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File: eb0f2e08dd6e2e4⋯.png (40.51 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 0a1d6a6af18b1cab9ddea0de0a….png)

d6fdab  No.16548762[Last 50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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3ab988  No.16548767

According to Judy Byington on Q's Question

(Who was "Jane Roe"?

Jane Roe was Norma McCorvey the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade. Her case gave rights to Kill 63 million innocent lives since she won case in Texas in 1973 (behind the scenes CIA, the Rockefellers-Rothschild organizations Deep State paid off, threatened, blackmailed SCOTUS to pass the abortion laws).

After winning the court case for legal abortion Norma McCorvey had three children and never had abortions!

What had did happen was her bank accounts substantially increased (CIA paid subsidiary partners/handlers paid her legal fees in back channels) and she began partying and night clubbing and eventuality came into a lesbian relationship (again by MOCKINGBIRD projects she was used to push the gay/ lesbian agenda as she had wide credentials for being the face of Woman’s right).

She later admitted the lesbian relationship was just for show and she was no longer a lesbian after 35 years… The relationship was only platonic she said. She left her lesbian partner as she suffered a stroke in 2006 ..a time she was needed most in their relationship.

After all the nuisance in creating Pro abortion laws and helping kill 63 million lives (abortions since Roe v. Wade) Norma the snake McCorvey switched sides and took half a million $$$ from church groups and anti-abortion representatives to speak on the behalf of Pro-life. She then took additional hundreds of thousands speaking on TV and Documentaries representing anti-abortion movements.

Later in her “deathbed confession,” McCorvey said her anti-abortion activism had been “all an act” which she did because she was paid, stating that she did not care whether a woman got an abortion. “I was the big fish. I think it was a mutual thing. I took their money and they’d put me out in front of the cameras and tell me what to say. That’s what I’d say,” McCorvey said. “If a young woman wants to have an abortion, that’s no skin off my ass”

The billions lost in riot’s/ destruction of property and communities since 1973-2022 because of civil unrest between Pro- life & Pro-choice (abortionist movement) that was created through Roe v. Wade is finally going to come clear.

The CIA Deep State connections of the Rockefellers/ Dupont/ Bush/ Rothschild ect families all worked together to bring Civil Unrest and confusion. There were well planned agendas to displace American citizens into modern warfare and Gray Zones.

It’s all created propaganda, placed well by CIA Mockingbird Media operations through Hollywood, TV and the News – all to bring U.S. citizens into a state of civil conflict for decades.

It was also to avoid the truth and knowledge of other Deep State operations taking place in domestic and foreign territories such as CIA Drug trafficking, human trafficking, modern day slavery, money laundering, planned wars , War money mongering and controlled colour revolutions through world countries by CIA (Deep State Cabal operations) to take control of countries and their economics.

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d6fdab  No.16548768


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>16050716 Bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>16495621 CP guidelines, plz read: No Hunter near kids, use discernment with anything borderline new

>>16514077 ADMIN: BO of /projectdcomms/ deleted the B post / Trip Codes new

>>16538203 Here's a copy of baker's lite JS code, can insert in Options menu new (Use Discernment)



>>16547510, >>16547601, >>16547724 Meme of the thread

>>16547338 @realDonaldTrump Her Fake story that I tried to grab the steering wheel of the White House Limousine in order to steer it to the Capitol Building is “sick” and fraudulent,

>>16547489 @realDonaldTrump Chaney conveniently left out the snippet in my speech to, “GO PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY.” Isn’t she disgraceful???

>>16547517 @realDonaldTrump There is no cross examination of this so-called witness. This is a Kangaroo Court!

>>16547554 @realDonaldTrump Her body language is that of a total bull…. artist. Fantasy Land!

>>16547350 @realDonaldTrump She changed lawyers a couple of days ago, and with it, her story totally changed! SHOCKER???

>>16547400 @realDonaldTrump LB Never Complained...

>>16547659 @realDonaldTrump Will anybody ever be allowed to say that the Election was Rigged and Stolen?

>>16547702 @realDonaldTrump I NEVER SAID, “MIKE PENCE DESERVES IT (to be hung).

>>16547723 @realDonaldTrump A Total Phony!!!

>>16547834 @realDonaldTrump Bad handwriting, that of a Whacko?

>>16547913 @realDonaldTrump Why didn’t they use the 10,000 troops that I offered up on January 3rd? There would have been no January 6th?

>>16547205 Judge Nathan: I conclude that a sentence of 240 months is right.

>>16547302 Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years in prison for sex trafficking

>>16547408 Ghislaine Maxwell Sentenced To 20 Years In Prison For Conspiring With Jeffrey Epstein To Sexually Abuse Minors

>>16547456 The fate of Ghislaine Maxwell is sealed as 60-year-old is sentenced to 20 YEARS in prison

>>16547447 Ghislaine Maxwell Sentenced to 20 in Prison in Jefferey Epstein Sex Abuse Case YT

>>16547244 Left Right Unite to Support Women Only Sports

>>16547291 Putin signs law banning issuance of licenses to foreign users of mineral resources

>>16547385 DJT Truth: Cheney misspellings matter

>>16547387 UKRAINE "self-styled stem cell capital of the world"

>>16547586 Potato's empty callsign trip to Madrid Spain.

>>16547707 Anons Notable Bun @475

>>16547733 The start of the slippery slope that Ds are terrified of because of SC gun decision..

>>16547740 Signature ceremony with Türkiye,Finland & Sweden , followed by NATO Secretary General

>>16547759 Anon calls for PDJT Comms Check (ChAney)

>>16547839 Royal update: Prince Charles - Oil and Child Sex Trafficking

>>16547877 Major Gas Station Chain Announces Huge Sale on Gas 'Effective Immediately'

>>16547881 4 BOOMS in 4 Days (Guns, Abortion, Ghislaine Prayer)

>>16547948 #20936

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d6fdab  No.16548770


>>16547033 Meme of Thread

>>16546414 LIVE: Ghislaine Maxwell to be Sentenced in Jefferey Epstein Sex Abuse Case

>>16546487 Ghislaine Maxwell judge REDUCES possible maximum term from 55 years to 19.5 years

>>16546498 The Law of Attraction

>>16546555 1/6 Hearing - YT

>>16546563 Murkowski, one of the most insignificant and least productive senators tries to lie to Alaskans

>>16546591 CodeMonkey Images that are served via TOR broke yesterday, we are checking why and should have it fixed up soon.

>>16546596 Call for Notable Update

>>16546751 Elmo Is Now "Vaccinated" for COVID-19, per CNN

>>16546794 North Carolina's Biggest Hospital Systems Made Record Profits While Taking Billions In COVID Relief:

>>16546812 This is what salt rotation should look like

>>16546834 Footage Reveals Ballot Traffickers Forging Signatures and Trafficking Ballots

>>16546864 Maxwell's lawyer Bobbi Sternheim: To those who spoke, you have shown courage


>>16546917 NEW Trump I hardly know who this person, Cassidy Hutchinson, is, other than I heard very negative things about her

>>16546967 Facebook is Actively Blocking Link to Class Action Settlement Payout It Owes for Spying on Its Users?

>>16546976 Sesame Street’ Pushes COVID Vaccine for Children Under the Age of Five

>>16547149 #20935


>>16545768, >>16545944, >>16546157, >>16546313, >>16546350, >>16546170 Memes and Caps

>>16545693 Gotta love :44 (today) Qlocked

>>16545687 #GhislaineMaxwell sentencing has just begun

>>16545769 LB dig Little Saint James

>>16545748, >>16545875, >>16545878 Jim Watkins - Good news, TOR works.

>>16545791 Police arrest Freedom Convoy leader Tamara Lich yet again

>>16545896 QClock June 28, 2022 Now They All Lose

>>16545914, >>16546172 PDJT - Don’t forget to get my newest book, OUR JOURNEY TOGETHER, before supplies run out again!

>>16545970 BO - Dear Christchurch poster, reformat and reinstall your mind.

>>16546004 Anon Confirms a Confirmed Confirmation. Confirmed?

>>16546107 Senate sergeant-at-arms during Jan. 6 died Monday (Russia's Fault)

>>16546179 Reminder 'Trust Sessions Trust Wray 2 MQRE WEEKS'

>>16546333 Court lets Tennessee’s 6-week abortion ban take effect after overturning of Roe v. Wade

>>16546362 January 6th Committee Sixth Public Hearing

>>16546382 #20934

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d6fdab  No.16548771

Previously Collected

>>16544788 #20932, >>16545567 #20933

>>16542511 #20929, >>16543316 #20930, >>16544069 #20931

>>16540182 #20926, >>16540962 #20927, >>16541727 #20928

>>16537858 #20923, >>16538684 #20924, >>16539823 #20925

>>16535383 #20920, >>16536313 #20921, >>16537858 #20822

>>16533168 #20917, >>16533985 #20918, >>16534737 #20919

>>16532018 #20914, >>16531692 #20915, >>16532421 #20916

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Proofs: https://qproofs.com/

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

>>16463405 Notables #14: Gonna Rise Up

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6b4deb  No.16548772



hmmmm… the kids on 8kun say she's a 10…but I can't go that far

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d6fdab  No.16548773

File: 6a4753586f0dfcd⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1660x834, 830:417, 6a4753586f0dfcd1d73f7e626e….png)


Same ol' Dough

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e9b57a  No.16548774

>>16548499 (lb)

Q post #144

Bracketed letters spell “THIS WEEK”. Which week? Where do the first two converge on the Clock ?

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26fe33  No.16548776

ty baker…fu breadshitter

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bcd715  No.16548777

File: 5208021e9def53b⋯.jpeg (82.5 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 5D8CC5A3_FC20_4B6C_A769_0….jpeg)

But muh Salt

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4edc7d  No.16548778

File: 05b42dc59c3f084⋯.png (253.48 KB, 3432x1134, 572:189, Plot_Twists.png)

File: fe225bdcf55fbcc⋯.png (658.98 KB, 602x386, 301:193, Issue_One.png)





>What makes a MOVIE GOOD?

>plot twists?

I tried to tell them.

I tried to warn them.

Only the 'few' wanted to listen.

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eb9f77  No.16548779

File: 0f3e36cbc5f66bf⋯.png (426.51 KB, 873x860, 873:860, TSM062822.png)

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c79cb5  No.16548780

File: db9464f730a5f4f⋯.png (565.12 KB, 1366x682, 683:341, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_06….png)


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5bf7ff  No.16548782

File: d9427c428a57abc⋯.png (49.5 KB, 484x580, 121:145, ClipboardImage.png)

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24035b  No.16548783

File: b24ccbcbf1c5be0⋯.png (249.91 KB, 635x505, 127:101, Kyle_Mann_tweets_a_vid_fro….PNG)

File: 899feadaadce842⋯.mp4 (2.8 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Satin_chimes_in_on_RvW.mp4)

Exclusive from @thebabylonbee : Satan responds to Roe v Wade defeat


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eaa4f8  No.16548784


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c79cb5  No.16548785


Fake As fuck.

Sauce it.



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eb9f77  No.16548786


nd who has the DEWs?

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104862  No.16548787

See you NB bread shitters

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08f532  No.16548788

John Norman: The Delta Project > Business men, Doctors, Politicians access to young boys & girls > John Gacy & other serial killers provides dorm for them to access the children. Members of Satanic Cults connected to killers like Gacy, Bundy, Sons of Sam, The Chicago Rippers etc. > Higher groups like The Process Church of the Final Judgment. The Process is connected to Scientology. Scientology is the OTO. L. Ron Hubbard was a member of the OTO with Jack Parsons of JPL. They had connects to Hollywood and the music industry. These higher groups are connect to The Lucis Trust. Which was called Lucifer before the name change. Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatzky and The Secret Doctrine. The seven root races. Which was followed by Nazi Germany. Which was never defeated. It was just spread across the globe by corporations and government organizations like NASA, CIA etc and the CIA controls the mind of the killers. It's one big network of cults and killers. All aiming to destroy society and faith across the globe for their humanist world order.

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a65faa  No.16548789

File: 401e91f91954f63⋯.jpg (6.57 KB, 324x150, 54:25, DB44.jpg)





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e0c47c  No.16548790

File: 64e8fa8e7f951ba⋯.png (123.29 KB, 167x264, 167:264, ClipboardImage.png)


Shes a 10?

Nah, it's just comms.

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333fd6  No.16548791

File: 9cad353d4c20a0e⋯.jpg (102.37 KB, 890x890, 1:1, Yuengling.JPG)

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932ee0  No.16548792

File: 5e45a1304a8c75a⋯.png (40.94 KB, 600x640, 15:16, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16548730 /pb

always imagined spirals as 3d sinusoids in pov perspective

then someone said it's an ebul ebul symbol

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c6a8dc  No.16548794

File: 07375f87f3047e4⋯.jpeg (3.1 MB, 1645x1645, 1:1, BE0FBCA6_CF60_4F24_8E9F_3….jpeg)

Grady Baby

Sheriff Grady Judd

Just another Coincidence

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fbf47c  No.16548795


Can't have a GOOD movie without GREAT ACTOR's as well anon

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1d6ea2  No.16548796

>>16548136 pb

very perceptive, Laura.

POTUS's reputation is on the long slow, upward march to the tippy top (95% approval).

Dim party >>> Whig party II

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835f3a  No.16548797

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fa83fe  No.16548798

File: 2bf0992ad1ed44e⋯.png (577.32 KB, 544x680, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you, Baker!

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6b4deb  No.16548799



hmmmm… the kids (8kun anons saying she is the beautiful secretary) say she's a 10…but I can't go that far

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6b4deb  No.16548800


you are fake

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45a04c  No.16548801

File: c5fe3884688b365⋯.jpg (574.21 KB, 1079x842, 1079:842, 1651564629772_0.jpg)

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0e803e  No.16548802

File: 0e96b4ef8530629⋯.pdf (4.19 MB, PLOT_TO_TAKE_OUT_THE_DQN.pdf)

“The Plot to Remove Trump” by Democrat Party in PDF format

Donald Trump Report Democratic National Committee Submitted: 12/19/15 217 pages

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e39371  No.16548803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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35a7a6  No.16548804


TYB, skipped a couple numbers - went from 935 to 938 ?

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56eaec  No.16548805


he's probably black, just let it go

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eb9f77  No.16548806



It's fake?


i liked it so much.

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9fb7a5  No.16548807

File: a2185bca819d66d⋯.png (179.32 KB, 1217x240, 1217:240, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37bdf337a16cc76⋯.png (417.43 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16548706 lb

>"she's a 10

>>16548557 lb

>"she's a 10


We are"THE KIDS"

the kids posted a lot of A10s last bread

did he try to make a haiku?

DJT is letting us know he's lurking

>>16548087 lb

>>16548168 lb

>>16548202 lb

>>16548230 lb

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9eb7a9  No.16548808

File: 5c3c46465a10ca6⋯.png (166.04 KB, 434x349, 434:349, wtf_22.png)

>>16548557 LB

Job duty was to make sure Diet Coke was in the kitchen… on two occasions brought in Diet Pepsi.


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104862  No.16548809

File: 661ac37dbf5ce42⋯.jpg (137.64 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, light_warrior.jpg)

This is Biblical Indeed, Are you one of the 144,000?

The 144,000 Lightworkers have been predicted by Revelations, The Emerald Tablets, Ashtar Command, Sananda and Native Americans and many others. A great call went out to all lightworkers in the known universes to come here to help and guide this planet through the Ascension process. They are one of the most mysterious groups mentioned in the Bible. Many sects and cults have claimed to literally be them.

But who are the 144,000?

The Book of Revelations and The Emerald Tablets both predict and forecast the arrival of 144,000 Lightworkers who will save Earth from the "Forces of Darkness" during the END TIMES of the Kali Yuga. Most of the 144,000 Lightworkers are now here and in the process of "Waking Up" to their Divine purpose and mission on Earth. The majority of the 144,000 are advanced incarnated Starseeds from more advanced planets, although some of the 144,000 are advanced local souls of Earth.


The Ashtar Command have predicted that those who ascend in the first wave will be given the opportunity to return to the Earth in the ascended state, to awaken the rest of humanity to the ascension opportunity. The Keys of Enoch support this prediction by speaking of the sudden appearance of 144,000 Ascended Masters on the Earth, who will transform the world and push back the clouds of darkness and despair.

Native American

The appearance of 144,000 masters is also predicted in the Native American prophecies. In April 1983, the Medicine Teacher, Harley Swiftdeer declared that, "144,000 Sun Dance enlightened teachers will totally awaken in their dream midbodies. They will begin to meet in their own feathered serpent or winged serpent wheels (Merkabah) and become a major force of light to help the rest of humanity to dance their dream awake."

Book of Revelations

This would also provide an explanation for the 144,000, spoken of in the Book of Revelation. Chapter 7, of Revelations, refers to an uncountable number from every nation clad in what John perceived to be white robes. This could have been his perception of the light bodies adorning the multitude, who follow in the wake of the 144,000, to rise in the second and third waves of ascension. John also said that these were the ones who had been cleansed by the time of great distress, a seven-year period of great tribulation. This would correspond to the natural disasters that have been predicted as necessary in order for the Earth to cleanse herself of industrial civilization and pollution prior to her own ascension.

Kali Yuga

Earth makes one 360-degree trip around the galaxy every 25,920 years. The complete cycle is known as a Yuga. There are four parts to the Yuga. Two parts (180 degrees) of ascending consciousness and two parts (180 degrees) of descending consciousness. This cyclic rise and fall of consciousness on Earth has been going on since its creation, and that explains the rise and fall of great civilizations on Earth. The Kali Yuga is the last quadrant of descending consciousness within the Yuga. The Earth is now at the tail end of The Kali Yuga. The Biblical name for The Kali Yuga is the END TIMES. The END TIMES will not be the end of Earth, but the end of darkness and evil on Earth-and the dawn of The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment.

Waking Up

Most of the 144,000 are now in the process of "Waking Up" and coming out of their long mental and spiritual hibernation, slowly but surely realizing that they are here to assist in the great transformation of Earth. The Cellular Memories of the 144,000 were programmed, timed, and triggered to "go off" at this time and awaken them to their true identity, mission, and purpose for incarnating on Earth at this most crucial time in Earth's history.

We have reached and entered the 11th hour of the Great Change that is taking place on Earth, and the time has come for any and all remaining 144,000 to wipe the sleeping slumbers of half-life from their eyes, smack their forehead to dislodge the dream of materialism, wake up and smell the coffee, roll up their sleeves, put on their Thinking Caps, and be about the Himalayan task of saving this planet!

The ignorant masses of Earth will not save the planet. Only the 144,000 Lightworkers can save the planet. But ALL 144,000 Lightworkers MUST assume their post and assume it NOW! The time for confusion, hesitation, and procrastination are over! There is a planet to save. And We are the One's who signed-up to save it! ONE member who fails to find and assume his post can jeopardize the entire Mission.

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45a04c  No.16548810

File: 745bb481f3603eb⋯.jpg (411.16 KB, 1076x2454, 538:1227, Screenshot_20220626_024235….jpg)

File: 78baf45dce672e6⋯.jpg (559.62 KB, 1440x2380, 72:119, Screenshot_20220626_024117….jpg)

File: cdf070a83f589be⋯.jpg (416.06 KB, 1440x1536, 15:16, Screenshot_20220626_025759….jpg)

File: c27f85f54b3170f⋯.jpg (562.55 KB, 1440x2174, 720:1087, Screenshot_20220626_024554….jpg)

File: 52200f70cd38417⋯.jpg (404.29 KB, 1440x2331, 160:259, Screenshot_20220626_024359….jpg)

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35346c  No.16548811

File: 0e0db0d4a5db255⋯.png (1.17 MB, 466x879, 466:879, capture_3605_28062022_1259….png)

File: 12bc50eee39861b⋯.png (2.1 MB, 915x802, 915:802, capture_3679_28062022_1438….png)

File: 0b4de9af44fa23c⋯.png (2.21 MB, 958x804, 479:402, capture_3678_28062022_1436….png)

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 296x146, 148:73, _Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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bdac8e  No.16548812

File: 068b7fe9928d29b⋯.png (4.88 MB, 2429x1433, 2429:1433, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon collecting #20937

back in a few…and thanks!

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7c69ab  No.16548813

Apology to Jim Watkins

Oops. Did I fuck up? >>16545970

If so, then please accept my apology. I did not mean to cast a bad light on this board, 8kun or the adminstration. Somebody wanted links to the Christchurch video and I innocently obliged.

Serious question, though: how else to dessiminate such information?

I see that my post was not deleted, however.

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226f41  No.16548814

Where are the names From the Jizz Trial..Why can't we see them

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74f48d  No.16548815

File: 57de9cf8c216793⋯.png (844.51 KB, 1653x790, 1653:790, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc83d23e8c0a0c8⋯.png (105.89 KB, 473x966, 473:966, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 580c09362fd5eed⋯.png (39.5 KB, 473x350, 473:350, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af6a659983a7565⋯.png (156.8 KB, 473x814, 43:74, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 244a30c05a41581⋯.png (52.89 KB, 473x399, 473:399, ClipboardImage.png)

Dialectic Projection from the Democrat Party'shuman trafficking defendingillegitimate resident Bidan.

Biden, who is attending a NATO summit in Spain, responded to Abbott's statement saying,"Exploiting vulnerable individuals for profit is shameful, as is political grandstanding around tragedy, and my Administration will continue to do everything possible to stop human smugglers and traffickers from taking advantage of people who are seeking to enter the United States between ports of entry."


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0e803e  No.16548816

File: 81b556ded64c803⋯.jpg (220.04 KB, 900x958, 450:479, Barack_Hussein_Obama_Fake_….JPG)

File: 7959c296468e40b⋯.jpeg (463.8 KB, 1709x1140, 1709:1140, Barack_Hussein_Obama_Keny….JPEG)

File: b911c6948b32632⋯.jpg (799.13 KB, 1881x1471, 1881:1471, Barack_Hussein_Obama_aka_B….jpg)

File: ee114a9accbc01f⋯.jpg (111.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, BHO_Barry_Soetoro_Columbia….JPG)

File: e942de2efabd038⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 2886x2327, 222:179, Barack_Hussein_Obama_Who_….JPEG)

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bcd715  No.16548817

File: 5fb537a8a47b28d⋯.jpeg (38.89 KB, 199x874, 199:874, 592B9A78_255B_4B9B_A795_4….jpeg)


Not even close

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56eaec  No.16548818


me too. s'gay.

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a84238  No.16548819


Gotta be comms. No way Trump would have given an overweight woman a 6 regardless of how attractive she is.

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35a7a6  No.16548820


FAKE and Gay, not anywhere on his TS page.

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82905b  No.16548821


/deepdigs needs more salt

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39bf94  No.16548822

File: aad426d9ca31092⋯.jpeg (124.66 KB, 960x955, 192:191, God_is_Saying_to_You_Toda….jpeg)

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26fe33  No.16548823


We already did 36 and 37

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1a6f4b  No.16548824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The best of the best!

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0e803e  No.16548825

File: 25fa52c9eaf9472⋯.jpg (78.77 KB, 300x300, 1:1, IMG_6784.JPG)

File: d0d9935823bc417⋯.jpg (22.04 KB, 199x255, 199:255, IMG_6785.JPG)

File: 6eb57b88751ac2c⋯.jpg (26.16 KB, 255x237, 85:79, IMG_6786.JPG)

File: 384c19dcf8f2c89⋯.jpg (204.78 KB, 1025x1200, 41:48, IMG_7524.JPG)

File: e12287537f1f513⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1132x1004, 283:251, IMG_7525.PNG)

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9c6811  No.16548826

Plabefags lots and liots of traffic over N GA slightly further up than Roswell, check it out. Sumtim going on

BTW, its impossible for Trump to throw food, remember when him and Barron saw Kasich eating like a pig, andhe told Barron, “always small bites son”

Thats how you know its ridiculous! He took his job seriously. These people obviously didnt spend time with him.

But it would be a blast to see him do this. We’d kove him even more

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ecdbc2  No.16548827


A-6 was the Grumman Intruder.

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45a04c  No.16548828

File: b1ac77f410f814d⋯.jpeg (255.61 KB, 1177x1586, 1177:1586, 1ChERu1vlkPh.jpeg)

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3dda93  No.16548829

>>16548059 lb

>>16548705 lb

The babies who are murdered to order


Last updated at 08:53 18 December 2006

The plastic bag looks as if it contains meat. But then a right leg is taken from it and placed surgically on the morgue table, followed by the left one. Then the torso. The head follows, a gaping cavity where the brain used to be.

But it is only when the gloved hand of the pathologist examines the tiny fingers of a baby aged about 30 weeks that the full horror of what I am witnessing sinks in.

This shocking scene was captured on video at post-mortem examinations carried out on behalf of Ukrainian mothers who claim their babies were stolen from them at birth.

The film was shown to me by an incredibly brave charity worker called Tatyana Zhakarova, who represents up to 300 families who believe their healthy babies were deliberately targeted at a maternity hospital in the Ukraine's most easterly city of Kharkiv.

The babies, believes Tatyana, were taken at birth to have their organs and stem cells harvested as part of a sickening but highly lucrative international trade.

Certainly, the Ukraine has become the main supplier of the global stem cell trade.

Officially, the cells are taken from aborted foetuses with the mothers' consent, but according to Tatyana, there could also be hundreds of babies stolen to order, to feed demand for stem cells from around the world.

Can she be right? Alarmed by her claims, I decided to launch my own investigations for a special BBC report, to be broadcast tomorrow.

My inquiries took me around the world, from a private clinic in the Caribbean to the desolate back streets of the Ukraine. What I uncovered is a disturbing tale involving claims of murder, conspiracy . . . and a sickening new beauty treatment.

The first hint I had of these allegations arose months ago during a conversation with one of the UK's foremost experts on stem cell research.

Dr Stephen Minger, from Kings College, London, is a distinguished medical researcher who believes stem cells hold the key to finding a cure for some of our major diseases.

These tiny cells, which first divide within an embryo, have the ability to transform themselves into any type of tissue. But it's their potential as a future treatment for conditions such as muscular dystrophy and Parkinson's disease that really excites Dr Minger.

He is one of many reputable experts who fear their research into this field is being given a bad name by companies making a fast buck out of untested stem cell therapies.

Dr Minger told me he found out about the trade in stem cells from aborted Ukrainian foetuses two years ago, when he was invited to meet doctors from a controversial clinic in Barbados.

called the Institute For Regenerative Medicine (IRM), the firm wanted Dr Minger to lend his endorsement to its therapies.

The firm's website boasts IRM is "dedicated to excellence in stem cell therapy for the remediation of diseases resulting from tissue damage and/or the effects of aging". But its claims are treated with scepticism by experts.

The clinic's method of treatment involves injecting patients with stem cells taken from babies aborted between seven and ten weeks old.

It is a technique, says Dr Minger, that has no credible research to back it up, and that raises disturbing questions about how the cells have been 'harvested'.

"The problem is, I am not sure how the cells are prepared," he says. "A six-week-old embryo can be just 1cm from head to foot, so it's difficult to dissect tissue from it. They may just homogenise the whole embryo." That's a polite way of saying that the aborted babies could have been liquidised.

Dr Minger was especially troubled that as well as offering unproven therapy to patients with degenerative diseases - at up to £10,000 a time - the clinic was running a lucrative sideline in offering stem cell treatments to reverse the effects of ageing.

The firm boasts that such treatment can lead to everything from improved fitness and a better sex life to greater mental capacity and enhanced sleep patterns.

"I find it very distasteful that they are used for beauty treatments," says Dr Minger. "As far as I can tell from what's been published, a lot of people go to this clinic in Barbados feeling a bit run down, or that their skin has just lost some elasticity, and they are getting 'smoothies' or perk-me-ups."

The stem cells used in these techniques are bought by IRM from the Ukraine. They are said to be taken from aborted foetuses, with the mothers' consent. But could there be a link with the Ukrainian mothers who believe their babies were deliberately taken from them?

I travelled to Barbados to speak to one of IRM's senior doctors, Shami Ramesh.


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fbf47c  No.16548830


"how else to dessiminate such information?"

You do not need to spread that

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f8064b  No.16548831

File: 6e2e5424a36087f⋯.png (249.02 KB, 457x312, 457:312, ClipboardImage.png)


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501028  No.16548832


Pelosi family worked as hard as they could to stop.

Well, worked means they paid others to stop.

Blackmail and favors usually work.

Unless blackmail and favors are documented and (DECLAS)sed in real time.


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a0f6dc  No.16548833


that is classic shit if I ever

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4bf4ee  No.16548834


Her knee is thicker then mine.

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e0fde7  No.16548835

File: 6d5b4f189a546e6⋯.png (27.53 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 22012C1C_513C_4CC6_A63E_05….png)

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bcd715  No.16548836


Fuck off nigger.

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0e803e  No.16548837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Obama’s fake birth certificate

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df6d88  No.16548838


>Oops. Did I fuck up?

Yes pb/lb faggot

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fbf47c  No.16548839


Notable, look at my past posts

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e81af4  No.16548840


i've met him

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fa83fe  No.16548841

File: b4f1cafb4d88061⋯.png (960.58 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>A-6 was the Grumman Intruder.

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e39371  No.16548842


You owe me a keyboard.

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bcd715  No.16548843


She’s like a bulldozer

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333fd6  No.16548844

File: 62cdca5020c55be⋯.jpg (103.41 KB, 890x888, 445:444, CH3.JPG)

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eb9f77  No.16548845


ok, now f&g me for the rest of the bread.

i didn't post it first, but liked it and reposted it.

i'm a loser.


i go kill myself now.

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b5e24d  No.16548846

File: 032b54c9e2b9947⋯.png (583.77 KB, 960x504, 40:21, 032b54c9e2b9947ff1575091f1….png)

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db1093  No.16548847

File: 9a6292c8d589dc8⋯.jpg (309.56 KB, 720x1229, 720:1229, 20220628_174017.jpg)

File: cc0d8686be6192a⋯.jpg (98.02 KB, 720x775, 144:155, 20220628_174241.jpg)

Fantasy land

July 17th 1955…

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000000  No.16548848


>I am not Q

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0f576c  No.16548849


>I decided to launch my own investigations for a special BBC report, to be broadcast tomorrow.

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fbf47c  No.16548850


Critical Research here


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7f84de  No.16548851

File: 23eb17d536b7e73⋯.png (21.05 KB, 480x228, 40:19, 23eb17d536b7e7372a4c01ff78….png)

File: 739a736d757683b⋯.png (77.62 KB, 806x587, 806:587, cates_limo_POTUS_6_28_22.png)

File: f245c34f745ba83⋯.png (95.6 KB, 168x344, 21:43, cassidy_sus.png)

>>16547338 (pb)

sus eyes, Cassidy



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45a04c  No.16548852

File: d005034f6aaa448⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1024x685, 1024:685, 2QuhJ6FQSGac.png)

File: dbb5ca0f2fe2e82⋯.png (640.09 KB, 600x586, 300:293, 5bkctw.png)

File: 804cf2abb549c97⋯.jpeg (270.96 KB, 829x1022, 829:1022, 8U60sMbkwQa1.jpeg)

File: ac9909980a5a2c9⋯.jpeg (29.27 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, att_8tnsu999.jpeg)

File: eb5c0c91d77898b⋯.jpeg (72.13 KB, 736x781, 736:781, att_v2u822zm.jpeg)

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3dda93  No.16548853


Initially, I feared my journey was in vain. As I approached the 170-year-old colonial building where the clinic is based, I found the gates were padlocked - I was told by Dr Ramesh that I would have to come back in January.

But eventually I managed to persuade him to come to my hotel, where he said he could show me evidence of two studies that proved the treatments work.

This "proof" turned out to be one study of a single patient with motor neurone disease and another of eight cardiac patients. The numbers were too small for proper analysis and the data had not been published in any reputable peer-reviewed journal.

But Dr Ramesh's faith in the treatment was striking. "Foetal stem cells work," he said. "If patients were not getting value for money they would not be coming back to us for second and third infusions."

Then our conversation turned to the main part of my inquiry: how could he be certain the stem cells the clinic was using had indeed come only from aborted foetuses in the Ukraine - a country where there's very little regulation over issues like consent from donors.

Was it possible that the cells had, in fact, been harvested from full term babies without any consent from the parents?

Dr Ramesh denied any knowledge of babies being sacrificed for stem cells. He said he had faith in the Institute of Cryobiology in Kharkiv, the source of the stem cells used by the Barbados clinic, but added that "maybe in the future we will go and check it out".

I decided to travel to the Ukraine myself to see what sort of guarantee the Institute could offer about the source of its stem cells.

Once there, I made several attempts to interview the head of the Institute, Dr Valentin

Greshenko, to put my concerns to him, but he refused. So my inquiries took me instead to Maternity Hospital Number Six, which stands in what my translator told me nervously was the "criminal area" of Kharkiv.

It was at this hospital, in 2002, that a young woman called Svetlana Plusikova gave birth to a baby girl. The 26-year-old agreed to meet me in a derelict fairground nearby, set in a leafless forest. She was too scared for me to come to her workplace

Svetlana told me that after a relatively straightforward pregnancy, she gave birth without any complication. "It happened very, very quickly - the doctors didn't say anything."

It was only much later that she was informed the child had been stillborn. "They told me my child had already been dead inside me for five months."

Svetlana was unconvinced. Surely if her baby had been dead for so long, she would have suffered a miscarriage. And why was the dead infant not shown to her? It had been whisked away so quickly she didn't even have a chance to hear if it cried.

She has her own theories as to what happened. "I think she was stolen. If she was dead I should have been allowed to see her. I think a lot of young mothers like me lost their children, but right now nobody turns to the police."

Certainly, Svetlana is not alone in her suspicions. I met Dimitry and Olena Stulnev in their two-room flat nearby. I arrived during a power cut and started to interview them by candlelight. There, with tears running down her face, Olena told me about her own experience in

Maternity Hospital Number Six.

"I gave birth to a healthy girl," Olena told me. "She was crying and moving her hands and legs. I was shown the baby. After that the girl was taken away. They told me everything was OK and I could see her the next day."

But that never happened. Olena was told the following day that her baby had died. But when she asked what had caused the death, the answers were inconsistent. "They told me three stories. One, she didn't have enough air to breathe; two, the lungs didn't open; and three, that her heart failed."


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c79cb5  No.16548854



WHY would she wear that moomoo to work?!

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56eaec  No.16548855


trust us, we know

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a0f6dc  No.16548856


luckily i just set my drink down

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0e803e  No.16548857

File: faefe04408b405b⋯.pdf (9.4 MB, Barrack_Obama_Birth_Certif….pdf)


Obama’s fake birth certificate report pdf format

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757989  No.16548858

File: 8bbdb1d6b5bd40c⋯.png (134.63 KB, 1405x380, 281:76, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7da5cd69eb4a485⋯.png (407.41 KB, 1000x974, 500:487, Screenshot_2022_06_28_02_4….png)


like fishing in a barrel

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b5e24d  No.16548859

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1d6ea2  No.16548860


they touch on the subject of C_A taking an interest in generational legacy - ie, mindcontrolling the offspring of their agents - in the Bourne movies.

an evil lot

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82905b  No.16548861


Numba 10 es malo

Numba 1 es bueno

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a9100a  No.16548862

File: 59b625994f26d3f⋯.jpg (296.77 KB, 720x1310, 72:131, Screenshot_20220628_164540….jpg)

Uvalde School Superintendent Places Embattled Police Chief Pete Arredondo on Administrative Leave


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fbf47c  No.16548863


You mean Barry's?

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333fd6  No.16548864

File: 91f718355358380⋯.jpg (185.94 KB, 1336x890, 668:445, CH1.JPG)

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3dda93  No.16548865



The couple tried in vain to find out what really happened, but the more they investigated, the firmer the doors were shut in their faces.

So she contacted a charity campaigner named Tatyana Zhakarova, from the Federation Of Families With Many Children, who took up the case on her behalf.

Tatyana discovered many more infants had died at the hospital in similarly odd circumstances. And after intensive lobbying, the authorities eventually agreed to have the tiny bodies of around 30 babies exhumed and examined.

Tatyana showed me the video she had been allowed to record of the post-mortem examinations that followed. The gruesome film shows the carcasses of babies, some of whom were full-term, with their organs and brains missing. Neurones in infants' brain are a rich source of stem cells.

Another body shown in the video is so badly dismembered it has to be put together piece by piece, like a jigsaw. Dismemberment is not standard autopsy practice and could, according to experts, indicate stem cells were harvested from bone marrow.

The post-mortem examination conclusions were profoundly disturbing. But Tatyana is now living in fear that the authorities are trying to silence her.

Her 20-year-old son went missing in October in mysterious circumstances, and she fears he may have been killed in revenge for her campaign to uncover the truth.

The Ukrainian authorities deny any conspiracy and refute claims that there is a trade in stem cells taken from stolen babies.

However, alarmed by the whole stem cell issue, the Council Of Europe is now carrying out its own investigation into the Ukrainian mothers' claims.

The Council's interim report talks of a "culture of trafficking of children snatched at birth and a wall of silence from hospital staff upwards over their fate".

As part of the second stage of the inquiry, the council will no doubt want to talk in detail to staff at Maternity Hospital Number Six. But whether they will get any answers is another matter - as I discovered when I tried to speak to the hospital authorities myself.

It was a grim scene. As I waited for hours at Maternity Hospital Number Six, heavily pregnant women in maternity smocks wandered past me in its dark corridors, along with the occasional elderly midwife.

Paint was peeling off the walls and there was a strong smell of antiseptic. Eventually, I was granted five minutes with the chief doctor, Larysa Nazarenko.

She was visibly uncomfortable as I set up my camera - her eyelids blinking rapidly as she stood behind her desk. "The children are not lost," she told me. "They are not stolen - that's just somebody else's illusion."


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2b1294  No.16548866

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36684d  No.16548867


Police report to the school?

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9c6811  No.16548868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump the Honey Badger

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0f576c  No.16548869


>Uvalde School Superintendent Places Police Chief Pete Arredondo on Administrative Leave

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a0f6dc  No.16548870


much bigger then biolabs

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fa83fe  No.16548871


>i'm a loser.

You're an anon now. You are redeemed with every bread change. Learn and grow.

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34ad56  No.16548872

File: 8e47a2c0360106c⋯.jpg (90.86 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 6l6huq.jpg)

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89b7dd  No.16548873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c79cb5  No.16548874


So she thinks he's Jesus?

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74f48d  No.16548875


which past posts?

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a9100a  No.16548876


Won't save ya, Abbott. Texas is not happy with you.

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56eaec  No.16548877

Did you guys use ICQ in the 90s?

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fbf47c  No.16548878


Now you are getting it.

Way bigger.

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000000  No.16548879


dubdubs chkd

TOR is working ok

>I really am not Q

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5ad54a  No.16548880

(PB) >>16548572

Makes sense right? Be like flying John Dillinger's gang to Bermuda after Dillinger blows up FBI HQ. 🤡 World Productions.

Two dozen members of Osama bin Laden's family were urgently evacuated from the United States in the first days following the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, according to the Saudi ambassador to Washington.


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74f48d  No.16548881


If Biden slams him, that's PLUS points for Texans.

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45a04c  No.16548882

File: e8b55f1994671aa⋯.jpeg (48.31 KB, 850x400, 17:8, tXdw2xxpineF.jpeg)

File: dbe82db674ea8f0⋯.jpeg (28.34 KB, 750x408, 125:68, UiBvdEZ5WXRn.jpeg)

File: e48b9061fcf743d⋯.jpeg (55.04 KB, 720x714, 120:119, vfqMO7dFAoNZ.jpeg)

File: cfc2684289c77e6⋯.jpeg (37.66 KB, 640x354, 320:177, ViUVoSLsfo8D.jpeg)

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3dda93  No.16548883




Who, she asked, had put these ideas in this young mother's head?

"It's about money," I said, "about stem cells. About Westerners paying a lot of money for stem cells from babies. And claims that cells from their brains are taken for treatment by various organisations."

"There is no such therapy," she said. "No work in this hospital is connected with the use of cells. This is the wrong address. I deny everything." Then I was ordered to leave.

Dr Nazarenko may have to spare more time to speak to Council Of Europe officials in February, when they will return to Kharkiv to continue their investigation.

The wall of silence is crumbling. And it may yet reveal a very ugly side to the global beauty business.

Matthew Hill's full report, The Stem Cell Swindle, can be heard on Radio 4 tomorrow at 5pm.



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fbf47c  No.16548884


ID: 706b1d


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5b5fba  No.16548885



From 2017 Nov 5 to 2017 Nov 22, "marker" Fantasy land was used 10 times. Could be ref to that

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35a7a6  No.16548886

Situation Update, June 28, 2022 - Terminator military robots to be deployed against humans in Ukraine


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45a04c  No.16548887

File: f1b73f2c65b6049⋯.jpg (62.76 KB, 1200x1056, 25:22, 1651470938893.jpg)

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df6d88  No.16548888


I had a some type of agent contact me on AIM back in the day. probably related to me being here now. probably tracked us all

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7c3da0  No.16548889


Hutch and her Elephant Knees

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1a6f4b  No.16548890

File: f3ffc70d5672ac7⋯.gif (3.01 MB, 640x420, 32:21, GTFO.gif)


Mutants all over.

Imagine how many captcha, to enter nxt lvl, I will give you.

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0e803e  No.16548891

File: b3c97545a688f05⋯.pdf (3.48 MB, CAH_Complaint_Submission_F….pdf)

File: 777b164950a5583⋯.pdf (399.45 KB, CAH_Complaint_Submission_J….pdf)

File: 38137dfd9bced4f⋯.pdf (470.57 KB, COVID_19_Pandemic_Federal_….pdf)

File: 3a5932aafb72169⋯.pdf (4.72 MB, The_Fauci_COVID_19_Dossier.pdf)

File: 3bad36a111664a2⋯.pdf (850.04 KB, BioWeapons_Swine_Flu_FBI_E….pdf)

Covid-19 indictments and reports pdf format

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000000  No.16548892


dubdubs chkd

the 1890's?

I used morse code back then but not ICQ

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bcd715  No.16548893


Answer your phone.

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67e592  No.16548894

File: 8f32a7289cfbc50⋯.jpeg (34.39 KB, 483x658, 69:94, 3E6918DA_65E0_4C1B_85AE_0….jpeg)


Anyone familiar with half black people would immediately be able to tell you there’s no way the Indonesian is Obama’s dad.


His hair. This Indonesian doesn’t have nappy hair, and his mother damn sure doesn’t, but Obama does. Ask anyone black and they’ll tell you; no fucking way you get nappy hair between two straight haired parents.

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0f576c  No.16548895

File: 791b6d3497accec⋯.png (139.31 KB, 350x250, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>The wall of silence is crumbling. And it may yet reveal a very ugly side to the global beauty business.

It's not like people are injecting magic baby serum into their face, let's relax.

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501028  No.16548896


Glow Harder, per Jim

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74f48d  No.16548897


Those seeking to divide people by religion like to echo and repeat the divisive narratives of others, hoping to 'spread' the logic that starts with division instead of unity.

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45a04c  No.16548898

File: 3d7f499f148bbc0⋯.jpeg (19.77 KB, 580x280, 29:14, 1wWB1kwLbsfA.jpeg)

File: fdfcacb471c2632⋯.jpeg (107.34 KB, 698x1024, 349:512, 1hmy2RP88c1W.jpeg)

File: 46eeac39198f27d⋯.jpeg (110.18 KB, 737x887, 737:887, 1656224124.jpeg)

File: 18b3353b89369bf⋯.jpg (85.8 KB, 567x368, 567:368, 1655317741938.jpg)

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506dc5  No.16548899

>>16547422 pb lb

Another small miracle happen when my wife was praying while listening to her pasture's discourse on finding the Holy Spirit on her cellphone; Friday the 25th. My wife brought home some type of red scarf with gold letters earlier this week with the verses from

Kings II 2:14:

He took the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and struck the water with it. “Where now is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” he asked. When he struck the water, it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over

She had wrapped the cloth around my shoulders earlier because she knows my experiences with Elijah and the recent experience we had with the ravens on the 22nd regarding my discourse about John the Baptist and Elijah.

As she was praying with the cloth on her head, she said a subliminal voice told her to open her eyes. When she opened them the ends of the cloth start to flap like wings several times as she got the rush of joy. This is called the Ruach.

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757989  No.16548900


Enviornmental Geomancy

* camerons cones

* keely's motor

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89b7dd  No.16548901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let this Mother Fucker Burn

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45a04c  No.16548902


shutup, pussy

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74f48d  No.16548903


Can you post a direct link please, that information puts the onus on others instead of yourself where it should be because you proffered the REFERENCE to it.

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5586b9  No.16548904


That's a 4 (four) cat lady. Sad, lonely and a Dem.

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49d314  No.16548905


Just so you know

Grandma was Dutch

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3bee1a  No.16548906

File: c26369b6fbae7bb⋯.png (731.05 KB, 898x1144, 449:572, ClipboardImage.png)


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22d5e3  No.16548907

File: ca0c7e3e741fc21⋯.jpg (52.22 KB, 613x492, 613:492, bdxuhgdfvadfajdf.jpg)

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fbf47c  No.16548908


Start here then the PB


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45a04c  No.16548909

File: fb0bfd9c4a71dfc⋯.jpeg (58.75 KB, 640x721, 640:721, l8eBQOUpHqEV.jpeg)

File: 67092673e75736d⋯.png (414.14 KB, 518x633, 518:633, fIXGTQy3uRlQ.png)

File: b187a7ae9a423fe⋯.png (406.27 KB, 960x685, 192:137, GASjmAnl5V7a.png)

File: 311a27259467433⋯.jpeg (378.77 KB, 1080x1059, 360:353, eYOdSQ31m9JC.jpeg)

File: 25e7aa7015c2caf⋯.jpeg (87.05 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, lmuofRhR8NH2.jpeg)

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104862  No.16548910

Do you think POTUS Trump has body doubles?

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fc4dd0  No.16548911

File: 8a1d574873e45a6⋯.jpg (48.16 KB, 640x432, 40:27, 2018_01_16_11_03_IMG_0590.JPG)

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000000  No.16548912

Q: what do you call 46 illegal immigrants found dead in a tractor-trailer?

A: A good start

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db1093  No.16548913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


@ :46 too much time in fantasyland

A brown girl from jersey city

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fc4dd0  No.16548914


does the darpa hams fly out of the HOGGosphere for little ovens?

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34ad56  No.16548915

File: acd2f2152754bef⋯.jpg (89.25 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 6l6ing.jpg)

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c79cb5  No.16548916


Have there been any youtubers or something that Gen Z watch that talked about this a year or two ago? I know, shot in the dark, but it just reminded me of something really weird a while back.

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0e803e  No.16548918

File: 83ababdc10eeb14⋯.pdf (983.55 KB, Pfizer_C19_Vaccine_Adverse….pdf)

File: 83ababdc10eeb14⋯.pdf (983.55 KB, Pzifer_ADVERSE_EVENT_REPOR….pdf)

File: 888807ee4aa67fa⋯.pdf (249.72 KB, Vaccine_Death_Proof2.pdf)

File: f0219c8bc04af37⋯.pdf (8.24 MB, COVID_19_US20200279585A1_P….pdf)

Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine reports and adverse effects in pdf format

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07dc31  No.16548919

If there's this much debate about whether or not Q is real now, how TF did anyone know his posts before he starting IDEN as Q or even signing his posts??????

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000000  No.16548920


Is the Pope a Pedo?

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47af13  No.16548921

File: 81195fee48490ca⋯.png (240.6 KB, 356x436, 89:109, ClipboardImage.png)


Too much botox. But after the Stroke and Fraud goons, they had no choice.

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c79cb5  No.16548922


Didn't everybody?

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501028  No.16548923

MALTA sponsored State Funeral

T Minus…….

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5586b9  No.16548924


Pencil thin mustache on this one.

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0e803e  No.16548925

File: a2ffa586b948028⋯.pdf (5.77 MB, US11107588_Patent.pdf)

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3c48b3  No.16548926


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f9975f  No.16548927

File: 76270f9b00a8eb4⋯.jpeg (558.56 KB, 1034x1034, 1:1, FU_Pepe.jpeg)

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45a04c  No.16548928

File: 4f874c0c1b46877⋯.jpeg (28.89 KB, 430x371, 430:371, ifmFEZ6Rl01j.jpeg)

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fc4dd0  No.16548929

File: e00568cef980d84⋯.jpg (2.65 MB, 3072x2304, 4:3, 2008_06_06_05_46_IMG_5563.JPG)

gratuitous gentified juw whine

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757989  No.16548930


wouldn't it be better to send them back unharmed. Since they got tricked by demons in cartel to get in.

Or is if fair game to trick people now?

You can be tricked I remind you.

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78fe78  No.16548931

File: b67529dfb4d594b⋯.png (9.17 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0000000000.png)

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1a6f4b  No.16548932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Papusica mea frumoasa, tampitii astia n-au habar de nimic. Nici macar de ei, tu frumoasa mica.

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0e803e  No.16548933

File: 0037871217d6d4a⋯.pdf (778.77 KB, 2005_Ukraine_USA_Weapons_T….pdf)

File: 59ec9dc7fd70a34⋯.pdf (693.1 KB, Nunn_Lugar_Report_Ukraine_….pdf)

File: e0f3d1e1e846f7c⋯.pdf (4.78 MB, UN_Russia_BioLab_Evidence_….pdf)

Ukraine Biolabs Reports pdf format

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fc4dd0  No.16548934

File: 3bae9a29c4f26d0⋯.jpg (3.52 MB, 4096x3425, 4096:3425, 2015_10_03_04_50_IMG_4867.JPG)


>gratuitous gentified juw whine

he so mad he HOm00

he built a wall

for jelly donut coupons

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00507b  No.16548935

File: f094f6a6a03732e⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1024x959, 1024:959, steal_a_meme.png)

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56eaec  No.16548936

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78fe78  No.16548937

File: 3c995b7a88ab847⋯.jpg (12.1 KB, 255x212, 255:212, 000000.jpg)

Did Maxwell actually say "out of darkness and into the light"?

asking for fren

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b06154  No.16548938


He's def not a 10.

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6b4deb  No.16548939

File: 413924f3b42946e⋯.png (105.17 KB, 1272x894, 212:149, ClipboardImage.png)

10-6 comms - Federal Rules of Evidence


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0f576c  No.16548940

File: 480b468aabc5c76⋯.mp4 (10.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sandra_Bullock_Explains_Ge….mp4)

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c79cb5  No.16548941

File: 0c5066a342ffeb5⋯.jpg (148.69 KB, 640x751, 640:751, NPC.jpg)

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56eaec  No.16548942


she actually said "out of the darnkess"

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db1093  No.16548943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jersey is self governing

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74f48d  No.16548944


Unselect Committee = Lying traitors who should be arrested

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78fe78  No.16548945

File: 2db07a14340e57e⋯.png (484.72 KB, 858x944, 429:472, 050220204.png)


new guy?

he just got in!


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db1093  No.16548946

File: 98f4e57580cfcfb⋯.jpg (259.86 KB, 720x1209, 240:403, 20220628_175845.jpg)

File: 9e172f5942aeb9f⋯.jpg (224.32 KB, 720x799, 720:799, 20220628_175904.jpg)

>>16548913 (edit)

Jersey is self governing

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daa309  No.16548947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Donald Trump grabs the wheel of the limo at NASAR

totally scandalous

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fc4dd0  No.16548948

File: 801ee9e641bca31⋯.jpg (163.92 KB, 800x680, 20:17, 2014_10_15_06_38_IMG_6761.JPG)

gahy wall built forcesSUPREME LEADERKIM to outsource asshole factory

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9f75e2  No.16548949

Maxwell said in court today:

"May this day help you travel from the darkness into the light."

NBC reported this sentence quoting her in their 3min video summary!

Say whut?

sauce: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/sex-trafficker-ghislaine-maxwell-sentenced-20-years-prison-rcna35064

min 1:25

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2b1294  No.16548950

File: 92f2d63978eb596⋯.jpeg (73.09 KB, 848x476, 212:119, 1538855794.jpeg)

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3c48b3  No.16548951


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34ad56  No.16548952

File: 8934f26091c6cda⋯.jpg (95.11 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 6l6j4i.jpg)

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835f3a  No.16548953

File: 1ac20f217529091⋯.jpeg (300.68 KB, 750x692, 375:346, F50B8F65_5467_452E_A714_8….jpeg)



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88cb5e  No.16548954

File: 8b2e279429bd054⋯.jpg (568.53 KB, 816x1145, 816:1145, bc43f2c6be24bb455f868634a0….jpg)

File: 027e9eca65c023f⋯.png (78.03 KB, 1123x794, 1123:794, sedition1.png)

File: 64903473f6a7020⋯.png (119.8 KB, 1123x794, 1123:794, sedition2.png)


We love you, but -

Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT participate in chat room shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit

If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, theology etc.

Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

do NOT eat bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Spot a clown

Dealing with ye Clowns & ye Shills

>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown

shills have no agency, no will independent of their masters. Shills are passed gas of history. The slave of the slaves, their words are writ upon water.


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a0f6dc  No.16548955

File: e7b3dffc156504a⋯.png (8.6 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 5b3d038c2a78c008f8c7194127….png)

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933435  No.16548956

File: dc4686c5cf13691⋯.jpg (95.97 KB, 500x696, 125:174, 6hgf.jpg)

File: 38346508208dbc5⋯.png (137.25 KB, 1080x1075, 216:215, Svgji.png)

North Dakota governor Doug Burgum appears to be democrat posing as a republican…. Digging on him now.


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501028  No.16548957


8Kun is under shill attack.

Result of Jim’s meeting with Congress.

Let the shills post.




Keystrokes pre post and post post are saved.

These people are STUPID.

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fbf47c  No.16548958


Do you believe in coincidences anon?

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fc4dd0  No.16548959

File: 53fd93ace7a4cce⋯.jpg (73.45 KB, 285x410, 57:82, 2007_02_13_19_36_IMG_4898.JPG)



eastern jelly donut not the same after gahy wall built died

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bdac8e  No.16548960

File: 1cbe4026d84250b⋯.png (2.71 MB, 2049x1493, 2049:1493, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16548773 - dough


NOTABLES are not Endorsements


>>16547983 - Dough

>>16548019 The Supreme Court restores GOP-drawn lines for fall congressional elections in Louisiana.

>>16548037 Clockfag on Fantasy Land

>>16548059 The babies who are murdered to order in the Ukraine

>>16548129 Trump TS Composite on June 28, 2022

>>16548171 CVS, Walmart limiting morning-after pill purchases

>>16548303 J6 Hearing projection by Frank Luntz (anon calls BS)

>>16548365, >>16548552, >>16548639 Maxwell addresses the court: "…may this day help you travel through darkness into the light.”

>>16548505, >>16548555 "Dark To Light" phrase used by journalists.

>>16548496 QClock June 28, 2022: DECLAS, Lisa Page & [a] v [e], [JC], Mueller, VERY senior member

>>16548557 Trump statement on Cassidy Hutchinson testimony to J6 kangaroo court

>>16548565 CDC Activates Emergency Ops Cntr for Monkeypox Response

>>16548701 Clockfag observes spelling error on DJT Truth: Chaney vs Cheney


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000000  No.16548961


>fair game to trick people

we have all been tricked since birth, anon

most of what we have been taught since the cradle have been outright lies

the trickery continues unabated

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74f48d  No.16548962


Dumbass, the Nazi party was full of homosexuals, and orthogonally to that, full of rapists, perverts and degenerates.

Learn your history,

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6b4deb  No.16548963


he looks like a jew

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89b7dd  No.16548964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thieves and Liars

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851d96  No.16548965

File: ca4afb97f1087ce⋯.jpg (9.36 KB, 255x179, 255:179, gensbrrrrrt.jpg)


Call out to us… Kek.

See… even Trump says to listen to me.

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45a04c  No.16548966

File: 04662e18a9a233a⋯.jpg (173.07 KB, 1440x946, 720:473, Screenshot_20220503_205510….jpg)

File: 78d179ec9da070b⋯.jpeg (46.82 KB, 500x561, 500:561, s7sDOwqAkkP9.jpeg)

File: 706f329fbef34ad⋯.png (231.7 KB, 783x1034, 783:1034, rzmyw4.png)

File: 1dda3b5d2408dff⋯.jpeg (49.4 KB, 600x530, 60:53, RKAs1LPcRpNI.jpeg)

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6eedef  No.16548967

File: 8b931a9b6a5d875⋯.png (480.49 KB, 758x540, 379:270, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5757728425f3641⋯.png (304.2 KB, 700x453, 700:453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1ef63411dfc0ff⋯.png (20.09 KB, 694x185, 694:185, ClipboardImage.png)



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fc4dd0  No.16548968

File: 9a15b8e06227318⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, 2018_08_08_21_20_IMG_2571.PNG)

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0e803e  No.16548970

File: 1f799ac9860757e⋯.pdf (55.67 KB, JYNNEOS_Approval_Letter_16….pdf)

File: b0e40c7e4a8f72c⋯.pdf (58.13 KB, JYNNEOS_Approval_Letter_17….pdf)

File: f83bc9d3a0b2dca⋯.pdf (630.98 KB, BavarianNordic_Poxvirus_ve….pdf)

File: f3e823c7f9b28f9⋯.pdf (88.15 KB, Monkeypox_Vaccine_Informat….pdf)

File: 384a96f2f5f4f12⋯.pdf (1.7 MB, NTI_Paper_BIO_TTX_Monkeypo….pdf)

Monkeypox Vaccine with VAIDS - FDA approval, Patent, Epidemic Simulation pdf format

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9f75e2  No.16548971

File: 1401e04c80d553b⋯.jpg (145.28 KB, 991x963, 991:963, CommonYellowthroat_Birdsha….jpg)

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22d5e3  No.16548972

Local news in Maryland calling Hutchinson a, 'true American patriot'. Top story @6:00.

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1a6f4b  No.16548973


tits, or get the fuck out.

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757989  No.16548974

File: 1339c11dca5e63f⋯.jpg (422.51 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, webb_research.jpg)

File: 1f8914406de4834⋯.png (251.55 KB, 578x435, 578:435, Screenshot_2022_06_28_15_0….png)


Michael Stenger murder at Senate Sergeant of Arms overshadows my Klaus Schwab stories today from Ravensburg. Here’s why his death holds clues to Ukraine corruption. (check my substack) Klaus’ nuke parts to South Africa later today.


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d18b9d  No.16548975

ANONS. How long ago did the class B actor Cassidy Hutchinson complete her failing grade performance? Well, the enemy news media has been 100% Cassidy Hutchinson since. Media saying they have a winner. The 25 year old fraud has provide enough 'evidence' to convict Donald J. Trump. The Ditz Nicole Wallace just said: she made history. Now Ari Melber taking the baton and yep, it's Cassidy and today's hearing delivered the blockbuster needed to convict Trump.

It's become total FARCE.

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933435  No.16548976



Anon i was just thinking the same thing…. He must be a Jew.

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e39371  No.16548977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9eb7a9  No.16548978

File: f30d53f230b40be⋯.png (140.23 KB, 263x435, 263:435, image.png)

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7c86ed  No.16548979


Doug Burgumstein

the nose gives him away

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851d96  No.16548980

File: 38df7adc7d1c1c3⋯.jpg (8.35 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Brrrrt.jpg)


1 stable genius to another… Thanks President Trump…

Brrrrrrrrrrt on…

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cfd0b5  No.16548981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wild Video: Man Threatens Cops With Heavy Machinery During Arrest

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1a6f4b  No.16548982



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74f48d  No.16548983
















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45a04c  No.16548984

File: 52200f70cd38417⋯.jpg (404.29 KB, 1440x2331, 160:259, Screenshot_20220626_024359….jpg)

File: c27f85f54b3170f⋯.jpg (562.55 KB, 1440x2174, 720:1087, Screenshot_20220626_024554….jpg)

File: cdf070a83f589be⋯.jpg (416.06 KB, 1440x1536, 15:16, Screenshot_20220626_025759….jpg)

File: 78baf45dce672e6⋯.jpg (559.62 KB, 1440x2380, 72:119, Screenshot_20220626_024117….jpg)

File: 745bb481f3603eb⋯.jpg (411.16 KB, 1076x2454, 538:1227, Screenshot_20220626_024235….jpg)


neck yourself, kike

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daa309  No.16548985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


donald trump drinks 2 diet cokes and grabs the wheel of AF1 then joy rides the Beast

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24035b  No.16548986

Trump is running into the same problem as everybody else…Talk, Talk, Talk and still nothing gets done or nothing changes…when will it ever stop???…

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6b4deb  No.16548987


these fuckers are like cockroaches infiltrating every aspect of life.

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318f18  No.16548988

File: f8fcdb6d2ef342b⋯.jpeg (250.92 KB, 828x732, 69:61, 96B93643_7ABD_4A53_809E_2….jpeg)

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1a6f4b  No.16548989


slow down w/ the tequila.

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a590ba  No.16548990


When the people replace them

who knows

4 years?

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000000  No.16548991


yes, infiltration and subversion

every time

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74f48d  No.16548992


This is digital, not liquid.

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0e803e  No.16548993

File: 7a11ecec10f0776⋯.jpeg (217.69 KB, 800x497, 800:497, CB56DBF3_CA71_4499_9F00_E….jpeg)

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7a7d12  No.16548994

File: 6c1d018518e5de3⋯.png (117.31 KB, 692x886, 346:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e1b5acad14c55d⋯.png (48.69 KB, 683x505, 683:505, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Stockbroker Pleads Guilty to Charges for $3.2 Million Investment Fraud, Cheating on Taxes, Defrauding Elderly Victim


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88cb5e  No.16548995

File: 7c032b441ede13f⋯.jpg (351.51 KB, 1200x1780, 60:89, 2b3dfcc74d553fca2a0e9ee332….jpg)

>>16548957 <<<<<<<

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e39371  No.16548996

All of you glow niggers glow, you realize that, right?

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1a6f4b  No.16548997


After you'll take the vaxx.

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fbf47c  No.16548998


The important point is who HUSSEIN is aiming the gun at.

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24035b  No.16548999

File: 7fc2e77739b06df⋯.jpg (75.88 KB, 546x680, 273:340, Just_tired_boss.jpg)

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7c86ed  No.16549000

File: 6ca2cc7ea079733⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1200x765, 80:51, 53.png)


it's what they do

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084020  No.16549001

File: 7d4a16f227f0747⋯.jpeg (695.06 KB, 1170x1986, 195:331, EA291A24_BA7D_4E5B_B1F4_6….jpeg)

Who is Cassidy Hutchinson

A former intern for House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and Senator Ted Cruz

For as long as she can remember, senior Cassidy Hutchinson has admired the men and women who enter public service. A former intern for House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and Senator Ted Cruz, her latest stint on the Beltway took her to the executive mansion. "I have set a personal goal to pursue a path of civic significance," she says. "Interning on Capitol Hill confirmed my desire to continue a path in government, and when I learned about the White House internship I was eager to apply."

The White House Internship Program is a hands-on opportunity designed to mentor and cultivate young leaders and prepare them for future public service. It is a highly coveted summer gig, with a rigorous screening process. "I was brought to tears when I received the email that I had been selected to participate," Hutchinson says. "As a first-generation college student, being selected to serve as an intern alongside some of the most intelligent and driven students from across the nation – many of whom attend top universities – was an honor and a tremendous growing experience."

…….., see rest of article in link


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fbf47c  No.16549002


The important point is who HUSSEIN is aiming the gun at.

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0868e6  No.16549003


turned her back on MAGA!

Crimes against Humanity.

Down she goes.

Nobody escapes this.


These people are SICK.

These people HATE America.

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74f48d  No.16549004



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e39371  No.16549005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SC State Rep & Sen Candidate Krystle Matthews LEAVES When Questioned Over Illicit Campaign Activity


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88cb5e  No.16549006

File: 687dffba951e60f⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1024x1534, 512:767, 1221.png)

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1a6f4b  No.16549007


I'm a candle, my job is to glow.

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9fb7a5  No.16549008

File: e3d5a300bfa8c10⋯.png (59.71 KB, 333x281, 333:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 421321ee3a75d85⋯.png (394.97 KB, 828x749, 828:749, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b10143dd7ddc638⋯.png (127.56 KB, 333x333, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5860217d9f204e⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1242x659, 1242:659, ClipboardImage.png)


>Do you think POTUS Trump has body doubles?


but the bigger Q is why did Dan think it was important to point them out to us?

to show us its a fake bidan in a mask?

DJT quotes-

I dont think thats Joe, he's shot, that seems like someone else

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835f3a  No.16549009


It’s all they’ve got kekity kek kek

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7c86ed  No.16549010


the american flag wasn't it?

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b06154  No.16549011

File: b26bd7ce415816b⋯.png (663.41 KB, 1020x1007, 1020:1007, ClipboardImage.png)

Right under your noses.

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501028  No.16549012


HUSSEIN shoots from the hip, sideways.

There is no aiming.

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78fe78  No.16549013

File: 3f5b328a383b596⋯.png (610.08 KB, 716x588, 179:147, maljd23.png)


Who Is John Dunlap? First Non-European to Lead Philanthropic Order Knights of Malta

The Order of Malta is a religious order whose aim is to service the sick, poor and marginalized communities.

By Medha Bhagwat

June 16, 2022 23:20 +08


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d6fdab  No.16549014

File: c977f9d48ffd15d⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1132x1275, 1132:1275, c977f9d48ffd15de6417f72438….png)


#20937 Notes Final


>>16548023, >>16548552, >>16548639,>>16548694 ghislaine-maxwell-responds etc…

>>16548029 Rothschild Rimmer from New York Magazine for Lynn Forester de Rothschild

>>16548257 Q in the news

>>16548434 Mercury from Passing epiColombo

>>16548458 LOCATION CHANGE: NTSB media briefing on Amtrak train collision

>>16548472 Former President Donald Trump made a series of scathing posts on his platform Truth Social to refute Democrats' Jan. 6 claims live while the House committee investigating the Capitol riot held a hearing on Tuesday.

>>16548496 QClock June 28, 2022

>>16548505 MSM is dropping the dark to light, smaller journos have it in

>>16548561 Brandon is Dim

>>16548627 Q post 610

>>16548684 Former GOP congressman Matt Salmon drops out of race for Arizona governor

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be4300  No.16549015

File: b9d1996e832b855⋯.jpg (98.5 KB, 937x481, 937:481, itsrunningout.jpg)


Here's a shit meme to test your theory. Agree though

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74f48d  No.16549016


You know, there are (some) Jews who have a weird logic of dividing themselves from humanity as an axiom, and who repeatedly post anti-Jew memes on boards such as this to trick new eyes into falsely believing the anti-Jew memes cannot possibly come from (some) Jews.

Just fyi, lol.

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900a9f  No.16549017

>>16548807 A10

>>16548827 A9 Intruder

Just so you know, once as I was praying and mediating on the 7 Churches as I opened my eyes a blue star appeared in the middle of the southern sky. When it turned slightly towards the north east I could see it had rays emanating from it as if they were flower pedals or fingers. It then turned completely around until the rays disappeared, as it grew smaller, and the back of it had camouflaged into the night sky. 5 minutes later an a10 warthog came screaming sideways from the north, probably doing about 400 to 600mph towards it. I told this story on here before if anyone remembers. What do you think about the intruder comms?

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104862  No.16549018


How many eyes on World Wide now?

It has to be massive; I am seeing normie channels mentioning the letter "17" so they don't get banned etc. by mentioning Q.

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fbf47c  No.16549019


Correct anon

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fa83fe  No.16549020

File: ebc994872556916⋯.png (99.26 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


>to her pasture's discourse on finding the Holy Spirit

Either she owns a farm and was literally listening to her pasture or you meant to write 'pastor', Anon. Made me smile. There can be sometimes be a lot of BS in both.

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7a7d12  No.16549021

File: 687d3d148f2aa93⋯.png (124.71 KB, 733x845, 733:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95dbbbacb5d1366⋯.png (174.35 KB, 764x884, 191:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cebb23d74fdbe0⋯.png (141.24 KB, 747x863, 747:863, ClipboardImage.png)

Fifteen Texas Doctors Agree to Pay over $2.8 Million to Settle Kickback Allegations

Total of 33 Texas Doctors Have Settled Related Health Care Fraud Allegations


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f57397  No.16549022


jeez. Lighten up Francis. This is hilarious (and obvious)

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24035b  No.16549023


Did the Democrats just try and pull a "Blasey Ford" on Trump…will she get indicted for lying to Congress or did they give her immunity???

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db1093  No.16549024

File: 0b21a2a4c0b7ce7⋯.jpg (390.72 KB, 1600x1133, 1600:1133, 34537e86eff81ac891508accfb….jpg)

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719db1  No.16549025


Such is the duality of power structures. Make popular amongst the controlled masses the condemnation and maligning of the behavior that is celebrated behind closed doors in the ruling class.

This keeps the masses busy accusing each other of "immorality" and in fear of the Masters, sort of a self-policing society, that leaves the Masters free from the invented " rules" artificially imposed on the natural human.

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851d96  No.16549026


Yeah… I haven't seen anywhere mention Stenger was shot but one post on here earlier.

This must be a huge hide event.

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fbf47c  No.16549027



He is just spraying

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2e98a7  No.16549028


>former intern for House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and Senator Ted Cruz

She was 21/22 and already 'former intern for House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and Senator Ted Cruz'?

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22903e  No.16549029

File: dff08ac4ce44e4b⋯.jpg (15.96 KB, 205x271, 205:271, reeeee.jpg)

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194c65  No.16549030

File: 1f3435d91e72a50⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1170x976, 585:488, ClipboardImage.png)

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318f18  No.16549031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1a6f4b  No.16549032


Please slow down w/ the red color……Internet it is running out of red…..

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45a04c  No.16549033

File: 4a7433438d3d368⋯.mp4 (10.37 MB, 1244x1244, 1:1, 16_Fascist_French_Montana_….mp4)

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757989  No.16549034

File: caae9c5d85b6b18⋯.jpg (429.99 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, gw_drops_confirmed.jpg)

File: 0f2be9cd00f7b5e⋯.png (283.4 KB, 481x554, 481:554, EO9Pp9oXUAABFpp.png)

File: f90f5e16a68f65d⋯.jpeg (19.42 KB, 1044x182, 522:91, EO7gU8HXkAcraYJ.jpeg)

File: 13c1cb56797536f⋯.jpeg (177.59 KB, 1125x1122, 375:374, EO7gU8GXUAAxfsP.jpeg)



The Sgt of Arms got shot in back of head you say?

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104862  No.16549035


Red White, Blue


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f57397  No.16549036

File: 062882bd99a8447⋯.gif (496.33 KB, 600x640, 15:16, EM_Wave.gif)

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c5e02e  No.16549037


Trust me, Christ only had 12 apostles. Only God can give Revelation(s).

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d49bab  No.16549038



04.01.2022 noice clean 17

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fbf47c  No.16549039


The World is WATCHING.

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9b22a0  No.16549040



#Dontlookup #Moonfall

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78fe78  No.16549041

File: 8032a882115ae83⋯.png (565.34 KB, 1252x930, 626:465, dsbj3.png)


There not that big really but ya wanna see anons massive Cock?!


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7c86ed  No.16549042

File: 1679790d63d0b92⋯.png (407.12 KB, 748x487, 748:487, 2252525.png)


Right you are, Color Sergeant

Carry on

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fbf47c  No.16549043


Well spotted anon

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086d16  No.16549044


If so, would that infuriate the public?

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d6fdab  No.16549045

File: 60e6e0a9d58c240⋯.png (584.45 KB, 608x600, 76:75, 60e6e0a9d58c240b286413df2a….png)


ty… merging

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d18b9d  No.16549046


Had a friend who was drafted into 'Nam. He was a great heavy equipment operator so got assigned to the Army Engineer Corps. Don't know the full story but they wound up under attack. He put the bucket of his back hoe down and wiped out the machine gunner's bunker, ending the battle. Believe he got a metal for it but he never said.

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963a14  No.16549047

File: 8448661c0219307⋯.jpg (296.44 KB, 2016x1146, 336:191, compy.jpg)


6 out of 10

6 days to go till 4th July

July 4th 10 days after Q return post.

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47af13  No.16549048

File: d8eab0113ae2133⋯.png (1002.19 KB, 900x886, 450:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a854169aca01eb⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1136x640, 71:40, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 442fc464c3c9f66⋯.png (586.99 KB, 750x499, 750:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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74f48d  No.16549049



This is what your logic 'allows', BTW.

If Jews are so bad, then wouldn't there be Jews posting anti-Jew memes to portray Jews as victims of muh hate speech?


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fbf47c  No.16549050


Multiple meanings

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9fb7a5  No.16549051

File: e1cb1e2f953ef3f⋯.png (1.52 MB, 768x1365, 256:455, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a7d12  No.16549052

File: de252054663aa58⋯.png (104.46 KB, 683x756, 683:756, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6892e00b9f6d487⋯.png (33.06 KB, 687x405, 229:135, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Citizen Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Provide Electronic Equipment and Technology to the Government of Iran


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89b7dd  No.16549053



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56eaec  No.16549054

Did you know that halfchan bans the words "8chan" and "8kun" from pol? If you try to post those words, their system will recognize it as spam and prevent you from posting it.

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e39371  No.16549055

File: 184bd8ebd06b11e⋯.png (28.75 KB, 927x927, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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0868e6  No.16549056


turned her back on MAGA!

Crimes against Humanity.

Down she goes.

Nobody escapes this.


These people are SICK.

These people HATE America.

I tried to tell them.

I tried to warn them.

They were warned.

Lets keep Playing…

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501028  No.16549057


Obammy would have been the first to catch the monkeypox back in 2000.

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bcd715  No.16549058


The 9/.11, coverup team still hustlin

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24035b  No.16549059

Hearsay or not, I can believe Trump threw a burger against the wall. When a guy has an election stolen from him, he’s likely to be a little upset. I’m just waiting for the rest of the story. Did Bill Barr pick it up off the ground and eat it? #January6thCommiteeHearings


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9eb7a9  No.16549060

File: 041e9107a3be82c⋯.png (162.71 KB, 343x535, 343:535, thinking_tinfoil_pepe.png)


Bags of the President's Rh-negative blood type kept on board in case he needs a transfusion

POTUS is a Nephilim?

What if the Nephilim are the good angels but the Jews twisted the story around like they did all the rest of the bible?

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47af13  No.16549061

File: b8b7711ec663fa0⋯.png (602.51 KB, 722x554, 361:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 964a374ac2c4be8⋯.png (907.36 KB, 828x810, 46:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cfa7b93b7eb2c0⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1371x906, 457:302, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbf47c  No.16549062


Yes, and there is way more too it that shooting a flag

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35346c  No.16549063

File: bfe6a612c3ff718⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, _Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….mp4)

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933435  No.16549064


Anon is Tor browser working again?


Doug Burgum is definitely dirty.


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67e592  No.16549065


These days, anything is possible.

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4916a4  No.16549066


Eat shit Satan. Take your counterfeit green tablets and fuck off back to hell.

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1a6f4b  No.16549067


he must be biden.

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78fe78  No.16549068

File: cd7f33106ca31d4⋯.png (823.27 KB, 870x827, 870:827, 00002.png)

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757989  No.16549069

File: ac1f3fd8ce094bd⋯.jpg (124.89 KB, 1202x931, 1202:931, us_senat_sergeant_at_arms_….jpg)

GW Chunnel drop confirmed boys!

Real Journalism is back!

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5b5fba  No.16549070


Whats so special about July 4th?

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104862  No.16549071


most anons are probability negative blood type.

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944e88  No.16549072

File: d8e15c1cd8dd325⋯.png (405.12 KB, 720x559, 720:559, 1hoesmad.png)

File: 35865f8bb8cd35d⋯.jpeg (53.61 KB, 641x800, 641:800, 1femherbodmy.jpeg)


Hoes caught lying again

Hoes mad

repeal the 19th!

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0e803e  No.16549073

File: b9f9d191fad7c2f⋯.jpg (159.63 KB, 1125x1097, 1125:1097, HRC_Uranium_One_Signature_.JPG)

File: fb448765e8728d4⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB, 640x640, 1:1, HRC_9_11_Memorial_NYC_13_S….MP4)

File: d21d0a0b90b33f6⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB, 2809x2248, 2809:2248, HRCs_Clones_Doubles_CGI.JPEG)

File: eccef9a55dbd1f0⋯.jpg (57.47 KB, 554x1200, 277:600, IMG_7198.JPG)

File: 384deaf3b53edc9⋯.jpg (26.53 KB, 254x258, 127:129, IMG_7552.jpg)

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24035b  No.16549074


Looks like a Social Security Number…

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78fe78  No.16549075

File: e26e6a51b3222ec⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 2_PEPE_TRUMP3.jpg)


nuh uh staup it!

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194c65  No.16549076

File: 06f130348ca9bc7⋯.png (421.69 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, ClipboardImage.png)

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e02189  No.16549077


When will people ever realize, God is Living and among us. If you would just start taking signs.

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88ba17  No.16549078


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9fb7a5  No.16549079




chics n dinner!


I was gonna write that with the pic but wanted to see if any anon would make the connection

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a4d18c  No.16549080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3072c0  No.16549081

File: 2aa0188f24a3dee⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1375x858, 125:78, ClipboardImage.png)


the whole room is in chaos kek

who the hell could think straight like that……no one

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a7c59a  No.16549082


Almost got your digits.


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fbf47c  No.16549083

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2ce0ff  No.16549084


For the numerically inclined, the next triangular pyramidal number is approaching.

1,4, 10, 20, …. , 4960

A000292 Tetrahedral (or triangular pyramidal) numbers: a(n) = C(n+2,3) = n*(n+1)*(n+2)/6.

(Formerly M3382 N1363) 774

0, 1, 4, 10, 20, 35, 56, 84, 120, 165, 220, 286, 364, 455, 560, 680, 816, 969, 1140, 1330, 1540, 1771, 2024, 2300, 2600, 2925, 3276, 3654, 4060, 4495,4960, 5456, 5984, 6545, 7140, 7770, 8436, 9139, 9880, 10660, 11480, 12341, 13244, 14190, 15180…

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9c6811  No.16549085


WTF think this sheet wearing person is a 10? If they video only shows her top over the table, shes 1/2way decent. But she looks like Page to me

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9fb7a5  No.16549086

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78fe78  No.16549087

File: 6116b764944d50b⋯.jpg (7.34 KB, 225x224, 225:224, 0000001.jpg)


wut men?

tel pepe asf pepe was three grad

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0e803e  No.16549088

File: 58adcc0feeb8af0⋯.jpg (954.86 KB, 2371x2354, 2371:2354, The_Joe_Bidens_2.jpg)

File: 236a5aaee284625⋯.jpg (164.6 KB, 1089x1072, 1089:1072, The_Joe_Bidens_3.JPG)

File: 6563d5f29ee3fd9⋯.jpg (56.96 KB, 600x450, 4:3, IMG_7152.JPG)

File: ecd623f35bdef5a⋯.jpg (248.38 KB, 1089x950, 1089:950, IMG_7466.JPG)

File: 3912eb58b641163⋯.jpg (105.5 KB, 878x648, 439:324, Release_The_Clones_Frau.jpg)

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757989  No.16549089

File: 36e8e71a687be65⋯.png (148.79 KB, 481x554, 481:554, EO9Pp9oXUAABFpq.png)


3 + 2 + 7 + 3 + 6 + 0 = 21 = 2 + 1 = Treason


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88ba17  No.16549090


is this 3d

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24035b  No.16549091

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757989  No.16549092


>>Looks like a Social Security Number…

You need glasses.

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35346c  No.16549093

File: a0ff92b4be1e42a⋯.png (284.9 KB, 574x169, 574:169, capture_3637_28062022_1404….png)


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963a14  No.16549094

File: 1845c528ccfc528⋯.jpg (5.4 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images.jpg)


its Americas independence day

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6770ff  No.16549095

File: 79422f0f0af2d0f⋯.jpg (129.96 KB, 881x622, 881:622, 79422f0f0af2d0f2de8a31dd67….jpg)

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000000  No.16549096


>is Tor browser working

yes it is running fine atm

have to re captcha after 5 posts though, as usual


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1a6f4b  No.16549097

File: cd43d309776a94e⋯.jpg (139.06 KB, 718x823, 718:823, POTUS_and_birds_July_4_Twi….JPG)


Lots of aliens there, but dumbs are humans……

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fbf47c  No.16549098


4D chess anon

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3ceced  No.16549099

File: 44732ea054543a7⋯.jpeg (540.39 KB, 650x1118, 25:43, 73D01E0F_9F32_4168_9F39_3….jpeg)

Ghislaine Maxwell has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Will others be brought to justice?

After Maxwell was charged, there was ANOTHER ongoing grand jury investigation into "other possible co-conspirators of Jeffrey Epstein.

That investigation has not been made public.


ANOTHER ongoing grand jury investigation

ANOTHER ongoing grand jury investigation

ANOTHER ongoing grand jury investigation

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c575cc  No.16549100


holy shit. this is steele dossier level lies

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24035b  No.16549101


sorry, you're right…I stand corrected…

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a4d18c  No.16549102

File: aac0ae0acd698d7⋯.png (4.44 MB, 2082x2532, 347:422, ClipboardImage.png)


Louis Pasteur feelz left out

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d6fdab  No.16549103

File: 466bfcdbdaa898d⋯.jpg (224.54 KB, 992x740, 248:185, 466bfcdbdaa898dfa688b8b135….jpg)




#20937 Notes Merged, looking to be Final


>>16548019 The Supreme Court restores GOP-drawn lines for fall congressional elections in Louisiana.

>>16548023, >>16548552, >>16548639,>>16548694 ghislaine-maxwell-responds etc…

>>16548029 Rothschild Rimmer from New York Magazine for Lynn Forester de Rothschild

>>16548257 Q in the news

>>16548434 Mercury from Passing epiColombo

>>16548458 LOCATION CHANGE: NTSB media briefing on Amtrak train collision

>>16548472 Former President Donald Trump made a series of scathing posts on his platform Truth Social to refute Democrats' Jan. 6 claims live while the House committee investigating the Capitol riot held a hearing on Tuesday.

>>16548496 >>16548701 QClock June 28, 2022/spelling error

>>16548505 MSM is dropping the dark to light, smaller journos have it in

>>16548561 Brandon is Dim

>>16548627 Q post 610

>>16548684 Former GOP congressman Matt Salmon drops out of race for Arizona governor

>>16548565 CDC Activates Emergency Ops Cntr for Monkeypox Response

>>16548557 Trump statement on Cassidy Hutchinson testimony to J6 kangaroo court

>>16548505, >>16548555 "Dark To Light" phrase used by journalists.

>>16548171 CVS, Walmart limiting morning-after pill purchases

>>16548303 J6 Hearing projection by Frank Luntz (anon calls BS)

>>16548129 Trump TS Composite on June 28, 2022>>16548773

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78fe78  No.16549104

File: 136bdecd2f4a773⋯.jpg (8.19 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0_CLOCK.jpg)


The Vatican and CIA hired Israeli students to do 9-11?

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933435  No.16549105

File: 9561da7525b5041⋯.png (21.03 KB, 479x521, 479:521, Screenshot_20220628_082446….png)

File: 49e2250bf24eb8d⋯.png (142.89 KB, 606x412, 303:206, Screenshot_20220628_092243….png)

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a98b9f  No.16549106

>>16548847 Dasting 🤔

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9fb7a5  No.16549107

File: 190b8ea577b1920⋯.png (207.73 KB, 858x764, 429:382, ClipboardImage.png)

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ddd351  No.16549108

File: 6cc11c9d56e468f⋯.png (617.4 KB, 548x510, 274:255, all_smiles.png)

File: 9c593b8e29c7274⋯.jpeg (52.98 KB, 767x544, 767:544, grov.jpeg)

File: d19643fa54a954b⋯.png (1.37 MB, 570x570, 1:1, patriot_pepe.png)

File: b8fb02f54a0f84b⋯.mp4 (3.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, vaccine_fau.mp4)

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78fe78  No.16549109

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 000000000000.png)


not able

just for the keks

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56eaec  No.16549110


If Bill Clinton gets arrested I'll cum in my pants.

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5b5fba  No.16549111


Ohhh.. Thank you, anon.

Nice thinking btw

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945042  No.16549112

File: 28a1357368d2d0d⋯.png (21.33 KB, 255x57, 85:19, e9de397d4e7039ece64d5ba886….png)



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757989  No.16549113

File: 32caeb64cf6f95b⋯.jpg (93.21 KB, 749x966, 107:138, EMftelxWoAMbTHE.jpg)

File: 5b692aadf548834⋯.jpg (98.72 KB, 750x1041, 250:347, EMftelaXYAALWvS.jpg)

File: 2656eee329545eb⋯.jpeg (143.65 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, EO8_nhZXUAAsGcv.jpeg)

File: 2656eee329545eb⋯.jpeg (143.65 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, EO8_nhZXUAAsGcv.jpeg)

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6770ff  No.16549114


>The Vatican and CIA hired Israeli students to do 9-11?

Top kek

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56eaec  No.16549115



my unnotable cancels out your notable and you miss your next 3 turns

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24035b  No.16549116


See >>16548783 for video…

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b5e24d  No.16549117



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ab0706  No.16549118

So, it looks like Q is back from hiatus allegedly? Been innawoods for a few days

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35346c  No.16549119

File: 6d3a65d80291522⋯.jpg (98.09 KB, 598x602, 299:301, 6d3a65d8029152293fc2ff83fc….jpg)

File: 9f8256a54eb5a52⋯.jpg (282.97 KB, 1170x812, 585:406, 7ccfb96702d6f702ed825a7592….jpg)

File: 8e7b2c70f909497⋯.png (2.27 MB, 875x1127, 125:161, 8kun.png)

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a4d18c  No.16549120

File: 565ad23eee30e81⋯.png (102.76 KB, 338x341, 338:341, 565ad23eee30e813d6204ff9f1….png)


couldn't resist

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9fb7a5  No.16549121


If Bill Clinton gets arrested I'll cum in your pants.

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606031  No.16549122

File: b9e72d25ed788b3⋯.png (88.11 KB, 318x317, 318:317, 2020_08_16_15_32_57.png)

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fa83fe  No.16549123

File: f521d1dc7fc1e95⋯.png (759.98 KB, 1179x500, 1179:500, ClipboardImage.png)


>Color Sergeant

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7c86ed  No.16549124


>Jews posting anti-Jew memes to portray Jews as victims

happens all the time, anon

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78fe78  No.16549125

File: 471705685d4e20d⋯.png (113.97 KB, 934x674, 467:337, Q_1.png)


A Hillary would not suffice?

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36684d  No.16549126


20 years without possibility of parole? Otherwise it's 12 years actual. Way too light.

To the victims, Maxwell said, "I am sorry for the pain that you experienced,"

Zero responsibility taken. She caused their suffering, but makes no mention of her own actions causing it.

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60369b  No.16549127



Hmmm, sounds delicious but what does it mean over here?

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a590ba  No.16549128

File: 440aa51c152ee84⋯.png (89.7 KB, 510x332, 255:166, ClipboardImage.png)

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544274  No.16549129

File: a9e810dd37b613e⋯.png (793.16 KB, 800x497, 800:497, stretchpotus1.png)

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a77407  No.16549130


she not only lurks, she memes

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78fe78  No.16549131

File: 8bc198fbe035389⋯.png (561.47 KB, 1252x930, 626:465, dsbj4.png)



you did not use caps so….

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606031  No.16549132

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a590ba  No.16549133

File: 9c343b52026d4be⋯.png (214.46 KB, 456x408, 19:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e803e  No.16549134

File: e322e23b2da9d1b⋯.jpg (485.44 KB, 693x1945, 693:1945, IMG_6575.jpg)

File: 3f39b6b63fb0a0c⋯.jpg (125.65 KB, 774x1280, 387:640, IMG_6570.JPG)

File: 2aec3db8ccb32e8⋯.jpg (136.39 KB, 776x998, 388:499, IMG_6569.JPG)

File: 67857be420f9f72⋯.jpg (196.49 KB, 878x1280, 439:640, IMG_6568.JPG)

File: eb3583375e0ad25⋯.jpg (527.64 KB, 1122x1286, 561:643, C85BF8D1_7BB6_4FD4_B982_22….jpg)


Prion Diseases Research

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c575cc  No.16549135



this guy

"hory mory, we are so fucked"

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e0c47c  No.16549136

File: 1b2023ce4fcfe5c⋯.png (17.95 KB, 64x92, 16:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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ddd351  No.16549137

Q what were those sealed indictments all about, anything to them?

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bf5dd4  No.16549138

File: dd26a7bdeb77ee2⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1440x956, 360:239, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 752fab9c0435f39⋯.mp4 (6.53 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, President_Trump_Doppelgang….mp4)


but possibly yes.


"Inside Edition"

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78fe78  No.16549139

File: 90446e1278ccb5b⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1756x1430, 878:715, TPOT1b.png)



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802af0  No.16549140


2017… had we known then, that it would be 5 years later, wonder how many anons would have stuck around?

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74f48d  No.16549141

File: 352df587f6cc080⋯.png (210.54 KB, 500x532, 125:133, ClipboardImage.png)

Another way to dismantle shill logic on 8kun, without making any claims about anyone or anything except their own logic.


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56eaec  No.16549142

File: 4e30e73a50f6408⋯.png (166.15 KB, 301x450, 301:450, ClipboardImage.png)

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c575cc  No.16549143

File: 3218ae7aac2a0bd⋯.png (634.67 KB, 642x427, 642:427, fsdsdfsdfererhtre.PNG)

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8e9c1e  No.16549144


Maybe once he’s President. Oh wait

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6eedef  No.16549145

File: d053ce5f8a8506d⋯.jpg (173.41 KB, 1280x662, 640:331, 34ababd107f04be424462a400f….jpg)


Hunting Kids?

Like the roths…

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7c86ed  No.16549146

File: e55b2fa1e1066a9⋯.png (186.19 KB, 474x208, 237:104, 35353536.png)


those rappers won't get past the redcoats

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933435  No.16549147

File: 98671e96c6920df⋯.jpg (65.66 KB, 500x535, 100:107, ENDORSED_1.jpg)

File: 49aa65d20f1781a⋯.jpg (43.92 KB, 500x494, 250:247, 6l4wb9_1.jpg)

File: 5827c9f58768f96⋯.jpg (52.15 KB, 500x556, 125:139, 6ggi.jpg)

File: e0a7c49a870c4ba⋯.jpg (44.29 KB, 500x440, 25:22, gyhvd.jpg)

File: 68b181d456178c8⋯.jpg (116.91 KB, 500x570, 50:57, bhhj.jpg)

CodeMonkey is endorsed by Q.


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66e0c1  No.16549148



Why can't I embed this great video?


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194c65  No.16549149

File: c5f88879437e48c⋯.jpg (18.84 KB, 640x480, 4:3, c5f88879437e48c71e5f722103….jpg)

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9c6811  No.16549150

File: ab456d2cb716a2f⋯.jpeg (530.05 KB, 1241x1813, 1241:1813, 65314AF7_9967_4E01_8B10_7….jpeg)

File: 766615551b949fc⋯.jpeg (154.1 KB, 374x678, 187:339, 7A5C5A05_41DC_4BBA_A677_D….jpeg)

File: 6c185a55e8aac2b⋯.jpeg (378.45 KB, 1156x1184, 289:296, 815F0237_4DC7_4DA6_AC1B_8….jpeg)

File: aec7e5f59942e9b⋯.jpeg (442.19 KB, 1126x1396, 563:698, F72DC531_B8D6_4FFC_A81F_2….jpeg)

File: 5d43e8916d00add⋯.png (3.95 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 9C48A9BF_4144_4E9A_8209_AB….png)

This is great Gay Community calling out the losers on Roe v wade. All they wanted was to have their own life. But you LBTQZ whatever brought it on yourself

If you cant read it, i cant do better go to the link

(I’ve heard this too many times frim gay clients).


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78fe78  No.16549151

File: 72ecf0818e4e45e⋯.png (887.41 KB, 766x406, 383:203, 72ecf0818e4e45e1e43d46f8d4….png)


some anon was thinking, i know right, and that date aligns with….. not this year but……

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df2ec5  No.16549152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hazardous Helicopter Wake Turbulence!

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719db1  No.16549153


Just ask any tall, blonde haired, blue-eyed, white skinned, rH-, Protestant men, and they'll tell you they are your God.

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56eaec  No.16549154


imo, she gets arrested last, because I think the Q drops are meant to be read backwards. That's one of the word Q drops, meaning it happens at the end of the storm

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4ca91a  No.16549155

File: 2b98d0285e81d9c⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 307x178, 307:178, Screenshot_20211231_091315….jpg)

God we pray, bless ALL on the board and protect Our chilldren.

Anoint the planet and solar system with your holy spirit.

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851d96  No.16549156


Okay… where is the oh shit guy.

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0868e6  No.16549157


turned her back on MAGA!

Crimes against Humanity.

Down she goes.

Nobody escapes this.


These people are SICK.

These people HATE America.

I tried to tell them.

I tried to warn them.

They were warned.

Lets keep Playing…

The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.





WE are ALL Patriots.

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66e0c1  No.16549158

File: a8f6f00b9a6e579⋯.mp4 (4.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, obamasinclair.mp4)

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fbf47c  No.16549159


Public example happened in Belgium

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0e803e  No.16549160

File: 3d8ab915707c799⋯.jpg (234.62 KB, 760x1075, 152:215, IMG_6495.JPG)

File: 7f2010e3d40230a⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1146x1293, 382:431, IMG_6281.jpg)

File: d247e4d6a15135c⋯.jpg (339.02 KB, 892x1195, 892:1195, IMG_6303.JPG)

File: 864166e30e3ffa0⋯.jpg (329.39 KB, 2048x1635, 2048:1635, IMG_6543.JPG)

File: 35ab49806685a78⋯.jpg (305.74 KB, 1088x1088, 1:1, IMG_6490.JPG)

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194c65  No.16549161

File: 75d3edf41a0e1ec⋯.png (405.68 KB, 594x619, 594:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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78fe78  No.16549162

File: 5e060dfea45a484⋯.jpg (135.19 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, EasJ0oNWAAYzfty.jpg)


theory appreciated, bruhanon


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88ba17  No.16549163

what's hot on the streets

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22903e  No.16549164

File: 3f062d4a5bce3d8⋯.jpg (149.72 KB, 828x818, 414:409, 00p.jpg)

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66e0c1  No.16549165

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66e0c1  No.16549166

File: c0fdedf499785b5⋯.jpg (15.49 KB, 255x193, 255:193, austinpowers.jpg)

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fa83fe  No.16549167

File: 52757fdbed4d7d6⋯.png (236.05 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>those rappers

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36684d  No.16549168



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56eaec  No.16549169


your mom's big ass

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47af13  No.16549170

File: 7285557d591ee66⋯.png (396.47 KB, 525x479, 525:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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757989  No.16549171

File: b8f3420fdef6581⋯.png (204.28 KB, 586x544, 293:272, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 721c671fc4556c9⋯.png (385.69 KB, 908x777, 908:777, ClipboardImage.png)



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e3fcb5  No.16549172


"Indelible in the hippocampus, it was the laughter. The uproarious laughter…"

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6c57ad  No.16549173



>what's hot on the streets

what's hot on the water…?

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4bf4ee  No.16549174

File: 1fb7edba15fa238⋯.jpg (160.57 KB, 958x568, 479:284, Screenshot_2022_06_28_1727….jpg)

MAXWELL and Epstein’s victims were groomed or abused at Epstein’s residences in New York, Florida, and New Mexico, as well as MAXWELL’s residence in London, England.


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c575cc  No.16549175

File: 47ca405f60f8eda⋯.jpg (36.54 KB, 640x360, 16:9, proxy_image_7_.jpg)


go go Gadget UltraMAGA arm!

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3dda93  No.16549176

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9fb7a5  No.16549177

File: 2f8d47202e26302⋯.png (323.66 KB, 768x766, 384:383, ClipboardImage.png)

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a590ba  No.16549178

File: 05540ca6b2ea510⋯.png (512.67 KB, 720x390, 24:13, ClipboardImage.png)


A change in the Winds, Says I

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c89703  No.16549179

File: f92e5b4303188e8⋯.jpg (242.11 KB, 656x988, 164:247, TwoWrongJoos.jpg)

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9c6811  No.16549180

File: 194fc00fd152435⋯.jpeg (245.03 KB, 2502x693, 278:77, A0A44FE1_C62A_4397_B9B3_E….jpeg)


Holy shit read the last two paragraphs

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e0c47c  No.16549181

File: 06530f196736e36⋯.png (220.75 KB, 490x168, 35:12, ClipboardImage.png)


> But she looks like Page to me


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56eaec  No.16549182

what search engine should I use instead of Google?

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78fe78  No.16549183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


nom nom

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49664d  No.16549184

File: f2759077d429347⋯.png (642.54 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a77407  No.16549185


they never talk about the ones that died

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194c65  No.16549186

File: 4f3e56e8543b565⋯.png (554.92 KB, 474x711, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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4f1a25  No.16549187

File: dcbb89f69f93db0⋯.png (624.92 KB, 786x500, 393:250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb46226c882de8e⋯.png (418.31 KB, 669x499, 669:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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88ba17  No.16549188

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d6fdab  No.16549189

File: 1a9730a16bc6c54⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1140x926, 570:463, 29522d516c0927dc5520c9f79d….png)



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a31c1d  No.16549190


just look at pictures, audio, video from before he ran for president. you can very clearly and easily both see and hear that the guy posing as joe biden the last few years is not the real joe biden. "enjoy the show" ie they keep getting replaced with lookalike actors.

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9fb7a5  No.16549191



20 years, no parole on federal sentences

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78fe78  No.16549192

File: f2a7871ef338d3d⋯.png (319.41 KB, 814x707, 814:707, RPEPE.png)


Out fucking Standing, Anon!

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10abe7  No.16549193


Kek, so true. There are no coincidences. I always tell her, take what these people say but remember, they are not testifying. Only God can give Revelation(s).

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45a04c  No.16549194

File: fe81d9bdb817331⋯.webm (7.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, fascist.webm)


maybe this one will work

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104862  No.16549195


And then his Russian hookers pissed on the driver

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d18b9d  No.16549196


Great catch anon.


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9c848f  No.16549197

So I guess Q is done posting

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aeccc6  No.16549198


>A change in the Winds, Says I

I have something that needs Wind soon…!

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36684d  No.16549200


Thank you.

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78fe78  No.16549201

File: 99db949d87feb74⋯.png (152.5 KB, 375x407, 375:407, 99db949d87feb743107e15b992….png)

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39e7ee  No.16549202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6888a8  No.16549203



Just watched this. Interesting. Even call out the Rothschilds - 1940

"Know your history."

It is not our history, it is theirs. But the infiltration and subversion is on "us" - we have allowed this perpetration to occur.

It's all Quite enlightening. To see the back and forth on this board and see how upset some "anons" get when the juden is called out. And the sheer anger and hatred from the one who called out the "jew."

Kind of a pickle.

Foundationally this movie/documentary explains a lot, but the degeneracy and exploitation has globally corrupted a vast majority of non-juden. Which then the "holocaust" was then used to play the victim card. [They] are the "eternal victim" and they will continue to scream anti-Semite if anyone says anything negative to them or about them.

It's actually a pretty basic game they are playing if you view it holistically, not sophisticated but the areas are important parts of the human life… Or are they?

In any regards, it's a Well spent hour to see a different perspective.

"Der Ewige Jude"


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194c65  No.16549204

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)

I'm going to use leftist logic for a second. If a man says he feels like a woman makes him a woman and everybody else needs to believe it too then I feel that POTUS Trump won the 2020 election.

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fa83fe  No.16549205


>So I guess Q is done posting

No matter what happens get used to this feeling. Oldfags know.

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be4300  No.16549206

Purple tie right behind

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a77407  No.16549207


sorry CNN

no news for you today

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e0c47c  No.16549208

File: 121c63e3560b347⋯.png (50.56 KB, 752x306, 376:153, ClipboardImage.png)


903 area code texas

304 Broadnax St #1606

Daingerfield, TX 75638

(903) 645-3880

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24035b  No.16549209


let the Meme's fly…here is your template…

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4ca91a  No.16549210

File: 7d094ca5e8f6696⋯.jpg (63.67 KB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_20220607_211753_212.jpg)

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a590ba  No.16549211

File: 9c681cbbdd103e1⋯.png (395.94 KB, 628x617, 628:617, ClipboardImage.png)

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22903e  No.16549212

File: 8a7752fae73a45b⋯.png (773.42 KB, 1112x675, 1112:675, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f63da002aafbed2⋯.png (211.6 KB, 680x460, 34:23, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia Bans Jill Biden, Daughter Ashley From Entering Country


Russia on Tuesday announced a new round of sanctions against 25 Americans that ban them from entering the country.

Jill and her daughter Ashley Biden were on the list of Americans barred from entering Russia.

Senators Susan Collins, Chuck Grassley, Mitch McConnell and others were also on the list.

The Hill reported:


Russia on Tuesday announced additional sanctions against 25 Americans that bar them from entering the country, targeting first lady Jill Biden and her daughter, among others.

The sanctions are aimed at individuals accused of “shaping the Russiaphobic” policies of the United States, according to the Russian foreign ministry. In addition to the Bidens, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) were also listed.

“I have no reaction to that other than it just goes to show you that the Russian capacity for these kinds of cynical moves is basically bottomless, so it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise to any of us that they would do something like this,” White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters aboard Air Force One.

In March the UK, US and EU expanded economic and personal sanctions on Russian goods and “key oligarchs.”

Russia responded to the new sanctions by announcing personal sanctions against Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and others.

Hillary was proud of Russia’s sanctions against her after she sold 20% of US’s Uranium to Russian nuclear company Rosatom.

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a590ba  No.16549213

File: 7813f0d7c557072⋯.png (704.15 KB, 1160x652, 290:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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74f48d  No.16549214

File: 63481ec4df285e2⋯.png (203.94 KB, 500x532, 125:133, ClipboardImage.png)

The best part about the muhjoo shills believing their low IQ strategy works in the digital age, is that every single one of them are effectively calling themselves Jews.


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fa83fe  No.16549215

File: ad660235918e5a0⋯.png (392.95 KB, 460x604, 115:151, ClipboardImage.png)

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be4300  No.16549216

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d6fdab  No.16549217

File: fa751d7ecceb34d⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 480x480, 1:1, fa751d7ecceb34de6a056ef778….gif)

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757989  No.16549218

File: f550b823b544489⋯.png (205.08 KB, 589x543, 589:543, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1232bb7daaf3610⋯.jpg (54.08 KB, 640x400, 8:5, ulta_maga_research_.jpg)



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4ca91a  No.16549219

File: a4f66e4fb40b58a⋯.jpg (13.18 KB, 1008x767, 1008:767, IMG_20220606_121747_231.jpg)

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0e803e  No.16549220

File: 8d2ac9cf027c353⋯.jpeg (59.97 KB, 492x277, 492:277, 68500BA4_1B15_4949_9410_4….jpeg)

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e0c47c  No.16549221

File: 3974ad72ccb9510⋯.png (19.91 KB, 680x160, 17:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed786146b09883a⋯.png (208.38 KB, 408x509, 408:509, ClipboardImage.png)



my bad not Exxon its a Shell

1304 Linda Dr

Daingerfield, TX 75638

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a65faa  No.16549222

File: 8531317fdbdd018⋯.png (322.69 KB, 458x402, 229:201, korrected44.PNG)

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a77407  No.16549223


arrest Bidan

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4ca91a  No.16549224

File: 3dffd87d36081db⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 225x227, 225:227, Screenshot_20220118_124620….jpg)

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9e7d4a  No.16549225

File: 4bf16dd6d094719⋯.jpg (808.29 KB, 1440x2445, 96:163, Screenshot_20220628_181410….jpg)

File: 56294959ef485ea⋯.jpg (827.5 KB, 1440x2525, 288:505, Screenshot_20220628_182233….jpg)

File: 93ee85ccc9f1539⋯.jpg (718.01 KB, 1440x2765, 288:553, Screenshot_20220628_182249….jpg)

File: 65146559a8fb2b4⋯.jpg (343.53 KB, 1440x2765, 288:553, Screenshot_20220628_182311….jpg)

File: b06cca93bcd9b52⋯.jpg (978.85 KB, 1440x2861, 1440:2861, Screenshot_20220628_182329….jpg)

Peter has been a BaAsaaaasßdddddd boy let me tell you


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78fe78  No.16549226

File: bc0210088b630fe⋯.png (62.5 KB, 236x239, 236:239, yy1.png)

File: a22d9e0c582e269⋯.png (399.97 KB, 598x500, 299:250, yy2av.png)

File: 29c08b14faea8a0⋯.png (706.16 KB, 824x464, 103:58, Q_189bv.png)



shit RH is why anon's can't have nice things!

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b04251  No.16549227

My girlfriend is the hardest part to believe, really?

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7c69ab  No.16549228


If the gay community manages to save us from the LGBT insanity then I guess that would be pretty ironic.

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4ca91a  No.16549229

File: d06ea80861e2c1d⋯.jpg (79.92 KB, 828x825, 276:275, IMG_20220601_090803_659.jpg)

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6419c8  No.16549230

File: 3969d51a54e9252⋯.jpg (264.28 KB, 921x1200, 307:400, 3969d51a54e925290a6a0cdf29….jpg)

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bf7def  No.16549231


Just more New Age copypasta from 2017



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3072c0  No.16549232

File: caf60e11592e482⋯.png (51.41 KB, 586x268, 293:134, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 284fca1309d714a⋯.png (178.93 KB, 591x446, 591:446, ClipboardImage.png)


A source close to the Secret Service tells me both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential limousine/SUV driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel.


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0868e6  No.16549233


turned her back on MAGA!

Crimes against Humanity.

Down she goes.

Nobody escapes this.


These people are SICK.

These people HATE America.

I tried to tell them.

I tried to warn them.

They were warned.

Lets keep Playing…

The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.





WE are ALL Patriots.


Where We Go One, we go all.

Trump's silent running…

The Panic is real.

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d18b9d  No.16549234


Yep. She actually had the script of the entire performance. She would turn the pages as it went. Every question she was asked was in the script in her hands. Every answer she was to give, including chuckles, tosses of the head, everything was in the script she had.

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ddd351  No.16549235

File: 8a47ef92c7ead66⋯.png (1.62 MB, 978x978, 1:1, gro.png)

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4ca91a  No.16549236

File: b6d8a1ff7e90795⋯.jpg (112.95 KB, 1125x1092, 375:364, b6d8a1ff7e907959f41ff390e6….jpg)

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78fe78  No.16549237

File: 05ef8aca0dbf226⋯.png (250.59 KB, 891x888, 297:296, OLDPEPEOFME1.png)


NOT notable

yer an idiot KYS

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9e2223  No.16549238


what a crock of illogical shit

you must be a jew

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194c65  No.16549239

File: e884ba5f14da27c⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, ClipboardImage.png)

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6419c8  No.16549240

File: 20ef4cd89798941⋯.jpg (45.08 KB, 500x484, 125:121, Made_by_Muh_Dick.jpg)

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56eaec  No.16549241


'cause niggers don't read

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e39371  No.16549242


I like it.

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0e803e  No.16549243

File: 3ae7c940d145ee8⋯.mp4 (4.63 MB, 432x432, 1:1, Vatican_02_Pope_Rothschild….MP4)

File: 5f68094bf959bd2⋯.jpg (138.97 KB, 1050x1280, 105:128, Vatican_01_Lucifer_Telesco….JPG)

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d18b9d  No.16549244


Spoiler that shit anon.

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45a04c  No.16549245

File: 95c96176379aa98⋯.jpeg (156.32 KB, 1280x972, 320:243, SorBKu6p3f2N.jpeg)

File: dde52d79c88ef03⋯.jpeg (148.09 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, SSOnsbA9P8OA.jpeg)

File: c50a99fe3aab008⋯.jpeg (187.11 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, TeQCbUWivX8o.jpeg)

File: d83c49fb51c2e89⋯.jpg (735.79 KB, 1440x2265, 96:151, Screenshot_20220618_221843….jpg)

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963a14  No.16549246


what if done in 30 is years.

most of the evil boomers will be dead by then.

President Trump. Baron Trump is Q .

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7234e2  No.16549247



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4ca91a  No.16549248

File: 01f66513e96e591⋯.jpg (101.12 KB, 767x576, 767:576, Screenshot_20211222_062138….jpg)

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b5c1e9  No.16549249

File: 547bca17632457d⋯.png (775.34 KB, 850x1025, 34:41, Grammar_Toots.png)


>>16547913 @realDonaldTrump Why didn’t they use the 10,000 troops that I offered up on January 3rd? There would have been no January 6th?

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ce88c3  No.16549250


Pain in 23

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6419c8  No.16549251

File: 009d0d78554ab02⋯.jpg (68.59 KB, 640x484, 160:121, Roid.jpg)

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9e2223  No.16549252


I can feel my IQ lowering as I read this bread

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56eaec  No.16549253


Baron Trump is only here to summon the TRUE maga lord. I call him GAMBLOR, and he will destroy the democratic party, with his NEON CLAWS!!!

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fe7a03  No.16549254


I see what ya did there!


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0e803e  No.16549255

File: 36f0dc5d64e1eba⋯.jpeg (167.53 KB, 699x800, 699:800, 8585A3F1_506A_4E39_9613_8….JPEG)

File: 00e49e2bc64ea7c⋯.jpeg (615.29 KB, 1996x1497, 4:3, Boris_Johnson_Carrie_Symo….JPEG)

File: 434f913c5650977⋯.jpeg (214.15 KB, 763x800, 763:800, Boris_Johnson_Party_s_Ove….JPEG)

File: 6895642832b406c⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, Boris_Johnson_WHO_High_Tre….MP4)

File: 852768211fe4152⋯.jpg (146.66 KB, 672x960, 7:10, DJT_GCHQ_Authorize_Spying_….jpg)

Boris Johnson authorizes spying on Trump

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