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File: e157e218b9ddf14⋯.jpg (9.61 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1654105158808.jpg)

fcc993  No.16810405[Last 50 Posts]

Q is a bunch of vague riddles about as provable as Nostradamus who was also a faggot larper. I spoke to Q once on 4chan before he became famous lemme tell you, I told him to fuck right off with his gay riddles. He told me to trust the plan. There is no plan and you're all fucking retarded.

You see back then there were many people playing the larp that Q was playing, he wasn't even the first, he was just the best at it. It was the latest fad at the time that countless posters were pretending that they had insider information and dropping vague hints and clues and riddles. But people forget that, they weren't there. I was, and I'm telling you, this is all retarded and you can suck my dick.

>This user was banned for this post

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78d00a  No.16810804

File: 461e35813feb370⋯.png (178.55 KB, 428x428, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Okay Groomer

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daf52f  No.16810929


No that you're an asshole and wrong!

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148127  No.16811207


What then does 218 refer to?

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a8aeb6  No.16811266


I dont know.

Is it Winning?

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81ecfc  No.16811295


>more rows

>more nitrogen

makes sense

30 inch rows instead of 9 because of fertilizer shortages?

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32c57c  No.16811307


>That's the Question

Why are they calling witnesses when they have video?

Why aren't they showing the videos?

If Trump said something sensational, where's the evidence?

Why are all these witnesses relying on emotion?

Where's the cross-examination?

Define, Propaganda"

What do all these witnesses have in common?

That's just a few Questions that come to mind.

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fd12f0  No.16811330


hey Sam; have a great day

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3c86a9  No.16811386


The Truth About The Vax (Knowingly)

Read it or watch it before it's gone.

(previously noted) Just emphasizing



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5ea460  No.16811387

I hope the demons are seething

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5d79b1  No.16811407




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c9af04  No.16811424


Fuck off, glowie.

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5695e1  No.16811425

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4b48d4  No.16811466


i violated your mama's will

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3e5a05  No.16811485


Hesitation can be harmful. 💥 Trust in your abilities

I think they're saying, "see something, do something"?

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b9c5c6  No.16811504


She probably got uppity doing the big 'do you know who I am' celeb shite when she went through passport control and got her comeuppance.

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e57726  No.16811517


MSM mentioning qanon all the time.

Have no idea who that is, but you could check if Dall-E has an idea.


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a1fd59  No.16811546

City of Uvalde avoiding handing over police records after school massacre

June 13, 2022 4:00pm

Lawyers representing the city asked AG Paxton to rule on whether the information requested by media outlets is “excepted from disclosure under the Public Information Act.

“The City claims that the requested information is not information that is collected, assembled, or maintained under a law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by a governmental body or for a governmental body or is excepted from disclosure,” the letter, signed by attorney Cynthia Trevino, said.

Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Hal Harrell refused to reveal last week whether Arredondo was still employed by the city.


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69b8a5  No.16811630


The trip code matches.

Only Q could show up on Q.pub.

Trump is spread out on several sites now.

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c91a94  No.16811658


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fd12f0  No.16811660

Sum of all fears - backchannels are important.

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69b8a5  No.16811751

Do as you please baker with the little I have garnered from this bread

Notables @ 700







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e0562b  No.16811759


>Saving Israel for last

Saving the fucking Kikes was yesterday!

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1e1035  No.16811790


The links are in images, tard.

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5457c4  No.16811824

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ae2c16  No.16811852


morbidly obese, diabetic and can barely walk. happy happy joy joy

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8be973  No.16811867


We The Ultra Media ⛈⛈⛈, [05.06.22 10:27]

[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)]

[ Video ]

Kevin McCarthy: “Hillary Clinton made this up. They made it up to go after the President. It went to the highest levels…

Jake Sullivan is now the National Security Advisor to the POTUS. He was a part of this. He made this up… Why is Jake still in the White House?…

Why were those players inside Congress like Adam Schiff… Why was he portraying this at the same time as well?

Durham should not stop until he gets all the truth coming forward, cause we learned so much more in that trial itself.” 💥

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bb69ef  No.16811876

File: e88eb05bedde2f9⋯.jpg (59.62 KB, 528x368, 33:23, Shitshow_Joe_Cologuard.jpg)

File: 19a47f6082c7e40⋯.jpg (128.18 KB, 858x448, 429:224, We_R_Coming_For_Ya_NCSWIC.jpg)

File: 83673f8189ab60e⋯.jpg (81.77 KB, 457x637, 457:637, You_Enhanced_Donkey_Fuckin….jpg)

File: 82166a3b45f2743⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1491x782, 1491:782, 1658778757945.png)

File: 7ac5eac4168ec7e⋯.gif (2.62 MB, 480x276, 40:23, Trump_Won_Knights_T.gif)






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848352  No.16811904


Go deep in the Rabbit hole

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03dfe1  No.16811932



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3946b7  No.16811938

What's happening with Durham?

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3a6179  No.16811974


Same, just closed it [x] and post went through.

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616228  No.16811991


And Jesus told you nobody takes His life from Him, that He laid it down Himself. He had the authority. The one who handed Him over committed the greater sin… Him.

He is counted among the transgressors.

You do not see.

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30d119  No.16811994



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3c86a9  No.16812010

il Donaldo Trumpo


I knew Brian looked familiar

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2cedec  No.16812063


Eating her juicy taco on Tuesday

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693c7e  No.16812071


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271018  No.16812094


These notables are fucking disgraceful.

If the same Baker is still baking, STOP right this instant and give the bread to another, more qualified Baker. One who won’t throw together notables into a bun and just name it whatever lazy shit they want.

Man, I am fucking PISSED OFF rn.

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1bfcef  No.16812146


>What does R Kelly know about Haiti?

ssame theing thisese people know….


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195ad4  No.16812156

Who here believes current Q drops are fake and that this board is comped?

Please reply.

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7c0799  No.16812161

Happy Independence Day to all my American anon brethren.

Much love from the People’s Republic of Cubada

Be grateful that Trudeau isn’t your leader. Seriously. He’s got knuckleheads here still wearing their damn masks wherever they go….

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b6b979  No.16812186


He was convinced, it was early on in the battle, and some were still playing the game to keep their positions. For most of the R's they were still playing the game, what other reason could there be? If you are Trump you take people at their word , but the swamp is controlled, We made Sessions out to be on our side and even Trump Thought that he was. it was who ever held the power over those in the swamp.

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bb69ef  No.16812205

File: f04e5c5e76086e1⋯.gif (2.72 MB, 720x297, 80:33, Trump_Won_Lefty_From_Mulbe….gif)

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bb69ef  No.16812209

File: 09fb979772aa15d⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 720x301, 720:301, Trump_Won_Willow.gif)


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bb69ef  No.16812215

File: cae5dbe311c1aa3⋯.gif (6.17 MB, 720x390, 24:13, Trump_Won_Kenneth_Noisewat….gif)

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bb69ef  No.16812228

File: 372343f0eaddfe8⋯.gif (4.05 MB, 720x540, 4:3, Trump_Won_Winning_Wooed_Pr….gif)

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0161b6  No.16812237

Reporter: What specific data did he [Biden] look at?

Jean-Pierre: He talks to his economic team…they present him with information that he needs with any other decision that he makes, uh…that..uh…that deals with a decision like this.

[most inept press secretary of all-time]

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bb69ef  No.16812251

File: ce030096ad60f69⋯.jpg (42.7 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Awesome_Semi_Trucks_4.jpg)

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d54f84  No.16812252


Hopefully zero but never underestimate evil

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bb69ef  No.16812265

File: 3f99aa945eea5b3⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1187x983, 1187:983, 1658674174266.png)

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4e1c10  No.16812329


Traveled: 4360 kms

Destination: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

God himself walked with this man


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f0115f  No.16812330


I have never changed ID, anon…check it!

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aa4ccc  No.16812334


Escape from NY

Snake Bliskin long island

Long Island- Madam? Black book

Heidi Fleiss black book

Epstein island

All connected..? Long list of names

Chuck Schumer for one.

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4502c3  No.16812335


Wow, long time since I heard this one.

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850032  No.16812362


a broad so detestable and vile that she makes one root for the guy that threatened to assassinate trump ; only in murka

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b8a175  No.16812366


So you knot that she sucked a lot of dicks, and swallow a lot of cum……

Now you have to live with that……………

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c7e7a5  No.16812393


you are obviously a shill.

slickly designed post which is posted a hundred times each bread…

confirmed shill

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6a9c8d  No.16812410




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e6bf1e  No.16812425


below is all pb lb


Green is for the Irish and Pepes.

Converse means "To engage in conversation or a conversation"

Her shooting, think mirror of shooter = shoot him


Let's not get paranoid (in conversations, which is probably referring to us as spreading disinformation)


The feet are and symbolizes a foundation.


Same one shown in pic of recent stated miracle.

Well, this is what I get out of his comms, I hope he is not another Alex Baldwin who used a woman who had pictures of a 911 memorial and the remaining girder remnants on her dresses that she wore. This seems like a threat. They tried running me over just a few days ago with a car. Sure he will read this, so this is what it appears like to me, he is welcome to clarify.

They are probably saying is this conversing (Irish) pepe has a black heart as his right foundation. Shoot him. But warns not to get paranoid as plausible deniability.

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1fbdc3  No.16812427


hmmm I got that it was July 17th for the True the Vote/Gregg Phillips big drop. He'd first said it June 6th, that in 6 weeks ad drop bigger than the 2000 Mules would be dropped. 6 Weeks from June 6th, on the calendar, is July 17th…We will see.

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02435f  No.16812452


What do you think about Obama?


https://archive.vn/szuFL - "Biden reassures Florida Jews on Israel"

https://archive.vn/GhSwJ - "Sen. Joe Biden reiterates support for Israel at two South Florida rallies"


Obama signed a $38 billion package of military aid for Israel over 10 years.


https://archive.vn/CA7gU - "U.S. Finalizes Deal to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid"


Obama said "The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,” at a synagogue in 2015.


https://archive.vn/L7HVL - "An insider’s view: Eight years watching the first Jewish US president "


Obama was very very close to the extremely zionist Rahm Emanuel.


https://archive.vn/Yqy7p - "Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chieff of Staff"


https://archive.vn/bsK8P - “Obama Hailed as a 'Mensch' After Moving Speech at NYC Synagogue: 'Be Kind. Be Useful. Be Fearless'”


https://archive.vn/L7HVL - "An insider’s view: Eight years watching the first Jewish US president"


As US President Barack Obama stood before the packed synagogue sanctuary, a white kippa comfortably atop his head, he spoke of the impact that images of kibbutzim, Israel’s founders and the 1967 war had on him as he was coming of age.

“To a young man like me, grappling with his own identity, recognizing the scars of race here in this nation, inspired by the Civil Rights struggle, the idea that you could be grounded in your history, as Israel was, but not be trapped by it, to be able to repair the world – that idea was liberating. The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,” Obama said that day, speaking in 2015 at my own synagogue, Adas Israel Congregation in Washington DC, in celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month.



https://archive.vn/TlQsV - "William Kristol & Neocons Are Not Conservatives"


https://archive.vn/dVaoi - "Barack Obama: America’s First Jewish President!"




"Some Chicago Jews Say Obama Is Actually the 'First Jewish President'"


Chuck Schumer talks about how Barrack Obama was introduced to the world of politics by the most powerful Jewish families in Chicago:


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ae9498  No.16812458


God wants me to Show you all these GIF's that he has Given me

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1dca32  No.16812468


Also on July 13, 2022, there are 171 days left in the 2022 calendar.

Number 171 is a palindromic number.



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e87cde  No.16812476

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

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947787  No.16812499

Everything the left does backfires.png

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50c073  No.16812509


mRNA Death Toll, [05.06.22 09:10]

[ Video ]

🇨🇦 #Canada Vaccination against smallpox monkeys in Canada ⚠️☝️

💬 "A vaccination campaign against smallpox of monkeys has begun in the province of Quebec. The side effects of corona vaccines will be explained by the fact that they are caused by the monkey pox virus!",- Chris Sky!

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4b812d  No.16812512

Can someone point me to a clip where Trump actually says Ultra Maga plea? I'm going for a this is sparta kek

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1be952  No.16812516


>This is going to be another truth bomb regarding the grotesquely fraudulent election system & process we have in America.


>What is “This”?

Mike Lindell says he's financing a 'full feature film' premiering in July to prove Trump's baseless claims that he won the 2020 election

Lindell also teased the movie's premiere on his online show, The Lindell Report.

"You know what, after those two days, if there's any politician left in the United States that says there was no election crime, and that they really are in love with those machines, they can sit behind those melted down prison bars made from those machines," Lindell said on his show. "We can build a whole big old new prison for all the people that were part of the election crime of 2020!"


The film, "Selection Code," is produced by ex-CBS journalist turned far-right figure Lara Logan.

"'[S]election Code' is a political thriller uncovering a secret so critical to the survival of America it transcends political parties. It is not about correcting the past. It's about correcting the future," reads the movie's description on its website, referencing Trump's oft-touted and baseless claims that the 2020 election was stolen. "Once you see '[S]election Code,' you'll never again let a machine near your vote."


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9d0d32  No.16812523

How old you gotta be to get an AR15 if you are a young Nazi?

Bet they get em paid for by American taxpayers…

(just like for the grown up Nazi's)

Nazi Faggots. All of em, both here and there…

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e87cde  No.16812524



Protect those who protect those who cannot protect themselves.

We will not bend the knee to anyone apart from in prayer

Semper fi


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9d931c  No.16812529

Awake the Rapper

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8546f5  No.16812534

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f0115f  No.16812535


Yeah I suck at movie trivia.

I like this coz for me it's an analogy for silver.

Also a boyish superhero cool thing.

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e7f90f  No.16812536

Sixteen months. We shall see who is still standing.

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4502c3  No.16812547


Good looking out ahead, anon! Need a really good Baker in case Q joins us!

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715570  No.16812549

SC decisions have triggered the division shills

WTF, the divide by Race, Religion 3 letter agency scum are abounding today.

Muh Joos, Muh Nazis, Muh Blacks, Muh Whites, Muh everybody else

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131739  No.16812562

right anon is off.

done a all nighter

take care frens.

god speed ahead.

tomorrow watch the French election.

should be fun, does not matter who wins should be a hell of panic all round.


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e87cde  No.16812574


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8546f5  No.16812584


What was that from?

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d06225  No.16812585


It's like RBG's death bed confession of "I don't want Trump to replace me on the court before the election."

GTFO. No way, RBG moments away from meeting her maker is thinking about politics.

People think about their family and shit, not their jobs.

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1fbdc3  No.16812597


I am listening to his Leviticus series now

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9cb802  No.16812599


do you think pine needles could ferment ?

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1be952  No.16812608


Give them all black eyes and send it back out.

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342722  No.16812609





trips confirm friendly air asset.


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f7db17  No.16812615


Not as important as the comma. Commas save lives

Let's eat Grandma.

Let's eat, Grandma.

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d34331  No.16812626


this guy was one of the people in the 70s that believed in conspiracy theories, the Tri lateral commission, satanism, and understood every totalitarian regime change WW. He must have given up challenging it all, he went back to London and integrated. I have no contact with him, because I couldn't believe how profoundly stupid he became.

In a way I hope my commitment to truth and reality will help all those I've known in the past and the future.

And truthfully I'm not a people person. I've never understood what it meant. Kek

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c84482  No.16812677

Paul Pelosi has been charged with DUI. This ain't his 1st wreck. Sez he had an accident with his brother years ago and the bro died in that crash. He had another crash with the children and Nance in the car and flipped on it's side. Nance hitched a ride and got to her waiting constituents..

Sauuzze: Jessie Watters Faux News right now..

There's a victim in the latest crash in Napa and also fire fighters were called to the scene. Both cars were demolished

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1dca32  No.16812679

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bb7799  No.16812680

Operation warp speed is 18 letters.

What does 18 symbolize? 6x3?


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f0115f  No.16812700

Tell me true. Tell me why

Was Jesus crucified?

Was it for this that daddy died?

Was it you? Was it me?

Did I watch too much T.V.?

Is that a hint of accusation in your eyes?

If it wasn't for the Nips

Being so good at building ships

The yards would still be open on the Clyde.

And it can't be much fun for them

Beneath the rising sun

With all their kids committing suicide

What have we done?

Maggie, what have we done?

What have we done to England?

Should we shout? Should we scream?

What happened to the post-war dream?

Oh, Maggie, Maggie, what did we do?

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225a20  No.16812701


I'm thinking Light Infantry Quick Reaction Force. Now we know of 49 being repainted in Texas. Isn't there a big armor park and vehicle depot around Yuma?

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e6bf1e  No.16812704



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8546f5  No.16812708

Hoping tonights rally is going to be 'Tippy top'

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1be952  No.16812717


i've been soy boy slapped by an idiot kid who thinks vaping causes brain tumors. duhhhhh…….


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bb7799  No.16812719


Right ??

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e87cde  No.16812723

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783783  No.16812729




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6850e8  No.16812738



would be great if lots of anons get live online access and vidcap the entire kangaroo court proceedings to save offline.

There will be a FOIA hearing on Julian Assange in Australia on Friday June 10th, at 10 a.m. Canberra-time. (8p.m. ET on the 9th for US residents)

Case: 2021/5474 Maurizi and DFAT (Australian Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade).

To request videolink access:

Send an email to:


Subject: request to attend hearing

In the body of the email simply put that you are requesting video link access and list the case number above.


This hearing is incredibly important and part of an ongoing battle by journalist Stefania Maurizi to press for documents and evidence on the Julian Assange case being hidden, deleted, and or expunged from records by the US, UK, and AUS governments.

Having eyes on it matters.


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982b36  No.16812751

Q/ @Q

06/29/2022 09:15:38

Truth Social: 108560943565459854

Perfect timing for red flag laws


Data breach exposes private info of all California concealed-carry permit holders

JUNE 28, 2022 UPDATED 10:30 PM PT

A data breach has exposed the personal information of every person with a California permit to carry a concealed weapon, authorities said Tuesday.

The California Department of Justice suffered the breach as part of the launch of its 2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal, according to the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office, which said it was informed of the leak Tuesday by the California State Sheriffs’ Assn.

“This public site allows access to certain information, however, personal information of concealed carry weapon permit holders is not supposed to be visible,” the Sheriff’s Office said in a statement. “This includes, but is not limited to a person’s name, age, address, Criminal Identification Index number and license type (Standard, Judicial, Reserve and Custodial).”

The breach affects all concealed weapons permit holders in California, the Sheriff’s Office said.

Justice Department officials pulled down the dashboard site along with all related links after learning of the breach, but it is possible that some private information was posted elsewhere online.

“It is unknown exactly how much time the information was accessible,” the Sheriff’s Office said.

California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta’s office told law enforcement it is “working with urgency” to determine the breach’s scope and plans to contact permit holders to directly advise them.

Bonta’s office will institute a program to mitigate harm or damages that permit holders suffer as a result of the breach, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

“We are investigating an exposure of individuals’ personal information connected to the DOJ Firearms Dashboard,” the attorney general’s office said in a statement. “Any unauthorized release of personal information is unacceptable. We are working swiftly to address this situation and will provide additional information as soon as possible.”

The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office urges anyone whose information was compromised by the breach to visit www.fresnosheriff.org/report-a-crime-online and submit a report.

Further information was not available Tuesday night.


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963338  No.16812755


Smacks of a Jesse Jackson type shakedown to me.

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225a20  No.16812756

He is trolling you for the attention and he gets paid by the response…and…and he is a immature attention fag eating up the bread…don't engage..just filter…

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1f130a  No.16812758

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33b84a  No.16812764

The shills writing that Tor 000000 ID namefag Q is real are the same shills writing that Tor 000000 ID namefag Q is fake

Real when they do what I am doing here.

Fake when I am doing what they are doing here.


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4502c3  No.16812766


Avenatti didn't rape himself

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b8a175  No.16812767


Deep down, we all hate niggers.

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9d0d32  No.16812770


It adds a whole new mind fucking dimension to everything when you think about Nazis, and Time traveling and everything is a temporal spiritual war.

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5e5f00  No.16812771


THINK: State Militia.

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2b7e6f  No.16812772



That was awesome.

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a307b8  No.16812773


Ericsson Air 6449 Antennas and 6701 will be used for 5G

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bb7799  No.16812777



nope…. they are emboldened and their economy is booming now that they are only accepting their own uninflated currency.

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c84482  No.16812778


Bush Jr did even worse. Sat there like the retard he is and played his part with the upside down book.


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35c8cc  No.16812788


Convenient timing for a woman with a Million dollar bounty on her head.

Suicide watch like the perv Epstein? Whoda thunk it…

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db751d  No.16812801

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982b36  No.16812803

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/29/2022 08:28:51

Truth Social: 108560759613983127

The last thing that J.B. Pritzker, considered by many to be the worst Governor in the Country, wanted, was to run against Darren Bailey, a very popular State Senator with a big, beautiful and powerful base, who won the Republican nomination in a landslide last night. With all the Crime and Lockdowns going on in Illinois, with people fleeing to other States, Bailey will WIN!


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1f130a  No.16812812


TOR posting

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aa4ccc  No.16812830


Millions of them!! Starving Jews! They ALL survived the Holocaust! Even the 20-yr old ones!

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8b1a61  No.16812843


rosie this one is for you

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6850e8  No.16812904


Triple Vaxxed?

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c555a5  No.16812911

Still pushing their desperate narrative, I see.

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d886fb  No.16812966


>They are still there.

they deleted the ones in the LAST BREAD anon


I have only posted them in this bread once

I cant control what other anons post

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331993  No.16812990


Products that DO CONTAIN aborted

fetal material (continued):

Decouverte Cosmetics

Contains tropoelastin from embryonic stem cells!

Vaccines and the Manufacturers:

• Adenovirus 5,7 (Barr Laboratories )

• MMR II: Rubella portion of Measles,

Mumps, Rubella combo (Merck)

• ProQuad: MMR + Varicella (Merck)

• Varivax: Varicella (Merck)

• Vaqta: Hepatitis-A (Merck)

• Havrix: Hepatitis-A (GSK)

• Twinrix: Hepatitis-A/B (GSK)

• Zostavax: Shingles (Merck)

• Imovax: Rabies (Sanofi Pasteur)

• Acambis 1000: Smallpox (Acambis)

• Some Covid-19 In Development


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1f130a  No.16812998


Cool thanks for sharing!

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f91d94  No.16813000

I swear, this timeline is never dull. i will give it that.

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b8a175  No.16813010


Israeli media: Hamas attempted to hack phones of IOF soldiers

Israeli media quoted the IOF as claiming that it had thwarted dozens of Hamas attempts to hack the phones of Israeli soldiers during the recent period.

According to Israeli media, this came after a joint operation between "Military Intelligence and the Cyber ​​Division of the Shin Bet."

The IOF claimed that using fake profiles, specialized groups in the Hamas movement tried to convince IOF soldiers to download a game on their phones that allows Hamas to gain complete control of the device.

Israeli news website i24 said that this is not the first time that Hamas has tried to hack the phones of IOF soldiers and gather intelligence information through fake accounts and special applications.

In the same context, it is noteworthy that Israeli media reported in mid-March that the mobile phone of the wife of the Israeli Mossad Chief David Barnea was hacked and its contents were published on an anonymous Telegram account.

This came days after a cyberattack - attributed to Iranian hackers - paralyzed all Israeli occupation government websites.

In late January, an Iranian hacker group going by the name of "Moses Staff" hacked into the Israeli closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV) on occupied Palestinian streets.

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8546f5  No.16813026



now THERE'S a reliable source for impartial scholarly research. not a deepstate propaganda rag at all.

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430399  No.16813037


Military: Fauci Likes Young Boys

April 5, 2022

A JAG source on Sunday told Real Raw News that the Office of Military Commissions has obtained from an unnamed source images showing Deep State Dr. Anthony Fauci in bizarre and compromising relations with underage males to whom he has no known link.

Our source emphasized that although the pictures are not sexually explicit, they give credence to the probability that Fauci is indeed a closet pedophile. JAG, he added, is currently involved in a thorough investigation to learn the identity of the children in the photographs.

“We’re hoping this will add fuel to Fauci’s fire, so to speak. His days are numbered, and the more evidence against him, the better. The photos, which will be shown when he faces a military tribunal, clearly show Fauci is fascinated with and likes young boys,” our source said.

One image, he added, shows Fauci and an unidentified male teenager sitting in the nosebleed seats at Nationals Stadium on 13 June 2021. The teenager holds in his hand an ice cream cone. And Dr. Fauci, mouth agape, is licking melted chocolate ice cream from the cone in the kid’s hand.

The child could not have been Fauci’s offspring, for he has no male children, only three daughters—Megan, Jennifer, and Allison, all adults.

“Of course, we tested the authenticity of the image. Our people at U.S. Army Cyber Command in Ft. Gordon looked for signs of fakery or digital image manipulation. They said it was the real deal, and the metadata attached to the picture confirmed it was real. Unless the other person in the photo was a bona fide dwarf, it was a boy maybe 13 years old. Fauci is only 5’7”, and the kid was shorter than he is. Even though they were sitting in the photo, we easily made that determination,” our source said.

Metadata confirmed the 30-megapixel RAW image was taken with a Sigma 150-600mm zoom lens affixed to a Canon 5D Mark IV digital camera, meaning the photographer could have snapped the picture from a significant distance.

A second image, our source said, shows Fauci and a different underage male holding hands while taking a leisurely stroll along an isolated path at Brookside Botanical Garden in Montgomery County, Maryland. Metadata on that image proved it was taken on September 4, 2021, a Saturday, when the park was still partly closed to the public due to the county’s strict Covid-19 guidelines. Neither Fauci nor his companion wore a mask, and in one image, Fauci could be seen leering like a predator at the child.

“There are other images, all similar. Four kids in all. We admit this is perplexing because we’ve tried to shadow Fauci since the start of the plandemic, and he’s almost always surrounded by a large security detail. But this photographer, and all I’ll say is he’s a licensed private investigator and former LEO, got close enough to take the pictures at exactly the right moment. Kudos to him,” our source said.

In closing, he told Real Raw News that JAG is closing the dragnet, and soon Fauci will be forced to answer for the despicable crimes committed against law-abiding American citizens, as well as children, if the military can satisfactorily prove that he has a sexual predilection for young boys.


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d34331  No.16813054


Isn't this what Hillary asked for to wear Orange for gun control

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4502c3  No.16813076


Spooks like to keep the whole family involved.

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8546f5  No.16813133


apologies for the crazy post




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68bc2c  No.16813145

Is there a chemical that courses through your body when you’re about to die? When do you lose the light in your eyes?

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4e1c10  No.16813146

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963338  No.16813153


>Mike Pence is Planned Parenthood’s Worst Nightmare. Enough of your lies

(picture missed the boat there.)

Have you heard about Childrens (whatever the fuck ya calle it "the find missing childern people")


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895ee8  No.16813164


Probably a ritual in the basement.

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c555a5  No.16813175


DJT - "She's gone"

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ed24fb  No.16813186


have you seen the series The Walking Dead

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d34331  No.16813192


Did you know Hitler was the first public figure to die from AIDS from all the butt sex he had with his many black boyfriends

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783783  No.16813198


All of the congressmen who died in the past five years disagree.

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c1944d  No.16813223



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9cb802  No.16813246


I knew that was coming.

White__Rabbit posted this^ 2 hours ago and someone replied with this^^ and I noticed the address associated with his name wasP. O. Box 911but only 36 followers in his bio.


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33b84a  No.16813283

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bdf5e5  No.16813297


no, something new and unique, so we can be sure

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f6e06e  No.16813312


>turns out

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516207  No.16813315


will try to murder you

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b567fa  No.16813334


No one cares enough about this pussy to threaten him and/or his family.

Bring on the investigation, start with a handwriting analysis.

RINO's playing dangerous games.

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7eee5c  No.16813336



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91d8af  No.16813342

Goldman Traders’ Streak of $100 Million Days Hits 11-Year High

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said its traders cracked the $100 million mark at least once every other day in the first quarter, offering another glimpse into an extraordinary run through markets disrupted by war and unpredictable central bank actions.

The firm’s trading division clocked more than $100 million in revenue on 32 separate days, the bank said in a regulatory filing Monday, or just over half the total trading days in the three months through March. The run was the best since the first quarter of 2011, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The past two years have presented a change in fortunes for trading desks that had previously faced the risk of further culling. Regulatory curbs and efforts to automate trading were whittling away opportunities to make outsized gains, pressuring executives to trim down the operations. That changed with the onset of the pandemic, which offered record money-making avenues. Now, investors are at once weighing the fallout from war, central bank actions to tame inflation and the still lingering effects from the spread of Covid-19. And bank desks have been able to jump in to profit. Goldman led the pack of big banks in defying slowdown expectations last quarter. Its traders pounced on dislocations across commodities, currencies and other markets that became more acute with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

One measure of that: It took only three months of 2022 for Goldman to score as many $100 million days as it did in the three years before the pandemic. Goldman reported $7.9 billion of revenue in the first quarter from trading, representing 61% of its total revenue. Traders at the New York-based firm have helped pick up the slack from other parts of the business, such as asset management, which foundered among dropping markets. The bank still makes a majority of the money in asset management from its own capital, with fees only making up a small portion of the business line.


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3267e0  No.16813346


>Jim Watkins is fat. I don't trust fat people.


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656cca  No.16813348


I love it. Enjoy obscurity - your 15 minutes of fame is over.

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94bd90  No.16813352


Ima tech.

Jumpin in

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d34331  No.16813353


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538247  No.16813357

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bae70f  No.16813358


Jane is the mother of Roe, a heroic figure to the Left, as she brought forth and endless supply of roe

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c32589  No.16813361

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9f4d4f  No.16813365


I bet you’re a real hit at parties

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b567fa  No.16813366

anon is inexplicably and uncharacteristically comfy.

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895ee8  No.16813370


Maker her a Blonde & I see your point

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a22953  No.16813373


Notable post by Anon of SC abortion decision

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a720cf  No.16813378


Someone should probably tell Putin then?

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db751d  No.16813383

Apparently It's OK to stuff a gun in a clerks face and demand money, it's not OK to have a gun and defend yourself


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516207  No.16813390


So God gave humankind the ability to choose Evil and created highly fallible angels that also have the ability to choose Evil and he allows these Evil Angels to attack us wantonly while he conceals his own existence.

All of this is rather moot because all are sinful and need Christ's sacrifice.

Why is it afforded to people and not angels?

Why do people get only one chance at eternal life in heaven vs hell?

Would an infinitely powerful, all knowing God be petty, vindictive and sadistic?

Your God is as big as your ability to perceive him.

If you're an idiot: your religion/God looks stupid.

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f6e06e  No.16813392

When Q said, "The choice to know will be yours", was he talking to anons, and not normies? Meaning that the truth is so horrifying that even anons will have trouble accepting it?

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fcbc3e  No.16813394

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755a8a  No.16813396



I said so 3 hrs before fake Q

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8b1a61  No.16813398


>this board is the last bastion


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264a1a  No.16813404


Well it sure is a possibility

MI6 did play BALL

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c1944d  No.16813408


>I'm your emperor

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22afa1  No.16813410

Nobel prize winning researcher Ivan Pavlov established a series of brilliant, sadistic, experiments, that wholesale reorganization of the human mind is a natural defense of the brain against cumulative stress.

When the brain shuts itself down the result is the loss of all prior conditioning -– everything we learned or absorbed unconsciously from satanist media.

FUD stress/"cognitive dissonance " is rapidly approaching this shut down point for cult media-controlled NPCs. Prediction is based on Pavlov’s 30 years of research into the effects of stress on the mammalian brain; not prophesy.

Pavlov commented: that the most basic inherited difference among people was how soon they reached this shutdown point and that the quick-to-shut-down have a fundamentally different type of nervous system.hint

When that critical point is reached the NPC brain scrams the higher cognitive processes, shuts down to protect itself, and zeros the registers and reboots ye mind. According to Pavlov the human mind in this state resembles a child’s – receptive to new ideas and eager to learn new ways of thinking about old problems, enthusiastically adopting ideas to which they were formerly violently opposed.

To understand this reorganizational process at the biological level we need to absorb Pavlov's studies on fear conditioning.

Autonomous processes are not significantly affected. NPCs continue to maintain normal biofunctions, and if they taught after shut down, how to rebuild consciousness suited to Higher Worlds, recognizing the moral continuum of good evil, and adapted to nonlinear changes in material space.



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234b29  No.16813753

Need to tidy the ship!

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2a8f96  No.16813754


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dd385a  No.16813755

U.S. Naval Institute


Head of Navy's Boot Camp Removed from Command - USNI News


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bce0a5  No.16813757

Boeing E-4B Nightwatch 74-0787 up from JBA. Call sign GRIM99.


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ef028f  No.16813758

Pakistan Military has been put on high alert after Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh threatened to cross line of control (LOC) due to the ongoing attacks of Kashmiri resistance on occupying forces in Jammu and Baramula. So far 15 Indian troops have been killed.

4:55 PM · Apr 23, 2022·Twitter for iPad


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b55b1b  No.16813759

Is Biden really the President?

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b13ba0  No.16813760

> qresear.ch/


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d7d7a7  No.16813761

Lord Rothschild Accused of Working as Soviet Spy

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ad3b60  No.16813762

Here's her confession…

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7fda3e  No.16813763











>It's Happening




Goodnight BO

Big Mike




































Building 7










Lil bird








































When does a bird sing? When it tweets.











John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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e93640  No.16813764

A New Fair Global Digital Currency System For Intangible Product Service From The Savior Vision

Full article, source: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com/2022/07/03/a-new-fair-global-digital-currency-system-for-intangible-product-service-from-the-savior-vision/

The idea, solution belongs to me the Savior, no any entity allowed to use it without my permission.

So how a new fair global digital currency system for the intangible products services should be like?

In this article I will share my vision with you, mostly focus on working mechanism.

There will be 3 major objects in the global digital currency system:

– Buyer Account: for anyone who want to buy digital goods.

– Seller Account: for entity want to sell their digital products service.

– Exchange Center: the place for people to exchange fiat money for the digital coin/money/bit.

Let’s use the term “digital bit” as the name for the world common digital currency for example in this article.

The flow of the digital bit and major rules:


– Buyer accounts can only send the digital bit to seller account and exchange centern not allow to send for any other buyer account.

– Seller accounts can only send the digital bit to exchange center, not allow to any other buyer account and seller account.

– Exchange center can only send the digital bit to seller account, not allow to send to any other exchange center or seller account.


– Buyer account can only receive digital bit from exchange center.

– Seller account can only receive digital bit from buyer account.

– Exchange center can receive from both buyer and seller account.

The flow of the digital bit will be like this:

Buyer account => Seller account => Exchange center => Buyer account.

Exchange center will based on each nation, 1 nation will only have 1 exchange center and only allow to using the local currency such as USD in USA, JPY in Japan, GBP in UK, etc.

too long……..

Full article, source: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com/2022/07/03/a-new-fair-global-digital-currency-system-for-intangible-product-service-from-the-savior-vision/

To support: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/allhumanity

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d78cfd  No.16813765

The[y] really need us to Surrender

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5c209b  No.16813766

Thank you easy filters.

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42f8b8  No.16813767

you have to let your turd burger ferment

to gat that jenkem whack

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94b7cd  No.16813768

Here’s “CONCLUSIVE PROOF” that Putin is not an NWO globalist or Zionist sympathizer or Chabad Lubavitcher.

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé provides firsthand testimony, from a now deceased but long-time top-level Putin advisor, which offers conclusive proof that “President Putin is what President Putin does”. Where it concerns the extremely secret intrigues that saw Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Vladimir Putin ultimately appointed as “acting prime minister of the Government of the Russian Federation by President Yeltsin” on 9 August 1999, it does not get any more authoritative than the testimony of Warsaw Pact Commander-in-chief and Marshal of the Soviet Union Wiktor Kulikow. Ardent Russian nationalist Kulikow played a decisive role in purging the Zionist traitors, who had infiltrated every level of government in the Kremlin and throughout Moscow, by way of a nation-saving conspiratorial plot executed by an ultra-secret coterie of Russian patriots known as “Razved” (which means “divorced”). In fact, the highly privileged insider’s account posted below both parallels and fleshes out the skeleton of the narrative of Putin’s rise to power that SOTN published in 2014 under the title: Secret History Revealed — Putin Played Critical Role after the Pre-Planned Collapse of the Soviet Union.

N.B. Please bear in mind that the following post has been roughly translated from the original Polish version by Google Translate.

Is President Vladimir Putin a

globalist and a puppet of the

Chabad Lubavitchers?

For home-grown politicians tangled up in “conspiracy theories” and their own mental miasms!


Propaganda and disinformation about the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has been staggering for at least a dozen years. He is credited with being a globalist, a Jew, a puppet of the Jewish satanic sect of Chabad Lubawicz, a criminal, a satrap, etc., etc., etc., as well as the greatest and most powerful opponent of the satanic New World Order. He already said publicly in 2013 (there is an article on our website) that the West is ruled by Satanists. But an objective and honest assessment about Putin can only be made as evidenced by his actions, not photos with various globalist groups.

It should be added here that the leaders of the USSR and then Russia: Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, who led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and then almost Russia itself, were constantly praised by the West … for betraying their countries. It is the same in Poland: traitors are praised, and patriots who care about their own country are slandered and even killed, like Andrzej Lepper.

Vladimir Putin came to power thanks to Boris Yeltsin, who realized that during his reign he was in a snare and therefore drank himself to death. However, as the successor of the perestroika form of rule with strong presidential power, he saved Russia from disintegration and division into 10 countries (the Polish Episcopate, following the Vatican’s guidelines, planned the division of Russia into dioceses and parishes after its collapse), which Colonel Słowacki made public a few years ago.



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b55b1b  No.16813769


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0a98cb  No.16813771

When the Hedge Funds disappear, BLM, LGBTQA, ANTIFA, Election Fraud and Fake News disappear.

AMC / GME are vital wars to win against the corruption on Wall Street.

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45f19f  No.16813773


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168102  No.16813774

New bread title

Crazy Frog Is Just A Normal Frog To Me Edition

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67c7c1  No.16813775


Ecuador police requisition Indigenous center to monitor protests

Ecuadoran police requisitioned an Indigenous cultural center in Quito on Sunday to use it as a base for monitoring anti-government protests by Indigenous people.

"The national police notified (us of) the requisition of the place, under the state of emergency," the House of Ecuadorian Culture announced.

Ecuadoran President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency on Friday in three provinces, including the capital Quito, in a bid to end the demonstrations.

The state of emergency empowers Lasso to mobilize the armed forces to maintain order, suspend civil rights, and declare curfews.

Protests demanding cheaper fuel and food prices

The powerful Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) called for the protests to demand cheaper fuel and food price controls.

The Indigenous community represents more than one million of Ecuador's 17.7 million inhabitants, and their protest has been joined by students, workers, and others.

The demonstrations have blocked roads across the country, including highways leading into Quito.

Oil producer Ecuador has been hit by rising inflation, unemployment, and poverty exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fuel prices have risen sharply since 2020, almost doubling for diesel from $1 to $1.90 per gallon and rising from $1.75 to $2.55 for petrol.

"Joy has died tonight"

The requisition of the House of Ecuadorian Culture - home to theaters, cinemas, a museum, and a library - came on the eve of the arrival of more Indigenous protesters in the capital, where a seven-hour nighttime curfew is in effect.

The center sheltered thousands of Indigenous people in October 2019 during violent demonstrations against rising fuel prices that left 11 dead and more than 1,000 injured.

"National police and soldiers entered" the building and "hundreds of armed elements besieged it," the Ecuadorian House of Culture confirmed in a statement.

"Joy has died tonight, the House of Culture has fallen into the hands of police terror, we live in a dictatorship," Fernando Ceron, president of the cultural center, tweeted on Sunday, posting a copy of the police requisition order.

Talks with the Ecuadoran President have failed to end the demonstrations.

Clashes with security forces during the protests over the past week have left at least 83 people injured and 40 arrested.

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924579  No.16813776

never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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212dce  No.16813777


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5f480c  No.16813778

MARYLAND: "During a bond hearing after the mass shooting last week at a Columbia Machine warehouse, officials announced that the suspect, Joe Louis Esquivel, will be facing multiple life sentences. Judge W. Timothy Finan was presiding as the state’s attorney argued that Esquivel is a threat to society. The public defender and state’s attorney did not comment afterwards. Esquivel will not be released and is held without bail. A preliminary hearing will be held on July 6."


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1f10cf  No.16813779




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e0b455  No.16813780

Good afternoon anons, autists and keyboard warriors o7

I'm sorry about late {PINO} so I hope ya'll had as good a one as possible.

Man the late meme canons & 🔥 4E


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72cf7d  No.16813781

TikTok Confirms Employees in China Can Access American User Data

The Chinese-owned video app TikTok has confirmed that employees within the communist dictatorship can access the personal data of U.S. users.

Bloomberg reports that the Chinese-owned viral video app TikTok has revealed that certain company employees based in China have access to the personal information of American users. The company’s admission came in a letter to nine U.S. senators who accused TikTok and its parent company, ByteDance Ltd., of monitoring U.S. citizens.

The senators asked TikTok whether China-based employees have access to U.S. users’ data, what role those employees play in developing TikTok’s algorithm, and if any of that information was shared with the Chinese government.

The CEO of TikTok parent company ByteDance, Shou Zi Chew, said in a June 30 letter that China-based employees who clear a number of internal security protocols can access certain information on U.S.-based TikTok users including public videos and comments. Chew claims that none of this information is shared with the Chinese government and is subject to “robust cybersecurity controls.”

The company claims that it is working on strengthening data security around sensitive information, including any that is defined as “protected” by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS). This new cybersecurity effort is called “Project Texas” and includes physically storing U.S. information in data centers on U.S. servers owned by Oracle Corp.

“TikTok’s response confirms our fears about the CCP’s influence in the company were well founded,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) told Bloomberg on Friday. “The Chinese-run company should have come clean from the start, but it attempted to shroud its work in secrecy. Americans need to know if they are on TikTok, Communist China has their information.”

(My comments)

Confirming China is collecting our data for WEF and we will be hooked up to a network, Harari said the computer will know us better than we know ourselves, that is why China is collecting all biometric data on us, because we will be transhuman.

WEF Prophet: “Humans…Are [Good] for Nothing” – Elites Need to Surveil Them Digitally



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67b705  No.16813782

Just about everything we were taught is a lie.

I want ALL of (You) to soak on that one thought for awhile.

What if every sci-fy movie that [THEY] made was based in reality

(You) have more than (YOU) know.

(You) know more than (YOU) know.

I was sent to Earth to help (You) realize, and know the TRUTHS

God Our Eternal Heavenly Father told others document everything

Jesus Christ came here to teach, and tell us the Truths who is who

I am just a small voice in a Grand Eternal Adventure we all call life

Many of us were chosen by Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, along with President Kennedy, President Trump, and Vice President Kennedy Jr. along with 10's of thousands more around the world.

President John F. Kennedy, President Donald J. Trump, (Yes) Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. have ALL given their whole lifes existence to investigate , document, track, find, and prosecute those that committed crimes against children, and humanity, and to secure evidence of who is who, and the Crimes against Humanity, and Our Beautiful Children that [THEY] committed EVIL SICK SATANIC SACRIFICING With. Also with those that are Luciferian Satanic Jesuit Nazi Traitors that committed Subversive Treasonous Sick Wicked Acts against Humanity, and Countries Worldwide.

(You) are about to learn Truths that will shock your current reality

Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father are in full control.

Lucifer, and his minions days are short.

[THEY] have nowhere to run or hide

Stock up on the basics, please know utilities will be operating

(You) are Free Sovereign Beautiful Children of God Our Father

A Beautiful New Heaven & Earth is under reconstruction right now

Pray, and Love Thy Neighbors as thyself

This is the calm before the storm.

The Truth Storm

[THEY] never thought she would lose.

President John F. Kennedy warned us about secret societies.

President Donald J. Trump took control during his Presidency, and found out everything, and caught them ALL RED_RED_HANDED.

Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. together decades ago with Trump , and their Special Forces Q Team put theirs lives at risk so all of U.S. can have our Children & Countries back, and live a life of Love, Truth, Light, Liberty, and Happiness for this upcoming next Thousand Years


Where We Go One We Go ALL


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming


Everything has meaning

Do not panic

Everything will be okay

Remember these days

The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED


Love is the Answer

[THEY] LIE_STEAL_CHEAT & have done this THOUSANDS of Years








Marker [9]


e[Y]e of Horus

Horus [P]riory of Sion


PBB = Project Blue Beam

PLG = Project Looking Glass

e[Y]e of Ra









Clowns in America





















Hold the Line


























CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis











Flash Dir_






Key secured.




General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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86eb64  No.16813783

Keep this in mind, you're gonna need it in the future.

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45f19f  No.16813784

"Biden made FREQUENT trips to synagogue MINYANS and services in Wilmington, Del., with his Rabbi Leonard Gewirtz."


In 2013, Biden had a Jewish Sukkah built at his home, by CHABAD


"On the holiday of Sukkot, Jewish people spend time in the sukkah."


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85b3ae  No.16813785

Circular leftist logic explained by JP.

How to Think Like a Leftist!

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1f10cf  No.16813786

What's the upload file size limit!!!

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d93ce9  No.16813787

Mike Lindell now "They are all going to prison"

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e0b455  No.16813789

Q can i get an “ on duty” note for fam please

Why the wont suffice is beyond me. Kek

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c139ec  No.16813790

Should I sign up for Jim's newsletter?

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6bb9de  No.16813791


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9c183c  No.16813792

And you all are in place now, just as you intended to be many, many thousands and thousands of years ago when you volunteered to be here, you are in place now, exactly where you need to be.

And more and more of you will feel the call now, feel the call that is reaching out to you to move you ahead upon your mission, whatever that might be. However you feel that you can contribute, now is the time to do so. Find it within your heart, within your high heart. Listen to the call from your Higher Self who is now not only whispering, but is beginning to shout more and more to you.

Listen to those whispers, and listen to those shouts, for it is all up to you, the collective you, as to how this will continue to play out. But play out, it shall.

Know that as indeed one of yours said earlier on your call, you have the power, each and every one of you has the power within you to blow this System wide open, to be those System Busters that you came here to be. So do it. Just simply do it. Whatever that might take, do it.

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195f89  No.16813793


Dr. Simon, [03.06.22 19:52]

[ Video ]

Bolsonaro drops several truth bombs about the Covid vaccine. 🙏🏻

@Goddek | Minds (https://www.minds.com/goddeketal) | Bastyon (https://bastyon.com/author?address=PF57cm7HGsc5djwK556uZ7AZbqk59wXxF2) | Gettr (https://www.gettr.com/user/goddeketal)

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a5bf82  No.16813794

CNN is our public disclosure. Think mirror.

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536a6b  No.16813795

Loaded my guns.

Cracked open a box of wine.

Photoshop is warming up.

It's going to be a bumpy night bitches!

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e0b455  No.16813796

Jan 6 was supposed to be a street fight between BLM/AntiFa and Trump supporters. That is why feds were in here trying to lure us into it. Mocking us. Calling us pussies and questioning our dedication to the cause of liberty.

AntiFa disappeared after riding govt buses into town on the 5th?

Doubt it.

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71fd84  No.16813797


New York Post


Over $200K being spent on drag queen shows at NYC schools, records show https://trib.al/MzJcW3z


3:47 PM · Jun 11, 2022·SocialFlow

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aa4308  No.16813799

Broward County


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152fa1  No.16813800

Q is the God event connected to pole shift?

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c84679  No.16813801

Interesting article up at the American Thinker about the hoax of Watergate and how the WaPo (Woodward & Bernstein) misrepresented the whole thing and how it ties in with 911 and the J6 committee. https://www.theamericanthinker.com/blog/2022/06/mysteries_of_watergate_what_really_happened_.html

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195f89  No.16813803

.11 is all you get this bread, coin clipper

stretch it out like a penny and make some copper

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a5bf82  No.16813805

“If we’re allowed to seize the assets of Tenex, Chabad will be the only religious organization in the world that has its own nuclear power supply,” Lieberman said

The saga began in 2004 when Chabad-Lubavitch, the Brooklyn-based Hasidic movement, filed a lawsuit in US federal court to demand that Russia return the texts.

The court ruled in Chabad’s favor and — after Russia failed to comply — imposed a fine of $50,000 a day on the country. Today, Russia owes Chabad more than $165 million. Subsequent court orders have authorized Chabad to claim certain Russian assets in the amount of the fine.

But claiming those assets requires finding them first.

Known as the Schneersohn library and archive, it is a historic collection of 12,000 books and 50,000 documents named for Rabbi Joseph I. Schneersohn, who led the movement until his death in 1950. It is considered of particular sentimental value because it was amassed over 200 years and then stolen by government authorities bent on persecuting the Chabad movement and Jews in general.

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50be9e  No.16813806

…The green/black theme seems ancient Egyptian. Something about the underworld.

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73a022  No.16813807

Midwest Grocery Chain Forced to Move Baby Formula Section to Front of Store Due to Shortages – Biden Stickers Pop Up in Stores

Local St. Louis Schnuck’s Grocers moved baby formula supply to the front of the store due to the ongoing national shortages.

Schnuck’s is one of the largest grocery chains in the St. Louis market and operates over 100 stores in four states.

The stores notified shoppers this week that the baby formula was moved up front.

Notice the Joe Biden “I Did That” sticker on the store sign!


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1b3a53  No.16813808

Q abandoned us.

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c0af30  No.16813810

Islamic Europe

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69f6f8  No.16813811

John Hinckley Jr. to Play Sold-Out Concert After Unconditional Release

John Hinckley Jr., the man who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, is playing a sold-out concert in Brooklyn, New York later this year.

Hinckley, 66, announced the show in a Twitter post last week, writing that he will be performing at the New York City borough's Market Hotel on July 8. "Get your tickets while you can," Hinckley wrote at the time. According to Pilot Venue, the website selling tickets to the event, the show is now sold out.


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c84679  No.16813812

Sisters and Brothers, Patriots World Wide

Everything has meaning.

Every word that I type has meaning.

Question everything.

Military is the only way.



[THEY] think you are stupid.

Puppets w/o power.

[THEY] want your guns, and babies, and children.

Remember who (You) are.





These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.

























DD = Dangerous Dragons


Sealed > Unsealed



You'll soon Know why.




The Red Wave


Marker [9]





Godfather III









Alice in Wonderland

Winnie the Poo


Willy Wonka


Bugs Bunny

Johnny Quest

Hannah Barbera


Dream Works


















Watch the Water

We were born for this!

My Stairway to Subud

Elvis Presley

Micheal Jackson





























Now we can fish after dark.













CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis Templar "Hooked X"

When does a bird sing? When it tweets.



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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e68827  No.16813813

God bless Our chilldren and ALL chilldren, and ALL on the board.

Ty Yeshua for forgiving Our sins and transgression's.

God pls bless Our planet and solar system.

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1b3a53  No.16813814

m00 m00 m00 sez GAHY cowdied burger

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5b173e  No.16813815

Jim is Roseanne in drag

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e3ab7f  No.16813818

Lets do the time line.

2024 more election fraud or does Trump win?

If election fraud happens again then that pushes back to 2028? Trumps age @ 2028?

Doesn't this pretty much have to play out in the next 2 years?

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6b541e  No.16813820


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85c73c  No.16813821

Not sure if this has been posted, 3 am in Cleveland and fire Is sweeping the streets.

Burning mulch that spread? or undergroumd fires coming to the surface?

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75da2e  No.16813835

It's me ok, not everyone else.

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dccbed  No.16813837

Spanish government admits to spraying chemtrails on citizens, at behest of the UN

During the strategically-planned covid-19 “state of emergency,” the United Nations (UN) authorized the Spanish government to spray lethal chemtrails from the skies. On April 16, 2020, the Spanish government quietly admitted that they authorized the military to spray biocides on the entire population. This population-wide medical experiment was carried out under the cover of a “state of emergency for the management of the health crisis situation caused by Covid-19.” This desperate, yet well-devised plan violates multiple counts of the Nuremberg Code — a human rights and medical ethics treaty that is not being enforced in any capacity.

Spanish Minister of Health was authorized to use military units to spray citizens en masse

This biocidal chemtrail operation was enabled by Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14th, which enabled the Minister of Health to take “a series of measures aimed at protecting the welfare, health and safety of citizens and the containment of the progression of the disease and strengthen the public health system.”

Royal Decree 463/2020 enables the Minister of Health “to dictate the orders, resolutions, provisions and interpretive instructions that, within their scope of action as a delegated authority, are necessary to guarantee the provision of all services, ordinary or extraordinary, in order to protect of people, goods and places, through the adoption of any of the measures provided for in article eleven of Organic Law 4/1981, of June 1, of the states of alarm, exception and site.”

Furthermore, order SND/351/2020 gave the Spanish Ministry of Health the supreme and unlimited power to activate the Spanish Armed Forces and Military Emergency Units to deploy biocide chemicals over the citizens. Health Minister Salvador Illa Roca used these new powers to “dictate” medical experiments over the entire population, using the military as a tool in accordance with article 15.3 of Organic Law 5/2005, of the National defense.

Spain has a history of using “aerial media” to modify the weather

Spain had previously adopted procedures to spray the entire population with chemicals. The UNE-EN 14476 standard authorizes the Ministry of Health to prepare a list of virucidal chemicals, antiseptics and disinfectants. The Royal decree calls for the Ministry of Health to activate “aerial media” and “aerial disinfection techniques” to be deployed during an emergency. The techniques include nebulization, thermos nebulization and micro nebulization, with the stated goal of reaching “all surfaces” in the country. The CBRN defense units inside the Armed Forces and Military Unit of Emergencies are already equipped to deploy these materials and carry out nationwide aerial disinfectant procedures.

These actions are typically referred to as “conspiracy theory” even though Spain has previously been used as a testing ground for chemtrails that include lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite. These chemtrail operations were used in 2015 to engineer the climate. The cocktail increases local temperatures and pushes moisture out of the sky to create conditions conducive for tourism. MEP Ramon Tremosa Balcells testified to the European Parliament on May 19, 2015 that workers from the State Meteorological Agency reported planes spreading the toxic chemicals across Spain.



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928293  No.16813839

Starbucks facing pressure to reinstate firedBuffaloworkers


What is with Buffalo in the news lately.

Mass shooting at Tops Friendly Supermarket

Crisis Pregnancy Centers fire bombed

Starbucks v. Unions

US fish & wildlife twitter account posting tweet with a weird picture of a Buffalo

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79aad1  No.16813855

Q's posting… Riots are habbening…

Suddenly, everything's comfy again. ^_^

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30b6f1  No.16813857

do you know, how i know, that you are a human garbage????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"wrey of light"

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b6a8d3  No.16813859



Its just a money-making proposition.

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c85037  No.16813863

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79aad1  No.16813864

LIVE: White House Press Briefing resumes

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a30ea6  No.16813865



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fda074  No.16813866

[Seven colors]

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c1161d  No.16813867


…The rotation of the Sun, itself, duh.

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30b6f1  No.16813868


>DC is in a panick

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b6a8d3  No.16813869


>oy vey, you're blaming all Jews

Wrong, I am exposing Jewish collective power as the main force behind all the subversion happening in the West. Some racial Jews like Ron Unz and David Cole are also doing that, so try harder with the strawman arguments.

https://bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/73FsRbYNovPi - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”

Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


https://youtu.be/wb_4U2UJucE - "Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt"

https://archive.vn/mPh2x – “Jews, Muslims “Common Cause” To Oppose European Nationalists: Europe’s Top Rabbi”

https://archive.vn/b5WRf – “With anti-Muslim laws, Europe enters new dark age: Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.”

https://archive.vn/oUB3V – “Why Jews Should Celebrate The First Muslim Congresswomen”

https://archive.vn/ilUVp – “British Jews lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees”

https://archive.vn/C1BzD – “US Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to White Countries”

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


BARBARA- SPECTRE: We make You multikulti




"She married Rabbi Philip Spectre, and the couple moved in 1967 to Ashkelon, Israel, where she served on the faculty of Jewish Studies at Achva College of Education. After moving to Jerusalem in 1982, she served on the philosophy faculty of the Shalom Hartman Institute of Jerusalem, the Melton Center of the Hebrew University, and Yellin College of Education, where she was cited as Outstanding Lecturer 1995–1997. She was the founding chairperson of the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem in 1984. She served as a scholar in residence for the United Synagogues, Midwest Regions in 1987, 1990, 1992, 1996, and has lectured extensively throughout the United States.

In 1999, she emigrated to Sweden, settling in Stockholm and joining her husband, who was then serving as the Rabbi of the Stockholm Synagogue. The following year, she applied to the Swedish government for the government-funded formation of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies, which she has continued to direct."

White Replacement Theory w/Zionist Intent:


Keep in mind that most 80% of Jews in America vote Democrat even thou 95% of them are pro-Israel (which as always fortified their borders in order to not cease to exist).


Https://archive.vn/u5Se5 - “American Jews, Politics and Israel”


95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…


Jewish voting patterns (sources at bottom of document):



Also keep in mind that the Rabbis that get assigned to Europe (and which incessantly call for open borders for the West) are selected by Israeli Rabbis (who are against open borders for Israel):


The Civil War already started:


Pic related showing that Jews infiltrated the Catholic Migration Network in order to weaponize it against the West:


Jews and migration in the West:


"History of modern immigration into the West"


The consequences of allowing Jewish collective power to operate in any country:



Spain border police has had enough:


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c85037  No.16813871


Damn. This day is gettin' good.

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79aad1  No.16813872


>jan 6th fake - there is no people on his screen.png

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a30ea6  No.16813873


>If in control, do you let your own son bear your cross?

Larpity Larp with a God complex.

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fda074  No.16813874

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30b6f1  No.16813876

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c1161d  No.16813877

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b6a8d3  No.16813879



Eli Transformation to Hawk - Cobra Kai ( Flipping The Script )


May 5, 2018

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7066f1  No.16814579

File: 84cf31cb06a185a⋯.gif (1.2 MB, 440x300, 22:15, rise.gif)

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491d97  No.16814583


Ugly AF

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374df5  No.16814588


If not God had to love me for being My personal side but other to…

I know people can can show this very much know who they are…

Big fan So on but they forget often to say whoe was around…

It is to bad I many ways at times….

I often find myself attracted to elves types but just not many of them around even more so if some what equal name or note.

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607fd2  No.16814601



"Totally normal"

Rural TexasAnon

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56d064  No.16814611


Roman 1: 30-32 KJV

again…sin is transgression of the law. Come away from it fren.

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


>The law of moses is not the same as keeping the Fathers commandments.

otay Pharisee


Matthew 23:2 KJV

“Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat:”

read in context



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1f91f2  No.16814612


Nobody cares.

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34f366  No.16814616



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88310e  No.16814619

we need a better speech writer

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76ec92  No.16814623


Ok, and that still didn't answer my question. Why do you say that about Satan?

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d97e8d  No.16814627


ask our QR lawyer he was here yesterday

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1be4ba  No.16814635

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f787bf  No.16814637


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52ea29  No.16814641


And another actor is on stage.

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6c5460  No.16814642


>I am pretty sure this dude cut his penis off and had his doctor make it into a vagina.

>The doc did the best he could.

>Now he has a skin fold that smells like shit and has no feelings.

>Poor guy.

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96bd8a  No.16814644


Jerry Rivers is a jew.

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345d91  No.16814648

The Occult Mysteries of Trump Tower

pt 1

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ccbb94  No.16814651


Hey ya piece of shit.

You don't know your audience do you?


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00f71e  No.16814656



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be5fa7  No.16814660


Shut the fuck up, asshole.

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7670be  No.16814683


you are dumb af.

actually it sound as if old veteran got redpilled just recently, you get it?

and this ain't funny at this age!

you stupid stupid idiot!

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cf1bd4  No.16814685

Anons are on fire today. I can feel it. Love you dirty bastards, no homo.

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a3c7f4  No.16814690


Hey Picklesmoocher, this is more your style.

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a686a5  No.16814696


Media making sure that it turns into a raging pandemic in the United States.

Don't want to piss off all the money makers.

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b04aaf  No.16814698


Amen!! Thank you Lord God for all the Patriot Warriors all over the world that are in the fight for Freedom! Thank you Heavenly Father for your mighty and perfect hedge of protection over all their lives and our lives here and our family's lives!

In Jesus Holy name, amen!

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714491  No.16814702


>Stephen Breyer making his retirement official as of tomorrow at noon.


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e18dfa  No.16814705


Armed California man arrested by Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh's Maryland home


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34f366  No.16814711

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213764  No.16814713

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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dc59ec  No.16814714

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6f50cc  No.16814721


>Never specified which military.

Why do you think they have these Red Flag laws?

To disarm Veterans.

They will claim the the Veterans have PTSD and will shoot up their families if they aren't disarmed.

They have made movies about it already to prime people into believing their lies.

They want to disarm the silent army that will step up to the plate to stop Communism.

How are the Communists going to kill 65 million American Citizens when most of them are armed?

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76ec92  No.16814723



Q boss, if really you, please provide appropriate IDEN

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358231  No.16814731




It's like, tell me you lurk the board without telling me you lurk the board, why dontcha?

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b9bd11  No.16814744


>Was q's mission always to drain the swamp

Q's mission was to inform you. No more, no less.

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