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File: 4c21b2d07277ed9⋯.png (44.91 KB, 255x142, 255:142, ClipboardImage.png)

bfb725  No.15916772[View All]

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179df0  No.15917511


>Candace Owens nukes failing NYT from orbit.


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ed3510  No.15917512

File: 9611607eee03418⋯.jpg (497.91 KB, 965x1295, 193:259, 20220114_081357.jpg)

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3065ff  No.15917513


No, speaking for myself.

No, because even as much as i like Mr. Trump… he too has nothing more to say or tell me about anything… unless and until, he like Q, like MI, like media… goes back and tells the fucking truth about some shit in the past.

Until then, i ‘follow’ no one.

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f39fbd  No.15917514


Meant for you:


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ecebb4  No.15917515


You are wrong.

Maxey has a shitload to share. He connects the dots between Louis Freeh, Strok, and others going back to the Clinton days. There is a shit load on that drive including how Louis Freeh was going to help get the romanian guy off with that female prosecutor. Maxey unveiled a bunch of shit during this speech: http://rumble.com/embed/vvfzjn/?pub=2prik

I'm not sure why some fags on here don't like him. He's been trying to release this for a while now. He has given it to news media, politicians, and put it on drop boxes where it was "deleted" withing 20 minutes.

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5a0379  No.15917516

File: 07a47d2c0a65a88⋯.jpeg (328.84 KB, 1241x1515, 1241:1515, 542378FF_8CB2_480C_AE4E_A….jpeg)

So they want to make low wage workers to not get tips because its raciissst, makes sense.


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9a29c3  No.15917517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Daddy said you gotta show the world the thunder.

King Arthur is on the move.

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179df0  No.15917518

File: 1f4ebef4ab11559⋯.jpeg (583.47 KB, 828x1119, 276:373, CB459E5A_B89D_4EA4_966F_7….jpeg)

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2b2656  No.15917519

File: 4cea0ffe408e469⋯.png (505.9 KB, 1421x2211, 1421:2211, Screenshot_20220322_082252….png)


Explain public reading of "The Snake" multiple times…

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b4eea2  No.15917520

File: dc293a308ab4482⋯.jpg (8.9 KB, 250x202, 125:101, 444.jpg)

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414eb2  No.15917521


>>>I'm not sure why some fags on here don't like him.

shills don't like what he has found out.

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f2b7a5  No.15917522


Admission From Zelenskyy Highlights How Biden Administration Wanted To Provoke Russia To Invade Ukraine

March 21, 2022 | Sundance | 296 Comments

Hopefully by now everyone is well aware how the U.S. State Department has been manipulating the internal politics of Ukraine for well over a decade.

A recent statement, by current Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, puts the weeks leading up to the Russian invasion into greater clarity.

In an interview with CNN, Zelenskyy spoke about his prior communication with Joe Biden and NATO leadership. Within the interview Zelenskyy said (emphasis mine):

“I requested them personally to say directly that we are going to accept you into NATO in a year or two or five, just say it directly and clearly, or just say no,” Zelensky said. “And the response was very clear, you’re not going to be a NATO member, but publicly, the doors will remain open,” he said. {CITATION)

So, privately NATO and the Biden administration were telling Zelenskyy Ukraine was never going to be in NATO, yet they told him they were going to publicly act like the possibility existed. There was no way for Ukraine to enter NATO, but they were going to pretend he could. Why would they do this?


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f39fbd  No.15917523

File: 81c769bd047c153⋯.png (318.04 KB, 980x490, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>He's been trying

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2df32d  No.15917524


>I'm not sure why some fags on here don't like him

Because these dumbfucks think "well if I never heard of him, he must be nothing". it's the echo chamber disease that plagues this place

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d10504  No.15917525




yes but what was it like then?

or… other times when Q left then came back…

Not how did you come to accept Q as Q?

I'm more interested in how those that didn't affected the board (or what the board Q left was like just before and just after the switch)

I know for a fact there are otherwise really smart people out there who for whatever reason best explain away some negative experience related to their anon efforts by believing, at whatever point, Q stopped being "real" Q.

IMO it's the same mental gymnastics we saw people do to cope with the election, and it's ironic as hell considering these people project that onto us.

Anyway, it's just fucking fascinating, and I wonder how much of what went on pre-2019 is similar to the bullshit that goes on today over NOT Q.

Was it a small percentage of legit opine and reasoned argument with a much bigger chunk of bullshit fluff meant to slide and divide (like I think the NOT Q shit is today)?

Was it bigger w/ more legit debate?

Was it barely noticeable?

Re tripcode: I wouldn't put all muh eggs in one basket.

It was stolen once.

The board he was promised would be only accessible by GO, BO, and him, was accessed by GV.

None of us have Q clearance I don't think, and I doubt any of us understand Nat Sec laws enough to know what the ramifications of using that tripcode right now would be.

Again, I'm way more focused on the social psych/board morale/ slide/ division component of the topic, so i probably should've left out my 2 cents on the tripcode. Couldn't help muhself.

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f4a8a5  No.15917526

final bun for #20128

you gotz ta know when to hold em…


>>15916826, >>15916832, >>15916836, >>15917290 ukraine mil abusing its own people

>>15916886 Al Assad on the west and Ukraine “ The ugliest truth of them all and not many people know this, is the lie that the West and Zionism oppose Nazism”

>>15916899, >>15917215 Biden on Russian cyberattack: It's coming. gave Putin list of 16 critical infrastructure entities 'off limits' to cyberattacks

>>15916910 Dave Hodges - Opinion/Use discernment - Putin threatens to release 9/11 satellite evidence

>>15916950 Stroppy update - including Boeing 737 nose dive vid

>>15916973, >>15916991, >>15917021, >>15917025 @DanScavino image of PDJT, lightening, umbrella, storm, soldiers

>>15916819, >>15917123, >>15917132 Election Wizard telegram: “Great Reset.” “Build Back Better.” “New World Order.” All names for a globalist hellhole.

>>15916985 @RichardGrenell Who wrote the piece? These shills need outing.

>>15916998 @PapiTrumpo Buenas Noches, my Beautiful Patriotos!!!

>>15917035, >>15917041, >>15917081, >>15917116 anons opine on AZOV prisoners

>>15917064, >>15917093 Chanel Rion describes by name Natalie Biden on Hunter's laptop.

>>15917109, >>15917122 WEF Issues Ominous Warning Over Coming Food Crisis, Recommends 'More Sustainable Diets'

>>15917148, >>15917164 U.S. Congress Accidentally Boosted Ukraine’s Far-Right. Treason on display.

>>15917238 Flashback: Bill Gates reveals reasons behind massive farmland purchases: Developing genetically modified crops to develop biofuels


>>15917262 Kek: astute anon points out that 1973 Soylent Green movie takes place in 2022

>>15917269 US to send Soviet missiles to Ukraine – media. Originally stockpiled for weapons research

>>15917315 Split opens in EU over Russia energy sanctions

>>15917360 Liz Cheney suggests ‘red line’ for US intervention in Ukraine. chemical weapons would “alter our calculations”

>>15917371 Great Reset is upon us: @ByronYork - The chairman of the Fed is talking about our formerly 'transitory' inflation lasting *three more years.

>>15917444 @KatiePavlich - Notable the White House did not announce good wishes for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas at the top of the regular press briefing…

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b4eea2  No.15917527

File: 7b43b362ed63ac2⋯.jpg (11.75 KB, 208x255, 208:255, f81d5a8c69b8d20e7857202b63….jpg)


cow tippin' still cool?

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54c11f  No.15917528

File: b357535ba44e5a7⋯.jpeg (918.7 KB, 1439x1740, 1439:1740, 9C5B227E_2C9C_4185_9F73_A….jpeg)

I’m done with Klaus’s “rules”. I will do what I want and what my dog wants.

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9df6ac  No.15917529

File: b5ef070e7d2b979⋯.webm (2.35 MB, 500x750, 2:3, evangelion.webm)

File: 673d13ecccd4ba4⋯.jpg (962.64 KB, 1276x3412, 319:853, 1597570229685.jpg)

Maybe a friendly reminder on who anon is up against. Learn about the 'FIndersCult'.

It's one of those rabbit holes.

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ecebb4  No.15917530


maxey also goes thru the chinese financing and 1 degree of separation as well as hunter's biz partners and their communications. I've seen none of that in here. Maxey covered one story where the chinks were using hunter's company as a passthru to buy 2 large solar panel companies in california….and how the chinks got completely past the government controls for technology

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5a0379  No.15917532

Saurabh Sharma


Biggest dividing line on the right between DC and the base right now is election integrity.

Almost no one in DC gives a shit.

But when I visit red states and talk to normal primary voters it is one of their absolute litmus tests.

9:10 PM · Mar 21, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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002538  No.15917533

File: b94efb4ea5236c0⋯.png (155.57 KB, 768x376, 96:47, ClipboardImage.png)


the dumb is strong in this one kek

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3065ff  No.15917535


For some reason, you think i’m supposed to DO whatever someone on the internets tells me to do, if signed “Q”?

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b4eea2  No.15917536

They are discussing CP in the hearing…..

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f2b7a5  No.15917538


Ask the next honest waiter/waitress you see who it is that doesn’t tip.

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4a2ee4  No.15917540


Tipping is a stupid custom and should die a quick death. Pay your employees or close up shop.

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c5ba62  No.15917541

File: 2dc9881fa7f09f3⋯.png (123.55 KB, 1214x872, 607:436, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14af91f4237521d⋯.png (302.75 KB, 883x1455, 883:1455, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d70746564d8edc1⋯.png (322.76 KB, 913x1443, 913:1443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bd7f1913faedb8⋯.png (303.62 KB, 878x1456, 439:728, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06e3cabdfe17c81⋯.png (297.34 KB, 888x1461, 296:487, ClipboardImage.png)

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2df32d  No.15917543


that Q never told you to do anything , anon

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002538  No.15917544


glad you straightened that out for everyone o7

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54c11f  No.15917545



What has ears but does not listen?

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199c38  No.15917546


This is why no one wants to wait on black customers in restaurants.

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c5ba62  No.15917547

File: 775bdfd8c7c07d2⋯.png (311.99 KB, 894x1458, 149:243, ClipboardImage.png)

File: abb8dd77dbee026⋯.png (309.67 KB, 881x1452, 881:1452, ClipboardImage.png)

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d17a03  No.15917549


I took the "you are watching a movie" posts to mean that the events that have been and continue to unfold are scripted out / war-gamed out in advance.

A writer writes the movie script in advance of building the sets, and filming. But during filming etc, anything can be changed on the fly to suit the director's view, or an actor's improvisation from the script.

The generals war gamed out which way they wanted towards the ultimate goals, all options and contingencies war-gammed out in advance - and we, the public, just get to see the final show, not all the advance planning and contingencies

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414eb2  No.15917550


tipping is a way to promote better service. better the service, the better the tip. does it always work? no but for those hardworking waitron units, the good ones make more money. I have no problem with tips.

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179df0  No.15917551


>Until then, i ‘follow’ no one.

I respect that

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c7bd33  No.15917552

File: 5992be3b67ab7e7⋯.jpg (89.83 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Asian_hate_109.jpg)

File: 5992be3b67ab7e7⋯.jpg (89.83 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Asian_hate_109.jpg)

File: 5992be3b67ab7e7⋯.jpg (89.83 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Asian_hate_109.jpg)

File: 5992be3b67ab7e7⋯.jpg (89.83 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Asian_hate_109.jpg)

File: 5992be3b67ab7e7⋯.jpg (89.83 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Asian_hate_109.jpg)

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d1e3a9  No.15917553

File: f7f64601b6d72dd⋯.png (328.12 KB, 673x522, 673:522, odessaave.png)

File: bc80c14f7701d81⋯.png (73.17 KB, 315x426, 105:142, Screenshot_from_2022_03_02….png)



>3/4 of Maine swamp



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5a0379  No.15917554

File: 9972974db0ee953⋯.jpeg (118.28 KB, 1084x675, 1084:675, 8B090EBD_2031_4048_8C34_9….jpeg)

3 Corporate Media Gimmicks About Ukraine You Should Absolutely Ignore

For much of the national news media, the situation in Ukraine isn’t about a deadly war involving a dangerous nuclear power so much as an opportunity to romanticize foreign conflict and signal their virtue.

That’s why it’s best to ignore a lot of what the media are saying, lest we find ourselves needlessly and irreversibly entangled in another costly, unwinnable struggle. Pro-war columnists and cable news people on the left and right are as excited as ever to push America to “do more” for Ukraine, even if it does nothing to advance our own national interests.

Avoiding that kind of manipulation isn’t hard if you simply ignore these three things:

• Any journalist or talking head swept up by the sight of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a T-shirt. Zelensky has become an emotional hero for so many of these people and the mere image of him apparently makes their insides ache for more war. Last week, after Zelensky’s televised address to Congress pleading for additional military support, MSNBC host Jonathan Lemire, who is also White House bureau chief for Politico, could hardly contain himself. “Zelensky there, who has emerged as this really heroic figure,” he said, “there in his trademark t-shirt, on the front lines, a wartime leader…” The Washington Post’s Kathleen Parker has been similarly worked into a gooey mess, referring to the Ukrainian president as “the modern-day warrior-artist,” and “an Everyman in his trademark T-shirt and half-zip.” People who think about war in corny feel-good symbols can’t be taken seriously.

• All appeals to ideals of “democracy” and “freedom.” That much of Ukraine’s population is truly trying to be a free and democratic country is a good thing but that doesn’t make that nation’s problems our problems by default and it’s not a reason for America to promise unlimited military support in the fight. On March 10, the New Republic ran the headline, “We Must Defend Democracy in Ukraine—and Win It at Home Too.” E.J. Dionne Jr. in The Washington Post suggested that “Vladimir Putin’s aggression has, at long last, unleashed a come-to-democracy moment.” It’s all an attempt to assert that our own affairs are inextricably linked with the fate of Ukraine and that to suggest otherwise is anti-democratic. Well, no, it might just be an admission that we can’t recreate the world in our image and attempts of the very recent past have been disastrous.

Every TV segment featuring Alexander Vindman. For weeks now, news shows have invited Vindman on air to say we should “do more” in Ukraine, or some variation thereof. You’ll recall Vindman as the government worker who took it upon himself to instigate a president’s impeachment because he didn’t think that president was sufficiently dedicated to the wellbeing of Ukraine. What else would he say? At the start of Russia’s invasion, he said on CBS, “There’s more that we need to be doing.” Last week, he said on MSNBC, “Our approach to supporting Ukraine is too incremental. … They need more.” Vindman has long made clear his personal devotion to Ukraine. He has signaled a desire for the U.S., along with NATO allies, to institute a no-fly zone, which would involve shooting down Russian aircraft. There is nothing he isn’t willing to risk, despite being in no position to risk anything himself.

Pay no attention to those three things, and what our position should be on the Ukraine-Russia war is a lot clearer.


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ecebb4  No.15917555

one way to get Truth Social humming is to put the entire hunter drive on that site.

someone was asking about timing and why now. Perhaps it was part of the plan to do it now.

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627c8a  No.15917556


This is why blacks shouldn't be seated in a decent place to start with.

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c87d6f  No.15917557


the cornfield

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4a2ee4  No.15917558


Not when it is compulsory. Or when reducing a tip for shitty service nets spit in your food.

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199c38  No.15917559


It also keeps the cost of your dinner down.

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f2b7a5  No.15917560


I find that tips are a great way to help those who really need it. I don’t give to charities and whatnot because I cannot trust them.

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2df32d  No.15917561


it would be far-easier to have "watched" the events happen already than it would to orchstrate a complex "plan" with thousands of actors playing parts - all to come to an intended outcome.

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f39fbd  No.15917562


Awesome. If it's valid info, then it's "ahead of the curve" and just another reason to distrust the MSM. If it's disinfo or "Alex Jones-ey" in any way, it'll be revealed and anons (and the public) will know what to do with it.

The point I am making is if he's had this shit for a while, then it would've been "Rumbled" eons ago shortly after a time anons could remember what life was like before Hunter's cock was posted in 15 fucking threads per day. If it's a timed/coordinated release, then so be it. Either way, Truth finds a way.

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f2fdc2  No.15917563


Well, she's kinda right. I waited tables for years in my youth, and did very well on tips. Bought my first home with tips.

In recent years I overtip for good service. By a lot! But I have also not tipped a penny to 'don't give a fuck' attitudes, bad service, and uncouth baboons who have no business out in public. It's always blacks.

They should be proud of their 'slavery'. It's the last time they contributed to America.

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f4a8a5  No.15917564

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB, 714x602, 51:43, 3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)






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265e59  No.15917565

File: 366742c96f8679a⋯.jpeg (37.79 KB, 390x409, 390:409, 5019CEB3_A9E2_4062_BFCB_C….jpeg)

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4fa3c5  No.15917568

File: 2e437483372e5c2⋯.jpeg (555.93 KB, 828x1328, 207:332, A5C0DBE7_4A96_4B5C_A82B_2….jpeg)


you can’t keep up with my fleet of cars

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