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336586  No.16882616[View All]

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>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

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7ee37e  No.16902225


if you say so

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3a9067  No.16902278



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48d62e  No.16902294


You will always remember that this is the day,you almost impeached, President Donald J. Trump

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715ead  No.16902300


fire the glo fag that made this. its fucking awful

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8a2127  No.16902306


Confirm Handoff

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db7f2a  No.16902312

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6b5b7a  No.16902321


Paraphrasing here.

Starting at about 2:52 Trump says that corporate media is the equivalent of lobbyists for political interests.

Anon has a question. Have any of them registered as lobbyists?

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ea8c48  No.16902324

>June 14 2022 Roe vs Wade




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fc3ae6  No.16902347

my phone is shot


going back out to fly

THANK(YOU) Q , and Q+!!!!

I had those 9's covered phone is to cracked on the cover

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e3e0d2  No.16902353

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0d6d4f  No.16902354


>What's the climate change ruling about?

Federal over reach in the name of Greta Thunberg

>West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, a case regarding the government’s ability to restrict carbon emission, is also due for decision. If decided for the plaintiffs it would restrict the EPA’s authority to limit tailpipe emissions or force electric companies to move to renewables and away from fossil fuels.

>It would also remove the federal government’s ability to consider the economic impacts associated with climate change when approving new pipelines or new environmental rules.


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3b518b  No.16902389


>Pig is cool AF.

>Leave Pig alone.

What an awful take.

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328faf  No.16902397




wouldn't :23 be two days ahead from :25? 5:5?

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19017b  No.16902400


caught that too.

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4cf0b5  No.16902411


ty bake!

Reposting from last loaf…


Anons remember Crowdstrike?

Anons remember "the server"?

Anons remember "the perfect call"?

Ukraine is the keystone…

Big Badda Booms inbound…

"Why did the DNC hire CrowdStrike instead of just working with the FBI to investigate the hack?

The FBI doesn’t perform incident response or network remediation services when organizations need to get back to business after a breach.

CrowdStrike is a leader in protecting customers around the world from cyber threats. It is common for organizations to hire third-party industry experts, like CrowdStrike, to investigate and remediate cyber attacks when they suspect a breach even if they are collaborating with law enforcement. As John Carlin, former Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division at The Department of Justice, testified before the House Intelligence Committee (cited from page 21 of his testimony):

“A lot of — outside of any political organization, companies, most corporations, they often would use these third party contractors, who they hired through their own counsel, and maximize the control from the point of view of the victim.”

Did CrowdStrike have proof that Russia hacked the DNC?

Yes, and this is also supported by the U.S. Intelligence community and independent Congressional reports.

Following a comprehensive investigation that CrowdStrike detailed publicly, the company concluded in May 2016 that two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries breached the DNC network.

To reference, CrowdStrike’s account of their DNC investigation, published on June 14, 2016, “CrowdStrike Services Inc., our Incident Response group, was called by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the formal governing body for the US Democratic Party, to respond to a suspected breach. We deployed our IR team and technology and immediately identified two sophisticated adversaries on the network – COZY BEAR and FANCY BEAR…. At DNC, COZY BEAR intrusion has been identified going back to summer of 2015, while FANCY BEAR separately breached the network in April 2016.”


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48d62e  No.16902455



Ohios calender will omit the 4th this year.

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8fafa0  No.16902459


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7ee37e  No.16902503



Yeah, not taking any shots either.

Just need info to inform others if the convo comes up.

This shuts down handshakes or does it try to reach further to fistbumps?

No hugs anymore?

Everyone is at risk, not just the gay community?

Would it include women who take it up the ass?

Do ass play people walk around with shit on their hands or can I catch the monkey through sweat alone?

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db7f2a  No.16902535


Ex-Australian Minister urges Assange's freedom

Former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr demanded on Monday that the US abandon its prosecution of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Last week, Britain's Priti Patel approved the extradition of Assange to the US, causing a global uproar.

Amnesty International warned that the extradition of Assange would put him at great risk and send a chilling message to journalists around the world.

Read more: Assange to fight UK approval of extradition to US

Carr stated in an op-ed for the Sydney Morning Herald that Assange's conviction contrasted sharply with the US pardoning of former military intelligence officer Chelsea Manning, who provided the classified information to Wikileaks.

Carr stated that this was newly elected Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's "most potent argument" for Assange's release.

According to Carr, "If Albanese asks, my guess is America will agree."

"Our new prime minister can say: 'We're not fans of the guy either, Mr. President, but it's gone on long enough. We're good allies. Let this one drop.'"

During his campaign, Albanese is reported to have said "enough is enough," adding that he could not "see what purpose is served" by the ongoing saga against Assange.

Australia's previous conservative government did not openly lobby for Assange's release for much of the last decade.

The long-running legal saga began in 2010 after Assange published more than 500,000 documents classified in the US regarding war crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Stella Morris, the wife of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, had told ABC radio that the Australian government has discussed the case with its US counterparts.

"My understanding is that the Australian government is raising it and that is extremely welcome news," she stated.

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34799d  No.16902568


FeLON private plane only holds fifty kilos

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3fdf35  No.16902579


>Tower of Babel


“Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”

"And I tell you that you are Peter (which means Stone), and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

"And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all."

The false apostles of Revelation 2.2 are those who claim apostolic succession. Those who claim to be over you.

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438e4a  No.16902606


>Elections are not rigged in all states

Yes, they are. TPTB control all elections down to small town mayors and sheriffs.

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c04ca0  No.16902673


im not promoting any theology. i just thought that was funny when i learned один=one.

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c03e90  No.16902704


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750f74  No.16902778


by trust do you mean shoot?

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ce4aba  No.16902782

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e18f65  No.16902905


when has fraud vitiated a presidential election?

when fraud has vitiated an election, was there an electoral college involved?

has fraud ever vitiated even one state in a presidential election?

now STFU

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f03a1c  No.16902915


>I'm so fucking bored.

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7ee37e  No.16902918

JUST IN - US Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 75 basis points to 1.75%, the largest hike since 1994.


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13e22e  No.16902942

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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48d62e  No.16903032

Center for American Progress be pissed again, Cry More

Shannon Bream




On EPA ruling, from Center for American Progress: "Today, the extremist MAGA Supreme Court majority continued its runaway attack on personal freedoms by going after the very air we breathe and jeopardizing our ability to live on this planet."



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19017b  No.16903098

every day this site has people just absolutely volcanic over something that will never matter

see you tomorrow

4:14 PM · Jun 7, 2022·Twitter Web App


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19017b  No.16903099


>white hats don’t exist

I Ginsu'd 17 bad guys this morning!

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c04ca0  No.16903152



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40d4f0  No.16903167



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8c9d13  No.16903205


Odds are good you have your own genuine, but just in case…

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94fc3d  No.16903220


sure shill, see you , get a better game

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750f74  No.16903226



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e18f65  No.16903349


Wasn't me


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f03a1c  No.16903359


>injected as evidence

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19017b  No.16903366


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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7cfba1  No.16903479





Where are the links to Watergate/Matthew David McConaughey and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre?

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e005ab  No.16903492


Kikes are scared.


I miss those days

Dubs confirms, fake and gay.

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688853  No.16903515


Behold, True Competence.

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838b03  No.16903552


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19017b  No.16903572



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b5f227  No.16903769


>can you tell me what Q promised when Q left?


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c886d7  No.16903886


So niggers, basically.

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ba3a9f  No.16903896


Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, Swallowswell, Bowser and many others. You fucks at the N__. "You got it all"? release it then. By accident. OOPS. What a fucking shit stain show.

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34940f  No.16904024


it's Pride month

go to the closest major ciity and hate away

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