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File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB, 1748x938, 874:469, _WWG1WGA_.jpg)

78e82d  No.15685852[Last 50 Posts]

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q Research


>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15406808 !!!! LEARN DIGITAL WARFARE !!!!

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>>15600441 =!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

>>15406820 Meme Requests

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78e82d  No.15685862


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15568669 Bakers - how to format notable buns (including two-post buns)

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15676854 Bakers: no board politics go into in notables NEW

>>15676745 Jim W is working on the mp4 problem, needs moar bandwidth NEW



>>15685172 Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On February 21, 2022 (Map Update)

>>15685154 Military And Political Situation In Europe On February 21, 2022 (Map Update)

>>15685197, >>15685125, >>15685122 Ukraine revealed.

>>15685148 World Economic Forum found Tusli Gabbard, Crinshaw, Rothschild and Zuckerberg.

>>15685125 Putin signs decrees on recognizing Donetsk and Lugansk republics

>>15685122 Joe Biden’s corrupt clan is behind Ukraine’s “shale gas revolution

>>15685274 PUTIN TRUMPS BIDEN – Aligns with Two Ukranian Republics Without Firing a Shot

>>15685294 Rape in Atlanta soared by 236% and murder by 43% in 2022

>>15685393 Jessica Rose: they have the force, we have the power

>>15685379 Scientific evidence proves covid "vaccines" cause AIDS

>>15685325, >>15685345, >>15685359, >>15685506 Nato and Russia: anon discussion

>>15685307 Feds seize meth worth more than $18 million at Texas cargo facility

>>15685475 China Sanctions Raytheon, Lockheed Over Taiwan Deal To "Safeguard Its Sovereignty"

>>15685447 RINO Lindsey Graham Calls to “Destroy the Ruble” and “Crush the Russian Oil & Gas Sector” RE: Putin Aggression

>>15685449 QClock February 21, 2022

>>15685441, >>15685477 Ottawa protester commentary – no police present there

>>15685433 Kari Lake DESTROYS fake new media

>>15685539, >>15685582, >>15685335 US Trucker Convoy to ‘Shut Down’ Traffic on Major Roads Outside Washington: Organizer

>>15685537 Cheri Jacobus #NeverTrump fmr GOP, Exec Producer "America Reads The Mueller Report"

>>15685530 Week One of Spying Scandal: Nets, CNN Bury Blockbuster Claims Against Clinton

>>15685522 NYC Mayor: Vax mandates don't work but we're sticking with them anyway

>>15685516 Ottawa Mayor Proposes To Sell Confiscated 'Freedom Convoy" Trucks

>>15685563, >>15685660 TRUTH SOCIAL - In Chrome, thanks to twatter user lb

>>15685571 Alberta government challenging Trudeau’s Emergencies Act in court

>>15685602 Canadian MP Says Single Mom’s Bank Account Frozen For Donating $50 to Freedom Convoy

>>15685608, >>15685683 Queen Elizabeth is having her Covid treated with Ivermectin…

>>15685646, >>15685677 CMZ - 2/22/2022 big announcement in Prescott from 1:30 - 2:30pm in front of the courthouse on Gurley St.

>>15685748 #19833

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78e82d  No.15685864


>>15684943, >>15684494 Moar Paul Farmer and Wife

>>15684928 Pfizer Partnered With Wuhan-Linked Chinese Company Supplying ‘Military Combat’ Efforts.

>>15684870 Statement from President Clinton, Secretary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton on the Passing of Dr. Paul Farmer

>>15684850 VP Fear porn - Kamala Harris Warns Americans of Higher Energy Costs if Russia Invades Ukraine

>>15684830 Hours Before Parliamentary Vote, Tyrant Trudeau Demands Emergencies Act Remains in Place – Claims Any MP Who Votes Against Him is Against “Democracy”

>>15684753 Israel said worried US sanctions on Russia could affect Syria operations

>>15684727, >>15684876 Belarus should face same sanctions as Russia in event of invasion, says EU

>>15684719 LIVE Freedom Convoy Ottawa Canada

>>15684662 Planefag Report

>>15684593 MSNBC host renews liberal media's alarm over Latino voters shifting towards GOP, identifying as White

>>15684616 CBS Herridge Russian or pro-Russian criminal threat actors may seek to launch retaliatory cyber attacks against the US

>>15684611 Apple Store employees around the United States are reportedly attempting to unionize as hourly workers grow frustrated with wages and working conditions.

>>15684494 Harvard MD, Clinton-connected Pedo down.

>>15684567 President Biden should insist that President Zelensky has a seat at any summit where Ukraine’s fate is decided.

>>15684558 Tucker Carlson is the number-one watched host among Democrats in the key 25-54 age demographic

>>15684553 President Biden will soon issue an Executive Order that will prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to Ukraine independent regions

>>15684548 Atheist Dad Is Transformed After Glimpse of Heaven as Toddler Son Is Taken Off Life Support

>>15684326 Putin drops truth bombs. Signs 'immediate' recognition of Donbas regions

>>15684394 Putin "Reportedly" Recognizes Ukrainian Region As Independent State

>>15684472 For KEKs - Durham "republicans are out of their minds"

>>15684350 Happy President’s Day - Dan Scavino

>>15684342 "Boris Johnson has accused Vladimir Putin of "plainly" breaking international law

>>15685041 #19832


>>15684275 US Trucker Convoy Organizer Says They Will Be ‘Giant Boa Constrictor,’ Squeezing, Choking, and Swallowing DC

>>15684188 ICYMI: Trump moves to close off Liz Cheney’s political escape hatch

>>15684175 ICYMI "Those responsible for the ‘dirty tricks’ against Trump need to face consequences"

>>15683807 Mount Etna Erupts, Sends Massive Volcanic Ash Cloud Over Eastern Sicily

>>15683789 US Companies Have Contributed or Promised Nearly $1 Billion to BLM and/or Social Justice Groups

>>15683702 SIU Investigating Reported Serious Injury of Woman in Interaction with Police Horse

>>15683699 Planefag Report

>>15683665 List Of Over 100 Studies Proving How COVID Vaccines Are More Harmful Than What We’re Being Told

>>15683619 We hear your concern for people on the ground after the horses dispersed a crowd. Ottawa

>>15683590 Putin Humiliated Biden in Moscow Meeting, Reveals Obama-Era White House Stenographer.

>>15683551, >>15684034 Putin set to recognize Donbass – Kremlin

>>15684448 #19831

Previously Collected

>>15682616 #19829, >>15683417 #19830

>>15680246 #19826, >>15681034 #19827, >>15681884 #19828

>>15677927 #19823, >>15678687 #19824, >>15679479 #19825

>>15675548 #19820, >>15676381 #19821, >>15677177 #19822

>>15673149 #19817, >>15673908 #19818, >>15674744 #19819

>>15670808 #19814, >>15671586 #19815, >>15672384 #19816

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!

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78e82d  No.15685867

File: d41b17060bea9f1⋯.png (753.57 KB, 600x916, 150:229, popcorn_trip.png)


Q Research General #19834: Fight Till Your Last Honk Edition




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e142ea  No.15685871

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB, 490x842, 245:421, 58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

File: 56ba75cc6733df8⋯.jpg (314.11 KB, 1653x2048, 1653:2048, 56ba75cc6733df82c2c071429d….jpg)

File: fda23cbae5e7927⋯.png (846.03 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, fda23cbae5e79277c705594e3c….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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e142ea  No.15685879

File: 53b2f4fded900e1⋯.mp4 (7.68 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 53b2f4fded900e108e61fe2b77….mp4)

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78e82d  No.15685880

File: e42ebbb50645c79⋯.jpg (14.5 KB, 360x366, 60:61, BECOME_BREAD.jpg)


(Baker is open to potential handoff scenarios)

Ty anons

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ad872e  No.15685881


wasted spam

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969511  No.15685882

File: 05ea0e6e29c817b⋯.png (73.98 KB, 753x544, 753:544, Q_703_the_JFK_prayer_Scree….png)

File: e7be09bdc13cf1f⋯.png (46.92 KB, 250x381, 250:381, ClipboardImage.png)



anons pray at 7 pm

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636523  No.15685883

File: 7e2dd3361961161⋯.jpg (72.29 KB, 400x400, 1:1, art_of_flow.jpg)


You cannot change the direction of the current in a river, you must "adjust" and follow threw - use your opponents' weight against them

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55556c  No.15685884

File: 24ea71e44b587ea⋯.jpg (28.03 KB, 474x265, 474:265, downloadfile_7.jpg)

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5e12e9  No.15685885

Wendy, what good does it do to make State Laws about Veterans when the VA is being run by incompetent fools? Stolen Elections have catastrophic consequences for Veterans. Whitewashing the problem is not going to make the problem go away.

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ad872e  No.15685886

Frudeau implies sanctions on circle jerk lubes from gehycowboy

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f37202  No.15685887

God Wins

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37050e  No.15685888

File: 1d8e3f113f386f0⋯.png (67.32 KB, 720x359, 720:359, 1d8e3f113f386f0ec2f3785e4a….png)

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f37202  No.15685889

God wins

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40bddf  No.15685890

File: 58064786245ff08⋯.png (750.95 KB, 490x842, 245:421, a226a016a2a0c2805d346b87f3….png)

File: a519b4519ab516f⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 1062x1080, 59:60, a519b4519ab516f8923288d792….jpg)

7 pm Prayer Storm

anons united with intentions for healing

for peace prosperity truth and unity

we have more in common than we know

bring humanity together and restore us all

bring and end to the hidden transgressors of darkness and evil

the ones who have done so much harm


GodSpeed QTeam

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76e0db  No.15685891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tchaikovsky: Liturgy of St John Chrysostom


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3ef795  No.15685892

File: 9464233e4c15d85⋯.gif (4.65 MB, 750x540, 25:18, Jesus_is_the_AMEN.gif)

>>15685225 (lb)

Love. Amen.

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55556c  No.15685893

Rogers n Taylor Greene are tits on a boar hog…only worse.

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4fc005  No.15685894

File: a7956cdc89ab27f⋯.png (505.76 KB, 421x409, 421:409, capture_508_21022022_16002….png)

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ad872e  No.15685895


danvilingus loser has posted cynical blasphemous unrequited depraved buttfaggot rebuttal

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cd8a47  No.15685896

File: aad3e7e88895825⋯.jpeg (625.79 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, F9BC7E92_D7FB_40B6_83AA_7….jpeg)

Anon Patriot Prayer Time 7:00PM EST

Assume the Position

We are, and will always be. PATRIOTS





Lord please help all those Fighting for Freedom in Canada

Please show them signs of hope to continue to Fight

Please help those who lost access to their Money

Lord please help all those fighting here in the USA and the rest of the World

Please Join US All - WWG1WGA

Let’s Pray

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5247eb  No.15685897

It's amazing this is still going on.

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6cc25d  No.15685898

File: 09a400511f07b99⋯.png (347.51 KB, 421x315, 421:315, MISSILE.PNG)


Ty Baker

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ad872e  No.15685899

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81cb57  No.15685900


VA exists to quietly kill off veterans, or at least get them Red Flagged and locked away. Disgusting shitbags.

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27e831  No.15685901

File: 68b74050865a69f⋯.png (260.69 KB, 481x313, 481:313, jesus_way.png)

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30e155  No.15685902

File: 71b7289de8d3444⋯.png (240.41 KB, 483x368, 21:16, KlausBorg.png)

[Pb] >>15685873

>Calling out the WEF members.

This puts Wendy back on top.

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78e82d  No.15685903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>sofa king wetoded

Repeat after me

Your Mom Gay

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0c6584  No.15685904

File: 653365fd40ac1bb⋯.png (4.39 MB, 2661x2624, 2661:2624, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15685681 lb

>>15685689 lb

>…It's a cedar.

>>15685694 lb

>Cedars of Lebanon

>>15685698 lb

This may be a "pointless" combination of unrelated stories, but being a native of the northern part of Ohio, and a lifelong patron of the amusement park, I've long been considering the possibilities of what lies just below the surface in many unsuspecting parts of our world.

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ad872e  No.15685905


we must murder the messiah for jew bribes and tax reasons of epstien island

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5e12e9  No.15685906


VA Motto - 'Deny till they die'

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6cc25d  No.15685907

File: 621cb5456594feb⋯.png (558.9 KB, 581x460, 581:460, c7440617fbbd340eb468013b59….png)

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032cb8  No.15685908

File: e1a6828680630ad⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 649x370, 649:370, trumpcaughthussein.jpg)

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8b2a5f  No.15685909



A Prayer Of Spiritual Warfare.

Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in your righteousness. Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen

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efcd7e  No.15685910

File: 0aee4cc18cb6e96⋯.png (817.12 KB, 851x844, 851:844, 0aee4cc18cb6e9663a30283029….png)

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5028eb  No.15685911

File: 3071d4255235c6f⋯.png (159.82 KB, 428x348, 107:87, foot_age.png)


mRNA Death Toll, [21.02.22 12:58]

[ Video ]



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b527ef  No.15685912

File: a93e5b554606fe1⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 500x632, 125:158, 663d20_1.jpg)

File: a93e5b554606fe1⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 500x632, 125:158, 663d20_1.jpg)

File: a93e5b554606fe1⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 500x632, 125:158, 663d20_1.jpg)

File: a93e5b554606fe1⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 500x632, 125:158, 663d20_1.jpg)

File: a93e5b554606fe1⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 500x632, 125:158, 663d20_1.jpg)


Actually the casualties and injuries from the WARP SPEED VACCINE will continue far into the future..2 million is just the starting point.

Trump also gave us Obama's third term on steroids.

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636523  No.15685913

File: 1322435a66fb823⋯.jpg (116.73 KB, 400x400, 1:1, welcome.jpg)


"Research facility"

gotta control the vets with tyranny before the people

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2250cb  No.15685914

File: 98cdaa5d2afb1dd⋯.png (188.43 KB, 358x263, 358:263, Velikovsky02.png)

…Christcuck hour, already?

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b23638  No.15685915

>>15685711 (lb)

🤣🤣🤣 I counted them over and over again before posting - I wud like there's 4, no there's 3.. there's 4, no there's three

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e08530  No.15685916

File: d8134c97ac596e3⋯.jpg (66.79 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 663drq.jpg)

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ad872e  No.15685917

File: 7d11ebf5203f461⋯.jpeg (71.44 KB, 500x512, 125:128, 7d11ebf5203f461bc0772119e….jpeg)

/_RANUS/ research intentcities

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d34fe0  No.15685918

File: 65e8dcb7fd2dafd⋯.png (126.15 KB, 1002x644, 501:322, ClipboardImage.png)



Executive Order on Blocking Property of Certain Persons and Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to Continued Russian Efforts to Undermine the Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of Ukraine

February 21, 2022

Presidential Actions

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code


Potato decree alert

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520c09  No.15685919

File: af2b66f6edb15d6⋯.png (594.14 KB, 640x800, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you God, For walking with us & Protecting us

May Everything work to your favor.

So Help Me God.

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5028eb  No.15685920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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40bddf  No.15685921

File: e6acae8baf18636⋯.png (590.64 KB, 965x736, 965:736, 1c955e46588045b28023d7d687….png)

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78e82d  No.15685922

File: 1e38b1c45e06fc2⋯.png (252.11 KB, 334x384, 167:192, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon feels like he's just along for the ride at this point

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f33d6e  No.15685923

File: c8ab565dd221f1c⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1253x1542, 1253:1542, ClipboardImage.png)

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ad872e  No.15685924



Frudeau still not banged

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1e863c  No.15685925

File: 24951a6c86cc59b⋯.png (844.21 KB, 800x895, 160:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 886c0b6979de983⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1588x1588, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

dream big

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6cc25d  No.15685926


You're relou ;)

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78e82d  No.15685927

File: cac0e6ef6bb24e5⋯.jpg (44.52 KB, 720x338, 360:169, wethepeople.jpg)

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6cc25d  No.15685928


And Really Stupid

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55556c  No.15685929

Anon met a platoon of homeless, Rangers n SF's on Maui.

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5028eb  No.15685930

File: f519efd4a6acabc⋯.png (77.21 KB, 426x330, 71:55, yes_1.png)


mRNA Death Toll, [21.02.22 14:19]

[ Video ]



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f33d6e  No.15685931

File: 4947565546af32f⋯.png (686.84 KB, 800x448, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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39d07f  No.15685932

File: abde6806b1951ba⋯.jpg (224.15 KB, 1094x830, 547:415, abde6806b1951ba342a9416ef2….jpg)

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37050e  No.15685933

File: d18fc5bae63c398⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, d18fc5bae63c398bc26cb91a51….jpg)



Scruffy didn't even pay attention

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ac26fe  No.15685934

3 6 9

When EBS?

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ad872e  No.15685935


homoerotic valor kikes send idolatry examples from propoganda agenda of pedobigottweakers

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5247eb  No.15685936

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ad872e  No.15685937


austin volunteers to homo gehycowboys to end lubes policy of Frudeau's policy implies

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8786b5  No.15685938

File: 940c1d13ecc90dc⋯.jpeg (272.93 KB, 750x958, 375:479, 8FB22206_207D_440F_BA79_7….jpeg)

Anyone get off the waitlist yet?

How long until I can post??

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5028eb  No.15685939

File: ebc4e2ce824fbe4⋯.png (223.25 KB, 430x579, 430:579, works.png)


Woke Societies, [21.02.22 15:49]


[ Album ]

NOW: Fireworks light up the night sky in Donetsk after the Russian President signed a decree recognizing the region's independence

Subscribe to RT t.me/rtnews

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18be1d  No.15685940



God bless Canada glorious and free

Pray for Canada's moral compass,in Jesus name

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3ea110  No.15685941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Viva is live

Ottawa Emergencies Act Vote LIVE STREAM! Tyranny or Democracy for Canada?

Viva Frei

526K subscribers

This is the biggest night for the future of Canada.


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ad872e  No.15685943


go find him virgil

>homoerotic valor kikes send idolatry examples from propoganda agenda of pedobigottweakers

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78e82d  No.15685944

File: 59d3ccd807d9aa2⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 392x244, 98:61, b8M8MsA.gif)


>Frudeau implies sanctions on circle jerk lubes from gehycowboy

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8786b5  No.15685945

File: a7b647ae4b06368⋯.jpeg (175.82 KB, 750x772, 375:386, 6B85C85F_3E30_4C07_B8AE_4….jpeg)


> How long until I can post??

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6cc25d  No.15685946


idolatry is not a virtue my friend

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5e12e9  No.15685948

Mark Finchem is the only State Congressional Rep out of 6000+ across the Nation that is seriously challenging the stolen Senate, House and Presidential Elections in America.

Congrats Mark. you're 1 in 6000 and the other 5999 can go straight to hell.

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8eaaed  No.15685949

Banks, corporations, government and media will soon drop the charade that they are separate. All will all merge into a single powerful entity. This entity has the power to control you 100%. Everything done will be done because they approve it. You will own nothing and be happy. This plan is moving in high gear as I type this. What can anyone really do? Resist? Then no job, no money, no food, no home, no healthcare no services period. Live free of die I guess.

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ad872e  No.15685950


>idolatry is not a virtue my friend

jews caught seling cheap symbols again

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ac26fe  No.15685951


Patriot mom (me)

Not so assassins creed bounty hunter(also me)


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520c09  No.15685952


Seems Someone Approves

Lets see if it spreads

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e142ea  No.15685953

File: 755e19e9a1746ef⋯.jpg (199.68 KB, 1200x1439, 1200:1439, 1569133980906.jpg)


That was nice, thank you for sharing.

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33d079  No.15685954

File: cc5a8940b766094⋯.png (765.58 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, jlb.png)

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78e82d  No.15685955






















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d34fe0  No.15685956

File: 3a42031ac51d71c⋯.png (189.58 KB, 1100x698, 550:349, ClipboardImage.png)

DHS CWMD and Seattle Conduct a Biological Threat Preparedness Exercise

Release Date: February 18, 2022

WASHINGTON—On January 25, 2022, the DHS Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office (CWMD), Seattle area emergency managers, public health officials, lab officials, and first responders conducted a virtual tabletop exercise of the BioWatch program. Participants discussed how they would respond in the event of a bioterrorist incident and identified ways to improve coordination. BioWatch hosts regular training exercises across all jurisdictions to equip partners with guidance, tools, and expertise to develop response plans for worst-case scenarios.

“BioWatch is a critical element of the nation’s bio defense architecture. The program leverages state, local, and federal capabilities to enhance the opportunities to employ life-saving countermeasures in the event of a biological attack,” said Gary Rasicot, acting Assistant Secretary for CWMD. “Our job at CWMD is to help ensure our partners across all levels of government have the training and resources needed to prepare to respond to this type of incident.”

Seattle area public and private area organizations including Washington State Department of Health, Seattle Fire Department, Sound Transit, Northwest Healthcare Response Network, University of Washington Police, the Washington State Fusion Center, and others joined representatives from DHS and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to review the roles and responsibilities of each organization in the event of an incident.

“The BioWatch exercise we just completed demonstrates the tremendous strength of our response system and collaborative interagency coordination here in the Greater Puget Sound Region. It truly reflects the great capability and capacity of our key partnerships from local, state, and federal agencies that would be able to be leveraged to detect and respond to a Bioterrorism event here in our region.” said Battalion Chief Dan Murray of the Seattle Fire Department.

The DHS CWMD BioWatch program operates 24/7/365 in over 30 major metropolitan areas across the nation to provide an early indication of a potential airborne biological attack. The program is managed by DHS CWMD, supported by other federal agencies, and operated by a network of scientists, laboratory technicians, emergency managers, law enforcement officers, and public health officials.

This exercise tested, evaluated, and allowed for improvements in coordination, communication, and decision-making should an actual bioterrorist attack occur. The combination of detection, rapid notification, preparedness, and planning helps communities take steps to save lives and mitigate harm. BioWatch hosted a similar exercise in Texas last week.

CWMD serves as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s focal point for counter-weapons of mass destruction efforts. By supporting operational partners across federal, state, and local levels, CWMD coordinates and manages the detection effort for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN), and health security threats.


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3ea110  No.15685957


you forgot elongapes

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4fc005  No.15685958

File: 809cf347f093d62⋯.jpg (382.64 KB, 993x660, 331:220, _17_seconds_.jpg)


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ad872e  No.15685959



David Willcoke4homo signs idolatry treaty with indigenous chinks

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964ab3  No.15685960

File: e8b1b6f4c0351ed⋯.png (295.74 KB, 413x616, 59:88, ClipboardImage.png)

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5028eb  No.15685961

File: 1694b9ebc61b275⋯.png (87.72 KB, 426x460, 213:230, roll.png)


Jim Watkins, [21.02.22 16:10]

[Forwarded from Bonnie Ramsdell]


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76e0db  No.15685962

File: 9dbccd69c6c2f66⋯.jpg (19.64 KB, 474x267, 158:89, hunter_biden_golf.jpg)



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9600b3  No.15685963

File: 45f94e9501a29b1⋯.jpg (58.52 KB, 720x478, 360:239, 45f94e9501a29b184bc7c430b1….jpg)

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2523ae  No.15685964

File: a7a2e83c14c51d0⋯.png (379.2 KB, 680x475, 136:95, ClipboardImage.png)

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8eaaed  No.15685965


Warpspeed into THE GREAT RESET.

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ad872e  No.15685966


woke coke old faggots try fashion show

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ad872e  No.15685967

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14789d  No.15685968

File: d4b3fa6d0486ae1⋯.png (205.08 KB, 505x421, 505:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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af85f4  No.15685969

File: 112a6ef8ee373cd⋯.png (111.29 KB, 289x342, 289:342, ClipboardImage.png)

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4fc005  No.15685970



He's in here, they're all in here…


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27e831  No.15685971

File: 0646275c5232077⋯.png (91.52 KB, 290x302, 145:151, pepe_sweat.png)

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5028eb  No.15685972

File: 311893407b0256d⋯.png (78.86 KB, 428x182, 214:91, a_tes.png)


Jim Watkins, [21.02.22 16:09]

[ Photo ]

https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/15684241.html#15684535 🤔

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662d52  No.15685973


Great title

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5247eb  No.15685974


Canada is a vassal state of China and everyone is going to a camp. How could you not know this?

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64626f  No.15685975

File: 1ba48838ad8545f⋯.png (816.06 KB, 1200x914, 600:457, findout.png)


actually they do exist. (demons')

the atheists who do the rituals find out 'Magick is real'

the top level occultists know it.

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78e82d  No.15685976

File: c8c43dc28860aea⋯.jpg (274.41 KB, 1441x1425, 1441:1425, 1644715549820.jpg)

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3aa2c0  No.15685977

File: dd8dfb1491908b6⋯.png (30.94 KB, 257x307, 257:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cb84d3466f8e70⋯.png (818.23 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15684494 Harvard MD, Clinton-connected Pedo down.

Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are.

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0946c3  No.15685978

File: 2ea17396cafa5b1⋯.jpg (77.72 KB, 500x547, 500:547, 6630d7_1.jpg)





Let Wendy Rogers lick your asshole…

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0e4224  No.15685979

File: cdd272766a9b627⋯.png (798.63 KB, 720x507, 240:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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58863d  No.15685980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15685318 (PB)

POTUS did not stumble. He had fancy leather shoes on – ramp was not only steep, but extremely slippery. (They should have put the ol' red carpet on that thing = safety hazard, no doubt, for anyone but even moreso with fancy slick shoes/soles.)

Found vid of him explaining it for probably the zillionth time: https://youtu.be/lcU74YFJCoI

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ad872e  No.15685981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>you forgot elongapes

elongapes forces elctro bilbo up 75 year old nazi tunnel

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8786b5  No.15685982

File: ffb482c3144a574⋯.jpeg (194.8 KB, 750x732, 125:122, 150FB4CB_7550_4470_B8B0_A….jpeg)


Anons been waiting since midnight to use the app kek

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98bd5a  No.15685983

File: 30dc426af3be542⋯.jpg (236.1 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 4444.jpg)

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76c5e8  No.15685984


e, what's your acct name on Truth Social?

Is it @Ebot?

Mine is @Daniel - say hi to me there when you get a chance.

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78e82d  No.15685985

File: 7d03464dbe61516⋯.png (322.38 KB, 531x441, 59:49, KEK.png)



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47bbc4  No.15685986

File: e08576c0a1d1350⋯.jpeg (52.46 KB, 750x378, 125:63, E63AA353_76B2_4ACF_A72D_9….jpeg)

March 2008

The U.S. presidential nomination race could get a lot more interesting if some of the candidates' famous relatives decide to loan their star power to their campaigns.

A new report from the New England Historic Genealogical Society has turned up some fascinating connections. It turns out Barack Obama, for example, is a distant cousin to Brad Pitt.

And his opponent for the Democratic nomination, former first lady Hillary Clinton, is a relative of Angelina Jolie, Pitt's girlfriend.

The Republican candidate John McCain, meanwhile, is a sixth cousin to First Lady Laura Bush, the study finds.

Though there is no word on whether Pitt and Jolie plan to begin stumping for their competing relatives any time soon, the study shows just how interconnected the three candidates' family trees are.

The limbs of Clinton's family tree even stretch to Canada and to the U.K., according to the study from the non-profit organization in Boston.

It turns out the woman attempting to become the first female president of the United States can count among her relations Alanis Morissette, Celine Dion and former prime minister Pierre Trudeau. Madonna and "On the Road" author Jack Kerouac are also counted among her relatives.

"It is common to find people of French Canadian descent to be related to large numbers of other French Canadians, including these notables," said NEHGS genealogist Christopher Child in a news release.

Clinton is also related to Camilla Parker-Bowles, who is married to Prince Charles.


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ad872e  No.15685987


gaggle of pedobigottweakers caught soliciting quacks for coverups extortion laundry

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44c6bf  No.15685988


Bless the Kennedy's

this anon likes to think that they got to swing the sword for a little while

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27e831  No.15685989


daniel's back?

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8786b5  No.15685991

File: dfc5f9dd4d48435⋯.jpeg (206.66 KB, 683x633, 683:633, 7C81CDE4_6512_409B_9C07_3….jpeg)

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0c6584  No.15685992

File: 7521d1b1d860674⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1305x632, 1305:632, ClipboardImage.png)


used to make one of these

every day !!!!

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ad872e  No.15685993


>Mine is @Daniel

hi faggot

real bummer your cult is so tacky

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2523ae  No.15685994

File: f7ecd36c0e3cc0e⋯.png (64.9 KB, 647x573, 647:573, ClipboardImage.png)



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b9e021  No.15685995

File: 25b74a6c8affb80⋯.png (73.76 KB, 310x237, 310:237, ClipboardImage.png)

I hear it, Kemosabe, it's coming, very fast.

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9600b3  No.15685996

File: 2b1102dff2f3b22⋯.png (82.59 KB, 400x305, 80:61, b32e414d3d26755c9c495c0685….png)


TY anon

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68edf2  No.15685997

File: 3c803c23e1cdc14⋯.jpg (22.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7db9673b124906b96bcb765cd5….jpg)

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64626f  No.15685998

File: 92771a79cab78c8⋯.jpg (77.16 KB, 504x500, 126:125, trumpunnamedsource6e.jpg)

>>15685566 pb

that was previous bread. sorry.


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ad872e  No.15685999


>daniel's back?

namefaggot goes on to whine bout shillin baby graves temple died

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7080b8  No.15686000




I can't even get on the waiting list. Tried everything I can and now I feel like I'm just DDOSing the site. Kinda frustrating.

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1297d1  No.15686001

File: 4397079fc82c509⋯.jpg (122.19 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 00TRUTH.jpg)


I haven't been on QR for global prayer in a couple weeks but my alarm still goes off at 5 mountain time and I pray for all anons searching for truth, no matter where i'm at.

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66ab67  No.15686002

>>15685725 lb

>>15685807 lb


there are no deamons.

There is noone eating your bad energy, your feeling or whatsoever, there is no one intentionally making you do bad stuff and when you do bad stuff, you are aware of it. (few mental ilnesses excluded obviously which is a tiny fracture of people)

Your post (above one) is suggesting that you know what you are talking about. it uses some fancy expressions,

=but I miss the sauce.

Obviously there is no sauce whatsoever, not the smartest scientists, not the most high super "enlightened" (you did not even know what that meant before I showed up!) knight masons, not the state leaders with the most powerful agencies, not a single one has ever seen a deamon or being witness to actions that can only be explained by deamons.

your post, as most of the stuff I hear from masons, has some truth to it. some truth and a lot of bs around it. that is how it´s done to appear credible and legit while selling lies. masonry has a masters degree in that obviously.

some things you point out quite specifically, that being the case I am sure you are able to explain that a little more.

>demons have been forced to adopt energetic parasitism

sounds like they were not forced earlier?

>sophisticated interests

this sounds a lot smarter and way more conscious than "forced to adopt energetic parasitism". how does that fit together? are deamons something just reacting or are they conscious?

>manipulate their host

also sounds pretty fance, smart ass deamons

>cooking your emotions

suggesting "deamons" would not "eat" your emotion itself, but would first turn it into something else what they than live on? what would that be? frequency? isn´t emotion itself frquency? would all deamons have the same taste and use the same recepies?

"anon", your post is bs. but I wait for you to further explain some of the stuff, in case you are able to.

for me it sounds a lot like either

<masons, pleaaaaase keep following masonry


<hey, messiah, I get that you are God an all, but I will try to bs you anyway

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b4d565  No.15686003

File: 0f6407e35443ff2⋯.png (262.84 KB, 869x431, 869:431, ron_klain_russia_ukraine_n….PNG)

File: 9e22f877562cebf⋯.png (508.27 KB, 419x590, 419:590, ron_klain_russia_ukraine_n….PNG)

The manufactured crisis in Ukraine then takes on a geopolitical angle and a domestic angle. The prior rate of inflation is now being blamed on Russia-Ukraine.

It is not coincidental that ABC (think George Stephanopolous) takes the lead in helping to push this narrative as a cover story for the problems in the economy that are specifically driven by U.S. energy policy (chasing Green New Deal objectives), environmental policy, regulatory policy and massive spending. The politics are to blame for the inflation, so it is the deployment of politics used to create the cover.

The manufactured Russia-Ukraine crisis now becomes the cover story for why the U.S. economy is collapsing. The pain being felt by middle class, blue-collar workers is now shifted to be an outcome of geopolitical events that are Vladimir Putin’s fault. It’s always someone else’s fault.

Do not underestimate how many people in the U.S. will buy into this nonsense, and keep in mind the Republican wing of the UniParty has a vested interest in allowing the narrative to embed in the psyche of voters. Both wings of the DC vulture will help promote this fraud, just as both wings of the DC uniparty sold out our Main Street economy on behalf of their multinational benefactors.

The ruse of the European crisis around Russia-Ukraine also helps the manipulative ideologues in the World Economic Forum (WEF), World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and central banking system create a deflection of the bigger economic crisis created by their COVID agenda and the Great Reset.

The influence agents and multinationals, those who direct the politicians on what policies to execute on a domestic and geopolitical scale, benefit from these obfuscations and false narratives.

The amount of money the multinationals have taken from the economy into their centralized (and sometimes personal) control is obscured by the deployment of these distractions.

Q What should Americans be braced for? What could they possibly be facing? The President has already said Americans will be facing some economic fallout or some hardships. Can you explain to Americans what exactly will they face if this happened?

KAMALA HARRIS: Sure. As the President talked about in his speech, we are aware that, again, when America stands for her principles and all of the things that we hold dear, it requires sometimes for us to put ourselves out there in a way that maybe we will incur some cost. And in this situation, that may relate to energy costs, for example. But we are taking very specific and appropriate, I believe, steps to mitigate what that cost might be if it happens.

The economic consequences from climate change policy were always considered the biggest hurdle. The pain that would be felt by the working-class folks, would need to be managed. This is the reason why false justifications for economic pain are collectively pushed by media. The media do not need to be told what to do, they already know the larger goal is pretending not to know things.

As a result, the domestic political elites are managing the pitchforks by distracting voters about the cause. If you do not buy into their obtuse justifications, well, you then become a target – ergo, a conspiracy theorist.

Climate change policy is a tool, a means to an end.

COVID-19 policy is a tool, a means to an end.

Behind all the layers of obfuscation you find all the individual roadmaps converge onto a single path that leads to centralized control.


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7d9101  No.15686004

File: a81866cc9e16aab⋯.png (506.58 KB, 599x681, 599:681, _NUREMBERG_2_0_.png)

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18be1d  No.15686005


amen and God bless you too

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ad872e  No.15686006


the whole bible starts with

a danvilingus whine bought baby furnaces shillin temple died

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3aa2c0  No.15686007

File: 81c77070b8252bf⋯.png (217.78 KB, 365x280, 73:56, ClipboardImage.png)


Only in 3+n^2i|n>0 space, so not for us.

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0946c3  No.15686008

File: 3c5be57b9ecd007⋯.jpg (89.2 KB, 500x612, 125:153, 663ewj_1.jpg)


Let Wendy Rogers lick your balls…

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ad872e  No.15686009


you paid too much for your symbols

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3ea110  No.15686010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Woah Woah Woah Kemosabe

Big Big Balling is my Hobby

Big Tymers - Big Ballin' (Official Music Video)


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ecd7d2  No.15686011

>>15685258 (lb)

Germany has under 5% of under ground natgas reserves left. It was even on MSM nightly news in Germany, so there's no hiding it. Greens in Government now are aggressively anti-fossil fuel, to the point of even considering banning wood stoves. Nukes going offline, regardless. Done deal. No reversal possible. Wind and Solar and wear a few more sweaters. Former German Chancellor Schroeder is a suit at Gazprom. He must know every time a German policy maker farts. Putin is inside the German's OODA loop wrt energy.

Ukraine didn't want NS II going online. It's ready, but Potato is twisting arms, I think. NATO's Stoltenberg's mouth is talking shit to Putin that NATO's ass can't back up without US involvement. Stoltenberg told Putin he was going to get more NATO on his borders, not less. Poking the bear armed with just bear spray, looks to me.

Putin met with Macron and Scholz a day or so ago, but apparently ignored anything they were saying in the end. Germany/EU needs the Russian gas. Russia can sell it elsewhere. If Russia shuts down the pipeline through the Ukraine that corrupt figures where profiting off, Germany/EU is out of gas. Germany running out of gas will finish off the Greens and their Greta Thunberg energy policy. Can't see any other outcome. My take is Germany has to back Putin and leave NATO. No better time to take out NATO, as I see it from Putin's POV, than with an unrealistic and short-sighted energy policy in Germany and a Potato running things in DC.

That's the circle that Germany/EU has to square. I don't believe they can. Putin is holding all the cards.

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5028eb  No.15686012

File: 16b0677dad16c45⋯.png (157.34 KB, 423x356, 423:356, aus.png)


Truckers Are Our Heroes 🇨🇦, [21.02.22 17:47]

[ Video ]

Austrian Convoy for freedom in the city of Linz, sign reads "We defend our rights"

JOIN AND SHARE: TruckersForTheWin (https://t.me/TruckersForTheWin)

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898917  No.15686013

File: a7b38e314c21d60⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 797x285, 797:285, slate.jpg)

The truth really was right in front of us the whole time.

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60e738  No.15686014

File: 9f96174b3cc9a10⋯.jpg (20.55 KB, 224x225, 224:225, Worm_removebg.jpg)


>Any bioresearchers here studied how the vaxx is damaging nerves/myelin? I've been focusing on BBB and vascular/organ damage which is easier visualize.

There's supposed Chagas' parasite & African sleeping sickness in some vax. The researchers seem to be waiting for more cases/data…

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018d4d  No.15686015


That’s definitely not a fake name. Totally legit.

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ad872e  No.15686016

willcoke is woke AF after electro bilbo rides up 75 year old nazi anus tubes

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cbed0e  No.15686017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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ad872e  No.15686018


Frudeau still waiting to get banged

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5028eb  No.15686019

File: 1537f2c698cb063⋯.png (108.82 KB, 421x448, 421:448, c_a.png)


Techno_Fog, [21.02.22 18:23]

An overlooked Durham filing proves what we suspected:

Trump Transition data was passed to the CIA.


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af85f4  No.15686021

File: 623cb156158ed10⋯.png (455.07 KB, 817x460, 817:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7468201c7fbd9ba⋯.png (450.39 KB, 817x460, 817:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 867e773565437ff⋯.png (454.04 KB, 817x460, 817:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fecc684409c881b⋯.png (449.98 KB, 817x460, 817:460, ClipboardImage.png)

Our collective consciousness is being threatened and I'm sceeeeeerrrred reeeeeee


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0946c3  No.15686022

File: 34e8be3390ec9c9⋯.jpg (74.95 KB, 500x494, 250:247, 65dc3v_1.jpg)

File: 9756a73a19e749e⋯.jpg (34.73 KB, 500x393, 500:393, 6ygi.jpg)

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7c664c  No.15686023


Can you fuck with Richard if he shows up thanks

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ad872e  No.15686024


>willcoke is woke AF

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8b2a5f  No.15686025



ditto here, no matter where, the alarm reminds and its Prayer Time.

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ac26fe  No.15686026

I see no ayeleens

3 6 9

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66ab67  No.15686027


furthermore, it sounds like you are one of the self claimed holy spirit masons, hive mind and for some reason you would still think that now that you see me, you would still have to follow masonry.

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ad872e  No.15686028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>woke AF after electro bilbo rides up 75 year old nazi anus tubes


>elongapes forces elctro bilbo up 75 year old nazi tunnel



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3aa2c0  No.15686030

File: f1856170f9a470b⋯.png (913.67 KB, 1031x986, 1031:986, ClipboardImage.png)


Not anymore.

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b0c9d7  No.15686031

File: 55994170a5fbe9b⋯.png (307.38 KB, 1161x1121, 1161:1121, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_02….png)


The seven founders were: John Bayliss Earle, John Bannister Herring, James Hamilton Mason, Robert Muldrow, Joshua Long Halbert, Marlborough Pegues, and Drew William Bynum.

Officially, the founders called their organization the Mystic Sons of Iris.

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5f102c  No.15686032

File: 16f619c60839450⋯.jpg (103.78 KB, 625x500, 5:4, 663ex0.jpg)


you say thank you in a strange way

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37050e  No.15686034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>no bodywash him

I kek'd!


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0c6584  No.15686035

File: 241214120921110⋯.png (343.83 KB, 500x665, 100:133, ClipboardImage.png)


Continually changing my life in new and beautifully-unanticipated ways!

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ad872e  No.15686036


nazi anus almost prolapses from 4wheel autohomo

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5028eb  No.15686037

File: e3bb1f508f0f9de⋯.png (166.96 KB, 422x379, 422:379, call_out.png)


⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [21.02.22 18:32]

[Forwarded from Chief Nerd]

[ Video ]

Raquel Dancho calls out Trudeau’s power grab



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9fe013  No.15686038

>>15685294 pb

>Rape in Atlanta soared by 236% and murder by 43% in 2022

shithole countries, shithole cities.

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39d07f  No.15686039

File: 783ca5f3caa65c5⋯.jpg (273.77 KB, 1294x1540, 647:770, 783ca5f3caa65c5cbe94086561….jpg)



Clowns should be worried

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3ea110  No.15686041


> Our collective consciousness is being threatened and I'm sceeeeeerrrred reeeeeee


People are breaking out of Mass Psychosis and I am scared

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275068  No.15686042

File: 7569e7527be6d18⋯.png (773.14 KB, 1342x636, 671:318, ClipboardImage.png)


PIH Partners in Health was one of the big companies that was tracking covid and have their hands in on that whole mess: https://www.pih.org/covid-response

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9600b3  No.15686043

File: 3f1afba089805df⋯.png (813.11 KB, 732x766, 366:383, Screen_Shot_2021_11_26_at_….png)


That's not all he sped up. We owe our lives and children's and grandchildren's lives to POTUS and Q-team

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733c1e  No.15686044

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66ab67  No.15686045


also, hive mind is out in the open anyway. I want it what way.

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3aa2c0  No.15686046

File: 681abed5132d944⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1044x883, 1044:883, ClipboardImage.png)

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21e122  No.15686047

File: 72a0e3d6b94c539⋯.jpg (225.69 KB, 1026x1474, 513:737, 1a511e30543.jpg)

File: 705be691084a63b⋯.png (629.75 KB, 608x760, 4:5, schwab024.png)

File: e2a889b1d6bb856⋯.jpg (119.09 KB, 879x657, 293:219, 209cdcba0f.jpg)

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3ea110  No.15686048


>Austrian Convoy for freedom in the city of Linz,

that is where Napoleon won his greatest victory, Austerlitz

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76e0db  No.15686049

File: 7357d7ef61689dc⋯.jpg (37.87 KB, 960x446, 480:223, Kicking_Screaming_copy.jpg)

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5fa49f  No.15686050

File: 237410e4a857734⋯.png (17.69 KB, 225x255, 15:17, 75a6709e911ccfa3365cf8c677….png)

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cbed0e  No.15686051

File: 2b77d4cfb04a4c8⋯.jpg (28.88 KB, 679x516, 679:516, pepebinos.jpg)

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9fe013  No.15686052

File: b9d68e92e97b224⋯.png (106.84 KB, 610x613, 610:613, bait_glows.png)


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2523ae  No.15686053

File: c737fc27d5b3331⋯.png (294.02 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Putin Shittin' His Pants!

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66ab67  No.15686054

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68edf2  No.15686055


Can you lick my balls instead?

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0946c3  No.15686056

File: 5ece434da089b6f⋯.jpg (68.26 KB, 500x544, 125:136, 65yvse_1.jpg)

File: 1271f5a91d6d4ad⋯.jpg (104.29 KB, 500x603, 500:603, 65t93i_1.jpg)

File: 106da13bf0f5aeb⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 500x537, 500:537, gyinff.jpg)

The damage the fake president is doing to America will eventually destroy America.

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5fa49f  No.15686057

File: 28b2b1aee5abb89⋯.jpg (80.68 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ZomboMeme_30112021102419.jpg)

File: 735c93185a02384⋯.jpg (166.92 KB, 1002x653, 1002:653, ZomboMeme_28112021213121.jpg)

File: 49ec4da08138d11⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 900x750, 6:5, ZomboMeme_08112021125705.jpg)

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6cc25d  No.15686058

File: 74e61281a1fcf40⋯.jpg (20.89 KB, 726x147, 242:49, Capture.JPG)

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9fe013  No.15686059

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5028eb  No.15686060

File: 81dd69fd7004b3c⋯.png (111.96 KB, 424x449, 424:449, fbi_w.png)


The Library, [21.02.22 14:11]

[Forwarded from The Western Journal]

FBI Seized Family's Assets Without a Single Charge, All Because Amazon Claims the Dad Wasn't Giving 'Honest Services'

READ: http://w-j.co/s/16f49

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59c428  No.15686061

File: 93dc24d69802589⋯.png (31.77 KB, 610x325, 122:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e61d725de96b541⋯.png (25.59 KB, 586x207, 586:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d6c90523d9b99e⋯.png (20.76 KB, 583x174, 583:174, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0e8c51cbd180a6⋯.png (52.09 KB, 577x476, 577:476, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d05f836f387f26⋯.png (32.38 KB, 584x302, 292:151, ClipboardImage.png)




TRUTH / Nunes> fortunes told.

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520c09  No.15686062


Social Credit Score on the Horizon

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898917  No.15686065

File: 96e7b3befe743d2⋯.png (199.84 KB, 334x581, 334:581, leafylightytunnel.png)

Heavenly Almighty God Our Father and Creator.

Strengthen us when we are weakened and overwhelmed by the unimaginable size of this.

Transform our hearts and minds so that we may be cleansed of sin and transformed into your righteous instruments, for Your sake, for the sake of our loved ones, for the sake of our own souls, and for the sake of all mankind.

Please God, give us the strength to stand.

Please God, give us the strength to trust when we falter because we are weak and confused.

Deliver us from evil, God Father.

This I pray for all the lost and faltering people of the world.


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e3c9d3  No.15686066

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018d4d  No.15686067


>warp speed

Wait until people find out 45 took the universe through a “wormhole” to another timeline to help with God’s plan… or something similar

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27e831  No.15686068

muh dick, daniel and ebot all in the bred?

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bca1ef  No.15686069

File: 15847951af61e33⋯.jpg (205.18 KB, 1200x1509, 400:503, Screenshot_20220221_191932….jpg)


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8b2a5f  No.15686070

File: 15983b93b81d411⋯.jpeg (28.84 KB, 322x350, 23:25, killery.jpeg)


you think you know, you think your thoughts are final. you think you understand, you arrogantly talk down to everyone you meet. there are "demons", 7 different sorts of inorganic beings and they are very real. angels, demons, ghosts and pick you out four more "types". smh. the arrogance of man is the death of him.

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8786b5  No.15686071

File: 6c1ae5253372b0b⋯.jpeg (320.21 KB, 750x959, 750:959, 07C5EAB5_20E5_4F2E_A147_F….jpeg)




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636523  No.15686072

File: 27acd091a342d95⋯.jpg (83.26 KB, 746x747, 746:747, lowerlevel.JPG)

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3ea110  No.15686073


>Partners in Health

sounds like a Clinton initiative

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b647ed  No.15686074


My account is bricked. kek

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aa8bd2  No.15686076


As the Chairman of the Committee to Elect Ron Watkins it's your prime mission to destroy Wendy.

Keep up the good work.

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5028eb  No.15686077

File: 41fbb12fa1fee04⋯.png (137.85 KB, 428x373, 428:373, ans.png)


The Library, [21.02.22 15:30]

[Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊]

[ Video ]

Canada Calls, America Answers

Montana Convoys for Freedom! 🇨🇦 🇺🇸

@VigilantFox | Rumble Clip (https://rumble.com/vvi3xc-canada-calls-america-answers-montana-convoys-for-freedom.html)

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23c2bf  No.15686078

File: 5805c4b582619ee⋯.jpg (136.2 KB, 1125x1126, 1125:1126, IMG_20190613_073331.jpg)



Fail test lag right frog one set run

test test test


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765682  No.15686079

File: dabab241fa591e0⋯.png (41.43 KB, 572x248, 143:62, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce31b7d9ae52eb4⋯.png (280.61 KB, 582x483, 194:161, ClipboardImage.png)

NY Lt. Governor Tests Positive For Covid After Attending Maskless Democrat Convention with Hillary Clinton

Triple vaxxed New York Lt. Governor Brian Benjamin tested positive for Covid-19 on Sunday just two days after attending a maskless convention with Hillary Clinton.

“I tested positive for COVID today. Thankfully, I’m vaxxed, boosted, and in good spirits, since I’m only experiencing mild symptoms,” Benjamin said in a tweet.



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1297d1  No.15686081

File: 949993d977b92e1⋯.png (708.33 KB, 608x760, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon, that is the keky-est fucking shit I've seen all day.

A hundred years from now, a whole civilization will be reading about ginger mound in the history books.


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76e0db  No.15686082

File: c6b1a82347e4235⋯.png (137.92 KB, 385x553, 55:79, Trump_Red_Folder.png)

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9600b3  No.15686083


Q told us. They halted CERN

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30e155  No.15686084


>Let Wendy Rogers lick your asshole…

That'd be cool.

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e03a27  No.15686085

Enemy media is fucked, it is giving the game away. cnn's Erin Burnett has ex-CIA Deputy Chief of Russian Operations , John Sipher (could use a dig) on. He's saying no way will the people of Ukraine allow Putin to do anything. [They] have everything under control, they own Ukraine. Dump as rocks they are.

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5fa49f  No.15686086

File: 84cd29cbb1c4b6f⋯.jpg (144.95 KB, 640x822, 320:411, D89rbT_XoAA_LYk.jpg)

File: 3a38c47f4e27db6⋯.jpg (27.73 KB, 462x308, 3:2, 9b7450f15bffa2136c60d4283f….jpg)

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855f25  No.15686087


Anyone have a link

to the live event SOUND


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0946c3  No.15686088

File: 8cde5c6f55bdebf⋯.jpg (42.02 KB, 500x509, 500:509, 65xbwy_1.jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, gfdt.jpg)

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55568f  No.15686089

File: 6a95b9ad67d1703⋯.jpg (31.63 KB, 437x615, 437:615, ea6fe8d2c407d8c50fe64127ee….jpg)

File: 998186d90d6c394⋯.jpg (51.13 KB, 474x615, 158:205, ee4ded95867409ff7413428e10….jpg)

File: c6f622ff828bc6e⋯.png (1.39 MB, 736x1065, 736:1065, ff2dd30a691bb27095a6901255….png)

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9fe013  No.15686090

File: d293c64c439da4f⋯.png (785.36 KB, 852x836, 213:209, mask_slave_5.png)

File: 155fb6f7bd8ec3f⋯.png (131.12 KB, 833x733, 833:733, mask_slave_4.png)

File: 4d3d30bc403b966⋯.png (657.52 KB, 850x827, 850:827, mask_slave_3.png)

File: 8c5564ec85c4ea2⋯.png (390.41 KB, 640x730, 64:73, mask_slave_2.png)


He's right you know

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76e0db  No.15686091

File: b4abdc14d41a038⋯.png (99.76 KB, 346x183, 346:183, ncswic_potus.png)

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6cc25d  No.15686092

File: 19fedd2dd552633⋯.jpg (13.88 KB, 646x56, 323:28, Capture.JPG)

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8034b5  No.15686093


That faggot is still in jail. You must be referring to a different faggot. CML or Dick black maybe

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520c09  No.15686094

File: adc1a535dbf23e8⋯.png (355.07 KB, 500x400, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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b647ed  No.15686096

File: 3d5960a600b19f2⋯.jpeg (92.89 KB, 1180x664, 295:166, trudy3.jpeg)


I know someone that will.

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21e122  No.15686097

File: 03d68cb74adc3ca⋯.jpg (192.56 KB, 567x1133, 567:1133, 15916700240.jpg)

File: 9c7e8e3146a991e⋯.jpg (182.04 KB, 960x600, 8:5, 1596076723203.jpg)

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2523ae  No.15686098

File: f7dc48166925cd9⋯.png (152.2 KB, 1198x760, 599:380, f7dc48166925cd9b6afb6c3c2e….png)

File: 9da26770841c8a7⋯.jpg (155.08 KB, 992x1365, 992:1365, FMJgne4X0Acv07h.jpg)

Delta [3.2.0]

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b9e021  No.15686099

File: d6b9230ff6e241a⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1200x1151, 1200:1151, ClipboardImage.png)

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275068  No.15686100


Don't forget toilet nigger maga riot guy..

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21e122  No.15686101

File: df4db171c970c84⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 543x411, 181:137, 002.jpg)

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9fe013  No.15686102

File: 76120f6d125e065⋯.png (636.85 KB, 952x960, 119:120, covid_911.png)


you keep poasting same thing

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855f25  No.15686103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Better sound to CANADIAN

slip into tyranny.

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9600b3  No.15686104



Rumble https://rumble.com/vviju5-ottawa-emergencies-act-vote-live-stream-tyranny-or-democracy-for-canada.html

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76e0db  No.15686105

File: df8e63961e8180a⋯.png (357.11 KB, 499x633, 499:633, feinstein_toots.png)

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58863d  No.15686106


TY, anon.

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47bbc4  No.15686107

File: db316e1b6db0d4d⋯.jpeg (127.69 KB, 702x866, 351:433, 7EFE5F44_0E03_4EEA_BBAC_0….jpeg)


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23c2bf  No.15686108

File: 89e6f683705f0b9⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 450x266, 225:133, IMG_20190127_145709.jpg)


Both gayAF

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2523ae  No.15686109

File: f41e2b1e8c69775⋯.png (439.41 KB, 526x836, 263:418, ClipboardImage.png)

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70d83c  No.15686110

File: 66f26a7d6978aaa⋯.jpeg (7.11 KB, 255x174, 85:58, 69c81775b461234b07bb96c0c….jpeg)

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9fe013  No.15686111

File: 68ccb4146da7406⋯.jpeg (17.54 KB, 321x323, 321:323, pepe_crowley.jpeg)


red text shill nigger is triggered

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b647ed  No.15686112

File: 77973b309d69633⋯.png (493.62 KB, 677x328, 677:328, justincareerfaggot.png)


supreme faggot

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e3c9d3  No.15686114

File: 925784dadf043f1⋯.png (336.01 KB, 536x380, 134:95, ClipboardImage.png)

Blockbuster Interview: Former BlackRock Fund Manager Predicts Collapse

Edward Dowd, an investment insider who was a portfolio manager for BlackRock from 2002-2012, says that the COVID-19 has been used as a cover up to hide the global debt crisis. Dowd says that the medical tyranny was designed to quell the riots and shut down travel when the masses discover that governments are bankrupt. He is trying to educate Wall Street about the COVID vaccines that are causing injury and death. He is breaking the information barrier by showing the financial risk of holding stocks in vaccine manufacturers that may be sued “into oblivion” if fraud is proven.


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30e155  No.15686115

File: 0871ab4625d4faa⋯.png (291.16 KB, 576x387, 64:43, Daniel.png)

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898917  No.15686116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think this is a live feed without having to listen to that super annoying freemason

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69595c  No.15686117


Outside of pushing the JFKjr shit he probably just has a fetish for women in corsets and doesn't have anything better than that.

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26b108  No.15686118

File: 9e672a1818adc56⋯.png (164.6 KB, 496x610, 248:305, ClipboardImage.png)

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9ba2eb  No.15686119

File: e58d1a96e359b25⋯.jpg (5.21 MB, 5470x3647, 5470:3647, curious_kids_just_how_huge….jpg)

God pls bless ALL the board, and Our chilldren and family's.

Ty Yeshua.

God bless Our Planet and Milky Way.

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3ea110  No.15686120


>A hundred years from now, a whole civilization will be reading about ginger mound in the history books.

I hope I am included in that History lesson as the anon with the largest Ginger Mound meme collection

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69595c  No.15686121



MNRA doesn't melt spike proteins.

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70d83c  No.15686122

File: d3dd2b5408d675d⋯.jpg (18.25 KB, 254x255, 254:255, c0d4b3147d6dec6862e22ff6a7….jpg)

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9ba2eb  No.15686123

File: 0d7a412ac1d9188⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 642x434, 321:217, Screenshot_20220206_162845….jpg)


is this relevant?

At In-Q-Tel, Painter’s work focused on identifying, researching and evaluating “new start-up technology firms that were believed to offer tremendous value to the CIA, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Indeed, the NGA had confirmed that its intelligence obtained via Keyhole was used by the NSA to support US operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards.

A former US Army special operations intelligence officer, Painter’s new job at Google as of July 2005 was federal manager of what Keyhole was to become: Google Earth Enterprise. By 2007, Painter had become Google’s federal chief technologist.

‘TK’ refers to Talent/Keyhole, code names for imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites,

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6cc25d  No.15686124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ty Baker

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a78c7e  No.15686125


fucking hate these people …only want their suffering.

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9fe013  No.15686126

File: 94ec5554a888cbe⋯.png (412.22 KB, 858x617, 858:617, eric_paddock_brother_of_st….png)


Okay. You must know it's not shit though

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9ba2eb  No.15686127

File: 54ade31d412eab4⋯.jpg (40.88 KB, 280x290, 28:29, Screenshot_20220211_091647….jpg)

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3aa2c0  No.15686128

File: 5860ec8eaff374f⋯.png (1.15 MB, 992x744, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45977859fae0a3d⋯.png (757.76 KB, 805x559, 805:559, ClipboardImage.png)


Everybody is related to everybody. Their fixation on the dead past will be their undoing. Don't be near them when it does.

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0946c3  No.15686129

File: 2f87672299995c1⋯.jpg (101.01 KB, 500x651, 500:651, 2f87672299995c1da08c1356f3….jpg)



Stop stealing from CodeMonkey..

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39d07f  No.15686130

File: 818d30d19d2ab78⋯.jpg (86.72 KB, 437x437, 1:1, 818d30d19d2ab785d34d9d427b….jpg)


Strong Meme

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5028eb  No.15686131

File: 6bfad43884ed298⋯.png (169.21 KB, 428x660, 107:165, net.png)


Covid Truth Network, [21.02.22 12:35]

[Forwarded from Dr. Lynn Fynn’s Science Enlightenment Channel & Stuff]

[ Photo ]

Smoking gun much?


Moderna owns the patent for this artificial MSH3 gene.

The very gene that was needed to create the Furin Cleavage site in SARS COV2.

This connects Moderna to the literal synthesis of the virus that was released upon the world.


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9ba2eb  No.15686132

File: 28f49d5f93f974f⋯.jpg (99.21 KB, 1035x623, 1035:623, Screenshot_20220210_212503….jpg)

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a78c7e  No.15686133

File: 6ae6aaf8a2e81e4⋯.png (267.53 KB, 337x475, 337:475, 2_pusies.png)


he too busy eating out his mom.

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23c2bf  No.15686134

File: 092ffad05dd7359⋯.jpg (47.44 KB, 354x470, 177:235, 092ffad05dd73590527443d771….jpg)


>supreme faggot

Yup their assholes SCREAM faggot

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520c09  No.15686136

File: f6470999b60c0d5⋯.png (554.39 KB, 1235x732, 1235:732, ClipboardImage.png)

WEF Clown

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b647ed  No.15686137

File: ac4b79066c8304d⋯.png (511.31 KB, 677x451, 677:451, aocbbc.png)

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55556c  No.15686138


That magazine cover is trippy af.

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64626f  No.15686139


bidan slipped thrice on the steps to the aircraft and that was never mentioned?

funny that.

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9ba2eb  No.15686140

File: e067d1a113d9035⋯.jpg (21.25 KB, 291x196, 291:196, Screenshot_20220211_091643….jpg)


The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.

Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists.

To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a Snopes.com “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.

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112392  No.15686141

File: 221fb0ac87a8a23⋯.png (9.77 KB, 255x224, 255:224, I_M_WITH_HONK.png)

BASED putin is rolling mech into the streets of Donbas and anons are laserfocused on a Parliment debate in fucking Canada.

I've seen it all.

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78e82d  No.15686142

















How do I modify the webpage code to hide this trash?

Any codefags persent?

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898917  No.15686143


Ha ha, that NDP MP says he hasn't abandoned the working class people (the truckers) because he's standing up for the overpaid out-of-touch civil servants in downtown Ottawa.

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40bddf  No.15686145

File: df673e53e1b2162⋯.jpg (23.45 KB, 526x500, 263:250, df673e53e1b216282ab819ff60….jpg)

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37050e  No.15686146

File: 8fcced8fe7e9764⋯.png (224.22 KB, 1000x380, 50:19, ClipboardImage.png)



Makes me kek whenever it comes up


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066463  No.15686147

File: e4c65112ee10c1d⋯.png (90.55 KB, 255x253, 255:253, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15684830 (/pb)

Hours Before Parliamentary Vote, Tyrant Trudeau Demands Emergencies Act Remains in Place – Claims Any MP Who Votes Against Him is Against “Democracy”

Castro Jr is eliciting a dialectic inversion of Democracy Voting and in so doing has introduced himself supreme dictator whereby should any elected Cabinet MP VOTE in such a way for such and such proposed legislation that is merely inconsistent with the preference of the person in the role of Canada PM.

That Castro Jr. himself introduced the two sided dialectic of:

1. PM invokes emergencies act, everyone who votes yay to making this 'invoking' legal by vote are PRO-democracy.

2. PM invokes emergencies act, everyone who votes nay to making this 'invoking' legal by vote are ANTI-democracy.

Notice the duplication.

Castro Jr has logically introduced a smear against THE CABINET of Canada as either pro democracy in granting PM legal authority to IMPLEMENT a level of centralized totalitarian economic force with the narrative thrust at everyone "Accept our demand for dictatorial power or else we will smear you as anti-democracy".

This is pure evil incarnate motivating the speech of the PM.

Ancient dialectic inversion of seeking dictatorships by 'encoding' a narrative force of obey PM's emergency powers or else the entire PM's 'handlers' will use their sources to smear sitting Cabinet members of Parliament as the "anti-democracy" half of their own warped psychological projection. Castro Jr is a psychopath creating a two sided opposition forces narrative and casting any and all 'opponents' on that side of being anti-democracy.

Castro Jr is competing very well with Bidan as mentally unfit for office.

We cannot have people introducing their own two sided psychosis narrative and then pretend that anything was proved by people making their own choices bases on the evidence they can see with their own eyes.

Truckers protesting is making Castro Jr 'declare' a new narrative of 'you're either with us and pro democracy or you're with them and anti-democracy.

Castro Jr just declared he is officially in 'resistance' to the very Canada democratic forces he is smearing as not Canada democratic forces.

Dialectic of a psychopathic dictator wannabe.


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8b2a5f  No.15686148

File: 360cff1e0497b40⋯.png (181.9 KB, 718x480, 359:240, ginger_mound_equated.png)

File: e2826eb0f4513e6⋯.png (153.97 KB, 600x401, 600:401, we_shall_prevail_with_text.png)


in case

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4bb285  No.15686149


There retardeds

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b647ed  No.15686150

File: a12145b4e898733⋯.png (643.88 KB, 677x451, 677:451, justinjizz.png)

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9ba2eb  No.15686151

File: 09a24e57a45129d⋯.jpg (980.56 KB, 2000x1200, 5:3, Screenshot_20220210_215941….jpg)

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78e82d  No.15686152

File: b7b2c1210039804⋯.jpg (24.02 KB, 255x251, 255:251, b7b2c1210039804bf0993821c6….jpg)

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23c2bf  No.15686153

File: b1b40da9f2cdbf1⋯.jpg (127.49 KB, 657x331, 657:331, 20200513_233208.jpg)



Muh bad


Their assholes SCREAM faggot

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3415f9  No.15686154


Blackface Please Sir!

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e8890a  No.15686155

File: 661058be92860ea⋯.png (309.14 KB, 738x696, 123:116, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd4136c4eb6dd35⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB, 640x336, 40:21, freedom_convoy.mp4)

@dusty_dweller⚡️🇺🇸 February 21, Montana, USA

This convoy is HUGE!

Join » Freedom Convoy UNCENSORED


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ecd7d2  No.15686156


Putin mentioned Brandon and Kerry as bad actors in his statement, I think. That points to the new Iran deal, I think. My take is Brandon wanted that deal to go down with as little fanfare as possible, but Putin blew that plan up. Iran has Brandon by the short hairs, probably, and Putin will make that obvious.

Brandon was supposed to go to Delaware, where it's rumored he meets with the big players so he can circumvent visitor logs (like what Jan 5 wants from Trump). Don't know why Brandon reversed his plans a couple of times, but it could be a sign Putin has him on his back foot. I don't agree with this take by Sundance. I think the Brandon crew went to the well once to often with Putin and Russia. Putin was ready for it, and Trump will blast Brandon's ass stateside. Brandon had to fuck up what Trump had built up to get where we are now. The people seen't it happen. Things just ran under Trump.

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520c09  No.15686157

File: 4aa087f44921799⋯.png (351.75 KB, 650x734, 325:367, ClipboardImage.png)

Virtue Signaling

"New Democrats"

Pushes Misinformation

Story Teller

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64626f  No.15686158

File: a1948d4725eebfb⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, obamaromneyahvatican.jpg)


they got 'em surrouned.

claus even bragged about it.

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898917  No.15686159


He must be on Klaus's list of permeated friends.

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9600b3  No.15686160

File: ded064338d19d1b⋯.jpeg (202.27 KB, 574x800, 287:400, ded064338d19d1bb75c53c8c5….jpeg)

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2523ae  No.15686161


October 8, 2020

World Economic Forum launches aquaculture drive

The waters off B.C. have strong potential for development of commercial shellfish and seaweed aquaculture that can also help salmon farmers say scientists

By SeaWestNews

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has partnered with The Nature Conservancy and Hatch Blue, an aquaculture-focused accelerator program, to raise interest and investment for projects that create sustainable seafood and provide jobs for coastal communities.

“It’s great to see that aquaculture is a focus area of WEF’s latest ocean solutions initiative. Hatch will be helping the forum to find and evaluate opportunities within restorative and regenerative forms of aquaculture,” said Georg Baunach, managing partner of Hatch.

The WEF’s Sustainable Development Impact Summit, which was held last month, included the launch of a platform that aims to identify operations – including aquaculture operations – that can accelerate progress towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Billed as the forum’s “second sprint” it aims to find solutions that will help protect the ocean, and everything that lives in it.

“There are many projects and initiatives to encourage regenerative terrestrial agriculture – for example soil restoration business models – while precious few relate to aquatic habitats,” said Baunach

“This is something we are keen to address, as – when done well – the culture of bivalves and seaweeds, for example, is inherently restorative. They require no inputs, they improve water quality and are net producers of benefits.”

“However, there are too few businesses with business models that focus on ocean health as part of their operations – while farmers are being encouraged to regenerate the soil, why don’t we encourage aquaculture operators to do the same in the water? We will be working to promote and monitor innovative companies that apply to the challenge, then help to evaluate which of these should go on to receive further support from WEF – who will help them to connect with the right investors and expert advisors,” he added

The waters off B.C. have strong potential for development of commercial shellfish and seaweed aquaculture that can also help salmon farmers, said a study last year by scientists from the Nature Conservancy and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

“Enabling conditions suggest that development of a seaweed aquaculture sector in B.C. could provide numerous environmental and economic benefits to the region, including enhanced nutrient removal, habitat for commercially and recreationally important fish and invertebrate species, and novel employment opportunities,” said Dr. Seth Theuerkauf, aquaculture scientist at The Nature Conservancy and lead author of the study, which was published in the journal PLOS ONE.

This study follows another by Dr. Stephen Cross the former Industrial Research Chair for Sustainable Aquaculture at North Island College (NIC) in B.C. which showed that seaweed aquaculture can also play an important role for B.C.’s salmon farmers.

“The kelp-growing study involving over 40 fish farms showed good potential in growing seaweed within salmon farm tenures,” said Dr. Cross.

The analysis found that excess nutrients from a fish farm could act as a fertiliser for kelp, supercharging the plant’s growth. In addition to kelp providing additional revenue, it will also absorb much of a farm’s waste, and act as a carbon sink.

There are more that 630 seaweed species in B.C.’s 20,000 km of coastline – the world’s most diverse – making it conducive for incredible production and market opportunity, said Dr. Cross.

At the moment, seaweed harvest in the province is mostly from the wild, totalling roughly 800 to 1,000 MT per year.

B.C.’s farmed oyster harvest totalled 7,700 tonnes in 2017 and accounted for more than one-third of the provincial shellfish harvest. Oyster sales in B.C. generated $29 million in wholesale value in 2017 and represented about half of the shellfish aquaculture industry’s value.

“There exists growing interest in seaweed aquaculture in BC, which is consistent with the identified high Restorative Aquaculture Opportunity Index (RAOI) score identified for development of seaweed aquaculture in this region in this study,” Dr. Seth Theuerkauf told SeaWestNews.com by email.

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69595c  No.15686162

File: bfcf64fe5ec18e9⋯.jpg (126.35 KB, 1141x558, 1141:558, fuckyouandyourfuckinglarp.jpg)


Being caught lying once in a court of law is legally enough to consider the rest of a person's statements false.

So yes, its all totally garbage at this point.

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3ea110  No.15686163


thank you anon

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d9f02b  No.15686164

Kinda 'dasting how /pol/ is very silent about Truth Social - not even any shilling against it either.

Even PTG isn't talking about it.

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6cc25d  No.15686165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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48d646  No.15686166

what was the strategy in installing Biden with dementia to be their puppet?

Surely he wasn't the most qualified…

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21e122  No.15686167

File: 34eda4647c82da6⋯.jpg (56.48 KB, 953x534, 953:534, 377a92e8468141cb11b193379d….jpg)

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9ba2eb  No.15686168

File: 1729b5db17b7ced⋯.jpg (77.37 KB, 658x380, 329:190, Screenshot_20220212_112636….jpg)

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0946c3  No.15686169

File: a93e5b554606fe1⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 500x632, 125:158, 663d20_1.jpg)

File: 3c5be57b9ecd007⋯.jpg (89.2 KB, 500x612, 125:153, 663ewj_1.jpg)

File: 422b83f86f08226⋯.png (255.14 KB, 354x470, 177:235, 092ffad05dd73590527443d771….png)

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898917  No.15686170

File: f0031cfe2519a1b⋯.jpg (104.79 KB, 624x421, 624:421, JUSTHONK.jpg)

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e8890a  No.15686171

File: fd4136c4eb6dd35⋯.pdf (1.19 MB, freedom_convoy.pdf)

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5028eb  No.15686172

File: 386ab4de7773de8⋯.png (125.78 KB, 427x376, 427:376, usa.png)


@intheMatrixxx ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [21.02.22 10:52]

[Forwarded from Qtime Network ⭐️⭐️⭐️]

[ Video ]

USA Freedom Convoy has begun.

Keep on trucking USA 🇺🇸


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69595c  No.15686173


Too early, give them another 6 hours or so.

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6cc25d  No.15686174

File: 79dde55e67280ec⋯.jpg (10.68 KB, 255x227, 255:227, 8fdca734f23d8dbf3223d286a2….jpg)

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af85f4  No.15686175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3aa2c0  No.15686176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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529736  No.15686177



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b647ed  No.15686179

File: 3273b10b4c3af6e⋯.png (562.15 KB, 677x507, 677:507, justincrushes.png)


grammar nazi kitty has not been around.

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9600b3  No.15686180

File: a0a5f9260bf7b60⋯.jpeg (102.59 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, a0a5f9260bf7b60a0682e26e9….jpeg)

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e79caa  No.15686181

File: 1c15ce6a42d7094⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1284x2778, 214:463, 6E94CB60_D6C4_4191_97DB_DD….png)

I’ve been trying to get my email verified since last night for Truth. Finally I uninstall the app and download it again from the App Store and it went right through.

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9ba2eb  No.15686182

File: 104b276b7d5169f⋯.png (38.94 KB, 613x647, 613:647, 104b276b7d5169f4aebf16b6da….png)

File: 3f67a597bdb83f8⋯.jpg (327.51 KB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, Large_size_Ukrainian_flag_….jpg)

File: 55299290c7b179d⋯.jpg (100.9 KB, 982x726, 491:363, Virus_Outbreak_Canada_Truc….jpg)

File: c254fec73a646b5⋯.jpg (33.45 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 23.jpg)

File: 104b276b7d5169f⋯.png (38.94 KB, 613x647, 613:647, 104b276b7d5169f4aebf16b6da….png)

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cbed0e  No.15686183


voodoo dolls anon

it works

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6cc25d  No.15686184

You're Special, Don't Forget It

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2523ae  No.15686185




Victoria is the capital city of the Canadian province of British Columbia, on the southern tip of Vancouver Island off Canada's Pacific coast.

Gord Johns MP is a Canadian businessman and politician. Since 2015, he has served as the New Democrat Member of Parliament for the federal electoral riding of Courtenay—Alberni in the House of Commons of Canada. Wikipedia

Born: November 29, 1969 (age 52 years), Victoria, Canada

Party: New Democratic Party

Office: Member of the House of Commons of Canada since 2015

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307c43  No.15686186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fireworks light up the sky in Donetsk, celebrating independence

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64626f  No.15686187

File: 6ee66e2efdbc9e6⋯.png (375.59 KB, 633x597, 211:199, bidensleepy.png)


I figured he circumvents the visitor logs because he sees kids.

No big wheels need to see him

He's mentally gone.

He's reading scripts; see that clearly?

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636523  No.15686188

File: 11920cb0fac4fdc⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 720x743, 720:743, fuckthisshit.jpg)


Tell me about it - Anon fucking dying over here listening to "Dead celebrity 101" every fucking day, or the fucking med beds - lets fucking talk med beds! *PHEW*

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40bddf  No.15686189

File: 7990bc6968286bd⋯.jpg (279.67 KB, 1060x1000, 53:50, biljana_djurdjevic_serbia_….jpg)


torturing people in secret is fun

but torturing people in plain site - with their complete compliance and approval?! priceless

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70c8b3  No.15686190

File: 7498e0ab2ee0a7e⋯.png (91.73 KB, 933x568, 933:568, Night_Shift_UFO_Flag.png)

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f0aee9  No.15686191

File: 6766f783fc3ad3f⋯.png (6.05 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 952929d60b0b23e028e6c64f0c….png)

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81cb57  No.15686192

Imagine 50 years from now, schoolchildren will be reading the Q drops and saying, "If those idiots had read the drops and done something instead of praying to their fairytale gods, maybe they would've survived to be my servant."

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5028eb  No.15686193

File: e21877725f5a31f⋯.png (79.39 KB, 288x499, 288:499, top_kek.png)


@intheMatrixxx ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [21.02.22 11:27]

[ Photo ]

Top Kek. 🤣


Good Morning !

- Surging inflation punishing voters

- U.S. southern border invasion unchecked

- Violent crime surge, feckless prosecutors

- Canadian anti-mandate trucker traction

- Durham oval office spying disclosuresMagaGem 💎7:17 AM · Feb 21, 2022·Twitter Web App

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24b841  No.15686194


Just because someone offers you a vax, doesn't mean you should take the vax.

If you took it willingly and got sick, it's your own damn fault.

The Pharma companies are not responsible for your stupidity.

The Government is not responsible for your stupidity.

You are responsible for your stupidity.

They only ones besides you who are responsible, are politicians and companies who mandated people taking the vaccine. They used coercion to force the poison into people.

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23c2bf  No.15686195

File: 135f11881c35d36⋯.jpg (179.33 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 135f11881c35d36559f32dba30….jpg)

File: d60efd60f9b0d3f⋯.png (186.62 KB, 525x294, 25:14, IKnowJoe_3_.png)

File: 25e30fd3151296c⋯.jpg (89.02 KB, 600x450, 4:3, pol2.jpg)

File: c9df6f837ba9ca1⋯.png (127.88 KB, 277x277, 1:1, 247957114279d7a0f62ab651bd….png)



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40bddf  No.15686196


who are these children and how many are in the Biden administration right now?

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64626f  No.15686197


wow he set them free.

what a surprise to Pedo Joe's handlers.

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a0fbdb  No.15686198

File: 72f06730f54c958⋯.jpeg (470.33 KB, 1170x822, 195:137, 0A2D98D4_40E0_47E6_AEB0_3….jpeg)


Operation Restored Sanity is a go!

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baf210  No.15686199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Earlier todat Space-X Launched some more satellites, on the video @ 23:46 it looks like something is moving around like "The Mouse" You will see it on top of the ring above the thrust burner there. Someone said it might be a piece of Foil that ripped off. I agree that it doesn't move like a mouse. Someone else said it was a piece of Frozen Fuel, possibly. I think if it was anything on there moving at the speed it was supposedly it would move differently.

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9ba2eb  No.15686200

File: 731f59cb29e06eb⋯.png (438.86 KB, 640x432, 40:27, 5fd4d272ef24d5bb377595ea2b….png)

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1535cf  No.15686201

File: 53f559a61f2cee8⋯.png (78.04 KB, 1002x775, 1002:775, Wtf.PNG)



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878934  No.15686202

>>15684905 (pb)

Wonder if they've gotten some tips on self-sufficiency from their friends in CHAZ.

How much tucker can a window sill produce?

Can't eat money. The elite on their knees pleading - what a glorious sight.

Maybe then they will understand the the simple pleasure of bartering and interacting within a community?

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0524fe  No.15686203

File: 74eca050776d102⋯.jpg (14.37 KB, 255x239, 255:239, d95d031918ea04ec3afbeaa208….jpg)


chckt and filtered namefag

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9ba2eb  No.15686204

File: 341c3f13e3bdd4b⋯.jpg (109.33 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 341c3f13e3bdd4b4855c1658e8….jpg)

File: 19c0d92fbdb436c⋯.jpg (206.94 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, 19c0d92fbdb436c4b4f7cc3125….jpg)

File: 6f5f4f403d2fc5e⋯.png (560.15 KB, 837x622, 837:622, 36f85776037675a846d4928d42….png)

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baf210  No.15686205

File: b22ef92efb3b032⋯.png (734.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_02_21_at_1….png)


a still of said unknown oblect.

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21e122  No.15686206

File: 4be030da9901862⋯.jpg (192.41 KB, 886x670, 443:335, 081fac.jpg)

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47bbc4  No.15686207

File: 20df4e02190fca0⋯.jpeg (134.3 KB, 750x862, 375:431, 59D2C185_893B_43BB_B2CE_5….jpeg)


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3aa2c0  No.15686208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9ba2eb  No.15686209

File: f65396c04ef885a⋯.jpg (8.34 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 2065728e55f84a750b6c5696ed….jpg)

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37050e  No.15686210


I know a bit of german as it happens.

"Klaus" indeed is a weird name in german.

"Klau es" means "steal it"

"Klau's" is the shortened form of it.

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24b841  No.15686211


Red head, 2nd from the Right is Psaki

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0524fe  No.15686212


can't believe you waited this long to sign up.

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e8890a  No.15686213



off to Truth Social

BB when they fix things here

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6cc25d  No.15686214

File: b27a460fba69e69⋯.png (146.75 KB, 450x352, 225:176, b27a460fba69e69251b1606960….png)

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b4d565  No.15686215

File: 24ef790954352ad⋯.png (326.01 KB, 536x368, 67:46, klaus_schwab_putin_7.PNG)

File: de550d214c1917d⋯.png (567.85 KB, 564x408, 47:34, klaus_schwab_putin_5.PNG)

File: 145268063a8adbc⋯.png (907.74 KB, 942x498, 157:83, klaus_schwab_biden_4.PNG)

File: 2601fbfb41966a3⋯.png (317.18 KB, 496x370, 248:185, klaus_schwab_biden_5.PNG)


interesting analysis, but can't help but think that nazi in davos is pulling putin and brandon's strings behind the scenes, a major conflict would help facilitate his geat reset

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636523  No.15686216

File: d9f50ec5684471d⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 625x516, 625:516, killyourself.jpg)


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529736  No.15686217


This could be a good thing. If Trudeau befriends Clinton, then it's only a matter of time before…

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78e82d  No.15686218

Notables are not endorsements


>>15685918 [Potato decree alert] RE: Executive Order on Blocking Property of Certain Persons…

>>15685956 DHS CWMD and Seattle Conduct a Biological Threat Preparedness Exercise Release Date: February 18, 2022

>>15686079 NY Lt. Governor Tests Positive For Covid After Attending Maskless Democrat Convention with Hillary Clinton

>>15686147 Castro Jr is eliciting a dialectic inversion of Democracy Voting RE: Emergencies Act Remaining in Place

>>15686155 Montana, USA This convoy is YUGE!


nom if missed

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9ba2eb  No.15686219

File: 42269930e79df75⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 42269930e79df750d7efd19f78….jpg)

File: 046b3ea0afd778e⋯.jpg (386.92 KB, 2000x2789, 2000:2789, 046b3ea0afd778e78660c094bd….jpg)

File: bbd3a41f6823dc4⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1825x1616, 1825:1616, bbd3a41f6823dc4a4b0d7a91da….jpg)

File: 1b1109faaa1f0a2⋯.jpg (135.73 KB, 962x1058, 481:529, 78fd8cf7da744cf50f78b23085….jpg)

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70c8b3  No.15686220


after an hour or so mayb tell us how you like it (or not like it), ty

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68edf2  No.15686222

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0524fe  No.15686223


should have never been allowed to begin with!

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64626f  No.15686224


when you take it and you shed onto someone else, though, and give them AIDS, it's criminal neglect.

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9ba2eb  No.15686225

File: 14f1e4c9e4e1925⋯.jpg (19.5 KB, 865x452, 865:452, 14f1e4c9e4e19256d5b81a9d87….jpg)

File: e50ef882cc4fa15⋯.jpg (649.62 KB, 2048x1463, 2048:1463, 758d87d46fb5056ccb1cdd8f52….jpg)

File: 781364f0897ac67⋯.jpg (270.44 KB, 1240x1468, 310:367, e2b1a80cc53d4d3dbc47679554….jpg)

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21e122  No.15686226

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB, 588x588, 1:1, fccac7c452333980664187307f….gif)

File: fed1665e8a8bda6⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 322x178, 161:89, 1596213707335.gif)

File: 2aff2f21f4c2c5e⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 520x293, 520:293, 1618536752353.gif)

File: fc9da1b05e6a9f7⋯.gif (4 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1541640042175.gif)

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6cc25d  No.15686227


Wheels Up

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2ef2ed  No.15686228


She is pretty.

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23c2bf  No.15686229

File: e2708c2bce5ceaf⋯.jpeg (253.74 KB, 768x768, 1:1, e2708c2bce5ceaf01112b2979….jpeg)


Grammar kitty can such nut muh almond butt

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898917  No.15686230

File: 312be4eb1fadbcc⋯.jpg (160.83 KB, 1155x659, 1155:659, countdown.jpg)

Ha ha they're playing like typically CBC Radio music for the dramatic "countdown" to the vote. What a clown show. Honk honk!

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e3c9d3  No.15686231

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529736  No.15686232


I hope the best for it, but I imagine it's going to be a shit storm of fake accounts trying everything they can to spew hatred and garbage. I hope they've got some great tech lined up to deal with it.

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9ba2eb  No.15686233

File: c77418e64a7bd17⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 642x351, 214:117, 8fc27ca13d4f5cec6cfb157c78….jpg)

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ad872e  No.15686234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LasVegas hookers on high alert over faggot whine

>nazi anus almost prolapses from 4wheel autohomo

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6cc25d  No.15686235

Does All Is Archive?…

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24b841  No.15686236


Every contagious illness that we get, we got from another person. Every time you get the flu or a cold, you got it from another person. Deal with it.

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ac26fe  No.15686237

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21e122  No.15686238

File: 7c63fc9d35ff046⋯.gif (535.33 KB, 500x284, 125:71, 7c63fc9d35ff046643719b8e18….gif)

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9ba2eb  No.15686239

File: cee8573c11cd036⋯.jpg (11.27 KB, 640x852, 160:213, cee8573c11cd036722df158d29….jpg)

File: f28d7a86426b5d3⋯.jpg (13.52 KB, 640x481, 640:481, bf3d5628e1b4ef1547b61353b4….jpg)

File: 886c6694a3116a5⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2048x1939, 2048:1939, 886c6694a3116a502f5bac16e5….jpg)


This is not a game!



Do you believe in coincidences?

How many coincidences do you need before you believe?

This is the biggest insider drop in the history of the world.




This is a direct attack.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.


God be with us all.


This is a direct attack.

CIA retaliation for the info dumps Q is giving us, measures Q-group is taking by dismantling bad actors' networks.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.

Rogue intelligence agency openly and publicly demonstrates its disloyalty in a major US media outlet.



God be with us all.

This is a direct attack.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.

Take down of the bad actors' network (some call the NWO) is underway.


God be with us all.

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6cc25d  No.15686240


Do You Speak French? Oh ok

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f37202  No.15686241

File: 00312e0f98a0d0a⋯.jpeg (326.17 KB, 783x1299, 261:433, B69740FC_86F2_4B0F_A91F_1….jpeg)


I am a few ahead of you

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3aa2c0  No.15686242

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81cb57  No.15686243


Not true. Wireless cellular radiation causes respiratory illness. So does low Vitamin D.

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3aa2c0  No.15686244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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21e122  No.15686246

File: a46666addec680c⋯.gif (305.33 KB, 220x131, 220:131, 1.gif)


Fuck no…

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8cd2c5  No.15686247

Remember when Obama tried to kill the long haul industry - this article is just one attempt. What did he know? Did he know their control would be crucial in the coming years?


Now Obama Wants to Kill Off the Long-Haul Rig & Trucking Businesses

Jim Hoft

As if he hasn’t done enough already to destroy the greatest economy on earth, Barack Obama on Tuesday passed legislation to kill the American long-haul rig and work truck businesses.

Flanked by truck manufacturers and trucking industry executives, President Obama signed a first-of-its-kind order in May 2010 clearing the way for medium- and heavy-duty trucks to meet more stringent fuel-economy targets. (CA Transport)

Obama’s latest regulations on the trucking industry will force thousands of long-haul truckers out of business and will significantly increase expenses on all trucking companies.

The Daily Press reported:

President Obama announced the first-ever fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas standards for long-haul rigs, work trucks, and other heavy duty vehicles Tuesday, the second mileage pact with manufacturers in less than a month.

The regulations call for reductions on fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by 2018 of 9 to 23 percent, depending on the type of vehicle. Trucks and other heavy vehicles make up only 4 percent of the domestic vehicle fleet, but given the distance they travel, the time they spend idling and their low fuel efficiency, they end up consuming about 20% of all vehicle fuel, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Experts say that a 20 percent reduction in heavy vehicle emissions would boost fuel efficiency to an average of 8 miles per gallon from 6 miles now.

The announcement comes less than two weeks after Obama and the country’s automakers unveiled new fuel economy rules for passenger vehicles that would boost fleet-wide average gas mileage to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, from about 27.8 miles per gallon now.

The success of the Obama fuel efficiency program, some of it hard-won through difficult talks with car makers, stands in sharp contrast to the failure of other environmental initiatives, like climate change legislation…

…The new standards would increase the cost of heavy duty trucks, which cost tens of thousands of dollars, by several thousand dollars each, depending on the vehicle. But the administration and the manufacturers’ group estimated that the higher costs would be recouped very quickly, often within a year or two, because of savings at the pump, one of the biggest expenses for any cargo or trucking business.

Obama won’t be happy until the economy is in complete ruins.

2012 can’t get here soon enough.

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640bdb  No.15686248

File: 84f8f4b6cd892ce⋯.png (430.41 KB, 1125x971, 1125:971, FMJtBAGX0AYf9Id.png)

a little bit of history


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6cc25d  No.15686249


For Your Information, it's USA Board

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5028eb  No.15686250

File: 494873906585b7b⋯.png (88.76 KB, 429x360, 143:120, share.png)


Robert W Malone, MD, [21.02.22 18:52]

⬆️⬆️Read the beginning ⬆️⬆️

Newsmax and Eric Bolling have indicated they will do a ride along and live daily updates from the convoy with Maureen Steele. The Epoch Times and a variety of other journalists, media outlets and podcasters will also be embedding. Children’s Health Defense’s CHD.TV will be covering the convoy – and the activists on the ground and across the country – with live updates every day at 10 am EST at https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/.

The convoy is being assisted by retired military personnel and security experts, who are spearheading logistics in order to ensure a 100% safe, lawful, and peaceful journey.

The People’s Convoy Route*

*Route subject to change

Day 1: Wednesday, February 23

Morning – Depart Adelanto Stadium, CA

Evening – Arrive in Kingman, AZ for overnight stay

Day 2: Thursday, February 24

Morning – Depart Kingman, AZ head east on I-40, toward Lupton, AZ Evening – Arrive in Lupton, AZ for overnight stay

Day 3: Friday, February 25

Morning – Depart Lupton, AZ on I-40 eastbound thru New Mexico Evening – Arrive in Glenrio, TX for overnight stay

Day 4: Saturday, February 26

Morning – Depart Glenrio, TX

Evening – Arrive in Elk City, OK area for overnight stay

Day 5: Sunday, February 27

Morning – Depart Elk City, OK area

Evening – Arrive in Vinita, OK area for overnight stay

Day 6: Monday, February 28

Morning – Depart Vinita, OK area

Evening – Arrive in Sullivan, MO area for overnight stay

Day 7: Tuesday, March 1

Morning – Depart Sullivan, MO area

Evening – Arrive in Indianapolis, IN area for overnight stay

Day 8: Wednesday, March 2

Morning – Depart Indianapolis, IN area

Evening – Pause for rest in Indianapolis, IN area for overnight stay

Day 9: Thursday, March 3

Morning – Depart Indianapolis, IN area

Evening – Arrive in Cambridge, OH area for overnight stay

Day 10: Friday, March 4

Morning – Depart Cambridge, OH area

Evening – Arrive in Hagerstown, MD area for overnight stay

Day 11: Saturday, March 5

Morning – Depart Hagerstown, MD area Evening – Arrive in the DC Beltway area

📌Follow and Share👇🏻

🔬🧬 @RWMaloneMD

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78e82d  No.15686252

File: b9ed7469a749c9a⋯.png (406.33 KB, 559x447, 559:447, I_am_obligated.png)



Absolutely Nikt

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9ba2eb  No.15686253

File: 2c5cb06a7f23ae1⋯.jpg (96.97 KB, 900x380, 45:19, 2c5cb06a7f23ae1f68e3bdec2e….jpg)

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2523ae  No.15686254

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af85f4  No.15686255


They always play classical music while waiting.

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6cc25d  No.15686256

Some People are Weird Oo

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81cb57  No.15686257


Bad actors are still acting badly and have taken control. The Committee of 300 is more powerful than Yahweh, Jesus, Q & Trump combined.

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9600b3  No.15686258


Holy shit, 46,000 people watching live on Rumble alone. Pray for Canada

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b157bc  No.15686259


Sniffed him real good, too!

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ad872e  No.15686260

File: 85e2c19627ac651⋯.png (140.17 KB, 650x1026, 325:513, ClipboardImage.png)



and then virgil finds jesus after going faggot for pope feels

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e0c480  No.15686261

File: 3a0275b4089dc3a⋯.png (60.67 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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a3af2a  No.15686262

File: b1a3d14262d295a⋯.jpg (77.89 KB, 920x613, 920:613, ToeTruck.jpg)

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2523ae  No.15686263

File: 23f1f865e25d635⋯.png (300.91 KB, 1089x614, 1089:614, ClipboardImage.png)




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c34670  No.15686264


Fuck off

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78e82d  No.15686265

File: 189d74982dfa6dd⋯.jpeg (261.16 KB, 960x706, 480:353, MAGA_COUNTRY.jpeg)


>Does All Is Archive?…


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23c2bf  No.15686266

File: 6aa810e36a2dc6f⋯.jpg (222.79 KB, 300x300, 1:1, IMG_20200127_170649.jpg)


Will you please make your text larger anon.

Thank you.

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ad872e  No.15686267



is now willWOKE

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ac26fe  No.15686268

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e03a27  No.15686269


His history, he was always controllable. They made a fatal mistake though. They didn't vet psychopathy. So they wound up with maybe the best psychopath on the planet in mid stage dementia. They can't control him.

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88d635  No.15686270


tran-mysoginist satanic submission sado masochism gimp control

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6cc25d  No.15686271

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ad872e  No.15686272


retarded idolatry whine shill offers false faggot jumancer trope

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b0c9d7  No.15686273



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2ef2ed  No.15686274

How long until all of the KGB operative politicians around the world are officially exposed?

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24b841  No.15686275




but I was referring to contagious illnesses that we get from other people, like cold and flu viruses.

We can't really blame other people because we caught a virus from them. They caught it from someone else. So the blame just goes around and around.

But if the virus was created in a lab and purposely released, then I guess that's another story.

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a8e0ab  No.15686276

File: 7149a3132404b49⋯.png (330.91 KB, 363x699, 121:233, popcorn_b.png)

>>15685125 (pb)

>Putin signs decrees on recognizing Donetsk and Lugansk republics

Putting the squeeze on the corrupt aspects of Ukraine I see. I thought something like this might happen. A very large section of Ukraine just became pals with Putin. Biden et al are morons.

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9ba2eb  No.15686277

File: b3d5853396025f4⋯.jpg (10.51 KB, 296x203, 296:203, Screenshot_20220215_125513….jpg)

File: 1adb37519bdb58b⋯.jpg (14.01 KB, 293x219, 293:219, Screenshot_20220215_104946….jpg)


That sounds unsuccessful, anon.

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37050e  No.15686278

File: 39eed5b8b2d7c7c⋯.jpg (151.63 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 39eed5b8b2d7c7c7cc6671ffdb….jpg)


>toe-to-toe with bidan

Imagine the smell

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78e82d  No.15686279

File: 57f5b2292b8d8fd⋯.gif (540.15 KB, 498x498, 1:1, 9f557cd3a9e1f6dc6e2fff3ee2….gif)

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ac26fe  No.15686280


Will you kindly find the zoom function.

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d8867a  No.15686281

File: 9c7d93ac735a0d0⋯.png (304.47 KB, 581x563, 581:563, 9c7d93ac735a0d00376bfdc22d….png)

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4a9ca4  No.15686282

Witht the new decrees Of Donetsk/Donbas regions, couldn't they eventually be repatriated back to Russia if they wanted to? I mean, gaining back the old lands, legally, without firing a shot is something special. No?

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ad872e  No.15686283

File: e37236705e0d3f5⋯.png (12.38 KB, 190x265, 38:53, ClipboardImage.png)


>and then virgil finds jesus after going faggot for pope feels

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355934  No.15686284

I wonder how many faggot communists and federal media cucks will be able to join truth social before anons and patriots that can't afford iphones.

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355934  No.15686286


I'm sure Hannity is already in.

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44b8a4  No.15686287

File: 9fc6ce2ac066cce⋯.jpg (65.14 KB, 572x436, 143:109, honking.jpg)

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a8e0ab  No.15686288

File: 24d8faafd72bc51⋯.gif (1.52 MB, 272x272, 1:1, bingo.gif)

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6cc25d  No.15686289

File: 813ce199bd19144⋯.gif (3.23 MB, 360x360, 1:1, 813ce199bd19144dd312494c69….gif)

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c3005f  No.15686290

File: 7126c94364d85ba⋯.jpeg (349.47 KB, 750x1095, 50:73, CF0DCC65_CA06_40C2_8478_E….jpeg)


2 minute video.

(Are mp4 working again? Haven’t been here.)


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23c2bf  No.15686291

File: 55ff9490299700c⋯.jpg (169.34 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_qgzxgn.jpg)


Gud stufs <<get it grammar kitty


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6e81c5  No.15686292


legally yes-which is why VP and crew have been so careful about doing this the correct way while exposing the BS

>without firing a shot

Not gonna habben like that

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ac26fe  No.15686293


Who them?

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9600b3  No.15686294

File: 00c3e22099a2ea4⋯.png (773.87 KB, 753x754, 753:754, 00c3e22099a2ea4ea78403b0da….png)

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81cb57  No.15686295


But Virology is full of lies. The cold and flu aren't necessarily contagious. Seasonal illnesses are seasonal…not communicable. We've been fe a lot of lies. Pox, like chickenpox is communicable, but not the common cold.

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f37202  No.15686296

File: 879e60aa17fad8e⋯.jpeg (120.22 KB, 906x595, 906:595, 1B4B1787_2B13_46EB_B72E_A….jpeg)

File: 0f33bc9a6e3f14c⋯.jpeg (149.99 KB, 925x1000, 37:40, C0B5C15C_AE59_4D77_979E_2….jpeg)

Anons check out the attached pics.

I posted the first last night.

It showed 17+ (Q+)

Now it shows 12+ , see second pic

Pics related.

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bdb631  No.15686297

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Tells Pastor David Scarlett: Covid “Vaccines” Are Changing People Into Transhumans

February 21, 2022

Well-known physician Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are changing people into transhumans.

“These vaccines change who you are and what do they mean? They go ahead and explain it that after the mapping of the human genome and the development of CRISPR technology, which is gene splicing and editing — [it’s] basically cut and paste — you can cut out a gene fragment and then place in a fragment from a horse. You can do anything you want. And so they are making… transhumans, or human 2.0,” Zelenko told host Pastor David Scarlett during the February 11 episode of “His Glory” on Brighteon.TV.

“So, if that’s the case, you’re made in the image of Bill Gates or in the image of Klaus Schwab. Now, I prefer the human 1.0 version, the one God made. So that’s what I mean, you’re no longer human. You’ve been artificially modified by human beings to fit their own agenda.”

The doctor, who developed the now-famous “Zelenko Protocol”, also cited a leaked 2004 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) presentation about a jihadi gene, a gene associated with religious extremism, and how technology was developed to turn the gene on and off.

“Now that technology, we may agree or disagree about its application. But the point is they are able to turn on and off and select out the traits and the genes for some reason. Let’s say they like green eyes. So they can suppress blue eyes and black or brown eyes if they want. Or if they wanted to control other aspects of your personality, they could change and alter it, so I would not give access to my genetic code,” Zelenko explained.

moar: https://truthbasedmedia.com/2022/02/21/dr-vladimir-zelenko-tells-pastor-david-scarlett-covid-vaccines-are-changing-people-into-transhumans/

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ac26fe  No.15686298


Happy patriot trees.. lemonade with liberal tears

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6cc25d  No.15686299

File: 0f3d33c90c909ac⋯.jpg (61 KB, 1826x278, 913:139, Capture.JPG)


Already done


Optics are important

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37050e  No.15686300

File: 1a464513a7f967a⋯.png (57.86 KB, 348x302, 174:151, 1a464513a7f967a889a19cd507….png)


At this point, tbh, I am not even sure if TruthSocial is gonna be free or behind a paywall.

Paywall's gonna be the death of it …. just sayin'.

Tried getting a login, but I noticed they do not like VPN.

So there's that for starters ….

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add576  No.15686301

File: ae42fbd1523d769⋯.jpg (22.29 KB, 474x266, 237:133, downloadfile_8.jpg)

File: 51865f3139ba406⋯.jpg (92.99 KB, 474x667, 474:667, downloadfile_10.jpg)

File: 150da83aaceebec⋯.jpg (41.71 KB, 474x296, 237:148, downloadfile_9.jpg)

Grimaldi Lines catches fire 12 missing.

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2523ae  No.15686302

File: a03692a7fda8d10⋯.png (21.93 KB, 452x276, 113:69, ClipboardImage.png)


Replying to


I’m on it.

7:32 PM · Feb 21, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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efcd7e  No.15686303

File: 7be28c9813d057b⋯.jpg (323.46 KB, 1853x1419, 1853:1419, 7be28c9813d057ba88a29e71e6….jpg)

This guy sneak out of the country yet?

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ecd7d2  No.15686304


A few months ago no one had heard of, or thought of Schwab a someone important. Schwab is front and center now, but I don't think it's of his own choosing.

You may be right about Putin having Schwab's back, and the Donbas declaration is a why to take attention from Trudeau and Canada. Was Zelensky involved with WEF? He's most likely going down.

Hard to say. Pictures are a snapshot thing. Trump gave a speech at WEF/Davos, too. Might be a see and be seen thing, not necessarily attendance equaling acceptance of policy. Remains to be seen.

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6cc25d  No.15686305

File: 1ee70d32d64e5ce⋯.jpg (34.79 KB, 984x400, 123:50, download_2_.jpg)

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d8867a  No.15686306


Two 17's uid. Noice. Nightshift is best shift.

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81cb57  No.15686307


I seriously doubt that anyone witj a contract with the MSM is gonna have a presence on TS. They can't afford the exposure amd their shilly lies won't hold up to scrutiny by real people. Their lies only work in an echo chamber…like a church of lies.

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2523ae  No.15686308

File: 8e21a0fb474bd71⋯.png (240.75 KB, 602x593, 602:593, ClipboardImage.png)

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23c2bf  No.15686310

File: 011f1bdc8d86ff1⋯.png (290.03 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, ClipboardImage.png)




>zoom function

Kekekek it's one of you.

My bad to others, phonefagging & tipsy.

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c3631c  No.15686311

File: 711d6d9f81b913e⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1940x1367, 1940:1367, 1645491126935.png)


It would be Hilarious if Ole' Vlad Honks Louder than the Truckers on the Shit-Shot Joe 1 Mar 2022 SOTU Address…



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3ef795  No.15686312

File: 02faae9dcc6ef9c⋯.jpeg (57.21 KB, 557x376, 557:376, wild_haggis_1.jpeg)


The haggisises like your collection…

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2250cb  No.15686313

File: ff5701523b84b5a⋯.jpg (57.57 KB, 640x480, 4:3, d2ee3c0e85861d424e221a10b6….jpg)



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c3631c  No.15686314

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21e122  No.15686315

File: c406c7681756d26⋯.jpg (129.31 KB, 957x641, 957:641, Untitledbez.jpg)

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4fc005  No.15686316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eric Schmidt, Gaggle and Maria Bartiromo, Anchor, CNBC

>8,460 views| Mar 5, 2012

More than 400 students, faculty and administrators gathered at NYU Stern to hear Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google, Inc., interviewed by NYU Trustee and alumna Maria Bartiromo (WSC '89), anchor at CNBC, in NYU Stern's Paulson Auditorium.

Schmidt answered questions on the landscape of today's technology race, how technology is evolving and Google's secrets of success. He also touched on issues related to privacy and patents, Google's IPO, China's struggles with censorship, and what the next Facebook will be.

>just discovered, ready to view…

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ecc952  No.15686317

>>15686247 Remember when Obama tried to kill the long haul industry - this article is just one attempt. What did he know? Did he know their control would be crucial in the coming years?

notable history

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2523ae  No.15686318

File: ffaba25f1ad03c6⋯.png (144.07 KB, 684x283, 684:283, ClipboardImage.png)

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24b841  No.15686319



Right after New Years, spouse anon got sick with a head cold. Three days later, I caught the same exact cold, and I had not been out of our house during that time frame. So I know I caught the cold from spouse anon.

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f37202  No.15686320


Here is post from yesterday

>>15677975 (pb)

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c3631c  No.15686321

File: 61b9e674821e5e1⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1415x1875, 283:375, 1645485583056.png)


Excellent Shite Poast!

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976b71  No.15686322

Moderna owns the proprietary mRNA sequence found in SARS-CoV-2.

MSH3 Homology and Potential Recombination Link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site

The presence in SARS-CoV-2 of a 19-nucleotide RNA sequence encoding an FCS at amino acid 681 of its spike protein with 100% identity to the reverse complement of a proprietary MSH3 mRNA sequence is highly unusual. Potential explanations for this correlation should be further investigated.

The correlation between this SARS-CoV-2 sequence and the reverse complement of a proprietary mRNA sequence is of uncertain origin. Conventional biostatistical analysis indicates that the probability of this sequence randomly being present in a 30,000-nucleotide viral genome is 3.21 ×10−11


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add576  No.15686323

File: 55bd84e2bdab5f4⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1440x3040, 9:19, Screenshot_20220221_195341….jpg)

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c18b8a  No.15686324

File: fa3f8ae41968289⋯.jpg (76.62 KB, 500x678, 250:339, 6634qg_1.jpg)

File: fa3f8ae41968289⋯.jpg (76.62 KB, 500x678, 250:339, 6634qg_1.jpg)

File: fa3f8ae41968289⋯.jpg (76.62 KB, 500x678, 250:339, 6634qg_1.jpg)

File: e96ee4e8708e375⋯.jpg (64.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6639rt.jpg)

File: e96ee4e8708e375⋯.jpg (64.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6639rt.jpg)

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66ab67  No.15686325


I do know. And for some things, my thoughts - and with that creation of reality, the G thing, what you obviously refer to - are final.

so you are able to even tell it´s 7 different sorts of deamons who are "very real", yet you give no sauce whatsoever and yet masonry over centuries has felt the need to put deamon statues everywhere so it gets more credible? yet there have to be songs and movies with deamon topics all the time so humanity is buying that lie?

you also meantion angels and ghosts? care to explain what those words would mean for a smart anon like you, who even knows that there are 7 different kinds of deamons?

(and yes, of course I get what is happening, and you seem to not get all of it, you follow masonry, you follow blindly even you think you are woke af and helping me and humanity right now.

what you think:

>he is the messiah, my God, this is my chance to show him I follow.

>as masonry told me, I "attacked" / made him carry the cross / tried dominating the one that is not to be dominated

>he took the lash of my whip, as he took millions and he still speaks truth, I know truly know who he is and will say something that he sees it. I will post on 7 or on 4 or on 2 or use a yellow or purple meme, maybe I better do couple of things, so he sees it and saves me.

>maybe you think your post made me go to another timeline

>maybe you think your post altered my mood

>maybe you think you post and altering my mood now made or prevented some weather event

>maybe you were told different expanations, explanations who even contradict them

do you really think you would have to be saved secretly? do you really think it´s best to save people secretly, so noone can ever know who has been saved and who claims to be loyal to me now, with that keeping the mason secrecy bs going?

what if I just don´t get that you refer to "only two laws" by using some sort of two symbolism? are you not saved then?

what if I do not look in the direction of a person doing funny stuff when I make any kind of action - like suddently looking at a white car when I pull at my smoke?

as always with masonry, it´s some truth a a lot of lies.

obviously I will save you whatsoever, to be able to do so, you have to follow me. I really do not care if you post a yellow meme or not or make a post with both 7 and four in it.


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e03a27  No.15686326


You mean CCP I believe.

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66ab67  No.15686327


what you might have missed, assuming you are the same anon from lb, and not another anon who not thinks he is saved:

- I still just do not know you. I don´t know who you are.

- you made me carry the cross, well, at least you think you did, actually I enjoyed QR a lot, well, also was hard, but your post lb is only annoying me a fraction of e.g. my mom trying to kick me out of the appartment. so would you now be only saved a little? what about when someone does his mason task, thinking this is the way he will be saved, and it does not annoy me at all be of my mood, does that mean he is not saved? obviously all put together, you all making me carry the cross is hard to bear. I still do it. but truly the meaning is me being commented by the universe all day long, having all my actions and even thoughts commented and reacted on, the G thing is annoying, sometimes fun, mostly annoying. the knowledge that when I walk the street every agency is watching me all the time, is a little annoying sometimes, at least was many months ago, now, well, now it´s what it is, don´t really care. needs to be that way. obviously humanity is supposed to see me, God.

-your post said "manipulate" and "cooking" in italic writing. would that mean "only two laws" and make you my disciple? would that refer to me having gotten dinner for take out and still not having eaten? would you have dominated if I now ate? would masonry seem super smart when I actually ate the food I bought when a post said "food" and "cooking"?

could it maybe be the case you posted those words bc I thought about posting on masonry "manipulating" my body after they kind of adjusted some fancy machinery to it at the place near Berlin? would it appear in a way that I asked for anyones permission to say that?

I you blindly follow masonry, you are not helping but trying to controll others and also me. a pretty ridiculous thing to try.

- re timelines, moods: do you really think that I, the one true living God, would need help to know what mood to be in? or that I needed to be pushed by you on another timeline, that is not how that works anyway, I AM THE WAY and it´s up to you if you follow the way and timeline reality I created. and even if I needed your help on going to other timelines or moods? would that really be done by minor things like your post lb? or by tiny things like someone nodding his head? would it be a great thing for me to be looking for advice on which mood I need to be in? could that lead to me wanting to say something but feeling I better not do it bc of then going in a wrong mood? do you really think your God is supposed to be pushed around? how that that fit the "he needs to dominate you first" stuff?

how does any of that stuff fit together?

is it deamons? is it moods? is it timelines? is it making me carry the cross to show how strong and kind I am?

don´t you get it? the only effect it has is:

you are pissing me off. you are stalling time, and this does not help anyone of you, not even the most high super mason folks, it only "helps" masonry itself.


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75f1c7  No.15686328


Madame Macron's ???

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5028eb  No.15686329

File: 97b1b13cf4b4729⋯.png (108.53 KB, 311x502, 311:502, colo.png)


TeoAnon17, [21.02.22 15:28]

[ Video ]

FreedomConvoy2022 Colorado US

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3ef795  No.15686330

File: d48548fff9535c7⋯.jpg (435.81 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_2022_02_21_19_0….jpg)


Happy with my number.

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e2ac29  No.15686331

File: 95ad31238c387cc⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1305x927, 145:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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bdb631  No.15686332

File: 6fa94c3ca729d86⋯.png (199.83 KB, 819x460, 819:460, POd.png)


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81cb57  No.15686333


Oblahblah failed on a number of things including gun control

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520c09  No.15686334



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8786b5  No.15686335

File: df5b624348bf2cc⋯.jpeg (398.79 KB, 750x979, 750:979, F89C0365_021A_494F_93E5_5….jpeg)

Based asf

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b52686  No.15686336


Am phonefagging atm so I don’t have any results from a quick dig and if anyone else is interested: Is Paul Farmer related in some way to Annie Farmer and Maria Farmer?

I’m not ready to write the man off as being shady, yet some shady things have gone down under his leadership. Of course, this could be said of almost everyone at the head of a large project and it doesn’t mean they’re complicit.

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fe6be5  No.15686337

File: 183b20a4bf5601f⋯.png (316.65 KB, 615x409, 615:409, zjo.PNG)

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cbed0e  No.15686338




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21e122  No.15686339

File: 288704a22149bd8⋯.jpg (77.78 KB, 590x678, 295:339, new_Michelle_pic3.jpg)

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26b108  No.15686340

File: 571cda96de2e408⋯.png (405.07 KB, 853x480, 853:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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c3631c  No.15686341

File: 432c925dadb1c9b⋯.png (705.78 KB, 1360x1949, 1360:1949, 1645491333802.png)


How Much Did Moderna Stock Plunge Too?

Liquid Plumber Levels…

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c3631c  No.15686343

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04e176  No.15686344

File: 86a70c6fd9346ce⋯.mp4 (37.62 KB, 498x498, 1:1, Wink.mp4)

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4bb285  No.15686345


uh, oh…Turdeau dun goof'd.

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8786b5  No.15686346

File: bf51412b865ef77⋯.jpeg (247.73 KB, 750x705, 50:47, 37B3E3DE_8A74_490A_B82F_2….jpeg)

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26cff4  No.15686347



You agreed to have your email and cellphone and PC monitored.

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a78c7e  No.15686348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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cbed0e  No.15686349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e79caa  No.15686350

Has anybody actually gotten onto TruthSocial yet? Has the wait list changed for anybody?

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87e7a9  No.15686351

File: 4c60a250a262ec8⋯.png (750.6 KB, 769x528, 769:528, 17Gorillion.png)

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2523ae  No.15686352

File: 38fac8a54814002⋯.png (27.3 KB, 412x278, 206:139, 38fac8a54814002d2be3af9d32….png)

File: 7165d95e84a8a51⋯.jpg (8.92 KB, 275x183, 275:183, FL_LuFlVgAEXQcv.jpg)

File: 08915993f85d368⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 530x680, 53:68, FL_ZOnDVIAEZlDe.jpg)

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47bbc4  No.15686353

File: 1a4b3f901cd73e8⋯.jpeg (135.81 KB, 750x873, 250:291, 1A0D72C5_1568_483D_8D47_D….jpeg)


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b52686  No.15686354


Oh my lord it’s a truck!

What’s TeoAnonFameFag trying to say?

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cbed0e  No.15686355


he's not german

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30e155  No.15686356

File: cef0b71da7a155c⋯.gif (9.81 MB, 478x326, 239:163, MindYourManners.gif)


>Speed Walker from Almost Live

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bdb631  No.15686357



Kinda what I thought as well

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f37202  No.15686358

File: 839a7a7e89f943e⋯.png (207.54 KB, 468x534, 78:89, C4E18325_BEED_4CF4_9FB6_9F….png)

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ffdc91  No.15686360



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1297d1  No.15686361


Wondering same thing.

My number changed this Am. Was first 171K on app but email said 91k

no movement since then.

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5028eb  No.15686362

File: 065bfeec9f66c9d⋯.png (193.35 KB, 430x596, 215:298, stir.png)


Liberty Overwatch, [21.02.22 19:35]

[Forwarded from The Washington Pundit (BoumtjeBoumtje)]

[ Video ]

Viva & Barnes - Pfizergate Whistleblower Story Is Being Suppressed

Viva Frei and Brook Jackson's attorney Robert Barnes talk about the concerns the Pfizergate story (https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635) is causing in Europe, but how the story seems to be getting successfully suppressed in the United States by the mainstream media.

Brook Jackson a former clinical trial auditor who was fired by Pfizer for blowing the whistle about ‘falsified data’ and manipulated clinical trials related to the FDA approval of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccines.

Rumble Link

(https://rumble.com/vp1wcx-viva-and-barnes-pfizergate-whistleblower-story-is-being-surpassed-the-washi.html?mref=1087z&mc=79krg)@TheWashingtonPundit | Speak Truth To Power

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8786b5  No.15686363

File: 65500ce80242caa⋯.jpeg (255.95 KB, 694x600, 347:300, 34A93BF1_D062_4522_B737_4….jpeg)

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26b108  No.15686364

File: 8f5298c14b8d1e3⋯.png (255.68 KB, 602x338, 301:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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9ba2eb  No.15686365

File: 9be758100cecf42⋯.jpg (35.28 KB, 790x415, 158:83, 9be758100cecf42f0000cc1e36….jpg)

3,000+ saved by the raids in SA alone.

WW lanes shut down.

Bottom to TOP.




High Priority.



12/19/17 (Tue) 20:39:21 2bd420

"Q, where are the children?

Seriously. Where are the children? NB. - Omitting personally identifying information for OPSEC (poster's safety)"

image with missing childrens' faces and the word MISSING in the middle direct link to image: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/9be758100cecf42f0000cc1e36f1499cd463f847603a3ea1f3cf04b50b3f324c.jpg

Child trafficking methods/paths have been shut down world wide.

The Top and their 100 lawyers say "Prove it!". The Bottom says: Will you go easy on me if I tell you that….". Reference to the "House of Cards".

TOP in capital letters. First letters of following three lines HRC. - Another translation: TOP is three letters as a clue to the answer of NK or North Korea (to "Where are the children?"). https://8ch.net/cbts/res/2300.html#132047 has link to graphic showing how Q encoded "N" and "K" in the red/black noted links to 128724 (14)(12) = "N"&"L". These two letters are 2 numbers apart. TOP is intended, as pointed to as capitals to reveal that 3 should be used to get "N" "K". 3rd Post: A dual meaning: Crackdown of trafficking has been ongoing from a bottom to top strategy. So the phrase "bottom to top" is accurate for both, yet "TOP" is intentionally in capitals to draw attention to this three letter word (for the dual intended decoding key for "N" "K")

"People close to HRC are tied to a 33 child abduction scheme in Haiti. (Laura Silsby - Huma kept HRC abreast of developments and worked hard to facilitate her release and get her back into the US.)

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-25/clinton-silsby-trafficking-scandal-and-how-media-attempted-ignorecover-it https://archive.fo/tFJ9h"

Starting with this line, the first letters of each line reveal HRC.

Implication that the Red Cross is involved in child trafficking? Red Cross = Rosicrucians = Masons = Rothschilds & Global Elites.

poster 2 - Bonnie McElveen-Hunter is current Chair of the Board of Governors of the American Red Cross. In 2003 she initiated Stop Child Trafficking: End Modern-Day Slavery and Children of Karelia, which, for these people is as good as a confession that are involved in human trafficking. Wikipedia

poster 3 - Note that taking the first letter from each of the three bracketed terms yields [HRC]

poster 4 - The Catholic Church has red cross symbolism on their apparel, BISHOP died. Sex cult? Catholic church has had history of pedo problems. Vatican Top of traffick operation?

Some things must remain secret until completion due to evasion/security concerns.

"direct link:


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976b71  No.15686366


That happened years ago and no we weren't asked or officially advised.

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4fc005  No.15686367

File: 5dc500208e28279⋯.jpg (191.65 KB, 928x465, 928:465, capture_521_21022022_16581….jpg)

File: 07b80e6d0bc3a16⋯.jpg (111.1 KB, 627x469, 627:469, capture_519_21022022_16560….jpg)

File: cef20a4aebe7004⋯.jpg (170.12 KB, 821x469, 821:469, capture_520_21022022_16563….jpg)

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39d07f  No.15686368


It is an information war

Deepstate started sending in islamic mercenairies, for sabaotage missions to provoke Russias to respond

Now Russia sends in peacekeepers.

To counter DS hired Islamic terrorists, and they prevent Ukraine shelling, because that would be provoking of war by the west

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21be89  No.15686369


She didn't want to take more injections. She has to die. Just good ol' IOD

The working class is the greatest threat to the elites and we can't have the workers uniting against the oppressive system.

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1e863c  No.15686370

File: 67cee9ea7ad7ccb⋯.png (866.02 KB, 660x660, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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9600b3  No.15686371

File: c7787df750d66c1⋯.png (1.94 MB, 2174x1404, 1087:702, Screen_Shot_2022_02_21_at_….png)

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8034b5  No.15686372

File: f698b01358c7df7⋯.jpg (70.88 KB, 446x521, 446:521, IMG_3804.JPG)

File: c18f3cb79e93bfd⋯.jpg (121.3 KB, 675x766, 675:766, IMG_3797.JPG)

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b647ed  No.15686373

File: 4163bf6bccec72e⋯.png (576.29 KB, 652x480, 163:120, bigmikeandjustin.png)

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