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File: d77fcc1c66d5662⋯.png (668.9 KB, 1756x946, 878:473, only_banner.png)

aaa65d  No.15865415[View All]

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29b66b  No.15866160

File: 69d4f9dbdda020f⋯.png (577.87 KB, 943x609, 943:609, ClipboardImage.png)


Where is the button to turn these on?


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76883a  No.15866161


The action is shifting elsewhere now.

This is the new normal.

Wait until April when Truth Social is wide open - it's going to suck even moar traffic from QR.

QR needs to get back to Q's suggestion for it to be an organizational platform for going outside the walls here to fight the propaganda with truth.

This news agg Muh Notables business shouldn't be the only main thing being done here.

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596f3a  No.15866162

File: f01e10d163f3784⋯.jpeg (74.13 KB, 1200x603, 400:201, 3BFFDDFF_4227_4BEB_9952_B….jpeg)


Delete that.

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29b66b  No.15866163


That is sexy.

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29b66b  No.15866164



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4a2d0a  No.15866165


The Great Awakening was planned by brilliant minds.

Hang on, You'll enjoy how this ends.

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7b3018  No.15866166

File: ecc1441ddd7d7c0⋯.png (1.28 MB, 876x1296, 73:108, ClipboardImage.png)


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394b57  No.15866167

File: 35cc0cb8802a2fb⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 1276x537, 1276:537, Screen_Shot_2022_03_14_at_….jpg)

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3981a0  No.15866168

File: 0ad978ef1bca51e⋯.jpg (138.87 KB, 992x1024, 31:32, ilove_hispanics.jpg)


I love hispanics.

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29b66b  No.15866169


Also on ts his name is @ilpresidento



il Donaldo Trumpo / @ilpresidento 03/14/2022 23:32:28

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645753  No.15866170


you can actually camp right up next to it but it's also a gunnery range for military ACs mostly C-130s but you so much as get near the fence-across the railroad tracks and out come the Feds.

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b35888  No.15866171


man opressed his own species this cause created the effect of evolutionary advancement

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aaa65d  No.15866172

>>15865424 Dough

#20063 Notables FINAL

>>15865457, >>15866105 Confirmed, Nunes Truth Social il Donaldo Trumpo account

>>15865474 Russian Artist burns 23 meter tall 'Tower of Babylon' replica in Art Village to celebrate Slavic holiday 'Maslenitsa'

>>15865482 Texas National Guard General Tracy Norris replaced amid Southern Border mission troubles

>>15865496 Planned Parenthood torched on social media for creepy pro-abortion ice cream bus

>>15865504 U.S. consulate in Mexico to temporarily close following gunfire after gang boss arrest?

>>15865519, >>15865704, >>15865710, >>15865805 Il Presidento on Truth Social!

>>15865517 Kim Kardashian / Pete Davidson - distraction for normies? Keeping the lights off?

>>15865524, >>15865560 Bank for International Settlements head Agustin Carstens talks about Central Bank Digital Currency

>>15865527, >>15865590 DeSantis jokes that Fauci is in the Witness Protection Program (disappeared)

>>15865529, >>15865540, >>15865551, >>15865557, >>15865568, >>15865599, >>15865639 Nunes on Truth Social - 'Make Social Media FUN Again!'

>>15865570, >>15865601 Cucker Carlson gives a new take on Zelensky and biolabs in Ukraine

>>15865573 Japan imposes personal sanctions against 17 Russian citizens - Foreign Ministry

>>15865622 Sky News Australia segment describes Kamala Harris as 'utterly inept', compares the hysteria against Russia to the pandemic

>>15865638 COVID: Everything They Want You to Forget

>>15865712, >>15865716 Latest from panicked fakenews 4am crew - Q Anon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded

>>15865718 Lt Dan - Take Hillsdale College's FREE Constitution 101 course, sign up today!

>>15865701, >>15865781 Giraffe comms?

>>15865752, >>15865769 March 15, 2018 Q Post roundup

>>15865763 Panic - Israel's Supreme Court rules wiretap evidence can be used to prove minor crimes

>>15865794 Hungary passes pro-family legislation and successfully stops demographic decline

>>15865816 DEEP DIVE, DIG CALL Putin was right about Browder wanted to get rid of Trump, why, Ukraine of course!

>>15865851, >>15865835, >>15865890, >>15865929, >>15865953 CDC / FakeNews using it's influence to attempt to keep people away from Ukraine?

>>15865843, >>15865857 The USA is sanctioning itself out of economic stability

>>15865847 Costco Runs Out Of Emergency Food Kits

>>15865850 Unsealed indictment against Russian oligarch Andrey Muraviev - Ukraine effort to illegally influence US Politicians

>>15865961 Strzok says Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard are Russian Assets

>>15866001 Is There A Massive US Gold Deposit Hidden In The Chocolate Mountains, California?

>>15866062 Qatar/Russian foreign ministers meet to discuss Iran nuclear talks

>>15866143 FakeNews tries another angle at painting the Ukraine Military Operation as a failure with 'Middle East Mercenaries'


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ad382a  No.15866173

File: af23e12c830b5fc⋯.png (603.63 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

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29b66b  No.15866174


hang on I thought the Latinos are Hispanic and the Mexicans are Mexicans?

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1c5895  No.15866175

File: 7acdaffb61edd1a⋯.jpg (600.45 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening53.jpg)

File: 258afd584677c59⋯.jpg (726.68 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening55.jpg)

File: e1d1948acab8cc6⋯.jpg (750.72 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening40.jpg)

File: 494bb8edb45e932⋯.jpg (398.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening43.jpg)

File: 78bc61a8761fcd3⋯.jpg (577.8 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening37.jpg)

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119818  No.15866176

File: 6ea0912dbbf1b00⋯.png (367.68 KB, 685x446, 685:446, ClipboardImage.png)

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03779c  No.15866177

File: 4db7aa50b3be1ee⋯.png (436.87 KB, 741x720, 247:240, ClipboardImage.png)



explain it ?

and not because one grifter il donald is on a new platform with anothe grifter @q have hit a delta.

that is just for ts only and two grifters trying to garner attention.

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f00159  No.15866178


wow, gunnery range, electrified fence and feds

restful camping vacay

I like to work, really

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15d1b0  No.15866179


>critical thinking anon

am sure he's there too

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394b57  No.15866181

File: e8639779e9c415c⋯.jpg (72.54 KB, 1276x528, 29:12, Screen_Shot_2022_03_14_at_….jpg)



1:46:55 min-mark


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1c5895  No.15866182

File: 2911e214cf046e2⋯.jpg (332.34 KB, 1098x1468, 549:734, _Awakening10.jpg)

File: 4add1da65cc6fc0⋯.jpg (688.07 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening35.jpg)

File: e85ed3bc1215ec4⋯.jpg (420.79 KB, 1101x1470, 367:490, _Awakening19.jpg)

File: dc5091f7b2dc704⋯.jpg (452.26 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening18.jpg)

File: 199a955c3d0a64a⋯.jpg (743.96 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening21.jpg)

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3981a0  No.15866183

File: 909bdeb6d4eb545⋯.jpg (116.84 KB, 766x511, 766:511, libtard_army.jpg)

A pretty big contingent of the Libtard Free Ukraine Army is headed over there from San Francisco as we speak.

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ad382a  No.15866184

File: 97d1da1e315b8ad⋯.png (547.63 KB, 656x725, 656:725, ClipboardImage.png)


>>15866105 TS

twatter attached

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7b3018  No.15866185

File: 997e03fc2e4a35b⋯.png (832.51 KB, 674x708, 337:354, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm just saying

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119818  No.15866186

File: cf12d7204b12e3d⋯.png (391.55 KB, 866x572, 433:286, ClipboardImage.png)

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394b57  No.15866187

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.





>1:46:55 min-mark


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76883a  No.15866189




Dan, Devin, Kash, Don Jr… are all backing both of them.

What kind of true grifters out there can say that?

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25f20a  No.15866190

File: 1e0bff129cb43dd⋯.png (53.03 KB, 841x215, 841:215, Screen_Shot_2022_03_14_at_….png)

File: 07ce8a76a703466⋯.png (44.42 KB, 239x217, 239:217, Screen_Shot_2022_03_14_at_….png)


"God’s gentleness in judging the rebels at Babel is a lesson for us today. By changing one language into many, He separated nations more effectively than any Wall of China. God stepped in to prevent the human race from falling under the sway of a single, absolute tyrant over all the earth."

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528f44  No.15866191

File: 6f19b477fc09221⋯.png (783.65 KB, 847x522, 847:522, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e6b1825062101e⋯.png (658.71 KB, 976x629, 976:629, ClipboardImage.png)

What if Soros' playground is Ukraine?

Confirmed, more or less, no?

What if Putin is taking over the Soros headquarters? (so to speak)

What if Soros is there now?

How would the Russians handle him if they caught him?

Kill him on the spot or capture him and try him publicly for war crimes?

How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

Just spitballin.

o7 anons

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15d1b0  No.15866192


>it's going to bring even moar traffic to QR

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e22146  No.15866193

File: f657ee757480fc3⋯.jpg (297.69 KB, 1165x660, 233:132, Azov_Battalion_Nazis_04.jpg)

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b35888  No.15866194

why is it people never apply critical thinking to religion?

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1c5895  No.15866195

File: 5935e899f6d4b5c⋯.jpg (810.14 KB, 1200x1605, 80:107, _Awakening16.jpg)

File: 8d3fddd3fef34e0⋯.jpg (360.68 KB, 1099x1470, 157:210, _Awakening07.jpg)

File: 441875393caf441⋯.jpg (355.18 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening09.jpg)

File: a407bfc3ff3f0f1⋯.jpg (345.53 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening08.jpg)

File: b5de31e71a64c8a⋯.jpg (620.87 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening20.jpg)

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596f3a  No.15866196


That’s what I think will happen.

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29b66b  No.15866197


Dont you have a job application to fill in..?

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165cb2  No.15866198

File: 91aac1cc24d00f0⋯.jpg (92.13 KB, 659x380, 659:380, godinskyPRAY.jpg)

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ad382a  No.15866200


Hey GA anon, you have #41? Also, any idea what the last volume # is?

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76883a  No.15866201



There's no reason to come here unless Q is dropping.

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528f44  No.15866202


does TS not have timestamps visible in the app yet?

only duration since post?

TY anon

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3981a0  No.15866204


You never heard of St Thomas Aquinas?

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b35888  No.15866205


look individually wrapped packets of insanity

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15d1b0  No.15866206

oh good someone baked


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1c5895  No.15866208

File: a05efe95b5396f2⋯.jpg (730.95 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening47.jpg)

File: 054651d44973acc⋯.jpg (363.75 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening15.jpg)

File: a1acbe2ddadb88d⋯.jpg (307.87 KB, 1099x1492, 1099:1492, _Awakening14.jpg)

File: 18d7c0f00ef50c5⋯.jpg (357.32 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening13.jpg)

File: 41d3ddb7ca09ab1⋯.jpg (677.75 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening12.jpg)

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aaa65d  No.15866210

>>15866203 Dough

>>15866203 Dough

>>15866203 Dough

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00aeda  No.15866211

File: aec21539ecce039⋯.png (173.7 KB, 522x290, 9:5, worldmountain.png)

File: 615303813cbcc87⋯.png (152.46 KB, 529x298, 529:298, obeliskworldpillar.png)


…Some sort of need for a figurehead hero, to save them (at times, from themselves). I dunno.

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528f44  No.15866212


also, part of the Soros gang, the Clinton's friend

the pedo priest was taken into custody

for abusing his own child (unclear which one)

…think for yourselves!

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1c5895  No.15866213

File: 9ea5053229ac996⋯.jpg (288.11 KB, 1099x1469, 1099:1469, _Awakening6.jpg)

File: 5126fd90a391582⋯.jpg (360.64 KB, 1099x1470, 157:210, _Awakening11.jpg)

File: 1c3b8fd70943240⋯.jpg (617.4 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening60.jpg)

File: 79af1bcfa31912c⋯.jpg (647.73 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening57.jpg)

File: 7b0814df8f575ef⋯.jpg (673.3 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening36.jpg)

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aaa65d  No.15866214

>>15866203 Dough

>>15866203 Dough

>>15866203 Dough

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1c5895  No.15866215

File: 44a7f42bf8b91af⋯.jpg (567.79 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening59.jpg)

File: a357bbd63cc5068⋯.jpg (755.6 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening38.jpg)

File: cfe0e5eaaae8fc8⋯.jpg (593.69 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening63.jpg)

File: 22f83b887a144fd⋯.jpg (650.57 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening62.jpg)

File: 4808f2db6f5fb38⋯.jpg (744.08 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening61.jpg)

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