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File: 0a1d6a6af18b1ca⋯.jpg (7.53 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 2219f1a343d99259d3389add34….jpg)

29c3b8  No.16147366[View All]

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a67c5e  No.16148159


Part 2

Which mask studies are the CDC holding up as the gold standard above all these studies and why? The report should include how the CDC determined “necessary”? Is necessary based on an absolute effect size? If so, what is it? Or is it based on a relative risk reduction? So if it would reduce deaths by .001%, is that the criteria for MANDATING a public health intervention that according to the Finland study could very likely increase the rate of infection (watch at 3 minutes)? The public is left in the dark on how the “necessary” determination is made. Also, if cloth masks work, then how come even the Bangladesh study authors flatly admitted that they don’t?

VAERS safety signal analysis. A document explaining how the CDC could possibly have missed the elevated symptoms in VAERS that started happening in January 2021. For example, pulmonary embolism reporting rate jumped by over 1,000 fold. How could the CDC not detect this and investigate the cause? Since it wasn’t the vaccine, what caused the 1,000-fold reporting increase in this and other symptoms? Why did pulmonary embolism generate a safety signal in January or February 2021? Also, in what month did myocarditis finally generate a safety signal? Can we see the monthly reports showing when it “popped up” on the radar?

Number of vaccine injured. A document showing the current number of vaccine injured. This should be at least 5 million Americans at this point (based on the Israeli data, VAERS data, and doctor reports). If the vaccines are so safe, what is causing so many injuries?

Is there an intellectually curious public health official out there that will request this information?

I’d ask myself, but these agencies don’t answer me when I ask for this info even though I have more readers than 90% of the newspapers in the US.

Please forward this widely

That’s what it will take to find a public health official who still has some critical thinking skills left.


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a67c5e  No.16148160

Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine

The vaccine was implicated in 93% of the deaths in the patients they examined. What's troubling is the coroner didn't implicate the vaccine in any of those deaths.


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802798  No.16148161



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83174e  No.16148162



Isn't amazing how wretchedly evil people can so easily pass themselves off as being just regular Joe's?

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b338a6  No.16148163

File: b97d4df0a08b457⋯.png (1011.01 KB, 970x657, 970:657, Screen_Shot_2022_04_24_at_….png)


Зборник радова Византолошког института LIV, 2017

Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta LIV, 2017UDC: 321.17/.18(495.02)„07/08“:343.25



Institute for Byzantine Studies, SASA





The paper discusses examples of corporal mutilation that accompanied intra-dynas-

tic conflicts or clashes with real or potential pretenders to the imperial throne. Castration

was a known but rarely applied measure in the political conflicts of the 7th and 8th century.

Hence the two consecutive cases of castration of all sons of the deposed emperor Michael I

Rhangabe (813) and the assassinated emperor Leo V the Armenian (820) deviated from the

previous Byzantine practice. The paper establishes that in these cases the choice of castration

as the most effective means of ensuring the future political disqualification of the princes

and their families was a result of the strengthening dynastic principle, which was particularly

noticeable in the cases of the descendents of Constantine V from his third marriage. It also

highlights that castration was never used on the deposed emperor autokrator, but only on the

bearers of imperial dignities (co-emperors) or simply princes with no imperial title. In exam-

ples where castration was used to ensure political disqualification, it was not a sanction for an

individual wrongdoing (in other words, castration was not a penalty prescribed for a specific

transgression); if these cases were a matter of punishment at all, the penalty was meant to

sanction the entire bloodline (γένος) rather than the (innocent) individual.

Castration was a milder form of punishment compared to other forms of physical

mutilation (severing of the nose, tongue or ears; blinding). Due to the ambivalent attitude of

the Byzantine society towards eunuchs, castration did not necessarily lead to social margin-

alization. Hence, it was applied more frequently during the reign of the Macedonian dynasty,

but prominent castrates were incorporated into the official hierarchy as members of an order

of eunuchs (τάξεις τῶν εὐνούχων).

Keywords: corporal punishment, castration, legislation, eunuch, dynasty


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e0c3d8  No.16148164


GOuLD will destroy the Fed.

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2eeabf  No.16148165


I don't drink (well, occasionally, I guess), or use drugs… I drink a LOT of coffee, and smoke. Also, I have never been diagnosed with ANY mental-health issue, and trust me, these crooks have forced me to undergo, 3 already. The one time, they dragged me out of my home at 11:30 at night, with 15 Buffalo police officers, and two social workers (from ECDSS), saying I needed to go to the psyche ward for an evaluation…


Well, a woman named ALEXIS TEDESCO, was supervising Zoom-meetings, between my daughter and I, when my daughter disclosed that her mother was" painting [her] nipples"… Tedesco, called me immediately after the meeting, as I was calling ehr. She confirmed that we both heard the same thing. Told me she was going to report it to ECDSS immediately, then, she disappeared… Like, literally. She 'resigned' the very next day. I called the police, and the Sheriff's Office, to get help. My attorney at the time, said, and I quote, "All we need is a written statement from Alexis and we can get your daughter safe"… (Imagine how long I had been waiting to hear words like this)… It's better-sweet.. A situation like this… No one wants to ever hear their child say such things. But, in this instance, this NEWEST disclosure, was viewed by myself as FINALLY a chance to get my daughter safe, given the social-worker heard it, there's no way it could have been co-erced, and proved what I had been saying all along…

The police didn't call back. 4-5 days went by… Also, no longer did anyone show for our court ordered zoom-meetings…

I reached out to my sphere of influence on FB. A friend of a friend dropped me 5 phone numbers and an address. All the numbers were bunk. So, at about 1pm in the afternoon, I drove to Tonawanda, to ALEXIS TEDESCO'S, with pen and paper in hand, driving my 2013 E350 Merceds Benz. I recorded on my phone, just in case there was funny business. (I ALWAYS expect this with these people in Buffalo, now). But no one answered.

I confirmed with a neighbor that she did live there. And as I got into my car, an old woman came out of the front door (Her mom, I supposed). She motioned for me, so I walked back up the front porch, and almost verbatim, "Hey, my name is XYZ, I'm trying to get in contact with Alexis. She heard my daughter disclose some things and it's very important that we get a written statement from her."… She said she wasn't there and she didn't know when she would be back. I remember her demeanor being quite rude, kinda, too. I was very polite, and said, "well, she has my contact info, could you please have her call me right away when you hear from her?" She agreed, and that was that…

An hour or so later, I get a call from the Tonawanda police. They were asking about me knocking on the door. I said something like, "Ummm, is it not legal to knock on someone's door in America anymore?" He said that it could be construed as "harassment". I said, "Knocking on a door"? Then, said, "Look…", and explained my purpose for being there, which was really at my attorneys direction. He said, just don't go back, or it could be construed as harassment. I said, "No problem". And that was that… THEN…

THEN… 15 Buffalo Police Officers, including 2 social workers show up on my front porch at 11:30 at night, and drag me to the psyche-ward…

Because knocking on a door, to get a written statement, to help a little girl being molested, who had just disclosed this fact AGAIN, to me, apparently makes me "crazy" and "unhinged", huh?

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408eb6  No.16148166



Billgates->WHO/CDC/NIH/DOD/DTRA/Military/Media/Courts/hospitals/cops tainted.

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277ad3  No.16148167


useless bot

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71bfeb  No.16148168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Too Much Blood

The Rolling Stones





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39d285  No.16148169

File: fab7cfb3592b5fa⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, ClipboardImage.png)

it is done

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be29a8  No.16148170


Fuck you, you stupid asslicking moron.

I hope you die a miserable death soon.

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b338a6  No.16148171

File: 6ceff876d735e43⋯.png (87.66 KB, 856x483, 856:483, Screen_Shot_2022_04_24_at_….png)

File: 24048b23cfa44d0⋯.png (163.18 KB, 1075x843, 1075:843, Screenshot_2022_04_24_at_2….png)

File: 3dcbf4cda98dadf⋯.png (237.1 KB, 412x265, 412:265, Screen_Shot_2022_04_24_at_….png)

File: d4e69377c383e1f⋯.png (1.2 MB, 986x651, 986:651, Screen_Shot_2022_04_24_at_….png)



Castrati are male singers, castrated before puberty in order to preserve a strong soprano singing voice. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, castrati were used extensively in Italian church choirs and were famous throughout Europe as stars of the Italian opera.



10-Mar-2018 11:34:54 AM PSTQ !UW.yye1fxo8ch/qresearch

They made many current/former enslaved children famous.

Hollywood is filled w/ them.


Find the loudest voices.


Who was adopted?

Who was born in?

They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS.


april showers

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277ad3  No.16148172



stealth seconded

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7a2999  No.16148173


Work together dammit

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408eb6  No.16148175

File: c778aa49a0f80e4⋯.png (63.93 KB, 736x311, 736:311, ClipboardImage.png)


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a1b78c  No.16148176




>>16147442 TGP: Dirtbag Chris Wray Calls Jan. 6 a Terrorist Attack – Lies and Says Thousands of People “Stormed” the Capitol

>>16147460 Sky News: 'Prepare for war': Peter Dutton issues ominous warning - as he says China is 'on a very deliberate course at the moment'

>>16147470 The Blaze: John Durham has issued trial subpoenas to members of the Clinton campaign and DNC

>>16147490 William J. Lynn III Chief Executive Officer, Leonardo DRS

>>16147516, >>16147545, >>16147570, >>16147587, >>16147886 GSA and the FBI secretly shared Trump Transition Team records, by Senate Majority committees

>>16147542 USNI: #OTD in 1988, USS Bonefish (SS-582) was forced to the surface where the crew abandoned the sub because of an intense fire in the battery compartment

>>16147550 UPI: Police in Washington, D.C., fatally shot woman wearing special police officer's uniform on Saturday who was reportedly armed with gun, acting erratically

>>16147598, 16147795, 16147797 "QANON star" Cirsten Weldon dies of covid for the 2nd time. IMDB lists her an actress

>>16147630 Ex-Homeland Security Watchdog Indicted For Fraud, Theft Of Government Property

>>16147644 In regards to the sale of our beloved Durham boat painting: May 12th is quite a significant day

>>16147704 Overview of the Counterintelligence Investigation of Christopher Steele’s Primary Sub-source. Barr letter to Graham

>>16147721 MIT's Dr Stephanie Seneff and Dr Peter McCullough's new publication on Innate Immune Suppression by mRNA vaccinations includes evidence from VAERS to support hypothesis (.pdf attached)

>>16147782 Planefag: OMER71 USAF Rivet Joint heading back to Souda Bay, Crete after its tight runs along the Romania/Moldova/Ukraine border areas

>>16147855, >>16147892, >>16147934 Twitter is in talks to sell itself to Elon Musk and could finalize a deal this week, people familiar said, after the company warmed up to the $43 billion bid

>>16147909 Tass: Russian army eliminates logistics terminal with foreign weapons near Odessa

>>16148004 Westerstandardonline: Study finds plastics found in masks present in patients’ lungs

>>16148104 Brownstone.org: Fauci’s United Front Is Collapsing

>>16148134 Justthenews: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently lowered the total COVID-19 death count by more than 72,000

Note Taker going to bake

Hold goodies for next bread please, might be a lag

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277ad3  No.16148177


it's like text sperg by the yard

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b338a6  No.16148178

File: bb000840d63dc67⋯.png (41.95 KB, 817x289, 817:289, Screenshot_2022_04_24_at_2….png)

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a67c5e  No.16148180

The CDC has perfected their fear and intimidation techniques over the years

Check out one of the emails I received when I asked for HHS whistleblowers.

The CDC can get away with lying to the public and intimidation techniques because they are untouchable.

I have had some contact with people who would fit your search - however, it appears they are unwilling to share information because of the danger of offering the information.

We have a client whose daughter had worked for the CDC but refused to sign an agreement to withhold information. She left her job and fled to an undisclosed location in <redacted>.

We had met her in 2021, and tried to link her with Del Bigtree as we have met him and are in communication with his employee <redacted>.

She said she was too afraid to speak with anyone about it. She feared for her life and her family's lives.

So I am wishing you the best in finding someone with information. They are out there, but they have been threatened in the worst ways imaginable. You may need to offer safety for them, their families, their distant relatives, their animals and their neighbors.

If the CDC is telling us the truth, then why would they have to resort to intimidation techniques like these?

This is not an isolated report

Two of our team members told me similar stories about CDC intimidation. There was no overlap in the stories but in both cases, the people at the CDC were scared enough not to reveal anything.


The truth is finally coming out and Fauci wants the CDC and himself declared above the law…so he and others can not be prosecuted for mass premeditated murder.

Anthony Fauci emerged from under his bridge Thursday in an appearance no one saw on the hilariously soon to be trashed CNN+ to declare that the CDC and scientific ‘experts’ like himself should be above the jusrisdiction of courts.

Fauci Decrees That CDC Should Be Above Authority Of Courts


And that again highlights why unelected bureaucrats like Fauci shouldn’t be elevated to positions of authority.

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6ec270  No.16148182


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83174e  No.16148183


I'm guessing that coroners are people who often start off with issues, and the ones who are not become targets and are pressed hard into working for criminal groups.

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2eeabf  No.16148184

File: 27d5de4aac46926⋯.png (177.38 KB, 487x544, 487:544, Officer_Tedesco_2.png)

File: 6277a1e472f19c4⋯.png (817.47 KB, 1227x676, 1227:676, Officer_Tedesco_murderer.png)


Also… WHERE THE FUCK IS ALEXIS TEDESCO? (She was employed by Salvation Army, yet CONTRACTED by ECDSS, the Erie County Department Of Social Services, when this occurred)…

And this isn't even the TIP of the ice-berg… You have no idea. And you don't have the patience or understanding to hear my story here.

Here is a picture of her family member, who works for the Buffalo Police and has a sketchy history with them… Was he involved???

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ff33c6  No.16148185


Good stuff

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7a45a0  No.16148188

File: 9c7ea3894aca6e3⋯.jpg (117.14 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9c7ea3894aca6e37c52e8f76b8….jpg)

Thank you Q+++

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39d285  No.16148190

File: 2ed32ebaf0ba7bb⋯.png (37.32 KB, 1333x642, 1333:642, ClipboardImage.png)

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a67c5e  No.16148192



Fear, intimidation, threats that can't be proven to the public… results in slaves

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408eb6  No.16148193




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2eeabf  No.16148195

Neck yourself, pedo-officer.

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afb79c  No.16148196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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64cdeb  No.16148198


them digits though…

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44ea4a  No.16148199


They certainly didn't look overly relieved at getting freed/caught.

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a1b78c  No.16148200

Fresh Bread



Q Research General #20425: Night Time Anons Scare The Darkness Edition

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6a7a9d  No.16148201



Ya Q is very cool, feels good man.

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a1b78c  No.16148202

Fill this bread first please

shitposting encouraged

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dc52d3  No.16148203

File: e9b27489219f571⋯.png (195.94 KB, 361x362, 361:362, 581A9B8B_5BAB_4B18_B516_84….png)


it's habbening

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afb79c  No.16148204

File: b4af6a51cf6ced1⋯.png (301.49 KB, 489x285, 163:95, Capture.PNG)

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a67c5e  No.16148206



Notable WHO & WEF Unconstitutional hand over of power

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dc52d3  No.16148207

File: 0489eb980651b74⋯.png (645.37 KB, 1213x791, 1213:791, 05C49984_8D1B_4B13_ACA5_5B….png)

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2eeabf  No.16148208


See… You faggots don't even "dig". You just make excuses NOT to dig, by claiming truthful reports are fed-posts, or shill-shit.

I think ONE anon, ONE time, maybe twice, actually dug into any of this. (Thanks fren… Appreciated). The majority of you REALLY ARE "useless eaters", like 'ol Klaus says.

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dc52d3  No.16148209

File: 85023e0d55d60a1⋯.jpeg (34.53 KB, 254x255, 254:255, EB14188A_1978_4555_967E_4….jpeg)









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b338a6  No.16148210

File: 3064d64facbc846⋯.png (722.6 KB, 1125x632, 1125:632, Screen_Shot_2022_04_24_at_….png)

File: 6e5e895319a5a1c⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1177x656, 1177:656, Screen_Shot_2022_04_24_at_….png)



"After Henry III of Navarre became king of France, he issued an edict in 1607 that established the head of the French state and the bishop of Urgell as co-princes of Andorra, a political arrangement that still holds. "

he President of France and Co-Prince of Andorra, Emmanuel …

[Search domain all-andorra.com] https://all-andorra.com › the-president-of-france-and-co-prince-of-andorra-emmanuel-macron-visited-mountain-people-fraternity

Andorra is one of the last European states where abortion is a crime that can be punished with up to six months of prison. During his speech, Emmanuel Macron addressed several times the audience as "My friends", named the Andorran people as "mountain people fraternity" and he emphasised that Andorra is a strong nation with a strong economy.

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2eeabf  No.16148211

Hurting people hurt! ;)

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2fc179  No.16148212

File: 955819da47c918f⋯.jpg (32.81 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 955819da47c918f5be3cdc52fa….jpg)

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7eca44  No.16148213


is this how they all became Nazi's?

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408eb6  No.16148216

File: 7ce1516b041c45a⋯.png (400.69 KB, 905x818, 905:818, ClipboardImage.png)

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44ea4a  No.16148217


>Durham continued, “The joint venture continued and crystalized in August 2016,” when Sussmann, Joffe, and “agents of the Clinton Campaign” met. Durham pointed to a meeting held on August 12, 2016, where Sussmann, Joffe, Elias, and the co-founder of Fusion GPS met to discuss “the same Russian Bank-1 allegations that the defendant would later bring to the FBI.”

Durham said, “The parties agreed to conduct work in the hope that it would benefit the Clinton Campaign, namely gathering and disseminating purportedly derogatory data regarding Trump and his associates’ internet activities,” Durham wrote. “The evidence will show that as a result of these conversations and during this same time period, Tech Executive-1 did exactly that: he tasked employees from multiple Internet companies and a university working under a pending national security contract to mine and gather vast amounts of internet metadata in order to support an ‘inference’ and ‘narrative’ tying the candidate to Russia.”

They are ALL FUKKED.


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36305b  No.16148218

File: 36940f37be66552⋯.png (232.41 KB, 636x665, 636:665, Q_is_watching.png)

File: dbf9ddefbb3a024⋯.png (22.53 KB, 1782x277, 1782:277, Q_This_is_not_a_game.png)

File: 2754dd2131595f5⋯.png (173.42 KB, 636x395, 636:395, Q_WAS_watching.png)

File: 78191294cd25099⋯.png (48.81 KB, 697x666, 697:666, Q_The_WALL_means_more_than….png)

File: d207f2d2f94101f⋯.png (483.83 KB, 2481x921, 827:307, Fourth_Wall_Humor_Trumps_A….png)


There are no coincidences.

The story had to orig. organically, some things simply cannot be 'forced'.

Q needed to take a BREAK from posting in order to allow for good discussion.

The 'Glass' foresaw all ahead of Time, and what better way to cryptically reveal it?

Why would anyone listen to a comic book character?

'Glass' vs. 'Mind Stone'.

Two missions working in symbiosis, plain sight.

Breaking the fourth wall will mean something different to each one of you.

Open your mind and it will surpass the 'Glass'.

We are all mutants, embrace your gifts.

You were chosen for a reason.

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4c2ca2  No.16148219

File: e002afeafb8cb28⋯.jpeg (144.75 KB, 1080x629, 1080:629, C903CE6D_C914_451F_B3C3_0….jpeg)

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ee14f2  No.16148220

File: 91924b99fece561⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB, 4096x2731, 4096:2731, FJbTeXPXEAgIoh1.jpeg)

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