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File: b737fb696fb2090⋯.png (391.4 KB, 879x474, 293:158, 3d98f500_01bd_446e_896d_cb….png)

28d237  No.16089647[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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28d237  No.16089658


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread NEW

>>15620842 Banner guidelines

>>15920195 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15916235 HB laptop dig – REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics

>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns

>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough



>>16088926, >>16088973, >>16089162 More posts on Columbiana Centre Mall Mass Shooting, continued from #20350

>>16088961 Russia Says It Shot Down Ukrainian Transport Plane Carrying Western Arms

>>16088966, >>16089024, >>16089230 Elon Musk tweet: with @jack departing, the Twitter board collectively owns almost no shares

>>16088942 For the keks: Psaki’s Advice for Next Press Secretary: Don’t Let Reporters ‘Make You Seem Like You’re Satan Reincarnated’

>>16088991 Wikileaks goodies

>>16088999 Dailyhonker telegram: CDC, WHO Probing Mysterious Severe Liver Disease Among Children (link)

>>16089001 Flashback: NBC News Jan 14, 2017; Obama Remembers ‘Biggest Disappointment’ As President (video)

>>16089006 SSGQ Channel forwarded telegram: Air Force Master Segeant facing Courts-Martial after rufusing covid-19 vaccine

>>16089027 Nypost tweet: Ludlow Public Schools secretly promoted our kids' gender transition, parents allege

>>16089043, >>16089066 DuckDuckGo chooses a side on Ukraine Soros ties?

>>16089052, >>16089111, >>16089116, >>16089202 US police warn of a radioactive contamination threat after a portable nuclear device goes missing

>>16089061 3 yr delta: Michelle Obama Dinner Cruise Vibes Turn to Concern During Notre Dame Inferno

>>16089085 diamondandsilk: Bioweapons expert Francis Boyle, initially made headlines with the report that Ukraine was conducting U.S.-funded bioweapons research, just as Russia had claimed

>>16089102 TGP: After Specializing in Abortions and Baby Body Part Sales, Planned Parenthood Now Raking in Dollars in Transgender Services

>>16089125 RWA: Commander of the Russian Navy Admiral Yevmenov and the command of the Black Sea Fleet met with the crew of the "Moskva" in Sevastopol

>>16089126 Fox News: Michigan kindergartener brings Jose Cuervo margaritas to snack time, made students 'woozy'

>>16089138 TGP: Majority of Rep. Liz Cheney’s Donors Do Not Live in Wyoming

>>16089159 Senator Klimov: “ We already have Prisoners among the Professional Military Personnel of NATO countries

>>16089198 MSM busted again, side-by-side shows same ordnance, journos say different times/places

>>16089225 Ntd: Russia Says Urban Areas of Mariupol Clear of Ukrainian Forces as Zelenskyy Vows to End Talks

>>16089234 Theblaze: More red states join lawsuit to stop Biden from revoking Title 42

>>16089334 Police in Grand Rapids, Mich. formed a line to stop #BLM & armed far-left protesters from going to the Van Andel Arena, where there is a @KidRock concert

>>16089295 @jack four year deltas

>>16089361 Love Me Tender doesn't mean what you think it means~Musk

>>16089364, >>16089403 Biden Gang Proposes Having USAID Manage Assets US Takes from Russians During Ukraine War

>>16089381 Clif High noted the other day that everyone should buy just ONE share of twatter as this would give you legal standing in a class action lawsuit against the current BOD

>>16089397 Digital soldiers, Attention! Newfag thread up!

>>16089401 Grosse PointePublic School System invading privacy without parental knowledge?

>>16089522 sick fucks all

>>16089531 @mikepompeo Family Easter egg decorating is under way!

>>16089641 #20351


>>16088127 Special Grand Jury is Investigating Loudoun County’s Cover-Up of Trans School Bathroom Rapes

>>16088132 Info on Twitter Archive at the Library of Congress, did the US gov't return the favor by providing capability?

>>16088133 According to Kash Patel, Elon Musk is the Department of Defense (DoD) Biggest Contractor (mp4)

>>16088134 Anthony Fauci Funded an HIV Tracking Project for Teenage Prostitutes in China

>>16088139 Goliad Sheriff: Cartels Are Preparing for Influx of People Never Seen Before in US History

>>16088152, >>16088162, >>16088269, >>16088269, >>16088278, >>16088807 Southern Border bun

>>16088165, >>16088174, >>16088199, >>16088204, >>16088428 Ukraine bun

>>16088169 Red Wave Riders: list of "Republicans" who have outed themselves as RINOs

>>16088170 CIA Notes Confirm US Intelligence Officials Targeted Trump After He Was Elected – Ran a Coup on President Trump While in Office (TGP link)

>>16088184 Gallup Poll: Biden Job Approval Down Most Among Younger Generations

>>16088196 Daily Mail: SAS troops are now training Ukrainians in how to use British-supplied anti-tank missiles

>>16088206 Reminder (2019): Virginia Sheriff Says He’ll Deputize Thousands of Citizens to Protect Their Gun Rights

>>16088213 BRICS Reset Plan Confirmed

>>16088223 Anon Dank Meme/Cap Archive updated

>>16088229 Daily Expose: Big Study Finds Non-Vaccinated are Healthier than Vaccinated

>>16088235 Blinken Tells European Allies He Believes Ukraine War Will Last Through 2022

>>16088246 Click2houston: under pressure Harris County Judge Hidalgo announces plan to cancel $11 million contract to one woman firm

>>16088247, >>16088414 KimDotCom Says Hunter Spied On The Big Guy - Documents On The Laptop (video)

>>16088251 Miranda Devine: Media is 'putting a firewall around Joe Biden' over Hunter Biden laptop story

>>16088255, >>16088260 Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, phone calls with Russia and China?

>>16088267 Fauci’s Agency Scrambled to Answer Questions on Changing Remdesivir Trial Endpoint: Emails

>>16088272 MFA: The Red Army’s Berlin offensive operation began 77 years ago, on April 16, 1945.

>>16088273 What is the Z Score?

>>16088281, >>16088461 Michigan School Under Fire After Student Leaks "McCarthyist" Questionnaire

>>16088295 McKinsey Accused of ‘Serious’ Conflict of Interest in Opioid Consulting (epochtimes link)

>>16088324 NPR.org: Without sending troops, the U.S. wages 'hybrid warfare' against Russia

>>16088331, >>16088334 IBM Q

>>16088351 @jack on Musk's move to buy Twitter

>>16088361, >>16088365, >>16088395, >>16088490, >>16088491, >>16088602 Mass shooting reported at the Columbia Mall, South Carolina

>>16088371 ElectionWizard: Not only is the Biden admin. facilitating an invasion at southern border, but they are also foolishly squandering taxpayer dollars in the process

>>16088373 Daily Mail: Fugitive drugs lord wanted in 200 countries is CAUGHT after his model girlfriend posted a photo of them together on Facebook

>>16088375 Bottom Falls Out for Disney, 70% of Americans Turn on Company as Video Shows Anti-Grooming Chants at Park (westernjournal link)

>>16088383 Romney Knocked Unconscious, Suffers a Black Eye In Shock Photos (conservativebrief link)

>>16088411 Sidney Powell forwards: "You're On Your Own" - The Acceleration of Death and Denial of COVID Jab Claims (telegram & rumble links)

>>16088527, >>16088533 Dr. Bhakdi presents data from 150 autopsies performed by a highly praised and experienced German Pathologist, Dr. Arne Burkhardt, linking positively, deaths due to vaccination

>>16088718 Networkworld (2010): Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

>>16088810 #20350


>>16087376 Secret Service Records Suggest White House Wasn’t Truthful About Attacks From Biden’s Dog

>>16087382 Giant ‘space slingshot’ set to launch NASA craft in 2022 revealed

>>16087384, >>16087406 Zelenko on Dr. Bryan Ardis' snake venom hypothesis: theologically aligned, will share technical details of his evidence "in due course"

>>16087397 German MEP Christine Anderson: "The EU regards all citizens as nothing more than stupid and naughty children"

>>16087402, >>16087745 MSNBC Blast From The Past: It's Our Job To Control How People Think… Not Elon Musk's

>>16087750, >>16087927 More on Musk

>>16087408, >>16087473, >>16087554, >>16087572 Ben Garrison cartoons & comments

>>16087428 Daily Caller - Disney Isn’t Trying To Diddle Your Kids, But Their Real Goal Is Just As Insidious

>>16087441, >>16087445, >>16087451, >>16087470, >>16087486, >>16087538 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova’s interview with RT

>>16087456, >>16087465, >>16087478 REMINDER: Q 238 & Sidley Austin law firm - where the Obamas first met in 1989

>>16087498, >>16087582 Women'sHealth Reporters Forced to "Update" False Statements About Project Veritas

>>16087500 New from Fauxi: "You use lockdowns to get people vaccinated"

>>16087490 New Durham: Sussmann failed to provide records to his own law firm

>>16087490, >>16087507, >>16087526, >>16087540, >>16087541, >>16087553, >>16087600, >>16087610, >>16087819, >>16087871, >>16087490, >>16087507, >>16087526, >>16087540, >>16087541, >>16087553, >>16087600, >>16087610, >>16087819, >>16087871, >>16087882, >>16087989, >>16088047 TechnoFog & others on Durham: Latest report confirms Sussman gave CIA Trump transition data from WH, Sussman data "user created"

>>16087511 DoD awarded contract for Covid-19 research on Nov 12, 2019 - Blacklisted News

>>16087527, >>16087531, >>16087555, >>16087556, >>16087560, >>16087563, >>16087569 Is IBM's Quantum Computer Q?

>>16087580, >>16087642, >>16087712 Current info on IBM

>>16087545 Xi says China supports Saudis in protecting nat'l sovereignty/security

>>16087593, >>16087748 John Brennan Made Secret Trip to Moscow as head of CIA in 2016

>>16087613 Ukraine is scanning faces of dead Russians, then contacting the mothers

>>16087633, >>16087758 Huber Law DIG, con't. - are govt criminals operating under that?

>>16087617, >>16087650 Reports on Germany's involvement in military biological programs in Ukraine

>>16087652 Mariupol Residents Accuse Ukraine Of Firing On Civilians (vid)

>>16087692 Dr Ardis on Diamond & Silk

>>16087717 DeSantis Rips Philadelphia for Reimposing Indoor Mask Mandate

>>16087721 American Humvees in Ukraine

>>16087740 Another British mercenary captured by the Russian Armed Forces in Mariupol City (vid)

>>16087742 Are American Politicians Going to Pot for Big Contributions?

>>16087785 Nat'l Guard tweet on map reading

>>16087800 Former FNA director Admiral Mike Rogers on cybersecurity risks from Russia

>>16087809 DJT to visit Dallas megachurch on Easter

>>16087830 Miranda Devine: Media is 'putting a firewall around Joe Biden' over Hunter Biden laptop story

>>16087864 Zelensky tells CNN "we should not be afraid of nuclear war"

>>16087879 Mahncke: Durham on CIA concluding in 2017 that muh Russia data not plausible

>>16087884 Nunes: Building Truth Social piece-by-piece to prevent Big Tech cancellation

>>16087913 Marc Elias "buried like a rented mule" in MD gerrymandering litigation

>>16087965 Tucker Carlson Proposes An Idea For @elonmusk If Twitter Tries To Stop Him

>>16087951 Russia Warns Joe Biden to Stop Arming Ukraine or Face “Unpredictable Consequences”

>>16087985 Zelensky speaking to members of AZOV in 2019 - who's in charge?

>>16087996 Biden Gang Caught Altering Another Transcript to Eliminate Another Gaffe

>>16088011 Fairfax Co VA received > $1.2mil in zuckerbucks in 2020 Election

>>16088017 US Navy fires commander at vital F-35 facility

>>16088020 Russian military publishes Ukrainian casualty numbers

>>16088030, >>16088039 Chaos As Israeli Police Raid Al-Aqsa Mosque During Ramadan

>>16088036, >>16088056 Robert Zoellick DIG

>>16088099 #20349

Previously Collected

>>16087325 #20348, >>16088099 #20349, >>16087325 #20348

>>16084868 #20345, >>16085691 #20346, >>16086530 #20347

>>16082540 #20342, >>16083538 #20343, >>16083994 #20344

>>16080238 #20339, >>16081027 #20340, >>16081771 #20341

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!

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28d237  No.16089668

File: 3c2d375cce218ac⋯.png (345.23 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3c2d375cce218ac4154bfc06e7….png)

File: 730d230c4d1baf2⋯.png (434.19 KB, 679x402, 679:402, 730d230c4d1baf2ecfd17496e9….png)

File: 8a8a6b98941de52⋯.png (460.57 KB, 1302x733, 1302:733, 8a8a6b98941de520bb46aa0627….png)

File: 7d1e4f2cc93cb88⋯.jpg (214.34 KB, 968x726, 4:3, 7d1e4f2cc93cb8819ecb13f5ac….jpg)

File: 7a75cac8760e592⋯.jpg (115.48 KB, 960x624, 20:13, 7a75cac8760e592e5d96c6e6ed….jpg)



Baker can continue or defer

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9b18f4  No.16089689

File: 06bff51b78debdf⋯.jpg (641.76 KB, 1016x1225, 1016:1225, 20220416_164854.jpg)

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9581be  No.16089692

File: 12c860d2021bfd3⋯.jpg (63.33 KB, 791x543, 791:543, 12cc798e34e1a4b.jpg)

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798bf1  No.16089695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JeffMAC Stream

Covering protests in Grand Rapids

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df9d4a  No.16089698

File: 15959a2dccbdeef⋯.jpeg (37.1 KB, 474x326, 237:163, A793205C_9326_475C_9A89_D….jpeg)

If I went to Church

The largest Church in the world

And this was the leader of the largest Church in the world,

I would run in the opposite direction as fast as my feet would allow.

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e5aef9  No.16089699

File: 108db5295346ce9⋯.jpeg (465.89 KB, 1410x1410, 1:1, 709F4755_0B9A_493D_9843_6….jpeg)

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620f4e  No.16089700

I think that the reason for Alex Jones' trans promotion could be that he is being forced to do that.

Note his recent court case. There are many examples of (((them))) letting people off easy if they promote things like that.

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272be6  No.16089701

Question. Why do you trust Trump?

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46e293  No.16089702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1ca7f3  No.16089703

late cap on last bake



and Ivanka patents in Russia boo hoo

1.8 % inflation jobs jobs jobs — while BRANDON SNIFFING THAT ASS WITHOUT A CARE - His boi hunter knocking up deals and ho's with bros siblings >>16089672wut!

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c70c0e  No.16089704

File: 9919b83f4affe0c⋯.png (97.47 KB, 400x366, 200:183, HORMONE_BLOCKERS_ARE_CHILD….png)

File: 9ec6cb2d2b55431⋯.png (188.66 KB, 668x672, 167:168, HORMONE_BLOCKERS_ARE_CHILD….png)

>>16089665 pb

they are cutting mentally confused children

permanently removing such "doctors" from society is morally defensible in minecraft

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82cf97  No.16089705

File: 5652d7e335d199d⋯.png (768.13 KB, 598x1035, 26:45, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_2….png)

File: b813d5820a38f75⋯.png (477.15 KB, 598x764, 299:382, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_2….png)

File: 110e70de7a40a28⋯.png (42.83 KB, 598x453, 598:453, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_2….png)

Ebot was right Alexjonestrannygapeholes

>>16089665 LB


>>16089608 LB

Fuck my screenshot




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620f4e  No.16089706



Good to post real women after that Blaire White shit was posted on the previous thread.

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e5aef9  No.16089707

File: d31df297d546b4f⋯.jpeg (169.22 KB, 988x814, 494:407, 100C4815_398A_4A1F_B399_0….jpeg)

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5f3f79  No.16089708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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460de4  No.16089709

some prime examples of larpwood fake Q


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b5b8ad  No.16089710


Can use a notetaker, baker?

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e12d4d  No.16089711

File: 965a45903d5353c⋯.jpg (110.55 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 20210101_231321.jpg)

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61c03b  No.16089712

File: 029392df6338542⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 360x201, 120:67, night_shift_the_watchers.gif)

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495ef7  No.16089713

[Pb] >>16089301


This guy.

I actually believed he might have something for us, but then he fucked off. Typical. Hard to find good help these days.

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620f4e  No.16089714




Influences are punished, cajoled, and paid to promote degeneracy. I think that's also the case for Alex Jones.

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1d2a10  No.16089715

File: 549c4ee4927048e⋯.mp4 (9.21 MB, 964x720, 241:180, This_is_San_Francisco_in_1….mp4)

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2b38b6  No.16089716

File: 5d23add8403e6dd⋯.png (45.63 KB, 528x231, 16:7, ClipboardImage.png)




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620f4e  No.16089717



I mean "Influencers"

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9b18f4  No.16089718

File: 3c161c5d6019b34⋯.jpg (130.33 KB, 848x725, 848:725, 20220411_193901.jpg)

File: a6ac0304d77bc8e⋯.gif (386.37 KB, 220x165, 4:3, 1607382151732.gif)

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272be6  No.16089719


If you believe what’s happening now isn’t at least 50% because of donny you’re a lost soul. Nobody can fuck this up so quickly. 10 trillion. Thanks don.

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cced70  No.16089720

File: 84e3a6252df000d⋯.jpg (68.74 KB, 500x623, 500:623, ganttdomesticterrorist.jpg)

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b1b6fb  No.16089721

File: 0e0abda25f4dcb9⋯.jpg (141.7 KB, 962x620, 481:310, epsteinbloodybedokg.jpg)

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82cf97  No.16089722


She/It acts like a conservative. Is there a Tranny for Trump PAC? KEK

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dd5760  No.16089723

File: b851a712b672563⋯.png (229.98 KB, 674x454, 337:227, ClipboardImage.png)

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e88561  No.16089725

>>16088942 For the keks: Psaki’s Advice for Next Press Secretary: Don’t Let Reporters ‘Make You Seem Like You’re Satan Reincarnated’

But but would if they are Satan incarnate and they know it:shes saying deny the truth

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e12d4d  No.16089726


What year is this from?

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d4dbb1  No.16089727

File: d987e4738fcce89⋯.jpg (97.54 KB, 497x590, 497:590, 6ctsi1.jpg)

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8c72ad  No.16089728

File: 51a25c754ebd95c⋯.gif (989.9 KB, 462x580, 231:290, pepe_night_shift_takeoff.gif)

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620f4e  No.16089729


>She/It acts like a conservative. Is there a Tranny for Trump PAC? KEK

Everything he does is just to push transgenderism to people on the right, and yes "MAGA" has been promoting lgbt.

Trump said he kissed boys, and there was this "MAGA" tranny being promoted.

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798bf1  No.16089730

[They] must have eyes here and told vest dude.. no longer see green vest

Dear vest dude, your face is known… thanks for playing.

Enjoy your time in prison for committing a felony.

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df9d4a  No.16089731


I’m a transgender Jew. I would like to be the note taker for this bread. Do you have an issue with that, Baker?

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1d2a10  No.16089732


San Francisco 1906

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82cf97  No.16089733

File: b315cccc7e785f4⋯.png (47.32 KB, 728x90, 364:45, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_2….png)

File: 3d3e02e47af5721⋯.png (53.23 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, pepe_dunce.png)


2 for 1 AND this Coupon you gotta be a total DUNCE Not to buy!!

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66cc05  No.16089734

File: 62cc2136dc49d0b⋯.jpg (179.25 KB, 1569x1969, 1569:1969, 6d93d2e9427402b6ca5928e7a2….jpg)


ty baker

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c1c7c8  No.16089735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e5aef9  No.16089737


The goal is collapse of America.

Can’t do that with a strong family centered Christian society. Just wouldn’t be possible.

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28d237  No.16089738

File: 8cdd0aade3f43d6⋯.png (933.65 KB, 665x714, 95:102, 8cdd0aade3f43d65e802e8c8ca….png)




know and trusted noter on board, respect

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2cbcdb  No.16089739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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61c03b  No.16089740

File: d07aeabafa4c282⋯.png (461.22 KB, 723x415, 723:415, ClipboardImage.png)



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6ef6b3  No.16089741

File: 07fe9aee9ce4c30⋯.png (13.74 KB, 494x161, 494:161, Screen_Shot_04_16_22_at_08….PNG)

Extra "out"?

il Donaldo Trumpo


Imagine libs finding out out one of Elon's new twitter investors was actually THEIR FAVORITE PRESIDENT!

8:33 PM · Apr 16, 2022·Twitter Web App


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e12d4d  No.16089743


Ty, see the title now.

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620f4e  No.16089744


Don't promote trannies

We don't need them.

They're being selected as our "heroes"


>Conservatives are cucks and they conserve nothing but the Israel first legislation.

Yes, and that's why they need to die, and we all must be revolutionaries.

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1ca7f3  No.16089745


. >at least- bwahahhahaa

u selling tests with life insurance to the jabbed - or sumtin? ← demophile witless at your door

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9a6c6a  No.16089746

Night-Shift… Checking in

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c3f301  No.16089747


If BO Flintstone would unlock the newfag thread you could ask this there where it belongs.

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dd5760  No.16089748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Memory lane, in technicolor


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df9d4a  No.16089749


Baker already selected me as note taker. I am a gay transgender Jew.

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620f4e  No.16089750


>The goal is collapse of America.

>Can’t do that with a strong family centered Christian society. Just wouldn’t be possible.

We cannot save America if America is ran by people who want to destroy it. Focus on fighting evil and promoting revolution.

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c70c0e  No.16089751

File: a585d6e0539a931⋯.png (392.59 KB, 818x517, 818:517, aids_holy.png)


>Conservatives in 2016 - "We have the best gays!"


>Conservatives in 2022 - "We have the best trannies!"


>Conservatives in 2028 - "We have the best pedos!"

Sir, I see you are a historian

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3ca22a  No.16089752

File: b5d0f923f486af7⋯.jpg (192.38 KB, 500x485, 100:97, pepethankyouwatersurv.jpg)

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cced70  No.16089753

Reading the back of one of the protester's jacket in Grand Rapids, she is with the 'Royal Black Panther Party'. Haven't heard of that one before.

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9b18f4  No.16089754

File: eca3f3fa36f67f6⋯.jpeg (185.87 KB, 1440x1049, 1440:1049, 1534297116.jpeg)


>Night-Shift… Checking in

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272be6  No.16089755


Answer the fucking question. You can’t.

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39081f  No.16089756

File: 401e91f91954f63⋯.jpg (6.57 KB, 324x150, 54:25, DB44.jpg)

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b1b6fb  No.16089757

File: a5cbc0f88ca9e4a⋯.png (449.49 KB, 720x484, 180:121, Pope_abuse_children.png)

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f2ba34  No.16089759


Same kinds of extras coreography done well in the movies. Someone remastered the shit outta this.

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620f4e  No.16089760



Putting a Jew in charge of it just means it will be manipulated.

But I ignore all the links anyway and I'm too lazy to do any of that myself.

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b5b8ad  No.16089761


hard to compete with that, anon.

shall i step down?


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9b18f4  No.16089763

File: 3a94add2c4e23aa⋯.jpg (327.68 KB, 1332x1998, 2:3, Jennifer_Pritzker_Septembe….jpg)

>I am a gay transgender Jew.

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39081f  No.16089765

File: 72a9a5b7436271f⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 600x443, 600:443, 72a9a5b7436271f07680df1f17….gif)

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66cc05  No.16089766

File: fabbf30fe383f22⋯.jpeg (926.28 KB, 1081x1214, 1081:1214, your_imminent_suicide.jpeg)

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370d99  No.16089767

File: 7086eb64f546231⋯.jpg (332.96 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Bill_Clinton_I_hit_that.jpg)

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e5aef9  No.16089768

File: 2e02df6bd77bfd7⋯.gif (654.97 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 694C6F1D_EAD1_4D51_ADCF_97….gif)

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61c03b  No.16089769

File: e333eed8a4364c8⋯.png (573.69 KB, 749x499, 749:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1b6fb  No.16089770



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f875f8  No.16089771

File: 6749f269b2ecb4a⋯.png (422.76 KB, 600x260, 30:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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2cbcdb  No.16089772

File: 9da61f4d2b99f62⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, f101a6f12fd2727394c5d2c349….png)


All in the very morning hour

Our gentle Lord and Savior

Was fettered and arraigned before

the bailiff of Judea.

But heathen Pilate found no stain

In him or civil terror

Accordingly he sent him on to

Magistrate King Herod

Third hour, and the son of God

Was scourged by whips and bludgeoned.

And then those sinful people placed

A crown of thorns upon him.

Revile him, did those citizens

And beat him, did those soldiers.

The cross on which he was to die

was laid upon his shoulders.

Sixth hour, they stripped him of his robe

And on the cross they nailed him.

The Christ was bleeding freely now.

(And are the faithful wailing?)

His enemies made sport of him,

So did the true believers.

The sun itself retired then

To scorn their cruel behavior.

Ninth hour, Jesus Christ cried out

"My God I am forsaken!"

They gave him bile and vinegar

His mortal thirst to slaken.

Then Jesus Christ gave up the ghost

And all creation trembled;

The temple fell and from the hill

The rock of Ages tumbled.

And in the very vesper hour

The two thieves' bones were broken.

A spear was thrust in Jesus side,

And Jesus' side did open.

And blood and water did run out,

It flowed beyond all measure,

And all the folk from round about

did mock our Lord and Savior.

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6ef6b3  No.16089773

File: 4992eb4c2a96f97⋯.png (2.71 MB, 2003x1185, 2003:1185, ClipboardImage.png)

I count 10 eggs not done, and 4 completed. 10-4?


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66cc05  No.16089774

File: 89d6f3313b2ee48⋯.jpeg (562.09 KB, 1280x1075, 256:215, stick_his_cigar.jpeg)

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798bf1  No.16089775

Oh look, pedo cp poster is back… global report.

Anons must be over the target for this shithead to start posting again.

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e5aef9  No.16089776

File: bbac488f01239bc⋯.jpeg (66.54 KB, 750x641, 750:641, 3D17808A_AB60_4ED9_A123_E….jpeg)


Religion sucks ass. Not in the good way either.

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c868e9  No.16089777

File: 9c2f2b8786b741d⋯.png (320.45 KB, 398x509, 398:509, ClipboardImage.png)

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32a5d2  No.16089778


Fuck off clown! Seriously

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272be6  No.16089779

How’s you Putin Ukraine revelations coming? Ahahahahah. Joe isn’t doing shit beam aide he cut a deal with Vlad. So much for the soccer ball. Trump payed again. Muh oz though. What?!

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c70c0e  No.16089780


>Nobody can fuck this up so quickly

are you crazy or a shill? which is it?

there's a fucking war don't you see the war

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2cbcdb  No.16089781

File: 71dde0658642ebf⋯.png (5.96 MB, 3260x1842, 1630:921, shillzo.png)


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798bf1  No.16089782


You replied to a shill

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740904  No.16089783


Froggy trips

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370d99  No.16089784

File: 40b7922f464adfb⋯.jpg (224.01 KB, 739x552, 739:552, Dayshift_Nightshift.jpg)

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df9d4a  No.16089785

Jewish transsexual note taker checking in.

Baker for this bread is being monitored by NSA and Space Force.

Post at will.

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9b18f4  No.16089786

File: d6fa68a98c755fa⋯.jpeg (147.28 KB, 1440x818, 720:409, 1543076071.jpeg)


>Question. Why do you trust Trump?

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e5aef9  No.16089787


Be coherent, like a wave.

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138ecb  No.16089788

Q: Why is talking sexually in the workplace considered sexual harassment to adults…but talking about sexuality to children K-3 at school considered essential???

A: The satanic pedovore cult lost control over the adult population worldwide so their last hope which will fail is to 'breed' a new 'generation' of people as fast as possible to 'take over' the narrative now dominating the globe.

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c70c0e  No.16089789

File: 09108e81c51b18f⋯.png (745.05 KB, 1110x745, 222:149, pope.png)

File: cb68565eea63a89⋯.jpg (97.42 KB, 928x307, 928:307, fake_pope.jpg)

File: 1c2acce9cf1eb5f⋯.png (81.58 KB, 269x292, 269:292, jonathan_pryce_pope.png)

File: d7f12adea0a9146⋯.jpg (71.81 KB, 1128x646, 564:323, pope_vs_broken_pope.jpg)

File: a87680b203f5ece⋯.jpg (60.65 KB, 620x350, 62:35, pope_francis_jonathan_pryc….jpg)


>this was the leader

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2cbcdb  No.16089790

File: be1959e1aa61269⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1000x1344, 125:168, 1a11a.png)

No race, no people has ever been free from slavery, either as slave or as master. Every race and every people ever enslaved became at every opportunity enslavers themselves:

Greek enslaved by Greek in the time of Aristotle, black enslaved by black since time immemorial in Africa and in the 19'th century, the American south. Slavery was never predicated on race except as circumstances rendered it. Many of the vast number of slaves of ancient Rome were fair skinned, fair haired Germans and Anglo Saxons.

The universal truth of slavery, that it has been throughout history one of the defining manifestations of human nature, has been suppressed both by history and by that nature.

The enduring myth that slavery was imposed on Africa by outside forces, that it was introduced by the Portuguese in 1444, is belied by the fact that slavery and the slave trade were ancient and commonplace within Africa long before the arrival of any white slaver. (The trans-Sahara slave trade route between West and North Africa likely had it's beginnings as early as 1000 B.C., hundreds of years before the Ethiopians, long enslaved by Egypt, conquered and gave to Egypt its Twenty-Fifth Dynasty; hundreds of years before Homer wrote in the Iliad that half the soul of man was lost when "the day of slavery" came upon him.")

"Slavery was widespread in Africa," writes Professor John Thornton in Africa and the Africans in 'The Making of the Atlantic World, 1400 - 1800,' "because slaves were the only form of private, revenue producing property recognized in African law."

To the 'odehye' - the freeborn - elite of West Africa, the outside forces of Europe, England and the Americas imposed no evil, but merely presented a new market, increased demand, and lucrative new export opportunities that the indigenous powers welcomed and readily exploited.

We bewail our past as slaves - experienced or ancestral, real or fancied - but never commemorate our enslavement of others.

Only circumstance separates slave from master; and for much of history, freedom and the will to enslave have been one. The oppressed, in the blessing of their deliverance, become the oppressors.

"The ox," said Aristotle, "is the poor man's slave."

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dd5760  No.16089791


Ok Zero G (o7)


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f875f8  No.16089792


>satanic pedovore cult

The word you are looking for is "jews".

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6ef6b3  No.16089793

File: 42a6bc11287d9c5⋯.jpg (222.59 KB, 1000x592, 125:74, pompeo9.jpg)


i see some Q's too.

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82cf97  No.16089794


IMO I am more of a Libertarian, Do what you want as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. Don't force your lifestyle down anyones throat and nobody will force theirs on you. You molest kids, that ruins their lives, you need punishment. I don't care what consenting adults do. The Genie is out of the bottle, theres tons of Gays and Lesboz, I have been friends with some and they aren't Loser Degenerates. My nephew is Trans, was my niece. Took hormones and looks like me now. I wonder how my sister really feels knowing her daughter looks like her brother. Genes are weird. I kinda Blame Nintendo, after Nintendo Switch came out, people are Switching Genders. Years of subliminal MK (PoKeMon) programming was insidiously subtle. My Nephew isn't a Pedo, IDK what Trauma he went through. The Bottom Line is he Chooses Science over his Body she was born with. Had her boobs removed so I doubt she/he would be one of those pregnant men. IDK God will see what is In their Hearts, LGBTQ's and God and Spirit World sees ALL. Im on a tangent, Full Moon Tonight

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f7a3c7  No.16089795

File: fb6eb98c80b5d8b⋯.gif (373.37 KB, 320x240, 4:3, number_two_gif.gif)

#2 tantrum cause juws to run down trousers

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2cbcdb  No.16089797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a story about the fall of the richest kingdom on earth, collected in marketplace of Khartoum by the 19'th century English explorer and ethnographer, Sir Richard Francis Burton.

25' 07"

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f7a3c7  No.16089798

File: f5e0e452dbfee77⋯.png (85.61 KB, 273x184, 273:184, ClipboardImage.png)

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c70c0e  No.16089799

File: 6f4e079b98d3ed9⋯.png (1.05 MB, 936x898, 468:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29d207392946c25⋯.png (733.01 KB, 782x816, 23:24, ClipboardImage.png)

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82cf97  No.16089800


Now you got your Autist Hat on !!

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df9d4a  No.16089801

Baker during Easter?

Good luck with that.


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66cc05  No.16089802

File: 7fae32e371494c5⋯.jpg (110.05 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Are_you_a_peter_puffer_pri….jpg)

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138ecb  No.16089803

File: a1aeea27d092a14⋯.png (363.15 KB, 658x370, 329:185, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok, groomer.

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e7303e  No.16089804


Was a military tweet notabled yesterday? with a 10:04 timestamp.

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f7a3c7  No.16089805

File: 2b05b2c8b886f9b⋯.png (112.52 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)

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620f4e  No.16089806


You're a product of genocidal propaganda. A genocide where the people doing it expect to not be held accountable for it.

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740904  No.16089807

File: dd9574c35f8232c⋯.png (219.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 20220416_193826.png)

File: 15fcd4c61f74636⋯.png (264.44 KB, 606x370, 303:185, 20220416_205756.png)

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c868e9  No.16089808


Dr. Anthony Fauci is to play Mother Teresa.

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f7a3c7  No.16089809

File: 37a90a0c52048be⋯.png (26.19 KB, 200x196, 50:49, ClipboardImage.png)

needs hammer

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818ada  No.16089810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dd5760  No.16089811



Grassley just sent out a 10-4 about his Vacuum

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9b18f4  No.16089812

File: fd471d233f30b18⋯.png (368.42 KB, 1080x607, 1080:607, Memeto_1603233506910.png)

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f875f8  No.16089813

File: b164223373dbed8⋯.png (488.92 KB, 742x529, 742:529, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7879be615178f4d⋯.png (566.73 KB, 729x453, 243:151, ClipboardImage.png)


>Ok, groomer.

Ok retard.

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b5b8ad  No.16089814


We got a special place for you.

Very special.

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cced70  No.16089815

Black lives matter terrorists are attempting to barge their way into some hotel in Grand Rapids.

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c1c7c8  No.16089816


Don't believe anyone would give a shit if the muslims they flooded our country with threw all the tranny/faggits off a tall building.

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4dc783  No.16089817


If the pOPE had a s9n

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798bf1  No.16089818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BLM harrassing people now

They trying to push through hotel staff.

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272be6  No.16089819


I coherently suggest you’re a dolt that believes in fairy tales. You know, the ones that Q told you about that are fake and evil while playing you like a fiddle? You fell for round 2.0 as well.

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6ef6b3  No.16089820


Damn, anon! Very Nice!!! Pompeo that was good!

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28d237  No.16089821


like that last drop around 600 marked as last call

will take it from there

thank you noter


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798bf1  No.16089822


Might also be Antifa

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138ecb  No.16089823


>Conservatives are cucks

2015 called.

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f7a3c7  No.16089824

File: a22e5fc890c8be7⋯.png (4.83 KB, 183x276, 61:92, ClipboardImage.png)

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620f4e  No.16089825


>Don't believe anyone would give a shit if the muslims they flooded our country with threw all the tranny/faggits off a tall building.

We mustn't try to rely on others. We must try to push LGBT victims away from LGBT and against their real oppressors: the LGBT promoters.

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8c0d58  No.16089826

File: 9aec213091c1d81⋯.png (312.77 KB, 300x623, 300:623, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_2….png)


I love you guys so much…didn't even think to look harder…what is this mess, bottom of clip.

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138ecb  No.16089827

File: c18a07eb75a7380⋯.png (643.96 KB, 1015x571, 1015:571, ClipboardImage.png)


OK, groomer

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cc9565  No.16089828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0fd9ac  No.16089829

Polish Ambassador to U.S.: Zelensky Is ‘The Leader of the Free World Right Now’

During an interview with CBS News’ “The Takeout” podcast on Wednesday released on Friday, Polish Ambassador to the United States Marek Magierowski said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s image has undergone a dramatic transformation and he is “the leader of the free world” at the moment.

Magierowski said, [relevant remarks begin around 36:50] “I think Zelensky is now a superhero for many of us. It’s incredible. Because he’s a lawyer by profession, then he became a comedian, an actor, then he became — pretty surprisingly — it was a surprise for Poland that he became president. But, from the very beginning of his presidency, the Polish President, Andrzej Duda, established a very close and a very friendly relationship with him. So, now we saw those pictures this morning…of President Duda accompanied by his three other friends from Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia, his three counterparts from the Baltic countries, paid a visit to Kyiv. They spoke with Mr. Zelensky, another sign and another symbol of solidarity. They just wanted to show how united we are, how coherent our message is to President Zelensky. So, his image, worldwide, has changed dramatically. He’s the leader of the free world right now, actually.”


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f875f8  No.16089830

File: ad7696c2cf17f01⋯.png (265.97 KB, 500x237, 500:237, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok retard.

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e88561  No.16089831

File: c7cc679d16950ba⋯.jpeg (129.73 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 6B4CE789_F2AA_4BF7_9BD3_A….jpeg)

16 Apr, 2022 22:44

Russia urges Ukrainian stronghold to surrender

Moscow promises to spare the lives of “nationalist militants” and “foreign mercenaries” in Mariupol

The Russian Defense Ministry has called on the remaining Ukrainian forces, besieged at a steel plant in the coastal city of Mariupol, to lay down their arms, offering guarantees of life and safety, if they accept the proposal and halt all hostilities starting Saturday morning.

“Considering the catastrophic situation at the Azovstal metallurgical plant, and being guided by purely humane principles, the Russian Armed Forces offer militants of nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries to stop hostilities and lay down their arms starting 6am Moscow time on April 17, 2022,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a late-night announcement on Friday.

“All who lay down their weapons are guaranteed the preservation of life,” the ministry stated.

Earlier on Friday, Moscow revealed its estimate of Ukrainian casualty numbers, claiming that in the city of Mariupol alone Kiev has lost more than 4,000 combatants, including “foreign mercenaries” and “Nazis” associated with the notorious Azov and Aidar regiments.

In its ceasefire proposal, the Russian military said that the remaining resisting troops are in a “hopeless situation, with virtually no food and water,” citing the contents of hundreds of radio intercepts on Friday alone. The holed-up fighters allegedly “persistently request permission from the officials in Kiev to lay down their arms and surrender,” while Ukrainian authorities “categorically forbid it under the threat of wartime executions,” Moscow claimed.

Moscow has therefore offered Ukrainian troops to establish a direct communication line at 5am, and indicate the beginning of the actual ceasefire at 6am by raising flags around the perimeter of Azovstal – red on the Russian side and white on the Ukrainian side. The Ukrainian units will then have until 1pm to withdraw from their stronghold, without any weapons or ammunition.

Moscow's proposal and the terms of surrender “will be broadcast continuously throughout the night to Ukrainian formations at Azovstal on all radio channels at 30-minute intervals,” the ministry added.

READ MORE: British captive who fought in Mariupol describes ‘reality’

Earlier this week, more than 1,000 service members of Ukraine’s 36th Marines Brigade allegedly laid down their arms at the Illich Steel and Iron Works, a giant metal mill they were using as a stronghold against Moscow's forces. The report, however, was disputed by Ukrainian officials.

Mariupol has seen some of the most intense fighting since Russia launched its offensive. Moscow attacked its neighbor in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements signed in 2014, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered Minsk Protocol was designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.


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e5aef9  No.16089832


I am suggesting you use written words to communicate in a clear and concise manner. That is all.

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46e293  No.16089833

File: 64f8fb0ae406ee5⋯.png (713.34 KB, 642x660, 107:110, Screen_Shot_2022_04_16_at_….png)

File: ea2ef2f055023ee⋯.png (329.66 KB, 526x656, 263:328, Screen_Shot_2022_04_16_at_….png)

File: ffaa69a593971aa⋯.png (511.55 KB, 369x584, 369:584, Screen_Shot_2022_04_16_at_….png)

File: 37968455b76ae0f⋯.png (583.68 KB, 690x998, 345:499, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_1….png)

File: 2cdf263d7ed42b2⋯.png (232.05 KB, 560x620, 28:31, Screen_Shot_2022_04_16_at_….png)


[P] = Plants need water, too

Q Research General #20352: Night Shift Rollin Edition Anonymous 04/16/22 (Sat) 17:34:06 28d237 (5) No.16089647[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]


Queen Elizabeth II returned to royal duties on Tuesday, just nine days after she tested positive for coronavirus.

The Queen, 95, hosted two virtual meetings with foreign ambassadors from the Principality of Andorra and also the Republic of Chad, having postponed other previous engagements following a positive coronavirus test and experiencing “mild cold-like symptoms”.

Both the Andorran ambassador, Carles Madero and Chad’s ambassador, Kedella Hamidi presented their Letters of Credence – which identify them as the newly appointed ambassadors – to the monarch, and Madero also handed over his predecessor’s Letters of Recall.

The two ambassadors engaged with the Queen via video link in a virtual Court of St James’, in person, at Buckingham Palace while the monarch remains in isolation at her residence at Windsor Castle, the Daily Mail reports.


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28d237  No.16089835

File: 14f166bcd429523⋯.jpg (141.6 KB, 387x602, 9:14, 14f166bcd429523d073ea46f23….jpg)


other noter called it first

issue is you saying you are already noter when you are not

feel free to drop anon notables to be picked up @600 as anon bun


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380039  No.16089836

File: 78a0c2d079cc87c⋯.gif (5.57 MB, 600x1067, 600:1067, 28F88F93_2549_4C40_A058_99….gif)

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138ecb  No.16089837

File: 8ec356e995b7c1c⋯.png (369.62 KB, 800x420, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


OK, groomer

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2cbcdb  No.16089838

File: b2bb5187c3def3c⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1851x2561, 1851:2561, fed5d3b325042744dce4b74b5b….png)

File: 027e9eca65c023f⋯.png (78.03 KB, 1123x794, 1123:794, sedition1.png)

File: 64903473f6a7020⋯.png (119.8 KB, 1123x794, 1123:794, sedition2.png)

Q Research tools

1 of 2

Facebook Ad Library


The Ad Library provides advertising transparency by offering a comprehensive, searchable collection of all ads currently running from across Facebook Products. Anyone can explore the Library, with or without a Facebook account. This can be used to see where advertising is being used to attract and coordinate Antifa.



Scrape public storie1 from SnapChats. Useful for gathering intelligence on Antifa nodes using SnapChat.



Monitors chat status activity of Facebook uses to know when they are on their device and when they are not.



Quickly scrape all Instagram photos from a person.



SpiderFoot is a reconnaissance tool that automatically queries over 100 public data sources to gather intelligence on IP addresses, domain names, e-mail addresses, names and more. When combined with basic emoji replacement attacks (self-hosted images used in private chats that look like an emoji but give you the IP address of people who see them), this can be incredibly useful at identifying people from an IP address alone.

Face Recognition


Useful when paired with image scrapers to identify people in videos and images.



Generate username lists from companies on LinkedIn.

Universal Reddit Scraper


This is a universal Reddit scraper where you can manually specify subreddits to scrape, specify which category of posts to scrape for each subreddit, and how many results are returned.



Twint is an advanced Twitter scraping tool written in Python that allows for scraping Tweets from Twitter profiles without using Twitter's API.



Curated list of vetted and useful OSINT tools.



PwnBin is a webcrawler which searches public pastebins for specified keywords.



Find a username across multiple social media networks.



Get basic PII on a target from paywall sites.

Graph Commons


A useful tool to build graphs that detail and share the relationships between people, organizations, and data.



A useful tool to build graphs that also lets you link to other public Milanote graphs.



A basic diagramming tool.



A Geolocation OSINT Tool. Offers geolocation information gathering through social networking platforms.

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b5b8ad  No.16089839

File: d0fe0a761fbd278⋯.png (99.69 KB, 335x274, 335:274, pepe_salute4.png)




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f875f8  No.16089840

File: 91b67b352a33257⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok, rabbi.

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272be6  No.16089841


You’ve been played. Good luck.

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138ecb  No.16089842

File: 88b83b27bb81130⋯.png (361.5 KB, 762x546, 127:91, ClipboardImage.png)


OK, groomer.

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f875f8  No.16089843

File: 36ab6fcbcf1c3fa⋯.png (747.69 KB, 591x635, 591:635, ClipboardImage.png)

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798bf1  No.16089844


The place they were trying to get into was Amway Grand Plaza, a hotel.

The staff denied them.

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cc9565  No.16089845

File: eaf3f961216adde⋯.jpg (192.51 KB, 736x772, 184:193, lookingforsomeone44.jpg)

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201a69  No.16089846

File: fb1565cc0975c7c⋯.png (291.94 KB, 598x676, 23:26, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Navy


Night, day, land or sea, the #BlueGreenTeam is there.

Sailors and #marines aboard #USSMakinIsland (LHD 8) conduct well deck operations and flight deck operations in the #PacificOcean.




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4c5d82  No.16089847

File: 50a108bc5523d1a⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB, 2048x1286, 1024:643, EEF2EBD5_63FD_4ED3_BEE3_3….jpeg)

File: fb656665be0029a⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 2048x1435, 2048:1435, 6BA3C95D_9CF8_4E74_BE34_2….jpeg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2cbcdb  No.16089848

File: 169464546aa30e0⋯.jpg (116.84 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 2c87192a1f9d151fed3046f56e….jpg)

File: b52640e8c7acec8⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 179x255, 179:255, 7c82f3f292b9422e006cae6f80….jpg)

File: 2129a5c2c1ce3d5⋯.jpeg (559.53 KB, 1125x2310, 75:154, 7e5c47bb722d1c150b593e5d8….jpeg)


Q Research Tools

2 of 2


NSA-Like Search Tool for darknet and archives.

Buscador Investigative Operating System


An OS focused on OSINT

Maltego CE


Maltego is an interactive data mining tool that renders directed graphs for link analysis. The tool is used in online investigations for finding relationships between pieces of information from various sources located on the Internet.



Primarily conceived as a tool for designers and vis geeks, RAW Graphs aims at providing a missing link between spreadsheet applications (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, OpenRefine) and vector graphics editors (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Sketch).

SIPRI Arms Trade Register


SIPRI is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. Established in 1966, SIPRI provides data, analysis and recommendations, based on open sources.

Trade Finance Guide: A Quick Reference for U.S. Exporters





The Camopedia site is a living document, providing a comprehensive, accurate, and academically-supported database referencing all of the major military and paramilitary camouflage patterns that have been in use around the world since the beginning of the 20th century. This reference is available as a free resource for historians, government agencies, military personnel, collectors, artists & designers, airsoft & MILSIM enthusiasts, military modelers, and all others with an interest in camouflage design, development, and history.

Human Trafficking Flow Map


Visualization design and development by the Center for Statistics and Visualization at the University of Denver

Donor Search


Welcome to the beta test of a DonorSearch FREE Service.

Fortune 500 List


Fortune 500 List

Kleptocracy Initiative


Hudson Institute’s Kleptocracy Initiative studies the corrosive threat to American democracy and national security posed by imported corruption and illicit financial flows from authoritarian regimes.

BBC Country Profiles


Full profiles provide an instant guide to history, politics and economic background of countries and territories, and background on key institutions.

Mapping Arms Trade


Mapping Arms Trade



Let your visitors turn web pages into PDF with a single click!

The Open Source Intelligence resource discovery toolkit


Large collection of data sources



Spoonbill lets you see profile changes from the people you follow on Twitter.

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138ecb  No.16089849

File: 29c70b6b46ccdb6⋯.png (535.71 KB, 932x470, 466:235, ClipboardImage.png)


OK, groomer.

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f7a3c7  No.16089850

File: 1657d8bc82a1fcc⋯.png (53.88 KB, 619x581, 619:581, ClipboardImage.png)

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272be6  No.16089851


Lol. Until a hypersonic sinks them all in minutes. Winning.

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f875f8  No.16089852

File: 46b2bd40cb349e8⋯.png (92.13 KB, 661x698, 661:698, ClipboardImage.png)

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620f4e  No.16089853


This underscores the importance of not treating captives brutally. Asov and the Ukrainians screwed up royally by doing those things to prisoners.

A surrender will save Russia SO MUCH TIME and maintain the value of infrastructure whenever there is a pocket, especially in an urban situation.

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cced70  No.16089854


Definitely some antifa there- I saw some of them dressed in their typical 'medic' apparel.

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28d237  No.16089855


holy shit, why you think imma here to begin with


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138ecb  No.16089856

File: fa0ca1d0298a7f7⋯.png (974.66 KB, 1136x758, 568:379, ClipboardImage.png)


OK, pedo.

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4c5d82  No.16089857

File: 0cdd4cd5211610a⋯.jpeg (331.99 KB, 1468x1477, 1468:1477, 0DAD0C84_5E8B_46FA_812E_8….jpeg)

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f875f8  No.16089858

File: 694e90700f4b070⋯.png (108.28 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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f7a3c7  No.16089860

File: 7f29e5ea8d72515⋯.png (10.13 KB, 224x224, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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82cf97  No.16089861


So I am mixed Race too, Japanese and English, here we are flooded with Propaganda and disinformation, as Long as I am winning in my mind, I will create that reality. Transgenderism is but one aspect of the Genocide. And is a Different Frequency of TransHumanism, Same thing different level.

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2cbcdb  No.16089862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In the everyday world we attach “me” to our body and to that “me” we attach multiple defined identities. Religious, racial, social, economic –

How real are those defined identities?

To some of us they're extremely real.

To others, including most of the satanist pedovore cult con artists we contend with, none of those identities are real.

Our ethnic, racial and religious identities, to the cultist’s way of thinking, are simply masks, sheep's clothing, to be worn or exchanged at convenience.

Pedovores assume and discard Catholic, Jewish, evangelical protestant, and secular humanist identities as easily as they express right wing, left wing or centrist ideological positions. These labels are meaningless to pedovores who use our treasured identities as protective camouflage for the abduction and ritual abuse of our children as well as economic depredation.

Ideologies and dogmas are cognitive malware. They make effective smokescreens.

Whatever identity mask they adopt, cult pedovores need and seek access to vulnerable children.

We have found satanist pedovore cultists running major charitable organizations, respected foundations and reputable institutions which are collectively responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of national and international programs targeting “at risk” ie vulnerable children – all under pretext of helping.

Children's Defense Fund is a prime example of a pedovore social subversion weaponized as a charitable construct. CDF is endorsed by the biggest “stars” and executives in the entertainment business.


Most of the same people were also involved in starting the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, which gave pedovores both access to children and a heads-up early warning system because the creepy sham center for M&E children started the “Amber Alert Service” run by the evil pedovore Laura Silsby, arrested for kidnapping “orphaned” children (parents alive) in Haiti.


Pedovores are con artists, they steal your wallet and offer to help you look for it.

Similarly, when communities ask themselves, "who's going to care for our orphans?" Pedovores always have their hands up, and may style themselves Catholics Jews or evangelicals in order facilitate access.


Pedovores don't believe in national, religious or ethnic identities. cultists are identity-shifters who embed themselves in ethnic, religious or ideological communities and seek control of fund raising and identity defining structures.

Pedovores run such organizations today, hiding behind the benign philanthropic reputation of do-gooder charities, fake foundations and NGOs.

This is information war, and that's how IW is fought.


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e88561  No.16089863

File: eb72b2e791bf4fc⋯.jpeg (207.67 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 7E1DE69F_D7C8_4214_9E2C_5….jpeg)

16 Apr, 2022 17:45

HomeRussia & FSU

Russia accuses Ukraine of hiding military losses

Moscow claims Kiev has lost 23,367 combatants combined from the army, national guard and foreign mercenaries

Ukraine has suffered the “irretrievable loss” of an estimated 23,367 troops since Russia launched its military offensive in February, the Ministry of Defense in Moscow stated on Saturday.

The casualty figures were revealed by Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov, who said that in the city of Mariupol alone Ukraine has lost more than 4,000 fighters, including “foreign mercenaries” and “Nazis” associated with the notorious Azov and Aidar regiments.

In a statement, the general accused President Volodymyr Zelensky of hiding the true scale of his country's losses, saying the president “is afraid to tell the people of Ukraine” how many soldiers have died.

Konashenkov explained that Russia has obtained documents proving the figures, and would soon publish more detailed information from these files.

Ukraine claims to have lost between 2,500 and 3,000 soldiers across its entire territory. This was the figure Zelensky gave to CNN in an interview on Friday, while claiming that the Russian military had suffered as many as 20,000 casualties of its own. Moscow heavily disputes Zelensky’s claims. According to a count published by the Russian government last month, just over 1,3450 Russia had died, at that juncture.

Konashenkov said that over the course of the day, Russian forces launched high-precision missile strikes on six Ukrainian military equipment sites and seven troop strongholds, while Russian air assets destroyed 67 troop and equipment sites.

Russian forces shot down a Ukrainian military transport aircraft near Odessa, Konashenkov also claimed, stating that the plane was “delivering a large batch of weapons supplied to Ukraine by Western countries.” Russia had previously declared that such foreign arms shipments would be considered “legitimate targets” by its forces.

Earlier this week, US President Joe Biden authorized an $800 million package of heavy weapons for Ukraine, including artillery pieces and helicopters. According to a CNN report on Friday, the first flight of weapons from this package was due to arrive in Ukraine within a day.

Over the course of Friday night and into Saturday morning, Russia used high-precision strikes to destroy an armored-vehicle manufacturing plant in Kiev and a military repair depot in the city of Nikolaev in southern Ukraine, Konashenkov said earlier on Saturday. A total of 16 targets were hit overnight, including Ukrainian military units, weapons and ammunition depots, and radar facilities, he added.

Moscow warned earlier this week that it would step up such strikes, and would hit “decision-making centers” in Kiev in retaliation for Ukraine’s shelling of Russian territory. Kiev denies launching such attacks on Russian soil.

The intensification of Russia’s attacks also comes after the cruiser Moskva, the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, sank after a fire broke out on board and spread to ammunition stores. Ukraine claims to have hit the vessel with an anti-ship missile.


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e5aef9  No.16089864


I’m here for dank memes and Keks.

“The Plan” presented by Q is opaque.

No one on earth leaves The Village, Number 6.

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f7a3c7  No.16089865

File: 0eb32a01968b6c2⋯.png (99.09 KB, 290x174, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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61c03b  No.16089866

File: 6ca59f068697eae⋯.png (133 KB, 944x707, 944:707, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b587ce5c893422c⋯.gif (4.01 MB, 360x201, 120:67, watching_night_shift.gif)


occasional note taker is watching rookies

try not to make it a wall of text.

use buns as topics


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818ada  No.16089867


Traitors, If the dumb fucks will let me fly, I;ll show to the world how traitors you are!!!!!!!!!!!!

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138ecb  No.16089868

File: 6a774bb3d03eec3⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16089858 <- Pedo.

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024da2  No.16089869

File: a71340492f6c665⋯.png (155.14 KB, 749x777, 107:111, model.png)



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c1c7c8  No.16089870

File: 6237870f5434f80⋯.png (397.92 KB, 676x422, 338:211, expel.png)


Don't believe anyone would give a shit if the tranny/faggit promoters aka. Jews were banished off planet earth.

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f875f8  No.16089871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>16089868 <~ jew

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ea2292  No.16089872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the Tupolevs are coming otherwise

Ukraine war Aftermath of Russia strategic TU-22 bomber using fab 3000

Apr 16, 2022

Vojvodina INFO

7.47K subscribers

this video shows bomb crater and cut trees after Russia used Fab 3000 bombs

#russia #ukraine #ukrainewar #ukrajina #rusija #tu-22 #fab-3000


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740904  No.16089873


Also, let that sink in.

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1302d0  No.16089874



My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard


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4bd9cc  No.16089875

File: b8d3348e000c937⋯.png (379.5 KB, 765x635, 153:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f3f79  No.16089876

File: afceaf1a5f94016⋯.png (96.72 KB, 300x250, 6:5, Pepe_finger_flag.png)




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ff08fd  No.16089877

What happened to all those "Covid Camps" that were being set up last year?

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138ecb  No.16089878

File: 381bb24821b0d14⋯.png (338.17 KB, 650x409, 650:409, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16089871 <- Projecting pedo

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620f4e  No.16089879


>So I am mixed Race too, Japanese and English, here we are flooded with Propaganda and disinformation

Yeah that is part of it. Hapa's aren't treated well. And Japenese might be particular targets.

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f875f8  No.16089880

File: 5e49d3c03abb713⋯.png (549.98 KB, 736x484, 184:121, ClipboardImage.png)

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272be6  No.16089881


Exactly. Another do nothing boomer with a couple years left. What do you care, right? Fuck you and your whole family…as you’ve done.

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b5b8ad  No.16089882


depends on how much comes in

so far, lighter than this morning

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f7a3c7  No.16089883

File: 42791c2f5be2b98⋯.png (8.92 KB, 212x238, 106:119, ClipboardImage.png)

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138ecb  No.16089884

File: b360355af73ad5e⋯.png (725.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16089880 <- Panicking projecting pedo

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f7a3c7  No.16089885

File: 340bd1b56fabf07⋯.png (9.56 KB, 253x199, 253:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5aef9  No.16089887


The Prisoner:

Number 6: Where am I?

Number 2: In the Village.

Number 6: What do you want?

Number 2: Information.

Number 6: Whose side are you on?

Number 2: That would be telling. We want information… information… information.

Number 6: You won't get it.

Number 2: By hook or by crook, we will.

Number 6: Who are you?

Number 2: The new Number two.

Number 6: Who is Number One?

Number 2: You are Number Six.

Number 6: I am not a number! I am a free man!

Number 2: [laughs]

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818ada  No.16089888


You, usmc, usnavy, marines, fbi, cia, nasa, secret service, irs, you name it

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f875f8  No.16089889

File: c145a1727c07c5a⋯.png (359.01 KB, 710x481, 710:481, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16089884 <~ triggered jew

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1302d0  No.16089890


That hit me


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c70c0e  No.16089891


>The West deserves to burn to the ground

no. it's not the people's fault. they've been brainwashed, and they didn't vote for this shit.

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dd5760  No.16089892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clip from Joe Rogan Experience episode #1806

Elon Musk, Social Media Censorship, and Bots w/Duncan Trussel


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798bf1  No.16089893

Fuck this fucking faggot using a military cadence in Grand Rapids and changing the fucking words.

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c868e9  No.16089894

File: 1bd4a961b7e4766⋯.png (256.92 KB, 648x559, 648:559, ClipboardImage.png)

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66cc05  No.16089895

File: 587f58d5c04ce11⋯.jpeg (822.79 KB, 1081x1214, 1081:1214, or_I_ll_fuck_you_up.jpeg)

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c3f301  No.16089896


BO gonna call you out like before if you start doing this Note Karen shit again.

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138ecb  No.16089897

File: 15dba9004c226da⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1908x1146, 318:191, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16089889 <- Triggered/Captured panicking projecting pedo

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f875f8  No.16089898

File: 8b4243efe10e009⋯.png (1008.54 KB, 1125x1288, 1125:1288, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5e9185a0042337⋯.png (112.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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46e293  No.16089899

File: d47e0f414e6553a⋯.png (272.11 KB, 1143x311, 1143:311, Screen_Shot_2022_04_16_at_….png)

File: 6d2418340b2a7fc⋯.png (1.92 MB, 682x4001, 682:4001, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_1….png)

File: 69f786757b542e9⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1335x511, 1335:511, Screen_Shot_2022_04_16_at_….png)


the House of Plantagenet takes roots from the Norman dynasty, as Henry II was Empress Matilda's son, and Matilda was sister and daughter of Norman Kings.

Is ruling in the genes? All presidents bar one are directly descended from a medieval English king

12-year-old girl created family tree linking 42 of 43 U.S. presidents to King John of England, who signed Magna Carta in 1215

Only eighth president, Martin Van Buren, was not related to John

By Snejana Farberov

Published: 21:14 EDT, 4 August 2012 | Updated: 00:58 EDT, 5 August 2012


Land? We don't need no stinkin land…

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620f4e  No.16089900


LGBT is associated with a rainbow because everyone can be pushed into it, so it is supposed to become a flood-level genocide event.

Genocide by propaganda. Rainbow is associated with the flood.

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f7a3c7  No.16089901

File: 12bf523180cddf6⋯.png (9.54 KB, 294x171, 98:57, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5b8ad  No.16089902


#20352 @200

>>16089725 DANK KEKS: Psaki’s Advice for Next Press Secretary: Don’t Let Reporters ‘Make You Seem Like You’re Satan Reincarnated’

>>16089818 LIVE: Protesters in the streets for Patrick Lyoya | Grand Rapids MI - watch BLM harrassing people

>>16089829 Polish Ambassador to U.S.: Zelensky Is ‘The Leader of the Free World Right Now’ (Breitbart)

>>16089831 Russia urges Ukrainian stronghold to surrender (RT)

>>16089838, >>16089848 QR tools

>>16089846 US Navy: Night, day, land or sea, the #BlueGreenTeam is there

>>16089863 Moscow claims Kiev has lost 23,367 combatants combined from the army, national guard and foreign mercenaries (RT)

Everything in so far?

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e88561  No.16089903

File: 7622634d7589502⋯.jpeg (355.58 KB, 1240x827, 1240:827, 6DE58740_D622_4317_B9F3_9….jpeg)

File: a4b6477842ad61e⋯.jpeg (196.18 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 7FAC87AE_1311_4E1C_AA7F_B….jpeg)

16 Apr, 2022 20:11

HomeWorld News

Police clash with ‘Neither Macron, nor Le Pen’ protesters (VIDEOS)

About 10,000 people gathered for a political demonstration in central Paris

Kekkity the French are funny people

French police used tear gas during a brief clash with demonstrators in Paris who had taken to the streets to oppose both remaining candidates for the presidency: incumbent Emmanuel Macron and the National Rally’s Marine Le Pen.

Ahead of the second round of the election, which is scheduled for April 24, thousands of people took part in anti-fascist and anti-racist demonstrations in dozens of cities around the country, with the largest one unsurprisingly taking place in the capital. The main goal of the demonstrators was to show their opposition to Le Pen, who leftists consider a far-right politician. However, many of Le Pen’s opponents apparently do not relish the prospect of another term for Macron. In fact, one of the most popular slogans of the march was “Ni Macron, ni Le Pen” (“Neither Macron nor Le Pen”).

Though more than 30 organizations and unions took part in the demonstration, it gathered fewer than 10,000 people, according to figures provided by the Paris prefecture. This is a far cry from the size of the anti-Le Pen crowds that assembled between the two rounds of the previous presidential election in 2017.

At about 5 pm at the Place de la Republique square, law enforcement responded to protesters who were throwing projectiles and burning bicycles and waste by briefly dispersing tear gas. Soon after the incident the march resumed.

Le Pen, speaking to reporters in southern France, commented on the demonstrations against her, saying that “protesting against election results is deeply undemocratic.”

“I say to all these people just go and vote. It's as simple as that,” she said.

The ‘Neither Macron nor Le Pen’ protest was one of at least six demonstrations that took place in Paris on Saturday. There was also a separate demonstration against Macron’s policies, a march in support of Ukraine and two Yellow Vest protests: one against obligatory Covid-19 vaccinations and another one for “social, financial and climate justice.”

READ MORE: Macron to face Le Pen in French election run off

The presidency will be decided by a runoff between incumbent President Emmanuel Macron and Le Pen, who in the first round garnered a respective 27.6% and 23.41% of the vote. Polls have so far been pointing to Macron as the likely winner when the two go head to head on April 24.


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4eaa46  No.16089904


Please dont show us your benis or buttgina.

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5f3f79  No.16089905

File: 484517bacbeed3d⋯.png (592.26 KB, 612x605, 612:605, ClipboardImage.png)

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f7a3c7  No.16089906

File: 880e4ac0027bf6a⋯.png (9.87 KB, 269x187, 269:187, ClipboardImage.png)

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138ecb  No.16089907

File: 444a0d7199130e6⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16089898 <- Triggered/Captured panicking projecting pedo meltdown.

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f875f8  No.16089908

File: 873378c8d8c0b08⋯.png (413.82 KB, 678x381, 226:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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620f4e  No.16089909


>So I am mixed Race too, Japanese and English,

For what it's worth, I like the Japenese. I like the English (I'm part English), and I like Hapas.

I wish they weren't treated poorly.

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e5aef9  No.16089910


You seem angry.

Seek balance and healing within.

Good luck.

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4c5d82  No.16089911


Flock of Seagulls.

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f7a3c7  No.16089912

File: 314fee66dbba571⋯.png (9.24 KB, 224x225, 224:225, ClipboardImage.png)

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7d642b  No.16089913

File: c350aa17cc53d40⋯.png (857.29 KB, 553x738, 553:738, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a36647713b3b740⋯.png (1.68 MB, 997x637, 997:637, 1Capture.PNG)

File: 01d9df4552bebe1⋯.jpg (91.69 KB, 888x500, 222:125, nightshift_spaceballs.jpg)

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818ada  No.16089914


you are all a bunch of criminals.

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5f3f79  No.16089915

File: 38d4ee0aa78bc47⋯.png (418.27 KB, 735x413, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)


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f2ba34  No.16089916


Most of their chants devolve into gibberish, showing their true lack of unity.

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66cc05  No.16089917

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post)

Catherine Austin Fitts


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5f3f79  No.16089918

File: 9fd31eef0ab2d9b⋯.png (63.95 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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b65242  No.16089919

File: 327e7822f8a4452⋯.gif (865.29 KB, 384x216, 16:9, run.gif)

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495ef7  No.16089920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The Prisoner

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460de4  No.16089921



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138ecb  No.16089922

File: 7579fcbb12e5839⋯.png (491.84 KB, 860x573, 860:573, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16089908 <- Pedo panic

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f875f8  No.16089923

File: 0076ea94351149e⋯.png (112.42 KB, 217x253, 217:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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97c3ed  No.16089924


Hmm… well, there is a reason why you're called stupid.

It doesn't require intelligence to claim "nonsense" and be right most of the time. Particularly when also free to define the standard of accuracy.

What requires "smarts" is recognizing when something is not nonsense. To see that the court jester is not just to entertain snobs, nor is a fool, but responsible for delivering the common perspective and gripe long before the torches and pitchforks become the Sword of Damocles.

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df9d4a  No.16089925

Serious question for today.

Who tried and crucified Jesus?

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8f7cf9  No.16089926

File: f65036992a4769d⋯.jpg (143.03 KB, 1440x1441, 1440:1441, IMG_20220413_221243.jpg)

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c70c0e  No.16089927

File: 7042266a3da4db3⋯.png (153.92 KB, 296x480, 37:60, pope_shit.png)


standin meets standin

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b1b6fb  No.16089928

File: ea24538b4243907⋯.jpg (34.77 KB, 400x274, 200:137, PopeDalmaticsPalmSun.jpg)

File: 8c105a8f1235048⋯.jpg (26.54 KB, 250x285, 50:57, popeandboy.jpg)

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818ada  No.16089929


I really hope that Putin will drop some things, you deserve to pay hard.

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cced70  No.16089930

File: 6c34824a2c48d23⋯.jpg (54.68 KB, 751x500, 751:500, ilddsutercfdd.jpg)

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138ecb  No.16089931

File: f7988aacc6e3d7d⋯.png (3.44 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16089923 <-Pedo panic

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66cc05  No.16089932

File: dc266090a4a32ea⋯.jpg (199.73 KB, 1312x500, 328:125, how_could_you_3l59tk.jpg)

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82cf97  No.16089933


MY PEOPLE WERE PUT IN CAMPS TOO!!! Were The Chosen people ever NUKED?? NO!! Anyone Anyone else nuked? NO What did that do to their society fucking generation of Cartoon Tentacle Monsters Raping Schoolchildern. Anime or as it was known Japanimation is fucked up shit and messing up kids minds. Starts with Pokemon, then Dragonball Z then slippery slope to Legend of The Overfiend or Bible Black. Whatever It is MY Karma to deal with to, my Families Karma. I Know Jesus and I know I am helping Save The World Shitposting and BTFOing Shills Here. And helping other people deal with it and create the Reality They Want.

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dd5760  No.16089934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f875f8  No.16089935

File: b1da2b07ba17a37⋯.png (167.67 KB, 511x312, 511:312, ClipboardImage.png)

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272be6  No.16089936


Yes, very Angry at you and those in your ilk. As all Americans should be. You did this you fat lazy counts. Die already and save us our sanity and money. Bless your face.

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2cbcdb  No.16089937

File: 16d19f50e3d4904⋯.png (617.83 KB, 679x615, 679:615, cbf760f6cb308907fa02de57c2….png)

1 of 3

Partial List Of Military Elite Purged and Fired Under Obama

Compiled By General Paul Vallely


Here is the list of our military elite who have been purged or fired under Obama:

Commanding Generals fired:

· General John R. Allen-U.S. Marines Commander International Security Assistance Force [ISAF] (Nov 2012)

· Major General Ralph Baker (2 Star)-U.S. Army Commander of the Combined Joint Task Force Horn in Africa (April 2013)

· Major General Michael Carey (2 Star)-U.S. Air Force Commander of the 20th US Air Force in charge of 9,600 people and 450 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (Oct 2013)

· Colonel James Christmas-U.S. Marines Commander 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit & Commander Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response Unit (July 2013)

· Major General Peter Fuller-U.S. Army Commander in Afghanistan (May 2011)

· Major General Charles M.M. Gurganus-U.S. Marine Corps Regional Commander of SW and I Marine Expeditionary Force in Afghanistan (Oct 2013)

· General Carter F. Ham-U.S. Army African Command (Oct 2013)

· Lieutenant General David H. Huntoon (3 Star), Jr.-U.S. Army 58th Superintendent of the US Military Academy at West Point, NY (2013)

· Command Sergeant Major Don B Jordan-U.S. Army 143rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command (suspended Oct 2013)

· General James Mattis-U.S. Marines Chief of CentCom (May 2013)

· Colonel Daren Margolin-U.S. Marine in charge of Quantico's Security Battalion (Oct 2013)

· General Stanley McChrystal-U.S. Army Commander Afghanistan (June 2010)

· General David D. McKiernan-U.S. Army Commander Afghanistan (2009)

· General David Petraeus-Director of CIA from September 2011 to November 2012 & U.S. Army Commander International Security Assistance Force [ISAF] and Commander U.S. Forces Afghanistan [USFOR-A] (Nov 2012)

· Brigadier General Bryan Roberts-U.S. Army Commander 2nd Brigade (May 2013)

· Major General Gregg A. Sturdevant-U.S. Marine Corps Director of Strategic Planning and Policy for the U.S. Pacific Command & Commander of Aviation Wing at Camp Bastion, Afghanistan (Sept 2013)

· Colonel Eric Tilley-U.S. Army Commander of Garrison Japan (Nov 2013)

· Brigadier General Bryan Wampler-U.S. Army Commanding General of 143rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command of the 1st Theater Sustainment Command [TSC] (suspended Oct 2013)

A complete list of officers from all branches is too long to post. More Here:


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b65242  No.16089938

File: e0646b4de9389be⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 474x280, 237:140, tno.jpg)


some anons might.

no autists do. not just him, anybody.

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8c0d58  No.16089939

File: 0b1b5fce7ab0b60⋯.png (336.69 KB, 852x649, 852:649, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_2….png)

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e88561  No.16089940

File: 794b5fc277748c5⋯.jpeg (146.37 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 37C91935_B609_4EB6_9662_C….jpeg)

16 Apr, 2022 21:05

HomeWorld News

Germany sees no risks in arms supplies to Ukraine


Kiev has a legitimate right to self-defense and aiding it cannot make another nation a party to war, Berlin insists

Germany faces no risks under international law when it supplies arms to Ukraine amid Russia’s military operation, German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann told Die Welt on Saturday.

Ukraine is fighting a “defensive war,” the minister claimed, adding that it has a right to fight back under the UN Charter. This fact, according to Buschmann, allows other nations to send it weapons without fear of being seen as a party to the conflict.

“When it [Ukraine] exercises its legitimate right for self-defense, supporting with arms deliveries cannot lead [a nation] to becoming a party to war,” Buschmann said, adding that it is not just his personal opinion but “that of the federal government.”

Western nations have been supplying Kiev with arms since the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine in late February. The deliveries have mostly consisted of small arms, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, as well as munitions and fuel. However, some nations are sending heavier arms as well. In particular, Slovakia confirmed donating its own S-300 air defense system to Kiev.

Ukraine has repeatedly demanded that its Western partners provide heavy equipment such as tanks and aircraft. Prague has reportedly delivered some tanks to Ukraine, although Czech officials have not officially confirmed that. The German defense company Rheinmetall also mulled sending old German Leopard 1 tanks to Kiev, but German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck later said they would not be combat-ready for quite some time and could require months to be made usable.

Russia has repeatedly warned NATO against sending arms to Ukraine and stated that it would consider arms convoys to be legitimate targets. Earlier this week, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warned that Russian forces would specifically view “American-NATO transports carrying weapons across Ukrainian territory” as such.


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61c03b  No.16089941

File: 53dcd86aaf8271f⋯.png (201.03 KB, 481x484, 481:484, ClipboardImage.png)


naw anons and note takers, bakers are doing a great job.

anon is around but happy to take a rest for a while, was a bit burnt out,

now the topics really are as follows.

1) Durham

2) Elon musk and Twitter (cia control exposed)

3) Covid proofs

4) supply chain issues (major blockage outside shanghai and global shortages of food coming

5) Bankster moves (markets cbcd digital currency)

6 ) Ukraine v russia

7) suicides and mysterious deaths

8) Anon decodes and Q connections

9) others random stuff on twat and attention whores.

Seems pretty quiet overall, maybe the fake msm are all off on easter weekend (passover) celebrating the ill gotten gains.


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138ecb  No.16089942

File: 9e6e099696e434e⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1280x774, 640:387, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16089935 <- Pedo panic

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818ada  No.16089943


What you'll do when ppl will find out what you do in those biolabs???????????????????

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66cc05  No.16089944


Jesus lives down the street from Juan. Ask him yourself.

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272be6  No.16089945


Hey joe. Nice copypasta.

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9b18f4  No.16089946

File: 72e5328cb741943⋯.jpg (309.27 KB, 1080x775, 216:155, 20200106_071421.jpg)

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e7303e  No.16089947

File: 7c53296bb577db4⋯.png (4.33 MB, 1977x3400, 1977:3400, 72757commsexpwQwAClong210w….png)


Was definitely a post. Was questioning if yesterday or day before.



Thanks Anon

Do you have a capture or link with the twitter account?

210 is the address.

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28d237  No.16089948


Brother needs some fuck

all out to give

reach deep anons

he's got your back


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b5b8ad  No.16089949

File: 91dafd7318b513d⋯.jpg (278.51 KB, 665x1627, 665:1627, 2022_04_16_18_14_09.jpg)



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cee0e7  No.16089950

File: 28affa43d6acf47⋯.png (290.53 KB, 1355x1083, 1355:1083, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b23b855c13efeb6⋯.png (156.3 KB, 1329x569, 1329:569, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 458c8f45d6c7c55⋯.png (290.14 KB, 1347x1077, 449:359, ClipboardImage.png)

Good Twitter read.

Too many posts to list here.


Very active about known risks of mRna and other genetic issues.

Claims that data pre-2019 has not been scrubbed online and is posting lots of info about people dying too young.

He's currently tearing a strip off Dr Drew for his sad interview and mocking of Dr Zelensky.

Need more eyes on pls.

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f875f8  No.16089952

File: b567cff6c99a6fc⋯.mp4 (8.17 MB, 464x848, 29:53, 9543c147ef8750bf.mp4)

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460de4  No.16089953


> really are

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138ecb  No.16089954



2015 called

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798bf1  No.16089955

Just an FYI to those watching the Grand Rapids protest.. an interesting thing to note is that the Grand Rapids Police scanner is offline

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66cc05  No.16089956

File: 3cb1c8267cf1490⋯.jpg (180.31 KB, 1312x500, 328:125, pull_out_3l53xv.jpg)

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818ada  No.16089957


where you do drugs that hurt people moar.

Instead of cure them?!?!?!?!

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e5aef9  No.16089958

File: 5e782a5390f8709⋯.jpeg (117.54 KB, 736x1116, 184:279, 04B05192_D03D_4757_A579_9….jpeg)

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2cbcdb  No.16089959

File: 7c83a1be56b10e8⋯.jpg (47.4 KB, 452x679, 452:679, 7c83a1be56b10e868b5bb03361….jpg)

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c70c0e  No.16089960

File: 72c686cb6a5195f⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 621x711, 69:79, hey_rabbi_wacha_doing_in_A….jpg)

File: 6c5c628e1f732b4⋯.mp4 (6.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Rabbi_Admits_that_White_Ge….mp4)

File: a427a81834da848⋯.jpg (108.49 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, quote_by_evil_rabbi_goyim_….jpg)

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138ecb  No.16089961

File: 5f2244d0964e2ae⋯.png (61.37 KB, 1307x831, 1307:831, ClipboardImage.png)

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1d2a10  No.16089962

File: dd57682b8db0ae3⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, realdeal.mp4)



Is ruling in the genes? All presidents bar one are directly descended from a medieval English king

12-year-old girl created family tree linking 42 of 43 U.S. presidents to King John of England, who signed Magna Carta in 1215

Only eighth president, Martin Van Buren, was not related to John

What do Barack Obama, Thomas Jefferson, George W. Bush and the other past U.S. presidents have in common? Besides holding the coveted title of commander-in-chief, it appears that all of them but one are cousins.

The remarkable discovery was made by 12-year-old BridgeAnne d’Avignon, of Salinas, California, who created a ground-breaking family tree that connected 42 of 43 U.S. presidents to one common, and rather unexpected, ancestor: King John of England.

‘They all have the trait of wanting power,’ d’Avignon told the station WFMY.

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f875f8  No.16089963

File: 618fa091642f830⋯.png (159.02 KB, 545x266, 545:266, ClipboardImage.png)

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35215a  No.16089965

File: 136d311e0571063⋯.jpeg (17.78 KB, 258x405, 86:135, pootie44.jpeg)

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f7a3c7  No.16089967

File: 17c3cb5c1c13e87⋯.png (105.44 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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2cbcdb  No.16089968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ever been part of "the wave" at a sporting event? Stood up at a show or event and applauded because others were applauding without knowing much about who, or what the clapping was for?

It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation, to go along with the crowd, and use this to propagate unconscious self-replicating social behaviors (fads, trends, crazes) in a culture for purposes of marketing or for social control.

It's common sense that such a phenomenon, ripe for exploitation, is being used by cultist pedovores interested in controlling human behavior – especially the for controlling the future evolution of social and economic systems.

Pop culture is not the organic phenomena it appears, but a curated artificial medium engineered to permit rapid introduction and transmission of contagious, conditioned behaviors like purchasing and to spread psychogenic illnesses, self-destructive sexual fetishes etc.

Cultures where commerce controls media content and where art is used to sell consumer goods also have the capacity to engineer psychological operations which induce delusions and powerful contagious mental illnesses or collective insanities.

Historical incidents and known forms of contagious psychogenic illnesses are described in "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles Mackay.


In recent years, we have seen mysterious maladies proliferate. Recently, American and European psychologists have been tracking the blue whale game, the Momo challenge, the gorilla glue challenge which use guided imagery, occult symbols sigils and glyphs to evoke a psychic dilemma which persuades victim to ice themselves or huff wasp spray. In addition to obvious mind traps like Momo and the Whale, there are similar cognitive exploits which are far more dangerous.

Rothko's basilisk is a logic trap to which a small segment of the population is especially vulnerable -


The evil clowns create both the pathology, “induced contagious, epidemic psychogenic illness” and the psyops which exploit it, constantly.





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9b18f4  No.16089969

File: 44cff4ced125642⋯.png (507.53 KB, 1080x737, 1080:737, Memeto_1606865758636.png)

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66cc05  No.16089970

File: e8d07871a82946b⋯.jpeg (863.07 KB, 1081x1214, 1081:1214, bag_of_suicides.jpeg)

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818ada  No.16089971


why don't you fucking find a cow, and let us alone, don't blind us w/ your sheet?!?!?!

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2cbcdb  No.16089972

File: 1807fba101e6a4f⋯.jpg (179.93 KB, 500x1305, 100:261, 1807fba101e6a4ff752f26f5ad….jpg)

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e5aef9  No.16089973


Bless you too.

Be mindful. Are those awkward enough to be led into perdition really so guilty?

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620f4e  No.16089974


>They are worse than cucks now, they now promote trannies. They are Jack Murphy levels of cucks.

Yet another example of there being no solution except revolution.

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798bf1  No.16089975

They chanting "I don't see no riot here!" in Grand Rapids.

That's fishy as hell.

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77641a  No.16089976

Durham isn’t going to prosecute anyone in government, the coverup continues

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1302d0  No.16089977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Back in the Village

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97c3ed  No.16089978


Guess they get to find out what happens when those pipelines shut down completely.

Russia doesn't even have to drop a bomb to crush Europe at this point. Completely stupid.

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cee0e7  No.16089979

File: ab6b21189eb5276⋯.png (362.19 KB, 1346x1385, 1346:1385, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c07d1f52412b7ac⋯.png (477.72 KB, 1346x1795, 1346:1795, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 374381324de7fb7⋯.png (379.95 KB, 1344x1905, 448:635, ClipboardImage.png)


Seems like a good rogue white hat doc to me.


New to me.

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82cf97  No.16089980

File: 86c5197cb34b35a⋯.png (180.57 KB, 483x638, 483:638, 1574539801153.png)


Japanese is The Best Asian IMO. One of the only Countries to Beat Russia, Russo Japanese War. They took revenge in WW2. My mom said some of her classmates in the 50's were fucked up looking Japanese, she figured they were children of Raped women.

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46e293  No.16089981

File: a688ec01bc7c8a6⋯.png (262.79 KB, 433x652, 433:652, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_1….png)

File: 36e75b96d7c1249⋯.png (413 KB, 802x867, 802:867, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_1….png)


Michael Abney-Hastings, 14th Earl of Loudoun

Australian politician (1942–2012)

Michael Edward Abney-Hastings, 14th Earl of Loudoun, was a British-Australian farmer, who is most noted because of the 2004 documentary Britain's Real Monarch, which alleged he was the rightful monarch of England instead of Queen Elizabeth II. From February 1960 until November 2002, he held the courtesy title Lord Mauchline.


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310e6b  No.16089982

File: a08810aa8b7b2a9⋯.jpeg (410.82 KB, 1449x1967, 207:281, 29c115c1d2af4b3732948be99….jpeg)

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66cc05  No.16089983

File: f9dfcefab19a935⋯.jpeg (153.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Eat_every_10th_legislator.jpeg)

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61c03b  No.16089985

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Keep eyes on Monkey Werz for top down view of traffic of planes, and cargo ships, surveillance balloons satellites, planefags and global views



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f7a3c7  No.16089986

File: 679b34cf014f95d⋯.png (8.42 KB, 226x223, 226:223, ClipboardImage.png)

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2cbcdb  No.16089987

File: f9aa943661a0ccc⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1145, 216:229, 571b7f43fd99ad1be01b5882c5….png)

File: 21618e0a66b87a1⋯.jpg (163.7 KB, 852x1024, 213:256, 21618e0a66b87a157f36d06733….jpg)

File: dabff11b11bfee7⋯.png (546.76 KB, 620x679, 620:679, 1501770317640_Copy_Copy_Co….png)

File: bd9662cc7bd5425⋯.jpg (2.47 MB, 2810x4692, 1405:2346, bd9662cc7bd5425a1800594b54….jpg)

File: 5eb3cf1cf552f80⋯.png (283.87 KB, 500x773, 500:773, f0005ad4d12ddb1dc306b6912b….png)

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740904  No.16089988

File: 1423c12b1fd71cd⋯.jpg (134.73 KB, 1080x774, 60:43, 20220416_211947.jpg)

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e5aef9  No.16089989


She is example of God’s handiwork.

Quell your rage.

Joy in all circumstance.

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32a5d2  No.16089990



So this is about to happen or not. They are 8 hrs ahead of east coast time so it’s 5:20 am there

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0fd9ac  No.16089991

File: aac6b11382195b3⋯.png (262.13 KB, 561x471, 187:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14fb6b07f2c582a⋯.png (322.01 KB, 824x615, 824:615, ClipboardImage.png)

Zelenskyy Says the World Should ‘Be Ready’ For Nuclear War With Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is warning that “all of the countries of the world” should begin preparing for nuclear war with Russia.

In a preview for an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Zelenskyy said that people should not be afraid of nuclear war — just ready.

On Thursday, CIA Director Bill Burns said that the CIA is watching the possibility of Russia using nukes “very intently,” but emphasized that the US has not yet seen any signs that Russia is preparing to take such a step, per CNN.

“The director of the CIA warned that he’s worried Putin might use a tactical nuclear weapon in this fight. Are you worried?” Tapper asked.

“Not only me, I think all over the world, all the countries have to be worried,” Zelensky responded. “Because, you know that it kind of be not real information, but it can be the truth because when they began to speak about one or another battles or involves enemies, or nuclear weapon, or some chemical, you know, issues, chemical weapons, they should do.”

“They could– I mean, they can. For them, life of the people is nothing,” he added. “That’s why we should think, not be afraid. I mean, that not be afraid, be ready. But that is not the question for to Ukraine, and not only for the Ukraine, for all over the world, I think so.”

In March, Zelenskyy taunted the West for being “afraid” of Moscow, in a bid to get fighter jets.

“I’ve talked to the defenders of Mariupol today. I’m in constant contact with them. Their determination, heroism and firmness are astonishing,” Zelenskyy said in a video early Sunday. “If only those who have been thinking for 31 days on how to hand over dozens of jets and tanks had 1% of their courage.”

Apparently, it is extreme cowardice not to run into WWIII for a foreign nation.

“This should be known as soon as possible by as many people on earth as possible so that everyone understands who and why was simply afraid to prevent this tragedy. Afraid to simply make a decision,” Zelenskyy said.


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9a6c6a  No.16089992

File: a41b038253f46a9⋯.png (507.9 KB, 628x629, 628:629, Black_Eye_Club_3.png)

>>16088383 Romney Knocked Unconscious, Suffers a Black Eye In Shock Photos (conservativebrief link) (pb)

Officially in the Black-Eye club?

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e88561  No.16089993

File: 5bcc8534b9adefa⋯.jpeg (238.42 KB, 1241x968, 1241:968, 2E4B6A36_3AE1_4642_9B73_E….jpeg)

NATO says rules based system in their report over and over again


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9b18f4  No.16089994

File: 01e9504e848fb01⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 385x250, 77:50, 7a0c5b922c428e5115b79f09ae….jpg)

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4bd9cc  No.16089995

File: df89ca5f6fdc9d1⋯.png (5.44 MB, 1448x1940, 362:485, ClipboardImage.png)

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f7a3c7  No.16089996

File: f5092b20567a023⋯.png (11.94 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)

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bc1724  No.16089997

File: 709909b6a16cc8e⋯.png (144.35 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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50f181  No.16089998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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59dcd6  No.16089999

File: 47059c9d24907ce⋯.jpg (54.79 KB, 331x324, 331:324, HRC.jpg)

When did HRC become a dude?

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f7a3c7  No.16090000

File: e02d67a7e57a514⋯.png (8.92 KB, 310x163, 310:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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620f4e  No.16090001


>NATO says rules based system in their report over and over again

Yes. And these are apparently hidden rules being referenced.

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66cc05  No.16090002

File: 1f003af4d57d489⋯.jpg (73.68 KB, 500x676, 125:169, 1f003af4d57d489ff8348a95d7….jpg)


yaba daba doooo!

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2cbcdb  No.16090003

File: 402ee09962be3fe⋯.jpg (103.1 KB, 672x372, 56:31, vril_dali.jpg)

Vril type 1 lizards (terrestrial aliens) are parasitic, carnivorous and malevolent. They’re about one to two feet tall. Their head resembles the body of a king crab and their body is covered in red diamond-shaped scales. They dwell underground. They’re dumb (and are able to talk) but smarter when they turn a human into a host (drone). They have a proboscis (called the Quill), which is located on the top of their head. The proboscis (which looks-like a chocolate chip) contains everything that the lizard is (its consciousness). Their lizard body is dead once the proboscis leaves its body. They can only do this once in their lifetime and if they fail (turning a human into a host), they die. The human that is about to be bodysnatched is either unconscious or restrained. The proboscis enters the human’s eye and spirals around the optic nerve. It then proceeds to go to an area of the brain (driven by taste) that tastes like butterscotch to them. Then, they do a feeling of holding your breath and pushing outwards. Finally, it does what's called “Sweating the Quill” (at the tip of the proboscis), which excretes the parasitic cells that take over the human body. This kills the human and replaces their consciousness with the Vril lizard’s consciousness. The Vril lizard becomes that human (after about a month’s recovery time). This transition from Vril lizard to human is what’s called "Droning". Once a Vril lizard becomes a human, they are then known as a Drone, Host of Vril or a Parasited Host. A person that has had this happen to them, may be referred to as someone that had been possessed by a demon. This is what demonic possession is. In addition, some hosts of Vril (drones) call themselves “walk-ins”, in which they describe how an alien consciousness or soul took over their body. The slit-eye videos that you see all over the web are fake. The Illuminati put these out intentionally to mislead everyone into thinking that one can tell who is a “reptilian” (Vril lizard and a host of Vril aka drone) by checking to see, if their eyes turn to slits. This doesn’t occur and they cannot do this. However, the eyes ARE one way to tell… Sometimes, there may be an eye that pops outward (or inward) due to the droning process or it makes the eye stray, so it looks-like the person is cockeyed or walleyed. There is no shape-shifting either. The so-called shape-shifting is the transition from Vril lizard to human. Those that talk about “reptilian shape-shifters” are referring to Vril and people who have been droned. Drones (Parasited Hosts of Vril) mimic human behavior. They are willing slaves with no compassion and only care about droning other people, torture and sex. They’re murderers. They killed the human to "use" their body and live life


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138ecb  No.16090004

File: ae49ca9d85aff84⋯.png (352.27 KB, 1170x1077, 390:359, ClipboardImage.png)

Who REALLY controls 'the board' of Twitter?

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798bf1  No.16090005

File: 5e8b7140e514067⋯.png (376.2 KB, 301x468, 301:468, vestguy2.png)

Yellow vest guy is still there, still has his vest on

He's harassing the cops right now that are in a bike line.

His pistol is in his pocket.

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1d2a10  No.16090006


>large air-dropped, thin cased, high explosive demolition bomb

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8f7cf9  No.16090007

File: 85c4afe3700d388⋯.jpg (362.3 KB, 1745x1079, 1745:1079, _20220416_210707.JPG)

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f7a3c7  No.16090008

File: 09a1f9e07255491⋯.png (9.04 KB, 218x231, 218:231, ClipboardImage.png)

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c1c7c8  No.16090009

File: 9d07b14cb005a91⋯.png (184.25 KB, 510x500, 51:50, 1650148895003.png)

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620f4e  No.16090010


I think many of these high profile people are being mind-controlled and/or coerced into this stuff.

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740904  No.16090011


Almost 5 9's ago.

4 wasted

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818ada  No.16090012


Go back.

God, must be perfect!

If you think that God created you, then say that to your mother.

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2cbcdb  No.16090013

File: 0e2e2d6fab5fef8⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1024x1534, 512:767, t33333.png)

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1d2a10  No.16090014

File: 6b485a5e1383497⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 634x355, 634:355, cloth.jpg)


>When did HRC become a dude?

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040c69  No.16090015

File: 1bc061665d44a07⋯.jpeg (78.56 KB, 472x465, 472:465, 3E7FD1CB_839C_4661_ADE3_0….jpeg)


morn’n baker approves of this message

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f7a3c7  No.16090016

File: 4a5ffaad650bbe3⋯.png (12.41 KB, 284x177, 284:177, ClipboardImage.png)

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66cc05  No.16090017

File: 13ffbff6bd44678⋯.jpg (183.02 KB, 1312x500, 328:125, Crisco_3labv9.jpg)

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bc1724  No.16090018

File: 1f07bc859ff86b7⋯.png (116.6 KB, 750x257, 750:257, ClipboardImage.png)

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138ecb  No.16090019

File: 6dbaab5d010f20a⋯.png (3.13 MB, 1800x1286, 900:643, 6dbaab5d010f20ad8d76e4be94….png)

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07440f  No.16090020

File: c0648c73b0d3a64⋯.png (278.24 KB, 1022x511, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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cee0e7  No.16090021

File: 93cdf81887c2692⋯.png (343.54 KB, 1352x1521, 8:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Heart attacks can be deadly.

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f875f8  No.16090022

File: 22bb46bde6d6940⋯.png (598.94 KB, 724x402, 362:201, ClipboardImage.png)

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bc1724  No.16090023


kekkity kek

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50f181  No.16090024



looks like Chris Wallace

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66cc05  No.16090025


not a good look for a politician to own a social media site

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2cbcdb  No.16090026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Natural History of Elephants

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9b18f4  No.16090027

File: 9c049bc8059d8f1⋯.jpeg (118.02 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1585876605.jpeg)

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cced70  No.16090028

We have nothing to lose but our chains

-Chant by terrorists in Grand Rapids

[frequently used by black lives matter]

"Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains."


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35215a  No.16090029

File: 4e0df4434b47e97⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 348x200, 87:50, missv44.gif)

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9b18f4  No.16090031

File: 513c5109d645091⋯.jpg (555.62 KB, 1238x1167, 1238:1167, 20220223_194252.jpg)

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6ef6b3  No.16090032


I can't read the watch…can you?

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c416b8  No.16090033

File: 87c9afeec0a6ef9⋯.png (497.42 KB, 602x847, 86:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c30ec229b010378⋯.png (252.62 KB, 662x722, 331:361, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 396b4829b382503⋯.png (239.07 KB, 596x589, 596:589, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83d268105a66e1d⋯.png (84.59 KB, 309x560, 309:560, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a952b21431e65c⋯.png (195.59 KB, 496x962, 248:481, ClipboardImage.png)

crazy how breads start to fly when certain shit is dropped

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f7a3c7  No.16090034

File: 17049e55490a726⋯.png (119.61 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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1d2a10  No.16090035

File: ce033b86842ac9e⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB, 640x352, 20:11, DODbiggestContractorisElon….mp4)

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82cf97  No.16090036

File: fed7a9b356335d1⋯.png (975.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_2….png)



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620f4e  No.16090037


>a Communistic revolution.

No, Communism is designed to fail.

Just cull the ruling class and then return to normal.

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8c0d58  No.16090038

File: 0e7cf96af787464⋯.png (538.66 KB, 846x870, 141:145, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_2….png)

File: 538555290e26d3e⋯.png (397.27 KB, 844x612, 211:153, Screenshot_2022_04_16_at_2….png)

White Hats on Friday arrested former Obama strategist David Axelrod near his condominium in the South Loop suburb of Chicago.

A confidential source in the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps told Real Raw News that U.S. Marines caught Axelrod as he was travelling from Chicago to a friend’s vacation home in Whiting, Indiana.

“I’ll provide additional details as soon as I’m cleared to,” our source said. “I can say no U.S. Marines were injured, and Axelrod didn’t resist. His arrest, rest assured, is justifiable.”



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f7a3c7  No.16090039

File: 1040d3279f9c4c5⋯.png (9.05 KB, 302x167, 302:167, ClipboardImage.png)

grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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e7303e  No.16090040

File: 8809b08c90702bf⋯.png (695.93 KB, 714x874, 357:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e70f4653443baf7⋯.png (7.13 MB, 2700x3600, 3:4, 55libertyridewlinesHunterm….png)


17th state

Trump will be there Saturday

Elvis played some of his final shows in OHIO

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b5b8ad  No.16090041


from MI demonstration?

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798bf1  No.16090042

Looks like cars are trying to turn into the street the protestors are on.

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740904  No.16090043

File: 5bdee97ac4041a9⋯.png (438.5 KB, 508x704, 127:176, 20220413_235606.png)

File: 3f0f585b9ccdeaf⋯.png (156.79 KB, 449x285, 449:285, 3f0f585b9ccdeaff519eddc219….png)





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818ada  No.16090044


If God created you, then he created biden, too.

so let's say thank you.

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2d86bb  No.16090046

File: 68d697812a71c91⋯.jpg (128.45 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, Smoke.jpg)


I like the way he thinks. A lot.

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7a2e7d  No.16090047

File: 3bcf1a12b7a039f⋯.png (173.53 KB, 541x480, 541:480, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fd4167c9466204⋯.png (160.02 KB, 517x444, 517:444, ClipboardImage.png)

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798bf1  No.16090048


Yep, in Grand Rapids.

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1e0847  No.16090049


If musk can affoed to buy Twitter just imagine if he could afford a cheap chinese thermoballistic tip for said rockets he makes?

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d384f4  No.16090050

File: 1cee8c82c2f7db8⋯.png (303.62 KB, 555x478, 555:478, ClipboardImage.png)

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28d237  No.16090051

File: b39b295cc81fac9⋯.jpg (29.48 KB, 289x284, 289:284, b39b295cc81fac970a0f268a08….jpg)


evenin, mornin baker

how them shoodles workin out?

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798bf1  No.16090053

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818ada  No.16090054


because vaccines are good.

he saved a lot of people.

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6c2758  No.16090055

File: 1e73f68a79b521c⋯.jpg (68.5 KB, 751x900, 751:900, reagan_making_a_toast_war_….jpg)


Trust .. but verify.

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bc1724  No.16090056


LP/PB that shit motherfucker!

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072012  No.16090057

File: 3ac95fa9a78cc93⋯.jpg (107.71 KB, 1066x500, 533:250, SCARE.jpg)

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798bf1  No.16090058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I took pic from JeffMAC stream

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b1b6fb  No.16090059

File: db47913c4fb44fa⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1545x1065, 103:71, lackland.png)

File: c44708252a73eb2⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1539x684, 9:4, lacklandfishy.png)


yeH AND i wonder why he was called


'coronation took place on Ascension Day, 1199. '

a lot of these stories are bogus.

seems a bit 'fishy'

some of my research says he was 'dutch' rather than english

Other Kings around that time were roman 'holy roman empire'

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66cc05  No.16090060

File: b329f9f02743f65⋯.jpeg (867.61 KB, 1081x1214, 1081:1214, the_cat_suit.jpeg)

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ff08fd  No.16090061

Did we ever get comms to not take the vaccine (Aside from "We're Not Gonna Take It")?

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b231db  No.16090062


I wonder if it is some type of count down? 111 hours? Mins? I hate to say it, but days or god forbid, months???

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a9603d  No.16090064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting movie.

Anon remembers the night Q posted all the Nazi/Merkel/Hitler stuff and anons pretty much could not accept it. Seems very probable now, does it not?


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6236a0  No.16090066

File: f90d5071d01dac1⋯.png (786.76 KB, 914x512, 457:256, boyc.png)

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740904  No.16090067

File: e8e16d28b1bcfa2⋯.jpg (176.02 KB, 1312x500, 328:125, 20220416_213048.jpg)

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138ecb  No.16090068

File: b65edcd0d8afe00⋯.png (69.78 KB, 853x925, 853:925, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16090022 <- Pedo

Jesus was a Jew

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b5b8ad  No.16090069

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f875f8  No.16090070

File: 866c4a721d89079⋯.png (119.74 KB, 410x375, 82:75, ClipboardImage.png)

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620f4e  No.16090071


>The only way to have a chance at freedom from Judeo-Disney values is total collapse

Revolution. Promote and obtain a revolutionary mindset instead of being a passive complainer.

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f875f8  No.16090072

File: d189a813d1bbe82⋯.png (511.78 KB, 534x497, 534:497, ClipboardImage.png)

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040c69  No.16090073

File: b261cab81ca90ee⋯.gif (985.81 KB, 245x200, 49:40, 61884F5A_2E19_4EE7_8A3A_50….gif)


good yo. finally chill’n fer the eevn’n. you guud?

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2cbcdb  No.16090074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is it like when C_A backed pedovores run a country?

Like this.

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d384f4  No.16090075

File: 3912f42afd7ff7e⋯.png (13.17 KB, 463x696, 463:696, ClipboardImage.png)

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66cc05  No.16090076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Forging an 18'th Century Pole Axe With Beau Beckett

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ff08fd  No.16090078


>LGBT is associated with a rainbow

Some Anon also made the connection that Lucifer = Light, thus the LGBT rainbow flag to denote transhumanism.

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f7a3c7  No.16090079

File: 5eb154883a45c11⋯.png (93.5 KB, 339x149, 339:149, ClipboardImage.png)


>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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a919a2  No.16090081

3 black suspects in SC mall shooting.

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d4dbb1  No.16090083

File: 9c0b7b06a0f98cb⋯.png (371.87 KB, 500x860, 25:43, 535366.png)

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2cbcdb  No.16090085

File: 66e4e01ac00a429⋯.png (2 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, 61.png)

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620f4e  No.16090086


Transhumanism and Transgenderism have little to do with each other. Transgenderism is just about genocide.

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798bf1  No.16090087

Is it me, or are the crowds growing in Grand Rapids as it gets darker out?

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8c0d58  No.16090088


Such a waste of space…dear, got get a woman!

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b1b6fb  No.16090089

File: 749e62e8464c47d⋯.png (466.5 KB, 416x687, 416:687, Eating_People_is_Wrong.png)


maybe all the people dropping dead from it is a 'com'?

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66cc05  No.16090090

File: fabbf30fe383f22⋯.jpeg (926.28 KB, 1081x1214, 1081:1214, your_imminent_suicide.jpeg)

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5f3f79  No.16090091


Instantaneous filter

Hey, I wonder whatever happened to Ron Jeremy Hyatt's associates.

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138ecb  No.16090092

File: 52069d0f5f96f98⋯.png (80.84 KB, 1319x857, 1319:857, ClipboardImage.png)



Pedos panicking

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2cbcdb  No.16090093

File: 5250e0337a40a8f⋯.png (708.2 KB, 600x794, 300:397, 27.png)

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6236a0  No.16090094

File: ce2bb13901523de⋯.png (712.28 KB, 972x652, 243:163, blmterr.png)

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e5aef9  No.16090095


Biden is.

Because of that, distasteful as it is, he is part of the plan.

An actor, shaking hands wit da air like he don’t care..

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f7a3c7  No.16090096

File: c288052c8cd8c0c⋯.png (76.76 KB, 243x207, 27:23, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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f875f8  No.16090097

File: 1e16d15fadb369a⋯.png (90.91 KB, 750x397, 750:397, ClipboardImage.png)

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6c2758  No.16090099

File: f5d0a8da4cfa846⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 442x467, 442:467, lajosbokros.jpg)


cue racewar?

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b1b6fb  No.16090101


they are very connected.


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a919a2  No.16090102

Coronavirus fear porn out of NY keeping the fire stoked.

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7d642b  No.16090103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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66cc05  No.16090104

File: 5d7d59917529b0a⋯.jpeg (516.65 KB, 1280x1075, 256:215, Harvesting_children.jpeg)

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2cbcdb  No.16090105

File: 49938f1622a35c5⋯.png (717.72 KB, 600x794, 300:397, 1.png)

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b1b6fb  No.16090107

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b5b8ad  No.16090108


##20352 @400

>>16089725 DANK KEKS: Psaki’s Advice for Next Press Secretary: Don’t Let Reporters ‘Make You Seem Like You’re Satan Reincarnated’

>>16089818, >>16090005, >>16090058 LIVE: Protesters in the streets for Patrick Lyoya | Grand Rapids MI - watch BLM harrassing people

>>16089829 Polish Ambassador to U.S.: Zelensky Is ‘The Leader of the Free World Right Now’ (Breitbart)

>>16089831 Russia urges Ukrainian stronghold to surrender (RT)

>>16089838, >>16089848 QR tools

>>16089846 US Navy: Night, day, land or sea, the #BlueGreenTeam is there

>>16089863 Moscow claims Kiev has lost 23,367 combatants combined from the army, national guard and foreign mercenaries (RT)

>>16089903 Police clash with ‘Neither Macron, nor Le Pen’ protesters (VIDEOS)

>>16089917, >>16089949 Catherine Austin Fitts: We are at war right now

>>16089705, >>16089735 @MsBlaireWhite on transition clinic operating on 12-year-olds

>>16089937 Partial List Of Military Elite Purged and Fired Under Obama

>>16089940 Germany sees no risks in arms supplies to Ukraine

>>16089968 Mass psychology & psychogenic illness

>>16089985 Monkey Werz - resource for info on traffic of planes/cargo ships/surveillance

>>16089991 Zelenskyy Says the World Should ‘Be Ready’ For Nuclear War With Russia

>>16089993 The rules-based int'l order can't tolerate Elon Musk owning twitter

>>16090038 White Hats on Friday arrested former Obama strategist David Axelrod in Chicago

Ck em anons

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cced70  No.16090109


Crowd is getting bigger…their chants are much louder than earlier.

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a9603d  No.16090110

>Digital soldiers, Attention!


Board has gotten soft. Being nice to newfags.

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6ef6b3  No.16090111

File: 78bd8a610e796ea⋯.png (7.64 KB, 426x132, 71:22, Screen_Shot_04_16_22_at_09….PNG)

17 and 17 mirrored. Whoa the comms today yo!

171 days

There are 171 days from April 16, 2022 to October 4, 2022

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d4dbb1  No.16090112

File: 49398eb6d6649c3⋯.png (295.87 KB, 538x451, 538:451, 46463636.png)

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620f4e  No.16090113


>they are very connected.


I don't think so. I think that Jews have just been pushing that as a cover for genocide.

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b1b6fb  No.16090114


no, he's the front line of the enemies, what the plan works to remove.

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66cc05  No.16090115

File: 035ae505b291ae0⋯.jpg (51.7 KB, 558x447, 186:149, Repeat_after_me_Jesus_is_L….jpg)


Jews that hate their own kind are the funniest

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f7a3c7  No.16090116

File: 44da33fab76708a⋯.png (6.26 KB, 186x271, 186:271, ClipboardImage.png)


>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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4a329d  No.16090117

>>16088244 lb

There's a 17 in the signature lines both above and below that of beloved POTUS 45.

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1d2a10  No.16090118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ilovaisk 2014 Beshoot movie - international trailer

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28d237  No.16090119

File: e4b8d34d9d67163⋯.jpg (57.7 KB, 498x628, 249:314, e4b8d34d9d67163c4f6655b3d2….jpg)


ooooh yeah

ghuud quiet

no one around to bake

son do well, guud times?

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040c69  No.16090120

File: c64935c6eba453f⋯.gif (2.14 MB, 400x250, 8:5, 62700C5E_0DF3_489C_AEFD_79….gif)


deez luuk guud

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b1b6fb  No.16090122


no it's NAZI

fourth industrialism revolution = 4th reich

those people kill real Jews.

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a919a2  No.16090123


Double Triple Trips.

Seems like a lot of shooting with injuries only.

Seems intentional for a purpose to distract and throw a bone to the Dem loyalists as Biden sinks like whale shit.

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495ef7  No.16090124

File: b02b15b5eef73a5⋯.png (134.99 KB, 621x433, 621:433, PointerSNLtiktokPlunger.png)

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2d86bb  No.16090125

File: 0b330375971ae0c⋯.jpg (66.66 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Fucking_MAGA_How_Does_It_W….jpg)


Well, it's like the starseed alium space galactica federation pro-trump crowd.

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5891f2  No.16090126

File: 5af1f07d65022b2⋯.jpeg (469.93 KB, 750x797, 750:797, 4A3E8E3C_F4C3_4F93_B840_9….jpeg)





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bc1724  No.16090127


Trump is not a politician, he is POTUS45, and might be POTUS46, but he's no politician.

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ff08fd  No.16090128


>Transgenderism is just about genocide

Transhumanism in the sense of putting lipstick and a dress on a pig before castrating it, all to see the farmer's reaction.

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e5aef9  No.16090129

File: a14301df93b16ca⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 360x360, 1:1, 0A6D1E76_AF0A_49F6_ACA6_7A….gif)

You’re weird.

I guess we can be frens.

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f875f8  No.16090130

File: 6b57821a4aea3f5⋯.png (287.76 KB, 720x670, 72:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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f7a3c7  No.16090132

File: af704f4269162fd⋯.png (11.42 KB, 379x133, 379:133, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped


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138ecb  No.16090133

File: 8a484de3a06dc43⋯.png (65.81 KB, 1125x486, 125:54, ClipboardImage.png)


David was also a Jew.

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32a5d2  No.16090134


Obama’s other Handler.

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b5b8ad  No.16090135

File: 1554cecc17c5430⋯.jpg (16.07 KB, 351x255, 117:85, have_a_nice_day_1.jpg)

File: bd2c1993db96d95⋯.png (324.53 KB, 572x566, 286:283, have_a_nice_day_bunny_wavi….png)

File: 4a2680d709bde21⋯.png (144.74 KB, 463x321, 463:321, have_a_nice_day_red_gold.png)

File: 7cb92ed0c27904a⋯.png (125.21 KB, 411x346, 411:346, have_a_nice_day_feathers.png)

File: 70a2385b739f4e1⋯.png (226.43 KB, 363x364, 363:364, have_a_nice_day_fucker.png)


Anons are always nice.


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620f4e  No.16090136


>no it's NAZI

>fourth industrialism revolution = 4th reich

>those people kill real Jews

Klaus Schwab is half Jewish and Jews are heavily involved there. And in Ukraine Jews are controlling Nazis. I don't trust that shit. I don't blame Nazis for it.

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f875f8  No.16090137

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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2d86bb  No.16090138


>Still waiting on folks to figure out who created God.

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2cbcdb  No.16090139

File: b9e0aa1584762a8⋯.png (5.36 MB, 2834x1893, 2834:1893, ClipboardImage.png)

There are sons of the buddha whose minds are pure,

who are gentle and of acute capacities,

who under innumerable buddhas

have practiced the profound and wonderful way.

For these sons of the buddha

I preach this sutra of the great vehicle.

And I predict that these persons

in a future existence will attain the buddha way.

Because deep in their minds they think of the Buddha

and practice and uphold the pure precepts,

they are assured they will attain buddhahood,

and hearing this, their whole bodies are filled with great joy.

The Buddha knows their minds and their practices

and therefore preaches for them the great vehicle.

When the voice-hearers and bodhisattvas

hear this Law that I preach,

as soon as they have heard one verse

they will all without doubt be certain of attaining buddhahood.

In the buddha lands of the ten directions

there is only the Law of the one vehicle,

there are not two, there are not three,

except when the Buddha preaches so as an expedient means


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dd5760  No.16090140

File: f8333c4749df488⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfaef550a1c2eaf⋯.png (267.49 KB, 1281x304, 1281:304, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 070899bbff33864⋯.png (163.28 KB, 336x480, 7:10, ClipboardImage.png)

Wichita State University

WuShock is a big, bad, muscle-bound bundle of wheat. He's been WSU's mascot since 1948, a friend to every Shocker fan and the No. 1 supporter of all things Wichita and Wichita State.


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040c69  No.16090141


did ok. not his best

big axident rid’n today. bud of mine broke his neck. habben’d behind me.

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a919a2  No.16090142


Crumps Army.

Nig nog black nationalists looking to start the Summer of riots.

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b5b8ad  No.16090144


cat don't look so good

more valium needed?

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e4cf60  No.16090145


But he was a righteous one.

Not a Satan worshipping fag.

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28d237  No.16090146


you prolly filtered em

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138ecb  No.16090148

File: 6f7c1b1c24d5813⋯.png (37.54 KB, 1343x211, 1343:211, ClipboardImage.png)


Jesus was a Galilean Jew

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61c03b  No.16090149

File: ade96cc62f280c0⋯.png (1.19 MB, 715x942, 715:942, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 091bf9c85cd7c1f⋯.png (1.12 MB, 944x528, 59:33, ClipboardImage.png)


tank you anon

will archieve.

cat is always worth listening too.

good info albeit top down.

usually means, things to come which land for the general public in about 3 months to 6 months out.

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2d86bb  No.16090150


>That cowboy dancing on sky mound

Cracks me up.

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d4dbb1  No.16090151

File: 1d4f13d4dccad69⋯.png (158.24 KB, 480x320, 3:2, 552525.png)

File: 41dae6a288ca815⋯.jpg (42.92 KB, 634x333, 634:333, 35353.jpg)


Groomer Woody

He and Epstein were sex-fiend pedo buddies


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6236a0  No.16090152

File: 5eefc95ba6fb380⋯.png (752.46 KB, 978x656, 489:328, nukeor.png)

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66cc05  No.16090153

File: 97778ba15e0aa94⋯.png (2 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, airplane_2019_12_31_16h21m….png)


Shirley you're not suggesting people in DC lie?

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f875f8  No.16090154

File: e274867cef7b670⋯.png (82.17 KB, 543x295, 543:295, ClipboardImage.png)


Jews are Canaanite, not jews. Jesus wasn't a "jew". Dumb kike lmao

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e4cf60  No.16090157


Who cares?

Kansas sucks donkey dicks.

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b5b8ad  No.16090158


>buddy broke his next

sorry to hear that - prayers his way.

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66cc05  No.16090159


ok so if Hillary or Obama had one you'd be cool with that?


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040c69  No.16090160


dubz. kitteh fine. need moar catnip

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f7a3c7  No.16090161

File: a3eb04f4aaa6ec1⋯.png (9.32 KB, 307x164, 307:164, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped


>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped


>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped


>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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b1b6fb  No.16090162


how is facebook ad library a resource for us when all the q people were purged from there, long time ago already?

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201a69  No.16090163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e5aef9  No.16090164

File: bb859a2b5c2d537⋯.jpeg (67.9 KB, 563x571, 563:571, 7E5DA202_5E52_49E4_AB69_2….jpeg)


He is in twilight.

Sad and real.

Unseen Handlers around him decide.

Joe gets pudding and a dry depends.

Catch up.

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620f4e  No.16090165


>I always follow the law and I always tell everyone to follow the law.

They're attempting a legal orderly genocide by propaganda, coercion, and mind-control

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28d237  No.16090166


oh shit, prayers

was rainin? got some here

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a9603d  No.16090167

So for Jim to post instructions for newfags, then we are about to get an influx. Obviously hasn't happened; awful quiet in here.

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66cc05  No.16090168

File: b35fb2396409be7⋯.jpg (63.82 KB, 605x413, 605:413, marolyn_manson_3ky72x.jpg)

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b1b6fb  No.16090169



they already do

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740904  No.16090170


Quads, let that sink in.















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b1b6fb  No.16090171


easter weekend

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f7a3c7  No.16090173

File: 4eac5910933a9b4⋯.png (12.22 KB, 255x198, 85:66, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped


>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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040c69  No.16090174



real bummed 3 ppl in ER today. sup wif dat!?

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66cc05  No.16090175


if you run for office you are a politician

he has lost his cherry

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f7a3c7  No.16090176

File: 8dfa608458c5f0a⋯.png (14.13 KB, 246x205, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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dd5760  No.16090177


Was supposed to be for you


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6ef6b3  No.16090178



Thank you, anons!

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620f4e  No.16090179



(Link is autotranslated)

This might or might not be of interest.

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040c69  No.16090180


crossed wheels with another cyclist and head on into a tree

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66cc05  No.16090181


just spent a grand on emergency plans

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2ab485  No.16090182

File: 733266b1791853c⋯.jpg (242.56 KB, 1440x311, 1440:311, 733266b1791853c8f17921addd….jpg)

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f7a3c7  No.16090183

File: cc0e11f4b1f5081⋯.png (7.3 KB, 168x300, 14:25, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped


>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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495ef7  No.16090184


God created all things, including Satan. Should we be thankful for that too? Seems like he could have just made things without all the evil.

That's it. I just don't get it. Makes as much sense as Trump promoting the death shot for a fake pandemic.

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5f3f79  No.16090186

File: b78cb0789b23d4c⋯.gif (3.48 MB, 319x240, 319:240, soul_train_funk_dance.gif)

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b1b6fb  No.16090187






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d4dbb1  No.16090188

File: 1936fbc5346e004⋯.png (417 KB, 738x550, 369:275, 3535366.png)


>people in DC lie?

and don't call me Shirley

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b5b8ad  No.16090189


Hope other injuries aren't too bad.

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82cf97  No.16090190


You get to Transhuman through TransGender first, they use Chemical means through Gene therapy and Hormone treatment.. Mechanical means by removing Benis or Milkies. They Socially change things by fucking up people perceptions because they change the definitions of word, and speak on different levels. Trans Lives Matters means Transgender in 2022 but it will be transhuman in the future. Black Lives matters means , as it was created to Stop Killing Black people. But really it has changed to Black Supremacy, they Matter the Most. Trans Gender and Transhuman are branches in the same tree. Different Frequencies as I said earlier.

Genocide doesn't really mean shit , there have been MANY genocides . Native Americans, Africans, Christians in Russia, Holodomor. Uigher Muslims, Iraq War, The Vaccines right now. All we can reeally do is watch out for our immediate surrounds, Town, State. Be conscious and try and not think the worst and play into their agenda and create the Timeline they want. Jesus laid the template and showed what We could do b Awakening and Working to help and serve others.

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66cc05  No.16090191

File: 25bcae49ea9b5f9⋯.jpg (139.27 KB, 749x500, 749:500, We_d_like_you_to_stay_with….jpg)


I am not part of your psychosis

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818ada  No.16090193

I'm a man of my word, and my family will protect you, but if you wish to not be protected by them, you can ask, and your wish will be granted.

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bb7c94  No.16090194


Jesus was a Jew. Jews are Aryans. Now shut your faggot hole.

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8c72ad  No.16090195

File: d674a87ffffb08c⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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4e2a75  No.16090196

File: bd6950181050f3b⋯.jpg (92.05 KB, 1068x275, 1068:275, Screenshot_20220417_134528….jpg)

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9a5935  No.16090197

File: f6b8830a03cc5ae⋯.jpg (86.78 KB, 1083x899, 1083:899, IMG_20220413_163542.jpg)

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040c69  No.16090198

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6236a0  No.16090199

File: 793722650258a39⋯.png (242.53 KB, 490x490, 1:1, neighbor.png)

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620f4e  No.16090200


>You get to Transhuman through TransGender first,

No, they're just obsessing about those particular things to change. It's just a variant of turning people into Eunachs, and that was never a path into technology.

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d4dbb1  No.16090201

File: a5a2de5399aa39b⋯.png (330.93 KB, 497x591, 497:591, 53525.png)

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dca7ad  No.16090202


And who is part of this "ruling class?" What is "normal?"

Revolutions inevitably fail when rooted in the act of overthrow. The actual overthrow occurs as a completion of the underlying revolution.

Are you still using the fiat dollar?

Are senators still elected rather than appointed by state legislatures?

Are people still blindly sending their children off to strangers to be educated?

All what you propose does is, at best, hit the snooze button.

The incompetence of the top as it desperately grasps at brutality to secure control is our greatest weapon. They can't win and can only stomp their foot harder. That drives people away and to question all methods they turn brutal with.

The battlefield is your mind and the prize is your soul. They lost and I gain XPs to become an even more powerful dragon God.

Silly lizards pray to the wrong God.

Timing is everything.

The kingdom of God is like a … field… crops… judged by their fruits… correct?

If Jesus was the shepherd, then his preferred analogy was fit for the farmer, yes?

The return of Abel vindicates Cain and completes the judgment of "god."

Abel, who was favored for his sacrifice of the people from the surrounding tribes, exposed the evil poser for what it was.

And now it is time to complete its destruction.

Of course, this only matters to those who concern themselves with the earthly gods. One of the consequences of trying to pretend to be a God of Gods is that people begin to worship the absolute entity you're pretending to be, rather than you… and that kind of defeats the purpose.

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2ab485  No.16090203

File: 18fa93380a812ab⋯.jpg (539.2 KB, 828x941, 828:941, 18fa93380a812ab59e83426abe….jpg)

Have fun!

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28d237  No.16090204


compression fracture

moar prayers

steroids might do the trick

moar prayers

glad it wasn't you bro

don't look foward to Ms W post

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6ef6b3  No.16090205


I just get a kick out of this family giving anons comms on Easter weekend (Grassley too!). They have done it before too! And usually when I post Pompeo tweets on here ..some folks say some horrible things. Regardless they love us!

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66cc05  No.16090206

File: fb1e852e5202c1b⋯.jpg (133.43 KB, 888x499, 888:499, trust_the_plan_3l9ap6.jpg)


sorry to bust in on you

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e88561  No.16090207

File: 94465879e4c5317⋯.jpeg (1.89 MB, 3024x2489, 3024:2489, 416B287A_2B11_45E2_B335_1….jpeg)

OK, I’ve been looking at “Our Journey Together”, just received it today, and laughed when I first saw this.

The picture of POTUS and Pence has Pence split between two pages, by the binding of the book.

Look at POTUS’s face, he’s not happy.

I can only think of two reasons why POTUS would do this (never seen this in a book in my life)

1. Pence has dual loyalties

2. Pence has a split personality

More likely dual loyalties

Pretty bold that POTUS is showing his dissatisfaction in the book. Maybe others thought if was a mistake of the binder, but POTUS doesnt make visual mistakes in marketing.

What say anons?

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4c5d82  No.16090208

File: db8cd8c4d39aa23⋯.jpeg (501.28 KB, 1536x764, 384:191, 74846914_E23B_40B9_B941_7….jpeg)


I have ROEL. The link is the United States Navy.

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620f4e  No.16090210


>You get to Transhuman through TransGender first,

I think that part of this narrative is to entice people into becoming transgender. But the elites are not going to give up their private parts and there's no reason to ever do that.

It's ORTHOGONAL to the issue of transhumanism.

Transhumanism doesn't require the giving up of all body parts, and the privates should be of the least interest, whilst the brain and motor-functional parts should be of the most interest.

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50f181  No.16090211

File: 5dfbf64f0183ea4⋯.jpg (148 KB, 720x1195, 144:239, 20220416_194154.jpg)

File: b43b6356cf894d4⋯.mp4 (4.05 MB, 480x914, 240:457, QA_99x42XtBNEzS_.mp4)

File: 702809bf27cb4c9⋯.jpg (150.03 KB, 1036x1939, 148:277, 20220416_194003.jpg)







Pink haired transgender lesbians blocking traffic so BLM can Can threaten and brandish weapons at vehicles

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d4dbb1  No.16090212

File: b493488844994ca⋯.png (144.06 KB, 260x387, 260:387, 35525.png)


>Jews are Aryans

jewve gotta be joking!

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040c69  No.16090213


kek, got n earful on dat very subject today. like damn yo…. i responsible n sheitz

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b1b6fb  No.16090214

File: f0f6ed0eb967734⋯.png (304.41 KB, 770x818, 385:409, muhjew.png)


above your pay-grade.


ur paid to diss jews.

'it's da jews' muh-jew liar

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942073  No.16090216

File: cdd633d2ba34400⋯.jpg (402.83 KB, 1123x939, 1123:939, capture_2111_16042022_1228….jpg)

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f875f8  No.16090217

File: 335a5a481213485⋯.png (843.4 KB, 718x664, 359:332, ClipboardImage.png)


Sure he was.

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b231db  No.16090218


Now, that would be fucking hilarious. This movie truly is a trip.

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b5b8ad  No.16090219


tx for updates, added to dig.

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66cc05  No.16090220

File: 97daff705979ae5⋯.jpg (57.68 KB, 605x413, 605:413, castor_oil_3ky9ol.jpg)

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61c03b  No.16090222

File: 8ad1ac73294a56b⋯.png (965.54 KB, 944x682, 472:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c11e54c297bdf8e⋯.png (712.01 KB, 944x682, 472:341, ClipboardImage.png)


yeah thats not habbening.

short on funds right now.

may have to join the rat race part time again soon.

lets see what habbens.

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818ada  No.16090223


I am Jesus, moran, And I'm not a jew.

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95481b  No.16090224

If our food supply is owned and controlled by them, who knows what we are really eating.

How would you fix that, tell the people or stage a food crisis / shortage?

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620f4e  No.16090225


>And who is part of this "ruling class?" What is "normal?"

Tradition, arranged marriage, normal marriage, conservative principles in social relations.

The ruling class is the filth that accumulated in unserious times, which must be annihilated in order for us to survive.

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a9603d  No.16090226

File: cc875ba6d1d2c0a⋯.jpg (251.5 KB, 717x1044, 239:348, Screenshot_20220416_204754….jpg)

File: 299392d92d571b2⋯.jpg (62.88 KB, 421x306, 421:306, Screenshot_20220416_204934….jpg)

File: 2c5f7531b13941c⋯.jpg (55.7 KB, 405x230, 81:46, Screenshot_20220416_204854….jpg)


Can't red the other eggs

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818ada  No.16090228


two Jesus…..

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f7a3c7  No.16090230

File: 03b331ab0d62bc6⋯.png (6.87 KB, 177x285, 59:95, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped


>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped


>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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e5aef9  No.16090232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a9603d  No.16090233

File: d847f8d2e153aba⋯.jpg (273.11 KB, 720x839, 720:839, Screenshot_20220322_201513….jpg)

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d58df8  No.16090234

File: 8efddb1bc5b6131⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 769x432, 769:432, 6ctzg3.jpg)

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6236a0  No.16090235

File: 127601ad6d6ce92⋯.png (677.48 KB, 980x736, 245:184, becoo.png)

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28d237  No.16090236


do not enby you eeder way


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818ada  No.16090237


one reptoid

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818ada  No.16090238


one pleiadian

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d4dbb1  No.16090239

File: c6a6152d18e2cd0⋯.png (378.38 KB, 1024x732, 256:183, 5353535.png)

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2ab485  No.16090240


That book is excellent! 200+ images. Well done. Will buy every book he does from here on out.

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61c03b  No.16090241

File: 9e38a04242b0e1c⋯.png (1.51 MB, 944x661, 944:661, ClipboardImage.png)


great stuff anon

could post any pictures of interest.

anons heard it is mainly a picture book at $75 dollars and upwards.


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3216a7  No.16090242

NROL-85 Mission

SpaceX is targeting no earlier than Sunday, April 17 for Falcon 9’s launch of the NROL-85 mission from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. The instantaneous launch window is at 6:13 a.m. PT.


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e88561  No.16090243


Or he is about to be screwed and knows it, and didnt fall for it

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495ef7  No.16090245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Why do you trust Trump?

I trusted him because I believed in his message. After that, I believed in the results.

Then he took a sharp 180 and went along with the lies for the NWO about the pandemic, and he promoted the humanicide shot.

I used to trust him, I want to trust him, but I do not trust him at this time, because of those actions.

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d4dbb1  No.16090246

File: 9dee4b31826b762⋯.png (326.26 KB, 498x516, 83:86, 224422.PNG)

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6c2758  No.16090247

File: 9c84747b354d470⋯.jpg (59.71 KB, 800x505, 160:101, Ahmadinejad.jpg)

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f7a3c7  No.16090248

File: 3a72ee381e5f64c⋯.png (334.71 KB, 1322x2000, 661:1000, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped


>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped


>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped


>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped


>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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dca7ad  No.16090249


A rabid dog who merely bites what is in front of him can only be put down by a rational society. Two rabid dogs biting each other get equally put down.

Read farther. I am a benevolent God who types for your benefit.

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66cc05  No.16090250

File: f3445debf457407⋯.jpeg (819.54 KB, 1081x1214, 1081:1214, Copy_of_Copy_of_Copy_of_C….jpeg)

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740904  No.16090251

File: d02d26a1e18ee91⋯.jpg (227.7 KB, 1240x696, 155:87, 20220408_232249.jpg)


Infinity dubs, surely not temple of boom(s)?

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a9603d  No.16090252


>How would you fix that, tell the people or stage a food crisis / shortage?

Only a shortage of certain things and the certain things seem to vary from week to week.

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e5aef9  No.16090254

File: 68af6563e46dafa⋯.jpeg (120.42 KB, 1200x1057, 1200:1057, EE604038_F6EA_4EEC_8FBD_A….jpeg)

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542832  No.16090255


>Are people still blindly sending their children off to strangers to be educated?

ya should have heard todays Diamond an Silk talk about CPS

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620f4e  No.16090256


That pic shows what they will want us to expliclty fight for in any WWIII.

Fight AGAINST the regime when shit hits the fan, NOT for it. They'll probably try to kill you off either way.

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5f99a2  No.16090257





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798bf1  No.16090258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

YT messing with JeffMAC

Numbers dropped to under 500 when there was over 1000 watching

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2ab485  No.16090259


I'm sure he'll be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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82cf97  No.16090260

File: 0cb66306908d0f6⋯.mp4 (15.9 MB, 600x480, 5:4, howcommieswin.mp4)

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e88561  No.16090262


Yes, the best picture book I’ll ever own, all top materials and paper, you only get this type of paper in high end books that last a long time

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6c2758  No.16090263

File: 0dd6aff8de3c266⋯.jpg (66.28 KB, 850x400, 17:8, lesage_comfy.jpg)


>What say anons?

sound theory…

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82cf97  No.16090265

File: 0cb66306908d0f6⋯.mp4 (15.9 MB, 600x480, 5:4, howcommieswin.mp4)

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f7a3c7  No.16090266

File: 4f187c4dd5ed57d⋯.png (99.59 KB, 232x217, 232:217, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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5f3f79  No.16090267

File: 8f754fdad60442d⋯.png (301.12 KB, 710x805, 142:161, ClipboardImage.png)


That would be magical, Mi Presidente.

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5891f2  No.16090268

File: 5af1f07d65022b2⋯.jpeg (469.93 KB, 750x797, 750:797, 32843D8E_2B4E_4833_BEFA_D….jpeg)

Who’s actually willing to fight for the groomers and the trannys?


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620f4e  No.16090269


>A rabid dog who merely bites what is in front of him can only be put down by a rational society. Two rabid dogs biting each other get equally put down.

Sparing any in the ruling class who help destroy the others.

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f7a3c7  No.16090271

File: 4edf812d87020b5⋯.png (60.44 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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d4dbb1  No.16090272

File: e5fd2e7244876d3⋯.png (190.06 KB, 428x431, 428:431, 88.png)


>Infinity dubs

I always seem to get HH dubs

Is the Universe trying to tell me something?

honk honk

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818ada  No.16090273

File: 0ab70bb326869b6⋯.jpg (110.94 KB, 1200x828, 100:69, your_next_president.jpg)


I present you:

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6c2758  No.16090274

File: 8c4ce8e64dda85d⋯.jpg (376.25 KB, 1560x898, 780:449, vindman.jpg)

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c3f301  No.16090275


No new Q = no newfags in any significant amount.

It's prolly a retention move used to elicit the very thought you just had.

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798bf1  No.16090276

JeffMAC stream is getting greenscreened by YT

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13810b  No.16090277

File: 288e1b0b471a012⋯.png (322.76 KB, 502x502, 1:1, god_doubt.png)


Easter Sunday falls on 04/17 D and Q…

Wow, don't know why I think this is meaningful.. but there's my idea

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eb0cf3  No.16090278

File: 8c1aed9950d2ac5⋯.jpg (146.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Michelangelo_Sistine_Chape….jpg)

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95481b  No.16090279


What if the shortages are bad food being replaced somehow so no one ever even notices.

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2ab485  No.16090280


I bet he sucks dicks.

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f7a3c7  No.16090281

File: 1ce86a4b8c5e57f⋯.png (4.42 KB, 200x250, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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28d237  No.16090282


if noter doesn't take it out baker will

no worries


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82cf97  No.16090284


They will give up their Physical body and live in a computer. Why do they need to do that? They don't have a Soul or if they do it is going to Hell and they think they can run from God.

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620f4e  No.16090285


>Read farther. I am a benevolent God who types for your benefit.

I have limited time and cannot trust strangers enough to spend my time exaustively on their theories.

There is timing. I don't know what the timing is, or if there really is a timing. But I think regardless people need to have a revolutionary mindset. That is what it looks like from my perspective.

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460de4  No.16090286


>Then he took a sharp 180 and went along with the lies for the NWO about the pandemic, and he promoted the humanicide shot.

you're an idiot for not comprehending how his hands were tied by the emergency and the SES.

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f7a3c7  No.16090287

File: e5830eca3d02d99⋯.png (6.87 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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9b18f4  No.16090288

File: e04dbbce5123544⋯.jpg (100.37 KB, 500x435, 100:87, 20210917_063046.jpg)


>I bet he sucks dicks.

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32a5d2  No.16090289



Is that person behind the twatter account still around?

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4e2a75  No.16090290

I know Q said the deeper we go the stranger it gets

But snake venom in the water and 5g mind control mrna vaccines are way of the fucking planet no?

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7e4867  No.16090291

File: ef9000e660dd55f⋯.png (516.59 KB, 675x632, 675:632, tranZZZZZZ.png)


Pinkerton: ‘Groomer-gate’ – How

Democrats Transitioned into the Party

of Trans-Extremists

Breitbart Social Justice, by James P. Pinkerton

Posted By: Imright, 4/16/2022 9:05:47 PM

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620f4e  No.16090292


>They will give up their Physical body and live in a computer.

I wasn't under the impression that that is what transhumanism is limited to. Cyborgs need not be entirely non-human. Human enhancement doesn't even require immortality, which is a bad thing.

And humans can be enhanced while still having sexual reproduction.

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eb0cf3  No.16090293

File: 4c0df6bd0e0be7f⋯.jpg (108.4 KB, 666x875, 666:875, Red_Anime.JPG)

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61c03b  No.16090294

File: c539dda2646c900⋯.png (299.23 KB, 944x538, 472:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcc964f12c0c9dc⋯.png (615.95 KB, 716x908, 179:227, ClipboardImage.png)


anon will take your word for it.

anon is poor as a church mouse but rich in knowledge.

so all anon can do is bring his experience and know how here.

We give what we can


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b1b6fb  No.16090295

File: 4fac52d621ba943⋯.png (609.62 KB, 768x951, 256:317, klausschwabb.png)


real jews aren't nazi-s

Klaus Schwab is a Rothschild, which is an extraordinary brand of 'jew'

or and he's a Nazi.



ony asked me to delve further into the background of Klaus Schwab, and I discussed another podcast where research was presented about the Schwab family. I also presented some research into the foundations of the EU, which seems to dovetail with the background to Schwab's World Economic Forum. Both institutes have quite a surprising interest in power and royal lineages.

Links and sources

The Politics Show on YouTube:


The Politics Show home page:


Link to download whole show:


Previous Imagining Freedom podcast about Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum:


“Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich” – Forbidden Knowledge podcast with Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel:


Interesting “Schwab Family Values” post by Johnny Vedmore:


he is said to hide the fact his mother is Jewish (ashamed of it since he a fucking NAZI)

also, these crooks use Judaism as a cover, just as POPE , etc., use Christianity.

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d4dbb1  No.16090296

File: 6c06b0e4411e168⋯.png (639.62 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 422525.png)

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5f99a2  No.16090298

File: c728f42e16f7931⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x600, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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3216a7  No.16090300

File: 8a4463e5c464478⋯.jpg (77.76 KB, 800x778, 400:389, disappoint_cat.jpg)


have wondered that myself

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dd5760  No.16090301

File: a8c9bb7022895df⋯.png (493.54 KB, 638x867, 638:867, ClipboardImage.png)


kek Nice shot here

Is a split kinda like a Y?

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f7a3c7  No.16090302

File: 0a8640e071c6b2d⋯.png (90.32 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)


>>I bet he sucks dicks with his butthole

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b5b8ad  No.16090303

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7e4867  No.16090304

File: 635de93e2d27041⋯.png (339.08 KB, 908x840, 227:210, twiTTTTTT.png)


Twitter Board of Directors Own Almost No Shares of Stock in Company, Elon Musk Notes “their economic interests are simply not aligned with shareholders”

April 16, 2022 | Sundance |

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46e736  No.16090305

God wins.

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0896d3  No.16090306


Abraham or Father = 111

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620f4e  No.16090308


>and he's a Nazi.

Why is he part Jewish at all if this is a "Nazi" thing?

It all looks more like a set-up for some useful bad guys to me.

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740904  No.16090309

File: d02d26a1e18ee91⋯.jpg (227.7 KB, 1240x696, 155:87, 20220408_232249.jpg)





>Is the Universe trying to tell me something?

General yes, thanks for paying attention.

honk honk

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d4dbb1  No.16090310

File: bfb1b85c4ef05c8⋯.png (879.47 KB, 750x831, 250:277, 463636.png)


>I’m a transgender Jew

what a gas

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46e293  No.16090311

File: f740775a87725d4⋯.png (36.03 KB, 636x239, 636:239, Screen_Shot_2022_04_16_at_….png)


10-Feb-2018 2:46:19 AM PSTQ !UW.yye1fxo8ch/qresearch


Save the best for last.



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f9817f  No.16090312

File: 6e307cf58178f02⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 750x600, 5:4, inmybunk.jpg)

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e88561  No.16090313


Shit, I knew I was right, saying it for weeks

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f7a3c7  No.16090314

File: 5eac9750bf4f7a3⋯.png (41.23 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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3216a7  No.16090317


two faced

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7e4867  No.16090318

File: f0cf6a3d49152ec⋯.png (96.17 KB, 1008x324, 28:9, arNNNNNN.png)


Zelensky warns 'we must prepare' for Russian

nuclear attack and urges the world to

stock up on anti-radiation medicine and

build air raid shelters - as Kremlin exacts

flagship revenge by bombarding EIGHT Ukrainian towns

Daily Mail (UK) & Agence France-Press, by Laurence Dollimore & Staff

Posted By: Imright, 4/16/2022 7:22:56 PM

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82cf97  No.16090319


Your just being obtuse. First chop of the dick because they don't have the Technology to make Hormone drugs. The Technology come where they can start switching Hormones and changing DNA now you have a Much higher Quality Eunich. A deep voiced woman, or shave the Adams Apple of a man for a soft sounding man. Technology definitely helped them. Eunichs weren't Men living as Women it was Men with no dick. The Chinese Emperor who made his court do that so they wouldn't fuck his mistresses didn't make them dress like women.

I will even say Technology has helped push this new Genocide, they can spread many messages or hide what they want. Doing what they do in broad daylight but nobody sees.

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b5b8ad  No.16090320


BAKER – notes @600

Noter signing out


>>16089725 DANK KEKS: Psaki’s Advice for Next Press Secretary: Don’t Let Reporters ‘Make You Seem Like You’re Satan Reincarnated’

>>16089818, >>16090005, >>16090058, >>16090087, >>16090109, >>16090211, >>16090258, >>16090276 LIVE: Protesters in the streets for Patrick Lyoya | Grand Rapids MI - watch BLM harrassing people

>>16089829 Polish Ambassador to U.S.: Zelensky Is ‘The Leader of the Free World Right Now’ (Breitbart)

>>16089831 Russia urges Ukrainian stronghold to surrender (RT)

>>16089838, >>16089848 QR tools

>>16089846 US Navy: Night, day, land or sea, the #BlueGreenTeam is there

>>16089863 Moscow claims Kiev has lost 23,367 combatants combined from the army, national guard and foreign mercenaries (RT)

>>16089903 Police clash with ‘Neither Macron, nor Le Pen’ protesters (VIDEOS)

>>16089917, >>16089949 Catherine Austin Fitts: We are at war right now

>>16089705, >>16089735 @MsBlaireWhite on transition clinic operating on 12-year-olds

>>16089937 Partial List Of Military Elite Purged and Fired Under Obama

>>16089940 Germany sees no risks in arms supplies to Ukraine

>>16089968 Mass psychology & psychogenic illness

>>16089985 Monkey Werz - resource for info on traffic of planes/cargo ships/surveillance

>>16089991, >>16090126 Zelenskyy Says the World Should ‘Be Ready’ For Nuclear War With Russia

>>16089993 The rules-based int'l order can't tolerate Elon Musk owning twitter

>>16090291 Pinkerton: GroomerGate & the Dems

>>16090304 Sundance: Twitter Board own almost no shares in twitter


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9b18f4  No.16090321

File: 490bb6e87580798⋯.jpeg (100.97 KB, 1080x541, 1080:541, 1588006093.jpeg)

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d95819  No.16090322

File: 2b4892836385f23⋯.png (65.59 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Output_file.png)

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9a6c6a  No.16090323


Bullshit… Being Jewish is a CHOICE, for an adult.

If you choose to follow an ideology that condones pedophilia, holds supremacist views, and refers to all others as "cattle and dogs"… FUCK YOU and your Jew pals. You are not good people. And you are allies to NO ONE. Just a bunch of liars, swindlers, and criminals. All of you.

I thought I found a good one, recently… Over a year, and I found him to be no more immoral than the average man. However, the true-colors always shine in the end.


Jewish ideology is antithetic to being good, decent, and wholesome. It's a goddamn death-cult, and everyone knows it. A death-cult that condones crime and pedophila no less.

Those who defend it, defend all of this. Greed, supremacy, pedophilia, etc.

In other words, neck-yourself, you jew-coddling, queer.

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b1b6fb  No.16090324

File: ec45dae4b66227f⋯.jpg (92.65 KB, 946x618, 473:309, lexingtonconcord.jpg)


doubt it would be Americans?

though I 've heard Americans have been sent there, as they did with Vietnam at first, unofficially?

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66cc05  No.16090325

File: 42f23e6069c08e9⋯.jpeg (844.96 KB, 1081x1214, 1081:1214, fruits_of_the_CDC.jpeg)

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b1b6fb  No.16090326

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5f3f79  No.16090328

File: fda8d085e78f5a2⋯.png (398.56 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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3f7aff  No.16090329



Read very carefully. Difficult concept but all points to accuracy.

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d4dbb1  No.16090330

File: f76f53d9ebf9bc1⋯.png (432.17 KB, 1019x680, 1019:680, 63.png)

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f7a3c7  No.16090331

File: 3fbc5f2303dd599⋯.png (6.35 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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66cc05  No.16090333

File: d104ebcd4fb31ad⋯.jpeg (703.27 KB, 1280x856, 160:107, Virginity_like_bubble.jpeg)

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f9817f  No.16090334


"It's wearing grandma's couch cover, and that thing on its head I think was in the china cabinet. Its hair looks like dryer lint and I think its jaw is about to unhinge. What is this thing?"

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eb0cf3  No.16090335

File: 2cdbb9b302b2b4e⋯.png (38.82 KB, 740x258, 370:129, ClipboardImage.png)

Pat's sarcasm flies over people's heads. Good shit.


I don’t care who buys Twitter as long as we never lose the spirited, but kind, polite and respectful give-and-take for which the platform is known.

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6236a0  No.16090336

File: 7620da0b090a355⋯.png (764.47 KB, 982x660, 491:330, betweenbat.png)

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f7a3c7  No.16090337

File: fceb2c7a7cc8d55⋯.png (8.63 KB, 192x262, 96:131, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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8907d3  No.16090338

File: 2b6bc67df6f4e6c⋯.png (240.08 KB, 400x327, 400:327, grammar_kitty_intensifies.png)


>I've order it?

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d4dbb1  No.16090339

File: 2e101b963586c8e⋯.jpg (191.19 KB, 589x785, 589:785, 35.jpg)


trannies, trannies everywhere

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7e4867  No.16090340

File: 93ec96e3f53d353⋯.png (181.55 KB, 430x606, 215:303, IMMMMMMM.png)


mRNA Death Toll, [16.04.22 18:07]


[ Album ]

27-Year-Old Italian Swimmer Dies Following Heart Attack Only a Month After Engagement 💉

Italian swimmer ITALIAN swimmer Mariasofia Paparo has died following a heart attack just shy of her 28th birthday has died following a heart attack just shy of her 28th birthday

Click here (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/27-year-old-italian-swimmer-dies-following-heart-attack-month-engagement/) to read article.

There will be no athletes left by the end of 2022. 😢


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b1b6fb  No.16090341



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9b18f4  No.16090342

File: 175382ac0bc4aa5⋯.gif (955.44 KB, 330x245, 66:49, 1579160783305.gif)

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66cc05  No.16090343

File: 2f0becf186a7202⋯.gif (985.04 KB, 200x170, 20:17, approval_applause.gif)

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495ef7  No.16090344


Would I be an idiot for trusting him too?

I don't care what his reasons were, he lied, and he killed Americans by promoting that shot. Those are not patriot actions.

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740904  No.16090345


Remeber free speech is taboo to many facemask inclined hoomans. They skerd.

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f7a3c7  No.16090346

File: 67bcbe6adabc9c0⋯.png (8.78 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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9a6c6a  No.16090347



>>>16089522 sick fucks all (pb)

Look no further than the current notables, for evidence of this, anons… Don't be swindled by these Jewish deceivers.

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f7a3c7  No.16090348

File: 81f0a79c49c5417⋯.png (8.86 KB, 190x265, 38:53, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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d8ff4e  No.16090349

File: d01b7f177e0a3a2⋯.png (165.17 KB, 800x878, 400:439, d01b7f177e0a3a25ad674cd13d….png)


"Honkanywhere,Honkeverywhere, especially in suburbs home to large numbers of satanic subversives and somnambulist NPCs," advises the Honk anon who supports the worldwide FREEHONKmovement.

The FREEHONKmovement is composed of anonymous patriots of every nation, race and religious faith, whoHONK, with truck horns, steam whistles, freighter fog horns, jacked up theramins, steam calliopes, 5D bicycle bells; to awaken the conscience of the guilty and open the eyes of innocents yet asleep.

Honk Anywhere, Honk Everywhere

"Anyone can jump on the bandwagon, 'cause almost anyone canHONK"

"Why should We the People waste time onHONK? What do we have to gain for risking a possibleHONKticket?"

#HONKbecause the world's not good enough,#HONKfor gentleness, modesty and respect.#HONKFOR FREEDOM#HONKfor addicts poisoned with cult fentanyl#HONKfor the poor whose faces they grind#HONKfor America#HONKif you'll die trying#HONKto rid the land of pedovores#HONKfor what we lost#HONKto get it back.#HONKand be counted

HONKwhere you are.HONKwhere you are goingHONKwhen you get there.HONKto bid defiance to the cultHONKfor HOLINESSHONKfor lost homes and farmsHONKfor MAGAHONKto restore sacredHONKFor the hornlessHONKfor the childrenHONKfor the wounded, the junkies and elderlyHONKfor GenerosityHONKfor kindnessHONKfor unrigged electionsHONKFor slack-jawed shills at the end of timeHONKfor the curesHONKfor no mo' pedovoresHONKfor plain truthHONKbecause right now it means more than votingHONKfor the frightened, the lost, the lonely, confused and betrayedHONKTo Make America Great AgainHONKbecause anything can happenHONKBecause anyone canHONKSaturday, the sixth day of creation.HONKfor larvae in hexagonal cubicles.HONKfor a fake UKE war, dawg.HONKfor pedovore smackdownHONKfor ELE number #23HONKfor NPC AwakeningHONKfor 5 Peso gal gasolineHONKfor 12 discrete magnetic polesHONKfor the hornlessHONKFor the hard of horn-ingHONKfor fake celebrities'HONKto infuriate pedovoresHONKto restore meaningHONKfor RevelationsHONKDestruction to the Underground EmpireHONKto chasten the masonHONKfor moreHONKing


*God's eternal moral law which governs this and all other universes.

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9a6c6a  No.16090350


Which part, Mr. Nig-Kike?

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d4dbb1  No.16090351

File: 094e4d2c13ba5d1⋯.png (392.12 KB, 547x497, 547:497, 5252555.png)


> died following a heart attack

stupid vaxxies

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f7a3c7  No.16090354

File: a82fb0d59e3a629⋯.jpg (36.94 KB, 460x465, 92:93, vke7dbwd1wja.jpg)

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3f7aff  No.16090355

File: 8b510668031ce08⋯.jpg (49.87 KB, 1280x721, 1280:721, Three_Crosses_Good_Friday.jpg)


Happy Easter

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7e4867  No.16090356

File: f82600686e59787⋯.png (148.03 KB, 429x529, 429:529, dEEPPPPP.png)


Woke Societies, [16.04.22 18:58]

[ Photo ]

Tonight we deep dive into Disney, Pedophiles, Water Island and Little St. James, MK Ultra, Jimmy Sevile, Epstein and so much more. Gonna be insane in the membrane.

Show starts at 7PM EST can be watched on Foxhole and Rumble at the links below:

Fox Hole: https://pilled.net/#/foxhole/1172

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v10r6n3-ws206-is-covid-actually-poison-from-snakes-infused-into-our-water-these-cla.html

@WokeSocieties 🇺🇸

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28d237  No.16090357

File: bd7ca697602f8ce⋯.png (134.81 KB, 389x215, 389:215, 69de2065_a4e7_4c2e_95c2_92….png)


Last Call, baking @700

Big thanks and shout out to noter


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f7a3c7  No.16090358

File: 1ad80317e971fa8⋯.png (9.65 KB, 187x269, 187:269, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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82cf97  No.16090359

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This fucker here. They will do ALL of the thngs. Cyborg, digital Pal. Whatever they want. I wasn't trying to limit them but they seem to want to put their consciousness into a Virtual reality to become "Gods". If they had The Holy spirit in them they would know This is the reality where you can awaken and and when the time is right Cast off this temporary shell and have Everlasting Life. I am glad I am on the side I am on, if nothing else this conversaion give othe rpeople something to think about and Hopefully be able to choose God, and Jesus and Awaken to the potential Jesus Showed them.

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e5aef9  No.16090360

File: 0136c6cd4b162ab⋯.jpeg (149.15 KB, 562x755, 562:755, 80D0752A_6BEA_4CC7_9D75_C….jpeg)

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f7a3c7  No.16090361

File: 2df3e3f25be2969⋯.png (8.99 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>grandma tranny still mad bout rental fag cause incest stopped

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b1b6fb  No.16090362


transhumanism replaces sex;

they desire to control procreation, through eugenics; selective killing (culling) and birthing; as what is done outright with animals other than humans, breeding, cloning, separating procreation from love.

etc, ,

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3a92e4  No.16090363

File: e14729a0f05a71b⋯.jpg (117.24 KB, 703x710, 703:710, Screenshot_20220416_220454….jpg)


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d8ff4e  No.16090364

File: 472477ef95b26b1⋯.png (596.45 KB, 640x512, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

In mediaeval times and up until the Renaissance, belief in the reality of angels was an absolute. You only have to look at the wonderful timber roofs of mediaeval churches, thronged with angels with their wings outspread around the roof bosses and the hammer beams; think of mediaeval art and Fra Angelico’s Angel of the Annunciation; go to a gallery of mediaeval or renaissance paintings and see how many angels are depicted there. The realm of the angels was clearly accepted as an absolute certainty and a factor of supreme importance in life, not only because angels were seen as the intermediaries between Heaven and Earth, but also because, as Steiner has described, in those times there were remnants of a kind of atavistic clairvoyance which allowed many people to have their own perceptions of the spiritual world and to report on this to others.


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d4dbb1  No.16090365

File: 67ea9a1c51a6577⋯.jpg (62.38 KB, 499x569, 499:569, 353535636.jpg)

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46e293  No.16090366

File: b42b968af4a06e4⋯.png (429.02 KB, 486x373, 486:373, Screen_Shot_2022_04_15_at_….png)

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620f4e  No.16090367


>The Chinese Emperor who made his court do that so they wouldn't fuck his mistresses didn't make them dress like women.

Yeah, it's not always used for genocide, nor is "LGBT" always appearing in a genocidal context. Mostly it isn't.

But in the current age I believe it is. And its association with the rainbow flag is a big hint.

Additionally, whoever controls the technological system can microtarget people based on genetics to become LGBT at a young age.

I don't think your points really support your claim of transhumanism requiring transgenderism.

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798bf1  No.16090368

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e12d4d  No.16090369

File: e758585fb4c472e⋯.jpg (311.31 KB, 1080x1150, 108:115, Screenshot_20220416_210640.jpg)



Pg 55 is muh fav with the clock.

Book is nothing but comms & great pictures.

Regarding the page you show 1+0+3=4

Nothing but comms & great pictures, yes Trump quality to be expected with anything 45 is involved with.

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9a6c6a  No.16090370


Annnnnd, look no further than right below the post… Kek

These people who shill for Jews here on these boards, ARE THE JEWS. We all know it.

They never contribute… (Do no good)… But will make all the excuses for themselves in the world… (Decievers).

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f7a3c7  No.16090371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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88bad6  No.16090372


When does a bird sing?

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c416b8  No.16090374

File: be0f3e38c6bf1db⋯.png (87.07 KB, 644x575, 28:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bac7864138eca1⋯.png (112.07 KB, 600x857, 600:857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b6dc7d14ebc9a2⋯.png (302.21 KB, 596x853, 596:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80d7d565a24ef9e⋯.png (268.07 KB, 571x739, 571:739, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21f64e8eb1a6acb⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1903x811, 1903:811, ClipboardImage.png)




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b5b8ad  No.16090375




mispelling - should be Werx

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6236a0  No.16090376

File: e6bcaad6cd72900⋯.png (932.53 KB, 980x890, 98:89, dying.png)

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d4dbb1  No.16090377

File: 8c602057d831fa1⋯.png (228.2 KB, 667x428, 667:428, 356.png)

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6ef6b3  No.16090378

File: f756c5130d47ac9⋯.png (10.28 KB, 418x144, 209:72, Screen_Shot_04_16_22_at_10….PNG)

This may be the 17 we asked for the other night…

15:02 15+2 = 17. Confirm it with one more 17, Elon. I'll be looking for it.

Elon Musk


🎶 Love Me Tender 🎶

3:02 PM · Apr 16, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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f9817f  No.16090380

Which ones do they need buried the most?

General Research #20349

>>16087397 German MEP Christine Anderson: "The EU regards all citizens as nothing more than stupid and naughty children"

>>16087498, >>16087582 Women'sHealth Reporters Forced to "Update" False Statements About Project Veritas

>>16087500 New from Fauxi: "You use lockdowns to get people vaccinated"

>>16087511 DoD awarded contract for Covid-19 research on Nov 12, 2019 - Blacklisted News

>>16087593, >>16087748 John Brennan Made Secret Trip to Moscow as head of CIA in 2016

>>16087879 Mahncke: Durham on CIA concluding in 2017 that muh Russia data not plausible

>>16087996 Biden Gang Caught Altering Another Transcript to Eliminate Another Gaffe

>>16088011 Fairfax Co VA received > $1.2mil in zuckerbucks in 2020 Election

>>16087884 Nunes: Building Truth Social piece-by-piece to prevent Big Tech cancellation

General Research #20348

>>16086577 Saudi prince who publicly rejected Elon Musk's offer to buy Twitter sold all his personal shares in 2019

>>16086646, >>16086671 Why don’t we see the left shilling their narrative on Telegram?

>>16086795 Sussman Notes - "In December 2016, the [Russian] Yota-phone was seen connecting to WIFI from the Executive Office of the President (the White House)."

>>16086856, >>16086867 Subway Shooter Visited the Philly FBI Field Office prior to Shooting?

>>16086599 Is Alwaleed having memory issues? (GhostStocks)

>>16086913, >>16086915 (PDF) 35 page Durham Report attached

>>16087308 The WHO has proposed sanctions for any countries that disobey their global pandemic rules.

General Research #20347

>>16085918 Kunstler.com: You’ve Been Misinformed

>>16085975 Election Watchdog Exposes BALLOT HARVESTING Scheme in 6 States, Totaling 4.8M Votes (video)

>>16086073, >>16086079 Biden administration just admitted that vaccine is killing black and brown Americans at a disproportionately higher rate (mp4)

>>16086127 KimDotCom: Wikileaks now has the Hunter Biden laptop data

>>16086131 Threadreaderapp.com: corporate media forced to admit not only favors censorship but desperately craves and depends on it

>>16086314, >>16086346 A 'Stop the Steal' enthusiast could advance in California secretary of state election

>>16086419 KanekoaTheGreat: Study — Media bury the race of murderers unless they’re white

>>16086443 Chief Nerd: Lara Logan on How Children Become Trapped in the Trafficking System (rumble link)

General Research #20346

>>16085044, >>16085046, >>16085068, >>16085106, >>16085108 Best Buddies International

General Research #20345

>>16084357, >>16084288 White House has quietly resumed its after-dark charter flights of underage migrants to a suburban airport north of New York City

>>16084642 Introducing the members of the NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines committee./credit for the deaths of nearly a million Americans

>>16084720 Chinese Oil Giant To Exit US, Canada And UK Over Fears Of Western Sanctions

General Research #20344

>>16083718 Sputnik: US Intelligence Cannot Support Claims Russia Committing Genocide in Ukraine

General Research #20342

>>16082285 “They Could Have Stopped This.” #ElectionFraud

>>16082323 Top 5 Twitter Shareholders

>>16082351 Twitter Board of directors

>>16082370 Pope Francis accused the West of racism Friday

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c70c0e  No.16090381

File: b505f3e72f39b4d⋯.gif (768.7 KB, 356x256, 89:64, data_sherlock.gif)


>The only way to have a chance at freedom from Judeo-Disney values is total collapse. And the fault is of the military and intelligence community that allowed things to come to this point in the first place.

Yeah I pretty much agree that. The pushback should not have waited until 2016.

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b5b8ad  No.16090382


this note -

>>16089985 Monkey Werz - resource for info on traffic of planes/cargo ships/surveillance

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66cc05  No.16090383

File: c7417515906fbde⋯.jpeg (848.92 KB, 1081x1214, 1081:1214, I_recognize.jpeg)

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9a6c6a  No.16090384


Seconded… Give us a comm, world-saver!


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9a5935  No.16090385

File: c81ec8a387806dd⋯.jpg (96.74 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, FB_IMG_1649870802017.jpg)


The shills can never blend in.

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d4dbb1  No.16090386

File: 4a70eaabc7dbf3b⋯.png (581.18 KB, 810x581, 810:581, 64647758.png)


get your booster!

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620f4e  No.16090387


> they seem to want to put their consciousness into a Virtual reality to become "Gods"

They might, or they might want to trick us into doing it in order to just datamine us. If a copy of you is in a machine, they don't have to run it.

Saying they want to do something is one way the ruling class tries to get others to do something. People imitate.

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eb0cf3  No.16090388


Not another 4 year election, fren. You honestly think it won't be a tsunami followed by 45 becoming 47?

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6ef6b3  No.16090389


Also, Love Me Tender = 12 and timestamp 3:02

12+3+2 = 17

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7e4867  No.16090390

File: 32fb5bc86845157⋯.png (358.94 KB, 513x887, 513:887, tenDERRRRRRR.png)

File: 907818b86a94e03⋯.png (388.37 KB, 1358x570, 679:285, RRRRRRRRR.png)


Matthew Marsden




Quote Tweet

Elon Musk


· 7h

🎶 Love Me Tender 🎶

9:51 PM · Apr 16, 2022·

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82cf97  No.16090392


Sorry to break it to you but The United States is One HUGE breeding Program. The different types of people who live in different states, a lot of it was done a particular way.

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f7a3c7  No.16090393

File: 5a63c6130ebc102⋯.png (11.28 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>I bet he sucks dicks with his butthole

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c70c0e  No.16090394

File: dcbf163d49f1103⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 720x304, 45:19, star_wars_the_price_offere….mp4)


15+2 is very specific

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a31b2c  No.16090395

Is there a suppressed cure for MS?

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9a6c6a  No.16090397


Damn, really… Well, FUCK DESANTIS.

That is non-starter for my family and almost everyone I know. Can you provide some sauce, please. I will spread the shit out of it.

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7e4867  No.16090398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7491f1  No.16090399



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e5aef9  No.16090400

File: 3d371ca0aaae37f⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 128.78 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 07EDF113_60CC_41BF_9618_C….jpeg)

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f7a3c7  No.16090401

File: 25160cec50f5e15⋯.png (60.36 KB, 480x601, 480:601, ClipboardImage.png)


>sucks dicks with his butthole


>sucks dicks with his butthole

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495ef7  No.16090402


No. I won't take his vaccine.

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2ab485  No.16090403


Montel is doing pretty good for a long time. Bee venom worked for some people I saw on a documentary. Sting with bees daily and they were up dancing.

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d8ff4e  No.16090405

File: ed1d2b65bf9a4d1⋯.png (1.29 MB, 858x952, 429:476, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f34c91f83660cc8⋯.pdf (563.44 KB, intuitive_thinking.pdf)

Modern science, influenced by Cartesian dualism, tends to restrict intelligence to the human soul alone, denying its operation in the surrounding cosmos, which is thought of as merely intelligible (because designed by a transcendent God; or, in secularized form of Cartesianism, because constructed according to transcendent Laws) and not itself intelligent.

Angels are divine instruments of creation, the supersensible organs of God at play in and as the manifest world. Jewish traditions dating back to Philo and later elaborated in Kabbalah, and Neo-Platonic traditions dating back to Pseudo-Dionysius, suggest that angels are organized hierarchically according to a series of emanations. Building on this tradition, the 20th century philosopher and occultist Rudolf Steiner suggested that the angelic hierarchies consist of 3 levels with 3 beings each, and a final, incomplete level consisting of two beings. All of the levels ultimately come forth out of the unifying Trinity. Steiner says that one can begin to understand these beings by analogy to the human I’s relationship to the limbs of the body. When all goes well, the I is able to direct the body to carry out its will by accomplishing activity in the world. The I cannot work without the body, just as God cannot work without the hierarchies.

Christianity, for Steiner, is not a path rooted in belief, but in knowledge.


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df9d4a  No.16090406

Joe Biden is the POTUS.

Fucking KEK!

In what reality? Dumbassville?

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818ada  No.16090407


you have no say on my decisions!

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e88561  No.16090409

File: 174549ed5e83932⋯.jpeg (129.05 KB, 1241x580, 1241:580, D19D953A_B10F_4618_BD92_2….jpeg)

File: 32472fc3f700e51⋯.jpeg (432.65 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, EB557E57_8853_43F3_851E_1….jpeg)

File: 157087cfa0445db⋯.jpeg (296.05 KB, 1240x1214, 620:607, 7ACF7699_69DC_42FF_AD0D_E….jpeg)

File: dccd75905f37ce6⋯.jpeg (343.43 KB, 1241x1302, 1241:1302, DBE028A7_A45D_4CA5_8457_D….jpeg)


>>16084496 Elon Musk Considers Bringing in Partners on Twitter Bid After Company Adopts ‘Poison Pill’

Posted this am-

I have posting for two weeks Elon had private billionaire partners working with, and I know they gamed this whole thing out for months.

They thought of every possible scenario and how the twitter board react.

They also knew how intelligence agencies and US gov were backing the technology and giving orders to kill free speech. After all Tesla is tight with them.

They knew every possible move including blacktock and vanguard, along with every media company attacking.

Remember Elon started buying Twitter stock in January (and is being sued for not discussing it), he was already up to 5% before he bought the additional 4.5%.

They knew the board would try to make him a board member, to prevent a major shareholder making changes in the sysyem, and limited him max 15% purchases. Because he would not be able implement free speech.

They knew when Elon said “should I buy twitter” he was going to be a problem.

What they didn’t consider Elon knows as much or more about technology, government, intelligence community and probably used a quantum computer to game this out, lets say, with Peter Thiel and the other partners.

Now look what Mark Cuban said when Elon announced his buy of twitter (billionaires hears stuff other billionaire are up to).

Also the persona on twitter DJT46 said shortly after Jan 2021,

“I’m thinking about buying twittet”,

I cant find it right now, but I took a pic of it, and will post.

Now the question is how many partners can they have. DJT may not be able to be involved in the buy, but who knows what kind of plans for the Truth Social is being considered?

Stretch I know, but anything is plausible until it’s not.

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66cc05  No.16090410

File: 524ec9a24d2a863⋯.jpeg (850.91 KB, 1081x1214, 1081:1214, I_recognize.jpeg)

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9a6c6a  No.16090413


Wtf are you talking about????

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b1b6fb  No.16090414

File: 3b8abd7cfd2f5c6⋯.jpg (432.94 KB, 1200x840, 10:7, transhumanismdhirst.jpg)


transhumanism, moving beyond being human. Improving on nature, creation super human, defeating death. longevity for the elite. slavery or the cattle /drones.

"drones shouldn't be allowed to procreate'

alll under the signpost of 'what is good' 'what is best'

why are they all so ugly, though?

and their creations, such as they are, plastic looking?

they disbelieve in the human soul, think it's a mirage , 'science' means materialism in their lexicon.

they hate woman because women give life and they are jealous. so they imitate woman and cut off their dicks.

It's a death cult.

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9a6c6a  No.16090416


This is misdirection, shill-shit, RIGHT HERE.

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66cc05  No.16090418


>. You honestly think it won't be a tsunami followed by 45 becoming 47?

leading the witness your honor

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dd5760  No.16090419

File: f76fdae84f7ec08⋯.png (146.25 KB, 279x717, 93:239, ClipboardImage.png)


Another 1956 reference like Dan's NYC Easter post earlier?

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ebb24b  No.16090420

File: 659d7e14897a373⋯.png (64.87 KB, 250x191, 250:191, 209587402584358945934.png)

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c70c0e  No.16090421


did some of the polio symptoms get renamed MS?

"Polio (also known as poliomyelitis) is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system"

If it's viral, I would consider ivermectin, 6000 i.u. per day, vit. D, HCQ & zinc…

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2ab485  No.16090422


Mark Cuban is a faggot.

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e5aef9  No.16090423


Maybe that’s why DC is emptied out.

Hell of a show..

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818ada  No.16090424


You can scream, you can dumb, my decision was take it already!

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620f4e  No.16090425



The people in charge are the ones manipulating people into the self-destructive behavior me thinks.

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82cf97  No.16090426


They might not waste the memory on me or you, it is reserved for The Elite. Or the type of Soulless Godless bastard who would want to do such a thing. If they digitally upload a consciousness is it just a copy? Would the persons soul still get to evolve? IDK

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df9d4a  No.16090428


Hilldog sucked more Jew dick than foreskin sucking rab eyes.

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d8ff4e  No.16090429

File: 53c2e0b3ac5a666⋯.jpg (83.33 KB, 500x531, 500:531, 53c2e0b3ac5a666109df90c96f….jpg)


bee sting for arthritis works miracles.

this research understates the effects, but concedes it's effective.


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ebb24b  No.16090430

File: 3412e52faebe081⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1168x1200, 73:75, 9258459084590845.png)

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6236a0  No.16090431

File: 3a448b93b3a37f7⋯.png (1.33 MB, 880x986, 440:493, howabout.png)

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f7a3c7  No.16090432

File: d40bef8c8383bcd⋯.png (9.86 KB, 196x257, 196:257, ClipboardImage.png)

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59dcd6  No.16090433

File: 59ae8db61454da3⋯.jpg (116.02 KB, 474x632, 3:4, Comedians.jpg)

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460de4  No.16090434


the so called "patriot actions" would have caused more damage. they would have hounded him out of office, preventing other "patriot actions." glad you are up to the monday morning quarterbacking but you just don't get it.

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8c72ad  No.16090435

File: 5e17b56eef97c72⋯.png (84.98 KB, 644x716, 161:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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1708fa  No.16090436


>Would I be an idiot for trusting him too?

>I don't care what his reasons were, he lied, and he killed Americans by promoting that shot. Those are not patriot actions.

you are a groomer

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28d237  No.16090437


needs some study

myelin sheaths genetic vs virus?

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6c2758  No.16090438

File: eb0c44d3ead5cdd⋯.jpg (91.13 KB, 760x540, 38:27, Elena_Kagan_01_fit_760w.jpg)


i'll allow it.

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c70c0e  No.16090440


none of us are going to take it, anon.

that's been the point for what, almost 7 years now?

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e88561  No.16090441



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3a92e4  No.16090442


You know something we don't know?

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740904  No.16090443


Bless theHONK

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72ea31  No.16090444



is this like a shadow note bun or someting?

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e9e8d1  No.16090445

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Sequel: Everything’s a Rich Man’s Trick



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2ab485  No.16090446


Nope. I watched a documentary where several ladies had significant long-term improvements. Montel has had it for a couple decades(?) Ask Montel.

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82cf97  No.16090447


Yes they hate Children of God and Light because we have Souls not that shitty Reptile DNA.

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6ef6b3  No.16090448


Dang! Anons are on fire tonight!

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eb0cf3  No.16090449


Agreed. Nice analysis, anon!

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c70c0e  No.16090450

File: 1168a3a2554ab0e⋯.jpg (72.71 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, randy_quaid_independence_d….jpg)


>none of us are going to take it, anon.

aw jeez.

sometimes I could kiss this fucking matrix.

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28d237  No.16090451




>>16089725 DANK KEKS: Psaki’s Advice for Next Press Secretary: Don’t Let Reporters ‘Make You Seem Like You’re Satan Reincarnated’

>>16089818, >>16090005, >>16090058, >>16090087, >>16090109, >>16090211, >>16090258, >>16090276 LIVE: Protesters in the streets for Patrick Lyoya | Grand Rapids MI - watch BLM harrassing people

>>16089829 Polish Ambassador to U.S.: Zelensky Is ‘The Leader of the Free World Right Now’ (Breitbart)

>>16089831 Russia urges Ukrainian stronghold to surrender (RT)

>>16089838, >>16089848 QR tools

>>16089846 US Navy: Night, day, land or sea, the #BlueGreenTeam is there

>>16089863 Moscow claims Kiev has lost 23,367 combatants combined from the army, national guard and foreign mercenaries (RT)

>>16089903 Police clash with ‘Neither Macron, nor Le Pen’ protesters (VIDEOS)

>>16089917, >>16089949 Catherine Austin Fitts: We are at war right now

>>16089705, >>16089735 @MsBlaireWhite on transition clinic operating on 12-year-olds

>>16089937 Partial List Of Military Elite Purged and Fired Under Obama

>>16089940 Germany sees no risks in arms supplies to Ukraine

>>16089968 Mass psychology & psychogenic illness

>>16089985 Monkey Werz - resource for info on traffic of planes/cargo ships/surveillance

>>16089991, >>16090126 Zelenskyy Says the World Should ‘Be Ready’ For Nuclear War With Russia

>>16089993 The rules-based int'l order can't tolerate Elon Musk owning twitter

>>16090291 Pinkerton: GroomerGate & the Dems

>>16090304 Sundance: Twitter Board own almost no shares in twitter


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5f3f79  No.16090452


A bird sings when it is safe from predators in the area.

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620f4e  No.16090453


>If they digitally upload a consciousness is it just a copy?

I think we should assume this. Why would my "consciousness" go into it? Do they, can they get everything into it?

And… will they want to spend the energy to run the damn thing all the time or at all? I doubt it. It's a trap.

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f7a3c7  No.16090454

File: 2340c2a4dc3682b⋯.png (6.02 KB, 259x195, 259:195, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>I bet he sucks dicks with his butthole

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f9817f  No.16090457


Nope, previously collect stuff that has been buried by all the shill postings. Only thing they have that works, just move the breads to bury stuff so days and nights don't see what the other has come up with

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f7a3c7  No.16090458

File: 21e60b58ea30202⋯.png (8.68 KB, 184x274, 92:137, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>I bet he sucks dicks with his butthole

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7e4867  No.16090459

File: d8c908dfcea6e4c⋯.png (498.73 KB, 1356x601, 1356:601, saILLLLLERRRRR.png)

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9a6c6a  No.16090460

File: d377877127e94dd⋯.png (142.91 KB, 567x683, 567:683, Screen_Shot_2022_04_16_at_….png)


Just another politician, bought and paid for by Israel.

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dd5760  No.16090461

File: cb55f42a1670041⋯.png (429.9 KB, 1248x715, 96:55, ClipboardImage.png)


Love Me Tender

1956 Approved 1h 29m

At the end of the Civil War, a Confederate team is ordered to rob a Union payroll train but the war ends leaving these men with their Union loot, until the Feds come looking for it.

Director - Robert D. Webb

Writers - Robert Buckner, Maurice Geraghty

Stars - Richard Egan, Debra Paget, Elvis Presley


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c70c0e  No.16090462


>The Sequel: Everything’s a Rich Man’s Trick

I saw this listed on the beforeitsnews front page

Is it good?

The original was kind of long, and came along after I had already done my own work on the subject matter.

Seemed reasonably accurate

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460de4  No.16090463


>>16090444 yes. he has a reasonably good point, which is that, hazard of using buffalo bakers and their pathetic notetakers is that we miss out on some notables.

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6ef6b3  No.16090464


I wonder if Chuck's vacuum is from 1956 too?

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dc4edd  No.16090465

File: d6d35a729fecfe4⋯.png (264.07 KB, 435x345, 29:23, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46eae593efd9132⋯.png (241.48 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Oklahoma Ground Zero

yellow & orange warning

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9a6c6a  No.16090466



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29a3d0  No.16090467


So is Natalie Hunter's kid or not?

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6c2758  No.16090468

File: 80ed75d8057e44d⋯.jpg (81.97 KB, 483x600, 161:200, GEORGEVANTASSEL_COLORBLUES….jpg)


> 7 years now?

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f7a3c7  No.16090471

File: eb2120fbb12b753⋯.png (7.25 KB, 259x195, 259:195, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>I bet he sucks dicks with his butthole

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0bb305  No.16090472



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e9e8d1  No.16090473


I actually just saw that it was released and haven’t watched it yet. Loved the first one though.

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c70c0e  No.16090474


>needs some study

No doubt!

In the meantime, if it's viral, I would consider ivermectin, 6000 i.u. per day, vit. D, HCQ & zinc…

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e88561  No.16090475


Kekkity >>16090196

So when POTUS said theyd be destroyed meant, they’ll be bought and transformed


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82cf97  No.16090476


<<It's a trap.

Yes Hell , and people will make their choice to enter. I guess like eating a baby

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9a6c6a  No.16090477



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c416b8  No.16090478

give them their dogmas

give them their false dichotomies

give them their bread and circuses

and they'll spend all their time fighting each other while you and yours steal the world

mix them all together and keep yours pure

after they've built your temples

and your luxuries

harvest them

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df9d4a  No.16090479


Baker Notable, and title for next bread.

Hillary Clinton sucked more Jews than Jews suck bloody baby foreskin.

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66cc05  No.16090481



motivation? debatable - hard for to testify about what's in someone else's brain

having said thatFUCKMIke Pence, continually

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6ef6b3  No.16090482


Chuck, tell us how old Betty is!

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28d237  No.16090483

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b1b6fb  No.16090484

File: a2a86077c532bff⋯.jpg (159.2 KB, 1000x1008, 125:126, hiddenowl.jpg)


they hide, that's why

they want ordinary (read poor or poor-ish) pious jews blamed for their crimes,

so they stick them out front.

the rothschilds marry their own as a policy, same as royals, to concentrate the wealth and make sure they keep it

that leads to inbreeding in their particular extended family.

woman are allowed to marry a non rothschild (hence 'schwab') men have to marry inside the family.. so it's said.

the OWL symbol is Moloch , which is different from jewish, Moses banned that shit.

they kill 'their own,' just like soros.

they disobey the ten commandments.

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f7a3c7  No.16090485

File: 9c095b880435331⋯.png (8.41 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>I bet he sucks dicks with his butthole

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7e4867  No.16090486

File: ae872aef30fef28⋯.png (101.57 KB, 282x634, 141:317, juSTTTTTTT.png)


SSGQ Channel ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [16.04.22 19:35]

[Forwarded from Chief Nerd]

[ Photo ]

Elon Musk just tweeted ‘Love Me Tender’. Could this be his Plan B? 🤔



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0bb305  No.16090487


Stomach churning… Mr Rachel is a fuck up.

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72ea31  No.16090488


so gerbils and rats are considered "buffalo" now?


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9a6c6a  No.16090489



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c70c0e  No.16090492

File: a773c72456392ab⋯.png (482.27 KB, 702x724, 351:362, BTTF_supervolcano.png)

File: 6e752a698f45a38⋯.png (310.37 KB, 756x992, 189:248, nasa_supervolcano_bbc_yell….png)

let's not reach alderaan

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e12d4d  No.16090493



Regarding that page 55, anons suspect the clock is where obummers surprise fo 45 was left. Note the look of the clock inspector (special attention to clothing ie, gloves).

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eb0cf3  No.16090494

File: ff1ef8aaa039187⋯.jpg (95.75 KB, 564x846, 2:3, coffee1.jpg)


TY, your honor.

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942073  No.16126824

File: 19646cb051c4d09⋯.jpg (320.11 KB, 1112x1487, 1112:1487, _Awakening1.jpg)

File: 5c95234277f6d44⋯.jpg (257.67 KB, 1110x1487, 1110:1487, _Awakening2.jpg)

File: aa71166ea6dd8b4⋯.jpg (623.03 KB, 1100x1472, 275:368, _Awakening3.jpg)

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942073  No.16126826

File: 7e1ae1707805115⋯.jpg (666.69 KB, 1100x1472, 275:368, _Awakening4.jpg)

File: b47bb173a8bc975⋯.jpg (751.72 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening5.jpg)

File: 9ea5053229ac996⋯.jpg (288.11 KB, 1099x1469, 1099:1469, _Awakening6.jpg)

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942073  No.16126827

File: 8d3fddd3fef34e0⋯.jpg (360.68 KB, 1099x1470, 157:210, _Awakening7.jpg)

File: a407bfc3ff3f0f1⋯.jpg (345.53 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening8.jpg)

File: 441875393caf441⋯.jpg (355.18 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening9.jpg)

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942073  No.16126828

File: 2911e214cf046e2⋯.jpg (332.34 KB, 1098x1468, 549:734, _Awakening10.jpg)

File: 5126fd90a391582⋯.jpg (360.64 KB, 1099x1470, 157:210, _Awakening11.jpg)

File: 41d3ddb7ca09ab1⋯.jpg (677.75 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening12.jpg)

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942073  No.16126830

File: 18d7c0f00ef50c5⋯.jpg (357.32 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening13.jpg)

File: a1acbe2ddadb88d⋯.jpg (307.87 KB, 1099x1492, 1099:1492, _Awakening14.jpg)

File: 054651d44973acc⋯.jpg (363.75 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening15.jpg)

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942073  No.16126832

File: 5935e899f6d4b5c⋯.jpg (810.14 KB, 1200x1605, 80:107, _Awakening16.jpg)

File: 5d4d8ff6375de39⋯.jpg (923.59 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening17.jpg)

File: dc5091f7b2dc704⋯.jpg (452.26 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening18.jpg)

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942073  No.16126834

File: e85ed3bc1215ec4⋯.jpg (420.79 KB, 1101x1470, 367:490, _Awakening19.jpg)

File: b5de31e71a64c8a⋯.jpg (620.87 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening20.jpg)

File: 199a955c3d0a64a⋯.jpg (743.96 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening21.jpg)

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942073  No.16126836

File: b14ea34498fbafd⋯.jpg (330.02 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening22.jpg)

File: db253e9154ecacb⋯.jpg (371.68 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening23.jpg)

File: 3d2440cd56e931a⋯.jpg (313.32 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening24.jpg)

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942073  No.16126837

File: c0ddaaa932d5f96⋯.jpg (360.26 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening25.jpg)

File: 4ccaf3ecad883dc⋯.jpg (378.94 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening26.jpg)

File: b090384c0eb1d09⋯.jpg (665.61 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening27.jpg)

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942073  No.16126839

File: 24322d2f43ad4bb⋯.jpg (584.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening28.jpg)

File: edccee3aaa72cee⋯.jpg (618.59 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening29.jpg)

File: 0d05820f8ed1599⋯.jpg (739.96 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening30.jpg)

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942073  No.16126841

File: 43970a26862f794⋯.jpg (428.5 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening31.jpg)

File: 7c46994191a9624⋯.jpg (354.01 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening32.jpg)

File: 8435fb5688c176c⋯.jpg (608.3 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening33.jpg)

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942073  No.16126842

File: 0ef0b40162b5b00⋯.jpg (578.8 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening34.jpg)

File: 4add1da65cc6fc0⋯.jpg (688.07 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening35.jpg)

File: 7b0814df8f575ef⋯.jpg (673.3 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening36.jpg)

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942073  No.16126843

File: 78bc61a8761fcd3⋯.jpg (577.8 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening37.jpg)

File: a357bbd63cc5068⋯.jpg (755.6 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening38.jpg)

File: b28a314fc2dee5c⋯.jpg (965.01 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening39.jpg)

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942073  No.16126845

File: e1d1948acab8cc6⋯.jpg (750.72 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening40.jpg)

File: e021ce681e66e53⋯.jpg (689.55 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening41.jpg)

File: 8ae13ac21223391⋯.jpg (604.74 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening42.jpg)

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942073  No.16126847

File: 494bb8edb45e932⋯.jpg (398.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening43.jpg)

File: 1b42d4c6e49a14e⋯.jpg (612.64 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening45.jpg)

File: 24a1ee5ff5a448d⋯.jpg (705.65 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening46.jpg)

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942073  No.16126849

File: a05efe95b5396f2⋯.jpg (730.95 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening47.jpg)

File: 03577ac64d68ea9⋯.jpg (640.89 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening48.jpg)

File: 8ed324ba5309d3f⋯.jpg (624.64 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening49.jpg)

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942073  No.16126850

File: 14460e6b3e079d6⋯.jpg (679.92 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening50.jpg)

File: e01bb8389c6d611⋯.jpg (685.42 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening51.jpg)

File: 98dc56a768432a4⋯.jpg (619.46 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening52.jpg)

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942073  No.16126852

File: 7acdaffb61edd1a⋯.jpg (600.45 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening53.jpg)

File: d5b5ae703d85453⋯.jpg (614.18 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening54.jpg)

File: 258afd584677c59⋯.jpg (726.68 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening55.jpg)

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942073  No.16126854

File: 905c7275ffce5ff⋯.jpg (681.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening56.jpg)

File: 79af1bcfa31912c⋯.jpg (647.73 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening57.jpg)

File: b708731a46bb6d6⋯.jpg (655.14 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening58.jpg)

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942073  No.16126855

File: 44a7f42bf8b91af⋯.jpg (567.79 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening59.jpg)

File: 1c3b8fd70943240⋯.jpg (617.4 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening60.jpg)

File: 4808f2db6f5fb38⋯.jpg (744.08 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening61.jpg)

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942073  No.16126858

File: 22f83b887a144fd⋯.jpg (650.57 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening62.jpg)

File: cfe0e5eaaae8fc8⋯.jpg (593.69 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening63.jpg)

File: 35bb53fa24287ce⋯.jpg (662.93 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening64.jpg)

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942073  No.16126861

File: f93cb453b1440b6⋯.jpg (733.27 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening65.jpg)

File: d7fa3c739ae8b00⋯.jpg (677.67 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening66.jpg)

File: bf6a10ca30ab662⋯.png (1.38 MB, 898x657, 898:657, sf.png)

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942073  No.16126863

File: 1c872f6feddcfb2⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _4_4_.jpg)

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942073  No.16126864

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 296x146, 148:73, FMP44.jpg)

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