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44f78c  No.16762913 [Last 50 Posts]

Pedogate solved. Please keep this safe, and share. Everything wrapped up in one image - please cross-post this to 4chan. All sources below.

An alliance of international bankers created and owns the Federal Reserve and other central banks. They have a symbiotic relationship with the government – they are paid the interest on all created money via the fractional reserve system, in addition to their already unassailable wealth. The government benefits via inflation – a stealth tax which allows them to effectively steal up to 80% of their citizens’ wealth. Citizens usually revolt when taxed above 40%. This arrangement allows the bankers to exert a high degree of influence over society, including over the media, both sides of the political system, and even the intelligence agencies. Everything is a distraction in order to keep the game going – the greatest scam in the history of the world. Within this banking alliance is a Zionist faction, headed by the Rothschilds via Israel and the Mossad, which blackmails politicians in the U.S. and Europe via pedophilia. This faction appears to have a Jewish religion but in reality does not (it uses Judaism only for the antisemitism smear and is actually at odds with the everyday Jewish faith) – this Zionist faction in fact worships Lucifer and engages in satanic ritual abuse, child kidnapping and murder.

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44f78c  No.16762924

File: 96d3c9c7c138854⋯.png (47.77 KB, 535x841, 535:841, ClipboardImage.png)

Banking families, intelligence agencies and secret societies












The Mega group


Dutroux Affair



Documentary: Belgium's X Files (Olenka Frenkiel) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djmm7GrgsUk

Documentary: Dutroux and the Dead Witnesses (Piet Eekman, 2001) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaf7q9RKjgo

Documentary: Real Crime - The Perverted World of Marc Dutroux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYFG7hFh2oY

Pink Ballet Affairs


Jersey scandal




London (Islington and Lambeth)





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44f78c  No.16762935

Jimmy Savile scandal









Epstein scandal









Pizzagate Reality Check - Ben Swann


Anthony Weiner scandal



Marina Abramovic



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44f78c  No.16762940

Haiti trafficking



Weinstein scandal



NXIVM scandal


Franklin scandal


Bohemian Grove


Australia VIP pedophilia scandal


Documentary: The 'Candy Girl' Fiona Barnett


Kendall testimony

Dr Phil Kendall episode (S15 E125)


Ronald Bernard testimony

Ronald Bernard interview (De Vrije TV)


Theresa testimony

60 Minutes "Satan's Children"


John of God








9/11 attacks







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7af093  No.16800175



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636a1e  No.16800281


Mornin’ Mike!

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039d49  No.16800291


I said multiple times, no way nearly 5k Q posts ends with a Twisted Sister song. Didn't know it would be 2 years, but hey, I stuck to my guns.

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7fdc2d  No.16800310


help w/ 4 down?

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82963d  No.16800313


2 moar

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bf6d08  No.16800349

>>16504957 Q drop pb

As exciting as this is, we need some kind of sec test to ensure it’s 17. There has been a lot of time (1700 days) for bad actors to break that trip.

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e9e504  No.16800360


CBS running some horseshit primetime Watergate show tonight.

Cover for their little op?

Or using the show as an opportunity

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852ddc  No.16800366



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c0b726  No.16800377


💪yes! Common sense! Hope rekindled.

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d012e4  No.16800426


Google Trends “institutions are failing”


Whether we have physical evidence that Christ existed as the Gospels claim is irrelevant. What's important is that the incarnation of logos was the foundation upon which Western culture was built, even if most people today take it for granted.

The stories of the Old Testament were all about the rise and fall of the State. The overall ideal was with that by making the right laws, we could bring about social utopia via the perfect State.

The birth of Christ and his ministry as told by the Gospels in the NT was a declaration that the State was not salivation.

The individual who acts upon the Truth is salvation

Christianity was not a religion that later became corrupted. The corruption began with institutionalization of Christianity as the State religion of Rome.

The Church of Rome gave rise to the first corporations, known as Samaritan corporations as well as the first NGO institutions.

Institutions have always worn the mask of care and presumed to do better for humans what humans can do for themselves. Institutional authority was served by making what was easy seem hard, by subordinating the laity to the priesthood.

It is becoming clear that the institutions of science today no more represent the actions of noble scientists than did the Roman Church represent the noble teachings of Christ.

The corruption has always been intrinsic to the institution, not the truthful individuals who changed the world.

The fact that we are now witnessing the rapid failure of institutions and a resurrection of the spirit of Truth upon the earth is further evidence that “the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

Happy Fathers Day

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32a7c9  No.16800468


bakers can fix the dough, dough is for next bread.

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aa446f  No.16800555


it also now explains to me why EVERY single cia person that I knew was CIA that I met, I always thought they were a fucking piece of shit.

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d012e4  No.16800574



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e01deb  No.16800592


Yep. I imagine they've had some amazing conversations.

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b940fa  No.16800601


don't let anyone drive you

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79aefe  No.16800610

Sisters and Brothers Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

who is WHO?

Good- B[y]e Old Guard


The calm before the storm.








No war.

No civil unrest.

Clean and swift.

Midnight Riders

Think EO's

Who controls the NG?

Military is the only way.


The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.






EVERYTHING has meaning.


Marker [9]



These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.

Crimes against Humanity.

Crimes against children.

They shouldn't have touched the children.

























17 items





Valhalla Calling


Fantasy Land

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44ff05  No.16800615

Worth remembering.


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287af3  No.16800664


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>16199152 HB laptop dig – REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics

>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough

>>16362680 Plz use digs, buns, reports & threads for important info on PDJT



>>16378516, >>16378519, >>16378523, >>16378543, >>16378548, >>16378556 Operation Crimson Mist, the Rwanda Genocide, the Havana Syndrome, and future control of humanity to be happy and own nothing

>>16378530, >>16378629 different forms of brain control darpa/nato have been working on, nanoparticles and what not

>>16378615, >>16378631, >>16378729 RE: The Nursery Products [Hawes Composting Facility]

>>16378703, >>16378735, >>16378820 Most rooms/offices can be converted into a SCIF

>>16378769, >>16378796, >>16378836 Satellite fagging continued

>>16378771 Looking Ahead to the next Durham Prosecution

>>16378808 the rat problem in NYC has gotten much worse

>>16378829, >>16378834, >>16379028 POTUS Nightshift Minibun

>>16378876, >>16378877, >>16378878 Jury Acquits Clinton Campaign Attorney, But Prosecutors Prove Corporate Media Guilty

>>16378886 Three new docket entries today in USA vs. Danchenko

>>16378973 The data of 700 Ukrop Intelligence Service SBU employees were posted online by the Russian hacker group RaHDt

>>16379023 The Serpo releases 1–21, 2 November, 2005 to 30 August, 2006

>>16379145 Kosovo: New Charges re: Four High-Profile Wartime Guerrilla Leaders

>>16379150 investigation into ritualistic child sexual abuse and child sex trafficking that occurred in Utah County

>>16379162 Looks like Nunes also believes Durham is pursuing conspiracy charges

>>16379176 #20720

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8dec01  No.16800718

UK Health Agency Reports Over 99% Of Monkeypox Patients Are Gay Men

Monkeypox is being spread almost entirely by men who "identify as gay, bisexual" or "men who have sex with men," according to a survey from UK health authorities.

"A high proportion of England cases were known to be London residents (81%, 224 of 276 with reported home address), the UK Health Security Agency reported in a briefing on Friday. "Where gender information was available, 311 (99% of 314) confirmed cases were male, with 3 confirmed female cases. The median age of confirmed cases in the UK was 38 years old (interquartile range 32 to 44)."

"One hundred and fifty-two cases participated in more detailed questionnaires, implemented from 26 May 2022, and used retrospectively. In this data, 151 of the 152 men interviewed identified as gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM), or reported same sex contact, and the remaining individual declined to disclose this information. Recent foreign travel, within 21 days prior to symptom onset, was reported by 75 cases (22%), with 59 of these reporting travel within Europe."

As I reported last week, the first monkeypox patient to go public was an HIV+ homosexual man from London who said he believes he got the virus from one of "around ten" recent gay sex partners.

Though most of the world was put on lockdown over covid with tens of millions of people losing their jobs, public health authorities have made it abundantly clear that asking gay men to stop having sex with dozens of strangers to stop the spread of monkeypox is untenable.


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7a3480  No.16800723

Zoos across North America announce LGBT ‘pride month’ events

This is a colonization, and it is nearly complete.


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b940fa  No.16800767


in brave it shows hash as well

not FF

trip scintillates in FF

not brave

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fc873b  No.16800782

Overdoses Up 700% After Oregon Decriminalizes Hard Street Drugs. Officials Mystified.

In November 2020, Oregon voters approved ballot measure 110, making Oregon the first state in the nation to decriminalize the possession of hard drugs. M110 made the possession of personal use amounts of hard street drugs like heroin or meth punishable by a citation of up to $100, and directed funding to drug treatment programs. The voters bought the argument that the state could better disburse resources to treatment rather than prosecuting offenders criminally. In addition, the citation and fine could be waived if the offender called a hotline that would offer a “health assessment.”

Guess what happened next?

Officials at the Oregon Health Authority testified to legislative committees this week about the results of the program. It isn’t good. According to the Daily Mail:

Oregon’s first-in-the-nation scheme to decriminalize drugs and encourage those caught possessing them to seek medical help has been blighted with problems, officials admitted on Thursday – as one Republican politician said there had been a 700 percent in overdoses in her district in the last year.

Of the 1,885 people who got tickets in the first year of the program, only 91 called the hotline. Of those who called, only a handful had any interest in getting treatment.

According to an earlier report in January by Oregon Catalyst, of the 68 people who had called the hotline by that point, 49 expressed zero interest in getting help, and only 11 got connected to treatment services.


A report by OPB notes that the program comes with some hefty strings, with rural areas struggling to provide sufficient resources:

Under the measure, providers applying for funds in different regions of the state, in many cases by county, must jointly form “Behavioral Health Resource Networks.” Each network must provide a range of services that includes needs screening, intervention planning, low-barrier substance use treatment, peer support, housing services, harm reduction and supported employment.

And, providers must provide services in a way that aligns with the spirit of Measure 110. For example, services must be culturally competent, inclusive and low barrier. This means that programs can’t eject a patient for a single relapse, and that harm reduction services — such as overdose reversing drugs, fentanyl testing strips and clean syringes — should be available for people who are not ready to abstain from substance use. In some regions, a single provider serves as the entire network.


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abed23  No.16800785

I love me. The queen does too.

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029f1f  No.16800791


anon…can you expand on Cain/Able line (as opposed to Seth) and how it plays into the paradigm you are expressing?

I get lost with your "inbreds" but do follow and agree with some of what you post.

Piecing together a TRUTH and actual paradigm a damn hard business with very little to go on. You seem to have a basis, so please share…

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7de012  No.16800798


Russia, Russia, Russia.

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37be0d  No.16800804


the memes are pretty funny

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7239ad  No.16800821

Can anyone enhance this snapshot I have of this Tik Tok video. Something appeared to come out of the sun at 1:36. Is it a spaceship?


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9817f1  No.16800833


she's sitting there telling him he could not tell the diff between a real O and a fake O

that O could easily be spotted-fake AF

you can continue fapping now

shut your fucking mouth until you know whatthe fuck you are talking about

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34ca3c  No.16800836


>Team Biden ready to hand Russia and China

>vaccine technology — free of charge

Ha ha. That's a good one being they trust him so much. Like they'll use it.

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2a29c7  No.16800869

Obama tweet linking George Floyd to Uvalde shooting is to link HIM to False Flag events for media narrative agenda scams. It is to get the BLM George Floyd fuckery clearly planted in all heads who think Uvalde just is organic. The White Hats are not forgetful of the fuckery. Obama and the GF iincident will be dealt with along with all the shootings that occurred under Obama administration. SOON

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df496c  No.16800892


>Who is satan?????

That weird little voice in your head kek???

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56299c  No.16800935

Is there a significance to Q's first post in a year and a half being date: 666?

6/24/2022 : 666

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9ebe6d  No.16801087


No luck, tried that first.

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7e8a86  No.16801119




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0fba8c  No.16801175

…and by the way, OSS, i am still here, i won… you lost.

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b7ed78  No.16801190


fine with me

Glad your back.

What's next?

Can we help with anything?????

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4295ab  No.16801198


who gives s fuck

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aa5298  No.16801202


* last warning = fear

* most of humanity is stupid, but I can't just tell you why in the open right now.

* the only true enlightenment

* I am the savior

* last opertunity

* final opertunity

* final time

* forbidden to share

* claim to higher wisdom with no evidence

* abusive ego / treating audience like shit

* closes off outside source comparison.

* fund me

* donate me

* hurry hurry hurry

* deadline

humanitywhole is grift/cult

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657ab1  No.16801213


>its still here because it was never resolved

Really? Why is it then that those in the DoAR Discord, who lost control of the board over a technicality that could have been avoided, and then created the /halfmind board are the only ones that care about it? You bore me now. Filtered.

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d4aef5  No.16801216


'i've got one that can see"

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800996  No.16801229


Vice news broke into my home in 2019. I have refused to do interviews with them. From what I understand Elle Reeve now works for The Atlantic. I'm not a fan of that magazine.

Here is the sauce I have from the Elle Reeve break-in. I don't have much more.




here is a Twitter of it.


My information is gone since my account is gone.

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ef6afd  No.16801246


you forgot secure borders of ukraine, and all aliens free to enter usa, w/o vaxx or mask, while you …………..

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38f4ec  No.16801251


I already tried to spoon the wife and got a "NO" groan.

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f61351  No.16801256

First contact

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6557b3  No.16801270


Apology, AIanon

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b314ee  No.16801273

Oh shit even Madcow says the Trump rally had nothing to with the Capitol riot


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b24598  No.16801280


Mornin', Swordy!

Blessings upon you and yours, anons, QTeam, and operators in the field.

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b13f7e  No.16801287


Has not stopped, still continues.



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00291a  No.16801292


Death by battery explosion.

Not cool.

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1713e5  No.16801293


I have been putting this together lately too.


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47348f  No.16801295


get the fragrance free baby one

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4b859c  No.16801307


without fanfare or coming on to him in some cheesy way.

Without talking

Enter the room while he's here

Lock the door behind you (i'm assuming kids).

Quietly and sensually unzip his pants and proceed to give him oral sex.

Don't ask him to stop surfing don't say anything at all.

When he's done, just go back to the other room. He won't say it at first, but he'll be very quietly appreciative.

You have to give him something to come back to. If you're just bitching that he's here, he'll really have no interest in even trying to talk to you. This is and we are a fasicinating bunch.

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3f28a5  No.16801318


now you've got him

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564745  No.16801327



>Q Tripcode is still whitelisted.

Save some shill narrative destroying for the rest of us. KEK!

Thank you, BO! o7

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630415  No.16801335



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1f4ec4  No.16801340



Also, would like to add. I'm not saying I don't like your memes or pics, but can you post them SEPERATELY from the Notables. Thanks much!

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ec6668  No.16801352


i've been soy boy slapped by an idiot kid who thinks vaping causes brain tumors. duhhhhh…….


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7b54a9  No.16801408


I heard that Qanon is tearing families apart

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b2b64e  No.16801427

. What we see are mass programmed hypnogogic actions. The archaic identities which surface the potencies or archetypes/instincts are invoked bt MSM and invited thousands of times daily by repetitive ritual most of us are to far gone to even identify.

There are an estimated 2 m MK Ultra victims - all of who received "Final Days" programming - automatisms, compulsions and obsessions and demonic possession which enter where reason is banished and replaced with emotion.

Unfortunately expertise in both hypnagogic programming and in demonology are rarely found outside the devotional religious orders and "cults" that use MK U social control system, aka the Babylon system -the satanic brands around which our lives are built and with which these necromantic practises are intertwined.

IE the whole MK based, Advertising supported satanic networks system which is integral to the maintenance of occultist social control systems.

Computational technologies can be used safely only under specific circumstances - not ove "anonymous" IE cult controlled networks.

As we have been warned many times would be the case.

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0ebee7  No.16801444


I'm not so sure Anon, I have had colds before. This is different. 5 days so far of hot/cold flashes, bones aching, back of eyeballs aching, hollow/empty feeling in stomach even if your full, every once in a while it feels like someone put a medicine ball on your chest. You feel fine and all of the sudden you feel exhausted. And all these symptoms come and go randomly and intermittently

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6962b2  No.16801452



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6ac06f  No.16801459


>Two brothers just opend a donkey brothel in Colombia

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ee2938  No.16801489

Follow the money, it's the key.

==Below is a list of the Most Corrupt and Evil Wicked TRAITORS!!!!

More coming, I get physically ill just thinking about what (They) did
















Uranium 1




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b940fa  No.16801507


Trump is demanding a redress of grievences?

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179fc4  No.16801518


fix'd RE:

>>16432264 Newsmax CEO's links to Podesta and the Vatican: Christopher Ruddy Comped? (PB)

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58e44d  No.16801519

Sisters and Brothers Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

The calm before the storm.

Something BIG is about to drop.






Enjoy the show.






Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming



Where We Go One We Go ALL








This is not about personal religious beliefs

Good v Evil





(((Inbreeding))) = reincarnation of anubis

godless creature to be drowned.

how do we clean up the smut around here?










Who is WHO?

[Their] need for s[y]mbolism will be [their] downfall.



"belonging to the night"

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404a6f  No.16801599



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8866a0  No.16801622


42 is not 46

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6c5159  No.16801651


this nigger faggot gets the instafilter




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16b24d  No.16801653



will there be cookies?

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c4dc80  No.16801656



but let's let the Military and God decide

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e0bd8b  No.16801657


Happy Birthday POTUS Trump!!!

You're my POTUS, you are the only President that I've ever called POTUS. To me it's an endearing term! Love you and God Bless you! Wish I could do more!

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d7aef1  No.16801659


>pathetic old man bloviates on podcast #684023

Yawn. I wonder what else is on TV.

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361a6a  No.16801696





Wow, they are banning TOR posters now. But how will Q post?

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db73b6  No.16801761


I think this is all bigger than natural things. Its not about the election and turning things around through natural means. Its a grass roots Great Awakening of the masses on a spiritual level. God never intended for us to have a King. We are to abide by his laws. If we love ourselves and God with all our hearts it covers all law. Once people see His Creation they won't be able to deny Him. Knowing you are the center of the universe will change everything. Once all the Truth comes out.

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9c6889  No.16801763

Simon Cowell’s new boyband “G7” release new single “Woke’n’Broke”.

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ec6668  No.16801781


Hi Q:

Partial Match:

Tripcode for Q = !CbboFOtcZs

Your ID:

c2b = cbb

0 = o

cc = 3 + 3 or 6 = F

Now OtcZs remains.

OTC usually stands for "Over The Counter"

Zs = many plan Z

DELTA = Change

Seems like it is time for change, stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.

FF weather WW alerts means outages means internet down.

Filename = FF_WWWWWWWWW = Fast and Furious NEIN W.

Judgement has come, Biblical.

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54f6d7  No.16801782

"Mostly Peaceful" gun protests inbound…

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d8ef40  No.16801807


Kite = Kike

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393e84  No.16801826


Yer not a well man are you Dicky Bird.

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b0ba4c  No.16801841



Be sure to have today's date in the photo.

No kiddie porn.

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714e22  No.16801855


>Are you ready?

Born for this fight!

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ca5566  No.16801868


I'll try time it.

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ee2938  No.16801894


had don fulfilled his Oath

this would not be

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739ba9  No.16801896

“Active component growth in the force structure for Cyber Mission Force teams and Electronic Warfare companies and platoons will increase the authorized strength of the Cyber Corps from just over 3,000 [personnel] to just over 6,000″ https://fedscoop.com/army-to-double-size-of-active-duty-cyber-corps/



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3bdc2e  No.16801976

make this one a baby holocaust museum?

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1abac1  No.16801985

"Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, the man who ended the Draconian old world order:


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96f790  No.16804621


Snowden oath?

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8cb80d  No.16804633



have a good one,


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de94d0  No.16804656


Nothing you can do huh?

This level of corruption has happened before.

The same rats were in charge in those times.

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1b999b  No.16804688

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b1b48b  No.16804697


>green text faggot.

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1aa5e6  No.16804706


We will get our hands on your black babies one way or another?

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96f790  No.16804720


Devolution Power Hour

reading 12 pages of 45

also guud

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991d78  No.16804803

Q references the "armor of God" a total of 14 times.

>picrel was the first

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4182c1  No.16804816


Coke reportedly uses worldwide, mafia-type strong-arms to assure distribution and wreck competitors. Such as making soda pop competitors' refrigerator units in stores to over-night, disappear. In some places it is the traditional Sicilian and Italian mafia. In other places, former Soviet Secret Police agents the KGB, like in the U.S. and current Russia, called the mafia. Elsewhere used reportedly are the numerous Japanese underworld, the Yakuza.

Feeding on lush revenue of Coke ads, the press whores are not about to run news items or documentaries pointing out the reportedly close link between The Coca-Cola Company, covert operations of the American CIA, and the criminal cartel.

A key player, reportedly combining covert operations and the soda pop, was Roberto Goizueta. A Cuban, he started with the firm at their Havana offices in 1954. From 1980 to about the time of his death in 1997, Goizueta was at the helm of the spy-pop witches brew, operating in most every place on the globe. Through stock options he became a billionaire.

Goizueta's father was a Cuban sugar plantation dictator. Cuba was the major source of cane sugar used in the cola drink. Because of the ferment for change, needed was a new front man in Cuba. Batista, and the mafia, and the wealthy criminal families sucking the sugar blood out of Cuba, had overplayed their hand.

So the American CIA, with the help of their reputed Atlanta-based adjunct, The Coca-Cola Company, installed their darling, Fidel Castro, a popular hero. When, like Frankenstein's monster, he turned against his creators, they plotted to overthrow Castro and assassinate him. It was 1961 and it was called the Bay of Pigs operation.

The Coca-Cola Company and other old-time imperial firms having an entrenched interest to have Cuba as a puppet colony, participated with CIA. Aiding them was Claire Boothe Luce, wife of the boss of the Time-Life Magazine empire.

With the American CIA actually since 1959, through his espionage front, Zapata Petroleum, was George Herbert Walker Bush.

He aided as well the aborted mission. One of the attempted invasion vessels was named after Bush's operations. Out of official government office was Richard Milhous Nixon. In 1961, he was the overlord for the planned invasion. Blamed for the aborted invasion planned actually by President Eisenhower, President John F. Kennedy said as a punishment, he would scatter the CIA to the wind.

CIA boss Allen Dulles, sacked by JFK, called him a "traitor". Some say the JFK threats against CIA led to the plot to assassinate him.

Some would simplify this story by pointing to Coke trying to change over greatly to a diet cola, as a way of breaking loose of filling the void once supplied by Cuban cane sugar, against which there was a U.S. embargo.

By the end of the 20th Century, the major player in supplying the chemical sweeteners for non-Diet Coke, was Archer-Daniels-Midland. At the time of Watergate, the head of ADM was to have been prosecuted for secret participation in Nixon's covert operations slush fund. Dwayne Andreas was too useful to the American CIA for them to allow him to be jailed. Like The Coca-Cola Company in the past, by 1999, ADM had an interest in putting their claws on Cuba.

pt 2

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de94d0  No.16804894

Leftist senators urge President Biden to order a federal government effort to uphold the 'right' to have an abortion

A group of 25 leftist senators has signed a letter urging President Joe Biden to issue an executive order calling for a federal push to protect people's "right" to have an abortion.

"As extremist judges and Republican politicians intensify their efforts to strip Americans of their basic reproductive freedoms, you can demonstrate to the country and women everywhere that you will do everything in your power to fight back," the letter declares. "We urge you to immediately issue an executive order instructing the leaders of every federal agency to submit their plans to protect the right to an abortion within 30 days. Americans across the country are at risk of losing their fundamental rights, including their constitutional right to abortion protected for generations. They deserve no less than a whole-of-government response."

In the letter, the liberal lawmakers laid out some suggestions for ways that the government could seek to promote abortion access.




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61b835  No.16804908

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e52c0e  No.16804973


good thing most modern art is worthless

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c7ef05  No.16805037

shills are touting buzzwords.




they cant even see over the dashboard.

filter as needed

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c7d920  No.16805098



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cb7b23  No.16805102


PANIC IN DC… and beyond.

Watch Ye The Waters! Massive Plot Twist Ahead. Pray. WWG1WGA. Be Ye Encouraged Shipmates.

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1279f4  No.16805109



one fucked that quıte up



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721022  No.16805116


At the end……………..we'll see who's making fun of whom………….

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8cb80d  No.16805146


can't wait to hear about his browsing history

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71f388  No.16805158

We know you lying media fucks. We know.

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105331  No.16805163

this shit is well done.


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f96043  No.16805174

Good night Anons.

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a90415  No.16805212

Can anons imagine how crazy this year's Black Friday will be with the inflation around?

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99adba  No.16805217



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04ac8e  No.16805222


Dunno what her problem is, her baby ended up on her dress…

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435f16  No.16805292

We stopped the WHO from the power grab in Geneva. Now we have time to look at the dark hand behind the NATO bioagents program - Kissinger, Schwab, and Dutch Royal Mining and Oil interests in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.


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a79bdf  No.16805296


O.C.D. should not apply to an ammo box filled with loaded clips.

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97fbfd  No.16805344


Not much has happened to open the eyes of the normies to show them the pedophile cult that runs the world

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c4aada  No.16805359


Existing laws are not even supported. The defund the police and let 'em go reforms prove crime pays. Enforce existing laws first. We all know laws can be abused- just look at your HOAs. All it takes is one vindictive family member/neighbor/ "community standards group" and boom their go your rights. What would stop antigunners fromgetting gun registration and then implementing red flags against the innocent? Or the VA? Like the vax, Trump is getting this wrong. Hopefully he reads this and prevents democide by the left.

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380a71  No.16805410



Rubenstein is very mad at Justice Thomas

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cb28f5  No.16805414









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0922c0  No.16805416


not stupid, asleep maybe.

waking up from nightmares can be mind altering.

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82821a  No.16805449


Dear Fauci

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1adeb0  No.16805458


The thought Q team was banking on average citizens to "rise up" or some shit keeps me up at night. Soon has come and gone.

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a22097  No.16805461


Am with you, anon. Certainly is.

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b057bb  No.16805475


you are not kidding

it is killing everyone

they have unexplained health problems and do not connect it to the vaccines.

fucking brain washing is deep

cannot tell them, they do not want to hear it and call everyone a tinfoil hat wearing.

there do not give a shit about what colour the kill,

everyone dies

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71cb2d  No.16805481

>from the archives

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802051  No.16805494



>>16414681 Potato wheels up from JBA en route to LA as of 12:14:38 EDT.

>>16414684 TRENDS


>>16414692 8KUN Recruitment Bun

>>16414704 @USArmy Loyalty. Duty. Respect. Selfless Service. Honor. Integrity. Personal Courage.

>>16414718 Flynn: Watch these clips


>>16414787 Schummer That time, I want to tell you Kavanaugh … You won't know what hit you

>>16414852 Ex-DC Guard official accuses Army brass of lying about Jan. 6 response

>>16414872 Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Jake Sullivan

>>16414901 Another hinky election in California

>>16414903 Abortionist Fire Bombing Pregnancy center

>>16415033 Bannon's attorneys have subpoenaed Nancy Pelosi and the nine Jan 6th Committee members

>>16415106 Twitter to Release the Bots Docs

>>16415142 Kiev names condition for resuming grain exports

>>16415144 Voter Intimidated - FILE A COMPLAINT

>>16415157 Harris Delivers Remarks at the CEO Summit

>>16415173 Soros-Backed Investors Buy Dozens of Spanish Language Radio Stations

>>16415180 Wuhan was Fentanyl Capital Before Becoming Coronavirus Capital

>>16415185 Israel rejected a proposal by the Biden administration to hold a high-level summit with the Palestinian Authority

>>16415195 NIH Erased Webpage Details Monkeypox Vaccine ‘Bioterror’ Research Praised By Anthony Fauci.

>>16415205 CDC Changes Monkeypox Mask Recommendation Amid Criticism

>>16415246 Anon has gone fishing, Don't save the world without him

>>16415254 Internal Capitol Police review found sweeping intelligence, security failures on Pelosi's watch

>>16415274 Hunter Biden makes rare public appearance as laptop controversy continues to swirl

>>16415276 Youth Blood Harvesting: Another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Vindicated as Fact

>>16415281 Anon Bun


>The Brennan Center is having a tough time with legislatures which have changed, updated or amended voting laws

>>16415296 Senate fails to clear Biden nominee with Harris in LA

>>16415298 American senator calls for creation of Pacific NATO

>>16414836 Mark of the Nano Beast?

>>16415346 @IndySport Sepp Blatter unable to testify at opening day of Fifa fraud trial due to chest pains


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131a3b  No.16805500



just here to test and observe

you are here to cause trouble

aside from being an completely

useless dumbass whom would

only make third quality fertilizer

After your cunt of an motherless

corpse was mixed with


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61b835  No.16805501


I seriously replied with that image to whatever paste that is

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e34ae4  No.16805598


Have you tried paying more taxes and voting harder???? Maybe that will help you.

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270c9c  No.16805604



H isn't the chair. H is P and 3301 larp failed.

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1a2480  No.16805629




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61b835  No.16805660

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.































do it Q , Q+…….Just DO it !!!




















Come and Take it Faggots





















































lonE skuM

zuck wife

rizvi traverse











When does a bird sing, when it tweets.

Fourth Wall? VEIL has been opened.

=Now Comes THEP@in ___23!!!==

General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots











>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

> Follow the yellow brick road!





John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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cdd28d  No.16805666

trump was under siege his entire presidency

every single day they attacked a sitting president of the united states for telling the establishment to fuck off

they even tried to assassinate him on multiple occasions and failed

and they sit there behind their armed guards and on piles of cash from ill-gotten gains trying to call we the people the domestic enemies

we're not the ones who are beholden to lobbyists and bankers

we're not the ones sending billions upon billions overseas every single presidential term, doesn't who the pres is

foreign aid is sent every single term so these politicians can get their kickbacks to their foundations and campaigns through dark money

this is a fucking banana republic at best and a corporate plutocracy in reality

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270c9c  No.16805678


You'll never guess who's in the area.



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9fa487  No.16805695



Not an insider, knew one and the filth was so thick anon knew to stay far away.

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082052  No.16805702


what is covered up with that rectangular black box, did she flip the bird or what anon

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694354  No.16805720


bruh, just get on linux

>No one knows how to program anymore, they just use other people modules and glue everything together. I program all that I can and try not to rely on 3rd party bloat.

this is true and what surprised me the most when i got into programming. "don't reinvent the wheel" = using other people's code, all the time

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1e57ea  No.16805729




they don't get to speak in anon's view

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1fd46d  No.16805730



New Baker Self Confirm

This bakes is baked

Thank you Anons

Morning Baker, have a good one.


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dc4299  No.16805771


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9d6b4d  No.16805792

repost from lb.

assange has filed appeal to pritti.

wait to see if court accepts appeal

then which judge?

the same one who said NO due to suicide?

that pritti decided wasn't important

so stripped him & put in new cell BECAUSE of suicide.


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1c4a41  No.16805813

The kangaroo show trial in D.C, what could go wrong? anons fact checker

>>16421607 Dough

>>16421631, >>16421663, >>16421761, >>16421891, >>16421910, Jan 5th show trial - sources youtube, rumble, cspan and robert gouveia live stream.

>>16421663, >>16421711, >>16422226, robert gouviea pre show digs and clips plus anons digs.- youtube

>>16422061 trump video telling the protesters to go home peacefully outside whitehouse, -mp4 vid deleted by twitter.

>>16421662, >>16422138, >>16422195, Carrie Severino: Merrick Garland Ignored Threats Against Brett Kavanaugh After Serving 10 Years Together as Federal Judges - breitbart

>>16421664, >>16421724, >>16421774, >>16421849, biden sucks offically - biden topic and mp4 vids

>>16421667 mathew mcconoughey topic

>>16421675 "Simulacra and Simulation" getty and elon musk topic, plus matric ref book.

>>16421688, >>16421725, >>16422075, Rand Paul Slams Dems, Media For "Ginning-Up Violent Crazy People" In Wake Of Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt - youtube plus schumer incidment and dems. articles

>>16421714, >>16421844, >>16421905, Concerns are raised about national stockpile of drugs to fight monkeypox - dailymail (covid and monkey pox fear porn)

>>16421722 Partial video of the sentencing - explained in English & one British lad ‘accepting’ charge. - twat and mp4

>>16421728 Aziza Sbaity: Running Towards Peace - Interview from the Lebanon Report - utube shorts.

>>16421747, >>16421915, >>16421916, >>16421919, >>16421925, >>16421995, >>16422030, >>16422062, >>16422222, >>16422232, anons reporting on msm their narrative and meltdowns of talking heads - post them, baker will bun. memes

>>16421758, >>16421820, Former Tungsten Heavy Powder & Parts CEO Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Export United States Defense Articles including to The People’s Republic of China - justice.gov bun

>>16421775 One of Assange's Lawyers sued the UK government over illegal surveillance and information sharing with the US This means the Assange case may* be headed toward annulment and dismissal. - daily mail (may)

>>16421784, >>16421787, Washington Post fires Felicia Sonmez after Twitter battles: reports - nyp

>>16421796 Extraordinary: Finnish president abruptly interrupted his visit to Åland 100yrs autonomy celebrations and flew back to mainland, now also Swedish king + queen exited mid concert and left. - twat (panic)

>>16421812, >>16421805, >>16421823, >>16421836, >>16421859, >>16421888, >>16421897, >>16421982, Fox News is reporting that the National Guard is preparing to be deployed in the wake of the upcoming abortion ruling by the Supreme Court - telegram posts (distraction on roe v wade)

>>16421831 PGA Tour disciplines golfers 'who have decided to turn their backs' on organization to play for LIV Golf - foxnews.com

>>16421848 Caitlin Long’s Bitcoin Bank Custodia Is Suing The Federal Reserve - bitcinmagazine.com (worthless shit, they used it to get the greedy to buy into it, china has already killed their markets, followed soon by the B.I.S and the world bank, soon).

>>16421860 Teenage brothers drown in NJ school swimming pool - twat

>>16421863, >>16422265, Pentagon divulges number of US-funded biolabs in Ukraine - russia v ukraine topic putin statement.

>>16421867, >>16421876, >>16421876, >>16421875, >>16421886, >>16421892, AZ brutally attacked a female employee - twat and mp4 vids crime spree bun

>>16421880 Whistleblowers reveal Biden’s Orwellian ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ sought to censor Americans with dissenting views in coordination with Big Tech - grassley letter

>>16421881, >>16422029, AZ GOP Hosts Secretary of State Debate live from Mesa, AZ 6/9/22 - youtube (mark finchem and shawnna bolick)

>>16421901 Rescue operation underway at Pennsylvania M&M-Mars factory after 2 workers fell into a tank of chocolate and cannot get out - twat (now for something different)

>>16421927 Disney exec who opposed DeSantis' parental rights bill OUSTED - dailyhonker.com

>>16421955 ormer altar boy who was sexually abused by a Victorian priest has been awarded almost $2million - abc.net

>>16421973, >>16422192, Lara Logan just retruthed an article suggesting that Ukraine was behind the January 6th set up - creativedestructionmedia.com

>>16422052 Strzok is desperately trying to figure a way out - twat

>>16422165 Undercover Operation Leads to 32 Arrested for Child Exploitation - resistthemainstream.org


next bread title,Kangaroo court lying to set jan 6th re-imagined days events

anons stay calm, they want to incite so they can drop the hammer and accuse everyone of made up crimes. research and truth does not need anything other then exposing the truth !!

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eaa68d  No.16805837


Pp gave 40+ Million dollars to democrat candidates.

How tf did they get that moolah??

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c3b399  No.16805863

First I was like Kek

Then I was likeKEK

Read that Chryon niggas

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78efb4  No.16805952


It must be Q. He knows the answer is 42 for fuck's sake.

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bcf9f7  No.16806001


C-VINE News (Official Channel), [18.06.22 16:24]


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fc391a  No.16806008

What's up with everything but the Air causing causing all this SUDDENHEART DISEASE?

Wait for it….

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ed1d25  No.16806010


starting to think everyone and everything is converging on our specific timeline

what did yall do?

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cb0adf  No.16806016

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a30ad6  No.16806050


seriously tho, you're taking and then offering medical advice who displays a baby with a pierced ear. You're hard to take serious with a mocking tone. Try again.

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170d40  No.16806105

Was there anything about ufos in the podesta emails

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9028f2  No.16806172

When someone is found dead by hanging from a red scarf or a red rope, normally in association with pedophilia,

Who do you think is sending a message?

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4d349d  No.16806265


It's always, next week.

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99df58  No.16806274


She's the same as Killary. You can't take the mob boss outta da mobster family.

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811b45  No.16806277

Thrice Baked Dough


pls notify baker if you have PB notes

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eb1132  No.16806292


I will make sure that you are properly sorted in the incinerator!

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bf7623  No.16806310

Hospitals targeting the disabled: COVID-19 being used as a pretext for worldwide genocide.

After removing her father and family from her hospital room with armed guards, while they refused to give permission to put her on a ventilator —> A 19yr old Down syndrome girl named GRACE was mercilessly killed by hospital staff with a cocktail of sedatives and am illegal DNR (do not resuscitate) order put in her charts without parents permission or knowledge only 8mins after Pfizer drug cocktail that killed her. But yea…muh COVID.

I cried my eyes out reading this story…it touched me so deeply. God commands we take care of those that need us the most: the children, the elderly, and the disabled. We are to love and care of them - not MURDER THEM! I want justice so badly for this family…dear GOD, hear your people!!! When will this evil end!?!!!





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c68ec8  No.16806321


You know most dems are NOT pedos.

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1c4a41  No.16806368


some people are just retarded………….

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ed1d25  No.16806388

Q why did Zuckerberg choose a pedophile to be the president?

He could’ve chosen anyone.

Does he really hate America that badly?

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a397c6  No.16806421


hmmm, I will do some reading. The images feel very dark and creepy to me, but your messages are always positive so I have tried to ignore my reaction to them.

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30e344  No.16806424

Donald Trump is going to announce that he is running for President on July 04, 2022.

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69320a  No.16806429

Paid day off.

It's gonna be a John Wick binge day.

Never seen a one.


Shine your AR-10's fellas.

Today is a good day.

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8a4a50  No.16806430


The pope is a false apostle of revelation 2:2 Apostolic succession is false.

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ec375b  No.16806462



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7e7ccd  No.16806463

Anons need to chill this morning.

Watch this crazy deer clip.


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01d20e  No.16806474



Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

07/02/2022 09:37:09

Truth Social: 108578015094119509

….Also, beating everybody in the polls by really big, record type, numbers!


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01926f  No.16806481



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e557f1  No.16806515



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c12c48  No.16806518



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8b7a94  No.16806547



Huge egg producers are low in numbers.

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3de922  No.16806569


controlled demolition

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30e344  No.16806586


Meh, typos don't count as grammatical errors.

Go tell the meme author.

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af68b8  No.16806588


Dr. LaurieSchwabZabin was the founding director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health. Announced in the (lb) notable as the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population Reduction. AtJohns Hopkinsof Event 201 notoriety, etc… From theBloombergschool of public health (another Event 201 partner).

Also associated toPlanned Parenthood.

"In 1962, Zabin was invited to join the national board of Planned Parenhood due to her significant contributions as a volunteer. As a board member, she directed committees on policy development and also helped expand the national reach of Planned Parenthood."




Johns Hopkins

Planned Parenthood

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bc3500  No.16806591








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ca925c  No.16806599

Anyone else remember this happening?

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59e015  No.16806607


Pedo network in trouble

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a53fbe  No.16806628


>hippity hoppity boom chicka boom bow

story of my life o7

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e300a6  No.16806639



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2ab80b  No.16806649


Black king IS NOT in check.

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14e897  No.16806671


Go to sleep, Anon. Q's strength was that much of what was discussed turned out to be accurate over the years. Sometimes it's taken many years, as this has been going on for many years now. Only time will tell, it's not worth ruining your health over.

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9f2fb9  No.16806675


Gun Violence in the hood drop?

>Won't hear about this outside off local news today. Watch.

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48d03b  No.16806688


>I hate faggots with all my heart.


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662e39  No.16806697


Depends on who rigged it and why.

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bd340e  No.16806848


Actually unironically same IP hash as the B posts (if those screen grabs can be believed)

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2002c1  No.16806880


If you're not almost dying for sport then are you truly living to the fullest?

Surfing and swimming is worth the risk for many.

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4d349d  No.16807095

fayk juw bilbo sacirifced lightening generators

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5c13d6  No.16807639


Been trying to articulate exactly what you just said for a while. Well done

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be9a45  No.16807654


((('greatest' ali-en))) comms

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59ae7b  No.16807662

I don't know why this caught my eye


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a3d2fb  No.16807678

>>16496005 PB

>Dems want the Guns, Court Stops the Run

Good. Just put responsibility where it belongs.

Everything elsewill be as it will be.

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1d564e  No.16807699


Don't be a racist……..

Let him say something, tooo.


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6c4792  No.16807710




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f5d034  No.16807714


Stephen Colbert's father?

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8c9262  No.16807719


#1 at West Point ; #1 at CIA and State : was called to testify in Spain about trying to kill assange ; trust Kansas? he meant the band, right?

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f0d14d  No.16807721




>how do I know that you don't delete my posts?????

Direct your questions to the BV >>16473901

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b168de  No.16807725


Remember in 2017, all those Coal plants that suht down/burned down?

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fa0ae3  No.16807728


Israel and the treasonous zionist infiltrators are looting the US:

https://archive.vn/k1gU1 - "Bill Before Senate To Give 80,000 Jewish Holocaust 'Survivors' In America Free Elder Care"


https://archive.vn/GjItv - "99% Of Israeli Start-Up Companies Eligible For Tens Of Millions In COVID-19 U.S. Bailout Grants"


https://archive.vn/NJ6ws - "ADL and Other Jewish NGO's Loot Small Business Bailout While Americans Get Shafted (FTN Podcast Audio + Transcript)"


https://archive.vn/hJCxh - "Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion"


https://archive.vn/Kkty7 - "Israeli fifth column in Virginia funnels resources to Israel"


https://archive.vn/6oPck - "US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn"


https://archive.vn/0U2HQ - "Billions more of Americans’ tax money to go to Israel"




"The surplus of government budget in Israel increased to 8000 ILS Million (2.381 B USD) in April 2022."



"U.S. Jewish NGOs to Get 97% of Homeland Security's Defense Grant in 2012"



"'This Bill Promoted Internet Censorship And Violations of The 1st Amendment': Rep. Massie Lone Vote Against 'Anti-Semitism' Bill"



"The Audacity of Chutzpah"

"The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel."

One big zionist club:




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86b81b  No.16807736


It's Alex Grey art work used in a Tool video.

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4155dd  No.16807738



What was the thing we were all distracted from earlier.

The WEF taking control of WHO and company. Stuff like that.

Noise like that.

Whispers like that.

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9c93b2  No.16807756

I also said DJT should say this,

"I didn't know there was bad things in the Jab that should'nt be called a vaccine, and I didn't know there might be babies in it, and I didn't know there might be an RF component, and I didn't know there might be a Magnetic component, and I didn't know they wanted to genocide us"

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bcc89e  No.16807766


burn fucking (((Kike)))!

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b30da6  No.16807771


No offense but that sounds like nonsense.

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d54317  No.16807806








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320c24  No.16807811

Lightning huh

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301c1e  No.16807816

Coin of zionist puppet

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a77b7d  No.16807823


Vermont the democrats will steal Mark's election guaranteed.

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92d421  No.16807825


kek! you brainwashed monkey

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fdc8b0  No.16807845



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c821ce  No.16807847


Boilerplate low IQ shill fail. Gome home gramps, it's time for your meds.

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59ae7b  No.16807848



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f72b92  No.16807853


The enemy lost Ukraine.. their money laundering, biolab, trafficking country.

The enemy is losing Titter and the facade of [their] majority.

The enemy failed to implement vaccine passports, covid and mask mandates.

The people fought back.

The enemy is quickly losing the population through gas, inflation, and crime.

There will be a massive normie red wave.

Soon the enemy will lose Roe V Wade.

This causes them great panic.

To put it simply:

We are gaining ground, not losing it.

They will not take our guns and we will not give them up.


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0de068  No.16807857


Not one is good.

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b09aad  No.16807862


Oh, it's literal age is old. 1.5 year old tripcode is automatically comped due to the time between postings?

The 17 character password still worked even after 564 days.. That's trippy…


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181671  No.16807871




can bake

collecting notes, if no reply in a few, will drop them and stand down.

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df2682  No.16807872


>Drag Queens are Attention Whores

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f3842e  No.16807878

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/10/2022 07:36:31

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108452969953368308

Q Clock [ Min: 26 | :25/:55 Mir: 24 | 180 Mir: 56 | :35/:05 Mir: 44 ]

Ivanka Trump was not involved in looking at, or studying, Election results. She had long since checked out and was, in my opinion, only trying to be respectful to Bill Barr and his position as Attorney General (he sucked!).

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50a99a  No.16807891


Fudgepacker It's a Republic! Always has been and will be a Republic!

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824985  No.16807927


>I made it. dumb fuck.

Don't be so hard on yourself, Anon.

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a1456f  No.16807934


Seattle police say principal refuses to

cooperate after school break-in

Kiro7.com, by Lauren Donavan

Posted By: Maggie2u, 6/7/2022 9:34:54 AM

(SEATTLE) – Police reports allege that a Seattle Elementary School Principal was uncooperative after a repeat offender broke into a classroom. According to Seattle Police, the incident happened Thursday around 2:30 p.m. The school day was almost out when a man hopped the fence onto the Sand Point Elementary School campus. Student Amani Powell-Rodriguez says she was on the playground and vividly remembers the moments that followed. “Someone said to run, so everyone ran into the class,” said Powell-Rodriguez. When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day, This Is What Happens According to the fifth grader, the man came into her classroom twice. The first time he just looked around.

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a93e56  No.16807937


But you said focus on the message not the messenger. You're contradiction is plain to see in your own argument.

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be9a45  No.16807954


you positive EM is a white hat now?

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320c24  No.16807962



so many signs.

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92d421  No.16807971


yeah that is one of those occasions where it sucks but there has to be some balance for everyone with their rights.

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ade273  No.16807991

Are we there yet?

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3aebf6  No.16807996




>has been used for years here as alternative to "CP"

ty anon

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cdcd6e  No.16808001



Big Pharma and mainstream media are largely owned by two asset management firms: BlackRock and Vanguard

Drug companies are driving COVID-19 responses — all of which, so far, have endangered rather than optimized public health — and mainstream media have been willing accomplices in spreading their propaganda, a false official narrative that leads the public astray and fosters fear based on lies

Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp, four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape

BlackRock and Vanguard form a secret monopoly that own just about everything else you can think of too. In all, they have ownership in 1,600 American firms, which in 2015 had combined revenues of $9.1 trillion. When you add in the third-largest global owner, State Street, their combined ownership encompasses nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms

Vanguard is the largest shareholder of BlackRock. Vanguard itself, on the other hand, has a unique structure that makes its ownership more difficult to discern, but many of the oldest, richest families in the world can be linked to Vanguard funds


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8112ff  No.16808009

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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115fef  No.16808017



FAUCI is a pissant.

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697cd9  No.16808034


pencil dick with no balls and a turtleneck.

It explains evrything

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eb08e6  No.16808060


vatican signed the stfutranny papal bull

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c821ce  No.16808076

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;

He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;

He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword;

His truth is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!

His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps;

They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;

I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps,

His day is marching on.

I have read His fiery gospel writ in rows of burnished steel!

"As ye deal with my condemners, so with you My grace shall deal!

Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel, "

Since God is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;

He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat;

Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him; be jubilant, my feet!

Our God is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,

With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me;

As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free!

While God is marching on.

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320c24  No.16808087



Simple answers, sometimes.

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a6a15d  No.16808108


Look at the information in this thread on Maternity Hospital number 6 in Ukraine. Challenge them to think for themselves and do the research. Why are so many old hags and warlocks still in congress ? Why are so many billionaires still functioning into their 90's ? when the rest of the population is getting dementia or joint diseases, kidney failure etc.. Do they really think it is just luck ? Baby parts for an extended useful life is a real thing.


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6e1dd5  No.16808120


Ask Jim

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531f18  No.16808121




kill yourself

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736776  No.16808135


… always a trade off. Everybody squirms at the crossroads.

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b43856  No.16808137


>allow him to strut around in that FBI hat

Everyrone can buy an FBI hat

FFS, they even sell them at amazon

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bd5dce  No.16808145


the almost 50-year abortion spell on America has been broken…

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181671  No.16808166


>extra strings

extra strings attached huh

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b43856  No.16808199


Its great when he has something to say.

When he reposts RM for days on end, I want to yell at him for being lazy and unfocused.

Its okay not to say anything, if you have nothing to say.

There is no need to fill the void with other peoples poor quality work.

He needs to get comfortable with the quiet times… thats when he can ponder more deeply and then produce work which flows naturally.

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736776  No.16808200



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b11667  No.16808202


>Cue the cowbells for a few EXTRA Billion dollars that our Congress' dual citizenship holders decide that Israel needs to stay safe.

antisemantic shills

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10a705  No.16808224


Enemy is implying Ron is Q.

Setting him up.

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e1da58  No.16808227


>you guys are practically leftists now

See >>16572409

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bbdbc0  No.16808241




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b09aad  No.16808242



hence, Qanon remains

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531f18  No.16808258





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115fef  No.16808271


<Whatever happened with a guy who tried to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

There was actually a confirmation during his speech that assassin was HIRED. But of course, Senators have to be "Politically correct" in their statements and keep everything "random", like we should believe, that guy comes out of nowhere and tries to assassinate Justice.

>They should try to send him to "Bloody" Gina, he will speak

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f72b92  No.16808276


>you little nazi transphobe bitch

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301c1e  No.16808280


>the suspicion slide

wtf is that?

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95297d  No.16808282


Do you even remember why you're responding to me? I bet you don't.

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0ec3e4  No.16808293






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47616e  No.16808305



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8d78d3  No.16808310

First arrest to shock the world: A good chunk of Congress.

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164855  No.16808313




fkn saved

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df2682  No.16808332


Only you can answer that. Use your judgement and logic.

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10a705  No.16808369


The midterms are rapidly approaching, the heat is being turned up and the election fraud continues to be exposed. Given the crashed biden economy and the already announced dem retirements (36+?) the odds of an Ultra MAGA tidal wave means that the dems have a limited time do their magic or the whole scam is going to blow up. The republicans are already starting to establish their positions for the new Congress? The dems know that daylight will screw up the whole scam. There is a lot more to come out on the FBI and DOJ participation.

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5567bb  No.16808373


define "put in charge" bedwetter

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a3173b  No.16808384


wtf is he smiling about?

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f72b92  No.16808431

But first they will steal elections


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2cab01  No.16808437


Bring on the Killdozers!

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115fef  No.16808440

Biden calling on congress, as well as states, to lift the gas tax for ninety days, in an attempt to slightly lessen his energy price hike that is devastating America.

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a6b082  No.16808446


U.S. House of Reps. votes 226-194 to criminalize disassembling, cleaning, and re-assembling your gun without a firearm manufacturer’s license, including 8 Republicans!

6:41 PM · Jun 8, 2022·Twitter Web App


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5b31a4  No.16808470


simpler/earlier versions

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6cf922  No.16808489

Every time the Jews start another war, our Jewish-controlled politicians will want us to accept their "refugees". Let's pray that the Jews don't start a war in Africa, because then America will be race-mixed into oblivion.

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f72b92  No.16808507


Wonder why he established comms then never posted again last night?

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d6462e  No.16808508


Update: Sen. Patrick Leahy recovering 'comfortably' after surgery to repair broken hip

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, was "comfortably recovering" Friday from surgery to repair his broken hip suffered in a fall Wednesday night at his home in McLean, Virginia, according to a statement from his office.

Doctors did hip replacement surgery, which was completed Thursday afternoon. Leahy is expected to begin physical therapy after the hip is sufficiently healed. Leahy and his wife, Marcelle, said they were "overwhelmed and humbled" by the outpouring of kind and encouraging messages they received.


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c1efcb  No.16808532

Waz up anons? Took a sleeping pill at 8:30 and hit the sack at 9:30 and here I am, wide awake at 12:10. Protocol calls for when that happens get out of bed and do something relaxing. So here I am. Media still trying to weasel their way out of the 40 yr. old who calls herself Cassidy's fake performance? Or did something new happen?

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1d67c7  No.16808533


Yeah I have that one too but last week an anon cried at me because “anon” was too close to the “Q_” so anon gave me the old “there is no Qanon” which I get, but that pic has the _ underscore separating the Q and the anon. Whatever!

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ade273  No.16808569


>Any idea what they BURN FAT on the alter?

Fat is a valuable food resource. If you are a grifter, declare that the people must offer fat to the god(s) and you will personally oversee their offering. Enjoy the abundance of fat in your diet.

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d6462e  No.16808581

JUST IN - Binance, one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world, temporarily halts #Bitcoin withdrawals.

CEO says they are "fixing an issue."



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ad6232  No.16808587


i'm good…

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2cab01  No.16808598



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81e796  No.16808632




Thank YOU.

Usually do flowers.

Growling massive crops firs time ever. HUGE learning curve.

Can not ell you how grateful for all those who blazed the trail on his regenerative no tll farming. It will make it possible for suburbanites to grow food with hand tools and intensive no ill rows. Meanwhile, we will be cranking up he chickens, since these are so zoned out and illegal in so many areas.

IF they did COVID, they will do fake bird flu.

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ade273  No.16808643


>El Mayo



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eec63f  No.16808648


The media is their last tool and last hope.

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164855  No.16808652


Okay. Thank you.

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78e2d1  No.16808688

Wonder when anons will figure it out

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c95812  No.16808690


Anons should not overlook the symbology of “black rock” it’s really far out!

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02d51c  No.16808701


Huma has really let her self go during the pandemic.

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181671  No.16808704


Great to have you with us anon

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8d78d3  No.16808711

>>16552853 (pb)

After 9 deceased family members from the vax, and multiple others deceased, if your identity is ever disclosed you'll hang for your crimes Q, even if I have to neck you myself. You aren't some benevolent truth seeker, you are an annoyance distracting the best damn news aggregate on the internet.

Sorry if this pisses people off, but at some point, when your siblings, parents are dead or dying you can no longer ignore logic. We are being culled, the military has already been decimated and once that is complete, you should anticipate the "military is the only way" to make more sense as the only ones left will be the "I'm just doing muh job following orders" type.

Wake up anons, we are the news, unless people start getting publicly necked for treason, Q is just a distraction at this point. Is it the real Q? Personally, I don't give a shit.

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a1456f  No.16808716


one cannot prove a negative "anon"

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ade273  No.16808720



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6e1dd5  No.16808739


she looks perfectly normal

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8b9e6a  No.16808740


it will, not a doubt in my mind>>16422979


is this e-bot? is e-bot still here?

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67d740  No.16808741


She probably excels at that then.

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c1bca3  No.16808746


it's the lady with the arms!

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2388ef  No.16808756

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/20/2022 15:57:53

Truth Social: 108511564478988131


Playing golf with Kid Rock

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983c0a  No.16808764

Bidenfag is about to speak.


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a6b082  No.16808765



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1786f1  No.16808769



Remember Harry Whittington, left to lie all night in his own blood, driven to hospital only after he agree to apologize for the trouble he cause dirty Dick & family?

Here he is apologizing for getting shot in the face. Was he even asked where he wanted it?

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181671  No.16808778


BREAKING: Project Veritas LEAKS #TwitterAllHands with Elon Musk


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753620  No.16808821


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1786f1  No.16808836







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ade273  No.16808863


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a195ac  No.16808870

BEZOS is not your friend.

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85967e  No.16808873


How do you know about my flat ass, leaf?

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d6462e  No.16808878


Saint Norma.

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17f6c3  No.16808887

It's coming


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2388ef  No.16808891


>Joe Biden

coined the phrase kek

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aad905  No.16808897


this line of logic broke the slide

it is clearly retarded to continue voting in elections you know to be rigged

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1786f1  No.16808903

Did Sam check in?

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eb757d  No.16808904



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19506d  No.16808910


I see you're well versed with Nicodemus.

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cbc1dc  No.16808915


only jidf thinks IRDC is an insult, the rest of us dont remember what it means

that's too bad they keep framing you though. mazletoff!

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c2ca03  No.16808937


It would be my privilege to serve this country again.

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939f4d  No.16808945

Mike Pompeo


There's nothing better than 4th of July in Kansas, especially on the family farm in Winfield! Can't wait to make it back there soon!

4:56 PM · Jul 3, 2022·SocialPilot.co


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a6a15d  No.16808946


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47616e  No.16808949

So much has changed in less than 30 years. Less than 20 in fact. WTF happened? Back then we worked hard and then had fun…Go to the bar, have a drink and sometimes you scored. As long as you didn't take names and phone numbers you were good.

Maybe that's where we sinned. Took sex as fun and moved to the next. During oldanon's time it was both the boys and the the girls who never asked your name. You were somewhere, a meat bar, a ski slope bar or even a bar in a small city. You lost more than you won, but you scored close to 50%. The best was when you realized the girls were trying to score the same as you.

Now that oldanon and those young girls (at the time) and older ones later have gotten old, ask us if we would have done it again? I believe each and everyone of us would say NO.

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19506d  No.16808968


Nothing in the BI is

ever worth reading

Nice try though.

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47e9c5  No.16808971


First step to recovery: Define "news", because it sure as hell isn't faux or newsmax any more than it is CNN or ABC.

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8be707  No.16808984


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5b31a4  No.16808993

Hell is here and now, get it?

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cbc1dc  No.16809029


That's funny

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02d51c  No.16809039




If Q team lets them Cheat in thje primaries Anons are going to riot

just saying you want fireworks look no further

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e77569  No.16809065


>let's see what happens

Start making your lists of things to make go away.

There's so much I don't know where to start.

Waters of the United States?

Wild and Scenic Rivers?

Wilderness Area's?

Mining Fees?

Drilling Royalties?

40 Billion rounds of ammo for the IRS?

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c1bca3  No.16809068



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2388ef  No.16809070

protip: all women are whores and sluts

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7a2a46  No.16809071


>So who is Jane Roe?

was. she ded.

she was an actor used to fraudulently get the public to buy into a shit SCOTUS decision.

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c95812  No.16809079


Trump mentioned True the Vote at the rally.

The plan is to involve our local Sheriffs and law enforcement asap.

The plan is to get as many of us "We The People" organized locally as possible asap.




New partnership will equip sheriffs, inform citizens, and protect our elections

True the Vote and Protect America Now have joined forces in a new partnership to help protect American elections. ProtectAmerica.vote is an initiative that will provide local sheriffs with information, resources, and tools to support election integrity in their county. Today, ProtectAmerica.vote released the following Action Plan:


Voters are understandably confused by constantly changing election rules and increasingly frustrated by lack of leadership. Put simply, they don’t know where to turn should the election processes break down. Our goal is to unite citizens and their sheriffs to work together, ensuring the real voice of America’s vote is heard loud and clear.


Starting immediately, ProtectAmerica.vote will provide local sheriffs with the information, resources, and tools to have real-time eyes on voting in their county:

Providing information on election laws specific to their state

Developing a grants function to provide technology and support for visibility into allegations of violations as reported throughout their county

Promoting programs to support citizens and uphold election integrity


Operate a National Election Integrity Voter Hotline to help citizens in getting information and reporting problems. The hotline will be connected to sheriffs’ offices for quick evaluation of incoming information.


Beginning August 1st, ProtectAmerica.vote will begin an informational campaign to educate voters state-by-state through multiple mediums, including television on election processes and laws.

Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, said “Over 80% of Americans are concerned about the lack of integrity in America’s elections. Voters want to be helpful but aren’t sure where to turn in times of trouble. ProtectAmerica.vote will connect citizens and sheriffs, opening communications to support local law enforcement to engage if the need arises.”

Sheriff Mark Lamb, founder of Protect America Now, said “A sheriff's primary duty is to the protect the rights of their constituents, which includes their rights as voters. ProtectAmerica.vote aims to solve this problem and bridge the gap between voters and local law enforcement. Our work will ensure we have secure elections in this country.”




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3791a4  No.16809098


>Not crying.


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85967e  No.16809100


<Let it pass

Is this a final stage of passing a bill?

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7a0dd4  No.16809103


Law of you're a fucking retard

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3410b4  No.16809105


He might be stroking his beard as he thinks it.

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d6462e  No.16809122


Eveyone knows about Boebert's past. The photos from her early modeling days have been shared here (no nudes). Nobody gives a shit. MTG shacked up with gymmates according to every one of them that was interviewed on local news. Guess what, folks?! People like sex, and being sexy. Who gives a fuck. The right really needs to get over their hang ups over sex and stop letting this bullshit be a momentum killer.

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eb757d  No.16809144




>>16504613 The Soros bricks return

>>16504612, >>16504664, >>16504692, >>16504696 Is this a turning point in the silent war? Let's check Q Posts

>>16504623, >>16504709 LIVE: Pro-abortion extremists marching towards Supreme Court/Capitol area in DC; antifa terrorists are leading the way


pls giv nomz

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7a0dd4  No.16809155


Jesus told you the one who handed Him over committed the greater Sin.

No one took His life, He gave it under His own authority.

You're doing what Peter did when Jesus told Him "Get behind me Satan!".

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3410b4  No.16809158


last bread notables collected

>>16579584, >>16580089 dough baker on duty

Q Research General #20977: EBake The Best Is Yet To Come Ed

>>16578825, >>16578859, >>16578911, >>16578878, dough

>>16578864 #20976

>>16578988 May 2021 Update to #SealedCases - back up files

>>16579027, >>16579047, We are the News": Eight tips for better notable posts - anon posts and opines and memes

>>16579034, >>16579040, Russian soldiers tend to a wounded Ukrainian soldier that was left behind during a retreat - russia v ukraine topic twats and moar

>>16579072, >>16579078, Libya protesters storm parliament building in Tobruk - msn.com


Arizona State Representative Walt Blackman and his wife are triggered because TGP totally called Blackman out on his bs. - gwp

>>16579139, >>16579147, internal email reveals day before J6 riot, US Capitol Police intel unit warned "BLM from Baltimore" was bussing in rioters: "BLM/Antif will wear MAGA hats, wear camo,and attempt to blend in with MAGA crowd" so violence blamed on Trump supporters attending Trump rally" - t.s post j6 topic

>>16579279 Newsom signs bill to repeal anti-loitering prostitution law that trans activists say leads to bias msn.com

>>16579361 elon musk topic

>>16579410, >>16579424, >>16579487, Big ego, big palazzo: Critics bash bachelor Bill Gates’ Roman real estate conquest - nyp bill gates topic

>>16579461 Austrian Minister of Health Shifts Responsibility for Vaccine Damage to Doctors - thelibertybeacon.com

>>16579477, >>16579614, The invasive giant African land snail - businessinsider.com

>>16579485 The full inside story behind Prince Andrew’s car crash TV interview - dailymail.co.uk

>>16579535 In wake of SCOTUS's recent 2A ruling, a new federal court case seeks to overturn D.C.’s ban on carrying handguns on public transportation - scribd.com

>>16579538 Chris Cuomo returns to Instagram to share photos from visit to Ukraine war zone - nyp

>>16579548 j6 committee denied jim jordan - djt t.s post

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a195ac  No.16809163


Watch what they add on your restaurant receipts, too. They do NOT warn you:

17 restaurants in Dallas-Fort Worth add $1 Ukraine donation to every bill 02/05/2022 

Customers at Flying Fish, Flying Saucer, Rodeo Goat and Meddlesome Moth restaurants across the country will find an added $1 donation at the bottom of every bill. The extra dollar will be automatically added. It’s part of restaurateur Shannon Wynne’s effort to raise $250,000 in two months for World Central Kitchen’s on-the-ground humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. The non-profit was created by chef José Andrés, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee and the man The Dallas Morning News has called the most lauded chef in the world… https://mainlynews.gr/restaurant-news/17-restaurants-dallas-fort-worth-add-1-ukraine-donation-every-bill

Can bet they (and how many others?) are still doing it.

(They cite/link to the Dallas Morning News, apparently a pay site)

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f50888  No.16809185




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eb757d  No.16809191

You guys got anything to drink in here?

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f043be  No.16809194

If the EU, Britain and US want to lower gas prices, then why not help Ukraine secure their oil fields then buy crude from them exclusively at off market prices?

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c2ca03  No.16809199


> there is NO WAY the Military would sit back and let all this happen and NOT DO A DAMN THING about it

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f96553  No.16809233


> female cops


Secret Service…

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c065b3  No.16809246



I tried to tell them.

I tried to warn them…

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c1bca3  No.16809261


>it tied into pelosi

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67d740  No.16809272


Is she any worse than the person who she is replacing?

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031aec  No.16809281


Wasn’t (((he))) supposed to have copied or stolen much of his work?

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dbb8cd  No.16809314


Who picked 'em better?

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f96553  No.16809319


Ok Mr. Knowitall, tell me then, why the hell did anyone even bother making an ATC to try and compete against the Honda 250R? Pfft, failures!

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ba80cd  No.16809330

With proper instruction…

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4af0ef  No.16809334


Nato globohomos need to wither away

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c2ca03  No.16809366

The Times of Israel


Son of alleged predator rabbi accused of raping one of father’s complainants


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ba80cd  No.16809369



I almost wound up on that detail in 1990.

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f043be  No.16809375

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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4d54f4  No.16809386



the future belongs to Him

as does the past

as does the naow

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a0c175  No.16809392


el salvador particularly fucked

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eb757d  No.16809405


>same as everyone else

Ergo you are acting as a demoralization shill. Do you not see it yet?

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cbc1dc  No.16809417


That's pretty much where I am with all of this.

Fuck it, blow the whole damn rock to pieces.

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7a2a46  No.16809423


If he is playing his role, Bravo!

If he was DS all along, Burn in hell, Altar Boy!


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da59c4  No.16809425



You didn't happen to save the gif version with the rainstorm?

Appreciate this! o7

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da59c4  No.16809459


ty baker, great edition title

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4d54f4  No.16809464


>There is no going back, only forward.

There is no growth downward, only upward. - t. red text anon.

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c2ca03  No.16809482


In all the movies I've ever watched

he's the one character I identify with

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ba80cd  No.16809484


Hi Jill. How you doing? Say hi to your script writer for me. You know you guys nearing the end of the road, don't you?

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da59c4  No.16809495



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dbb8cd  No.16809531

What if human consciousness and happenings are causing the Schumann spikes?

What if it's our energy spikes as a collective?

Schumann is earths frequency, what if we are directly affecting earths frequency.

What if we are directly connected?

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12226d  No.16809553

Local news Headline:

>"USA bans the right to abortions"

This is how the decision is portrayed in EU MSM…

Talk about skewing the facts…

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1ac482  No.16809556

Anthony Fauci says that he's experienced rebound Covid symptoms after taking a Pfizer's antiviral Paxlovid - which studies now show is NOT effective for people who are vaccinated

Dr. Anthony Fauci said that he's on his second course of Paxlovid after testing positive again for Covid-19

According to Pfizer's own data, the drug is limited in its abilities to fight Covid-19 in a vaccinated person

The CDC issued a warning about the potential for Covid-19 rebound symptoms after taking Paxlovid in May 2022

The warning noted that none of the reported rebound cases saw patients suffer a severe case of Covid-19, though Fauci described his symptoms as 'much worse'

A UC San Diego study found that patients who were experiencing Covid rebound symptoms suffered because Paxlovid did not get to enough infected cells

At the same conference where he announced the rebound, Fauci called for an 'aggressive' national vaccine campaign


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d6fcf8  No.16809563


> a shimmering code showed up on an Underwater Basket Yak Hair Rug Weaving Forum

Is that the state of this board right now?

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2d841f  No.16809569


>I'm not Jewish.

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e3f09c  No.16809582


no phone. just desktop

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dbb8cd  No.16809608


lean mean fucking machines

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096a5a  No.16809615

NEW - Two-thirds of the US face the prospect of blackouts this summer, a report by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation says.


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da59c4  No.16809620


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4af0ef  No.16809647



any moar?

Add these to the list of those who Feed the Eye:



Live Nation Entertainment


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1ac482  No.16809652


no really? kek

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4b1427  No.16809662

James Jooyandeh is a former tank commander who served for 13 years in the US Army. He is currently suffering from advanced pulmonary fibrosis. He is in desperate need of a lung transplant, but because he has not agreed to accept a COVID jab, the US Department of Veterans Affairs has refused to perform the life-saving surgery.

The US Army has rejected the religious exemption request by Jooyandeh, who has expressed his concern over the use of fetal cell lines used to create the COVID vaccine.

Epoch Times reports – “Unfortunately, we are unable to offer lung transplant as a treatment option for you due to your unwillingness to receive recommended routine health maintenance, including your vaccinations, which is an absolute contraindication to lung transplantation at our center,” wrote Jooyandeh’s primary care physician Dr. Samir Sultan, a transplant pulmonologist with the VA hospital in Wisconsin, and Dr. James Maloney, chief of surgical services at the Veterans Hospital.

In an exclusive interview with The EpochTimes, Jooyandeh and his wife Deborah told The Epoch Times they are both against the COVID-19 vaccine because fetal cell lines were used in the development and testing of the vaccine and because of the vaccine’s potential health risks.

“One of the side effects that was just released was interstitial lung disease, and that’s what we have,” Deborah Jooyandeh told The Epoch Times, “so why would he take a vaccine that causes what’s killing him.”

Jooyandeh said he is also feeling “slighted” by the very administration he for so long served. Following a 13-year tour in the U.S. Army, Jooyaneh served eight years in the National Guard and five years in the Army Reserve.

Now 52, as a civilian, he worked as a merchandiser for Nestle and does not have the means to afford a lung transplant out of pocket. His only choice is to use his VA benefits.

In order to do that, a VA doctor must write a referral to a facility since VA hospitals do not perform transplants themselves. The VA mostly refers veterans in need of transplants to Vanderbilt University Hospital in Tennessee.

Vanderbilt does not require the COVID-19 vaccine for transplant patients, but Sultan, as records show, still refused to make the referral.


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2f17cc  No.16809669


TYB slow night

Just reactivated another TS patriot

Might we get a Q "Q" Q post?

kek let's see, notetakers are standing by.

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733f32  No.16809671


tRusT tHe ShiLLs, tRuSt tHe sHiLLs, *squawk!*

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e3f09c  No.16809678



Left below late last bread; someone liked it:

>>16519241 Watching rally; "Mendon, IL" =mending the ill?

>>16519252 (the one that liked it)

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b13bbf  No.16809687


Could you imagine simultaneously believing NO COMMS and also SALT ROTATION without Q being here?

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2a4e61  No.16809699

Memorial Service for Woody Williams

manchin on now


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083e1c  No.16809713

Back of the dollar bill, bottom of the pyramid, there's 1776 in roman numerals.

May 1st 1776 - illuminati rises

Jew Lie 4th 1776 - Independence Day

Which one do (You) think those roman numerals represent?

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fe6291  No.16809717


you don't possess the truth, anon

which is why you use so many question marks

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d29e8b  No.16809741

Sisters and Brothers Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

Dark to LIGHT.

The calm before the storm.

Rider On the Storm

'Calm Before the Storm'?


[FAKE NEWS [arm of the D party]].

[self destructing]

Keck Array (2012 - 2017)

Looks like a holding pattern due to weather.


Know Your Snakes





What's up with everything but the Air causing all this SUDDENHEART DISEASE?

who is W.H.O.???

C.D.C. = CENTER FOR DEATH CONTROL / W.H.O. the fuck knows

Remember THIS DAY.

Operators are standing by.

"shining the light of truth"





"Equal Time"


"one minute"

one day

January 6th

one minute





































"Order of the Dragon'




Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming



Dark to LIGHT.

Hunters become the HUNTED.

[Wheels up]




John Brennan TREASON

James Comey TREASON

















Hello Q, Q+ and MILINT


Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.







Flash Dir_

General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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3ee26f  No.16809742


The Absolute State of QR just keeps delivering.

>QR 2018

I got a Q-You!

>QR 2022

Jim quoted me!

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c4f2ed  No.16809747


Get that one a sandwich

that one can barely hold

daddys gun up let alone

fight with it.

They didn't even put the

Mag in cause the weight


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4f1969  No.16809753


>>16544091, >>16544143 (You), >>16544226, dough new baker and adjustments on 20931

Please remove the "(You)," it's confusing XD

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3ee26f  No.16809778


Do your research, it was on this board. I guess your new here. Like I said, instead of asking questions, you accuse. Just like your father.

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663da6  No.16809786


****studies show AI is abusive. Just saying y’all!

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663da6  No.16809805


no, yea….now sorry to have even brought it up

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5b9bec  No.16809813


4th Q post will be for the celebration of the freeing of the Jan 6 POWs who haven’t died yet.

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c4f2ed  No.16809826


it thinks it will live

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3ee26f  No.16809837


Those aren't crackers, they're desiccant. Suck the water right out of your whole head.

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8f19a6  No.16809841

Aunt Jemima

The company eliminated and canceled the brand in the name of social justice to appease the woke mob and cancel culture.

A great woman erased from history by idiots. The branding of the syrup was a tribute to this woman’s gifts and talents. Now future generations will not even know this beautiful woman existed. What a shame. The world knew her as “Aunt Jemima”, but her given name was Nancy Green and she was a true American success story. She was born a slave in 1834 Montgomery County, KY. and became a wealthy superstar in the advertising world, as its first living trademark. Green was 56-yrs old when she was selected as spokesperson for a new ready-mixed, self-rising pancake flour and made her debut in 1893 at a fair and exposition in Chicago. She demonstrated the pancake mix and served thousands of pancakes, and became an immediate star. She was a good storyteller, her personality was warm and appealing, and her showmanship was exceptional. Her exhibition booth drew so many people that special security personnel were assigned to keep the crowds moving. Nancy Green was signed to a lifetime contract, traveled on promotional tours all over the country, and was extremely well paid. Her financial freedom and stature as a national spokesperson enabled her to become a leading advocate against poverty and in favor of equal rights for all Americans. She maintained her job until her death in 1923, at age 89. This was a remarkable woman, and sadly she has been ERASED by politics. I wanted you to know and remind you in this cancel culture time period.


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97a348  No.16809852


>NEW Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants Edward Snowden and Julian Assange to be pardoned


Yeah, I'm sure Biden and his handlers will get right on that.

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5b9bec  No.16809874


When the DS started messing with our weather

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c4a066  No.16809876


Where''s Strongbad?

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3b8dc3  No.16809902


added to dough.

- baker

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0cc6cb  No.16810916

Fascinating stuff in here:


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513525  No.16810938


He's only happy when he's shitting on America, or taking the cock

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53e0ef  No.16810960


Lots of 22's in military tweets today.

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209be4  No.16810976


you are reaching Freddy levels..

and some of these are funny

"tidy up the ship" was spot on

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f5fade  No.16811000

Poor normies


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a87db3  No.16811214




missing t


From Thursday, 30 June 2022

Subtracted 20 days

Result: Friday, 10 June 2022


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/10/2022 07:19:46

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108452904072535369

Many people spoke to me about the Election results, both pro andcon, but I never wavered one bit - follow the facts andproof.The 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen…And look at our Country now - not pretty!!!

con proof

2 year delta


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/10/2020 21:40:37 ID: bdd040

8kun/qresearch: 9567851


Welcome to the [D] partycon.


Delta to next: 0 D_0:4:9 (seconds total: 249)


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/10/2020 21:36:28

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1270892626254888961 DELETED TWEET

…And the Trump family didn’t ask the Federal government for money to carry this and many other very expensive to carry properties! https://twitter.com/trumpdoral/status/1270727401857789952

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58ec08  No.16811217

Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.

It was never just about the tripcode, but rather the future coincidences produced by the message.

Undeniable mathematical probability factors were all that ever mattered.

End result of message vs. messenger.

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c95707  No.16811236

They blacks in everything. I tried watching an Irish dancing video, and there's a nigger jigging, with her nigger hair bouncing all over. Fucking disgusting.

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e7cf27  No.16811244


Woops, thanks.

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c95707  No.16811259


Pope to Paulines: Evoke hidden thirst for God with all comms channels

Pope Francis greets participants in the 11th General Chapter of the Society of St. Paul, and urges Paulines to embrace all means of communication to bring forth people’s hidden desire for God.

By Devin Watkins

As the Society of St. Paul wraps up its 11th General Chapter—held from 29 May to 19 June in Ariccia, near Rome—Pope Francis met in the Vatican on Saturday with members of the institute founded by Blessed James Alberione.

In his prepared remarks which were handed to those present, the Pope recalled the Chapter’s guiding theme: “‘Let yourselves be transformed by renewing your way of thinking’ (Rm 12:2): Called to be artisans of communion to prophetically announce the joy of the Gospel in the culture of communication."

He noted that St. Paul urges Christians to “allow themselves to be transformed,” which means making space for the Holy Spirit to conform us to Christ, so as to transform the world around us.

Transformed to transform the world

Blessed Alberione, said the Pope, called for Paulines to renew their way of thinking.

“Our mentality must first of all be changed, converted, and assimilated to that of Jesus our Teacher, in order to contribute to spreading in society a way of thinking and living based on the Gospel.”

Pope Francis said Paulines should not only embrace all means of communication to spread the Church’s teaching, but also “integrate the message itself into the new culture created by modern forms of communication.”

Technology to build culture of encounter

One key aspect of modern communications, said the Pope, is that of “interpersonal relationships in a globalized and interconnected world,” which impact both the Church and society.

“After the initial euphoria for technological novelties, we now recognize that it is not enough to be ‘on the web” or “connected,” but that we need to understand how our communication—enriched as it is by the digital realm—effectively builds bridges and contributes to building a culture of encounter.”

Pope Francis said Blessed Alberione wanted the Paulines to offer themselves fully to the apostolate, in the footsteps of St. Paul.

The Apostle to the Gentiles, said the Pope, was filled with a missionary spirit but carried out his mission in community with others around him. In other words, he worked “with a network” to communicate the Good News to people where and how they live.

Evoke people’s thirst for God

Pope Francis thus encouraged the Paulines to employ their professional competencies for the sake of the Gospel in communion.

“You are called to live communion in fraternity,” he said, “in your relationships with the diocesan communities in which you live and within the larger and diverse Pauline Family. Your horizon is that of Paul: the whole of humanity of our times.”

The Pope wrapped up his speech by recalling that the Paulines’ mission is to help people who appear far from the Church to become aware of their “desire for God and thirst for love and truth.”



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a914c2  No.16811264


kys , 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

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ed5ad7  No.16811268


smart anon is smart.

rights come with responsibilities.

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bd49a1  No.16811273


Prayers for your Mom and for you anon, love you (no homo)

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1c80c3  No.16811338


I understand very clearly what the books says, what Christians "say" the book says, and how the behavior of Christians fundamentally contradict what the books says.

Keep worshiping Satan. You have the religious freedom to do so, while I have the religious freedom to reject your brainwashing.

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c5b5fe  No.16811375

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319554  No.16811378

The next 4 years is going to be VERY painful in American commerce as America migrates to local and regional 'micro' economies to defeat the Cabal 'all profits flow to multi-national corporations' con.


Local auto manufacturing (Regional)

Local food packaging

Local tech services

Regional tech infrastructure (local owned)

Local celebrities

Local news

Local government

Local venues and entertainment

Local Tv programming

The world WILL change and it will change to greatly benefit anons and MAGA.

Be the change you seek.

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c95707  No.16811388


>Whidbey Island

This is not a game.

Certain events were not suppose to take place.


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bd49a1  No.16811449


I'm waiting for someone to post that AOC meme where she has a power strip plugged into itself and says…this should work…or…something like that…

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a24bf4  No.16811452


You are worthless then and have no right to complain. Also I don't believe you. I believe you are part of the "Vote by not voting" crew. You are attempting to engage in voter suppression by using your totally legit testimonial experience (people tend to trust testimonials more) to convince people to stay home and let your communist Marxist masters maintain their grasp.

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7b114b  No.16811461


You've wrecked nothing except wasting time and post counts. You look like a tard doing it tho.

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e19b8e  No.16811528


Covid Truth Network, [05.07.22 18:54]

[Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊]

[ Video ]

An Irreversible Decision: Once You've Been Vaccinated, You Cannot Become Unvaccinated

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: "The types of things that this injection does, binding the spike protein to the surface of your cells, making an antibody, which means you're sensitized to that forever … Once you've been vaccinated, it is the mark. You cannot become unvaccinated … This is an irreversible thing."

Source: t.me/backtolife_2022/1608

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Rumble (https://rumble.com/v1b8u2x-an-irreversible-decision-once-youve-been-vaccinated-you-cannot-become-unvac.html) | Substack (https://thevigilantfox.substack.com/) | Truth (https://truthsocial.com/@VigilantFox) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/vigilantfox)

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c5b5fe  No.16811532


Troop by a Father

Dens by Moms

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a2aa31  No.16811545


Red Text shill = ID+ every single time…

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6b35c5  No.16811582


really is nice.

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ed5ad7  No.16811652


I have a friend like you. I also find you funny. Keep it up.

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58ec08  No.16811717


good eyeballs

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6dfeb9  No.16811722



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319554  No.16811734

lol what could a cat possibly have vengeance for? for knocking its own bowl of milk over?

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9f1836  No.16811746


Someone said it's Gonna be Biblical

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4f6ebe  No.16811754


I would 100% vote for the dem against eyepatch mccain or paul ryan or romney

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fe2173  No.16811821


yet here you are late at night. All for a larp?

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2a4d03  No.16811842


ALL women like it in the arse…most just dont know it yet

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5919a4  No.16811862

does anyone have the meme that says "you may die which is normal"

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a2aa31  No.16811879



fascist fascist

so many people here get the neo-bolsheviks in power wrong i wonder if it is a boomer thing and they were just conditioned to call everything evil fascist. or if it is commie shills trying to push that one false message.

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fe2173  No.16811900


i.e. subversion

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78955a  No.16811905


I really couldnt say. Im on big picture duty.

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a24bf4  No.16811910


Talk is Cheap

Action Jacskon



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64acb7  No.16811917


www ScotusBlog.com

Calendar says Tue 6/21 and Thu 6/23 are the next opinion release dates.

There is NO guarantee the abortion case will be among them.

Another let's see what happens situation.

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f8a028  No.16811918


Our markets are absolutely comped. Boo.

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7b114b  No.16811928

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ee9afe  No.16811933


It's more like this…

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a2aa31  No.16811947


🌟ULTRA🌟Patriot's🌟Quest🌟, [01.06.22 16:01]

[Forwarded from KAGBABE]

[ Video ]

JP MORGAN CEO: Brace yourselves for hurricane coming for the U.S. economy

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4f6ebe  No.16811969


Strange indeed

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3b413b  No.16812005

Illinois taxpayers to pay $17.9 million to subsidize electric vehicle purchases

Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced start of Electric Vehicle Rebate Program with a $4,000 taxpayer-funded rebate.

The race is on for Illinois consumers looking to get a $4,000 taxpayer-funded rebate for buying an electric vehicle.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker's administration announced the start of Illinois’ Electric Vehicle Rebate Program that brings about a $4,000 taxpayer-funded rebate for consumers who buy an electric car and a $1,500 rebate for electric motorcycles.

The program is a part of a $17.9 million taxpayer-funded plan to pay for rebates on electric vehicle purchases. The deadline to apply is Sept. 30. Applications are available at a state website.

Pritzker discussed his plans for EV in Illinois during his state budget address in February.

"We want to make it less expensive for consumers to buy and drive an electric vehicle," Pritzker said. "We will be offering $4,000 rebates to consumers and incentivizing the build-out of charging stations state-wide."

State Rep. Adam Niemerg, R-Dieterich, said the governor is focusing on the wrong issues.

"Instead of talking about real relief and reducing our energy costs here in Illinois, we're looking at increases of up to $600 for Ameren customers," Neimerg told The Center Square. "We are now energy dependent on other states and I think we are going in the wrong direction."

Last month, Ameren Illinois issued a letter to customers saying there could be sizable rate hikes this summer. The average Ameren customer is expected to see a price increase of over $50 a month.

“Illinoisans feel it at the gas pump, feel it in the grocery stores, and you bet they will feel it when their power goes out this summer," Niemerg said.

Pritzker said his plan is about bringing jobs to Illinois.

“With our nation-leading rebate program, it’s never been more affordable for Illinois residents to buy and drive an electric vehicle,” Pritzker said. “From these $4,000 rebates to our workforce development programs to help coal communities move into clean energy jobs, we are laser-focused on making Illinois a leader in addressing climate change and ensuring no community is left behind.”

Pritzker hope to have more than 1 million electric vehicles in Illinois by 2030.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the average price of an electric vehicle is $54,000, according to J.D. Power.


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2ad0bd  No.16812015

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230cf3  No.16812016


More like this

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e19b8e  No.16812021

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fdba73  No.16812054


This rings true to me

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e7cf27  No.16812056


I will assume you and the rest of your friends are JIDF from Israel. I guess you people already forgot about your foul mouths and what happened in Galilee, your pining for more proof.

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fcc1dd  No.16812115


>Trump calls for SAME-DAY voting

Meanwhile leftists be like…

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63189c  No.16812117


CRQSSWQRD for anons

Pic related

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7b114b  No.16812119


>haven't been near that store, something always comes up

I haven't been anywhere except for groceries in many months. I need jeans and shirts REAL BAD! I'm soooo lazy. Plus I need to buy another computer in case this one gives up the ghost. I so hate being without a comp.

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4f3905  No.16812141


oof double negative

needs to remove the 2nd never

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1ad8d4  No.16812151


Some cook pet bunnies.

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e19b8e  No.16812154

Another thing I like about 8Kun more than Truth Social is there's less people ordering me to re-Truth things.

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78955a  No.16812166

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fcc1dd  No.16812170


apparently the bill died in the senate

they even say the gadsen flag is whipcreamacist and the south vietnam flag represents nationalism

hilariously obvious everyone who pushed that shit bill is clearly globohomo

but again, what do people expect when crooked politicians rely on foreign aid to get kicked back to their foundations and campaigns in order to enrich themselves

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c05b09  No.16812179

DJT rally "mistake" decode…[B]en for [m]en

Given the disputes about whether DJT has confirmed the recent Q posts, I went back to carefully rewatch the Mendon rally:


At 8:40 PM, where he is supposed to say "men", he actually says "Ben".

The posted video snippet is from RSBN, and you can listen for youself.

To get that clip, I checked my Network tab in the developer tools to find the right mp4 link and saved the whole video using youtube-dl (as it couldn't decode the original link).

Then I cut the snippet with Avidemux, and saved the audio track.

To get the waveforms shown in the graphic, I put that audio into Audacity and took a screencap.

It is hard to "hear" this sort of "error" unless you are directly listening for it, but DJT has done this sort of thing before.

(I think he overtly said something about Q at a rally in West Virginia once, but it was "hidden" by the "intended" meaning.)

In this case, the comm is hidden in a "red meat" line, so most anons were focused intently on the content, not the sound.

The upshot is that DJT says "Ben" and not "men".

Then the issue is how to decode that, and I offer two decodes, and they both work.

One points to a Ben Garrison Q post, and the other gets going with Ben Franklin.

The 8kun javascript part of the decode might seem to come out of nowhere, but I knew about the timestamp there from earlier looking into what was going on with the ID numbers on Q's posts.

There was a question about why the TOR posts would show a normal ID on mouseover, and part of the answer is that the mouseover event is calling a function in main.js.

See: 8kun.top/main.js

But there may be further things to discover there.

There do seem to be oddities in the comments at the top, but I did not want to go too far astray (and plus I am not an expert on this).

There seem to be extraneous comments (this slows things down) and the seeming juxtaposition of "polish notation" (operators in front) and Polish language may just be "geek humor" or it may be a subtle pointer to Q26.

The Baylor Lady Bears tweet also did not come out of nowhere.

I think it is in one of the clockfag graphics that gets posted every so often.

I am not a clockfag but I do take a look at the graphics from time to time.

At the very bottom, I use the infamous "B" post in the decode because it works.

It works whether it was posted by a black hat or a white hat.

It was apparently deleted by Q at the request of an anon on the night that Q returned.

Jim Watkins subsequently made some comments on this, and it is from his post that I got the partial board log screencap: >>16808440

(The projectdcomms board log is not publicly accessible.)

I do not have any idea what #112 was (if it ever existed) and I do not believe it was there earlier than a few weeks ago, if that.

It has occurred to me that some (or all) of the "board drama" may be a ruse.

There are some seemingly well-intentioned anons advising others against complex decodes.

But there is nothing wrong with complex decodes if they are accurate.

Q team drops the comms, and anons do the decodes, and if they turn out to be complex, maybe that is because Q team dropped complex comms.

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0c1326  No.16812241




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8f8787  No.16812268


>be glad I don't work there I Have wire cutters and I would cut your power cable off.


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90af1c  No.16812317


1. Sheer volume comparisons with other politicos not done by the goofball.

2. DJT wrote his own tweets, unlike the others compared with.

3. DJT is Q+ and everything has meaning.


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1cbca4  No.16812353


Thank you, baker!

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229f1a  No.16812359


Bill Binney

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161816  No.16812368

Jesus answered his disciple when they asked him about when will they know when God's Kingdom will come. He answered, this wicked evil generation, they ask for a sign yet no sign will be given. Same with this board, there are many that say "It is going to be Biblical". There are also many who mock the Divine, and many more that won't acknowledge when miracles happen. All these are the same when it comes to the Kingdom, there will never be a sign. It either hasn't come in the slightest and still far away, wasn't the real thing therefor must be blasphemed, or was easily misconstrued and rationalized away therefor no need for any form of confirmations. Yet, I find it all so frequent, that I have to count and recount my steps.

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23a175  No.16812371


its a GoPro ffs

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4b0d12  No.16812374



She said not to worry if she’s late tonight, we just had some business to attend to. I’m finished

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00b114  No.16812388


The Thousand and One Nights.?

He needs 1001 souls before he…movie plot?

Our story beings with a robbery in the very museum where Wishmaster (1997) ends. During a shootout between museum security and some hooded bandits, the statue which entombed our favorite wish-twisting Djinn’s ruby prison is shot, loosening a chunk of stone and revealing the artifact.


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e0bf08  No.16812394


> america bad

it is terrible…where a city the size of Chicago can pose as a great place to be

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757ed0  No.16812417


N. L. P.

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ddb099  No.16812431


Ireland's independence as Scotland

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7b8ae7  No.16812436


>So all these dregs of agencies and media that come here posting racial hatred are set up so they can report in the media how racists the board is. Got it “wrap up smear 101”

I believe you are 100% correct. We can fairly accurately infer their strategy by the content of their posts.

1. Publicly discredit the board (racist/antisemitic)

2. Chase away "facebook boomer" normies (gore/scat/obscenity)

3. Slide the shit out of the breads (to discourage/demoralize participation)

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25397c  No.16812487


Here's the link to the 54 page report of John Bash


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99153d  No.16812492

It gives me no pleasure to say that Donald Trump has, in fact, betrayed the oath he swore to defend the constitution of the United States.

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a7b9a0  No.16812501

What if the impending SC Roe v Wade vote and deployment of NG is really to push the population to precipice? SC upholds RvW and the masses of people who have been asleep for their entire lives awaken. What was said in drops about children and how most people on any side will unify in their protection? Drip becomes flood.

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42e0e3  No.16812504


You are not ready to serve as a defeater of evil.

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21b20a  No.16812511




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6d07da  No.16812514


One of the coolest days I've had a the range I was hitting steel at 300. The guy at the end came down and shot the shit w me and a buddy.

He came back later and gave me a box of rimfire.

He was black.

I arm blacks, they arm us.

We happy. We rednecks.

We kin.

This race war bullshit is a made for TV narrative. Everybody is finding that out real quick.

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db4f11  No.16812519

Missouri Governor Parsons Signs House Bill (HB) 1878 – Requires Voter ID – Eliminates Drop Boxes

Governor Parsons from Missouri today signed an election bill in an effort to make elections more secure.

Today, during a signing ceremony at the State Capitol, Governor Mike Parson signed five pieces of legislation into law, including House Bill (HB) 1878, which modifies Missouri’s election laws to strengthen election processes and voter confidence.

“We are happy to be joined by Representative John Simmons and Senator Sandy Crawford to sign HB 1878 into law,” Governor Parson said. “In 2020 and years prior, Missouri has conducted free, fair, and secure elections, but with changing technologies and new emerging threats, we want to ensure they remain that way. HB 1878 strengthens our election processes and gives Missourians confidence that their voices are being accurately and securely recorded at the ballot box.”

HB 1878 – Modifies provisions regarding election law:

Requires all registered voters in Missouri to provide a photo ID to vote and repeals the use of mail-in ballots while allowing certain absentee ballots, strengthening the integrity of each citizen’s vote.

Additionally, HB 1878 makes several other modifications to state statute:

Clarifies when voter rolls can be audited by the Secretary of State;

Allows no excuse absentee voting in person at the local election authority starting two weeks prior to the election;

Prohibits the use of ballot drop boxes for absentee ballots;

Makes the paper ballot the official ballot and prohibits the use of electronic vote counting machines after January 1, 2024;

Prevents local election authorities from accepting private donations, with limited exceptions;

Requires all electronic voting machines to be “air gapped” or not directly connected to the internet; and

Adds several other provisions related to elections.

“Our election system is a cornerstone of our Republic,” State Representative John Simmons said. “Faith and confidence in the process is a solemn responsibility by voters themselves and those conducting elections. A photo ID requirement is but one common sense measure the vast majority of Missourians support.”

“I believe when HB 1878 becomes law Missourians can be assured that their votes will be counted correctly and there will be many safeguards in place to prevent voter fraud,” State Senator Sandy Crawford said.

This is a step forward in Missouri.



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d14208  No.16812544


>Ukrainian refugees to Rwanda

The UK is basically Rwanda now, so not much difference

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00b114  No.16812553



1 yr 1 day delta

366 days


23-Jun-2020 2:01:06 PM PDTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch9721632

Archived links:



More coming? [senior]

Remember your oath.



24-Jun-2022 8:04:01 PM PDTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch16506930

Are you ready to serve your country again?

Remember your oath.


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21b20a  No.16812566


>Horse to water problem?

My saddle fell in the water and all, I need company

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28a76a  No.16812568

Jewish Lightening.

They don’t care as long as the money comes in.

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2b4c22  No.16812575

Q make the zero delta with bidan

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25397c  No.16812641


Nah, all the suddenly prolific Jew-Hate memes are totally honest and organic……

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97d881  No.16812676


one of McCarthy’s closest aides who would take over the ring in later years, trafficking minors and expanding this sexual blackmail operation at the same time he expanded his own political influence, putting him in close contact with prominent figures including former President Ronald Reagan and a man who would later become president, Donald Trump.

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36e8c2  No.16812684

Uvalde staying in the news..

The Uvalde City Council unanimously voted to deny newly elected Councilman Pete Arredondo a leave of absence, as the fallout of the Robb Elementary School shooting from May 24 in Texas, which resulted in the deaths of 19 children and two adults.


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b6b210  No.16812705


get it before it disappears.


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00b114  No.16812732


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7b8ae7  No.16812734

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36e8c2  No.16812745


>I support abortion for "jews", but it should be banned for everyone else. There, the "jews" get their special rights.

>How's that?

Compulsory Jewish Abortion is an idea I can get behind!

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4b0d12  No.16812759



that is a trip code

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c941a9  No.16812761



Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

The world isWATCHING

The world isCONNECTED


If Trump was in office, our economy would be BOOMING…

If Trump was in office, we would have a wall and no problems with our border…

If Trump was in office, our babies would have their formula…

If Trump was in office, we would have so much gas. it would be coming out our asses…










We See All

We Hear All

We Remember All












>The Great Awakening

>It's Happening


Question everything












Roe vs Wade























































[as] world turns





Godfather III


Jason,Bourne (CIA / DREAM).











When does a bird sing? When it tweets.



HRC 187'S






















ENTER [99154] EXEC.



CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis

>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

>Follow the yellow brick road!




General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.

John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…


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689edc  No.16812782



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b56b9d  No.16812784


The A.I. drew me this.

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0f6a5e  No.16812789


Some things take generations to adjust to. It is a process in which those who deal best with the conditions have a longer life, are stronger, more productive and therefore more likely to reproduce passing their genetic predispositions to the offspring. But from the moment we are presented with a new situation, our bodies often tend to do a switch right away making it possible to begin an evolutionary process from within. And this appears to be the case here. So how do the red cells and their ability to transport oxygen faster relate to the ABO group and rh factor sitting on the same red blood cells?

The people from that region have been able to deal well in high altitudes and while the rh negative blood factor runs low, it is noticable how high the percentage of people with blood type B is.



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c1b9a6  No.16812800


Jim Watkins, [01.05.22 21:29]

[Forwarded from EWillHelpYou]

The CIA just created a new position called the CTO, or chief technology officer.

Currently, the CIA director, William Burns (former ambassador to Russia), has appointed Silicon Valley insider and former acting Director of the Department of Defense’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, Nand Mulchandani, to the position.

The role of the CTO?

To work alongside tech industry leaders to further the CIA's mission. In other words, the direct and open integration of the Central Intelligence Agency into Silicon Valley.

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cb5034  No.16812806

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161816  No.16812814


UID changes do not happen when you delete cookies. It happens when IP changes.

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8321db  No.16812818


To acknowledge the statement you made as correct as written, is not a logic of having identified an inconsistent statement as a 'lie'.

You can't read minds.

What if Anon made error?

Why smear as lie?

You sound threatened, which means you admit your statements are being challenged enough that to ensure 'everyone doesn't misunderstand', you need to write a smear of reading someone else's mind and declaring to know they are INTENDING to write an inconsistent statement to 'deceive' anons.

You're introducing flawed info.

If Anon used your logic, you would have to be declared yourself a liar.

But as all determinists do, there is always an escape hatch.

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881842  No.16812825


Kuru - A medical detective story - Trailer


Oct 31, 2010





The Royal Institution of Australia

16.5K subscribers

This film tracks the remarkable personal journey of Michael Alpers and tells the fascinating medical detective story that led to the discovery of the fatal brain diseases Kuru and Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease(CJD) and the pathogens called prions that cause them.

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a02b4a  No.16812828


It's a chance to fuck the cheating hedgie shorts! That is all! I could care less about AMC as a company! This is soley about screwing (((them))) for a change!

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280ad4  No.16812836



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d14208  No.16812837

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161816  No.16812878


if you think the vaccine (which Q+ expedited to market) is some Satanic conspiracy to wipe out humanity, then you're a schizo.

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fad349  No.16812896


did a great job, first time baker.

hope you bake again soon.

other breads are now locked, carry on.


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e0bf08  No.16812907


Did Mars ever get their women?

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56ee02  No.16812928


Discuss and enforce "agree to disagree" during family functions for now

Distraction "look, squirrel!" occ helps

Focus on love for each other

94-96% will come around

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7a46e5  No.16812936

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deb67b  No.16812939


one would only womder if your insane hypothosis would ring true. someday

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70806e  No.16812948


Well now.

What have we here?

It's Christmas in July

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3f3edd  No.16812952

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280ad4  No.16812960

These people are evil!


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689edc  No.16812969

After Researching Some of the Oligarchs and Sanctions

One has to wonder how many Russian/Ukrainian oligarchs are simply "strawmen," or "cut-outs" playing an assigned role for the big money players who want to stay hidden behind the scenes. I'm starting to believe that even Soros falls into this category to some degree.

J.P. Morgan is mythologized still today–for initiating new global conglomerates, like U.S. Steel, International Harvester and General Electric. He supposedly had controlling interests in Aetna, Western Union and 21 railroads. He also supposedly saved the US from a monetary collapse in 1893, and again in 1907. Yet after his death, Rockefeller saw how much money Morgan left to his heirs ($80 million) and said, "And to think he wasn't even a wealthy man."

Of course, these days it's not beyond the pale to believe that J.P. Morgan was simply a "straw man" for the Rothschild banking dynasty in the US. A little research into this makes it actually quite believable. Now, many people believe the Rockefeller dynasty (and others) might have played, or are playing, a similar role.


During the Panic of 1893, The Federal Treasury was nearly out of gold and there was no central bank in the States to support it, so it resulted in an economic crisis. But Morgan founded a banking syndicate and along with the Rothschild banking family of England, loaned over $65 million to the federal government.

An exact thing happened during the Panic of 1907, also called the 1907 Bankers’ Panic or Knickerbocker Crisis, when the New York Stock Exchange fell almost 50% from its peak from the previous year and led many banks and business into bankruptcy. The case would have worsened and the provoked downfall for the entire nation if Morgan didn’t invest his own money and convinced other New York bankers to do the same in order to save the banking system.



It's getting very easy to see through the many "big name" celebrities we're all given to gawk at, in all walks of life, and in every industry. Certainly, nearly everyone in the entertainment business, the media, politics, CEO's, etc. fall into this category. This is not to say that they don't get paid well or that they don't get a lot of nice bennies. It's just that there is a pretty big catch or 2.

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b56b9d  No.16812973


Audie Murphy died on 5-28-1971 and was buried 6-7-1971


>Fuckery is afoot!

There's codes in the air, that's hardly an honest mistake.

Who Was Audie Murphy?

Audie Murphy eventually became the most decorated U.S. soldier in World War II. Though he was around 20 years old at the end of the war, he had killed 240 German soldiers, had been wounded three times and had earned 33 awards and medals. After the war, he appeared in more than 40 films. He suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder throughout his life.

More: https://www.biography.com/military-figure/audie-murphy

Wiki crash: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1971_Colorado_Aviation_Aero_Commander_680_crash

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229f1a  No.16812982


Someone is going to need to make a new patch for us after all this blows over.

>Veteran of the Battle of Fake Q 6/27/22-7/4/22

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464039  No.16812983


Churches are for the sheep that need to be controlled.

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25397c  No.16813083


>gray hair

potentially copper deficiency.

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70806e  No.16813084


Qagg should just get contract with TS to be it's official passive mirror for peeps with no phone.

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2b4c22  No.16813091


Offense is fun


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0f6a5e  No.16813109



Rally comms confirmed

Still need to add the

The 7 minute Q/Scavino delta for the Air Q fist pump video.

Will update graphic later.



>5:5 I like that!

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56ee02  No.16813135




bakes, pls adjust your dough for #20931 thusly:

replace this entry like so…


your dough is missing the link tag.

carry on and have a good shift.


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a96720  No.16813138


me, fuck\that ✡

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f568ae  No.16813140


>Yes, we can, but (you) gotta go

well let's go, but I am frozen mostly and not from the cold.

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b7d184  No.16813166


And when he does post it just seems to be a link to add your email to sign things. He doesn't really talk anymore for awhile now. Hope he is doing good.

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36e8c2  No.16813190


Stop asking questions faggot.

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e9aea5  No.16813193


"It's not a lizard."


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0183dd  No.16813197



the hell is really going on around here?

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56ee02  No.16813204


It's time.


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69e214  No.16813213

RED Cross

Clinton Foundation

Mc no name Institute?

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1d6339  No.16813228


Lying Kike.

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4be4d7  No.16813230

New York Post


Over one-third of all flights at LaGuardia Airport canceled Thursday https://trib.al/xHA8l0z

2:11 AM · Jun 17, 2022·SocialFlow


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b7d184  No.16813231

Retain your essence!!!

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280ad4  No.16813247

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a7b9a0  No.16813257


did he rule in favor of unlimited coal burning

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3756d0  No.16813272


Com'on ADL.

You can self inflicted betta than that.

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2bf1b3  No.16813275


>DAs Vow to Disregard Law

Texas law solved this problem:

"The law is unusual in that it tasks private citizens, rather than the state, with enforcement. It says that “any person,” other than a government official, may file a civil lawsuit to enforce the law against anyone who performs or intends to perform a prohibited abortion, or who aids or abets one. The law provides for at least $10,000 in “statutory damages” for each abortion performed, which is payable by the abortion provider and/or anybody who aided or abetted. There is no cap on the amount of damages a court can award to a citizen who sues to enforce the law."

How the New Texas Abortion Law Turns the Public Into Enforcers


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b666a1  No.16813279


And you'll never win again.

And you'll pay for.

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3e920e  No.16813281


Stock market news lives updates: Stocks fall, S&P 500 heads for worst first half in 52 years

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0f6a5e  No.16813296


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e875c8  No.16813306

Back up for 8kun if jews close it down?

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9ba9f9  No.16813319


Aww, fascism is so en vogue.

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466ab0  No.16813327

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713731  No.16813344




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9087c7  No.16813364


>prompted great conversations

I, for one, have never had a "great conversation" with a 7yo. I have 3 kids (grown now), and I wouldn't have described conversations at that age as great. This is just code for "they started believing/accepting what I was saying".

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cb5034  No.16813372



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a5bdaa  No.16813407


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16dd5c  No.16814582


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7b5ad6  No.16814593

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3e0e53  No.16814594


What if Trump ends up being the Anti-Christ after he destroys the false NWO that's being erected?

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83cc71  No.16814598


But one witness said he was on the sidewalk and "took a knee"? IDK, just turning in and catching up. What a disaster. FFS, DON'T SHOOT INNOCENT PEOPLE!! And lock the guilty ones up.

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526298  No.16814599

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3d1288  No.16814603


>and accusing them of “hate.”

sorry, NOT SORRY. it is my God given right to hate, and likewise to express my hatred, guaranteed protection by the bill of rights.

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ef95cb  No.16814606





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6912d2  No.16814622


you make me puke

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24b1ec  No.16814624


Found cm to be sincere, professional and has a clear message.

He keeps getting more comfy, nice to see coming along and not talking negatively about himself.

Would love to see him elected.

Godspeed CM

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5f12b3  No.16814631


>Some critics on social media are accusing Dr. Oz of using……

Most critics are wrong. Most critics are stupid. Most critics are pushing a narrative.

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7c9e4a  No.16814632

The same ones Dan posted about have been doing secret training with the Navy?

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4c44b8  No.16814634

Q+ to Q….

We’re in the same house but we’re not together. I know I fucked up. Just come over…

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d16ecc  No.16814636

Feds Charge 19 Defendants with Pandemic Fraud of over $24 Million


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fc1e20  No.16814640


>humans fight in low earth orbit

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a9dcfc  No.16814652

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00cc69  No.16814658


they have been known to exist

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91c399  No.16814662


Nice projection.

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3f0a11  No.16814664

Very comfy with the new Q posts.

Long dormant shills are back.

Shills "arguing" with each other about the Q posts.

MSM in unanimous meltdown mode after the Q posts.

Shills claiming zero delta is the Holy Grail - then suddenly claiming zero deltas mean nothing when Q posted them.

Shitty shill memes that miss the mark…

The shills are so obvious and bad that whoever is employing them is wasting their money. Badly. Very badly.

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a29c65  No.16814681


>What if you are pathologically selfish and make other people's lives harder regularly because you have no awareness?


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cbf771  No.16814684


exposing swamp creatures make for GOOD days

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382d8c  No.16814689

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12846b  No.16814694


bring it in here; you know you need one

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7953c0  No.16814699


Fuck niggers.

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a9faaa  No.16814703

found on glp…

"Why they want to vaccinate EVERYONE with GRAPHENE OXIDE"

"Graphene is a superconductor, and when your body contains high levels of graphene oxide, your location can be tracked via technology like 5G towers.

It is likely the reason why Elon Musk is trying to cover space with 5G sats, so that they can literally track you step-by-step anywhere in the world.

So when your body is superconductive, they can follow you the same as if you were carrying a GPS unit, except they cannot identify you, they would need to know that you were at location A and then they can follow your dot on a map from that location anywhere you go.

This has been the goal for a long time, a world-wide tracking system, and that is why they are trying to vaccinate every living human being, so they have a full picture of what everyone is doing.

The problem is that the body tries to detoxify foreign metals and toxins from your body, and so their work-around is to try to give people boosters until the signal is clear. The bigger problem is that graphene oxide can damage your internal organs when the blood is flowing fast, meaning when a soccer player is running full speed on the field, their blood is pumping fast and these tiny graphene pieces are like tiny razor blades. Your body can heal from their cuts, but when the dose of graphene is too high, and when your blood is pumping too fast, it's a wild ride for your body."


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e48b69  No.16814707

My backup, emergency "Q" piss bottle is almost full. Do I dare step away?

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93ac40  No.16814708

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fc641f  No.16814716


>i mean if WE knew something was going to come from that group, i'm sure they did too..


new Q aint shit until confirmed via delta with DJT/ Scavino

and now Dan truths a fucking babyfist?

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da26c8  No.16814720

Whaddaya think, anons? If P is Vatican-connected. Wut about Nanshy?


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29f03e  No.16814725

Some sick shit going on in Highland Park.


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a8de3a  No.16814734


"getting rid of Israel" was never the point, was the point

sign zee papers old man!

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c42dba  No.16814741

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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6c9dc6  No.16814743

Ukraine to decide how much territory it trades for peace – NATO

Alliance chief Jens Stoltenberg said that peace comes at a price, but insisted it’s up to Ukraine.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Sunday that the US-led alliance aims to strengthen Ukraine’s position at the negotiating table, but added that any peace deal would involve compromises, including of territory.

Stoltenberg spoke at the Kultaranta Talks in Finland, following a meeting with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto. While the NATO chief said that the West was willing to “pay a price” to strengthen the Ukrainian military, Kiev will have to make some territorial concessions to Moscow in order to end the current conflict.

“Peace is possible,” he said. “The only question is what price are you willing to pay for peace? How much territory, how much independence, how much sovereignty…are you willing to sacrifice for peace?”

Stoltenberg did not suggest what terms Ukraine should accept, saying that “it’s for those who are paying the highest price to make that judgment,” while NATO and the West continue supplying arms to the Ukrainians to “strengthen their hand” when a settlement is eventually negotiated.


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be6fe4  No.16814747


ah good, here you are again.

you said:

>he also colluded with FLINT to have Torposting turned back on, on QR less than 24 hours before last night's fake Q posts were made

and that's not true, because someone was able to post via Tor on 3rd of June, 20 22 (see (Practice Thread #2)



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b8fea6  No.16814750


This dude has so much soy in his Veins he can barely lift his hands to make a middle finger, similar to this Noodle armed guy who looks like the weight of the cardboard might shatter his elbow.

Watch out they are coming to rural areas! kek

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7c9e4a  No.16814752


Nope. Just have been paying attention to various non-vax routes that help with covid, and of all of them that I've looked at the science behind N.O's effects on respiratory viruses like sars/mers/covid is the most compelling I've found.

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d4707e  No.16814755

It's really very simple… No tripcode means it's NOT Q

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9e9cea  No.16814759


>The Dead-Cat-Bounce

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00044e  No.16814762


it's toob sock, anon..in the parlance of our times.

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a29c65  No.16814768

Brian Cates - Political Columnist ★★★

Forwarded from

Resist the Mainstream

🔴 US Marshal-Led Operation Sees Over 700 Arrested in Mississippi

It wouldn't hurt reading this again.


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297433  No.16814769


heavy on station

mornin' Frater


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774938  No.16814772


I type however I want. Site owner knows who we are based on device ID. My text choice doesn’t matter. They know who I am, and you are irrelevant

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8ba16f  No.16814775

Is Q+ seriously expecting us to vote in another rigged election? Seriously?

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32c4be  No.16814778

Huge amounts of money being spent.

Don’t worry, more will be printed.

Flood the people with cash to make them content.

The controller has no use for cash.

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9e6918  No.16814782


hammer time

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f4f6cd  No.16814786


>I was here last night as well.

>Sixth sense.

>I suppose your retarded proof didn't pick up any traction.

>Try harder shit monkey


Actually it did, because I still see it being talked about…so go fist yourself, shit eater.

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fc1e20  No.16814797



Press release 2022 Participants 2022

List of Participants 2022

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00cc69  No.16814799

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

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b0e61a  No.16814801


> All caps red text

Take an xanax and then kill yourself, shill.

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024aed  No.16814814


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d28bb0  No.16814817


Looks Ukrainian.

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82e416  No.16814818



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382d8c  No.16814819

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12846b  No.16814829

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7d853c  No.16814832


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35e9a7  No.16814837

for the kek:

Company hunts down ex-employee who got 286 salaries at once

A man got ridiculously overpaid by accident, promised to return the money, then resigned and vanished


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6e8f0e  No.16814838

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ef95cb  No.16814839


>Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel

How much pain, misery, and death is the Rothschild family responsible for?

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1deddf  No.16814845


It was a scripted lie, to take rights away.

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c259ea  No.16814848


>#51 N Dakota


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eeca1c  No.16814850

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a1c2cc  No.16814853


I don't believe they ever put out a single dose of Cominarity. They got it FDA for it but never delivered any. After a year or more they said they 'discontinued' it.

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0ee80c  No.16814858

oh good.

AIM shitbirds in the bakery, it seems.


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b90408  No.16814863


Trump says he wants the country 'opened up and just raring to go by Easter,' despite health experts' warnings


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896835  No.16814864

I'm fine with Trump. I hired him to fix the economy and I got so much more! I could give a shit about mean tweets

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2801a5  No.16814871



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97d995  No.16814873


New York Post


Nancy Pelosi receives Communion at Vatican despite abortion stance https://trib.al/B6QPUjr

11:01 PM · Jun 29, 2022·SocialFlow

Because, of course the Pope is fine with it. Afterward, I'm sure they ate a baby together…Lady & the Tramp-style.

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3fc96d  No.16814876



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ef78f7  No.16814880

The Jerusalem Post


🔴BREAKING: Biden will visit Israel despite Knesset's disbanding and elections.




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4b1feb  No.16814881

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3cdba0  No.16814883


Please God for the safety and protection of every red blooded Canadian, take Trudeau out. He’s an embarrassment for Canada and the US, I cant imagine how our leafs are feeling right now. Not our will but thine be dohe. Dont let Trudeau embarrass more of of our patriots.

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c78ba4  No.16814886

You didn't think it was just a conspiracy did you?

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526298  No.16814890


"Never trust a man whose eyebrows meet, for in his heart is deep deceit"

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cbf771  No.16814892



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e34a3d  No.16814894


Putin, Lukashenko discuss regional security, world fertilizer supply

Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed his Belarusian counterpart, Alexander Lukashenko, in St. Petersburg on Saturday to discuss several issues, including regional security and fertilizer exports.

"We must take care of our security and the security of the Union State [of Russia and Belarus] and maybe the security of other Collective Security Treaty Organization [CSTO] member states as well," Putin said during the meeting.

The CSTO member states are Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan.

Russia is ready to modernize the Belarusian fleet of Su-25 attack aircraft, Putin said, adding that Moscow would supply Minsk with Iskander-M nuclear-capable ballistic missile systems "over the next few months."

Lukashenko compared Lithuanian obstructions to rail cargo transit to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad to a declaration of war.

Lithuanian authorities have announced that there has been a ban on the transit through their territory to Kaliningrad, Russia, of goods subject to sanctions imposed by the European Union starting last Saturday.

Senator Konstantin Kosachev, the deputy speaker of the upper house of Russia’s parliament, said that Lithuania broke international law when it implemented the economic "blockade" on Russia's Kaliningrad Region. In a statement via his Telegram channel, Kosachev said "Lithuania is a flagship of the destruction of international law."

The region is a Russian enclave that falls between EU and NATO members Poland and Lithuania, both of whom have staunchly been opposing Russia since the start of the Ukraine war, exporting arms to Kiev and imposing sanctions on Moscow.

"An increasing number of reports suggest that they plan to stifle transit to Kaliningrad from Russia through Belarus. It is akin to declaring war. It is unacceptable under current circumstances," the Belarusian president said.

Putin underlined that the allies would continue working on the Union State project, while assuring his ally, Lukashenko, that government agencies had "coordinated everything", and it was time to put implement their agreements.

On fertilizers, Putin said that the two countries were the world's largest exporters of crop nutrients. Russia alone exports about 15% of the world's fertilizers, he estimated.

"A lack of fertilizers will, of course, cut crop forecasts for the next year. It is very sad," the president said.

UN chief Antonio Guterres said earlier this month that fertilizer prices had more than doubled. He warned that the world faced shortages of all staple crops next year and urged to bring Russian crops and fertilizers back into world markets despite the conflict.

Western sanctions on Moscow and Mink imposed over the war in Ukraine have undermined Russia and Belarus's sales of agricultural products around the globe, which prompted the Kremlin to suspend the export of fertilizers.

The sanctions fired back against the West, surging food prices in March to their highest levels ever, while the International Monetary Fund warned in April that global food prices would likely rise further in the future due to the war, the sanctions on Russia and Belarus, and climate issues ravaging the planet.

Belarus was sucked into the debacle due to its backing of Russia against NATO and Ukraine.

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7a884a  No.16814895


Define QAnon.

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bc63ca  No.16814899


>Yaakov (Jacob) M. Roth

Yaakov Roth's goal is to strategically develop and effectively present the key legal arguments that will secure victory for clients through appellate advocacy and dispositive motions. He has represented clients in high-profile Supreme Court cases, argued appeals in the federal Courts of Appeals, and prepared motions to dismiss and for summary judgment across a range of substantive areas.

Yaakov's most recent Supreme Court experience includes vindicating former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell from political corruption charges, narrowing the geographic scope of private civil RICO lawsuits, and pursuing a major challenge to the Affordable Care Act from inception through high court review. At the appellate level, Yaakov's oral advocacy has included pressing a First Amendment challenge to an Ohio law prohibiting "false" campaign statements, seeking disclosure of a Justice Department policy manual concerning criminal discovery, and protecting the religious freedom rights of Death Row inmates. He has successfully defended his clients against defamation, antitrust, Title VII, and ERISA claims — including nationwide class actions — and pursued a host of challenges to federal, state, and local regulations. His ERISA experience also includes a series of withdrawal liability arbitrations and related litigation.

Yaakov speaks and writes about the Supreme Court and First Amendment issues and maintains an active pro bono practice centered around religious freedom and criminal justice.


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0cc04e  No.16814903


Resist the Mainstream, [25.06.22 19:57]

🔴 Drag Queen Who Performed for Children Charged With 25 Counts of Child Pornography


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90039e  No.16814907


rumble and telegram suck; try bitchute.

Open comments and more linkable/embeddable

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685baf  No.16814908


Love this time

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7b845b  No.16814909


Mmmmm Super Gonorrhea

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559930  No.16814914

later, crackheads

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00cc69  No.16814918


good mourning america 3

what ewe need to know


after the suicide queen is done telling us how bad guns…

chicago footage

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be7a0d  No.16814920

I just paid attention today to the story about the ‘woman’ lesbian basketball player on trial in Russia for having drugs on her.

‘Her’ wife was being interviewed.

This one confused me because every picture of the BB player showed her with an Adams apple.

So what we have here is man with an adamant apple posing as a woman and who is married to a woman

Doesn’t that make them heterosexual?

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6c4f42  No.16814923


Wow you butchered that joke……

"So I was balls deep in this guys ass the other day when he suddenly asked if we could cuddle. I mean, how gay is that?!"

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317e92  No.16814924


David Wilcock imploded in 2001.

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cdcf3a  No.16814925



Published: June 14, 2022



Dozens of companies make billions of dollars selling location data on the private market. Most of the clients are the usual suspects in the data trade—marketing firms, hedge funds, real estate companies, and other data brokers. Thanks to lackluster regulation, both the ways personal data flows between private companies and the ways it’s used there are exceedingly difficult to trace. The companies involved usually insist that the data about where people live, sleep, gather, worship, and protest is used for strictly benign purposes, like deciding where to build a Starbucks or serving targeted ads.

But a handful of companies sell to a more action-oriented clientele: federal law enforcement, the military, intelligence agencies, and defense contractors. Over the past few years, a cadre of journalists have gradually uncovered details about the clandestine purchase of location data by agencies with the power to imprison or kill, and the intensely secretive companies who sell it.

This chart illustrates the flow of location data from apps to agencies via two of the most prominent government-facing brokers: Venntel and Babel Street.

The vendor we know the most about is Venntel, a subsidiary of the commercial agency Gravy Analytics. Its current and former clients in the US government include, at a minimum, the IRS, the DHS and its subsidiaries ICE and CBP, the DEA, and the FBI. Gravy Analytics does not embed SDKs directly into apps; rather, it acquires all of its data indirectly through other data brokers.

Few data brokers reveal where their data comes from, and Venntel is no exception. But investigations and congressional testimony have revealed at least a few of Venntel’s sources. In 2020, Martin Gundersen of NRK Beta filed requests under the GDPR’s Right to Know in order to trace how data about his location made its way to Venntel. He installed two navigation apps from the company Sygic, as well as an app called Funny Weather, and granted them location permissions. Funny Weather sold his data to location broker Predicio, which then sold it to Gravy Analytics. The Sygic apps sold data to both Predicio and another firm, Complementics, which sent data to Gravy as well. All of the data ended up inside Venntel’s database. In 2021, following a lengthy investigation by Sen. Ron Wyden, broker Mobilewalla revealed that it too had sold data to Venntel.

Gravy Analytics shares some information about its location-data practices on its website. Gravy claims it has access to “over 150 million” devices. It also states outright that it does not gather data from the bidstream. But government officials have told Congress that they believe Venntel’s data is derived both from SDKs and from the bidstream, and there is other evidence to support that belief. One of Venntel’s sources, Mobilewalla, has testified to Congress that it gathers and sells bidstream-based location data. Government contracts describe Venntel’s dataset as containing data from “over 80,000 apps.” Data brokers that rely solely on SDKs, like X-Mode, tend to maintain direct relationships with just a few hundred apps. Venntel’s incredible app coverage makes it likely that at least a portion of its data has been siphoned from the bidstream.

Venntel’s data is disaggregated and device-specific—making it easier for this data to point right to you. Motherboard reported that Venntel allows users to search for devices in a particular area, or to search for a particular device identifier to see where that device has been. It allows customers to track devices to specific workplaces, businesses, and homes. Although it may not include explicitly identifying information like names or phone numbers, this does not mean it is “anonymous.” As one former employee told Motherboard, “you could definitely try and identify specific people.”

Venntel has sold several annual licenses to its “Venntel Portal,” a web app granting access to its database, at a price of around $20,000 for 12,000 queries. It has also sold direct access to all of its data from a region, updated daily and uploaded to a government-controlled server, for a more lavish $650,000 per year.


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00044e  No.16814928

Cake isn’t allowing me to use the vpn feature. What the absolute hell?

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8c77ad  No.16814930


>The soldier struck Sussmann on the temple with the butt of his rifle, knocking him unconscious.

HOOAH. It's beginning. Real Raw News: The Most Trusted News on the Planet.

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e0e4f2  No.16814932

Media dudes don't wanna talk about their weight. I see how it is. Brave on.

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5f12b3  No.16814933


See also

Abortion in Illinois

Chicago Abortion Fund

Booth continued to refer patients for abortions, averaging one per week, mostly for low-income women and women of color. This continued until 1968 when she was out of college, married, pregnant, and employed full-time. With less time to devote to connecting women with abortion providers, she recruited and trained ten other women to help her. She transferred her leadership role to Ruth Surgal and Jody Parsons.[6] The organization, founded in Hyde Park, Chicago, adopted the name Abortion Counseling Service of Women's Liberation, proclaiming that they were for "every woman having exactly as many children as she wants, when she wants, if she wants."[4] They decided that the name was wordy, though; women who called should ask for "Jane", which they considered the "everywoman name".[9] The Abortion Counseling Service of Women's Liberation was a work group of the Chicago Women's Liberation Union.[10] One member of the Jane Collective was known as "Jenny". She was motivated to help provide abortion access by her past struggles to obtain a safe abortion. Jenny discovered that she was pregnant shortly after she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma.[4][9] She sought an abortion due to concerns about the effects of her radiation treatment on the fetus, but was denied by the hospital board. After informing two psychiatrists that she intended to kill herself if not allowed an abortion, she was allowed her request.[9]

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0d00e5  No.16814936

why nobody cared about obama's name

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f33cd9  No.16814939


2nd attempt

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6677fd  No.16814941


Retracting teeth are much better.

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d28bb0  No.16814954


their minds will break

the persistence of the

pursuit of their narrative

in the face of

observable reality

is evidence enough

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8ab2ad  No.16814958

Define 'Plant'.



Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

Related to plant: plant kingdom, baby

plant (plănt)


1. Botany

a. Any of various photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms of the kingdom Plantae characteristically containing chloroplasts, having cell walls made of cellulose, producing embryos, and lacking the power of locomotion. Plants include trees, bushes, herbs, ferns, mosses, and certain green algae.

b. A plant having no permanent woody stem; an herb.

c. Any of various fungi, algae, or protists that resemble plants and were formerly classified in the plant kingdom. Not in scientific use.


a. A building or group of buildings for the manufacture of a product; a factory: works in an auto plant.

b. The buildings, fixtures, and equipment, including machinery, tools, and instruments, necessary for an industrial operation or an institution: the university's mechanical plant.

3. A person or thing put into place in order to mislead or function secretly, especially:

a. A person placed in a group of spectators to influence behavior.

b. A person stationed in a given location as a spy or observer.

c. A misleading piece of evidence placed so as to be discovered.

d. A remark or action in a play or narrative that becomes important later.

4. Slang A scheming trick; a swindle.

tr.v. plant·ed, plant·ing, plants


a. To place or set (seeds, for example) in the ground to grow.

b. To place seeds or young plants in (land); sow: plant a field in corn.


a. To place (spawn or young fish) in water or an underwater bed for cultivation: plant oysters.

b. To stock with spawn or fish.

3. To introduce (an animal) into an area.


a. To place or fix in a certain position: planted both feet on the ground; planted a kiss on my cheek.

b. To deliver (a punch or blow).

c. To fix firmly in the mind; implant: "The right of revolution is planted in the heart of man" (Clarence Darrow).

5. To establish; found: plant a colony.


a. To station (a person) for the purpose of functioning in secret, as by observing, spying, or influencing behavior: Detectives were planted all over the store.

b. To place secretly or deceptively so as to be discovered or made public: planted a gun on the corpse to make the death look like suicide.

7. To conceal; hide: planted the stolen goods in the warehouse.

[Middle English plante, from Old English and Old French, both from Latin planta, sprout, seedling; see plat- in Indo-European roots.]

plant′a·ble adj.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

plant (plɑːnt)


1. (Botany) any living organism that typically synthesizes its food from inorganic substances, possesses cellulose cell walls, responds slowly and often permanently to a stimulus, lacks specialized sense organs and nervous system, and has no powers of locomotion

2. (Botany) such an organism that is green, terrestrial, and smaller than a shrub or tree; a herb

3. (Botany) a cutting, seedling, or similar structure, esp when ready for transplantation

4. informal a thing positioned secretly for discovery by another, esp in order to incriminate an innocent person

5. (Billiards & Snooker) billiards snooker a position in which the cue ball can be made to strike an intermediate which then pockets another ball

vb (tr)

6. (Botany) (often foll by out) to set (seeds, crops, etc) into (ground) to grow

7. to place firmly in position

8. to establish; found

9. to implant in the mind

10. slang to deliver (a blow)

11. informal to position or hide, esp in order to deceive or observe

12. (Zoology) to place (young fish, oysters, spawn, etc) in (a lake, river, etc) in order to stock the water

[Old English, from Latin planta a shoot, cutting]

ˈplantable adj

ˈplantˌlike adj

plant (plɑːnt)


1. (Commerce)

a. the land, buildings, and equipment used in carrying on an industrial, business, or other undertaking or service

b. (as modifier): plant costs.

2. (Commerce) a factory or workshop

3. (Civil Engineering) mobile mechanical equipment for construction, road-making, etc

[C20: special use of plant1]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

plant (plænt, plɑnt)

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83cc71  No.16814959

Live from the FARO Dinner in Geneva, Road Show, 2022-05-31


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b0e61a  No.16814961


ok bieber

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5782d1  No.16814962


I find myself agreeing with you.

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25a96f  No.16814964

Midwest Grocery Chain Forced to Move Baby Formula Section to Front of Store Due to Shortages – Biden Stickers Pop Up in Stores

Local St. Louis Schnuck’s Grocers moved baby formula supply to the front of the store due to the ongoing national shortages.

Schnuck’s is one of the largest grocery chains in the St. Louis market and operates over 100 stores in four states.

The stores notified shoppers this week that the baby formula was moved up front.

Notice the Joe Biden “I Did That” sticker on the store sign!


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83900e  No.16814965


with time it will only be a worse investment.

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0dd161  No.16814968


What kind of sorry excuse for a man is too much of a coward to say who his "girlfriend" is?

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a9dcfc  No.16814972




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08ceaf  No.16814973


what will you use to hurt the clown?

Do you have a MAGA overdrive ready to go or you just talking shit again

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b90408  No.16814974



This guy's still around? I guess he pre-dated Trump's political career so it makes sense.

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0ee80c  No.16814975


pfft. we're talking about democrat elites and thieves, adversaries, not people you trust most.. the thief isn't your maid or your wife in this case, its just a thief.

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7d853c  No.16814976

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3d1288  No.16814977

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2ac317  No.16814978


>Small notebook and two pens, take detailed notes!

Can't carry a notebook from one time loop to the next.

Need tachyons because they can travel faster than time.

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35e9a7  No.16814980

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8e3081  No.16814982



It's all aboutdepopulation!

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a2fd82  No.16814986




Seeeeeeeeeethe again,try again

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b99c47  No.16814989

TYB - Boob Bread for the Baker…

And some of you Anons thought "Q" moved to TS…kek…

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01bd99  No.16814995


tippy top keks

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4792d5  No.16814997


The electoral college is made up of people chosen by the people who were elected into Congress. So Congress actually chooses who the next POTUS will be. You get to vote for who you want to be in Congress. Well, sort of. You get to vote for 2 Senators and for 1 Congressional Rep. out of the 540 or so members of Congress.

So you basically get to vote for who you want to vote for you.

All of this, of course, in the absence of voter fraud.

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1c5660  No.16814999

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f0bc28  No.16815000



someone should create a book that has definition of words

i plan to buy a lottery ticket wednesday

it will contain random numbers

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545536  No.16815003




Mock Human sacrifice ceremony at CERN Geneva campus

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f152d3  No.16815004


> Quincy

is the county, Mendon is the city within Quincy County

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bbb174  No.16815005

Biden Banned JUUL

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9df375  No.16815006


>They were destroyed during the Ass-Legs alliance of '94.

They were not even grown on yet in '94 if I remember correctly.

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a657ed  No.16815008


If I was in Crenshaw’s district I would vote for the democrat that’s running against him. At least his political career would be over. Kek

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e34a3d  No.16815010

Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger who was in charge of securing the Capitol on January 6 dies suddenly - just one day before the Capitol riot committee is set to call surprise hearing to present 'newly uncovered evidence'


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0cc04e  No.16815011

Zulu82STILLup…an anon posted yesterday this was a solar powered drone and they are experimenting with duration…

Poor lil' fighter…

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a5379b  No.16815015


more sliders.

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ad74a2  No.16815017


The anwer is right in front of everyone.

is she in "good behaviour"

shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour

Also note the constitution dont say shit about adding a fuckton boatload of Judges, it only says, "shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour"

Check it.. https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/article-3/

Everyone in Government, CITY, STATE, FEDERAL who is wearing a face diaper mask in June 2022, needs a psych eval followed up by a LOYALTY oath and an AUDIT of their possible UNAMERICAN actions while holding office.

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92211a  No.16815019



I wish there was a stream where you could actually listen to the pre-game music. I got spoiled when the msm yt channels would at start livestreaming at least an hour prior to his arrival with no interruptions or non-stop screeching into a mic begging for money throughout the wait

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3998c3  No.16815021

six countries oppose electric cars by 2035


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d16ecc  No.16815022


Dogs everywhere where I live, I went easy.

I no longer have dogs but I get it

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dd12df  No.16815024


My musical military 🤦‍♂️

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acec86  No.16815025


Books that expose the evil within the Vatican - hint: It's always been there…..





Meme/Graphix archive that explains "The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican" - members are called "Guardians" and the Pope is [their] Spiritual Leader - see Q drop #1413 - Guardian_P


Masons, Illuminati and the Jesuit connection explored


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2aeb44  No.16815027


We The Media ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [23.04.22 18:24]

[Forwarded from Paul Serran 👾 (Paul Serran)]

[ Photo ]

here is how they frame their fight:

Christ is Risen and Russia will win! There is no death!

JUST FOR CONTEXT: for the Ortodox Christians, tomorrow is Easter Sunday.

H/T Intel Slava Z 🔥🔥🔥

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00cc69  No.16815029

Federal Grand Jury Indicts Trump Advisor Peter Navarro

A federal grand jury on Friday indicted Trump’s economic advisor Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress after he refused to cooperate with Liz Cheney’s unconstitutional January 6 Committee.

Earlier this year the abusive January 6 panel voted to advance contempt charges against Trump’s aides Dan Scavino and Peter Navarro.

Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino didn’t provide any documents to the House panel and refused to show up for their depositions.

The full House of Representatives voted in April to refer Navarro to the Justice Department for not complying with the J-6 panel’s subpoena.

Navarro was indicted and faces two contempt counts.

CNN reported:

A federal grand jury has indicted former Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress after he refused to cooperate in the House January 6 committee’s investigation.

According to the Justice Department, Navarro will make an appearance in court Friday at 2:30 p.m. ET in Washington.

He faces two contempt counts: one for his failure to produce documents demanded by the committee and the second for failing to show up for subpoenaed testimony before House investigators.

The indictment comes after Navarro revealed Monday that he had been subpoenaed by federal prosecutors who were seeking documents related to his decision. Navarro said in an interview with MSNBC Thursday night that he “responded” to the Justice Department, but he declined to say he would be willing to turn over the documents requested by prosecutors.


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024aed  No.16815035

I wonder if Jim watches any George Webb?


Yeah the Ukranian people not nazi just wanna live are losing, but also even the men who dont wanna be under zelensky suffring too.

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c17b3f  No.16815040


Hannity is now full clown to me. He is an enemy agent. Pardoning Hunter Biden wipes shit in the face of every patriot and for him to suggest it shows he's on the other team. Marked.

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82e416  No.16815041


it does not help

reality will be accepted

regardless of perceptual filters

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9a154a  No.16815044


thinking about this just now it may relate to the story Logan gave a few days ago about an informant she met who told her things about the U.N.


Lara Logan

"It's not an ELITE, it's a cult"

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04383b  No.16815045


Yes many hate Truth. It doesn't make it less True.

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569dd0  No.16815046


…something about terahertz radiation and that "UFO incident" at that air base in the UK.

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9e6918  No.16815048



You are the troll. Trolls IP hop. I baited you with the filter, and you hopped like the predictable bitch you are.

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6d242f  No.16815050


yeah i heard that also unfortunately, still not sure exactly what we are watching anymore

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3f0bba  No.16815052


2 different subjects

#Qanon hashtag is and always was a thing and was started by anons not media

the QR banner is what it is

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2261c1  No.16815054

Busted! Homeland Security Secretary Lied To Senate About Disinfo Board!

Thanks to the diligent work of Sens. Grassley and Hawley – and a whistleblower from within the Department of Homeland Security – we now know that DHS’s work on the “Disinformation Governance Board” began back in September, 2021, not this spring as DHS Secretary Mayorkas testified.

Also we know from leaked documents that the focus was not on “foreign adversaries” but was to focus on “conspiracy theories about the validity and security of elections” and “disinformation related to the origins and effects of COVID-19 vaccines or the efficacy of masks.”

Also: smoking-gun proof that DHS senior officials sought high-level meetings with Twitter to push censorship of Americans! Will more senators show interest in these lies and attacks on the First Amendment?


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779d7b  No.16815057

So what's on tap today?

Jesuit incels blaming Jews and Sex Criminals for all the evils in the world?

Jews blaming goat-humping polygamous Muslims?

Muslims blaming "whores" and capitalists?

Capitalists blaming unions?

Nazis blaming niggers?

Trannies blaming the "cis-normative"?

Lesbians blaming the Patriarchy?

What new methods of division will the shills bring today, I wonder.

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24b1ec  No.16815058

95F + 60% humidity in Chicago and northern Il. Multiple power outages. People will be dropping faster than a July 4th parade. Too soon?

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6c4f42  No.16815059


God divided us by race, nigger lover

we were never "united" to begin with

but im sure youre aware of that you filthy kike

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a40391  No.16815066

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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363baa  No.16815067

Mike Lindell needs to sell his My Pillow that Walmart canceled for $19.84 instead of $19.88

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8ab2ad  No.16815068

Freedom of the Press


By continuing to extradite Assange, the Biden DOJ is ignoring the dire warnings of virtually every major civil liberties and human rights organization in the country that the case will do irreparable damage to basic press freedom rights of US reporters.


The extradition of Julian Assange must be condemned by all who believe in press freedom

The British home secretary has formally approved the extradition of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange to the United States, in the latest development in a dangerous and misguided criminal prosecution that has the potential to criminalize national security journalism in the United States.

Previously, a major coalition of civil liberties organizations, including Freedom of the Press Foundation, implored U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to drop the case against Assange in the name of protecting the rights of journalists everywhere. So, too, have the editors of major news outlets such as The New York Times and Washington Post.

By continuing to extradite Assange, the Biden DOJ is ignoring the dire warnings of virtually every major civil liberties and human rights organization in the country that the case will do irreparable damage to basic press freedom rights of U.S. reporters.

The prosecution, which includes 17 charges under the Espionage Act and one under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, covers events that took place more than a decade ago, but was brought only under the Trump administration — after the Obama Department of Justice reportedly considered charges but dismissed them for their dangerous First Amendment implications.

Reports suggest Assange may have at least one more avenue of appeal, so he may not be on a flight to the United States just yet. But this is one more troubling development in a case that could upend journalists’ rights in the 21st century.

You don’t have to like Assange or his political opinions at all to grasp the dangerous nature of this case for journalists everywhere, either. Even if you don’t consider him a “journalist,” much of the activity described in the charges against him is common newsgathering practices. A successful conviction would potentially make receiving classified information, asking for sources for more information, and publishing certain types of classified information a crime. Journalists, of course, engage in all these activities regularly.

There is some historical irony in the fact that this extradition announcement falls during the anniversary of the Pentagon Papers trial, which began with the Times publication of stories based on the legendary leak on June 13, 1971, and continued through the seminal Supreme Court opinion rejecting prior restraint on June 30, 1971.

In the months and years following that debacle, whistleblower (and FPF co-founder) Daniel Ellsberg became the first journalistic source to be charged under the Espionage Act. What many do not know is that the Nixon administration attempted to prosecute Times reporter Neil Sheehan for receiving the Pentagon Papers as well — under a very similar legal theory the Justice Department is using against Assange.

Thankfully, that prosecution failed. And until this one does too, we continue to urge the Biden administration to drop this prosecution. Every day it continues to further undermine the First Amendment.


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d28bb0  No.16815073


Its a ridiculous task, i dont even comment anymore to family, theres only one sister that is still concerned about me (not my opinion) and I have 8 of them alive.

Its the way it is, I’m at the point if everything we know is proven true none of them will believe it. Its sad but expected.

As Buddha said, “family is like a flock of birds from one life to the next. Not really a connection but put together to fly in one direction”! When we can’t be part of the flock we must fly on our own. Thats this lifetime for me.

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af8065  No.16815074

When I say, I've witnessed this go down, I'm serrious in being genuine.

Anon, doesn't want a hear any more about it or NES is getting put away and time for bed early.

Sauce, or get off my air ship, skallywag maties.

In the kindest way posib. It's about nostalgic fun.










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5782d1  No.16815075


But why is the CNN+ actually a minus?

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18d269  No.16815076


And that's the problem.

Just because you can't see the chains or bars doesn't mean we're all not slaves.

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4b1feb  No.16815079


Why yes. Yes it would.

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8d7dcd  No.16815080


We need just one Patriot at the NSA, just one to "accidentally" release everything. All of it. All the comms between Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, the dems, ABCs and the slew of other shit exposing all of these corrupt motherfuckers to wake this country upi!!!!

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443398  No.16815085



70 foreign banks from 12 countries have joined the Russian analogue of SWIFT to break the economic Western colonial stranglehold on the world


breaking the strangehold of the international banking cartel SOUNDS like something that would be good for we the people, but if it just means replacing it with a NEW international banking cartel, will us peons really be any better off?

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a2fd82  No.16815086



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1a6c12  No.16815087



c… like in corruption?

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35e9a7  No.16815088


Any time punchy.

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526298  No.16815089

FBI pay overtime on sundays?

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2ac317  No.16815090


ThanQ Baker!

I have the We're Not Gonna Take It from Q's last post, but file size is too large.

Is there a place to upload bigger files in QR?

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21e26b  No.16815091


spelling 🙃

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8a6a1e  No.16815092


crafty infiltrator made sure to send a message to the Democratic establishment.

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0ef23e  No.16815093

Because of APES battling Hedge Funds, there are no $$ available to pay people to riot on command (overturn Roe). The plan is coming together anons.

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410f0f  No.16815097

The DPR clarified the procedure for the implementation of the death penalty.

1. The execution of a convicted person is carried out non-publicly.

2. Execution is carried out for each sentenced person separately.

3. The body of the executed person is not handed over to relatives.

4. The body of the executed is secretly buried.

5. The method of carrying out the sentence is execution.

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3e0e53  No.16815098


Fucking qagg isnt up yet,Can Another anon confirm or deny, pls?

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d16653  No.16815099


Missed opportunities.

Should have called the 3 new parts, Snap, Crackle, Pop.

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19d12d  No.16815104


>Q drops should be monitored closely

Zoom in all you want.

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0cc04e  No.16815105

fuck your server!



w /o me…….


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9c2ee0  No.16815106


your spider web graphs make no fuckin' sense, faggot

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97d995  No.16815107


is that an ass?

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cdcf3a  No.16815108


Welcome Back Q! 1700 Days since first Q Post. Q post 1700 is an interesting read. It Truly Is Time To Stand For America, For Freedom, For God. SO IT BEGINS

-Q Patriot (redpills.tv)

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45ecc1  No.16815109




‼️The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation confirmed the complete liberation of Severodonetsk.

Borovskoye, Sirotino and Voronovo were also completely liberated‼️


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1deddf  No.16815110


>After Potatoe in Chef, I'm motherfucking EF Hutton.

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79014b  No.16815111



The Catholic Spanish Inquisition wasn't filled with literal ritual sacrifices

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0c8e01  No.16815112


What is Clinton selling now? When she was SoS she sold access and influence.

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86a0b8  No.16815113


The story of Jesus is a Shakespearian tragedy mate. Love wasn't the full picture; he realized the only way to make others realize what they had and who He was is through his brutal violent death; would you call that harsh Love? The only religious figure to die for humanity instead of wage war on it. The story alone resonates deeply with the heart.

Jesus was ferocious. God is the opposite of Communism; the whole idea is that He is above all of humanity after-all. An order of things; a hierarchy. Communism is tower of Babel shit.

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b8b251  No.16815114


… it's Hannibal lechter excessive obsessionish.

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a5379b  No.16815115



so they just finally admitted Dominion machines are vulnerable.

They're only doing it now to groom folks into believing the Republicans will steal 2022.

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c7ecbc  No.16815116

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1165dd  No.16815117

30 Jun, 2022 22:12

=•Russia warns of new ‘Iron Curtain’==

It’s the West that’s putting it up this time, the foreign ministers of Russia and Belarus agreed

A new “Iron Curtain” is going up across Europe, this time put up by Western powers seeking to cut off Russia and Belarus over the conflict in Ukraine. Practically overnight, the EU destroyed all of the relations with Moscow it had been building for decades, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday in Minsk.

“The Iron Curtain is now being erected by Westerners themselves,” said Vladimir Makei, the foreign minister of Belarus. He clarified he was referring not just to the severance of political and economic contact, but to the physical barrier that just went up along the Poland-Belarus border.

Makei said the isolationism was one-sided, as Belarus continues to advocate for dialogue with the West and finding diplomatic solutions to problems.

“It is practically already up,” Lavrov agreed, adding that Western countries “are only doing it carefully, so as not to pinch anything off, but the process is underway.”

The Russian foreign minister, who was visiting Minsk, added that theEU had “destroyed” the entire relationship with Moscow that took decades to build.

“The summits that took place twice a year, and the meetings of the Russian government and the European Commission, and the common spaces along which the four ‘road maps’ were built, twenty sectoral dialogues, a visa-free dialogue … All this was brought down overnight,” Lavrov said, referring to the events of 2014, when Brussels condemned what it called the Russian “annexation” of Crimea. “Relations have been nonexistent since then.”

Moscow remains open to diplomacy and dialogue, but will make a decision on how to re-engage with its own interests in mind, the Russian diplomat said.

“I can only say that from now on, we will not trust neither the Americans nor the EU. We will do everything necessary so we don’t have to depend on them in critical sectors,” said Lavrov.

The phrase “Iron Curtain” originated with Winston Churchill, the British politician who led the UK through the Second World War but lost the election right afterward. The ousted PM accepted US President Harry Truman’s invitation to speak at a college in Fulton, Missouri in March 1946, and heralded the upcoming Cold War by declaring that “an iron curtain has descended across the continent,” in reference to the establishment of socialist governments in territories liberated by the Red Army in Eastern Europe.

Western historiography holds that the original “Iron Curtain” was destroyed in 1989, with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany – followed by the collapse of the USSR two years later.


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92cfff  No.16815118

What percentage wihin black community (only) are criminals?

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f14e9c  No.16815119

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98ea57  No.16815120

Hey you spooks and clowns…

Here's the story you're going to tell to get Orange man Drumph off the ballot.

Pee Pee Gate was a failure, 45 didn't pay some Russian hookers to piss on Reallygaids bed so now tell the press that Drumph paid some Hollywood bimbo to shit on the bed of the man who threatened to assassinate him.

Call itPoo Poo Gate

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92ba6f  No.16815121



>Weird how LAPD nor CIA were aware of trafficking of minors, drugs, dead bodies, and honeypot tapes of power players, eh?

"Most Odd"

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2801a5  No.16815122


Was he on his way to college to become a doctor?

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7b845b  No.16815123


Prayers sent again. May God allow Dr. Zelenko a few more months to get things squared up and then welcome him home. Or maybe even a year. Thy wlll be done.

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e34a3d  No.16815124



in deciding context,

but quoting the whole thing when pointing it out.

People can decide when the whole thing is quoted.

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173bbf  No.16815125

Ben Stiller just showed up in Lviv. Appears to be Facetiming, meeting people. Looks like main square area near the Opera House


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d70165  No.16815126


when really big shit goes down, people don't say "Decades from now…" anything.

He's hyping the lame.

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876a4b  No.16815127

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5f0f88  No.16815128

To the anon decoding the Ghosts In The Machine…

Did you already mention the image at 2:06? I would like your take. I just watched it again today and I went Hmmm. I missed the earlier decodes.


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a29c65  No.16815129


you think overturning RvW is gonna save the world? KMAO…. it just means that in 15 yrs ameriKa is going to be overrun with armed dindu nuffins.

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b5395d  No.16815130


evil exists, noted and checkd..

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14e695  No.16815131


Home school.

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e4f293  No.16815132


almost 'exclusively' those who 'need' 'new organs' for (((shekels))) are those with (((degenerative diseases))).

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8c6a09  No.16815133





Very good question…

I wonder what FrequencyJupiterhums…

Bigly Bada Boom

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7c46d0  No.16815134


this Rice fellow is obviously a child molester: he has no shot ; says he will wear the loss like a badge ; whatever you say, twinky …go work for CNN now



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c42dba  No.16815135

7hrs 30 mins into video POTUS speach.

He calls outTruth to voteand2000 Mulesopening on 2/5/22.

Millions of "determinative" votes(would have changed the whole election).

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC9LSf47Fv4

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0abdc0  No.16815136


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4c44b8  No.16815137


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35cf8c  No.16815138





PRINCE Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell had an "intimate relationship" which gave the socialite "unrestricted access" to Buckingham Palace, a former Royal cop has claimed.


Note the ID##!!!


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acfaff  No.16815139

Iran’s Nuclear Agency Turns Off IAEA Cameras It Says Aren't Included in March NPT Safeguards Deal

Following accusations it had refused to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA), the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) decided to turn off several monitoring cameras at an unnamed nuclear site, saying they were not part of its monitoring deal with the UN-affiliated watchdog.

In a Wednesday statement, the AEOI said the IAEA has “unfortunately ignored the fact that such cooperation signifies Iran’s goodwill, has been ungrateful for the cooperation and has considered it as a duty of Iran,” according to Tasnim News Agency.

As a result, the agency turned off two of the ultra-Safeguards Agreement cameras that monitor the country’s enrichment of uranium-235, a radioactive isotope useful in lower purities for nuclear power and at extremely high purities for producing nuclear warheads. It can also be used as the base from which to refine plutonium, a much more powerful nuclear warhead fuel.

The AEOI said the cameras went beyond the scope of Tehran’s nonproliferation treaty (NPT) safeguards agreement made with the IAEA. It added that more than 80% of the IAEA’s cameras in Iran are covered by the agreement and have remained on.

Speaking before the IAEA’s board of governors on Monday, agency director-general Rafael Grossi said the IAEA had lived up to its end of the March bargain, but that the AEOI had “not provided explanations that are technically credible in relation to the Agency’s findings at three undeclared locations in Iran,” referring to a report the week prior claiming to have found traces of nuclear material there. He demanded Tehran reveal “the current location, or locations, of the nuclear material and/or of the equipment contaminated with nuclear material, that was moved from Turquzabad in 2018.”

Saeed Khatibzadeh, the spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, blasted the report as “neither fair nor balanced,” saying Tehran had in fact provided the IAEA with written answers to its question.

Iran has also accused Grossi of “colluding” with Israel after he traveled to Tel Aviv on Friday and met with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett ahead of the IAEA meeting. The visit was especially dubious as Israel is not only staunchly opposed to a nuclear deal with Iran, but also possesses nuclear weapons and is not a signatory to the NPT.


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6912d2  No.16815155

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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5a7284  No.16815158


Man bites dog

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297433  No.16815167


But…But… "gUnS aRe SaFe" said the alphabet bandit…

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f0bc28  No.16815168


>It's like posting from the Alamo as the wetbacks climb the walls

He ain't lyin

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83cc71  No.16815169


dubs chek't

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a1c2cc  No.16815170


the links to this video


true the vote joins with sheriffs to protect the vote


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660883  No.16815171

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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f62b94  No.16815172


>Best thing OSS ever did was banning him for CP for that post.

I missed the 'event'

but this is legendary level keks

>be anon

>everyone thinks you are femanon

>cant win the argument


>post your dick with post-it-note proof

>banned for CP because your dick is small

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545536  No.16815173

The most important part of marketing is to know your audience, and you dipshits are clearly trying to convince an audience that isn't even here. This says one of two things to me:

>a. you really are this stupid (possible)

>b. you don't have any real tricks left to use

Could be both. But somehow I suspect you already know you're accomplishing nothing.

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7b5ad6  No.16815174


>Nazi is a "subset" of Ashkenazi

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6d242f  No.16815175


Based code knower

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467923  No.16815176






>dime bag…

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dbfc70  No.16815177

Alittle dabb here, a little dabb there…look at these crowds!

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248da8  No.16815178

Latest version of 47

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cd5e87  No.16815179


>Bocelli… vineyards?

Very possibly, didn't dig into it. Just yet. Pretty high falutin place..


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93ac40  No.16815180


The only thing that will 100% verify new Q comms is Trump or Biden tweeting

“My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……”


The Storm, of course will be in reference to the literal shit storm caused by Wikileaks release of the Patel family curry recipes

Brace yourselves, Anons

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3a33bc  No.16815181




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569dd0  No.16815182


>pissed that people couldn't keep off Chandler's IG with "gotcha" comments so she set it to private

Good observation.

Keep digging, Anons.




Mar 20, 2019 11:15:06 PM EDT


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bb354c  No.16815183

New Rule Would Force Climate Change Reporting Requirements on Most Companies in America


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719763  No.16815187





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a3fb26  No.16815188


>I don't know jack shit

For some time many of us have wondered just who is Jack Schitt? We find ourselves at a loss when someone says, "You don't know Jack Schitt!" Well, thanks to my genealogy efforts, you can now respond in an intellectual way.

Jack Schitt is the only son of Awe Schitt.

Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married Miss O. Needeep They had one son, Jack.

In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The deeply religious couple produced six children: Holie Schitt, Giva Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt.

Against her parents' objections, Deap Schitt married her cousin Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout. After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced.

Noe Schitt later married Ted Sherlock, and, because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt Sherlock.

Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt, and they produced a son with a rather nervous disposition named Chick N. Schitt.

Two of the other six children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony.

The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens nuptials.

The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse. Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.

Now when someone says, "You don't know Jack Schitt," you can correct them.

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500dde  No.16815189




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bc63ca  No.16815190


So do petite ones.

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6e8f0e  No.16815191


break down the dominant group


If America was 70% Black [they] would be doing the exact same to Blacks.

Its not racial, nothing personal, just business as usual.

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efa7f5  No.16815192


← Don't give 'em anymore ideas.

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0f3adc  No.16815193


Silver is 47 atomic weight of 107.

Wisdom is 147 with 7 always remaining.


If seeing is believing then believing is faith and seeing is knowledge. Elijah comes for everyone, but because of lack of faith in God they become conveniently deaf and blind; then say it is yet to be seen or heard of.

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7a884a  No.16815194


you don't have enough trash bags, my fren

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04383b  No.16815195


You no defense and you know it.

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e69b20  No.16815197


Covered. Caucasian, in context, is not a synonym for White.

When a White Nationalist is writing using the word White, it means "of predominantly European descent, without any more than trace Jewish ancestry or other obvious or large admixture from others".

Different words have different shades of meaning, and different groups can use the same word, with different shades of meaning.

i.e. a Black can say something is "turn't up" and I can say nothing was turned at all. Or I can understand that the Negro is saying "that is cool" when translated into my own language.

You do have a word or word sequence that you can use to differentiate Whites minus Jews, from Whites inclusive of Jews right? To refer to the X-Jews group alone?

So that is the definition of White, in context of how we use the word, like turn't up is for others.

In either case, the reality remains, that Jews and Whites who are not Jews, are genetically, culturally, ancestrally (etc etc etc) distinct. That is, they can be physically, in the real world, differentiated.

A Jew when they are criticising Whites also, understands they are not referring to Jews. As does a White Nationalist.

If dealing with language as it is is too difficult for your little brain, you can sub in Aryan, White Aryan, Person of Light, or Amalek when you see a White Nationalist use the word White.

Then, you can clear up the (feigned) confusion that exists in your mind only.

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3ebd82  No.16815198

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f4f6cd  No.16815201






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be7a0d  No.16815204


Did you know who Schiff was before Q started posting?

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fd1219  No.16815205

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eeca1c  No.16815206


>And just remember, when Dems sweep the midterms and secure another 4 years in the White House

Seems pretty likely.

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eeb863  No.16815208


>anon have you been diagnosed with any serious mental illness like schizophrenia? who are these people who are out to get you? are you a victim of satanic ritual abuse?


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3c5a88  No.16815209


Everyone who watches this board knows you just showed up with your lies.

Who you trying to fool? Newfags?


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49f4ba  No.16815210


>To confiscate guns, Democrats are ready to destroy the courts and the Constitution

To fatten their Cayman accounts, Democrats are ready to destroy the courts and the Constitution

anons can make a game of this.

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e02648  No.16815211



Fuck yes anon got a (you)


get some!

get some!


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1599ea  No.16815212


I would say I'm surprised, but I'm not.

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ce0aa3  No.16815213

>weird line break at con/CERN


Think DOJ/FBI classified leaks to FAKE NEWS > insert into FISA app in effort to provide 'new sources'.

No. 198



"Review of the new documents raises grave concerns regarding an apparent systemic culture of media leaking by high-ranking officials at the FBI and DOJ related to ongoing investigations."




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15fa7b  No.16815216


Maybe later.

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275998  No.16815222


>chummin, kek…

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0d00e5  No.16815224


3-second Dan said so.

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e48b69  No.16815231


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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a40391  No.16815235


Found some for ya


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0d86f3  No.16815236


and everybody knows…..

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7953c0  No.16815242

This date seems import

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47657d  No.16815244


you'd think heat would rise more

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98c34e  No.16815245


It has been pointed out that JW stands to make extra money if traffic to the board increases.

Not sure I buy that as the main motivation. One would think that the real power is in harnessing the digital army for diggs and meme warfare, even though the crew here is a skeleton of it's old self and little digging actually happens these days, many of the talented diggers left long ago.

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aaa1b4  No.16815247

Come with us down the Rabbit Hole - Prison Talk 22.08


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b2f850  No.16815248


they overcharged him so he could not get real time

scum prosecuters in SF

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a62313  No.16815251

Tools and Services

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73e261  No.16815253


God wins


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