cultural heritage and is accused of overseeing the Louvre Abu Dhabi’s acquisition of smuggled Egyptian antiquities.

The piece in question was a pink granite stele, depicting pharaoh Tutankhamun – aka King Tut – purchased for over U.S. $9 million in 2016, according to f24news.

Roben Dib, the German-Lebanese art dealer who helped broker the sale was arrested in Germany, and extradited to Paris in March.

According to the Art Newspaper, Martinez is accused of dismissing out-of-hand concerns of smuggling from egyptologists.

The stele was sold to the Louvre Abu Dhabi by Christophe Kunicki, an art dealer who has since been charged with widespread trafficking of looted antiquities.

Mathew Bagdnanos, head of the Manhattan District Attorney's anti-antiquities trafficking unit, has said that Kunicki and Dib constitute “an international antiquities trafficking ring,” the Art newspaper reported.

The Louvre is far from the only museum to be accused of involvement in antiquities trafficking.


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7e756b  No.16903442

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d54d41  No.16903464

The moon is a but a reflection of a future and desolated Earth?

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ae526b  No.16903542

You'd fk her. Everybody wanted to.

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16bdf0  No.16903556



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f85524  No.16903559


this is the infamous nigger OSS, looking for an excuse to complain

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9d9f1f  No.16903584



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eff4c7  No.16903654


>Dumbass: Janet Yellen says she didn't know inflation would spin out of control?

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abe185  No.16903755

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d54d41  No.16903765

disinformation is necessary


q lied to you

now (you)

are [you]

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4977a2  No.16903832


still no

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c2e47d  No.16903835


Enslavement of Gentiles is at the core of Judaism:





Jewish Encyclopedia on the Jews and slavery:



Black gentleman talking about slavery and the holocaust:


Malcom X on the Jews (he didn't knew the holocaust official version is fraudulent thou (check proofs here: https://archive.vn/B2PEh ), but he's right about the rest):


Black show host dropping redpills about Jewish supremacism and zog:


Jon Stewart (real name Jonathan Leibowitz) spent years pretending to be White while demonizing Whites, and now says that "we Jews and Blacks should get together and get whitey":


If you're interested in the history of slavery I humbly suggest the works of Dr. Tony Martin, he was a Black college professor that got in trouble for teaching verifiable and documented facts about the history of the slavery industry/business in the Americas (both North and Latin/South).

One of his books on the subject:



Tony Martin Jew participation in Hebrew slave trade


Dr Tony Martin Jewish Tactics In The Controversy Over Jewish Involvement in The Slave Trade


Dr Tony Martin on his book The Jewish Onslaught

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4cad81  No.16903903

NR are filled with anti Trumpers, they are not conservatives, they are heretics


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35a70a  No.16903967


So everyone who attended a BLM/Antifa protest should be arrested.

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c4744e  No.16903981


I do follow to spread the word, to awaken the PEOPLE to the light of Truth.

Lol… but really it is about saving our asses isn't it? Our children and families…our Country, Rights and Constitution… our Freedom.

The ultimate goal.

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness free of a elite nobility running (ruining) our lives.

What is more important?

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7ebf24  No.16904066


>Yet all we ever get is lame riddles that lead nowhere.

Speak for yourself.

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eb8e4f  No.16904172


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4cad81  No.16904216


Definitely the top 2 suspects. And anons who can’t or won’t admit to this glaring flaw are only doing themselves a disservice. It’s one of the reasons people say Trump supporters are cultists. I think Trump is the best POTUS in my lifetime and possibly ever, but I’m not afraid to discuss his flaws. Maybe by discussing them someone who has his ear can get the message through to him. It’s an opportunity for improvement. Just like when someone finally told him to stop droning on and on promoting the vaccines at every rally.

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1ba6fc  No.16904228






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1ba6fc  No.16904264



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86e2fc  No.16904314

For as Saint Germain said, without you there would be no Great Change-over. There would be no Great Awakening here. So know that you are the ones to bring this about. As you have heard many times, you are the ones you have been waiting for. Not us, the Ascended Ones, not the Galactics. We are here to assist. But we are not here to do for you. Only you can do for you.

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cb907c  No.16904364


It could be better to just get people to undertand not to agree they're responsible for whatever horse shit narrative these globalist fascists bring up and blame on you.

"You cuased the climate change"

no go fuck yourself.

For if you do say you caused it. that give them the green light to Kill you to fix their fake problem they created out of their globalist fascist ass.

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7ebf24  No.16904376

Sheryl Sandberg says she’s quitting as Meta COO after reports she tried to have stories killed

The news comes six weeks after the Wall Street Journal reported that Sandberg had twice pressured the Daily Mail to kill potentially damaging stories about her then-boyfriend Bobby Kotick.


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fbe8ba  No.16904384


Fast & Furious 2

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c511c9  No.16904411


How do you find my posts to be that of a paid shill? and what is a search engine optimization shill (SEO)?

Never been paid to post online. Who would pay a non believing, non following, sharer of the truth? It isn't really a marketable activity that garners monetary value to anyone. Especially for someone who falls under no one, nor group, nor leadership heirarchy.

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d54d41  No.16904561


prepared statement?

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cb907c  No.16904562


FBI missed a kid who threatened a school, playing with dead bag of cats, posting threats on-line.

They are either corrupt or incompetent or both.

Tell your friend to learn to code.

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59ea72  No.16904613

What: House Jan. 6 select committee public hearing

Date: June 23, 2022

Time: 3 p.m. ET

Location: U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

"Three top officials who led the Justice Department in the final days of the Trump administration will testify at Thursday's hearing at 3pm ET about how the then-President and his allies sought to enlist the department to give their baseless fraud allegations credibility and how Trump considered replacing the acting attorney general with an official who bought into his claims of fraud, according to committee aides.

Aides said that the hearing would also scrutinize discussions inside the White House about the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Trump's claims of voter fraud, which came up at a heated December 2020 Oval Office meeting with Sidney Powell and Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

Former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, former acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue and the head of the Office of Legal Counsel Steven Engel will testify on Thursday."

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4cad81  No.16904649


I often wondered…

how do "wind-up toy cars work"


could you make a tuk-tuk vehicle wind up?

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f85524  No.16904672



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e57800  No.16904727


put cowboys in, get the government out.

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e57800  No.16904766


this needs pride flags in it.

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35a70a  No.16905123


US government needs a NAZI Fascist LGBT+UNICORN CCP TALIBAN CARTEL purge.

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7e756b  No.16905172

Dark Matter

To explain dark matter and it's consequences, I was going to link a video that's since been deleted.

It speculated dark matter = would flick a demonic energy switch within people.

The existence of dark matter is still heavily debated, as it has never been directly observed.

There are dozens of examples in media of demon portal dark matter predictive programming.

(This is done by the elite to subconsciously prime people to accept it, research: 'Revelation of the Method')

Here they do it in 'The Avengers' (2012):

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014e0f  No.16905189


Victoria Nuland works for ClintonCrimeFamily right?

It’s hard to keep track sometimes.

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eb8e4f  No.16905205


Re: Omar Sheikh

The delay has been alleged to be due to his reported links with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence.[6]

Pakistani President, Pervez Musharraf, in his book In the Line of Fire stated that Sheikh was originally recruited by British intelligence agency, MI6, while studying at the London School of Economics. He alleges Omar Sheikh was sent to the Balkans by MI6 to engage in jihadi operations. Musharraf later went on to state "At some point, he probably became a rogue or double agent".[7]

His complicity in the execution and the reasons behind it are in dispute.[8] At his initial court appearance, he stated, "I don't want to defend this case. I did this…Right or wrong, I had my reasons. I think that our country shouldn't be catering to America's needs."[9], but he subsequently appealed his conviction and is awaiting further progress while in prison. Sheikh's lawyer has stated he will base his client's appeal on the recent admission of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that he is the killer of Daniel Pearl.[8][10]

brits getting a nod in all this too now

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acbc81  No.16905216




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d22f15  No.16905241


>I made it. dumb fuck.

Don't be so hard on yourself, Anon.

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9114d4  No.16905270


Exactly, world bank too…they're all corrupt

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abe185  No.16905276



>Punch a NAZ

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c511c9  No.16905318



From June 17 to 18th there's no way I watched ABC. Hell I haven't watched ABC for many years. To say it's a poll representing the public when I had a two day window to watch on a channel I hate, find on a network I consider fake and vote in a poll if my browser cookies make it past the mouth full of PUKE, is a Smith Mundt Modernization Act Lie.

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