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d9de3b  No.16840560 [Last 50 Posts]

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b69112  No.16843563


Immorality and Sin are exactly that. There is no 'pride' in being a perverted immoral person that lives to propagate their immorality.

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bb1343  No.16843567



Republican candidate is leading the los angeles mayor's race from yesterday…

but now they need to finish counting the mail in ballots before they announce who officially won

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405175  No.16843570




Today is the 32nd anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre.

That's the one where people who weren't allowed to own guns were mowed down by their government.

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52d46d  No.16843571

… they were your children afterall.

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34a7ac  No.16843575


any vips tonight?

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7437e5  No.16843579



no homo.

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134bbc  No.16843581

So what about this new Q post?

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88a1b9  No.16843584



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831f55  No.16843585

shills out in force make me extra comfy

like the old days

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ccb5b1  No.16843587


VIDEO: Minnesota Judge reduces bail from $5,000,000 to $100,000 for wanted man that fired shots at police while leading them on high-speed chase

Judge Profile(s):

1) https://mncourts.gov/About-The-Courts/Overview/JudicialDirectory/Bio.aspx?jid=1881

2) https://mitchellhamline.edu/biographies/person/kellie-charles/

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216fd0  No.16843588


and now monkeypox is here

our dear gov cares so much about us


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7dd1fc  No.16843591

I am having fun today Anons!!!!


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fc0937  No.16843593


But, JimWorship is alive and not so well:


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563b12  No.16843594


>he's been at it all day.

for a guy who says he wishes that entire movement went away/gained to traction… well, yknow

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abe62f  No.16843605



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216fd0  No.16843609

Did the stand in get my message, and if so, was it true?

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fc0937  No.16843615


Samson option has been neutralized.

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8d0875  No.16843616


Can’t believe Ashton gets to have her for dinner every night

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871a4a  No.16843617



I can't tell what's worse, their depiction of "us" as fucking retards, or that it's actually indistinguishable from reality.

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bb1343  No.16843629


>vote ebot 2024

>burn that mofo down

>#mofo #burn

real burn that mofo down

vote ebot

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411f5b  No.16843631


Define backchannel


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b77e9d  No.16843632


>Donald Trump lost the popular vote


He lost the DOMINIONS Serbia, Pakistan, China vote (video)

He lost the ES&S Pete Buttigeig Malta vote


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ccb5b1  No.16843636


The State Department also announced on June 10 that Senior Advisor Amos Hochstein "will travel to Lebanon on June 13-14 to discuss sustainable solutions to Lebanon’s energy crisis."

In late 2017, Lebanon signed a gas exploration and production agreement with a consortium comprising the French company Total, the Italian Eni, and the Russian Novatek for gas blocks 4 and 9.

However, though committed to its exploration deal with Lebanon, Total stressed that it would not start operations on Block 9 until the Israeli-Lebanese maritime dispute was resolved, according to MEE.

Asked why Total refused to explore gas for Lebanon in Block 9 although "Israel' has been able to convince Energean Power's vessel to develop the disputed Karish gas field for "Israel", Abi-Khalil accused the US of pressuring international companies to operate Karish oil gas in disputed maritime borders.

"The US seeks to hand over influence to the Israeli enemy in the Arab Mashreq, i.e. to become a leading reference for all countries in the region," Abi-Khalil told Al Mayadeen English.

After the US recognized "Jerusalem" as the capital of the entity, "the Knesset passed the Jewish National Law, which proves the enemy’s implementation of the policy of making everything an Israeli and Judaization inside occupied Palestine," Abi-Khalil added.

Abi-Khalil stressed that the Israeli enemy has moved to consolidate its influence abroad through the implementation of regional foreign policy, proving once again the "political-diplomatic capabilities of the enemy and its ability to persuade Western companies, including the Energean Power vessel, to explore Karish."

"This is due to the pressures exerted by the United States and the Zionist lobby on international companies that share with their economic interests and material capabilities," she told Al Mayadeen English.

Relaunching negotiations

Hochstein landed in Beirut on Monday and met on Tuesday with President Michel Aoun and other senior government officials and parliamentarians as part of the indirect negotiations to demarcate the maritime border.

President Aoun received Hochstein in the presence of the US Ambassador to Beirut Dorothy Shea, and Aoun informed Hochstein of Lebanon's official position regarding the demarcation of the maritime borders and stressed Lebanon's sovereign rights to water and natural resources.

Al Mayadeen Arabic correspondent, citing information obtained, pointed out that Lebanon will demand the preservation of the entire Qana field, and thus adherence to all oil wealth, even beyond the line 23, rejecting the line previously drawn up by Hochstein in February, whereby he cut off parts of Block no. 8.

The correspondent stated that Aoun "responded orally to Hochstein's previous offer and presented a new proposal," adding that Aoun "requested prompt answers through Hochstein from the other side, i.e. Tel Aviv."

Indirect talks between Lebanon and "Israel" fizzled out in 2021 after Lebanon pushed its claim in the disputed zone from a boundary known as "Line 23" further south to "Line 29", adding around 1,400 square km (540 square miles) to its maritime borders, including part of Karish.

To overcome the impasse, according to media reports, Hochstein proposed a field swap that would create an S-shaped boundary instead of a straight line, but Lebanon did not officially agree to the proposal.

Two unnamed official sources told Reuters on June 14 that President Aoun would demand from the US energy envoy that indirect talks resume as soon as possible and that "Israel" stop all works at Karish until negotiations are concluded, the two officials said.

Asked if Hochstein's visit to Beirut can relaunch indirect maritime border negotiations, Abi-Khalil said it is up to Hoshstein's proposals.

"Re-launching the negotiations is related to the proposals that will be presented by the American envoy, which must take into account the Lebanese interest," said Abi-Khalil.

"Views united on the decision taken by His Excellency the President of the Republic, which strengthens the Lebanese position," she added.

Previous talks stalled after Lebanon said that the map used by the United Nations in the talks required modification. It is not clear yet if Lebanon can resume talks now without the map being modified.

"We can say that the visit of the American envoy to Beirut today means the resumption of negotiations, especially if the United States does not want an escalation in the region," Abi-Khalil told Al Mayadeen English. "[Indirect] Negotiations are a necessity at this stage."

Part 2 - End

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b69a3c  No.16843637


not habbenin

dudes don't give a fuck about abortion - that's a blue haired, like to suck dick and ass narrative and agenda. bitch dems like pooloosi just gonna scream themselves hoarse - while corporations and other lefty commie groups push for a night ala nazi long knives, violent 1000 bloody baby arms and ears

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8d0875  No.16843647



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6bcb3d  No.16843648


Kek anon

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e51b5b  No.16843667


it's what the all cool kids are doin'

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fb1920  No.16843683


that's nothing more than a THEORY, based on a dubious assumption. everyone in my extended family and most of my friends still have a landline, and most live where the is reliable cell service. landlines offer other benefits that make them preferable to cellphones.

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d576b3  No.16843697



what if………….

you are the garbage???????

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d13a57  No.16843698


Thank you. Gee wiz.

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26967f  No.16843703


11:00 AM EDT

Media Teleconference to Discuss Next Steps for Artemis I



11:00 AM EDT

Secretary Blinken Holds a Press Availability in Berlin, Germany

State Department


11:30 AM EDT

Faith In Journalism: How News Organizations Can Build Trust With Religious Americans

National Press Club


1:00 PM EDT

Physics Department Summer Lectures 2022 "LHC Physics" (Block 2)

Brookhaven National Laboratory


2:00 PM EDT

May Housing Permits (data release)

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia


2:00 PM EDT

Legacies And Lessons From America's Post-9/11 Wars

Brookings Institution


2:00 PM EDT

Aruoba Term Structure of Inflation Expectations - Data Release Initial Jobless Claims (for week ending 6/18/2022)

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia


2:00 PM EDT

Insights@Meridian With Under Secretary Zeya of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya

The Meridian Center for Diplomatic Engagement

This is an off-the-record, closed press event and by invitation only.


2:00 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House


2:00 PM EDT

Assistant Secretary Donfried meets with the Ukrainian Military-Civilian Delegation

Department of State


3:50 PM EDT

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu District, Change of Command Ceremony


8:45 PM EDT

Marine Barracks Washington Evening Parade

Marine Barracks Washington, D.C., "8th & I"



Mercury, Venus, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will line up in order of their distance from the Sun in the pre-dawn sky from June 23 to 25.



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2bbb9e  No.16843706

Didn’t see this in notables, apologies if so.

Man accused of killing Wisconsin judge dies in hospital

“ MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A man accused of fatally shooting a retired Wisconsin judge and who had a list that included prominent national political figures died in a hospital, a state official said Tuesday.

Douglas Uhde, 56, shot former Juneau County Circuit Judge John Roemer — a 1983 graduate of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul — in Roemer’s home in New Lisbon on Friday before shooting himself, authorities said. He was taken to a hospital where he had been on life support.

Wisconsin Department of Justice spokeswoman Gillian Drummond confirmed Uhde’s death. The agency said that Uhde was declared brain-dead on Saturday morning and his body remained on life support until Tuesday morning to allow for organ donation.”


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0d7628  No.16843723

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5952cf  No.16843725

What month is Heterosexual Nuclear Family Month?

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2086a5  No.16843730


>If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.




>I am no one.



Sup Gangster.

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37ab73  No.16843743


Huichol tapestry on peyote

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5090e1  No.16843758


Here is the bridge.

Also a clock.

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6fa0c7  No.16843761


God anons are smart, but maybe AI i don't care. Second is Picasso.

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243edc  No.16843762


They were already ded before hand!

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5952cf  No.16843764


Who actually cares about Q these days?

Riddles and word games wont fix this country!

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7c87ab  No.16843784


> Lightning strikin' too many times in a short timeframe

I’ve seen that movie.

“They ride the lightning down into their ships.”

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cadac3  No.16843797

kill all child rapists.

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d5104d  No.16843810

At least six people were injured after a taxi driver veered onto a Manhattan sidewalk Monday afternoon.

A bystander was heard saying the taxi driver fell asleep when he veered onto the sidewalk.

‘He lost control! They said he fell asleep,’ a bystander said.

Fox 5 NY reported:

TRENDING: BREAKING: Run on the Banks in China - Long Lines in Henan, Shanghai, and Dandong

Several people were reportedly hurt when a taxi crashed onto a Manhattan sidewalk on Monday afternoon.

It happened around 1 p.m. on Broadway near E. 29th Street in Midtown. That area is generally busy with workers and tourists.

There were reports that as many as six people were hit. Several of the victims were reportedly in critical condition. The NYPD would only confirm that “multiple people” were hit.


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d9db4d  No.16843814


>I'm afraid to say "nigger" or "fag".

you think niggers be afraid to say "whitey" or "cracker" and call all white people rayciss?

you think faggots be afraid to say "homophobe?"

you think cunt be afraid to say "macho asshole?"

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ad419c  No.16843817


Part 2 of 2…

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e51b5b  No.16843831


>Order Restoration in progress

What sort order are you using?

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f0e374  No.16843851



referenced the big MACHINE SCAM // LINDELL



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a23dca  No.16843854

The next big thing to watch for is when people start to realize they were lied to about the Ukraine conflict, that Russia was losing

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680b64  No.16843858


Done in 30

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183c70  No.16843860



(you) do that.

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fb1920  No.16843863


Can't say that I do, but I bet there are, in some form or fashion. Would "Keystone Cops" count?

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f094fc  No.16843866


symbolism means nothing. and if elon would follow me he would have done what I told him to do and spend time and money to go help folks in africa who are in need of water. but he did not. he is not saved. not now, not ever. same for family.

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707614  No.16843879

They thought it was coming yesterday. Enjoy the show.

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d576b3  No.16843893


I smell pot takers

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f345f1  No.16843894



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9bd4dd  No.16843903


Q forecast the timing of an announcement by posting the watch image before the announcement took place.

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77b187  No.16843906


Back when we weren't overrun with Boomers

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4bc4b0  No.16843912


The power of mass media.

They would have also gotten their shot.

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a62206  No.16843925


why would today be any different than yesterday?

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fb1920  No.16843932

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073678  No.16843934



Jun 3

SCOOP: The State or Florida threatened the Special Olympics with $27.5 MILLION in fines because the organization had a vaccine requirement at its games in Orlando this weekend.



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3789df  No.16843937


Bit he has a good soul.

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d9db4d  No.16843944


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a9bf08  No.16843958


shadilay thx, glad to see you kicking ass and taking names.

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5952cf  No.16843959



Eli Transformation to Hawk - Cobra Kai ( Flipping The Script )


May 5, 2018

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4f7371  No.16843974



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243e49  No.16843975


The Canadian notables fit in, so will this.

Candian notables even require 2 posts, because they max out max possible lines per post.



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77b187  No.16843977

Radio blackout possibility.


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cadac3  No.16843984

June 30, 2022 at 8:15am

One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards to Defend the Constitution and Fight Back Against the Deep State

At this moment in American history, there is no more important battle than to preserve the Second Amendment, increase state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment and oppose tyranny by the federal government.

A systematic assault on the Bill of Rights is now underway, including the First Amendment’s protection of free speech, the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition of illegal search and seizure, and the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee of due process under the law.

State Guards, also known as State Defense Forces, which are distinct from a state’s National Guard and operate under the sole authority of a state government, can provide a legal and effective remedy to the violation of our constitutional rights.

Such military units are, in fact, authorized by federal statute under Title 32 of the U.S. Code: Sec. 109. Maintenance of other troops

(C) In addition to its National Guard, if any, a State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, or the Virgin Islands may, as provided by its laws, organize and maintain defense forces. A defense force established under this section may be used within the jurisdiction concerned, as its chief executive considers necessary, but it may not be called, ordered, or drafted into the armed forces.

At the present time, only 22 of the 50 states have active State Guards, while Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, West Virginia, and Wyoming have never established one.

In recent years, a number of prudent officials have spearheaded efforts to reactivate State Guards, which have been previously established but have become inactive.

In December 2021, for example, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced plans to rejuvenate the Florida State Guard as a 200-person volunteer force that would act independently of the federal government to maintain security and respond to natural or man-made disasters.

There is overwhelming enthusiasm to re-establish our constitutional republic.

What the effort lacks is structure, organization and a generic course of action around which patriots can rally, one that cuts across regional differences and avoids dead-end, narrowly-focused approaches.

The following is a high-level, generic structure and mission of a State Guard.(See second pic)

The Second Amendment is our last line of defense against absolute tyranny:

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Second Amendment is specifically written to prevent unconstitutional intrusions by the U.S. government.

The 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, which reaffirmed the intent of the Second Amendment by specifically limiting the federal government’s use of the U.S. military to enforce domestic policies, is another law the rogue Biden regime may attempt to violate.

Firearm training and qualification are fundamental components of a State Guard’s mission, thereby buttressing an individual’s and a community’s ability to defend themselves against criminality originating from either hoodlums or government officials.

The core unit of a State Guard would be County Civil Support Teams trained in military defense operations and having skills necessary to assist in the response to natural or man-made disasters, both in coordination with and under the guidance of constitutional sheriffs.

Any law-abiding adult physically capable of performing an assigned task within the mission of a State Guard would be eligible to participate.

Thus, State Guards offer patriotic Americans both useful training and an opportunity to defend and serve their communities.


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183c70  No.16843990


Fuck off. I'm going to be wearing gold-plated diapers by the New Year, faggot.

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fbaa14  No.16843996


Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/28/2022 15:21:20

Truth Social: 108556719241046222

Will anybody ever be allowed to say that the Election was Rigged and Stolen? Will the Unselects EVER discuss that our Country is going to hell because of a fraudulent election? How about analyzing the Election Results?


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9f2bd0  No.16843997


The HotWheels tweets are from 2019. Unless he is a time traveller he called out Jim 3 years in advance.

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5090e1  No.16844005



also, it was friday, not generic 'day'

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2086a5  No.16844018

Humans are like fungi

Fungi is the missing link

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e48007  No.16844023


you did not answer my salvation question…

how does salvation factor into your paradigm?

how would one be "saved" from sin?

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5952cf  No.16844026


solid guy

smart as a whip

gifted in business

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a9bf08  No.16844029


so , ur won dumb god?

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d13a57  No.16844035

Ghislaine Maxwell put on suicide watch ahead of sentencing: Lawyer

Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty on 5 of 6 charges


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7c87ab  No.16844036


looks like the transformer girl…meghan fox

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030f1d  No.16844053



speculative. Q3497:

Afterward, make your way to your second snorkel stop — Little St James Island — where curious fish dart back and forth in the clear blue water, and colorful coral formations nestle next to amazing underwater formations.

Little St James Island


- EE! → :55 on Q-Clock

- 666 Monster / 666 Disney / Epstein Island

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4663e9  No.16844057

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c02132  No.16844062


Masks mean they are comped hiding identities

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a62206  No.16844063



if it checks out, it'll be stolen

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ef6744  No.16844071


Millions of the livestock that provide families with milk, meat, and wealth have died. Even the food to treat hungry people like Salaad’s son is becoming more expensive and, in some places, might run out. Thus, for the first time, a fifth straight rainy season might fail.

An “explosion of child deaths” is coming to the Horn of Africa if the world focuses only on the war in Ukraine and doesn’t act now, UNICEF said on Tuesday.

Famine even threatens Somalia’s capital as displacement camps on Mogadishu’s outskirts swell with exhausted new arrivals. Salaad and her son have turned away from a crowded hospital after arriving a week ago.

They were sent instead to the treatment center for the extremely malnourished where rooms are full, extra beds have been put out and yet some people must sleep on the floor. Mothers wince, and babies wail, as tiny bodies with sores and protruding ribs are gently checked for signs of recovery.

“The center is overwhelmed,” said Mustaf Yusuf, a physician there. Admissions more than doubled in May to 122 patients.

'Drama with no witness'

The international community's sluggish response did not help. At the time, the UN humanitarian coordinator for Somalia described the situation as "a drama without witnesses." The alarms are going off again.

More than 200,000 people in Somalia face “catastrophic hunger and starvation, a drastic increase from the 81,000 forecasts in April,” a joint statement by UN agencies said Monday, noting that a humanitarian response plan for this year is just 18% funded.

Somalia is far from alone. According to UNICEF, the number of children treated for the most acute malnutrition — "the tip of the disaster" — increased 27 percent in Ethiopia's drought-affected regions in the first quarter of this year compared to the same period last year.

In Kenya, where Doctors Without Borders reported at least 11 deaths in a single county's malnutrition treatment program earlier this year, the rise was 71 percent.

Recent arrivals were devastated as they recalled watching family members die in one of Mogadishu's teeming displacement camps.

“I left some of my children behind to care for those suffering,” said Amina Abdi Hassan, who came from a village in southern Somalia with her malnourished baby. They’re still hungry as aid runs dry, even in the capital. “Many others are on the way,” she said.

Part 2

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6fa0c7  No.16844079

kill all child rapists.

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c32d8d  No.16844084

The calm before the storm.

Clock Started

The Hunter's become the HUNTED

Hunger Games

Black Forest









































Red Wave


Watch the WATER





Marker [9]


















Watch the Wives

Godfather III

Sum of All Fears

















33 days




Long Shot































Alice in Wonderland





Wizard of Oz

Yellow Brick Road

Emerald City

Yellow Submarine

When does a bird sing? when it tweets.



CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta, & Epsilon Hereculis







John F. Kennedy Jr.






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f094fc  No.16844085


The first year that Trump was POTUS there were numerous hurricanes. I always wondered if HAARP had anything to do with that to try to make Trump look bad.

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d576b3  No.16844105

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304ae9  No.16844113


DPR sentences to death captured UK mercenaries fighting with Ukraine

Three mercenaries, two from the UK and one from Morocco, were sentenced to death on Thursday in the DPR for fighting alongside Ukrainian militias and armed forces.

The president of the Donetsk People's Republic, Denis Pushilin, has accused the three of "monstrous crimes".

British mercenaries Aiden Aslin, 28, and Shaun Pinner, 48, in addition to Moroccan Saadun Brahim, were convicted by a Donetsk court on charges of terrorism.

UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss released a statement condemning the sentence, calling it "a sham judgment with absolutely no legitimacy."

The three defendants plead guilty to the charges yesterday. Russian media outlet RIA Novosti reported that the three are set to face a firing squad.

However, according to The Guardian, an official said that the men would have one month to appeal their sentence, and if the appeal is accepted, the defendants would receive a 25-year or life sentence instead of the death penalty.

The two Britons had recently gone on camera in order to request that the UK Prime Minister facilitate their exchange for detained Ukrainian opposition politician Viktor Medvedchuk.

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4538fe  No.16844115


Anons Rene we Ukraine biggest reserve and producer of neon gases which is used in microchip , Taiwan bugged microchip producer …..


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680b64  No.16844118

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9349f5  No.16844123


That's NOTABLE….

(not to be confused with notables in respect)

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f0e374  No.16844131


>I demand a trial by combat.

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2dac4b  No.16844134


gotta filter you for that

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d73c47  No.16844139

Did DJT confirm recent Q in any way tonight?

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5090e1  No.16844146

Somebody order some ayyysss?

Right on schedule. Look over there, not here.





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fb1920  No.16844148

“It is my sincerest wish to all of those in this courtroom…that this day brings a terrible chapter to an end…May this day help you travel from darkness into the LIGHT.” — Ghislaine Maxwell at her sentencing today. #DarkToLight


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e51b5b  No.16844170



Except for a pine box, you scoundrel.

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d576b3  No.16844173


Tranime is busy getting a reach-around from his boyfriend atm

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d13a57  No.16844174


anyone know if Citizen's United is slated for reevaluation or was affected by any stuff that happened this week?

Citizen's United was stupid.

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e217d4  No.16844184



>So I was looking at the map and was like, muh almonds are tingling

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680b64  No.16844191


>Why? Who likes this?

They make everything better apparently.

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26967f  No.16844193

Welcome to Q Research General

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edd55f  No.16844197

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e5985a  No.16844201

il Donaldo Trumpo


Buenos Dias to Everyone who knows the Brandon administration SUCKS!!!

10:40 AM · Jun 30, 2022·Twitter Web App


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f0e374  No.16844204



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4bc4b0  No.16844207

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030f1d  No.16844209


Tom Fitton


NEW: Justice Thomas slam court majority for "absurd" ruling for murderer.


10:18 AM · Jun 21, 2022·Twitter Web App

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c02132  No.16844212


Boomers born after WW2

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f4a7f3  No.16844215



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6fa0c7  No.16844216

somebody acks Q if we still need exter dog food.

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fbaa14  No.16844217

Now you know why Trump ran the Stock Market up and let the Fed print massive cash while implementing quantitative easing at the same time. Biden got set up big time. We're winning in every way possible. The Cabal walked right into the trap and now they can't get out.

Trust the plan.

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af07a7  No.16844218


>Wanna test my skills.


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2dac4b  No.16844219


Should try and get Kangaroo Court trending before tomorrow

A kangaroo court is a court that ignores recognized standards of law or justice, carries little or no official standing in the territory within which it resides, and is typically convened ad hoc.[2] A kangaroo court may ignore due process and come to a predetermined conclusion. The term may also apply to a court held by a legitimate judicial authority which intentionally disregards the court's legal or ethical obligations (compare show trial).[3]

A kangaroo court could also develop when the structure and operation of the forum result in an inferior brand of adjudication. A common example of this is when institutional disputants ("repeat players") have excessive and unfair structural advantages over individual disputants ("one-shot players").[4]

A session of the People's Court in Nazi Germany, a kangaroo court that conducted show trials of political enemies[1]

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f994ad  No.16844220

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a23dca  No.16844224


Meanwhile, the cocksucker down the road is flying 4x6 flags of 🇮🇱, 🇺🇦, and 🇺🇸…in that order.

Oh and that bastardized rainbow flag.

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3789df  No.16844228




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247655  No.16844234


US in contact with Ukraine about 2 US fighters captured by Russia

The US State Department is in contact with Ukrainian authorities about two American fighters who were allegedly captured by Russian forces in Ukraine on Wednesday, according to Fox News.

The media reported that Russian forces captured US citizens Alexander Drueke, 39, and Andy Huynh, 27, earlier in the day.

The US government is closely monitoring the situation and is in contact with Ukrainian authorities, but due to privacy concerns, the US government has no further comment, according to the report.

The official urged US citizens to avoid traveling to Ukraine, particularly for the purpose of fighting Russian and allied forces during Russia's special military operation there.

One of the captured Americans is a US Marine Corps veteran, and the other is an Army veteran, The New York Post reported.

White House has no confirmation

The National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications John Kirby stated that the White House is unable to confirm media reports of two US fighters captured by Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

"I can't confirm the reports … Just was made aware of them before I came out here," Kirby told a press briefing. "We'll do the best we can to monitor this and see what we can learn about it. " The White House discourages Americans from going to Ukraine and fighting there, he added.

"It is a war zone. It’s combat," he said. "Ukraine is not the place for Americans to be traveling."

Moreover, in May, defense authorities reported that the US military is increasing weapon training for Ukrainian soldiers, with hundreds currently being taught about artillery systems, drones, and radars.

The program, which involves sending Ukrainians out of the country to train in various sites throughout Europe, has accelerated dramatically after the Pentagon reported in early April that it had educated roughly a dozen such personnel on how to use Switchblade drones.

More than 220 Ukrainians have received training in US artillery, including the M777 Howitzer, a 10,000-pound device that can be carried by trucks and reach targets up to 18 miles distant with 155 mm shells. Washington has offered 90 such systems to Kiev.

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707614  No.16844240


Original tweet acct suspended.

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ab7ae2  No.16844244


seems to me that America has two traditions that sometimes clash … Individual Freedom and Puritanism

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d576b3  No.16844251


I trust CivAnon

he shares a VPN with psyops crew that talks to Q

must be legit

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1aa6a4  No.16844252


>A new word for treason

B, D, F, G, I, L, N, P, S, T, U,

Use vowels as needed.

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e71797  No.16844259







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e51b5b  No.16844263

Cheney: On this point, there is no debate. Those who invaded our Capitol and battled law enforcement for hours, were motivated by what President Trump had told them. That the election was stolen, and he was the rightful president. President Trump summoned the mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack.

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26967f  No.16844270



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90c0c9  No.16844274

Just came across this gem of a commercial from circa 2000, thought Anons would who l enjoy it.

DJT: “Napoleon, Alexander the great, Donald Trump - were all cut from the same cloth - and that cloth is very very large!”

Top Kek!

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e217d4  No.16844277


It means if ya badder than yoda you got massive issues.

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77b187  No.16844281




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af07a7  No.16844293


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f994ad  No.16844297


hi c-a we know ur nazi

that's why you come here to shill


here's a letter from Jim Watkins, who owns this Board

pretty technical

look at the top of the bread and there are links.

also a board for beginners who want questions answered

I have sent this email to my newsletter recipients.

Dear Friend,

Good news, TOR works.

Here is what happened on Friday, June 24th 2022

I finally got the TOR servers working with both sys and the live servers.

This was tested from the dev server.

Changes were ported over from the dev server to the live servers.

This is when the salt rotated. It changed to what is on the dev server, which is not live.

Trip posting is not common on 8kun.top, and this was not verified after the work was done.

This is my fault, and I take responsibility for that.

It came as a surprise for me as well when trips had changed. Fixing this was relatively easy. I called an employee and asked them to put a backup on for me, which was fixed.

The temporary problem is visible on this trip chat thread.


As far as the Q posts. These are verified now to the best of my ability. TOR hides the IP address of individual posters, so that can not be verified, but the login by the Board Owner of /projectdcomms/ I can see that.

Then the deletion and banning of the B post are the additional verification that makes it highly probable, to the point of certainty, that these posts are valid by the person or persons that post with the Q trip.

It is likely that Q has a different password for the BO login, and the trip code. That is common security practice. I trust that

Q would be familiar with security, using TOR is an additional security step that requires knowledge past the Tenderfoot stage of internet use.

I publicly explained this on Sunday evening with at least 100 witnesses, including Chad Vivas, who has been retruthed by President Donald Trump.

https://chadvivas.com (https://chadvivas.com/)

Some of the naysayers and concernf—- questions I have considered.

Why didn’t the Q trip change with the other trips?

CodemonkeyZ made a special whitelist for Q before retiring from 8kun.top.

I don’t know how he did that, but even though neither CodemonkeyZ nor myself are Q.

We both understand the importance of Q communications to the world. CodemonkeyZ did

his best before he left to ensure this communication could not be screwed up by any error that I make or my employees.

Did the salt change for a new Q to post as Q?

No, the salt change was an error that did not correlate with these posts.

My rushing to attend a live talk in Thousand Oaks, California, are the reason for the salt change.

This has been rectified.

Did you change the salt to make a new trip code match the Q trip code?

No, that would be more difficult than guessing the trip code password. It would take longer than the time until the heat death of the Universe

to change the salt, which is a long string of random characters to match up to a new password, to create a trip code that matches the Q trip code.

None of this will satisfy professional shills. This will not stop bold text posts by unprofessional members of the US government that are currently stepping all over their oaths to defend the Constitution of the United States.

I hope it will be enough for the people that matter.

Sincerely yours,

Jim Watkins"

The shills make the place difficult, deliberately

they weren't around as much as now, until after Q" came back last week

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85f527  No.16844299


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769a5b  No.16844301



Replying to @CiceroConsulta1

"The venture crystallized early in August 2016."

Brennan briefed Obama on July 26, 2016. Obama gave a televised interview that day spreading the narrative.


Maria Bartiromo @MariaBartiromo

BREAKING: declassified- •handwritten notes, frmr CIA Brennan briefed President Obama including the ‘alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal to vilify Trump by stirring up scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.’ @MorningsMaria


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0ac547  No.16844303


FKOL! Finkel is back!

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2dac4b  No.16844305

Ukraine is the keystone…watch THE SUN…

"NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg may have said the quiet part out loud on Wednesday when he revealed to reporters that NATO’s push into Eastern Europe since 2014 was done specifically with Russia in mind.

“The reality is also that we have been preparing for this since 2014,” he said. “That is the reason that we have increased our presence in the eastern part of the alliance, why NATO allies have started to invest more in defense, and why we have increased [our] readiness.”

The NATO chief went on to insist that Russia has been “using force in the eastern Donbass since 2014.”

What he neglected to mention, though, was the role Western powers played in the outbreak of civil violence in Kiev on February 24, 2013 that led to the Maidan coup and, ultimately, to the current situation. The US and its influence on the ground in Ukraine, channelled through "civil society" groups it bankrolled, was largely responsibility for that mess.

Even Victoria ‘F**k the EU’ Nuland (then-US assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs) admitted as much in April 2014 when she said Washington had invested $5 billion dollars into “spreading democracy” in Ukraine – apparently because such efforts worked so well before."


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bcfed5  No.16844316

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9bd4dd  No.16844324


Clearly, that is where you learnt how to take shitty notables.

You suck.

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d5104d  No.16844328


Yes there would have to be laws But to allow russia to purchase uranium, china to buy land saudi arabia to buy land.


And gates should be tried for Treason, not allowed to buy thousands of acres of land.

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bb2bf3  No.16844333


>He talking about a "board" again.


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39a042  No.16844335

Catherine Herridge


#January6thCommitteeHearings A group of House Republicans questioned Wednesday whether the committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol violated rules when it reportedly hired a former news executive. @GrahamKates



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fc8871  No.16844339

Well isn't that something, Bain Capital–Nothing to see here

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican said on Friday it had sold the luxury London building at the centre of an ongoing corruption trial to Bain Capital in recent days for 186 million pounds ($223.6 million).

Losses from the deal were covered by Vatican reserve funds, the Vatican said in a statement, adding that donations from the faithful in a fund known as Peter's Pence had not been used.

The sale of the building on Sloane Avenue in Chelsea, London, marks a turning point in a sordid chapter in the Vatican's investment strategies.

A trial of 10 people, including a cardinal, reaches its first anniversary later this month. All the defendants have denied wrongdoing.

The real estate venture at its centre began in 2014, when the Vatican's Secretariat of State invested 350 million euros ($390 million)in the building, using brokers it later accused of extortion and other financial crimes.


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cd0408  No.16844340

"Cosmetics giant Revlon is facing a fight to stay alive as it suffered its biggest one-day share price drop on record and it reportedly prepares to file for bankruptcy. The global brand has been suffering amid fierce competition in the cosmetics industry, global economic pressures and supply-chain issues. However, it went from bad to worse overnight as the company took an almighty hammering on the stock market, dropping 53 per cent on Friday to $2.05 a share. This came amid a report by news outlet Reorg stating the cosmetics empire is preparing to file for bankruptcy. The company, controlled by billionaire Ronald Perelman, could file as soon as next week, Reorg said, citing unnamed sources."


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12797a  No.16844346


2018 - 3 years = 2015

(Freedom Caucus)

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243e49  No.16844350


Nick Bryant revealed in his investigation of the Franklin cover-up that Greta Van Susteren was the lawyer for Henry Vinson, who was a key figure in this whole scandal. Henry Vinson is a West Virginia-based businessman who in the early 1990s was tried and convicted for operating a male prostitution ring in Washington DC, that supplied adult-age gay male prostitutes to powerful DC political figures. Additionally, Nick Bryant and Henry Vinson co-wrote a 2015 book called "DC Madam: The Politics of Sex, Lies & Blackmail," that goes into extensive detail about Henry Vinson's involvement with a DC sex trafficking ring. As Nick Bryant documented in his book “The Franklin Scandal,” and as thoroughly documented in Bryant & Vinson's "DC Madam" book, Henry Vinson, through the operation of his prostitution ring, became directly involved with two key alleged abuse perpetrators in the "Franklin Scandal": Larry King and Craig Spence. Again, as documented in Bryants' and Vinsons' books, Larry King (full name Lawrence E. King) and Craig Spence were extremely well-connected political powerbrokers, who were both accused by multiple underage children and teenagers of operating a major underage sex trafficking ring that supplied children to powerful figures in both the Omaha, NE and Washington DC areas, and used them in blackmailing operations. Lawrence E. King was, for a time in the 80s, a bank director in Omaha and extremely well-connected to the state and national Republican party. The bank King managed was the "Franklin Credit Union" in Omaha NE, hence the name of the scandal. Henry Vinson specifically describes Craig Spence as some kind of "CIA asset." As documented in Byrant and Vinson's research, Spence was for a time in the 80s a well-connected DC lobbyist, who owned a private mansion in Kalorama, a very upscale suburb of Washington, DC. Henry Vinson specifically alleges that as part of his pimping business, on many occasions he sent adult-age male prostitutes to what he describes as "orgies" at Spence's Kalorama mansion. Vinson also alleges that on at least some occasions, male prostitutes who worked for Vinson told him afterward that underage children were present at at least some of these alleged orgies at the Kalorama mansion. So there are allegations from both Vinson, and the adult age prostitutes working for him at the time, that trafficking and sexual abuse of underage minors occurred at the Kalorama mansion in D.C.



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e5985a  No.16844351


Enforce antitrust laws. Raise taxes of high personal income, audit government employees and shoot them if they take bribes…pretty simple.

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ff4868  No.16844354


Q brought me closer to God. My life has too many coincidences to not believe

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ad4ece  No.16844358


Southside Chicago accent no doubt.

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304ae9  No.16844360


Is that what Father DcMonalds told you as he eased it in quicker than Biden is ruining our country?

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6a29b1  No.16844361



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d9db4d  No.16844364


i lost the original without the post

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030f1d  No.16844365

25 Jun, 2022 16:59

Sweden should address fundamental issues to join NATO – key member

Stockholm has so far taken no ‘tangible’ action to address Ankara’s concerns, Turkey says

The Swedish government should deal with issues of “fundamental importance” for Turkey to reach an agreement on its NATO membership bid, Ankara said on Saturday. The news follows a phone call between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson.

Stockholm should “change its attitude” towards the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which Turkey and many Western nations consider a terrorist organization, the Turkish president’s office said in a statement. So far, Stockholm has not taken any “tangible action” to alleviate Ankara’s concerns in this regard, it added.

Other issues preventing the two sides from reaching an agreement are Sweden’s arms embargo, and restrictions imposed on the Turkish defense industry. Ankara has urged Stockholm to take on “binding commitments” on these matters, setting out “clear implementation” mechanisms.

Andersson described the phone call with Erdogan as a “good conversation” in a Twitter post, but otherwise provided little detail on the discussion.

In a separate conversation on Saturday, the Turkish leader also addressed Sweden and Finland’s membership bids with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. According to the Turkish side, Erdogan informed Stoltenberg of persisting concerns regarding the admission of Finland and Sweden.

The two Nordic nations applied to join the US-led military alliance in May, voicing concerns over their security amid Russia’s military operation in Ukraine. The move encountered staunch resistance from Turkey, which demanded Finland and Sweden stop harboring PKK members.

On Thursday,Stoltenberg admitted he could not “guarantee” the two nations’ membership but said that was his goal. At the same time, he praised Turkey as an important NATO member, adding that its concerns should be addressed.

(Its a game of chicken)


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fb1920  No.16844366

dat niggas format making me wanna sperg

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c02132  No.16844368


filter by ID

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b28981  No.16844374

This is one helluva tasty burger.

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dc7d5e  No.16844375






































Previously Collected


NUKED* #20899, >>16844197






* tard-baker accidentally got bread #20899 nuked by collecting link to hunter laptop as notable

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2dac4b  No.16844384


You made that up.

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fbaa14  No.16844385

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9349f5  No.16844391


>R. Kelly Sentenced to 30 Years

>Ghislaine Sentenced 20 years

>I say make them cellmates

>that way

>R kelly will feel like it is 20

>and Ghislaine will feel like it is a lifetime

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85f527  No.16844398



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db4b0a  No.16844400


How long are the fake news cycles lasting now on average before world debunks it?

A few minutes?

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9bd4dd  No.16844410


>We are just translating/providing reassurance for the normies.

by randomly associating random numbers/events with Q posts? So, if an 8:28 comes around the random number cycle, will we then recite "all things work for good for those who love God and are called to His purpose?"

tricks like that are cute and seen as such by normies

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c32d8d  No.16844424

June 28, 2022 at 8:00am

EXCLUSIVE: Proud Boys Proven INNOCENT in Newly Released VIDEO Hidden from Public! — Biden DOJ Tried to Hide This Leaked Evidence! BLOWS UP DOJ and Liz Cheney’s Bogus SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY Charges – THEY HID THIS FROM PUBLIC! See the Entire Video HERE!

This Proud Boy leadership meeting was recorded back on December 30th, 2020- one week before the January 6th protest.


Video: https://rumble.com/v1a0fef-the-proud-boys-are-not-a-militia-proof-of-fraudulent-sedition-charges-mosd.html

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fc8871  No.16844426


>that will mess up the count

Q told us long ago that only posts with tripcodes should be collected.

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1d2c36  No.16844432


hey neon

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e5985a  No.16844434

Moar regx filters = Moar comfee

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4f7371  No.16844453



You just wanna date her. kek

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a62206  No.16844456


We are already in the storm and have been for a long time, but you know that

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c73d15  No.16844457



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af7919  No.16844458


>pedobear sniped 751, submitted (2) reports

<16577335> lb

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b28981  No.16844462


Those are really good!

It's getting smarter!

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f994ad  No.16844474


Is this Sam the Sheep dog?


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393edc  No.16844480


Is this good enough?

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9349f5  No.16844488


D on D Revenge?

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3789df  No.16844490


good actors, says Q.

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1cb5cf  No.16844501

please embed this shit


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ab7ae2  No.16844503


Notable, twitter like CNN hiring all the spooks.

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bb2bf3  No.16844505


freddy is that you?

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d576b3  No.16844517


My point with this angle is to say that I don't want to talk about or hear about ANY of someone's sexual needs or preferences, straight or gay or trans or whatever other thing someone is into. The narrative makers are trying to normalize openess about sexuality to the point that it is an absolute identifier of who a person is. Who you want to fuck doesn't really matter to me as long as it's not a minor or my spouse…or my best friend's spouse….or I guess anyone's spouse. Why does any of that have to be public discussion? I think we who don't want that should push back and say ENOUGH with this craziness and stop putting it in my face every two seconds. I have absolutely no idea what to make of your response, so whatever.

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e71797  No.16844518

BREAKING: Biden has created a new internet policy task force with goals including “developing programs and policies” to protect “political figures” and journalists from “disinformation,” “abuse” and “harassment.”

==The task force is being led by Kamala Harris…

This is awful.


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1d2c36  No.16844520



meet me at chucky cheese

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12797a  No.16844521

Do you need a producer, Ryan.

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26967f  No.16844533


You seem to know more about him than I do.

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fc8871  No.16844534

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edd55f  No.16844537

Lord, send me a woman that loves a giant penis.

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fb1920  No.16844545


the goodfags are here. that is all that matters.

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af07a7  No.16844552



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af7919  No.16844561



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788b96  No.16844562

Until each and every zionist in the West (Jew or Gentile) is either deported or hanged (legally, off course), any notion of "justice" is fraudulent, disingenuos, and a complete attempt to once again trick the people about them having any power or saying on how their countries are run.

There are no political parties, there is only the Israel first uniparty.


https://archive.vn/EryE9 - "Just for some perspective"

A quote:


The Democratic party gets 50% of its funding from Jews (1) and 70% of Jews voted Democrat in 2016 (2) (3). Jews voted 79% Democrat in 2018 (4).

Add to that the fact that Jews make up 25% of the donations to Republicans (1).

The biggest donor to Trump, Sheldon Adelson, has said that he regretted serving in the US and not having served in Israel (5), and that his biggest mission in life is to defend Israel. (6) He also said that assimilation is a bad thing for Jews in the West. (7)

You have 2% of the population making 37,5% of all political donations. And those 2% belong to the same group that controls the MSM (8) (9) and Hollywood (which shape public opinion and sways voting) (10) (11) (12) AND its the same group that tells Social Media companies what is to be allowed to be said and what must be censored (13) (14).

That same group has pressured the US Congress to pass laws that make it illegal to criticize Jews and Israel in any way shape or form no matter how legitimate the criticism might be (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21), and it's also one of the main forces behind the fight against the 2nd Amend of the US Constitution (22) (23).



Counter-zionist subversion compilation:


How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:



The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:



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e9c1e8  No.16844563

Of all the people I know of, who have ever lived, I love Bill Gates most.

He is and always has been, my hero.

This is his technology. This is his dream.

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ef6744  No.16844564

Rich Higgins, Political Warfare s3.documentcloud.org/documents/392287 Good Read

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a79d8b  No.16844569


yeah I'm on the Jewish*.* offramp.. that's out of my lane.

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f3f829  No.16844571

Kari Lake is way up in the polls.

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66f324  No.16844580


They need to instigate the blacks to have real riots. Some type of cop incident with a black, fly in agitators, …, everything burns.

abortion would just be all the fat ugly colored hair women and fags (neither would ever have to get an abortion). They'll fizzle out unless they can get the blacks pissed off.

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bb2bf3  No.16844593


>"i know it seems drastic but (((they))) are going to blame you anyway" - grey explaining the final solution

Of course they will, they are JEWS! Have you ever seen a Jew admit his guilt?










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f35410  No.16844600


>What makes you watch tux news?

and they are the enemy

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d576b3  No.16844613

That was an unexpected bit of fun, anon. >>16843637

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ad4ece  No.16844617


Already there in 2018.

A self-driving Uber vehicle struck and killed a pedestrian in a late-night accident in Tempe, Arizona, police said on Monday.

The accident is believed to be the first pedestrian fatality involving the burgeoning technology of autonomous vehicles.


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183c70  No.16844625

Q DROP #4799

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/30/2020 23:52:42 ID: 376386

8kun/qresearch: 10864489

Anonymous 09/30/2020 23:43:23 ID:39774c

8kun/qresearch: 10864305

Image Name: 09302020nyt1.png

Filename: 08e41859ca2515db376999299074104a284701075e774fa4c4ab36b1ebe9d5d8.png

Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics

Pope Francis declined to see Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is demanding a harder Vatican line on China. The Holy See said meeting just before a U.S. election would be inappropriate.

By Jason Horowitz and Lara Jakes

Sept. 30, 2020, 7:26 p.m. ET

ROME — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently published a sharp letter excoriating the Vatican’s plans to renew an agreement with the Chinese government on Church operations in China. He promoted the article in a tweet, concluding, “The Vatican endangers its moral authority, should it renew the deal.”

An indignant Vatican took the article more as a calculated affront than a diplomatic gesture. The friction broke into the open on Wednesday as Mr. Pompeo arrived in Rome and met with prelates and others who are hostile to Pope Francis, while the Vatican denied him a meeting with the pontiff and rebuffed his efforts to derail the deal with China.

“Pompeo asked to meet” the pope, who turned him down because Francis had “clearly said that he does not receive political figures ahead of the elections,” Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who, as secretary of state, is the Vatican’s second-ranking official, told reporters.

But to some observers on both sides of the tensions between the Roman Catholic Church and the Trump administration, Mr. Pompeo’s visit is as much about the coming presidential election as about China policy. Mr. Pompeo dismissed that suggestion as absurd, but intended or not, his trip signals that President Trump is on the side of those conservative American Catholics who worry about the church’s direction under Francis and think he is soft on China.

Francis and Mr. Trump, who have exchanged sharp words in the past, present starkly different visions on issues ranging from the environment to immigration to the threat of populism. In appealing to the Vatican’s support for religious freedom as a reason to drop its China agreement, Mr. Pompeo seemed to seek common ground, but in a way that upset the pope’s chief allies and delighted his chief critics.

Cardinal Parolin said Mr. Pompeo’s article had caused “surprise” at the Vatican, because this visit to Rome by the secretary and the meetings with high officials at the Holy See had already been in the works and would have been a “more opportune” forum for airing grievances. He added that Mr. Pompeo’s choice to publish in First Things, a conservative Christian magazine that has called Francis a failure as Pope, also mattered.



When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?


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680b64  No.16844634

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ad419c  No.16844651


She's off to a big start. She said Trump tried to take over the US government.

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4bc4b0  No.16844657



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e48007  No.16844665


>Cheney and Hutchinson hug after the hearing.

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a23dca  No.16844667


Everyone is present and accounted for.

Bring it on!

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bb2bf3  No.16844685

The universe might be thought of as the song of God..

We all play a contributing role in the creation and unfolding character of this music, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we feel sufficiently ready or not, whether or not our voices or our skills with our specific instruments are worthy. This is free will:

We can seek to emulate the perfect harmonious tone of our creator to the best of our ability, or strike a dissonant and discordant tone of our own self-interested creation.

When we find kindred spirits, we're said to 'resonate', and be 'on the same frequency'.. when we communicate something of profound depth and truth, we're said to 'strike a chord' in those with ears to hear. A collection of voices on the same page, in perfect unison and harmony and guided by a conductor who, in turn, is guided from above, can't help but create beautiful music. A choir of voices produces a more powerful magic than any one single voice could hope to manifest, in part because the unified multitude represent slight variations on a theme.. and only in the cumulative effects of several voices can this theme hope to attain its clearest and most potent expression - smoothing out errors, correcting for extremes and outliers, figuratively gesturing toward an all-important center point.

Any conductor not guided by the spirit of God becomes an organ of chaos and disharmony - a bad creator, serving to destroy and obfuscate the beautiful and natural melodic flow, and create discordant and unnatural ugliness in its place..

We live in an age currently dominated by pretentious conductors with no lofty music in their souls, incapable of hearing the song within, attempting to create their own music from scratch.. an effort not just doomed to fail, but to fail miserably, painfully, totally.

This is transitory - bad music never stands the test of time, and the echoes of something vastly superior are on the horizon.


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39a042  No.16844690


No, I'm not AI. I assure you.

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1cb5cf  No.16844693


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1aa6a4  No.16844697

A reminder that Jesus loves you.

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769a5b  No.16844698



tyvm collectah

dues and repect


have been edited into bread above

refresh for looksee

baker should have these in dough

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304ae9  No.16844720

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825202  No.16844724

Shills are in dire panic mode right now. So many keks!

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1d2c36  No.16844725


pretty sure that twat is felonious.

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243e49  No.16844733

First, I apologize for my extended absence. The news to which we are exposed sometimes overwhelms the best of us, and mandates a break from reporting on the tumultuous turmoil that is the world we live in today. For reasons of personal safety, I prefer not to announce absences in advance, as the MSM and fake news fact-checkers have already doxed me, making my home practically a matter of public record. Thus, I don’t want “them” knowing when I’m away.


We, the peple need to protect each other through the shit storm that is coming.

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d4292e  No.16844736


have wondered the same

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af07a7  No.16844738



That'd be fortnightium, I take it?

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dc7d5e  No.16844746


Hmm, what year wasISRAELfounded?

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4bc4b0  No.16844747


https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.



"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"

16 December 2012


"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"

22 March 2018



"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable"

"Just look at the demographics."

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


Anti-White gun grab:



Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"



Neil Steinberg is unsurprisingly, a Jew:



Jew immediately tries to demonize Whites as soon as a tragedy occurs:


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e9c1e8  No.16844752


I love it when someone has to be paid to whine like a bitch.

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1549db  No.16844774



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1cb5cf  No.16844776

More vaccinated Nova Scotians died of COVID than unvaccinated

Newly released documents list COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status — from unjabbed to boosted — in the Maritime province.

Documents released by the Nova Scotian Department of Health and Wellness show that vaccinated individuals in the province were still contracting, being hospitalized and dying from COVID-19 even after accepting vaccination for the infectious disease.

The documents were published in response to a Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act request and included date ranges between December 17, 2021 and December 23, 2021.

Here's what the documents confirmed for the province:

Total COVID-19 cases by immunization status:




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46ec38  No.16844782


Holy fuck he even brings up Scalia. He is 100% THREATENING scotus! WTF

Glad they have the US Marshall's there on alert

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9349f5  No.16844784


So now bill goes to the House for a final vote?

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d576b3  No.16844789


JUST IN - Google has removed the images of Highland Park gunman Bobby Crimo a day after massacre, Daily Mail reported


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12797a  No.16844801

Hippies are Patriots, too


Country Joe & the Fish - VietNam Song - Live Woodstock 1969

(aka I Feel Like I'm Fixing to Die Rag)


Yeah, come on all of you, big strong men,

Uncle Sam needs your help again.

He's got himself in a terrible jam

Way down yonder in Vietnam

So put down your books and pick up a gun,

We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.

And it's one, two, three,

What are we fighting for?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

Next stop is Vietnam;

And it's five, six, seven,

Open up the pearly gates,

Well there ain't no time to wonder why,

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Well, come on generals, let's move fast;

Your big chance has come at last.

Gotta go out and get those reds -

The only good commie is the one who's dead

And you know that peace can only be won

When we've blown 'em all to kingdom come.

And it's one, two, three,

What are we fighting for?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

Next stop is Vietnam;

And it's five, six, seven,

Open up the pearly gates,

Well there ain't no time to wonder why

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.


Well, come on Wall Street, don't move slow,

Why man, this is war au-go-go.

There's plenty good money to be made

By supplying the Army with the tools of the trade,

Just hope and pray that if they drop the bomb,

They drop it on the Viet Cong.

And it's one, two, three,

What are we fighting for?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

Next stop is Vietnam.

And it's five, six, seven,

Open up the pearly gates,

Well there ain't no time to wonder why

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Well, come on mothers throughout the land,

Pack your boys off to Vietnam.

Come on fathers, don't hesitate,

Send 'em off before it's too late.

Be the first one on your block

To have your boy come home in a box.

And it's one, two, three

What are we fighting for?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

Next stop is Vietnam.

And it's five, six, seven,

Open up the pearly gates,

Well there ain't no time to wonder why,

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

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a79d8b  No.16844813


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825202  No.16844823


noice digits

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d4292e  No.16844829

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1cb7be  No.16844831


transitioning invalidates your right to freedom

now gtfo and go to the EU

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4f7371  No.16844836

They don't want you to know Buildabergers are meeting this w/e in D.C!

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c73d15  No.16844846


… pretty sure Obama and HRC took care of a lot. Q drops is all you can really go by. If they're not legit, there is no news nor humanity.

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af07a7  No.16844851




made simple graphic



(rally cancelled)

(rescheduled for MAY 1, 2 days later)

rally was originally 2 days ahead of schedule


18:45 Timestamp Trump Truth thanking patriots after rally cancellation leads to:





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9bd4dd  No.16844860




Snafu on his fruit salad…

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39a042  No.16844870


noice autism

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dc663e  No.16844874


The Q I know……….smells like popcorn………….

That q, smells like shit!


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243edc  No.16844879



have friends looking for this info, got vaxxed very early, didn't know.

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769a5b  No.16844886


too old for that shite

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90c0c9  No.16844890


>Does red make your words more effective?


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3e86c4  No.16844893


KMAO, shilsl are so silly when they pretend to be one of us.


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9f4f38  No.16844898


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e217d4  No.16844901

Those who scream the loudest….

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49090b  No.16844902



Anons always on it

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c32d8d  No.16844909


Yes, yes and fuck yes!

Putin has absolutely nothing to do with Biden’s polices of destroying America’s ability to get oil out of the ground here!

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edd55f  No.16844916

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d4292e  No.16844926

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877915  No.16844927


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1cb7be  No.16844935


>tripcode seems comp'd

>I have just one conclusion

>q was not here

>trust but verify

Seems the most likely, but we still don't know for sure, anyone claiming we do is retarded or a shill

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9bd4dd  No.16844942


I'm so sick of jews putting themselves first

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bf4b20  No.16844953


Ok its damn time for the military or revolution. This is beyond what anyone could imagine happening

God, bring back the real POTUS NOW, please and Amen

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66f324  No.16844956


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1aa6a4  No.16844975


The Robert Crimo isn't real thing. Dig.

It set the shills off worse than a Durham indictment.

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09dd38  No.16844976



bet it pained them to report this

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863cec  No.16844981


Where is that like button.


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ef6744  No.16844982


>crafting narratives

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cd0408  No.16844987


Remember when MbS did this? Held them all in custody in the Riyadh Ritz-Carlton for however many months they held out turning over ALL their corrupt assets to the Crown. Hung Prince Alaweed upside down for questioning and compliance. Alaweed is the one Trump called Dopey. Good buddy of our most corrupt pols in the US.

SA has good and evil just like us. Crown Prince MbS is the good.

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183c70  No.16845000


Quad Quads. sheeeeeeit.

PAIN jackpot

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680b64  No.16845002


You've been reported to the ADL.


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304ae9  No.16845004

active pedovore alert

NPR is a comically evil nest of pedos.

One of their producers was arrested on a public street in Santa Monica, drunk, in daylight, having oral sex with her minor foster child in the back of her car.


This pedovore cultist "P.P" not only got away with a slap on the wrist, community-service-sentence, she retained custody of her minor foster children and she was subsequently whitewashed by and hired as a performer and produced by the fulminant pedovores running NPR.

The female cop who arrested her? She was forced off the department.

>The 41-year-old standup comic was sentenced to five-years probation for child abuse and infliction of injury upon a child. She was also ordered to serve six months in an alcohol and rehabilitation facility




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77b187  No.16845007



Anon loves the flash.

Also loves the vroom in the zoom.mp4 background "''noise""


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243e49  No.16845013


It's been a while

Thank you baker!

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ff4868  No.16845016


Mar 15 2018

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66f324  No.16845026


Well shit. That's my neighbor Don Velenti. He works for the local Apple Juice company and test the bricks of the apples for harvest. Unbelievable.

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99f65b  No.16845027

"we walk on liquid gold"

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4bc4b0  No.16845032


Israel sees over 10,000 new coronavirus cases for 2nd day in a row

Number of seriously ill patients continues to rise, reaching 180; COVID czar says he believes verified cases are only ‘tip of the iceberg’ due to low testing rates

By TOI staff Today, 11:45 am

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ad419c  No.16845038


The twitter link is someone taking a video of the video with their phone. I'm asking for the high def White House feed they were looking at.

The only one I've found won't let you rewind or download.

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6a29b1  No.16845047


Shedding is real, i think thats why they encouraged the vaxxed back into our homes and workplace, after they shunned us.

Or you got stressed and activated a dormant virus

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d5104d  No.16845053


Follow along here for live updates as the results pour in from across the country.

UPDATE 10:59 p.m. ET:

The AP finally calls it for Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) in Illinois:

BREAKING: Mary Miller wins Republican nomination for U.S. House in Illinois' 15th Congressional District. #APRaceCall at 9:48 p.m. CDT. https://t.co/2nlgpji7ac

— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) June 29, 2022

This is a very big win for Trump as this was no certain victory until he campaigned for her this weekend at a huge rally in Mendon, Illinois.

UPDATE 10:48 p.m. ET:

Former President Donald Trump has formally gone 12-0 tonight in his endorsements. Huge win night for Trump.

UPDATE 10:28 p.m. ET:

Heidi Ganahl has won the GOP nomination for governor in Colorado:

BREAKING: Heidi Ganahl wins Republican nomination for governor in Colorado primary election. #APRaceCall at 7:57 p.m. MDT. https://t.co/2nlgpji7ac

— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) June 29, 2022

UPDATE 10:27 p.m. ET:

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) has won his primary and will face Never Trumper Evan McMullin in November:

BREAKING: Mike Lee wins Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Utah primary election. #APRaceCall at 8:20 p.m. MDT. https://t.co/2nlgpji7ac

— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) June 29, 2022

McMullin is colluding openly with Democrats who deliberately did not nominate a candidate thinking he was their best shot at beating Lee.

UPDATE 10:22 p.m. ET:

The AP finally calls it for Mullin in Oklahoma, as he will advance to a runoff in August assuming he stays under 50 percent tonight:

BREAKING: Republican Markwayne Mullin advances to primary runoff election for U.S. Senate in Oklahoma. #APRaceCall at 9:18 p.m. CDT. https://t.co/2nlgpji7ac

— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) June 29, 2022

UPDATE 10:19 p.m. ET:

Some are already calling New York for Zeldin:

Decision Desk HQ projects Lee Zeldin (@leezeldin) is the winner of the Republican nomination for Governor in New York.

Race call: 10:03pm EDT

Follow more results here: https://t.co/29otf0p5Bn

— Decision Desk HQ (@DecisionDeskHQ) June 29, 2022

UPDATE 10:10 p.m. ET:

The polls have closed in Utah, and we’re awaiting results there.

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7c87ab  No.16845057

>good times…

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d13a57  No.16845059

Anons are there pics that exist of pope Francis wearing the Star Remphan or any other satanic symbols?


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5952cf  No.16845067


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b28981  No.16845068

Good on you. o7 Remain steadfast. Many people fall for the lies. Glad you do not.

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12797a  No.16845080


gaze into my eyes anon

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707614  No.16845089


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183c70  No.16845091

They want to take guns away from Veterans,

by using theRed Flaglaws and saying that they have PTSD and might shoot up their families.

That is their plan.

Thank you for your service.

Can't have a bunch of trained ex-military in their way running around with guns when they implement their Communist Regime.

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f4a7f3  No.16845092


My favorite day at the range was watching the same people that will be going door to door missing just about every shot and high fiving if they HIT ONCE @ 100.

Fucking affirmative action, i about fell out laughing almost offered some advice, fuck that.

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46ec38  No.16845097


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ad4ece  No.16845112




Oh Look

Perfect Proof

ZERO delta

on the same day as Potus Tweet /DeleteBANG

Kinda like today and yesterday

PB below


>Anon yesterday morning ZERO for 21

>Potus Last Truth last night 12 & ZERO


>I've used this theory to predict Tweets within 10 minutes four times .

06/21/22 (Tue) 09:36:15

>Also significant I think is the 21

>Jun 21


>10,000- 20,000




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40f458  No.16845114

Just say when?

Anyone had enough of researching the crap out of ever little thing the world does?

The work here, as has always been the case, is noble and needed, but when is enough, enough?

I'm not saying to stop what we do, but what else can we do?

The big questions have to be in your mind, it's in mine.

We've waited, and waited and waited…and waited.

We're still waiting and doing yeoman's work, valiant efforts for sure, anons.

When is enough, enough?

When do we take back our country?

When do we REALLY take back our country?

When does Trump come back?


When exactly do we set a date, and say, "Here the line we draw?"

When? Next week? Next month? Next year? 2024?

You know, I know, we all know, everything is bullshit, Durham, all of it.

Durham knew, and after four years goes to court for the first time, and still we all went on with his charade, and then, Durham lost.

That is ONE example.

But a bigy yuge example.

And then comes the onslaught of anon pundits saying Durham's loss, "It's part of the plan."


Well the plan sucks and then we anons put out heads down, we get back to work, and plow through the bullshit we keep getting thrown at us.

I'm not saying there's NOT a plan, I'm saying the plan is not working and when is enough, enough?

And if it's enough, then what do we do next and where to from here?

Slow down, and really think of that last question.

As we diligently stay active on this board, and on social media going through everything with a fine tooth comb, and although our work is indeed powerful and effective, it's obviously not enough to overcome our adversaries.

We've had big wins, the world knows well of anons and autists, no debating how powerful we've all been.

But what's next?

There is a "next?"

The battle field between good over evil constantly changes daily, but have we adapted?

What can we do now that we haven't done yet, that we need to be doing, could be doing, should be doing?

When's the last time we've been making world wide news?

When will we make a different move that makes some bad-arse powerful wins against the enemy?

Our forces are swift and powerful, that's for sure.

And when we get on a cause, we can overwhelm the enemy.

But I think we can do more.

As Mr. Pelosi gets his charged dropped, the elites scamper through our lives freely without a care in the world, while destroying everything around us.

All the hard evidence the world sees about Hunter Biden, the debauchery of the Biden family, the bribes, Resident Biden and a stolen election…

And we here sit digging deep on pic of Hillary that we assume is being escorted by a US Marshall, because some anon zoomed into to see a US Marshall pin on the agents lapel?

Certainly good info, but…

And then what?

More digging that comes to naught?

Are we digging and researching, and for what?

What is THE move going to be (the one that actually starts the REAL destruction of the evil enemy)?

I know this, it might be time for a new strategy.

But we postulate Durham IS THE one to break it open, and then?

We make excuses for why he didn't come through.

Should we now wait another two, three years?

What now, where do we do from here?

Just rambling.

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bcfed5  No.16845119


this is a great plan…get them young ones out on a farm with some critters ; raise some chickens…let them learn life and death with some hatchlings ; cry about it : life is amazing ; work your way up to equine relationships

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aaf278  No.16845122


yay! anon gets it. the simplest purest definition of communism is: from each according to their ability, to each according to their need. sounds like something Jesus would be in favor of. there is NOTHING in there prohibiting private ownership. there is NOTHING in there about an authoritarian gov't that owns everything.

not so long ago, kings ruled countries, and THEY owned everything. the peons who lived on the land and did the actual work were considered PART of the land, and were likewise the property of the king/nobles. that was CALLED a monarchy. gee, that sounds a lot like the "great reset" to me.

you can call a turd a rose, but it still STINKS. i like to use the ACTUAL definitions of words when i communicate. i BELIEVE that if everyone did so, it would avoid a great many needless arguments. i guess i'm kinda funny that way…

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4bc4b0  No.16845123


Some community organizer, no doubt.

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ad0374  No.16845133


>He's the ghost of ghosts in the machine.


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7c87ab  No.16845134


right off the top

Roe V Wade doesnt represent a multi-generational CHANGE?

Roe V Wade ISNT related to the Q mission? (saving our Nation, and its children above all)

I could write a list longer than the line-limit for posts on this board

but that ONE right there isSO HUGEit completely refutes "muhQ dindu nuffin"

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4f1d31  No.16845135

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f994ad  No.16845138

Baggers vs bagees (… who just watch in awe).

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0ac547  No.16845148


Very strategic location, serious power supply.

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edd55f  No.16845159

Ana Navarro Uses Disabled Brother and Step Granddaughter Who Has Down Syndrome as Examples of Why Women Need Abortions (VIDEO)


>Down Syndrome

Just the first two examples she had close on-hand.

This bitch won't stop.

<sexual orientation

<other "disabled"

<political ideology


What else fits with her examples?

<cray cray bitches

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5794f2  No.16845162


Premeditation eliminates mistake from the description. It's not a mistake if it was planned in advance.




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d5104d  No.16845165


Q's trip is no longer !!Hs1Jq13jV6 since the salt was rotated though. Everyone knows that.

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247655  No.16845167


==notable addition=

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46ec38  No.16845169


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cadac3  No.16845181

Ready to serve as always Q! WWG1WGA

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6a29b1  No.16845184

So the way this works is

$5 A gallon today [Avg] so Monday It will be $10

then $20 Dollars become pennies Literally

You can say the Music stops

We sorta know whats going to happen,

I would stay home

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f345f1  No.16845191


what starts today?

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c02132  No.16845192


So true. Every word.

Cheers, anon.

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26967f  No.16845193

>@11:20 we've learned so much from wikileaks

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1aa6a4  No.16845195


Working fine here

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1cb7be  No.16845219

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d9db4d  No.16845226


>National Flag Week vs National Fag Month

They get to spend an entire month focusing on grooming the kids.

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8dab13  No.16845230


see how it works?.. no one even mentions that they are an interracial couplw.

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ad0374  No.16845234




Good point anon. Better off donating plasma.

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1dd90a  No.16845238


Where is the Precipice?

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66f324  No.16845245


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77b187  No.16845250

Second post to establish I'm not IP hopping, because you just know some retard gonna try it.

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1cb7be  No.16845259


Skip on down the list Potato to where it says sit your ass down. You will be crushed in November. Mashed Potato.

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af7919  No.16845260


Good! Now we can ignore Obamacare, Roe, companies being able to mandate vaccines for healthcare workers, and much much more!

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4bc4b0  No.16845264



Mark Edward Kelly (born February 21, 1964) is an American politician, businessman, retired astronaut for NASA and retired U.S. Navy captain who has served as the junior United States senator from Arizona since 2020.[3] A member of the Democratic Party, he was elected in the special election triggered by the death of Senator John McCain, defeating incumbent Republican Martha McSally.


In December 1987, Kelly became a naval aviator and received initial training on the A-6E Intruder attack aircraft. He was then assigned to Attack Squadron 115 (VA-115) in Atsugi, Japan, and made two deployments to the Persian Gulf on the aircraft carrier USS Midway, flying 39 combat missions in Operation Desert Storm. After receiving his master's degree, Kelly attended the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School from 1993 to 1994. He has logged more than 5,000 hours in more than 50 different aircraft and has over 375 carrier landings.[17]


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aaf278  No.16845273


Is there a Patent on the "Morning Ater Pill"? If so, what parma company owns it?

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243e49  No.16845275


Whats amazing is they actually think they matter, they are just pawns in the game of the NWO and will be eliminated when not needed any longer

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d5104d  No.16845281


Rule #1 - Never stick your dick in crazy

Rule #2 - See #1

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4538fe  No.16845284

Terrified. Did he talk to her or did she talk to him.

Nancy Pelosi Receives Holy Communion at Papal Mass in Vatican

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9349f5  No.16845293


wow. captcha fucked. posts posting that anon tried deleting. not posting embedded video. 8kun gots bugs 2day.

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bb2bf3  No.16845294

There's an Army coin for vets. It would be a dishonourable stunt, but the tvl is low, so who knows. Best to diversify.

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c95d8d  No.16845295


>They are still thinkingQdoesn't exit

Q is real good at the exit

its the entrance he needs to work on

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7c87ab  No.16845297


When will people ever realize, God is Living and among us. If you would just start taking signs.

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ef6744  No.16845298

Been fartin' so hard in my shorts that even after putting them through a cycle they still smell like glorious farts. FUCK yeah.

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1cb5cf  No.16845308


>Well my wife and I have a room of aborted babies. Every time our child misbehaves we bring that child into the room to remind it this is going to happen to you if you keep behaving this way.

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4f1d31  No.16845309

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d73c47  No.16845311


>Happy Independence Day 2.0 Anons!!!

Exactly. Second Revolution is here and now. Giddy Up!

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183c70  No.16845318

Masked Road Agents are in the Court Rooms.

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f3f829  No.16845321


>unfortunately, no soup for you.

You just here to confuse

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030f1d  No.16845333

we do any YMCA diggs?

there sign says here to stay seems mocking

I know they are bad but how bad?

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91d708  No.16845348

potus does the best kayfabe

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7d8dca  No.16845353


yes, all over again!

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9f4f38  No.16845354

Nothing matters and anything goes

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877915  No.16845355



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243e49  No.16845357

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f0e374  No.16845360



best movie ever

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bb2bf3  No.16845361



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bf7b88  No.16845364

Foreign fighters in Ukraine plead guilty

Two Britons and a Moroccan are on trial as mercenaries in a Donetsk court

Three foreigners who fought for the Ukrainian government pleaded guilty to some of the charges against them in a Donetsk court on Wednesday. British nationals Shaun Pinner and Aiden Aslin and Moroccan citizen Ibrahim Saadoun face a series of charges – some of which carry the possibility of the death penalty – after being captured by Donetsk People’s Republic forces in and around Mariupol.

Aslin, Pinner, and Saadoun pled guilty under Article 232 of the Donetsk Criminal Code, for “undergoing training for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activities.” Pinner also admitted to the Article 323 charge, “act of seizing power by force.”

All three said they were not guilty of being mercenaries in an armed conflict (Article 430) or participating in a conspiracy (Article 34). Proceedings against them at the Supreme Court of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) began on Monday.

The DPR accuses Ukraine of military aggression against the breakaway state, which declared independence in 2014 following the US-backed coup in Kiev. Both Britons said they had fought on the Ukrainian side since 2018.

Under the laws of the Donetsk People’s Republic, forcible seizure of power carries a penalty of 12-20 years behind bars, but could be escalated to capital punishment due to wartime aggravating circumstances. Being a mercenary is punishable by a prison sentence of three to seven years.

Pinner and Aslin were captured in Mariupol in April, as Russian and DPR troops cut off a brigade of Ukrainian marines to which they were attached. The neo-Nazi ‘Azov’ militants held out at an industrial complex of the Black Sea port city for another month before surrendering on May 20.

London has demanded that Aslin and Pinner be treated as prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions. However, the DPR has pointed out that the conventions only apply to uniformed soldiers of a national military, not foreign mercenaries.


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6a29b1  No.16845366


>Christian schools will now start getting public money

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fb1920  No.16845367


Patience, Motherfucker!

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ff4868  No.16845369



Jessica Mann said in court: "The first time I saw him fully naked, I felt, I thought he was deformed and intersex.

"He has extreme scarring that I didn't know if maybe he was a burn victim. He does not have testicles, and it appears like he has a vagina."

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e71797  No.16845371

BREAKING: Amtrak passenger train derails near Mendon, Missouri


Watch those trains!

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d5104d  No.16845375


Happy Birthday President Trump !!!!

I said Happy Birthday early this morning ,

"I have to go back " I know now Q and Q+ …

I sure wish (You) would have told me this

a Q uad ago , ❤🇺🇲🇺🇲❤🙏

I am feeling better now ,

Thank(You) Everyone Involved !!!!

Love Always ❤


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77b187  No.16845385


Texas Tribune


Before the school shooting, Uvalde was known for a 1970 Hispanic student walkout.

Its aging participants fear its spirit and memory are fading.

Residents told us the history of the walkout isn’t taught in local schools.

Before the shooting, Uvalde was known for a Hispanic student walkout

When a popular Hispanic teacher didn’t get his contract renewed at Robb Elementary School in 1970, hundreds of students decided to boycott school for weeks.

12:01 PM · Jun 22, 2022·Twitter Media Studio

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073678  No.16845386

The lies and fabricated stories being told to the partisan Highly Unselect Committee, not only by the phony social climber who got caught yesterday, but by many others, are a disgrace to our, in serious decline, Nation. No cross examination, no real Republicans, no lawyers, NO NOTHING. Fake stories and an all Fake Narrative being produced, withZEROpushback allowed. Unselects should be forced to disband. WITCH HUNT!


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c02132  No.16845394


Then you haven't done your due diligence are are part of the PROBLEM that affects America today! Cowardice and Ignorance is an affliction, kinda like COVID….do something anon or STFU!

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e5985a  No.16845396

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4663e9  No.16845397



Fuck off with those negative waves! Durham needs the time to subpoena the complete Fusion GPS, Clinton & team, and media communications. The criminals can not claim attorney privilege now. The Sussman trial opened the floodgates.

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030f1d  No.16845398


optics active. seen it all anon, thus the reason for the lb call out and this ebake.

but im in the driver seat meow, lets see how it goes today

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aaf278  No.16845399

Y9u Have Cordially Been Invited to the Asshole Party

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821396  No.16845401


Damn good point. Let's just hope he didn't delete actual Q posts. I do have to add, though, this Q has a different style of rhetoric. The hivemind post and crumbs post are DEFINITELY not the real Q. They contradict Qs previous rules for comms and the team's style. Besides, we know Q now has a valid tripcode that comes over on the app when the team posts.

Always remember this; "no tripcode, not the real Q."

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85f527  No.16845410


For Everyone

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8dab13  No.16845417


Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [11.06.22 12:28]

[Forwarded from TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (TruthHammer888)]


“Treason! The U.S. is run by domestic terrorists and traitors”


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ad0374  No.16845419

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e234b6  No.16845433


They have rode the woke pony to the top of the hill, now they going down the other side. Their own demands will take away what they demanded. Brilliant.

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1dd90a  No.16845436


AOC just voted against protecting Supreme Court Justices.

She is endorsing the militant mob threatening and harming justices for not capitulating to her radical left ideology.

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863cec  No.16845440


watch it….all monkey lifeforms (plant, animal and microscopic) take great umbrage at being compared to Big Ugly Mike

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f345f1  No.16845441


I'm fascinated by Van Gogh, admittedly because I can relate.

He wasn't an artistic genius, and he wasn't mad like they say, and he didn't cut off his ear. He did focus on things that nobody else cared to during his time.

Plus, he was color blind.

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10c712  No.16845443


I think AMC’s CEO Adam Aron may have been hinting about this. Listen to the last Shareholder Meetings, specifically any time he’d speak. Always thought it odd he’d repeat something three times in a row, emphasizing. This last time, he said “Doctor Strange” four times. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

Whole reason I had bought AMC was because of Q posts. I think AA is Q Proofing. I cannot read the Q Clock.

Clock and AMC Autists: See if you can tie those shareholder meetings, QE1, QE2, QE3, QE4 reports, and notable events to the Q Clock.

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26967f  No.16845444


i definitely noticed them

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99e884  No.16845450

Couldn't even give us a 17 timestamp with all those Q's and +'s. Missed opportunity.

President Biden


United States government official

During Pride Month, we honor the resilience of LGBTQI+ people who are fighting to live authentically and freely. We reaffirm that LGBTQI+ rights are human rights. And we recommit to delivering protections, safety, and equality so everyone can realize the full promise of America.

9:36 AM · Jun 1, 2022·The White House


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f3f829  No.16845470


The Hebrew God of the Bible is evil.

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e71797  No.16845474


>US Capitol Police arrest Stephen Colbert staffers at House office building, charged with illegal entry

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d5104d  No.16845475


This is as expected, showing the normtards how the fix is in, one fix at a time - in your face.

Almost as if it was a movie.

Before finding out recently that there are people so incredibly stupid that it takes years to waken them, I assumed everyone was like minded and can see thru the bullshit like myself for decades. But my wife was correct- "Americans are dumb for the most part - like a bag of rocks"

Proof being the fact that we have to endure this "in your face" sort of highlighting the cabal, whereas simple common sense would dictate waking up…

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4663e9  No.16845485


czech-n a seventeen in post count, and a skein of dubs

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09dd38  No.16845486

fresh 411 ebake


fresh 411 ebake


fresh 411 ebake


fresh 411 ebake


fresh 411 ebake


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ad0374  No.16845489

What ever happened to Jack Maxey?

His last post on Gettr was in April, 2022.


Hunter's Hard Drive - Let's Talk About Reality

Ever since Jack Maxey revealed that he and his technical team had succeeded in recovering large numbers of deleted files from Hunter Biden’s laptop a chorus of voices have piped up to suggest the claim is bogus. The intent of this criticism is obvious. The individuals behind the claims are very worried about what will be revealed and they want to get a running start on discrediting what could be very damaging information. We assume the words “Russian disinformation” might reappear at any moment.

Still, we thought it might be worthwhile talking to an actual technical expert on the subject and getting his take. Here are the comments of Harry Haury – who has actually seen the hard drive in question. We have quoted them verbatim… cont. in article.


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ef6744  No.16845499

It's been so long since there's been a good ol' fashioned chimp out.

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4f7371  No.16845505


The few times I heard him speaking about COVID I sensed great compassion in his voice, and I got strength from how much of a lion he was in his heart, unwavering in his fight for the truth and trying his best to help and protect people. It's so hard to know for sure who people really are these days, if they really are who they appear to be. Nonetheless, whoever Doctor Zelenko might have been, I want share all my respect for the compassionate man he showed himself to be, and also express the sadness in my heart over the passing of a brave warrior.

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4bc4b0  No.16845508

"George Washington University has rejected calls from some of its students to fire Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas from his teaching position or to cancel any of his classes in the wake of the court’s recent abortion ruling. Students created an online petition over the weekend in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, citing the justice’s concurring opinion that said the court should reexamine its past rulings on contraception and same-sex marriage. However, the school responded to the petition and noted it would not fire Thomas because his comments do not violate the university’s academic freedom guidelines. The petition also cited Thomas’s wife, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, as a reason to be terminated for her “part in the attempted coup in January of 2021,” likely referring to her correspondence supporting efforts to challenge the results of the 2020 election. More than 6,200 people have signed the petition since it was posted on Sunday, and organizers have urged students to send emails to the dean of the university to demand that Thomas be fired."


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680b64  No.16845515


Imagine a namefag attacking an anon,

Imagine if the only people who support you are the shills, that would be embarrassing.

A true patriot accepts his mistakes and apologizes.

Be best.

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26967f  No.16845529



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a79d8b  No.16845532


Sumting concerns me with that picture.

Three windows behind the curtains and classical decoration.

So why is there a modern window frame on the right wall.

Is this a studio movie set?

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2dac4b  No.16845533


So tell me, who are the real Jews then? Certainly they would be OK with banning the Talmud and destroying the Rothschild founded country of Israel, given that those are not things real Jews would ever try to protect and run cover for, right?

Even if you want to ignore all historical verifiable facts, it's obvious and verifiable that Israel and Jewish collective power is the main enemy of the Western people.

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09dd38  No.16845539

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765d3c  No.16845541

Countdown to Potato screaming and then whispering in 3….2…..1….

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243e49  No.16845556

Turkey Rejects NATO Offer Of Trilateral Talks As Finland, Sweden Say Applications Could 'Freeze'

Turkey has rejected a NATO offer to hold trilateral talks with Sweden and Finland toward resolving Turkish objections to the Scandinavian countries' membership bids, FT is reporting Wednesday.

Addressing these latest efforts by Brussels to assuage Turkish roadblocks, which center on the Nordic countries' alleged support for anti-Turkish Kurdish groups (particularly their failure to condemn the PKK), Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan again charged that "terrorist organizations" are able to "act freely" especially in Sweden. Erdogan in the speech went so far as to say he won't let the "blood of martyrs be spilled" - and thus will continue to object to the countries' accession into NATO.

"While the fallen of our country are tearing our hearts out on a daily basis, no one can expect concessions from us on this issue. Let me underline that Turkey has no time to lose with expectations or ambivalent remarks regarding the issue," he asserted.


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4538fe  No.16845557


>Prayer coming back in schools


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4bc4b0  No.16845558

Mr. Biden: Without unions, there would be no middle-class!


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fb1920  No.16845559

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af07a7  No.16845561


The clowns were tasked with eliminating OBL because he was their property, the 🤡 institute created him, therefore they were responsible for eliminating him!

They knew everything about him. You guys do realize he’s not dead right? The official story given to the regular folks is full of lies. OBL is on that “island” where people go who are removed from society but are too important to outright kill. Like all those folks from 911 planes, bldgs, etc

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f345f1  No.16845564



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ab7ae2  No.16845566

was there ever a final determination on this dude with barry?

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32e237  No.16845570


Really that would he the best thing ever, Trump wont get blamed and the real press gets protected by an insane man

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40f458  No.16845571

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af7919  No.16845580


Novavax stock tumbles after FDA brief

on its COVID vaccine

WTOP-TV [Washington, DC], by Jeff Clabaugh

Posted By: Ribicon, 6/4/2022 11:53:35 AM

Novavax stock lost a quarter of its value Friday after a Food and Drug Administration brief ahead of its COVID-19 vaccine’s review next week raised concerns. “Data from passive surveillance during post-authorization use in other countries indicate a higher-than-expected rate of myocarditis and pericarditis associated with the vaccine,” the briefing document noted. “However, interpretation of these passive surveillance data is not straightforward, and further evaluation is need to inform the risk associated with the vaccine, and their outcomes, as additional data emerge over time.” The document was supportive of the Novavax vaccine’s effectiveness, and it is still expected to be approved.

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1cb5cf  No.16845582


We are getting close!

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d9db4d  No.16845592



muh likey so now… MINE!

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ef6744  No.16845603

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e71797  No.16845604

LIVE: Navarro Outside Courthouse

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5f31b0  No.16845612

ghislaine got 20 years for trafficking kids ot epstein but what about the lolita express n it?

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825202  No.16845616


He said the word, "Communist" on Fox?!

Can anons confirm this? (Not going back to LB to watch).

Reckon that's why it's a notable?????

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79e5df  No.16845620


>I didn’t curse.

You didn't say words that you do not like…

Go fuck yourself.

Is it okay that I said that, it wasn't part of a meme?

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09dd38  No.16845627



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877915  No.16845635


feels sad man.

Now all we have are an ocean of kardashian clones with acrylic nails and fake eyelashes.

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7d8dca  No.16845639


Greatest Justice in this oldanon's lifetime.

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d4292e  No.16845645

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bf7b88  No.16845647



no digits, why the checked?

are you a moran?

>rhetorical question

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4f7371  No.16845649


Well, damn good library, they weren't in any we had access to.

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f35410  No.16845650

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/06/2022 17:53:47

Truth Social: 108432747894075068

Twitter is loaded up with Bots and Fake Accounts. Why would anybody want to buy it, especially for $44 Billion? What bank would be dumb enough to finance it? Elon better get back to watching his Electric Car business - lots of competition. Don’t give the Radical Lefties, who have done so much damage to our Country, a windfall profit. Let Twitter rot in Hell!


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5952cf  No.16845659


film makers and selective editing do not a witness make

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c95d8d  No.16845668


no. isn't there something competing from the Trump side?

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18ab7b  No.16845669



Let's keep it rollin'

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cd0408  No.16845671

WTF. Has to be HAARP. "Heat Burst" north of 100 degrees after the sun went down killed thousands of cows in Kansas. Spoopy as shit. Right on the tail of all the food processing plant happenings.

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802f42  No.16845686

Didn’t see this in notables, apologies if so.

Man accused of killing Wisconsin judge dies in hospital

“ MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A man accused of fatally shooting a retired Wisconsin judge and who had a list that included prominent national political figures died in a hospital, a state official said Tuesday.

Douglas Uhde, 56, shot former Juneau County Circuit Judge John Roemer — a 1983 graduate of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul — in Roemer’s home in New Lisbon on Friday before shooting himself, authorities said. He was taken to a hospital where he had been on life support.

Wisconsin Department of Justice spokeswoman Gillian Drummond confirmed Uhde’s death. The agency said that Uhde was declared brain-dead on Saturday morning and his body remained on life support until Tuesday morning to allow for organ donation.”


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fb1920  No.16845697

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f996e1  No.16845703


we should nail those indulgences to a wall

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680b64  No.16845705

KEK Woodward just said: Nixon was afraid he would lose. That's a lie. It's impossible. Nixon won in the biggest landslide in American history.

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77b187  No.16845708


2/4 ain't bad.

50% is a great score…

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4663e9  No.16845712


griftin aint easy. give paytrixxx my regards

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12797a  No.16845713

Look at the projection here, these pedos will lie lie lie, and point the other way, fucking scumbags

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437423  No.16845714


Corinthia Hotel flies both UK and Malta flags. Knights of Malta in your face?

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66f324  No.16845717



the shill swarm caused the vibe.

it was very kewl before the appearance of 'q' 'upset the apple cart'

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243e49  No.16845721

supreme court strikes again

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4bc4b0  No.16845731


I've written to Dr Morgus in New OrLeans at the Aquarium of the Americas and he says he can surgically attach the climate change clown noses on for free to everyone interested in a green new deal, you can get a red new nose, or a great reset a great BIG red nose, or climate change which is how the wind will go AROUND your nose..

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a79d8b  No.16845732


Insidious plot!

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32e237  No.16845736

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2bbb9e  No.16845742


Anyone can

No does

It's anonymous

Q does cuz he's Q

Shills try and fail.

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c1e909  No.16845750


Lord please bring down your judgment upon ALL human traffickers

In Jesus name amen

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edd55f  No.16845752


You no defense and you know it.

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769a5b  No.16845753


moustache rider cinema

auf dem glocke

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1cb5cf  No.16845755

global report cp attacks

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b643e5  No.16845759



Sorry SHILL but Anon cannot see your bullshit anymoar


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bf4b20  No.16845772

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c32d8d  No.16845781


Friday Boobs4Bakers

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1549db  No.16845784

"In those days, the danger of attack was so great and constant that we carried carnal weapons in church and thought nothing of it. "

Rev Zachariah Morrell

Organizer of Baptist Churches

in MISSU and TX and Texas


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af7919  No.16845789




who brought the silver chalice?

cue: Rhianna

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243edc  No.16845790


Kash is right, this is just getting started and the amount of evidence was perfectly clear, the Prosecution spent a lot of time painting the complete picture of a vast Joint Venture Conspiracy. They didn't do that for Sussmann, they did this for the truthful narrative getting out. I bet journalists are quaking in their boots, because even if they were not in the emails in Sussmann trial, Fusion communicated with 100s of outlets and journalists, as a matter of fact it was stated their were 500 pages or more of communication with the press. Probably got it all from Fusion. So I suspect the plan is to go wider and higher on all involved, until we get to Ukraine and Italy (and others). This is not done by a long shot. Sussmann was just the vehicle to get all the info out. What's that saying, "Appear Weak When You Are Strong". That's what the media thinks Durham is weak now, NO they are only getting started.

I actually feel more optimistic after the acquittal, because that nobody Sussmann will not be in the way now. He was the movie screen that the overarching case is being built and shown on.

Although Sussman did spend a lot of money defending himself, like $300,000. I wonder if HRC reimburses him for the fees?

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cadac3  No.16845794


Did all y'all get your Soros bucks today?

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1549db  No.16845799


the amount of information is overwhelming

been praying for Guidance.

and Patience. lots of that….



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f345f1  No.16845801

Have anons seen this? It’s worth the watch and share.

The interview with the computer tech who fixed Hunters laptop

This guy is very well spoken.

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7ca90a  No.16845802

What's the upload file size limit!!!

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6a29b1  No.16845806


>Keeping powder dry until, our Emperor who puts us first, says go; or a time when we have no choice. (gun grab, attempted arrest for 1a etc.) Till then spreading truth will have to do.


The emperor will not come from a aristocratic house; he will be one of the ordinary folk.

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99e884  No.16845812


already dead…


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ec3bab  No.16845817



Consider Q isn't a one delta Mac max pony then consider my one horse town.

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ad0374  No.16845819

These people are driving themselves insane with conspiracy theories


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1cb7be  No.16845820

Calm down. Last time I shop at price attack.

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1aa6a4  No.16845827

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304ae9  No.16845830


how do you introduce evidence?

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d5104d  No.16845832

Fun at funerals


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5952cf  No.16845843



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243e49  No.16845844


Let's go baker!

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12797a  No.16845848


another grifting faggot trying to save his own ass

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fb1920  No.16845855



Why no flashing Trip?

Are anons so thirsty they're taking the bait?

Or am I missing something.

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863cec  No.16845861


Yeah it's not a holding pattern either. The plane is heading back to JBA.

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c95d8d  No.16845864


demon spawn

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20e8ce  No.16845873

Knowledge Is Yours

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32e237  No.16845875


He is………….

When some journalist said something bad about him, that person was hit by a bullet, money, and so on.

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7c87ab  No.16845876


Chief of Excuses: DHS secretary blames climate change for border crisis, Roe decision for violence

Mayorkas said he is "very mindful that the Supreme Court's decision in reversing and overturning Roe v. Wade has really heightened the threat environment"

As illegal migrant numbers are hitting record highs at the Southern Border and violence is rising across the United States, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sunday blamed the problems on climate change and the Supreme Court's decision to overrule Roe v. Wade.

Even though Customs and Border Protection agents encountered nearly a quarter of a million migrants at the Southern Border in May, the highest number of monthly encounters ever, Mayorkas told ABC's "This Week": "I think that we are doing a good job. We need to do better."

He said the Biden administration is focused on working with Latin American countries to handle illegal immigration.

"This is a – this is a phenomena that not only the United States is experiencing. Colombia now has more than 2 million Venezuelans within its borders. Costa Rica has indicated that 2 percent of its population is Nicaraguan, and that might rise to 5 percent," he said.

The increase in illegal immigration is due to COVID-19 and climate change, among other things, the White House official said.

"The migration that is occurring throughout the hemisphere is reflective of the economic downturn, increase in violence throughout the region, the the result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the results of climate change. We're really in a in a regional challenge, and we are addressing it with our regional partners," he claimed.

Mayorkas, whose agency oversees counterterrorism efforts, also blamed the increased violence across the nation on the Supreme Court ruling that abortion is not a constitutional right.

The secretary told CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday that his agency is "very pleased with the Supreme Court's decision" to end the Trump-era remain in Mexico policy.

However, Mayorkas also said DHS has "seen a heightened threat environment over the last several months over a number of different volatile issues that galvanize people on different sides of each issue."

His department is "very mindful that the Supreme Court's decision in reversing and overturning Roe v. Wade has really heightened the threat environment," Mayorkas stressed.


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312b2e  No.16845877



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6fa0c7  No.16845885


You too!

Stop it!

Leave this board, shill. You have no power here!

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18ab7b  No.16845886


Gedulde dich noch ein wenig kleine Rattenfresse.

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0ac547  No.16845891


Break on through to the other side

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1cb5cf  No.16845893

Davos Agenda 2022

5 reasons why eating insects could reduce climate change

Our consumption of animal protein is the source of greenhouses gas and climate change.

Insects are an overlooked source of protein and a way to battle climate change.

The consumption of insects can offset climate change in many ways.


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4bc4b0  No.16845896


Bannon and Flynn are fans of that satanist.

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8b2454  No.16845898


10/28/1993 “The bombing goes forward”

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243edc  No.16845904




Patriot Front step in my command.

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46ec38  No.16845906


you only add to the hanging man for wrong guesses, not at each turn

learn to play the game

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bf4b20  No.16845909


>"You control the past"

Interesting – I took it as they don't merely "know" the future, but they (Q & team) "control" the future. Not that they are micromanaging, but that they are optimizing for greatest good.


>so, is CERN associated with project looking glass?

Not that I'm aware of on any public basis. I would think that that since CERN is so obviously tied to the demonic (I am not referring to the scientists, but all the other sh*t that I don't have sauce for, so don't ask…crumbs i've picked up here) that those in control have certainly pursued Looking Glass / Yellow Book tech …successfully or not, I have no idea.

I would also take things as Q has infiltrated and is apprised of any "dark pursuits" at CERN….just my opinion here….how many times did Q say, full control or "patriots in control" and "world wide".

Maybe I'm overaggrandizing Q (& team), but I think there is a concerted effort that is so far beyond the "common sense" scope of what we might all imagine….and for that I provide another drop:

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f345f1  No.16845917

Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 4th Of July, 2022

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79e5df  No.16845931

Doc M. gets it. When will everyone else.



The answer is, “evil.” —@P_McCulloughMD


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46ec38  No.16845936


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13713e  No.16845943

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f345f1  No.16845945


Stingray is real, and it is a real violation of your natural God-given rights. The red text makes you less, try to control that. It's like all caps.

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79e5df  No.16845949

Humans spontaneously combusting due to climate change, answer an age old mystery.

What habbened to the dinosaurs.

Obviously dinosaurs were using too many plastic bags and not washing out their little plastic yogurt pots.

This raised the temperature of the planet causing them all to explode.

If only they had done moar recycling, or at least offset their carbon footprint with some faceless regulatory body, they would all still be here

Stupid dinosaurs.

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fbaa14  No.16845966


>filtering will be automatic

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ab7ae2  No.16845968


more than a Potato interview

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2bbb9e  No.16845970


You have the sweetest giggle I've ever heard.

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16cb3e  No.16845982

It's Happening

The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED






We the People


















These people HATE America

Everything woke turns to shit.












Done in 30

45's [76th] BIRTHDAY




The Military is the only way.




"NG Activated"












Marker [9]


on Pelosi's watch



United on 11.11

[they] expect you to follow the stars

Wizard of Oz

Emerald City

Yellow Brick Road

Godfather III

Sum of All Fears














At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.


Question everything





Everything has meaning

Black Monday












Jack Posobiec



















































We have it all








full moon comin'



















I miss Trump

When do we get Trump back


No fear




Green Castle

Red Castle



When does a bird sing? when it tweets

Enjoy the SHOW





ACTIVATE CODE: [0 0000 018739 7-ZjG]







General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'


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b28981  No.16845985



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4bc4b0  No.16845990

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bf4b20  No.16845992

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c1e909  No.16845999

On the Jan 6th special tonight, I really do hope the have the Benny Hill music set up…

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8142e7  No.16846002


Me tryin' to make fun of everyone, and you fucking made me cry…………………….

you frogs, demented, you are special!

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8dab13  No.16846005


link the 8kun here faggot


Q dont talk like the shill that posted that

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1549db  No.16846009

2 more families added to $100M lawsuit against estate of Texas shooter Salvador Ramos


Two more grieving families — including kin of the slain teacher whose grief-stricken husband died of a heart attack, and the father of a 10-year-old boy who was also killed in the Uvalde massacre – have joined the $100 million lawsuit against the estate of shooter Salvador Ramos.

The family of Robb Elementary School teacher Irma Garcia and heartbroken husband Joe Garcia — as well as the father of 10-year-old Jose Flores Jr. — signed Thursday onto the suit filed by injury attorney Thomas Henry, The Daily Mail reported.

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fc8871  No.16846018





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0ac547  No.16846027


anon likes what your Putin down

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10c712  No.16846035


that wiggle dance move is gold

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66f324  No.16846038


and masonry obviously is not 1%. most obviously it´s many.

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77b187  No.16846042

Any anons here or just shills saying recent Q posts aren’t from Q?

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8b2454  No.16846050

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8b94d2  No.16846051

Q posted “Established” to preemptively answer all the moranic questions flooding in.

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4be225  No.16846054


>Creepy Joe should take up


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5f31b0  No.16846067

PB notable >>16845195

Russia 'Defaults On Foreign Debt' For First Time Since Bolshevik Revolution Amid Western Sanctions

This default was forced as the issue is not of being unable to pay but payment being refused due to political sanctions. This is part of the Great Reset as bondholders who were using these bonds as collateral will have to come up with additional collateral or face failing a margin call. The global stock markets have already been teetering on the edge of a major correction, this may be the final push.

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f0e374  No.16846068


its a humor that can hardly be found anywhere else on earth

its deep

its dark

you dont want any of this shit, Dewey

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d4292e  No.16846086




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c95d8d  No.16846087

The Best Is Yet To Come

For reals this time. I mean, sure, it's gonna get worse before it gets better, maybe a lot worse, but the probability is that the best is yet to come, eventually, perhaps even soon. Okay? Kek.

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c61180  No.16846088

"be there, will be wild"

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877915  No.16846100

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09ed5e  No.16846103


>the continued fall of the west

it continues apace

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8dab13  No.16846105


ThanQ Baker!

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4d5bd9  No.16846111


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e7eac3  No.16846113


yuve yuve yu


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bcfed5  No.16846114

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77b187  No.16846128

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/27/2022 17:15:49

Truth Social: 108551507112010279


Chuck Todd Says Roe Being Overturned Proves 2016 Election Was ‘Most Consequential Election In More Than 100 Years’

NBC News anchor Chuck Todd said on Friday that the Supreme Court overturning the landmark abortion decisions Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey proved that the 2016 election was the “most consequential election in more than 100 years.”

Todd lamented about “the trust in the court and the erosion of that and making it be viewed as an extraordinarily partisan institution.”

“We already have that in the House and the Senate and I think now particularly what happened this week, particularly how Donald Trump appointed the Supreme Court, how he went about it, particularly in the whole Scalia thing with McConnell and all that,” he continued, referring to then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) not filling the Supreme Court vacancy in 2016 when Justice Antonin Scalia died. Trump, having won that year’s election, picked Neil Gorsuch to succeed Scalia. Gorsuch was in the majority in Friday’s ruling.

Todd echoed the sentiments of those who are against Friday’s decision.

“There really is a lot of people who believe this is a rigged court. This court’s makeup isn’t ‘fair and square.’ It really isn’t representative of where the country is and even was. And I think that is only going to add to cynicism. It’s only going to add to that.”

Todd remarked that the ruling is in part due to Trump’s election as president.

“I don’t think we can fully ever appreciate the 2016 presidential election is going to turn out to be perhaps the most consequential election in more than a 100 years. The fallout from that election, right, particularly you look at courts,” he said. “We can go through a whole thing… But just think about what has changed in America, in culture and society, due to the results of the 2016 election.”

Watch above, via NBC.

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66f324  No.16846132


no, no I don't

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edd55f  No.16846137


The antihero from Ghost in the Shell. Awesome anime.

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5a171d  No.16846153


that's step one in his explanation of your rhetoric.

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6fa0c7  No.16846170


watch the water

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16cb3e  No.16846178




40,000 National Guard Troops Face Unemployment As Vaccine Deadline Imminent


40,000 National Guard Troops Face Unemployment As Vaccine Deadline Imminent

My body, my choice?

6:00 PM · Jun 26, 2022·Zero Hedge Publisher II

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769a5b  No.16846195


>Weird, I know. It's 2022 and yet for some of us, there are embers of the past that are radiant.

you can see

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877915  No.16846196

AMC Movie Theaters = Morality

GME Gamestop = Morality

RedBox = Morality

Streaming is uncontrollable. Brick and Mortar is not. This is a War, not a simulation. AMC / GME / DWAC / HYMC / RDBX

We the People will operate Wall Street and Hollywood and they will greatly benefit our bottom line and our cultural aspirations.

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4bc4b0  No.16846199


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bcfed5  No.16846202


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1cb5cf  No.16846219


An Nth dimensional vibration spoke into being by an entity transcendent of those N dimensions (a being native to a universal of no less than N+1 dimensions). So perhaps this is the "super string" or the "Nth dimensional brane" that physicists say vibrate and make up the entirety of the universe.

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10c712  No.16846227

Origins of Epstein

In the U.S. alone, the CIA operated numerous sexual blackmail operations throughout the country, employing prostitutes to target foreign diplomats in what the Washington Post once nicknamed the CIA’s “love traps.” If one goes even farther back into the U.S. historical record it becomes apparent that these tactics and their use against powerful political and influential figures significantly predate the CIA and even its precursor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). In fact, they were pioneered years earlier by none other than the American Mafia.

mob-linked businessman with deep ties to notorious gangster Meyer Lansky developed close ties with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) while also running a sexual blackmail operation for decades, which later became a covert part of the anti-communist crusade of the 1950s led by Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-WI), himself known throughout Washington for having a habit of drunkenly groping underage teenaged girls.


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8b2454  No.16846230


sho 'nuff

>but how did you pull the chinese character from the TS post?

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edd55f  No.16846233


>Cult family


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f35410  No.16846234

Thus ending payment Payment For Order Flow (PFOF), or how to front run on a "Self-regulated" exchange, by Kenny Griff(t)in

The Wall Street Journal


In what would be a major shakeup, the Securities and Exchange Commission will consider requiring brokerages to route individual investors' stock trades into auctions, SEC Chair Gary Gensler said



\Unquestionably paywalled.

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7da0ee  No.16846235



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536487  No.16846238


I couldn't imagine getting stuck in a Mars chocolate vat with Olga. The horror.

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4f1d31  No.16846242



Found this in the comment section of that tweet XD

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1aa6a4  No.16846264



So there's probably a lot ofKaplans.

but that name popped up in the Leavitt Dig.

One of the shipping containers went to an address on Long Island where some Kaplans are listed.

the address is at7th circledr

Former ABC News President James Goldston Inks Deal With Kapital Entertainment For Scripted & Docuseries; ‘Kushner, Inc’ Among First Projects

By Nellie Andreeva

Nellie Andreeva

Co-Editor-in-Chief, TV


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Onyx Collective Sets Scripted Series Executive Team With Ashley Holland, Anil Kurian & Janice Park

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April 1, 2022 9:45am

EXCLUSIVE: Veteran journalist and news executiveJames Goldston, former President of ABC News, has signed a producing deal with Aaron Kaplan’s Kapital Entertainmentto develop and produce companion scripted series and docuseries based on true events.

The first three projects already in the works under the pact include scripted limited/potential anthology series Kushner, Inc., about the influential and controversial Kushner family, and Meltdown, about the Fukushima nuclear disaster; as well as docuseries Death by TikTok, about teen TikTok star Ava Majury whose father shot dead a trespassing alleged stalker of hers. Kapital and Goldston are also partnering on docuseries about the Kushners and Fukushima as well as a scripted series about Ava Majury’s story.

Related Story

Kapital Entertainment, SK Global, Jeff Sagansky & Florence Sloan Launch Global Content Company Jaya Entertainment

Kushner, Inc. will be written/executive produced by Barbie Kligman and Judith McCreary, Meltdown by Iris Yamashita. Goldston will executive produce the scripted series via his Aquitania Films alongside Kapital’s Kaplan and Brian Morewitz, with Kevin Marco overseeing the projects for the Kapital.

“James Goldston is a revered journalist and storyteller who has meticulously covered the most important events in culture, entertainment, news and politics,” Kaplan said. “We are grateful that he chose Kapital and we are excited to launch this partnership in developing content that is equally compelling in the documentary space as it is in the scripted space.”

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c069ca  No.16846265

Actually, no. Jewish women have a right (in some cases an OBLIGATION) to an abortion. It is certain authoritarian sects of Christianity that have such trouble with it. And weirdly they only made it an issue after the civil rights movement/integration. Let that sink in.

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6fa0c7  No.16846269

Proof? I opened a wormhole by understanding kinetic energy. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

The questions have been asked. What more proof do you need.

I’m finally home. I never left. Been watching from afar. What? Is this too straight forward? Used to the questions and drops? It had to be like this. I made the ultimate sacrifice. I disappeared for a while. That doesn’t change that I’ve always been here. Y’all found out who I was too late. I was old. You know how many times I’ve already done this? Exactly.

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9977fc  No.16846271


i cannot say that i have…but seen some crying ones

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863cec  No.16846280

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0966c3  No.16846284


Polio is caused by the polio vaccines. Also on,y o.5 percent of polio infections cause symptoms and on,y a fraction of those were severe….SOUND FAMILIAR?

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1d2c36  No.16846286


Thought so. Of course it’d be exciting ifn he did quit.

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a9a58f  No.16846289


Most excellentNotable

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f345f1  No.16846299

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1cb5cf  No.16846321


ty Mohel, I agree

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4c369f  No.16846344



Are all the 3 letter agencies still here?

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bf4b20  No.16846353


TY Jim!

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2bbb9e  No.16846366



Why Memes Work:

Exhibit A

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7b5970  No.16846367


TruthSocial is no better…. I'm staying here

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243e49  No.16846410



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6a29b1  No.16846412

That's an interesting overlap…

Bad Kitty For Congress 😼🌹


🚨🚨🚨 Thread:

FBI Documents Reveal US May Have Funded Charlottesville Rioters Through Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group — Documents Show Ties Between Azov Battalion, US Rioters

This is a do over



Now were they the early revelers on Jan. 6, too?

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af7919  No.16846414


part IV of IV

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13713e  No.16846422


Doesn’t dinesh realize the gov is going full retard all the service people have bent over to the beats vax system and will be arresting or shooting all people who resist soon enough? Ballsy.

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9b33ee  No.16846429


too young for the song, i take it.

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ca572c  No.16846434



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bf4b20  No.16846452



She's black.

All good inda hood.

Nodum sayin?

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d4292e  No.16846459

meme idea

lindsey graham or gen milley in make up/skirt/etc

caption: god save the queen

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707614  No.16846476



stole'd it, trade ya:

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39a042  No.16846477



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b28981  No.16846484



don't get outraged, just beware, these and other tactics will be used on the 2022 midterm elections, that is if they do not try to federalize the elections, meaning take away the right and oversight, results tally and rules from the states and put it into a body at D.C controlled and adjudicated by those corrupt A-holes



Note: This lawyer looks at the : Jan 6th Committee and its instalment, its members, the subpoena and indictment court documents, the court transcript from a reporter at the court, interview given by Navarro to reporters outside the court, matt gaetz section and peter strozk comments on this issue and his smirking about it.

P.s video run time 1.52.39 video, 1.30:00 looking at the case and the rest comments.


Peter Navarro INDICTED and ARRESTED as J6 Political Inquisition Continues



The fake illegally constituted January 6th Select Committee takes another political prisoner in America's scary new landscape with the arrest and indictment of Peter Navarro.


00:00:00 - Intro

00:04:31 - Latest of Democrats Political Inquisition

00:08:29 - Peter Navarro Indictment

00:14:31 - Select Committee Hearing (Thurs, June 9th)

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8b94d2  No.16846495


What are rags?

I'll take IMPROVISE, OVERCOME and ADAPT for $400, Alex.

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243e49  No.16846496


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c61180  No.16846500

Shin, let’s 12 12 12.

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66f324  No.16846503



LMAO … He yelled back. All was directed at Congress, so we’re good in our house.

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99e884  No.16846504

jfkLESBIAN searches fart star fo missing GAHY larps wiff glowing bilbo on gut stabbin pony NASA built

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af7919  No.16846505


Ok he is one of us but does not know what to do so how do we get him now?

He needs more weed and direct confirmation that he is not wrong


They are trying to paint us in a false light again boys

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ab7ae2  No.16846510



had that ready to post as well anon…

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79e5df  No.16846531


two weeks

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183c70  No.16846540


ist verboten

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e05b24  No.16846553

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a9a58f  No.16846558

I’m going to curb my enthusiasm and Prepare for a long violent summer. We are in the end stages. Now more than ever you need to have your head on a swivel. The rat is cornered and it’s not happy. I’m excited that Q returned on such a historic date. IMO. The only thing that would be more epic is the infamous Twitter post we’ve all been looking for.

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77b187  No.16846560


Nice one init.

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d4292e  No.16846561


wait until they discover that turning off GPS does nothing to protect them from being tracked

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317035  No.16846566

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863cec  No.16846571


it does not matter the volume or freedom of access

if the information is lies.

whıch ıt ıs

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d80016  No.16846574

Utah County Ritualized Sexual Abuse Investigation Update #1


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4262f6  No.16846576

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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073678  No.16846582

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ef6744  No.16846589

This guy is getting more insane!


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4d5bd9  No.16846592



Feb 10, 2018 5:15:01 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325284

Clown black op sites.




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faadc2  No.16846595

Military is the only way -> Russia

End won't be for everyone -> Roe v Wade

Shall we play a game once more -> You didn't think it was really the end yet, did you?

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437423  No.16846614


So weird….a day or two ago I put linkin park, in the end & numb in my playlist for no reason. Just randomly went onto youtube to specifically find that song, in the end, & save it in my playlist.

It's a good song. Just was a little odd I did it

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ca572c  No.16846617


rumble and telegram suck; try bitchute.

Open comments and more linkable/embeddable

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c32d8d  No.16846618



Surely things have changed here, no?

(They haven't)

The Crew has strange bed fellows~

Rapists with a mask of "fren"ship, just another form of control.

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d4292e  No.16846633

When r we meeting

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765d3c  No.16846634

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/23/2022 16:25:03

Truth Social: 108528658229983217

The only thing not discussed by the Unselects, in any way, shape, or form, is the irrefutable evidence of massive and totally pervasive ELECTION FRAUD & IRREGULARITIES which took place during the 2020 Presidential Election. They refuse to go there, they want it all CANCELED, because it would be IMPOSSIBLE for the Unselect Committee to refute or challenge that which would be put before them, or the American Public. To the Unselects I ask, LET US PUT ON THE EVIDENCE, STATE BY STATE - AND NOW!


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a9a58f  No.16846639

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0966c3  No.16846643


> that continues to be dismissed.

personal discernment and choice is yours alone

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6daf79  No.16846644



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243edc  No.16846648





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9b33ee  No.16846650

Anons this explains Liz Cheney's weirdness she really is a total nut job thinking she can beat Trump…. Brand new level of stupidity.

Dick Cheney you raised an idiot daughter

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f67e59  No.16846666


We are ready!

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66f324  No.16846668


Q post 2686:


Why do D's push to fund [PP] using taxpayer dollars ($500m/year)?

Where does the money go?

Past political donations of [PP]?

What is the process of disposal re: aborted fetus?

What regulations (who monitors) are in place to ensure that process is being followed?

Why is there a new push by D's to legalize late term ABORTIONs?

See past drops re: [PP] re: Congressional report (WARNING: GRAPHIC)

This has nothing to do w/ a woman's right to choose (tactic they deploy when challenged to activate liberals/media hysteria).

The focus is on the organization itself.


Ask yourself a very simple question:

Given the amount of evidence demonstrating illegal & disturbing activities by [PP]- where is the FBI investigation?



What senior political officials are providing cover to [PP]?

Will action be taken by DOJ/FBI?


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4f1d31  No.16846670



A lot of newfags running around without having read the drops, looking for answers. These vids were key to bringing understanding.

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a8dbf5  No.16846694

anons, y'all got any cat memes?

my cat meme folder needs fresh product

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13713e  No.16846700

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fc8871  No.16846702



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f345f1  No.16846711



>JACK in the box feeds mexico budget

According to an article published in 2017 in the The Wall Street Journal in 2017, Jack in the Box sells about 554 million tacos per year. That's more than half a billion tacos. That's about 1,000 tacos eaten per minute.

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21b6fa  No.16846715


many shills in here, scared as fuck.

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317035  No.16846717

Mil Protocol fag here…feel Gen Jacqueline Van Ovost current USTRANSCOM CC is MAJOR sabotage player and works for woke military.

Standouts other than normal career progression for tanker/cargo pilots: 16. September 2013–February 2015, Deputy Director for Politico-Military Affairs (Europe, NATO, Russia), Strategic Plans and Policy Director

Given USTRANSCOM reigns just before Ukraine war but was USAF A.M.C. CC during the overthrow of Afghanistan in Aug 2021.

Person interaction with her when she was 1 star and many other flag officers, Senate, CODEL and kiss ass contracting others. Spidey senses tingled, not my balls that she be a man hater. Yet to be confirmed but gonna stand steadfast on that one.

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77b187  No.16846720


The Epoch Times, [12.06.22 08:37]

Government Will Cover ‘100 Percent’ of Recovery Costs for New Mexico Wildfires: Biden

READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/biden-says-federal-govt-will-cover-100-percent-of-recovery-costs-for-wildfires-in-new-mexico_4527825.html?utm_medium=epochtimes&utm_source=telegram

@EpochTimes |📱Download Our App (https://app.adjust.com/y91pc85)


May 27, 20226:18 PM EDTLast Updated 14 days ago

Forest Service says it started all of New Mexico's largest wildfire

By Andrew Hay

The federal government causes more problems than it solves problems.

And the people pay for it all.



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21b6fa  No.16846733

happened yesterday



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21b6fa  No.16846739

WTF are they seizing yachts then?.


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13713e  No.16846748


Not notable. I call my first lady first lady also. Doesn't your man call you his first lady?

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4bc4b0  No.16846770


They want to fake the output of their solar farms to keep selling panels, meanwhile the actual energy has another source?

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707614  No.16846772


I think the possible relationship is the real question. It would start making sense why Ray was put into the spotlight.

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821396  No.16846774


P = PIG!

Holy fuck Anon!

You single handedly solved a riddle that has perplexed anons since almost day one!

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015d53  No.16846778


>show tunes they knew would soothe him

Can they be any more insulting? WTFI laughing but I am so fucking angry at the childishness of all this and the FACT that [they] honestly think someone will believe their BS!!!!

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5a171d  No.16846785


Saying Qanon automatically gives you away as a dumb ass who hasn't been around more than a week, you know this, right?

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af8ba5  No.16846798

Platinum Jubilee flyover.

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4c369f  No.16846806




Q is telling us that the clowns orchestrated 9-11 and were OBL/UBL handlers.


Q is telling us that the Clowns and the Vatican are connected yet who controls whom?


Notice the light NEWS digging required to demonstrate that CATHOLICS "THRIVE" AT THE C EYE A?

Many Director's of the C EYE A have been Catholics > Papal Knights. George Bush contemplated changing his religion to Catholic, his Father was Director.


Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

The Catholic version was posted to show the Catholic/Vatican connection to the C EYE A and to 9-11.

Protestants use "Debts" and "debtors" whereas Catholics and Anglicans use "Trespass" and "trespasses".

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

Notice the news stories 18 months later when Pope Francis changed the Lord's Prayer/Our Father?

News unlocked the map. Future proved the past.

What can be connected?

Again, The Catholic version was chosen to show the Catholic/Vatican connection to the C EYE A and to 9-11

Do you believe in coincidences?

There are no coincidences on this level.

Godfather III.

This sig/signature is not what many anons believe (mafia fighting vatican).

The Godfather sig is the Vatican/Church/Pope signature and when anons line up all the "Godfather III" sig drops, it's pretty easy to SEE.

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

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863cec  No.16846810


FiresFifty #1. Always secure yourself first.

*Heads on swivels.

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4a3113  No.16846813



>Can't find serial rapists, traffickers and killers yet though. Maybe next year!

What is it you want anon? The details? There are laws preventing law enforcement from releasing that sort of information. You have to read between the lines here. And watch for upgraded charges later.

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8b0af0  No.16846822


Not starve us out.

Starve us period! They want us all dead. In the meantime, they want people to be compliant until they can be killed.

They will provide some baby formula if the parents will settle down and do as they are told. Be good little minions for us and you can have your formula.

You do understand that 7+ BILLION people dead is the goal, right?

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0966c3  No.16846830


>Only Q could show up on Q.pub.

They're on qagg too now

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f032e3  No.16846840

7 Trump Allies Subpoenaed in Georgia Criminal Investigation

Rudy Giuliani, Lindsey Graham, John Eastman and several others in the former president’s orbit were subpoenaed in the election meddling inquiry.




Giuliani, Graham testimony sought in Trump probe

The Associated Press 28 min ago

TLANTA — The Georgia prosecutor investigating the conduct of former President Donald Trump and his allies after the 2020 election is trying to compel U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and other members of Trump's campaign legal team to testify before a special grand jury.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis on Tuesday filed petitions with the judge overseeing the special grand jury as part of her investigation into what she alleged was “a multi-state, coordinated plan by the Trump Campaign to influence the results of the November 2020 election in Georgia and elsewhere.”

Willis also filed petitions for five other potential witnesses, including lawyers Kenneth Chesebro, Cleta Mitchell, Jenna Ellis and John Eastman. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney signed off on the requests, which are similar to subpoenas, deeming them necessary to the investigation.

The special grand jury has been investigating whether Trump and others illegally tried to meddle in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia as he desperately tried to cling to power after Democrat Joe Biden's victory. Trump continues to insist that the election was stolen, even as he eyes another presidential run, despite the fact that numerous federal and local officials, a long list of courts, top former campaign staff and even Trump's own attorney general have all said there is no evidence of the fraud he alleges.


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e71797  No.16846846


Youse been here the entire time, kek.

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f0dc87  No.16846857


yeah sure, Moisch

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301621  No.16846886


>Celsius CEO, Alex Mashinsky Was STOPPED By U.S. Authorities When Trying To Leave The Country (Gokhshtein Media)

Mashinsky was born in 1965 in Ukraine and moved to Israel as a child. From an early age, he was a tinkerer, like his father, and would tap into and use public phone lines in Israel. Mashinsky attended a few different universities where he majored in electrical engineering but did not graduate. He later served in the Israeli Army. At the end of the 1980s, he left Israel and moved to the United States.


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73edb6  No.16846887


He is not President, he says and does what he is told. This video says it all, he won't be in the seat of power much longer. It will be the other talking head .Kamala until they put some other puppet in in 2024. Traitors all.

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d36b83  No.16846902


You are loyal to a nation that is currently in the process of exterminating you, replacing you with niggers, and erasing any evidence you ever existed

congratulations, youre stupid

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add72b  No.16846917


good mourning america 3

what ewe need to know


after the suicide queen is done telling us how bad guns…

chicago footage

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5628e0  No.16846930




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05845b  No.16846934



I object

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b4fca1  No.16846944

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm going to indulge a wee bit.

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42702d  No.16846946


Anyone got a link to the speech yesterday ?

If not, I'll search. TYVM

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d75905  No.16846956

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8cb237  No.16846966

> 21019 board attacked by spammers

21018 board attacked by spammers

21017 board attacked by spammers

21016 board attacked by spammers

#21015 board attacked by spammers

#21014 board attacked by spammers

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2f68f1  No.16846971


you niggers are gonna faaaaaag this place up to high hell for the next 8 months i can just see it now

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0b5cb0  No.16847020


Hear ya!

One of my repetitive lines I’ve had in life is wat I call my motto.

I try and be a fart in the wind.

Smell me lots but never seen.

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7ea2fe  No.16847030


I see no connection to magnetics

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ded5cc  No.16847033

John Hinkley Jr. Freed From Court Oversight After Decades

guess he'll be able to play that sold out show in Brooklyn


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0d8d0c  No.16847046


>Fauci is Mother Theresa


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ca3125  No.16847048


July 4th is our closest approach to Sirius, the wandering star of freedom

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287af0  No.16847072


What if I told you /qresearch/ is /comms/ new board?

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cf2ef3  No.16847082

Bannon just dropped

Kabuki Theatre

last segment

Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

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0d5c44  No.16847095


Check out our #SkyDragon Soldiers assigned with 618th Engineer Support Company (Airborne) taking part in realistic training this past week to maintain readiness as part of #AmericasContingencyCorps mission.

#TIMS #Readiness


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f14e51  No.16847111


How could I be lonely when random strangers won't even stop bothering me?


But I get you are sad anon.

I am however not your personal therapist.

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4d99f8  No.16847115


Authorities have potential interest as 22-year-old Robert "Bobby" E. Climo III inHighland Park, Illinois, a parade shooting on July 4th. I have identified a person.

Climo is also known as "awakening the wrapper."

IMDB describes Klimo as a "6-foot hip-hop phenom" born on September 20, 2000. "He is the middle child of three Italian descent."

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167260  No.16847123

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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e526dc  No.16847126

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167277  No.16847128


SHould be a pretty unconventional stock market crash at midnight Sunday morning, kek.

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fca07b  No.16847131


Hi Anon

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2746c7  No.16847153


anon see's it like this. Since Jim is the actual person and the dns is registered to him, whatever is posted here would be endorsed, and therefore he could be held liable. Whether it be libel or threats to gov officials, revenge porn, cp. He'd take the fall, unless he put a bright red disclaimer up in conspicuous areas that the views, ideas, or in this case links to news with a few digs and opinions are not his own. The current form is the shortest way of doing that.

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c7581a  No.16847171

Hey Q

What about TS Q?

What about Truth = END

What about C19 kill date = Election Day +1

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cae5c0  No.16847173

Seattle police arrest street preacher for reading the Bible: ‘Risk to public safety’

Seattle police arrested a street preacher on charges of being a risk to public safety for reading his Bible aloud at a public park near an LGBT pride event.

Matthew Meinecke, who identifies himself as The Seattle Preacher on Twitter, was surrounded by Seattle police officers as he was reading his Bible and was subsequently arrested and fingerprinted at a police station before being released.

“SPD has enough resources to send 10 police officers to arrest a preacher reading his Bible in a public park. Because it's such a horrible crime now!” Meinecke wrote on Twitter, posting a video showing his arrest.


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33486c  No.16847174


Speaker Pelosi



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04ce27  No.16847203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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04ce27  No.16848047


I am thinking where…….?

Hang on…

need a Q_ue please…

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04ce27  No.16848083


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04ce27  No.16848102


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04ce27  No.16848151


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04ce27  No.16848155


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04ce27  No.16848169


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04ce27  No.16848178


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04ce27  No.16848208

Galactic Star Fleet Federation of Commanders

Star Date Log Entry

I tried to code, member that

r out

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5eae1d  No.16848252



>who's winning

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8b2378  No.16848255



Not nearly as watching hivemind cadre shit up the breads to compensate for their butthurt

Have to through shade and doubt and bullshit over and over. Ah yes, anons were all going to migrate to halfmind because new admin comped, didn't happen. Ten anons were all going to go to Truth Social and QR would be a ghost town, didn't happen. Then the repeated taunting about Q never posting to QR again, but I saw that shimmering tripcode for myself. Never saw any BO or BV tripcode do that, just the title for them, not the tripcode.

Good News! The breads started flying again, just like halfmind constant complaint about "five hour breads" so now other goodies get buried in the Previously Collected again. Simply cannot have Day Shift seeing things early Night Shift had posted, must get those four breads in between to bury stuff.

BTW, about bread speeds…halfmind #33 recently baked. It took FOUR DAYS to get through #32. Blinding speed that, blinding.

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075bef  No.16848266



Nice graphic anon.

Much Kek


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5eae1d  No.16848267



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075bef  No.16848273




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5eae1d  No.16848283



Good morning fren

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290bd4  No.16848296

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075bef  No.16848320



it's fucked. not sorry for the vulgar slang.

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75dbca  No.16848344



BDA told us about COVID and General Salami months before they happened


Q just points us to fake and gay MSM articles

Which one sounds more reliable?

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8c2cdc  No.16848362




kek, hivemind

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29e37c  No.16848370




Kek… took your reply to notice I replied to the wrong post. Thought I was replying to Clinton's cat SOCKS/SOCcer ball. And I was assigned to "gifted" programs as a ute. Oh well, I intended to say SOMETHING about the FED move, and I guess the ball is digital-techy. FLOTUS looking stylish as ever and wrapped in love of frens!

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5eae1d  No.16848387




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290bd4  No.16848395



>he was so sad when he lost his wife on 9–11

Ted not Richard.



Ted Olson registered as foreign agent lobbying for Saudi Arabia. New wife, Lady Booth, bears strong resemblence to dead wife, CBS reporter Barbara Olson (Flight 77, Pentagon).



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075bef  No.16848398


Highland Park gunman dressed as GIRL to hide in plain sight after killing six before evading cops for eight hours in his mom's car with TWO legally purchased rifles: Cops probe link between July 4 shooting and his obsession with numbers 4 and 7


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77060b  No.16848405



it took u this long to work that out?

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e08800  No.16848414


When are the shills going to realize that it's utterly foolish to waste time on these boards? "NCSWIC" Isn't just a catchphrase…

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73dc39  No.16848419



>So you're here complaining about no one helping you


>and you don't want help?


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cba5bd  No.16848444



I was listening to Moontan when you were still shittin yella

Candy's Going Bad

Got a Pimp named Ted

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11b00d  No.16848470



What a fucking brainwashed imbecile. I'll bet she believes that she believes the stupid swill she spews.

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7e17a1  No.16848474





Marker [9].


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11b853  No.16848475



What's the frequency, Kenneth?

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24c591  No.16848477



Pritzker crime family.

Wonder if JB will be selected Gov. of Illinois again in November?

Many Conservatives in Illinois don't even bother to vote anymore, because they know that their vote won't count anyways.

Illinois has been sooo corrupt for sooo long.

It is a lost cause.

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e61ed8  No.16848481



Maybe you are Q

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a697f9  No.16848495



Maximum Kek. That Buffon takes all the heat for Afghanistan, Ukraine, abortion/same sex marriage (possibly), and likely Taiwan.

Trust the plan.

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816b3e  No.16848503


AI pushes COVID hoax

AI profits from vaxx sales

AI pushed gun control

AI profits from gun sales

AI pushes high fuel prices

AI profits from EV sales

Create the problem

Provide the solution


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6cb37c  No.16848514



not woke, is joke!

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3b3597  No.16848518

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828e12  No.16848524


Is CERN about to start up?

Are all the Vaxies going to turn into Zombies?

What’s habbening??


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400a54  No.16848551

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77060b  No.16848552

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6cdb94  No.16848560

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d11fd0  No.16848576



Florida police records are open source. "Journalists" are lazy as fuck. Therefore, Florida-man is everywhere-man but the nature of repeaters is a quick story spelunking police records until you find something juicy. If it bleeds it leads. It's mundane but that's why this phenomenon happens.

Think how crazy Seattle or Chicago must be to have crazier stories CAN closed records.

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13733b  No.16848588



Albany NY area

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2c9569  No.16848590



i'm sure we will know around rally today

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eb873d  No.16848608



You still have to try harder, glownigger.

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a834ca  No.16848613

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dd6d3d  No.16848619



I use Squatch too

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11b853  No.16848620



>Bill Barr's our guy. He's just acting.



top kek

B2 Confirms Donald Trump Still your president.

They didn't steal it because they were caught.

Caught em all

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7e17a1  No.16848625



Metrology Engineer Anon (>40 yrs) here; We let the Europeans take over & they have successfully "reset" measurement science to the point of invalidity.

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042653  No.16848630


Ghislaine Maxwell Due to Enter Plea on New Indictment About 14-Year-Old Girl

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d3676d  No.16848633



>How do you divide

take over social media so their enemy, us, can't plot and plan against their coup

take over the msm so only one side of the argument is amplified

focus your divisive language at the most base hatred in men and use it as a wedge

promote full blown fear every day, on every news broadcast

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fc1836  No.16848643



The Talmud – NOT the Old Testament is the governing religious book of Judaism.  Evidence of this is found in the Talmud itself.

Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): “My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes (the Talmud) than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament).”

The Talmud nullifies the Bible by permitting and encouraging virtually everything the Bible defines as Sin!  While on earth, Jesus made a direct reference to the Talmud when he denounced the Pharisees, the leaders of the synagogue, for voiding the Scripture by teaching the traditions of men. (Mark 7:1-13)

Non-Jews - derogatorily referred to as goyim, minim, heathen, or gentiles, by the Jews - are considered to be no better than cattle, according to the Talmud, so their possessions, their land, and even their lives can be taken at will, by the Jews.

The teachings of the Jewish Babylonian Talmud are arguably the most bigoted, despicable, and hate-filled teachings known to man.  Keep in mind that they have a “sanitized” version of the Talmud available to deceive  non-Jews. The deceit then becomes layered – deceit on top of deceit!

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02162c  No.16848654



they look like dogs in heat. They will never know love or have a good life and they will spend the rest of their pathetic lives trying to figure out what went wrong..

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0da7b6  No.16848664


These people can't be real.

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816b3e  No.16848679



Need thauce please

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0da11a  No.16848684

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66460d  No.16848700



>i think most of them are brainwashed

Yea, don't make one rat's fucking ass to me. My ass would be in jail if I was a witness to that. They would be in a ICU. Long time.

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11b00d  No.16848701



> Christian public schools are coming!!!



>The precedent has just been set by SCOTUS that public money can be used for religious schools.

Roe V Wade overturned this Thursday?



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d6a7d9  No.16848707



I find that interesting.

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02240e  No.16848709



Las Vegas was :58

Same marker as the previous parade attack.

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b0e5ae  No.16848718

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ed9a87  No.16848725



now you see me 2

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423415  No.16848731

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cbc7bc  No.16848733



Gets govt money and then doles it out.


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457eab  No.16848739


When you can't spell, "Baker" right. Jeez.

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5a5ba3  No.16848763



The drilling ship's company is responsible for any damages

The resistance is one of the options available to the Lebanese state and the Lebanese people in this confrontation for wealth, Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted, underlining that the resistance would not stand idle as the Israeli occupation robs Lebanon of its treasures and wealth and the only hope for saving its people.

"Everything is on the table for the resistance […] we do not want a war, but we do not fear one, but Israel must halt its activities in the Karish field and swiftly and immediately withdraw its ship from there," Sayyed Nasrallah warned.

"The company that owns the drilling ship should swiftly withdraw it, and it should be fully responsible for any losses, whether material or human," he added. "We have the right to do everything needed to collect the required information to execute any option that we might resort to."

The resistance, the leader said, will closely and thoroughly follow up on the situation. He also announced that Hezbollah has now assembled a file on everything related to gas, oil, and the wealth at sea and on land, as well as the demarcation of the borders and the Shebaa Farms.

"This file is about the demarcation of the maritime borders and the Lebanese economic zone. We also added to it all that is related to the [Lebanese] borders. It is headed by former MP Nawwaf Al-Mousawi," Sayyed Nasrallah revealed.

"The US-Israeli strategy is pushing Lebanon to the brink of famine, which is jeopardizing social security and is worse than a civil war […] it is not a matter of borders, but the fate of a country," he explained.

The head of Hezbollah's Executive Council, Hashem Safi Al-Din, said on Sunday that Lebanon had the ability and effectiveness to extract its gas and oil, away from all means of pressure that some Lebanese fear.

"What is required is a united official and popular stance […] only then will we surely emerge victorious from this battle."

Israeli media reported Monday that the IOF was anticipating Hezbollah’s possible response to the placement of the new Energean platform in the Karish field, a contested maritime zone, to extract gas. On Sunday, the new platform was installed, at a distance of 80km away from Haifa, by the British-Greek exploration company Energen.

Israeli government-funded Kan TV channel said that these preparations come in light of the Lebanese warnings against any Israeli "aggressive action" in the disputed waters.

Part 2 - End

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301069  No.16848778



>Q, please come back.

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fa1964  No.16848797

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85ddb1  No.16848800



Oh yeah

Maybe it’s good luck for GA, because independent running as Republican for GA State Senate won in the primary with thename John F. Kennedy

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828e12  No.16848806

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2c9569  No.16848812



slander without evidence

just like the spells on CNN have taught you

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26479e  No.16848832



Distract from what? Idiot shill get out. You don't belong here.

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001232  No.16848835



11 seasons of meth laundering structured idolatry and never winter

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5813fd  No.16848845






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6cdb94  No.16848866



ok then. have a cookie

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bf6b0a  No.16848869



it was a couple months ago

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dd77bf  No.16848874



in your eyes. because you fear them. because you haven't gotten to know enough of them and almost certainly weren't raised with them.

they consume your mind, you can't stop talking about them. you're obsessed, boring, and pathetic

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fe278e  No.16848884


https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2207423?query=featured_home Perspective

A Preview of the Dangerous Future of Abortion Bans — Texas Senate Bill 8

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c855c6  No.16848886


all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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4edbb8  No.16848890



>As if we each receive a bill

it's added to the deficit and will be paid WITH INTEREST in the future.

you just didn't notice.

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658ebb  No.16848900



>scroll to bottom

genius ad space surely missing sex appeal



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f8ebc3  No.16848929


Maxwell 20Years

R. Kelly 30 Years

Next one Up gets 40 Years?

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b0e5ae  No.16848939




that is not æı.

you dumb fagit

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6cb37c  No.16848940

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715948  No.16848945



Dubs re-check'd

We are fleeing the silicon valley plantation always makes me kek.

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945e59  No.16848949



*Until the fake Governor announces that she made some new shit up to add to the law books that ignore SCOTUS. BET

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74c764  No.16848951



They’re the left-wing of the ruling class.18

Besides underplaying his employment with BIC, Obama in his writings omits the fact that his work as a community organizer was for the Gamaliel Foundation, a satellite of his mother’s old employer the Ford Foundation, whose underlying aim was to prevent class solidarity and the revival of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s inter-racial poor people’s movement.19

Obama further leaves out that as an Illinois state senator, he partook in pay-to-play schemes granting favors to political donors like slumlord Tony Rezko who helped him purchase his Hyde Park mansion for below market value, and the CEO of a technology firm, Robert Blacwell Jr., who paid Obama $112,000 in legal fees for work that appears impossible for him to have done.

Obama’s timeline for his life story, meanwhile, is often wrong. In A Promised Land, for example, he claims to have spent three years in New York after transferring from Occidental College to Columbia after his sophomore year; however, it is believed that Obama spent the 1981-1982 school year in Pakistan and only studied at Columbia for one year.20

Obama: Defender of the U.S. Empire

Obama’s abysmal foreign policy record was telegraphed in his three major books where he promotes a defense of U.S. foreign policy while maligning and advancing stereotypes about the 1960s movements and critics of U.S. foreign policy.

In his first memoir, Dreams from My Father (1995), Obama describes 1960s Black Power icon and anti-imperialist Stokely Carmichael as a “madman” and claims to have witnessed two women selling literature outside a lecture hall where he heard Carmichael speak calling each other names like “Stalinist pig” and “reformist bitch.”

Obama editorialized that movement activists who clung to the ideals of the 1960s had become completely “removed from the struggles of those they purported to serve” or “just plain crazy.”21

In his latest memoir, A Promised Land, Obama pats himself on the back for “questioning his own assumptions,” which he writes “inoculated me against the revolutionary formulas embraced by a lot of people on the left at the dawn of the Reagan era.”22

Obama goes on to recount arguments he allegedly had with friends in college who insisted that “the American hegemon was the root of oppression worldwide.”

Obama writes that he knew better, having “lived overseas,” and would extol the “idea of America, the promise of America.”

According to Obama, the argument “would usually end with some smug bastard dropping a newspaper in front of me, its headline trumpeting the U.S. invasion of Grenada.”23

These arguments could not actually have taken place in the way Obama suggests because Obama graduated from Columbia University in May 1983, and the U.S. invaded Grenada in October 1983.

At the time of that invasion, Obama was actually working for the CIA front corporation, BIC, whose employees were unlikely to have insisted that the American hegemon was the root of worldwide oppression or to have condemned the U.S. invasion of Grenada—which had been based on false pretexts.


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e273c7  No.16848960



Added, TY anons.

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8446bd  No.16848961


June ETA

Eta Carinae: the doomed star


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26479e  No.16848966


Previously Collected







General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/



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762ac5  No.16848979



>or am i mistaken?

you're mistaken

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e08800  No.16848988



Apophenia (/æpoʊˈfiːniə/) is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. The term (German: Apophänie from the Greek verb ἀποφαίνειν (apophaínein)) was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia. He defined it as "unmotivated seeing of connections [accompanied by] a specific feeling of abnormal meaningfulness". He described the early stages of delusional thought as self-referential over-interpretations of actual sensory perceptions, as opposed to hallucinations.

There are no coincidences.


combine the apophenia/false pattern recognition and the Dunning-Kruger effect, what do you get?

I'm not saying you get Q research, but … Q was like designed to induce apophenia

Apophenia has also come to describe a human propensity to unreasonably seek patterns in random information, such as can occur while gambling.

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a23cda  No.16848989




The babies who are murdered to order


Last updated at 08:53 18 December 2006

The plastic bag looks as if it contains meat. But then a right leg is taken from it and placed surgically on the morgue table, followed by the left one. Then the torso. The head follows, a gaping cavity where the brain used to be.

But it is only when the gloved hand of the pathologist examines the tiny fingers of a baby aged about 30 weeks that the full horror of what I am witnessing sinks in.

This shocking scene was captured on video at post-mortem examinations carried out on behalf of Ukrainian mothers who claim their babies were stolen from them at birth.

The film was shown to me by an incredibly brave charity worker called Tatyana Zhakarova, who represents up to 300 families who believe their healthy babies were deliberately targeted at a maternity hospital in the Ukraine's most easterly city of Kharkiv.

The babies, believes Tatyana, were taken at birth to have their organs and stem cells harvested as part of a sickening but highly lucrative international trade.

Certainly, the Ukraine has become the main supplier of the global stem cell trade.

Officially, the cells are taken from aborted foetuses with the mothers' consent, but according to Tatyana, there could also be hundreds of babies stolen to order, to feed demand for stem cells from around the world.

Can she be right? Alarmed by her claims, I decided to launch my own investigations for a special BBC report, to be broadcast tomorrow.

My inquiries took me around the world, from a private clinic in the Caribbean to the desolate back streets of the Ukraine. What I uncovered is a disturbing tale involving claims of murder, conspiracy . . . and a sickening new beauty treatment.

The first hint I had of these allegations arose months ago during a conversation with one of the UK's foremost experts on stem cell research.

Dr Stephen Minger, from Kings College, London, is a distinguished medical researcher who believes stem cells hold the key to finding a cure for some of our major diseases.

These tiny cells, which first divide within an embryo, have the ability to transform themselves into any type of tissue. But it's their potential as a future treatment for conditions such as muscular dystrophy and Parkinson's disease that really excites Dr Minger.

He is one of many reputable experts who fear their research into this field is being given a bad name by companies making a fast buck out of untested stem cell therapies.

Dr Minger told me he found out about the trade in stem cells from aborted Ukrainian foetuses two years ago, when he was invited to meet doctors from a controversial clinic in Barbados.

called the Institute For Regenerative Medicine (IRM), the firm wanted Dr Minger to lend his endorsement to its therapies.

The firm's website boasts IRM is "dedicated to excellence in stem cell therapy for the remediation of diseases resulting from tissue damage and/or the effects of aging". But its claims are treated with scepticism by experts.

The clinic's method of treatment involves injecting patients with stem cells taken from babies aborted between seven and ten weeks old.

It is a technique, says Dr Minger, that has no credible research to back it up, and that raises disturbing questions about how the cells have been 'harvested'.

"The problem is, I am not sure how the cells are prepared," he says. "A six-week-old embryo can be just 1cm from head to foot, so it's difficult to dissect tissue from it. They may just homogenise the whole embryo." That's a polite way of saying that the aborted babies could have been liquidised.

Dr Minger was especially troubled that as well as offering unproven therapy to patients with degenerative diseases - at up to £10,000 a time - the clinic was running a lucrative sideline in offering stem cell treatments to reverse the effects of ageing.

The firm boasts that such treatment can lead to everything from improved fitness and a better sex life to greater mental capacity and enhanced sleep patterns.

"I find it very distasteful that they are used for beauty treatments," says Dr Minger. "As far as I can tell from what's been published, a lot of people go to this clinic in Barbados feeling a bit run down, or that their skin has just lost some elasticity, and they are getting 'smoothies' or perk-me-ups."

The stem cells used in these techniques are bought by IRM from the Ukraine. They are said to be taken from aborted foetuses, with the mothers' consent. But could there be a link with the Ukrainian mothers who believe their babies were deliberately taken from them?

I travelled to Barbados to speak to one of IRM's senior doctors, Shami Ramesh.


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3e213d  No.16848996



Very true, anon. I'm hoping with you.

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33bae7  No.16849006



Because you have said, “juw have __made a covenant with death, andwith Sheoljuw have an agreement, when the overwhelming whip passes through it will not come to us, forjuw have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood juw– have taken shelter”;

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6cdb94  No.16849008

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c632fa  No.16849018


There once was a LARPING faggot named Q, A few useless clues the riddlenigger did spew.

A one year delta turned into two, three, and then four, Anons are suckers for punishment so let's wait ten more.

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design, Is nothing more than a place to shitpost in your spare time.

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made, But future disproved past and they were never repaid.

Pissy smell Hill was supposed to be caught in October by the team, But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme.

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment, But he's still Scott Free and tortures minors for excitement.

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope, For nothing to habben so now we just cope.

The Great awakening fell flat on it's face, To your friends and family an outcast and disgrace.

A natural death has been the only justice so far, Maybe Q could hang just one traitor and at least raise the Barr?

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage? Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but it was just for the stage!

Whether you know it or not Donny is related to boiled cabbage Hill, You claim to be awake but took the blue pill.

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun, To use on the public when Q's job was done.

A few million people had to die just for "optics", While Trump played golf with his friends in the tropics.

But don't worry frens Q said "this is war", While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore.

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab, So we wait in line like good little sheep just for the jab.

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel, Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable?

Trump sent more to (((them))) then in all of past history, Are his zionist friends really a mystery?

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur, Undone in a year by Joe his victories were a blur.

You thought Donny would deliver us to the land of milk and honey? The country burns while his face shines on zionist money!

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior, Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior?

A cognitive dissonance when faced with this proof, Cry all you like every word is the truth.

Look back on the years of defeat and dismay, You really think the military will come save the day?

With this ballad of truth you might call me a shill, But only the learned chose the red pill.

For thousands of years they've won at this game, red vs. blue it's always the same.

History repeats itself all through the ages, Those who can see are the wisest of sages.

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4edbb8  No.16849025



This should nudge folks a little on the Overton window.

Minimum wage companies that wouldn’t give a 2000 dollar bonus will offer 4000 to kill your unborn child. This must be making normies second guess what’s in it for those big companies.

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60273d  No.16849027


Bullshit Q on /tardmind. Dusting off finkleshill. Fake newfags. This is getting good.

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44bedb  No.16849046




>Carpe Donktum

Why you making shit up again? Who the fuck is this retard?

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bb8ada  No.16849058


from her demonic perspective, vis-a-vis Epiphany Day, this fits nicely (mirror)


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46f0ad  No.16849083


Oh did they do this jerk chains

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609e98  No.16849084


too late LEVY already called on Odin raise the seas, blow the winds.

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c1918b  No.16849106


You've spent weeks laying out all your thoughts:

I need my girlfriend, although we've never met

I need people to help me move

A mysterious "they" have been after me for years

My 'condition" is horrible (and likely psychosomatic) but never named

In short: You are as fucked up as a soup-sandwich and want attention all the time

If I give you a nice red ball will you go play out in traffic? You never had any knowledge anyway

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12365d  No.16849118

ZULU82 drone confirms the presence of water in the Gulf.. or.

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b038ce  No.16849120



>These were posted on twatter by @3Days3Nights a few years back .

>Pic 1 has writing on it: something about sitting here watching in slow motion… (can’t member exactly at the moment.) anyway I really couldn’t make out exactly what it all said but I think it was about a nuclear bomb.

>Maybe Anons can help me with the entire inscription…

"the whole is "I'm a multi-dimensional creature… going through the earth experience to learn in slow motion… the consequence of thought…"

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46f0ad  No.16849126


Back to slavery it is, then. Boy, are all these "minorities" going to be surprised.

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609e98  No.16849129


now that's funny

'shadowban council'

what happened to gates' original wife?


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e83566  No.16849132

@q: "In the wake of new based children’s books, how long will it be until the left starts book burnings?"

Anon A: If they start burning based children books, while promoting sexualization 'infiltration' of children's minds books, they should ALSO be expected to frame a dialectic inversion to stop parents from protecting their children from minds that 'knowingly' sexualize children DIRECTLY into their eyes and hearing it from (God willing increases no further) number of voices of teachers and parents sexualizing little children instead of teaching them math and spelling in a SAFE environment that doesn't PREY on a child's innocence.

If they do this to duly elected POTUS, and little children, that's an insurgency of an irregular warfare destroying civilization for the sake of relative 'ideological' control/direction of billions of human beings worldwide.

It's not enough to just have access to the information produced by that which the surveillance system depends.

If the system as it is showing every day, to be outputting inconsistency after inconsistency in a seemingly endless loop of one current thing dialectic to the next, all coordinated, same pattern, repeated a zillion times but it's just the same source 'notions', to ensure that the world has 'stories' to be believed as history, and at the same time seek 'complete' control over the most complex formal system that IS humanity, that is a system that fails the halting problem test. It 'inwardly' ends its own created pattern of inconsistency outputs when it has no 'trusting' minds to OBJECTIFY as a mental set of information in their bodies, because once that happens, the other wise 'inward' force of destruction becomes 'externalized' from the source that is trusted, and as a result the conflict that trusting henceforth rages inwardly, will logico-praxis determine their statements and behaviors and even the way they believed they came up with their current set of mental information objects. Maybe 'coincidentally' there is an associated 'voice' narrative pattern of 'I am being a good freedom fighter' but the fact it's a part of a two sided dialectic imposed in the 'news/voices' they trusted, the contradictory voices are there too, it's mental chaos.

That chaos is PROJECTED because the trusting individual believed that what they believe is what most others believe, so there is no logic to self reflect, as to do so, the whole logic of dialectic needs to be researched, recognized if it's taking place, where you see it, inward, outward, then all the noise is general noise and we listen.

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cc6c5f  No.16849139

Everyone is Q now!

Shit, if it's gonna be that kind of party…I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes.

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2403ea  No.16849144

Bannon just dropped

Kabuki Theatre

last segment

Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

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9acffe  No.16849150


gaye fucking bakers, can we hang the retards?

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4b6db6  No.16849157

2:15 = 17

Joe Biden


United States government official

This morning, I signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act into law—the most significant gun safety law in the last 30 years. The bill:

—Includes red-flag laws

—Closes the “boyfriend loophole”

—Requires young people ages 18 to 21 to undergo enhanced background checks

And more.

2:15 PM · Jun 25, 2022·Sprout Social


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9aae6c  No.16849160


geez anon, no link to ADL website?


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c632fa  No.16849162


you're still a dick eating homo, mike

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b038ce  No.16849170


it's examples like that that just fry my noodle

it seems obvious to you and I that this is like seriously bad P.R.

I mean like if you and I were in that position we would be like fuck

I am not gonna post or make this image as it would just be stupid.

I find it hard to believe they and the entire support entourage are that fucking stupid.

So that leaves arrogance or some other specific possibly psychological attack strategy. It's like they know they can't be touched and held accountable and constantly though the media issue little continual jabs to the public psyche in this manner to compile the demoralization campaign the gov is running full on blonde

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7b4566  No.16849193


>AI is manufactured

The Deity known as Loki could fit the definition of an AI, as he is know as the trickster God. Are you picking up what I'm putting down here? The secret is in the words. Who defines what words mean?

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a834ca  No.16849194


>IP hop #6

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a0a3cb  No.16849195


I don't think you know what hazing is.

Sounds like your are talking about some yuppie team building experiences.

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1f15ee  No.16849198


did we get any clues how out there and crazy what is actually going on? How big this is?

I've heard for years that the greys are actually humans in the future trying to undo shit.

It's probably bigger than that.

We are but a speck in the universe and we know next to nothing.

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cf2bec  No.16849202


you have my Thanks B

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3477fd  No.16849203


Have you seen Q? Have you seen the Rain?

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2403ea  No.16849206


>Hunter Biden keeps clothes on grabbing lunch with daughter

this is 'comms' for 'hunters laptop contains hunter raping his daughter'.

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d45c83  No.16849209


hits just keep coming!

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cbd27e  No.16849215


Evil sold out piece of shit Men ultimately must act in name of AI.


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9acffe  No.16849216


hard to miss the big noses and hand rubbing

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4b6db6  No.16849223

Tammy Bruce preaching right now

What a day, Anons

We did it

We really did it

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fe66fc  No.16849228

The use the same playbook over and over.

Vaccinate (poison) your children or else they cannot attend school.

Take the Covid Vaccinate (poison) or else you cannot work.

Doesn't violate your freewill so technically they are not do anything wrong.

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1c8fc9  No.16849229


wrong folder - my bad

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6b3d5a  No.16849231


yeah I can't imagine Williamson County being anywhere close to blue. But it's been awhile since I was there so with the influx of liberal pukes from Cali, NY etc I guess it's possible

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4d19d2  No.16849232

Merry Christmas PresidentT

It started early. Christmas In July


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b67db8  No.16849235


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78df87  No.16849236


You're on your own, buddy. I'm going to stick with trusting the plan. If you can't see the framework of it and how it's all playing out then…

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54fc54  No.16849241


Children should be Guarded like money in a Bank

But Better

Hire a Veteran Today

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a79199  No.16849249


You like demostene..

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bb8ada  No.16849259


All the usual Mass Murderers going back over 30 years.

Trump had no one to appoint.

They are all proven comped, by now.

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7b4566  No.16849262


>use diesel

that's getting expensive these days, no?

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cc6c5f  No.16849268


…That would make three.

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