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e238c7  No.16854349[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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e238c7  No.16854666


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>15510582 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder

>>16799633, >>16799754 BAKERS plz watch the spacing on notable buns

>>16838045 BAKERS & ANONS – What to do if about sudden BOT attacks ( >>16747430 Know your bunkers ) NEW


#21223 TBC


>>16842875 Dough

>>16843356 NEW! President Donald J. Trump: “I have notified CNN of my intent to file a lawsuit over their repeated defamatory statements against me.

>>16842930 Another Michigan News Station Leaks Test GOP Primary Election Results

>>16842951 State Attorneys General Sue the Biden Administration for Tying School Lunch Funding to LGBT Policies

>>16842981 Ukraine's Timoshenko reveals ‘scam of the century’

>>16842994 Dutch Farmers Block Highways with Manure and Burning Hay to Protest Globalist Climate Agenda

>>16843004 Mexican Army Arrests 37 Cartel Gunmen During Coastal State Raid

>>16843024 Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement

>>16843030 So many people are now "dying suddenly" that "our free press" can barely hide it any more

>>16843031 Pentagon plays down fears China will SHOOT DOWN Nancy's plane if she visits Taiwan

>>16843050 “Monkeypox” is only circulating in countries where the Pfizer Vaccine has been distributed?

>>16843061 Everyone over 5 should get a booster shot. And if you're above 50, you should get two – I did. (Comm Chq)

>>16843072 U.S. Senate just passed the $52 billion CHIPS-plus bill - Just in time for Taiwan

>>16843074 West Virginia Committee Passes Abortion Ban Protecting Lives of Unborn Babies

>>16843055 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas will not teach George Washington Law seminar after uproar

>>16843095 Pelosi's insider trading?!

>>16843076 Israel pharmaceutical firm TEVA proposes $4.35bn settlement for role in US opioid epidemic

>>16843114 Russia Fired On Israeli Jets Over Syria In "One-Off": Israel's Defense Chief

>>16843129 Big Tech’s Blueprint to Stop a Red Wave in 2022 #CallToPolls

>>16843130 Apple to open new development center in Jerusalem

>>16843152 California dusts off controversial Delta tunnel water project

>>16843179 Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng Sentenced to Prison for Depriving George Floyd of His Constitutional Rights

>>16843038 Fauci’s NIH Being Sued for Withholding Details on Cruel Animal Testing

>>16843220 ‘Top Chef’ TV Personality Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ After Heart Attack at 46 #NotTheJab

>>16843230 Press Conferences Bun

>>16843239 Meanwhile at Nato MP4

>>16843288 Jewish Groups Call on Pennsylvania GOP Candidate to Cut Ties With Far-right Platform Gab

>>16843312 DOJ Insiders Say Delaware US Attorney’s Office Too "Inadequate" To Investigate Biden Family Corruption

>>16843331 il Donaldo Trumpo Buen dia to everyone who knows the election was rigged and stolen - mOSSad

>>16843342 Fed increases key interest rate by 0.75 points again. How will it affect economy and you?

>>16843380 Anon points out, Caveman carved dinosaurs, but no Moon or astronomy?

>>16843381 Truly honored to fill in for @Kash on The @DevinNunes Podcast LIVE tomorrow night at 9pm ET

>>16843387 Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% Confirms MODERNA Created COVID-19?

>>16843420 WP - DOJ Conducting Grand Jury with Witness Testimony Targeting President Trump for Seditious Conspiracy Against Government #Panic

>>16843327 Joe Biden Claims Majority of People Dying From Covid “Are Not Up to Date on Their Shots” #Lies

>>16843551 Call to Dig - Anon wants to know where all the WW2 Nazis went to.

>>16843359, >>16843255, >>16843155, >>16843084, >>16843037, >>16842972, >>16842965, >>16842948, >>16842924, >>16842878 >>16842895 Memes of the Thread

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5b81fe  No.16854732




Sorry this must be the first rap song ever. It lacks sex, violence and skin.

>Kool Moe Dee - Wild Wild West (Official Video)



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be7156  No.16854733




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6b6a40  No.16854743

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.


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99e5b6  No.16854758


Okay, thank you, anon.


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34a012  No.16854762



Symbolism Downfall?


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a2e550  No.16854763


filtered for being the stupidest shill to ever post on QR


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a63d4f  No.16854767


Alright, i'll go easy.. this time.


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2bf498  No.16854772

Pro-abortion Jewish organizations agree with Satanic Temple claim that “abortion ritual” represents “religious freedom”

(Natural News) July 5, 2022

More than 140 Jewish organizations, along with the Satanic Temple of New York City, are now claiming that getting an abortion is a form of “religious freedom” that is constitutionally protected and cannot be overruled by legislators or the courts.

On May 17, an event sponsored by “Jewish Rally for Abortion Justice” and supported by the Anti-Defamation League, publicly affirmed that “abortion access is a Jewish value” and that “banning abortions is a religious freedom issue.”

In early June, a south Florida synagogue filed a lawsuit claiming that the state’s new 15-week abortion ban violates the “religious freedom” of Jewish people. This is the same position held by the Satanic Temple of New York City, which claims that the “abortion ritual” is a form of “religious expression.”

According to Satanists, “birthing people” – meaning women – who belong to the religion should be allowed to freely murder their unborn children whenever they feel like it because this is a form of worship to their god. The Jewish groups agree.

“How have we not dismantled the government?” the Satanic Temple asked after the Supreme Court’s overruling of Roe v. Wade, calling the decision “illegitimate” and promising to “defy” it.

In 2015, the Satanic Temple filed a federal lawsuit in Missouri claiming that the state’s restrictive abortion laws violate their “free exercise” of Satanism. Five years later, Satanists launched a campaign called “Satanic Abortions Are Protected by Religious Liberty Laws,” and have since reiterated their position that Satanism is “the leading beacon of light in the battle for abortion access.”

Sauce: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-05-jewish-groups-satanic-temple-abortion-religious-freedom.html#


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481676  No.16854784

Are you a High Net Worth Pedovore?

Have you sold, leased, mortgaged or hypothecated your soul?

Anon Legal Services Can:

* Stop Demons harassing you at work.

* Stop menacing anonymous phone calls and texts

* Stop your soul being sold at auction

* Stop Chupacabras feeding on your pets

Most cultists think "I sold my soul to the devil, that's it.."

That's not always the case. Even documents signed in blood and witnessed by 13 33'd degree masons may be found defective upon careful examination and deep textual analysis.

Anon Legal Service partners and associates specialize in unwritten laws, common succubae entrapment, ancestral curses, bloodline renunciation, unauthorized and authorized demonic possession and diabolic tenantry disputes.

ALS extensive database of 1'st and 2'nd century religious manuscripts, hermetic literature, Greek demotic magic papyri, bloodline family grimoires, Tibetan sorcery and Babylonian contract law is of inestimable value to spellbound or soul pledged pedovores.

When You're Prepared to Give All You Own to Save Your Soul

Anon Legal Services

Our Clients Are God's Winners


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3025c9  No.16854786


you just exposed yourself, shill. You in panic mode, bruh? You scared, bruh? Yeah, you scared. Q's comin' for dat ass.


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7a9f03  No.16854792


It will be hard, it is hard, but diamonds, need high pressure and heat.

I will succeed.


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6b6a40  No.16854793

It has been a while since we've watched a good old fashioned PANIC


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a52d7d  No.16854807


>In the jewish religion you are instructed to get an abortion

Thought it was “my body my choice”.

Thought they were against the patriarchy.


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99e5b6  No.16854808


>Austin Steinbart released from Jail 04/16/2021

>Doge first appearance 05/29/2021

>B post on /Dcomms/ 05/29/2021

>Doge & Babyfist were posting from Same IP address


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45a1eb  No.16854809

Well, now that we know the Roe v Wade leak was real, are we ever going to find out (((who))) leaked it?


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095a1e  No.16854811


kek. That's by LaCrosse.


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535d25  No.16854812

What’s Really Going On? Georgia Governor Candidates Brian Kemp and Stacey Abrams Both Increased Their Net Worth in the Millions While 2020 Election Was Stolen

We knew Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp was corrupt. We could smell it.

It was reported today and shared in a Trump Statement that Georgia’s corrupt governor Brian Kemp’s net worth grew by $3 million since coming into office. But this might be half the story.

We know about the Democrat governor pick Stacey Abrams who suddenly has millions in her pocket after being involved in the hiring of the poll workers in key states after the 2020 Election.

But we also suspected that Governor Kemp made money too using his position as governor in Georgia. Before the 2018 Election Kemp criticized Stacey Abrams for her poor portfolio but Kemp was not doing much better. Kemp had debt problems of his own.

NBC affiliate WSAV out of Atlanta reported in 2018:

Secretary of State and GOP nominee for governor, Brian Kemp, continues this week sending out releases about his challenger’s debts — but he’s facing a financial feud of his own, with allegations that one of his companies defaulted on a major loan for which he was a personal guarantor. Kemp has gradually divested in the company, but is named on the suit and was a hot topic in court.

A judge playing referee as two attorneys battle in court saying, “I don’t need help from him or anyone else and I didn’t interrupt him or anyone else when he was making the absurd argument.”

Attorneys arguing whether a suit regarding an unpaid half million dollar agribusiness loan involving Secretary Brian Kemp should be settled by a judge or go to trial.

Patrick O’Brien, Attorney for RLP Investments, said, “They borrowed half a million dollars and didn’t pay it and don’t want to pay it. The jury would be scratching their head”

Kemp’s attorney, Chuck Connerly, requesting a jury trial down the road and alleging that while Kemp’s -company took the loan; Kemp owning at one point a quarter share. Kemp was only a personal guarantor. And because the loan is past due and the lender gave an extension on paying it that Kemp doesn’t owe anything.

Now both Kemp and Abrams are millions of dollars better off than they were in 2018 and their state’s 2020 results were stolen for senile Joe Biden. Georgia needs better leadership.



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a2e550  No.16854813

The video that nobody got to see because Twitter took it down 5 minutes after it launched on J Six.



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ce78f5  No.16854829

X22 Report



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5d10e3  No.16854830


Syrian army shoots down Turkish UAV

On Saturday, Turkish occupation forces in Syria targeted the position of the Syrian army with rockets and artillery.

Today, according to Syrian news sources, Turkish forces attempted again to target a Syrian army checkpoint in the north of Aleppo, but the Syrian army downed a Turkish drone that intended to target the checkpoint.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on May 23 that the Turkish army intends to carry out military operations to "combat terrorism" at the Turkish state borders, explaining that his government "will start taking new steps to complete the safe zone 30 km north of Syria."

On June 14, Turkish media reported that Ankara's troops have assumed combat formation and are all set to start Turkey's fifth military operation on the northern Syrian border, which it claims is aimed at the Kurdistan Workers' Party and what it considers as its military wing, the YPG.

In light of reports over an operation in northern Syria, the Syrian People's Assembly stressed Damascus' "right to use all means to confront the occupation and its terrorist mercenary tools."

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said during a press conference on Saturday that any foreign intervention in the region was rejected as it would only further complicate the situation. "Any Turkish military action in northern Syria would undermine regional stability in the region."

He revealed that he held talks with Turkish officials and told them that the only solution was for security officials from Damascus and Ankara to hold talks, underlining that Tehran would "exert great efforts to ensure that no military conflict takes place in northern Syria."


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01d317  No.16854831

Russell Moore Can't Praise Dobbs Because Pro-Trump Christians Won

Part 1 of 2

Many Christian figureheads of the Never Trump variety have either gone mute or twisted themselves in ideological knots since the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade after nearly half a century, but none of the silence is as deafening as that coming from Russell Moore, the former provost and dean of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

It’s odd that one of the most prominent names in evangelicalism and the country’s largest Protestant circles hasn’t said a peep about the most consequential legal decision of our time, especially since Christianity was such a large part of the movement causing the reversal of Roe and will no doubt play an outsized role in its aftermath.

A little online searching shows one “bonus episode” from “The Russell Moore Show” on Christianity Today (where Moore holds the title of public theologian) that came out the day of the Dobbs ruling, advertising “A Conversation with Stephen Prothero on Culture Wars Now That ‘Roe’ Is Gone.”

But the episode didn’t occur after Roe was “gone”; it was a pre-tape from after the Dobbs draft opinion leak speculating about what might come next, meaning Moore has offered no post-Roe analysis. And his guest, a religion professor at Boston University, has spent the days since the Roe reversal telling Christians to “f-ck off” on Twitter and retweeting political graphics depicting conservative Supreme Court justices as Tiananmen Square tanks about to mow down a pregnant woman. Christianity Today didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment about why the pre-taped podcast was dishonestly framed as post-Dobbs commentary.

I don’t think every person everywhere is responsible for commenting on cultural, political, and spiritual events. In fact, that performative impulse is one of the reasons once-apolitical cultural havens such as professional sports have been so ruined by virtue-signaling and complicated sociopolitical realities have been dumbed down to a pointless black square on Instagram. But given thatMoore is the chairman of public theology at Christianity Today, why has he not said anything publicly about this issue of deep theological importance?

It’s not as though Moore hasn’t made his opinions on abortion and Roe clear in the past. He’s many times written about the barbaric practice, even editing a book about “The Gospel & Abortion,” and has often alluded to Roe’s egregiousness on Twitter. So why refuse to comment on the most consequential pro-life victory in nearly 50 years?

Christianity Today and an assistant of Moore didn’t respond to multiple inquiries about why Moore hasn’t said anything.

Perhaps Moore has been silent on Roe he’s been too busy making a showy exit from the Southern Baptist Churchafter a lengthy report about sexual abuse among some of its leaders. It was ultimately faithful Southern Baptists who uncovered the evil. Moore, upstanding as he was, remained a leader within the denomination for years while this abuse was occurring.

But Moore has never been too busy to make public comments on matters of far lesser importance than abortion. He had time to publicly celebrate former National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins for his “wisdom, expertise, and most of all … Christian humility and grace,” despite Collins’ disregard for human life in the form of grotesque humanized mice experiments using aborted babies, his support for shutting down church during Covid, and his character attacks on those who resisted Covid vaccinations that they were “killing people.” Continued…



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8223db  No.16854837

Queen Elizabeth came out onto balcony at 5:05pm local.


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534654  No.16854838


trying something out with this up in a bit


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be7156  No.16854844


>In practical terms no on ever turned a country from poverty to prosperity as fast as Hitler.

You're ignoring DJT, who did much more quantitatively.


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a52d7d  No.16854851




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56b2f3  No.16854853


I'm saying the meme is bullshit as there is no sauce for the claim He made incest porn and shared it with Joe.

We don't water down Truth with bullshit.


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e45d09  No.16854860



Oops replied to the wrong post


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08af4a  No.16854861

Get the Justice Department involved if they don’t listen, Joseph.



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784b2f  No.16854863




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45a1eb  No.16854866



posted 8 years ago

calendar TODAY (June 19)


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a2e550  No.16854868


According to Depp's text message's, Elon Mollusk paid for Amber Turd's legal team in exchange for sloppy seconds.


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fc62df  No.16854872



Not interesting, not useful


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a5c50e  No.16854876


do we have any data on how safe other vaccine are?


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ce78f5  No.16854881


Paging stalker bitch barbie. Paging psycho stalker bitch barbie.


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f18cd4  No.16854888


>Formation of 'clean' board possible


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481676  No.16854892


>why this faggot sees ID

>why QAGG shows ID

I was just asking things I don't know. Is it wrong to ask? Is it not valid to learn by asking? If you don't know the answers to what I asked just say 'I don't know' or don't reply.

I'm not a "this is a fake Q" denier-drama-shill. Just thought someone could clear my mind on why this happens



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e45547  No.16854901


>It’s essentially a purging of anybody who goes against a certain orthodoxy.”

as if purging communists was bad.

one should always purge communist infections from every institution they infest.

no tolerance for evil.


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f39a19  No.16854902

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401f1e  No.16854905


I would advise all anons to check in to the live video of Nadler's hearing. It came out of nowhere. Many dems are going ape-shit bonkers. Cisileny (sp) the rep from R. Island just proved he should be 'red flagged'. It's beautiful, republicans are triggering the dems as they have never been triggered.


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e238c7  No.16854910


>>16842127 Dough

>>16842127 Oath of Enlistment

>>16842132 Baker Reqst for lb rescrape. #21219

>>16842135, >>16842150 7 Takeaways From Trump’s ‘America First’ Policy Speech

>>16842136 'Tater gives "proof of life" remarks

>>16842151 Former Cuomo Staffer Fatally Struck By Car After Lyft Driver Kicks Him Out In Middle Of Highway

>>16842160 USGO Back to the Oval. Thanks to Doc for the good care, and to all of you for your support.

>>16842161 Anon Maga Feed DJT - President Trump Speaks At America First Policy Institute Annual Policy Summit

>>16842182 @DonaldJTrumpJr ‘Time For A Change’: PAC Backing Trump-Endorsed Harriet Hageman Targets Liz Cheney In New Ad Blitz

>>16842248 Hungary: Highest Vaccinated Counties Have Worst Birth Rate Drops!

>>16842266 Adopted son killed in gang shooting and Mom gives a “shout out” to Crips street gang!!

>>16842307 Trump Went 33-0 in Texas Primary

>>16842335 US military making plans in case Pelosi travels to Taiwan

>>16842395 Brittney Griner testified Wednesday at her drug trial in Russia

>>16842494 Grassley’s Whistleblower Report Vindicates Trump’s Proposal For A Swamp Purge

>>16842539 As Ukrainians Defect To Russia, We Should Ask Whether Our Billions Are Saving Democracy Or Aiding Corruption

>>16842552 @mikepompeo At times of great division and difficulty in America, the nation has always looked to Kansas for the path forward.

>>16842542 @mikepompeo Today is National Korean War Armistice Day, a reminder that the Korean War isn’t truly over.

>>16842566, >>16842664 Anon notices Kansas Korea Pompeo Twat

>>16842563 USGO Right now, we’re facing the BA.5 variant

>>16842580 @JackPosobiec Fed rates going up

>>16842637 Would you do it ?

>>16842603, >>16842619 parasites in the bug burgers

>>16842672 WHO DUG THEM? Mystery over ‘perfectly aligned’ holes punched into seafloor 1.7 MILES below the Atlantic

>>16842692 @ODNIgov Happy birthday @StateDept!

>>16842771 It's #NationalNewJerseyDay.

>>16842775 USAID chief calls on China to restructure Sri Lanka's debt

>>16842800 Fauci and WH Press Secretary Subpoenaed In Collusion Case

>>16842291 Anons Collection of Q posts

>>16842838 Warren Commission Report

>>16842793, >>16842745, >>16842730, >>16842681, >>16842709, >>16842602, >>16842585, >>16842496, >>16842410, >>16842290, >>16842275, >>16842226, >>16842178, >>16842164, >>16842189, >>16842214, >>16842228, >>16842316, >>16842451, >>16842464, >>16842475, >>16842476, >>16842816, >>16842837 Memes of the thread

>>16842849 #21220

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08af4a  No.16854914


anti-wealth effect happening.


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84c8c9  No.16854917

So, now that we all agree the earth is flat. How do we go about convincing the normies?


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45a1eb  No.16854926


By military branch agaisnt SC and WTP


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fc62df  No.16854928


This is BIG


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a63d4f  No.16854937


sh's come a long way and now she has to go back.


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5d10e3  No.16854942


She owns the house. I'm the freeloader gonna leave if anyone does. Outside and the shop is mine inside is hers and she does an awesome job there. I don't do dishes, cooking or laundry she doesn't crawl around in the dirt or fix cars.


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ad4a74  No.16854943

Anon theory:

Sussman acquittal is the dead cat bounce


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534654  No.16854953


It's for the Greater Good


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6b6a40  No.16854964


you are arguing with the wrong person

not gonna change my mind


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b273ee  No.16854969


honestly bidan and team are stupid, the very industries that helped him get elected, he is demonizing. Or maybe he calls them in advance and says, Listen Guys, I've got to say stuff like this for optics, you know right? Don't worry though


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56b2f3  No.16854971


Trisodium Phosphate is da way to go.


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784b2f  No.16854974


>you are low hanging fruit, easy to ridicule, and yet we must, lest your drivel become accepted.



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f4922f  No.16854977

What's kraken little shill bitch bakers? Raise your oath breaker if you fitna back the blue all the way to the gulags.


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09ec13  No.16854981


This will be the main part of the J6 floundering July extravaganza, methinks.

If I were these guys, I would marshal evidence as to why they believed Trump won (he did). Be prepared.

Feds (hi, fags!) will be seeking any communications with Trump associates to try and bolster a collusion narrative.


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a2e550  No.16854983


the family unit is one of the first targets of all totalitarian regimes


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a5c50e  No.16854988


An image was publicized a couple of years ago, showing a "person of interest" in the murders. Dude walking along a sidewalk, away from the scene of the crime. Yet like the alleged 1/6 DC bomber, never arrested. My money says the sidewalk guy was quickly whacked. DC not as likely.


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5d10e3  No.16854996


>This place is pure dog shit now

breathe deep


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ce78f5  No.16854999


It's the guns.


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efce72  No.16855006


Thank you, Baker!


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87bf99  No.16855007


He said Tuesday.


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7a9f03  No.16855008


pretty out in the open there… (IMO)


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f9836c  No.16855012


Have the same “issue” sometimes. Heh.


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09ec13  No.16855015


I find the pistol with a magazine, that looks fully loaded to be suspect. Did the cops place them there for the photo or was it found like that? And a wedding ring, was he married?


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99e5b6  No.16855018

"Fact Checking"

Poynter Institute. Anons know (you) can trust them.



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34a012  No.16855020


Link to video of washed out road.



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efce72  No.16855023


Do Not Trigger this Anon!



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48a65a  No.16855025


No, no, no, dumb bot. Learn. The Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution has absolutely nothing in it that addresses abortion in any form.


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e45547  No.16855028

Others probably caught this from today’s truth from DJT but posting cause it’s probably not in notables yet

Expounding on the missing quotation mark re: pedo Pence

What is a “hanging punctuation”


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534654  No.16855029

Ron DeSantis


Israel’s decision to move El Al airlines from New York City to South Florida is the latest example of Florida's leadership in business expansion and international travel.

We are proud to be the hub for international tourism.



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01d317  No.16855032


>the three are set to face a firing squad


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b17f9a  No.16855034

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be7156  No.16855036


It's all the same down here Anon.


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7a9f03  No.16855043


All police should be immune from prosecution. If we hired real men as police again rather than fat niggers, hoes and homos, we wouldn't have feral herds of niggers slaughtering people every day!


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b273ee  No.16855044


Here’s What The Jan. 6 Show Trials Are Really After

Part 2 of 3

The lack of election fraud also leaves unanswered the many other ways the 2020 election was rigged, from the corrupt media’s burying of the evidence of the Biden family’s pay-to-play scandal discovered on Hunter’s laptop, to the flooding of Democrat-heavy voting precincts with millions of get-out-the-vote ZuckBucks.

Silencing Complaints About Election Irregularities

A related goal of the Jan. 6 Committee is to silence conservative complaints about election irregularities. The committee’s strategy to achieve this objective focuses first on convincing the country that the violence that day was caused by false claims of fraud and, therefore, those who alleged fraud bore responsibility for the attack on the capitol. As the committee had already framed all attempts to legally challenge the election as pushing disproven accusations of fraud and cast the riot at the capitol as an insurrection, under the committee’s logic, any American criticizing the 2020 election is complicit in the supposed attack on our democracy.

Even before the House formed the sham Jan. 6 Committee, Americans who merely attended the rally found themselves fired from their jobs. Since then, the committee and the corrupt media have teamed to create a guilt-by-association mentality throughout the country, with both politicians and the John and Jane Q. Public protest attendees cast as co-conspirators in a violent insurrection.

But the committee seeks to spread the blame for the supposed insurrection far beyond the speakers and protestors, presenting state representatives and officials investigating election irregularities, attorneys advising Trump, and lawyers litigating election violations as equally culpable for fomenting an insurrection. Now, with the committee apparently angling to concoct some sort of criminal conspiracy, the message to conservatives is clear: stay silent or risk your livelihood and your liberty.

The zone of silence the committee and the complicit media push for is all-encompassing, from ordinary Americans to a U.S. Supreme Court justice. The show trial seeks to shame conservative voters from speaking out about election irregularities witnessed at the polls, commenting on social media about questionable election results, peacefully protesting, or even voting for candidates who challenge election results.

In short, the committee has made clear that “anyone who complains about the disastrous American electoral system on display during the last presidential election [will be branded] a conspiracy theorist seeking the violent overthrow of the government.” That promise provides a pretty good incentive for citizens to stay silent.

Relatedly, the committee hopes to keep conservative candidates from challenging elections, either their own or those of other Republicans, and to scare attorneys away from such clients. The targeting of Justice Clarence Thomas serves as a warning to other judges and justices not to take conservative complaints seriously, or else a family member may find herself under investigation.

Also targets of the Jan. 6 Committee’s campaign of shame are state legislatures, which are charged with establishing rules and regulations for elections. By framing all complaints about the November 2020 election as concerning non-existent voter fraud, the committee seeks to paint the state legislative bodies’ election integrity measures as racist. After all, since there was no fraud, as the committee’s theme goes, the state lawmakers must be seeking to disenfranchise minority voters.

Make no mistake about it: the shame and silencing will only go one way—to squelch conservatives. That Hillary Clinton could simultaneously brand “Donald Trump, his allies, and supporters” “a clear and present danger to American democracy” and question the legitimacy of Trump’s 2016 victory establishes that Democrats will retain the right to question elections, while a Republican challenge to an election represents treason.

The vitriol leveled at the originalist Supreme Court justices following the leak of the Dobbs opinion, when coupled with the protests outside of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home and the later arrest of a man who plotted to kill him, confirms the double-standard in play. Rhetoric on the right holds responsibility for prompting an armed revolt, but the equally charged condemnation of Supreme Court justices merely represents the expression of strongly held views, even when a member of the public responds by plotting the assassination of one of the justices….



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5b81fe  No.16855051


was just listening to this



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b1d9d5  No.16855053

She's ded Jim


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2765e0  No.16855056

DS operatives are to be culled nationwide, pedomasons in LE go first


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71c777  No.16855058

Solid Evidence Emerges That Plot To Assassinate Justice Kavanaugh Was Orchestrated By Democrat Party

Evidence has emerged that the plot to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh is being orchestrated by Democratic Party operatives.

After police arrested a California Democrat on a mission to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh, the Biden administration reluctantly condemned the campaign to intimidate the Supreme Court.

“As the president has consistently made clear, public officials, including judges, must be able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety or that of their families,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declared.

Frontpagemag.com reports: After leftist activists had posted a map of the homes of Supreme Court justices to harass them, Jen Psaki had retorted. “I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest.”

There is in fact such a position and it’s illegal under 18 U.S.C. § 1507 which states that anyone with “the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness” “pickets or parades in or near a building…. or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

Biden just decided not to enforce these laws in order to allow his leftist allies to intimidate the justices.

Not one of the leftists who have spent years harassing Supreme Court justices with protests outside the court and even their homes has been sent off to prison. Nor will they. Pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court, marching around the homes of justices, and trying to prevent them from coming to court have become basic parts of the activist playbook.

Even after the Kavanaugh assassination plot, leftists are continuing to protest outside his home.

The arrest of Nicholas Roske, armed with a Glock 17, and carrying burglar tools, pepper spray, and zip ties, is just the latest in a wave of leftist violence touched off by the hate campaign against Justice Kavanaugh and other conservative justices. Roske was angry about the Roe v. Wade leaked draft and said that he planned to break into Kavanaugh’s house and kill him.

Roske found Kavanaugh’s address on the internet after leftist activist groups doxxed him and other justices while encouraging protesters to intimidate them and their families in their homes.

What consequences will Roske face?



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09ec13  No.16855059


now you know white people aren't allowed to unite and stick together anywhere in the world

white people MUST intermix and breed outside their own race as it is demanded from globohomo or else you're a racist

and everyone knows that's the kryptonite to white folk

don't you dare call them racist or they'll vote in another nog to the supreme court and even vote one in to the presidency of the united states while even having those nogs breed with their white daughters just to prove they're not

miscegenation rules the day in current year

if you're white and don't absolutely hate yourself then you are the worst person on the planet

not those responsible for 50%+ of the violent crime in america, it's your whiteness that is evil!


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a5c50e  No.16855061



>Google whistleblower


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d1d6ff  No.16855066

Why are lefties/libs/Dems going so hard for trans?

A theory:

When The Imposter(the antichrist) led the rebellion in heaven, they were an Angel. They had no sexual organs and were without gender. After “The Fall” and 1/3 of angels fell from “heaven” into physical reality they necessarily must display gender/sex characteristics commensurate to their previous incarnation. No sex organs >=> All Sex organs.

The antichrist is a hermaphrodite. In order for the people en masse to accept the Antichrist as their “savior,” The Antichrist must not be seen as a freak but an exalted being, better than the average human.

The trans movement is the path towards the acceptance of the Antichrist.

It’s gonna get even more freaky from here on out/in.


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803fd2  No.16855067


Miami hosts a gun buyback program to send firearms to Ukraine

Jun 20, 2022

Rebel News

1.57M subscribers

Full Report:https://rebelne.ws/3zKOktA

Miami residents are selling their guns and rifles so that Ukraine troops can have weapons to help with their ongoing conflict with Russia.



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0f2043  No.16855068


kek dont tell them, theyll get upset


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99e5b6  No.16855070


This kid is wonderful. He needs to be raised correctly. He could be amazing.


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095a1e  No.16855071


>So What’s Really Going On?

the controlled demolition of these United States by the sell outs in .gov


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a63d4f  No.16855072


All through this time, Al Gore and quite a number of others have made massive fortunes through scams like carbon credits while, we all also know at this point, flying about in private jets to the most expensive redoubts on the planet to tell us all how to live.

John Kerry, America’s first “special envoy for climate,” who seems to spend more time in those private planes than most of us do in bed, has a personal carbon footprint the size of Brooklyn and is well known for docking his $7 million yacht in neighboring Rhode Island to avoid a half million in taxes from his home state of Massachusetts.

I have a personal note of my own to add, having attended, for PJ Media, the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in the midst of the biggest blizzard I had ever encountered—and I went to college in New Hampshire.

I was sitting waiting for one of the panel discussions to begin when, to kill time, I casually addressed the man next to me, asking him where he was from.

“The Maldives,” he said. Amazing, I thought, because I had just read the Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean were in danger of extinction, actually going completely under water, because of global warming.

So, trying to be polite, I commiserated with him about the peril to his homeland, but he just shrugged. “Is nothing,” he explained. “We put up sandbags against tide. We do every year. No problem.”

I looked at him non-plussed. “You came a long way. Why’re you here?”

He squinted at me, as if he thought I was either an idiot or I was kidding. “For the money,” he said flatly.

Incidentally, I see once again that in November 2021, some 12 years after that conference, our friends at ABC are once more reporting “Facing dire sea level rise threat, Maldives turns to climate change solutions to survive.”

What do the French say? The more things change, the more they remain the same?

Good thing Trump came along and “packed” the court, no?



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0a6b7e  No.16855073


And Jesus died on the cross for ALL, including Satan.


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1a6f8e  No.16855074



On top of this.

Posted: MAR 31, 2022 / 01:15 PM CDT | Updated: MAR 31, 2022 / 01:15 PM CDT

(NEXSTAR) – President Joe Biden is ordering the release of 1 million barrels of oil per day from the nation’s strategic petroleum reserve for six months in a bid to control energy prices that have spiked amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

This release of oil reserves is the largest the world has ever seen, a statement from the White House reads. The Department of Energy will use the revenue from this release to restock the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in future years, once prices have fallen sufficiently.


6 months = 182 days. 182 mb + 45 mb = 227 mb of oil.


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34a012  No.16855076


And then one day, you won't. And you'll lament the loss.


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1b3c95  No.16855077


I checked notables and could not find this in particualr. This was not notable? The most deliberate, defined Air Q POTUS has ever given us? Really?

This was very much needed. A sign from Q+ that it is still on and is habbening. I was elated to see him do this!!!!

Thank You Mr. President!!!!



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8223db  No.16855079


P is the rich french family


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48a65a  No.16855081



hey now…


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c0ae51  No.16855083


IP hopping absolutely inflates the UID number. what kind of tard are you? if it gets around a "permanent ban" then it must count as a unique ID.


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534654  No.16855084


Jim’s setting the bar pretty low comparing it to Monkeypox.


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e45547  No.16855085


I suppose the mag goes in the back?

Kinda want to see that.

Must have 1st pots of the day. Standby.


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01d317  No.16855086


Not BO.

But yes, current BO is great.

Thank you.


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2bf498  No.16855087


No doubt about it. Needed that. I'm watching the replay on RSBN right now.


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b17f9a  No.16855088


wouldn't it be dumber to go around saying Schumer wasn't a liar, or let him get away with it?

He has said with his own words that his priority isn't the US or all of the American people, only ones who have his same genetics and their ethnostate.


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8e9bd1  No.16855089


Verizon keeps offering me $800 for my 4 year old S10+…wonder why?


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be7156  No.16855090


>Matthew McConaughey

June 07, 2022, 1:55 PM



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3025c9  No.16855091



Thank you!



No ulterior motives whatsoever.


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f18cd4  No.16855092


On 17th of April

17th wk of the Year

107th day of the Year


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f39a19  No.16855093

platinu in heavy

and requires

really intense creepypasta


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7a9f03  No.16855096


Ronald Reagan does it, DC in an uproar. Biden does it, it's totally ok.


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6b6a40  No.16855097


The national guard thing is a weird coincidence for me


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359e6a  No.16855098

Stop watching tv.

Stop shopping at amz, wm, sam’s, etc.

Stop giving those bad sites clicks.

Stop buying processed food.

Start supporting your neighbors.

Start buying locally and from patriots.

Start growing and making things.

Start preparing mentally and physically and get your priorities straight.

It all makes a difference when you refuse to play and decide you can be happy with less, not in an “eat the bugs” kind of way, but focusing on what’s truly important in life. I’m living proof that one can change ways from vapid materialism and truly be happy. Am busy from sun up to down but finally feel whole. Hope others can unplug from the system, in whatever way that may mean for you. o7.


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87bf99  No.16855100



its the next logical step


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08af4a  No.16855101


After being away for 18 months?


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499cd7  No.16855103


How do you count anons?

Askin' for a fren.


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a52d7d  No.16855104

Can we fox the world now?


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e45d09  No.16855106



this was memory-holed with a quickness



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f4922f  No.16855108

fuglytranny.jpeg blames juws for being fugly and tranny and faggot and asshole


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f9836c  No.16855110


>Obama shared a picture of the two via Twitter and Instagram. Together they visited the National Museum of African American History and Culture of the renowned Smithsonian Institution.

>Merkel's office also confirmed the visit. »I can confirm that former Chancellor Dr. Merkel is currently in Washington, DC for after-hours political talks,” a spokeswoman said. Merkel has been in Washington since Monday and will return to Berlin on Thursday. No further details were given. Merkel had made it clear in the past that she wanted to travel a lot after her 16-year term in office - including to the USA .



Obummer and Merkel are holding back-channel meetings


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45a1eb  No.16855112


This is my favorite interpretation. If trump was calling attention to the chan wars over validation of alleged q posts, that would be fun


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fc62df  No.16855113


Sorry dumbass, but the clinics don't dump a fetus; they sell it.


Planned Parenthood's Black Market in Baby Parts


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a5c50e  No.16855114


>GOOD Jews



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b80a03  No.16855115


I hope he is properly acknowledged someday, along with all the others who have sacrificed for us in this war.


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0f2043  No.16855116



Come on man!


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a2e550  No.16855117


whatever happen to the "dark winter" and the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" ? they have zero evidence that vaccines prevented hospitalizations and death too…it probably exacerbated both ; they use science, the fake and gay kind ; a white comedian, a joke and a black science man walk into a bar…..stop me if you already heard this one….


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a63d4f  No.16855118

If this is babysitting, I'm a natural because everybody cries when I'm here.


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5d10e3  No.16855119

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0a6b7e  No.16855120


Sounds like a killer party


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99e5b6  No.16855121


>worst run-on sentence ever

when you CANNOT dispute the message, attack the grammar and syntax.


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1a6f8e  No.16855122


Ok dumdum.

Saturn nor Jupiter have ever been stars. They've always been planets. To worship "Saturn" is to worry about one's life expectancy. It takes Saturn about 30 years to transit "the heavens", which makes it the longest "clock" in the ancient world. Useful for estimating one's life expectancy, under natural circumstances.


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34a012  No.16855123


>battle monkeys.

damn straight yo


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803fd2  No.16855124


and this anon has a fuct up sleep pattern because the TRUTH will drive a (you) crazy like that sometimes!


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ce78f5  No.16855125


>Tor is comped ya fucking dummies

Whatever. I don't normally use Tor. Just testing it since Q used it.


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48a65a  No.16855126


Teach grandma to like sucking eggs? Sounds gay


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534654  No.16855127


31,000,000 of ore. But nevertheless Bullshit.

I'd have to see the physical Assays of this, probably about 310,000 of them to verify whether there is even a reasonable chance at making money back.

Gold mining is fucking expensive on a huge scale.

Virginia City made most of it's money in trading claims on mines that at some point someone assayed some chunk of rock at like 20% gold.

Get your assay and sell quick

We are still dealing with this sort of bullshit money making and subsequent befuckery in the form of the the Hearst fortune.


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b17f9a  No.16855128


>Starting to make sense, yet?

Millions WW have awaken due to the plandemic


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f39a19  No.16855129


I'd deprot all niggers and Jews and non-whites. I would offer citizen to all white people in the world.


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3025c9  No.16855130


>has gay porn been lying?

I don't know. Do you watch gay porn?


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359e6a  No.16855131


Stupid whore. The caulk goes under the lip of the sink. Strong independent woman, indeed.


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87bf99  No.16855132




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6b6a40  No.16855133


They don’t have to hide. They do everything in plain sight.


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401f1e  No.16855134


Normal air is 21% oxygen. Breathing air with less than19.5% oxygen is considered bad. A mask reduces the 21% to 18-18.5%. From memory, can't remember the source. There was a video where a guy was measuring the level under the mask.


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784b2f  No.16855135


Good thinking.


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e45d09  No.16855136







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a52d7d  No.16855137


The closest facsimile to OG QR today would be Truth Social.

Plenty of accounts there still discussing Q and moar importantly, posting diggs.

But, it's most decentralized now so there is no one stop shopping that you speak of.


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f4922f  No.16855138

Just to put it out there, I thought it was amusing that a few days ago, someone was talking about Jinn in here & the newest Ms. Marvel episode is all about Jinn & how the main character is part Jinn.

I still haven't fully figured out why that happens yet


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09ec13  No.16855139




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b1d9d5  No.16855140


>Any way to get the truth out there is helpful.


And the days of QR getting copypasta'd are over.

That's why anons need to be moar active out on the battlefields now instead of exclusively on QR.

It's what the Q team wanted during the latter stages after the you have it all period of The Plan finished.

That doesn't mean QR should be abandoned, just that it should be the home base for coordinating dissemination activity instead.


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5b81fe  No.16855141






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45a1eb  No.16855142


mornin Swordy!


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b273ee  No.16855143

J6 using Cass Hutch was a Hail Mary Halo Effect effort.

They needed to finish up with something the MSM could trumpet from the rooftops to leave the parting impression of a slam dunk on 45.

Basically their logic is sound as most ppl will remember the hoopla but not the details as America meanders into the height of Summer with 4th of July just days ahead.

It won't really mean anything legally but the public trial did get a boost - regardless of the obvious BS nature of her silly claims. Remember the Senate Sgt at Arms got dead over last weekend.


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71c777  No.16855144


FFs and a wonky board


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2765e0  No.16855145



SCOTUS says no Baal for you


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6d1c71  No.16855146


Why come all zeros


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fc62df  No.16855147



>Ukraine got only 10% of pledged weapons: Deputy Defense Minister


just like Amber Heard pledged to donate money she never gave

Like CF n BLM n RC n…


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a5c50e  No.16855148





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d1d6ff  No.16855149


Oof seconded


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b80a03  No.16855150

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ecaba5  No.16855151


DIdn't jump ship. Just worked elsewhere.

I'm in ministry, but I cannot stand the constant bible-fagging and other girly stuff.

Now, lurking here, I find it's different again.

You covered nothing, dude. I spend up to 12 hours a day researching and posting.

Have a lovely day.


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095a1e  No.16855152

Just got online.. can someone post a Trump rally link, please?

Thanks Anons!


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0f2043  No.16855153



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a2e550  No.16855154

James Patterson apologizes for saying white, male writers are facing 'racism'

Anon sees vicious logic from radical left RACIST thugs.

They are projecting a false logic that viciously denies and attackssimultaneous truthsfrom even being uttered.

It does NOT follow from the statement "white male writers face racism" that it 'minimizes', or 'trivializes' or 'is insensitive towards' or ANY OTHER NARRATIVE PREDICATED ON THE FALSE DIALECTIC OF ONE INFORMATION OBJECT PREVENTING ANOTHER TRUE INFORMATION OBJECT FROM BEING SPOKEN OR THOUGHT OF OR UTTERED.

It's as if the radical left who intimidated Patterson into silence believe that if they accept the truth that white male writers do in fact face racism, that somehow this 'NEGATES' or 'destroys' or 'denies' every racism against non white non male people.

The radical left's logic falls prey to treating what is in fact everywhere an 'AND' conjunction linking information objects, as if they were 'BUT' or 'CAN'T BE TRUE BECAUSE THERE IS ANOTHER SIMULTANEOUS TRUTH'.

The radical left is clearly displaying a pattern of belief that there is no space no room for CONCURRENT truths to even be spoken about in public, as if doing so is an act of destroying the information objects that they are the whole time having in their minds and spoken of.

They are falsely behaving as if there is no room, that adding more instances of racism somehow 'disproves' all other instances of racism, but there is room and one does not disprove another, they're all individual cases.

Patterson doesn't need to apologize and shouldn't have to apologize.

He only ADDED more information, there is no destruction of any other information by doing so.

Question Anon has is WHY does the radical left seem to want the narrative to only have specific information objects as even permitted? Why can't they just be content to introduce everything they can, and if there is other information objects there, so what?



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5d10e3  No.16855155

Woman Pleads Guilty in Arizona Ballot Harvesting Case

update from LB


“It’s all about corruption in San Luis and skewing a city council election,” Yuma Republican Rep. Tim Dunn said, according to The Republic. “This has been going on for a long time, that you can’t have free and fair elections in south county, for decades. And its spreading across the country.”



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a63d4f  No.16855156



Garbage code from inconsistent system.


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0a6b7e  No.16855157


Some type of hypnosis where they create a new personality and the other crap will never be remembered by them or something. IDK. Fuuuuck. They have moon children too, etc. I mean, they kill their firstborns and sacrifice family members and all that, but man.

>but at some point can't be having revenge on the good people of the world

They need their memory wiped or something and need to be told they come from somewhere different. IDK. I wonder about this part a lot. They have tons of them too.


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99e5b6  No.16855158


Q- So glad you are back in the saddle. It's been tough, but anons hung in.

Are they trying to get people to equate Cassidy Hutchinson with the Watergate scandal? D base and political figures will definitely get emotional if they think they smell Watergate blood in the water.


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1a6f8e  No.16855159




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648a3c  No.16855160


I’m hoping he will do great things, after what he’s seen done to his father.


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1b3c95  No.16855161


>Pepe Manteca


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34a012  No.16855162




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ad4a74  No.16855163


Those digits. Wew



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8223db  No.16855164

It's thick in here.

Must be over the target.

They see you.

Treason is real.


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c0ae51  No.16855165

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e45547  No.16855166


Flag please. You need a flag, or you can't go to the pub.


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ce78f5  No.16855167


BREAKING: Michael Stenger, the Senate Sergeant at Arms who was in charge of Senate security on January 6th, has died


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535d25  No.16855168

New Zealand designates Proud Boys a terrorist organisation, says group played key role in US Capitol attack

New Zealand's government has declared that American far-right groups the Proud Boys and The Base are terrorist organisations.

Key points:

NZ officials say the Proud Boys involvement in the attack on the US Capitol amounted to an act of terrorism

They say a key goal of The Base is to "train a cadre of extremists capable of 'accelerationist' violence"

The Proud Boys are now banned in Canada and New Zealand, while The Base are banned in the UK, Canada, Australia and NZ

The two groups join 18 others, including Islamic State, that have been given an official terrorist designation, making it illegal in New Zealand to fund, recruit or participate in the groups, and obligating authorities to take action against them.

The US groups are not known to be active in New Zealand, although the South Pacific nation has become more attuned to threats from the far right after a white supremacist shot and killed 51 Muslim worshippers at two Christchurch mosques in 2019.

The New Zealand massacre inspired other white supremacists around the world, including a white gunman who killed 10 black people at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York.

In the US, the State Department only lists foreign groups as terrorist entities.

But the Proud Boys were last year named a terrorist group in Canada, and The Base has previously been declared a terrorist group in Britain, Canada and Australia.

In a 29-page explanation of the Proud Boys' designation published on Thursday, New Zealand authorities said the group's involvement in the violent attack on the US Capitol building on January 6, 2021, amounted to an act of terrorism.

The statement said that while several militia groups were involved, it was the Proud Boys who incited crowds, coordinated attacks on law enforcement officers and led other rioters to where they could break into the building.

The statement said there were unlinked but ideologically affiliated chapters of the Proud Boys operating in Canada and Australia.

New Zealand authorities argued that before the Capitol attack, the Proud Boys had a history of using street rallies and social media to intimidate opponents and recruit young men through demonstrations of violence.

It said the group had put up various smoke screens to hide its extremism.



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a3ad33  No.16855169


Shill. Stop trying to pretend you're a real anon. We don't tolerate racism here, shill.


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efce72  No.16855170



dough looks noice and cleaned up


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01d317  No.16855171





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48a65a  No.16855172


Do you want to migrate to space


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534654  No.16855173


I fail to see why its anything to desire praise for.


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2bf498  No.16855174


Maybe a bit irritating with the shills, but yeah! Good.


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aae783  No.16855175

File: cc566a2d3bded5d⋯.png (645.29 KB, 970x554, 485:277, whitera.png)

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b17f9a  No.16855176


the kameltoe slit goes all the way up to her forehead


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8e9bd1  No.16855177

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803fd2  No.16855178



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f18cd4  No.16855179


one of the best four booms that could ever happen


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be7156  No.16855180


you earn one shekel each for your queef-posts?

>they overpay you


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7a9f03  No.16855181


That's the thing for me, too.

Any time there was an issue like that or a long gap in posting (think 8ch to 8kun chief among those), Q always made it a point to reverify.

Often without anons even prompting for it.

That's what makes this show up out of the blue like he was just here yesterday so odd.


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ebdc62  No.16855182


I really wonder of POTUS ordered him to kneel in front of leaders and military. Now that would be kek


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f39a19  No.16855183

Gillum and Hunter two different tales.


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3025c9  No.16855184


Ha! No one cares.


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87bf99  No.16855185



>Patriot Front Clown Op

>Jail roster lists those arrested near Coeur d’Alene Pride event


Well, here's some usual suspects, some previously ID'd (with photos!)

There's overlap including:

Thomas Rousseau

Kieran Patrick Morris

Graham Jones Whitson

Cameron Rathan Pruitt

Sauce: https://texasantifa.noblogs.org/list-patriot-front-members/

Archive: https://archive.ph/aHc7u

These flaming fags were just going to meet their frens… smdh. These are far from "patriot" and this is NOT "toxic masculinity" if you catch muh drift.


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359e6a  No.16855186


Thirty Three Excuses all of which conviently ignore the Smith Mundt Modernization act.

It's exactly the way they want it.

Zerohedge which amplified those fucking HOAX PANDEMIC CASE PCR test stories.


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6b6a40  No.16855187

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499cd7  No.16855188


>Personally I don't think the food issue is that bad… and there would have to be a plan, if Q is military, to support the PEOPLE.

Anon's thoughts, as well


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08af4a  No.16855189

Is the person Hussein sprayed with a AK-47 POW Michael Speicher?

Red, white, and blue would be the USA patch on his flight suit.

Body was miraculously recovered during Husseins reign


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84c8c9  No.16855190


you kinda empty then huh



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d15742  No.16855191



guns AND control

make them say it that way


gun control

guns AND control


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401f1e  No.16855192


he seemed nervous

un characteristic.

seemed explained by a storm coming

I only listened , didnt watch

He seemed flustered. Very uncharacteristic of him

maybe even mis-spoke a few words?

it's Michigan. entrenched dems, right?


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f9836c  No.16855193


making kombucha now

i make kimchee as well

and pickles


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56b2f3  No.16855194

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784b2f  No.16855195



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e45d09  No.16855196


Whose brain?


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f4922f  No.16855197


It's happening.


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a52d7d  No.16855198


True that


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09ec13  No.16855199


Filter is always an option.


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b1d9d5  No.16855200

Jesis save me….from your followers.


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45a1eb  No.16855201


> I love Bill Gates most.

> He is and always has been, my hero.

> This is his technology. This is his dream.

What are you, stupid?

Bill Gates is an earlier example of Mark Zuckerberg.

Microsoft is earlier example of FaceBook.

Neither were mentally gifted, they were both physically grifted.

Have some respect for yourself and do at least a little research before you swoon in public

Gates helped create, but couldn't stop a virus then,

and he helped create, but couldn't stop a virus now.


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5b81fe  No.16855202


Just a reference for the price… I bet it's different now.


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71c777  No.16855203


Thank YOU!


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2765e0  No.16855204



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b273ee  No.16855205


Introduction of the COVID Vaccines Sees Shocking Rise in Permanent Disabilities

By Jim Hoft

Published June 5, 2022 at 10:14am


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fc62df  No.16855206


>2 more weeks, goyim

Enjoy walking down the street while you still can, Beheymah.


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a5c50e  No.16855207


>Kek glowniggers are literally promoting the chan they groomed the buffalo shooter on now.


and then there's this


Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/08/2018 23:29:38 ID:

8chan/greatawakening: 4


NO private comms past/present/future.

NO comms made outside of this platform.

Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.





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d1d6ff  No.16855208


It's only just begun habbening. Patience, anon.


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b80a03  No.16855209


>begin ominous music


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6d1c71  No.16855210

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095a1e  No.16855211

"'We' will rig your elections and rule your children, because if 'we' didn't do it, then 'another' tribe would have arisen and did the same to 'us' and 'our' children. Since 'we' are in control today, it means history has ordained 'us' to do what 'we' are doing, and 'we' will do 'our' best to stop 'you' from doing it to 'us'." - nwo dialectic logic (projection)

The 'old guard' dialectic logic is at root a 'notion' that humanity IS divided, the source code goes no further than to just notion it as true, then structure false narratives, which divides people who trust the code as not 'knowingly' implemented by 'great deceivers', a code that is intended to divide people, to weaken people, to make it easier to HUNT people.

The nwo code is one that admits it is structured to output inconsistencies as 'proved true' by referencing 'the other' objects WITH THAT DIALECTIC CODE TO 'INTERPRET' WHAT IS 'SEEN', and after, as expected, what is claimed to be 'seen' is 'cOiNcIdEnTaLLy' identical and synonymous with the very dialectic logic that was applied to those objects to output 'interpretations' of what happened!

It's circular logic madness, like that clown clock the stupid shills keep posting here as if Q ever sanctioned the pile of garbage.


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ecaba5  No.16855212



not at all.

none can change His Mind

save abram.

and he is long dead


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0f2043  No.16855213





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a2e550  No.16855214

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0a6b7e  No.16855215

all sad

no wonder you are fucked


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a63d4f  No.16855216

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5d10e3  No.16855217


we know for a fact that we have a major impact on the news across social media. There are only between 100-250 unique posting IDs per thread. The only way to explain us having such a large presence on social media is that we have a counter digital army to the Ai generated accounts for the deep state. Imagine millions of accounts that repost our content, but only when we post something that is in our database and when we use specific devices with specific hardware addresses. It’s the opposite of how darpa uses reverse image search to censor us, the opposite is also true


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1a6f8e  No.16855218


Keep your eye on the ball.



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99e5b6  No.16855219


Anyone who thinks we are asleep is gonna be disappointed. People discover, we cant be told. One who discovers never unlearns.


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648a3c  No.16855220




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34a012  No.16855221

I can fix this in 24 hours. with a new LAW and OATH.

oath: I swear to fight against commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist maoist lenonist nazist eugenicist fascist pedoist and identity frauds +old oath+ so help me god. Change law to reflect this with some teeth and short time say “24 hours” to wind down connections to these new national security threats the founding fathers missed.


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1b3c95  No.16855222


all 3?


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ad4a74  No.16855223


>take your curse and live alone in your pain



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8223db  No.16855224


>'it'$ UKrainin


go build taht GAHY wall @batjoto


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c0ae51  No.16855225


I don't like him or anyone dictate me/us how we should do things.




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e45547  No.16855226


Blacks are fearless and have bones made of titanium or some shit; remarkable warriors. Some of them piss me the fuck off from following trash gangster culture but no different than any other race doing dumb shit. Bring back God, end birth control pill distribution, remove MSM emotional manipulation, punish rapists/murderers severely and all will be good in no time.


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ce78f5  No.16855227

Federal grand jury subpoenas firm that merged with Trump social network

The firm that merged with former President Trump’s social media company received federal grand jury subpoenas last week, the company disclosed in a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing Monday.

A grand jury in the Southern District of New York issued subpoenas to each member of the board of directors of the special purpose acquisition company, or SPAC, that merged with the Trump Media and Technology Group.



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535d25  No.16855228


That is the result of nightshift sniffing the glue rather than using to make the model properly.


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a3ad33  No.16855229


Noice anon


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01d317  No.16855230


Chillax. The normies will never hear about it.


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efce72  No.16855231


>try coming up with actual solutions.

you must go back


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48a65a  No.16855232

the memes to start were fresh

you must have used the new stuff

stop posting until you make some

new ones


only the jews can say it`s the jews

no one else can get by with it.

think about that


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b17f9a  No.16855233

kill all (((inbreds))).




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2bf498  No.16855234

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!


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8e9bd1  No.16855235


>psychology is a false political science now.

it's important to not be a vicitm about this knowledge and instead call them out on it.


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803fd2  No.16855236

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.


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ebdc62  No.16855237


chkt 5:5

>Who knows what this means,

Anons know

Lots and lots know


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f18cd4  No.16855238


==0:02 / 2:19

100 Year Old Veteran Breaks Down Crying “this isn’t the country we fought for”==


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7a9f03  No.16855239

The 'Sea Monsters' || (Malta, The Queen, & Color Green)



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be7156  No.16855240


"I know the #17 means a whole lot to us" - Warren

<3, <3, <3


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f39a19  No.16855241


Usually what happens is you have to have claims to make, sources to back it up, and if you'd stop being defango for a bit, maybe you'll drop the endless aggrowhining. 100% contracted shadowboxer.


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87bf99  No.16855242



My scars tell a long tale of pain…


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3025c9  No.16855243


mutherfuckin soon


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359e6a  No.16855244


Some anon has to make day shift suffer like we all are tonight..


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499cd7  No.16855245


The posts are on .pub…

The place I’ve been study drops uninterrupted for almost 5 years. That’s a pretty legit source for me.


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6b6a40  No.16855246


good point

not even sure 'release the memo' would work?

people are blind to it?. probably blocked by the subconscious mind? for whatever reason? too painful.

can't see what's right in front of them

'eyes wide shut'

probably some 'spell'

with hypnotism the person the person who induced the trace has to be the one to break it

so in the case of the mass societal delusion brought about by the psy-op Fake Information Tsunami… The MassElectronicMedia is what's going to have to break it.

Might start with the proper FCC chief.



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08af4a  No.16855247


So two communist (one openly, one deceptively) countries are secretly saving the word…

Interesting take


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84c8c9  No.16855248




JA is the server ?


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d15742  No.16855249


>Id 911


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401f1e  No.16855250

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!


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f9836c  No.16855251

Nunes said Truth Social would be on Google Store by end of May. It's not there. Fire his ass.


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56b2f3  No.16855252




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784b2f  No.16855253




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e45d09  No.16855254






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f4922f  No.16855255


He, She, THEY?

Does it natter?


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a52d7d  No.16855256

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09ec13  No.16855257


> just a ruse to allow him to drop this into the official record under oath?

kinda like it was injected as evidence


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/19/2018 17:54:59 ID: d24602

8chan/qresearch: 1105115


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/19/2018 17:50:50 ID:d24602

8chan/qresearch: 1105041



Relationships High.

“Insurance File.”

Quiet until now.

Join POTUS’ legal team.

Direct discussions avail [now] w/ Mueller.

Enjoy the show.

They never thought she would lose.




We have everything.

How can we use what we know?

How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?

What are you witnessing unfold?

Trust the plan.



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b1d9d5  No.16855258

A different stream


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45a1eb  No.16855259

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2765e0  No.16855260


Good catch on that one


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71c777  No.16855261


>Next they will celebrate Elmos girlfriend getting an abortion

Theyve already had a segement about it on Sesame Street.


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5b81fe  No.16855262


>Hello hivemind, you do know Q's tripcode is BOARD SPECIFIC & not sitewide right?


Q drop related


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b273ee  No.16855263

I don't like tattoos



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b80a03  No.16855264


B best kek


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fc62df  No.16855265


region came up a few digs back re: solar panels glowing in a straight line on satrad. >dews were implied, but not confirmed


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d1d6ff  No.16855266



Are you paying attention?



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a5c50e  No.16855267


the original meme is alphabet guys fbi etc. glow in the dark. from an old card game from the 80-90s.

then it was glowinthedarkcianiggers

then glowniggers

then glowies in places where you cant say nigger. and also it's shorter so it's taken over more or less.


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095a1e  No.16855268


I love it here


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ecaba5  No.16855269

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0f2043  No.16855270


Prosecutors of the insurgents. They’ve arrested 840 people so far

Now how many are political prisoners vs real criminals vs feds is a diff story


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6d1c71  No.16855271


>This, is a consensus crack shill.

That all they are, they have no real arguments, which is why they keep trying to come up with bullshit. Q posted first, PDJT followed 14 seconds later. That is a 100% confirmed unfakeable ZERO DELTA.


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a2e550  No.16855272


Doggy has a very satisfiying snout,lengthy


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0a6b7e  No.16855273

You kept me like a secret but I kept you like an oath


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a63d4f  No.16855274


Bye Felicia


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e31b58  No.16855275

File: fd4e33fb998ffed⋯.png (312.87 KB, 484x588, 121:147, jAAAAAAA.png)

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5d10e3  No.16855276


> while huffing three spiffs at once?



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99e5b6  No.16855277

How a cheap component could help kill off combustion cars

The humble wire harness, a cheap component that bundles cables together, has become an unlikely scourge of the auto industry. Some predict it could hasten the downfall of combustion cars.

Supplies of the auto part were choked by the war in Ukraine, which is home to a significant chunk of the world's production, with wire harnesses made there fitted in hundreds of thousands of new vehicles every year.

The supply crunch could accelerate the plans of some legacy auto firms to switch to a new generation of lighter, machine-made harnesses designed for electric vehicles, according to interviews with more than a dozen industry players and experts.

"This is just one more rationale for the industry to make the transition to electric quicker," said Sam Fiorani, head of production forecasting firm AutoForecast Solutions.

The Globalists are hellbent on electric cars, coming up with more excuses why we can't have fossil fuel burning cars (no mention of how the electricity will be produced).



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1a6f8e  No.16855278


Tucker with guest Hawley


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34a012  No.16855279

We are the Digital Soldiers. We don’t fight with Weapons, We fight with Truth…

Remember July 4th 2020 LA? True Sign ofIndependence

Have a Great Day Anons



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ad4a74  No.16855280






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c0ae51  No.16855281


White on Black violent crime


Black on White violent crime

happening today

statistics please


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648a3c  No.16855282



and saved


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8223db  No.16855283


had to be done this way



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1b3c95  No.16855284


Another day comes to a close.

Have at it, NightShift!


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e45547  No.16855285


He also said No Games!!! last night in his speech.


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ce78f5  No.16855286


The Constitution only means what 6 people on the SCOTUS say it means

No right is absolute

You are subject to the suppression by the gov't at any time for the sake of the Republic

For safety

For the children

The people must be suppressed


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535d25  No.16855287



Excuse me, "faggot dumbass" but you should check, black knight, and white bishop. YOU fail as well. Anon status revoked.


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a3ad33  No.16855288

Don't know if this has been mentioned.

Last night, Q first posted at 8:26 pm.

Lookee at Q post 826.


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01d317  No.16855289


(Repost from late in the bread)



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efce72  No.16855290

(Volume.11 Preview - early 2011)


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48a65a  No.16855291


hi c-a we know ur nazi

that's why you come here to shill


here's a letter from Jim Watkins, who owns this Board

pretty technical

look at the top of the bread and there are links.

also a board for beginners who want questions answered

I have sent this email to my newsletter recipients.

Dear Friend,

Good news, TOR works.

Here is what happened on Friday, June 24th 2022

I finally got the TOR servers working with both sys and the live servers.

This was tested from the dev server.

Changes were ported over from the dev server to the live servers.

This is when the salt rotated. It changed to what is on the dev server, which is not live.

Trip posting is not common on 8kun.top, and this was not verified after the work was done.

This is my fault, and I take responsibility for that.

It came as a surprise for me as well when trips had changed. Fixing this was relatively easy. I called an employee and asked them to put a backup on for me, which was fixed.

The temporary problem is visible on this trip chat thread.


As far as the Q posts. These are verified now to the best of my ability. TOR hides the IP address of individual posters, so that can not be verified, but the login by the Board Owner of /projectdcomms/ I can see that.

Then the deletion and banning of the B post are the additional verification that makes it highly probable, to the point of certainty, that these posts are valid by the person or persons that post with the Q trip.

It is likely that Q has a different password for the BO login, and the trip code. That is common security practice. I trust that

Q would be familiar with security, using TOR is an additional security step that requires knowledge past the Tenderfoot stage of internet use.

I publicly explained this on Sunday evening with at least 100 witnesses, including Chad Vivas, who has been retruthed by President Donald Trump.

https://chadvivas.com (https://chadvivas.com/)

Some of the naysayers and concernf—- questions I have considered.

Why didn’t the Q trip change with the other trips?

CodemonkeyZ made a special whitelist for Q before retiring from 8kun.top.

I don’t know how he did that, but even though neither CodemonkeyZ nor myself are Q.

We both understand the importance of Q communications to the world. CodemonkeyZ did

his best before he left to ensure this communication could not be screwed up by any error that I make or my employees.

Did the salt change for a new Q to post as Q?

No, the salt change was an error that did not correlate with these posts.

My rushing to attend a live talk in Thousand Oaks, California, are the reason for the salt change.

This has been rectified.

Did you change the salt to make a new trip code match the Q trip code?

No, that would be more difficult than guessing the trip code password. It would take longer than the time until the heat death of the Universe

to change the salt, which is a long string of random characters to match up to a new password, to create a trip code that matches the Q trip code.

None of this will satisfy professional shills. This will not stop bold text posts by unprofessional members of the US government that are currently stepping all over their oaths to defend the Constitution of the United States.

I hope it will be enough for the people that matter.

Sincerely yours,

Jim Watkins"

The shills make the place difficult, deliberately

they weren't around as much as now, until after Q" came back last week


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b17f9a  No.16855292


at least

Not Today


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2bf498  No.16855293


Originally QR General #20802 >>16854868

Rep. Sean Casten’s 17-year-old daughter dead

June 14, 2022

"Illinois Congressman Sean Casten’s 17-year-old daughter Gwen Casten died Monday morning, his office announced.

The U.S. representative’s office released a short statement that said the teen passed away but didn’t provide any further details.

“This morning, Congressman Casten’s beloved daughter, Gwen (17), passed away,” Casten’s office said. “The Casten family requests privacy, and we will be issuing no further comment during this heartbreaking time.”

Gwen died inside the family’s Downers Grove home, the Chicago Tribune reported, citing local police.

Downers Grove police were called to respond to a report of an “unresponsive” 17-year-old girl at a home on the block where Casten lives just before 7 a.m. The girl was pronounced dead at the scene, according to the outlet.

Gwen was following in the footsteps of her father and fighting for social causes she cared about, her social media shows

According to her Twitter bio, Gwen served as co-director of the March For Our Lives Illinois chapter.

She also appeared in a campaign video in support of her father, who is running for a third term in Congress.."




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ebdc62  No.16855294


Pull the dildo out of your ass.


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8e9bd1  No.16855295


Former CIA Agent Admits Agency Created Gangster Rap to ‘Fill Private Prisons’ By ‘Glamorizing Criminality’

June 12, 2022

John Homeston, a retired CIA agent, admitted this week on National Russian Television (NTV) that the CIA was behind the creation of gangster rap in the late 80s and 90s in order to “glamorize criminal behavior” and “fill private prisons.”

The government at the time spent “big money, serious money” on this covert operation designed to “further division” and “corrupt the American youth to nihilist, anti-establishment and anti-American ideologies”, he explained in a half hour interview.

Famous hip hop lyrics of the legendary hip hop outfit NWA were even scripted by a team of psychologists and war propagandists inside the CIA, according to the former agent. “F#ck the police,” and “When I’m called off, I got a sawed off / Squeeze the trigger, and bodies are hauled off,” and other anti-establishment lyrics were intended to unleash a wave of cynicism towards authorities, promote the use of narcotics, and glamorize the gangster life in the minds of impressionable young people.

The CIA worked in tandem with music industry elite to create a “funnel” in which young people would be indoctrinated with brainwashing gangster rap music, introduced to a life of crime, and then delivered to the highly profitable private prison system. In order to create this “funnel”, the CIA introduced music industry owners to the private prison industry.

Once the “funnel” was in place, the system was a lock.

Some of the biggest names in the music industry are in cahoots with private prison owners. The gangster rap music that young people listen to is not only meant to entertain, but is designed to verbally and visually support criminal behavior that funnel young people into these private prisons.

In 2021, Core Civic, formerly known as Corrections Corporation of America, the biggest name in the private prisons industry, contacted 48 states offering to buy their prisons. There was one requirement of eligibility for the deal was particularly strange.

“An assurance by the agency partner that the agency has sufficient inmate population to maintain a 90% occupancy rate over the term of the contract.” (Corrections Corporation of America)




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803fd2  No.16855296


>Ia Q at Truth Social?

kinda like the qanon twitter character.


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f18cd4  No.16855297


Who needs a boat when you have a spaceship? Go be a phaggot somewhere else


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7a9f03  No.16855298



Today, I’m joining those around the world in celebrating Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It is with gratitude for your leadership and the kindness you’ve shown me and my family that I say, may the light of your crown continue to reign supreme.


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f39a19  No.16855299

Who made 3 bakes?


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87bf99  No.16855300

"as a jewish woman it is a matter of religious freedom that i be able to access abortion care if i should need it. trust and believe that if i’m denied it i am going to make it everyone’s problem"



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359e6a  No.16855301


I just can’t.

Find a special place.

Give it a bed and slide meals under the door.

Let it have a pack of cards to play patience.

Problem solved.


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3025c9  No.16855302


I'm not that talented.


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499cd7  No.16855303

My opinion is that Q is following the Galactic Laws.

Cannot violate your freewill.


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6b6a40  No.16855304


Careful with the range circles you don't want to dox your location.


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08af4a  No.16855305


>Not an Argument


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401f1e  No.16855306


banning hate is a mistake

slave morality

you can and should hate pedos anon

and the cabal

and those who wish you or your family harm.

And anyone trying to ethnicaly cleanse your people with mass illegal or legal immigration, demographic replacement.

also (lb)

The 3rd image. She is Maria Orsic. Top priestess for vrill. It isn't some lizzard thing, that's disinfo from (((wikipedia.)))


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56b2f3  No.16855307


danks baker


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d15742  No.16855308



could you change title to

Trump Rally Delaware with notes and rumble link 23rd April 2022.

Gives anon a one stop bun, would suggest anons should watch rally again, incase anything was missed. Anon noticed for the first week in nearly 4 rallys trump did not mention Lelita James.

Good, she is worthless and all it is doing is giving her credience to the deep state as they see her as someone trump does not like.

no one is d.c is going to anything about her, they are all corrupt, especially the lawyers, law courts and judges.



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84c8c9  No.16855309


Ok Groomers

October 21, 2020 1:45PM ET

Twitter, Facebook Allow Pizzagate-Esque Conspiracy Theories to Spread About Hunter Biden

Abhorrent, baseless conspiracy theories are swirling around the vice-president’s son that have largely gone unchecked

For years, conspiracy theorists have baselessly tried to link Democrats to sex trafficking, a tactic straight out of Russian-style disinformation campaigns, which frequently tar political opponents as sexual deviants. Republicans have also been eager to dig up dirt about the Bidens, specifically Hunter Biden, the 50-year-old chaotic fail-son of former Vice President Joe Biden. Now, these combustible elements have been tossed into the crucible of the 2020 election, and are exploding across social media, thanks to a widely contested New York Post story that was published about Hunter Biden last week — and a far-right internet contingent set on twisting those thin allegations into fully fabricated disinformation.

The Post story contains a screengrab of an email purporting to show evidence of a meeting that Hunter Biden set up between his father and an executive at a Ukrainian energy firm. The email supposedly comes from a MacBook Pro that was dropped off at a Delaware repair shop in 2019. As alleged by the Post, the repair shop owner made a copy of the hard drive and supplied it to an attorney for Trump crony Rudy Giuliani. (It should be noted that Giuliani spearheaded a drive to dig up dirt on the Bidens, part of a campaign so shady that it ultimately got the president impeached.)

The New York Post story is dubious, to say the very least. Many questions have been raised about its sourcing (not to mention the timing of its publication weeks before the election), the emails published in the story are unverified, and more than 50 former intelligence officials have signed a letter stating their belief the story is part of a foreign disinformation campaign.Moreover, the Delaware repair shop owner, a Trump supporter and conspiracy theorist, told reporters that he is “legally blind” and did not even see who dropped off the alleged laptop, only believing it to be Hunter’s because it allegedly had a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation.

The Biden campaign has also steadfastly refuted the allegations, saying that it reviewed the Vice President’s schedule and no such meeting ever took place. “Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as ‘not legitimate’ and political by a GOP colleague have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official U.S. policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing,” said campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates.

Despite the glaring issues with the story, however, those on the right have been salivating over its claims, spinning them off into even more extreme and defamatory conspiracy theories. One of these theories stems from what the New York Post alleges is a photo of a subpoena issued for Biden’s laptop, bearing what appears to be the signature of an FBI agent named Joshua Wilson, the same name as an agent who has in the past investigated child pornography cases. It is not clear whether the Joshua Wilson whose signature appears to be on the subpoena is the same agent, or if there are multiple FBI agents named Joshua Wilson. But that did not stop many on the fringe message board 4chan to speculate, based on zero evidence, that Hunter Biden’s laptop contained child pornography.

On October 18th, the conspiracy theory made its way from the dark corners of the internet to Fox News, where anchor Maria Bartiromo regurgitated it to her guest, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WIS.), urging him to make a connection between Wilson’s signature and Hunter Biden. “Connect the dots,” Bartiromo urged her guest, Johnson, who played along, tantalizing Fox News viewers by sowing the seeds of mistruth: “I don’t want to speculate other than to say… I’ve heard all kinds of things that I think will probably be revealed over the next few days. There’s a treasure trove of emails, and video, and pictures,” Johnson said.


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f9836c  No.16855310





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784b2f  No.16855311


>Fox 13

Tamp Bay


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f4922f  No.16855312

The fate of Ghislaine Maxwell is sealed as 60-year-old is sentenced to 20 YEARS in prison for sex trafficking underage girls for pedophile Jeffrey Epstein - and says meeting him was her 'biggest regret'

Ghislaine Maxwell, 60, has be sentenced to 20 years in jail after being convicted of sex trafficking in December

Prosecutors asked Judge Alison Nathan to impose a sentence of at least 30 years because of Maxwell's 'utter lack of remorse,' while Maxwell claimed she should serve just four years as she is not a danger to the public

Annie Farmer, Sarah Ransome, Elizabeth Stein and one woman known only as Kate read their heartbreaking victim impact statements where they pleaded for the longest possible sentence

Sarah Ransome claimed in her victim impact statement, 'I was nothing more than a sex toy with a heartbeat and soul used to entertain Epstein, Maxwell and others'

Elizabeth Stein revealed she had to have an abortion after getting raped 'countless times'

The sentencing marks the end of a decades-long fight for justice by victims of Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein



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e45d09  No.16855313


Here's one now..


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09ec13  No.16855314



I am not OSS


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a52d7d  No.16855315




>Ninja - Watkin Tudor Jones


>Yo-Landi Vi$$er - Anri Du Toit


>Borat - Sasha Baron Cohen


>All totally made up characters, all F&G.

Yoland and Ninja are so called artist names … Borat is not an artist name it's a role name


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45a1eb  No.16855316

US Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 75 basis points to 1.75%, the largest hike since 1994.



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b1d9d5  No.16855317


Well, Sergei, they are gonna get to thinkin' when it's below zero and there's no gas, and their tiny little wangers are frozen solid. "Mebbe, mebbe, mebbe we made a mistake." Anon hopes Moscow makes them grovel and beg.


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2765e0  No.16855318

I'm gonna go out on a limb here.

The next shooter will be 'dark white'.

It do.

FF, arson, sabotage will increase in severity.

You better start loving the Summer of Love, 'cause it's gonna love you back either way.


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71c777  No.16855319


> why she flee?

Anon has surmized that this was a funnel job that had the two officers behind her pointing their rifles at her head. JadenX knew to get a tight shot that didn't include them. She was flushed.

Picrel: the two in that picture directly afterwards weren't shown during her ordeal.


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5b81fe  No.16855320


So they're doing the left's bidding, just with a different spin on it?


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b80a03  No.16855321


ty gramma kitty.

but was in a rush as bread running out

faggots will be faggot


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fc62df  No.16855322


The nasal swab thing, is HIGHLY suspicious to me…


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d1d6ff  No.16855323


I have only astrally projected into my body. Anon has very vivid early childhood memories of descending into the body. Like I was downloading into a blank unit.


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a5c50e  No.16855324


possibly amongst other pharma lines and treatments?


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b273ee  No.16855325

O O >>16855084




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095a1e  No.16855326


because they need to ignore that narrative plus it would implicate a certain group has more illegal guns vs the demographic of legal gun owners. Then you have to remind them on what constitutes a mass shooting, 3 or more if i recall and that is nightly in chicago. They think its only when it happens at a walmart because the media ignores the stories they can not get an agenda through with.


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0f2043  No.16855327


You'll have to ask the AI image generator that question.


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ecaba5  No.16855328

So THIS is why TRUMP has repeatedly stated, "The US is now a 3rd world country."

"The pedo networks are being dismantled.

The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody)." ItsHappenig



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6d1c71  No.16855329


Why do people believe QAnon?

The QAnon conspiracy theory is as far-fetched as it is bizarre, but it appeals to people because it gives them a sense of control.

"The bad news is that a group of Satanic plotters have incredible power in this country; the good news is that QAnon followers and their hero, the president, have figured out the plot and are going to expose it," said Kathryn Olmsted, a history professor and conspiracy theory expert at the University of California, Davis.

There’s also an appealing element of participation. Q’s posts are like clues at a murder mystery party, but the party is on 8kun and the baseless clues are about pedophilia, cannibalism and Satan worship.

Because Trump is the hero in this narrative, people might assume that only conservatives are likely to support something like QAnon. But that’s not necessarily the case.

According to the book "American Conspiracy Theories," gender and political party do not determine whether someone believes in conspiracy theories. More telling factors include less education and income. People who are less likely to participate in politics or are more likely to accept violence are also more inclined to believe.

"Our predispositions to conspiracy theorizing interact with our political views," said Joseph Parent, the book’s co-author and an associate political science professor at the University of Notre Dame. "So conspiracy theorists on the left are focused on threats from the right and vice versa. People believe what they want to believe; they fear what they want to fear."

Is QAnon dangerous or illegal?

The conspiracy theory has been linked to several crimes, some of them violent, and the FBI has said it’s a potential domestic terrorism threat. Some of QAnon’s claims could be potentially defamatory.

In a May 2019 intelligence bulletin obtained by Yahoo! News, FBI officials described "conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists" as a growing threat. The memo mentions QAnon specifically.

"The FBI assesses these conspiracy theories very likely will emerge, spread, and evolve in the modern information marketplace, occasionally driving both groups and individual extremists to carry out criminal or violent acts," the document says.

In a July report, West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center, an academic institute within the United States Military Academy, cited a number of examples of violence linked to QAnon.

"QAnon has contributed to the radicalization of several people to notable criminal acts or acts of violence," the report said.



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a2e550  No.16855330


ok noted, Jim is not denying or acknowledging anything and you are upset that you are not getting the acknowledgement you desire for some reason

>this anon personally DNC

does not care that your questions are ignored


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5d10e3  No.16855331

John of god comes to mind.

Industrial evil



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a63d4f  No.16855332

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0a6b7e  No.16855333


Appears he has a website now, which might help you get the ball rolling:


Surely there's something you can work with here.


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1a6f8e  No.16855334

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99e5b6  No.16855335


Wut's dis?


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c0ae51  No.16855336



c… like in corruption?


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34a012  No.16855337


They won't be able to walk down the street.



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ad4a74  No.16855338

Brain frequency transmitter


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8223db  No.16855339

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e45547  No.16855340

Disclosure: I go off Q drops. No Q drop integrity. No humanity.


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ce78f5  No.16855341


He said “Welcome back Alan” once.


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535d25  No.16855342


Amen, Anon


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1b3c95  No.16855343





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a3ad33  No.16855344


they love their monsters


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648a3c  No.16855345


> how commas work


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525dc8  No.16855346


McAfee once told an anon who asked if there's anything they can do to protect their identity and home "battlestations" from all the surveillance tech the govt has, like a faraday cage.

John's response was, "You'll need a faraday life, which is unrealistic."

Everyone is being watched. Geo tagging is continuous. It comes down to who does what when they think no one is looking.

Fuck around and find out


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01d317  No.16855347




The harsh reeeee'ing and opinions stated as fact show normies that they ARE lying. "Give them enough rope, they'll hang themselves"


Plus the fact they disallow comments shows everyone they are afraid of what the majority of the public has to say about this sham witch hunt!


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efce72  No.16855348


> it takes me to b for some reason whenever I click reply


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48a65a  No.16855349


US using tariffs as weapon, punishment against Russia

The United States has been using tariffs as a weapon and punishment against Russia, according to Katherine Tai, a trade representative who spoke to Congress today, Wednesday.

"Tariffs are like 2x4s. They can be used for lots of different purposes. With respect to Russia, these tariffs are punishment. We are using these 2x4s as a kind of a weapon," Tai told a US Senate Appropriations subcommittee.

"We are continuing to engage in the administration through our conversations also with other partners and allies to look at how we can use these new authority to impose additional consequences on imports from Russia," Tai said.

The US raised tariffs on 75% of Russian imports

After the suspension of normal trade ties with Russia, the US increased tariff rates on more than 75% of Russian imports, revealed Tai.

"As a result of the bill that Congress passed and that the president signed into law earlier this spring, the United States has with respect to trade suspended permanent normal trade relations with Russia. And that means we've imposed non-MFN [most favored nation] tariffs on imports from Russia. That action alone has increased tariff rates on over 75% of US imports from Russia," she said.

The US wants to take apart the Russian economy

Washington seeks to take apart the Russian economy, or in its own words, its "supply chain".

In April, the Deputy Treasury Secretary, Wally Adeyemo, announced that Washington wants to dismantle Russia's "war machine" by disrupting its defense industry and supply chain.

"The next phase of our work will be to take apart Russia’s ‘war machine’ piece by piece by disrupting their military-industrial complex and its supply chain," Adeyemo said in a virtual discussion organized by the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

However, this isn't so new.

In earlier April, US President Joe Biden said the United States and its allies will continue to ratchet up economic costs on the country and further isolate it.

He also claimed that the sanctions imposed on Russia have wiped away Russia's economic development over the last 15 years.

"Our sanctions are lucky to wipe out the last 15 years of Russia's economic gains and because we have cut Russia off from importing technologies like semiconductors and encryption security and critical components of quantum technology that they need to compete in the 21st century. We are going to stifle Russia's ability as an economy to grow for years to come," Biden said in an address to North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) Legislative Conference.


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ebdc62  No.16855350


There's NO NUMBER of Judges - check it


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b17f9a  No.16855351


there is no 'going back' on child rape and any living child rapist will always be a threat to children until they are drowned for not committing suicide and trying to 'normalize' child rape.


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2bf498  No.16855352





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803fd2  No.16855353


>final straw


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8e9bd1  No.16855354



Are local governments saying to do this?

Are farmers being forced to because their contracts cannot be filled, aka their restaurants arent open to buy them?

Packaging plants are closing, such as Tyson.

So if packaging is closing, then farmers are screwed. Is this a TPTB causing this through certain avenues to hurt our food supply?

Obviously we know TPTB caused this virus, now its on for the shortage of food.

Farmers Face Their Worst-Case Scenario: ‘Depopulating’ Chickens, Euthanizing Pigs And Dumping Milk


Nearly 2 million chickens at Eastern Shore farms set to be destroyed because of coronavirus-related plant shortages


Texas Farmer saying they are being told to euthanize their herds.


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f18cd4  No.16855355


>nothing we can do

>all we can do

ok gotcha tyb


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87bf99  No.16855356


Thank you.


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f39a19  No.16855357


* Uvalde Glow Intensifies


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7a9f03  No.16855358


You do that.

And while you're at it, take a hammer and keep hitting yourself in the head with it, just to make sure that it still hurts when you do it.


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499cd7  No.16855359


Ship is clean or grab a mop, motherfuckers!



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3025c9  No.16855360




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359e6a  No.16855361


When I was a kid, and the circus came to town every year, there was always a Freak Show tent, written in large letters: FREAK SHOW.

Though kids weren't allowed in it, they had posters of the attractions, like the world's fattest woman, and sword swallowers, and one was the freak half woman-half man - with a painting of a person with long hair and a boob on one side, and a beard and flat chest on the other side. We grew up naturally calling them freaks.


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6b6a40  No.16855362


Never heard of her.


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08af4a  No.16855363

Jan. 6 Committee Says Cassidy Hutchinson Told Them That She Heard Mark Meadows Say That A Secret Service Agent’s Friend’s Cousin’s Husband Once Heard That One Of Trump’s Other Aides Said She Thinks She Heard Him Say He Wanted To 'Do An Insurrection'

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The walls are closing in on former President Trump. In an explosive bombshell unprecedented star witness testimony yesterday, Cassidy Hutchinson told everyone that she heard Mark Meadows say that a Secret Service agent's friend's cousin's husband once heard that one of Trump's other aides said she thinks she heard him say he wanted to "do an insurrection."

"Yes, that's totally what I heard someone say Trump said to someone who told it to them," said Cassidy Hutchinson. "He literally said 'Let's do an insurrection.' And then he threw a plate at the bust of Martin Luther King." Hutchinson then started sobbing uncontrollably.

The committee confirmed that the Secret Service agent's friend's cousin's husband who heard the aide say what she thought she heard is "an upstanding witness of the most unassailable character."

"This is looking really bad," said conservative folk hero Adam Kinzinger. "This might finally be the beginning of the end for Trump, who we are discovering was the evilest president to ever be elected." Kinzinger then started sobbing uncontrollably.

The hearings are expected to heat up even more next week when the committee brings in Johnny Depp to testify - according to sources close to Johnny Depp's agent's cleaning lady's great aunt.



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f9836c  No.16855364




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d15742  No.16855365


Every TOR ID is that 000000


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56b2f3  No.16855366


Probably glass underneath.


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401f1e  No.16855367


>4 posts for rainman, IP hop time


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84c8c9  No.16855368



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f4922f  No.16855369


Kiss, kiss, kiss!!!!!!!!


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784b2f  No.16855370

Wishing all my frens a most

enjoyable Independence Day

We'll run these fucking commie Bolshevik Dimocraps off in no time at all. I guarantee it.


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e45d09  No.16855371


Noice one!

And even does this….


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09ec13  No.16855372

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a52d7d  No.16855373



>Is Qmap.pub back online! I loved that damn thing, it had the coolest tools built into it.

it was the best


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45a1eb  No.16855374


>The Great Return of Q`


Why did they come back, who do they want to stop from going public?

The ONE?


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2765e0  No.16855375




BO (#44 president)



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b1d9d5  No.16855376


Democrats are SEETHING that Trump refuses to announce. Top kek

TL:DR: Trump can spend money from his PAC supporting other candidates, and has other financial freedoms that a presidential candidate would not have



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71c777  No.16855377

Nice Adam's apple.


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fc62df  No.16855378


Entertain this! Q came back just as the murder money dried up


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5b81fe  No.16855379





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b80a03  No.16855380


and you are a faggot.


i thought that was a broad question. Maybe even rhetorical. I dunno but the way shill are acting this morning i have a feeling what ever he is doing is working to freak them out that might be enough today dunno.


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d1d6ff  No.16855381

Joseph Robinette Biden

Robin ~> (((roth)))


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a5c50e  No.16855382



almost a 3 hour tour

its all relative



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0f2043  No.16855383


I see. So "HivemindQ's" posts are considered official drops? Not seeing anyone, besides hivemindfags, promote it. Interesante. Not on any of the aggregators,,, so… have a good day over on hivemind, I guess.


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ecaba5  No.16855384


Maybe it was for someone and something outside your scope of view. Maybe someone who once served their country and knows the game better than even the Illuminati. Maybe 11.3 was confirmed in a small way. Maybe that game is "God Wins". It would be too hard for anyone to understand the discourse without Revelation(s) of which only God can give. Maybe the discourse on Nein is true. Maybe the planets are aligning by cause and affect. Maybe someone's understanding doesn't end in another one's belief. May be.


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095a1e  No.16855385


That would make sense.


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b273ee  No.16855387


>Can you show me a time when Q was ever “verified”?



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5d10e3  No.16855388

GOD Bless the Plan!!


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a63d4f  No.16855389


you need a liter a cola or something?


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a2e550  No.16855390


>Sky event



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0a6b7e  No.16855391

i can't believe putin lost his daughter


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c0ae51  No.16855392


God is there for you at your weakest, some people need Him for sure. If you are already strong and healthy then you know what to do and closer to the image of God anyways.


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99e5b6  No.16855393

Is this Blood Sacrifice Weekend?


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1a6f8e  No.16855394




Not really *cracks*

Shots over a PA ststem??


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ad4a74  No.16855395




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34a012  No.16855396

So tired of hearing this retarded bullshit. How can so many blacks be getting arrested when we're led to believe the police shoot them all?

Also, if the larger portion of crime comes from one demographic of people than the solution is what? Reduce arrests for the ones committing a larger portion of the crimes? This shit needs to end

The King County Sheriff's Office is 350% more likely to arrest a Black person for a crime given its proportion of the population, according to the audit.



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6d1c71  No.16855397




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8223db  No.16855398




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ce78f5  No.16855399


>Mike Rothschild

He's aware.



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e45547  No.16855400




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535d25  No.16855401



>Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.

This efers to one person?


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a3ad33  No.16855402

Clifton Hicks - Ruby Ridge



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525dc8  No.16855403


You must show the people.


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1b3c95  No.16855404

If a nuclear bomb causes lasting damage for thousands of years

home come people are fine in Japan after the 2 bombs?


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01d317  No.16855405

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648a3c  No.16855406


>taught as "taboo"

Starting to think it depends on which (Souler) system come come from.


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ebdc62  No.16855407


… scroll up to the notables. bold text.


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efce72  No.16855408


Are you new here?


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b17f9a  No.16855409

Anons, by just staying consistent over time and running the marathon are winning in ways nobody but God understands right now. Faith is everything and the ultimate habit of the victor. God adores those that trust in his word and his promise.


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48a65a  No.16855410

'Trans people' are 'sacred'.

Is it possible that as a consequence of being a spirit [incarnated] one must have a religion?


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803fd2  No.16855411


how much bad steel do we need to get rid of?


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f18cd4  No.16855412

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87bf99  No.16855413

Gregorian MONKS Singing Halo Theme Song in a real Chapel


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499cd7  No.16855414


go cook something.

we're starving.


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f39a19  No.16855415


Mike Adams, The Health Ranger has just published a stunning preliminary report on magnification of Mr. Hirschman’s White fibrous clots!

While the chemical analysis will take more time, his initial microscopy found the following:

“… Extremely large, complex, repeating structural elements that are clearly being constructed in the blood of the victims who died from these clots “

“fibrous strands show repeating patterns of scale like engineering as if the body has been programmed to build another life form inside the blood vessels“

“… Appears to be a biocircuitry wire which clearly shows repeating patterns and nanoscale interface structures that are assembled in a specific geometry for an unknown purpose”



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2bf498  No.16855416


tendies must flow out drive thru hole


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8e9bd1  No.16855417


>That's GOT to be NOLA, kek.


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7a9f03  No.16855418


They want the digs on the anime pussies from Japan. Why else? Maybe to get his opinion on how fake Q is?


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359e6a  No.16855419

Respiratory relief tea – cold infusion phase


3 parts slippery elm

1 part marshmallow root

4 parts room temperature water


Combine slippery elm bark and marshmallow root

Cover with the water, and allow to steep at room temperature between 4-8 hours.

Strain, reserve liquid, and discard the plant material.

Store cold infusion in the refrigerator for up to 2 days if needed.

Use this as the water for the decoction phase.

There are concerns with slippery elm, as it is an endangered wild plant. If you can, buy organic. That should ensure that it came from a managed population, not from a wild population that might have been overharvested. Otherwise, feel free to substitute Siberian elm instead, or just use 100% marshmallow root.

A quart mason jar will allow for 1 cup of plant material and 4 cups of water. This is the correct ratio of plant material to water, and the jars have easy-to-read measurements on the side of each jar.

Use cut and sifted instead of powdered forms. Powdered slippery elm and marshmallow will be much more difficult to strain out. It’s a mess. Ask me how I know.

Decoction phase

2 parts elecampane root

1 part clove

1 part licorice root

Blend these herbs together, and then use:

1 part decoction herbal blend (above)

4 parts cold infusion (Cold Infusion Phase above)

Add all ingredients to a pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. In about 15-20 minutes, the liquid will have reduced by half. Strain out the plant material, and return the liquid to the pot.

Please note, you will have slightly less than four parts of your cold infusion after straining out your herbs. I just add extra water to make up the difference.

(Want uninterrupted access to The Organic Prepper? Check out our paid-subscription newsletter.)

Hot infusion ingredients

Blend the ingredients below. It will make a lot, so you’ll only have to do this step again when you run out.

If you are using 1 cup = 1 part, you will end up with 13 cups of herbs. You will use 1 cup (1 part) of the blend each time you make the entire Respiratory Relief Tea recipe.

6 parts hyssop flower

3 parts mullein leaf

1 part colt’s foot (aerial parts)

1 part speedwell

1 part spearmint leaf

1 part thyme leaf

Once you have returned your decoction to the pot, bring the liquid to just before boiling. Turn off the heat and add 1/2 cup of the herbal blend. Cover and steep for 15 to 20 minutes.

Strain out the plant material, add a sweetener (optional) and sip the tea as needed for relief from respiratory symptoms.


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3025c9  No.16855420


half the shit on here is a hunch anymore

if there were sauce i would've posted it

but i do have a sauce for this




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815a62  No.16855421

File: 50b76c60478ab82⋯.gif (484.07 KB, 500x259, 500:259, tumblr_m2yscdoDVP1qaedpto1….gif)

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6b6a40  No.16855422

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f9836c  No.16855423




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08af4a  No.16855424


Part 2 of 2…


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56b2f3  No.16855425


Kek. Me too.



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84c8c9  No.16855426



The survey was based on 500 respondents.



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401f1e  No.16855427

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784b2f  No.16855428


Mental case patsy


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f4922f  No.16855429


Fuck you and your cat. We have a new Mascot


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e45d09  No.16855430

Ukraine Says $750BN Needed To Rebuild, Wants To Use Seized Russian Assets

Ukrainian officials have issued a new price tag for the country's post-war "recovery plan" of $750 billion. The huge sum was advanced at a two-day conference on Ukrainian reconstruction which started Monday in Switzerland.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a virtual address that reconstruction of his country is a "common task of the entire democratic world — all countries, all countries who can say they are civilized." He added, "We are uniting the democratic world…The outlook of free people always prevails."

"Reconstruction of Ukraine is the biggest contribution to the support of global peace," Zelensky said at the summit where Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal identified the $750 billion figure as part of a three-stage plan.

Interestingly, part of that plan is to utilized seized Russian assets, as RFE/RL writes of Shmygal's words, "Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmygal said on July 4 at the start of the two-day Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano, Switzerland, that Kyiv believes a substantial source of funding for the recovery should come through assets confiscated from Russian oligarchs, which he estimated at $300 billion to $500 billion."

"We believe that the key source of recovery should be the confiscated assets of Russia and Russian oligarchs," the Ukrainian prime minister told the conference. "The Russian authorities unleashed this bloody war. They caused this massive destruction, and they should be held accountable for it."

Additionally the funding will need to come from allied nations agreeing to grants and loans, as well as corporations and independent international institutions.



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a52d7d  No.16855431


TY baker

POTUS T on fire tonight, and I'm only about 20 or so minutes in.



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09ec13  No.16855432

just click it anon

trust me


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d15742  No.16855433


I would never do radiation

The big lie is that modern medicine took us from an expected lifespan of 35 years to 75 years.

Problem with that is all the babies that died right after birth. 80 becomes 40 pretty fast.


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45a1eb  No.16855434

U.S. Naval Institute


USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: June 2, 2022



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2765e0  No.16855435


we call them "memes" around here


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fc62df  No.16855436




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0f2043  No.16855437


>faggots, and pedophiles

orientation rights will be another thing. Except it will be worded in a vague way so pedophilia is legalized.


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d1d6ff  No.16855438


COVID-19 is a mind-virus, like a computer virus. It's spreads via corrupt information (code).


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b1d9d5  No.16855439


nice draw, but steal memes or they die

this ass picks DS then blames fails on his DS picks. He must think anons are stupid

pathetic mind game


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a5c50e  No.16855440

Who in their right mind would denounce their German heritage? What's the big deal? Lay off and attack some other race. No don't do that. Hitler tried to stop Marxists ya big fat bullies. Whatya got to say about that then huh?. Where's ya money? Gold. Silver. Crypto. Land. Food. Water. Shelter.

…. lynette.

… anyway… what was I sayin… fk it.


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5b81fe  No.16855441

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71c777  No.16855442


hate to say this but you're no Thomas Jefferson



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ecaba5  No.16855443


If your Linux can read windows you can use that. Had a friend who use to use window stuff on his Linux. You just need to use the window browser.


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b80a03  No.16855444




Hehehehe. Interesting take.


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095a1e  No.16855445


you kids behave


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b273ee  No.16855446

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ad4a74  No.16855447

One covid blip?


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c0ae51  No.16855448


lol you actually believe that crap?


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a63d4f  No.16855449


Being a modern man is so strange.


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5d10e3  No.16855450


>airborne rabies



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1a6f8e  No.16855451

Is The Storm upon us? Feeling moist.


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a2e550  No.16855452


>most of the women haven't even had the shot

Wtf does that mean?


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99e5b6  No.16855453



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0a6b7e  No.16855454


Filtered for deliberately missing the point.


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34a012  No.16855455


look at the size of the noses on that crew of nation wreckers


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6d1c71  No.16855456


See? You just proved my point. Like you are offended at me having told you the truth.


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ce78f5  No.16855457












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8223db  No.16855458

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535d25  No.16855459


Just get every last one of them in a giant clean sweep so they can't run. Cool?


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e45547  No.16855460

Kristi Noem celebrates Roe v. Wade's overturning but says women shouldn't 'be prosecuted' for abortions

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem said Sunday that women shouldn't be prosecuted for seeking abortions following the Supreme Court’s ruling last week overturning Roe v. Wade, which allowed state-level abortion bans in South Dakota and elsewhere to take effect.

Noem, a Republican, celebrated the "wonderful news" of the high court's finding that there is no constitutional guarantee to abortion access, but she told "This Week" co-anchor Martha Raddatz, "I don’t believe women should ever be prosecuted. I don’t believe that mothers in this situation [should] ever be prosecuted. Now doctors who knowingly violate the law, they should be prosecuted."



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a3ad33  No.16855461


OMG; the credits.


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525dc8  No.16855462




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1b3c95  No.16855463


"how does the dissent account for the fact that one of the mass shootings near the top of its list took place in Buffalo?

The New York law at issue in this case obviously did not stop that perpetrator."


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efce72  No.16855464


(2 of 2)

On September 29, 2014, the OSCE Special Representative for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Madina Jarbussynova claimed that the mass graves discovered in the Donbas contained bodies missing internal organs, who have most likely become victims of black-market transplant surgeons.

The OSCE issued a statement on 30 October 2014 saying that Jarbussynova’s remarks had been taken out of context and she was merely citing two Russian NGO reports about the possible removal and sale of human organs in Eastern Ukraine. “The OSCE does not possess any evidence regarding possible organ harvesting in Eastern Ukraine,” the statement said.

In 2015 a video was posted online with an interview of an American transplant surgeon “working” in Odessa, Donetsk, Slavyansk, and Kramatorsk, revealing blood-chilling details of the mass removal of organs in Ukraine.

In 2017, the Russian newspaper Moskovskyi Komsomolets (“MKRU”) reported that the former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Volodymyr Oleinik, predicted a planned Ukrainian kidney donor transplant program due to begin in 2018 would “not only destroy public health but turn Ukraine into a black market transplant centre”. The pilot transplant program was to start in Nezalezhnaya and would “turn Nezalezhnaya into a centre for transplant tourism from rich countries,” Oleinik added.

At the time, Ukraine’s Deputy Health Minister Oleksander Lynchevskyi refuted this and said that such claims are part and parcel of a larger Russian disinformation narrative, that Ukraine is establishing an organ transplant black market.

Recently, a video interview of a former SSU employee was posted to the Internet, saying that being in the war zone in Donbas he was attached to the special medical group in Kramatorsk called “First Aid Group.” Since 2014 the group was engaged in the illegal removal of organs from injured Ukrainian troops in the vicinity of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

In early 2022 the German Minister of Defence, Christine Lambrecht, announced that Ukraine received a field hospital and a crematorium. Some media connected such a “gift” with a long well-oiled illegal business of selling organs of Ukrainian troops to the EU, the US, and Israel under the protection of SSU as indicated by many traits.

Recently a German-language publication, Neues aus Russland, published a fascinating story about mobile crematoriums in Ukraine which help conceal the major selling of organs to the EU.



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ebdc62  No.16855465


It is HEAVING used in the machining industry as both a coolant and heated "bath".

A definite sabotage to target both US manufacturing and domestic transportation.

Hot summer indeed.


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648a3c  No.16855466

Complete Coincidence? At Least 7 Large Farm Fires Occur in US in Last 10 Days

<June 7, 2022 at 2:41pm


A report by “Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov” indicated that some of the social media postings regarding food processing plant fires, believed to be concerned with this year, actually showed events in 2020 and 2021.


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01d317  No.16855467


it's the only way now


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b17f9a  No.16855468


Well, this one is slightly less provoking than the one usually posted, but it still seems very dark to me. Posted always with lots of love supposedly, but I never feel that way from these images. What are they, where do they come from, why are they creepy? Thank you for sincerely answering. I want to trust but I am on guard, and these images do not make me feel good.


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48a65a  No.16855469

Children are the keystone.

google wants children

tesla and netflix want children

they took children to epsteins island

biden wants to sniff children

homos want to groom children

pedos want to groom children

cannibals want to eat children

pp wants to sacrifice children

feds want to buy sacrificed children

pharma wants to experiment using parts of babies

border is open to slavers of children

schools propagandize children

satanists want to separate children from God

and they want to turn you into picrel so you have no time to do anything about it


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499cd7  No.16855470



Welcome Back


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803fd2  No.16855471

CASSIDY HUTCHINSON - Ted Cruz's White House plant.


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87bf99  No.16855472

One America News


Tune in at 11pm ET/ 8pm PT for a re-airing of Nick Searcy's Jan. 6 documentary "Capitol Punishment." Watch uncovered footage and hear stories not shown by the mainstream media! #OANN

3:49 PM · Jun 15, 2022 · Twitter Web App



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f39a19  No.16855473


I hope so. Thank you.


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f18cd4  No.16855474





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8e9bd1  No.16855475



I only use RED text to get everyones undivided attention because…



[THEY] have damaged ,destroyed, sacrificed (2) living generations


















Hunters now become the HUNTED


[THEY] made movies in PEDOGROOMERwood that were not fiction




555 love to LdeR

Don't come here








Marker [9]




We Will Never FORGET

We Will Never FORGIVE









Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming




Where We Go One We Go ALL



President Trump is still our PRESIDENT

President Trump: "We have the servers"









Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths

Highest Death
















"Standard Hotel"









==General K. Ready, Aim,

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.

John F. Kennedy Jr.

==I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…


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7a9f03  No.16855476




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2bf498  No.16855477


Michael Robison aka “M🐵NKEY MAN”


Here’s a recent video by Robert “Bobby” E Crimo III … the alleged #HighlandPark shooter… very cryptic..

6:06 PM · Jul 4, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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359e6a  No.16855478






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3025c9  No.16855479




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6b6a40  No.16855480

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08af4a  No.16855481


I'm pretty sure he's actually retarded.

Either that or he's filled with enough natural gas to affect his intellect. You can filter him you know.


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f4922f  No.16855482


No, I have not.


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401f1e  No.16855483


Dear God, please heal this Doctor of all the cancer in his body! Remove it by the Holy Spirit and let him know that you are with him Father!

Comfort him and take away all his pain!


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84c8c9  No.16855484

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784b2f  No.16855485

2 birds with one ff

Get rid of a guy and blame gun owners

These people are evil



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56b2f3  No.16855486


Rent-free. Rent-free, bitch. I'm owning you like the bitch that you are.


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e45d09  No.16855487


139 days


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f9836c  No.16855488


The FIST-BUMP was for this, perhaps?

1700 days after Q's first post with the exact-same-time-stamp.


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09ec13  No.16855489

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a52d7d  No.16855490


>can these be linked to Q drops?



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/03/2020 02:05:26 ID: 903ea7

8kun/qresearch: 9442935

Mistakes to some are roadmaps to others.



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45a1eb  No.16855491




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d15742  No.16855492




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fc62df  No.16855493

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b1d9d5  No.16855494





Adm Rogers ran the Q computers from outside MilInt view


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71c777  No.16855495




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429964  No.16855496

Something Big is about to drop

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d1d6ff  No.16855497


looks rougher than when he was Crash


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b80a03  No.16855498



USCYBERCOM has no verification of Q.


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2765e0  No.16855499


where's that quote by harari about google telling you what to eat, who to vote for, what to read, etc.


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0f2043  No.16855500


Is that why it always looks the same?

With the face?


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a5c50e  No.16855501

States with the most electric vehicles

States ranked according to how many electric vehicles are registered and the number of charging stations available. It's no where near the numbers you might think.

Few announcements have rocked the automotive industry as hard as the one-two punch of General Motors’ notice of intent to exclusively produce electric-powered vehicles by 2035 and the Ford Motor Company’s $30 billion investment in electric vehicle development. The latter has thus far resulted in the release of an all-electric F-150 and Mustang, the automaker’s two top-selling models. Of course, other automakers have taken a dip into the EV pool, among them Chevrolet, Volvo, Porsche, Mazda, and Mercedes Benz, and it would seem that Tesla set a gold standard for the development and marketing of the electric vehicle.

CoPilot ranked each state (and Washington D.C.) by the number of registered EVs as a percentage of total registered private and commercial vehicles to offer a quick look at where the nation stands on electric vehicle adoption, using data from the Department of Energy and Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Ties were broken at the thousandths of a percent level which, for brevity, are not shown. Charging station and charging port data came from an Alternative Fuel Stations report issued by the BTS. The U.S. Department of Energy also maintains a live map of all AFS locations nationwide. It should be noted that the stated number of ports per 100 EVs is not necessarily inversely related to the overall quantity of EVs in a given state, but rather the number of highway miles running through the state or the number of established “alt-fuel corridors.”

Moar: https://www.copilotsearch.com/posts/states-with-the-most-electric-vehicles/


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ecaba5  No.16855502


>soy reign

mid pic Ron Jeremy (rt) looks pretty worn out


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5b81fe  No.16855503


no, thank YOU nagger


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c0ae51  No.16855504




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095a1e  No.16855505



TS is getting activated !



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99e5b6  No.16855506

There is no team

Whatever Q was, it's gone now

Mask up, genetically modify yourself, and do the same again for monkeypox (plus microchip yourself and your kids)

If you vocalize freedom, we'll turn off the microchip

Healthy, free and proud people will be BANNED from society

I will not be there for this

I can only take care of myself and mine

If eg. Trump confirms Q's return, we can work from there

Slowly and without much to show for, really

But it could be a start.

Pipe dream. After tomorrow, I'll go back home. It was nice seeing you guys again.


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a63d4f  No.16855507


Why shouldn't it?


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0a6b7e  No.16855508


Ah yes. Everyone that disagrees with you is Jewish. Same ol' circle jerk slide from a retarded agent. I'll bet you wish this board was still under your control and you could ban at whim. Fuck off, absolute retard.


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34a012  No.16855509


I see no problem with the fathers actions.


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a2e550  No.16855510


His note reads:

"FBI and CIA told me to and handed me a Rifle"

They said "Do it for Joe, take one for the Blue team!"

Then I could feel my MKUltra kicking in…


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5d10e3  No.16855511

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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ad4a74  No.16855512



I tried again and got mostly what looks like trees turning color.

I imagine that once this becomes perfected and used in a quantum computer, that it most certainly will seem to predict the future.

We are living in BIZARRE times, Anons!


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1a6f8e  No.16855513




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b273ee  No.16855514



In the spring of 2015, while Obama was in his seventh year in office, Nesbitt, under an entity called Waimanalo Paradise LLC, closed the sale for $8.7 million. At the time, Nesbitt told Fox affiliate KHON2, “I am the sole purchaser and did not have any partners or co-investors in the transaction.” The White House also played down the purchase. “The president is not a party to this transaction,” a senior administration official told Politico.

But a source with firsthand knowledge of the matter says the property was being developed, in part, for the Obamas. And in separate interviews with the Star-Advertiser for this story, Lemmo, the state’s top conservation official, and Cedric Duarte, a spokesman for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, referred to the estate as Obama’s property. Neighbors and workers told Hawaii News Now this year that they signed confidentiality agreements.


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6d1c71  No.16855515


or make that 8-10. Who gives a fuck.

No one tells me what to put in my body.

That's fucking blackmail.

If you take ANY jab they're giving you, expect to die of a horrible mysterious illness.

Good luck seeing the baby after that.

Woman should be in a mental institution for asking people to jab themselves.


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8223db  No.16855516


Anons working 24/7/365


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ce78f5  No.16855517

70,000 truck owner-operators in California may be forced to stop driving in one week due to new state law

July 03, 2022

A Supreme Court decision may force over 70,000 truck owner-operators in California to stop driving, creating another choke point in the already stressed West Coast logistics networks.

The AB5 law restricts the use of independent contractors and will soon be enforced against the trucking industry after the court declined to hear their appeal.

The California Trucking Association said in a statement that gasoline has been poured on the fire that is the ongoing supply chain crisis, and the decision by the Supreme Court could deny a judicial review of a lower court ruling.

In an end-of-term orders list released in June, the Supreme Court denied the review of the 9th Circuit’s reversal of the injunction against enforcement of the AB5, which is against the state’s trucking industry. This injunction, which has been in place for over two years, will be lifted quickly.



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535d25  No.16855518


Can't buy followers.

Speak truth to gain the respect.


Sound logical.

The one who buys the most advertising, wins.

Sounds like our current situation.


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a3ad33  No.16855519



Retardation on steroids…. Negroid Cesspool Stuff.


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efce72  No.16855520

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e45547  No.16855521


covfefe still brewin


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1b3c95  No.16855522


I AM the LOVE.




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b17f9a  No.16855523

"What was the real purpose of the war?" - Q

To create a pretext of a projected 'anti-Christ' persona to 'associate' to large groups of others 'on site' as appearing as 'enemy', divide by race.

Rothschild family is the private owners of every 'central bank' worldwide.

One side of a tri/pyramid.

Currencies 'manipulated' by network of international black market 'foreign exchange' traders? Seriously who are those people? How come they never get included in fake news cycles as ever doing anything untoward that they claim allegedly plagues all of humanity exiled to division on Earth?

Keep black countries poor with outrageous inflation.

Keep white countries a little more wealthy with less outrageous inflation.

Then spin news media cycles of race based reasons for the disparity, conveniently excluding their own introduction of that very logic as if it didn't also take place in reality knowingly in the minds of real people sourcing it to deceive the receivers into 'only' seeing the evil in others based on their skin color or whatever.

Race war as war to end all wars as 'future' plan?

Thwarted as well?

Look at how the world was lined up.

Gradual over generations.

Practiced by wealthy information sources that flood/smother all information so the people would be tricked into thinking it was the obvious majority opinion of people at all.

Then repeat it and over time, people's bodies adjust and they start acting the role, performing from a script they ingested as truth because the inner logic of the claim was never questioned.

Questioning can now occur unlike ever before.


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525dc8  No.16855524



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ebdc62  No.16855525

EXCLUSIVE: State Department Prepares To Announce Worldwide Racial Equity Chief, Leaked Email Shows

The State Department will announce a Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice on June 17 in connection with the department’s Equity Action Plan, an email obtained by the Daily Caller reveals.

The position of Special Representative was first announced by the State Department in its April Equity Action Plan. The position’s holder has not been named, but the Special Representative will have wide-reaching powers, since he or she will be responsible for “institutionaliz[ing] an enterprise-wide approach to integrating racial and ethnic equity.” The email names “advancing equity, addressing systemic racism, and strengthening democracy worldwide” as “national security imperatives and core tenets of President Biden’s foreign policy.”




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499cd7  No.16855526


>TOR poster namfagging as Q calls and gets [0] Delta with DJT

>second anon created proof


15 second Delta between POTUS posts first 2 posts

14 Seconds on the 0 delta

24 minutes between Fist 2 PDJT post and 0 Delta Post

0 Delta between Scavino and Anon that pointed out 0 DELTA, which could actually show it was SCAVINO that showed the DELTA.

And Q was the first one that pointed out the DELTA. Q literally made us go look for the proof because everyone ignored it.


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87bf99  No.16855527




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48a65a  No.16855528

Notables need to be corrected!!!

Mike Pence obsessed with DEFUNDING planned parenthood

Pence launched War on Planned Parenthood




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803fd2  No.16855529




this response made me kek!


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01d317  No.16855530


Sometimes you have to show them.

DS was never this sloppy before.


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f39a19  No.16855531


>If you were listening last night DJT indicated we will have to run the election over again.

He also indicated Taiwan is next. Taiwan is a more secretive country than CHYNA. What's been going on there for all these years. Probable more than Chip manufacturing.

Ukraine has been used, abused and bled dry. Ukraine to Russia is no different than if Mexico and Canada were enemy countries and had weapons pointed at the USA.


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648a3c  No.16855532


Dis not 2021 anymore.


Nice inversion though.

Wonder what your religion is.


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f18cd4  No.16855533

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8e9bd1  No.16855534


>why it's so exciting,


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7a9f03  No.16855535


Q + it's the Jew = more wasted time looping with sciso Q arguments while trying to bind WWG1WGA with Jew hate.

The filter I would apply to you. But since I am typing to you, that would showing how inffective a teacher I am.

You know I have a painting of a church that don't exist. It burned away in real life in California. Maybe you would say the Jews and Q burned it. But I didn't tell you what year or years it burned before it's fate. In fact I didn't really tell you much of nothing. Just like these Q arguments tend to tech me in return, a whole lot of nothing. I never memorised kolomoisky or strzok eric CIAMARSHMELLOW by arguing with people about Q. Arguing about Q is not the same as posting news or research. Arguing about Q is a fucking waste of time. So the smart ass comes out and says, why are you here for, I just said to post RESEARCH, and Memes while I also know the person asking has malicious intents.

Perhaps they didn't like the church and finally it succomed to the fires. I liked the painting however and thus I learned the story behind it.

I hope you learned something. Probably you didn't. I don't care because I'm not a teacher. If you just stick around two more weeks I might have a better answer for you.

If I hear that JEW crap again, I'll just filter you next time, So I don't hear news from you about Israel (Or your favorite JPOST) why you don't use the times of israel? you like BLM use JPOST I guess, but You will never be my Ally.

Probably I am talkin to a bot. But it's possible a New person reads adn learns somthing here. So it's worth lettin it run raggid and rip where it rips.

If you want to have a fight, you'll get a fight

If you want to have a bad day, you'll get a bad day.

Yep it would be easier to (pic related)

but I still argue it's not all Jews are bad.

Each individual mother fucker is good or bad.


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359e6a  No.16855536





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56b2f3  No.16855537


Do you mean jack is Q


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6b6a40  No.16855538


8kun is DOD, they know full well who the shills are, who posts cp, etc. right? They prolly think they are safe if they use a VPN or tor, kek


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e45d09  No.16855539






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a52d7d  No.16855540


Maybe you are Q


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08af4a  No.16855541


Democrat congresswoman Jackie Speier congratulated Jim Fox on his work with the group now known as First 5 County San Mateo, where Fox worked directly with Dr. Ayres.

First 5 San Mateo rakes in millions of dollars per year from tobacco tax revenue thanks to Rob Reiner, who chaired the statewide First 5 organization until he resigned in 2006. During his chairmanship, Reiner did nothing about the Ayres allegations even after Ayres was sued in 2003 by someone who alleged Ayres molested him.

First 5 San Mateo County partners with a group called StarVista, a nonprofit that runs a group home where a counselor was convicted of molesting children. Assemblyman Rich Gordon, who worked with Ayres at San Mateo First 5 and led First 5 meetings in the office space the group rents from Pelosi, also works with StarVista.

Assemblyman Rich Gordon was keynote speaker at StarVista’s breakfast in 2012 and praised StarVista. Rich Gordon also led the creation of the StarVista’s “Daybreak” program. StarVista runs the Your House South program. StarVista explains: “StarVista’s Your House South program provides a ‘break’ for young people experiencing conflict within their families, and an opportunity to work on the family’s situation.” In 2019, a man was sentenced to eight years behind bars for child molestation stemming from his time as a Your House South counselor.

In 2018, Patch reported (emphasis added): “Caceres was a counselor at Your House South, a group home run by the nonprofit StarVista, and had sex with a then-14-year-old girl there starting in December 2016, prosecutors said. After he was arrested in January 2017, another girl who was 13 at the time and lived at the same group home also came forward and said she was a victim of Caceres, leading to additional charges being filed against him, according to the district attorney’s office.”

Former San Mateo County chief probation officer Stuart Forrest was caught with 470 naked boy pictures and convicted in 2013 for child porn. Forrest reportedly knew Dr. William Ayres for years, from a period in which Forrest worked at Hillcrest Juvenile Hall, where Ayres conducted sessions with boys, according to insiders. As of 2009, Stuart Forrest was identified as a volunteer at Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center. First 5 San Mateo County identifies Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center as a “valuable partner” in its internal materials (page 2).

In November 2020, Michelle Vilchez was interviewed in her role as executive director of the Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center. Guess what her background is? She worked on developing the strategic plan for First 5 County San Mateo. Dr. William Ayres also worked on developing that strategic plan.

San Mateo is rife with sex scandal. In 2007, federal authorities raided a network of Las Vegas brothels in an operation called Operation Doll House, which found illegal immigrant prostitutes. The San Mateo county sheriff and undersheriff were found inside a sleazy brothel during the raid, but were not prosecuted despite media scandal. Democrat congresswoman Jackie Speier later held a gun buyback in 2013 with a sheriff who was present in the brothel, and headlined another gun buyback in 2018 with the other law enforcement officer who was present in the brothel.

Las Vegas Review Journal reported: “Also caught up in the busts were two high-ranking California law enforcement officers — San Mateo County Sheriff Greg Munks and Undersheriff Carlos Bolanos — who told reporters on Tuesday that they had believed the illegal brothel was a legitimate business.” That didn’t stop Congresswoman Speier from holding a gun buyback with Carlos Bolanos:


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2bf498  No.16855542

Statins Increase Diabetes Risk by 38%

According to a 2020 report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,1 34.1 million U.S. adults had diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes in 2018. There were slightly more men than women, and more white, non-Hispanic people with diabetes than Black, Asian or Hispanic people combined.

Just two years later, these numbers have gone up, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,2 with 37.3 million people having diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes. A total of 96 million over the age of 18 have prediabetes, which is 38% of the U.S. adult population.

These numbers demonstrate that diabetes is already at epidemic proportions in the U.S. A study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 3 found that adults taking statin medications to control cholesterol levels have a higher risk of developing insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes than the general population. However, researchers have repeatedly failed to find evidence that high cholesterol is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

As I have discussed in many previous articles, three factors have a far greater influence on your cardiovascular disease risk and, to some degree, are interrelated. These are insulin resistance,4 chronic inflammation5 and high iron levels.6 Unfortunately, these primary contributors are rarely the focus of cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment in conventional medicine.

Instead, statins, also called cholesterol-lowering drugs, are the go-to defense in Western medicine, which led to the drug once holding the infamous title of the most profitable drug. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick7 is a general practitioner in Cheshire, England, and the author of three books, including “A Statin Nation: Damaging Millions in a Brave New Post-Health World.” He estimates that the pharmaceutical industry has grossed more than $1 trillion from statins.

Statins Increase Risk of Diabetes by 38%

A team at Erasmus University Medical Center in The Netherlands published the study found in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.8 The researchers wrote that several epidemiological studies had shown an association between statins and diabetes, but this team sought to analyze the associated glycemic traits with Type 2 diabetes.

They included 9,535 people in the Rotterdam Study who did not have diabetes at the start of the study. They followed the participants for 15 years and found those who used statin medications had a higher concentration of serum fasting insulin and insulin resistance as compared to those who had never used a statin.



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3025c9  No.16855543

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784b2f  No.16855544


They rescued the NAZI refugees from Chile? Ta don't say.


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401f1e  No.16855545



Wrong - What's at stake is Trump not being able to run for president again.

That's the whole point behind the J6 nonsense.


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84c8c9  No.16855546


I bet one of them is GIRLFRIEND…


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f9836c  No.16855547


>Obstetrical forceps

New souls come from the portal in the sun.

The invaders catch the souls on the way and send them back to earth.

Who receives the souls on earth?

What law do you apply to a foreigner who arrives by water?

birth control?

population control?

Cattle control?

Who gave this temporal power to the pope?





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09ec13  No.16855548


>Retard doesn't know what an IP Hash is.


>Baby fist bump was posted on the same day roe v wade overturned.

False. RvW was overturned the 24th. Scavino posted the BABY FIST on 06/25/2022 01:29:16 am


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f4922f  No.16855549


> I think it is worth of sharing due to the nature of the information that in it and the recent false flags.

>Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past?

Law enforcement should interview the therapists.

Each shooter has one coincidentally.


Relocation within 30 days of each shooting?

New name?

FBI doesn’t know this?

Spooks are hard to find?

Dream to reality.



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fc62df  No.16855550


Has the Tide turned? Who are the ‘Pure Bloods’?



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2765e0  No.16855551


it's the filtered ones, unwanted, roaming for 40 millennia


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b1d9d5  No.16855552


Lindgergh, like Ford, recognized the source of corruption and strife and realized the US, its culture, and its social fabric were the target of a global conspiracy and any citizens essential to these aspects of American life were being manipulated, blackmailed, or bribed, into conforming with the goals of that conspiracy.

The war was used to defeat Germany, who dared to rebel against the same conspirators.


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45a1eb  No.16855553


But can it be fixed? Like posting pictures on this website?


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d1d6ff  No.16855554


One Palestinian beaten to death, another shot dead by IOF

Within the span of one day, Israeli regime forces assassinated two Palestinians, a 32-year-old worker and a teenager, across the occupied territories.

According to the official Palestinian WAFA news agency, the IOF attacked Ahmad Harb Ayyad near the Israeli apartheid separation wall in the city of Tulkarm in the Northwestern part of the occupied West Bank on Tuesday.

The soldiers then beat him to death as he attempted to cross the wall into the occupied territories trying to get to his workplace.

According to Ayyad's family, Israeli soldiers handed over his body to them in the Gaza Strip, where he was buried in a local cemetery.

The Palestinian Authority's Foreign Ministry denounced Ayyad's execution and held the Israeli occupation "fully and directly" responsible for the crime, WAFA reported.

The Ministry also “called on the United Nations and the international community to provide protection to the Palestinian people in the occupied territories, who are being killed every day."

Also on Tuesday, Al-Alam television network reported that Israeli occupation soldiers opened fire on a Palestinian adolescent in the town of Majd Al-Krum, killing him instantly.

According to local accounts, the boy was slain following a confrontation with Israeli soldiers, who also injured another Palestinian.

According to the reports, the injured Palestinian was arrested by the IOF.

So far this year, Israeli forces have killed over 65 Palestinians, including renowned Al-Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh, who was shot in the head by the Israeli authorities in the city of Jenin on May 11.


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d15742  No.16855555


Choosy moms, choose jif.


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71c777  No.16855556

9 Apr, 2022 13:53

HomeBusiness News

No glass without Russian gas – German media

An entire industry could stop if Germany loses Russian supplies

A complete cessation of Russian gas supplies could damage Germany’s energy-intensive enterprises, especially glassmakers, German TV channel Das Erste reported, citing industry insiders.

According to the publication, producing glass involves the raw materials at glass-producing factories being heated to 1,600 degrees Celsius, and then maintained at this temperature around the clock to prevent the raw glass from hardening. The process demands a significant amount of energy, a large amount of which is derived from Russian-sourced natural gas.

Germany is in fact the EU’s biggest buyer of natural gas from Russia, which covers 58.9% of the country’s needs, according to the statistics agency Eurostat.

However, after the EU placed heavy sanctions on Russia in retaliation for its military operation in Ukraine, these imports are now in jeopardy. Russia, meanwhile, has replied by demanding that its gas be paid for in rubles.

As a result, gas prices have been spiking throughout the past month and have tripled since last autumn. On Friday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz pledged to end his country’s reliance on the Russian commodity, but did not give the time frame for doing so, other than stating that it would happen sometime soon.

However, according to Das Erste, if Germany were to scrap Russian gas imports now, its glass-producing plants would come to a halt. The publication cites statements from the German Federal Association of Glass Manufacturers, which claims that a complete elimination of natural gas supplies to the glass industry would result not only in a loss of production, but also in permanent damage to equipment that would take months or even years to recover. It would also threaten supply chains in the food and beverage sector, as well as in the pharmaceutical, automotive and construction industries throughout the EU.

Meanwhile, a recent survey from the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce has found thatnearly 80% of the country’s enterprises have already suffered consequences from the situation around Ukraine, while one in ten companies reported a significant deterioration in their financial standing due to rising energy costs.



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0f2043  No.16855557

Hey y'all who did Killary hang over the weekend? I just heard soemthing on Live from studio six on americas voice live.

What did I miss?


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5b81fe  No.16855558


>nothing we can do

>all we can do

ok gotcha tyb


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b80a03  No.16855559

BREAKING: Biden Regime Busted Using Illegal Phone Warrants



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a5c50e  No.16855560


well said.

They realize they have no chance because their words have no power anymore.


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ecaba5  No.16855561


Pretty close anon


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6e89a4  No.16855562

Tucker is broadcasting from Rio. He's on Copacabana Beach. When I was there decades ago there was a one man stand selling corn on the cob. I bought one. It was field corn.


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34a012  No.16855563


Someone needs to clean the House


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c0ae51  No.16855564


nice work



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0a6b7e  No.16855565

So since Q's back when do we get to the part where people find out pizzagate is literally map related and Israel is not the real Israel?

Not that Catholics don't screw with kids, I'm not disputing that part. Oh and Mary is their image.


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1a6f8e  No.16855566




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a2e550  No.16855567

will freedom win? its a longshot. Let's see what happens


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5d10e3  No.16855568


Get rid of the corrupt Teacher Unions that are controlled by the corrupt Dems.


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ad4a74  No.16855569

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!


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99e5b6  No.16855570



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a63d4f  No.16855571






>double gasketed feature can do squat cobler landings too

designed for crisco which is a hoggjoos


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095a1e  No.16855572


facial expression makes me to give her a go.


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b273ee  No.16855573


Win what?


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6d1c71  No.16855574


Summer break begins the second week of August.


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8223db  No.16855575


Wtf, probably tainted wit AIDs

They should sterilize themselves


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ce78f5  No.16855576

US Long-Range Rocket Systems Used For First Time In Ukraine

Starting Thursday, Ukraine's Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov hailed the arrival of the longest-range missiles the United States has provided thus far in the four-month long war.

"HIMARS have arrived to Ukraine. Thank you to my colleague and friend SecDef Lloyd J. Austin III for these powerful tools! Summer will be hot for Russian occupiers. And the last one for some of them," Reznikov announced on Twitter.

The HIMARS, or High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, were announced as part of the latest $700 million weapons package to Ukraine on June 1. In total four of the systems will be transferred as part of the authorization, with the possibility of more in coming aid packages.

The HIMARS being provided to the Ukrainians are estimated to be able to hit targets about 50 miles away, which from the administration's standpoint marks a significant improvement in range, but still makes it unlikely the missiles could be used to strike within Russian territory, which Biden had expressly said he wants to avoid.

The US has said that Ukraine's military leadership has provided "assurances" it won't use the newly provided systems to attack Russian territory, amid persisting fears Washington and Moscow could enter direct conflict.

Reznikov announcement didn't specify how many HIMARS have arrived at this point, however, it didn't take long at all for Ukraine military observers to allege the US-supplied system has already appeared on the battlefield as of Friday…

Given that prior Pentagon statements indicated it would take at least three to four weeks to train Ukrainian forces on using the HIMARS - and given it seems the system has already rapidly been deployed - the likelihood is that Ukrainians had already been receiving training by US advisers in a neighboring country in anticipation of receiving them.

A well-known war monitoring account has posted what's purported to be video below of HIMARS hitting their targets:



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a3ad33  No.16855577

wow and whoa



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535d25  No.16855578

Huh, I did not remember that Bridget Fonda is in Godfather III. That was weird.


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e45547  No.16855579





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525dc8  No.16855580


I stand with President Trump also, he did and will do great things, but he's right, there's no going forward without fixing 2020. And he sense of humor was hilarious and still is.


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499cd7  No.16855581


Is that Elon Musk at 35 seconds in?


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1b3c95  No.16855582


Thanks anon.




Merica. kek


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f39a19  No.16855583


assANGEL >>16854055


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efce72  No.16855584

the democrats don't want a chicken in every pot, they want a drag queen in every school.

(sayeth the only other anon i've met in the wild)


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803fd2  No.16855585


Trust me guys, I'm totally NSA. We See All, We hear all. Anyway, I'll pay $1000 to doxx OSS.


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b17f9a  No.16855586


you thought they'd arrest bill gates, fauci, wallensky, all of congress and the supreme court, the heads of all intel orgs, military brass, the fed chairman, larry fink, and the board of blackrock too? yeah…


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01d317  No.16855587

This Video shows the execution and hanging of Nazi spies and prison camp personnel.

Payback is a Mother Fucker! :-)


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87bf99  No.16855588


This was posted on 6/30/19 and mentions work and workers.


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48a65a  No.16855589


yea our woke military that is currently bending the knee to the gays and trans. they are def going to step in and save the day

fucking laughable


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ebdc62  No.16855590

BREAKING: Due To His Support Of #DonaldTrump…@Walmart Has Is Giving #MyPillow CEO #MikeLindell's Products The BootFrom All Their Stores Nationwide. In What Continues To Be A Purge Of Conservatives By Woke Corporations!



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648a3c  No.16855591

her socks give it all away

TLDR; happy ending


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f18cd4  No.16855592



No blackface


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8e9bd1  No.16855593


>The Creation Of Satan, The Fallen Angels & The Sacrifice

>Wise Solace


This is an older video right?


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7a9f03  No.16855594


>original Austrian source:



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359e6a  No.16855595


imagine following someone who doesn't know how to do anything useful in life.


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a52d7d  No.16855596

Russia looks to set up special gold and gem reserves to mobilize during times of war

Wednesday June 22, 2022 16:12

Russia's Finance Ministry proposed to create separate special precious metals and gems reserves intended for quick mobilization in times of war. This is an amendment to an existing bill and if passed, Russian President Vladimir Putin would be able to directly oversee how the special reserves are used, according to the proposed legislation.

The proposed amendment states that part of Russia's precious metals and gemstone reserves would be set aside to be used for the mobilization needs of the country, Russian media reported this week citing the existing bill titled "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation."

Russian gold and foreign exchange reserves include gold, silver, platinum, palladium, natural diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, natural pearls, unique ambers, and more.

Under the law, these special reserves would be made available to sell if the country needed additional funding to maintain its defense capabilities as well as its economic and financial security during times of "mobilization," RBC.ru reported.

Under the proposed law, the Russian president will determine how and when it will be appropriate to use these special reserves. This simplifies the current process if any part of the reserves needs to be sold urgently.

Russia's Finance Ministry took over the responsibility for the protection, safety, and security of Russia's precious metals and gemstone reserves in 2021.



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08af4a  No.16855597


There are roughly 500,000 Patels outside India, including about 150,000 in the United Kingdom and about 150,000 (forebears.io says 231,256 https://forebears.io/surnames/patel) in the United States. Nearly 1 in 10 people of Indian origin in the US is a Patel.

In the United States, the name Clinton is the 1,706th most popular surname with an estimated 17,409 people with that name.

In the United States, the name Christ is the 4,975th most popular surname with an estimated 4,974 people with that name.

In the United States, the name Trump is the 8,608th most popular surname with an estimated 2,487 people with that name.

Christ is not a common surname compared to Patel.


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56b2f3  No.16855598

Did you see this?

Navy aviation units hold safety pause

by Commander, Naval Air Forces Public Affairs

11 June 2022 SAN DIEGO – As a result of recent crashes involving U.S. Navy and Marine Corps aircraft, Commander, Naval Air Forces has directed all non-deployed Navy aviation units to conduct a safety pause on June 13 in order to review risk-management practices and conduct training on threat and error-management processes.

In order to maintain the readiness of our force, we must ensure the safety of our people remains one of our top priorities.

Deployed units will conduct the safety pause at the earliest possible opportunity.



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e45d09  No.16855599


No, but I can guess it to be in preparation of such posts incoming, of course meant to discredit such claims, I do not make the same claims for I know how it works and no reason to be afraid it's more like my red text these clowns, just like shills but in real life and they can no longer hide it and it's getting really awkward when the actors fall thru the basket and I expose their little missionary tasks.


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6b6a40  No.16855600


So can we have parades in full view of the public where we stick our heads up women's skirts?


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09ec13  No.16855601



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784b2f  No.16855602


0 -> Unknown Fag


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f9836c  No.16855603


this retard is just about to post a manifesto, just in time for the next false flag.

techno viking does not approve, you glow, glowie !!

do you belong to patriot front clown?


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3025c9  No.16855604


Great meme, but Spy Hunter didn't have a trackball…


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84c8c9  No.16855605


She's got fresh Covfefe my bruva



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2bf498  No.16855606


He is an act. See it for what it is


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401f1e  No.16855607


James Woods


These are the people we trusted to fight the first man-made plague in human history.


2:28 PM · Jun 18, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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77ff15  No.16855608

This shit is truly bizarre.

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f4922f  No.16855609


1 hr 13 min time difference


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d15742  No.16855610



>passenger list may improtant???


sheesh my typing

was I driving that train?????


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0f2043  No.16855611


Got some time off coming end of July, live in Cali. What’s a good place/state to visit before the infrastructure crumbles in September?


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d1d6ff  No.16855612

The calm before the Storm.



The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED


The Great Awakening

It's Happening

The More You Know.

The Truth is painful




At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.

The[y] Shouldn't Have Touched the Children.


Horus [P]riory of Sion






Where We Go One We Go ALL


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming





Knowledge is free.










Everything has meaning




Dark to LIGHT.



Marker [9]















Now we can fish after dark.





















'Time Stone'

The only way is MIL

Space Force, "IS GOING TO BE very important "



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'




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45a1eb  No.16855613

I'm hungry but I'm too lazy to get up and make something.


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71c777  No.16855614


mean MAGA won't let us do our satanic child sacrifices to moloch!


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b80a03  No.16855615





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6e89a4  No.16855616

i see ducks?


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ecaba5  No.16855617

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b1d9d5  No.16855618


"Fulda Gap" circa 2023


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a5c50e  No.16855619

Q - The Plan That Killed America.

Took all the Patriots and turned them into a bunch of pussyhats.

Ball-less bitches.


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fc62df  No.16855620


That exact thought crossed my mind this morning. Their election is this Sunday and it looks like she's getting the 2016 Trump treatment. Prepare for a landslide victory.


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5b81fe  No.16855621

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2765e0  No.16855622





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429964  No.16855623

real Big

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c0ae51  No.16855624



Example Two…



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0a6b7e  No.16855625


Q never said whose military


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ad4a74  No.16855626


Johnny Depp has some interesting history ??


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a2e550  No.16855627


Here’s some Alex Jones ones


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99e5b6  No.16855628


No pro abortion etc


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a63d4f  No.16855629




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34a012  No.16855630

wait I thought we already crossed the Rubicon


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5d10e3  No.16855631

(lb) >>16854159

I wonder how many times he said the word HOT. I know he said it several times.


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b273ee  No.16855632

Meet me in the backyard


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095a1e  No.16855633


Anything within 100 km was totally destroyed animal pant everything. It was a fusion bomb so limited nuclear fallout. That’s still a collasal blast radius from one bomb,


I agree to be sceptical of everything but I would also caution that not everything is a lie. Radiation is just another type of light just much higher energy than heat or visible light. I do not doubt radiation, I do not doubt radioactive material (it’s in your smoke detector) and I do not doubt radioactive energy. The sun is a radioactive power source. I do not have direct knowledge of fissile bombs that were tested but I believe them to be true, I admit they could have made them up…I believe polio was a scam like Covid don’t trust very much,


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8223db  No.16855634


I don't pay property tax, My tax money buys silver.


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6d1c71  No.16855635

These little fish are jerks!

They live in a sea cucumber’s anus. When there isn’t enough food around they eat the cucumber’s nuts.

Reminds me somewhat abstractly, of parasites in government.


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1a6f8e  No.16855636

Apparent high endurance solar-electric drone call sign ZULU82 back from flight operations over Belize and now manuevering over the central Gulf of Mexico.


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ce78f5  No.16855637


Probably not, considering it was wire wrapped.


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a3ad33  No.16855638


Homeschooling is a joy.

Do it!

Rescue your grandkids from the pervs.


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535d25  No.16855639


they called Zeus the highest god

lies are lies


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525dc8  No.16855640






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499cd7  No.16855641

UNREAL: Same College Behind Bogus Study Used to Support Shutdowns Is Behind BS Study Used to Force COVID Vaccines on US Children

By Joe Hoft

Published June 28, 2022 at 12:30pm




Share to Gab





Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. A study from the Imperial College of London was behind the garbage COVID study that led to US shutdowns which ultimately never should have happened. Now this same college has a legion of individuals behind a garbage study that the CDC is using force killer vaccines on children.

Doctors Fauci and Birx used a BS study from Imperial College to convince President Trump to shut down the economy in 2020. This faulty advice led to the suffering of millions of people around the world after many nations followed the US’s lead. It was wrong and based on a BS study.



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e45547  No.16855642
























































Bread Ghosted





Previously Collected





General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/



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f39a19  No.16855643


Is this one a new freak show?


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01d317  No.16855644




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87bf99  No.16855645


I’m fighting boredom, HARD

6/23, 562 silent, 197, 261-R

No one cares. (At the moment)


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b17f9a  No.16855646


>How do we explain what Barr says & Ivanka accepting it vs Trump?

>option 1

Barr wouldn't actually do the investigations. He see what his underlings show him. The FBI and DOJ are Corrupt. Hence, "not seeing" any evidence enough fraud to change the election. The corrupt FBI and DOJ didnt look

>Option 2

The military took over on or before Jun 1 2020. Sometime between the Wolf Blitzer/Bill Barr voter fraud interview and post election, the military is dictating what certain people can say and do.

there probably are other options related to >>16854169

>The greatest sting in the history of stings.


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803fd2  No.16855647


Riiiiiiight Johnny. Fuck You!!!


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48a65a  No.16855648





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1b3c95  No.16855649



Again, why are you still here and not over there?


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efce72  No.16855650

Hollywood Actor Chris Evans Calls Critics of Lightyear’s Gay Kiss Including Muslims and Chinese as ‘Idiots’ Who Will ‘Die Off Like Dinosaurs’

Disney and Pixar have restored a gay kiss scene in the upcoming Toy Story prequel movie Lightyear after ‘LGBTQ’ and allies accused the two companies of ‘censoring gay content in children’s movies.’

According to a report by Variety, the gay kiss scene was removed from the film but it was reinstated after woke employees of Pixar sent a letter claiming that Disney executives censored “overtly gay affection” content for children.

“LGBTQ employees and allies at Pixar Animation Studios sent a joint statement to Walt Disney Company leadership claiming that Disney executives had actively censored “overtly gay affection” in its feature films,” the site stated.

Hollywood actor Chris Evans, who voices the main character in “Lightyear,” shut down online critics who reacted to the inclusion of a lesbian couple and their gay kiss scene.

In an interview with Reuters, Evans said those who criticized the movie for having diversity in it are ‘idiots’.

“The real truth is those people are idiots,” Evans said.

“Every time there’s been social advancement as we wake up, the American story, the human story is one of constant social awakening and growth and that’s what makes us good,” the actor added.

“There’s always going to be people who are afraid and unaware and trying to hold on to what was before. But those people die off like dinosaurs. I think the goal is to pay them no mind, march forward and embrace the growth that makes us human,” Evans continued.

Evans previously told Variety magazine that he was ‘happy’ after Disney restored the gay kiss scene.

“It’s wonderful, it makes me happy. It’s tough to not be a little frustrated that it even has to be a topic of discussion. That it is this kind of ‘news.’ The goal is that we can get to a point where it is the norm, and that this doesn’t have to be some uncharted waters, that eventually this is just the way it is. That representation across the board is how we make films,” Evans said.

The movie has reportedly been banned in 14 countries “due to its violation of the country’s media standards” days before its release.

“On Monday, the animated film was banned by the United Arab Emirates “due to its violation of the country’s media standards”. Lightyear was scheduled to release on Thursday (16 June). The UAE, like other nations in the wider Middle East, is a Muslim-led country that criminalizes same-sex relationships,” The Independent reported.

“Disney has reportedly been unable to secure the release of Lightyear in 14 Middle Eastern and Asian countries, including Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Kuwait, Egypt, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The film is unlikely to release in China as well,” the news site added.

The internet weighed in regarding his nasty remarks to critics.



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ebdc62  No.16855651


new script?


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f18cd4  No.16855652


The A.I. does a PERFECT Ron PErlMan!



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648a3c  No.16855653


There's that slurpy sound again…


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56b2f3  No.16855654


Oh please oh please keep giving them money they can’t help but travel first class every where they go. It’s about 25,000 per person for travel and expenses. Dear baby Jesus get them some money


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8e9bd1  No.16855655


>Projection, falsely imputing to Scavino a shill 'persona'.

3 babyfist Dan Proof

Truth: https://truthsocial.com/users/DanScavino/statuses/108536460485249717

First Tweet: https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1540888763341176833

Re-Tweet (deleted): https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1541078103769944064


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7a9f03  No.16855656


>”Mil is the only way”


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09ec13  No.16855657


Theranos, even as a front company, was more of a business than Bitcoin. There's no one you can prosecute for Bitcoin vanishing. Fund managers will claim ignorance like everyone else.

That's the way the algorithm laughs. 01101000 01100001 00100000 01101000 01100001 00100001


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a52d7d  No.16855658


>Lyrans are cat people they are here to help us. That is why Q posted the Thudercats logo.


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f9836c  No.16855659

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2bf498  No.16855660


Kek digits


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3025c9  No.16855661

Can't fucking believe it. How can the enemy be this stupid? CNN is actually running a produced documentary tonight. Starring John Dean. He's telling his story starting when he was a teenager coming to D.C and then being hired at the age of 31 as General Council to Pres. Nixon. In fuken credible.

It's a goldmine, the Motherlode, anons.


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401f1e  No.16855662




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08af4a  No.16855663

wonder what the next video the military industrial complex will release so the larpalong cassidy's will run with and pretend they're an elite door kicking hellraiser


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84c8c9  No.16855664


red text guy will find a new concern


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784b2f  No.16855665


Need timestamps in seconds like this old gem



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6b6a40  No.16855666

If you’re not yet registered to vote in AZ primaries, the deadline is fast approaching. https://www.tucsonsentinel.com/local/report/063022_voter_reg_deadline/tuesday-deadline-register-vote-arizona-primary-election/


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359e6a  No.16855667


>[They] won't ask if Q is the greatest exercise in Socratic method in history ?

Q's questions were not Socratic


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e45d09  No.16855668


Yes, use fren so they do not suspect you.


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f4922f  No.16855669


Only violent homosexuals left in the military, like the big gay Nazi SS

Homos are extremely violent when they are threatened, as we saw in Texas school shooting, homo Mexican kid was so scary police were afraid of him…..and [[They]] think they can take our weapons with a gay gun control law???……man Jews are the dumbest race on earth


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523347  No.16855670

What a cluster fuck

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0f2043  No.16855671


sho 'nuff

>but how did you pull the chinese character from the TS post?


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d15742  No.16855672

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d1d6ff  No.16855673


You can't even dance, yet you insult.


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ecaba5  No.16855674





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45a1eb  No.16855675


The Jew?

Which Jew?

Why do you dribble on like there is only one Jew. There are millions of them.

Either you are a fucking idiot or you don't really believe a word you are saying.

Either way you are a toxic, mendacious little cunt..

It's a good job Anons know what you are. A sad, insignificant, joke.


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b1d9d5  No.16855676

Local news in Maryland calling Hutchinson a, 'true American patriot'. Top story @6:00.


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71c777  No.16855677




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6e89a4  No.16855678


It also means no curb on car manufactures


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b80a03  No.16855679


Fuck off, absolute retard. How about you describe to us to the contents of your Discord, you know, the one called The Den of Absolute Retards that used to be included in the dough when the board staff was infiltrated last year. Scummy. Very scummy.


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fc62df  No.16855680


I'm sure when there is nobody around, Lizard Chaney does the penguin quack, just like her dad.


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2765e0  No.16855681


Or you can get it wrong when everyone has told you warfare is no longer kinetic alone for decades, like a simpleton who starts figuring out the basics on a research board where advanced shit is discussed.

Be my guest, retard


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a5c50e  No.16855682

You Say You Want A Color Revolution, Well, You Know…



must be a very limited number of wack -a doodles I don't hear them I hear birds chirping like I said.


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5b81fe  No.16855683


Reality is beyond evil, not sure if i even wanna know the dollar breakdown


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c0ae51  No.16855684


" K

" E


Holocauster E













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ad4a74  No.16855685


That's not a joke Man.


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0a6b7e  No.16855686



Donald Trump takes ‘the Beast’ around Daytona 500 track

144,106 views17 Feb 2020



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a2e550  No.16855687

Richard Nixon started the EPA. Found a timeline his foundation put together here:


Does this remind anons of anyone? Seeing a bit of a trend here. If you are too popular as a POTUS, they have to cut you off.

Vietnam, then China, Russia, the Middle East… Nixon meddled in (((their))) war machine, and that couldn't stand.


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095a1e  No.16855688


they're not all mine

we had a meme contest one night


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1a6f8e  No.16855689

Wakie wakie Q ! Lets Do some Work !


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34a012  No.16855690


Cool story bro


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a63d4f  No.16855691


Durham spending released at crossroads

of his investigation

Washington Examiner, by Jerry Dunleavy

Posted By: Imright, 6/4/2022 1:46:49 PM

John Durham’s special counsel office released its most recent financial statement just days after a defeat in the criminal investigation’s first trial as the prosecutor is gearing up for his next trial centering on Christopher Steele’s discredited dossier. From the start of October 2021 to the end of March 2022, the Special Counsel’s Office spent a total of $1,656,466, a slight decrease from the second report released last year, according to the new financial statement, which is the third one released by Durham’s office. Of the total for the new reporting period,


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b273ee  No.16855692



Rich Rich who's Rich? I forget.

and don't you mean "unrestricted warfare"


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99e5b6  No.16855693

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8223db  No.16855694


baker, this is abdul and he spams this news site all the time, almayadeen, not notable as it is one narrative pusher


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5d10e3  No.16855695


No vaxes?


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6d1c71  No.16855696

Kek. Mostly true.



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ce78f5  No.16855697


and a hush was heard in Heaven


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a3ad33  No.16855698

jewish and muslim people need to band together and protect our right to abortion, the way our religions hold. christian extremism in the supreme court shouldn’t outweigh our freedom of religion and privacy.



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525dc8  No.16855699


#NavyPartnerships 🇺🇸 🤝 🇰🇷

Members of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 5, deployed aboard @Gipper_76

, conduct a maritime interdiction exercise with Republic of Korea special forces aboard #ROKSMarado (LPH 6112) during Carrier Strike Group Exercise 2022, June 3, 2022.


4 3 2 1?


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499cd7  No.16855700

I can’t shake the feeling that Q will post tonight.


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535d25  No.16855701

Hey scott Mckay and Mik0-Jaco I don't care about your drama. I'd put a clown nose on you but I already rendered the clown world music video. You just missed it.

Come talk to us after you've been on the ground in Normandy asking why the NAZI Ukranian flag is flying on D-DAY.


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87bf99  No.16855702


Ukrop Nazis captured by russian forces




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e45547  No.16855703

Niggers are an inferior race!


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803fd2  No.16855704


happy 4th of july patriots!!!

will ebake

then go back for notes, got most of em so far but not all


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f39a19  No.16855705

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01d317  No.16855706


>But we’re getting all of your attention instead of her.



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b17f9a  No.16855707


Most of Hawaii is occupied by Japanese people.


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48a65a  No.16855708


Nope, it's the truth


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1b3c95  No.16855709

I was hoping we'd give the war pigs a war….but it just looks like they are cashing in and slowly fading away


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efce72  No.16855710

There will be very little violence in the streets followign the overturning of Roe vs. Wade.

None other than St. Rittenhouse has ensured that we can defend ourselves on the street, and SCOTUS just affirmed so in deep blue states.

Nobody with half a brain is going to try shit…


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ebdc62  No.16855711



I have personally visited Bergen-Belsen, Mauthausen, Aushwitz I and II (Birkenau), Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec-

-which camps have you personally visited?


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f18cd4  No.16855712


>How many militaries do we have? Is there a secret doppelganger military, two million strong, that hasn't been infiltrated by communists and death-jabbed?

Militia: A [MILITARY] force that is not part of a regular army and is subject to call for service in an emergency.


The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.


To be eligible for original enlistment in the National Guard, a person must be at least 17 years of age and under 45, or under 64 years of age and a former member of the Regular Army, Regular Navy, Regular Air Force, or Regular Marine Corps. To be eligible for reenlistment, a person must be under 64 years of age.


Age limitations when it’s GO time?



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648a3c  No.16855713


Coincidence on that day >>16855474


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7a9f03  No.16855714

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3025c9  No.16855715


We all thought the same in 2020 election


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6b6a40  No.16855716



ThanQ Bakers!


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84c8c9  No.16855717


You and the collective are projecting what you see. Brake out of the norm and enjoy The show.


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a52d7d  No.16855718


stop playing dumb, gerbil, you know damn well that archive anon got his own trip back when the new management was hnding them out like candy


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56b2f3  No.16855719

Mr. Quested just happened to be there 'working on a documentary'.


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08af4a  No.16855720

Chip in in introductory language

Bummer plans will fail



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401f1e  No.16855721




He said welcome back on the train.


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784b2f  No.16855722



>N doesn't stand for Nazi

>Maybe it didn't stand for N even.



turn N by 90° -> Z


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8e9bd1  No.16855723


no more federally funded spread yo leggs fo "free" infanticide service nation wide.

Gots to pay the ferryman yoself now.

Damn…that's gonna cut into the Uber budget.


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f9836c  No.16855724


Which PC does shit like that? Dopey?


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e45d09  No.16855725


Ya cause the vax tarded military is gonna save us trust that plan tards


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09ec13  No.16855726


>Kek glowniggers are literally promoting the chan they groomed the buffalo shooter on now.


and then there's this


Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/08/2018 23:29:38 ID:

8chan/greatawakening: 4


NO private comms past/present/future.

NO comms made outside of this platform.

Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.





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f4922f  No.16855727


mother, husband unisex


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359e6a  No.16855728

Honestly these people are despicably sick and corrupt. They will do anything for power and nothing for children or humanity.




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2bf498  No.16855729


You're dumb.


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ecaba5  No.16855730


Go to his timeline.


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0f2043  No.16855731


The best part, Mom get to be, an astronaut too.


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d15742  No.16855732


I think I saw this shooter and possibly conspirators on this board this weekend and baker and others aren't Noting posts.


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fc62df  No.16855733


Toe Tapping Intensifying


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45a1eb  No.16855734


get after what? smoking poles? y'all are a joke


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71c777  No.16855735


https://bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/73FsRbYNovPi - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”

Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


https://youtu.be/wb_4U2UJucE - "Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt"

https://archive.vn/mPh2x – “Jews, Muslims “Common Cause” To Oppose European Nationalists: Europe’s Top Rabbi”

https://archive.vn/b5WRf – “With anti-Muslim laws, Europe enters new dark age: Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.”

https://archive.vn/oUB3V – “Why Jews Should Celebrate The First Muslim Congresswomen”

https://archive.vn/ilUVp – “British Jews lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees”

https://archive.vn/C1BzD – “US Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to White Countries”

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


BARBARA- SPECTRE: We make You multikulti




"She married Rabbi Philip Spectre, and the couple moved in 1967 to Ashkelon, Israel, where she served on the faculty of Jewish Studies at Achva College of Education. After moving to Jerusalem in 1982, she served on the philosophy faculty of the Shalom Hartman Institute of Jerusalem, the Melton Center of the Hebrew University, and Yellin College of Education, where she was cited as Outstanding Lecturer 1995–1997. She was the founding chairperson of the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem in 1984. She served as a scholar in residence for the United Synagogues, Midwest Regions in 1987, 1990, 1992, 1996, and has lectured extensively throughout the United States.

In 1999, she emigrated to Sweden, settling in Stockholm and joining her husband, who was then serving as the Rabbi of the Stockholm Synagogue. The following year, she applied to the Swedish government for the government-funded formation of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies, which she has continued to direct."

White Replacement Theory w/Zionist Intent:


Keep in mind that most 80% of Jews in America vote Democrat even thou 95% of them are pro-Israel (which as always fortified their borders in order to not cease to exist).


Https://archive.vn/u5Se5 - “American Jews, Politics and Israel”


95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…


Jewish voting patterns (sources at bottom of document):



Also keep in mind that the Rabbis that get assigned to Europe (and which incessantly call for open borders for the West) are selected by Israeli Rabbis (who are against open borders for Israel):


The Civil War already started:


Pic related showing that Jews infiltrated the Catholic Migration Network in order to weaponize it against the West:


Jews and migration in the West:


"History of modern immigration into the West"


The consequences of allowing Jewish collective power to operate in any country:




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b80a03  No.16855736


patriots are waiting on autists….


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6e89a4  No.16855737





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d1d6ff  No.16855738

If you don't support CodeMonkey you need to get your worthless ass outta here.


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b1d9d5  No.16855739

The term cabal is derived from Kabbalah (a word that has numerous spelling variations), the Jewish mystical and spiritual interpretation of the Hebrew scripture.

The Talmud is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law and Jewish theology.

Talmud aka Written Oral Torah/Jewish Law Excerpts:

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin.” (Babha Kama 113ª).

Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible.

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50


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2765e0  No.16855740


11 11 comms?

shit=56, [56] on the clock?

56=3rd D or "34" (or just 4), using HOUR:DAY clock method, 3:04 is tomorrow, today being 3:49am on the clock, or 3:03 using HOUR:DAY.

OR… none of this, KEK.


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a5c50e  No.16855741


They're letting a good crisis go to waste. Why not blame it on monkey pox to cover up/negate the strike?


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5b81fe  No.16855742



I'm sorry I'm goin to have to HIDE your post now.


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c0ae51  No.16855743

Q, come a nit , to have a Q&A session……….

I want to make porn hub people jealos, and cone here, to see our talks.


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ad4a74  No.16855744


Wimmens with penis are faster than wimmens with vag

~Sun Tzu


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0a6b7e  No.16855745


>the "Q" tonight was babyfist?

plausible interpretation


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095a1e  No.16855746

March 25th Solemnity of the Annunciation, and also called Lady Day, the Feast of the Incarnation, or Conceptio Christi, commemorates the visit of the archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, during which he informed her that she would be the mother of Jesus.

June 24th Feast of John the Baptist

Roe v Wade gone



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1a6f8e  No.16855747


what did an (((inbred))) 'learn' if they still haven't killed themselves as the (((inbred))) judas?


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5d10e3  No.16855748

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34a012  No.16855749


then get the fuck out


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