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File: 2bcc9e7d83b802a⋯.png (811.78 KB, 1588x1072, 397:268, ClipboardImage.png)

0ec0fc  No.16722150[View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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701 posts and 621 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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bc5da5  No.16722932

File: 00b65eb9cda5e58⋯.png (25.82 KB, 250x269, 250:269, pakistan_isi_logo.png)

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7e5dc8  No.16722933


>>16722192 Dough

>>16722237, >>16722250, >>16722315, >>16722346, >>16722353, >>16722364, >>16722448, >>16722457, >>16722481, >>16722487, >>16722593, >>16722790



>>16722193, >>16722464 @realDonaldTrump Look at the people sitting on the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs

>>16722194 @realDonaldTrump They called her a “leaker” and worse, didn’t want her! - djt.t.s post

>>16722230 Vatican Black Smoke Last Night?

>>16722233 Jan 6th Videos

>>16722240, >>16722577 VATICAN IS BURNING?

>>16722261 PF Which way are they flying?

>>16722292 Nuclear Preparedness PSA (with captions)

>>16722299 Nuke Check - Follow the Media. Media the #1 Enemy of the People

>>16722308 DAILY CHECKOFF ROUTINE And Optics

>>16722309 RUNNING OPS

>>16722310 #HASHTASK 220428

>>16722323 8kun Image Archive

>>16722334 Fox News remembering Tony Snow, who died today, 14-years ago in 2008. (14-year delta)

>>16722352 SchumanFag Reporting

>>16722363 July 12th drops. (Delta Checks)

>>16722385, >>16722471 @JudicialWatch uncovered FDA documents will outrage many about Covid vaccines.

>>16722389 A WEEK TO REMEMBER. - 3434 delta 2 days ahead.

>>16722400 So glad somebody made this. I was this close ( >>16722574 ) Corrected Video

>>16722467 Trump Energy Post Q mapped (QProof)

>>16722519 Did Sleepy talk about Parkland/1918?

>>16722531, >>16722542, >>16722551, >>16722561 The Swamp Today

>>16722533 Trudeau's nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming

>>16722590, >>16722789 U.S. airstrike killed Maher al-Agal, a top ISIS leader in Syria

>>16722632 BO Chimes in If notables are being editing Cap it and post

>>16722668 American farmers and ranchers need to get involved now

>>16722684 Fauci live from WH with Walensky

>>16722687 Obama Birth Certificate and Caps

>>16722726 We Got Biden Download Code

>>16722756 @NASASpaceflight Holy moly. Well, that was unexpected!

>>16722812 Wow! The Failing New York Times is really failing now: Down more than 40% (BUY!)


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6c7934  No.16722934

File: fef2761000be0ab⋯.png (93.63 KB, 499x499, 1:1, pepe_truth.png)

Shimkus looks good today.

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547ad3  No.16722935

File: 7ea3d158c07039b⋯.png (1.18 MB, 900x952, 225:238, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1ca5acf2317240⋯.png (898.14 KB, 932x960, 233:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e5dc8  No.16722936

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e11f7b  No.16722937

File: 88bdd7312d97e32⋯.png (104.25 KB, 405x504, 45:56, 98bce1a124d694cfb1c52f5321….png)

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ef9d76  No.16722938

File: e9584d16fa9bced⋯.jpg (132.49 KB, 946x929, 946:929, Dutch_Farmers_shut_down_ca….jpg)

Dammmmnnnn!!! That's a lot of Tractors!!!

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547ad3  No.16722939

File: 771e1f57a7a2080⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1940x1501, 1940:1501, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84b44423511ca71⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1254x1280, 627:640, ClipboardImage.png)

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547ad3  No.16722940

File: 114b824ec07a8ea⋯.png (1.01 MB, 637x1295, 91:185, ClipboardImage.png)

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eeb976  No.16722941

File: 31efbc5ba0e9407⋯.png (483.28 KB, 774x563, 774:563, Schiff_LG_keks.png)



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7e5dc8  No.16722942


>>16722192 Dough

>>16722936 MEME BUN

>>16722193, >>16722464 @realDonaldTrump Look at the people sitting on the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs

>>16722194 @realDonaldTrump They called her a “leaker” and worse, didn’t want her! - djt.t.s post

>>16722230 Vatican Black Smoke Last Night?

>>16722233 Jan 6th Videos

>>16722240, >>16722577 VATICAN IS BURNING?

>>16722261 PF Which way are they flying?

>>16722292 Nuclear Preparedness PSA (with captions)

>>16722299 Nuke Check - Follow the Media. Media the #1 Enemy of the People

>>16722308 DAILY CHECKOFF ROUTINE And Optics

>>16722309 RUNNING OPS

>>16722310 #HASHTASK 220428

>>16722323 8kun Image Archive

>>16722334 Fox News remembering Tony Snow, who died today, 14-years ago in 2008. (14-year delta)

>>16722352 SchumanFag Reporting

>>16722363 July 12th drops. (Delta Checks)

>>16722385, >>16722471 @JudicialWatch uncovered FDA documents will outrage many about Covid vaccines.

>>16722389 A WEEK TO REMEMBER. - 3434 delta 2 days ahead.

>>16722400 So glad somebody made this. I was this close ( >>16722574 ) Corrected Video

>>16722467 Trump Energy Post Q mapped (QProof)

>>16722519 Did Sleepy talk about Parkland/1918?

>>16722531, >>16722542, >>16722551, >>16722561 The Swamp Today

>>16722533 Trudeau's nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming

>>16722590, >>16722789 U.S. airstrike killed Maher al-Agal, a top ISIS leader in Syria

>>16722632 BO Chimes in If notables are being editing Cap it and post

>>16722668 American farmers and ranchers need to get involved now

>>16722684 Fauci live from WH with Walensky

>>16722687 Obama Birth Certificate and Caps

>>16722726 We Got Biden Download Code

>>16722756 @NASASpaceflight Holy moly. Well, that was unexpected!

>>16722812 Wow! The Failing New York Times is really failing now: Down more than 40% (BUY!)

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547ad3  No.16722943

File: 1ffc6882cf30dd9⋯.webm (3.88 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, c58ysc.webm)

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5eb867  No.16722944


That tweet does not exist on his profile

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7f36fb  No.16722946

File: 446af193cbd3e79⋯.jpeg (203.39 KB, 1089x841, 1089:841, 42E0E078_52D3_4ABF_8201_9….jpeg)

File: c3e8330ccc7d04b⋯.jpeg (145.64 KB, 1089x903, 363:301, 47D382F1_24A0_4F66_A257_7….jpeg)

File: c0725a44dc0e66e⋯.jpeg (355.98 KB, 1088x1409, 1088:1409, 1A52C772_1E00_48BF_9620_4….jpeg)

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547ad3  No.16722947

File: 469e2961628add9⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1242x811, 1242:811, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d0eea  No.16722948

File: eef2d552f80b2d7⋯.png (592.67 KB, 752x780, 188:195, ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Laptop Revelations Continue To Corroborate George Webb's Deep Blackberry Source

Five years running now, George Webb reporting on the Biden Blackberrys has been spot on.


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6a6a2b  No.16722950

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eeb976  No.16722951

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB, 550x550, 1:1, pepe_dank_3.png)


Re-read the name…..but more slowly this time.

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053b96  No.16722953

The Bitch that works for the RCC that tried to ruin my life (yes MK Ultra was used on her under the guise of "laser eye surgery".

The RCC itself. The Pope needs to confess to the world who he represents. It's time for the RCC to collapse under the immense weight of its own corruption and lawlessness. The world is now waking to the lie that is called the Vatican. It's the original mafia.

Those two things I want to be destroyed before the 26tth of July 2022.

If those two things were vaporized, I'd die a very happy man.

Let's go!

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0c22e8  No.16722955


Meanwhile the American rockstar truckers are touring the states and giving cool handles to the likes of Cruz.


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3533a2  No.16722956

Lesson 20: Learn to feel negative energy within yourself

Hint: You have a headache.

Hint: You have a kink in your neck. You didn't sleep right.

Hint: Your toe hurts.

Hint: Your back hurts.

Well, there it is! Try to transmute this energy at a higher level by going to the area that's involved or going to the chakra that serves that area. If you have a headache, then perhaps the problem is in your head however be careful of referred pain. This type of pain uses the channels of chi in order to send pain to other areas of the body.

Try to feel the pain at a higher level, such as the etheric level. Yes, this is an advanced task and some of you may not be able to. But the point I'm trying to make here is that if you can feel pain at a higher level, then you can stop it from creating illness down at this level.

How do you think pain would feel at a higher level?

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547ad3  No.16722958

File: ed7cbc150d2df9e⋯.png (362.24 KB, 1075x605, 215:121, ClipboardImage.png)

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04e638  No.16722959

File: 3933132ff95d796⋯.png (73.91 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3933132ff95d796⋯.png (73.91 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3933132ff95d796⋯.png (73.91 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3933132ff95d796⋯.png (73.91 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)


sorry gaynaziboi

our ar beats funny mustache man

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53b37b  No.16722960

File: 15a3a33b1be6017⋯.png (355.03 KB, 645x387, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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5eb867  No.16722961


How does it have a checkmark?

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547ad3  No.16722962

File: f6d963442f6b13c⋯.png (518.37 KB, 1760x1760, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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5eb867  No.16722964


nvm.. it doesn't

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ff0c92  No.16722965

Juliana Stratton [Roe hearing]: I'm Juliana Stratton, Lt. Governor of the great state of Illinois, and I use she/her pronouns.

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078d55  No.16722966

File: 47ff105a6e478ad⋯.jpg (6.96 KB, 252x180, 7:5, skyrabbit44.jpg)

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04e638  No.16722967


George Webb = FBI

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7e5dc8  No.16722968


>>16722192 Dough


Q Research General #21093: Vatican Is Burning?




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d6f146  No.16722969

File: 9007d49861e4ca1⋯.jpg (120.98 KB, 500x746, 250:373, vhi.jpg)

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547ad3  No.16722970

File: fe7bfce32a5bf79⋯.jpg (26.36 KB, 300x299, 300:299, 747ae30761780907ce1dcc9957….jpg)


>our ar beats funny mustache man

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8b4235  No.16722971



give it a rest already

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4d7fe8  No.16722973

File: e72676880dec790⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB, 420x480, 7:8, video_2022_07_12_16_26_39.mp4)



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44fa80  No.16722974

File: 6e9d193981e9ccb⋯.png (402.1 KB, 730x914, 365:457, The_kek_in_the_hat_1_.png)


'tis the gift that keeps giving kek.

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078d55  No.16722975

File: 8e0e368dcd785d2⋯.png (341.61 KB, 714x500, 357:250, soon44.png)

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40a6a0  No.16722978

File: 4543053e56173cc⋯.png (206.14 KB, 430x1032, 5:12, Q2088_full_control_hrc_pai….png)


I mean, one could make a case…

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eeb976  No.16722982

File: 40189c67e011ba3⋯.png (350.71 KB, 577x433, 577:433, keks_2.png)



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c7476d  No.16722983


You are right, we can no longer trust our government.

The other massive problem is Gates, China, massive corporations buying up all farmland. These properties need to seized from ever NWO entities soon.

Did anyone noticethey started the Ukraine war right at the time the canadian and American truck convoysend and then trucker convoys to DC were going to get massive news coverage in US, they blacked out any American protests, and are trying to make peaceful protests illegal unless it blm, antifa far left riots. The war took all attention off of Trudeau and Bidan Admin.

Americans need to wake up and the farmers need to show unity with the Dutch. Hell they could be doing it now but the news will not cover it.

Why isnt every farmer suing monsanta now. Its proven they seed, pesticide etc. are poison. Monsanto is an evil corp now owned by Bayer, they would sell seeds to a farm next door to other farms, and the seeds would blow over to the next farm (that refused their GMO seeds) and start growing. Monsanto knew this and would investigate, and then would sue the farmer saying they illegally were growing their seeds. Either forcing them to lose their farms or grow their damned crops.

WTF hasnt our government banned GMO seeds, and toxic pesticides? The EU banned them years ago.

Something has to happen here in America, all the farmers selling food to our government, for them to destroy it should band together and reveal the entire plot. Make it known far and wide.

Why aren’t all the owners of processing plants that are being destroyed speaking up or making it known whos doing it. Guaranteed the admin is hiring antifa leftists terrorists to destroy them.

Something has got to give, we can no longer have apathy and think things will get better. Americans need to stand up and fight the evil that is growing exponentially daily. Waiting for Trump to come back is not what Patriots do!

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04e638  No.16722984


>give it a rest already

exactly what a shill would say

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e11f7b  No.16722986

File: 79fd8e713caec8d⋯.jpg (55.12 KB, 948x396, 79:33, 22_BB.jpg)


Clouds sometimes look like Spaceships to me…. KEK

Maybe they are…


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eeb976  No.16722987

File: 320fa1f0053fedf⋯.png (311.98 KB, 500x554, 250:277, horse_paste.png)

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85bc50  No.16722988

File: d52ada8f1e57cb1⋯.png (7.07 MB, 1525x1912, 1525:1912, Daphnimosaic.png)

File: f62c8a872eed3d9⋯.png (1014.71 KB, 540x759, 180:253, Byzantium.png)

File: 37d7e4ca1b9e381⋯.png (62.95 KB, 400x336, 25:21, Egyptian.png)

File: 6ae0b0a81695577⋯.jpeg (619.09 KB, 700x891, 700:891, a1ba757605cc764e.jpeg)

File: 3fd1073e0a76534⋯.jpg (464.64 KB, 1296x1967, 1296:1967, diechristlicheku07deut_039….jpg)

never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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b8a5f6  No.16722989

File: 235299ba31b7e3f⋯.png (528.49 KB, 631x609, 631:609, Capture.PNG)



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078d55  No.16722990

File: f16f4f17e8a1949⋯.jpg (9.36 KB, 259x194, 259:194, aight44.jpg)

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6daf0e  No.16722991

File: 53ae206a38d00f9⋯.png (124.56 KB, 425x380, 85:76, ClipboardImage.png)

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e11f7b  No.16722992

File: 3dfbe0f5037b59e⋯.png (489.05 KB, 500x669, 500:669, e348fe4a87304be10ebd51d3b9….png)

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c69d59  No.16722995

File: 16c92d37b6f2fd8⋯.png (541.78 KB, 1047x559, 1047:559, nazi_how_its_going.png)

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078d55  No.16722996

File: fd996fdb93314ec⋯.png (9.55 KB, 255x137, 255:137, 3ccce2d82cc1423a32eddb1813….png)



mornin' Frater


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